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householders will learn hy experience
to order less frequently than the)'
ha ve heen accustomed to order and
they will order in larger qual:titles.! OF NARBERTH GUARD SUFFRAGE ORGANIZATION
Those who pay cash will not have to
bear the burden of the expense en-I\ I
Soon To Be Put In Operation tailed upon the retail merchant in, '
I .Believing it our !i,uty to set a pa- The :\'arberth Bl'aneh of the Kation-
triotic example to the community, <lIlll al Woman Suffrage Organization held
conducting a credit business. As the
The complete details of the :'-Iar· retail business is conducted to-day, I
ever" consumer has to pay his share'
l for the instruction of those who wiII meetings the first Friday of every
I be called for service lin the present
IWorld War, better fitting them for pro- month during the year 1917, except
berth Plan-exactly what it is, how J
of delivery cosU; and his share of the I motion; we have organized THI~ XAR the months of Julr, August and Sep-
it will work and how the consumer expel:se of maintaining a credit busi-j BERTH GUARD, for the purpose of temh(!r. These meetings have always
will henefit-were explained last night ness, whether lIe enjoys a reasonable protecting our homes anll teaching been well attended and new members
to a good-si7.ed audience of citi7.ens rf number or an excessive number of
the borough, at the town meeting held deliveries and whether he pays cash
THE FIRESIDE military tactics and discipline in ac- appeared from time to time. \\'.e had
cordance with the rules and regula-
iL the Arcade Theatre. The principal or gets credit. The Narberth Plan Betty Bllxter's Gossil) tions prescribed by the Unitell States til.!! pleasure of hearing quite a few'
will make possible every service that War Department. well known suffrage speakers during
speaker was W. R. D. Hall, chairman. the present system provides, ,but con- these months and on April 2 our or-
of the General Committee that ha, sumers will only be charged delivery! , . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , H3··I ,lLWs ganization invited the public to hear
had charge of the plan, and A. B. costs for their own goods. In this'
Ross also a resident of the borough, way the consumer will kr.ow exactly I
THE Narberth Guard Membershill-Any male rcs'ident of
drills every Thursday the Borough of :\'arberth or vicinity, AI'clHle Theatre. Also in April the
the world-famed Mrs. I.'orbes Robert-
son HaLe speak on "Suffrag,e" at the
'. k tl Hf th I' f til" what he is getting and exactly what I
w 110 IS nown as le a e 0 "II Ie IIUS t 0 payor f't 1 • I evening in the Fire House, sixteen years o[ age or over, is eligible
for membership, upon signing enroll·
amendment eame hefore the House at
:'-Iarberth Plan." After Mr. Hall had I Moreover, any member of the as.,o-' 8.15 to 9.15 P. M. Harrisburg and Mrs. Charles Verna
spoken, Mr. Ross answered a number ciation will have the right to go to , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '
ment c&rd and paying dues.
Dues-An initiation fee of twenty-
was the delegat.e selected to repre-
of questions asked b)' men and women the st?re ?f the retail merchant co: 1918 wll get warmer as it grows five cents shall be paid upon enrol!- sent us, but. we must adll, with regret
iJ' the audience. operatlllg 111 the plan. and 'by payin o older. it was defeated.
ment anll twenty-five cents per month
- . I' r f tl ,,~tl cash and carrying his goods, pUJ'- A telegram urging :\'ational Prohi-
for tlues, payable first of each month
A hrle out me 0 I e ; aI" leI' I chase anythir.g he wants at the Nar-, How lIIanv Thl'iH Stamps have ycu in advance. bition as an ec.onomic war measure
Plan. as explainell by ;\11'. Hall, fo!- herth Plan prices. which will, of bought? I . was sent to l'r-esiden t Wilson.
lows: course, he less the 5-cent delivery I }<lilles-Any mem bCI' being a hsent
from drill without excuse. shall pay a
In October our members undertook
The first step in putting the Nar- charge and the 1-cent credit charge. }<'OU:'-ID--Small umbrella. Call at fine of ten cents into the treasury. the registration of all women residing
in :\arberth for the Woman's Commit-
herth Plan in operation will be the At the conclusion of his talk Mr'l postoffice. Eaeh fine shall constitute a demerit
., . ." Hall announeed that an opportunitY tee of the Couneil of :\ational Defens,(!.
lormatiOn of an II1formal • aSSOCIation, 11 b e a j'r Of( Iel1 eac I1 resl'd en t 0 f tlle against the offender for promotion.
• WOU I You can still join the Chrititmas Two c'ard parties were also given
Meetings-Meetings shall be called
each memJler of the a,ssoclatiOn agre:- horough at an early date, to er.roll SaVing Club. during the year hy the entertainment
at the eommand of the senior officer.
ing to pay dues of fift)· cents a as a member of the association with committe.'! to help raise funds, as
or upon the written request of ten
Ai< Mr. Hall said, "It will cost YO\l the view to giving the Narberth Plan Stanley Lukens, of the U. S. f; memhers in good standing. money we Illust have to further our
rfty cents a month for two or three a trial. adding, that if there were any Tacoma, is home on furlough. work.
Officers-The commiss'ioned officers
I . . I .' I t ' I W persons present who wiShed to signify While our organi7.ation. as a body,
shall he elected by 11 majority Yote 01
months, to gIVe t liS p an a ria. e their willingness to co-operate with Don't miss Miss Flanders~l.'riday, members present in good standing. dill no adual war relief work almost
believe we have something that willi the committee to the extent of making January 18, 8.15, at the Y. M. C. A. all our members have workell faith-
:\'on-commissioned officers shall he ap·
henefit individual residents and the I a test of the Karherth Plan idea. the fUllr with our local Red Cross anI!
pointed hy the eommanding officer
community at large. The plan has secretary would take their l:ames. As Cake and hrea.d sale, Saturday, Jan- the Main Line Canning', Cent,(!r at AI'lI-
Governing Body-Shall be composed
heen submitted to consumers, retail- a result of this announcement, about uary 19, ::l P. M., at the Y. M. C. A. of all commissioned officers and non- more. Of course we all hope that the
ers, wholesalers aLll Ibankers and has forty people in the audience gave Federal Amenllment will pass success-
commissionell oflicel s. senior ot!iN'r
heen indorsed by representatives of their names to the secretary and Don't forget the calw {Ind bread sale present acting' as chairman. Thi!' fuIlr in Washington on Janaury 10,
each of these groups. Mr. Ross is an a,greed to malw a trial of the Nar- held at the Y. M. C. A., Saturday, Jun body shall meet at least once a month but we have beeom.e rather accustom-
acknowledged expert in matters of Iherth Plan. uary 19, 3 P. M. eel to defeat, in Pennsylvania, so if
and pass on all fines and dlliciplinury it does not get a majority vote, let
food supplies and food merchandising, IThe work of organizing the assocla- measures. eadl one of us put our shoulders to
and we are indebted to him for tho I tion and puttin'1; the pIal. in operation During January War Savin~s
Xarherth Plan. :S-ot ~his evening, but will he started Immediately. Stamps are $4.12 each. They will b~ the whe.el in 1918 and work harder
than ever to Ibring ahout that whieh
later, we will ask you if you are
willing to co-operate with us ir. giving
$4.13 in February.
A RECITAL we all so earnestly desire-Eqnal Suf-
this plan a fair test. You can't lose
more than fifty cents a month tor two
NEW COUNCIL HOLDS If )'ou want to laugh, next Satur·
dar, be sure and see Douglas Fair- A recital will be given by Gertrude
T,lIuhw "oss Cockrill.
K Wright, soprano, assisted hy Piotr Secretary.
or three months. If the plan Is a
~mceess, as we have every reason to
FIRST. REGULAR MEETING banks at the mOVli'es.
Wazla, Polish baritone; Bernard 1'0- ThE' officers for the ,ensuing year:
believe it will be, you will be assure'l land, tenor; Henry Lukens, at the Mrs. Charles W. Young, president
of standard food supplies at better Humphreys
prices than is possible under the pre-
I C. .
This is no weather to call out the piano; Mrs. B. }<-'ranklin Armiger.
Street firemen for useless I'llll':. It is both reader, at Elm Hall, :\'arherth, I'a.,
Mrs. W. H. Pngh, Jr., vice president
Mrs. J. Klinger. secretary
"ailing methods 'of buying." I OmmlSSlOner dangerous and '~0Stly. Monday evening, January 21. 1918,[ Mrs. Edgar Cockrill. treasurer
The monthly dues paid by the mem- --- 8.15 o'clock. Dancing will follow the Since the above reports were made
hers of the associatior. will be used \ Considerable business of importance Eaelt evening the attendance at the l'e0ital. out the Federal Amendment was won
to pay the salary of a secretary, who to the borough and of interest to all mov;ies increases. Last Satu1rday over Patronesses-Mrs. H. Collis Howes, in the House on January 10. and sent
will transact all the business of the residents, wa~ transacted at the fir~t 100 came in within ten minutes. }lrs. Wm. J. Hamilton, Mrs. Wm to the Senate. where the great,est odds
association. and of course, any other regular meetmg of the new CounCIl. Selfridge, Mrs. Robert Snyder, Mrs will have to he met with. We cheer-
It ds to your advantage to attend Arthur Haight, Mrs. Edwin Town" full~' hope for the hest.
incidental -expenses, snch as station-\ held Monday night, . in EI.m Hall.
ery, printing and postage. When the "ressrs. Henderson. Ke 1Il1, Leitch, Mal!- the cake and hread sale, Saturday, Mrs. Carrol Downes, Mrs. James 1<-'. I XlIrhertil Urllnch, ',"ollum SUIYragc A,,-
plan is in operatiOl: the secretary will dox, Wentz, und President Hall were January 19, 3 P. M., at the Y. M. C. A Sherron, Mrs. Alexander Chambley, SO('iIlUlllI-Tre~lsllr. .r's R('iport~ 191i
collect vrders for goods from the present. and the latter announced his Mr><. l"red Derhy, Mrs. Harry Jacobs, RECEIPTS
members who will be supplied with appointment of the committees for the Go to the :\arberth Theatre next Mrs. Wm. H. Pugh, Mrs. Edward Odell, 1917
Saturday. Get in out of the cold. The Mrs. John S. Ketcham, Mrs. Will. T.
price lists. These orders will be as- ensuing year: $102.04
sembled and turned over to the retail I~inance-Mr. RelUfer, ehairman; Mr.
new heating s~'stem makes lit seem Harris, Mrs. James }<'. r<;gan, Mrs. H. January;, halance on hanl!
}<'ehruary 2 contributions from
merchant who, based on his bid, has Maddox and Mr. Leitch. like summer. Hager, Mrs. E. 1(. Goodwin, Mrs'. John members . 8.00
agreed 'to handle the busil;Jess for the Police anll Health--Mr. Maddox Van Kess, Mrs. David Sticlmey, Mrs. March 2 contributions from
memhers of the association. The goods chaJirman; Mr. Redifer and Mr. Hen- The Counties Gas and Electric Com·· Wm. H. Carmlnt, Mrs. W. S. MeIntire,
pany requ,ests its patrons to be careful Mrs. Samuel B. Dickie, Mrs. Wm. B. memhers . 8.00
will be delivered at the homes of the derson. 5.00
and save all th€y can <in the use of Goodall, Mrs. Clement Booth, Mrs. March 2 sale of ba7.aar tickets
members at schedule times and at Highways and Sewers-Mr. Went7. April 2 eollection. Mrs. Hale's
the end of each month the secretary chairman; Mr. Maddox and Mr. Keim. gas and electricity. Samuel Laird, Mrs Chas. A. Verna, lecture . 24.00
will present to the memlJCrs bills for Fire. Lighting and Water-Mr. Mrs. Chas. Walter Young, Mrs. Harry April 17 con trihu tions . 3.00
their purchases, and collect the Leiteh. chairman; Mr. Henderson and Harold Speakman. a private in fhe S. Bradley, Mrs. Edwin A. Muschamp, May 2 eontrihutions
109th Medieal Corps. has been s'elede,1 Mrs. Wm. M. Cameron, Mrs. Walter . 1.00
money, which ho will deposit with the Mr. Keirn. May ;~ contribution . 2.00
baKk that has agreed to co-operate Ordinance and LaW-I'll'. Henderson, for the Officers' Training Camp at At- Dothard, Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Mrs. May Ii contribution
lanta, Ga. Success to Harold. . 1.00
with the Narberth Plan. The bank, in chairman; Mr. Redifer and Mr. Wentz. I Edgar Taylor. Mrs. Harry Wheelock, Mar 29 receipts from card
turn, will settle with the retailer. I~ormer Councilman Charles E. Hum- --- . . i Mrs. Ellery K Taylor, Mrs. Chas. g. party . 26.83
Before We plan is inaugurated, each phreY>< was electell street commission- Do you InlOW . whatC the Patnotlc 1 I IT"reamer, M rs. A . I{. S'I" el el. Mrs . J June 2 contr,ibutiolls
.? . 3.00
member will be asked to estimate the er for the term of two years, succeed- League or GIrls • IS., ·ome
C anI see ·t I) onne 11" Y. mrs AllleI' t CI'ft
1 , 1\'1'
L S.
June 2 from pled~,e cards . 1.65
approximate expenditure of his house-I ing W. S. McClellan, who has filled and hear. ~ .
1. M. C. A. ommulll
y E I-\.remer, M'rs. .1 ess Ie H arl'lS. .
September 6 sale or tall~'
hold for staple ~roeeries for the that position for a number of years. Uoom. Ii nday, Januar)' 18, at 8.10. Ushers-Mrs. Horace Moore, Miss cards . . . .50
periqd of a month and he will then I
Fletcher \V. Stites was re-elected
War Tax Stamps maybe secured at
Maude Wipf, Miss Florence ,Jacoby, Octo her ;, contriblltiom; . 4.20
deposit with the bank cash to that' borough solocitor for the term of four Miss Edna Selfridge. :\'ov.ember 2 contribution . 1.25
amount or a demand note for that )'ears; E. P. Dol<I was re-elected treas- the postoffice lin denominations of one December 1:~ from card 'party
amount. The mor.ey thus depositel! urer for the term of two years. and cent, two cents, five cents. ten cents,
PUDlAUY }~U:f'l'W:\S I,A'I't: on accou n t . 20.25
remuins in the bank frOIll month to .J. Taylor Darlington was re-elected fifty cents, one dollar and two dollars.
month as a guarantor of the member'" huildin" inspector for the term of two
financial stability and may, of course, years.
be withdrawn by a member at any
We regretted
Mr. Hend\}rson, chaimmn of the Howard Hoffman's illness at the Pres-
-----to hear of Mrs. t'llIl1lIdlLtcS WIll UcgIn ClrclIIJltlllg
PcUt.IoIlS WItll.l.ll Two )[onths
December 16 flour solll
December 16 card party tick-
et .............•..........
December 22 saLe two bowls
. .50

time that he or she wishes to wlth- Ordinanee Committee introduced a byterian Hospital, but glad to report
(Continued on Fourth Page) The primary election will come this from bazaar . .70
draw from the association. The secre- resolution to amend the Manual of
tary will be in close touch with the Council to make tit conform with the year as late as it is possibLe
law, falling May 21, but w,~thin two
under the Deeel1llber 22 car fares to Nor-
ristown, contributed . 4.64
bank at all times ar.d should a melll- State law governing boroughs.
bel', in his purchases, exceed the An ordinance was passed fixing the IMPORTANT NOTICE months petitions of candidates will be Decem bel' 27 sale of tallies .
December 31 postag.e (contrib-
amount of his deposit or the amount borough tax rate for 1918 at 11 mills·, in circulation.
uted) , .. 1. 70
of his note, the bank will notify him and the budget ordinance approprlat- Owing to the scarcity of coal On March 2 the petitions of State-
and he will increase his deposit or Ing moneys for the government of the and the fact that in a week or wide candidate!! may be put 1n circula-
note proportionately. horough during 1918, was also passed. so a real coal famine may be tion and March 23 those for local can· (Continued on Second Page)
Under the Narberth Plan there will President Hall announced that he upon us, all those who are aged didates can be put out. Aprlil 11 is the
he a charge of five cents for each de- had reappointed Councilman RedifE'r last day for filing petitions of State
livery, and there will be a charge of as chairman of the committee to con-
or ill and are desperately in candida.tes and April 3 the last day fcr (~LASSIFIED A nVERTISEl'fENT~
or.e cent for each dollar's worth of fer with the Pennsylvania Railroad need of fuel are invited to com- the filing of petitions of local candi- Two cents per ",·ord each Insertion. cReb
credit extended. Credit accounts Willi
officials In the matter of the new Nar- municate with the undersigned dates.
Nomination papers for candidates of
In advance. No auvertisement accepted un-
leI!!!' cash accompanies cOPY'.
be the accounts of those consumers berth station and postoffice, and the at once.
who have deposited demand notes. upnointment of Messrs. Maddox and parties th8lt now have no legal place J.OS1'-Pocl{~lhnok cnnlnlnlng money nnd
with the bank. The virtue of this fea-; Leitch to fill the two vacancIes on thIs
WILLIAM T. HARRIS on the ballot may be filed any time up papers. $5.00 reword If returned to No.
2 Brookhurst avenue, Narberth. Mrs.
ture Is this: In the first place, city. Arcade Building, Narberth to September 6. • Du Bos'l.
borough, postal and railroad a\1thorl- be so constantly and copiously dis'
OUR TOWN Telephones,

Of course, we
ties. The use of the present station playing his wares to attract lUiS' to his deliver - any
building as a post office Is a practical edifice and then what must It be? Fine pia ce - aoy
An EXllerfment In Co.operative solution of the question. The .expense stamps they are he seIls, excellent 1268 time,
;IIUl'llullsm-~1I I'uld Workers. of alterations would not he great, and value at all prices. and no better
- the building of the new station on the Thrift Bonds can be had, service un- The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Owned and Published every Thurs- South side would not Involve a great surpassed, but curiOUSly liberal )'ou A
day by the Narberth. Civic Assocla- outlay of money. The expensive part are with him when his boss Is so drug store in the most modern sense of the term
Uon. _
of the whole proposition Is the brldg,- penurious with us. It's a canny piece ."===_..,_~_-_=...,...,_-..,~---,_:-:"--,...=====,.,....-,....,..----- ~"......-:-.,..-..,..-,,
Subscription price one dollar perl Ing of Essex avenue, and' re-Iocating of melltal camouflage he's practicing
year in advance. tie
freig IIt sillngs. . coul(Ibe'i on us, t I'
TillS .- I ,and he wou II
Illln.s I Ilave U5
CUB'S WEEKLY LETTER 1m. J, IU';I") n, J:~."'L.".···l··L'.I"'.··S
_.on.' ,.., "
- 5

left to a more favorahle time. As this' feel it's a regular postoflice, after a'.1. Nt;W nOOK
NAIWEU'!'H CIne ASSOCIATION. plan has already been discussed hy YOUI' Vllele Sam knows how to pick - ---
President, A. J. Loos. some of the railroad oflicials, uud 1001<- his clever men, that's plain, but Wi> To thc Editor of Our Town: "fhildl'\'ll'S Stllrles lind Jlow to Tell
Vice-presidents, A. C. Shand, J, B. ed upon favol'alble. we hope sleps will the moncy we need, you say, and who, Somcthing like 100 women of :\ar Them"
Williams, James Artman. he takeu for a joint lliscussion hy all then, has more o[ It? spend on the averagc o[ thr~e ---
Secretarr and tr~asurer. Frank J. int.ercstcd parties. Your replv will he looked for ex-. to lour hours weekly at the Hed Cross A IIPW hook h~' nr. J';senwein is al-
Wiese. . I
pectantly-a'nd after that the Cn!) \\:ork, ro~m~ ~J1 ~he ,Yo ~LC .. A., ~eWin,!( ways gTc,eled with intcrest hy his [or-
Directors, Fredenck L. Rose, George Bur/;"ess Downcs' messag-,e to o'ur Handy with thc hammer, that Cuh a' lMIIlI,lges. sll1rts, hul IlIIen .lnd ,I host mel' fellow-townsmen of Narherth,
M. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, George M. Council augnrs well for the fnt.ur,e good ;nan too --I [eel he is anvhow __ of othcr things that arc o[ "ital neces- \\'herp a numher o[ his best hookR
ColesworthY, Mrs. William S. Horner, of the horough. It is animatell hy a hut just 'the ~ame I had bett~r W:'.it! sity. to our ho)'s in 1<)lIrope, and at the on the ~hort Story were written. That
A. E. Wohlert, Mrs. George M. Henry. cleal', intellig;ent appreciation o[ the I and see hefore I sign other than as various camps in this country. . One Dr. I~sen\\'ein hohls a supr,eme place
I"letcher W, Stites, E. A. ~uschaIDP, duties or thc .new administration in. 1 Notious, ,.hlll.1(,lr~.d ~\I:eatel'~ an~1 otl~cr .. kDltted as an authority on the art of story
H. C. Gara, Heury Hose, Edward S. its relation to the hest inter.esls of the _ ,lrtH.les hale heen nI.lde III :'\arberth telling is attcsted b~' critics of the

Haws, 1\1rs. Roy E. Clark. Mrs. Llls- community. The different topics . homes anll in the work rooms and, all Vl)r~' highcst standing, rang)ng from
ter W. :\ickersoLl, William D. Smed- touched upon are all of vital interest. A~'O[,~l'I':.lIJo:\'I' OF nVIL . in all. these ladics have donc an al- the re\'ie\\,er of thc L,()ndon Speelator
ley. :IIH:
arp dis('ussed in a ma~lIIer .that SEHrH'Jo: J~XA.lII~.\'J'W'i I ~lJ(~st i.ncr~di.l!.le a~lOul~t .01'
work, .jUd~ i to hiI~I, of t1~.e ]~ocl~y Mountain ~ews. a thorough conceptIOn o[ th,e . --- " . ' /III; h~ ~he StZC 01 the sillprncnts that, Ilr. bsen\\'clII, In lact, has a world-
HAHHY A.•JACOBS, I nec(lsof the horou/?;h, a III I l<nowledge,A ]los~oIlH:e, ,:L~rk ~Xl~ll1l11a~lO~l :\'~ll havc .IClt h~re... . . . , : \~·i.d(l rel~utati,on, al~d h~' forte of na-
I~dftor. i of the wa~'s and mcans whcreh~' the~' h.e hclcl III the I. 1\1. C..\. B~III(llIlg at 01 us hC,lI vel ~ lIttle ,tlJOut this, tl\e genllls. IIItensl\'e training aml
; nUl~' bl' cconomil'ally and effieiently :"arbel:th, I'a., on .January :l6, 1911>, at a.n~1 It seems to that a little pub-I years of experienc'l'. has litted hims.elf
Mrs. Roy E. Cla';'k A. J. Loos : met. 19 A 1\\. sharp. hclly shOUld he gI\'cn the matter, not: to he easil~' first in his chos.en field.
l'1arl1<'. Smith Ilellry Hose I If his suggestions are rCI'elvc(1 by j J~ach applicant will hc rcquircd to onl~' h~(;.ause ,'lIe .women desene some Other hooks along this line include
Q. M. Henry W. T. Melchior : the newly-organize(1 Council in the prcse!lt I.' photograph on the (lay of recogllltlOn of thell' ex(;ellel~t wor]" ~JUt the following: Writing the Short
Associate t:ditorll. ! sallie spirit iu which the~' are o[ft'r- cxamlll.atlO.n. al~o hecausc therc ,mllst. stili he a few 8tor~·. Lessons in the Short Story,
ed, we ma~' well look forwar(1 with ApPlIeatlOu. hlau]\s lIlay he. s~eure(l. huudred women 111.1 :\a:herth who Short Stor~' Masterpieces, Studyln~
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, satisfaetion to tI\o(' future or :'\arherth. a.t thc P~lstothee or any other 1II101'ma- WOl.lld he gJad to give a lew hours (!1 the Short Stor.\·, Art of Versification.
Cashier. We have no rcason to expeet anYlhin~ lIOn deslre(!. ,thclr tllllP wecldy to help aloug tillS \\'riling the Phofoplay an(1 Art of
hut eomple1e harmon\' ht't\\"l'cn the ~Iiss )[nhrl t;. ArmllllJ', hUlllane an(1 IHltriotic projcet, did thcy Stor.\· \\'riting:. These forlll a series
H. C. GARA, Burl!ess an(1 Council. l;nd have putil'c Local Secretary. l{Jlo\\, wI~at was going OIl. T!lCre is invaluahl,~ 10 wrilers. whether he~in-
AII \'('rtisillg ~hll1ager. confi(lene,':' in thl'il' a,hilit~· to trans- plenty at room al.1l1 plenty of work, ners or experts. Ther have heen ado t-
aet the husiucss of the lJuhlic with \'L\HLY HEI'OH'J' OF TilE : as well as a eOl'lhl~1 wckome for ali ed in man~' of our highest iustituti~u;
Sellrl all letters and news Item to ('fellit to thelllseln,s aUll IH'ncf11 to SI'}o'FH.Ha: ()UI;.\~IZ,\'I'IO~ that eare to help. 'I he rooms are open of learniu/?;. a sig-nitieant trihute to
P O. Box 404. our eilizeus. all llay ;\lonl1ay, WCllncsllay, 'l'hurs- their I'xcelienee.
Sellll all advertising copy to P. O. ._____ --- liay an(1 Vril1a~·. The materials are This newest. hook "('hildrcll's
(Continue(1 from Fir~t Pagc:) fl I tl I t' '
Box 820. There is to he a gelleral mas~ mel'l- ' Jere an( Ie (·u ICS are at oncc con- Stories and How to Tcli Them," wrir-
Mal,(' all remittallces to P. O. Box ing for g'irls at the Y. :\1. C. A. next EXPE:\IHTFHES g~nial anl1 of great value to thc sol- ten hy Ilr. Eseuwein in collahoration
118 r'rillay evening at 8.1ii--a patriolk (lIcr.boys,I " with ;\Iarietta Sto('kard, is no1. onlY
Our Town Is on sale at the depot meeting;--to hear Miss Anne 1_. Ii'lnn- 1917 Or eourse, evcn a grcat 11Ig unsclfIsh for the wI'itpr, hut will he weleome;1
newsstand, and at the store of H. E. (Icrs, of Philal1elphia, tell "Whal the Fehl'l\ar~' ~ :\Irs, Spacklllan I
(ielllons1.ration of patriotism like this in e\'ery hOllle wher,,:, there are chil-
Davis. I
Governlllent \\'ants of Our Girls." Tl.e for 1-:: 8tatc and County as- ! has some opposition; you will linll a drl'n lIIaldng that universal unl1 in-
EntE'recl fiS second-class matter. Oc:- eomlllittpe ifl cspeciall~' anxious to IIIcnt ~ 28.44 l{]\o('\,l'r~' ('\uh in C\'ery ('Olllllluuity. sislput (Ienwucl, "Tell me aston'."
tober Hi, 1!J14, at the Post Office at IIHl\.e e\'NY girl of o\,er sixteen \,eal'S Vphruan' 10 Bala and :\Icrion It has its lIses, however. The morc One sel'lioll of the \'olnnle ~Ives
NarhE'rth, Pennsvlyania, under the o[ age an(1 even' voung W()IlU;lI or 1·;leell'ic Co., light. ~.1(j you.lmo~k a. man, thc more YOll lul- velT \'alnahJe lists of source-hooks
Act of I\Tarch 3, 11179. :'\arherth comc ;mt and heal' 1\Tiso :'ILJrch 2 ;\Irs. Sn~'d,er, for ha- \'ertlsc blIlI. for stol'ics, lists of hoo!<s of stories,
-TIIlT\lSDAY, .JA)o;l'ARY 17.1918 Flanders. SI](' is thp "\ssist~rt zaar funll 7.00 flo.YOll, know,. :'III'. Editor, the Im- lisls of talps for \'ery little children,
__. _ _ ("e(lcral 'War \\'Ol'!<c!' In thc Patriot;' ;\lan'lI Ii jlosta/?;c .30 pression IS stc~:ll1Ig o\,el' me that t1~c animal stories, etc" with names and
EI\TEI1CF.:\C,Y PHONE CALLS League for girls ancl the Associal!1)1I ;\Tan'h 12 suhseript!on to Wo- wompn are dOIng- llllJl'e for tile hlg a(ldrcsses of puhlishers,so that loeal
Fire 350. Secre1ary of the Pcnnsylvania Asso- man's .Journal 1.00 cause thall the men -at least the stay- hooksellers ma~' help par.ents ancl
Police 125ft. ('iation of \Vomen \Vorkcrs, which 1:1t- :'Ilardi 2!l jll'intill/?; posters.. ;L;,O at-home men. teaclll'rs ill their search for stories of
~=::=~==::=~=::=~=::=~~=::=tel' organization is a memher of tlll' April ;~ :\'Irs. lIale 50.00 --- merit, 01(1 :1Il(1 new.
:-- -; I
:'\ational League of Women \\'orl,el's April 17 rcnt of hall 12.00 I
Chicf Kirl<patrlck in his cozy wigo- A few of the chapler headings will
Mrs, Fletcher W. Stites will presirle l\lay :n Mrs. V(,l'Ila, expell~ps I wam. sat hack comfonably In his arm mol'c full~' sho\\' the sc'ol~e of this
OUR TOWN will gladly print
any news item about lllly subject
at tile mceting. to Harl'ishurg
!'Iliss }<'lan(lersis a very husr YOUIi~ Octoher 10 two-thirds county
Ii. ~o "hair and rPllcctcd tllus: ."1'111 a wise ('It'al' an,1 useful guille for star\'- tell-
guy. Everyone else is going about ers: "Tlw Placc or rhe Story' In the
that Is of Interest to Narberth wOlllan and it Is a great privilege for and Statc assessment .... iiG.SS hullting for coal, whilc my bins are Life of the Chilli:" "How Stories De-
folks, but In order to meet :'\arherth girls to hc ahle to hear h~r :'\o\'emher ii purcheses frolll I full. I guess I'm foolish like a fox, \'elop th,,:, Pcrsonalil~':" "The Basis of
the printing sche"ule, all "copy" in fileir own town. .Jusl now there Y. 1\\. C. A. hazaar ~.G4 I yes?" Just then somcthing went Selpctioll of Chil(ll'en's Stories;" "The
-malluscripts-must reach the is lIIuch for womcn a 1111 girls to :10 Decemher :l printing ticl<ets '''hang;'' and hehold a radiator hall St ru(:ture of thc Story:" "The Prepa-
editor II)' Ii P. III. I110llday ('uch in many lines of serviee. :'\arberth;s for cal'll party............ .75 hurst. All the coal in the cellar' didn·t. rat ion of rhe 8tory fOl' 'felllng;"
week. doing finely in Hel] Cross ami other Decc'lllher 17 ("1Il1ributiol1 to make any difference to that radiator "Jletho(ls of ~tory T,elling;" "Invent-
work. But there are many lines -,r "Our Town" ,...... 1.00 when it felt like quitting. The last in/!: Stories from Pictures;" "Adapt-
work wh·iph we out here have lut Decl'mhpr 2~ fares, :\orris- scen of Kirkpatrick was whcn he hMI ill/?; 8torips from Great Sources'"
--------,,---- -,,---- ------ taken up at all. It would he wel1 1'01' town..................... 4.64 his war paint on hunting for ,1 plum- ''Telling- Original Stol'ies;" "Helph;g
us to know what people ,in olh',r Dp('cmher :l4 rent o[ Y. :\1. ('. her an(i his (iream of hliss was· shat- Children to Invcnt StorieH."
towns an(1 ('!ties are (Ining. A, chairs 1. ,,0 tered in a minu,te. Lois o[ coal, hut :'\0 more welcome help to thos.e who
Tho church militant Is lin the ascenl- - - - - - - - - - Deeemher :n Ilosta/?;e 1.70 the only heat wafl nnder his eolJar, hut sce the importanee of giving only the
ant. Prom almost ever)' houl5e of To thc Editor of Our Town: De(,.e!nher ;n yellow rihhon.. . ~8 ne\'er milliJ. Kirk, we a re all having hest in story to the children cou'ld 'be
worship R serV1ice flag fiies. It's in a contentious way, thc re- l!J1S. onr trouhles fonnel than this iuspiring, interestinl{
ceillt of t.his wcek's Our 'fawn filH1s January:: hauling ('hairs '" 1.00 I .. --- hool<. lis use in school, home and
An embargo has been placed on tue me, anel some of the devilish spirit I . Some Illessage, hey? But dill you' I'cereation I'cllter is sure to be wide-
exportation of huttcr, except to natiolls t1lis would have out on you. And should $181.09 get. that "Honorable Body" stUff and spread.
find ~'(lll In a similar mood, 1\11'. Balall('e on hanl1 .,....... ~8.92 "Chi1(lren's Stories and How to Tell
associated with the Unitcd States in ____ elid yOIl sce them fall for it'! Well, in 'fl
I~dltor, why, Ict me have ,it as you ICm," hy J. Berg l<~senweln and Ma-
War. $~~O 01 any event the country's safe now.
will. for a hit of Kilkennv won't ,~~ . ,I'i.etta Stoel<arll. XV] x ~51 pp. Cloth,
The tirst woman sno\~ shoveler In I harm the best o[ us. It's U;is Civic }'aulI)' n. IJIIIIS, $1.fiO nef; postpaid, $1.62. Uniform
\ . t' I II k I r t There·~.a town in C~nnccticut caIJell with 'fhe Writer's Llbrarv. The
:'\ew York quit rather than he photo- ' SSO('!a Illn . wou.( now ~ JO~t II'S, Satan's h.llIgdolll. It [raze up recentll'. 'Home ('(lrreSp I S I I'S '
graphe(\. :\l:iyhe her shovel wasn't on
Just. what IS thiS orgalllzatlOn of . . one euee ,c 100, prlllg-
. • which the new Blwgess spea!<s. and I)OS'!' OFFICE I~FOnjUATIO.'V Some of us will have to get a new ex-! fielll, Mass.
straight. what is it doing these long wintcr pression now.
]n Pleasant Val1ey, :'\. Y., the ther- nights to while awuy its Lime'! 'TIl; a Office opens-7.25 A. M. --- : Sou.nd. judgment is responslhle for a
nllJmeter registered :l4 degrees below live thing, surely, for look at tJle Office closes-7.00 P. M. And that remands me of the story, lut. 01 Silence.
zero last week, and in Veath Valley it formidahlc rostcl' of "drecs" who"e I Mails arrive-6,26, 6.43, 10.37, 11.50 abo ut GIa (I Ys Zell, who wcn tin to t 11 e ' .,-;;;;"";;;';-;;;--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
coal yard the other day and asked if'
was 72 In the shade. names are snugly perched on the mas'. A. 1If.; 12.26, 3.26, 4.37, 6.37 P. 1\1.

lVlaybe Uncltl Sam :t<lopted the tllree-

emit stamp just. to show bis nephews
heael of "Our Town's" every issue, hut
believe me or not, Mr. Editor, nan' a
thing have I hear(i from or about it
Mails dispatched-9.00, 10.37 A. 1\1.. her father, Jolin Zell, had ordered a
12.26, 3,26, 4.37, 6.37 P. M.
. _
ton of coal. "He sure did," says our I
friend :\11'. Lynch. "That's gOOfI," saYd:
since I c'ame to :\arberth, not so IOJ'g OFJo'ICEUS AXil CIL\IJDIE~ OF 'rUt she. "I'Ul Gladys Zell." "So am ],,"
how money piles up when accumu-
lated In slllall denominations. ngo, to be sure, hut slil1 long enough, WO.lII-:'i'S CO~r;ULTNI'!'Y eIJen says Lynch. !
Build Up Your Home
Christmas mail this year was 25 per
if my senses were all ahout mc, to
J{\\OW of something which I might hplp
and which might help me. Or maybe
O)' XAUn};nrl'1l
Prcsident--Ml's, C. P. Fowler.
The I experien~
OlU' cx-fcllow
townsman, who has achieved such wiee
Hou't forget that thl8 h a com.
munlty of home mukers and home
cent. heavier tllan evcr before, accord-
Ing to the Postoflice Department. Thc it's wrong] am In my notions o[ wh'lt Vice-Presillent-:\trs. 1~l1ery K. Tay- pnhlicity in the last two weeks, brings keepers and t1l8t one of YOUR
a Civic Association is, hut kind you 101'. to mind the old maxim: "Do right and ~IOST HIl'ORTANT DUTIES Is to
congestion was lesfl, however, because kerp it so.
the paclmges werc mailed carlier than lIIu~t hc to me if I am, for the talk] COlTesponlling Secretary--:\Irs. Roy fear no man," hnt also, more forcihly,
heal' of other places has confused me, E. Clal'lc the parody: "Don't wrHe and yon ¥ ou cun uld muterlally by do.
In former years. IUlr )'ollr shoPJllng anll marketing
that's all. Tell me, then, about. its Hecording Secretary-i\Irs. lIar.y needn't he :Ifrai(l of any woman:"
mect,ings, its purposes, its act.ivities, A.•Jacobs. \VltIl the advertisers In dills paper.
At the Community Billie Class on
Tuesday evening. January :l2, the suh- its membcrship and all the t.hlngs that Trellsul'el'--Mrs. Edward Cocl'I·ll\. Scvcral o[ thc Main Linc· ]"is'hlng
ject will be "The Sa hhath and the he who ('ames as friend would like to Clllllrt:H'n Cluh members havc recclved highly
Lord's Day." Pastor H. S. Tillis
makes these lessons very inter.esting,
know. And, now, come to the centre
on those associate editors, for it's a
Legislation-Mrs. 'Walter Dothard dccoratcd postal cards from Port
Current E\·ents-l\Irs. James D(1n- Arthur, Canada, In which are shown BOYLE'S MARKET HOUSE
and his discussion oft he difference Helfish nUIII you must be indeed to nelly. thc placill waters of that vidnitv and n. WJLLIS nAVIS, Proprietor
credit them lIot at. all wit.h all the worl, Hospitality--l\Jrs. RoUt. Dothan!. sevcral straw hatted, shlrtwaiste(i men
hetween the Jewish Sabbath and the
Christian First Dar should hc \"Cry they must do. 01' Is it that they pre["r Community Marketing-Mrs. W. ~t enjoying the gentle zephyrs. The mind Prime Meats
helpful to all present. These meet- to bask in anonymity an(1 that it must Cameron. of the Hcnder of the cards rises ahove H~I~e .D'csseJ Poultry, Butter. E£l!s and Gamf'
ings are open to the puhlic. Come be their light shall he perel1llial1~' Library--Mrs. Edward Schauret11 the present temperature of Port PARtICULAR Fane' I'n"1 "no Vel'eto"It's. "A STORE Ff)';
PEOPLE" ' .-
and enjor them and ']Jring a friend. IIIIller II hushel? Stingy 'you will he in Arthur, 40 degrees helow zero, and Telephone. NARBERTH, PA.
truth if even a glimpse we cun't have nOAIW O)' IIEAI,TH. exprcsses his u ppreciaHon of the pos-
Apropos of the welfare of thc hor- of an e(!itorial meeting. sibilities o[ the place In these words:
ough, thene is nothing that Is Impress- Before we stop, let perplexity ha~'e President-Chas. E. Kreamer. "What do you think of this spot for ON AND AFTER
one more fling, anll that hring-s up
ed on our minds with marc insistent
regularity than tht' UI'I;ent need of bct- the question of your largest adver-
Secretary-A. P. Redifer.
Health Officer-W. S. McClellan.
Who but our old friend, Bill Cum-
NOVEMBER 1st, 1917
tiser. I'm sure, MI'. Editor, our gooll All Coal and Wood Charge Accounta
ter post office facilities, In this Is- Members-Dr, Clarence T. Fairies mel'. could even think about fishing, at will be Di6continued
sue, a suggestion Is made that Is w,ell postmaster 18 not a vain man, far, rar T. D. Du \\farias, Carden Warner and this time?
from H. ] know, hut certainly he can't This rule will be strIctly enforced.
worth serious consic!cra tion by thc Chas. V. Noel. I "Cull," C. p, COOK, Narberlh

Membership Campaign Now CLEAN···SAFE···WHOLESOME

is more essential to good citizenship to~day than ever before.
Our Government asks us to be Saving in everything-
especially money. Start to-day by joining our
The long-talked-of Y. IVI. C. A.
membership eampaign 'begins this
week in the cireulation of literature
through the town descriptive of the
Pasteurized Milk
Bryoclovls Certilled
(Pedrfallc Society)



Christmas Club }:~GINn:RS CORPS

M. M. SHEEDY, Captain
benetlts and advantages of member-
I ship in the Young lVIen's Christian
Association. It is with a firm cor.vic-
Special .. Guernsey"
(Roberts' & Sharpless'
It's the easiest way to save and you'll never miss the small ROY S. ·RIDGE, Sergeant
tion that such membership is a wortl:- Dairies) NARBERTH
while investment, and aconscientlous Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
amount deposited weekly. OTLEY E. JACKSON
determination to make it so, in the Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD
No Charge to Join. Everybody Welcome. FIEI,)) ARTILI.ERY
privileges and 'benefits offered with it,
that the directors come before the


GI<;OHGI;; H. SHINN, Corporal ieero~fe :~et::~~o~f;:~~I:.o swell Sf10IT-POW~LL nIRI~S 0H
Narberth Oflice, ARCADE BUlL "ING
The plan to he followed will he
the ros-

similar to that carried through in .!Je-

half of the Y. M. C. A. hut campalgl"
I lJ
45th and Parrish 8ts.
HAROLD D. SPEAKMAN and it is believed that the great in-
NrW5 of tltr QI.hurdtru

i by the pastor on tile subject, "Where HENHY T. NASH

A YIATIO~ COnI'S terest shown in the former enterprise'
will be ful1y equal1ed in this drive for
___ i is the King?"
I 7 P. IVI.-Christian Endeavor meet-
il:g. I,eaders, the Misses \ViIson and
I t.he benefit of the boys anu men-anJ
tile women and girls-of our hOllJe "RIrEATS of
101erion Meeting House is opened f:lr I Haaf~ . .
The solicitors are to enroll not
T' .1 J. QUAL lTV
. F' t d t 11 A. I 7.4;, P. 1\I.-I·~venlllg worship. Ser- HORACl<} ~ SMEDLEY
\\,UI'S up every Irs - ay a , . . only mer. and boys, hut. all the women Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
"I V'I I di 11 el 0 e mon on "The Hewards of Christian DANI,. ,J. LACEY ! and girls who ean be inducell to be
... IS tors are cor a y w c ill . ." 0 ·t", I 1\' T ~
A registry book is kept for visitors. Servlee. rgan ~eel ~ ly 11'. . ,~. AJmn,ANC}; SERY!C}; numbered among the gupporter~ of I
AB are asked to register their nall!.es. Berry.
('hurch Notes
A:\'Dlmw A. BAKER the institution whieh has so long heer: I ra.. a':M~Ginle~'O
ST. .UAIW,AUE'J"S ell ellCll. ,At t he largely attended communion
a credit to Narherth. And the privi-
leges are to be shared by hoth seX'3";·
U123 South 17~ S!. Pfliladellihia: ~
___ I service held last Snnday morning, !If- ALVIN C. ARTMAN with as great an equality as t.he d~-
l':arly l\lass ou Suu:hl.y r~'om APril; teen ne\~' memhers. were p.ublicl~' wel-
lKt to OctolJer 31st at C.JO A.•\1. !.<'rom I comed mto the lellowsillp o[ the
F. i\IARTI:\' CUMl\mR
mand may make neeessary.
The rates of membership are as [01-
GARAnteed R f
00 S
~lJ\'emlJer 1st to l\Iarcll :llst at 7 A, M. church. WINTHROP B. DERDY, Corporal lows: Meu, fU'lI membership, inclull-
Late 1Ilass, !J.:::O A. 1\\. tliroughout the A number of tl~e ~allies arc plal:ning
year. 1\lasses 011 halyuays, 6.3u anll to attend the Illlssionary rally to he I EDWIN WIPF
WALTER MIESEN in/-(. gymnasium an(1 game room, $;':
soeml, loliby and game 1'00111, $2;
~ ;~U A. I\\. \Veekda~'s at 8. Evemug' held at the Ardmore Presbyterian! THEODORE RITCHIE Women, full memhership, $:~; social, II
devotions aud other serviees at regular ,Church next \\'ednesday. afternoon. I WILLIAM HARSCH $1.20; boys and girls, special cam· Real Estate
tlllles. : Arrangements are helllg made for NA'l'IONAL Gl'AIWS (t'. S. AlDIn paign rate far a ful1 year, open only i I
I holding cottage prayer meetings
Wednegday eyenil:gs during the cold
ou GI;;ORGI;; W. R 1'IARTIN, ~d Lt. until January :n. $2. Insurance
.JAl\mS l\IcQUISTION, Sergeant The steady inerease in the numher I South ~ide NARBERTH P"
1.\I''I'I:o\'L' ('lIl'Hell weather in order to eonserve coal. I·~ARL DICKIE ot' memhers already alldell indieates At the Statlon , d.
OF TilE Jo:YA~GH, that the inerease in activity and etli- "------
dency llisplayed il. the management
ot' the various (Iepartments have not
G eorge.
B S Up 1ee
1I011l'S of service:
!I A. M.-BilJle sehoal. Classes [01'
I ---
:\'arberth girls and )'oung wome:J.
~IO'IOU 'InVC!\: S}atYlC};
('HAS. H. J<~NSI"'Gr;;H, 'Sergeant
gone unnotell. Fathers are bringing
their hoys unll enrolling with them.
&H W
ot ~ter eating
H .
III. EverybOlly welcome. want to 110 their bit of war work. This THO;\IAS A. SMALL . This is as it should be, an(1 with the Plumbing
11 A. IVI.-:\'Iorning worship. Suh- is a time when every girl is of gre'\' FIIU,]) ][OSPI'I'AI, SERVIC'}: new gymnasium provisiong hoth sen- Bell Telephone.
eel, "Hope, the AI:chor o[ the Soul," value. We need both to hel~ and to .btl, WI\I. LOXLl;;Y PEEBLES (France) ior ar,ll junior nlemlJerships are prop-
Iiso ehildren's obiect sermon. , helpell as we never have belore. MISS ! CHAHLES W. PRI;;STO::-l, Jr. I erly regarded as valuable privileges.
7 P. 1'1.-Young people's service.' Anne L. 1·'landers, Assistant Jo'eder~11 l)J~~~:o\l'J,YA~L\ BASE IIOS·
.eader Lester Peters. War Worker in the Patriotic League J>I'J'AI. UN 1'1.'
Tuesday of eaeh week is
to be Women's Day. and during any Frank Crist
7.4;' I\t-Evening worship. Sub- for Girls. is coming to our town this MAl:RICE D. DU l\IARIS (In pa 1'1. ot' t he a t'ternaon 01' evenilH;
'women and girls are invited to eome MEATS & PROVISIONS
ect. "What is the DifferenceT' week to tell "What the Government Frauce)
Wednesday, S P. l\1.-Prayer mee~'1 Wants o[ Our Girls.' ROBl·mT 1\1. TOW:\'E (~ot caBed) in and nse the ;howling alleys and Hiih Grade Butter
ag. The meeting will be in charge of O.Fl'ICEJtS UESl:RYE COIU>S hilliard t<rbles. the preferenee lJeir.g Telephone-Narberth 644 A,
Cllurch :Notes ·1\lrs. Fletcher 'V. Stites and will 1'(\ A:N])' 'l'IUI~J~G CAllII' ,given to them on that day. It is abo
Sunuay will he Temperance Day i'.1 held on Friday evening', January IS, at RICHAHD STOCKTO::-l WHITE : the (lay for the women's gymnasium
the Bible school. :i\lr. C. O. St. oJllll, 8.1;', at the 1. 1'1. C. A., dn the Com' HEZO BROOKS ; dass.
Mothers o[ :\'arlJerth are invited to We Still Have Remaining
o[ the Central Y. ::\1. C. A" will aLl- munity Room. DR WILLIAM 1\1. CAMEHON (Not
dress the school. ' This is an invitaton to every girl. called) come in on Thurgday afternoons at
The Ushers' Assoeiation will meet i Bring It friend.
Monday evenir,g at the home of Mr. i
4.:\0 01' Satnnlay mornings at. 9 and
watr~h their hoys in the 9 to 12 class.
For Sale
Alhert Neeuham, 10:l Chestnut avenue. ! 8(;Ol"L' ~t:W8 CHUDLElGH It LONG t'rom the hakony. Just their practice
Dr. Charles A. McAlpine will speak on
• tho subject, uThe Church and the
The "'eekl~" meeting of the B~r
Seouts, Troop No. I, Narberth, was
NA YAI.~ II,.~S.~ltYES
work is a sight worth geeing, ar.Ll
parents cannot fail to he impressed
with the value of the exercise their
Five Houses
All the services Sunday were held in the Y. M. C. A., II'riday even- JAMES R COOK ehildren are reeeiving. Narberlh and Forrest Aves.
well attenued and a deep spiritual ill- ing, January 12, 1918. WAI.,TEIl COWIN
As stated before. hundreds of !Jooks Also II BUNGALOW on Avon Road
erest. prevailed. The public is cor,l- The meeting was led by Fred Dodge. LLOYD HOW AnD DAILY frolll the Y. 1\1. C. A. library have been AllIhwyn Farms. Dun't miss this oppor:
ially invited to at.tend any or all o[ Mr. Emmett took charge, a~ Mr. Cole JoJDW AnD O. 1~:\'SI:'\GFm ont for llIonths. It would be a real !Unity of securing a good home.
these services. has retired from the active direction II'RA:\'KLIN J. 1·'OSTER
kindness to return them to th,~ WM. D. SMI::DLEY. v~
of the Boy Scouts. KE:\,:\,!;;TH W. HAMILTON

'h::::,~'n"mb'"---:-,,,.,»I,no., Ih. I FRIT~~;----

In:'fIlODIST EI'Hoi(;OI'AI, CIIUUCII IVIr. Shaw, Scout Commissioner, was HEXHY C. HOWI;;S, JR
'l'he Little Church Oil the Hili
present at the meeing and gave us a
heneficial talk about Nature.
IVIr. Emmett wants us to stanu by JOHN A. MOWRER, JR. CommUl:lty Bible Class is still in the P~.perUe8 For Rent and 8a1.
ChristL'lJl G. HUIll,el. l)llstor him in anything he undertakes. ROBEHT A. MUELLER lead among the good things at the Fire Insurance
WALT:&:R ::\ASH association rooms. The members of Ben Phone 8/)l! W.
--- Phone books are almost uH de- A. PI'-~RHY REDU'ER Jr
Sunday services: the class are as enthusiastic as ever "Lan BuIldIng. Narberth Pa.
, . I livered. If has any slips tllat ALAX HO~J<; ' .
,regarding their work. '
9.45-..;Sunday school. Men s BIb e are signed, please han(l them in ta,
CI . tI rt' t ht by tile WILLIAM C. SIMPSON
, ass If. Ie am I orlum aug Walton. 1.'HAXK WINNE
Hon. II'. W. Stites. Peters elected lea(ler for next I The habitual use of the privilege;; A COMPLETF LINE OF
11.00-lVIorning worship. Adures», meeting. The meetings- are hereafter' j
· IJet II B'Ie I1,
slonar~', a er
l re
d n1ls- .
fi ve years 0 f s el' v I'ce I'll
to begin at 7.30 sharp.
The annual hike to Valley Forg~
'of the association, ineluding the lobby,
gymnasium and game rooms are now
restricted to members on\y. This is
the jungles of India. :l\1iss Biehl has for scouts of Montgomery and Dela-
a. thrilling story of how the men o[ : ware counties. will be held aR US1\l'1
II merely following the universal GUS-
i tom of Young 1\1en's Chrigtiar: Agso- DAVIS'
heathen Bidar went forth to die in tile, meeting for we want to be a live hunch GEORGE E. JONES 'eiations everywhere. and will he ap' CIGARS ICE CREAM CANDY
trenc Iles f or tlIe cause 0 [ CIIrs I· t'alll'tv
I ., On \Vashingtlln's birthday.
! • preciated hy those who are desirous
The missionary is the guest 'of the: All tn' to he present at the neyt JOSEPH DOLD of seeing the privileges conserved for
Womer.'s Foreign Missionary Society. : of seout~. CHARLES SCHMIDT the enjoyment of those entitled t.o I~FOIDL\'l'W~ ('O~C:EJl~JN(; WAit
7.00-Epworth League devotional WILLIS H. 'HESS them. the property proteeted and the SA \'J~(; C};WJ'IFJC.\'I'f; S'!'AJU)S
meeting. Livewire aduress by Mr. R. K2, Jr. 11. CHESTI<;U. G. JONES dignity of the assoeiatioll maintained. A~]) '1.'11 HI F'l' S'I'Anps
Allen Dudley. MORRIS L. HOFF
7.45-Bright, helpfUl service with 81> 1-: O.\I, ~O'J'J('E PAUL WECHSLER r~('J,ADI Ell )'1':'1"!'EII8 A'I' United States Wal' Saving Certifi-
topics of special interest to men. l'nE:o\Hrl'ERL\~ ('IIPUCU JOHN T. ODELL ~AIIBI':W!'II POS'!' OFFJn: e~te gtamps will he $4.12 each during
\Vomen and girls also invited. First --- GEORGE O. SMITH ___ Deeemher, 1917, and January, 1918.
of sermon series, "What Makes a In order to conserve fnel. the pas- SAMUEL McQUISTIEN Master Otto Bet tels The price will inerease one cent
Man?" Vocal and instrumental num- tor of the Narberth Preshyterian WALTER L. HUIVIPHRIES Mrs. Teresa Bentz eaeh mOllth beginning, with I"ebruary,
bel'S hy IVIr. Herman J. Bub, tenor; Church, Hey. .John Van Xess, has an-, LE HOY A. CRAWFORD Miss Ella Bayle 1918.
Mr. George Albele, 'cellist; Miss Vera nouced that Ileginuing with this W,ed- :'\OBLE SEWELL Mr. M. Davidsoll Thrift stamps are twenty-five cents
B. Chesley, orgadst. Hearty congre- nesday evening, prayer meeting,s will HAHVj<~Y G. W. PURDY :\'. Gatman eaeh.
gational song service led by chorus, he held in the homes of members of LESTER Y. BOWMAN Mr..J. IUchey War Saving Certifieates will mature
'cello, organ. A happy Sunday even- the ehureh who olrer them for that pnr- HAHHY A. SIMPSON Mrs. lVIiles Hedmond in live years from date of issue.
ing for everybouy. Courteous ushers pose. This week the service wiII he PASQUALE SAUDUCCI Miss Gertrude Hedlllollli Buy YOIll' \Var Saving Stamps at
will welcome you. held in the home of Mr. Van ",ess, ATTILIOT BIZZARI Mr. L. H. 'rwinll your local ]Jostoffice. Or from special
___ Hampden and Haverford avemws. at PAOLO MORE
Miss Mary Van Iteall l'!iller a/-(ents appointed by the postmaster.
the usnal hour, eight o'cloclc Dne VINCENZO
THI~ PRESUY'l'EUIAN CHURCH announcemeut will he made from the VINCENZO VOLPI
Mr. F. 'Wager I Quota. for' Narherth to bny is $50"
Mr. and Mrs. H. \V. War,1 1400.

pulpit of future meetings. THOMAS N. WICHWARD
nev. JoJm "all Xess, ~Illlister HARRY P. CRAWFORD }:t1wllrll S. II11WS. These gtamps are redeemable any
TARQUINO BRANDIMARTE _______pOsf.master. tlml~ at their valne and interest.
Meetings for next Sunllay as fol- GREA'I' Ill'SI~}:SS AUn,I'rl' CANADIAN A.VIATION
lows: GEOHGF~ McCAIG ,}Al\'FAUY (~A~EX))AR ~t: 'rJ!"; .. "In times o[ peaee prepare for
10 A. M.-Sunday school. All de- "Do you seH postage stamps Ih'r~. WO~rEN S CO)Dn!~ITI CI,I II war," quoted the young man who had
?" k d U. S. NAVY
partments. Men's Bible Class taught b u b . as e old lVII's. Bargin, ente,inf; jnst squandered a lot of his hard-
the drug store. STANLEY MERRITT LUKENS January 22, 2.~0 P. l\1.-Domestic .earned coin 011 an engagemen t ring.
lJy Mr. Howard Banks, of the Sunday GEORGE W. FLECK
School Times. "No'm," returned the hoy; "we j,lst
11 A. M.-Public worship. Sermon give 'em awa)' at cost," . -=- I JOHN F. LACEY
Science class at schOOl house ull,ler
Miss Fryer's supervision.
For the traveler the best guide is
a check hoole



When YOU want automobile trips, furniture

moveAd, packages carried, freight hauled.
automobiles stored, etc.
Big Show· Coming!
HARRY B. WALL i eounty to assemble in the Court House
'at Xorrist.own on ,January 23, at 2 P.
Douglas Fairbanks in "DOWN TO EARTH"
I M., to organize for incrcased farm AND
Plumbing, Gas Fitting • production.
and Heating
NARBERTH. PA I The shows that ar~ow being played
,at "the movies" are the same as have
Max Sennett in "A BEDROOM BLUNDER"
heen shown during the past few weel,s

A~s~r~.e!A 191=h
at "The St<tnley," "The Victoria," etc.
The hest pictures possihle, at any
Finest Photoplav The-
atre 01 It.. Size In the priee. This is the motto of the IH;W
Entire World,
Photoplays-Continuous 10 A. M. to 1l.30

PhUa., Pa.

The loeal fire eompany was callet!

out at 2 o'cloek Tuesday morning ant!
made the run to Ardmore to find that
NARBERTH THEATRE Matinee at 3 Evening at 8

Week Com. Mon., Jan. 14th the lire which was in the old framE.
A PARAMOUNT PICTURE huilding on J..ancaster pike, next to
First Showing of the telephone buiIdin[~, wal:> under con-
trol of the Ardmore firemen.
February 6-Ardmore Y. M. C. A"r
at Radnor Fire Co.; Bryn Mawr Fire
PRESENT NARBERTH case the north side post office is con-
JACK PICKFORD Co., at ="arberth M. C. A.; Paoll:
Yenient to both the north and south
siders. Tl1e station building, for many
in a "Red, White and Blue Xo more delightful Sunday after- Men's ClUb, at Autocar Club; Rose-' that we all lmow, sllould 'be
Story" noons in the :bright attraetive sun par- mont Men's ClUb, at Wayne Men'~ on the inbollnd, or sonth side, of the
"The Spirit of '17" lor of the 1\1erion Gold Club until next
Spring, for the Board of Managers has
February 13-Hosemont Men's Club,. U g
'S g este d as Pos t om tracks, so that if a. Ilew station is
ce, With huilt the present :substantial stone
decided to dose the dub in accordance
.lhotO.llo,rs of ~lIl)reln~ (lutllih' "'itlt Star",
at Ardmore Y. M. C. A.; Autocar Cluh,! New Station Building On huilding would rcmain unused as a
or Jo'lrst MIl!:,niludc with t.he request of the government at Bryn Mawr l"ire Co.; ="arberth Y South Side "tation and ticket olfie,e.
[,-nd the pOOl' half-frozen skaters will M. c. A., at Hadnor 1"ire Co.; Wa)'ne
The suggestion has been made that
have 10 motor to the main clubholl';e Men's Club, at Paoli Men's Clu,b.
AS I'OSSIHI,J'; TO 10.1;; A. :11 .. 12.00, 2,00, instead of attempting to enlarge the
a.4fi, ».45. ;.45, O.:{O II, l\1. or to their homes for wal'lnth and tea February 20-Ardmore Y. M. C. A., This improvement could be carried present post office, tllo(! Rtone station
after this. • at Xarberth Y. s1. C. A.; Radnor Fire out at once and would not h.e depeu- ,building be remodelled and the fram(~
Co., at Autocar Club; Bryn Mawr Fire
Victor Grocery Co. A pleasant soeiaJ gathering was h,eld (',0., at \\rayne 1\1'
' ens CI u Il; P ao I'I 1\',en ,~ clent on the Essex avenue bridge, the
;': the leeture room of the Presby ter- Club, at Hosemont Men's Club. construction of which should 1le de-
post ollice removed, thereby 'allowing
,Ha".erforll avenue to he widened,
where sueh is most needed, and a
Telephone Us Your Grocery Needs ian Chnreh on :-'londav evening of this I Yebruar)- 27-Ardmore Y. M. C. A., ferred probably until after the war
wide sillewalk huilt in front of the
We do the rest week About lifty ~f the congrega-, at Paoli Men's Club; Bryn Mawr Fire owing to the exp.elli;e involved. The
post oflicc. This would greatly im-
Satisfaction Guaranteed. don attended and participated in Co., at Rosemont Men's Club; Radnor present stone station building, if re- ,prove the gcneral appearance in the-
amusing anll ent.ertaining contests, ar- Fire Co., at Wayne Men's Club; Xar- modelled as a post office, would he
BELL PHONE. 1600 I 1" . I' vieinity of the station. The new sta-
_______.. ~_. _. I
I'an~ed \IIlller the skillful leadership berth Y. M. C. A., at Autocar Club.
aclnllrwbly locatel, lelllg III a Sllll lar
t ion on the south side could proba.hly
of Mrs. Lester W. Xielwrson, assist- I MardI 6-Autocar ClUb, at Ardmore position to the new post office at
hehuilt at once hy making a slight
THE FIRESIDE ed by Mrs. Colesworthy, Mrs. Wrig,ht. Y. 1\1. C. A.; Paoli Men's Club, at Bryn Merion.
1\Iiss' I~thel Watts, 1\fiss Wheelock and Mawr 1·'ire Co.; Hm,emont Men's ClUb, Owing to the fad that the business
'revision in thc arraugcment of the
freight yard tracks, and later, when
others. Refr.eshments were served ar- at Radnor Fire Co.; Wayne Men's section of Nar,herth, as well as a
(Continued trom l"irst Page) : the fl'eight yard traeJ,s are placed on
tel' the contests, and all who partici- Clnb, at Xarbertll Y. M. C. A. larger part of the population, is on
: the north side of the railroad, the ap-
pated expressell themselves as very March l;~-Bryn Mawr Fire Co., at' the north side of the railroad, it would
progress as well as circumstances wiI!
much pleased with the affair. I
Ardmore Y. M. C. A.; Radnor Fire seem that the post office shOUld be on
: proache~ to the new station would :he
I improved with driveways anl! shrub-
Co., at Paoli Men's Club; l'\arberth Y. that side. The post office on tlue north , bery.
9" Announcement of the selection of M. C. A., at Rosemont Men's Club; side is more convenient for those ar-
"on ,:uesda y , January --, Home Charles Owen Humphreys, lOS South Autocar ClUb, at Wayne Mell's Club. riving from the eity, and, as the aver- We ullllerst:nHI that certain oflicials
Eononllcs Class at the school house, Xar1Jerth avenue for nomination to the March 20-Ardmore Y. M. C. A., at age commuter. has little time in the of the Pennsylvania Hailroad, who
under Miss l<'ryer's supel'Yisi~n. Please: Xaval Academy.' was made on Salllr- I Wayne Men's Club; Bryn Mawr Fire morning to catch his t rain,lue is more have been g-iving this matter consid-
be at the sehool house at _.30 P. 1\1 ! day bv Congressman-at-large John R.I
Co., at Radnor Fire Co.; Hosemor.t likely to go to the post office in the, a hie study, are favorably impr.esssell
promptly. K. Sc'ott, of Philadelphia. Owen is Men's Club, at Autocar Club; Paoli evening" when coming home, in which I with this arrangement.
". - - - . . ; one of our most promising young
Douglas FaIrbanks IS :onsldered ?no i men, and has quite (L reputation as an
I Men's Clnb, at Xarberth Y.
M. C.
March 27-Radnor Fire Co., at Ard-
A. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1
Of. the f?ren~ost st~rs 1I1 the m~vles. : ali around athlete. He comes from Illore Y. M. C. A.; Narberth Y. M. C.
HIs playmg IS cO~lsldered. equal If not, old revolutionary stock, being a dJire~t
hetter than Charlie C.haphn. He pla:s: descendant of Charles Humphreys, a
next Saturday at Narherth Theah e. 'member of the Continental Congress,
A, at Bl'yn Mawr Fire Co.; Autocar'
Club, at Paoli Men's Cluh; Waync-.
Men'" Club, at Rosemont Men's Club.
Narberth Register
" .• " ' l'e : and or Joshua Humphreys, commander April 3-Ardmore Y. M. C. A .. at Two Lines, JOe per issue; Se for each additional line
The MISSIOners .of the MetllOUI~t i of one of America's first ships of war. Rosemont Men's Club; Bryn Mawr Fire
Church were entertamed by Mrs. Kop- I Hi,; ancestors came to this country Co., at Autocar Club; Radnor 1"ire ACCOUNT,\~TS. (Jolter, IIow"ru F. Phone, 1298.
p_e.l in the pa..rson,age on Mon~ay last. wit'll William Penn in 1682. Owen will Co.. ' at :\'arberth Y. M. C. A.; Paoli, Ii('im, II. C. See display advertisement in th18 teeme..
E'Ig ht een Iales
d Ilr a v ed tl1e I Cc 31H1 ,graduate from the Haverford School Men's Club, at Wayne Men's Club.
.:!02 Dudley a\'e.
,u)VmtTISISG CriMt. I"Tllnl, Phone, 644-'V.
See display advertisement In this 18su6.
r~in. Our eleet women are out to, this June. Ap1'il 10-="arberth Y. IV£. C. A., ~t Co.... W. Arthur Phone, 6:12-R. lIIIU{
\\'I1Il these days. __ Ardmore Y. M. C. A.; Autocar Club, :1t Idcas, PlllIIS·Air;r~~I~:ii~~~§ograPhY. Scolt-Pow('11 flolrl(,H, Phone, Preston 2398.
See dit:lplay ad vertlsement in this IS8U6.
Radnor Fire Co.; Wayne Men's ClUb, C('IIHore, Soble '1'0 hire. , ;IIOltTGAGJo;S
If vou want to know what other
girls are doing for Uncle Sam and ~ ,
'f I BOWLING SCHEDULE 1\ien's Club, at Paoli Men's Cluh.
PhollP. 1 ~S9 or G:!5.
at Bryn 1\lawr Fire Co.; Rosemont Lees' Garage-Repairing, Etc. Pholle. 160:,.
s,,,· ,lIspla.,' advertiselll('lIt in this issue.
SlnllHwn, ,J:llne~ C. 2:12 ES:-Icx ave.
Phone, ti:~6. or 14~O Chestnut 8t.
Narberth girls want to Imow what I ' ., Cowin, T. ~hlBrt. Plano T('acher.
Uncle ~a.m wants of you, be sure tt', January 1H-Arllmore '\. M. C. A.. The league officers are: Rohert n. ~J~~~'1I:~:II;d:~~'it5~"a\~Jto~;~h~~I\Tl~~~~:~:e~~~~: 206 ~!erlon a\'C'. Phone. Narberth 347-R.

~~:2~i~:e;~~:~~Il~eo~~~~~~ 1\~;~::;: MII::::,I:,.t:I~O::'~~~:~Sfi

I.. ooH, }I'onn,· II. Plano 'l'eacher and Accorn.
hear Miss Flanders on Fr,iday evenin~. 'at Autocar Club; Xarberth Y. 1\I. C. P. M. panlst. 417 Haverford ave. Phone, 316-J.
Januarv 1S, at Y. M. C. A., at S.15. ! A., at Wayne Men's Club; Hadnor Fir(' Studio. No. f: Arcade Bldg., Narherth.
. ,Co., at Rosemont Men's Club; Bryn second vice president; Charles A. :Mt'- See dlsl>la.v ad,.';~~:~~"t In this Issue. WI...elc...k, K"thnrlnc I" teacher or plano_
106 K ~al"herth ave. Phone, 5S4.:M.
Men will be given special attention i Mawr F1ire Co" at Paoli Men's Club. Crea. secretary and treasurer. M('rion Title & Trust Co. Phone. Ard'llore 3. JliOTAJU rUIlLIC
~ee uispla,>' u(l\'ertlscmcnt tn this Issue. J('fJ'erleH, J. II. 111 Narberth ave.
next Sundav night in "The Little: January 2:~-Ardmore Y. M. C. A., JJLACliSlIlITIIS Phone. 666~~J.
Church on the Hill. "What Makes a [at Bryn Mawr Fire Co.; Paoli Men's I SUller, "-. A. T"son, "'urrt'u U. ~OO \Voodblne ave.
Man?" 'is the Jirst of a series of four I Club, at Radnor Fire Co.: Rosemont
topics dealing with problems interest- , Men's Club, at Xarberth Y. M. C. A.;
WOMEN'S COMMUNITY I 728 MontgomerlJ-8;~~i)~~~"ne, 328.
: 8nu'dll"', "'rn. n. Phone. 600.
Phone, l~O~-'\'.
Fenton. Carl ...·• [.OG gssex ave. Phone. G3S-W . . .
ing to men. Women and girls are in- : Wayne Men's Club, at .Autocar Club.
vited. ,January ;W-Wayne Men's CIUb,.:lt
CLUB NOTES I See display ndverttRcment In thle la:'!ue.
. ! 1>0\'1., II. I~. Phone. 1254-"'.
Phllu. addr(~Hs. 1SO" Chestnut 8t.
CO)l", dOOWNU.
! Hee display ud verURC'Jnent In this Issue. 246 Haverford Ilve. Phone. 1225-J.
Ardmore Y. 1\1. C. A.; Radnor Fire CAItI'Jo;ST.,;ItS ,\NU BUILDERS n'. (,. Curnrner. Phone. 1~-62 w.
The Executive Committee of the, Co.. at Bryn 1\lawl' Fire Co.: Autoc,ir "\" I I t,ley
'> ou l
I were a I ways WI·tl I u~'.
-' Jenkins,
103 DudleyCho•.ave.L. Phone. 382-M. :!10 Elmwood nVt'., Narberth,
Wulzer, "'rl'u.
Pu,blic Safety Committee \las sum-II Club, at Rosemont Men's Club; :"Jar- \\'e love them well." I COX'rltACTOltS 117 \Vlnsor ave. Phone, 1:::47-J.
moned the farmers of Montgomery berth Y. M. C. A., at Paoli Men's Clhh • Shand. A. C. ,Jr. ComrnerclaI TruRt Bldg.•
• <" .
The above quotatIOn adapts Itsel,i Fhila. Phone, Spruce o26~; Narberth 1214-J I'AI'F.:lt IIASGERS
Denver, Rlehnru A, Arcade BuildIng.
admirll!bly to the seUiment that pre- I .I)J~"'TISTS Pbone, Narberth 1693.\V.
vailed at the meeting of the Women's (~o;~'r;'.;n;.e~r~\-,:.' Ill, Phone, 390-W. "'itte, tieu. A. 3~O \Voodblne ave.
I'hnn~·. Xnrht"rth 160;; Phone, 1203-'V. Flrst-elas. work.
Community Cluh on Tuesday after- Orr. Ilr. A. J•• 101 Elmwood avo P.'lOne. 393-W.

noon, January S, when the member!.'
Phlla. Phone, Filbert 42r.~, Keith Bldg.
and their guests, numbering between I1owllrd'H. Phone, 1267.
u.4r'·Bdha." 16th and Chestnut lIItlll.. PhJlL.
~ee display aO\'ertiRement In this tBeue,
See llisplay u(h'crtIRcment tn this t8~ue. 8ul.lce, 0('0. Il, Phone, 1289.
ESSEX AVENUE, above Haverford Avenue seventy-live and one hundred, were IU,ECTIUCIAXS
• I
el:tertained hy the children of the l'lIl:h, VerI ~25 l.~na aVe.
Cars Washed and Polished, Lee Tires and Tubes; also Ford Parts memhers. About thirty-five children Nar. Ph~_~~116~;''ri' t:~TE~hsone, 163-J.
See display advertiHement tn this ll'IIeue.
Wall, II, 11. Phone. 319-.r.
See dlRplay ndvertlRement tn thts lS8ue.


took part in the program and to'o Iml.('rlol Groe('r)' Co. Phone, Narberth 606. Cohlw('11 &: Co, Phone. 1271-'V.
=;;;.~;.~;;;~;;;;;;~,~=r=o=p=.====================: much cannot be said in commendation See dl.Pl~~~ng~NtI;.e~~~~~~E~'ls Issue. St>e display ac1\"erthienlent tn thl8 le8ue.
Fritsch, II. C. Phone, 252-W.
:=: of Mrs. Joseph Barclay, chairman of Wohtert, A. ]0;. , • Ree display ad vertlscJucnt Ip this f!iume.
. . :\Iontgomer,r a\"P ....Phonp, G~lj l":arbertl1. Godrre)', Wro. n,
IllUSIC, aSSIsted hy Mrs, Ellery Taylor, GltOOEltS 114 Woodside ave. Phone, 685-W.

FILL OUT ano RETURN Mrs. James Donnelly, Mrs. C. E, Lon;;, "ktor Gro('('r)' (;0. Phone. 16QO.
Mrs. W. M. Cameron and Mrs. C. P.
Fowler,who were responsible for thiS
Rp" display a<!,'prtlsement In thlR ISRue.
. Imperial Grocery Co. Phone, Narberth 606,
:See dlsplny ndvertlsement In thl. Issue.
NIIKh, Itobert J. Phone, 600.
Money for First and Second lIIortgage•.
IWOl'I:-iG, ETC.
Goro-lIIeGlnll'" Co, Phone, 1258-W.
this coupon immediately to Our Town, that proper credit may be given very excellent program cor.sisting of JI,\ULING, ETC. See dJRplny advertiHement In thl! t!l8ue.
, 'Vallon Bro•. Phone, 672. 1I1111('r, John A. 243 lana aVe. Phone, 661-J_
the nohle youths who have gone in defense of their country, vocal and instrumental solos, reclta- See display advertisement In this Issue. Shep, 246 Haverrord av('. Phone, 1226-J.
tions and tableaux The children are INSUUANCE SCIIOOLS, ETC.
Name of Volunteer , , ,, , likewise to 'be commended for theIr
Bowman, 80muel P. (Life.)
116 Elmwood ave. Phone, 653-W.
Zenfnul,'er'N, The l\lls,",cs.
Phone. ~arberth 651-J.
splendid spirit and many thanks, Unrl<llOrdt, lIllIIrr. Gene\'~I_I Iusurance. 8IIOElIIAKERS
,Address ' , ..... . . . . .. . . .. .. ... . . .. . . ... . ... . .. . .. . . . . •
mothers, for your enthusiastic co- Jane., Cho•• It.
100 Maplo ave. Phone, 6.,9-:\1. Good \'f('or Shoe Itellolr Shop,
ConHlonllne, n. G, Y. 1\[. C. A. Bldg.
operation 305 S. Narberth ave. Phone, 682-J.
. . Jone., "·m. ,J. 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone, The abo,"e department should be or tbe.
Date of Enlistment " .. , . , , .. , .. , ... , .... , , .. , . , .. , , , , The committee also takes tillS Op- 680-J. Phlla. address, Penn Mutual Bldg. r:reatest Use to the community, the llst eon-
portunity 'of publicly thar,king Mr. W. Tr;~:e~V~~':.~de(~~~~' ;~~·~e. 1262.R, talns the name of every professional man,
tradesman, mechanic, shopkeeper. etc., who·
C. Poor and Dr. William Cameron, LAWYERS
Branch of Service ................................. who made the stage and eurtaln effect.> GI~~~~,J".1~':Jr:;s~ 1£~~~~I~v;, 1245-l~.
does or can In any way serve his tellow.
town!lmnn. and who Is progreftslve enough>
to odd nllme to Itst of Register,
State whether Army, Navy. Marine Corps, Hospital Corps, or possible and the school board for the n"nry, Geo, 1\1. 107 Chestnut ave. Pbone, 608, As It Is dlmcul t for tho... contrlbutlnl
loan of the latter, The afternoon con- Phlla. oddres., Finance Bldg, their time and elTorts to the productlon ot·
Katlonal Gnard. Sute., Fleteher lV. 4J ~ H..verford, "Our Town'" to pereonally el ther know or
cluded with a delightfUl social hour Phone, 372·W Phlla.. address, Crozer BIde, Interview all such, It would be most help·
Signed .............................. with Mrs Edgar Taylor as hostess
, MeDonold John. Narberth phone, 1288,
ful If those not now tound In the prInted'
Ust would send In a memo at tbelr namee,
being 8Jbly assisted by Mrs. Charles 1533 Chest. et" Phil a.. Pbone, Spruce 1138. address, phone numbers and bu"lneseee Or
Verna Mrs. William Livingston and 1I1EATS, ETC, professlone for Itstlng. This wl1l cost as tol.
Relationship .".,.",.", .. ",.,.""." .....
, Boyl".'. Phone, 398. lows: 10 cent" eacb lesue for 2 llnes: 6 cento-
Mrs. H. F. Stevens. See display odvertlsement In tbls lesue. tor eacb additional line.

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