You are on page 1of 2


I worm, if be knows where to look.

I Another Day The wise bird Jete News Want

Ads do the looking for him. Use
By E. S. W. them often to buy, sell or rent.



The extreme cold front that
was forecast for this area
came on into the Panhandle
last night—but, luckily for us,
Dean Acheson Chiang Retires as China's
Assumes New
it bogged down along about
Wichita Falls. Hope it decides
to stay there for a few days.
The forecast for East Texas
calls for occasional rain this
Cabinet Post President, Leaves Reins
afternoon and tonight; warm- Role Charged With
er in east and south portions,
colder in upper Red River Pushing Truman's
Valley tonight. The weather Bold Foreign Plan
To Firm Peace Advocate
man says that Saturday will
be cloudy with occasional WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 — Red Radio Says Any Peace Conference
rain in the east portion. (UP) — Dean Acheson took
the oath today as Secretary of
2,031 Texans Died In Must Be Held BeforeHostilities End
There are very
days toft in which to pay
State, a role in which he will j
be charged with pushing Traffic Accidents Generalissimo Leaves Way for Return
President Truman's "bold j
your poll tax. If you
haven't paid your city, new program"
communism and human mis-
for fighting, During Last Year NANKING, Jan. 21—(UP)—Generalissimo Chiang Kai-
shek retired as president of China today and turned the reins
county and state tax for
voting and you don't do ery.
He wr.s sworn in at 11:13 a. m.
Report, Incomplete, of government over to Vice President Li Tsung-jen, an ardent
to by January 31. then ! EST. In President Truman's of- j
you will have no voice 'ficc in the White House. The i
Tops 1947-August advocate of peace with the Communists.
In retiring Chiang left open a way to return to his
whatsoever in the run- loath was administered by Chief Had Most Deaths leadership of Nationalist China if peace talks failed. He used
ning of your government j Justice Fred M. Vinson while Mr. a Chinese word meaning "temporary leave of absence" rath-
AUSTIN. Jan. 21 (UP) — Traf- <»er than announcing his out-
during the coming year. j Truman looked on. fic accidents claimed the lives
There is much discussion '! C Acheson succeeds Gen. Georce right resignation.
Marshall under whcm ho hclp-
those days concerning !cd to map the anti-communist
the elimination of the ! Greek-Turk i.-,h aid and European ;
of 2,031 Texsns during 1948, the
Texas Department of U. S. Grants Full
Chiang then boarded his pri-
vate plane and left Nanking in
a dramatic flight into exile. He
poll tax as a requisite for 'recovery plans. The 68-year-old
voting. You may be for or ! Marshall resinned, effective yes-
Safety reported today.
That fii-ii-c. the
pointed out. 'iV.iS incomplete and
Recognition to Hew
Department stopped first at Hangchow. 150
TRUMAN SWORN IN—With one hand resting on two Bibles and the other
against such action —but j terday. for health reasons.
the fact remains that at ' Cabinet
Members o! Acheson's family,
members, other govern-
HarryTrurnan takes the oath of office as President of the United States from Chief
JiSice Fred M. Vinson. To the left of Vinson is Sam Ray burn, Speaker of the House.
the total v.-ouJU probably rise.
The p:.rt::.l repoit compared) Regime of Venezuela (UP) — Chairman Tom Con-
nally of tit* S*n*t* Foreign
present time you must ment officials and congressional with a fin.;! figure of 1,997 for | Relations Committee express-
pay this lax or you are leaders of both parties also (NEA Telephoto.) 1947. T!ut was an increase of 2
per cent >m tae basis of incom-
El Salvador, Israel, ed hope todfer that the U«ve
not able to express your i watched the ceremony, of absence of Generalissimo
plete rt IUVT-.S. Trans-Jordan, Said
opinions at the polls. As i Ache.'.on stood in front of Mr.
we have said before we Truman's desk as he took the
oath. Immediately afterward Mr.
do not believe that a cit- Truman stepped around the desK
Truman Asks Support Cold Weather Shows Final i.nurLS, the Department
reported, were expected about
March lo.
To Be Under Study
Chiang Kai-Shek hac taken
would not collapse the Chi-
nese Nationalist regime.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 (UP) miles south of Nanking, to make
izen who does not vote ?_nd shook hands with the new
can possibly be a good
citizen of this country.
Just before the cert'mony, Mr.
Of 'Bold New Plan' Signs of Weakening i showi
A t a b u l c i t i ' i n of traffic deaths
J .,..,, .on™*! -ill — Thc United States today grant a motor trip to his home town of
[h^rSf 2 , l i e d full diplomatic recognition to Fenghua, in Chekiang Province.
the new revolutionary military
There is no greater priv-
ilege enjoyed by any peo-
Truman performed his first of-
ficial act of the new term —
To Help Avert War In Great Plains Area
of the
list with
was at the government of Venezuela.
a total of The act'on was announced by
Two hours after Chiang's de-
parture the communist radio re-
the commission of his !135. the State Department which jected the Nationalist govern-
ple of the world — and o made public an exchange of ment's appeal for a ceast-fin-
very few still have the Most of Texas Likely notes with Venezuela. ane! said that any peace confer-
right of franchise. We To Escape Full Force 60 Railroads Reject edDiplomatic quarters speculat- ence must be held before the
should not only gladly | New Mexico.
pay this poll tax— but we to Amons
war by supporting his plans for
the 84 persons invited improving the economic lot of
Methodist Church Of \ Latest Norther Plan to Arbitrate that the United States also end
would recognize a similar new though
of hostilities.
The communist broadcast, al-
the ceremony were Acheson's other countries. _, Press)
_ . I With Engineers military regime in El Salvador. Nanking,made after Chiang l i f t
should cherish this right
that still allows the peo-
v.-iff Mr. and Mrs. Edward The President said at a break-
Acheson. the- New Secretary Y fast meeting of Missouri Con- To Have Unusual (By TT
A sudden storm threaten- 1 CHICAGO, Jan. 21 (UP) new state of Israel and of Trans- prepared
American recognition of the obviously had be. n
before it was knov-n
that Chiang was relinquishin:;
ple of the U.S.A. to say brother and wife; and Mr. and gressmen and others in the capi-
how they shall be gov-
erned. If you haven't
"iis son ana Sermon Topics ed to lay a fresh blanket of , Sixty railn^ds today rejected a Jordan also was reported under his 21-year rule of Nationalist
snov.' over the deep drifts on i government proposal to arbitrate study. The State Department said China.
C o n e s s i o n a loaders present maintain world peace arc to suc- The next two Sunday nights the Great Plains today but • their dispute with the Brothcr- Walter J. Donnelly. U. S. Ambas- Chiang said in a 300-word
paid your poll tax — Democratic ceed. the weather bureau said it i hood of Locomotive Engineers, sador to Venezuela, delivered a statement announcing his decis-
don't put it off another included Senate aome of
Some 01 n»
his uwi. ^..8.~^..». , there will be unusual sermon was "showing definite signs j
own congressional ion to step down that he was
wno demand that an extra engi- note of recognition to the Cara- leaving Nanking in an effort t<>
leader W. Lucus, Senate
day. PAY YOUR POLL Foreign
Foreign Relations Committee j leaders were, however, bewilder- , topics discusscd by the Minister of weakening."
neer be employed on big diesel cas government today.
TAX TODAY. Chainnan Tom C-mnally. House-j ed on this first full day_of his ad- at lhc First Mcthodist Church. . issuer warnings locomotives. The document said the United help speed the Nationalist «ov
^ernment's tpeace talks with the
* * * i; - " Affaire
A*.-.:._ rv. m n»iitr><. i ministration by
Committee by the Presidents!—
the President's! .,._„„ ,.nn ir . - ,. cSunday
for ,.„,!••>«•
Foreign "bold new program" for raising | The seimon topic that the storm, which : t termed Thi1 brotherhood previously States had noted statements by communists^ It was considered
We read in the morning Chairman
_... N. Y.. "impoitant." wouid be heavy had accepted the arbitration pro- the new regime that it would almost certain that the commun-
r the living standards (
r U 1
paper that President Truman j Sj^ -a nd scn.'wattli- F. George; people.') abroad. | ">-«"••*• "r~". ~* L >• if posal, which was made by the "strictly fulfill its international ists would refuse to discuss peace
Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg. i "Does God IKM! our bodies, i- Winter launched a fiesh National Mediation Hoard after obligaions." and would prepare so long as Chiang headed the
made it a point to ?gnore the i b.. Ga. R Mich., issued a statement urg- so. how? "Docs God ask man attack egainsi Texas today, its attempts to mediate the dis- elections. government.
salute of Gov. Thurmond f J m(f "cra ^,^3^' Achewn inc the administration to perfect; to help him heai their bodies but most of the slate was pute failed last week. Chiang indicated his retire-
South Carolina and Georgia's' whcn ,.c wi:u\d move into his the foreign aid programs al-' Is God interested ini our »ouls expected to escape full force Union members already have- Calf Roping Show ment at the moment was tem-
reodv under way before starting j but not in our bodies? and sim- of the norther which top- voted their officers ; uthority to porary and was not an outright
tall a strike against 14 of the 60 Will be Presented
Herman Talmadge. The of- : new post. He replied. "I'm going v
ilar questions will be discussed, \ pled temperatures below the
ll ^...^,-4 \r^r\r 11-1 I t f\f> f\ ICf*!!«( ; fl.
resignation. He used a Chinese
fice of President of the Unit-! ovei right^ow. H^ said he :mythe new ones,
.... GOP Foreign Policy The sermon ' topic for Sunday j 20-degree mark in the Pan- roads. Thc 14 are western roads Sunday Afternoon word meaning "temporary leave
ed States is a big position. It m°^fnn^tion °.£h h,s induction leader said he wouldn't pass it ~ Wrong to Dance?" This se'- I handle night, January 30th. will IJL- "it j this morning. on which diesels are used exten- of absence," leaving the way
Judgment on the merits of Mr. The slow-moving mass of sively. No strike date has been Jatk Marrs stated today that clear for him to return to his |**1
should call for a big man. Per- jnto 'office mon will deal largely with t h e ; frigid air apparently stall- i however.
set. nowever. the jack-pot calf roping show. and resume command of the Nat-
Trunru-.n's proposals until the
sonally I have not favored President spelled them out in first part of the topic, "Is It [ ed along an imaginary line The railroads, in a letter to the' which was postponed from last ionalist armies should peace talks
mediation baord today, said the i Sunday because of rain, will be
of the Howe^Se RobertS. Calvert
majority of the people of this
BV^FBV^P* • V* ^w>~ • » — -
Uieater detail. Wrong?" Thc discussion will ; extending from Wichita Falls
raise such questions as "Whui j westward through Lubbock
is Wrong?" Why is a thiny i and the U. S. Weather Bu-
union's demand for a second en-; held Sunday afternoon, January
gineer or diesel engines "is pure- ' .'3. The performance, which will President Li would be formally
It was not known whether Vice

country did support him, and

I believe in majority rule —
Named to Fill Stale Today's Cotton wrong?" reau said it didn't expect
These services begin at rM\. the cold front to move much
and Grain Market odist Church are always wel- further
p. m. and the friends of the Meth-. south.
a make-work
to extend• '• *feathcrbedding
scheme designed ; begin at 1:30 p. m., will be held inducted into office as President.
-«---«--->-•:— and | on the L. N. Sikes Ranch, located In a brief statement .Li said he
unnecessary'jobs." three miles west of Mexia on was "obliged" to take over the
and so I have accepted him
as my president, and since do- Comptroller Position come to visit and worship at its
The unexpected develop-
ment was welcome relief
—o the connecting road between the presidential duties under article
Waco highway and the Tehua- 49 of the Chinese constitution
ing so I have tried to see the
21* (UP) — I. DALLAS. Tex., Jan. 21—(UP) altars. from earlier forecasts which
hed predicted more freezing
Mexia Soldier cana highway. Marrs pointed out
that road signs will be posted
This article provides the Vice
good points of this man from | AUSTIN. J;m >me week when —Approximate prices of cotton President shall assume the duties
Missouri. I admire the fight ]jwiil be like old rain, sleet and snow through- Assigned to RR for the convenience of those of President in case- the Pi evi-
soon in the Dallas market as reported out north and West Texas planning to attend.
that he carried out during Rt bclt•. *-*• ~ ~ ^ - . M f ' - - -
to ' the Comptroller of Public today to the Agricultural Mark- Service in Japan An added attraction of the dent resigns or is unable to carry
the last political campaign. I Accounts department, only thu eting Service for basic middling
think that he won the office, time he will be head man. lots on brokers' tables and F.O.B. News Briefs areas not yel recovered from
crippling ice storms of recent

T?r-t T-mr.: I
* I /ill
c^^JV4^;\.^ ***«*•%• ••••*«.

Tcrrv Mexia show, according to Marrs. will be

out his duties for other reasons.
Chiang in his fareweil .state-
ment urged the government, UP"
Gov. Beauford Jester late yes- Dallas trade territory, flat; basis
almost single-handed. 1 do people and all public leaders to
think that he spoofed some of terday announced appointment calculated on closing of 32.78 on ive." <fiutheji?t'.rn :;nd t-xti'tme 1 Military Railway Service give their complete cooperation
March contracts. New York: MILAN, Jan. 21 (UP) — Fifty
of the people a little in ac- in Calvert. a vetcrcm of 18 years
the depaitment and former!.' MIDDLING thousand workers dcinonitraliii
•vtrvn Ni bras'ua "fid -ortli een- j will serve with the Tokyo
Marrs explained that those
to Li in his efforts to obtain an
early peace with the communist...
complishing his victory. I've its chief clerk, us successor ti Staple Basis Price :;.! Kansas. j who desire additional informa-
29.90 in Milan today during a three- BH'./Lrt! conditions v/'-ve fore-i The 3rd TMRS supervises the ....« . official source s»id that
hoped that the people of this George Sheppard, who died last 13-16 290 off
-30.90 hour strike called by the com- (•• •i for sections of N< b:;..-k;» and j operation of all railways in Jap-
tion concerning the show should \ Madame Chiang, now Ni w
country would discard their Tuesday. 7-8 190 off
29 32 90 off 31.90 munist-dominated Chamber <>f ...^njas ti'do.v as the winds shift- | an which monthly carry more call 601-J.
Admission prices will be 75c
York on a visit to the United
prejudices and self'sh per- Jester called the office "one 15-16 10 on 32.90 Labor in protest against a gov- ; cd to the north. However, in ;. than 800.000 passengers and 160,- for adults and 40c for children. States, would return to Chinu
sonal interests and worked to- of the most, important in oui
31-32 35 on „„..-
33.1 eminent decision to close down , !:.ter forecast, the Kansas City 000 tons of freight. soon to join her husband in exile.
gether, under the President, state government."
It was Shcpp.-ird's wish that 1 inch 60 on 33.40 two factories here for mana^e- ! \V'-ath<?r Bnrt.-.u s;.ui the blizzard
i n-.i;:ht not develop as the storm
The communist rejection of
the government's c6ase-firt ap-
for a greater country and Calvert succeed him. and as the 1 1-32 85 on 33.65 ] nient inefficiency. 1
33.90 v.'iis mi>derj.l:ng. peal was made by an unidenti-
world. If such is to be true Governor put it: "Mr. Calvert 1 Strict 1-16
110 on
40 higher. i Another Sturm concentrated on .
fied spokesman in a Chinese
the President is going to have needs no further recommenda- Strict low middling 150 lower. LONDON, Jan. 21 (UP) — ; northern Arizona alley .-preading j language broadcast heard in
to learn to be a big enough tion with me beyond the fact Britdin has agreed to grani i 20 inches of new sn.r.v over west- |
1 Shanghai.
man to fill the great office that it was Mr. Sheppard's wish
that he succeed him."
de facto recognition to Is-
FORT WORTH. Jan. 21 (UP) raeL probahly wilhin the ; Flagstaff, Ariz.. h;;d three feet
"rn Utah and Eastern -Nevada. The broadcast indicated, how-
ever .that comirunist leaders

that he holds. He should — (USDA) — Grain: next few days. reliable of sno-.v on the ground. were prepared to meet with a
know that the office is too Estimated grain receipts at sources in Parliament said . At Salt L;,ke City, experts Nationalist peace delegation if
big for its holder to give show Foft Worth Friday included 5i today. warned that Utah's 1.616.000 the Nationalists would withdraw
to any such little feeling as cars wheat, S cars corn. 3 cars <he<.p were undergoing a "cala- their demand for a cease-fire
wanting to gain revenge— or
snub one of his fellow Ameri- Oi Juror Banned by iats. 6 cars sorghums, 2 cars hay.
Total 70 cars.
NEW DELHI, Jan. 21 (UP) — mity" because their range had
The 19 nations represented at b'en covered by the deep snow.
According to U. S. Department the Asiatic conference fiiiled Director Marion Clawson of
Li and other members nf Pre-
mier Sun Fo's Cabinet t,aw
cans. We believe that Presi-
dent Truman may grow in
- we hope that he does.
I Trial Judge Medina of Agriculture's Production and again to agree today on the for- the Fedc-r.-.l Bureau of Land Man-
Marketing Administration, most mation of a permanent bloc o f : ac,,mon, 'said it was "impossible
rains sold '- to 1 cent higher, j {ar eastern countries to safe- to exaggerate" the peril to flocks.
Chiang off at a civil airport in-
side the Nanking city walls and
then returned to the executive
* * * NEW YORK. Jan. 21 (UP) - No. 1 hard wheat sold at guard their interests in all Other experts warned that meat yuan immediately to make plans
'2.40 "4 to S2.45U per bushel.
A minister, upon hear- Federal Judge Harold R. Medin;
refused today to permit commun julk, in carlots, freight and tax
• « «
puces would climb if the snow for sending a peace delegation
ing that cars were driv- i-i suited :n starvat:</n for many into communist territory.
ist defense 'att-.-mpls to jnquin oaid to Texas common points. DES MOINES. Jan. 21 — sheep. The communist broadcast as-
ing too fast by the into a prospective juror's per- Vo. 2 wheat moved at S2.39'<j to (UP)— Carlos Hevia, Cuban At least 100.000 sheep and 20.- serted that the Nationalist gov-
church buildings where sonal income and property in ar 52.4414. minister of State, said today 000 cattle were endangered in ernment's appeal for a cease-
school is being held, said effort to prove the New York •No. 2 white corn closed at thai a weekend stop here .-astern Nevada and some f a r m ! fire was in exact reverse t'»
that cars were going by j jury system favors the rich anc ;i.76-"-4 to $1.78*4. No. 2 yellow was a "family -risit" and in- offir'als l>?n--i 1've-stork losses Chiang's five-point peace pro-
excludes workers, Negroes and •otn $1.634 to $1.64';. and No.
all of the churches too i women. no official duties. would approach $1.000.000. posal made in his New Year's
! barley $1.45 to $1.49. The coid wave trial brought message.
fast—especially on Sun- The defense in the trial of 11 No. 2 yellow milo realized .-,ub-zt.-ro temperatures to most of "If the Kuomintang really
day. top U. S. communists put an in- 52.76 to $2"."2 per hundred pounds. CIO Workers Leave northern part cf the r,at:on this wants to talk peace it must first
VtbUIlt-IlV banker
Lf«* on
vi* the
v*»x. stand
^ «*.».- No.. 2 white oats brought 95^4 week hit Ihe Atlantic coastline denounce that unreasonable pro-
When Upton Close was in as the first of a parade of wit- to 96Vt cents per busb*l at Gal- Studebaker Plant ,last night but had moderated to posal (th* cease fire)/' the com-
Mexia he said that it made j nesses in its pre-trial challenge i.-eston. and 92 ^ to 93 \z cents at In Wage Dispute i the point where the chill was i munist broadcast said. "Thii is
no difference if the Commu- to the
"~ jury
' But system.
"*"~ Fort Worth. ! scarcely noticeable. jthe only alternative."
when defense attorneys SOUTH BEND, Ind.. Jan. 21— > It was still cold in the northern
nists took over China. I was- started to question the banker on MARKETS AT A GLANCE (UP)—CIO
n't sure at the time that I the value of his home. Medina By United Press CUr)—CWJ United Auto Workers
uniiea .n.uuj wui««;»,; border states, ---
*~»—" -—~-_. however,
•-- • mainly
- i
completely agreed with him cut them off.
on this point. It seems that Earlier, Medina had refused to ing.
the defense attorneys make . Bonds irregularly higher. U. S.
left their jobs at the Studebaker j due to radiation from the hedv..
Stocks irregular in quiet trad- Cdrporation plant here today ov- ! blanket of snow- ^cKinsor, V D
•' ' i. and the compa- reported 30 bclw zero ana .
we will soon know if he was let
him a witness in the communist! governments
jvernments traded firm. ;-j- —•-- •"-~ry:^;ii A' ~,mr«nv
hi8h k
"'F =^£"r'i?S (UP>—Assistant
conspiracy trial over which he i? - • ' 1
Killed on Way to Fire tort help* eain
Weekly Calendar
York HOUSTON. Tex.. Jan. 21 — RFHTUD A WEDGE OF MOTORCYCLES—A wedge of in eat cases,

Tuesday. January 25
Minor Post
WARSAW. Jan. 21 (UP; —
n com.:
.tfsr?sns£- i-^'iv^%£
§S£"S^hV«, ,!St?K*f.^«»» u« *.,
non Dorsett was killed today in
while he
Fire Chief Ver- nSvclt precedes the Presidential party, arrow as
$ makes its wav down Pennsylvania Avenue to the
White House Reviewing stands from the Capitol. The
but girting tat
•rater ttecotbr
don't help •
Springfield Lodge, 7:30 p.m. Wladyslaw Gomulka. rirsi
Wlaaysiaw uomui&a. First Vice
vicci tirams in i_mcago wneai. „ department. a fire.
(Premier and No. 2 man in the oats, rve and soy bean futures! peteron,
Peterson, vice
vice Dresiaem
president -»——
Witnesses — ssid . - President and Vice-President viewed *etmfn™>*P*: pain inthenedi
IOOF meets 7:30 p. m. (Polish government was_.ielegat-I higner.
ed to a comparatively post i
i i« «j.^"ee of rnanufactUHM said hurled from his car and under-
;» charge ot manuiaciurmg.^ N».U
rade from their reviewing stands in front of the wane •'Cj Ittu Sun «•.£ Ti
b^u oi another automo-;
Lions Club 12:00 noon. J. tcdav in a r^hufflr of the- Pol- i (Livestock and Produce ; the dispute was over piect- *or* tne «neei» oi -. Ho»-se. (NEA Telephoto.)
&V. Cafe. 'ish Cabinet i Markets on Editorial Pege) .rates. -
I worm, if be knows where to look.

I Another Day The wise bird Jete News Want

Ads do the looking for him. Use
By E. S. W. them often to buy, sell or rent.



The extreme cold front that
was forecast for this area
came on into the Panhandle
last night—but, luckily for us,
Dean Acheson Chiang Retires as China's
Assumes New
it bogged down along about
Wichita Falls. Hope it decides
to stay there for a few days.
The forecast for East Texas
calls for occasional rain this
Cabinet Post President, Leaves Reins
afternoon and tonight; warm- Role Charged With
er in east and south portions,
colder in upper Red River Pushing Truman's
Valley tonight. The weather Bold Foreign Plan
To Firm Peace Advocate
man says that Saturday will
be cloudy with occasional WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 — Red Radio Says Any Peace Conference
rain in the east portion. (UP) — Dean Acheson took
the oath today as Secretary of
2,031 Texans Died In Must Be Held BeforeHostilities End
There are very
days toft in which to pay
State, a role in which he will j
be charged with pushing Traffic Accidents Generalissimo Leaves Way for Return
President Truman's "bold j
your poll tax. If you
haven't paid your city, new program"
communism and human mis-
for fighting, During Last Year NANKING, Jan. 21—(UP)—Generalissimo Chiang Kai-
shek retired as president of China today and turned the reins
county and state tax for
voting and you don't do ery.
He wr.s sworn in at 11:13 a. m.
Report, Incomplete, of government over to Vice President Li Tsung-jen, an ardent
to by January 31. then ! EST. In President Truman's of- j
you will have no voice 'ficc in the White House. The i
Tops 1947-August advocate of peace with the Communists.
In retiring Chiang left open a way to return to his
whatsoever in the run- loath was administered by Chief Had Most Deaths leadership of Nationalist China if peace talks failed. He used
ning of your government j Justice Fred M. Vinson while Mr. a Chinese word meaning "temporary leave of absence" rath-
AUSTIN. Jan. 21 (UP) — Traf- <»er than announcing his out-
during the coming year. j Truman looked on. fic accidents claimed the lives
There is much discussion '! C Acheson succeeds Gen. Georce right resignation.
Marshall under whcm ho hclp-
those days concerning !cd to map the anti-communist
the elimination of the ! Greek-Turk i.-,h aid and European ;
of 2,031 Texsns during 1948, the
Texas Department of U. S. Grants Full
Chiang then boarded his pri-
vate plane and left Nanking in
a dramatic flight into exile. He
poll tax as a requisite for 'recovery plans. The 68-year-old
voting. You may be for or ! Marshall resinned, effective yes-
Safety reported today.
That fii-ii-c. the
pointed out. 'iV.iS incomplete and
Recognition to Hew
Department stopped first at Hangchow. 150
TRUMAN SWORN IN—With one hand resting on two Bibles and the other
against such action —but j terday. for health reasons.
the fact remains that at ' Cabinet
Members o! Acheson's family,
members, other govern-
HarryTrurnan takes the oath of office as President of the United States from Chief
JiSice Fred M. Vinson. To the left of Vinson is Sam Ray burn, Speaker of the House.
the total v.-ouJU probably rise.
The p:.rt::.l repoit compared) Regime of Venezuela (UP) — Chairman Tom Con-
nally of tit* S*n*t* Foreign
present time you must ment officials and congressional with a fin.;! figure of 1,997 for | Relations Committee express-
pay this lax or you are leaders of both parties also (NEA Telephoto.) 1947. T!ut was an increase of 2
per cent >m tae basis of incom-
El Salvador, Israel, ed hope todfer that the U«ve
not able to express your i watched the ceremony, of absence of Generalissimo
plete rt IUVT-.S. Trans-Jordan, Said
opinions at the polls. As i Ache.'.on stood in front of Mr.
we have said before we Truman's desk as he took the
oath. Immediately afterward Mr.
do not believe that a cit- Truman stepped around the desK
Truman Asks Support Cold Weather Shows Final i.nurLS, the Department
reported, were expected about
March lo.
To Be Under Study
Chiang Kai-Shek hac taken
would not collapse the Chi-
nese Nationalist regime.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 (UP) miles south of Nanking, to make
izen who does not vote ?_nd shook hands with the new
can possibly be a good
citizen of this country.
Just before the cert'mony, Mr.
Of 'Bold New Plan' Signs of Weakening i showi
A t a b u l c i t i ' i n of traffic deaths
J .,..,, .on™*! -ill — Thc United States today grant a motor trip to his home town of
[h^rSf 2 , l i e d full diplomatic recognition to Fenghua, in Chekiang Province.
the new revolutionary military
There is no greater priv-
ilege enjoyed by any peo-
Truman performed his first of-
ficial act of the new term —
To Help Avert War In Great Plains Area
of the
list with
was at the government of Venezuela.
a total of The act'on was announced by
Two hours after Chiang's de-
parture the communist radio re-
the commission of his !135. the State Department which jected the Nationalist govern-
ple of the world — and o made public an exchange of ment's appeal for a ceast-fin-
very few still have the Most of Texas Likely notes with Venezuela. ane! said that any peace confer-
right of franchise. We To Escape Full Force 60 Railroads Reject edDiplomatic quarters speculat- ence must be held before the
should not only gladly | New Mexico.
pay this poll tax— but we to Amons
war by supporting his plans for
the 84 persons invited improving the economic lot of
Methodist Church Of \ Latest Norther Plan to Arbitrate that the United States also end
would recognize a similar new though
of hostilities.
The communist broadcast, al-
the ceremony were Acheson's other countries. _, Press)
_ . I With Engineers military regime in El Salvador. Nanking,made after Chiang l i f t
should cherish this right
that still allows the peo-
v.-iff Mr. and Mrs. Edward The President said at a break-
Acheson. the- New Secretary Y fast meeting of Missouri Con- To Have Unusual (By TT
A sudden storm threaten- 1 CHICAGO, Jan. 21 (UP) new state of Israel and of Trans- prepared
American recognition of the obviously had be. n
before it was knov-n
that Chiang was relinquishin:;
ple of the U.S.A. to say brother and wife; and Mr. and gressmen and others in the capi-
how they shall be gov-
erned. If you haven't
"iis son ana Sermon Topics ed to lay a fresh blanket of , Sixty railn^ds today rejected a Jordan also was reported under his 21-year rule of Nationalist
snov.' over the deep drifts on i government proposal to arbitrate study. The State Department said China.
C o n e s s i o n a loaders present maintain world peace arc to suc- The next two Sunday nights the Great Plains today but • their dispute with the Brothcr- Walter J. Donnelly. U. S. Ambas- Chiang said in a 300-word
paid your poll tax — Democratic ceed. the weather bureau said it i hood of Locomotive Engineers, sador to Venezuela, delivered a statement announcing his decis-
don't put it off another included Senate aome of
Some 01 n»
his uwi. ^..8.~^..». , there will be unusual sermon was "showing definite signs j
own congressional ion to step down that he was
wno demand that an extra engi- note of recognition to the Cara- leaving Nanking in an effort t<>
leader W. Lucus, Senate
day. PAY YOUR POLL Foreign
Foreign Relations Committee j leaders were, however, bewilder- , topics discusscd by the Minister of weakening."
neer be employed on big diesel cas government today.
TAX TODAY. Chainnan Tom C-mnally. House-j ed on this first full day_of his ad- at lhc First Mcthodist Church. . issuer warnings locomotives. The document said the United help speed the Nationalist «ov
^ernment's tpeace talks with the
* * * i; - " Affaire
A*.-.:._ rv. m n»iitr><. i ministration by
Committee by the Presidents!—
the President's! .,._„„ ,.nn ir . - ,. cSunday
for ,.„,!••>«•
Foreign "bold new program" for raising | The seimon topic that the storm, which : t termed Thi1 brotherhood previously States had noted statements by communists^ It was considered
We read in the morning Chairman
_... N. Y.. "impoitant." wouid be heavy had accepted the arbitration pro- the new regime that it would almost certain that the commun-
r the living standards (
r U 1
paper that President Truman j Sj^ -a nd scn.'wattli- F. George; people.') abroad. | ">-«"••*• "r~". ~* L >• if posal, which was made by the "strictly fulfill its international ists would refuse to discuss peace
Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg. i "Does God IKM! our bodies, i- Winter launched a fiesh National Mediation Hoard after obligaions." and would prepare so long as Chiang headed the
made it a point to ?gnore the i b.. Ga. R Mich., issued a statement urg- so. how? "Docs God ask man attack egainsi Texas today, its attempts to mediate the dis- elections. government.
salute of Gov. Thurmond f J m(f "cra ^,^3^' Achewn inc the administration to perfect; to help him heai their bodies but most of the slate was pute failed last week. Chiang indicated his retire-
South Carolina and Georgia's' whcn ,.c wi:u\d move into his the foreign aid programs al-' Is God interested ini our »ouls expected to escape full force Union members already have- Calf Roping Show ment at the moment was tem-
reodv under way before starting j but not in our bodies? and sim- of the norther which top- voted their officers ; uthority to porary and was not an outright
tall a strike against 14 of the 60 Will be Presented
Herman Talmadge. The of- : new post. He replied. "I'm going v
ilar questions will be discussed, \ pled temperatures below the
ll ^...^,-4 \r^r\r 11-1 I t f\f> f\ ICf*!!«( ; fl.
resignation. He used a Chinese
fice of President of the Unit-! ovei right^ow. H^ said he :mythe new ones,
.... GOP Foreign Policy The sermon ' topic for Sunday j 20-degree mark in the Pan- roads. Thc 14 are western roads Sunday Afternoon word meaning "temporary leave
ed States is a big position. It m°^fnn^tion °.£h h,s induction leader said he wouldn't pass it ~ Wrong to Dance?" This se'- I handle night, January 30th. will IJL- "it j this morning. on which diesels are used exten- of absence," leaving the way
Judgment on the merits of Mr. The slow-moving mass of sively. No strike date has been Jatk Marrs stated today that clear for him to return to his |**1
should call for a big man. Per- jnto 'office mon will deal largely with t h e ; frigid air apparently stall- i however.
set. nowever. the jack-pot calf roping show. and resume command of the Nat-
Trunru-.n's proposals until the
sonally I have not favored President spelled them out in first part of the topic, "Is It [ ed along an imaginary line The railroads, in a letter to the' which was postponed from last ionalist armies should peace talks
mediation baord today, said the i Sunday because of rain, will be
of the Howe^Se RobertS. Calvert
majority of the people of this
BV^FBV^P* • V* ^w>~ • » — -
Uieater detail. Wrong?" Thc discussion will ; extending from Wichita Falls
raise such questions as "Whui j westward through Lubbock
is Wrong?" Why is a thiny i and the U. S. Weather Bu-
union's demand for a second en-; held Sunday afternoon, January
gineer or diesel engines "is pure- ' .'3. The performance, which will President Li would be formally
It was not known whether Vice

country did support him, and

I believe in majority rule —
Named to Fill Stale Today's Cotton wrong?" reau said it didn't expect
These services begin at rM\. the cold front to move much
and Grain Market odist Church are always wel- further
p. m. and the friends of the Meth-. south.
a make-work
to extend• '• *feathcrbedding
scheme designed ; begin at 1:30 p. m., will be held inducted into office as President.
-«---«--->-•:— and | on the L. N. Sikes Ranch, located In a brief statement .Li said he
unnecessary'jobs." three miles west of Mexia on was "obliged" to take over the
and so I have accepted him
as my president, and since do- Comptroller Position come to visit and worship at its
The unexpected develop-
ment was welcome relief
—o the connecting road between the presidential duties under article
Waco highway and the Tehua- 49 of the Chinese constitution
ing so I have tried to see the
21* (UP) — I. DALLAS. Tex., Jan. 21—(UP) altars. from earlier forecasts which
hed predicted more freezing
Mexia Soldier cana highway. Marrs pointed out
that road signs will be posted
This article provides the Vice
good points of this man from | AUSTIN. J;m >me week when —Approximate prices of cotton President shall assume the duties
Missouri. I admire the fight ]jwiil be like old rain, sleet and snow through- Assigned to RR for the convenience of those of President in case- the Pi evi-
soon in the Dallas market as reported out north and West Texas planning to attend.
that he carried out during Rt bclt•. *-*• ~ ~ ^ - . M f ' - - -
to ' the Comptroller of Public today to the Agricultural Mark- Service in Japan An added attraction of the dent resigns or is unable to carry
the last political campaign. I Accounts department, only thu eting Service for basic middling
think that he won the office, time he will be head man. lots on brokers' tables and F.O.B. News Briefs areas not yel recovered from
crippling ice storms of recent

T?r-t T-mr.: I
* I /ill
c^^JV4^;\.^ ***«*•%• ••••*«.

Tcrrv Mexia show, according to Marrs. will be

out his duties for other reasons.
Chiang in his fareweil .state-
ment urged the government, UP"
Gov. Beauford Jester late yes- Dallas trade territory, flat; basis
almost single-handed. 1 do people and all public leaders to
think that he spoofed some of terday announced appointment calculated on closing of 32.78 on ive." <fiutheji?t'.rn :;nd t-xti'tme 1 Military Railway Service give their complete cooperation
March contracts. New York: MILAN, Jan. 21 (UP) — Fifty
of the people a little in ac- in Calvert. a vetcrcm of 18 years
the depaitment and former!.' MIDDLING thousand workers dcinonitraliii
•vtrvn Ni bras'ua "fid -ortli een- j will serve with the Tokyo
Marrs explained that those
to Li in his efforts to obtain an
early peace with the communist...
complishing his victory. I've its chief clerk, us successor ti Staple Basis Price :;.! Kansas. j who desire additional informa-
29.90 in Milan today during a three- BH'./Lrt! conditions v/'-ve fore-i The 3rd TMRS supervises the ....« . official source s»id that
hoped that the people of this George Sheppard, who died last 13-16 290 off
-30.90 hour strike called by the com- (•• •i for sections of N< b:;..-k;» and j operation of all railways in Jap-
tion concerning the show should \ Madame Chiang, now Ni w
country would discard their Tuesday. 7-8 190 off
29 32 90 off 31.90 munist-dominated Chamber <>f ...^njas ti'do.v as the winds shift- | an which monthly carry more call 601-J.
Admission prices will be 75c
York on a visit to the United
prejudices and self'sh per- Jester called the office "one 15-16 10 on 32.90 Labor in protest against a gov- ; cd to the north. However, in ;. than 800.000 passengers and 160,- for adults and 40c for children. States, would return to Chinu
sonal interests and worked to- of the most, important in oui
31-32 35 on „„..-
33.1 eminent decision to close down , !:.ter forecast, the Kansas City 000 tons of freight. soon to join her husband in exile.
gether, under the President, state government."
It was Shcpp.-ird's wish that 1 inch 60 on 33.40 two factories here for mana^e- ! \V'-ath<?r Bnrt.-.u s;.ui the blizzard
i n-.i;:ht not develop as the storm
The communist rejection of
the government's c6ase-firt ap-
for a greater country and Calvert succeed him. and as the 1 1-32 85 on 33.65 ] nient inefficiency. 1
33.90 v.'iis mi>derj.l:ng. peal was made by an unidenti-
world. If such is to be true Governor put it: "Mr. Calvert 1 Strict 1-16
110 on
40 higher. i Another Sturm concentrated on .
fied spokesman in a Chinese
the President is going to have needs no further recommenda- Strict low middling 150 lower. LONDON, Jan. 21 (UP) — ; northern Arizona alley .-preading j language broadcast heard in
to learn to be a big enough tion with me beyond the fact Britdin has agreed to grani i 20 inches of new sn.r.v over west- |
1 Shanghai.
man to fill the great office that it was Mr. Sheppard's wish
that he succeed him."
de facto recognition to Is-
FORT WORTH. Jan. 21 (UP) raeL probahly wilhin the ; Flagstaff, Ariz.. h;;d three feet
"rn Utah and Eastern -Nevada. The broadcast indicated, how-
ever .that comirunist leaders

that he holds. He should — (USDA) — Grain: next few days. reliable of sno-.v on the ground. were prepared to meet with a
know that the office is too Estimated grain receipts at sources in Parliament said . At Salt L;,ke City, experts Nationalist peace delegation if
big for its holder to give show Foft Worth Friday included 5i today. warned that Utah's 1.616.000 the Nationalists would withdraw
to any such little feeling as cars wheat, S cars corn. 3 cars <he<.p were undergoing a "cala- their demand for a cease-fire
wanting to gain revenge— or
snub one of his fellow Ameri- Oi Juror Banned by iats. 6 cars sorghums, 2 cars hay.
Total 70 cars.
NEW DELHI, Jan. 21 (UP) — mity" because their range had
The 19 nations represented at b'en covered by the deep snow.
According to U. S. Department the Asiatic conference fiiiled Director Marion Clawson of
Li and other members nf Pre-
mier Sun Fo's Cabinet t,aw
cans. We believe that Presi-
dent Truman may grow in
- we hope that he does.
I Trial Judge Medina of Agriculture's Production and again to agree today on the for- the Fedc-r.-.l Bureau of Land Man-
Marketing Administration, most mation of a permanent bloc o f : ac,,mon, 'said it was "impossible
rains sold '- to 1 cent higher, j {ar eastern countries to safe- to exaggerate" the peril to flocks.
Chiang off at a civil airport in-
side the Nanking city walls and
then returned to the executive
* * * NEW YORK. Jan. 21 (UP) - No. 1 hard wheat sold at guard their interests in all Other experts warned that meat yuan immediately to make plans
'2.40 "4 to S2.45U per bushel.
A minister, upon hear- Federal Judge Harold R. Medin;
refused today to permit commun julk, in carlots, freight and tax
• « «
puces would climb if the snow for sending a peace delegation
ing that cars were driv- i-i suited :n starvat:</n for many into communist territory.
ist defense 'att-.-mpls to jnquin oaid to Texas common points. DES MOINES. Jan. 21 — sheep. The communist broadcast as-
ing too fast by the into a prospective juror's per- Vo. 2 wheat moved at S2.39'<j to (UP)— Carlos Hevia, Cuban At least 100.000 sheep and 20.- serted that the Nationalist gov-
church buildings where sonal income and property in ar 52.4414. minister of State, said today 000 cattle were endangered in ernment's appeal for a cease-
school is being held, said effort to prove the New York •No. 2 white corn closed at thai a weekend stop here .-astern Nevada and some f a r m ! fire was in exact reverse t'»
that cars were going by j jury system favors the rich anc ;i.76-"-4 to $1.78*4. No. 2 yellow was a "family -risit" and in- offir'als l>?n--i 1've-stork losses Chiang's five-point peace pro-
excludes workers, Negroes and •otn $1.634 to $1.64';. and No.
all of the churches too i women. no official duties. would approach $1.000.000. posal made in his New Year's
! barley $1.45 to $1.49. The coid wave trial brought message.
fast—especially on Sun- The defense in the trial of 11 No. 2 yellow milo realized .-,ub-zt.-ro temperatures to most of "If the Kuomintang really
day. top U. S. communists put an in- 52.76 to $2"."2 per hundred pounds. CIO Workers Leave northern part cf the r,at:on this wants to talk peace it must first
VtbUIlt-IlV banker
Lf«* on
vi* the
v*»x. stand
^ «*.».- No.. 2 white oats brought 95^4 week hit Ihe Atlantic coastline denounce that unreasonable pro-
When Upton Close was in as the first of a parade of wit- to 96Vt cents per busb*l at Gal- Studebaker Plant ,last night but had moderated to posal (th* cease fire)/' the com-
Mexia he said that it made j nesses in its pre-trial challenge i.-eston. and 92 ^ to 93 \z cents at In Wage Dispute i the point where the chill was i munist broadcast said. "Thii is
no difference if the Commu- to the
"~ jury
' But system.
"*"~ Fort Worth. ! scarcely noticeable. jthe only alternative."
when defense attorneys SOUTH BEND, Ind.. Jan. 21— > It was still cold in the northern
nists took over China. I was- started to question the banker on MARKETS AT A GLANCE (UP)—CIO
n't sure at the time that I the value of his home. Medina By United Press CUr)—CWJ United Auto Workers
uniiea .n.uuj wui««;»,; border states, ---
*~»—" -—~-_. however,
•-- • mainly
- i
completely agreed with him cut them off.
on this point. It seems that Earlier, Medina had refused to ing.
the defense attorneys make . Bonds irregularly higher. U. S.
left their jobs at the Studebaker j due to radiation from the hedv..
Stocks irregular in quiet trad- Cdrporation plant here today ov- ! blanket of snow- ^cKinsor, V D
•' ' i. and the compa- reported 30 bclw zero ana .
we will soon know if he was let
him a witness in the communist! governments
jvernments traded firm. ;-j- —•-- •"-~ry:^;ii A' ~,mr«nv
hi8h k
"'F =^£"r'i?S (UP>—Assistant
conspiracy trial over which he i? - • ' 1
Killed on Way to Fire tort help* eain
Weekly Calendar
York HOUSTON. Tex.. Jan. 21 — RFHTUD A WEDGE OF MOTORCYCLES—A wedge of in eat cases,

Tuesday. January 25
Minor Post
WARSAW. Jan. 21 (UP; —
n com.:
.tfsr?sns£- i-^'iv^%£
§S£"S^hV«, ,!St?K*f.^«»» u« *.,
non Dorsett was killed today in
while he
Fire Chief Ver- nSvclt precedes the Presidential party, arrow as
$ makes its wav down Pennsylvania Avenue to the
White House Reviewing stands from the Capitol. The
but girting tat
•rater ttecotbr
don't help •
Springfield Lodge, 7:30 p.m. Wladyslaw Gomulka. rirsi
Wlaaysiaw uomui&a. First Vice
vicci tirams in i_mcago wneai. „ department. a fire.
(Premier and No. 2 man in the oats, rve and soy bean futures! peteron,
Peterson, vice
vice Dresiaem
president -»——
Witnesses — ssid . - President and Vice-President viewed *etmfn™>*P*: pain inthenedi
IOOF meets 7:30 p. m. (Polish government was_.ielegat-I higner.
ed to a comparatively post i
i i« «j.^"ee of rnanufactUHM said hurled from his car and under-
;» charge ot manuiaciurmg.^ N».U
rade from their reviewing stands in front of the wane •'Cj Ittu Sun «•.£ Ti
b^u oi another automo-;
Lions Club 12:00 noon. J. tcdav in a r^hufflr of the- Pol- i (Livestock and Produce ; the dispute was over piect- *or* tne «neei» oi -. Ho»-se. (NEA Telephoto.)
&V. Cafe. 'ish Cabinet i Markets on Editorial Pege) .rates. -

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