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Global Studies 9H

Course overview

During the ninth grade year, students will study the time periods from prehistory to the
Age of Absolutism. All of the areas of emphasis are:

• Early People
• River Valley Civilizations
• Classical Civilizations
• Post-Classical Civilizations
• Age of Islam
• Early African Kingdoms
• East Asia
• Global Age
• Absolutism

Goals and Objectives

The goals of this course are as follows:

• Present arguments in a clear, concise, and relevant manner
• Explain the causes and effects of historical events
• Place events in chronological and historical context
• Prepare students for the rigors of AP World History in 10th grade.

Grading Policy

• Homework: Students will be required to complete assignments at home. Failure

to complete homework assignments regularly on time and with quality will result
in a poor overall average in the class.

• Writing Assignments: Students will also be required to complete writing

assignments, both at home and in the classroom. At least one writing assignment
will be given for each unit. Essay rewrites will be at the teacher’s discretion.

• Quizzes: Students will be given quizzes on a regular basis. Quizzes will be

multiple choice and short answers.
• Tests: Students will be given unit tests that are essay based. The questions will
be given ahead of time and all essays will be finished in one class period. Essay
rewrites will be at the teacher’s discretion.

• Projects: Throughout the school year the students will be asked to complete
projects, both individually and cooperatively. The projects may include, but not
limited to:
o Research projects
o Presentations
o Timelines
o Book reports

Grading: The average grade will be based off of percentages; with each assignment will
be worth 100 points. The following is the break down for each type of assignment:
• Test and Projects – 30%
• Quizzes and Writing assignments— 30%
• Homework and class work— 40%

Class Rules and Expectations:

Participation: Participation will not be officially graded. However, participating in

class can only help in regards of understanding the material and shows the teacher that
you care about your learning and are trying your best.

Absent Policy: Students are responsible for all missed assignments and notes. If an
assignment or test is scheduled for the day that they are absent, they will make up the
work on the day that they come back. If an assignment is given on the days of their
absences, they will be given the same time period to finish the work.

Tardy Policy: Students are expected to be in the classroom ready to get started when the
bell rings. Students therefore, will be considered tardy if they are not in their seat
when the bell rings. A detention will be assigned every third tardy.

Electronic Devices: Students should not bring any electronic devices into the classroom
for any reason. Electronic devices include, but are not limited to, I-pods, cell phones,
gaming systems, calculators, etc… If a student does not follow this policy the electronic
device will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day. If problem persists then the
electronic device will be turned into the office and a parent or guardian will be required
to pick it up.

Academic Honesty: If there are any cases of academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism,
etc...) the assignment will be given a zero. The parents and administration will also be
notified of the situation.
Late Work: Late work will be accepted at a considerable penalty. 25% of the points
available will be deducted for late work that is one day late. The second day the
percentage will increase to 50% and after that NO late work will be accepted. (This is in
addition to the points lost for incorrect answers.) If you are absent and “forgot” to ask for
the assignments the two day rule is still in effect.

Class Supplies

The following supplies will be needed throughout the school year.

• Binder
• Notebook
• Loose leaf paper
• Folder
• Pens/pencils (blue or black ink only). Points will be deducted for not using blue
or black ink and/or pencils.


If you are absent or need a reminder about what the homework assignment was for the
day please visit my website at I will try and update
this website daily with the following information:
• Homework assignments
• The class activities
• Notes
• Electronic copy of assignments (if possible)
• Links to helpful websites
• My email address

The website is new this year so there might be an adjustment period at the beginning of
the year as I work out the kinks. Your patience is greatly appreciated and if you have any
suggestions that you would like to see added to the website please feel free to let me

My number one goal is to help you be successful. If you need extra help or have a
question, I am available after school from 2:45 to 3:15 or you can make an appointment.
Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns, my email address is
Global 9H Syllabus
Parent Signature

Please read the course outline and return this slip filled out.

Student name_____________________________________________________________

Student signature__________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian name______________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian signature___________________________________________________

Preferred way of contact: _____ phone _____ email

Phone number or email address ___________________________________________

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