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Complete the table below with the example sentences you’ll find on the classroom doors. But DON’T take the sentence off the door, or your
group will lose 5 points.


have a good relationship with
invent (a story, an excuse,
etc.) often to deceive someone
meet someone socially
learn easily
turn off
start doing a job or activity
decrease (the volume)
exercise in order to improve
the strength or appearance of
your body
I have to brush up on my French
before going to Paris.
How did you find out
about the party?
I don't really get on with
my sister's husband.
My dad was always really
good at making up stories.
Let’s meet up at the video arcade
before we go to the cinema.
When you live in a country
you soon pick up the language.
Can you switch the light off?
Have you ever thought of
taking up acting?
It’s too cold. Can you turn down
the air conditioning?
He works out in the gym
two or three times a week.
Teacher’s Guide
• Before class, cut the sentences and stick them to different classroom doors in your school. Also, photocopy
the first page. Each group should have 1 copy of it.

• It’d be a good idea to tell your fellow teachers that your students will come to their doors, but that they
won’t open the doors. You should also ask for permission from the headmaster.
• In class, tell students they’ll have the definitions of some multi-word verbs but not the multi-word verbs
and example sentences. The missing information is on classroom doors, and each group should send a
student at a time to go, find a sentence, memorize it, go back to the classroom and tell the group the
sentence. (Therefore, if you divide the class in 3 groups, at each turn you will have only 3 students outside
the classroom, which is a manageable situation.) Make it clear that students MUST NOT remove the
sentences from the doors, or their team will be punished.
• Divide class in groups and give them the worksheet.

• Say go and let hell break loose.

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