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1. What do you expect from Accenture as an employer?
2. Tell me about yourself.
3. Tell me about your project.
4. Tell me about the technical and personal difficulties faced in your project.
5. Tell me about the role of your project guide.
6. Tell me about the suggestions made by the project reviewer and how you
implemented them.
7. Tell me about any online certifications you have done.
8. Tell me about your least favourite subject.
9. Why did you apply for this job?
10. How have you prepared for this interview?
11. What is your biggest achievement till now?
12. What do you know about our Company?
13. Why should we consider you for this job?
14. What are your goals for the next five years?
15. What is your greatest strength? How will it be helpful for this job?
16. If you feel work pressure, how will you deal with it?
17. What do you want to achieve in your life?
18. Are you ready to relocate?
19. What is important for you: money or work?
20. Describe a situation when your work was criticized.
21. If it was your last day on this planet, how would you spend it?
22. Is there any location preference?
23. List some of the current news headlines.
24. Do you have any questions for us?

25. What are your views on social networking? Is it helpful or harmful?
26. Tell us about yourself & your family background.
27. What have you done to improve your academic position in the last 2 years?
28. Why do you have such a low score in academics in 10th/12th/UG?
29. What is your dream company?
30. Will you be willing to work night-shift?
31. What is 'MAKE IN INDIA' initiative? What are your views about it?
32. What do you think should be done to improve our company?
33. What philosophy guides you in your work?
34. Name our competitors and how they are different from us.
35. Walk us through your resume.
36. A lot of companies have visited your campus for recruitments, why haven’t you been
placed yet?
37. Just a minute topic: Automobile Sector in India.
38. How do you evaluate your own performance?
39. Do you follow anything to improve your knowledge?
40. Are you planning to opt for further studies?
41. What do you want to do with your life?
42. How did you decide about this career?
43. If you face a problem with your own performance, what would you do?
44. Describe a situation where you were successful, how did you achieve your success?
45. If you have never led in the past, how would you do it in this role?
46. What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
47. Do you think you are a team player? Why?
48. Do you handle conflict well?
49. If I were to ask one of your professors to describe you, what would he or she say?
50. What are your long term and short term goals?
51. Why are you an ideal candidate for this job?
52. Which two achievements of your life are the most important to you? Why?

53. How did you perform in your written test?
54. State two of your weaknesses and strengths.
55. Why Accenture?
56. Was there a time when you dealt with conflict in a team? How did you deal with it?
57. What are you looking for in a company?

1. What are the features of the C language?
2. What is the difference between the local variable and global variable in C?
3. What is recursion in C?
4. What is the usage of the pointer in C?
5. What is an auto keyword in C?
6. What is the maximum length of an identifier?
7. What is an infinite loop?
8. What functions are used for dynamic memory allocation in C language?
9. Can we compile a program without main ( ) function?
10. What is the newline escape sequence?
11. Difference between C and C++?
12. What are the various OOPs concepts in C++?
13. What are the different types of polymorphism in C++?
14. How delete [ ] is different from delete?
15. What is an object?
16. What is a constructor? What is a destructor?
17. What is virtual inheritance?
18. What is an overflow error?
19. What is the difference between call by value and call by reference for functions?
20. Write a program in C++ for the Fibonacci series.
21. Define encapsulation in C++. Explain “Abstraction and encapsulation are
Complementary concepts”.
22. Tell us about the projects you undertook in your summers.
23. What are recursive functions? Give three examples.
24. What can you tell us about the latest android version and how is it different from
25. What is the significance of semaphores? What are the different types of Semaphores?
26. What are the different types of database keys?

27. Write a function to reverse a linked list.
28. How prevalent is cycle stealing in modern systems?
29. What are the various On-Delete options in a DB table? Which is the default option?
30. Provide insight into the ecommerce market in India.
31. What are the four set properties that make sure that database transactions run reliably?
32. State the various states of a transaction in DBMS along with an example.
33. What are the similarities and differences between class and structure?
34. What is an exception? What are the reasons behind its occurrences?
35. What is the significance of AVL trees?
36. Where is top-n analysis in DBMS used?
37. What is the advantage of tree over array and linked list? Explain with an example?
38. Explain Stored Procedures in DBMS. Where are they stored?
39. What is a non-static member function? How is it called?
40. Explain different types of semaphores along with its uses.
41. How trashing causes performance of the computer to degrade?
42. What is the difference between turnaround time and response time?
43. A structure and a class use similar syntax. True or False?
44. Write a structure specification that includes 4 float variables called length, breadth,
height and volume. Call this structure box.
45. What technology have you used in your 6th and 8th semester project?
46. Define the following terms: DBMS, query, SQL?
47. What is the difference between primary and secondary key in DBMS?
48. What is XML and some of its applications?
49. What is a procedural programming? Give some of its examples?
50. Explain the different phases of a compiler?
51. What is the significance of time division multiplexing?
52. What is the purpose of normalization of databases? What are the different rules for
53. What do you understand by method overloading?

54. What is the rule of optimality in routing algorithms?
55. Explain your project.
56. What is call by value and call by reference in C Programming language?
57. What is meant by Inheritance and what are its advantages?
58. What is JDBC?
59. Why are there no global variables in Java?
60. What is the method overloading and method overriding?
61. What is the difference between a constructor and a method?
62. What is SQL, and why is it important?
63. Why is Java called platform independent?
64. What do you understand by Exception Handling?
65. What is checked and unchecked exception?
66. What are the reasons behind the occurrence of an exception?
67. What is OOP concept?
68. Explain the basic features of OOPs.
69. Differentiate between class and object.
70. What is encapsulation in Java?
71. What is Recursion and recursive function in Java?
72. How can you differentiate between C, C++, and Java?
73. What do you understand by runtime polymorphism?
74. What are the keyword "super" and "this" in Java?
75. What is an interface in Java? Can we implement multiple interfaces in one class?
76. Explain inheritance in Java? How can it be achieved?
77. Can we use multiple inheritance in Java? Explain with reason?
78. What can we do if we want to access a private member of a class?
79. What is the significance of "static" keyword?
80. What is "Collection Framework" in Java?
81. What is List interface in collections?
82. What do you understand by object cloning?

83. Can we insert duplicate values in Set?
84. What is the difference between Collections, and Collection in Java?
85. What is "Diamond problem" in Java? How can it be removed?
86. What is an abstract class in Java?
87. What is deadlock condition in multithreading?
88. Differentiate between Collection and array.
89. Explain dynamic memory and static memory allocation.
90. What is difference between "var++" and "++var"?
91. Differentiate between class and structure in C++.
92. What are the access specifiers in C++?
93. Why we use of "getch()" in a program?
94. What does "main()" function in C++? Can we run a program without main method?
95. What is the declaration and definition of a variable?
96. What do you understand by Friend function?
97. What is memory allocation in C?
98. Differentiate between malloc() and calloc()?
99. Why is C a procedural language?
100. What do you mean by data structure?
101. What is normalization? What are its types?
102. Explain the "primary key," "foreign key," and "UNIQUE key" in Database?
103. What is XML in DBMS? Explain its types?
104. Differentiate between CHAR and VARCHAR2?
105. Differentiate between DELETE and TRUNCATE command in SQL?
106. What is DML command in DBMS?
107. Why do we use DBMS?
108. Differentiate between "Hot Backup" and "Cold Backup" in the database?
109. What are ON DELETE CASCADE options in DB table?
110. What is the AVL tree? What is its significance?
111. Explain the turnaround time and response time? (OS)

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