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The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

The Keeper of the Realms

Magazine Issue 2

Table of Contents

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Title Page

What’s New To The Keeper of The Realms 3

Featured groups of the Week 5

This week’s Horoscopes & Tarot 8

Lady Pandora's Movie Review 35

Featured Sister & Brother Sites 38

Up & coming events 39

Particle Magick 42

Short Stories & Poetry 47

Dear Witchy 79

New's Around The Ning Verse 81

The Keeper of the Realms Weekly Comedy 82

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

This week we will be having a Poetry contest, the winner will be

featured in next weeks magazine & will also have his/hers poem
featured in the poetry group, so please post them in the poetry group & I will announce the winner
in the up coming magazine.

We are also doing a theme contest for Halloween & this contest will
run to the last week of September so please get those themes into us,
you can post them in the Our Graphics collection group & the
winner will have there theme posted on our main page for the whole
month of October & we will feature you in the members page. We also
plan to do this for each major holiday.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

We are also looking for those that would like to give a bit of there time
each week to help teach those that are wanting to learn more about the
occult, So we will be looking for those that have good knowledge in all
areas of our practices & would like to help teach others. & for those
that would like to learn you can go to the group The Realm of
And we will happily answer your questions & take time to teach you &
you can set up a time where u can be one on one w/ the teacher.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Featured Groups of the Week

Realm of the Insane

Created by Sweet Dark Angel

we've all heard the horror stories of how the mentally ill have
been treated throughout the ages~ here is some history ~warning this group is not
Members: 30
Latest Activity: Jul 29

This group is one that is filled with horror stories of things that go on in mental
institutes, & stories of those that have seen from first hand experience & also the ghost
stories of the things that still haunt such places.

Eyeless 9.0
Created by Slayer Tudd (Co-Creator)

For Slipknot fans of all kinds. It's more than the music or the masks, it's the stain of
Members: 26
Latest Activity: Aug 31
It starts out as a tragic year for Slipknot with the death of bassist Paul Gray, & left

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

many to wonder if it was the end of the mega group, but that all ended last week with
there announcement that they will not replace Paul Grey but use the remaining
members to fill in, & with the up coming release of there new DVD sickness on the
28th of September & talk of recording a new album starting this month, look for
them back & heavier then ever.

Our graphics collections

Created by Sweet Dark Angel

our collections to share~ feel free to add to it!

Members: 27
Latest Activity: 1 day ago

This group is where you will find many different graphics, from some of our own
themes to artist like Luis Royo, and many more. for good art is an expression of our
minds & moves each of us in different ways.

Cinematic Glory
Created by ToolQueen (co-creator) Admin

There's some awesome movies out there. Tell us some that have made u love it/them.
We'll maybe start a new group for the worst movies for everyone that had money
spent on em. but for now lets hear about the best.
Members: 22
Latest Activity: Aug 26
This group covers all the great movies that have come out & we have some good

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

movies in this group as well that I am sure you will all appreciate as well, it is definitely
a most for all you movie fans, & we will be adding new ones as well & movie reviews
of up coming movies.

Realm of knowlege
Created by Sweet Dark Angel

This is a group that will be for all that would like to learn & have time set a side with
one of us to set back & teach what we have to offer & expand to u..
Members: 14
Latest Activity: Sep 9

This group is one that I believe all of us can use to help other learn of all the paths of
our beliefs & one that I will also take time out of each week to teach from to those
that are wanting to learn. It is a group for those that need to find there place & what
paths to take to reach there spiritual state of conscious & truly explore the mysteries of

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

This Weeks Horoscope & Tarot

And you thought last weeks was scary & so close to being accurate wait till
u read this

This Weeks Horoscope 9/20/10-9/25/10

3/21 – 4/19
The Sun is rising on a fascinating future at the start of the week. You
have a bizarre sense of double vision: You see yourself in the present

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

and, simultaneously, you see where you want to be. Being alone is okay
with you. Tuesday and Wednesday you hit an emotional speed bump --
dreams are rich and confusing, and even the simplest tasks seem
impossible -- but Thursday and Friday mark a return to form. Someone
blurts out a wild idea and you seize it. People naturally want to follow
your lead -- more people every day. You're getting used to this. The
weekend's packed.

4/20 – 5/20
The static electricity might become unbearable on Monday. Everyone's
inadvertently shocking everyone else. In a different mood you'd find this
funny, but now it's driving you crazy. The best thing to do? Spend
Tuesday and Wednesday around people who wouldn't drive you nuts if
tried, people whose every gesture you anticipate. In other words, people
you adore. Thursday and Friday, don't jump head-first (or feet-first, for
that matter) into anything. Take your time. Test the waters first. This
weekend is magical and decadent.

5/21 – 6/21
You're thinking like a serious philosopher on Monday -- although you're
trying not to bore anyone. You like being around people who are nothing
like you, who don't see things the same way, who've had different
experiences than you've had. You enjoy a fresh perspective. Tuesday and
Wednesday you're itching for a change. (Some new clothes? A new career?)
Thursday and Friday, put yourself in the path of your most outspoken
friends. You'd like to hear their take on things. Communication is a
theme this weekend, too, but it's so busy and chaotic you can barely hear

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

a word anyone's saying.

6/22 – 7/22
The disconnect you sense on Monday is particularly annoying because you
can tell that this other person is in the mood to talk; you're just
striking out on the specifics. You want to talk about how you feel; they
want to talk about money. It isn't until Tuesday and Wednesday that you
feel in-tune with others. All week long it's important that you don't
get riled up, that you allow events to take their course, because take
their course they will. Think of Thursday and Friday as an exercise in
taking your time and thinking before speaking -- a good warm-up for your
social weekend.

7/23 – 8/22
James Joyce once said, 'Nations have their ego, just like individuals.'
This resonates on Monday because the power struggle at hand seems to
the gravity of international conflict, even though it's really just about
you and someone else not seeing eye to eye. Tuesday and Wednesday,
focus on whether or not you're in the right, focus on what others are
saying. Just listen. See what you learn. Thursday and Friday are full of
plain lessons in odd packages, but this weekend you're shamelessly

8/23 – 9/22
You are brilliant at finding ways to be constructive even as you're
cleaning house, redoing the plan, experimenting. You can change the tires

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

on a car while it's still moving. This is what Monday is like. Don't be
surprised if, on Tuesday or Wednesday, someone offers, 'Um, can we pull
the car over and then finish changing the tires?' Not a bad idea, when
you think about it; no reason to be combative. Sadly, on Thursday and
Friday, almost every interaction you have is combative. But you leave
work happy on Friday. You have a sense this weekend's going to be good.
You're right

9/23 – 10/22
'Love is life,' wrote the Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy -- and it rings
true. It's hard to think of a better definition of life, especially this
week. Monday is more loaded with syrupy sweetness than a stack of
pancakes. Tuesday and Wednesday return you to your daily routine, full of
minor victories, everyday setbacks, etc., but the end of the week is
(once again) completely about relationships. Including romantic ones. You
are more in control of your life than it may seem on Thursday and Friday,
and more at ease than you've been in ages this weekend.

10/23 – 11/21
'A family in harmony will prosper in everything,' so says a Chinese
proverb. By this rule, there's not much prosperity on the horizon at the
start of the week, because matters in the family realm are anything but
harmonious. Tuesday and Wednesday you view the current difficulties as
opportunity to be creative, to dream up a silver-bullet solution; but
this is not a cartoon. The truth is, everything might get worse (on
Thursday and Friday) before it gets better (this weekend). Whatever
happens, remember that compromise is a powerful tool. Use it wisely.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

11/22 – 12/21
You get things the first time around on Monday. Others need the basics
explained again and again -- by which point, you're totally bored. Think
of ways to occupy your mind while everyone else catches up. Tuesday and
Wednesday, overactive mental preoccupation may explain why you're
to do very basic activities -- like eating without spilling on yourself
-- but Thursday and Friday you're a superstar in every way. If someone
busts out a board game, they'd better be prepared to lose. This weekend,
take care of some errands you've been ignoring.

12/22 – 1/19
No matter how flawless a sales pitch seems on Monday, now is probably
the time. (In fact, the more flawless it seems, the more wary you should
be.) Tuesday and Wednesday you're a lot more interested in creative
projects -- making music, making art, writing letters to people -- than
in making money. These activities draw you out in a way that feels good
right now. Thursday and Friday find you a bit lost in the slow, fraught
dynamics of a family situation, but Saturday and Sunday are a pleasure
(especially if you do something outdoorsy).

1/20 – 2/18
You are drawn toward someone like a moth toward a flame on Monday --
although chances are, this attraction isn't going to end with you burning
to a crisp. (How hot could this person be?) There may or may not be
romantic content to your attraction; nevertheless, they will be all you
can think about. Tuesday and Wednesday find you thinking about yourself

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

(and your wallet) before anything else, but Thursday and Friday your
thoughts are rich, epic and full of people. This weekend, someone accuses
you of being eccentric. You enjoy this accusation.

2/19 – 3/20
It is within your nature to overcommit. You have big dreams and you don't
want to say no to anyone else's dreams either, but meanwhile you have a
family and a job and a social life and -- well, when do you expect all
this saving-the-world stuff to get done? Tuesday and Wednesday,
reconsider your priorities. It's important to schedule time for sitting
in movie theaters and thinking about nothing at all. Thursday and Friday
are upside down and bizarre, but the weekend is extremely normal. And
relaxing. And full of love.

Chinese Astrology:

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

A convergence of challenges could impede your movement. The
of a competitor of relentless character will certainly not help matters.
Rather than balk in the face of this adversity, consider it an
opportunity. Overcoming these obstacles could prepare you for tougher
times to come.
In times of loneliness, it will be important to look to expand your
horizons, whether in business or arts and crafts. Dogs are less likely
than other signs to mix well with you. A lack of respect could mar a
healthy romance, and replace some of the spark with resentment and
passive aggression

Your social activities could result in many good things, perhaps in some
volunteer projector a fund-raiser for your favorite cause. This is a good time
to talk about any lingering family problems or family issues that you've
been putting on the back burner.

Expansion is favored today, particular in matters of money. Consider
dropping more cash into a savings account rather than keeping it on hand
for spending. Try not to let this conservatism make you miserly, however,
as going overboard could make you appear selfish and single-minded.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

If you work with determination, you could finish a project with positive
results to show for it. You might want to spend time with a newfound
friend to better get to know them and enjoy their company. Working on
your own art project or visiting an art gallery could prove to be pleasurable.

A socially active lifestyle could push you towards self-improvement at this
time. Singles, in particular, may want to spend some time at the gym,
shedding some extra pounds in an effort to look their best, attract attention,
and show themselves off with more confidence at parties, bars and gallery

Restless and perhaps a bit bored, you may want to go out in search of the
new, rather than try to mend old wounds and improve existing
relationships. If you can grin and bear it, though, turning your attention to
the problems of a current romance could benefit you greatly, and reignite
the lingering, but diminished, flame of passion between you.

Your tendency to prefer a slow and steady pace over rapid unpredictability
will welcome these more languid days. Spend frugally to converse resources.
While all decisions should be made with great care and thought, instincts
are to be trusted, so refrain from second-guessing yourself.

Anxieties felt today could spill over into your physical being. Having a
favorite method of relaxation is crucial at times like these, whether it be

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

yoga, reading a book, or shooting the breeze over drinks with friends.
Otherwise, you could stress yourself into sickness and injury!

This could be a day to not engage in any dramatic actions or start anything
new. It would be better to stick to the tired and true today. This could be a
good time to get together with family and friends. Spend some time this
evening spoiling a lover.

The word about you passing among your circle of friends could be that
you've been oddly introverted and standoffish. It will come as a surprise,
then, when your former garrulousness returns, and you are once again the
energetic, affectionate, fun-loving companion they know and love.

Being communicative and sensitive at work will probably get you the best
results today. If you have undesired travel, try to make the best of it by
being flexible. Spend time on your latest artistic project or start something
new, whether it's sculpting, music, or sewing.

Recent impetuousness could come back to haunt you at this time. Because
you regret having acted so impulsively, you will probably disapprove when
friends choose to act similarly. As this might escalate into conflict, it would
be best to keep them at arm's length for the time being, and let them make
their own mistakes.

Nurture is in high indication for you. For yourself, this reflects a desire to
take better care of your physical well-being, with light exercise, a balanced

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

diet, vitamin supplements and tea. More significantly, a close companion in

mourning might need a shoulder to cry on, so offer it, with your
condolences and sincere generosity.

Resist the urge to overanalyze and project. Warmth and good humor don't
necessarily indicate desire, so beware of misinterpreting the signals of an
attractive person. Wanting a long-term relationship could make you
anxious and intimidate prospective partners. Learn to relax before
re-entering the dating scene.

As long as you act with integrity and generosity, you will be protected from
strife by the solidity of Wood and the loyalty of the Dog. Future travels are
likely to bring you towards, rather than away, from family. You could be in
a position to defend a loved one from the attacks of another.

This could be a great day to start that home improvement project that
you've putting off. You may want to invite friends over this afternoon to
watch a movie or your favorite sporting event. Spend the evening with your
romantic partner enjoying each other's company.

When saddled with the role of ringleader among friends, you could find
your ideas that require more group involvement getting shot down.
Although this will probably be quite disappointing, it's advisable to stick
with your companions anyway, and do something traditional, like playing
basketball or attending a play.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

This will probably not be a very good day for you. On your job, nothing
will seem to work out like you planned no matter how much enthusiasm
you have. You may have a disappointing social life with your hotheadedness
and impulsiveness getting you into trouble.

This is a successful time for you. You're likely to advance in your current
career if you take risks. Luck is on your side, especially at the hour of three
o'clock. If you're changing jobs, your preference could be more available to
you than you would usually expect.

Entering a conversation amongst casual friends, you might be perturbed,
even dismayed, at the turbulence of their interactions. To help offset their
aggressive words, you may want to be especially diplomatic with yours.
Doing so will probably come quite easily to you, considering your rather
peaceful mind-set throughout the day.

When nothing new comes your way, practice patience to keep anxiety at
bay. The unusual behavior of a loved one might stir up resentment and
suspicion at this time. To counteract this, you'll want to spend more time
at home, leading activities with your family and regenerating good vibes.
Beware the passive revenge of the scorned. Keeping criticisms, deserved or
not, to yourself can help you avoid unnecessary strife. The birth of a child
might come to affect your home life significantly. The key to maintaining a
loving relationship could hinge on the unceasing support you give to a
romantic partner.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Have you been thinking about talking a walk down the altar? Today is a
great day to take that next step with your partner. You may find this
commitment feels natural and easy. When you look back upon your life,
this could be one of the best decisions you make.

Fill your head with culture today. There's a strong indication of visiting a
city with a robust history, so consider putting aside your responsibilities for
the time being and doing exactly that. This trip may seem at first to exceed
your normal budget, when in fact you're more than capable of affording it.

You will probably be feeling content on this quiet and thoughtful day.
Things will likely be stable at work and you'll be able to finish your projects
successfully. If you're ready to propose marriage, set a romantic stage and
pop the question today.

Hectic and harried in the weeks leading up to this day, you may be inclined
to take it easy at this time. Rather than concern yourself unduly over career
matters, keep your vision homeward bound. Is your family happy in your
current house? Does it need repairs? Is the neighborhood safe? These should
be your priorities right now.

The value of property in your possession, once so seemingly high that you
fought and perhaps even alienated others to gain access to it, may now be
dipping at this time. Harsh weather may have had something to do with
this depreciation, in which case you'll probably have to devote some time

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

and resources to repair the damage.

Overall prosperity could help you overlook small losses. When your
confidence rises, it makes you sexy, attracting the attention of others and, in
turn, boosting your self esteem even more. Long term commitments are
unfavorable at this time. For now, you may want simply to flirt and have
fun with others.
Unexpected difficulties could arise from your attempts at generosity. You
may want to be careful about what you let others borrow from you, as
material loss might be in your future. Maintaining a smart diet, getting
some exercising, and avoiding the sick will be important to staying healthy.

Your financial situation could take a turn for the best today. Take time out
to create or review your long term money strategy. You'll be surprised at
how easy it is and how good you feel afterwards. Moreover, you'll feel great
when you see how much your money will grow over time.

Ambitious and open-minded, you have a tendency to take opportunities
even if it means making sacrifices and leaving people behind. You might
regret a recent case of this in which you choose a new friend over an old
one, when the more recent companion could turn out less trustworthy than
they seemed.

It may seem like you're not able to get anything original and ambitious
done at work under the yoke of the conservative and practical Ox. The

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

workday stress may leave you feeling physically weak and exhausted. If
you're sensitive and gently persuasive with your love partner, you may have
a positive evening together. Roses and soothing music might help.

Rather than getting entwined in a conflict between two friends, you may
want to seek out new ones. With confidence and swagger, this should come
easily to you. Beware, however, of letting new acquaintances influence you
too deeply. Their ideas are likely attractive, but possibly deceptive, and
maybe even dangerous.

Stick to the familiar today. Nature is calling you, so when the sun shines, a
game of Frisbee in the park will seem particularly inviting. When night
falls, the denizens of the neighborhood haunts that will attract you the most
will probably be those you have always considered to be your 'type.'

Allowing matters to develop on their own with only cursory control could
yield exceptional rewards for you and secure a steady stream of cash for a
short while. This newfound stability can keep your spirits up even as you
receive some sad news about someone you know.

A slower pace in your love life could make your everyday existence less
exciting, but you're unlikely to become unhappy. Focusing less on the
present than on the future could help keep your mind off daily doldrums.
Save money so that you might travel away from it all at some point.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

This is not a very good day to travel. It would be best to reschedule any
travel plans until a more opportune time. There are many opportunities for
entertainment around your home. Consider inviting some friends over for a
nice lunch or dinner.

Your intellect may be especially vigorous today, which will benefit thinkers,
philosophers, and all else whose brainpower earns their daily bread. An
exception to this are those in business, who may not experience the same
good fortune. Even then, however, something as banal as sudoku could
bring you enormous pleasure.

Your hard work on the job could be rewarded today with a promotion or a
well-deserved bonus. If nothing else, though, remember that tenacity can
be its own reward. Spend time with a friend you recently met to enjoy
getting to know them better. You might like to do some painting, perhaps a
religious or fantasy scene

At the end of your patience, you may be inclined to snap at others
undeservedly today. Perhaps you should take some time off. Consider
skipping that meeting at work, and making a day trip on your own.
Relocating to natural surroundings, particularly a botanical garden, could
be just what you calm yourself down.

If an opportunity to make some money arises, you'll probably have the
resources to act on it-- but only in shrewdness. Risky liaisons are
inadvisable. This goes for love, as well. Desire could blind you to the fact

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

that a new partner may be less interested in the depth of your character
than the width of your wallet.

Advancement in your vocation is likely on the day of the Rooster. Aside
from your day job, perhaps you will want to consider other methods of
profiting. Property is indicated, suggesting that expanding your own plot
and then renting some of it out could help you build a healthy income.

Even after hard days or even weeks at work, your leisure time could yield
the most productivity and good fortune at this time. A strong indication of
both travel and improved well-being suggests that taking a trip somewhere,
either alone or with a lover, might be unexpectedly good for your health.

That home improvement project that you need or have already been
undertaking will create problems for you. They will probably cost much
more than you have budgeted. Seek a second and third opinion or see if
you can handle the repair yourself.

Stay cautious about spending your money as unexpected expenses may arise
soon. Naturally, you'll want to avoid lending out any cash. On the same
token, you should stray from borrowing as falling into debt will probably
be one of the last things you'll want to do in already tough financial times.

This could be a tough day at work because the Ox likes to keep control,
which probably does not suit well with your independent style. If you're

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

impatient and lose your temper with a friend, it may end the friendship.
Any severe emotional outbursts while socializing will not be well received.
Try to keep a low profile.

Enterprising people stand to gain the admiration and respect of peers today,
while idle ones will probably not only disappoint others, but more
importantly, themselves. Honesty, though, is crucial. Using trickery and
manipulation to get ahead is, as usual, quite inadvisable.

As you may be a bit more susceptible to physical injuries at this time, avoid
rough activities, like sports or manual labor. In general, keep your mind at
ease, and meditate thoroughly and often. You'll need a healthy mind and
body to interact with the new children about to enter your extended family.

The patterns you observe seem to show that honest workers with good
hearts are more likely to rise in ranks than their conniving, conspiring
counterparts. In response, you'll be inclined toward humane treatment of
others, but beware of those who wish to take advantage of your kindness
and generosity.

When a good friend steps in to pull you out of financial troubles, don't take
their help for granted. Leapfrogging off their support by exercising good
judgment in how you spend your money in the future may be one of the
better ways to demonstrate your appreciation for their generosity.


The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

You may find mental tasks easier than usual today. You may have
experienced some highs and lows in your social life recently. You may
feel on top of the world today. It's a great day to take on difficult emotional
issues in your life while you have this beacon of mental clarity.

A lack of attachment to anyone is favored for you at this time. Without a
significant other to answer to, you'll probably feel an empowering,
energizing sense of liberty at parties and around coworkers. The element of
water is strong today, so visit a lake or river if you have the spare time.

As the Ox is your opposite sign, this is likely to be an anxiety-filled day. Try
not to go against management at work or you may lose a lot of ground.
Some unexpected expenditures could play havoc with your budget. If your
love partner is not supportive enough, you might end up drifting away
from them.

There's a strong indication of travel for you. The wind that fills your sails,
though, will probably be pressure from your family or your friends, rather
than your own inclination. Your enthusiasm may be lacking, as a result.
The flair that usually allows you to shine, particularly in places like Las
Vegas, could be dimmer than usual.

A surge of pocket money could inflame your urge to revamp your
wardrobe. Following the requisite shopping spree, you'll undoubtedly want
to show off your new wares. When you do so, a new confidence may
become known to you. You may exchange numbers more in one night than
you have all month.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Love will flourish if you can resist the need to control. Some unhappiness
might befall your family soon, requiring more of your devotion than ever.
The ambitions you have in your career could come to fruition today or
tomorrow. Entrepreneurs can look forward to minor expansion.

Opportunities abound for making quick profits, but beware that some may
require a sacrifice from your personal life. Achieving a balance between
your career and your loved ones is crucial. If one infringes too much on the
other, perhaps you need to keep a more casual, less serious mind about

This could be a very good day to reconnect with family and friends.
Consider hosting a get-together for families and friends. You could very
well be the center of attention, however, so try not to get too big headed
and boastful.

Stability reigns in romance for you, meaning two things. On one hand,
things between you and a lover will probably go well if you refrain from
attempts to get more serious. On the other hand, if you're currently single,
you could begin to meet new people consistently, but your encounters
with them will probably be casual.

Try to be clever and practical at work for the best success and don't get into
a contest of wills with others. If you can be sensitive to the needs of your

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

family members, you could have an enjoyable time with them. Take some
time for your self to do something artistic.

Art and culture are your exits from a potentially pothole-filled day. The
quirks of a current lover may begin to get on your last nerves, and the
demands of friends might discourage your from seeking their council.
Instead, you'll probably want to escape into yourself, enjoying a thoughtful
film or a good book and calming music.

Issues might arise in matters of business that perplex you and give you
pause. When you allow yourself to think things through thoroughly, you
may come up with a workable solution. Others will be receptive on the
condition that your ideas promote equal benefit to all, rather than
self-fulfilling profiteering.

Your hard work is bound to pay off on the Day of the Rooster. Accept
invitations to socialize in the evening; you might end up meeting some
important and influential people. When the clock strikes ten, good fortune
may come your way and pave the path towards success in your future.

When matters of business begin to plateau, perhaps it's time to embark on
more challenging endeavors. At home, disagreements could generate
tension in an otherwise stable situation. Confidence gives you an advantage,
but it could also make you more argumentative than you really need to be.


The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

If you have a problem in one of your friendships regarding some matter

that is no longer important, it may be a nice time to bury the hatchet and
let bygones be bygones. Good friends are hard to come by, so don't let
something petty pull you apart.

Loss in love could have you down today. Truncated romance is never fun,
but that hardly means you should let it ruin your day. If you can rise to
meet the challenges at work, a promotion might be right around the corner.
Aside from that, take a stroll in a park, breathe in fresh air, and count your
blessings, because life is still good.

Most everything should go smoothly for you, as good fortune shines her
light in your direction. Your hard work and determination will get you
ahead at work today. You will probably be enjoying the benefits of a new
social circle with your honest and loyal personality. Being sensitive to the
needs of a friend can enhance the friendship.

The profits of your business strategies will undoubtedly give you a boost of
confidence at this time. Your work is probably too conspicuous to go
unnoticed. In the occasion that it does, though, don't be afraid to speak up.
Sometimes all you need for that promotion is to demonstrate just how
much you want it.

The aggressive demands you have made of a lover may come back to haunt
you. Needing to know their whereabouts all the time, for example, could
return to you in a similar demand, and the constant phone calls and texts
that would naturally follow when you're just trying to have some fun with

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

your friends.

Oversensitivity could mar the free speech you usually enjoy around friends.
While someone could simply be picking a fight, you should consider the
possibility of simple carelessness and start watching what you say. In any
case, acting maturely rather than rash is advised in such situations.

As responsibilities accumulate, your concept of the future may be rather
dim. Deep breaths of fresh air are a natural remedy for pessimism and stress
overload. The past comes readily to mind on the day of the Dog. Plan a
gathering of old friends to unwind over drinks and nostalgia.

Your long term romantic relationship may have seen a lot of good times
and bad times. However, romance is favored for you today, so spend some
quality time with the one you love. Be grateful for the sacrifices they have
made for you by showing and saying it.

Business is good at this time, and as a result, you'll probably be quite busy
at this time. If your vocation encompasses manual labor, you could trigger a
surge of creativity today. When you find no channel for this energy at
work, you might want to take time at home to draw or play music, even if
you don't do such things normally


The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

It could be a tough day at work with too many things not going your way.
With the workday stress, you may be feeling physically weak and exhausted.
Because of your loyalty and generous nature toward others, you'll probably
do well in your social circle.

As a general practice, you may keep your family and your social circle
mutually exclusive. Rarely will you play host, instead choosing to go out
when seeing friends. Now would be a good time to change that. Try
inviting others to your place this time, and allow your spouse, siblings, and
even children to participate.

Start making use of the investment opportunities you've been accumulating
over the past year or so. Now is a good time to expand your financial
prospects and pull in profits from a variety of sources. Success will probably
require some charisma, and a deft command of diplomacy with other

Get-togethers, parties, and other social gatherings could have a
peace-keeping effect for your family. After many years of stewing, old
conflicts may get resolved simply by sharing laughs and good times. In
addition, romance will be quite prominent in your life around now, and
many loose ends might finally get tied up at work.

The thrill of travelling might be replaced with unusual anxiety at this point
in time, inspiring you to hold off on any particularly lengthy journeys.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Contentment in the status quo could come to characterize your day, as your
romantic and domestic lives yield pleasant, if familiar, results.

This would be a good day to research your favorite vacation spots for that
getaway you've been considering. Two good choices for you could be either
to spend some time skiing in the mountains or head south to the beach to
escape old man winter.

Things are not always going to go as planned. Therefore, speculation on
your own is inadvisable. Instead, maximize your assets by teaming up with
people you trust, pooling your money, and making a well-considered
investment. The added security could calm the symptoms of anxiety, which
might otherwise give you a stomachache.

With your tenacious spirit and communicative ability, you should do well
at work, successfully finishing your projects. Gold is a good color to wear
for success in your career. You may have frittered away your leisure time
with nothing to show for it.

Financial hardships could be in the cards today. Gambling will only make
them more likely, so it would behoove you to avoid poker and too much
lottery investment. When you seek support from friend, they might surprise
you. The usual suspects may be too occupied to help, while mere
acquaintances reach out unexpectedly to you.

Those whom you count within your inner circle could begin to grow in

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

numbers soon. Your insecurities could begin to melt away, as the desire for
newness among close friends begins to take center stage. Still, although
varied, these additions will only pass your test after demonstrating the
necessary sensitivity to you.

Weekly Tarot


The 4 of wands inverted: Today will be a day of peace & increase. All your
endeavours will run smoothly & you will see the beauty in things around

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2


The knight of wands: Today things will seem uneasy & you will feel the
need to leave your current situations. On this day one should find that
peace of mind w/in them selves or travel to a place that gives you peace.


The sun inverted: Today will be of up's & downs, all your success will be
earned w/hard work & much more effort than usual, but it will be a good
day non the less, as long as you keep your head about you & persevere
throughout the day.


4 of cups: Today it will seem that all is lost, & that everything you try just
crumbles before you, but being the equinox & a full moon this will increase
the influence of this card, just set back today & enjoy the meaning of life,
& celebrate it & as the day goes on you will see it change before you bring
you joy & you will see that the hard work you have put in this summer
starts to pay off.


6 of pentacles: Today it just seems everything is lining up to be a great day,

it will be a good day to celebrate & enjoy all the labours of the summer,
What ever you endeavour on this day will be rewarded fully.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2


3 of wands: Today will be a great day to relax & rest, you will find that all
your worries seem distant, & that some of your projects that you have
thought pointless & failures will turn around & show you the fruits of your
labour, and that all your hard work has truly paid off.


Queen of wands: Today you will need to watch your money, & not put a
high value on it. For you will feel that what gains you have made is not
enough & that you need to push your self more to get the things that you
really want, but that are not really needed. Take this day & enjoy it with
your family & loves one, don't think on money matters.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Lady Pandora's Movie Review

Move over Ebert, we have our very own vivascous movie critic that knows
our likes & needs, & I promise you will get a great review with This Critic,
I'd like to welcome you all to Lady Pandora.....

Resident Evil 3- After Life

I saw this movie a few nights ago….what can I say I am a big fan
of the games and movies but this one left me with a wtf is going
on it picked up where part two left off and we all remember how that one ended for
those who saw it…I was so hoping they used the clones more in the movies but hey
next time I will write it myself lol…the action was a little lagging but once it got going
didn’t disappoint I won’t spoil it for you guys but I say see it if you have seen
everything and you want to see a movie but I say don’t waste your money wait for the
dvd at least you spend a little money not your whole pay check….here is the link to

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

The Other Guys-

Ok people I may be the only one to like this movie but

I love anything Will Ferrell is in to me this one was
witty and would watch it again I think Marc Wahlberg
was not right for the part he played but somehow it worked..this one kept me
laughing just how Will delivered his lines, don’t know how anyone can work with him
and try to keep a straight face…so I say see it and if you need to forget your stress hey
we all need a good laugh once in a while and trust me this one did it for me… here is
the link to watch

The Last Exorcism-

This has to be the worst movie I have seen in

my life…first off it explores a pastor who
doesn’t believe in demons but performs exorcism for money and he is showing you
how he pulls it off…we all know they are people who prey on the innocent but this
just proved it here I was expecting to see some pea soup spewing foul mouth girl but
like I said nothing…this movie just dragged and dragged…I say don’t even waste your
time it is so not worth it but you be the judge here is the link to

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2


Stay tuned my friends I will bring you more as I watch stay safe huggss

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Featured Sister & Brother Sites

Global Conspiracy Theories

‘If you want a Big Brother you get all that comes with it.’

Global Conspiracy Theories has a new Group.

Deep Sea Perils explores Marine Science, and

Undersea Environmental Damage that we are not told
about. Also explores the mysteries of the deep,
shipwrecks, sunken treasures, sea monsters, and anything else undiscovered.
Post any treasure maps here!

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Up and Coming Events

This week is a good week for many people with a change in seasons to a day
of peace, it starts the harvest season and in old religions the beginning of
the end of the year which use to be the end of October & the 1st of
November being the beginning of the year.

September 21 is the U.N day of peace, it is not a major holiday but one
that we all should celebrate & show those around us that there is still hope
for a world that seems lost, Peace is a state of mind that many have even in
diverse times of troubles & it is them that we see & look up to, so on this
day take a moment to enjoy the true meaning of peace.

September 23 is a very big day for all of us pagans, it is Mabon & it is also
the beginning of fall & the end of summer, this years will be even more
magical that the Moon will be also full, what away to start the beginning of
a new season one with celebration & one with the Blessing of the Goddess
given us a nite that will be full & surely magical.

Mabon, (pronounced MAY-bun, MAY-bone, MAH-boon, or

MAH-bawn) is the Autumn Equinox. The Autumn Equinox
divides the day and night equally, and we all take a moment to
pay our respects to the impending dark. We also give thanks to
the waning sunlight, as we store our harvest of this year's crops.
The Druids call this celebration, Mea'n Fo'mhair, and honor
the The Green Man, the God of the Forest, by offering
libations to trees. Offerings of ciders, wines, herbs and fertilizer
are appropriate at this time. Wiccan's celebrate the aging Goddess as she passes from

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Mother to Crone, and her consort the God as he prepares for death and re-birth.
Various other names for this Lesser Wiccan Sabbat are The Second Harvest Festival,
Wine Harvest, Feast of Avalon, Equinozio di Autunno (Strega), Alben Elfed
(Caledonii), or Cornucopia. The Teutonic name, Winter Finding, spans a period of
time from the Sabbat to Oct. 15th, Winter's Night, which is the Norse New Year.
At this festival it is appropriate to wear all of your finery and dine and celebrate in a
lavish setting. It is the drawing to and of family as we prepare for the winding down of
the year at Samhain. It is a time to finish old business as we ready for a period of rest,
relaxation, and reflection.
Symbolism of Mabon:
Second Harvest, the Mysteries, Equality and Balance.
Symbols of Mabon:
wine, gourds, pine cones, acorns, grains, corn, apples, pomegranates, vines such as ivy,
dried seeds, and horns of plenty.
Herbs of Maybon:
Acorn, benzoin, ferns, grains, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, myrrh, passionflower,
rose, sage, solomon's seal, tobacco, thistle, and vegetables.
Foods of Mabon:
Breads, nuts, apples, pomegranates, and vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and
Incense of Mabon:
Autumn Blend-benzoin, myrrh, and sage.
Colors of Mabon:
Red, orange, russet, maroon, brown, and gold.
Stones of Mabon:
Sapphire, lapis lazuli, and yellow agates.
Activities of Mabon:
Making wine, gathering dried herbs, plants, seeds and seed pods, walking in the
woods, scattering offerings in harvested fields, offering libations to trees, adorning
burial sites with leaves, acorns, and pine cones to honor those who have passed over.
Spellworkings of Mabon:
Protection, prosperity, security, and self-confidence. Also those of harmony and
Deities of Mabon:
Goddesses-Modron, Morgan, Epona, Persephone, Pamona and the Muses.
Gods-Mabon, Thoth, Thor, Hermes, and The Green Man.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Mabon is considered a time of the Mysteries. It is a time to honor Aging Deities and
the Spirit World. Considered a time of balance, it is when we stop and relax and enjoy
the fruits of our personal harvests, whether they be from toiling in our gardens,
working at our jobs, raising our families, or just coping with the hustle-bustle of
everyday life. May your Mabon be memorable, and your hearts and spirits be filled to

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Practical Magick

Each week I will feature a few pages on the study of magic from my
personal studies & from those that wish to submit something for each of
you, I believe the more people that we can reach out to & help them along
the way the stronger our practices will be, for there are many out there who
are just beginning & trying to find there place in our broad beliefs &
practices & different teachings, there is none that is wrong it is what you
feel drawn to at the time & as you grow you will come to find that you will
want to delve deeper & learn more from other areas in our vast ways of

The understanding of oneself is the redefining point in which all things

begin, that is the duality that is in all things, even within ourselves. There is
no point in arguing that we have both aspects in us, it is not good or evil
but the intent & purpose of are will that makes it such.

There is no such thing as impossible, or it can not be done, it is improbable

maybe, but it can be done if it is your will to be done. There is no room for
doubt or questioning, in our way of life. Once you see this then think on
the limitless & endless possibilities that you can achieve For this is your will
& your law ( Do what thy Will Shall be the whole of the Law).

Our Mind & Souls are a vast archive & mystery all in the same, but as we
learn to open our mind & unlock the mysteries within we see a whole new
world before us, one that we can shape & mold to our desires. Think of the
difference that you can make, think of the people that you can touch with
just a thought.

Emotions are a tool used to charge & draw off of, and to command at your

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

own will. The power in emotion knows no end or boundaries, learn to

master them & you will learn to master oneself & all that is around you. Be
the master of your own temple and allow only that which you want into it,
all else as no meaning for it is not a part of you.

Remember everything is a tool at your disposal, use it and grow, learn from
it then decide if it is a part of you or no, if not discard it for it has served it's
purpose & no longer has a purpose or need for you.

The Basic Structure of the Psychic

chart 1

Conscious Mind
Sub-conscious Mind

In the chart above is a simplified form of the common model of the human
psyche as provided by modern psychoanalysis. First we see the conscious
mind A.K.A the day time or wakening-consciousness. In the lower portion
of the chart we can see the sub-conscious mind which is also called the
unconscious. This includes everything that usually escapes our conscious
mind. Although it's constantly active, we usually only notice it when we
dream. The so-called censor is located between the two. It represents a sort
of "2way filter", on one hand it ensures the selective perception of the
stimuli of the outside world. On the other hand, it protects the conscious
mind from uncontrolled flooding of information from the sub-conscious
mind which includes repression & complexes. The censor is assigned a vital
function, namely the mantinance of what we generally call " spiritual
Admittedly the censor has a considerable disadvantage as well namely it

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

's extremely conservative. Only reluctantly does it allow the conscious mind
to make direct contact w/ the sub-conscious mind thereby escaping it's
control. You could compare it to a slightly distrustful "palace guard" a
loyal, brave servant to his master, but sometimes too worried about his own
safety to allow & admit new situations w/out careful examination.
Actually one of the most important "tricks" in magick is temporarily
turning off the censor in order to tap directly to the source of power, ( the
sub-conscious mind ) & assigning it specific tasks. This happens through
magical or gnosis trance. This state often resembles the hazy period just
before falling to sleep in which the conscious mind is still active, but quite
subdued. In this state it can exchange information directly w/ the subconscious
mind e.g. in the form of images.
During the magickal trance the censor is in a way "put to sleep". Ideally, it
would "sleep" very lightly & only wake in an emergency. By the way this
corresponds to the sword in magic. Thus we now have the complete
structure of magic that corresponds to our chart bellow:

chart 2

Imagination Will

In comparison, chart 3 reflects the same concept in the form of a

mathematical equation. It would be best for you to study these charts
carefully & even memorise these since we will be running into similar
formulas throughout the course of study. THIS ISN'T SUCH A GAME!
On the contrary, formulas are mnemonic abbreviations to help us memorise
rules & laws from which practical derivatives can be gained . Our goal here
is to point out the basic structures of magick & to clarify them. In this
respect, this is an entirely new concept since most of the magical literature
available today is written like (recipe books ). Instead of explaining the basic
laws that govern magic, must authors-even the older ones, usually provide
individual recipes. Ritual for protection from an enemy, magical glyphs for
happiness & prosperity, amulets to prevent plagues, mantras ( magic-words

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

) for attracting a prince or conjuring spirits, & so on. Even ( & especially!)
the traditional literature of most recent times follows this principle.
Unfortunately what's often misunderstood here is the fact that such
recipes are not effective "automatically" by themselves. This is a mistake
that many people make especially beginners continue to make again &
again. They constantly search for the " real, true, 100% effective ritual " or
the ultimate magical formula.
Even today there are more than enough quacks around who'd be eager to
hold out a hand & sell you a recipe w/out explaining the conditions
nesccessary to make it work. Not that all such recipes are completely useless.
But if we're not able to understand the basic formulas of magic first, before
we use them, then there not worth the paper that they're written on. And
even if they do work sometimes, it can be easily seen that " will;
imagination; & gnosis/trance " played an important role as well.
However, once you're familiar w/ basic law & formulas of magic you can
create your own "recipes" on the basis of these, in the same way that every
magician basically writes his/hers own personal grimoire or " book of
magick "
A large part of your work hear will deal w/ doing just this. But as w/ any
other discipline, the basic need to be mastered first, otherwise "1+1" will
never be learned! These basics are the "mathematical" structural formulas
that you'll continually confront in various versions.

chart 3
M= W + I + G = M
M= magical act
W= will
I= imagination
G= gnosis (magical

As seen in the above statements, we can see that the focus of a magical
education must be on training of the Will, Imagination & trance in order

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

to enable efficient work w/ this paradigm or model of explanation. Her's a

basic maxim you should learn from the start.
"Diligent practice on a regular basis is the Key to acquiring magical skills"!
You should know that it's entirely up to you how fast or how slow magic
"works" for you. There's no denying that some people have a certain
"Talent" for magic in various degrees, the importance of this talent is
usually drastically overestimated. Never make the common beginners
mistake of envying the "naturals" who seem to be able to accomplish many
things in magic straight off w/out painstaking work & previous training. In
fact you should actually feel sorry for them. Since they've been "given" so
much & many things fall right into there laps, they usually lack the
self-discipline & severity of those w/ less talent who have to earn every little
thing w/ sweat & tears. In magical terms this self discipline & severity
represents the important aspects of grounding, since they're best protection
against two of the most common & most dangerous illnesses of magicians:
Overestimating ones self, & the persecution complex.
A good magician is humble in the same way a good warrior is humble: One
knows his/hers own limits way to well to be deceived by wishful thinking. A
warrior never makes the mistake of underestimating a problem, the enemy,
or a challenge. He/she thinks & acts economically w/a minimum of effort
& maximum efficiency. The warrior is of sound character because he/she
learned to master Will power throughout training & knows how to
distinguish between judgement based on emotion & those based on facts.
Ideally the magician is a technician w/out being a techonoccrat, someone
who's mastered one's disapline to a tee & knows it's legitimacy as well as
it's weaknesses, & he/she respects & admires one's trade & all those who
have learned it & are still learning. All of these qualities are rarely just handed to
a person, they have to be acquired through hard work. Natural talents often
tend to oversee these requirements & usually learn the hard way by running
into walls or through painful processes of mistakes & failure.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Short Stories & Poetry

This week I will be featuring one up & coming writer that will be posting
for us each week with her very first short stories that she will share w/ each
of us, & A very Talented writer that I have come to enjoy & appreciate his
work, Last week author will be back w/ us next week & my thoughts &
prayers go out to her & hope that you are feeling better...

The cave

By Lady Pandora

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

As she ran through the woods to escape her captors, Mary spotted the cave that was
always forbidden to go to but with no other choice her only escape was the cave
hopefully the stories she has heard where not true. She needs to hide for if the solider
captured her they would burn her as a witch, “over here she went this way”! She heard
them shout. With no other choice she ran in to the cave, it was a dark but the shouts
where getting closer. She made her way deeper in to the cave and saw a faint light
coming from deep within she wondered who else was there with her. All of a sudden
the entrance she came in closed and she gasped “who’s there?”With panic in her voice
she looked around. She thought please goddess don’t let the story be true.
“Mary”, she hears someone whispers her name. “Who’s there”? Then she hears a giggle
it’s so dark in the cave she can’t see her hands before her face then she spots the light
again at the end of the tunnel she thinks should I follow it then she hears her name
called again “Mary follow the light Mary”. She starts to shake, “who’s there”! She yells.
Again she hears the giggle “come you will see”. Mary starts to walk towards the light
she saw earlier slowly with fear in her heart she wonder who can it be in hear with her.
Then she remembers the stories granny used to tell her about a strange creature that
lives and feeds on the blood of the innocent “never ever go near the cave in the
woods”. She would say to me while sitting by the fire. As she approached she felt as if
she was being watched, again she hears her name “Mary come to me”. She walks and
trips over her petticoat as she nears the light are getting brighter and brighter. she
enters a large room where the light was coming from and in there she see a large table
with food at the site of food here stomach growls she nears the table with caution she
looks around and wonders who can possibly live here and where has the food come

“Hello Mary”. Said a voice, Mary slowly turns to find a woman sitting at the end of
the table where did she come from Mary thought. Mary looked at this woman who sat
in front of her she had long raven hair and her skin was a white and the snow but what
brought horror to Mary was the eyes there where the color of hell fire as red as blood
and they were looking at her. “Wwhoo are you”? She asked. The smile that came to
her lips ran chills down Mary spine. “My name is Lilith child; I have been waiting for
you”. Why this woman would be waiting for me Mary thought. “Cause you are special
child”. Said Lilith and smile that smile that could scare the soul from the devil, that’s
when Mary noticed her teeth was she seeing thing or where they pointed. “What are
you”? Mary asked. Lilith trough backs her head and laughed. ““I am what everyone
fears my dear I am the stories that people tell to keep you away”. Lilith rises from the

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

chair and walks across to where Mary is standing Mary notices Lilith is wearing a deep
red velvet gown she also notices that Lilith seems to glide to where she is standing. She
reaches out and touches Mary’s face “such a beauty you are my child”. Mary feels her
touch and it’s as cold as ice, she can’t help but cringe away from her touch. “My child
why are you running in the woods what have you done to gain such hate maybe I can
help you”. Mary thinks if she should trust this woman should she tell her that she was
being accused of being a witch and how she could help when no one could help her.

Stay tuned my friends will Mary tell this creature the truth and how will this woman
help her hmmmm what connection are between them to find out you have to read
next week issues….

The Reluctant Vampire

By: Richard D Teague

Count Loathe always knew he was different from other vampires. To start with,

he had never taken a life, or tasted human blood. He had, however, ended the lives of

many a vampire. Since a plague-ridden monster had turned him into a blood drinker

in 1692, he despised the species. The Count welcomed every opportunity to exact

revenge on the animals that had slaughtered his wife and young twin daughters. He

spent many hours honing his archery skills in the thick woods behind his mansion.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

When he employed the whirling razor sharp hunting tips in the destruction of

vampires, he always got Father Elisha to bless them with holy water. Princess, his

massive bird-eating tarantula, skittered about his shoulders, beneath his armpits and

onto his belly vying for attention, but went largely unnoticed. Eventually the dancing

arachnid tickled his weakened sense of touch, and he stroked her hairy back absently.

The Count could no longer remember how long he had been living off bovine

blood, but he knew he now measured the time in terms of centuries. Most times the

reluctant vampire got his sustenance during early morning hours without waking the

cow. A few clumsy daylight attempts convinced the Count that the nighttime

approach was best. Loathe gazed out over his expansive property from the third floor

balcony lost in thought, until his whirling dervish of memories flashed upon the night

his life changed forever.

Things had never been easy for the former slave in Salem, but his master afforded him

a modicum of freedom and the privilege of raising his own family, which was no small

matter. He had a small piece of land where his owner allowed him to raise a garden.

Although he still performed backbreaking labor on the plantation a few miles south of

Salem, his body was strong at age twenty-three.

Loathe awoke from a sound sleep to find an intruder in his little wooden shack. The

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

bedding beneath him was soaked in a crimson substance as he attempted to rouse his wife.

He turned her towards him by tugging on the back of her arm, and as her head rolled

slowly into view, he saw her blank dead eyes staring off into nothingness. An uncontrollable

rage swallowed Loathe as he raced after a retreating shadowy figure with murder on his

mind. A wide swathe of moonlight illuminated the man’s face and Samuel could see that it

was the plantation owner of the adjoining property. This fact meant nothing to him, nor

did thoughts of consequence as he set about exacting revenge on the demon that had stolen

his family.

Samuel Washington, as he was known in his slave days, was almost twice the size of

the miniscule white intruder covered in his wife’s blood, but it would make little difference.

He wrapped his hands around the throat of the pasty trespasser, who offered no resistance,

and squeezed for all he was worth. Five minutes into what he assumed was a brutal

throttling of the demon that had killed his wife, the little vampire simply batted Samuel’s

thick rippling muscular forearms aside, clamped his pasty little hands around the 250

pound specimen and lifted him like a toddler. Smiling morosely, the ashen demon dragged

Samuel into the main living area where his two daughters slept peacefully on a mattress of

straw. The vicious animal effortlessly held Samuel down as he drained the life from the first

of the tiny twins. With a penchant for sadistic games, he toyed with the second child

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

bringing her to the brink of death before forcing her to drink of his blood, slamming her

father easily into submission whenever he offered any resistance.

With his will broken, Samuel acquiesced willingly as the vampire clamped onto his

neck. After watching the blood drained from his daughters, he wanted nothing more than

to join them. He did not see the little vampire force his little girl to drink his blood, nor did

he know of the wicked undead creature’s powers of reanimation so assumed that both

daughters were dead. Samuel did not see Sarah race from the house into the woods as his

face pressed into the bloody flooring, with the little vampire hovering above relishing its

upcoming feast.

He felt the fangs slide through his flesh and the hot pulsating blood in his jugular

cooling as it rolled down his neck. His pulse slowed and a calm settled over him, it felt good

to be free from all the pain. However, what he had perceived as pain would seem like a

paper cut by the time the little vampire was finished with him. Forcing Samuel to drink

from a deep self-inflicted laceration on his wrist, the maniacal laughter echoed through the

little wooden shack as the vampire reveled in his debauchery.

Power began to surge through Samuel’s veins as the vampire continued his sadistic

torture, bringing his victim to the brink of death before forcing him to drink deeply from

the toxic blood pouring from his self-inflicted wound. Arrogance drove him to show his

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

dominance over this mountain of a man. The miniscule landowner had been a vampire for

close to four decades and even sent three women to their deaths during the infamous witch

trials, so felt himself invincible. Unfortunately, for him, a burning hatred fueled Samuel,

and the little vampire's infamous exploits meant less than nothing to him. Tempting fate,

the little vampire waited a little too long between feedings, allowing Samuel time to recover.

Samuel seized the vampire, whose name he never knew, around the throat and hurled

it through the side of the shack. Feeling the power ripple through his already massive form,

Samuel leaped through the opening he had just created, sending shards of pulverized wood

high into the air, and landed on top of the prone vampire. Samuel’s massive hand, now

complete with three-inch nails and veins the size of pencils, clamped around the apparently

terrified little vampire’s throat. Squeezing for all he was worth, Samuel’s massive new

strength brought his thumb and index finger together. Through his ravaged neck, the little

vampire gurgled laughter, as Samuel’s eyes grew wide. The gaping wound closed and the

vampire struggled to his feet, his cackling laugh growing in quality and intensity. This

seemed to snap Samuel out of his stupor, and the enraged slave refused to let his amazement

quell his desire to exact his revenge upon the vampiric demon spawn.

Before the blathering dhampir could make a move to escape or strike back, Samuel’s

unrelenting grip closed over his newly healed neck. He dragged the now terrified vampire

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through the yard towards a little wooden shed behind the house. The sarcastic look of fear

on the killer’s face was now very real as Samuel slammed him against the exterior wall of

the shed. He gazed around at the vast array of implements, which could be used to the little

vampire’s ultimate detriment, as the door swung open.

Samuel used about half the carefully arranged gardening tools on the monster, but to

no avail. Each time he thought he had dispatched the vampire it came back to life in a fury

of activity. The little vampire almost managed to make his escape by turning into a bat and

flying towards the open door, but Samuel swatted it to the ground. Then, almost by

accident, he happened upon a pile of ash wood stakes that he used in the garden. Trying to

prevent the struggling, snapping bat from escaping he jabbed one of the stakes through its

right wing. It was just by happenstance that he used the stakes, scattered about the floor, as

he attempted to secure the bat. The second stake pinned the opposite wing and the third hit

the vampire bat in the center of its tiny heart. It struggled mightily, snapping at the

intrusions into its body, but the ash had found its mark. A frenzy of activity caused Samuel

to back away from the pinned vampire.

First, the stake in the right wing flew into the air and then the stake from the left as

the bat began to take on its human form once again. The thick piece of ash buried in its

heart, however, did not budge. No matter how the little vampire struggled, it remained

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steadfast. As Samuel’s canines began to lengthen, it was the little vampire’s turn to

experience the terror he inflicted upon his victims. Samuel made sure he died screaming like

a little girl.

Wandering the countryside aimlessly, thoughts of human blood driving him mad, he

happened upon a little farm. A lone goat grazed on some grass growing outside of the

overlapping wooden poles forming the exterior fence. The little house, with smoke bellowing

from a thick black pipe protruding from its roof, was over a hundred yards from where the

goat wormed its large horns through the uneven wooden fence. Samuel approached from the

outside as the Navajo-Churro munched contentedly on the growth of vegetation it had

worked so hard to reach. It sensed Samuel and attempted to extract itself from its

self-imposed trap, but it was too late.

The hunger raged within Samuel as he yanked up on the thick horns, exposing the

goat’s vulnerable throat. After ten days without eating or drinking, he was barely alive and

needed to feed or die. His strength was sufficient to hold the animal in place as he drained

its life force, unable to restrain himself. When he finally released the goat, its head fell

limply, impacting heavily on the fence as its body crumbled on the other side. The twisting

motion of the animal spun its muzzle skyward, before its horns locked into place on the

fence. Its lifeless eyes stared at Samuel, in a bizarre mock torment. Guilt and remorse

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racked the recently freed slave as he wiped the thick mask of blood off his face, completely

disgusted with himself. “Damn this to hell, I will not become like the monster that took by

babies,” he thought and began to look around the property. Seeing a small shed about fifty

yards from the house, Samuel decided to see if he could find a wooden stake to fall upon.

George Burroughs and his son Luke were about to sit down to dinner when they heard

a commotion in the little shed they had built to store farm implements. George grabbed his

rifle and the two raced out to find a massive slave rummaging through the shed. George

held the gun on the intruder, while his son beat and chained Samuel Washington. While

the mountain of a man could have easily subdued and even killed the two farmers, he

refused to act. He would not lift a finger against the men, and a bolt from the farmer’s rifle

might actually be welcome if it could end his pain. Samuel had only experienced ten days of

tormented freedom before another owner stepped in to claim him.

The years and the beatings crawled by as Negro Burroughs, as he was now called,

endured. Even when the lash ripped into his flesh, he refused to show anger, or any other

emotion for that matter. His was a joyless existence of backbreaking labor, interspersed with

brief interludes of animal bloodletting. Thoughts of redemption were all that kept him

going. Maybe master Jebediah Washington’s god would let him join his wife and daughters

in that place he called heaven. If there were a way, he would find it, no matter the cost.

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Five decades passed, along with George and Luke Burroughs, but just before the latter

passed he sold Negro Burroughs to a cattle rancher. He spent another century and a half

handed down through generations of cowpunchers, without aging a day. Owner after owner

died and his reputation grew. Many said that the giant slave would live forever, and none

rose to challenge this claim. Finally, as industry gradually replaced farming, his new owners

sold him to the Loathe family.

Jonathon Loathe had always been a kind man and treated his newest purchase well.

He even allowed the slave the freedom to choose his own name. All that the stunned slave

could think of was Samuel, so he became Samuel Loathe. Samuel was allowed to live in his

own little cabin, and given the freedom to roam anywhere on the property after he finished

his chores. Samuel loved his evening walks and explored practically every inch of the

sprawling property. He also slipped onto a neighboring plantation, and this is where he

perfected his own unique technique for obtaining enough sustenance to survive; he began

experimenting with harvesting bovine blood at night. He perfected the art of draining a few

pints from a couple of different cows a night, without even waking them. As for the

puncture marks left on the necks of his mostly wild bovine victims, they were so small that

their owners never noticed. After a few hasty ill-conceived nightly excursions, Samuel

managed to incorporate a technique where he could gather his sustenance in less than an

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hour, from the moment he left the little cabin until the time he returned.

The beeping computer screen roused Count Loathe from his daydream, and he

quickly remembered his quarry Reginald Van Slouter. It seems this vampire had been

terrorizing the area around his old home in Salem. “Crazy teenagers,” and the Blair

Witch took the blame for many of the disappearances outside the little tourist trap,

but Loathe knew the truth. The fiendish bloodsucker had plucked thirty-five

unsuspecting lone women from the area. His contempt for the authorities was so

immense that he spit in the eye of convention by taking many of his victims in broad

daylight. He was stalking his thirty-sixth victim, a little redhead chanting just outside

the sliding door of her Volkswagen van, as Loathe’s private jet touched down just

miles away, and Loathe shook off a rather persistent nightmare.

Cold sweat beaded the Count’s forehead as the nightmare swirled back into his

head despite his vehement protests. Distorted thoughts of his first attempt at vampire

hunting which resulted in his ultimate failure against a Romanian named Rascovich,

who just happened to be the king of the species. Each time he closed his eyes, this

man, whom he never dared to move against again, seemed to be there to taunt and

cajole. Count Loathe had never been so happy to be jolted from sleep.

The Count’s thoughts wandered to his long fireside talks with Jonathon, and the

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close bond the two formed, despite the circumstances of their relationship. Jonathon

also arranged for his freedom, not to mention leaving him a fortune in gold. Count

Loathe forced himself to focus on the task at hand, sorting through his supplies for the

impending job. Sixteenth century samurai sword, four lead flasks filled with holy

water, a 70 lb compound bow and a quiver of arrows each gleaming razor tip coated

liberally with a gel made from black mamba venom, beeswax and holy water. Finally,

he packed a wicked looking knife with fitted metallic knuckles, a ten-inch

double-sided blade, and three-inch tri-sided spikes protruding from the front adjacent

to where the user’s knuckles fit. He secured them all to the Honda quad-runner and

prepared for touchdown.

A scream arose from the sleepy little hamlet as Reginald Van Slouter took his last

victim, and Samuel Loathe honed in on the tiny cry for help, narrowing his quarry’s

position to within a ten-yard radius. His heat vision could usually pinpoint a vampire

even with it minimal signature of 43 degrees, and allowed the Count to turn the

hunter into the hunted. Within three minutes from the time the woman screamed,

Samuel Loathe moved silently into position on the edge of the clearing where the

vampire fed contentedly. An arrow slid inaudibly across the guard on the

custom-made compound bow. Pulleys rotated into position as the string stretched to

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the corner of the Count’s mouth, where his right index finger grazed the light stubble

of the day’s growth. The imperceptible noise echoed through Loathe’s head as he

imagined it did through that of his quarry’s. A split-second later he released the bolt,

and the beautifully engraved intricately designed bow sent it hurtling towards Van


The vampire looked up, blood dripping from its face, and deflected the arrow at

the last instant. Van Slouter avoided the full force of the lethal projectile, but did not

escape unscathed. He managed to deflect the bolt from ripping through his mouth

and neck, but the spiraling razor-tip blades and their insidiously detrimental vampiric

cocktail found a purchase in his left shoulder. A massive three-inch cavern appeared in

the writhing vampire’s flesh and it continued to grow exponentially by the second.

Van Slouter dipped his wounded shoulder and raced into the woods just as another

arrow implanted itself in a tree directly behind where his head had been. The pain of

the virtuous fluid deteriorating his shoulder was so unbearable that Van Slouter

decided to turn and face his enemy head on.

Thick viscous black fluid ran from the stump where his left arm had once stood

as Van Slouten turned to face his enemy. Van Slouten had known for months that the

famous vampire hunter was on his trail, so he recruited, trained and converted three

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new vampires to track down and kill the Count. Somehow, all of them had gone

missing, and when he could no longer fight the bloodlust, Van Slouter left the relative

protection of his estate in search of a meal. He had been having nightmares about

meeting Loathe alone in the woods. Today the nightmare was standing right in front

of him. Producing a knife, almost identical to the one Loathe carried, from a scabbard

on his hip, he wielded it wildly. Making a kind of odd misshapen figure eight before

his face, he gestured morosely for Loathe to meet him on equal terms. The sound of

the fancy gold embossed bow clanging on the ground signaled Count Loathe’s

acceptance of the challenge, and a smile spread across his face briefly. The little grin

faded fast as the memories of his murdered wife and daughters spilled into his head.

Loathe’s knife appeared on his right hand and his knuckles turned white with the

exertion placed upon them as he parried the lurching Van Slouten’s attack.

Knocking the much weaker vampire to the ground, Loathe exploded with rage.

The knife whistled through the air and Van Slouten’s neck, and Loathe found himself

next to a decapitated body in the middle of the forest. It took him a while to come

back to himself. Meanwhile, Van Slouten began to dematerialize; a black cloud of

spiraling ash whirled like a mini-tornado above his rapidly vanishing body. Soon, only

a few particles of tumbling blackness creeping through the tangled underbrush attested

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to his passing. Loathe staggered back towards his four-wheeler, trying to regain his

composure. He hated how he felt immediately after slaughtering another vampire,

even though his hatred for the species grew stronger with each passing day, but it

would pass-just like it always did. He told himself that he hunted vampires to gain

redemption and a chance to join his family. However, despite his attempt to assign a

loftier motivation, vengeance was what really drove the Count. “I must seek female

solace,” Loathe thought as he drove the four-wheeler up the long metal ramp onto his


A tragic flaw in the Count’s character emerged as he stalked his little hamlet.

Tonight the prey he sought was not vampiric in nature, but feminine. Lurking in the

shadows, like a well-known London serial killer, Loathe struggled against his dark

urges, but knew eventually that they would win out. He found a lone woman standing

just outside a local bar, “McCormack’s Irish Pub,” and honed in on her. Fiery red eyes

cut through the darkness and fog, sending him an accurate assessment of the woman’s

beauty, even at a distance of over one hundred yards. The scent of perfume wafted

through the air in waves that sent shockwaves through the Count’s body. The

fragrance was overwhelming to his heightened senses, although it was actually rather

mild and fruity in aroma. Her heartbeat echoed incredibly slowly in his head,

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threatening to burst his eardrums with each step he took in her direction. Loathe

could not feel the cool night air, but could see little puffs of breath, coming from her

lungs between drags on a cigarette. The intensity of the cigarette as she inhaled felt like

it burned Loathe’s skin and its crackling, cascading ash impacted the ground like a

five-ton meteor.

Sarah Goode knew immediately that something was wrong, and snapped her

head around to peer into the foggy night. She flipped her cigarette hastily into the

snow-covered Virginia streets, and turned to face her attacker. Samuel Loathe

appeared beside her, and try as she may, Sarah could not move her legs. The Count

tried to call the woman to him, standing in a little snow bank just outside the bar, but

her willpower was unbelievably strong. Loathe normally need only utter a command

to a woman for her to respond. He talked to her in soothing tones almost like a parent

coddling a child, and soon Sarah Goode gained complete trust in the hulking figure

before her. Within the hour, she stood before Count Loathe’s mansion, without a clue

as to how she had come to be there. He whisked her inside, but found that he could

not touch her in a sexual way. The touch of her skin was icy and the pangs of guilt

Loathe felt just to lay the woman on his couch were so debilitating that he almost

dropped her in the middle of the floor. Maybe it was because she bore the name of

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one of his daughters, he could not be sure. Something else was not right about the

woman, but he just could not place it. The next night she would find herself back

outside McCormack’s Pub again without any memory of the lost day.

Count Loathe always felt guilty after his escapades with women. He had never

hurt one, always treated them with the utmost respect (other than the kidnapping and

rape), but what was left of his soul ached after each encounter. His celibate behavior

with this one woman could not undo the harm done to twenty others. None ever

complained and all shivered in ecstasy at his mere touch, at least until he met Sarah

Goode, but in the part of him that was still human, he knew what he did was

wrong-terribly wrong. No memory remained to scar the woman’s life, but a feeling

that something was just not right stayed with many of them for years. “Why, why,

why, did he do these horrible things? Had the little vampire that stole his wife and

children from him, also taken his soul? He had spared Sarah the indignity of his

advances, so maybe there was hope yet.” Thoughts fought for purchase in his

guilt-ravaged brain, until finally a vivid memory replaced them.

Jonathon Loathe had been bedridden for weeks now. So, with his workload reduced,

Samuel roamed the property lost in thought. He wondered when the inevitable would

happen and he would have to leave this beautiful place to serve another master. He

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appeared at the top of the hill overlooking his master’s mansion, and saw the house servant

waving his arms wildly above his head. “Not again,” he thought, “The master has died and

now it all begins again.” A heavy cloud descended upon the man as he made his way down

the path imagining his world turned upside down once again. When he finally arrived at

the home, the houseboy raced up to him, hooked his hand behind Samuel’s left elbow and

pulled him towards the house. “Mister Jonathon want to see you now,” the boy exclaimed

excitedly. A look of dread replaced the gloomy visage of Samuel Loathe as he followed the

boy inside to Jonathon Loathe’s bedside.

Freedom began with a piece of paper, and a stack of gold bars that still sparkled in

Samuel’s mind’s eye just as it did on that day. Jonathon Loathe held Samuel's hand as he

lay upon his deathbed, told him he was his best friend, and then handed him title to the

entire estate. Tears welled in eyes that had not felt moisture in the two and a half centuries

since the death of his family. Count Loathe felt good as this memory washed over him,

placating his tormented soul. Princess, however, felt no such emotion as she skittered about

wildly on her master’s chest, trying desperately to alert him to the danger. Loathe felt a

presence as Princess made her escape onto the stone floor, and opened his eyes just in time to

see a rather large needle plunge into his neck. The Count forced himself to stand on shaky

knees, his outstretched arms groping wildly at the air around the rapidly vanishing murky

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figure. In all his time as a vampire, he had never felt so helpless.

Samuel awoke with a loud buzzing echoing through his head, as he struggled to

make sense of what had happened to him. He remembered the woman, “oh what was

her name? Sarah, Sarah Goode that was it. Now, why did that name sound so

familiar?” Thoughts streamed at him. He saw that there was an IV attached to his arm,

hanging from a tall metallic stand chained to a gurney. “Glory be,” Loathe thought,

“Sarah Goode was the name of the innocent woman in Salem that the evil little

vampire sent to trial as a witch.” The eerily shrill screams tore at the corners of his

mind and the remembered smell of the seared flesh caused the corners of his nostrils to

flare involuntarily, even after 294 years. “Well, I see that you are back among us my

good friend; it’s time to have some fun.”

Loathe recognized the voice immediately: it was his one failure in the world of

dhampir hunting, Vlad Rascovich, rumored to be from the famous Dracul bloodline.

Loathe’s botched mercenary attempt had almost spelled his own demise, while the

ancient vampire barely broke a sweat. The fledgling vampire hunter had almost died in

the encounter, and only managed to escape with blind luck, tumbling over a steep cliff

facing a picturesque Catholic church. Loathe had come to rest with his mangled body

against a towering cross overlooking the ocean. Rascovich hated churches; he would

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detour miles around them whenever possible, preferring to frequent the smaller

villages where no churches were present to obtain his victims. Although Loathe caused

him no real pain or even forced him to change his habits, Rascovich was a vindictive

demon. He fully meant to wait until the battered Loathe stumbled away from the

church, and end his days as a vampire hunter, but he got distracted. It seems that a

group of nuns was on their way to an orphanage with some winter clothes, when they

crossed paths with a lurking Rascovich. The wicked Romanian vampire got lost in a

sea of bloodlust, scattering the remains of his victims throughout the woods. Each new

ravaged body part was a ghastly reminder of Loathe’s failure as he retreated through

the woods.

“How does that feel?” Rascovich asked as he injected a clear liquid into the IV

attached to Loathe’s right arm. A rippling, smoldering, gyrating line crawled up

Loathe’s arm as the fluid made its way into his veins. “Van Slouter probably didn’t like

it when you sent it spiraling through his chest on the tip of your hunting arrows

either. You would not have believed how Padre Elisha screamed when I took it from

him. It was the height of entertainment to watch him die begging for his life.” Loathe

struggled against the sturdy shackles, even as the holy concoction racked him with

convulsions strong enough to dislocate his left shoulder, in an effort to get his hands

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on Rascovich, but to no avail. Days of torture finally ended when Loathe passed out,

his veins ruptured, and Rascovich bored of the sadistic game.

When Loathe awakened, he was inside of some sort of massive metal container, a

thick gel coated the inside, and a quick check confirmed it was the same concoction he

used to end the lives of 139 vampires. The tip of his left index finger that had touched

the gel disintegrated up to the first knuckle as Loathe noticed a thick chain attached to

the shackle on his right wrist. On the opposite end of the chain was Sarah Goode.

Samuel used his night vision to look around the inside of the metal enclosure and

quickly surmised that it was an industrial shipping container. Two thick metal rods

were countersunk into the four-inch beams comprising the exterior of the container,

and as he concentrated his vision he could see a lever handle twisted into place inside a

heavy metal groove, affixed to the outside of the container that aligned a hole held in

place by a cylindrical padlock. Normally Count Loathe would just rip through the

walls and escape, but the gel held him at bay. Loathe noticed a cheap wooden

electrical spool with what looked to be bottles of wine and upon hearing a moan,

turned his attention to the woman.

“Who are you? What do you want with me?” a tiny voice asked. “Don’t be

afraid, I’m not here to hurt you, I did not bring us here, wherever here is.” Loathe

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answered. “What is going on? Don’t I know you? Your voice sounds familiar,” she

continued a bit bolder. “No miss, I think you must be mistaken.” Loathe said, glad

that the darkness hid the shame gleaming upon his face.

Sarah rummaged around beside the table and Loathe’s vision allowed him to see

what Miss Goode would soon discover: a box of candles and kitchen matches. She

struggled against the slight pressure Loathe applied to distract her from acquiring the

prize of more equal footing in the dark. The ploy did not work as she hooked her

fingers inside the corner edge of the box, pulling it towards her with all the strength

she could muster, almost knocking Loathe off balance. He could not believe the power

of this tiny woman. Ten pounds of wax candles spilled into Sarah’s lap, along with the

matches. Sarah struggled against the wax intruders, fighting against any perceptible

threat, but to Loathe, it seemed she located the box of matches a little too easily. She

did not fumble around for them, rather moved the candles around before moving her

hand almost precisely to the small box of matches. She raised it quickly, making a

show of rattling it next to her ear, as if to confirm her suspicions and then rifled

through the box, clumsily spilling wooden matchsticks onto the metal floor. Sarah did,

however, manage to retain possession of one of the matchsticks in the firm clutches of

her right hand. She tried to move her left hand to hold the box in place for a striking

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attempt, but it seemed locked in place, so she shifted her weight and shoved the box

into her immobile hand. Shaking badly, Sarah managed to get the match lit, and

subsequently a long candle sprang to life illuminating a swatch of the container.

Loathe tried to keep his face hidden, but Sarah Goode’s will was too strong, and soon

he faced her across the five-foot length of chain that bound them together.

A look of recognition spread across Sarah Goode’s face and she said, “Didn’t we

meet a few weeks ago in front of McCormack’s?” “I am not familiar with this

McCormack’s, and like I said I have never met you before.” It ripped at the part of

him that still clung to humanity to lie to this woman, and what he did next forfeited

another piece of that most precious commodity. “We have never met before; you will

block me forever from your memory when you leave this place,” the Count stated

slowly as his eyes bore into Sarah’s brain. She repeated, “We have never met, I will not

remember you when I leave this place.” The little vampire mind trick appeared to

work, at least for now, but at what cost. Loathe was already in a weakened state after

the torture session with Rascovich and had not fed in almost a week, so the use of his

extensive powers came with a considerable cost.

Count Loathe struggled to keep his head upright as Sarah rediscovered him as if

for the first time. “Who are you? Why have you brought me here? What do you

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want?” she blurted out in rapid succession. “Do not be afraid, I will not harm you. I

do not know how we came to be in this place, I only know I woke up shackled to you

in the darkness. I was unaware that you were at the other end of the chain until you lit

that candle.” Sarah looked at the candle as if it were a rattlesnake and gave a valiant

effort to maintain control of it. Finally, the woman managed to steady her shaking

hands enough to survey the situation. She saw the chain attached to her left wrist and

then she turned her attention to the man sharing the metal container with her.

“Why would somebody leave us here like this? I have no enemies, what about

you?” Sarah spit at the Count. “I’m just as lost and bewildered as you, and I promise I

do not know a thing.” “Look I’m sorry,” Sarah began, “I’m just scared that’s all.”

Samuel placed his free hand over hers gently, careful to hide the missing digit from

view, and said softly, “I promise you that I will do everything in my power to get us

out of here.” The touch comforted the woman beyond measure and almost killed

Loathe as he had concentrated all the telepathic control he could muster to ease

Sarah’s troubled mind.

Time lost its meaning in the darkness of the metal container, and soon enough

Loathe measured it only in terms of the reduction of resources standing between the

woman and death. She drank the human blood-spiked wine, always encouraging

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Loathe to join her, but he always lied and said he drank while she was asleep. Neither

of the prisoners knew the contents of the bottles, but Loathe figured that Rascovich

could have some sort of insidious plan to get him to corrupt himself with human

blood. However, even if he had known the contents of the bottles, it would not have

changed things, because without them the woman would die. He could eat and drink

any food, although it provided no sustenance, had a slow heartbeat, and even pumped

blood through deteriorating veins to withering organs just like all the ageless vampires

sired from sixteenth century demons, but he refused to rob the woman’s of even an

ounce of sustenance. The two became friends in their shared prison, and most times

Sarah fell asleep in Samuel’s arms for what little rest she got for the day. He knew that

Rascovich must have ulterior motives for placing the two together, but figured the evil

vampire wanted to force him to feed off this woman. The Count fought a

monumental battle against his hunger as the woman slept, her heart echoing

throughout the container. The woman would never see a trace of his dark side, as he

learned about her and she about him. Loathe’s bond with the woman was as strong as

it had been with his wife and children. He was her protector now and no matter how

weak he was, he vowed that Rascovich would not lay a finger on her.

When Sarah awoke from her nap in Count Loathe’s arms, she could see that his

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brow brimmed with sweat and she quickly got to her feet. “You have to drink some of

the wine, please,” she said shocked at the wavering visage of her newfound friend.

Then she noticed Sammy no longer remained shackled to her. The thick chain still

hung from the shackle on her left wrist, but not from Loathe’s. “What did you do?”

Sarah said as Sammy slowly turned his back in a vain attempt to hide his depreciated

right limb. “Let me see your hand,” she ordered sternly and Count Loathe obliged

without even realizing it. “Oh my God, what did you do?” Sarah gasped as she saw the

festering stump where Loathe's right hand had been. “Why would you do something

like that?” Loathe struggled to raise his head and when he spoke his voice quivered

almost to the point of incoherency, “Promise me, that you will run away and leave me

here if that door opens. Please, could you promise me that?” “Please don’t ask me to

do that, I can’t just run away and leave you.” She said with tears streaming down her

face. “Promise me, Sarah,” Loathe continued nonplused, the constant hunger gnawing

at his soul. Sarah could see the effort that Samuel Loathe put into each word and knew

that if she pursued the argument it would be to his ultimate detriment, so she

reluctantly agreed. She promised to race from the container without a look back, if

given the opportunity.

The next day Sarah would get her chance to follow through on the promise, as

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with only a bottle and a half of wine left, the massive door of the container swung

open. Rascovich’s dead white face peered into the container, a morose smile on his

face. Without thinking, Sarah charged at the opening, ripping the sunglasses off

Rascovich’s face, and stumbled out into the blazing sun. Blinded and disoriented,

Sarah raced straight into the side of the long black limousine. Luckily, for Rascovich,

his driver was not as adverse to the sunlight as his master was, and recovered quickly

from the shock of the escaping woman. He charged after her as she groped blindly

along the side of the vehicle. Sarah located the handle on the driver’s door of the limo

and jerked up on it. The door opened and as she slid into the leather seat, she heard

and felt the engine running. Fumbling around the steering wheel with wild dots the

size of her fists dancing before her shrinking pupils; Sarah located the gear shifter and

pulled it down as far as it would go. The displaced driver stepped in front of the

limousine just as Sarah gunned the engine and it lurched into motion. Despite a

graceful maneuver to escape the careening vehicle, the screeching 20-inch chrome rims

swallowed the former limo driver beneath it. Unfortunately, for the driver, he was not

like Rascovich and consequently would never rise from the spot where his mangled

body lay on the pavement. Inside the container, Count Loathe used the last of his

strength to procure a large scrap of paper from the littered floor.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Sarah rocketed off down the length of the gigantic parking lot in the middle of

nowhere onto a country road, her sight returning enough to save her from

plummeting off a towering cliff onto a series of jagged rocks waiting below.

Rascovich’s luck would not be as good as Sarah Goode’s and he took a twisting,

pirouetting tumble over the edge of the cliff after ricocheting off the rear bumper at

full speed with his head. The impact caused Sarah to whip her head around in time to

see a tumbling Rascovich spiral out into the air just beyond the back bumper. She

knew how incredibly lucky she had been, but as soon as she got the vehicle under

control she decided to go back to check on Sammy Loathe. She slowed the limo and

made a wide looping arch through a bumpy pasture to bring the vehicle around 180


Sarah stopped at the place where she had seen the demon that pursued her from

the metal container go over the side. Feeling her way carefully up to the edge of the

precipice, Sarah craned her neck forward, peered down onto the jagged rocks, and saw

Rascovich splayed out with thick columns of rock protruding from several places

throughout his body. Staked firmly to the ground, none of Rascovich’s appendages

remained unhindered by jagged stone protrusions. His eyes remained closed for the

ten minutes that Sarah stared down at him. Satisfied that the monster was dead, Sarah

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

rushed back to the container.

Sarah raced inside the shipping container and slid down on her knees next to

Samuel Loathe. Carefully lifting his head, she placed it lovingly on her lap with tears

raining down onto his face. Loathe did not seem to notice, or if he did it must have

been a pleasurable experience as a smile slowly made its way across his face. He died in

her arms, happy for the opportunity to rejoin his wife and daughters. The smile would

not fade from his face even in death and Sarah’s sorrow lifted just a bit. After almost

an hour, Sarah rose to her feet and staggered towards the door, unsure of what to do

with Count Loathe. Then she heard a sound that made her freeze in place.

Rascovich’s cackling laughter echoed through the long metal container, but

instead of fear, it inspired rage in the woman. Her very shadow seemed to elongate

behind her as she traveled the forty feet between herself and man responsible for her

Count Loathe’s death before the startled Romanian vampire could react. She forced

the heavy wooden stake, its edges coated in ancient Christian silver; she carried at her

side through Rascovich’s ribcage and into his black heart. “Don’t you see the family

resemblance?” Sarah Goode Loathe said as she pinned Rascovich to the side of the

container by forcing the long wooden stake completely through the thick metal

container. She rushed to her father’s side as Rascovich slumped into the gel he had

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

applied to the walls. Within minutes, nothing was left of Rascovich’s body but ash.

Thick rancid smoke filled the container as it was Sarah’s turn to flashback to the

past…She remembered how she had run through the forest until her lungs almost burst.

The wilderness seemed to close in around her as the seven-year-old child fended off the

elements and vicious predators to survive. She quickly adapted to her new life and even

developed a taste for goat’s blood, which she procured at every possible opportunity. She

remembered missing her mother and father, holding their images in her mind until the

hunger for blood finally distorted everything. She remembered finally finding her place on a

small Virginia farm only to find that her father still lived. It had taken her months to work

up the courage to confront him. She had even seen him take women from the bar, but all

had returned relatively unharmed, so she hoped for the best.

Remorse now rocked her withering soul, but she felt she had made the right

choice by not revealing herself to her father. She did not think she could take the look

of disappointment that was sure to follow after he discovered her vampiric identity.

Sarah saw the extent of the damage to her father’s right hand, which he sustained

without a whimper, to secure her freedom. Then she noticed his left hand had all its

digits missing and immediately thought of Rascovich, but dismissed it, as he had no

time to act. Sarah thought about how her father must have suffered as she easily lifted

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

his monstrous frame and carried him out to the limo, placing him gently in the back

seat. Sarah caressed his face as thoughts of the wicked vampire that had changed both

their lives forever tore at her sanity. In the pocket of his battered and bloody dress

shirt, Sarah noticed a scrap of paper with some sprawling deep crimson writing on it.

She carefully pulled it free, tears already streaming down her face as she read

gore-encrusted message, “My beautiful daughter, Sarah, I never stopped loving you.”

The lethal vampiric gel continued it path, completely disintegrating Count Loathe’s

left arm before Sarah finished reading the short message. When she looked into the

back seat, the reluctant vampire found his freedom as his ash now forever rode the

spiraling air funnels in search of his lost family.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Dear Witchy

Who needs dear Abby when we

have are very own Dear Witchy,

To send her questions here is the

link, you have till Friday nite to get
your questions in each

Dear Witchy,
When dealing with sex magic
what is the best way to get myself & my partner
to get the highest state of sexual union
so that our magical work has the most potency?

Dear ?
The most effective workings are from partners who

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

love eachother and have atleast some sexual attraction

or "chemistry" between them. This also helps to have
a loving and communicative exchange during sex
which in turn automatically balances their individual
energies and the flow of energy between them.
Keep in mind that men tend to be aroused quicker
than women so a mixed-gender couple may need
to take extra time to tune into eachother. If we are
talking about single-gender couples, they tend to tune
into eachothers rhythms/energies more easily however
male couples should take extra time so that the depth
of power can build. Lying temple to temple can also
help you and your partner attune to eachother,
and oh yes,...know where your partners G-spot is located
and stroke it accordingly. Do not be concerned if you
do not reach orgasm simultaneously, simply continue
until the second partner has peaked.
Being healthy and clean are also an important part,..
prepare yourselves mentally and physically for sex magic
as you normally would befor performing any ritual.
Lets see,...a ritualistic bath, using the proper herbs,
incenses and oils specific to sex magic and your purpose
(the list of which is way to long to go into detail here
about so if you are unsure of which of those to use explore
your library or occult shop), having a "Great Rite Kit" handy
( something to hold your special oils, lubricants,
massage oils, clean towels,"toys" and condoms inside)
are some additional tips I suggest.
YES, I said condoms,...
colored to match the colors you are using for your purpose
would be perfect however whichever you use, do keep
in mind that "safe sex" is perfectly effective for sex magic.
Blessed Be Indeed!

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

New's Around the Ning Verse

These last few months have brought many changes to our sites, & with that
the loss of several good sites & sadly probably a few more to come since
Ning can't keep there promises and the same problems as before are still a
constant issue.
They have finally stopped letting members into the sites that didn't pay
albeit they have not deleted them but left a message board up giving people
a chance to send e-mails to the site owners & admin's of those sites trying
to get them to pay for them or giving them a chance to archive them or
delete them. Hopefully now they will focus on the ones that are paying &
have tickets in w/ problems that still haven't been fixed.

So far in my eyes it has been a change with unfulfilled promises & with the
same problems that we have had before, I hope in time this will change &
we get as they put a better network that we will be able to grow and flourish
without worry of headaches.

I have come to notice that a lot of sites activities have drop since this
change, & that is sad because I know a lot of these site pour there hearts
into them & are always keeping fresh content & working there sites to
there fullest. It is as if the members have stopped participating, this worries
me because that will cause more good sites to close, because why pay for a
site that no one is being active on, & that falls on each of us as members to
show are support by commenting & posting on these site to show those site
that we do appreciate there site & the work that they have put into them.
For in the end it falls on us to help keep these sites alive & we can't blame
them for saying enough nor can we blame it on Ning when it is us that are
not showing these site a reason to stay up & continue to pay for them. It is
time that each of us step up on the sites that we are on & start showing that
we do care & enjoy all that is to offer on these sites.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

The Keeper of The Realms Comedy

Slayer Tudd`s Salute To....The Pictures That Speak For Themselves

Where Is This Place Again.....


The Fear Of Using The Can Opener Is Now VERY


The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Not Exactly What I Was Meaning By `Getting The

Ass End`...

They Weren't Kidding When They Said Life Was

Upside Down

Yes Even Food Has Become Sexy And Sultry


The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Starvation Is Not An Option For Those Living In

Picnic Baskets

Trading And Pooping Has Never Gotten So Easy...

How many members of your sign does it take to change a light bulb?

Aries: Just one. You want to make something of it?

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

Taurus: One, but just "try" to convince them that the burned-out bulb is useless and
should be thrown away.

Gemini: Two, but the job never gets done -- they just keep arguing about who is
supposed to do it and how it's supposed to be done.

Cancer: Just one. But it takes a therapist three years to help them through the grief

Leo: Leo's don't change light bulbs, although sometimes their agent will get a Virgo in
to do the job for them while they're out.

Virgo: Approximately 1.000000000000000000 with an error of +/- 1 millionth.

Libra: Er, two. Or maybe one. No -- on second thought, make that two. Is that okay
with you?

Scorpio: That information is strictly secret and shared only with the Enlightened
Ones in the Star Chamber of the Ancient Hierarchical Order.

Sagittarius: The sun in shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of
us, and you're inside worrying about a stupid burned-out light bulb?

Capricorn: I don't waste my time with these childish jokes.

Aquarius: Well, you have to remember that everything is energy, so.....

Pisces: Light bulb? What light bulb?

A letter from a 3rd grade teacher sent home to pagan parents:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Thomas,

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

I write this letter in concern of your daughter, Aradia Moon. Please don't take this
the wrong way, however, although she is a straight A student and a very bright
child, she has some strange habits that I feel we should address.

Every morning before class, she insists on walking around the classroom with her
pencil held in the air. She says she is "drawing down the moon." I told her Art Class
is in an hour and to please refrain from then to do any drawing.

And speaking of Art Class, whenever she draws a night sky, she insists on drawing
little circles around all the stars and people dancing on the ground. And that brings
up dancing, I had to stop her twice for taking off her clothes during a game of Ring
Around the Rosey! By the way, what does the term "skyclad" mean?

Aradia has no problem with making friends. I always find her sitting outside during
recess with her friends sitting around her in a circle.
She likes to share her juice and cookies. It is nice how she wants no one to ever
thirst or hunger. However, when I walked over to see what they were doing, she
jumped up and told me to stop, pulled out a little plastic knife and started waving it
in front of me. I thought this was a bit dangerous, so I took her to the Principal's
Office. She explained to the Principal that she was "opening the Circle" to let me in.
She also said that her Mommy and Daddy always told her not to play or run with
an "athame" in her hand, that she could put someone's eye out. I don't know what
an "athame" is, but I am glad that she keeps it at home.

As for stories, your daughter tends to make up some whoppers. Just yesterday while
I was talking sternly to Tommy Johnson and shaking my finger at him, he started
screaming and ran from the room. When I finally caught him, he told me that
Aradia told him and the rest of the class that the last time I shook my finger at
someone, they caught the chicken pox. I explained to him that the Sally Jones
incident was just a coincidence, and that things like that don't really happen.

One of the strangest things that happened was when I asked the children to bring in
Halloween decorations for the classroom. Aradia brought in salt, incense and her
family album. I see she has quite a sense of humor.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

One of Aradia's worst habits is that she is very argumentative. We were discussing
what the Golden Rule was (Do Unto others as you would have them Do Unto You),
she firmly disagreed with me and stated it was "Do As you Will, but Harm None"
and she will not stop saying "So Mote It Be" after she reads aloud in class. I try
correct her on these matters and she got very angry. She pointed her finger at me
and mumbled something under her breath.

In closing, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, I would like to set up a parent/teacher conference
with you sometime next week to discuss these matters. I would like to see you
sooner, but I have developed an irritating rash that I am quite worried about.

With Deep Concerns, Mrs. Livingston

P.S. Blessed Be. I understand that this is a greeting or closing from your country
that your daughter informs me is polite and correct.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

ATHEISM: No shit
BUDDHISM: "If shit happens, it really isn't shit."
CALVINISM: Shit happens because you don't work hard enough.
CATHOLICISM: Shit happens because you are BAD.
CEREMONIAL MAGIC: I Can make shit Happen.
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: Shit is only in your mind.
CONFUCIANISM: Confucius say: "shit happens."
EXISTENSIALISM: What is this shit anyway?
FUNDAMENTALISM: BIG shit will happen... SOON!
HARE KRISHNA: Shit happens Rama Rama.
HEDONISM: There's nothing like good shit happening.
HINDUISM: This shit happened before.
ISLAM: "If shit happens, it is the will of Allah."
JEHOVAH'S Let us save you from the shit.
JUDAISM: Why does shit always happen to US?
MOONIES: Only happy shit really happens.
MORMONISM: If shit happens, you have two wives to blame it on.
NEW AGE: Visualize no shit happening.
PAGANISM: Shit is a part of the Goddess too!
PROTESTANTISM: Shit won't happen if I work harder.
QUAKERS: "No shit here, please."
RASTAFARIANISM: Let's smoke some shit.
SCIENTOLOGY: Feces Occurs.
STOICISM: Shit is good for me.
SEVENTH DAY No shit on Saturdays.
ZOROASTRIANISM: Sh&t happens half the time.

The Keeper of the Realms Magazine Issue 2

TAOISM: Shit happens.

TELEVANGELISM: Send money or shit will happen to you!
WICCANISM: "Oh shit, I got that spell wrong again."
ZEN: What is the sound of shit happening?
ZOROASTRIANISM: Shit happens half the time.


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