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NET (50 questions)

1. What is the difference between a Class and a Struct in C#?

2. How are exceptions handled in .NET? Explain exception handling.
3. What is the difference between interfaces and abstract classes in .NET?
4. What are generics in .NET and how are they used?
5. What is the difference between a Value Type and a Reference Type in .NET? ...
6. How can you optimize garbage collection performance in .NET applications?
7. Explain the concept of thread pooling in .NET.
8. What is Async/Await in .NET and how is it used for asynchronous programming?
9. What is the purpose of NuGet package manager in Visual Studio?
10. How can you implement logging in .NET applications?
11. What is the difference between CONST and READONLY in C#?
12. How can you implement caching in .NET applications?
13. What is the purpose of Common Type System (CTS) in .NET Framework?
14. What is difference between VB.NET and C#?
15. What is mostly used for validation in .NET applications?
16. How can you handle localization in .NET Framework?
17. What are the different types of collections in .NET?
18. What is Serialization and Deserialization in .NET?
19. What is managed vs unmanaged code in .NET?
20. What is CLR in .NET Framework?
21. What is boxing and unboxing in C#?
22. How does garbage collection work in .NET?
23. What are the different types of constructors in C#?
24. What is the difference between Dispose and Finalize methods in C#?
25. What are namespaces in C#? Why are they used?
26. What are extension methods in C# and how are they implemented?
27. What is the difference between LINQ and SQL?
28. What are the different types of SQL join queries?
29. What is the difference between where and having clauses in SQL?
30. How can you implement connection resiliency in ADO.NET?
31. How does the CLR locate and load assemblies at runtime?
32. Explain the just-in-time (JIT) compilation process in .NET.
33. What is assembly probing and how can you control it?
34. What is the purpose of FCL (Framework Class Library) in .NET?
35. How does the CLR resolve assembly dependencies? Explain the rules.
36. What optimizations can you make to improve garbage collection performance?
37. How does the CLR implement automatic memory management?
38. Explain how thread-safety works in .NET collection classes.
39. What is the difference between AppDomains and processes in .NET?
40. How does the CLR perform assemblies version binding and conflict resolution?
41. What techniques can be used for profiling .NET applications?
42. How does the CLR locate an assembly's entry point (DLL or EXE)?
43. What is serialization and how can you control its process?
44. What is the purpose of pdb files and how are they used for debugging?
45. What is assembly fusion and how does it handle binding conflicts?
46. Explain how the CLR discovers available types and classes at runtime.
47. What is reflection emit and how can it be used to generate code dynamically?
48. How can you implement custom attributes in .NET applications?
49. What is MEF and how does it enable extensibility in .NET apps?
50. How does the CLR optimize code execution and efficiency?

.NET Core (50 questions)

1. How is .NET Core different from the traditional .NET Framework?

2. What are some key advantages of using .NET Core?
3. How does dependency injection work in .NET Core?
4. What is meant by platform independence in .NET Core?
5. How does .NET Standard help in .NET Core development? ...
6. How does configuration work in .NET Core?
7. What are some best practices for exception handling in .NET Core?
8. How can you implement authorization in .NET Core apps?
9. What tools can be used for debugging in .NET Core?
10. How does routing work in ASP.NET Core MVC?
11. What are the advantages of Razor view engine?
12. How does routing work in ASP.NET Core?
13. What is repository pattern and how is it used with EF Core?
14. What are Tag Helpers in ASP.NET Core?
15. How is authentication handled in ASP.NET Core?
16. What is the difference between .NET Core and .NET Standard Class Library project types?
17. What platforms and OS can .NET Core run on?
18. How can you manage configuration in .NET Core apps?
19. What is dependency injection and how is it implemented in .NET Core?
20. What is XUnit and how is it used for testing .NET Core apps?
21. How do you handle errors and exceptions in ASP.NET Core Web APIs?
22. How can you implement caching in ASP.NET Core?
23. How does localization work in ASP.NET Core apps?
24. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous methods in .NET?
25. What are some best practices for writing async code in .NET?
26. How does parallel programming work in .NET with Tasks?
27. What is the async/await pattern in .NET for async methods?
28. How can you implement background tasks and processing in .NET?
29. What options are there for applying source code security in .NET apps?
30. What techniques can be used for optimizing garbage collection performance in .NET?
31. Explain how .NET Core implements cross-platform support and portability.
32. How does the Startup class configure services and the app lifecycle in ASP.NET Core?
33. How does .NET Core implement dependency injection and inversion of control?
34. What techniques help optimize performance in ASP.NET Core apps?
35. How can you implement and secure a Web API backend with ASP.NET Core?
36. What are some advanced middleware options in ASP.NET Core and how are they used?
37. Explain how routing works in ASP.NET Core to map URLs to actions.
38. How does Entity Framework Core implement the unit of work and repository patterns?
39. What are some ways to optimize EF Core performance?
40. How do you implement choreography-based microservices with .NET Core?
41. How does configuration work in .NET Core across environments?
42. What are some strategies for implementing caching in ASP.NET Core?
43. How does localization work in ASP.NET Core? How are resources handled?
44. What are some techniques for instrumenting and monitoring .NET Core apps?
45. How does logging work in .NET Core and ASP.NET Core?
46. What are some advanced options for ASP.NET Core authentication and authorization?
47. How can you implement resiliency patterns like circuit breakers in .NET Core?
48. What are best practices for unit testing .NET Core apps and APIs?
49. What tools are available for load testing and stress testing .NET Core apps?
50. How can you profile and identify bottlenecks in .NET Core apps?

SQL (50 questions)

1. Explain SQL joins. Give examples of inner, left, right, and full outer joins.
2. What are constraints in SQL? Give examples.
3. What are triggers in SQL and how are they used?
4. Explain SQL normal forms. What are the differences between 1NF, 2NF and 3NF?
5. What are SQL stored procedures and how are they useful? Give examples. ...
6. How can you optimize SQL query performance?
7. What are SQL Server maintenance plans?
8. How does indexing work in SQL Server?
9. What are the differences between clustered and no clustered indexes?
10. What are the different transaction isolation levels in SQL Server?
11. What are the properties of ACID transactions in SQL Server?
12. What are the different types of indexes in SQL Server?
13. How can you implement security in SQL Server?
14. What are the advantages of stored procedures?
15. What are the different types of joins available in SQL?
16. What are the different types of keys in SQL?
17. What are views in SQL? What are the benefits?
18. What is a CTE (Common Table Expression) and when is it used?
19. What is the difference between clustered and non-clustered indexes?
20. What are foreign keys and how do they work?
21. What are the different isolation levels in SQL Server?
22. What is SQL injection? How can you prevent it?
23. What are table variables in SQL Server?
24. What is the optimal structure for a transactional database?
25. How can you optimize SQL query performance?
26. What are window functions in SQL? When would you use them?
27. What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL?
28. What types of relationships can be defined in SQL databases?
29. How does encryption work in SQL Server?
30. What are the benefits and use cases for temporary tables in SQL?
31. How does SQL Server optimize query performance and execution plans?
32. What are the differences between optimistic and pessimistic locking?
33. How does SQL Server handle concurrency issues like dirty reads and lost updates?
34. What are the recommended practices for SQL Server indexing?
35. How does SQL Server implement transactions and atomicity?
36. What are the advanced monitoring and troubleshooting tools for SQL Server?
37. How does SQL Server use parallelism and partitioning for large datasets?
38. What are the options for SQL Server high availability and disaster recovery?
39. What are the different SQL Server encryption capabilities?
40. How to implement sharding with SQL Server?
41. How to design indexes for high volume OLTP workloads?
42. What are the different ways to handle blocking and deadlocks in SQL Server?
43. How does SQL Server optimize execution of stored procedures?
44. What are the advanced SQL Server debugging techniques?
45. How to identify and fix missing indexes in SQL Server?
46. How does SQL Server Resource Governor work?
47. What are the best practices for optimizing INSERT operations?
48. What are the options for deploying SQL Server databases across environments?
49. How to diagnose and resolve SQL Server performance issues?
50. What are the best practices for database recovery and rebuilding models?

SCRUM (50 questions)

1. What are the key roles in a Scrum team? Explain their responsibilities.
2. What are the main Scrum artifacts? Describe their purpose.
3. What are the differences between a sprint and a release in Scrum?
4. Explain the concept of a 'definition of done' in Scrum. Why is it important?
5. What are some common Scrum ceremonies? Explain their purpose. ...
6. How is team productivity measured in Scrum?
7. What metrics are tracked in Scrum projects?
8. How can you identify and address impediments in Scrum projects?
9. What best practices help improve collaboration in Scrum teams?
10. How is the role of manager adapted in Scrum teams?
11. How are teams formed in the Scrum framework?
12. What metrics are commonly used to measure progress in Scrum?
13. What factors can affect team velocity in Scrum?
14. How is the Scrum product backlog managed?
15. What is the role of a Scrum Master?
16. What is a sprint retrospective?
17. How are changes managed in Scrum sprints?
18. What best practices help improve Scrum ceremonies?
19. How is technical debt managed in Scrum projects?
20. What does self-organization mean in Scrum teams?
21. What techniques can identify dependencies in Scrum projects?
22. How is progress tracked during a Scrum sprint?
23. What metrics are used for monitoring Scrum projects?
24. What are common impediments in Scrum projects and how are they managed?
25. How can you estimate work effort in Scrum projects?
26. What factors should be considered for distributed Scrum teams?
27. How is Scrum adapted for large teams or projects?
28. What Agile techniques complement the Scrum framework?
29. How is Scrum incorporated with DevOps practices?
30. How can Scrum help improve software quality practices?
31. How can you coordinate multiple Scrum teams working on the same product?
32. What metrics indicate reduced velocity for a Scrum team? How are they addressed?
33. How is technical debt prioritized and managed in Scrum projects?
34. What strategies help gain stakeholder buy-in for Scrum practices?
35. How can a Scrum Master help address dysfunction within a team?
36. How to scale Scrum practices for large, complex projects?
37. How is Scrum adapted to work with other Agile methodologies like XP or Kanban?
38. What practices help manage dependencies between Scrum teams?
39. How to conduct an Agile retrospective to improve team practices?
40. How can Scrum help address challenges with outsourced or offshored development teams?
41. How to optimize Scrum practices for DevOps and continuous delivery?
42. How to tailor the Scrum Master role when also managing the product?
43. What metrics indicate challenges with the product backlog or sprint planning?
44. How to minimize unnecessary work-in-progress with Scrum practices?
45. What practices help align Scrum teams with business objectives?
46. How to institute Scrum practices within a company or organization unfamiliar with Agile?
47. What strategies can integrate Scrum with scaled methodologies like SAFe or LeSS?
48. How is Scrum adapted to support innovation and discovery work?
49. How are contracts and vendor agreements structured to support Scrum practices?
50. How can Scrum help improve the recruitment process and talent pipeline?

Angular (50 questions)

1. What is Angular Framework? What are its main features?

2. How does Angular handle templating and data binding?
3. What are components in Angular? How are they used?
4. What are directives in Angular? Give examples.
5. What is dependency injection in Angular? How does it work? ...
6. How does Angular approach validation?
7. What are Pipes in Angular? What are they used for?
8. How can you implement security in Angular apps?
9. What is zone.js and what role does it play in Angular?
10. How can you optimize Angular application performance?
11. What is declarative programming in Angular?
12. How does Angular integrate with Bootstrap CSS?
13. What is RxJS and how does it help implement reactive programming in Angular?
14. How can you pass data between components?
15. What is the Angular CLI tool and how is it used?
16. What is ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation in Angular? What are the benefits?
17. What is lazy loading of modules in Angular? When should you use it?
18. How does change detection work in Angular?
19. How do you implement forms validation in Angular apps?
20. How can you optimize Angular app performance?
21. What is the difference between constructor() and ngOnInit()? When to use each one?
22. What is state management in Angular? What solutions are available?
23. How do you handle application errors and exceptions in Angular?
24. How does routing work in Angular apps?
25. What are the different build targets available for Angular apps?
26. How do you secure Angular applications?
27. What are the testing tools and frameworks used for Angular testing?
28. How does dependency injection work in Angular?
29. How can you implement server-side rendering with Angular apps?
30. What is progressive web apps (PWA) support in Angular?
31. How does Angular implement its own dependency injection framework?
32. How does the Angular compiler work under the hood?
33. What techniques help optimize change detection performance in Angular apps?
34. How does Angular provide cross-browser support and compatibility?
35. What are best practices for structuring Angular projects as they scale?
36. What are some advanced state management solutions for complex Angular apps?
37. How can you implement server-side rendering (SSR) with Angular apps?
38. What are the advanced performance profiling and debugging tools for Angular?
39. How to implement web workers for background processing in Angular?
40. What are best practices for lazy loading modules in large Angular apps?
41. What are some alternatives to RxJS for reactive programming with Angular?
42. How to secure Angular apps against common web vulnerabilities like XSS?
43. What are best practices for structuring Angular services and providers?
44. What are some advanced Angular directives provided by the framework?
45. How does change detection optimization work in Angular?
46. What are best practices for implementing caching with REST APIs?
47. How to implement GraphQL APIs with Angular on the frontend?
48. What tools are available for end-to-end (E2E) testing of Angular apps?
49. How to implement multi-tenancy in Angular apps?
50. How to establish CI/CD pipeline for Angular projects?

Assemblies in C# (50 questions)

1. What are assemblies in C#? What do they contain?

2. How are assemblies referenced in C# projects?
3. Explain how the global assembly cache (GAC) is used in .NET.
4. What is assembly versioning in .NET? Why is it useful?
5. What is the difference between early and late binding of assemblies? ...
6. What is assembly signing and strong name in .NET?
7. What is side-by-side execution in .NET?
8. What is IL or Intermediate Language in .NET assemblies?
9. What is an assembly manifest? What does it contain?
10. How can you debug into frameworks source code?
11. How are C# projects compiled into assemblies?
12. What is the difference between private and shared assemblies?
13. How does assembly binding work at runtime?
14. What is assembly versioning and how does it work?
15. What is the difference between assembly references and project references?
16. What is COM interop and how does it relate to assemblies?
17. What is reflection and how is it useful when working with assemblies?
18. What is MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework) in .NET?
19. How can you debug into referenced assemblies?
20. What is dynamic loading of assemblies?
21. How can you create and execute dynamic assemblies at runtime?
22. What is assembly signing and strong naming?
23. What is Global Assembly Cache (GAC) and what is it used for?
24. What is MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language)?
25. What is an assembly manifest? What does it contain?
26. What is assembly versioning and how is it useful?
27. What is assembly shadow copying?
28. How are circular dependencies handled with assemblies?
29. What is the concept of a portable class library (PCL) in .NET?
30. How can you optimize assembly loading performance?
31. What is assembly reflection and how can it be used at runtime?
32. How are assemblies scoped - privately or shared?
33. What techniques allow dynamically generating assemblies at runtime?
34. What is the difference between static vs dynamic assembly loading?
35. How are assemblies located and loaded into the CLR at runtime?
36. Explain how assembly binding occurs through configuration files.
37. What is the purpose of assembly manifest metadata?
38. How does the CLR optimize assembly loading performance?
39. What is assembly pre-generation and when is it used?
40. How are dependencies specified between assemblies?
41. What is the purpose of assembly COM interop?
42. Explain how assembly probing paths are configured.
43. How are conflicts resolved when binding assembly versions?
44. What optimizations can reduce the size of compiled assemblies?
45. How can assemblies address unreliable network connections?
46. How are assembly signing and strong names used?
47. What is side-by-side versioning and how does it isolate assemblies?
48. How does the CLI locate entry points for executables and libraries?
49. What tools are available for analyzing assemblies?
50. How are assemblies packaged and deployed through NuGet?

C# Language Features (50 questions)

1. Explain access modifiers in C#. Give examples.

2. What is method overloading and overriding in C#? Give examples.
3. What are the different types of polymorphism in C#?
4. How are events handled in C#? Give an example.
5. What are anonymous methods and lambda expressions in C#? When are they used? ...
6. What are Dynamic types in C# and how are they used?
7. What is the ExpandObject in C# and what is it used for?
8. How can you implement multi-threading in C#?
9. What is the garbage collector in C# and how does it work?
10. What advanced features were added in C# 6, 7, 8?
11. What are the different kinds of classes in C#?
12. How do you implement encapsulation in C#?
13. What is method hiding in C#?
14. What is the difference between override and new modifiers?
15. How does exception handling work in C#?
16. What are attributes in C# and what are they used for?
17. What are partial classes and methods?
18. What is object initializers in C#?
19. What is nameof operator and how is it useful?
20. What are indexers in C#?
21. What are generics in C#?
22. What are Nullable types in C#?
23. What is object destructuring in C#?
24. What are collection initializers?
25. What is the dynamic type in C#?
26. What is the ExpandoObject and how is it used?
27. How does async/await work for implementing asynchrony?
28. How can you implement multi-threading with Threads?
29. What debugging tools are available in Visual Studio?
30. What are some best practices for exception handling in C#?
31. How does the C# compiler optimize generated IL code?
32. Explain how lambda expressions are compiled in C#.
33. How does the garbage collector allocate and free memory in .NET?
34. What is the difference between references and pointers at the IL level?
35. How does IL implement polymorphism features of C#?
36. What optimizations are performed by the JIT compiler in .NET?
37. How does the CLR handle marshaling data across native/managed boundaries?
38. What is the purpose of Secret Manager tool and how is it used?
39. How does .NET support deterministic finalization?
40. Explain how the async/await pattern is implemented at the IL level.
41. How does the CLR locate methods via reflection and late binding?
42. What is the abstract syntax tree (AST) produced by the C# compiler?
43. What optimizations can reduce allocation and improve performance?
44. How does .NET support operator overloading in C#?
45. What is the stack/heap layout for a managed .NET application?
46. How does IL implement try/catch exception handling?
47. What is the syntax tree transformation process performed by the compiler?
48. How does .NET support dynamic loading of assemblies?
49. How are constructs like foreach implemented at the IL level?
50. How does IL implement deterministic destruction and finalization?

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