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. :103 N. Narberth
. .. Ave.
..... .
,-,~--.-.._~ ',


. ·Vol. XI, Number 40
Narberth, Pa., Saturday, July 10,1926

losis Hospital.

Marriage Licenses This Year Congestion of Traffic on Nar~

'fwo decrees were handed down Fourth of July Celebrated on Fifth-Rain Failed to Dampen
Little-Known Local Family at Norristown last week by the court berth Avenue Becomes' Ardor-Baseball, Dancing, Refreshments,
in the legal battle for a Montgom- Greater Than Those Music. ..
, Contributes Letters to the
Editor. ery county tuberculosis hospital. of Last. Worse. -, ;~

In the matter of the proceedings

ers to have the appointment of the
advisory board made by the late . I ---
Traveled differently when I was Judge Miller vacated, the court re- The marriage business in Mont- Increasing traffic congestion on PLAYGROUND NOW OPEN Narberth's baseball nine com-
young. lJsed to take two days to fused to make the order ousting the gomery County is on the increase, Haverford avenue has been com- The Community Playground menced the day by attempting un-
get down to the shore. Two days board. according to Clerk Harry W. Akins, on recently me~ted
several local ~y opened on Tuesday. The work successfully to trim Berwyn, league
and at least one good team of The court granted the petition of of the county marriage license bu- reSIdents. trucks and this year will be under the di- leaders, in a 4- game on the com-
horses. The buggy was slower Controller William Irvin, who asked . N' dJ . . busstti passmg through the centre of rection of Mr. Oerlein and munity grounds before a large
• than the o1utomobile we use today, to have his name removed as a re- reau. at o~nstown,
an une as us- town have been delayed and annoy- Miss Church, physical directors ience. The grounds were so wet
but it got there. And after all, spondent: in the mandamus pro- ual IS leadmg all other months so ing traffic jams and snarls have re- in the Narberth Public Schools, that the afternoon game with

what was the use of hurrying? ceedings brought by the tuberculo- far this year. A total of 270 li- suited in many near-collisions. who will be in attendance every Wayne was called off. .

Remember when I was seven sis hospital advocates_ The Con- censes were issued by the county bu- Several for this situat!on day except Saturday from nine Patriotic and generous citizens
years old. They ·had just put in the troller was named as a joint re- reau this June as compared to 24 1 h!lyebeen out by leadmg to twelve and from one to four contributed the quota of $600 re-
first railroad l'n t Atl t' C't d 'th h C C . . cItIzens. Parkmg at an angle and o'clock. quired to make the affair a cam-
It ran down the l eisland
o an the
lC Ele-
1 y. spon ent WI t e ounty ommlS- for the same tIme last year. . on ·both sl'des of the street has 1
to sioners. pete success, under the joint aus-
phant Hotel in Margate. But I "Looks like we're going .to merely accentuated the trouble, CASKIN'S SCHOOL pices of the Harold D. Speakman
used the buggy. Good enough for
me and Maria.
STUDENT SOLDIERS all records this year," said Cupid which is caused primarily by the
Akins. "Last year up to the end of narrowness of Haverfor? avenue, WILL MOVE SOON Post, No. 356, American Legion,
and the Women's Auxiliary of the

The beachfront
. hotels
I in those LEAVE FOR CA·MP June
. 8Il licenses
' were,
the the
the, corner
steep slope of the avenue,
of Narberth hIli beyond
and Post.
On account of rain, the 3 o'clock
d ays were unpamted s lacks, with SIX months. ThIS. year m Sl;c the built-up corners obstructing a Well - Known Institution's afternoon game with Wayne was
A T tal f 129 F Co months we have Issued 82 7 b- view of traffic at the intersectl'ons of M d Th
none of these fresh bellboys and F h postponed. Meanwhile, a band
swimming pools and jazz orches- 0 'II T 0 . . rom So th t unty censes." Narberth, Forest and Essex ave- ove S I orce f P roug which had been imported for the
~ra~. EdverfYdb a d :t wenht to bed early, W1 ram In U 0 "But doesn't the high cost of liv- nues. a e 0 roperty occasion, regaled with a choice and
ms ea
off, the 0 way ancmg
they t doeirnow.
fool heads
And August 6th ing
I seem . to make
i' D the
' young cou- To allevl'ate the· sl'tuatl'oll I't has FIFTEEN YEARS OLD vane ' d num b er 0 fse lectlons
' t he
there weren't any movies. p es cautIous. on t you find that been suggested that parking be pro- center of the borough, around the
FIVE SIGN FOR MONROE most of the people who apply for li- hibited on one side of Haverford Mrs. Gaskin's School for Girls fire house.
• These shocking bathing suits
that they wear nowadays weren't A total of
censes are well above the legal avenue This
9 boys from Mont_age.i''' h. e was asked. . .
tIonal . space for
wou theprovl
passage e a of
1- w
h' h i '
IC laSofbeen
residents so well
the Main known
Line for the
Dancing was begun shortly after
to supper in the Legion room of the
11~~~t~:d -r~:'e ~ui~arltar~~~f~ gomery County
12 left Thursday for·
'.'.QUlt~ the contrary," r~pJI~d t~rough
Military Akms, . the c~lUples who come 111 a large proportIOn of the trouble.· forced to move because of the un- been decorated for the occasion by
traffic,. and would eliminate past two years, now finds itself new community building, which had
a 11 the way down to the ankles Training Camps in various parts of here. bnng theIr parents with them The banning of parking on both expected sale of the property which Jesse Hause and Walter R. O'Sulli-
and the wrists. \Ve didn't go into the East. They will remain there t? .slgn the papers.. If the cost of sides of Haverford avenue would, it has occupied for the past two van. The music was furnished by
the ocean to swim. People didn't until August 6. . hVll1g were to be Judged by the of course, be more effective; but this years several of the best orchestras in the
swim in those days. Better off number of young couples who get seems too radical a measure for con- "0' C D " 'd East, t1l1der the supervision of
wI'thout so mallY batlls , allY" way . Among the contine:ent ~ were many marnage . l'Icenses, b utter wou Id b e templatJOn . at present. M nL ommencement d G k' day sal"I Walter G. Case, who connected one
During the past fifteen years, iii~~lo~~I~~:;V~f~I~~/F~~~;e~sl~loo::~ selling for 10 cents a pound and It seems that nothing can or h a ~r a.~g o~ as'm ~ester ay, Id of his Radiola 28's with a 104 loud
no I ea ~,tat any c ange wou
three of my old-time business as-
sociates have died in their bath- roe . at't Norfolk, '11 Virginia,
1 I" but the

ee:g s for a nickel a dozen." Sl1011ld be dOlle about changl'llg the b
lVJ.any coup1es are gran t ed I'1- method of parking cars at an angle e necessary. .
p k
d"d I
ea 'ercurrent,
an 1I1S1 and e oop tumed
. 1 t th
aena on0 thee
· u s. warned them against bath- maJoTl y WI spenc t lelr tIme at censes without appearig at the The 4S d 1 f 'k" It was not unt11 almost the end J'uice-and music.
tIner b I
o so oftell , J 1 ut tl ley wou Id n 't CamlJ lVleade, ~Iaryland. courthouse m . person. M r. Ak1l1s· ·now in -vogtle egreehas angdemonstrated
e 0 par "mg its 0 f J une th a t tlle d" eClSlOn was After dark, the fireworks were let
~ ~, escn e lOW lIS was pOSSl e. superiority over the old manner of " . . loose, and soon the sky was a blaze
'\ Pay any attention to 11',e. La"t )'ear Ilearly t\VO sc'or"e boy" d
My daughter's going to Europe from this section, most of them stu-
'b d 1 tl . 'bl
"l\.Jany people work ev.ery day in parkine: parallel to the curb. How-
\Ve w111 move to our new of color and flickering light. Gor-
this summer. \Vants me· to ero dents at Lower Merion High, at- the week and do not WIsh to lose e er t1le t t d 1t quarters before the fall term opens geous bursts of red, green, blue,
with her. b tended the C. M. T. C. camps, bi,t the time to come in here Others e~IY' fe upresen s?'J en~l un OU) ~ in," Mrs, Gaskin con- purple and orange light spread
"Too old," I told her. "Sur- a smaller number is going this yea~, live out i;l the country so far that it of spa~: 0 np ~arc~n~~,era er ~ ,a~not~ tinued. "\Vherever we may go, I mc1j estic streamers high in the air.
t . prised
Narberth '3 at you, wanting an old man
D B A . bl Lower ::\Ierion
. tl was second
b f l 'only to would inconvenience them to come . Tl fo ltl b
lere re le an111n 0 par ? malfn
er ~. am glad
s rck·'m'" , to1 say dthat Th 1 will11 D azz Iing star sIlells exp1odecI 'm
the staff
. , ay _ m, er.m le num er 0 stu- ellt here. These people put 111 an apph- on "ne side of Haverford avenu; r~m~:n unc l~n&,e . .. ey lave. a deafening succession, and trailed
to ris], his ,Iiie on a gre.'t ,ocean. SOldl~~_~J.t s.~~t to can]p la.s!. se'lson, cation whh the justice of the peace ' .,:] 't· t' f 1 "d' slg111tied theIr mtentlon of stay1l1g slowly downwards Sky-rockets
liner whenIll'S he la"t b~ prelJaring : 1\11 mode'·
shouldgreat, ~olellll'l : > _of transportatIOn . ' , vere'.1 :.~n(\s I~
": 10 , . . . , '111 ..... ',. ··-'1
lle .llar-'
'1 ur 'l1o. street
ea" 01,1 por IOns 0 eac whirh 1 : >1 e \.v'th 11 " .' and flares, Roman. candles and
to 111ake
~ , " t,o u::>. near corners, isastep
She went on .to ~dY that Slle'
1. I e.. ..... ..r _
" used b) the :;tudent soldIers m get- na<Ye hcense IS maIled to the couple
voyage in life. I'm seventy-seven; ting to camp, SOl11e went. by bo<!l o't course this costs two fees but W1
m~? 't I 'd' f"
a~1 ,~r s~
plec:s'l· ?Dll1·
d tl
,,~ved \~orth .py~?
t le consl eratlOn 0 clv'e would probably be able to say with- spect
for the time ~ tl e1c Int1 1c e ISP ,y
1I1 .;. ~ ar Jer 1.
I should
"1 have died' years ago." toI Baltimore
_ f 1 and d' used the 0 train
1 is very often au 10n 1es. in the next two weeks where the 1110S 'tTl ran I·
ever Wlnessee
guess . 1you re I' right," . my t le re,t
1 d 'II0 t le Istance.
_ t lcr, mo-
'.1 . it ..... WA'ZER NOT MANAGER school
, would reopen. d T wenty om J ' L '

~, c~::>.
e aug lier salC. "Il take httle toree an stJ .aI tew more f 1st,lr1c< "::-J 0," concluded Akins, "Cup1d 1 he school was fo.unde IS years. \mong the e
1 era I ." I In a recent issue of Our Town ,et IJle·e· ,ere a
' " "

out early a.nd hl,ee part 0 t .1e way, hasn't fallen down on the job. \ Ve Frerl \Valzer was mentioned as the ago and .has occupIed its present ,." " . \,
• G "But Id h,e's only .seven year:" aiel!" :.rost the Journey' are l ' tllan ever. '~\1
. . . ot them made " B b 11 Cltlarters In tIle olcl . Cuyler estate waterfdll, I mnumelable fl pn1\\heels,
"., ,
I excla1l11ed. "Too young-too in pairs though a few parties were still the greatest game in this world manager 0
JUSler arnage IS f tl -\ t
le" u ocar ase a on Gray's lane in Haverford for the all( a luge
'I \
i:m~ncan. . I' I
:ag, w llC 1
young to venture on the face of oraanized 0'
from different
sections • an d '1 t
iv on gomery COUI y P ys
It la tl1e the
Team. The report
information that he was Ilaelbased
coadled on IJa"t - two "e'usJ"
I tl forth ft Jl1 ItS bnllIant colors
f 1 I d I ft

.. -".,
the mighty deep." And so I'm o<YO- One of these was composed of boys game t 0 tlle l'Iml.
ing, after all. Better that an old from Norristown and the upper part '
man should risk his life to accom- of the county who made connections I "BETTER-DRESSED GIRL"
pany his daughter to Paris than at the county seat for the "River
't" the Ardmore commercial nine for a
couple of weeks at the beginning of
s lor
h' I .
BOY SCOUTS OFF TO CAM P t 11] mlg le program lac en e .
AYS the season, and is incorrect. l\1r. Leave for Camp Delmont Under Refreshments conslst11lg of dehcI-
y a tler a ew peopI e Ila de,
But there was lots to. f?llow.. "

a little boy who has his life be- Valley Express," which took them WON HUSBAND. WIFE S \Valzer is not connected with any OUS. punch and cakes were served
Asst. Scoutmaster John Wilson.
fore him. to \Vest Philadelphia, where they Narberth Woman Secures Divorce on baseball organization this season, This morning at 8 A. :\1. Nar- laVIshly and freely the l?os,ts who
Before I trO, however, there is made connections for a southern ex-
. 1 1 I Od Ground of Desertion.
and his only allegiance is to the berth Boy Scouts left for the \vilds entered the commul1lty
home town team. Lewis Nickelson bl 1
bmldlng, by
of Atlxiliary
one observation I am glad to be press whlC 1 too, t lem to
able to make. I see hOlle for the Maryland. A special coach was put
:\ plea that her husband desert- is the manager of the Autocar nine. camp during the coming week and members lI1cludmg l\hs.·
f l e d her for his stenographer, who
of Camp Delmont, where they will a capa e .col11nt. ee
D b N1 J T H
ens .H. n
te 1tlJ"s
utnre generation.
Travel, the on this tram to take care 0 tle up- wore prettier clothes, after he had
of all mankind when it be- county contingent.
JOIN THE: "LEGION study the various subjects of out- Her ?'tt' l rds'1\I' 'R °CwH
door life as taue:ht to all Boy Scouts, eWI an 'rs. ' ' eWI,
:t t'1\/Ir-
useel her money to gain a start in The fact that 20 ex-service men ~
comes too rapid, shows indica- Among t 1le b oys f rom Ilere W]IO . T All sorts of games, fishing, swim- CONTINUED ON THE SECOND PAGE
. f - 1f f I '11' the automobile busl11ess, uesday, J'oined the Harold D. Speakman
tlOns 0 slowll1g down. Our chil- e t 111 or t le coast R artlb eryL Ul11t D 1at gained :\ rrs. . Blanche Robbins Post, No. 3:: 6 , of the American ming and boating are included in NO FALSE ALARM , I

ren. and grandchildren are re- F'ort lV onroe were 0 ert ~ . ot 1- -' the week's fun. But the most popu-
vertmg ' 1 to the time-honored ar
C ,417 I
H f d
1\1averH or roa , l ar
d N I l Ransone, of Narberth, a divorce Lee:ion on Monday, indicates that
"I )ert. 1; trom _ her hus1Jand, James F . Ran- tIlere ~ are 111allY Ile\V resl'dellts ill lar game is called "eats," played in Narberth Fire Engine Clanged Mer·
ve llC es. TI which were good enou<Yh har es '. emy, 329 i\' eet1l1g . rily Through the Borough, but
I 0 H I N b I V S II sone, in the Court at Norristown. Narberth who may desire to affili- the mess hall, and maybe those No Fire.
or us. le old-fashioned vehicles ouse ane, ar ert 1 ; an tee \Vhen they were married on ate \Vl'th tIle local post Application~ Scouts can't play that ~
f '11 cause a slowing-up of the ralJid •Tac k'son, 1 7 Up1an d terrace, B a1a;
WI . f ast age. 2
R aymon d H . R u drau ff , "'I .
July 7, 1912, at Clarksburg, W. ''lllel I'nforlllatl'oll 111ay be obtained cated, piled in Maurie Lacy's truck ~ The following Scouts were 10- With a din of resounding bells
pace 0 thIS lV ontgom- and snorting engines, the Nar-
n y last nilrht I heard my ery an d \ '\ 00 me avenues, 1 ar-
O 1daughter ~ Sophia I
'T db'
d \U d 11 B S
Va., she e-ave her husband $5000 froll1 Thonlas J Kerrigan tall and
to start in business, she said. He aelll'al Narbertll COlltractor
. , under the luge:age: Arthur Barns, berth Fire Company raced pell-
ran singing bert 1, an tV en e , tewart, 325 made a success of the venture. l:> • Eue:ene
Claghorne, Randolph Heim, mell through the Borough's quiet
• g d d
CONTINUED ON THE FOURTH PAGE Bryn Mawr avenue, C ynwy. d C l.Irs. Ransone told the master, G: SERENADE DONORS Finn Kolles, Albert Lembert, Fred streets early Tuesday night. Vol-
Among those going to amp McCarthy, Byron Morton, John C. unteer firemen were to be ob-
• ea e were vv arren·· ~ ..... rU111m,
'd ur F D Carroll Hoover, but after, her hus- Fletcher VV. Stites and Robert J. Snyder, Vestus Spindear, How~rd
Tinsley Rucker and Allen Smith, of band had paid her hack the $5000 Edgar, two chief contributors to the Wilson, Gordon Wolfe and KeIth served perched precariously on
the swaying apparatus as it swung
... Will Feature Joint Outing of Cynwyd
Bala-Cynwyd. and prosperity came to him, he $600 Narberth Fourth of July cele- Parkes.
lost interest in her. His stenog- bration fund, was serenaded Mon- Assistant Scoutmaster John Wil- around corners.
and Ardmore Clubs on July 22- rapher, Grace \Vhalen, was better day afternoon by a .band and num- f h b But there was no fire-and
Arrangement was made at the
FLAMING YOUTHS dressed. In fact, she was the best- bers of Narberth citizens. Senator son will be in charge 0 t e oys at there was no false alarm.
The brave fire-laddies had mere-
weekly luncheon of the Bala-Cyn- Corraled by Police in West Mana- dressed girl in town, and her hus- Stites was away at the time, par- camp. ly commenced their regular peri-
hand's affections were finally com- tieipating in the Presidential recep- HOUSEHOLD PEST ON
wyd-Narberth Rotary Club Tues- yunk Fourth Raids. odic summer fire drill, which in-
pletely diverted to her, :Mrs. Ran- tion at the Sesquicentennial grounds, EXHIBITION
day for an outing and a baseball Thirty-five young men and seven sone testified, who sought her di- but the band played merrily on in cludes an efficient overhauling of
game which will be held with the girls were arrested early Monday Microscopic exhibit of the va-
Ardmore Rotary at Three Tuns when a raiding party led by Acting vorce on the grounds of desertion. his honor. rious parts and organs of the apparatus and a careful testing of
Inn on July 22. common house fly is on view in engines, hose and other equip-
Captain Mullen, of the Lower Mer- the window of Chris Koch's Drug ment.
Squire Fred \Valzer, fonner
manager of the Narberth and the along River road, in \Vest Mana-police, descended on boathouses ·League Leader Lose·s Baseballs Store, commencing today. At last Tuesday's meeting of.
The members of the fly's body the organization, Ernest Jenkins
• Bala-Cynwyd baseball teams; yunk and broke up a series of wild and Narberth Loses Game will be mounted, for observation was admitted into active member-
.. Jack Miller and Bill Decker were
made members of a committee parties. In a number of the houses liquor
which will make plans for the ball was found. All were hauled be-' Berwyn scored four runs to Nar- were not found.
in such fashion that the passer-by ship, and several new non-active
may look through a peep hole in members were accepted as con-
It began to appear as if the Ber- the window into the microscope, tributors to the voluntary aSSO-
· game. Pentz Pippin heads the fore Magistrate Arthur, at the Ard- berth's one in a slippery game Mon-
and see the pest on exhibition ciation.
Ardmore club's committee. more police station Monday and day morning· at the community wyn boys were staging a policy of magnified about five hundred The Narberth force has voted
The meeting, Tuesday, which ruthless extermination, to clean us
fined $8.$0 each. grounds. 'fhe Berwyn team, lead- out of baseballs. A conference was times. to join in the parade in Philadel-
• was at the Cynwyd Club, was the The raId .was the resu~t of nl;1mer- ers of the Main Line League, visit-
regular monthly business session 0~1~ ~0111plamts from reSIdents 111 the ed us with the intention of indulg- hastily called at the bench. Hurler The exhibit will be changed phia, which will take place in Oc-
of the club. Following routine re- V~Cl1]1ty. ~t was charged .th~t al.l- ing in a swatfest. Most of the hits, Babb was given orders to cease each day, and will consist of eye, tober, in connection with the
ports, President Al Shull told of mght partIes and booze drmkmg m however were not in the right di- pitching the ball and start bowling tongue, wing, leg and foot, breath- Ses<]u icentennial,
. the recent Iuternational Rotary it. Babb aimed for the bat which ing shield and viscera. "INSIDE" INFORMATION
the boathouses culminated in the rection. ' the visitors held rigidly before them,
Convention at Denver which he wildest orgies. Acting Captain Mul- Babb local slab artist hurled f~r and scored a 300 as a bowler. STREET PAVING GOES ON "Carrots will make you beautiful"
· attended as a delegate. I~n dec1a~ed.he would visit the sec- the hOl~e team, and h~ld Berwyn Thus the home boys were spared Upper Narberth avenue between is indirectly true, because carrots are
• TRIED TO CUT TRAFFIC hon perIodIcally and stamp out scoreless for the first three innin&;;~. from forfeiting the game on ac- Price and Montgomery avenues, is an excellent source of mineral mat-
Arrested for cutting traffic in vicious conditions. The visiting team .connected fre- count of having no more baseballs now being paved under the direction ter which is used in regulating body
• Norristown Tuesday evening, Rus-
sell S. Cox, of Narberth, was .fined
quently with the·ball, but seemed to with which to play. Berwyn scored of Street Commissioner George B. processes and building tissues.
Should capital punishment be get its sense of direction all wrong. an occasional hit in the right direc- Suplee. Upon completion of Nar- They are especially rich in calcium
$10 and costs of $3.50 in a hearing abolished? Leading criminals say Foul chasers estimated that 97 fO~11 tion, and gained its four runs. We berth avenue, attention will be paid and a good source of at least three
• before Magistrate Ralph McLaugh- no, but then perhaps they're prej- ·balls soared wildly into Gibson's vitamins.
lin,; .~ ,.,,'.',...-.'. , '. .' ',' .-: .',. ·udiced,,·' ..,' -.. , ',.. '... woods..:;. Most": of these lost balls CONTINUED ON THE SECOND PAGE to Windsor avenue.

When. Dissatisfied Try

Owned by the Narberth Civic Association.
Publlshed every Saturday at Narberth, Pa.
Ed. Wipf and Mrs. Harvey Cook.
After the pyrotechnic display,
dancing was resumed until midnight, HEWfrS
with music again furnished by
Editor all/I PubU8her
THOMAS A. ELLWOOD Case's Broadcasters De Luxe. Nar- Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers the Cellar Window
Bulrine88 Manager
berth Legionnaires in their new caps Lehigh Valley Coal
SUBSORIPTION PRIam assisted on the dance floor as well 234 Haverford Avenue 'Phone, Narberth 1254 Jeddo-Highland Coal .\ ....,
One Dollar and Fitly Cents Per Year In Advance
Cannel Coal
as on the field. Cord Wood
We Call for and Deliver

Twenty new members joined the
Legion during the festivi ties. Some II~-;;;;;---;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-~ for The Garden
of them are J. A. Borden, L. 1. Bone Meal •
Peoples, J. A. Whiteside, Alex I~~=-C~!O=<::X::!O=<::X::oQoI=-=:X::oQoI=-=~-=-<:='I':~-=-<:='I':~-=-<=-=~-=e Sheep Manure
Betus, Ross Howenstdn, Robert Michell's Grass Seed
Collins. SaVo Flower Boxes
Entered a8 Becond elaBll matter. October U. Order was kept during the Underground Garbage Receivers
1914. at the POBt Omee .at Narbertb. PL. WIder
tbe act of Marcb 3, 18'79. crowded events of the day by Nar- Big
Saturday, July 10, 1926
berth's voluntary firemen, under the
leadership of Chief C. V. Noel and
for The Children
Lt. Ed. Wipf. Extra police were Enough Sand Boxes
Canvas Covers
BERWYN GRIPS LEAD put on duty to direct traffic, and
White Seashore Sand

ON MAIN LINE LEAGUE Captain Donaghy lent his personal
assistance. lor Two Phone Narberth 375
Narberth and Autocar Also Victors Entire satisfaction with the great-
Last Saturday. est Fourth of July celebration wit-
~ mAL ~ BlJllrnNli MAlfRIAlCQ
Although outhit considerably, nessed in the borough of Narberth
Narberth managed to beat Preston was expressed this week by Allan
at Bryn Mawr last Saturday in the E. Shubert, new commander of the
Main Line League game, 8 to 5 Post, and Thomas J. Kerrigan,
chairman of the committee in charge.
Every man on the Preston team haci
at least one safety for a total of 19
-And so good that you'll want an Ice .~
hits, while Narberth could only hi! BERWYN GAME
out II, but Preston had the huge CONTINUED FROM THE FIRST PAGE
cream soda all for yourself.
total of 16 men left on bases. Flec1-
started on the peak for Narberth lost the game, but saved $98.63 in
but had to be relieved by Babb. ThE
last year champions won out in thf
last two innings by scoring three
lost balls! .
Pitcher Frost, of Berwyn, didn't
have a thing (that Narberth could
We make our own ice cream.
hit) and the only local man who Delicious, cool, refreshing.
runs. Features were the slugginr
manhandled his offerings were Man- •
of ·Walker, with four hits ; Yowell When you buy coal from us you re-
with three, and the spectacular field ager Jeffries, \vho doubled and trip-
ina of Gilfillan at shortstop for th( led, and premier sackman Heckel, ceive the advantage of 25 years of coal
~ who slammed his first ball for a sin-
wmners. mining and distributing experience. We sell
NARBERTH gle, stole second and third, and came
r. h. o. a. ( galloping home on Murray's error.
Hl'ckl'l. ~lb. .........•..
G. FIl'ck. c. •
1 2 B 1 (
1 1 0 2 r :O;AlUlFlR'l'H.
Box Score.
WHITE'S SWEET SHOP only selected
And, every ton is guaranteed to be 2240
Lehigh Valley anthracite.

Yowell, If. • •.........•• 1 3 1 o

0 (
( rr,·"kor.
30... 1 1 1 10 Shank. lb ..
1 1 1
Hankey, cE.••• , ••••••••
~'urner, cf. 0 o 0 oo
(Ir( n:~:t ~f·.::g 8~ ¥ggg8~f;:~~~i.\·."':li): ~ iifr~ ggg
HObh. p 0 0 1 () 1 Vl·rn,'.
20.. 001 1 0
219 Haverford Avenue pounds. Let us take care of your coal needs
Babb, re. p. ..•....•..•. 1 1 4
V. l,'leck. p 2 2 0 o
2 };:ff'~·i,\I~i)·:::g ~ ,\~~(~.;tn·il.::· and be sure that both quality and quantity
( Hank!'. rf. ... O 0 1 () 0 Doy!". If ... 0 1 1 0 0 •
Jefferies. lb. . 0 011 _/ J{p.\"tlS, s:; ••••. 0 0 2 1 1 Cm!J;I('k, rt. 0 0 1 0 0 Phone Narberth 1705 for Prompt Delivery are correct.
Keyes, S~•••••••••••••• 0 o 1 G ~, Gtltill:lll. 2h .. 0 0 1 a () De:;('hllla. c. 1 :! 121 0

GilfiIlan, 2b. . ..•....•.. 0 1 13 G (' ~'~:~:~k" ·~ut!:-~.\7'\io~h. 8~1'(1;;.11;~ro·~t.4.1~1~7 7 2

l'otalB .•.•.•.•....... 8 11 *20 ltl :, Beat Knights 8·7.

l=====~===========C==C===C=~===== Telephone, BOULEVARD 888
pnES~'ON In an exciting foray staged
G. l\!c;\{'e, 3b
r. h. o. a.
1 :3 1
1 ('
Thursday night in the community
ball grounds, the local nine defeated II
J. McMo·e. cf. 1 1 0 0
}<'arnum, If 1 3 0 0 J the K. of C. team that sought their BEST FRENCH DRY CLEANING
Hogers, lb. ,
W;llkel', p. ..••...•....
Faulk, Sil•••••••••••••••
l\1clllauu~, 2b. • ••......
3 10
4 0
2 1
1 4
0 C
2 t
scalp. With the odds against them
7 to 6 at the beginning of the final
inning, the local lads smote two ADELIF~·,·BROTHERS
., . . K.UNKEL •
Kelly, d ..•.......•.... 0 1 2 0 ( lusty runs and trimmed their oppo- TAILORS .....
}'1aguire, c. . .•.....•... 0 1 3 1 l, nents. Largest Independent Coal Dealer
To the Fleck brothers goes the
.~'otals 13 19 27 11 1 credit for bringing in the winning CLEANERS AND DYERS in Philadelphia
Narberth 0 0 8 0 1 0 1 1 2-b runs. Bobby Gibson's pitching !leld
Preston 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 1 0-1:>
l'wo-bllBe bits-Walker. I<'arnum, Faull..
V. FIl'ck. Struck out-By Walker, 3.
down the Kaseys during the d~dsive
last innings.
I 02 Forest Ave.
Narberth, Pa.
Narberth 2602
Cynwyd 928
220 Bala Ave.
Cynwyd, Pa.
63rd & Market 51st & Gray's ..
First baHl' on baIls-By Walker, 2; by
Fleek, 3. Umpire-Eckles.
Autocar, 2; Brookline, 1.
This victory keeps Autocar right In re: I<'ile A.1[i263-26
Application of PATRICK F. DONAHUE F~P4iiHIIIIIIII'w'MIIIIIII'Pid_iiiiiiiIPIIIIIIIII"iii!i!P'lIIIIIIIIIIdiiO@'lIIIIIPDliiiiPijillPlllllllllmliiiiimPllllllllliiiipoijidllDlllllJimmiilllP1llllllliiidiimlllP1llllliimiiIiiiBIII"iimiti!tPllllllllliiiiiijlMiIIIIIIIIIii!mllllllllll'dijIi"IIIIIIIIIIlR"liiiiiiillllllPDliiii"liiillllP1lllllliiiiiiiiiiiPlllllllllipmmftlllllllllllllwp_ _W'ISW!iP'W. rrr=================~ ......
on the heels of Berwyn, only ont for appro,·,,1 of the continued exercise of
game behind, and makes Monday\ the right aud prl\'ilege of operating motor Try our Home-Made Pies for Dessert Tonight, 25c, 50c
games decide the race. In Satur·
day's game nO runs were scored b)
either team until the seventh inning
vehid,," as a common carrier for the tran~'
Ilortatlon of IJersons upon call 01' deman'l
In Narllerth, "Iontgomery County, and
vicinity. In renewal of A.l1l66-24.
Schwarzman's STORE
Danish Pastry ........••.......•.... Yz ·doz.
Nut Honey Buns, large ' a piece
Notke is hereby given that appllcatiop
Autocar .....•.• 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0-2 has heeu mUlle to the PUblic Service Com- Layer Cakes, like mother's, large . . . . . . . . • . . •. 60c
Brooldine ••..••• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 mission of thl' Commonwealth of l'enn-
s.I'l\'anla under the provisions of the Puh·
Sale of Bathing SuUs Butter Crust Rolls dozen 24c
Berwyn, 17; Wayne, 3.
Iic Sen'lce Compauy I,a", hy Patrick F. Vanilla Wafers •.......•......•.•. , .•. Yz-Ib. 30c
Donahue. of lOR Conway avenue. Narllerth, Latest in
l'a.. for a certificate of public convenience. French Macaroons ., •.......•..••..•••• Yz -lb. 40c
Danny Redmond's Berwyn aggre- evtdeucinll'
gation handed one large wallop to proval
Wayne in last Saturday's game,
which gives them a nice lead in the
the Commlssion's requisite ap-
of the eontinued exercise of the
right and privilege of operutlng motor
vehicles us a common carrier for the trans·
Ilortation of persons upon call or demand
Modes for Beach and Surf
I Suits for Men
We Specialize in Different Kinds of Health
B1·ead at 12 and 14 Cents a Loaf
In Nnrllerth, 1Iontgomery Count~·, nnd Wool Suits, SUITS
Main Line League. Even with three vicinity. .
either plain or
pitchers in for vVayne they were
A pnblic hearing on this ap[lUcntiou wItl $1.98 PHONE ORDERS FOR
he held in Uoom 4!l6. Cit~· Hall. Phlla!lel- striped, and of I-Piece
pounded heavily. Ilhla. on the 16th dny of Jnl\,. 1926. lit 9 novel design in PATTIE SHELLS, 4 FOR 25c
o'cioel\: stnndl1rll timc, ,vhen and ,,'here nIl Worsted Suits
Berw~'n H ii 1 2 2 1 3 0 0-17 !lerSOns in Interest mny allpear and be colorful motifs
Wa~'nl' 00 0 3 0 0 00 0- 3 !ll'nrd, if they so desire. at $2.98 $2.98 to $4.98
(7 -10-26)
Allpllcant. Heavy Ribbed NARBERTH HOME BAKERY
L. P. C. Suits, plain or
W. Children's 243 Haverford Avenue, Narberth

1 .Sin

Berwyn .....••....... 7
Antocar G :2 .iGO at $3.98 All-Wool Bathing ,
Narbl'rth .•.......•... 13
Pl'l"ton ......•....... -1,
.GOO word. Three insertiolls for the price of
Jacquard Suits • lit'" • • .......
Brooklinl' .• . . . . . . . . .. 1 i .12i:i two. Classified adtJertisenlmts will be ~ Woven Suits $1.00 to $2.95
\Vayne 1 7 .12u
received by telephone from subscribers
of the tl'lepho11e company.
e~~- _. =~I_-­ at $4.98 Newest styles.
A complete line of Have You a Safe .Deposit Vault?
Bathing Shoes, Caps
CLOSE COUNTY BRANCH --:"EWING MACHINES-All makes rc- and Novelty Belts.
Of Revenue Office at Norristown. llairl'd. },iberal allowance on old m:Lchilll'
for new Singer. Phone Merion 1-1iiS-J\1. SALE OF HAND LUGGAGE It's The Burglar's Job

Will Work From City.
Discontinuance of the Norristown l\lOTHEK8-Plllce YOUI' children un-
der compet"nt supen'iBion while a way for Big Savings q' 0 DISCOVER the secret hiding places in your
branch office of the Internal Reve- the day. For further information address .... home that you thought such safe location for your
nue Department, effective immedi- Nllrberth Duy NurBery, Mrs. Howard choice ~ossessions. Once he gains entrance, the darkest
ately, was announced Monday. '''hite. fiOS BrooldLUrst avenue. Narberth recess IS not safe enough cover from his penetrating
William H. Coles, who will return 1736-W. (tf)
I<'OR RENT - Attracth'e furnit>hed eye.
home Tuesday after a vacation trip, rooms neal' station. Best locution. Phone
and who was in charge of the of- Narberth 2222-W. (tf)
fice in the Norristown-Penn Trust It's Our Job •
DRESSMAKER - DesireB appoint-
Company Building, will work from
the Philadelphia office as aspecial
ments by day. FirBt-clns:; cutter and fit-
ter. Phone Diamond l'ilflS-W. (7-10)
TO KEEP your possessions where they will be safe ,~.
from this crafty worker-to place them where his
field deputy, engag.ed in actual col- WANTED-Roomers or boarders, gen- . Black· Enamel Suit Cases Fabrikoid Week-End hand hesitates to go-where his brain is not keen enough
tlemen or business couple. In prh-ate
lection instead of supervisory work. fumily. Home-lilte. 132G Gordou avenue, $2.98 to $4.98 Cases. to direct. Our Safe Deposit Vaults will hold all the
The county program, similar to Narberth. (7-10) valuables you wish to store, and are a safe reliable
$1.98, $2.98 and $3.98 .
that in many other places, is part
of another heavy reduction in divi-
FOR SALE- Willy:;-Knight sedun;
good condition; $2130. Phone Narberth
Strong. steel frame, cretonne
.' lined, pocket in lid, cowhide re-
inforced corners, cowhide straps
Cowhide reinforced corners;
cretonne lined; inside pocket;
. .lllsurance agamst
mexpenslve . burglary. " .
sion and stamp office of the bureau 2235-R. . all around-some with remov- 14-, 16-, 18-, 20·, 22- and 24-inch
in various sections of the county, FOR SALE-Ford touring cal'. l\Inke ; able trays-24- and 26-inch size. sizes. ~ EME¥BE~! Your vacation time is the Burglar's
Commissioner of Internal Revenue offer. 12S Woodside avenue. Phone Nar- A.~ workm~ tIme-a~d your silverware is the bright
bel·tll R38-J.
D. H. Blair said in Washington Boston Bags, 79c obJect of hIS temptatIon. Better leave it safe in one
F,OR SALE - Cllnllenge refril-lerutor, of our vaults until you return, than to find it gone to
recently. [lorcelnin lined. sliglltly used; reasonuble. Genuine leather, double handles.
"That American chap who flew
Narberth 2719-W.
parts unknown-never to come back.

STRAYED hom cal', small tan female
over the pole is a bird, isn't he?" dog; short hail' and tail; white spot on
Most reprehensible pun extant,
Already nineteen perpetrators of
ILeal! und vuwa ; blind in one eye; numed
"llaby;" family pet. Phone Granite 137u THE NARBERTH NAtIONAL BANK ...
or· NUl'berth 2200. HewnI'd.
it have been executed, and sixteen Open Friday Evenirigs-'l until 9
incarcerated, not to mention. three
FOR SALE-Building lots in Nar-
berth. Address "A," care ·of "Our Town,"

exonerated. P. O. Box DOU. •• AkW. • n


Storm Enclosures-Screens
The Fireside is becoming de-
serted these hot days for the cool
ALL USE CYLINDER WASHER Phone Narberth 11;71 { C. A. Senft, Actini' Pastor
Services, Sunday, July 11: If You Read "The Mauve Decade"
mountain and seashore resorts.
Now that summer has come to
Bible school, 9.45 A. M. Now Available at the Library.
Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Theme, stay, many of Narberth's resi-
WHY? ASK MR. BElUS CHARLES F. EBERT "Practical Christianity." A much-discussed LOOk among the dents are making their de13arture.
Jobbing Evening service - Union twilight new publications of this spring is "The
service, Methodist church lawn, 7.30 lYlauve Decade," by Thomas Beer. It Miss Patience Wholert is in the
OF ALL KINDS o'clock. is now available at the Community
THE "A. B. C." 103 Dudley Avenue J uly 2:~ is the date for the mysterious
hike to be held by the young people
Library. It is an impressionistic ac-
count of the manners, modes, customs
Pocono Mountains, and Helga
~holert is away at Camp Down-
Phone: NARBERTH 2229 mgton.
of the congregation. The young peo- and outstanding figures of the period
ple who will bear the date in mind will from 1890 to 1900, commonly called At Camp Awaissa in Pocono
enjoy a delightful evening out in the
"the nineties." So great a majority of
people now living have active mem-
Pines is Miss Virginia Abel.
Mrs. James MacKenzie, of Nar-
Choir rehearsal every Friday night, ories of that period, and so many of
302 Haverford Avenue
", ..
Carpenter and Builder at 7.30 o'clock. them were intiuenced by the ideas of brook Road, is in 'Rochester
Community prayer meeting in the that time, that this book will be widely N. Y., for a short stay. '
NARBERTH 1635 Jobbing-Estimates Free read, but probably not widely agreed
Methodist church \Vednesday evening, to. . C?ristine Mahl has gone camp-
NARBERTH 2733-J' at 8 o'clock. mg m New York State.
The advice of the library rei'ardini'
NARBERTH METHODIST this ~ook is that intelligent people Dr. R. C. Hoffman and family
should read it, but keep a good grip have r~turned from a motor trip
YE ODDITY SHOPPE, on their own ideas and opinions while
they are doing so. There is nothing to Maine, after attending the
,. , , Corner Essex and Price Avenues
dangerous or harmful in it, but Mr. graduation of Donald from Dart-
The Gift Shop of Narberth Rev. W. Sheridan Dawson, Minister Beer's opinions have only the weight mouth College. Donald is stay-
GETTING NO SHARE OF Sunday, July 11:
9.45 A. M.-Bible school, Hon.
of Mr. Beer's judgment, and that is
a quality which is very likely to
ing with his parents at 201 For-
Fletcher W. Stites, superintendent. change, for it is said that he is still a est avenue until August, when he
has many, attractive gifts at 11 A. M.-Morning worship. Theme, expects to go into business in
young man. However, he is an in-
.... -._-
'. .... - -'" ....
reasonable prices to take to your
hostess on your little week-end
"How to Keep the Sabbath." Anthem,
"If Ye Love Me," by Simper. Con-
teresting young man, with a good
background and training.
Canton, Ohio., .
tr:rito solo, "A Prayer." The book is written in what is often Miss Elizabeth C. Torrey is the
visits. 7.30 P. M.-Union twilight s.ervice. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
,HARD~EARNED' MONEY?' Services in charge of Rev. Keighton,
called the "modern" style, and, too
frequently, Mr. Beer, in his desire to C,. Torrey at 500 Essex avenue.
pastor of the Baptist church. sustain his derisive opinions of those MISS Torrey is the ReliO'ious E iu·
Open Friday Evenings Union prayer service on \Vednesday times, is obliged to employ innuendo
evening, in the Methodist church, with to sustain his point-and that, of cational Secretary of Dayton Ohio
=========~====~I Rev. Keighton as leader. and is also one of the faculty' of th~
An going out, but none of' it remaining wit~' The regular monthly meeting of the
course, is not sufficient to convince an
intelligent person who has well Presbyterian Summer Tr.tining
official board will be held on Monday grounded opinions to the contrary. It

~~, t< PLATE

School of W orcestet:, Ohio.
;you-the man or wonian who earned it ~. evening, at 8 o'clock. IS a good thing to match opinions with
any mind as keen as ,Mr. Beer's. Mr. and Mrs. j. G. Atherholt
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The popular appeal of this book will of Woodside avenue, and Mr. and
Rev. John Van Ness, M.A., Minister be limited from a library point of Mrs. Horace E. Ruch, of Merion
try Our SILVER
On Worn, Brassy Parts, Reflectors,
Meetings for July 11:
9.30 A. M.-Bible school. All de-
view, but those who are sufficiently
interested to keep going in it will
enjoy the experience and will emerge
avenue, motored to Ocean City for,
the Fourth, to attend a house party
Radiators, Bathroom Faucets, etc., so partments will remain open all sum- with renewed faith in their own opin- given by Mr. and Mrs. William
DAILY DIVIDEND PLAN that they 11 A. M.-Public worship. Mr. Van
Ness will preach on the theme "The
ions, or with an entirely new set of
ideas about the ~ociety of their child·
Parker at their summer cot~aC"~.
Miss Evelyn Jefferies, of Forest
LOOK LIKE NEW Knowledge of God as Essential to hood or youth.
avenue, has returned home after
3-oz. Trial Size 50c; lIz·pint $1.00; True Living." The man who does not
know God has not begun to live. How FIRST CHURCH OF
spending two weeks at "Byronden
'It was design,ed for your individual need-you Pint $1.65 can we know HIM? Farms," Pa.
See Demonstration 7.30 P. M.-Union twilight meeting CHRiST, SCIENTIST Miss Ruth Torrey is visiting
will find it a real solution. E. J. Lyons: H. Ricklin on the Methodist church lawn. Ser- \Vomen's Club Bldg., Ardmore Ave., friends at Belle Isle, Connedicut.
1110n by Rev. Robert E. Keighton. Ardmore, Pa. and is taking a summer school
H. F. Cotter Union prayer meeting next Wednes-
day at 8 P. M., in the M,~thodist (Daylight-saving Time) course at Columbia University.
=============== I chu;ch, conducted by Rev. Keighton. Wednesday
Sunday services, 11 A. M.
evening, testimonial
Misses Betty and Mary Jefferis
and George Jefferis, Jr., of Cloris,
THE MERION TITLE & TRUST COMPANY meeting, 8 o'clock.
Reading room, 19 West Lancaster
New Mexico, are guests of their
avenue, open daily, 10.30 A. M. to cousin, Evelyn Jefferis, Forest ave-
OF ARDMORE 4.30 P. M. . nue.
The subject for the Bible lesson Enjoying their sUmmer at Ocean
sermon for July 11 is "Sacrament." City are the family of George B.
BAPTIST CHURCH Suplee, who visits the shore over
OF THE EVANGEL week-ends.
Carlyn and Elizabeth Goldsmith,
Robert E. Keighton, Minister of Montgomery and Mill road, left
Services for July 11: this week to spend the next two

~ 11111111I1111I1111111I11I11I11I111I11I1 • 1I111111111111111111111111111I1I1I1I1I1II~
9.45 A. 1-L-Church school.
months at Camp Buckwood Lodge,
11 A. M.-Morning worship. Ser. Pa.

mon, "By-Products of Christianity." Miss Miriam McClain, of Wood-
7.30 P. M.-Union service on the
Over 700;000 side avenue, sailed this week for
~ ~
lawn of the Methodist church. This
05 Special service is conducted by the Baptist
church, the pastor preaching upon the
Europe, where she will spend the
summer. She will do special study

'. Women §
~ .
R d
E .
S§ theme
"A Spirit of Adventure."
Wednesday, July H, 8 P. 1-I.-Union
~ prayer service at the Methodist church,
conducted by the pastor of the Baptist
work in Germany.
Adolph Vogel and family have
gone to' Huntington, W. Va., for
several weeks.

~Atlantic City ~
church. Subject, "Never Man Spake
are satisfied Thus." Miss Ethel E. Shaw, teacher of
English in the State Normal Sd'ool
{{eport of Condition of
at Bloomsburg, Pa., who has been
users of the § THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 == In the Srate of At Ill'berth. at the close
N' visiting her brother, Commander
= SUNDAYS, JUNE 13, JULY 25 ==
== of busines.;; on June
30, 1926.
Charles H. Shaw, U. S. N., of AV,1!1
road, has g-one to New York City to
Electric Washer =
== Bond",
and discounts ....
1. Lonn~ $10!l,720.48 study in Columbia University Sum-
== Arrives Atlantic City
Eastern Stumlard Time
Leaves Narberth ..'......•....••..,: •....•••....•. 8.29 A. M.
~ 10.05 A. M.
4. stocks, "ecIWitiel;,
etc.. owned ........ ~.... 94,970.00
mer School.
Mr. M. Louis Johnson aud fam-

For 20 years the THOR Electric Washer has been one ==

== Returning, leaves Atlantic City, South Carolina Avenue 6.35 P. M. ==
G. hol,l>l1"',
furnitUre and fixtures,
$45,014.20; ily returned from spe1lC!ing the
"Fourth" at O;:;ean City, and have

of the leaders-20 years <;>f successful operation and con- == Proportionate Fares from Other Points
Between Parkesburg and Narberth = fj;1i1',!lU1.68 •.....•.•..
-8. Lawful 1'1'''1'1'1'1' with Fed-
ernl Re~el've

Bunk .... 18,000.00

gone to Indiana to visit re1t\tives.
Commander and Mrs. F. T. Van
struction-employs the same practicable methods as' ~ Pennsylvania Railroad ~ 10. Cash in vuult and amount
due from national banks 1r;,188.05
Auken, U. S. N., and children, mo-
tored to Connecticut over the
commercial washers. == THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE WORLD == 14. l\[iscp!laneous cush items..
18. Other asspts .
7,340.91 "1' ourth" to leave their children at
iiiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill1111111111111111111I1111iiii '1'ot:1I $:{04,822,42
Mrs. Charles H. Shaw has re-
''!''r=========================l\\ I,IABILl'1'IES turned home from the University ot
1 1fI. Oapital ~toek paid ill $50.000.00 Pl' H . 1 h I
20. Sllrplu~ fund ,.. 25,000.00 enllsy vat1la osplta, were s 1e
Now the NO. 30 27. 'Cel·tifted eheeb outstnnd· underwent a seriOlls operation.

28. 'Cashier's checks out~talld·
20. Individuul deposits ~ubject

Mr. and Mrs. 'vV. H. Martel and
daughter Helen are spending the
summer 111
. W h' D C M'
as 1I1gton, . . ISS
Folding , to check
'ar;. {'ertificnt,·s of del)o~it
140,781.[Xi Sara Larimer, Mrs. Hartel's sister,
has gone to her home in Greenville,
(other than for mOlle~' Ohio.
bom)wedj ... ,., ... , .. ,.. 10,nOD.OO Mr. Arthur Haines, of Long
37. Other time deposits ..... 623UO.87
Electric Ironer places on your Lawn, or in the Garden 4a. Bills payable (illcludinl; all Beach, California, is visiting in Nar-
can be easily obtained by an Arbor or oblil;ations representing berth. His mother, Mrs. Mary
Pergola. Very effective designs may be money borrowed othe:' Haines, of South Narberth avenue,
than redi8eounts) 10,000.00 has been seriously ill in Bryn
found on the shelves of our
No levers or pedals~per- 'rotal $a()4,B22.42 Mawr Hospital and is now .slowl'y
State of Pelms~'lvuniu, County of i\Iont- recovering at her home. Dltn~g ~IS
ates at the flick of a finger. LUMBER LIBRARY i~n~~rYjJ.:;\IcORERY, Cushier of the
above-named bank, do ~olemnh' swellr
stay he will be the guest of hIS SIS-
ter. Mrs. Howard Hager, of Old
thnt the above statement is true to the Gulph road.
A complete stock of lumber for this pur- best of my knowledge and belief. Mrs. H. C. Fenno left Thursday
pOSe is on hand at all times. We cut J. I,. MeCRERY, CIl~hier. for Lake Cassayuna, N. Y., in the
LET US SHOW YOU OOl'rect-Attest :
lumber to sizes desired, but do not CARl, B. METZGER. Adirondacks.
construct. CHARLES E. KREMER, Among the Narberth visitors at
CONVENIENT TERM PAYMENTS Cf,ARFJNGE '1'. FARIES, the shore this week is Mrs. C. H.
Dil·eetor/:!. Crane, of Essex avenue, who is in
Sub~cribed and sworn to before me this
MAY WE. SUBMIT AN ESTIMATE seventh day of July, 1926. Atlantic City.

· .
• J. BAIRD CAI,DWEI,L, Notary Public. Dr. Frederick 1. Fenno, of Ne~
Call at Our Show Room or Ask Us to Send a --------------1 Orleans, La., was the guest of h1s


brother, Mr. Harold C. Fenno, at
Representative. 600 Essex avenue, over the Fourth


of July and for the first part of
this week.
Mrs. J. W. Hagerty, of Merion
avenue, is spending several weeks
in Pittsburgh.
THE 'COUNTIES GAS & ELECTRIC CO. 29 BaJa Ave., Balo.-Cynwyd
Mrs. W. L. Peebles, of Iona
avenue, is leaving Monday to
spend a week in Atlantic City.
Ardmore 17 Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47 CA1;JL CYNWYD 662 758 LANCASTER AVE~ During the month of July while
BR.YN ,MAWR. Dr. E. C. Town is away, Dr.
George Wagoner, of Bryn Mawr,
PHONE, BRYN MAWR 882 is taking care of his practice.
ANTI.FLY CAMPAIGN Justice of the Peace

Is on in Earnest-"Swat the
A request has been received
at the Lower Merion township
building in Ardmore from Mrs.
happily to her young man when
M. L. Kyle, of Oakland Cali- they came home from the motion Fire Insurance-Best Companies
Fly" Is Watchword.
fornia, asking for information·, picture show, "Thanks-for the Phone 1749W 215 Haverford Ave.
concerning her daughter, Miss buggy ride !" If that grand-
LETTER TO THE EDITOR Ophelia L. Kyle, who at one daughter of mine can have a won- THE MICROSCOPIC EXHIBIT
time lived in Narberth. Miss derful time on a buggy ride, I SPORTING GOODS
Fliespmay have a place in the vast
scheme of nature which, from the
Kyle is described as being 26
years old, with dark brown eyes
guess any other girl can, too. And
that's a very encouraging feature l AT In Our Window For
standpoint of nature's plan of economy,
may justify the fly's existence, but
because of our yet extremely limited
and brown hair and about 5 feet
4 inches in height and weighing
of the travel situation.
knowledge of such plans we are not about 130 pounds.
able to grasp or comprehend them.
Also because of our inability to "get
the scheme," we seem to be justified The General' Wayne Fishing
in our war upon the intolerable nui-
HAVERFORD BROWNIES Club made its third trip of the P.F. DONAHUE
sance of the common "house fly." We Present Wreath to Mrs. Coolidge at season to Fortescue, N. J" on Residellee, Station,
know, ofcour~e, beyon~ doubt of an~ Narberth 1731 Narberth 1713-W Phone
kind, that he IS ~ carner of contam!-
Sesqui. Thursday with Captain Oscar
Baggage Called for and Delivered We
nation and a carner of such extraordi- During the visit of the President Bradford. They caught 101 108 CONWAY AVENUE NABBEll'rB NARBERTH
nary activity and ability as to be a and Mrs. Coolidge to the Sesqui weakfish, 40 croakers, two king- ·1267
menace to the health and life of the fish and three flounders. --------------
genus homo. on July 5 Mrs. Coolidge was pre- Those that made the trip were Phone Narberth 672 238-40 HAVERFORD AVE.,NARBERTH
For this reason a campaign of sented with a basket of red, white
"SWAT THE FLY" is justifiable. Commodore John T. Odell, Greg- Narberth T · Cabeo. 8X1 United Cigar Stores Agency
Swat him always. Swat him with a and blue flowers by two Brownie ory Murphy, Duke Bomker, Dr.
swatter. Swat him with sticky fly- Girl Scouts, Edith and Elizabeth John Schembs, Jr., and Richard WaIter ROBer Cigars and Cigarettes at Downtown Prices
paper. Swat him with sweetened poi- Carr. DODGlll SEDANS FOR BIU
sonous solutions. Swat him with pow- English, of Rosemont. They are • BY THE HOUR OR DAY
ders destructive and disruptive of his members of the Haverford pack of
organs of respiration. Swat him with Councilman Griswold's daughter omce: lI1II Haverford Aye,
sprays and vapors. Swat him with Brownies, of which Miss Julia Eunice has left for a girls' camp in
fly-traps. But, anyhow, SWAT him- Williamson, director of the Phila- New England.
and swat him to stay swatted I In delphia Girl Scouts, is the "Brown
waging this war of extermination
judgment mu~t be used! a.nd the cun- Ow1." "Adam, is that our son raising
ning of the IIItended victim of death "Brownies are Girl Scouts in the cane?" Contractor <5- Builder ..
must constantly be kept in mind. making," explained Mrs. V. 1. Ze- "No, .he isn't able." (Oldest
Therefore, the following advice and lov, of Rosemont, yesterday, "as ·non-extinct pun.)
inj unctions: NARBERTH,PA.
they are the younger sisters of the
New Methods of "Swatting."
scouts. They range in age from
It is common practice to spread
sticky fly-paper' upon bureau, bed or
table top, and let it go at that. Try
seven to I I."
At the present Girl Scout World
....",. . .,. a BraIIfI"
, ,

the right way. Darke.n the room ~x­ Conference, at Briarcliff, N. Y, re-
cept a minute ray of hght at the WIII- ports showed that this branch of
~l Phone, Sprnce 88-90 And 88-11'2
Key_tone Phone, BsMle 'lo-M
Electrical Contractor Little fans for' $5, nine';! .'
dow and put the sticky fly-paper there. scouting is very important. Eng- 501 S. Narberth Avenue
Flies like light and will naturally se~k inch fans for $12.50-1arg.'
it and one fly stuck to the paper Will land has 100,000 Brownies and GARAnteed Roofl BJIlLL' PBONB: MERION 121
111.''-0'.. .li'tlntUW er fans at higher prices.
h~lp attract all the flies in the darkened 200,000 girl guides or scouts. The
room to the spot, and the f1y-pap~r program is highly imaginative, and
will do the rest. This same metho.d IS exercises helpfulness, particularly in
1-------------- But they're all General
the proper one f~r swe~tened pOison
M. L. Automobile Laundry English Type House Ele~tric fans-the best you
solutions made With pOIson f1y-pape~ the home. Washing Polishing Simonizing For Sale
and water or sweetened solutions ot
can buy at any price.
arsenic or cobalt (it is taken for Colonel Henry G. Sparks and OILING AND GREASING
granted that common sense will guide Commodore Walter R. O'Sullivan, GENERAL REPAIR WORK Half-acre. Five bed-
the user into adopting necessary pre- rooms and 3 baths.
cautions in keeping children and do- with State Senator Fletcher W. DONAHUE AND O'DELL All stone eonstruction.
mestic animals out of harm of the Stites, were members of the recep-
sweetened poisons) and fly-traps.. In tion committee that greeted Presi- Haverford & Conway Ave.-Nar. 1731
GEORGE R. MARKLE $U-inch .b:e
the case of f1y:traps be sure. to IIn- dent Coolidge at the Sesquicenten- VnitlCJ'Ild$S
prison a few files before placmg the Builder
trap in the lighted space. nial Monday, and helped officiate in ·LIGHT HAULING ~:f;~ Nationai Bank Building
There are several valuable and re- the patriotic exercises that followed. local or out of toWD
liable spray solutions on the market Quiek and Efficient Serviee NARBERTH 2287
which, by spraying ,into a ~00111 t,oward Graduated at Peirce School.
the flies on the ceilmg or 111 a wlIIdow,
will kill almost immediately. The During the school term of the
335 Dudley Avenue
same is true of filiely powdered vege- Peirce School of Business Instruc- Phone, Narberth lfll'1.... , Interior and Exterior Painting ~
table substances of kinds which can tion, which closed on July 2, the
be purchased at the drug store. The . 1
smoke or vapor of burning pyscth~1Vell graduatll1g c ass was one 0
f tl
le Ardinore :l385 ,
407 Essex Avenue·
is a very active and entirely rcltable largest in the history of this well- : Phone, NlU'berth 2637 ~
destructive agent. Care must be t<:!~en known institution. Among the grad~ VERL PUGH Hoover and Westinghouse Agents
whcn bunjing the poy;'dered flowers uates were: :rvIiss Louisa M. Rice, l··'·'-,---------·-·-·,·--~ Phone, Narberth 2282 250 Haverford Avenue
to arrange a proper vessel for the \\' Ed' I A Electrical Contractor HARRY B. WALL Nine-Inch Oscillator
'llflall1ed material, tha. t the heat. de- Poplar avenue, . layne; . B It 1n'- • ELECTRICAL REPAIRS AND $12.50
veloped does not rum tl.le furtllt\?re Jac I{son, R osemon; t Veri1le e ja- APPLIANCES Bllill with eilher A.Co
Plumbing, Gas Fitting

up on which it st.ands. A. Simple deVice d min, Narberth, and Florence E. 314 Grayling ATe. S Cricket Au. or D. C. mOlO'"
is a saucer or hd of a till 1)0); P I ace Lapp, Malvern. Nnrberth, Po. Ardmore, Po. and Heating
in a shallow vessel of water.
The Fly Menace Is Serious.
li=============-===============:r" ::;;r

Do not let the natural inclination of
all of us to scoff at the war~lings a~ld
abjurations of the man of SCIence .mls-
lead us into the common error ~1 be-
lieving or thinking that there IS no
danger in the common house fly. The
A FREE Inspection Service
thought or feeling that father and
mother or <Trandfather and grand-
Is offered by FYR.FYTER for your fire prevention
equipment of all types. This inspection will insure
mother were'" not killed .by a. ~y's
doings does not justify us 111 bc1.1evlIlg
better protection and lower fire risk. and guarantee
~ ~
i i
that the fly is not a dangerous lIlsect. the operating condition of your whole equipment.
Remember that the lessening <;>f i~fant Write for information.
mortality is largely due to sal11tatlOn-
and the death rate has been lowered.
In order to convince yourself that
contaminating material is carried and
spread by the flv, tak~ a few minutes'
Approved by the National Board of Underwriters
Special Sale ~
time to examine the httle rascal care- FYR.FYTER PRODUCTS
:= Pi
fully Much that is hidden from com-

mon' observation can be seen with t~e JOHN L. JENKINS

aid of a magnifying glass, and still Narberth
more illuminating is the aid given by 201 Price Ave.
a microscope. But-whether you be-
lieve it or not-join in the popular

clamor, and SWAT THE FLY! AVT!ATlC


Head Speakers in Ashland Heights
! For a Limited Time Only You Can' !~
Fourth Celebration.
~rominent figures in Lower
Merion politics took part in the
Fourth of July celebration held by
!ww Purchase a
,.,.~. Automatj,~ ~

~ ~
Gas Water H~~ter at a Big Saving .~
the residents of Ashland Heights,
~ ~
Monday. Speakers were Senator W

~ ~
Fletcher W. Stites, of N arberth,
and Peter C. Hess, Township
~ 1 ONLY $5 00 DOWN ~
~.' ~
Treasurer and head of the Lower
Merion and Narberth Republican ' • .•
~ "" ~
The' celebration was held at the '~. 2. lWELVE MONTHS TO PAY. :Jll
! /'" ~
West Manayunk fire house and W
was under the joint auspices of 3. NO INTEREST ON CARiRYING
the West Manayunk Fire Com-

Cd~vic ASts~Cit~tiond'
pany and the recently organized The Coal Problem ~


le ea mg pa no tC a r
was given by Senator Stites.
d ess
!w i "
.....• '

'freasurer Hess, as master of cere- need be no problem at all if you order your next ..G.i
monies was introduced by Greg-
ory Murphy, President of the winter's supply now. Coal prices at present are !

Civic Association, and spoke on

the subject of "What a fire com- as low as they will be this year and 'prompt deliv- ~
Altogether this represents a saving of $27.50 if purchased during ~
'fl?1 .a

pany and a civic association mean .eries are.guarantee.d. Order now before you go .' ~ the Special Sale. Do not delay. Place your order with us now. If ~
to a community." i ' ~ you "put it off" we may not be able to fill your order. ..G.i

-~ ~
There were also speeches by' a1Y'ay for the summer. W 'fl?1

~ ~
Harris Heaps, of the fire Col11-

th~;:;:Cw~;U~'solobYlittle Miss
pany, and President Murphy, of

Mildred T. Risely and selecttons

by a male quartet composed of
~ t; M. THOMPSON::
Union & BaIa Aves.
~ 104 Essex Avenue
.. Narberth 1752

~ ~
H. W. Risley, first tenor; R. W • • . "6'(
Hunsworth, second tenor; E. Phon'e: Cynwyd 260
. ~~~~~~;th,fir::co:~ssbas:~d H .. ~=======:=::::::;:::::::;::::===============:&?rs:l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
.... j ~ •
". ,

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