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SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training





Table_Description Table_Customising

AGR_1016 Name of the activity group profile 0

AGR_1016B Name of the activity group profile 0

AGR_1250 Authorization data for the activity group 0

AGR_1251 Authorization data for the activity group 0

AGR_1252 Organizational elements for authorizations 0

AGR_AGRS Roles in Composite Roles 0

AGR_DEFIN Role definition 0

AGR_HIER2 Menu structure information – Customer version of SAP roles 0

AGR_HIERT Role menu texts 0

AGR_OBJ Assignment of Menu Nodes to Role 0

AGR_PROF Profile name for role 0

AGR_TCDTX Assignment of roles to Tcodes 0

AGR_TCODE Assignment of roles to Tcodes 0

AGR_TEXTS File Structure for Hierarchical Menu – Customer 0

AGR_TIME Time Stamp for Role (Menu, Profile, Authorizations) 0

AGR_USERS Assignment of roles to users 0

DD02L SAP Tables 0

DD03L Table Fields 0

DD04T R/3 DD: Data element texts 0

DEVACCESS Table for development user 0

E070 Change & Transport System: Header of Requests/Tasks 0

E071 Change & Transport System: Object Entries of Requests/Tasks 0

EBAN Purchase Requisition 0

MARA General Material Data 0

T000 Clients 0

TACT Activities which can be Protected 0

TBTCO Job Status Overview Table 0

TOBJ Objects 0

TSTC SAP Transaction Codes 0

USER_ADDR Generated Table for View USER_ADDR 0

USGRP User Groups 0

USGRPT Text table for USGRP (User groups) 0

USH02 Change history for logon data 0

USOBT Relation transaction > authorization object 0

USOBT_C Relation Transaction > Auth. Object (Customer) 0 1/216
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USOBX Check table for table USOBT 0

USOBXFLAGS Temporary table for storing USOBX/T* changes 0

USOBX_C Check Table for Table USOBT_C 0

USR01 User master record (runtime data) 0

USR02 Logon Data (Kernel-Side Use) 0

USR03 User address data 0

USR04 User master authorizations 0

USR05 User Master Parameter ID 0

USR10 User master authorization profiles 0

USR11 User Master Texts for Profiles (USR10) 0

USR12 User Master Authorization Values 0

USR13 Short Texts for Authorizations 0

USR40 Table for illegal passwords 0

UST04 User masters 0

UST10C User master: Composite profiles 0

V_USERNAME Generated Table for View V_USERNAME 0

/SAPDMC/LSGPRO Projects -1

/SAPDMC/LSGSUB Subprojects -1

/SAPDMC/LSRCOD Central rules: Coding -1

/SAPSLL/OBJIDX SLL: R/3 BS: Index of Documents Not Transferred -1

/SAPSLL/TLER3 SLL: R/3 Backend System: Control: Call Customs Server -1

/SAPSLL/TLER3B SLL: F-System R/3: Control: Call Legal Services: Doc. Types -1

/SAPSLL/TLER3BO SLL: R/3 BS: Control: Call Customs Server: Org. Units -1

/SAPSLL/TWLCR3 GTS: R/3 Feeder Sys.: Control: Worklist Compilation – Cntry -1


/SAPSMOSS/ADDIDT Texts for Add-On ID -1

/SAPSMOSS/ADDRL Add-on Release -1

/SAPSMOSS/ADDRLT Texts for Add-On Release -1

/SAPSMOSS/DBSY Databases -1

/SAPSMOSS/DBSYT Texts for Databases -1

/SAPSMOSS/FRNT Frontend -1

/SAPSMOSS/FRNTT Texts for Frontend -1

/SAPSMOSS/INSTN Table of Installation Numbers -1

/SAPSMOSS/INSTNT Texts for Installation Numbers -1

/SAPSMOSS/OSYS Operating systems -1

/SAPSMOSS/OSYST Texts for Operating Systems -1

/SAPSMOSS/REL SAP release -1

/SAPSMOSS/RELT Texts for Releases -1


/SAPSMOSS/STATT Texts for Status -1

/SAPSMOSS/SYST System types -1

/SAPSMOSS/SYSTT Texts for System Types -1

/SAPSMOSS/UPDATE Table for Updating Locked Notifications and Time Stamp -1

/SAPTRX/AOALLTAB All tables for a business process type -1

/SAPTRX/AOTYPES Application object types -1

/SAPTRX/ASFCTEV Parameters for Application Plug-In Functions -1

/SAPTRX/ASFCTEVT Event Tags for Application Plug-In Functions -1

/SAPTRX/ASFCTPAR Parameters for Application Plug-In Functions -1

/SAPTRX/ASFCTPAT Parameter Texts for Application Plug-In Functions -1

/SAPTRX/ASPARDC Parameter dictionary for application objects -1

/SAPTRX/ASPARDCT Parameter dictionary for application objects -1

/SAPTRX/ASTOTYPE Business process types (Application System) -1 2/216
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/SAPTRX/CONDDATA Condition data table -1

/SAPTRX/CONDID Condition ID table -1

/SAPTRX/EVTYPES Event Types -1

/SAPTRX/EVTYPEST Event Type Descriptions (Texts) -1

/SAPTRX/FUNCTION Event Activity table -1

/SAPTRX/MTOTYPE Utilized business process types -1

/SAPTRX/SCAOTMAP Scenario AOT Mapping Table -1

/SAPTRX/SCCNDMAP Scenario Condition Mapping Table -1

/SAPTRX/SCEVTMAP Scenario Event Types Mapping Table -1

/SAPTRX/SCFUNMAP Scenario Functions Mapping Table -1

/SAPTRX/TRXSERV Event Manager configuration table -1

/SDF/LC_DBCON Description of database connections for liveCache -1

ABC_FTREE CO-OM-ABC: Function Tree -1

ABC_FTREET CO-ABC: Text Tree Structure -1

AD01C_ATTR DIP profile: Characteristics -1

AD01C_CT Apportionment reason -1

AD01C_CTT Apportionment reason text -1

AD01C_MAT DIP profile: Material determination -1

AD01C_MATA DIP profile: Material determination criteria -1

AD01C_PROF DIP profile: Usage -1

AD01C_PRTX DIP profile: Texts -1

AD01C_SEL DIP profile: Sources -1

AD01C_SELA DIP profile: Selection criteria -1

AD01SRCARC Residence Times for DPP Sources -1

ADMI_APPLI Application archive file information table -1

ADRCITY Postal cities -1

ADRCITYT Postal districts (long texts) -1

ADRDIFINFO Control Table for Difference Tables: Quarterly Adjustment -1

ADRDYCONTR System table for screen construction for regional structure -1

ADRPCDCITY Postal code/city: Assignment table -1

ADRREGGRP Regional structure grouping -1

ADRREGGRPT Grouping of the regional structure (long texts) -1

ADRSTREET Streets -1

ADRSTREETT Streets (long texts) -1

ADRSTRTYPE Street type -1

ADRSTRTYPT Street type (long texts) -1

AKKB Documentary Payment Guarantee: Financial Doc. – Bank Data -1

ALM_ME_D997 User-specific settings -1

ALM_ME_D999 Scenario Assignment for User -1

ANAT Asset type text -1

ANGT Asset catalog text table -1

ANKA Asset classes: general data -1

ANKAZ Asset class: extension for technical fields -1

ANKB Asset class: depreciation area -1

ANKL Generation table for generating asset classes from accounts -1

ANKLAY Asset class: Assignment of tab layouts -1

ANKLAYP Asset class: Assignment of tab layouts -1

ANKP Asset classes: Fld Cont Dpndnt on Chart of Depreciation -1

ANKV Asset classes: insurance types -1

ANLBZW Asset-specific base values -1

ANLT Asset Texts -1

AOBJVERS ID (Worklist) for Object Type and Object Use -1 3/216
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APTREE Application Hierarchy -1

AQPROTCUST Query Logging Control -1

ARCH_DEF Definition of archive object -1

ARCH_DELE Objects with tables from which entries are deleted -1

ARCH_GENER Definition of Events for Archiving Generation Program -1

ARCH_NET Table with archiving objects for network display -1

ARCH_OBJ Objects for archiving and reorganization -1

ARCH_OCLAS Assign classes to archive object -1

ARCH_PARAM Cross-Object Customizing Data Archiving -1

ARCH_REPOW Archive file reporting and read program -1

ARCH_RPRG Archiving objects with associated read programs -1

ARCH_TCODE Application customizing transactions -1

ARCH_TXT Description of archive objects -1

ARCH_USR Customizing Table for Archiving -1

ARCU_COIT1 Residence Times for CO Line Items -1

AT01 Transaction Category -1

AT01T Name of Transaction Category -1

AT02 Transaction Activity Category -1

AT02A Transaction Code for Menu TIMN -1

AT02T Transaction Activity Category: Description -1

AT05 Processing Categories -1

AT05T Name: Processing Category -1

AT06 Allocation of Processing Categories to Activity Categories -1

AT07 Category of Flows and Conditions -1

AT07T Name of category for flows and conditions -1

AT08 Allocation: Application to Category of Flows and Conditions -1

AT10 Transaction type -1

AT100 Treasury Additions to User Master -1

AT10B Treasury: Customizing for Valuation -1

AT10T Name of Transaction Type -1

AT10X Forex Attributes for Transaction Types -1

AT11 Allocation of Condition Types to Transaction Types -1

AT13 Allocation of Flow Types to Transaction Types -1

AT13U Flow types for transfer posting for activity transition -1

AT15 Treasury: Foreign exchange swap rates -1

AT16 Treasury: Fixing Settings for Forex Transactions -1

AT18 Treasury: Valid Formulas -1

AT19 Supplements to Flow Types -1

AT20 Supplements to Condition Types -1

AT21 Generate derived flows -1

AT22 Procedure to Generate Derived Flows -1

AT22T Procedure to Generate Derived Flows: Name -1

AT56R Supplements to Analysis System for Table T056R -1

AT60 Definition of Treasury Functions for Activity Processing -1

AT60T Description of Treasury Functions for Activity Editing -1

AT80 Treasury: Correspondence Control MM, FX, DE, SE -1

AT81 Correspondence type -1

AT81T Name of correspondence type -1

AT85 CMF – Generating pmnt advices (prod./trans.type) -1

AT90 Type of manual reversal of posted flows -1

AT90T Name of manual reversal type for posted flows -1

ATARCHIVE00 Archiving: Minimum retention period per company code -1 4/216
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ATARCHIVE01 Archiving: Minimum retention period of transaction in system -1

ATCVO Exchange Rate Volatilities -1

ATIVO Reference interest rate volatilities -1

ATKO1 Correlation Type -1

ATKO1T Text Table Correlation Type -1

ATLA Limit type -1

ATLAM Allocation of limit characteristics to limit type -1

ATLAT Name of limit type -1

ATLPG Limit product group -1

ATLPGT Name of limit product group -1

ATMA Type of Master Agreement -1

ATMAT Type of Master Agreement: Name -1

ATOR Table of Limit Types -1

ATORT Text Table for Limit Types -1

ATPA Treasury: Product Type Supplements -1

ATPRA Treasury: Clearing Account for Payment Requests -1

ATRELE1 Transaction release: Release procedure -1

ATRELE2 Transaction release: Release procedure for detail parameters -1

ATSYC Default Settings for Risk Evaluations -1

ATVMO Calculation Methods Risk Management -1

ATVO1 Volatility Types 1 -1

ATVO2 Descriptions of Volatility Types -1

ATVO3 Statistics Type for Parameterizing Estimation Functions -1

ATVO3T Text Table Statistics Type -1

ATVOK Rate types for OTC NPVs -1

ATVOKT Text tables for rate/NPV types for OTC transactions -1

ATVST Names of scenario types -1

ATVSZ Scenario types -1

ATWVO Security price volatilities -1

ATXVO Securities index volatilities -1

ATZVO Reference Int. Rate Volatilities with Curve Info. -1

AUCTIONBIDDER list of all items bid -1

AUCTIONBIDDERDET Details about auction bidders -1

AUCTIONCATEGORY List of all Categories -1

AUCTIONCATEMAP contains category relationships. A category has 0,1,m parent -1

AUCTIONITEMS List if auction items -1

AUCTIONITEMSMAP stores relationship of an item to its parent categories. -1

AUCTIONITEMSMAPO stores relationship of an item to its parent categories. -1

AUCTIONITEMSOLD List if auction items -1

AUCTIONPAYMENT Payment Information -1

AUFLAY0 Entity Table: Order Layouts -1

AUFLAY1 Layouts for the Orders -1

AUFLAY2 Order Master Data Maintenance: Tab Names -1

AUFLAY3 Assignment Subscreens: Screens for Order Master Data Maint. -1

BCKVTBFHAPO Backup: Transaction Flows -1

BCKVWPANLE BACKUP: Interest-bearing securities -1

BGMKOBJ Master Warranty – Object Assignment -1

BNMAT Assignment of Material No.-Number Range for Batch No. Assgmt -1

BP001 Treasury Attributes Organization -1

BPOBREL_LO Assignment of Business Partners – Loan-Specific Attributes -1

BPTRGP_ABGL BP: Match Existing and Migrated Partners -1

BTXEGRP BSI: Employee Group -1 5/216
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BTXRATE BSI: Tax Rates per Company Based on Degree of Experience -1

BUSTYPE Type of Business -1

BWCVSYSTAT Customizing: BW Status Mapping / OLTP System Status -1

BWCVUSSTAT Customizing: BW Status Mapping / OLTP User Status -1

BWOM_RHIER BCT-CO: Report Row Hierarchies -1

BWOM_RHIERT BCT-CO: Texts for Report Row Hierarchies -1

BWOM_RHIER_LINE BCT-CO: Rows for Report Row Hierarchies -1

BWOM_RHIER_LINET BCT-CO: Row Texts for Report Row Hierarchies -1


C000 Condition Table for Acct.Determination: $ -1

CABNT Characteristic Descriptions -1

CACCEL Online BDC transaction accelerator definition -1

CATP_GLOB CATT: Global Parameters -1

CATS_MY_DATES CATS notebook: Periods for Target Hours and Data Storage -1

CATS_MY_DOCU CATS notebook: Create and Distribute HTML Documentation -1

CATS_MY_FIELDSEL CATS notebook: Field Selections -1

CATS_MY_PUSH CATS notebook: Synchronize Static Objects -1

CATS_MY_UNITS Units Used in CATS notebook -1

CBAR Type of business process -1

CBART Type of business process -1

CBAT Business Process Attribute -1

CBATT Business Process Attribute -1

CBDT Allocation type for business processes -1

CBDTT Allocation type for business processes text table -1

CBPLT CO-OM-ABC: Text Table, Process Category Defaults -1

CBPR_ALLOC Control Table for Business Process Attributes -1

CBPT Text Table for Business Process Master -1

CBRK Value-added ranking for business processes -1

CBRKT Text table of sequence of value added for business processes -1

CCATSCOSUM Settings: Summarization Time Sheet Data -> CO -1

CCMAC Loggable activity codes -1

CCMACTIONOBJ Assign transactions to object types – usage restriction -1

CCMACTPROF Loggable activity code group membership -1

CCMAC_T Call center management activity code description -1

CCMADKEY Activity detail logging key -1

CCMADKEY_T Call center detail key logging table -1

CCMCBQPROF Call center callback – Callback queue profile -1

CCMCBQPROFASSN Call center callback – Assignment of profile to queues -1

CCMCBQUES Call center callback – Callback queue definition -1

CCMCBQUES_T Call center callback – Callback queue description -1

CCMCCONT Component container configuration -1

CCMCCONT_T CCM Component Container Text -1

CCMCCPROF Call center profile -1

CCMCLBC Callback Configuration -1

CCMCLBC_T Call center callback – Configuration table label -1

CCMCTIADMIN CTI Administration/Policy -1

CCMCTIBKEY Call center telephony control button keys -1

CCMCTIBKEY_T CCM telephony control button key translation -1

CCMCTIPROF CIC Front office function key profile -1

CCMCTIQUEUEASSN CTI queue assignments -1

CDESTBDCFIELD Online BDC value destination map -1

CDESTPID Online BDC parameter-id preset destination -1 6/216
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CDMMT Texts to cost driver variants -1

CEFORMC RPT: History of formatting changes to elements -1

CEFORMF CO: Definition of contents of element in row/col.str. -1

CEFORMS Table for description of structures -1

CEFORMT Table for Report Painter Row and Column Texts -1

CEFORMV CO: Variables for row/column structure -1

CEFORMW CO: Row/Column Structure Variable Texts -1

CEPRINT Table for description of print statement for CO-PA forms -1

CESETS Set Administration in the Report Painter -1

CHUCHKPROF HU Check Profile: Assign Error Code HU Item to Error Stat.HU -1

CHUCHKPROFT Language Table HU Check Profile -1

CHUPDPARA Parameters in a Packing Transaction Profile -1

CHUPDPARAT Packing Transaction Customizing: Application Name -1

CICCCONF Call center framework components -1

CICCCONFVARID Customer Interaction Center Component Variants -1

CICCCONFVARIDA Allowed slots for component variant -1

CICCCONFVARIDC Allowed component container variants for component variant -1

CICCCONFVARID_T Customer Interaction Center Component Variant Text -1

CICCCONF_T Customer interaction component text -1

CICPROFILE Customer interaction center profile -1

CICPROFILES Customer interaction center profiles -1

CICPROFMASTER Customer interaction center profile master -1

CICPROFMASTER_T Customer Interaction Profile Master Text -1

CICTOOLBAR CCM Application Toolbar Profile -1

CICTOOLBAREXCL CIC Application Toolbar Exclusions -1

CIMAP Input Sequence for BDC Sessions -1

CKCMCT_TR Characteristics of a Costing Model – Texts -1

CKCMC_TR Characteristics of a Costing Model (Transportable) -1

CKCMT_TR Name of the Costing Model (Transportable) -1

CKCM_TR Costing Model (Transportable) -1

CKMLAB01 Material Update Structure -1

CKMLAB01T Material Update Structure (Description) -1

CKMLAB01Z Material Update Structure (Line Assignment) -1

CKMLAB02 Material Update Structure (Assignment to Valuation Area) -1

CKMLCUR Text for currency type and valuation type -1

CKMLMV006 Control data for the quantity structure types -1

CKMLMV006T Name for quantity structure types -1

CKMLMV007 Name formation (structure table) -1

CKMLMV007A Name formation (algorithms) -1

CKMLMV007R Name formation (naming rules) -1

CKMLMV007RT Name formation: Text for naming rule -1

CKMLMV007T Name formation (name of structure) -1

CKMLMV009 Process Catagory -1

CKMLMV009T Process Catagory (description) -1

CKMLMV010 Movement type group for ML update -1

CKMLMV010T Text for movement type groups for ML update -1

CKMLMV016 Quantity structure tool: Naming rule -1

CKMLMV016T Quantity structure tool: Texts for naming rules -1

CKPHS Control for Cost Object Category -1

CKPST Texts for Cost Object Category (CKPHS) -1

CLBW Object types (classes) for info object (BW) -1

CLPROF Classification: Parameters for Settings -1 7/216
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CMMD_CDT1 Category -1

CMMD_CDT1T Master Data Texts Category -1

CMMD_CDT2 Master Data Subcategory -1

CMMD_CDT2T Master Data Texts Subcategory -1

CMMD_CDT3 Master Data Segment -1

CMMD_CDT3T Master Data Text Segment -1

CMMD_CDT4 Master Data Subsegment -1

CMMD_CDT4T Master Data Texts Subsegment -1

CMMD_CDT5 Master Data Sub-Subsegment -1

CMMD_CDT5T Master Data Texts Sub-Subsegment -1

CMMD_CDT6 Master Data Product Group -1

CMMD_CDT6T Master Data Texts Product Group -1

CMMD_CDT7 Master Data Brand -1

CMMD_CDT7T Master Data Texts Brand -1

CMMD_SKU CDT-SKU Assignment Table -1

CND_MAPC_FIELD Condions Exchange: Convert Field Contents -1

CND_MAPC_FIL_UA Filter Table for Condition Usage and Application -1

CND_MAPM_FIELD Condions Exchange: Convert Field Contents -1


CND_USAGE_PREFIX Prefix for Every Usage -1

CNV_10994_T001Y Log table: Valuation levels for LIFO inventory valuation -1

CNV_80815_FI -1

COACTV Assign transaction, activity to CO_ACTION -1

COENV_REL Assignment of Environments to Sub-Environments -1

COFUNC1 CO-OM-ABC: Functions in Class -1

COFUNC2 CO-OM-ABC: Function Definitions -1

COFUNCL CO-OM-ABC: Language-Dependent Functions -1

COHIERARCH CO-OM-ABC: Hiearchy Graphic for Functions -1

COINCTRL CO Interface: Control Parameters -1

COINT_TKB6TP Controlling Integration: Account Determination for Reposting -1

COKR CO Object: Control Data for Statistical Key Figures -1

COMAP Online BDC output mapping from message table to container -1

CONU Foreign Trade: Duty Rate Numbers and Commodity Codes -1

COPARAM CO-OM-ABC: Function Parameters -1

COPARAML CO-OM-ABC: Language-Dependent Parameter Names -1

COSC CO Object: Assignment Original Costing Sheets -1

COSRV Variants (characteristics) for LIS performance measures -1

COTPL CO-ABC Template Master Data -1

COTPLF CO-ABC Find Template -1

COTPLFC CO-OM-ABC: Process Template Control Blocks (TYPE TPLIC_BCB) -1

COTPLFP CO-OM-ABC: Formula Parameter Lists for Process Template -1

COTPLFS ABC: Sources of Formulas in a Template -1

COTPLFV CO-OM-ABC: Formula Value Lists for Process Template -1

COTPLKONST Constants for Parallel Processing of Template Allocation -1

COTPLP CO-OM-ABC: Items in Process Template -1

COTPLPT CO-OM-ABC: Texts for Items in Process Template -1

COTPLS CO-ABC: Source Text for Formulas in Template -1

COTPLT CO-OM-ABC: Descriptive Text for Process Template -1

CPCRMSTOCK1 Definition of critical stock values on product level -1

CPCRMSTOCK2 Definition of critical stock values on material group leve -1

CREP KPRO CMS: Content Repositories -1

CREPDESCR KPRO CMS: Descriptions of Content Repositories -1 8/216
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CREPDOCSP Document Management Areas for Content Repositories -1

CREP_FILE KPRO CMS: Content Repositories (RFC) -1

CREP_FTP KPRO CMS: Content Repositories (FTP) -1

CREP_HTTP KPRO CMS: Content Repositories (HTTP) -1

CREP_LREP KPRO CMS: Content Repositories (Logical Location) -1

CREP_R3DB KPRO CMS: Content Repositories (R3DB) -1

CREP_RFC KPRO CMS: Content Repositories (RFC) -1

CREP_RPC KPRO CMS: Content Repositories (RPC) -1

CREP_TREE KPRO CMS: Content Repositories (TREE) -1

CRMATAB Tables Allowed for Customizing Download -1

CRMCLASSIF Account Groups in Replication into R/3 -1

CRMC_CATS_CO CRM Service: Derivation of Attendance and Activity Type -1

CRMC_CATS_HR CRM Service: Assignment of CATS Data Entry Profile -1

CRMC_LOG_GROUP CRM Service: Logistics Integration – Grouping Customizing -1

CRMC_SRVTYP_CO Service Type -1

CRMC_SRVTYP_CO_T Service Type: Texts -1

CRMC_TEXT CRM: General Mapping Table for Texts -1

CRMC_VALTYP_CO Valuation Type -1

CRMC_VALTYP_CO_T Valuation Type: Texts -1

CRMKTOKD Assign Classification and Grouping R/3 Account Groups -1

CRMKTOKK Role Cat. and Grouping R/3 Acc.Grouping Assgnmnt (for Later) -1

CRMM_IPM_LNGCO IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Language) -1

CRMM_IPM_LNGCO_T IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Language) Texts -1

CRMM_IPM_MRKCO IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Market) -1

CRMM_IPM_MRKCO_T IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Market) Texts -1

CRMM_IPM_TRRCO IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Territory) -1

CRMM_IPM_TRRCO_T IPM: Rights Dimension Value Table (Territory) Texts -1

CRMOBJTAB Tables Belonging to Object -1

CRMROLECAT Account Groups in Replication into R/3 -1

CRMTEXTID Mapping of Text IDs Between R/3 and CRM -1

CRM_SRV_SCENARIO Service Logistics Scenarios for Material Withdrawal -1

CRVAR1 Variants for CO Resource Price Determination -1

CRVAR1T Variants for CO Resource Price Determination: Texts -1

CSKA Cost Elements (Data Dependent on Chart of Accounts) -1

CSKB Cost Elements (Data Dependent on Controlling Area) -1

CSKR Resource master record -1

CSKU Cost Element Texts -1

CSKV Resource texts -1

CSMNUDATA CSM CEN CCMS Data to be Processed -1

CSRCCONTAINER Online BDC container value source map -1

CSRCFCALL Online BDC function call value source map -1

CTRUNICLAS FIFM: Classification Attributes in the Center -1

CUOBOM_CHANGE Manually Changed Items in the Order BOM -1

CUS_SYST Role attributes -1

CUVFUN_GR Group for variant functions -1

CUVFUN_GRT Texts for variant function groups -1

CUVFUN_ST Variant function status -1

CUVFUN_STT Variant function status description -1

CUVTAB_GR Group for variant tables -1

CUVTAB_GRT Variant table group descriptions -1

CUVTAB_ST Variant table status -1

CUVTAB_STT Status description for variant table -1 9/216
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CVCBN EHS: Business process – language-dependent label -1

CVCBP EHS: Business process – valid business process IDs -1

CVCCN EHS: Language-dependent label for communication -1

CVCCO EHS: Communication -1

CVCER DDS: Error handler – recipient allocation (situation, error) -1

CVCHD EHS: Assignment table for default printer -1

CVCHP EHS: Assignment table for cover sheet and ack. of receipt -1

CVCHS EHS: Assignment table for shipping elements -1

CVCHU EHS: User exit – synonym allocation -1

CVCRC EHS: Assignment table for communication -1

CVCRH EHS: Allowed values for structure CVDREASON -1

CVCRP EHS: Parameter values to be saved -1

CVCSH EHS: Shipping elements -1

CVCSN EHS: Language-dependent label of shipping element -1

CVERS_REF Reference Table for CVERS Entries -1

CVSE_APPL Application specific settings for SE document search -1

CVSE_APPLT Texts application specific settings for SE document search -1

CVSE_APPL_DOKOB Object assignments for each search application -1

CVSE_INDX_FIELDS Index fields for search engine index -1

DB2IREORG Information for Database Reorgcheck: Indexes -1

DB2TREORG Information for Database reorgcheck: Tables -1

DB6IREORG DB6: Database REORG Check Information: Indexes -1

DB6TREORG DB6: Database REORG Check Information: Tables -1

DBCON Description of Database Connections -1

DBSTATS Control for Application Monitor and CBO: Setup -1

DDSYN Parameters for Buffer Synchronization -1

DELREPS Reports Designated for Deletion -1

DEVL OBSOLETE: Do not use (See TCETRAL) -1

DF31S Component dependencies -1

DF40D Diagam Management Information -1

DF50D Variant diagram radio button -1

DFAXD Fax information extendable sample SAP-WB -1

DFPM_AUTH Payment medium: Authorization Check Origin Active -1

DIV01 Loans: External usage types of a rental unit -1

DMEE_TREE DMEE Format Tree: General Data -1

DMEE_TREE_AGGR DMEE: Aggregation of Nodes -1

DMEE_TREE_HEAD DMEE: Format Tree Header Data -1


DMEE_TREE_SORT DMEE: Sort and Key Fields for Format -1

DMEE_TREE_T DMEE: Text Table for Tree Definition -1

DMEE_TREE_TYPE_T DMEE: Text Table for Tree Types -1

DMS_MUPCAT Markup categories -1

DMS_OI DMS Customizing settings for office integration -1

DMS_PROF01 DMS: Profile Definition -1

DMS_PROF02 DMS: Allocation Profile – Group/User -1

DMS_PROF03 DMS: Profile Definitions for Applications -1

DMS_PROF04 Profile definition for process -1

DOCCLSS Official document class -1

DPPROFH DIP profile: Header -1

DPR_CAUSE_CO Texts for Project Reason -1

DPR_PRO_TYPE_C Project type -1

DPR_RATES_CALC Customizing: Mapping of Cost/Revenue Rates for Roles -1 10/216
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DPR_RATES_CO Customizing: Cost/Revenue Rates for Project Roles -1

DPR_RATES_T_CO Customizing: Cost/Revenue Rates for Project Roles -1

DSPHDR ALE Distribution Packet : Header data -1

DTCTID Downtime Category ID -1

DTCTTX Downtime Category Text -1

DTEFW Downtime Values Entered -1

DTELID Downtime Element ID -1

DTELTX Downtime Element Text -1

DTSCHEMA Downtime Schema -1

EBACONTXT Call Context -1

EBACONTXTT Call Context – Text Table -1

EBAPRES Object Presentation: SAP Standard -1

EBAPRESC Object Presentation: Customer Definitions -1

EBPP_T000 Setting for Bill Release -1

EBPP_T043G Biller Direct: Settings for User Tolerances -1

EBPP_TTXID Zuordnung Text-Id für EBPP -1

ECP_FUNCTION_KEY List of key fields for supported functions -1

ECP_FUNCTION_LST List of function types supported by SAP -1

ECP_FUNCTION_TXT Text for list of functions supported by SAP -1

ECP_FUNCT_CUS Functions for iView IDs -1

ECP_FUNCT_TYPE List of functions supported by SAP -1

ECP_FUNCT_TYPE_O Relevant object types for function types -1

ECP_FUNCT_TYPE_T Text for list of functions supported by SAP -1

ECP_MLST Status for milestones -1

ECP_PO_STATUS Status for completion of PO -1

EDBDMSKY EDI/ALE: Map CCMS Key to IDoc Attributes -1

EDE1T EDI: Text table for outbound process codes (TEDE1) -1

EDE2T EDI: Text table for inbound process codes (TEDE2) -1

EDE5T EDI: Text table for error processing process codes -1

EDE6T IDOC: Text table for process codes for inbound statuses -1

EDICONFIG Parameter Table for User-specific Configuration -1

EDIFCT IDoc: Assignment of FM to log. message and IDoc type -1

EDIFM IDoc: Function modules for creating file names -1

EDIFMT IDoc: Text table for EDIFM (funct. module for file names) -1

EDILOGADR Assign logical address to physical destination (SAP) -1

EDIMAP EDI: Assignment Table Between IDoc and Application Fields -1

EDIMSG Message Types and Assignment to IDoc Types -1

EDIMSGT Short description of SAP message types -1

EDIPO2 Table for R/2 Port Definitions -1

EDIPOA Table for ALE Port Definitions -1

EDIPOD Table for File Port Definitions -1

EDIPOF Ports for ABAP programming interface -1

EDIPOI Table for describing Internet ports -1

EDIPORT Summary Table for all Port Types for IDoc Processing -1

EDI_CNVBAS Conversion Table for Basic Types -1

EDI_CNVDOC Conversion Table for Field DOCTYP -1

EDI_CNVEXT Conversion Table for Extensions -1

EDI_CNVMES Conversion Table for Logical Message Types -1

EDMSG Logical message types -1

EDP12 Partner Profile: Outbound with Message Control -1

EDP13 Partner Profile: Outbound (technical parameters) -1

EDP21 Partner Profile: Inbound -1 11/216
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EDPP1 EDI Partner (general partner profiles – inb. and outb.) -1

EDPPV Proposal Values for Partner Fast Entry -1

EIEI Foreign Trade: Export/Import Communication Data -1

EIZO FT: Exp/Imp ident. of goods, pres. of goods for cust.declar. -1

EPSSC1 EPSS Splitter Segment Configuration -1

ET001 Conversion of phrases in table fields (field: translation) -1

ET002 Conversion of phrases in table fields (contents:translation) -1

EUOBJ Workbench: Development Objects -1

EUOBJEDIT Workbench: Assignment Development Object -> Editor -1

EVCE Progress: Cost Element Assignments -1

EVFD CNE5: Default values for fields in earned value analysis -1

EVFD_VS CNE5: Default values for fields in earned value analysis -1

EVFL CNE5: Field definition for PS earned value analysis -1

EVFLT CNE5: Texts for fields in earned value analysis (PS) -1

EVFLT_VS CNE5: Texts for fields in PS ev analysis “change doc.s” -1

EVMT Measurement methods PS EV -1

EVMTT Texts for EV measurement methods in PS -1

EVMTT_VS Texts for PS earned value measurement methods(“change docs”) -1

EVMT_VS PS earned value measurement methods (“change documents”) -1

EVSK Statistical key figures for progress -1

EVVD Object type dependent default values for measurement methods -1

EVVDOR Order type dependent default values for measurement methods -1

EVVS Progress version -1

EVVST Progress version text -1

EWFCAL Front Office Call -1

EWFCALT Front Office Call: Text -1

EWFCON Front Office Configuration -1

EWFCONT Front Office Configuration: Text -1

EWFFND Front Office Configuation Determination -1

EWFGRU Front Office Call Group -1

EWFGRUT Front Office Call Group: Text -1

EWFPAR Front Office Configuration: Call Parameter -1

EWFPART Front Office Configuration: Call Parameter: Text -1

EWFTRA Front Office Call: Data Flow -1

EWUADMUSER EMU conversion: Names of administrator users -1

EWUCOO EMU: Controlling object currencies -1

EWUCS01 SAP Cons.-EURO: Selected FS Items for Euro Conversion -1

EWUCS10 SAP Cons.-EURO: Consolidation Units for Euro Conversion -1

EWUCS11 SAP Cons.-EURO: Ledger for Conversion -1

EWUCUCHK Table for edited EMU fields -1

EWUEIS EMU: Currencies for EIS objects -1

EWUFI_ARCH Read Using Company Code Archive? (SAPF070) -1

EWUGTC Local Currency Changeovers: Target Currencies -1

EWUKEYS Currency key, exchange rate type and date for EMU -1

EWULC01 FI-LC: LC ledger -1

EWULC02 FI-LC: Ledgers for conversion -1

EWULC03 FI-LC: Companies for conversion -1

EWULC04 FI-LC: Settings for euro conversion adjustments -1

EWUMAXTAB Largest Tables Relevant to Conversion in System -1

EWUORG EMU: Currencies for the participating organizational objects -1

EWUPAK Euro conversion packages -1

EWUPAKT EMU conversion: Name of the packages -1 12/216
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EWUPGCT EMU: Program check for conversion -1

EWUPGSTAT Conversion programs status -1

EWUPGTAB EMU conversion: Program/tables data -1

EWUTABCT EMU: Table check -1

EWUTF EMU: Table flags -1

F111G Global Settings: Payment Program for Payment Requests -1

FBW4X Exceptions for FI AP/AR Delta Update to BW -1

FCDUNICLAS FIFM: Classification Attributes in the Center -1

FEDICUS FI EDI Control for Calling Customer Functions per Segment -1

FEDIWF1 FI EDI: Person with signing authority -1

FILENAME Table for Converting Internal File Names into External Names -1

FILENAMECI Platform-Independent File Names, Cross-Client -1

FILEPATH Logical File Path Definition -1

FILESYS Definition of File Description Syntax Groups -1

FILETEXT File Name Description -1

FILETEXTCI File Name Description -1

FILTER General and Private Filters -1

FILTERDEF Operative Filter Entries for Product Structure Browser -1

FILTERTEXT Description of filter for Product Structure Browser -1

FINDOEXCPT List of Exceptions for Program RDDFINDO (See Documentation) -1

FIWF_AMGRP Amount Groups for FI Role Definition -1

FIWF_MDRLK Main Rules for FI Role Definition – Header Entries -1

FIWF_MDRUL Main Rules for FI Role Definition -1

FLIGHTB Flight booking -1

FLIGHTP Flight plan data -1

FLIGHTS Personnel data -1

FLQACC_BURNED Liquidity Calculation – Other Accounts -1

FLQASSET Liquidity Calculation – Settings for FI Mechanisms -1

FLQBANK_GRP Liquidity Calculation – Assignemnt of Acct to Query Sequence -1

FLQCLNT Liquidity Calculation – Global Settings -1

FLQCOMPANY Liquidity Calculation – Company Codes -1

FLQFIPOS_LPOS Relationship: Commitment Items – Liquidity Items -1

FLQGRP Liquidity Calculation – Query Sequences -1

FLQGRPT Liquidity Calculation – Texts for Query Sequences -1

FLQGRP_QR Liquidity Calculation – Queries for Sequence -1

FLQINVEXIT Liquidity Calculation – Settings for Invoice Exit -1

FLQLPOS Liquidity Items -1

FLQLPOST Liquidity Items – Texts -1

FLQLPOS_FIPOS Relationship: Liquidity Items – Commitment Items -1

FLQQR Liquidity Calculation – Queries -1

FLQQRRG Liquidity Calculation – Ranges for Queries -1

FLQQRT Liquidity Invoices – Query Texts -1

FLQQR_FIELD Liquidity Calculation – Delivered Fields for Conditions -1

FM00 Client-Dependent Fields in Funds Management -1

FM01 FM areas -1

FM01A FM area control records -1

FM01C FM area control parameters -1

FM01CB Cash Budget Management Update Control -1

FM01D Funds Management Update Control -1

FM01E Info on cover availability per FM area -1

FM01F Overall parameters for FM areas -1

FM01G FM Areas: Availability Control Settings -1 13/216
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FM01T Funds Management Area Texts -1

FM01UD Settings for revenues increasing the budget -1

FM01Y Year-Dependent FM Area Data -1

FMCFC0 Default Settings for Fiscal Year Change -1

FMCFC1 FYC Commitment Control -1

FMCFC1R FYC Commtiment Control (Carryforward Parameter) -1

FMCFC2 FYC Budget Control -1

FMDECKHK Assignment of Funds Management Acct Asst to Cover Pool -1

FMDECKRG Cover Pool -1

FMDECKRGT Cover Pool Texts -1

FMEUROPLAN Table of Euro FM Areas -1

FMFCPO FIFM: Commitment Summarization Item -1

FMFCPOT FIFM: Financial Summarization Item Texts -1

FMFCTRT FIFM: Funds Center Texts -1

FMFD Presettings: Create Commitment Items -1

FMFPO FIFM: Commitment Item -1

FMFPOT Texts for a Financia Management Item -1

FMFXPO Commitment item, internal and external number (conversion) -1

FMHICTR FIFB: DB Table for Hierarchy Relations in a Center -1

FMHIPOS FIFM: DB Table for Hierarchy Relations for an Item -1

FMHVMTXT Budget Memo Texts -1

FMHVMTXTT Budget Memo Texts, language dependent -1

FMISPS FIFM ISPS Parameters -1

FMIUR Open Interval Rules for updating FM -1

FMMM1 Assignment Table for Warehouse Funds Center -1

FMMM2 Transaction Type Control -1

FMR01 Funds Management Information System -1

FMSNRULE Rules on Collective Budget Administration -1

FMUDRULE Rules for Revenues Increasing the Budget -1

FMUDRULEC Rules for Revenues Increasing the Budget -1

FMUP02 Configurable Fields for Update Profile -1

FMVORTR Balance Carried Forward Table -1

FMWF_ACTTT Texts for Activity Categories in FI/FM Role Definition -1

FMWF_ACTTY Activity Categories for FM Role Definition -1

FMWF_AMGRP Amount Groups for FM Role Definition -1

FMWF_BDGRP FM Account Groups for FM Role Definition -1

FMWF_BLTYP Document Category Assignment to FI/FM Role Defn Doc.Classes -1

FMWF_DOCCL Document Classes for FM Role Definition -1

FMWF_DOCCT Texts for FM Role Definition Document Classes -1

FMWF_MDRLK Main Delegations Rules Header Entries -1

FMWF_MDRUL FM Main Delegations Rules -1

FMZUCO FM-CO Assignment Control Table -1

FMZUKA Allocation of Cost Element to FM Account Assignment -1

FRE_DOC_CAT_TYPE Relevant Document Categories and Types for Outbound Interf -1

FRE_SEND_OPTION Maintain Basic Settings for Data Transfer -1

FSLS Foreign Trade: Legal Control-Sanctioned Party List-Master -1

FSLSA Foreign Trade: Legal Control-Sanctioned Party List-Address -1

FSLSDKW Foreign Trade: Legal Control: SLS: Keywords from Addresses -1

FSLSN Foreign Trade: Legal Control – Sanctioned Party List – Names -1

FSLST Foreign Trade: Legal Control – SLS – Audit Trail -1

FSLSTA Foreign Trade: Legal Control – SLS – Audit Trail -1

FSLSW Foreign Trade: Legal Control – Sanct. Party List – Keyword -1 14/216
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FSLSWC FT: Legal Control: Sanct. Party List – Collected Key Words -1

FSYSTXT Name of File Description Syntax -1

FTULO Foreign Trade: Work Table for UPLOAD of Foreign Trade Data -1

FTUSE Foreign Trade: Control Table: User-dependent Settings -1

FVMK Marking File for Release of Std Cost Est in Company Code -1

GB01 Classes for Boolean Formulas -1

GB011 Rule Manager: 2D Structures in the Boolean Classes -1

GB01C Classes for Boolean Formulas for Customers -1

GB02 Valid Classes -1

GB02C Customer Message IDs for Validations -1

GB03 Validation/Substitution User -1

GB31 Validation/Substitution Callup Points -1

GB31C Boolean Rules: Form Pool Naming Range -1

GB90 Boolean Formula Header for Rules and Boolean Functions -1

GB901 Boolean Formula Data -1

GB903 Mapping of shortname and SETID of sets used in boolean expr. -1

GB92 Substitutions -1

GB921 Substitution Conditions -1

GB922 Substitution Constants -1

GB925 Usage of Substitutions -1

GB93 Validation -1

GB931 Validation Activities -1

GB935 Usage of Validations -1

GBC1 Configuration for the Boolean Rule Processor -1

GEOCD2CLS Mapping Table: Geo-Coder ID to ABAP OO Class -1

GEOCDRLFLD Address Fields Relevant for Geo-Coder -1

GEOCODERS Maintain Geo-Coder -1

GEOOBJ2CLS Mapping Table Object type (ObjR) -> Class name and Contai. -1

GEOT005 Table Containing Geocoordinates at Country Level -1

GEOT005S Table Containing Geocoordinates at Country- and Region Level -1

GLACCREFH G/L Account Master Record: Create with Reference -1

HLPRESOL KEN: Enhancement resolution table – Help processor -1

HRC1002 Customer Clipboard for Standard Infotype ‘Description’ -1

HRC1206 Customer Clipboard for Work Item Text for Standard Task -1

HRINTE30 Personnel Numbers to be Processed per Integration -1

HRMDORIGIN History of Original Systems for HR Objects -1

HRP1000 Infotype 1000 DB Table -1

HRP1001 Infotype 1001 DB Table -1
HRP1002 Infotype 1002 DB Table -1
HRP1003 Infotype 1003 DB Table -1
HRP1004 Infotype 1004 DB table -1

HRP1005 DB Table for Infotype 1005 (Planned Compensation) -1

HRP1006 Infotype 1006 DB table -1

HRP1007 Infotype 1007 DB Table -1

HRP1008 Infotype 1008 DB Table -1
HRP1009 Infotype 1009 DB table -1

HRP1010 Infotype 1010 DB table -1

HRP1011 Infotype 1011 DB Table -1

HRP1013 Infotype 1013 DB Table -1
HRP1014 Infotype 1014 DB Table -1
HRP1015 Infotype 1015 DB table -1

HRP1016 Infotype 1016 DB Table -1 15/216
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HRP1017 Infotype 1016 DB Table -1

HRP1018 DB Table for Infotype 1018 Cost Distribution -1

HRP1019 DB Table for Infotype 1019 Required Positions -1

HRP1020 Infotype 1020 DB table -1


HRP1023 Infotype 1023 DB table -1



HRP1026 Infotype 1026 DB table -1

HRP1027 Infotype 1027 DB table -1

HRP1028 Infotype 1028 DB Table -1

HRP1029 Infotype 1029 DB table -1

HRP1030 Infotype 1030 DB table -1

HRP1031 Infotype 1031 DB table -1

HRP1032 Infotype 1032 DB Table -1

HRP1033 DB table for infotype 1033 -1

HRP1034 Infotype 1034 DB table -1

HRP1035 Infotype 1035 DB Table -1

HRP1036 Infotype 1036 DB table -1

HRP1037 Infotype 1037 DB Table -1

HRP1038 Infotype 1038 DB table -1

HRP1039 Database Table for Infotype 1039 -1

HRP1040 Database Table for Infotype 1040 -1

HRP1041 DB Table for Infotype 1041 -1

HRP1042 Infotype 1042 DB Table -1

HRP1043 DB Table for Infotype 1043 -1

HRP1044 DB Table for Infotype 1044 -1

HRP1045 DB Table for Infotype 1045 -1

HRP1046 Database Table for Infotype 1046 -1

HRP1047 DB Table for Infotype 1047 -1

HRP1048 DB Table for Infotype 1048 -1

HRP1049 Database Tables for Infotype 1049 -1

HRP1050 DB Table for Infotype 1050 (Job Evaluation Results) -1

HRP1051 DB Table for Infotype 1051 (Survey Results) -1

HRP1060 DB Table for Infotype 1060 -1

HRP1062 DB Table for Infotype 1062 -1

HRP1063 DB Table for Infotype 1063 -1

HRP1070 DB table for infotype 1070 -1

HRP1201 Infotype 1201 DB Table -1

HRP1205 Infotype 1205 DB Table -1
HRP1206 Infotype 1206 DB Table -1
HRP1208 Infotype 1208 DB Table -1
HRP1209 Infotype 1209 DB Table -1
HRP1210 Infotype 1210 DB Table -1
HRP1211 Infotype 1211 DB Table -1
HRP1212 Infotype 1212 DB Table -1
HRP1213 Infotype 1213 DB Table -1
HRP1214 Infotype 1214 DB Table -1
HRP1215 Infotype 1215 DB Table -1
HRP1216 Infotype 1216 DB Table -1
HRP1217 Infotype 1217 DB Table -1
HRP1218 DB Table for Infotype 1218 -1 16/216
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HRP1220 DB Table for Infotype 1220 Activity Profile -1

HRP1221 DB Table for Infotype 1221 Excluded Activities -1

HRP1230 DB Table for Infotype 1230 -1

HRP1240 DB Table for Infotype 1240 -1

HRP1250 DB table for infotype 1250 -1

HRP1251 DB table for infotype 1251 -1

HRP1252 DB table for infotype 1252 -1

HRP1253 DB table for infotype 1253 -1

HRP1254 DB Table for Infotype 1254 -1

HRP1260 DB Table for Infotype 1260 -1

HRP1270 DB Table for Info Type 1270 -1

HRP1403 DB table for infotype 1403 -1

HRP1404 DB table for infotype 1404 -1

HRP1500 DB Table for Infotype 1500 -1

HRP1501 DB Table for Infotype 1501 -1

HRP1502 DB Table for Infotype 1502 -1

HRP1503 DB Table for Infotype 1503 -1

HRP1504 DB Table for Infotype 1504 -1

HRP1505 DB Table for Infotype 1505 -1

HRP1506 DB Table for Infotype 1506 -1

HRP1507 DB Table for Infotype 1507 -1

HRP1518 DB Table for Infotype 1518 -1

HRP1519 DB Table for Infotype 1519 -1

HRP1520 DB Table for Infotype 1520 -1

HRP1600 Database Table for Infotype 1600 -1

HRP1601 Database Table for Infotype 1601 -1

HRP5032 Database Table for Infotype 5032 -1

HRPAD21 Additional data PAD21 -1

HRPAD22 Additional data PAD22 -1

HRPAD23 Additional data PAD23 -1

HRPAD25 Additional data PAD25 -1

HRPAD27 Additional data PAD27 -1

HRPAD31 Additional data PAD31 -1

HRPAD34 Additional Data for Relationship ‘has attended’ -1

HRPAD44 PAD44 Additional Data -1

HRPAD47 PAD47 Additional Data -1

HRPAD48 Additional Data PAD48 -1

HRPAD50 Additional Data PAD50 -1

HRPAD51 Additional data PAD51 -1

HRPAD53 Additional Data PAD53 -1

HRPAD63 PAD63 Additional Data -1

HRPAD77 Additional data for PAD77 -1

HRPADD2 Additional Data PADD2 -1

HRPADD3 Additional Data PADD3 -1

HRPADNN General Additional Data Table -1

HRPADP1 Additional Data PADP1 -1

HRPADP2 Additional Data PADP2 -1

HRPADPM Additional Data PADPM -1

HRPADTI PADTI Additional Data -1

HRPADXN Additional Data PADXN -1

HRPMEXTEND HR-FPM: Update Flags -1

HRPMLOGO HR-FPM Logo -1 17/216
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HRPXXXX DB Table for Infotype XXXX -1

HRPY_CYCLE_DOCU Personnel Calculation Rules: User Comments -1

HRS1000 Standard Infotype 1000 (SAP) Object Existence -1

HRS1002 Standard Infotype 1002 Verbal Description -1

HRS1200 Standard Infotype 1200 (SAP) Role Assignment for Task -1

HRS1201 Standard Infotype 1201 (SAP) Object Method -1

HRS1202 Standard Infotype 1202 (SAP) Secondary Object Method -1

HRS1203 Standard Infotype 1203 (SAP) Executable Functions -1

HRS1205 Standard Infotype 1205 Workflow Definition -1

HRS1206 Standard Infotype 1206 (SAP) Work Item Text -1

HRS1210 Standard Infotype 1210 (SAP) Container Definition -1

HRS1211 Standard Infotype 1211 (SAP) Container Definition Texts -1

HRS1213 Standard Infotype 1213 (SAP) Binding Task – Role -1

HRS1214 Standard Infotype 1214 (SAP) Other Bindings for Task -1

HRS1216 Standard Infotype 1216 (SAP) Assigned Reference Function -1

HRS1220 Standard Infotype 1220 (SAP) Transaction Code -1

HRS1221 Standard Infotype 1221 (SAP) Set/Get Parameter for Transact. -1

HRSEL_COMBINE Relationship of Selection IDs -1

HRSEL_FUNCTIONS Selection Functions -1

HRSEL_FUNC_DATA General Data for Selecting by FM -1

HRSEL_GROUPIDS Possible Groupings -1

HRSEL_GROUPING Selection Grouping -1

HRSEL_IDS HR Selection IDs -1

HRSEL_IDS_TEXT Texts for HR Selection IDs -1

HRSEL_RANGES Selection Condition Ranges -1

HRSEL_ROOTOBJ Root Object Set for Structural Reporting -1

HRSEL_STRUCTURE Structural Reporting -1

HRSEL_TABFIELDS Table Name and Field Name of Selection -1

HRSOBJECT Index for Standard Objects -1

HRT1002 Table Part Infotype 1002 -1

HRT1016 Table Part Infotype 1016 -1

HRT1017 Table Part Infotype 1017 -1

HRT1018 Table Division Infotype 1018 Cost Distribution -1

HRT1019 Table Section Infotype 1019 Required Positions -1

HRT1035 Table Division Infotype 1035 -1

HRT1041 Table division infotype 1041 -1

HRT1042 Table Division Infotype 1042 -1

HRT1043 Table Section of Infotype 1043 -1

HRT1045 Infotype 1045 Table Section -1

HRT1047 Table Section of Infotype 1047 -1

HRT1048 Table Section of Infotype 1048 -1

HRT1049 Tables Part of Infotype 1049 -1

HRT1060 Table Division for Infotype 1060 -1

HRT1061 Table Division for Infotype 1061 -1

HRT1062 Table Section Infotype 1062 -1

HRT1210 Table Part Infotype 1210 -1

HRT1211 Table Part Infotype 1211 -1

HRT1212 Table Part Infotype 1212 -1

HRT1213 Table Part Infotype 1213 -1

HRT1214 Table Part Infotype 1214 -1

HRT1218 Table Part Infotype 1214 -1

HRT1220 Table Part Infotype 1220 Activity Profile -1 18/216
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HRT1221 Table Part Infotype 1221 Excluded Activities -1

HRT1222 Table Section Infotype 1222: General Attribute Maintenance -1

HRT1505 Table Section of Infotype 1505 (Budgeting Rules) -1

HRTYYYY Table Part Infotype YYYY -1

HRUS_D2 User Substituted by User -1

HUPAST_T Packing Station Profile -1

IAOM_ATTRIBUTES Attributes Definition -1

IAOM_BS_MAI Business Scenario Extensions Control Table -1

IAOM_BS_MASTER Business Scenario Control Table -1

IAOM_CSCENARIO Controlling Scenario -1

IAOM_CSCENARIOT Controlling Scenario: Name -1

IBBINDING IB: Relationship Table Between IBase Event and Method -1

IBSSI_RFCDEST RFC Destination for Calls PlugIn => IBS-SI System -1

ICRC00_XBLNR_RLS Balance Sheet Recon.: Rules for Determining Reference Number -1

IDCNTRY_CHECK Country specific checks -1

IDCNTRY_CHECK_V Country-specific check values -1

IDCN_BOMA Books for Prenumbered Documents -1

IDCN_BOMAT Books for Prenumbered Documents – Texts -1

IDCN_DOTY Country-Specific Document Classes -1

IDCN_DOTYT Country-Specific Document Classes – Texts -1

IDCN_LOMA Lots for Prenumbered Documents -1

IDCN_LOMAT Lots for Prenumbered Documents – Texts -1

IDCN_VOID Void Reasons -1

IDCN_VOIDT Void Reasons – Texts -1

IDES_SI Spain: Configuration of Own Invoice -1

IDFITYP Tax Type: Possible Entries -1

IDFITYPT Tax Type: Texts for Possible Entries -1

IDPT_A011 Revaluation Areas for Asset Reports -1

IDPT_A021 Revaluation Classes/Exceptions -1

IDPT_A031 Manual Entries for Form 32.1 -1

IDPT_A041 Currency Revaluation Coefficients -1

IDPT_A051 Valuation Types for Assets Being Retired -1

IDPT_A09 Checks for Asset Reports – Reference Table -1

IDPT_A099 Checks for Asset Reports -1

IDSDTXNUMVIS SD Document Screen Control for CPD Partner Tax Numbers -1

IDSL_GDDT Report Date for Deferred Tax (Slovakia) -1

IFLOALT Labeling Systems for Functional Locations -1

IFLOALT_T Labeling Systems for Functional Locations: Short Texts -1

IHC_PI_INB_ACCTS PI: Clearing Partner Details for Inbound IDOC -1

IHC_PI_INB_PARMS PI: Clearing Partner Posting Parameters -1

IHC_PI_INB_PRN PI: Clearing Partner for Inbound IDOC -1

IMA_APPLINTERVAL Selection Tool: Number Intervals for Applications -1

IMA_APPLKEYNO List Box Tool: Application Group/Context —> Number Listbox -1

IMA_SELOPT Specifies Assignment of Subscreen->Field -1

IMCSERVICE Service Name for Intermode communication -1

IMRCCUST System Settings for Measuring Points and Measurement Docs -1

INDEXA Index types -1

INDEXAT Security price type – Text table -1

INDEXD Index definition (security index) -1

INDEXDT Security price type – Text table -1

INDUSTYPE Type of Industry -1

IPCDEST IPC Parameters for Destinations -1 19/216
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ITOBCUST System Settings for Alternative Labeling of FunctLocations -1

IWB_ADMIN IWB: Administration Information -1

IWDOCFRMT Document Formats that are Supported in KEn -1

IWEXDEST KEn: Html Export Destinations -1

IWEXTEND Enhancement Information: Add-On and Customer -1

IWEXTENDT Enhancement Information – Text Table -1

IWFLDRGRP Folder groups -1

IWFLDRGRPT Folder groups -1

IWPROPVAL Valid Attribute Values (Classes or Area-Specific) -1

IWPROPVALT Valid Attribute Values (Classes or Area-Specific) -1

IWRELEASE KEN releases -1

JBD14 Yield Curve Types (Header Information) -1

JBD15 Yield Curve Types (Values) -1

JBD16CURR Replacement of currencies for yield curve types -1

JBD1T Yield Curve Types (Texts) -1

JBDT56P Reference interest rate table dependent on exact time -1

JBRBETA Beta factors -1

JBREVAL Risk Management evaluation type – definition -1

JBREVALT Risk Management evaluation type – texts -1

J_1A030IF Account Determination for Inflation Revaluation Postings -1

J_1AAA2 Revaluation Key -1

J_1AAA2M Methods fore period control of transactions -1

J_1AAA2MT Period control methods description -1

J_1AAA2T Inflation Adjustment AA – Revaluation Key Text -1

J_1AAA5A Transaction Types exluded from RV-adjustment -1

J_1AACT Activity code for social security withholding -1

J_1AACTT Texts for activity codes for social security withholding -1

J_1AAFORMP Assignment of document Form to movement reason AA waybills -1

J_1AAT089 Revaluation area assignment -1

J_1ACHRDET Determination of capital letter -1

J_1ACI_LIMIT Limits for Credit invoice -1

J_1ACI_MSG_RATES Assignment of output messages to Installment rate -1

J_1ADISDOC Configuration of automatic generation of discount documents -1

J_1ADOCCL2 Texts for official document class in Argentina -1

J_1ADOCCLS Official document class for Argentina -1

J_1ADRVER Versions of VAT daily report -1

J_1ADRVERT Texts for versions of VAT daily report -1

J_1ADTYP Distribution Types for Gross Income Tax -1

J_1ADTYPT Texts for distribution types for Gross Income Tax -1

J_1AFITP Tax Types -1

J_1AFITPV Tax Type: Possible Entries -1

J_1AFITPVT Tax Type: Texts for Possible Entries -1

J_1AFRID Tax Code for Foreign Nationals -1

J_1AGICD Activity codes for gross income tax declaration -1

J_1AGICDU Text table for Gross Income Tax activity codes -1

J_1AGILTS Gross Income Tax Layouts -1

J_1AGIPER Gross income tax percentages -1

J_1AINFMET Inflation Methods -1

J_1AINFMTX Inflation Methods: Description -1

J_1AINFSKS Inflation Keys – G/L Account -1

J_1AINFSKT Text Table: Inflation Keys – G/L Account -1

J_1AINFT04 Time base definition -1 20/216
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J_1AINFT05 Name table for table J_1AINFT04 -1

J_1AINFT06 Time base and exposure to inflation values -1

J_1AINFT12 Posting variant definition -1

J_1AINFT13 Name table for table j_1ainft12 -1

J_1AINFT14 Valid posting dates -1

J_1AINFT20 Inflation: Index Definition -1

J_1AINFT21 Text for Table J_1INFT01 -1

J_1AINFT22 Index Versions -1

J_1AINFT23 Inflation: Index Versions (Reference Table) -1

J_1AINFT24 Index Values -1

J_1AINFT25 Composite Indexes -1

J_1AMACOF Gross Income Tax coefficients -1

J_1AMINFCL Material Inflation Class -1

J_1AMINFCT Material inflation class texts -1

J_1ANUGR1T Texts for numbering group for official documents -1

J_1ANUMGR1 Numbering group for official documents -1

J_1AOFNR1 Number determination for official documents -1

J_1AOFTP Official document type -1

J_1AOFTPT Texts for official document types -1

J_1AOTDET Determination of off. document type in Argentina -1

J_1APACD Printing Authorization Code -1

J_1APACK1 Printing Authorization Code for Vendors -1

J_1APRTCH2 Capital letters – texts -1

J_1APRTCHR Printing characters for Argentina -1

J_1ARFZ Definition of reasons for zero VAT -1

J_1ARFZT Texts for reasons for zero VAT -1

J_1ARZTX Reason for zero VAT per tax code -1

J_1ASNRDT1 Branch Determination for Deliveries -1

J_1ASNRDT2 Branch determination for material movements -1

J_1ASNRT Texts for subsidiary numbers -1

J_1AT001TC Tax Category Data per Company Code -1

J_1ATAXID Tax Class -1

J_1ATIDSW Correspondence for types of ID for Selfwithholding reportc -1

J_1ATODC Type of identification -1

J_1ATODCT Texts for types of identification -1

J_1ATPKOF Assignment of official code to processing key -1

J_1ATXMIN Minimum amount per tax processing key -1

J_1ATXOFF Official Codes per tax -1

J_1ATXREL Tax relevant classification -1

J_1ATXRELT Texts for tax relevant classification -1

J_1AZFSCHL Allocation Key: Branch – Company Code -1

J_1AZFSCHT Text Table: Allocation Key: Branch – Company Code -1

J_1BAA Nota Fiscal type -1

J_1BAAT Nota Fiscal type text -1

J_1BAB Reference type -1

J_1BABT Reference type text -1

J_1BAC Partner type -1

J_1BAD Partner function ID -1

J_1BADT Partner function description -1

J_1BAE Field groups -1

J_1BAET Field groups description -1

J_1BAG CFOP -1 21/216
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J_1BAGT CFOP description -1

J_1BAJ Tax types -1

J_1BAJT Tax types – Description -1

J_1BAK Field assignment -1

J_1BAL Screen control group assignment -1

J_1BAM Screen control groups -1

J_1BAMT Screen control groups description -1

J_1BAN Status control -1

J_1BAO CFOP determination for incoming movements and their return -1

J_1BAOX CFOP det. for incoming mov. and their return (exceptions) -1

J_1BAP CFOP determination for outgoing movements and their return -1

J_1BAPX CFOP det. for outgoing mov. and their return (exceptions) -1

J_1BAQ Form -1

J_1BAQT Form description -1

J_1BAR Sub-object for number Nota Fiscal -1

J_1BART Sub-object for number Nota Fiscal Description -1

J_1BAS Tax situation IPI -1

J_1BAST Tax situation IPI – Description -1

J_1BATL1 Tax Law ICMS -1

J_1BATL1T Tax Law ICMS – Texts -1

J_1BATL2 Tax Law IPI -1

J_1BATL2T Tax Law IPI – Texts -1

J_1BB2 Nota Fiscal print configuration -1

J_1BBRANCH Business Place -1

J_1BCFOP_XREG Regions with CFOP extension -1

J_1BCONDMAP Internal Codes for Tax Condition -1

J_1BCONDMAPT Descriptions of Internal Codes for Tax Conditions -1

J_1BCONDTAXACT Activate Condition-Based Tax Calculation -1

J_1BIM01 MM-IM: Tax posting strings for inventory management -1

J_1BITEMTYPEST Nota Fiscal Record Types: Texts -1

J_1BIV04 Goods Receipts Passed to Notas Fiscais via Inv. Verification -1

J_1BIV05 BUZID with special handling for NF -1

J_1BLB08 Registro de Apuração do IPI: List control additional accts -1

J_1BLB09 Registro de Apuração do ICMS: List control additional acct -1

J_1BMMKON0 MM: Value transfer from pricing to Nota Fiscal -1

J_1BMMNFA Relatn. symb. arg. – arg.field (creation of NF header texts) -1

J_1BMMNFAT Symbolic arg. texts (creation of NF header texts) -1

J_1BMMNFTT MM: Allowed automatic texts -1

J_1BMMNFTU MM: Allowed automatic text key description -1

J_1BMMNFX MM: Argument used in automatic creation of NF header texts -1

J_1BMMNFXT MM:Text used in automatic creation of NF header texts? -1

J_1BNFTXCOND Tax Condition Interface for Notas Fiscais -1

J_1BSDIC NF relevant Item Categories -1

J_1BSDICA Sales Document Item Category table -1

J_1BSDKON0 SD: Value transfer from pricing to Nota Fiscal -1

J_1BSDNFA Relatn. symb. arg. – arg.field (creation of NF header texts) -1

J_1BSDNFAT Symbolic arg. texts (creation of NF header texts) -1

J_1BSDNFX Argument used in automatic creation of NF header texts -1

J_1BSDNFXT Text used in automatic creation of NF header texts -1

J_1BSDTL1 Tax Law ICMS -1

J_1BSDTL2 Tax Law IPI -1

J_1BSTAST Reg. Tax code for Sub.Trib. -1 22/216
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J_1BTREGC Tax regions for foreign countries -1

J_1BTREGX Tax region -1

J_1BTREGXT Tax region description -1

J_1BTXCI1 Tax calc.: Complement of ICMS rules -1

J_1BTXCOND Map Internal Tax Condition Codes to Condition Types -1

J_1BTXDEF Tax calc.: Default rates -1

J_1BTXGRUOP Dynamic Determination of Tax-Related Master Data -1

J_1BTXIC1 Tax calc.: ICMS general rules -1

J_1BTXIC2 Tax calc.: ICMS rules -1

J_1BTXIC3 Grouped ICMS -1

J_1BTXIP1 Tax calc.: IPI rules -1

J_1BTXIP2 Tax calc.: IPI rules (material dependent) -1

J_1BTXIP3 Grouped IPI -1

J_1BTXIS1 Tax calc.: ISS rules for sales -1

J_1BTXIS3 Grouped ISS -1

J_1BTXSDC SD tax codes -1

J_1BTXSDCT SD tax codes – description -1

J_1BTXST1 Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. rules -1

J_1BTXST2 Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. rules (general) -1

J_1BTXST3 Dynamic Calculation of Substituição Tributária -1

J_1BTXSTG Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. customer group -1

J_1BTXSTGT Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. customer group – Description -1

J_1BVIEWMAP Assign Tax Rate Tables to Condition Tables -1

J_1B_ERROR Definition of error code per bank and return code -1

J_1B_ERTXT Defintion of error code per bank and return code -1

J_1HWTCTNCO4 Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 4 -1



KCDBN Data transfer: package of sender structures -1

KCDBNS Data transfer: package – sender structures -1

KCDBNT Data transfer: sender structure package – texts -1

KCDEDATAR Flexible Excel Upload: Data Area -1

KCDEFILE Flexible Excel Upload: File Name – File_id -1

KCDEHEAD Flexible Excel Upload: Header -1

KCDEKEY Flexible Excel Upload: Keys -1

KCDER_H Flexible Excle Upload: Assignment Header -> Data Area -1

KCDMSF Data transfer: rename sender fields for generated rule -1

KCDRA Data Transfer Rules: Attributes of Receiver Fields -1

KCDRF Data Transfer Rules: Formulas -1

KCDRM Data Transfer Rules: Offsets and Lengths of Sender Fields -1

KCDRS Data Transfer Rules: Selection Criteria of Sender Fields -1

KCDRUL Data Transfer: Texts for General Rules -1

KCDVAR Data transfer: variables -1

KCDVART Data Transfer: Texts for Variables -1

KCD_TYVPES External Data Transfer:Types, Template Programs, Sender Str. -1

KCD_TYVPES_ADM Ext. Data Transfer: Creation Date of Entries in KCD_TYVPES -1

KCSL SAP-EIS: Data slices -1

KCSLA SAP-EIS: assigning data slices to tables -1

KCSLT SAP-EIS: data slice meaning -1

KCSLU SAP-EIS: assigning data slices to users -1

KKBMM Characteristic Assignment for Selection Screens for Ord. Sel -1

KKBSB Selection Screens for Order Selection -1 23/216
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KKBSBT Text Table for Selection Screens -1

KLFB Assignment: Class to template -1

KONP Conditions (Item) -1

KONR1 Resource Prices: Help Table for Variable Fields -1

KONX1 Overhead Rates: Help Table for Variable Fields -1

KPEP_WL_ROLES Assignment of Role to Object Type -1

KPPT CO planning: planning area entity table -1

KPPTT CO Planning: Text table for entity table. planning areas -1

LCABN Characteristic -1

LCABNT Characteristic descriptions -1

LCINIT Control Table for liveCache Initialization (Application) -1



LDAPUSER LDAP System User -1

LDERA Local date: Local era -1

LDSPT Local date: Separator -1

LECI_CHK_PT Checkpoint -1

LECI_CHK_PTT Checkpoint: Text Table -1

LESHPMD Indicator for active, general repairs/LE-SHP -1

LISSERVICE LIS: Access Control List of LIS Services -1

MAFU Foreign Trade: Additional Information for Material/Code No. -1

MARV Material Control Record -1

MASSTAB Tables for an Object -1

MATGRP_CUST_VK Control Parameter for Article Hierarchy Distribution Chain -1

MAZO Foreign Trade: Customs Law Description -1

MCPPCUST Performance Customizing: PPIS -1

MCSCMFIELDS Definition of field processing category in LIS Copy Mgmt -1

MCSHIERB Tree for general hierarchy -1

MCSHIERBT Texts for general hierarchy tree -1

MCSHIERK Header of general hierarchy -1

MCSMET Methods for Reassignment of Statistical Data -1

MCSMETT Texts for Methods to Transform LIS Statistical Data -1

MCWSVF Selection Variant f. Reading IS Dynamically: Field Line Data -1

MCWSVK Selection Variant f. Reading IS Dynamically: Header Data -1

MDDMAP Mapping Table for External User for MRP Evaluations -1

MDDMAPT Mapping Table for External User/Vendor with Default Setting -1

MDIP Material: MRP Profiles (Field Contents) -1

MDLG Customizing: MRP Area Storage Location -1

MDLL Customizing: MRP Area Subcontractor -1

MDLV Customizing MRP Area -1

MDLW Customizing: MRP Area Plants -1

MDUCMV Market Data: Code Conversion for Index Type -1

MDUCR Mkt Data: Assign New Key for Curr. Symbols -1

MDUCV Mkt Data: Assign New Key for Curr.Type -1

MDUHR Market Data: Assign New Keys for Stock Exchanges -1

MDUIR Market Data: Assign New Key for Index Name -1

MDUIV Mkt Data:Ass.New Key for Index Type -1

MDURR Mkt Data: Assign New Key for Ref. Interest Rate Name -1

MDUVV Mkt Data: Assign New Key for Volatil. Type -1

MDUWR Market Data: Assign New Key for Securities/Key 1 -1

MDUWV Mkt Data: Assign New Key for Sec. Price Type -1

MIGO_CUST_ACTION MIGO: Control of Listbox Transaction -1 24/216
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MIGO_CUST_FIELDS MIGO: Field Selection per Movement Type -1

MIGO_CUST_REFDOC MIGO: Control of Listbox Reference Document -1

MIGO_CUST_TCODE MIGO: Transactions -1

MMIM_REP_CUST Customizing f. Inventory Mgmt Reporting -1

MMIM_REP_PRINT Print Settings, Reporting MM-IM -1

MMPREF_PRO_01 Logging table for archiving object MMPREF -1

MMPREF_PRO_01_B Log table – Preference – Information from rules -1

MMPREF_PRO_02 Log table – Main component – Information -1

MMPREF_PRO_03 Log table – Component – Information -1

MMPREK_PRO_01 Log table for archiving object MMPREK -1

MMPREK_PRO_01_B Log table – Preference – Info from rule -1

MMPREK_PRO_02 Log table – Main component – Information -1

MMPREK_PRO_03 Log table – Component – Information -1

MPRP Forecast Profiles -1

MWCURM Customizing: MM Configuration -1

NACH Detailed output data -1

NOTE_LANGUAGES Languages in which Notes may be Maintained -1

OBJS Object: Object List -1

OBJSUBREP For transact. 0REP: Program to be started (comp. SREPOVARI) -1

OFNUM_TW_1 Determination for Invoicing (Taiwan) -1

OFNUM_TW_2 Official Numbering by Business Places-enabled ranges(TW) -1

OICQC Quotation Check Table -1

OICQCT Quotation description table -1

OICQP Quotation Price Information Table -1

OICQS Quotation Source -1

OICQST Quotation Source Description -1

OICQT Quotation Type -1

OICQTT Quotation Type Description -1

OPSYSTEM Operating Systems of Application and Presentation Servers -1

OPTEXT Operating System Names -1

ORGCRACT Organizational criteria activation -1

ORGCRATT Organization criteria attribute -1

ORGCRATT_T Organization criteria -1

ORGCRFLD Organization criteria attribute -1

ORGCRIT Organization criteria -1

ORGCRIT_T Organization criteria -1

OTBPARAM Parameters for OTB Control -1

P01Y15 PAISY: Administration Table Subrecord Type 15 -1

P08P1CLD CLASS Interface Clear-down Parameter File -1


P08P1CNT CLASS CPX INTERFACE Snapshot Control Table -1

P08P_USSC USS Interface Control Table (Contributions & Salary Changes) -1

PA0314 I0314: Days for Vacation Bonus and Sal. Deducs (DK/N) -1

PA0366 Provident Fund THAILAND -1

PARAMVALUE Runtime Variables for Platform-Independent File Names -1

PAT06 Component-Specific Patches -1

PATH Definition of Physical File Paths for Each Syntax -1

PATHTEXT Logical File Path Names -1

PLM_PS_TRANSFUNC Function Modules for Generic Transaction Call -1

PLOG Planning and Organization File -1

PLPR Log collector for task lists -1

PPFTAPPL PPF: Application in Customizing -1 25/216
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PPFTAPPLT PPF: Text Table for Application -1

PPFTCONDE PPF: Context in Customizing -1

PPFTCONDET PPF: Text Table for Context -1

PPFTSFFXCU PPF: Medium Smart Forms Fax (Customizing) -1

PPFTSFFXTE PPF: Medium Smart Forms Fax (Template) -1

PPFTSFMLCU PPF: Medium Smart Forms Mail (Customizing) -1

PPFTSFMLTE PPF: Medium Smart Forms Mail (Template) -1

PPFTSFPRCU PPF: Medium Smart Forms Print (Customizing) -1

PPFTSFPRTE PPF: Medium Smart Forms Print (Template) -1

PPFTTTCU PPF: Trigger Type in Customizing -1

PPFTTTCUT PPF: Trigger Type in Customizing -1

PPFTTTME PPF: Allocation of Media for Trigger Type in Customizing -1

PPFTVIEWCL PPF: Allocation Model Classes – View Classes -1

PRDKZ SLED Period Indicator -1

PRDKZT Language-dependent texts for SLED period indicator -1

PRICAT_001 PRICAT inbound: Assignment of ILN – Vendor – Purch. group -1

PRICAT_002 PRICAT inbound: Assignment of ILN mat. group – SAP mat. grp -1

PRICAT_003 PRICAT inbound: Assignment of SAP mat. group – purch. group -1

PRICAT_C001 PRICAT: Indicator for Supply of Data to Catalog -1

PRICAT_C003I PRICAT: Items Per Screen Group at Inbound -1

PRICAT_C003O PRICAT: Items Per Screen Group at Outbound -1

PRICAT_C004 PRICAT: Screen Group -1

PRICAT_C004T PRICAT: Name of the Screen Groups -1

PRICAT_C006 PRICAT: View in Maintenance Screen for Outbound -1

PRICAT_CWEB PRICAT on the Internet: Customizing -1

PRICAT_FIELD PRICAT: Fields of the Price Catalog -1

PRICAT_PRO PRICAT outbound: Requirements profile (Customizing) -1

PRICAT_PRO_T PRICAT outbound: Requirements profile (Customizing) texts -1

PRICAT_UNITS PRICAT outbound: Transferable units of measure (Customizing) -1

PRISBCPARA PRICAT: SBC Parameters for PRICAT Customers -1

PRV_LOG_CP Table Loggin: Code Pages and Migration Time -1

PSOLL Shift Planning: Target Plan -1

PTBLPTPCLCOUNTRY TMW Business Logic Processor: Impelementation Type Classes -1

PTEXTLOG Text log parameters (customizing) -1

QDBM Valuation mode -1

QDBMT Valuation Mode: Texts -1

QDDR Dynamic modification rule (header) -1

QDDRT Dynamic modification rule: texts -1

QDEB Allwd. Relationships: Sampling Procedures/Dynamic Mod. Rules -1

QDEP Allowed inspection severities -1

QDEPT Allowed Inspection Severities: Texts -1

QDFB Function modules for the individual procedure categories -1

QDFBT Function Modules for Procedure: Texts -1

QDFM Function modules for valuation mode -1

QDFMT Function Modules for Valuation Mode: Texts -1

QDPA Sampling scheme-instructions -1

QDPK Sampling scheme header -1

QDPKT Sampling scheme: texts -1

QDPP Sampling scheme item -1

QDPS Inspection stages for a dynamic modification rule -1

QDSA Sampling type -1

QDSAT Sampling Type: Texts -1 26/216
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QDSV Sampling procedure -1

QDSVT Sampling Procedure: Texts -1

QIMTH Evaluation methods QM STI interface -1

QIMTHT Texts for evaluation methods: QM STI interface -1

QISRPCRTYPE_SCEN Document Types with Scenario for Posting Correction Request -1

QISRPCR_TRANSACT Transactions for Adjustment Postings: Adj. Posting Request -1

QISRSCENARIO Basic Scenario Data -1


QISRSCENARIOTSKT Scenario Tasks – Texts -1

QISRSCENARIOXMPO Scenario of Extensions to Basic Data -1

QISR_PRICELIST Preisliste für ISR Szenarien -1

QISTP Evaluation steps -1

QISTPT Texts for evaluation steps -1

QISUB Subsytems for recording measured value data in QM -1

QISUBT Text table subsystems for recording measured val. data in QM -1

QPAC Inspection catalog codes for selected sets -1

QPAM Inspection catalog selected sets -1

QPCD Inspection catalog codes -1

QPCT Code texts -1

QPGR Inspection catalog code groups -1

QPGT Code group texts -1

QPRVK Sample-drawing procedure -1

QPRVP Sample-drawing items -1

QPSH Control chart types -1

QPSHT Texts for control chart types -1

QPSP SPC criterion -1

QPSPT Texts for SPC criteria -1

QPST Control chart track -1

QPSTT Texts for control chart tracks -1

QSTRLST List Configuration for Reporting Extended Withholding Tax -1

QSTRVAR Reporting Variants RFWTINT10 -1

QSTRVART Report Variants RFWTINT10 Texts -1

RCDEF Reconciliation: definition of movement type groups -1

RCDEFT Reconciliation: definition of movement type groups -1

RDTX Short text describing the rounding profile -1

REBR Batch Record: Overall Profile -1

REBR1 Batch Record: Layout Profile -1

REBR1T Batch Record: Layout Profile -1

REBR2 Batch Record: Layout Profile -1

REBR3 Batch Record: Profile for Deviation Analysis -1

REBR3T Batch Record: Profile for Deviation Analysis Text -1

REBR4 EBR: Inspection Scope of Insp. Lot in Deviation Analysis -1

REBR5 Batch Record: Cover Page -1

REBR5T Batch Record: Cover Page Description -1

RF07 Withholding tax in Italy : Modello 770 – additional data -1

RFCATTRIB Administration table for RFC destinations -1

RFCCHECK Table for asynchronous RFC administration -1

RFCDES Destination table for Remote Function Call -1

RFCDESSECU SNC extensions for RFC destinations -1

RFCDOC Description of Possible RFC Connections (->RFCDES) -1

RFVIAUSZUG Test Data for RE Multicash Statement Data -1

RFVIBK01A Bank Procedure Test Data – A-Record -1 27/216
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RFVIBK01C Bank Procedure Test Data – C-Record -1

RFVIBK01V Bank Procedure Test Data – C-Record – File Extension -1

RFVIUMSATZ Test Data for RE Multicash Sales Data -1

RGOFFICE Regional Tax Office -1

RGOFFICET Name of Regional Tax Office -1

RLIB_OBJS Reuse Library: Objects -1

RODELTAM BW Delta Process -1

ROVERCUSTA Attributes for Customers in Verification Scenario -1

RPM_TIMCV Working Time Unit Conversion -1

RPM_VALTYP_C RPM Value Type Customizing -1

RPM_VALTYP_DET xRPM Value Type Assignment -1

RSAUPROF Audit: Audit configuration parameters (audit profile) -1

RSD98 -1

SCAPPTTYPE Appointment type -1

SCAPTTXT Appointment type name -1

SCDTSYNC Synchronization Settings -1

SCMATREE Table: Tree Structure and Entries for Task List -1

SCMSCACHE Cache Properties -1

SCMSCACHT KPRO CMS: Cache Descriptions -1

SCMSCSPL Proxy for Content Server – Additional Locations -1

SCMSCSPX Proxy for Content Server Accesses -1

SCMSHOST Attributes of Hosts -1

SCMSHOSTT KPRO CMS Descriptoin of Hosts -1

SCMSIPNET Location for Subnets -1

SCMSIPNTT Description of IP Subnets -1

SCMSLOPA Location Paths for Multistep Caching -1

SCMS_SERCA Monitored Cache Servers -1

SCMS_SERCS Monitored Content Servers -1

SCMS_SERPX Monitored Aliases -1

SCPRIO Priorities -1

SCPRIOT Priorites with Description -1

SCPRPFIX BC Set: Allowed prefixes in BC Set name SAP namespace -1

SCPRSTAM BC Set: Master data exception table -1

SDOKDISTR Distribution of Categories -1

SDOKDOCSP SDOK: Document Management Areas (System Setting) -1

SDOKDOCSPC SDOK: Document Management Areas (Web Server) -1

SDOKDOCSPH SDOK: Document Management Areas -1

SDOKDOCSPT SDOK: Descriptions for document administration areas -1

SDOKIDXSP SDOK: Header Table Index Space -1

SDOKIDXSPW SDOK: Index Space: Indexing Flag -1

SDOKLOC SDOK: Locations as Distribution Criterion -1

SDOKLOCL_C SDOK: Local entries for logical info object classes -1

SDOKLOCT SDOK: Location Descriptions -1

SDOKPHCL_C SDOK: Local Definitions for Classes of Physical Info Objects -1

SDOKPROF SDOK: Profiles -1

SDOKSTCA SDOK: Physical information object memory categories -1

SDOKSTCAT SDOK: Descriptions of memory categories -1

SDOKSTCDSP SDOK: Document Management Areas for Storage Categories -1

SECCODE Section Code -1

SECCODET Name of Section Code -1

SEGEXTCONV IDoc Basis Conversion of External Segment IDs 3.0-4.0 -1

SEND_REC_REL Screen Variants for Manual Actual Postings in CO -1 28/216
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SEND_REC_RELT Text for Screen Variants for Manual Actual Postings in CO -1

SEND_REC_REL_DEF Definition of Screen Variants for Manual Actual Postings -1

SETCLS_CD Change document indicator per set class -1

SETDTEL Sets: Representative data elements -1

SGOSATTR SGOS: Attribute of Generic Services -1

SHDFV Transaction variants: Field contents -1

SHDGV Global values -1

SHDTT Transaction variants: Texts -1

SHDTV Transaction variants -1






SKA1 G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts) -1

SKAS G/L account master (chart of accounts: key word list) -1

SKAT G/L Account Master Record (Chart of Accounts: Description) -1

SKB1 G/L account master (company code) -1



SMANWFVARVAL Schedule Manager: Values for Schedule Manager Variable -1

SMGT Milestone group description -1

SMLG Standard milestone group -1

SNCSYSACL SNC Access Control List (ACL): Systems -1

SNUM BOM explosion number -1

SPFLI Flight schedule -1

SPH_ATIC SAPphone: Address data areas for incoming caller search -1

SPH_ATICT SAPphone: Address data areas – Text table for SPH_ATIC -1

SPH_SERVER SAPphone: Telephony server settings -1

SPH_SERVT SAPphone: Telephony server – Text table for SPH_SERVER -1

SSFARGS Application-Dependent Parameters for SSF Functions (SSFG) -1

SSF_PSE_H SSF: Personel Security Environment -1

STACUST Customizing for IDoc status (status groups, archive, procg) -1

STALIGHT Traffic Light Assignment to Status Groups for IDoc Display -1

START_GUID Set Values for the Session Manager / Profile Generator -1

SWEQADM Administration Data for Event Queue -1

SWEQENABLE Administration Data for Event Queue -1

SWEQJOB Event Queue: Administration Data for Background Jobs -1

SWETYPECOU Type Linkage Events – Receiver -1

SWETYPEENA Type Linkage Events – Receiver: Activation Table -1

SWE_CD_TST Test of Event Triggering via Change Documents -1

SWLFBASHOW Display of WIM log entries in workflow log -1

SWL_CTITLE WLC: Column title for task-specific inbox -1

SWL_CUSTOM WLC: Task-specific columns in inbox -1

SWL_SYSTEM WLC: System-specific parameters -1

SWP_ADMIN Customizing Workflow Runtime System -1

SWRWEBSERV Customizing Web Server -1

SXADDRTYPE SAPconnect: Address types -1

SXADMINTAB SAPconnect and SAPphone: Administration -1

SXCONVERT SAPconnect: Conversion functions -1

SXNODES SAPconnect: Communication nodes -1

SXPGCOSTAB Definition of logical OS commands(customer table) -1 29/216
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SXPGCOTABE Definition of logical operating system commands(SAP table) -1

SXPGHISTOR History of Logical Commands -1

SXTELMOIN SAPconnect: Telephone number modification (incoming) -1

SYS_MENU Start Area Menu for SAP Initial Navigation -1

T000 Clients -1

T000C Table for Installing FI-SL Customizing -1

T000CM Client-specific FI-AR-CR settings -1

T000F Cross-Client FI Settings -1

T000GL Flexible general ledger: Customizing check and activation -1

T000K Group -1

T000MD MRP at MRP Area Level -1

T001 Company Codes -1

T001A Additional Local Currencies Control for Company Code -1

T001B Permitted Posting Periods -1

T001C Valid Posting Periods for Global Companies -1

T001CM Permitted Credit Control Areas per Company Code -1

T001D Validation of Accounting Documents -1

T001E Company Code-Dependent Address Data -1

T001F Company code-dependent form selection -1

T001G Company Code-Dependent Standard Texts -1

T001I Company Code – Parameter Types -1

T001J Company Code – Parameter Type Names -1

T001K Valuation area -1

T001L Storage Locations -1

T001M Data on Z5A Foreign Trade Regulations Report, Germany -1

T001N Company Code – EC Tax Numbers / Notifications -1

T001O Cross-System Company Codes -1

T001P Personnel Area/Subarea -1

T001Q Substitution in Accounting Documents -1

T001R Rounding Rules for Company Code and Currency -1

T001RWT Rounding rules for company code, type and curr. -1

T001S Accounting Clerks -1

T001T Company code-dependent texts -1

T001U Clearing Between Company Codes -1

T001W Plants/Branches -1

T001WT Company code-specific information per withholding tax type -1

T001X Configuration of External Receiving Comp.Codes -1

T001Y Valuation Levels for LIFO Inventory Valuation -1

T001Z Additional Specifications for Company Code -1

T001_ARCH Archive contents short description -1

T001_CONV Company codes affected by currency conversions -1

T002 Language keys -1

T002C Customizing data for T002 -1

T002T Language Key Texts -1

T003 Document Types -1

T003A Document Types for Posting with Clearing -1

T003B Object Types for Early Entry in Financial Acctng -1

T003D Document Types for Enjoy Transactions -1

T003L Transaction Type for Material Ledger -1

T003M Transaction/Event Types for SAPMM07M/SAPMM07I -1

T003N Number Ranges for Order Types -1

T003O Order Types -1 30/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T003P Order Type Descriptions -1

T003R Number Ranges RE_BELEG (Logistics Invoice Verification) -1

T003S Document Types for Storing Documents (Log. IV) -1

T003T Document Type Texts -1

T003_I Document types -1

T004 Directory of Charts of Accounts -1

T004F Field status definition groups -1

T004G Field Status Definition Group Texts -1

T004M Rules for Sample Accounts -1

T004R Rules index for sample accounts -1

T004S Texts for sample account rules -1

T004T Chart of Account Names -1

T004V Field Status Variant -1

T004W Text Table for T004V -1

T005 Countries -1

T005E County -1

T005G City -1

T005H City: Texts -1

T005I Communication: Country dialling code exceptions (Telex) -1

T005J Communication: country dialling code exceptions (Telephone) -1

T005K Communication: country dialling code -1

T005N Name formats -1

T005O Name format fields -1

T005P Validation of tax keys -1

T005Q Country Keys for Withholding Tax Calculation -1

T005R Country Keys for the Withholding Tax: Names -1

T005S Taxes: Region (Province) Key -1

T005T Country Names -1

T005U Taxes: Region Key: Texts -1

T005Z Variant Reporting Country Codes -1

T005ZR Assignment Rules for Variant Country Codes -1

T005ZT Description of Reporting Country Codes -1

T006 Units of Measurement -1

T006A Assign Internal to Language-Dependent Unit -1

T006D Dimensions -1

T006I ISO codes for units of measurement -1

T006J ISO Codes for Unit of Measure Texts -1

T006M Units of Measure Groups -1

T006T Dimension Texts -1

T007A Tax Keys -1

T007AC Tax Code Selection for Transactions -1

T007B Tax Processing in Accounting -1

T007C Groupings for tax codes -1

T007D Texts for Tax Groups -1

T007F Taxes on Sales/Purchases Groups -1

T007G Table no Longer Used -> T007K/L -1

T007H Table no Longer Used -> T007K/L -1

T007I Tax Advance Return, Tax Group and Calendar Year Group Nos -1

T007J Tax Advance Payment per Taxes on Sls/Pur.Grp and Cal.Yr -1

T007K Table for Grouping Tax Basis Balances -1

T007L Table for Grouping Tax Balances -1

T007R External Group Number for Tax Amounts -1 31/216
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T007S Tax Code Names -1

T007V Tax Codes to be Transported -1

T007X Text for Grouping Tax Amounts -1

T007_IT Retail Value-Added Tax Settings -1

T008 Blocking Reasons for Automatic Payment Transcations -1

T008T Blocking Reason Names in Automatic Payment Trans. -1

T009 Fiscal year variants -1

T009B Fiscal year variant periods -1

T009C Period names -1

T009T Fiscal year variant names -1

T009Y Shortened fiscal years in Asset Accounting -1

T010O Posting Period Variants -1

T010P Posting Period Variant Names -1

T011 Financial Statement Versions -1

T011A Calendar – task description -1

T011B FI financial calendar – job text table -1

T011E Calendar of person responsible for unit -1

T011F FI fin.calendar – person responsible for unit text table -1

T011P Table no longer in use -1

T011Q Table no longer in use -1

T011T Financial statement version names -1

T011V FI financial calendar task-schedule link -1

T011Z Table no longer in use -1

T012 House Banks -1

T012A Allocation pmnt methods -> Bank trans. -1

T012B Description of trans. types -1

T012C Terms for bank transactions -1

T012D Parameters for DMEs and foreign pmnt transactions -1

T012E EDI-compatible house banks and payment methods -1

T012K House Bank Accounts -1

T012T House Bank Account Names -1

T014 Credit control areas -1

T014T Credit control area names -1

T015L SCB Ratios -1

T015M Names of the months -1

T015V Application Area for Instructions in Payment Transactions -1

T015VT Long text for application areas -1

T015W Instruction keys -1

T015W0 Allocate application areas to instruction fields -1

T015W1 Instructions -1

T015W1T Instructions (explanatory text) -1

T015WT Explanation of Instruction Key -1

T015X External Reporting: Message Recipients -1

T015XT External Reporting: Description of Message Recipients -1

T015Z Digits and numbers in words -1

T016 Industries -1

T016T Industry Names -1

T018C Cash Concentration: Intermediate Acct and Amt Stipulations -1

T018D Forms for Cash Management and Forecast -1

T018P Post office bank branches -1

T018V Acct Transfer: Determine Receiving Bank’s Clearing Account -1

T018Z Acct Transfer: Payment Method Determination for Pmt Requests -1 32/216
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T019 Financial Accounting Screen Selection -1

T019W Financial Accounting Window Selection -1

T020 FI/AM Transaction Control -1

T020A Acc: Single-Screen Transactions: Existing Tabs Per Transacn -1

T020R Program Selection for Program Transactions -1

T021 Fields for Line Item and Document Line Layout -1

T021A Forms for Additional Information -1

T021B Line Item Total Variants -1

T021C Summary Variant Short Names -1

T021D Line Layout Fast Entry: Administration -1

T021F Line Layout Fast Entry: Variants -1

T021G Line Layout Fast Entry: Description of Variants -1

T021H Line Layout Fast Entry: Screen Variants -1

T021I Line Layout Fast Entry: Variant Fields -1

T021J Fast Entry: Inactive Standard Variants -1

T021K Fields for Line Layout Variants -1

T021M Sort Variants -1

T021N Name of Sort Variants -1

T021P Default Val.Parametrizatn f.Line Layout/Total var. -1

T021Q Fast Entry Line Layout: Control -1

T021R Field Selection for Special Functions (List Display) -1

T021S Line Layout Variant Special Fields -1

T021STDF Fast Entry: Standard Variant Fields -1

T021STDT Fast Entry: Standard Variants (Texts) -1

T021STDV Fast Entry: Standard Variants -1

T021T Line Layout Variant Texts -1

T021V Default Values for Display Variants -1

T021Z Line Layout Variants -1

T022 FI-SL Activity: Fixed Data -1

T022T FI-SL Activities: Text -1

T023 Mat. groups -1

T023S Base Material Group/Hierarchy Material Assignment -1

T023T Material Group Descriptions -1

T023W Control Table for Value-Only Material Determination -1

T023X Exception Table for Value-Only Material Determination -1

T024 Purchasing Groups -1

T024A Planner group -1

T024B Credit management: Credit representative groups -1

T024C Planner Group for CAPP -1

T024D MRP controllers -1

T024E Purchasing Organizations -1

T024F Production scheduler -1

T024I Maintenance planner groups -1

T024L Laboratory/office for material -1

T024W Valid Purchasing Organizations for Plant -1

T024X Laboratory/Office Texts -1

T024Z Purchasing Organizations -1

T025 Valuation Classes -1

T025K Account Category Reference -1

T025L Account Category Reference Description -1

T025T Valuation Class Descriptions -1

T026 Purchasing Area -1 33/216
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T026T Language-dependent purchasing area -1

T026Z Assignement of purchasing group to purchasing area -1

T027C Codes for Compliance with Shipping Instructions -1

T028B Transaction Type of Sender Bank -1

T028D Define Internal Transactions in Electronic Banking -1

T028E Text Table for T028D -1

T028G Allocate External to Internal Transactions -1

T028H Allocate Manual to Internal Transactions -1

T028I Text Table for T028H -1

T028M Class for alternative currency keys -1

T028N Currency class descriptions -1

T028O Currency classes -1

T028P Assign Search Strings to Bank Statement Transactions -1

T028R Repetitive Funds Transfer Types -1

T028RS Repetitive Funds Transfer Type Names -1

T028RTRANS Repetitive Transfer Transactions -1

T028V Transaction Types -1

T028W Transaction Types: Names -1

T030 Standard Accounts Table -1

T030A Transaction Keys and Assignment to Groups -1

T030B Standard Posting Keys -1

T030C Global Standard Account Table -1

T030D Acct Determ.for Open Item Exch.Rate Differences -1

T030F Provision Method for Doubtful Receivables -1

T030G Standard Accounts Table – Business Area Breakdown -1

T030H Acct Determ.for Open Item Exch.Rate Differences -1

T030I Acct Determination for Intercompany Cost Flow (CE Ledger) -1

T030K Tax Accounts Determination -1

T030Q Clearing Accounts for Distributed Systems -1

T030R Rules for Determination of Standard Accounts -1

T030S Accts for Foreign Currency Assets Exchange Rate Differences -1

T030U Account Determ.for Balance Sheet Transfer Postings -1

T030V Account Conversion Tables for Distributed Systems -1

T030W Transaction Key Names -1

T030X Groups of Transaction Keys -1

T030Y Transaction Group Names -1

T031 Bill Discount Note -1

T031S Bill of Exchange Status -1

T031T Name of Bill of Exchange Status -1

T033 FI Depreciation Area -1

T033A Account Determination: Applications -1

T033B Account Determination: Name of Applications -1

T033C Account Determination: Administration Data -1

T033D Account Determination: Account Determination Key Names -1

T033E Account Determination: Control Data -1

T033F Account Determination: Posting Rules -1

T033G Acct determination: Replacing the account symbols -1

T033I Acct Determination: Account Symbols -1

T033J Account Determination: Account Symbol Descriptions -1

T033O Account Determination: Account Determination Key Values -1

T033P Accout Determination: Name of Acct Determination Key Values -1

T033T FI Depreciation Area -1 34/216
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T033U Account Determ.for Balance Sheet Transfer Postings -1

T035 Planning groups -1

T035D Cash Management Account Names -1

T035T Planning Group Texts -1

T035U Texts for Cash Management Account Names -1

T035V Allocate G/L Account to Segmentation (temporarily not used) -1

T035Z Liquidity Forecast: Payment Date Determinations/Assignments -1

T036 Planning levels -1

T036O Symbols for Allocating Levels for Updating -1

T036P Texts for Level Symbols in T0360 -1

T036Q Allocating Levels for T0360 -1

T036R Payment Request Levels -1

T036S Planning Levels with Payment Blocks -1

T036T Planning Level Texts -1

T036V Allocation of planning levels for Financial Assets Mgmt -1

T037 Planning Types -1

T037A Archiving Categories -1

T037T Planning Type Texts -1

T038 Cash Management: Grouping Structure -1

T038P Cash Management: Groupings (Checking Table) -1

T038T Texts for Groupings -1

T038V Distribution for Cash Mgmt Position and Liquidity Forecast -1

T039 Source Symbols for Cash Management -1

T039T Source Symbol Texts -1

T040 Dunning keys -1

T040A Dunning key names -1

T040S Blocking reasons for dunning notices -1

T040T Dunning block reason names -1

T041A Clearing Transactions -1

T041B Company Codes for Manual Payments -1

T041C Reasons for Reverse Posting -1

T041CT Reasons for Reverse Posting (Name) -1

T041T Clearing Transaction Names -1

T042 Parameters for payment transactions -1

T042A Bank selection for payment program -1

T042B Details on the company codes that must pay -1

T042C Technical Settings For The Payment Program -1

T042D Available amounts for payment program -1

T042E Company Code-Specific Specifications for Payment Methods -1

T042EA Payment method capability for ALE distribution -1

T042F Payment method supplements -1

T042G Groups of company codes ( payment program ) -1

T042H Text table for additional payment methods -1

T042I Account determination for payment program -1

T042ICC Account Determination Payment Cards in Payment Program -1

T042J Bank charges determination -1

T042K Accounts for bank charges -1

T042L Bank transaction code names -1

T042M User numbers with the bank -1

T042N Bank transaction codes -1

T042OFI Events for MT100 and other DME Formats -1

T042OFIT Events for MT100 and other DME Formats -1 35/216
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T042P Bank selection by postal code -1

T042R Name of account holder (ref.specifications on bk.details) -1

T042S Charges/expenses for automatic pmnt transactions -1

T042T Text modules for payment forms -1

T042V Value date for automatic payments -1

T042W Permitted currency keys for payment method -1

T042Y Account Determination for Bank to Bank Payments -1

T042Z Payment Methods for Automatic Payment -1

T042ZA Additional specifications for payment method -1

T042ZEBPP Biller Direct Payment Methods -1

T042ZF Allocation: Branch – (Paying) Company Code -1

T042ZFCL Additional Payment Method Classifications for Payment Progm -1

T043 Assign Accounting Clerks –> Tolerance Group -1

T043G Tolerances for Groups of Customers/Vendors -1

T043GT Name of Business Partner’s Tolerance Groups -1

T043I Tolerance Groups for Persons Processing Inventory Diff. -1

T043K Control of Payment Notices to Customers/Vendors -1

T043S Tolerances for Groups of G/L Accounts -1

T043ST Name of Business Partner’s Tolerance Groups -1

T043T FI tolerance groups for employees -1

T044A Foreign Currency Valuation Methods -1

T044B Valuation method names -1

T044D Work Files for the Extract of the Accum.Balance Audit Trail -1

T044G Valuation Adjustment Key -1

T044I FI Valuation: Determine Base Value -1

T044J Preference Key for Reading Valuation Results -1

T044Z Customer/Vendor Accounts with Changed Reconciliation Account -1

T045B Expense/Bank Accounts and Tax Codes for Bill Presentation -1

T045D Available amounts for bill of exchange presentation -1

T045E Presentation to Bank -1

T045F Bank selection for bill of exchange presentation -1

T045G Bank charges table for bill of exchange presentation -1

T045L Charges table for bill/ex.presentation (country-specific) -1

T045P Bill of Exchange Portfolios -1

T045T User ID for bank transactions -1

T045W Bank Subaccounts for Bill of Exchange Usage -1

T046 Bill of Exchange Tax -1

T046A Assignment:1 Bank Cmmt Acct – diverse Bill of Ex.Return Acts -1

T046R Texts for the exceptions from cashed bills/ -1

T046S Exceptions from cashed bills of exchange paid to vendors -1

T046T Bill of Exchange Tax Code Names -1

T047 Company Code Dunning Control -1

T047A Account Level Dunning Control -1

T047B Dunning level control -1

T047C Dunning charges -1

T047D Form selection for legal dunning proceedings -1

T047E Form selection for dunning notices -1

T047F Sorting of dunning letters -1

T047H Marginal amounts -1

T047I Standard texts for dunning notices -1

T047M Dunning areas -1

T047N Dunning area texts -1 36/216
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T047R Grouping rules for dunning notices -1

T047S Name of grouping rules -1

T047T Dunning procedure names -1

T048 Correspondence Types -1

T048A Company Code Data -1

T048B Report Assignment for Automatic Correspondence -1

T048I Correspondence type properties -1

T048K Indicator for Periodic Account Statements -1

T048L Indicator Texts for Periodic Bank Statements -1

T048T Correspondence texts -1

T048V Correspondence procedures -1

T048W Name of correspondence procedure -1

T048X Attached payment medium: Function modules -1

T048Y Company Code Data on Attached Payment Mediums -1

T048Z Text for attached payment mediums -1

T049A Posting Data For Autocash With Lockbox -1

T049B Control Parameters for Autocash -1

T049E Control Data for Swiss POR Procedure -1

T049F Cashed Checks Control Table -1

T049L Lockboxes at our House Banks -1

T050T General texts -1

T052 Terms of Payment -1

T052A Known/Negotiated Leave -1

T052R Rules for Issuing Invoices -1

T052S Terms of Payment for Holdback/Retainage -1

T052T Negotiated Leave Name -1

T052U Own Explanations for Terms of Payment -1

T053 Line Item Texts -1

T053A Selection Rules for Payment Advices -1

T053B Selection Rules for Payment Advices (Texts) -1

T053C Selection Sequence for Payment Advices -1

T053D Reason Codes Assigned as Fixed for Clearing Pmnt Adv. -1

T053E Reason Code Conversion -1

T053G Payment Advice Types -1

T053R Classification of Payment Differences -1

T053S Classification of Payment Differences (Texts) -1

T053V Reason Code Conversion Version -1

T053W Reason Code Conversion Version Names -1

T054 Run Schedule for Recurring Documents -1

T054A Settlement Data for Recurring Entry Schedules -1

T054T Name of Run Schedules for Recurring Documents -1

T055 Field group fields (master data) -1

T055F Field Group Fields (Master Data) -1

T055G Field groups (master data) -1

T055T Field group names -1

T056 Interest settlement -1

T056A Time-dependent conditions -1

T056B Transaction types -1

T056D Form names for interest for days overdue -1

T056F Reference interest rates -1

T056L Function modules for int.transaction types -1

T056P Reference interest table -1 37/216
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T056R Interest reference definition -1

T056S Interest scale interest terms (acct -1

T056T Text table for transaction types(int.calc.reports) -1

T056U Control table for calculation of interest on arrears -1

T056X Text table for interest indicators -1

T056Y Assign special G/L indicator to interest indicator -1

T056Z Interest Rates -1

T057 Preference Indicator -1

T057T Subsidy indicator names -1

T058A Japanese Stamp Tax -1

T058B Number Range Assignment for Receipts -1

T058T Group Receipt Names -1

T059A Type of Recipient For Vendors -1

T059B Withholding Tax Classes for Vendors: Names -1

T059C Types of Recipient: Vendors per Withholding Tax Type -1

T059D Types of Recipient: Vendors per Withholding Tax Type -1

T059E Income Types -1

T059F Formulas for Calculating Withholding Tax -1

T059FB Formulae for calculating withholding tax (new functions) -1

T059FBH W/tax formulae: Header -1

T059G Income Types: Names -1

T059ID01 Withholding Tax Output Group Description -1

T059ID01T Texts in Withholding Tax Output Group -1

T059K Withholding tax code and processing key -1

T059L Regional tax minimum amounts for 1099 reporting -1

T059M Minority Indicators -1

T059MINMAX Minimum and maximum amounts for withholding tax -1

T059O Official withholding tax key – Descriptions -1

T059OT Text table: Official withholding tax key descriptions -1

T059P Withholding tax types -1

T059Q Withholding Tax -1

T059R Recipient Code -1

T059REXT Reporting key (new withholding tax) -1

T059T Texts for Minority Indicators -1

T059U Text Table: Withholding Tax Types -1

T059V Reasons for exemption per withholding tax type -1

T059W Reasons for exemption per withholding tax type -1

T059Z Withholding tax code (enhanced functions) -1

T059ZT Text table: Withholding tax codes -1

T059ZZINS Withholding tax code for interest calculation -1

T060 Rules for A/R and A/P information system -1

T060A Evaluation types in A/R and A/P information system -1

T060B Texts for T060A – evaluatn types in A/R and A/P info system -1

T060K FI constants -1

T060L FI constant name -1

T060M FI constant values -1

T060O Evaluation views for A/R and A/P information system -1

T060T Evaluation names in the FI information system -1

T060U Description of evaluation views for A/R and A/P info system -1

T061A Development Partner -1

T061P FI-ARI: External partner products -1

T061Q FI-ARI: External partner products (texts) -1 38/216
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T061R FI-ARI: Active external partner products -1

T061S FI-ARI: Functions for external partners -1

T061V FI-ARI: Texts for external partner functions -1

T063 Screen Control: Inventory Management -1

T063C Call-Screen Control: Inventory Management -1

T063D Screen Control: View in Inventory Management -1

T063F Function Codes: Inventory Management -1

T063O OK Codes in Inventory Management -1

T063T Transactions Called Up From Inventory Management -1

T064A Physical Inventory Stock Types -1

T064B Stock Types and Texts for Physical Inventory -1

T064F Function Codes: Physical Inventory -1

T064S Stock Mngmt Levels for Inventory Sampling -1

T066 Screen Selection, Invoice Verification -1

T066K Window Coordinates, Invoice Verification/Valuation -1

T069 Certificate Categories -1

T069Q Control Data for Source Determination and Checking -1

T069T Certificate Categories: Text Description -1

T070 FI Document Archiving – Document Lives -1

T071 FI Document Archiving – Account Lives -1

T074 Special G/L Accounts -1

T074A Special G/L Transaction Type Names -1

T074T Special G/L Indicator Names -1

T074U Special G/L Indicator Properties -1

T076A Assign Payment Advice Notes to Posting Rules -1

T076B EDI: Assign Name in the Invoice <-> Company Code -1

T076I FI-EDI: G/L Accounts -1

T076K FI-EDI: Additional Account Assignments -1

T076M EDI: Conversion of External Tax Rate <-> Tax Code -1

T076S EDI-INVOIC: Program Parameters -1

T077D Customer account groups -1

T077K Vendor account groups -1

T077S G/L account groups -1

T077T Table no longer in use -1

T077X Account Group Names (Table T077D) -1

T077Y Account Group Names (Table T077K) -1

T077Z Account Group Names (Table T077S) -1

T078D Trans.-dependent screen selection for cust.master -1

T078K Transaction-dependent screen selection for vendor master -1

T078S Action Type Screen Selection for G/L Acct Master Data -1

T078W Transaction-dependent screen selection Plant Master -1

T079D Company code-dependent screen sel.for cust.master -1

T079K Company code-dependent screen sel.for vend.master -1

T079M Vendor master data screen selection ( -1

T079V Customers: Screen Selection according to Sales Org. -1

T082 Field group authorization assets -1

T082A Field string asset master record maintenance -1

T082AVIEW0 Entity Table for Asset Views -1

T082AVIEW0T Text Tables for Asset Views -1

T082AVIEW1 View Authorization for Asset Master Data Fields -1

T082AVIEW2 View Authorization for Asset Depreciation Area Fields -1

T082AVIEWB View Authorization for Depreciation Areas -1 39/216
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T082AVIEWTRANSG Assignment of Transaction Group to Asset View -1

T082E Description asset views -1

T082G Field strings for screen selection asset master data. -1

T082H Field string name: Asset master data maintenance -1

T082I Create takeover rules from transfer for master data -1

T082J Create takeover rules from transfer for master data: areas -1

T082S Dynpro control of the views -1

T083L Leasing types -1

T083S Leasing types-Description -1

T085 Investment support measures -1

T085P Investment support: Default and check table -1

T085S Description of individual investment support measures -1

T085Z Capital investment grants with time-dependent percentages -1

T086 Sort version Reporting -1

T086A Call up of AM reports per transaction function -1

T086T Names for Reporting Sort Versions -1

T087 Evaluation groups -1

T087G Evaluation group 8 places -1

T087I Reason for investment -1

T087J Text -1

T087K Reason for investment protecting the environment -1

T087L Text table for reasons for environmental investments -1

T087S Test table for evaluation group 8 places -1

T087T Description of Evaluation Groups -1

T087U Asset group number / asset group -1

T087V Text table asset group number / asset group -1

T088 Selection Table for Italian Asset Register -1

T089 One-Time Revaluation on Key Date -1

T089T Text table for T089 (appreciations) -1

T090 Depreciation calculation keys -1

T090A Period control dep. calculation -1

T090C External depreciation keys -1

T090I Depreciation simulation (Reporting) -1

T090L Unit-of-production method of depreciation -1

T090M Table for maximum depreciation amounts -1

T090NA Depreciation Keys -1

T090NAT Names of Depreciation Keys -1

T090NAZ Depreciation Keys – Method Assignment -1

T090ND Declining-Balance Method -1

T090NDT Name for Declining-Balance Method -1

T090NH Maximum Amount Method -1

T090NHT Name for Maximum Amount Method -1

T090NH_METH Maximum Amount Method -1

T090NP Period Control Method -1

T090NPT Name of Period Control Method -1

T090NR Base Method -1

T090NRT Base Method -1

T090NS Multilevel Method -1

T090NSG Multi-Level Method – Start of Validity -1

T090NSK Multilevel Method -1

T090NST Name of Multi-Level Methods -1

T090P Dep. calc. key percentage records -1 40/216
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T090R Period control rules for transactions -1

T090S Names For Internal Calculation Keys -1

T090T Names For External Depreciation Keys -1

T090U Texts on depreciation simulation versions -1

T090V Name for period control in transactions -1

T090X Simulation Versions -1

T090Y Weighting of depreciation periods -1

T090Z Period control for transactions -1

T091 Cut-off value key -1

T091C Translation methods for Asset Management -1

T091P Cut-off val. percent. rates -1

T091S Text for translation methods -1

T091T Names for Cut-Off Value Keys -1

T092 Property classification key -1

T092T Description of the Property Classification Key -1

T093 Real and derived depreciation areas -1

T093A Real depreciation area -1

T093B Company code-related depreciation area specifications -1

T093B_RSL Company Code-Related Depreciation Area Specifications -1

T093C Company codes in Asset Accounting -1

T093CE Block posting for certain fiscal years -1

T093C_RSL Default Values for Depreciation Key in Company Code -1

T093D Control dep. posting -1

T093F Check rules dep. calc. -1

T093G Cross-System Depreciation Areas -1

T093GT Texts for Cross-System Depreciation Areas -1

T093H Assignment of FI-AA Line Item Schema -1

T093N Number assignment alloc. AA -1

T093R Control Table for Archiving in Asset Accounting -1

T093S Value Field Names for Depreciation Areas -1

T093SB Substitution for Asset Management / Company Code -1

T093T Names for real and derived depreciation areas -1

T093U Options old assets data t/o assets -1

T093V Validation for Asset Management / Company Code -1

T093Y Shortened fiscal year -1

T094A Index series for replacement values -1

T094B Allowed base years per index series -1

T094C Index class -1

T094P Index numbers for replacement values -1

T094S Names for Index Classes -1

T094T Index series names -1

T095 Balance sheet accounts for depreciation areas -1

T095A Account allocation -1

T095B G/L accounts value adjustment -1

T095C FI-AA Standard Account Determination -1

T095P Reconcil.accts. derived dep. areas -1

T095T Name for account groups -1

T096 Chart of depreciation -1

T096T Chart of depreciation texts -1

T097 Property indicator -1

T097T Description of the Property Indicator -1

T098 Basis manual property evaluation -1 41/216
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T098T Description of the reasons for manual property values -1

T099 Insurance types -1

T099A Insurance companies -1

T099B Insurance premiums -1

T099T Description of Insurance Types -1

T099U Insurance Companies Description -1

T099V Insurance Tariff Description -1

T100C Message Control by User -1

T100O Assignment of message to object -1

T100T Table T100A text -1

T100V Assignment of messages to tables/views -1

T130A Material master field selection -1

T130C Definition of required tables -1

T130D Screen data -1

T130F Field attributes -1

T130FT Texts for ALE Field Groups -1

T130G Selection group and its tables -1

T130M Transaction control parameters: material master maintenance -1

T130O SAP components for material master record maintenance -1

T130P Status and table -1

T130Q Reduced status and its tables -1

T130S General Control Indicators in Master Data Maintenance -1

T130W Plant parameters for master data maintenance -1

T131A Change code, selection group, and material master table -1

T131T Screen Descriptions -1

T132 Status definition -1

T132T Definition of Valid Statuses -1

T133A Logical Screens: Attributes -1

T133B Descriptions of Logical Screens -1

T133C Assignment of Screen Modules to Logical Screens -1

T133D Sequence Control for Logical Screens -1

T133E Function-Oriented Masking for Table T133D -1

T133F Field Selection: Material Master (Part 2) -1

T133K Influencing Factors: Screen Sequence No. -1

T133P Retail: Status and Table -1

T133Q Retail: Status and Relevant RMMW1 Fields -1

T133S Screen Sequences -1

T133T Screen Sequence Descriptions -1

T134 Material Types -1

T134G Organization Unit: Business Area Determination -1

T134H Organiz. Unit: Business Area Determ. – MM View -1

T134K Configurable Material Types -1

T134M Control of Qty/Value Update -1

T134T Material Type Descriptions -1

T134W Initial Status of Batch -1

T135A Field Selection: Initial Screen -1

T136 Stock Display: Basic List/Breakdown List -1

T136A Display Version: Stock Overview -1

T136E Fields for stock display: individual list -1

T136F Fields for stock display: basic list/detail list -1

T136T Descriptions of Stock Overview Display Versions -1

T136V Assignment of Stock Line to Version for Segregated List -1 42/216
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T137 Industries for materials -1

T137T Industry Descriptions -1

T138B Material master screen sequence control -1

T138M Masking of the entries in table T138B -1

T139A Exception Messages: Period Closing Program -1

T139B Exception Messages: Period Closing Program -1

T141 Material Status from Materials Management/PPC View -1

T141T Descriptions of Material Status from MM/PP View -1

T142 Storage Conditions for Materials -1

T142T Storage Condition Texts -1

T143 Temperature Conditions for Storing Materials -1

T143T Temperature Condition Texts -1

T144 Container Requirements for Storing Materials -1

T144T Container Requirement Texts -1

T147 Control Table for Vendor Evaluation -1

T147A Definition for Main Criteria for Vendor Evaluation -1

T147B Texts for Main Criteria in Vendor Evaluation -1

T147C Definition for Subcriteria for Vendor Evaluation -1

T147D Texts for Subcriteria in Vendor Evaluation -1

T147E Definition of Weighting Keys by Main Criterion -1

T147F Description of Weighting Keys in Vendor Evaluation -1

T147G Main Criteria in Vendor Evaluation -1

T147H Intervals for Delivery Time Statistics -1

T147I Definition for Subcriteria for Main Criterion -1

T147J Weighting Keys in Vendor Evaluation -1

T147K Vendor Evaluation: Assignment Percentages – Points Scores -1

T147L Intervals for Quantity Reliability Statistics -1

T147M Definition of Scope of List: Vendor Evaluation -1

T147N Texts for Scope of List in Vendor Evaluation -1

T147O Scope of List: Vendor Evaluation -1

T148 Special Stock Indicator -1

T148A Field selection on initial screen of special stock maint. -1

T148B Screen sequence: special stock maintenance -1

T148F Fields for special stock maintenance -1

T148G Field selection: special stocks -1

T148K Lower stock balance indicator for individual segments -1

T148M Transaction control parameters: special stocks -1

T148T Special Stock Descriptions -1

T148W Plant parameters for special stock maintenance -1

T149 Valuation type/valuation class -1

T149A Valuation types for valuation area -1

T149B Valuation Category/Valuation type -1

T149C Global Valuation Categories -1

T149D Global Valuation Types -1

T149E Global Valuat.Type/Valuat.Categ. Combinations -1

T149T Global Valuation Category Descriptions -1

T150 Physical Inventory Stock Types and Allocated Movement Types -1

T150F Stock Types and Allocated Fields in Physical Inventory -1

T151 Customers: Customer Groups -1

T156 Movement Type -1

T156B Movement Types: Screen Selection -1

T156C Stock Types and Their Values -1 43/216
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T156F Fields in Quantity String -1

T156HT Main Text for Movement Type -1

T156K Account Assignment Fields in Field Selection (up to 2.1) -1

T156M Posting String: Quantity -1

T156N Next Movement Type -1

T156Q Movement Type: Material-Independent Control -1

T156S Movement Type: Quantities/Value Posting (Until Rel. 4.5B) -1

T156SC Mvt Type: Qty/Value Posting: Customer Table; as of Rel. 4.6A -1

T156SY Mvt Type: Qty/Value Update: System Table; Rel. 4.6A -1

T156T Movement Type Text -1

T156V Availability Table -1

T156W Posting string values -1

T156X Trans./Event Key Modification -1

T157D Reason for Movement -1

T157E Text Table: Reason for Movement -1

T157F Display Fields: Plant Availability -1

T157H Help Texts for Movement Types -1

T157O Routine Selection for Plant Availability -1

T157P Display Rules -1

T157Q Inventory Mgmt.: Display Rules for Plant Stock Availability -1

T158 Transaction Control: Inventory Management -1

T158B Check Table: Movement Type for Transaction Code -1

T158I Transaction Control: Physical Inventory -1

T158V Inv. Mngmt – General: Transaction/Event Types Allowed -1

T159B Parameters for Batch Inputs in Inventory Management -1

T159C Value table for counting cycles in cycle counting -1

T159E IM Print Func.:Determ.No.of Copies f. Label Print. -1

T159G Default Values for Inventory Sampling Profile -1

T159H Long Text for Inv. Sampling Profile -1

T159I Test Data for Batch Input in Inventory Management (Phys.Inv) -1

T159L Default values for inventory management and physical invent. -1

T159N Invent. Mgmt Print Function: Active Form Versions -1

T159O Inv. Mngmt Print Function: Maintain Text Name for Labels -1

T159P Parameters for Printing GR/GI Slips -1

T159Q Inventory Management Print Function: Value Table for KZDRU -1

T159R IM Document Reorganization – Life of Documents -1

T159T Invntry Mgmt. Printing: Text Table for Table T159Q -1

T159V Text table for T159w -1

T159X Inventory Management: XAB numer range determination -1

T159Z Inventory Management: XAB number range -1

T160 SAP Transaction Control, Purchasing -1

T160B SAP Transaction Control, List Displays, Purchasing -1

T160C SAP Transaction Control for List Displays in CALL -1

T160D Function Authorizations: Purchase Order -1

T160E Function Authorizations: Purchasing: Descriptions -1

T160I Control of Intrastat Reports -1

T160J Text Table for Intrastat Reports -1

T160L Scope of Purchasing Lists -1

T160M Message Control: Purchasing (System Messages) -1

T160O Description of Scope of List -1

T160P Entities Table Routines -1

T160Q Scope of List: Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet: Routines -1 44/216
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T160R Routines for Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet -1

T160S Selection Parameters for Purchasing Lists -1

T160T Description of Selection Parameters -1

T160V Default Values for Purchasing -1

T160W Description for Default Values for Purchasing Operations -1

T160X Scope of List: Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet -1

T160Y Scope of List: Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet: Description -1

T161 Purchasing Document Types -1

T161A Linkage of Requisition Doc. Type to Purchasing Document Type -1

T161B Default Business Transaction Type for Import -1

T161E Release Codes -1

T161F Release Point Assignment for Purchase Requisition Release -1

T161G Release Prerequisite, Purchase Requisition -1

T161H Fields for Release Procedure, Purchase Requisition -1

T161I Determination of Release Strategy -1

T161M Fine-Tuned Control: Message Types -1

T161N Message Determination Schemas: Assignment -1

T161P Check of Document Type, Document Category, Item Category -1

T161R REORG Control, Purchasing -1

T161S Release Indicator, Purchase Requisition -1

T161T Texts for Purchasing Document Types -1

T161U Texts for Release Indicator -1

T161V Shipping-Specific Data for Stock Tfr. for Purch. Doc. Type -1

T161W Order Types for Stock Transfer -1

T161Z Additional Checks for Outline Agreements on Reorganization -1

T162 Field Selection, Purchasing Document -1

T162B SRV: Names of Field Selection Reference Keys -1

T162K Field Selection, Account Assignment Fields, Purchasing -1

T162S Field Selection for External Services Management -1

T162T Description of Field Selection Reference Key -1

T162X Description of Field Groups from T162/T162K -1

T163 Item Categories in Purchasing Document -1

T163A Check Item Category/Account Assignment Category -1

T163B Purchase Order History Categories -1

T163C Texts for Purchase Order History Categories -1

T163D Assignment Internal/External Confirmation Category -1

T163E Confirmation Categories -1

T163F Confirmation Categories: Descriptions -1

T163G Confirmation Control -1

T163I Texts for Account Assignment Categories -1

T163K Account Assignment Categories in Purchasing Document -1

T163KS Assignment of Tax Indicator to Account Assignment Category -1

T163L Confirmation Control Keys -1

T163LV Determination of Confirmation Control Key -1

T163M Confirmation Control Keys: Description -1

T163P Release Creation Profile -1

T163S Description for Release Creation Profile -1

T163Y Texts for Item Categories -1

T165 Default Values for Purchasing/Services -1

T165A Condition Schema for Services -1

T165E Default Values: Service per Purchasing Organization -1

T165F Descriptions for User Fields per Purchasing Organization -1 45/216
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T165K Copying Options: Header Texts -1

T165M Reasons for Cancellation: Short Descriptions -1

T165P Copying Options: Item texts -1

T165R Reason for Cancellation -1

T165S Default Initial Screen: External Services Management -1

T165T Text Name: External Services Management Transactions/Events -1

T165U Labels for User Fields and Formula Variables -1

T166A Supplement Text in Purchasing Document Printouts -1

T166C Print-Relevant Purchasing Document Changes -1

T166K Header Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts -1

T166P Item Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts -1

T166T Change Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts -1

T166U Headings in Purchasing Document Printout -1

T167 Number Range Management for Purchasing Master Data -1

T167B Name of Formula -1

T167C Label for the Variables of a Formula -1

T167F Formulas for Service Lines -1

T167V Variables of a Formula -1

T168 Screen Control, Purchasing -1

T168F Function Codes, Purchasing -1

T168T Screen Titles -1

T169 SAP Transaction Control, Invoice Verification/Valuation -1

T169A Posting String for Invoice Verification -1

T169B Notifiable PO Supplement Types -1

T169D Invoice Verification: Amount Check -1

T169E Tolerance Limit Keys -1

T169F Transaction-Dependent Defaults: Invoice Verification -1

T169G Tolerance Limits, Invoice Verification -1

T169H Entry Profile -1

T169HT Entry Profile Description, Logistics Invoice Verification -1

T169K Default Values, Account Maintenance -1

T169L Vendor-Specific Parameters for Invoice Verification -1

T169P Parameters, Invoice Verification -1

T169R MR Document Reorganization – Document Validity Period -1

T169S Tolerance Limit Keys -1

T169TC Logistics Invoice Verification: Item List Variants -1

T169TCDATA Logistics Invoice Verification: Item List Variants -1

T169TCTEXT To be deleted! -1

T169V Default Values, Invoice Verification -1

T169W Posting Strings (Values) for SAPMM08R -1

T169WF01 IV Workflow: Amounts for Release in Invoice Parking -1

T169X Transaction Texts: Invoice Verification -1

T169Y Default Setting of Aggregation for Screen Variant -1

T16FB Release Indicators: Purchasing Document -1

T16FC Release Codes -1

T16FD Description of Release Codes -1

T16FE Descriptions of Release Indicators: Purchasing Documents -1

T16FG Release Groups -1

T16FH Descriptions of Release Groups -1

T16FS Release Strategies -1

T16FT Descriptions of Release Strategies -1

T16FW Assignment of Role to Release Code -1 46/216
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T16LA Texts on Status of Requisition Processing -1

T16LB Scope of List: Purchase Requisitions -1

T16LC Description of Scope of List: Purchase Requisitions -1

T16LH Default List Scope for Requisitions in Transactions -1

T16SC Scope of List for External Services Management -1

T170 Copying Control: Texts in Purchasing -1

T171 Customers: Sales Districts -1

T173 Routes: Mode of Transport for Each Shipping Type -1

T173T Routes: Mode of Transport by Shipping Type: Texts -1

T176 Sales Documents: Customer Order Types -1

T176T Sales Documents: Customer Order Types: Texts -1

T178 Conditions: Groups for Materials -1

T178T Conditions: Groups for Materials: Texts -1

T179 Materials: Product Hierarchies -1

T180 Screen Sequence Control: Transaction Default Values -1

T180L SD: Valid Logical Databases for Extended Search Help -1

T180W Reporting: Window Selection -1

T184 Sales Documents: Item Category Determination -1

T184D Table for Items not Relevant for Distribution -1

T184L Sales Documents: Item Category Determination -1

T185F Screen Control: Function Codes -1

T185V Screen sequence control: Processing location(s) -1

T186 Delivery List Profile -1

T186C Profile in Deliveries Environment -1

T186CT Texts for ‘Create Delivery’ Profile -1

T186E Exclude/Include F Codes from the Current GUI Status -1

T186F Functions in the Shipping Due List -1

T186T Texts for ‘Shipping Due List’ List Profile -1

T186V Link between Scenario and Profile -1

T186VT Texts for ‘Shipping Due List’ List Profile -1

T188 Conditions: Groups for Customer Classifications -1

T189 Conditions: Price List Categories -1

T189T Conditions: Price List Categories: Texts -1

T190 Product Allocation: Controlling -1

T190H Product Allocation: Planning Structure for this Step -1

T190HT Product Allocation: Text for Planning Hierarchy -1

T190O Product Allocation: Definition of Product Allocation Object -1

T190OT Product Allocation: Text for Product Allocation Object -1

T190S Product Allocation: Definition Procedure -1

T190ST Product Allocation: Definition -1

T190V Product allocations: Consumption period in an info structure -1

T237 Name of report structure -1

T237A Display control for T237 -1

T237T Text table for T237 -1

T239 Report version table -1

T239T Text table for T239 -1

T241E Text to sort reports into report portfolio -1

T241Q Text table for currency translation type -1

T241V Data Area Text -1

T241W Description of value type -1

T241Y Texts for transfer parameters -1

T242E Sort reports into report portfolio -1 47/216
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T242Q Currency translation type -1

T242V Data area (previously version) -1

T242W Value types -1

T242Y Transfer parameters -1

T243A Set R/3 TR-CM Subsystems and Company Codes -1

T243B Convert Sender Planning Group -1

T243C Convert Sender Planning Level -1

T243D Convert Sender Business Areas -1

T243X Table for Logical Systems -1

T258A Determining the costing sheet for condition access -1

T258I Assignment: Condition types -> CO-PA value fields -1

T258M Assignment: SD qty. fields -> CO-PA qty. fields -1

T258W Assignment: DDIC structures -> CO-PA structures -1

T300 WM Warehouse Numbers -1

T300T Warehouse Number Descriptions -1

T301 WM Storage Types -1

T301T Storage Type Descriptions -1

T302 WM Storage Sections -1

T302T Storage Section Names -1

T303 WM Storage Bin Types -1

T303T WM Names of Storage Bin Types -1

T304 Storage Section Indicators -1

T304T Text for Storage Section Indicator -1

T305 Storage Type Indicators -1

T305T Text for Storage Type Indicator -1

T306 Special Movement Indicators -1

T306T Texts for Special Movement Indicators -1

T307 Storage Unit Types -1

T307T Text for Storage Unit Type -1

T308 Requirements Categories -1

T308T Texts for Requirement Types -1

T309 Fire-Containment Sections -1

T309T Names for Fire-Containment Sections -1

T30A WM Picking Areas -1

T30AT Picking Area Descriptions -1

T30B WM Gates -1

T30BT Zone Descriptions -1

T30C WM Materials Staging Zones -1

T30CT Description for Materials Staging Zones -1

T312 Control Performance Data and TO Split -1

T312A Profile for performance data -1

T312B Profile for Transfer Order Split -1

T312R Setup Time for Planned Processing in Transfer Order -1

T312S Profile for Sorting -1

T312W Time for Planned TO Processing -1

T3130A Dynamic Menu Management -1

T3130B Dynamic Menu Management – Text Table -1

T3130C Screen Management -1

T3130D Screen Management (Text Table for Logical Screen Names) -1

T3130E Screen Management (Text Table for Logical Screen Names) -1

T3130F Control for Enter on RF Screens: Categorization -1

T3130G Control for Enter on RF Screens: Function Code Sequence -1 48/216
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T313A Determination of Verification Profile -1

T313B Definition of Verification Profile -1

T313C Assignment of application identifier type -1

T313D Definition of Application Identification -1

T313E Descriptions of the AI Definition -1

T313G General Parameters for Bar Code Type Definition -1

T313H Bar Code Profile: Header -1

T313I Description of an EAN128 Profile -1

T313J Bar Code Profile: Items -1

T313K Allocation of Layout and Bar Code Profile to Output Type -1

T313Y ILN for SSCC Generation at Storage Location Level -1

T313Z ILN for SSCC Generation at Warehouse Number Level -1

T318 Picking waves profile -1

T318T Texts for Picking Waves Profiles -1

T319 Control of Automatic Pick HU Creation -1

T319A Assignment Automatic Pick-HU Creation -1

T320 Assignment IM Storage Location to WM Warehouse Number -1

T320A WM: Storage Location Control -1

T321 Assignment MM Movement Type –> MM-WM Movement Type -1

T321B Stock Types and Special Stocks for External Systems -1

T321D Assignment Movement Type RM-LVS Dec. R/3 –> HOST Act. (R/2) -1

T321K Definition of Accumulated Messages to HOST (R/2) -1

T322 RM Movement Types for Clearing Inventory -1

T323 Controlling Mail if Error Occurs During Decentral.Shipping -1

T323M Log. Error Handling Host R/2 – Decentr. WMS R/3 (Mail Def.) -1

T323P Parameters for Generating Logs and Mail Messages (R/2->R/3) -1

T324 Storage Loc. Ref. -1

T324T Descriptions for Storage Loc. Reference -1

T325 WM: QM Interface for Handling Insptection Samples -1

T325T Description for Control WM-QM Interface -1

T326 Control Table for 2-Step Picking -1

T327 Control of Link between WM and Warehouse Control Unit (WCU) -1

T327A Control of link WM – subsystem -1

T327B Definition of function modules for IDOC setup: Link WM – sub -1

T327T Variant description for link WM -> subsystem -1

T327V Variants for WM Link -> Subsystem -1

T328 Warehouse Activity Monitor: Defin. of Critical Parameters -1

T328A Activate Whse Act. Monitor Objects -1

T329A Printer Pool Definition -1

T329D Transfer Order Printer Control -1

T329F Print Control Table -1

T329P Transfer Order Print Parameters -1

T329S Print Control Table for Multiple Processing Procedures -1

T329T Texts for Setting Formats for Printing Transfer Orders -1

T330 Blocking Reasons -1

T330T Text for Blocking Reason -1

T331 Storage Type Control -1

T331B Storage Type Control for Bulk Storage -1

T331C Control of storage type for putaway strategy K -1

T331L Storage Classes Allowed per Storage Type -1

T333 WM Movement Types -1

T333A Shipment Types -1 49/216
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T333B Texts for Transfer Types -1

T333M Mail control for background processing -1

T333N Control for automatic transfer order creation -1

T333O Texts for automatic TO creation -1

T333T Texts for WM Movement Types -1

T333U WM Movement Types for Transf.Posting in WM and IM -1

T334B Storage Section Search -1

T334E Storage Unit Type Check -1

T334P Storage Bin Type Search -1

T334T Storage Type Search -1

T334U Access Strategy for Storage Type Search -1

T335 Default Values for Inventory -1

T336 Difference Indicators -1

T336T Texts for Difference Indicators -1

T337A Division of Storage Bins into Sections -1

T337B Bulk Storage Sectioning -1

T337C Search Range per Level for Stock Placement Strategy K -1

T337D Assignment Aisle to Shelf for Stock Placement Strategy K -1

T337Z Bin Sectioning per Storage Bin Type/Storage Unit Type -1

T338 Bulk Storage Indicators -1

T338T Texts for Bulk Storage Indicators -1

T339 Definition of Comment for TO Execution -1

T339T Text Table for Comment for TO Execution -1

T340 WM Transactions -1

T340D WM Default Values -1

T341 WM Screen Selection -1

T342 Control of Screen Sequence in WM -1

T342T Assignment of Title Bar to PF Status -1

T343 Storage Bin Structure for Automatic Creation of Storage Bins -1

T343I Definition of Sort Field in Storage Bin -1

T343J Definition of Sequence Field in Storage Bin -1

T344 Client-Specific Control Table for MM-WM -1

T345 Client-Dependent Control Table for WM->PP Staging -1

T346 RF Queue Definition -1

T346L Assignment Sections and Activities to Queue -1

T346X Exceptions: Queue Forwarding -1

T350 Maintenance Control Parameters: Client/Order Type -1

T350E Access sequence addresses for address proposal purch. data -1

T350I Combination of order type and PM activity type allowed -1

T350W Maintenance control parameters: Order type plant -1

T351 Maintenance strategy -1

T351P Maintenance packages -1

T351T Maintenance strategy texts -1

T351X Maintenance strategy package texts -1

T352B Technical report -1

T352B_T Catalog profile texts -1

T352C Catalog types for each catalog profile -1

T352R Maintenance revisions -1

T352T Permit Categories -1

T352T_T Text for Permit Categories -1

T353I Maintenance activity types -1

T353I_T Maintenance activity type description -1 50/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T355E Response time monitor -1

T355E_T Response profile text -1

T355E_W Response times -1

T355R Service window -1

T355R_T Service window text -1

T356 Priorities -1

T356A Priority type table -1

T356A_T Priority type texts -1

T356_T Priority text -1

T357 Plant Section -1

T357A Effect of malfunction on the system -1

T357A_T Texts for effect of malfunction on the system -1

T357G_GR PM: Permit groups -1

T357M Machine operating condition -1

T357M_T Operating condition texts -1

T357Z System condition -1

T357Z_T System condition – Text table -1

T362 Service Categories -1

T362O Org. Status: Service Category -1

T362T Service Category Names -1

T362U Name of Org. Status: Service Category -1

T365A Start values for notification transactions – Customizing -1

T370 Start Values for PM Master Data Transactions -1

T370B Technical object authorization group -1

T370B_T Language-dependent texts for authorization group -1

T370C ABC indicator for technical objects -1

T370CLC Fleet Consumption Calculation Keys -1

T370CLC_T Text for Fleet Consumption Calculation Keys -1

T370CON Fleet Consumption Unit Group -1

T370CONV Fleet Consumption Units -1

T370CON_T Short Text For Fleet Consumption Unit Groups -1

T370C_T Language-dependent texts for ABC indicator -1

T370ENG Engine Type -1

T370ENG_T Engine Type: Multilingual Short Texts -1

T370F Functional Location Category -1

T370FLD Fluid Types -1

T370FLD_T Fluid Types: Multilingual Short Texts -1

T370FLT Fleet Types -1

T370FLT_R Fleet Types: Reference to Technical Object Types (Equi/FL) -1

T370F_T Language-Dependent Texts for T370F -1

T370K Type of technical object -1

T370K_T Language-Dependent Texts for Object Type -1

T370N Object link category -1

T370N_T Language dependent texts for T370N -1

T370P Measuring Point Category -1

T370POS Valid Measuring Point Positions (Sort Field) -1

T370POS_T Valid Measuring Point Positions (Sort Field) – Short Texts -1

T370POS_USG Fleet Objects: Counter Usage -1

T370P_T Language-Dependent Texts for T370P -1

T370R Reference Functional Location Category -1

T370R_T Language-Dependent Texts for T370R -1

T370S Functional Location Structure Indicators -1 51/216
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T370S_T Language-Dependent Texts for T370S -1

T370T Equipment categories -1

T370U Language-dependent texts for T370T -1

T370USG Fleet Usage -1

T370USG_T Fleet Usage: Multilingual Short Texts -1

T370Z History-related fields -1

T371C IBase Authorization Group -1

T371C_T IB: Text Tables for T371C -1

T371F_T IB: Text Tables for T371F -1

T371G_T IB: Text Tables for T371G -1

T372I Network identification -1

T372I_T Language-dependent texts for network ID -1

T372M Medium -1

T372M_T Language-dependent texts for link medium (T372)M -1

T377 Criteria for Material Serial Number Management -1

T377G Criteria for Serial Number Management (Group) -1

T377P Serial Number Management Profiles -1

T377P_T Texts for Serial Number Management Profiles -1

T377X Documents Allowed for Serial Number Management -1

T377X_T Texts for Serial Number Management Documents -1

T390 PM: Shop papers for print control -1

T390D PM: Destinations and database names for download -1

T390_O PM: Shop paper control by order type -1

T390_OT Description of shop papers per document type selection -1

T390_T PM: Shop paper description -1

T390_U Print control by user -1

T392 PM: DDIC structures for print diversion -1

T392_V PM: Detailed selection for print diversion -1

T399D Control Parameters for MRP -1

T399G Maintenance Plan Sort Field -1

T399G_T Descriptions for Maintenance Plan Sort Fields -1

T399I Planning plant parameters -1

T399J Maintenance parameters (client) -1

T399Q Default values for maintaining independent requirements -1

T399U Control: General PM/SM settings -1

T399W Maintenance plan type parameter -1

T399W_T Maintenance plan category descriptions -1

T399X Parameters dependent on order type -1

T401A Material: MRP profiles (definition) -1

T401I Fields in MRP profile that can be initial -1

T401M Transaction control paramters: MRP profiles -1

T401T MRP Profile Descriptions -1

T401Z Collection of changed profiles for batch framework -1

T405 Purchasing value key -1

T409 Relationships between task list types and material types -1

T410 Engineering Workbench: Working area -1

T410T Engineering Workbench: Working environment (text) -1

T411 Task list usage -1

T411T Language-dependent texts for T411: Task list usages -1

T412 Task list status -1

T412T Language-dependent texts for T412: Task list status -1

T413 Spare Part Indicators -1 52/216
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T413T Spare part indicator description -1

T414 Explosion Types -1

T414T Explosion type description -1

T415A Alternative BOM Determination -1

T415M Material Types Allowed in BOM -1

T415S BOM status -1

T415T BOM Status Texts -1

T416 BOM Usage – Item Statuses -1

T416K Copying Defaults For Item Status -1

T416T BOM Usage Texts -1

T416V Copy defaults for BOM usage – item statuses -1

T417 Material Provision Indicators -1

T417T Materials Provided Indicator Texts -1

T418 Item Categories -1

T418F Variable-Size Item Formulas -1

T418G Formula Texts -1

T418T Item Category Texts -1

T418V Item category proposal for component assignment -1

T419S Change Master Status -1

T419T Change Master Status Texts -1

T421 Wage groups -1

T421T Language-dependent texts for T421: Wage groups -1

T423 Wage group qualification -1

T423T Language-dependent texts for T423: Qualifications/Wage grp. -1

T425 Setup group keys -1

T428 Setup type key -1

T428T Language-dependent texts for T428: Setup type key -1

T429 Types of standard value determination -1

T429T Lang.-depend. texts for Tab. T429: Types of std. val. determ -1

T430 Operation/Activity control key -1

T430T Language-dependent text table for the control key T430 -1

T433 Milestone Indicator -1

T433T Milestone texts -1

T434G Stock determination group -1

T434H Texts for stock determination rule (T434G) -1

T434K Stock determination: Header table -1

T434L Texts for stock determination – header table -1

T434P Stock determination: FS item table -1

T434R Stock determination rule -1

T434S Texts for stock determination rule (T434R) -1

T435W Pull list control -1

T436A Floats for scheduling -1

T437A Table for Field Selection: Repetitive Manufacturing -1

T437D Control Parameter Plant for Repetitive Mfg -1

T437E Withdrawal Sequence -1

T437R Description of the Repetitive Manufacturing Profile -1

T437S Repetitive Manufacturing Profile Table -1

T437V Distribution key in MRP -1

T437W MRP distribution key (texts) -1

T437X Cost Collector Strategy -1

T438A MRP Type -1

T438M Control Parameter for MRP -Material Level- -1 53/216
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T438R Range of coverage profile -1

T438S Text describing the range of coverage profile -1

T438T MRP description -1

T438U Absolute Intervals for Range of Coverage Profile -1

T438V Period Profile for Safety Time -1

T438W Text on Period Profile for Safety Time -1

T438X MRP group text -1

T438Y Absolute Periods for Period Profile for Safety Time -1

T439A MRP Lot Sizes -1

T439B Scope of Planning MRP Unit: Header -1

T439C Scope of Planning MRP Unit: Sequence -1

T439F Handling of planning flag at abnormal termination -1

T439G PPplanning periods: header table -1

T439H PP planning periods: long texts -1

T439I PP planning periods: schedule lines (periods) -1

T439J PP planning periods: calculation rule -1

T439L Warehouse costs for MRP lot size -1

T439T Texts for lot-sizing procedures -1

T440C Planning file entries for goods movements -1

T440G Weighting Groups for Finding the Moving Average Value -1

T440Z Allocate error -> error class in the forecast -1

T441A Forecast profiles -1

T441C Profile – availability check -1

T441CT Texts for Profile “Display Availability Check” -1

T441I Fields in forecast profile that can be initial fields -1

T441R Values Table for Checking Rule -1

T441T Texts for Material Forecasting Profiles -1

T441V Availability Check Control -1

T441W Checking Rule Texts -1

T442B Start times for MRP background programs -1

T442C Control: activity reqmts transfer MRP/SOP -> CO -1

T445Q Prices for Price Band Categories -1

T445QK Prices for Price Band Categories (Key) -1

T445R Characteristic Fields per Info Structure for Table T445Q -1

T449A Period split -1

T449B Period split: language-dependent description -1

T449F Control of sequence of the extended header in the MRP list -1

T450U User exit material selection – MRP -1

T457G MPS evaluation: evaluation profile -1

T457J MPS evaluation: user-specific layout -1

T457L MPS evaluation: receipts/issues texts -1

T457T Description of MRP elements -1

T458A Exception Messages in Material Requirements Planning -1

T458B Description of exception messages -1

T459 Availability Check: Requirements and Planning Types -1

T460A Special procurement key -1

T460C Order/Purchase order types for planned order -1

T460D Order/Purchase order types for planned order -1

T460Q Special Procurement Types per Procurement Type -1

T460T Texts for special procurement keys -1

T461P Planning strategy group -1

T461S Planning strategies -1 54/216
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T461T Planning strategy text -1

T461X Planning strategy group text -1

T462 Customizing Table Selection Rule / Display Filter -1

T462A Logical destination for parallel processing -1

T462T Text Table for T462: Customizing Selection Rule -1

T463 Customizing Table Display Filter – Settings – -1

T463T Text_table for T463 : Customizing Display Filter -1

T46AC Action control -1

T46AS Action code text -1

T46AT Action code description -1

T46PR List layout and print parameters -1

T482 Table of scheduling types -1

T482T Texts for scheduling types -1

T496B CIM order: Assigning document types to reference doc. types -1

T496D CIM: Destination/lists/spool parameters per user/plant -1

T496F CIM order: Form description of the list -1

T496N CIM order: List descriptions -1

T496R Print PP shop papers: Report control -1

T496T Print PP shop papers: Transaction control -1

T496V PP Print: Default Value for Printing Online or Background -1

T496Z CIM order: Table-controlled table access -1

T499P Reduction strategies – texts -1

T499Q Reduction strategies -1

T499R Reduction levels for reduction strategies -1

T499S Location -1

T500C Currency for Public Service Sector -1

T500L Personnel Country Grouping -1

T500L_CUST Customer View of Table T500L -1

T500P Personnel Areas -1

T500T HR Country Groupings -1

T500W Valid Country Currencies -1

T501 Employee Group -1

T501T Employee Group Names -1

T502T Marital Status Designators -1

T503 Employee Group/Subgroup -1

T503K Employee subgroup -1

T503T Employee Subgroup Names -1

T503Z Country Assignment for Employee Group/Subgroup -1

T505K Grievance Levels (NA) -1

T505L Grievance Level Texts -1

T505M Military status -1

T505N Military Status Texts -1

T505O Grievance Reasons (NA) -1

T505P Grievance Reason Texts -1

T505R Ethnic Origin -1

T505S Ethnic Origin Texts -1

T505U Residence Status -1

T505V Residence Status Texts -1

T505X Tax Authority Table -1

T505Y Tax Authority Texts -1

T505Z Bonds (NA) -1

T506A Loan Categories -1 55/216
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T506C Controlling Loan Allocation -1

T506D Conditions for Employee Loans -1

T506P Assignment of Wage Types to Loan Payments -1

T506S HR Loans: Value Date for Each Payroll Area -1

T506T Loan Condition Texts -1

T506W Technical Characteristics of Loan Wage Types -1

T507A RWH Delimitation of Employees Affected -1

T508A Work Schedule Rules -1

T508S Text Table for Work Schedule Rules (T508A) -1

T508T Texts for Employee Subgroup Groupings for Work Schedules -1

T508Z Assignment of PS Grouping for Work Schedules to Daily WS -1

T509F ID type -1

T509G ID type text -1

T509H Type of work permit -1

T509I Work permit type text -1

T50X1 Type of Expatriate -1

T50X2 Type of Expatriate Text -1

T510 Pay Scale Groups -1

T510A Pay Scale Types -1

T510B Appraisal Constants -1

T510C Adjust Bases for Calculating PScale -1

T510D Dynamic Standard Pay Increase -1

T510E Dynamic Standard Pay Increase II -1

T510F Assign Pay Scale –> Currency -1

T510G Pay Scale Areas -1

T510H Payroll Parameters for Time Unit -1

T510I Standard Working Hours -1

T510J Constant Valuations -1

T510K Constant Valuations -1

T510L Step Table -1

T510N Pay Scales for Annual Salaries (NA) -1

T510O Local Allowances BAT (D) -1

T510P Premium Table -1

T510Q Family-Related Bonuses -1

T510R Pay Scale Reclassification -1

T510S Time Wage Type Selection -1

T510T Premium Texts -1

T510U Pay Scale Groups -1

T510V Check Table For Processing Types in T510S (WT Generation) -1

T510W Pay Scale > Period Parameter Assignment -1

T510X WTs Permitted for Transfer from Time Evaluation to MMS -1

T510Y Special Rules for Wage Type Generation -1

T510Z Texts for Time Wage Type Selection Rules -1

T511 Wage Types -1

T511A Calculation Rules for Averages -1

T511B Cumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values -1

T511C Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values -1

T511IV_M Indirect Evaluation Module -1

T511IV_MT Indirect Evaluation Module Text -1

T511K Payroll Constants -1

T511M Wage Type Models -1

T511P International Payroll Constants -1 56/216
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T511T Designation of Payroll Constant Amounts -1

T512C Wage Types to be Broken Down -1

T512D Line Layout in Window -1

T512E Form-Related Control of Wage Types -1

T512F Form Windows -1

T512G Supplementary Group Texts -1

T512H Assignment of Text Elements to Forms -1

T512I System Documentation – Kwic Index -1

T512K Text for Payroll Constants Regarding Time Units -1

T512L Payroll Constant Designations -1

T512N Rule Table for Form -1

T512P Form Background -1

T512Q Information in Fixed Positions -1

T512R Cumulation Wage Types in Forms -1

T512S Texts for Cumulation Wage Types in Forms -1

T512T Wage Type Texts -1

T512V RPDSYS00 – Cross References -1

T512W Wage Type Valuation -1

T512Z Permissibility of Wage Types per Infotype -1

T512Z_ESSEX ESS: Deactivate Wage Types per Infotype -1

T513 Jobs -1

T513A User-related Values -1

T513C Jobs With Other/Previous Employers -1

T513D Job Groups -1

T513F Appraisal Criteria Texts -1

T513G Appraisal Groups -1

T513H Appraisal Criteria -1

T513I RPDSYS00 – KWIC Index -1

T513J RPDSYS00 – Default Values -1

T513K RPDSYS00 – Relations -1

T513L RPDSYS00 – Exploding Functions -1

T513M RPDSYS00 – Origin of Documentation -1

T513N RPDSYS00 – Supplementary Information -1

T513O RPDSYS00 – Structure of DLIB Docu -1

T513P Pension Reserve Groups -1

T513PAPD PA-PD: Assign Appraisal Models to EE (sub)area/(sub)group -1

T513Q RPDSYS00 – Print Control for Chapters -1

T513S Job Titles -1

T513V RPDSYS00 – Cross References -1

T514C Allowed Conversions for Forms -1

T514D Form Index -1

T514K Allowed Table Names / Short IDs for Forms -1

T514N Allowed Field Names for Forms -1

T514S Table Name Texts -1

T514T Field Name Texts -1

T514U Conversion Texts -1

T514V Form Name Texts -1

T515A Fund Types -1

T515R Tables in Payroll Results -1

T515S Relationships between Tables in Payroll Results -1

T515T Splits in Payroll Results -1

T515U Hierarchy of Tables in Payroll Results -1 57/216
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T515V Element Tables in Payroll Results Tables -1

T516T Religious Denomination Texts -1

T517A Educational Establishment Types/Final Certificates -1

T517T Educational Establishment Type Designations -1

T517X Branches of Study -1

T517Y Specialty validation table -1

T517Z School Types/Branches of Study -1

T518A Vocation Check Table -1

T518B Vocation Descriptions -1

T518C Education/Training Categories -1

T518D Education/Training Categories Check Table -1

T518E Education/Training Categories/E&T -1

T519T Final Certificates -1

T51A1 HR: Final Date for HR Postings (Accruals) -1

T51AV_2P Assignment of Partial Period Parameters to Average Bases -1

T51AV_2W Assignment of Primary Wage Types to Average Bases -1

T51AV_A Calculation Rules for Averages -1

T51AV_AT Text for Calculation Rules for Averages -1

T51AV_B Cumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values -1

T51AV_BT Text for Cumulation Rule for Average Calculation Bases -1

T51AV_C Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values -1

T51AV_CT Text for Calculation Rules for Averages -1

T51AV_E Final Processing Rules for Averages -1

T51AV_P Assignment of Wage Types to Average Calculation Rules -1

T51AV_R Relevance Rule for Calculating Averages -1

T51AV_ROC Off-cycle reasons not relevant for calculation of averages -1

T51AV_RT Text for Relevance Rules for Averages -1

T51AV_W Comparison Rules for Calculating Averages -1

T51C1 Car factory definition table -1

T51C2 Car factory text table -1

T51C3 Car model definition table -1

T51C4 Car model text table -1

T51C5 Country specific attributes -1

T51C8 Car maintenance rule -1

T51CA Wagetypes for payrollfunction P0442 -1

T51D1 Limits for Deductions -1

T51D2 Wage Type Classes -1

T51D3 Reduction Rules -1

T51D4 Cumulation rules -1

T51D5 Start Point -1

T51D6 Interval Definitions -1

T51DS Text for Time Intervals -1

T51DT Wage Type Class Texts -1

T51P1 Wage Type Assignment -1

T51P3 Indicator for Wage Type Assignment -1

T51P4 Text: Indicator for Wage Type Assignment -1

T51P6 Characteristics of Deduction WTypes for Arrears Processing -1

T51R8 Transfer Request – Payroll Result – Grouping -1

T51RA Derivation of HR Creditor from the Wage Type -1

T51RD Rule Derivation per HR Accumulator and Amount -1

T51RH Define HR payee link to FI vendor -1

T51RJ Description of Remittance Rules -1 58/216
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T51RK Remittance Rule -1

T51RL HR Creditor link -1

T51RM HR Accumulator -1

T51RN HR Accumulator Text -1

T51RS Derivation of HR creditor rule -1

T51RT HR payee text -1

T51RV Number Ranges Retained -1

T51T0 Evaluation of wage types for tax reporting -1

T51T1 Tax Types, which has to be reported in the tax forms -1

T51T2 Definitions, how tax datas will be reported -1

T51T3 Fields for tax information on magnetic media -1

T51T4 Evaluated tax form reporting periods -1

T51T5 Events, on which form will be issued -1

T51T6 Evaluated payroll time units -1

T51T7 Text for tax forms -1

T51T8 Definitions of a tax form -1

T51T9 Tax pay dates -1

T51TA Wage or tax form group for tax reporter -1

T51TY Transferred Employees -1

T520M Cash Breakdown List -1

T520S Text Key for Data Carrier -1

T521B Payee Keys -1

T521C Check Table for Payees -1

T521T Institution Texts – No longer used -1

T522 Title Keys -1

T522F Format for HR Name Format -1

T522G Title Keys -1

T522N HR Name Format -1

T522T Forms of Address -1

T523T Challenge Types -1

T525A Selection Rules for Employee Data -1

T525B Selection Rule for Employee Data – Short Text -1

T525C Definition of Valuation Models for Employee Data -1

T525D Valuation Models for Employee Data -1

T525E Rounding Rule for Time Intervals -1

T525F Rounding Rule for Time Intervals – Short Text -1

T525G Calculation Rule for Time Specifications (Obs. as of 4.6A) -1

T525H Calculation Rule – Short Text (Obsolete as of Rel. 4.6A) -1

T525I Infotype Selection Condition -1

T525J Infotype Selection Condition – Short Text -1

T525K Definition of Infotype Selection Condition -1

T525L Valuation Models for Employee Data -1

T525M Assignment of Selection Rules to Selection Classes -1

T525N Selection Class -1

T525NT Selection Class – Short Text -1

T525O Assignment of Selection Classes to Valuation Models -1

T525P Calculation Process for Employment Period Calculation -1

T525PT Calculation Process for Employment Period Calculation (Text) -1

T525Q Calculation Process Empl. Period Calculation (Customer) -1

T525R Process Step for Employment Period Calculation -1

T525RT Process Step for Employment Period Calculation (Text) -1

T525S Assignment of Valuation Model and Rounding Rule -1 59/216
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T525T Time Specification Type for Employment Period Calculation -1

T525TT Time Specifications Type – Text -1

T525U Conversion Rules for Employment Period Calculation -1

T525UT Conversion Rules – Text Tables -1

T525V Selection Exit -1

T525VT Selection Exit Text -1

T525Z Permissibility of Infotype Selection in Empl.Period Calc. -1

T526 Administrators -1

T527 Organizational Key: Control -1

T527A Organizational Key Creation Rules -1

T527O Organizational Key Validation -1

T527X Organizational Units -1

T528B Positions -1

T528C Wage Type Catalog -1

T528T Position Texts -1

T529A Personnel Action Types -1

T529A_ESSEX ESS: Deactivation of Personnel Action Types -1

T529F Fast Data Entry for Actions -1

T529T Personnel Action Texts -1

T529U Status Values -1

T52A0 Internal Object Number -1

T52A0_T Texts for Objects in T52A0 -1

T52B1 Object Classes -1

T52B2 Object Attributes -1

T52B3 Valid Object Class Attributes -1

T52B4 Valid Attribute Values -1

T52B5 Assignment of Values to Objects -1

T52B6 Function Parameters -1

T52B7 Valid Function Parameter Values -1

T52B8 Function Parameter Texts -1

T52B9 Use of Infotypes for Objects -1

T52BA Assignment of Values to Customer Objects -1

T52BB Texts on Function Parameter Values -1

T52BM Operation Models -1

T52BN Assigning Models to Operations -1

T52BO Operation Parameters -1

T52BP Texts For Operation Parameters -1

T52BR Texts For Attribute Values -1

T52BS Texts for Attributes of HR Objects -1

T52BT Texts For HR Objects -1

T52C0 Payroll Schemas -1

T52C1 Payroll Schemas -1

T52C2 Texts for Personnel Calculation Schemas -1

T52C3 Texts for Personnel Calculation Schemas -1

T52C5 Personnel Calculation Rules -1

T52CC Schema Directory -1

T52CC_T Text table for schema directory -1

T52CD Schema Directory -1

T52CE Directory of Personnel Calculation Rules -1

T52CE_T Text table for PCR directory -1

T52CT Text Elements -1

T52CX Cross References via Generated Schemas -1 60/216
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T52D1 Valid Processing Classes -1

T52D2 Valid Values for Processing Classes -1

T52D3 Valid Evaluation Classes -1

T52D4 Permitted Values for Evaluation Classes -1

T52D5 Wage Type Groups -1

T52D6 Wage Type Group Texts -1

T52D7 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups -1

T52D8 Valid Processing Classes – Texts -1

T52D9 Valid Values for Processing Classes – Texts -1

T52DA Valid Evaluation Classes – Texts -1

T52DB Valid Evaluation Classes – Texts -1

T52DZ Assignment: Customizing – Model Wage Type -1

T52E2 Posting to Accounting: Posting Variants -1

T52E2T Transfer to Accounting: Posting Variants – Texts -1

T52EK Symbolic Accounts -1

T52EKT Texts for Symbolic Accounts -1

T52EL Posting of Payroll Wage Types -1

T52EM Valid Values for Employee Grouping Account Determination -1

T52EMT Texts for Employee Grouping Account Determination -1

T52EX Transfer to Accounting: External Company Codes 3.X -1

T52EZ Time-Dependency of Wage Type Posting -1

T52G0 Jurisdiction -1

T52G1 Description of the jurisdiction -1

T52G2 Garnishment category -1

T52G3 Description of the garnishment category -1

T52G4 Agency -1

T52G5 Description of the agency -1

T52G6 Remittance rule -1

T52G7 Debt -1

T52G8 Description of the debt -1

T52G9 Model for the gross/net -1

T52GA Description of the model for the gross/net -1

T52GB Model for the non-exempt amount -1

T52GC Description of the model for the non-exempt amount -1

T52GD Model for the relationship to other debts -1

T52GE Description of the model for the relationship to other debts -1

T52GF Calculation rule -1

T52GG Description of the calculation rule -1

T52GH Calculation rule characteristics -1

T52GI Garnishee fee -1

T52GJ Description of garnishee fee -1

T52IA Payroll Infotypes -1

T52IB Assignment of Evaluation Wage Types -1

T52IC Evaluation Wage Types -1

T52ID Texts for Evaluation Wage Types -1

T52IE Assignment for Evaluation Wage Types -1

T52OCA Off-Cycle Reasons for Absence Types -1

T52OCAP Payroll in Advance – Default Values for Number of Periods -1

T52OCB Default Value for Payment Method – Off-Cycle Workbench -1

T52OCC Categories for Off-Cycle Reasons -1

T52OCCT Categories for off-cycle reasons – texts -1

T52OCP Default Wage Types For Displaying Payroll Results -1 61/216
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T52OCP1 Check Management Groupings -1

T52OCP1T Check Management Groupings – Text -1

T52OCP2 Check Management Grouping – Assigned Administrators -1

T52OCP3 Check Management Grouping – Assign Report and Variants -1

T52OCR Reasons for Off-Cycle Payroll Runs -1

T52OCRT Reasons for Off-Cycle Payroll Texts -1

T52OCV Variants for Off-Cycle Payroll Runs -1

T52OCW Default Wage Types for Bonus Run – Off-Cycle Workbench -1

T52OCZ Off-Cycle: Payment Methods for Transfer and Check -1

T52SM HRPAY-Status Management: Attributes of a Process Model -1

T52SMS HRPAY-Status Management: Steps in a Process Model -1

T52SMSC HRPAY-Status Management: Info on Communication per Step -1

T52SMT HRPAY-Status Management: Text for Process Model -1

T530 Reasons for Actions -1

T530B Payment Condition (Special Payments) -1

T530C Control Table for Special Payments -1

T530D Special Payments (Emp.Per.-Dependent Factors) -1

T530E Reasons for Changes -1

T530F Reasons for Changes -1

T530L Wage Types for Special Payments -1

T530T Reason for Action Texts -1

T531 Deadline Types -1

T531S Deadline Type Texts -1

T532A HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Choice of Data -1

T532B HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Choice of Wage Types -1

T532C HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: ABAP/4 Conversion -1

T532D HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Symbolic Conversion -1

T532E HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Semantic Conversion -1

T532F HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Profiles/Free Format -1

T533 Leave Types -1

T533T Leave Type Texts -1

T535N Name affixes -1

T535Q HR Test Cases: no longer supported -1

T535R PI Area Numbers -1

T535T Occupational status (DEUEV) -1

T535V ASB Texts -1

T535W ASB Reporting Schema -1

T536A Addresses -1

T536B Communication Keys -1

T536T Education and Training (DUEVO) -1

T538A HR Time/Measurement Units -1

T538B Units of Time/Measurement -1

T538C Permissibility of Time/Measurement Units for Infotypes -1

T538T Units of Time/Measurement Texts -1

T539A Planned Remuneration Specification -1

T539J Base Wage Type Valuation -1

T539R Actions for Standard Wage Maintenance -1

T539S Wage Types for Standard Wage Maintenance -1

T53G0 Jurisdiction -1

T53G0T Description of the jurisdiction -1

T53G1 Garnishment Category -1

T53G1T Description of the garnishment category -1 62/216
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T53G2 Agency -1

T53G2T Description of the agency -1

T53G4 Debt Types for Garnishments -1

T53G4T Description of the debt -1

T53G5 Model for the basis amount -1

T53G6 Description of the basis model -1

T53G7 Characteristics of the basis model -1

T53G8 Model for the gross amount -1

T53G9 Description of the Model for the gross amount -1

T53GA Characteristics Model for the gross amount -1

T53GB Model for the net amount -1

T53GC Description of the Model for the net amount -1

T53GD Characteristics Model for the net amount -1

T53GE Model for the non-exempt amount -1

T53GF Description of the Model for the non-exempt amount -1

T53GG Characteristics Model for the non exempt amount -1

T53GH Non Exempt: Special rules -1

T53GI Non Exempt: Description of special rule -1

T53GJ Non Exempt: Characteristics Special rule -1

T53GK Non Exempt: Level Systems -1

T53GL Non Exempt: Description of Level Systems -1

T53GM Non Exempt: Characteristics Level Systems -1

T53GN Non Exempt: Level Systems Dependents -1

T53GO Model for the relationship to other debts -1

T53GP Description of the model for the relationship to other debts -1

T53GQ Service Charge -1

T53GR Service Charge Description -1

T53GS Service Charge Characterisitics -1

T53GT Priority of debts -1

T53GU Calculation Model -1

T53GV Description of the calculation model -1

T53GW Characteristics of the Calculation Rule -1

T53GX Basis Model Rounding -1

T53GX1 Description Basis Model Rounding -1

T53GX2 Characteristics Basis Model Rounding -1

T53GY Garnishments Elements -1

T541A Types of Guaranteed Net Amount -1

T541N Guaranteed Net Amounts -1

T541T Texts for Types of Guaranteed Net Amounts -1

T542A Work Contract -1

T542T Employment Contracts -1

T543 Challenge Groups -1

T543A Statistics -1

T543B Assignment of Exceptions to Statistics -1

T543C Statistics Text -1

T543D Exception text -1

T543S Challenge Groups -1

T544A Car rule -1

T545 Corporation Keys -1

T545T Corporation Texts -1

T546 Employee Subgroup for PersCalcRule/CollAgreemProvision -1

T546T EE Subgroup Groupings for Personnel Calculation Rules -1 63/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T547S Contract Type Texts -1

T547T Periods of Notice -1

T547V Contract Types -1

T548S Date Conversion -1

T548T Date Types -1

T548Y Date Types -1

T549A Payroll Accounting Areas -1

T549B Company Features -1

T549BT Title of SAP Features -1

T549C Decision Trees for Features (Customers) -1

T549CT Title of Customer Features -1

T549D Features Directory -1

T549L Date Modifiers -1

T549M Monthly Assignment: Payroll Period (no longer used) -1

T549N Period Modifiers -1

T549O Text for date modifier -1

T549P Valid Time Units for Payroll -1

T549Q Payroll Periods -1

T549R Period Parameters -1

T549S Personnel Date Specifications Per Payroll Period -1

T549T Payroll Accounting Areas -1

T549U Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment Periods per Payment Interval -1

T549V Recurr. Pymts/Deds: Default Values for Payment Model -1

T549W Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment Models -1

T549X Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment Periods -1

T549Y Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment Models (Texts) -1

T549Z Calendar for payment model -1

T54C1 Calendar for Cumulation -1

T54C2 Calendar Type -1

T54C3 Cumulation of Wage Types -1

T54C4 Valid Calendar Types -1

T54C5 Date Identifier -1

T54C6 Cumulation Periods -1

T54C9 Functions Grouping -1

T54CA Function Grouping (Texts) -1

T54CC Date Identifier (Texts) -1

T54CT Calendar Types (Texts) -1

T550A Daily Work Schedule -1

T550P Break Schedules -1

T550S Daily Work Schedule Texts -1

T550X Daily Work Schedule Selection Rules -1

T551A Period Work Schedules -1

T551C Period Work Schedule Valuation -1

T551S Period Work Schedule Texts -1

T552A Monthly Work Schedule -1

T552V Dynamic Daily Work Schedule Assignment -1

T552W Dynamic Daily WS Assignment: Planned/Actual Overlap -1

T553A Definition Rules for Day Types -1

T553S Day Types for Special Days -1

T553T Day Type Texts -1

T554A Breakdown of Absences After Quota Deduction -1

T554C Absence Valuation -1 64/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T554D Military Service Ranks -1

T554E Counting Classes for Absence Valuation -1

T554F Counting Classes for Absence Valuation -1

T554G Types of Birth -1

T554HT Evaluation Type for Attendances/Absences: Texts (for T554H) -1

T554L Absence Valuation Rules -1

T554M Absences for Maternity Protection: Rule Table -1

T554N Texts for Day Rules -1

T554O Valuation Classes -1

T554P Symbols for Attendances and Absences (Calendar) -1

T554Q Assignment of Valuation of Absences -1

T554R Day Rules for Absence Valuation -1

T554S Attendance and Absence Types -1

T554S_ESSEX ESS: Deactivation of Attendance/Absence types -1

T554T Attendance and Absence Texts -1

T554V Defaults for Absence Types -1

T554W Periods of Military Service -1

T554X Rules for Attendance/Absence Counting and Leave Deduction -1

T554Y Time Constraints in HR TIME -1

T5550 [OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705Q] Ext. Wage Types from Subsystem Txt -1

T555A Time Types -1

T555B Time Type Texts -1

T555C Permitted PDC PIN Codes -1

T555D [OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705A] Abs./Attendance Reasons Subsystem -1

T555E Time Evaluation Messages -1

T555F Time Evaluation Error Texts -1

T555G [OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705H] Att./Absence Reasons Subssys. Text -1

T555H Site-Restricted Access Control Groups -1

T555I PDC Master Record Information -1

T555J Transfer to Time Types -1

T555K Transfer to Time Wage Types -1

T555L Transfer to Absence Quotas -1

T555M PDC Accounting Types -1

T555N Employee Grouping for the Time Evaluation Rule -1

T555O Access Control Groups (time-restricted) -1

T555P Employee Time Transfer Type -1

T555Q Texts for Time Transfer Type -1

T555R Overtime Compensation Types -1

T555S PDC Record Type Conversion -1

T555T Overtime Compensation Type Texts -1

T555U Employee Time Management status -1

T555V Employee Status for Time Management: Texts -1

T555W [OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705K] Ext. Wages Types from Subsystem -1

T555X Texts for Access Control Groups (time-restricted) -1

T555Y Processing Type/Time Type According to Att./Absence Class -1

T555Z Time Type Determination -1

T556 Substitution Types -1

T556A Absence Quota Types -1

T556B Absence Quota Type Texts -1

T556C Counting Rule for Attendances and Absences -1

T556D Absence Counting With/Without Quotas Texts -1

T556E Rule Group (Coverage Package) -1 65/216
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T556F Texts for Rule Group (Coverage Package) -1

T556G Rule for Selecting Day in Coverage History -1

T556H Texts for Rule on Determining the Coverage History -1

T556P Attendance Quotas -1

T556Q Attendance Quota Type Texts -1

T556R Rules for Deduction Sequence for Absence Quotas -1

T556S Texts for Deduction Sequence Rules for Absence Quotas -1

T556T Substitution Type Texts -1

T556U Attendance/Absence Quota Compensation Types -1

T556V Texts for Attendance/Absence Quota Compensation Types -1

T556W Wage Type Assignment for Att./Absence Quota Compensations -1

T557 Availability Types -1

T557A Reporting Time Types -1

T557B Time Type Descriptions for Reporting -1

T557CU Reporting Time Types -1

T557D Reporting Quota Types -1

T557E Quota Type Descriptions for Reporting -1

T557G Relation Table: Absence/Attendance Accumulation -1

T557H Relation Table: Time Types Accumulation -1

T557I Relation Table: Time Wage Types Accumulation -1

T557J Relation Table: Quota Types for Reporting -1

T557K Relation Table: Quota Types for Reporting -1

T557L Relation Table: Quota Types for Reporting -1

T557M Time Types Relationships Table (from Period Totals Table) -1

T557T Availability Types Texts -1

T557V Membership Function -1

T557W Text for Membership Function -1

T558A Old Payroll Account Transfer -1

T558B Payroll Account Transfer: Payroll Periods -1

T558C Payroll Account Transfer: Old Wage Types -1

T558D Transfer Wage Types with Split Indicator -1

T558E Transfer External Payroll-Arrears Results (International) -1

T559A Working Weeks -1

T559B Working Week Texts -1

T559D Validity/Deduction Interval for Absence Quotas -1

T559E Base Entitlement for Leave Accrual -1

T559F Processing of Absence Quota Remainders -1

T559G Quota Generation: Rule for Transfer Times -1

T559H Quota Generation: Text for Transfer Times Rule -1

T559L Automatic Absence Quota Generation -1

T559M Reduction Rules for Absence Quota Generation -1

T559N Texts for Reduction Rules for Leave Accrual -1

T559P Limits for Time Balances -1

T559Q Texts for Time Balance Limits -1

T559R Rounding Rules -1

T559S Texts for Rounding Rules -1

T559T Texts for Leave Accrual Rule -1

T559U Overtime rules -1

T559V Validity Period: Absence Quotas for Default Values -1

T559W Text Table for Time Evaluation Classes -1

T559X Evaluation Classes for Times (Internal Table TIP) -1

T559Y Text Table for Conditions for Employee Times -1 66/216
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T559Z Conditions for Employee Times in Time Evaluation -1

T564T Insurance Company Texts -1

T569R Earliest Recalculation Dates for Time Management -1

T569T Control Record Texts -1

T569W Texts for Recalculation Categories -1

T56C1 Parameter for Cumulation Types -1

T56C1T Parameter for Cumulation Types – Texts -1

T56C2 Permitted Cumulation Types -1

T56C3 Date for the Cumulation Intervals -1

T572B Illness Texts -1

T572E Control table for additional absence data -1

T572F Event Texts -1

T572G Permitted Values for Events -1

T572H Event Value Texts -1

T574A Qualification Keys -1

T574B Qualification Names -1

T577 Family Characteristics -1

T577S Family Characteristics Texts -1

T578A Medical Doctors -1

T578T Areas Of Examination -1

T578W Texts On Values For Areas Of Examination -1

T578X Permissible Values for Areas of Examination -1

T578Y Examination Results -1

T578Z Control Table for Internal Medical Service -1

T582A Infotypes: Customer-Specific Settings -1

T582B Infotypes That Are Created Automatically -1

T582L Infotypes – country-specific settings -1

T582S Infotype Texts -1

T582V Assignment of Infotypes to Views -1

T582W Assigns Infotype View to Primary Infotype -1

T582Z Control Table for PA Time Management -1

T584A Test Procedures – Infotype Assignment -1

T585A Infotypes with Documents -1

T585B Field Group Definition -1

T585C Field Group Characteristics -1

T585O HR Optical Archiving: Configuration Table for PREL and PAPL -1

T588A Transaction Codes -1

T588B Infotype Menus -1

T588C Infotype Menus/Info Groups -1

T588D Infogroups for Actions -1

T588F – is no longer used (now T588G) – -1

T588G Field-Specific Retroactive Accounting Recognition -1

T588H Infotype Header Data Selection Control -1

T588I Assignment of Header ID/Country Grouping to Header Modifier -1

T588J Infotype Header Definition -1

T588K Field names for screens different from DDIC -1

T588L Field names for screens different from DDIC entry -1

T588M Infotype Screen Control -1

T588N Screen Modification for Account Assignment Block -1

T588O Screen Modification for Assignment Data -1

T588Q Screen Types for Fast Entry -1

T588R Selection Reports for Fast Data Entry -1 67/216
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T588S Screen Types for Fast Entry -1

T588T Menu and Infogroup Designations -1

T588V Business Object Type Determination -1

T588Z Dynamic Actions -1

T589A Status and Input Mode in Screen Painter Screens -1

T589Z F Status of Each Module Pool and Screen -1

T591A Subtype Characteristics -1

T591A_ESSEX ESS: Deactivation of Subtypes -1

T591B Time Constraints for Wage Types -1

T591C Recipient Type for Communication Type -1

T591S Subtype Texts -1

T5961 Area -1

T5963 Assignment of Subapplications to Areas -1

T596A Subapplication -1

T596B Texts for Subapplications -1

T596C Validity Interval for Statutory Subapplications -1

T596D Validity Intervals for Non-Statutory Subapplications -1

T596F HR Subroutines -1

T596G Cumulation Wage Types -1

T596H Texts on Cumulation Wage Types -1

T596I Calculation Rules for Cumulation Wage Types -1

T596J Calculation guideline for cum. wage types (customer table) -1

T596U Conversion Table -1

T599B Report Categories -1

T599C Report Categories -1

T599D Report Category Names -1

T599D_PY Report Category Names -1

T599F Report Categories – Select Options -1

T599F_PY Report Categories – Select Options -1

T599I IMG Transaction: Dynamic Parameter -1

T599J IMG Transaction: Dynamic Parameters – Texts -1

T599R HR Report Attributes -1

T599U Universal HR Tables -1

T599V Universal HR Tables -1

T599W HR Report Categories -1

T599X Field Control for Report Categories -1

T599Y Convert External Wage Types -1

T599Z Time Wage Types to Third-Party Systems -1

T5A03 Employee Groups/Subgroups -1

T5A09 Subapplications for Austria -1

T5A0A Employer Administration Assignments -1

T5A0P Personnel Area/Subarea AT -1

T5A1A SI Groups (Austria) -1

T5A1B SI Contribution Group -1

T5A1C SI Contr./Assessment -1

T5A1D SI Characteristics for Contribution Groups -1

T5A1E Characteristics for Contribution Groups -1

T5A1F Details for Characteristic Types of Contribution Groups -1

T5A1G Texts for Characteristic Types of Contribution Groups -1

T5A1H Texts for Details of Characteristics of Contribution Groups -1

T5A1I Assignment of Technical Contr. Grps. to Official Contr. Grps -1

T5A1J Texts for Contribution Groups -1 68/216
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T5A1K ELDA: Record versions -1

T5A1L ELDA: Record structures -1

T5A1M ELDA: Field conversion -1

T5A1N ELDA: Value conversion -1

T5A1S Employer Account Numbers with Social Insurance Institutions -1

T5A1T Social Insurance Institutes -1

T5A1X Control for Determining SI Contributions (A) -1

T5A2A Linear calculation of the general deduction amount -1

T5A2C Texts for Tax Exemption -1

T5A2D Tax Procedure / Reasons for Tax Exemption -1

T5A2E Income Tax Rates -1

T5A2F Tax Offices (A) -1

T5A2G Municipalities -1

T5A2L Additional Information for Annual Data Carrier L16 -1

T5A2M Damage Events / Reasons -1

T5A2S Tax Deductions (A) -1

T5A2T Tax Procedures (A) -1

T5A3A Family allowance -1

T5A3T Family Allowance Texts -1

T5A4 Flow Control for Continued Pay -1

T5A4A General Data for Absences -1

T5A4B Seniority -1

T5A4C Entitlement Quota -1

T5A4F Absence Categories f. CollContract / Plant Bargaining Agmt -1

T5A4G Use of Absence Categories -1

T5A4H Date Specification (Contd Pay) -1

T5A4I Absence Categories with Special Significance -1

T5A4O Description of Attendence/Absence Types -1

T5A4P Attendance/Absence Types -1

T5A4Q Characteristics of Attendance/Absence Types -1

T5A4T Valuation acc. to Length of Absence -1

T5A4U Entitlement Quota -1

T5A4V Entitlement per Absence -1

T5A4W Entitlements in Observation Period -1

T5A5D Print Position for Sickness Cert. -1

T5A5F Technical Control for Sickness Certificates -1

T5A5K Forms for Domestic Sickness Certificates -1

T5A5T Print position texts for sickness certificates -1

T5A5U Forms for Holiday Sickness Certs. -1

T5A5Z System Reactions in Master Data Maintenance -1

T5A6B Equalization Reasons -1

T5A6C Special Garnishment Cases -1

T5A6D Fields for Special Garnishment Cases -1

T5A6E Garnishment Group -1

T5A6H Rulings for a garnishment group -1

T5A9B Pay Attributes for Subapplications -1

T5A9C Export Wage Types for Subapplications -1

T5A9G Union Company Number -1

T5B01 SI Categories Employees (B) -1

T5B02 SI Categories Employers (B) -1

T5B03 SI Specifications Employees (B) -1

T5B04 SI Notifications Employees (B) -1 69/216
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T5B05 Function SI Hourly Paid Employee without Regulation (B) -1

T5B06 Text Table Country Codes SI/”BELCOTAX” (B) -1

T5B07 Profession Groups (B) -1

T5B08 Nationalities (B) -1

T5B09 Type Deduction of SI Contribution Employer (B) -1

T5B0A Text Table SI Categories Employees (B) -1

T5B0B Text Table SI Categories Employers (B) -1

T5B0C Text Table SI Specifications Employees (B) -1

T5B0D Text Table SI Notifications Employees (B) -1

T5B0E Text Table Function SI Hourly Paid without Regulation (B) -1

T5B0F Country Codes & Nationalities (B) -1

T5B0G Profession Groups (B) -1

T5B0H Text Table Nationalities (B) -1

T5B0I Text Table Deduction of SI Contribution Employer (B) -1

T5B0J Usage for SI Category Employee -1

T5B11 Tax Calculation Type (B) -1

T5B12 Spouse’s Professions (B) -1

T5B13 Leave Regulation Taxes (B) -1

T5B14 Marital Status (B) -1

T5B15 Translation Table: Marital Status -1

T5B1A Text Table Type Tax Calculation (B) -1

T5B1B Text Table Spouse’s Professions (B) -1

T5B1C Text Table Leave Regulation Taxes (B) -1

T5B1D Text Table Marital Status (B) -1

T5B51 Text Table – Postal Codes (B) -1

T5B52 Text Table – Postal Codes “NIS” (B) -1

T5B53 Postal Codes for Taxes (B) -1

T5B5A Fusion Postal Codes -1

T5B5B Text Table – Fusion Postal Codes (B) -1

T5B5C Postal Codes Villages (B) -1

T5B62 Text Table Collective Agreements (B) -1

T5B63 Labour Commissions (B) -1

T5B6B Pay Scale Agreements (B) -1

T5B6C Labour Commissions (B) -1

T5B71 Work Schedule Systems (B) -1

T5B72 Weekly Workdays “Regime” (B) -1

T5B73 Regulations Work Schedules (B) -1

T5B7A Text Table Systems Work Schedules (B) -1

T5B7B Text Table Weekly Workdays “regime” (B) -1

T5B7C Text Table for Work Schedule Regulations (B) -1

T5B92 Institutional Groups (B) -1

T5B94 HR legal documents variations -1

T5B95 HR legal document -1

T5B96 Form for legal document -1

T5B9A Institutions (B) -1

T5B9B Institutional Groups (B) -1

T5B9D Texttable legal document variation -1

T5B9E Texttable legal document -1

T5B9G Employee Groups/Subgroups (B) -1

T5B9P Plant/Plant Section (B) -1

T5BC0 Rail Tariff for Commuting Expenses (B) -1

T5BE1 Levels of garnishment -1 70/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T5BE2 Types of Garnishment Assignment -1

T5BO1 Mapping Table Event Type – Reason of Event -1

T5BP1 Control of Personal Calendar (B) -1

T5BP2 Grace period and regulations (B) -1

T5BP3 Responses personnel calendar -1

T5BT1 Exceptional tax scales -1

T5BT2 Exemption for dependent children -1

T5BT3 Reduction for dependent children -1

T5BT7 Rules for the BELCOTAX file -1

T5BTH Texttable sheet labels for the BELCOTAX fields -1

T5BTM Monthly salaries – deduction in advance -1

T5BTS Advance deductions for non-resident people -1

T5BTX Reduction for children -1

T5BTY Regular salaries pay scales -1

T5BTZ Reduction on taxable base (normal) -1

T5BV1 SI rate by contribution part -1

T5BV2 Percentages SI-part per category employer/employee -1

T5BV3 Total SI per employer/employee category -1

T5BV4 Factory shutdown fundraising (FFE/FSO) -1

T5BV5 Rate for existance insurance fund -1

T5BV6 Parts in social insurance contribution -1

T5BV7 Rates for wage moderation -1

T5BV8 Actives for factory shutdown fund (FFE/FSO) -1

T5BV9 Contribution for financing groups with risks -1

T5BVA Texttable parts in social insurance contribution -1

T5BVB Contract Type Belgium -1

T5BVC Special contributions SI -1

T5BVD Mapping Table Educational Type -1

T5BVE SI reductions for low wages -1

T5BVF Reduction for minimum wages (CA 50) -1

T5BVG Employers SI reduction for the hiring of young workers -1

T5BVH Social Balance Data -1

T5BVI Sequence of SI-tape structure -1

T5BVJ Levels and legal amounts for SI reductions -1

T5BVL Additional reductions on employer’s SI contributions -1

T5BVM SI special contributions 1996 -1

T5BVO Quarterly control ticket SI declaration -1

T5BVP Definition of SI periods -1

T5BVQ Maribel reduction -1

T5BVS Social insurance tape format -1

T5BVT Logic of the social security payments -1

T5BVU Logic of the social security reductions -1

T5BVV Level/block sequence of the social insurance declaration -1

T5BVZ Contribution to factory shutdown fund -1

T5C03 Employee Group/Subgroup -1

T5C0P HR CH: Personnel Subarea Supplements -1

T5C10 FAK Contributions (CH) -1

T5C11 Training allowances -1

T5C12 Bonus Paid After Birth of Child -1

T5C13 HR-CH: Additional jobs -1

T5C14 HR-CH: RWH number of public holidays -1

T5C15 HR-CH: RWH vacation and public holidays reimbursement -1 71/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T5C16 HR-CH: Exception Events for Reduced Hours -1

T5C17 Texts for Pension Funds -1

T5C18 Pension Funds – Insurance Types -1

T5C19 Family Equalization Fund -1

T5C1A AHV Key -1

T5C1B Texts for AHV Keys -1

T5C1C Pension funds -1

T5C1D Texts for Pension Funds -1

T5C1E Transaction types -1

T5C1F Total transaction types -1

T5C1G Percentages -1

T5C1H Pension Types -1

T5C1I Texts for Pension Types -1

T5C1J Pension Rates (CH) -1

T5C1K HR-CH: insurance contributions -1

T5C1L SUVA plant sections -1

T5C1M Family-related bonuses -1

T5C1N Family Equalization Fund -1

T5C1O Cantons/Municipalities (CH) -1

T5C1P EO Compensation (CH) -1

T5C1Q HR-CH: Company department short-time work -1

T5C1R Text for Company Department -1

T5C1S Withholding Tax Rates (CH) -1

T5C1U Profession Categories -1

T5C1V Texts for Profession Categories -1

T5C1W Texts for ASM Statistics -1

T5C1X Paying Offices (CH) -1

T5C1Y Fee for Withholding Tax -1

T5C1Z Company Pension Fund Factors -1

T5C2A Text on Tax Liability -1

T5C2B Withholding Tax Base -1

T5C2C Withholding Tax Liability -1

T5C2D Withholding Tax Calculation -1

T5C2E Special Table 13th Monthly Wages -1

T5C2F Tax Cantons -1

T5C2G Texts for Withholding Tax -1

T5C2H WhT Tax Records -1

T5C2I WhT Accounting Number -1

T5C2J Withholding Tax Liability -1

T5C2K WhT Table Structure -1

T5C2L Withholding tax – payroll number -1

T5C2M Payroll unit – withholding tax -1

T5C2MT Payroll unit: Withholding tax texts -1

T5C2N Payroll unit – wage statement -1

T5C2NB Remarks for Payroll Unit Wage Statement -1

T5C2NT Payroll unit – wage statement texts -1

T5C3A HR-CH: PF: Total transaction types -1

T5C3B HR-CH: PF: Total wage types – texts -1

T5C3C HR-CH: Share of Hourly Wages -1

T5C3D HR-CH: UVG/SUVA premiums -1

T5C3E HR-CH: plant section text internal/UVG -1

T5C3F HR-CH: Valuation of Absences -1 72/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T5C3G HR-CH: Reduced Working Hours Grace Days -1

T5C3H HR-CH: Control of End of Year Bonus (13th Wage) -1

T5C3I HR-CH: Application Key Switzerland -1

T5C3J HR-CH: Assignment of Application Keys to Payroll Units -1

T5C4A Municipality -1

T5CA0 Employee Attributes -1

T5CA1 Texts for EE Attributes -1

T5CA2 PC Value Types -1

T5CA3 HR-CH: Value type descriptions -1

T5CA4 Processing Schedules -1

T5CA5 Processing Schedule Names -1

T5CA8 PC Method Determination -1

T5CAA Parameter Areas -1

T5CAB Parameter Area Name -1

T5CAC Parameter Range Determination -1

T5CAE PC Operations -1

T5CAF Operation Descriptions -1

T5CAH Schedule Value Types -1

T5CAI EE Groupings for PC Method Assignment -1

T5CAJ Name of EE Groupings for PC Method Assignment -1

T5CAK PC: Text Templates for Operation Conditions -1

T5CAKE PC: Text Templates for Operation Conditions -1

T5CAL PC: Operation Parameter Descriptions -1

T5CAM Operation Parameter Names -1

T5CAP EE Attribute Classes -1

T5CAQ HR-CH: Identification of EE attribute classes -1

T5CAR Message for Employee Attribute Combination -1

T5CAS Assignment of EE Attr.classes to IT Entry Fields -1

T5CAT PC Value Type Attributes -1

T5CAU Texts for PC Value Type Attributes -1

T5CAV Value Type Attribute Assignment -1

T5CAW Parameter Range Determination Groupings -1

T5CAX Parameter Range Determination Grouping Texts -1

T5CAY PC Activities -1

T5CAZ Texts for PC Activities -1

T5CB0 PC Value Sets -1

T5CB1 Texts for PC Value Sets -1

T5CB3 PC Parameter Attributes -1

T5CB4 PC Schemas -1

T5CB5 Texts for PC Schemas -1

T5CB6 PC Forms -1

T5CB7 Texts for PC Forms -1

T5CB8 PC Evaluation Types -1

T5CB9 Texts for PC Evaluation Types -1

T5CBA PC Schema of PC Evaluation Type -1

T5CBB PC Output Sequences of a PC Evaluation Type -1

T5CBC Compatibility of PC Schemas and Output Sequences -1

T5CBD PC Form Attributes -1

T5CBE Value Type Field Assignment -1

T5CBF Individual Processing of a PC Schema -1

T5CBG Output Sequences -1

T5CBH Texts for Output Sequences -1 73/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T5CBI Group Formation Types -1

T5CBJ Texts for Group Formation Types -1

T5CBK Output Assignment Types -1

T5CBL Texts for Output Assignment Types -1

T5CBM Output Sequence Steps -1

T5CBN Messages for PC Operation Conditions -1

T5CBO Additional Selection Parameters for Reports -1

T5CBP PC Calculations -1

T5CBQ PC Calculation Names -1

T5CBR Views for PC Online Evaluation -1

T5CBS Texts for PC Online Evaluation Views -1

T5CBT Control of PC Calculation -1

T5CBU Field Selection for PC Online Evaluation View -1

T5CBW Value Type Attributes for Dialog -1

T5CBX Settings for PC Schema -1

T5CC0 PC Method Steps Add-Ons -1

T5CC1 Characteristics of Output Sequences -1

T5CE0 HR-CH: Master Data Sheets -1

T5CE0T HR-CH: Master Data Sheet Names -1

T5CE1 HR-CH: Data Origins for Master Data Sheet -1

T5CE1T HR-CH: Data Origin Names -1

T5CE2 HR-CH: Read Control for Master Data Sheets -1

T5CE3 HR-CH: Order of Text Elements for Master Data Sheet -1

T5CEI HR-CH: Infotype Output for Master Data Sheet -1

T5CEJ HR-CH: Infotype Output for Master Data Sheet -1

T5CEK HR-CH: Derived Infotype Values for Master Data Sheet -1

T5CEL HR-CH: Values from Infotype 0279 for Master Data Sheet -1

T5CEM HR-CH: Attribute Classes for Master Data Sheet -1

T5CEN HR-CH: Payroll Units for Master Data Sheet -1

T5CEO HR-CH: Data from Payroll Units -1

T5CEP HR-CH: Data from Infotype 0041 for Master Data Sheet -1

T5CP0 HR-CH: Pension funds -1

T5CP1 HR-CH: Texts for pension funds -1

T5CP2 HR-CH: Control of pension funds -1

T5CP3 HR-CH: Field assignment for infotype 279 -1

T5CP4 HR-CH: Value assignment for fields (BI) -1

T5CP5 HR-CH: Infotypes for BI -1

T5CP6 HR-CH: Employee groupings for field assignment infotype 0279 -1

T5CP7 HR-CH: Texts on EE groupings for field assignment It 0279 -1

T5CP8 HR-CH: Frame texts for infotype 0279 -1

T5CP9 HR-CH: Infotypes for Overview in Administrator Interface -1

T5CPA HR-CH: Determination of Wage Types for PF Value Types -1

T5CPC PF Calculations -1

T5CPD PF Calculation Texts -1

T5CPE Control of PF Calculations -1

T5CPF Fund Function View -1

T5CPFT Fund Function Names -1

T5CPG HR-CH: Authorization groups for PF accounts -1

T5CPH HR-CH: Texts on authorization groups for PF accounts -1

T5CPI HR-CH: Settings for PC Schemata for PF -1

T5CPJ Fund Function View Categories -1

T5CPJT Fund Function View Category Names -1 74/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T5CPL HR-CH: Column Headings for Infotype 0279 List -1

T5CPM Infotype 0279 Fund and Employee Grouping Data -1

T5CPN PF Functions in Fund Function View Category -1

T5CPO HR-CH: Quantities of Input Parameters for PF Calculations -1

T5CPP Input Parameter Texts for PF Calculations -1

T5CPQ Input Parameter Quantity Value Types for PF Calulation -1

T5CPR Additional PF Re-Calculation Infotypes -1

T5CPS Additional Infotype Field Values for PF Calculation -1

T5CPU PF Functions -1

T5CPUT PF Functions -1

T5CPV Control of PF Functions -1

T5CPW Ad Hoc Query Field Assignment -1

T5CPY Individual PF Account Views -1

T5CPYT PF Account View Texts -1

T5CQ0 Account View Control -1

T5CQ1 Account View Posting Value Types -1

T5CQ2 Account View Arrangement -1

T5CQ3 Account View Result Value Types -1

T5CS1 HR-CH: Control of SI -1

T5CS2 HR-CH: Application Key Switzerland -1

T5CS3 HR-CH: Creation of Wage Types for SI -1

T5CS4 HR-CH: Application Key Switzerland -1

T5CS5 HR-CH: Creation of Wage Types for SI -1

T5CS6 HR-CH: Period Wage Types for Gross/Net Iteration -1

T5CS7 HR-CH: Premium Rates for Insurance -1

T5CS8 HR-CH: Texts for Contribution Rates for Insurance -1

T5CS9 HR-CH: Payroll unit – AHV/UI -1

T5CS9T HR-CH: Payroll unit – AHV/UI -1

T5CSA HR-CH: Payroll unit UVG -1

T5CSAT HR-CH: Payroll unit UVG -1

T5CSB HR-CH: Payroll unit: Social Funds -1

T5CSBT HR-CH: Payroll unit: Social Funds -1

T5CSC HR-CH: Payroll Unit: Voluntary Accident Insurance -1

T5CSCT HR-CH: Payroll Unit: Voluntary Accident Insurance -1

T5CSD HR-CH: Payroll Unit – Sickness Indemnity Insurance -1

T5CSDT HR-CH: Payroll Unit – Sickness Indemnity Insurance -1

T5CSE HR-CH: Payroll unit: NBU additional insurance -1

T5CSET HR-CH: Payroll unit: NBU additional insurance -1

T5CSF HR-CH: Payroll Unit – ASM -1

T5CSFT HR-CH: Payroll Unit – ASM -1

T5CSG HR-CH: Payroll Unit BFS -1

T5CSGT HR-CH: Payroll Unit BFS Text -1

T5CSH Grouping for Social Insurance -1

T5CSHT Grouping for Social Insurance Switzerland -1

T5CSI Grouping for Insurances -1

T5CSIT Grouping for Social Insurance Switzerland -1

T5CSX HR-CH: Payroll unit: Customer insurance 1 -1

T5CSXT HR-CH: Payroll unit: Customer insurance 1 -1

T5CSY HR-CH: Payroll unit: Customer insurance 2 -1

T5CSYT HR-CH: Payroll unit: Customer insurance 2 -1

T5CSZ HR-CH: Payroll unit: Customer insurance 3 -1

T5CSZT HR-CH: Payroll unit: Customer insurance 3 -1 75/216
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T5CZ1 HR-CH: Payroll Unit: Family-Related Bonuses -1

T5CZ1T HR-CH: Payroll Unit: Family-Related Bonuses -1

T5CZA HR-CH: Scope of Validity of Child Benefit/Training Bonus -1

T5CZB HR-CH: Code for Calculating Age of Child -1

T5CZM HR-CH: FAK Reduction Rules -1

T5CZN HR-CH: FAK Reduction Rules -1

T5CZO HR-CH: Amount of Child Benefit -1

T5CZP HR-CH: Amount of Bonus Paid after Birth of Child -1

T5CZQ HR-CH: Calculation Rule for Child Benefit -1

T5CZR HR-CH: Calculation Rule for Bonus Paid after Birth of Child -1

T5CZS HR-CH: Calculation Rule for Household Allowance -1

T5CZT HR-CH: FAK Contribution -1

T5CZU HR-CH: Different Payment of Family-Related Bonuses -1

T5D03 Employee Group/Subgroup -1

T5D0A Absence Attributes -1

T5D0C Absence breakdown (Germany) -1

T5D0F Fictitious Run Controls -1

T5D0FT Fictitious Run Contol Texts -1

T5D0G Fictitious Runs -1

T5D0GT Fictitious Run Texts -1

T5D0H Assign Fictitious Run Control to Fictitious Run -1

T5D0L HR: Derivation of Characters of Wage Types dep. on Process. -1

T5D0M HR: Processing Routines for the Derivation of Wage Types -1

T5D0N HR: Texts on Processing Routines for T5D0M -1

T5D0O Processing Classes for Absences (Germany) -1

T5D0P Personnel Area / Personnel Subarea (D) -1

T5D0S Grouping of Absences (Germany) -1

T5D0T Pay Scale Area Grouping -1

T5D0U Assignment to pay scale area groups -1

T5D0V Wage type (national qualities) -1

T5D0W Assign Pension Organization to Personnel Area -1

T5D11 Cal. Procedures and Indicators for Health Insurance Funds -1

T5D12 Reason for Exemption from Insurance Liability -1

T5D13 Jobs (D) -1

T5D14 Features of Earnings Survey for Statistical Purposes (D) -1

T5D15 Tele. Funds -1

T5D16 Advanced Payment – Statement of Contributions Paid -1

T5D17 Subsequent Administration of Locked HI Funds -1

T5D1A SI contributions -1

T5D1B Special SI Rules -1

T5D1C Texts for Special SI Rules -1

T5D1D Help View for SI Attribute Combinations (Germany) -1

T5D1E Social Insurance Attributes and their Various Combinations -1

T5D1F Reasons for Exemption from SI Contributions -1

T5D1G Contribution Classes for Supplementary Insurance -1

T5D1H Supplementary Insurances -1

T5D1I Compulsory Health Insurance Contributions (D) -1

T5D1K Branch Offices -1

T5D1L SI Withholding Deductions (D) -1

T5D1M HI Contributions, Voluntarily Reduced -1

T5D1N Calculation of HI Amt. (D) -1

T5D1O Health Insurance Funds, Voluntary Contributions -1 76/216
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T5D1P Social Insurance Keys -1

T5D1Q Special Rules (Suppl. Insurance, D) -1

T5D1R Special Rules Supplementary Insurance Texts -1

T5D1S SI Gross Amount -1

T5D1T SI Assessment Limit (Germany) -1

T5D1U SI Processing -1

T5D1V SI Processing Routines -1

T5D1W Supplementary pensions -1

T5D1X Supplementary pension (D) percentage rates -1

T5D1Y Social Insurance Divisions w/ Valid SAP Contribution Groups -1

T5D1Z Voluntary Nursing Insurance Contributions -1

T5D2A Tax Offices (Germany) -1

T5D2B Municipality Code (D) -1

T5D2C Tax Validation I (D) -1

T5D2D Taxation Features (D) -1

T5D2E Tax Validation II (D) -1

T5D2F Gross Taxable Amount (D) -1

T5D2G Tax Procedure (D) -1

T5D2H Church Tax Rates (D) -1

T5D2I -1

T5D2K Family funds (D) -1

T5D2L Church Tax Areas (D) -1

T5D2M Month of issue: Employment tax statement (Tax Ger.) -1

T5D2N Tax-paying Denominations (D) -1

T5D2S Derived Tax Wage Types -1

T5D2T Texts Taxation Characteristics (D) -1

T5D3A Workers’ Compensation Associations -1

T5D3B Mutual indem.society – Increased Risk Areas -1

T5D3C Workers’ Compensation Associations -1

T5D3D Workers’ Compensation Associations Hazard Pay Jobs -1

T5D3E Reduced Hours/Winter Compensation: Approval Periods -1

T5D3F Pension Institutions (D) -1

T5D3G Capital Formation (D) -1

T5D3H Types of Investments for Capital Formation -1

T5D3I Variants for Reduced Hours Compensation (D) -1

T5D3J RHC Variants Texts -1

T5D3K Capital Formation Variants -1

T5D3L Capital Formation Savings Payments-Special Rules Table-Texts -1

T5D3M Assignment of a Valuation of Pay Scales for Statistics -1

T5D3N Valuation of Pay Scales for Statistics -1

T5D3O Capital formation constants -1

T5D4A DEUEV Activity Keys -1

T5D4B DEUEV Activity Key Texts -1

T5D4C DEUEV Pensioners/Claimants -1

T5D4D Texts for Pensioners/Applicants -1

T5D4E DEUEV Nationality Keys -1

T5D4G DEUEV Activity Keys for Miners’ and Mine Employees’ Ins. -1

T5D4H DEUEV Activity Key Text for Miners’ and Mine EEs’ Ins. -1

T5D4I DEUEV Text on Reason for Change of Miners’ & Mine EEs’ Ins. -1

T5D4J Special Key: Miners’ and Mine Employees’ Insurance -1

T5D4K Special Key: Miners’ and Mine Employees’ Insurance -1

T5D4L Special Key: Miners’ and Mine Employees’ Insurance -1 77/216
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T5D4O DEUEV permissible name extension -1

T5D4P Person Groups Key SI -1

T5D4Q Texts for Person Groups Key -1

T5D4R DUEVO. Assignment to Recipient Funds -1

T5D4S DUEVO: File Counter -1

T5D5A Local Allowance Level/Partnership Key Checklist (D) -1

T5D5B Supplementary Benefits for Civil Service: Employer Table -1

T5D5C Supplementary Benefits for Civil Service (D): Payroll Table -1

T5D5D Supplementary Benefits for Civil Service: Message Fields -1

T5D5E Supplemenary Bens. for Civil Service: Message Reason Table -1

T5D5F Case Groups -1

T5D5G Suppl. Benefits for Civil Service (D): Combination Table -1

T5D5K Case Group Catalog -1

T5D5L Local Allowance Classes and Career Assignment -1

T5D5N Supplementary pensions PSG: Account number table -1

T5D5R PSG Supplementary Pension:Customizing Contribution Statement -1

T5D5T Case Group Catalog – Texts -1

T5D5Z Supplementary Pension Public Sector: SPF Data -1

T5D6B Equalization Reasons -1

T5D6C Special Garnishment Cases -1

T5D6D Fields for Special Garnishment Cases -1

T5D6E Execution rules for special case garnishment -1

T5D6F Text Table for Garnishments -1

T5D6G Employer costs – garnishment -1

T5D71 Calculation of qualifying period -1

T5D71T Function model text for calculation of qualification period -1

T5D72 Houses -1

T5D73 Official housing -1

T5D74 Employee Accommodations -1

T5D75 Employee Accommodations-Price per Square Metre -1

T5D76 Official Housing Rule-Modifiers -1

T5D77 Maximum Remuneration for Official Housing -1

T5D78 Official Housing Rule -1

T5D79 Wage Type Control for Official Housing Gross Amount -1

T5D7A Catalogs of service types -1

T5D7B Texts on catalog for service types -1

T5D7C Service types -1

T5D7D Service type texts -1

T5D7E Service categories -1

T5D7F Service category texts -1

T5D7H Spousal element – exception and reason – -1

T5D7I Spousal Element -Text- -1

T5D7J Control PSen and CoLA relevance (basic pay) -1

T5D7K Parameters to determine proposed pay seniority -1

T5D7L Utility table for higher grouping and promotion -1

T5D7M Value of compensation groups -1

T5D7N Determine hiring level model 8 -1

T5D7O Company code grouping/Service type catalog -1

T5D7Q Model for Controlling Contributions -PSG- -1

T5D7QT Function Model Text for Special Bonus -1

T5D7R Model for controlling vacation bonus -1

T5D7RT Function Model Text for Vacation Bonus -1 78/216
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T5D7U Assignment of Evaluation Area to Internal Key -1

T5D7V Definition of Exceptions in Statistics -1

T5D7W Exception Indicator Texts in Statistics -PSG -1

T5D7X Assignment of Exception Indicator to Variable Key -1

T5D7Y Assignment of Exception Indicator to Service Types -1

T5D7Z Assignment of Exception Indicator to Job -1

T5D80 Control Table for Pension Payments -1

T5D81 Control Indicator Pensions – Texts -1

T5D82 Pay Scale Information for Calculating Minimum Pensions -1

T5D82T Function model text for minimum pension -1

T5D83 Payroll number (post) – Pension insurance institution (D) -1

T5D84 Model for Maternity Pay Supplement -1

T5D84T Function model text for maternity pay supplement -1

T5D85 Wage Types for One-Off Payments of Maternity Pay Supplement -1

T5D87 Assign Public Sector Function Model -1

T5D88 Function Model for Leave and Sickness Pay Premium -1

T5D88T Function model text for leave and sickness premium -1

T5D89 Wage Type Model for Leave and Sickness Premium -1

T5D89T Wage type model for leave and sickness premium (texts) -1

T5D8A Name of Activity -1

T5D8B Use of Furnishings -1

T5D8C Subject to Approval -1

T5D8D Work Indicator -1

T5D8E Accommodations, Infotype 0330 (Non-Monetary Remuneration) -1

T5D8F Non-Mon. Remuneration Meals, Infotype 0330, -1

T5D8H Universities/Colleges -1

T5D8I Assignment of Exception Indicator to Position -1

T5D8J Assignment of Exception Indicatot to Org. Key -1

T5D8M Position Table for University/College Statistics -1

T5D8N Table of Employment Offices -1

T5D8O Regional Body -1

T5D8P Programs for Rehabilitation -1

T5D8PT Programs for Rehabilitation (Texts) -1

T5D8Q Characteristics of Rehabilitation Programs -1

T5D8S Payroll Numbers -1

T5D91 Model Events for Start of Premium Calculation Period -1

T5D92 Model for start of new calculation period for premium calc. -1

T5D92T Model Events for Start of Premium Calculation Period -1

T5D93 Employment Locations -1

T5D93T Employment Locations (Texts) -1

T5D94 Assignment of Country Level to Employment Location -1

T5D95 Foreign Service Bonus -1

T5D96 Basic Amounts for Supplement to Foreign Service Bonus -1

T5D97 Allowance for child abroad -1

T5DA1 Semiretirement Model -1

T5DA1T SR Model Text -1

T5DA2 Supplemental Percentage Rates for SR Model -1

T5DA3 Assessment Bases for SR Model -1

T5DA4 Semiretirement special rule -1

T5DA4T Text for Semiretirement Special Rule -1

T5DA5 SR: Semiretirement Work Phases -1

T5DA5T SR: Phase Name -1 79/216
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T5DB0 Construct.ind: work cooperatives -1

T5DB2 External data for breakdown of trade tax (construction ind.) -1

T5DB4 HR construction site file -1

T5DB5 Construction site file work breakdown structure element -1

T5DB6 Construction site file order -1

T5DB7 Gang description -1

T5DB8 Construct.ind: Gang assignment to place of employment -1

T5DBA SI fund in the building sector -1

T5DBB Contributions SI fund – building trade -1

T5DBC BTrade-Partner of working associations -1

T5DBD Construct.ind: Meals allow., separation allow., travel costs -1

T5DBE Constr.ind. company number assignment to SI funds -1

T5DBF Leave for the construction industry -1

T5DBG Texts for Building Trade Wages Expenses -1

T5DBH Building trade attributes -1

T5DBI Building trade – effect of indicator on transaction data -1

T5DBJ Texts for Construction Pay Constants -1

T5DBK Wage type for the building trade – constants -1

T5DBL Building trade – short indicator transaction data -1

T5DBM Building trade expenses – taxable valuation -1

T5DBN Work Key for Construction Industry -1

T5DBO Building trade expenses: Permissible entries -1

T5DBP WType for 13th. months income (construction industry) -1

T5DBQ Texts for Construction Keys -1

T5DBR Construction industry: Model for working hours flexibility -1

T5DBS Flexiblity model for working time – texts -1

T5DBT Building trade – short indicator texts – transaction data -1

T5DBU Construct.ind: stmnt.wg.types (expenses) -1

T5DBV Building trade WType cost assign. – hostel -1

T5DBW Construct.ind: Hostel administration -1

T5DBX BTrade – Incentive wages connection -1

T5DB_REISEZIEL Destination of Expenses Construction Industry -1

T5DB_REISEZIELT PY-DE-CI:Text Table Destination/ Expenses Const. Industry -1

T5DC1 Constants for Company Pension Scheme -1

T5DC2 Texts for Constants in Company Pension Schemes -1

T5DC3 Pension Organization for Company Pension Scheme -1

T5DC4 Control Increase (Increase and Attribution Time) -1

T5DC5 Process Control Pension Calculation -1

T5DC5T Text for Processing Triggers -1

T5DC6 Processing Steps for Pension Calculation -1

T5DC7 Groupings CPS -1

T5DC7T Text For CPS Groupings -1

T5DC9 Grouping Texts -1

T5DCA Entitlements / Benefit Types -1

T5DCB Monitor Contribution Reimbursement -1

T5DCC Text on Benefit Types -1

T5DCD Control Information Entitlements -1

T5DCE Pension type control -1

T5DCF Method for Calculation of Conversion Amount -1

T5DCG Indicator CPS -1

T5DCH Assignment of Statement Data Type to CPS Table Name -1

T5DCI Administration of Reduction for Surviving Dependants -1 80/216
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T5DCJ Pension Adjustment Table -1

T5DCK Dynamic Field Text -1

T5DCL Transfer Basic Data (Income) -1

T5DCM Calculation Method for Calculated/Actual Contributions -1

T5DCN Calculation Method Employment Period/Income -1

T5DCO Income Areas for Working Time Valuation -1

T5DCP Valuation Using Working Time Scales -1

T5DCQ Working Time Calculation Method -1

T5DCS Contribution Calculation Rules -1

T5DCST Contribution Calculation Rules -1

T5DCU Account Assignment Basic Pension Payments -1

T5DCV Entitlement Status -1

T5DCVT Entitlement Status Text -1

T5DCW Pension Plans CPS -1

T5DCWT Text on Pension Plans CPS -1

T5DCX Interest Calculation for Contribution Reimbursements -1

T5DCY Company Pension Scheme Parameters -1

T5DCZ Imputation Rules for Company Pension Scheme -1

T5DF0 Statement Parameters Basic Settings -1

T5DF0T Statement Parameter Basic Settings – Text Table -1

T5DF1 Statement Wage Types -1

T5DF1T Statement Wage Types – Text Table -1

T5DF2 Control of Statement Functions -1

T5DF3 Table Assignment and Window/Element Control for Form -1

T5DF4 Control Statement Wage Types -1

T5DF5 Functional Areas for Statements -1

T5DF5T Functional Areas for Statements – Text Tables -1

T5DF6 Statement Parameters – Customer Settings -1

T5DF7 Wage Type Bases -1

T5DF7T Wage Type Bases – Text Tables -1

T5DF8 Statement Functions -1

T5DF8T Statement Functions – Text Tables -1

T5DF9 Permitted Tables -1

T5DFB Assignment of Wage Type Bases to Wage Types -1

T5DL1 Absence Events -1

T5DL2 Text on absence events -1

T5DL3 Rules on absence events -1

T5DL4 Text on rules for absence events -1

T5DL5 Rule type for absence events -1

T5DP1 Interface PAISY -1

T5DP2 Conversion of Infotype Fields -> PAISY -1

T5DP3 Conversion of Wage Type Infotypes 0008/0011/0014 -> PAISY -1

T5DP4 Assignment PAISY Company – Superordinate Company -1

T5DP5 Conversion of Wage Type Infotype 0010 -> PAISY -1

T5DP6 Conversion of Infotype 0013 -> PAISY -1

T5DP7 Conversion of Infotype 0079 -> PAISY -1

T5DP8 Conversion of Infotype 0026 -> PAISY -1

T5DP9 Conversion of HI Fund Infotypes 0013/0079 -> PAISY -1

T5DPS PAISY Sequential Record Numbers for Subrecord Type 15 -1

T5DTM_URL Absence Quota Types: Germany-Specific -1

T5DW0 Special Functions for Calculating Contributions -1

T5DW1 Identification Feature CPS -1 81/216
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T5DW1T Text for CPS Identification Features -1

T5DW3 Pension Organizations for CPS Statement Information -1

T5DW4 Administration of Basic Calculation (Income/Contributions) -1

T5DW5 Processing Types for Pension Calculations -1

T5DW5T Processing Types for Pension Calculations -1

T5DW7 Permissibility of Pension Calculation Actions -1

T5DW8 Bonus/Deduction Rules -1

T5DW8T Text on Bonus/Deduction Rules -1

T5DW9 Assignment of Benefit Types to CPS Imputation Groups -1

T5DWA Pension Plans CPS -1

T5DWB Primary Entitlements of Pension Plan -1

T5DWC Entitlements/Benefit Types for Entitlement Group -1

T5DWD Deductions/Payments for Reimbursements -1

T5DWE Calculation Variants per Entitlement -1

T5DWET Text on Calculation Variants per Entitlement/Benefit Type -1

T5DWF CPS Currency Key -1

T5DWFT CPS Currency Key (Texts) -1

T5DWI Control Continued Payment of Surviving Dependant Pay -1

T5DWJ Assignment of Text Elements to Statements -1

T5DWK Permitted Structure Names in CPS Statements -1

T5DWL Control Logical Pages in CPS Statements -1

T5DWM Payroll Control of Income Calculation -1

T5DWN Statement Structure Fields (Conversion, Status…) -1

T5DWO Pension Table -1

T5DWOT Pension Table -1

T5DWP Rules for Final Processing -1

T5DWQ Transfer Basic Data (Contributions) -1

T5DWR Pension Adjustment Control -1

T5DWS Control Table for Statements CPS -1

T5DWV Member Status -1

T5DWVT Membership Status Text -1

T5DWW Wage Type Control -1

T5DWX Payment Control -1

T5DWXT Texts for Payment Control -1

T5DWY Company Pension Scheme Functions -1

T5DWZ Bonus for Company Pension Scheme -1

T5E01 Personnel areas and subareas -1

T5E02 Company fiscal data -1

T5E03 Companies for Nursing and Medical Services -1

T5E04 Registered company and work center names -1

T5E05 Social Insurance Offices -1

T5E06 Social Insurance contributing company -1

T5E10 Extension of pay scale agreement -1

T5E11 Assignment of head office to corporate group -1

T5E12 Assignment of Social Insurance center -1

T5E1T Corporate group texts -1

T5E20 Provinces -1

T5E2T Contract type keys for Social insurance -1

T5E30 Adapt Social Insurance reasons and actions -1

T5E31 Actions and situations for registration messages -1

T5E32 Healthcare company codes – Social Insurance -1

T5E33 Assign countries to Social Insurance key (RED System) -1 82/216
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T5E34 Pay scale codes -1

T5E37 Estimation of annual income -1

T5E38 Reasons for IRPF percentage change -1

T5E39 Check digit for specifying tax number -1

T5E3T Keys for Social insurance contribution groups -1

T5E40 Employment tax deduction percentages -1

T5E41 Payment subkeys -1

T5E42 Contract types for Social Insurance -1

T5E43 Contribution bases for non-industrial risks -1

T5E44 Contribution bases for IAID quota -1

T5E45 Social Insurance contribution types -1

T5E46 Social Insurance epigraphs -1

T5E48 Groups of professional categories -1

T5E4T Description of Social Insurance branch-office types -1

T5E50 Minimum bases for part-time contracts -1

T5E51 Seniority bonuses -1

T5E52 Seniority calculation methods -1

T5E53 Amounts of seniority bonuses -1

T5E55 Social Insurance office types -1

T5E57 Union dues -1

T5E5T Texts of Social Insurance contribution types -1

T5E60 Contract entity according to the company -1

T5E61 Contract transformations allowed -1

T5E64 Length of temporary contracts according to Soc. Ins. Admin. -1

T5E65 Work schedule in part-time contracts according Soc. Ins. Ad. -1

T5E66 Contract validity acc. to Soc. Insurance, laws and decrees -1

T5E67 Special contracts according to Social Insurance -1

T5E68 Assignment of contracts to groups -1

T5E6A Contract groups -1

T5E6B Contract groupers -1

T5E6C Sets of contracts and associated wage types -1

T5E6D Contribution calculation for sets of contracts -1

T5E6F Calculation methods -1

T5E6I Contract texts according to the company -1

T5E6J Contract texts according to Social Insurance Admin -1

T5E6K Contract grouper texts -1

T5E6L Calculation method texts -1

T5E6M Contract group texts -1

T5E6T Task denomination SI (Spain) -1

T5E70 INEM offices -1

T5E7I INEM office texts -1

T5E8M Reasons for IRPF percentage change -1

T5E8S Professional categories asignment to modifiers -1

T5E8T Modifiers for professional categories -1

T5E8U Texts of professional categories modifiers -1

T5E91 Allocation customer subtypes to legal classes -1

T5EA0 Seniority calculation procedures -1

T5EA0T Calculation procedure texts -1

T5EA1 Seniority payment methods -1

T5EA1T Payment methods texts -1

T5EA2 Seniority payment symbols -1

T5EA2T Payment symbol texts -1 83/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T5EA3 Valuation method definition -1

T5EA3T Valuation methods texts -1

T5EA4 Associate valuation wage type with valuation method -1

T5EA5 Calculation sequences for payment method -1

T5EA6 Actions and reasons with an effect on seniority -1

T5EAE Business Activities -1

T5ECP Generate personal calendar -1

T5EDH Local Tax Offices/Administration -1

T5EFI Severance payment calculation -1

T5EG4 Features of non-exempt amount model -1

T5EG5 Features of relationship with other debts model -1

T5EG6 Default values -1

T5EI1 Income tax percentage rates -1

T5EI2 Wage exempt of employment tax deduction -1

T5EI3 Control constants of employment tax -1

T5EI4 Amount constants of employment tax -1

T5EI5 Valid wage types for evaluations of Internal Revenue Service -1

T5EIA Payment keys -1

T5EII Control constants texts of employment tax -1

T5EIJ Amounts constants texts of employment tax -1

T5EMUPROT Log table for currency translation EMU -1

T5EP1 Form management -1

T5ES1 Marine workers: Canary Is. register -1

T5EVP Street identifiers -1

T5F03 Employee Groups/Subgroups – Special Features (France) -1

T5F1A SI Organizations (France) -1

T5F1B SI Contributions (France) -1

T5F1C Social Insurance Contributions (France) -1

T5F1D Membership of SI Organizations (France) -1

T5F1E SI Organizations – Addresses -1

T5F1F Assignment to Health Insurance Model – SI (France) -1

T5F1G SI Assessment Thresholds – France -1

T5F1H Change Basis for Calculating Amounts (HR-F) -1

T5F1I Fund Model -1

T5F1J Assessment Threshold Texts -1

T5F1P Personnel Area/Subarea (FR) -1

T5F1Q TDS: Industrial Accident Indicators -1

T5F1R HR-F: Supplementary Pension Fund Data -1

T5F1S HR-F: Social Insurance Data Transfer Information -1

T5F1T Texts for Social Insurance Fund Models -1

T5F1U CRC-TDS : Links between Wage Types and Fields -1

T5F2A Processing of Continued Pay Methods -1

T5F2B Payroll Calculation Methods -1

T5F2C Waiting Period and Continued Pay -1

T5F2D Process Waiting Period for Continued Pay -1

T5F2E General Modifier for Continued Pay Processing -1

T5F2F Wage Types for IJSS Calculation -1

T5F2G Process Change of Continued Pay Modifier -1

T5F2M Periods of Continued Pay -1

T5F2P Procedures and Reduction Indicators for Continued Pay -1

T5F3A Payment Reasons for Profit Sharing -1

T5F3B Calculation Bases for Profit Sharing -1 84/216
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T5F3C Contributions and Profit Sharing Agencies -1

T5F3S Garnishment (FR) -1

T5F41 Challenged -1

T5F42 Work Contract -1

T5F4A INSEE Code -1

T5F4B INSEE Code -1

T5F4C Youth training -1

T5F4D Further Training Texts -1

T5F4E -1

T5F4N Agency Indicator Check Table -1

T5F4P Agency Indicator Text -1

T5F4Q Employee Group Check Table -1

T5F4R Employee Group Designations -1

T5F4S Employee Groups Associated with SI Contribution models -1

T5F4T Employee Group Wage Types -1

T5F5A Description of ‘Bilan Social’ Employee Groups (FR) -1

T5F5B Description of ‘Bilan Social’ Tables -1

T5F5C Details of ‘Bilan Social’ Tables (F) -1

T5F5D Description of ‘Bilan Social’ Indicators (FR) -1

T5F5E Description of Selection Criteria for BS indicators (FR) -1

T5F5F Settings for ‘Bilan Social’ Indicator Selection Criteria -1

T5F5G ‘Bilan Social’ Employee Groups (FR) -1

T5F5H ‘Bilan Social’ Tables (FR) -1

T5F5I ‘Bilan Social’ Indicators (FR) -1

T5F5J Selection Criteria for ‘Bilan Social’ Indicators (FR) -1

T5F5K Employee Group Codes for ‘Bilan Social’ (FR) -1

T5F5L ‘Bilan Social’ Types (FR) -1

T5F5M Description of ‘Bilan Social’ Types (FR) -1

T5F5N ‘Bilan Social’ Business Areas (FR) -1

T5F5O Description of ‘Bilan Social’ Business Areas (FR) -1

T5F5P Codes for Numeric Data -1

T5F5Q Numeric Data -1

T5G01 Tax Rates -1

T5G02 Special Tax Code -1

T5G03 Tax Increase and Limit -1

T5G05 NIC Limits -1

T5G06 NIC Percentages -1

T5G08 NI Control Data Texts -1

T5G0A Employee Group/Subgroup -1

T5G10 Pension Fund -1

T5G15 Court Order Deductions -1

T5G16 Court Order Indicator -1

T5G1T Pension Fund Texts -1

T5G20 SSP System Data (GB) -1

T5G21 SMP System Data -1

T5G22 SSP Qualifying Day Pattern -1

T5G23 Time Models for SSP Qualifying Day Patterns -1

T5G24 SSP Qualifying Day Pattern Calendars -1

T5G25 Occupational Sick Pay Schemes -1

T5G26 OSP-Related Data for SSP Offsetting -1

T5G27 SSP Rates Payable (GB) -1

T5G28 SMP Rates Payable -1 85/216
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T5G2E SSP/SMP Exclusion Reason Texts -1

T5G2F SSP/SMP Exclusion Reasons -1

T5G2T Text for Occupational Sick Pay Schemes -1

T5G30 Pension Schemes -1

T5G31 Pension Contribution Calculation Rules -1

T5G32 Pension Holidays -1

T5G33 Pension Contribution Calculation Rule Bands -1

T5G34 Pension Contribution Calculation Rule – Flat Rates -1

T5G35 Pension Contribution Calculation Rule – Percentages -1

T5G36 Pension Contribution Calculation Rule – Mix -1

T5G37 Pension Scheme Types -1

T5G3T Pension Scheme Names -1

T5G40 National Insurance Earnings Ranges -1

T5G41 National Insurance Percentage Rates -1

T5G4T Text for Court Order Indicator -1

T5G50 Tax Districts -1

T5G51 Payroll Area PAYE Reference -1

T5G52 Tax District and Reference Details -1

T5G53 Permit Numbers -1

T5G54 End Of Year Processing Stamp -1

T5G55 HR-GB: Default Tax Code -1

T5G56 HR-GB: Offshore employer details -1

T5G5T Tax District Name -1

T5G61 Business Mileage Bands -1

T5G62 Payment of Petrol Costs (Based on Engine Size) -1

T5G64 Unavailability Reasons -1

T5G6T Unavailability Reasons Text -1

T5G70 Official Rates for Beneficial Loans -1

T5G80 HR-GB: Payee Keys -1

T5GPBS1 CLASS CPX Pension Scheme Cross Reference -1

T5GPBS20 Absence Evaluation: Check Window End Definition -1

T5GPBS20T Absence Evaluation: Texts for Check Window End Definition -1

T5GPBS21 Absence Evaluation: Check Window Start Definition -1

T5GPBS21T Absence Evaluation: Texts for Check Window Start Definition -1

T5GPBS22 Absence Evaluation: Non-Qualifying Day Rule Definition -1

T5GPBS22T Absence Evaluation: Texts for Qualifying Day Rule Definition -1

T5GPBS23 Absence Evaluation: Cover Package Rule Definition -1

T5GPBS23T Absence Evaluation: Cover Package Rule Definition -1

T5GPBS24 Absence Evaluation: Time Unit Factors -1

T5GPBS24T Absence Evaluation: Texts for Time Unit Factor Definition -1

T5GPBS25 Absence Evaluation: Part Day Evaluation Classes -1

T5GPBS26 Absence Evaluation: Payment Day Rule Definition -1

T5GPBS26T Absence Evaluation: Texts for Qualifying Payment Days -1

T5GPBS27 Absence Evaluation: Valuation Rule Grouping Definition -1

T5GPBS28 Absence Evaluation: Time Unit Grouping -1

T5GPBS29 Absence Evaluation: Scheme Switches -1

T5GPBS30 Absence Evaluation: Limit Rule -1

T5GPBS30T Absence Evaluation: Texts for Limit Rules -1

T5GPBS_USS Absence Evaluation: Scheme Switches -1

T5IT1P HR area/sub-area grouping – HR Italy -1

T5ITA1 Family allowance calculation type -1

T5ITA2 Family allowance values -1 86/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T5ITA3 Family member indicator for family allowance -1

T5ITA9 Family allowance treatment -1

T5ITAD Wage types to recalculate (not used any more) -1

T5ITAE Cumulation wage types of recalculated differences -1

T5ITAF Documents which can be linked to family ind. for fam.allow. -1

T5ITAI Cumulation wage types of recalculated differences -1

T5ITAO Wage types to be recalculated -1

T5ITAT Family indicator -1

T5ITAW Wage types to recalculate -1

T5ITAX Family memeber indicator text for family allowance -1

T5ITAY Family allowance type text -1

T5ITAZ Family allowance indicator text -1

T5ITC1 Contributions -1

T5ITC2 Negative taxable amounts -1

T5ITC3 Lowest rate management -1

T5ITC4 Lowest rate amounts -1

T5ITC5 Tax scale rounding -1

T5ITC6 Contribution table extention for settlement -1

T5ITCG Settlement request for contributions -1

T5ITCH Contrib.settlement type -1

T5ITCI WT which form the tax base -1

T5ITCJ Taxation type text -1

T5ITCS Contribution indicator -1

T5ITCT Taxation type -1

T5ITCW Contribution indicator text -1

T5ITCX Settlement request text for contributions -1

T5ITCY Contribution settlement type text -1

T5ITD1 Family dependent deduction -1

T5ITD2 Direct employment deduction -1

T5ITD3 Family member indicator for tax deduction -1

T5ITD4 Document types -1

T5ITDA Miscellaneous data deductions -1

T5ITDC Min. and max. number admitted for element type -1

T5ITDG Settlement request for deductions -1

T5ITDH Document type texts -1

T5ITDJ Deduct.expenses type text -1

T5ITDK Deduction type text -1

T5ITDQ Deduct.expenses type -1

T5ITDR Employment deduction expenses type -1

T5ITDS Family member type -1

T5ITDT Deduction indicator description -1

T5ITDW Tax deduction indicator text -1

T5ITDX Family member indicator text for tax deduction -1

T5ITDY Settlement request text for deductions -1

T5ITDZ Family member type text -1

T5ITEA Definitions Exposure and attributes indicators for tape -1

T5ITEB Exposure indicator attribute for print -1

T5ITEC Calculation rules of exposure indicators ? -1

T5ITED Calculation rules for Totals 770 -1

T5ITEF 770 form: heir management -1

T5ITEG Pay Scale Indicator 770 -1

T5ITEH Activity area 770 -1 87/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T5ITEL Relation type 770 -1

T5ITEZ Exposure indicator description from 770 -1

T5ITF1 Accrual indicator -1

T5ITF3 Provision accrual -1

T5ITF5 Severance indemnity revaluation table – (IT) -1

T5ITF6 Severance indemnity revaluation percentage table-HR Italy -1

T5ITF7 Severance indemnity pay -1

T5ITF8 Accrual settlement -1

T5ITF9 Accrual settlement indicators -1

T5ITFT Provision indicator -1

T5ITFX Severance indemnity provision indicator description -1

T5ITFY Provision indicator description -1

T5ITFZ Accrual indicator text -1

T5ITGA EEF final archive -1

T5ITGB Assign EEF Grouping -1

T5ITGC Table of public holidays calculations on company behalf -1

T5ITGE EEF extra monthly pay table -1

T5ITGG Table of general data for EEF -1

T5ITGI INPS authorization table -1

T5ITGM Highest rate table -1

T5ITGR Authorization grouping table -1

T5ITI1 Standard period table -1

T5ITI2 INPS general data table -1

T5ITI3 Percentage table -1

T5ITIA Nursing table -1

T5ITIC Marriage leave table -1

T5ITID Blood donation table -1

T5ITIE Absence indicators -1

T5ITIG Ordinary days/hours table -1

T5ITII Sickness handling c/INPS table -1

T5ITIM Sickness handling c/company -1

T5ITIN Accident handling table -1

T5ITIP Maternity table -1

T5ITIS Sickness handling scale c/company -1

T5ITL1 Other taxations table -1

T5ITL2 Different taxation -1

T5ITL3 Monthly decontribution -1

T5ITL5 Decontribution settlement -1

T5ITLA Severance indemnity calculation table -1

T5ITLF Min.and/or exempt amount management – Italy only -1

T5ITLX Text table other taxations -1

T5ITLY Decontribution settlement texts -1

T5ITMC Transfer of employees from one employer to a different one -1

T5ITMS Local sections -1

T5ITMY ASL local section indicator text -1

T5ITN1 Print parameters for section indicators -1

T5ITN2 Condition table for contribution indicator evaluation -1

T5ITN3 01/M period data -1

T5ITN4 Text table for special remunerations -1

T5ITNB INPS registration numbers table -1

T5ITNC Additional data table at company level for DM and 01/M -1

T5ITND Place of work table -1 88/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T5ITNE Local offices table -1

T5ITNF Text table – Places of work -1

T5ITNG 01/M data table – section B -1

T5ITNH Local offices text table -1

T5ITNI CUD:heirs processing -1

T5ITNJ Special remunerations table -1

T5ITNK Form indicators text table -1

T5ITNM Form indicators table -1

T5ITNP Table for print contribution -1

T5ITNQ Form section indicator table -1

T5ITNR Calculation rules table -1

T5ITNS Special status regions and provinces -1

T5ITNT Table for exposure / contribution indicators -1

T5ITNU INPS rank table -1

T5ITNV Assignment table of INPS levels -1

T5ITNW text table for exposure / contribution indicators -1

T5ITNX Special status regions and districts table -1

T5ITNY INPS rank indicator text table -1

T5ITNZ Form indicators text table -1

T5ITP1 Social Security fund -1

T5ITP2 Payments to social security funds -1

T5ITP3 Payment schedule -1

T5ITP4 Payments to fund management -1

T5ITPB Evaluation of calculation base – Italy only -1

T5ITPC CAAF table -1

T5ITPT Fund indicator description -1

T5ITQ1 Rounding table -1

T5ITQ2 Net pay rounding table – Italy only -1

T5ITQ3 Processing conditions -1

T5ITQI Table for ICOMP Indirect Valuation form -1

T5ITQL Taxation types to be highlighted in the payroll -1

T5ITQT Settlement indicator -1

T5ITQX Settlement indicator text -1

T5ITR5 Local tax indicator table -1

T5ITR6 Local tax -1

T5ITR7 Taxation formula -1

T5ITR8 Local tax settlements -1

T5ITRW Local tax indicators description -1

T5ITRZ District tax settlement text table -1

T5ITS1 Pay scale jumps to max.amount percentage in percentage -1

T5ITS2 Pay scale jumps to max.amount to number/amount -1

T5ITS3 Pay scale jumps accord. to max. amount in -1

T5ITS4 Pay scale jumps according to max.amount in number -1

T5ITS7 Insurance pay scale jumps – class change -1

T5ITSA Expiration dates management -1

T5ITST Seniority pay scale jumps indicators -1

T5ITSV Pay scale jump evaluation type -1

T5ITSX Seniority pay scale jump indicators text -1

T5ITSY Pay scale jumps evaluation type description -1

T5ITT1 IRPEF table -1

T5ITT2 IRPEF negative taxable amount table -1

T5ITT5 IRPEF tax base rounding table -1 89/216
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T5ITT7 Data settlement according to 730 -1

T5ITTA Previous years arrears -1

T5ITTB IRPEF miscellaneous data settlement -1

T5ITTS IRPEF contribution indicator -1

T5ITTY IRPEF contribution indicator description -1

T5ITU1 Collective Labour Agreement coefficients -1

T5J00 HR Union JP -1

T5J01 HR Union texts JP -1

T5J02 HR Union Member Category JP -1

T5J03 Person Group/Subgroup JP -1

T5J04 HR Union Member Category Text JP -1

T5J05 HR Union due calculation master JP -1

T5J0P Personnel Area / Personnel Subarea JP -1

T5J10 HR Appraisal Main Feature JPN -1

T5J11 HR Text for Appraisal Main Feature JPN -1

T5J12 HR Appraisal Detail Feature JPN -1

T5J13 HR Text for Appraisal Detail Feature JPN -1

T5J14 HR Pay Scale Level for Appraisal Point Criteria JPN -1

T5J15 HR Pay Scale Level for Appraisal Rank Criteria JPN -1

T5J16 HR Text for Appraisal Rank Criteria JPN -1

T5J17 HR Combination for Income Tax Deduction JPN -1

T5J18 HR Amount for Income Tax Deduction JPN -1

T5J19 HR Combination for Family Dependant Tax Deduction JPN -1

T5J1A HR-J: Overseas pay payment rate -1

T5J1C HR-J: Car type -1

T5J1CT HR-J: Car type text -1

T5J1D HR Nursing Insurance cost JP -1

T5J1E HR Grade No. of standard compensation for health ins. JP -1

T5J1F HR Grade No. of standard compensation for EE’s pension JP -1

T5J20 HR Amount for Famliy Dependent Tax Deduction JPN -1

T5J21 HR Insurance Company Key Master JPN -1

T5J22 HR Insurance Company Name JPN -1

T5J23 HR Indicator SI Insured JPN -1

T5J24 HR Text for Indicator SI Insured JPN -1

T5J25 HR Indicator of Labour Insurance Premium Rate JPN -1

T5J26 HR Text for Indicator of Labour Insurance Premium Rate JPN -1

T5J27 HR Indicator of Social Insurance Premium Rate JPN -1

T5J28 HR Text for Indicator of Social Insurance Premium Rate JPN -1

T5J29 HR SI Entitlement Acquired/Lost JPN -1

T5J30 HR Text for SI Entitlement Acquired/Lost JPN -1

T5J31 HR SI Entitlement JPN -1

T5J32 HR Social Insurance Entitlement JPN -1

T5J33 HR Insurance company type JPN -1

T5J34 HR Insurance company type text JPN -1

T5J35 HR Indicator of Taxation JPN -1

T5J36 HR Tax Indicator Text JPN -1

T5J37 HR Indicator Year End Adjustment JPN -1

T5J38 HR Year End Adjustment Indicator Text JPN -1

T5J39 HR Standard Annual Income Y.E.A. JPN -1

T5J40 HR Tax Deduction Amount Y.E.A. JPN -1

T5J41 HR Rate of Income Tax for Syoyo JPN -1

T5J42 HR Payroll Income Tax – Monthly Chart JPN -1 90/216
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T5J43 HR Payroll Income Tax – Daily KOU JPN -1

T5J44 HR Payroll Income Tax – Daily OTSU JPN -1

T5J46 HR Appraisal Rank Criteria JPN -1

T5J47 HR Combination Insurance Type/Insurance Company JPN -1

T5J50 HR Residence Tax Change Reason JPN -1

T5J51 HR Text for Residence Tax Change Reason JPN -1

T5J52 HR Residence Tax Collection Indicator JPN -1

T5J53 HR Text for Residence Tax Collection Indicator JPN -1

T5J54 HR Insurance Product Type JPN -1

T5J55 HR Text for Insurance Product Type JPN -1

T5J56 HR Weighting for Appraisal Main Feature JPN -1

T5J57 HR Special Tax Table for Retirement Income (Pension) JPN -1

T5J58 HR Combination Insurance Company Type/Product JPN -1

T5J59 HR Job promotion – pay scale level ordering JPN -1

T5J60 HR Parameters for pay scale recreation JPN -1

T5J61 HR Address Information of Pers. Subarea for Residence Tax -1

T5J62 HR Address Information of Personnel Subarea for Income Tax -1

T5J63 HR Municipal City Codes JP -1

T5J64 HR Commuting Allowance – Non-taxable Amounts JPN -1

T5J65 HR School Japan -1

T5J66 HR Institution/school type JPN -1

T5J67 HR Institution/school type text JP -1

T5J68 HR Faculty JP -1

T5J69 HR Attributes to SYOYO payroll run JP -1

T5J70 HR Retirement Reason Category JP -1

T5J71 HR Retirement Reason Category JP -1

T5J72 HR Supplements to Reason for Events JP -1

T5J73 HR Retirement Allowance Modifier JP -1

T5J74 HR Retirement Allowance Unit Amount JP -1

T5J75 HR Santei/Geppen Form remarks column text ID JP -1

T5J76 HR Santei/Geppen Form remarks column text JP -1

T5J77 HR Katakana writing for Country Names JP -1

T5J78 HR Taxable amount reduction for retirement allowance JP -1

T5J79 HR Syoyo payemnt rate per pay scale JP -1

T5J80 HR Definition of Service Years – Factor – Patterns JP -1

T5J81 HR Associate retirement reason category to service years JP -1

T5J82 HR Associate pay scale to service years JP -1

T5J83 HR Service Years – Factor – Patterns for Retirement JP -1

T5J84 HR Service Years – Factor – Patterns for Retirement JP -1

T5J86 HR-J: Taxation Type Indicator JPN -1

T5J87 HR-J: Taxation type text -1

T5J88 HR-J: Payment class -1

T5J89 HR-J: Payment class text -1

T5J98 HR Conversion IT0144 to IT0169 JP -1

T5JA1 Text of appraisal feature JP -1

T5JA2 HR Weighting for Appraisal Detail Feature JPN -1

T5JA3 Appraisal-Payscale regrading constants JP -1

T5JA4 Text of rank value of appraisal JP & check table -1

T5JAD HR company office address JP -1

T5JBK HR Bank key for Property accumulation savings JP -1

T5JC1 HR check table for income tax deduction JP -1

T5JC2 HR check table for family dependant tax deduction JP -1 91/216
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T5JIC HR Insurance company key master JP -1

T5JII HR Indicator for Social Insurance insured JP -1

T5JIR Indicator for Premium Rate -1

T5JL1 HR Address Infomation 1 of Personnel Subarea for LI JP -1

T5JL2 HR Address Infomation 2 of Personnel Subarea for LI JP -1

T5JLR HR Rate of Premium for Labour Insurance JPN -1

T5JRA HR Collector Number for Residence Tax JP -1

T5JSA HR Indicator for Acquired/lost JP -1

T5JSC HR SI Grade of standard compensation JP -1

T5JSE HR Reason for Acuired/lost JP -1

T5JSI HR Branch Office Information for Social Insurance JP -1

T5JSR HR Rate of Premium for Social Insurance JPN -1

T5JSY HR Rate of Income Tax for Syoyo JPN -1

T5JTD HR Deduction indicator text JP -1

T5JTI HR Insurance company type JP -1

T5JTX HR Text of indicator for taxation JP -1

T5JTY Text of indicator for Year End Adjustment -1

T5K0C Absence Breakdown -1

T5K0P Personnel Area/Sub Area (Canada) -1

T5K0Q Industry Sector Texts -1

T5K0S Sickness grouping for absence types -1

T5K13 Jobs -1

T5K14 Assignment Positions to NOC -1

T5K1A Absence type reason relevant to ROE (Canada) -1

T5K1E Event reason relevant to ROE (Canada) -1

T5K1M Master data reason relevant to ROE -1

T5K1R Reason code for issuing a ROE (Canada) -1

T5K2R Reason code text for issuing a ROE (CA) -1

T5K8C Transfer ext. payroll results into Canadian specific tables -1

T5K8D Tax key data for transfer of old payroll results -1

T5K8E HR-CA: Transfer additional external payroll results -1

T5KAM Tax area / tax model Canada -1

T5KAR Other tax area -1

T5KAT Tax areas – texts – Canada -1

T5KAW Work tax area – Canada -1

T5KB2 Canadian tax reporting units -1

T5KCF Tax claim code – federal -1

T5KCQ Tax claim code – Québec -1

T5KET Tax types – texts – Canada -1

T5KFT Tax claim codes – federal – texts – Canada -1

T5KG0 Gross/net model characteristics -1

T5KG1 Special rule -1

T5KG2 Description of special rule -1

T5KG3 Special rule calculation scheme -1

T5KG4 Non-exempt amount model characteristics -1

T5KG5 Relationship to other debts model characteristics -1

T5KG6 Default values -1

T5KG9 Garnishee fee -1

T5KIN Tax indicators – Canada -1

T5KIT Tax indicator texts – Canada -1

T5KMT Tax models – texts – Canada -1

T5KMX Tax model / Taxation authorities – Canada -1 92/216
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T5KNO National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes -1

T5KNT National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes – text -1

T5KOT Taxing authorities – texts – Canada -1

T5KQT Tax claim codes QC – texts -1

T5KRC Link HR tax payees to wage types via tax attributes -1

T5KRT Tax types for employer – texts – Canada -1

T5KS1 Directory for short / long term disability plans -1

T5KS2 Short / long term disability: Assign absences to illnesses -1

T5KSP Short/long term disability plan -1

T5KST Short / long term disability plans texts -1

T5KT3 Fields of a tax form -1

T5KTA Tax areas (Canada) -1

T5KTC Wage Type Tax Classifications (Canada) -1

T5KTL Tax area – Canada -1

T5KTM Tax models -1

T5KTO Taxation authorities – Canada -1

T5KTS Tax types description -1

T5KTT Tax types Canada -1

T5KTV Tax level -1

T5KV1 Vacation pay: Accrual and Payout -1

T5KV2 Vacation pay: Wage Types for Special Events -1

T5KV3 Vacation pay: Accrual Years -1

T5KV4 Vacation pay: Absence types without corresp. entitlements -1

T5KV5 Vacation pay: Automatic Payouts -1

T5KVE Include/exclude indicator for wage type processing -1

T5KVT Tax levels – texts – Canada -1

T5KWR Employee Grouping for workers compensation -1

T5KYR Association of wage type with registration number, Canada -1

T5KYS Assignment of Business Number to Company Name and Address -1

T5L03 Employee Subgroup grouping for Malaysia -1

T5L0P Personnel Areas/Subareas for Malaysia -1

T5LEP Employee Provident fund for Malaysia -1

T5LER Employee Provident Fund rates (Malaysia) -1

T5LGA Text for employee Subgroup grouping for tax (Malaysia) -1

T5LGB Text for Employee subgroup grouping SOCSO Malaysia -1

T5LGC Text for employee subgroup grouping EPF (Malaysia) -1

T5LGE Employee subgroup grouping EPF (Malaysia) -1

T5LGS Employee subgroup grouping SOCSO Malaysia -1

T5LGT Employee Subgroup grouping for Tax Malaysia -1

T5LMA Text for Personnel Area grouping for tax (Malaysia) -1

T5LMB Text for Personnel Area grouping for SOCSO (Malaysia) -1

T5LMC Text for Personnel Area grouping for EPF (Malaysia) -1

T5LMD Text for Tax office grouping for Malaysia -1

T5LME Personnel Area grouping for EPF (Malaysia) -1

T5LMO Tax office grouping for Malaysia -1

T5LMS Personnel Area grouping for SOCSO (Malaysia) -1

T5LMT Personnel Area grouping for tax (Malaysia) -1

T5LSP Employer reference for SOCSO (Malaysia) -1

T5LSR SOCSO contributions for Malaysia -1

T5LTA Additional tax table – Malaysia -1

T5LTD Additional tax – text table (Malaysia) -1

T5LTE Tax relief information on Education (Malaysia) -1 93/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T5LTO Tax office table for Malaysia -1

T5LTP Employer reference for tax -1

T5LTR Tax rates for Malaysia -1

T5LTT Tax office text table Malaysia -1

T5M03 Employee Groups/Subgroups (Denmark) -1

T5M13 !Not Used: Jobs (Denmark) -1

T5M15 Default Values for DA Job Keys (DK) -1

T5M16 Official DA Statistics – Job Keys (DK) -1

T5M17 DA Statistics – Job Descriptions (DK) -1

T5M18 Official DA Statistics – Training Keys (DK) -1

T5M19 DA Statistics – Training Descriptions (DK) -1

T5M1A Place of Employment Keys for Tax Information S74 DK -1

T5M1B Place of Employment Keys for DA Statistics DK -1

T5M1C Place of Employment Keys for DS Statistics DK -1

T5M1K No longer used !! [Municipality Number] -1

T5M1P Client/Plant/Plant Section (Denmark) -1

T5M1T !Not used: Field 27 Texts -1

T5M2D !Not Used: Default Values for Infotype 0073 -1

T5M2P !Not Used: Pension Type (Denmark) -1

T5M2S !Not Used: ATP Records -1

T5M2T !Not Used: Pension Texts (Denmark) -1

T5M3O !Not Used: OSI Bank Transfer Information -1

T5M3T Texts for Transfer Types (Denmark) -1

T5M3U Bank Transfer Types (Denmark) -1

T5M49 Date Identifiers for Special Payroll -1

T5M49W Feriekonto: Transfer Models -1

T5M4F !Not Used: Default Values for Leave -1

T5M4S !Not Used: Default Values for SH -1

T5M5D SAP-PBS Interface: PBS Form Names (DK) -1

T5M5E SAP-PBS Interface: Forms (DK) -1

T5M5H SAP-PBS Interface: Company (DK) -1

T5M5I SAP-PBS Interface: Company (DK) -1

T5M5J SAP-PBS Interface: AGRUPPE (DK) -1

T5M5K SAP-PBS Interface: AGRUPPE Designations (DK) -1

T5M5L SAP-PBS Interface: Leave Schema, OF-CODES (DK) -1

T5M5M SAP-PBS Interface: Leave Schema Descriptions OF-CODES (DK) -1

T5M5N SAP-PBS Interface: SE# (DK) -1

T5M5O SAP-PBS Interface: SE# Designations (DK) -1

T5M5P HR_DK: Companies Defined in the PBS System -1

T5M5Q HR_DK: Names of Companies Defined in the PBS System -1

T5M5R HR_DK: Transfer of PBS Companies in Send/Import Programs -1

T5M5Z Wage Types for Processing Retroactive Difference -1

T5M6P Default Values for Leave Accumulation -1

T5M6Q Description of a Default Value for Leave Accumulation -1

T5M7A Processing Possibilities in Danish Payroll Steps -1

T5M7B Company Variant Sets for Payroll Variants -1

T5M7E User Variant Sets for Payroll Report Variants -1

T5M7G Tax Table Processing -1

T5M7M Single Step Control in User Variant Set -1

T5M7N Special Wage Type Definition Elements for Pensions (DK) -1

T5M7O AMP Institutions (Danish Pension Institutions) -1

T5M7P Garnishment Types in Danish Payroll (IT 200) -1 94/216
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T5M7Q Text Table for Garnishment Types (T5M7P) -1

T5M7R Text Table – Pension Types -1

T5M7U Retrieval of DA-DS Statistics -1

T5M7X Entries for Form X1 – Special Payment Days -1

T5M8F SAP-PBS interface: Assign SAP PBS wage types (DK) -1

T5M8I PBS error codes -1

T5M8L Text table for company variant sets -1

T5M8M Text table for user variant sets -1

T5M8N Company-specific RFC destinations for PBS links -1

T5M8O Pension institutions -1

T5M8Q Assign PBS-SAP leave entitlement and deduction -1

T5M8R Name assignment of PBS-SAP leave entitlement and deduction -1

T5M8S Employer assignment in original period -1

T5M8T Danish Postal Codes -1

T5M8U Hierarchy Structure for DA Statistics Job Key -1

T5M8Z Employer Assignment in Original Period -1

T5M9B SAP-PBS: Year End Values (Revision) -1

T5M9D PBS wage types that need activating. -1

T5M9K Hierarchy Structure for DA Statistics Job Key -1

T5M9M Hierarchy Structure for DS Statistics Training Key -1

T5MF0 FA Place of Employment (Employer Association Financ.Sector) -1

T5MF1 Work Functions for FA Statistics -1

T5MF3 Training for FA Statistics -1

T5MF4 Pay Scale Group for FA -1

T5MF5 Pay Scale Level for FA -1

T5MF6 Conversion of R/3 Pay Scale Structure to FA PS Structure -1

T5MF7 SAP-PBS Interface: Entry Values for Forms (DK) -1

T5MF8 FA: Default Work Function, Work Level, Management Level -1

T5MFA Error Areas in the Validation Routines for FA Statistics -1

T5MFB FA Statistics: Values for Validation -1

T5MFD Retrieval of Official Statistics for DA/DS and FA -1

T5MFF Pay Scale Group for FA -1

T5MFG Pay Scale Level for FA -1

T5MFH Special Transfer Days for Wage Types -1

T5MFJ Correct FA Absence Statistics -1

T5M_ABSCD Absence Codes for PBS -1

T5M_ABSTY_ABSCD Link: Absence Types and Employer Org. to Absence Codes -1

T5M_ABS_TREATMNT Absence Processing -1

T5M_LO_INTERFACE Loans: Relationship: WT & Pseudo-Split and Generated WT -1

T5M_VASTA Leave Accumulation Status (Entity) -1

T5M_VASTA_TXT Names of Leave Accumulation Statuses -1

T5N05 Reg.of countries of birth (Act stimul.labor part.ethn.min.) -1

T5N0A General data (NL) -1

T5N11 Short and long texts – social insurance (NL) -1

T5N12 Social insurance groups (NL) -1

T5N1A Social insurance indicator (NL) -1

T5N1B Social insurance indicator texts (NL) -1

T5N1C Health insurance companies (NL) -1

T5N1D Employer’s HI contrib. for privately insured employees (NL) -1

T5N1E Health insurance contr. for privately insured employees (NL) -1

T5N1F Texts – health insur. funds for voluntarily insured EEs (NL) -1

T5N1G PY NL: Valuation of absences -1 95/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T5N1M Texts – social insurance groups (NL) -1

T5N1N Texts – social insurance branches (NL) -1

T5N1O Industrial Insurance Board (bedrijfsvereniging) data (NL) -1

T5N1P Insurance contributions (NL) -1

T5N1Q Data for pension accounting (NL) -1

T5N1R Texts – pensions (NL) -1

T5N2A Wage tax [loonheffing] conversion rule indicators (NL) -1

T5N2B Texts – conversion rules (NL) -1

T5N2C Marital Status for Wage Tax [Loonheffing] (NL) -1

T5N2D Type of tax table (NL) -1

T5N2E Texts – Wage Tax [Loonheffing] Table (NL) -1

T5N2F Income indicators (NL) -1

T5N2G Tax classes for wage tax [loonheffing] (NL) -1

T5N2H Special payments [bijzondere beloningen] (NL) -1

T5N2I Special payments compens. allowance [overhevel.toeslag] (NL) -1

T5N2J Conversion rules for wage tax [loonheffing] (NL) -1

T5N2K Text type premium reduction (NL) -1

T5N2L Text type period (NL) -1

T5N2M Tax table periods (NL) -1

T5N2N Texts – Tax Table Periods (NL) -1

T5N2O Premium reductions (NL) -1

T5N2P Type of period -1

T5N2Q Wage tax exemptions (NL) -1

T5N2R Texts – special wage tax groups (NL) -1

T5N2S Special tax indicator codes (Tax Authority) -1

T5N2T Special tax indicator text (Tax Authority) -1

T5N2U Type of premium reduction -1

T5N2X Percentage final levy -1

T5N2Z Table for taxable allowance child care -1

T5N3A Social fund decisions (NL) -1

T5N4A Fixed commuter allowances (NL) -1

T5N4B Texts – Commuter transportation method indicator (NL) -1

T5N4C Transport method indicators for commuters (NL) -1

T5N4D Commuter allowance (NL) -1

T5N5A Basis for insurance/capacity of insured (NL) -1

T5N5B Professional group indicator (NL) -1

T5N5E Special tax indicator code (UVI) -1

T5N5F Special tax indicator text (UVI) -1

T5N5S Text professional group indicator (NL) -1

T5N5T Basis for insurance/capacity of insured text -1

T5N9A Addresses of authorities (NL) -1

T5N9B Texts – description of authorities (NL) -1

T5N9C Texts – authorities (NL) -1

T5N9D Notification executive authority and tax office (NL) -1

T5N9E Texts – notifications of authorities (NL) -1

T5N9F Tab. f. comb. of pers. actions and reasons for pers. actions -1

T5N9G Text table for comb. of type of pers. action and reason -1

T5N9H Linking events to pers. actions and reasons f. pers. actions -1

T5P03 HR-PT: Employee Groups / Subgroups – Classification -1

T5P0P HR-PT: Personnel Subarea Supplements -1

T5P1F HR-PT: Tax offices -1

T5P1J HR-PT: Grouping and characteristics of legal entity (JUPER -1 96/216
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T5P2A HR-PT: Social Security Infotype Subtypes -1

T5P2B HR-PT: Social Security Infotype Subtypes -1

T5P2C HR-PT: Contract Types -1

T5P2E HR-PT: Social Security Contributor -1

T5P2I HR-PT: Social Security Institutions -1

T5P2J HR-PT: Social Security Subregional Services -1

T5P2L HR-PT: Voluntary Social Insurance Levels -1

T5P2M HR-PT: Social Security – Wage Types for 13th/14th Month -1

T5P2P HR-PT: Social Security Regimes – Payroll Processing -1

T5P2Q HR-PT: Social Security Regimes – Contribution Parameters -1

T5P2S HR-PT: Assignment to Social Security Regimes -1

T5P2W HR-PT: Voluntary Social Insurance Levels -1

T5P2Y HR-PT: Contract Types -1

T5PA0 HR-PT: Assignment of coverage rules -1

T5PAB HR-PT: Absence/Attendance types – Reporting classification -1

T5PBSR1AT Text For Type of National Service And Unit -1

T5PBSR1E Commendation -1

T5PBSR1ET Text For Commendation -1

T5PBSR1FT Text For Performance Rating -1

T5PBSR1G Conduct rating for national service -1

T5PBSR1GT Text For Conduct Rating -1

T5PBSR1H Mobilisation Code -1

T5PBSR1HT Text For Mobilisation -1

T5PBSR1J Level Of Clearance -1

T5PBSR1JT Text For Level Of Clearance -1

T5PBSR1K Status Of Clearance -1

T5PBSR1KT Text For Status Of Clearance -1

T5PBSR1L Types Of Voluntary Services / ECA -1

T5PBSR1LT Text For Voluntary Services / ECA -1

T5PBSR1MT Text For Position Held In Voluntary Service / ECA -1

T5PBSR1N Representation -1

T5PBSR1NT Text For Representation -1

T5PBSR1O Subject -1

T5PBSR1OT Text For Subject Code -1

T5PBSR1P Asset Type -1

T5PBSR1PT Text For Asset Type -1

T5PBSR1Q Dialect Group -1

T5PBSR1QT Text For Dialect Group -1

T5PBSR1T Link table for absence and NS Type (No longer in use) -1

T5PBSR2B SI contr. table for Govt Pensionable Employees. -1

T5PBSR2C PR contr. table for govt. pensionable employees. -1

T5PBSR2D SI contr. table for Govt Non-pensionable Employees -1

T5PBSR2E PR contr. table for Govt. non-pensionable employees. -1

T5PBSR3A Leave scheme types -1

T5PBSR3AT Text table for leave schemes -1

T5PBSR3B Leave entitlement -1

T5PBSR3BI Group identifier for leave entilement -1

T5PBSR3BIT Text for group identifier for leave entilement -1

T5PBSR3C Leave Quota Entitlement -1

T5PBSR3CI Group for leave quota -1

T5PBSR3CIT Text for group for leave quota -1

T5PBSR3D Leave allowance and daily rate of make up vac lv – scheme 73 -1 97/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T5PBSR3DI Group for leave allowance -1

T5PBSR3DIT Text for group for leave allowance -1

T5PBSR3G Division -1

T5PBSR3GT Division text -1

T5PBSR3H Salary Grouping -1

T5PBSR4A Appointment type -1

T5PBSR4AT Appointment type description -1

T5PBSR4B Tenure of office -1

T5PBSR6BT Text for Salary Code -1

T5PBSR6F Monthly Salary Scale -1

T5PBSR6HI NPVP Increment Eligibility Group -1

T5PBSR6HIT Text for Eligibility Group for NPVP Adjustment -1

T5PBSR6I Guideline for Salary Components -1

T5PBSR6M Assignment between Pay Scale Types and Scheme Code -1

T5PBSR6N Assignment between Pay scale area and division -1

T5PCE HR-PT: Contract Elements -1

T5PEA HR-PT: Economical Activity Classification (CAE) -1

T5PIT HR-PT: Infotype subtype – Classification -1

T5PPS HR-PT: Pay scale types additional information -1

T5PRA HR-PT: Legal reasons for actions -1

T5PRC HR-PT: Reasons for changes – Mapping to legal reasons -1

T5PRM HR-PT: Reasons for actions – Mapping to legal reasons -1

T5PRT HR-PT: Legal reasons for actions texts -1

T5PWS HR-PT: Work Schedules – Classification -1

T5QSD Superannuation Fund Designation Australia -1

T5QSS Superannuation Defined Salary Australia -1

T5QSW Superannuation Wage Type Assignment -1

T5QSZ Superannuation Modifiers Australia -1

T5QTC Tax Scale Australia -1

T5QTD Tax Scale Designation Australia -1

T5QTT Termination Taxation of Leave Australia -1

T5QTX Tax Scale Australia -1

T5R01 Award types -1

T5R02 Award type texts -1

T5R03 Residency type -1

T5R04 Residency type text -1

T5R05 Types of Identification -1

T5R06 Types of Identification – Texts -1

T5R0P Plant section/Singapore -1

T5R13 Occupational group -1

T5R1A Institution of Soc. Provident Funds SG -1

T5R1B Fund Indicator for Social Insurance/SG -1

T5R1C CPF Contribution rate of Soc. Insurance / SG -1

T5R1D Types of foreign workers -1

T5R1E The rates of levy for foreign worker -1

T5R1F Additional Funds/SG -1

T5R1G Contr. rates for convers. to CPF scheme on change of PR -1

T5R1H Rate for Other Social Fund (Employer) – SDF -1

T5R1M HR-SG: Memberships -1

T5R1P Rate for lump payment and CPF in case of semimonthly payroll -1

T5R1S Text for fund indicator /SG -1

T5R1T Text for Institution of Soc. Insurance SG -1 98/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T5R2A Pro-rate types for AWS -1

T5R2B NRS Allowance averages calculation setting (SGP) -1

T5R2C Rate for CPF deduction by festival advance payment -1

T5R3A HR-SG: AWS Union Subscription Rates -1

T5S03 Employee Group/Subgroup (SE) -1

T5S0C Absence conditions – SE -1

T5S0P Swedish attributes of org. structure (level pers. subarea) -1

T5S0Q Unpaid leave parameters – SE -1

T5S0R Absence category (SE) -1

T5S1C Period Work Schedule Valuation – SE(Leave) -1

T5S3A Tax Table (SE) -1

T5S3B Tax Column (SE) -1

T5S3C EE Tax Type Texts – SE -1

T5S3H One-off Tax (SE) -1

T5S3I Extra Taxes (SE) -1

T5S3J Tax Adjustment (SE) -1

T5S3M Employer’s Contribution Type Texts – SE -1

T5S4A Insurance rule (SE) -1

T5S7A Absence Exception Rule – SE -1

T5S7B Absence exception rule text – SE -1

T5S8A Education/training -1

T5S8B ISCO + SSYK codes -1

T5SC3 Swedish specific car attributes -1

T5SIA ISCO code definition table -1

T5SIT ISCO code text table -1

T5SKS Annual tax statement – Specifikation fields -1

T5SKT Annual tax statement – Specifikation fields (text) -1

T5SUA SUN code definition table -1

T5SUT SUN code text table -1

T5SVA Vacation and Compensation debt -1

T5SYA SSYK code definition table -1

T5SYT SSYK code text table -1

T5U0E Equal Employment Opportunity Record -1

T5U0P Personnel Areas/Subareas -1

T5U13 Jobs -1

T5U25 WC: Job Attributes -1

T5U26 WC: Assignment of WC to Organizational Units -1

T5U27 EEO/AAP: Organizational Unit attributes -1

T5U28 WC: Position Attributes -1

T5U8A Transfer ext.payroll result: Tax cumulation data (USA) -1

T5U8C Transfer external payroll results (USA) -1

T5U94 Document ID – Personal ID and Work Permit (USA) -1

T5UAA AAP Occupational Categories -1

T5UAC Alaska Workers Compensation Area Code -1

T5UAD Address for US Reporting Units -1

T5UB1 Benefit plan type -1

T5UB2 Benefit plan status -1

T5UB3 Benefit area -1

T5UB4 Benefit eligibility grouping -1

T5UB5 Benefit cost grouping -1

T5UB6 Benefit Standard Health Selection -1

T5UB7 Benefit standard insurance selection -1 99/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T5UB8 Benefits Payment Model Assignment -1

T5UB9 Benefit second program grouping -1

T5UBA Benefit plan -1

T5UBB Benefit health option/dependent coverage assignment -1

T5UBC To be deleted – no longer used! -1

T5UBD To be deleted – no longer used! -1

T5UBE Benefit Health Plan Option -1

T5UBF Benefit dependent coverage -1

T5UBG Benefit Flexible Spending Account -1

T5UBH Benefit cost rule variant -1

T5UBI Benefit cost rule -1

T5UBJ Benefit age group for calculating imputed income -1

T5UBK Benefit Salary Group -1

T5UBL Benefit age group -1

T5UBM Benefit seniority group -1

T5UBN Benefit investment -1

T5UBO Benefit investment group -1

T5UBP Benefits investment/investment group assignment -1

T5UBQ Benefit calculation factor for imputed income -1

T5UBR Benefit vesting rule -1

T5UBS Benefit vested portion -1

T5UBT Benefit first program grouping -1

T5UBU Benefit program -1

T5UBV Benefit eligibility rule -1

T5UBW Benefit provider -1

T5UBX To be deleted – no longer used! -1

T5UBY Benefit parameter group -1

T5UBZ To be deleted – no longer used! -1

T5UC1 Benefit plan type texts -1

T5UC2 Benefit plan status texts -1

T5UC3 Benefit area texts -1

T5UC4 Benefit eligibility grouping texts -1

T5UC5 Benefits cost grouping texts -1

T5UC9 Benefit Second Program Grouping Texts -1

T5UCA Benefit plan texts -1

T5UCC To be deleted – no longer used! -1

T5UCE Benefit health plan option texts -1

T5UCF Benefit dependent coverage texts -1

T5UCH Benefit cost rule variant texts -1

T5UCJ Benefit imputed income age group texts -1

T5UCK Benefit salary group texts -1

T5UCL Benefit age group texts -1

T5UCM Benefit seniority group texts -1

T5UCN Benefit investment texts -1

T5UCO Benefit investment group texts -1

T5UCR Benefit vesting rule texts -1

T5UCT Benefit first program grouping texts -1

T5UCV Benefit eligibility rules texts -1

T5UCX To be deleted – no longer used! -1

T5UCY Benefit parameter group texts -1

T5UD3 Benefit area currency -1

T5UDC COBRA maximum coverage period -1 100/216
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T5UDD COBRA administrative data -1

T5UDE COBRA events / personnel action assignment -1

T5UDF COBRA early termination reason -1

T5UDL Benefit receipt type -1

T5UDM To be deleted – no longer used! -1

T5UDN To be deleted – no longer used! -1

T5UDO Benefit credit grouping -1

T5UDP To be deleted – no longer used! -1

T5UDR Benefits Allowed Dependents/Beneficiaries -1

T5UDS Benefit termination rule -1

T5UDT Benefit termination grouping -1

T5UDU Benefit Termination Rule Variant -1

T5UDV Benefit Eligibility Rule Variant -1

T5UEE EEO Occupational Categories -1

T5UEF COBRA early termination reason -1

T5UEL Benefit payment receipt type texts -1

T5UEM To be deleted – no longer used! -1

T5UEO Benefit credit grouping texts -1

T5UET Benefits Termination Type Texts -1

T5UEU Benefit termination rule variant texts -1

T5UFC ADP Company Codes -1

T5UG0 HR: Garnishment Order Types -1

T5UG1 HR: Garnishment Document Category -1

T5UG2 Adjustment to the Disposable Net -1

T5UG3 Model for Calculation of the Non-Exempt Amount -1

T5UG4 Rules for Calculation of the Non-Exempt Amount -1

T5UG5 Model of the Disposable Net -1

T5UG6 Government Service Charge -1

T5UG7 Government Remittance Rule -1

T5UG8 Company Remittance Rule -1

T5UG9 Garnishment Default Values -1

T5UGA Special Rule for Calculation of the Non-Exempt Amount -1

T5UGB Calculation Scheme for Special Rule -1

T5UGC Service Charge -1

T5UGD Filing Status -1

T5UGE Determining Amount Exempt from Levy -1

T5UGF Determining Additional Exempt Amount -1

T5UGG Company Service Charge -1

T5UGH Levy Statement -1

T5UGI Garnishment Letters -1

T5UGL Function Exit for Garnishment Letters -1

T5UGM HR: Garnishment Originator -1

T5UMA HR-US: NC-9901 Major Activity Code Check Table -1

T5UP1 Minimum and cash wages for tip credit -1

T5UP2 Establishment/stores for tip processing -1

T5UP3 Establishment text -1

T5UP4 Establishment level adjusted gross receipts -1

T5URA Link HR payees to wage types via ZIP code -1

T5URB Link HR payees to wage types via organizational assignment -1

T5URC Link HR tax payees to wage types via tax attributes -1

T5URU US Establishment/Work Unit for Reporting -1

T5US0 Priority for tax wagetypes -1 101/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T5USC U.S. Standard Industrial Classification Codes -1

T5USO WC: Standard Occupational Code -1

T5UT0 SAP Taxability Matrix Table -1

T5UT2 Deposited taxes, that have to be reported in tax forms -1

T5UT3 Data to be printed in a tax form -1

T5UT6 Tax form class table -1

T5UT8 Tax Form Class Relations – Customer table -1

T5UTA Resident Tax Areas -1

T5UTB Work Tax Areas -1

T5UTC States of operation or residency -1

T5UTD Default Tax Type (US) -1

T5UTF ZIP Codes for Residence Tax Areas -1

T5UTG ZIP Code Ranges for Work Tax Areas -1

T5UTH Tax Identification Numbers <-> BSI Tax Company -1

T5UTI Tax Identification Numbers -1

T5UTJ Tax Ceilings and rates -1

T5UTK Marital Status -1

T5UTL Tax Company -1

T5UTN BSI Authority Numbers with Sequential Number per State -1

T5UTO Assignment of technical wage types to tax types -1

T5UTP Assignment of tax amounts to tax form groups -1

T5UTR Tax Authorities per Resident Tax Area -1

T5UTT Tax Types (US) -1

T5UTV Unemployment Insurance Work Sites/NC-9901 Locations -1

T5UTW Tax Authorities per Work Tax Area -1

T5UTZ Tax Authorities -1

T5UU0 SAP Taxability Customized Table -1

T5UWC WC: Classification Code -1

T5UWE WC: Experience rate assignment -1

T5UWL WC: Officer wage limit -1

T5UWM WC: Manual rate assignment -1

T5UWS WC: Workers’ Comp. Wage Type Assignment per WC State -1

T5UWT WC: Classification Code Text -1

T5UWW WC: WC Wage per state (Obsolete since 4.5A/4.0C) -1

T5UWX WC: Experience modifier / Account Number assignment -1

T5UXX Evaluated tax form reporting periods -1

T5UZC Zip Code Areas -1

T5V01 Table of postal codes (postal code/city) -1

T5V03 Employee group/subgrouping for employment contracts (NO) -1

T5V13 SSB Positions code assignment -1

T5V1C Period Work Schedules Codes -1

T5V2A Municipality Numbers -1

T5V2B Union table -1

T5V2C Norwegian -1

T5V2D Norwegian tax table numbers -1

T5V2E Norwegian Organizational Attributes -1

T5V2F Norwegian organizational attributes – text -1

T5V3A Vacation allowance calculation -1

T5V3E Holiday allowance: Payment -1

T5V3F Text for T5V3E -1

T5V3G Leave quota types -1

T5V4B Control table for garnishments and union dues -1 102/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T5V5A Occupation code -1

T5V5B Assignment of job to occupation code -1

T5V6A Business sectors -1

T5V6B Business sector (“Bransje”) – Text -1

T5V6C SSB Positional Codes -1

T5V6D SSB Position Code Description -1

T5V7C Warnings for self-declared illnesses – Norway -1

T5VA3 Norwegian absence evaluation segment definition -1

T5VA4 Norwegian absence valuation segment definition – text -1

T5VA5 Norwegian absence classification -1

T5VA6 Norwegian absence evaluation rules -1

T5VS0 Contract types for annual tax statements -1

T5VS1 Contract types for annual tax statements – texts -1

T5VS2 Tax code granularity – Check table -1

T5VS3 Tax code granularity – Text table -1

T5VS4 Tax codes with direct attributes -1

T5VS5 Tax codes – text table -1

T5VS6 Fields for tax codes -1

T5VS8 Assignment of wage types to tax codes -1

T5VSA Cumulation category of wage types for annual tax reporting -1

T5VST Assignment of granularity to EE status/travel tax key -1

T5W1F RSA SI Exemption Reasons -1

T5W1G RSA SI Exemption Reasons -1

T5W1H Medical Aid Payment model Assignment -1

T5W1K Pension Funds and Medical Aid Schemes (RSA) -1

T5W1M Social insurance companies -1

T5W1N Social insurance schemes -1

T5W1O Contributions for Social Insurances -1

T5W1P RSA Definitions of Social Insurances -1

T5W1R Social Insurance schemes ZA Text -1

T5W1U Contribution class for social insurances ZA -1

T5W1V Contribution class for social insurances ZA text -1

T5W1X Social Insurance Contributions ZA -1

T5W1Y Medical Aid contribution (as of 01.01.2000) -1

T5W2A (Old) Tax Revenue Offices (South Africa) -1

T5W2B (Old) Tax Status Indicators (South Africa) -1

T5W2C (Old) Tax Age Group Indiciators (South Africa) -1

T5W2D (Old) Employment Indicators (South Africa) -1

T5W2E (Old) Tax Regions (South Africa) -1

T5W2F (Old) RSA Tax Procedures -1

T5W2G (Old) Income Tax Rates (South Africa) -1

T5W2H (Old) Tax Rebates (South Africa) -1

T5W2I (Old) RSA Tax Year Specifications -1

T5W2P South African Revenue Service Offices -1

T5W2Q South African Tax Year Status -1

T5W2R South African Tax Rates -1

T5W2S South African Tax Rebates -1

T5W2T South African Employment Indicators – Text -1

T5W2U South African Employment Indicators -1

T5W3A Wagetypes to Subtype relation -1

T5W4A Leave parameter table – Southern Africa -1

T5W4B Leave entitlement (IT0005) parameter table – Southern Africa -1 103/216
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T5W5A Bank check digit verification table for South Africa -1

T5W5B Account Type Recognition for ZA -1

T5W5C South African Bank Names -1

T5W66 SARS Interface : PAYE Reference Number Attributes -1

T5W67 SARS Interface : Definition of Electronic Tax Certificate -1

T5W68 SARS Interface : Record Types -1

T5W7A Salary components -1

T5W7AT Salary component text -1

T5W7C Eligibility of salary components -1

T5W7E Salary packaging categories -1

T5W7ET Salary packaging Categories -1

T5W7F Salary packaging: ZA receiver rates -1

T5W7H Salary packaging: Categories of salary components -1

T5WA Electronic fund transfer codes -1

T5WAT Elctronic fund transfer texts -1

T604 Foreign Trade: Commodity Code / Import Code Number -1

T604A Preference: Tariff alternation -1

T604B Preference: Preference Zone Description -1

T604C Preference: Preference Procedure Code -1

T604D Preference: Description of Preference Procedure Code -1

T604F Import Processing: Control Code -1

T604G Preference: Preference Zone -1

T604I Input Table for Collective Calculation for Goods Origin -1

T604L Foreign Trade: Preference: Single-plant control data VD -1

T604N Import Processing: Control Code Description -1

T604O Foreign Trade: Sections With Regard to Customs Law – Descr. -1

T604P Preference: Preference Zone/Rule -1

T604R Preference: Preference Rule / Percentages -1

T604S Preference: Determine Preference Zone in Export -1

T604STW Foreign Trade: Keywords for commodity codes -1

T604T Foreign Trade: Commodity Code/Import Code No. Description -1

T604U Foreign Trade: Convert Commodity Code/Import Code No. -1

T604V Preference: Preference Determination / Procedure -1

T604W Foreign Trade: Sections With Regard to Customs Law -1

T604WG Preference determination: Cross-plant grouping -1

T604WGG Preference determination: Assignment of plants -1

T604WGT Preference determination: Cross-plant grouping – Description -1

T604X Preference: Procedure – Description -1

T604Y Foreign Trade: Sections/Chapters With Regard to Customs Law -1

T604Z Foreign Trade: Chapter – Descriptions -1

T605 Foreign Trade: Business Transaction Type -1

T605K Foreign Trade: Bus. Transaction Type – Procedure Combination -1

T605T Foreign Trade: Business Transaction Type – Descriptions -1

T605U Foreign Trade: Convert Export/Import Bus. Trans. Type -1

T605Z Foreign Trade: Proposal for Bus. Transaction Type in Export -1

T606 Legal Control: License Types -1

T606A Legal Control: Departure Country / Legal Regulations -1

T606AS Legal Control: Export Control Class – Commodity Code -1

T606B Legal Control: Grouping Materials -1

T606D Legal Control: Special Characteristic Code for Goods -1

T606DT Legal Control: Special Char. Code for Goods – Description -1

T606E Legal Control: Grouping Destination Countries -1 104/216
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T606G Legal Control: Legal Regulations -1

T606H Legal Control: Export Control Classes -1

T606I Legal Control: Export Control Class / Grouping -1

T606K Legal Control: Control Situation of Dest.Ctry. -1

T606L Legal Control: Country Classification by Destination Ctry -1

T606M Legal Control: Product Classification by Destinat. Ctry -1

T606N Legal Control: Product Classification by Country Grouping -1

T606O Legal Control: Embargo – Dependent on Departure Country -1

T606P Legal Control: Grouping Partners -1

T606PG Legal Control: Partner Functions for Grouping Partners -1

T606PT Legal Control: Grouping Partners – Descriptions -1

T606R Legal Control: Legal Regulation Descriptions -1

T606S Legal Control: Grouping of Dest. Countries – Descriptions -1

T606T Legal Control: License Type Descriptions -1

T606U Legal Control: Grouping Descriptions -1

T606V Legal Control: Export Control Class Descriptions -1

T607A Documentary Payments: Financial Document Type -1

T607AT Documentary Payments: Financial Document Type Descriptions -1

T607B Documentary Payments: Bank Functions -1

T607BT Documentary Payments: Bank Function Descriptions -1

T607D Documentary Payments: Documents to be Presented -1

T607DT Documentary Payments: Descr. for Documents to be Presented -1

T607E Documentary Payments: Control Documents per Indicator -1

T607F Documentary Payments: Indicators – Field Ctrl/Doc.Check -1

T607FT Doc. Payments: Indicators: Field Ctrl/Doc.Check-Descriptions -1

T607G Documentary Payments: Reasons for Change -1

T607GT Documentary Payments: Reasons for Change – Descriptions -1

T607I Documentary Payments: Financial Document Control -1

T607K Documentary Payments: Bank Indicators -1

T607KT Documentary Payments: Bank Function ID Descriptions -1

T607S Documentary Payments: Fld Ctrl for Banks in Financial Doc. -1

T608 Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists – Type of Check -1

T608A Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists – Aliases -1

T608D Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists: Delimiter -1

T608E Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists – Exclusion Texts -1

T608L Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists – List Type -1

T608LT Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists – List Type Descript. -1

T608N Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists: Normalizations -1

T608P Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists: Phonetic Search -1

T608R Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists – Reference Type -1

T608RT Legal Control: Sanct. Party Lists – Reference Type – Descr. -1

T608T Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists – Type of Check -1

T609A Foreign Trade: Declarations to Authorities – Exclusion Ind. -1

T609AT Foreign Trade: Decl. to Auth.: Exclusion Ind. – Descriptions -1

T609B FT: Incompleteness: Doc.Pric.Procedure – Header and Item -1

T609BT FT: Incompl.: Doc.Pric.Proced. – Header and Item – Descript. -1

T609F Foreign Trade: Incompletion Procedure – Document Fields -1

T609G Foreign Trade: PRODCOM/GP Number (Production Statistics) -1

T609GP Foreign Trade: PRODCOM/GP Number (Prod.Stat.) – Descriptions -1

T609I Foreign Trade: Declarations to Auth.: Control/Incompleteness -1

T609II FT: Declara. to auth.: Special rules country/region -1

T609IS Foreign Trade: Declarations to Auth.: Data Selection Control -1 105/216
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T609L Foreign Trade: Incompleteness: Country procedure -1

T609LT Foreign Trade: Incompleteness: Country proced. – Descript. -1

T609P Foreign Trade: Communication: Control Printing of FT Docs -1

T609PO FT: Communication: Assignment form fields – Characteristics -1

T609PP FT: Communication: Control Change of FT documents -1

T609PPT Foreign Trade: Communication: Characteristics texts -1

T609R Foreign Trade: Export/Import Conversion – Reference Country -1

T609S Foreign Trade: Control Export/Import Data in SD/MM Document -1

T609UK Foreign Trade: Incompleteness: Combination WR – L – L – B -1

T609V Foreign Trade: Incompletion Procedures for Document Data -1

T609VT Foreign Trade: Incompletion Procedures in Docs – Descript. -1

T610A Import Processing: Anti-dumping Code -1

T610AT Import Processing: Anti-dumping Code Descriptions -1

T610B Foreign Trade: Customs Approval Numbers -1

T610BT Foreign Trade: Customs Approval Number Descriptions -1

T610C Import Processing: CAS Number for Pharmaceutical Products -1

T610CT Import Processing: CAS No. for Pharmaceut.Products – Descr. -1

T610D Import Processing: Pharmaceutical Products Code -1

T610DT Import Processing: Pharmaceutical Products Code Descriptions -1

T610FA Import Processing: Anti-dumping Code Determination -1

T610FD Import Processing: Pharmaceut. Products Code Determination -1

T610FE Import Processing: Import Verification Doc. Determination -1

T610FK Import Processing: Customs Quota Code Determination -1

T610FL Import Processing: Third-country Duty Rate Determination -1

T610FP Import Processing: Preferential Duty Rate Determination -1

T610FS Import Processing: Customs Exemption Determination -1

T610K Import Processing: Customs Quota Codes -1

T610KP Foreign Trade: Import Processing: Quota or Ceiling Number -1

T610KPT Foreign Trade: Import Processing: Quota or Ceiling Number -1

T610KT Import Processing: Customs Quota Code Descriptions -1

T610LG Foreign Trade: Country Groups for Import Processing -1

T610LGT Foreign Trade: Country Groups for Import Processing – Descr. -1

T610LGZ Foreign Trade: Assignment of Countries to Country Groups -1

T610NA Import Processing: Verification Documents -1

T610NAT Import Processing: Verification Document Descriptions -1

T610O Foreign Trade: Authorities -1

T610OT Foreign Trade: Authorities – Descriptions -1

T610PA Foreign Trade: Preference Type -1

T610PAT Foreign Trade: Preference Type – Description -1

T610R Import Processing: Reference Countries -1

T610U Foreign Trade: Upload: Duty Rate Types, Legal Regulations -1

T610VA Foreign Trade: Preliminary Import Docs / Export Docs -1

T610VAT Foreign Trade: Preliminary Imp. Docs/Exp.Docs – Descriptions -1

T610W Foreign Trade: Customs Approval Numbers per Plant -1

T610Z Foreign Trade: Customs Identification Nos – Vendor/Customer -1

T612A Foreign Trade/Customs: Electronic Procedure: Duty Types -1

T612AT FT/Customs: Elect. Procedure: Duty Type – Means of Transport -1

T612B FT/Customs: Electr. Procedure: Type of means of transport -1

T612BT FT/Customs: Elect. Procedure: Type of Means of Transport – D -1

T612G Foreign Trade/Customs: Electr. procedures: Duty type group. -1

T612GT Foreign Trade/Customs: Electr. procedures: Duty type group. -1

T612K FT/Customs: Electr. Procedure: Duty Type – Condition type -1 106/216
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T612N FT/Customs: Electr. procedures: Type of identity of goods -1

T612NT FT/Customs: Electr. Proced.: Type of ident. of goods – descr -1

T612P FT/Customs: Electr. Procedure: Type of Shipping Unit -1

T612PT FT/Customs: Electr. procedure: Shp. unit type – Description -1

T612S Foreign Trade/Customs: Electr. Procedure: Status -1

T612ST FT/Customs: Electr. procedure: Status – Description -1

T612V Foreign Trade/Customs: Electr. Procedure -1

T612VT FT/Customs: Electr. procedure – Description -1

T615 Foreign Trade: Customs Offices -1

T615T Foreign Trade: Customs Offices – Descriptions -1

T615U Foreign Trade: Import/Export Customs Office Conversion -1

T616 Foreign Trade: Procedure -1

T616T Foreign Trade: Procedures – Descriptions -1

T616U Foreign Trade: Import/Export Procedure Conversion -1

T616Z Foreign Trade: Proposal for Procedure in Export -1

T617 Foreign Trade: Proposal for Foreign Trade Header Data -1

T618 Foreign Trade: Modes of Transport -1

T618G EU Market: EU Market Products Group -1

T618GT EU Market: EU Market Products Group – Descriptions -1

T618K Foreign Trade: Valid Comb. f. Mode of Transp./Customs Office -1

T618M CAP: Number of CAP products list -1

T618MT EU Market: EU Market Products List No. – Descriptions -1

T618O EU Market: Market organizations -1

T618OT EU Market: Market Organization Descriptions -1

T618T Foreign Trade: Mode of Transport Descriptions -1

T618U Foreign Trade: Conversion of Import/Export Mode of Transport -1

T618W EU Market: Market Organization Number -1

T618WT EU Market: Market Organization Number – Descriptions -1

T620 Allocation Table Document Types -1

T620T Texts for Alloc. Tbl Doc. Types -1

T621 Item Categories for Allocation Tables -1

T621T Texts for Alloc. Tbl Item categories -1

T622 Allocation Rule Document Types -1

T622T Texts for Allocation Rule Document Types -1

T623 Transaction Control, Standard Distribution -1

T624 Control Table, Allocation Rule Determination -1

T625 Field Relationship for Info Structure -1

T625S Key Figure Category -1

T625T Texts for Field Rel. for Info Structure -1

T626 Allocation Table Notification Categories -1

T626T Texts for Allocation Table Notification Categories -1

T627 Allocation Strategy: Allocation Table -1

T627T Texts for Allocation Strategies -1

T628 Split Criteria for Alloc Tbl Follow-on Document Generation -1

T628T Texts for Split Criteria Indicators -1

T629 Allocation Table Rejection Reasons -1

T629T Alloc Tbl: Blocking Reasons: Texts -1

T630L Shipping Determination: Loading Times -1

T630R Delivery Scheduling: Pick/Pack Time for Materials -1

T633K R/2-R/3 Link: One-Time Customer Determination -1

T644 Routes: Transit Route(s) (Country Sequence) -1

T646A Aggregate States -1 107/216
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T646B Texts for Aggregate States -1

T646G Hazardous Material Warnings -1

T646H Texts for Hazardous Material Warnings -1

T646L Storage Classes -1

T646M Texts for Storage Classes -1

T646R Region Codes -1

T646S Texts for Region Codes -1

T646V Hazardous Material Warnings -1

T646W Texts for Hazardous Material Warnings -1

T661K Internal and External Conditions Assignment -1

T661T Difference Tolerances for External and Internal Conditions -1

T661W Determination of Sold-to Party for EDI DlvSched/JIT -1

T663 Delivery interval:Sched.agreements for component suppliers -1

T663A Dealing with errors:Scheduling agreements with rel.orders -1

T664A Special processing for deliveries for ext.agents -1

T665A Special Processing for Self-Billing -1

T671 Conditions: Views -1

T671T Conditions: Views (Text) -1

T672 Conditions: View Sequence -1

T681 Conditions: Structures -1

T681F Conditions: Allowed Fields Per Usage and Application -1

T681H Conditions: Usage/Application with Client -1

T681U Parameters for creating pricing reports -1

T681X Condition tables for lists -1

T681Y Conditions: List Variants -1

T681YT Pricing Report: Texts -1

T681Y_BMEN Condition Maintenance to Area Menu -1

T682 Conditions: Access Sequences -1

T682I Conditions: Access Sequences (Generated Form) -1

T682T Conditions: Access Sequences: Texts -1

T682V Conditions: Condition Type/Access (Execute Header Check) -1

T682Z Conditions: Access Sequences (Fields) -1

T683 Pricing procedures -1

T683C Batch Search Procedure: Determination in Sales Docs -1

T683S Pricing Procedure: Data -1

T683T Pricing Procedures: Texts -1

T683V Pricing Procedures: Determination in Sales Docs. -1

T683V_CMP Campaign Determination Procedure: Sales Doc. Determination -1

T684 Condition Exclusion Groups -1

T684G Condition Exclusion Groups: Condition Types -1

T684S Condition Exclusion: Procedure Assignment -1

T684T Condition exclusion: Texts -1

T685 Conditions: Types -1

T685A Conditions: Types: Additional Price Element Data -1

T685B Condition Types: Additional Data for Sending Output -1

T685H Conditions: Batches => Default Values -1

T685N Conditions: Types, Additional Data for Free-Goods Discount -1

T685R Conditions: Derivation => default values -1

T685S Condition Types: Scales for Conditions -1

T686A Conditions: Exclusion Indicator -1

T686B Conditions: Exclusion Indicator: Texts -1

T686C Contact Person: Responsibilities in Sales and Distribution -1 108/216
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T686D Contact Person: Responsibilities in SD: Texts -1

T686E Conditions: Processing Status -1

T686F Conditions: Processing Status: Texts -1

T687 Account Determination: Account Key -1

T687T Account Determination: Account Key Texts -1

T688 Condition: Copying Rules for Condition Tables -1

T688K Condition: Copying Rules for Condition Types -1

T688T Condition: Copying Rules for Condition Tables -1

T689 Download Profile for the Conditions -1

T689K Reference: Download Profile – Pricing Procedures -1

T691A Credit management risk categories -1

T691B Credit Management Groups -1

T691C Credit management group names -1

T691M Payment guarantee procedure -1

T691N Description of payment guarantee procedure -1

T691O Control for payment guarantee procedure -1

T691T Credit management risk classes text -1

T6B1 Rebate : Rebate Agreement Types -1

T6B1T Rebate: Agreement Types : Texts -1

T6B2 Rebate : Group of permitted Condition Types/Tables -1

T6B2F Rebate : Permitted Condition Types/Tables per Group -1

T6B2T Rebates : Group of Allowed Condition Types/Tables : Texts -1

T6B3 Business Volume Comparison and Agreement Type -1

T6B3T Subsequent Settlement: BV Comparison/Agreement Types, Texts -1

T6B4 Business Volume Tolerance Group -1

T6B4T Subsequent Settlement: Business Vol.Comparison Groups, Texts -1

T6B5 User Parameters Subsequent Settlement -1

T6I1 Document Index: Allowed Condition Types/Tables -1

T6WL4 Check table – label form -1

T6WL5 Check Table – Label Type -1

T6WP3 Check Table for Labelling Type -1

T6WP4 Check Table for Label Shape -1

T6WSA Categories of seasonal materials -1

T6WSAT Texts for seasonal material categories -1

T6WSP Check Table for Season Indicator -1

T6WST Texts to describe season indicators -1

T702A Employee grouping for trip expense type -1

T702B Credit Card Clearing Assignment Table -1

T702C Name: Employee grouping for trip expense type -1

T702E Vehicle Types -1

T702G Statutory trip types -1

T702H Caculation Guide Lines: Meals PD/Max.Amounts Scaled by Time -1

T702I Statutory Reimbursement Groups for Meals/Accommodations -1

T702J Enterprise-spec.Reimbursement Groups for Meals/Accomm. -1

T702K Service provider -1

T702L Name of Service Provider -1

T702N Trip Provision Variants -1

T702O Trip country/Trip region/Trip country group -1

T702P Reimbursement Groups for Travel Costs/Add.Flat Rate Types -1

T702Q Name: Reimburs.Group for Travel Costs/Add.Flat Rate Types -1

T702R Trip Activity Types -1

T702V Calc.Guide Lines for Scaling Meals PD/Max.Amounts by Hours -1 109/216
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T702W Vehicle Classes -1

T702X Enterprise-specific Trip Types -1

T702Y Employee Groupings for Travel Management -1

T703 Incentive Wages: Operation Features -1

T7031 Incentive Wages: Incentive Wages Parameters -1

T7032 Incentive Wages: Transaction Parameters -1

T7033 Incentive Wages: User Data for Recording Incentive Wages -1

T7034 Incentive Wages: User Exits for Incentive Wages -1

T7036 Incentive Wages: Assignment of List Screen Types to TT Types -1

T703A Incentive Wages: Replaced by T703H -1

T703B Incentive Wages: Parameter Texts -1

T703C Incentive Wages: Parameters -1

T703D Incentive Wages: Data for Entry Screens -1

T703E Incentive Wages: Convert Activity Types to Result Types -1

T703F Incentive Wages: Calculation Rules for Premium Formulas -1

T703G Incentive Wages: Groups -1

T703H Incentive Wages: Parameters for Premium Formulas -1

T703J Incentive Wages: Cumulation Rules -1

T703K Incentive Wages: Wage Types Permitted for Each TT Type -1

T703L Incentive Wages: Time Ticket Types -1

T703M Incentive Wages: Texts for Time Ticket Types -1

T703N Incentive Wages: Allowed Wage Types -1

T703O Incentive Wages: Convert Wage Types to Result Types -1

T703P Incentive Wages: Simple Functions -1

T703Q Incentive Wages: Premium Formulas -1

T703R Incentive Wages: Text for Premium Formula/Premium Result -1

T703S Incentive Wages: Premium Formulas -1

T703T Incentive Wages: Premium Formula Texts -1

T703U Incentive Wages: Table Control Fields for List Screen Types -1

T703W Incentive Wages: Result Types -1

T703X Incentive Wages: Texts for Result Types -1

T703Z Incentive Wages:Admissibility of Parameters and Result Types -1

T704E Entity Table for Statements -1

T704M Control Table for Statements -1

T704N Statement Text Table -1

T705A Attendance/Absence Reasons for Subsystem -1

T705B PDC Processing Statuses -1

T705C Internal Record Types -1

T705D Function Codes -1

T705E Reaction to Error Transaction -1

T705F Work Time Event Type Groups -1

T705G Texts for Work Time Event Type Groups -1

T705H Attendance/Absence Reason Texts for Subsystem -1

T705I Absence/Attendance Reason Grouping -1

T705J Grouping for External Wage Types -1

T705K External Wage Types for Subsystem -1

T705L Indicator: Attendance/Absence Reason -1

T705M Indicator: External Wage Types Grouping -1

T705O Personal PDC Modifiers -1

T705P Work Time Event Type Groups -1

T705Q External Wage Types Long Texts from Subsystem -1

T705S Assignment of Control Station Group -> PDC Group -1 110/216
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T705T Groupings for Subsystem Connection -1

T705U Additional Texts for Record Types -1

T705V Function Code Texts -1

T705W PDC Communication Parameters -1

T705X Names of Groupings for Subsystem Connection -1

T705Z Communication Times -1

T706A Trip Provision Deduction Amount/Percentage -1

T706B Trip Expense Types -1

T706B1 Trip Expense Types -1

T706B2 Trip Expense Types: Default Value/Maximum Amounts -1

T706B3 Trip Expense Type Grouping -1

T706B4 Trip Expense Types: Assignment of Wage Types -1

T706B5 Names for Travel Expense Types -1

T706C Names for Travel Expense Types -1

T706D Default Values for Dialog -1

T706E Names for vehicle types -1

T706ESS1 FI-TV: Customizing Table Intranet Scenario -1

T706ESS2 Trip Costs Customizing for ESS Scenario -1

T706F Trip Provision: Flat Rates for Travel Costs -1

T706F1 Cumulation Procedure Dependent on Vehicle Type/Class -1

T706FORM_BCKGRND Form background -1

T706FORM_BLKATTR Form block attributes -1

T706FORM_BLK_HDL Form block titles -1

T706FORM_CLMATTR Suppressable columns per block -1

T706FORM_FIXTXT Fixed texts -1

T706FORM_FIXTXTS Fixed texts (language-dependent) -1

T706FORM_FLDS Information in fixed positions -1

T706FORM_VAR Form variant -1

T706FORM_VARFLD Variable fields -1

T706FORM_VARFLDS Variable fields (language-dependent) -1

T706FORM_VAR_TXT Form variant (language-dependent) -1

T706G Names for statutory trip types -1

T706H Trip Provision:Per-diem/Maximum Amount for Meals by Time -1

T706I Name for statutory reimbursement group for meals/accomm. -1

T706J Name for enterprise-specific for meals/acc. -1

T706K Initial Account Assignment for FI -1

T706L Assignment of Trip Country – Country Group – Region -1

T706M Input Tax for International Per Diems -1

T706N Names for trip provision variants -1

T706O Names for trip country/trip country group/trip region -1

T706P Date Interval for Miles/Kms Accumulation -1

T706Q Names for period indicator for miles/kms accumulation -1

T706R Names for trip activity types -1

T706S Trip Schema -1

T706T Names for trip schema -1

T706U Trip Provision: Per Diem for Accommodations -1

T706V Trip Provision: Meals Per-diem/Maximum Amount by Hours -1

T706W Names for vehicle classes -1

T706X Names for enterprise-specific trip types -1

T706Y Names for Employee Groupings for Travel Management -1

T706Z Individual Field Control for Dialog -1

T706Z1 Individual Field Control for Dialog -1 111/216
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T706Z1_TXT Text table: Individual Field Control for Dialog -1

T706_CONST PA parameters: Travel Management -1

T706_CONSTTEXT Names of Accounting Constants for Trip Costs -1

T706_DEFAULTTEXT Names of Reference Texts for Trip Data Entry -1

T710 Pay Grade Levels -1

T710A Pay Grade -1

T710G Evaluation Group -1

T710GT Valuation Type Text -1

T710S Survey Data -1

T710ST Survey Texts -1

T71C0 Compensation Component -1

T71C01 Fixed Compensation Components -1

T71C02 Variable Compensation Components -1

T71C03 Stock Components -1

T71C0T Compensation Component Type Texts -1

T71C1 Compensation Group -1

T71C1T Compensation Group Texts -1

T71C2 Compensation Package -1

T71C3 Compensation Area -1

T71C3T Compensation Area Texts -1

T71C4 Planning Period -1

T71C5 Eligibility Rule for Compensation -1

T71C5R Compensation Eligibility Rule Variant -1

T71C5T Compensation Eligibility Rule Texts -1

T71C6 Compensation Eligibility Group -1

T71C6T Compensation Eligibility Group Texts -1

T71C7 Compensation Adjustment Details -1

T71C8 Compensation Adjustment Reason -1

T71C8T Compensation Adjustment Reason Text -1

T71CA Compensation Adjustment Type -1

T71CAT Compensation Adjustment Type Texts -1

T71CB Compensation Adjustment -1

T71D1 Pay Grade Rule -1

T71D1R Pay Grade Rule Variant -1

T71D1T Pay Grade Rule Variant Texts -1

T71D2 Pay Scale Group Rule -1

T71D2R Pay Scale Group Rule Variant -1

T71D2T Pay Scale Group Rule Variants Texts -1

T71D3 Job Rule -1

T71D3R Job Rule Variant -1

T71D3T Job Rule Variant Texts -1

T71D4 Salary Rule -1

T71D4R Salary Rule Variant -1

T71D4T Salary Rule Variant Texts -1

T71D5 Employee Appraisal Rule -1

T71D5R Employee Appraisal Rule Variant -1

T71D5T Employee Appraisal Rule Variant Texts -1

T71D6 User-Defined Rule -1

T71D6R User-Defined Rule Variant -1

T71D6T User-Defined Rule Variant Texts -1

T71E0 Guidelines -1

T71E0R Guideline Variants -1 112/216
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T71E0T Guideline Variant Texts -1

T71E1 Guideline Group -1

T71E1T Guideline Group Texts -1

T71F0 Wage Types for Compensation Adjustments -1

T71F1 Wage Type Model for Compensation Adjustments -1

T71G0 Compensation Matrix -1

T71G0T Text Table for Compensation Matrices -1

T71GD Dimension Table -1

T71GDT Text Table for Dimensions -1

T71GM Methods for Matrix Dimensions -1

T71GMT Text Table for Dimension Method -1

T71GS Segment Table for Dimensions -1

T71GST Text Table for Dimension Segments -1

T71GT Calculation Variants for Compensation Matrix -1

T71GTT Text Table for Calculation Variants -1

T71GV Value Table for Compensation Matrix -1

T71LA1 Award type (check table) -1

T71LA1T Text table for award type -1

T71LA2 Award type -1

T71LB1 Award -1

T71LB2 Country-dependent award attributes -1

T71LB3 Pricing information for awards -1

T71LC1 Change event -1

T71LC1T Text table for change events -1

T71LE1 Exercise methods -1

T71LE1T Text tables for exercise methods -1

T71LE2 Exercise methods allowed -1

T71LL1 Life event types (check table) -1

T71LL1T Text table for life event type -1

T71LL2 Life event type -1

T71LP1 Long-term incentive plans -1

T71LV1 Vesting rule (check table) -1

T71LV1T Text table for vesting rule -1

T71LV2 Vesting rule -1

T71LV3 Life event vesting -1

T71TCS1 TCS category -1

T71TCS1A TCS category attribute -1

T71TCS1T TCS category text -1

T71TCS2 TCS subcategories -1

T71TCS2A TCS subcategory attributes -1

T71TCS2T TCS subcategory text -1

T71TCS3 Assignment of TCS subcategory – wage types -1

T74F1 Benefit adjustment grouping -1

T74F2 Benefits insurance coverage grouping -1

T74F3 Benefit employer contribution grouping -1

T74F4 Benefit employee contribution grouping -1

T74FA Benefit insurance plan -1

T74FB Benefits Coverage Rule Variant -1

T74FC Benefits Insurance Coverage Rule -1

T74FD Benefit Savings Plan -1

T74FE Benefit employer contribution rule variant -1

T74FF Benefit employer contribution rule -1 113/216
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T74FG Benefit employee contribution rule variant -1

T74FH Benefit employee contribution rule -1

T74FI Benefit credit plan -1

T74FJ Benefit credit rule variant -1

T74FK Benefit credit rule -1

T74FL Benefit miscellaneous plan -1

T74FM Benefit Standard Savings Selection -1

T74FN Benefit Standard Spending Account Selection -1

T74FO Benefit standard credit selection -1

T74FP Benefit Standard Miscellaneous Selection -1

T74FQ Benefit standard stock purchase selection -1

T74FR Benefit evidence of insurability -1

T74FS Benefit evidence of insurability option assignment -1

T74FT Benefit evidence of insurability option jump assignment -1

T74FU Benefit combined coverage limit -1

T74FV Benefit combined coverage limit expression -1

T74FW Benefit combined contribution limit -1

T74FX Benefit combined contribution limit expression -1

T74FY Benefit prerequisite plan -1

T74FZ Benefit corequisite plan -1

T74G1 Benefit adjustment grouping text -1

T74G2 Benefit insurance coverage grouping texts -1

T74G3 Benefit employer contribution grouping texts -1

T74G4 Benefit employee contribution grouping texts -1

T74GA Benefit insurance plan texts -1

T74GB Benefit insurance coverage rule variant texts -1

T74GE Benefit employer contribution rule variant texts -1

T74GG Benefit employee contribution rule variant texts -1

T74GJ Benefit credit rule variant texts -1

T74GL Benefit miscellaneous plan texts -1

T74GU Benefit combined coverage limit text -1

T74GW Benefit combined contribution limit text -1

T74HA Benefit adjustment reason -1

T74HB Benefit adjustment authorization -1

T74HC Benefit adjustment reason/workflow event assignment -1

T74HD Benefit stock purchase plan -1

T74HE Benefit payment model assignment -1

T74HF Benefit Date Types for Dynamic Eligibility -1

T74HG Benefit dependent/beneficiary group -1

T74HH Benefit dependent/beneficiary group assignment -1

T74HI Benefit reasons for off-cycle payroll assignment -1

T74HJ Benefit zip code group -1

T74HK Benefit zip code group assignment -1

T74HL Benefit forms -1

T74HM Benefit Compensation Model -1

T74HN Benefits Assignment of Wage Types to Compensation Model -1

T74HO Benefit Equivalent Length of Service -1

T74HP Benefits Uniform Resource Locator (URL) -1

T74HQ Benefit Information on Doctor Search via Internet -1

T74IA Benefit adjustment reason text -1

T74IG Benefit dependent/beneficiary group -1

T74IJ Benefit zip code group text -1 114/216
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T74IM Benefit Compensation Model Text -1

T74IP Benefits Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Text -1

T750A Vacancy published in advertisement -1

T750B Advertisement -1

T750C Recruitment instrument -1

T750D Medium -1

T750E Text for applicant group -1

T750F Text for applicant range -1

T750G Unsolicited application group -1

T750H Text for medium -1

T750I Text for unsolicited application group -1

T750J Applicant Activity Type -1

T750K Applicant group -1

T750P Text for action type -1

T750R Permitted document formats for internet applications -1

T750X Vacancy -1

T751A Applicant Status -1

T751B Text for applicant status -1

T751C Applicant status reason -1

T751D Allowed Combination of Status and Status Reason -1

T751E Applicant Action Type -1

T751F Text for applicant event type -1

T752B Default Values for the SAP-Resumix Interface -1

T752C SAP-Resumix: Imported Fields -1

T752D SAP-Resumix: Exported Fields -1

T770A Day Segments -1

T770AF HR Query: Function Modules for Customer’s Additional Fields -1

T770B Assignment of Day Segments to Day Schedules -1

T770P Infotypes with Repeat Field Groups for RP Query -1

T770Q Additional Fields and Table Fields HR Query -1

T770R Table Accesses for HR Query -1

T770S Module Calls for HR Query -1

T770T Function modules providing texts for special fields -1

T772S Subtypes of Infotype 1002 with SAPscript -1

T777A Building Addresses -1

T777ACTION Activities for special personnel actions -1

T777B Appraisal Types -1

T777BIRTH Exrend relationship maintenance until birthday -1

T777C Texts Restrictions -1

T777D Infotypes – Dialog/Database Assignment -1

T777E Allowed Relationships -1

T777F Function Code Assignment to Planning Status -1

T777G Health Examinations -1

T777H Object Type Hierarchy -1

T777I Infotypes per Object Type -1

T777IBO Allowed Business Object Types per Object Type/Infotype/Subt. -1

T777L Conversion Factors -1

T777M Definition of Actions -1

T777N Name Format -1

T777O Object Types -1

T777P Plan Versions -1

T777Q Proficiency Texts -1 115/216
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T777R Request – Server – Table -1

T777S Planning Status -1

T777T Infotypes -1

T777U Subtype Texts -1

T777V Relationship Texts -1

T777W Authorities/Resources Texts -1

T777X Reasons Texts -1

T777Z Infotype Time Constraint -1

T778A Evaluation Paths -1

T778B Appraisal Types -1

T778C Restrictions -1

T778G Health Examinations -1

T778L Languages Supported in HR-PD -1

T778M Actions -1

T778O Object Types -1

T778P Plan Versions -1

T778Q Proficiencies -1

T778S Planning Status -1

T778T Infotypes -1

T778U Subtypes -1

T778V Relationships -1

T778W Authorities/Resources -1

T778X Reasons -1

T7791 Assignment to SAP Organizational Object Type -1

T779M Matrix Types -1

T779O Object Types Allowed for Role Resolution -1

T779T Texts for Matrix Types -1

T779W HR-CA: Event Linkage -1

T779X HR-CA: Event Linkage for Customer -1

T77AB Day Schedule Texts -1

T77ACOL Column Framework: Columns in a Column Group -1

T77ACOLC Column Framework: Columns in a Column Group -1

T77ACOLINI Intial Settings for Array Type Column -1

T77AD DB Tables for Additional Data -1

T77ALECOMB Distributable Relationship Between Original and Replication -1

T77ALERELA Distributable Relationship Direction -1

T77ALE_DEF Interface Characteristics -1

T77ALE_IF HR Interfaces to FI/LO -1

T77ALE_IFT HR Interfaces to FI/LO: Texts -1

T77AM Time Schedule -1

T77AP Aspects -1

T77AR Additional Data on Relationships -1

T77ARRAYTP Column Framework: Definition of Column Groups -1

T77ARRAYTT Text Table for t77arraytp -1

T77AS Aspects -1

T77AT Evaluation Path Texts -1

T77AW Definition of Evaluation Paths -1

T77AW_SCEN Assignment of Eval. Paths (MDT)->OrgPub Scenario (Customer) -1

T77AW_SCEN_SYST Assignment of Eval. Paths (from MDT)->OrgPub Scenario (SAP) -1

T77BA Appraisals -1

T77BB Appraisal Criteria Texts -1

T77BF PA-PD: Form of Appraisal -1 116/216
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T77BG PA-PD: Form of Appraisal (Possible Relationships) -1

T77BK Appraisal Criteria -1

T77BR Criterion Values -1

T77BT Criterion Values -1

T77BW Development Plans: State Keys -1

T77BWT Development Plans: State Key Texts -1

T77BX Further Processing of Development Plans -1

T77BY Texts for Development Plan States -1

T77BZ Development Plan States -1

T77CAR Reason for Cancellation of Attendance -1

T77CART Reason for Cancellation of Attendance -1

T77CD Infotypes – Customer-Specific Settings -1

T77CNODORD Scenario-Specific Definition of Nodes in Search Range -1

T77CNODO_T Text Table for Table T77CNODORD -1

T77CNOD_EX Excluding Nodes from Search Range -1

T77CO User Interface -1

T77COL Column Framework: Definition of Columns -1

T77COLHEAD Column Framework: Composite Definition for Column Headers -1

T77COLHTYP Column Framework: Defining Column Header Types -1

T77COLH_C HR-OM: Customer-Specific Overwriting of Column Headers -1

T77COLOTYP Column Framework: Column-Object Type Assignment -1

T77COLT HR-OM: Texts on Column Definition for Structures -1

T77CR Reasons for Cancellation of Business Event -1

T77CREATED_QUERY OM: Queries Already Generated in the System (Local) -1

T77CRT Reasons for Cancellation of Business Event -1

T77CS Suitability Ranges for Career and Succession Planning -1

T77CSEATGB Scenario-Specific Definition of Search Range -1

T77CSEATTO Text Table for T77CSEAT_O -1

T77CSEAT_E Exclude Search Tools from Search Range -1

T77CSEAT_O Scenario-Specific Definition of Search Range -1

T77DB Shift Groups for Organizational Units -1

T77DT Texts for Shift Groups -1

T77EB Shift Planning: Entry Profile Texts for Table T77EP -1

T77EC Shift Planning: Definition of Profiles -1

T77ED Shift Planning: Definition of Shifts -1

T77EH Shift Planning: Proposal Lists for Assignments -1

T77EHT Shift Planning: Proposal Lists for T77EH Text Table -1

T77EI Contents of Info Column for Shift Planning -1

T77EIT Text Table for T77EI (Info Column for Shift Planning) -1

T77EJ Info Column: Pre-sets -1

T77EO External Object Types -1

T77EOPT Shift Planning: Assignment Options Setting -1

T77EP Shift Planning: Entry Profiles -1

T77ER Substitution Types in Shift Plans -1

T77ET Shift Planning: Descriptions of Shift Abbreviations -1

T77EV External Relationships -1

T77EZOPT Shift Planning: Assignment Options -1

T77EZOPT_T Shift Planning: Assignment Options Texts -1

T77FC PD Function Codes -1

T77FD PD Function Code Texts -1

T77FL Logical Function Codes -1

T77FLC Allowed Logical Function Codes per Object-/Info-/Subtype -1 117/216
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T77FLT Name: Logical Function Code -1

T77FNODORD Scenario-Specific Definition of Nodes in Search Range -1

T77FNODORT Text Table for T77FNODORD -1

T77FOBJMAN Definition of Object Manager Scenario -1

T77FRIEND Column Framework: Definition of Coherence Relationships -1

T77FRIENDT HR-OM: Text on Column Groupings -1

T77FSEAA Definition of Interaction Tools -1

T77FSEAN Description of Search Node in Search Range -1

T77FSEANT Text table for T77FSEAN -1

T77FSEAS Definition of Search Tools -1

T77FSEAST Text table for T77FSEAS -1

T77FSEAT Scenario-Specific Definition of Search Range -1

T77FSEATGB Scenario-Specific Definition of Search Range -1

T77FSEATT Text Table for T77FSEAT -1

T77FUNC Functions -1

T77FUNC_TEXT Function Texts -1

T77GA Design description (status-oriented) -1

T77GB Toolbox Description -1

T77GD Data Set Description (Objects) -1

T77GE Tool groups -1

T77GG Designs for Graphical Structure Display -1

T77GI Data Sets for Graphical Structure Display -1

T77GL Design Description (Type-Oriented/Relationships) -1

T77GO Toolboxes for Graphical Structure Maintenance -1

T77GR Data Set Description (Relationships) -1

T77GS Tool Set Description -1

T77GU User-Specific Graphical Editing -1

T77GX Design Description (Type-Oriented/Objects) -1

T77I2 Areas Texts -1

T77I3 Task Functions -1

T77I4 Data Collection -1

T77I5 Task Function Texts -1

T77I8 Assignment of Users to User Groups -1

T77I9 User Groups for HRIS -1

T77IA Areas per View -1

T77IB Areas -1

T77ID Infotypes: Enhancements to T777D -1

T77INT Flagged for Master Data Integration -1

T77ITEX Hierarchy Framework: Copy Object: Exclude Infotypes -1

T77ITEX_C Hierarchy Framework: Copy Object: Exclude Infotypes -1

T77IV Number Assignment -1

T77KA Incompatible Attendances/Absences -1

T77KB Cost Items -1

T77KC Texts for Cost Items -1

T77KD Admin.of Cost Planning Scenarios in Personnel Cost Planning -1

T77KL Wage Elements in Personnel Cost Planning -1

T77KM Business Event Notifications -1

T77KT Plan Scenario Texts for Personnel Cost Planning -1

T77KU User Groups for Correspondence -1

T77KV Attendance Procedure -1

T77LE Tool Set Names -1

T77LG Design Names -1 118/216
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T77LI Names for Data Sets -1

T77LO Tool Box Names -1

T77MB Action Texts -1

T77MC Restrictions Related to Object Type in Search Function -1

T77MT Cross-Module Texts -1

T77MWBD Evaluation Paths in Manager’s Desktop Framework -1

T77MWBDT Texts for Evaluation Paths in Manager’s Desktop Application -1

T77MWBDTC Customer-Specific Texts for Evaluation Paths in MDT -1

T77MWBFCC Customer-Specific Override for Manager’s DT Function Codes -1

T77MWBFCD Function Codes for Manager’s Desktop -1

T77MWBFCH Function Code Hierarchies for Manager’s Desktop -1

T77MWBFCO Object Type-Dependent Function Codes for Manager’s Desktop -1

T77MWBFCT Texts for Manager’s Desktop Function Codes -1

T77MWBFHC Customer-Specific Arrangement of FCodes in MDT -1

T77MWBFTC Customer-Specific Text for Manager’s Desktop Function Codes -1

T77MWBK Customer-Specific Evaluation Paths per Category for MDT -1

T77MWBKS Evaluation Paths per Category for Manager’s Desktop -1

T77MWBS Manager’s Desktop Scenarios -1

T77MWBSC Manager’s Desktop: Scenario-Specific Settings -1

T77MWBT Text Table for Manager’s Desktop Applications -1

T77NI Country-Specific Infotypes -1

T77NT HRMS-TEM: Notes for Infotypes -1

T77OA Object Types and Infotypes per Aspect -1

T77OBJDEF OM: Definition of Interface Objects -1

T77OBJSER Definition of Service of an Interface Object -1

T77OCTABST Adjust Tab Page Texts Customer-Specifically -1

T77OCTABUS Scenario-Specific Tab Page Usage -1

T77OMAHQ_FUNCAR OM-Search Function “Free Search”: Obj. Type InfoSet (Cust.) -1

T77OMAHQ_FUNCARS OM-Search Function “Free Search”: Obj. Type InfoSet (Std.) -1

T77OMATGT Attributes of General Tree-Overview Object -1

T77OMATGTC Attributes of General Tree-Overview Object -1

T77OMBUFEV Times in OM Buffer -1

T77OMFRAM Hierarchy Framework Scenario: Scenario Attributes -1

T77OMFRAMC Hierarchy Framework Scenario: Scenario Attributes -1

T77OMFRAS Hierarchy Framework Scenario: Definition -1

T77OMFRAST HR Navigation Framework Scenario: Definition Texts -1




T77OMIA Hierarchy Framework: Interaction Tool Attributes -1

T77OMIA_C Hierarchy Framework: Interaction Tool Attributes -1

T77OMICON Hierarchy Framework: Icons to be Displayed in Icon Legend -1

T77OMICONT Icon Texts to be Displayed in Icon Legend -1

T77OMIFDET Hierarchy Framework: Interface for Detail Objects -1

T77OMIFGT Interface of General Tree-Overview Object -1

T77OMIFGTC Composite Definition: Interface of a Tree-Overview Object -1

T77OMIFOVE Hierarchy Framework: Overview Object Interface -1

T77OMIFSTA Hierarchy Framework: Status Object Interface -1

T77OMIFTIM Hierarchy Framework: Period Object Interface -1

T77OMREGIS Definition of Requests in Hierarchy Framework Scenario -1

T77OMREG_C Composite Definition: Requests in Hierarchy Framework Scen. -1

T77OMREG_T Text Table for T77OMREGIS -1 119/216
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T77OMSCEN Service for Organizational Management -1

T77OMSCENF Definition of Scenario Groups -1

T77OMSCENT Service for Organizational Management -1

T77OMTABS Hierarchy Framework: Definition of Tab Pages -1

T77OMTABST Tab Index Texts -1

T77OMTABUS Scenario-Specific Tab Page Usage -1

T77PA Plan Versions per Aspect -1

T77PC Structural Graphics: PD Object Data Control (old) -1

T77PD SAP Structural Graphics: PD Profiles -1

T77PH HR-PD: Profile Maintenance – Header Data -1

T77POSBUD Basic Data for Quota Planning -1

T77PP HR-PD: Profile Maintenance – Sub-profile Names -1

T77PP_HEAD PA-PD: Profile – Header -1

T77PP_HEAD_TEXT PA-PD: Profile – Header (Name) -1

T77PP_PART PA-PD: Profile – Subprofiles -1

T77PP_PART_TEXT PA-PD: Profile – Subprofiles (Names) -1

T77PP_VIEW PA-PD: Profile – View -1

T77PP_VIEW_TEXT PA-PD: Profile – View (Name) -1

T77PQ Authorization Profiles -1

T77PR Definition of Authorization Profiles -1

T77PR_V_H PA-PD: Profile – Assign Views to Headers -1

T77PR_V_H_P PA-PD: Profile – Assign Views to Headers to Subprofiles -1

T77PS Authorization Profile Texts -1

T77QA Qualifications Catalog Structure -1

T77QB Qualifications Catalog Texts -1

T77QP HR-PD: Selection Criteria for Employees and Applicants -1

T77QUERY_FIELDS OM: Desired Output Fields of a Query (Transportable) -1

T77R1 Room Reservation Type -1

T77R2 Lunch Times -1

T77R3 Attendee Type Control -1

T77R4 Check Path Individual Attendee – Attendee -1

T77R5 Name Tags -1

T77RB Requirement Types per Shift Group of Organizational Unit -1

T77RD Shift Planning: Requirements Types for Reqmnts Definition -1

T77RO Definition of Proxy Profiles -1

T77RP Substitute Profile -1

T77RQ Text for Substitute Profile -1

T77RQ_ICON Icon Settings for Requirements Matchup – Shift Planning -1

T77RQ_ICON_T Icon Settings for Requirements Matchup – Status Text -1

T77RT Requirements Type Description for Requirements Definition -1

T77S0 System Table -1

T77S1 Menu: Functions -1

T77S2 Menu: Services -1

T77S3 Menu: Screen Modifications -1

T77S4 Menu: Dynamic Menu Texts -1

T77S5 Menu: Dynamic Menu Functions -1

T77SCENQY Queries per scenario and object type (customer) -1

T77SCENQY_SYST Queries per Scenario and Object Type (SAP) -1

T77SCEN_AW Default scenario for Org. chart data retrieval (customer) -1

T77SCEN_AW_SYST Default Scenarios for Org. Chart Data Retrieval (SAP) -1

T77SK HR-PD: Scales -1

T77SN HR-PD: Quantity Scale Proficiencies -1 120/216
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T77SO Structurally-Dependent Object Types -1

T77SP HR-PD: Quality Scale Proficiencies -1

T77SP_CD Shift Planning: Rules for Abbreviation Sequence -1

T77SP_CDT Shift Planning: Names for Abbreviation Sequence Rules -1

T77SP_CE Shift Planning: Rules for Abbreviation Sequences -1

T77SP_DESCR PA-PD: Proficiency Descriptions for a Quality Scale -1

T77SP_DESCRIPT PA-PD: Proficiency Descriptions for a Quality Scale (Text) -1

T77ST System Tables -1

T77TC Classification of Tasks -1

T77TD Texts for Task Classification -1

T77TF PA-PD: Form of Appraisal (Name) -1

T77TG HR-PD: Profile Maintenance – Sub-profiles -1

T77TH HR-PD: Profile Maintenance – Header Data Names -1

T77TN HR-PD: Proficiency Texts for Quantity Scale -1

T77TP HR-PD: Proficiency Texts for Quality Scale -1

T77TR Transport Lock for Infotypes and Subtypes per Object -1

T77TS HR-PD: Scale Names -1

T77UA User Authorizations -1

T77UU User Table for Batch Input -1

T77VA Relationship Characteristics -1

T77VB Output Sequence of Text Elements -1

T77VC Text Variable Editing -1

T77VD Output Control: Correspondence -1

T77VE Notification Abbreviation -1

T77VF Notification Abbreviations -1

T77VG Check table: Recipient Group -1

T77VH Recipient group texts -1

T77VI Assignment: Triggering Activity – Notification Abbreviation -1

T77WS Person Group/Subgroup per Work Schedule Group -1

T77WT Employee Group/Subgroup Assignment to Work Schedule Groups -1

T77WWW_CDE ESS Deactivate Catalog and Change Menu Item -1

T77WWW_SC Control Table for Country-Specific Screens in Web Services -1

T77WWW_SDE ESS Deactivate Service and Change Catalog Item -1

T77WWW_WHO Control Table for Selection and Output Fields in Who’s Who -1

T77ZA Additional Conditions for Time Constraint 3 -1

T77ZC Check Table: Additional Conditions for Time Constraint 3 -1

T77ZR Infotype 1001 Time Constraint (Target Object Type-Dependent) -1

T77ZZ PD XPRA Control -1

T787I Infotypes for Standard Object Types -1

T787O Text Table: Standard Object Types -1

T787T Text Table: Infotypes for Standard Object Types -1

T787U Text Table: Subtypes for Standard Objects -1

T787V Text Table: Relationships for Standard Objects -1

T788E Check Table for Allowed Standard Relationships -1

T788O Check Table for SAP Standard Object Types -1

T788T Check Table for Standard Object Infotypes -1

T788U Check Table Subtypes for Standard Objects -1

T788V Check Table for Standard Relationships -1

T78NR Prefix Numbers for Standard Object Types -1

T790G Warranty Type -1

T790G_T Warranty Type Text -1

T790T_C Warranty Category Default Values -1 121/216
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T790_C Warranty Default Values – Initial Transactions -1

T791Z Permitted Warranty Counters – General -1

T7AR01 Activity code (CIIU) -1

T7AR02 Additional data by Company -1

T7AR03 Activity code (CIIU): T7AR01 Texts -1

T7AR04 Workplace Health Insurers (ART) code -1

T7AR05 Additional information by Company -1

T7AR06 Ministry of Labor activity code -1

T7AR07 Ministry of Labor activity code: T7AR06 texts -1

T7AR0P Personnel area/subarea additional information -1

T7AR10 Allocation special schooling assistance by establishmnt type -1

T7AR11 Additional information by subtype -1

T7AR1P Contribution reduction area -1

T7AR20 Date for final settlement of income for financial year -1

T7AR21 Contract category code for SIJP -1

T7AR22 Contract category code for SIJP: Texts T7AR21 -1

T7AR23 Assignment of contract category to contract type AR -1

T7AR24 Locality code for SIJP -1

T7AR25 Locality code for SIJP: T7AR24 texts -1

T7AR26 Employee grouping for Social Insurance contributions -1

T7AR27 Employee groupings for contributions to SI: Texts T7AR26 -1

T7AR2P Percentage of contribution reduction to Internal Rev. (DGI) -1

T7AR30 Types of work contract in Argentina -1

T7AR31 Social Insurance employee subgroups: Allocations -1

T7AR32 Percentage of contribution reduction by contract type -1

T7AR33 Contribution reduction percentage by employee subgroups -1

T7AR34 Welfare Fund code -1

T7AR35 Social Project code: T7AR34 texts -1

T7AR36 Private Pension Fund Companies (AFJP) code -1

T7AR37 Private Pension Fund Companies (AFJP) code: T7AR36 texts -1

T7AR38 Employee activity code -1

T7AR39 Employee activity code: T7AR38 texts -1

T7AR3P Contribution reduction zone: T7AR1P texts -1

T7AR40 Contract types in Argentina -1

T7AR41 Contract types in Argentina: T7AR40 texts -1

T7AR42 Social Insurance employee subgroup grouping -1

T7AR43 Social Insurance employee subgroup grouping: T7AR42 texts -1

T7AR45 Additional information for absences -1

T7AR46 Welfare Fund plans -1

T7AR4P Personnel area/subarea: Social Ins. and family allow. data -1

T7AR50 Income tax categories -1

T7AR51 Income tax categories: T7AR50 texts -1

T7AR52 Wage type allocation to income tax category -1

T7AR53 Limits and values by income tax category -1

T7AR54 Income scale for income tax calculation -1

T7AR55 Income tax deduction destination entities -1

T7AR56 Income Tax – Deductions reduction -1

T7AR5P Family allowance areas: Codes -1

T7AR60 Relationship between fam. mem type and family allowance type -1

T7AR61 Rules for generating family allowance wage types -1

T7AR62 Grouping for Social Insurance contribution factoring -1

T7AR63 Text for grouping of Social Insurance contribution factoring -1 122/216
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T7AR64 Conversion of currency values -1

T7AR65 Pay scale agreement category identification -1

T7AR66 Internal Revenue Service (DGI) agency code -1

T7AR67 Internal Revenue Service (DGI) agency code: T7AR66 texts -1

T7AR68 Guaranteed net amounts – Groups of deduction rules -1

T7AR6P Family allowance areas: Codes and texts -1

T7AR70 Social Insurance contribution percentages -1

T7AR71 Internal Revenue (DGI) area category for contributn reductns -1

T7AR72 Internal Revenue (DGI) Area Category – Texts -1

T7AR73 Assignment of Contribution reduction area to category -1

T7AR74 Contribution percentage by Category and Soc. Ins. Type -1

T7AR75 Annual Extra Payment (SAC): Off-cycle payroll run data -1

T7AR76 Guaranteed net amounts – Wage types transfer of differences -1

T7AR80 Employer data according to ANSeS Census Report -1

T7AR81 Named person/family member data accord. to ANSeS Census rep. -1

T7AR82 Assignment of ANSeS document type -1

T7AR83 Assignment of ANSeS province code -1

T7AR84 Assignment of ANSeS nationality code -1

T7AR85 Assignment of ANSeS marital status code -1

T7AR86 Number of employees and Company accord. ANSeS Census selectn -1

T7AR87 Reasons for action additional information -1

T7AR88 Service character -1

T7AR89 Service character: T7AR88 texts -1

T7AR90 Rules for calculation of severance pay -1

T7AR91 Assign collective agreement to pay scale type -1

T7AR92 Collective agreement -1

T7AR93 Collective agreement: T7AR92 text -1

T7AR94 Basic wage limit agreement for seniority compensation -1

T7AR95 Severance pay code -1

T7AR96 Severance pay code: Texts T7AR95 -1

T7AR97 Assign. sev. pay code to grouping of sev. pay legal norms -1

T7AR98 Employee grouping for Severance pay calculation -1

T7AR99 Employee grouping for Severance pay calculation: Text -1

T7BR0A Split of absence valuation periods -1

T7BR0F Third-party payment assignment -1

T7BR0P Personnel areas assignment to branches/c.sites groups -1

T7BR1B Union -1

T7BR20 Brazilian Job Occupation Code -1

T7BR7B School grade -1

T7BR7C Education -1

T7BR7T Education description -1

T7BR7U School grade description -1

T7BRAB Additional information for absences -1

T7BRAE Economic activity -1

T7BRAG Harmful agent exposure codes (FCSWI) -1

T7BRAI Inflation adjustment -1

T7BRAP Branches and/or construction sites grouping -1

T7BRAS IAI percentage for special retirement -1

T7BRAT Economic activity description -1

T7BRAX Description of harmful agent exposure codes (FCSWI) -1

T7BRB1 Branch – general information -1

T7BRB2 Branch – Social insurance body -1 123/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T7BRB3 Branch, Social Information Annual List report -1

T7BRB4 Branch – Withholding Income Tax Declaration -1

T7BRC0 Construction site code -1

T7BRC1 Construction site information -1

T7BRCB Brazilian Job Occupation Code (by position) -1

T7BRCT Worker categories description (FCSWI) -1

T7BRCX Worker categories (FCSWI) -1

T7BRD0 Transfer of payroll external results: PRS -1

T7BRDE Dependents eligibility for income tax -1

T7BRDR Withholding Income Tax Declaration withholding code -1

T7BRDT Withholding Income Tax Decl.withholding code description -1

T7BREC Marital status description -1

T7BRES Schools -1

T7BRFM Employee movement code for FGTS -1

T7BRFP SAWF code -1

T7BRFT SAWF code description -1

T7BRGR SI table – Self-employed -1

T7BRMP Employment relationship -1

T7BRMT Description of employment relationship -1

T7BRNJ Legal nature of establishment -1

T7BRNT Description of establishment legal nature -1

T7BRPP Wage types for planned period -1

T7BRPZ Wage types for planned period -1

T7BRQC Quota compensation types -1

T7BRQT Absence quota type -1

T7BRRK Hazard and health risk grouping -1

T7BRSF Child allowance -1

T7BRSI SI table -1

T7BRT0 Legal rights associated with employee situation -1

T7BRT2 Transportation type -1

T7BRT3 Transportation type description -1

T7BRTA Union dues -1

T7BRTF Description of FGTS movement code -1

T7BRTH Third-party code -1

T7BRTP Transportation ticket description -1

T7BRTR Transportation ticket -1

T7BRTT Third-party code description -1

T7BRTX WIT table -1

T7EHS00RAT Long-term average rating: A – E -> Language-dependent texts -1

T7EHS00RNT Exposure frequency rating -> Language-dependent texts -1

T7EHS00RVBT Agent assessment basis -> Language-dependent texts -1

T7EHS00_AGENT Agents -1

T7EHS00_AGENTREF Reference values for agent -1

T7EHS00_AGENTREG Laws / regulations for agent -1

T7EHS00_ANSWTYP Unique Number of Answer Type -1

T7EHS00_ANSWTYPT Language-Dependent Text Table for Table t7ehs00_answtyp -1

T7EHS00_CATALOG Question Catalog -1

T7EHS00_CATALOGT Language-Specific Text Table for Table T7ehs00_catalog -1

T7EHS00_EXAM Examination categories -1

T7EHS00_EXAMT Text table for examination categories -1

T7EHS00_FKATALOG Administration Data EH&S Question Catalog -1

T7EHS00_FORMTYP Form Type -1 124/216
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T7EHS00_FORMTYPT Text Table Form Type -1

T7EHS00_PROT Protocols -1

T7EHS00_PROTAGNT Agents for protocol -1

T7EHS00_PROTEXAM Examination categories for protocol -1

T7EHS00_PROTFREQ Frequency of protocol -1

T7EHS00_PROTREG Regulations for protocol -1

T7EHS00_QAGEN General Answer Type -1

T7EHS00_QAGENT General Answer Type -1

T7EHS00_QASPC Answer Type Application Components -1

T7EHS00_QASPCT Answer Type Application Component -1

T7EHS00_QCATFORM Question Catalog: Assign Form and Program -1

T7EHS00_QCRIT Criterion Text EH&S Question Catalog (Language-Specific) -1

T7EHS00_QCUSREX Registered User Exit Function Module for Question Catalog -1

T7EHS00_QEDITOR Question Text EH&S Question Catalog (Language-Specific) -1

T7EHS00_QFORM Specific Questionnaire: Assign Form and Program -1

T7EHS00_QFORMSPC General Questionnaire: Assign Form and Program -1

T7EHS00_QREL Questionnaire Assignment -1

T7EHS00_QRELTYP Object Type for Questionnaire Assignment -1

T7EHS00_QRELTYPT Text Table for Object Type for Assigning a Function Module -1

T7EHS00_QTFIELDG Text Fields for the General Questionnaire -1

T7EHS00_QTFIELDS Text Fields for Specific Questionnaire -1

T7EHS00_QUSREX Registered User Exit Function Modules for Questionnaire -1

T7EHS00_STATUS Status -1

T7EHS00_STATUST Language-Specific Text Table for Status -1

T7FI0P Addtional information to Finnish Personnel area/subarea -1

T7FI1P Time dependent information for personnel area/subarea -1

T7HK01 Occupations for familiy members -1

T7HK02 Text for familiy members’s occupation -1

T7HK03 Notice period in time units -1

T7HK04 Control table for EOY Payment -1

T7HK0P Extension of T001P -1

T7HK1A Nature of Quarter -1

T7HK1B Text for Nature of Quarter -1

T7HK1C Tax grouping for report -1

T7HK1D Tax year control table -1

T7HK2 Contribution plan -1

T7HK23 Retirement paln status -1

T7HK2B Contribution plan attributes -1

T7HK2C Contribution plan eligibility rules -1

T7HK2D Contribution plan transfer rules -1

T7HK2E Assigning contribution rules for Contribution Plans -1

T7HK2F Contribution plan special rules -1

T7HK2G Nature of contribution/entitlement plan -1

T7HK2H Provider Attributes -1

T7HK2I Contribution plan eligibility grouping -1

T7HK2J Rule details for each contribution rule grouping -1

T7HK2K Contribution rules for Retirement Plans -1

T7HK2L Contribution Rule Texts for Retirement Plans -1

T7HK2N Source of pre-prorated calc. base for retirement plan -1

T7HK2P Output Format for Length of Service(LOS) -1

T7HK2Q Salary Grouping for Retirement plan -1

T7HK2R Length of Service Grouping for Retirement plan -1 125/216
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T7HK2S Age Grouping for Retirement plan -1

T7HK2T Provider Name -1

T7HK2U Salary Grouping Texts for Retirement plan -1

T7HK2V LOS grouping Texts for Retirement plan -1

T7HK2W Age Group Texts for Retirement Plan -1

T7HK2X Employee Group Criteria ID Texts for Retirement Plan -1

T7HK2Y Employee Group Criteria ID for Retirement Plan -1

T7HK2Z Contribution Rule Criteria for Each Contribution Rule -1

T7HK3 Entitlement plan -1

T7HK3B Entitlement plan attributes -1

T7HK3C Entitlement plan eligibility rules -1

T7HK3D Entitlement plan transfer rules -1

T7HK3E Withdrawal type for entitlement plan -1

T7HK3F Scheme type for entitlement plan -1

T7HK3G Vesting Schedule and multiplier -1

T7HK3I Entitlement plan eligibility grouping -1

T7HK3J Entitlement plan withdrawal attributes -1

T7HK3L Benefit Plan Status Texts -1

T7HK3T Text for scheme type for entitlement plan -1

T7HK4A Events & reasons for LSP/Severance payments -1

T7HK4B Factor & constants for LSP/severance payments -1

T7HK4C Maximum amounts and reckonable YOS for LSP/severance payment -1

T7HK4D Proration for long service payment -1

T7HK5 Appraisal Type -1

T7HK5A Appraisal main criteria -1

T7HK5B Text for appraisal main criteria -1

T7HK5C Appraisal detail criteria -1

T7HK5D Text for appraisal detail criteria -1

T7HK5E Appraisal main and detail citeria assignment -1

T7HK5F Weighting of appraisal types -1

T7HK5G Weighting of appraisal detail criteria -1

T7HK5H Weighting of appraiser -1

T7HK5I Weighting of appraisal main criteria -1

T7HK5J Conversion of appraisal points to ranking per main criteria -1

T7HK5K Conversion of appraisal point to ranking per appraiser -1

T7HK5L Conversion of appraisal point to ranking per appraisal type -1

T7HK5M Conversion of appraisal point to ranking per detail criteria -1

T7HK5N Appraisal ranking -1

T7HK5P Text for appraisal ranking -1

T7HK5R Appraiser Type Text -1

T7HKS Text for Apraisal Type -1

T7HKT Entitlement plan name -1

T7HKU Contribution plan name -1

T7ID01 Jamsostek Modifiers for Personnel Area/Subarea -1

T7ID02 Tax Modifiers for Personnel Area/Subarea -1

T7ID0A Absence Split Assignment -1

T7ID0I Identity Types -1

T7ID0K Indonesia Loan Category -1

T7ID0L Continued Absence Linking -1

T7ID0P Personnel Area/Subarea Indonesia Values -1

T7ID11 Social Insurance Types – Indonesia -1

T7ID12 Social Insurance Types – Indonesia – Text -1 126/216
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T7ID13 Insurance Scheme Levels and Contributions (Indonesia) -1

T7ID14 Text Table for Insurance Levels -1

T7ID15 Entity table for Calculation Rules for Insurances, Indonesia -1

T7ID16 Text table for Entity Calculation Rule for Insurances, ID -1

T7ID1A Jamsostek office address (Indonesia) -1

T7ID1M Personnel Subarea grouping for Jamsostek purposes -1

T7ID1S Text for Personnel Subarea grouping for the ASTEK office -1

T7ID2B Bracket type — ID -1

T7ID2C Indonesian Tax Deduction Constants -1

T7ID2G Tax and Grsup grouping — ID -1

T7ID2L Tax Constant Amounts (Indonesia) -1

T7ID2M Personnel Subarea grouping for the tax office -1

T7ID2R Indonesian Tax Rates -1

T7ID2S Text for Personnel Subarea grouping for the tax office -1

T7ID2T Text For Tax Levels (Indonesia) -1

T7IDAT Jamsostek Office Descriptions (Indonesia) -1

T7IE6 Employer Registered Numbers (HR-IE) -1

T7IE7 Irish Health Insurance Group Details -1

T7MX01 Additional Company Informaton -1

T7MX02 Mexican reasons for personnel actions -1

T7MX03 Assignment tax table to employee group/subgroup -1

T7MX0P Personnel area/subarea additional information -1

T7MX11 Tax table types -1

T7MX12 Tax tables -1

T7MX13 Tax allowance table -1

T7MX14 Wage credit table -1

T7MX15 State tax -1

T7MX16 Company tax allowance -1

T7MX1T Tax table texts -1

T7MX20 IMSS occupational hazard -1

T7MX21 Employer and Employee contributions -1

T7MX22 Wage integration exemptions -1

T7MX23 Employer and Employee contribution types -1

T7MX24 IMSS Employer Regis. nos. -1

T7MX2T Employer and Employee contribution texts -1

T7MX30 Annual bonus modifiers -1

T7MX40 Additional information for absences -1

T7MX50 Administration of investment period for savings fund -1

T7MX62 Minimum wages of economic zones -1

T7MX63 Municipalities -1

T7MX64 Economic zones for municipalities -1

T7MX70 Exemptions for tax calculation -1

T7MXG0 Maintenance payment debt Mexico -1

T7MXG1 Model gross/net -1

T7MXG2 Default values -1

T7NZGM Payroll Highlight Messages NZ -1

T7NZIR Inland Revenue Certificates NZ -1

T7NZLC Leave Payment Calculation Table – NZ -1

T7NZLP Leave Payment Rule Table – NZ -1

T7NZLS Country Specific Attendance and Absence Types -1

T7NZLT Termination Wage Types for Leave NZ -1

T7NZLV Leave accrual payout rules on termination -1 127/216
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T7NZSF Superannuation Fund Code Designation NZ -1

T7NZSW Superannuation Wage Type Assignment -1

T7NZTC Tax Code Check table NZ -1

T7NZTD Tax Code Designation NZ -1

T7NZTE Taxation Earner Premium NZ -1

T7NZTL Taxation Student Loan Deduction NZ -1

T7NZTM National Superannuiant Surcharge Designation NZ -1

T7NZTN National Superannuiant Surcharge Check Table NZ -1

T7NZTR Taxation Rebates NZ -1

T7NZTS National Superannuitant Surcharge Codes NZ -1

T7NZTX Tax Codes NZ -1

T7PM0 Section of budget -1

T7PM1 Names of sections of budget -1

T7PM2 Section of Budget: Currency -1

T7PM3 Budget Structure Element Types -1

T7PM3_H Hierarchy of Budget Structure Element Types -1

T7PM4 Budget Units -1

T7PM5 Budget Unit Names -1

T7PM6 Expenditure Types -1

T7PM6_MO Definition of Employee Grouping for Finding Commitment Item -1

T7PM6_MOT Names of Employee Groupings for Finding Commitment Item -1

T7PM6_RFI Determination of Commitment Item -1

T7PM7 Names of Expenditure Types -1

T7PM8 Names of Budget Structure Element Types -1

T7PM9 Financial Year -1

T7PMA Allowance Catalog -1

T7PMB Allowance Catalog Name -1

T7PMC Allowances -1

T7PMD Allowance Name -1

T7PME Dialog Control -1

T7PMF Special Pay Scale Groups -1

T7PMG Average Amounts for Collective Agreements (PSG) -1

T7PMG_2 HR-FPM: Distribution Keys for Default Values -1

T7PMH Career Groups -1

T7PMK Names of Budget Structure Elements -1

T7PML Determine Financing Unit per Object Type -1

T7PMM Combinations of Rules and Budget Structure Element Types -1

T7PMN Valuation of Absence Types -1

T7PMO Career Group Names -1

T7PMP Budget Carry-Forward Method -1

T7PMS_PM005 Table for Feature PM005 -1

T7PMT1 System Reactions in HR Funds and Position Management -1

T7PMU Default Values for Teaching Hours -1

T7PMV Reasons for Reducing Teaching Hours -1

T7PMVT Text of Reason for Reducing Teaching Hours -1

T7PMW Conversion Factors for Pay Scale Classification -1

T7PMX FTE Ranges (Maximum) -1

T7PMXT Names of Maximum FTE Ranges -1

T7PMY1 Combinations of BS Element Types and Budget Positions -1

T7PMY2 Integration of FM and HR-FPM -1

T7PMY3 Commit Handling: Integration of FM and HR-FPM -1

T7PMY4 HR-FPM: Involved in Integration -1 128/216
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T7PM_DIKEY HR-FPM: Definition of Distribution Key for Default Value -1

T7PM_DIKEY_T HR-FPM: Texts for Distribution Key for Default Value -1

T7PM_MOINT HR-FPM: ‘Involved in Integration with FI-FM’ Grouping -1

T7PM_MOINT_T HR-FPM: ‘Involved in Integration with FI-FM’ Grouping Text -1

T7PM_MOREQ HR-FPM: Definition of Grouping for Origin of Funds Required -1

T7PM_MOREQ_T HR-FPM: Texts for Origin of Funds Required Groupings -1

T7PM_PM003 HR-FPM: Origin of Funds Required for Groupings -1

T7RSM00AC External personnel action types -1

T7RSM00ACT Texts for external personnel action types -1

T7RSM00AP Process external personnel action types -1

T7RSM00PAR External employee data: Communication parameters -1

T7TH03 Employee Group/Subgrouping for PF THAILAND -1

T7TH0P PA/PSA Grouping for Social Security and Tax -1

T7THCT Personal Area/Subarea groupings for SS Branches Text Table -1

T7THMC Social Security Modifier table for Branches -1

T7THMP Providend Fund Modifier Table for Personal Area/Subarea -1

T7THMS Social Security Modifier table for Branches -1

T7THMT Provident Fund EG/ESG Modifier Text for PF THAILAND -1

T7THMX Personal Area/Subarea for Tax Calculation Method -1

T7THPC Provident Fund Company Rates TH -1

T7THPM Provident Fund EG/ESG Modifier for PF TH -1

T7THPT Modifier Text Table for PA/PSA for Provident Fund -1

T7THSB Social Security Branches -1

T7THSC Social Security Company Rates TH -1

T7THSR Social Security Contribution Rates Statutory and Company TH -1

T7THSS Social Security Statutory Rates TH -1

T7THST Personal Area/Subarea groupings for SS Branches Text Table -1

T7THTM Tax Calculation Method – TH -1

T7THTR Tax Rates TH -1

T7THTT Personal Area/Subarea Grping for Tax Calc Method Text Table -1

T7TW0P Personal Areas/Subareas (Taiwan) -1

T7TW1A Insurance Type -1

T7TW1B Insurance Amount Category -1

T7TW1C Insurance Subsidy Percentage -1

T7TW1D NHI Exempt Reason -1

T7TW1E NHI Status -1

T7TW1F NHI Status Reason -1

T7TW1G Insurer Name and Address -1

T7TW1H NHI Dependent#s Relationship -1

T7TW1I LI Occupational Risk Percentage -1

T7TW1J NHI Contribution Percentage -1

T7TW1K LI Occupational Risk Percentage -1

T7TW1M Reason for insurance permium change -1

T7TW1S Reason for insurance permium change, Text -1

T7TW1T NHI Insuree Group Text -1

T7TW1U LI Occupational Risk Text -1

T7TW1V NHI Dependent#s Relationship Text -1

T7TW1W NHI Status Reason Text -1

T7TW1X NHI Status Text -1

T7TW1Y NHI Exempt Reason Text -1

T7TW1Z Insurance Type Text -1

T7TW2A Tax Withholding Table -1 129/216
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T7TW2B Tax Withholding Fast Formula -1

T7TW2C Tax Withholding Category -1

T7TW2D Tax Authority Code -1

T7TW2E Wage type dependent tax rate (Taiwan) -1

T7TW2G Tax media filing sequence number reservation -1

T7TW2Z Tax Withholding Category Text -1

T7TW3A Employment Stabilization Fund -1

T7TW3B Employee Welfare Fund Contribution -1

T7TW3Z Employment Stabilization Fund Text -1

T7TW4A Disability Class -1

T7TW4Z Disability Class Text -1

T7TW50 Rate for multiple payment -1

T7TW6A Mapping Overtime Wage Types -1

T7TWAB Absence Split Assignment -1

T7USBEN01 Model for saving plans compensation -1

T7USBEN01T Text for saving plans compensation -1

T7USBEN02 Adjustment to saving plans compensation -1

T7VE01 Additional Company Data -1

T7VE02 Additional Data on Company (Time-dependent) -1

T7VE0P Additional Information on Personnel Area/Subarea -1

T7VEA1 Transfer of External Payroll Results: Vacations -1

T7VEA2 Transfer of external payroll results: Absence -1

T7VEAB Absence Type Attributes -1

T7VEDI Reserved SAP -1

T7VEDP Dates for calculation of profit share adjustment -1

T7VEEC Marital Status in Venezuela -1

T7VEEV Venezuelan events -1

T7VEI1 Transfer of External Payroll results: Interest -1

T7VEI2 Transfer of external payroll results: INC contribution -1

T7VEIN Interest rates -1

T7VEL1 Transfer of external payroll results: LP contributions -1

T7VEP1 Transfer of External Payroll Results: Profit Share -1

T7VEPA Risk in Personnel Area/Subarea -1

T7VEPN Notice or seniority days -1

T7VEPS Percentages for Calculating Profit Share -1

T7VEQP Absence quota attributes -1

T7VES1 Percentages of SSO Contribution and Deduction -1

T7VES2 IVSS Classification of Occupations -1

T7VES3 Function code relationship (Company/IVSS) -1

T7VES4 Transfer of External Payroll Results: SSO/SPF -1

T7VES5 Transfer of External Payroll Results: Seniority -1

T7VEST Description of Risks -1

T7VET1 Transfer of External Payroll Results: Income Tax -1

T7VETX Taxable income -1

T7XAS0 Wage Type Assignment to Claim Plan -1

T7XAS2 Assignment of Claim formula to Program -1

T7XAS3 Claim variant for Program -1

T7XAS4 Text tabla for Claim formula for Program -1

T7XAS5 Claim rule for Program -1

T7XAS6 Claim variant for Plan -1

T7XAS7 Text table for claim formula for Plan -1

T7XAS8 Claim rule for Plan -1 130/216
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T7XAS9 Assignment of Claim formula and Panel doctors to Claim Plan -1

T7XASA Dependent Cover for Claims -1

T7XASB Dependent Cover Texts -1

T7XASC Assign family member to dependent coverage for claims -1

T7XASE Text table for Panel of Doctors -1

T7XASF Grouping of Doctors to Panel -1

T7XASG Claims processing Balance table -1

T7XASH Panel of Doctors -1

T7XASI Claims groupingss for plan -1

T7XASJ Texts Claims groups for plan -1

T7XASK Claims groupings for program -1

T7XASL Texts Claims groups for program -1

T7XAST Claims processing transaction table -1

T800 Report Writer: Reports -1

T800A FI-SL tables -1

T800D Fields for Master Data Validation -1

T800M FI-SL: Fixed Field Movements -1

T801K Report Writer: Libraries -1

T801U Report Writer: Standard Layouts (Language-Independent Part) -1

T801X Report Writer: Standard Layout – Lang. Independent (new) -1

T802G Sets: Variables -1

T802T Sets: Short description of variables -1

T804I Report Writer: Supported Languages -1

T807 Rollup Sequence -1

T807H Rollup Header Information -1

T807T FI-SL Rollup texts -1

T80D FI-SL: Control table for client-specific user exits -1

T80DT FI-SL: Control table for client-specific user exits -1

T80I FI-SL: Control table for cross-client user exits -1

T80IT FI-SL: Control table for cross-client user exits -1

T811F Allocations: Element Table -1

T811G Field Groups for Allocation Cycle -1

T811H Allocations Data Field Descriptions -1

T811I Allocation Information for key field -1

T811IA Allocations: Customizing -1

T811J Allocations: Information for Field Groups -1

T811K Allocations: Key Fields -1

T811L Assessments/Distributions: Long Text -1

T811M Allocations: Text for Field Groups -1

T811P Cycle Run Group -1

T811PT Cycle Processing Group: Texts -1

T811R Allocation table for receiver assignments -1

T811S Allocations: Segments -1

T811T Allocations: Table Information -1

T811U Table Information Allocation Sender/Receiver Relationship -1

T820 Planning Parameters -1

T820F Planning Parameters: Field Group Information -1

T820T Planning Parameter Descriptions -1

T821S Distribution keys -1

T821T G/L Distribution Key Description -1

T821V User distribution key -1

T822 Planning Parameter Classes -1 131/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T822T Planning Parameter Class Descriptions -1

T823C Revaluation groups -1

T823D Revaluation document numbers -1

T823K Revaluation key fields -1

T823P Revaluation percentages (plan) -1

T823T Revaluation-descriptions -1

T823Z Revaluation percentages (plan) -1

T850 Company data for Consolidation -1

T850A Company sort criteria -1

T850F Upload methods -1

T850G Upload Methods: Texts -1

T850H Upload Methods: Field Catalogs -1

T850I Version-dependent assignment: Company/data import + validtn -1

T850K Company correspondence data -1

T850S Tax rates -1

T850Z Layout: FS chart of accounts -1

T852 Subgroups -1

T852G Subgroup companies -1

T852N Consolidation frequencies -1

T852O Consolidation frequencies: Texts -1

T852P Consolidation Periods -1

T852U Subgroup companies -1

T852V Version-dependent subgroup characteristics -1

T854 Financial statement items for consolidation -1

T854S Selected FS items -1

T854T Financial statement item texts -1

T854U FS item short texts -1

T855 Reasons for inclusion in consolidation -1

T855T Reasons for inclusion in consolidation -1

T856 Transaction Types -1

T856T Transaction type texts -1

T856X Transaction type groups -1

T856Y Transaction type groups: Texts -1

T857 Line layout of data entry forms -1

T857A Column layout of data entry form -1

T857D Data entry form groups: Names -1

T857E Data entry form groups: Texts -1

T857F Data entry form bundling -1

T857N Validation groups -1

T857O Validation groups: Texts -1

T857P Validation rules -1

T857S Column layout for data entry form: Names -1

T857T Column layout for data entry form: Text -1

T857X Line layout for data entry form: Name -1

T857Y Line layout for data entry form: Text -1

T858 Consolidation versions -1

T858T Consolidation version texts -1

T859 Data entry forms -1

T859T Data entry form title -1

T85A First additional field -1

T85AT First additional field: Texts -1

T85B Second additional field -1 132/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

T85BT Second additional field: Texts -1

T85C Third additional field -1

T85CT Third additional field: Texts -1

T85S1 FI-LC: Assignment of first add. fld to second add. fld -1

T85S2 FI-LC: Assignment of second add. fld to third add. fld -1

T85Y Additional Field Type -1

T85YT Additional field type: Texts -1

T862K Standard reports: Headings -1

T862L Standard reports: Header texts -1

T862Q Standard reports: Column layout -1

T862R Standard reports: Column layout texts -1

T862S Standard reports: Column layout -1

T862T Standard reports: Headers -1

T862X Standard reports: Line layout -1

T862Y Standard reports: Line layout texts -1

T862Z Standard reports: Line layouts -1

T863 Consolidation standard reports -1

T863B Report groups -1

T863C Report groups: Names -1

T863D Report groups: Texts -1

T863I Reports for Interactive Reporting -1

T863T Report titles -1

T864 Reclassifications -1

T865 Intercompany Elimination -1

T866 Elimination of IC profit/loss: FS items -1

T866Z Elimination of IC P/L: Assignment of additional fields -1

T867 Product groups -1

T867T Product group texts -1

T869 Consolidation methods -1

T869T Consolidation of investments methods -1

T870 Consolidation method assignment -1

T876 Consolidation document types -1

T876B Document types -1

T876T Consolidation document type texts -1

T876V Validation of Consolidation document -1

T877 Consolidation activity groups -1

T877K Consolidation activity groups: Names -1

T877L Consolidation activity groups: Texts -1

T879 Standard texts -1

T880 Global Company Data (for KONS Ledger) -1

T880B Valuation methods -1

T880G Consolidation companies -1

T881 FI-SL Ledger -1

T881T FI-SL Ledger text -1

T882 Company Code/Ledger Assignment -1

T882C Global Company-Ledger Assignment in FI-SL -1

T882G Company code – ledger assignment -1

T883 User Table Fields -1

T883S FI-SL User Tables -1

T883T Descriptions of FI-SL user tables -1

T884 Currency translation -1

T884B Assignment valuation methods to company codes -1 133/216
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T884C Control Balance Carried Forward -1

T884H Historical currency translation -1

T884M Currency translation methods used in Consolidation -1

T884S Sets used in currency translation -1

T884T Currency translation method table: Texts -1

T886A Activity/Ledger Information -1

T886B Activity/Ledger/CCode Information -1

T886C Activity/Ledger/Company Information -1

T886G Flexible general ledger: Interface information -1

T886PCA EC-PCA: Activities -1

T888 Field Movement Header Table -1

T888G Customer fields for flexible general ledger -1

T888M FI-SL Field Assignments -1

T888S Update flexible general ledger: Standard scenarios -1

T888T FI-SL Field Assignment Texts -1

T889 FI-SL Document Types -1

T889A Number Ranges for Document Types for Local Objects -1

T889B Number Ranges for Document Types for Global Objects -1

T889TE Document Type Texts -1

T890 FI-SL: Boolean Formulas -1

T891B Validation for Special Purpose Ledger / Company Code -1

T891C Validation for Special Purpose Ledger / Global Company -1

T892B Substitution for Special Purpose Ledger / Company Code -1

T892C Substitution for Special Purpose Ledger / Global Company -1

T892U Rollup Substitution -1

T893 Ledger Selection Conditions -1

T894 FI-SL and FI-LC Versions -1

T894T FI-SL and FI-LC Version Texts -1

T894TPCA EC-PCA: Texts for plan versions -1

T895 Local Fiscal Year-Dependent Version Parameters -1

T895C Global Fiscal Year-Dependent Version Parameters -1

T895PCA EC-PCA: Fiscal-Year Dependent Version Parameters -1

T8A00 Account Determination for Profit Center Accounting -1

T8A10 EC-PCA: Substitution for SD: Dependency -1

T8A20 Special handling for goods movements between profit centers -1

T8A30 EC-PCA: Define Additional Accounts -1

T8A40 EC-PCA: Transfer Statistical Key Figures -1

T8A50 Acct determination of P+L acct for chrg off valuation diff. -1

T8A60 Representative Materials -1

T8A62 Activate Representative Material -1

T8APP_KALK EC-PCA: Costing Key -1

T8APP_KALKT Texts for Costing Keys EC-PCA -1

T8A_COMPRESS EC-PCA: Summarization fields for EC-PCA document -1

T8G10 Assignment: Transaction code- accounting transaction variant -1

T8G11 Assignment: MM movement type- accounting transaction variant -1

T8G12 Assignment: FI doc.type – accounting transaction variant -1

T8G16 Allocation: internal key – item category (SAP) -1

T8G17 Allocation: acct number – item type -1

T8G30A Acct determination key for doc splitting -1

T8G30AT Account determination key description for doc splitting -1

T8G30B Acct determination for document splitting – accounts -1

T8G40 Account assignment objects for document splitting -1 134/216
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T8G41A Constants -1

T8G41AT Constants -1

T8PL00 FI Planning: Installed Plan Tables -1

T8PL01 FI-Planning: Summary Table Dimensions to be Planned -1

T8PL01DD FI Planning: Dimensions Table Index – Dictionary Information -1

T8PL01DP FI Planning : Field Dependency for Validation -1

T8PL01S FI-Planning: Dimensions that Allow Sets -1

T8PL01SF FI Planning: Special Handling of Dimensions -1

T8PL01SV FI-Planning: Comb. fixed values/attr. for key fig. and dim. -1

T8PL02 FI-Planning: User attributes -1

T8PL02CC FI Planning: Currency Translation -1

T8PL03 FI Planning: Configuration of Plan Tasks -1

T8PLUATTR FI-Planning: Key Figures for Planning -1

TA1M Line Item Schema -1

TA1MT Text Table for Line Item Schema -1

TA1MZ Line Item Schema -1

TA1TV Asset Transfer Variant -1

TA1TVB Determination of the Asset Transfer Method -1

TA1TVT Asset Transfer Variant -1

TA20A API Server Access Parameters -1

TA20B User Grouping for Travel Planning -1

TA20B1 User Grouping-Travel Planning (Language-Dependent) -1

TA20BA Access Parameters of User Groups per Reservation System -1

TA20BH Displayable Hotel Rates of User Groups -1

TA20BPR Provider-Specific Reservation Systems -1

TA20C Enterprise-Specific Travel Service Categories -1

TA20C1 Enterprise-Spec. Travel Service Categories (Language-Dep.) -1

TA20DB Access Parameters for German Railway via API -1

TA20LB Trees (Current Settings for Travel Planning) -1

TA20LB1 Trees (Current Settings for Travel Planning, Lang.-Depend.) -1

TA20LBEZ Tree Structure (Current Settings for Travel Planning) -1

TA20LE Tree Node (Current Settings for Travel Planning) -1

TA20LE1 Tree Node (Language-Dependent) -1

TA20LT Current Settings for User Groups -1

TA20LT1 Current Settings for User Groups (Language-Dependent) -1

TA20NC Negotiated rental car rates (corporate nego rates) -1

TA20NC1 Negotiated rental car rates (language-dependent) -1

TA20NCR Negotiated Car Rental Rates -1

TA20NCR1 Negotiated Car Rental Rates (Language-Dependent) -1

TA20NEGOF Negotiated Flight Fares (Corporate Nego Fares) -1

TA20NEGOF1 Negotiated Flight Fares (Language-Dependent) -1

TA20NF Negotiated Flight Fares (Corporate Nego Fares) -1

TA20NF1 Negotiated flight fares (language-dependent) -1

TA20NH Negotiated hotel rates (corporate nego rates) -1

TA20NH1 Negotiated hotel rates (language-dependent) -1

TA20NHC Negotiated Hotel Rates -1

TA20NHC1 Negotiated Hotel Rates (Language-Dependent) -1

TA20NHS Negotiated Hotel Rates (Nego Rates) with Catalog Hotel -1

TA20NRADD Additional Info for Negotiated Rates and Discounts -1

TA20NRC Discount Agreement for Rental Car Usage -1

TA20NREX Exceptions to Negotiated Rates -1

TA20NRF Discount Agreement for Flights -1 135/216
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TA20NRH Discount Agreement for Hotel Accommodations -1

TA20NRHS Discount Agreement for Hotels (Individual Hotel) -1

TA20O Sales offices -1

TA20O1 Sales offices (language-dependent) -1

TA20OZ Resubmission (queue) of sales offices -1

TA20P Travel profiles -1

TA20P1 Travel Profiles (Language-Dependent) -1

TA20PF Travel Profiles – Methods of Payment -1

TA20PHC Assignment Table of Hotel Catalog Items for Travel Profiles -1

TA20PI Trip Rule -1

TA20PI1 Trip Rule (Language-Dependent) -1

TA20PIC Car Rental Trip Rule -1

TA20PIF Flight Trip Rule -1

TA20PIH Hotel Trip Rule -1

TA20PPI Assignment Table of Trip Rules for Travel Profiles -1

TA20PPP Priority of Trip Rules -1

TA20PPP1 Priorities of Trip Rules (Language-Dependent) -1

TA20PPT Assignment Table of Trip Rules for Travel Profiles -1

TA20PPZ Message handling: chosen priority with top priority -1

TA20PPZ1 Message handling (language-dependent) -1

TA20PS Class Rule -1

TA20PS1 Class Rule (Language-Dependent) -1

TA20PSC Class Rule for a Trip Rule (Car Rental) -1

TA20PSF Class Rule for a Trip Rule (Flight) -1

TA20PSH Class Rule for a Trip Rule (Hotel) -1

TA20PVP Setting for Price-Controlled Availability -1

TA20R Trip activity type – Travel Planning -1

TA20R1 Trip activity type – Travel Planning (language-dependent) -1

TA20REBF Discount Agreement for Flights -1

TA20RTG Routing -1

TA20RTG_G Geographical Description of a Route Segment -1

TA20RTG_P Route Segment Provider -1

TA20RTG_R Booking Classes for Route Segment -1

TA20WWW WWW Link Catalog for Information Sources -1

TA20WWW1 WWW LInk Catalog for Information Sources (Language-Depend.) -1

TA21CA Rental Car Classes -1

TA21CA1 Rental Car Classes (Language-Dependent) -1

TA21CAR Rental Car Rate -1

TA21CAR1 Car Rental Rates (Language-Dependent) -1

TA21CAZ Assignment car rental classes – booking specifications -1

TA21H Hotel Rates -1

TA21H1 Hotel Rates (Language-Dependent) -1

TA21HO Room category -1

TA21HO1 Room category (language-dependent) -1

TA21HOZ Assignment Room Category – Class Rule -1

TA21L IATA Locations -1

TA21L1 IATA Locations (Language-Dependent) -1

TA21P Travel Service Providers -1

TA21PF Provider-Specific Customer Programs -1

TA21PFA Assignment of Customer Programs to Additional Providers -1

TA21PH Customer-Specific Hotel Catalog -1

TA21R Regions -1 136/216
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TA21R1 Regions (Language-Dependent) -1

TA21RH Region Hierarchy -1

TA21RZC Assignment: Country-Subdividing Region to Location -1

TA21RZL Assignment: Region of Several Countries to Country -1

TA22A Assignment table expense code – service category -1

TA22B Assignment trip schema – travel plan type -1

TA22C IATA RBD assignment -1

TA22CE RBD assignment of airline exceptions -1

TA22CEXC RBD Assignment of Airline Exceptions -1

TA22EQU_WAO WAO Travel Planning: Equipment Codes -1

TA22PRFR Pricing Functionality Restrictions -1

TA22RSA START: Train Attributes -1

TA22RSA1 START: Train Attributes (Lang.-Dependent) -1

TA22RSF START: Error Messages -1

TA22RSF1 START: Error Messages (Language-Dependent) -1

TA22RSS START: Train Stations -1

TA22RSSY START: Train Station Synonyms -1

TA22ST Amadeus: status flight/car rental/hotel -1

TAAPM2 Link from FI-AA to PM: Assignment of Fields -1

TABBR Rules for determining asset value date -1

TABBT Names of the rules for determining the asset value date -1

TABLO Assignment table-orders to activities -1

TABVA Variants for determining asset value date -1

TABVO Determine asset value date in Asset Accounting transactions -1

TABW Asset transaction types -1

TABWA Transaction types/dep. areas -1

TABWB Transaction types AuC (no longer used) -1

TABWD Default transaction types for FI-AA posting transactions -1

TABWG Transaction type groups -1

TABWI Allowed asset classes per transaction type group -1

TABWK Trans. types for posting prop. values and depreciation -1

TABWM Asgnmt. hist. sheet (sub)groups to asset history sheet item -1

TABWN Item Titles in the Asset History Sheet -1

TABWO Names for the asset history sheet versions -1

TABWP Entity table for asset history sheet versions -1

TABWQ Asset hist. sheet group -1

TABWR Name of asset hist. sheet group -1

TABWT Asset transaction types texts -1

TABWU Special Treatment of Retirements -1

TABWV Default transaction types -1

TACTT_EBPP Processing Functions with Authorization Protection (BD) -1

TACT_EBPP Processing Functions with Authorization Protection (BD) -1

TAETS Warehouse Sub-Process (Procedure for Warehouse Processes) -1

TAI01 CI Program Position Editing Mask: Control -1

TAI02 Editing Masks for CI Program Positions -1

TAI03 Texts for CI Program Position Editing Masks -1

TAI05 CI Program Types -1

TAI06 CI Program Type Texts -1

TAI07 Operative objects for inv. programs that can be allocated -1

TAI08 Budget categories for capital investment programs -1

TAI09 Texts for IM budget categories -1

TAI10 Use of capital investment program budget categories -1 137/216
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TAI11 Group shares in Inv. Program Info System -1

TAI12 Type of organizational unit -1

TAI12T Description: Type of organizational unit -1

TAI13 Allowed values of user-defined organizational units -1

TAI13T Texts for allowed values of user-defined org. units -1

TAI14 Levels in investment program for automatic creation -1

TAI15 Select-options for org. units -1

TAIC1 IM Summarization: Characteristics w/ detail display indic. -1

TAIC2 IM Summarization: Summarization version -1

TAIC2T IM Summarization: Text for summarization version -1

TAIC3 IM Summarization: Conversion of Investment Program Name -1

TAIF1 Appropriation request types -1

TAIF10 Dropdown Box Tool: Assignment of Applkey/Subscrno <–> Trans -1

TAIF11 Default Settings for the Selection Tool -1

TAIF1C Coding Masks for Appropriation Requests and for Projects -1

TAIF1L Long text control for approp. request type for req. header -1

TAIF1T Text table for appropriation request types -1

TAIF1V Long text control for approp. request type for variants -1

TAIF1W Partn. functions for approval workflow -1

TAIF2 Plan versions per approval year and program type -1

TAIF3 System control for appropriation requests -1

TAIF4 Approp. requests – alternative maintenance languages -1

TAIF5 Scale of investment objects -1

TAIF51 Scale of Investment Objects (Value Limits) -1

TAIF5T Scale of investment objects -1

TAIF6 Scores for variants -1

TAIF6T Scores for variants -1

TAIF7 Approval levels for plan versions -1

TAIF7T Approval levels for plan versions -1

TAIF9 Value table for user fields -1

TAIF9T Value table for user fields -1

TAIGD Scale of investment objects -1

TAIGK Key figure key for scale -1

TAIGW Definition of the scale of investment measures -1

TAKOF Reconciliation Accounts with Exception Handling -1

TAMLAY0 Tab pages in master data: Tab layouts -1

TAMLAY1 Tab pages in master data: Tab titles of layout -1

TAMLAY1T Tabs in Master Data: Tab Index Titles -1
TAMLAY2 Tab pages in master data: Assignment of group boxes -1

TAMPSP Manufacturer/Part Combinations: Blocking Reasons -1

TAMPSPT Manufacturer/Part Combinations: Texts for Blocking Reasons -1

TAOBJTYP Object Types (Worklist) -1

TAOBJTYPT Text for Object Type (Worklist) -1

TAOBJVWD Allowed Object Usages per Object Type (Worklist) -1

TAOBJVWDT Allowed Object Usages per Object Type (Worklist) -1

TAPOL Automatic Allocation of Materials to LIFO Pools -1

TAPPLCLASSHIE Application Classes in the Hierarchy Interface -1

TAPPLCLASSHIET Text Table for the Hierarchy Application Classes -1

TAPPLIC Application ID -1

TAPPLIC_CUST Assignment of Customizing Transaction to Application Key -1

TAPRF Cap. inv. measure profile for AuC and dep. simulation -1

TAPRFT Text tab. for investment profile -1 138/216
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TAPRG Cap.Inv.Measure Profile – Source assgnmt per source struct. -1

TAVG Warehouse Activities (Operations in Warehouse) -1

TAVGT Decsription of Warehouse Activities -1

TAXMSD Tax Interface Manager Status Diagram “Tax Per document” -1

TAXOFFICE Tax Office -1

TAXOFFICET Name of Tax Office -1

TB001 BP groupings -1

TB002 BP grouping: Texts -1

TB004 BP types -1

TB004T BP Types: Texts -1

TB005 BP data sources -1

TB006 BP data sources: Text -1

TB008 BP role cat. -> BP address type allocation -1

TB009 BP address types -1

TB010 BP address types: Texts -1

TB018 BDT Object Usage: Variants -1

TB018T BDT Object Usage: Variants, Texts -1

TB018V BDT Object Usage: Variant Table -1

TB019 BP legal forms -1

TB020 BP legal forms: Texts -1

TB023 BP industries -1

TB024 BP industries: Texts -1

TB025 BP group types -1

TB026 BP group types: Texts -1

TB027 BP marital status -1

TB027T BP marital status: Texts -1

TB028 Occupations -1

TB028T BP occupations/groups: Texts -1

TB029 BP legitimation types -1

TB029T BP legitimation types: Texts -1

TB030 BP authorization types -1

TB030T BP authorization types: Texts -1

TB031 BP Field Groups for Authorization -1

TB032 BP Legal Entity -1

TB032T BP Legal Entity: Texts -1

TB033 Payment Cards: Type -1

TB033T BP Payment Cards: Texts Card Types -1

TB034 BP: Payment Card Category -1

TB034T BP: Texts Payment Card Categories -1

TB035 BP: Blocking Reason for Payment Cards -1

TB035T BP: Texts for Blocking Payment Cards -1

TB040 BP: Database Tables of Evaluation -1

TB040B BP: Link Tables for Indirect Join Relationships -1

TB040F BP: Selection and Display Fields of Evaluation -1

TB041 BP: Entry Variants for Evaluation Generator -1

TB041T BP: Texts for Variants of Evaluation Generator -1

TB050 Screen Config. -1

TB050_S Screen Configuration (Shadow Table) -1

TB060 BDT: Transaction Entry -1

TB060R BDT: Transaction Entry Via Search Screen for Object Parts -1

TB077_CM Assignment of R/3 Field to CRM Tax Type -1

TB078_CM Assignment of R/3 Field Value to CRM Tax Group -1 139/216
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TB103 BDT: Field Grouping for each Object Part -1

TB104 BDT-Field grouping per external application -1

TB105 BDT Field Grouping for each Activity Category -1

TB2BMAPSTATUS Trading Contract – Mapping of Appl. to Web status values -1

TB2BR TC: Item Texts Types Whose Changes are to be Saved -1

TB2BS TC: Header Text Types Whose Changes are to be Saved -1

TB2BT Text Types for Display of Changes (Header) -1

TB2BU Text Types for Display of Changes (Item) -1

TB2BWEBPROFILE Trading Contract Web Profile Table -1

TB2BWEBST Trading Contract Web Status -1

TB2BWEBSTT Trading Contract Web Status Text Table -1

TB900 Field grouping using BP relationship category -1

TB905 BP Relationship Types -1

TB905T BP Relationship Types: Texts -1

TB910 Contact person in standard departments -1

TB911 Contact person in standard departments: Texts -1

TB912 Positions of contact persons -1

TB913 Positions of contact person: Texts -1

TB914 Contact person authority -1

TB915 Contact person authority: Texts -1

TB916 Contact person VIP indicator -1

TB917 Contact person VIP indicator: Texts -1

TB930 Business Partner: Marital Property Regime -1

TB930T Business Partner: Marital Property Regime: Texts -1

TBAER Rules for Changing Documents -1

TBCHAIN0 Definition bank chains -1

TBCHAIN1 Bank chains -1

TBCHAIN2 Bank Chains per Business Partner Account -1

TBCHAIN21 Bank chains per business partner account (allocation) -1

TBCHAINC0 Assign Scenario for Bank Chain Determination to Client -1

TBCHAINE0 Definition of the scenarios for bank chain determination -1

TBCHAINE0T Definition of scenarios for bank chain determination (texts) -1

TBCHAINE1 Character. value of scenarios for determining bank chain -1

TBD00 Views of customer model -1

TBD00T Short Description of View of Distribution Model -1

TBD05 Distribution model for message types -1

TBD06 Distribution model for methods -1

TBD10 ALE: IDoc fields in ALE object -1

TBD11 ALE object type -1

TBD12 Mapping message type -> serialization and link type -1

TBD13 Organizational units to be converted in IDoc fields -1

TBD14 Message type -> object type -1

TBD17 Dependencies between message types -1

TBD18 Object type: Attributes for receiver determination -1

TBD20 ALE: data for IDoc projection filter -1

TBD22 ALE: mapping IDoc fields to change document fields -1

TBD23 ALE: definition of mandatory segments/fields -1

TBD24 ALE: IDOC reduction flagged with positive logic -1

TBD30 ALE: Conversion rules for IDoc segments -1

TBD32 Dependencies between methods -1

TBD33 Dependencies between methods and message types -1

TBD40 Assign Message Types to Serialization Group -1 140/216
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TBD41 Inbound processing of serialization group -1

TBD51 Attributes of IDoc inbound function modules -1

TBD52 Function modules for inbound ALE-EDI -1

TBD53 ALE: Object Channel Serialization: Message Type of Bus. Obj. -1

TBD54 AALE: Object Channel Serialization: Object Types Supported -1

TBD55 ALE: Object type serialization : Inbound control -1

TBD56 ALE: Object type serialization : Outbound control -1

TBD62 Assignment of change document field to message type -1

TBD71 ALE Customizing Distribution: Distribution Groups -1

TBD71T ALE Customizing Distribution: Distribution Group Description -1

TBDA1 ALE active -1

TBDA2 ALE message active -1

TBDBR Distribution Model: BAPI Reduction -1

TBDBRF Distribution Model: Fields in Reduced Parameter -1

TBDLI Lists for a logical system -1

TBDLS Logical system -1

TBDLST Text for logical system -1

TBDLT Lists for a logical system for ALE distribution -1

TBDME ALE supplement data for EDI message type -1

TBDMO ALE/ CCMS Monitoring Connection: Group Definition -1

TBDMO_DET ALE/ CCMS Monitoring Connection: Group Definition Details -1

TBDMS Assignment of message type to IDoc type -1

TBDSE Serialization groups -1

TBDSET Text of serialization group -1

TBDTP Template Views of Distribution Model -1

TBDTPBDRF Distribution Model: Fields in Reduced Parameter -1

TBDTPMD Data Filters for Message Types -1

TBDTPP PARTNER Systems – Template -1

TBDTPPT Short Description of Partner System for ALE Templates -1

TBDTPT Short Description of View of Distribution Model -1

TBE01 Business Transaction Events: Publish & Subscribe Interfaces -1

TBE01T P&S BTE: Language-Specific Names -1

TBE02 Publish&Subscribe BTE: Assignment to Selection Criteria -1

TBE11 BTE Application Indicator -1

TBE12 Complementary Software Partner -1

TBE22 Complementary Software Partner Product -1

TBE22T Complementary Software Partner Product Name -1

TBE23 Business Framework: Partner’s Active Products -1

TBE24 Customer Products -1

TBE24T Language-Specific Customer Product Descriptions -1

TBE31 Publish&Subscribe BTE: SAP Enhancement -1

TBE32 Publish&Subscribe BTE: Customer Enhancements -1

TBE32T P&S BTE: Partner Function Module Names -1

TBE34 Publish&Subscribe BTE: Customer Enhancements -1

TBERG Authorization Check in DDIC -1

TBEST Assignment of Select.Attr.Types to Select.Attr.Categories -1

TBESTT Names for Table TBEST -1

TBICCF Selection Fields in BIC – Conversion for Aggregation -1

TBICF Selection Fields for Batch Information Cockpit – Standard – -1

TBICFU Selection Fields for Batch Information Cockpit -1

TBICS Selection Tab Titles for Batch Info. Cockpit – Standard – -1

TBICSU Selection Tab Titles for Batch Information Cockpit -1 141/216
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TBICU Direct Input Customizing: Job Names for Data Transfer -1

TBICUG Batch Information Cockpit User Groups -1

TBICUGT Texts for Batch Information Cockpit User Groups -1

TBICUT Texts for TBICU: Job names for data copying -1

TBKDC Day Difference betw. House Bank and Beneficiary Value Dates -1

TBKFK Factory Calendar Identification Using Currency -1

TBKPV Time Between Payment Run and Value Date at House Bank -1

TBLSYSDEST RFC Destination of Logical System -1

TBO00 Object type control parameters -1

TBO01 Language-specific values for object type -1

TBP1C Budget/Plan Profile -1

TBP1T Budget / Plan Profile Texts -1

TBP3A Budget / plan versions from rel.3.0 -1

TBP3B Texts for planning / budgeting versions -1

TBPFD Cost Budget Availability Control: Tolerance Limits -1

TBPFE Commitment Budget Availability Control: Tolerance Limits -1

TBPFK Availability Control: Cost Elements Exempted -1

TBPFM Active availability control on commitment budget -1

TBPFPV Commitment Types: Control -1

TBRC Industry Code (Customer Master) -1

TBRCT Industry code text (customer master) -1

TBSG Purchasing Documents: Reasons for Ordering -1

TBSL Posting keys -1

TBSLT Posting Key Names -1

TBSPECDEST Special RFC destinations for synchronous calls -1

TBVZ CO-PA report library (no longer used) -1

TBVZT CO-PA Report library -1

TBZ0 BDT Object Parts -1

TBZ0A BDT Applications -1

TBZ0B BDT Applications: Texts -1

TBZ0C Assign BDT Object Part -> BDT Applications -1

TBZ0D BDT Differentiation Types -1

TBZ0E BDT Differentiation Types: Texts -1

TBZ0F Assign BDT Object Part -> BDT Views -1

TBZ0G BDT Object Part Grouping -1

TBZ0H BDT Object Part Grouping: Texts -1

TBZ0I Assign BDT Object Part -> BDT Object Part Grouping -1

TBZ0K BDT Activity Categories -1

TBZ0L BDT Activity Categories: Texts -1

TBZ0M BDT Activities -1

TBZ0N BDT Activities: Texts -1

TBZ0O BDT Field Grouping for Each Activity (Control) -1

TBZ0Q BDT Data Sets -1

TBZ0R BDT Data Sets: Texts -1

TBZ0S BDT Object Part -> BDT Data Sets Assignment -1

TBZ0T BDT Object Parts: Texts -1

TBZ1 BDT Application Objects -1

TBZ1A BDT Events -1

TBZ1B BDT Events: Texts -1

TBZ1C Assign BDT Screen Fields -> BDT Database Fields -1

TBZ1D BDT Setting Transactions -1

TBZ1E BDT Application Transactions -1 142/216
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TBZ1F Assign BDT Events -> Function Modules -1

TBZ1G Assign BDT Application Object-> BDT Differentiation Type -1

TBZ1H BDT Tables -1

TBZ1I BDT-External applications -1

TBZ1J BDT-External applications: Texts -1

TBZ1K Assign BDT Direct Input Fields -> BDT Database Fields -1

TBZ1T BDT Application Objects: Texts -1

TBZ3 BDT Screen Sequences -1

TBZ3A BDT Screens -1

TBZ3B BDT Screens: Texts -1

TBZ3C BDT Sections -1

TBZ3D BDT Sections: Texts -1

TBZ3E BDT Views -1

TBZ3F BDT Views: Texts -1

TBZ3G BDT-Views: Further checks -1

TBZ3H Assign BDT Section -> BDT View -1

TBZ3I Assign BDT Screen -> BDT Sections -1

TBZ3K Assign BDT Screen Sequence -> BDT Screen -1

TBZ3L BDT-Screen Sequence Categories -1

TBZ3M BDT-Screen Sequence Categories: Texts -1

TBZ3N BDT-Screen Sequence Category -> BDT-Screen Seq. Assignment -1

TBZ3O BDT Field Grouping Criteria: Texts -1

TBZ3P BP field grouping: BP cat. -1

TBZ3Q BDT Field Grouping Criteria -1

TBZ3R Assign BDT Field Group -> BDT Field -1

TBZ3R_C Assign BDT Field Group -> BDT Field -1

TBZ3S Assign BDT View -> BDT Field Groups -1

TBZ3T BDT Screen Sequence Variants: Texts -1

TBZ3U BDT Screen Containers -1

TBZ3V BDT Screen Containers: Texts -1

TBZ3W BDT Field Groups -1

TBZ3X BDT Field Groups: Texts -1

TBZ3Y BDT Field Grouping: Link Rules for Same Objects -1

TBZ3Y_01 BDT Field Grouping: Link rules for Different Objects -1

TBZ3Z BDT Field Grouping: Link Rules with Activity -1

TBZ4 BDT GUI Functions -1

TBZ4A BDT GUI Functions Active for Each View -1

TBZ4B BDT GUI Functions: Active for each View/Screen Seq.Variant -1

TBZ4C BDT-GUI Functions: Active for Each View/Screen Sequence Cat. -1

TBZ4T BDT GUI functions: Texts -1

TBZ5 BDT: Where-Used List – Structure Table -1

TBZ5D BDT Setting Transactions -1

TBZ5E BDT Object Usage: Variants -1

TBZ5ET BDT Object Usage: Variants, Texts -1

TBZ5F BDT Object Usage: Variant Table -1

TBZ5T BDT: Where-Used List – Structure Texts -1

TBZ9 BP relationship categories -1

TBZ9A BP relationship categories: Texts -1

TBZ9B BP relationship cat. -> resp. BP application allocation -1

TBZ9C BDT Differentiation Type Elements -1

TBZ9D BDT Differentiation Type Elements: Texts -1

TBZ9E Assign BDT Differentiation Type -> BDT Diff.Type Element -1 143/216
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TBZ9F BPR: Generic diff.type element per relationship category -1

TBZ9G BP Relationship Category -> Text for Relationship Overview -1

TBZ9I BP relationship cat -> calling application allocation -1

TBZ9J BP relationship cat. -> BP view allocation -1

TBZS1 BDT Search Help: Tables with Alias Names -1

TBZS2 BDT Search Help: Join Conditions -1

TBZS3 BDT Search Help: Views -1

TBZS4 BDT Search Help: Search Fields -1

TBZS5 BDT Search Help: Tree of Tables Containing Search Fields -1

TC04 Applic-Specific Criteria for Alternative Determination -1

TC04T Application Texts -1

TC20 Formula Parameters -1

TC20T Text for parameter ID -1

TC21 Standard value key -1

TC21T Language-dependent texts for TC21: Standard value key -1

TC23 Key for use of the work center in the task lists -1

TC23A Valid types for the work center -1

TC23T Language-dependent texts for TC23: Usage key -1

TC24 Person responsible for the work center -1

TC25 Work center formulas -1

TC25T Short text for the formula -1

TC26 Capacity category -1

TC26T Description of the capacity category -1

TC27 Capacity planner groups -1

TC27T Text for the capacity planner group -1

TC28 Location groups -1

TC28A Move time matrix -1

TC28T Description of the location group -1

TC29 Distribution key for capacity load -1

TC29F Distribution function for capacity planning -1

TC29L Description of distribution keys -1

TC29R Descriptions of distribution strategy -1

TC29S Distribution strategy -1

TC29T Descriptions of distribution functions -1

TC29V Distribution function -1

TC30 Work center category -1

TC30A Work center categories -1

TC30C Work center category screen selection -1

TC30T Text for the work center category -1

TC31 Performance Efficiency Rate Key -1

TC31A Key for performance efficiency rate -1

TC31T Text for the performance efficiency rate key -1

TC35 Period pattern key -1

TC35A Definition of period pattern -1

TC35T Text for period pattern key -1

TC36 Available capacity version -1

TC36T Text for this version of available capacity -1

TC37A Shift definition -1

TC37P Break schedule -1

TC37S Texts for break plans -1

TC37T Texts for shift definitions -1

TC38A Shift sequence -1 144/216
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TC38T Texts for shift groupings -1

TC39A Grouping shift definitions and shift sequences -1

TC39T Texts for grouping shift definition and shift sequence -1

TC50 PP-PI: Proc.Message Categories/ Proc.Instruction Categories -1

TC50A Assignment of Message Charact. to Dest.-Spec. Target Fields -1

TC50C Characteristics for Process Messages / Process Instructions -1

TC50D Process Management: Message Destinations -1

TC50E Process Management: Process Characteristics -1

TC50P Message Characteristics for Dest.-Specific Target Fields -1

TC50T Process Message/Instr. Categories: Lang.-Dependent Texts -1

TC51 Process Management: Destinations -1

TC51T Message Destinatiosn: Language-Dependent Texts -1

TC52 Control Recipe Destinations -1

TC52A Customizing of Process Instruction Positions in PI Sheet -1

TC53 Characteristics Groups for Process Messages and Instructions -1

TC54T Language dependent texts for TCN54: Simulation profile -1

TC55 Destination-Specific Target Fields for Message Destinations -1

TC55T Destination-Specific Target Fields: Language-Dependent Texts -1

TC57 Assignment of Process Instructions to Ctrl Recipe Destinatns -1

TC58 PP-PI: Definition of Operator Cockpits -1

TC58T PP-PI: Language-Dependent Short Texts for Operator Cockpits -1

TC59 PP-PI: Assignment of Proc. Instructions to Operator Cockpit -1

TC59T PP-PI: Process Instruction Short Texts for Operator Cockpit -1

TC60 PP-PI: Assignment of PI Characteristics to Operator Cockpit -1

TC70 Digital signature: SSF information about the user -1

TC81 Authorization Group for Digital Signatures -1

TC82 Short Text for Authorization Group for Digital Signatures -1

TC83 Individual Signature -1

TC84 Short Text for Individual Signature -1

TC85 Signature Strategy -1

TC86 Short Text for Signature Strategy -1

TC87 Signature Sequence -1

TC88 Release Statuses for Signature Strategy -1

TC89 Strategy/Individual Signature Assignment -1

TC90 Release Status/Individual Signature Assignment -1

TC91 Setting Up Signature Method for Individual Signature -1

TCA01 Task list types -1

TCA01B Task List Types -1

TCA02 Language-dependent texts for TCA01: Task list types -1

TCA03 Customer Table for Task List Types (Language Dependent) -1

TCA35 General control data -1

TCA41 Default values for standard networks and profiles -1

TCA43 Automatic selection of task lists (alternatives) -1

TCA44 User exit for selection of task lists (alternatives) -1

TCA4T Lang-dep. text table for profile table TCA41 -1

TCA61 Sequence key text for entry tool -1

TCA62 Defining screen sequences for entry tool -1

TCA64 Sequence key for validation -1

TCA65 Sequence key for validation -1

TCA71 Task lists: Verification of function modules -1

TCA72 Task lists: Verification level of the function modules -1

TCA9T Language-dependent table for TCA09: Task list applications -1 145/216
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TCAFI Additional Customer Fields in CATS -1

TCALS Central entry for factory calendar -1

TCAPR Rounding rules -1

TCARA Rounding categories -1

TCART Rounding categories (Text) -1

TCATP Allowed Print Reports for CATS -1

TCATPT Texts for Allowed Print Reports for CATS -1

TCATS CATS: Data Entry Profiles -1

TCATSA CATS: Profile Authorization Groups -1

TCATSAT CATS: Text for Profile Authorization Group -1

TCATSD CATS: Rejection Reasons -1

TCATSDT CATS: Text Table for Rejection Reasons -1

TCATST CATS: Text Table for Variants -1

TCATS_ITS Time Sheet: Data Entry Profile ESS Scenario -1

TCATS_SHLP_ITS Time Sheet: Possible Entries Help in Internet -1

TCATX_SCR CATX: Subscreen Control -1

TCATX_TCR CATX: Tabstrip Control -1

TCATX_TCRT CATX: Texts for Tabstrip Control -1

TCBP_MLG General logical model data -1

TCBP_MLS General model data for SOP -1

TCBP_MOD Contains all supply chain planning models -1

TCBP_MODT Texts for models -1

TCBP_MSV SOP versions -1

TCBP_MTG General technical model data -1

TCBP_PARDEF Planning Parameters -1

TCBP_PLACT Contains the definition of planning actions -1

TCBP_PLACTT Texts for planning actions -1

TCBP_PLCONF Planning configuration definition table -1

TCBP_PLSTEPS Contains the definition of planning action steps -1

TCBP_PROBCAT Problem Categories -1

TCBP_PROBCATT Texts for problem categories -1

TCBP_SYS List of active systems -1

TCC08 Engineering Change Management: Control Data -1

TCC09 ECH: Revision Level Sequence -1

TCC1 Payment Cards: Verification Rules for Card Numbers -1

TCC10 Engineering change management: release key -1

TCC10T Description for release key -1

TCC11 Change Types -1

TCC12 Change Type Texts -1

TCC13 ECM: change types (object management record) -1

TCC14 Object Change Type Texts -1

TCC15 ECM profile -1

TCC16 Profile description -1

TCC17 Object type profile data -1

TCC18 ECH: Object types for profile -1

TCC19 Object type description -1

TCC1T Payment Cards: Texts for Verification Rules -1

TCC20 ECM: digital signature network – change master -1

TCC20T ECM: description of digital signature network – chg. master -1

TCC21 ECM: digital signature network – object management record -1

TCC21T ECM: description of digital signature network – object -1

TCC22 ECH: Effectivity Profile -1 146/216
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TCC22T ECM: Descriptions for Effectivity Profile -1

TCCAA Payment cards: Clearing account/external functions -1

TCCEP Effectivity parameters -1

TCCEPT Effectivity parameters – texts -1

TCCET Effectivity types -1

TCCETT Effectivity types – texts -1

TCCFI Payment cards: Central FI settings -1

TCCLG Payment Cards: Settlement Run Log -1

TCCLGT Payment cards: Settlement run log (texts) -1

TCCRC Payment Cards: Check Results -1

TCCRCT Payment cards: Results of checks (texts) -1

TCER1 Parameter ID for rounding and additional value keys -1

TCERS Rounding & additional values keys -1

TCERT Keys for rounding categories & additional values (text) -1

TCESSION Accounts Receivable Pledging -1

TCESSIONT Texts for Accounts Receivable Pledging -1

TCEVC Control table for CAPP-based calculation of std. values -1

TCF04 Status of the PRT master -1

TCF05 Language-dependent text table for PRT status -1

TCF10 PRT control key -1

TCF11 Language-dependent text table for PRT control keys -1

TCF12 Key for grouping production resources/tools -1

TCF13 Language-dependent text table for PRT group keys -1

TCG11 EHS: Substance characteristic category -1

TCG12 EHS: Language-dependent labels for subs. char. categories -1

TCG13 EHS: Substance char. cat. – substance cat. allocations -1

TCG23 EHS: Identification category -1

TCG24 EHS: Language-Dependent Descr. for Identification Categories -1

TCG26 EHS: Identification listings -1

TCG27 EHS: Language-dependent labels for identification listings -1

TCG28 EHS: Definition of identification listings -1

TCG29 EHS: Override for identification listing definitions -1

TCG31 EHS: Substance category -1

TCG32 EHS: Language-dependent labels for substance categories -1

TCG36 EHS: Substance authorization objects -1

TCG37 EHS: Language-dependent label for subs. authorization object -1

TCG41 EHS: Characteristic text category -1

TCG42 EHS: Language-dependent labels for characteristic text cat. -1

TCG46 EHS: Source -1

TCG47 EHS: Source category -1

TCG48 EHS: Language-dependent labels for source categories -1

TCG51 EHS: Properties tree -1

TCG52 EHS: Language-dependent labels for properties trees -1

TCG53 EHS: Properties tree – characteristic category – allocations -1

TCG56 EHS: Source system -1

TCG61 EHS: Phrase library -1

TCG62 EHS: Language-dependent labels for phrase libraries -1

TCG63 EHS: Phrase group -1

TCG64 EHS: Language-dependent labels for phrase groups -1

TCG65 EHS: Phrase language (languages supported by phrase library) -1

TCG66 EHS: Substance characteristic category class characteristic -1

TCG71 EHS: Characteristic assessment -1 147/216
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TCG72 EHS: Language-dependent labels – characteristic assessment -1

TCG76 EHS: Component category -1

TCG77 EHS: Language-depedent labels for component category -1

TCG82 EHS: Language-dependent labels for substance lists -1

TCG86 EHS: Characteristic rating -1

TCG87 EHS: Language-dependent labels for characteristic rating -1

TCG91 EHS: Validity area -1

TCG92 EHS: Language-dependent labels for validity areas -1

TCG93 EHS: Validity area – country – region – allocations -1

TCG96 EHS: Usage profile -1

TCG97 EHS: Language-dependent labels for usage profile -1

TCG98 EHS: Usage profile-rating-validity area – allocations -1

TCGA1 EHS: Substance report symbol group -1

TCGA2 EHS: Language-dependent labels for subs. report symbol grp. -1

TCGA6 EHS: Substance report symbol -1

TCGA7 EHS: Language-dependent label for substance report symbol -1

TCGA8 EHS: Source for symbol generation -1

TCGA9 EHS: Limiting criteria for symbol generation source -1

TCGC3 EHS: Exchange profile -1

TCGC4 EHS: Language-Dependent Label Exchange Profile -1

TCGENV EH&S: General Environment Parameters -1

TCGENVNA EHS: language-dependent label for environment parameters -1

TCGK1 EHS: Name range for characteristics -1

TCGL1 EHS: Report types -1

TCGL2 EHS: Report type – language-dependent label -1

TCGR1 EHS: Condition structure for SRGV selection – table 1 -1

TCGR2 EHS: Condition structure for SRGV selection – table 2 -1

TCGR3 EHS: Condition structure for SRGV selection – table 3 -1

TCGR4 EHS: Condition structure for SRGV selection – table 4 -1

TCGRC EHS: MSDS distribution – check fct. assign. country, region -1

TCGRL EHS: Allocation of languages and ref. times to countries -1

TCGRP EHS: Key date for report generation and shipping -1

TCGRV EHS: MSDS shipping – valid key date reference times -1

TCGS2 EHS: Allocation EHS doc. cat. < > DMS doc. cat. -1

TCGS3 EHS: WWI destinations -1

TCGS4 EHS: Language-dependent labels for WWI destinations -1

TCGS5 EHS: Assignment of WWI destinations to PCs used for gen. -1

TCGS6 EHS: Definition of WWI printer types -1

TCGS7 EHS: Language-dependent labels for WWi printer types -1

TCGS8 EHS: Definition of PCs used for WWI document generation -1

TCGS9 EHS: Language-dependent labels for WWI PCs -1

TCGUEEN EHS: User Exit Parameters in User Exit Management -1

TCGUEENNA EHS: Obsolete! Lang-dependent label for user exit parameters -1

TCGUEFU EHS: User Exits in User Exit Management with FM Allocation -1

TCGUENA EHS: Language-Dependent User Exit Names in U E Management -1

TCH01 Specification system: control data -1

TCH02 Specification system: Profile for unit of measure conversion -1

TCH02T Specification system: Text for conversion profiles -1

TCHW1 Batch-Specific Units of Measure (Proportion/Product Un) -1

TCHW2 Units of Measurement for Batch-Specific Units of Measure -1

TCIC CAD Process and Sub-process Codes -1

TCID CAD Field Parameters for Download -1 148/216
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TCIM Set Parameters for CAD Transfer Strings -1

TCIR Definition of User-defined Functions -1

TCIS Control Parameters for the CAD Dialog Interface -1

TCIT Conversion Table: Table Field Name <–> Screen Field Name -1

TCIU CAD Field Parameters for Upload -1

TCJ01 Project Management Control Parameters -1

TCJ04 Person in Responsible for Project -1

TCJ05 Project applicant -1

TCJ1 Project Types -1

TCJ1T Project Types -1

TCJ41 Default Values for Work Breakdown Structure -1

TCJ4T Supplies Texts for Project Profiles -1

TCJED Table for Project Number Editing -1

TCJET Texts for Project Number Editing -1

TCJO1 Parameters for Transferring Totals Records -1

TCJO5 Transfer of planned data from sales document -1

TCJ_BALANCE FI Cash Journal: Totals Records -1

TCJ_CJ_NAMES Cash Journal Names -1

TCJ_C_JOURNALS Cash Journals -1

TCJ_PRINT Cash Journal Print Parameters -1

TCJ_TRANSACTIONS Cash Journal Business Transactions -1

TCJ_TRANS_NAMES Cash Journal Business Transaction Names -1

TCK01 Costing Types -1

TCK02 Costing Types – Texts -1

TCK03 Costing Variants -1

TCK04 Costing Variants – Texts -1

TCK05 Valuation Variants in Costing -1

TCK06 Valuation Variants in Costing – Texts -1

TCK07 Costing Variants for Organizational Units -1

TCK08 Indicator for Relevancy to Costing -1

TCK09 Text Table for Relevancy to Costing -1

TCK10 Price Factors for Relevancy to Costing -1

TCK12 Product Costing: Object for Number Assignment -1

TCK13 Product Costing: Texts for No. Assignment Object -1

TCK14 Overhead Groups -1

TCK15 Descriptions for Overhead Groups -1

TCK16 Date Control -1

TCK17 Date Control – Descriptions -1

TCK19 Quantity Structure Control (Single-Plant) -1

TCK19A Quantity Structure Control (Cross-Plant) -1

TCK19AT Text Table Quantity Structure Control (Cross-Plant) -1

TCK19T Text Table Quantity Structure Control (Single-Plant) -1

TCK20 Quantity Structure Control for Costing -1

TCK22 Reference objects for costing -1

TCK23 Product Costing: Texts for No. Assignment Object -1

TCK24 Transfer Control Table from Customizing -1

TCK25 Text Table for Transfer Control in Customizing -1

TCK26 Text Table for Quantity Structure Control -1

TCK27 Cost Component Split in Different Currency -1

TCK28 CO Area Based Costing -1

TCK29 Partner versions for group costing -1

TCK29T Texts for partner version -1 149/216
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TCK30 Cost component transfer -1

TCK31 Reference Cost Estimate -1

TCK31T Reference Cost Estimate Texts -1

TCK32 Costing versions -1

TCK32T Costing Version Texts -1

TCK33 Assignment of condition types to origin group -1

TCK35 Valuation Variants in Costing -1

TCK36 Valuation Variants in Costing – Texts -1

TCK37 Assignment of Costing Variants with Multiple Valuation -1

TCKH1 Cost Components – Texts -1

TCKH2 Assignment: Cost Element Interval – Cost Component Layout -1

TCKH3 Cost components -1

TCKH4 Cost Component Structure for Cost of Goods Manufactured -1

TCKH5 Cost Component Structure – Texts -1

TCKH6 Cost Component Groups – Texts -1

TCKH7 Cost Component Groups -1

TCKH8 Cost Component Views in Display -1

TCKH9 Texts for Cost Component Views in Display -1

TCKHA Cost Element/Origin Assignment with Additive Costs -1

TCKM1 Material Ledger Table -1

TCKM2 Valuation area control table -1

TCKMHD Description of material ledger type -1

TCKMIT Currency type, valuation category for material ledger type -1

TCKMLBNKS Assignment of another account key if not to activate -1

TCKMLBNKSZ Assignment of delivery costs structure -1

TCKMLPR_EB Customizing for Bal. Sheet Valuation: Define Valuation Areas -1

TCKMLPR_EBT Customizing Bal. Sheet Valuation Procedures (Descriptions) -1

TCKMT Material Ledger Type (Text Table) -1

TCLA Class Types -1

TCLAO Several Objects in one Class Type -1

TCLAT Class Type Texts -1

TCLAU Subscreen for Additional Data of Class -1

TCLAUT Tab Text for Additional Class Maintenance Screen -1


TCLC Classification Status -1

TCLG Class Groups -1

TCLGT Class Groups (Texts) -1

TCLO Key Fields of Objects -1

TCLOI1 Usage Filter for Task List Selection -1

TCLOI10 Control key definition for POI Download -1

TCLOI2 Status Filter for Task List Selection -1

TCLOI3 Usage Filter for BOM Selection -1

TCLOI4 Status Filter for BOM Selection -1

TCLOI5 Method for Planned Order Selection by Work Centers -1

TCLOI6 Target System with Destination and Function for Data Upload -1

TCLOI6T Text table for TCLOI6 -1

TCLOI7 Define general parameters for data transfer -1

TCLOI8 Capacity version for download of available capacity -1

TCLOI9 Selection profile for orders / operations -1

TCLOKCODE OK Code Control for Classification System -1

TCLR Object-Specific Reports and Transactions -1

TCLS Classes: Organizational areas -1 150/216
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TCLST Classes: Org. Areas (Texts) -1

TCLT Classifiable Objects -1

TCLTT Classifiable Objects: Texts -1

TCLU Class Status -1

TCLUT Class Status (Texts) -1

TCLX Class Text IDs -1

TCLXT Class Text IDs, Language-Dependent -1

TCLZM Administr. of Object Characteristics in Class SAP_KKR_CLASS -1

TCL_MENU_BUTTON Menu Options and Buttons in the Classification System -1

TCMES Settings for External Scheduling of Order -1

TCMF1 Assignment: Area of Responsibility <-> Message -1

TCMF3 Areas of Responsibility -1

TCMF4 Names of Responsibility Areas -1

TCMF5 Object IDs (SAP) for error management -1

TCMF6 Error Management IDs (SAP) -1

TCMF7 Breakpoints -1

TCMF8 Name of Error Management IDs (SAP) -1

TCMF9 Minimum Message Type (SAP) -1

TCMFA User-Defined Messages -1

TCMFUL Screen Layout for Completion Confirmations -1

TCMG Characteristics Groups -1

TCMGT Characteristic Group Texts -1

TCMS Characteristic Status -1

TCMST Characteristic Status Texts -1

TCMV Default Values for Characteristics Management -1

TCM_CUS_APPL Customizing parameter CM application -1

TCM_CUS_CBAS Customizing parameter Baseline -1

TCM_CUS_CDEF Customizing parameter configuration definition -1

TCM_CUS_CFOL Customizing parameter configuration folder -1

TCM_LC_PHASE CM: Life cycle phase -1

TCM_LC_PHASET CM: multi-lingual text for the life cycle phases of a cycle -1

TCM_LC_PH_TRANS CM: Link between the phases of a life cycle -1

TCM_LC_PH_USAGE CM: LC-Phase: Selected usage -1

TCM_LIFECYCLE Life cycle for product under Configuration Management -1

TCM_LIFECYCLET CM: multi-lingual text for the life cycle -1

TCN00 Key Word ID for PS User Fields -1

TCN01 Key Word Text for PS User Fields -1

TCN02 Key for the Relationship Type (TCN2T) -1

TCN03 PS Text Types -1

TCN04 PS Text Types -1

TCN07 Priority -1

TCN08 Strategies for determining a settlement rule -1

TCN2T Text Table for TCN02 -1

TCN41 Network Defaults -1

TCN4T Language-dependent Texts for TCN41: Network Profiles -1

TCN51 Version profile for PS versions -1

TCN52 Valid user status for version profile -1

TCN53 Valid system status for version profile -1

TCN54 Simualtion control -1

TCN5T Language-dependent texts for TCN51: Version profiles -1

TCN7T Text table for priorities (TCN07) -1

TCN8T Text table for TCN08 -1 151/216
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TCNA Project Information System: Summarization Criteria (Aggr.) -1

TCNAT Texts for project information system summarization criteria -1

TCND Project Info System: Overview Settings -1

TCNDB Profile: Database parameters in Project Info System -1

TCNDBT Texts for profile settings – Database parameters -1

TCNDS Structure overview – Project Info System -1

TCNDST Texts for structure overview – Project Info System -1

TCNDT Texts for Overview Settings in Project Info System -1

TCNEG Project Information System: Field Selecton for Graphic -1

TCNEGT Texts for Fields Displayed in the Project Info System -1

TCNF Project Information System: Displayed Fields -1

TCNFT Texts for Fields Displayed in the Project Info System -1

TCNIFP Profile for BOM transfer -1

TCNIFPT Language Dependent Text for BOM Transfer Profile -1

TCNMF Material flow in the network -1

TCNMFT Language dependent text table for TCNMF -1

TCNP Project Info System: Grouping Criteria -1

TCNPT Text for Grouping Criteria in Project Info System -1

TCNS Project Info System: Sort Criteria -1

TCNST Texts for Sort Criteria in Project Info System -1

TCNT Project Information System: PS Info Profile -1

TCNTT Texts for Overall Profile in Project Info System -1

TCNU Project Information System: Unit Conversion -1

TCNUT Texts for Project Information System Unit Conversion -1

TCNVA Variable overviews: Applications -1

TCNVAT Variable overviews: Texts for applications -1

TCNVD Variable overviews: Data fields -1

TCNVDT Variable overviews: Data field texts -1

TCNVF Variable overviews: Displayed fields -1

TCNVFT Variable overviews: Texts for displayed fields -1

TCNVL Variable overviews: List versions -1

TCNVLT Variable overviews: Texts for list variants -1

TCNVO Variable overviews: Objects -1

TCNVOT Variable overviews: Texts for objects -1

TCNVS Variable overviews: Sub-applications -1

TCNVSC Customizing: Possible version number per version category -1

TCNVSCT Customizing: Short description of possible version numbers -1

TCNVST Variable overviews: Texts for sub-applications -1

TCNVZ Variable overviews: Displayed objects (lines) -1

TCO10 Valuation variant for order costing -1

TCO11 Control table for production orders – availability check -1

TCO12 Control table production orders – stock determination -1

TCO41 CIM order: Default values for generating operations -1

TCO43 PP-SFC order profile -1

TCO43T Description of production scheduler profile -1

TCO47 Change profile for Order Change Management -1

TCO47T Description of change profile for PP/PS -1

TCO48 Total change profile for order change management -1

TCO48T Description of total change profile -1

TCO63 Sequence of detail screens when maintaining components -1

TCOA Overall profile for order information system -1

TCOAD Object profile – detail list – order information system -1 152/216
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TCOADT Texts for object profile – order information system -1

TCOAF Profile order progress report -1

TCOAFT Texts for order progress report -1

TCOAOB Profile order progress report: Displayed fields objects -1

TCOAOBT Profile order progress report: Displayed fields objs (Text) -1

TCOAT Texts for Overall Profile in Order Information System -1

TCOBA Coding block: Customer Subscreens (Header) -1

TCOBALE Coding Block: Replicated Fields -1

TCOBB Coding block: Customer Subscreens (Text) -1

TCOBC Coding block: Customer Subscreens (Fields) -1

TCOBD Coding Block: Field Name BSEG/COBL, if not the same -1

TCOBF Coding Block: Assignment of Modif and Field Names from COBL -1

TCOBFIELDS Coding Blocks: Field Characteristics -1

TCOBL Coding block: Include screens selection table -1

TCOBM Coding block: Modification numbers -1

TCOBN Coding block: Customer Fields -1

TCOBX Coding Block: Assignment of Field Properties -1

TCOF Profile for missing parts info system -1

TCOFF Profile for Missing Parts Info System: Displayed Fields -1

TCOFFT Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Displayed Fields -1

TCOFG Profile for missing parts info system: criteria for grouping -1

TCOFGT Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Criteria for Grouping -1

TCOFS Profile for Missing Parts Info System: Sort Criteria -1

TCOFST Texts for Missing Parts Info System: Sort Criteria -1

TCOFT Texts for Missing Parts Info System -1

TCOKO Constants for PP orders -1

TCOKT Account assignment categories for order -1

TCONUSE Usage of condition types -1

TCOP Field selection profile -1

TCOPS Field selection profile -1

TCORU Parameters for Order Confirmation -1

TCORUPBTXT Customizing Single Screen Entry Confirmat.: Status Interface -1

TCORUSSDEF Customizing for Single Screen Entry of a Confirmation -1

TCORV Table with Routines for structureing variable loop lines -1

TCP0C Locale names for setting up C-libraries -1

TCP0D Localizing the database -1

TCPA Templates for Characteristics Management -1

TCPAT Templates for Characteristics -1

TCPFS1 Organization of data adjustment for external planning tool -1

TCPFS2 Planning Tool, Physical System -1

TCPFS3 External planning tool: lock table -1

TCPFS4 External planning tool -1

TCPFS5 External planning tool: start parameters for Windows NT -1

TCPS Define Characters in Templates -1

TCR00 Installation constants for work center -1

TCRBF Determination of Staging Area via Customer/Storage Condition -1

TCRH0 Graphic profile for the hierarchy -1

TCS03 Modification Parameters/Defaults for BOMs -1

TCS09 BOM Control Depending on Category and Usage -1

TCS15 BOMs with History Requirement -1

TCS17 BOMs with History Requirement -1

TCS21 BOM Item Object Types: internal –> external -1 153/216
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TCS22 BOM Item Object Types: external –> internal -1

TCS31 BOM Field Selection – Usage (T416) -1

TCS34 BOM Field Selection – Control Data (TCS03) -1

TCS41 Automatic alternative BOM determination -1

TCSCP_TDSV Activate period dependent operation parameters -1

TCSCR Settings table for tabs in flexible detail display -1

TCSCRT Language dependent text table for flexible detail display -1

TCSFG Field group definition – BOMs -1

TCSFGF Allocation of fields to field groups – BOMs -1

TCSFGT Field group texts for BOMs -1

TCSP Cross-Selling Profile: Definition -1

TCSPF Cross-Selling: Profile Determination -1

TCSPR User Profile for BOMs -1

TCSPT Cross-Selling Profile: Definition: Texts -1

TCSTR Communication strategy -1

TCSTRP Communication methods in communication strategy -1

TCSTRT Description of communication strategies -1

TCSUB Subscreen table for flexible detail display -1

TCSVL User defaults list display (variable lists) -1

TCTBF Determine gate and picked item zone via customer -1

TCTH Settings for hierarchy graphic (schedule maint.) -1

TCTHT Texts for settings in hierarchy graphic (schedule maint.) -1

TCUAU Authorizations for Maintaining Dependencies -1

TCUB Authorizations for Maintaining Dependencies -1

TCUBT Authorizations for Maintaining Dependencies -1

TCUCD Customizing for Batch Documents for Rel. 4.6C -1

TCUCH Customizing: Batch Configuration for Rel.3.0 -1

TCUG Dependency Maintenance – Groups -1

TCUGT Dependency Groups – Texts -1

TCURB Exchange Rate Calculation Indicator -1

TCURC Currency Codes -1

TCURC_ROUND Clearing of Rounding Diffs per Local Currency: Temporary -1

TCURD Max.Exch.Rate Differences for Postings in Foreign Currency -1

TCURE Expiring Currencies -1

TCURF Conversion Factors -1

TCURK Currency Code Table Supplements -1

TCURL Leading Currency -1

TCURM Customizing: MM Configuration -1

TCURN Quotations -1

TCURO Object Type for Expiring Currencies -1

TCUROT Text Table for Objects for Expiring Currencies -1

TCURP Direct/Indirect Quotation Prefixes for Exchange Rate -1

TCURR Exchange Rates -1

TCURS Rate Spreads -1

TCURT Currency Code Names -1

TCURU Superuser for Expiring Currencies -1

TCURV Exchange rate types for currency translation -1

TCURW Usage of Exchange Rate Types -1

TCURX Decimal Places in Currencies -1

TCURY Warning Period for Expiring Currencies -1

TCURY1 Reasons for Expiring Currencies -1

TCURY1T Texts for Expiry Reasons -1 154/216
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TCUSGLOB40 Global settings for Rel. 4.0 Customizing -1

TCUSK Country Installation: Tables to be Copied -1

TCUSP40 Customizing: Implementation project profile -1

TCUWS Customizing: Batch Configuration for Rel.3.0 -1

TCUWS_APO Batch Management Proportion/Product Units & APO -1

TCUX Dependency Maintenance – Statuses -1

TCUXT Dependency Maintenance Statuses – Texts -1

TCVPROF Currency and Valuation Profiles -1

TCVPROFD Currency and Valuation Profiles – Detail -1

TCVPROFT Currency and Valuation Profiles – Texts -1

TCX00 Scheduling: Planning Levels and Control Parameters -1

TCX01 Control Table for Scheduling -1

TCX02 Scheduling parameters for scheduling – planned orders -1

TCX03 Control Parameters for Scheduling: SOP Orders -1

TCX0L Scheduling long term planning: Levels and control parameters -1

TCXPS Control parameters for WBS scheduling -1

TCXPT Text table for TCXPS (WBS scheduling) -1

TCY01 Combination of selection sets -1

TCY02 Combinations of selection sets – descriptions -1

TCY03 Kombinations of sel. sets – assignment of sets to combin. -1

TCY06 Overall profiles for capacity planning -1

TCY07 Sel. profiles (Sets for sel. screens & interv. for display) -1

TCY08 Option profiles -1

TCY09 List profiles (standard settings for lists) -1

TCY10 Descriptions of overall profiles (Table TCY06) -1

TCY11 Texts for selection profile-table TCY07 -1

TCY12 Descriptions of option profiles (Table TCY08) -1

TCY13 Descriptions of list profiles (Table TCY09) -1

TCY14 Variable overview – column names -1

TCY15 Variable overview – column description -1

TCY16 Variable overview – column definition -1

TCY17 List version – keys -1

TCY18 Variable overview – description of overview versions -1

TCY19 Variable overview – definition of overview versions -1

TCY20 Variable overview – column headings for overview vers. -1

TCY21 Graphics profiles -1

TCY22 Descriptions of graphics profiles (Table TCY21) -1

TCY23 Max. no. of data records to be read in capacity planning -1

TCY30 Overall profile for capacity leveling -1

TCY30T Texts for the overall profiles for capacity leveling -1

TCY31 Standard requirements groupings for resource planning -1

TCY31CT Text table for definitions of charts -1

TCY31DT Text table for groupings per layout and chart -1

TCY31FT Text table for sorts per layout and chart -1

TCY31GT Text table for layout table TCY31_G -1

TCY31T Text table for TCY31 (standard requirements groupings) -1

TCY31_C Definition of charts for layout -1

TCY31_D Description of a grouping per layout and chart -1

TCY31_E Definition of a grouping per layout and chart -1

TCY31_F Description of a sort per layout and chart -1

TCY31_G Definition of layouts -1

TCY31_H Definition of a sort per layout and chart -1 155/216
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TCY31_S Definition of the groups in a requirements grouping -1

TCY31_T Description of a group within a requirements grouping -1

TCY32 Selection profile for capacity leveling -1

TCY32T Texts for selection profiles for capacity leveling -1

TCY33 Time profile for capacity leveling -1

TCY33T Text table for time profiles for capacity leveling -1

TCY34 Evaluation profile for capacity leveling -1

TCY34T Texts for TCY34 (Evaluation profiles for capacity leveling) -1

TCY35 Period profile for capacity leveling -1

TCY35T Texts for period profiles for capacity leveling -1

TCY37 Strategy profile for capacity leveling -1

TCY37T Texts for TCY37 (strategy profiles for capacity leveling) -1

TCY38 Layout key for requirements groupings -1

TCY38T Layout key for requirements groupings -1

TCY38_D Structures, fields and details for a format key -1

TCY39ST Selected fields for a layout key /TEXTS) -1

TCY39_S Selected fields for a layout key -1

TCY43 Messages for flow control -1

TCY43T Texts for messages for flow control -1

TCY44 Graphical object type: Fields -1

TCY45 Graphical element category -1

TCY45K Object representation – header -1

TCY45T Object representation – text -1

TCY46 Graphical object type selection: Decision steps -1

TCY46K Graphic object type selection: Header -1

TCY46T Selection of graphic object type: Texts -1

TCY47 Object display selection -1

TCY47K Selection of object representation: Header -1

TCY47T Selection of object representation: Texts -1

TCY48 Profile for the planning table -1

TCY48T Text table for TCY48 (planning table profile) -1

TCY49 Control profile for capacity leveling -1

TCY49T Texts for the control profiles for capacity leveling -1

TCY50 Chart sequence in planning table -1

TCY50K Chart sequence: Header -1

TCY50KT Chart sequence – text -1

TCY50T Chart sequence: Title -1

TCY52 Line representation in table section -1

TCY52T Text for line representation in section of table -1

TCY53 Drag and drop in planning table -1

TCY54D Measure – planning table -1

TCY54T Measure texts – planning table -1

TCY55 Graphic object type: Header -1

TCY55T Graphic object type: Texts -1

TCY56 Profile for planning table (tabular form) in cap. leveling -1

TCY56T Texts for profiles for pln. tab.(tab. form) in cap. leveling -1

TCY57 Active/inactive dispatching function per strategy profile -1

TCY58 Time scale profile in planning table -1

TCY58T Time scale – texts -1

TCY60 List profile for capacity leveling -1

TCY60T Texts for list profiles in capacity leveling -1

TCY61 Line representation selection in table section -1 156/216
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TCY61K Selection of line representation – header -1

TCY61T Selection of line representation – texts -1

TCY62 Representation profile for selection of graphic object type -1

TCY62K Representation profile – header -1

TCY62T Representation profile – texts -1

TCY63 Axis representation selection -1

TCYD Profile for detailed capacity list -1

TCYDT Texts for overall profile detailed list -1

TCYF Profile detailed list: Displayed fields -1

TCYFT Texts for displayed fields profile -1

TCYMI Matrix identifications -1

TCYMIT Definition of transition matrix -1

TCYMPP Customizing Settings for Workforce Planning -1

TCYMPPT Texts for Workforce Planning Profiles -1

TCYMPP_PERIODS Period Split for Workforce Planning -1

TCYP Profile detailed list: Criteria grouping -1

TCYPT Texts for criteria grouping -1

TCYS Profile detailed list: Sort criteria -1

TCYST Texts for sort criteria profile -1

TCYTM Transition matrix -1

TCZ01 Source Files for Application -1

TCZ02 Language-dependent source for original application files -1

TCZ02T Descriptions for laguage dependent source for originals -1

TCZGL Global DMS Settings -1

TD01 Table for collateral keys -1

TD01T Text elements for TD01 Collat.sec.type -1

TD02 Table of Loan Classes -1

TD02T Text Table for TD02 Loan Classes -1

TD03A Define Loan Type -1

TD04 Reason for notice -1

TD04T Text table for TD04 (notice types) -1

TD05_AT IS-IS: ÖNB-Target groups -1

TD06 Document type -1

TD07 Purpose of loan -1

TD07T Purpose of loan (Texts for table TD07) -1

TD15 Residential development financing types -1

TD15T Residential development financing types (text table) -1

TD20 Allocation of key for wording / Order -1

TD20T Texts for TD20 -1

TD21 Reasons for generating incoming payments immediately -1

TD21T Reasons for generating incom.pmnts immed. (texts) -1

TD22 Special arrangement indicators -1

TD22T Texts for special arrangement indicators -1

TD27 Loan notice types -1

TD27T Loan notice type -1

TD28 Notice arrangements (lender) -1

TD28T Notice arrangements (lender) -1

TD29 Borrower notice arrangement -1

TD29T Notice arrangements (borrower) -1

TD47D Form selection legal dunning procedure in loans -1

TD47E Form selection for dunning notices -1

TDA5 Reason for non-acceptance -1 157/216
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TDA5T Reason for non-acceptance (texts for TDA5) -1

TDB08 Flow Types per Posting Application Additional Data -1

TDB1 Flow types for incoming payment rejections -1

TDB23 Activity Type – Control of Requirements -1

TDBAFINGP Customizing table for BAFIN relevant roles -1

TDBBB Allocation of program-internal flow types -1

TDBL Form line items (credit stnd.check, doc.values, csh budget) -1

TDBLT Text table for TDBL (debit and income types) -1

TDCREDIT_CUSTOM Customer-Specific Solution for Borrowing -1

TDDAT Maintenance Areas for Tables -1

TDDG1 Value table 1 User-specific loans key -1

TDDG2 Value table 2 User-specific loans key -1

TDDG3 Value table 3 User-specific loans key -1

TDDG4 Value table 4 User-specific loans key -1

TDDGC User-specific loan key 3 text tables -1

TDDGD User-specific loan key 4 texts -1

TDEVC Development Classes -1

TDG03 DG: Specify Transport Category -1

TDG04 DG: Short Description for Transport Category -1

TDG09 DG: Define dangerous goods classes -1

TDG10 DG: Label for dangerous goods classes -1

TDG11 DG: Define DG letters (risk potential) -1

TDG12 DG: Label for dangerous goods letter -1

TDG15 Water pollution classes -1

TDG16 DG: Label for water pollution class -1

TDG17 DG: Define danger label -1

TDG18 DG: Description for danger label number -1

TDG21 DG: Link table to text IDs -1

TDG22 DG: Description for user-defined texts -1

TDG27 DG: Hazard notes -1

TDG28 Descriptions for hazard notes -1

TDG29 DG: Labels for Printing -1

TDG30 DG: Text table for printing labels -1

TDG31 DG: Hazard Identification Numbers -1

TDG32 Text table for hazard identification numbers -1

TDG33 DG: Hazard-inducing substances -1

TDG34 DG: Description for hazard-inducing substances -1

TDG35 DG: VbF Classes -1

TDG36 DG: Description for VbF classes -1

TDG37 DG: Dangerous Goods Storage Class -1

TDG38 DG: Description for dangerous goods storage classes -1

TDG39 DG: Processing status for DG master data -1

TDG40 DG: Description for processing status -1

TDG41 DG: DG indicator profiles for material master -1

TDG42 DG: Label DG indicator profile for material master -1

TDG43 DG: Selection date for DG papers and DG checks -1

TDG47 DG: Text names for DG material-master independent texts -1

TDG48 DG: Description for DG material-independent texts -1

TDG49 DG: Permitted Primary Languages -1

TDG51 DG: Derivation of Secondary Language -1

TDG61 DG: Regulations -1

TDG63 DG: Derivation of Regulations -1 158/216
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TDG66 DG-Mat: Text table for mode of transport categories -1

TDG67 DG: Define UN numbers (new) -1

TDG68 DG: Text table for UN number (new) -1

TDGA1 DG: Activating Dangerous Goods Checks -1

TDGA3 DG: Dangerous goods – check schema – determination routine -1

TDGA5 DG: Dangerous goods – check methods -1

TDGA6 DG: Labels for dangerous goods check routines -1

TDGA7 DG: Usage profile for dangerous goods check routines -1

TDGA9 DG: Check Schema Determination Routines for Shipment Docs -1

TDGB1 DG: Defining dangerous goods check schema -1

TDGB2 DG: Description for dangerous goods check schema -1

TDGB3 DG: Assignment DG check schema/DG check methods/reaction -1

TDGB5 DG: Allocate DG check schemas for shipping documents -1

TDGB7 DG: Assign DG check schemata for transport documents -1

TDGC1 DG: Output Conditions for Material Master Fields -1

TDGC3 DG: Output Conditions for DG-Independent Texts -1

TDGC5 DG: Indicator profile for delivery documents -1

TDGC6 Text table for DG indicator profiles in the delivery header -1

TDGC7 DG: Controlling EDI processing -1

TDGT1 DG: Alloc. route, dep. country, dest. country a. RoRo ind. -1

TDGT2 DG: Transit countries, leg indicator, indicator sea/air -1

TDIBP DDS: context -1

TDIBP_T DDS: context – language-dependent description -1

TDICO DDS: type of copy -1

TDICO_T Language-dependent description of copy type -1

TDICT DDS: communication type -1

TDICT_T Language-dependent description of communication type -1

TDIEV DDS: context – event allocation -1

TDIEX DDS: user exits for the distribution types -1

TDIM DDS: medium -1

TDIMCT DDS: possible media for communication type -1

TDIM_T DDS: language-dependent texts for medium -1

TDIPR DDS: definition of plotters -1

TDKK1 Definition of Correspondence Class -1

TDKK2 Predefine Correspondence Class Assignment for Partner -1

TDKKT Correspondence Class Texts -1

TDL1 Collat.securities preferential treatment ID table -1

TDL1T Collat.securities special treatment ID text table -1

TDL2 Guarantee type indicator table -1

TDL21 Indicator Table Guarantee Type 1 -1

TDL21T Text Table Indicator Guarantee Type 2 -1

TDL2T Text Table for Guarantee Type Indicator -1

TDL3 Pledge status indicator table -1

TDL3T Pledge status indicator text table -1

TDMAHNS_MAN Loans: Manual Dunning Level -1

TDO1 Object construction methods table -1

TDO10 Indicator for Condition of Object -1

TDO10T Indicator for Condition of Object (Description) -1

TDO11 Indicator for Collateral Object Fixtures and Fittings -1

TDO11T Indicator for Collateral Object Features (Description) -1

TDO12 Object Area Description Indicator -1

TDO12T Object Area Description Indicator (Description) -1 159/216
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TDO1T Texts for TD01 Object Construction Methods -1

TDO2 Part of building name -1

TDO2T Text table for TD02 part of building name -1

TDO3 Valuation qualification indicator -1

TDO3T Valuation qualification ID// Text for TD03 -1

TDO4 Type of valuation procedure -1

TDO4T Type of valuation procedure// Texts for TDO4 -1

TDO5 Valuation rating base -1

TDO5T Rating base valuation// Texts for TDO5 -1

TDO6 Land register type indicator -1

TDO6T Text table for land registry indicator -1

TDO7 Administration cost types -1

TDO7T Text table for administration cost elements -1

TDO8 Property Conditions for Collateral Objects -1

TDO8T Property Conditions for Collateral Objects (Description) -1

TDO9 Heritable Building Right Indicator for Collateral Objects -1

TDO9T Type of Heritable Building Right (Descriptions) -1

TDP0 Selection, Modification- and Reference Fields -1

TDP0T Selection, Modification and Reference Field Texts -1

TDP1 File register definition -1

TDP1T File register definition texts -1

TDP2 File functions -1

TDP2T File Functions Texts -1

TDP3 File register/function allocation -1

TDP4 Alloc. of activity type and flow category to condition type -1

TDP6 File categories -1

TDP6T File categories -1

TDS1 Possible assignees -1

TDSOD Special interest indicators text table -1

TDSOZ Special interest indicator for loans -1

TDSP01 ALE Distribution Packet : Message Types to be Controlled -1

TDSP02 ALE Distribution Packet : Types -1

TDSP02T ALE Distribution Packet : Text Table of Packet Type -1

TDSP03 ALE Distribution Packet : Status -1

TDSP03P ALE Distribution Packet : Status Sequence of Profile -1

TDSP03T ALE Distribution Packet : Text Table of Status -1

TDSP04 ALE Distribution Packet : Status Profile -1

TDST Texts for possible assignees -1

TDSUBROLE BP: Business Partner – Role Type -1

TDSUBROLET BP: Business Partner – Name of Role Type -1

TDUSEREXIT14T Pushbutton Text for Loans Master Data Tabstrip(User Exit 14) -1

TDV07 Alloc.of application/role category/dunning parameters -1

TDV08 Alloc.of application/role category/dunning parameters -1

TDVZL Dunnable payment methods for incoming payments in loans -1

TDWA Document Types -1

TDWAT Document Type Texts -1

TDWC CAD – Systems -1

TDWD Data Carrier/Network Nodes -1

TDWE Data Carrier Type -1

TDWI Selection table – document search via internet -1

TDWIU User allocation – document search via internet -1

TDWN Mount Points and Logical Drives in Network -1 160/216
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TDWO Document Management Object Link -1

TDWOT Texts for Object Links in Document Management -1

TDWP Workstation Applications -1

TDWS Document Status -1

TDWST Document Status Texts -1

TDWX Workstation Applications in Network -1

TDZW IS-IS: Payment terms with adjustment days -1

TDZWT IS-IS: Payment terms with adjustment days -1

TEBCO CO/SD Interface: Product Number Determination from CO -1

TEBO Volume Rebate Groups, Purchasing -1

TEDE1 EDI process types (outbound) -1

TEDE2 EDI process types (inbound) -1

TEDE3 Function module, which displays EDIDS record -1

TEDE5 EDI Process codes for error handling -1

TEDE6 IDOC process codes for inbound statuses -1

TEDS1 IDoc status values -1

TEDS2 Short description of IDoc status values -1

TEDST SAP EDI Form routines to read master data -1

TEE000 Easy Execution Profile -1

TEE000T Text Table Easy Execution -1

TEE000Z Assignment of Execution Profile and Permitted Services -1

TEE001 Purchase Requisition from Easy Execution -1

TEQUIVDOM Domains with Same Semantic -1

TEQUIVDOMT Comments on Equivalent Domains -1

TERVH Allowed Packaging Materials for each Mat.Group f. Pckg.Matls -1

TETYP Workflow definition: Node types -1

TEXC_DE Text ID: Exception Definiton using Data Element -1

TEXC_DE_C Text ID: Exception Definiton using Data Element -1

TEXC_DOM Text ID: Exception Definition using Domains -1

TEXC_DOM_C Text ID: Exception Definition using Domains -1

TEXC_FLD Text ID: Exception Definition using Table/Field -1

TEXC_FLD_C Text ID: Exception Definition using Table/Field -1

TF001 SAP Cons.: Global Specifications -1

TF002 SAP Cons.: Assignment of Sets -> Items -1

TF003 SAP Cons.: Assignments of Items –> Sets -1

TF010 Generate Request Screen: Control Information -1

TF011 Generate Request Screen: Formating Instructions -1

TF020 Textinformation for Domains -1

TF030 Dimension and Version-Dependent Settings -1

TF040 Default Values for Subassignments -1

TF090 Interactive Excel Attributes -1

TF100 Financial Statement Items -1

TF101 FS Items: Short and Medium Texts -1

TF102 FS Items: Long Texts -1

TF103 Breakdown Categories -1

TF103A Breakdown Categories: Breakdown Info per Subassignment -1

TF104 Breakdown Categories: Name -1

TF105 FS Item Categories -1

TF106 FS Item Categories: Description -1

TF110 Subitem Categories -1

TF111 Subitem Categories: Description -1

TF115 Subitems -1 161/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

TF116 Subitems: Short and Medium Texts -1

TF117 Subitems: Long Texts -1

TF120 Consolidation Charts of Accounts -1

TF121 Consolidation Charts of Accounts: Description -1

TF123 Additional Rules for Running Program SAPF124 (Clearing) -1

TF130 FS Item Hierarchies -1

TF131 Item Hierarchies: Name -1

TF140 Selected FS Items -1

TF141 Selected FS Items -1

TF150 Dimensions -1

TF151 Dimensions: Texts and User-Specific Names -1

TF152 Dimensions, Screen List, Consolidation Units -1

TF153 Dimensions, Screen List, Consolidation Groups -1

TF154 Dimensions year- and period-dependent -1

TF155 Dimensions: Assign Task Groups -1

TF160 Consolidation Units -1

TF161 Consolidation Units: Texts -1

TF162 Consolidation Unit Correspondence -1

TF163 Consolidation Units, Version/Period-Based Attributes -1

TF164 Consolidation Unit Year-Dependent -1

TF165 Consolidation Units Version-Dependent -1

TF166 Consolidation Units Version- and Period Category-Dependent -1

TF167 Consolidation Units Version- and Period-Dependent -1

TF168 Consolidation Units Ledger-Dependent -1

TF169 Version/Period-Dependent Cons. Units: Tax Rates -1

TF170 Position of Contact Person -1

TF171 Position of Contact Person: Description -1

TF172 Contact Person Assignments -1

TF173 Reasons for Inclusion -1

TF174 Reasons for Inclusion: Short and Medium Texts -1

TF175 Reasons for Inclusion: Long Texts -1

TF180 Consolidation Groups -1

TF181 Consolidation Groups: Texts -1

TF182 Consolidation Groups, Version-Dependent -1

TF183 Consolidation Groups, Version- and Period Categ.-Dependent -1

TF183A Consolidation Groups – Restricted Task Groups -1

TF184 Consolidation Groups, Version- and Year-Dependent -1

TF187 Consolidation Group Set Assignments -1

TF188 Consolidation Group Assignment of Task Group -1

TF189 Assignment of CG/CU, Version- and Period-Dependent -1

TF190 Hierarchies -1

TF191 Hierarchies: texts -1

TF192 Hierarchies, Period-Dependent -1

TF193 Hierarchies, Version-Dependent -1

TF194 Hierarchies, Version- and Period Category-Dependent -1

TF195 Hierarchy Levels -1

TF196 Hierarchy Levels: Texts -1

TF197 Hierarchy Levels Used -1

TF198 Hierarchy Level Relationships -1

TF199A Organizational Elements -1

TF199B Organizational Elements: Texts -1

TF199C Characteristic Values of Organizational Elements -1 162/216
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TF199D Char. Values of Organizational Elements: Texts -1

TF199E Organizational Element Relationships -1

TF200 Consolidation Versions -1

TF201 Versions: Name -1

TF202 Structure Versions -1

TF203 Structure Versions: Name -1

TF204 Data Entry Versions -1

TF205 Data Entry Versions: Name -1

TF206 Translation Method Versions -1

TF207 Translation Method Versions: Name -1

TF208 Exchange Rate Versions -1

TF209 Exchange Rate Versions: Name -1

TF210 Ledger Versions -1

TF211 Ledger Versions: Name -1

TF212 Versions for Selected FS Items -1

TF213 Selected Item Versions: Description -1

TF214 Tax Rate Versions -1

TF215 Tax Rate Versions: Name -1

TF216 Consolidation of Investment Method Versions -1

TF217 Consolidation of Investment Method Versions: Name -1

TF218 Investment Versions -1

TF219 Investment Versions: Name -1

TF220 Equity Versions -1

TF221 Equity Versions: Name -1

TF222 Hidden Reserve (Fair Value Adjustment) Versions -1

TF223 Hidden Reserve Versions: Name -1

TF224 Versions of Eliminated Hidden Reserves (FVA) -1

TF225 Versions of Eliminated Hidden Reserves: Name -1

TF226 Retained Earnings Versions -1

TF227 Retained Earnings Versions: Name -1

TF228 Versions of Goodwill -1

TF229 Versions of goodwill: Description -1

TF230 Task Versions -1

TF231 Task Versions: Names -1

TF232 Reclassifications Version -1

TF233 Reclassification Versions: Description -1

TF234 Versions for Elimination of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory -1

TF235 Versions for Elim. IU Profit/Loss in Inventory: Descriptions -1

TF236 Versions: Attributes -1

TF237 Attribute Versions: Description -1

TF240 Consolidation Frequencies -1

TF241 Consolidation Frequencies: Name -1

TF242 Consolidation Periods -1

TF247 Assignment of Consolidation Cycles to Versions -1

TF250 Periods, Opened/Closed -1

TF260 Overall Status of CG/CU – Data Monitor -1

TF261 CG/CU: Detail Status of Tasks – Data Monitor -1

TF262 History of Data Entry Layouts -1

TF270 CG/CU Overall Status of Consolidation Monitor -1

TF271 CG/CU: Detail Status of Tasks – Consolidation Monitor -1

TF280 User-Defined Tasks -1

TF285 Log Archiving -1 163/216
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TF290 Copy Tasks -1

TF291 Cons Groups to be Copied -1

TF292 Cons Units to be Copied -1

TF293 Assignment of Source Tasks to Copy Task -1

TF310 Data Entry Groups -1

TF311 Data Entry Groups: Name -1

TF320 Financial Data Types -1

TF321 Financial Data Types: Description -1

TF325 Period Categories -1

TF326 Period Categories: Name -1

TF330 Data Entry Groups: Layout Assignments -1

TF335 Scaling Factor for Online Entry -1

TF340 Data Entry Profiles -1

TF350 Download: Assign CG PC Path -1

TF360 Download: Selection Parameters for Special Download -1

TF361 Download: Selection Parameters for General Download -1

TF362 Download: Selection Parameters for Downloading Fin. Data -1

TF370 Equivalency Table in MC Validations -1

TF380 SAP Cons.: Upload Methods -1

TF381 Upload Methods: Texts -1

TF382 Upload Methods: Field Catalogs -1

TF390 Selected Items for Carryforwards -1

TF400 Currency Translation Methods -1

TF401 Translation Methods: Name -1

TF410 Currency Translation Methods: Entries -1

TF411 Translation Methods: Entries for Subassignments -1

TF415 FS Items for Posting Trans. Diffs with Effect on Earnings -1

TF420 Exchange Rate Indicators -1

TF421 Exchange Rate Indicators: Description -1

TF425 Exchange Rate Indicators: ER Type Assignments -1

TF500 Document Types -1

TF501 Document Types: Name -1

TF502 Postable Item Categories -1

TF503 Chart-Based Document Type Attributes -1

TF505 Version-Based Document Type Attributes -1

TF506 Document Types: Field-Dependent Properties -1

TF510 Validation of Consolidation Documents -1

TF515 Journal Entry Layout: Field Names -1

TF516 Journal Entry Layout: Description -1

TF517 Journal Entry Layout: Field Names -1

TF530 Task Groups -1

TF531 Task Groups: Name -1

TF532 Task Groups: Task Assignments -1

TF533 Task Groups: Preceding Tasks -1

TF540 Consolidation Tasks -1

TF541 Consolidation Tasks: Name -1

TF542 Consolidation Tasks, Version-Dependent -1

TF543 Consolidation Tasks: Assignments of Methods and Doc.Types -1

TF544 Tasks: Task Group Exceptions -1

TF545 Consolidation Tasks: Exceptions for Cons Units -1

TF550 Methods -1

TF551 Methods: Name -1 164/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

TF555 Methods for Interunit Elimination -1

TF556 Methods for IU Elimination: Item Set Assignments -1

TF556A IU Elimination Methods: Allocation of Addtl Acct Assignments -1

TF557 Methods: Threshold Value for Posting Differences -1

TF558 IU Elimination Methods: Reclassi. for Proportional Cons. -1

TF560 Methods for Reclassification -1

TF560A Reclassification Methods: Fields -1

TF562 Assignment of Method/Doc. Type to Task in Reclassification -1

TF570 Tasks for Manual Posting – Document Type Assignments -1

TF575 Tasks for CG Changes: Document Type Assignments -1

TF580 Product Groups -1

TF581 Product Groups: Description -1

TF583 Dimension-Dep.Assignmt of CoA, Prod. Group to in(NOT USED) -1

TF584 Assignment of Inventory Item to Product Group -1

TF584A Assignment of Inventory Item to Product Group (NOT USED) -1

TF590 Elim. of IU P/L in Inventory: Selected Items (NOT IN USE!) -1

TF591 Elim of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory: FS Items (NOT USED) -1

TF592 Elimination of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory: FS Items -1

TF592A Elimination of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory: FS Items -1

TF593 Subassignments of Inventory Items -1

TF595 Elimination of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory: Tasks -1

TF599 Global Settings for Elim. of IU P/L in Inventory -1

TF600 Consolidation of Investments Methods -1

TF602 C/I Methods: Cons Chart of Accounts-Based Settings -1

TF605 C/I Methods: Assignments -1

TF610 Tasks for the Consolidation of Investments -1

TF615 C/I Tasks: Assignment of Document Types -1

TF616 C/I Activities/Acctg Techniques: Document Type Assignments -1

TF625 Group Shares -1

TF640 Fair Value Adjustments -1

TF641 Fair Value Adjustments: Subnumber -1

TF642 Fair Value Adjustments: Name -1

TF643 Fair Value Adjustments: Version/Date-Sensitive -1

TF644 Fair Value Adjustments: Cons Chart of Accounts-Sensitive -1

TF646 Recorded Fair Value Adjustments -1

TF650 C/I Activity Numbers -1

TF651 Activity Numbers – Sequence -1

TF655 C/I Entry of Activities: Default Values -1

TF656 Activities – Default Sequence -1

TF658 Activities: Reported Items – Equity -1

TF665 Scope of Reported Data for the Equity Method -1

TF666 Scope of Reported Data for Equity Method – Descriptions -1

TF667 Reported Items for Equity Holdings Adjustments -1

TF690 C/I – System Utilization -1

TF691 C/I – Global Settings -1

TF692 Global Chart of Accounts-Based Settings for C/I -1

TF693 Subitems for Equity Aging Report -1

TF695 Selected Items for Consolidation of Investments -1

TF696 Posting Items for the Equity Method -1

TF90F Active Field Catalog, Consolidation -1

TF90FD Active Field Catalog – Consolidation, Char. Dependencies -1

TF90Q Active Attributes in Consolidation -1 165/216
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TF90QD Consolidation: Levels of Multilevel Attributes -1

TF91F Field Catalog, Consolidation -1

TF91FD Field Catalog – Consolidation, Characteristic Dependencies -1

TF91Q Attributes in Consolidation -1

TF9N1 Master Data Table: & -1

TF9N2 Master Data Texts: & -1

TFACD Factory calendar definition -1

TFACS Factory calendar (display) -1

TFACT Factory calendar texts -1

TFAG FI Clearing Rules (Entity Table) -1

TFAGM Allocate Clients and Account Type to Clearing Rule -1

TFAGS Definition of FI clearing rules -1

TFAIN Calendar: Intervals for company holidays, special shifts -1

TFAIT Calendar: Text for factory calendar intervals -1

TFAV FI: Worklists -1

TFAVA FI: Details of Automatically Generated Worklists -1

TFAVT Worklist Names -1

TFAVW FI: Work list values -1

TFAWC Field Selection: Field Attribute Changes (User Definition) -1

TFAWY Feld selection: pairs influencing/changed fields (End user) -1


TFBW0 Destination and Target InfoCube for Data Transfer into BW -1

TFBW1 Data streams into BW -1

TFBW2 Mapping InfoObjects -> Field Names -1

TFBW3 Data streams from BW -1

TFBW4 Additional selections -1

TFCA Permitted Field Catalogs for Each Application -1

TFCF Fields in Field Catalogs -1

TFCG Fields Catalogs for Statistics Fields -1

TFCS Permissible Source Tables per Application -1

TFCT Field Catalog Description -1

TFDM_DEFCC FSCM-DM: Default Values for Company Code -1

TFDM_DEFRC FSCM-DM: Default Values for Company Code -1

TFDM_DEFREF FSCM-DM: Valid Fields for Reference Default Values -1

TFDM_DEFREFT FSCM-DM: Texts for Fields for Reference Default Values -1

TFDM_WRITEOFF01 FSCM-DM: Default Values for Writing Off Dispute Cases -1

TFDM_WRITEOFF02 FSCM-DM: Default Values for Writing Off Dispute Cases -1

TFE01 BDF: Currency Key -1

TFE02 BDF: Countries -1

TFE05 BDF: State CB Indic. -1

TFE18 BDF: Identif. of Offsett. Accounts -1

TFE19 BDF: Accts Subj. to Report. -1

TFI01 Open FI: Events -1

TFI01T Open FI: Name of Events -1

TFI02 Open FI: Function Modules for Each Call Event -1

TFIBLHBG Group of House Bank Accounts -1

TFIBLHBG1 Group of House Bank Accounts: Details -1

TFIBLHBGT Name of the House Bank Groups -1

TFIBLORIGIN Origin Indicators -1

TFIBLORIGINC Origin Settings -1

TFIBLORIGIND Assignment of Origin to Overriding Origin -1

TFIBLORIGINT Meaning of an Origin Indicator -1 166/216
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TFIBLSCREEN Control of Output of Screen Fields -1

TFIBLSCREEN0 Register Programs for Screen Control -1

TFIBLSCREEN1 Define Contents of Screen Groups -1

TFIBLSCREEN1T Define Contents of Screen Groups -1

TFIN000 Independent Characteristic Values for Consolidation Type -1

TFIN001 ID Combination Rules for Cons Type and Cons Org. Unit -1

TFIN002 Assignment of Consolidation Types and Dimensions -1

TFIN002L Lock Mode During Rollup per Int. Cons Type and Dimension -1

TFIN003 Consolidation Types -1

TFIN004 Consolidation Types: Description -1

TFIN010 Consolidation Unit Integration -1

TFIN011 Mapping of Profit Centers to Profit Center Groups -1

TFIN020 Assignment of Business Areas to Company Codes -1

TFIN200 Mapping of G/L Charts of Accounts and Target Cons C/As -1

TFIN201 Mapping of Secondary Cost Elements to FS Items: Details -1

TFIND SAPscript: Search and replace strings in text modules -1

TFIND2 SAPscript: Search for strings, copy modules, replace in copy -1

TFKTAXNUMTYPE Tax Number Categories of Business Partner -1

TFKTAXNUMTYPE_T Name: Business Partner Tax Number Categories -1

TFM18 Assignment of functions to IMG chapters -1

TFMA Adjustment Profiles per Processing Method -1

TFMAT Adjustment Profiles per Processing Method -1

TFMC Matchcode Fields for Database Index -1

TFMIG01 Allocation: Ledger -> Ledger -1

TFMIG02 Allocation: Company -> Consolidation Unit -1

TFMIG03 Allocation: Subgroup -> Consolidation Group -1

TFMIG04 Allocation: FS Item -> FS Item -1

TFMIG05 Allocation: Transaction Type -> Subitem -1

TFMIG06 Assignment: Version -> Legacy Data Version -1

TFMIG10 Migration: Processing Options -1

TFMIG11 Migration: Control for Cons Charts of Accounts -1

TFMIG12 Migration: Control for Subitem Categories -1

TFMIG13 Migration: Control Sets -1

TFMIG15 Migration: Status -1

TFO18 Configuration Table for OTF PDF Converter -1

TFPLA Billing Plan Type -1

TFPLT Date Type for Billing Plan Type -1

TFPM042F Payment medium formats: General attributes -1

TFPM042FB Payment medium formats: Events -1

TFPM042FBC Payment medium formats: Customer events -1

TFPM042FD Payment Medium Formats: Preassignment of Format Parameters -1

TFPM042FDC Payt Medium Formats: Cust. Preassignm. of Format Parameters -1

TFPM042FF Payment medium formats: Format parameters -1

TFPM042FFC Payment medium formats: Customer format parameters -1

TFPM042FG Payment medium formats: Level of detail of payment medium -1

TFPM042FGC Payt. medium formats: Cust. level of det. of payment mediums -1

TFPM042FM Payment medium formats: Reqd fields for format parameters -1

TFPM042FMC Payment medium formats: Cust. reqd. fields for format para. -1

TFPM042FPB Payment medium formats: modules for payment doc. validation -1

TFPM042FSB Payment Medium Formats: Modules for Writing/Sending Files -1

TFPM042FT Payment medium formats: Texts -1

TFPM042FV Payment medium formats: Note to payee fields -1 167/216
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TFPM042FZ Payment medium formats: Supplements -1

TFPM042FZT Payment medium formats: Supplement text -1

TFPM042VA Payment medium: Note to payee -1

TFPM042VAT Payment medium: Note to payee texts -1

TFPM042VI Payment medium: Note to payee contents -1

TFPM042VJ Payment Media: Lang.-Indep. Content of Note to Payee -1

TFREP Reports with Form Details and Sender Details -1

TFRM Form Routines for Requirements/Formulas/Data Transports -1

TGAF Freight Code Determination -1

TGAR Freight Codes -1

TGART Freight codes:descriptions -1

TGAV Freight Code Sets -1

TGAVF Determine Freight Code Set -1

TGAVT Freight code set: descriptions -1

TGSB Business Areas -1

TGSBG Cross-system business areas -1

TGSBH Texts for table TGSBG -1

TGSBK Consolidation business areas -1

TGSBL Text table for TGSBK -1

TGSBT Business Area Names -1

THIOZ Customer Hierarchies: Allowed Organizational Assignments -1

THIT Customer Hierarchy Types -1

THITT Texts for Customer Hierarchy Types -1

THIZU Customer Hierarchy: Allowed Account Group Assignments -1

THKON Permitted Alternative G/L Accounts -1

THM003 DG: Specify Transport Category -1

THM004 DG: Short Description for Transport Category -1

THM009 Dangerous goods classes -1

THM010 DG: Short Description for Dangerous Goods Classes -1

THM011 Dangerous goods letter -1

THM012 Short Description for Dangerous Goods Letter -1

THM017 DG Danger Label -1

THM018 DG: Short Description for Danger Label -1

THM031 DG: Hazard Identification Numbers -1

THM032 DG: Short Description for Hazard Identification Number -1

THM039 DG: Processing status for dangerous goods basic data -1

THM040 DG: Short Description of Processing Status for DG Basic Data -1

THM063 DG: Dangerous Goods Regulation -1

THM071 DG: Risk potential -1

THM072 Risk potential description -1

THM073 DG: Packaging code specific to dangerous goods regulations -1

THM074 Descr. for packaging code specific to DG regulations -1

THM075 DG: Packaging Regulation -1

THM076 DG: Packaging regulation descr. -1

THOC Public Holiday Calendar -1

THOCD Public holiday definitions -1

THOCI Public holiday calendar index -1

THOCS Public holiday calendar (display) -1

THOCT Public holiday calendar texts -1

THOL Public Holidays -1

THOLT Public holiday texts -1

THOLU Dates of movable public holidays -1 168/216
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THSTT Hierarchy Levels: Texts -1

THUBEW2 HU: Movement Types for Stock Category Posting Change -1

THUBEW3 HU Movement Types for Packing and Unpacking with Posting Chg -1

THUCONTROL Handling Unit Control -1

THUWBEVENT Definition of Possible Events for HU Goods Movements -1

TIA01 Settlement variants -1

TIA02 Settlement periods -1

TIA1T Texts for acct settlement variants -1

TIANP Minimum amounts for adjustment of advance pmnts/flat-rates -1

TIARS Archiving Control Shipment Costs -1

TIBAN_ACTIVE Activation of the IBAN Functions -1

TIDIMATTRIB_01 HR Forms: Attribute Fields in InfoDimensions -1

TIH01 Display Fields for PM Reporting -1

TIH02 Field Selection for Partner Addresses -1

TIK01 Condition types additional data for DARWIN Real Estate -1

TIK02 Condition categories -1

TIK03 Condition type – Condition category allocation -1

TIK04 Excluded condition types -1

TIK05 Alternative reference areas for condition types -1

TIK0B Texts for terms types (TIK02) -1

TILG1 Vacancy reason -1

TILGA Texte TILG1 vacancy reasons -1

TINETISTARS_01 HR Forms: Relation of Infonet to Infostar -1

TINFODIM_01 HR Forms: InfoDimensions -1

TINFONET_01 HR Forms: InfoNets -1

TINFONET_T_01 HR Forms: InfoNet Short Text -1

TINFOSTAR_01 HR Forms: InfoStars -1

TINFOSTAR_T_01 HR Forms: InfoStar Short Text -1

TINPA Sales Documents: Index Updating for Business Partner -1

TINSB Alternative Bank Accounts for Program RFBITB01 -1

TIPA1 FI-FVVI: Parameters for tenancy law and adjustment type -1

TIPAB Darwin Real Est.: Comp.code-depend. parameters for rent adj. -1

TIPAL RE: Tenancy Law/Country-Dependent Parameters for Rent Adj. -1

TIPAR Rent Adjustment: Rounding Parameters -1

TIPAZ Table was replaced by TIPA1 -1

TIPZB General real estate installation parameters, -1

TIPZBSR Installation Parameters for Real Estate: Sales Settlement -1

TIPZZ Real estate installation parameters, comp.code-independent -1

TISCRFIELDS_01 HR Forms: Fields on Selection Screen -1

TISIS_APPL Applications -1

TISIS_APPL_T Application Texts -1

TISIS_CNT_TYPE Contract Categories -1

TISIS_CNT_TYPE_T Contract Category Texts -1

TISTARFIG_01 HR Forms: Relation of InfoStar to Data Fields -1

TISTARIDIM_01 HR Forms: Relation of InfoStar to InfoDimension -1

TITOBPROF Technical Objects: View Profiles for Tab Index Customizing -1

TITOBPROFT Technical Objects: Texts for Profiles from Table TITOBPROF -1

TITOBPROF_SUB Technical Objects: Customizing Tab Index in View Profiles -1

TITOBSUB Technical Objects: Subscreens with Customizable Assignment -1

TITOBSUBT Technical Objects: Texts for Subscreens from Table TITOBSUB -1

TITOBTABS Technical Objects: Customizing (Tabstrip) Buttons -1

TITOBTABST Technical Objects: Customizing Texts (Tabstrip) Buttons -1 169/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

TIV00 Field status definitions for Real Estate object mgmt -1

TIV01 External usage types of rental unit -1

TIV02 Debit types -1

TIV03 Country-specific tenancy law -1

TIV04 Repr.list of rents surcharge/reductions features -1

TIV05 Definition of incidental expenses keys -1

TIV06 Incidental expenses key-Attributes for each tenancy law -1

TIV07 Apportionment unit ID -1

TIV08 Area types -1

TIV09 Room Types -1

TIV0A RU Usage type ID’s -1

TIV0C Description of country-specific tenancy law -1

TIV0G Settlement factor name -1

TIV0H Texts for TIV08 Area types -1

TIV0I Texts for TIV09 Room types -1

TIV10 Bus. entity location -1

TIV100 Real Estate direct input: Non-transferable fields -1

TIV11 Adjustment Method for Rent Adjustments -1

TIV12 Parts of building -1

TIV13 Internal usage types for rental unit -1

TIV14 Reasons for Adjustment Blocks -1

TIV15 Regional management – no longer used -1

TIV16 Maintenance district -1

TIV17 Darwin Real Estate: Storey names and storeys -1

TIV18 Security deposit types -1

TIV19 Repres.list of rents size classes -1

TIV1A Text Table for TIV11 (Adjustment Method for Rent Adjustment) -1

TIV1B Texts for building parts table (TIV12) -1

TIV1C Internal usage types for rental unit: Texts -1

TIV1D Reasons for adjustment blocks: Texts -1

TIV1R Language table for security deposit types view -1

TIV20 Rep.list of rents master data -1

TIV21 Building age classes -1

TIV22 Representative list of rents location classes -1

TIV23 Fixtures/Fittings Categories -1

TIV24 Surch./Reduct. for each Charact.Category and Area Interval -1

TIV25 Value table / Representative list of rents -1

TIV26 Real Estate Contract Type (Entities) -1

TIV27 Value Table for Lease-Out Adjustment Type -1

TIV28 Corporate group type – Table no longer used -1

TIV29 Combination of adjustment type – usage cat./ext. usage type -1

TIV2B Location classes of representative list of rents – texts -1

TIV2C Characteristics classes – Names -1

TIV2F Text table for Real Estate Contract Type (table TIV26) -1

TIV2G Text Table for Lease-Out Adjustment Type (TIV27) -1

TIV2J Representative list of rents master texts -1

TIV2T Text table for debit types -1

TIV30 Tenant service in a company -1

TIV31 Occupancy obligation -1

TIV32 Elevator installation types for rental units-no longer used -1

TIV34 Water mains connection types -1

TIV35 Regional locations -1 170/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

TIV36 Main Usage Types -1

TIV37 Floor -1

TIV38 Location in floor -1

TIV39 Reason for notice -1

TIV3A Occupancy commitment texts -1

TIV3B Texts for table TIV32: Types of elevator installation in RU -1

TIV3D Texts for TIV34: Water mains connection types -1

TIV3F Predominant usage types texts -1

TIV3G Language table for floors (TIV37) -1

TIV3H Location in storey – Texts -1

TIV3I Reason for notice texts -1

TIV40 Asset class assignment – Main usage type -1

TIV41 Lease-out notice rejection reason -1

TIV42 Rental agreement offer status -1

TIV43 Reasons for reduced percentage rate increase -1

TIV44 Transport connections -1

TIV45 District Location -1

TIV46 Tax code for administration costs surcharge on IEA -1

TIV47 Posting rules for owner settlement -1

TIV48 Allocation of condition types to settlement factors -1

TIV4A Rental agreement notice rejection reason texts -1

TIV4B Rental agreement offer status texts -1

TIV4C Texts for TIV43: Reasons for reduced percent. rate increase -1

TIV4D Traffic links – Texts -1

TIV4E Site texts -1

TIV50 Heating costs / heating systems accountancy firm -1

TIV51 Cost elements according to accountancy firm/ heating systems -1

TIV52 Key conversion accountancy firm <-> partner cost elements -1

TIV53 Accountancy firm fuel types -1

TIV54 Fuel type + incidental expenses key as well (internal) -1

TIV55 Key conversion fuel type DARWIN <-> Accountancy firm -1

TIV56 Property types -1

TIV57 Quality of property location -1

TIV58 Property ground type -1

TIV59 Overall condition of property -1

TIV5A Classification of real estate objects -1

TIV5B Cost elements text table TIV51 -1

TIV5D Accountancy firms fuel types – Texts -1

TIV5E Texts for fuel types (Darwin) -1

TIV5F Text table for property types -1

TIV5G Texts for the quality of property location -1

TIV5H Property ground type texts -1

TIV5I Texts for overall condition of property -1

TIV5T Classification of real estate objects (Text for TIV5A) -1

TIV60 Real estate tax indicator -1

TIV61 Source of credit information – Institution providing info. -1

TIV62 Credit standing for real estate application -1

TIV63 Reasons for input tax option -1

TIV64 Periods of notice – replaced by TIVKUE2 and TIVKUE3 -1

TIV65 Non-deductible input tax acct allocation -1

TIV66 Surcharge/reduction reasons for expert opinion -1

TIV67 Transaction types for incidental expenses key -1 171/216
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TIV68 Flow types/SCKey for vacancy with tenant serv. charge sett. -1

TIV69 %-rates for index forwarding(depend.on tenancy law and loc.) -1

TIV6A Names of institutions supplying credit information -1

TIV6B Credit standing of real estate applicant – Texts -1

TIV6C Reasons for input tax opting text table -1

TIV6F Surcharge/reduction types for expert report texts -1

TIV6T TIV60 Names -1

TIV70 Surcharge/reduction categories -1

TIV70T Surch./reduction classes – Texts language-dep. -1

TIV71 Fixtures and fittings characteristics -1

TIV72 Fixtures and fittings objects -1

TIV73 Characteristics of fixtures/fittings objects -1

TIV74 Groups of fixture and fittings objects -1

TIV75 Usage of heating days for heating costs settlement -1

TIV76 Area types for each external usage type -1

TIV77 Additional info. from SAP PS component per object type -1

TIV78 Additional info. from SAP PM component per object type -1

TIV79 Allocation of input tax correction accts in chart of accts -1

TIV7A Fixture and fitting feature texts -1

TIV7B Names of fixtures and fittings objects -1

TIV7C Descriptions of fixture and fitting object characteristics -1

TIV7D Names of fixture and fitting object groups -1

TIV80 Allocation of clearing accounts to cost accounts -1

TIV81 Real estate object type – Status profile allocation -1

TIV82 Allocate Cost Element Sets to RW Report Groups -1

TIV83 Condition of a real estate object -1

TIV84 Alloc.of non-ded.inp tax rev.acct to net rev.acct (SCS) -1

TIV85 G/L acct/transaction category alloc. for down pmnts made -1

TIV86 Allocation of periodic fee types to condition types -1

TIV87 Allocation of calculation base for select.type/admin.cntrct -1

TIV88 no longer used -1

TIV89 CH Rent adjustment: Adjustment to changed mortgage rate int. -1

TIV8A Assignment Cost Type – Flow Type Directly Assigned Costs -1

TIV8C Condition of a real estate object, texts -1

TIV8Z Allocate Events Management Contract to Fee Types -1

TIV90 Default-condition types for adjustment type -1

TIV91 Internal fee types -1

TIV92 External fee types -1

TIV93 Calculation types for calculating fees -1

TIV94 Calculation base for calculating fees -1

TIV95 Selection types for calculating fees -1

TIV96 Calculation forms for management contracts -1

TIV97 Events For Management Contract -1

TIV98 Default values for business entities -1

TIV99 Allocation of Event-Oriented Fees to Transaction Types -1

TIV9A Text table for internal fee types -1

TIV9B Text table for external fee types -1

TIV9C Text table for calculation types -1

TIV9D Text table for calculation bases -1

TIV9E Text table for selection types -1

TIV9F Text table for calculation forms -1

TIV9G Events for administration contracts text table -1 172/216
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TIV9H Default Value Texts for Business Entities -1

TIV9I RE: Owner POR Data (Switzerland) -1

TIV9J RE: Control Data for POR Clearing Entries (Switzerland) -1

TIVA1 Allocat.of rounding differences from incid.exp. sttlmnt -1

TIVA2 Regional Location Key for Heating Value Days -1

TIVA3 Tenancy law-dependent data -1

TIVA4 Heating value days for heating costs settlement -1

TIVA5 REst. objects for IMKEY (as from Rel.3.0) client-independant -1

TIVA6 Table No Longer Used (Replaced by T001R) -1

TIVA7 Definition of correspondence applications -1

TIVA7_CUST_FUNC Corresp.Applic.: Assigned FMs for Differ. Characteristics -1

TIVA7_HELP_INFO Definition of Correspondence Applications -1

TIVA7_SAP_FUNC Corresp.Applic.: Assigned FMs for Differ. Characteristics -1

TIVA8 Correspondence/Letter assignment -1

TIVA9 Land Register Sect. II Type of Charges and Restrictions -1

TIVAB Regional Location Key- Heating Value Days – Texts -1

TIVAF Correspondence area texts -1

TIVAG RE authorization groups -1

TIVAGT Text Table for TIVAG (RE Authorization Groups) -1

TIVAI Text reg. Sect.II Type of charges and restrictions -1

TIVAJINDXCON Index – Rebasing -1

TIVAR01 RE: REse@rch – Object Category -1

TIVAR01T RE: REse@rch – Text Table for TIVAR01 -1

TIVAR02 RE: REse@rch – Group of a Rental Object -1

TIVAR02T RE: REse@rch – Text Table for TIVAR02 -1

TIVAR03 RE: REse@rch – Characteristics -1

TIVAR03T RE: REse@rch – Text Table for TIVAR03 -1

TIVAR04 RE: REse@rch – Type of Parking Space for RE Object -1

TIVAR04T RE: REse@rch – Text Table for TIVAR04T -1

TIVAR05 RE: REse@rch – District Location (Rental Request) -1

TIVAR05T RE: REse@rch – Text Table for TIVAR05 -1

TIVAR06 RE: REse@rch – Transport Connection -1

TIVAR06T RE: REse@rch – Text Table for TIVAR06 -1

TIVAR07 RE: REsearch – Conversion of RU-feature->Offer obj. -Feature -1

TIVAR08 RE: REsearch – Preassignment For Offer Object/Rental Request -1

TIVAR09 RE: REsearch – Set Status for Permitted Processes -1

TIVAR1 Real Estate archiving residence times -1

TIVAR10 RE: REsearch – Relationship Status of Rental Request – Offer -1

TIVAR10T RE: REsearch – Text Table for TIVAR10 -1

TIVAR11 RE: REsearch – Transactions For Rental Request -1

TIVAR11T RE: REsearch – Text Table for TIVAR11 -1

TIVAR12 RE: REsearch – Parking Space Group of a Parking Space -1

TIVAR12T RE: REsearch – Text Table for TIVAR12 -1

TIVAR13 RE: REsearch – Types of REsearch Users -1

TIVAR13T RE: REsearch – Text table for TIVAR13 -1

TIVAR14 RE:REsearch – District Loc.Group (Req. Dist. Loc. Details) -1

TIVAR14T RE: REsearch – Text Table for TIVAR14T -1

TIVAR15 RE: REsearch – Permitted Keys for Fixture/Fittings Charact. -1

TIVAR18 REsearch: Constants For Similar Evaluation Calculation -1

TIVAR99 Application: Field Status Control with Category Criterion -1

TIVB1 Day shift -1

TIVB2 Correspondence application – Correspondence activity alloc. -1 173/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

TIVB3 Usage Types acc. to Development plan -1

TIVB4 Print control classes fix./fitting charact. -1

TIVB5 Default Values for Selection acc. to Status of Object -1

TIVB7 Priority for accommodation entitlement certificate -1

TIVB8 Accomm.entitlemnt certif.: Special groups of people -1

TIVB9 Additional information for accomm.entitlemnt certif. -1

TIVBA Day shift (text for TIVB1) -1

TIVBC Usage type per development plan (texts) -1

TIVBD Print control classes fix./fitting charact. (texts) -1

TIVBG Level of priority for certificate of entitlement – texts -1

TIVBH Accomm.entitlement cert.: Special groups of people – Texts -1

TIVBI Additional information for accomm.entitlement certificate -1

TIVBOLLO Parameters Imposta di Bollo -1

TIVBW01 RE: Settings for extracting imminent vacancies -1

TIVC1 Rental Request: Processing Indicator -1

TIVC2 Rental Request: Preselection Indicator -1

TIVC3 Rental Request Processing Status -1

TIVC4 Usage Type acc. to Area Usage Plan -1

TIVC5 RE: Determine Factors for Account Determination -1

TIVC6 Account Determination Key 4 for Lease-Out Accnt Determ. -1

TIVC7 Accnt determination key for management ctrct accnt determ. -1

TIVC8 Definition of bank procedure for tenant -1

TIVC9 Bank procedure -1

TIVC9T Bank procedure -1

TIVCA Application: Processing indicator (text table) -1

TIVCB Application: Preselection indicator (text table) -1

TIVCC Application: Preselection indicator (text table) -1

TIVCD Usage type acc. to area usage plan (text) -1

TIVCF Accnt Determ. Key 4 for Lease-Out Accnt Det. – Texts -1

TIVCG Accnt determ. key 2 for mgt contract accnt det. – Texts -1

TIVCN01 Resubmission Rules -1

TIVCN01T Resubmission – Text Table for TIVCN01 -1

TIVCN02 Resubmission – Signatory Definition of a Rule -1

TIVCN02T Resubmission – Text Table for TIVCN02 -1

TIVCN03 Resubmission – Reasons for Resubmission -1

TIVCN03T Resubmission – Text Table for TIVCN03 -1

TIVCN07 Assignment Contract Type <-> Object Category -1

TIVCN08 Account Determination Key 2 for General Contract AcctDet. -1

TIVCN08T Account Determ. Key 2 for Gen. Contract AcctDet – Texts -1

TIVCN09 Renewal Rules – Header Data -1

TIVCN09T Renewal Rules – Text Table for TIVCN09 -1

TIVCN10 Renewal Rules – Renewal Periods -1

TIVCNADJT Contract Type <-> Adjustment Type Assignment -1

TIVCORRGRP Definition of Correspondence Group -1

TIVCORRGRPDTLS Corresp.Group: Assignment of Corr.Applic. and Corr.Activity -1

TIVCORRGRPT Correspondence Group Name -1

TIVCPOI01 Recipients -1

TIVCPOI02 Partner Assignment in the Includes of the OI Print Structure -1

TIVDIREC Transfer/Retirement -1

TIVFI Revenue elements for RE debit-side advance payments -1

TIVG1 Municipality Key -1

TIVG2 Local Subdistrict -1 174/216
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TIVGA Municipality Key -1

TIVGB Local Subdistrict -1

TIVJUMP02 REMD Direct Entry: OK Code Determination -1

TIVKATE Definition of Categories -1

TIVKATET Definition of Categories: Text Tables -1

TIVKUE1 Basic table for periods of notice -1

TIVKUE2 Period regulation – periods of notice -1

TIVKUE2V Notice Period Rules – Tenant View -1

TIVKUE3 Deadline regulation – periods of notice -1

TIVKUE3V Notice Period Deadline Rules – Tenant View -1

TIVLICAD ICI Calculation coefficient for D-Building -1

TIVLICAL ICI County rate -1

TIVLICLA ICI Class codes -1

TIVLICLX ICI Class codes texts -1

TIVLICPA ICI Payment instalment -1

TIVLICRU ICI Use grouping codes -1

TIVLICRX ICI Use grouping codes texts -1

TIVLICTG ICI cadastral categories -1

TIVLICTX ICI cadastral categories texts -1


TIVLIRCX IRE Codes texts -1

TIVLIRUF Anagrafica ufficio registro -1

TIVLIRVA IRE Variables -1

TIVM1 RA: Rent Adjustment Reasons -1

TIVM2 RA: Permitted Adjustment Methods for Each LO Adjustment Type -1

TIVM3 RA: Permitted Condition Types for Each Adjustment Method -1

TIVM4 RADJ: Reservations for Rent Adjustment Approval -1

TIVM4T RA: Text Table for TIVM4 -1

TIVM5 RA: Reasons for Rejecting a Rent Adjustment -1

TIVM5T RA: Text Tables for TIVM5 -1

TIVM6 RA: Rent Adjustment Reminder – CA for Reminder Proc./Level -1

TIVM7 RA: Reminder Procedure for Rent Adjustment -1

TIVM7T RA: Text Table for TIVM7 -1

TIVM8 Logical Database Select Options Used -1

TIVMA RA: Text Table for TIVM1 -1

TIVMA01 RE: Rent Adj. – Assignment: Index Series -> Forecast Series -1


TIVN1 Defaults for Settlement Participation of Service Charge Key -1

TIVN2 Defaults for Settlement Participation of Condition Type -1

TIVO1 Rent Adjustment: Variables for RLR Control Table -1

TIVO1T Rent Adjustment: Variables for RRL Substitution (Texts) -1

TIVO2 Rent Adjustment: Control Table for RRP Adjustment -1

TIVP1 Acquisition From Where (Application, Rental Agreement) -1

TIVP1T Source of Acquisition -1

TIVP2 Acquisition Reason (Application, Rental Agreement) -1

TIVP2T Acquisition Reason (Text Table) -1

TIVP3 Partner Acquisition: Why? -1

TIVP3T Partner Acquisition: Why? (Text Table) -1

TIVPF RE default settlement profile per object type -1

TIVRCTYPCORRGRP Default Correspondence Group for Rental Agreement Type -1

TIVROZ01 IPD: Classification of participant -1

TIVROZ02 IPD: Ownership structure -1 175/216
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TIVROZ03 IPD: Type of retail trade object -1

TIVROZ04 IPD: Region (only for usage type office > 50%) -1

TIVROZ05 IPD: Office type -1

TIVROZ06 IPD: Commercial object type -1

TIVROZ07 IPD: Location of commercial object -1

TIVROZ08 IPD: Link to commercial object -1

TIVROZ09 IPD: Type of resid. object (only for usage type apart.> 50%) -1

TIVROZ0A IPD: Classification of participant -1

TIVROZ0B IPD: Ownership structure -1

TIVROZ0C IPD: Type of retail trade object -1

TIVROZ0D IPD: Type of retail trade object -1

TIVROZ0E IPD: Type of retail trade object -1

TIVROZ0F IPD: Commercial object type -1

TIVROZ0G IPD: Commercial object type -1

TIVROZ0H IPD: Link to commercial object -1

TIVROZ0I IPD: Type of resid. object (only for usage type apart.> 50%) -1

TIVROZ10 IPD: Rent category (only for usage type apartment > 50%) -1

TIVROZ1A IPD: Type of resid. object (only for usage type apart.> 50%) -1

TIVRSM Resubmission Rules -1

TIVRSMT Resubmission Rules – Texts -1

TIVS1 Validation dates / logical field groups -1

TIVSA Name of logical field groups (Real Estate) -1

TIVSB Substitution for Real Estate Management / Company code -1

TIVSKZ2UE Conversion of Statistical Key Figures for Apportionment Unit -1

TIVT033 Validat.Table for Acct Determin. “for Acct to be Replaced” -1

TIVT5 Incidental expenses key text -1

TIVTAX Assignment of Acquisition Tax Indicator -1

TIVTAXSCS_CZ Tax Code for SSC Receivable Dependent on Cost Element (CZ) -1

TIVVA Validation for Real Esate Management / Company code -1

TIVWA1 Status of Apartment Inspection -1

TIVWA1T Status of Apartment Inspection -1

TIVWB01 -1

TIVWB02 -1

TIVWB03 -1

TIVWB04 -1

TIVWB08 -1

TIVWB09 -1





TIVWB21 -1

TIVWB22 -1



TIVWB31 -1

TIVWB32 -1



TIVWB42 -1


TIVWB43 -1 176/216
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TIVWB44 -1

TIVWB51 -1

TIVWB52 -1

TIVWB53 -1



TIVWB71 -1


TIVWB99 -1

TIVWEB01 RE: Web Link – Buttons/Link for Navigation Bars -1

TIVWEB01T RE: Web Link – Text Table for TIVWEB01 -1

TIVWEB02 RE: Web Link – Control F1Bs for Program -1

TIVZW Incoming payment method attributes -1

TJ01 Business Transactions -1

TJ02 System status -1

TJ03 Object types -1

TJ04 Status control for object type -1

TJ05 Permitted processes for object types -1

TJ06 System statuses set/deleted by process -1

TJ07 Process influencing by system status -1

TJ10 Authorization Keys in Status Management -1

TJ10T Texts for Authorization Keys of Status Management -1

TJ20 Status profiles -1

TJ20T Texts for status schema -1

TJ21 permitted object types for status schema -1

TJ22 Languages, in which a status profile is maintained -1

TJ30 User status -1

TJ30T Texts for user status -1

TJ31 Process control (user status) -1

TJ48 Check Table for Selection IDs -1

TJ48T Text Table for Selection IDs -1

TJ49 Table for Selection Conditions per SELID -1

TK01H Time-based CO master data -1

TKA00 Control parameters for controlling areas -1

TKA00PCA EC-PCA: Control of actual data transfer -1

TKA01 Controlling Areas -1

TKA02 Controlling area assignment -1

TKA03 Statistical key figures -1

TKA04 Number ranges for CO documents -1

TKA05 Cost Center Types -1

TKA06 Fiscal Year Period -1

TKA07 Fiscal-Year Dependent Version Parameters -1

TKA08 Price variances -1

TKA09 Basic Settings for Versions -1

TKA09V Version Table: Separate Bus. Transactions for Delta Version -1

TKA3A Automatic account assignment – default assignments -1

TKA3C Automatic Acct. Assignment: Specific Assignments -1

TKA3G Substitute Cost Centers for HR Settlement -1

TKA3P Automatic Account Assignment: Specific Assignments -1

TKA4 Cost Element Characteristic Group -1

TKA4E Cost Element Attribute -1

TKA50 CO planner profile: entity table -1 177/216
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TKA51 CO Planner Profile: Basic Configurations -1

TKA52 CO planner profile: profile items -1

TKA52_OM COOM Planning: Appl.-Spec. Profile Item Attachment (TKA52) -1

TKA54 CO Planner Profile: Planning Layout Default Settings -1

TKA55 CO Planner Profile: Settings for Lead Columns -1

TKACPC CO Line Item Summarization: Fields to be Summarized -1

TKALV Control Parameter for Line Item Report with AAA -1

TKAQ General accounting attributes -1

TKAVG Transaction groups -1

TKAVK Permitted Combinations of Transaction/Cost Element Category -1

TKAVT Transaction group names -1

TKAZE Activation of callup points for CO validation/substitution -1

TKB08 Number Ranges for Settlement Documents -1

TKB10SA Strategies for Automatic Generation of SETTC – Header -1

TKB10SB Strategies – COBRB Fields -1

TKB10SC Possible Strategies for Each Sender Type -1

TKB10SD Strategies on Automatic Generation of SETC – Detail -1

TKB10SLA Strategy Sequences for Automatic Generation of SETC – Header -1

TKB10SLB Strategy Sequences for Automatic Generation of SETC – Detail -1

TKB10SLC Settings for Automatic Generation of SETC -1

TKB10SLT Text Table: Strategy Sequences -1

TKB10SSA Possible System Status for Each Sender Type -1

TKB10ST Text Table: Strategies -1

TKB10STA Sender Types -1

TKB10STT Text Table: Sender Types -1

TKB1A Settlement Profile -1

TKB1B Text Table for Settlement Keys -1

TKB5A Allocation structure -1

TKB5AL Allocation: Assessement Cost Elements for Alloc. Structure -1

TKB5B Text Table for allocation Structure -1

TKB5C Settlement Assignment -1

TKB5D Text Table for Settlement Assignment -1

TKB5E Allocation structure -1

TKB6 Account Determination for Settlement -1

TKB9B Text Table for PA Transfer Structures -1

TKB9D Text Table for Assignments in Profitability Analysis -1

TKB9F Assignment of cost element grps to CO-PA value fields -1

TKB9G PA Transfer Structure: Source -1

TKBBA Document Types -1

TKBBAT Texts for Document Types -1

TKBLA Funds reservation document type -1

TKBLAT Document type text table -1

TKCC Formula Constants -1

TKCF SAP-EIS Field Catalog -1

TKCFD SAP-EIS Field Catalog, Dependencies between Characteristics -1

TKCHV SAP-EIS: Hierarchy variants -1

TKCHVT SAP-EIS: Description of hierarchy variants -1

TKCK Key figures -1

TKCKA Key Figures, Aspect Assignment (SAP-EIS) -1

TKCKF Key Figure Formula Stages -1

TKCKT Key figures, Table assignment (SAP-EIS) -1

TKCKU Key Figure Assignment Groups -1 178/216
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TKCKUK Key figure assignment to groups -1

TKCOTR CO Object Collector: Transport Grouping -1

TKCOTRO CO Object Collector: Transport Grouping: Objects -1

TKCTK Language Table for Key Figures -1

TKCTU Language Table: Key Figure Assignment Groups -1

TKDP System settings for drill-down reporting -1

TKE1PP51 EC-PCA: Application-Specific Extension to TKA51 -1

TKEA1 CO-PA: Control tab. for managing generated derivation tab. -1

TKEA2 CO-PA: Control tab. for managing generated derivation tab. -1

TKEABCVGA CO-PA/CO-ABC:_Selection-Relevant Record Types -1

TKEADPC00 Assignment accounts -> value fields for profit center profit -1

TKEAS CO-PA derivation rules: Control table -1

TKEAT Text table for TKEAS -1

TKEB Management for Operating Concerns (Client-Specific) -1

TKEB1 Report Management -1

TKEB2 Report texts -1

TKEB3 CO-PA: Table for managing segment authorizations -1

TKEBA Status of Operating Concern (Client-Specific) -1

TKEBB Management for Operating Concerns (Cross-Client) -1

TKEBL Assignment: Ledger -> operating concern -1

TKEBS Row/column structures -1

TKEBWF CO-PA Interface with SAP BW: Field Attributes -1

TKEBWLX CO-PA / SAP BW: Debugging Transaction Data Extractor -1

TKEBWLXN CO-PA / SAP BW: Debugging Transaction Data Extractor -1

TKEBWLY CO-PA / SAP BW: Read Special Settings from DataSource -1

TKECCU CO-PA: Conditional Usage of Segment-Level Characteristics -1

TKECOND CO-PA: Formula Storage -1

TKEDP SAP tables for use when defining characteristics (CO) -1

TKEDRS Characteristic Derivation: Steps -1

TKEDRSF Characteristic Derivation: Steps, Fields -1

TKEDRST Characteristic Derivation: Steps, Texts -1

TKEFD CO-PA field catalog, compound characteristics -1

TKEFE Field catalog, assignment to operating concern -1

TKEGC CO-PA: System table for management of generated coding (old) -1

TKEICOCMP CO Interface:Assignment of Cost Components to CO-PA Val.Flds -1

TKEIF CO-PA communication table -1

TKEIG CO-PA characteristics table -1

TKEL CO-PA ledger -1

TKELT Description of CO-PA ledger -1

TKENCD CO-PA Net Change: Definitions -1

TKENCDT CO-PA Net Change: Definitions -1

TKENCF CO-PA: Characteristics of Realignments -1

TKENCG CO-PA Net Change: Groups -1

TKENCGT CO-PA Net Change Groups: Texts -1

TKENR Names for CO development objects -1

TKEOE Control for Profitability Segment Structure -1

TKEP1 CO-PA planning table for special fields -1

TKEP2 CO-PA planning of special fields -1

TKEP7 Characteristic group -1

TKEP8 Characteristic group – rows -1

TKEP9 Characteristic group – Text table -1

TKEPA CO-PA: Revaluation -1 179/216
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TKEPACK Packed Storage for Segment Level: Control Table -1

TKEPB CO-PA: Revaluation / Factors -1

TKEPC CO-PA: Revaluation / Texts -1

TKEPLEXIT Customer Exits for CO-PA Planning -1

TKEPLEXITT Texts for Customer Exits CO-PA Planning (table TKEPLEXIT) -1

TKEPP51 CO-PA Planning:Appl.-specific part of planner profile(TKA51) -1

TKEPPI Integrated Planning in FI/CO: +/- Sign Logic -1

TKEPPLLEV Planning Level – Header -1

TKEPPLLEVC Planning Level – Characteristics -1

TKEPPLLEVS Planning Level – Selection Table -1

TKEPPLLEVT Planning Level – Text -1

TKEPPLMEPACH Planning Parameters – Characteristic Selection -1

TKEPPLMEPAFA Planning Parameters – Value Field Assignment -1

TKEPPLMEPAH Planning Parameters – Header -1

TKEPPLMEPAIF Planning Parameters – Internet Functions -1

TKEPPLMEPARD Planning Parameters – Reference Data -1

TKEPPLMEPASACOP Planning Parameters – Copy -1

TKEPPLMEPASADEL Planning Parameters – Delete -1

TKEPPLMEPASADIS Planning Parameters – Distribute -1

TKEPPLMEPASAEVN Planning Parameters – Events -1

TKEPPLMEPASAFOR Planning Parameters – Forecast -1

TKEPPLMEPASARAT Planning Parameters – Ratios -1

TKEPPLMEPASAREV Planning Parameters – Revaluate -1

TKEPPLMEPASATPD Planning Parameters – Top-Down -1

TKEPPLMEPASAUEX Planning Parameters – User Exits -1

TKEPPLMEPASAVAL Planning Parameters – Valuate -1

TKEPPLMEPAT Planning Parameters – Text -1

TKEPPLMEPAV Planning Parameters – Values -1

TKEPPLMEPAVF Planning Parameters – Value Field Selection -1

TKEPPLMEPAVH Planning Parameters – Value Assignment – Header -1

TKEPPLMEPAVI Planning Parameters – Value Assignment – Items -1

TKEPPLPPH Planning Package – Header -1

TKEPPLPPS Planning Package – Selection Table -1

TKEPPLPPT Planning Package – Text -1

TKEPPLPROTO Log Structures for CO-PA Planning -1

TKEPPLPROTOTREE Storage of Tree Structure for Logs -1


TKEPS CO-PA Plan structures -1

TKEPSA Plan Structure Attributes -1

TKEPSS CO-PA Plan structure -1

TKEPST CO-PA Plan Structure Text Table -1

TKEPSV CO-PA: Plan Structure Status Management -1

TKEPSZK Planning Aids: Access -1

TKEPSZKT Planning Aids: Text Table for Access -1

TKEPT Texts for SAP tables(entry aid for defining characteristics) -1

TKEPTRF Events: Fields -1

TKEPTRK Events: Header -1

TKEPTRP Events: Item -1

TKEPTRT Events: Text Table -1

TKEQUO Ratios -1

TKEQUOT Ratios: Texts -1

TKEQUS1 Ratio scheme -1 180/216
13/06/2022 10:35 Tables | SAP Basis Tutorials/ Training

TKEQUS1T Ratio scheme: Text -1

TKEQUS2 Ratio scheme: entries -1

TKEQUS3 Ratio Scheme: Access-Level Characteristics -1

TKES1 Row/column structures -1

TKES2 Text Table for Row/Column Structure -1

TKES3 Text variables for definition of row/column str. -1

TKES4 CO Row/Column Structure: Logical Pages -1

TKES5 Text Table for TKES4 -1

TKESD CO-PA Basis Field Catalog: Dependent Characteristics -1

TKESK CO: Folder of key figures for row/column structure -1

TKESU CO-PA: Control Table for Summarization -1

TKESV Global variables -1

TKESW Text for global variables -1

TKETD1 Distribution profile -1

TKETD11 Distribution Profile: Distribution Level -1

TKETD1T Distribution Profile: Texts -1

TKETD2 Value Field Assignment -1

TKETD21 Value field assignment: value fields -1

TKETD2T Value field assignment: texts -1

TKETR Summary Records: Catalogs -1

TKETRAPROF CO-PA: Transport Settings per Operating Concern -1

TKETRL Summarization Levels: Catalog Entry, Header -1

TKETRLF Summarization Levels: Catalog Entry, Characteristics -1

TKETRLGX Summarization Levels: Catalog entry, header (generated obj.) -1

TKETRLT Summarization Levels: Catalog Entry, Text -1

TKETRLX Summarization levels: Catalog entry, index descriptions -1

TKETRND CO-PA: Fast rollup of summ. levels: DBMS-spec. parameters -1

TKETRPROS Access Log, Control -1

TKETRREF Summarization Levels: Use of Fields of Copied Structure -1

TKETRTR Summarization. Levels: Transformation Number <-> Char. Value -1

TKEV1 Background variants for drill-down reporting -1

TKEV2 Background variants for drill-down reporting (text) -1

TKEV3 Variant group -1

TKEV4 Variant groups (master data) -1

TKEV5 Texts for variant groups -1

TKEVA01 Valuation – Control -1

TKEVA02 Valuation Strategies (CO-PA) -1

TKEVA03 Costing Key -1

TKEVA03A Costing Key for Product -1

TKEVA03M Costing Key for Material Type -1

TKEVA04 Assign Costing Elements to CO-PA Value Fields -1

TKEVA04_ACT Value Field Assignment: Actual Costs from Material Ledger -1

TKEVA05 CO-PA Quantity Field –> Quantity Field with Standard Unit -1

TKEVAKT CO-PA: Texts for Cost Estimate Selection -1

TKEVAS CO-PA Valuation Strategies -1

TKEVAST CO-PA Valuation Stategies -1

TKEVFGH CO-PA: Value Field Group -1

TKEVFGHT CO-PA: Text Table for Value Field Groups -1

TKEVFGI CO-PA: Value Field Group : Value fields -1

TKEVG Control of Profitability Analysis by business function -1

TKEVG2 CO-PA: Characteristic Group Assignment to CO-PA Record Types -1

TKEVG3 CO-PA: Value Field Group Assignment to CO-PA Record types -1 181/216
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TKEVS CO-PA version attributes -1

TKEWP CO-PA value fields -1

TKEZV CO-PA:Assignment SD characteristics to CO-PA characteristics -1

TKFPA Transfer Price Document Types -1

TKFPAT Texts for Transfer Price Document Types -1

TKKAA Check Table for Results Analysis Key of RA for Orders -1

TKKAB Posting Rules for Results Analysis Data -1

TKKAD Text Table for Results Analysis Keys of Order Results Analys -1

TKKAJ Text Table for Results Analysis Versions -1

TKKAK Calculate Capitalization Value of Capital Investment Measure -1

TKKAL Entity Table for RA Versions for Assets Under Construction -1

TKKAP Results Analysis Versions for Results Analysis -1

TKKAR Rule Table for Results Analysis Update -1

TKKAS Control Table for Results Analysis -1

TKKAS_L Control Table for Results Analysis -1

TKKAT Text Table for Results Analysis Versions -1

TKKAU Results Analysis Methods – Default Values in TKKAS -1

TKKAX Line IDs for Results Analysis for Orders -1

TKKAY Text Table Line IDs for Results Analysis for Orders -1

TKKAZ Assignment Table for Results Analysis -1

TKKB1 R/3 System Costing Reports -1

TKKB2 Cost Element Groups for Costing Reports -1

TKKBH Exception rules for traffic lights -1

TKKBJ Rule basis keys for exception rules -1

TKKBT Reporting Control Parameters -1

TKKBU Application-Dependent Report Parameters -1

TKKH1 Origin in CO Object -1

TKKH2 Text Table for Origin in CO Object -1

TKKP1 Cost Object ID Control: General Default Values -1

TKKP2 Control for Cost Object ID: Short Text for Default Values -1

TKKR0 Hierarchy Summarization (Header) -1

TKKR1 Hierarchy Summarization (Fields) -1

TKKR2 Hierarchy Summarization (Handling of Totals Record Files) -1

TKKR3 Hierarchy Summarization (Header Texts) -1

TKKR4 Hierarchy Summarization (Summarized Object Types) -1

TKO01 Control parameters for order type -1

TKO03 Order status -1

TKO04 Order Status Descriptions -1

TKO08 Processing groups for orders -1

TKO09 Allocation Group Descriptions -1

TKOFA Control table for field-selection group names -1

TKONTEXT Context -1

TKONTEXTT Context Texts -1

TKP02 Budget manager for orders -1

TKRSTR Transport Resource Prices -1

TKSA0 Administration for Cost Center Accrual -1

TKSF Value Table: Statistics Grp for Sls Activ. Procg in Header -1

TKSF0 CUA control function modules -1

TKSFK Update Sequence: Sales Activity Processing Statistics: Headr -1

TKSFT Text for TKSF (StatGrp for Sls Act. in Header) -1

TKSKA Account classification for account intervals -1

TKSP1 CUA control CO-CCA master data -1 182/216
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TKSR1 Summarization – header data -1

TKSR2 Summarization – versions -1

TKSR3 Summarization – value type -1

TKSR4 Summarization – sequence information -1

TKSR5 Field transfers for cost center summarization -1

TKSRT Texts for cost center summarization -1

TKT03 Stat. key figure texts -1

TKT05 Cost center type texts -1

TKT09 Texts for versions in master table -1

TKT50 CO planner profiles: Texts -1

TKTGLC KANBAN Board Global Settings -1

TKTQIC KANBAN Board: Quick Info for KANBAN Customizing -1

TKTRDC KANBAN Board Control Cycle Data Customizing -1

TKUKL Customers: Customer Classifications -1

TKUNDEBUKRS Reference Customer per Company Code (Consumer Master) -1

TKUNDEVTBER Reference Customer per Sales Area (Consumer Master) -1

TKUPA Business Partners: Customer Master Groups -1

TKV01 Variance Keys: Cost Centers/Costing -1

TKV02 Variance Key Name -1

TKV05 Variance Variants -1

TKV06 Variance Variant Name -1

TKV09 Target Cost Versions -1

TKV10 Texts for Target Cost Versions -1

TKV11 Target Cost Versions: Cost Element Group Assignment -1

TKV13 Valuation Variants for WIP and Scrap -1

TKV14 Designation of Valuation Variant for Scrap and WIP -1

TKVS CO Versions -1

TKVST CO Version Texts -1

TKZSL Overhead Key -1

TKZSLT Name of Overhead Key -1

TKZU1 Overhead Base Cost Elements -1

TKZU2 Overhead Base Origin -1

TKZU3 Overhead Credit -1

TKZU9 Credit objects for target/actual cost elements -1

TKZUTR Transport Overhead Records -1

TKZX3 Credit objects for overhead cost elements per BUKRS/GSBER -1

TKZX9 Credit objects for tgt=act. cost elements per BUKRS/GSBER -1

TL006 Assign Units of Measure to Unit-Of-Measure Load Category -1

TLAST Load Table for Calculating Workload -1

TLDG Country Group -1

TLDGT Country Groups, Texts -1

TLGL Assignment Table of Countries to Country Groups -1

TLGR Routes: Loading Groups -1

TLGRT Routes: Loading Groups: Texts -1

TLHIOZ Vendor hierarchy: allowed assignments -1

TLHIT Vendor Hierarchy Category -1

TLHITT Vendor hierarchy category (description) -1

TLHIZU Vendor hierarchy: allowed account groups -1

TLIC Tax Exemption License -1

TLOG Logistics Handling Group for Workload Calculation -1

TLOGT Descriptions for Logistics Handling Groups -1

TLSEP Control table for list separation -1 183/216
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TMAB Aggregation Level -1

TMAB1 Fields, Aggregation Level per Usage and Application -1

TMABCUS1 Aggregation Level: Usage Levels per Application -1

TMABCUS1T Text for Usage Aggregation Levels -1

TMABT Text for Aggregation Level -1

TMAM Internal Comment on Quotation -1

TMAMT Internal Comment on Quotation: Descriptive Text -1

TMATT Machine types (text) -1

TMATY Machine types -1

TMAWBEVENT Definiton of Possible Transactions for LE Goods Movements -1

TMAWBEVENTT Text Tables for HU Goods Movement Events -1

TMBG Material Master: Authorization Groups -1

TMBGT Material Master: Descriptions for Authorization Groups -1

TMC2 LIS: Status Management – Updating -1

TMC20 Parameters for Generating Updating (Internal Use) -1

TMC24 Source Fields for Units Fields per Event -1

TMC2D Key Figures (Updating) -1

TMC2F Relevant Update Routines for Info Structures -1

TMC2K Objects (Updating) -1

TMC2S Info Structures to be Updated per Business Event -1

TMC4 Global Control Elements: LIS Info Structure -1

TMC4C Connections of Info Structures -1

TMC4U Transport Table for Info Structure Data -1

TMC4UC TRansport Table for Info Structure Data Connections -1

TMC4UT Transport Table for Info Structure Texts -1

TMC5 Business Events for Statistics Updating -1

TMC5T Description of Events for Statistics Updating -1

TMC6 Units for Statistics Updating -1

TMC6P Necessary Characteristics for Units -1

TMC6T Description of Units for Statistics Updating -1

TMC6U Valid Unit Conversion: Source Field/Statistics Field -1

TMC8 Predefined Key Figures per Analysis -1

TMC9 Standard Drill-Down in Standard Analyses -1

TMCA Evaluating movement types for LIS update -1

TMCAE Features of Application -1

TMCAP Applications: Logistics Information System -1

TMCAT Application Text: Logistics Information System -1

TMCB Update groups -1

TMCBT Update Groups (LIS): Texts -1

TMCE LIS – Environment generation sample reports and references -1

TMCLBW Logistics Control Table for Enhancement in SAP BW -1

TMCL_LV W&S: Control – RWE + Picking Wave Creation -1

TMCM OIW Data Sources -1

TMCNV Data on Material Numbers Conversion -1

TMCO OIW Information Objects -1

TMCOM_LIS OIW: Information Objects For Each Data Source -1

TMCOT Texts for OIW Information Objects -1

TMCPF Vendor billing document: copy control -1

TMCSD LIS Readings for Internal Number Assignment: Alphanumeric -1

TMCSF LIS Standard Reports/Layouts for Evaluations -1

TMCSG LIS Standard Reports/Layouts for Evaluations: Texts -1

TMCUS Parameters for Standard Analyses in LIS -1 184/216
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TMCW RIS Enhancement -1

TMCWB Do not use! -1

TMCWBT Do not use! -1

TMCW_AA_APP MCCW_AA: Analytical Applications -1

TMCW_AA_APP_TXT MCCW_AA: Name of Analytical Application -1

TMCW_AA_METH MCCW_AA: Methods for Analytical Applications -1

TMCW_AA_METH_DAT MCCW_AA: Methods for Analytical Applications -1

TMCW_AA_METH_TXT MCCW_AA: Name of Methods -1

TMCW_AA_QRY MCCW_AA: Queries for Analytical Applications -1

TMCW_AA_QRY_DAT MCCW_AA: Queries in Analytical Applications – Field Definit. -1

TMCW_AA_QRY_TXT MCCW_AA: Name of Query -1

TMET Unit of measure categories -1

TMETADIMFLD_02 HR Forms: MetaFields -1

TMETADIMFLD_T_02 HR Forms: Short Texts for MetaFields -1

TMETADIM_02 HR Forms: MetaDimensions -1

TMETADIM_T_02 HR Forms: Short Texts for MetaDimensions -1

TMETAFIGURE_02 HR Forms: MetaFigures -1

TMETAFIGURE_T_02 HR Forms: Short Texts for MetaFigures -1

TMETANETSTARI_02 HR Forms: MetaStars in MetaNets (International) -1

TMETANETSTAR_02 HR Forms: Assignment of MetaStars to MetaNets -1

TMETANET_02 HR Forms: MetaNets -1

TMETANET_T_02 HR Forms: Short Texts for MetaNets -1

TMETASTARDIMII02 HR Forms: Read Data for Infotype Dim. (International) -1

TMETASTARDIMIO02 HR Forms: Read Data for Other Dim. (International) -1

TMETASTARDIMIP02 HR Forms: Read Data for Payroll Dim. (International) -1

TMETASTARDIMI_02 HR Forms: Dimensions in MetaStars (International) -1

TMETASTARDIM_02 HR Forms: Assignment of Dimensions to MetaStars -1

TMETASTARDIM_I02 HR Forms: Read Data for Infotype MetaDimensions -1

TMETASTARDIM_O02 HR Forms: Read Data for Other MetaDimensions -1

TMETASTARDIM_P02 HR Forms: Read Data for Payroll Dimensions -1

TMETASTARFIG_02 HR Forms: Figures in MetaStars -1

TMETASTARFIG_I02 HR Forms: Read Data for Infotype Figures -1

TMETASTARFIG_O02 HR Forms: Read Data for Other Figures -1

TMETASTARFIG_P02 HR Forms: Read Data for Payroll Figures -1

TMETASTAR_02 HR Forms: MetaStars -1

TMETASTAR_I02 HR Forms: Read Data for Infotypes -1

TMETASTAR_O02 HR Forms: Read Data for Other MetaStars -1

TMETASTAR_P02 HR Forms: Read Data for Payroll Results -1

TMETASTAR_T_02 HR Forms: MetaStars -1

TMETT Description for unit of measure categories -1

TMFA Markdown Planning – Markdown type -1

TMFAT Markdown Planning – markdown plan, short text -1

TMFG Material freight groups -1

TMFGT Material freight groups: Descriptions -1

TMFK Agency Business: Billing Document Types -1

TMFK1 Price Change Group -1

TMFK4 Price Change Group -1

TMFK4T Texts of the Price Change Group -1

TMFKT Agency Business: Document Type Texts -1

TMFPF Distribution Profile of Material in DC -1

TMFPFT Distribution Profile of Material Master – Texts -1

TMFS Agency Business: Blocking Reasons -1 185/216
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TMFST Agency Business Blocking Reasons Texts -1

TMGW2 Control for Maintaining Structured Materials -1

TMKE Group for Calculation Schema (Purchasing Organization) -1

TMKET Group for Calculation Schema (Purch. Org.): Description -1

TMKG Group of Conditions Table -1

TMKK Group for Calculation Schema (Vendor) -1

TMKK1 Taxes: Account Assignment (Purchasing) -1

TMKK1T Taxes: Account Assignment (Purchasing) -1

TMKKT Group for Calculation Schema (Vendor): Description -1

TMKL Scope of List for Conditions in Purchasing -1

TMKLT Description of Scope of List: Conditions (Purchasing) -1

TMKM1 Taxes: Materials (Purchasing) -1

TMKM1T Taxes: Materials (Purchasing) -1

TMKR Sequence of Conditions Tables in Purchasing -1

TMKS Calculation Schemas: Purchasing -1

TMKSF Calculation schema, vendor billing document -1

TMKSU Calculation Schema: Purchasing: for Stock Transfer -1

TMKT SAP Transaction Control: Conditions in Purchasing -1

TMKV Agency Business: Calculation Schema Transaction -1

TMKVT Agency Business: Calculation Schema Transaction Texts -1

TMKW1 Taxes: Plant (Purchasing) -1

TMKW1T Taxes: Plant (Purchasing) -1

TMLCCSCR Act.Cost Comp. Split: Data Range in Valuation Area (Curr) -1

TMLCCSHD Act.Cost Comp. Split: Data Range in Valuation Area (General) -1

TMLCCSSCOPE Actual Cost Component Split: Structure of Data Range -1

TMLCCSSCOPETXT Actual Cost Component Split: Split for Data Range (Texts) -1

TMLFG Agency Business: Transaction Reasons -1

TMLFGT Agency Business: Transaction Reasons Texts -1

TMM_BWEXT Administrative Data for Extractors -1

TMODF Groups in Field Selection Bar -1

TMODG Name of Groups in Field Selection Bar -1

TMODO Items in Field Selection Definitions -1

TMODP Name of Items in Field Selection Definitions -1

TMODU Cross Reference Field Name – MODIF1 -1

TMODV Field Selection: Assign Fields to Field Groups -1

TMPA Agency Business: Control Data Profit Simulation -1

TMPA1 Agency Business: Profit Group -1

TMPA1T Texts for Profit Group -1

TMPA2 Agency Business: Application Status of the Profit Analysis -1

TMPA2T Agency Business: Application Status Description -1

TMPA4 Agency Business: Profit Analysis Status Group -1

TMPA4T Agency Business: Status Group Description Text -1

TMPA5 Agency Business: Profit Analysis Status Group – Appl.Status -1

TMPAT Agency Business: Texts for Profit Simulation Type -1

TMPPF Control Profile for Manufacturer Part Number Management -1

TMPPFT Texts for Control Profile of Manufacturer Part Numbers -1

TMQ1 Number Ranges for Quota Arrangement -1

TMQ2 Quota Arrangement Rules -1

TMSCDES TMS CI: Destinations -1

TMSCDOL TMS CI: Connections Between Domains -1

TMSCDOM TMS CI: Transport Domains -1

TMSCNFS TMS CI: Transport Groups -1 186/216
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TMSCRFIELDS_01 HR Forms: Relation of MetaDimension to Fields -1

TMSCSYS TMS CI: Systems -1

TMSMCONF TMS Manager: Configuration -1

TMSPVERS TMS tp Profile Manager: Version Information -1

TMSTCRI Security-Critical Transport Objects -1

TMUSERG User Groups -1

TMUSERG1 Assignment of Users to User Groups -1

TMUSERGT Text for User Group -1

TMVF Availability Check Control -1

TMVFP Availability Check: Blocks -1

TMVFT Availability check control: Texts -1

TMVFU Scope of Availability Check (Default Values) -1

TMW00 MRP Default Values per Material Type -1

TMW_TDLAN Definition Set for IDs -1

TMW_TDLANT Definition Set -1

TMW_TDSLAN Subset -1

TMW_TDSLANT Texts for Subsets -1

TMW_TDTYPE Time Data ID -1

TMW_TD_SUBLA Subset -1


TMY01 Procedure Model for Balance Sheet Valuation (LIFO/FIFO) -1

TMY02 Balance Sheet Valuation Method (LIFO/FIFO) -1

TMY03 Valuation Levels for FIFO Material Valuation -1

TMY04 Company Code Parameters for LIFO/FIFO Valuation -1

TMY05 Directory for Versions for LIFO Valuation -1

TMY06 Balance Sheet Valuation: Constants for DB Commit -1

TMZR Agency Business: Payment Types -1

TMZRT Agency Business: Payment Type Texts -1

TMZWK Subeq. settlement, agency business: Plant for company code -1

TNAD1 Output Control: Printers by Sales Organization -1

TNAD2 Output Control: Printers for Sales Org/Dist.Chan/Division -1

TNAD3 Output Control: Printers by Sales Office -1

TNAD4 Output Control: Printers by Sales Group -1

TNAD5 Output Control: Printers by Shipping Point -1

TNAD7 Output Control: Printer per Storage Location -1

TNAD8 Output Control: Printers by Shipping Point -1

TNAD9 Output Determination: Printer per SLoc. and User Group -1

TNADU Output Determination: Printer per User -1

TNAPN Output Control: Output By Partner Function -1

TNAPR Processing programs for output -1

TNATI Condition Types: Output Title -1

TNIW3 Lowest Value: Document Types -1

TNIW4 Lowest Value: Movement Types -1

TNIW5 Lowest Value: Deval. by Rge of Coverage -1

TNIW5W Lowest Value: Devaluatn by Range of Cov. for Each Val. Area -1

TNIW6 Lowest Value: Deval. for Reasons of Slow/Non-Movement -1

TNIW6W Lowest Value: Devaluation for Slow/Non-movement by Val.Area -1

TNIW7 Weighting Factors for Consumption Values (Deter.Lowest Val.) -1

TNIW8 Weighting of Stock Quantities (Deter.Low.Val.) -1

TNIW8H Weighting of Stock Quantities per Period (Lowest Value) -1

TNIW9 Reduction of Sales Prices (Lowest Value) -1

TNLS Nielsen ID -1 187/216
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TNLST Description of Nielsen Indicators -1

TNTP International Article Number (EAN) Categories -1

TNTPB Descriptions of EAN Categories -1

TNTRABR Subsequent Settlement: Central Control Table -1

TNTRARCHIVE Customizing Settings for Archiving Arrangements -1

TOAAR Communications configuration table for storage system -1

TOABA SAP ArchiveLink: Bar code types table -1

TOACM Bar code entry of incoming documents -1

TOACO Check table for link tables -1

TOADD SAP ArchiveLink check table DOK_type -1

TOADV SAP ArchiveLink: Global document types -1

TOADY SAP ArchiveLink: Doc. classes and related frontend applics. -1

TOAIN SAP ArchiveLink – Interface table -1

TOAMS SAP ArchiveLink API: Length definition of parameter -1

TOAO2 SAP ArchiveLink extended meta table -1

TOAOM SAP ArchiveLink: Meta table for links -1

TOAPA Table for parameter maintenance for storing for early entry -1

TOAPR SAP ArchiveLink: Presettings for storage scenarios -1

TOAPRE SAP ArchiveLink: Presettings for storage scenarios -1

TOAPRS SAP ArchiveLink: Long text presettings for storage scenarios -1

TOASD Language-Dependent Table For TOADD -1

TOASP SAP ArchiveLink: Language table for archive objects -1

TOASR Language-Dependent Table For TOAAR -1

TOBCT Texts for Authorization Object Classes -1

TOBJ Objects -1

TOBJC Class assignment of authorization objects -1

TOBJT Texts for Objects in Table TOBJ -1

TOBJ_CD Objects that were disabled -1

TOBJ_OFF Objects that were disabled -1

TOBJ_SAV Objects that were disabled -1

TOBJ_TPL Authorization objects for a global template -1

TOBJ_TPO Definition table for global templates -1

TOBJ_TPT Text table for global templates -1

TOKOM Technical Parameters for Communications Module -1

TOPDEVV Process Order – Selection Variants -1

TORB1 Incoming Orders: Cost Element Assignment -1

TORB2 Incoming Orders: Settings for Key -1

TORS0 Customizing Time-Dependent Status: Activate Function -1

TP01 Business Partner: Form of Address -1

TP01T Business Partner: Form of Address Text -1

TP02 Business Partner: Salutation -1

TP02T Business Partner: Salutation Text -1

TP03 Business Partner: Marital Status -1

TP03T Business Partner: Description of Marital Status -1

TP04 Business Partner: Marital Property Regime -1

TP04T Business Partner: Description of Marital Property Regime -1

TP05 Business Partner: Employee Group -1

TP05T Business Partner: Name of Employee Group -1

TP06 Business Partner: Rating -1

TP06T Business Partner: Rating Description -1

TP07 Business Partner: Credit Rating Institute -1

TP07T Business Partner: Name of Credit Rating Institute -1 188/216
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TP08 Business Partner: Legal Form -1

TP08T Business Partner: Description of Legal Form -1

TP09 Business Partner: Legal Entity -1

TP09T Business Partner: Name of Legal Entity -1

TP10 Business partner: Loan to Manager Indicator -1

TP103 BP: Field Modification via BP Role Category -1

TP105 BP: Field Modification via Activity Category -1

TP10T Business Partner: Name of Loan to Manager -1

TP11 Business Partner: Employment Status -1

TP11T Business Partner: Description of Employment Status -1

TP12 Business Partner: Credit Standing Acc. to German Banking Act -1

TP12T Business Partner: Description of Credit Standing Acc. to GBA -1

TP13 Business Partner: Partner Grouping (Target Group) -1

TP13T Business Partner: Name of Partner Grouping (Target Group) -1

TP14 Business Partner: Address ID -1

TP14T Business Partner: Name of Address ID -1

TP15 Business Partner: Function -1

TP15T Business partner: Name of Function -1

TP16 Business Partner: Department -1

TP16T Business Partner: Name of Department -1

TPAER Business Partner: Functions in Partner Determination Proced. -1

TPAER_PM Partner Functions in Partner Schema (PM) with Copy Flag -1

TPAKL Assignment of Partner Function to Account Group Vendor -1

TPAMA Search Strings for Pattern Matching -1

TPAMAT Text Table for Search String TPAMA -1

TPAR Business Partner: Functions -1

TPART Business Partner Functions: Texts -1

TPARU Control parallelized confirmation processes -1

TPCA_ALE Company Code/Field Transfer PCA (ALE) -1

TPCRTYPE Document Types for Posting Correction Request -1

TPEXT Profile for external procurement -1

TPEXT_T Text tables for profiles (external procurement) -1

TPFK Contact Persons: Functions -1

TPI01 Interest Calculation Profile -1

TPI01T Interest Calculation Profile -1

TPI02 Interest Calculation Profile and Interest Indicator -1

TPI04 Interest Relevance of Cost Element/Commitment Item Groups -1

TPIF3 Assignments: Commitment Item -> Value Category -1

TPIK3 Assignment Table: Cost Elements -> Value Categories -1

TPIR2 Value Categories -1

TPIR2T Texts for Value Categories -1

TPIRX Control RPSCO update -1

TPIS3 Assignment Table:Statistical Key Figures -> Value Categories -1

TPK01 Key for Controlling the Control Cycle; In-House Production -1

TPK02 Key for Controlling Control Cycle: External Replenishment -1

TPK03 Key for Controlling Control Cycle; Stock Transfer -1

TPK1T Control Cycle Profile for In-House Production – Text -1

TPK2T Control Cycle Profile (External Procurement) – Text -1

TPK3T Control Cycle Profile (Stock Transfer) – Text -1

TPKAK Actions in KANBAN Processing -1

TPKBP Kanban calculation profile -1

TPKBU Adjusting a Control Cycle in Kanban Calculation -1 189/216
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TPKPT Kanban Authorization Text -1

TPKSF Kanban Status Sequences -1

TPKTX Kanban Container Status Short Text -1

TPMA_DERIV_ASSGN Assignment of Derivation Categories -1

TPMB_DERIV_CAT Define Derivation Methods -1

TPMIM IM allocation key -1

TPMP Maintenance profile -1

TPNNR Customizing prima nota -1

TPNNT Prima nota customizing texts -1

TPOOL Master Record, LIFO Pools -1

TPR1 Patner-Object Relationship: Assignment Categories -1

TPR1T Partner-Object Relationship: Assignment Category Texts -1

TPR1_U Patner-Object Relationship: Assignment Categories -1

TPR2 Partner-Obj. Relationship: Assignment Cat. – Application Cat -1

TPRBO Business Objects with ALE Change Authorizations -1

TPRC Business Process in Expiring Currency -1

TPRCD Date for Subsequent Process for Expiring Currencies -1

TPRCT Business Process in Expiring Currency (Text Table) -1

TPRF International Article Number (EAN) Prefixes -1

TPRFL Field Groups per Change Authorization Profile -1

TPRFT EAN Prefix Descriptions -1

TPRG Date display format -1

TPRIO Customers: Delivery Priorities -1

TPRIT Customers: Delivery Priority: Texts -1

TPRO Profile Names for ALE Change Authorizations -1

TPROF_CEP Profile for CEP -1

TPROO Sequence of Change Authorization Profiles -1

TPROX Profile Names for ALE Change Authorizations -1

TPRQPB Payment Block when using Payment Requests -1

TPRRU Control table for process chain for confirmation -1

TPRRUT Text table for process control of confirmation -1

TPS01 Library of the Process Business Transaction Events -1

TPS01T Process BTE: Language-Specific Descriptions -1

TPS02 Process BTE: Assignment to Selection Criteria -1

TPS31 Process BTE: Alternative Function Modules from SAP -1

TPS32 Process BTE: Partner Enhancements -1

TPS34 Process BTE: Customer Enhancements -1

TPTM Materials: Item Category Groups in Material Master -1

TPTMT Materials: Item Category Groups in Mat.Master: Texts -1

TPTMZ Item Category Groups per Material Type -1

TPT_ABQT_OBJECTS TMW: Assignment of Quota Type and Object ID -1

TPT_DISP_OBJ_CT TMW: Display Objects Column Short Texts -1

TPT_DISP_OBJ_T TMW: Display Objects Column Short Texts -1

TPT_FIELD_CAT Field Catalog -1

TPT_FIELD_SEL Field selection -1

TPT_FIELD_SEL_C Field Selection: Customizing -1

TPT_SCR_AREA Screen Area -1

TPT_SCR_AREA_FCT Assign Field Catalog to Screen Area -1

TPT_SCR_AREA_T Screen Area Text -1

TPT_SLIPSTATE Time Ticket Generation: Status Table -1

TPT_TBAL_OBJECTS TMW: Assignment of Time Type for Reporting to Object ID -1

TPT_TMW_PROFILE Time Manager’s Workplace: Profile Settings -1 190/216
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TPT_TMW_PROF_FLD TMW: Profile Settings for Field Selection -1

TPT_TMW_PROF_TXT Time Manager’s Workplace: Profile Settings IDs -1

TPT_WLIST_AREA Message Processing: Functional Area -1

TPT_WLIST_AREA_T Message Processing: Functional Area Text -1

TPT_WLIST_PROC Message Processing: Methods -1

TPT_WLIST_PROC_T Message Processing: Processing Method Text -1

TPVAR1 Variants for Finding Transfer Prices -1

TPVAR1T Variants for Finding Transfer Prices: Texts -1

TPVAR2 Variants for Transfer Pricing: Assign Pricing Procedure -1

TPVD Product Proposal: Definition of Customer Procedure -1

TPVDT Product Proposal: Texts for Customer Procedure -1

TPVH Product Proposal: Definition of Source Indicator -1

TPVHT Product Proposal: Texts for Source Indicator -1

TPVMS Product Proposal: Materials Sorting -1

TPVMST Product Proposal: Materials Sorting: Texts -1

TPVSB Product Proposal: Batch Procedure Determination -1

TPVSM Product Proposal: Procedure Definition -1

TPVSMT Product Proposal: Texts for Procedure Definition -1

TPVSO Product Proposal: Online Procedure Determination -1

TPVV Product Proposal: Definition of Transaction Procedure -1

TPVVT Product Proposal: Transaction Texts -1

TPVZU Product Proposal: Access Sequence Definition -1

TPZ1 Business Partner: Find and Replace Strings Phonetic Search -1

TPZ10 BP: Business Partner – Screen View – Assignment -1

TPZ11 BP: Business Partner – Relationship Type -1

TPZ11T BP: Business Partner – Name of Relationship Type -1

TPZ12 Business partner: Application category -1

TPZ12T Business Partner: Application (Text) -1

TPZ13 Business Partner: Application Role Category – Assignment -1

TPZ14 Business Partner: Role Category Text ID – Assignment -1

TPZ2 Business Partner: Customizing BP Grouping -1

TPZ2T Business Partner: Name of Grouping -1

TPZ3 BP: Business Partner – Role Category -1

TPZ3R BP Fields -> BP Field group Assignment -1

TPZ3S BP View -> BP Field Group Assignment -1

TPZ3T BP: Business Partner – Name of Role Category -1

TPZ3W BP Field Groups -1

TPZ3X BP Field Groups: Texts -1

TPZ3Y Link Rules for Field Control – BP Role Category -1

TPZ3Z BP: Link Rules Activity Category: Field Control -1

TPZ4 BP: Business Partner – Views -1

TPZ4T BP: Business Partner – Description of View -1

TPZ5 BP: Business Partner – Role category-View – Assignment -1

TPZ6 BP: Business Partner – Role Type -1

TPZ6T BP: Business Partner – Name of Role Type -1

TPZ7 BP: Business Partner – Relationship Category -1

TPZ7T BP: Business Partner – Name of Relationship Category -1

TPZ8 BP: Business Partner – Differentiation Category -1

TPZ9 BP: Business Partner – Screen -1

TPZ9T BP: Business Partner – Name of Screen -1

TQ01 QM basis table for transaction-screen control -1

TQ01A CUA status and CUA title for QM -1 191/216
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TQ01B Material authorization groups in quality management -1

TQ01C Texts for material authorization group in QM -1

TQ01D Authorization groups for QM master data -1

TQ01E Text authorization groups for QM master data -1

TQ02 QM system definition -1

TQ02B QM system -1

TQ04A Functions that can be blocked -1

TQ04S QM block functions : texts -1

TQ05 QM certificate categories for procurement -1

TQ05T QM: text table for certificate types -1

TQ06 Procedure for Calculating the Quality Score -1

TQ06T Language-specific texts for Table TQ06 -1

TQ07 Follow-Up Action for Usage Decision of Inspection Lot -1

TQ07A QM: Function Modules for Follow-Up Action -1

TQ07M QM: Inventory postings with usage decision -1

TQ07T Language-dependent texts for Table TQ07 -1

TQ08 Control of QM in procurement -1

TQ08T QM: text for QM procurement keys -1

TQ09 QM: agreement of QM document types -1

TQ09T QM: agreement of QM document types -1

TQ11 Inspector qualification -1

TQ11T Inspector qualification texts -1

TQ12 Ind. external numbering for test units in results recording -1

TQ12T Texts for the ind. for ext. numbering of units to be insp. -1

TQ15 Inspection catalog type index -1

TQ15T Language-dependent texts for table TQ15 -1

TQ17 Defect classes -1

TQ17A Characteristic weightings -1

TQ17T Language-dependent texts for table TQ17 -1

TQ17U Language-dependent texts for table TQ17A -1

TQ21 Assignment of screens to screen groups -1

TQ25 QM:screen sequence for master and inspection characteristics -1

TQ27 Table of default values for charac. control indicators -1

TQ27T RM-QSS: Text table for TQ27 -1

TQ29 Defaults for target value and tolerances for characteristics -1

TQ29A Dependency tolerance key – nominal measurement -1

TQ29T RM-QSS: Text table for TQ29 -1
TQ30 Inspection types -1

TQ30T Texts for inspection types -1

TQ32 Assignment of inspection type to origin -1

TQ32A Inspection type to status assignment from status profile -1

TQ32B Find insp.type for quality insp. for delivery note -1

TQ33 Relevant fields for origin -1

TQ34 Default values for inspection type -1

TQ39 Dynamic modification criteria -1

TQ39A Definition of dynamic modification level -1

TQ39B QM : Activates reference for dyn. modification level -1

TQ40 Definition of sample types -1

TQ40T Text table for sample type -1

TQ41 Storage locations for physical samples -1

TQ41T Texts for storage locations -1

TQ42 Physical sample containers -1 192/216
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TQ42T Texts for phys. sample containers -1

TQ55 Assign inspection lot origin for update group -1

TQ56 Definition of quality score classes -1

TQ56T Text table for the definition of quality score classes -1

TQ57 Assignment of quality score key to info structure -1

TQ61 Result value origin for certificates -1

TQ61T Origin of result values for certificates: texts -1

TQ62 Output strategy for skip characteristics -1

TQ62T Output strategy for skip characteristics: texts -1

TQ63 Origin of insp. specs for certificates (function modules) -1

TQ63T Origin of inspection specifications for certificates: texts -1

TQ64 Origin of characteristic short text for certificates -1

TQ64T Origin of characteristic short text for certificates: texts -1

TQ65 Certificates: Combinations allowed for origins, specs/values -1

TQ67 Certificate-Relevant Output Types -1

TQ72 Type of share calculation -1

TQ72T Texts for type of share calculation -1

TQ73 Origin of results data -1

TQ73T Texts for origin of results data -1

TQ74 Recording configuration -1

TQ74T Recording configuration -1

TQ75 QM formula parameters -1

TQ75F Field names for QM formulas -1

TQ75K Short text for Table TQ75F -1

TQ75T Description of formula parameters -1

TQ77 Attributes for the Inspection Characteristic -1

TQ77T Text Tables for Attributes -1

TQ78 Status-dependent processing table for insp. characteristics -1

TQ78T Texts for the status-specific proc. table for insp. char. -1

TQ79 Table with inspection point/user field combinations -1

TQ79T Key words for inspeciton point user fields -1

TQ80 Notification Types -1

TQ80O Object info parameters -1

TQ81 Notification Scenario -1

TQ81V Usage of parts -1

TQ81V_T Texts for usage of parts -1

TQ81_T Texts for Notification Scenarios -1

TQ82 Change of Notification Type -1

TQ84 Confirmation profile -1

TQ84T Text table for confirmation profile -1

TQ85 Function table for follow-up functions -1

TQ85R Rules for Follow-Up Functions -1

TQ85_T Action box text table -1

TQ86 Report category for defects recording -1

TQ86A Assignment report category for work center -1

TQ86T Text table for report category -1

TQ8CO Assignment of reference orders to notification type -1

TQ8T Notification category -1

TQ90 QM Handheld: Applications -1

TQ90T QM Handheld: Application Texts -1

TQBT Screen type table for subscreen -1

TQCOM Assignment of Communication No. to Logical Queue ID (APPQ) -1 193/216
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TQREO QM: Archiving Parameter -1

TQSS QM configuration: Client level -1

TQSS1 QM configuration: Plant level -1

TR01 Archiving basis table -1

TR01T Base Table Reorganization: Texts -1

TRANSGROUP0 Definition Table for Transaction Group -1

TRANSGROUP0T Description of Transaction Groups -1

TRANSGROUP1 Assignment of Transactions to Transaction Groups -1

TRAS Interval for Days in Arrears -1

TRAST Interval Names for Days in Arrears -1

TRERI Additional days for remaining risk posting -1

TRNL_AUTH Translation Authorizations -1

TROAL Routes: Allowed Actual Routes for Delivery -1

TROAZ Routes: Determination in Sales Documents -1

TROIZ Route Determination: By Country and Zone -1

TROLZ Routes: Determination in Deliveries -1

TRRBF Determ. of Staging Area via Route Schedule/Storage Condition -1

TRSTHV BRST directory of hierarchies -1

TRSTHVT BRST Texts for hierarchies -1

TRTBF Determine gate and picked item zone via route schedule -1

TRUG Reason for variances in completion confirmations -1

TRUGS User status caused by deviation -1

TRUGT Text describing the reason for a variance in a confirmation -1

TRUS Control table for collective confirmation -1

TRVOR Control Statements -1

TRWCA FI/CO Interface: Active Components -1

TRWCI FI/CO Interface: Components installed -1

TRWPR RWIN: Processes -1

TRWPRC RWIN: Included or Excluded Processes per Subset -1

TS3RMAPPFU Time Stream Mapping Generation Functions for Object Type -1

TSAD11 Key for CAM container -1

TSAD11T Key text (Container) -1

TSAD2 Academic Title (Central Address Management) -1

TSAD2T Academic title text (central address management) -1

TSAD3 Titles (key) (central address administration) -1

TSAD3T Titles (text) (central address administration) -1

TSAD4 Name Prefixes (Central Address Management) -1

TSAD5 Name suffixes/title (key) (central address mgt.) -1

TSAD5T Name suffixes text (central address management) -1

TSAD9 Screen variants for country-dependent address screens -1

TSADCORR BC-SRV-ADR: Activate/Deactivate Specific Correction -1

TSADRVGRPC Customizing settings for logical search pools -1

TSADV International versions of addresses -1

TSADVC Customizing international address versions -1

TSADVT Name of internationalen versions of addresses -1

TSALQ SAPaccess: language-dependent description of requests -1

TSAN Standard Article Numbers (SANs) -1

TSANT Descriptions of Standard Article Numbers -1

TSAPD Pager server subtype (central address management) -1

TSAPDT Pager server description (central address management) -1

TSARQ SAPaccess: all supported requests -1

TSC0A Table of Structures -1 194/216
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TSC0B Text Table for Structures -1

TSC0C Table of selection criteria for assignments -1

TSC0D Assignment Table -1

TSC0E Text table for assignments -1

TSCHEDULEPARAM1 Scheduling Parameter 1 -1

TSCHEDULEPARAM2 Scheduling Parameter 2 -1

TSCHEDULEPARAM3 Scheduling Parameter 3 -1

TSE061N Initial/Subsequent System -1

TSELFIELDS_01 HR Forms: Selection Options for Selections -1

TSELRANGES_01 HR Forms: Specifications of Selections -1

TSFG Forwarding agent freight group -1

TSFGT Forward. Agent-Freight Groups:Descriptn -1

TSKD Customer Taxes -1

TSKDT Customer Taxes: Texts -1

TSKM Material Taxes -1

TSKMT Taxes: Materials: Texts -1

TSP03 Spool: Printer declaration -1

TSP03C Spool: Device Description Extension -1

TSP0F Archive device for archive ID -1

TSP0H Printer pools -1

TSP0K Print commands for host spooler (link type ‘L’) -1

TSPA Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions -1

TSPG2 Order characteristic -1

TSPG4 Relationship between charact. values, colors and profile -1

TSPOL Text Descriptions for LIFO Pools -1

TSPP0 Planning profile for sequencing -1

TSPP1 Processing profile for sequencing -1

TSPROMS Real Output Management Systems for Access Method ‘E’ -1

TSR01 Automatic Generation of Settlement Rules -1

TSR0E Strategy for Automatic Generation of Settlement Rules -1

TSR0T Description of Strategy for Autom.Generation of Settmt Rules -1

TSRTB Sort strings -1

TSRTT Sort strings (text) -1

TST06 Right to use ‘rstsmain’, ‘rspomain’ -1

TSTC SAP Transaction Codes -1

TSTE Invalid will not be used anymore -1

TSTL Taxes: Valid Tax Categories for Each Country -1

TSTMT Taxes: Material: Texts (Obsolete, Superseded by TSKMT) -1

TSVER Text Descriptions for LIFO Layer Versions -1

TSWS Business Workflow: Definition of Views -1

TSWST Business Workflow: Texts for Views on Work Items -1

TSYST OBSOLETE: Do not use (see TCESYST) -1

TTDS Organizational Unit: Transportation Scheduling Point -1

TTDST Organizational Unit: Transportation Scheduling Point: Texts -1

TTGR Delivery Scheduling: Transportation Groups -1

TTGRT Shipping Scheduling: Transportation Groups: Texts -1

TTMRB Administration of Risk Management areas (indep. of client) -1

TTMRF Field catalog for Risk Management -1

TTMRFD Field catalog for Risk Management, chracter. dependencies -1

TTMRFE Field catalog, allocation to Risk Management areas -1

TTP_COND Control: Conversion of Condition Values for TP -1

TTSEGDURA Logical Duration of Time Segment -1 195/216
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TTSEGEVTY Time Segment for Event Type -1

TTSEGLOCA Time Segment Location Time -1

TTSEGLOCAT Time Segment Text for Location Time -1

TTSEGMAPP Time Segment: Map to Times -1

TTSEGOBJE Time Segment Object for Date Header -1

TTSEGOBJET Time Segment Object for Date Header -1

TTSEGPROJ Time Segment Project -1

TTSEGTIME Time Segment Time -1

TTSEGTPLD Time Segment: Default Template for Object -1

TTSEGTPLE Time Segment Event Template -1

TTSEGTPLH Time Segment Template Header -1

TTSEGTPLR Time Segment Template for Application Relationship -1

TTSEGTPLV Time Segment for Template Views -1

TTSEGTPLVT Time Segment Texts for Template Views -1

TTSEGVERT Time Segment Version Types -1

TTSEGVERTT Texts for Time Segment Version Types -1

TTSG Shipment Blocking Reason -1

TTSGT Description of Reason for Shipment Block -1

TTXAD User data fields per document -1

TTXB fields that serve as base for maximum tax -1

TTXBF Correspondence Interface: Definition of Letter Categories -1

TTXBFT Correspondence Interface: Definition of Letter Categories -1

TTXBR SAPscript: Letter list for search strings in text modules -1

TTXBS Corresp.interface: Letter-module relationship -1

TTXBT fields that serve as base (desriptions) -1

TTXD Description of Tax Jurisdiction Code Structure -1

TTXDT Name of the Tax Jurisdiction Code Structure -1

TTXER Text Processing: Text ID Groups -1

TTXF status transition diagram for tax document during pricing -1

TTXID Valid text IDs -1

TTXIE SAPscript: Function modules for INCLUDE exit -1

TTXIN SAPscript: Who with whom? -1

TTXIT Texts on text IDs -1

TTXJ Check Table for Tax Jurisdiction -1

TTXJT Text Table for Tax Jurisdiction -1

TTXM list of tax laws -1

TTXMTT list of tax laws (description) -1

TTXOB Valid text objects -1

TTXOT Short texts on text objects -1

TTXP Product codes (external tax interface) -1

TTXS Text Processing: Text Type in Text Proc. -> Access Sequence -1

TTXVR Text Processing: Copy Control Texts -1

TTXX table to determine which tax law is used -1

TTYP Object Types for Accounting -1

TTYPS FI Summarization: Document Fields Allowed -1

TTYPT Object Type Names for Accounting -1

TTYPV FI Summarization Dependent on the Object Type -1

TTZ5 Assign Time Tones to Countries -1

TTZ5S Assign time zones to regions -1

TTZ5Z Assign time zones to postal codes in gener. length -1

TTZCU Customizing time zones -1

TTZD Summer time rules -1 196/216
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TTZDF Summer time rules (fixed annual dates) -1

TTZDV Summer time rules (variable dates) -1

TTZR Time zone rules -1

TTZZ Time zones -1

TTZZT Time Zones -1

TUPROT Transparent, Unbuffered Table Logging -1

TUPS00 ALE Distribution Unit: Central Settings -1

TUPS01 ALE Distribution Unit: Object Types -1

TUPS01D ALE Distribution Unit: Object Types (Distributable) – Serv. -1

TUPS01H ALE Distribution Unit: Object Types – HIELEV (Generated) -1

TUPS01I ALE Distribution Unit: Object Types (Import.) – Services -1

TUPS01O ALE Distribution Unit: Object Types – Dependencies -1

TUPS01T ALE Distribution Unit: Object Types – Text Table -1

TUPS02 ALE Distribution Unit: Package Types -1

TUPS02API ALE Distribution Unit: Activity Control (Entry) -1

TUPS02APO ALE Distribution Unit: Activity Control (Exit) -1

TUPS02D ALE Distribution Unit: Object Types per Package Type -1

TUPS02R ALE Distribution Unit: Statuses that Send UPSRCP -1

TUPS02T ALE Distribution Unit: Text Table for Package Types -1

TUPS03 ALE Distribution Unit: System Status -1

TUPS04 ALE Distribution Unit: Settings for Job Processing -1

TUPS05 ALE Replication Table: Target System – Table -1

TVAG Sales Documents: Rejection Reasons -1

TVAGT Rejection Reasons for Sales Documents: Texts -1

TVAK Sales Document Types -1

TVAKT Sales Document Types: Texts -1

TVAKZ Sales Documents: Allowed Order Types per Sales Org. -1

TVAP Sales Document: Item Categories -1

TVAPT Sales document item categories: Texts -1

TVARL Archiving Control for Delivery -1

TVARS Archiving Control Shipment -1

TVASP Sales Documents: Blocking Reasons -1

TVAST Sales Document Blocking Reasons: Texts -1

TVAT001 Customizing of Tax on Sales/Purchases – Control of Screen -1

TVAU Sales Documents: Order Reasons -1

TVAUK Cost Center Determination -1

TVAUT Sales Documents: Order Reasons: Texts -1

TVAV Contact Person: Buying Habits -1

TVAVT Contact Person: Buying Habits: Texts -1

TVBO Sales Rebate Groups -1

TVBR Contact Person: Frequency of Visits -1

TVBRT Contact person: Frequency of visits: Texts -1

TVBUR Organizational Unit: Sales Offices -1

TVBVK Organizational Unit: Sales Groups per Sales Office -1

TVC3 Sales Activity Status -1

TVC5 Sales Activities: Allowed Statuses by Status Group -1

TVCPA Sales Documents: Copying Control -1

TVCPF Billing: Copying Control -1

TVCPK Copying Control for Sales Activities -1

TVCPL Deliveries: Copying Control -1

TVC_FOLLOW_UP Follow-up Activities from Sales Activity Processing -1

TVDC Delivery Times:Categories -1 197/216
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TVDCT Delivery Times: Texts -1

TVDIR View Directory -1

TVDIR_TC Supplement for TVDIR for conversion to table control 3.0B -1

TVDSG Rules for Groups of Outbound Deliveries (Subsqu. Deliv. Spl) -1

TVDSP Profile for Subsequent Outbound Deliv. Split per Deliv. Type -1

TVDSS Profiles for Subsequent Outbound Delivery Split -1

TVDSST Texts: Subsequent Delivery Split Scenarios -1

TVDST Posting applications control table -1

TVDTX Predefinitions -1

TVE1 Shipping Unit Group 1 -1

TVE1T Shipping Unit Group 1: Texts -1

TVE2 Shipping Unit Group 2 -1

TVE2T Shipping Unit Group 2: Texts -1

TVE3 Shipping Unit Group 3 -1

TVE3T Shipping Unit Group 3: Texts -1

TVE4 Shipping Unit Group 4 -1

TVE4T Shipping Unit Group 4: Texts -1

TVE5 Shipping Unit Group 5 -1

TVE5T Shipping Unit Group 5: Texts -1

TVEGR Material Group: Packaging Materials -1

TVEGRT Material Group: Packaging Materials: Designations -1

TVEP Sales Document: Schedule Line Categories -1

TVEPT Sales Documents: Schedule Line Categories: Texts -1

TVEPZ Sales Document: Schedule Line Category Determination -1

TVET Sched.line types for sched.agreements (e.g.backlog, provis.) -1

TVETT Schedule line types for sched.agreements: Texts -1

TVFAP Shipment Cost Information Profile Data -1

TVFAPT Shipment Cost Information Profile: Descriptions -1

TVFAW Shipment Cost Info Profile – Planning Profile Assig. (VT04) -1

TVFBWA Minimum Weights for Shipping Units -1

TVFBWAF Bulkiness Factors -1

TVFBWG Definition of Bulkiness Groups -1

TVFCD Service Agent Procedure Group for Shipment Costs -1

TVFCDT Description for Service Agent Procedure Group -1

TVFCG Item Procedure Group for Shipment Costs -1

TVFCGT Description for Item Procedure Group Shipment Costs -1

TVFCSF Pricing Procedure Determination -1

TVFCV Shipping Type Procedure Group for Shipment Costs -1

TVFCVT Description for Shipping Type Procedure Group Shipment Costs -1

TVFK Billing: Document Types -1

TVFKD Billing Document: Billing Date by Number Range -1

TVFM Foreign Trade: Material Pricing Groups in Export -1

TVFMT Foreign Trade: Mat. Pricing Groups in Export – Descriptions -1

TVFP Assignment of Purchasing Data for Shipment Costs -1

TVFPTZ Tariff Zone Assignment for Postal Code Area -1

TVFPTZH Tariff Zone Assignment for Postal Code Area Header Data -1

TVFRDR Rounding Rules -1

TVFRDRT Descriptions for Rounding Rules -1

TVFRDRX Definition of Rounding Rules -1

TVFRFQ Scale Bases -1

TVFRFQT Descriptions for Scale Bases -1

TVFS Billing: Reasons for Blocking -1 198/216
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TVFSCB Scale Bases -1

TVFSP Billing: Blocking Reasons -1

TVFT Shipment Cost Item Categories -1

TVFTK Determination: Shipment Cost Item Categories -1

TVFTR Rules for Date Determination for Shipment Costing -1

TVFTRP Detail of Rules for Date Determination in Shipment Costing -1

TVFTRT Description of Rules for Date Det. in Shipment Costing -1

TVFTT Shipment Cost Item Categories: Descriptions -1

TVFTZ Tariff Zones for Shipment Costs -1

TVFTZT Description of Tariff Zone for Shipment Costs -1

TVGA Record types for CO-PA -1

TVGAI Number range table for number range object COPA_IST -1

TVGAP Number range table for number range object COPA_PLAN -1

TVGAT Texts for Record Types -1

TVGF Legal Status (Customer Master) -1

TVGFT Legal status text (customer master) -1

TVGRPF Group Referencing Requirement: Fields -1

TVGRPS Group referencing requirement: Procedures -1

TVGRPT Group Referencing Requirement: Texts -1

TVGRT Organizational Unit: Sales Groups: Texts -1

TVHB Sales Document: Screen Sequence Group -1

TVHBT SD documents: Screen sequence group texts -1

TVIMV extended table maintenance: Selection variants -1

TVIND Sales Document: Update of Material and Validity Index -1

TVIP Contact Person: VIP Indicator -1

TVIP4 -1

TVIPT Contact Person: Texts for the VIP code -1

TVIRP Reports for printing letters in DARWIN-Real Estate -1

TVIRTDOM Standard Domains and Virtual Domains -1

TVIRTDOMT Text Table for the Virtual Domains -1

TVIT4 Pooled table for verification runs (partially buffered) -1

TVK0 Attribute 10 (customer master) -1

TVK1 Attribute 1 (customer master) -1

TVK2 Attribute 2 (customer master) -1

TVK3 Attribute 3 (customer master) -1

TVK4 Attribute 4 (customer master) -1

TVK5 Attribute 5 (customer master) -1

TVK6 Attribute 6 (customer master) -1

TVK7 Attribute 7 (customer master) -1

TVK8 Attribute 8 (customer master) -1

TVK9 Attribute 9 (customer master) -1

TVKBT Organizational Unit: Sales Offices: Texts -1

TVKBZ Org.Unit: Sales Office: Assignment to Organizational Unit -1

TVKD Customer Pricing Procedures -1

TVKGG Customer Condition Groups (Customer Master) -1

TVKGGT Texts for Customer Condition Groups (Customer Master) -1

TVKGR Organizational Unit: Sales Groups -1

TVKK Sales Activity Types -1

TVKM Materials: Account Assignment Groups -1

TVKN Routes: Transportation Connection Points -1

TVKNT Routes: Transportation connection points: Texts -1

TVKO Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations -1 199/216
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TVKOL Picking: Storage Location Determination for Deliveries -1

TVKOS Organizational Unit: Divisions per Sales Organization -1

TVKOT Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations: Texts -1

TVKOV Org. Unit: Distribution Channels per Sales Organization -1

TVKP Reference Customer Determination for Consumer(s) -1

TVKR Cancellation Rules -1

TVKRT Descriptions of Cancellation Rules -1

TVKS Cancellation procedures for contracts -1

TVKST Cancellation Procedures for Agreements; Texts -1

TVKT Customers: Account Assignment Groups -1

TVKUS Cancellation Procedures -1

TVKV Pricing Procedures: Transaction -1

TVKVT Pricing Procedures: Procedure: Texts -1

TVKWZ Org.Unit: Allowed Plants per Sales Organization -1

TVLA Org.unit: Loading points per shipping point -1

TVLAT Org.Unit: Loading points per shipping point: Texts -1
TVLG Routes: Weight Groups for Deliveries -1
TVLGT Routes: Weight Groups for Deliveries: Texts -1

TVLGZ Routes: Weights per Weight Group -1

TVLIZ Determin. of Deliv. Type for Goods Mvmnts Using Inb. Deliv. -1

TVLK Delivery Types -1

TVLKN Deliveries: Number Range per Warehouse Number and Dlv. Type -1

TVLKT Delivery: Types: Texts -1

TVLKWMS Conversion Delivery Types Decentr. WMS -1

TVLP Deliveries: Item Categories -1

TVLR Check Table – Sequence of Activities in the Delivery -1

TVLS Deliveries: Blocking Reasons/Criteria -1

TVLSP Delivery Blocks -1

TVLST Deliveries: Blocking Reasons/Scope: Texts -1

TVLV Check table for release orders: Usage ID -1

TVLVT Release order usage ID: Texts -1

TVM1 Material Pricing Group 1 -1

TVM2 Material Pricing Group 2 -1

TVM3 Material Pricing Group 3 -1

TVM4 Material Pricing Group 4 -1

TVM5 Material Pricing Group 5 -1

TVMP4 -1

TVMS Materials: Status in Sales and Distribution -1

TVMST Materials: SD Status: Texts -1

TVMT4 -1

TVOID Check void reason codes -1

TVOIT Check void reason code texts -1

TVP0 Contact Person: Attribute 10 -1

TVP0T Contact person attribute 10: Texts -1

TVP2 Contact Person: Attribute 2 -1

TVP2T Contact person attribute 2: Texts -1

TVP3 Contact Person: Attribute 3 -1

TVP3T Contact person attribute 3: Texts -1

TVP4 Contact Person: Attribute 4 -1

TVP4T Contact person attribute 4: Texts -1

TVP5 Contact Person: Attribute 5 -1

TVP5T Contact person attribute 5: Texts -1 200/216
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TVP6 Contact Person: Attribute 6 -1

TVP6T Contact person attribute 6: Texts -1

TVP7 Contact Person: Attribute 7 -1

TVP7T Contact person attribute 7: Texts -1

TVP8 Contact Person: Attribute 8 -1

TVP8T Contact person attribute 8:Texts -1

TVP9 Contact Person: Attribute 9 -1

TVP9T Contact person attribute 9: Texts -1

TVPA Partner: Partner Types (Entities) -1

TVPG Partner Function Groups -1

TVPH Contact Person: Attribute 1 -1

TVPHT Contact Person Hobbies: Texts -1

TVPODG Reason for Variance in POD -1

TVPODGT TEXT: Reason for Variance in POD -1

TVPR Commission Groups -1

TVPRT Commission Group Texts -1

TVPT Sales documents: Item categories -1

TVPV Contact Person: Decision Authority -1

TVPVT Contact Person Decision Authority: Texts -1

TVRAB Route Stages -1

TVRG Rule table for indirect date determination for contracts -1

TVRGT Rules for Indirect Date Determination: Descriptions -1

TVRL Relevance of Bill of Material Items for SD -1

TVRLT Relevance of Bill of Material Items for SD -1

TVRMAS Repairs Procedure: Procedures -1

TVRMAT Repairs Procedure: Texts -1

TVRMAV Repairs Procedure: Times -1

TVRO Routes -1

TVROA Allocation of roles to partner / screen control -1

TVROB Texts for TVROA -1

TVRRUR Revenue Realization: Account Det. ‘Unbilled Receivables’ -1

TVRSZ Routes: Legs for each Route -1

TVSA SD Documents: Processing Groups -1

TVSAK Special Processing Indicator -1

TVSAKT Special Processing Indicator: Texts -1

TVSAT SD document processing groups: Texts -1

TVSB Shipping Conditions -1

TVSBT Shipping Conditions: Texts -1

TVSD Customers: Statistics groups -1

TVSF SD: Statistics Groups for Document Types and Item Categories -1

TVSFK Update Group: Statistics (Header) -1

TVSFP Update Group: Statistics (Item) -1

TVSFT SD: Statistics Groups for Doc Types/Item Categories: Texts -1

TVSHP Shipping Parameters at Client-level -1

TVSM Material statistics groups -1

TVSMT Materials: Statistics groups: Texts -1

TVSR Routes: Legs -1

TVST Organizational Unit: Shipping Points -1

TVSTAT Display/Maintain Status in Sales Overview -1

TVSTT Organizational Unit: Shipping Points: Texts -1

TVSTZ Organizational Unit: Shipping Points per Plant -1

TVSU Material Substitution: Reasons -1 201/216
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TVSUT Material Substitution: Texts for Reasons -1

TVSWZ Shipping Points per Plant -1

TVTA Organizational Unit: Sales Area(s) -1

TVTB Billing Plan: Date Description -1

TVTF Shipment Cost Types -1

TVTFT Shipment Cost Types: Descriptions -1

TVTG Reasons for Date Deviation -1

TVTGT Descriptions for Reasons for Date Deviation -1

TVTK Shipment Types -1

TVTKT Transport Type: Description -1

TVTR Routes: Modes of Transport -1

TVTRT Routes: Method of Transportation Texts -1

TVTW Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels -1

TVTY Packaging Material Types -1

TVTYT Packaging Material Types: Descriptions -1

TVTZ Deadline Functions -1

TVTZT Description for Purpose of Date -1

TVUV Incompletion Control: Procedures -1

TVUVF Incompletion Control: Fields -1

TVUVG Incompletion Control – Object Categories -1

TVUVO Incompletion Control: Object Category Texts -1

TVUVS Incompletion Control: Status Groups -1

TVV1 Customer Group 1 -1

TVV1T Customer group 1: Description -1

TVV2 Customer Group 2 -1

TVV2T Customer group 2: Description -1

TVV3 Customer Group 3 -1

TVV3T Customer group 3: Description -1

TVV4 Customer Group 4 -1

TVV4T Customer group 4: Description -1

TVV5 Customer Group 5 -1

TVV5T Customer group 5: Description -1

TVVD Contract Data Profile -1

TVVDT Contract Profile: Texts -1

TVVFS Variant Matching Procedure: Procedures -1

TVVFT Variant Determination Procedure: Texts -1

TVVFZ Variant Matching Procedure: Time Control -1

TVVW Item Usage -1

TVVWT Item Usage Texts -1

TVWA Customers: Goods receiving hours (default values) -1

TVWAT Customers: Goods Receiving Hours: Texts -1

TVZ01 Control of incoming payments -1

TVZ02 Definition of criteria/memo rec. grouping/inc.pmnt distrib. -1

TVZ03 Flow control of advance payments and overpayments -1

TVZ04 Incoming payment distribution basic configuration -1

TVZ05 Inc. Pmnts: Editing per Activity Type (Loans, Real Estate) -1

TVZ05B Processing type for internal transaction (account statement) -1

TVZ05BT Processing type for internal trans. (acct statement) texts -1

TVZ06 Incoming payment distribution criteria value table -1

TVZ0B Text table for incoming payments distribution criteria -1

TVZB Customers: Terms of payment -1

TVZBT Customers: Terms of Payment Texts -1 202/216
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TVZP Planning Delivery Schedule Instructions -1

TVZPT Planng Dely Sched.Instructions Descripn (TVZP) -1

TVZS Delivery Schedule Splitting Rules -1

TVZST Dlv.Sched.Splitting Rule Descript. (TVZS) -1

TVZZ Assign Splitting Rules to Planning Dlv.Schedule Instructions -1

TW01 Classification of bonds -1

TW01T Text table for TW01 (Classification of bonds) -1

TW02 Type of shareholding -1

TW02T Text table for TW02 (Type of investment) -1

TW03 Details about structure of shareholding -1

TW03T Text table for TW03 (Investment structure) -1

TW04T Text table for TW04 (Legal form) -1

TW05 Insurance branch -1

TW05T Insurance branch (Text) -1

TW06S Unit of measure rounding rule -1

TW09T Premium reserve fund (Text) -1

TW11 Balance sheet indicator -1

TW11T Balance sheet indicator (Text) -1

TW12B Relationship table TW12 – RANTYP -1

TW14 Table for storing offer reasons -1

TW14T Table for storing offer reasons (text) -1

TW15 Reference between product type and repayment type -1

TW16 References between product type and security classification -1

TW19 Securities: Correspondence forms -1

TW20 Security category -1

TW20T Security category (text) -1

TW21 Funds category -1

TW21T Fund category (text) -1

TW22 Securities classification -1

TW22T Premium reserve fund (Text) -1

TW50 Table for possible deposit types -1

TW50T Table for possible deposit types TEXT -1

TW53T Listing key – Text table -1

TW54 Price notations -1

TW54T Price notations – Text table -1

TW56T Security price type – Text table -1

TWAA Promotion type, IS-R -1

TWAAT Promotion type short text, IS-R -1

TWAP1 Appointments: Appointments Profile -1

TWAP1T Appointments: Appointments Profile – Description -1

TWAP2 Appointments: Deviation Reasons -1

TWAP2T Appointments: Description for Deviation Reasons -1

TWAT Promotion themes, IS-R -1

TWATT Promotion theme description -1

TWB08A Permitted other flows (default) -1

TWBA Pricing document type -1

TWBB Assortment list type -1

TWBBM Assort.list, logistic qty control -1

TWBBP Assortment list profile data -1

TWBBT Texts for table TWBB -1

TWBN Reason for Price Change -1

TWBNT Text Table: Reason for Price Change -1 203/216
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TWBO0 Table of parameters for optimized PO-based load building -1

TWBO1 Customizing table for opt. PO-based load building profiles -1

TWBO2 Table for restriction profile -1

TWBO2T Text table for restriction types -1

TWBO3 Text table for restrictions -1

TWBO3T Text table for restrictions -1

TWBO4 Table for restriction categories -1

TWBO4T Text table for restriction types -1

TWBP Assortment list profile -1

TWBPT Assortment list profile description -1

TWCMRT Category Management: Roles: Names -1

TWCP Coupons: Profile for Distributing Discounts in POS Inbound -1

TWCPT Coupon Distribution Profile: Short Text -1

TWD01 Treasury: Securities Account Master Data -1

TWDR Transactions with Automatic Revaluation at Retail -1

TWDRT Text Table: Default Reason for Changing Retail Price -1

TWEGO Sales Price Calculation: Assignment of price point group -1

TWEV Pricing: Determination procedure -1

TWEVT Net/net purchase price determination procedure (texts) -1

TWEVZ Pricing: Determination procedure (steps) -1

TWEW External Material Groups -1

TWEWT Descriptions for External Material Groups -1

TWFDB Workflow: NCI document types -1

TWFPF Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution -1

TWFPFG Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution – Bus. Processes -1

TWFPFT Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution – Texts -1

TWGF Area schema -1

TWGFT Descriptions for area share -1

TWGVALE Product Catalog: Layout Number Ranges for ALE Inbound -1

TWIC0100 General Settings for SAP Retail Store Goods Receipt -1

TWIC0200 General Settings for SAP Retail Store Goods Movements -1

TWIC0250 General Business Transactions for SAP Retail Store GR -1

TWIC0500 Store Retail Store: Order Entry, Basic Data -1

TWIC0501 Store Retail Store: Order Entry, Allowed Order Types -1

TWIC0600 SAP Retail Store: Physical Inventory Basic Data -1

TWIC0800 SAP Retail Store: Basic Data for Sales Prices Screen -1

TWIC8000 Online store: Profile for product presentation -1

TWIC8001 Online store: Profile for customer management -1

TWIC8002 Online store: Profile for quotation and order control -1

TWIC8003 IACs Retail: Selection of countries for customer address -1

TWICOBJ IACs Retail: Customizing objects -1

TWICOBJT IACs Retail: Customizing objects, texts -1

TWICOSTORE Online Stores -1

TWICOSTORET Descriptions for online stores -1

TWICSCM IACs Retail: Customizing schemas -1

TWICSCMF SAP Retail Store: Assignment of Customizing Schemas to Site -1

TWICSCMT IACs Retail: Customizing Schema Texts -1

TWICSKEY SAP Retail Store: Key for Selection in Selection Boxes -1

TWICSKEYT SAP Retail Store: Selection Box Key Texts -1

TWIK Customizing Internet application component product catalog -1

TWISPC_ANREI Parameter for Updating Fields in Info Structures -1

TWISPC_AVGRET Average Retail Update Parameters -1 204/216
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TWISPC_BREAKD Grouping Break-Downs -1

TWISPC_BREAKDT Text Table for Grouping Break-Downs -1

TWISPC_BW_TIME Assignment of Infocubes to Time Field in Planning Scenario -1

TWISPC_CUA Retail Planning: Customer-specific CUA Status and Title -1

TWISPC_DPLVA Retail Planning: Manual Planning Variants -1

TWISPC_DPLVAT Retail Planning: Texts for Manual Planning Variants -1

TWISPC_DPLVV Retail Planning: Default Parameters for Manual Plng Variants -1

TWISPC_FCODES Retail Planning: Customer-specific CUA Functions -1

TWISPC_FILGRP Store Groups -1

TWISPC_FILGRPT Store Groups -1

TWISPC_FILGRPZ Assignment of Stores to Store Groups -1

TWISPC_GENERAL MAP: Cross-Scenario Settings -1

TWISPC_INT_ALLOC Interface Parameters for “Allocation Table” Interface Cat. -1

TWISPC_INT_PROMO MAP: Planning Interface Category “Promotions” -1

TWISPC_KENNF Retail Planning: Key Figure Formula for Planning Steps -1

TWISPC_KENNFG Retail Planning: Formula Groups for Planning Steps -1

TWISPC_KENNFGT Retail Planning: Formula Groups for Planning Step Texts -1

TWISPC_KENNFZ Retail Planning: Formula Lines for Arithmetic Formulas -1

TWISPC_KENNPAR Retail Planning: Control Parameters for Key Figures -1

TWISPC_KENNZ Retail Planning: Additional Key Figures -1

TWISPC_MASCHPL Retail Planning: Automatic Planning -1

TWISPC_MASCHPLT Text Tables for Automatic Planning -1

TWISPC_MDC Retail Planning: Fields with Complex Master Data Checks -1

TWISPC_MPLSCH Reports/Tcodes for Planning Step Method Program/Transaction -1

TWISPC_MTEXT Retail Planning: Customer-spec. Text Tables for Character. -1

TWISPC_PLHVS Retail Planning: Version of Planning Hierarchy -1

TWISPC_PLHVST Retail Planning: Texts for Planning Hierarchy Versions -1

TWISPC_PLINT MAP: Planning Interfaces – General Definitions -1

TWISPC_PLINTT Text Tables for Planning Interfaces -1

TWISPC_PLSCH Retail Planning: Planning Step -1

TWISPC_PLSCHT Retail Planning: Texts for Planning Step -1

TWISPC_PLSCH_BW BW Enhancements at Planning Step Level -1

TWISPC_PLSCH_W Retail Planning: Plng Step for Add. Table for Retail Applic. -1

TWISPC_PLSZN Retail Planning: Planning Scenario -1

TWISPC_PLSZNT Retail Planning: Texts for Planning Scenario -1

TWISPC_PLSZN_BW Retail Planning: Planning Scenario, BW Data Enhancement -1

TWISPC_PLVER Retail Planning: Planning Step Links -1

TWISPC_SAISO Retail Planning: Assign. Posting Periods to Season Cat./Year -1

TWISPC_USER0 User Settings for Network -1

TWISPC_ZBRINT Assignment of Break-Downs to Interfaces -1

TWISPC_ZCUBE Assignment of Cube Fields to MAP -1

TWISPC_ZINTPL Assignment of Interfaces to Planning Layouts -1

TWISPC_ZKENN Retail Planning: Assignment of Key Figs to the Planning Step -1

TWISPC_ZKENN_W Retail Planning: Assign. KeyFig/PlStep (Add. Retail Table) -1

TWISPC_ZKNZINT Assignment of Key Figures to Interfaces -1

TWISPC_ZMERINT Assignment of Characteristics to Interfaces -1

TWISPC_ZMERK Retail Planning: Assignment of Characteristics to Plng Step -1

TWISPC_ZMERK_W Retail Planning: Assign. Character/PlStep (Add.Retail Table) -1

TWISPC_ZPSPL Retail Planning: Assign. Planning Layouts to Plan Steps -1

TWISPC_ZUSKZ Retail Planning: Additional Key Figures -1

TWKAO Sales Price Calculation: Assignment of pricing type -1

TWKG Sales Price Calculation: Pricing Type -1 205/216
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TWKGT Sales price calculation: Pricing types (texts) -1

TWLAD Determination of Address from Plant and Storage Location -1

TWLAG Listing algorithm -1

TWLAT Texts for listing algorithms -1

TWLF Sales Price Calculation: List Fields -1

TWLFE Sales price calculation: schema/list field -1

TWLFT Sales Price Calculation: List Fields (Texts) -1

TWLOF Storage location determination -1

TWLV Listing procedure, assortments -1

TWLVT Listing procedure IS-R / texts -1

TWLVZ Assign Shipping Point as Goods Receiving Point to Plant/SLoc -1

TWLWR Assortment grade rules -1

TWMB Competitor: Price Entry Types -1

TWMBT Competitor: Price Entry Type (Texts) -1

TWMEG Unit of measure group -1

TWML Layout module -1

TWMLT Layout module descriptions -1

TWORD Characteristic Sequence -1

TWPA General Parameters for Retail Control -1

TWPBR Definition of the Check Rules for POS Upload -1

TWPCDCOPY Product Catalog: Transfer of Document Links During Creation -1

TWPCTYPE Product Catalog Type -1

TWPCTYPET Product Catalog Type Description -1

TWPC_NAVOTYPE Object Types Eligible for Navigation -1

TWPC_NAVOTYPE_C Object Types Eligible for Navigation – Customer -1

TWPC_OTYPES Object Types to be Displayed in the List -1

TWPC_OTYPES_C Object Types to be Displayed in the List – Customer -1

TWPC_PCR_EEGRP Entity Table Employee Groups for PCR Scenarios -1

TWPC_PCR_EEGRP_T Text Table Employee Grouping for PCR Scenarios -1

TWPC_PCR_GENERAL General PCR Settings -1

TWPC_PCR_GROUPS Groupings for PCR Scenarios for Employee Groups -1

TWPC_PCR_PAYM Table with Special Payments for PCRS -1

TWPC_PCR_PAYM_T Text Table for Special Payment Reasons (PCR) -1

TWPC_PCR_PAYM_WT Wage Types for Special Payment Reasons (PCR) -1

TWPC_PCR_TYPES PCR Scenario Types (Scenario Grouping) -1

TWPC_PCR_TYPES_T Text Table for PCR Scenario Types -1

TWPC_V View Definition -1

TWPC_VG Grouping the Views -1

TWPC_VG_C Grouping the Views -1

TWPC_V_C View Definition – Customer -1

TWPC_V_T Texts for Views -1

TWPC_V_T_C Texts for Views -1

TWPDO Assignment of retail message to PD org. object -1

TWPDZ Assignment of credit card institute to customer -1

TWPEK POS outbound: Condition types -1

TWPFI POS outbound profile -1

TWPFIT Communication profile store -1

TWPG Sales pr.: price point ranges -1

TWPIB Transaction-type-based control of sales as per receipts POS -1

TWPIE POS Interface: Automatic EAN Creation Control -1

TWPIF Transaction type-dependent control of POS financial trans. -1

TWPII Store phys. inventory control -1 206/216
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TWPIR General control of upload of sales as per receipts POS -1

TWPIS POS interface: profile for internal interfaces -1

TWPIST POS interface: text table for TWPIS -1

TWPIV General control of aggregated sales upload POS -1

TWPIW POS interface: default values for movement types/inv. man. -1

TWPIZ General control of payment list POS -1

TWPK Sales price calculation: price point groups -1

TWPKO Sales price calculation: data on SOrg/distr.chnn/matcl level -1

TWPKT Sales price calculation: price point groups (text) -1

TWPPB Transaction types for sales as per receipts -1

TWPPBT Transaction types for sales as per receipts / description -1

TWPPF Transaction types for financial transactions -1

TWPPFT Transaction types for financial transactions / description -1

TWPPK POS outbound: condition type group -1

TWPPKT POS interface: text table for table TWPPK -1

TWPS Sales Price Calculations: Pricing Strategies -1

TWPSSO2ACL Workplace Single Sign-On 2 Access Control List -1

TWPSSO2SGN Workplace SSO: Component Codes for Signature -1

TWPSSO2VER Workplace SSO: Workplace Code for Verification -1

TWPST Sales Price Calculations: Pricing Strategies (Texts) -1

TWPT Price band categories -1

TWPTT Text: price band category -1

TWPUB POS interface: conversion of transaction types sales rcpts -1

TWPUC POS interface: currency code conversion -1

TWPUE POS interface: conversion of subsystem units of measure -1

TWPUK POS interface: conversion of POS condition types -1

TWPUL POS interface: conversion of POS language codes -1

TWPUM POS interface: conversion of POS movements types -1

TWPUP POS interface: conversion parameters -1

TWPUS POS interface: conversion of POS tax codes -1

TWPUT POS interface: check table for conversion categories -1

TWPUTT POS interface: text table for table WPUT -1

TWPUV POS interface: conversion of POS transaction types FI -1

TWPUW POS interface: conversion of POS material groups -1

TWPUX POS interface: reassignment of mat. tax classification key -1

TWPUZ POS interface: conversion of POS payment methods -1

TWPWB General Processing Control for POS Goods Movements -1

TWREB Promotion Discount: Condition Creation Control -1

TWRF1 Allowed tables per copy rule -1

TWRF11 Plant blocking reasons -1

TWRF11T Plant blocking reason description -1

TWRF16 Group Applications -1

TWRF16T Description: group application -1

TWRF2 Plant Profiles -1

TWRF2T Descriptions for plant profiles -1

TWRF3 Copy rules plant -1

TWRF3T Descriptions for copy rules -1

TWRPP Replenishment: requirement groups -1

TWRPPT Replenishment: texts for TWRPP (requirement groups) -1

TWRV Return agreements IS-R -1

TWRVT Texts: return agreement -1

TWSAI (Annual) Seasons -1 207/216
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TWSAJ Annual seasons (distribution chain-specific) -1

TWSF Subsequent processing procedure for material discontinuation -1

TWSFT Subs. processing procedure (material discontinuation)/texts -1

TWSG Service level IS-R (Info for assortment list) -1

TWSGT Text: service level IS-R -1

TWSIT Storage Locations for Materials -1

TWSITT Situations texts -1

TWSP Assortment priorities IS-R -1

TWSPR Check Table for Basic Material Field -1

TWSPT Assortment priorities IS-R / texts -1

TWSS Assortment grade IS-R -1

TWSSO Space management profile -1

TWSSOT Space management profile description -1

TWSST Assortment grade IS-R / texts -1

TWST Sales Price Calculation: List Variants -1

TWSTP Sales Price Calculation: Items in List Variant -1

TWSTT Sales price calculation: list variants (text) -1

TWSV Service agreement IS-R -1

TWSVT Text: service agreement in retail -1

TWSZ Subsequent processing for errors in material discontinuation -1

TWTCPAF Additionals: Fields relevant to change analysis -1

TWTCTRL Control table for procedures for additionals -1

TWTFM Procedure for additionals -1

TWTFMA Additionals: Material group attributes -1

TWTFMT Description (name) for procedures for additionals -1

TWTY Promotion category, IS-R -1

TWTYT Promotion cat. short text, IS-R -1

TWT_ACTION Additionals: Follow-Up Actions -1

TWT_ACTIONT Additional: Texts for Follow-up Actions -1

TWUP Profiles for Revaluation at Retail -1

TWVK Sales Price Calculation: Allowed pricing levels -1

TWVMO Control profiles for transferring material data to vendor -1

TWVMOP Stock types per profile for transfer to vendor -1

TWVMOQ Info System Access Parameters for Qty Sold and Forecast Data -1
TWWAG Scales group -1
TWWAGT Texts for tables TWWAG -1
TWWKA Market-Basket Pricing Type -1

TWWKAT Market-Basket Price Calculation Type: Short Text -1

TWWV Layout area / area share -1

TWYAZ Price Marking Agreement -1

TWYAZT Price Marking Agreement -1

TWZLA Splitting types for structured materials -1

TXCOM Communications Table -1

TXCOMSECU SNC extension for CPIC destinations -1

TXV10 Translation table for address category -1

TXV11 Translation table for partner-partner relationship -1

TZ10 Customer application type -1

TZ10T Customer application type (text) -1

TZ11 Stock indicator -1

TZ11T Stock indicator (Text) -1

TZ13 Tax office stock indicator -1

TZ13T Tax office indicator (Text) -1 208/216
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TZ18 Appendix group R11/76, appendix 1-5 and R2/87, append. 1-2 -1

TZ18T Asset group R11/76, append.1-2 and R2/87 append.1-2 (text) -1

TZ21 Control of cost elements for BAV statements -1

TZ27 Allocation: Valuation area for internal stock indicator -1

TZ28T Asset Type in acc. with Reg.Acctng Requirements / Text -1

TZ29T BAV asset group stmt 600 / Text -1

TZ30T Premium reserve fund list number / Text -1

TZ31T Subsection / Text -1

TZ32T BAV asset group stmt 102 / Text -1

TZ40 Customizing regulatory reporting field control for contract -1

TZ41 Customizing reg. report. fld. ctrl. for prem. res. fund -1

TZ43 Relationship Table for Fund Categories – Pure Bond Funds -1

TZART Value types for CAPP -1

TZATT Value types for CAPP (texts) -1

TZB03 Flow categories -1

TZB04 Flow Type Groups Definition for Cash Flow Display -1

TZB05 Trans. type – Trans. type groups allocation for cash flow -1

TZB06 Table of relationships between flow types (ref. flow types) -1

TZB07 Flow types relationship key -1

TZB08 Flow types per posting application -1

TZB0A Definition of flow types -1

TZB0G Texts for relationship indicators -1

TZB0I Flow type groups text table -1

TZB0J Relationship: Flow type – External flow type -1

TZB0K External flow types for evaluations -1

TZB0L Texts: External flow types for evaluations -1

TZB0O Separation, sort documents for posting interface -1

TZB0S Reversal logic of individual posting activities -1

TZB0T Flow types text table -1

TZB10V -1

TZB11V -1

TZB21 Processing group -1

TZB21T Name of Clerk (Processing Group) -1

TZB8V -1

TZB9V -1

TZBABG Customizing: Accrual/Deferral Flow Types -1

TZBABGZB Flow Types: Interest Basis for Accrual/Deferral -1

TZBAT Holding share (Text) -1

TZBBB Allocation of program-internal flow types -1

TZBKM Define Types of Corporate Actions -1

TZBKMT Text table for TZBKM -1

TZBPV Control table for CH regulatory reporting (BPV) -1

TZBR Relationship table for contracting party classification -1

TZBRA Name of grouping table R11/76 app.4 – -1

TZBSA Name of grouping table R11/76 app.4 – Coll.sec.type -1

TZBZ Company code: Additional data -1

TZC37 Financial Assets Management status definition -1

TZC3A -1

TZCURC_EU EMU Basket Currencies -1

TZD0A Darwin: Customer default values per trans. type for KNA1 -1

TZD0B Darwin: Customer default values per for KNB1 -1

TZDEA Trader register -1 209/216
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TZDG1 Value Table 1: Additional User-Specific Partner Data (gen.) -1

TZDG2 Value Table 2: Additional User-Specific Partner Data (gen.) -1

TZDG3 Value Table 3: Additional User-Specific Partner Data (gen.) -1

TZDG4 Value Table 4: Addit. User-Specific Partn.Data (legal pers.) -1

TZDG5 Value Table 5: Addit. User-Specific Partn.Data (legal pers.) -1

TZDG6 Value Table 6: Addit. User-Specific Partn.Data (legal pers.) -1

TZDG7 Value Table 7: Addit. User-Specific Partn.Data (legal pers.) -1

TZDG8 Value Table 8: Addit. User-Specific Partn. Data (nat. pers.) -1

TZDG9 Value Table 9: Addit. User-Specific Partn. Data (nat. pers.) -1

TZDGA Additional User-Specific Partner Data 1: Text Table -1

TZDGB Additional User-Specific Partner Data 2: Text Table -1

TZDGC Additional User-Specific Partner Data 3: Text Table -1

TZDGD Additional User-Specific Partner Data 4: Text Table -1

TZDGE Additional User-Specific Partner Data 5: Text Table -1

TZDGF Additional User-Specific Partner Data 6: Text Table -1

TZDGG Additional User-Specific Partner Data 7: Text Table -1

TZDGH Additional User-Specific Partner Data 8: Text Table -1

TZDGI Additional User-Specific Partner Data 9: Text Table -1

TZE01 Incoming payments: Sequence of organizational criteria -1

TZE02 Incoming payments: Organizational criteria -1

TZE03 Incoming payments: Allocation table -1

TZE04 Incoming payments: Name of user-specific structure -1

TZE0B Incoming payments: Organizational criteria texts -1

TZEG1 Value Table 10: Addit. User-Specific Partn.Data (nat. pers.) -1

TZEG2 Value Table 11: Addit. User-Specific Partn.Data (nat. pers.) -1

TZEGA Additional User-Specific Partner Data 10: Text Table -1

TZEGB Additional User-Specific Partner Data 11: Text Table -1

TZFO Release object for release procedure -1

TZFOH Release procedure: Object hierarchy for release -1

TZFOT Release object text -1

TZFST Release status definition texts -1

TZGR Grouping rules for automatic payments -1

TZGRT Name of grouping rules -1

TZK01 Condition types -1

TZK02 Condition group, condition group – condition type allocation -1

TZK03 Alloc.of VZZKOPO fields to field string items(MODIFY SCREEN) -1

TZK04 Condition Groups -1

TZK05 Allocation: Calculation type – KOPO fields -1

TZK06 Documentation key for condition type-dependent documentation -1

TZK07 Condition type-dependent detailed description skopo -1

TZK08 Allocation: Calculation type – KOPO fields -1

TZK09 Relationship between condition types -1

TZK0A Condition type texts (Table TZK01) -1

TZK0D Condition groups: Texts (language-dependent) -1

TZK0F Text table for documentation key (TZK06) -1

TZK0G Texts for condition type-dependent detailed description -1

TZKM1 Event-controlled modification of condition items -1

TZKN1 Fields as influencing factors for acct assignment reference -1

TZKN2 Allocation of values to value groups -1

TZKN2T Allocation of values to value groups -1

TZKN6 Allocation of charact. group to acct.ass.ref. via invoice no -1

TZKN7 Acct assignment reference via the invoice no. -1 210/216
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TZKN8 TR: Acct assignmnt ref.determination Def. value groups -1

TZKN8T TR: Acct assignmnt ref.determination Def. value groups -1

TZKN9 Acct assignm.ref.:Check tab.for permitted table-/field names -1

TZKV Correspondence activities -1

TZKVT Correspondence activities (texts) -1

TZM37 Transition matrix of internal status -1

TZN01 Product type numbers -1

TZN02 Number components -1

TZN03 Number components (Text) -1

TZONE Customers: Regional zones -1

TZONT Customers: Regional Zone Texts -1

TZPA Financial Assets Management product types -1

TZPAB Financial Assets Management product types -1

TZPAT Financial Assets Management product type texts -1

TZPLP Financial Assets Management Plausibility Checks -1

TZPZZ Partner and address management installation parameters -1

TZR1 Convert Roles between Applications -1

TZR3 Application area / external role allocation -1

TZR4 Allocation of external roles to various application areas -1

TZRCL Treasury: Valuation Classes -1

TZRE External role -1

TZRET External roles (Texts) -1

TZRG Grouping of external roles (in application) -1

TZRGT Grouping of external roles (Texts) -1

TZRIT Partner internal role (Texts) -1

TZRPR Treasury: Valuation Principles -1

TZRR0 Treasury: Valuation Areas -1

TZRR1 Treasury: Valuation Areas at Company Code Level -1

TZRR2 Treasury: Valuation Areas at Company Code/Product Type Level -1

TZRRT Treasury: Name of Valuation Areas -1

TZS01 Screen control: Possible control fields per module pool -1

TZS02 Screen control: Field val.-specific cntrl customer setting -1

TZS03 Screen control: Field val.-specific control default values -1

TZS12 Sort strings for object -1

TZST Reasons for reversal -1

TZST1 Reasons for reversal (Text table) -1

TZT15 Info. in acc.with §18 German banking act (Texts) -1

TZTXTS01 Word processing: Form letters -1

TZUN Rules for ‘Allocation’ Field Layout -1

TZUNI Currency units -1

TZUNT Assignment Rule Names -1

TZUSA Price notations -1

TZUSAT Price notations – Text table -1

TZV01 Form of address key -1

TZV03 Object categ.for objects which addresses can be assigned to -1

TZV05 Types of restraint on drawing -1

TZV07 Alloc.of application/role category/dunning parameters -1

TZV0E Type of restraint on drawing: Text table -1

TZV0F Internal position/employee group text table -1

TZV11 Relationship category of partner-partner relationship -1

TZV15 Key for information in acc. with §18 German banking act -1

TZV50 Form of address / Letter / ID -1 211/216
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TZW01 Resubmission periods (Deadline reminder) -1

TZW01T Text table for TZW01 Application areas for resubmission -1

TZW02 User <-> Determine message -1

TZZKD IS-IS: Business trans./Role alloc. –> Doc.category -1

TZZTG Transaction code – Correspondence activity allocation -1

UMSV Tax Balances per Comp.Code, Tax Code and Process.Key -1

UNOTE Possible marks -1

UPSHDR ALE Distribution Unit: Header Data -1

UPSITM ALE Distribution Unit: Objects -1

UPSITX ALE Distribution Unit: Objects of Processed Units -1

UPSJOB ALE Distribution Unit: Scheduled Jobs -1

UPSSRC Replication Table: Source Object -1

USEXIT Individual Authorization Field Maintenance Dialog – Exit FM -1

USOGR Object groups for TCode < > Auth. object assignment -1

USR40 Table for illegal passwords -1

USRACL SNC Access Control List (ACL): User -1

USRACLEXT SNC Access Control List (ACL): User Extended -1

USREFUSVAR Assignment of ref user variabe to ref user -1

USREXTID Assignment of External ID to Users -1

USRLISTPROFILE Variable List Definition in PDM Environment -1

USRM0 Material Master User Settings: Screen Reference “User” -1

USRM1 Material Master User Settings: Organizational Levels -1

USRM2 User Settings for the Material Master: Logical Screens -1

USRM3 Material Master User Settings: Retail Organizational Levels -1

USRPDM User-Specific Data in the PDM Environment -1

USSETTINGS Customizing settings in user maintenance -1

VBMUE Sales Document: Characteristic Overview -1

VBMUET Sales Document: Characteristic Overview Description -1

VBMUEZ Sales Document: Characteristic Overview Assignments -1

VBWF01 Company Code-Dependent Release Data -1

VBWF02 Workflow Procedure -1

VBWF03 Release Approval Paths -1

VBWF04 Line Item Fields Reversal Release -1

VBWF05 Determination of Release Approval Path -1

VBWF06 Subworkflow Determination -1

VBWF07 Release Approval Groups -1

VBWF08 Release Approval Groups -1

VBWF09 People with Release Authorization for Document Parking -1

VBWF10 Release Approval Paths (Texts) -1

VBWF15 People with Release Authorization for Document Parking -1

VBWF16 Relevant Document Types for Releasing Payments -1

VDBOHEAD Business Operation: Header -1

VDBOHEAD_EU Business Operation: Header -1

VDDUNN Dunning run data per loan and dunning run -1

VDORDER Borrower’s note loan order data -1

VEXAV EXTRASTAT / VAR Export/Import -1

VIEA01 Cost elements for owner -1

VIEA02 Allocation of costs elements to owner cost elements -1

VIMI39 Tenant change; data for apartment inspection -1

VIMIK1 RA Periods of notice: Period regulation -1

VIMIK2 RA periods of notice: Deadline regulation -1

VIMIWB Accomm.entitlement certif. for application and LO -1 212/216
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VIOB42 RE: Real Estate Object in Portfolio -1

VIOBOV Assignment Table for Real Estate to Standard Objects -1

VIRPALV4 ALV: Text Table and Domains -1

VIRPALV5 ALV: Text Table Fields -1

VITXT RE: Correspondence – Company Code Standard Text -1

VTADD01 Checking Table Supplement 1 -1

VTADD01T Checking Table Supplement: Description -1

VTADD02 Checking Table Supplement 2 -1

VTADD02T Checking Table Supplement: Descriptions -1

VTADD03 Checking Table Supplement 3 -1

VTADD03T Checking Table Supplement 3: Description -1

VTADD04 Checking Table Supplement 4 -1

VTADD04T Checking Table Supplement 4: Description -1

VTBDFF Datafeed: Permitted Market Data Sources -1

VTBDFFT Datafeed: Datafeed Name Text Table -1

VTBDFKU Datafeed: Market Data Monitoring -1

VTBDFWF Datafeed: Workflow activation -1

VTBPROD Datafeed: Permitted Mkt Data Sources -1

VTBPRODT Datafeed: Datafeed Names Text Table -1

VTB_DFCU Datafeed: Translation Table -1

VTB_DFDEST Datafeed: Environment -1

VTB_DFPRT Datafeed: Printer/Login Information for Asynchronous Users -1

VTB_FMOD_BASIC Field Modification Values -1

VTB_FMOD_FTR Field Modification Definition -1

VTB_FMOD_PROCESS BDT Field Grouping per Activity Category -1

VTB_FMOD_SFGZUST Field Modification at Activity Category Level -1

VTB_FMOD_SFHAART Field Modification Values -1

VTB_FMOD_SFUNKTL Field Modification Values -1

VTPRG Transport. planng system cumulation proc. for delivery item -1

VTPRK Cond. Sequence for Loc. Subst. in Transportation Planning -1

VTPRL Transportation Planning System Route Limitations -1

VTPRS Det. Procedure for Loc. Subst. in Transportation Planning -1

VTPRST Texts for Determination Procedures for Location Substitution -1

VTSFF Updating Sequence: Statistics Shipment -1

VTSGD Shipment: Statistic Groups, Transportation Service Agent -1

VTSGDT Shipment: Stat. Groups, Transportation Service Agent: Texts -1

VTSGT Shipment: Statistic Groups, Shipment Types -1

VTSGTT Shipment: Statistics Groups, Shipment Types: Texts -1

VTVAUTGR RM: Authorization Group -1

VTVAUTGRT RM: Authorization Group (Text) -1

VTVBAR NPVs of OTC transactions -1

VTVBEWZUMRM Flows Relevant to Market Risk -1

VVNVSTBE Old Data Transfer: Transfer Table Input Tax Correct. Values -1

VWFL1 Assign Flow Categories from TR Transaction to Security -1

VWFL2 Assign Flow Types from TR Transaction to Security -1

VXSIFN Express Dlv. Company: Funct. Module for VXSITDL Data Fields -1

VXSIQ Small Parcel Carrier: Qualifier for Communication -1

VXSIQE Small Parcel Carrier: Conversion into External Qualifier -1

VXSITD Express Delivery Company -1

VXSITDL Express Delivery Company: Meta Description Data Field -1

VXSITDLT Small Parcel Carrier: Data Field (Type Description) -1

VXSITDNSO Number Range Sub-object -1 213/216
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VZPARZA Partner addit. data (general part) -1

VZZKOKO Table condition header -1

WCCA WCM: Condition Table -1

WCCB WCM: Operational Condition -1

WCCBT WCM: Operational Condition (Texts) -1

WCCC WCM: Operational Type -1

WCCCT WCM: Operational Type (Texts) -1

WCCD WCM: Operational Group -1

WCCDT WCM: Operational Group (Texts) -1

WCCE WCM: Conflict Rules -1

WCCF WCM: Revision Section -1

WCCFT WCM: Revision Section (Texts) -1

WCCG WCM: Plant Condition -1

WCCGT WCM: Plant Condition (Texts) -1

WCCH WCM: Train -1

WCCHT WCM: Train (Texts) -1

WCCI WCM: Tag <-> (Operational Group, Operational Type; Test Tag) -1

WCCJ WCM: Selection Fields for Creation with Template -1

WCCK WCM: Operational Class -1

WCCKT WCM: Operational Class (Texts) -1

WCCL WCM: Print -1

WCCLT WCM: Print (Texts) -1

WCCLX WCM: Print (User-Specific) -1

WCCM WCM: PM Order <-> WCM Object -1

WCCO WCM: WCM Object -1

WCCOR WCM: WCM Object (Master) <-> WCM Object (Slave) -1

WCCOT WCM: WCM Object (Texts) -1

WCCP WCM: WCM Object <-> Approvals -1

WCCR WCM: Basic Settings -1

WCCS WCM: Selection Fields for Data Transfer -1

WCCST WCM: Selection Fields for Data Transfer (Texts) -1

WCCU WCM: Use of Work Clearance Document -1

WCCUT WCM: Use of Work Clearance Document (Texts) -1

WCCX WCM: Use of Work Approval -1

WCCXT WCM: Use of Work Approval (Texts) -1

WCCY WCM: Use of Application -1

WCCYT WCM: Use of Application (Texts) -1

WCMP Category Management: Project -1

WITH_CTNCL Numbering class for withholding tax certificate numbers -1

WITH_CTNCLT Numbering class text table for withholding tax certificate -1

WITH_CTNCO1 Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 1 -1

WITH_CTNCO2 Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 2 -1

WITH_CTNCO3 Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 3 -1

WITH_CTNGR Numbering group for withholding tax certificate numbers -1

WITH_CTNGRT Numbering group text table for withholding tax certificate -1

WITH_CTNUM Allocation of numbering group to numbering class -1

WRMA_LINVDAT Last Inventory Date per Material Group (for RMA Evaluation) -1

WSORP Control Parameters for Assortments and Listing -1

WWWFUNC Release table for function modules in WebReporting -1

WWWREPS Release table for reports in WebReporting -1

WYT1 Vendor Sub-Range -1

WYT3 Partner Functions -1 214/216
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Y1BCTSRV01 Mapping Rules used in interface programs -1

Y1BCTSRV02 Determine result values -1

Y1BC_BOM01 BOM Distribution copying control table -1

Y1COTPC01 SAP/TPS mapping table -1

Y1COTPC02 SAP/TPS mapping – TPS cost component description -1

Y1FITAP05 AP/AR Optem items for Spain -1

Y1FI_COMP_NAME FI Company names in Report Header -1

Y1FI_TAXCODE table to store tax related data used in matching -1

Y1LE_WMTORDINPUT Config of User exit for Idoc input WMTORD fill from MLGN -1

Y1LOMA57 Valuation area -1

Y1LOMA58 Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels -1

Y1LOT006 Category – Innovation centre and category logistics -1

Y1LOTMD31 Material / INCI Header Table -1

Y1LOTMD32 Material / INCI Item -1

Y1LOTMD33 INCI Data Table -1

Y1LOTMD34 Function INCI -1

Y1LOTMD35 Constituent Class -1

Y1LOTMD36 Type / Current Number Table -1

Y1LOTMD43 Material types not allowed for create with reference -1

Y1LOTMD57 Default Types -1

Y1SDT1001 Mixed article split condition rul. used by Y1SD_SDLSACI001 -1

Y1SDTBF01 TPS/ESAP Mapping table Conditions/valuation cl./TPS line -1

Y1SDTBIL03 Change document reference source when posting to FI -1

Y1SDTSO00 User maintanable table for CL objects -1

Y1SDTZ047 Mixed Article conditions type for deletion -1

Y1SDTZ058 The delivery/order types for interface B&N-Y1LE_TRAGBXO801 -1

Y1SDTZ066 control table for access sequence with terial group -1

Z134 Material Types and Y & N field -1

About the author

Syamala Reddy

Syamala Reddy Author website

About the post


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