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W * oonrticv to n t h * T m u t h .

back along: many thousand year* to an a n c e i u y ^ S d e h v o r n i ^ f r c m a r k th a t th is portio n called th e H o h r | religion according to the moat virtuous and enlightened refuses to compensate, by content of partis* Jra k s of law,
I S PA which that of our peers and princes is but of yesterday, re-! O blation, w hich, as w e shall afterw ards show, is j customs, rales aad etiquet of the nineteenth centarjr. Ba customs of nations, or ia any other way: I bring it also
BT-THE BOARD OF CONTROL OF tH E 80C1ETY , x. . * . - _ .. i. • .1 »T v « .1 f . . >L- ** _r iL. YT.ii.J C ulai it !■ nnf in because the national Government has fallen abort of afford­
FOR THE DIFFUSION OP TRUTH, EVERY 3ATUR- gurding justlyr Abraham, Isaae, and Jacob, as their gTeat to con tain th e N ew Jerusalem , th e residence o f to the diagrace of the United States, it 1* aot so
TUY MORNING, AT NO.' 7, «t*RUCE ST., NfiW- ing the necessary rehef as beforo stated fo r want o j poicer,
progenitors, and pressing forward, on the wings of faith and th e R edeem er and glorified .saints, is situ a te d right* and privilege*, together with a large amount of proj
YORK; A T ONB DOLLAR PER ANNUM, 1NVA- perty, have been wreated from me and my friends, by Isw* eaving a*Urge body of her own free citizens, whose wealb,
• £. > HI ABLY IN ADVAN8E. bop© aad promise, to a long expected day when they, aow between th e lots o f th e trib e s o f Ju d a h and B enja
went freely into her treasury for lands, aad whoee gold and
Ajl* L r m a i ajtd Commujvicatiowj m t t t u Ai>- kings aid prince* ia disguise, ahall become so indeed, b y ! m in, w hich form ed th e K in g d o m o f Ju d a h . less mobs in Missouri, supported bv executive authority |
silver for tsxee, still fills the pockets of her dignatarie*,
d i i h o to THE PROPHET, P orr Paid. a manifestation the most glorious, *nd a dispensation the C h rist him self belonged to th e trilie o f Ju d a h , of aad the crimes of plundering our property; and the uni
**ia ermine and lace,” defrauded, robbed, mobbed, plun­
09* Peel Master* are authorized by the Poet Office de­ most sublime. Tho people are a perpetual miracle—a the seed o f D a v id ; an d .the tribes o f Ju d a h and eoastitational and barbarous act of our expulsion; and
partment, to forward, free of erpense, t& orden for, or to B en jam in , h a v i n e respect to the prom ise o f God evea the inhumanity of murdering men, women, aad child­ dered, ravished, driven, exiled and banished from the
living echo of Heaven's holy tones, prolonged from gene­
dbcoatiMe publications, tad Also money co pay for the ration to generation-—Frazer's Magazine. th a t ho w ould give to th e Seed o f D av id his ren, have received the pat+word of 14justifiable ” by legis* "ludependant Republio of Missouri I’*
fath e r’s throne, rem ained faithful to th e ir allegi­ Utive enactments, and the horrid deeds, doleful and di*? And in this appeal let me say; raise your towers; »«•
Subscribers* names, wirfi the State nod Post Office, After rtading the above description of the once favored ance, w hen th e k ing do m o f Israel revolted. T h is graceful as they are, have been paid foT by govern­ your monument* to tho skie*; build your steam frigate*;
should be distinctly given when money is forwarded, to spread yourselves far and wide, and open the iron eyes of
avoid mistakes, as there are ©fun se?eral ofthe names, people of God, who through wickedness and unbelief, have passage gives a m ore peculiar significance to th e ment*
or several Peat Offices in the same town. incured the the displeasure of Heaven, and in fulfilment of inscription over th e cross o f H im who said, c< I In vaia have we sought for redrese of grisvances and a your bulwarks by sea and land; aad let the tawering
church ateeples, marahal the country like the “ dreadful
Advertising, B ook an d Jo b W ork , done a t scriptures, have been scattered among all nations, and be- am l u n g o f th e Jews.” T h e D ivision o f the Isnd restoration to onr rights ia the Courts and Legislature of splendor ” of an army with bayonets: but remember the
into its v ario u s portio ns is in the following order, Miaeouri. Ia vain have we «ought for our rights and the
th e usual Tates. come a hiss and by word, shut oat from the favor of God,
beginning a t th e n q rth border, an d descending remuaeration for o*r propeity in the halls of Congrei* flood of Xoah; remember the fate of* Sodom., and
and deprived of the great aad glorious blessings which their
E J. B E V IN , P R I N T E R so u th w a rd : T h e portions o f D an, o f A sher, of and at the hands of the President. The only consolatioi Gomorrah ; remember the dispersion and confusion at the
Father* enjoyed. It gives to the mind and heart of every
N a p h ta li, o f M anasseh, o f E p h ra im , o f R euben, yet experienced Irom thiae highest tribunals, and mtrey Tower of Babel; remember the destruction of PharoaJt
one who believes that God is faithinl to fulfil his word, a
r •; PROSPECTUS a n d o f J u d a h { xlviii. 1— 7 ): n e x t o f the H oly ttaU of our bleeding country, is, that •• our cause it just, bu and his hosts; remember the hand writing apon the wall,
joy that can be better felt than cxprei»ed, to know that mene, mene, tekd upharsin; remember ihe angels visit to
OF A P ortion or “ H o ly O blation fo u rsq u a re ,” offered Ikt government has nopoicerto ridress us "
this dispised race shall again be reatored to the land of their j a b ly tvkeo from a k y t h o « M i - o u i i , Srnn.cher.J, . n d ib£ 195,000A - j r U o . !fre m e m b er!!* « u l
u n to the L o rd ( xlviii. 8— 22) \ th e n follow the
W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R , Fathers, aad again enjoy the peculiar favor .of God. The oTevery•*^eflort
io i have them re- „ot/ i the
. . . j . . ___ k « jews
i i v . and Jeruaalem ; and remember • i nthe
i ! r Lord
f c n r m Al­
l v r T j i l r l AL

jju m w . imeon, ox issacner, turned, the State of Mi**oun still retains them; and tha mighty will avenge the blood of his Saint* that now crim*
fare presume win be read with interest. •
(xlviii. 23— 28.) A n d “ this is th e land which United States miHtia law, with this fact before the govern-; cons the skirts of Missouri! Shall wisdom cry aloud and
N E W D IV IS IO N O F T H E H O L Y L A N D . jre shall d ivide b y lot u n to th e tribes o f Israel for raent, still compel!* us to do military duty, and for a laclr not her speech be beard !
V-vr;------ 3 ( > 3 _ - h . . T h e enlargement o f Israel’s in h e ritan c e w ill j inheritance, and these a re th e ir portions, saith the of said arms th* Amo forces us to pay our fines. A* Sfaak- Has the msjesty of American liberty sunk into such vile
The Board of Control o l the Society for the Diffusioa of cessariiv occasion a new division o f th e land. | L o rd G od.” ver. 20. B u t in th is D ivision is to peore would cay; 44 ihertb* hangs • taieV aenritude and oppresaion, that justice has tied 1 Has the
Truth, of the City of New York, being desirous of pro necessarily
mulgating the G»p* 1 of Oar Lord Jcsja Christ ;a its ful A ccordingly th* d iv in e Allotment* to th e various bft noticed an o th e r and m ost rem arkable circum Several hundred thousaad dollars w«*th o f . land in Mis glory and influence of a Washington, an Adam*, a JefFer-
ness, and ameliorating the condition *f fallen nnn. have tribes, after th e rr restoration, are d istin ctly re­ stance. Besides th e an c ie n t c ltv o f Jerusalem soun, wss purchased at the United States’ Land Offices aon, a Lafayette, and a boat of other* forever departed,—
thought it wisdom to establish a paper in this city, as an corded in th e in terestin g an d im p o rtan t prophecy, w hich is to be reb uilt, an d in w hich th e S an ctu ­ ia that district,of country ; and the money without doubt,' and the wrath of a Cain, a Jtujaa.and a Nero whirled forth
" h i c h ' t h ; book a r y o f th e L o rd is to be re erected, p articu la r ha* been appropriated to strengthen the army and navy, or: in the heraldry of bell, to^prinkSour garments with blood;
devoted to Agriculture, Commerce and Maaefact’ures, as j o f Exekxel concludes. I t is a re g u la r division m ention is here m ade o f an o th er C ity o f nearly increase the power sad glory of the nation in some other and lighten the* darkness of midnigM, with the blaze of our
well i s to the Foreign and Demesne Near* of the Day. 1:. a lto g e th e r different from th a t m ade in th e d a y s of te n miles square, seperated b y th e portion o f the way ; and notwithstanding Miaeouri haa robted and mob dwellings 1 Where is the patriotism of *76 T Where is
will Ithewi#?. be the faithful advocate aad defender J o s h u a , th e lots o f the trib es being proportioned Levites, tw en ty miles in breadth, from t h a t in ed me and twelve or fifteen thousand ioaoeeut inhabitants^ the virtue of ourforefather* T and where is the sacred honor
Of the Coa*ti*iHioe of the United S uits, whoae glory and to t h e e x te n t o f :th e enlarged inheritance. I t w hich th e S a n c tu a ry is p la ce d : w A n d th e five murdered hundreds, and expelled the residue, at the point of freemen T
effulgence is known'ia every clime, which was ba'.tled for
*ad won by our iUe'sfrtpas and psuiotic ancestors. Th* begins u/r o r a th e N o rth e n d to th e coast o f the thousand th a t a re left in th e breadth, o ver ag a in st of the bsyonet, without law, contrary to the expreee Ian Must we, because we believe ia the fuloess of the gospel
Art* and &>iea$ee not be arglecfed—Sketches,-Nar­ w ay o f H ethlon . as one goeth to H am a th , the five an d tw en ty thousand, shall be a profane suage of the' Constitution of the United States, and every of Je«us Christ; the admin»tration of angels, and the com­
ratives, Biographies, Moral Essays, and Poeto*, will also H az aren a n , th e border o f D am ascus northw ard, place fo r T h e C i t y , for dw elling and for suburbs,
find * place in ths column of “ THE PttOPHKT State in the Union; aad contrary to ihe custom and u*ag* munion of the Holy Gho*t, like the prophets and apostfa
tQ th e coast o f H am ath , ( f o r these are his sides- and th e C ity shall be in th e m idst thereof,” ver. of civilized nationa; and especially, one holding up the of old,—must wc be mobed with impunity—be exiled
whilst its c<mdoctora will end*av9r to impart variety aad
e a st and west,) a portion for Dan.” “ A n d bv 15. T h e m easurem ents o f th is city w ith its motto: “ The astfum'dfthe oppressed?' yet the comfort we from our habitations and property without remedy; mur­
PROPHET.’* win h* iswed Saturday A c border o f G ad , a t th e S o u th side southw ard, su b u rb s follow ; and i t is added, “ A n d th e resi­ dered without mercy,—and govenftnent find the weapons,
received, to raise our wounded bodies, and invigorate our
Morning. the ixa an Imperial Sheet, at No. 7 the b order shall be e v e n from T a m v u n to the d u e in length, o v e r ag a in st th e O b la tio n o f the and pay the* vagabonds for doing the job#, and give them
Spruce Street, New-York, and w»U appear regular thereaf­ w aters o f strife in Kadesh, and to the r iv e r toward H o ly P ortion , ahall be ten thousand eastw ard and troubled spirits, on account of *uch immense sacrifices of the plunder into the bargain 1 Must we, because we be­
ter, oa that day, at One Dollar per annum, invariably in life, property, patience, and rights; and aa an equivalent
tKa g rea t, sea.” E z e k . xlviii. 1, 28.^ D istinct ten th o u san d w estw ard, an d i t shall be over lieve io enjoying the conetitutional privilege and right of
for the enormous taxes we are compelled to pay to top-
- JJI 1 * 0 * * ta d Commanfeatioa* most be atfdre^ed specification is m ad e o f. th e relative situ atio ns o f ag a in st th e O blation o f th e H o ly P o r ti o n ; and port these functionariea in a digmfxed^nanuer, after we worshipping Almighty God according to the dictates of our
o A tm to THE PROPHET. No. 7 Some* Street, th e whole, all ru n n in g parallel to each o th e r from the increase th e re o f sh all be for food u n to them owed 0WD conscience*} a n d ^ c a u s e w* believe in repentance,
X fM M {> ' : a T. L E H C H ,rtea\t, wiiIl tear*, and been showed
e a st to w e s t I n this, the N ew D ivision ditiers m a t serve T h s C r r r . A n u liiey iii*t war** T « rstifi Cw iW the ft cf t! a iJc^r
i ‘ ^ IL . r ‘-5 j By order of the Board. like tL caravan of foreign animals, for the peculiar gratifi
en tirely from th a t m ade b y J o s h u a ; an d we know C i t y shall se rv e i t o u t o f all th e trib es o f Israel.” Ghost by the laying on e/the hands; the resurrecion of the
Naw-York; May, 1 7 ,1W4. 7 3 * . ", «" ■ tr cation of connoisseur*in humanity, that flare along In puW
o f n o th in g b etter calculated to convince th e in­ E z e k . xlv iii. io— 19. T h e se thjcee co m p art­ dead; ihe millenium; the day of judgement; and the
q u irer o r its: reference to f u tu re times, th a n a ments, in to w hich th o H o ly O blation is divided, lie, like lamp* upon lamp posts, because they are better
Book of Mormon a* the history of the aborigine* of thi*
t h e jew s .:: :; ; careful exam ination o f the p ro p h ec y , an d th e co nsistin g o f two o f te n tho u san d reeds ea ch , i a calculated for the ache me* of the night than for the acene* continent,—must we be expelled from the institutions of
T h*P »#M t phytical, « o a l Md w a u MWitioa orth*, perfect, contrast, w hich its div isio n ,p rO M £ t| ?tpj breadth, an d o ne o f live th o usan d, all being o f of the day, is, as President Van Boren said, your cause U, our country j th* right* of cltxen*hip, and the grave* of otir
-y™ no other coacla- a n y w hich h a a ever : y e t obtained. T h e u tm o st eq u a l length, ren d e r i t in w hole a squ are o f fifty just, but the government * * no power to rtditss you ’
friend* and brethren, and the government lock the gate ef
Hia'tfc«r «WUi«*d,CrMi «Jm eommeoceme.t ol ike re g u la rity is h ere prescribed, each lot ly injj along m iles: « A ll th e O blation sh all be five an d tw en ty No wonder, lh« Pharieee’* pr»T«. lhe Publican,
humanity, and ah«t the door of redress against u s l—If so,
Chriatiaa «ra down lotbe preaeot boar, ia » m e rich aatpm- aide o f th e o th e rs; while th e m ost casutd inspec­ tho u san d b y five a n d tw e n ty th o u s a n d : y e shall imote hi. b r tu t and amid. Lord be mircifiJ to vu m >inntr
fare well freedom; adieu to personal safety,—and let the
of state ia wbtch we find the Chinese waUed off from the tio n o f a n y m a p o f P ale stin e will show th a t the ofier th e H o ly O blation fo u rsq u a re w ith th a pos­ What m u t the mancled nations think of freemen’s rights
red hot wrath of an cflended God purify the nation of such
real of tha human family, aad by their salfisfcaess oa a na- D ivision b y Jo sh u a was reg ulated b y no prin ci­ session o f T b s C i t t . ” E z e k . xlviii. 20. ia the land of liberty 1 sink* of corruption 1 For that r*alm is hurrying ur ruin
tioaal scale, aad repuUian of atiea ektnents, resisting ev­ p le p f r e p jl a r ity o r order. T h a t division was T h is rem arkable allotm en t offered to th e L ord, Were I a Chaldean I would exclaim» Keed’nauh ta-
whero vice ha* tha power to expel virtue.
ery assail feeru without in .the shape o l hosdls invasion, m ade evid en tly w ith a respect to w h a t te rrito ry it is to be observed, is situ a te d n ea rly i n th e meroon le-hoam elauhayauh dey-ahemayauh veh aufkau
My father, who stood,*£fceral time* ia the battles of the
an d iro n aa overpoweriag aatioa ^rids forbidding the ia- h a d alread y been acquired, an d w hich could centre o f th e different p o rtio n s o f all t t e tribes, of lau guaubadoo, yabadoo ma-ar'gnau oomeen tehoat eheroa-;
American Revolution, tilrhi* companion*, in arm*, had
trod action o f new and foreiga customs, we should not see therefore be m ade available for possession b y th e Israel, c; betw een th e b ordoi o f J u d a h and tho T»ub slab. jQ has *t.U. ie.ssy m to .hem: Thp gods tha.
been shtfftiead; at hi** feet, was 'forced from hi* home in
Bivelk n>y*tery lattrworea'wlib tbeir existence.' Bat this different tribes. I t was exceedingly irregular, border o fB e n ja m in ,’* And i r i s said, ‘; shalT beT or have not made the heavens and |he earth, they shall perish Far West, Miis«urriKby those civilized, or satanized sava­
i* W thsir state—far from It. ! Tfcey are aeithw a nailed a n d th e m a n n er in w hich th e allotm ents were T h e P r i n c e . A fte r describing* th e boundaries from the earth, and from under these heavens.) ges, in the dreary season of winter, to seek a shelter in a-
aad iadn^ideat aation not a p a w i c - p w l a e ^ They m ade g ives p r e tty str ik in g ind ication s o f th e d iv i­ o fth e re m a in in g five tribes o f Israel, (th e relative Ad Egyptian* S o e - e h - n i: ( W b a t other persons are
nother State; and th* vicissitudes and suffering*oon*equ*nt
are peeled J scattered ; aad cmrnWed mtm fragtnsata; but sion n o t h a v in g been designed to be perm an ent. situ ation o f w hich is also d ifferen t fro m w h a t th e y thoaeT) A G e e c ia m Diabolos baasileoei: (T h e Devil
to hi* flight, brought bis honored grey head to Ihe grave, a
lika brokea globule* M qaicksilter, iasliact with,« Cohe­ T h e lo t o f th e trib e o f M anasseh is divided, into! w ere form erly,) an d ag a in a d v e rtin g to th e m ea­ reign*.) A F re nchm an: M esaleurssaasD ieu, ( Gentlemen
tew month* after. And my youngest brother, also, in the
sive poifer, aver claiming aad ov^r ready to amaJ- tweL th e i i r t s Of w hich do not lie c o n tig u o u s ; the surem ent* o f th is rem ark able C ity , w ith the. n u m ­ without G o d :) A T u rk . Ain sherns ; (T h e fountain of
vigor and bloom of youth, from his great exposure and
gamai*. Geogrtphy, arots, geniaa, oeUtie*, and foreiga ex ten siv e co u n iry to th e east o f Jo rd o n was given b e r an d nam es o f its Rates, t h e p ro p h ec y closes by l ig h t) A G erm an x nie sind unfer*Undig. (W h atco n s u m
fatigue in endevoring to assist hi* parent* on their journey,
helpde aqt explain their exUteace ; thaa climate aad t o khe tw o tribes an d a w K ftt ow n request, d eclaring o f it, th a t V T U nam e o f T h e C it y m ate ignorance!) A S y r ia n : Zaubol. (Sacrifice!) A (I and my brother Hyrum being in chain*, in dungeons—
customs eqaal^.fkil to aaravdl it. Noaa of thei* wre or before a n y o f th e re s t o f th e land was conquered;: from th a t d a y shall b e ,.T h s L o r d io THBO K. S paniard- 11 aabio m uda conKto, il neacio no. (A wise
where they tried to feed us upon human flsshr-\n Missouri.)
c ia be the spriagsof their perpetuity. They have b e « {N um b, ix x i i.) a n d a fte r Jo sh u a’s lot was fixed, riltrcW, • fool doe* not.) A S a m a rita n : Saunau * (O
I From the Crou and Journal.] was likewise 80 debilitated that he fo«nd a premature grave
Spread over every part of Afe habitable globe; they have i t wa* fouiid to be too la re e for th e m , and Sim eon’s stranger!) An 'I t a l i a n , o k te m o a ! oh. diffidanza! <0
•hAttly after my iarher. And my mother, too, though she
lived aader the regiwu of every dynasty; they have abared l<)t waa ta k en o u t o f it, (josh. xix. I , 9.) T h ese K I N G D O M O F H E A V E N — S U B J E C T S the tim e*! 0 . th* diffidence f) A H e b r e w : Ahtaub alj
yet lingers among' us, from her extreme exposure in that i
the proteetiea! of j t a t laws, tha prascriptka ol cruel ones, circuiturtanees sufficiently, show, th a t how ever A D M IT T E D . ............. rsuey. (T hou God seest m e.) A Dan* :* H vad tiie n d e !
dreadful trsgedy, was filled with rheumatic affections and
and v^ilneseed the rise and progress of both; they have necessary i t was t o h a v e som e divisio n a t th e TIM DKSIGX OF BAVTlfir. * (W h at tidings!) A S g x o a t H w a t r i h t ! (W h a t right!)
other diseases, which leaves her no, enjoyment of health.
used evfcry tongue, aad hare lived in every latitade, :The time, th a t th e one m ade' was o n ly te m p o rary , coscBsfions bv xMiwnrr pjudo BAPnrr*. A S w e e d e : H vad akilia: ( W h a t skiU!) A Polander:;
snow* of Lapland have chilled, and the anna of Africa have B u t ‘w heh' Israel ahaD be resto re d an d converted, Nav-yeu-shoo bah pon na Jesu Christus ; (Bleesed be the She is sinking in grief and pain,, broken hearted, from
acorchtdthenr. lliey hasaUruakortheTiber,ttoThatnea, a h d rec eiv e th a whole o f the land prom ised to I n a form er essay we argu ed, th a t, as th e L o rd ’s name of Jesu* Christ.) A Western Udian : She-mo kah Missouri persecution.
su p p e r ta u g h t an d exemplified th e sufferings of •he-mo-keh teh ough ne gha. (The white man, O the 0 death! wilt ihou not give to every honest mas, a hea­
the JmdaaVtlrt M ia iJp p li—ta ev«iy century, and ev*ry th e ir fathers, d jNew D ivision w ill be m ade mofo
C h rist, in ato n in g for sin, so also b ap tism ta u g h t whiteman, he very uncertain.) A Roman: Procul, O ted dart to sting those, wretches while they pollute the landIt
degree of latitude and longitude, we find * Jew. It ia Mt in accordance with: th e ir h a p p e r circum stances,
and exemplifted th e b urial and resu rrectio n o f procul este profani! (Be off. bo off ye profane!) But as and O grave! wilt ihou not open the trap door to the'pit
so with aay other rati*. Empire* the most Mnstrioi* have a n d 'to rem a in a s ttie fixed^boundaries o f th e ir s e ­
C h rist. T h a t th e a c tu a l d eath a n d resurrection la m I will only add: when the wicked rule the people of ungodly, men, that they may stumble in t
fallea, aad t>ori*d the mea ihal i^asoneted them; but the veral tribes, as fu lly a n d m in u te ly pred icted by
E zekieL (x lv iii). 1 h e distin ctio n o f tribes h av in g o f C h ris t were ta u g h t and in sisted on as im por­
Je w haa U?ed among the rasa*; * living monumeat o f Uk- motrn. 1 appeal to ihe “ Green Mountain Boys” of my native
ta n t an d essential features in th e C h ristia n system ,
distructibility. IVriecution has unsheathed the sword aad lo n g bee* lost, i t can now b* r e p i n e d o n ly by Now, therefore, having failed in every attempt to ob­ State, to rise in the majesty of virtuou* freemen, and by
to be received b y e v e r y diseiple* an d t h a t th e be­ tain satisfaction at th* tribunal* where all men seek for it,
Ugttcad fagot. ^ ^ MptfrsUtTon and Moslem barim m iraculous in fo rm atio n : b u t i t wul doubtless be all honorable means h*?lp bring Mis*onri to the bar of jus­
lievers b ap tisn i illustrated th e b u ria l and resu rrec­ sccording to tee rules of right : - I am .compelled to ap-
TitNB have smote them with unsparing ferocity,' penal supplied, otherw ise th e specification contained in tice. If there is one whisper from the spirit of aa Ethan
tio n o f C h rist, Ju^t aa the believers o b serv in g th e
rescripts and deep prejudice have visited oa them most uh- th is ch a p te r h a d n e v e r been given. B u t besides peal to the honor and patriotism of my natite State; to Allen; or a gleam from the shade of a Gen. Stark, let it
L o rd ’s su p p e r illustrated th e sufferings o f C hrist.
righteous chastisement, and* notwithstanding all, th*y sur­ the. portio ns allotted to t h e T w elv e T rib es, nearly tho clemency and valor of “ Green Mountain Boys; for, mingle with our s^nse.of honor, and fire our boaoma for
in th e centre o f these a large portion, called the W e th e n also p ro m ised to show, th a t th e m ost
v iv e / 'Robert Montgomery, in his Aftsnah, thu* ex- hroughout.the various period* of the world, whencTcr a the causo of suffering innocence,—for the reputation of our
preflM the ivlatiae position airthe Jews: H o ly .Qblation, is also reserv ed as a n offering u n to learned, m o st devoted, an d celebrated d ivines of nation, kingdon, state, family or individual ha* received an diigraccd country, and for ihe glory of God: and may all
Empires have ausk. and kingdoms past fway. th e L o rd : “ M oreover, w hen y e shall div id e by th e paido b ap tist denom inations acknowleged and insult, or an injury, from a superior force, (unlesa aatiafac- the earth bear me witness, il Missouri, blood stsined Mi*,
{* Bat stiU^apart, subrims in misery stands: \ lo t th e la n d for a n inheritance, y e shall' offer an ta u g h t th e sam e things. W e now proceed to show tion was made) il has been the custom to call m the aid ol aouri;—escapes the due demerit of her crimes, the ven
O blati6n u nto th e L ord, a n H o ly P o rtio n o f the th e same. friend* to assist in obtsining redress For proof we have geacce she so juaily deserves, that Vermont is a hypocrite
Tha wreck.of Israel. Christ hath come and bled, W itsiu s .—-Imm ersion in to th e w ate r is to be
L a n d ; th e le n g th sh all ba th e length o f five and only to refer to ihe recovery of Lot and his eflecls, by —a coward—and ibis nation the hot bed of political de­
And miracle* around the cross ,_ 'If
tw enty tho u san d reeds, [ th e reed being six cu bits considered b y us, as ex h ib itin g th a t d rea d fu l abyss
A Jioly. splendor of undying truth o f divine justice, in w hich C h ris t for o u r sins, Abraham, in the days of Sodom and G«®or/ ^ « *ihe magogues ! . .
long, E zek . x l 5, o r n ea rly eleven feet E n g lish ) and to the relief afforded by trancc and Holland, for the
Preserve; bnt yet their pining apirit looks I make thie appeal to »he aona of liberty of my native
the b readth shall be ten thousand. T h is shall be w hich he took on himself, w as for a tim e ab so rb e d : achievement of tho independence of the Untied -tatea
For that unrisen sun which prophets hail'd.
holy in all tho borders th e re o f ro u n d about. O f as in D avid, his ty p e , he complains. ( Ps. 60*. -3;) Without bringing up the gTcat bulk of historical facia Slate for help, to frustrate the wicked design* of sinful
And when I viewed hta* ia thegarb of wo, th is th e re shall be for th e S a n c tu a ry five h un d red ‘ I a m w eary o f m y c ry in g , m y th ro a t is d r ie d ; ulen, laws, decrees, and Ueaties, and bible men ; I make it (o hush ihe violence of mob*; 1 make it
A wandering outcast by the world disowned, in length, w ith five h u n d re d in breadth, square mine ey e s fail while I w ait for m y G od.’ M ore which nation* have been governed, to show their mutual to cope wilh the unhallowed influence of wieked men in
T V hsggiupdLlosuand- tftfta.ohnneaaitfi laar.................... Ttm wi-obvtiV ,—travl tKVj* u u l n i a * « u n tl a li o u t - f v i tLw pA riiauU Jy y AU >aiu4m Iou (lajwivaA high places; 1 make it to resent the insult and injury made
•His blood a*, ow ua* through my apirit rolls alliance, for the general Deuefli of Tn*»kimt, ui icmliate
su b u rb s th e re o f A n d o f tu is m easure sh a lt thou ; person o f light, and o f other th in g s p e rta in in g to and repel foreign sggifwions; io puni»h and prevent home to an innocent, and unoflending people, by a lawless r u t
Ia feariu) echo,from a aatioa** Jjpr, v^ m easure th e length o f five and tw e n ty thousand, i th is world, i t excellently represents th e d e a th of tian State ; I make it to obtain justice where law iaputat
Remembered Zioa ( still for the awaita tv*ong*, when the conaervitors of justice and the laws
an d th e b readth o f t e n th o u sa n d : and in i t shall j C h rist, while h is co n tin uan ce u n d er w ate r how- defiance: 1 make it to wipe of the stain of blood from our
| A future teeming with triamphal sound* hate failed to afford a remedy, are not anly common and
be the S anctuary, and t u b m ost h o l y p l a c k .” j ev e r sh o rt, denotes th e b u ria l o f C h rist, an d th e nation’s eacutchion; I make it to show pres*cents, govern­
And shape of glory." in the higheat aense jua'ifiable and wise, but they are also,
. E z a lc xlv. 1— 3. T h ra is fa rth e r described, an d >0WMt d«gr,08 of, h i* h u m ilia tio n ; w hen b eing laid proper expedient* to promote the enjoyment of e<,ual ors and rulers, prudence; I make it to fill honorsble men
Like their o v a buah on Mount Horeb* Jarael haa con­ its relativ e situ atio n determ ined, in an o th er in a sepulchre th a t was sealed and g u ard e d b y th e with discretion; I make it to teach senators wisdom; I
tinued jp.the flames,bat unconsumed. They are th* ari rights, the pursuit of hsppiness, the preservation of life, make it to learn judges juatice; I make it to point cler­
c h a p te r: “.A n d b y the b order o f Jud ah, from the R o m an soldiers, h e was considered as en tirely und Lie benefits of posterity.
hoc racy of Sfijiptare, u f t of their coroaeta-priace* in gymen to the path of v i r t u e a n d I mako it to turn the
east side u n to tho w est side, shall be the offering c u t off. E m e rsio n o u t o f th e w ater ex h ib its an With all these facts before me, and a pure desire to hearta of this nation to the truth and realities of pure aad
degradation. A Babyloaiaa, a Theban, a Spartanr aa w hich y e shall offer o f five and tw e n ty thousand im age o f his resurrection, o r th e v ic to r y which,
Athenian, aRom aa, are aamea known ia Hisury only; reeds in breadth, a n d in leng th as one o f the being dead, h e obtained over d ea th in h is own ameliorate the condition of the poor and unfortunate among undefiled religion, that they may escape lhe> perdition of
their, ahadow* alone hauat the world aad $iefcer oa iu o th e r parts, from th e east side u n to th e west side, d a r k dom ains, t h a t is, th e g rave. A ll these the men, snd if possible to entice all men from etil to good 1 ungodly men#; and Jesus Christ the Sou of God, is my
»*• t »nd with * firm reliance that God will reward the inst. ;
•r—» Jw.If-
~ r- U r*— —/ aiiu the S an etu ary snail be in th e m id st o f it.’ ~ r — *
• «<» t
iw.wv, C
U>. OW "*•/
4 \
Great Counsrmu. v
taJ, travcx*** every exchange, and relieves the mbnotony E xek. xlviii. 8. C o n c ern in g th is i t is s a i d , 14 T h e j have bean aumulated to call upon my native Stale, for a
‘•union of all honest msni” and to appeal to the valor of Wherefore let the rich and the learned, the wise and the
of the nations of tho earth. The race has inherited the H o ly P o rtio n o f th e land shall be for th e priests, AN APPEAL,
heir-loom of immortality, incapable- o f c j ^ i c ^ a or z z x l th e m in istc is o f t h a S a n c tu a ry , w hich s h a l l c o m c l r o t h b r**r>iA2t or m e statk or vcnuo-nr I ihe “Green Mountain Boy*'1by all honorable methods and noble, the poor and the needy, the bond and the free, both
I mean* toasaiat me in obtsining justice from Missouri: not black snd white, take heed to their ways, and cleave to
gamatioo. Like streamlet* from a common bead, and n ear to m inister u n to tho L o rd ; a n d it shall be a j BRAVI °**** m ouhtaix novs " an ANDdm MONKJfT
o n o t UK*.
: the knowledge of God ; and execute justice and judgment
composed of water* of a peculiar nature, they have flowed p lace for th e ir houses, and a n h o ly place fo r th e ; I was born in Sharon, Vermont, in 1S05,—where the only for the property ahe has stolen and coafiecnted, the upon the earth in righteousness ; aad prepare to meet the
aioag every stream, without bleeding with it or receiv S a n c tu a ry ” E z e k . xiv. 1. A n o th e r portio n o f fi«t quarter of mylife grew with the growth,and atrength- murders she has committed among my friend*, and for onr judge of the .quick anc the dead, lor the hoar of his i
lag it* color or it* flavor, and traversed the sarfece equal size w ith th a t described above, is reserved ened withthoatrength of that “ first born ** State of the expulsion from the State, but alio to humble and chastise, coming nigh.
e f the globe, and the lapse of many ceaturies, peca’nar, for the L ev ites, who form erly h a d no in h e rita n c e : *# United Thirteen.” From the old 44 French War ” to the or abase her for the diagrace ihe has brought upon coniti-
distinct, alone. The Jewish race, at thi* day, is perhapa “ A n d , o v er ag a in st tho b order o f th e priests, th e tinal consummation of AuiericsnIndependence, my fathers, lul,on*l liberty, until she atones for her sms. And I must go on as theh erald of grace.
the mo*t strikiag seal of the truth of the 8acred Oracle* L ev ites shall h ave five an d tw en ty th o u sa n d i n | heartt to heart, and shoulder to shoulder, with the noble fa- 1 aPPct! aUo»t0 ,hc fra!crn‘t>r of hr*ihren, whho are bound Till the wide spreading conflict is over,
There 1* ao poaaibility of acoouatiag for their perpetual length, and in all cases And bnrat through the curtains of tyrsnnio night.
ten tho u san d in b r e a d th ; all th e [ tbera«of our liberty, fought and bled j and with the most ***** t0 a brolkcr 13 dlf CM
isolation, th tii depressed bat disnnct being, on aay grouads leng th ; shall be five and tw enty thousand, and ! of that venerable hand of patrioi*. they have gone to rest, " llere ■tCJ0 ^ done »cc0' din8 10 of ,be order- Yea, I must go on to gather our race,
aave thosa reveakd in the records of truth. Their aggre­ the b re a d th te n tho u sand . A n d th e y shall no t bequeathing a glorious couauy with all her .nhtxent 10 ” “ nd tho boon of btn<” oUnc'' aaa Pr“^ U ° o . by Till the high bhnag <ume of Jehovah.
gate aad 'individual character ia m remarkable as their sell o f it, n eith er ex chan ge n o r alienate tho first hu» to-millioas of posterity. Like other booert cilis^n., I <>»* Lojd of h,s ‘ Solomon, a 11,ram, a St. | Illumines the globe a trmmph ol r.ght.
circumstaacea: Meaaneas th* most abject, and pride the fru its o f th e land for it is holy u n to th e L o rd .” lot oaly. (when
. manhood ctme,) .ought ___my own peace, | John- or a Washington raiaed hi. hand, before a wonder-1 A? & fr;end of equa, righu to %\\ raeD> s* i „ meMeopr
s>ost oveibearing—the degradition of helots, aad yet a E z e k . x lviii 13, 11. T h i s is also confirmed in prosperity, and happineM, happiness, but aUo
also the peace pro»perity,,
prosperity,,1in* 11® wor,d-
wor^» and exclaimed!—"
exclaimed: M i lift fo r kit!,‘ L.ght, of ,'h l everjMliDg g0,pel of Jew# Chnit,
conscious and a toattifeat teas* of tho dignity of a royal th e 4 5 th c h a p te r: “ A n d tho five and tw en ty ! and happiness of my friends; and, with all the rights and liberty and viKa* foreve !
1 have the honor to be,
prie*iheod—crouching, coreaing, iqaeexlng, grasping, on tho u san d o f len g th , and th e ten th o u san d o f , realma before me, and the revelations of Jesus Christ, to ! 1 bring this appeal before my native State for the so-
the exchange in the ahop, in the world, with nothing too b read th, shall also tho L evites, th e m inisters o f ' guide rue into all trnth, 1 hsd good reason to enter into the lema reason that aa injury has been done, and crimes have Your devoted servint,
low for them to do, or too dirty, if profitable, for them to th e H ouse, h av e for thomselves, fo r a possession I blessings aad privelegesof an American citizen;—the rights 1been committed, which a sovereign State, of the Federal r.'avoo. III. J JOSEPH SMTTIL’
pick u p ! and, notwithatandiag, ia tho *yn#gegoe, looking fo i tw e n ty ch am b ers.” E z e k . xlv. 3. I t is I of a Groca Mountain Boy, unmorcsted, and e^joy life and j compact, one of the great family of " £ plurilnu unum,” December, 1843,
lure u d rru o a, l»b*ll u k c <h«rV*»ll**e oI madi»g yoa j - G o r e m o r D o ty o f Wi«con»in m hi* secu rity ;
Vpnders are to bo performed that wijl astonish the be- j COMMUNICATORS. •cm ' ether. tqa.Ilf iroporunt. Yoqr,. : W « t£ th i . arran g e m en t w« .h o u !d h av e th e per-
T H E P R O P H E T . " i alder. That Gad will make bars his arm in the eyes of: _ BEREAiN fection o f a W h ig sy stem o f finance.— G l o b e .
nation* for tfierescse of hi* eho*en people PERSECUTION—SPIRIT OF EVIL.
M*y IS, ISM. W e should n o t bo su rp rised i f a compt or soma
8 A T U R P A Y M O R N IN G , M A Y lgTTWH r We want the people to reflect npo» ihrs- things, and M* Lnrron—
prepare jhemselves accordingly. We would have them
By the pemxmion of kind providence we com*- trfor*
*iteve lhe*e things for their own iodividu.l good for we too BANK.
the paWic, a f r e e t lo promise, asking your hind W®*
:s*uredly know for onrseNfs. ihat we are Gods.erv.ioia, Unties* hand distren the abode of mao: to trace thy course j W e h av e cast o u r eyes hastily over G en. effort is m ade to w ard o ff th e blonr, a n d causa i t
gence toward# n*, koowiog foil well ibe many di**dvanta and glanpe- at thee in thy first steppings upon e»nh, wr j
,reparing the way for the coming Messiah; when all Sm ith’s (M orm on Joe,) “ Views o f th e P ow ers to pass in aii oblique directio n to som e-other tr e ­
get which we are labouring tmder, in commencing a bn*
*icfc*dne» shall be done away,and every natioas tongue «fc most recede from the land and age of civilization, far be­ tn d P o lic y o f the G ovornm cnt o f th e U nited mendous body. B u t, M r. *Globa,* th is w ill n ev e r
Meta which wa have not been accustomed 10. Therefor*
\ inured shall havsone faith, then we shall, if we are faith- hind the veil that obscure* benighted Egypt, end look not Sntes. N auv o o, 1 8 4 4 " T h e illustriou*individ- do, y o u m ust take i t as i t coj
yon moit eet eipeet to aee the paper in as perfect state * upon the deeds of the Pharoshs, the blood of innocent, and
once, a . an old periodical which ha. been e*tnbliih«-d fo, mI enter into the Millenium state, when the kingdoms of ihe wrongs of martyr'd saints; whose boson,s like 2E-naV II «1 “ goes the wholo figure ” with M essrs Clay. I t seems th e edito r o f tho G lo b e h a s g o t hold
*is world shsll have become the kingdoms of our Lord W ebster. S argent and th e W h ig p a rty in gen rral o f a n edged tool, w hich h e doe* n o t k no w h o w to
year*; but we mean to do the beat we can, and in a fe* mount, could but break forth with their bursting flames;
weeka we flitter ourselre* that it will not be altogether no >ud bis Christ; when tho valleys and the mountain tap* but go to the bright primeval morn when nature and God for a national b an k . A fter this, w ho can doubt use, w hich caused no little unearinew . B a t how ­
intereating; indeed, a* •tran* a . it may appear we ha*, become vocal with the praises of our God; there are many the propriety o f such a n in stitutio n ? H ere is ever in reg a rd to th e view s o f Gen. Sm ith, r e ­
naay thing* yet in the fatare. which would gladden the in glory was admired, and He in purity adored by mao.
been 00 much engaged in making arrangements in our boa Jo e's p lan for a “ fiscal agent," w hich is q u ite as specting a national bank, an d su n d ry o th e r item s made known, a* wis- ere sorrow had a name on earth, or a list of human woe sensible, both in n a tu re And object, as th e famous on on th e g re a t affairs o f the nation, he is obliged
jneta, that'we hare not had time to pay that attention t< was heard, there we find thee at thy native work, spoiling
the Editorial department which waa neceaaary; but in th. fom sb*H dictate. w hig fiscalities. _ to acknowledge, are fa r su p e rio r to th o w o f th e
Brethren we are a privileged people indeed, to be able innocence, when perfection's God pronounced all good. • For the accomodation of the people in every State aad Clsy and W e b ste r school, and no doubt, i f h e bad
feourte of a week or twa, our boainew will be more taker Thou didst appear to tempt the holy mod the happy pair ;
up in receiving communications from several well know? o unfold the myeteries of the kingdom which ha* been hid Territory, let Congress rhow their wisdom, by granting a jpoke th e h o n est sentim ents o f his h ea rt, h e w ould
fair Eden and her happy inmates knew no grief till then; national bauk, with branchea in each Slate and Territory,
friends, who are waiting until they sea the*paper &"!> •or age*, but h*s come forth in these latter time* to con it was then shame's crimson blush-first flushed ihe cheek where tho capital shall be held by the nation for the mo­ have said, M r. V a n B u r e n an d ' T y l e r too.
started, indeed, we have the promise of them. rioce the world, but the question may be asked how came However, like all o th e r specim ens o f wcanesa, h e
of Man and Woman. Ere one day was closed, Adam, ther bank, and by theSiateoaod Territoriea for the breaches
Therefore, Brethren of the Church, we want ycur assist mt in pcsiession of all the*e glorious truths; which dismayed wiih fear and terror, dare not meet his Gracious ind whose officers and director* shall be elected yearly by tu rn s into ridicule e v e ry th in g t h a t h e cannot
ance a t much aa powible, if you * e deairooa that it should iave been hid from the wise and the prudent 1 We an Benefactor, the giver of his perfect state of b!i*s, his right the people, with wages at the rale of two dollars a day for co ntro v ert w ith reason an d evidence. V
services; which several banks shall never issue aay more G en . S m ith’s view s on th e g r e a t affair* o f th e
succeed : end we aolicit all other* who are friendly to lenc* .wer that God in hi* goodne** Cowarda the children of men :o rule o'er happy Paradite; aad why, because he listened hiU» than the smouat of cspiul stock in her vaults and
an helping hand, and if you give ut your faith and all th* la* been unwilling that that should, on the eyening to a fallen spirit who once rebelled and introducd commo- ihe interest. The net gain of the mother bank shsll be G overnm ent, are unansw erable, for th is reason,
aaaiatance you can render, the “ Prophet” shall go ahead, if time to be deprived of the priviledges, which the for- lion in high Heaven, who having lost his glory and hie fns* applied to the national revenue, and that of the benches th e y are th e view s o f a statesm an w ho is uncor-
and prosper; and in making our Debut before the world, Tier day* saints enjoyed, and in his great mercy, he has estate, beheld wiih an enviooe eye the blesaedne** of Adam, to the Statea* and Territoriea* revenue. And tho bills shall rup tcd w ith th e schemes o f political dem agognes
we wish to conduct ourselve* in such a manner aa to men chosen an inditid*al, and made known the principle* of What he could not gsin, he was determined others should be par throughout the nation, which will mercifully cure o f the p rese n t age. Indeed, we k n ow h im tl> be
ihat fatal disorder known in cities as brokeragt, and leave a m an well qualified fo r th e hig h est station m
their applause, and in doing so, we wiah to hold the roir salvation in *11 il* fulne**, together with many revelations
not enjoy ; if he could tell them, but here bo pauses not. the people'* money their own pocket* * o u t G overnm ent, fo r h e is a learned m a n a n d one
ror up to nature, in order to reflect her, in her true color* for th* benefit of this generation ; and let Jus say to the heir lost and fallen state, hi* satisfaction to degrade, in T h e prophet seems to be th o ro u g h ly im bued
whether they are'wiittn* fo receive k ormonj bnt ahoold .world, W# know4he*e for.w* hajjj ly&ve^ i« well.vexafd J n ^ t h a affair*.of S tate, b u t he
hem i and again who would be *0 well calculated to lead Adam ftam ’* fint son 1ft 'sofJVt^e evifseeh to orlng-iorm m'ore* w ith th e d v c r m iw ;^ * T V & K is a philan thro p ist. H e w c e rta in ly tho m a n th a t
by all mrans prefer saying such thiogs as shall be accepta­ national b an k for the “ accommodation o f th e peo- e v e r y , person who reg a rd s tho welfare^ ofdaa
che people in the right and acceptable way, as a man in- adversity, which in time, matures itself to hatred, and
ble, for we had rather win aoula than any other way, to h j ile," and to save th e federal and S ta te treasuries co u n try should v o to for, a t th e n e x t P re sin u rto il
principlea before them, in such a reaaonaWe way and man­
tpired of God, for when council shall fail to impart that righteous Abel, approved of Gcd, must fall by envious
wisdom which wo are *eekiog after; we can goto Cain whose countenance is fallen becauie of hia brother's J
rom taxation. I n tw o respects, however, we election.— N aovoo N m o h b o r .
ner, that it would be impossible to resist it. th in k Joo’s plan h as decided advantages o ver
oar Father in Heaven and ask council of him who virtne, envy could not see the wreath upon another* brow,
Bat, nevertheless, we would have it distinctly under- however well acquired, or justly woo. Sho has no laurel* thtese o f Messrs. C lay and W ester. H e stic k s to From tho Navvoo Neighbor.
acooff in the onaet/that we do not intend to turn to the right never err*; and who will not withhojd from hi* children to bestow, none become them like herrelf, for if no honest the specie basis, dollar for d o lla r; an d h is nlan TH E GLOBE
hand or the left, to please the fancied notiona of any ; bui the necessary intelligence on robject* of momentous inpor-
is m ore economical, as th e officers are to be elect­
tance, if theseJhiogs are true which we testify they are, thought should come to birth superior in its beariug, eovy The wise shall inherit glory, bnt shame ahtjl be
shall be dictated by the spirit of troth. e d b y th e peoplo, “|w ith wages a t th e rate o f two motion
yon see the great advantage we have over [all others, for sits like a pale faced tyrant upon his throne, ready to de­ of fools.—Solomon't Proverb*.
We aTe aware that we have entered upon an ardaoos the scriptures expre**iy say* that God does nothing except stroy what sbadeo his dignity. It was thi+pirit inflamed the dollars p e r day. T h e re is an o th er recom m enda­
duty, and we mnstjexpfct the frowna of many, very many, tion, however, o f this “ great financier,” w hich, I n th e d aily G lobe o f M a rc h 14, M«T B la ir
he raveal* hi? aecrets unto his eervants the prophet*, there­ mind of Saul, and would have alain the noble son of Je*eo; notices m y ‘ V iew s o n th e P o w ers an d P o lic y o f
for it will be quite impossible for ua to please all, do the fore it cease* to be a wonder that we *hould feel onxiou* through thi* the Son of God waa crucified; the wi*e and we fear, will somewhat em barrass th e practical
beat we can ; but we mean to act in righteousness and use fo hold him np before th* people a* a candidate for the next great men of his natibn could not bow to his superior wi* operation o f h is schomc. H e tells th e p eo p le: o u r G overnm ent,’ u n d e r th e h ea d o f *A new advo­
our utmost endeavors to merit a continuance of their favors Presidency, for tne glory and *afety of our nation, for thi* dom*, in the person of the carpenter’s son. They acknow- • Petition your State legislatures to pardon evtry conviei cate fo r a N a tio n a l B a n k ,’ w ith re m a rk s an d ex­
and aa this is the first paper we have attempted to establish in Ihtir several j enHentiariie; blessing them as they go, and tracts. A a i t does n o t bespeak a g e n t l e a f t r t o
very reason, that God shall govern and control all your ledged no man could do such work* except God was with toying to them, in the name of the Lord,—' Go thy way, tall all h e know s, n o r in d icate wisdom to m u rm u r
in this City, wa feel particularly anxious;that it should suc­
proceeding* through hi* servant Jo*eph Smith. And we him, yet in him they could not behold the King of Israel, and *in no more.'* a t th e oddities o f m en, I ra re ly re p ly to th e m a n y
ceed. wish the brethren and all tho*e who would wish to see but nailed him to the cross, attaching that title in stern de- W e fear if th is h u m a n e recom m endation be rem a rk s, sayin gs, an d speculations upon, m e an d
Let not this great city, brethren, which hath so many
righteousne** prevail over wickednese, to be unanimous in rision, but had they calmly listened like a Peter, James adopted, th e " specie basis ” w o u ld soon d isa p ­ m y plana w h ich seem to a e ita te th e world, ^ like
honest hearts, seeking after truth, nqt understand the true
their choice, and use all the influence they posibly can and John, they would have found it necea*ary ihetr king pear from Joe's m other b a n k and branches, includ­ th e 8howera u p o n th e v e rd u re o f th e e a rth ,
principlea of our faith j-Iet them know and understand that should *uffer. Bnt, ala»! like the frail sons of Adam in in g th a t o f N au vo o , w hich w ould show a “ beg­
it is not a*false doctrine we are advocatiag, that it is the to secure his election. give m e vigor, b eau ty , an d expansion,—t u t
And we would *ay toaff dome op 10 the reeene with fall general, they allowed not *uperior intelligence to make it* g a rly account o f em p ty boxes." P erh aps, a m a n occupies a station iu his country..
pure undolterated truths as are taught by our Lord aad
faith and what cannot we accomplish, for if wo act in claim upon their benighted imagination, that was obscured however, we are unnecessarily apprehensive o f o u g h t to be honored as a n exaltation, w hich <^
Saviour Jesus Christ, and hie immediate Apostles ar.d we
an energetic manner in thi* affair victory will finally crown in the maze of their’ contracted mind*; and consequently the sm all thieves w ho fall into th e clutches o f the to bo su stain ed w ith d ig n i ty ; an d w hich sfaoitla
are commanded to earnestly contend for the faith which left to grope their way in the dark, who once a favored law, since th e great theives w ho robbed millions be filled b y a frie n d and p a trio t o f th e nation,
ua, for the spirit of wisdom ha* dictated it.
i-a3;Q5.Cf delivered to the saint*. "Teach them that God is
Rise up, ye Litter Days Saint*, and in the power and people, are now through their own folly, a his* and a bye- from th e late w h ig b an k and its satellites, a re per- too wise to be cozened b y co u nterfeit p rin c ip le s;
without varieabienesa or absdow hi turning—tlttt Is :hf
majesty of your strength and the GoJofJfoeuvs!!.** with word, ecattered over the face of the earth, divided a* m itied to roam a t larg e w ith perfect im punity.— too g r e a t to b lu r hi* fam e w ith so p h is trjr:
same yestsrday, to-day and forever—that he i*unchanga-
▼ou, think nothing too mnch to accomplish when a nation, a morumeni of~GodV wzplh tfcft urhnlo. how ever, we w ill do G e n a ra l proud to stoop to th e v a n ity th a t is m om en tly ^
ble in all of bis ways that the same cause will produce the
High Heaven* dictate*; we*hall never be eatisfied uatil But whether it be a divine revelation from God, or the S m ith th e ju stico to state, th a t w e th in k m s finan­ jn g o f tu o C o - ; z z i too
same effects the wide world over—that if power attended bright scintillations of a natural jenios, giving birth to new cial doctrines m ore souna, h is v ie w s m ore honest, to a c t th e h y p o c rite to accu m u late w ealth, o r fru s­
righteousnsss shall flow down our atreets as a river.
the preaching 1800 years ago, the aame powg t will attend
Brethren this nomination is big with events, and it idea*, calculated to throw a floodof light into the human and h is schems more feasible, th a n th o se o f the tr a te th e e n d s an d aim s o f ; I feel i t m y
it now* or else God is not the same being, which it can­ h y p o crites a n d q u ac k s w ho , su p p o rted a great d u t y to b r in g fo rth th e tr u th , th a t th e m a n a n d
only remains for us all, to stand firm in this matter and mind.
not be. The fir*t idea that aeem* foremost is we shall suffer if it p a rty , h av e fleeced th e co u n try to the v e r y quick h is m easures, i f r ig h t m a y be s u s ta in e d ; an d i f
•how to the world that whatever we undertake we are
Again,we would have the minds of the people disabused subjugates the theory of other* we approve, overlooking and arc now eager to repeat th e application o f th e w rong, m a y be rebu k ed .
able to accomplish sooner or later.
respecting ourselves, that we are very far from being that We do not mean to say that Henry Clay, or any other the right* of others to prove all thing*, which if candidly shears. W i th o u t reference to m en, parties, o r prece­
kind of people which many have represented; for we ^mau is altogether unfit to bold the reigns of government weighed, can only work upon a right principle, but if op. T h e following passage calls v iv d ly to m in d dents, the p lan o f B anking,'suggested in m y ‘V iew s/
know, brethren, that .whenever they wish to represent we for we do really believe he posiessea a great deal of the posed by persecution, sympathy will gain it friends and it be­ Mr. C lay’s H a n o v e r speech, in w hich h e promised is assum ed u p o n th e all-comm anding, an d w orthi­
are a bad people, they will immediately go to work and of the wi*dora of thi* wsrld a* well a* the other candidates come notorious upon a false principle, bnt if allowed to hew a perfect m illenium to th e c o u n try , as soon as a ly considered o m n ip oten t p etitio n o f th o people,
epeak of imjuitie* of some ind^ 'duals in the church which
but our object is to have a man at the Head who shall see its own course, it can only gain an aacendancy according W h ig P re sd e n t should bo elected; and w h ether, a s a 4 fiscal agent,’ ‘ p re a t financier
we have proved false, time and again, and which amounts
tfiat tho hws are-*net»y adhered Uk That oppression to its merit*, but if .really, of worth to the family of man, ‘ The country will bo full-of money and cod Bdouce, when prophet, p riest o r kin g ,1 I a c t w isely an d r ig h te ­
to nothin? at any rate, if true, for they have good and bad persecution may injure, what time cannot repair. We a national bank of twenty millions, and a State bank in ev­ ously, so as to an sw er th e ir v irtu o u s p r a y e r s w ith­
►hall not be known in the land, the Litter BiysSaints have
amongst all societies. They never aasail our faith as it re­ need not go back to prophets and apostle*, the fate of a ery State, with a million or more, give n tone (an order of o u t fear, fav o r o r p a r ti a li ty ; and produce u n i o n ;
greatly suffered in consequence of thi*; and the innocent nationality) to roaney matters, and make a circulating me­
gards our doctrine, (or very seldom at any jate) knowing
blood of those who suffered, cries aloud from the ground, Columbus and others, but the nineteenth century furnishes dium a» valuable in the purses 0 ( 4 whole community as in giv e satisfaction t6 tw e n ty millions o f freemen,
it would be unsuccessful business for them, aa we take the us with events, which carte a shade not only over the his- the cofTers of a speculation banker or broker a , ra th e r th a n sp o rt w ith th e ir h o ly su p p licatio n s to
*nd as wa have layed our cause before the highest tribunal
Bible for the man of our council, and are dictated by the tory of despotic Europe, but the? United States, th* glory T h a p ro p h et is n o t o nly th q ro u g h ly im bued boost a few h u n g ry . o M t y , hyp ocritical d em a­
of the land for redress in vain It becomes ua os an op.
commandments therein contained; but how different with
oppressed and trodden down people to seek it in another of Republics, blushea to own what ba« perpetrated w ith financial doctrines o f th e C lay ran a -W eb ster gogues in to offi*o*» -ra m b le for th e ‘ loaves and
other denominations, they never think of proving their re- on her aoil, where in the event of ‘«me under sueh a glo­ school, b u t h e h a s c a u g h t th e v ery tone o f th e ir fish e s1— ■”'* m a tte r w h eth e r th e p m e is played
way by having such individuals at the head, who will be
ligion false by the conduct of their members, rious C onstitution^- -raiftind been sacrificed as in the “ eloquence," . (. i ;, . ‘ u p o n th e tables o f the living, o r th e coffins o f the
alive to the pleadings of humanity, who haa bowels of com-
f Let the pnblic Know and understand that we are perse- nawion for the oppreased of all, of every nation, (especially kU-j-ataraed soil of •fcroel Missouri, and that to satisfy T h e G en e ra l is .n o t a n adm irer o f law yers.— dead,— an d w h eth er I raise th e h o n o r and cred it
Fecuted fnr opinion sake,merely becsuse we believe in the of&ur own beloved Country) and our e w v w—gone to the weak minded prejudice, led on by unholy priests and pro­ 1 L ik e the G ood S am aritan ," he exclaimo. “ **rtd o f th e n atio n above th e little, p icay un e, cram ped,
whole ofthe scriptores,andthat in Republicsn Government V M - Anti kc wno watches over the destinies fessed potentates of heaven- Children deprived of parents, e v e ry la w y e r as soon as h« rep ents and obeys the* narrow m inded schem es o f th e dom in ant, u nd o m i­
which gearautee* to every man, the rigVita of c»a»c»rnce. of nations will rule and overrule, until all things shall be parents of children, houtes burned, women abused, their o rdinaaces o f H eav en, to preach th e gospel to the nant, an d w ould be d o m in an t p arties, cliques, knoU ,
religiously or politically ; but troth haa' nothing to fear, brought . -in t.!. . ^v- . u- * h»lnnrr-
e c U o n to fa.*, for Vengeance belong, to ^
! property destroyed or^ stolen, and banished from the state ; destitute, w ith o u t p urse or scrip, pou rin jr in th e an d fa c tio n s ; o r w hether, lik e th e venerable fa­
,hey had
although it may for a whileappear to be hid, yet it will me and 1 will repay, aaith the Lord. oil an d th e wine.” H o w i t m ust h av e deliehted thers, I la u n ch m y new s h ip in to th e g r e a t ocean
rise and soar above all opposeiion; for it a mercy to let despair accomplish the rest, and all be­ h is heart to le a rn th a t th e pious D aniel h a s lately o f existence, £ nd , like th em , lu c k ily b r in z relief
Therefor* let us stand erect in the great work which
••Truth crushed to earth will rise again cause they believed God bad raised up a prophet, and become an eloq u ent p r e a c h e r ! th o u g h we fear he to th e oppressed, is th e same, so lo n g a s th e peo­
lies before us, and?*how to all. that we are good citizens
The eternal years of God are hers. spake as in former times. does not “ re p e n t and obey th e ordinances o f the ple are ao n o red a s noble in th e ir p a trio tis m ; v ir­
of our beloved country, and wish to see all our law* re-
But error stricken writhes in pain O weak unthipking man, when onco thou art the inatru* g ospel” n o r is contented— n o t h e — to preach tu o u s in th e ir in te n tio n s ; an d a lm ig h ty i n th e ir
apeoted and made honorable. And again we would *ay to
And dies amid her worshippers.” ment of him, who would subjugate high heaven, and con: .^ w ith o u t p u rse o r scrip," h ow ever w illing to m a je s ty : vox populi— v o x D e i !
you brethren with all these who are friendly to us, come
caminate all good, who ia there, bat vainly *eeks ihy pity. “ p o u r in tn e o tl an d th e wine." B u t i t is extraneous, irre le v a n t an d k ic k shew ­
But brethren we are not surprised to thiok we are persecu- forward and asai*t ua, and the Lord who i* mighty to save
Shutout reflection, and what avails lawa divine or human, in g to co n nect me o r a n y p a r t o f m y * V iew s on
tad, for the scriptures teach us if we would live godly in will preserve you through msny troubles and at last crown W c cannot refra in from tre a tin g o u r read ers to
tho glorfoua structure framed by a thousand mind*, ia no the pow ers an d po licy o f the government,0 w ith
ChristJJesns we shall suffer persecution, and for that very the following glow ing passage, i n w hieh b u r friend
M r. C l a y ,M r . W ebster, M r. A dam s, M r. B e n to n ,
reason we meet the frowns of the world as well as we do, Joseph so eloquently describes th e defeat o f Mr.
first storm that happen* 5 and the plan laid out lo answer Mr. C afnoun, M r. V a n B u re n , o r a n y o f th e ir
for we uojerstood those tningsin the commencement; but a hall burst upon our delighted vision, when principalities, V an B uren . W e h av e re a d rtearlv all th e W h ig
centuriea of uumoleited peace, i* not *0 much regarded as galv an ic cronics,— w h a t h av e th e y d o n e to benefit
come what will, we have made up our minds to wage an thrones, and exaltion* *hall be yours. slang on this sam e s u b je c t; a n a wo h av e m et
a weak partyzans oration, the right of cpnscicnce i* not, tne peoplo? T h e sim ple an sw er is— n o th in g b u t
eternal warfare against vice with all its attendant evil#; it E x t r a c t from the minutee of a conference of the Elders w ith n o th in g to eq u a l th e gloom y g ra n d e u r of
every freeman fear* a foeman's b ate; look ot our siater d raw m oney fro m th e T re a s u ry . I t is entirely
matters not where we find it, whether it be in the lowest of the Church of Jesu* Christ of Latter Dav Saints, held at th is p ortentous p a r a g r a g h :
city, who the people honor and by.right elect, is not regard­ too late in the ag e o f th is R epublic, to clarify a
depths of degradation, of in a palace on easy cushion'd Military Hall, New York, April 3d and -1th, 1841. Elder 4 At the ag;e, then, of sixty years,' our blooming republic
ed, prejudice and bate show their fearful work. Bigotry began to decline, under the withering touch of Martin Van H a r r y o f tho west d e ify a D aniel o f the e a s t ;
chairs. Bat our bnsinese i*‘. to lay the truth, aa it is in
Wm. Smith in the chair. and enthusiasm have met to try their men and who knows Buren. Disappointed ambition, thirst for power, pride, quid ify a Q u in c y o f th e W higs, or b ig ify a B e n ­
Jesus btfore the people, and urge upon them to receive it
Eld. G. T. Leach aabmitted to the conference a propo­ where the fearful scene will end, and how oppo*ed ts this corruption, party spirit, faction, patronage, perquisites, ton o f tho d e m o c ra ts ; le av in g Mr. C a lh o u n and
in all of its simplicity, and not to say this or that great
rtion for publishing a weekly paper for the dispensation to the religion of Heaven, to the apirit of th* constitution, fame, tangling alliance*, priestcraft and spiritual wicked­ Mr. V an B u re n su c h fair sam ples o f bogus-demo-
blessing is done away with, nor no longer needed; and ness in high places, struck bands, and revelled in midnight
of our principle*, which wa* read by the clerk. to the impulse of every just and noble mind ; are we not splendor. Trouble vexation, perplexity and contention, cracy , th a t he th a t ru n s m a y read.
act aa though we felt interested for the welfare of their
The proposition wa* advocated by a large majority of j ^ ^ children of one great Parent, born with equal rights mingled with hope, fear and murmuring, rumbled through A s th e beau tifu l excellence o f a C 7 h ea d *03
eoul* and we mean through thie paper to have “ the grest
elder* present, and Eld. Wm.- Smith *poke, at length, in • 0fbought, andshould notour chief aim be to benefit each the Union, andt agitated . the
.. .. wholo. nation,
. . as ,would . an m a y b e a d esid eratum only rem edied by th e 4E x -
cause of humanity plead not in vain aod we have
favor of the proposition, and on motion, Resolved. That ol|,cr| «> this end let reason aod the light of uuth shake
great rea?on to expect that glorioua and beneficial results
the proposition be accepted. Resolved. That a committee | oul our courw# with an eye to each other* rights; if we hopes of better time*, while jealouey hypocritical preten 1exh ib it his w isdom b y his lib erality to the u n f o r ­
which will grow out of this. Discussion* will be4held from
of fWe be appointed to carry into effect the proposition, j Relieve we are right, lei ua persuade, but nothing force •ions, aad pompous ambition were luxuriating bn the ill tun ate am on g m e g as a td k e n .o f i ' ~
time to time, upon the most vital interests of humanity, the u n b o u n d e d l y p a r ty lines, unfettered b y chain-
Whereupon:—Elder* Wright, G. T. Leach, Mile*,;
distinction between right and wrong clearly brought out, J. Leach and Prie*t Brocklebank were appointed. 0
we, as a people, deaire ouly to urge our view* in righteoua- a•, tornado, *------ andj — swept through the
r . ------• Vu land,
Y till* General
J > Har caoiecable opinions, an ud uun n iram
tram m en ea d
elled b y cast-iron
§0 that'men can throw themselves back upon principlea and
W. H. MILES, Clerk. ; ne83> not build ouraelvea upon another* ruins, but wiah the ™ th e PrP' ’“ ,m °Dg " rm‘C' 0U f°r be,t" rules. tho noble pro ject o f le ttio g the
abandon false institution for eternal ideas. We hope the
Brethen will aee the great necessity of acting in unison [CT Thf p u t week has been a cold dreiry one. Bui people to read, hear, and understand for themselve*; read A fter this, w on't M r. B otte give w ay, an d l e t ! p a w n e r* go free b y p etitio n ? I t is sanctioned
for you can all see that the •• Prophet,” conductedin a those dark poientiou, cloud*, and thundering of ihe anil-1<■« P»P" for an under.iandinK of our theory, compare it G eneral S m ith be th e W h ig cand idate for t h e 1 hY a n c .e n tc u s to m ; i t i s th e counsel o f .G od, and
1 . • II with .the
All. ..I innml»a
and unit m artin**
if our nrf und practices are
right manner, can actually preach more to the people lery of the vaulted heavens, arc but messengers of health. Vico P re sid en c y ? B u t let us finish the picture : I wl uuldLbc tho, onl.y visible te st.m o n y to th e world
Man—contemptible man—if thou would’6t kr.ow thy insig- j not consistent thereto, turn away from them aa being evil. * r ! th at thi« realm is w h at i t professes to be. a Go-
than a host of elders in any other way, for n periodical has •The goodjroindita before he kid the opporianiiy of »p- j v erm ent 0f L ib e rty ! H ea v en , ea rth , aim hell
many advantageaover Books,1,or Pamphlets in many respect nificance in the great immensity of space. We only aek an investigation by the light of reason and plying one balm to ease the pain of our gtoanmg country ; 1, . , .. .• • - i *
All that is wanting, is to feel a lively inercst in this great divine truth and trust mankind will arrive at one conclu* aad 1 am willing the n.tioa .hould be j«dge, whether Gen-' know tflat th e p en iten tiarie s o f th e several States
(0* As it has been said, and thai, truly too, that ad* I sion, that we have been misrepresented. And, I trust, eral Harrison, in his exalted station, upon the eve of hia j are a d isg race to th o u n it e d States, an d a stink
work, and as the expens* is but trifling, to contribute as
vertieing is the bone.sincw and life’s blood ot a Kewnpaper, cjowjy cxam;ni0g our principles by the sacred writings, it entrance into a world of spirit*, toltf the truth or not;: in tho n ostrils o f th e A lm igh ty. A n d the co u n ty
far as you possibly can, and you ehall be rewarded ten
we hope that our friends will not be backward in present*1 fOUO(^ despised and persecuted Joseph Smith, with acting.President Tyler’s three year* plerperxity and ; an d c'l ty prisons are still worse. U n fo rtu n a te
TwTu 15 7 C!ir !».hnr» of love. pseudo.whig-democratte reign, to heal the breeches, or I . __ j * _• A *
.ni? us with their favors, has brought forth truth* light, and intelligence, which will ihow the wound.. ..cundum artun, (according to a r t . ) - “ e n - ®n d 1,1 n. ' ne “ ses 0Ut o f , t,en; mnOCWJt, aro
Let us be up and doing an*! the Lord will blese you, for i
We return our sincere and hearty than ks to tiiowr eiauu :!;c rcmtiny of the learned, and the test of all theo- Snfctquent event, all things considered Van Buren1* down* h u rled in to p n s o n by corru p ted Judges, suborned
faith without works is dead, being alone, and if it would fa!!. Hsrrison*« exit, and Tvler** self sufficient u r n of the j witnesses, or u ng o d ly m en who gamble them selves
gentlemen in the country and adjoining cities fopthe lively riea, the sacred scriptures.
gladden your hearts to aee our movements prosper in the Yours respectively. I whole gojto *how, as a Chaldean might ciclaimi Errut* . j nt0 Conerew*, in to Legislature* in** court* in to
great work of a worlds salvation, contribute, contribute; interest they are taking in our behalf in forwarding us j J. B. M.
and although but a small beginning, we cannot tell whai names,’that are to be inscribed and enrolled upon the sub- I f t i a a s, : r - ,c s i id as m n sth e ir: triendg e *an d »fellow. beings ' to« *prison,
'* ■ » •
glorioua results may flow from it. acription list of the Prophet. \ Mr. KorroH.—As the object of 14 The Prophet ” pro* I Joseph .is u n qu estion ably a great sch olar as well w retchedness an d r u in . A n d in nin et an‘d njne
It is our aim to prepare the minds of the people, for These refreshing showere aad cooling zephers, in J feesee to be the dissemination of the principles of truth, as financier. C an n o t M r. C la y p e r v a d e th e case3 o u t o f „ h .lndred th e prison ers are treated
great and mighty things which shall speedily Come upon v.curate the mind, and bracc. up our mortal coil.—let • reapecifolljr eolicit answer* in yourtecond num berto the G c n w a l t o a c c o r n p a n y h im i o n h i s e l e c t i o n e e r i n g , m e a n e r t h a n d h a l f s t a r e d to p u t m o n e y in -
t he nation's of the earth, and we want our skirt* dear ihe grumbler, bear mind—and that nothingg is more following Qaesiiune, which may throw tome light upon the . t0Ur ? W i th P oin dex ter, P re n tiss, tho B ear, th e . .1 o f ancrulatom • (VH , L n n n w L k
from the blood of this generation by making such known conducive to healih.than a change of air and scenery. ; .uhj ; ct which ha. M r bean d.acu^ed in, v i z , - | B orer, Job S m ith , and a few o th e r q u a d ru p e d s to ; £ ‘^ v l ' o n s Z o t
unto them ; so that the judgment of God may uot overtake "Gan there be a Chorch wi hout «B..hop. , complete h is m enagerie, he could no t fail to con- murde!red w ilh im pu^ it L ook a t th e beastly
We would say unto our wnie.full correspondent,
them, as thief in ihe night; for it will be in vain for us to ’t- Can the Church of Je.u., )yjnee th e m oral and enlightened people of the j condlIct 0f • • • • to the female in A u b u r n S tate
cry peace, when there is no peace. Therefore all ili.ngs hat h .. c u e du ll be heard, a, it wa, one of the Hr., o " . Ap091V „ , 'p fophet,, l!i»hoP.. nod all othe'rofT.een which! U nUed S u ^ ^ ^ h e neces^ty'"of a n S a l b a n k ' , I Cp0“ l Ct N V ’ i W m
constituted her government in r.neient daye. m a n was w hipped
relative to the signs of the.times, you may expect to see our oc el. _________ _____________________________________________________ ; constituted her government in r.neient days. and o f th e ir d u ty to m ake h im President.
to d eath , n o t long since, in A lto n P e n ite n tia ry ,
chronicled with suitable remarks from time lo time, for we | {*>. Travelling elder* ararequested to act as agents (or 1 Second. If not, has there not been a complete diwrgani Before» we wo close, we h av e a few suggestions to j Illinois, and it is not u ncom m non to lacerate w ith
sincerely believe the end draweth nigh, when the earth j the 44 Prophe!,*4 und receipt lor all monice, ar»d forward the : nation of the Church 1 m a k e . V 0 Pr0 P°se« then, th a t Jo e S m ith ( Mr. J the ‘ rope’s end ’ th irty m en a t once, in tho p arish
ehall reel to and fro as a drunken nun, when commotion same aa soon as convenient. j Third. Aud if the Church h;s been disorganized, when j Biddle being em g o u t o f the w ay ) be m ade p re s id e n t.; prison s o f New Orleans, so t h a t th e voice o f rea-
shall be known from oue end of the earth to the other, “ ! did it take place 1 and what w sthe cause I and G eorge I oindexter cashier, of th e new W h i g ; 8on now cries from the v a s t n u m b e r of priso ns a n d
fe,- Elder John Hardy U our c n e n l aB. nt a. Boston wht>, w„ ,hf pow ;f inyf8|(.d the
when me** faces shall was pale atthc fearful scene* which Apostles | natio n al bank th a t is not to be : th a t the m other the m u ltip ly in g n u m b er o f prisoners in th e U ni-
ihoae w itbing te jg U e rib e for t h e ",1 m .hat c.ty by Jf iu s c h t ; , ( , for „.|lgI p„ puje givea , anJ h(>w
they fchall behold, notwithstanding it may be contrary to «ow long: b a n k b e established at N au v o o , w ith branches ted S tates for relief; and the d ea th like groans
or vicinity will please forward tluir nanr^ to him. to continue 1
their precent opinions, that many marvellous things are in ov.exi. , creatio,! : thftt llxet honorable Mr. from cells, bastiles, castles; and cursed holes
the future, they will also find that miracles have notceasedi CO- Thomas S .Woodbury, ia our authorized Agent in | You will oblige a correspondent, by answering the above ! Mitchell bo appointed counsel, and th a t Mr. *th r o u g h o u t th e whole e a rth 7 is ascen d in g u p into
er, that before the winding up scene, that mighty Philadelphia. . j questions and if satisfactorily aud io accordance with Seri p | W ebster h av e unlim ited pow er to draw , w ith the ears o f the L o rd o f S abaoth to be av en g ed o f
H e th e n resided iu H arm o n y , S u sq ueh an n a c o u n - ! w ithout legal licences, o r ^ v ith 1-gal licenses KENTUCKY
«ueh cruelty. A n d when gi**t meq, in high pla fall in h is way ■ and I am astonished th a t so little _ , % » I • . ' * . ' * ■ * < 1 * 1 1 - — ^ 1 — .J —~ t ...k a l i D V H a a t~ ~ .» ' -
M is know n abroad concerning him. ty, Pa. O n M onday M ti WrUna
c*i, h i a Governor Reynold* shoot out h a own a rra n g in g some business
V an B u ren was m y favorite, and I was aston­ Horace B. Owena
iinj with • rifl*; or g»M upon the ha roc made and on 'I uesday th e 7th J Holtwo- k
the burtting o f ■ »great e o n ’ among the ‘ Ex- ished to see Geo. S m ith’s nam e as a co m p e tito r; H'raia W . Mikeaell
b u t since ray late acquaintance, ^Jr. V a n Buren book o f Mormon. T h ese were day
iutives' o f the nation, then Know ye, the honr of . . * G a m a W Miacscli
can n ever re-seat him self in the presidential chnir forgotten— to ait under the sound o f a voice d ic­ ernm ent autho rities. wKo- sh all deal with the Ufct.J**n H K-id
ta te d V y tb e irtfptrn it o n 'o f he£ven 7 a w a k i ncd"the according to tS* Jiw a -te& ifa g To d e t e r le r t a n d j Wm
on m y vote, whiUuGen. S m ith is i n th e field; TENNESSEE.
form ing m y opinions alone on th e t a l e n t s of utm ost g ratitu d e o f this b o som ! D ay after day vagrants, even w hen th e ir form er places ot resi-.J Alfred 8*11
V w here ‘ these tro th * a re held #elf e v id e n t’ I continued, u nin terru p te d , to wrjte from h is dence and the parishes to w hich tf.ey b e l o n g .r e Arm»te«d
5 at A L L m en are created e q u a l; and endowed
the t w o ; and from w hat I h ave s e e n , I h ave A ccording to these laws, th e y shall, be W u / '. uW. / iRiley
> :i —
no reason to doubt, b u t G en. S m ith’s i n t b o i u t y m outh, as ho translated, with th e U «im and known. ---------- - . Da*id’P. Rainey
th e ir C rea to r w ith certain unalienable right®: TntMMiM, or, as the N ep h ites would have said, employed in the m ilitary service ^ in case th e y Amo* Davi* Jamrs Holt
am o ne these a re life, L I B E R T Y , and the is equ al to a n y oth er in d iv id u a l; and I am satis­ Likens T. Coons Warren Smith
fied he cannot easily be m ade th e p lia n t tool of “ Interpreters,” th e history, or record, called are u n fit for it, be placed in w h a t are caned the Jackson Smith John J . Sssaetl
it o f h ap p in ess: b n t a t the sam e tim o, in ‘l T h e book o f M orm on.” penal companies, ii the la tte r shall desire i t IF
any political, party. I tak e h im to be a m a n who Wm. P. Vance Joaeph Yoanger
face o f th ese tru th s, sla v ery is tolerated by T o notice, i n even few words, th e in teresting th e y are n o t fit for h ard la b o r in public w orks, H. D. Buyj George W. Langley
: im prisonm ent is tolerated b y law m ur stand s fa r aloof from little ca u cu s quiblings
and squablings, while nations, governm ents, and account 6ivcn b y M orm on, and h is faithful son th e y shall be sent w ith th e ir w ives to se ttle in Al'red D. Young Oeorgr Penn
is threatened b y law : an d o ver fiftS K thou- J. J. Casuteel Henry B. Jicoh*
realms, are wielded in h is h a n d as fam iliarly as M oroni, o f a people once beloved and favored of Siberia.” ________^ ^ Joaeph A. Kelting John L. Fullmer
‘ free citizens a re exiled from one heaven, would supercede m y present design: I
th e to p and hoop i n th e h an d s o f th e ir little mas- TH E PAPACY AND THE GREAT POWERS. Jonathan Hampton Joaeph Mount
i,er— an d th e G en era! G o v ern m en t b a F n o
shall therefbre defer th is to a tu tu re period, and ALABAMA.
rer, (according to th e opinions o f V a n B u ren t e n * , . . , T h e T a b le t, a C atholic new spaper, take* *
as I said in th e introduction, pass m ore directly Oeorgo W , Brandon
B en to n ) to redress the w ro n g. O , Q ueen F re e from all big o try an d superstition, h e dives eloom v view o f th e present sta ta o f th e P a p a l do- Benjamin Clspp in
in to e v e ry subject, an d i t seems a s th o u g h the to some few incidents im m ediately connected witfc • • *"J ‘l * J ---------th re a te n them Lorenzo D. Buder Thomas J. Brandon
rictoria, an d ye. L o rd s a n d com m ons o f G re at MISSISSIPPI.
ritian, w h a t th in k y e o f a R epublican G overn- world was n o t large enough to satisfy h is capa-
I it? an d how d o y o u -imagine y o u r d a u g h te r c io u i soul, and from h is conversation, one m ig h t
come ou t in h e r attem p t a t equal righ ts and suppose h im as well acq u ain ted w ith other worlds
lk "some
am id th e 6 ™ » f MwW . ,h " • -
em peror is S S T S “as J 2 , e - — . ------------
j e John B- Walker
Daniel Tyler
hypocrites, and em braced th e gospel o f C h r is t LOUISIANA.
in rig h teo u sn ess? P sjia w ! (will th e y as tnis. o f th e north,” and from whose rule, w han once i t J. B. Bosworth let John Kelly \
8 o fa r as I can discover, G en. S m ith is th e N o m en in th e ir sober senses, could translate
er,) y o u r coffers are ro b b ed ‘w ith im p u n ity ; includes Italy, li* predicted li a h id e o u s p ersecu­ Wra. Ntlaon George Pew \
an d w rite th e dirdhtions g iv e n to th e N ephites,
citizens are mtobbed, an d d riv en lik e chaff n atio n ’s m an, and th a t th e m an who will exalt th e tio n an d calam ity, such as th e C h u rc h h a s n ev e r Henry H. Wilson Lorenzo Moore \
from th e m o u th o f the S av io u r, o f the precise
th e th re sh in g floor, and th e governm ent, natio n i f th e people will give h im the o p portuni­ y e t h ard ly witnessed.” T h e other enem ies o f the ARKANSAS,
m ann er in w hich m en should build u p his church,
lied b y a set o f m o n ey g a m b lin g chicken ty ; an d all p arties will find a friend i n him, as P a p a l see, beside* it* own in su rg en t subjects, are Andrew A, Timmons Darwin Chase
and especially, w hen co rru p tio n h a d spread an Nathaniel Levitt
„d, public fed cowards, ca n n o t red ress y o u ! far as rights is concerned. said to be E n g la n d an d F rance, and th e follow­ John A. Mclntoih
th e-reig n in g sovereigns o f E u ro p e , Africa,. G en . S m ith’s m ovem ents are perfectfully anom ­ u n c e rta ih ty ’over all forms and system s practised i n g is a su m m ary ac co u n t o f its alleged position OHIO.
I Asia, w n at th e y th in k o f th e boasted R e p u b ' alo u s, in th e estim ation o f the public. All am ong men, w ithout desiring a privilege o f show ­ a t th« p resen t m o m e n t u Besides, th en , th e lo­ LoreezoSnow 1st L. O. Littlefield
in g th e w illingness o f the h e a rt b y b ein g bu ried John M. Powers
in A m e r ic a ! an d w ill th e y n o t la u g h in tho o th e r e r e a t m en h av e been considered wise in cal an d social convulsions o f I ta ly , we have Lester Brocks 2nd Milo Andrna
draw in g around th e m wise m e n ; b u t . I have in th e liq u id grave, to answ er a “ good conscience Alfred Brown
o f ihe whole world, an d ta u n t th e U n ite d h a n g in g o v er th e H o ly See— first, th e arm ed John J. Riser John Lovelace
b y th e ressurrestion o f Je su s C h r is t
b y exclaim ing: A h ! h a h ! a h ! h a h ! I f freq uen tly h ea rd th e G en eral called a fool be­ P rotecto rate o f T u s tr ia j secondly, th e efiort* o f Jamea Carroll Wm H. Folsom
A f t e r V j i t i n g th e account -given o f th e S a
re is a n y pow er in a R ep ub lican G overnm ent, cause h e h a s gath ered th e w isest o f m en to hrs John Cooper Loren Babitt
minig.rV * t b . of U» - d Simeon Carter Elijah Newman
a real case o f necessity, y o u h av e failed to find cabinet, w ho d irect h is m ovem ents; but this Milton Scow ^
Jacob, u p o n this co ntinen t, i t was easily to be John Nichols
m en to exercise i t P a r t y sp irit cu ts th e cords subject is too ridiculous to dwell u p o n ; suffice a n t docum ents ; th ird ly , th e endeavors o f E n g David Jones , Edson Barney
seen, as th e p ro p h e t said w ould be, th a t darkness
u n i o n ; p atro n ag e veils th e face o f ju stic e , and it to sa y , so fa r as I h ave seen, he h as wise men land to cajole the P o p e in to p u ttin g th e screw Nathaniel Childa Hiram Dayton
covered th e e a r th an d g ross d ark n ess th e m inds
ib e rv closes th e lips o f h o no r, an d w h en th e a t hi* sid e ; superlativ ely wise and m ore capable (spiritual) u p o n h is too ard e n t subjects in I re la n d ; Jesae Johnson Ljadander Dayton
k e d rule th e people m ourn. o f m a n ag in g the affairs o f a state, th a n m ost men o f th e people. O n reflecting fu rth e r, i t was as a n d fo u rth ly , endeavors o f F ra n c e to secure the John A Casper Jacob Moiria
now engaged th e re in ; w hich J consider m uch to easily to be seen, th a t am id th e g reat strife and Joaeph Rose Ezar Strong
P erhitj it m a y be said, th e go vernm en t h as sam e ad v a n ta g e ag a in st th e C atho lic su bject of Wm. Brothers J . M Emmett
noise con cern in g religion, none h a d a u th o rity
n adequate to th e calls o f j u s t i c e ; an d I an- h is credit, th o u g h I would by no m eans speak th a t kingdom . T h e Poj>e, anab le to uphold Jared Porter Allen Tijley
from G o d to adm inister the ordinances o f the
flwer, i f i t h as, i t w a s because th e officer* in a u ­ d im in u tiv e ly o f m y old friends. h is tem poral dom inion w ith o u t A u s tria n b a y ­ John W. Roberta Phinehaa H. Young
th o r ity considered th e ir honor a n d the rig ht* o f F ro m -m y b rie f acquaintance, I consider G en. gospel. F o r , th e question m ig h t b e asked, have onets, an d th e th te e m ost pow erful cabinets Wm. Basion S. P . Hutchins
S m ith , independent of his p ec u lia r religious views, m en a u th o rity to adm inister i n ' t h e nam e o f Goorgc C. Riser Joseph H Foster
th e people, p ara m o u n t, to p atro n a g e p e lf an d p o p u ­ " * ^ and force to Nathan T. Porter
(in w hich b y th e b y , I have discovered n eith er S ri8r S ; V v 7 a = w hen i n s testimd- o f E ™ . Clark R«*wia
la r ity ! wer B. W. Wilson Ezra Vincent.
v a n ity or folly,) the sine-qua-non o f th e age to n y is no less tlfan th e sp irit o f p rop h ecy ? an d compel h .s rfol.ness to abuse ..
T h * ; * e ro p atrio ts w ho carried o u t th e poets’ A. W . Condit
o u r nation’s prosperity. H e has learned th e all h!s religion based, b uilt, an d sustained b y imme- to i k M M ^ 7 * ] c^ UC'‘ ‘
explanation o f t r u e greatness:— IN D IA N A .
" A wit’s a feather, an d a c h i e f s a rod,; im p o rtan t lesson, “ to profit by th e experience of diato revelations in all ages *
o f th e worfd, w hen ly, the h a n d o f G o d h a s w r n e d U»e C h u rc h
................... - th ro u g h as g rea t d an g ers as th e present, and h as A m assa L y m a n 1st
h e has h a d a people on e a r th ? I f these facta U r b a n S tew art
B u t an h<&est man’s th e noblest w o rk o f Gt>d.” those w h o have gone before, so th a t, in sho rt prom ised to c a rry h e r th i* » g h all dangers ; o th e r­ G e o rg e P . D y k e s 2nd W a s h in g to n rL em on
G en. S m ith begins w here o th e r men leave off. were buried, and ca refu lly concealed b y m en
I t is. a id th a t “ o u t o f th e ab un dan ce o f th e
whose craft would have been in danger, i f once wise we would s a y th a t th is w as n o v e r y pleas­ A. L L am oreau x E d w a r d C arlin
h e a r t tt£e m ou th speaketh,” an d w hen m e n are I a m aw are this will ap p e ar a bold assertion a n t prospect.” C h a rles H o pk in s L o re n z o Y o u n g
sailed “ quad ru p ed s,” an d ridicule occupies th e to some, b u t I would sa y to such, call and form perm itted to shine in th e faces o f men, th e y were
F . M. E d w a id s W m . Snow
reason, an d th e v irtu e , d ig n ity , h on o r, y o u r acquaintance ; as I have done, then ju d g e. no longer to u s ; an d w e only waited for th e com­ From the Nauvoo T,m*a and Statons.
S alm on W a r n e r N a th a n T anner
T h u i , sir, y o u h a v e a few leading items o f my m an d m en t to b e given, “ A rise and be baptised.” * S P E C IA L C O N F E R E N C E .
a n d m ajesty o f tfie people seem s to be F ra n k lin D. R ic h a rd s W m . M a rt indale
T h is was not lo n g deaired before i t was realized.
in r u b b is h ; covered w ith d u s t ; m ildew ed view s o f G en . Sm ith, form ed' from personal ac­ The following » a lut of the eldf ra who arc appointed Samuel W . R ic h a rd s H e n r y E llio tt
T h o L ord, w ho was rich in m ercy, and ever will­
w ith fo g ; tain ted w ith tr e a c h e r y ; bu rlesq u ed by quaintance, w h ich y o u are a t lib e rty to dispose to the several atatea, together with their appointments.— Jo h n M aekly A aron F a r r
in g to an sw er th e consistent p ra y e r o f th e humble,
black gu ard s; o r hum bled b y d eb a u ch e es; i t is o f as y o u th in k proper. I an ticip ate th e plea­ Those who are numbered with tha figarea 1 and 2, will Jam es N ew b e rry J o h n Jones
a fte r we h a d called u p o n h im i n a ferv en t m an­
fo r h u m a n ity to e x c la im : “ how h a s the su re o f ren ew in g m y acquaintance w ith y o u r citi- lake Ihe presidency of the several states to which they are A b ra h am P alm er F r e d e r ic k O tt
ner, aside from th e abodes o f m en, condescended
me dim , an d w here h a s th e g lo ry de* xens a t a f u tu re day.
ours, RcspcctfuH y, A to mnn»fV»ot tt> tin h in will. O n A aiiddan. na from appointed. John O . Sm ith
_ _ A TRAVELLER. th e m id st o f etern ity , th e voice o f th e R edeem er M IC H IG A N .
1,0t T b ’only suggestion w o r t h y , ' eom m m dadon Joaiah Butterfield 1st Jonathan H. Halo
relative to a N - t l o n t f B a n k , in Mr. B la ir ’* re­ sp a k e peace to us, while th e v a il was p arte d and Ellr.dgc Tofu 2d Henry Hemman C. C. R ic h 1st D a v id S avage
m arks; is, th a t th o m o th er b a n k should be located As the important particulara, and incidents, connec­ th e a n e e l o f G o d c a n ^ d o w n clothed w ith glory, Sylveater B. Stoddard John Moon H a r v e y G r e e n 2nd I. V a n D euzen
a t Nauvoo. ted with the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, have and delivered th e an xiously looked for message, NEW HAMPSHIRE. T h o m a s D un n G ra h a m C o ltrin
T h i s is correct, for N a u v o o as a c ity , collec­ ever been, and are now, subjecta of enquiry, we shall in­ and the k e y s o f th e gospel o f repentance 1 W h a t Willard Saow 1st Harley Morey R. D. S prague Sam uel P a r k e r
tiv e ly o r in d iv idu ally, cannot b e repro acL ed w ith sert, for the benefit of those who are not acquainted with j o y ! w h at w onder! w h at am azem ent! W h ile Howard Scan 2nd David Clongh
Calvin Reea
Joseph C u rtis • Jerem iah C u rtis
dishonor, crim e, co rru p tio n o r bribery.^ N eith er the coming forth of ihe above named work, one of the fol­ the w orld were racked an d distracted— while AJyin Coolejr Chillon Mack Z ebedee C oltrin C h a rles W . H u b b a rd
h a s a S w a rtw o u t o t P ric e m ingled h i s millions lowing letters, each week until all are published, millions were g ro p in g as tho blind fo r the wall, John S T e w lease Barton R e u ben W . S tro n g S tep h en D. W illa rd
Charles \ Adams
w ith th e m a jesty o f m onarch* b y w a lk in g o u t o f O. COWDERY’S LETTERS TO W. W. PHELPS. an d while all m en were re stin g u p o n u n ce rtain ty , Peihnel Miller Israel Barlow L e v i N . K en d all W m . G rib b la ,
i h e unw alled and u n g a te d N au v oo . T h e blood as a general mass, o u r eyes beheld— o u r ears Abiaham D. Boynton W m . S avage
v ., LETTER I.
o f Com m odores a n d C ongress m e n , shed By heard. * A s in th e **blaze o f d a y ; ” yes, m ore— MASSACHUSETTS.
N o rto n , M e d in a Co., O aio Sabbath evening, / IL L IN O IS .
t h e heaven-daring, hell-begotten, e a rth -d isg ra cin g September, 7, 1834 above th e g litte r o f th e M a y S u n beam, w hich Daniel Spencer l«t George Lloyd
th e n fihed its brilliancy o v e r th e face o f n a t u r e ! Wilton F Bartlett Orlando D. Hovey E lis h a H . G ro v e s 1st J o h n Vance
paactice o f duelling, h as n ev e r stain ed t h e v irtu o u s D e a r B r o t h e r — Before le av in g home, I pro­ D-iniel I^v-land Nathaniel A*hby M orris P helps 2 n d S am uel M u llin er
soil or c ity o f N auv o o. N o r does a slave raise mised, i f I ta rrie d long, to w r i te ; and while a few T h e n his voice, though mild, pierced, to th e cen­ Joaeph J Woodbury Sanuel P. Hojri
ter, and h is words, u l am th y fellow-servant,” E . R S w ack h am m er Jo h n G ould
h is ru stin g fetters and chains, an d exclaim . 0 m om ents are now allowed m e for reflection, aside Wm. H. Woodbury Daniel W. Gardner
lib erty , w here a re thy# ch arm s? :i tV isdom , from th e cares an d com m on conversation o f m y dispelled e v o » f e a r . W e listened — we gazed— John R. Blanchard H . O m ite a d \ n . i . n * Zen09 H G u r,«y
freedoto, religion, an d virtu e , like lig h t, love, friends in th is -place, I h av e th o u g h t th a t were I w» we admiredi » ,rrw a a th e voice o f th e angel from RHODE ISLAND. H W . B a rn e s \ U alcn* Jefferson H u n t
„ A Vr° ' CB ” t n » a n ge‘ ,r o « J . L B u rn h a m
ter, an d air, 11 spread undivided, aa d 'o p erate to com m unicate th e m to y o u, m ig h t, p e r h a p * i f U j William Seabury 1st Thomaa McTaggart H ira m M ott
we ‘heard w0 r L ice~ whi1e D a v id C andland D av id J K e r s h n e r
at,” i n th e beloved c ity o f N a u v o o ; while Kelvin Wilbur
th e y should n o t prove .sp ec ially !k indled u p o n o u r souls, and we were w ra p t in CONNECTICUT. W . A. D u n ca n N a th a n ie l L ev e tt
e gay World, and* g re a t politicians m a y sing,— yourself, b y confirm ing y o u in tlie faith o f th e , vigion^ f the A lm ig h ty ! W h e re was room
E .H . Davis 1st A . So arks W m . O. C lark J o h n Law rence
an d even th e 44 g re a t G lobe ” itself m a y chim e gospel, a t least U i n t e r u t i n g , U h as pleased ; ^ £ ncertaiD t had fled
VERMONT. ~ ------------ B a th rick N a th a n A , W est]
th e melodious s o u n d s : - ^ o u r h eav en ly F a th e r to call u s both to rejoice in , . . v ., L evi Jackm an
Erauatna Snow 1st Warren 8now P h illip H. B u z z a rd
Hail Columbia, ufret and eq*at”— the sam e hope o f etern al life. A n d b y g i v i n g : do“ bj ^ ’ Dominions Carter Z a c h a ria h H a r d y A bel L a m b
th e m p u b licity , some th o u san d s w ho h a v e emK | an d deception had fled fo rev er I William lde
Lo, the stints, the Mormons, blsss ye I ) Denman Cornish Levi Hancock J o h n H am m on d H o w a rd C o rey
Felt thy glory most severely. braced th e sam e covonant, m a y learn som eth in g B u t, d e a r b ro th e r th in k fu rth e r, th in k for a J«-remiah Hatch Alfred Cordon G eo rg e W . H ick arson S tep h e n M a rk h a m
When Missouri gave thcra j m t. m ore p articu lar u p o n th e rise o f th is ch urch, in mom ent, w h at j o y filled o u r h ea rts an d w ith w hat Martin Titus Cbariea Snow
Jamea Snow D aniel Allen L ev i S tew art
th is last time. A n d w hile th e g r a y ev e n in g is su rp rise we m ust h av e bowed, (for w ho would not William Haight
Hail Colambit, “ f r u wed equal ' A. M. Harding D a v id J u d a h Ja m es G ra h a m
fast ch a n g in g in to a settled darkness, m y h e a r t h av e bowed th e k n ee for such a blessing?) w hen John D. Cbae* Isaac Houston
Negro slave*, like common cattle. we received u n d er his h a n d th e h o ly priesthood, Jotiah H. Perry T h o m a s D obson T im o th y S. H o y t
responds w ith the h a p p y millions w ho are in th e Amoa Hodges} Ja m es N elson D u n c a n M c A r th u r
Bought and sold for cash at taction ;
presence o f tho L a m b , and are p a s t th e pow er of as he said, U u p o n y o u m y fellow servants, in the NEW YORK.
Prayers snd chains together rattle I D a v id Lew is
tem ptatio n, in re n d e rin g th ank s, th o u g h feebly, nam e o f M essiah I confer th is priesthood an d this Charles Wandell 1st Wm. Newland
Hail Colnmbis, " free and equal 5 t<f th e sam e P a r e n t. au th o rity , w hich shall rem a in u p o n ea rth , th a t Marcellas Batea 2nd Allen Wait M I S S O U R I.
" Oolo and silver ” is thy '“ leads? A n o th e r d a y h a s passed, in to th a t, to u s, b o u n d ­ the sons o f L e v i m a y y e t offer a n offering u n to Truman Gilleu Wra. H. Parshall A nd rew H . P e r k in s IstW illia m C o rey
\f a Treasury notes, (aside from Biddle,) - A A. Faroham G. H. Wheelock
less ocean, e t e r n i t y 1 w here n ea rly six thousand th e L o rd in righteousness Timothy B. Foot J o h n L o w ry 2 n d O. M. A llen
Foreign loans, and fallen splendor! Edmund Ellsworth
y e a rs h a v a gone b e fo re ; a n d w h at flits across the I shall n o t attem p t to p a in t to y o u th e feelings Gregory Bentley George W. Fowler W illiam G . R u le W m . H . Jo rd a n .
A * th e “ world i* g o v ern ed to o m u c h ” and as m ind lik e a n electric shock is, th a t i t will ifever o f this heart, n o r tn e m ajestic b e a u ty an d glory Homer C Hoit Henry L. Cook
jhere i* n o t a n atio n o r d y n a s ty , now o ccu py in g re tu rn ? W h e th e r i t h as been well im proved or w hich su rrou nd ed u s o n t h i s o ccasio n ; b u t you Isaac Chase Wm. W. Dryer W IS C O N S IN T E R R IT O R Y
th e ea rth , w hich acknowledge* A lm ig h ty Crod as n o t; w h e th e r th e principles em an ating from him will believe m e w h en I say, n o r men, w ith th e Simeon A. Dunn Elijah Reed S. H . B rig g s
Solon Foster
th e ir law giver. A n d a* “ crow ns w on b y blood, w ho 11 hallow ed” it, h av e been o b s e rv e d ; o r eloquence o f tim e, ca n n o t begin to clothe lan­ Daniel Shearer Hiram Bvnoett FREE.
Jsmes W. Phippin
b y blood m u s t be m aintained,” I go em phaticlly, w h e th e r, lik e th e com m on mass o f time, i t h as guage in as in terestin g an d sublim e a m a n n e r as Jsmes H. Van Natta Chandler Holbrook F . N ick e rso n 1st L . S. N ick e rso n .
v irtu o u sly , and h u m a n ely , for a T h b q -d v m o been ’needlessly spent, is not fo r me to sa y — one this h o ly personage. N o ; nor h as this earth Samuel P Bacon Lyman Hall A. C. N ickerso n
c r a c y , w here G o d an d th e people h old th e power t h i n g I can sa ^ — I t can n ev e r be recalled I— it pow er to give th e jo y , to bestow the peace, or Bradford Elliot Wm Fclshaw
Daniel Fliher
to co n d u c t th e affair* o f m en, in righteousness. h as ro lled in to assist in fillim g u p the space d e ­ com prehend th e wisdom w hich was contained in J R G. Phelps D. H. Redfield
T h o s e elders w ho a re n u m b e je d i n tho forego­
Joseph B. Noblo
A n d w here lib erty , free trade, and sailor’s rights, creed. in th e m in d o f its A u th o r, till n a tu re shall each sentence as th e y were delivered b y th e pow­ John Tanner Martin H. Tanner in g list, to presid e over tho different states, will
an d th e protection o f life an d p ro p e rty sh all be h a v e ceased h e r work, and t i m e its accustomed e r o f th e H o ly S p i r i t ! M an m a y deceive h is fel­ Thomas E. Fuller Gilbert D. Goldsmith ap p o in t conference in a l l p l a c e s in th e ir se v er­
m ain tain ed inviolate, for th e benefit o f A L L . re v o lu tio n s— w hen its L o rd shall h av e com pleted lo w , m a n ; deception, an d the- ch ild ren o f the O. Ms Duel • Charles Thompson
B. C. Ellsworth al states w here o p p o rtu n ity presents, and will at­
T o e x a lt m an k in d ia n o b ly a c tin g th e p a r t o f a tl ie g a th e rin g o f his elect, an d w ith th e m e n jo y wicked one m a y havo pow er to seduce the foolish Samuel White Archibald Bates
Wm. R. R Stowell tend A L L th e conferences, o r se n d experienced
to d eg rad e t h e m ,’is m ean ly d o in g the th a t S abbath w hich shall n ev e r e n d ! an d u n ta u g h t, till n a u g h t b u t fiction feeds th e Wm. D. Pratt David Pettegrew
r4T,n£i£e d ev il— U njtaJL. .lihflAw. Cfttltft&— « , Of* F rid a y , th e 5th. in com pany w ith our m any, an d the fru it o f falsehood carries in its Maroellus McKown Ellis Eamea and able elders— who will p reach th o tr u th in
Brother J o s e p h S m i t h , jr ., I left K T rtland lo r this c u r r e n t IBe g id d y to tho g ra v 6 ; b u t one touch Morace 3. craiMgo righteousness, and p rese n t before th e people
it h th e h ig h e st sen tim en ts o f reg a rd for all place (N e w P o rta g e,) to a tten d th e conference with th o finger o t his love, yes, one r a y o f glory NEW JERSEY. “ G en eral S m ith’s view s o f th e p o w er a n d policy
m en, I am a n advdcate for u n a d u lte ra te d freedom. p rev io u sly appointed. T o be perm itted, onco from tho up p er'w o rld , o r one from the m o u lh of Etra T. Bensoa 1st John Pack
o f th e G eneral G o v e r n m e n t a n d seek d ilig en t­
}p> J O S E P H S M IT H . more, to tra v e l w ith th is brother, occasions reflec- jth e Saviour, from th o bosom o f ete rn ity , strik e s PENNSYLVANIA.
: N au v o o , ID. A p ril 15, 1844. tions of no o rd in ary kind. M a n y h av e been th e i t a l l in to insignificance, a n d blots i t forever Bavid Yearsley 1st Wm. P. Mclntire ly to g et u p electors w ho w ill go for h im for th e
r . i.
fatigu » AM « « J
es and p riv «aA 4 t /\t % A m l . t . L
atio n s w hich Lh .av e 4*. fallen A» _
to m y jfro^ -------i m the l. .
m in• J I
d ! fTP hl e- assu _ ___ ______ .
ran ce th a t we were in ; Edson Whipple 2nd Jacob Zuadall p residency . A ll the elders will faith fu l in preach­
From tho Nauvoo Neighbor. Orin D. Farlin
lo t to endure, for tho gospel’s sake sin ce 1828, jth e presenco o f a n a n g e l; th e c e rta in ty t h a t w e ; Honry Mower in g th e gospel in its sim plicity, an d b eauty , in all
N auvoo M a n s io n , M arch , 1S14. w ith th is brother. O u r road h a s fre q u en tly been . h ea rd tho voico o f Jesus, an d th e tr u th uusullied ^G. W. Crouae °* George Chamberlain meekness, h u m ility , long suffering and p ra y e rfu l
M r . E d i t o r :— B efore I ta k e m y departure, sp rea d w ith th e li fowler’s snaro,” an d o u r persons • as i t flowed from a pure personage, dictated by Jacob Shoemaker Thomas Hess
n e s s ; an d th e T w e lv e will devote the season to
rm it m e to express m y view s relative to the s o u g h t w ith th o eagerness, o f th e Savage’s feroci- j th e will o f G od, is to me, p a s t description, an d I Stephen Winchester A. J. Glaefke
Hyrum Nyman Henry Deane travelling, an d will a tten d as m a n y conferences as
e a d in e m en o f y o u r c ity , w here I h av e been ty , for inn o cent blood, b y men, e ith e r n eated to l shall ever look u p o n th is expression o f th o Sa J. M. Cole James Downing
.these few days. Charles Warner possible.
I h av e been co n v e rsan t w ith th e g r e a t m e n o f DELAWARE. E ld e r B. W in ch e ste r is in stru c te d to pass
o age, an d last o f all, I feel th a t I h av e m et John Jonss Warren Snow th ro u g h Mississippi, A labam a, G eorgia, N o rth
ith th e greatest, i n th e presence of- y o u r es- T his, I confess, is a d a rk .p ic tu re to spread before j I hope to adoro in th a t d a y w hich shall never Jonathan O.Dukc Justus Morse
and S outh C a ro lin a, a n d V irg in ia , to v isit tlia
imed X"
f io n in —nk Sm ith. F ro m o u r patrons, b u t th e y will n»rdon m y pLtinnecs cease!* ulAKVLaM).
m a n y reports, I h a d reason to believe him a bigo­ w hen I assu re th e m o f th e tru th . I n fact, G o d I m u s t close fo r th e p rese n t: m y candle is Jacob Hamblin Lyman Stoddard churches, h o ld conferences and preside over
ted religionist, as ig n o ra n t o f politics as th e sava-; h as so ordered, th a t th e reflections w hich I am q u ite extin g uish ed , an d all n a tu re seems locked Patrick Norris them . B R I G H A M Y O U N G , P res.
; b u t to m y u tte r astonisnm ent, on a sh o rt perm itted to cast u p o n m y past life, relative to a in silence, shrouded in d ark ness, and e n jo y in g VIRGINIA. Wr. R i c h a r d s , C lerk of the Q uorum o f the
juaintance, I h av e fo u n d h im as fam iliar in knowledge o f the w ay o f salvation, are rendered , th a t repose so necessary to th is life. B u t tho Benj, Winchester 1st Jam<*s Park
A. W. Whitney T w elv e.
io cab in et o f nations, a s w ith h is B ib le; an d in d o u b ly endearing.'3 N o t or t nly n ll* K nvn T
h ave K aah g
I been o rr na .- ; period
n A r m r l is
I a rollin
rril l i n gn on A n when<•>l i n n vn m will closo, and Seabert C Shelton 2nd
i oui imt •..III
Gsorgs D. Watt 3d Peasant Ewell N au v o o , A pril 15, 1814.
ho know ledge o f t h a t book, I havo n o t m e t w ith ciously preserved from w icked an d unreasonable those w ho are found w o rth y will in h e rit th a t c ity J Dan " n W. E Hiagtnbottom
:s equal in E u ro p e o r A m erica. A lth o u g h , if m en , w ith th is o u r brother, b u t I h av e seen th e | w here n e ith e r tho lig h t o f the su n n o r moon w ill;i Joseph joibh^iBff*00*0
King John F. Petta The Church of Jrsus Christ of Latter Dsy Saints, hold
should b e g leave to differ w ith h im in ’ some fru it o f perseverance in proclaim ing the evorlast- j be necessary !’* for th e g lo ry o f G o d will lig h te n [ Peter Fife Alfred B. Ltmbson
their meetings every Sabbath, at Marion Temperance HaU.
item s o f f a ith : h is nobleness o f sou l w ill not per- in g gospel, im m ediately a fte r it was declared to i it, an d tho L am b will be th e lig lie h t thereof. ' \‘ Robert
R^he Hamilton David Evans
lit h h n to tak e offence a t me. N o , sir, I find tho world in these last days, in a m anner Hot to ; • l will hereafter give yon a full history of the rise of I NORTH CAROLINA, No. IS i Canal st. N. Y.
h im open, fra n k an d generous, as w illing others be forgotten while h ea v en g ives mo com m on intel- (this church, up to the time stated in my introduction; i A. McRae 1st John Holt
which 1will nee* The Church of Jesus Cnrist of Latter Day Saiata at Bos­
sh o u ld enjoy th e ir opinions, as to enjoy h is own. l e c t A n d w h at serv es to render th e reflection 7 i!l n«c'ssarily embrace the life and characterof! Aaron R.zer ‘2nd John Houston 1
i Thomas Guymon James Sanderson. ton, M <=*., hold their meetings every Sabbath, at 10 Frank­
T h e general ap pears perfectly at home o n every r , t expression on th i , p o in t is, th a t / r o m p ' sKV:c. till its nroner olaep. mC n'M°' I George Watt lin sue t. Elder John Hardy, praqiiDg. Residence, 91
s u b je c t; an d h is fam iliarity w ith m an y languages h an d I received baptism , b y th e d irec tio n o t the j — --------------------------- SOUTH CAROLINA.
Commercial street. [ ti
affords h is ample m ean s to become inform ed con­ angel o f G o d —the first received into th is ch u rch, j T H E J E W S IN R U S S IA . Alonzo LeBaron 1st Joho M Emell
ce rn in g all n atio n s and principles, w hich his fa- i n th i* d a y . j A ie lte r from & p e te rsb u rg h , d ated M arch 21, [ !***** Ekells Truly tCJ* Ve have received the first number of ihe Bm lc
m ailiar and dignified d epo rtm ent tow ards alj, N e a r th is tim e o f th e Sun, S abbath e v e n in g ., says, t h a t to chock tho em ig ration o f the Jew s ' S ti .Un c, a nc-v ai d uea’ty punu J I' V**1'# published
)i\u s t secure to h is in terest tho affections o f e v e ry A p ril 5 th , 1820, m y n a tu ra l eyes, for th e first ! o v e r tho fron tiers, tho following, san ctio n ed b y | MorRan L Gardner (his city, by Mr. E. H. Wilcox, and edited by an Aasocia-
Iaasc Beebee
in te llig e n ta n d v irtu o u s m a n th a t m a y chance to timo beheld th is brother. H e th e n resided in j tho M m peror, h a d been m ad e law Jowa w h o . Miles Anderson S. E. Carpenter non of ministers and layraefli at No. 0 Spruce street.
FOIt ___
ed t h a U l w M u i b L u i U a . a f t t a J ^ BOSTON,
.............. W OM EN.
THE FARMER. Iy rem ained in the same state. It is in v a in tha*
THEIR c o s n m o * \SS> 1NFLFKKCE, BY J a. s. it h a s been b y tu rn s subject to the a m s so n th.e V
k f.ET0!njW*T07C A S P SW fT0K T.
T O .T T j rO T O T r AWt>

When p*ia aa/angnish wring the brow. T h e auBSCftiiUSKa

O l d P e a c h S to w * *.— A w riter in th e Mass > , A mtnsterring Angel thod! W Scott.
laws o f different u su rp ers : not one of these con
q uerors has ev e r th o u g h t o f burstin g the shackics gm spoJB M fiii s & A 1 w ■ J -i meats, are oow prepared to
Plo ug h m an relates a rem arkable case o f th e re T h e p ro p er s tu d y o f m ankind includes both of following *>s*rior S « « n £ s g m * m Great Britiaa aa d Jre W ,.b y the { £ ■ £ ‘5
te n tio n o f the vegetative principle ixipearh stones. sexes. B u t.since m e n a r e e n d o w e d with_ corpo­ o f an un ffo rtu n ate sex, o f its bondage. — Ssoate*t«n. B<*«oa and..... ; et^hip^ one of which willleas*
~*~THe g e n iu s'o f women has n o t been able to^op Provid.nce Rsiim<J»! 11th, 16th,£
Some fo rty or fitty v e a n ra g o , there stood besidte real strength, th e women are born to sla v e r y or Patrick Henry, 8herida0
a n old well, two o r tb ree peach trees. Two year? submission. Dependent on our passions and ca­
pose itself to th e .genius o f M a h o m et In those The MASSACHC3ETTS, ComWock,
parts o f the globe whore his relieion h as prevail* RHODE ISI,AND, ” Virginian,
sine©, the well, w hich had much fallen dow n and prices ; aw aiting th e arbitrary decrees dictated nhrragansstt; woo Ik t - Montezuma, Siddone,
was covered w ith I ria r s , was removed: w h en to to th e m b y the forms o f government, religion, ed, th e ir condition has ‘remained stationary. u» MOHEOAN, “ . M , i “H" W * * , Colombo*,
th e astonishm ent oftheow ner. ten or tw elve peach m orality, and th e prejudices o f men j here adored oth er countries, and even am ong barbariens. it Baif^ry PU<*. P>« No. 1. Roserw. •
Earopi,- Wlifcwjrj f e S w , v
trees cam e n p where the well h a d stood. He as d ivinities ; there esteemed ss com panions and has been m e lio rated ; their accomplishments and N. R itrr. ' • . ‘ rM ladepettdfftce, ycrk»hir#t : ! ; Garrick,
attractions have raised them to a controlling!*)* ARRANGEMENTS.
th in k s th e stones ( o r seeds,) from* w hich these equals ; and there again, condemned to servitude
The MASSACHUSETTS, C»pi. Cor.«oek, o» Mott- Samuel Hieka,. Qneen of ihe Wcet, Oxford.
trees came, were prodnced a t least th ir ty years and c o n te m p t; under aD these -different circum ­ er ; b u t A sia alone have th e y subm itted to slave­ TbqnKjay^and S4 tordi*jrs, al 5 o clock, P. M. o a ’i j m t * of pMM*e e*ttbe (, u d ererv
r y w ithout hopes o f relief The RHODf?ISLAND, C«pt4ia Thayer^on Taewfaya, m x io flP lb e giTfn \o those far tlieir.Wendj, 0a
*S°- __ \________ stances we see them still retaining th e ir charac­ apaiicinon »• eiihfr of o«r office,.. i; ^ f "
T h e Arab, open, generous, and mild by charac­
Thnrsdtya and S a ta ld w at 5 o’clock, P. M. .
A c c l jx a t is o C a t t l e . — W h ilst I a m scrib teristic distinctions, subm itting w ith inexhausti­ ter, had in h im every th in g th a t o u g h t to have VA«rn^Ts on the a m ril of the aifamer at Stouiivgt<», S i p iiU *I»o be prrptfedoa Ihe cpeaia* of
bling, I m ight su g g e st to a S outherner who re­ ble patience, an d enduring w ith inconceivable fo r led him to appreciate a sex w hich he afterw ards wiir be immed.atHy forwarded in tho rplendni ajd coin- ofeFT.rd pMKng.r, aad ihtir hiKago to Alba«r , ad'
titude. T h e ir faults are not augm ented under ia Erie caaal to Boffalo, and all latermtdij;,.
quests inform ation about acclim ating th e im only enslaved through a religious fanaticism modious C t.f of ihe Ra.lroid* to ProTid*nc« and Beaton. T r ^ , aad
proved breeds o f cattle, th a t m y opinion o f the the pressure o f distress and humiliation. And Th^ above ateamf r» have been faorooghly equipped, and. P v 0ner Lake* / \ 1 *
M ahomet proceeded b u t slowly in enslaving it
*Teat difficulty th a t occurs, does not arise so much which o f o u r qualities d o th e y n o t possess ? in h is countries. A fter his death m anX worneni aeetiritjrof paweogan,
fro m th e change o f food or climate as th e state o f H o w much address an d intelligence have they and all parts of Canada West.
ascended th e throne o f P ersia an d of T a r ta r y ; United Stitts. * * j
irritatio n and fever th a t th e y are k e p t in b y the not evinced in im portant intrigues, and even in For paatage, or freight, which is taken at very ^faced From Troy via Whitehafl to Montreal aad- Quebec, c *
b u t th e almost univ ersal establishment o f a re­ nada E m via Ohio C*aat from Cte^relind to Portsmouth
negotiation ? W itn ess th e celebrated negotia­
incessant attac k s o f th e horse flies and mosqui­ ligion, w hich directs th a t th e y should be consid­ rate*, apply on board at north aide of pier No. 1, No. 33 Cincinnati, and mterme^fiite places. , / *
toes, so th a t th e y can get no rest b y d a y or n i^ h t tion o f P ru tb , conducted b y C atheriene th e First, ered only as alav es destined for th e licontious ca­ Broadway, or office of Sami. Deteay, freight agent, 6n the. South Wear via Philadelphi* to Pittsburg^ OiacfaoBiti.
N o w I thin k th a t m ay be obviated J>y spungin and which procured safety to th e p erson o f the wharf. LouiaviUe, and all porta on the OMo K i w to S l Xoai«,
price o f th e ir masters, destroyed, in less th a n one Tickets for the reate, and ateamei’a 5erth», can be aey
C zar, P eter th e G rta t, and his whole a rm y —
th e m in a steep o f the.leaves o f the black w amu ce n tu ry , all the superstructure o f th e ir power..and ciuei on aoard, or at the office of Haraden Ac Co. No. 3 Mo ; and <t>all parts of Ohio» Michigan, Indiana* Illinois,
tom ato vine, and m an y'o th er strong and pungent How m an y treaties^ and unhoped for alliances, of reduce'd them to th at degraded ran k w hich they Wall atreet. . , » .• .
leaves o r a solution o f soot m ig h t answer, as any which the men received th e honor ; b u t th e m erit are now seen to .hold am ong the Mahometans. im te .a te a m b o a t I O L ^ i s now nmainrdaily between “ For J w i “ ° r I O , a T r 1 J IOr a . : '
the fccommodation of persons w bhiM to toad tno.
m an in th e south know s how repugnant th e sme o f which belonged^ to th e women ! H o w many Provide ace and Newport.
g rea t actions an d g reet resolutions h av e been
N a tu r e has left the in hab itants o f the happy A ateamer ianow preparing for Ihe tccomoiodation ofine ney to their friends m the Old Country;' HARNDgN
o f soot is to th e insect tribe, particularly to the' regions o f In d ia n u th in g to seek b u t pleasure; and Newport tra?cl, which willahortly make the connection CO. will give Drafts oa any •part of Eoffland, Scotland, or
mosquito.— C u l t ! suggested and accomplished b y th e m ! W h at Ireland, payable at sight, for sums of £ l , £ 5 , £ 20, to
pleasure is almost the o nly object th a t occupies r^sularly:between that place aod Stoaingtoa. _____
£ 100-or to any amount to suit ihe purchaser.
a d o r a b l e enthusiasm h av e , th e y no t been able to
their a ttention. T h e ir sweetest^ enjoym ent is PlIEKNOLOGIOAL OFFICES A&D AGENTS.
G oBALT.r-A rich vein o f th e valuable ore of excite, to lead on heroes to th e brilliant exploits WOIIK3 Charles Craft. 1W State afreet, Boatoc * *• / .
rest, and in a ctiv ity . One o f thoir a u th o rs h as
cobalt ( th e black o xide) h as latelv been disco­ which themselves were incapable o f executing, roK H U BY B. W- Wheeler, Unton-Boildinp, Providence, R ..L '.
said, and the maxim is now become popular ,— 14 It
vered a t mine L a Motte, in M adison county, and w hen th e y could only console themselves for , 0 . S. F O W L E R , J . W. Mills, 3 Wall strati, and 16 Front stretft, New
is better to sit th a n to walk, o r sleep th a n to w a k e ; j
Missouri. T h is oxide h as been know n there for stan ding idle spectators, b y th e flattering righ t t? l S a**au St.,NY.
several years, but was su p /w e d to be black oxide o f b inding th e ia u r e lo n th e temples o f the b rave ! but d eath is supreme felicity.” , V%k*G. rtoward, 4$ Sooth Third atreet, Philadelphia.
E v e r y d o u n try where th e women hold no t in FOW LElfS PRAC­ Sandford A: Shoemaker, 7 Light atriwt, Baltimora, Md.
o f copper. W ith th<* exception of a small vein I f th e m en can boat o f more prudence, th e wo­ TICAL PHRKNOI^
o f cobalt, worked m a n y years since in Con­ men h ave less egotism. H ow completely is self society the ra n k to w hich they are called by N a ­ Puuburgh,-Pa.
OGY, A Work which L. S. Littlejohn, I t Exchange, Albany, .
necticut, this is believed to b e th e only disco­ forgoten' in th e ir sen tim en ts! T h e sacrifice is so ture, is farth er fro m the state o f civilation than baa now been ei*bt; S. Clark, 150 River street, T toy, N. Y, I : ,
even tk e savages themselves ; who, i f they do year* before the pob- Utica, N*. Y. • ' -
very o f t h a t m in eral on th e continent o f A m eri­ accordant w ith th e ir feelings, th a t, w ith the ex-
lio, *o th a tiu merita
ca. C obalt is used i n coloring porcelain, Ac., ception o f a littlo vanity, th e y .J a y aside all con­ not respect th eir wives, suffer'them, at least, to be are allowed to apeak
W. A. Cook, Syncese, H. Y. ^
«... Rochester, N. Y.f'* . . i .......... i
and is th e o n ly substance e v e r discovered, in sideration o f themselves. I n ahort^ so en tirely do a t large. for thcmaelrea. W. H- Cook, Buffalo, K Y. .
w h ich th e coloring properties are destroyed by h e a t they devote themselves to others, th a t they have I t is su rp risin g th a t M ontesouieu should, ip THE AMERICAN
justification o f th e practice o f th e M ussulmans, H. Fitzhugh b Co., Oawego, N Y. '•
a t length given reasons to believe th a t N atu re PHRENOLOGICAL mKitf HARNDEN & CO.
R o o t C u l t u r e . — M ost farmers who have assert th a t “ in countries where the women are JOURNAL,
ordained th e sacrifice ; an d hence all our laws " S P R 1 N 6 A R R A N G E M E N T — 1844.
m ade a fair experim ent in raisin g roots, sa y s th e sh u t up, th e influence o f th e clim ate ren ders th at Devoted eaduaively
oppress them, an d o f th e m are all privatio ns re­ to the eapoaition and
B oston C ultivator, an d feeding them to stock, are o f the passions so irresistible, th at if . th e y were
quired. defence of Phrenolo­
in favor o f providing th is valuable food for their
A m ong n o people, even th e m ost savage, have ullowed th e ir liberty, every attem p t directed gy aad ita bearing, im p o rta n t i o ,
animals. B y roots th e y can be kep t in a more against th e ir ch a stity would’ be irresistible, and
tve seen the men obliged to offer themselves a and of the kindred acience of Phytiology and Magnetiim. Th* R a il Road B*idc* a t t h * Roako**,compl*t*d,
h ea lth y contfitioij, th a n oh h a y and grain, y ou n g th e ft opposition o f none effect. oa far aa they can bear on it 7 embracing the olfareet, and
sacrifice on the tombs o f th e women, as h ave been 6 N THE GREAT SOUTHERN MAIli R O U tE ,
cattle can be k e p t in a more th riv in g state, they W o u ld it n o t be m pre j u s t to confine th e a g ­ yet the moat condeoard and alao practical view ol Phrenol­ VJa WAaHnfOrow' CiTtf, RtcfOfoivn; P1rri»s*umki*iiiD
are a n excellent an d cheap food for fatten in g stock, the women on the funeral-pile o f th e ir husbands. gressors ? W ith ovory respect for M ontesquieu ogy and ita bearinga on heahh, happinew, virtne, religion, . W ild c i, a s d t h * o s l t D aily L u is t o -y
T h o extreme o f feeling belongs essentially to
and cows fed liberally on good roots, give about
this sex alone; and th eir sensiblity can o nly adm it which h is nam e o u g h t to in sp ire ,.I d are believe human improvement, and the reforma nowin progreee,an/ C h a e l s ^ t o . v , S C , p i n c c T TP N * w 0 * j^ *An». .
as m uch a n d as rich milk as w hen fed on g rass in where to be ’ found. Moathly, & or 32 pipea, at $1 per
o f comparison w ith th e ir patience and resig na­ th is v e ry seclusion emboldens th e m m u ch more ycirr, or thfee eopieag^j fire copiee for 83 ; nine cop- (21 Huurs in advance of the Bay Line )
summer. A nd, besides, roots .being a valuable th a n e ith e r th eir climate, th e ir desires, o r th eir ie« for $5 ; . or. twenty copica for $10. In all catea ix .T R A ^ L L E R S going,8flUth are informed that £ £
k in d of food, they produce far m ore v alu e t o tfc* tion.
nexioo Between the Petersburg and Wjlmifiij'aa Ramoads
acre th a n eith er jgrain or grass, in some cases, two, I n th is view, b o w c a n w e choose W it love them? assaults. /- A D V f KC£, p o r r r A n> . .
at Weldon, including* the PeteriMrg Compaay’s Bridgrfai
I t m u s t be g ranted to th e m th a t th e y have, al­ EDUCATION A NDSET.F-IMPROVKN KNT. PHYSICAL
three, o r four*tim es as m uch.— M any w h o have n other respects, how can we ceaseto p ity th e m ? most a t th e ir b irth , a physical and a m oral sense 1 ' MORAL.Afrt) INTELLETUAL : the Roanoke is completW, ttf tKai iraveUers going South
W ithh eld from th e p u rsu its o f an y occupation, by the Great Ma&Routa; via Waahmaton, ftl^miood aad
m ade exprim ents say th a t one bushel o f oats and w hich th e m en possess rio t L o o k in to savncre F iaided on 'Phreanlouy aad P&yiiojogy i or. O ood Pejeraburg, w ill, he. transferred ta^,WeMoR jmmedittelv
one of carrots, aro w orth as m uch for ft horse as scarcely allowed to regulate th e concerns o f their n n « t U \ r wnmJn 1H n » m fc » .o .a « .) n u h ib . > r.VM> »uc can* V* reienpurg to tnosc.ot tfte WUmTiBb
fam ily, b rin g in g u j rrcnlth rrhicii th e y hotci nations, and vou will find *mnn«? the de- Railroad Company, thefeby ridding the Great Mail roete
tw o b a s h e & o f oaX&i ilm 3 ,.w 2&r«dthiU wouiu th is inclination tow ards c iv ilu a tio n all th ese first • moralj
yield fifty bushels o f oats would yield £ 0 0 o f car­ command, and presentin g u s w ith children who im pulses o f softness an d : sociability which, even trailing ,aod. gorapineaf of children, withoiit the rod. orioi %>mtT eimp«ionable feature, whilst it is equalW*h«*w
are not com m itted to t h e i r pow er : such is their Thtt woik expounding the principal Uw« ©f viitur, or con* greata n i for XJ&mnow, #*ccairr. iiso a a L7* # m r itjhaa
rots, or 1 0 to 1 . .. r , f n .
condition. L e t u s not hesitate to say i t ; their tin d e r tlie warlike disguise o f flie ir manners, dis- ditioaa of happioe*e, and ahowa how to folfil them. advajwsgei over . ,
:in£uisbes a t all tim es th e ir fy x from ours. The followmg uuriv.illed fchedulep are .now rni* ♦•thisline*
T im e o f * S p Kbadino M a n u res on G rass existence resembles t h a t o f a connuered people, INTELLECTUAL IMPROVEOTNT;
L a nd .— A correspondent asks us o u r opinion as who can only hope-to ameliorate th e ir situation W h a t does it, n o w sig n ify w h a t m i g j t have FAST m a i l ltnei ; ‘ V. ..r >*
been th e object o f th e women in im proving, th e Or, how to CntTtvA-rt th * Mim oiit ; E xpajto
to th e m ost proper tim e for spreading m anures by the address th e y c a n employ to please their SnKNOTKif th * In t *jx *ct, and conduct the iotel- l^ave,N. Y<at.9 A M .. Arm ^i*Philadelphia a |:3 P M.
Leave. Phtla. at 4 P M. arrive; in Bamj&ore at 1 A M.
over grass g ro u nd s? masters, an d to soften th e injustice o f th e ir u su r­ prim itiv e ch iv alry ? A n im a tin g the m inds o f lectoil education of children ; in _which ia pointed out a I>avoBalf. at ^A'.M.' ' arrive ia Washington at 5 A.M*.
W e are decidedly in favor o f spreading in N o ­ pation, and the sev erity o f th e ir caprices. o u r h onest ancestors th e y d id good, and applied new and more excellent way to intellectual attainments
than our common acheola and aeata of learning now fur- Leave Wash, at d:A M. am ve in Fred’ksbury, at f l A M.
v em ber in preference to an y tim e w hatever in the T h e design o f m y w ork is to dem onstrate th e l>oth th e ir selflove, an d th e ir love, to th e ad­ nifh—a work of *wat value and importance to parents, X-eave Fred*kg at IA A-M^ S trife Tire 4n in Rich,
w e n . Va-vs. + tSk r-sui P-Ml
s p r in g season. W e com monly lose a large p a rt eq uality of the tw o sexes, different as th e y may vancem ent o f th e m ann ers which th e y h a d ?efined. teachers, and all who know how to improve their Leaye Rich, a t 4 P M . aniYcio f io PctrrBbm*.fc.Va.Q
Peteraburg., Va. 0 P.M.
E v e r y ste p in the progress o f th is new sistem, intellects. Leave Petera*g at 6i P.M. .arrive rfre in W e t K C Ik P.M.
o f o u r manure* w hen V e spread them a t an y time be ; anci to prove th a t e v e ry th in g is compensated Leave Weldon at 2 A.M. anive iie in WfIS K.C.’ at 2 ' K K
on land thafrkaa long lain in grass. B u t as there between th e m ;— th a t i f the one seems to be en­ how ever slow, declares th e delicacy o f th e mintjs HEREDITARY DESCENT ; ITS L ^ W 8 AND FACTS i Leavfe W iI.,a t2 P M. arrive lnCharl« In Charleston, 8 .0 . a t ^ A M.
are m a n y n atu ra l meadows th a t cannot be easily dowed w ith p ec u lia r q ualities n o t possessed by jvhichhad produced i t ^ Or, the Trantmiifiou. of Qatlities„Physica!, Intllectual, •r PaaBeng^rs t y this L i a r wttf iW h 'P e te r^ a rg in asvea:
ploughed, we dress them b y a n application “bn the the other, we cannot deny th e o th e r advantages E ith e r th ro u g h mildness , o r w eekneas th e y and Moral, from parents to their offsprings, through suc­ leea hours, aYitf Chhile^on, S G j iM,nny^WPMout^ttftef
cessive feneritjons; inchrdingvdirectlott# for 'formin# such
surface. eq ually to be valued ;— th a t w here corpereal have not, am id d l the ex tra v ag a n t and cruel ideas matrimonial allianoes ae will secure Whatever! quafttioii in leaving Baitimorcj including all stoppages and jieve-the
w hich h ave governed m ankind, associated th e m ­ advantage, of avoiding any.demotion a j(Weldon, on th j
M any fan ners n ear B oston spread m a n u re on stren g th is w anting, strength o f soul supplies the children may d<*?ircd.; with hints to mothers during of themo»t unhealthy p lm t'la W e roothem
th e ir grass fields as late a s M a y ; and i f the month deficiency ;— th a t o u r dom ination over the fe­ selves to cruelties which have desolated ih^'earffi. pregnancy—a work which every, yonng ^narrled pair cotmtry, wuere where psssesgers , by the Bay'Linfe, arrivftig aa
Some p articu la r ones were, »* 4 ttu e , m orotere ; •hould posseaa j *as Indeed ihould all who design to fono they a lw a > a ^ . Mttrte«#‘hbarsrafier : mail Ifno «f
holds r a th e r d jy .th e y find b n t little benefit from male sex is b u t a continued usuapation th a t
we cannot recollect, w ith o u t ho rro r, Fredegonde, the matrimonial jelations T*o Jm|>rove;m¥Ak!ad, W0 muse the win J day, a D e ^ fc d .te n h p B W until that/trf^he^aftat
i t W ith in o u r ^>wn observation there aro in ­ th e y h ave dexterously availed themselves o f tegm wuh.the : Education bestowed upon a good
B ru n e h a u t, n n i ouino others, who have i*den g e r m
stances o f such spreading w hich , has. positively ev e ry o p p o rtu n ity o f re-establishing, a t least for r k — )vcs w ith d is g ra c e ; b n t the women .have phjaiwl andI ypioral g i j baaia,
basis, wilt will be vastly umare mam productitc
jiroductive yG HT ^ R ^ R T C k ^ O N f r jfe p f iT H R ^
proved, d etrim en tal to th e harvest- Jn a wet a time, the balance between, u s ;— th a t, in the**- than that,expended upon a barren soil. Longenough have
n ever u n ited to su p p o rt an y system o f atro city .
season i t will operate b e tte r ; but almost a n y kind moments o f transient equality, th*y ev?nccd parents slepf oyer this subject. Walkers aiterop^d eluci-
T h e p g p o f te rro r was, in . F rance, tho p ro d u c­ dation b f "k, was a c omparafn foiliire^ In this work it L«rtij N .y .'it S'P.M. «rrfvi’ ia Wlladelphfi * r i l P.M;
o f application in th e sp rin g is ap t to c o in c in the an a b ility for every, .tiring,' equal to o u r s ;— and •.Leave Phila. at 6 | A M . awive in Baltimore'a« 2 P*K)
w ay o f the_$c£the a n d o f th e yake... n n , th a t, w ith tho exception o f inv en tiv e genius, th eir tio n o f t.ho nien alone. T h e women wore only is tTekted—as none but a practical cal Phreao
Phhsaolojlat dA* fre^t | j ^ v e Balt, at 4 P,M. arrive in Washington at 6 P.M.
intellectual faculties, are not inferior to o u r own. its. , victim s. . R obespieiro , . * . found, • a m o n g , th e m it^-cl*NTrnOAixY ; a viat man y most importanttvrmciptrB ^ WMh. a( 0 ATff p ^ n g 'ihrough^wJencksburg
tio n M a n y differences arise solely from education i nelth cr ? m,8tr? 8; ' lend ; and i i is to th e being stated, and all supported .I5—
a frlenf rf1 and Rickmond, and-amvWy iii Peteraburg, Id sup, pas-
* * iatelUo- sing.from Philadelphia to R ic h m o n d * P e te r s b u rg ,
loam and custom : education modifies th e n atu re o f all cora ons arm o f aS rd m an , C ha rlo tte C 6 rd ay, with blank
m anure th at is to .be spread on th e surface o f m ow ­ beings. that &
ance owes thee h appiness o f being delivon
7 [lo
<10 be Contisned.)................
delivered i Va. by day l i g h t . _ ;
Passengers by this line have the advantage of passing the
,u • ^

in g lan d 8,-7 -MA 8 $. J?j.ouohman. Now, all th a t th e,m o ral n atu re o f w om en m a y T>PHRENOLOGY APPLtEIXTO MATRIMONY;?,f * evening and night ib WaihtsgWn, und oes: reach^Charles-
h av e lost b y th e im proper direction ’ o f th e ir in ­ >RTNTE&S,: ftJRNISHlNG WARE Or to the election of cowo*wxal coMAPjrioifs ro a l i t * : toa as early as those leaving .Baltimore at tb s:same time
M ulbs .— T h e^brw d m g o f m ules for southern fancy, o u g h t to be im puted to the men. “ T h e y ± HOUSE, wo. & AS.t sv ^ crr.w . t* j£eW»ag.d«r«tlio*e to tke morWirf; for living tofcetheraf- by the Bsy Line, thesp Jas.tJj^ipg WoJie over at
WELLS & WEBB iaform the Priutereof Plcclionatfljr And-happily. The cautions it administers to Weldon untsl their arrival.
m a rk e ts Vas been one o f the m ost .profitable opera compress or expand a t th e ir will the faculties o f 0!>“ For further information atkf K through tiikets” sp-
the* United States, that la addition to the i l / W r . t h e , i t . Jcegaid to. .conducting
tio ns o f the west, and m ore good mules h av e b ee^ the woman ] nnd, w ith a provoking injustice, th ey — - - w f t f S - ply at our Southern Tickef OlEec adjoining tha Baltimore
produced in Ohio, K e n tu c k y an d Tennesee, th a n assum e " th e very obstacles, w hich themselves at govern and Ohio Rail Rqad Office, Pratt s t, Baltimore, '
perhaps all th e oth er S tates taken together. One! have raised to th e ir im provement, as proofs o ffe- opened a large Southern Travelfeni taking "Through Tickets/* can
individual; inuO hio, M. L. Sullivant, E sq . o f malo inferiority. , SECOND HAND PRINTING MATERfALS,' and 1every - : RA TO RA t RELIGION i
aUiolc ncceaeary for a Pau^rutq Onrxo*. stop as long as they may dttwrd at Washisgton, Richmond
Columbus,, usu ally sells from h is ow n farm 200 to F ro m th e age o f th e p atria rc h s to th e p resen t rJ Or, The NAirwui. T h * o r t of Phrenology j 1 ts aspect and .Petersburg, and tesfime their seats,, .. ,
on revehtionv and iu geoeral;harmoay with it 5 Inchwl'uig ’ T " ■ H. I f ROOERB,“T icker A*ent. f
3 0 0 a n n u ^ : T^ s l o f .w hich go, (ottl*e Baltimore! time, women h ave been no better th a n splendid answers to.tM ^bjectipns,* that Phrenology/favors Fatalism,
m arket. ; slaves, who like victim s decorated w ith llowers, Materialism, and Infidelity, and is opposed to.a change of TRANSPOIfcTAJTipN ^OR, CHICAGOi LAKE. ERIE,
have proclaimed, b y th e ir fillets an d garlands, rtquUites for a Printing Eetabliahmfent. • :They a&o^wipply hekrr r—A Wbrk Va which1 the'p in f A a r ' *ut>i*wTs of * LAKE. ONTARIO, ............. ...
C u t W o rm .— C orrespondents o f th e C ultiva4 orders for new type; from every respectable Foundry in the
the sacrifice to w hich th e y were doomed by those Union, at the lowest mauulacturer's p r i c e s . , ........ ^nan’s moral nature are fully analysed; and therewith ihe ,Vi^ Oftwaco.
to r rccommencj l^urdpch and hickory leaves wound religiousdotiriju* taught, and theAiiici' reqtdrtd-by'man's
who o u g h t r a th e r to admire, esteem, an d protect Printers about establishing themselves in business, or nature spd CQnstituijon ; sectarianism accounted for, and THE: NEW YORK, U I|C A ANI*9$V m o ; l i n k
around <h’^ fetexns o f cabbages to p re v e n t injury by who wish to renew their fonts of type, dr Exchange their exposed,; and the general tenorjof the Bible doftfmff OF LA]lKE BOAT^ w iir receive gpofa dai aily at middle
th e c u t worms. them.
oedfifi sfip, !Ne* Yrerk,_ W anf a n f ^' tWrik onlsfW
T h e ir condition is a c ^ t a i n guide for«the o b ­ presses, or other materials for other sizes or kinds, will find sustained. Religten is as much a science as,i^atnaiii4tic& pier Goeb’fi<
it greatly to their advantage to call on them before purchas­
T P a t t k f i N o O a t t l e o n P o t a t o e s . — T h is sea- servations o f a stran g e r who enters an unknow n ing elsewhere, as they will always h^ve on hapd, rr.oat of It ir a s much'goverafd'by fixed principled and immutable Michigan, Lake firie; Lake OntarioiI or River St. Lawi
laws. Nor are these laws beyond thfc -ken of man. rThey rcnee;- v f>r .. J - . . a 7 . % -?:l
#6n sa y s Mr. Jo h n Jo h n so n of. Geneva, in the country. • : ' the leading articles, second h ^ad,. a us wering nearly or .are written upon his nature. Phrenology unfolda that aa- No traoshippent^eitK een^w ,Ypr)> and O w g o .
C ultivator, i f e d two three yea* old 3~i D urham W om an, alw ays secondary, and w ith o u t hopes quite as well as new, and at a saving of from 25 to 50 per and, therewith, the whole code of doctrines depen­ This line Isoompwed^f the first cl^is !^ofe fILake
4 <b<M ‘ ^.u 4
heifers on potatoes and p u m p k in s; a. bushel o f of acq uiring glory, can only associate w ith our c£nt. dent thereon, and duties required thereby. is connected at Oswego with the' “-,;l\
They keep constantly on hand a supply of Printing Ink, •: n.v *' CindXca Lijnc a t 3 t£ a ic P kokatx**^ ’ ' !
p o ta to e s. t.o the two in th e m orning, as many sex. I t is for men to achievo great things, i t is of Prout and^Malher’s manufacture, from the cheapest, to PHRENtjtJOGY A P P lL r ^ ;T 6 T S B » fl^^ N .C E : with a Line 0(1 FiitkcnlScHQ 0 k**si;rnapihg 10 ports.Oft
jutm pkins as tfaey wo^ld eat a t noon,.and a bush­ for women to inspire them. W o e to them i f we fioeet. quality; aUo crlorpd Inks of every description A scientific exposition of thrphysiplogical.effects of al- M ft UiCJfiw; and elciiani aUramboa^iLsAr
el or potatoes at n ig h t, w ith clovor hay. w hat ootobli®h o vicious o rd er : they could h u t bn \Y. W. lh- AnU Aoanu f<Mr ih. * liononr f>*^ hamsk’«u■ *ktiim***/ m * *iTii KOl'ncTOr; running 60 Lake, Oni&^o fhd
and Weatern States and Canada, for ihe'sale or KNEE- ly upon tho animal propenBMiesi it expounds ^omePhys­ tho river St. Lawrence.
th e y w anted th ro u g h th e day and night. O ne rupted along w ith us, o r else rem a in im maculate LAND'S PATENT CARD PRINTING ENGINE* wWeh iological lawaof great intrinsic value, and applies them toi This Ifnpis also counseled with a line oftooaW oin tho
o f th e m suck led a calf u n til five .m o n th s old— alone, in th e m idst of th e general d ep ra v ity , w ith­ we believe to be. equal if notsuperiof to any Machine Prcas temperance, with tremendious effect.; It faqa been, regard­ Wabash Cafcal aod Ohio Canal, forming an unbrokdn com-
th e white calf th a t took th e second p rem iu m at o u t power ever to reform th e state o f society, or yet invented. We feel confident that a trial of the aboye ed by many as the st;ongest. temperance document put muaicatioa from New York to Lafayette, Iadiana, and from
BochesJer— she waa d r y i n O ctober; th e other oppose themselves to th e invasions o f vice. Prew will give the moat entire satiafaction. forth. New York to Portsmouth, Ohio. .. ,,,
A m ong every polished people tho women, b y They are aho Agents for tho sale Koterman’s Enamel!- TIGHT-LACING 5 Orf Evils of compresnng'the Organs Shipments by this line are insured to Oswego, and on
w a r p u t d r y in October also, I fed th e m 08 ed and Pearl Surface Cajds, which they Will sell as low as of Animal'Life. .t. ' • • — .j the Wabash Oaoal only, excep’ by special contract.
d ay s. T h e one weighed 80 2 .lbs., th e other 857 their sense, their charm s, th eir address, and th eir can be purchased in the city. PROPsirreas a »d Aokwts .
coquetcry, possess a tho u san d m eans o f re-estab­ In Preas, and soon to be Publiahed, a Work on ’•-U
lus\ O ne h a d 80 lbs., ta llo w . th e o th e r 103 tbs.t They ttill continue to manufacture, and aro generally
exclusive o f k id n e y — th e one th a t did n o t suckle lish ing between th e m and us th e balance o f pow­ supplied wnh all aizes of their Woon Trric, of which they fflg ftc A . } < * -■»
are the original manofuoturenr, and which atitl maintains its •*Or, the (debts of different or^aniinona and: conditions HARWHLfA:' HARRINGTON, • : U«c*.
ih e calf having* most. " T h e y v e ry seldom tasted er ; b u t am o ng savages, who, in th e ir coarso r e ­ reputation for superiority overall coinpelilora'aud<tf/s»ip*- of the body npoo (he-character and mental manifestationa; R O S 31T K U .R U E PP K R D -; . ,
:water, although th e y .h a d . th o iq fte r o f i t every serve have np.socia! idea, th e y rem ain w ith o u t ed iniUalore.. . : . ! . >. if.-.!-. lUcJudipg^eeltkHt* conditions, and the means of W. S. R o « ilT £ R , 23.poeoti^ Slip.
d ay . T h e y wero n o t tied up, b u t ra n losse in q h o p e; th e ir weakness is w ith o u t support, and (X>- Publishers of Newspapers in the U. S and Canada, sersing^and reacting it, without medj<jine. aod* alao Jiet, WarrcK.v Aorwr*.'
y a r d amongst 100 sheep. I n ev e r saw finer beef th e ir existence, in relation to the m e n .o n ly a lo n g giving the above .three insertions by .the first of Jply next, regirriens. habits, and their eflects on mind, tcc. The re- P kask & ALi.**, Cleveland, Ohio, *
*ht£n th e y made. punishm ent. and sending'us one' Copy of their paper containibg it Will ciprocal influences of various ph/aiologceal organizations C h a 's H o w ahpA J Co .T oledo, O ( c ’Detroit, Micti.
be entitled to the payment of their bills on purchasing four and manifestations upon die mind,' is u depertment nev^r THtaf>.*» PAnBK«, Chi«agb‘, I l i^ :*r»« .*.»•’ '*
T h e Gallic women w ere k no w n at all tim es to times the amount,* ' J futlv uresented ;and vei its importaneriRVftmlyunderraied. H t T r H n « o v . W > ? r r r r » A- fV* w i..* -.
W e s t e r n S ilk , — M r. Thomcrm 15— — ♦In^ The Author hopes to present some princjpl^s of Physiolo­ X
eijutti in eir nusuanus in greatness oi inina, a n a in Mew-York, May^lO, IS M ,______________[mlS.'g, m lS;c] , .*
C in cin n a ti Plowboy, showed us, tho 'o th er day, courage ; b u t before the G au ls passed into Italy, gy iititlly important, but usually overlooked.
som e silk m anufactured by W . IV Jackson JTUIE (ollowing works are forsile at the Prophet office,
the torch o f civil war was lit u p in th e m idst of ± No.*7 Spruce Street, viz-.— THE PHRENOLOGICAL ALMANAC for J840, O il, “K NOW ; TH YS E L T 5'
B ro th e rs, a t th e ir silk factory in Newport K y. 1842, 1^13, und I&14, (1840 Will soe* be published,) con­
them. W h e n , assembled on an immense plain, P. P. Pratts Reply to Leroy S'tuderlaqd. taining many interesting and valu«b!« foci* amply iiluatrat- A U M a X i i . - C E 7 R E K ,'j
•We exam ined th e m carefully in regard to thd Synop*]-5of the QiDie by B. Winchester.
they were g oing to commence their slaughter, the ed with cut^j, including hkcnesaea, and. short biographies, ; .......... r • { . . . . .
stre n g th o f th e fibre, the texture of the cloth, and I women th rc w U.emselves before th e ir enraged Gospel Reflector. History of the Priesthood. of diatinguiahed men. . T^e reading; mtjiev the old-Al­
th e evenness o f w e a y . r ^ . a n d ^ bcl.cvcd they | husb:inds. separnted thpmr Millenniuhr Poems. manacs is as go«?d as it ever was, ana. worth many, times F O W L E R S P H R E N O L O G I C A L C A B I N E T
wore equal to th e best i r ^ r t e d sillcs. ~ 1,lU801t“ns- “ n a ra ie a ™<” n, «»<! reconciled them. Index Io the Book of Mormon, 2nd. Edition. itscost—25 cents per set. ' UN' CUIN'X.Q.\ il,|liL /N o /i3 1 NASSAU STREET.' I
Addr<*s to the. People of the United States. riBN TLEM EN A^O I^D IE S ,..Wk+ to-M-
Gospel Light, No. 2. V SUBSCRIBERS to the MAGNET can receive that
r° 3 I T . “ ^ i 1?
a few m o n th sT w o believe th e y are prepared to ttiV ir coim ci'is” ; A h m e m o r 'a b l e ^ e v ^ t w «
Correspondence, in Pamphlet form, between JOSEPH Work
'r v '* through our W office.
“q T It is now well conducted by P. .M .'g P S b; lle!f rwifh ^em »I|m w -«W r,!iroe
consecrated to them as a mem orial o f veneration. Fulton.SU’set. More about this Work, else- natural eudowments, for natuul, moral, 'tod .btelectual
m anu facture all k in d s o f silk goods.— Such an SMITH, THE PROPHET, nr.d Col. JOHN WENT-' P. G ood, ***
t(K,D' 138 ruUon.Strset.
It is said, th a t in tho tre a ty w hich th e y mado i w 'oiiT H E d ito r where. A. enjoyments or 'improvemeW,-7^ © " ^^pcctfnily iofofmeo,
establishm ent h a s been long w anted liere. many The Chicago Democrat," and Mem­
with H annibal it was stipulated, th a t i f an y dis ber o f Congress from Jiluioit; Gen. JAMF.S ARLING- (ET Editors who copy all.vr either of these adyertisa- that a favorable opportunity ia at' all times0freely flven ^t
the above cabinet. «
.& KS i n ^ o p i t t e d ^ t h e ,l a s t . y e a r or two, raising silk; putcs should again arise between tho two co un -j TON RENNET •INNET* Of Arlington Jloute, Long I,land, and I menu, shall recei?c a copy of the Work or Worjca adver-
woirm#, for tiie .waiit o f $ m a rk e t a t home lo r tho tries, they should, on the side o f C arth age, be re the Honorable oraMe JOHN C. CALH()UN, Senator f ^ m South tbed—They sending a ^aper (marked) containing the same. Alihough Mr Koirlc^ h w e H . 'jilJ: tfe tba^ot ffooi lie
-coccoona., Carolina to tho Am. Phren, J'o irntl Office. city for a ahort tjmr; every attention wjll be cheerfully
ferrcd to iu c o m m a n d e r ; b u t.on .he s id e o f G a n l , ! s % T ? h r ] ° J * n d “ «,veD- a '> r,e h “f ‘b« Ll,eof rendered by sg^r.t M> S. RL WKLLS, whoad pu^bek
T we m a g n etic pow er o f the com pass needle, the women alone should decide them. I DAY SAINTS, andIIth^rP^RtfLOyTiO.NS K » C • W R1QHT>W A ttN Fa CO -—Phcrnix; Soap Factory, double test examinSiionshave accorded Io fcalfeotly with
by the1 State , \ Y Broadway and Twenty Third StifsvN ew York. those of Mr. Eowlci, that every confidehfe may bs:ropos.
says th e M ag azine o f Science, m a y be entirely W h ile religions and political revolutions h av e | of MISSOURI: , . wi
-!li ^ . ® . L • .* ** v - B P,aiQ aad Fancy So2 ps on Liberal Terma ed in his profrssioual a^ihty as a delincafprof charaeur.
d estro y e d o r ch a n g e d b y being touched by the successively changed the condition, the charac- ^ ° ,U,ctl and KH‘?,0U®"J311*0* generally: to Subscriptions fsr the American ,Phrenoloniea| ,
*ju i c c o f a n onion. tnY. u: \ which is added a eoncue account o f the preunt state and l>OOK AND JOB WORK,lDone4neatly and Expeitious- ceivfd, orders, forv BOOKS and BUSTS Jotimal re-
will ‘be. punctualy
ter, an d the m anners of women, i t is to be remark-1p ro w 'ts * f the CITY OF NAUVOO. 1Xj ly, by E,:J. BEV lN ,at^To. y^Spraee-at.
! i ' I’ * r attended to. [mlS.c
Wj E C0 5 T K W D TOM T H * TllUTH

A t length in th e aixteenth c e n tu iy , arose the ‘THE WIDOW OPNAJN. Behold yon Christian hypocrites unjust. From the * Go*pel Reflvctor ’•
S P A P E R IS fam ous questio n of th e eq u ality , o r or tho preem i­ » t w. p. wilms . Full of rage, rapiae.crualty and lust’; T H E P R E S E N T C O N D IT IO N O F T H E
•HE DIFFUSION OF TRUTH, EVERY 8ATUR- nence o f ih e sexe*. The Roman sentinel stood helmed and tall “ TVaslave my son*, they propagate their away, R E L IG IO U S W O R LD R E P R E S E N T E D
ORNTNO, A t HO. 7, SPRUCE ST., N EW - In 1509, Cornelius A g ripp a, published h is tre a ­ Join flraod ta force, and bear the spoil away. B Y T H E S IM IL IT U D E O F A D R E A M .
AT ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM, JNVA- ,JM d « the gate of Nain. The bnay tread
g* T ^^m iABLY IN ADVANCE. tise o f th e excellence o f women, an d o f the pre-i Who smosih of tongas, in parpote insincere, A s I was repo sing one d a y in a beau tifu l g rov e,
Of comer* io the city mart wa* done.
AND C oM uvm cATttm m o s t n c Ad- em inence o v e r th e men. Hide fraud In smiles, while death is harbor d there; an d m e d ita tin g u p o n th e present condition o f th e
For it wa* almoat noon, and a dead heat
t o THE PROPHET. Pe*r Paid. • H e dem onstrates th e su p e rio rity o f th e women From tender husbands, weeping bridea ihey tear, world, m y m ind becam e lo st as to th e thinga t h a t
Q«iver*d upon the fine and aleeping dust,
Master* we autboriz*d by the Post Office de- in fo rty chapters, an d sup po rts h is system by They proffer peace yet ~age nnnat,ral war; were aro u n d me, and I fell in to a deep sleep an d
And the cold anake crept panting from the wall,
to forward, free of. expense, all ord*r* for, or to physical, theological, historical, and m oral a rg u ­ Whilst still thry hope we'll wink at their deceit, dream ed a d r e a m ; an d behold I was carried
also money lo pay for (be — And baak’d his scaly eirclsa in the sun.
m e n ts .' '** ' J : > And call their villaniea the crimes of fate. aw o y a n d s e t d ow n in a g re a t field, and i t was
E lizabeth, w ho h a d trium p h ed ovor e v e ry th in g , Upon hi* spear the soldier fean’d and kept
name*, with tho State nod Port Office, Unjust mankind, whose-will, created free, fillea w ith a n u m e ro u s concourse o f people w ho
Hi* idle watch, and, a* hia drowsy dream
dii'ir.ctly given when money ie forwarded, to who, from fear o f g iv in g h e rse lf a m aster, had re­ Charge all their guilt on absoiit^decree. seemed to be in g r e a t confusion, an d th e y did n o t
ike#, aa there are often several of the same naroea, fused th e espousals o f th e m ost pow erful princes Wa* broken by the aolitary foot
To God they pray, to him their ains translate. appear to agree w ith c a ch o th e r, b u t w alked in
Poet Office* in the aame town. o f E u ro p e , who declared to h e r p arliam ent th a t Of aome poor mendieant, he raieed hia head
Their follies are miarcalled the crimea of fate. different directions. W h e n I saw th is I m arvel­
tho epitaph w hich would flatter her th e most To curse him for a tributary Jew,
'Advertising, Book and Job W ork, done at The Christian rulers in their ruin join, ed g rea tly , an d w h en I view ed th e m m ore closely
would be, H ere lies E lizabeth, w ho lived an d died And alnmberonaly dozed on.
. rate*. And iruih is scorned by all the perjured line!. I discovered they were people o f all ra n k s an d
a v irg in and queen— th is princess, I say, could Twa* new high noon. Their crimea transcend all crimes since Noab*a flood# grades o f society ; an d w h at still m ore astonished . '
E , rB E V IN 7 p R IN T E R - n o t resist tho g rie f w hich sho felt for th e death The dnll low mormur of a funeral Their guilty gloriea soon shall set ia blood. me, was, th e y wore people fro m all th e nations o f
* of the-finr! o l Essex, whom she herself haA eoi* city -tb e sod aonn ' Tfie> swear by heaverf, then spill their broihertrgore; th e e a r tfc * also discovered th a t th e y were e n ­
PROSPECTUS domned. Uamix’d with voice*—aad the aentinel ’Lo, view my creatnrea bleeding on tho shore. gaged in sev eral different exercises. I e n o u ire d
T h e reig n o f E liz a b e th was one o f th e m ost Shook off bis slumber, aad gazed enrneatly Shall heaven be false, because revenge is slow! o f one w ho stood b y w h a t th is m e an t, h e told me
b rillian t spectacles w hich G re * t B r itia n h a s be­ Up the wide atreeu along whoae paved way N o,’lis prepared to strike the*fiercer blow; th a t i t was th e ir different exercises in religious
EKLY NeV s PAPER. held. T h e commerco o f th is island extended its The ailent throng crept slowly. They came on, Sure is our justice. They shall feel ibeir wo! worship. W h ile beholding the h eath en p a r t o f
fO B* KHTITL*D b ran ch es to th e four q u arte rs o f tho globe. H e r Bearing a body heavily on it* bier, The day shall come, lhat great avengingday, th is co m p an y I was m u c h p a in e d to see th e a w ­
principal m anufactures were establishsd, h e r laws And by the crowd that in the burning ann, fu l cruelties th a t th e y inflicted u p o n them selves
HE PROPHET. consolidated, h e r police b ro u g h t to g rea ter per­ Walk'd with forgetful nadnesn, ’twas of one
When all their honor* in ihe du*t ahall lay.
Oaraelf shall poor dire judgments on their land, d u rin g th e ir c e rem o n ics; I exclaimed, O ig n o r­
fection, an d h e r finances were em ployed o nly for Mourn’d with uncommon sorrow. The broad gate* Tbua have we aaid, and what we *ay shall atand. ance ! th o u foul m onster, w h y h a s t th o u so m u c h
of Control of the Society for the Dlfftttion ol the defence o f the country.. Sho h a d favorites,
Swung on ite binges, and the Roman bent Their cruelty for jlatice daily crie*, d eg rad ed th is poople.
the City of New York, being desirous of pro- b u t she did not enrich them. W ith o u t g ra n tin g
Hi* spear-point downward* a* the bearer paat And draw* reluctant vengeance from the skier; I th e n tu rn e d m y atte n tio n to th a t p a rt o f th a
the Goepel ol Onr Lord Jeaoa Christ in it* fnl lib erty o f conscience, sh e knew how to k ee p h e r­
Bending beneath th-ir burthen. There wa* o*«— Snch bypocritic foes their toils shall know, o f th e m u ltitu d e th a t professed C h ristian ity . A s
•lioratitg ihe fgB^W*fc*C roan, have self exem pt from w ars o f religion, w hich kindled I d rew n e a r an d en tered in to th e m id st o f the
lom to establish a paper in thin city, aa an flames th ro u g h o u t all E u ro p e . . T h e a rb itra ry Only one mourner. Close behind the bier And every hand ahall work it* ahare of wo.
Crumpliog th* pall up in her wither'd hands. How avarice fires their mind* Ye heaven born train, co m pany, I was asked i f I e n jo y e d religion, and
and he*«IJof ike Paiih of the Church of Chrin ot pow er, o f w hich she was so jealous, did n o t pre­ belonged to a n y so ciety I answ ered, an d m ade *
Sainte. Apportion of which, at tlmee, will be v e n t h e r possessing th o affections o f h e r sub­ Follow’d an aged woman. Her short step* • Behold our sacred gospel prcached in vain;
Falter’d wilh weakness, and a broken moan Behold us disobeyed, what dire alarms k n o w n m y condition, h o p in g to receive such in ­
Agriculture, Commerce and Manufacture*, aa je c t* stru c tio n s as would relieve m y zdi^d, an d rem ove
the Foreign and Damestio Newa of Ihe Day. Ii Fell from her lips, thicken’d convukively Inflame their aouls to slaughter, blood, and arms.
R ussia, b y th e in stitu tion s o f th e state, adm its As her heart bled afresh. The pitying crowd th e b u rd e n from it. I en tered in to co nversation
be the faiibfal advocate and defend*r its ow n subjects alone to th e bed o f th e Czars. Their dreadful end will wing it* fatal way,
Follow’d ipart, bur none spoke to her. w ith se v eral an d found th e m to h a v e opposite
tution of the United Stater, whose glory aud I ts laws allow o f no alliance to th e m onarch be­ Nor need their rage aaticipate tho day.
8he had no kinsmen. She had lived alone— opinions. S om e m anifested a w arm zeal fo r th e ir
ia known in every clime, which was battled for yond th e bounds o f h is empire. Let him who tempts me dread the dire abode,
A widow with one son. He waa her all— cause and stren u o u sly opposed o th e r s ; an d o th e rs
onr illustrious and patriotic ancestors. The And know ihe Almighty is a jealoas God. were m ore candid. ' A t tn is w a rrin g a b o u t creeds
A foreigner, an obscure female, a slave, no t The only tie ahe had in the wide world—
siences ahall not be neglcc'ed—Skcichee, Na* only seated h erself on the im perial throno, by the Still they may charge on us their own offence,
A SID And he dead. They could not comfort her. And call their woes the crimes of Providence; and clashing o f opinions, I w as astonished, for
Biographies, Moral Esiays, and Poems, will ai*o w m
th e y all p reten d ed to prove th e ir sen tim en ts tru e
sido o f a n enlightened and despotic sovereign; But they tbemielr*# thrir miscrie* create,
in the colamaa of \« THE PROPHET J* Jesus drew near to Nain a* from the gat* by th e oiblo. I w as m u ch d isg u sted an d
b u t after h is d ea th ,, she assum ed h is power, and They perish by iheir folly, not iheir fatci”
conductor* will endeavor to impart variety and reiened w ith a m ag nan im ity an d a splendbr, The funeral came forth. HU lip* were pale waa -s1mw4 t o t u r n fro m th e acene in dim­
column*. * ,. :0 w * u V '. A With the noon’s sultry heat. The beaded sweet In thia world, virtue in some degree carriea her rewud p a ir ; b u t sev eral g ath ered aro u n d m e w ho
which is atilll n o t dim m ed b y tim e ; an d sh e pro­
.—“ THE PROPHET,'* will bo aw ed Saturday cured stability to th a t im m ense em pire, w hich two 8tood thickly on hia brow, and on the worn in her bosom: contempt of covet ousnese ensures repose, tried to p ersu ad e m e to em braco th e ir sev eral
the 18th instant, on an Imperial Sheet, at No. 7 o th e r w om en h av e su b se q u en tly m aintained. And simple latchet* of hia sandals lay,* e r*■ • temperance eecore* health, benevolence produce* the moet creeds. Some said th is difference o f o pinion was
Ireet, New.York, and will appear regular ihereaf- C atherine th e second governed w ith a wisdom Thick the white dust of travel. He bad oome exquisite of all earthly delights, infinitely superior lo the o f m in o r consequence. I soon tu rn e d from th e
that day. at Om TVtlUr n*r •« S&v? vTT“n”*..rsn s t s / i s j nc* libertine** or epicure’s most aaotruinarv nratification. The -ccnc o f co n ten tio n a b o u t c je w ii liatoaed to
S tfiat && a3mirafflg cf th:
• To wet bis lipa by green Bethaaida** pool, first delrght is divine, the Iaat beaaily and sensual; humil­ h e a r som e o f th e m give th e ir descriptions o f th e
ral o f posterity.
Nor wath hia feet in Kishon’s wiser springs. ity begata assurance of aafety, and removes fear, for ihe glory, m ajesty an d b e a u ty o f h e a v e n : also th e
ill Letter* and Communications mqsth* .addrewrtl In a stra it o f th e r iv e r P r u th , th e T u rk is h
Nor turn him southward upon Tabor’* *lde man cannot fall far, who is on a plain. Tho few by fraud, ad v an tag e o f b ein g a C h r i s t i a n . O n th e o th e r
itu* ; PAID) to THE PROPHET, Np..7 Sprues SireeJ, arm y, of 160,000 «i*o»g,had su rro u nd ed th o C z a r
To catcli Oilboa’a light and spicy breete. rob the many of their portion of the earth's blessings, till h an d some attem p ted to describe th o woes an d
tfiSj ■W . T. LEACfH, P e te r on o v e ry ls id e ; an d ho was only eblo to o p ­
ihey arerloyed with superabundance, and of course can ains o f hell th a t will be inflicted u p o n those w ho
•York, May, 17.1
By order of the Board.
' ygo : ^
pose to th e m ab o u t 30,000 men, ex hau sted w ith
the fatig u es o f a long m arch a rc h th ro u g h sa n d y and
Genesareth stood cool upon
F*»i by the *ea of Galilee, and there
ihe east,
not eojoy what they possess; while ihe poor sutler and di* S isobey th o com m onds o f G od . T h is produced
desert countries. T o complete his distress, h e The weary Uaveller might bide till eve; forwent of the necessaries of life. The laws of nalure ar* m uch contention am on g th e m ; some said th ere
found a deficiency o f provisions. F o r th re e days And on the alder* of Btthulia's plains inverted by those ol man. God supplies our warns ia * was a hell, o th e rs said th ere waa none, 1 wan
HR CONDITION AND INFLUENCE,- BY X.Al *. the a rm y rem ained w ith o u t b r e a d ; an d th e sol­ The grapes of Palestine hung ripe and wild; thousand different ways, while man uses as many ways u also displeased a t this, an d w as a b o u t to tu r n
diers, leaning on th e ir arms, begged a lo u d for Yet turn’d he not aside, but gazing on. destroy our comforts; God commands even the forest ti aw ay and h av e n o th in g m ore to do w ith religion
When pain and anguish w riu| the brow.
A minisiering angel ihon t W Scott. From crery swelling mouat. he saw afar produce spontaneous fruits for bisoreaturesinheritance; thr or i t s v o ta rie s : b u t b*m g u rg ed b y all p arties to
.•lavery or death.
( CewTxirunD ) Amjdthe bjjlsjJie humble.inireioL3U*o* earth a o j u U k U ^ f o r \hc\r aTlm*nr, lhat we may learn read th e sc rip tu re s an d sa tisfy myself,— w hich I
. C ath erin e I. who had now followed h im , a p ­ from his kindness to all, to be kind to one another. Ala>! resolved to d o ; b u t w hen I th o ro u g h ly exam ined
Women i n A ria , v ic tim s sacrificed b y the peared as m u ch elevated w itlf courage, as h e was The place o f hi* next errand, and the path
Touch’d not Bethulia, and a league away no part of the brute creation is so cruel as man! always them for m y se lf I found th a t th e m ass o f th e
rof M ahom et, w arn ed b y a k in d o f in stin ct of depressed w ith despair- S he w ent in to h is te n t
iger w hich th rea te n ed them , h a d i t i n th eir in spite o f h is prohibition, and in th a t ton e w hich Upon the east lay pleasant Galilee. either the victim or the tyrant of hia fellow worms; yet he Christian p a r t o f th is c o m p an y w ere pro fessin g
to sta b th e prophet, an d suffered h im to astonishes, a n a adds to th e eclat o f beauty, sh e alone *f all ihe creation, knows that God i s ^ e a t in good­ one th in g , an d liv in g b y another. I n o rd er to re­
Forth from the city gate the pitying crowd ness, and good in grcatneas, and that his justice governs concile m y m ind to th is I was cited to loarned
T h u s , th e n , fo r th ree centuries, th e whole said to h i m : c<Before re sig n in g y o u rse lf en tirely Follow'd the siri»k«n mourner. They came near
tred a n d acted. F i r s t o f all to support to despair, th ere is one oxpediont w h ich m a y y e t the world; and that beneficence ia the happines* of virtue, men to g e t a n ex p lan atio n o f th e scrip tu res. I
The place of burial, and With atraining hands, and lhat virtue exalt* man to heaven. We see man every called o n them , and tr u ly th e y m ade m u ch exer­
and p u r e m orality o f Jesus C h r i s t ; at ter- be tried. Y o u m u st conclude a peace on th e least Closer upon her breaat she claspM U* q|U,
to d ic tate a code full o f th e h o n o r o f chi- disad van tag eou s term s th a t y o u can procure, b y where payiag the homage due only to God, to their kings tio n to exp lain th o sc rip tu re s to m y satisfaction,
And with a gasping *ob, quick a* a childV,
; and lastly, to favor th e rev iv al o f letters in b rib in g th e C aiim acan, an d th e v isir M ahom et W r ie s t* , both oppressing them as a punishment for and at th e sam e tim e to s u it th e ir creeds. W i th
- And an inquiring wildness (Uahiog through their i d o l i t f y ^ e x p a n d i n g rose and tulip, wherein their fine speeches, a n d th e re h e a rsin g o f p o p u la r
a. Before th is la s t period, w h en their B attag i. I will answ er for th e experim ent, from
The ihin gray lashea of her fever’d eye*, thousand* of ephemeralbeingi'p«nTMWi u the liberality of tra d itions, & th ro u g h th e m ean s o f th e m odern sp ir­
and th e ir u n d ersta n d in g secured to them, the know ledge I h av e o f th e c h a ra c te r o f these
She came where Jean* stood beside ihe way. iheir Maker, teachea ms n more profitable lesson, then all itu alizin g system , I was i n p a r t convortaH to th e ir
ly, a m erited r e p u ta tio n , th e y enjoyed in Spain tw o ministers. T h e co u n t T o lstoi h a s d ra w n m e
He look'd upon her, and his heart was moved. the Greek and Latin schoolmasters in the universe; namely, opinions. Therefore, I resolved to em brace some
im inion too splendid to, h e p a s se d o v e r in th e ir p o rtra its, in th e disp atch es w hich h e or­
MWeep not!'»he aaid, aad aa they ataid the bier, that God supplies the want* of the most diminutive insects, popular doctrine, and flo at w ith th e c u rre n t o f
!e. T h e i r influence am ong tne M oors is one dered to b e re a d to me." A n d w ith o u t g iv in g th e
m ost rem arkable circum stances in th o hiato- C z a r tim e to answer, sh e p ointed o u t a m a n in And at hia bidding laid it as his feet. and embracea the concerns of my circumscribed garden o f p o p u la rity . I th e n forsook ca n d id in v e stig a ­
He geutly drew the pall from out her grasp aa well a* the boundless garden of nature.- If, then, his tion, a n d com m enced to su p p o rt a p a r ty and
►f women. - P e r h a p s th e y n e v e r excorcised the arm y , whom she ju d g e d b est able to .manage
pow er in a m ore b rillian t m ann er than th is in trig u e skillfully. And laid it back in silence from the dead. benificence extends to the smallest insect in my garden, abide b y th e teach ing s o f men. B u t before I was
With troubled wonder the mute throng drew near. can I for a momeat think he will forget me! so deeply in v o lv ed in p a rty sp irit t h a t I could n o t
inada. T h e y th e re fully pyoved th a t they &;Your expedient is adm irable,” said he, a fte r
re ig n o v o r u s w ith o u t-o b lig in g u s td forget a m o m ent o f reflec tio n ; i; b u t w here shall we p ro ­ And gazed on his calm looks. A minute** apace, The chief evil* of society, I am persuaded, arise from the bo prev ailed u p o n to inv e stig a te for m y se lf th e
luties, and th a t th e y k n ew h o w to inspire cu re all tho m oney necessary to satiate these a v a ­ He stood and pray’d. Then taking the cold hand, wrong aasociation of ideaa among ihe rich, who are imi­ scene w a s chan ged , an d L was resc u ea ; before
■ . e v e n in th e bosom o f voluptuosncss. He said, “ Arise!” And instantly the breaat tated by ihe poor; the rich ar* continually seeking noveh b ig o try an d sup erstition h a d fastened th e ir ser-
ricious so u ls? th e y will n o t be p a i d b y mere p ro ­ Heav’d in its ceremcnts, and a sudden flush pont fangs upon m e, I w as aroused to seo m y situ ­
itu de w eakens th e courage o f a slave, and m is e s ” “ In y o u r cam p,” replied C a th e rin e ; u I ties lo procure them pleasure, and in scrdoing, render them­
h im none o f those p o w ers w hich are necas- h ave m y je w e ls: an d , before th o r e tu r n o f th is Ran through the line* of the divided lip*, ation.
selves miserable; and the poor are often equally miserable,
a n u n d e rta k in g o r im portance, - And with a mnrmur of hi* mother’* name, 'i S u d d en ly th e re ap p eared a cloud w h ich h o v e r­
m an, I will gain possession o f e v e r y sixpence th a t for the want of those novelties, because they suppose, very
u th e G au ls fled before th e ir enem ies, the ia here. M y only reou o st is, th a t y o u will not He trembled and aat upright in bi* shroud. ed o v e r th e m u ltitu d e , h a v in g a sin g u lar a p p e a r­
improperly, that they in reality are productive of pleasure,
threiv them selves a t th e ir feet,.and their allow y o u rse lf to (be discouraged, b u t b y y o u r And while the mourner hung upon hi* neck, ance, b e in g accom panied w ith a terrib le noise.
were it not for this, what pleased the* poor man yesterday
b ro u g h t th e m b ac k to tho combat. Jjsn* went calmly on his way to Nain. T h e bustle an d noise o f tho m u ltitu d e was soon
presence w ill go and aro u se th e courage o f y o u r would likewise pleas him to day; what was sufficient for
G otha, b y th e ir laws, obliged e v e r y one soldiers." hushed, an d a profound silenced reigned in ita
UE, his simple maintainance, would always appear good and
lebauched a v i r c i n t o m a r r y her, i f sho were BEAUriES.OF PHILANTHROPY, stead,“w h ilst e v e ry e y e looked u p o n th is sin g u lar
T h e C z a r delighted w ith th e g en e ro u s lib erali­ desirable. Did the poor know the painful disquietude of
same r a n k .,w ith h im se lf B u t i f sh e were n r sBAWACUii. phen o m en o n w ith w onder and aston ishm ent. A n d
t y o f C atherine, em braced h e r affectionately, left the rich, they would no doubt be contented, and of course
in ferip rclass^ th e ra v ish e r was com pelled to God haa granted toman the knowledge of a supreme it- oehold th e re ap p eared a perso n ag e in s ig h t th a t
his te n t, and proceeded to th e div ision o f general teligence, in order lo win him to hia own happineas; but happy, in what are ealled college*, and other seminaries was d escending th ro u g h the eth ereal s k y , an d b en d ­
h e r a fortune.
Sheremetof. I n th e m eantim e C atherin e, in te n t man from thia simple sentiment, has maaufactured a thou­ of learning, ihe foundation of the misery of thousands is in g liis course tow ards th e field th a t contained
»ir abhorrence o f th e M ahom etans, and o f
u p o n h e r project, m o u n ted h e r horse, a n d rode sand religious, aa inhuman aa ihe prieats by whoma they laid; the sentiment* inculcated in such places, often in op. tho m u ltitu d e . I was m uch astonished a t th is
^ to w h ich w om en were su b je cted by
th ro u g h all th e ra n k s o f th e array , so o th in g the are administered, who are continually leaching any thing position, and not in subordination to the gospel, are as am­ scenc, an d w ondered w ith g r e a t ad m iration . A ll •
r ch iefly c o n trib u ted to inflam e th e ir souls,
soldiers, and aw ak enin g th e ir alm ost to rp id spirits; but the art of being happy. The earth every where pro­ bition is to humility. W s too often fud, in the works of still c o n tin u ed in silence, w o nd ering w h a t th is
iptible o f e v e ry specie* o f elevation a n d great-
rM then ad d ressin g horself to th e officers, sh e said ; duces abundance for man, while thoughtlea*, thank­ claaaical and clerical authors, nothing but wrong premises, m eant. Some th o u g h t th a t i t was a n omen o f
T h e notions o f religion g av e additional
11M y friends, we are now in a d ile m n a from w hich less mao, waters that earns earth with the tears aad blood wrong conclusions, and wrong essociation of idsas, with a some aw ful e v e n t; an d som e t h o u g h t otherwise.
to th a t heroic zeal w ith w hich th e y were
wo ca n n o t possibly extricate ourselves, b u t a t the pf man, unhappy man! It is not nalure, bnt man that ia to super-abundant transcription of Latin and Greek quotations T h is personage soon landed in the m id st o f th e
ap d th is co m m ixtu re o f pious, am orous
which not one in a thousand can understand, and only taunt m ultitude.
be impeached with the miseriea and ilia of life.
so m a n y ex plo its w h ich h isto ry h a s hand- to th e first, to die w ith o u r a rm s in o u r hands, the reader's ignorance,and expose the auther’a vanity,and to I drew n e a r h im , to h e a r fro m w hen ce h e camej
The powerful and afUatnt think thst all are miserable
o u r gold an d o u r jew els will no longer be o f use men of sence will only pass for what they are worth.— and 1 soon learned th a t he w as from som e d is ta n t
»wn to posterity, who live out of the circumference of fashionable life; but
••Let us look through nalure up lo natnr*i>fiftd," for uaa p lanet, b u t he refused to giv e a n y f u r th e r in fo rm a ­
toy were seen to q u it th e ir peaceful asylum to u s . L e t u s em ploy th e m thon to dazzle theso ihoy themselveearothft m**»4 m i * o m b l c , b c o o u o « O t « y •<>»•
barbarians, and to engage th e m to open u s a pas- dulterated truth; and take our eyea and heart* from the tio n upon th e s u b je c t I th e n w as v e r y ^ x i o u s to
tu m u lt o f cam ps, to su pp ort, u n d e r tents, teiact thejaw* of aatnre, and live in opposition, aud not in
selfish world, where irnth is discarded, and interest i* ihe w atch th e actions an d m ovem ents o f th is stra n g e r
fatig u es o f a m ilita n r life, to fo rg et their £ g o f r o m t h e s e j d h ^ p e r M M b . v e no r e l i *
ss a n d n a tu ra l tim id ity , w ith o u t ev e r de- b e g u n ; I h a v e s a c n f . c e d t h e g r e a t e r p a r t o f m y b „ ,o r v t i „ d elighu> D 0 , 1Bh( b u t fo r l W o w , . n o p ,( u o t f order of the dsy, both among politicians aad eclesiastic*, an d h e a r w h at ho had to say. Some o f th e
where almost every sect endeavor to oppropriate the C h ristia n p art o f th e m u ltitu d e soon enquired i f
ig from th a t m o desty an d d eco ru m w hich jew els an d m y m oney.” butin sensuality; while they have no relish for God, ihey
so essential charactori sties o f th e ir sex. C a th e rin e disp lay e d so m a n y ch a rm s, and ad- promises and presence of God to their individual churches, the believed and en jo y ed religion ; he answ ered
are total stranger* to true pleasure, and their whole life is
soon waa se en to blaze in th e m idst of dressed them w .th so m u ch graco an d enthusiasm ^ They Me lht m idltoflhe „ p < rb to the exclusion of the rest of mankind. Little do ihey th a t he w as en tirely ig n o ran t o f tho C h r is tia n re­
Palaees, castles w ere attacked an d de- h a t oven th e poorest soldier la id la t h e r feet all ^ udmire> onl)f lheir owa gr4Ddcar think, that the temple of Jehovah is ihe univers; bis lamp, ligion ; b u t he m anifested a willingness to le a r n
b y female valor. h e m oney he possessed^ I h e despo n den cy o f They are continually CBntiouilly fed fed (liks
(lik. the the awine ihe sun, his organ, th* melodious voices of the saints, who the p articu lars o f th e sam e I was m u c h elat­
swine feedingteeding upon
us t u r n to h isto ry . W e shall see the cele- th e .a rm y was succeeded b y courage, an d a hope acorns, who never know nor care from whence they ^ fall.)^ love him; his "altar the moat humble heart. Unless the ed at this, and supposed th a t h e w o u ld so o n be
M a rg a re t o f A n jo u , m ore courageous than o f b etter fortu n e prevailed th ro u g h th tralh shall make us free, we never “ahall be free indeed,'* converted an d em brace tho C h r is tia n faith.—
liberal hand of ihe Crealor, yet they infringe his
>rt H e n r y V I. rep a ir th e losses occa- cam p ; nor was th is hope disappointed. T h e ar- we were placed upon this earth lo know, to love, and to Some from all parties r u s h e d fo rw ard to e n te r into
rights, and counteract hia excellent laws. Surely the op’ -i—» l! n n >••’»!« U!m a a V aym"•>.. •k V/. V V ( | I I M b U
u y m s im oeciiity, rec au v ic iu ry iu m» VtlW ----- > > U I . . V . W W H V M • ■ • • • . H . M . , W“ V • •
pressor thus acts, and the jast re-action of Providence re-
Is, twice re g a in h e r lib erty , n o r yield to plete, b y th e intelligence th a t th e V isir was d is­ man; for itia a fnndemental law of nalure, (hear il, ye cru- him th a t h is s y s te m o f religion was su p e rio r to
paya him.ia hia own coin. With the aame measure he metes,
>ls, as well as to fate, till after sh e had posed to receive commissaries, vested w ith full it is measured unto him sgain. The more men are op' el, unfeeling, rich men, and tremble at yonr approaching o th e rt. H e w as h o w ev er dissatisfied w ith th e ir
it tw elve battles, o a w h ich h e r genius, h er powers to tr e a t for peace. D u rin g th e course of pressed, the more feeble and wretched are their oppres­ doom!) that the cruelty of man to his fellow man, shall re. co n ten tio u s sp irit, an d called fo r th eir ru le s o r
ry an d h e r talents th re w a lustre w hich is this bold manoeuvre, C harles X I I . an d his m in is­ sors;/or they produ ce misery, and misery produces mur­ coil qn himself, (hat no individual villain, or government of sta tu te s ; th e y soon presonted the bible to him,
su b je ct o f adm iration. T h o w om en o f th e te r P onictow ski, em ployed all th e artifices o f in ­ ders, robberies, prostitution, reb*lioa, civil wars, which them, ahall ever find their happineaa in the misery of others. ex to lling i t as b o in^ tho best o f all bboks. I n it
ET C y p ru s freed them selves fro m th e chains trigue, and all th e resources o f genius, to p rocure This one simple truth uudermines ihe fales hopes of mil said ih e y are tho prin cip les o f the p u re G ospel o f
end ia their ruin This re-action of evil is observa*
M u 8sulm en, b y se ttin g fire to th e ir maga- advantage to th e ir own causo from th e weakness lions of the great, the rich, the mighty, and honorable of C h ris t,— th o fo u n tain o f lig h t au d knowledge.—
1I9 . ia th> gav»rm nan of modeVa, as well as of an*
>f p o w d e r ; an d av a ilin g them selves o f the o f th e tiz a r , an d tho stren g th o f th e Visir. mankind. This sentiment will be grating to the feelings The. favorable descriptio n th e y g av e o f it, induced
cient times. We see in ihe preseot days governmenta ju
'h ic h th e explosion produced, th e y oscaped C atherine, to w hom R u s sia was indebted ^for of many, who will no doubt hate me, because I tell them him to p ersu e it.
»eir ty ra n ts . H o w m a n y o th e r exam ples th is valuable peace, m odestly en jo y ed tho g tory dicially infatuated, which with long and steady strides, sp- the truih. 1 am most earnestly deairous lo do good to man W ith o u t a n y prepossessed opinions he re a d its
n o t also be adduced ! proach the brink of political annihilation. They do not
sh e h a d gained. T h e g ra titu d e o f th o people kind; I must therefore calcalate upon calumny and abuse sacred pages, a n a was m uch pleased w ilh th e doc­
exam in e th e c o n d u c t o f th e w om en in an d o f th o soldiers waa lively in th e ex trem e : remember lhat the cause must be removed before the effects
from them; but abuse or applaus* arc synoaimoua terrm trin e th e re in set forth. Me read th o H is to r y o f
^country, w ith im p artiality , we sh all be con- !«will cease. The world is filled wilh wretchedness and
with me, as I endeavor lo wrile to meet the approbation, C hrixt, and th e object o f h is m ission, and was
th a t, w ith o u t h a v in g been ch arg ed w ith O ne h u n d re d and fifty M orm ons f r o m ^ n g la n d , i which .r e th. •ff.pri.g of mm*, c r u e l a n d op not of man, but of my conscience ond of God. m u ch elated. H e read the G ospel o f C h rist and
iploym ent, w ith th e co n d u c t o f a n y w eig h - a m v e d, at ^S t _L o u..s o n « c\t\ 1
th e 2 3 rd ult.
1 rn» - » pression. and not the produce of nature. Mao, who is weak,
I h .s m a k e s . ^ w *# „ and(on (he brjnk of |h Kfa¥e h„ , he ,emeri (To be continued ) was overw helm ed w ith jo y to th in k ho hud found
iction, th e y h a v e nev ertheless perform ed ja d octrine th a t g u a ra n te e d u n to h im his soul’s , - rfTO
»rtant services as th o m en. O n occasions a b o u t threo hundred th a t havo passed th a t place to jropctch God with the fruit and effects of b it own salvation, and w a rra n te d to him such p rec io u s '
frgence especially th e y ap p e ar i n a couspic- w ith in te n d a y s o n th o ir w ay to N a u v o o , th e ; folly; to show the inconsistency of which, I will transcribe H o w often do th e lineam ents o f m a n s face be­ blessings an d gifts. H e read th a t God h a d or*
ight. M orm on P arad ise .— [ N . Y . N a tiv e R e p u b lic an , i a few applicable lines from my ttagical poem, "Avenia.” tr a y th e secret em otions o f h is h e a r t ! g a n iz e d hia C h u r c h on earth, w ith apostles, pros
to - m u lt itu d e w hen. «r~ realitv. ?*nd re ite m trd b y ev ery r e p h y r u p o n w h i c h w e n— A ™ U u r , « e , m p nK « wUl
phets, a n d he h a d prom ised various spiritual gifts C e n d a n t o V lr iith t h a t alt th e a rts add design* o f th e fe p a sts-o f tJfc ere no m ore p ure, th e ir exertions i ore to found o u r ju d g e m e n t, o f o ne s m e rits o r gemowu, M d ^ iu h e 4.b of mll‘
■u c h as healin g the sick, sp e a k in g in o th er to n g u e m en ca n n o t fathom; th e re is a n increasin g influ there d o c trin e rw elV re ..w
htronsnes* no V
........... — r-— . —
rater. n eeith
~ . x-
en ce w hich rises u p in one place the m om en t it is to tu r n m en to rig hteou sness no grater, i t here r ; d e m e rits: I f i t is. is, wwee ere ct on an a lta r utfponp o n w h ic h S. F » f c » r u Mwhiga., d « r o r « d bjr fire . . U*
prophesying*, vision*, ad m in istration o f a/J^els.
th e ir w alk a n y m ore circ u m sp e ct— the g rav e ol j we sacrifice th e m ost p erfec t o f m en, an d estab* 20th, loss 6.C00 dollars, no insurance—Albeit Corwin was
& .C ., o n conditions o f obedience A fter he had covered in another, and tho more it is trad u c ed
the fo rm e r is co nsidered to be h oly, end his sepul- lish a c rite rio n b y w hich tho ‘ vilest o f th e vile *hot on Sainzday last, by J. M Merrill ef Bloomingeote
learned the d o ctrin e o f C h rist, and th e jn a n n e r th e and th e h arsh e r the m eans em ployed to effect its N. Y —Mad drgs at Sroien Isleod, a number of children
c h u rc h was o rgan ized , and the blessings prom ised ex tin ctio n , tho more n u m e ro u s are its vo taries.— c h e r is g arn ish e d while- th e la tte r is d ep riv e d a ; m ay escape censure. baveV cn biten—The Hessian Fly is makiof sad hovoc with
d w elling am o n g m en, o r oven a n existence up on ; B u t lest I w e a ry y o u w ith too m a n y re m a rk s
h e resolved t h a t he w ould go to an y le n g th in o r­ It i9 n o t th e v ain c ry o f “delusion” fro m th e g id ­
the wheat crop in Pean.-~Tbere waa a severe frott at AU
d e r to em b ra ce su c h a religion as th ia. A fte r he d y m ultitude; it is not the sncars o f bigots; it is e a r th ! S u c h is a specim en o f tho d e p ra v ity and upo n the h isto ry o f th e p ast, a lte r a few u p o n th e bany^aad in the vicinity of ibis oriy oa Tuesday Iasi—
inconsistency o f men, and su c h has been th e ir p ro p riety o f a n a rra tiv e of th e descrip tio n 1 h ave
had ca re fu lly perused the scrip tu res, h e had no not th e frowns o f zealots, n e ith e r th e ra g e of
Bishop Hughes has addressed a letter to the new Mayor
o th e r expectation th an th a t n e should find a princes, kings, nor em peror?, th a t c a n p r e v e n t its co n d u c t tow ard th e rig h te o u s i n cen tu ries past. proposed, I shall proceed.
c h u rc h organized according t o th e N ew T estam ent influence. T h e f a c t is. ns T u r t u lli a n said, no W h e n Jo h n th e son o f Z a c h a r ia s ca m e am o ng : fBOBmmkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Jas. Harper—The Seneca Chiefs, have aot* their lands and
received an eastslmeat'ot 7$,C00doUars but are not willing
p a tte rn , and people e n jo y in g th e blessings above man e v e r looked carefully in to its consistency th e Jew s, it is said th a t h e ca m e n e ith e r e a tin g W T J *P T ) T ) C \ 13 T-T T? T
and p ropriety w ith o u t em b ra c in g i t I t is i m ­ bread n o r d r in k in g wine. I n a n o th e r place i t is 1 1 1 I ! j 1 U 1 J lL - E i to go—Trial of rioters implicated in the late diagrcefal fr*.
mentioned, Indeed, h e was conscious in his own
possible. th a t lig h t w hich e n lig h te n s man, is at said t h a t h is m eat was locusts a n d wild honey. -— —--------- — ------ :—~ cus in Philadelphia isgoiog o e ia that city.
m ind th at those w h o ad v ised h im to read th e bible
believed all th o se th in g s, a n d th a t th e y had apos­ once enraptured; th a t intelligence w h ich existed T h i Jew * saw him , h e a rd him preach, an d w e re ) S A T U R D A Y M O R N I N G , M A Y 2 5 , 1844. Elder Thomas tttatdwood baa/* * apived from Fagltad,
tles, and p rp p h e ts in th e c h u rc h according to the before th e world was, will u n ite , an d th a t wisdom w itnesses o f the p u r ity o f tho doctrines advocated j — and gi vea an encouraging account of the progress of the glo-
p a tte rn , H e im m ed iate ly solicited some o f them in th e D iv in e economy w ill be so conspicuous^ — th e y w a n te d a n excuse, an d 4hoy soon found F O R P E S ID E N T , rioua work—indeed Esgtaad is not a whit behind our own
m a c a n d id w ay to g iv e nim a n in trod uctio n to th a t it will be em braced, i t w ill be observed, and o ne— 4i H e h a th a d e v i l!”— A n d who, am o n g all country in the number ef the advocates of the everlasting'
som e o f th e ir apostles, t h a t he m ig ht converse it m u st be obeyed!
w ith them o n th is im p o rta n t subject. T h e reply
g eneratio n s, t h a t valued his salvatio n , w ould b t
L o o k at pu re religion w h en e v er i( h a s had a ta u g h t b y , o r follow one possessed o f a d e v il?
GEN. JOSEPH SMITH, , gospel of our Lord and Savior Jeaua Chiist. We b m
O F N A U V O O , IL L IN O IS . f counts from vstious sections of our country which show
w a s h a v e no apostles m t b e c h u rc h now-a-days. place on earth, and v o u w ill alw a y s m a rk th e same T h e S a v io u r cam e in form and fash io n o f a m a n , lhat the Utiih ia making rapid Kridee and making “ faen
T h e stra n g e r w a s astonished a t this, and look­ characteristics in all its featu res. L o o k at tru th he ate, d ra n k , a n d w alked a b o u t a s a m a n , and- “ A Western man, with American principles.’
free indeed.1* Prejudice is fatt disappearing before the
ed as th o u g h he was g rea tly disappointed in his (w ith o u t w hich tho fo rm e r could n o t exist.) and th e v said , u Behold, a m a n g lutton ou s, a n d a wine- lighi of revelation, and, men highend low, Priest and people
anticipations, and his hopes wero e n tire ly blasted the sam e peculiarities are a p p a re n t. T h ose bibbor, a frie n d o f publicans a n d s in n e r s !” Y o u Caxvamkiu w a k te d .—A fet* intelligent active men are begining to “ prove all things,** and the great increase fo
a n d he would sin k in despair. H o w e v e r, he re* w ho hav e been g u id e d b y th e m hav o al* see a n excuse w as w anting, b u t n o t lo n g w a n tin g wanted to can vacs for the **P r o p h e i w i t h whom a libe­ ihe number o f ••Saint* ot the Latter days** show that they
covered him self the shock, an d e n q u ire d for p ro ­ w ays show n th e sam e principles; an d those who till i t w as found— W h o w ould follow a dissipated ral arrangement will be m*de: apply immediately at ihe “ held fast to that which is good.”
p h ets a n d those who en jo yed some o f tho spiritual were not, h ave as u n ifo rm ly so u g h t to dostroy le a d e r? o r who, a m o n g tho rig h te o u s. P h arisee s "Prophet*’ Office, No. 7 Spruce.H. (2nd floor.)
gifts. T h e rep ly was, w e havo no prophets, and th e ir in/Iuonce. R elig io n h a s h a d its frie n d s and ould acknow ledge a m a n w h o w ould condescend Eider S. Brans***, from Ohio, has arrived ia New
these g ifts a re no lo n g e r needed. H e im m ediate­ its enemies; its ad v o c ates a n d its opponents.— j to eat w ith p u b lican s a n d B in n e rs? T h is was too We thia week have hoisted tho banner and placed be- York, and gives a cheering accosnt o f hi* minion, and
l y accused th e m o f ac tin g dish o nestly w ith h im ; B u t the th o u sa n d s o f y e a rs w hich hav e come and m u ch — th e y could n o t e n d u re it. A n in d iv id u a l j fore the world as a candidate for the Chief Magistracy of success of the good work, in the regioa o f country he haa
first, th e y inform ed him tnat th e bible g a v e a des- j gone,havo le ft it unaltered; th e m illions w h o h ave te a c h in g th e d o ctrin es o f th e k in g d o m o f h e a v e n ihis Republic, the Prophet of the last days. General Joseph visited. Those addressing letters to him, wiJJ please direct
crip tio n o f th e ir d o ctrin es ; b u t w hen he read an d j om braced it . a n d aro now e n j o y in g th a t bliss held and d e c la rin g th a t, t h a t k in g d o m was n ig h , or Smith o f Naovoo, I II, and pledge ourselves to oat oar ut- io No 7 Spruce street N. Y.
com pared i t w ith th e ir doctrines •« d e n q u ire d for forth i n its prom ises, h a v e le ft its prin cip les u n ­ th a t it h a d already come, m u s t a p p e a r different i most endeavors to ensure his electioo, being satisfyed that
apostles a n d prophets, they d en ied h a v in g changed, a n d i t s influence upo n th e h o n est h e a r t from others, o r h e could n o j b e received. I f h e j ne win administer the laws o f his country without reference OchELDni C. W. W aw dle, direct from Nauvoo, will
a n y su ch org anizatio n, y e t th e y sa id th e y wor­ u nw eakcned. T h e m a n y op po sitio ns w hich were a th ir s t h e m u s t n o t d r in k , i f f a in t h e m u st i «> party, sector local prejudice. We have commoniea- Lectare onSunday, ?6ih in*, at Marion Temperance HaJi „
sh ip p e d G o a a c ^ f d i n g to th e scriptures. H e de­ h av e enco un tered it; the m illions o f calumnies, not eat, a n d i f w eary h e m u s t n o t rest, b ecause h e j doc* from various parts of the country, hailing his nomina- 1S3 Canal-street, a t half-past 10 A M. and at balf.p*st 1
clared th a t th e y d id n o t believe w hat th e y p r o fa n ­ the num berless reproaches, a n d th e m y ria d s of had assu m ed th e a u th o rity to teach th e world I uon with joy, and we feel coafident that if the intelligence P. M» AU who wish to hear & t priaciple* of the Latter-
ed, and tu rn e d fro m th em m uch dissatisfied, con* falsehoods, h ave lefts its f a ir form u n im p aired righteousness, an d h e m u s t be d iffe ren t in m a n ­ of ihe Ameiican people prevail o?er their prejudices, he Day Saint*, proclaimed, are invited to attend and jndge
d e n n i n g th e w hole o f th e C h r is tia n religion an d its its b e a u ty un tarn ish ed , a n d its excellence a s e x ­ ners, a n d in c o n stitu tio n , i f n o t i n form , th a t all will be elfcted by a large majority. We call upon all for ihsmeaives.
v o ta ries, s a y in g ho would h a v e n o th in g m ore cellent; while i t certain ly is th e sam e, a n d its m igh t be a ttra c te d b y h is s in g u la r a p p e a ra n c e : frif nds of Justice, of Truth, Humanity and of God lo exam­
t o d o w ith them . T h e y soon, how ever, said he fo undation up h eld b y th e h a n d o f God! th a t h is s in g u la r d e m e a n o u r m igh t g a in the ine his views and let the love of country predominate over (**• The Church o f Jesas Christ, of Latjer .aiats a t n i '
w as deluded, a n d w arned th e m u ltitu d e to beware O ne pecu liarity ot m en I w ish t o n o tice in the reverence o f tho people, o r h e w as a n im po stor— he lote of party, and through the ballot box we willatrike ladelphia, hold their Meetingsctery Sunday a* asuai,house
o f him . ea rly p a r t o f m y n arrativ e.— So f a r as m y ac­ a false te ac h er— a w icked m a n — a sin n e r— and * blow at oppreraion, hypocrisy, injustice nod treachery, in 3rd street above Willow, over Marshall inssitate *
A f t e r carefully w atch ing s the action s o f the q u ain tan c e an d know ledge o f m e n and th e ir h isto ­ a n accom plice o f B eelzeb ub , th e p rin ce o f d ev ils ! that may wither the hopes and prcspscts of those who V ELD. Wm. WHARTON, Pre*idiog.
s tra n g e r, and h e a rin g w h a t h e h a d to sa y , and r y extends, it h a s been th e cu sto m o f e v e r y g e n ­ t f s in g u la r ity o f app earance, o r difference o f would sell their country for office, and barter their God for
se ein g th e m a n n e r i n w hich h e was treated , the eration, to boast o f o r ex to l tho acts o f the former. m anners w ould com m and respect, c e rta in ly Jo h n Donation* ia book*, natural or artificial curieauie*,
gold—GtDerti! Joseph Smith the Philanthropist, the friend philosophical apparatuses, <fcc., wiJJ be received by the
e v e s o f m y u n d e rsta n d in g w ere opened, and I saw In th is resp e ct I w ish to be d istin c tly understood, w ould h a v e b een rev erenced , a n d h e a rd . T o sec
of the oppressed; the champion of the rights of God snd oj “ Society for the Diflosion of* Trath,*c* at the office of the
th e condition I was in, an d also tho aw ful apostacy th a t I m ean th e rig h te o u s— those to w hom G od one c o m in g from th e w ilderness, clad w ith camels'
man. Examine bis views ye liberal friends of humanity Prophet, and forwarded to the Museum, at Nauvoo. Notices
o f th e C h u rch , o r o f those w ho professed the com m unicated his w i l l T h e ’ro h a s o v e r been an h air, d r in k in g n e ith o r w ine n o r s tr o n g d rin k , n o r
C h ristia n religion, a n d began to contend fo r the a p p a re n t blindness com m on to men, w hich has y e t e a tin g com m on food, m u s t h a v e aw a k en e d the do net alight ike claims of a true “ Son of Liberty,” but lei of which will be published, if desired.
n ecessity o f a co n tin u atio n o f apostles, p ro p h ets1 h indered th e ir discoverin/jr w orth a n d e x ­ cu rio sity o f th e cu rio u s, to th e fullest e x t e n t __ it be said tbatMAmerieav the land of the free and the home
OCb Bro. A. R- Wright, of Ohio,i* authorised to procure
<fcc. I was soon considered a herotic— th e finger cellence o f in d iv id u als w hile r e sid in g w ith them, B u t th e re waa o n e p e c u lia rity i n th i s m a n com ­ of the brave** can appreciate the merits of a man who has
subscribers aad receive monies for the Prophet. He is
x>f scorn was pointed a t mo; and a n u p r o a r was b u t w hen onco d e p riv e d o f th e ir society, worth, m o n t o e v e r y rig h te o u s m a n before h im , fo r with giaat mind, opposed sll the accumulated prejudicea
raise d am o ng th e m u ltitu d e , and (Key* cried, say-" an d counsel, th e y w ere r e a d y to exclaim , *how w hich th e people h ated him , and fo r w hich h e uf age#, and showa him?* If the uncompromising opponent also, authorised to diiposeof a few Share* of the Capital
Stock of the “ Sooiatv for tha DifTaainn rJ m
in * , : «»&vo u o u iu ig iu d u w ith this* man, fo r he is g re a t mid inestiole w ere t n e ir qualities, an d how lost h is life— h e ta u g h t holiness, proclaim ed rep en ­ wi iiVCijr iviw Ci ijiAiiUy wiv. ...» itnMMr vi WMitavi mm.— »
d e lu d e d ” 1 im m ediately, w ith others, w ho con­ precious i n th e ir m em o ry .” ta n c e - a n d b ap tism for th e rem ission ‘ o f sins, We would refer our reader* to Gen. Smith's JeUers and ' Who h u not heard of (he etlebrtied E g , Hatcbiag Jf»-
te n d e d for the above m entioned gifts, separated T h e v ilest an d m o st c o r r u p t are n o t exem pted w arned th e people o f th e consequences o f in iq u ity , writings, for his views on the policy of governments. chi*e, which if io /all blu< at No. 2$3 Broadway. Ji „
fro m them , a n d ih e dream closed and 1 aw oke— from th is charge: ev en th e Jew s, w hose form er and d eclared t h a t th e k in g d o m o f h e a v e n w a s a t W e would say to our friend* that oar prospects sre en­ crtialolj • eorio.iiy thal ia sot lo be a c t wilh e r e r r day
A B U JK V E R IX T H E f C I I t t V * 2 S . principles h a d btttome degenerated, an d whose re ­ h a n d — A ll th is w a s too m u c h ! T o see one couraging, lhai we are receiflag from all sections of our Qo one. «o all, and p a r ihe gewlemanl, proprietor a rin..‘
ligion w as a m erS show, w ere fou nd am o ng th a t dressed so rid icu lo usly , e a tin g n o com m on food, country the congratulation ol the saints on the establish­ for il i i a rich treat. — ^
(*>• As the important particulars, and incident!,Connec­ class who w ere ,-eady to build and g a rn ish th e n eith er d r in k in g w in e lik e o th e r m e n ; s t u p i n g ment of our paper, and we promise that no exertion on our
ted wilh ihe coming forth of the Book of Mormon, bavr sepulchers o f th e p ro p h e ts a n d condem n th e ir fa ­ in ad v a n ce o f th e learn ed a n d re v e re n d P h arisees, part shall be warning to make the “ Prophet** worthy of the LIST OF AGEN%|J.
ever been, and are now, subjects of enquiry, we shall in th e rs for p u ttin g th e m to d ea th ; m a k in g im p o rta n t wise doctors, an d rig h te o u s scribes, a n d d ec laring ’ patronage of all good and honest men both saint and gen­ Br. Hardy. Boston. Br. Woodbnry 24 No.ih W h a m .
•ert, for ihe benefit of those who are not acquainted with boasts o f th e ir own rig h te o u sn ess, and o f th e ir as­ a t th e sam e timo, t h a t th e L o rd ’s k in g d o m would tile. We have counted the cost of “ opposing the popular Philadelphia. Elder Wandeil, general U artlio, agent
the coming forth of the above named work, one of a eerie.* su ran c e o f sa lv atio n , in th e m id st o f w hich th ey so on appear, could n o t bo borne— h e must, n o t errors of the day,** and can say with the continued pat­ ih tough the State of New York. B r A. R. Wright, of
of letters, each week until all are published. rose u p w ith one c o n s e n t,* trea ch e ro u sly & shame* teach— h e m u st n o t assum e— h e m u s t n o t attem p t ronage of the liberal end philanthropic portion of our BeUcfontaio.Obio. Elder William McBride, Waj-neaviilo
O. COWDERY'S LETTERS TO W. W. PHELPS. fuHv betrayed , a n d crucified th e S a v io u r o f the to lend th e people a fte r h im — “ H e h a th a deVil !’* community, that we will yet open a battery on "Baby­ Ohio. All traveling elder* ara requested lo act a* agtnta
L E T T E R I!.
world ! N o w onder t h a t th e e n q u ire r h a s tu rn e d T h e Jew s w ere willing, (professedly so,) to be­ lon” lhat will eventually undermine the strong holds of for the “ Prophet.”
Dear Brother:— aside w ith 'd isg u st, n o r m a rv e l th a t G o d h a s a p ­ lieve th e an c ie n t p ro p h ets, an d follow th e direc­ aatan, and make room for the glorious reiga of the Son sf
pointed a d a y w hen h e will call th e n atio n s before tio n s o f h e a v e n a s d elivered to th e w o rld b y th e m ; Peace. ^ v* :- TO CORRESPONDENTS.
I n th e la s t M essenger an d A dvocate I prom is­
him, a n d re w a rd e v e r y m an ac co rd in g to h is b u t w hen one cam e te a c h in g th e sam e doctrine! In answer to many communications we wouW say: that P . has been received and will meet attention.
e d to com mence a m o re p a rtic u la r o r m in u te his
w orks 1 and p ro claim in g th e sam e th in g s, o n ly th a t th ey we are nosght to be bought by promise, or intimidated W e have made the calculation requested by ttC h y t99 and
to r y o f th e rise a n d progress o f tho c h u rc h o f th»-
E n o c h w alked w ith G o d , and wns ta k e n home were n e a re r, th e y would n o t hear. M en s a y i f by threat, but our cours will be directed by an eye single find that the Prophei* prospect o f e|eetio« is faeooresing.
L a tte r-D a y S ain ts; a n d publish for the benefit of
Brother W ’s. advice shall be attended to. . ' i ‘
in q u ire rs, a n d all w ho a re disposed to learn.— w ith o u t ta stin g d e a th .— W h y w ere n o t all c o n v e rt­ th e y , could see th e y w ould b eliev e; b u t 2 h ave to the glory of God, and the good of mankind at lerge,
ed m
in his d a y and ta k e n w ith h im to g lo r y ! th o u g h t th e reverse, in th is resp®cC— I f th e y c a n ­ •ppoeing no msn, but uncompromising in opposition to all W e thank “ Brother H.” for his iaterett in behalf o f the
T h e r e a re certain facts relativ e to the w o rk of
N oah, it is said, wns perfect in h is g e n e r a tio n : not see th e y will believe. forma of error and prejudice. “ Prophet.*' ... .1 . . . . v... . : ; <«.:
G o d w o rth y the consideration a n d observance of
ev e ry individual, an d e v e ry society.— T h e y are and it ifi p la in th a t he had com m un ion w ith his O ne o f two re a so n s - r ia y be assigned a s the To all correspondents, we would teader this atfviee: be
t h a t he n e v e r w orks i n th e d a r k — his w orks are .Maker, a n d b y m s d irectio n accom plished a work ____
cause 0 why.______________________________
n ie ssen g e rs o f t r u th h a v e been re- ANSW ER 7 0 “ BBftEAN.” as comprehensive as possible, as we nre obliged to rrjee,
alw a y s perform ed in a clear, intelligible m a n n e r the parallel o f w hich is n o t to be fon nd in th e ^ t e d r— p e rh a p s both. T h, e m u ltitu d e *aw th e ir First, “ Cso the Church of Jejos Christ exist without many articles which are otherwise good. W e cannot in-
annals o f tho world I W h y w ere a p t Ttforld im perfections, o ro rsusuDDOsed
perfections, p p o se d ones, one* anand d fro m th a t Apostles, Prophets, B.shops and other officers which eert lengthy articles, unless on important sabjects.
a n d a n o th e r point is, th at he nev er w orks in vain
converted, th a t th e flood.iw^U t-mr^e b‘ een sta y e d ? fram ed a n excuse fo r re je c tin g t h e m ; o r else in constituted her goternnKnt in ancient days f
T h is is n o t tho case w ith m en; b u t n u r h t i t not [ he r ^ 1
consequence o f the co rru p tio n o f th e ir ow n hearts, W e will answer this question by asking another t Can s TURKEY.
be? W h e n ^ h e L o rd works, ho accom a c c o mpp lic e s Ins >• / • . , . _
talked, boasted, and extolled his f a i t h : an d he is w hen reprov ed, w ere n o t w illing to r e p e n t ; b u t T h e firm uess o f th e B r it is h a n d F r e n c h A m ­
purposes, and th e effects o f his power are t o be man now exist without a head, arms, hands, legs, feet,
seen afterw ard. In view o f this. suffer me to ev en represented i n th e S c rip tu re s:— “ T h e fath e r so u g h t to m a k e a m a n a n offonder fo r a w ord * o r •» r»t mouth or tongue, and every other member b a s sa d o rs h a s in d u c e d th e P o r te t o m a l e f u r th e r
m a k e a few rem arks b y w ay o f in tro d u c tio n — o f th e faith fu l.” M oses talked w ith th e L o rd face for w e a rin g cam els’ h a ir, e a tin g locusts, d r in k in g which constituted*his physical organization “ in ancient s lig h t concessions r e g a r d in g C h r is tia n a w h o
T h e w orks o f m an m a y sh in e for a season w ith a to fac e; received th e g r e a t m oral larr, u p o n the wme, o r sh o w in g f rie n d sh ip t o p u b lic a n s a n d sin® days V* If msn cannot be perfect in bis organization with­ h a v i n g on ce em b ra ce d t h e M u sse lm a n relig io n ’
basis o f w hich, those o f all civilized g o v ern m en ts n e r s !
degree o f b rillian cy , b u t tim e chan ges th e ir com ­ out all these members, how can the church be perfect io r e t u r n a g a in to t h e ir old f a ith . T h e su b m issio n
plexion; a n d w h eth e r it did o r not, all w ould be are f o u n d e d ; led Israel fo rty y e a rs , and was taken W h o n lo o k in g o v e r th e sacred sc rip tu re s, we her organir.Aii.on in the absence of these official member*, o f th e S u lta n i n th i* m a t t e r is r e g a rd e d a s th e
th e same in a little space, as n o th in g except that hom e to receive th e rew ard o f his toils— then seem to forget th a t th e y w ere giv en th ro u g h m en when an inspired apostle has compared her govern mentor- m o st im p o r ta n t d ip lo m a tic o c c u rre n c e i n t h e a c -
Jacob could realize h is w orth. W ell w a s the o f im perfections, an d su b je c t to passions, [ t is a
w h ic h was erected b y a h a n d w hich n ev er grows u b o f T u r k e y , b e in g i n fa c t th e d e a th blow to
question asked b y o u r L o rd , “ H o w can th e c h il­ g eneral b elief th a t th e a n c in t p ro p h e ts w ere per* ganizitioa to the physical organixation of the human body T
w eak, c a n rem a in w hen co rru p tio n is consumed See 1st Cor. 12 chap. O tto m a n fan a tic ism . I t ia, h o w ev er, a tte n d e d
d re n o f th e b rid ec h am b er m o u rn while th e b rid e­ feet— th a t no sta in , o r blem ish o ver ap peared up on w ith co n sid erab le d a n e e r t o th e G o v e rn m e n t,
I sh a ll n o t be req uired to ad o rn art£ beautify “ Third, If the Church has been d is^ a n ix e d , when did
m y n a r r a tiv e w ith a relatio n o f th e faith of groom is w ith th e m ? ” I t is said, t h a t h e tra- th e ir c h a ra c te rs w hile o n e a r th , t o be b ro u g h t for­ it take place, and wha’t was the cause 1” h a v i n g e x c ite d m u c h d isc o n te n t a n d reb e llio u s
E n o c h , an d those w ho assisted h im to b u ild up veiled an d ta u g h t th e rig h te o u s prin cip les o f his w ard b y th e o p p o se r a s a n excuse for n o t believ­ It took pltce when wicked men aad rulers killed God’* feeling in th e b r e a s ts o f th e T u rc o m a n s : I n c o n ­
Z io n , w h ich fled to G o d — o n tho m o u n tain s o f k in gd om , th re e years, d u r in g w hich h e chose i n g T h e sam e is sa id o f th e a p o s tle s; b u t Jam es inspired winestes—when prophets were slain, and apostles se q u en c e o f ih e d is c o v e ry o f a p lo t t o a t t a e k th e
w h ich was com m anded th e blessing, life forover tw elve m e n ,, a n d o rd a in e d th e m apostles, & e. said t h a t E lia s [E lija h ] was a m a n su bject to like martyred—when the lamp of divine revelction was extin* P r a n k p o p u la tio n , a n d i n o r d e r t o p r o m p tly se-
more— to be held i n reserve to a d d a n o th e r r a y o f T h e people saw an d h e a rd — th e y were p a r tic u ­ passions as them selves, a n d y e t he h ad t h a t p o w er »Alt (A t k a n a ^ n im n f i l . _Z_* . V. i
glory to th e g ra n d , retin ue, w hen w orlds shall la rly benefited, m a n y o f them , b y b e in g healed o f w ith G o d th a t i n an s w e r to h is p r a y e r i t rained
ro c k fro m th e ir base to th e ir centre; th e n atio n s infirm ities, a n d d ise a se s; o f p la g u es, a n d d ev ils: n o t on the e a r th b y th e sp ace o f th r e e y e a r s a n d a
Hoaliag pniiDucaonIr « , b . „ . r , i „ i. g g jL T ^ > ll!g J *
o f the righ teo u s rise from th e d u s t a n d th e bless­ th e y saw h im w alk u p o n th e w a te r ; th e y flaw th e hh aallf P -
of sects, parties, and religious. The cause of this was,
ed m illions o f th e c h u rc h o f th e first born, sh o u t his winds an d w aves calm ed a t his com m and ; th e y T h e r e c a n be n o d o u b t b a t th o se to w hom he the prevalence of haman opinions over the inspiration of o f U w s r t h , * , i d i
tr iu m p h a n t coming, to receiv e h is k in g do m , ov er saw th o u san d s fed to th e fu ll w ith a p ittan c e and w rote lo o k e d u p o n th e a n c ie n t p ro p h e ts a s a race
ihe Almighty; The voice o f the people voted Christ out m e e t e a r ly a t th e M osques, w h e n a n iniDerial
w h ich he is to re ig n till all enem ies are subdued. tho v e ry pow ers o f d ark n e ss trem ble i n h is p re ­ o f beings su p e rio r to a n y i n th o se d a y s ; and H a t d S h e r iff w ould ba w a d , w h ic h m a U r ia ^ y a f­
sence— an d like o th e rs before them , con sid ered it in o r d e r to b e co n stitu ted a p ro p h e t o f G od, of ihe world “ Let him be crucified! Let him be crnci fected th e in h a b ita n ts o f th e ca p ita l. T h e C h ris­
N o r shall I w rite th e h is to ry o f tho L o rd ’s
as a dream , <rr a com m on occurrence, till th e tim e a m a n m u s t bo p erfec t i n e v e r y r e s p e c t T h e 6ed was their united voice. Popular opinion has voted
c h u rc h , raised u p ac cord ing to his own instruc- was fulfilled, a n d h e was offered sll his doctrines, bordering upon miracles, om of the tia n s w ere, a t th e sa m e tim e, w a rn e d t o k e e p
idea is th a t ho m u s t be perfect ac co rd in g to th e ir
tio n to M oses a n d A aron; o f th e perplexities and j h e T ^ t h ' t h e m ' l T e said, ° ^ u ° s h a l l desTre S o Church. The ancient sects ofSchben and Pharisees killed w ith in th o do o rs u n ti l th e afte rn o o n . A p ro ­
disco uragem en ts w hich cam e upo n Israel for one o f the d a y s o f th e Son o f M an an d X . U n o signification t o f the w ord. I f a peoplo w ere bless­
ihe Stvicnr, and modern sects sre trying to kill bis doc­ fo un d se crec y was o b se rv e d a s t o i n t e n t i o n , o f
t h e ir transgressions; th e ir o rg an iz atio n u p o n th e se* i t l i e k n e w th nt r n l t m r it ! ed w ith p ro
------^ u ,cp hJn
a m tha ueayi s m u s t be the in d iv id u a ls trine i as their fathers did, so do they. iJio g o v ern m e n t. O n th e follow ing m o r a i n e edch
Jand o f C an aan, and th e ir o v erth ro w a n d di*per- th at people in d tho w rath n f ' n ^ fnll u p o n . w h o w e ro to prescribe th e la w s b y w h ic h th e y M u sse lm a n a tte n d e d in th e M o sq u e o f h is q u a r ­
Fourth. You ask what power was vested in the apos­
s io n am ong all n ations, to reap the rew ard o f t h e m ^ o t !^ in P ^ a t e w a l k s . - i tles. * te r C a v asses a n d soldiers p a ra d e d tho s t r e e t
th e ir in iq u ities, to th e ap pearing o f th e G re a t c itv w as su rro u n d e d ,,! • 11 devoted ; I he g en e ratio n follow ing w ere r e a d y lo suppose, a n d com pelled th o se who lin g erg ed to e n te r /th e
S h e p h e rd , in th e flesh.
8 •
lo n Z l Z tt ^ L C\ 2 ? “ * e thftt lVw Acs. Power to bind on Esrth and it wss bound in Hea­
* * * S * o bcliev* t U w o , d o f G o I were ven ; power to loose on Earth and it was loosed in Hea­
0nc,ud/?. ?'fc** th e y dcKinrd u p ro te c to r possess- as perfect a s th o se to w h o m i t was deliv*iw l ,W h t n \ !! h a d b“ a = = -« « « ! , ih „ S oors
wore closed— a t th e sam e tim e, e x tra o rd in a r y
B u t th e re is, ot necessity a u n ifo rm ity s o c x . j i n g .su /lic ie n tp o w e r to lend th e m to som e safe ! posed th e y m u s t be, and w ere a s f o r w a r d ^ r T ven : power to preach the Word, to get revelations from
a c t; a m a n n e r so precise, a n d o rd in an ces so m i- , place, aside from th e tu m u lt o f a siene. scribe the* rules b v w hich th « v J to p re - God by the Spirit, by Angels, by dreams and by v u io n s - stops to p u t dow n resistan c e w ere tak en. T h e
m ite, in all a g e s an d generatio ns w h en e v e r G o d S ince th e apostles fell asleep all L n w ho pro- i r e h e a r s e la w s a n d d echro hem ' °powerT to heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead' Arc tro o p s w ere u n d e r arm s, a n d se v e ra l vessels o f
h a s estab lish ed h is c h u rc h am o n g m en, th a t fess a belief th e t r u th o f f h e ir m ission, e^tol i [n g p r f n c S e s o f S ^ fee. This power was given for the perfecting of the Saints w a r re a d y for serv ice, a n c h o red a t th e G o ld e n
•hould I h a r e occasion to re c u r to e ith e r age. th e ir v irtu e s a n d ce le b ra te th e ir fame. I t seems • them selves h e ld tho f o v s o f i ^ and to continue till this work be done. When H orn. I h e C a v a ss e s a n d sold iers th e n en tered
a n d particularly to t h a t c h a ra c te riz e d b y th e ad -i to hav e been forgotten th a t th e y w ere m en o f in- h e a v e n and hnH w m y steries o f •trire at petfeciioal Ad., «h ca the t.res are , ?Der, Z I C , will they j a n d seized u p o n all th e y o u n g well-m ade anfi
. ^ , y o u n g w eU -m .de . m i u n -
v . » , o f , k . Messiah. „ „ d t h . n M . u j „ f , h . | „ d « & . .11 I J l " t "" °' ““ frcm the w heat; w h .a S , u „ i . - d e n t in ^ n s U n t i -
apostles o f that church;. w ith a c u r s o r y v iew o fj a»d im perfections com m on to o th e r m en B u t it
t h e sam e till
“ ness, or till Gr»H to o k6ar,thi l^i<- , W ns' look(*H
r PI?°a ,rS’ th a tou,
e y- ns 0 ,h ® « w er* »before
You i
them , arc M essiah, o f his m issio n in to th o world, a n d o f t . ; . !
^ * tl> z r r T'“ i i r r ; z °v - 4 s 1
d r iv e n in to d ark nnnn »• L .u. ,r . '£ f 0**. f for,h llk« lhe ! v e y e d to H a lk i , one o f th e — >--------j

o f professo rs will bo w illin g to lis te n 'to m y ■'n rg u ! o th e r? and i s n o M h ^ t o u t i " ? ^ as t n l T " * ^ " ‘ld v *eto n o U s o v e r th e g rav e and him Y h a V h Z 11 10 *etf' c,ioa H' nc* ^ « h w S hav- tic u fa r claim s t o le s pec la b ility
m ne n
m n ft fo
f n rr n T nom
a m n in en
ttn t,
t as
rq n parr»fttll im partial, and___1 B u t i n roviowin
a carefu t\ v 1J » _ th e pow er o f d e a th . T h is, . 6 m a n could not d o __h b“ i1 »«• prophet*, bi.hop,, gif,,, miracle* * « .. „ J C o n stan tin o p le ,
f a ith fu l in v e s tig a tio n o f th e d o ctrin es w hich 1 be- p , St
, t generations, imperfect Hale, tad rnu.1 remain so: for it c.dboi defect o r o th e r c7 r’ ph > aieal
M M r n im n . whene ’ ‘I T I “ P " ? ® 1 8^ i r i c o - m » n is im mperfect—
perfect I t bo " “of God, .. He lhst ia ; of „ , , it cannot defect o r o th e r causes, w ere u n fit for serv ice
lie v e to be co rrec t, a n d tho p rin cip les cherished m an ninone th em th n e \ c r w e find a rig h te o u s req u ired a spotless offering— m a n is not spotless— , c:o<,• hfareih God'a word*.! o rd ered to r e t u r n to th e ir n a tiv e places i n th«
ere alw ays w ere o xcu ses for I t ------ iherefore, bear them not, because v# >r. - - J . v - ;____ • » ® piaces i n tho
i n m y b o s o m - a n d believed b y th i s c h u rc h — b y n o t g i v i n g heed o r creden«^’" . . T T etXC“ .M* f o t i I I rc 4 uire d o n in fin ite ato n em e n t— m a n is m o r ta l' • ye are not of ’ p rov in ces, a n d th e r e m a in d e r w ere en ro lled in th e
o v o r y h o n e s t m an m u st be a d m itte d ns tr u th - T h e people could “ce hTs im n ' . teS,,m.?n> ‘ 1 Have, th e n , as y o u w ill see, m ad e m en tio n of arm y T h e G o v ern m e n t h a a p le ad e d n ec essity
im perfections, sup po sed ones^. a n f w e A l ^ ^ i n ^ i j i d u a l . ,t e ac h in g t r u t h . ; I « a » - ;fo r th is e x tra o rd in a ry a c t. T h e y h a v e also i l
w r o r w h e n w n U n c in defence o f th e s a in ts in his read y to fram e a n excuse urn)it'That?for n l ' f Y 8 w L ethor P °rfe ct im perfect, h ave b e c n V o k e d i over

S S tJ " ’ - p r.e io „ » ,h . ,
“ ,b ’ f r .
, , i t ,
A ”d
e v e n o n r.i d e a th — Mr. C o ranell, hts invented
». w.’.
08 i' n™o c£k ^; 5]pipes
^ in. . the
t ; ;i
P ro u e rtv o f tho.<M t h n .

C o m m o n u n d e r ta k in g s a n d plans o f m e n m a v — a n d a n e x c u s e wa* h a d e d a n d d e rid e d , a n d p la c e d o n a p a ra lle l w ith I

St Fl int at 12 o’clock M Sundav. sll em inm frnm i * *

tro o P H a n d p a c if y in e A lb a n ia n s, b u t tho
whether licensed by a Medical college of a v o id e d th e sn a re’by p le a d in g sever© il

* i

c m w w M —M w m .
----------------- G E N E R A L ’ C O N FER EN C ES IN -T H E j E ld e r VVra. ^ R W X H f i p S ID m O F T H E
Mr E» its» , S i »—I perceive that »ew York b u
ed b«r E a .g « , *»d ««« b*r U n « r oa ibe bre»«. u » A m o u n tin g , i n all, to 7 0 e d ^ c o m p o se d th is band r« th e 8« ate of m L W d S raraa
Advocate forttpul right. and e supportetof «nr sew e.n f it million., ihe h * ir o f seetsilw r p r in c e s G ro ve,
iheseorA of M G / * * dirgrace of tf*unkafd*;ri 18 1 0 ! ***nU - * _x4 1 J 11 *®§FC* t o o f th e S e n a te o f th *
didst. for lb* Pr.tiriescy. th . renowned »ud mfrtrriow B N f e i 'v B P
Prophet of the West, G;o.r*l Jowph to il# , I hsve Iste of pnc*#», the bitted ofcfowo*, ihedread of politicians t&f C hicago, u
Ijr.peresed . work published in yow city ihe Tr.v- reve red of savfcges ; ihe •tm.bliog block of na>lo*r, and Com stock, Calla-
the wonder of the world ; and ;o a p theolmax, bei*'* JO m nn co. M ic h “
•U tod A4»»»W** of Moa.i*ur Violet which give. a gee-
SMITH THE MORMON PR O PH E T ” an Amerita P le a sa n t V a lle y *
W o rl$ fo r all, a n d all fo r th e w orld V h e ce rtam lv ! m ilita ry p re p a ra tio n s h a s been m ade o r ordered b v
IT* tleriTand^hte .Mormon follower., fromj jooih ia the lull bloom of early msuhood, a id spp .ienl)F r a n k lin , Oak* 16 h a s a. g r e a t m a n y M o rm o n notions! rn ju s m ind, t|,0 p r e s i d e n t for, o r in aa n ticip atio n o f w a r ; and,
w n iU it would s.em that ihe m i n todiw >nb«, . w U <he very infancy of hi. career, jaw buddi.g imo public j» n d W .“ 23 calc u latin g th a t unless th e re is a sp e e d y reform j f 80f fo r ^ j , a t cause, an d w ith w hom w as such
»rie» w m already node!
their vast territories, were already ooder bU>or»diciion iu \ »»d just Uunchiog upon ihe foaming billow, of ih- i K irtla n d , O h io “ Sin Christendom , i n t h e g o v e rn m e )its a n d m o rals j w a r ap preh en ded, a n d w h a t aro th e p r e p r a ti o n s
a grett m e a m s , and ready to co operate .wiih him, and 1deep aod booodleai ocean of human eoterprise. J G A N e a l’s, six
If iheo hi* objcufe begining and progTeta thui fare have | miles w. Lock*
that lomr of our western states, together wiih Texas aad
been mifked by events so p*s»iog sUaoge what we a»k | p o rt, N . Y * “
Mexico were io a fair way to atrike hands politically at lilg pu?w aw »v* »s*w - —
least, with the Prophet. This together with ibe ssiound may bathecoost|mauon1> j B a ta v ia , u U n v e ile d ” — po w er, d o m in io n , ^ r a c e a n d g lo r y ,: m a de o r ordered w ith a view to su c h hostilities?
lag fact of his coming oot f*r the presideseyof this re I* ant ihe poli ica! moral, and religious destiny of our J P o rta g e , Alle- not o n ly i n oil t h i s w orld, b u t i n worlds w ith o u t | *0 co m m u n icate to th e S enate copies o f all
13 14
public, aad hit singular oht/extraordinary political viewo i»Vioo—of our continent—nsy, ofAhe world itself su»pea-j c_0 end. A n d , w ith flfce blessin g o f C»od an d th e or(]crs o r d irec tio n s g iv e n for a n y su ch prepnra-
d ed o a the answer!!!! • J . ’ H atnitfoll, M adi­ sa in ts, m a y h o c o n tin u e so i n com D any w ith the o r fo r a n y 8Ucjj m o v e m e n t o r disposition, or
aa published of late, la which with a m u ter spirit he gives, 20 21
Are * 6 n o t etidemly lisiof in the tery dawn of a new son co. “ s e rv a n ts o f th e 15 ex a lte d , ’ till th « M o rn in g S ta r s j fo r th e f u tu re c o n d u c t o f su c h m ilita ry o r n av a l
the o*ilines of a bold aod somewhat original plan for the Jt^io 2 9 30’
and important era/which may yet wind up the affairs of Old O sw ego “ s in g to g e th e r a g a in a t th e se c o n d cre atio n o f the j forces:” I hav e to inform t h e S en ate th a t, i n co n-
iromancipation of the eotire race of man, aod for the prev
Nimrod*a Babef, of Kebuchadnaitr’s complicated image, A d am s, Jefferson e a r t h — iVSswwoAWgMor. J i t q u e n c e o f th e dec la ra tio n o f M exico com m un i-
aleoce of ooben*! freedom aod brotherhood. There co. “ Ju ly 6
and cauae old confuted and discordant elements ind thing® _ v _r A -t n , ca te d to th i s G o v ern m e n t, an d b y m e la id before
thiags I say* bursting at oace upon the pobHc raiod like Xjondon, C aled o ­
to paas away, and all thioga to become oew.
peals of thunder, or HKe the trumpet of mottat Siaai, hsv
startled us from our dresming slumbers, aod we begia to
Mr. Editor, io behalf o t myaelf aod the public, I claim- n i a co. J u n e 15 16 p m tS # S rffli
I U BL1C 11 i w . - n o u n c in e th e d e te rm in a tio n ot Mexico to re g a rd
light onihia all abaojbiog .object, aod hope you wiU spare N o rth field , W a s h ­ Y e s te rd a y a t te n o’clo ck A . M . , a P u b lic Mee- u ^ d eclaratio n o f w a r a g a in st h e r b y th e U n ite d
enquire what all these thiogs meao. Wa hare heretofore in g to n co. t e n '
oo paioa fcvgive ua ft*m time to time, every thiog of inter- tin g w as held i n th e la rg e room , o ijo r G en. S m ith ’s S tates th e definite ratification o f a n y tr e a ty w ith
been accMtomed to look upon the Prophet aod hia follow m . s.yof M ont- -
eat to rslalioa to the prophet aod his priociplea aod move store, fo r th e p u rp o se o f c o n s u ltin g u p o n mea< T e x a s a n n e x in g th e te rr ito r y o f t h a t R e p u b lic to
era with a aoeer of contempt, aa if their tyrtem aod more, polier, a t L y ­
! meou. In ao doiog your paper wiU be highly ntefol and «( 1 u *>r, 3 9 su re s for tho fu th e ra n c c o f o u r d e s ig n s i n t h e n e x t th e U n ite d S tates, an d th e h op e and b elief en ter­
men is were beoeath our notice, but thia (eer«ogia attat m a n H o n g h to n ’s
'P r tti d e n li a l
______________^ ta in ed b y ------------
th e E x e----------------------
c u tiv e th a t- nthe et rtre aetayty w ith
o rte W U M . U Kd . ™ ^ ‘°, e -W . » e « X -w Y o rk - PROPHET.- «sod F airfield, E sse x u T h e m e e tin g w as addressed!* i n a v e r y s p irite d j T e x a s f o r t h a t p u rp o se w ould be speedily ap-
d fr, •droiraiito, fi»r, jeiloniy, end •Urtn. *(l, e „ the lru<h ia wlitioa to lh« p.«t, ihe present, and a t cid er T r a c y ’s J u l y 13 14
Who ii thi» e*lr»ordin«ry pertonage,, who . . repre*e*i- - c .llin roof«
fa “••Prophet.”
Prophet Pcrhapi Boston, 44
it- J n n o 2 9 30 m a h n e r b y several g en tlem en p re s e n t, s e ttin g fo rth proved a n d ratified b y th e S en ate, it w as regard-
r g rievances, o u r nrig g nh is
ts,, o u r n u m bo e rs, a n da o u r ec} b y th e E x e c u tiv e to h a v e becom e em phatically
. a in »»ch . n r i e n r of ehancte™. ‘'from to « .r | from me of.en. W uhin, you r»ach .uc=e«, Salem “
u Ju ly 6 7 our
from litely to •eT,,e' . , . . i u x e lh< liberty to wbecribe myself yoer N e w B ed fo rd “ It “ 13 14 political influence, f r o m th e sta te m e n ts p re se n t­ its d u t y to co n c en tra te i n th e G u l f o f M exico and
We have bee» told that be is aa ignoraat fool and no- “ ** u* BOSTON CORRESPONDANT. P etorbo ro , N H it “ 13 14 ed , w e h a v e n o rea so n to d o u b t, b u t t h a t we con its v ic in ity , a s a p re c a u tio n a ry m easure, a s large
b rin g , in d e p e n d e n t o f a n y o th e r p a r ty , fro m two, a p o rtio n o f th e h o m e s q u a d ro n u n d e r th e com­
learaad blockhead, and that be i s s u e r lhan Solon and Lowell, Mass. Ju ly 2 7 28
mote learned than Socratef, that he is a greater Iffialator Boston, Stay 32d.
S earbo ro , Mo. “ « G 7 to five h u n d r e d th o u s a n d v o te fs , in to th e field. m and o f C a p ta in C o n n e r a s could well bo d r a w n
S ev era l g en tlem en w ere n o m in a te d to a tte n d to g e th er, a n d a t th e sam e tim e to assemble a t F o r t
than Hoses, a deeper politician lhan now exist* in oar P R I E S T H O O D W H A T IS IT . V in a l H a v e n “ 13 14
realm, while at the seine lin e he is dispised for hi* mad- a T - “ 2 7 28 th e B a ltim o re C o n v e n tio n , to m a k o o v e r tu r e s to J e s s u p o n th e b orders o f T e x a s, a s la rg e a m ilita­
I t is the right and ibe power to establish and govern ihe W estfield Mass. u- A ug 3 4 t h i ^ |& i r y force a s the derpqnfjs.of th e service a t o th e r en­
ness, earied for hi* grestnei*. feared for his power, and ad­
Charch of the LiriagGod, and is the same lo ibat body. F a rm in g to n , Conn. u “ 10 1 1
I t w as resolved, t h a t a S ta te c o n v e n tio n b e held c a m p m e n ts w ould a u th o riz e to be detached. F o r
mired for his success. N ow H a v e n <c
W e begin" to siopect t h . t the p re» aad Prophet hare j th « goverament U w i h e nation. In order to have as C a n a a n , w u “ 17 18 i n t h e .C ity o f N a u v o o , o n th e second d a y o f M a y th e u u m b e r o f sh ip s a lre a d y in th e G u lf an d th e
! efficient goveromeot, the exercise cf its power must be !t “ 2 4 26 next. w aters co n tig u o u s th e re to , an d su c h as are placed
been deceiving, and playing the fool with n s - th a t we ~ ............................................. .. N o rw alk ,
i committed to but few. Where thi# power ia lavished upon u M r. W . W . P h e lp s, m o ved t h a t th e pro ceed in g s u n d e r o rd ers for t h a t d estin a tio n , and o f troopa
have been doped, io regard to the real character of thia N Y C i ty N Y “ 17 18
u o f th i s m e e tin g bo. p u b lish ed in th o N a u v o o now assem bled u p o n th e fro n tier, I re?er y o u to
A u g 31 4c S e p t I
N e ig h b o r, w ith a r e q u e s t t h a t the S ta te R e g ister, the a c c o m p a n y in g rep o rts fro m th e S ecretaries o f
D resden, W e e k ly S ang am o n* Jou rnal, a n d all o th e r p a p e rs i n the th e W a r a n d N a v y D ep a rtm en ts. I t w ill also bo
co. T e n n . “ M a y 2 5 26
S tate, p u b lish th e same. p erceived b y th e Senate, b y re fe rrin g to the o rd ers
E a g lo C re e k , B e n ­ J O H N T A Y L O R , P re sid en t,
son wiih a* all, aad lhat stooping to .he lowest cond^. j There are maay in our conoiry, for poht Ju n e 8 9 o f th e N a v y D e p a rtm e n t, w h ic h a re herew ith
to n co u W M . C L A Y T O N , C lerk. tra n s m itte d , th a t th e n a v a l officer i n co m m an d o f
tion of life, he intends .o .oar on high and to alight o . the j M ascendancy, yet -b e n one P « ^ *ucce,d. ,nd ob a,D; D y e r co. C H “ 2 2 2 3
highest pinicle of human greatne®. where, in the decline j the of government how foo i.h and totally desti.we R u th ford co. C H . J u ly 2 0 21 th e fleet is d irected to cau se h is sh ip s to perform
C O N G R E S S IO N A L P R O C E E D IN G S . all th e d u tie s o f a fleet o f observation , an d to ap-
of life he can look down upon a world, regenerated, and ' ol hoaor and a knowledge of economy must be L e x in g to n , H e n ­
W a s h i n g t o n , M a y 21. rize tho E x e c u tiv e o f a n y in d ic a tio n o f a h o stile
reflect wiih joy that hia own arm. nerv.d by power from 'hat party .hat will afterwaids contend for .he same
the Gods, had^ttuck .he first blpw, won the day, liid . h e ------------- — to make and enforce the laws. If this course were allowed,
d erso n co
W. h , . « 0ne were allowed. N e w A lb a n y , C lin ­
“ Aug 3 4
1 I n S e n a t e .— A m o n g th e p etitio n s
presented, esig n u p o n T ex a s, o n th e p a r t o f a n y n atio n ,
>n the new aod we should have, under tho same constitution, one line of J u n e 29 30 w ere sev eral for th e im m ediate an n e x atio n of p en d in g th e delib eratio n s o f th e S enate u p o n tho
fouodatioo, and placed the top-atooe to n co. K y.
purely democratic judges, magistrates and rulers; another A lq u in a , F a y e t to T e x a s ; a n d one from a n u m b e r o f reveren d gen­ tr e a ty , w ith a view th a t tho sam e ahould p ro m p t­
perfect Temple of freedom. tlem en a n d o th e r citizen s o f N ew Y o rk , p ra y in g ly be su bm itted to C o n g ress for its m a tu re delibe­
line of whig, another of Abolition, &c. &o till there be- co u n ty la. “ I 2
Who is thia maa| it ia lime we made his ecquaiotaaee,
aod informed oarsalvea of his raal character aod priociplea.
came aa many linca of government in oor country, aa there P lea san t G a rd e n “ • 15 16 th e ad o p tio n o f som e fixed m e asu res for th e p a ­ ratio n . A t th e sam e tim e, i t is d u e to m y s e lf th a t
Come Mr. Prophet, the poblie have n right to claim at
are of coaveyaoces aod transportation on oor rail roads F o r t W a j w “ ‘l 29 30 cific ad ju stm e n t o f all in te rn a tio n a l difficul­ I sh o u ld declare i t a s m y opin io n th a t th e U n ite d
. . . .. . .ur- -*u:_ m * A / . • « » ! • T « i h # « » • ! » ? m a n o f r o m m o n s # n a * t h « l ties. S tates h a v in g b y th e tr e a ty ol an n e x atio n a c ­
N o rth fle id , B o o n
y o u i m u m m iW i vw •-*—>
look upon the aoarchy which this order of things wooid J u l y r 13 14 T h e S en ate, a fte r re c e iv in g th o rep o rts o f q u ire d a titlo \o T e x a s , w hich req uires o n ly th o
moremenls; or will he b« indsced to come down east and c o u n ty w
pay a viut to oar Atlantic cities; I think the Boston com­ prodoce. without closing hia eyea aod turning away wi'b C in c in n a ti, O hio M a y 18 19 C om m ittees, a m o n g w h ic h w ere tw o fro m th e action o f th e S enate to p erfec t it , n o o th e r P o w e r
mon would almost be too m u ll to eoavene .ho coneoniae af
difgostl No! every Native American well knows, thit P itts b u r g h , P a- J u n e 1 2 C o m m ittee o n C om m erce, re c o m m e n d in g the co u ld be p erm itte d to invade, a n d b y force o f
arm s to possess .itse lf of, a n y p o rtio n o f th e te r r i­
gentlemen and ladiea who would gladly make h u acqaain- when ooe party gets ioto office, all others must submit to L ee c h b u rg h 11 “ 15 16 passage o f th e E a s t e r n a n d W e s te rn H a rb o r
ita dictation. But when we comc to touch oa matters ol R u n n in g W a te r branch Bills, w en t into E x e c u tiv e session, and afte r to r y o f T e x a s , p e n d in g y o u r delib eratio n s u p o n
tance or even have a glimpse of his person. s ittin g som e tim e w ith closed doors, a d jo u rn e d .th e tre a ty , w ith o u t p la c in g its e lf in a ho stile a tti­
religion and church, men seem to lose their commoo pow­ N o x u b le co Miss. J u n e 1 2
Have the western wilds of America actaally givsn birth H o u s e o r R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s .— M r. E lm e r, tu d e to th e U n ite d S tates, a n d j u s t i f y i n g th e em ­
ers of reason, and the different creeds through which we W a s h in g to n C ity D. C. S e p t 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12,
to one who is destined to role a world, and dictate laws to from th e C om m ittee o n E le c tio n s, o n b e h a lf o f the p lo y m en t o f a n y m eans a t o u r d is p js a l to d riv e
have been taught to look upoo, every thiog r e m i o ^ n ^ l 13, 14, 1 5 . ___________ I_______ w
universal man! If not whax mean, itl ihe difiereot glasses which people rometimes w e s f l M R m a jo rity o f th e said com m ittee, m ad e n r e p o r t on back th e in vasion . A t th e sam e tim e , i t ia m v
Hia own right hand wonld gra.p a nation* h e la , their eyes, some for fa»hiont others for aid in seeing, yei Prom the Nauvoo Neighbor. th e m em orial o f J o h n M. B o tis , c o n testin g the o p in io n t h a t M exico o r a n y o th e r P o w e r will
Hia left, eonuoli .he boundless Indian r.alm, these glasseo reflect their own color upon every object w* A L L IS P E A C E A T N A U V O O A M O N G r ig h t o f J o h n W . Jo n e s to a s e a t in th e H o u se o f find in y o u r a p p ro v a l o f th e tr e a ty n o j u s t cause
Renown’d Republic* tremble at hi* power. behold; ao while we-were glas^s, we can are n o t h i n R epresentatives. L a id o it^ M N a b le a n d o rd ered o f w a r ag a in st
While savago tribe* W e re , and Minis adore. its true light Art throwo all the beaotieaof oature ioto a B u t, jJlr. T n y b r ^ M k y o u to g iv e th e foN t o be printed. lieve t h a t th e re is a n v seriou s h a z a r d o f w a r to
It would really eeem aa If the'world were never to loose gloomy shade. So also when wo look upon sacred ihiog> low ing o u trag e a n in se rtio n in th e N eig h b o r, M r. S c h e n c k ,fro m th e m in o rity o fth e sam e com­ be fou n d in th o fact o f su c h ap prov al. N e v e rth e ­
their wonder a»d admiration of thia aingular and origiaal through the glass of human creede, we must koow that alt th a t tn e public m in d m a y be d isa b u sed an d th e m ittee, a s k e d an d o b ta in ed le av e o n b e h a lf o f the less. e v e r y p r o p e r m e asu re will b e reso rte d to b y
geniu*. who *esm* poasessed of some magic power. »m « creeds throw their own shade arouod every priociple, aod disgrace a n d sham o fall on th o se w ho h a v e iu stly m in o rity o f th e sam e com m ittee, h ere a fte r to m ak e th e E x e c u tiv e to p reserv e u p o n a n honorable
myrteriou. iaflueaoa, some wand whose motion swaya the we can see nothing in its Uue light. What shall w * do d eserved i t :and m erited th e peop le's r e b u k e ! a report. a n d j u s t b asis *tho public peace, b y reconciling
destiny of th is p , aad works the wheel* of natnre to hi with our creeds 1 Burn them up, let reason resume her O n F rid a y m o rn in g th e 2 6 th inst, I w as inform ed A m o tio n m ade to p r in t th e d o cu m en ts gave M exico, th r o u g h a liberal course o f policy, to the
will throoe and eommoo seose return to the field of itsoperatioo b y M r. O. P . R ockw ell th a t one Mrs A u g u s tin rise to some discussion, a n d th e su b je c t w as po st­ tre a ty .
JO H N T Y L E R .
Thia influence aeema alike adapted to all classes aod But to the Church.' Thero-are more parties io the chris- Spencer, h a d com m itted a n assau lt o n th e person p oned to M on day n e x t
conditions of meo, from the most iotelligeot and refined, liao world thao there are io the political, apd every sect or ot A ld e rm a n O rso n Spencer, an d th e M a y o r o f T h e p en d in g bu sin ess w as th e N a v y A p p r o p r k ,
to the most barberoua nod uncivilised. Therenowoed citiea party has its priesthood. There ate Method a t. Bapiisi, th e c ity h a d se n t fo r A . S p e n c e r'a n d fou n d him atio io n B— ilk .. .. , , I .. . v J E C C A L E O B IO N .
M r. D u n c a n m o v e d t h a t th e c o n sid eratio n o f EGGS HATCHED BY STEAM, IN PRESENCE OF
of onr At Untie states; the halls of Coagress, aad the re­ Pretbyteriao, aod s moJiitode of other priesthood#, all pro- in Mr. M a rr’s L a w O ffice; m ad e h im a prisoner, VISITORS!
motest savage tribes, of oor ioUnd pUios aod moootaioa Cessing to act under t|>c same great charier, and though uot a n d inform ed h im h e m u s t go w ith m e to th e t h a t bill bo postponed fo r th e p u iy o s e o f ta k in g u p h is n o v e l e x h ib itio n , s o a m u s i n g a s
have alike felt ite power aod been seosibly wrought opon admi'a that another has the right and power to govern, yet M a y o r's Office, w hen he said h e w ou ld n o t e o ! th e b ill i n re la tio n t o th e ju r is d i c ti o n o f th e T U n i­ well as instructing, is now open at 285 Broadway, from
by i u irreaiaiable iofloence. he cooteods thai his party haa the same right If I coa I th e n called u p o n R . D. F o ste r, C . L . H ig o ee ted S ta te s o v e r th e te r r ito r y o f O regon. 0 o'clock. A. M."Twill 7 P..M.
Tbe object of this Exhibition, so fcovel in New-York, is
The vaat cities and towns e( England and Scotland hate iidend that my party had the priesthood, I should koow a n d C. A . F o ste r, to assist m e in ta k in g said S p e n ­ T h e v o tes stood—-ayes 30, n o e a 95.
S o th e m otion w a s rejected. to grt'ify the scientific and curioua, by affording them an
befn penetrated with equal auccew; their balla, their at ooce, that no other party could Aaoe it.m If the Whigs get cer t o th e M a y o r’s Office; b u t th e y sw ore th e y opportunity of witnessing ihe wonderfnl proceso of the dc-
courta and their templee havo echoed wiih the name of the reigos of government inio their hands, they koow Upt w ould n o t an d used m any th r e a tn in g oaths, and T h e N a v y b ill w as th e n ta k e n u p in com m ittee velopement of animal organization, and more especially to
mormon. It baa reaonaded amid the splendora of royalty neither the Democrats oor aoy other party can base them: aspersions, s a y in g th e y would see th e M a y o r and o f th e w hole o n th e S tate o f th e U n io n , a n d deb a­ p'repare the way for sopplyin^ our market with Pouhry of
a superior quslity, and at leas lhan half ihe present rate*.
in the coon ol St. Jame* I t has presented itself at iht and alt other parties sre wise enough to koow this positioo th e c ity dam ned an d th e n th e y w ould not, b u t te d d u r in g th e r e s t o f th e sittin g . T h e d eb a te in So that the poor even, to whom it i» now denied, may be­
feet of the ihroan, and claimed the attention of the Queen to be a true ooe. Why cannot religious __ rn- - - as- -coo 800n a llo w e d m e an d M r. A. S p en ce r to th e of- accordance w ith a reso lu tio n offered b y M r. Me
people be come partakers of the luxury. ' , ■
and p/ince. While on the olber hand the low and ob# sistent polidciaos. * Tho Lord foresaw they wouldnoi I fice door, w h e n th e M a y o r ordered mo lo a rre s t K a y , a n d ad o p ted , w ill te rm in a te to m o rro w , a t 3 The apparatus here used for incubating, may be said to
tcure tellers ol the bumble poor, the dark aBeye, the be, when he >e ssid p - M. -' . be perfect, and is more sure of Hatching Eggs than any
H f P,41ITbe children of thisworld are wiser th e se th reo m e n for reTfcsini? to aa ftst m e i n th e T h e S e n a te , o n M on d ay last, rem o v e d th o i n ­ bird. It is a material improvement upoo the Eccaleobion,
gleomy calls, the highways, lanes and hedges have no* in their generation lhan the childreo of light," aod expe- d isc h arg e o f a n y d u ty , a n d w h e n a tte m p tin g to
ju n c tio n o f se crec y fro m all S peeches d eliv ered which hat afforded satisfaction and delight to milliona of
been forgotten. rieoce demoostrates the troth of this sayiog. I axn forced arrest th e m they, all reaisted an d w ith h o r rid im ­ viaiter?, at the Exhibition Rooms in Pall-Mall and Picca­
The learned circleaof Edinburgh and Olaigow, aod the there Ioto to look upoa the claims of the protestant clergy p recatio ns th rea te n ed to sho ot. I called for h e lp b y S e n a to rs o n th e T e x a s tr e a ty . M r. B enton , dilly, London, and is emphatically a triumph of Art over
remote gleos which ooce echoed with the osmc of Wal­ to the priesthosd in the same poiot of light, that Ilook upoo a n d th e re n o t b e in g sufficient, th e M a y o r laid it ap p e ars, opened th e d e b a te i n a speech a p a in st nature.
Lidies are particularly informed, that while this exhibi­
lace are now familiar with the name of oor modern pro­ the claim of a csrtaio^womao in Solomon's day lo a little h o ld o f th e tw o F o ste rs a t th e sam o tim e. A t th e T r e a t y , w h ic h o cc u p ie d th r e e d a y s i n th e d e ­ tion ceonoi fail to please, there is noihing io it, in the least
t h a t in s ta n t C . A . F o s te r d re w a d ouble barrel liv e ry , v iz , M a y I6 tb , 18th, a n d 2 0 th , th o first
phet, and have not been able to resist hia ioftoeace. iofant child. Two women at that time, baviog each a decree, offeoaive to tho most rcfioed and delicate mind.
p isto l on M r. Stfaith j b u t i t was in s ta n tly w ren ch ­ p a r t o f w h ich , b e in g a lre a d y w r itte n o u t, w a s p u b ­ Gentlemen of Science and of the medical profession, on
Tbe remotest craiga of the North of Scoilaad have not young babe, alept together in the same bed. One of them
ed fro m h is h an d , a n d afte rw a rd s h e declared he lish ed in th e G lo b e th e n ig h t o f th e 2 0 th . H e payment of | 5 , may have a card of admisuon for 21'days,
been too obscure for its peneiiaiion; oor the leclose of Nor waa uofortudate, lsy upon her child and smothered it, io
w ould h a v e s h o t th e M a y o r i f w$ h a d let h is pis­ w a s followed i n debate, y e s te r d a y , b y M r. W a l k ­ and the privilege ol breakiog an egg each day.
way too remote aod retired to feel its effects. The moon* the night she awoke and discovered her child to be deadf A d m itta n c e T w e n ty - F i v e C ents.
tol alone, a n d also h e w ould th a n k G o d fo r th e er.
taios aod valleya of Wales have been agitated in turn at the and abo the other woman to be quietly sleepiog with her
p riv ileg e o f r id d in g th e world o f a ty r a n t 1 C . L. CHILDREN Half Price. A liberal allowance mcda to
aame mysterious soond; while Germany, Constantioople, child in her arms. She very carefully removed the living E a r t h q u a k e i s C a n a d a E a s t . — T w o slig h t Schools that atteod io a body. Eggs Broken on applica-
H ig b ee responded to F o s te r 's th re a ts, a n d sw o re
Egypt and Jerusalem, the distaot plains of India, aod the child from the arms cf ita mother, ood took ker dead child sh o c k s o f a n e a r th q u a k e w ere felt o n th e M o u n ­ tioo, at 12* cents each. Young Chickens sold aa curiosi­
t h a t h e would d o it I H o w ev er, th e th re e were
Pacific isles have already echoed aod re-echoed with the sod put it in the place of the liviog ooe. Wheo ihe mor. ta in 'o f M o n trea l o n M o n d a y , th e 1 3th in s ta n t, b e ­ ties, at 12* cents. Pimphle’s, Explanatory and Treating
arrested a n d b r o u g h t before th e M a y o r, where-
oame of “ Jo Smith” aod the «Mormoos.” oing came, tbe mother of the living child looked upon the tw een h a l f p a s t 11 a n d 12 o’clock. T h e r e were upon the managemrnt of Poultry generally, 6 cents.
" 01 7 u p o n O . P . R ockw ell, J. P . G re e n an d C . T u f t s m )‘2 ’>:e]
No oatioo so remote, oo tribe so obscure, oo toogua so dead ooe in her arma, tw o d is tin c t sho cks, a q u a r t e r o f a n h o u r a p a r t,
strange as not to bo familiar with the sound. The great the liviog one ia mine th e la tte r o f w h ic h w as acco m p an ied b y a fcftid C H E A P C A SH T A IL O R IN G '
war chiefa ef the Prairies; the wild tribes of the Rocky dead child,> yon have oveilaid >our child and killtd it, and ru m b lin g n o ise a s o f loaded w agons, w h ic h a p ­ E S T A B L I S H M E N T.
o fon e h u n d re d dollars to each o f tho above nam et
Moootaioa, the noble shores of the California aod Oregoo, this living child is mine. This matter they woold not de. p ea red to com e fro m th e S o u th . T h e sh o c k s las­ J. B. MEYNELE, (303 BROADWAY.
aggressors, ( w h o appealed to th e M u n c ip al
the CamaOchee ol Upper Texas aod Saatafee; the Dahco- cide, but ogreed to tell it to Solomon, the wiec king of ted a b o u t tw o m in u te s a c c o rd in g to th e a c co u n ts B M. Inventor of the new iaatrumeot tor ascertaining rainIDA
u h s of Northern Iowa, and the Chipaways of Wisconsin Israel, and let him decide. They mutually told to him C o u r t )
I w ish th e p u b lic to k now w ho it is t h a t m akes
o f th o se w h o felt th e m , b u t w e su sp e c t t h a t th e ir J . a conect draft of the human figure, through which he
and Lake Superior, each their tales, and Solomon soya, bring me a sword, ihat I may feelings m u s t h a v e b e e n b a d ch ro n o m e te rs, for ia enabled to produce a moat spleMid fit. Offers Upon the
insu rrectio ns, an d d isturbs th e peace a n d q u ie t o f
Hail with joy t i e auspicious mom, divide the child, and give half to one, and half to the other e a r th q u a k e s d o n o t generally ta k e so lo n g tim e to following reasooable terms to execute orders in the neateat
th e people o f th e city o f N au v o o . a n d i n o rd e r to and most Fashionable Style, to patronixr is to be /u«ted.
In which another prophet's born. woman. The wo msn who bad tho living child, yet was pass o v e r a distance. Drew Coats, Blae, Black or Olive, from$13 to $20
2d o th is, I need o n ly to tell th e w orld t h a t th is R .
While a gleam of hope kindlea in their despairing bo* not its mother, honored ihe judgement ol Solomon; being | D. F o s te r is a co u n ty m ag istrate, a n d t h e sam e Pants, do. do. 5 ?
soms. Angels of light glance before these io thair night willing to see the lender child cut in two, to gratify her R. D . F o s te r th a t was fined for g a m b lin g a few C o t t c n F a c t o r y i n S t . L o u is .—/ T he m o rn ­ Vesa, do. do. - •>
Frock and Dress Coats madeto mer»ure, 8 0
dreama, of better timea; the spirit* of their father'a speak ricked and avtricious difFosiilon, koowiog ihst if tbe weeks since ; a n d th a t th is'C . L. H ig b e e is a law- in g p ap e rs s ta te t h a t th e r e is a n experienced •• •• •• Extra trimed, 0 50 0
low in the gentle breexe, while some powerful and mys- child were divided it would immedis.ely die. Oh! upon j y ~ an(j nota' blic o f H a n c o c k c o i n t y , a n d the C o tto n M a n u fa c tu re r now i n th e c ity w ho pos­ Pant*, do. do 1 75 2
terious influence comes o'er them, causing their bosoms to what a wieked principle was her claim to that child bued . j ^ Q ^ H f X e th nl w as flncd fo r in su ltin g the sesses c a p ita l a n d e n terp rise, a n d h a s first rate m25 3t ) _______________________________
heave with oew emotiona, and their dark eyea to sparkle While ihe who bore the liviog child, said with all the af »c ity officers (the - ° -MarshaH
- • •• an d» a C « onstable)
• 41 ' w*h e n j n m a c h in e ry , a n d t h a t h e is d esirou s o f establishin g
*• •» .1 ^ . n • i . 1 ---- 1___ r-------
w u n u i i u i i m u j v y , m u m e u m i o | i u i » u m *)> v « \ h u v u i iecrioii cuu vcuiASatim of - =c;hc.-, =-• — -r i lho d isch arg e ol tu e u oiuctni u u u c s a low weeKif a m a n u fa c to ry o f c o tto n i n S t. L o uis o r iw v ic in iiy TTTKlUti r, Vv’A S N rR C O —Tuvduia Gun^ raciiri/,
\ > 1tre n d a y aad Twenty Third Street, New York.
above aod caosed them to hope for redemptioo. .lain; but let her who claim* it havs it all. Aye! “ »* ; s;nco so soo n a s h e c a n g e t a s u ita b le building . T h u s .V It Plain aod Fancy Soap< on Librral Terms.
Nor is this all, the aame mysterious influence which Solomon, ,o u u e ihe mother of the child. Calling there- j ^ ^ m^ a n uth#fa cmtuQrin uingblUe n te rp rise is p u s h in g itse lf W e st­
seems working in to wide aad varied a field, and combining for., the priesthood .he eh.ld. the s e c . are willing to , exl(,telh nn>. nation.— Solomon, w ard.— B o s t o n C u l t . N A U V O O N E IG H B O R ,
ten-thousand discordant elements, all suddenly put in mo­ divide itsmong themielves, when ihey must know that if b G R E E N E , C i ty M arshal, l i printed and pvbliihed every Saturday, by John Tay­
tion Irom the mosi distant aud opposite yoioi*, and all .hey do « , they kill the child, and oaly get a dead - N ‘ j, ^ 1844 HE SHARE HOLDERS OF T H E “ SOCIETY FOR lor, Editor and Proprietor; ai Nauvoo, Hat co*k county,
urgiog forward a common centre or focua, is also workiog While the Laiter-Dey Saints icok on asthe real moiher. and lNaUV00> A F U ! T T H E DIFFUSION OF TRUTH,” are Tthetr r e a t e d to
clfice, Illinois.. Terms—«2.00 invariably in advance.
♦ay, let not tho priesthood
pnesmooa or child be divided,
couo uc uit.ucu. We will ‘ N . B . W e wish i t to be d istin c tly u n d ersto o d , j pay in their, fust instalment immed.ately at j letters mu»t be addressed to the Editor (John Taylor)
in the complicated machiaes of American politics; not - - - - - ........—* .................... Mi 1- Sprnce-Sueet fltreet
only holding the balance of power, aod thus ioflueociog have it all if aoy r, enc part can do to no good, neither can i th a t n e ith e r o f th e th ree ab o v e n am ed m d m d u - j 1 ~ *order of the Board, ! post paid, to receive the attention.
tails benefit sny one elie. Union ia life,, als a re m em bers o f the C h u r c h o f L a t te r - D a y ! G T. NEWELL, 8ec*y- ! T H E T IM E S A N D SEA SO N S,
tbe elcctioos; but actually graapiog for the presideotial the remaioiog psits
. Moro on this *abject hereafter. S aints,— b u t we believo C. A . F o s te r is a M e t h o - : New-York, M May 23d.
- chair of thia republic. Whai meaoa all this! What mas­ division is death Is printed aod published about the l»t and l£tb of every
ter spirit h u pat all these thiogs in motion in so uousual J W 1 V * , May 3U25/A.
2M . O. HYDE dist. * t J. P . G . Ii rf-^pu^i TT M nTni.f- OF NATURE, 2v. 1200 pages, price >month, at Nauvoo, Hancock couaty 111 , by John Taylor,
~ 1 81.25 ;EdUor and Proprietor. Terms— per annum, psyable
and sudds* a manner, and while mankind have been drea­ THE ELEMENTS OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM, by a . Jn 4 jj 4i48rt in advance Any potson proeuntg live new
A Soda Fountain belonging to Dr. Watson, 30 Chath#. M O R E M ORM ONS. ■;er, price *12i cu. . j *ub*chbers and for warding us Ten Dollars eurrrkt money,
ming ! And what ia to be the final result of so stroog a
rine-aireet, burst yesterday; seriously injuring one of the E l d e r W m . S m ith , one o f t h e T w elv e , h a s j u s t | fum ing Jud couductiog Lyceums, I>batiog Vebattng j r<
u cejve t,one
n c volume gratis All Letters must be ad*
was charging it; breakiog his arm in two places,, a rriv e d from th e east, o n th e ste a m e r C h a r l o tte ,; ScKlt.lKf, wiih outlines of I dr^sed to John Taylor, poet paid, or they wiil aot receive
WhO'ia thia modern Koightwith hia magic lamp t men (who
.i.C > V w dread fu l manner. w ith a co m p an y o f s a in ts : E l d e r G . M G r a n t , Chari#. M erit,, price 3s. for sale at the Ofhce ol i atte alie n.
It ia the Greco Mountain Boy of Old Vermoot—the ig. and loccra»ing , — ______ !fro m P h ila d e lp h ia ; E ld e r R ic h a rd s a n d fam ily , " p ,‘>Ph«l ”_________________________________ - . .
4- Subserip'ions for the “ Times and Seasons,” and ilie
, r,** received a« ih»- Office cf he " P*w-
noraat farmer of weatern New-York, the ualettered fool of We learn that Eidsr Parley P. Prat«, is in Boston alien fro from m B u rlin g to n , N . J . ; E ld e r N e w to n a n d ; « b o K AND JOB-WORJC. Done neatly and Eipediuoua- " W - o N . ^ - r , aueef, New-York.
sectarian tales; the scourge aod terror of oot-lawed Miae-
eari, the favorite Military Cbeftian of Illinois, the Chiaf ding Confcrtaco there.
fam ily, a n d P r ie s t U ib s o a a a d fa m ily , fro m P h i - . 15 ly by E. J. BKY1N, *t No. 7 Spruce-st. |P «.
& H A lB L E rP A C K E T S .
To sail from Now York on the 8tb J
O. S. F O W L E R ,
131 tfaaftAtr Sr.^HYV ^ ,op,tior
*nd from Havre on tho 1 s t,8lh, UU i FOWLER’S JfcAO- S i * « T . ^ c S ^ rJiSTtw#'*. and iBTtrai A«*ne.i>
f l r t t w , W - S U B 8 C R « B K U » c « « T W « t h , « fo llo w .,» « . r iC \U PHRENOL- .
AND • From Harre OSY.AAVorkwlndrJ n .IU J J a u u rMaddcra ____
Set.hip*s one«ol ® « ^ £ 500 S S i£ - - j* ja » April 24 ha. now been ei^it M J a iiw « J W , U i a n - V e * atylea

POPULAR ,he !**' °*> i ARGO

11th, lGtb, 21st and 20ih of each month
Patrick Heniv, New York, Sheridan,
C. Anthony, J r , July 8
Nov. 8
Aug. 21
Dec. 24
year* before the pob-
Kwtneky .Jeane, o f all &»
; Liverpool, Cambridge, t March 16 May 1 a a s s i t ^
G I F T Virginian,
Montexums, S iddont,
George Washington
tTiiUd States,
Ainsw orth,

< Ju ly 16
< Nor. 1G
Sept. I
Jan. 1 felTBSito
Roll’d Jaeooett. acd col’d caobrie.
Anton and furnitoro Cneeaa
jHouingoer, England, PHRENOLOGICAL Woolen Shawl^-AH « * ^ « d qaalioe.
Roscius, Ashburton, i March 24 May 8 JOURNAL, Silk add C tW fld rtiS jfeJW fe
B O O K S A Europe,
Whitney Rochester,
_ r #
D. Line a, J July *4
- (N ov. 24
.Sept. 8
Jan. 8
Devoted excloMTtly
fo the r xpmition and
Unen .nd Imitatioo:
Blankou—Ch«, Wntiney Hilla, Rose, Radical
Samuel Hick*, Queen of the We** Oxford. .
^ ' ' - '^ 5 f | C r i i f M m o f passage can bo obtained, and every id for- k m e r a l d . April 8 ‘■ May 21 defence of Phrenolo-
? metion will be given to thosef sending for th e ir friends, on Aug. Sept .24 Ig y aad it* bear.#,, Qo?i? Cotinterpaoa.i Cambrit* of dlBVrrot width*
Application»i either efoor office*. . ^ ..A t: .. . r.->‘ v PSa S Dee. Jan. 24 ,od of I h e hmdred ~ U tc e < ( P h y . i o l ^ «nd Mag'.^*m J.coortw. do d o ; Carabriek *nd fomitore Dimityo
F a^ T ch e ck .tVipt- .ncI p lw a M a ril-
April Juno 1
h S S ” x r a » ho» b . U ug. Oct. I s x - ^ ^ a x 's s a i s y « 5 « Petticoat*, RoSc*aud Skirt* .
3. A. Wolton, EnglUh ana American long doth*________________
Troy, and via Brie canal to JJuffslo, nod all intermediate ( Dec. Feb. 1 i ogy and it* bearings on health,»?
“ CLINTON HAlib BOOKSTOBft CONOMY IS WEALTH, F m h k lii..—Hu*.v’* i.»-
O O U E X o r NASSAU AND KKKKMAN kTTnEET-- plV T .n ports ol the Upper t i k e a. VILLE B E LYON, i April Juno 8
Oct. 8 E
I TO* SECOXD SERIES O t ™ « Via Oswego to Toronto, IJort Hope, Coburg, Kingston, C. Stoddard, J Aug.
( Dcc. Feb. 8
}i'ea for ; or twentjT c e p ie t'ftr $10. In all c u e .
rz m J S & g jfft.. Sa &
riCTOKIAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE “ t V o r a ^ M w w l i ^ U o Montreal and ALBANY, (May Juno 24
nada E xti via Ohio Canal from CleveUnd to Portsmouth, ■Wataon,
Cincinnati, and intermediate placet. . Feb.!
South West via Philadelphia to Pittsburg, Cincinnati, MORAL,
i May July 1 o r . G ood
Louisville, and all porta on the Obio River to S l
Nov. 1* Founded
ruvuucu on rnrenotogy and Ph
Phreaology both in S S 7 « w i r ’S * Voonnon ankl*, for both eoano and* £ e
L. W«derholdi,
Mo ; and to all parts of OWo, Michigan, Indiana
u d W iK 0 ^ T ^ H iT T A . c r 3 m
IS ? Msrcb 1
July 8
a S
ads awo
B n r a s r
s s
* *
e the
f^i-T ihm% t
» S . . .« d WMMtifal W O*. * * « M LOUIS PHILLIPPB, frei'nc. aad diminuh the e * « M i ,nc^ f t^ * ,l the ^ M ^ , 'HBnt'a improvement coc*'»U M tho iotrollaction of
Frwliepwc* frma T^u twoa* , J. Catoff, Sept. 24 Nov. 8 Jew S fa row* in « i d « l c . m . U ^ o f plain
U u t n £ w i <yf H*©*' *n I OUj#C*»■.m tk*«l in th* For ihe accotnmodajiou of penoe. w u h » 8 * 0<! m£ Jan. 24 March 8
8ey to their friend. ia the 010 Country. H A ^ D K N & ping* m pstCBled by Mr.^ Joriwh,. in/FiwjeeV T h »
diiios* of hippinte*, and ahowa how to falfil item . ... A
P . S ? only o n . in Ik. w ^ r ^ f e A j . operated
0LB£NE\V TESTAMENTS. CO. will give Draft* M any pa»t of Engl.nd,
Ireland. payable *t rg h t. for

i June . 8
\ Oct*- 8
July 24
Nov. 21 INTELLECTUAL IMPROVEMENT; wholly by new and ingmuoo. machwety pwptlled by .team
IL Tks F . « n s m u o l i h . *• W C T O R ^ . l t t U S T ^ O N S J £lOO-or to to y ««<“■ " ' 10 “ £ l* y 5 ? r 5 S f r- I Feb. 8 Mar. 24 , Or, how to C bitivat * n u i M* mo» t ;
OF p t ot m
THE m.R.’* ijoo
BIBLE. of wbich ».ooo g y < I OFFICES AND AGENTS. < June 16 Aug. 1 ___ —w ««.» I.fTXLLicr, and conduct the inter p0Wer' R. B JU IG O L ia. Proprietor,
&*fc *f tb* »U*T ff m U bare bcra e<w- SULLY, 60 Gold *lreet, betwe«i Folton and Beekman.
*oW “» I Cbarte* Craft. 180 State .tret*. Boaton. W . C^ Thompson, < Oct. 16 Dec. 1 | h ^ u a l TducatjoH^of "children j in .which ispoirnted out a
►3 frwatb# B. W- Wheeler. Union-Buldiwr, Prondence, R . I. (F eb. 16 Aptil 1 j ncwTnd more excellent way to intellectual tual at attainments N n T he public are caotion*dtO o(Mer»e that ths article,
J \y . Mill*. 3 Wall .treet, and 16 Front atreet, New :arnlog now fur- are aumped H n n f. P al.nt Sotaw Rwet*A«g 17th 1 6 « -
lOHDONPCTim BIBLE. j y orv # ■ _ * IOWA.
W . W Pell,
i June
\ OcL 24
2-1 Aug.
Dcc. 8
8 than our common achoob and aeata of learn
nisb—a work of great value arsd iro rtance to.parents, m many Vr. making «o!m with « « o H » w u . n v w which
N G JTcrsrf, 43 $ * « h Third aireef, Philadelphia,
(F eb. 24 A p r i l ft : ^eacherst and all who know ! w te improve their sre liable ttfdropoui,^ . . . -----------
j Sandford A Shoemaker, 7 Light aUtet, Baltimore, m o . HRONOMETERS.—Thesnbacribert continne to msn
ISO UtoOrttjo^ of U># S c r i j <00 p ^ ]«»«-.c n u *
! L. S. Littlejohn. 11 Exchange, Albany, N. Y.
Pittsburgh, Fa.
jfik jg b ^ I HEREDITARY DESCENT ; ITS LAWS AND K A O ^ C ufacturo Marine Chronometers, which are guaranteed
Clai 159 River street, Troy, N. Y.
Utica, N. Y.
& ££ S S c
, , W xT ; Or the Transmission of Qaaliues. Physical, Intllectual, to b t equal and in many respects superior to those import­
d Moral, from parents to their off,prtagB9 ‘hrough auc- ed. The price of the samo is alto much lower than they
! W. A. Cook, Syracuse, N. Y. n . , . . r P n p p irv ^ceoive aenrration. : including direeUon* for fonn.n,*a«h bav# over been offered. Owonometers to loan. Chronom-
Ad**«U, mtd oth*r _ ttoeheater, N. Y. * PASSAGE OFFICE, “ " n L m a lM ia n c e * a* wiUVcure whatever jual.t.e. in
IV. Auuter W a l l.'Ula rJtme for yd«ag Ami 10 0 Pine »irt«t. corner ofSoulh-jircet children roay be dewred ; wuh hint* tt> mot;hew rs dduring • 'm r a s y q ^ s s g s s s s s f r
W. H Cook, Buffalo. N Y. . led pair
Schcvi*. wtiUrrf. and S6 Mereb.nt.' Eichange. Bo.lon.
The Sobscribfr beg* l.ave to call the attemion of hi. p r e jn jn e y -* sw®'k "jld " w ^ l l ^ o * d e r g n to form
friend* and the pnblic in general, to the following arrange-1 rr|t t ion. To improve mankind, we moat F ARMS F O R SALE.— Valaabl. Farm* lo r w le i u the
S P R I N G A R R A N G E S i E N T — 1844. • : i 1SJ4, for the parpow, ofbri^W C cni p.bin, l « EdncAtion be«owed upon* good neighborhood of Geneva, Batavu, Buffalo, Hamburgh,
s ^ / ° ^ b u 4i a T s ; « « ^ ,^ ^ ; ^ ; T h e 7 o . i r w T i t «he« « « be vastly more productive Walea, &e . in thi* Slat*.
r j S S ^ M L L U m U ^ N ^ F ' T » E Tl!’OLE.- wiibSOO®‘« , J M P 0R T A W 1 LU S y u T H E E N I K A V 'h L L E R S .
_______________________ VERPOOL.
Da ya of Sailing from 1
p “ »i* lep t over thia* object, « * . « w - » « d e h ^
Loogenough hare Likawi*. on I/>ng ,
T her will be .old for eaab or » pari bond and,

- P IC T O R IA L 1LLISTK A X h i R a 1 l K 0*I> B « l W i * A T T K C B o « O K C O iO X trrX D . Ship*’ Captains. daiion of it, was « comparative failure. In thia work it »nd n o n . io exchange for unincumbered city proparty.
Names. New.Yorlt. ii treat'd—aa none but a practical Plirenologut ca* treat Applv a t No. 30 Pino atreet. back office, over the Bank
bo^. . » j ON THE GREAT SOUTHERN MAIL ROUTE, G. Washington rrow#. i.^-.tNT.ncALLT i a va.t many men imponam prmeip . . Coffee Hou»c._______ - ....... :------
b rt, S O ~ l » l Bly>— S f e l . - 1” V ia W * u j j « o i o w C r f r . R ic u x o » o , f m B i B v n o a n d
SSto-C, - 4 F* i United States being atated. and all wpported fy « m u* of fact* abaolnte- T ^IR E M E N -S INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 47 Wall
S l S*rn f t & ' locaftS a »aJ M L S W ? i Swoku 5 t - THE OI.LT D a .LT L l« TO - Gerrick Skiddy. ly overwhelming A moat awful wotk,and_a raie ialellee X* atreet. corner of Hanover atreet, in.are againat low or
|,fcva>ia^- k *“*aM*1> MnntvMiU
!B » R*OV’*
Y r rMl.m
« j u m i, C b a KLUTON, S C . w m n r r T O N * W 0 * L K A * f. Patrick Henry, Delano, lull treat—p-p 2 1 0 . and » fi'oealogicil uble with blank damaao by fire at premiam* redoeod. commen.urate to the
« fit mfUiM
,»ffi*e«npl*M Waria*X 8uo<iani Th*o^y, n ih# low pn<» ^ Hour* in advaace of the Bay Line ) Sheffield, AH«*n, paper, for recording family likenesses.
TRAVELLERS going South are informed that the con- Roacius, Collms, PHRENOLOGY APPLIED TO MATRIMONY.
- Ali^ - I H B AMEIUCAJC FAMILY MAQAtlNE.» W ^ « U » nexion between the PeUrtburg and Witmiogton Railroads Independence, Nve, 1 ^
> aUrtratfJ Vita 1000 E tir m g * of Am*r>oM» Scr»#ry. IlW Or to the selection of oJfflXJviALCOMArKioxs ron u r *
tocy, N»:oraI Hatory. *<-. Ac. Kt8bt Tolu*r. far hrWw at Weldon, including the Petersburg Compaay’a Bridge at Virginian, Allen, Oct. Nial G wy. Soc'y. __
» Abo U*-BBAUTtES OF RE\*. 30IIS WESLEY,* wlt*n the Roanoke U completed, bo that traveller gotng South Siddon^ E. Cobb, * h including d irid im i lo Ikt wmrri'd, for living t e g t l b u t f ^ AT102IAL P r M INSURANCE COMPANY -
motr of h« Uf*. 1 tol. Ashburton, Hurtleston, •• frctiena'.ely and h.ppily. .The eaoliona it adminuter. to
AUo- comU oUt «a hwd, a n*aer»l w « * . i «? and'y me young ; me iunus « luiuiaar- ,u iu w»iu
t> ■< . fe.Vi-W-i - — - ............ courtship, as well as its scientific exposition of man's so­ * ' ...................... DIRECTOiiS.
J. s. W » F ltkl> from t h e S r s of the" Petersburg to thoae of the Wilroiagtoo ‘ Sheridan, Depeyater, John Brouwer, Samuel S. Doughty,
;» g g aasl ,IUU.L _ ilaiiroad Company, thereby ridding the Great Mail route cial nature and relations,as well as ol the lawa that govern
The Provincial "Bank, and branches. - '
Wm. 0- . —Ward. 7‘ Jwhn P . Mackre,
| of its only exceptionable feature, whilst it ia equally cheap, IRELAND. The Ulster Bank, do. them, render it moat interesting and most usefoL John Newhouae, y
6 P L R N D I D N A T IO N A L . W O R K NATURAL RELIGION : Stephen Holt,
and for d^ E D m o x , a a c u w rr awd c im r a u tty , it nas j The National Bank, , . Philip W . Eng., M aicw Spring,
JUST COMPLETED IN 8 VOLUMES. great advantages over the day line. ________-
All Drafts payable at sight, at either of the obove banks Or, The N a t u r a l T h e o r y of Phrenology; its .aspect Wm. S. Slocum.
The following unrivalled schedules sre now run on this line, their branches or sgenctes. on revelation, and its general harmony with i t ; M a d in g
Mesjrs. Spooner, Atwood & Co. bankers, answers to the objections, that Phrenology favors Fatalism,
Wm. W . Campbell, i3 ? “ But'erworth,
ENGLAND London. .Materialism, and Infidelity, aod is opposed to a change ol Joaeph W . Savage, Sec’y.
AMERICAN FAMILY MAGAZINE !: Leave N. Y. at 9 A.M. Arrive ia Philadelphia at 3 P M.
Leave Phila. at 4 P M. V riT.e W nm ore a X A M. ■ i r W. Byrnes, & Co. Liverpool. h e a r t A Work ia which the p r i m a r y x l e m x i v t s o ! Inaorance u te o a t the laweat rate*. _____________ _
Passengers can also be engaged from Liverpool to Phila­ man’s moral nature are fully snalyxrd, and therewith the
Leave Balt, at 2 A.M. arrive la ^Washington « 5 U delphia, Boston, and Baltimore, by the regular packet | religions doctrines taught, aod the daltss required bv man s " ^ A R D ENGRAVING & iPRINTING—C H EA P ES­
USEFUL AND ENTERTAINING KNOWLEDGE, : Leava Wash, at 6 A M. arrive in Fredlisboig, at 11 A M. ships, on sppiicstion being made personally, or by
*Leave Fred’kg at 11 A M- arrive in Rich. Va- at 3 i P M-
Kstare and constitution ; sectarianism accounted for. and C TABLISHM ENT. Eogravcd carda of every de«rip.
-a r -r i- J0SCPH McMUSRAT. d ;a n d the general tenor of the Bible doctrines non, such as Vii laiticg* at I t Ot
Leave Rich, at 4 P M - arrive in Petersburg , >a. 6 P M . sustained. Religien is as much a science as mathematics Society, Ac., Ac., famished at- short notice, chesp snd
S iC I I T O tH IB ILLUSTRATED .WITH S B T B B ii ! P eu ra^ at 6* P.M. arrive ia Wei. N C at 11 P.M. 100 Pine-atreet, coroer of Sonth*St. It is as much governed by fixed principles aod immutable punctual, at 11* Nassau at. AM kinds of Plate Prin Printing for
u S Z W eldon^t 2 A.M. arrive in W it. N C at 2 P.M. AGENTS In PottsftlJe.'Bepj. Bannan, Esq
HCXD8ED E S f l U I E I M ! •
Leave W il , at 2 P.M- arrive in Charleston, S C. at 8 A AI. lawa. Nor are these laws b ey « d the ken of man. They the trade as well as all others, execoted cheap, nest and
J n L o T e £ ^ * ,U b ,E * q 4 are written upon hia nature. Phrenology unfolds that na­ promptly, by O- STE E L E ,
urtea or T * n a Passengers by - l i n e will reach Petersburg in s<veff. t In AlbM iTTcSough, Esq ture, and, therewith, the whole code of doctrines depen­ P P 1 7 Plate Printer 116 Nassau street,
n u cytij tha ainc^s voIasM, tn m teus teen hours, and Charleston, S C-, in fiftytwo hoursnfeer Jo Toronto, U. C. Rogers *Sc Thompson. dent thereon, and duties required thereby. opposite the Bibfs Houae, New-York. -
leaving Baltimore, including all stoppages, and **vetbe Io Newark, John McColgao, E tq.
THIS WOPX COTITAIKS advantage of avoiding any detention at Weldon, oa the In Utica, Tnomaa McQuade, Esq. PHRENOLOGY APPLIED TO TEMPERANCE. ONTROIS-S LOTION, for wfteiiing. aoothing, dean.-
Roanoke, oae of the moat unhealthy places ia the southern I alto beg leave to atsare ray friends sod the public in *A scientific exposition of the physiological effects of nl« iog aud i-irifjiag the «kin. T h a wa*b refines the
3 ,0 0 0 E lffC R A V E ffC S I country, whcro passengers by the Bay Line, arriving as nersl, that the greatest punctuality will be observed in coholic liquors upon the human constitution, and especial* .kin, imparting to * a fair .oft appM raac.; it remove,
ILLUSTRATIVE OP they alwaya do, fourteen hours after the fast mail line vf e sailing of the above ihips togeiher with all others ly upon the animal propensities. It expounds some Phys­ freckle* and pimple*, making the akra a* clear andemooth
ihe samd day, are delayed ten houw until that of the next which I may have, and tnat paasengers will experience no iological laws of grest intrinsic value, and applies them to aakoy child'*: H it ao eradicate of aU eottncou* emption.,
AM ERICAN HISTORY AND SCENERY, delay on their arrival at the different porta where they temperance with trcmendiou* effect. It has been regard- each aa Salt Rheam. Sctofala or W a Evil, and it i . a
Seriptnre Illnslmtions— Satural History—Botanj— DaY LIGHT LINE, FOR RICHMOND & PET E R S- mean to embark.
J - - i r ? ed by many as the strongest temperance doeument put certain cure for Scald*, Born*. &e. T h i. lotion i* particu-
P . S —Free passage can also be secoazd from the va­ forth. v~. . , v. Uilv aerviceable aa an article for the toilet; no o n . .hould
American Aatiqaities— Geology,
I Leave N.Y. at 5 P.M. arrive in Philadelphia at 11 P.M. rious ports in Ireland and Scotland from which steam boats TIGHT-LACING ; Or, Evils of compretring the Organa be without it after .having, aa it prodocea a cooling d.light-
I L?ave Phila. at 6 i A M. arrive in 1Baltimore at 2 P.M. run to Liverpool. of Animal Life. V ; ful aeration .abteqoent la t U i w of th* m o r or be.rg
Leave Balt, at 4 P.M. arrive m Washington at 6 RM . JOSEPH McMURRAY, expoMd to the .on. I t d im b lN M and impart* ahvrfy and
From original Designs by eminent Jrtisis, Leave Wa»h. at 6 A.M. pas«ng through Fredenckaburg 160 P*ne atcret. New York. in Press, and soon to be Published, a Work'on
•* hue to the akin. For aale wholeaalo and reUil, at
and Rickmond, and arriving in Petersburg, to sap9 pas­ Givet d rifu in sums to suit applicanu PHYSIOLOGY, ANIMAL AND M E N IA L t atore. No. 20 Ann-at, New-York.
ting from Philadelphia to Richmond and Petersburg, ,O.X THE
K T T he set will be supplied in plain Binding for $12 00 PROVINCIAL BANK OP IRELAND. Or, the effects of different orgsnizattons and conditions A CARD^— The inbabitanU of New York aod its vicin-
« « extra “ 16 00 of the body upon the chsracter and mental manifestations; J X ity sro respectfoly ihfo»med that every description of
Passengers by this line have th# advanUge of paasing the p a y a b l e at
Single Volumes 2 00 Bainbrldge, including health—its conditions, and the means of pre­ new and .econd hand BOOKS are rtc iv e d and oflered for
A liberal Discount allowed to thoaewho buy to set Limerick, . Ballymena, serving and restoring it, without medicine, and aLaci diet, Ml. on th . mo.t *ati.f»ctory um M , « lb. New Book .nd
Clonmel, Pamontowo, regimens, habits, and their eflects on mind, &c. The re- Periodical Depot. No. 20 Ann-rt, two door. *M ( of N rn au
J . S RED FIELD Londonderry, Downpatick, ciprocal influences of various physiological organisations Individuals having any kind of Booka which they may
Weldon ontsl their arrival. , , . „ and manifestations npan the mind, is a department never
03* For further information and “ through tickets” ap- Sligo, Cavan, ua to call at ibis cs-
TVRINT£RS’ FURNISHING WARE p lyat our Southern Ticket Office adjoint#* the Baltimore WeXfOrd, Lurgan, fm lr presented;and yet its importance/isvsatly underrated. aware of the aacri-
X HOUSE, ko 32 a s * strkstt, w. Y* Bellas', Omagh, The Author hepes to present some prinaplea of Physiolo­ Books, (See. at
WELLS & WEBB inform the Printers of and Ohio lU ilR o ad Office. S H g & g ™ ” - F A u ; Weierfordf Dungannon, gy vittlly important, but usually overlooked. auction, propow. th..plan in* th.accommodation of the pub-
the’ United States, A at in addition to the Southern Trareller* taking "Through T ie k ett” can Galway, Bandon,
tufacture of Wood Type, Cases, Siaoda, : jiop THE PHRENOLOGICAL ALMANAO for 1840, IS41, lie as a aafer altsrostive. - , ■ -
aa long aa they may de*iro a t WaJiiogton, Richmond Enniskillen, Kilmsh, 1842,1813, and 1844, (1845 will soon be published.) con­ All Books, Ac. Itft for salt will b t freely advertised, and
n k c Faruitare, Galleys, &c* &c., they have Monaghan.
opened a large Warehouse for the sale of N EW AND j and Petersburg, and resume their seats.
rolS] H. J- ROGERS, Ticket Afffr-

taining msny interesting and valuable n e ts amply illustrat­ sold for the price affixed by the» owners, and paid for accor­
SECOND HAND PRINTING MATERIALS, and every ed with cute, including likenesses, and short biographies, dingly, (minus s trifling amount charged for commission) or
SPOONER, ATWOOD & Co , Bankers, London. of distinguished men. The reeding matter of the old Al­ returned without any espenae whatever. Consignments
article necessary for a P a r a n s o O m e * . . . j TRANSPORTATION FOR CHICAGO, LAKE ERIE Psyable in every town in Grest Britain i manacs is aa good as it ever was, and worth many times from BookseJlera meet with prompt atianuon at No. 20 Ann-
They have now on hand, and constantly.receiving from . _ ^
Printers and Stereotypers, all kinda and s u e t of type, used Ea tK9*m J.AKE ONTARIO,
vta O.WEGO.
t o 'f ir TV
its cost—25 cents per set. rt., New-York. - - ’ ‘
for Newspaper, Book snd Job Printing, as also all other BOSTON*, v SUBSCRIBERS to the MAGNET can receive ihst F IR ST PREMIUM DAGUERREOTYPES.
requisites for a Printing £siabliebmeut. They aUo Suppljr THE NEW -YORK. UTICA AND OSWEGO LINE Work through our office. It is now well conducted by P.
orders for new type, from every respectable Foundry in the OF LAKE BO A tS will receive goods daily *i middle P. G ood, 138 Fulton-Street. Moje about this Work else-
Union, at the lowest manulacturer’a pnecs. *, pier Coemies slip. New York, for any porta on Lake where.
Printers about establishing themaelvea in business, or Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, or River St. Law-
who wi4i :o renew their foots of type, or exchange their O y Editors who copy all or either of these advertise- Ifonorby American and Krahklin Inrtitute., fo rth , moat
No transhipment between New York and Oswego. Composed ot ifae loUowieg superior Steamers, running in meD|f tha„ rece;ve of rhc Work or Works ad*er- beautiful colored Daguerreotype e tw exhibited.
presses, or other materials for other sixes or k:nds,*ill find connecUon with the Sconwgton, and Boston and tised— they sending a paper (marked) containing the same,
ft greatly to their advantage to call on them before purchaa- This line is composed of the first clait of L ike boats, and Providence Railrcada: •* Profewor Plumbe, the • Amwican Daguerre, wfco.e
iog elsewhere, as they will always have on hind, most o» is connected at Oswego with the to the Am. Phren, Journal Office. famo a* the Gr»t Photographer in the world, i* familiar not
The MASSACHUSETTS, Captain Comstock, •
the leading articles, second hand, anawering nearly or C hicago Lir e o j Steam P ropellers , RHODE ISLAND, “ Thayer, only here but in Europe, and wboa. lanreU have recently
qtrfte as well aa new, and at a saving of from 25 to SO per ith a Line of F ifteen Schoomer», running to ports on , NARRAGANSETT, 44 Woolsey. “ K N 'O W . T H Y S E L F . ” been berea.ed by ,lhe public te.tia.onv of th . American and
Lake E rie; and with the new and elegant steamboats Lady MOHEGAN, ADMITTANCE FREE franklin In.titutca, declaring hi* colored Pbotogr»|*» the
They keep MmtanUf on bind « *»PP'y of Printing Ink, of the Lake snd Rochester, running on Lake Ontario and daily, Sundays excepted, from Battery Place, pier N o -1, n.o*t beautiful ever exhibited, h « , from a I ih « .r d » ir e lo
o f Prout and Mather’s manufacture, from the cheapest to the river St. Lawrence. TO place hi. .uperb portrait, wuhin the .each of, all. iuat r«-
finest quality ; alao ctlored Iak* ofeverr de*eription This fine is also connected with a line of boats on the N. River. ARRANGEMENTS.
F O W L E R S P H R E N O L O G I C A L C A B I N E T doced bU term, to tb . loweat imtea of the trfow
W. k w . are the Sole Agenta for the Northern, Middle Wabash Canal and Ohio Canal*f'»rm»ng an unbroken com­ IN CLINTON HALL, No. 131 NASSAU STR EET artiat. in tb. city. W . a d .ij. aU lo . « i ^ hr, fin. aallarv
and Western States and Canada, for J h e - sale of RNEE- munication from New York to Lafayette, Iadiana, and.from The MASSACHUSETTS, Capt. Comstock, oa Mon­
days, Thursdays aod S*um£**v*t &o’clock, P . M. of rpocimen., which the world cannot equal, -51 Brogdway.
LAND’S PATENT CARD PRINTING ENGINE, which New York to Portsmouth, Ohio. ENTLEMEN AND LADIES, who may desire to be- —New York Express
wo believe to be equal if not superior to any Machine Press Shipments by this hao arc insured to Oswego, and on
y et invented. We feel confident that a trial of the.above the Wabash Canal only, except by special contract.
The RHODE ISLAND, Captain. Thayer, on Tuesdays,
1Thursdays and Saturdays, at 5 o’clock, P. M.
G come better acquainted wilh themselves.—their hemael true Piumbe’s Premium and German Apparatus, and Instruc­
natural endowments, for natural, moral, and inteleetual tion Plate*. Caves. Ac., i r i o west rates
> r « s wil! grve the moat entire eatisfsenon P roprietor* a » d Aoeitis. Passengers on the arrival of the steamer a t Stoniogton, enjoyments or improvement, are respectful felly informed,
They ate alao Agents for tho sale Koverman’a Euamell- BRONSON & CROCKER, ) Oswego. will be immediately forwarded in the aplendid aad com that a favorable opportunity is at all times freely given at W , & w . H. L E W IS’
ed and Pearl Surface C ards which they will aell as low aa DOOLITTLE. MILLS, & CO. 5 „ raodions Cara of the Railroads to Providence and Boston. the above cabinet. D A G U E R R E O T Y P E ROOM S,
can be purchased in the city. FARWELL & HARRINGTON, U tica . The above steamers have been fhoroughly equipped, and Although Mr Fowler himself will be absent from the
They still continue to manufacture, and are generally R 03SITER & RHEPPERD ; T roy. prepared to promote ceftrity Of travel, arui the comfort and ity for a short time, every attention will be cheerfully No. 142 Chatham tir ttt, opfoiUc th t ChatXam Tktalre.
Security of passengers, and not surpassed by any in the H E R E Likenesses are taken in the best style of th t
supplied with all sixes of their Wood Ttm e. of which they
troth*original manufacturer?, and wh:chstill maiatamsits
W. S. ROSS1TER, 23 Coentiet S!ip, N- V.
W estern Aoejits. Uaited States.
rendered by sgent Mr. S. R. WELLS, whose publick
doubte test examinations have accorded so perfectly with W art, at prices from *1,$0 to | 5 , includiog ease or
repntationfor rjperiority over all competitors aud a f l n p t P eas* & Al u w . Cleveland, Ohio, For passage, or , freight,
, - which
. . . . is taken
. . atwvery . reduced . those of Mr. Fowler, lhat every confidence may be repos- frame. In gold plated lockets, from 3 dollars to 5,50 each-
cJ. WUittnL CBA’a Howard & Co. Toledo, O &: Detroit, Mich- rates, apply on toard at north •rth sicside of pier No. I, No. 22 | iQ bia pr0frMi0nal ability as a delineator of character. If colored, from 25 to 60 centstxtra: ’
.. .•• * . r Hi, ....* Ia *t. m FT Q
iz>- ruoiiMkcia v»*" —: -~ ,~ i “T" T----------------------- 7
C**r\*A% J KUU'J) A n Aaa»»»i
____ vuivw^v, ---- - 1—
11•* 1 - /-■* — «n.Aa nfQ .M i -—---- T».**.«•»« fVMlRf 9 UPn •
•— - — » In f 1 .
j ouosciiimtm* • ' r .1 .
i**i vn« rtwti-UM. rii__ a -*» I uutx uii*Is ii*! r;;rf-!?y g lrc i to tb c jf * ” !* *rt
■ivin* the above th ru in«r-ioo* by the Jlrat of July ne* H dtchiiibon, W a i t u * , & C a Sonthport, W i « n. {wharf. I ceived, orders for BOOKSand BUSTS will be punctnaly the art. Terms moderate.
and tending o* one copy of their p p e r conta.nmg it will ml8:c] ' ___ -—- Tickets for theroute, and steamer's berths, can be se-1 lllended to> [«nl8:c Apparatus, Chemicsls. Platts, Cases, and every article
be entitled to the payment of th eu bilU on purchaamg four cured oo board, or at the office of Hamden & Co. No. 3 ....................................... ............................ — used m th t Dsguerreotype art, for salt.
HE following worka are for sale at the Prophet office, Wall street. j X IGHTNING RODS —The public U respectfully in
times the amount,
Mew-York, May 13. ISM.
. , , —- - 1 ~ —r1 —
tm lfrc..
T No. 7 Spruce Street, vix
P. P. Pratts Reply to Leroy Souderland
I T The iteamboat I0 L AS,U now ninoing daily Uiween * j__
j Providence aod Newport.
l jformed, lhat Quimby’a Lightning Conductors for the
I protection of building* agaioat lightning, can be obtained on
P « tares taken in clear, elandf. Qr sWtav weather.

HEAP Cloth Store— Noies Morris have in store ro- Synopsis o f the B:lble, by B. WindiesUf. f A steamer is now preparing for Ihe accommodation of the. j >pp]ication to him, at his office, le i Folton street. All or­
C ceived from auction snd othur sourcca, a large assort- Gospel Reflector. History of the Pnetthood , Newport uavel. which will shortly make the connection ders from the city or country, will bo promptly attended to.
ment of goods auiuole-for genilemcn’a wear, consisting in Millennium Poems. /■• j regularly between that place and S^onington* The price is rcduced in conformity with the timea. Dealers supplied at the regular discount. A general aaaort-
Index to the Book of Mormon, 2nd. E.Jition. He believes thst a singlo ordinary lightning rod ia inad­ raent of Vegetable Preparations, including thoso recommen­
^Veat of England, French and American wool black, Mae,
brown, iovieiblo green, mixed clotba
Address to the People of the Uirttcd States.
Gospel Light, No. 2. H Fire insurance ai the lowest rates by the Hartford
1810-— charter !
equate, under certain circunistancea, lo protect, even small ded by Drs Thompson, iroward, Hersey. Besch, .hmith,
buildings. Ho was led to thia opinion on carefully atudy ng MaUsou. snd others.
Wool black, bTuo and fancy cassimcrcs, in great variety Corrrtoondence.
- • • in raPamphlet form,. between JOSEPH \ Fire Insurance Company.—(Incorporated
m n n ie i lor •tho laws aud opcraliona of the electric fluid, in connection ' •
SMITH. T H E PROPHET, and Col. Cot. JOHN WENT- j perpetuaL) ' " • p j r Vt T r F M IIJ^. 11 ^
Satinets, all colora '• with-personally examiniugita practical reaulta, is exhibited
Scarlet and cadet mixad cloth; butt ea»aimcre WORTH, frtitv r o f “ The Chicago Dmocrol.” o»
and d M n
Mtvv- b j Tbis lon^ e s l ^ A i a h « t e ^ M k n a ^ d lustitution. hivin in houses, barns, churches, dec., lhat had been damaged by, W h o l e s a l e a n d R e t a i l St r a w H a t M a n c f a c t o r y ,
Black and M«s# beaver and pilot cloths. ber o f Congress from fltinois ; i Gen. JAMES ARLING- i been in sfctive oporatioa upwards of ibirty years, continues lightning, although furnished with lightning rods. N o IHJ B o w e r y .
Silk and Ubby velvets: giraffe clotha TON BENNETT, O f Arlington House, !* n g hland, aod t0 I0, urp houses, furniture, atdros, merchandise, and every To building* not more than 25 feet long, he alwaa affixes THE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to sneounce to
Velveteens ; silk and Verona aerges the Honorable JOHN C. CALHOUN, Senator f m n South deacription of property, against loas or daiftago by fitc, on two rod* ; to larger buildings, n greater number. The num­ the ladies of New York that' he has on hand as
Carolina Io which ii given, aeketeh of the Life of Joseph j f a m0st favorable terms
Merinos and Cashmere vestings
Brown hollaods, bindmgs and cords Smith, the rise aad progress of the Church of L A T T E R ; JO H N NEILSON, J r » Agent, 55 Wall st.
ber of roda accessary to insure protection, and their proper ___ f : an assortment of Straw Goods as ever has Iveeti ofler-
, depend on the sixe and form of the building, the S i n the city, compftaing a Choice selection of Neapolitan
I DAY SAINTS, and their PERSECUTIONS by the S ale j — -
Boaibaxine lustrings, goat’s hair camblets EAVY SHEETIN G S—500 bdle.—among which aic f£ “ iion of the chiulneys, the position snd height of neigb- Tuscan, and ail kinds of Straw Hate. * -
Twilled flannels, plaid linings, together with a complote ! ol MISSOURI: with the peculiar views of Joseph Smith, T J bStark Mills, Indian Heads, Laurence C, Cabot A | boring objects, dcc. Ac. Building* are differently s'uuated Braids of all kinds for sale by the piece.
ig* io ) and ReIi?ioiis mattrr* ceacrally: to ! A A - Hats cleaned and altered.
, rremium, anu .^ppictoa stouts, ro r saio and very differently exposed ; and the rod* reqotro to vary
sers at the lowest rasikot prices, at their ator. No 142 i which i. added a ameit* acrotal o f Iht prtuiU Halt m d, HUNT BROTHERS, 18 Exchange Place. in their application according to circumstances. »2&c..) . ... . , _ . TH 0S. YOUNG.
at. opposito Chatham Theatre. pro,ptcU o f tht CITY OF NAUVOO.
■j •

. :m a ? n r r .
THE PROPHET. We contkkd roi* thjb TatfrH.
/ • *

aw a y th e tears w hich fa ll: nnd th ere eealroent, and such instances are extrem ely rare, Fbr the Prophet. hibited in th e city o f N e w Y o rk ; a t w hich exhibi­
g to heal th e wounds w hich have been A n E n g lish women, conscious th a t the happiness PREJUDICE. *; tion it was first discovered th a t one o f th e mum­
rhile still fu rth e r on, some are occupied o f h er whole life depends upon th e rejection o f n When halfdi*po»ed to hear not truth's appeal, thy judg­ m ies had a large protuberance o n th e left side,
s s a a s ^ s ra s s s s s K ^
STORK. * T *««««.
in consoling an d en co u ragin g a devoted victim. m om en tary pleasure, resists the tem ptation with ments made, which aw akened the curiosity o f a g entlem an,
I n short, on e v e ry side m en are cre atin g miseries, j possible energy. B u t I f tho severest struggles of Tby mind secarely fixed, the beauty of her aentiraent ia w ho proposed t h a t it be examined,' an d in d o in g
•on ev e ry side w om en are endeavoring to alleviate j conscience prove ineffectual, nnd ih e once falls, loat; so found i t to contain P a p y ru s or P a rc h m e n t,
A i a t a n k s u n > C o m m o h ic a tio s* MO»r a r A » -
c u a m i t o THE PROPHKT, P o tr P a i d . and re p a ir them. ^ sh e renounces fo r ev e r th a t society in which she Her battlements however strong, her fire effectual. co n tain in g w riting, a portion o f which was tra n r-
rn- P m Muter* Me sniborU'd by tbe Pott Office de- T h e wife o f a negro general, serv in g u nder j can no longer appear w ith respect I t sometimes. The blaze of reason and tbe gems of thought; behind, lated in th a t city. T h e pro p rieto r thou convey­
pixtmfat, io forward, freeof t«piw«, «U onfers for, or to T o u is s a in tl’O verture, is o f so te n d er a n d h u mane Though seldom, happens, j p g ! , . . th a t th e m an, through Th* clond of prejudice is hid.^ Tboa stubborn foa to all | ed them to P hiladelphia, w here the samo was trans­
dUcoKiaae publication, U d also.MOMj- lopsjr forthr a disposition, th a t she exposes herself to every love o f whom a female m akes this sacrifice, endea That's good and great j as if enclosed within a convict’s j lated as in N ew Y ork. B e in g unable to decy­
risk to save the unfortu nate prisoners in the te rri­ vors to m ak e rep a ra tio n b y m arriage. cell, p h e r th e rem ainder, h e was advised to take them
,4 SabwTiWrt* nsmes, with (he Sule and Offiee,
should be di.'inetly gi»eh when moarr is ferw.rded, to ble warfare' o f S t D omingo. T h e following was w ritten b y a friond, w he I look upon tby hapless state of wo*, and fearing thy dark­ to Joseph S m ith, in Ohio, w ho pretended to have
avoid mistake., ss.bere.recfteotew r.f ofthe same same*, T h u s , therefore, am o ng th a t race o f uneducated travelled principally w ith th e intention o f s tu d y ­ le one life-long night; j do sincerely pity thy estate, [ness the pow er o r g ift o f translation. O n a rriv in g
or several Poet Offices io the same.WM- beiiiga, a women can feel a profound sentim ent of in g tho ch a rac ter o f women in different couutries. Whsace is thy strange deformity of miad, such thero, he p resen ted th e p a rc h m en t to him , who
A dvertising, Book and Job W ork, done at p it y for those whom sh e is ta u g h t to consider as • u A m o n g th e women o f v ario u s countries you Hideous, dark, benighted state for mortal i . said th a t m on h o u r he would ac q u ain t h im w ith
h e r en em ies! H u m an ity , th e first o f virtues, and will find a general resemblance in th e ir essential Doea Afrio’a wilds, or Arabs* desert safeds give culture the m atter, a t tho end o f \yhich he returned, bavw
t i e u su a l rates.______
th e m ost usefu l to social order, h as established its qualities. T h e v irtu e s o f h u m a n ity , patience, To tby growth, or, art a weed whose root, no human in g translated th e same as in N ew Y o rk s n d
E . J. B E V IN , P R IN T E R dom inion o v er h e r breast? H e r life is marked cqmpossibn, gentleness, nnd o f courage on great Hand hath yet destroyed; o r comeat thou from distant Philadelphia, and much moro, p ro n o u n cin g i t to
b y memorable tra its o f heroism , w hich m ig h t shed occasions, are generally to be m e t w ith in th e • space, be th e B o o k o f A b rah am , th e characters o f w hich
• lustre on th a t o f th e m ost enlightened and cou*- female sex. I t is r a th e r i n th e ir failings th a n in A visitant from aome dark elime, here to gain proselytes closely resembled th o se on the plates lately found ■**
> *'•••" PROSPECTUS ‘ • A
th e ir stood^aualities th a t is obsor* in^R fce cb un ty , 111
s p u r1 o* *
W E E K L Y N E W S P A P E R . conspicuous in th e progress o f th e revolution, one are th e g ifts o f n a t u r e ; while th e ir defects are the
eta in mankind. Thy power is evil, all who serve
T h e reason is obvious. T h e i r v irtu es Thee know it 5 fheir sad deficiency, the want of other's H ere Mr. B . rem ark ed th a t no m a n on e a rth
had th is pow er, and manifested h is contem pt by
• •..* «a .TO » * E N T I T I E D V. . o f th e m ost ex trao rd in ary is C h arlotte C orday.— resu lt o f a vicious education, o r o f p articu lar laws That urge their uae, aad show a mortal's weakness. a sneer, th a t Jo se p h S m ith should be so presum p­
She was b o rn in N orm and y, where h e r parentage and custom s; an d i t is r a th e r to m en th a n to Wbea reason reflects, tbe inward sou! of msn. tu o u s os to claim to be in sp ire d o f God* and said
TH E PROPHET. was resp ectable; an d i t would ap p e ar th a t political themselves, that th e ir defects should be attributed., However secret he would strive to keep tho much loved th a t h e would aa soon believe tho m oon m ade o f
fanaticism, an d n o t, a s w as a t first im agined a ten ­ as m e n are th e governors. T h u s , E n g la n d being Folly that diseases mind; let reason speak, green cheese; I replied th a t 1 presum ed m en now
The Board ot Control of the Society for the Diffasics of d e r b u t ill req u ited passion, le d h e r to deliv er the u n d er a b e tte r governm ent th a n Italy, th e E n g lish wcro like m en an ciently, and were as susceptible
of tho City of New York, beiog desirous of pro- ea rth from a m onster, who o u g h t to have been women are b e tte r; b u t notw ithstanding th e in­ Open thine ear as in the days of youth, enlarge thy soul,
o f these im pressions from G o d now a s then, H e
the Gcipel of Oar Lord Jesus Chnst in ii$ ful secured b y th e h an d s o f ju stice , instead of p er­ fluence of governm ent, y o u will certain ly meet Aad let kind wisdom show the wonh of trntk, being unchangeable, an d th e n cited Moses, A aron,
___ , and'nmdioming Ac condition of fallen man, hat* ish in g b y th e poniard o f a n inn o cen t woman. Tbe future joys Heaven, designed for man.
th e sam e distinctive qualities o f the sex in the Samuel, an d D avid to prove th a t th e y , b y means
thought it wisdom to establish a paper in thi* city, aa ao God's knowledge, choice, and order ao divine.
A t length a period w a s p u t to the horrors Italian, as in the E n g lis h women. I t is in conse­ His perfect harmony, the blisa of God's elect, terapha joya o f th e U rim au d T h u m im , h a d th is power, and
fvoeacy iid her-fd oftb o Faith of tho Church of Cbrut of w hich b a a so long desolated F rance, T h e ninth quence o f t h e n a tu ra l tenderness o f women, and could receive answers from G o d th ro u g h this
atter Day Saints. A portion of which, at times, wiU be o f T h e rm id o r overthrew th e scaffolds, opened the o f th e h ab its o f subm ission in w hich th e y live, how great,
according to th e ir desires, an d i f Joseph S m ith
ivoted to Agriculture, Commerce and Manufacture#, as' prisons, an d destroyed those m onsters w ho had th a t laws, prejudices, and custom s h av e so pow er­ Jebovab’a miad explore, how bo high Heaven eontroia had th is power, h e was a n e x tra o rd in a ry man, re­
[wall aa Jo tho Foreign and Dsmettic Newt ot tbe Day. I« oeen th e authors, o r th e abettors, o f so m any ful an d un iversal a n influence u p o n thei* minds. By perfect principles, which makea felicity the happy m a rk in g th a t m an y honest m en believed it, an d i f
rill likewise, be the faitbfes! advocate and defender miseries and crimes. lot
T h e y rem ind u s o f th e p u re marble, w hich issues n o t i t was a g re a t hum bug.
the Contention of tha United S;sir», whose glory and Of all who will obey them, who would not learn a plan
T h e dom inion o f terror was term inated b y a from th e q u a r r y to receive w hatever form or H o re M r B. appeared som ew hat pale, an d ask­
jffolgenca ia known in erery clime, which waa battled for suddon stroke. T h is most im p o rtan t event was shape we choose to give i t T h e ehisal o f a n in ­ So great, so wise, and yet so simple, that ed me i f I was a M orm on, I replied y e s ; th e n
and won by our illnttrioua and patriotic sncestors. The accomplished in one single d a y ; an d one single different sculptor m a y shape i t in to a b a d form, The weakest miod can clearly uaderstand,
po in tin g to b ro th er S m ith he asked i f he was,
Arts »nd Sciences ihall not be n*g!« c’cd—Skefchcf, Nar­ woman, yes, one w oman, was in a g reat degree the b u t cannot alter th.e n a tu ra l properties o f the A syatem formed by Heaven to introduce mankind who saiu yes, w hereupon M r. B r y a n arose, open­
ratives, Biographies, Moral Esiays, and Poems, will alio a u th o r o f th is public blessing. To all these joys, converse with angels, lenrrvjjie
marble. T h u s th en women are every where, and ed the door, (jw in tin g to tho street,) said good
- nd a place in tbs columas of “ THfc PROPHET }” Mind of puiity from great Perfection^ fount, and finally,
T h is person, whose courage o u g h t to be recor­ in every respect, th a t w hich w e m ake them. morning] B e in g eensible o f th e in su lt here m a n i­
rhi 1st ita conductors will endeavor to impart variety aao ded in tne h isto ry o f these times, was Madame Aecead to Heaven*a King, or reign upon the earth
“ I n P oland b ein g themselves u n d e r less sub- fested w ith o u t tho slig h test p ro v ica tio n on o u r
to ita coUmns. J t, , -7 ,; V , Tnou dost inhabit, when freed from every wrong
^ . 4> £ 1, 4 # i ^ > ;.'mSTlV1^ •#»* fi/Jru “ i ) ■ < -* ’ C abarus, so longz k n ow n b y th e nam e o f Madame jection th a n th e women o f a n y o th e r country, That influencea the weakly miad of man. part, an d seeing h im b etra y a passion so un w o r­
7Vrsu.—‘VT#E PROPHET,1* will bo issued Saturday Tallien. both in respect to th e ir p ro p e rty an d th eir charac­ th y the nam e o f H im w ho is for o u r p a tte rn in all
Feed prejudice, corrodiog evil j and Heaven
Morning, the 18th instant, on an Imperial Shest, at Kb. 7 R obespierre sent one o f h is infernal agents to ter, they act a p a rt tho m ost independent, 8nd e n ­ things, w ho was acquainted w ith grief, an d final­
a~'---- Os— » M.*».V,*rtr mnA arill ann#ir tPyul-ir ihfTCzf- h e r prison. T h e bolts are draw n back; the infa­ jo y a personal consequence w h ich th e y su stain And earth, and all thafe great or noble ly was p u t to d eath b y th e h irelin g P rie sts o f
WiU leave thee in the mist of Ignorance*
, on that day, at One Dollar per annum, invariably in mous messenger enters, and addresses these wonia With »» pecunai g . o c J °J. B.- Me Y
th a t generation. I said to M r. B . “do I u n d er­
ranoe. to M adam e C abarus, who had rested u p o n filthv T h e education o f a y o u n g female was formerly stand you to m ean b y th is to tu r n u s o u t o f y o u r
CO* AH Letters and Communications mutt bo addressed straw , a n d had been barely k e p t alive b y a small confined to certain principles w hich sh e received MORMON I tk P O S E D !
house?” H o said “yes,” a t w hich b ro th e r S m ith
T PAID) to THE PROPHET, No. 7 Spruce Street, portio n o f ^ lack bread. w ith a subm ission fro m h e r parents. A t present,
or a M ohmoji E l d u b , bv the ®rv. A. M.
rem arked to him th a t h e showed a p r e tty sp irit
ow/York. » . T. LEACH, Pre.’t. “ I am come to offer to you life o r d e a th ; re­ to rep eat w h at I h ave alre ad y observed, she for a C h ristian ,— I olso said, o u o tin g tho *2d
an, of tbe Cun.b ilund Prfsb>ferisn Church, of the
By order of the Board. flect well upon th e only means w hich c a n save weighs an d exam ines them, an d will no t allow verso o f th e 2 4 th c h a p te r .of Isaian, which says:
you fro m th e scaffold: Robespierre him self has herself to be sw ayed b y experience. A new sy s­ city of Pittsburgh, in which a principle of intolersnce
New-York, May, 17. !9l4i “A s w ith tho people so w ith tho P rie st,” 6cc. H e
sen t me. T h e life o f T allie n is incom patible with tem o f education o u g h t therefore to be adopted. foreign to every ptinc:p!e Virtue, Religion and Hu­
then cried “g et o u t o f m y house!”
the welfare o f th e p e o p le ; reasons o f state compel It is essential th a t th e mother, m ore th a n ev er at­ manity* wo# practiied and carried out. I call upon all I have here stated nil th o conversation th a t
th e com m ittee to proscribe h i m ; th e n sig n this tentiv e to h e r daughter, should a c q u ire h e r con­ men to witaeas ibis act, which betrayaa character un­ took place between M r, B r y a n an d m yself and
paper, w hich pu b lic in te re st requ ires o f you. fidence ; should v ie w ith h e r y o u n g com panions worthy of Ih? Savage of the Forest, much more a man do declare in th e fear o f G od, w ith reference to
When pain aad anguish wring the brow. profewing the Religion of Jesus Christ, and one too
V it A ministering angel thou ! W S cott. “ R e tu rn to him , w ho se n t you,” answered in th e counsels sh e gives h e r ; should struggle th e ju d g m e n t th a t n othing is said co n tra ry to
( C o .N T lN t- T D . ) ! V M adam e C abarus. 41G o tell R obespierre, th a t incessantly ag a in st th e principles w h ich are in (from the position he occnpisa) that ihould have com- w h at was said, b u t is w ord for w ord as n e a r as
ev e n in th e d ep th o f th is dungeon, m y courage is vogue, a n a th e b rillian t illusions o f th e im ag in a­ passion on the ignorant, and, as Paul says, should con- m em ory could servo me, T h erefo re y o u see, m y
I f tho conduct o f tho w om en a t th e commence- su p erior to h is power. H o trem bles o n h is u o n tion^ should fo rg et t h a t sh e h a s a r ig h t to com­ detcend to men of low estate, and not, (because of a respected fellow citizens, th a t n o th in g save th a t I
o f o u r in tern al stru gg les was reprehensible, th r o n e ; an d I a m tra n q u il in m y chains. Leave mand, a n d be sensible t h a t sh e o u g h t to w in h er diflerence of sentiment,) thrust him out of his house waa a M orm on caused such sham eful teeatment.
ow m agnanim ous did it b e c o m e in th e h o u r of me th e n :— I will n ev e r p urchase life b y a n u n ­ pupil o v er to .e/righ t m ode o f th in k in g and acting. which, in my opinion, shows not oalyawaiVt otk>.entiii, N ow , I do say, th a t were all m e n like him , w here
a c tu a l dan g e r ? N e v e r d id w om an appear to more w o rth y action.” I t is essential t h a t as she is u n d er th e necessity ty, but a spirit which reignaln the hearta of Bigot?. would liberty b e enjoyed? T h e answ er is obvi­
Madame C a b a ru s dispatched th e following let­ o f in tro d u cin g h e r too early in to life, she should I R ic h a r d S a v e r y , m com p any w ith b ro th ­ ous to ev e ry m ind , and i f I, tog eth er w ith m y
f d v a r t a g e ; n ev e r did th e female sex acquire
ater glory, th a n whon, suddenly sta rtin g from te r to T a llie n : derive a n advantage from th is inconvenience, and e r M athew S m ith , th is 2 6th d a y o f A p ril, 1844, breth ren , are to be th u s treated, sim ply for ex-
lap o f o f pleasure, o r th e lothargic state o f im- “ T h e m inister o f police has j u s t left this p la c e ; jo in in g example to precept, should b y th e d in t o f called a t th e R ev. A . M . B r y a n ’s for th e purpose
h e came t o announce to me, th a t to-morrow I am a patience alm ost beyond endurance, and a moat o f seeing Mr. M ordeica, th e In d ia n Preacher. pressin g o u r sentim ents openly an d fearlessly, in
" i ty in to w h ich th ey h a d fallen, aroused b y the tho nam e o f ju stice , v irtu e and m e rc y , w h at will
crisis of affairs, th e y w ith o u t relin q u ish in g th eir to appear a t th e tr ib u n a l; th a t is to sa y , i a m to assiduous perseverance, poin t o u t w h at sh e could Mr. B r y a n in v ited u s in to h is house, and, a fte r the P a g a n s o r Infidels sa y o f such “ C h ristian ity ?”
ascend th e scaffold. T h is is Very unlik e a dream never v en tu re to command. u sual salutations, tk o discourse or serm on o f said F ro m m y soul I p ity such m en, sn d I do hope
delicacy o r tenderness, displa (red a fortitude and
e n e rg y w hich h isto ry will liu d to diafcmt ages. which I h a v e h a d t o n i g h t — R obespierre was no A lte r h a v in g fallen into two different species In d ian w as introduced. M r. B r y a n said th a t ho th a t ho m a y Tepent o f such sins— hum blo him ­
T o w hatever class o f females th e attention is di- more, an d the priso n doors w ere opened. A o f excesd, we h ave now nearly arriv ed at tho trn e reg retted th a t he w as so m u c h d isappointed in Mr. self before 6 o d , an d practice benevolence, ch a rity ,
brave m a n m igr\t perhaps h av e realized this point, and the eq u a lity o f th e two sexes will now Mordeica, from th e fa c t th a t he cam e well recom­
rected, th e y are found to h av e di bro th erly kindness and hu m a n ity .
ih e m ost terrible periods o f th e revolution, s d r e a m ; but, th a n k s to y o u r notorious cowardice, perhaps be e sta b lish e d ; and we shall cease to con­ m ended from persons whom he k n ew and h ig h ­
W i th respect I am y o u r fellow citizen an d lov­
. ity , presence o f mind, h u m a n ity a n d a n a c tiv e and there rem ains n o t one capable o f accom plishing so sider women according to th e ir sex, b u t ind ivid­ ly respected, and in v ie w of th is h e called tho a t­ e r o f freedom. R IC H A R D SA V A R Y ,
zealous c o u r a g e ; a t th e same tim e t h a t tb e pien m uch good. A d ieu !u ually according to th e ir merits. I s it certain, te n tio n o f t h e com m unity, an d opened, h is church E ld e r of th e C h u rc h of Jesus C h r is t o f L atter
T h ese few w ords from a courageous woman th a t i f th e tw o sexes w ere subjected to th is ju s t for him, & c. <fcc. H e said t h a t he soon discov­
in gen eral m anifested n o o th e r q u a lity th a n th a t
, o f resignation. t aroused th e energies o f T allien, and h is f r ie n d s ; ru le o f exam ination, we should have a v e ry con­ ered b y th e in tro d u c to ry re m a rk s o f th e Indian, D ay S aints, called Mormons.
an d th e 9 th o f T herm id o re ensued. £7* At the request of Mr. S a v a r v we insert the above*
I n th e m idst o f th ese terribfo e v e n ^ th e women siderable su p e rio rity o v er th o other, sox? I t th a t i t (th e subject,) would prove a perfect fail­ Mr. S. is a respectable mechanic of our city, and feeling
A t P a r is a m ultitu de of persons o f b oth sexes, would be difficult a t least to decide o n such a ure, and in v ie w o f this felt h im self v e r y unpleas­
rho, a little tim e before, were th e o rnam en t of the body of citizens to which he belongs insulted by tbe
and o f e v e ry condition, are indebted to h e r for
ity, rem ained motionless th ro u g h surprise question. I t is tim e th a t m ore corporeal strength a n tly situated, h a v innge announced h im as wor treatment he received desires to lay the matter before the
ier th a n th ro u g h fear. F eeble a n d tim id as th e ir liberty, th e ir fortune, and th e ir life. I am
should h av e l e .i influence i n th e balance of t h y o f th e atten tio n o f the'p eop le as a preacher, public.
ley were in th e ir n a tu re , a n ^ b o m fo r repose, m y se lf am ong th e n um ber o f those whom she Has advantages. W h y do we h e a r p erp etu ally o f t h e and h e (tho In dian ) p ro v in g to the co n trary . Mr,
We have no remirks to make on the*above. If Mr.
th e y shu n ned a tran q u il retirem ent, and laid aside released from captivity. opinion o f m a n respectin g women, and n ev e r o f B r y a n was fearful th a t th e congregation would Bryan desires to explain or reply our columns are at his
th e ir apprehensions. T h e flame h a d b u r s t forth, H o w is i t , th a t G erm an y , Poland, an d R ussia,
th e opinion o f women respecting m en ? W h en ce th in k he wished to impose u p o n th e ir good sense, command —Pittsburgh Spirit o f the Age, o f May 2nd.
blood h a d been spilled, and in th e ir view every differ so m uch in th e proportion o f p ro p erty al­ is derived o u r privilege o f ju d g in g them , an d o u r sa y in g th a t h e felt him self p erfectly bored. Also,
t h i n g was annihilated. T h e apprehension alone lotted to w om en?— H ow is i t th a t in d iffe re n t exem ption from being .judged b y them ? W hen ce th a t, were i t no t in th e ch urch , ho had no d oubt D E A T H B Y L IG H T N IN G .
o f n o t being useful, occupied all th e ir thoughts. states o f even th e sam e q u a rte r o f th e globe, we is i t th a t th e ir condition in so ciety is n o t only b u t the congregation would have hissed th o Indi- M uch an d general feeling w as produced in E liz ­
T h e i r eyes were b ath ed in tears, w hich flowed find th e women excluded in one place from any th a t o f de^pendents, b u t in some respects th a t o f an down,1, rem arking th a t he w as w holly incompo abethtown last evening, b y the intelligence th a t
from sentim ent alone. W h e re w eie th e y ? F a r pretension to th e throne, while in an o th er th ey slaves? T h e y are th e w eaker se x ; an d thereforo tent to giv e correct^ inform ation ev e n o f his own B enjam in Seam an, a venerable citizen o f some 70
fro m dangers, in obscure retreats, w hich th eir ascend i t b y r ig h t o f succession 7 T h e caprice of the legislature o u g h t r a th e r to protect, th s n t o ...................... tribe, let alone others. years, was killed b y lig h tn in g d u r in g the th u n d e r
n a tu r a l tim id ity should h av e induced th e m to th e pow erful is th e o nly reason t h a t c a n be as­ oppress th e m in a m anner a t which ju stic e and I th e n said t h a t th e rem a rk o f th e Indian rela­ show er late in th e afternoon. H e was sta n d in g in
seek ? N o— m a n y o f th e m were to be seen su r­ signed. I sh all no t even attem pt to investigate reason r e v o lt I t is to be hoped, th a t provision tiv e to D em ocratic an d W h i g C h ristian s contained his door contem plating tho g ran d e u r o f the ele­
ro un ded b y weapons, fire, and carnage, endeavor­ which sy stem is the best; b u t shall m erely m en­ will at last bo mado, th a t the p ro p e rty o f women more tr u th th a n fiction, b u t as a g eneral thing, ments, when ho was stru ck dead by a bolt, w hich
i n g to suspend, a t the least, th e crim es and massa­ tio n a few examples. I f women had been univer­ bo a t their own disposal, as in G erm an y, and th a t h is discourse was m ade u p o f emptiness, or words perforated tho u p p er p a rt o f t h e h ouse like abul*
c re s which th e y could n o t prevent. sally excluded from exercising the sovereign a u ­
th e y will n o t continue, in this respect in an u n ju s t w ithout meaning. Mr. B r y a n th e n said th a t he let, and passed oft th ro u g h the c d la r w here the
th o rity , E lizab eth , Joan o f N aples, C hristina, th e and. d egrading state o f guardianship.
D o y o u n otice tho se ftm a lw w ho, w ith looks o f could n o t recom m end him as a prea ch e r b u t only ea rth was slig h tly d isturbed. Mr. S.’s h a t and
tw o Catherines, and m a n y others w hich m ig h t be
te rro r a n d dism ay, are h astening along th e ro ad ? W ith respect to myself, w ithout p resu m in g to as a converted Indian. I then said th a t being clothes were torn, b u t no m a rk was left upon his
named, would n o t h av e adorned th e throne, nor
T h e y flee 1 a n d th e b u rth e n w hich th e y c a rry is decide tho question, I am o f opinion, th a t women much interested in the developm ents o f an tiq u ity , rson. H e was a n honored m em ber a n d office
th s i r dearest treasure. I n th e ir fligh t th e y trem ­
h a* e obtained from th e ir gratefu l co un try, and
th e w orld a t large, th e title o f g re a t men.
are entitled to equal rig h ts w ith ourselves. In as discovered by Messrs. G ather wood and S te­ C a r e r o f th e E piscopal C h u rc h , and society suf«
b le for its s a fe ty ; for this treasure is th e ir ch il­ common w ith us th e y possess th e qualities o f phens, w hich aflorded conclusive evidence th a t fers a loss in his death.— N e w a rk Daily^-Adv.
d ren. y v- T h e E n g lis h w om en live m uch in th e same honor, reason, wit, courage, perseverance, 'a n d ' I h t s w a s a l a n d o f enlightened natio n s long before
m a n n e r as those o f T u rk e y , w ith th e exception of R a t h e r b u l k y . — A y o n g Jo n a th ran took it
T h e prisons fill; denunciations are levelled patience; and th e ir im portance in th e con tract its discovery by Columbus. 1 a t th e sam e time
walls o r keepers. W ith o u t b ein g so m uch o ver­ w hich u n ites us. is equal to o u r own. into his head one day to get a w if e / H I e ^ccord-
ag ain st affrighted innocence; an d access to th e adduced Mr. N o rm an ’s book, entitled “R am bles
looked, th e y suffer equal c o n s tra in t
ad m in istratio n s w here appeals are m ade is diffi­ L e t us th e n a t length be convinced o f o u r er­ in Y u c a to n , 1843,” on page 180, w hich sa y s th a t inglv looked about him and vory soon s fouud such
c u lt to gain. T h e beings w ho:are seen a t d a y ­ H o w e v er g re a t th e su p e rio rity which th e y m ay rors respecting them. W h o are these beings, all th e civilized A m ericans had a P riestho o d, and a selection as su ited him , and w was not long in
b rea k a t th e th reshhold o f th e office-doors are wo­ be sensible th e y possess above th e ir husbands, whom w e th u s o ppress? T h e ir breast sustains th a t th e ordinance o f C ircum cision w as practised strik in g a bargain and settleing the preliminaries.
men. Insensible to th e piercin g cold, th e y have th e y are obliged to respect an d to fear th e m ; and and nou rish es u s ; th e ir hands d irect o u r earliest by tho tribes a f M ay as o f Y u ca tan , and the Chal- H o th e n applied to a clergym an to perform tho
;pas*>d th e n ig h t on th e ice-clad steps, w ith th e th e y therefore endeavor to acq uire th e ir love, as s te p s ; th e ir tender^voice teaches us to lisp our saques o f Caho, th u s affording collateral evidence ceremony.
u n ce rtain hope o f p rese n tin g a sim ple memorial, a m a tte r o f necessity. S u ch is also the lesson first ex p ressio n s; th e y w ipe aw ay th e first tears th a t th e y originated from A braham . I also m en­ •B ut are you prepared for su c h an im portant
rhich would m ove to compassion a n y one b u t the th e y e iv e to th e ir children, and it m a y be rem ar­ we s h e d : and to them we are indebted fo r our tioned o th e r traditio ns y e t ex tan t, th a t w aranted change in life?’ said the rev eren d gentlem an.
' onster b y whom i t is s p u r n e d ked, th a t th ey rcomm end i t to them r a th e r as a earliest pleasures. N a tu r e seems to h av e confi-! the satno idea. Mr. B r y a n said t h a t he w as ac- *1 guess I be. sa y s Jo n a th a n , ‘for 1 have got
VSf wcxioow* ih o Ivuk aiCM-nay o f m easure o f policy th a n as a d u ty . I n fact, they ded m a n to th e ir continual care : tho cradle o f in - 1quainted w ith these facts, w hich, indeed, wete as- m y land even j u s t p a id for, an d ow n a good yoko
a w oman, w orn o u t w ith fatigue, a n d bending bo- c a n o nly com mand b y o b e y m g j and w hen it is f a a c y is th e ir pecu liar charge, and th e ir k in d com- j tonishing. I th e n said, th a t I had. learned by a o f steers and a cow.’
6 ®f^th th e w eight o f th e burden w hich sh e su s­ said, th a t a woman is hap p ier in E ng lan d than passion sm oothes th e bed o f death. | friend who had conversed w ith th e Indian, tn ai 1V e r y s a i d th e holy m an, w ith a !or."
tains. W e a k and delicate as a t e hi, she h a s *e- in a n y other coutry, it is only say ing , th a t she is A m o n g th e first in h a b ita n ts o f an cien t Rome, j h e mentioned concerning a tribe o f In dian s who breath' an d sober face, ‘all these w orldly things
so to an e x tra o rd in a ry stratag e m to gain ac- prepared b y her education to bo moro satisfied a m a n and woman lived tog eth er w ith o u t an y le - ; now were in possession o f motalic plates, covered m a y be v e r y p ro p er in th e ir place, to be suro—
to h e r son, who is sep arated from h e r by a th a n an o th er woman w ith a m ediocrity o f happi­ gal co n tra ct; and th e n a tu re o f th e ir connection; with hieroglyphics, supposed to be records o f im- b u t have y o u e v e r th o u g h t o f salvation?*
prison. D u rin g a m o n th she has accustomed ness. T h e only equ iv alen t w hich th e y h av e lor united them by tho m utual advantages w h ic h ; p o rtan t events, Ace. 4cc. T h i s was a poser. ‘Sail V ati^n,’ sa y s Jonathan,
£ to c a rry h ea v y loads, j u i d h a v in g disguised so m an y deprivations is the^ respectable rank each d erived from i t j j t jj0n t0 ^ j r B ry a n th a t th e plates recent- ;who in th u n d e r is she?
l f a a a porter, contrive* to accom plish her w hich tn e y hold in society. * N o, sooner, however A m o n g th e Calm ticks a m an and w om an are , | y foun(| jn , | IC pr0und in th o state o f Illinois; M od ern definition o f a G entlem an— one who
affectionate purpose. One d a y , however, the are th e y g u ilty o f the m ost triv ia l deviation from m arried for one year. I f the woman prove preg- j (h cro show ing him a fac sim ile o f them ,) and the s tr u ts ab o u t every d a y in “opera” and ‘ gaiters,”
c ru e lty o f th e gaolers i r su ch , th a t th e y load her v irtue, or are m arked bv the slightest disgrace in nan t, th e y continue to gether another year. en g ra v in g on them u h e n com pared w ith th e : in d w ho looks disdainfully upon all whoso hands
feeble fram e w ith an enorm ous w e ig h t S he sin ks th e eyes o f th e w orld, th a n they abandon th e m ­ 1 here ts scarcely a c o u n try , in w hich the c u s - ; E g y p tia n characters, or hieroglyphics, as found je o rm a r k s of h ard labor, or whose clo th in g deno-
n ea th i t on e n te r in g ; h u t is stUl h ap p y to selves entirely to a vicious course o f life. N o th ­ tom ot g iv in g m oney is not in troduced into th e inrM r (Jliddon’s late rem a rk s o f th a t c o u n try ,
1 les a n em p ty purse.
the h e r la s t sig h in the presence o f a son she in g is so uncom m on in E n g la n d as those long m arriage cerem ony, as a g u arantee o f th e b arg a in ab undantly proved th e A borigines o f th is coun-
adored, a n d to c a st o n h im th e last look she has concealed intrigues, w hich often term inate before W e like to see :i y o u n g la d y w though a
which is th us made, by selling a y o u n g w om an t t0 bc t Ke seed o f A b ra h am and descendants of
bestow. 'V '- v . th e y a re su sp ected ; and w hich in Franco m ight ilea was biting h e r on each hip. It is so facina-
to an o th er family. Joseph, tho son o f Jacob. Mr. B r y a n th e n asked
often h ap p en i f the women were m ore reserved j ting. She is j u s t a m a tch for the dondy, who
D readful insurrections, — prisons, — scaffolds, In ancient Rom e, it was the practice to place mo i f those plates h a d been translated. I an-
and the men more discreet. C onsidering the | 'tops like a w inged tu r k e y travelling over a bed
“lacres,— fires,— all the accom panim ents o f tor- u p o n th e necks o f th e brido and bridegroom , a swered th a t I understood th e y h a d been. I next
m an ners of th e E n g lish , private am ours m ight j of hot ashes.
p rese n t on all sides w om en em ployed in di- rin g called conjugiurn; from w hich we derived the : adverted* to a circum stance" relative to a Mr.
theix horrors. H ere, behold them contrary*” heUco a strain t t f prJ’v e n U c i S t wor‘i . conj ugal N o emblem has since been i n - , C h and ler, an E g y p tia n A n tiq u a ria n who obtain- C h r is t ia n i ty — T o go to church three tiineg on
^ vented so perfectly analogous to tho m arried state. 1cd five m um m ies i n t h a t c o u n try , w hich were ex* ; S u n d ay ; an d defraud a neighbor on M onday.
T> ill whom be may have iatarcoarse, e, oa
ou ihe pnaoipl*, „(
t ’tJBLIC MEE 1'iNU. COMMUNICATIONS. equity, liberty, jatfice, homaaity and beaerol«ne«, t 0
THE PROPHET. A m eetin g o f th e friend* o f Gr.-vanjtu J m c t o S m it h o f j
. . - T R A V E L L E R . i f O ./L
break down tyranny aad opprettioa, a ^ exalt tbe standard
of aoivertsl pesce t Provided, be shall be protected in tho*
. .... .V iiV t m T W iii ra a fE d if.M frtw T reK d en cT . w n » h e k H * i XT*"
S A T U R D A Y M O R N IN G ,. J U N E 1,1844- Fi(ia N f|f yofk 0B ^ eTe„iBg cf ,be -s,h in*. Having acaoned ibe mighty work* of naiore, u 4 the I WAaHmGToif. May 26 ,1644. rights m d privileges which coaatitutioaally belong to evsry
— - ------ *-----------5 = ------ ----------- called io the Chwr. Bod WfflVlt. - : »,i,-of man loo, off* tome what-*xten«ve im>*> ATsoonas the journal w i* raid — cnuea of tb tr repaHie: T b ttth re, tb a n b e a a id m e i,^
J J. T. Ball Ew].* w
F O R P E S ID E N T , 1 M»lr# E«<?. cboaen Clerk. ; probably be matter of aon.e iaterea* to the reader* of the Mr. S u a t u . moead that all debate oo tbe great Lcnisi- i la list maybwre tbe privilege; aad that ao eilisea oftht*
C W. WaodaH, Fm|*i aisled the ob jtd of the meeting “ Prrphn," to read an impartial dUcription of Nauvoj. •na U n d Claim Bill, involving tbe fillet to 17,000,000 of United Sutra abill obotmef, o^ atteaipt to obttruct or hia*
GEN. JOSEPH SMITH, I h i , ota.I h .ppr «r!». »»<* “ * * '« '* •>>' propriety cf hold.' On the Steamboat Iaun, we made the landing from Si. acres • f puMic Istds, be doted nest Thursday. Carried.
Looia in 38 hoar*, and it waa in.truetive and amaaint; «* •
der to good, to great, to toble an eBttTpriie, to carry
O F N A U V O O , IL L IN O IS . j I*# « S u it Ccn»enti»a of the friend* of G*». Jo**th Mr. Z adock P ratt then offered ihe followitg impor- out tbooe pUns and principles, a t set forlb ia this preamble,
j Smith io witntst the general curioeity among the crowd of pas- ^ ret0 jati00 B, in order lo p it a tfopto tbt continoil dis- aad be tbieWed from every <*pot»tioB by evil aad deaig*
“ A Wetlero man, with Americaa principlea." On motion, Angers, to behold “ ihia people,” and ihe grand and rotg-.. ^ ^ ,j,* p„blie property la tbe lag ^ : r»•
I . , o a l l f n l t a I n m ' a ' i f /*
R fo tttd . That a S u it Convention of the friendt of Owe. mficent scenery whicb«ature ha# to bountifully furniahed ; *Disiriet i— Sac. t . Be U enocitdby Oa SemmU and A a a t o / Rtyr,
(**-CA*VA**sa» w a !« t» .-A fe W totelhgeol aciive tn^c J«*!TK *e V a i l e d at TJucs, Oneida, Co. N. Y., on tbe 23d end which art and industry ia now doing ao much to en>- j tentative* o f /Af United State* e/Ameriem* Congress A,***.
ReaoWed. That the Col. of the Corp. ol Topographical
wtmed to canvaas for i-.r “ Prophet •/’ with whom « :-(-••• o* Au*o»< belliab. Os nearing th* city now but little m^r* lhan fcur , be made an accurate aarwy of the UtJ, That Jooeph Smith, of th« city o f K a m o , in Dm
ral arrastfeenenr madei ipply immedntely i t lb* Oj moiion, year* old and containing a popoUti.n aiagoUtly owral j E n g i n e r c*“* 1® ® can * to bo madeState of Illinois ia hereby Mthorited Had empowered t0
Rno'rid That the friend* Gem. Smith be tequated and orderly of npwarda of 20.000, the rirw - D,« of Colnmb.a.^d aUo that be oanM to bo made
raUe * company of o a . Inuadred thownad «m ed volnnt«n ,
*\ Prophet” Oft;e N 7 ft. <2n« fl or )
.o orsaftiar i» e*erv ?*rt of the 8tate immediately, and ia th* O n itti 8*ate» aad Tmitorie*, *t « c h timea
The meeru,* »»•** on.t*noidrr* ol «he “ SOCIETY i^rd drlegafe# to t h e Convention at Utica. can reach g re « aw,rd and plain., promontorie.and gro»«.! h,T* lh' place., and ia Mch a*mb«r* a . h . ^»all find aeeoMary and
manner, aad pobluhed for the we of Congrew. aad that
O a m»ition. precis those aoacept-ble to sublimity ol any kind and «o a- convenient tor the porpon* .peet&rf ia the foregoing p,t .
FOR THE DIFFUSION OP TRUTH,” will tt l e pUe- .the Clrrk of the H oum pay tb. expenwa of Mid^
R**oiv<d. Tbs Elector*favorable to the election of GcjT'Vqv,,i conspicuous and commanding eminence are laid amble, and to exeeat* th* **»*• ■
on Monday evening next, «i No. 7 8pruce Street A ■*M!TH to I h e Preaidency. be Selected by hia frienda in each bothJ)road and deep the foundations ofthe T em ^lt— meat, npon voucher. doly-certi8ed by the Colonel *fore
8(C. 2. And i* it furtktr natU d, That if a a , par*,,
punctual attendance r* p q w ie d . said.
Electoral di*triet of ihe State aod snbmft the ssrae to tbe Thia edifice when completed will be not only ibe mow R e i v e d farther. That a ratable nomber of copie, of or perron, ahall hindw or attempt to binder or mol-at ih,
Uuca Convention- costly aod strong sod imposing of any in ihe Union, but it a i d Joaeph Smith, from e le c tin g hi. dcngna ia raUi.
(^-Prol. Orasu Prati he# jmt arrived from Wafhington. Mid .orv.y and plan be delivered to the Stale D.p*rlineBt
On motion, will aiao present a rare and singularly baantiful order «*f aaid volnweerv, ami marching or tmt*portiBg th« aame k,
aod will addie* ihr asints on Sanday morning and rve- for Diattlbntioa to oor miniMer. (broad, and to foreign
ifcaoW , Thst a Committee of three be sppointed to architecture, the result of the feriila brain of Gen Smith, s^tf the border* of the United Slate* aad T e r r ito r y he or th.,
nisg si the msal home, at the Marion Temperance Hail. .-•II « meeting of tbe friends of O kn . Sm ith in tbe City of cot an inapt »:lustraiion of the durability of a religious minuter* reaidiog within oor eooairy; tad th*t ten copie. ao hiaderiag, moleulng *r oftading, ah*U be paaiahed b,
163 Canal otreet Clergyman and Layman, nch an* thereof be delivered for the o » of ench of the other Exec-
New Yotk, creed so long and unjustly denounced. a flae act eiceediog oo* thooaand doUan each, for evu,
poor, al! who desire the truth as it is in Chriat, are invite* otiv** Department., and one h r the Con#r»*nioB*l Diatrirt
Whereopon Messrs. Wright, Wyckoff, and Brannan Leat the writer may be accused of partiality he avert ofleace; or by hard labor oaaom* paifio work aot exceed,
to aitend. ■ of each Bute, and on. for the L brarie. of tho Senate tad
were appointed, i •bat bs is not at present in any manner connected with ihe tag two y.srs, or hoih at th* discretion of (ha aearnt
Another week baa been numbered with tbe paat and a* On motioa, • Church of Latter Day 8aints.” A short residence upon House. • -• *
DuUict Court of the Daixed S«*l<» whore the hindrance or
Mr. P » a t t also movtd tbit tbe old Dead Howe which
chroniclers of ihe paaaiag eventa ofthe day, we eome befoxr fltiolrtd, Thstthe minutes of this meeting be pnbliahed the spot and a daily intercourse with tbe people it ia very offence ahall bo eommttted having janadktioa
now conceilt ibe Staiaie of Wttblagtoa b t told, tad tbtt
our readers buoyant with hopea and encouraged by th* .a ihe New York Prophet, Times and Seasons, Nauvoo irue, left a most favorable impression opoa his mind, but the statute be enclosed with aa iroa railiog, aad tbtt the See. 3. Aod i t iIJWtter rtm U i, Tho more (ally to it.
comments of approbation awarded by our patron#, the Neighbor aod other papera. hit present purpose it to deteribt thingt a t be taw them move all obaitacrioaeand to tho rai*ag, eal*.
Committee of Public Buildingt b t directed to decide
friend®of unth, of humanity and of God, in variola sec­ After aeveral vary spirited and sppropriate speeches by entirely free.from any thing approaching teettriinism.— iag aad marchiag the «olnnteera a* aforeaaid, the .aid
on i permment locitioa for ihe Sutoto of Withingtoa
tions of our Union, are hailing the “ dawn of a brighter S. Brannan. E-q., G. T. Leech, E*q, Measra. Curtia. Tbit kind he meint which miy be to common. Joaeph Smith i* hereby coagitated a member of the arm,
day” for a world, traveling ia pain to be delivered of Gwatkins, and Wright, tbe meeting adjourned. From the wettero entrince to the Temple, tbe city end Agreed to. of th* United State*, and ia aothoriied to *ct aa n c h in the
Tbit it an tdmirible movemeat, i t the prettat locitioa
corruption, anarchy "*d tyranny. J. T. BALL, Chairman, the surrounding country it seen to greiteit advantage.— Unit'd State* and Tafritorie*, and oa all landa horderia(
W. H. MILES, Clerk. of the ttatute it a diegostiag one.
Fellow citizens tbia indeed ia a time “big wilb the fale” An immense pliin dotted with mintioat>iid cottages, gar upon the United Statea aad Temtoriea for the parpo*,
Mr.C. J. IieoKuoix itked Mr. P n U if tbe Committee
of nation*—we have now an opportunity offered of throw* dens aod grounds, enterveoea between ihe Temple snd the .pecifled ia the foregoing preamble. provided said laad
LIST OF AGENTS. on Public Baildmgt did not roeaa to do tomeihiag ia rela-
iog oil ihe abecklet of despotism that haa bound mankind river, in the form ofa Cresent approaching to mathemati­ .hall not be within the acknowledged jurisdiction of «a»
Br. Hardy, Boston. Br. Woodbury 24 North Wharvea, cal proportions, while the transparent wafers of the Mis- tion to tbe niked atitue of tbe Iadlia girl, just pat up oo acknowledged National Government.
for agea, and taking that position which an all wiae God,
Philadelphia. Elder Wandell, general traveling sgent r.ssippi prettntt aomething not uslike a glitering belt of tbe eist front of tbe Ctpiial. He hoped a Select Com- S ir. 4. And bt it farUur rtrndtd, That nothing in thia
deaigned for the nobleat wdrk of hia creation—ahall we
hrough the State of New York. B r A. R Wright, of molten silver^opon its pltcid m d unruffled bosom of mittee would be ippoioted to like bet cate iato contide-
neglect itt No! MHe who would be free .himself most strike act, ahall be m construed, by any inditldh*!, dr nation, u
Bellefontain, Ohio. Elder William McBride, Waynesville which altt t lovely Ialand i t quiet is ihe undisturbed slam- rtiion, i t he understood tbit the 8eminole Indita Tiger
the blow” Let tbe friends of Gen. Joseph Smith organ* Tail, bad declared that no Iadiaa girl ever appeared at to cotmder the volnnteera afore«id, aa conMitatiag aa,
Ohio. All traveling elders art requested to act as aganta bers of i sleeping inftnt.
ise immediately ia every state, in every town and village, nud4 ia tbe statue. (R oirt of lingbter.) part of th* army of the United State*; neither ahall tbe
throughout the wide extent of our Republic, and lat so for the “Prophet.'* The Iowa shore too, it by no means void of interest — Mid Joaeph Smith, a* a member of the United 8«te* army,
Mr. P a x r r with greet r.aivtu, replied tbit be would
stone be unturned that will tend to aecure his flection, snd The rich green foiltge seta I n the ditttoce ki*ing ibe diatarb tho peace of any nation or government, acknow-
fcj. Bro. A. R. W/ight, of Ohio, ia authariaed to procure cheerfully go for tucb t Committee, and would place the
we Will show the corrupt, “kick-shawiag” rnlers of tbe aabtfcribers and receive monies for the Prophet. He ia limped witert. Tbe long ttretch of vision afforded by in ledged aa anehi break tho faith of weaiie* between ths
Hon Member from Philadelphia at Ibe head of it, aa bit latte
United Statea that we appreciate the “boon” fought and 4Iso, authorised to dispose of a few 8hare» of the Capital extensive Prtire. A romantic and prominent bloff, i t the United Statea and aay other Natto,, ot violate any knowa
baae of which ia teen two amiling villaget full of life and aod judgement in tucb matteri waa proverbial (Increased
and bled for by our ancestors, that we know oar righta a» Stock of the “ Society for the Diffusion of Truth.” law of nationa, thereby endangering the p*aeo of the
American citizens, that we are both willing and able to de animation, formed of themselves a conbinition worih i Itughter.)
Col. W b w tw o rth thea prcteated the following remirk- United State*.
fend them, throngb the medium allotted by our Constitu (0 - Elder John Hardy ia our General Agent at Boaton, visit io Nauvoo, but ytt in infancy, but destined to become tble memorial /v-ots J o t Sm ith, which was read amid roars S ic . 5 And U ii/urtluT macUd, That the aaid Joaeph
lion, viz tbe ballot box. We will yet ahow the cencentra those wishing to aubscribe for the “ Prophet,” io that City the grandest mirt of commerce in the mighty villey of the Smith, ahall coafiae hi* operation* to thoee priaeipleae of
ted wisdom of the land “that our petiliona are not to be or vicinity will please forward their namea to him. Miasiaaippi. Taking a view from tbe eastern angle of ibe of laughter all t ^ i d tbe House. actioa ipecifird in th* preamble to thi* act, the ptrpetaity
treated aa a “ laughing atock” that we claim the protec* Temple a splendid Panorama beautifslly variegited gridu- To thi Honorable, the SenaU aad ffotot o f RepreHnUlices ol which ahall be commenearate with the c Irenmatante*
tion of the government—we have at all timea been obedi­ Thomas S. Woodbury, is our General Agent at Phi- illy unfolds ittalf like t charming picture, until in the dit- o fth e United Stairs o f A w urita in Congress AssenbUd.
aad *pecification* whicb hav* originated It.
ent unto the powers that be, we contribute our mcniea to !adelphia. ttnce it mingles wiih tbe horixon and ia lost to the view- Your Memoriilist, a free boro citixeo of these Ueited
Aad yoor memorialiat will ever pray, fee. ‘ .
the support of Government and we claim our constitution­ Although written in naaie uu ipu* wi U a ^ OUin*,£ * . .................... - U . . . U i (
IVf)»vv «.wn/ —— “ k i a i n f . i w n r h U a'*•«
m m n n l
al righta. Come out ye frienda of tbe righta of man aud (0- The Church of Jeans Christ, of Litter Day Saints at Phi- ay miy deem tbia in exageraied description of a place bat been filled with the most inttaae aad philaaibropie in- j u .- r . r i i o a iix d .
let the movement not slack by your negligence ol duly, adelpbia, bold their Meetings every Sunday as usual, house but yet imperfectly knowt, yet, it j t in fict, a very imper­ tercat for the welfare of bit aative eouatry; tad bsing fired C m O, Naovoo, niiaota, March 26th, IS44.
for it ia a sacred duty you owe your God, aad the cause ol in 3rd street above Willow, over Marsh ill Institute. fect aketch of a plice that is hereafter to engage the la- with aa ardor, which floodt cmnot quench, crowat cinnot Dr. Duhcan thea moved that the Houae go iato Com­
truth and humanity, to sustain the effort new made by the ELD. Wm. WHARTON, Presiding. bon of much abler pent then mine. Confident of the conquer, nor diplomatic intrigue corrupt, to tee tbooe prin­
mittee ofthe m o l e aad take op tbe Oregon Bill Refttaed
free and independent of all partiea and of all secfa to place foctt enumerated, and viewing at highly probable what is ciples, which emanated from the botomt ol the fithert of —ayet *70* aoea 86. .itfrX’ v
at the head of our once happy country, a man of God ac
boneaf, independent man, influenced by the spiiit of thr
CONFLAGRATION. yet in ihe future, I will furnish a few reasons upon whicb seventy-six, ind which cost tbe noblest taleats aad riehtti
my opinions are based, snd leave the rest to the judgment blood of tbe Nitioa, malatiined inviolite, and perpetua took op tbe Private Callender, m d piatad teveral BUlt ia
The Hoaae thea went into Committee of tbe Whole, md
T e r r i b l e loss o r t r o p e r t y — T e n sq u a res which wer* laid aaide to ha repoel.d io
Living God, the spirit that actuated a Washington, Adam* ofthe readers, and the ope.ationa of time, and what I ted to future genentioua ; ind.tbe proad Eigle of Ameri­
LAID IN AtfHES—BETWEEN TWO AND T1IREE trait will be awarded to roe among former readers of my can freedom to ir triumphiot over every party prejudice,
ea, a Jefferson, a Hancock and a Franklin of the times that
"tried mena souls.” h u n d r e d houses b u r n e d — W e a r s called u p ­ wriungt, To them I think I may confidently appeal at ind local linittry} m d tpreid her golden piaioot over
From the Nauvoo Time* and Seaaona.
on to record th e p articu lars o f one o f th e most indicative of my sincerity of purpoae at least. every member of the homm fimily, who tbill ttretch forth
We hope that the Eldera of the Church will be no way*
In the firat place then Nauvoo is located in the heart of their hm dt for tuccor from the lion't piw, or the oppres- G E N E R A L C O N FE R E N C E S IN T H E
negligent in using their influence to make every exsrtion extensive and disastrous fires w hich h a s ev er oc­
one of the fineat diiricta of country known in tbe fertile sor'a grasp i aod firmly tra^iag ia tbe God of Liberty, that U N IT E D STA TE S, FO R 1844.
possible to canvass subscriber* for the “ Prophet you curred in ou r city. B etw een 12 a n d I o’clock
wett. F o rm tlmost ictffrminable diatance in every direc­ h t b at tasigaed universal peace m d good will, anion and Quincy, UL. S a t anil Sunday, May 4 & a
rai»«t certainly be apprised of the propriety aad nrceasit) yesterday afternoon, th e flames burst forth in the
tion, ia addition to tho present facilitiet of wat^r commu- brotherly love to all the great fiouiy of mia, your m a a t
o fa paper to be published in thia city, holding up to the [ca rp e n ter^ sho p o f M r. G o tt. n ear the north- municaiion, rail roada will diverge* and at a tmjll coat too riilist asks your honorable body to p u t tbe following # a S 2 r O r o r « ,“ - “ >1 »2
world the principle! of truth and righteousness, both ti | western corner o f F r a n k lin an d Jack so n streets, Ottowa, “ “ “ 18 19
to every point of the compiat. The city will toon yield bill - CKeaak « 11 25 26
politics and religion ; alao, tbt idvintage derived by nidr. wiiicli W o r e th ey could be g ot under, spread to
ceiving the large, and destroying that fable* the adjoining tenem ents w ith frig h tfu l rapidity. in manufactured gooda alone immense retoorctt, and A B ill for the Protection of Cilixeiia ef tho United State* ComstocV. CaHa-
emigratisg to the adjoiuiag Territories, m d for the
noiioo of theira, which ihey have been ao sanguine in dis* E v e ry building was of wood, and as d ry as tinder then in turn will form a market of consumption and ex­ extension of the principles of Universal Liberty. rann co. Mich “ r ti u Jun* 1 2
teminatihg, andgivr them correct informaiion with regar* itself from the lon g drought, so th at nothing portation too, for the rich aod pondtrotu production! of tbe Pleasant Valley “ it « 8 9
to oor visws and policy aa a people. It will likewise havt could check tho onward progress o f the devouring prairies and the roioe*. Such occurrencea ia calculated to Franklin, Oak­
unpre** tbe minds of any but the roost superficial obser­ Whereat, many of tbe ciiixens of these Uoiied States a “ 15 16
an effectual tendency to destroy that prejudice which is uo elem ent land. co “
fortunately exiatin*, and lay ihe foundation for a more e- ver, but there tro many such, ind prejudice too tometimes have migrated, aad are migrating to Texas, Oregon md Kirtland, Ohio u II ^ 2 2 23
T h e firemen assembled im mediately; b u t as no
fectual work iu ihe mi^ionary causa among our fravel/m* water could be obtained o tb or than from the gut- it to potent ia tbit world ihti facta muat paat in revitw be­ other landa contiguous to this nation; and tehereas, Texas G A Neal’s, six
Eldera The local Hdmaiase* are ^reat for the circuUti©. fore they can be teen much lett comprehend. has dsdartd herself free aod independent, witbont the miles w. Lock-
a t u m p ts at first were rendered utterly
of truth io all parts of the word, by ihe daily ie^reaa * unavailing. T h e wind fortunately blew in the In the next place the city ia inhabited by tbe mott tin- eceastry power to protect her righta m d libertieti and port, N. Y “ : u « 29 30
bustnes* mrn connected wi?h many other advantag. gular people, ia thia aincular world. At every atep from whircas, Oiegon it without m y orgmized government, md Batavia, u it July 6 6c 7
lirection tow ards th e swamp; had it been o th er­ their rise in the Weatern part of New York, an unheard
whicb we h' pe will be rufficirnt to etimulile the Sudib * wise, the ilames would have swept towards the hose who emigrate thither sre exposed to foreign inva­ Portage, Alle­
action. C*»oie to the rescue ? and give ua your aid in on river, in which case there would h a v e been no of peraecution baa been encounteied, e/itb a succest uo* sion m d domestio fends; and xohereas, the Oregon, by geo­ gany CO. a u “ 13 14
exert,on# to >'i-»«io »h«* tru'h anown in the human race. Amid luihleea and unprovokto graphic loeation m d diacovery, more rightly belongs to Hamilton, Madi-
Sounds to the destruction. A s it was, th ey were
war, and a long train of untoward avenia too ted ion* to these United Stuea thin to m y other genem! government; son co. . & u* « 20 21
rtj- \Vr wouki c«ii the niif-oiion of our readera to Pr«* •arried wiih lig h tn ing rap id ity down Jackaon name, me teneis of their creed have emitted a radiant and tohertas, it ia neceaaary that the emigrant! of tb it new. a June 2 9 30
Oswego “
frttor Powlrr*- PftrenoI»^ic»l adv*nisrm*ol, which wili Mreet, com m unicating to the houses on either light. One individual after soother haa been brought into ly iettl ng territory should receive protection ; and trhereae, Adams, Jefferson
br found in ano<nrr column ot m~daya pap^r. Mr. Powle side, and soon presenting a broad sheet o f fire the church, until u has sweilad lo enormoua proportions the Texan goverment hia petitioned the United Stitet to u July 6 i
CO. ?
we are inlormrd ie now in Djver, N H . drawing crowd «ome hu nd red y ards in width. T o a ttem p t to a r ­ while I know from actual obsnvation a lingular degree of be reeei%ed ioto our Uaioo, but yet retilot her national London, Caledo­
ed home#. During his absence a Mr. S R. Wella, bi< rest them was soon found entirely o u t o f tn e pow­ u
individual prosperity and bappinesa prevades the whole.— exigence ; and tehereas, the United Statet remember with nia CO. M June 15 16
$\n<4rni will attend fo prof«*rtional examinations In M» er o f man; no w ater could be procured, and the Such a brief statement of actual facta and asaurancea as gratitude the aeatotible aupport ihey received, in i tike Northfield, Wash-
Well#, ihe public will find an able examiner and d«*Iiner engines were th u s rendered useless.
these must mean aomethiog, but I am prevented by want situation, from a Lafayette ; and tehereas, the Uoiied States m g to n co. te n
tor of chaiacter Ladies and gentlemen wishing to know T o save th e ir fu rn itu re was all th a t th e unfor*
of apace for not going into a detail whicb would carry con­ desire to aee the principle! of her free institution! extend m. a o f M ont­
their true temperaments and ioteileciual capacities will w lunate residents o f th is section could hope to viction. ed to ill men, especially where it can be done without the pelier. a t L y ­
well to pay thai gentlemen ajysii, at Fowler’s Phrenologi­ achieve, and oven in this m a n y o f them were
I ahall cloae the preaeot communication by a small enu loaa of blood and treaaure to the nation; and tehereas, m an H o u g h to n ’s
cal Rooms, 131 w*wau.* disappointed. N o sooner did they m ove their
meration ol the public buildings in procesa of erection be ibere ia ao almoat boundleas extent of territory on the weat F airfield , E sse x
effects to some house, w hich th e y hoped was o\it
aides ibe Temple, in ibe basement of which is now finish* and south of theae United Statea, where exiiti little or no a t elder T r a c y ’s J u l y 13 14
DEFINING ONES POLITICAL POSITION. o f tho reach o f th e d ev o u rin g elem ent, th a n the
ed a literal representation of the“Brasen Lea” the Baptis­ organisation of protective government; and tehereas, the B oston, “ J u n e 29 30
flames were u pon them , and th e y could on ly save
£ 3 ' M r Clay, Van B uren, Commodore Stew­ themselves by flight. In th is way th e fire raged mal font in 8olomoos Temple; aud the remainder ot the landa thua unknown, unowned, or unoccupied, are among Salem il Ju ly 6 7
art, General Cass, Colonel Johnson, Mr. Bucha- for three hours, d u rin g w hich tim e it k e p t down basement is to be subdivided into various offices for tbe some of the richest and most fertile of ihe continent j and N ew B edford “ “ 13 14 and other candidates for the Presidency, Jackson street, b u rn in g o u t to C anal on th e rig h t transaction of public busineat. Tbia latt named fdifioe, tehereas, mmy of the inhabitanta of tbe Union would glad- P eterb o ro , N H 41 13 14
have all deemed it necessary to define their po and Com mon on the left, a n d crossing T rem e, ia 228 by 68 feet, aud when completed will measure SO ly embrace the oppoituaity of extending their reaearchea Lowell, Mass. J u ly 2 7 28
su io n in relation vto the proposed admission of .Mareis, . Villere
. . d R.obertson,
an . to Claiborne feet from the basement windows to ihe coroice. The sec* and acquirements, so soon as they cm receive protection Searboro, Me. “
w 4< 6 7
‘j i ist 14
'I'exas into the Union, and otber p rate p o litic a l!streets, in all ten squares. O f all th e buildings ood floor the whole length and breidth of ihe edifice is [to in their enterprise, thereby adding strength, durability and V inal H a v e n u
Cl 27 28
questions. Im itation o f Messrs. Clay and Van ! whir.h occupied th this
is space yesterday m ornin o ra in ge be used is i house of devotion, ths third is a grind high wealth to the nation; and tehereas, the red mm, ibe rob­ W estfield Mass. «
Buren, the g reat H 'high and Democratic lead ers,! none arc now sta n d in g save th e M aison de Sante, school for the preparation of those who ispire to the min- ber and the desperado have frequently interrupted such rs- F a rm in g to n , Coon. A u g 3 4
Jo Smith, the Mormon prophet, has appeared o r Dr. Stono’s H ospital, an d a few ho u ses along iatry. seirch m d icquisUionwithoutjustifiiblectuse; andtehert- N ew H a v e n “ 10 11
before the public w ith his views. W e th in k he Com mon street. The Nauvoo House will be a most commodious Hotel as, Jospeh Smith bos offered, md does hereby offer these C an aan, u 17 18
defines h is position abo u t as fairly as eithor Clay when completed, and doubtless differs essentially from the Uoit#d Stales: To show hia loyilty to onr conledente N o rw alk , w 24 25
A t one tim e it was feared th a t th e C h a rity
o r V an Buren, and i t am ounts to ab o ut as much Hovprtnl w oald bo destroyed, and i t was a sor­ "Seraglios” described by General Bennet in hia lectores at Union, md the csnstititioa of our republic: To prevent N Y C ity N Y 17 18
viz: more ostentation for effect. Sr. Louis, when in truth the sleepers was not laid, much quirrel md bloodshed on our frontiersi To extend the arm P h ilad elp hia, Pe- A u g 31 &, S e p t 1
rowful sig h t to see its num erou s inm ates peering
lets the ‘‘grand tuit of rooms of King Joe” so ridiculously of deliverance to Texas: T* protect the inhabitants of Dresden, W e e k ly
The above is from the «• Olive Branch,” a liberal Meiho- from th e windows at th e broad la k o o f dustruction
alluded to by this expelled mormon. Oregon from foreign aggression and domestic broils: To co. T e n n . u M a y 2 5 26
dist paper, published at Boston. Ah Gen. Joaeph Smiib, rnging before them ; b u t fortunately th e flames,
The-leat which I havs room at present to mention is the prevent the crowned nations from encircling os, as a nation, E a g le C ree k , B e n ­
“ defines hia poaitiou aa clearly as either Clay or Van although th e y leaped, roared, an d cracked in ev e­
new Masonic Hall. Thia will be a fine atructure tossy the oo our Western and Southern borders, m d save ihe Eagle's to n co 41 June 8 9
Buren,” arc nol the Ediiors as men of God, under ry direction, d id n ot cross Com mon street. T h e u 22 2 3
least, and if the increase of the fraternity of that order talon from the Lion*s paw: T o still the tongue of slander, D y e r co. C H “
obligitioaa to use their influence lo aecure bis election, in M aison de S ante w as saved, b u t n o t u n til its i n ­
mates had been removed. A t this point, which should be equal to what it haa been heretofore ia Nauvoo, aad show the world that a Republic can be, and not be un­ R u th ford co. C H* J u ly 20 21
preference to either Clay or Van Buren, inasmuch aa Joseph
Smith it the Prophet of the most high God. Come’Messrs is n ear th e corner o f C anal an d Claiborne streets, they will some day have to make mighty large additions to grateful: To open the vist regions of the unpeopled West L ex in g to n , H e n ­
Editors !o the pci"!, ao " J;;c ■. .I iI W
___ • .
R iU g, the firemen directed th e ir strongest energies, and the “Lodge room,” which I ehould put down now at least and South to our enlightened and enterprising yeomanry : d erson co “ Aug 3 4
jOftun&tely V*C |C A u C C d o o iu i . r p i f
A M V w ta a j’ VVu»r !
a%1000. Il is possible I resume thia subient atmin. To protect them in ibeir researcnea: i o secure them io N e w A lbany. C lin ­
EDWARD STIFF. to n co. " K y . Ju n e 29 30
Rev. (!) Mr Khainr, a pnmiiivc Methodi.t, who ha they could obtain from tho first was d raw n from j New-York, May 3Qtb, 18-14.________ their locations, and thus strengthen the government and
been «t.!-d for the la,, two vear. OWr E congregation ia the gutters, th e plugs at th e different h y d ran ts i enlarge her bordera: To extend her influence. To inspire A lquina, F a y e tte u
Aew-Haven ha, j m bee* tr.ed by „ #fh being perm itted to run from th e b re a k in g o u t of To the Eldera laboriag ia the Stale of New-York.—Dear co un ty la. 1 2
the nationa with the apirit of freedom, and win thorn to u 15 16
brethren, and convicted of cro., mi,conduct which he con- the fire. Brethren. P leasan t G a rd e n
her standard: To promote intelligence: To cultivate md
The General Conference of the Church of Jesua Christ, ' < «C 2 9 30
fc»J«d, and immediately.fled the city. Hia c„mft inT0| « heard eatablish peace among ill with whom we miy hive inter- F o r t W a y n e “
one certainly, and perhaps two females in laatin* dirgrace N orth fiela, Boon
The girla were domesiica in his family. He WJU *,n advo^ co u n ty 11 J u l y 13 14
cate of Milleriam,.and preached the speedy deatrae .nn of C incinn ati, Ohio M ay 18 19
the earth. He hgis abandoned a wife and several children. P itts b u rg h , Pa. Ju ne 1 2
th u s left homeless and shelterless, and m any o f “-rough the Prophet paper: informing us where you are iuptrc<de |h# ofa #n ouf Wejurn L ee ch b n rg h “ it 15 16
Donations in books, nataral or artificial c-jr i«.itie., them aro absolutely dependent for bread upon .a preacbmg; ataung your auccea., proapect*, and any other ; an(J Soulhern lron,irri: T ocreate aud maintain the princi- R u n n in g W a te r branch
philotjpbical npparatotes, &c., will be received l>y the com m unity th at will not, we feel confident, tu rn ‘ miner that will be useful and interexting. . . N ox u ule co Miss. Ju n e 1 2
“ Society for the Diffusion of Truth,” at the office of the a d e a f e a r’to any appeal th a t m ay bo made.— N. Your. Respectfully in the new Covenant, ple* of P" C'- ‘^ rre c u o n a and opprea-
sion in Oregon, ead all landa bordering upon the United W ash in g to n C ity D . C. S e p t 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
Prophet, and forwarded to the Museum, at Nauvoo. Notices Pic. CHAS. WESLEY WANDELL.
New-York City, May 28, IS44. Statea, m d not incoposeted into any acknowledged nation­ 13 .14, 15.
of which will be published, if desired. — .............
il- V m — *— i S'*** Mormons. 8eVerel of them from the neighboring
Nauvoo papers will please copy. , al government:
. _ To explore,* the
, , unexplored
^ regions of our . 03" A n o th k r C rrr uwoaa W a tx r.—T h* oar l a u d
— — ------ - ---------- continent i To open ne w fields for entcrprixe to our eiti- a Sea.—'The flood in Red River broke through the levee
. h n d ^ i n ! Cfnr Q
. r U d -*° ^ ‘^ ^ ^ lh tir W eek, ^fr y The
x u c uDemocratic
c u u c . i , ,Nationa}
. t , u n , Convention; convened c u u .r n c u at | zons,. and .protect them therein: To search ------------outthetheantiquities
antiquities 11 Alexandria about 18th intt., flooding the whole city md
tae tropner, ana receipt lor ill monies, and forward the »ia the train for Albany, where they are lobe joined b y oth* ! Baltimore on the 27th lit., nominated James K. Polk, of
'ame cs soon as convenient. er! of the brethren. making in all 120, and proceed or the land, and thereby promote the arts and sciences. aurroundiog country. Loss of property estimated a t one
to Tenneaaee, for the Presidency, and George M. Dailis, of and, generali ■informal r n* t , , ..
ion ; To amalgamate the feehnga of r u t
; and a half millions of dollars. The whole country waa one
„ fax a . tho eye could reach.-[E x. Paper.
Nauvoo, the paradise of saints.—jBoiton Olive Branch, Pennsylvania, for Vicc Preaideat.
I f on# professed a degree ot a u th o rity or sh all m o urn, e v e ry fam ily a p a r t; the fam ily o f j li g h t o f tr u th , before t h e intellectual e y e s o f e v e ry 4 LETTER 1 TO THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND, Tonck-
led witk ike coming lonk of ibe Book of Monsos( b a r e ; fere nee in cOftseauence o f age o r w right, an d th a t th a h o u se o f N a th a n ap a rt, a n d tn e ir j m an t h a t comethi in to th e world, Sage a n d S a v a g e ,! iog ihe
Ihe Sigo*
Si of the Time*, and the Political Destioy
ol the World By P P. Pratt Polished at Maacbeeter,
*vsr bees, aad ire new, aobj«cts of enquiry, we thallio : s u p e rio rity w ith o u t eTidence, i t w aa insuffi- i m p . a p a r t ‘ • J j _ _______ __________________
**n, fonbe beat At of thoee who are net acqu *iot?d with; d e n t to convince a m in d oncc aro used to
ike eaariag fectk of ike above named work, oae o la series i th a t d egree o f & torm ina turn w hich a t t h a t time
ef ktier*. each week *et»l all are paktiafctd. operated u p o n him. A n d upon f a rth e r reflecting. ilies t h a t rem ain , e v e ry fam ily a p a rt, a n d th e ir ; o f a lf , im pto& am liry o r a n y person, * h o U ’e l A s a f o t A h iR A * ’R*c6i& ;w hichW fefri‘M fctow y o f
t h a t th e S av io r h a d aaid th a t b
the e g ate was w ives a p a r t I n th a t s n a L ___ s p___ ig o _t e d m em ber o f a co rp s o r sect, ev e r listening thia eoafiotnt from the earlieit Agea after the Flood, to the
s tr a ig h t s n d th e w ay narrow t h a t lejHs to life ta in opened to th e h o u se o f D av id , and to th e in - ; to a n y o th e r rea so n in g b u t w h a t is sanctioned an and d ^h ^e naoi ia
o g* ooff ihe cjn/ory of The
the fifth cjo/ory Ckrttfiaa Era. With
the Chri.iiaa
LflTTTKR Ilf. I eternal, a n d t h a t few entered there; an ov th at th e i h ab itan ts o f Jerusalem , for sin an d for uncles ness. ’ j su p p orted b y M s p a r ty .^
k.. fu*. —
c.orP* I n th« iH foront rnrrv* ’ » •
; Christ of U tte r D a / s a i a * ! SJV o f the na*, (silb, and doctriae of the CplTch of
Pratt, Aliaiewr
w ay was broad, an d th e g a te w ide w hich leadeth Zech. xii. 10— 14. xiii. I. T h e i r n a tio n a l c o n v e r- or socict iee, philosophical, political an d religious, 0f the OmpH Eor SjIo ai this Offer, brid es maay oth-
After a silence o f another month, agreeable, to to destruction, an d th a t m a n y crow ded its current, sion will be sudden and general, when it takes ’ there are a ddiv iv e rsity oopp po site opinions
op inion s interests,and ervalasbte work*._____ _____ ________ ___________
my promise, I proceed upon tha aubject I propo- a p o o f from some sou rce w ss w an tin g to settle th e place. B u t a s m a n y have alread y been co n v e r j h y p o th eses; b u t i n no p a r ty a r e o pin io ns so d ia - i 9 jfc^WHO WANTS BOOTS AND SHOES!—
aed in the firat No. o f the Advocate. Perhaps m ind an d g iv e peace t o th e a g ita te d bosom. It ted to th e fa ith o f t h e gospel— an d indiv idu al eon
faith aon I m etrically opposite, advanced and con fu ted , su sup- £ The grr«t«ti reaction in price ever haowa, Ooly
an apology for bwvity may not be improper, here, i s n o t f re q u e n t t h a t th e m in d s o f m en are ex erci­ version tion w e tr u s t shall be g re a tly increased— so p o rted and censured,^as o n th e su b je ct o f revealed , thiak of geatl*m«a’a fioe drtta Calf stitched bo»tt, of the
aa many important incidents consequently trans­ sed w ith p ro p er d eterm in atio n re la tiv e to o b ta in ­ does P ro p h e c y foretell g re a t fu tu re destri destru ctio n a s religion. M illions o f books h av e been w ritten , an d ! 93. Aljo, dre#a pe|gcd
piring in the orgsnization and establishing a so i n g a c e r ta in ty o f th e th in g s o f G od. T h e y are still aw a itin g them . I n th e appointed til
• .. k . f i r i u j h °,M r m 0n* * 7 e#ch P?r*y w h ieh ‘*n.d cd *® ! lor,?: cu/m a.V 81 w ' c T T i . > £ ? u d « t Z
eiety like the one whose history I am about to too a p t to re st sh o rt o f th a t assurance which «e vver. e r , G o d ’s gracious prom ise will be fulfill
s gTaciout fulfilled “ 1 (destro y instead o f s u p p o rtin g tr u e religion ; I j^hioaafor 1&4, for geatlemeH, Udit* *«£,cWWrea.from
give to tha world, are overlooked or lost, and th e L o rd Je s u s h as ao freely offered in his word will rem ove th e in iq u ity o f th a t land in one d ay.” m ean suprem e g ratitu d e to G o d , an d co rrespo n ding j thirty to forty per ceatche«i»er thao »v«r. 179 Hadsoa,
coon buried with thoaa who are the actors, will t o man, an d w hich so beau tifu lly characterizes his Z ech. iii. 0 “A nd i t shall come to pass in th * l j affection to bis creatures, b o th anim al and hu m an , j corner ofCapsf. STEW ART SAUL'
prevent my giving those minute and particular w hole p la n o f salvation, a s revealed to us. d a y . th a t th e re m n a n t o f Israel, an d such as are i B u t a co n trast in opinion is n o t confined to r e - j WATCHES--THE L&RGEST AND
reflections which I hare ao often wished might escaped o f th e house o f Jacob, sh all n o more ag a in | ligious controversalists. I n philosophy. a ls o " w e ! "l
have characterized the 14Acta of the Apostles,” T H E (^ N V E R S io rT o F lS R A E L . s ta y UDon h im t h . t »mot« t h e m ; b u t s h .ll . U y o £ n find • pwTaet c o n tra st m opinio n am ong it s . U ^ r i p t i o n . " «.ld
and the ancient taints. But such facta as art T h e d istin g u ish in g goodness o f G o d has been upon th e L o rd , th e H o ly O ne o f Israel, in tru th , v o ta rie s; b u t hspp ily th is d iv e rs ity o f opinion : W8fchet of the Ute«t «y!es, from the maaufic-
within my knowledge, will be given without any illustriously displayed in h is dealings with th e chil­ e r e m n a n t shall r e tu r n even th e rem n a n t ofJa* does n o t pro d uce an im o sity , h atre d , calum ny, larew in Eoglaad, Fraace, aad SniiMrJaad, be is fntbUd
reference to inconsistencies, .in the midst o f others, d r e n fcf A b ra h a m . F ro m th e tim e w h en H e ap­ cob, u n to th e m ig h ty G od.” Isaia h x. 20, 21. rack, th e halter, th e fire, th e fs faggot, a s i t h w done io cffrra Urge ■rrorimeat, acd ai much ler« pric«s at re-
or impossibilities, in the feelings o f such as do peared to th e p a tr ia r c h in “ M esopotam ia, before “ N e ith e r sh all th e y defile them selves a n y m ore am on g religious controversalists, to th e disgrace *»il, tbtn any other hoore ia the city Gold witchfs as
low a t 9 2 0 to 79 each. Warcbea aad jewelry exebaaged
not give credence to the system of salration and h e dw elt in ( ’b a rre n ,” dow n th ro u g h the long lapse w ith th e ir idols, n o r w ith d etestable things,* n o r o f all m oral v irtu e , tru e religion, a n d ev e n com ­ or boefcht. AH watches warranted to keep good time, or
redemption ao clearly sat forth and so plainly o f ages w hich h a v e sin ce in terv en e d , th e h istory w ith a n y o f th e ir tra n sg re ssio n s: b u t I will save m o n h u m an ity . the money reiaraed.
written over the face o f tha aacred scriptures: o f th is people b ea u tifu lly exemplifies th e doctrine th em o u t o f all th e ir d w elling places, w herein th e y I a m astonished o u t o f m easu re w h e n I see G. C. ALLEN’, Importer a of Waichea asd Jewelry,
Upon the propriety, then, o f a iterative o f this of a special providence, a n d places in th e m ost a t ­ h av e sin n ed , a n d will cleanse th e m ; so shall th e y people, a n d p o o r people too, in A m erica, attem e pt- Whnlewle aad rttail. 30 Wall at. np afairg.—je—c
kind,! have briefly to remark It ia known to tra c tiv e liglit th e long-suffering and sovereign m g to v in d icate th e rig h ts o f the r ig h t ho onorable PIA N O ’ FORTES, PIANO FORTES—J .
yon, that this church has suffered reproach and m e rc y o f U od. I t is a record o f h tlm an dep ravity, ROCKETT beg* to inform hia friend* aad the
. . »d r ig h t re
» Tv e. nrenndd ty ran
ra nts,
ts to lo oppress
o p p m s thei
t h . i r ftllonr h„ rfmotrd hi, Pitnn Porte S.o,e .o No
persecution, from a majority o f mankind who d isp lay in g d ee p forgetfulness o f th e w ay in which ittMu ui j u n o ii. - stro n g c ity , i aI^ 8 rlJ ,cl h e **C°r ° ( ^ P00*' , i 2K ! Broadway, betweea Spriag ahd Pnace at*, where, at
have heard but a rumour,, since its first organiza­ t h e y w ere continu ally led, a n d tells o f th e ir in v in - w ith G o d ap p o in t for walls an d bulw arks. Open times, th e y deserve t a feel th e iro n h a n d o f des- Aj| w \\\ be fouad a gocd aaaonmeat of aew aad aec-
tion- And further, you are also conversant with cible in g ra titu d e to G o d fo r h is a b u n d a n t goodness y e th e gates*, th a t t h e rig h te o u s n a tio n w h ich keep- ■ potism th e m se lv es; th e n th e y would k no w better, oad haad ?iaao forie* at pricea raagia^ from iweaiv-fite
the fact, that no sooner had the messengers o f tha a n d m a n y w onderful interpostions in th e ir favor eth th e tr u th m a y e n te r in. T h o u will k e e p h im ; W h e n I contem plate th e n a tu ra l d ig n ity o f m an, dollar* ooward* Parcbaaers will find it to iheir adraat-
fullness o f tha gospel began to proclaim its hear a n d in g iv i n g in to th e ir h a n d s n atio n s g reater in perfect peace whose m ind is sta y ed o n thee
venly precepts and call ujwn men to embrace the a n d stro n g er th a n th ey. T h ro u g h o u t, i t is one cause h e tru s te th in thee. T r u s t y e in th e L ord
aame, than they were vilified and slandered bv c on tin ued d isplay o f H e a v e n ’s love a n d m an ’s for ev er, for in th e L o rd Je h o v a h is o v erla stin g
thousands who never saw their faces, and much rebellion— o f th e m o st sig n al m anifestions o f d i­ stren gth.” Isaiah xxvi. I— 4. T h e 12th ch a p te r w ard w ith g re a te r glare, th e sta te an d mngnifi-1 ^ T U E CHEAPEST COFFIN WARE-ROOM IN THE
leea knew aught derogatory o f their characters, v in e interference in th e ir behalf, followed b y th e o f Isaiah is a sim ilar so n g o f jo y an d salvation, cence o f a s e t o f the m ost dissapated, u n ju s t and . jf j WORLD,
moral or religions— Upon this unfair and unsaint m ost crim inal d e p a rtu re fro m th e ir gracious prepared to be s u n g b y th e m o t th e same tim e : u n g en e ro u s mortals. 1 ca n scarcely avoid b cein i f T . D- OILLESPIE/araiahw all articles repaired at
like manner o f procedure they have been giving liverer.
in large sheets their own opinions o f their incor-
“ A n d in t h a t d ay [m th a d a y spoken o f in th e . h - ,
I n s tu d y in g th e a n n a ls o f Israel, we see th a t a l­ concluding v erse o f th e p rec ed in g chap ter, when w ho suffer them selves to be th u s im posed on. T h is i iIIbe Tpry m„deMte aad atteadaace puacioal. No 552
i o „ zz
rectneee o f our system, and attested volumes of th o u g h th e ir p e rv e rsity o f disposition an d u n to ­ Hhere shall be an h ig h w a y fox th e rem nan t o f his in e q u ality is n o t confined to politics. R eligio n j peart »t near Broadway ; ____________ _______Je—e
our lives and characters. w ardness o f c h a rac ter often call fo rth th e chastise­ people w h ich sh all be left,’ fro m A ssy ria, like as it also is m sd e a pack-horse fo r ty r a n t s to ride to j ^ — ,
Since, then, our opposcTs have been thus kind m ents o f H ea v en , still th e lov in g -k in dn ess o f the ^was Israel................... in th e d a y th ** a *t lh -e came
u p o u t o fLthe M --------------
hell u p on , and a cloak to h id e th e ecclesiastical J j i j [ LOAN OPFICE. _________
to introduce our cause before the public, it ia no L o rd is n o t w ithdraw n, an d renew edly is h is favor la n d o f E g y p t,’ 1— A n d i n th a t d a y th o u shall say, oppressors cloven foot w ith w hich he tram ples For tbe prirate aod public sale, hiriag, letua* aaa ex-
more than just that a correct accountahould be m anifested tow ards them. I f H e ta k e s vengeance O L o rd , I w ill p ra iie t h e e : th o u g h th o u wast u p o n th e su p e rstitio u s crow d, a n d ev e n k is s th e ch-ngiog of hoo*e*,atores, farma, &c. Forcollcetiagreag,
given, and since they have invariably sought to o n th e ir devices, i t is still i n m easure, an d oy his a n g r y w ith me, th in e a n g e r is tu rn e d aw ay , and foot t h a t s p u r n s them. M a n y horrible instances aod for taking the geoeral egeacr and aaperviaioa of re&l
eatate. Abo for the soperiateadaoe* of erectiag aod re­
cast a shade over the truth, and hinder its influ­ love h e ag a in woos them to himself. V ario u s th o u com fortedest me. B ehold, G o d is m y sa lv a' m ig h t be g iven o f th is : o n e m u st suffice. A pairing of building*. Person* having properly lo sell, ex­
ence from saining ascendency, it is also proper k in d s a n d degrees o f p u n ish m en t have a t different tio n ; I will tru st, an d n o t b e a f r a id : fo r th e L ord nom inal religious m sn, called A rch bish op , in change or iel, will fiad if co iheir advaoiage to apply at ibis
t h i t it should be vindicated, by laying before the tim es been m eted o u t to them for th e r aw ful epos- Je h o v ah is m y s tre n g th an d m y s o n g ; h e also is C hristianized co un tries, is allowed a salary o f forty office All properly regiatered io thia office, will, if re-
world a correct statement o f events aa they have ta c ie j from th e liv in g and tr u e G o d ; b u t th e ir become m y salvation. T h erefo re w ith jo y shall we th o u sa n d p o u n d s p er an nu m , to p rea ch th e gospel aired, be •dtfttiw d.and if oot*old ai pm aie *«to, it will 3
last, a n d longest, an d m ost sev ere affliction has d raw w ate r o u t o f t h e wells o f salvatipn. A n d in o f th e self-denying Redeem er. He* w ill p erh sp s deeired, be offered at public auction. He will aJ<oattend
transpired from time to time. to the etlecting ioauraoce, obtaining aod loaoing of money
Whether I shall succeed so far in my purpose been t h a t w h ic h followed th e ir a rriv a l a t th e su m ­ th a t d a y sh all y® P ra ise th e L o rd , call u p o n officiate tw ice a year, h is c u ra te tw o h u n d red on bend aod mortgage. Individual* or compaaiea, re­
as to convince the public ofUhe incorrectness of m i t o f rebellion, in- th a crucifixion o f th e L o rd o f his nam e, declare h is do in gs am o ng th e people, tim e t, w h o is a re a l religious m an ; y e t h e is only quiring ao ageatto take charge of their estate, may depaod
those scurrilous reports which have inundated a n d w h ich th e y still co ntin u e to endure, m a k e m e n tio n th a t h is nam e is exalted. S in g u n ­ allow ed fo rty p o u n d s p e r y e a r to s u p p o rt a large on having il faithfully and economically maaaged. Per-
our land, or even but a small portion o f them, u te v e n from th e g u ilt o f this, P ro p h e cy declares, to th e L o r d ; fo r h e h a th d o n e excellent th in g s : fsm ily o f ch ild ren u p on . T h i s ca n n o t b e c o n tra­ •oa* wiahieg tolhire, purchase or exchange properly, or ia-
veat mooey, can moat geoerally be accomodated. Person*
- f j )“ wrHmn I r ln e A th a n th e y will y e t be cleansed— being w ashed i n th e t i n * l » n n w n in all th e e a rth . C r y o u t a a d shout, dicted. residing at a distance, desirous to sell or purchase real e»
when f commence: and I am content to submit it blood th e y so w an to n ly shed. A lth o u g h , m H is th o u in h a b ita n t o f Z io n : for g re a t is th e H oly i m ust ^oniess, i a m point pointed in r a y am m adv er- j tale by r a c in g a description of property, wiii rvceivo
before the candid for perusal, and before the* rig h te o u s displeasure, th e L o rd h a s lo n g le ft them O n e o f Israel.” tions, b u t th e y are oin ly* applicable to political immediate attention. All letters must be post paid aad
Ju d g e ooff all a l iffor
o r inspection,
in sp ectio n , aass I most assu red ly tto
m o s t assuredly o w an nd e r in ttnh e v a in im ag in a tio n 0o1f th tn e ir own addreaaed to JOHN 0. WILSON,
A lth o u g h w e le arn from th e p ro p hetic sc rip ­ a n d clerical im p o sto rs; an d those w h o are offend- je—c. No. 1 Naa**u *trccl, N. Y.
believe t h a t before H im I m u s t s ta n d a n d a n s w e r : hearts, h e h a s n o t forsaken th e m altogether. T h e y tu r e s th a t th e ir n atio nal co n versio n will b e p re­ ed w ith m e for exposing th e v illan y o f k in g -c ra ft
for th e deeds tran sa cted in th is Hfe. ; sh all y e t b e converted an d h e a le d ; th e y shall y e t ceded b y g re a t an d im p o rta n t events, still w e tr u s t an d p riest-craft are th e ir adv o cates, an d o f course ~ E C C A L E O B IO N . -
. S h o u ld I, rhow T r.iever, b e inI stru m en ta l Iin ' cau sing lbe ------—
restoredJ to top u r ity an d peace, to h o liness and EGGS HATCHED BY STEAM. IN PRESENCE OF
it is to be realized a t n o d is ta n t d ay. T h o se stro n g enem ies o f m an, a n d v irtu a lly in frin ge th e rig h ts VI6ITOR8!
a few t o h e a r before th e y ju d g e , a n d u n d e rsta n d happiness* T h e n snail th e y see an d acknow led p rejudices a g a in s t Je su s o f N a z a re th , w h ich for­ o f G o d . I d o n o t e x h ib it a n y h o n est m an, o r r p m s NOVEL EXHIBITION, S O A M U S I N G AS
both sides o f this matter tie r before th e y co; condem n, the en o rm ity o f th e ir sin , in h a v in g “d enied tne m erly p rev ented th e ir ex a m in atio n o f th e evidence se t o f m en, to p o p u la r j v ersion and con- X well aa ioatructiag. is now open at 285 Broadway, from
sh all h a v e th e satisfaction o f se ein g th e m emb H o ly O n e an d th o J u s t , ” a n d in h a v in g “killed fo r th e tr u th o f C h ristia n ity , are passin g rap id ly te m p t; 1 o n ly exh ib it crim inals, let n o t tn e in n o ­ 9 o'clock, A. M. until 7 P. M.
it, a s I am ce rta in t h a t one ia th e inev itab le f ru it th e p r i n c e o f life." “ I will cleanse them ,” sa y s aw ay ; a n d th e H e b re w N e w T e sta m e n t is now c e n t t n i n k t h a t I im plicate t h e m ; I d o not, I dare Tb*» object of thia Exhibition, co novel ia New-York, is
th e L o rd , “ from all th e ir in iq u ity , w hereby th e y to gratify the scientific aod curious, by afiordiog them an
o f th e other. B u t to proceed: d ilig e n tly perused b y m u ltitu des, w ith candor. n o t do i t I n ee d not, I d o n o t ex p e ct e ith e r af­ opportuoity of witoeasing ihe wonderful process of the de-
Y o u w ill recollect th a t I inform ed y o u, in m y h a v e sin n e d ag a in st m e; an d i w ill p a rd o n all F ro m th e nu m e ro u s in stan ces i n w h ich th ere in- fection o r f a v o r fro m lordly an d c ra fty priests, or vclopement of aoimal orgamxaiioo, aad more especially to
le tte r p u b lished in th e first n u m b e r o f th e Mes­ th e ir iniquities, w h ereb y th e y h a v e transgressed u iries h a v e been followed b y a perception o f its ty ra n n ic a l a n d treach ero u s k in g s o r rulers, or prepare tbe way for aupplyiog our market «vitk Pooltry of
se n g er a n d A d v o cate, t h a t th is h is to ry would ne- a g a in st me.” J e r . x x x iii. 8. “ N e ith e r will I caven ly o rig in an d inestim able v a lu e , we look from th e ir f a th e r th e d e v il; an d m u ch Jess from a auperior quality, aod ot Jew ibao half the preseot rates.
So thsi the poor eveo, to whom it is oow deaied, may be­
cessarially em brace th e Hfe a n d c h a ra c te r o f o u r h id e m y face a n y m ore from t h e m ; fo r I h av e forw ard to th e tim e, a s n e a r a t h a n d , w hen the p riest-ridd en, political-ridden, o r devil-ridden peo- come partakeis of ibe loxury. f IS
esteem ed frien d a n d b ro th e r, J o s e p h S m i t h J r ., p o ured o u t m y S p irit u p o n the h o u s e .o f Israel, love o f G o d shall b e m o re g en e rally sh e d abroad pie. T o b e continued. Tbe apparatus here uaed for iacubatiag, may be aaid to
one o f t h e presidents o f th is c h u r e b , a n d fo r infor­ saith th e L o rd G o a .” E z e k . xxxix. 29. T h i s co n ­ in th e ir h ea rts, p re p a rin g th e m fo r th e jo y f u l wel­ be pci feet, aad ia more »uro of Hatchiag Egga thao aoy
m a tio n o n t h a t jpart o f th e subject, I re fe r y o u to version is, therefore, to b e followed b y n o f u tu re com e o f th e S aviour, “ B lessed is h e th a t com eth bird. It is a material improvemeat upon tbe Eccaleobioa,
M IL L T A X . which haa afforded aatiafactioo aod delight to millions of
h is com m un icatio n o f th e same, published i n this ap o stasy ; an d , ac co rd in g ly i t is h e r e said, ‘‘So the in th e n am e o f th e L o rd.” M a t x x i i i 30. T h e n T s b le (prepared fo fc r t h e T r ib u n e ) show ing the visitera, at the Exhibitioo Rcoraa in Pall*Mall aad Picca­
paper. I shall, therefor*, p ass o v er th a t, till I h ouse o f Israel shall k no w th a t I a m th e L o rd their th e h a r p so lo n g u n stru n g , o r o n iy w aked to am o u n t o f M ill T a x , w ith in t e r e s t fro m 1842 to dilly, Loodoo, aad is emphatically a triumph ef Art over
com e t o th e I 7 |h y e a r o f h is Gfe. G od, fro m th a t d a y an d forw ard.” v e r 22. “A n d b rea th fo rth Israel’s p la in t, shall ag a in be attuo ed
1950, io be paid b y several o f th e C o u n ties o f th is oature. Ladie* are particularly informed, that while thi* exhibi­
I t i s n ecessary to p rem ise th is a c c o u n t b y re I will g iv e you th e land o f I s r a e l; an d th e y shall to th e h ea v en ly m elody o f th e R edeem er’s praise S t a t e :
tin g th e_ s itu a^tio n o f th p u b lic -m ind re la tiv e to com e th ith er, a n d t h e y sh all ta k e a w a y all the — infidelity sh all g iv e place to a liv e ly fa ith — and
__e _______ tion cannot fait to please, there ia aothiogio ir, io the least
Ami. of Tax aod lot. Rep*, io Aaaem degree, oflinaive to tho mow refined and deucale miod.
d etestable th in g s thereof, a n d all t h e abom inations in stea d o f th e ir prov erb ial covetousness, “ H oliness N ew -Y ork, ♦2 ,3 0 1 ,9 7 0 13 Gentlemen of *Science aod of the medical profeaaioa, oa
E ld e r o f th e M etho dist ch u rch , v isite d IPslmyra, thereof, fro m thence. A n d I will g iv e th e m one cnto th e L o rd ” sh a ll be inscribed o n all th e ir gains. Richm ond, 12,374 1 pay meat of fc>, may have a card of adminioo for 21 day*,
a n d v ic in ity . E ld e r L a n e w as a ta lented m an h ea rt, a n d I will p u t a new s p ir it w ith in y o u ; and K ings, 295,630 2 and the privilege ot breakiog ao egg each day.
possessing a good sh a re o f lite ra ry endow m ents, I will ta k e th e s to n y h e a rt o u t o f th e ir flesh, and B E A U T IE S O F P H IL A N T H R O P Y . Q ueens, 109,095 1 A d m itta n c e T w e n t y - F i v e C ents.
a n d a p p a re n t h u m ility . T h e r e waa a gTeat aw a­ will give th e m a h e a rt o f fle sh ; th a t th e y m a y walk Suffolk, 55,620 2 CHILDREN Half Price. A liberal anowaoce mad* to
k e n in g , o r ex citem ent raised o n th e su bject o f re­ i n m y s ta tu te s an d k ee p m ine ordinances, a n d do W estchester, 95,289 2 School* that attend io a body. Egga Brokeo oa applica-
ligion, an d m u c h e n q u iry for th e w ord o f lifa.—^ t h e m ; an d th e y shall be m y people, a n d I will be W h e re is th e in h a b ita n t o f th e a ir, fro m the tioo, at 12i ceot* each. Youag Chickens *old aa curiosi­
R ockland, 22,227 I ties ai 12* ceata. Pamphlera. Explaoaiory aod Treating
L a rg e ad d itio n s were m ad e to th e M ethodist, P re s­ th e ir God.” E z e k . x l 17— 20. “ T h e n w ill I m o th to th e eagle, o r o f th e sea, fro m th e sh rim p P u tn sm , 2 8,572 1 upoa the raaaagemeoi ol Poultry geoerally, 6 ceaia.
b y te ria n , an d B a p tis t c h u r c h e s — M r. L an e’s s rinkle
prink clean w ate r upon yo u, an d y e sh all be to th e whale, o r o f th e ea rth , fro m th e m ouse to
Dutchess, 190,557 3 mt'i&r]_____ __________________________ - -
m a n n e r o f com m un icatio n w as p ecu liarly ca lc u la ­ c le a n ; from all y o u r filthiness an d from all y o u r the m an moth,1 t h a t e v e r d ev iates fro m th e laws
Orange, 115,662 3 C H E A P C A S H T A I L O R I N G
te d to aw a k e n th e in tellect o f th e h ea rer, and idols will I cleanse you. A new h e a rt also will o f n a tu re ? I answ er, n o t one, m an o n ly ex cept­ U lster 51,337 2
aro u se th e s in n e r to look a b o u t h im fo r safety— I g iv e y ou , an d a new sp irit w ill I p u t w ithin ed. Y e t m an is th e L o rd o f th e c r e a ti o n :— in S ullivan E S T A B L IS H M E N T .
16,631 1
m u ch good in stru c tio n w as alw ays d ra w n from y o u ; an d I will ta k e aw ay th e stony h e a rt out h im are u n ite d b o th b e a u ty a n d intelligence. H e G reene, J. B. MEYNELE, G03 BROADWAY.
29,765 2
h i s discourses o n th e sc rip tu res, an d in com mon o f y o u r flesh, an d I will g iv e y o u an h e a rt o f flesh. o n ly ca n v ie w th e h arm o nies b etw e en each sp e­ Deleware, B* M. Inventor of the new iattrumeni for ascertaiaing
w ith o th e rs, o u r b ro th er’s m in d becam e aw akened. And I w ill p u t m jr S p irit w ith in y ou , and cause cies o f p lan ets a n d o f anim als, a n d th e u tility of Colum bia,
3 J..R w . a correct draft of the human figure, through which he
i« ensbled to produce a moat apleadid fit. Offers upon tbe
F o r a le n g th o f tim e i h e reform ation seemed y o u to w alk in m y statutes, a n d y e shall k i a p m y m inerals a n d fossils ; h e can, w ith h ia lens, see in following reasonable terms to execute orders in the neatest
to m o v e in a h a rm o n io u s m an ner, b u t, a s t h e ex ­ ju d g m e n ts a n d them .” E ze k : xxxvL 25— 27. a g rain o f sa n d a globe in m in iatu re , and with and most Fashionable Style, to patronize ia to be aoited.
T atal, 3,444,378 39
c item en t ceased o r th ose w h o h a d expressed an x i­ T h is conversion o f Israel is secure in co v e n an t his telescope beh old millions o f globes in m a g n i­ T o ta l to be paid by Drees Coats, Blue, Black or Olive, from $13 to #20
eties, h a d professed a belief in t h e p a rd o n in g in ­ “ B ehold, th e d a y s come, sa ith th e L ord , th a t I tu d e o n th e m ilk y - w a y ; h e ca n m easure th e dis­ all o th e r C o u nties Pants, do. do. 5
2,554,258 89 Vest*. do. do. 2
fluence an d condescension o f th e S av io u r, a g e n ­ w ill m ak e a n ew co v e n an t w ith th e house o f Israel, tances o f th e planets fro m ea ch o t h e r ; an d from Frock aod Dress Coata made to mersure, S
eral stru g g le w as m ad e b y th e le ad in g ch a rac ters a n d w ith th e house o f J u d a h .— T h i s sh all be the th e sun , the ce n tre o f th e solar system , h e can .« •* “ Extra trimed. 95 0
A m t o f ta x a n d in t. 5,998, 6 3 6 128
o f th e different sects, fo r proselytes. T h e n strife co v e n an t t h a t I will m a k e w ith th e house o f Israel; calculate th e e x a ct period th a t a n eclipse will take Pacta, do. do 1 75
T h i s sta te m e n t show s th a t th e C i ty o f N ew -
seem ed to ta k e th e place o f t h a t a p p a r e n t u n io n A fte r th ose d ays, s a ith th e L ord, I will p a t m y place, ev e n a n age before th e tim e, an d n o t miss n»2 > 3t ]____________________ _______
Y o rk p a y s o v er one-third o f th e whole T a x ;
a n d h a rm o n y w h ich n ad p rev io u sly characterized law in th e ir in w ard parts, an d w rite i t in th e ir a m inute in his calculatton. H e o n ly , o f all am- h e “ BIBLE OF NATURE,” 2v. 1200 pages, price
th e m oves a n d ex h o rta tio n s o f th e old professors, h ea rts ; an d I w ill be th e ir G od, an d th e y sh a ll be mals, ca n co m m an d fire, w ind, an d w ate r to obey
w hile a b o u t one-third o f th e rem a in in g am o u n t
p aid b y th e w hole S tate is levied on th e C o u n
ties 91,95
a n d a c r y — I a m r ig h t— y o u a r e w rong— w as in ­ m y people.” J e r . xxxi. 31— 33. “A n d th e y him , th e w ild beasts to fe a r him , th e tam e ones
situ a te d on L o n g Islan d , S ta te n Island, th e N o rth Pruc icyMagoeiiser, price 12$ ct*.
trod u ced in th e ir stead. shall be m y people, an d I w ill be th e ir G o d ; and to serve him . T h e vegetable a s well a s th e a n i­ Ga:de to forming aod conducting Lyceums, Debating
I n th is g en e ral strife fo r followers, h is m other, I w ill g iv e th em one h e a r t a n d one w ay, th a t they mal cre atio n is likew ise su b je c t to h is d o m in io n ; R iv er, o r a d jac cn t to th e la tte r— C o u n ties whose Societies, with outline* of di*«cus»i*us, eaeay, «fcc. by
o n e sister, a n d tw o o f h is n a tu r a l b ro th ers, w ere m ay fea r me fo r ev er, fo r th e good o f th e m and he is sensible o f these* an d innum erable o th e r ad ­ a g ric u ltu ra l in terests are considered, b y m a n y , as
Charlea Morley, price 3s. for ealo at the Office of the
p ersuad ed to u n ite w ith th e P resb y terians.-* - o f th e ir ch ild ren a fte r them. A n d I will m ake vantages, an d y et, o f all anim als, h e is th e most in ju rio u sly affected b y th e v e r y in tern al im p ro ve­ “ P r o p h e t . " __________________________________
T h i s g a v e o p p o rtu n ity fo r f u r th e r reflection; and an e v e rlastin g covenant w ith th e m th a t I will not u n g ra te fu l to th e d iv in e au th o r o f his m e r c ie s ; m ents w hich th e y are unn ecessarily a n d u n ju s tly RIGHT, WARNFR tc CO —Phtcnix Soap Factory,
a s w ill b e seen in t h e sequel, laid a fo u nd ation , or tu r n a w a y fro m them , to do th em good ; b u t I he well know s t h a t i t is his d u ty to b e k in d to ta x ed to sustain.
T h e tab le also show s th e g r e a t disproportion
W Broadway and Twenty Third Street, New York.
w as one m eans o f la y in g a fo u nd atio n fo r t h e a t­ will p u t m y fea r in th e ir hearts, th a t th e y shall others, a s G o d i s k in d to him , y e t o f all m onsters .V B Plain and Fancy Soap* on Liberal Terms
te sta tio n o f th e tr u th s , o r th e professions o f tru th s, n o t d e p a rt from me.” J e r . xxxii. 3 8 — 40. “ In he is th e m o st c r u e l . h e sees th e h arm o nies between T a x a tio n an d R ep re se n tatio n as a p p o r­
N A U Y O O N E IG H B O R ,
contained in t h a t rec o rd called t h e w o rd o f God. those d a y s i n d in t h a t tim e, saith th e L o rd , th e beauties, an d benefits o f th is terrestial globe, and tioned a m o n g th e above C o un ties.— [T rib u n e .
e n jo y s th e countless fav o rs an d blessings re su lt­ la printed and publUhed every Saturday, by John Tay.
A f te r stro n g solicitation s to u n ite w ith one o f children o f Israel shall come, th e y a n d th e children lor, Editor and Proprietor; at Nauvoo, Hancock county,
th o se different societies, a n d seein g th e app aren t o f J u d a h tog eth er, g o in g an d w eep in g: th e y shall in g from th e v a ria tio n an d contrasts o f th e se a­ BRSUH FACTORY. Illinois. Terms—$2.00 invariably in advance.
p ro se ly tin g disposition m anifested w ith equal go an d seek th e L o rd th e ir G od. T n e y shall ask sons, y e t scarce e v e r bows w ith g ratefu l ack n o w
w a rm th fro m each, h is m in d waa led to m ore seri- th e w ay to Z io n w ith th e ir faces th ith e rw a rd , sa y ­ le d g es to th e benevolent B e in g w ho s u p p o rts him above articlea wil! be manufactured to order, aod at the port paid, to receive the attentioo.
Steniil, aod Artiata Brushes. All of tbe
Letters muat be addressed to the Editor (Joho Taylor)

o u s ly contem plate th e im p o rta n ce o f a rmove o f in g , C o m e an d le t u s jo i n ourselves to th e L ord an d th e e a rth on w hich h e crawls,as it were, in the thorteat notice, oa the meat reasooable terms, at 119 Naa. T H E T IM E S A N D SEA SO N S,
th is V ind. T o profess G odliness w ith o u t its be-i in a p erp etu al c o v e n a n t th a t shall n o t de forgotten.’ .palm o f h is. hand. S *p rin w g crow ns h im w, l mu afreet, basemeat story._________________ [je—l:c) Is printed and publiahed about the 1st and I5tb of every
n ig n influence u p o n th e h e a rt, w as a t h i n g so for- ‘ J*r. 1.4, 5. “ A n d i t shall com e to pass, th a t he su m m er w ith yellow sheaves, a u tu m n , w ith pur- ^ Y u S l f FACTORY.—WM. J DUDLEY. MANUFAC­ mooih, at Nauvoo, Hancock county 111, by John Taylor,
e ig n fro m h is feelings, th a t h is s p ir it w as n o t a t j th a t is left in Z io n , an d h e th a t rem a in e th in ! P*e fru it, an d w in te r w ith v e n tila tin g sto rm s and R TURER of Fancy Hair. Cloth and Hat Rrn*hf*— Kditor and Proprietor. Terras—82 per annum, oayable
rest d a y n o r n ig h t. T o u n ite w ith a so ciety Jerusalem , snan oe caned holy, ev e ~n e v e — ry — h ealth fu l snow. T h e seas and
an d lakes are stored Aliotaa Hair Brushes. The above articles he hs* oo hand in all cases in advance. Any per*on procuring fire new
one lor sale at the lowest pricea. 119 Naaaau at.____ [jc—J:4w lubacnbers to d forwsrding ua Ten Dollars currcat money,
professing to b e b u ilt u p o n th e o n ly s u r e fo u n ­ th a t ia w ritten am ong th e liv in g in Jerusalem : w ith fish, th e v alley s w ith m edicinal herbage, the shall receive one volume gratia All Lettera muat be ad­
HE- WORLD TURNED UPSIDE DOWN, OR HEA dressed to John Taylor, poit paid, or they will aot recetre
dation, a n d t h a t p rofession b e a v a in one, was w hen th e L ord shall h av e w ashed aw av th e filth w oodlands w ith sp o n tan eou s fru it, wine, oil, and
calculated, in it s v e r y n a tu re , t h e m ore it o f th e d a u g h te rs o f Z ion , and shall h av e pu rged honey, for th e alim en t o f man.
T VEN ON EARTH. after tion.
Tbe material Universe is eternal —Immortal Man hat Q> Subscriptions for the “ Timesand Seasoas/’ and the
contem plated, th e m o re to arouse th e m in d to th e th e blood o f Je ru sa le m from th e m id st th e re o f by W h e n force begins, free ag e n cy ends. W h a t flesh and bone*.—Earth ia his Ever'aating Inhentaace.— •• Nauvoo Neighbor,** received at the Office ol the “ Pro
serio us consequences o f m o v in g h astily , in a th e sp irit o f ju d g m e n ts, an d by th e s p ir it o f b u r n - ! tr u th ca n be p 'lainer ‘ th a n this? y e t w ho believes TO thia bear all the Prephel* and Apoatle* witness. phet,** No. 7 Spruce street. N*w-York.
co urse f r a u g h t w ith e te rn a l realities. T o sa y in g ” Is. iv. 3, 4. T h e i r m o u rn in g shall a t once it? I will a d d i f we are n o t free agents, b u t ani- The Phyaical Worlda were not founded for anoihilatioo,
but for the p’eature of God they are aod were created. i TREATISE ON THE FULNESS OF THE EVER
h e w as rig h t, a n d still b e w ro ng , could n o t profit; be gen eral a n d particular. T h e praise o f th e R e - m al m achines, w ith o u t liberty o r will, we can no t fi. LISTIN G GOSPEL, Setting forth na lirst principles
an d am id so m a n y , some m u s t be b u il t u p o n th e deem er is, “A n a I w ill p o u r u p o n th e house o f ! be rew ardable for an anyy v irtu e , or punishable for
sand. Publiahed at the Milleonial Star Office, 35 Chapel street, promises, and blesainjjs. In which aorne of the rao*t pro-
D av id, an d u p o n th e in h a b ita n ts o f Je ru sa le m , a n y vice. B u t it is necessary n o t only to see, Liverpool, and for Sale at this Office. rniucnt feature* that hive ever charactenaed that aystero,
I n th is situ a tio n w here could h e go? I f h e w ent th e sp irit o f g rac e and o f supplications ; and th e y | b u t to o b ey th e tr u th . A s the good s p ir it can when oo the earth, sre made manifest; and that it willcom-
e s t a m e n t o f t h e t w e l v e ^ p a t r u r c h s . tinoe to do so, so long as ii can be found on the earib. By
to one h e w as told they w ere rig h t, a n d all o th e rs j shall look u p o n me w h om th e y h a v e pierced, and an d does hold u p th e lig h t o f tr u th before o u r in - T
w ere w rong— I f to an o th er, th e same w as h ea rd th e y shall m o u rn for H im as one m o u rn eth for tellectual eyes, b u t can no t see for us, so likewise, •rell-beloved Brother, Joho Albitsoo, Patriarch in ibe New-York, and for Sale at thia Office.
the Sooa of Jaceb, is most reepectfally dedicated to roy E der Mo*e*Martin, Mimater of the Gospel. I ubhahed in
____ __
fro m th o s e '. A ll professed to b e th e tru e ch u rc h ; h is only son, an d shall be in b itterness for H im . i even i f we do see the tr u th , wo m u st obey i t for Courch of Latter Day Saints-. Aa a token of respect and
a n d i f n o t, th e y were ce rta in ly h y p o critica l, ■ be* as one t h a t i* in b ittern ess for his first-born. In I ourselves; h e c a n n o t d o i t for u s ; th e th in g is im- '»teem for hia aervicea and unwearied zeal in the cause ol I T H I : DIFFUSION OF TRUTH,’* «re rvquested rp H E SHARK HOLDERS OF THE •*SOCIETY FOR
‘iod io thia the Eveaing of Time. By his Brother in to
cause, i f I am p rese n ted w ith a sy ste m o f religion, th a t d a y shall there be a g rea t m o u rn in g in Je ru sa - possible. G o d h a s m ade m y m o u th , b u t no can- ..ay io their firat instalment immed siely at their office,
a n d e n q u ire o r m y te ac h er w h eth e r i t is correct, lem , a s th e m o u rn in g o f H ad a d rira m o n in th e val- not e a t fo r me, he h as g iv e n m e corporeal and in- Publiahed at No. * Chureh it., Mancheater. For Sale 7 Sjruce-Street.
a n d he in fo rm s m e th a t h e is n o t certain , h e ac ­ le y o f M egiddon, (where, o n th o d ea th o f good k in g j tellectual eyes an d ears, b u t h e can n eith er hear at the^Prophet Office^____________________ B yordcrof.heB oud,
k n o w ledg es a t once th a t h e i s teach in g w ith o u t Josiah, all J u d a h an d Jeru salem made groat la m e * , » o r see fo r me; i f h e did, th e rea so n in g w ould be OOK AND JOB WORK, Done neatly ancfExpeditious-
a u th o rity , a n d a c tin g w ith o u t a commission! n ta tio n , 2 C h ro n . x x xv . 24, 25.] A n d th e la n d | h is own, a n d n o t m ine. H e e x h ib its th e n a tu ra l B ly by E. J. BEVIN, at No. 7 Spruce-at. New-York. M .y 33d. •'
r*xtU£> **L OiUAt. _ $ * _ «- « - JC - «- JK I * - r H E T R i V E X X t t t e P U ttW C
T J O N E S A C<>, 19 Pm.* end 15 Naa«eu sweat.
S . arc now offering the following vecy de*irao.e good, m
roil sale n*__
;'i & ^ ^ * 8 * ifife i f c ? ;
-tots to aus* purchaser*. *»* — * Cr S. FO W LE R , N E W - Y O K K &, H A V R E P A C K E T S . jljfe a M C = S = ^ M E
Cloth and Ceaennere*, of different styles to d *hade*. N IO N L I N E —T o » i l from N ew York on the 8!h •; AHD.
t3 l ,Va>*. c S t .,NY.
Bwtvere a„,T PiTSU. low priced *o very -soperx* * w t a ' ^ i T g ^ g g g g g s a r o i s a g s i
F 0 W L F .I4 S T R K - *Dd 24ifTof e v e r y ^ o m h , W f o f b w n v t t r |G r i a i R r i t t i « *

F e rja a o n '., and wrer*] AmorioMj
n c \l. ™ k e n
O i y .A W o rk whici ARGO.
From N. York. From H -vre
March 8 April 21
\ tX^ \ r ^ one o l w hich w illle a te Liverpool o a th e 1st, Gib, j
el ships,
I lih . 10th, 2 ls t and 26th o f each month-
Prints— Low Phflad and super Madders b*H v w W o eight C . A nthony, J r ., ^ July 8 Aug. *4 f Patrick Henry, Hew York, Sheridan,
M de U m c . M d C ra p . M de I ^ . n f . - N . w r t , l e . yeam before the pub ( Nov. 8 Dec. *24 } Virftiniso, Liverpool, Cambridge,
M e r in o . » nd A lp a le a . ; M o ie a k m * « » d C ° ™ » he, so lhat its m eriu May 1 | Moocexnma, Stddens, G eorge W ashington

• re allowed to speak F R A N C O IS la t# £ March 10
V d . e i , n d V .lveleeii. : Red P . d d i o » —3 4 .fid 6-4 Sept. 1 lloiiiogner, Colombna, U nited States,
for ihcrotelves. A insw onh, < July 10
Ker.tnek? J « n e . of .11 lb« d.ffereoi color. ! Roscius, Ashburton, E ngland,
T H E AM ERICAN ( N o v . 10 Jan. 1
Koll’d Jaeoneti. end col'd eam bne. Europe, Sts pken Whitney, Rochester,
Apron and fornitore Cheeks PH R EN O L O G IC A L B URG UND Y. i March 24 May 8 G arrick,
J j o l y 24 Sept. 8 ludep tn d e tc e , Yorkshire,
W oolen Shawl.—All • * * » and q a .litie . JO U R N A L . D. Lines, Sam uri Hicks, Q oeen o f the^W e*, Oxford. r a $ 4 .
Silk in d Coiion pocket Hdkf* Devoted exeloaivel> (N o v . S4 Jan. 8 Cenifieacea of passage can be obtained, t a d every inror-
Ijn e n «0d Imitation: L C H d k h I to tbe expovition anc F.MERALD. i Apnl 8 May 21 macion will be given co those sending for their friends, on
Btookei W hitney Mill.. H ow , Kad.e.1 defence of Phreoolo Howe, < Aug. 8 •Sept.21 application at e n b e r o f our offices. . . POBLI3UKO A N D FOR »A L K , W H O L E SA L E A N *
Duffl », Bath «nd Cradle . ■ f . „ ?$T 1 , . (D e c . 8 Ja n i 24 T hey will also be prepsred on ihe opening of navigalion, R E T A IL , * Y T H E SUBSCRIBER A T T H E
Q o ilu »od CoonlerptM *; CMnbriei of diffnent width. . , 0<) 0( ilto kindred *aie»e« ol PhyMofogy nnd Magneturo 18 t o forward p a n e n g tr s and their luggage to Albany and
Ja c o n c tu , do d o ; C.mbrick .n d fnrnitor. Dim ilJ# ! „ f .r « . ihey c«n bear o a U ; embracing ihe cleared, u te RHONE.
J. A. W otton, 10 Oct. 1 T roy, and via E rie c a a a f to Buffalo, t n d a f t ratenaediata “ CLINTON HAM j BOOKSTORE,”
Fancy check .trip e and plain Moaline ! yet Ihe mo»l condenaed aad alao p r .c d c a l n e w ol Pbrenol- }(D $e c .' 16 F ‘>b. 1 places. CORNI'. 11 OF NASSAU ,ANI> XEEKMAN STRKKT^'
P ettic o ita , Robea aod Skirta "gy and iia bearing, on healih, happiaera, Tinae, religion, T o all port# of the Upper Lakes.
Engli.h and American long C lolh. homan im prow m enl, and ihe r t f o n n , now io progreP, an, V IL L E D E LYON, April 24 Juno 8 L THE 3BCOND,SEB!ES OP THE ;
Via Oswego lo T o ro n to , P o rt H ope, Cobnrg, Kingston,
------------------------------- —— — ----------- where lo be foand. M<mlbly, U o r 32 paera. »i »1 per C . Stoddard, 1 Aug. 554 O d. 8 PICTOBUt IIIBSTBATIOJIS OF THE
Feb. 8 aftd all parts o f C sn s d s West.
C O N O M Y IS W E A L T H , F « * « t i ! i . - H u n i » im- ye#f or lhree Co p ie .$ U ;f i» e copiea for S 3 ; nine cop- C Doc. 24
E prored Patent Napoleon Boot Sole.. Tapa. &e.^ ■ { - j
manufactured by H. B . R U G O L ES . 60 Gold street,
cr ,w ralJ copiea for $10. In all caiea m ALBANY,
\ o*r
June 24
Oct. 24
From T roy via W h itehall to M ontreal and Q nebec, Ca-
nada E ast v ia Ohio Canal from Cleveland to Portsmouth,
W atson, Cincinnati, and*intermediate placee. *
Yo»k.— Country Merchant*, Shoo Dealer* and other* w u n g
the City of N ew York s r s incited to call at the abovo estab­ EDUCATION AND SELF-IM PROVENFNT. PHYSICAL
isr- 8 Feb.24
July 1
South W eat via Philadelphia to P itu b n rg , Cincinnati,
Loniiville, and all porta oo the Ohio R iv e i t o $<• Louis,
lishment and aecure amona their moat profitable purchases s M ORAL, A N D I N T E L L E T U A L : S Y L V E D E GRASSE. ( J t ' y 16 Mo ; and to all parts o f Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois,
L . Weiderholdt, 16 N ov. I
sopply o f Hunt's improved Napoleon 8oles, which ero w a r-! Foeoded on Phreaotogy and Physiology: or, Gcoi> and Wisconsin Territory 1 Naw »o4 U s s t m Wo.k/w.iH a . p l e ^ y - a a f r a w ! Title a»l
ranted a saving to the consumer o f more than 'fifty H eads ajvd Bodies, and how to make them good, both id ) 2 T 16 March I Frt-oJsptsc* fc»« C uaw <a»^dss(««t-./W a;nlas|e.cartstos K0
R E M IT T A N C E S . Uattrition* <4 f)*M« ani OOfi
cent,’ over tho common arucle, for both c o a n e and E children aod ooe*iaelf, byahowiog how to enlarge the de­ L O U IS P H I L L I P P E , \ May 24 July 8
F o r th e accommodation o f persona wishing lo send mo­
Bool*, Ac. fective, and diminish ihe eiceaaive ; including ihe more J. Castoff, \ 6 e p t. 24 Nov. 8
ney to their frienda in ihe Old Country, H A R N D E N Sc
Mr. Hunt's improvement conaiaU in the introduction of training aod government o f children, withoat the rod ( Jan. 524 March 8 CO. will give Drafts on sn y part o f E ngland, Scotland, or
screw rivets inserted in rowa in aaid aolea, inateed o f plain Thia work expounding the principal law aof virtue, o r con- D U C H E SS D ’O R L E A N S , ( June 8 Julv 24 Ireland, payable at sight, for sums o f £ 1 , £ 5 , £ 2 0 , to
pluga as patented by Mr. Juriacb, in France. Thi* raanu- d iiioie o f happinew, and ahowa how to fulfil them. A . Richardson, \ Oct. 8 Nov. 24 jElOO-or to a n y am ount to soil th e purchaser.
n . T b s F i r « t S s s i x s o f th e f* rK ? T O lllto .''ttL U S T R A T 1 0 N *
factory, the only one in the world o f the kind, i* operated IN T E L L E C T U A L IM P R O V E M E N T ; (F eb . 8 Mar. 24 ,F THE BMI.B,” . g £ j
O F FIC E S A N D A G E N T 8. « « r soU r« tea montbs.
wholly by new aod ingeniooa machinery propelled by ateam Or, how co C i t l t i v a t x n t ic M u o n r ; E x p a n d a u d f June 16 Aug. 1 Charles Craft, 120 S ta te street, Boeton. M h o * lbs
S t h i n g t x n t h e I n t e l l e c t , and cooduct ihe in^I W . C . Thompson, < Oct. 16 Dec. 1 B. W - W heeler. Union-Building, Providence, R . I.
^>° Wer R. P. R U G G L E S , Proprietor,
60 Gold atreet, between Fulton and Btekman.
lectual education of children ; in w hich ia pointed out a
new aod more excellent way to intellectual aiiainroenia
( F e b . 16 April I J . W Mills, 3 W all ferect, a n d 16 Front street, N ew LOMOOMRCTOBIALBILE.
IOW A, June 24 A ug. 8 III. A TaUafela Mtifl ws*k« (at Pr«j#aM.|br.U».jwiSf sad
N B The public are cautioned to observe that the artielos than oor common *ch»ols and seats of learning now fur-
are stamped H unt's P a ten t Screw Riveta A ug 17th 1843— nish— a work of gr^at value and importance to parents, W . W Pell, 5 Oct. 24
Feb. 24
Dec. 8
April 8
Y° £ o . H ow ard, 43 Sooth T h ird atreet, Philadelphia.
Sandford ic Shoem aker, 7 L ig h t street, Baltimore, M d.
as manv are making “ ’
aolea ’-1 -------
with amooth “ *wire
'• “ibich
m e ta teachers, and all w ho know how to improve their Pittsburgh, P a.
are liable to drop out. _______ intellects.
H R O N O M E T E R S .— Thesubscribcrs continue to man H E R E D IT A R Y D E SC E N T ; IT S L A W S AND P A C T S *£§}> * £ !§ }
L. 8 . Littlejohn, 11 E xchange, Albany, N . Y.
S. Clark, 139 R iver atreet, Tiroy, N . Y.
C ufaciuro Marine Chronometers, which are guaranteed Or, the Transmission o f Qualities. Physical, Intllectual, OLD E S T A B L I S H E D W . A . C ook, Syracuse, N. Y.
U tica, N . Y. ' Tbia work Has W a favorsKly aUiead aadAMrhly rscomarwVd by
sha New Y«k 01-#rt*r, Naw York Era*jg»list,*ChastiaQ latallffaaear,
Baptlat -Advfteata. aad oihsr rallfioaa f p s n .
to b e equal and in many reej>ects auperior to those import­ and Moral, from parents to their offsprings, through suc­
R ochester, N. Y. IV. AaMber uacfol UuU. vohuaa for: yoong parapaa aad Sabbath
ed. T h e price of the aame ja also much lower lhan they cessive generations ; including direciiona for forming such PA SSA G E O F FIC E ,
W . H Cook, BoffaTo, N Y . School*. oatitM,
have ever been offered. Chronometers t o loan. Chronom­ matrimonial alliancea aa will secure whatever qualities io 100 Pine-street, corner ofSouth-street
eters properly repaired and rated by tranait observations. children m ay be d e sire d ; with hints to mothera during H . Fi.'zhugh 6c C o ., Oiwego, N . Y.
pregnancy—a work which every young married pair T h e Subscriber begs leave to call the attention o f his m !3 t f HARNDEN CO.
B L ISS & C R E IG H T O N , 42 Fulton s t , N . Y.
and gfl Merchant** Exchange. Boston. should poaseM ; aa indeed should all who design to form friends and the public in general, to the following arrange,
the matrimonial relations T o ijn protc mankind, we must m ents for 1844, for the purpose o f bringing out Cabin,
SPR IN G A R R A N G E M E N T — 1844.
ARM S F O R S A L E — Valuable Farms for sale in ibe begin with the g e r m *ilh splwdWlr-anravtd aad printad iHustratw , t ? t r * . 19mo.
Education bestowed upon a good Second Cabin, and Steerage Passengers by the following I n P a * a s, au>l will ba pobUaba-l on th* (bat Da«a*ib«n *a a atyla
neighborhood o f Geneva, Batavia, Buffalo, Hamburgh, physical and moral basis, will be vastly more productive
W ales. 6lc , in this State. tban that expended upon a barren soil. Longenough have V E R PO O L .
Likowise on Long Island. IM P O R T A N T T O S O U T H E E N T R A V E L L E R S . tratias*. / v " *•- - *
parentsslept over this subject. W alker's attempted eluci Ships* Csptains. Days o f 8ailing from
Thev will bo aold for caah o r a part bond and mortgage, dstion o f it, was a comparative failure. Jo this work it T h e R a i l R o a d B r id g e a t t h e R o a n o k e c o m p le te d , IO* All th* aVw. books ata/<mad t^ b^valeaWa
sod some in exchange for unincumbered city properly. Names. New'-York. O N T H E G R E A T S O U T H E R N M A IL R O U T E , bath School Mid r-l.fious I.ibr.rioa, »n-J U r Ox* most OMful and saKaUa
i« crested—as none but a practical Phrenologist cam treat G. W ashington Burrows, Ju n e 7 O ct 7 F e b . 8 Gift Booka f »c UutKl.v Praaeau »ow pabllahad. Taaebara aad IV
Applv at No. 30 Pine street, back-office, over the Bank ii—ciENTmcALLY : a vast many most importsnt principles V ia W a s h i n g t o n C i t y , R ich m o n d . P j c t e r s b u x g a n d ranta am iatitad tocsll and azamiae |ka*f fleata. . ; v
United Stales Briiton, Aug. 1 Dec. 1 April 1
Coffee Hooac._______ _______ __ ______________ _______ being staled, and all supported t y a mass of facts absolute- 8kiddy. W eld o n , a n d t h e o n ly D a ily Ia n * t o Alao. for aal« aa abort, “ THE CURISTUtf l U W / coat-tm
Gerrick •V 13 M 13 •• 13 lag 61 osmpl*ta WotU of 8uadaol Thaoloty, i l tba Wm pnea of tmehs
S i e m e n s i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n y . No. 47 w aii ly overwhelming A m o « useful work, and a rare inte 4ec C h a r le s to n , S O , d i r e c t t o N ew O rle an s.
Patrick Henry, Delano, u 9$ “ . 2 5 •• 25 Osflsts* - . ->■ a i ’*•> « '|j » • o'
atreet. comer o f Hanover atreet, inaure sgsinst foea or tual treat—p.p 270. and a genealogical table with blank Sheffield, Allen, Sept. 1 Ja n . 1 M ay 1 (24 Hours in advance o f th e Bay L ine )
Alao, “ THE AMERICAN FAMILY MAGAZINE,->' eesppleto in
damage by fire at premiums reduced, commensurate to the paper, for recording family likenesses Roscius, Collins, M 13 M
M 13 “ 13. ’ T R A V E L L E R S going South a re informed that th e con­ Avals.', illixstraiod witb 1000 Amarfcau Setaary, Hia
increased facilities* or the extinguishment of fires. PH REN O L O G Y A P P L IE D TO MATRIMONY. Independence, N ye, •4 25 **«4 25 •« 25 nexion betw een the Petersburg and W ilm ington Railroads lory, Naton.1 Uitwry, &<„ Ac, B.|bI far W m DoUrne.
1ACOB D R A K E . President. Or to the selection o f C NttENIALCOMAPNIONS FOR LtTE Virginian, Allen, Oct, 1 Feb. 1 June 1 at W eldon, including th e Pecereburg Com pany's Bridge st • Also, the “ BEAUTIES OF REV. JOHN WfiSLEY.Itwith a Me
•Niel Gray. Sec'v.___________ •________________£ including direction* to the married, tor Jiving together a) S Cobb, 44 y j •* f a m i a iH# R oaooko ia completed, so th s t travellers going Sooth moitof h.. Life. I vol. l8mo.
Ashborton, Hortleston, 41 25 *• 55 •* 25 by the G reat Mail Rotf&, via W ashington. iiicnmwoJ aoo ATT , -v - - ......... ...i f Tbablofte*!,
A T IO N A L F I R E IN S U R A N C E C O M PA N Y .— f^ct'onstely and h«ppily T he cautions il adminiatera to
N Offl. c N o 49 W -ll street.
D IR E C T O R S .
the young ; the hinta u fornish** in regard to conducting
courtship, as well aa i>a scientific expnpiiion o f m an's so
S-bph’n W hitney Thompson, Nov. 1 M a r. 1 Jnly 1
Sheridan, . Depeyster, 44 13 •a 1 3 44 13
Petersburg, will be transferred at W eldon immediately
irom the cars o f tbe Petersburg to those of the Wilmington
s s a t e ’K sn s& stf ^ “ “
--------- :-------- I------------------------------------ :— a-------—----------
c « l naturr and relation*, a* well «s o llh e laws that govern f T he Provincial Bank, and branches, Railroad Com pany, thereby ridding ihe G re a t M ail route
John Brouwer, Samuel S. Doughty, o f ita only exceptionable feature, whilst It is equally cheap, fcP L E B fD ID N A T IO N A t W O R K
W m G. Ward, Juhn F Mackie, *hem, render it most interesting and mot>t useful. IRELA ND. S T he Ulsier Bank, do.
} The National B ank, do. and for ex p ed itio n , sec u rity a n d c e r t a in t y , it has JU S T C O M P L E T E D IN B VO LUM ES.
Stephen Holt, J«*hr. Newhouse, NA TURAL R E L IG IO N »
All Drafca payable at sight, a t e ith e r o f the obove banka g re at advantages over the d s y line.
Pntlip VV. Enga, Marcus Spring, Or, T he N a t u r a l T h e o r y o f Phrenology; ita aspect
W m . S. Slocum. Jacoh Miller, oo revelation, and its general harmony with it ; inc’udiog their branches or sgencies. T he following unrivalled schedules a re now ra n on this line. THE
W m W , Campbell, John F. B it'erworth, «n»wers to the objections, that Phrenology fivors Fatalism, ) Messrs. Spooner, Atwood & Co. bankers, F A S T M A IL L IN E .
JO H N B R O U W E R , Preaident. Materialism, and Infidelity, and ia opposed to a change ol ENGLAND, > London. A M E R IC A N F A M IL Y M A G A Z IN E
) P W . Byrnes, (c C o Liverpool. L eave N . Y . a t 0 A M Arrive ia Philadelphia a t 3 P M .
Jo«eph W . Savsge. Sec'y. h e a r t A W ork ia which the p r i m a r y e l e m e n t s of Leave P h ila a t 4 P M . arrive in Baltimore a t 1 A M. OP
In-ura >cn isken st (he lowest rates. mao’s moral nature are fully analyzed, nod therewith tbe Passengers can al>o be engsged from Liverpool to Phila-
delphis, Boston, and Baltimore, by th e regular packet Leave Balt, at 2 A.M. arrive i s W ashington a t 5 A.M.
A RD E N G R A V IN G & P R I N T I N G - C H E A P ES- reiigioua doctrine• u n z h t, and the duties required bv m an's L eave W ash, at 6 A M. arrive in Fred'ksburg. a t 11 A M. USEFUL AND ENTERTAINING KNOWLEDGE,
C T A B L IS H M E N T . Engraved csrds o f every descrip­
nature and constitution ; sectarianism accounced lor, and
exposed ; and che general tenor o f the Bible doctrines
ships, on application beiog m ade personally, o r by letter,
(poet paid, addreased to.
L eave Fred*kg at I I A M . arrive in R ich. Va. at 3 | P M
L eave R ich, a t 4 P M arrive in Petersburg , Va. 6 P M .
tion, such a s Visiting, at Home. Mercbsnt's, Mechanic's. JO S E P H M cM URRAY. BACH VOLUITB ItLDRTBATED WITH SETEB1L
unstained. Religien is aa m uch a science as mathamatica L save IVcers'g at 0 | P.M arrive in W ei. N O a t 1ft P-M.
Society, & c.. A c., furnished at short no*ice, cheap and ft is a a much g o rera td by fixed principles and immotable 100 Pine-sireer. corner o f 8oach-8t. . m o m E.VBBATIN8S!
punctnal, a t 110 Nassau st. A ll kiuds o f Plate Priming for lawt. Nor are these lawa beyond the ken o f man. They A G E N T 8.—In Pottsville, Benj. Bannnn, Esq. Leave WeJddb a t 2 A.M. arrive i n W iL ,N .C . at 2 P.M .
the trade aa well aa all others, executed cheap, neat and are written upon hia nature. In Lovell, R ich Welsh, Esq. * L eave Wil f at 2 P M . arrive in Charleacpn, S C . at 8 A M .
Phrenology unfolds that na­ Passengers by this L in e will reach Petersburg in seven­ Tho Publisher has lost completed this Ru^nlflcent series o f Votaress.
promptly, by 8 . G. S T E E L E , ture, and, there with, ihe whole code of doctrines depen­ In Albany, T Gough, Esq « J g o s y ^ M h e n i b o u n 4 1 n s o u or toy thestngle volume, In varteos
Plate Printer 116 Naasau atreet, In Toronto, U . C. Rogers & Thompson. teen hours, sn d CbsrIe*too, S C , in fifcy-two hours after
dent (hereon, and dutiea required thereby. leaving Baltimore, including all stoppsges, and have che
opposite tho Bible House, New-York. In N ew ark, John McColgan, E*q. T H IS W O P X CONTAINS
P H R EN O L O G Y A P P L IE D T O T E M P E R A N C E . In Utica, T bom aa M cQuade, E*o advantage o f avoiding any detention a t W eldon, o n tbe
O N T R O IS 'S L O T IO N , for softening, soothing, cleans­ R oanoke, one o f the most unhealthy place* i a th e southern
M ing and purifying tbe akin. T his waab refines the A scientific exposition o f the pbysi^logical effects o f al­
I also beg leave to «**are my friends and tbe public in
general. iha« the greatest punctuality will be observed in country, w here passengers by the Bay L ine, arriving as
3 ,0 0 0 E s r G x u L v x z r o a :
ILLUSTRATIVE OP t ! ' 1 ' ''
akin, imparting to it a fair soft appearance; it removes coholic liquors upon Che human constitution, and especial­ the vailing o f tb e above ships together w ith all others they always do, fourteen hours sfte r th e fast m ail Hoe uf
freckles and pimples, making tho skin a s clear and amooth ly upon the animal propenaities. It expoundssom ^P ajfc- which I may have, aod tnat passengers will experience no the sam d day, a re delayed ten hour* until that o f th e next AM ERICAN H ISTO R Y AND SCEN ERY ,
as any child's : it i t an eradicator o f all cutaneous emptiona, lological laws o f great intrinsic valne, •«ii applies ihem lo delay on their arrival a t th e different ports w here they
temperance w ith trem«odiotis effect. It has been regard­ Scriplare Illastratlonx— Kataral History—^Botaaj—
such aa Salt Rhesm , Scrofula or King'a Evil, and it ia a m ean to embark. DAY L IG H T L I N E , F O R .R IC H M O N D <fc P E T E R S ­
e d by m any aa the strongeat temperance dotum cnt put Amerleao Antiquities— Geology,
ccttain euro (or Scalds, Bum s, 6cc. T h is lotion is particu­ P . 8 —Fre e passage can also be secnard from the va­ BU R G , VA.
larly serviceable as an article for tho to ile t; no one should rious ports in Ire la n d and Scotland from w hich steam boats L eave N.Y. a t 5 P.M . arrive i a P hiladelphia at 11 P.M . *- / ' . . AND AN • Y,
be without it after shaving, aa it produces a cooling delight­ TIG H T-LA CIN G ; Or, Evils of compressing the Organs .M M E SSE V A R IE T Y OF M ISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS
run to Liverpool. L eave Phila. a t 6 | A M. arrive m B altim ore a t 2 P.M .
ful sensation subsequent to the use o f tho razor, o r being o f Animal Life. L eave Balt, a t 4 P .M . arriv e i a W ashington a t 6 P.M . F ro m origin a l Design* by em inent d r l i fi s ,
JO SE PH -M cM U R R A Y ,
exposed to the sun. It dispels heat and imparts a lively and In Press, and soon to be Published, a W o rk on 160 P>ne screet. N e w York. L eave W ash, a t 6 A.M . passing through Fredericksburg
agreeable hue to the akin. For aale wholcaale aod retail, at Gives drafts in sum s to suit applicanta and R ichm ond, and arriving in Petersburg, to sup, p a *
PHYSIOLOGY, A N IM A L A N D M E N T A L : fCT T he set will be supplied in plain Binding for $12 00
tho now commission store, No. 20 A n n - s t, New-York. _ ON T H E sing from Philadelphia to R ichm ond a a d Petersburg,
Or, th e effects of different organizations and conditions PR O V IN C IA L BAN K O F IR E LA N D . V a. by day light. “ u extra fi t 1 6 00
C A R D .—T he inhabitants of New York and ita vicin- Single Volumes 2 00
XAj L ityCi are respeclfuly infoimcd that every description of o f the body upon the character and mental manlfeatations; P A Y A R L E at Passengers by this line have th e advantage o f passing the
including health—its conditions, and the m eans o f pre* Cork, Bainbridge, evening and night in W ashington, and y e t reach Charles­ A liberal Discount allowed to those who buy to seU
now and second band BOOKS aro received and offered for serving and restoring it, without medicine,.and also d itt,
sale on the most ratisfaclory terms, at the New Book and regimens, habits, and their eftecta oa m ind, tec. T h e re­ Limerick, Ballymena, ton a s early a s those leaving Baltimore at th e sam e time again.
Periodical Depot, No. 20 A nn-st, two doors west of Naaaau ciprocal influences o f various phyaiological organizations Clonmel, Parsontowo, by tbe Bay L ine, these laat being obliged to lie over a l J . S RF.DFIELD
Individuals having any kind of Books which they may and manifestations upon ihe mind, ia a departm ent never Londonderry, Downpatick, W eldon untal their arrival.
Sligo, Cavan, fX y F o r further information and 44 through tickets'* ap­
wish to dispose of will find it advantageoua to call at thia es­ fully presented ;an d yet ita importance ia vastly underrated.

tablishment, aa ibe proprietor being fully aware of the sacri­ T he Author hopes Co present some principlea o f Physiolo­ W exford, • Lurgan, ply a t o u r Southern T ic k e t Office adjoining th e Baltimore no' 3 2 A n * s t r r e t , if. f .
fices that aro so frequently mado by selling Booka, & c. at gy vitally important, but usually overlooked. Belfast, Omagh, and Ohio R a il R o a d Office, P ra tt st., Baltimore. W E L L S & W E B B inform th e P rin te rs o f
W aterford, Dungannon, ST O C K TO N & FA LL . t h e U nited Statea, th a t i n addition to the
auction, proposes this plan for ihe accommodation of ihe pub­
Galway, ~3
Bandon, Southern T ravellers taking “ T hrough T ickets,” can m anufacture o f W ood T y p e, C u e s , Staods,
lic as a safer alternative. T H E PH R E N O L O G IC A L ALMANAC for 1840, 1S41,
All Books, & c. left for sale will bo freely advertised, and 18-12, 1S43, and 18-14, (1845 will sonn be published.) con- Enniskillen,
Kilrusb, stop aa lonff as they m ay desire a t W ashington, Richm ond
and Peteraburg, and reaurac their eeata.
M P F u rn itu re, Galleys, dec. 6cct, they have
opened a large W arehouse for th e sale o f N E W AN D
sold for the prico affixed by the owners, and paid for accor­ taining m any interesting and valuablo facta amply illuetrot-
ENGLAND. m l8 ] H . J . R O G E R S , T ic k e t Agent. SECO N D H A N D P R I N T I N G M A T E R IA L S , and every
dingly, (minus a trifling amount charged for comtr.ission) or ed with cuts, including likeneases. and short biographies,
returned without any oxpense whatover. Consignments o f distinguished men. T h e reading m atter o f the old AI S P O O N E R , A T W O O D te Co., Bankers, London. a rticle necessary for a P a n m N G O rrtost.
from Book*e!ler* meet with prompt attention at No. 20 Ann- manaca is aa good as it ever was, and w o n h m any times Payable in every town in Great Britain : T R j ^ 8 P O ^ A T T O N F O R CHICAGO, L A K E Y E R IE T h e y have no w on h and, and constantly receiving from
its cost— 26 cents per set. LAlCE O N TA R IO , P rinters and Stereotvpers, all kinds a n d sixes o f type, used
st., New-York._____ ___________ _____________ istf K E G U L A M A IL L I N E F O R P R O V ID E N C E AND V i a Osw ego. for N ew spaper, B ook and Jo b Printing, a s also all o th er
F I R S T P R E M IU M D A G U E R R E O T Y P E S ^ **• SU B SC R IB E R S to the M A G N E T can receive that BOSTON, reauisites for a Printing E stablishm ent. T h e y also lupply
W ork through our office. I t is now well conducted by P. T H E N E W YO RK . U T IC A AN D O S W E G O L IN E
LU.MBE'S Daguerrian Gallery o f Patent Premium Col­ P. Goon, 135 Fulton-Street. ,More about this W o rk e b e- VIA STONINGTON AND NEWPORT. O F L A K E BOATS will receive goods daily a t middle orders for new type, from every respectable Foundry in the
P ored Photographs, No. 251 Broadway, above Murray where. pier Coenties slip. N e w Y ork, lor any ports oo L ake
M ichigan, L a k e E rie, L ake Ontario, o r R iv e r St. L aw ­
U nion, a t ih e lowest manufpclorer’s prices.
Printers about escablisbiog themselves in businesa, o r
etroet, N ew York—awarded First Premium and Highest
Honor by American and Fraukiin Institutes, for the most 03* Editors who copy all o r either o f these advertise. rence. w ho wish to renew their fonts o f tjrpe, or exchange their
tmen:s, shall receive a copy o f the W o rk or W o rk s advcr- Composed ol the following superior Steam er*, running in N o transhipment betw een N e w York a n d Oswego. presses, o r other m aterials for o th er ST ieeo> kinds, will find
beautiful colored Daguerreotype* over exhibited.
connection with the Stonington, and Boston and
“ Professor Plumbe, ihe * American Daguorre,' whose jised— they sending a paper (m arked) containing ihe same, Providence Railroads:
T h is line is composed o f the first class o f L i k e boats, and it greatly to their advantage w call o a th e m before
o the Am. P h rcn, Journal Office. is connscled rft O jw ego w ith the log elsew here, s s they will alw ays have on h and, m ost o f
fame aa the first Photographer in iho world, isVamiliar not T h e M A SSA C H U S E T T S, Captain Comstock, C h ic a go L i n e o r S t e a m P r o p e l l e r s , iho leading articles, second h a n d , answ ering nearly o r
only here bui in Europe, and whoae laurels have recently R H O D E ISL A N D , •• T h ay e r,
“KNOW THYSELF.” with a L ine o f F i i t e e n S c h o o n e r s , running to port* on quite as well os n e w , and a l a saving o f from 25 to 50 per
been increased by the public testimony of tho American and NARRAGANSETT, “ W oolscy. L a k e E r i e ; and w ith the new and elegant aceamboata Lady cent.
Franklin In»tiiutcs, declaring his coiorcd Photographs tho A D M IT TA N C E F R E E M O H EG A N ,
inosl beautiful ever exhibited, haa, from a liberal desire to ofth e L a k e and R ochester, running on L a k e Ontario and T h ey k e e p constantly on han d a supply o f P rin tin g Ink,
TO daily, Sunday* excepted, from Battery Place, pier N o. 1, iho river S t . Lawrence. o f P r o u t aud M sther's m anufacture, from th e cheapeai to
place hia aupcrb portraits within tho reach of all, iuat re­ N . River.
duced bis terms to the lowest rates of the most indifferent
F O W L E R S P H R E N O L O G IC A L C A B IN E T T h is line is also connected with a line o f l>oate on the finest quality ; also c d o r e d Inks o f every description
ARRANGEM ENTS. W abash Canal and Ohio Canal, forming a n unbroken com ­ W . & W . are the Sole Agents for th e N orthern, Middle
ar;iata in the city. W o advise all to examine his fine gallery IN CL IN T O N H A L L , No. 131 NASSAU S T R E E T .
T h e M A SSA C H U S ET T S, Capt. Com stock, oa Mon­ m unication from New York to Lafayette, Iadiana, and from and W este rn Ststes and C anada, for ih e sale o f K N E E -
of specimens, which tho world cannot oqual, 251 Broadway.” days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6 o ’clock, P . M.
E N T L E M E N A N D L A D IE S , w ho m ay desire lo b e - L A N D 'S P A T E N T C A R D P R IN T IN G E N G IN E , w hich
— New York Express. G come betier acquainted with themaelves,— their true
Pi umbo's Premium snd German Apparatus, and Instruc­ natural endowment*, for natural, moral, and intelectual
T h e R H O D E ISLAN D, Captain T h ay e r, on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays, at 5 o'clock, P . M.
N ew York to Portsm outh, Ohio.
Shipm ents by this line a re insured to Oswego, and on we believe to be e q u al if n o t superior to a ajf M achine Presa
the W abash Oanal only, except by special contract. yet invented. W e feel confident that a trial o f the above
tion Plates, Cases, & c., at lowest rates. enjoyments o r improvement, are re*peccfo!ly informed, Passengers on ihe arrival o f che scesmer at Stonington, Press will give the m ost entire satisfaction
P ro pr ieto r * a n d A g e n t s .
W . & W . H. L E W IS ’ ~~~~ chat a favorable opportunity is at all lime* freely given at will be imm ediately forwerded in th e splendid and com B RONSON & C R O C K E R ,. ) n T h e y arc also Agents for th e sale Koverm an’a E nsm ell-
the above cabinet. modious Cars o f th e Railroada to Providence and Boeton. D O O L IT T L E . M ILLS, te CO. < ed a n d P e a r l Surface Cards, w hich they will sell a a low as
D A G U E R R E O T Y PE ROOM S, T he above ateamera have, been Thoroughly equipped, and c a n b e purchased in the city
Although Mr. Fow ler himself will be absent from the F A R W E L L <3e H A R R IN G T O N , Utic a .
iYo. 142 C ha tha m street, opposite th e Chatham Theatre. city for a short tim e, every attention will be cheerfully prepared to promote celerity of travel, an£ the comfort and R O S S IT E R Sc R H E P P E R D ; T r oy , T h e y still continue to m anufscture, and are generally
" T T T H E R R T.ikeneaaea are. taken in th e beat atvlo o f the rendered by ogent M r. S. R . W E L L S , whose publick security o f passengers, and not surpassed by any in the W . 8 . R 0 3 S 1 T E R , 23 Coenties Slip, N . Y. * supplied with all sixes o f their W ood T y p e , o f w hich they
VY art, at prices from $1,50 to $5, including caso or oouuie teai exaiinaaimus exmuinauouB na«u im«c aocofdod
dCCO>«j«.'u .o psrfcc:!)* w i:h U nifM States, W estern Aoents. a re th e original m anufacturers, a n d w hich still m aintains its
frame In gold plated lockets, from 3 dollar* to 5,60 each. chose o f Mr. Fow ler, that overy confidence m ay bo repos- j F o r passage, o r freight, which is taken at very reduced P e a s e 6 c A l l e n . Cleveland, Ohio, reputation fur e u p c n u m / u*cx a ll vviupM»M« ouu uusmpi.
I f colored, from 2 5 to 60 cents exits. ed in his professional ability as a delineator o f character. • rate*, apply on board at north side o f pier No. 1, No. 22 C u a 's H o w a r d & Co T oledo, O 6c 'D etroit, M ich. ed imitators.
Instroclions carefully givdn if* ihoso who wish to loam Subscriptions for the American Phrenolocical Jo u rn a l re I Broadway, o r office o f Sami. Devcay, freight ogent, on tho T h e r o r P a k d e k , Chicago, 111. Publishers o f N ew spapers in t b e I f S and Canada
th e art. Terms moderate. ceived, orders for BOOKS and BUSTS will be punctualy wharf. HtrrcHOisojv, W h e e l e r , 6c Co. Southport, W isc’n. giving ihe above three inser'.iona by the first o f July next*,
Apparatus. Chemicala, Plates, Cases, aud every article attended to. [m l8 :c T ickets for th e route, and steam er’s berths, can be se- m l8 :c ] and sendiog us one copy o f thefr paper containing it will
i -----— ■■■_______ — — ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —-----— • cured on board, or at ihe office o f H am den Co.
be 3 to the paym ent o fihf i h e iy
i y bills on
on oarchaJnfr
pnrchaaing fm.r
used in the Daguerreotype art. for sale.
pfctnrea taken in clear, cIo«idy, or slormy weather. L 1 G H T N IN G R O D S.— T h e public is reancctfully in -; Wall street.
formed, that Quimby's Lightning Conductors for the
r p M E following ■rrorhn are for sale at th s P ro p h e t officc, tim ea th e am ount,

ft • * ZJ* T b e steam boat IOLAS, is now running daily between JL No. 7 Spruce Street, vix:— M ew -Y ork, M ay 19, 1844, fm l8 :c .
OTANIC MEDICINE caisblishmsnt,No. 170, Canal' Pro*ccl,on buildings against lightning, can be obtained on Providence and Newport. % P. P . Pratts R eply to L eroy Sunderland.
B .............. .. . ^
street. New-York. S D/Trsll, general Agent for the 1PP*,ftll0nJ 0 h.'m* h'» office, lal h ulton street. All or- A steam er is now preparing lor th e accommodation ofthe Synopsis o f th e Bible, by B. W inchester.
C H E A P Cloih Store—N oies 6c M orris have in store re­
ceived from suction aod other sources, a large assort­
aale of Shaker's Herbs, Roois, Barks, Seeds, and Extracts 1l cr* frora lhc oric‘>u™,v. will be promptly attended lo. N ew port travel, w hich will shortly m ake the connection Gospel Reflector. H istory o f the Priesthood.
Dealers supplied at iho regular discount. A general assort- 1 he Pr,cc 14 roduc^ «* conlonmty with tho tiae*. regularly betw een that place and Stoniogton. Millennium Poems. m ent of goods suitaole for gentlemen's wear, consisting in
mont Of Vegetable Preparations, including those recommen- \ He helicvca ihat a single ordinary lightning rod is inad- j X T A R T PO R I) pTrF Index to the Book of Morm on, 2nd. Edition. nsrt of * v ............... *
ded by Dr» Tnotnpson, Howard, Hersey, Beach, Smilh, equate, under certain circumstances, lo protect, even amall | H c IN S U R A N C E C OM PAN Y.— Address to ihe People o f the U nited States. W e s t o f England, French snd Am erican wool black, blue
Matiaon, and others. bull,lings. Ho was led to thi* opinion on carefully I 7r . ,fC ,n#ufanc0 01 ibo lo.vcst rate* by tho Hartford Gospel Light, No. 2. brown, invisible green, mixed cloths *
---- -------------------r r — rr: ----------------------- *!lho a«d operations of the electric fluid, inxonncction i t,rc ln>uranc0 Company.— (Inc orporaied 1810—charter Correspondence, in Pam phlet form, betw een J O S E P H Wool black, blue snd fancy cassimeres, in great variety
FIRST PRFM1UM. ; with personally cxammtng ua practical results, as oxhibited I ) . . . S M IT H , T H E P R O P H E T , and Col. JO H N W E N T - Satinets, all colors
W h o l e s a l e a n d R e t a i l S t r a w H a t M a n u f a c t o r y , j m houM, barns, churchea, dtc , that had been damaged by . g established and well known institution, havin W O R T H , E d ito r o f “ The Chicago Democrat," and Mem­ Scarlet and cadet mixed d o t h ; bufT cassimero
%No 0*i Bowery. lightning, although furnished with lightning tod^. j bccn ,n tct,vc °P°ral,0n upwards of thtriy years, continues ber o f Congress f r r m Illin o is; Gen JA M E S A R L IN G ­ Black and blue beaver and pilot cloths
THE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to announce Co j To buildings not inoic than 25 feel long, he alwas affixes ! I w Z A r n T n ^ i r T ^ merchandise, and every T O N B E N N E T , O f A rlington House, L o n g Island, and Silk snd tabby v e lv e ts; giraffe cloths
3 j j g . h “ u d i r . ot S e w York .ha. he b » o a h . Dd a , ’ . « o r o d . ; .0 l.rg c , b»,ld.,.g.. a g r o . u nmnber. ' l - J onum n u " 1 the most favorable terms. ° r b’ 6 ,e ‘ on the Honorable JO H N C. CALHO UN, Senator fr o m South Velveteens ; silk and Verona serge* .
lar^K au assortm ent o f S traw Goods as ever has been offer­ bor of rods necessary to insure protection, and iheir proper Carolina In w hich ii given, a sketch o f the Life of Joseph Merinos and Ca*hmcre vestings
ed in the city, comprising a choice selection of N 'tp u liia n position, depend •p« on the size snd form of the builtfing, the JOHN NEILSON, Jr., Agent, 55 Wall st. Sm ith, the rise and progress o f ibe. Church o f L A T T E R Brown Hollands, bindings and cords
T iu c a n , and all kinds of S tra w Hats. location of the chimneys, the position and DAY SA IN T S, and their P E R S E C U T IO N S by the State Bombazine lustrings, goat’s hair camblets
U :Kht o f neigh- T J EA.VY S H E E T I N G S —500 b a l e —among which *ro j of M I S S O U R I w iih ihe pccuU.TvTeVa o f Joseph Smith.
Braids of all kinds for sale by th e piece. i boring objects, 6cc. A c. Buildu ps arc diilcrenily situ ated_____ Twilled fl.mirU, plaid lin in g ., t o g e l W w ith a complole
“ r£ Mills, Indian Heads, L iurenco C , Cabot A in relation to Political and Religious Religioua mattsrj
H ats cleaned and altered. j and very diflcicnlly lo
; and lho rod. require vary : Shavvmul C, Premium, 'Ind aV __aw _ T sio u U . For aale by which is added o cone'ue account o f m atters generally: to; a aio rtm .n t o f uunm m ga for .a le in q o .n .itie . to .uilp u .c h a -
the present stale and '
THOS. YOUNG. i m ihcir application according lo circumstanccs. * HUNT BROTHERS .e r. at the lowest market price., a t their . t o , . N o 143
BROTHERS, 18 18 Exchi
Exchango Place. prospects o f the CITY O F NAUVOO. 1 C ba t o n st. opposite Chatham T heatre.
board per d ie m ; (except Sundays,) that u more th a n th e
VOL. I.—NO. I1 m e n u for the benefit and c o n v e n i e n c e of the whole com-
u n d .r tbe full tide unsuccessful experiment, g'ves the Mlow farmer gets, and h e a v e s W s d y . C u rta d the offices o j
ing commendatory assuranco of th e efficiency of tbo m gn
m u nity and the com m unities'of which it is composed, no ch a rta to answer its great end and a im . T o p t o t .c t t h e jvernment in pay, number, and power,Tor the P hilistine
T H I S 'l P A P E R the fords have shorn lorn our nation o f its goodly locks in the U p o f
BY t h e B O A R D OP X O N T H O L OFA Ju a D 'AV M O RNING . AT “o u n d o f a rebellionan South C arolin a; no people in their rights. “ Such, th .n , « t h . h 'p p y go” ^
Island : no mob in Missouri expelling her citizens by ex ” ment under which wo liv e ; a g o v e r n m e n t ndequaw to Delilah. , - k
DIFFUSIO N OF T R U T H , fc' y OUK. A T O NE COLLAR Pk*R " Petition your state legislaturesb to to pardon
pardon overy
overy convict
tive a u th o rity ; corruption m the ballot boxes, a “ .v e r y purpose for which tho social compact isfoirm ed, a in their several rp^en n ita
itenn tia tie s : 'blessing
tiaries: them as they g(
•blessing^them go,
warfare between Ohio and M ichigan : h ard times and d s- « governm ent elective in all i t s b r a n c h e s , u n d er wh h o v .ry
tress- outbreak upon outbreak in the prmciplo cities, m ur and saying to thom ip th e name o f th e 0 0 J 11
P R O P H E T , P o » t P * lD; h Ixrd by the Po»t Office department, to “ citizen may. by his m erit, obtain the highest tr u s t recog and sin no more. Advise y o u r legislators when they m ake
d « robbery, t J defalcation, scarcity of m o n e y , and a “ nized h v the /o n stitu tio n ; which ^ n t a m s w .thin n
thousand other difficulties, would have torn asunder the laws for larceny, burglary or any felony, to make the P ^ 1® *
“ cause o f discord; none to p u t at v anan ce one jM rU oi . r ty applicable to work upon roads, public works, or a n y pla
bounds of tho union : destroyed the confidence of m an with “ th . com m unity with a n o th e r; a government which protects where the culprit can be ta u g h t more wisdom and more vir-
Sa^^cri^er* tt»n»eat _ forwirdpd, to tto td m utake*. as there _ n . n n 4 ieft the creat body of tho people to m ourn o \eer “ every citizen in the full enjoym ent o f h ts n g s, .
in tu o ; and become more enlightened. R ig o r and se clu sio n -
* * '£ ? « " P“ 0m “ * " misfortunes in pov.rty, brought on h y corrupt!£S“ [aU0”The ‘ “ able to protect th e nation .g a in st injustice from foreign will never do as much to reform the propensities of man, as
qq hour of proud vanity, for wir-aggn'od.zement in reason and friendship. Murder only can. claim confiinement
“ V °"fd « P«ti*in6, Book and Job W ork, done ut th . n.u.1 W ash ing to n soon after the foregoing faithful admom- " ^ g a i n , the y o un g er Adams in the silver ag«. o f our^coun­ or death. L et the penitentiaries be turned in to Btmmane* o r
. thm for the " ommon welfare of h i, nation, fUr.her adv,scd try ’s advancem ent to fame, in h is inaugural a d d ^ s (18 j ) learning; where intelligence, like th e a n g e l s of heaven, would
E. J. B E V IN , P R IN T E R . Congress th a t “ am ong tho m a n y interesting objects which thu s candidly declares t h . majestv of the youthful Repubbih banish such fragments of barbarism. Im prisonm ent for deb t
« w X e n g a ^ y o u r atfention, th a t of providing for the com- in i t , increasing g reatness - T i e y ear o f ju b ,1 « , s.neo he is a meaner practice than the savage tolerates w ith all his le- 1,
« m o n d X n f e will m erit particular r e g a r d T o be prepared “ fust formation of our union has jn s t elapsed , of th rocity. “ Amor vincit omnia.” Lovo conquers oU* .. -
“ for w ar is one of the most effectual means of “ declaration o f Independence is a t hand. Tho c^ u mma P etition alsi, y« goodly inhabitants of the slave states,
5cace.” As the Italian would s a y : Buono aviso, (good “ tion of both was effected by this constitution. Smce^that ’v o u r legislators to abolish slavery by the year.18501, o r now,
« period, a population o f four millions has raultiphed to Jnd save the abolitionist from reproach and ru iu ,m iam y .and
T h o elder Adams in his inaugural address, gives national « twelve. A territory, bounded by the Mississ.pp., has been shame. P ra y Congress to pay every m an a reasonable pneo
pride such a erand tu rn of justification, th a t e v e r y honest - extended from sea to sea. N ew states have b e e n admitted for his slaves out of the surplus revenue arising from the
citizen m u st look back upon the infancy of the U nited “ to the union, in numbers nearly equal to those ol the first salo of pubHc laud,, and from the deduction of pay from^the
States with an approving smile and rejoice, th a t Pat" ° tls“ “ confederation. T reaties of peace, am ity and commerce, members of Congress. B rcak off the s h a d e s from the poor
in th e rulers, virtu e in the people, and prosperity in he « have been concluded with tho principle dominions of the black man, and hire him to labor like other h u m .n beings,
union, once crowned the expectations of h o p e ; unvei led th “ earth. T h e people of other nations, tho inhabitants of re for un h o ur i f virtuous liberty on earth, .8 w orth a w h o l.
sophistry of the hypocrite and silenced the f o l ly ot loes . « gions acquired, not by conquest, b ut by compact, have been eternity o f bondage I" Abolish tho practice in h ^ arm y
Mr. A dam s said, «• If national pride is ever justifiable or united with us in the participation ot our rights and duties and n a v v of try in g m e n b y court m artial for desertion, if a
“ excusable, it is when it springs, not from power or riches, « of our burdens and blessings. T h e forest has.fallenby the s o l d i e r m o r m o rims awoy. send him h i. wages, w .th th i-
“ grandeur or glory, b u t from conviction ot national inno- « axe o f our woodsmen ; the soil has been made to.teem by instruction th a t his country will never tru st him again , ho
“ cence, information and benevolence. I here is no doubt “ tho tillage of our farm ers; our c o m m e r c e has whitened e> has forfeited his honor Make honor ^
such was actually the case with our y o ung realm at the « erv ocean. T h e dominion of man over physical nature has m e n : be sure that good is rendered for.ivll in all m .
close of the last century ; i F ° f P e" ^ l Ul , U“ ‘Tnl.ment « been extended by tho invention of our artists. L iberty and the whole nation, like a k i n r f o m o f kings and pnesto,w iU
the country with religious toleration, temporal enjoy * law have walked hand ip hand. All the purposes of human rise u p in righteousness: and be respccted as wise and wor­
and v ir tu o L enterprise; and grandly, too when the j e a d l y “ a s s o c ia t io n havo been a c c o m p lis h e d as ^ ex. th y o l e a rth : and as ju s t and holy Ibr^h ®a^ f ^ Ind
winter o f th V ^ S ta m p Act," tho “ T ea Act,” and other close
' GEN. SMITH communion
“ any other government on the globe, and at the au th o r of perfection. More economy in the notiomd an d
GOVERNMENT c o m m u n i o n acts'bf,
a c t s o k rroyalty
u y u t i . j had -------
choked . . . . the growth
° c of tree- « ceeding, in a whole generation, the expenditures of other ofiita povernments, would m ak o lcsstax es am ong the people;
THE P O W E R S A N D POLICY OF T H E dom of speech, liberty of the press, and liberty ot consciuic conscience,, more equality th r o u g h the cities, towns and country, w o u li
did light^
light, liberty and loyalty flourish like the cedars ot “ "tncontinuaT ion^o? m c h noble make less distinction among tbe people m J
an air uncorrupt*
God. upon his ascension to t h . great ch air of and familiarity in societies, would make less hypocrisyj»u
J S i S.'STSKKi'sS? r r,... .
T h e res cted and venerable Thom as Jefferson, in his in-
autrural address, made more made more than forty years ago, shews
said “ As long as our governm ent is administered tor the
“ good of the people, and is regulated by their w ill, ,0 B
flattery in all branches of the^^commumty; ^ P^^jib rkv’
w hat a beautiful prospect an innocent, virtuous n a tio n p r e ­ « I s it secures to i s the rights of person and P ^ ^ ^
! u ,1 a when I viewed tho condition of men through- sents to the sage's eye, whero there is space for enterprise « of conscience, and of tho press, it will be worth defending,
o u t ^ h e wirld^ and monT especially in this boasted rea m, hands for in d ustry . heads for h e ro e s: and !'»»r“ ror rnor“ “ and^ so long m it is w o r J d e fend ing, a patriotic militia will
.there t h i Declaration o f Independence ‘‘ holds these tru th s greatness, lie said, “ A rising nation, spread o>er_.. w .d .
u t0 be self ev id e n t; th a t all men are created e q u a l: th a t they « and fruitful land, traversing all the seas with the rich pro
“ are endowed by their Creator, w ith certain unalteanable. “ ductions o f their ind ustry, engaged in commerce with
“ riehts* th a t among these are life, liberty, and the p u rsu it “ nations who feel power an4 forget right^ " ^ d n c i n g rnpidly imprisonmcui. ---- -
“ o ? happiness,’11 b u t a t the same umo, some two or threo “ to destinies beyond the reach of mortal e j e , m >S,0U0,0t)0, and lessened gradually, was paid ug with all the world I Remember
millions of people are held as slaves for life, because the « template these transcendent objects, and see the honor^ the ressors: wherefore a
to law : the, low was m ad . ‘^ g c h e r name ist beaser
S in them is covered with a d a rk e r skm than o u r s . and « happiness, and the hopes of this beloved country .romimt-
hundreds of our own kindred for an infraction, or supposed “ ted to the i s ^ e and the ausmces of this d a y , I f 5S5 D utchm an m ight exclaim.
^ R e W i t h u m f (a good n a m . ^
b in enruca
“ “ ^ n ^ l t a t . and
infraction of some over-wise statute, have to be incarcerated “ from the contemplation, and humble m yself before the F e a v l^ ^ l ^ o p V n ^ p i r o u ' s ’ and happy in Ml « - F o r tho accommodation o f the people >n .v e ry
in dungeon glooms, or suffer the m°ro moral pene entiary “ m agnitude of tho undertaking. buch a P ^ P 6®* “ jo y m en t of liberty and neiTce, honored and respected by territory, let Congress show th e ir " “ ^om ^ 8 ^ ®wh.r 8
eravitation of mercy in a n u t sh e ll while the duellist, th e tru ly soul-stirring to a -ood man b u t ‘ since the ^ h e r s tional bank, with W b e y n 'a c h . U t t and t . m 7. f
debauchee, andr the defaulter for millions, and other crim i­ have faUen asleep,” wicEed and designing men have, nn- the capital, stock shall b . held by . t h a - U o n ^ ;
nal*, taka the uppermost rooms at feasts, or, hko the bird of robed the governm ent of its glory - a n d P*”P ' ■ £
passage, find a more congenial clime by flig h t d ust and ashes, or in sack cloth have to lament in j» v e r t>
^ T h e wisdom, which ought to characterize the freest, h er departed g rea tn ess: while demagogues build fires in the
wisest, and most noble nation of th e nineteenth century, n orth and south, east and west, to keep up their sp ir it t II r ^ P ': ? " i P:,;Ly„ Z n l ^ I c ^ % r r n T ^ r i t r a [ l i c k e d n e M ,n P"0P’° ” Mch sfverel ba’ak. “.hall never i-u e - y more MU
should, like the sun in his m eridian splendor, warm every vices . __ * — v , in her v,nr
___atrtrW vaults vaults
and and tne inie-
the inte
it is better tim es: b u t year after year has left the pe^op e, to than the am ount o f capital ••ocle ini h applied to
object beneath its r a y s : and the m ain efforts ot her^officers, hope till the very name of Congress or State V f6lsl^ u re' r e s t T h e nett gain ^ ^ “ “‘S'Yht b L T h e . t o T e st.te s
who are nothing more or less th a n the servants o f the people, is m horrible to the sensitive friend of bis country ns he
c e n - the national revenue, and th u:ua ahall bo par through-
ought to be directed to ameliorate th e condition o f a ll. black, house of “ Blue Beard” is to children : or “ C rockett s Hell
or white, bond or free ; for the best o f books says “ God o f London, to meek men. W h e n the people are
h ath made of one blood all nations of men, for to dwell on th e ir rights properly respected, then the four main pillar, of
all the face of the earth." prosperity, viz: agriculture, manufactures, navigation,^ar£
O u r common country presents to ell men the same ad­ commerce, need the fostering care of governm ent: «nd m *o
v an tag e s; the same facilities; the same prospects; the same goodly a country as ours, where tho soil, the climate, th
honors; a n d the same rewards: and w ithout hynocrisy. t’he n v ers, the lakes, and the sea coast; the p r o d u c t i o n , the. through^tholand, till G e n e r a l H arrison appeared, as a star states authority to ' ^ S . r of a ” ate to m J .
C onstitution when
{Constitution wnen it says, soyt*, “ W e, the People
»»v, r o f the U nited timber, the m inerals; and the inhabitant* are so diversified which makes it necessary IK . in cases of invasion
“ States, in order to form a more* perfect rfect union, establish th a t a pleasing v ariety accommodates all tastes, trades, and | the demand of tho president ^ r t r o ^ m xnse
“ justice,ensure tranquility, prdvidefor the common defence, calculations, it certainly is the highest point of 8UP®r '’181® or rebellion. T h e g o v e i ^ r h i ^ e f m a j b e ^ ^ and
“ promote the general welfare, and secure^ the blessings of to protect the whole northern and, southern eastern and merits of the constitution and its framers, th us e x p ^ e d instead of being punished, as he ehouia ^ property
u C Z V r u r t e i ^ - oTr’,d c , ordain and e , western, centre and circumference of the realm, by a ju d i
>rty . treason, he may destroy J qqA Samaritan, send every
:. l .i.:, C
“ tablish.this C onstitution
onstitution for for tne U n ited S tates of A m en- cious tariff. It is an old say ing and a^true one, if you he should protect. Like the g j r f B « n « # o; dinancCS 0f
‘‘ ca,” meant N „ st what it said; w ith o u t reference to color or wish to be respected, respect yourselves. MfWi:Bnn>q
ctations lawyer, as soon as he r pw destitute, w ithout purse
condition: aa infinitum. i T h e asperations and expectatio I will adopt, in part, the language of Mr. ::d; r . r T o ! n e o; . ^ i S h ;
n o o p le , environed w ith so wise, so liberal, so inaugural addfcw, “ T o cherish peace and frl«n^ y . ,.n " ;
o f a virtuous .
I and so h ig h a character o f equal rights, ns
appears i n l a i d C on stitution , o u ^ h t to be treated, b y those
u course with nil nations, h a v i n g correspondent disposition*,
“ to m aintain sincere neutrality towards belligerent n a tio n s, « mnnarcliv I t would not beconio me to say th a t the fears *
S S t - S S ie W s a s
to whom the adm inistration of the^lawg ate intrusted, with “ to prefer in nil cases amicable discussion and reasonable “ of these patriots havo been already realized. B u t ^
i na the nravers of the saints are treated m “ accommodation of differences to a decision of them by an « cerelv believo th a t the tendency of m e a s u ^ a n d ^ f men
W e n Z l o v ye', c o n f i d e d aud union, like t h . «un, moon “ appeal to a r m s ; to exclude foreign intrigues and foreign » opinions, for some years past, has been ^ th a t d.recUon it this government honorably, and when \\ e ^ ^
and stars should bear witness, “ partialities, so degrading to all countries, and so baneitil to « i i I conceive, strictly proper th a t I should take this occa^
“ free ones; to foster a spirit of independence too ju st to m- consent, lot the union t ^ adopted among the
(For ever *in*ing »• th«T “ sion to repeat the assurances I havo heretofore given, of m y
“ vade the rig h ts o f others, too proud to surrender our own, and if T « a , to d ^ o ffe U o w sh in f a n d
“ T b e haad that made o t i« d ivin e!’ “ determination to arrest the progress of th a t end ncy .f it
“ too liberal to indulge unw orth y p reju d ice s ourselves, and s o n s o f liber > g rr:en^ iv grip to C anada and Mexico ,
>wer, and when 1l reflect “ really exists', and restore the governm ent to its priBt ne
U n ity is power, reiieci on m thee “importance
“ P” of
, “ too elevated not to look down upon them in o th e rs ; to
refuse not the same frien ly gx p stretched out in the
•» tn stability of all eoveinments, I am asteunded a l th e uT,««Uh and vieor.” T h is good man died before he had th a n d w h e n tho rig h t w m o^ tection o f rights, commerce
“ hold the union of the States as th e basis ot th eir peace character o f a navy, for p watch from Maine to
sillv m o v M o f p e r s o n s ^ n d parties! to foment discord m opportunity of apj^y^n^ ; ^ 0^!jalro^ [he^iation should the
“ and happiness; to support the constitution, which is the and honor, let tho iron_oy s ^ ] um bia ; thus may union
ordeTto ride in tT p o w e r on the current o f popular excite-
nor am I lew surprised at the stretches of power, or “ cement o f tho union, as well as in its limitations as m its ^ ^ ' " w h e t b e r G eneral H arrison, in his exalted station, up-
“ au th o ritie s; to respect the rig hts and authorities reserved J ^ t 0n ^ n T . S & % p e c u , . . i o n prevented ^ o m op-
restrictions of right, which too often appear as acts o f legis-
S £ ? * o pave thge w ay to some favorite poliUcal schemes. as t"uih°orVn o tf wUhacTing £
^ t ^ n t T y ^ \ “ « d o t much for t h i . goodly la n d ; j t a j
destitute of intrinsic merit, as a
o ^ h v u n an kin dn ess: a E re n c h m a n would la v “ prosque have. b u ^ ,y
tou^ aimer richesses et p o iv o ir':” (almost A men like m ultiplied its m hiliitanto enough to circum -
“ from civil ju risd ic tio n ; to preserve in their full energy, the
“ other salutary provisions in behalf of private and personal
“ rights, and of the freedom of the p ress;” as far as intention s f u a r b ih m fy r u h
o n e hundred years ago th a t g o l d e n p atrio ^ Benjam m F ra n k
aids in the, fulfillment of d u ty , are coDSummations to b.g - G od in heaven to reveal secrets. P
l i ^ drew up a plan S f u n io n for the then Colonies of G reat w ith benefits not tq captivate the energies of all honest n.en
BriU in th?t now are such a n i n d e p e n d e n t n a t . o n ^ c h N o h o n e s t man can doubt for^^a m o m e n i ^ ^ ^ m i t V M d ' is., phoinix hke, over th« c i and smoking ruin
to achieve them, when th e y can be brought to P J « ^ y re­ A m erican liberty, is on the w an e ; and, th a t cwam»ty and power^and'ovcr” the sinking f " K “ J n“r(!7 7 h . wind“falU o f
among many wise provisions for obedtent c h i U I r e n - u ^ r ciprocation, friendly alliances, wise legislation, and honorable
ciprocation, 31WU - - -- * . '1 S f other c . t ^ o u n t p o l i u m ^ and o v e r m a n |0 f /0 th „
their father’s more rugged hand, had t^ » - 1 7, - fs a v io ro f
treaties. pie. Speculators will ur^e a n atlo ^ Benton, Calhoun, c *“y>_ , * ’ >n(j cheerfully 1 h .I p to
“ power to make laws, and lay and levy such ge ,
“ Imports, or taxes, u to them shaU appear most c q u a and T h e government haa onco flourished under the guidance ^ d . t r : = : “ A h e e lin g pSf o p n - t h o o d wi.l p l ^
credil * " equally unfortunate la ^ g ’burnt, bleedingiwounds o f
of tru sty ty servants; and the Hon. Mr. Munroe in j iis day,
“ just; Considering the ability and o t h e r circumstances of J - r .v - • Mva our commerce 8 p re a a a plaster a n d b . n d u p ^ “ ^ r n people a r , hos-
while speaking of the C o n s titu tio n : says, a sore h u t blessed coun y ^ t(j rid 5 0 rrc0 a country o f
“ th e inhabitants m the several colonies.) and as sue “ has been wisely regulated with foreign nations, and between
“ may be collected with the least i n c o n v e n i e n c e to the peo- “ the states* ntntea Have been aaniitted into our u n io n ; pi tabic and noble, t o y wh„ „ „ t th ey are assured of an
Democracy W h ig ery and Cliquery, will attract every vestige o f s ■ y, country will be full of
“ p i e ; rather discouraging lu x u ry , than loading in“ U8t ry
“ with unnecessary burthens.” G r e a t B ritain surely lacke our teritory has been enlarged by fair and honorable treaty m e n t^ an d foment aivisions among t h . people, to acco m p k .h eq u iv alen t for their p ^ DationBi bank of tw enty mil-
“ and with great advantage to the original states; the states fancied schemes and accumulate power, ” h l' 0_ j ? v“ ' lJ wiu
the laudable hum anity and f o s t e r i n g clemency to grant such “ respectively prbtected b y the national government, under a to despair, like hu ng er forcing its way thro og h o wall w.l
a ju st plan of union—b u t the sentim ent remains like the “ mild paternal system against foreign dangers, and enjoying b r e a k through the statutes o f men, to save life, and mend the
land that honor’d its birth, as a pattern for wise m e n to stu d y “ within their separate spheres, by a wise portion o f p o ^ c.r >
the convenience of the people more th a n the comfort o f the “ a iust portion of the sovereignty, havo improved their b T i t i l U ' i g h e ”r g r a * ! Of w hat the nobility of nations” siD thK . cofTers" ^of a .s«tcu£.aU nc ? D.naer s a „? - « r ^^ tr“i.
cabinet » “ nolice, extended th eir setUements, and attained a strength call “ great men,”, will dally with oil rights in order to smug- •rh . p o p le .nav W e Cm hsbut ^ ; th „ BHii, h p„.
And one of the most noble fathers of our freedom and (c and m aturity which aro the best proofs of wholesome law
country’s glory: great in war, great in peace, great in tho gle a fortune at “ o n . fell swoop ^’ mortgage l e^as l»s>es» fled with. I th in k Mr. 1 ^ 8. V r t h e husband and m f s . t o
«w ell administered. And. if w . look to t h . condition o f Oregon, and claim all t h . un s.ttled regions of lho wo" ° . „ ,
estimation of the world, and great in the hearts of his coun- <[ individuals, w hat a proud spectacle d oe. i t exhibit ! who liam ent of Mr. P*101?* J kin gB n d m inistry of E ngland
h n n S ,^ and tra p p in g : end should an humble honest n « , apply to the course which t h e k .n g ^ ^
men, the illustrious W ashington, said in his first inaugu*
S <address to Congress: “ 1 behold the surest pledges th a t
“ has been deprived o f any righ t of person o r property J who
« restrained f£>m offering h i. vows m the m oS e m " W h he
hlftcW or white, exhibit a better title, t h e s e gentry
only to clothe the Judge w i t h r i c h e r e r m i n e , and •PJJJB J hig
E d p u n u e to the to S
“ as, on one side, no local prejudices or attachments, no sepa- “ r,refers to the Divine A uthor o f his being? I t is well m a ^ m ^ t n ^ ^ h p l a c e s j t o u w d w a r f s the posterity of th a t
“ rate views or party animosities, will misdirect the compro- lawyer’s f i n g e r s with finer rings, to havo e j K _
:.E” own th a t all these blessing, have been e m o v e d .n their peers, and the honor of his lords, as a P®11® " * .. ^ o J a
“ hensivo and e q u u eye which ought to watch over this noble daring peopl® • ,,
Mr II » and I add, w ith peculiar satisfaction, th a t Virtue and hum anity, while the motto h a n g , on his nation « Be to her fanlu a little blind .
“ great assemblage of communities and interests^ so, on cohere has been no exampfe o f a capital punishm ent being *• Be to her virttir* very . f
s' escutcheon: u E v e ry m an has his price . i e*
“ another, that* the foundations of our national policy will
inflicted on any o n . for the crime 0 / h igh trea so n W hat W e have had dem ocratic p « » id e n t, " ^ ^ m e ' t o h a v e
“ be laid in the pure and immutable principles o f private
“ morality ; and the pre-eminence of free government be ex­
e m p lif ie d by all the attributes which can win the affections t e d X t r e m k h a h i n a u t ” Righteousness .xalteth men. Reduce ( i n g r e s s at least one half
From a state and two"members to a million o f population, will
“ of its citizens, and command the Tsspect of the world.”
do more business,than the arm y th at now 0« n p y th e h
Verily, here shines th( v irtue and wisdom of a statesman in * t V a ’lL T b e ”' . . - Z o ^ e ' ^ t e s m a n , .fte r o f the N ational Legislature. X-ay them two doUara and th eir
such lucid rays th a t had every succeeding Congress follow­ h a v i g h i d about forty ycdrs .xpericnce in t h . gov .rnm eu t
ed the rich instruction, in all their deliberations and enact-
hearti I defy all, and will triumph in epite of them. I
From th e N auvooT im es awlSeasons.
knew God, I have gazed upon the glory of God, the throne,
" * _ C O N F E R E N C E .M IN U T E S .- v is io n s and glories of God, and the visions of eternity in
officer h u r l t h e miserable s y c o p h a n t from h i s e x ­ th e ^p r o p h e t : railed by tax, for county purposes,was$5C2. ^
year the amount required and to be raised is $ 0 - 3 , • » ,
Conference met porio .n l to .ppointment, on S s tu r t > days goo® w ^at is a man of God to do, when he sees
altation, a s G od did N e b a c h a d n e i i a r , to crop the the 8 th of April, 15-H. cvniiJL ‘ Sidney all the madness, wrath and follies of our persecutor*. He
grass of the field, with a b e a s t ’s h eart among the S A T U R D A Y M O R N I N i, J U N E 8, 18*4- aeicg S =21,00015 more lhan that of last year. Fm eu. "will d ^ a s God does; he will sit and laugh; one breath from
S ic u .r —Great excitement prevailed at Palermo oa th* H it don l a d FiuVwri r r m k t i / l JTil the nostrils of G o d would blow them out o f existence to
CatM r V a n B u ren said in his inaugural address, Of th e Twelve, Brigham Y ,u n g ,H tb zr C ' hell. These were thebeglr-niog of good daya i j h a t o p in s
23th April, io consequence of intelligence' received f.««.
th a t he went “ into the presidential chair the in* ,ard Richer*,, IVUf*rd W " d n t f t * * » . ‘room, esting n o th k g l* * dry johnny cake and butteimilk;
Medina and Catania. Ia th e fiis to f t h e * two cities, ihvi.
“ flexible and uncompromising opponent of every e v e i V man wbo bad e little f c r a , or clothes, said them and;
WM „ i d to prevail a contagious malady, which earned A T h - t e m b e r . of the High Council, and a n immenae aum-
“ attem pt, on the p art of Coneress, to abolish sia- distributed-what
d wbat be
ho had anion*
a m o i ^ j tbeirest.
s c i r c n , and did
om the
the people by thousands. At Catani t seriou. ev e n u . w «« ber of elders, and aa innumerable coDcoar»e,cf p«opie:
“ very in the District o f Columbia, against the I I liad nothing i J e a i , nothing to wear, and>et
believed to hiv e transpired ; which Yum or sh-ped mto * S a t u h o a t , April 6 . 1844,«■ they couH-
“ wishes o f t h e slave-holding sta te s; and also a
popular movement—the outbreak of a conspiracy heving P f c ^ i d ^ u Joseph, and Hyrnm 3 m itb V « m e ^o the e u ^ it waa the^ beginningoT n n to g o rg o o d d sW S o m * ^ / 1
“ determination equally decided to resist the slig t- olenty to to drink.
extensive ramifications. tv to eaC plenty drii _.plenty to wear and • good house .
« „ t interference with it in the states wheje it
“ exists-1’ P o o r litUe M atty made this 'hnpsoJi-
A.i o t h e r M i N u n a o i Y i . s T i u South - A very **
at 1-4 p u t 10 o'clock, when the m e e t in g .™ called to or-
icrbjr elder Brigham-Youag. T he choir song a hymn, af- Z
lire in. . n d „ > t h e , . 0» M ; - I H
not give it, until you have proved y o u m ^ s to him. No
cal sweep w ith t h . fact before his l1! ' er which President Joseph Smith rose to state to the con
.eMiveOil Cloth Manufactory h u j u t co m m e n cd opera-
. t a u , o f New Y o rk , his n a U v e s u t e , had n b o l . h - negation the nature of the b usiae», which w .uld ha te to wonder ihen* that we should be £ £ ^ t
tioea in Norfolk, V.rginta. ___ __ Pie wiU do as ihey are told.^will tell y o u what to <lo. Get
ed slavery, w ithout a struggle or a groan. U reat come before them. IL* stated that it had. been expected
the visions of heaven, and seek not w hat yon shall eat or
„z A Railroad it oow in operation from thi* city to Smner- by some that the little petty difficulties which have exist
viUr, N. J-, forty miles. Aa ifibrt ia aboot to be m ide f -d, w o u l d be brought up and invesiigatied before this con
what you. shall drink, lmt..«eck .the.wiU «£
he preienee of God," nod then you w i l M u i e j o b n o , a t e
-xteod it to E » t P« T he whole distance from New rrrence. but it will not be the case ; these things are of too
.n d milk . n d w . t e r no n o t e . W ould r on not b . « t o n u h -
York to Eafton by tbia road will be about eighty miles r Vial a nature to occupy the attention of ro large a body
I ! 2 the voice of the devil;” and peradventure ed if even n o w «eshanld tell the. glories and the privileges
hich cju be run ia four hours. I intend to give you some instruction on the principles of
h i s s t e a l “ Sub-Treasury” scheme was a piece of -ternal truth, but will defer it until others have spoken ,,15 of the saints orc^d to
t h e ^ m e m ind: but the man and his measures A bill chartering the company for the bnildma of a rail couieqaenceof the weaknessof my.longs. • The elderswill ridiculed ; and no wonder we shut it up in »ecret; if we
h ave such a striking resemblance to the one^ ot® were to tell yon w h e n -Jehovah looked on, lo it u b w t t y ;
road to paeafrom New-Haven to New York, through Bridg. - <ive you instruction, and ihen,>(if n<;©es*ary) 1 will offer
port to the west line of the.S.ate.has pawed both <ach correction as may be proper to fill op the interstices. it is heaven, it is felicity to l o o t ph j I shoujd m a m l if it
o f th e W elchman and his ca rtto n g u e , that when
the constitution was so long th a t it allowed FO R P R E S ID E N T , of the Legislature. It pa«ed the Senate Iasi, week, and Those who feel desitoua of sowing the seeds of discord, were otherw ise; if a man tells y o a > « glory^orone m es­
a t the capitol of a free people, it could not be cut ihe House this morning.—Northern Palladium. will be disappointed, on this eccaaion. It is our purpose sage, be is lesrning another a t the n m j u a e .^ D o not be
off ; b u t when it was so short th at it ^needed a Sub
T reasury, to save the funds o f th e nation, it could
GEN. JOSEPH SMITH, <o build up, and establish the principles of righteousness,
astonished t h e . if wa even yet have eew et m eeungs j ask­
f t v Tbe house No 105 John street waa.entered oa Wed and n o t t o break down and destroy, f T he great Jehovah ing God for things for your benefit. < Do not bo, afraid, go
be spliced! Oh, granny, granny, w hat a long O F N A U V O O , I L L IN O IS . ■esday night, and robbed of *OU 0 in note*, watches and baa ever been with .me, and the wisdom of God will direct back to the commencement o f this church, and, « e ,w h a t
tail our puss has got! As a G reek m ight say “ A Western man, with American principles.” jewelry. ____ me in the seventh hour ; I feel in closer communion, and
was concocted t h e n f there';,was;no evil: c o n w c u d .w h e n
hysteron p ro te ro n : the cart before the horse but we first held secret meetings, and it e Mine n o w ; has
his m ighty w hisk through the great n “Uonal, -Yj- Four persons were severely injured last evening at better standing with God than ever I felt before in my life, God forgotten to be g ^ c io u s 1 j o be merciful to mankind
J OUR r o s m o N . t nd I am glad of this appear in your midtt.
for the presidential chesnuts, burnt the locks of W e contend for principles, unbiaiwd by party, sect or ihe Hotel Gurni by the explosion of * quantity of cam- I thank God for the glorious day that he has given us..' In Did he everjeoncoct anything that-w a s devilish for m an­
his elory with tbe blaze of his folly I local prejudices. Our movement is locked upon as ridic- ph ene, while lighting some la m p s .- T ru t Sun. . so large a congregation, it is necessary that the greateM
kind? H e could'not do i t - i ! never, am ; afraid of. God or
IS the U nited States the p e o p le are the govern­ olota—why 1 Simply brcauie we have the moral coursge
order and decorum be observed; I request this at.,your man concocung w y th in g to h u rt m e , I h a w f a i t h w deteet
m ent ; and their united voice is t h i only sovereign •o step out of the beaten track of party hicks and sectarian There was a slight frost ia some places in the vicinity of man, even if h e d i d i l . w o u l i u k God J o d e te c t.t^ m , and
hand*, snd believe that you will all keep good order
th a t should rule -, the only power th a t shou d be demagogues, and think for ourselves, or use the reason that Boston, on Tuesday morning list.
Prayer waa offerd by .W. W. Phelps, after which the would hold them fast below he should d o 'it. y l ’am not
obeyed; and the only g e n t lc m .n t h n t should be God has given us to direct us. We hold " that all men are ifraid of men or devils. *I havo'hone of t h o s f fears, jeal­
honored; at homo and abroad; on the land and on created e q u a l i f so, wc are bound by ihe lawa of reason choir sung a hymn. ‘ * ...
[r r To PaiNTcas —Gentlemen of the Press ore respect­
Elder Sidney Rigdon then rose and said, It is with no ousies, dreads, forebodings, s u r m i s i a g s , ^ . ; t put my trust
the s e a : W herefore, were I the president of the io act and think for ourselves, and not us mere machine, fully solicited to turn their eyes to our, in G o d , and whatever God does for me, is only for my sal­
■ U nited States, b y the voice o f a virtuous people, follow ihe footsteps of oor predecreson” sny further than where they will fmd the card of M em s- W Jr W e ll« ordinary degree of satisfaction, I enjoy this privilege this vation. A man ia a bad tcam sterw ho runs his team In the
m oving ; want of health, and other circumstances have
I would honor the old p a t h s of the veneratc‘1 fa' accord, with our own views of right, or allow ouraelvea to Printers Furnishing W are House. T h e « gentlemen do worst road. [And showed how m u ch 'lik e tha gospel ]
thers of freedom : I would walk in the tracks of be used as tools by men whore only aim-is self-exaltation business on the Cwh system, and those wuhiog Printing kept me in silence for nearly the last five years. It can W hat I have ' already, said, is p a l y to fprepare the way.
the illustrious p a t r i o t s , who carried the ark^of t h e Would to God that our citizros, one ai d all, would take Materials, would do well to give them a call pur­ hardly be expected, th a t' when the violence c f sickness
government upon their shoulders with an eye he same atand, and we would ihen relrct officers for the having used its influence, and the seeds of disease have so [Here five of the PaUowottamie tribe, appeared with their
chasing elsewhere. long preyed upon me, that I ean rise'before in te r p r e te r , and were ^ t e d to the stand bjr the president,]
S n ele to the glory of the people : and when that iood of the conntiy, snd not for the c?pecialadvancement of
congregation. I am now come forth from a I am going to tell of something that .surprised » e at the be­
people petitioned to abolish slavery in the slave Brother Hyde’s Communication arrived too late for in-
i faction Would we could invoke the Spirit that animated of sickness,} and have enough of strength left to appear ginning of the c h u r c h ; I h a w handled, heard, seen and
States, I would use all honorable means t o have those who bled for the privilege which «.ar citr/m sas a bo- •ertion in our last numbtr, it may be found ia our columns
their prayers g ra n te d : and give liberty to the here for the first time io my true character. 1 have not known things w hit* I have" not yet told.'1'. After the church
,iy seem not to appreciate, and lei it res' on their descend- to day. come before a conference for the last five years in my true began M grow , it was favored w ilh ja o n stro n sw is e m en ;
captive; t y p ay in g the southern g ^ l e m a n
4nU_ w c would then have no occasion to record the del.n -1
reasonable equivalent for his Pro^ rty ’ ‘h at ff* n u e n cy o fm en high m authority, a . i: is very often our j We would state to our, correfpoadents that- to insure in­ character. I ahall consider this important privilege sacred they had so much wisdom that t h e y x t ^ ^ i s p a t e w hat God
whole nation m ight bo free indeed ! W hen the sertion in ihe “ Prophet,” their communicationa ahould be in my family history, during life. I hardly promise myself aaid, and what hia'aerirant w d C ^ ^ ' ^ r a ^ o p p o f e d to
painful daty now—bnt men would selected with a
people petitioned for a national bank, I would use received early in the week, as our immense edition render lungs to make this congregation hesr me, I shall do. the virtu e ; they would say they‘^ i W T e l ^ o ^ M d : v i a i o n s ,
m y best endeavors to have their prayers answer- view to the best interests of the country. W hat true it necestary for ns to go to press on Friday morning. best I can, and the greatss* can do no more. .The circum­ “ ^ U a d . w e r e as certain that God had giveniii, as I •was that the
lover of his country cau look ai the two oreat political par-
e l and establish *one on national principles to stances by which we are now surrounded points out t h / devil had!. He’’ r*ferre'd to 'th e childrVn o f I a ^ e l w b o wero
save taxes! and make them tho controllers of ita <ie. without shedding n lear for the un.ished honor of his O P. Q. •• too lengthy for insertion in- the Prophet. principles of m y discourse—the history of this church which ,:'*k wivelling and m u ra a rin g a b o u t t h e j r l e d o and onions, lee.
Mays and means; and when the people petitioned beloved country—partiss contending not for principle, but M. T. must alter his diction, as we will not publiih any I have known from its infancy : my text is, “ Behold ihe &c., "and so it is in these ia«''days,"somQ men", are always
to possess tho territory of Oregon or any other for the emoluments of o f f i c e - " ii thi* 'he Spirit lhat ant- scurrilous articles. church of God of the last dsys,” I do not know that I can yelling about w hat ibe church believes, and oppo*iog every
contiguous te rr ito r y ; I would lend the influence m*ted the framers of our glorious Declaration of Independ- find it in the Bible ; I do not think it necessary to have good thing. I jWant devils to^graufy jthemselvea, and if
o f a chief magistrate to g ra n t so reasonable a re­ ence.1 No! They pledged ••their l iv e f o r tu n e s and sa- Mies C. S.’s lines on Babylon” partake too ranch of Paul to make a text for me ; I can m ake a text for my­ h o w lin g yeUing/pelping, vriU do yoa any.g«»od; do it till
quest, th a t th ey m ig ht extend the m ighty efforts cred honor ” to sustain their princ^les, and did not pledge Babylon; a little more attention to “ time and measure” self; I re c o lle c t io the year 1S30, I met the whole church y o u are all damned! If calling cs devils, dee , will do yon
and enterprixo of a free people from the east to their principles to sustain their “ fortunes and party names’' of Christ in a little old log bouse about 20 feet square, near any good, let ua have the whole of it, and you can ihen go
tho west s e a ; a n d ‘make the wilderness blossom i , ' j ™ b7 pVny7 e m g . ’l oes in thiseoligkieaed s p u d j woold no. be . m i »
... • ______ iL > ViI L ' Waterloo, N. Y. and we began to talk abont the kingdom on your way to hell w ithouja gruot- ^ W e h^ar.Uiefeihiajjs^ f
as the rose: and when a neighboring realm peti­ in the most “ eu'.ightened country on the Globe.” Oh! j refer p t£> ^ eili BCU jn to day’s paper from
of God as if we had the world at o u r command ; we talked ever since ihe church existed, th e y .h a w come np'iwTih us,
tioned to join tho union of the sons of liberty, Freemen why will ye deep? awake fre.n yoair !«atbarnr. - ofGovarnments.
I with great confidence, and talked big things, although we they have bad so mucb more wisdom; they.knew all about
my voico would be, come! yea como ,he spirit of a Washington calls upon you let it not it ba ; Gen. Smith
• . i ’__ C~—iU were not many people, we had big feelings; we knew the kingdom before God revealed it t a n d e y ; know al
coma Mexico ; come Canada ; and come all the .aid that we are sla v e s -ih a t we are machines for the ex- “ Storrs” can get the information desired at the “ Prophet fourteen years sgo that the church would become as large things before they a r e ,h e s r d ; tlwy underrtatid m ore’than
w o r l d — let u s bo breth ren: let us be one great altsticn of ambitious tyrants, who have ,io other claim up­ Office.” as it is to-day; we w-ire as big then, as we shall ever b e ; Godknows-'^ We gather of all kinds, if w e get all nations,
fa m ily ; and let there be universal peace. Abol­ on you than that of havicj tarnished lie honor and plory we began to talk like men in authority and power—we we get all wisdom, all canning, and every thing else. The
ish the cruel custom of prisons, (except certain of ____ our______
once happy L a t ircountry
nioM and *old their country
CAaoiNAs.—By for office.Orozembo,
the schooner
tooked^npon the men of the earth as grass hoppers: if we Bectariana cannot b«:as wise as .we,are, for theyrhava only
cases,) penitentiaries, an icou rt-m artial* for deser­ Read Gen. Siniih’a views oa tha polic? government-and . ScrKeantf niDe days later from Cardenas, Cuba, we
did not see this people, we saw .by^vuion, the church of got the plans of man for salvation, bat ^rejhavo got m an’s
tion; and let reason and friendship reign over iui>ge for yourselves, whether he is a fit candidate for your j ^ |he country io lhat neighborhood^was auflering
G o d ,a thousand times larger; and when men would come plans, the devil’s plans, and the best of alfe we. have God’a
the ruins o f ignorance and barbarity ; yea I suffrage, you may find it on our first pag*. severely from drouth, thsre *having beej^po rain rfor nine
in, they would say we wanted to upset th e government, al­ plan I io not know w hether t h e n are any 'of these wise
would, as the universal friend of man o p e n the months. The inhabitants were unable to get ia their crops
prisons; open the eyes; open the ears and open The Tribune, cf W'*e*day last copiea two articles from on account ol tho inability of the cattle to draw. T b e cat- though we were not enough to well man a farm, or meet a men here this m orning; I bave merely given thia as a part
the hearts of “all people to behold ai)d cnJ°y ihe W arsaw, 111. Signal, respecting thi Mormons. The tie were dying offdaily for want of food and water. Thsre woman with a milk p a il ; all the elders, all 1the members, of the history of th ia c h u r c h ..;l a m !disposed to give some
met in conference in a room 20 feet square. I recollect reasons why salvation only belongs to, tbe kiagidom o f God,
dom, unadulterated freedom: and God. who once Tribune p r o f e s s to be neutral in relived, but ehowa its was no vegetation whatever. Freights were dull and ns
consistency, in the pnblicatiou of the articles refered to, elder Phelps being put in jail for reading the Book of I^or- and to th at a lo n e ... I will «adeayor to show .w hy salvation
cleansed the violence of tho earth with n floo , business.
« h :ch sre. condemnatory of a religion people, and refuting moo. He came to see us, and expressed great astonish­ belongs to ns more peculiarly, in^cootradUtincuba- of alt
whoso Son laid down his life for the sa vation
There was plenty of molatses in the country, but none ment, and left «s apparently pondering Aa his h e a rt; he other bo d ies; will this b a «clear e n o c g h l discover one
o f all his father cave him out of the w orld; and insertion in its columns of the drfence of the accu.ed; if
-he principle o fth e Great Whig P*rty, is the same as its in C ardenas; there were, however, no means of getting it afterward came to Kirtland, Ohio, and said he was a con­ thing, mankind have ,labored under cne/p a iv c rsa l m U uko
who has promised th a t he will come and purify
the world again with fire in the last d a y s ^ h o u ld organ in this Ciiy, the lew we have to do with it the bet- to the seaports. vert. Many things were taught, believed, and preached about this; viz i'Salvation w aa'diuinct from governmeat; i. *.
t e r - o r per chance Mr Greely’a great z*al for FmurUr re­ then, which have since come to pass i we knew the whole e . ; that I can boild a church withatu government, and that
be supplicated b y me for the good of all people. | In Csrdenas Harbor, the brig Harriet, bouad to Boston,
formation of society, will not allow him to award justice to in the act of getting under way, cause in contact with the world would laugh at us, so w s concealed ourselves; and thing have power to aave m e . . .When God seta up a system
, more fortunate rival. " O h ! coniinency thou art a brig Casco, aad carried away both of her ma*ts— (the main­ ihsre was much excitement about our secret m ee tin p , o f salvation; he sets op a system* ofjgnieritment;* when I
THE* EDUCATION OF DEAF MUTES. charging us with designs against the government, and with speak of i goveniment I m ean w h a t::l s a y ^ I mean a gov­
W e have received a communication from G. C. W . Ga. jewel.” - mast was broken in three pieces) ind, store in the hull.
laying plans to get mooey dcc.;which nsver existed in the ernment lhat shaU r n l i o T e r te m p o ra la a d Spiritual afliirs
mage, a pupil In the New York Institution for the Deafand The Boston Olive Branch deserves thanks for their The C. was at anchor at the time. heads of any one else, and if we h a d , talked in public; we Every m an is a government o f himself, and infringes upon
Dumb, giving an account of the exercises, Arc. of that ad. neat notice of ihe “ Prophst,” so aearc« is this feeling of T il* *WrsTrmw W a t e r s . —T he St. Louis R eporisr of should have been ridiculed more than we were, the world no government. *A man i s :n o t an honorable m a n if he is
mirable establishment. No better evideace of the excel- awarding credit for merit in a religious opponent that we^ the 25th ult sa y s: being entirely ignorant of the testimony of the prophet*, not above all law'. and abov* g o v e ttm e n tJ ^ I seo in oar
lence or the system of instruction practised there could be T he river has fallen oppoiite here nearly a foot; and aa and without knowledge of what God was about to d o ; town we have need of government, soma study law; only
feel booad to notice it.
desired, ihan'tbe letter of our young friend now before u»: the rivers above are now falling, there is no doubt that the treated all we said with pretended contempt, and much for the purpose of seeing how m any feuds;bow many broils
the whole of whidfi we w ou ld ’willingly publiih if we had
G ukat W o n * accomplished —T he Akron Beaccn an­ water will continue lo rccede until Uis confined within its ridicule; and had lh«y have heard all w e said, it would they can k ick up, bow much they can disturb the peace of
not already laid before our readers, ia another form, some have made il w o w for u s; we talked about the people the public, without breaking the law , ap d ; thea s a y : I .
nounces lhat the great woik which hn» been for several usual channel.
of the information it conveys.j The following e x tr a c t ., coming as doves to the windows, that all nations should know my rights snd will have t h e m ;” “ I did not ksow it
years in process of consuuclioa by the Portsge Canal and About four feet water is reported^n the St. Charles roap
interesting, not only as showing the plan of education fol- Mrnufacturing Company, of bringing the water of the Cuy­ flock unlo i t ; thst they sh 6 uld come bending to the stand was the marshal, or I would hot have done it.” ' ' H e . i s no
lowed in the Asylum, but as illustrating its practical effects I over the Missouri B ttom.
ahoga rivsr to the brow of the hill just north of Akron to be I On the 22d. the river opposite St. Louis was about nine ard of J e s u s , sayiog, our father* have taught falsehood, and gentleman,*gentlemen would not insult p o o r man in the
in the moral and religious tonetof the writer’s mind, and in used for hydraulic purposes, is completed, and the water things'in which there is no profit; and of whole nations street, but would bow 'to him*, as ta u W a a those who appear
the clearness and simplicity with which he expresses him has been let ioto the race. The event is one of vast impor­ miles wide. *
b e in g born in one day i we talked such big things that m*n mo‘re respectable.' No m arshsll or sny oSe else'sbould pull
Wlf Aa he well rsmarks, Ne w York, haa good rea.on to tance to Akron. T he fall obtained is 160 feet, immediate­ ( 0 . Travelling Elders are reqsestsd to act as Agents for c o u ld not bear them , and tbsy. not only ridiculed ns for me u p ;’ we ought to live a gteat^way. withm*ciher circle of
be proud of the benevolent institution; of which he is a ly adjacent to the Ohio Canal, and capable of driving more the Prophet,” and receipt for all monies, and forward the w h a t w e d id say in public, b u t’ threatened and inflicted the law s'of ihe lsnd. . I would live far above* all law. The
member.— True Sun. , than 100 runs of stone. D r. Crosby, of Akron, was theprojec same as soon as convenient.' much personsl abuse, and had they beard all we said,'their law of God is’fsr more righteous than the. laws of the Isnd;
“ T he pupils, in general, are making commendable pro- tor and principal egent in accempluhing the great enter­ violence would have been insupportable. God had great the laws of God aro far above the law i o f the land. The
OO- Donations in books, natural or artificial curiosities,
gress in a variety of studies, and are advancing in a know, things to cay for th a salvation of the world, which, il they kii^ d o m of God doee not interfere w ith (the laws of tbe
prise. _____ _______ ____________ p h ilo s o p h ic a l apparatuses, &c., will be received by the
ledge of such branches aa will render them happy and bad been told to the publie, would have brought persecu­ land, hut keeps itself by its own l s w * r ^ ’ “ ^
sgTeeable in the society of others. In connection with The result of the late vote in the Territory of Iowa on **Society for the Diffusion of T rsth,w at the office of the tion upon ns unto d e a th ; so we were< obliged to retire to ( T o b e C o . U B . e j . ) " . i ‘y .;
their intellectual pursuits, they also devote thsmselves to the questionof forming a State Gavernment and demanding Prophet, and forwarded to ihe Museum, at Nauvoo. .Notices
o u r secret chambers, and commune ourselves with God.
the acquisition of some uade well auited to the taste o admission as such into the Union, waa for a State Govern­ which will be published, if desired.
[He here referred to the prayer of Elder Phelps concer­ ,, IN T O L E R A N O E .^ f ^ *
each one, every morning till school time at nine o ’clock, ment 0970, agalost it, 4181, msjority in favor 3795. * ning oor having arrived at the age to ehooee our own guar­ A great deal is said and w ritien/ e n d declaimed at the
and every afternoon after school at foar, till tea. The (X>- T be C h u e c ii o r Je su s C m u s T - o r L a t i x *
Six thousand Prussians have purchased a tract ofland in dian.] If we had told the people w b a t! our eyea behold present day, abeut the intolerance ~ot w h ic h /the, last age
trades, which are five in number, are tailoring, bookbind­ Texas. Prince Charlea de Solms,' of the Royal Family of D a y S a i n t s at Brooklin, hold their meetings regularly this day,' we should not be believed; but the rascals would has been proved gnilty in two’ br ^hree'notable'instances —
ing, shoemaking, cabinet-making and gardening. These P ru a ia , and M. Bourgeois d’Orvanne, of Paris, arrived on in Jay st., th r e e doors below Sand st., at the Academy, have shed our blood, if we had only told them what 1 we Tirades bave been ; W n tte ib y ^ t^ K o rV rjs g a In tt the sus­
affo rd a very good and healthful exercise, and contribute Sunday half-past 10 o'clock A. M. 3 1o’clock P . M. and
Saturdav in the Caledonia from Liverpool, for the purpose believed. There we sat in secret and beheld the glorious pension of witches, and the p e m e n d o ^ o h h ^ l ^ p t u r t s and
to the formation of mechanical habits for life at half-past 7 in the evening. visions, and powers of 'the kiugdbm of heaven pass arid re- Quakers, and onr fathers have been.brsndcd e i the, most it*
of visiting Texas, on behalf of the confederated Princes of
•• A Temperance Society holds its meetings in the Chap- j Germany> They icft here oa Tuesday for the young R e ­ tolerant self c o n cd te d big o u t h a r e v e M * t ^ j ! t h e i r o*a
T h e P xopl* a m Movwa.—A new paper has been start­ pass; we bed not a mighty congregation'to'shelter us— if a
el, and speeches arc delivered by worthy and experienced public. , ___ ___ _ mob came upon us, we h id lo nin tn d hide ourselves to doctriaea and bpinions/io ita , < ^ j r . V ber*—
ed in Bellville, St. Clair county, (111.,) called the “ Politi­
orators on tbe effects of intemperance. T h e officers cf the ta re oar lives.^ T he tim eisnow 'com e to tell why we held W ith all theae conspicuous and h w b w o M V ia m p le i befers
The great palace recently built within the Champs Ely- cian ’’ It advocates the claims of Gen. Joseph Smithno the
society are a President, Vice-President and Secretary. 1 secret meetings. W e'w ere maturing plans fourteen years us, and barbarous, we a d m i(i^ e m ^ T b e ^ ijre ^ tfiU hesiuts
Presidency. Our good wishes, Mr. “ P o litic m !” “ A
can assure you that ihe pupils, as well as the other Tempe- sees, al Paris, was opened on the first of May, in order to ego which w e c s n h o w te ll; w e re we'm aturing plans to not to afiirm that there is quite aa in tb*
loag pull—a strong pull—snd a pull altogether”—aad suc­
nee Socisties in the Uaitsd States, warmly esrouie the exhibit all the late improvements in the mechanic arts of cotrupt the world; to destroy t the peaco of society 1 L et world; aad among o u m l v e s V y e n / a r t & ^ ^
cause of the Temperanee Reformation. France, snd to award prizes to the inventors, cess will attend our exertions. ' . j . r .L . kiitnrf
fourteen years experience c f the church tell the story. The
•« On Sundays, the pupil* are in the habit of assembling church never would have been here, if we bad not done as
M a t d e k .—W e learn from an Ohio paper that this im- Elder Q n }PttATT will address the Saints to mor.
twice in the Chapel to worship God and altend to one of w e did in secret. The cry of false prsphst and impostor
iriant dye and drug is now about to be cultivated in the _ (Soadty) the osual hours at the Marion . Temper- rolled upon u s .'r I do not know that that anything has ta­ u n n d e d Ihe depth, u d ehoell o f.h tu M » n«ut«. wtlj
the teachers who lectures on the various subjects of the Bi­ port ant
• .l_ . o._._ i A farmer on the Vermillion I - -
ble^' O n Sabbath evenings the male pupils muilly meet deep rich" soil of that State. ance Hall, 153 Canal street. ken place in the hfstory of this church, which we did not if we mtBUke not,' th i. error the d e e p e n ilied, s M the
in Ihe Chapel, .n d the fe m .l.. in .be jirU- . i u i n , , . i « r in Erie count, h u g o u 'i 't o u . c m tm tio n .n d found then b elitve; it’was written upon 'o o r hearts, and never l u t u b« eradicnted, o f . U w b i S iork » d ; thiite
room, lo think snd c o n T e n e feipecting religion, in w hich! it much more profiuble th»n corn or eny o er crop, E lie r S. BaxjiWAX, will lecture at the District School- could be taken away ; it was indelibly engraved, no power o l 'd e p ™ T i t V ^ p i o ^ , 'i l S ^ '^ J h ( e ‘U !». « » « -
ihey, for the most part, are interested. A moderate sum is f G o o d P r o s p e c t t h e F a m i m . — We have reports
House No. 3, at-Williamsburg in the morning ai half-past beneathyonder heavens could' obliurate it. T his was the l o ^ g m iB — Tm'o,' the orde 4 _wd,.lt b e w k o j J o t o g
collected for the purpose of diffusing tracts and Bibles from various sections of our country t h it the crops have 10 o’clock, aad in the afternoon at 3 o’clock at,the Acad­ period when God laid the foundationof the church, and he « U t u & prime m l n t o e n t h e * b e t a ^ d „ , „ ^
abroad t* evangelise the world. This important object is never presented a finer appearance. Fruit will also be emy, Corner.oi Jay an Sand streets, Brooklyn. Isid it firmly, truly, and' upon eternal truth. If a n / m a n
particularly to enlighten the benighted heathens in the des- abundant. The season sppeara to be three or fonr weeks says it is aot the work, of God^ 1 know they lie aa strongly predominant as s^heji Uboso aymbola _
titate parts of the world aad to promote their acquirement JEFFERSON IA NS A T T E N D !!
in advanee of the usual time. Some of you w ho'know you have, a house, how long aad blazed on every ccm m oa. M a n k in d j , ever t
o f the knowledge of the living God and Christ the merciful “ W e contend for principles unbiased by party sect, or would it take to m ike'you reason yourself into a belief that of custom, obeys implicitly, ih® changing forms of, soc» F
Redeem er of all penitent sinners. Tbe Roman Catholic B ish o p (John Hughes) of New York local prejudices.”— W righ t. you have no house, * here you now reside with yoar fami­ aad models his practice accojding t o ; the sgo.w wbt
“ Thus, the institution now under the continued patron­ has addressed letters to Mayors Harper and Scott, (of New T hs friends of Gen. Joseph Smith of Nauvoo Illinois, ly ? Neither have we any power ^whereby we c a n ‘ever
age o fth e Legislsture of New York, forms one community York and Philadelphia,) as also to the editor of the New will meet at the Military Hall, ( Bowery) o a Tuesday persuade ourselves, that this is not the ’c hurch of God. W e liTT o illustrate m ow particalsjry the force of the*® re®“ ^
tf .d e a f mutes- It has a great many social and religious York Hersld. and Col. Stone of the Commercial Advertiser, evening iteit, 11th. inat. at 6 o clock ; to select delegates do not care who sinki or swims, or opposes; but we know - h o w masy. are thsre, who denounce unheard,
all of which has obtained an extensive circulation through to the great State Convention at Uiica N. Y. on 23d Aug. here is the church n( God, and I have authority before God science, or doc?rin»,, or. theory, for the sole r e s « n tbst
pn.»Io*conclusion, I would say that the‘New *ork Institu- the public press. aad take snch other measures as will secure his election to for saying so. 1 hav<* the testimony of* Jesus which is the they conflict with their ^ c t ^ o m c d j ^ ^ . w d P i
lion for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb has been the highest office in the gift of a h i e and enlightened peo­ spirit of prophecy; I have slept with i t , ! have, w alked How many «v « c s p Z
Suicide.—Mary Atkinion, a yonng girl who worked at
regarded with increasing fsvorf and the Legislature and the ple. • r ■. !. with i t ; the idea has never Been out of my heart for a mo­ elVirtf of a aystera, much less ol weighing f j <it
Empire State may both feel proud of this most flourishing Lowell Mil!erPut an end to her life by poison, without giv­ By order of the Committee of A rrangem ent ment, and I will re«p the glory of it when I leave this
principles of sound r e a ^ n , soout at once the p r o f W « t
establishment,that has enjoyed the confidesce a i.l kindness ing any reasons for so doing. She had a disagreement Sam’l. Brannan, Sec’y world. I defy men, and htll, and devils to put it out of my
theories as visionary and absurd, and libel their a
of the community in which it is located.” I an intimate acquaintance.
'7 s*

ii..t by the eueray, and ,.ev<rral day* altcrwkrd*, wmlt

Church e o rie r of School aa-J Trrm«»oi-sir.r.*
rhos B. and myself were sitting in a log cabin togeiber it>
v „ h ik» fo.le« .piihSu of J«iuio» ud.r«p*Mch. ‘ 0 « I ^ ^ d but not fa u lile» ,in f ^ t all our publ.c baild.o,
ilent meditation, »ome being amote him on the shoulder,
„o»U np poM tbit Mch pemoiu wet. po® *ed ofeitri. ^ f ^ ’lty, and are not justified in the sight of thi
md wid, with a countenance full of the deepest anxiet) degree of bnlhpncy, or which ho waa m tao xm asi,
ordinary *»d >a” n of ! , b e T omnipotent telf-eenstituted judge. Hi. c m ie on Mr md aolicitude, “ T hom a.! Thom a.! why have you r r
p .n tr.te. . . 4 wtth ibe rem ote^ l.w »ol E Shaw*, book on “ Rural Architecture, &c. «a th- ccreoee ihe Mb.cripiioo l i, u of them . 11. ’ , . n B t h o u g h h i s c o u n te n a n c e a. ^
H>on forgotten T» T h o m a . told me it was David W . Pat- 7 ih. O e - I .e d , Tb’. t .be « « e r . l p e p ... throo.hoo. . h e . i t » « ol a p l e . s . n g , i n n o c e n t e n d g l o r . o u s u p -
a a m r. u d m io d , y . t . . m e to e.q « ire into Jnkindest cut of all,” and in my opinion not borne out by .
.co, with whom, he not long before, had made a covenant Uoited s u t e . . » - e l l » .he - P rophel.- .. T im e, .o d p e . r t m c . , » m u c h . 0 , t h . t .evv ee rr yy fe f eawr w w a» s. bWa n-- ur-»jta«i « w o m . ^ pi«»r o f n i haddow of tangable prool, *u. true, Mr Shaw ia not r ” '" *** t r - •****.«» ■**“ | ♦ l 1 C___ tU* ViAavt nni4 I
•o remain true and faithful until the end. So 1 would s . , .. . ., Neighbor ’• be „ „ e . , e d » I « l>ed f r o m t h . h e a r t , a n d n o t h . n g b u t c a l n r n . . .
deeltm tlioo yoa A l i i . e . rto w e red “ “ \ „ dred^ 0*rry or a Vitruviu., yet tb« work in que«ion powes.'. !0 y ou; Robert 1 R obert! have you ao w on forgotten Seasons,” and th .
00 . word of m » « . W h . t 00 . 0 1 0 »nl of j ” im, „ „ L c h Architecturel talent. Plate. » aad 10 in the abov pabliab the foregoing .iog preamble, end resolution*.^
ret^Iutioni. ,| ' ’' " t ^ ' n o ' e a V y ^^k to ^d „ „ r i h« t, h . a npnpee. raarnecdo
what I told you in Chester county 1 P alley P . Pratt, Chairmen.
who t a k e . « Kite ia politic* and ™>“ u | iM1. *ork of aa attic aurmounting a Grecian temple, u not a. I have eaten the fruiu of disobedience and infidelity, 1o f a messonger from the skies— indeed, I doubt
hem e.tly, oaderittedJ thoroughly one fooduM oar critic affirms, “ original,” neither ia it an •• invention o' J. Caller Little, Sec’y. I there being an individual clothed with perishable
md drunk the bitter cup of charging God and his e e n a n u
p i. of lOTernmebl o t p o liiU a le ro .0™ M ,'|ibe'r J . ion- .idiness.” ** I have met with th r.e similar dr»ign« in E oj- * ith folly; knowing therefore, the f a u l cowequence. of IS CUjJOUiO ^ MW v .w ... - ------------- 1
land, two in France, and one in Italy, which had a v e r « - A. .he i m p o r t ....................nd ' ± ”± * 2 1 ^ .
I . thU the oriole.r.u .0 1 S " o(op;aioo „ ^ j , , a caiue of this kind, and the friendship wich I bear to you tfd with ihe com ing forth of the Book of Mormon, have th e Lord aippeared to his apostles after hia resur­
X a ^ o g effect. Also in many English works, there art rection. and wo do not learn as they were in the
eat. minded m u . who » 0 •. ^ im p tn iil dio- « d your\fam ily, I am sim ulated to raise my warn.n* ,ver beeq, and are .now, subjects of enquiry, we shall in 1recUon. an
d m iltr design., namely. P a i n ’s , Chamber^., Brooks . and least difTiculted to look upon him ; b u t from Jo h n
dice, and . h o w e i,b . « « T « " l « * , m a J . jew , | voice in the name of Je w s Christ my master, and give you
Bradahav?’*. Of Mr. Shaw*, ability to design no Bos lert, for the benefit of thow who are not acquainted with
u .M o l« li,l.« .i d •his last friendly admonition, to lift not your hand or vote- description upon Patmoa, we learn th a t he is thero
loniaa can have a doubu when they have « e n his beaut, , gainst the Lords anoint.d ; but let your mind leflrct.on ihe coming forth of the above named work, one of a serie. represented a 3 most glorious in ap p earance; Qn(*
which t h . world, *l , ‘' ^ 0o bat rool'.^i to d impolitic. of letters, each week until all are published.
Intolerance » not on y J d c fw ll i u owa cnd,. fal pU n. of the North church in Hanover s t r e e t ; alto h u rhia .eying, ‘‘ all that »eek lo destroy that Seer, ahall be from other items in the sacred scriptures we havo
exquisite d e s i g n of a Gothic C o u a g , lo br O. COW DERY’3 L E T T E R S TO W. W . PH EL PS. tho fact recorded where angels appeared and con­
It more than any otber* Uk lh 0f oWen fable confounded.”
E ,e ry apeculauve « * ' * • rammer in Chelsea, for Mr. Slade Luter Mr. Shaw de- God h a . never c h o * n Meaw*. L aw ., neither Dr. Foster LETTER H I. versed with men, and there was no difficulty on
well as* its dark aide. No error even iervcs much credit for his work, on Architecture, as the>
nor any of iheir Satellite., to reform or save tb» Church ear B rother: — the part of tho individuals, to endure th eir pre­
has its *<>W«’ “ adr oca‘tes, but h a . some ‘show’ of
have been the m ean, of introducing a taste for .ometh.n* W V n the wolf enter, the fold aod begins to tear, rend and In ray last, I apologized for the b rief m anner sence ; and others where their glory was so con­
^ a l t ra, « , indeed the oaly « •» of contincing like-respectable dwelling, in the vicinity of Boston I am ih which I should be obliged to give; in many in ­ spicuous th a t they could not endure. T h e last
.ot u b r meetinj kin »o bU own groond., b» astonished how men ol talent can be ^ d e v o i d of feel,nr levour the eheep; know ye that the good Shepherd never
t him. These men are determined to rend and tare ir stances, tho history of th is church. Since then description or appearance is th® one to which I
“ r ‘£ that yon hate « e . tb. dupoted .object 10 and justice as to traduce the profeMional ability o f unpfp refer, when I say th at it is no easy task to describe
*ho*i"* of , , , # „ hifflKlf, « d . r . ciplblc of .p- piece?, and in all their profession of holy xeal and sancti yours of C hristm as has been received. I t was
faming merit. •' He take, my h e n * , who tak e , the prop fied exertion*, a Jackson county, and a Carihsgenian moh not m y _!_L wish to L boa •< n J a ♦ f\z*\r? tKflt
understood th a t II could noi their glory.
ihat doth .ustaia my houte. He take, my life who tak-> cive the leading items of every im portant occur­ B u t it may bo well to relato the particulars as
eo.yUce b y 're o o ,,' For oo ..her p .rp « . the m ean, whereby I live,” aUo •• who .te a l, my purse steal* can lend them their warmest sympathies. Joseph Smith rence, a t least so far as would effect my d u ty to far as given— T ho statute of this personago was
„ T , h i . b e t .od holiew f.coUy b.«ow.d »poa mao. b.i Vrash,*ti.something.nothing, ’tw a. mine, t u his.and h .a is not a fallen prophet, Mon might a . well talk to me
my fellow-men, in such as contained im portant in ­ a little above the common size of men in this ag e :
. .if, error tod d'ucover th. troe *od th. tijht i .n d b e been a slave to thou«a4», but he that filche. from ms my about a fallen sun, a . to talk about a fallen prophet. A formation upon the subject o f doctrine, and as his garm ent was perfectly white, and had the ap­
.h o nejleet. or relo«» io employ thi. h u h etmbotc, ha. Wood name. rob. me of that which will not enrich him, and cloud m ar co ne over the sun and hide i u ray. for a urn* would render it intelligibly plain; b u t as there pearance of being w ithout seam.
from some portion of the Earth, but it will shine sgain. T h o u g h fear was banished from his heart yet
.Usedy Kid hie birthrijht. end i. 0 0 lonj.r worthy of L k e . me poor indeed,** thi. is the reasoning o So perhaps the prophrt has turned the dark side out t. are, in a great house, many vessels, so in the his­
name of man. ^ _____ ___________ _ •• A v o n . Bard,” and our critic should not be guilty of tha drive away such aa have been faltering for a long wason tory of a work of this magnitude, m any items
his surprise was no less when he heard him de­
'•deadly sin” not even " o n compulsion” T he emblem which woutd be interesting to those who follow. clare him self to be a messenger sent by command­
God has said, “ c v h e r first the lare. and bind thrm u ment o f the Lord, to deliver a special message,
C O M M U N IC A T IO NS. ' our critic brings forward to typrfy our New England Ar- bundles.” Weil, I cannot *ay that God has notipermitler nre forgotten. In fact, 1 deem every manifestation
'chitects,although villainously misapplied, is too ludicrously of the H oly Spirit, dictating the hearts of the and to witness to him th a t his sins wcro forgiven,
Mrears. Ltw s, aud Foster, lo have power enou2h to gath
comic.! to be omitted. saints in the way of righteousness, to be of im por­ a n d th a t his prayers were heard , and th a t the
rr around them all who are of their sp.rit, and draw then scriptures m ight be fulfilled which say G od
Mr Editor - T h e above ia the heading of a critique ia It, m o tto i. - O c a . oil l o c j w . l . r , ” » r e p r c ^ . i . .n ,.ui from the Church, in of having in atore for tance, aud this is one reason why I plead an apol-
o w l Standing in broad su « h ia e . with a p u r of spectacle,
has chosen the foolish things of the world to con­
•he faithful blewinga which he iaunwilling to pour out upoi found the things which are m ighty ; and base
on i u beak, alighted cand!« on each side of h.m and a b l - .he tares and wheat while together. Before J.-.eph woulc S^ o u will recollect th a t I mentioned the time of
things of the world, andThlngs which are despised,
!xing torch in each c la w _ a n d the more light thrre is thr make himself kno*n to hia brethren in Egypt, he said. ■a re lig io u s excitement, in P alm yra and vicinity to
have been in the 17th year of our brother J. Sm ith: has God chosen ; yea, >and things which are^not,
:|e « is the owl sbls to s e e ” la my humble opin.on. th>' “ cast out all the stran?rrs,” and when the Egyptian* wer
t;nj» qaotatioo* are strikingly Byromcal, yet, Uke that til 'learn’d critic p M ta s e i more or the spirit of E SaeV !r.’«. age. T h is brings the date down to the year to bring to n aug h t things which are, th a t no Uesh
*11 cast out, and non- present but his real brethren. H should glory in his 1149 presenco.
|/tV«VMVv* Therefore,
—----- -- / say #s
*.j oef< “ EojIUh B ird! and Scotch Rtvtewer*, he " o n e eye’d owl” than any quadruped whose name may t* .hen said to them, ” 1 am Joseph whom ye sold in. 18*23
I do not deem it to be necessary to w r i t e further the Lord, I will proceed to do a marvellous xnarvelloui work
h»i beeped eontomely oo .he a rc h i..c .o ,.l f l e e t o th» selected from the extensive nomenclature of modern xoolo- EsvDt! Doe. my fathrr yet live V’ And perhaps Menrs among this is people, even a marvellous work and
u amall f * a ^ tQ 4 m*«nitade that put* o r—and I am egregriomly m istake, if the n m total of h.. Laws and Foster, are calling out the strangers, the! tg y p on the subject of this excitem ent It is doubted a w o n d e r; the w i s d o m o f their wise shall perish,
.ians. God knows hnw to draw the linr w d h e als. bv many whether any real or essential good ever
M' croK “ i>' " w ' ,h ' „ il,c i.m doe. not emouot to “ the .kio of . l i o o , oo the bod, knows whom he haih chosen Joseph Smuh will shin, resulted fro m such excitements, while others ad- and the understanding of their prudent shall bo
of .0 . i his lold b r . r i n j h i . . . i d e . l l , onrnt.ked th. fortb likr the sun. and be loved by millions when h.spre. h id ; for according to his covenant which ho
b'“ hNolhin, ,„eo o « e . or « t dowo e .jb t ie melice." decention. B u t(a tra c e with satire) in “ honrst plainners 'Ot opposers opposer. wm will orbe compelled; to c o m .- d wor.h.p _ . . hi; vocnte their propriety with warmth. made with h i s ancient saints, his people, the house
thoold be the criiic’e motto, y.tfrom hul ow« k- soenk* “ trumpet tongued,” he must nd- . - t od to knoW ,hat GoH hath loved him .Althou^lh h T h e mind is easily called up to reflection upon
enemifs may util nun. vii K«.;...... ........ . of Israel, m ust come to a knowledge of the gospe ,
a mntter of such deep importance, and it is ju st
U d other proof*, .hell I •ho,,'d ” * d> «f death obstruct h i. rays for a lime/, yet the fpirit of l>f that it should b e ; but there is a regret occupying and own th a t Messiah whom t h e i r fathers reject­
from the ecknowledged u le n t of oor New E .gleod has the same right to the tnveation of any dr s gn as any -ol from the Almighty, will animate hi. sleepinR ashe., an« ed, and with them the fulness of the Gentiles be
Architect.. Tbe Edioboroejh H ert.w e re e r n e did o the ancient o r modern architects, howevrr absurd they m-y cau.e him to shine for.h with an additional lustre -he heart when we consider the deep anxiety ot
gathered in, to rejoice in one fold under ono
the feme of Byroo, neithet did B „ o » '.c ,m c d ,m ,c ,.h appear in the eyes of thia classic aod Gothified genius of Ar W ith sentiments oflove and good w l l , I take ihe liber j thousands, who are lead away with a vain im agi­
to subscribe myself your obedient servent, nation. or a groundless hope, no better th an the
the merit, of tb . e tr.doced ; chitectural criticism. ” Every eye forms a beauty,” say. ORSON HYDE. Sh^ r h i s cannot be b rought about until first cer­
the Opioioo of thi. reviewer (io bie own -o rd « ) « the old proverb; and what may please .m a n of mare con- die wind or the spider’s web. tain preparatory things arc accomplished, for so
.iM-dpobUc boildinje end their ercbttecl.. which b .e fell- structive genius than our critic, when viewed through hi* P S A s this letter may be equslly applicable to oilier* B u t if others were not benefited, our brother
y o u r s e l f , you will P«rdoo me if I take the lib-rty to. . - was urged forward and strengthened m the deter­ haffthe Lord purposed in his own mind. H e has
o e d e th i. p e e .liu m e le d ie .io .. 01 th . » e . Ce..on> “ double million magnifying microsfcopi*” of critical Mtire, Hress it to you tUn-u^h the columns of the ProPh^ '* therefore chosen you as an instrum ent m his hand
m i n a n t to know for himself of the certainty and
H o o k , he efflrm. i t » be “ o o . h e l . r o g m . O M " . . - of « • m iy seem incongruous and absurd Mr L >udoa objenr**. Vbove. ___ __ _______ to brine to light th a t which shall perform his act,
reality of pure and holy religion - - A n d it is only
chiteoiurtl blood.m " Jb .re U m euriel eooogh i» « lo boiH •hit an architect who h a . not the imagination o r invention
his strange act, and bring to pass a marvellous
le c e s s a rv for
tecessary lor m m ee tot . saay.
a y , tt hhaat t w
,,U n nUo ...» r -
__ in * cfttinri b finftllr h d h u
three booK. of the tttn e d im c tio M . T he ioMde h . fcol to produce a structure in which novelty aod originality are
At a large meeting of the Jeffersonian Convention, hek
„ m u e r. .!» a rd ,th e w ittdow .w opleie. the h.lU loo lu g e , co m b in e d , will ivver rise above the rank of an imitative .-o n tin u rd , go°t ^ A e l . ' o f I n .0 tin g le W
at Franklin Hall in the city of B « to n on Friday am
with f .o lu ‘oo oomerom "o m eouo.. end Ihe dome be builder. Mr Brooks observes, also, •• Aecordiog to genp « c r c t for a fu ll m o in ^ e s u j ™ i n f o r m a tio n . W h e re v e r i t s h a ll b e p r o c la im e d , t h . p u r . i n h e a r t
S 4turday, 24ih and 25th of May 1844,
Z iu be t h . f o o l '« . p 00 ihi. p iee. of uchtteolurel «op.d- ral opinion, the national architecture must not b^ blended
Parley P. Pratt. Esq. w i. unanimously called to lh» S fr s rp r e m o bo ingll id e xist,^o^iavo nn a.sutance ■shall * . B rejoice, w wimo mwoo who ~— .:V“ , • Gi-od„
h il. fitoae
with each o ther; or, in other words, there must be no at- * with their mouths, and honor him with th e ir lips
»‘T Chair—and o f him. TKi'a most assure
tempt at improvement. Tftis i. an error which ite m s to while their hearts are far from him, will seek its
J. Carter Little, E*q. w a . ch«ren Secretary. aiv. w a . corrocl— it w as right. I be Lord h a overthrow, and the destruction of those bv whoso
pervade society in refrreace to arcliit-cttire Mrn who have
stone of them all.” The Chairman s’a t'd the object of the meeting, w h id said lone since, nnd his word remains steadfast hands it is carried. Therefore, marvel not it
r e c e i v e d their notion,
notions from th<; «h, usual method of <*xpre»-
Of lb . new Eecbenge in S l.le e tte e l,h e « y r . •• itc o o u io . received m, ot ~
will »r KUU w;
M , , wi
" •wt>
' ■- . And after tram- th at to him who knocks it shall be opened, and
.,0 0 employed b , a r e h , « c « r . w r u e r ^ o ncting ^much ............................. ... rrlativ* lo the welfare ant" whosover will, m ay come and partake o f the wa^ vour name is made a derision, and had as a b j-
„ a , feofu, Wilh few r e J b e M l ic . u> c o .n te rb .ta .e e tbemj ffion cujp»wj’«« */ ---------- . important business
word among, i f you ate Ihe instrum ent m
judges, entertain the firm conviction, that -he iniroducti^n
the front e » i.o U u e too b o l d e d leek. rionor of the nation ; the following preamble and resolu- ters o f life freely. . f . bringing it. bv the gift o f God, to the knowledge
of any member or detail not used by ihe Grecian* would mops were rend and unanimously adopted, vix: T o grant a humble penitent sinner a refreshing
fl„e d c l n m w th . e .u b U m re too pUto. Jce. i e . , « d l
render a atructure, however closely it might otherwise be
“ Wherea*. The spirit of Liberty and Independance d r a u g h t of this most pure ofall fountains, and most
of the people.'
where ornamenul .calptare ia introdoced o a tbe front, like.
to aa imitation o fth e styl. adopted by that people, a bes desirable o fa ll refreshments, to a thirsty soul, is a He then proceeded and gave a general account
Obadiah, il had better been a leagao off, aa it pula Hogarl • which began to germ in the minds of a Washington, a
of the promises made to the fathers, and also gave
prospective to the b t a h « the “ Almighty dollar*’ expanded tard composition. Jrffrreoa, a Hancock and a Warren, the fathers of thir mntter for the full performance of which the
a history of the aborigines o f this country, and
T he importance of removing thiterrontou* opinion can "acred record stands p le d g e d . T h< .L ord never
' to the air* of adinn*i plate; the mast of * merchantman ( »hould be ) republic, h a . become extinct as far as the
not be over rated ; for if a wrvile copying of the ancient, «aid they were literal descendants o f A braham .
diminished to a walking cane ; tho great globe itaalf Uke a^ official character of the nation is concerned ; nnd where** s a id — “Come u nto me, all ye th at labour and are
oe forced upon modern archiiecu, what can be expected He represented them as once being an enlight­
porUy pumpkin; the national Etgl« f“” divisions, contentions, oppression and misrule are the order heavy laden, a n d I will give you res£ to turn
but a continued w r ie . of failure. ” Mr. Charles B»rry. in ened and intelligent people possessing * correct
“ And halea of cotton on a quarter aede. of the day, and Democracy, Whiggery & c are only other deaf ear to thbse who were weary, when they c knowledge o f t h e gospel, t h e plan of restora­
a letter to G*orce Richard Pain, dated April 5ib, 1831. re
The rotunda, with ita white walls, acaglioli colnmna. pUs names for mob-ocracy : and whereas, in the face of our upon him. H e never said, by the mouth of the tion a n d w d e m p tiS n . H e qaid this history w m
m ark. MI can *ee no life in Grecian architecture, ’tis like
glonous Constitution, and under the shade of the “ Star* prophet—:‘Ho, every one t h a t th ir sts. come ye to
ter cap* and cracked ceiling, he pronouncea to be “ a m.s- written and deposited not far from that Plaf®>and
a beantiful woman cut in marble, wanting that life-giving
erable failure that the architect could not even borrow and Stripes” of our free republic, American citizens are the waters,” w ithout passing it as ^ fi^ J ccree ihat it waB our brother’s privilege, if obedient to
spirit which ta k e , captive the heart and mind; in my opin
with judgment.bat went atrutting about dreswd m h u pea^ exiled from their native States, ditpowssed of their prop at the same time, he that should be filled with
ion, d ear George, thi. servile copying should be abolished, the Lord, to obtain, and tra n sla te theJ 11®® f
eock feathers, in the most unpeacock-like manner tmagtn erty, and men, women and children, butchered in cold a iov unspeakable. N either did he m a“ \fest,b >
means of the U rim and T hum m m , which were de­
and the .©oner the a x e i . laid at the rootol that lifeleM tre. the S p iriU o John unon the isle— « L e t h im th a t
able “ In rel.iion to Mr. Bond’s pUn ol the High-atreet blood, solely on account of their religious sedim ent., (a? posited for th a t purpose with tho record.
the better.” Mr. Pain m y ^ *• I would have but an hum ­
School in Bedford street, he .ays: " I have never neen so was the case with the Latter D*y Sainu,) and abolitionist* is athirst, com e/1 and command hini to send the
M e opinion
o piniooof of aua. architect
u c h . « c t who
who would
- . o l d not
n o t : have
h . , e genius
. . . . . • >nd .n d Iheir H .ll. b .ro e d t o tC .tb o lic same abroad, u nd er any other consideration than Y et ” said he, “ the scripture m ust be iulhl-
man* architsctural deformities crowded together in so small • _ ~ u •■ UnMI inn #Mftlm vll^n HV
. foace. The basement front is according to jh a t viciou. eooogh io erec. . o ed.fice w .iho.t b e , . , tnm m elled b , « » coo, e 0l, . d libraries, . r . homed .o d d e « ,o ,ed that “ whosover would, m ight take the water of led b e fo re h i . trknslated, which says U » t t h .
Oreciao d . i . i U " I coold ,n o te ™ . a , m o , , . « . h o r , , , e . „ ^ ” J c k e . ^ c o o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ „ d whi„ „ „ life freely, ” to the remotest ages o f to words o f a book, w h i c h were sealed, were P « « “ ‘
French neho.1. like w « k PU c « to t b . m a^om, t
orove that our architect, have only followed the opinion of j ,. . ., while there was a sinner upon his footstool ed to the l e a r n e d ; for thus has God determined
ths upper story has not f a c i a s to the w .ndow s; u baa no t h e first a r c h i t a c r o i a l t a l e n t o f modern time., and the «nl> J hang—all, without the a ow ,
l o r i l front- itonew-fashioned pediment, raking cornice, S c u this critic h a. .stablished are, that the architecu of I authoriue. are applied to for r e d r e - of wrong, and j u s t .c T hese sacred and im portant promises are look­ to leave men w ithout excuse, and to show to the
ed upon in our day as being ?iven, either to an- meek th a t his nrm is not shortened th a t it cannot
^Olton have QUC uc departed
jiw im uuui from the »mv servile copying o fth ...v e an in the p r e m i a ; ihey . r e met with.the rery consolmgand! o t b e r p e o p l e / o r .n a f t p r a t t v o fo™. a n d c o n
crowna this piece n fa r c h iu c ta ra l deformity. , . am democratic response •' Four cautt U ju st, but tee can do
cienu—anda *instead .—__J of - / sullying their /fame, bma !>•« mn
h . has only Iu ten­
sequentlv require spiritualizing, notw ithstanding I A pQrt 0f t h0 book was scaled, and was not to
T he Tremont Temple, oar reviewer affirms to be at pre*. nothing fo r you," (as w a. the caws with the SamU,) or,
ded to place them higher in the estimation of men of sound they are as conspicuously plain, and are meant to bfi opened y et T h c ^ a le d part, said h J
eB. » the rpmaias of randalio spoliation.** T hs inside, a “ You commenced the ditturbancet; to help yovrtclvtt, there
judgme.t, Thtw I hope thi. even handed justice” will be understood according to their literal reading. reading, the game same revelation which was given to ^ Johri
^ upo
room fall of aeata; the walls, one monotonous view of duty
commend the ingredienu of this poisoned chalice of criti­ it no Government fo r y o u r ( a . was the c u e with the Cath­ as those passages which » - x. teach. - - - u us of 0f the the creation!
creation 1 ,hc isic
• . 0 j* f p p atm0s,
atmps, and
and when
when the
the people
peon ot the
white} and witk a « g h , he exclaims, " T h e glory of the olics and abolitionists ) and len it will
cism to the re.iewer*. own lip?.Q of th e world, and of the decree of its M aker to Lofd arc preparod, and found worthy, thi
T re m o n t i» departed.”
'I remain sir, your obliged Krvant and “ W herea. these acts conclusively show, that the people
Mr Kirk’a Church in Sometaet Place our critic haa liken­ b rin e its inhabitants to judgm ent. B u t to pro- K unfoided unto them,
ARCHITECTONIC. . of these United ( diitracied ) States arc entirely destitute of ceed with m y n arrativ e: \ 0 n the subject of bringing to light the un
ed t o a religion, hypocrite, with l.s fair face to hide the an effective and energetic government, po ste rin g the
On tho evening of the 21st o f September, 18-3. ^ « c0rd, ,t may b*, p r o g r to
meannesa and crying t i n of i u « body and parts. He Philadelphia, M ay 30th, 1S44. disposition or ability to administer the laws in equity, and
previous to retirin g to rest, our brother s mind ^ ^ brQther wa3 exprcs8ly informed, th a t it
quotes many author, to prove that deception, merely, to Bao. P a a c E : —You may ihink strange in receiving execute justice to i u own citirens, and spread the broad was unusually w rought u p on
catch the eye, ahoald be rtricUy avoided m ^ J ' o f w o r ju j ho,8.ubJ ^ 7 ^ Lmust u s t be done witn with an cyo eye single to t h o g0l o r jy o f
a leuer from m e ; but a sense of duty urge, me to take my folds ofthe constitution over its own children; and where­ had so long ,ng agitated his hts mind— Ins heart w as G od; d if tthig h i s consideration
conslderation did not wholly charac-
ahip.aa it holds the mirror up to nature, and ahowa the pen in hand lo drop you a lias or two as the present junc- as, General Joseph Smith of lllinoU, lias declared in favor
drawn outt in fervent prayer, — *nd
and his whole soul | . . ajj ....................Jn
proceedings nXhtlon to it, the
in relation to it, the
apirit o f t h e projector.; “ by their fmit shall ye know ture of affair.. of umverw.
ot universal liberty and equal righu, -and i . evidently
............... .......... a-
l ,st to every thin g o f a temporal nature of WQUjd overcome him, o
Since I left Nauvoo, I have had many dream , and man of knowledge, wisdom, philanthropy, and energy was so lost
t h e m i t U the aign-board of the aptnt that works within. . , • j _________________ _ ___ . . . . .
that earth,
earth to him, nad lost its charms, and all he 1 / nt h h m akj lh t proficiency
Trinity Church, in Summer street, “ where ^ visions of thing, in the we«t, besides some thing, lhat have j sufficient for the just and equitable adminisUatjon o! the desired was to be prepared in heart to commun ^ J orions W£)rk which ge otherwise would,
bad,** aay. onr nrchitectnrargeniu., “ th t. u the b e « , yet it reached me through other mesns. Th* formation of a i govern m ent— Therefore
with some kin d messenger who could ^ describin tho lace where the record
has many fault.. The nave too wide, the roof too low, the new Church in our city I have learned of; its originators I j Resolved,
cate to him the desired information of his accept ^ d itedj he gavo a minute relation of it,
galleriea too heavy, the pillars too alight; and were the cen­ know, and the foundation oa which it *Unds I know. I j wt. T hat we will by all lawful ways and means endea
tre arch o( the roof atone, a . itneem s to bf, it would, with­ saw a number of workmen very busily employed in erect -1 Tor to reform the abuse, of trust and power in every de- ance with God. rtnd th 0 vision of his mind bein^ opene^d a e
I A t length the family retired, and he, as usual ^ timej h(J waa permitted to view it cr.ncaHy ,
out a shadow of doubt, precipitate all it. imperfection, on ?__ kn'iUinw ii had fnr iia fnnnHatmn
iog a building. It had for i u foundation old rotten wood, nld rniten n a od. partmeDt
p&fUnCDv of
vi the
tuc government, and rear the ~ fallen standard
the heads of a d«vout coorregation, a . there is not yet d\t- brush, leaves, mixed with d ir t; where were also, the putrid of equal righu and universal liberty to every .oul of i bent his way, though in silence whore oth®r‘ and previously being acquainted
covered any properties of ths arch U»at coold support it, m ight have rested their weary frames Mocked ^ ^ (Q fo,ioW thc d i r e c t . o ^ f t h ^ i s i o n
carcaK aof 'many beasu, and buzzard, fteding upon them. I fast in sleep’s e m b r a c e b u t repose had fled, and ift<jrwardj accord ing to the voice o fth e angel, and
t a d nothing bnt a direct miracle could. T he front of the
When th i. building, became partly erected, the foundation M 2nd. R ew ired, T hat to advance thu. our parpow, we
organ and organ gallery are the fiaeat pieces of Gothic tra­ .. w ar andand it will recommend to the people of t h e * United States, to
gave way, it fell,
fell, and
and thothe timber,
timber, became
became rotten. rotten. I. I. will recommend to tne people o« meae u n iito o*a »
cery in the United Statea. The chancel al«> U very good. not this the interpretation thereof 1 The new Church in erect, creci* and uphold upuw»« by w7 their influence and vote.,» —
----- -------------------------- an — mdepen- r r ,« > . ■ y ”
OOt IQIS m e a
Upon the whole, the interior has a very p!ea«og effect.
Nauvoo ii .. the the building,
building, iiU foundation ii .. tbe
u foundation tbe ra w pppp oo ^^d er- dant candidate for the Pre«dency.
d er- Presidency, who will neither be a
All its deformities he place, on the .boulders of the " Build­
ing Committee,” " that inexorable tribunal of ta .tr, from
ro r^ w ickedness and corruption, of iheaainu -,^the buzzards Whig, a Democrat, or pseudo democratic President, but flitte d , lik o t h e “ w ild b i r d o f p a s s a e e , h a d se ttle d s i s i 'j s s f f l j - '’ ''" - — ^ P r 0wi»*d - O n Wednetday - ,
last, ay.
are the apostate, and carthagenian mob, “ who *st up the a President of the United Slate. ; cot a Sonthern man u p o n a d e te r m in e d b a s i s n o t to b e d e c o y e d or I <v(theIIenjptte, (J[L:'1l.]In q a ire r,M i» L e tt.A tm A b rw n «
who«e authoritative decision there i . no hope of appeal,'*
.in . of my people, as they e .t bread.” Can any building with Northern principles, or a Northern man with South- ‘ d r i v e n f r o m its p u r p o s e . .Ja^hter of Mr. Sam utl Abram., of Near Rockaway, w a.
and in a very waggiah manner aeem. to intimate that the
stand upon «uch a foundation a . th u 1 I am sure it cannot • ern'principle.; but an independant n a n with American In this situation hours passed unnum ered— how by |he np#ellill, of a boat by a squall of wind m
aforesaid ♦* Committee** waa fitted neither by nature or ed­
Christ Mid, " upon th i. rock will I build my Church, Jcc ” principle*. r N
1many or how few I know not, neither is he able ^ Bjy The dfcetted was about twenty
ucation to comprehend, much less to control, the design, of 3d. Rewlved, T hat General Jow ph Smilh of Illioois. i.
not upon tbe filth, error, and device, of men, either real or |
‘ a building; or in plain terms, thejj would not know a church i a gentleman of independaace and integrity, ponesaing the ! to inform m e; b u t supposes it m ust have been 1 tadwM(WCttader»tand,engaged t o Two
from a hay-«uck, when drawn or* k aheet of fool’^cap. qaalification. requisite to exalt the nation, ( if the people e le v e n o r t w e lv e a n d p e r h a p s la t e r , aa " ..h.r p e r * ..., her s i s ... .n d ’ ;
,mw ! th regard to Me*r*. L aw ., I would « y ; that when 1
«• Bowden-aquare Church," exclaim* onr critic, *• i. a will give him an opportunity,) and to restore her departed a n d b m t l o o f t h e f a m ily , i n r e ti r i n g . b ”“. { I « ,o .he b o .t« '|ib e time ol the deplorable . c a d e m . H er
saw them d e « e n d to a beastly trawaction, to fall upon a
nondescript pile of rough granite.” Ho agree, vrilh Can- since ceased. W h ile conU num e m p r a ^ ^ hM not recovered,________ ^
poor labouring m to . and cripple at th at; and beat him like glory, check the progre» of corruption ia the administra­
didos, in his note book, that " it ia the consummation ol tion of government, and pre»erve the honor of our republi­
a dog when he was contending for h u just right, yet ^ A l a r , cot, o o f a c t o r y i . t o b e e r e ^ i n N ^ .
all that i. beggarly and miserable, and thinks that if ths
would hare been m o* unmercifully beaten by the cripple can imuitntioM.
- architect had any spirit, he would have hasget) himself as 4th. Resolved, Therefore that we will uphold General t u r e s , o n a s u d d e n a lig h t.U k e « ^ ^
noon a . it w a . completed. His idea is this: that if all ths in the end. if Hyram Smith bad not interfered and u k e n Smith for tbe Presidential chair' of tt»i. Republic, at the o f a purer and far m o r e glorious ’ An adjotirnfd meetir.g of the Share lloldei. of the
architectural deformiiiee in the United States were collect­ him off. 1 then ttid.: “ iheee men have laid the foundation I brightness, b u rst into t h e room Indeed,^touse ^ ^ ^ ^ o f T ra t
ensuing election.
ed in one heap* he would place Bowden-*quare Church on ior a future temptation, and a . they have conde^eaded to 5:h. Resolved, T bat tb . Jefferconian Democracy of j h i s own d e s c r ip tio n , the first sight M u h e t » office, No. 7 S f x n c e ^ . on Mond.y evening
the top, as the crowning absurdity of them all. This wag- • beastly act, Uke tho beast., they will go down to destruc- Mas* achoi ettt. who are ia favor of “ free trade aad siilor*. the t h e house was filled filled w w iithth consuming and nn 1I ^ ' V Pu i f - p a * 1 o’clock. L --------
Panctnal- attendance is .. «re.
gbh critic seems t» intimat* that if certain long^ared quad­ ticn.”
rupeds p o a e s in g brains, .tody, part, and contemplation,
Now Bro. P. do yau not recollect tbat when m Cherter
. rights,” protection of penon .nd property, are requeued
to assemble ia S u te convention by their delegate, on
rKhtC»bb,i^ a a ^ t l t r a S f b e ^ l d . ^
wv f»SH
S. BRANNAN. C krk.

were to elect a President or Prince, that the Architect of co. P a. 1 forewarned you of a danger to which yon were occasioned a ,K «U .or --------------------
Moudav the 1st d .y of July 1844 atF anieul H ill Li ihe
> Bowdes-sqoare Church would be elected without a disasnt- expoaed, and having heard some things of late in relation ciiy of Boron. itrem ities o f the body. , U T U IIE R . f Faacy Hair, Cloth and Hat B r^ b e ^ -ja b o
iro%rk*, to younelf, I have felt it my duty, in a friendly manner, ‘ w i t h a c a l m n e s s .and serenity o f mind, and an BruabJT Tbe above article, ho h a . oa hand
iag voice. Cth. Reaolvcd, That a . the name of Gen. Joseph Smith
ry new once more to remind yon of your danger. W hen in Mis­ I o v e r w h e l m i n g rapture o f jo y t h a t surpassed u n - ■ . V h . L . e . t orice,. 113 ••• ^
“ Tha* the n o ses in Council, on far-famed Parnassus, b a. been placed upon our banner a» a candidate for the
toa tbat
Would crown that Count Blunder, the Prince of jacka»ea.” u a r i , I aUo yielded to temptaiiuo, and did aad .aid things Prettdency ofthe United S : a u . ; and a . it t. ofthe utmoel jdcrstanding, and in a moment a personage stood OK AND JOB vVORK. Doj* a s 4tl/ f i d E ipidiU oa.
T he Chnrch on the com er <d Bedford and Summer- which have ever aince been looked upo^ by me with wor importance tbat we ‘‘ hang our banner cn the outer wall,” before fore . - • - f i u . l l V i y ° ^ B J-B E V IN , at Np. 7 B ^ ^ e e U
lin*. ibe N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g th% r o o m w a s .p r e v w u s y f BU \ I i
/ atreete, the steeple of which he pronounce, to be ‘‘ very row and rogret- Tho*. B. Marsh, waa in company with me a * the pics, ia a most poteat eagiae* to enlighten the
i by the at lhat time. Daring oar temptation, David W . Patten, w as
good.” T he inside of Brattle wreet Chnreh ia alw Mgood.”
f-jT L b r i Dcttiay
to T i i B 't i u v m u w vuuuc

rOR IM -t BY Most splendid asOrtment
0 . S. F O W L E R PASSAGE OFFICE, . m a l i SUBSCRIBERS b a r i n g ^ “ ^ ' p i ^ ' r T S S N g ^ ^ s a iiihe, city; i iaa io ha', found--at- tho aunacn-
N E W Y O R K & H A V R E PACKETS. b e * ------- u
131 N i h a U S r . , N Y i . . «7ho i* ccn»t*ntly receiring all dexcnpticaa c f goW
NION L IN E —T o aail from New York oa tht Sth 16 h. ,00 P ine -tre e ,. corner c fS ou.h-.lw et ^ J
U 04th, end from Havre on ihe 1st 8 ih and the 24H
t ( t i t t y moatb, u follow*, fix.
___ ____ j n ,t.k .r.a C h m O n lQ ‘
’ n ^ i l t e r watchea of the lateat atylea, from the
i n E n a lw T F x a n c e , and s ii.x e r la n d . be ta f B.bled
JVoci Havrt. OOY.A W ork whici ■tex»cU «nd the p u b i c * ©f brin ein * t.ut C b ti i»at, i ck H e n r y , £ le w Y ork , Cambridge, . to cuci a lh it_ ~ OoW "Watcnfs as
From JV k.
tent* for 15W4. IOT ™ P™Pj»» - - b? the followi-* Virginian, Liverpool,
h u now been eigt> George Washington ,*’ 1, ,ll‘( S a l i i a r a c k - W *tcb< ..n<l j t * t l l > t i c b u g t i
ARGO. s April 24 years before ihe put. E ^ L A ^ 'p A c i l r i l l P S J O A N . FKOM u . M.mlezuina, Siddon*,
Aug. 24 Columbus, Uaited State*, ^ ,,m,• ”
C. Anthony, Jr., 8 he, so that i u mem Hottioguer,
Dec. 24 1 Aahbortoo, England,
8 are allowed to speal Day* of Sailioj; from Roscius, ',6 . m o n e y W i i i h u •» i J e» « tT .
Captain*. SupkenWhitacy, Rochester, .
FRANCOIS lit. 16 May 1 for themselves. S hips’ New-Yoik- | Europe, ,
Sept. 1 T H E AMERICAN Yorkshire, Garrick,- , *’ • L a .»H; TO W .tl.^ W
Ainsworth, 16 Name*. June 7 Oct 7 K*b b I Independence n n e en o fth e We*t. Oxford . " v n T lT E S f P IA N O * F O R T E S —J .
16 Jan. 1 PHRENOLOGICAL G. Washington Burrows, S»mu* 1 Hick*.
JOURNAL. United Slatea Bruton, Aug. I Dec 1 Apnl 1 , Irvr>i/PTT
A F° w i lCiorm
to n f o r B nbi* n pfritnth
i m i w u x i l‘uw
BURGUNDY, 24 May S .. 13 “ 13 “ 13 « a . o F ojte Store to No
Sept. 8 Devoted exclusivel) Gcrrick Skiddy.
D. Line*, 24 o j •• •^5 ** 25
to the exposition anc Patrick Henry, Delano,
24 Jan. 8
defence of Phrenolo Sheffield, Allen, Sept. 1 J*n I May 1
8 May 24 .« j:i •• J3 *■ 13
EM ERALD, gy and i u bearing Roscius, Collin*,
S Sept. 24 tt 25 “ 23 " 25 to forward r - . - , <o B o f i i i o , M a nll'lDtcrmedulc o.d lund !>.«• f. . * « > •
Howe, Independence, Nye. 1 June 1 Troy, and via E n e canal
8 Jan. 24 ,nd of .be krndred w ie n c. .of PhT..ol"eT *»d « « “ ' u ; ” AlUn. Oct. 1 Feb. dollar*'upward*
„ t h e y ciQ bear on i l ; embrae.ns the •» Virginian, 13 “ 13 “ 13
10 June 1 Siddon*. E. Cobb, To**all porta of the Upper L « ^
RHONE, Oct. 1 Hurileston. •23 “ 53 " 25
J . A. Wotton, 1G \shbjirton I d T b l’o r.p rlK .T d .-N B
16 Feb. 1 Nov. 1 Mar. 1 July 1
'i.bph’n Whitney Thompson, .A ^TchangeJ. arid N>Id on r o m im * * " - ♦ ~ .
13 “ 13 ** 13
24 June 8
VILLE DE LYON, 3h ' ,id“ ' Bank, and b u n c h * .
C. Stoddard, 24 Oct. 8
Feb. 8
24 «»>• *» “ IRELAND. [ The Ulster Bank. Jo-
i 8 June 24 ADVANCE, POST rAtD.
ALBANY. Oct. 24 All D r . f t . t e l ? V;°.igh«, at e i ^ e r of the obove bank,
Watson? 8 EDUCATION A N D S E L F . I M P I l O ^ N F N T P l l l 'S l C A L
Feb. 24 their branches orMagencies...........Atwood ho £ ; L p7 oL ? m ° ^
8 MORAL, AND INTELLbTUAL. i e t ^ Spooner. Atwood&&Co. Co.banker*. and Wi*con«ia Tenitory win be very moderate aad atte ? F , . . ^ e
8 YLVE DE GRASSE, 10 July 1
Nov. 1 Founded on Phrenology nnd Physio!ogr : or.
L. Weid«rholdt, 1G ENGLAND, ^ p. W w Byrne*, «5c*Co. Liverpool
1G Narch 1 H eads and Bodies, and how to make them g
self, by sho wing how to enlarge the de-
. ' > p also .beByr engaged from Liverpool to Phila-
u also be en l o l b e i r frn n d . in t o ™ * “| £ f . £ A£ o U . n d . o r U M ARKABLE VISIONS,
LOUIS P H IL L IP P E , 24 July S
Nov. S , K S D »
^ anc* 5 5 S S ! , «
J . Castoff, • 24 training and government of children, without in •hip*, on application being ihi*conlinent from the e a r lie r A ge. w ith
24 March 8 I This work expounding the principal law* of (post paid, addressed to J 0 S E p H McMURRAY. beginning of the fifth c! n.'? rjr ° j doctriae ol the Church of
DUCHESS D’ORLEANS 8 July 24 dtiions of happiness, and show* how to fulfil them.
100 Pine-sireet, corner of South-St a a *ketch of the ri*«, faith, ®°. » Y r>' Pratr.' Ministor
A. Richardson, 8 N ot. 24 INTELLECTU AL IM P R O V E M E N T ;
8 March 24 AGFNTS —In Pottaville, Benj. Bannan. Esq. n W . a
W heeler, s s
Union-Building, i s• t
---------- • * • MI,-
Or, how to C ultivate t h * M emory ; In Lovell. Rich Welsh, Liq. J ! w M . n . , 3 w . l l • « « . , .n d 1 8 F .o n . « r « . , New
10 August 1 S t r x n u t e w t h e I n t e l l e c t , and conduct the in el
BULLY, Dec. 1 In Albany, T Gough, E*q
W*. C. Thompson, 10 lectual education of children ; in which i» pointed out a In Toronto. U. C. Rogrr* & Thompson. “ ,,lu ,b l' ^ Q w aN T 3
April 1 Y°N O Howard, -ta S o n * Third .tre e ., FbiUdelphi*.
1G oew and more excellent way to inte lcc,aal 1 In Newark, John McColjjan, Ivq. Sandfor^V. Shoemaker, 7 Ligh.
24 Aug. 1 t h a n our common schools end -eats of learning^now^ fu -
IOW A, In Utica, Thomas MtQuade, h*q . think or gentlemen’, fine dre*a W t a m « ^ p(.gCed
W .' W . Pell, 21 Dec. 8 nish—a work of great value aod importance to pw«“ ‘*- L. S Liul-john, 11 Exchange, Albany, N. Y.
24 April fe teacher*, nnd all who desire.tu know how to improve their moat faihionable iihape, $2 75 ^ ^ 3 j ^ j C4» foicy co-
S Clark, 159 River m e e t, Troy, N. x.
UtlCft} *• bootf, 01 50 to ^ 13 5^ t0 Y 75 a pair; and all the


formed, . h .. Qoimby’fl L igbtnin, Condnc.or. ror lb.
Or, ihe Transmission of Qualities Physical
proucuon ot b n ild in p tg u aM h i h u n w . c«n be obtained and Mora! from parents to their off-pring*, through sue
W . A. Cook, Syracuse. N. Y.
Kocheater, N. Y.
W . H. Cook, Buffalo, N Y .
on aoolication to him, at h a office 151 Fulton street. All ceseive generations ; including direction* for formi?«.” c^ mean to * ® ^ rk ‘ can B;g0 ^ MCaard Irom the v» H . Fiizhugh i Co., Oiwego, N. ^ ^ DEN j . c 0 .
order* from the city or country, wiUbo pron.ptly « tt« d e d matrimonial a* will secure whatever■ qa. « J J rious ports ,n I r e l a n d and ScoUand from which steam boat, m 13 ti * 1 *
to. T he price i* red children may be desired; with hint* to mothers during S P R IN G A R R A N G E M E N T — 1844. ^
run to Liverpool. JOSEPH McMURRAY, rate .and pabUc w le , hiring. leUing auoex-
I ;*"*• "inde*^l ahouid all who^design to form 1G0 P'ne .treet, New York.
„ To improve mankind, w e must tDgtogo fu . c e n e rtj agency and anpervision of real
Gives drafu in sums to suit applicanU
1 ijie
begin Wrim0ni61
with the c hrpUti00^
rm Education bestowed upon a. good AUo’ f o V :W r « . W a»J re-
i i t h ^ n S T a l l y examining i u practical result*, as exhibited o s t h e * IM PO RTA N T TO SO UTHEEN -TRAVELLERS. estate. t-_1iri;no* ’ .Persona having property 't o sell, ex*
physical and moral basis, w ill be vastly m ore Produ£ll' f PROVINCIAL BANK OF IRELAND.
Tn‘ how *., barn., churche*, Arc., that hadb.en damaged by than that expended upon a barren foil. Lodjz enough have p a y a b l e AT l .i , wiU fin d
liflhtning, although furnished with lightning rod* parenUiJept over this subject. Walker « d rlc t Bambndge,
To building* not more than 25 feet long, he alwaysi af- dation of it, was a com parative failure. It» Cork, Ballymena
* 0T* ' Limerick,
fixea two rod*; to large buildings, a grater number. T h e ia treated— a* none but a practical P h renologist l a * treat Par*ontown, v“ " v
number of rod* n e ceam y to insure protection, and then Clonmel, CllABLESTOK, S C , DIUXCT TO N .W ObIAISS. f o fm o n e y
i t - c i E v n r i c A L L Y ; a vast many Londonderry Dowopatick,
proper pontion. depend on the aue and form of the building Cavan, (24 Hour* in advance of the Bay Line ) 1 ^ ™ a ^ d i a « l g a g « . ' lodtTidnll.. or c o m p a n ies re-
being stated, and all supported by a m a » of Sligo. on bond of their estate, xqay dep«nd
the lo c a tio n of the chimneys, the po*mon and height ol ly overw h elm in g < A most ueful wotIc, and a rarj mite£c Lurgan,
W exford, T R A V E L L E R S going South are informed that the con- q0l" <3®-“ J* faithfnlly and ecoriemically tnsnaged. Per-
neighboring object, &c. &. Building* are differently tual treat — p p 2 *0 , and a penealogical table withWanK Omagb, aeJ.\oa b e tw e e n the Pei.rtburg a n d W ,l m i » C.o n K . ; l ^ .
aita'aied Belfast,
d taated aand n d 'very differeatly exposed ; and the rods require paper, for recording family lik enesses. Watetford, Dungannon, MnSw Uhins to»hire, parcbaM or exchangepro petty, or tn-
to vary in their application according to circumstance*. at Weldon, including the Petersburg Companyb* V aona wisntng t be aecomodated.^ Person*
the Roanoka is completed, so that .l rave^e™. 8tlf® j j
T JO NES & CO, 12 Pine and 15 Nassau st, tire now Eaniskillen, Kilrurb, h V .h . R « a t Mail Route, via Washington, Richmond and r s s s s i f s s s s s s - « » : « » « * « » m . *
Or to theselectiou of c o n g e n i a l coma rriiONs ro*^Ltr* t u e b v ^ » d i o g a deacriptioa o f . h r
. offering th* following venr deatrable goods in lou to including directions to tht marritd, for hying together af­
fectionately and happily. The cautions it administers to
Co., B a n k e r , London.
• a it 'caMjm cre*, o f c-f.erent atylea and shades the young ; the hinu it furnishes in regard to conducing a ddte ue d lo J 0 « N 0 , WILSON-, N . T O g J „ , . N . Y,
B eaver* and ptloU , lo w priced to very superior Payable in every town in Great Britain : j e — c- —
courtship, a* well a* it. scientific exposition of man s so- 2 & 3 r 5 £ 5 5 f i s s « B
Vesting*— L ondo n style* cial nature and relations, a* well as ofthe laws that govern ----------- ---- E C C A L E O B I O T tv ”
S ilec iat-C a sb a n ’a F«rgu*ons'a aad *everal American ihem, render it most interesting and most useful. LINE FO R PROVIDENCE AND great advantages over the day line. EGGS H A TCH ED BY ST E A M . IN P R E S E N C E O F
NA TU RAL RELIGION : BOSTON, The following unrivalled achedule. are now run on thi. line.
Brint*—Low Philad aad super Madder* via rromwoTow a nd ^ kwpokt . FA ST MAIL LINE. ^ m H l S NOVEL E X H I B I T I O N , .8 0 ftA M U S I N G AS
M de Laine* and Crape M de Laine*—new eiyles Or, T h e N a t u r i l T h e o r y o f P h r e n o lo g y ; its aspect
L«ave N. Y. at 9 A M Arrive in Philadelphia a t 3.P M. J . well a* in.tnjetiag, U now open at 2S5
Merino* and Alpatcss ; Moicakine tnd Cords on revelation, and its general harmony w*th ‘‘ i ‘ncl“ d‘ 8 -
Velvet and velveteen* ; red paddmg*—3 4 and *1-1 Answers to the o b jection ., lhat P h r e n o l o g y favor*Fatalism , C Phila at 4 P M. arrive in Baltimore at 1 A M.
M aterialism , aod Infidelity, and i . o p p o .e d to a change o ; i r‘ 1 ' p .lo .|< m lDC . u p e n o r Stea m er s, running in Leave Balt at 2 A.M. arrive ia Washington at 5 A.M. a Tljeob'jcci S ’ this ExhibUion, to n o v e lm New-Yotk, i?
Kentucky jaane, of all ib* different colora to cratify the *cientifio and cunon*, by affording them an
R oll’d jaconett* and col d cambrics , heart :—A W o r k . , which .he r r m ; A . r ^ C n .p o .e - lot Leave Wash, at 0 A M. arrive in Fred’kabnrg; at 11 A M. oDMttunUy of witnesaing ihe wonderful pr 6cea* «f ih* de-
Aoron and furniture check* man's moral nature are fully analyzed, and ‘herewith the " “ “" ' . “ n -p T o iT d 'e n ^ lU 'U .o .d .. Leave Fred’kg at 11 A M. a r r i v e ^n Rich Va. at 3 i P M.
veloJement ef animal organization, and^iaore w e i a l l y to
• W oolen *hawl»—all aizea and qualities religious doeirinti taught, and theduiu* required _bv man j Leave Rich, at 4 P M arrive j n P e ^ r s b u r g , V j . f l P M- wav for .supplying our m arket with Poultry of
S il k and cotton p oc k e t H d k f s - l m e n and imitation : L nnture and constitution ; sectarianism ^ countcd ‘«r; aDd L*ave Pettrs-g al Oi P-M- e m v . in W ei. N C at 11 P.M.
xpowd ; and the general tenor of ihe Bible doctrine, RHODE IS L \N D . “ T. - Leave Weldoo at 2 A . M. arrive m WiL. NX3. at T P M
c ujwfo__BlankeUt Chelmsford, Whitney Mil.*, Rose, NARRAGANSETT, ‘‘ Woolsey. S o X t the poor even /to w hom ’i l i . now dew ed, may be-
Radical Duffle Bath and c r a d le - Q n ilu and c0UDterpaD«; wstained. Religien is as much a as Leave W i l . at 2 P M. arrive tnCharleaton, S C . a t 8 A M .
S S b r i M Of different widtha-Jaconett*. do do ; cambnck It is as much governed by fixed principles and faroutable H .'.ly ^ S u n d jj.c ic Jp te d , f.on. B a.lcr, P lace, pie, No<l^ Passenger* by this Line will reach P e te n b u rc in Bevca^ c o r a ^ p a r t ^ e t s ^ n b e jw u ry r inccbtliog; roBy be *aid to
M d S t a r e dimity— Fancy check strip* and plain mu. Nor are ihese laws beyond the kt-n of man. lney
be nerfectVand is m o w sure, of H atching .Eggs , than any
lia i__P e tt ic o a U . robe* and .kirta— E o g lu h and A m erican .re written upon his nature. Phrenolocy unfolds that^na­ N. R ..e r . A RRA NGEMENTS. bird It is a material improvement upon ihe Eccaleobion,
ture, and, ihtr.w ith, the whole code of doctnnea depen
long Cloths. ______ The MASSACHUSETTS, Capt. Co|»«ock. o . Mon- which has'sffotded satiJaction .and delight to millions of
dent thereos, and duties required thereby. R j.‘n T e ! o l 7 tbe“i o . ‘ a« » h « h h y p l.e e . i . vishen. at the Exhibition R o o m , m Pall-Mall and Picca­
a T ) 0 NAL FIR E INSURANCE. COM PAN Y . - PHRENOLOGY APPLIED TO TEM PE R A N C E . dilly, London, and is-emphatically-ft- u ium pb of Art over
Office No 49 Wall »t — Director, t M esm
A scientific exposition of the physiological effects of al- T b . r « l k]r.
s rs tfE s s r A i t t M o , -J-7 „•
Job-' Broower. Stmuel S Doujjhty, Wm L* Ward, . . S .« .iD « .0 D , he samd day, are delayed ten houts until tbat of the next D>Ladie* are particularly informid,: that while’ thi* exhibi-
John F M ickie. S rphen Holi. John Newhouse. Pb'lip coholic liquor* upon the human coosliiution, and especial non csnnot fail to pleaae. there ia nothing in t., in the least
W . Eo*s. M u c u . Spring. W m S ly upon ihe animal propensities. It expounds some Phys- DAY LIGHT L IN E , FO R RICHMOND & P E T E R S ­
.olooical laws of ureat intrinsic value, and applies ihem in oG>nsive to tho moat rrfined-and* delicate mind.
W m W Cirnvbell. John F Buii<«rworth, JOHN BROU BURG, VA. ' Gentlemen o f Science and of the- iqedipal profession, on
W E E . Pfe»idfDi—Jo»rph W Satag*» 8 cc*y. temperance with tremendious eff-ct. It has been regard- The above steamer* have , atib the comfort and Leave N .Y .a t S P.M. an iv e in Philadelphia at
in Philadelphia at U i i P.M
r .m payment of, | 5 . m a y h * v « a c a r d o f a d m w o q for 21 day»,
ia*uraoce taken at the lowe*t rates ed by many aa the strongest temperance do.ument pui
Ppr n g e ^ 1? S o t ' r , ; ; "ed ' 5 ■ S T l i US L-ave Phila at 6 i A M- arrive iv< i o Baltimore at 2 P M and the privilege o| breaking an egg each day.
forth . l e a v e Balt, at 4 P M. arrive> in i Washington at 6 P M
HEAP Cloth Store—Nois As Morris have in stare re TIGHT-LACING ; Or, Evils of compressing the Organa Admittanw Twenty-Five Cents. (
C w aived fromtoction tod #otbcr aourcc®, a large
ment al goodi auitable for gentlemen’* wear consisting in
of Animal Life.
U“ ltedrSt81” ’. or freight, which is taken at very reduced Leave Wa»b at 0 A M passing
t ^ r . ^ r ^ d a 8? n .7 h '.; d e of pier No. 1, No. 22
rate*, apply on
m c
and Richmond,k l n d . and . m^ n
110 through Fredericksburg
f i . Pe.e™b=r«. CHILDREN H alf Prica- A liberal, allowance mad* to
In Press, and soon to be Published, a W ork on B roadw .,, or office of Sami Devcay, Iretght .gent, on lb . •ing from PbiUdelpbta to Richmond and Petersburg, School* that attend in a body Egga Broken on
part or,—West of England, 'French a.nd American wool iion at 121 cent* each. Young C hicken, sold as cuno#*
black, blue, brown, invisible green, mtxeJ cloths PHYSIOLOGY, AN IM A L AND M E N IA L :
p L ^ n g m byhthi* line have th . advantage of passing: the
WooKblack. blue and faicy casumerea m great variety Or, the efiecu of different organizations and conditions & i r . w i c r £ s r « a ! K enmg and
evening nl«ht in Washington, and yet reach Cb.rles- npon ibe management of Ponluy, Reaerally. .6 cent*." .
sfnd night
S a ti» tu , ell color* of the body upon the character and mental manifestations; toa as early a* those leaving Baltimore at « the « mi,95:rl .. - ■ - « -- J--------------- ----------------------
Scarlet and cadet mixed cloth ; buff cassimere including h e a l t h - i u conditions, and the mean* of pre­ WSj * TbVileamboat 10LAS, u n o c running daily bc.ween by the Bay Line, these laat being obliged to be over at C H E A P C A S H -T A -IX ..O R IN G
Black and blue beaver and 'pilot cloth* serving and restoring it, without medtcine, and, W e ld o n untsl their arrival. . , „
Silk and tabby velveu ; girafif cloth* reflimen*, habiu, and their eflect* on miad, icc. T he re P T « . ' . , m.r‘ ”.dnoNw for <he accommodation of.he 03 - For further information afld “ through IItck^ E S T A B L I S H ME NT.
Velveteen*} .ilk and Verona aergea ^ N e - Po T i . T e l , - h ? c h P^ i l l . h . r t l r make .he connection p ly a t our Southern Ticket Office adjoining th* Baltimore J. B. M E Y N EL L , (JC» BROADWAY.
ciproca! i» (l« n c e . of
Merino* and Ctshmere vestings and manifesutions upon the mind, is a deP“ t^ e? t “ e . regularly between that place and Stonmgton.______ ___ & * « W o Rail Road Office, FALL. • B M Inventor of tho naw iMtrtnneat for afcertaiBiog
Brawn holland*. binding* and cords
Bombazino lustring*. goat** hajr camblet*
futly preaented ;aud yet its importance i» vastly
The Author hope, to present wine principles of Physiolo­ "tYIt INTE IIS’ FU R N ISH IN G W A R E
J * a correct draft o f ih e,b n iaan,fig«e,ilhrottth which he
is enabled to produce a moat splendid Otter* upon iho
Twilled flannela, plaid lining*, together with a com gy viully important, but umally overlooked. r HOUSE, KO -34 AH!* STR«T, rv. T
nl«te assortment of uimming* for sale m quantm e. to following reasonable terma to execute prderain tbe neatest
T H E PHRENOLOGICAL ALMANAC for 1S40, 13-11, W EL L S & WEBB inform the Printers of id Petertburc, and resume their seftu.
IruU purchasers at the market p n e e., at their the United Slate*, that tn addition^to Iihe m lS] H. J- RO G ERS. Ticket Agent■ _ and most Fashionable Style, to patronize i* to be n ite d .
store No. 142 Chatham street, opposite the Chatham 1842, 1843, and 1S44, (1S45 will soon be published,) con- manufacture of Wood Type,
Dreas Coat*, Bin®, Black or O lire; from $13 to $20
taining many interesting and valuable fscu amply illustrat- f i ^ N S P O R T A T I O N FOR CHICAGO, LAKE E R I E and npwarda. * ■» : « *■ ;
Theatre ed with cut*, including likeneaes. and short biographies, LAKE ONTARIO, Pant*, do. . do. 4 o,_ 9
of distinguished men. The rrodtag matter of the old Al- 1 V#d " a l.rgeF w i X u 2 alS , ihe « l e o f N E W AND
BRUSH FACTORY. manacs is as good as it ever was, and worth many times ^ E C O n S H A N D p N T , ^ M A TE RIA L S, and „ e „
V i a O iw x g o . * V esn, do- . d ° * .................
Frock and Dresa Coat* m ade to m earure, 8
^ 5
article necessary for * ^ d coanantly receiving from OF LAKE BOATS will receive goods daily at middle •« •« •* E x tra trimedi* - - - 9 50 o
W , i Graining, Stensil, and A rtisu Brushes. All of the
above articlea will be manufacturedI to order, and at the SUBSCRIBERS to the MAGNET can receive^ ithat pier Cocaties slip. New York, fox any porta on U k e Pant*, do. dQ;j ^ u» t ' l 75 2
hhorvr.t notice, oa the moat reasonable term*, at 118 J*aa- Work through our office. It is now well conducted by P. Michigan, L ake Erie, Lake Ontario, or R iver Su Law- m25 3t ] ■* ’+rr
P. G ood, 133 Fulton-Strcet. More about this W ork else­
etu ^treet,
street, tbasement siory. t l f ]>CJ HE “ BIBLE O F N A T U R E ,’* 2 t : 1200 pages, price
r u s h fa c to r y .- w m . j d u d le y , m an u fac-
^ ............
t<uiiu4B who .....all or either of t h e « « £ « « ' “ -
" No transhipment between N e ^ York and Oiwego.
T his line is composed of th* first clat* of L ik e b oa u, and
T $1,25 a • 2 t\ ,d .
B K5* Editors
T U R E R ef Fancy Hair. Cloth and Hat Bru»be*—also, tmenllt eball receive a copy of the Work or >Vor^*
Aliota* Hair Broshes. The above article* he has on hand

hey sending a paper (marked) containing the same,

'!• b a » n e » . or ia connected at Oswego with the
C hicago L iv e of S t e a m P R o m x K a s ,
Praciicil Magnetiser. p r i c e . T
Guide to rorming and condnctm f Lyceums, Debating
lor sale at the lowes^pnces._lj 8 Nassanst.____ I 0 the Am. Phren, Journal Offic*. with a Line of F i r r a E * Schoombjis. running to porls on
Lake E r ie ; and with the new and elegant steamboau Lady Societies, with ontllne. o f dfsieniai.n*vr e « i r . &c. by
PROSPECTUS - u k n O T T H y s e l f .” ofthe Lake and Rochester, running on Lake Ontario and Charle* Morley, price 3s. for a a l e a t'th a -O ffic e of tbe
Prophet.'* _____
a d m it t a n c e FREE
SSisSS; sn? This Um is^also connected with a line of boat* on the
Wabash Canal and Ohio Canal, forming an nnh^oken com ­ W R IG H T , W A R N E R <5c C O .^ P h tn a i x S o a p Factory,
Broadway aad T w enty T h ir d Street; New; York.
WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. munication from New York to Lafayette, Iadtana, and from N D Plain and*Fancy Soap* qn;LiberaJ Term*___
IN CLINTON HALL, N o. 131 NASSAU S T R E E T . New York to Portsmouth, Ohio.

G E N T L E M E N AND LADIES, who may desire to be
VT come better acquainted with themselves,—their true
natural endowments, for natural, moral, and intelectual
enjoymenu or improvement, are respectfnlly informed
iH iS H iiS S j
Shipmenu by this line are insured to Oiwego, and on
the W abash Oanal only, except by special contract.
PaopaicroBS a » d A g e st* .
N A U V O O ' N E IG H B O R ,!
Ia printed and pnblishea'every Saturday^by John Tay­
lor, E ditor and P ro p rie to r; at-Natrvoo," Hancock'county,
f Oswego . lllinoia. Terra*—S^OO invariahly in adxance.i -
? Leuera must be addressed to ; the JEditor (John TayIoi)
The Board of Control of the Society for the Diffusion of JTfit »™Ivordble opportunity is at aU times freely given at
' F A R W E L L Jc H A RRINGTON , u HT,CA‘ post p a id .to receive th'a attention. __
Truth, of the City of New York, being desirous of pro- ,h<, ab0« h imse!f will be absent from the Pre*s wUl'give ihe most entire satisfaction. R 0 3 S 1 T E R A; R H E P P E R D 't
mulgating the Gospel ol Oar Lord Jesus C h m t city for a * hort t ime, every aMen*J«“ will be cheerfully T h e y a t e a U o A g e n u for tho sale Koverman’a EnameU- W . S. ROSS IT ER , 23 Coentics Slip, N. Y. T H E T IM E S A N D ^ S E A S O N ^ o
W o r : w AaxnT*. *
ae**, ana ---------------- — . . ' renaerea oy ■ ___ - , , ■■ n- rf - e.'iv Wllh ed and Pearl Surface Cards, which they will sell aa low aa Is printed and published nbont th 6' I s l and. I& b of every 1
thought it wiadom to establish a paper in this city, as an doabte test examinations have ^ a t ^ ^ b rep0#. P ease t o A l l e s '. Cleveland, Ohio, . .... month, at Nauvoo, Hancock pqnaty Jll^ by^JoJy^Taylor,
CtiA’a How aod A: Co. Toledo, O & 'Detroij, Mich. Editor and Proprietor. T ern ? » _ 9 2 per,aniuxni^pajablc
S t a U r - >■«*“ »( « ■ ™ i cb^ ° r cbrUi of 'hr annnlied with all sizes of iheir W ood T y k , of which they T u a a o a P a k b e k , Chicago, III. / in all cate* in ad van c e ' A n y j ^ ^ s o n ~proc u ring five new
Latter Day Sainu. A portion of which, at time*, will be ed^n » f ^ AracricAn Phrenoloaical Journal re- arc the original manufacturer*, and which still maintains its HuTCUiasON, W h e e l e r , & Co-Soulhport, Wise q. •ubsctibcn and forwarding M T e n D onafacdffeBi money,
devoted to Agriculture, Commerce and Manufacture*, as | orders for BOOKS and BUSTS will be p u a e u d y repuution for superiority over all competitors and atUmpt- mlS:c] . . . . — ahall receive one vclnma graUa.'3iAlL>Leuna most be ad-
[ m l 8 :c dressed to Jo h n Tay lor, pot* p a id , o r they .w ill^ot rcceire
well as to the Foreign and Domestic New* of the Day. It attended to.
^ 'nS ^P ubiishera of Newspaper* in the U S . and Canada, T HE following works are for aale^at th* Prophet office,
will likewise, be the faithful advocate and defender triJK i the above tkret insertion, by the «r*t of July, next No. 7 Sprnce Street, viz:— attention. . , .. •■ •„
F IR S T PRFM1UM. rv>- Subaeriptions for t h . .“JTim esajjd Season*,” . »ani
of the Constitution of the United State*, whose gUry and f Bd i n d f n a n* one copy of their paper containing it will P P . P r a t u Reply to Leroy Sunderland. le "Pr®
W » o l b a « . » p RriA^L SIJ..W H * r M a ^ factokv , be entitled to the payment of their ViUs on purchasing four •• Nanyoo Neighbor,w received" at Office of the
effulgence is known in every dim e, which was battled for Synopsis of the Bible, by B. W inchester. *
No 93 BowtaY. Gospel Reflector. H u to ry of the Pneathood. phet,** No. 7 Sproee street, N^-Yo^k'.'L ”na r'
and won by our illustrious and patriotic ancestor*. The limes the amount, fmlft-e ---------------- -—
t t ( 5 1 n l E SUBSCRIBER beg. ien.e £ Mew-York, May 19, 1844. l m l8 c* Millennium Poem*.
Art* and Science* shall not be neglected—Sketches, Nar­ Index to the Book of Mormon. 2 nd
^ ^ S f t h e lad.ea °J be e n offer- -~ n . i q r n n q * i F -rV al 1!0^!6 Farms .for sale in the
rative*. Bioftaphie*. Moral Eesaya, and Poems, will also large an assortm ent o f Straw^Goo ..f > V ip o liia n Addr«** to the Peop!e of the United
find a place in th* colamaa of “ T H E P R O P H E T cu in
ed iu ^the cwi4j(----- -
iiy , com prising a c h o ic e e j e c t i o n v Gospel Light, No. 2. promise a, anu weasing*. i n wnicu
whiUt iu condoe.or. will endearor .0 impart ...ic.y U d T ^ . n , .od .IU ,nd.fol Straw Ha^ W J n , A:c., jUwblalc- ^ ’0'i a par. bond and mot.- Correspondence, in. Pamphlet form, between J O S E P H nunent feature, that ba^o e r e i r - f c ^ t e r y J ^ j |Uc6>.
ur»iup wi •»» -- S M I T I i T t H E P R O P H E T , and Col. JO H N f W E NT- when cn t b . e « U . aro J l h . By
ift to ita column*. 1 u r* n , r 7 i m e i» e1.chwc« (or ooi.cnmbe.ed ci.y p .^ W O R T H , E dito r.o f “ The Chicago Democrats* ond.M tm- unne to do *o.*o l o n g a . w c w Iba.fewg?*.“ Pubn«bed i«
H*U cl*aned and altered« ■
T m u . __“ T H E P R O P H E T ,” will be isaoed Saturday I m25-.c] ____ _ _
T M 0 3. YOUNG.
b,ck° ffiCe' ° K ‘ ber o f C o n rrtn from Illinois ; Gen. JAM ES ARLING­ Elder Moce* Martin, M inuter of the Goj^el. ,a v
Coffee House TON B E N N E T , O f Arlington House, Long Island^ n d New-York, and for Sale at this Omcc. _— .
Morning the 18th in*tant, on an Imperial Shest, at No m H E W ORLD TU R N E D UPSIDE DOWN, O R HEA
No -17 Wail the Honorable JOHN C. CALHOUN, B tnaiorfrom South
Sprnce Street, l/ew-York, and will appear regular thereaf­ 1 VEN ON EA RTH . rmmortal Man bai or damage Carolina. In which b given, . s k e t c h of the Life of Joseph m H E SHARE HOLDERS OF T «E
ter on that day, at One Dollar per annum, invariably in T he material Universe u eternal.—Imi laheriiaace - the increa- Smith, the rise’and progress of the Church of L A T T E R
flesh and bone*.—Earth U his Ever MUrg InhentMce. by fire at premiums r e d u c e d , commensurate to
DAY SAINTS, and tbVir P E R S EC U TIO N S by the State
advance. TO this bear all the Prophets and ApnsUe. w i t i . *ed faciUties for the extmgnii jn e ^ p reBident. of MISSOURI! with tho peculiar view* of Jo*epfc Smith,
ftf- All Letters and Communication* must be addressed T he Physical Worlds were not founded “ “i j j j 100* in relation to Political and Religion* m a t u r . generally i ot
( p S s T PAID) to T H E P R O P H E T , No. 7 Spruce Street, but for the pleasure of God they are and were crvatsd. which i* added o cone!te account o f th t p sc u n t tlaU aad
BY P. P . PR A T T . ^ { ^ ^ S ? H J 5 ^ R K 7 D^ne neaUy and E ^ e d i u W Now*York, May U3d.
K.w-York. G. T . LEA CH , P re.'t. prosjxcU tfO u CITY OF NAUVOO.
By order of the Board. Published at the Millennial Star Office, 35 Ch»peUtK*lj B ^ y b y E . J , B E V IN S No. 7 Spruccnt.
- L iyerpod, u d for Sale a t this#Offioe.
New-York, Mar» X84-I.
sf watches io W e coyrrr?rt> roa Tits T ruth .
: the ssbseri-
ptienaof fold
he is enabled VOL. L -N O . V.
* pricea at re- S e c r e t s . — Mr. P . Sidney says—‘-W hat is
edly, scarcely raised by her em ployments above drudge who fulfils h er task, like a>blind horse in a
|i witehra aa'
try exchanged
m M fs w u w $ ? g § s the animal kingdom ; but, if she is struggling for mill, is defrauded of her j u s t reward ; for the wa­ mine, even to my life, is hers I lo v e ; bui the se­ THE FARMER.
jood time, or the prize of h e r h ig h calling, let h er cult, ite ges due to her aro th e carresses of her h u s b a n d ; cret of m y friend is not mine.” W h a t a delightful S E L E C T IO N S F O R T H E FAR M ER,
her understanding w ithout stopping to and women who have so few resouices in them ­ state o f social system would exist if overy body
Jewelry, Tho fleece o f tho Alpaca, a species o fth e L u n a
j*—c NEW-YORK. a t ONE D O U ^ ‘‘ ,cb consider w hat ch aracter the husband m ay have selves, do not v ery patiently bear this privation tbo ugbtand practised with Sidney I Few er heart­
burnings _____
a n a _____________
jealousies, and _________
vexations __________
would have of Peru, w hich inhabits the Cordilleras of tho
FORTES—J. . . « c r r be Ad- whome she is destined to m arry. L et her only o f a natu ral r i g h t
determine, w ithout being to'anxious about pres­ Y et, i f love be th e supreme good let women jlacefcmong men. I f also all.m en were to keep\ Andes, in South America, h as already become an
if nd* aad tho ^ ^ V p a O J H E T , ■I* * offi„
Store to No en t happiness, to acquire the qualities th a t ennoble be educated to inspiro it, and let every charm be a secret:.then wero all men as near a.state o f p e r-j^ ic a lo fc o m ra e rc o . 7 hey <^re shorn about every
0 * J>.« t t a u n u* ,11 order* for. or to
its, where, at polished to intoxicate the sen ses; b u t if they are fection as m ay be desirable in this wicked world, year>*n April, when the wool is about eig h t
new and Bre­ paruaent, to lIw ro0oey to pay for the a rational being, and a rough inelegant husband r~ m# . finches lone. T h e y aro about to introduce this
st twenty fiv*
ducoatiaae pubii caucus, •» m ay shock h er taste w ithout destroy in g her moral beings, let them have a chance to become T hi*
their advent, ... with the State and Poat Office, should peace o f mind. She will not moddle her soul to in tille g e n t; and let love to man be only a part of who
examine for nune^ u forwtrdf ^ lp avoid mia- su it the frailties of h er companion, b u t to bear that glowing flame e f universal love, which, after
b« du'mcUy «t*e»oftfBMTfrif towM of the aame name, or ►md cross
ill be warrant' w ith th e m ; his character may be a trial, blit not encircling h um anity, m ounts in grateful incense ed out to the con;.Tagation.
tuoed. repair* with another raw material o f home growth, ap­
iS S tllS S ,ho “ me town*hip- an impediment to virtue. to God
)*—«' / # Advertising. Book and Job W ork, done at A p p e a r a n c e .— I became poor, and m y appa­ plicable, by its fine quality and glossiness to the
I love man as m y fellow ; b u t his sceptre real In F orster’s Accounts o f the Isles o f tho South
OM IN T H E rel soon evinced it— I was univcrsaly avoided— I. purposes of silk. W hy not introduce this hardy,
the usual rat e s . ________ or usurped, extends not to me, unless the reason Sea. after observing th a t o f the two sexes among
good fleshed animal into the U nited States?
ra required at o f an individual demands m y homnge ; and even animals, the most vigorous and h otest constitution a-issed tb rsu g h the street as through a d e s e rt I Sheep husbandry must soon bccome n profitable
all the grave E. j : b e v i n , p r i n t e r . then the submission is to reason, not to man. In always prevails, nnd produces its kind ; ho adds. lad three oldlints— I gave them all for ono new
and im portant business in the United Slate?. Mr.
y, hia chargee fact, the conduct of an accountable being m ust he 1 If this be applied to the inhabitants o f Africa, it one, p u t it on and went out— I was immediately Reynolds, a wool growfcr io Delawnre. has a flock
Dal. No 552 W OM EN. regulated by tbe operations of ita own re a so n ; or is evident th a t tho men there, accustomed to poly* accosted by dozens. M y wife contrived to get up
i* - o of one thoueand Leicester sheep, from which ho
AND I N F L U E N C E , DY MARY on what foundation rests the throne of God? gamy, are enervated by tho use o f so m any wo* ono tolerable coat out o f two old ones— I p u t it clipped eight thousand ponnds of good wool last
tte Discovery WOLESTONECRAFT L iberty is the m other of virtue, and if women men, and therefore less vigourous; the women on on also, and went o u t—every one now recognised season.
I(he history of are, by their v ery constitution, slaves, and not al­ the contrary, are of a hotter constitution, not me. and I was shaken hands with at every corner. Corn, according to Mr. Teschemachers’ valuable
T h e neglected education of m y fellow crea-
i Flood, to tho lowed to breathe the sharp in vigorating air ot ooly on ac co un t o f their more irritable nerves, —T hose th a t have unfortunately more brains discovery, grown by tho application of guano con-
p Era. With (y ffi is the gran d source o f the misery I deplore, than B ank notes, can apply tho m oral
freedom, they m ust ever languish like exotics, more sensativc organization, and more lively fan­ . tains fifty per c e n t more o f phosphate in it than
ibe Church of and the woman in p atricular are rendered weak
and be reconed beautiful flaws in n a tu re ; let it cy ; but likewise because thoy are deprived in L ove — is certainly a very fine th in g ; b u t it t jiat j a{se(j on th e same land w ithout guano; and
>ratt, Minister and wretched by a v ariety of concurring causes
del many oth* also 1 , remembered, th a t they are the only ilaws. their m atrim ony o f th a t share o f physical love may bo well to call to mind, when we feel its first its product may bo doubled on a poor soil by tho
originating, from ono ha*ty conclusion. The
.fvt the arg u m en t respecting tbe subjection in which in a monoganous condition, would all be approaches, th a t it has sometimes term inated in use* of a few dollars’ worth of this powerful fer­
conduct and manner* o f woman, in fact evidently
I SH O ES!— which tho sex has ever been held, it retorts on h e ir s ; and thus lor the above reasous, the gener­ sorrow, shame and p a in ; in profligacy, i n >m ad­ tilizer per acre. G uano is at present too dear for
prove, th a t their minds are not in a healthy slate;
knowg, Only man. T h e m any have nlways been enthralled ality o f children nre born females." ness, and in su icid e! Those only who possess a general adoption, until Go%'ernment abolishes tho
for, like the flowers th a t are planted in too rich a T h e necessity o f polygamy, therefore, does not fine im agination feel this passion to a violent ex­ d uty and it can bo brought directly to o ur own ports.
' boats, of the by the few; and, monsters who have scarcely
drraa pegged soil, strength and usefulness are sacrificed to beau­
shown any discernment o f hum an excellence, appear ; y et when a man seduces a woman, it cess. It is to im agination th at love generally T h is m anure is best adapted for poor soils; for rich
iea’ fancy co- ty ; and th e flaunting leaves, after having pleas­
have tyranized over thousands o f their fellow should I think, be termed a left-handed marriage, owes the perfections of its objcct— I ^ v e is asu n - or highly manured land it would be o f littlo bene­
r; and all tbe ed a fastidious eye, fade, disregarded on the stalk,
hildren, from creatures. W h y have men of superior endow ­ and the men should be legally obliged to maintain ihine, which sheds a delightful brilliancy on eve­ fit Ono to two hundred pounds per acre is
long before the season when they ought to have
179 Hudson, m ents 8 ubmitt«d to such degradation? For, is the woman and her children, unless adultry, a na­ ry common pleasure— W hile we are younjr, love enough, according to the opinion of tho able an d
:_____i*1— c
arrived at m aturity. it not universally acknowledged th a t kings, view­ tural divorcement, abrogated the law. A nd this is essential to our happiness. W ithout it, the practical editor o f tho Am erican A griculturist, A.*
If, by “masculine women,” men mean to in ­ ed collectively, have ever been inferior, in abili­ law should remain in force as long as the weakness heart resembles the spring of a watch, which is
B. Allen.* It should bo mixed under cover from
°$ & 2 & veigh against their order in hunting, shooting, ties and virtue, to the same num ber of.m en taken of woman caused the word seduction to be used becoming rusty from not having been set in mo*
rain in th in layers o f earth ; and after a sho rt
rtun* *ik> e x­ and gaming. I shall most cordially join in the cry ; from the common mass of m ankind— yet, have :is an excuse for their frailty and w ant of princi tion— N o th in g confers a more lasting sweetness
time toss over the compost pretty m inutely, th e n ;
a c tin g rent*, but if it be, against the im itation of manly vir­ they not, and are they not still treated a de­ pie; nay, while they depend on men for a subsist­ to the temper th a n love, when it i 3 fortunate:
rition of real apply it to the crops.
tues, or, more properly speaking, the attainm ent gree o f reverence, th a t is an insult to reason?— ence, instead of earnin g it by tho exercise of their A lthough feeding silk worms at the W e st has,
eting and re-
f to sell, ex-
of those talent* and virtues, the exercise of which C hina is not tho only country where a men has own hands or heads.
for the past year or two, been chiefly in sheds and
i applv at this ennobles the hum an character, and which rais.** been made a God. Men have subm itted to supe­ Still, highly as 1 respect marriage, as tho foun tents, yet at Econom y, P a . they havo fed from
e, will, if re- females in the scale of animal being, when they rior strength, to enjoy the im punity the pleasure dation of almost every social virtue, I cannot a- call in the aids of Bolitude and idleness— T h e
e e«le, it will ten to twelve years.-and have used enclosed build­
are comprehensively termed m an k in d— all those o fth e moment— women have only done tne same, void feeling the most lively compassion for tho<e grossness of love is never destroyed b u t by the
ill al.o attend ings, and are always succesfuL I*ast year,
who view them with a philosophical eye must, I and therefoie till it is proved th a t the courtier, unfortunate females who are brok<?h off from soci­ refinement of sentim ent— Perhaps there is no
log of money have fed twenty-three crops and made between
tup&niea, re* should think, wish with me, th a t th e y m ay evory who servilely resigns the birth righ t o f a man, is ety, and by one crror torn from all those afTection.« creature, howevor sour, prudish, unammble, ugly, five and six hundred pounds o f reeled silk, of first
, may depend day grow more and moro masculine. not a moral agent, it ennnot be dem onstrated that and relationships that improvo the h eart and stupid, poor, dirty, or despised, who has not, at quality. T h o secret of their success is, th at th e y
naged. Per- Men, in general, seem to employ their reason to woman is essentially inferior to man, because she mind. It does not frequently even deserve the some period of life, had a secret sentimental love clean their worms every day. T h ere
■operty, cr in-
led. Peraona ju stify prejudices, which they have imbibed, they has always been subjugated. name o f error ; for m any innocent girls becomes affair, and sighed over an unfortunate attachment. much moro danger from heat th a n cold, especially
:baie real ea- cannot trace how, rath er than to root them out. T ill women are more rationally educated, the the dupes of a sincere affectionate heart, and stil
, will receive L a u g h t e r .— T he first sign o f a broken heart hot. sultry, confined weather, unless tho air can
T h e 'mind m ust bo strong th a t resolutely forms progress of hum an virtue and im provem ent in more are, as it moy be emphatically termed, ruinec
>oit-paid and is a total incapacity for laughter— W h en we bo entirely chpfrg'ijd in a very’ short time by flash-
its own principles; for a k ind of intellectual cow* Knowledge m ust receivo continual checks. And before thoy know the dilference between virtue
laugh, we experience a sensation o f delight, and fires in chimneys, with brush, straw, &c.
reef, N Y. ardice prevails which makes m any men shrink if it be granted,that woman was not created merely and vice: and thus prepared by their education Apples for exportation should bo carefully pick­
a sense of superiority, sometimes real, sometimes
from tho task, or only do it b y halves. Y e t the to gratify the appetite of man, not to be the upper for infamy, th ey bccome infamous. A sylum s anc ed and placed byJhand in baskets, then carried
im aginary.— Tho charactor may, in a measuro, be I___________ 1 __A i n A n il vnrtO*
imperfect conclusions th us drawn, are frequently servant, who provides his meals and takes care Magdalcns aro not the proper remedies for these
38ENCE OF discovered by tho idea or the object which chief­
very plausable, because thoy are built on partial of his linen, it m u s t follow, th a t the first care of abuses. Personal attachm ent is a very happy
ly excites our laughter. T ho malevolont laugh
U S I N G AS experience, on ju st, though narrow views. those mothers or fathers, who really attend to the foundation for frien sh ip ; y et when even two v ir ­ fr«m pleasuro in the misfortunes of their neigh­ t h e n bo p u tm barrels having a lewnoies ooarea in
>adway,£pij» T h e -civilization of th® bulk o f the people of education o f females, should be. if not to strength­ tuous yo u ng people m arry, it would, perhaps, be bors; the benevolent, from sym pathetic m irth ; cach head with an inch ana a half auger, w ith no
Kew-York, is Europe, is very p a rtia l; nay, it may be made a en the body, at least, not to destroy the constitu­ happy if some circumstance checked their passion; the intellectual, from a keen in sig n tin to the ridic­ straw, sand, &c. among them. T h ey should always
ding them an question, whether they have acquired an y v ir­ tion by mistaken notions of b ea u ty and female if a prior attachm ent, or disapointed affection ulous; and the foolish, from an oxcess o f folly. ’ bo shiped on deck; and very carcfully handled,
raa of tha de- tues in exchange for innocence, iouivalent to the excellence; nor should girls ever be allowed to made it on one side, at least, rather a match found D esc e n t .— F rancis th e F irst, hav in g asked
w ithout rolling, jolting, or iaring.
especially to misery produced by the vices th a t have been imbibe tho pernicious notion th a t a defcct can, ed on esteem. In th a t case they would look be A real well bred shepard’s dog, o fth e best k in d
ith Poultry of Castellun, Bishop of Orleans, w hether he was of
lastered over unsightly ignorai and the free- by any chemical process of reasoning bccome an yond tho present moment, and try to render tho used in G re at B rittan, would bo of great valuo
preient ratea.
lied, may be- S om which has been bartered for splendid slave­ excellence. whole of life respectable, by forming a plan to reg noble extraction.— Sire,” replied he, “ N oah had to sheep raisers in this country, particularly on
ry . T h e desire of dazling by riches, tho most B u t should it be proved th a t woman is n a tu ­ ulate a friendship which only death ought to dis threo sons in the ark, I cannot say from which of prairies.
ay be said to them I am descended.”
certain preeminence that man can obtain, the rally weaker than man, whence does it flow th a t it solve. T h e ir reason will never acquire sufficient Sour milk, to wet their food, is recommended
f«a than any strength to enable it to regulate th e ir conduct
Eccalrobion, pleasure of commanding flettering sycophants, is natural for her to labor to become still weaker A sk th y purse w hat thou shalt buy. for young turkies. L et them havo sour milk also
to million! of and m any other complicated law calculations of than N atu re intended her to be? A rgum ents of whilst the m aking an appearance in the world is A bad wound heals, a bad name kills. *" in a vessel a t all times. Corn meal is good for
ill and Picca- doting self-lovo, have all contributed to over* this cast are an insult to common sense, and sa­ the first wish o f th e m ajority of mankind. To, them.
1 of vyt over whelm the mass o f m ankind,'and make liberty a vor of passion. T h o divine rig h t of husbands, this weak wish tho natural affections and tho most A bitter je st is the poison of Friendship. Tho Poland breed o f fowls seems to be a p a r­
e' thia exhibi- convenient handle for mock patriotism. like the d iv in e 'r ig h t of kings, m ay, it is to be useful virtues are sacrificed. Girls m arry merely B ad books arc the public fountains of vice. ticularly valuable breed for laying, according to
it, in the least N o thing can set the regal character in a more hoped, in this enlightened age, be contested w ith­ to better themselves to borrow a significant v u l­ L y in g is the vice o f a slave.
the testimony of those who havo k ep t them.
fljcate miad. eontemptable point of view, than tho v ariou s out danger, and though conviction m ay n o t si­ gar phrase, and have such perfcct power over T h o y are of medium size, have on their heads a
iroftaaion, on
a for 21 days, crimes lhat have elevated men to the supreme lence m any boisterous disputants, y et when any their hearts as not to perm it themselves to fall in Prom ise little and do much. large white crown o f feathers, nearly a hand’s
J- dignity- Vile intrigues, unnatural crimes, and prevailing prejudico is attacked, th e wise will con­ love, till a man with a superior fortune offers Self conceit is the attendant of Ignorance.
width, covering and hanging down around the
every vice that degrades our nature, have been sider, and &ave the narrow minded to rail with S ays Rousseau, “ women have or ough t to have head. T hoy are not inclined to s i t giving no
nts. Intolerance is the parent of B igotry.
„th u steps to this distinguished eminence ; yot thoughtless vehemence at innovation. b ut littlo lib e r ty ; they are apt to indulge them trouble on this accou n t T h e ir flesh is rPOod.
nee mid* to I t is time to effect a revolution in female man­ selves excessively in what is'allowed them. Ad T h ey lay about a middling sized egg. T h e ir
n on appiica- millions of men have supinely allowed th e nerve­ Jests like aweet meats havo oft sour sauce.
>!d aa curioai* less limbs of the posterity of auch rapacious ners, time to restore to them their lost dignity, dieted in every thing to extremes, th e y are even form is very handsome.
mad Treating prowler*, to rest quietly on their ensanguined and m ake them, as p art of tho h u m an species, la­ moie transported at th eir diversion th a n boys.” L et another’s shipwreck be y ou r sea-mark A quan tity of ashes, p u t into the h o g p e n and
i cent#.' thrones. . bor b y reforming tnemselves to reform the world. T h o a tisw o r to thia ia v * r j simple. Slaves Goodness always enriches tho possessor. sprinkled over with salt, assists much the fatten­
F o r all power intoxicates weak man; and its It is time to separate unchangeable morals from lo­ and mobs have nlways indulged themselves in tho ing o f hogs— they eat it greedily. It is also good
same excesses, when once they broko loose from F o rtitu d e w ithout wisdom is but rashness.
RING abuse proves, th a t the mpre equality there is es­ cal manners. for the health.of cattle and horses.
tablished/among 'am ong men, tho moro virtue and hap- Supposing a woman, trained u p to obedience, authority. T b e bent bow recoils with violence, E n v y , cannot see; Ignorance cannot judgo. H eating hog’n lard to boiling heat, and insert­
piness will reign in society. B n t this, and aDy be married to a sensible man, who directs her when tho hand is suddenly relaxed th a t forcibly ing cach hoof of a horso in a vessel filled.three* or
'AY. T h a t which opposes rig ht m ust be wrong.
r aacertainiog similar maxim ____ • __ deduced
J . J : ___ j fromrsimple reason, rais­ judgm ent, w ithout m aking her feel the servility held it: and sensibility, the plaything o f outwnrc four inches with the oil, causing it to hiss upon
Wh which he es an ou tcry— the ohurch or th e state is in dan­ of her subjection, to act with as much propriety circumstances, m ust be subject to authority, or be T h e first step to greatness is to bo honest the hoof — together with copious bleeding— is an
were upon tho ger, i f faith in the wisdom o f an tiau ity is not im­ by this reflected light as can be expected when moderated by reason. T ru th scorns all kinds o f equivocation. excellent remedy for founder.
in' the neatest plicit; and th ey who, roused b y tne sig h t o f hu reason is taken at second hand, y e t she cannot en ­
ibe enited. W ho is bad to his own, is bad to himself.
man calamity, dare to attack hum an authority, sure the lifo of her pro tector; he m ay die and G L U T T E N IN G R A IN .
3 to $20
are reviled as despisers o f God, and enemies of leave her with a large family. ODDS A N D ENDS. H e, who attem pts everything, accomplishes T h e q u an tity of glutten in wheat, rye, and bar-
man. T h ese are b itter calumnies, y et they A double d uty devolves on h e r ; to educate loy, is very diffeient; and they contain nitrogen
2 S h are T oes .— I n the reign o f Queen M ary, of nothing.
reached one of the best of men, Dr. Price, them in the character o f both fath er and m other; England, square toed-shoes were in fashion, and in v a r y i n g proportions. E v en in samples o f the
8 to form their principles and secure their property Modesty has moro charms than beauty. i^ime seed tho qu antity varies; and w h v ? E v i ­
9 50 whose ashes still preach peace. the men wore them o f so prodigious a breadth,
1 75 A standing arm y, for initanco, is incompati­ B ut, alasl she has never thought, much less acted that there was u proclamation came out, “ th at no T ho mob has m any heads but no brains. dently because one variety has been fed with ♦ its
ble with freed om ; because subordination and for herself. She has only learned to please men, man should wear his shoes above six inches square D v v and N io h t .— A fellow, found g u il­
own appropriate fertilizer, than another which
to depend gracefully upon them ; yet encum ber­ has been reared on a soil less acurately adapted
pagea, price ed with children, how is she to obtain another at the toes.” ty of burglary before justico D ay, in Ireland ob­
by artificial means for its growth. F rench wheat
terpruea th a t one wiu airecw. -tv sp irit ini protector; a husband to supply the place of rea­ G r o t e s q u e . — B envenuto Cellini, describing served, ‘‘th a th is fato was singular, as ho lost by contains 12 per cent o f g lutten ; Bavarian, tw en­
ETISM, by a D ay what he got by n i g h t ”
• d ’oy/ romantic notions o f honor, a lcin d ot mo­ son? A rational man. for we are not treading on various designs for the imbellithment of silver ty-four per cent. Sir H. D avy obtained nineteen
mi, Debating rality founded on the* fashion o f th e ago, can on­ romantic ground, tho’ he m ay think her a pleas-, and steel work, says :— These foliaees ( refering to Ono d ay — I had it from a h asty m outh per c e n t from winter, and twenty-four from sum ­
«ar, &c. by
Office of the ly be felt by a few officer*, whilst the main body ingdocile creature, will not choose to m arry a fa­ ornaments o f the flower kind, worked on metal Accustom’d to make m any blunders daily, mer w heat; from Sicilian twenty-one, from Bar-
m ust be moved by command, like the waves of mily for love, when tho world contains many bavo received th a t name(^rotesque Jfrom the mo­ A nd therefore will not name, precisely, South, bary wheat nineteen per cent. Such great differ­
3oap Factory, the s e a ; for the strong wind o f a u th o rity pushes more pretty creatures. W h a t is then to become derns, because they are found m certain caverns Herschell, or B ally — ‘
ences m ust be owing to some c a u s e : a n d this wo
few York. th e crowd of subalterns forward, thoy scarcely o f her? She either falls an easy prey to some in Rome, which, in ancient days, were chambers find in tho different methods o f cultivation. A n
Term* _ know or care why, w ith headlong fury. mean fortune-hunter, who defrauds h er children baths, studies, halls, and other places of tho like B u t one of those great men w ho watch the increase o f animal m anure gives rise not only to
Soldiers acquire a little superficial knowledge, o f their paternal inheritance, and renders h er mi­ nature. T h e curious happened to discover them 5kie9, an increase in the num ber o f seeds, but also to a
i, snatched from the muddy curren t o f conversation, serable ; or becomes the victim of discontent and in these subterranean caverns, which being com W ith all their rolling, w inking eyes, remarkable difference in the proportion o f glutten
by John Tay- monly called grottos, they have thence acquired
icock county, and, from continually m ixing with society, they blind indulgence. W a s looking at th a t orb whoso ancient God
which thoso seeds contain. Among" ipanures ot
18. gain, w hat is termed a knowledge of the world; In the middle rank of life, men, in their youth, the name o f" g ro te s q u e . 1 animal origin th .ro i> great d iv e r.,ty . C ow d u n g
W a s patron o fth e Ode, and Song, and Sonnet. contains b i t a .mall proportion of nitrogen. O n .
.John Taylor) and this acquaintance with manners and customs aro prepared for professions, and marriage is not C h r i s t i a n E r a . — T h e venerable Babe, the
has frequently been confounded w ith a knowledge considered as the grand feature of their lives; E nglish historian, who published the ecclesiastical W h e n th u s ho-musing cried— “ I t’s very odd hundred p a r t, of wheat grown oo a so. to which
)N 8 ^ of the human h e a r t B u t can the crude fru it of whilst women, on the contrary, have no other history in the year 731, is the most ancien^author T h a t 4^0 astronom er o f all the squad this material was opplied, afforded only eleven
tlSih of every* casual observation, ne®pr. b rought to the test o f scheme to sharpen their faculties. It is not busi» whom we find using the modern date A nno C an tell the naturo o f those spots upon i t ! ” parts o f glutten, and sixty-four o f sta rc h ; while
JohA: Taylor, judgm ent, formed by comparing speculation and ness, extensive plans, or any of the excursive Domini- I t was adopted in F rance under K in g “ Lord, master," m uttered John, a liveried elf,
tho same q u an tity o f wheat, grown on a soil ferti­
[aaro* payable experience/deserve such a distinction? Soldiers, flights o f ambition, th a t engross their attention;
Pepin, and fully established in the reign o f Cher* lized with human urine, yielded thirty-five per
iring five new ® .1 • . 1 ____ L a . i*/it AmnlAVflrt in vaavivi#* T o wonder so a t spots upon the su n I cent of gluten, and, o f course, a smaller proportion
as well as women, practico the minor virtues lemagne. T h e custom of begining the y ea r on
iirfe*t money, I’ll tell you w hat he’s done— of less valuable ingredients.— Sm ith’s Productive
ra most bead- w ith punctilious politeness. W here is then the the first of Jan uary, commenced in F rance in the
ill *ot recsiTe„ sexual difference, when the education has been year 15G4. f r e c k l e d h i s s e l f !” Farm ing. __________
the sam e; All tKe difference th at I can discern, pleasure, th ey m ust m a r r y - advantageously, and to T u n D e v il ' T n ^ A Y ^ - T h i s phrase doubtless A GOOD RO TATIO N FOR G ARDE NING CROPS.
»ona.” andth* arises from the superior advantago of liberty this object their time is sacrificed, and their per­ E p i t a p u .— T he following simple, beautiful
originafceirYn a printing office, on some S aturday Celery gives a good preparation for f.orrots, tur-
of ihe "P ro . which enables the former to mo more o f life. sons often legally prostituted. A man, when he and appropriate metaphor was inscribed upon the
ni«fl[t,s settlement of weekly wages. ‘'John, says nips, parsneps, onions, and early cauliflowers, or
Strengthen the femala mind by enlarging it, enters any profession, has his eye steadily fixed tombstone o f a n in f a n t: — the publisher to the book-keeper ,*4 how stands the for peas, with potatoes and w inter greens, or bro-
, J U E EVKB,, and thcrftr«will be an end to blind obedience ; but, on some future advantage (and the mind gams “ It sparkled, oxhaled, and went to H eaven 1” cash accotrnt ?” “Small balance on hand, sir." coli between tho rows. Autumn-sown onions
fjr*t principle*, as blicdr obedaence is ever sought for by power, g reat strength b y hav in g all ita efforts directed to B u t the b l u n d e r i n g compositor o f an obscure “ Let’s see.” rejoins the publisher, “how far will m iy be succocded b y spinach, lettuce, &c., and
"tbs most pro- tyrants a n d ^ n s u a l i s t s are in the rig h t when one point) and, full o f his business, pleasure is paper, in p rinting it, made tho following ty p o ­ th at go toward satisfying the bands?” John begins early cauliflowers bj& autu m n onions. ^ S p rin g
i rthaf* 7»tem,
hatitwiUco*- they endeavor “to keep women in the dark, be­ considered as more relaxation; whilst women seek graphical error: to figure arithm etically— so much due to Potkins, sown onions will be advantageously succeeded
ifae earth. By cause th e 1fOTtner o nly wants slaves, and the lat­ for pleasure as the m ain purpose o f existence. “ It sparkled, exhaled *an went to H a v a n a I” so much to T y p u s, so much to G m b b ls and so on bv cabbages in beds, with scarlet runners betw een;
Pabtiihed in ter a play-thing.1' H ow m any women pass their days, or, at least th ro u gh a d o z e n dittos. Tho publisher stands a- aiul if the cabbages stand all summ er and next
I f all the faculties,of woman’s mind are only to th e ir evenings, discontentedly. T h e ir husbands R a t h p . r P o rN T E D .— » A n exchange paper
s a y “E B. Doolittle is in the habit or robbing g h a s t “ 1 lere is not money enough by a ju g fu l.’ winter, the ground will come in, in the spring,
OCIETY FOR be cultivated as th e y respect her dependence on acknowledge th a t they are good managers, and “N o, sir, and besides there is the devil to pay.” al mg w ith broccoli-ground, from celery, potatoes
toa^i: jf. w hen she obtains a h u s b a n d she has ar­ chasto wives; b u t leave home to seek for more our hen>roost ond stealing our nearest neighbour*
i requested to and peas, tho early potatoes being planted m tho
t their office, rived atjlieir goal, and meanly proud, is satisfied agreeable, m ay I be allowed to use a significant pigs'in the night. I f htj does not desist, wo shall (0- Let juidce, jaatice, be yoar them*,— »
; Th*» D rill won’t trouble yoa is yoar dreams! trenches, and tho peas aown on tho n d g e a .,
with such a p altry cropm, let h er grovel content* F re n c h word, piquant society ; and tho p atient publish his name.”
ELL, Scc’y.

voice of one cryiog in the wilderness, prepare ye the
During the early sge of Methodism in this country, a T H E G R E A T R O B B E R Y — D E T E C T IO N C OM MUN;IC AvT I ON S. way of the Lord, make his paths s t r a i g h t h e r e be give*
THE P R O P H E T . Methodist preacher, an enlightened man, addressed the
good people of New Haven. Among ihe audience were oe-
us to understand Immaaue! waa about to m ake his appear-
ance among them, and would not walk in tbeir paths, at
SATURDAY M O R N IN G , J U N E 15, 1844. veral of tho'faaden’s o f Yale College, who, ia order to show 1 THEATRICALS.!
I t Appears th a t D aly arrived here on S atu rd ay the same lime telling them to make th em straight, howbeit,
M jl E d i t o r : —-The above ii the heading of a caption to
t h e i r superior knowledge of the deatflangusges, delegated last, went to the house o f a notorious courtezan could he not have come and bad the kingdom within h i o t
aa extract from the “ Warsaw (III ) Signal, published in
one of*their nnmber to wait on the preacher and propound and after staying there a short time, left with and hailed their sincerity, as r ig h t e o u » n e » ; orlike a Calvin, a
the Boston Daily Bee, of June 7ih, 1844, in which the ed­
certain queries to him in Latin, while they waited with one o f tho women, o f the establishment, Luther, or a Wesley, been independent without aqknowl-
itor expresses ihe following opinion. It seems that the
anxiety Ihe remit. The Rodent asked hia questions in Lat- and p ut u p a t a respectable Hotel in W ashington edging any particular one as being t h o ,o aly , authorized in­
“ Nauvoo T b e a u e ” is an establishment got up by the Pro-
in, and waa answered in Dutch (ihe mother tongue of the street, as man and wife. Officer E . G. Sweet dividual unto whom he could come in righteousness^ John
phet for the purpose of enabling him 10 pay tffeom e of hts
preacher.) On bia return to bis colleagues, he was a»ked and other members o f the Police, placed th e m ­ ctjts thestring with which men would tie lTfivan a n d earth
more pressing debts through the fcmjil of 0»e ad* o f a com-
what the preacher said: *' Ah,” said he, ** he is too hard selves a t the various steamboat landings. Ju st together; No aaTs the forerunner, the, axe, far. M d at the
pany of players, exotic and indigenous. Such is the opin­
for me, far I asked him in Latin, and he answered in He* before the departure o f tho Boston boat yesterday root of the tree, all yon^ p l a n t i n g 'h u b t i & . b i r r t a , you'
ion of Mr. Bee. A s to the “ W a r s a w Signal’s” acconnt, it
brew.” afternoon, the officers arrested D aly and hia mis­ once had straight paths, but aow “ you mast repeat and b«
tress* E lizabeth H anson, as they were about to is too ludicrous for comment. Tho following is an extract
Vale’s Globo and Sphere in in its original form, (it it baptized for the remission of your e in a /tb a t'y e may be
from that talented production
now corered by the Celestial Globe in transparent sections, leave for the East. “ On F r id a y evening ihe fir* perfbrmance cams ofTac- prepared for the tim e > o f refreshing from ihe presence of
and has a swivel motion.) A fter having a short interview with the prison- the Lord,” teaching them.some © rth o se p ath s from whWfr-
ers, the officers were about to leave the boat, to v i­ cording to appointment. At an early hour His Highness,
thefr had strayed; who, as well a s all the, sects then ia exiu-
sit their late quarters in W ashington street to the Prophet, accompanied by bis attendants made his ap
ence, were watking in bye and forbidden paths ; there fora
search for the money, when u p came an elegant pearance, and took bis seat in the chair of State, which
it could not be said'they had ihe ‘kingdom w ithinthe m in
blue carriage with footman an a backman in livery, was made expresaly fur the convcnitncc cf bis Royal-High-
any light, neither were they in the Siviour’s glorious king,
which tu rn out m ay be seen in Broadway occasion­ ness. He *eemed highly gratified ai tbe able snd dignified
manner in whicb the performance was condncted by the dom ;. who taught,
_ . except ye are born of the water, and of
ally. In this carriage was found the identical
n j Qrntlemen who took the leading characters in | the Spirit, ye cannot enter ihe kingdom of.H eaven. He
carpet bag, containing nil of Mr. M cKee’s money, Reverend Gentlemen wno 100* me k # r. all as havicg erred fntrxHfrom^the ha ordinances
ordinances of of
except about five or six hundred dollars. T h e the pUy. Among ihe most conspicuous of the perfotmsrs beheld them
I noticed Elders B. Young and G. A. Smith of the “ Twelve,* God. v God, yet be came not wiih earthly p o m p b e h o l d me as
soj *i :r iian' c r r r a .v i i i m r e c A n o . amount r e c o v e r e d is about nine thousand four J e h o v a h 's great »o»bassador in s ta te ; hear your Prjnce de­
hundred. T h e money missing has no doubt been and G. J. Adams, of •• Spiritual W ife” m em ory» al-
clare his laws, and mark the authority of Heaven ; aettiag
FO R P R E S ID E N T , squandered by the culprit in debauchery with *0 Elder Tho*. A. Lyno, late supernumerary ia the Park
John in the shade, and blazing forth with* a sense of his
courtezans. Theatre of New York, who sustained the part Rolla in
GEN. JOSEPH SMITH, Officer Sweet deserves great credit for the ef­
ficiency displayed upon this im portant occasion.
a manner becoming the conspicuous place he lately oc:»-
princely grraineaa. N o, his kingdom came no* with ob­
servation j one appointed of G o to^open his way,
of nau voo , I l l in o is . pied, ire . ttec. aad humble as a little child he went to that individual, re­
Wo are glad to know th a t he will not be unrew ard­ Thus, Mr. Editor, is the act* of the Apottlu translated
“ A W estern man, with American principles.” questing baptism at his hands; John, impressed with a
ed for his arduous and unrem itting exertions. Sun. from the original Greek by the buzzing of our bu.jr Bee,
sense of his greatness, ia*modest* m e e k n e » , a§ if lostag
who had much better have taken Isgo’s advice, and “ look
W e are astonished that men should be so easily intimi­ sight of his,own mission to prepare his w ay, said he had
P i r a t e — T h e P ost learns from a passenger to hu houu, kit mother, and his bags,” and not sting with
dated by the threats of a few swaggering politician*, who more be baptized of h im ; but Je w u . who,knew his
who arrived on Monday afternoon in the brig his “ terond edition" of slander his former friend and agent,
are only known by the noise they make with the venal j Father’s will, said, suffer it to b e *0 onw ,for th w it becom-
Star Capt. Pittm an, from G renada and St. Croix, Elder G. J . Adams. It i» assuredly a mercy for human
and conupt political prscs of the country. It reminds us o f , eth us to fulfil all rigbieouroen; by t h ia w e l e a r a that John
1that a British brig, loaded with lumber, was rob- kind that they all have not iheir wits ready sharpened, aod
men waking from a sleep, by the pop of a ginger beer bot­ had made the paths straight, and itw aa O o d ’ariglKeoBsaea,
1bed of provisions and water off G renada, about wide awake as weszels ! Above all, it is providential that
tle, and fancying they hear the roar of cannon : like the and thus iibecam e Christ only, not us, tofolfil all righteous,
I l.r»th May, by a lateen rigged ship. A vessel an- we nre so much more nccefsible to lachrymose than ludi­
pop of a bottle, they make much noise and little execution V a l e ’» G l o b e A . v n T n ANsPAJULNT C e l k s t i a l S p h i r t . 8wer;n g {},at description was seen hovering off St. nesa; how did Heaven acknowledge the a c t ; M ark says,
crous impressions; more prone tosi*h* and science than to
— •* Truth is mighty and must prevail," and we would say —Agronomy wea our favorite f.udy, and we have conse- , £ r0;x immediately after the arrival of the S tar at “ and straightway coming np (U P ) out of tha w ater he saw
oroad grins or crowing-like chanticleer; for, while at a
by way of encouragement, lhat we are daily receiving ac- quently paid ionic atirntion to iti principles: this study ‘ t ^ Rt ort) an(j Qg j t wag generally known th a t the the Heavens opened, and the Spirit, like a dove, d e f e n d ­
royal or imperial establishment, one fool has generally been
cesnon to our numbers.—American Citizens, yoar couatry haaqualified us to examine, and we bctieve to ing upon him, and there came a voice from Heaven taying,
judge, g deemed on board, (about
sufficient. 0 0 0 ) it wasinsup-
It seems8 5indispentable this day and
demands your energy, there was never a time since we accurately of one of ihe prettiest and most uieM instru- pQSe(j th at she followed her. T h e governor of S t thou art my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased; Had
gensration lhat evory person who cntbrbnea himself in an
have obtained a standing as a nation, that the call lor your roenta we hare ever n e n . We refer to Mr Vule’a Globe ( j ro j x i m m e d ia t e l y o r d e r e d a g o v e r n m e n t b r i g to Jesui passed by this ordinance, and told John it waa a non-
editorial chair mast play the zany or buffoon to give circu­
fearless action has been louder. Your eountry, yourfire- j aod Sphere, cf which we have had a private inspection. c r u ise a f te r h e r , b u t b e i n g a d u ll sa ilo r, d id n o t essential, what n difference in the* s c e n e ! could the H e a ­
lation to such antic gibberish and nonsense; that nine-
aides, your posterity,irour
.« n r nn.f«iiv. your God.
God, yoar presentand
voar Dresent andfuture
future It ;B a m odd cf n2lure anJ a;) emip| e ia ,l8 construction s u c c e e j j n o v e r h a u l i n g h e r. H o also s ta te s t h a t vens have gazsd with admiration and delight t .would Je­
tenths of our breed, if their fancies were at all tickleiome,
happineas demands your action. Agitate ! agitate ! let the and m ovements; nnd its merit consists in effecting what ^ r itis h sc h r. P i q u e h a d b r o u g h t tw o sla v e rs hovah from his babitAtioa have declared he waa well pleat­
must needs die of ruptured spleen, bursted blood-vessels,
people read and reflect—preserve your Constitution by giv­ has been a dcrideratum. In it* first aspect, and in ita aim- jrtQ Q r e n a dn, w ith a sm a ll n u m b e r o f s la v e s oil ed with his Soa 1 or could John, upon ’reflection, believe
split sides, or shattered diaphragm*. Yes, nlns-tenlhs o f
ing ihe people intelligence—let it not be aaid that in the j p|#st form u J3 the Armillary fphrrr, but with ihe tnoH be had prepared the way of Je a o al b«t‘ ii» the immitable
board. the species would go off in a jiffy, like the ancient who
land af liberty, and the home of the oppressed, that A m e- 1important addition of an nruticiul traveller on the Earth, humility orC h risi, the words of the prophet wera fulfilled,
lost hts breath in a cacbination at seeing an ass eating figs.
rican citizens can look on with apathy and see iheir fellow-' w;th an nrtjfic;ai horizon which moves as he (the traveller) B r u t a l O u t r a g e .— On the night of tho first tbe.mind of Heaven satisfied, and the Prince etrter.hia law-
For truly the donkey was nothing to the donkeys, nor his
citizens deprived of iho rights of a free expression of opi- movf?,—but we shall describe the instrument, day of J u n e instant, betweon the hours of nine ful kingdom here below, by his lawful eervaata openiog unto
froak worth one of his figs, compared to the farc calities
mon—shot down like dogs, and that you have no disposi* j Q the centre is a common tcrre*tial glube, having on it and ten o’clock, Polly Mcllins, a married lady of him: soon after, Jesus says, repent, for.the kingdom of Hea-
which our editorial donkeys, in the fallnees of their ideal­
tion to inquire into their injuries. Tell it not in despotic ( a gmaH fi, tr e p r e s e n ti n g a traveller or ship ; at a quarter Germantown, in this county, while going home venis at bandTfcllow him a little further, a a d you bear him
ity, compel the Mormons to act. What, I ask, has not
Rossis, that in n Government professedly democratic, men 0f a c ;rc|c> or 90 degrees _________
distance ________—
all round, is----------
a broad on the highw ay, was violently assaulted by calling to tbe[fisbermen of Galileo .'to officiate.aa his offi­
Joe Smith” been guiliy 0 ^, or what absurdities were not
women and children, may be murdered without trial, for circular bnus plane, standing horizontally, and extending H e n r y L a d u , a n e a r n e i g h b o u r a n d a b r o th c r - in - cer*, to be fishers of men, id bind on earth fan d ia Heaven;
perpetrated by the “ Mormons V’ W sre half the stories
merely exercising a right (professedly) guaranteed by their to the outer frame of the instrument, and representing o u r ' jaw to P o l l y . L n d u ’s wite w a s u n w e ll, a n d b y h is some time after 'thia we-hear the Saviour declare, from the
true they would so magnetize the organ of mirthfulneea in
Constitution. Be careful, fellow-citizens, that your poste-i natarai horizon, where the earth and heavens oppear to request, Polly had called at his house to remain days of John the Baptist uatil now, tbe kingdom. of Heavea
persons with a keen perception of the ludicrous that they
rity may not reap the ill-effects of your cowardice. Moral | touch ;this broad surface divides the frame of tho instru with his wife during his absenco from homo a suffers violence,* and'the violent lake it by fo rc e ; could he
must have died,strangled in convulsion fits of inexlinguisb.
courage is an attribute of a “ True American Citizen let ment which represents the heavens, and consists of the short time. Ladu returned a little before ten o’clock mean ihe "violent.obtain by force that w h ic h ,» withia a
able laughter, or perhaps jaw-locked by a collapse of ih*
ns exercise it. If there is (and who can doubt ii) any principle r .._„.r _________________
astronomical circle,, ___ . - equal ,___,
into two p a r ts ; the in t h e evening, and appeared to bo intoxicated , man 1 again the violent would not care for it, for it is con­
over strained visible mutclet. Surely il would have been
ground for redrew of injuries by the Government of these visible and invisiblo portion to the artificial traveller or so o n a f te r w h ic h P o l l y s t a r t e d to g o h o m e a d»s- trary to his nature, Inasmuch as il ia a.principle or part
quite enough to shatter the tender lungs and midriff of a
United States, petition and instruct your legislators, that sh ip : on this framework of the heavens, consisting of the ta n c e o f a q u a r t e r o f a m ile a n d h a d n o t g o n e b u t of holiness. O! but, says some, it.Is a struggling in mighty
precocious hum orist: " b u t let that rest.” I hold jt to be
our case may be inquired into. Do aoi place men in au- j Equator, the Ecliptic, the Meridian the Tropics <kc. fcc., a few rods when Ladu came out of his house prayer to God, it ia the wreatling o f jbe^SpirU( l the deter­
a glorious "phase of Mormonism” to uphold the drams,
thority who are disposed to hush the cry for justice, even if 14%ir. Vale suspends thecomplete Celestial Globe in transpa- hailed her, and said thoy wished her to come mination to possess the kingdom ,00 th.C part .of/a sinne r;
that mirror of human nature, and what I ask is more cal­
it should come from the '‘ Mormons.” Are we not c iti-' rent q3arler segment* 00 this framework, using one or again on tho morrow to bake,; he then suddenly whence this imaginary doctrineV -H as G(?d refused to ac­
culated to uphold it in its purity, than tbe countenance and
z e n s l havs we not paid our monies in common with y o u ,' more segments at pleasure : on these transparent sections, came up to her, caught hold of her and attempted cept tho sinner n n d l he has arrived at a Certain degree of
guidance of our moral and religious initrnctors—herein is
to support our Government 1 have we not in all cates, as a the place of ihe sun can be marked, aud the moveable to throw her upon tho ground. F ailing in this, excitement T has Satan power to; control the will ofsucb as
combined amusement, instruction and charity—here, I am
body, been obedient unto the *' powers that be V’ are we bodies, the moon and planets, can be put on from tables in he struck her, then took a pocket or p e k knife . . . . . . . w ould tern to the light 1 repentance is the. privilege of man,
croud toeay, is no hypocrisy. Thrne are not not reverend I v .*•
not required to act as militia 1 If we bear the burden in ihe Nautical Almanac: then the whole face of the heaven., from his pocket and cut her throat in a irightful v v *’ . , 1 . j i and reauirement is ihe voice of-H e ave n; God acts not
gentlemen denouncing the temple of Thetpiua v pands ana rr,*u,rrujc‘l . . . 't ’ ' ••
common with you, why not reap the benefits in common can be represented naturally for aoy space and time: the , mnnner. In this condition she went home, a dis-
H er husband tjjid ‘ o . iu o ,, .n d c oM le m oio g . « I f •» . m b * * O r. ••“ * « * . H i !•» •« “ I *
with yon 1 W e have petitioned Sta*e Legislatures—we traveller can be placed within the arctic circle, in the tor- j tanco of forty or fifty rods.
. i d bctaMone, w d .h .p , - h e . .ho . . . . » c h u t * I . ■* •* •" » »* » •* > *? P“ r.
have petitioned Congress—we have petitioned the Presi­ rid zone, or near ihe south pole, and bis horizon moves children had'gono to bed. T h e husband h oan n g
“ M iueum ," onr p i.u ,, purit.nic.l p rin lb M d . wiih .. « w . b» b“ “ “
dent, but in vain—and we now appeal to the free Ameri­ with him as ia nature i when the traveller is placed near a noise at the door opened it and ho met his wife
BoDgr.crt. turn op theireyea io h e .v c n tj admiration of ihe bfo » » h , o n ; . n d . U .b .
can people for redress of our wrongs—bleeding innocence the north pole the phenotnooa of the heavens in such a covered with blood, and bleeding profusely. 1 he subject, amounts to this, tp rn ^ ^ a .a c d ^ lire ^ a n d God says
performance enacted by tbe immaculate acueeses and pious
cries for justice. Could'we obtain the ears of our legisla- situation can be seen: the north stir will be over head, or above is the substancc o f Polly1** statement^ taken hy will ye die. .John said) repfnVand ba baptized for the
tors, “ we could a tale unfold that would harrow up their neftr|y 80, and all the other stars in the nouhen hemisphere,
on oath about six o’clock the next morning, in pilgrimatic actors, forgetting in their holy excitement th-t
remUaion of sins. Paul, Peter, J o b ^ and others, required
that-uhich is called a rose by any other name will rmell
very souls.” Seek information on this subject, and you | together with the planets which may be there, will revolve presence of Ladu, who sternly denied hav in g com ­ nothing more than. fur t b e ; i e i f l n e r wio b « ]ir v o in Jesus
as sweet."
shall find it—let your voices cease not to cry till this foul 1horizontally! the sun, which during the summer traverses mitted the crime or any knowledge of the tra n s­ Christ, repent and be bapliztdj.find afterwards they laid
“ So museum would, were it not museum called,”
blot has been wiped front our national escutcheon by re­ the part of the Ecliptic which lies in ihe Northern hemi­ action. Dr. P. H. K nickerbaeker was callcd and
“ Ohsham e where is thy bluih!” mawworms, mawworma, their hands upon them for the reception of the Holy Ghost.
dressing the wrongs of a much itjured people—award them sphere, would be found not to set during that period, nor Dr». Calkins nnd V an O rden were present and act the hypocrites. Again Jesus said seek ye first the k iD g d o m of God and his
justice. If ih«y have violated the laws of the land, try tr rise during the remaining half year: for lhat part of the aided in dressing the wound. T h e wound was W hat more abounds in moral sentiments than the drama; righteousness, and all other things ahull b« added unto you;
them by those la w s; if guilty, let them suffer the penalty; Ecliptic which lies between Autumu and Spring, viz. from transverse, from three to.four inches in length. T he what can give such just and elevated views of m*», and of if there was ooihing to look for; their seekirg was in vsin,
if innocent, acquit them. In either case give them justice, Libra to Aries, would be found to be below the horizon ; traches or windpipe was entirely soveredj and tbe lhat providence which sustains, guides and protects him, and to cast theire y ea to the habitations of. angels was
and you will lay a precedent for your children lo act upon; and consequently the sun would not rise during that period. ocesophagU3 or gullet, much cut or wounded, from tho cradle to the grave. Never baa philosophy been hopeless. .All earthlyjkingdonw M that period, if in order
yoa vKIl reflect honor on^our laws, aod have the satisfac­ The whole icstrument is suspended in a largo brass circic, so much so th a t fluids when swallowed passed out more nobly employed than in enforcing those great and im­ a t all, had a king at t h r head, officers of .various grades, a
tion of saying that “ no man's blood stains my skirt, I supported oa pivots by pillars, by this simple arrangement, at tho wound. Ladu, when arrested about three portant truihs—the existence of a supreme, and the iam or code of laws, and subjects to b egoveraed ; he made use of
have been faithful, true and just.” o’clock tbe nex t morning, was at homo in bed.
a swivel motion can be given it, and as a figure is placed tality of the soul. Sutti was the philosophy of the sages a correct similie to enlightea^^eir^tuderttanding. The
H e expressed surprise on hearing of tho transac­
opposite the traveller to represent the antipode, the phe- of antiquity, of Plato and of Cicero, and of the no leas glo­ church or kingdom were only, synonymoos terms. Jesus
W e deny the statement made in the “ Tribune” of Wed nomona both in the Northern hemisphere and Southern tion. Blood was found in different places on his rious lights of “ later days” —of Bacon; of Newtoa, of Ad­ waa king o f this kingdom } his.A po#lo,JPropV cts, E ras.
oeaday, that at the political meeting of the Jeffersonians, at can be seen in immediate succession. Tbe rising of the clothes. H e if now in jail.— H udson G az. dison, aad of Shakspeare. T o authorities like these total gellsts,*teach«rti htlpo, «ka. w rre ^ th o V o fi^ ri^ 'iilj gotpel
Military Hall on Tuesday evening, “ reference was msde sun aud its bearings, aud length of the day can be easily have’we'to oppose t 'T h e a b surd'and contradictory doc­ ihe perfect law of liberty, and every faithful believer one
U n f o r t u n a t e .— O n Sunday evening^is Milton
to our peculiar opinions upon religions tenets,” unless he exhibited, and all the phenomona appertaining shown — trines of Atheists, who have been tbe reproach of other of hls loviag subjects. From ibejdays erf-Jofca the Baptist
W .'L e a c h , mato of tho ship Rialto, lyin g near
refers to this passage in Isaiah, 59th chap. 6th verse, which By a alight change inthe instrument, the broad horizon be­ countries and our own—for it would be d.fiicult lo point this kingdom suffered violence ; Herod destroyed John ;
P ost No. 16 opposite tho Orleans C otton Press,
was quoted. “ Is not this the fast that I have chosen 1 to comes the boundary of the rays of light, and the sun is then out to the indignation and scorn of mankind, a race more i Jesta suffered under Pontius Pilate ; Peter, Panl, Matthew,
loose the bands of wickedness, lo undo the heavy burdens, supposed to be stationary: the eiirth is then made to te-
was ascending tho staging to go on board, one of
and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every volvo within the heaveos, and all the same phenomona
the planks gave way a n d threw him dow n below. hateful •
for their profHigacy, or more contemptible for their J Mark; and the rest of his officers, auff:r«d the same fate
.i >Lf . 1 * - ■- To m .-__. _ L. 1J J iW!> £ I •_______
In his fall ho struck one o fth e piles th a t support ignorance, than this modern school of infidels. It Ur indeed But Jesosy who could see beyond this awful fragedy, taught
yo k el” shown from this real motion of tbe enrlh as was shown the w harf above, broke his collar bone, and w a s so improbable that Shakspeare, w ho’has worked up the vari­ them to pray for that kingdpm ' that.ahQuld.never be des­
W e also deny that Mr Pratt denounced Henry Clay orany from the apparent motion.
stunned from tho blow that he no sooner r e a c h e d ous materials with wonderful skill aud effect, mighi havei troyed. ^ The: kingdom s p o k f* o f by Daniel, the Utile suae
other men as murderers because they would not pledge them- Besides this, the instrument is perfect a t a universal sun tho riv er than death ended his sufferings by consulted different auth’orites, that he was well acquainted cut out of the mountain w iihouihtnd*, that should rollfortk
■rives to support “ o u r pnrra.Nsioxs ” dial, and by the addition of a few wires it becomes a very drowning.— N .0. P ic -J u n o 4th. j with Italian literature, no matter whether original or trana- and become a great rm<ragtatnf a n d fill the.whole earth,
^ 'H e denounced those only as murderers who have aided good planetarium ; in the higher branches of astronomy lated, can be proved beyond a doubt.* He poMeaaed a sin­ that should progress until the jsaib ta should possess the king,
or abetted murder in .Missouri by fellowshipping that State, it is also used : indeed, as a model of nature it seems im­ M o r e P o i s o n i n g b y t i i f . P i e P l a n t .— T wo gular active and enquiring mind, and though not as he de-. dom,"and the greatness of the kingdom coder the w^olc
and refusing just and lawful redress and protection, when, portant to represent al) nature’s phenomena.' children o f O. B. V an W orm er wero ta k en v i­ scribes Cardinal Woolsey, “ a scholar, and a ripe and good H eivens.- A s a i k i n g j Jesot established., hts church with
as officers of this Republic, it was in their power to have N. B. T h e simple manner by which the vsrious motions olently sick on Sunday last. Medical aid was one,” he had learning sufficient to answer the purpose of power and authority,'and gave.his pcxfeci law*, calculated
doae otherwise; and said, that the authorities of Missouri and evolutions ere effected, must be seen rather than des- callcd, and it was the opinion of tho physician general information. His writings abound with hiatoHcai to;enifre'order, peaefe and happiness; but whprsis it now!
had been guilty of the murder of men, women and children, cribed. Those who have an opportnuity should see it, or t h a t their sickness was caused by poison. T he and classical allusion, and without be:ng amply Wraed in look1for a Vestige of his perfect s y s t e a ^ b e form is gone,
and lhat the law would bang them if it was enforced, and rather have it explained, and we believe no school or liter- e v e n i n g previous the m other of tho little girls had “ all such, reading as was never read,” he w a s‘ad far ac­ the power has vanished, the, Cowrtiwian jade faced. Agaia,
ike President and members of Congress were accessaries ary establishment should be wiihout one. I t c i n b e h a d of prepared the stems of tho pie plant for tea, and quainted with the language, the manners and customs of an’angel makes his glorioua appenr«a<»; to empower man,
to these crimes by fellowshipping Missouri and refusing re­ Mr. Tale 94 Rosevelt st. N. Y., at $ 22.00 or packed with | they had eateij o f the leaves, which h ad caused sntiqVity, as to stamp his senses with an^ absolute reality
to re-organize, to declare the eternal: principle’s spon which
dress. book & c . ~ 824,00.* the sickness. T h e y aro in a fair way to recover, that w a i n vain look for in the writings of any other poet; it is based; and m ark the spirit of tho age, a i soon as’ a Pro.
though one of them rem ains quite ilL— B lack R i­ , I remain Sir, respectfully y o u r s ^ c . Arc: phet’s v oice'is heard Satan lets loose- hia dogs of wan
“ J o t Smith, tbe Mormon Prophet, has petitioned Con­
gress for permission to raise 100,000 men, and arm and ver Journal. . ARCHITECTONIC. think of Missouri, but m ark thac fo tib hand that palsied is
equip them for the propagation of Christianity, and the arts its effort to destroy.’ M usotm haa d e n a b e r work, but the
and requirements of civilized society, in the western wil­ W o o l .— It is computed thnt tw enty thousand
T H ¥ KINGDOM COME, T H Y W IL L .BE DONE, ON kingdom prdspera, and all taads l e a n lhoaalvatiro d God;
derness*” pounds of wool, of tho growth of Illinois, have been and this truth will sprea-d until everlasting. rfji»t»*«MMiess is
The above paragraph we copy from the “ Boston Olive s e n t f r o m Chicago to the N ew Y ork m arket the
T he above is an earnest reqoest the Saviour taught his brought i n ; therefore;'reader,"strivo to e ater ia st tho
Breach.” W e refer the editors of that paper to the third present season. I f , the articles comes from other
disciples to makV of the Father .wbea they prayed; the straight gats, and when j e w find: archords that h u got
• number of the “ Prophet’* for correct information upon lhat parts of th e ; U nion in the same proportion,“ Jack-
same is doubtless made by some of.cvery sect,in Christen­ Apostles, Prophets, Evangelista? teaeheis/ihelps, Govern­
subjeet, which he. will find under the head of Congressional Fro st” will have little chance to operate next
dom, and often expressed in harmony.with tho moat sincere ments, fcc. as the Lord has organized his kingdoD, with
news. We rely upon the honesty and integrity of the Rev; winter. , - ,L . * - - _ - ^ ____ «A.ft \ emotions o ( ihe h e a r t y e t bow inconsistent this sppears its subjects possessing those' |Uts,'Jckas^ e atlao B a to be,
T . F. Norris tcT correct this misrepresentation, as the ten­
B l a c k B a n d O ri: — Several:sjjecim ens of in view of tboee tenets which is the rule of Uitir faith, and stow, such as faith, wisdom, knowledge; tosgtua, iaterpre*
dency of such autemems in the public prints is to engender iation of tongues, miracle#, gifts 'o f prophecy, aiid reTeU-
a’spirit of persecution amongst our opponents. the celebrated Black B and Iron Ore, i t is stated practice, wheb considering the true import.of the Savior’s
tton''from G o d ; that is Christ*a klngdrgni! therein hit
'i n tho Miners1 Journal, havo been discovered in worils. Jesus spoke’of a kingdom to come upon the c u ib ,
wherein the will of his Father .was to be done as it,was servants are ready and wiKing to^^introdaa?yoa ia ori«r.
W o have received the fourth nnmber of the Cleaveland ‘the whito ash coal measures in th a t region which
„ »• d U r i.7 '* ii j , B.M.
Republican, edited by Emaauel FUher. Thia paper is de- induces the belifef'that it exists in-considerable then done in H eaven; but these individuals consider the
to te d to the advocacy of the claims of John Tyler to the quantities. - I f s o it will be of incalculable value kingdom is within inch persons, who, by their confession and
• R E C E IP T F 0 r " h a PPIN E & 9.
Presidency of the Union. W e mean to say that we shall practice, agreeable io auch creeds, are convened disciples
to the region. :Streams' of light from) the io n stain gUdo
contest hia claim?, as well as all others to ihe Presidency of Christ. John the Baptist, a little prior to the Saviour,
of this Republic, by setting before the people the name of T iif . W h e a t C r o p . — I n o u r f o r m e r n o t ic e o f ; told the people to repent, for the kingdom of Heaven w^s ! Pure as th e 1pearllng’fiVcf j ^ ■!*»*
Gen. Joseph Smith, of Nauvoo, lllinoit, as a man who, il tho W heat crop w c*havc spoken of it as l o o k i n g at haod. Christ made use of the very same words, bnt sub- Truth expands t^e' mVncl arvrtde,
;.f. u-J rt 'H i*
elected, will administer the Government ia righteousness, v e r y fine, and so does mucn of it— b ut the fly is sequent to that, when surrounded by ibe different sects cf A m tt onw ard flo w a ^ e r e r ..,- , ^ t [
and who will not tamely tubmit to have our glorious Con­ c e r t a i n l y making m u c h greater ravages th a n we his own nation, he told ibe Pharisees the kingdom of Hea;
If alLcjankind.wottkJihrpihers b# •
stitution trampled under foot by political demagogues. W e I . — - ... .a n ticip a te d - n ? v « r h a s t h i s s e c tio n • o x p e r i- ^ \e n was within t h e m ; having organized h|» church or
will give our opponent credit in ssying, however, that his | CO- Donations ia bo*k«rrnrttfral or erttficial curiosities,! e n c e ^ s0 ’ t d c s t r n c l i o n f r o m th e , f l y b e f o r e — I kingdom/they being Jew s, of course, bte meant within them Let them drink’ bf it# cheering fscntaia
ulosophical apparatuses, tec., will be received by
paper is a respectable looking sheet, an J appears to be con­ philosophical ftef l g a r e e n t i r e l y d e s t r o y e d — h o w m u c h i t 1 'as a naiiori ; we cannot for a momentsnppoao it was within ’T w ill burst th e ir chkinis and set them free
ducted with ability. o . _• . for
“ Society , the
. Diffusion
; ------/
of Truth, •• 4l the office of the ‘Q tj _will;,i effect t h o a g g r e- rgnante >«crop
. t r . ^ *i_______ rlifH isrult to
dtUicultto • Tthem,
say ; as many profeesora of this ;age snppMe it in within . A* the, B o e B ack on t^e moQatainv,‘
* . 1 * * Hi* *7 Ti&O /t -•u
Prophet, and forwarded to the Museum, at Nauvoo *■ 1 t h e q u a n t i t y o n tho ground is doubtless greater ihe coaverts to the different creeds, a people who rejected ! Minds enlarged > 7 ^ light, of, truth*
Mr. Benhet of the New York Herald has given a sketch tices of which will be published, if desired. than ^iny former year.—-Massillon Gazette. tbe counsel of Jehovah against themselves, neither can we
of the speech of Parley P. Pratt Esq , at the Jeffersonian allow John and the Saviour made an assertion voidof intel­ WiU glow with pure affcetio®, •< ’
Meeting on Tuesday evening) perhaps, ia justice to the W e would stale to our correspondents lhat to insure in If aU mankind would happy bo '
“A N orthern m an with S outhern feelings,” is lig e n c e ; but upon cool reflectiun look a t John j appointed
speaker, he will copy it, as we bave published it in our no­ sertion in the “ Prophet,” their communications chonld be by the wisdom of Heaven to prepare the way of. the Lord; Thia is the sare direction. -
said by the N ew Orleans Crescent to bo ('a Y a n ­
tice of the meeting, as it is cprrected undtr the speaker’s received early in the week, as our immense edition reader i s such an oae, we tee him fulfilling the prophecy, "Tbo
it necessary for os to go to press oa F r i d t f morning. kee w ith tho yell&r fever.” ....................
own n p m i s i o a . '
! ray grandfather was a C»>uhecticut man, and *khia fathers
r — ,n w£th a promise that they should and cause our national banner to hug its mast in
ODE TO FRIEN D SH IP. heaven, m m P _ t ^ ^ disgust and shame, dearlv points out tho remedy. i were Pilgrims of PIjm oth Rock.
irepare ye the ^ " e ^ 'whol, earth aio u ld be 1 T hrir polio blood Uui!la through my vein*, and their
Say, shall .we forever mourning _ ^ Shall th e liberty which ou r fathers purchased
" here be gives •pirit and love of liberty burns in my boeom. Andahould
Wander o’er the E arth’s wide waste ; ~ Mosea labored diligently fo effect this object, a t so dear a price be wrenched from the hands I die with my country unredeemed, 1 will swear my
ike h it appear-
Fortune, fat*?, and sio deploring, hut in'conscquenco o f tbe transgressions and re­ o f th e ir children? Shall oux national banner
^ibeir paths, at children, and aw etr them to swear their children to eeek
Friendships pleasarea nover taste ! bellions o f tho children o f Israel, G od swore in which floated-so proudly in the breexe a t the dec­
raight, howbeit, ihe restoration of departed liberty afd American glory.
No As life ia but a*babble his wrath th a t th ey should not enter into hia rasT, laration o f independence be disgraced and refuse
3in within him! It ij well my friends, that Americans have erected a
and in consequence of this decree, a n d th e ir tran s­ to show its motto? Shall we, as Am erican citi­ j monument or two (like that of Bunker hill) in memory of
r like a Calvin, a Fading like a morning dream,
gressions since, they have been scattered to th e zens fold o u r arm s an d look quietly on while the i departed liberty, or very soon (with such rulers aa oars)
ihout scknowl- Let us sooth each others trouble
fo ur winds, and are th u s to rem ain till the L or^ shackles o f slavery are being fastened upon our
y authorized. in- W ith a ray from friendships beans. j it would h« T » l« forgotten that liberty once was. As it
a .1 hors
_ _ ithorn by Ki«
L m in Kir his nwn
own nowar.
power. .i hands, and while m en onJy seek office for the | isj>ow dead and buried it neelfca. monument, tacred to its
eouraers: John
g T o a rem nant o f them the gospel waa preached purpose o f exalting themselves lD ioV ° ™ [ * j memory. So that out children (ehonld any of them w r-
t t via and earth by the Messiah in person, b u t th ey rejected h i jh a f i we still n ish blindly on and hasten to our
OrJ- A t Ihe impoiunt ptrticulars. aad ’ vive the wreck) may learn perchance thst even here ia
6. laid at the voice, though it wns raised dailv a m o n f t h e m . - f w n destruction b y jp la « n & m « n ^
led barren, you l h , cnmififi forth of .he B e . M r ^ j j - j America liberty once existed; althoujh liko Jonah’a gourd
T hh ee apostles
T apostles continued to hold
continued to holcf forth
forth S>e
t sam e; |n e ith ir w g ard tbe interests o f the P ' ° P K “ “r ^ e | it grew up nnd pcrithrd in a night.
it repeat and be » » » .•* * ;• J - * t o r t whh after t h e crcifixion and resurrection of? the L o rd prayer* o f th e oppressed ! E v e r y A m erican citi*
hat ye may b« * >11 1 » » i L . A.____ f L.'. a in Bat, fellow citizens, we can bear it no longer. W e
he preseace of m’j i t —We will revolutionize this corrupt and degraded
tlien they were commanded to tu rn to the G e n ­ Mr. Sm ith’s “views o f tho power and policy of
tha from which , country, so as to restore the law i and rights of its
o n ...c ,e s c h PHELPS. the governm ent” manifest a republican spirit,
ststhen in e x iu - o . CO'.VDERV 3 L E r r f c ll ^ I
tiles. citizen*, or we must and will perish in thc a t­
T h e y however labored faithfully to tu r n th a t and if carried out, would soon place the nation tempt. And it matters not whether with' maay or
iths ;< therefore v- people from error ; th a t th e y raight be th e h ap py in a prosperous condition and b righten tho pros­ wilh few! had I »but tea patriots to associate wilh me I
within them Ln pects o f those who now h ave to toil so incessant­
■ glorinn* king, notice in my last, on rehearsing the partakers of mercy, and save themselves from the ly to support the profligate expenditures and lux­ 1would either restore the country to its rights ortleave it
im pending storm th a t h u n g over them. T h e y j and live with the heathens, or sleep,with the dead.
le water, and of X ° U fT,. L «!,«!, where Jie communicated to
were commanded to preach Jesus C hrist nigh t urious equipago or the present rulers and repre­ Frllow Citizens we once voted for Van Buren. W e are
f Heaven.' He W° r K L I S his sins were forgiven and that
and d ay — to preach thro ug h him the resurrection sentatives o f o u r nation. •
I sorty for it, we repent of it with all gor heatts, w e will
ie ordinance* of h e w ^ c a lle d 0f ,hc Lord to b rin g to light, by Joseph Smith is a man who is in every way JE FF E R SO N IA N MEETING.
k "ft of inspiration, this im portant intelligence. trom the d ea a— to declare th a t all who would em ­ never do it egs'm. What! vole for a* murderer! he who
i behold me aa calculated to make a free people happy, he is
your P qnce de* hke X fo llo w in g -* God has chosen the brace the gospel, repent, and be baptized for t \ e liberal in his sentim ents and allows every man
remission of their sins, should be saved— to declare
At a meeting of the friends of Gene-al Joseph
Smith convened in the Military Half, (Bowery) purtu-
votes far him or hu party knowing what we know is a par­
taker with murderers and robbers.
feaven; totting foolish thing*, o f th e world, and things w h u h are
that this was the only sure foundation on which the free expression o f liis feeling on all subjects ; ant to notice, Jane 11, 1S 14. Geo. T. L*ech Esq.
Acd we wiil not vote for Henry Clay. Why! Because,
a* sente of hia despised, oSc has c h o s c n & c . T h is, I conceive
they could build and be safe— th a t G od had again he is sociable and easy in his manners; is con­ was callsd to the chair and W m. H Miles was appointed
kuowing all these outrages he has refusad to pledge him*
le not with ob- t0 Q
IQ £Q till IMimI portant ------ ,m any* , m .ghty
% 4l.n d visited his people in consequence of his covenant versant and familiar on all exciting topics ex­ Secretary. Garry T. Newell, was called to act as Preo
open hia way, noble, were called in ancient times, because they jelf to restore our rights and thus support the constitution,
with their fathers, and that if th ey would they presses him self freely and plainly, on th e differ­ Pro. Tem. until Mr. Leach should arrive at the meeting
Iiwb and righu of his country. We have no ute then for
t individual, re* always knew »o much th a t G od could not teac.i
m i"ht bo the first who should receive these glad e n t methods of adm inistering the government, Parley Pratt, E*q. then arose and said:
tuch a servant, and sooner than vote for such men we will
pleased with a nn/1 n mnu that would listen to the voice while he is not ashamed to let the world know his Mr. Chairman, and Gentlemen and Ladies, we are met
dwell in the clefts ofthe rocky mountains, or torn quakerr,
w, aa if losing views, and criticise upon his opinions. ihis evening for thc purpose of serving God, and this is the
and not vote at all. ,
ay, said he had I am sir no way connected with the Mormon service he requires, according to Isaiah, viz:
W ho then shall we vote far as our next Prssldentt I
i, who kneif hia C hurch, b u t am disposed to listen to reason in all " T h a t w t s a c A K k v c a y y o k e a j i d l e t t h e o r r n i s * - , answer, Gen. Joseph Smith of Nanvoo, 111.
r ths* il beeom* cases. I have heretofore been a warm advocate
t i ^ V h i s X " 1^ _ t h " “^ “ " ^ n n ^ i i e n c o o f t h e i r r e j e c t i n g t b e g o s p e l e d 00 r a t e . " ,I He is not a Southern man with Northern principle*; nor
learn that John o u r i n g of all things unto tnis aay. _ _ * i. , » ! , « r ord suffered them to be again scattered; of the measures of the W h ig party, b u t consider­
-I » _ a r viati As we have been in bondage in this country for about |I a Northern man with Southern principles. But he is an
’a righteousness, I am aware, th at a rehearsal ° a“0If o f ; th eir land to bo wasted and their beautiful city to ing G eneral Sm ith’s views and sentiments to be ten years, and without Any Government as a general iking,1 Independent man with American principles, and he haa
IfU all righteous* worthy the applause of every citizen o f the U n i t ­
niankiod*as u T o ^ ^ . l.te r a., f boast of be trodden^do,™ o f the Gentiles,, un.,1 the iait not high time lor the people to awske from thrir Isih- 1both knowledge and disposition, to govern for the benefit
i c t ; Mark aaya , ed States, and especially the yeom anry of the
t h i s w ise g w e r a t i o n in t h e k n o w l c ^ i o t o t r u , s oui ^ ^ p ro m is e s to t h e country, I shall in every instance advocate his argy and begin to attend to the weightier malltrt o f jurtice, and protection of ALL. And what is more H E DARE
he water he saw
judgment, righlcmd protection, as well as 10 pay so much at- d o IT, EVEN IN T H IS AGE, and this can scarcely bo
> dove, descend- b ut there .a a uniform ity so ^ l' ih‘a';''tit0in5 1n„c i! „t ophe^ ; hen th . Lord is to pour out principles, and use m y utm ost influence in his
tention to “ tythe,” “ mint" and “ cuRjmin.” I again re* eajd 0f many otherr.
i Heaven saying, retlection, one -is led
the iohowwv,.., - J- h i s ss pp ii rr ii tt upon all flesh, he has determined to bring
his favor. .
11 pleaaed. Had I am, Sir yours m haste, peat that for some years past we have had no Government. Come then, O Americans! rally to the Standard of Li*
80*r , r imnf>rfect description o f ito light his gospel, to tho Gentiles, that it may A N A M E R IC A N . My reasons are, that white men have b*en shot and hung,
ihn it waa a non* In m y last I gave nn *™Pe” ect ° thcPreason. ' eo to thc house of Israel. T h is gospel has been
N auvoo Mansion, M ay 12, 1844. and negroes burned witbont uial, judge or jury ; abolition- An(j jn yoar>indignation
I could the Hea- the angel, and was oblige . ; h j s , [>crvcrtcd „„d men havo wandered in darkness.
ists have been mobbed and s h o t; Catholic churches, dwel- The Tyrant’s rod, and the Oppressor's crown,
light T would Je* ‘ o ^ ^ ' o r ^ i r M o r v o r l o r t Ia halso o Vcave^ e a few ', TPhat h a t commission given to thc the apostles
apostle, at jerusa-
W -
LOVE OF GOD. lings and convents burned, and fifteen thousand American That yon proud eagle to it’s height may soar,
e waa well plea*- the subject o f th e lent, so easy to be understood, has bean hid from
fflrction, believe Sentences whicn h i uttered on cf ........ citizens rokbed of millions, and driven from a State, and And peace triumphant reign for-ever more.
w ritin " the for-i t h e world, because of evil, and tho honest have Yes I love ther, and thy holy name
gathering of Israel, «Scc. Si:tice many of them murdered, and this by executive and legis­ 1 have spoken
in the inimitable
be inter- been led Hv by tho
the desitrnine,
designing, till there are none to
To me is dearer far, than even life ;
mer, i have thought it w»uld, perhaps, lative authority, without shadow of law or juitice, aud elill
let were fulfilled, ilKCi} 4 i»»* 1 u .j i • • be found who are practising the ordinances of tbe Thou gTeat Jehovah, even slill the sa m e ; On motion, Resolved, That the following named persons
ice enter.hia law* esting to give something more full o n jh is impor ” - j ; „ , hoy ^ ancienijr delivered. .here is no redrees or protection though vesra have pait Delegates lo the Convention of the friend.
atU subjcct, as well u* a revelation of the g o s p e l, gospe as^they were anciently delivered,
In thy calm bow m there’s no burning strife:
inta opening onto now arrived, in which, accor- But in this haart ia heid a conflict d re, since the perpetration of these horrid crim es s w h o then. of Gen. Sm ith ,jo bemheld ia Utica, Ang. 23d. -- - -
Dr. Dore-
T h a t these holy personages should feel a deep , B a t the time has the tir
kingdom of Hea* Between my love for the*, and passions’ p o w e r; ■hall dare to say there is a Government 1 w* t*now u1 IUU0
mtu>. r£j , jj u w i M | jj v0ho L tach, »S.
• ” Lsne, N. T . James, Mr.
holy F rs7 . aP ’ ““ ^ ‘“ r ' ^ ^ ' I ^ V d i n g Yo^'his covenants, tho Lord will manifest to
his cc * i i u —»• — —-
m dyou hear him interest in the accomplishment of 7 / foithru, lhot hc is ;he s„ „ „ t„.day and forever Passions which burst like Etna's towering fire, at all, it is only by having to pay taxes occasionally, and ^ ^ T Le#ch> w i ,|ittin H< Mi|P#( T heo.Car
iciate<a* hia ofii* ;;, 7 p o ;;,'o ftL 'L o V d , in h " wo' k lhnVi' hal’t l” t.= ' o . p or suffering of his peonle, the And threaten my destruction in aa hour, not from any protection we receive from it. Is not thc G > ____( * * ! « & John Schwackhamer, S. Leaver.
l and in Heaven; vernor of Missouri n murderer and a robber I are not thc ’
!s , house of Israel, fs nearly f i l b f ; and th'.t A . way And then thoulda’t thy lov’d spirit cease to strive— legiilators of Missouri murderers and robbers, in passingProfessor O rso^ Pratt C. W . Wandell, Esq. and J. B.
declare, from tho recorded of their * au n g s in the ho.j = p bo preparc 1 before th eir face he will bring W here were my hspe 1 no anchor to the soul, c* o p » , lh e crimmaU for cem m im ag ihe.e e r im « 1 « « r j l » a d dr«».d l h . m e e n a , m v e r, elo-
igdom of Heaven tu re’ - • • D an ie l’ to tho knowledge o fth e people the gospel aslit was No helm !o g uide; tempest wild would drive
Y ou will remember U. hav^• .. . . ^ ii* % ____ lanH onn mnm* U , and mani- Would . . . the l»w. of Iheir owa Stale t u n s .hem. .a d im- 1 ™ . i w . i » . ■«. ^ . e l u d e d their k . amid Ui. deaf,
force; could he My tottering bark, beyond weak man’s control., 4
— “ And at that time., [the last unysj .n ^ ^ ^ £ .......... Obedient the W b of the same, by the prison thousands who were actors or nccewors to these t meg sppkuse of the audience
rhich ia within a Bat thou ait ever grecious, ever kind :
crimes 1 Surely they would if justly adminiitered. I* not Oa motion, Resolved, T hat a Standing Committee of
>r it, for it ia con* , Thy gentle band to man is stretch’d oul still,
Martin Van Buren a murderer by being accessory to these three be appointed to call meetings in this city,
principle or part Thy spirit calms the anguish of hia mind,
crimes while President of the Uoited States, by fellowship- Resolved, That Messrs. Lane, Wright and Meynell, be in mighty And guides him by ihy wise and soverign w ill;
ing Missouri and refusing redress when appealed to by 8iid Commiltee.
Spirit, the deter- Compels him not, by arbitrary power,
with that singular expression m H cb - A r e they ana tnose wnu thousands of ihe sufferer* T He is a muiderer in this ret- Pesolved, That the proceeding* of ibis Meeting b« pub-
part o f a s in n e r; [angelsl not ail ministering Spirits, sent forth to embrace the gospe as it^ was delire But gently leads him on bis wisdom’s w ays; p e c t , a n d w e c a n prove it. A r e not tbe members of Con- l>»hed in the " Prophet,” (New York), the “ Nauvoo
od refnatd to ac. signs follow- Shows him tha error* e f hia former course,
mimster for them who shall be heirs of salvation 1" imes, and they shall be blessed u i t h si gress murderers and robbers, as accessaries after the fa ct,1Neighbour,” the “ Nauvoo Times Ic Seasons,” the “ Pdli-
certain degree of Illuminates his path by heavenly rays.
A n d t h e n l e t m e ask nine questions : ‘n fF a r l h e r on t h c s u b i . c t o f th o gathoring of when, after coming to the knowledge of these things,. tician,” and all papers that are favorable to the cause
lie will of tact) as W ho, but must love the Parent faithful friend
F irst, are the anP j " ° ’i y Secondly* A re i Israel.— T h is was perfectly understood by airan - they still fellowship Missouri and refuse redress 1 certainly | On motion, adjourned.
privilege of man, And tho’, e’ven life ia dear,, yet love the more ;
they are murderers in ihis respect, aad csn b» pfBved such GEO. T . LEACH, Chairman,
a ; God act* not Love, praise, and serve thee, always to t i e e n d ^ v
in law, and so are all the people who knowing of these W m . II. M i l e s , Secretary.
at man can easily . And trust in thee, till sorrows are no more.
crimes still uphold such men, or hold their peace while their 4------------- ------------ ■ ■■ ■ ■----- .-_ ^ =
no e\re to pity, ___________ ______________ W . L.
lion, and hia arm
h u aaid apon the cause ye will do evil in the sight of the Lord, to HYMN. C. M. ........ -'RELIGIOUS NOTICES.
the halls o f C o n g te ss are stained w ith the blood o f inno
each other, though one may be in heaven and the c e n c e , the chair of the presid ency is stained w ith blood,
ve, and God aaya provoke him to anger through thc works of your 1 I saw a Lam b that had been slain, The Church of Je»us Christ of L itte r Day Saiats, bold
other on the earth ? hands. Connecting this w ith a prophecy in the ta d the officer, of thisGoteram eal, with i f t i r exception,,, j „ U llio n T , mptItI1„ ' U ,ll.
►e baptized for the F o u rthly: If angels are m inistering spirits, (W h en mercy’* flag was furl’J ,)j
song which follows, which was given to Moses m , , .a d wilh Iheir .k .r l .. t« i a e d . a d their h t a d . dnppiDgwiih * J, y
d others, required sent forth to minister for those who shall be heirs th e tabernacle— remem bering the expression— And yet he lives with seven horns, lb* blood of innocent su n , w o iitw and cAiVdrin, thc saints • -------- ---------------------------------
bilifve in Jeaoa o f salvation, will they not minister for those
irwarda they laid “ in the latter d a y s w h e r e the Lord fortells al| T h e wonder of tho world. asd martyra ol this nation. | The Church of J esus Chrift of Litter Day Saint* of Bos-
h eirs? and fifthly, if they do will any one know T he cries of innocent blood, and th* prayeraand tear* of t0B> ^ ^ e i r meetings every Sabbath, at 1C Frank-
if tbe Holy Ghost, their evil, nnd their being received to mercy, to
it? 2 Our father Adam, as the first, ihe widow,the orphan, and the oppressed, have ascended in- ’ ,jn t1 p: u cr John Hardy, presiding. Residence, 91 Com-
m of God and his
* added unto yon; Possess’d the power o f lives; (o the ears of tbe Almighty, a nd,“ Mene, Mene,TekeI, Up- mcrc‘i ai *t.
eking was io vain, h*nin ” is written on thc cauitol. W aihingtonisa stina in V TT ’ _ _ .
And rose, arch angel Michael then, m r aoU . aad in the nojtriU of Ood and .11 Sood meo, aad CO- The ch.reh ol Je»a» Chnsl, of L itter D 17 Saial. at
ions of angels wss E igh tly : will ho laad them, as they were once mv arrows upon -......- , T o reign when earth revives. .h i. a&iioa .peedily reform and ho,I dowa « c h m e . , 1PhU.delphi., hold their m e .ti.e s . .e r ,^ S a o d a , « m l ,
period, if in order led? and ninthly if so will ho be seen? T h e s e | with hunger, and devoured with b u rn ing h e a t-
, „ d pal ia meo who will eaecote the law . for the j . . . aad ia Third .tr e .t abo.e W tM o., o « r 1U uri»H
r various grades, a q u i i o n , ^ T K W i t h o u t answering, because thelw iU 3 And Noah aslh o second, walk’d .o aa l orotectioo of all, iheir h.H) of C o u p e s, and their ELD. W m. W HARTON, P r c i d m ; .
i ; he made ns« of reasoning is so p l a i n , r a n d s o m any m ight be j the poison of s pe destroy both the
lerstanding. The brought, th a t they m u it be at hand in tho h e a r t . without, and terror withtn, shall destroy both the A perfect man with God ; .hroae. of pride, . a d .he whole Capitol al W . r t i a , l o n w I I _ _ _ _ _ _
dub terms. Je m s and nfind of every saint. B u i to the gospel, y o m ig m a n v lr6in > tho 8«ckling Wlth th And, Gabriel like, prepar’d an ark soon be a fit aad secure residence for the cormoraut, the M b l U r A U i\ 1 & .
I, Prophets, Evan- F or living through the flood. bittern, the owl and the bat.
ai‘Th^eegrent planntof{cd?m ption being p re p a re d ! B u t after all this, he will ju dg e their enemies Some will assert that the general Government had no Br. Hardy, Beston Br. Woodbury, 24 North Wharves,
ficers; hia gospel E dcr W andtll, general traveling agent
before the fnfi of man, and the salvation of the and avenge them of th e iw ; for he aaya: 4 A n d r ig h te o u s A b r a ’tn ro a e aa th ird . jurisdiction in the case, that tbe matter belonged to MU Philadelphia.
thful believer one through th* Stale of New York. Br. A. R. Wright, of
L John the Baptist
f „ ! n family beine M precious in the sight o f 1 “ I f I whet m y glittering sword and my hand T hrough him thc promise ru n ; •ouri only.
ik u X ono tim e a s a ta n o th o r. before the i take hold on judgm ent, I will render vengeance But I would ask whether a single State is more indepen Bellefontaine, Ohio. Elder William McBride, Waynes-
I destroyed John ; the Lord a nnd rras crucified, as I to my enemies, and will reward them th a t hate And when iho sacrifice was ask’d deat*of the geaeral G overam eallbsa a foreiga power, for .iUe Ohio. All I r - e l i a * elde,. Me r.q u e .l« i I . .e l a .
tr, Paul, Matthew,
.“ o T ^ l , v . : p rcn eh ^ d , B ^ d m t i y w e r e m e. " l w ill m i k e m v a r r o w s d r u n k w it h b lo o d , H e took his onlyTson. instance, Britaia or Fraoce 1 ' f» ' lhc " ?«*!«< •” ______________
red the same fate,
fo u n d o b ed w i t t o th e s L e . ^ , 1 , ^ . b e in g t h e ; n n d ^ y b e e n r e sto r e d , of tnese
Had either ot these power*
powers wcommitted
m m m cu .a hundredth part
^ j ^ R ^ ^ of o h -o^ amhori(ed lo pro.
fol tragedy, taoght And Moses meekly stood as fourth o f these otitr.g e . u p o a A a ie r ic a a c ilu e r .s , Ihe oat,on w oaM ~ , ;bt[1 , od I t c t ; , s m o n ic , f„ „ ,0 ^ ^ h e l . -
mid never b e des-
“ “‘h ^ ' a W e ’ f u n " w e ’ro commanded to repent and afflicted and his enemies have also been chas- T o show iho power of God, h a v . . s h a w l e d all t l . b l o o d . a d i r e u o r e to ob am ^ ^ ^ (f , s h „ f l of
tiel, die little stone
and be baptized bv water in the name of (ho Lord: t i ^ d . tbe Lord B a ys : ‘ Rejoice, O ye naUons And mighty miracles perform'd Bnt Missouri and Carolina are ao independent. yes, Mis of ^ fyr ^ Dlffatioa of
tat should roll forth a n a do xviih the Hoiv Spirit.— • with his people: for ho will avengo the blood of soari is so independent that she msy dissolve her political P
the whole earth.
T b e l l o l y Spirit being thus given, men *vero en- his servants, and will iender vengeance to his W ith tho elernal rod.
Id possess the king, existence and becomc an organized banditti of murderers > ^ -------------------
a b le d t o L k fo r w a r d to the time o f the coming adversaries, and will be merciful unto h u land and and robbers, and it is all just right. Poor little Presidents ^ EWf f Joho H„rdy ;s onr General Agent at Boston.
under ,the whole G Elijah fifth, lhat holy man, a n d C o n g r e s s m e n have n o p o w e r o v e r a u c h big matters. i lhoie wi#blD<r ,0 , ub»cribe h r th e " Profhet,” In ih a t
i his chsrch with ° f th ° ^ r o l f T h ^ r l a c M f i l ' T h e y ^ r o o k e " ' f c *° f w f f p t ' ’a fu rth er detail of t h . promises lo Destroy’d the priests of Baal, Fellow-citixens, we w a n t a G o v e rn m e n t w h ic h w ill pro- ci(y 0f vJciji;,y w,u picaao. forward th e ir n a m e a to
ct laws, calcnlated ^rem ission of Iheir sins and ^ "their redemr , Israel, hg.r« a fu r, aa rehearsed by t ^ a n g e l - And soar’d above, in flaming flame, tec to n r h o m e s , our lives, and our wives and c h i l d r e n - ’ him
ut where is it nowl Accept assurance of my esteem as ever. these are the w eightier matters of justice, judgment, and — -
tion. T o dwell within ihe vale.
-i h e form ia gone, i h l Uw. The.tithe, mint and cummin of tariff,.bank, and y y Thomas d. Woodbury, is our General Agent at Phi-
H ad it not been for this plano fsalyn tio n. which (
iis defaced. Agaia, other questions of minor importance, we are not particular Udelphia. ^ ^ ^ ^ *
God d e v ise d before tho full, m an m ust h a v e re*, From the Nsuvoo Neighbor. 7 And P eter sixth, was blest by Christ,
, to empower m an , about; we are in no wise difficult, almost any Government
^ ai^ e d tm i s o r ^ l e f ^ e v e ^ a f t c r ^ t r _ £ m 3 ^ r « s s i n g ^ i e ( ^ u k i n g .m „ f are w e U o f y o u r b e a u - T o hold thc Kingdom’s Kovs, Qg- Mr. Valentine Merrill, Jr., of South Nerwalk, ( C t . )
Bciples apon which is better than none at all. We have no.fault to find with
r,as aoon aa' a Pro* of^ha't tra nsgressio n h o had rendered h i m s e l f u n - j tiful & g r o w in g c it y , I a v a il m y s e l f o f a few leisure
And bind or looso on oarth for heaven, ii our authorized Agent. f
the laws or tho Constitution of the couniry. Our com­
i hia dogs e( wari .t. .non hi« Maker He b e i n g * momenta i n expressing some of my views and con- Aa did the spirit please. plaint ii that we cannnt enjoy the benefit of them, for the
tand that palsied in Oo- Mr. KTWard Pell is authorized to act u Ag<nt for
orthy then
cas out the g o s ^ l was^pr^a i ^lu9ions of the prophet Joe and the M o r m o n s .- ,j^ ^ ^ ^ A at ^ ^ want of an efficient administration. L»w* are weak and the “ Prophet.”
i'her work, bat the 8 And Joseph, seventh, minislers powerless or themselves. The ministers of law are all in
tesalvatira of Ood; th is hope o f <e terna\ ll^ n,3 ^ ^ raons as a people h a v e b e e n m o st w o fu lly misrep-
ng righteousness is
m im ste r in g o f angels w h o delivered it as tne> ^ ^ ^ n i n e t y .ninQ in a U n . (T ill all things written come,) all, and without them we have no Government. ( ^ Traveling Elders are requested to act as Agents for
T o s h o w tho world her destin’d end, Give me a candidate who goes for eqiftl rights and protec- |fae .. p f0ph rt,” and receipt for all monies, and for * ard
io eater in at the commanded. fnmmrd to thel ces o tlto f a hundred by persons who know noth
N ot only did the ^ c ie itt s look fo w ^ d to J h e inci lcs L f d o c tr in e s . Before vis- And gather Israel home. tien of all parties, sect* aad individuals. Give me the pa j lhe |arae „ #OOD M convenient.
burch that has got
time of the comine of the Mcss.ah in the Hesh, ’. JS ^ mind very much preiu- triot who wouhl spill his blood for the protection of his fel- . „ , _ ,, f 1 Y 7 HI ,i/71
era, .helps, Govem-
his kingdom, with with delight, but thero was an V diced against tho Mormons, from reports which 1 9 Eternal truth, this Lamb was Christ low-citijen, even if he wishes to worship a toad, or if he 1 DItiD_ j n ,h , ciiy of Nanvoo, 111. on the 10th u l t , Ju-
they sought and for which they p ra je d Know ! (i ^ ^Who
l 0 in travelling does not worship at all. It is the security or person, liberty <^ ^ Df#Iey wife of Doc. j . c . DrtIfty , , te 0( lhjB p ity
is continue* to be, won the crownthrough the; differ­
of thorns
e, tongue*, iaterpre* ing, as they did th at t h . fall had a n d I presume if f had never tak en oc- and property for all p.rties, that is of the first im pcrunce ; * ^ v.ojkj of Spinal irritation and ^Dropsy,. aged 42
them death, and that man w a s ‘ sensual and fevil, je n t sta , v - their religion and In seven dispensations, too, until th is is provided for no person is safe. The Catholic* J < a r . N. B. New York Herald p 'e u e copy,
ipheey, aad revela*
they longed for a duv when the earth might a ^ n casion ^ ^ in th t Those Prophets stand as horns. I may be the sufferers to-dsy, the Mormons to-morrow, tbe ' M gaaasa— seas n i i im s
ig d o a t therein hia
dues you ia order, rest, and appear a , » U » ^ j ^ “me co/dition. T h ere i . not a city w ithin my I Aboliliqnists next day, and next the Mcthoditts or ^ fC,,bJ , N Appeal to the Inhabitant* of the Stata of New York,
miieht be unkown upon its face, and all enjoy one same con i • 10 F o r Joseph’s horns, liko Unicorns terian*. Where is safety if a populsr mob muit rule, and ^ L e t t e r to fiueen Victoii*, The Fountain ef Knowiedge;
c J. B. M. a m ore en terp risin g
u n^disturbed peace for a thousand years. I knowlcdg^ ttinn cau
can N , „a uuvoo ncc(;m.
voo, h erciti Must push’d tho eleventh hour; the nnooDular must sofler. This courss is directly ealeu- lminorla|j,y 0( the Body, an^f lnt-lligence and Affection:
NESS. 4 T his being sought for in faith, it pleased t h e ; snd i n d u s J a nd possess m any advanta- In Jesua’ ciders always was fated to fiU the country cither with martyr, or hypocrites. b j V P . P R A T T . Price 25 cents each or la'dollars per
Lord to covenant with them to roll on his purpo-, § d sciences o f th e day .which oth- M a rty r i f tb e y ha,eThe courage to be honest, and hypo-. hundred. T o b e h a d a t t ^ ^ h M o f i ^ ______ ________
tin glide T h e hiding of his power.
ses until he should b n n g it to p a s s - a n d tkough ges n? the arte an ^ cannQ^ boast in a w __ __________________ crites i f th ey h a t e not. .m E S T A M E N T OF T H E T W E L V E P A T R IA R C H S ,
many generations were to bo gathered eir, e r ^ c i t i e s bSL f<1ir t0 out x i ^ any city A Hoi.Rim.E’ H o a x .- T h e Quincy (IU .iH .r- » - j _ k : u there is a man in Am erica, b U c k , w h ite o r | lh e 9 o o l of Jacob, is m «.( respectfally d edicated to m y
fathers, yet the righteous, those who should, in word N auvoo dius / .n> 3 1 .* u U- contains an acooonC.of the . • _ hi* r ic h u aod be protected in his w ell-beloved Brother, J^hu A lbiU on , P s m a r d i l n u h »
’* L red. w h o cannot enjoy ht* r ig n u , aaa ^ r o a r e h o f L itie r D i y S»mu*. As^ a to k en o f respect and
b jtii)
lives, embrace tho gospel, and live obedient in the^\\^est^ ^ u n d m U n d j th . | a t ,'truction of Nauvoo and the m a ss a c re d half person, sroperty and liberty, or w hile there is a Martyr * {v f hU te r v,rf B and tm w e-u ied xral in the cause of

0 f « a ' . m' " 13' 1,1 “ S p o H t a l h i s t o n o f h i. country, . . well « the re-1 i u inhabitanu, «rith the los, of ib out 50CI c itiie n . blood lo cry, . Widow ,o Ume..., or . a O r f h .a to . e e p , ,,lU ,|,e E .eaiog of Time. B , h i. B roker io
m_ .fc.U h*. heard in behalf o f right, and against o p - . Christ, 8 *M U fcL _D O W N E S _
and it
preasion, and if I« must die for this, my spirit ahall cry from e r , E U r 0 ‘ f , T i c Q U E E N O F E N G L A N D , Tuncti.
t them free • _____ ___ ____ <1__• _ .*L *a ^ i t u i u m e. >-a • •* 1 - 1 •’
L o rd have endeavored to raise u p n people w hojlitician or religionist V ’.®, ev coui j >.* W ashington, is announced as hav in g command • tKl. - i.- r of ihe mart) rs, rfor_ vengence on the earth. A io2 ,he Signs of* the
- —
Tunes, and* tbe Political Destiny
,).K’ should be found worthy to inherit this rest, ( for 1 Ho advances ideas which, if they could be under the alter ot me n. ^ i x . in* . P„blh4ied at M anchr.ter,
WU'slr i t wa* called the rest of the rightous or t h e d a y c a r r ie d i n t o cffect would greatly b ................ of the military.— Tribune._______
inuh, point o f commerce and finance, and while he
o f t h e Lord's rest, prepared for the rig h te o u s;)' * ~c .~. j *" infl ihows th a t our firv A Branch of th* Church of Jean* Christ of Latter*
b u t were not able to sanctify them that they could » 1* . I___ I _ t Oa T / i l A \ M ta. " • n . . m j . 11- « * — .
y 8 a in u , has been < of New York. M f father before me was born th»re, ana iy *•
endur* tho presence o fth e Lord, excepting Enoch, ^ ‘^ s K ^ m ’e'nd'S. d i.sra c, to th , country,! uiaia, membetr
who,,with his people, for their righteousness, were
.tE T f.m rr,
r o a sals bv
**§> )$ > A tng the Signs of the Time*, aad tho Political Dsatiay
ol the W orld. By P. p . Pratt. Pablished at Manchester,
N E W Y O R K & H A V R E PACKETS. OLD* E S T A B L IS H E D England. For Sale at the Prophet Office.
O. S. FO W LE R ,
NION L IN E —To tail from New York oa the 8 th 10iht 131 N a s s a u S t ., N Y . PASSAGE OFFICE,
U and 24th, aad from Havre oa tbe 1st 8 th and the 24th
• f svery moath, u follow*, t i l FO W L E R 'S PRAC­ 100 Pine-’street, corner of South-atreet T H E SUBSCRIBERS having completed their arrange­
ments, are now prepared to bring oat passenger* frost
Most splendid asortment of watches in
TICAL PHRENOL- Great Brttiaa a n d lr e l s s i , by the following first c l a a pack the c,ty» *» ‘o bo found at the aabscri-
The Subscriber begs Uave to call the attentios t.( hi< etshipa, one of whicti will leave Liverpool o a the 1st, 6 th, berV, n he ia i n s t a n t l y receiving all descriptions of gold
From JV. York. From Havre. OG Y, A W ork which friends and the public i n general, to tbe following airange-
I Ith, 16tb, 21st and 20 th of e tc h month. « and stiver watches of the Uteat styles from the ra anufac
ARGO. has now been eight m enu for 1844, for the purpose of bringing out Cabin,
March 8 April 24 Patrick Henry, New York, Sheridan, turers in Eagland, France, and Switzerland, he ia enabled
0 . Anthony, Jr., years before the pub­ ec ond Cabin, and Steerage. Pauengera by tbe. following
July 8 Aug. 24 Virginian, Liverpool, Cambridge, to oiler a large assortment, and at much less prices a t re­
lic, so that its merits E G U L A R PA CKET SH IPS TO ANB FROM L I­
Nov. 8 Dec. 24 Montezuma, Siddons, George Washington tail, tban any other hoase ia tbe city Gold w e te h e a j* _
are allowed to speak VERPOOL.
FRANCOIS 1st. March 10 May 1 Hottinguer, Columbus, United States, low as $20 to 25 each. W atchea and jewelry exchanged
for themselves.
Ainsworth, July 16 Sept. 1 T H E AMERICAN Shipa* Captains. Days of Sailing from Roscius, Ashburton, England, or bought. All watches warranted to keep good time, or
Nov. 10 •Jan. 1 PHRENOLOGICAL Names. New-Ymk. Europe, S u p h e a W hitney, Rochester, tbe money returned.
BURGUNDY, May 8 G. Washington Burrows, June 7 Oct 7 Feb. S
ludependecce, Yorkshire, Garrick, Cf. C. A L L E N , Importers of W atches and Jewelry,
March 24 JOURNAL, ^ W holesale end retail, 3Q^WallM, up stairs.—je—c
D. Line*, July 24 Sept. S Devoted exclusively United State* Britton, Aug. I Dec. 1 April 1 Sam aer Hicks, Queen or the West, Oxford.
Nov. 24 Jan. s to the exposition and Gerrick Skiddy. 13 “ 13 - 13
Certificates of pa**age can be obtained, and every infor PIANO FO R T E S , PIA N O FO R T E S—J.
May 21 defence ofPhrenolo- Patrick Henry, Delano, “ 23 « 23 “ 25 rnation will be given to those sending for their friends,'Mi R OCK ETT begs to inform his friends and tbe
E M ERALD, April 8 Sheffield, Allen, Sept. 1 Jan. 1 May 1
application at either of our offices.
Howe, ' Aug. S Sept. 21 . gy and its bearing, public that be has removed har Piano Forte Store to No
“ 13 13 “ 13
.They will also be prepared on the opening of navigation,
[Dec. S Jan. 24 uod of tne kindred science of Physiology and Magnetism, Roscius, Collin*, 544 Broadway, between Spring ahd Prince ats, where, at
aa far as they can bear oa i t ; embracing the clearest, and Independence, Nye, “ 23 “ 25 “ 25
(o forward paseengera and their luggage to Albany and
RHONE, ’ April 10' June 1 1 Feb. 1 June 1 all times, will be found a good assortment of new snd sec­
yet the moet condensed and also practical vie w ol Phrenol­ Virginian, Allsn, Oct. Troy, and via Erie canal to Buffalo, and all intermediate
t J. A. W otton, Aug. 10 Oct. I 13 “ 13 ‘‘ 13 ond hand Piano fortes, a t prices ranging from twenty-five
ogy tn d its bearings on health, happiness, virtue, religion, Siddons, E . Cobb, place*.'
[Dec. 10 Feb. 1 25 »• 55 “ 25 dollar* op wards. Purchasers will find it to their advent-
human improvement, and the reforms now in progress,any Ashburton, Hurtlesteu, To all porta ol the Upper Lake*.
age before purchasing elsewhere, to call and examine for
VILLE D E LYON, April 24 June S w hereto be found. Monthly, 21 or 32 pages, at $ I per Sthph’n Whitney Thompson, Nov. 1 Mar. 1 July 1
Via Oswego to Toronto, Port Hope, Coburg, Kingston
themselves. All piano fortes sold by J R. will bo warrant*
C. Stoddard, Aug. 24 Oct 8 year, or three copies # 2 ; five copies for S3 ; nine cop­ Sheridan, Depeyster, 13 “ 13 “ 13
aod all part* of Canada West.
ed to be as represented.—N B Piano fortes tuned, repair*
Dec. 21 Feb. 8 ies for S '» ; or twenty copies for 910- 1° cases m ) Tbe Provincial Bank, and branches. From^Troy via Whitehall to Montreal and Quebec, Ca
ed. exchsnged. snd sold on*commission. je—o
ALBANY, May 8 June 21 ADVANCE, POST PAID. IRELAND. V The Ulster Bank, do. nada E«at via Ohio Canal from Cleveland to Portsmouth
Wataoa, 8 ept. 8 Oct. 24 } t h e National Bank, do. Cincinnati, and intermediate place*. A T H E C H E A P E S T COFFIN W ARE-ROOM IN T H E
Jan. 8 Feb. 24 EDUCATION ANDSELF-IMPROVENFNT. PHYSICAL All Drafts payable at sight, at either of the obove banka South W est via Philadelphia to Pittsburg, Cincinnati, jfj) W O RLD .
MORAL, AND 1NTELLETUAL : tbeir branches or agencies. Louisville, and all ports on the Ohio River to St. Loma, | | T . D* G IL L E S PIE furnishes all articles required at
SYLVE DE GRASSE. May 10 July 1 Mo ; and to all part* of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois,
L. Weidsrholdt, Sept. Founded on Phrenology and Physiology ; or. G ood ) Messrs. Spooner, Atwood <!c Co bankers, U funersls, snd has (mvelege to inter in all the gravo
10 Nov. . 1 and Wisconsin Territory
H eads a n d Bo dies , and how to make them good, both io ENGLAND, > London. yards and cemeteries in the city or country, his charges
Jan. 10 Narch 1 REM ITTA N CES.
| children and one’s self, by showing how to cnlsrge the de- 3 P W . Byrnes, & Co. Liverpool. will be very moderate and attendance p u nctual No 552
LOUIS P H IL L IPP E , May 24 July S ' frctive, aad diminish the excessive ; including the moral Paweagers can alfo be engaged from Liverpool lo Phila­ For the accommodation of persons wishing to send mo­ pearl *t. near Broadwa 7 . ________________ j— c
J. Castofl, Sept. 21 Nov. 8 training and government of children, without the r o d \ delphia, Boston, and Baltimore, by tbe regular packet ney to their friends in the Old Country, HARNDEN &
March S
July 24
T hia’work expounding the principal laws of virtue,er con xhips, on application being made personally, or by letter,
ditions of happiness, and «hows how to fulfil them. (post paid, addressed to
CO. will give Drafts on any part of England, Scotland, or
Ireland, payable at sight, for cum* of £ 1 , £ 5 , £ 2 0 , to A MARKABLE VISIONS. And of tbe L ate Discovery
of Ancient American Records, which unfolds the history of
A. Riehardaoo, Oct. S Nov. 24 INTELLECTU AL IM PR O V E M E N T ; JOSEPH McMURKAY. £ l 00-o r to any Amount to suit the purchaser.
this continent from the earliest Ages after the Flood, to the
Feb. 8 March 24 Or, how to C u l t i v a t e t i i e M e m o r y ; E x p a n d a u d 100 Pine-street, corner of South-St. OFFICES AND AGENTS.
beginning of the fifth csntnry of tbe Christian E ra. W ith
SULLY, June 10 August 1 AGENTS.—In Pottsville. Benj. Bannan, Eiq. Charlea Craft. 120 State street, Bo»ton.
S t r e n g t e n t h e I n t e l l e c t , and conduct the iniel B. W- Whe*ler, Union-Building, Providence, R . I. a a sketch of the rise, faith, and doctrine of the Church of
W . C. Thompson, Oct. 10 Dec. 1 lectudl education of children ; in which is pointed out a In Lovell, Rich WeUb, E»q. Jeans Christ of Latter Day Saints. By O Pratt, Minister
Feb. 10 April 1 Ia Albany, T Goush. Esq J. W MilU, 3 Wall street, and 10 Front atreet, New
new and more excellent way to intellectual attainment* York. of the Gospel Eor Sale at this Office, besides many oth­
IOW A, Jane 24 Aug. 1 lhan our common school* and seats of learning now fu’- In Toronto, U C. Rogers &: Thompson.
N. G. Howard, 43 Sooth Third street, Philadelphia. er valuable works.
W . W . Pell, Oct. 24 Dec. 8 nish—a work of great value and importance to parent* In Newark, John McColean, K'q.
In Utica, Thomas M tQ 'u d e , Kcq Sandford & Shoemaker, 7 Light street, Baltimore, Md. W HO W A N T S BOOTS AND 8 HOEST—
Feb 24 April 8 teachers, and all who desire to know how te improve then
i g h t n i n g r o d s . —The public is rr»prcituiiy tn H ERED ITA RY DESCENT ; ITS LAWS AND FACTS general, lhat the greats*! punctuality will be oba»*rvrd i i .
I also beg leave to assure my fncuds and the public in
L. S Lit'lejohn. 11 Exchange, Albany, N. Y.
Pittsburgh, P a
J Tbe greatest redaction ia price ever known, Only
thiok of gentlemen’s fine dress C ajf stitched bn»ts, ofth e
L formed, that Quimby’s Lightning Conductors for ih*-
protection of buildings against lightniup, ran br o b ta in s Or, the Transmission ol Qualities Physical, Inillectual
'he *ailiog of the above ships teenlier with all othen*
■*hich I may have, and tnat pawrn^ers will t-xprrience
S Clark, 159 River street, Troy, N. Y.
no Utica, N. Y.
moet fashionable shape, $2 75 to 9 3 Also, dreat pegged
boots, f?l 50 to $2 and $2 50 per Ladies' fancv co*
on application io him, at his office 151 Full.-a vtreet A l and Moral, from parents to iheir off prings, through sac irla)* on their arrival at the different porn where they W . A. Cook, Syracuse. N. Y. lored, city m are gaiters, #1 50 to .l 75 a pair; and all the
order* from the oitjr or country will be promply attended ceesive gen-raiiona ; including direction* for forming aucf. mean to embark. Rochester, N Y. fashions for 1S44, for gentlemen, ladies and children, from
to. The price i* seduced in conformity with ihe time* mmriinotiUl alliances mb will w curr whatever quality* n
P. S —Free passsge can also be secusrd Ironi the va- W . H. Cook, Buffalo, N Y.
thirty to forty per cent cheaper than ever. 179 Hadson,
children may br desired; with hint* to "mothrra duriuj •louf porta tn Ireland and Scotland from which tteam boats H . Fi'zhtitih Sc Co , Oiwego, N Y.
H« b elieve* that a im « !e oidiuary liiih'niuit rod ia irvaH* corner of Canal.______S T E W A R T & SA U L je —c
e q ’i* e , und-r crrtaiu circum stances, to protect e v rn s-n.M pte^Daucy—a work which every young married pat run to Liverpool. m l3 if HARNDEN & CO.
•hould pojrr** ; ne indrrdshould all who design to turn JOSEPH McMURRAY, •W ILSON’S R E A L E S T A T E AND
buil ings. H e w as led to th is o p in io n o n chrefuily atudyma S P R IN G A R R A N G E M E N T — 1844.
the la « s aod n p er altoss o f th e ele ctric fluid, in connection •he matrimonial relations To improve rnankmri, we mm 100 P>ne *trret, New York. LOAN OFFICE.
with personally e x a m in in g its practical results, as rxhibitrd brgm with ih»- ctRM Education bestowed upon a good Gives drafta in sums to suit applicants For the private and public sate, hiring, letttn* «u u r* .
i a h o m e s , barns, churches, ic e ., that hadbr en dam aged *■) ph>aic«l and moral baai>, will be va»iiy more productive ON TH E changing of houses,stores, farms. See For collveticg rents,
lightning, although furnished wiih lightning n ds. than tbat. expended upon. .a barren *<nl , Lons»enough -- h*vf
, PROVINCIAL BANK OF IRELAND. and' for taking tbe general sgeacv ageacv and supervision of real
To bu.ldiags not more than 25 feet 1 ,p j. hr slwaya af- ^ o v e r this subject. Walker's attempted eluci PAYABLE at T h e R a i l R o a d B r i d g e a t t h e R o a n o k e c o m p l e t e d , estate. Alto for tbe auperintendanee auperimendanee ol erecting and re re-­
fixe* two• rod* * ; to large
■ ■buildings,
•• >• a grater number.,K_. 1 Th , dation it, was a, comparative failure. In this work il Cork, Bainbridge, ON T H E G R E A T SO UTHERN M A IL RO U TE , pairing of building*. Persons having property to sell, e x ­
number of rods necessary to insure protection, and their' i« trent-d—aa none but a practical Phrenologist c a * treai Limerick, . Bullytnrna, change or let, will find it to their sdvantage to apply at thia
proper position, depend on the site and farm of thr building it—c i e n t i i i c a l l y ; a vast many moat important principle
V i a W a s h w o t o i v C i t y , R i c h m o n d . P e t e b » b u b q aztd
Clonmel, Parsontowu, office All property registered in tbia office, will, if re­
W*LD*>jr. a w d t h e o r l y D a i l y L l i * t o
the location of tbe chimneya, the position «t.J bright ot being e t a t r d , and all aupported by a m a n of facts absolute- Londonderry, Dawnpstick, quired, be advertised, and if not sold at private itale, it will
C h a r l e s t o n , S C , s i n t e r t o N aw O r l e a j t s .
neighboring object, Sec. Sc Buildings are diff. ien'lv ly overwhelming A most uaeful work,and a rare inte.lec Slig.', Civan, if desired, be offered at public auction He will al-o attend
situated aad very differeatly exposed ; aod tbe rods require tusl treat—p.p 27G, and a genealogical table with bfauk W*xford, L'irgan, <24 Hour* in advance of the Bay Line ) to the efleeting iusurance, obtaining and loaning of money
to vary in their application according »n crcHm»tani*ra paper, for recording family likenea»<s Belfast, Omagh, T R A V E L L E R S gHng South are informed lhat the con­ on bond and mortgage. Individuals or companies, re­
PHRENOLOGY APPLIED TO MATRIMONY. Waterford, Dungannon, nexion beiwetn the Pet«r>burg and Wilmington Railroads quiring an agent to take charge of their estate, may depend
T. JO N E S & CO; 12 Pine aud 15 Naa»«u ut, are now
S offering the following very desirable goods in lo u to
sait purchasers, viz —
Or to thes'leciion)of c '."tnt.f lA LC oM A P.tio.N * f o k l i f e
including direction« to the m a n itd , Inr living together af
at W rldon, including the Petersburg Company** Bridge at on having it faithfully and economically managed. P e r ­
the Roanoks is completed, ao ihai travellers going South sons wishing to'^htrarparchase or exchange property, cr in­
Cloth and cassimeres, of different styles and shades frctionately and happily The cautions it administers to Monaghan. by the Great Mail Route, via Wathinaton, Richmond and vest money, cau most generally be accomodated. Persons
Beaverii and pilots, low pricsd to very superior the young ; the hints it furni(h<*a in regard to coudnctinj; ENGLAND. Petersburg, will be transferred at Weldon immediately residing at a distance, desirous to sell or purcbaso real es­
Vesting*—London styles courtship, as well as ita scientific exposition of man’s so­ SPOONER, ATWOOD ic C o /R a n k e rs, London. • from the car* of the Petersburg to those of the Wilmisgton tate by sending a description of th» property, will receive
Silecias—Casban’s Fergusons’s and several American cial nature and relations, as well ss ofthe laws that govern Payable in every town in Great Britain Railroad Company, therehy ridding the Great Mail route immediate atteoiiehr .All letters most be post-paid and
make* them, render it most interesting and most useful. of its only exceptionable feature, whilst it is equally cheap, addressed to JO H N C. W ILSON,
B rials—Low Philad and super Madders N A TU RA L RELIGION : R E G U L A MAIL L IN # FOR PROVIDENCE AND and for e x p e d i t i o n , s e c u r i t y a n d c x b t a w t t , it baa je —c.___________________ No. 1 Nassau street. N. Y.
M de Laiaes and Crape M de Laines—new styles BOSTON, great advantages over the day line.
Or, The N a t u r a l T h e o r y of Phrenology; ita aspect ECCALEOBION.
Merinos and Alpatcas ; Moicakine and Cords on revelation, and its general harmouy with it ; including VIA STO.TIlfOfO.V A N D NEWPORT. H ie following unrivalled schedule* are novrron oa thi* line. EGGS HA TCH ED B Y ' ST E A M . IN P R E S E N C E OF
Velvet and velveteens ; red padding*—3 4 and 0-4 answers to the objections, that Phrenology favors Fatalism, FA ST MAH. LINE. VISITO RS!
Kentucky jeane, of all th* different colors j Materialism, and Infidelity, and is opposed to a change of Leave N. Y. at 9 A M. Arrive in Philadelphia at 3 P M. HIS NOVEL EXHIBITION, 8 0 A M U S I N G AS
Roll'd jaconetta and col’d cambrics
Apron and furniture checks
j h e a r t :—A Work in which the p r i m a r y e l e m e n t s ol
j man’s moral nature are fully analyzed, and therewith the Composed ol ihe followiug superior Steamers, running in Leave Balt, at 2 A.M.
Leave Phila at 4 P M. arrive in Baltimore at 1 A M. T well as instructing, is now open at 2S3 Broadway, from
arrive in Washington ar 5 A.M. 9 o’clock. A. M. until 7 P . M. -r ,
Woolen shawls—all sizes and qualities I religipus doctrine* taught, and the dutitt required by manV connection with the Stoningtap, and Boston and Leave Wash, at 0 A M. arrive in Fred’ksburg, at 11 A M. The object of this Exhibition, so novel in New-York, is
Silk and cotton pocket Hdkfe—linen and im itation: L ( nature and constitution ; sectarianism accounted for, and Providence Railroads; Leave Fred’kg at 11 A M . arrive in Rich. Va. at 3 J P M. to gratify the scientific and curious, by affordiog them aa
C Hdkfs— Blankets i Chelmsford, Whitney Mills, Rose, expoeed ; and the general tenor of the Bible doctrtde* The MASSACHUSETTS, Captain Comstock, Leave Rich, at 4 P M. arrive in Peiersburg , Va. 0 P M. opportunity of witneesing the wonderful process of tbe de-
Radical, Daffi’s, Bath and cradle—Quilts and counterpanes; sustained. Ileligien is as much a science as mathamatics RHODE ISLAND. “ T hiyer, Laave Peters’g at 0 | P.M. arrive in Wei. N C at l i PJkl. velopement of animal organization, and more especially to
cambric* of different widths—Jsconetts, do d o ; cambrick It is as much governed by fixed principles and immutable NARRAGANSETT, “ Woolsey. Leave Weldon at 2 A.M. arrive in WiL, N.C. at 2 P.M. prepare the way for supplying our m arket with Ponltry o f
and furniture dimitye— Fancy check stripe and plain mus­ laws. Nor are these laws beyond the ken of man. They M 0H EG AN, Leave Wil., at 2 P.M. arrive in Charleston, S . C . a t 8 A M. a superior quality, and ot less tban half the present fates.
lin*—Petticoa!*, robe* and akirts—English and American are written upon his nature. Phrenology unfolds that na­ daily, Sundaya excepted, from Battery Place, pier No. 1,
long Cloths. N. River. Passenger* by this Line will rsach Petersburg in seven­ So that the poor even, to whom it is now denied, may be­
ture, and, therewith, the whole code of doctrine* depen­ teen hours, and Charleston, S C., in fifl)-two hoars -after come partakets of the luxury.
dent thereon, and duties required thereby. ARRANGEMENTS. T hs apparatus here used for incubating, may be said to
a t i o n a l f i r e i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n y .— -rn. r, V i. w < Baltimore, including all stoppage*, and have the
N Office No. 49 Wall at —Directors: Messrs J
John Brouwer, Samuel S Doughty, W m G. W ard,
PHRENOLOGY A P PL IED TO TEM PE R A N C E . The MASSACHUSETTS, Capt. Comstock, on Mon- advantage of avoiding any detention at Weldon, oa the be perfect, and is morei sore of Hatching Eggs tban any
ye. Thursdays and Saturdaya, at 5 o ’clock, P . M. Roanoke, one of the moat unhealthy places is the southern bird. It is a material improvement npon the Eccaleobion,
ohn F.F Mackie.
Maekie Stenhen Holt. ilnli Johni i! wNewhoi» n,®, ’ ! A wientific exposition of the physiological effects of al- The RHODE ISLAND, Captain Thayer, on Tuesday*, country, where passengers by the Bav Line, arriving as whicb has afforded aatisfaction and delight to millions of
WV F b m M.^i-na q n n n f New,,T° UM' „*}l, ,lp coholic liquor* upon the human constitution, and especial Thursdays and Saturdays, at 5 o’clock, P . M. they always do, fourteen hoars after the fast mail line of visiters, at the Exhibition Room s in Pall-Mall aad Picca­
W« I '* °P»“ *“ i™ 1 P '0 |> « .i.i« . I' c . p o a u ' d . » m 7 p w Passengers on the arrival of the steamer at Stonington, ibe samd day, are delayed ten honrs antil that of the next dilly, London, and is emphatically a triumph o f Art over
will be immediately forwarded in the splendid aad com nature.
Io m r u e e L k e . . . ' h . loww’ S , - w, , h * » c . I. -------------- r e i .rd- modious Cars of the Railroads to Providence and Boston. DAY L IG H T L IN E , FO R RICHMOND i t P E T E R S ­
h u b « n regard­ Ladies are particularly informed, that while this exhibi­
ed by many as the strongest temperance dosument put The above steamers have been thoroughly equipped, and BURG, VA. tion cannot fail to please, there is nothing in it, in the least
HEAP Cloth 8 tore—Noi* & Morn* have in atore re­ forth. prepared to promote celerity of travrl, am, ihe comfort and degree, offensive to the most refined and delicate mind.
c ceived from auction and other source*, a large assort- L e a v e N .Y > tt5 P.M. arrive in Philadelphia at 11 P.M.
TIGHT-LACING ; Or, Evils of compressing the Organs security of passengers, and not turparsed by any in the Leave Phila. at ti| A.M. .arrive in Baltimore at 2 P.M. Gentlemen of Science ta d of the medical profrssion, on
,ment of goodi mutable for gentlemen’* wear consistiag in of Animal Life. United States. payment of 15, may have a card of admission for 21 days,
part of,—-West of England, Frencbi and American wool In Pres*, and soon to be Publifhcd, a W crk on For pasaage, or freight, which I s taken'nt very reduced Leave Balt, i t 4 P.M. arrive ia Washington at 0 P.M and the privilege ot breakiog an egg each day.
black, blue, brown, invisible green, mixed cloth* rates, apply on board at north side of pier No. 1, No. 22 Leave Wash, at 6 A.M. passing through Fredericksburg
Wool black, blue and fancy caaaimeres in great variety PHYSIOLOGY, A N IM A L AND M ENTAL i Broadway, or office of Sami. Deveay, Ireijjht agent, on the and Richmond, and arriving in Petersborg, to sup, pas­ Admittance Twenty»Five Cents.
Satiaeta, all color* sing from Philadelphia to Richmond and Petersburg, CHILDREN H alf Price.' A liberal allowance m ads to
! Or, the effect* of different organization* and condition* wharf. Va. by day light. Schools that attend in a body. Egga Broken on applica­
Scarlet and cadet mixed cloth,; buiTcasaimere Tickets for the route, and steamer’s berths, can be se­
Black and blue beaver and pilot cloth* i ?* , .body tipon the character and mental manifestation*; Passengers,by thia jine have the advantage of passing the tion, at 121 cents each. Young Chickens aold as coriosi-
including health—it* conditions, and the mean* of pre­ cured oa board, or at the office of Ham den & Co. No. 3 evening and night in Washington, tn d yet r e tc h Charles­ ties, at 124 c e n ts.. Pamphlets, Explanatory a n d.T M xtutf'
Silk and tabby velvet* ; giraffe cloth* serving and restoring it, without medicine, and also diet, Wall street.
Velveteejl*; silk and Verona aerge* DLy* The steamboat I0 L A 8 ,i* now running daily between ton as early a * ;those leaving Baltimore a t the same time npoa the management o f Poultry generally / 6 cents.
regimens, habits, and their eflect* oa mind, drc. T he re- by the.B ay Line; these last being obliged to lie over at my25:cl ______ _____________
Merino* and Cashmere vestings ciprocal influences o f various physiological organizations Provideace and Newport.
Brown bollands, bindings and cord* Weldon'untsl their arrival.
| and manifestations up«n the mind, is a department never ^A steamer is now preparing for (he a c c o m o d a tio n ofthe 03 - F o r further information and “ through tickets" ap­ C H E A P CASH T A IL O R IN G
Bombazine lustrings, goat’s hair ^amblets I fully presented; and yet its importance ia vastly underrated. Newport travel, which will shortly make the connection ply at our Southern T icket Office adjoining the Baltimore
with regularly between that place and Stonington. ESTABLISHM ENT.
n l ^ r i«L»nment^of PtrVmJ;n l*g f °a f th^r w,tl1 .a. com' , The Author hopes
1 uc Auinor nope* to present some principle; principles of Physiolo- and Ohio R ail Road Office, Pratt s l , Baltimore
m V e l 6 i r i S “ S le,he"r b« °v«look«d. R IN T E R S’ FU R N ISH IN G W A R E
. . — No. 142 Chatham street, opposite th e ’ Chatham „T H E P H R E NOLOGICAL ALMANAC for 1840, 1S1I,
Theatre ; 1S43, and IS44, (1S45 will soen be published,) con-
P HOUSE, » o 32 as!* s t r e e t , n . y Southern Travellers taking "T h ro u g h Tickets,” can
stop aa long as they may desire at Washington, Richmond
W EL L S <k WEBB inform the Printers of and Petersburg, and resume their seats.
J B. M. Inventor of tbe nsw instrument lor ascertaining
, a correct draft of the human figure, through which he
--------- taming many interesting and valuabln facta amply illustrat- is enabled, to produce a most splendid fit. OflewuDon the
the United States, that ia addition to the mlb] H. J ROG ERS, T icket Agent. following ressonable terms to execute orders in the neatest
BRUSH FACTORY. ed with cuts, including agiilikenesses, and short biographies manufacture of Wood Type, Cases, Stands, snd most Fashionable Style, to patronise is to be suited
of distinguished men. T he reading matter of the old AI Furniture, Galleys, <kc. See., they have TR A N SPO R T A T IO N FO R CHICAGO, LAKE E R I E
M. H. MILES, MANUFACTURER OF VARNISH manacs is as good as it ever was, and worth many times Dress Coats, B lae, Black or Olive, f o m $13 u> ®20
W Graining, Stensil, and Artista Brushes. All of the its cost—25 cents per aet.
above articles will be manufactured to order, and at the
opened a large Warehouse for the.*a!e of N E W AND
V i a OmECO.
and upwards.
Pants, do. do. 0 9
ahortest notice, oa the moat reasonable terms, at 118 Na*. %* SUBSCRIBERS to the MAGNET can receive that uticle necessary for a PaiNT iN o OrriCE. T H E N E W YORK, UTICA AND OSW EGO LIN E Vests, do. do.
w ork through our office. It is now well conducted by P. They have now on band, and constantly receiving from OF LAKE BOATS will receive goods daily at middle a * 3
i>tu rtreet, basement story. [j#__j :c] Frock and Dress Coats made to measure, 8 - U
P. G ood, 133 Falton-Street. More about thi* W ork else­ Printers and Stereotypes, all kinds and sixes of type, used pier Coenties slip, New York, for any ports on Lake “ *• u E xtra trimed,
where. for Newspaper, Book and Job Printing, as also all other Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, or River St. Law­ 950 0
Pants, do. do 1 75 2
PROSPECTUS ’ K7* Editor* who copy all or either of these advertise- requisites for a Printing Establishment. Th<*y also supply rence. m25 3t ]
1 OF A traent*, shall receive a copy of the Work or Works adver­ order* for new type, from every respectable Foundry in the No transhipment between New York and Oswego.
tised—they sending a paper (marked) containing the aame, Union, at the lowest manufacturer’s prices. Thia line is composed of the first cla>s of Lake boats, and rjlH^E ^ B I B L E OF NATURE,** 2 r. 1200 pages, price
WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. o the Am. Phren, Journal Offic*. Printers about establishing themselves in basinets, or is connected at O#wego with the
who wish to renew their fonts of type, or exchaoge their . C hic a go L i n e o r S t e a m P r o p e l l e r s , T H E E L E M E N T S OF ANIMAL M A GNETISM , by a
TO B E E N T IT L E D “K N O W T H Y S E LF." preasM, or other materials for other sizes or kinds, will find with a Line of F irrE cx -ficu o o u rx s, running to pczts on Practical MagnetUer, price 12&cts.
ADMITTANCE F R E E it greatly to their advantage to call on them before purchas­ Lake E r ic } and with the new and elegant steamboats Lady Guide to forming and conducting Lyceums, Debating
ing elsewhere, as they w*U always bave on h^nd, most of ofthe Lake and Rochester, running on L ake Ontario.and Societies, with outlines o f dissoussisns, eessy, See. by
he leading articles, second hand, answerine nearly or the river St Lawrence. Charles Morley, price 3s. for sale at the Office o f the
FO W LER S P H R E N O L O G IC A L C A B IN E T quite as well as new, and at a saving of from 25 to 50 per This line is also connected with a line of boats on the “ Prophet." ”
T he Board of Control of the Society for the Diffusion of cent.
IN CLINTON H \ L L , No. 131 NASSAU ST R E E T . Wabash Canal and Ohio Canal, forming an unbroken com­
Truth, of the City of New York, being desirous of pro­ E NTLEM EN AND LADIES, Who may desire tobe- They keep constantly on hand a supply of Printing Ink, munication from New York to Lafayette, Indiana, and from i T R E A T IS E ON T H E F U L N E S S OF T H E E V E R
mulgating the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Chr-'*t in its ful G come better acquainttd with thrnifelvee,— their tru» •ifProut and Mather’s manufacture, from the cheapest to New York to Portsmouth, Ohio. A LASTING G O SPE L , forth its fin , principles
new, and ameliorating the condition ®f fallen man. have natural endowments, for natural, moral, and intelrctual finest quality ; also c- lored Iaks of every description Shipments by this line are insured to Oswego, and on promise*, and ble**ing*. In which some.of the most pro­
thought it wisdom to establish a paper in this city, as an enjoyments nr improvement, are rrrpectfnlly informed, W. Sc W. are the Sole Agents for tbe Northern. MiddU the Wabash Oanal only, except by special c o n tr a c t minent feature* that bave ever characterised that system
that a favorable opportunity is at all times freely given at aod Western States snd Canada, for the sale of KNEE- P r o p r ie t o r s a » d A o e jt t s. when on ths earth, a r e o u J e manifest; and tbat it will con­
advocacy aod herald of the Faith of the Church of Chriit of the above cabinet. BRONSON Ss CROCKER, ) - tinue to do *0 , *0 long as it can be fcund 00 the earth. By
Latter Day Saint*. A portion of which, at times, will be Although Mr Fowler himself will be absent from the LAND’S PA T E N T CARD P R IN TIN G ENGINE, which DOOLITTLE, MILLS, te CO. \ ° sv ,K O - E 'der Moses Martin, Minister of the Gospel. Published in
devoted to Agriculture, Commerce and Manufactures, as city fur a short time, every attentin i will be cheerfully we believe tobe equal if not superior to any Machine Press P ftR W E L L Sc HA RRINGTON, U t ic a . New-York, and for Sale at this Office.
vet invented. We feel confident that a trial of the above
well a* to the Foreign and Domestic New* of ibe Day. Ii rendered by agent Mr S R. W EL L S, whose publick Pres* will give the most entire satisfaction R O SSIT ER Sc R H E P P E R D ; T roy.
double test examination* have acco'drd so perfectly with BRIEF H ISTO R YOF T H E L A T T E R DAY 8 A!NTJfl
•rill likewise, be the faiihfol advocate and defender those of Mr. Fowler, that every confidence may be repos­
• f the. Conatitution of the United States, whose gUry aud ed in his prof-aaional ability aa a delineator of character. ed and Pearl Surface Cards, which they will sell as low as
They are also Agents for tho sale Koverman’s Enamell­
W. S. R 0 5 S I T E R , 23 Coenties Slip, N. Y.
W ester if Acents . A (Commonly called Mormons j) iocludiog ao accuuniT
tueir Doctrine aad Discipline! with tho reasons of the Aa
P e a s e Sc A l l e s , Cleveland, Ohio,
effulgence is known in every clime, which was battled for Subscriptions for the American Phrenoloaical Journal re can be purchased in the city C h a 's H o w a r d & C o Toledo, O <3c •Detroit, Mich. hor for leaving the Church. By John Corill. A Member
and won by our illustrious and patriotic ancestor*. The ceived, order* for BOOKS aud BUS TS will be punctualy They still continue to manufacture, and are generally T hjeroji P a r s e s , Chicago. 111. if the Missouri Legislature. Pabliahed by tho A uthor at
t Luis. For Sale a tt h i s Office. ,
attended to. [ m l 8 :c supplied with all sires of their W o o d T i p * , of which they H trrcm asoN , W h e e l e r , Sc Co. 8 outbport, Wi*c’n.
Arts and 8 cience* shaft not be neglected—Skeiche* Nar- are the original msnuructurers, and which still maintains its m f 8:c] • ' ^
tivea, Biographies, Moral Easay*, and Poemr, will alao F IR S T PRF.M1UM. reputation for superiority over all competitors and attempt­
HE following works are for sale at the Prophet office, N A U V O O N E IG H B O R , '
* a place in the coluraas of “ T H E PR O P H E T •** W h o l e s a x x a n d R e t a i l S t r a w I [ a t M a n o V a c t o r y , ed imitatori.
whilst its conductor* will endeavor to imparl variety and ' No 94 B o w e r y . Ocy Publisher* of Newspaper* in the U S and T
Canada, No. 7 Spruce Street, viz:—
P P. Pratts Reply to Leroy Sunderland.
Is printed and published every Saturday, by John Tay­
lor, Editor and P roprie to r; at Nanvoo, Hancock county,
f t to its columns. <^k235|THE SUBSCRIBER begs l<-ave to announce to giving the above ikret insertion* by the first of July next, Synopsis of the Bible, by B. Winchester. Illinois, Term s—93,00 invariably in edvanco.
and sending us one copy of their paper containing it will
T t n u . - " T H E PR O PH E T ,” will be issued Saturday rX l& th c ladies of New York that he has on hand aa be entitled to the payment of their bills on purchasing four Gospel Reflector. ' History of the Priesthood. Letters mu*t be addressed to tbe E ditor (John Taylor;
larijc an assortment of Straw Goods as ever has been offer­ post paid, to receive th* attention.
rning the 18th instant, on an Imperial Sheet, at No 7 ed in the city, comprising a choice t jlcction of N<**ipolitan time* the amount, « Millennium Poems.
Index to the Book of Mormon, 2 nd. Edition.
Street, New-York, and will appear reguhr thereaf- Tuscan, and all kinds of Straw Hats. Mew-York, May 1 9 , 1S44, [ m l 8ic.
Address to the People of the United States.
t«f, an that day, at One Dollar per annum, invariably ia Braids of all kinds for sale by the piece. Gospel Light, No 2 . * Is printed and published about the l i t and IStb </ «*ery
ARMS FO R S A L E —Valuable Farms for sale in the
advance. Hats cleaned and altered.
_________________________ THOS. YOUNG.
F neighborhood of Geneva, Batavia, Buffalo, Hamburgh,
Wales, &c:, in thi* State. Likewise on Long Island.
Correspondence, in Pamphlet form, between JO SE PH month, at Naavoo, Hancock county 111', by Jobs Taylor,
SM ITH, T H E PR O P H E T , and Col. JO H N W E N T ­ Editor aod Proprietor. T erm s—g a p*r ? nnnai payable
AU Letter* and Communications must b< addressed
(f O S T PAID) to T H E PR O P H E T , No. 7 Spr.-ce Street. " uVEN r M S ? D D"J U K N E D u p s i d e d o w n , O R HEA. They will be sold for ctsh or a part bond and mort­ W O R T H , E ditor o f The Chicago Democrat," aad Mem­ in all cases in advance. Any pcrsoa procan'flfl uro now
New-York. G. T. LEACH, Pres*,. ^
T ON EARTH. gage, and some in exchange for unincumbered city pro- ber o f Centre** from IJlinoit; Gen. JA M E S ARLING­ subscribers and forwarding os T en Dollars csrreat money,
T he material Universe is eternal.—Immortal Man has peny. Apply at No 30 P in e i t , back office, over the Bank TON B E N N E T , O f A rlington Haute, Long M ea d , p.nd shall receive one volume gratis. All Letters most bb ad­
By order of ih • Board. f. . E*r,h is his Ever'astine Icheritance.— Coffee House. » the HonoraWle JO H N C. CALHOUN, Senator fro m South dressed to Joha Taylor, post paid, or they will not receive
Mav. 17,18 H . *1 e and Apostle* witne**. Carolina In which is giveo, a sketch of the Life of Joseph attention.
IR E M E N ’S 1NSURANCH COMPANY, No 47 Wall Smith, the rise and progress of tbe Church o f L A T T E R
B r u s h f a c t o r y . — w m . j . d u d l e y “v
T U R E R s f Fancy Hair. Cloth and Hat b i u . h e a - a ^
T h e Physical Worlds were not fo inded for annihilation,
but for the pleasure of God they ar<- and were creatsd. F st cotner of Hanover st, insure against loss or damage DAY SAINTS, and their PE R SEC U TIO N S by the State MNanvoo Neighbor,” received at the Office of the “ .Pro
by fire at premiums reduced, commensurate to the increa­ of MISSOURI 1 with the peculiar views of Joseph Smith, phet,” N q. 7 Sprue© street, New-York.
Och Subscriptions for the “ Time* and Seasons/’tn d .th e

BY P, P. PRA TT . “ * *
Aliotas Hair Brushes. The above articles he h a on K.Vwi i li - l j l . .. .. sed facilitiea for the extinguishment of fires. in relation lo Political and Religious matter* generally: ot
lor eale at the lowest prices. 118 N o m u st. L irc ^ X d 33 ChspeI6lreC, JACOB DRAKE, President. OOK AND JOB WORK, Done neatly and Expeditious­
Niel Gray, Sec’y je—
which ia added a coneitt account o f the pr'ctoit tta lt end
protptcU i f thi CITY OF NAUVOO. B ly by E . J. BEV1N, at No. 7 Spnioc street.
is ? AND
watches in NEW-YORK, SATURDAY'M ORNINGJUNE 22.-1844.
be sabecri- SINGLE COPIES 3 CTS.
)fll of (Old
t raanufsc- waa sail over against rae o f the w hitest wool, as shall refrain herself, and shall,obtain mercy.
i if enabled
ricfa at rs-
' l s ' p U B t l s r t E D
b rig h t as snow. 12 A nd th ey also shall be instructed, when POETRI. ODDS AND ENDS. 17 A n d there came an old woman in ta b rig h t thou shalt have reproached them with these words,
excbsnjftd garment, having a book in h er hand, and sat alone, 1 which the Lord has commanded to be revealed JUDAH’S R E TU R N . H E N R Y FOURTH,
d time, or an d saluted me, saying, H ernias, h a i l ! A nd I, unto thee. The chosen ones of Israel, are scattered far aad wide. B ein g im portuned to allow the prosecution o f a
nrelry, ! . A d * b e i n g full o f sorrow, and weeping, answered, hai), 13 T h e n shall th eir sins be forgiven* which W here flows ihe lordly Tiber, wheie roll* the AtUntictide- perscvn who had w ritten a- libel on him, m agnan­
je—c lady 1 1they have heretofore committed, and the sins o f By Danube’* wiading waterr, and Hodaon** crystal ipring*. imously replied, “ I cannot in conscience do any
RTES—J. 18 A nd she said unto me, w hy art thou sad. all tho saints, who have sinned even u nto this Dwell* ihe m jr i ’d descendants, of the Prophets aad the harm ,to a m an who tells tru th , although it m ay
0 9 - P ^ Masters • » • • J S S k ! '*11 order, for. or to
ids and tha pwtment, to forward, lree f , uPlto money to pay for the Hermas, who wort wont to be patient, iind m o d est,1day; if they, shall repent witfi all th eir hearts, and Kings. be unpalatble.
ore io No discoatiaue publications* a01* , , r <, and alw ays cheerful? I answered, and said to ’ remove all d oubts o u t of their hearts.
, where, at sam e. ih e S tate «nd Post Qffi««,ahonld hor, L ady, a reproach has been laid to my charge 14 F o r the Ibrd h ath sworn by his glory con- Abroad along the valies, are their habitations found, <**uyon, a F re n ch historian, relates that a monk,
w and tec*
Subscribe re" B," * ' J ^ woaey U forw .rded, to svoid tni*- by an excellent woman, who tells me th a t I havo 1cormn ing his elect, h a v in g determined this v ery They’r hunters in ihe forest, they are tillers of the ground; playing nt tennia with F ra n cis I. against several
he d»'incUy*««fB » ““ ^ t f t(iwM o f the same name, or t i n n e d a g a in s t her. | tim e,. th a t iiff aany
n y one shshall
all eeven
ven n now sin, he shall Amid the old world's crowded cities,and the prairies of ihe noblemen, struck a blow which decided the m a tch
o w Bin,
•ir advent*,
tamine for • ^ • . “ A n S S S , ta J S I S m township. - 19. She replipd, far be any such th in g from tha I n ot be saved, 1f -n ° V0^r king. ; F ra n c is surprised at h is
T new; ^
>« wsrranu E U o t “ f tr<> u u , “ se rv an t of God. B u t it may be the desire o f h er j 15 F o r the repentance of the righteous has its Unchang’d amid all changes, to their faith forever true: 8“ “ *j "th a t was a fine stroke for a monk."
led, repair- has risen u p in th y heart? F o r indeed such a'} end: the days of repentance are fulfilled to all the “S u e,” replied tho monk, it shall bc^tbe^sttoke o f
»>—o **' “ ^ A J w r t u i n g , B o o k * n d J o b : W o r k , 4 o n o a t
th o u g h t m aketh the servants o f God guilty of sin; j saints; but to the neathen, there is repentance Ye mourn your I'aating exile, sod your tempi* strown in an abbe whenever you th in k fit.’’ T h e k in g hig h ly
U IN THE 20 N o r ought such a detestable th o u g h t to be even unto the last day. dnsf, pleased at his reply, gave him an abbe, which fell
reqnired at i n t h e s e r v a n t o f G<}d ; nor should he wno is ap-( IG T h o u shalt thercffore say to those who are Yet forget ye not Ihe p roroue/ *#the Rrighteous and tho vacant three days afterwards. . J t
I tbe grave
bis charges
THE A P O C R IP H A /L P roved by the S p irit desire th a t which iill e r il {| over the church, that th
_ut especially J' t. r-T
H erm as, who contains ____ v : ___ 1(* • 1 . _________
him self righteousness; th a t ,1...
t ey order th e ir ways in J»*t; DKcisiojf.— 'A woman of irresolute constitution
they may fully Teceive the Ye know y« shall be gathered, from every clime and shore, gives herself a treat of the rack every time she i s
. No 532 n e w t e s t a m e n t .
Jv - 'c
from all wicked lusts, and is full of all simplicity, [ promise with much glory. And be again the chosen, of Jehovah evermore. called to mako up her mind respecting some p e tty
THE SH EPH ERD OF HERMAS, and o f great innocence. 17 Stand fast, therefore, ye th a t work right- domestic arrangement.— fI he poorest argum ents
:r a l r e * 21 Nevertheless the Lord is not som uch an g ry eousness; and continue to ao it, th at y o u r de» From Assyria, Egypt, Elam, from Patho*, Cush, Shins,
Discovery This book ia thu» entitled, because it-w a s , composed by with thee for thine.ow n sake, as upon the acount parture m a y b e with thc holy angels.
will make there wav when delivered with firmness
From Hsrmath and the iilands, of foreign seaa afar;
e history of H e r m a s , brother to Pias, bishop of-Rorae; and because
and decision.— Indecision arises from two v ery
lood, to tbe of thy house, which has committed wickedness 1 18 H a p p y are ye as many as shall endure the From all the earth'a four corner*, where the aons of Isra­ opposite causes ; Seeing our way too far. or not
Sra. Wilh the sngel, who beats tblto princlpaLpart in it, i. rtpre- against the Lord, and against th eir parents. j g reat trial th a t is at hand, and whosoever shall el roam, far enough.
t Church of seated id t h t f o r a and habit of a. shepherd. Ireeo* 22 A nd fo’r th a t out of th y fondness towards ■ not deny his life, Shall the ditperaed of Judah ,throng to their long promia'd
K, Minister quotes it .ttoder th e,v ery natas of Scripture; 0 » * en th y sons," thou hast not admonished th y house, D e l u s i o n . — Hope keeps m ankind, almost uni*
i rainy oth* 19 F o r the Lord h a th sw orn b v his Son, that home.
thought it a most ascfal writing, and that it was divinely b u t hast perm itted them to live w ick ed ly ; for th is , whoso denieth his Son and him, being afraid of versally,in a state o f d elu sio n ; y e t who could sup*
inspired} Eusebius says,,that thoug.h it w u not eitesm* cause the L ord is an gry with th e e : b u t he will his life, he will also deny him in the world that is And again, like aom* high mountain, whose tops are p ort the burdens o f life w ithout the aid, cordial
SH0ES%1 sd canonical, U w as read, publicly in .iht churches, which heal all the evils th a t are done in th y house.— to come. crown’d wilh snow, aid, of these gay day dreams?
Down, Only is corroborated by Jerom e; and Atl»«u*iua citesjr. calls . F o r through th eir sins and iniquities, thou art
o*t«, of ike 20 B u t those who sh a llm e v er deny him, he Shall the temple’* thousand turrets, in the^golden sun-set
it a most oseful work, and observe*, th sl though it ws* 1 wholly consumed in secular atfairs. glow; D r e s s . — E v e ry one has a peculiar character
e* pegged will of his exceeding great mercy be favorable
s’ faocv co- not strictly canonical, the Father*. *9 pointed it to be And sgsin, around iheir aliare, ahall the congregation to support, of which attire should be an external
23 B u t now the m ercy of God h ath taken com­ u nto them.
and all ibe read for direction and confirmation in faith end.piety.— passion u pon thee, and upon th y house, and hath stand, indication.
ildren, from 21 B u t thou,
XJUU O Hermas!
IUVJU, v./ u c i uiaa; remember
i c m t u i u u i not
u u t the
Jsrom e, notwiibataading this and thsl he applauded it greatly comforted thee. Only as for thee, do not evils which th y sons have donew neglect th y sis- On thy plain O lov’d Jerusalem, the happy holy land. E g o t i s m . — E gotism arises not so much from
iO Hadaon,
jf-c in his catalogue of frriiers, ?n hUcomocnUupQCi it after* wander, b u t be of an even mind, and comfort th y ter, b u t take care th a t they amend of their foi ormer v an ity as from salfishness.— A n egotist is an incor­
wards, terma it apocryphal and.foolUb. Tertullisn house. "And it shsll come to pass," that the remnant in that dsy,
91 ns. rigible offender.
piaiKd it when a Catholic, and abased,it when a Mon- 24 A s the workman, bring in g forth his work, 22 F o r th ey will be instructed by this docrrine, Upon the Lord of Hosts above, the Great I AM ahall atay ,
110* UUrX. tsnist. A U h o u g b Grlssius ranks it among the apocry­ ofFent it to whomsoever he pleases: so shalt thou, if thou shalt not be mindful o f w hat they have “ Aad the dispersed of Jacob,” from the paths which thay H a p p in e s s .— H appiness consists not so m uch
etiug rents, phal books, it ia found attached to some of the^ tsoit an­ b y teaching every d ay w hat is ju st, cu t off a great done wickedly. have tied, in w hat we have, aB in w hat we are.
lion of real
iog aod re*
cient MSS. of the New Testament* sod Archbiihop sin. W herefore cease not to admonish thy sons, 33 F o r the remembrance of evils worketh Shall r«iurn to him that emote them, to their father’smigh-
W ake, belieTing it the genuine work of an apostolic Fa­ for th e 'L o rd knows th a t th e y will repent with all d e a th ; b u t the forgetting of them, life eternal. * ty God. Dr. Zinft^erman, the autho r and physician o f
to *ell, ex-
ipply *t thia ther, preserves it to the English reader by,the following th e ir heart, and th e y shall be w ritten in the book 21 B u t thou, O Hermas! hast undergone a celebrity, know in E ng lan d by his works on So­
, will, if re­ translstioa, in which he h ai rendered the books, not only o f life, ent m any worldly troubles for the offences o f W s n r r r t ro a n i r A lbum o r Mas. L t c i a Sicow, o r litude, and N ational Pride, went from H an ov er
late, it will
I si-o attend
more exact, b « in greater purity, than thay had before 25 A nd when she had said this, she added u n ­ S y h o u se’ because thou hast neglected them, as W oonsocK rr, R. I. to F rederick the. G reat, in his last illness. One
appeared. T be archbishoji procured Dr. Q n b t to en­ to me, W ilt tho u heaf me read?—I answered her, things th at did not belong unto thee: and thou Many authors grace the page day, the k in g said’to him, “ Y o u havo, I presume,
mcf money
panics, re. tirely collate the old Latin V e rn a* with an ancient MS. Lady, I will. art wholly taken u p with th y great business. With themes of childhood, youth and age
sir, helped m any a m an into another world ?”
nay depsnd in the Lambeth library;.and the learned prclsto himself 26 H ear, then, said she; and opening the book, 25 Nevertheless, for this causa shalt thou be And love, and frienda to raem'ry d«ar;
T n is wns rather a b itter pill for the doctor; b u t
i#ed- Per- still further improved Ibe wholeYtoia^a multitude ol ahe read, gloriously, greatly, and wonderfully, saved, that thou hast not departed from the living the doss ho gave the k in g in return, was a ju d i­
lerty, or in- But lines prophetic acarce appear.
fragments of the originol Greek, never before used fsr ’such things as I could not keep in my memory. God; and th y sim plicity and singular continency cious m ixturn of tru th and flattery.— “ N o t so
I. Persons Permit a prophet to relste
u e real es* F o r they were terrible words, such as no man shall preserve thee, if thou shalt continue in them. many as y our majesty, nor w ith so much honour
that purpose. The destinies of Church aod State,
rill receive 26 Yea, they shall save all such as do such to mvself.1’
T H E FIR S T BOOK OF H E R M A 8, OR VISIONS. could bear. To unfold the scenes of fatnre years,
it-psid and things; and w alk in innocence and simplicity.
TI 810N I. 27 H ow beit C o m m itte d her last words to my Aa to his view the ecene sppeara. O ijser v a t i o n . — Some people stalk through
27 T h e y who aro of this kind, shall prevail
ft. N. y. 1 Ho who k&d bred me up^ »old a certain rem em branco: for they were bu t few, and of grebt Dark scenes of strife, and war, and blood, the world w ithout discovering an y thing more
against all im piety, and continue unto life eternal.
young made at^Homoj whom when I saw ma* use to us. 28 H a p p y arc all they th a t do righteousness;
Will sweep ike earth sa with a flood, interesting, than they knew at twelve years
.2 8 Behold tho m ighty Lord, who by his invis­ old.
Till aecta shall ceaae, and tyrants fall,
ible power, and w ith his excellent wisdom, made they shall not bo consumed forever.
tho world, and by his gjorious counsel beautified 29 B u t th ou wilt say, Behold there is a great And Jesu* Christ be Lord of all. I f you would live h appily, endeavor to promote
Iway, from texw ards,—---------------------- „ . his creature, an d with the word of his strength trial coming. I f it seems good to thee, deny him An end of C hurch! aa end of S ta te ! ~ the happiness of others.
b t r ; and I reached o u t m y h an d u nto h e r,, and An end of parties, email snd g r e s t !
w-Y ork,is lixed the heaven^and founded the earth Aipon the again. < < .^ N ever touch the sore place in an y one’s char­
*■ bro ug ht hex out o f the rivezv. .-m- ; , . waters; an d by hia powerful virtu e established his 30 T h e L ord is nigh to them th at tu rn to him, An end of psin, aa end of woe, acter; for, be assured, whoever you are, th a t y ou
Bg thebi aa 2 A nd when I saw her, I ,thought w ith my-,
l of ibe de- H oly .Church, which he hath blessed. as it is w ritten in the books of Heldam and Modal, An end of sin and sorrow, to o ! bavo a sore place in y ou r ow n; and a yo ung
ipecisily to self, saying, how happy sh o u ld 'I be if I h a d such A single grain of mustard seed,
29 Behold, he will remove the heavans, and who prophesied to the people o f Israel in the wil­ woman is a nower th a t m ay be blasted in &
i Poultry of a wife, both for beauty and inanners! T h is I Upstarting from i u Uwly bed.
s*ent rales,
the mountains, the hills, and the seat; and all derness. moment.
tho ug h t with myself; nor did I th in k any thing Becomes a tree whose branches fill
d, m iy be* things shall be made plain*for his elect th a t he 31 Moreover, brethren, it was revealed to me,
more. B u t not long after, as I.was. walking, and W hen you have an opportunity to praise, do it
may le n d e r unto them the promise which he has as I was sleeping by a v ery goodly y o u n g man, T he earth, and cover every hill.
be said to m using on these thoughts, I began to ho n o r, this with all y o ur heart.
promised with much honor and joy; if so be th a t saying u nto me, W h n t thinkest thou o f th a t old Pure truth shall then the earth pervade,
i than any creature o f God, thinking with m yself how noble W h en you are forced to blame, appear, at least,
they shall keep the commandm ents o f God, woman from whome thou receivedst the book? And nationa dwell beneath its shsde ;
icalcobion, a n d beautiful she was. , • , ,
millions of which th e y h ave received with great faith. who is she? I answered, a Sybil. While love shall dwell in every breast, to do it with reluctance.
3 A nd when I had walked a little, 1 fell ^asleep.
lad Picca- 30 A nd when she had made an end o f reading, 32 T h o u art mistaken, said h e ; she is not.— And earth enjoy its final R u t.
A nd the Spirit c a u g h t - . a w a y , an d carried me M i s a n t h r o p y .— M isanthropy frequently sub- 1
f Art o re r she rose out o fth e ch air; and behold four young t replied, 'Who is she, then, sir ? H e answered me,
through a certain placrto w ards the rig h t hand, 'O L y d ia ! wsuldst thou shsre a p a r t; sists with gross sensuality.— .Misanthropy is b u t
men came, and carried the chair to the east. - I t is the church of God. Let Mormon truth expand thy heart. another word for mortified vanity.
his exhibi- through which no m an could pass. It. wa^ a place
ia the least 31 A n d she called me unto her, and touched 33 A nd I said unto him, W h y then does she Obey, and thus be freed from sin,
am ong^rocks, very st^pp, and un passable for
:ate mind, m y breast, and said u nto me, Did m y reading appear old? Sho is therefore, said he, an old wo­ And to this kingdom enter in— M i s e r y . — H is benevolence is strong indeed,
frasion, on water. ) . please thee?— I answered, L ady, these last things man, because she was the first of all the creation,
or 21 days, 4 W hen I was past this place, I came into a For ere the frost of sg« shall throw which stands the shock of excessive misery.—
Tease m e ; b u t w h at went before was severe and and the world was made for her.
plain; and there, falling dow n;upon m y I*0 ®®8) * Its silver msntle o'er thy brow s Most people, if they were sent in search of misery,
ard. 34 A fter this I saw a vision at home in my
I. began to pray unto the L ordyand to^confess my Events fulfilled will clearly show would look in the wrong place. T h ey would pass
32 She said unto me,These last things are for own house, and the old woman, whom I had seen
s mad* to sins. . ’ „ - . I’ve told the truth to Lydia Snow. by palaces, and search a t the hovels of poverty.
the righteous, b u t the foregoing for the revolters before, came to me, and asked me w hether I had
»n applioa* 5 And as I was praying, the heaven was open- P. P . P h a t t . B ut misery must be estimated, not by the num ber
a* curioai* «d>4^nd I saw tho woman w h i c h . h a d coveted, and the heathen. yet delivered her book to the elders o fth e church.
of adverse accidents, b u t by tho degree of morbid
d Xrcjuiag' 33 A nd as she
saluting"me from h e a v e n , and faying, Hermas, appeared, and took h e r upon their shouldors, nrtd was ta lk in g with me, two men And I answered, that I had not yet.
nt*. 30 She replied, T h o u 'hast wall done; fo r 1 T H E PRESS- sensibility of the suflerers.
haU« and I looked upon h*r, answered, L ady,
went to the east where th e chair was. havo certain vrords more to tell thee. B u t when n r W M . O L A N D BOUKJVE.
w hat dost thou do here? She a n s w e re d ’me, I Dr. Boys, a learned divine, and a dean o f Canter,
;n g ' 34 A n d she went cheerfully a w a y ; and as she I shall have finished all the words, they shall be
^ a m taken u p hith er to accuse, thee of sin before was going, said u n to me, H erm as, be o f good A million tongues sre thine, snd they sre hesrd bury in the reign of James 1., was a very warm
clearly understood by the elect.
tho Lord. - », . • xt cheer. Speaking of hope to nations, in the prime adversary of the P o pe; he would, ofteu attack
3G A nd thou shalt write two book*, and Bend
r. 6 L ady, said I, w ilt th o u convince me? Wo, Of Freedom’s day, to hasten on the time him, both with unsparing ridicule and elaborate
one to Clement, and one to Grapto. F o r *Clem­
ice m inin g said she; b u t hear the w o r d s which I am about to VISION II. When the wide world of spirit shall be stirred a rg u m e n t Strange as it may sound, he turned
ent shall send it to the foreign cities, because it is
nhich he speak unto thee. God, who dwelleth m heaven, With highrr aims thsn now— when men shall call the Lords prayer into an execration upon his holi­
» upon the 1 AS I was on the way to Cuma, about the permitted to him so to do : b u t G rapte shall ad­
and h a th made all things that* exist, and hath Each taio his brother—each ahall tell to esch ness, which he introduced with great applause; in
be neatest
multiplied them for his holy church s'sake, is a n ­ same time th a t I went the year before, I began to monish the widows and orphans. Hii lale of love—and pure and holy speech a s e r m o n preached on the anniversary ot the g u n ­
call to mind tho vision I formerly had. And 37 B u t thou shalt reaa in this city with tho
>$2Q gry V i t h thee,^ because thou hast tinn ed against Be music for the soul’s high festival.' powder plot at S tP a u l’s Cross. Tho execration con­
again the Spirit carried me away, and brought elders o f th e church.
Thy gentle notes are heard, like choral waves, sisted o t the following very singular parody: “O ur
m 7 A nd I answering said unto her,’ L ady, if I me into the same place, in which I had been the
P a r e n t s .— A foolish parant ia a liberal dispen­ Reaching tbe mouataio, plain, aod quiet vale— Pope,which art at home,accursed be thv name; th y
have sinned against thee, tell' w e-w here, or in year before. ser of m isery—A fter their ofspring reach mature Thy thunder-tones sre like the sweeping gsle, kingdom perish ; th y will be hindered as in hea­
what place; or .when did I • v e r speak a n un- 2 A nd when I was come into the place, I fell ven. so also on earth. Give us this d ay our cup
reason, parents should let their commands subside Bidding the tribes of men no more be slaves;
s e e m l y or dishonekt word u nto thee? • down upon m y knees, and began to pray unto the in tho Lord’s supper, and restore us our money
into advice— Parents err more from too much than And earth’s remotest uland hears the sound
8 H ave I not always esteemed thee- as a L*dy? Lord, and to glorify his name, th a t he had es­ too little attention to their children. T h e y have That floata oa ether wings the world sround! which we have given thee for in d u lg e n c e s : and
Havo I not always reverenced thee teemed me w orthy, and had manifested unto me no idea of instructing them in thc science^ of Columbian M ag. lead us not into neresy, but deliver us from mise­
>ge>, price
W h y th en dost tV o u in w g iM .tH e ^ wickpd things m y former sins. overcoming difficulties. T h o y will not initiate ry : lor thine is hell, pitch, and sulphur, for ever
ISM, by a 3 A nd when I arose from prayer, behold them in the realities of life ; and did not stern ne­ T H E FLIGH T OF TIM E. and ever.”
*8U T h e n she, smiling said, the .desire saw over against mo the old woman whom I had cessity throw the children on the bustling theatre
of naughtiness haa risen up, j p . t h y ^ e a r t po es seen the last year, walking, and reading, in a of the world, they would be iust as much in their
B Y . i. U . P I R C 1 V A L .
S i n g u l a r A d v e r t i s e m e n t A G erm an who
’, fcc. by
ce of the it not seem ro thee to be a n llU h in g for a rig h t­ certain book. parent’s strings at forty as they were at six years Faintly flow, thou fslling river, lately lost his horse, published the following notice.
eous man to have an evil ^desure risp ,u p in his 3 A n d she said unto me, C an st thou tell these of age—P arents often mistake tneir own m ercen­ Like a dream that dies a w a y ; R un d away, or stole, or vassdrayed, mine largo
things to the elect of God? I answered, .and said ary and ambitious feeling for th^ir children’s good Down the ocean gliding ever, black horse, about eighteen hands hie. He has
h eart? , , r *.
IE E V E R 10 I t is indeed a sin, a n d U a t a v ery great one, unto her, L ady, I cannot retain so m any things T h e y long for the pretty toy|of a title, or a fine es­ Keep thy calm unrufflsd wsyl four black legs, two behind and two before; he is
principlrs to such; for a righteous man th ink eth th a t in.m y memory, but give me the hook and I will tate, and Uiey will have it, even if th e y break the Time with such a silent motion black all over his body, but he has got some vit»
most pro* ................. n d while he *,doeg>o,* and write them down. spots pon his pack, where thc skin vas rub off, p u t
it f j tt t m , w hich is righteous. . — - - hearts o f th e poor being who is to be exchanged Floats slong on wings of air,
walketh uprightly, h e shaU havb ;the Lbrd m 5 T a k e it, says she, and see th a t1thou restore 1 greesed ’em, and de v i t e spots is all plack again.
I will con- for it. To eternity’s dsik ocean,
arih. By heaven favoranle unto him in.all ma business. it again to me. . . . . Borying all iu treasures there. H e trods and canters, and some times he v a l k s ;—
blii&ed id' 11 B u t as for those who^ th ln k |':w ickedly m G Aa soon as I h ad received it, I went aside P r i d e — T h e virtuous are not so proud of their and vhen he vaulks all his legs and feet.goes on
their hearts, they take to themselves^ death and into a certain place of the field, and transcribed virtues, as the vicious are of th e tr vices. M any Roses bloom, and'then they wither; von after anodcr, ho Has two ears pon his head,
8AINTS1 ca p tiv ity ; and especially those who ‘love this •v ery letter, for I found no syllables. p«oplotalkof proper pride, in which they include Cheeks are bright, then fade aad die; both alike, but von is placher d an toder and a
iiccosniT 7 A n d as soon as I had finished w hat was w rit­ all t h e •resentments co n d e n se d by the N ew T est­ 8h*pe* of light are wafted hither— small pit longer. H e has two eyes, von is p u t out,
of the Au present world, and glory in their riches, and re­
l A£ernber gard not th e good things that* sire to com e; ten in the book, the book was suddenly caught am ent T here is no such’ a th in g as a proper Then, like virions, hurry by; and toder is pon de side o f his h e a d ;, and ven
Author at tneir souls waxmer up ana down,"*1 arid know uot o u t o f m y hands, b u t by whom I saw not. pride- A judicious estimation of one’s own char­ Quick aa clouts at evening driven you go toder side he v ont see you. Ven he eats
8 A fter fifteen days, when 1 had fasted, and acter haa nothing to do with i t — I f there is one OYr tke many-eolored west, good deal, he has pig pelly ; he has long'dail. th a t
w here to fix *' I.*4 ‘ ‘
13 Now this is the case o f such* aa are' donble entreated the Lord with all earnestness, the sigh t which m ust bo more rcdiculous than another Yesrs are bearing us to heaven, h o n g s p ein d ; but I cu t it sho rt toder day, ana now
minded, who b u s t not in the’ TjOrd, ahd" despise knowledge o f th e w ritting was revealed unto me. in the eyes of superior intelligences, it m ust be to Hom<! of happiness snd rest. it is not so long as it vas. H e is shoed all round,
)hn Tay* and neglect their own life. r ’ " Now the w riting was th is: . . . behold a poor worm o f the h u m a n race looking but his behind shoes corned off, and now he has
9 T h y seed, O H erm as! hath sinned against (down w ith in a o h n t hauteur on hia fellow w orm s;
i county, 13 B u t do thou pray unfd "the L o rd 5" and he Philem on' I lolland, Doctor o f P h y s i c , who d i­ got on shoes only pefore£ he holds u p his head,
will heal th y sins, and the sina o f th y ''w h o le the L o rf, and have betrayed their parents, j and th e y glancing at him with reverential awe, be­ ed in his 85th year, F eb ru ary 9th, J836; wrote and looks g a ily ; and vhen he has peen frightened,
i Taylor) through their great.wickedness. A nd they have cause he happens to have a musty oldpeice of par­
house, and of all his saints. the following epigram on his having w ritten a he jum p s about like every ting in de world. H e
14 Aa soon aa she had spoken these words, tho been failed the betrayers of their parents, and chm ent in his possession, called a pedigree. large folio wilh a single pen.
vill ride wit a saddle or a chaise, or a k a r t : or he
\,> o vill g o py himself vidout nobody in his pack p u t
rof i t e r y
heavens w are shut, and I remained.-utterly swal­ h ave gone on in th eir treachery. D e p r a v i t y . — If there is one tr u th in S crip­
lowed u p w ith sadness and fe a r; aud said within 10 A nd now hav e th ey added lewdnew to W ith one sole pen I writ this book, a pag and a poy on de top of i t H e is not very
i'Taylor, ture, which agrees more with universal experi
\ payable m ys«lf, i f th is bo laid against me for sin, to w can th eir other sins, and the pollutions of naughtiness: enee th a n another, it is the Fall. All m en who Made o fa gray goose quilj old; nnd ven he valks or runs his head goes first,
live new I b e saved?, « > v >, ^ . thus have they filled u p the measure of their in i­ A pen it was when it I took, and his dail stay s pehind; only ven he get* mad,
t money, b a r g a i n e d a knowledge of the world, concur in A nd a pen I leave it stil. and Inrns round, den him dail come firs t— Voo-
15 O r how«hftll > ever be- able to entreat the quities. B u t do thou u pbraid th y aona with all having the worst opinion of hum an n atu re /-* T h e
i*t be ad*
« receive L o rd for ray many and great sins?’ W ith w hat these words; and th y wife, which sh a h -b e thy corruptions o f t h e h e a r t are like the im petuosity On which Dr. Fuller observes that, he m ust ever vil pring him pack shall pay- f r e tollers re­
words shall 1 besbecb him to be merciful unto me? sister; and let her learn to refrain her tongue, of an overwhelming flood: if they are ay k e d u p have leaned very l i o h t l y on the m b thereof, w ard and if he bring pack de tie f dat stole him,
'and, the 16 A s I was th in k in g over these things, and with which she calumniates. t h o u g h , w e i g h t y enough in another sense. he sh -11 pay twenty tcllars, and ax no questions.”
ie “ P ro in xny*»lf op°n ^ cmJ behold a chair 11 Fox when she shall hear these things, she on ona side, they wilfoverflow the opposite bank

rial M iin in cal« tc b o d y . T n e d e p u t y , l u a I c i . r i , M a t e . i i i «< I u p o n G o d ( u u d c r » l « a u i k , g l > ) w i l l f u l t u r n h t v i u g h e a i d t- f htr prcacnce flings perfumed tluwers over the patha ol raoxc t b s w xiobaoa.
"T H E P R 0 P ILE T :hTrxiroiDirt»4nr»r itremae ©ffroa^the ®ou 4*y.-*»d^»*rj:inor: ihfoaft» th* instrumentality of * preacher and not b~ hia life, and coWit of ita ihoras. —’Vyoniaaiaxhauua pole,
esult w asiflvojved I d doubt- H e father a v o w e d a, fixed the"feeding of books and Uie (preacher ] mas: be arnt ‘ fc<
tar of maaVtappet, guiding'bimtp fasje inri honor; she
SA TU RD A Y M O R N IN JU N E ^2, 1814 letrrn.i nation on hi* p r t . 1 f e a r l'W ^ a n d faithful!* t o «•**• Elder William 8mith, (late representative) wishea to
•uic tbe t’roce** o f the* UnitedJJUU-t Court, irgardlrs* of vthe; spirit p i prophesy! and rev<latioa, by ike laying on t> i the brightestjeward Tor his jeitrtions-jfojf hislvirtne ; •ay to the friends aad voter* of Hancock Covaiy, tbat, in
hr course o f t h ii m ock tribunal c f Jn«ttce, w h o s e chiH hands, orel»e he cannot pnr*ch underatandingly the thing he object Wwhith all.-his'hopes! are directed, th* very
•>usinftti* the\;l»leaaei&f all rogues w h o take jfceliera of the kingdom of God/again Paal write* in hia first epiul-
con»equeisc* of ihe sickaen of hi* family, new in tha
ourcf of his earthly happjaeae.'^ .; ^
N’auvob, and are a*b*eq«enily arrested by any procei* of hand* of • doctor in the cit^of Philadelphia, he relinquish-
a * t w h-thrr issued from the State or Federal Courts.
to tbe Corinthian* 1st chsp-Slstvier, r
clause, “it pleas- W o ja a n ,ia- w li*icver-rekuaa ia- Iifa-Wa-regard her, i»
*• tbe idea of offering himaelf a* a‘ candidate for a seat in
l i e court thus commented upon by tbit “ apology for a i ed God bT ‘^ f o o l i s h n e s s of preaching to save then^ Js o created with every thing good aad virtuous, if shajeill iho next IrgiiUure j?/ Uitqpifi.barJ j|sjLnjittf r.of tbo.hiirb-
eformer,”i* authorised by the laws of the State of Illinois, «hat believe thus we see plainly, lhat a man cannot ireserve those claims, which aloae caa retain their fresh
est ^consideration, would recommeadliu'Erotker Hyram
iaa never "T>kea ecgnixanc* cfim orc (haa two ox,ihtce 1saved by reading the bible, because the bible teaches us w •ess, when the soon fading beauties of the face are gone
Smtb^a* a suuablq and capable person to fill lhat office,
and ha. iu .11 case, awarded justice without r e f e r - >mo" h e a r the gospel from the mouth o f a prtacher, aad b vlth 'the Erst day* o f yoatlv*she wTII preserve" h it etopfr* and worthyxf t ^ pi-opUVtoB2S5f M r a ^ i ~ ~ ^
eoce to tbe political or religious opinions the culprit.— mast baptise us when wcbelicve the me^ageGod haa sent hin »vrr the 9§md aad affections of man, as pewerfnlly aa she
io declare, this s i Jie apoatle in his second chapter and'el O r a ttu . re ,1, . ^ .J
Does Mr. Squash byhi* partial representation think that tbe lid in the full bloom of her loveliness > thea is she like the
intelligent in his own party (for there are still a few honest ▼enth verse says; “ for what man knoweth th* th io g r of-* ‘'arden’sTqu'eeav (theYoset) which though withered f a d d i :
ipright snd just rten in the whig party) will be blinded by man *ave the ap ln to fm an whichis ia him ? even ih >: •syidg,f still preserves it* perfama ; die beauty of the miad,' i ’ »
•uch perverfions of truthl or perchance he thinks that as things ofGod k a ow n h no man, but the spirit of Gud,Mt!»r he gopdnesa of ihe heart,, tbe sweetness o f ’the disposition ‘X * v,? Pf/oHow* tW?ploughi ^
reading of this verse With several other ver*»« eoanrci- , , Good democrat* tread,,Otrtad m 0* '
he Moimons are persecuted he will lend bis hackneyed till retain'lbeir frtgraace, tbopgh' the frrshnew of youth
■olums to the disseminaii6nof lohehoods concerning them. ed with it.iqthtr aarae chapter with it must cTfainly ctm nay have pawed, away aad *^eft aot atra e e behiad:”
Show yourself a man, if your vegetable diet will let you— vince every iatelligeot mind, that a man ip hi< na'nral stat* In the hour of trial and t offering, how invahable is the We are sorry iM tiW late’^ the^Hoa. W o .
io not skulk behind the name of the Warsaw Signal to cannot tinderstaad any thing that has or mny be b -ire#rnce of “ dear woaiaB;” thea i* her true-value felt, Smith isfbout jlme from iho
-how youi spleen towards a people,who have defeated your ihe inspiration ofthe Holy Ghost, therefore we may »re t ,hen does,she shine,ihe more brightly evea .through' the political arena; HiavUlenla ai»;J0»tr«:aad appreciat'd,
miserable attempt to humbug the public with your great we will, the folly cf any person in irjing to»»re ihrmwehre .loom that overshadows the'coach of'suffering humanity: hi* conduct in the last session of the legisiatura proved him
•chemes for association—what lias become of the Phalanx! by the reading of the scriptures connected with an out ware uch services as ber's, cannot be purchased with gold, af- to be a man of talent and if, genic^ a patriot and a stater
Mr. Squash have you found out yet "th a t truth is migh­ form of godliness. Bat when a man is baptized for t h e ' re liclion can alooe bestow them.. Her** is tha hand that maa, aad a man every way* qualified to maintain tbe in-
s trrx a iia j v c rrr» A « x :r*trtc A » o .
ty and will prevail.”
mission of sins and receive the gilt of the Holy Ghost b> ‘mooihsi the pillow for the iavalid,'that prepare* the resto- tere«*ofih< pe6pl^heTeprt*eated.,o-,(. r • ,
the laying on ofhands, then end net till then is be mad* iog drsoghf—that sooths the peevishness of sickness; her’s We know of co person \Sat woiiId'. be^more qualified to
’ F O R -P R E S I D E N T , capable of comprehending the word of God in all itsglor}
G rx . Jojc S m ith a n d h i s K h i m i c j — Domes ia t u x s the lifclu step,that rcarce is h_eard, aa alte hover* aa at­ fill his statioa than Gen. 8mnb--(^is brother )—
flr-LT C m r — But a sbort time since the rumours that and to know God whom to know aright is life eternal/
GEN. JOSEPH SMITH, -rere afloat concerning this part of creation, represented again thi* same apostle .says in his second letter to Timo
tendant spirit round the fevered 'couch—whose Voice is
nuaic bearing balm aad consolation to tka ear,—WJOse if-
We are not iofonaad whetbtr (he.Grnsral wili accept of
the office or aot, if he will, we do aot know of ’Any gea.
OF NAUVOO, IL L IN O IS . Gen. Joe Smith as having got into trouble, n» beleagured thy and 10th and 17th ver. all scripture is given by insplr
oa all side* by a combiaation of the disaffected, deter cciion aad lovo are never-tiring,' never-ending. Thea if ftemau-in Hancodt' Col who'woQdixi.'moro'conjpetent.—
F O R V IC E P R E S ID E N T , nined on eclipsing the'glory and fair f4me ot the P/ophet. stion of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof *e regard her in the hours *f happiness, she. is^no less Gen. Smith is a man of sterlirg integrity^ dKp'penetraiioa
Joe is a match for them y e t ; his Mar is still in the aacen fo; correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the mai 'ovtly; sheis the bright ornament aad attraction of her 'attd and as
SIDNEY RIGDON, lant, for instead of being a convicted culprit, he has with of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto a’l goor
treat dexterity turned the table* upon his sccusers— ob works, this passage of scripture is so plain in f r e 'f tbat i<
.-ircle; she, by.her lovliness aad gaity, disperse* the cloud
from the brow of sadnesss and care, as the mist before the
uncbangable tei the eyrrloiinf hills. He i* * man of pn>-
bity and virtue, and an*uawaTenng^patriot. Ci * V
OF PENNSYLVANIA. ained his discharge—returned in triumph to his functions,
«nd procured a n ^ s d e r of the High Coancil of the city ol needs no comment to prove my assertions; we a rebrro tolc {Iorious sun. Then as tbe tender^ mother, what in this If Gen.Hyrura Sta iihwill alJow h i* name^lo be broaght
N'»uvoo, cutting for apostacy. Blake«ley, Higbee, Ivans, plainly lhat all aoripcure was given by inspirations, fo> world can compare to her,—as the watchful nurse, as the
OUR CAUSE. ■ ad Cowlea, tha principals^in ibe Ute fhre np. the man ofGod, ertha inspired man |to read, that lie migh'
forth, we go it for him, and ■we know /roin tfia, wofidence
The Prophai’acase came before the Municipal Court of know how to please and serve his father who is in heaven ormer of the infant mind, as the kind partner.of all the and respect that is entertained bito as a gentleman and
W e a r c n o t unfrequently qaeaiioned, whether w s ar<
Nauvoo, upoo a retura to a writ of habtat eorpui, upoa it tie joj* and eorrows of childhood, that sweet season of a patriot he win be elected. What say yon General 1 *
really in earnest, in taking the position that w« have ; it
>elition of Smith, setting forth tbat he was io custody bj who hath adopted him tobe bis son, and msdeltim with •ur life, when the tear, is eb&sed away by the amile.—
the political affairs of our common country. To which virtue of a writ of eapeat ad rtrpandtndun, uwtied at the his only begotten, beir cf a'l things. The bible is a histo Taen lastly,,toSehold her in &e more endearing capacity raoM TueiBAUvoo flstfiusuit.
wo invariably anaw«r certainly, and why not. Evsr aioc* astance of one F/ancta M Higbee ; that the'procceding* ry of things that are past, prerent, and to come, and no msi
'«aimt him are illegal; the warrant informal, that the without the immediate inspiration of the Holy Gho*t and I wifa; man*s best and porext friend, who will cling to Mr Eufr6», Sir.-B y cloaely e n m b ls ^ the Wblf. and
president Jickton retired from tbe preaidency, our nation*-
executive, has been principally characterised by a aicklj jlea is deficient because bas'd upon a charge unknown to lim through storm aod sunshine—through good and evil Democratic Journah of th e 'd a r,I ihak»^cttiif<** that' the
l«w. Joe further states that the whole case w»s originated revealtion can understand i t : I am astonished at ihr '■eport; who identifies henelf with all his'interests, who
imbecility' a toad-like torpidity, on all questions of real im in i>pite and m ^lic', and a deaire to place him in tbe hand* idea, that m tn in thia age of the world, who profess to br face or my political Jndgmenr ia ehtirtly’changed. I did
portance tn the nation, except auch as were forced upot. 40ticipatea his every wish, who smile* with his joy and suppose ihSt the charge prefened by the»Wbig* against th*
•f his enemies, and concludes with prayiog for tbs benefit j ministers of the gospel too, and yet ray they do aotbeliev>
.th e ir attention by eircumsunces, over which they had m •f the writ, that the whola matter may be inveeiigated ac­ in present revelation nouros wiih hi* affliction. Democrats, and also'th*^charges’jj>efered by iho Demo­
inspiration, iIioulJ trll us that w>
conuoll and aueh measures as would fill their own ceffcru cording to law and justice. Such is woman in her purity,—such is woman, if that crats against the Whigs,"are gnaidlet*, 'and baaed upoa
Tbe remit of the whole is, that Higbee not appearing to can be saved by reading and believing the bible ; jf this b« •he may preserve thoae qualities that were bom with her,
feather the nests of political understrappers and line th* .how cause against the petition, aad numerous witoefse* true then none but those who are familiar with letters cai ibe‘principle of falsehoW; bnt t s charitjr«coveteth a'mul.
pockets of speculators. While the policy of establishing * tnd if, through neglect or disregard of those precious qua!-
v in g examined, all corroborating the allegation set forth ever be saved in the kingdom ot God, the poor, unlearned tirade of sin*, I am led to believe thaF their auttmenu
Hub-treaiury and standing army, or a Uaited States Bank ,y defendant, and numerous learned discourse, from Joe b,ind fta{J deaf muM down t0 evcrIaiting d ir tes she does not destroy them. But it is in the power of
against each other are fotiniled apoa the principle of truth.
wars gravely discussed at tbe rate of $3,00 per diem ’• md his counsel, wherein he fligillstes with the weaponsof I . • K . «omen to degrade herself aa low, nay, evea lower than
nvective and retaliation the aforesaid apostates and reae- i •bt m ®* where istby blush let God bo true and every fmai Now hear both aide* of tbe'qa'estiott and then judge for
fifteen thousand American Citizens could petition them nan can, for once that abe falls, she falls forever,—for hey
iades—the result is, that the Prophet is discharged " io a Iiar” forhe says through Jem s Chris: his son, thaiexcep yourself. Democrat’ vs.1W hig.' Mr. Dxn'ean in a lata
with tear*, that would move the hearts, and excite th* sim here is no redemption:—tbe lawa of society are severe, bm
to thence without delay,” and T. M. Higbee seatenced lo j a roaa be born of water and of tbe spirit be cannot ente speech made in the Howe ol Represeaunves, saya, "tbat
patties of Sou 15 **a island e«n bats, could be rejected with pay the tw t. •aluiafy, when they impose a greater restraint on the con­
| into the kingdom of God, and it waa for (his purpotc lbs •t tke same mean* are csed at the eesdiak election by tha
• taunt and geer, and Matty the little with t h e H o a . J . C “ The Times and Sea»ons,’* the Mormon organ published tact of woman, than on that of man.
it Nauvoo, is crowing most |u»«ily ever the brightening Christ sent bisapottles into all the world, and as they wen
Whigs, to elect their candidate, that Were used toeltct
Calhoun to b ick him up, could pour ths oil and the wint- To womao, does society look to stop the progress of
»ro«peets of the faithful- It says the saints continue to ‘hey preached the word, baptiztd the believers aod Ui< Gen Harrison, that candidate win take hi* exit to eierni-
Into their bleed>g wounds, by informing them that “ then 'ice, lo save roan from those excesses he is prooa to, and
<well the toodly company in fl cks from the uttermost part 'heir hand* upoo them for the gift of the Huly Ghost,-an* ly in one montb^b'e further saya,>*ihero U a providence
eaase was just, bat government could do nothin*: for them!’ •f the earih ; the temple is being buili wiih admirable ci len wlieo tbe spirit came upon (hem they speak with ooknow* o lesd him, by ber example, to virtue. Whereas, if
that sopertotends this aalion. * Hs held* iu* fltaiiuua ta
can it be possible that American Citizens can ba mobbed ry ; that the Prorhet’a fuce ia K t as a flint against all form:* vomaa instead of being such a barrier to wickedaao^ were His haad, hi<track' is to t>e Men iBeve^jr psth. of ior r.v-
if iniquity, and lhat the Lord has trapped hi< enemies in tongues ajid prophesied, the sick were heald by the an o be ihe promoter of ir, then indeed might we bid adieb
whippeJ plundered, murdered, and exiled from their peacr ^luiion that emaocipiied us', and' be‘' Wbo cannot *c« His
heir own pit, and th it the glad tiding* ol salvation are nointing with oil, aod the laying on of barfti*, thus did th
ful firesides, into a foreign state ocd an American congrea- o virtue forever. The virtue of • woman being of such
.•oiac forth to all the^earth, beginiiiog at (not Jeruialem,) j Lord confirm bis word as he aaid be would when he sei. d vine laterposmoa throughout ihia’admiuuiratiou is au ih-
calmly look on and say “ we have no power to redreesyou '• nportance io the Well being ofsociety, she is bound, nay,
^Ut ijdeljor a fool - He'atso predicu that*rU uilwiQe u>e«bi
And yet we are told lhat such ii the case. Abolitions* •• Mr4UIhave
We ° ° ‘ hsd democratic
*.• Presidents;
•> . whig nPresidents.
A , j his servants lo rpreach it in all ihe woild for x witness , unt
ompelled \o guard it with the strictest caatioa.
t pseudo demorratic wh*w Prfcident, and now u n miie t< * a" nations. N . T. J. are used by the federafiir, to tfrcuifc rhe eTeihiou of ibur
can be murdered in cold blood ; Catholic Churches aod pn ' j Poetry is associated with women, a* it is the fiaest trait# candidaUr, at the approacuing eietsCoe, m s drunken otgu s,
lave a President of (he UmleJ States ; and let the prople I -------— ------ ------------------
Tate dwelling* are barned! aod government h i t no power) f the whole Union, like the luflrxible Roman*, wh«-nevrr
W e would apologize for’ onr omission of Eld. W rr if the hnman mind. God is rhe poet of Creation, there is empty and profane songi', coon akTni,- h'ard-cider carotWs’
T o what an awful state of corruption and anarchy have w* ihf-y found a promise made by a candidate, thal ia not
Smith’s letier in onr last number, it wa.« unintentional, ao> urm ony in all his works throughout ihe endless expanse and their kfudred and criminal niroM^bitchanXliao |e«*u,
com*. But let us remember tbat “ourcautt itju it, but go practised as an officer, hurl th* miserable sycophant from of space, in the coun-less systems of creation, far beyond p«rjary, trsasou, falsehood, corruption, bnbiry, awmolligl
lift exalted s(4tion, aa God did N 'buchadatzzir, to crop ihe occured through the letter being mislaid.
m tm m eniAat no power*' !! Let us inscribe it u^oj cur bau. our sun aud i u attendant worlds; there is perfect order, blasphemy, and the eod tbTba itg ete tflif m* a >,t i, lo’
<rafe of the firld with a beast* heart, among the cattle ’* P h i l a d e l p h i a , Jane 3d. 1S44.
net, and bang it oat in bold relief before the people—who, The idea of iransforming P re sident into quadruped* is »*rfect harmonj, or perfect poetry ia all nature’s works ; treak down our free instttatt^*, 'trample upon the consti.
Respected Br. Leach,
when they awake from their political alumbrri-, which » >risinal; we fear that power would be dangrrous in th>- n our own litile world we discover lhat every thing tends tation, and subvert. haman Uberty^ i ,b tntLwiU bo *» h u
eorrnpt set of office-seeking naagnaiizera put them in handa of either whig or democrat, aod we opine that all I improve a few moments this morning to aay to you o equalize itself or to harmonize with each o ther; water been, the workers of auch. iniqau'y wiU.-fall btfuro ths
oa!d kick out the bill, every judiciou» that I have jast returned to this city, and will, if the Lor
a . . , o u . d u ,. . u , d V d ,^ £ 1 ^ - , r . r . r . 5 i t e ^ ,h., oust Gnd i u own level, electricity mu*t be equalixed— breath and vengeance - o f a - jo t God, .aVgran befure Ut*
m snt, and th* power to enforce it. The people are patrio xen in general would not swallow auch an invaiion ol permit, visit your branch of the Church in tbe course o ience, the thunder storm s; heat and cold will equalize it scythe.’* % 5t o /.
>e enough to arise in their msjrsty ;and by a mighty efT»rt, •heir constitutional rights—if Presidents are as bad as Joe next week. The news from the West is all rery good; > <-ir—man wi 1 not feel hsppy until his mind is at rest, or
throw off the load of corruption which now <i»<races the ♦ays they are. mentioned to them concerning your publishing • paper ii •qaalized ; thus may we trace this inclination to harmony Now as popular opinion rank* iMa-'geutUman wUh tha
0 the smallest things in creation t—therefore, the world first mea ofthe aaiiop, I have aa!rea*oa;to -disput# hi*
country. Then let every oppressed American lid up hit The above is from the New-York Herald, anti show* an New York, and the Prophet bid it God speed: the coadci
vaiee like the voic* of a mighty trumpet, and it will reecho independence that is rare in the present day, and worthy also sanctioned it by a loud and general vote, so " g ind i u various inbabitanu ara poetry—the Crearor is the testimony, and be, a* aa' tidmiaitfratot BfLihe*law;riin3
from Mains (o Louisiana like the terrific rumbling oftht >>f the imitation of each party spirits as the “ Galvanized ahead '’ and do ihe best you can—which I bave no doub joet W hat exalted ! what glorious ideas do we not re justice, is ia duty b©un<ftoWbakeTs« h ' ^uncoawitutional,
mighty thuader and the waning glory of our once happy Squash,” alias, defender and advocate general of ibe you will do— and the real I will tell you when I get there ceive frcyn the inspiration of the poett ;—Homer, Shake. unlimited^ and uaballowe*d-*eornjption;i ,* Whig Va. De!
bnt now alas I bleeding republic, will return like the morn- Reorganization of society. Mr. Bennrt haa ever been the ' Remember what I aaid in conference:—Hang out the ban- *peare, Milton, Pope, Dryden, Byron, Mo«re &c. icc mocrat.^ The Hartford^ WetklyJjoaAal iay^ “Look at
ia g s u n in a doodles* day, and increase until it reaches i u advocate of Justice and-Equal Rights to all parties how- ner for Gen. Joseph Smith, and let tbe world know tha- arero w aad£sag orbs Trom heaven, meteors of harmon) Martia Van Bured, the leaded of IFocm party
meridian splendor. > ever unpopular they may be. we are not afraid lo advocate his claims (o the Presiden­ and song; wbo were then chief inspirators,—womaa, love­ when he wa* a member of the Naw.Y«lt>«ivenioa for’
tial Chair. ly woman— ihe purpose of reviaing the conati tutioh of' ihat atat* he
A special meeting of Share holders will ba held oa Mon­ steadily opposed all extealeniVoT right of suflr’.ge
day 24th init. at half past 7 o’clock, on businees of impor­
COMMUNICATI N S . Elder Lyman Wight, and Elder H. C. Kembal, cam- “ That waked the poet’s sigh,
aad even went so far M to oppbia the;*m*0 daeat'!o allow’
T H E BIBLE with me on their way to Washington, to talk with th* And who has given to soag,
tance, at the “ Prophet” office. (would be) big men of the eartb, on the state of a rotter oU revolution w ld im -to vote, beciuae ihey did not pos-
W hat gold could never bay.”
The bible is one of the most useful books in''the world, and crumbling Government. Ii it evident that there is i te n two hundred dollajiiwVrUi rof-property. Tbat h«
W e have this week commenced on our firat page, the ^rhen properly understood ; it enlightens the mind of the Shakspeare say»— was accessary to robbing’tfie trea*ury/knd that ihere waa
“ shaking among ihe dry bones the late nomination for
publication of ihe Apocryphal New Testament, and shall Christian, and brightens his prospects of futare glory, and “ The mao tbat hath no mnsic in himself, when he left ihe' Presidential - chair,: a national debt of
President and Vice Preaidenl at the ii ill'more Conventior
continue it weekly until completed. immortality beyond the grave, it gives him a knowledge of proves that f s c t: Matty’s nbj^r.t, “ c sn 'id o nothing foi Nor ia not.raoved with concord of sweet sounds, thiny-rour miHion five t n n ^ d iHauian^-donar*,1created
things past, present, and to come ; and every page of it is you, ’ (meaning th* Mormons) has occasioned a great flare Is fit for treasons, straugem s, and spoils; by him for a tax paying.commanity to liquidate; ol being a
G EN ERA L SM ITH S VIEW S. full of interest to him. Bat not so with the ungodly, it isa «p ia tbeir ranks, and brought two entire uew candidates The motions of his spirit are dull as night, warm advocate for the parpo^Tof curtailing the wage a af
W e have just issued from the press, a stereotyped edi­ And his affections dark-as Erebus.
scaled book wiih him; aad yet it is true, that the ainner is in tbs field, although they say it is the great and important ihe laborer to six and a fowth cenu? and a aheep.s head,
tion of Gen. Smith's Political writings, together with a Let no such man be united.*
often awakened from his guilty slumbers, by reading its sa­ question of annexation lhat has done i t N o sir, these and pluck, a day, and aroward because* he dare not ad­

/ copy of a Memorial lo the Legislature of Mistourit the

whole forming a neat ocuvo pamphlet of forty one pages.

mediate attention, and be thankfully received. Price six

cred psges: and peradventurc he may breathe out a prayer men, perhaps, have not com puted themselves, on the
! and drop a hopeful tear for future blessedness, but a la s !
Mormon votea,— froo** close thi*subject, Bra. L. Wight,
T he architect must be a port, elss, hi* idea* cannot bar minister justice on any occuion wherq. popqlar opinion is
monixe with the intended edifice, and cause uaity in all concerned.” Now as popular opimoa has ranked this edi-
Orders poet paid, for the above wori:, will receive im­ he soon finds tbat all his hopes are vain, darknes* again Missouri and Mormon question, hence must be entiUed to iu part*; the maa tbat coaid aotjaee poetry ia Si Peter*
ibe talenled mea 'o f t£e '0aliou. I a u L h c ^ t o be-
overshadows hisjenind, and despairseems to be riveted upoa aad H. C. Kembal are io Washington, and they are re^u- it Rome, or in the aisle* of Torkminister, would be at • Ueve hi* sutemeat* to b e J w n ^ e d -u ^ o n :tU ^ n d p Ie or
dollars per hundred, ar one dollar per doxsn copie^.
his noble brow, and he cries out in (he anguish of his soul, lar go-ahead men, and they will unveil the mask, and giv* loss to find it in Milton. Byron, or Shakspeare « hence the truth, he is ia the lineW his^duty ^hJie rtboking such un-
O tbat I could but understand this Book ! then, I should be them Davy Crockett aod Mormon politics, Gentile Mobo. want of postic genius iu some o f our modem architects, limited corruption, aod a genilemVof "moral coursge be-
BaooxLYH—Our indefatigable young friend, Elder
arodnces architctural blunders, deformity, tn d stupidity in cause he is not afraid to expose toch ’unconstitutional , bu.
Samuel Brannan, has rented the Log Cabin in Fulton st., a happy roan. But let me inform my respected crat principlea “ right side up with care.”
Brooklyn, and intenda to give tbe good people of that city reader, lhat the Bible of itself was never intended to save A more particalar accouat I can give you whea I see tome of our Boston public buildings, and justly condemned ses of the people* rights,^therefore,I am bound to believe
any m sn.but was given or written, expressly for the edifi- you and get rested, so may God blew you is my prayer. m the “ North American R e v ie w ” of April 18-14. that both; Whig “ < ^ ® ^ W . h ^ I d ' t h a tru:b, the
and vicinity, light on the Fatness of the Everlasting Gos­
cationjand instruction of the people of,God; thesejassertion* I remain yours in the bonds of the new aad everlasting Oa love, I have but iiute to say—as our talented friend whole troth, and nothin* but the troth. **' •
p e l Those who desire the truth onght to go nod hesr
may appear to be blasphemousto many who may rtad.ihem, I covenant, Elder G. J. Adams, has favoured the Boe<on public wiih I understand by th. beUevclb
him—and then jadge according to righteousness, for the
but they are not the less true, therefore you'sre earnestly | *ome h utarkel v itw i on ihe subect, tacrtd aad profan*,
wise man haa said “ ha that judges a matter before WM. SMITH. thi ng*, hope th,all things, prortth ilungs, and holds fast
solicited to examine ihe evidence which.I shall give, in sup which has been eulogized by a very erainant author, v e n u a :
hearing both sides of the question is a fool” that which is good- Now. w c ju ^ p f a r c d by ibe demo-
port of these assertions Mall 2Sth 19v». “ Oo ye and teach WOMAN, P O E T R i’, AND LOVE. plagiarist, or literary pirate, that is minus “ circumambi -
The Log Cabin will be open at the usual hours every C;A .U ‘ 4ti,k®whW bave rendered themselves unworthy
: all nations, baptising them in the uam aof the Father, and Mr. EJitor.—Oa reading that admirable commnnication •nt whiskers,” lhat sporu ihe product of his brains, in tbe of hold,ng tha reins of *OTeramt**y,.,ea»ca of bribery,
of the Son, and ofthe Holy G host"; this|commission of our of J. A.^ S. oa “ Woman, their condition and influence," * Daily Mail,” and the remains of his body os the boards
and frandlent corruption of e>«ry-description.
M A TTERS .AT HEAD QUARTERS. Lord Jesus Christ to his eleven deciplea was one of great I thought it no less than gallantry, to add my raite in praiir af the “ National ” for his own "peculiar benefit. ”
importance to them, but mor# especially to ths inhabitants of our fair aod gentle companions, “ dear womaa,” ala- *• God is love,” for in him is the fount of all goodnea • Aad we have proved by il»e.»hifa, d a f Martia Van Ba-
W e conversed with a gentleman of undoubted veracity
of the earth ; both high and low, rich and poor, bond or their concomifant atlendaaciea, Poetry and Love; yet in What the world generally terms love, is *Q e r » r , namely
ren i, a robber, 8 tre tto n e ^ a ^ Md
jast from Nauvoo, who says thal the church was never
free, righteoas or wicked; upon 1t depended tho salvation many instances I agree with Bulwer, wbo aays— 'ove of fame, love *f power, love of country, love ofG od friend to every countrybui his own. <or T
more united then at present—the confidence in tha autho-
or condemnation ol every individual tbat should hear the me' "T h e man who sets bis heart upon a w om a n1 ia d .lo v e of women. I should call the first, ambition, WobwolKliercdmirtliiniiiVcOTaiii-’M ii,,
riliea of the church is usabated—the disaffected, who are
in favor of a reorganization of the chorch. number twelve I *ag- which they had to bear to every ?oa and daughter of Is a chamelion, and doth feed on a ir; second anarchy, third patriotism, fourth hope and fear, and Jliecl. hop, tbtt u & f f w tS ^ ia fa h a S a ,, will
{our first parents. They were not seat to read to the world From air ha takaa his colors, hold* his life, fifth Tust. To define true lovs, there mast be no mixture S ? c lu ir/.b . b,.,
iadividuals, four of wham are doubtful—there are many
| ihe writings of inipired men which were before them.; net Changes.wiib every wind, grows lean or fat, ' °faelf, in their composition, »ti* pur#; holy, exalted, aad O ii.‘smuhre
talea afloat about the moimons, in ihe east, which hsve
iher did they who were sent to preach, teach that men Rosy wiih hope, or green with jealoocy, self sacrifisieg; we read in Genesis, chapter 6lb, verses .PMadcatfrtlw j, hi,
not the slightest foundation in truth. W e would advise
tba saint* not to give ear to such reports.
could be saved in the kingdom of God by reading booka of Or palid with despair. Ja st as the gale 2nd and 4th, that ** the -fob* Or o o d n W the daughter* of •wq ,j n u lo ibe ojuolm ir 'o&cBi'VKm' » li,|ont ,.d
any kind, not tbat I would despite the reading of books, God man," See. See., or as Toni Moore expresses it, polme.1 ttl eM k i r e c o o p & j o f < 1 / ^ ^ •
Varies from North to South, from heat to c*!d.
The Tribune of Tuesday says, •• seven indictments have forbid ! but 1 do say thal men cannot obtain salvation by Oh Womao ! Woman! thoo shouldst have few si as “ Like the Angelic ybuth’i o f o ld ,' <*»•«* «f B.lhl«bem W
been found by tbe Grand Jury of Hancock county III. I ii, if they could, iho commision which Jesus gave to his thine own to answer f o r ! thou art the author W ho burn’d for maids of mortal world, o.,do iu , p ^ « Me...»;ib^w£« T„ tf«br«n>*'4 w ifbei.,
against Joe Smith, the Mormon Prophet,” but hai not hon­ apostles was a useless one! it would ihow a great lack of Of such a book of folliea in a man, Enamoured left their azure aky’*, \ L ^ ^ r ° i ' k? ^ d v , y i b r » u t o d d.»,h‘
esty enough to tell alio that he was atquitUd h o .-v o r s i i l t . I wisdom in our.Saviour, if ihe opinions of men in ibis age o* Tbat it would need the tears of all the angels And lost the^jf Heaven for women’seyes.”
T heir items of news respecting the Mormons, is like the , the world were true ; f*r if men could be “ Baptaed in lh« To blot Ihe record out.” This was a sample of pure Jove., Lord Byron defines it wields bis isflu-
baadle of a pitcher •• all on one sid e /’ O ! thou great ad- oameof the Father and of tha Son, and of the Holy Ghoal” by more briefly aad purely than any ether in (or has been in) Mpolitical dem-
There is philosophy and harmony in tbs arrangement for
vocate for a reorganization of society, is this a sample of a book, or by the reading of one, then I must c o n fe r that wiihout lasting a little of the bitters, we cooJd have a o con- existence. I t is as f o l l o w s , , , • :• ..o-r blow high or
Fourier jesticr. Oh ! Horace, where is yoar magnamity, it was uselea* to send apostles to baptize all nations—we ception of the aw*eU; if ’,Were ever sam m ir, we ceuld " L oveiadeed ia light frpm heaven, , lo the
eame, out like a man, and u*e not your influence to will new mrn to the lGih chspter of Marks gospel 15th aot reslize i u blessings aad cheering fnflaeace; after s A spaik of that immortal fire, £11m huldw -iif itli . Uil
misrepresent those you cannot refute by r ,jr argument. 17ih and 18th verses, he ihatbelievelii and is bsjjtized shsll With angels shared, by Gpd ’tis given, 'O fg M fijb Kiodeihool,
long winter, how gloriously sHnea not the summer's n a .
be saved,” but he that believelh not shall be damned, and To lift from esrth our low desire. DsfiTfirr. 10
whilst we bask in its attendants, a rich harvest, peace
“ Buds of a feather, these signs shall follow them that b.iie v e; io my a im s Devotion wafts thc(mind above, .* ibeir l.ihtr m Soolb
and plenty. After a storm, how soothing is ihe cairn j ao
Flock together ” ihey [ihe believer* ] shall cast out di vils, ibey shall speak Bat heaven iuelf deecends in love, r*
ii nature eqaalixed tbrooghout all its multifarious works.'
The “ Galvanized squash” of Fourier memoty, seems with new tongues ; they shall take up serpents ; and if A feeling from the Godhead caught, V f ? !m» % o cM^ . W. I j f a t f i u y y s , , .boliuoo
The same rule will apply to Man and W oman, exe.pi
disposed to make his psper the esho of the “ Warsaw Sic . they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them ; they To wean from telf each *ordid thoughL
thers wxs some bad, we could not distinguish, or partici­
nal, a miserable party hack published amon« the Hooeiers shall lay hands on a he sick, and ihay shall recover, A ray of Him wbo formed the w hole)' ftll like • hot Smub
pate in the bleasings and enjoyment of Tirioe ; ao without
and celebrated as the organ of ihe Anti-Mormon Mcbocrats Paul in hia episils to the Koman* 10th chap forther preface, I hope i&jr fair readers will not think the A glory cuclinc round the soul. ' c u d a h u f°?
• paper devoid of merit, a stink in ibe nose r f all honttt 14th ver. says, how then shall they call on him in wham Thi* only is tho love I would recommend to my fair
following a •• bit of blarney.” 4 - TilPLY.
mm, speaking of the arrest of a Jeremiah Siniih (by ihe they have not believed 1 aad how shall they believe in him' readers, ’iis true love—noble, holy, aad exalted:
by not a mormon) hessyis “ ihe Deputy M arthrl-uccerdrd of whom they have not heard 1 and how ahall ibey hear Whea we consider womsn as pure, virtuow aad loving,
1 remain sir, your obliged and obedient servant, (» - We woald iaform Smith, that
in arresting 8mith; when “ holy Joe” caused Ins follower wiihout a preacher and how caa the y preach except they sh*u the very fountain from whence spring the greatest
tobe taken out of the possession of the United States ofli- delights of onr existence; thstsweet fonatnia that redeem* A R C in T E C T O N lC . the Hoa. W i . Smith, (\>t«38euii:aa t,Baitb,)u ia the ciiy,
cer, ami brought before ihe Municipal Court of Nauvoo for be sent” ii must be evident to every commoa sence mind, and will sddrea a pWnj^l .Wtatiaro/'tbe Je&nonian
• a examination under ihe wtit of habetu corpus, issued by after reading this portion of scripulre that a o m so caa call
the desert of this life’s pilgrimsge frcm barren aad waste,
that quickens into being onr sympathies aad fetliags, (hat office. Mr. K. J . Bevins ba* no connection with the Prophet Democracy,, on Tuesday aveainf n e x t,'it3 o'clock, at
Marion Tc mperance Hall, 183 fciiaW t.- ^
FOREIGN NEWS. RELIGIOUS-. with the seed of man, and with the seed o f beasL o f inspiration. T h ere is another
A nd n .h a ll com . to pass,that I have watch- n o t i c e d the s u b W v is T o n ^ " T h ^ s p ir it you
i • T—
it*sowed, *luat all who are f«vorablr (o 'b'rre Trade
theTirpoHant pSHIett!tf*.'tad lacltfcotrroooneo- ed o v e rjb e m , to pIuck tip, and to break down, and and Equal Rights," be irqueaird to co-operair wilh eaia
a“ things, even the deep th tn jn supporting G#n. Joseph Smith, the Philanthroput, as iho
/ /-'.-..QREEOB. ' r #» , \
/ ' « } ' * • 1 ♦ «s i l l ted with the c o o i n g forth ©f the Book of Mormon, hare to throw down, and destroy and to'afflIct7~iowIII
ArStcc&t seeietj^has been ai»cd**r*d io AtHens. li ia ever beeo, ind aft now. sabjscta of enquiry, we ahall io I watch over them, to b u i l i onb to plant; says the those things that are to come, or those which have Je& isooiaa Candidate for-th e - Prswdeacy, and Stdnay
•died thi “ Grand Brotherhood," ‘efiieff 'reaeinblias the aert for the broeGt'of those, who are not •eqtfkinted with Lord. Rigdon E*q. for the‘Vice Preiideaey;
F o r this h app y situation and blessed state o f '# 2 t(05> unfolding them b y the power Resolved^ Thai w« eoacm'w;Ci tha views cf the rafn*?f
brotherhood o l th e B J a ^ a d i ' t h r ' m i i o b e r t b e in g sw orn the comiag forth of the above named wor£, one of a eeriea o f t h e t S p i n t which .comprehends all things,\al-
to secrecy W . impticit .obcdirjice. T h e tw o e ittio n is of letter** each week until all are publiahed. Israel, did the prophets lo o k /an d obtained a pro­ State Convention held at Niuv<* May 17tb.
w ays; and so much may- be shown, and made
mostly attributed 10 the Nappisfor Ronian party. mise, that, though the house ol Israel and Judah, B.«olved, That the procerdm^. r.f thii» Meeting be pab*
* o . C O W D E R rS L E T T E R S TO W. W . PH ELPS, perfectly plain to. th e .u n d e rs ta n d in g in a short
should violate t i e covenant, tne L ord in tha last to the,Naw York “Prophet,- th* “ Nauvoo Neighbcr**:
11 ' ¥ u r k e y ? \ ti. time, th a t the world who are occupied all their
d ays would mako w ith th e m a n e f^ one: n ot ac­ hfe to learn a little, lock , t’ the relation o f itr and aud “ Tunes Sc Seasons," the ♦•PoUtician," ami all other
A I«uer from Conittatinopi* cafa that the state ‘of Alba­ Dtmr Brother : cording to the one which he madd w ith th eir fathers paper* favorable to tutfaOal reform.
nia becoartJ.dailf more.aad mere alarming. Ths whole I gave, in my last, a few words, on the subject in the d ay th a t he took th e m .b y th e h an d to lead T d,? P ^ . d. to c; U ' Y ou will understand A vote offth^nks was tbea voted to the Chairma® and
then b y this, th a t ^ h .le these glorious things Secretary. ^ ^ 3 ,
province is is a state of revolt, and bodies of the is*urg- o f a few item*, as sjpoken by the angel at the time them out o f the land o f E g y p t : which, said tKe were being rehejtrsed, t ^ vision was also o p e n e d
eats seoar ail partt of thn-Cflttatry*. cpromittiog th* moat the knowledge o f the record o f the N ephites was Lord, m y covenant they broke, although I was a so th at o u r brothel was permitted to see and u n ­ The Meeting was adjourn*^ with nioe cheers for Geo*
rri|hiTBl rxeetseaJ By tb ilaa t account* the townof Skotia communicated to ou r brother, and inconsequence husband.and a father unto th e m ’: but this shall derstand much more fully and perfect th a n 'l am Smith and Bidoey^tigdoa. , n>.
was-ciottty^hl^k^d^by’w artnyof 15,000 Albanians. o f the snbject of the gospel and th a t of the gather- be the covenant th a t I will make w ith the house Wm. Smith, Chairman.*
able to communicate tn/w riting. \ l know ranch Wm. If. Miles, Sec'y.
ing of Israel’s being so connected, I found it dif­ of Is ra e l: A fter those days, saya the Lord, I will
VISIT OF TOErEMPEROR OF RUSSIA ' rnav bo conveyed to tW u nderstanoing in w ritiu z
ficult to speak of the one w ithout m entioning the put my law in their.inward parts, and will write in
TO ENGLAND and many marvellous tru th s be set forth with the
other ; and this m ay not be improper, as it is evi th eir h e a r ts ; and 1 will be their God, and they
The Empferor of Rossia aad wit armed at Woolwich | j enti t h at t }j8 Lord has decreed to bring forth the shall be my people.
pen, b u t after all it is but a shadow, cotnparcd to
an open vision o f seeing, hearing, aud realizing
late oa Satarday evening, aod immediately departed for j faln^as 0f the gospel in the last days, provious to F o r thu s says the Lord, I will b ring again the eternal things. ' A nd i f the fact was known u Elder W m . Sm ith^brother of the Prophet) win address
London. On Saoday mornicr Prince Albert viaited the gathering Jacob, out a preparatory work, and the captivity of Jacob’s tents, aud have m ercy on his would be found, th a t of all the heavenly commu» the people "of New York, at Marion Teqiperaaee H*U»
Emperor at the Russian Etnbas^, ajsd rettirntd with Sir other is to follow in quick anccession. dwelling places ; and the city shall bebutlded u p ­ nicatians to tho ancients^ we bave no-more in J3S Canal,(at., at ihe uaual hours o a Sunday.
Robert Petl after diriw The E«.p«w * « . » T h is being of so much irrtportitnce, and of so on her own heap, and tho palace shall remain after comparison than the alphabet to a qu arto voca<
deep interest to the saints, 1 havo th o ug ht best the manner thereof. A nd o a t o f them shall pro­ bularj'. It is said, and I believe thc account, The Church of j r s o a Christ ot Latter Day Sfiat*, bql.4,
o iq u M “ tb'
Q u e e . Afterwards be vi»ted the Queen 'D ow ager aad to give a farther detail o f the heavenly message, ceed thanksgiving, and the voice o f therd that that the Lord showed tbe brother of Jared (Mori- meetipg, every Sabbath, at M arion Temp«raAce HaB,
the other brioches of the A ° r » l Family. . and if 1 do not give it in . the precise words, I make merry :— ana I tvfll multiply them an d th e y tncum er) all things which were to transpire from IS2 Canal at. N\ Y. } \
The appM^aoc® pf,be E m P*ror of. R a m * , io Londoa, shall strictly confine m yself to' the facts in su b­ shall not be f e w ; 1 will also glorify them aud they *hat day to the end o f the earth as well as those
B kogkiyx —Meetings%at^ held every Sunday at t h t
moat n a e i r c ‘cdly..bM.»Uxwd the quidoocs add tha sigh- stance. shall not be ?mall. T h eir children a lsj aha I be which had taken place. I believe th at Moses
Log Cabin, Fulton street at the usual boure.
asters. H* ha* travelled with araaxiag speed aiace leav­ D avid said, ( Ps. C.J ,;make a jo y fu l noise unto as aforetime, and their congregation sh^ll be esta­ was permitted to see tho same, os the Lord caused
ing his ewo capitol, stopping ooly a few tour* oa hia root the Lord, all ye lah'ds. tnrftis, all tho earth, Serve blished before me and I will punish all t \ a t oppress them to poRv,- in vision before him as he stood The Church of J t „ j, Cbr»*t o f L a u e r l) jy § iiiys of Bos­
to visit the crowned heads of Prussia aod -Hollaad, aox- the L ord with gladness: come before his presence them. T h e ir nobles shall be o f themselves autl upon the mount. I believe that the Lord Jesus ton, Mass , hold their mealing* every Sibbath, at 10 Frank­
ioas. oo doubt, to bring the intelligence of his owa arrival with singing.” T h is he said in viow o f the glo­ their gohrerner shall proceed from the m idst ol :old m any things to his apostles which are not lin kt. Elder John Hardy, presiding. Reiidfloce; 01 Com*
ia England. rious period for which he often prayed, and was them. written, nnd after his ascen.Mon unfolded all things mtrcial at.
A t the same time, says the l>0Yd, will I be the
Switzerland hat beta the scane of a abort though some- anxious to behold, which he knew could not take mti> th e m ; I believe th at Nephi. the son of Lehi.
The church of Jesus Chriat, of L u te r Day Sataty «^t
+Hit u d f i i t u r y civil war. place until the knowfedge of the glory of God co­ God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be vhom the Lord brought out of Jerusalem , saw
my people I will bring them from the north* country Philadelphia, hold thrir meetings every Sunday as usual,
veted alilands, or all the earth. A g ain he say*. the same ; I believe thut the twelvo upon this con-
The schism among th* je w a at Frankfort and other pla­ [ IJs. cvii ] “ O £<te th in k s unto the. Lord, for he and gather them from the coasts of the earth , I will inent, wlu»rrt thq Lord chose to preach hts gospel, io Third itreet above Willow, over Mar»hal| Institute.
ELD. Wm. WHAUTON. Presiding.
ces had become exceedingly violent aod bitter. . is good: F o r his mercy endureth fo re v er, Lei say tothe north,G ive up, and to the south, keep not *hen h® came down to manifest to this branch of
tho redeemed o f the Lord say so, whom he has re­ back: b rin g ra y aons from afar, and my daughter? he house of Israel, th a t he had other sheep who
In Portugal, Italy, & c. matters had become tolerable
deemed from the hand o f the enemy ; and gather trom the ends of the earth. And in those days,and hould hear his voice, were also perm itted to be- L I S~T O f T g E N T 8 .

ed out o fth e lands from the cost, and from th** at thattim c;says the l^ord,though Isfneland Judal told the same m ighty thing* transpire in vision
The aoeoaots from India speak of a remarkable bail west ; from the north Br. Hardy, Beston. Br. Woodbury, 21 Vorth Wharves,
and from the south have bceu driven and scattered, they shall com* Msfore their eyes; aud 1 believe th a t the angel
atorm a t.S tk k a r io the Sctode, aeco-nptnied by a hurri- T h ey wandered in tho wilderness in a solitan together, they shall even come w eeping; for will Philadelphia. Eider Wandell, general traveling agen
Moroni, whose words I have been rehearsing, through the State of New York. Br. A. t t Wrigbt, of
~eane, which prostrated every thing in ita path. way ; they found no city to dwell in. H u n g ry and snpplications will I lead them : they snail go ant vho communicated the knowledge o f th e same to Bellefontaioe, Ohio. Elder William McBride, Wayncs-
Murders continue to be alarmingly frequent io Paria — thirsty their soul fainted in them. T h en they seek the Lord their God. T h ey shall ask th* he Nephites, in this age, saw also, before he hid ville Ohio. All traveling elders are requested t« set aa
The bodies of two of the .muatcipal guarda were u ken cried.unto the Lord in their trouble, and he deli­ way to Ziou, with their faces thitherw ard, nnd say ip the record unto tho Lord, great and marveli- agents for the “ Prophet.”
out of the Seine afar the Bridge of tbe Invalided, a few vered them out of their distresses ; and led them come, and let ur, join ourselves t o t h e Lord it. •us things, which were to transpire when the same
days Ago, witli marks which left no doubt tbat they ha*’ in the rig ht way «o th a t they might g® to the city a perpetual covenant th a t shall not be fo rgo tto n. liould como f o r th ; and I ajso believe, th a t God (0* Bro. A. K.. Wright, of Ohio, ia authorised to pro­
been reordered, fcigbt others had prevjouily perished io of habitation.
and watchmen upon Mount E p hraim shall say.— vill give line upon line, precept upon precept, to
cure subscribers and receive monies for the Prophet.—
the aame mysterious manner. Most clearly was it shewn,to the prophet, that Arise, and let us go up to Zion, u nto the holy iis Saints, until all the*e things will be unfolded He ia alto, authorised to dispose of a few Shares ot
The police of Londoa continue their war upon the gam-
the righteous should be gathered from all the e a r th ; Mount of the Lord our God ; for he will tea^h ii> into them, and they be finally sanctified and the Capital Stock of the “ Society for the Difiuaion of
jpg booaes at tbe Weat End. It ia looked upon as thr
R e knew th at the children of Israel were led from of his ways, and instruct us to walk in his path?* irougftt into the celestial glory, where tears will Truth.”
E py p t, by the right hand o fth e Lord, and per* 1'hat tha way for this to be fully accomplished •e wiped from all faces, and sighing and sorrow­
harbinger of a great moral reform io the metropoli#, aso
nutted to posess the land of Canaan, though they may be prepared, the Lord will utterly destro\ ing flee a w a y ! Oo- Elder John Hardy ia our General Agent at Boaton,
recftvea, indirectly a t least, much countenance and aid May the Lord proservo you from evil and re- thoac wishing' to aubscriha for the •• Prophet,’• ia that
wero rebellious io the desert, b u t thc father knew. • l*'.e it on6 u? ° f t)1® E g y p tia n sea, and with hi,
that they were not gathered from the east, the m ighty wind shake his hand over tho river anc vard you richly for all your afllictions, and crown City or vicinity will please forward their names to
from meo high ia power.
The PreochGs>*{rtun*at and people appear to be wide a west, the north and th*- sonth, at th a t time ; for sun to it in its seven streams, and make men g< /ou in his kingdom. Amen. him. '
over dry-shod. A nd there shall be a high-way f'oi — ------------ ricrsa-----------
wake oo the subject of railroads. it was clearly manifested th a t th e Lord himself A cc ep t as ever, assurances of the fellowship
the rem nant of his people, which shall be, iron OO-Thomas S. Woodbury, is our Gentral Agent at P hi­
The «uty*«i of the Aooexatioo ef Texaa continued to be would prepare ti habitation, even as he said, when nd esteem of y ou r unw orthy brother in the
Assyria ; like as it was to Israel when they camt ladelphia.
• prolific Uwtae of discussion io the English papers. Seme he woul I lead them to a city of refuge. In th a t gospel.
out of tho land of E g y p t
of them bare, wasted‘a good deal of iodig.a:ioa upon it. David saw a promise far the righteoos, OO- Mr. Valentine Merrill, Jr., o f South N«rwalk, ( 0 t )
The general atato of the Eo;liah crop* ia good, though fcxliv Ph.) when they should be delivered from And thu s shall Israel come: not a dark comei a our authcrized Agent.
of the earth shall remain unexplored, n o ra n islam
some of the better agricultural districts have aa fie red frocn those w ho oppressed them, and from the hand of
strange children, or the enemies of the L o r d ; that in the sea be left w ithout being visited ; for a; 0CJ- Mr. K. Ward Pell is authorized to act aa Agent for
their sons should be like plants grown up in their the Lord has removed them into a llco m ers of thi the “ Prophet.”
M e e tio p io support of the factory bill now before parlia­
yonth, and their daughters like corner-stones, po- earth, he will cause his mercy to be as abundant
ment continue to be held «to the various
ished after the similitude o f a beautiful palace. ly manifested in their gatherin g as his wrath it. Traveling Elders ere requested to act as Agents for
towoa of England aad Scotland.
It is then th a t the sons and daughters will prophe­ their dispersion, until they are gathered according the “ Prophet,” and receipt for all monisn, and fprward
The twelve experimental goo briga for the Britith navy sy, old men dream dreams, and young men see v i­ to the covenant. H e will, as he said by the prr the same a* soon as convenient.
t i e now nearly completed, and are rapreaented to be beaa- sions. A t th a t time the garners o f tho righteous phot, send for m any fishers and they shall nsl Elder Melvin W autherisad to act as Travelling
tifol apecimens of navai archiiectore, will, be full affording til manner of store. It wa.« them ; and after send for m anny hunters, who Agent for ;h» Prnphrt
AccoonU from Belgrade atatts that 60 persona had been while contemplating this time, and viewing thi.« shall h u n t tlit m ; their enemies havo to-
Elder Q. S. Sparks, ot Hartt'otd, Con. is authorised to
publicly execated for participating in the late icaorrection h ap p y state ol the righteous, that he fu rth e r s a y s : nlfiict, but with glad tidings o f g reat jc y , w ith a
act as General Agent for the Prophat-
inSerria; among them tne ex-miniater Rajewiiich. Near­ Tho Lord shall reign forevor, oven th y God, O message o f p^acc, and a call for th e ir return.
ly 600 others had been doomed to banishmrnt for the aame Zion, unto all generations—praise ye the Lord ! A nd it willcoir.o to pass, th a t though the housi Elder J. J. Woodbury, bas authority to act as TraveU*
ode nee. > Isaiah, who was on the earth at the time the te of Israel has forsaken the Lord, and bowed dowr tog Acent for the Prophet.
and worshipping other gods, which were no gods
The Circaaaians are Strilniog every nerve to reaiat the tribes of Israel were, led away Captive from th snd been cast out before, the face of the world Elder Henry Jeunini;fc, ol Waynenville, Ohio, is request­
oew Runian invuioo, but ia feared th \t the'independence land of Canaan, was shown not only their calamity
they will know the voice o f the Shepherd whei ed to act as Travelling Agent for the Prophet.
of theae noble mouataioeera is oearly at aa ead. and affliction, b u t tho timo they w^re to bo deli­
vered. A fter reproving them for~tbeir corruption he calls upon them this tim e ; for soon his da}
Thirty-seven Jewiah marriages were receatly celebrat­
and blindness, he prophecies o f th eir dispersion. o f power comes, and in it his people will be willing
ed at .ooe time, at the ayaagogoe io Ltadeohall aueet,
Londoa. #
He says’ y o u r country is desolate, y ou r cities are to heark en to his co u n cil: and even now they ar> MORMON
b u rn t with fire: Y o v r land, strangers devour it already beginning to be stirred up in their heart*
Spaio Is comparatively tranquil, with the exception of in y o ur presence, and it is th us made desolate, to search for the*o things, and are daily reading BOOK DEPOSITORY.
another anticipated exploeion ia tbe ministry. Some of being overthrow n b y strangers. H e fu rther snys, the ancicnt prophets, and are m ark in g the time? NO. 7 S P R U C E S T R E E T ,
iha refsgees who bad quitted the placee assigned them in while speaking of the iniquity of the people. T h y and seasons of their fulfilment. T h u s G od i> G R E A T JE FFER SO N IA N MEETING. 2ND. FLO O R.
Fraoee, have been arrested at Biyonne; bat it is uncertain- princes are rebellious, nnd companions o f thieves, preparing the way for th e ir return. A large aod enthusiattie meeting of the ft irndt of “ equa j
whether aay th h g will be done with him. every one loves gifts, and follows after rew ards: B u t it is neccessary that vou should under ights,” was held on MomJay Evening, June 17ih , to elect W here m ay be found, a general assortm ent o f
The Rebeccaitea io W d e s have made some further dem- they ju d g e not the fatherless, n eith er does thc stand, th a t whut is to be fulfilled in the last dnys delegates to the Great Jetfcraonian.Convention to be lirld Books and Papers illustrative of the doctrine and
osttrationa agaioat the tol>gatea; jest eooogh to keep the cause of the widow como unto them. Therefore, is not only for th e ' benefit of Israel, but the Qen t Baltimore, July 13tb., to nominate candidates fi r th' faith of the C hurch of Jesus C hrist o f Latter-
goreromeot aneaay aad tbe people onquiet. saya the Lord, the Lord of hosts, the m ighty One tiles, if they will repent and embrace the gospel ’resie'eney and Vice Presidency. day Saints, among which aro the following:—
Mr. O'Connell aod the other traveraea have ^ot only o f Israel, Ah, I will ease mo of m y adversaries.and for they are to be remembered also in the sanu Hon. Win. Smith was called to tbe chair, and Wm. H Prof. Orson P ra tt’s P rophetic Almanac, for
beta aentenced, but are in priaon, very much to toe aatos* avenge mo of m y enemies. B u t after th is calami­ covenant, aud are to be fellow heirs with the seed
VtileF, E-q. was choscu secretary. 1845.—
kU na, and lndtgaatioa of tb it numerous body in ty has befallen Israel, and the Lord has poured of A braham , inasm uch as they are 80 by faith— A Treatise on the F ulness o f the E v erlasting
EoglaOtl, as well aa ia Ireland, wUo have pissed their upon them hia afflicting judgm ents, as he said by for God is no respecter of persons. T h is wa* Hon. W:n. Smith addressed tlw meeting in a strain of
the mouth of Moaes— I will h eap mischiefs upon shown to Moses, when ho' wrote— Rojoice, O y t .lowing eltqueace, showiog the necewiiy of the move Gospel.—-per hundred $ 8 — single 1 s.
political faith to tbe aleeve of the L'berator, or who look
P. P. P r a tt’s reply to Le R o y Sunderland—
opoo his proceeding*, io reference to the repeal queation, them : I will spend my arrows upon them. T h ey nations with hia people I
■icnt, and in a forcible manner, commented on the cour*>
shall be afllicted with hunger, and devoured with In consequence of the transgression o f the Jewr armrd by the two great political parties, which was re­ i?(3. single 10 cts.
as calcolated to csaiat their own views of removing the A n appeal to tbe inhabitants o f tbe State o f
burning heat, and with bitter destructio n : I will at the coming o f the Lord, the Gentiles wen ceived by the Meeting with deafening applause. Thi-
civil, political and religious inatitatioua of the mother
a ho send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the called into the kingdom, and for this obedience Meeting ihen proceeded to tho selection of Delegates. New Y o rk ; L etter to Queen V ictoria; T he
country. poison of serpents o f the earth.he will also fulfil his are to be favored with the gospel in its fulnes.* ♦hereupon Fountain of K no w ledg e; Im m ortality o f tho
W rnfH Mile* E«q , and David Rogers Et<j
tu ith e r prediction uttored by tbe mouth o f Isaiah. first, in the last d a y s ; for it is w ritten— T h e first vcre unanimously chosen as delegates to rvpreeenl th- Body, and Intelligence and Affection, by P. P .
D a kisl 0*Coj»kixjl, to be imprisoned for twelve ca'- I will tu rn my hand upon thee, and purely purge shall be last, and the last f i n t Therefore, whei lefTenonisn Democracy of the city of New York, in th- P ratt. 8 8 per hund. 1 s. single.
endar month*; to pay a fiae of 2,0001. and to enter into aw ay th y dross, nnd take away all th y tin : and the fulness of the gospel, as was preached by th* fcfiersonidn C o n v e n ti o n O r s o u Hyde, E-q was callr( T h e T estam ent o f the twelve Patriarchs, the
securities to keep the peace for, eeren years—himaelf in I will restore thy judges as at the first, and th y righteous, upon this land, shall come forth, it shal> ipon, whereupon, be a:o*e and addrerted ths meeting ii. 'o n s of Jacob.
5,0001. and two eecurjtjea of 2.0001. each. coun*ellers as at the beginning, afterward you shall bo declared to the Gentiles first, and whoso wil uch a strain of impavsioned eloquence, that his voice wa> Correspondence between Gen. Jos. Smith, Col.
J okiv 0 ’Coi»»*M., Joint G a a r , T . S i x k l c , R. B*« t - be called the city of righteousness, the faithful repent shall be delivered, for they shall under oft amid the deafening applause of the audience ; he ailu- Wentworth, Gen. Jas. A rlington Bennet and Hon.
i x t t , C. G ptnrrT , aad T . M. R a r . To be impriaoned city. T h e n will be fulfilled, also, the saying of stand the plan o f salvation and restoration foi •ed to the present atate of anarchy, and commented at snnn J. C. Calhoun: $ 8 per hund. Is. sing.
for nine calender pxoaths; to pay a fiae of 501., and to en­ David : And he led them forth by the rig h t way, Israel, as the Lord manifested to the ancients.— •ngth on thc impolitic movements of those who hac A n interesting account of saveral remarkable
ter iat« securities to keep the peace for seven years—them- that th ey might go to a city of habitation. T h e y shall be baptized with w ater and with th< tsurped thc name of Democracy, without adhering to i«> visions. B y O. Pratt. $<) per hundred 10 eta.
aeiaea reapecttvely in 1,0301. and to securities of 5,001 Isaiah continues his prophecy concerning Israel, Spirit— they shall lift u p their hearts w ith jo \ irinciplesj be showed the importance of the " people ’* single.
and tells them w hat woula be done for them in and gladness, for the time of their redemptioi .rising in their msjesty, ai.d giving a significant rebuke t*. U. Cowdery’s letters to W . W . Phelps, on
Senteoce havibg been passed, the origin of the Book o f Mormon.
Mr O'Couoeli immediately rose, aod said that he wished the last d a y s ; f o r t h u s i t i s w ritten : T h e word shall also roll on, and for their obedience to th< he leaders of the two great parties, through the Ballot box
A H istory of the C hurch of Jesus C h rist of
to remind the Court, that he had made a solomn affidavit, th a t Isaiah the son o f Amos saw concerning Judah faith they shall see the hoase o f Jacob come with —Contrasted in liring light ibe privilege our forefathera en L atter day S aints— by John C orrill a member of
decUrinp tbat he had never entered into a coaapiracy with and Jerusalem, And it shall come to para in the great glory, even with songs of everlasting iyed, and lbo*»J we enjoy—Spoke of the qualifications o
and with him partake o f salvation. the Legislature of Missouri.
the other traversers, or committed the crime with which last days, th a t the mountain o f the L ord’s house he Peoples Candidate, Gen. Smith, and cailtd upoa al'
Synopsis o f parallel passages in the Scripture,
be was eharged. He only to u y . it was his pain­ shall be established in the top o f the mount , Therefore, as the time draws near when the sur. vho wished to e sjo y “ Liberty of Speech and conscience,’
aina, and shall be exalted above tne hills ; and all is to be darkened, tho moon turned to blood, and o give him their support. price 5s.
ful eoavietion that jaitice had not been done. Gospel Reflector. $1.25. *
nations shall flow unto it. A nd m any people shall the stars fall from heaven, the Lord will b ring te A committee was thet^sppoinled to draft resolutions to
A sudden and vociferous cheer from, nearly all parts of
go and aay, Come ye and let us go up to the the knowledge o f his people his commandment* tf> laid before the meeting t—Geo. T. Leach, E * j , theu 'I'imes & Seasons, bound. 2,00
ths court followed this result; and althoegh it waa acc im- H istory o f the Priesthood, by Benj. W inches­
mountain o f the Lord, to the bouse o f the God of and statutes, th a t they may be prepared to stand -ead tbe proceedings of a great Meeting held at Nauvoo
Jaco b; and he will teach us o f his ways and we when the earth shall reel to and fro as a drunken f the Jfflcrionian Democracy, May 17th., which elicitec ter. 25 eta.
paoied by the clappiog of haod* among*t the junior bar,
and wm two or three times repeated, the Jodge did not Millenium, a poem by P. P. P rstt. price 50
will walk in his paths ; for out of Z ion shall go man, oarthquakcs cause the nations to tremble nuch applause. C. W . Wandell -Esq , waa then called
interfere, although evidently displeased.
forth the law, and the word o f the Lord from Je­ and the destroying angel goes forth to waste the, whereupon he arose, end iu hia usual eloqaent stylr, • c t s -
The Traversers immediately surrendered into the cat- rusalem. And he shall judgo among the nations, Index to the Book of Mormon, 2nd e d itio n : per
inhabitants at noon-day; for so great are to be iepicted the evils of a bad government, and ahowed it
tody of the Sheriff. hun. $2. sing. 6 cts.
and shall rebttke m any people ; and th ey shall the calamities which are to come upon the inhab­ vivid colora the character of the'great champion of equal
The Repeal Committee ha re issued an Addresi to the beat their swords into plough shores, and their itants o f the earth before the coming of the Son Address to the'People of the U. States: 25 cts.
rights and the friend of the oppressed, Gen. Smith—and sai per hun.
people of Ireland on the aubjeCt of the imprisonment ef spears into p running hooks : nations shall not lift o f M an the second time, th a t whoso is not pre­
down amid the deafeniog appUuce of b:a hearers. j Gospel L ig h t— 8 2 p er hundred, single 3 ct*.
O Coaaell, 6te., beseeching t h e ta to persevere in defence u p the sword against Ration, neither shall they pared cannot a b id e , b ut such as are found faith­
The Committee then reported the following preamble i G e n . Jos. Sm ith’s views on the policy o f Gor*
of their rights, but not to spp*al to f a c e . learn war an y more. And the Lord will create ful, and remain, shall be gathered with his people and resolutions. ' Br n i n e n t ; Appeal to th e G reen M ountain B oys;
upon every dwelling place o f his people in Zion, and,be caught u p to meet the Lord in tho cloud, W hereas :—Tbe free American citizens oppored to C o r r e s p o n d e n c e b e tw e e n Gen. Smith, CoL W ent-
Doo»iion» ia books, natural or artificial cnrioiitita,
and upon their assemblies a cloud ana smoke by and ao shall they inh erit eternal life. tyranny over mind or body, have nominated as a candidate 1 w o r t h and J. C .-C a lh o u n , and a Memorial to
J R ^ j ° Ph,C41 tp p ,ra ,0 ,c ,» & c-* w ‘11 be received by the day, and the shining of a flaming fire b y n i g h t : 1 h ave now given you a rehearse] o f w bat was for the Presidency, Gen. Joteph Smith of Nauvoo III., thr th e Legislature of Missouri.— 6 dolls, per hun.
**>«rty for the Diffaaion of Truth « at tha office of tha
for upon all the glory shall bo a defence, or above communicated to our brother, when he was direc­ friend of th t oppresaed, an independent man with Ameri- J I 5.
^ o p h e t , and forwarded to tbe Museum, at Nauvoo. No
shall be a covering and a defence.— A nd there ted to go and obtain the record o f the Nephites.
Ucea of whach will be publiahed, i f deair^d. can princip'es ; and for the Vice Presidency, Sidney \ y Q h a r e in p re ss, a n d will issue shortly, Prof.
shall be a tabernacle f o r a shadow in th ed sy -tim e 1 m ay nave missed in arrangement in some instan­
Rigdoo E?q. of Pennsylvania Therefore Resolved, Tha' | Orson P r a tt’s P r o p h e t i c Almanac for 1845. —
W e would atate to our correapoadenu that to inaure io from the heat, and for a place o f refuge, and for a ces, b u t the principle is preserved, and you will we heartily concur in the nomination, and will cse «ur ut-1 C a lc u l a t e d for the E astern, Middle, and W estern
•trtiwi ta t rophet," iheir communications should be covert from storm and from rain. A nd his people be able to bring forward abundance of corrobora- most endea\or* to secure its success. ! S 'a t e s find T e r r i t o r i e s , tho N o rth ern p o r t io n s of
receive early t « week, as our immense edition reader shall dwell safely, th e y shall posess the land for- ting scripture upon the subject o f the gospel and Resolved, T hat we instruct our delegatea to the Balti- j t ),0 s la v e S ta te s, a n d British provinces, it contains
it necessary for us to go to pre* cn Friday m o r n i n g ever, even the land which was promised to their o f the gathering. Y o n are aw are o t the fact,
more National Corveation 10 vole for Gen. Jos. Smith for j n .n c h m a t t e r interesting to the Saints,
fathers for an everlastiiug inheritance: for behold, thnt to give a m inute rehearsal o f a lengthy in ter­
the Pre?ide.icy, and Sidaey Rigdon Esq. for tha Vice! O r d e r s , with cash remitted, for any o f the above
ptaajare says the L ord by the m outh o f th e p r o p h e t: T h e view with a heavenly messen#rer, is v ery difficult,
Presidency. ‘ w o r k s , will b« attended to w ith despatch.
d a y will come when I Trill sow tho nouse o f Israel unless one is assisted irpmediately w ith the gift
*! i u } [ 0 ri
N E W YORK & H A V RE PACKETS. ro n i a u : n r m o .r . m o n : b ..o .. o k s '
_ O. S. F O W L E R ,
T p r i O N L IN E —To tail (torn New York on tbe 8 th lGth,
.JD / 8 / 2a \ ( A 131 N a m au S t . , NY. PASSAGE OFFICE, ,
' P ? R 8 A L E A T ^T H E iP B O E W E T rO F F IC E ,
U *nd 21 th, and from Havre a a ihe 1st 8th and the 24th
---------- *m H E SUBSCRIBERS having UMf completed1um%>4!
VV4U^4W»VVS their •*
• SI - - ' 1-^-.*
- ’ N O .-7;t S -P —R”7U —• C E S T . f ’
• fe v e ry moaih, a* follow*, viz. 100 Pin&stteet, corner of South-strtet
9 r J L J A 3 > 1 FO W LER'S PRAC­ *X_ ments,, a rJe now ----------------
prepared J *-to *bringoiit
—*------ “ * p tb e n g « r» 'fro » l m H E MBIBLE o p - _____ ,
From llmsr t TICAL PH REN OL­ The Subscriber begs leave to call the attention of hi. , lireat Britiaa a n d lre lac d .b y the followiog.fintcUss pack l $1.25 ‘ ^ * NATU RE,^.,2f. 12<X) pages,'price
OGY, A W ork which friends and the pablic ia general, to the following arrang*- -tahips. one of which will leave Liverpool on the 1st, 6th, T H E E L E M E N T S ni? ; J-1>1 A V :
A&.GO* ~ 8 April 24 h u now been eight m enu for 1844, for the .purpose ofbringing out.Cabin,, !**• |« k . * !« *■<! *•«»
^ C. Anthony, Jr., . — »f -«...........
i h m otth. I MiGNETBM. b , .
8 Aug. 24 yrar* before the pub­ econd■ Cabin, - • • and Steerage
- ~
Passengers by the follnwi..,, J Patrick Henry, New York York, Sheridan, ~ i Gaide t'o formi/ia Lid r _ . .*
8 Dec. 24 lic, ao that i u merit* E-GULAR PA CKET 8 H tP 3 T O ANB FROM LI I Virginian, Liverpool,
FRA N CO IS 1st, Liverpool, Cambridge, _t Sodetiesv w iih. oBtlifl*, o T ^ S S a ^ T w bf
16 May 1 are allowed to speak VERPOOL. j M-.nteznms, Siddona, George.Waahingtoa. I Chaxlea M orley,.price 3a f o T T T i I ^ r ^ r r
“ Ainsworth, 1C Sept. 1 for themselve*. Colambus, U fli£?d Stales, ‘ P® ® ? *•
Ships’ Captains.
10 Jan. 1 T H E AMERICAN Ashburton, '■ r E a g lia il ' — ; , ^ - u i.
Names. New-York.
BURGUNDY, 24 May 8 PHRENOLOGICAL i Europe, Stiplien W hitney,t Rochester. 4 1 T R E A T IS E ON T H E iF U L N E S S OF T H F* f v p r
JOURNAL, G. Washington Borrows, June 7 Oct. 7 F« b
r D.^ Lines, 24 Sept. S tr c *-*“
-:..* 4 States
United Britton, Aug. I Dec. 1 April ! ludepeadrnce. Yorkshire, Garrick, 1 A L A SIL N G , G O S P E L , Se.ttUg S .tS S & E ffi
* * 24 Jan; 8 Devoted exclusively | Samuel Hicks,
to the exposition and Gerrick Skiddy. 13 “ 13 •• F h t 'T '" '* i ' Ca ° I j f I promises, and blessings. In which some of thc-m or t Tfto* -------
EMERALD, Delano, j :, Ceriificitea of passage can be o b u m .d , and every mfor- minent £ a t u r u that'h lv fl ever:ch&racteri>sd 4halavstem
’ Howe,
8 May 24 defence of Phrenolo- Patrick Henry, “ 25
S Sept. 24 Sheffield, Allen, Sept. 1 Jhh. i M j v i 4 be R'Vf0 ‘o thosejfending for their friends, oa when on theearth, a w o a d d n u n i f e s t |i n d that it ^ I J c o a !
, i * . . _ , ’ s y and ita bearing,
8 Jan. 24 w d of tne kindred science i f Physiojopy and Magnetism, Roscius, Collins, 13
RHONE, 16 June 1 aa far as they can bear oa i t ; embracing ihe cle a re r, and Independence, Nye, 2.> •• 25 - 15 f ‘? rT be prepared on the opening of navjgalion. Elder Motes M a rtio.M iaisterof the, Gospel., Pnhlished in
J. A. Wotton, 16 Oct. 1 yet the most condensed and also practical view ol Phrenol­ Virginian, AlUn, Oct. 1 F»b. IJune | r;. foru jrd pd^ . n ? er8 and tje ir Jnggsge to Albany and N e w .y«k,-«nd for 8 ale Bt this Office: ' - ’ ^ ®
16 Feb. 1 ogy and its bearings on health, happjn„ Bt v;rlue> re|j-i0„ Siddons, E Cobb. 13 “ i:t « i:i i T r‘’y. via Eric canal to Buffalo, and all intermediate I — ^——- - i ..— t..:-------;— 7 - - - • •• -
VIL L E DE LYON, 24 June S •human improvement, aod the reform, now in,
Ashbarton, _________.
Hurtleston 25 “ 55 •• 25 P k c rs ' , i BRTEP HJSTOR YOP T H E L A T T E R DAY 8 AINTS
S'hpb’n Whitney Thompson, Nov. 1 Mar. I July 1 To all ports of the Upper Lake®. (Commonly called Mormons ;) Inclodipg an secovntT
C. Stoddard, 21 Oct. 8 <where to be found. Monthly, 24 or 32 p ^ e * . at $1 per Via Onr*go to Toronto, Port Hope, Coburg, Kingston, I their Doctrine aad DiacfpIineT with the ressons-oT the Aa
24 Feb. year or three copies $ 2 ; fire copi „ for S3 . njne Sheridan, Depeyster, •• 13 “ 13 •• 13
8 andd all parts of Canada West. 1 J I hor for leaving the (Jhufch.‘v Dy rJofih' CbHUj ALMember
ALBANY, 8 ir« Tor 8 J ; or twenty copies for $10. In all cases u* ) The Provincial Bank, and branches.
Junel 24 a d v a n c e , f o s t f a id . tr o m Troy via Whitehall to Montreal ai\d Quebec, Oa-1 of the Missouri I> g i» la tu r* rr J^ bU shett^ y tb e A u th o r at
Watson, 8 Oct. 24 IRELAND. S The Ulster Bank, do.
) Tbe National Bank, do. nada LJst via Ohio C m al from Cleveland to Pom m ooth; I St,L^ols For- 8 al»*at this Office. —
8 Feb. 24 EDUCATION AND SELF-IMPROVENFNT. PHYSICAL All Drafts payable at aight, at either of the obove banka Cincinnati, and intermediate place*: 1 -------------------------------------------------------- —^
HE following works i r e f a tf n l e t t <h#Prophet office
L. Weid.rholdt,
Founded on Phrenology and Physiology, or. G ood
their branchea or.agencier.
Messrs. Spooner, Atwood & Co. bankers,
South.West via Philadelphia to Pittsborg, Cincinnati,
Louisville, and all ports on the Ohio R iver to St. Louis, T No. 7 Sproce Street, vizr— r- >
P .P . P r a i u Reply to Leroy 8 audei.—S i e s t a
Narch I
July 8
"»d how to m ike them good, both in
children and one - self, by showing how to enlarge thc de­
S London. Mo ; and to all parU of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois,
and Wisconsin Territory Synopsis of the Bible, by B. W inchester .*’ 4
J. C«*(o0, fective, and dimmish the excessive ; including ihe moral RE M IT TA N C E S. Gospel Reflector. ' tl‘ • ' H isw ry o f Uie^Priestbood.
24 Nov. S P W . Byrnes, & Co. Liverpool. Millenaium Poems. ^ / ^ -r—» nv<« ^
24 ' March 8 •rstniti? and government of children, wiihuut the rod For the sccommodation of persons wishing to send mo*
Passengers can aU> be engaged from Liverpool to Phila- Index to the Book c f Monnon^ a q i Editioa. v
DUCHESS D O R LE A N S, This work expounding the principal laws of m in e , or con- delphia, Boston, and Baltimore, by the regular packet ney to their friends in tbe Old Coontry, HA RNDEN &
8 July 24 (Jiliuns t i happiart#, and ohotv* how to fultil ibem. i I CO. will give D rsfu on any part of England, Scotlsad, or Address to the People of the.Putted State*, “
A. Rica<uo»oii, 8 Nov 24 •hips, on application being made personally, or by letter, ( Ire land, p-yablo nt sight, for sams of £ l , jC3 , X 20, to Gospel Light, No. 2. ‘ ' • ''J ^
8 March 24 IN TE LL ECTU A L I \1 P RO V E M L' N T ; (post paid, addressed to £ 100- or to any amount to suit thr* purchaser. Correspoorfence. in Psmphlet form, betw eeneJO S E P H
SULLY, 16 August 1 Or, h o w to C u l t i v a t e t h e M e m o r y ; E x p a n d a u d JO SEPH McMURRAY. 1 OFFICES AND AGENTS. SM ITH, T H E P R O P H E T , and Col. JOH^T W E N T
W . C. Thompson, 16 Dec. 1 cthlkgtuv 7 h e lir r tL L X c r , and conduct the iniel 100 Pine street, corner of South St Charles Craft. J20 8 tate street, Boston W O R T H , E ditor o f “ The C k k a io 'D iH o c ra irc h d M m -
16 April j lectual education o f children ; in w h ich i i pointed out a AGENTS.—In Pottsville, Benj Bannan, Esq. , B. W- Wheeler, Union-Bnilding, Providence; R. I. for a f Con^rti* fro m tllinoi* f G e a r JA M E S ARLING-
n e w and more e x ce lle n t w ay to intellectu al attainments In Lovell, Rich Welsh, Esq. j w Mills, 3 Wall street, and 10 Front atreet, New T O N .B E N N E T , O f tdrltngtca Houst. L tn g ft!and, snd
IOW A, 24 Aug. 1 In Albany, T Gouah, Esq.
than our com m o n schools and * e a u of le arning now fur- j York. the Honorable JO H N C. CALHOUN, 1'n S m tS * f H n SeutM
W . W . Pci!, 21 Dec. S nish— a.w ork of great value and importance to parents, In Toronto, U C. Rogers Jc Thompson. Carolina I n w k : c h is giT e n ,a » k * teb « f th* L ifeot Joseph
24 April 8 I g- Howard, 43 South Third street, Philadelphia.
teacher*, and all w h o desire to k n o w h ow tr improve their In Newark, John McColgan, Esq. Sandford ic Shoemaker, 7 Light street, Baltimore, Md. Smith, the rise and progress of ttye Chnrch o f L A T T E R
m ielN cis. In U tiei, Thomas McQuade, Esq.
IGHTNING RODS.—The public is respectfully in­ Pittsburgh: Pa. DAY 8 AINTS, and their PERSECU TltfSiKfcy th e ,6 u t e
L formed, that Qnimby’s Lightning Conductors for the H ERED ITA RY DESCENT ; ITS LAW S AND FACTS general, that the greatest punctuality will be observed in
protection of buildings against lighming, can bo obtained
I also beg leave to assire my friends and the public in t „ -. . . .
L. S. Lmlejohn. 11 Exchange, Albany, N. Y.
S. Clark, 159 River street, Troy, N. Y. *
of MISSOURI 1 with the pecaliar views o f Joseph 8 a iiJi,
io relation to Political and Religious matters generally 1 ot
Or, the Transmission of Qualities. Physical, Intllectual the railing of the above ships together with all other*
on application to him, at his office 151 Fulton street. All and Moral, from parents to their off-prinps. through b u c - which I may have, and tnat passengers will experience no ' Utica. N. Y. whichJs added'a'ieoiidse a c tc k n t^ f ■O U \p rtu itt.tta it'a a d
orders from the city or country, will be promptly attended cewsive generations ; including direction* for forming such delay on tbeir arrival at the difiereat ports where they M . A. Cook, Syrscuae, N. Y. p rw ptcU '^fV n CITY O F NAPVOQ.p v . v - o .
to. The price is reduced in conformity with the timet. matrimonial
mean to embark.alliances aa will aecure whaierer qualities in Rochester, N Y. N I N T E R E S n N O A C C O U N T 5 Op< 8 E V E ftA L R E -
He believes that a single oidinary lightning rod is inad­ W. II Cook, Buffalo. N Y.
MARKABLE VISIONS, And of the L ate Discovery
equate, under certain circumstances, to protect even email children r ' s — vjmay —« be" «desired
i» wnicn '."wevery
hh“h in Z " ? * '* 'married pair
young ,n . p - 6 —Free passage can also be secuanllrom the va H . Fi'zhugh 6c Co., Oswego, N. Y. ^ of.Ancient American Records, whichunfold* th®'history of
buildings. He was led to this opinion on chrefully studying ( should possess ; as indeed should all whopregnancy design to form a work whiih r ouog'" ”, „ " “d< p.°? , 11,13 >f _________ ______________
SC° U“”d f' ° m “ hl'ch HARNDEN
bt'* " , & CO. this] continent from the Earliest Age* after tbe Flood, to the
the lawa and operations of the electric fluid, in connrciioo ,‘1C matrimonial relations Tn i mnf .V* rr>Aril* InJ ___ beginning o f the fifth e«ntury the Cbrittiaa E ra. W ith
with personally examining iu practical resulu, as exhibited JOSEPH McMURRAY, S P R I N G A R R A N G E M E N T — 1844.
1‘30 P*ne street, New York. * * sketch of the ris#i;faitbrand doctrine of the Chnrch of
in houses, barns, churches, &c., that badbeen damaged by
Gives drafu in sums to suit appltcanu Jesas Christ of Latter Day Saint*-. By O Pratr, Afinister
lightning, although furnished with lightning rods. »*»' c*ycuuC<i upon a warren soil. enough hav< of thc Gospel. Eor Sale at thi* Office, betide* m any oth-
To.buildings not more than 25 feet long, he alwaya a f-, Parent*slept over this subject. W alker’s attempted eluci- ON THE ,
ervaluable works. . , ;r>nj ? r
fixes two ro d s ; to large buildings, a grater number. Th ' ?*t>on of it. was a comparative failure. In this work it PROVINCIAL BANK OF IRELAND. IM PORTANT | TO SO UTHEEN T R A V E L LE R S.
Bomber of rods necesaary to insure protection, and iheire I }• treated—as none but a practical Phrenol,»gi*t Caj» treat Cork, r i y a n l E Bainbridge,
a t R* id C* AT THK R oa XOKX COMFLmci),
Limerick, Ballymena, ON T H E G R E A T SO UTHERN M A IL R O U TE , T v E t ^ O N E A lS H n N E D U W U 5 E D9 .W N ,,O E H E A -
proper position, depend on the sire and form of the building ,l—ciKNTincAuur ; a vast many most important principles
Clonmel. Parsontown, Via WAsiturorojr C r r r , Richm ond, P m a iB C ia awtj
the location of the chimneys, the position and height of beinK stated, and all supported by a mass ol facis absolute- Londonderry, The materisl Universe is etenial.—Immortal'M aJl has
neighboring object. Arc.&. Buildings are differently ^ overwhelming A most useful work,snd a rare ioteMec- Downpatick, W xlD 0!»; AMO THE OJILT DaILT L m > TO flesh and bone*.—Earfh is fii* E v *rf6ti8ir ln h e r iu o c e > -
Sligo, Cavan, C h a r l e s t o n , 8 C , d i r e c t t o N»w .Qt f . » t w
«i toa ted and very differeatly exposed ; and the rods require j tual treat—p.p 210, and a genealogical table with b/ank «*» Prophets sn d Apostle* witness.
to vary in their application according to circumstances. j p^per. for recording family likeneasca Wexford, Lurgao,
(24 Hours in advksce of the Bay Line-) T h e Physical W orld sw e re n o < / qa ide d/?r,annihila tion,
Belfast, Omagh, but for the pleasure of GoH tfiey are and were trea ted .
Waterford, Dungannon, E°iug South are informed that the oon-
O T . JO N E S Sc CO, 12 P io . ««d IS N u u u . 1, .re ' 0 Mo Ihf w k t l i f j f P P U E D T ° M A T R IM 0-'''Y' nexioa between the Petersburg and Wilmington Railroads ' BY P ^ P . ’.P R A 'r t 4/ ' ^ •' ^ ♦
Galway, Bandon,
S; - W,“3 ' T eo<KUin lou ,01'"W iH Enniskillen, Kilrusb, Weldon, including the Petersburg Company's Bridge at Published at the Millennial S t i r ’Office';35 C2i*pel street
Monaghan. ihe Roanoke is completed, so that travellers going South Liverpool, aad for Sale a t thia O f f i c e b *
Cloth and cassimsres, of different styles and shades k* ^ , e cautions ii administers to by the Great Mail Route, via Washington, Richmond and
Beaver, and pilou, low priced to very superior { i' ^ •“ far? “ V « ,D to conducting ENGLAND. A N Appeal to the Inbabitafiu o f th e 'S a in -« fN e w York
Vestings—London styles P1«•«>*SPOONER, ATWOOD
^ exno«iion of km an’s
Co.,so-Bankers, London. Petersburg, will be transferred at Weldon immediately
i X L e t t e r t o Qoeen V ic lo risM h e P o a a ta ja ^ iK n o w le d g e i
Silecias—Caaban’s Fsrgusons'e aad several American an!| rc' a,,‘>IU^,l, m of the laws that govern Payable in every town in Great Britain : from the cars of the Petersburg to those o fth e Wilmington Immorislity of the B odyraad^Intelligence and Affection!
makes tnem, render it most interesting and most useful. Railroad C om pany, thereby ridding the Great Mail route
R rin u —Low Philad and luper Madders NA TU RAL RELIGION . of*u;only exceptionable feature, whilst it is equally cheap, by P . P . p R A T T . Price 23 cent* each & & dollar* per
M de L&ines and Crape M de Lainea—new styles BOSTON, and for expeditiox , s r e u a m r ajtd cer t a in t y , it has hundred. T o be had at tha Prophet office*: ?
Or, The N a t u r a l T h x o » t of Phrenology • i u aspect great advantages over the day line.
Merinos and Alpatcas ; Moicakine and Cord* e sta m e n t o f th e tw e lv e p a tria rc h s .
Velvet and velveteens ; red paddings—3 4 aud 0-1
Kentucky jeane, of all thc different colors
oa revelation, and us general harmooy with it ; including
answers to the objections, that Phrenology favors Fatalism.
The following unrivalled schedules are now ran on this line.
T the 8 on* of Jacob, is moat respectfrily dfdicfted to my
well-beloved B r o th e r,,J o h n .A lb tU p n ,. Patriarch in the
Materiahsm^and Infidelity and ia opposed to a change of
Roll'd jaconetts and coi’d cambrics heart — A Work in which the r a u u i r i L i u t n n of p a v e N. Y. at 9 A M Arrive in Philadelphia at 3 P.M. Courch of Latter Day Saints* A*, awoken*or respect and
Apron and furniture checka man s moral nature are fully analyzed, and therewith the Composed of tke following superior Steamers, running in p a v e Phila- at 4 P M. arrive in Baltimore at 1 A M. esteem for h u service* and unwearied n a l lo-ttie cause of
Woolen shawls—all aizes and qualities religious d o d n n u taught, aod the d u tu t required by m an’* connection with tbe Stoningten, and Boston and Leave Balt at 2 A.M. arrive ia Washington at 5 AJM God in this tbe E veR ing:of;> T iae..nB frJ^u.Brother in
Silk and cotton pocket Hdkfs—linen and imitation : L nature and constitution ; sectarianism sccounted for. snrf Providence Railroads: Leave Wash, at 0 A M. arrive in Fred’ksburg, at 11 A M.' Chn*t>_____________ ■, . h . sa m v e l dow nes.
O Hdkfs— BlankeUi Chelmsford, Whitney Mills, Rose, exposed ; and the general tenor of the Bible doctrines The MASSACHUSETTS, Captain Comstock, Leave Fred’kg st 11 A.M. arrive in Rich. Va. at 3 i P M. L E T T E R T O T H E Q U E E N OF E N G L A N D , Touch-
Radical, Duffl’*, Bath and cradle—Quills and counterpanes; sastamed. Religien is aa much a science ss mathamatu;*
cambrics of different widths—Jaconetts, do d o ; camhrick It is as much governed by fixed principles nnd immutable '

Leave Rich, at 4 P M. arrive in Petersburg , Va- 6 P.M . A ing. the Signs of the Time#, and. the Poliucal Destiny
Leave Peters’g at 0 J P.M. arriv. in Wei. N.C. at 1 * P.M. 01 ^ h e World. By P. P . P ratt.; PabJishetT at Manchester,
and furnitare dimitys—Fancy check stripe and plain mus­ laws. Nor are these laws beyond the ken of man. They MOHEGAN, Leave Weldon at 2 A.M. arrive in Wil., N.C. at 2 P.M.’ England. For Sale at the Prophet Office.
lins— Petticoats, robes and skirts—English and American are written upon hts nature. v
Phrenology unfolds that na- daily, Sundays excepted, from Battery Place, pier No. 1, Leave at 2 P.M. arrive in Charleston, S. C. at 8 A M .
long Cloths. ^ ture, and, therewith, the whole code of doctrines dcpcn- N. River. Paasengera by this Line will rsach Petersburg in seven­
dent thereo*, and dutiea reqoired thereby. ARRANGEM ENTS. PROSPECTUS
teen hours, end Charleston, S C., in fifty-two hours after
a t i o n a l f i r e i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n y .—
N Office No. 49 Wall s t —Directors: Messrs
John Brouwer, Samuel S. Donghty, W m G W^rd,
A scientific exposition of the physiological effecu of al-
The MASSACHUSETTS, Capt. Comstock, oa Mon­ leaving Baltimore, including all stoppages, and have the
days. Thursdays and Saturdays, st 5 o’clock, P. M. advantage of avoiding any detention at Weldon, on the OF. A
The RHODE ISLAND, Captain Thayer, on Tuesdays Roanoke, one of the most unhealthy places ia the southern
John F. Msckie, Stephen Holt, John Newbouse, Philip cobollc liquors upon the human constitution, t o d cspecisi- Thursdays aod Saturdays, at 5 o’clock, P. M.
W . Engs, Marcus Spring, W m S Slocum. Jacob Miller, ly upon the animal propensities. It expounds some Phys­
country, where passengers by the Bay Line, arriving as WEEKLY NEWSPAPER.
Passengers on the arrival of tbe stesmer at Stonington, they always do, fourteen hoars after the fast mail line of TO DE E N T ITL E D '1 *
* W ra W Campbell, John F Buttsrworth, JOHN BROU­ iological laws of great intrinsic value, and applies ihem to will be immediately forwarded in the splendid aad com ihe eamd day, are delayed ten hours until that of the next
W E R , President—Joseph W Savsge, Sec’y. temperance with tremendioua effect. It has been ressrd- modioos Cara of tbe Railroads to Providence and Boston. day.
Insurance taken at the lowest rates;
n ed by many as the strongest temperance dotumem put The above steamers have been fhoroughly equipped, and DAY LIGHT LINE, FO R RICHMOND & P E T E R S ­
prepared to promote celerity of travel, and the comfort and
HEAP Cloth Store—Noia Jc Morris have in amre re- — --------- security of passengers, and not surprised by any in the
C ceived from auction and .other sources, a large at sort-' °*■ ^Animal
m ent ef goodi suitable for gentlemen’s wear consisting in
i m U ^Life, f e 1^ 0 ’ ° f ’ Erila ° f C0* P ^ g the Organs United States.
For passage, or freight, which is ulten at very reduced
p a v e N.Y. at 5 P.M. arrive in Philadelphia at 11 P.M.
Lsave Phila. at
T he Board o f Control of the Society i ^ Uje Difftuion of
A.M. arrive in Baltimore at 2 P.M. Trnth, of the City o f N ew York, being, desirpo* of pro­
In Press, and soon to be Published, a Work oa
part of,—West of England, French and American wool rates, apply on board at north side of pier No. ], No. 22 p a v e Balt, at 4 P.M. arrive in Washington at 6 P M. mulgating the Gospel o l- O w L o r d Jeso* Clui«t.ia. i u ful-
olack, bine, brown, inviaible green, mixed cloths PHYSIOLOGY, A N IM A L AND M E N IA L : Broadway, or office ofSaml. Devray, freight ^ijrnt, on the ^ eav? Aflfl
Wa*h. at 6 A M. passing through Fredericksburg ness, and ameliorating ihft
Wool black, blue and fancy caatimeprs in great variety wharf. and Pl^lrmnnil
Richmond, and an#l arriving in Petersburg, __ to sup,__ pas­
„r?ur’ ,
. he, efifCtJ' °[ different organizations and conditions sing from Philadelphia to Richmond and Petersburg. thought it wisdom to eatabliafa*'paper, iB!lt h ^ ^ ty, aa. an
Satinets, ell coloni of the body upon the character and m enu! manifestations • TickeU for the route, and steamer’s berili*. can be se- Va. by day light.
Scarlet and cadermixed cloth ; buff cjsaimere cored on board, or at the office of Harnden tV: Co. No. 3 advocacy and heraldof the F a itb o fth c .C h u rc h a f Christ of
including health—iu condition?, and the means of pre­ Passengers by this line have the advantage of passing the Latter Day Saints. A p o r t i o j t f .w kifb, a t ‘lime*. wiU be
Black and blue beaver and pilot cloths serving and restonog it, without medicine, and also diet Wall street. evening and night in Washington, and yet reach Charles­
Silk and tabby velvets ; giraffe cloths T The steamboat IOLAS, is now running daily between
Velveteens; silk and Vetona serges \
regimens, habits, and their eflecu on mind, iScc. The re ­ ton as early as those leaving Baltimore at the same time devoted to Agriculture, Cot^merpe AJanefactnres, as
ciprocal influences of various physiological organizations Providence and Newport. by the Bay la n e , these laat being obliged to lie over at well as to the Foreign and Demesdc New*e of the Dsy It
Merinos aod Cashmere ve*tings ^ A steamer is now preparing for /he accommodation ofthe Weldon untsl their arrival.
Brown hollaud*, bindings and cords and manifestations upon the mind, is a dr partment never wUl likewise, be the faithfa7 'a t f v W t e ” wid* d efead.r
Newport travel, which will ehortlf make the connection
Bombazine lustrings, goal’s bair camblels Th I T y ft MS imP°r,ance »s vastly underrated. Od- For fnrther information and “ through ticket**’ ap­ • f . « • Constitution of the United S U t ^ W ^ gl*ry and
I he Author hopes to present some principles of Physiolo­ regularly between that plsee aod Sconingion. ply at onr Sonthern T icket Office adjoining the'Blltltnore
Twilled flannels, plaid linings, together with a com gy vitally important, but usually overlooked. and Ohio Rail Road Office, Pratt st., ^ l i i o a r e . effulgence i* know n in eve S c ^ ^ w h l c m i W l I e d for
plcte assortment of trimmings for sale ia quantities to R IN T E R S ' FU RN ISH IN G W ARE.
suit purchasers at the lowest market prices, at their , J o H? o? i? REJN 0L 0G IC A L
store No. 142 Chatham street, opposite the Chsthsm I 812, 1S13, and 1S14, (1S45 will soon be published.) con­
fw 1S40, 1841, P HOUSE, MO 32 ASl» STREET, W. T c . ^ STOCKTQN
Sonihern T ra v e lle r taking “ Through TickeU,” can
& FALL. and w o n by our illustrious and patrlptfo%Sc 6 lor» The
W EL L S (Sc WEBB iaform the Printers of stop as long as they may desire at Washington, Richmond Arta and Sciences ahall not be n e g le c ^ d -S k e ic b e s, Nar-
T hsatre taining many interesting and vsluable facu amply illustrat- the United States, that in addition to the and Petersburg, aod resume their eeau. ive», Biographies M o r a l ^ ^ a d e e m s , will also
ed with cuts .including likenesses, and short biographies ;
manufacture of Wood Type, Cases, Stands, 4 a place in the columae o f '•* T H E P f t b P H E T •"
ECCALEOBION. of distinguished men. The rtading matter of the old Al’ _________ ___ 11. J . RO G ERS, T icket Agent.
Furnitare, Galleys, &c &c., they have whilst its conductors will endeavor t o 'i m p m m i e t y aod
EGGS HATCHED BY STEAM, IN PRESENC E OF msnacs is as good as it ever was, and worth many times
i u cost—25 cent* per set. 7 11 opened a large Warehouse for the sale of N E W AND T R ANSPORTATION FOR CHICAGO, LAKE E R IE
VISITORS! f t to i u columns.
HIS NOVEL EXHIBITION, S O A M U S I N G AS V SUBSCRIBERS to the MAGNET can receive that article necessary for s P a iim n ii O i n c c .
T well as instructing, is now open at 285 Broadway, from p ° i k our office. It is now well conducted by P
■U% S 2 2 * M' &&&& p R o p ^ " ' » “7 « ? i i « ‘ J s . , Wd . r
Th«-y have now on hand, and constantly receiving from T H E N E W YORK, UTICA AND OSW EGO L IN E roiDg lb , 18.h « « , oo t a fiSpFritf S b r tr , u No. 7
9 o’clock. A. M. until 7 P. M. where01'* Fu,ton Street. More about this Work else- Printers and Stereotyperr, sll kinds and sizes of type, used
The object ^f ^his Exhibition, bo novel in New-York, is O r LAKE BOATS will receive goods dsily at middle > « , S w e t . New-York, . i i w ill . l hen. , r.
for Newcpaper, Book and Job Printing, as also all oiber
to gratify the scientific and curiou|, by sflording them an O * Editors who oopy all or either of these advertise- reouisite* for a Printing Eetabliehment. They also sapply PL*:1, *I«P. New Yerk, I or any poru on Lake '*'• " " “ “ « ° « « D o M f # a t . i u , i a n j i .b l , io
oppoitunity of witnessing the wonderful process of the de- menu, shall receive a copy of the Work or Works adver- orders for new type, from every rrspecuble Foundry b the rence. Michigan, U k e Erie, Lake Onurio, or River St. Law advance. \ .r
velopement of snimal organization, and more especially to ti*»d—ihey sending a paper (marked) coiituining the same Union, at the lowest manufacturer's prices.
prepare tbe way for supplying our market with Poultry of o the Am. Phren, Journal Office. * ' tr *n«hipment between N rw York and Oswego. frj- All Letter* and Communicatidn#tet5t'l>e addressed
a superior quality, and at lees thsn half tbe present rstes. Printers about esublishing themselves in business, or This line is composed of the first clats ot'Lake boaU, and « » P PAID, ,o T H E P R o m B ^ i T Spioc. " “ ,
who wish to renew iheir fonu of type, or exchsoge their u connected at Oawego with tbe
So that the poor even, to whom it is now denied, may be- “ K N O W T H Y S E L FJ* presses, or other materials for other sizes or kinds, will find
New-York. G. T. i£ fe W 0 H p fe )|t^ v
corae partakers of the laxury. C jucago L u te o r S t e a m P r o p e l l e r s ,
ADMITTANCE F R E E ^ it greatly to their advantage to call on them before purcha*. ith a Line of Fxttke.h Schoomess, running to ports on
The apparatus here used for incubating, msy be said to 17. 1844. wt ■ih»i?aa>r„ , t
be perfect, and is more sure of Haiching Eggs than any TO iog elsewhere, as they will always have on hand, most of L»ke Erie ; and with tho new and elegant steamboats Lady
bird. It is a material improvement upon the Eccaleobion, F O W L E R S P H R E N O L O G I C A L C A B I N E T the leading articles, second band, answering nearly or ofthe Lake and Rochester, running on L ake Ontario and
qnite as w u l as new, and at a saving of from 25 to 50 per ihe n ver 8 t; Lawrence. T - :N A U V D O ~ N J& ie iflB O ^
which has ifforded satisfaction and delight to millions of IN CLINTON H^n>L, No. 131 NASSAU S T R F F T * cent. ' h i printed and pabllihed 'eVery S i t & ^ W John Tsy-
visiters, at the Exhibition Room* in Pall-Mall aad Picca- G E N T L E M E N AND LADIES, who d b e - or, E ditor aad P roprietor; a r N aB too;.H irfcock coM‘ y
dilly, London, aad is emphatically a triumph ef Art over V J come better acquainted with themselves,—their true They keep constantly on hsnd a sapply o f Printing Ink,
nature. of Proot and Mather’s'manufacture, from the cheapest to Illinois. T e rn u -e Q .O O in v aria h ly in a d ran e a. r*
natural endowmenu, for natural, moral, and intelectual finest quality; also ct lored Inks of every description * — tddlr r **€ d - lo th v.E d iio r i U h a Taylor)
Ladiea are particularly informed, that while thia exhibi­ enjoym enuor improvement, are resp,ctf#lly informed, post paid, to receive the aUeatioJh .'“
tion cannot fail to please, there is nothiog in it, in the least W. dc W. are the Sole Agents for the Northern, Middle *h i , 1Iine insured to Orwego, aad on
degree, offensive to the most refined and delicate mind. lhe a*ovc°ctbin °tPP° ,lllnUy “ “ *“ ' fr" '> r “ and Western 8 tate» aod Canada, for ihe eale of KNEE- the W abash Canal ojly, except by epecial contract, THK -
Gentlemen of Science and of the medical profession, on , Paopsiirroa* awd “Aakirrs. ,Is printed and published about the l i t anti l it h of
Although Mr, Fowler himself will b^ absent from the LAND’S P A T E N T CARD PRIN TIN G ENGINE, which
payment of |5 , may have a card of admission for 21 dsys, city for a short hme. every attention « ill be cheerfully ^ O - * ’S 0 N CROCKER, • V
and the privilege of breaking an egg each day. we believe to be equal if not superior to any Machine Press DOOLITTLB; MILLS, fc CO, I Oswego.
7 ***'“ ■ Mr' SLJ R - w ELLS, whose publick yet invented. W« feel confident that a trial of the above J E W E L L & HARRINGTON, U tic a .
A dmittance T tr e n ty - F iv e Centa. double test examinations have accorded >0 perfectly with Press will give tbe most entire satisfaction.
those of Mr Fowler that every confidence may bs repos- f f T O & RHEPPERD ; ' T ao r.
CHILDREN Half Price. A liberal allowance raids to They are also AgenU for the sale Koverman’s Enamell­ . w . S. ROS31TER, 33 Coenties Slip, N. Y. ^ receive one volume gt^t]a. A f f ^ ^ e h ’
Schools lhat attend in a body. 'Eggs Broken on spplica- ed in his professional ability as a delineator of character ed and Pearl Surface Cards, which they will sell aa low aa
SiibacripiioBS fsr the Amencan Phrenolo3ical Journal re’. W este ew A c e b ts .
tion, at 12 i eenu each. Young. Chickens sold ascuriosi- eaa be purchased in the city. P * a ie & AX.LEJS, Cleveland, Ohio, iltcTtfon0 J °ha receive'
ties, at 12£ cenu. Pamphlets, Explanatory and Treating for B ° ° K 8 and BUSTS wiH be punctualy They still continue to manufacture, and are generally C u a a H o w a r d Sc Co: Toledo, O & Detroit, Mich.
upoa the management of Poultry generally, G cents __________ I________ [ m l 8 :c supplied with all sizrs of their W ood T r n c , of which they T iie e o ., P a r d e e , Chicago. IU. , OCh ScLseriptioas for tbe ** Time*ib«FeiSas** » W the
my25ic) 3' ' are the original mannfuaturers, and which still maintains iu Nauvoo N e ^ h b o r," r e c e i v e 4 , M 4 ^ 0 § S ^ l h “ ’Pro-
F IR S T PRPM1UM. m l 8 tc]CHlaaQ^r' Co. Southport, Wisc’n.
reputation for superiority over all competitors and a ttm vt-
c h e a p c a s h t a i l o r i n g W h o lc ja l * ijrn R s t a il S t tia w H at M an ufa cto ry, td imitaiort. : _ r
E S T A B L I S H MENT. ft*- Publisher* of Newspapers in ihe U. S. and Canada, M ± TC1? ^ i ' T H B . ^ O E S T AND
to announce ,0 giving the above tkret inserions by the first of July next _ _
TrfgSthe of New York lhat he has on hand as and Renrftncr us
:ia one
nn* copy to r the pnrate and public eale, hiring, letting andex-
M n . of
. r their paper containinifit w~iH ... k i l •— - e Clt7» 'J lo be foand at the'sabscri
T B. M. Inventor of the new instrument tor ascertaining and Bending
large an assortment of Straw Goods as ever has been offer, be entitled to the payment her’a, aa be i* conitanUy f e t f n U ' TnU
°f hotise*, stores, farm*, fe e ' For collecting rents,
O . a correct draft of the human figure, through ivhicb he ed in the city, comprising a choice selecion of N ^politan times the amount, of their bill1 on purchasing four
and for taking tbe general agency snd su|)erosioa of real and silver w stchei of ‘ the latist atTfes ' ,
is enabled to produce a most splendid fit. Ofiers upon the Tuscan, and all kinds of Straw Hau. «*u*e. Alto for the superintendence, of erecting and re- turers in England, France;
following reasonable terms to execute orders in the neatest Mew-York, May 19,1844, Ira l 8:c. to offer a large a sa o h m e n lp tta b * ! re
Braids of sll kinds for sale by the piece. Attiring of buildings. Persons having property lo self, ex­
and most Fashionable Style, to patronize is to be m ted H a u cleaned and altered. change or let, will find it td iheir advantage to apply at this
DreeaCosu, Blue, Black or Olive, from $13 to TjIARMS FOR S A L E —Valuable Farms for sale in the
and upwards. l m25:c] *> UOS. YOUNG. office. All property registered in this office, will, if re­
A neighborhood"ff Gjneva. Hatsvia, Buffilo, H am bnrrt
Panu, do. do. 5 pKUSJlf FACTORY.— WM. J quired, be advertised, sod if not sold at private a«le, it will
“'Wales, Arc., in thir Slate. Likewise oa Long Island. ’
’ Veau, do. do. 2 1 3 TUltE if desired, be offered at public aoction. H e will also attend
They will be sold for cath or a paft bond and mort­
AliM?,1 V 0’’ >£air. Cloth «nd !ijlYB™,h‘^ d i S to the etiecting iosutance, obtaining and loaning of money
Frock and Dress C oau made to measure. S gage, and some in -exchange for unincumbered city nro.
- Extratrim ed, • •
on bond and morJgag*. -Individuals or companies, re*
•J 50 ac No 30 5 inc “ • b4ck office, over the B*ak
quiringan agent to take charge of their estate, may depend __ W o - W A J r r t^ B o o r o -iw u a n o a s i —
m25 3t ]
do. do I 71
irrM „ 5 R U S H F A C T O R Y .-
Coffee House.
on having it faithfully and econemically managed. "Per­
■n iR E M E P T S INSURANCE COMPANY. No -17 w i l l son* wishing to{hire, purchase or exchange propertyvor Ln-
1 T he greaus! r e d a tM tf ln ^ te rte ritirk n o w n , Only
think of gentletaeV* ffnn dr*ee C ilf stitrh*^ boots, of the
VV G r. nln„ AN' UFACTUR KIt ° P ViR.VISH 1 st corner of Hanover st. i isure against loss or d'amaze vest rnooey, can mo*t generally be ^cqotnchared. Persohl m ostfaihioaable ahspe.-^a l!rttn $ 3 pegged
OOK & JOB Printing, neatly extcnted on the most
B favorable terms at the “ Prophet '’ office,
” . ’o . « S ’J ."h"1' I,n,f ,An,'“ V A" «' S i Premiums reduced, commensurate to the inereL residing at a distance, desirous to‘'seIl'6r 'pdrcbaievie^l es­ , $1 50 to 12 and |2 50 per pair. - L a d k s ’^ K v co­
No 7 Spruce •horteit nniirc ,k manufactured tn order, and at the eed facilities for the extinguishment of fire*. tate by eending a de.cription of th* property, will receive lored, city m^de gaiters, $1 50 to 1 75 a pair; a n o a ll the
• u Iliad floor.) immediate attention. All letters must be post-paid and
uTatt- " :cj“ addressed to JOHN C. WILSON, Md fashion* for 1844, for gentlemen, M ie s and children, from
Niei Uray, Sec
Nici « . .y JA ,:PD DRAKE* j e—President. thirty to forty per cent cheaper than 179 H sdson,
je —c. No. 1 Nassau street, N. Y. corner of Canal. S T E W A R T * 8 AUL. je—c

VOL. I .—NO. VII. N E W -Y O R K , S A T U R D A Y M O R N IN G , JU N E 29, 1844.

T H IS P A P E R ’I S P U B L IS H E D ! 21 A nd w h e n s h e h a d said this, she wouldd 7 ® ^ , F o ! th ' ir, j ° ilU5 exactly m eet'w o m en about tho tower? L adv ~ T r . l
BY THE B O A R D ^O F'C O N rR O L OP THE " a t* C * £ ! H ave d e p a r te d . together in the building o f the tower. 1 84 T h is to w .r » « r j 7 ' d f A o d .io o k c d apon her-m oving a g o n y ,
TY FO R T H E DIFFUSION* OF T R U .JH .’’ EVERY 2 1 W herefore, falling down before her feet, I 54 T h e y which are draw n out o f the deep and 'th em according to tE ’ ^ 8UP P ° ^ d b y l ' ■p rS u .JtM ieM i m &hetidid I'think ofihee.
S l T U a D A Y M ORNING. AT NO. 7, S P R U C E IS P..
began to en treat her, for the Lord’s sake, th a t s h e , put into the building, and whose jo in ts ag reo w ith hear therefore ?h* c° m,mau<i of the J ^ o r d : 1„ /• V - ^ ^
. . INVARIABLY. IN ADVANCE j would .how me the vision which she had promis-1 the other stones th a t are already built/ are those • Sr. T * .r 1 * * * f- . ' >£ Uitde is Stealing ,o w .
A l l L r r m a .an d C * im v tttc x -n ows m*;*t bb Ad- ed.
85 T h e first o f them, which hoids fW V
1which are already fallen asleep, and have suffered ci; * • of a :m id o ig h ^ e a ri.,
d » £ » # c d ” t o T H E PRO PHET, P v k t P a id -! 2S T h en she again took me by the hand, and for the sake of the L ord’s name. hand, is calJed faith; b y her the elect s h a H . b ^ V
« v P * s t Misters aro a u th o r e d by tha I 6»t Office de­ lifted m$ up, and made me to sit upon the seat on
55 A nd what are the other stones, lady, th at ed. 1 he next, which 13 g irt up, and lookenjanlv- / *^yr;rip^wer-f«jnrd’d;lea^v«a<ioVi'’akrow;
partment, to forward, free of expense, all ordera far. or to s-.‘ is ' ^mi«^?Bjf4V8»ntle stream—
discontinue publications, and^ also .muney tp pay for the the left side; and holding u p a certain bright are brought from tho earth? 1 would know what
F aith Abstinence: she is the d a u ^ f e j f t V- .^ rita e ;
wand, said unto me, Seest thou that g reat thing? they are. j , «*aodiafe'ai that haartb,—
' ' ‘ subscribers’ name*, with the SUM and Pott pffice, should I replied, Lady, I see nothing. 8 6 W hosoever, therefore, shall follower h V
56 She answered, T h e y which lie! upon the Tlwft holy rpot which;lina>st*e no more,
be dis'inctly gi*en whep rna~*y ia forwarded, lo avoid mia-
• 24 She answered, Dost thou not see over against ground, are not polished, are those wKieli God has shall be happ y m all his life; because he shall ab­ My childhood'* hem e—i h r ic tn e 01 joyous mirth,
' taker, a* there are oft/ n aereral towns of Ihe a^nae name, or
several Post Offices in the aame towaahip. thee a great tower, which is built upon tbe water approved, because they have walked in the law of stain from all evil works,believing th a t if he shall "Where I ha^e revelled in my boyish gleet—
PoitOAitars and Traveling Elder* are rrqo^ated to act at with b rig h t square stones. the Lord, and directed th eir way* ik h is com­ contain him solf from all concupiscence, he shall Yet, moth-r, can I think of noue but thee!
act as Ageat* f ' • . 25 F o r the tower was built upon a square by mandments. ’ be the heir of,eternal life. And what, lady, said
I, are the other five? - Andihou wilt soipstime thipk./ull well I ken,
• "Advertising, Book and Job Wotrk, done at those six y o u n g men that came with her. 57 T h e y which are b rought and p u t into the
the usual rates. • ’ W M . 8 M I T H , E ditor. 26 B u t m any thousands o f oth er men brought building o f th e tower, aro tfie young* in faith and T o be continued Of him who’* far’nway, beloved Another!
>nes: some drew them out of tho deep; others j the faithful. A nd these are admonished by the I shall be nightly in tby thousht, and when,

e arned them from the ground, and gave them to | angels to do well, because that in iqu ity is not
the six y o ungg men. *A nd they took them, and found in them.
POfTRYT In broken ►peech, my blue-eyed younger brother
Doth aak for one, who in hiii earliest year
rX)R T H E F R O F H IT .
NEW fE S T A M B N y. built. 58 B u t who are those whom they rejected, and ’**t^hcd bt,We.hja cauch, thou’lt think again,
27 As for those stones which were draw n out laid beside the tower? HYMN. Wiih hekVmg breut, and With a uickling tear,
of the deep, they put them all into the building ; j 59 T h e y are such as have sinned, and are wil- A tr — ^ T k t ro te th a t a il a r t p r a is in g ’ - H o w thy tried lo vr Tor me will e'er remain.
for they were polished, and their squares exactly ling to repent; for which causo they are not cast 'ih e God that others worship, is not the God for me. Shrined deep within ihy jure heart's memory;
This book ia thus enmled, becapae it waa composed bj
Ay, mother!—then thy.thought will be o f me!
Hennas, brother to P i u £ bishop of Romes and becau»r answered one another, and so one was joined in | far from the tower, because they will be useful He has no pans nor body, aod cannot h.-ar nor aee,
such wise to the other, th a t there was no space to j for the building, if they shall repent, But I’ve n God that Itvra above,
(he angel, who b e a n ihe principle p u l i i it, ia repre­ w om anT
be seen where they joined, insomuch th at the ‘:r* 'TPL---
60 h ey *«----*•
therefore- th *» at* aro yet to repent, if A God ol power and of lovo,
sented ia the form aod habit.of a ahepl erd. Irrasus
whole tower appeared to be built as it were of one thoy shall repent, shall become strong in the A God of revelation, O. that's the God for me, M a n b y n ature rugged,, stern, impetuous, and
qiotea it under the, very name of Scripture; Origen
stone. faith; th a t is, if they repent now, whilst the tow­ O that’a the God for me, o 'th a f a th e God form e. •n co u tb , destined to sociality and mental com­
thought it a most use fa 1 writing, and that it waa divine)/
' 28 B u t as for the other stones th at were taken er is building. F o r if the building shall be finish­ munion, endowed with faculties capable of at-
impired; Eusebius says, that though it w s| not e*t»en> A church without Apo«tIf f , i, D0, lhe churcb fof me> taining the loftiest heights of scientific contem­
off ftom the ground, some o f them they rsjectcd, ed, there will then be no place for <them to be ’
ed canonical, it w ai read publicly in (hr chjucbei, which
others th e y fitte d into the building. put in, but they shall be rejected: for ho only has It a like a »hip dis.Tiajted, afloat upoa the aea. plation. and to enjoy the softest sympathies of
is corroborated by Jerotna; and Atli*?aji*s citea it, call* But Tvc a church t h it ’s alwaya led
29 As for those which were rejected,some they this privilego. who shall now be p u t into the hum anity, finds no soother, no sympathiser, no
ii a moat rueful work, and observe*, ih tt though it waa
c u to u t, and cast them at a distance from the tow­ tower. By the twelve atara around her head. qualifier of his n atu ra l asperities, no tender
not atricily canonical, the Father* appointed it to be
er. but m any others of them lay round aboxit the 61 B u t would you know who they are that Chorur, polisher of his harshness aud ruggedness, no
read for direction and confirmation in Faith aud piety.—
tower, which they made no use of in the bnilding. were cu t out, and cast afar off from the tow er?— A church with good foundaiion, O ihat’a the See. sweetener of his lofty imaginations, in his fellow
J«rome, notwithstanding (hia and 'h i t he| applauded il
30 F o r some o f these were rough, others had j Lady, said I, I desire it. Man, however firm or sincere, active or disinter*
in his'citalogoe of writer*, in hia co m a e ntr’upon it after­ A church without a Prophet, ii not the church far me. ested, m ay be the friendship which binds their
clefts in them; others were white and round, not 62 T h e y are tho children of iniquity, who be-J
ward*, (ermt it apocryphal and foolish J Terlullian It has no head lo lead it, in it I woald not be, x
i proper for the building o fth e tower. lieved only iu hypocrisy, but departed not from I unimpassioned hearts. Like upon like can effect
prained it whrn a Cttholic, and abuaed il w h e n .a Mon- But I’ve a church not built by man,
t ' 31 B u t I saw the other stones cast afar off their evil wavs: for this causo they shall not be I no variation o f q u a lity : so neither can the m ere
taniit. Although Gel n t a i rank* it'among the apccrj- Cut from ihe mountain withont hand,
from the tower, and falling into the highway, and 1saved, because they are not of any use in the natural, uncouth friendship o f ono unsocialisedf
phmI booka, it it foaod attached to tom e of the jno»t an­ A church with gifia and blessings, <kc
y e t not continuing in the way, but were rolled building by reason of their sins. uncivilised being, of masculine kind, produce, i a
cient MS3. of the New Testament} *na Archbiihop. another o f the same species, an y th in g of th a t
from the way into a desert place. 63 W herefore they aro cut out and cast afar
W ik e , believing it the genome work of anjapoitolic F a ­ The hope that Gentiles cherish is not the hope for me, delicate refinement or tenderness of 'soul, which
32 O thers I saw fal'ing into the lire and b u rn ­ off, because o fth e anger of the Lord, and because
ther, preserves it to the English the following It hss nr. faith nor knowledge, far from it I would be; renders the best and highest qualities of man in ­
ing: othersfell near the water, yet could not roll they have provoked him to anger against them.
iranslatioa, in which he haa rendered the booka not only Hut I’ve a hope tbat w.ll not fail, finitely more delectable, more admirable, and more
themselves into it, though very desirous to fall 61 As for the great num ber of other stones
more exact, greater purity than thJy had befere into the water. W U c h rrac ita far wiihin the veil, useful. T o his own sex man cannot turn for
which thou hast seen placed about the tower, but
appeared. The archbiihop proenred T)r. iGrabe to en Which hope is like an anchor, <kc. qualification o f hia asperities, or for the soft and
33 And when she had showed me these things, not put into the building: those which are rugged,
tirely collate thi old L itin Version with a} aociem MS. s h e , v o u l d have ^ p a r te d . B u t 1 said onto h e r, are they who have known the truth; but have n o t ! tender sympathies and enjoyments of hum an ex­
in fb*
in T^mS^lk libraty;
the Lambeth l i h n t v and
KftH th*
the learned i f sUte himself Lady, r i 1 . i t • .% i • The heaven of sectarians, is not the heaven for me, istence. It m ust be, thg ii^io woman, th at th«
what <loth it profit me to see these t h in g s , continued in it, nor been join ed to the saints;
still further improved (he whole from *' multitude ol and not understand what they* mean? So dottbiful ita location, neither on land nor rea; proud and lofty, the dignified and stern; the rug­
and therefore aro unprofitable.
4 fragments of tha originol Greek, never before used f*r Bnt I’vr a heaven on the earth, , ged and tho girted, lord of earth, must have re­
34 She answered and said unto me, Y o u are 65 Those that have clefts in them, ar«; the The Jind and home lhat gave me b ir th ,,
that purpose. very cunning, in that you nre desirous" to know j who keep up discord in their hearts against each course, in order to derive th a t deliehtful polish
A heaven uf light and knowledge, icz. * and eleganco of demeanor which wifi render hi*
TH E FIRST ROOK OF HERM AS, OR VISIONS. those things which relate to the rower. Yea, said oilier, and live n o t i n peace; th at are frie n d ly '
' I, lady, th a t I may declaro them unto the breth- j when present with their brethren; but as soon as [ deportm ent so attractivo and engaging; to e n jo y
VISION I IL A church without a jatherioe, i; not a church for me, .that tender sym pathy, and^ interchange of affec­
row and they may rejoice, and hearing these • they aro departed from ono another, their wicked- j
The S a v o u r would not own it, where vet it may be; tion, which aro the chiefest bliss o f sociality ; and
1 Tho viaion w hich'I saw, brethrer , was this, things may gloiify God with preat glory. t ness still continues in th eir hearts: these are the j B i t I’ve « church that’* c a l l / d >
2 W h en I h a d often fasted and pra) ed unto the 35 T h e n she said, M any indeed j shall hear clefts which are seen in those stones. ( to acquire thoso softer virtues which so nobly
F r o t r a d n i o n » , feaxa tuid doubt, adorn the character of man, and which his own
Lord, th at he would manifest unto me the revela- thorn, and when they shall have Heard them, 06 T hose that aro maimed nnd short, nro they i A giihciiug'diypcnsation, Arc.
tion which he had promised by the ol I.woman to some shall rejoice, and otheri weca And yet who have believed indeed; but still are in great original habits and qualifications have 110 tendency”
show unto m e ; the same n ig h t she ap wared unto even these, if they shall repent, shall rejoice too. measure full of wickedness; for thia. cause are J o h n Ha r d y . to produce. T o W oman, also, m ust he look for
me, and said uuto me, 36 H ear, therefore, what 1 snail say concern­ they maimed and not whole. oil thoso little attentions, and good • offices, and
Ton TH* m o rilK T . anxieties and providings for his welfare and .com­
3 Bocause thou dost thus afflict thyself, and ing the parable o f the tower, and afte* this bo no 67 B ut what aro the whfie and round stones,
art so desirous to knaw all. things, co no into the longer irpportunate with me about tho revelation. lady, and which arc not proper for tho building | D E S P A IR . f o r t which are indispensable to his domestic
field, where thou wilt, and about the ixth hour, 37 F o r these revelations hav e an and, seeing o fth e tower? t , Hope fled, the flattering scene now clouded o’er, happiness, and which neither delicacy, nor tho
1 will appear unto thee; and show the what thou they are fulfilled. B u t thou dost not leave 08 She answering, said unto me, H ow long j The child of sorrow hath no pleasure m^re. natural dispositions of his own sex, can allow him.
off to desire.revelations; for thou art very u r g e n t wilt thou continue foolish and w ithout under-j The »i»ion brightly painted, fli-a aw*y, I to expect from them. It is likewise to woman, th a t
must .see. _ .
38 As for the tow er which thou sekst bum , it j standing; asking every thing, olid ! discerning | The ^opelew suflVrer woo’d awhile it’a stay, the whole race, unexceptedly, m ust be indebted,
4 I aiked her, saying*J^?dy, ijito w h ^t p a r t o f
is I myself, namely, the church; which have ap-1 nothing? Perplex’d to poader o’er iu blessings ratje, not only for the production, but for the rearing
tho field? She answered, W h e rev e r th ou wilt;
Tbat only led him into dark. de»pair, J and careful nu rtu re of his infant progeny. T o
paly cboosc a good np.4 a, P^,vato pl®c' • A nd be­ peared to thee both now and hereafter. Where- 69 T h e y ure such as havo faith indeed; but
her m u s t be left tho first formation of the y o u th ­
fore I began to speak ana to tell her tho place, fore ask w hat thou wilt concerning the tower, and j have withal the richcs of this present world.— Blind to out lot, hoping, unr-conciled,
I will reveal it unto thee, th at thou m ayest re-1 W hen, therefore, any troubles arise, for the sake The die though cast, to ihe y*t fincy wild: ful m ind: it is sho who m ust “ train up tho child
she said unto Me;' I 'will come where t ton w ilt
in the way ho should g o ;” who must implant in
5 1 was therefore, brethren, in the field, and I joice with the saints. j {of their richcs and irafiic, thoy deny tho Lord. Unknowing whal may be, wc vainly try
his tender breast those principles of knowledge, o f
observed the hours, and came into the place '3 9 I said .u n to her, L ady, becAusi thou h a s t' . 70 I answering said unto her, W hen, there- To fl<e derpair, asd on hope’a fancies dif.
virtue, und of religion, which -hall render him in
where I had appointed her to come. th ou g ht tne once w orthy to receive from thee the ' ,br^ will they be profitable to the L ord/ W h en t J. B *M.
1 • .< • • their riches shall be cut away, says she, in which his later years, wise, and good, and happy. N o t
6 And I btneld a bench placed: it was a linen revelation of all these things, de’c larejthem unto only, therefore, for the corporeal-health, but for
pillow, anil over it spread a coveting c f fiue linen. me. . . I they take delight, then they will bo profitable u n ­ FOR TH E rROPHET. j
to tho Lord for his building. the mental and spiritual welfare of the transm it­
7 W hen I saw these th in g s.o rae j ed in this 40 She answered me, whatsoever is fit to be H O I» E . ters of his name and generation, m ust man be
manner, and that there jgra&nobody in the place, revealed.unto thee, shall Be revealed; only let thy 71 F o r as a round stone, unless it l}e cut away, O how aecure my portion aeems, t J essentially indebted to the feminine helpmeet of
I be^an to be astonished, nnd ray hr ir stood on heart bo with the Lord, and doubt uoi, whatsoev­ and cast somewhat off, its bulk can no t btf made When c f• 'f, s-id • orn w, and di^rets; his earthly pilgrimage. She, the participator o f
end, and a kind of horror &eued'm<; for I was er thou shalt see. | square; so they who are rich in this;world, u n ­
T ’lonk with de»pair on earthly drearne, his cares, the sym pathiser and soother o f his griefs,
alone. 41 I asked her, Lady, w hy is the tower built less th eir riches be pared off, cannot be made And feel, but G »d alone can bles^. the most faithful of his advisers, the most sincere
© B u t W ing <;o^io to myaelf, ai d calling; to upon the w ater/ Sho replied, 1 said before to profitable unto the Lord. '
mind the glory of God, and ta kin g coi imge, I foil thee th a t'th o u w art v e r y wise, to ihqu£r« diligent­ of his friends, the jo y of his heart,— she, the wifo
7'Z Ix>nrn this from thy own experience: when My soul surveya the weakly clay,
down uppn m y knee?, afld began agai i to confess ly concerning the building: th erefo re1 thou shah th o u w o rt rich, t h o u p ro fita b le ; b u t now of his bosom, m ust bo to man the chief provider
Tbat soon akall mix wiih earih 4gain;J and contriver of his domestic happiness, as re­
m y sins as before. * f \ hnd th e ‘tru tb .‘ thou art profitable, and fit for the life [which thou
And feigo would wfah ita bouae awky. gards himself, his offspring, and nis home. A a
9 A nd whilst I waq doing this, the old w o m aa 42 H ear therefore why the tow er if built upon hast undertaken; for thou also once west ono of
Tne trials it must h^re auttain 1 an individual, woman is essentially necessary to
came th ither with th e ..six y o un g n en whom I the le water, becauso your life is and sh^ll shall be saved those stones. j
tho happiness of m a n ; as a sex, a class o f
had seen before, and stood behind me a: I tokk p ra y ­ byy water- F o r i t is founded by the ^ o rd ooff the ^ ^or stones which thou Hf II and lhe w orH ’uniie their force,
society, woman is of far more than allowed impor­
ing; and.heard me p ray in g and confesj ing rfty sink Alriiighty aridhonourable name,* and is supported sawest cast afar oil from the tower, and ru n n in g To gain my soul’* approval tbrrey
by the invisible power and’v irtue of God. in the way; and tumbled out of the w ay-into de- tance. E v e ry individual can easily convince
u nto the Lord. *' . But should Ialip, it were to cursaj
himself ofth e vast influence, which a beloved and
IQ A nd, touching me, she said, L ^ a re off now 43 A nd I answering, said unto jher, These 18flr t places; thoy are such aa have belicvedindeed. Delaaioa’a lurm, so false aod lair. attached femalo imperceptibly exoroises in all his
to p ray only for th y sins *, pray also fair righteous­ things are v ery admirable: 'but^ L a^ y ,' w h o a r e f but through their doubting have, forsaken the
• true way, th in k in g tb a t they could firid a better. transactions and designs. H er advice, her re­
ness, th a t thou m ayest receive a part t fh e r in th y those six yyou o u n e men
n ^ n th a t build? Feiga would her idoj, ,Propt my lave,
B u t they wander, and are miserable, going into mark?, her predilections, her antipathies, her
house. . „ . 44 T h e y are,' said she, the artgals of God, And reaton urge the tempter's claim,
desolate ways. approval, her dislike, her wishes, her requests, are
11 And she lifted me* u p from the place, and which wore first appointed,’ and to\vndm the Lord Aod conscience uninspired approve. all respectively powerful, directly or indirectly,
7-4 T h e n for tho^e stools which fell into the
took mo by the hand, and b ro u g h t me to the seat; has delivered all his cre&tures, to firamo and build
and said to the y o un g raeia, Go, arid mild. them tip. and to rufe over them. ' F p r by these
k re, and were burnt;1 they ahs those who have for­
If truth did not rebuke the same! in'regulating his every action or in te n t T hic
being ao individually, leaves .no room for a rg u ­
' 12 A s ' sooiv'&s th e y were depart-d, and we the building of the tower shnll be finished. e v e r departed fronj tho living God,* nor doth it The spirit, fount of light and power,
ment to convince us, as a body, o f the vast influ­
were alone, she said u n to rite: S ith ere. I answer­ 45 A n a who are the r e s t’ who jbring them ever coo^e into their hearts to repent,' by reason Di»pela the mist, that cluuda tbejmind;
ence which, perceptible or by implication, the
ed her, L ady, let thos®'1* h o are elder sit f ir s t—- stones? *' o f the - a ffettioiV W h ich they 'b e a r to th eir lusts And misconducted human lor#,
h. female portion of society possesses in exery social
She replied, Sit down Its-I bid you. and wlckedneifs"which th ey commit. , Bowa to iatelligenca refined.
4 5 T h e y also are the holy angels o f the Lord -r^75%*And w hat ,afeith o rest which jfeli by the state. T h e domination of the domestic circle, the
13 And when I would have s a to i the right b ut the others are mor« excellent thaiT these.— adm inistration o fthe provinces, the actual govern­
side, she suffered me' riot,, b u t made e sign to m e W herefore when the whole building)of tho;tow: § > 7^ ' ’p w . arr^ eiIc ^ w J ia v e h eard the word;— ATBteK and could not^^U into the water? Knowledge how vain, or human skill,
m ent of the kingdom s and empires o f the earth,
with her hand, that-1—should sit on th s loft. ^ 1 Though kings be conquered, nationa gained,
er shall be finished, th e jv sh a ll all feast together qnd.TVere wiflin~g4'tfbB.baptised in the name ofthe If prida and might direct the will. are influentially conducted by the nominally
14 As 1 was .therefore m a s i n g ^ n d full of sor­ beside the tower, and shall glorify G id , weaker sex. B y the blandishments o f a woman,
^ tnt* " W r t Y M * _ M n « ^ t t n g t holiness which And truth eternal be disdained.
row, th a t she would oot suffer me to sit on the Marcus A ntonius lost the empire of the then
the structure of thertwwef is finished, 5jii?‘. tnrtJf requnqij themselves,
right side, she said u n to m e , H e rm is, w hy art Here is my hope, thy word « 11 aland, know n world, and, with that, his life. F o r a-
47 I asked her, saying, I would know ( i h V. c^c a - f ^ 3 vrftlked again afte^tbfljV wicked lusts.
tholi sad? T % ’ , woman, David, the kingly favorite of Omnipo­
'dition of the stones, and the meaniog»of*tKe! '&i7TiTKfcs she finished the explication of the Thongh ail creation quake with dread,
15 T he blace which is'M V 'tlrt ri jht hand is tence, “ the man after Gotl’sow n heart,” incurred
what it is? ‘ ' ^ ; w fewer k \' ' 1 $ .g * When judgment rpeaka the dread Command,
theirs who nave already attained un o God, and divine displeasure. T o gratify a vicious woman,
48 She answering, said unto me, A rt thbu.j>t£» © a t. I, beinsr still argent, asked her; Is there And human folly bows the head.
have suffered for 'h i s ’ namfc sake:1 B u t there is the Macedonian hero perpetuated infam y to h it
f«^en(ii]ce allowed to oil (nose stones which are
yet a great deal rentam ing unto thee, before thou ter than all others, th at this phould be rcivesJcd _____♦ ___________ J. p ; M. | name, by madly s p r e a d in g coflagralion throu gh
canst sit with then*. - * * • -• I to thee? For others aro both be fore“th«T!i* aria t|iQ8 d^s(4awny, ami w ert ad tsu ita b ip to the build . tho walls of ono of Asia’s proudest cities. N u ­
16 B ut continue, aa thou d o e s t/in th v sinceri­ better than thou art, to \yhom these vi^ioiiyaaoutii m e r o u s , indeed, m ight be the. cited instances o f
»Y JOHN s. J X t t x i m .
ty, and thou ehalt sit with them; aa oil others shall be made manifest: t f* deeds o f n o b lea t virtue and of grossest vice, solely
that d o ’ their works, and - ahall ■'bear) w hat they 48 Nevertheless, th at the name o f ^ It waa the house of prayer—and the rich awell induced by the p ersuw ive eloquence of female
have borne. * be glorified, it has been and shall be ft Of music floated by, as *oft in lone instigation. B ut they are needless. T he secret
17 1 said unto ‘her, L a d y / 1 would know w hat to thee, for the sake o f those who are,_ _ ^ i d f i n ^ ntuch !<nr«| ranlq and tKi« after that they Aa murm’ruig waters in the lonely d*U, ! power of woman' is too general and too great, to
&h’rdl&iv<>: bilien.Qnii£t«d..^aiJ1d_lJfulfilled the days
•tia that they have suffered? JhUar,! ' thfcri, said arid th in king in th e ir hearts whether Or her aweet voice I loved io days by-gone: need recorded instances as proofs. T h e evidenco
------ I heard the bock of truth, in w hate pore page
she. wild beasts, scourging*, impriaonments, and are so or n o t is daily, hourly, instantly occurring, round ua,
crosses, for t,j3 nnrffft . ».-•< .................. S O 'T ili 'ti .r a that th tn p . removed, My wont it was, in happier boor*, lo read I near us,, with us.
48 F or this cause^tbe rig h t ,l>*nd of holiness at there is n o t h in g in them that i s n o f e t e w ^ b o t ‘S iB a u se t h e y h a v e r e t e it e d ' t h d j v o r d o f n g h t e o u s - Of him, who meekly bora the seofler'a rage I f then, this influential principle be universally
° establfshed.
-------- * 1 ine * r .-a n d .th e n t h e y shfd| b<j translated fro m their To save maakind—to win the Christian’s meed;
belongs to them, and to all others is' m any as all are 'firiri. and trufy * '/vi • '.*•_____ m i v t i A e * r \ M m l l t A i * acknow ledged; if, indeed, o n woiffan are depen-
. shall suffpr for the name of God; b u t!ib<! left be- *51* H ea r now, then, concernihg the stones that afflictions, if they shall have a tru e seinse in their Aud ihen, in fancy, knelt beside thy knee. j dent morals, manners, happiness, tftid the destinies
, longs to the rest, “ are in the building. t j ' hearts o f w hat t>ey have done amiss. My own dear mother!—then I thought of thee! of empires and of states—^of men in general and
81VJ3ut if they shall not have this sense in
19 H o w b e i t th e g i t a arid t h e ’ p r o m is e s b e to n g " 52 T h e square and white stones, which a^ree , particular; surely it is of jiarertKmnt importance,
t o b o t h to t h e m on th e rieftf, a n d ' t b t h o s e o n t h e exactly in their joints, are tho apostles, and bish­ their hearts, th ey shall not be saved, by reason of I Mood amasg the voiceless dead—and there thnt the n x should possess e v e r y possible means
th e hardness of their hearts. In the deep stilioen of ihe Sabbath eve
left h a n d ; o n l y t h a t siittfhg on tK flT i'g ht h a n d t h e y ops, and doctors, and ministers; who through the o f improving th e ir literac y ‘ facuhm s and attain ­
‘ U v a «6fni glory ftfco** th rfltffe M / ----------- mercv orG'ocT have come ifi,* arid goVerned, and 82 W h en therefore I had-done asking her con­ There came a mother Iona, to breathe a prayer ments. which, most especially, are the conducives
20 B u t th o u art'de*ifona to u rto n ' rh'o' rigM taughtrahd'miriTstered holily'and rilo^ektly to the c e r n in g all these thing*, she-said unto me, W i l t ' To heaven o’er her firsl-born'a grave, and relieve | jo suavity o f mann«W.'|nftifirt>f nioVals and prin­
hand witlvthemjranH > e t -thy dafbrits at* "Marty! elect’o f Gbd,. both they th a t are failed icdeep,-and thou s e e -somewhat else? A n d being ,de«irou* of Those boaom-pangv, which none hot .he could tell, ciples, and increaso in e v * ty ' virtue. E v e ry
But thou shalt bo purged from thy defccts: as abo which yet remain; and have always agreed with seeing it. 1 became very cheerful of countenance. With leara—aad tokens of a mother’s fondnes*;— nttninable assistant to these essential ends should
all who doubt not^hall ber c W m d from all the sins them, and have had peace w ithin themselves, and 83 She, therefore, looking back upon me, and And whea I saw how deaply and how w e ll b.* diligently
_______o ____ t ____ and freely , provided,
t- , for their in-
which th ay h a r t com m ittal unto this day smiling a little, aaid unto me, Seest thou seven 8hs lovod_how tree was bar heart's t*nd«rnesa,— j «truction and advancement, moral a^£ mantel.
have K u r d each other.
n j < m y u ^ » y r p rn ; ••(^njpaigacr andTfriffA dvocate” is the name of a hand; try is b.'cad a n j'g ru e l, both ;; re pared. of oita iralf unh^aa j j r c 11ur a h ic iu w e w e re tms* tn ble d , th *t _11 wm a e c r m r y n o t long be perpetaated b otsby tbe wntcftlnl •tsergW* t j ,
li i Xv Vy -1-' - i l JU X • come fheel paVIuhed by thc friends of Mr CUy al CIctc* occAsicnsl mixture of dried fi»V- Meat ii a luxury r.‘H 1/ : we should all be actively engaged in the great work before virtnoaa people, who alone are capable of maintainicg, tt
t»ed.~ t e a ; he then gave way fo rtbe H ca. W m. Smith, who waa
.S A T U R D A Y M O R N I N G , J U N E 29, 1844. | Uad»ohio- ‘ j * , " worthy of enjoying ibe blesaiaga of free inatitotiona —A»<
Pul. a s o —T he cemmon forufofthe peasantry of IV n - .l, I heartily cheered oncoming forth-j-be said b e d id not know
whereaF, an important crisia in »be afi*ira of onr gove^
— ■■-■ , ........... ~ 1 t hc Cnai-TiA* W orld —Ii the title of a fceat inonth* the wotkiog men is cabbage r.nd potato?*; rometimt >, mil o f any thing mo re cppropriate than to commence by aing-
rarnt haa a n ived, aad political matters are a i f u m ; ^
ly periodical published and edited by Thorns^ II. Stocion gen< rally, black bread and soap, br n t h e r gruel, w illfu l ing a song called* the • Mcbbcra.of Missouri,” which waa
fearful aspect which threatens to sob vert the liberties. ef
’ of thr P .otrnant Methodic Society—it* tj-pographicel ez- the addition of bniter and rarat." #ung wilh greal applame ; after wh'tch he spoke in a very the people, and vtterly demolish tbe fair temples of frtt,
; ecuiion'ia good, and an it i» tn<dr op t.f selections, wrcais D c.n u a k k —In Denmark ilio peasantry are s t i l !»• l-i i- * <ble m aanrr, rela'ivo to the ttand we have taken in un- dorn erected at the eapenas jofrso m uch treasure and the
ray nothing of its literary ni«rit«, exespt, th u the nurtct ! bondage, and arc bought and <rold together with i U ! furling our banner to the world, with the name of the best blood of our patriotic fMher»-And whereas, moat of th,
in thc number (0) before oi ii excellent. I on wh'ch they libor. frirnd c f the oppresicd, Gen. Jof. Smith, inscribed on_ it important efnices of the government are filled with upi.
P.u*«ia—In K-mia the bondage of th- peasaT-; i i.* a candidate for the Presidency; he aaid, that the scrip- ring demagognei who scniple not to sacrifice tbe best i«.
Ii.i.i.Mii» a m > Michigv .n C a n a l .— In a letter address mere complete th aa ia Demasrk... The noble* aw.; -li i;rrs taught that if a roan woald not provide for bta own tereata of ihe people, at the shrine . e f party, who seen to
ed by Br)v.n, one of thc stale Ctfmmiaionen. ia London, |an(j j^ere ;9 ja empire, nnd «h<* peasantry w ho %x . .. uphold, he is worse jh a n an infidel,—that it jahigh time
J h!f.!Laa ^ *c! “ .‘hoogh names were every thing (1]
dated thr 13:h of May, to Ihe Editcr of the Ottowa Free j UpDn jt iJ t transferred w ith i the eH-Hr. A gr .v ui ; <.tj~ *"r*"IT i 'C « to think i f providing foi oaraelvea, and not de* thinga oothing, and willing rather^to sacrifice princip!tl
Trader, the uttno*t cot fidence m expressed tkat the loan have only cottssej^one portioa i f wn:t!i i^ <c. u , .. »• N j <.ii oihrrs who have refused to lake oarca u ie in bands than rn^a, and to exchanga the la s t^ p a r k o f integrity fw
for thr compVtinn «.f the canal will be madcby th*: foreign the family, wh'le the other U aj prop.-.'trd <e d 'iif.:..- i e v n y thin? cr>anecled with cur tnterert call* for a reform,
pelf aad popularity, insomuch that the baUances have ^
bon.?-hoM< re. —Mr. IL says lhat thry have concluded ?r. animal*. Few if any, have b< J«—b-jt *!c. [. <i,o, { —tU i fill thr Iradeia in our Government cared lor, waa ten from the handa of Justice, Virtue al&in in tbe atre(t|>
tubtcribr ic> ihe amount of Sl/,W ,0G0, ar.d the arrarge- boards.
I j^V} c r t r l ..gfrandizement, al'hough we live in thebcuat " troth 'and rig h u o cia ew spurned from the Capitol, U|j
raents would be compUted, a iiiL o thu plin of complrticr, A cbniiA —Io Aoblriathe uob!».« att :Jt* j.m, ii,*t r~ • «J i^r.J.oi Liberty—which ia called the "‘ land of ihe i t t t political w rangling•blackguarding, and fighting auPPUtI
deteiiniaid Hpoa. ai> n on aa Governor D*v:a arrived out •he land, aod the p<am ntsaie coini«II« d to m.-.^ I ,t iltm ni* ihe h u n r of ih r brave where, il ia aaid, every mao Le^iilaUon, and dtceerate her halla,—And whereas,
mastera duric g ev<ry day rjttep l i?t.pdayf. Tlie iu in v « . i inj:-.) »:is privilege*, and hia o w n pecaliar vie w *, rela­ eonaeqoence of t h b perfectly loose adminiatration of ^
A very rich tnire of co!d h-.s Istely been diTCflvcred on
tors o f the soil are in a elate cf boo<J*je. ■ 4ioua or (.clitical— w ould to G od it w e re ao, for w e have •flairs of $ovtrnmenr; the populace, imitating the ezats^
j ihe land» of Ju!m New!*nd, E»q , in ( >.'ang- county. N. C.
S w r r r n — In S w e .len thr drri# » I the p ' * . n n ’ry pr»- > provtd lbr*e th io je lo be a m oc k e r y to our sorrow ;— ihe of their leaders, spread the' work o( death and devastate,
j The r o ll ii gathered it ia »aid, with crc-l rapidity tna
ccribed b y ' a w . T h e ir food coatiata r.l hard b r c .J . i>nr 'lord ataincd coil o f Miraoari apeaka forth a langoage that over the land, and riota the moat frightful and dirgractf»|
' f a ir . A rock containing the ore, which we* loid for for­
• UrEB IIAKC FCTRAM JEPIHCAUO. dried 6:b , w ithout m eat. ( aodo I be m'^undcritocd, g ivin g ua a leaaoti, in d eed to the are becoming more acd more freqnent in every part cf c«
ty nr fifiy J u IIiu , aftrr tcing ground and woikcd, yielded
H u . v u a r v — In Huogory tneir itate i.«, if p o n ib le stiJI: -.oairary. W c arc obliged to act oar part for th e welfare once happy conhtry-^-abo 1itoniati are slain in iheir kiT,
FO R P R E S ID E N T , •oroe l«*o or thrie hnndnd dollars.
i worse. T e e c i-b lr a o w a l!:c U id , t o rot worV, ui.d pav ' f nation i a (.ayiog ta x e j, and in varioua w aya helping and ofHces, -and pra ses burned or otherwise destroyed |cr

GEN. JOSEPH SMITH, About ten o’e k e k on J^ inday evening a ipUndiJ m rin I ao t * x u . T h e» jr in s c U trr»are liable at all tim es to have j *o tuppoti our G u v«r e m e n i, th erefore, w e w ant tbe advan> daring to ezprees their opinions; Catholio convents, chcrch-
was visible from raoet part* ol thc city. 1'. rfici-blrd a lo lJ ie is qutrlered upon them , nnd c< uip r.led to p t y o n r j t*je« that other citixena er jo y ; bu: th ey h av e failed to aut- es,1seminaries and dwelling*, (burned with impunity,
O F N A U V O O , IL L IN O IS . hsH o f ftrr, about tw ic tf th e s i i e of a n i n ’r head, an J pas* I!rnth of ,I,e P ^ “« o f lh«ir labor to the d a u b , a i d o n e , '"in «■» »" fir a n ta g ua c q a a l fig h w , and that prolecUon tea thousand American citizens robbed, plundered, andbu.

F O R V IC E P R E S ID E N T , rd o»er nenrly the whole arch of the hravrr*. rai'iog a few f n^*h to lha l-ird whoas land they occiipv. | w hich ihe Constiiuiionguarraalcd to every man — He spoke Uhed frotn a (»o called) free a n d . republican State of tkj
degrees above the horizon to thc »eu»V*eM and moving » I I*K«.ixi>-The average wages of a laborer, ia from nine with a great deal of feeling respecting the persecution ,c onftderacV, / « r p i r ^ ^ I h g worship difly.
SIDNEY RIGDON, , iittlr north of ea*t until it seemed to be lost brhiad the hill* I aod a
o! Lzai W tad. For m^re than ten srennds (he appear- j
eleven c t nta p»r day. The food is"m i.k and which we have <i'ffrrcd, without an effort on the part ol J r a t from their,neighbor*,r^And i.wher«*s, Whiggery u j
occnsiooaUy v.ricd. •< ocr of them drM.rih.-s il ihe Goveramenl lo redrew our wrongs, and alluded to our Democracy seem to be weiJ Only •* other namas for Mobo-
OF PENNSYLVANIA. __ I #nce of ihe phenomenon was cicecdia^Iy b aatiiul, rud by lP0,a,0rt »n>l milk.’ 1 inly m iy it be said if ai all over I RevoIuUocary sirti-.and ihe spirit which actuated them ai ] cracy,—And whereW, every citizen ia nniversaJIy re aped
I excited a general rxprenioa of w oider and rtdiiiiration tbe World ‘la rd is the fate of ihe laboring poor/ Y.t tf r y a time when it uied mesa; aod*, when ihey ro*e op in ihe ble for the use or a ^ » o oftt h « portion of power which U
IO* The "Prophet” for next week will be issued on are t!ie producer* of nil the wealth in every c; iiitry. j msjesly ol iheir might, threw off iheir y»ke of bondage, possesses, a n dcannot in o u ro p in jo n be a good citizen ot
J from all the spectators.
Thursday 4ih of July. i and told ihe world al large lhat they were Goa’s freemen, eantutm l ckrUUen, discharging ths duties be owes to hi*
C/*Elder <I. T. Leach ha« rrsigned ihe editora’iip of the < The rrgulor monthly meeting of the t?:ock:iolur: • of th« “ 0;icr in grace, always in gra cr.'’ ‘ 4rlio were willing lo aoffjr lor righteousness’ sake in the self, hia G jd , and his fellow ra aij withoot using his itfv
Prophet. Any communications for him to br at/dirwed | “ Society for the Difl*a»ioa cf Truth” w ill b* held at thr Uev. (?) Joy Ilimlet Fairchild, >-f Exe:« r \ II., fjj-ji,- I holy cause of Liberty evrn at ihe price, of blood,—he I ence lo arrest this rapid march of crime, and endeavori*|
to 15" Twenlieth street office ofthe Prophet on mocdsy evrnirg next, J j |y 1st at erly of Sou'.h H iiton, attempted to commit »utci»>, Juar .howed in a forcible manner the great edvantagea of Lib- thereby lo bequeath'to posterity1 unimpaired and withost
S o’clock. 20th, by cuttine his thro;t with a ; it i; rxpec'ed hi crty, liberty of speech, and liberty of conscience,—“ and,” diminniion, ihe valuable legacy we inheriud from ea
E j “Elder Wm. Smith, of the “ Quorum of the Twelve” will recover, thonsh the wound i« a u v u c i n.v n i d h r , "w ho is better calculated le bring these things fatherr.
having accepted of the Editorship of the Prophet all let­ M yctkbious D e a t h s —The Cincinaatti Commercial The part.calars which led lo il.U ri.-Ji «i.-, m fir n 'w r j ab u«; than G er, Smilb, who goes for liberty in its broad- Therefore ' s*
ters or communications appertaining lo the business of statealhat two men dird on Thursday evening week, al
aid paper must be oddrtased to him (post paid ) can learn, are as follows:— ' m , f nir, aod as tt regards his ability, he baa peculiar ad- D i a ''-r V •» c mi <• .
most instantly, at the Uncle Sam CofT-e (louse'in that city. Since Mr. Fairchild left his ch..r«!, a S...-h |{ h. ' ,4nt.jrrt in the hidden mysteries e f this country, which no I T V ' W C.W- - . b,r 411 ibi
On<! diedsiltia^ ca a Step, t n J in a few m tnutrj another haa been settled ovrr a cojgrr;,-•on.U r.l,„-c:. ... lU ’ tr, , „ hrr mxn enjoy* ; therefore, he is the very'man which I tbc'aboaee of trust and power
T h b C h a n g e —^We have this week taken ihe manage­
died in th? same hoL>»e, when the Cornnsr waa a^^in *ent j N. H. Previous to hislfuvins} i?. u:h, ;h rr » I .. b ,., c .k u U tr d .» eovero il in r i , l i « o n . t u _ . i a . „ i d “ -‘ V ’L rtM li.
ment of the Prophet, and aa many of the Sainta have la­
bored ander the ithpreksion thit the eatabliihmriU of a pa­ ■" ........... .......... ' onplt.Mni rumor. .>.001 . i».f.mi!iir c , ,1 | if » e c.oool « « r.dr«. other w .r, wf will fi»h,'°f «qtuln«htoa
lattnx Ital iw a a n kl >n m M tt * t r n • »aa a J .11 !_ L ! ' S* . . . _ .. . .
per in this city diJ not meet the sinction of the authorities T hk G erm a n T n t i T T — I i i f s u t * d
of ihe Church, ihis impression a n y now give pi ice lo con- dve aw inbly at Frankfort ratified the t
fijence. The Prophet is calculated to do much good in German Ciutoins I' jinn and the Unit* d S:
(he east, and we woald advise all tree saints of God totak* on the I9th uli.
hold and sustain it—circulate it among your friends—
place tt in the reach ol all hoaest men that they may see To t h e S ai jit j in t h e Kasr. — V.V, would ct!vi<<r thr to IS 11-0, and wns recomoirn led by Mr. Shiiler lo Mr. F. and in this respect he is mueb more courageous than I am dominant parties, by drawing to tbe standard of Liberty »n
w tnl we are contending for, let th«m sea we know our <aints not :o credit the many tale.* a i m rerpec ing oji a* of unexceptional.!* diarxctt-r. Mr Fairchild has a v*ife —for I must say this, I love the woman too well myself, and pure and patriotic rpirits whp have the fire o f *76 still bur*,
and four children. ing within them, aad hurl back to their common level, tfc*
rights as "free born a^ns of Coljtnbia’a soil,” a-u' that we people, we have had no intelligence «>f trouble, and dotibi can’t help it, lor my mother is a woman— which caused a
very much of the truth ol thete statements. Mr. Fnirchild has been rr«pected for many years as an aspiring demogogues who gamble themselvea into offici
contend for eqaal privileges without reference to religious jreat deal ol merriment, and all through hia speech it was
or political opinions. We have rutfered time after time able, piou», and faithful Coii;rrg*tional minister—but there tbe better to tithe th e jn in t,” while they omit ths weigh,
fi’J ed with anecdotes—illustrations of his subject much to
The Eaglish Cha'tut* preserve their organization and j has lately been Mrong reeson* to ruypect that his moral con tier matters ol lb# liw —jtutice and jodgement.
the violence of mobs, our property has been destroyed, the point, which at limes kept the audience in a r o i r ; —
promulgate iheir principles with greit force and earnest-'] duct has Ion? be*n corrtij t, and that he is unworthy of ex 3d. Resolved, Genl Joseph Smith of III. in his recently
our women ia*ulted, our people exiled and imirdered in nnd at olher timep, he wonld depict the wroags of oar I
nrsa. The. Northern S u r , edited by Fergus O Conaor, I ercbing the dutie.* of his office. W e learn that an pablishtd "Vtewa oa tbe^powera and policy of the Govern­
this enlightened age, in this republic, and for whatl for brethren in such a vivid manner in relating them, a*
E*q , and published by Mr Jo»hia Hobson, of LeeJs, is Ecclesiastical Council was to havrt-een held next week to ment of the U. States,” and m all his publications and pablie
contending for the faith once delivered to the saiat*” would ahno«t chill the very blood lo hear of such aggrava-
ihe great crjan of that party and is much to advanca investigate charges alleged a;iin>t him, and the mental a c u , has exhibited a Urgeneaa o f sonl, an indifference of
or worshiping God according to the dictates of our con­
the cause. The workiog men of Lig'aod support it liber- ezcitement fro n fhame and mortification, was doubtless M c,™ ,. i . nor f^orcd l.od ;_ i, m. , „ „ 00t. „id .i.oj.h , . of S r / . boU
science^ Yes, if Missonri’s blood-stained soil could speak,
tlly. Associations have been orgar.iz-rd in Scotland and the came cf his deirrm ;n*thn to add to !m sins by eferapt- ’ / * " ■ 11 be ' “ •Polk. °r >») <bro,ic .ad p.triotio ^ U ii; t i i u n a a ’. riew». .a aod all th*
it would tel! a tale of wrongs and outrages eo.nrnitred on oce ,1. r, ,f .1,,, « ,,l no|r , « Ib.l tV l.w . .re re.pec:ed qu.liii.. .h.t n.iaht render hin, . . „ h . *»!
ing to rush unhidden into the presence of his Maker.
American ciiiz?ni, that would cause ihe bluih of sham'! to Irtland.
?? ^ « r. w ,.u .w | ^ "***” " *
mantle the cheek of the veriest ravage of the Irlanda ol t u . « c « n o : do ,l„ng for . poor fcll.™ , Jlh. lle K lf td / n „ v w m m t , lc<l K u . f t i t
S uicide i.v C h u r c h —A young man, c.f fashionable ex
theses, not even the inquisition efSpain in i:a bloodiest age, C O M M U N I C A T I O X S. - p . . ,n office for ,l.e purpo« of pulu>( down .11-i- L , 8„ l(. » ho eoau.a<j for ti„ i le, o( cj, n d “
terior, entered the church of S ’. Grrviis. France, a few
could be fraught] with more cruelly or inj;t» ice— 15,000 To the Saints scattered abroad: Greeting.
weeks ago, and whilst o t hia k n ^ r , apparently prayirg
aouU, born as free ai the free’st, expelled from their homes Whereas, The public jo u r n a l are teeming with red hot tB n >w ,urn ,ro"“d “ « " " « > lib -.,. »?b i« d b, ^ / MctP„ to « l prejudice.^ m
with fervor, he blew out his brains with a f ijtol.
in the dead of winter, for attempting lo enjo/ the privi- lava from the craters of*ome dirsffected ones tn Nauvoo,
lege fought and bled for by our forefathers— .v». were eye A case of Cancer has been cureJ i i M iine by l>a»hin? I would caution all who' re:! an interest in the prosperi'y °°'d'u'7 " i10’I"-1h t b,' ,hrt” <0 ,“
witneea as well aa a auflerer in ihis most unhsll .wed perse­ the sore several times a day with br<i.dy and salt. of / to n * ClUtri lo enlrr .ni-. your ctorcu aud |jiay to A -
cution, and have seen men, women and chi! irrn, killed mighty God, tkat his rpirit may lead yen in the path of that ihe laws are strictly obeyed, it matters not who abould
by a ruthlesj mob, who left them dead on thr ground, af F ix e —Two beautiful houses loaned to th e Natives in truth, and lhat you may be preserved from any aad ever) feel the smart by so doing; —but O howdiffereat will it be p o«e set forth i n ’the foregoing ’ preamble and rrsols-
ter having robbed them while dying—all this true, yea, Philadelphia to celebrate the 4 th of J jly , were burnt’ to- rath or hasty m ovement; non? deaire eternil life mote when we become a popular people I—Congress will havr tion*, . V
more, their bones were left lo bleachHipon the -oiled prai­ gelher with three fine dwelling houies in Rose street, Ken- than I, and co heart beats higher for truth, virtue, and im- power enough then—^Congress can do as she pleases in 5th. Resolved, T hat editors of Public Journals ihroagb-
ries of the wed, and their fltfh to become food for thr lington. The incendiaries are not known. mortality, than lhat which lira within my owa brean. out the Country, be requested to publish the fore­
other mattera-r(and here related several instances where going. '
wolf, the raven, and ths vulture, and why is thia eulleredl Do I believe the tales that ar* tr>ld concerning Nauvoo. ihey had appropriated monies to n i t thfmselves,) hr
Why Congress tells us the has no power in our t use—let u» An unusual disekte prevails to a ^ rtat extent in Jones- and ihe conduct of Gv-n Smith I I believe them n o t; I closed, by picturing in a vivid manner the character of thr - ■ GODFREY, Chsirmso.
ask w hy/w hy will tbe ears of the ‘'concm tra'eJ wijdom” ville, Tennessee, end in the vicinity, which haa proved fa­ would, therefore, caution all ihe Sainu to be slow to think J . C .,L IT T L E , Sec’y. r
people’s candidaie, Gen. Jor. Smith, which was followed
of the land be closed to the cry of bleeding innocence!— tal in many cases It is charajteri ed by violent sore evil of him, whom almoit all men have sought in vain lo
by three hearty cbrera for Gen. Smith and Sidney Rigdor,
is there no feeling, no justice there! no balm in Gilead!— throat, fever aad swelling of the fac*, or parts sflrcted, destroy. JE F F E R S O N IA N M E E T IN G .
—Mr. Smith then sst dawn amid tremendous cheering.
and must the cries of thousands of Americ-n citizens, and of the glands of the neck, with slight variations in dil. I have sailed enough on the high seas lo know After which, O. Hyde, Esq. waa called upon, and arose • A T S A L E M ,-N .J .
widows and orphans remain unheard! js it b- cause we ferent cases, according lo the temperament and physical that in times of storm and irmpr»i, 'oar desired course,
ind said,—that
. . . he was, thackful
, . for tbe honor conferred
------------, A m ee,«0C of the frieads of Gen. Sm ilb of Nauvoo, II!
are not as numerous as some other societies? It is true ability ofthe patient.” if we had it not before, csntift t h n xkf|| be obtained—
Congress cannot restore to us our dead friend*, that Mis upon him, he remarked, that the former speaker aaid M * candidate’ for Preaideht waa held in Piles Grove
This requires a clear nky and n tu n i iu n *un ; so aUo on
souri has slain; neither can she repair the rnmy injuries A wirrorALL.—An old Itdy in Altiasy, mined Howard, ibat be did not come here to preach the scripture, but to Salem c . , W JerM y.'on ’the evening of the 15th cl
the voyage of Life,—storms n u i ii v . i d d .ik clouds ma>
who, although poor, is highly respectable, haa recently re­ preach politically, but, said he, it is hard to seperale them I 1344. *' ^
done to our healths and constitutions'; but she irujhi make, gather over us, j e t they pUre not our «tr»ired haven at
an appropmtion lhat would in sotne measure r-munerate ceived newa ofthe death of her father, who resided in one any differrnt points of ihe compi*s. but as the needlt entirely, for he had noticed he had slipped them in occa- J- Rbbeiaon'w m call to the c h iir and T Long was cb^]
us for our losa^, if not redrers our wrongs; we ask nought ofthe Western States, leaviog her a fortune of nearly $20, points in fair weather, to aho in storms il points the same ■ionally; said he, this is right,— for Heaven is higher than * n Clerk.
but what is our rights, ard our own. As to selling our 000 for the support of h»r declining yrarr. But sometimes the pilot becomes agitated and frightened
•he e a r t h - h e spoke wilh great effect.pon ihe misfortune, Mr. E . T . Be W i l l e d the object of the meeting sc<
rights and liberties, or receiving any M u g in exchange for of hts brethren, whose carcasses are I leaching on the ™ M «ted the prpprittV o f holding a state conven.ioa cl
at ihe sea foaming in its fury, and instead of keeping hi*
them, from Congrea3 or the State of Missouri, we do not A n o t h e r “ S h t k r ok C h a r i t y ” C a s e . —Another one plaina of Miawuri—he spoke of the prophetic declarator. , t e frie“da of Gen/JSmii^T'1‘ ^ “
eye upon ihe needle, he p hc»j it upon the. coollictinp
ask ii, neither will we receive it. Our political franchise, of those coses which disgrace h u m an ''/ and "Nativo Amer­ in referance to our people, which has partly been fnlfiUed - 0 a m o tio n ,^ e so lv ^ d , that a j t * t 0 caa**«tion c f^ e
waves, is thrown ofiThUcourae, hi* vrs*r I foundered, water-
and religioua rights we posaesa naturally as American chi' ican” proscription and tectari»n'um, occurred last Satur­ logged, end becomes a wreck. - t h e Gov. of Mi.soori waa a r er*ecntor o f J . S m i t h - Mfode ofG sn. Smith; be ’caUed at Trenton, on the 6:h dsr
zens, acd these righu we will have “ by the gods,” and if day. One ct those gentle, amiable and benevolent crea­ where is he now. He also spoke of ihe big gun that ex-1 August next*. '
Be admonished then by your frimd an I brother, lo hold
an American Congress will not protect us in them, or tures, the “Sisters of Charity,” who iaved so many valua­ on your course until thc storm :ub*ides, and tbe boisterou* p'oded io Washington, with appropriate remarks in refer- 0 a moiion, Hesolved/lhat the friends of Gen Smiti b*
grant them to us we wiil sppeal to the justice of High ble lives here during the fearful cholera season, was pas­ elements relire within thrir respective borders; ihen ifyou ance lo prophecy, as a n a tio n ,-a n d ss it respects slavery. to organise in efery* p,*rt of the state iran^i-
Heaven to give them lo us, and revenge our wrongs. sing up Market t tr r r t , when the met a young msn with a He wanted to see it done away wiih, he did not want to eer »,e1/ «nd ^ “ d dej^gatei to t}>e convention at Treatec
shall be dissati.ficd, you will havr R more proptr time to
roll of paper under bis arm. “ You d------Papist b------.*• •hrm taken away without a compensation, it could br 9 ° motion, ReiolyW .' t h it electors favorable to tbe
obtain the course that will bring you ’to your desired
T h e m oral s o r t h e S c r i b e s ai »d P i < \ risees __A raid he to her aauhe approached, and he struck her acrots haven. lone by means of ra^ney, which conld be made satiafacto election of Geo. Smith tp tbe P r « d e n c y be tel etrd bv
Roman Catholic Prieal in Illinois, haa recently been esnt the face with his bundle. The hc!p!es», humble, unrffend- 7 ; - h e also spoke with great ability thronghour. hi« ^'«da in e i ^ - E l e c t o f a l Dialrict of the »Ed
With tentimenta o f due consideration and high esteem,
to th e Penitentiary for infamous conduct at the confession iug woman, made no reply, but turn'pg up her eyes meek­ md sat down with three cheersfor J. Smith. After which. a«mea to th « Trenton Convemion
I have the hoaor lo myrelf ycor brother in the
aJ towards the wife of a reapectable man, this want of ly towards Heaves, while a leer Mule gently dowa, aht new and everloiting cover.ant, Mr. Smith arose snd stated to the meeting, that it w , J Oa raotion. ^ q ^ i b a t V commiUec cf three be «p-
morality is not confined to the Catholic priests. Kev(!)*Mr. murmured a prayer for the wrelch’j forgiveness.—We ask neceesary lhat funds ahoald be raised to pay the e s o r n » . I poinud to call ■ u '* V • , ?
Fiirchild^df Exeter, N\ H. Ccngregationalm prieat has every unprejudiced reader, how long are th 'te things to ofthe delegates for ihe Bsltimore Convention i whereupon I 'h e conniy o f s V l ^ m : ^ ‘l " ? -m n d i °r G , n - Srai,i,a
conniy ofSiIem.
come out 'as a candidate for the badge. The case of fcal If such be the beginning, of N ttive American manli­ J. B. Mynell and Jar. T lom psor, were cho 2*n aa a com
Whereupon Mcwa. Rflbereon, Sheeta and Goforth wns
Rev(T) Mr. John*on, a Presbyterian of New York, who ness end justice, what will be the end! Iftuch be thr
was found drunk in a brothel in this city has been publish­ genuine t ffrpricg of the “ fp ite , oh n.mre the Bible!” feel- *
POLITICAL. raittee to arrange that matter.
It was then tnov^d aod carried, that the proceeding ftf
appointed. * . .. • '
On motion, kespljr^d, that jhe minutes of ibis meeiiri
ed, also of K iv . LeFever of Penn., Van Zandi of New | ing of Na'.ivism, whst n n y we cot r »peel w hen it obtains L thia meeting be puh’iahed in the N tuvoo^Tim eafc a .
“ Neighbor” and “ Prophet.” **en*” be published in iho New York'hophet, Times and Ses-
York, indeed were we to attrmpt to record all ihe cases | lho National Church for which tl i« 1.boring! —Phila Timt.
•ons, Nauvco Nc^bcx.aqd^othcr papera.
#if licentiousness tn thc sectarian cierf y "the world would * ~ " ’M. II. MILES. Cha.’r
After a very epiritfd addreee.from Mr. Benson and Rob­
not contain the bsok*” - a n d theee are the men who are Fou*iEni«ai—T h j^ P n iib u ig Ot.*;ite, m ncticirg the erson the meeting ‘ >■
continually howling cbout the liitnlioutntu among the I Iecum * of a ) > n A m rin ^ , «•« the social theories of
Mormwns—had they net “ better remove the beam out o f ' ^ " " e i ^ s a y * - - V a n Amringr. it i„ well known, en- J E F F E R S O N I A N M E E T I N G _____-r" -- li» J-HOBERSON, Chair
LONG, Clerk. • • ...
ihrir own eyes, brfore they attempt to remove th- mo(e I very pecaliar notions about religious rr.atteri, and AT pETERBBOROUOlf, N . H. \
out of Iheir brother’s!” • J " i " *carcely br considered u safe l« achrr on any theologi- A p e e .b le lo p , . , i „ „ , m
__ __ B cal subject. His lectures on ase< t iation, he te!U us, are M «. E o . r o . > 4 .T jicq u e n .lje « Jte d whf / o . e p i s.»„ k
C u .v m n i : ok t h e P harisees —T hers is n call for a ' founded on l,ic '> §te,I> ‘,l ,hc t’^ n r h infidel, Fourier, and of P ' " ' bo; 0 “‘ bt d M n c - o n o r Mc. 1 •nd th e-M o rm o n . i U i o - . p o r o i i n their church .f.r r ihrj
pirly, M.en.blrd in Ihe M .w c ie H -.ll./ „ « I M h - . o . t know .hem t o b a c o m i p . . , I w p n l d . n . » e , : _ f , r
f onvention of lh»* friend* ef the observance cf ihe Sabbath I ' tc4nD0t f*Pectrd that the di?v•; le will d.ffer greatly p re » . h e . r I leeUog, ,be ; *; r e j » n , h .t oo, Lord kept J o d ^ t t , k n , . ; . , htm
(Sunday) to be held at the Saratoga Springe in ihe month frcn' ^ l0 flia!l'er- whuU sjstf:n we consider dishon- bl
of August. T h e object of this appears to l>e, to aj|ow | orii g to the Gospel cf the Son ol G.*J, imprncticable in iu o f ,h ' “ * " ° " v * « • « « « , . . r d io d .lg in , in . . Jer.1; offence. = » « c v c u c^ a .w iy I. bin. b , whom .he,
«hc priester^/i an opportunity to ei.j.iy the pleujures, which I cf5#r*clrr’ aBtl R,0-t^ an?erou* ',f tendencies. It i„ ur ^ * « i - «<
ihey have thoughtit it prudent to detounce ic iheir congre- ,c,,cU l&t’ d 10 MP ,bc :e ,y foundau.>uj» of social and civil One e T id e n e s 'u itlih s in d id r ^ w . n c r , i., tbe f.lfilmm
Re»l,ed. Th., . commiaee of t . , ppoint, d |0 of on, S m o r * W r d j ^ M . t u a ^ » 13. “ Then e h .lllh e rd "
gatioa* as drvli*h. This is a good way of "blinding the ! acci,,,y* ( Pcu dl <>r lo *}'rir,ny *• id Iiceniiou^nr**, des-
draft reaolulions of ihe view, of .he meetinL
dear follow«rs” To steal ihe livery of heavt n io worship ! lr° 7 ,hr f4tniIy rc,llionp’ 4od rs>b mr‘n vl iadepeidm ce ! . 7 “ * k u „ c u ,^ i „ l a
the devil in. and energy of character. whereupon, E Snow, 'J-n a s Livingston, and J- C U i be hated of all oaiioa*.’ f o tf ja y :oam *> sake. And then
He, Esqrs. were sppointed saidcommittee. On* mo.’
lion— V « . r , & Co.. probiblf.)
A C uriosity .—AVr havr received the fin: number of a W n t .1 t i i e w i c x e d b u l r , i : i e p e o p l e a io u a w .W l b e t t.,* ,t w i t e t . ud.^.,,1 b, l(, one
handsomely printed sheet published in ihe city of New S olomon . Bewltrd : That lh:. m,eii»t .djourn u lil ,o.morro_ (*nd it m.jr b« th.t two i.ndred will „ »
York, entitled «*1 lie I W h c t •• Jt car mi h i Z . .
head the flsg of Joe Smith for I W . C ' o ErtCLino —Iu Uugland the pric- of labor variea. The e » e n i.,, .D . . . h e T o . n H ow e .0 h e , , ,he repor. enefflte^,) And Utfa,!friN:pTojAcu ( U » .id Cele, per-
Notiiogham stock v.-eavers, aa H a t'd by them in a pab- of the commiilee. P°rt
States. It la now a mailer of consider*!.',. i i
stands the best, chance of beioR ilected j -,i. «!° lie address, ofter working from 14 lo 10 hours a day, J V C m . Me. H o n « p o m a o , 10M(j, •’T ' . shall
injquity k n"f’ “ ? *'“
abound; tb# 1Iote<o|f
1 i i ^m“
y f- A"d b«»»K
Mormon prophet or Martin V*n Burro.—Bo. ^ L ^ k wax cold.—
earn only from fsur to tire thill, k s per week, and are ment— meeting called lo order by the chairman - k c
Mr. Times, a very short lime will .how >« J h a t MiTOa. obliged to subsist on bresd and wa’t r, or potatoes and salt. Snow Esq i n b r h a l f o f the c o m m m .. ' ,s d ! a * t o * end, the same shall be
JE F F E R S O N IA N M E E T IN G . i ,, , the committee, anbmitted tbe fol. aavtd. WtlJ^ytfoiJwld fly '(he track 1
ri stands alone in her want of appreciation !rue 6coTt.Aifi>— A m on g the laboring e lz n e a of the induetri- ! . » « , pre.mble .n d re.ol0,i00,, whicll _ «•
and that G rn Smith (or aa you say Joe J n * Porsnant to pubUc nq|ire, the frieadi of "Eqaal ri*hta.” ’ l y ’A N OBSERVER.
ons Scotch, meal, except on Suud,>r. is rarely used. . met
i* t at Marioa
Kfasi«i.> Temperance Hall,
TV. is on T u esd av e v V n i'n .T^ “ in.ereMin, d.Kor-.on, which l . tled . . 0
*» w„ “ l
what Martin Van Buren could not, get thc ul.'Vagr of the F r a r c i —T he common wage., of a hired man in ll^ th . 1 ^ in g Jo n . .he e .o of Ihe Uih .dopted, fi.e o n l, E .b e w p S tra -n oerj W TO* Heber C, Kembsll snd
Jeffersonian democracy throughout the LToi^r*. live. Lyman -Wight ,of th e Q p o r o m '^ f the Twelve is in New
France, are $37,75 for a man and y 13,75 for a woman an- j Wm. H. Miles, Erq waa called lo the chair anri r* -j
PREAM BLE. T o r k , a 1so 0 ^ * w^ j t ; . 6 ^ M Hyde and Wm. Smith of
X7* “ Architectonic,” too late for insertion will j Dt°a,ly‘ The UXfS nP',a t,1^ m , r - *<*nal 10 one fiif‘h of j Roger*, Esq. was appoint d secretary. * ** of the aame queroin. T j 4* j ’*
uc week. Whereas, In a republic like onrs, all i u
' I 'W ™ .» « lod raiJe office™, . r e dependent npon .he popnUr 1 mstitationa
, , , The Presidejjt ^ '.Vajtfd 1SUtes John Tyler wu
Norway - I b Norway the ordinary food for th . peaaan-isome very pertinent ren.a.ka in reference to the
great ob* lence « well . • (or . h „ r . J r n j t J , „ d J u n b i u ,r> married on Wedjtead*)! Qlorftitg last In Hew York to Mi«*
' 5 V
* . o l OS' t
‘ r I i "iiiliuii'.LU c li
immutable covenant o f the M ost H ig h to th at
RELIGIOUS. man, end be restored to a knowledge o f th e gos­ spared from violence— the infant, whose tender
cries would be listened to w ith a feeling o f com­ a Roman eagle placed iu the portico oltlie
pel, th at they, with, all nations m ig h t rejoice, Temple, in the reign of Augustus
0»- A* tho i r a / o h u t particulars, t a d incident*. connec­ seemed to inspire fu rth e r th o u g h ts o f gain and in* passion and tenderness— and the virgin, whose 13,000 I t d ^ h ^ 00113 Ww0dD!,r* * IS A * u at Phi.
ted with the coming forth o f the Book of Mormon, have come from such a valuable history. Surely, grace, beauty, and modesty, would be esteemed » ;n » .
* “ diiioa suppressed by Veres, Governor of

«ver be ta , aod are now, sabjocts of enquiry, we shall in­ thought he, ev ery man will seize with eagerness and held inviolate b y all good men andenlightend Ia aa an4>a»c*de before Ax-alon, in the begin- 2,000 03- Mr Valentine Merrill, Jr., of South Norwalk, (0 t.)
is our authorized Agent.
vert, for the br Befit of those who aro not acquainted with this knowledge, and this incalculable income will nations, were alike disregarded and treated with oiag of ih , war against ihe Romaca -
the com iig »orth of the above named work,*ono of a eerie* betnine. E n o u g h to raise the expectations of s c o r n ! In vain did the h o ary head and m an of At the capture cf J 4ffa by TitM 18,000
of letter*, each week uatii all are published. any one of like inexperience, placed in sim ilar cir* g ra y hmra ask for m ercy— in vain did the m other A t« h e S e ig c 0f J OIapatil3{hofNVro •15.000 0 > Mr. E . W ard Pell U authorized tu act u Agent for
plead for compassion— iu vain did the helpless •10
O. COW DERY’3 L E T T E R S T O W. W. PHELPS. cumstances. B u t the im portant point in this on
m atter is, th a t m an does not see as the Lord, nei­ in lan t weep for v ery anguish— and in v ain did toe L ake TGenrerette
o r'Che, andBl thcD"«*
tbe virgin seek to escape the ruthless hand o f re- 0,000 , h ? ^ p E li " * * " • » « C ! aa Ageata (or
th e r are hia purposes like his. T h e small things Prophet, t a d rcccipf for .11 muaicj, i n j r0, . „ d
Dtar BrotJUr: vengeful foes and demons in hu m an form— all Af| " k i ' t io lbe .riba-
o f this life are b u t d u st in comparison w ith salva* tne same aa soon as convenient.
Y o h w ill rem em ber th at in m y last I brought tion and eternal life. UrwT Wel° Jlr a*u PledldoJr n by the feet o f the strong, *' ,T e-a » >o Nero, to work i i
m y subject dow n 1? the evening, or nig h t o f the and crushed beneath the rsg e o f battle and w ar! ° f 1* ■ M« « - W . < 0 0 were .old
It is sufficient to sa y th a t such were his reflec­ Elder Melvin Wilber, is authorised to act as Travclli
2 1 st o f September^ 1823, and gave an outline o f tions d u rin g his walk of from two to three miles, Alas! who can reflect upon the last struggles of *t J ” bl"
lo bear arms. were pat to death
1S.<W> old meo, u . b l e Agent for tho Prophet. ,
th e conversation o f the angel upon the im portant the distance from his father’s house to the place g reat populous nations sink ing to d ust beneath At ike capture ofGatnala l y Titua 12.000
facta o f th e hlewnga, promises and covenants to pointed o u t , A nd to use his own words, it seemed the hand o f ju stice and retribution, w ithout weep- 9,000 Elder Q. S. Sparks, of H a n fo i^ C o n . is auihoriecd to
la a battle again.t Plscidus, L \ of V « PM"jtn
Israel, arid the g reat manifestations o f favor to tho as though two invisible powers were influencing ing over the corruption o f the hum an heart, and act as .General Agent for the Prophet.
near the village o f G j k r a
world in the ushering in o f the fulness o f the gos­ or striv in g to influence his m ind— one with the sighing for tbe h o u r when the clangor o f arms 15,000
At the Seig- of Jerusalem and destruction tfiK .
pel, to preparo the way for tho second .advent o f reflection th a t if he obtained the object of his p u r­ shall bo no more heard, nor the calamities o f con­ Temple by Titui Elder J. J. Woodbury, haa authority to act &s Travell-
the Messian, when he comes in th e glory of the suit, it would be through the mercy and conde­ tending armies be an y more experienced f o r a ing Agent for the Prophet.
thousand years. A las! the calam ity o f war, the la the revolt of the fake Messiah Birchrcho-
F ather, with thd holy angels. scension of the Lord, and th at every act or per­ bas, aad in the several rev.lts undrr Adrian
A remarkable fact is to be noticed with regard formance in relation to it, m ust be in strict accor­ extinction o f nations, the-ruin o f kingdoms, the E tfe r Henry Jrnninga, of Wayneaville, Ohio, is requea
Trr j»n, and Juminia . . ’
to this vision. In ancient tim e the L ord warned dance with the instruction o f th a t personage who fall o f empires, nnd the dissolution of govern­ 000,000 ed to act as Travellieg Agent for the Prophet.
some o f his servants i a d r e a m s : for instance, communicated the intelligence to nim first; and ments ! Oh ! the misery, the distress, and evil, Add to this, lhat from th? lira, of ihc' adoration
/ ___________ _ r . __________
o fth e Golden Calf, to tbe return of ihe arlf, 03* Donations in books, natural or artificial curioaitict,
Joseph, the husband o f M ary, waa warned in a the other with the th o ug hts and reflections like attendant on these. W h o can contemplate like
dream to take the y o u n g child and his mother, those previously m entioned— contrasting his for- scenes without sorrowing, and who so destitute which had been captur.d by the Pa;li»line*, pViiotophical apparatuiea, fee., will be received by the
there were destroyed . . . ^ “ Society for the Diffusion of T ruth," at tbe cffice of tha
and flee into E g y p t; also the wise men were mer and present circumstances in life with thoso o f commiseration, as not to be pained th a t man
warned o f the L o rd in a dream not to retu rn to to come. T h a t precious instruction recorded on has fallen so low, so far beneath the station in Prophet, and forwarded to the Muaeum, at Nauvoo. No*
H erod ; and when “ o ut o f E g y p t the Son was the sacred page— p ray alw ays— which was ex­ which he was created. ‘“ j."* • - • - S.«B.OOO ticea of which will be publiihed, if d nircd.
‘ mount does not include neither ike losses they
called," the angel o f the Lord appeared in a dream pressly impressed upon him , was at length entire­ In this vale lie commingled in one mass o f ruin
m e tw n h m .he wars anterior to the Ciptivity, north* W e wou’4 Hat, to our oorre ap o a d en u th it to inaure ia
to Joseph ag a in : also he was warned in a dream ly forgotten, and as I previously remarked, a fixed the ashes o f thousands, and in this vale were des­ persecutions and revolt* in the time o fth e German Empe­
tined to be consumed the fair forms and vigorous •ettion in the ‘‘i’fophrt,” iheir comm unicitiocs t-hould be
to tu rn aside into Galilee. Such were the m ani­ determ ination to obtain and aggrandize himself,
rors aod the Middle Age*, avt the m w i c . t i nhich lol received early in the week, a* our immense edition render
festations to Joseph, the favored descendant of the occupied his mind when ho arrived a t the place •W tems o f tens o f thousands o f th e hum an race :
l ^ e d the Crus idea, nor tbe preemption* en masse, „ h i d . .t cecieaary for us to Co to press on Friday morning.
father o f th e faitnful in dreams, and in them the where the record was found. blood mixed with blood, flesh with flesh, bones
L ord fulfilled hiapurposcs. B u t the one o f which with bones, and du st with dust I W h en the vital wetc to fitque&tly renowned in diflVrent parta of t^e
world, in Die times of the invasions by ihe berbariaus, and
1 have been speaking is w hat would havd been
called an open v is io n ; and though it was in the
aioce their establishment in the Roman province* Under
all theae cilaumie* and oppression*, ihe Jewa like ihort
nig h t y e t i t waa n ot a dream. 1 here is no room
for conjecture in this matter, and to talk o f decep­ Paling
J m j , r w Z 7 c o . .7 O n U rlo
vivecioua p.Vnta which can re*i*t the intrmper«nce of al.
’' htve been ' Iby divine i n t e r p o i i t i o D , enabled to aut-
tion, would be to sport with the common sense of Co. NO. 7 S P R U C E S T R E E T ,
e v e ry m an who knows when he is awake, when > N Y . end also aa y o u pass from the former those arm s w h i c h w,™ lh' ra"
mtielvra: amit'n g0 many appalling obitacles, a n d
moments before 2 ND. FLOOR.
h e sees, and w hen he does not see. t a i . h™ o f 1M . n 1'T ' , bef0n> r r r ' Vi'l g a t thr IiU l* n « 'V « d wil'h a t r i i i g t h , h a d M ik e b e c r a . ’ o . 'n il ’v i e d h‘ , e U K ‘ i A 0f 1 p. i aci pl . TT
village o f M anchester,
H e could not have been deceived in the fact that tour miles from P alm yra, you pass a large hill onaay from three to four, or a n d t h o « h««rij which “ ’ * * S • } ’
had been firetl witli re-
a being o f some kind appeared to him : and th a t it the east side of the road. W hy W here m ay be found, a general assortment o f
w as an heavenly one, the fulfilment o f his words so because it is as large perhaps Books and P ap ers illustrative o f th e doctrine and
m inutely, u p to this time, in^addition to the tru th country. T o a person acquainted faith o f tho C h u rch of Jesus C h rist of Latter-
and word o t salvation which has been developed a description would be unnecessary d ay Saints, among which are the following:—
to this generation, in the Book o f Mormon, ought largest and rises the highest of Prof. Orson P r a tt’s Prophetic Almanac, for
to be conclusive evidence to the mind o f every T h e north end rises quite suddi 1815.—
man who is privileged to hear o f th e same. He i n e a c h o t h e r 's ' " ' 7 « M t >> f i d . the l ^ . t --------
A T reatise on the F ulness o f the E v erlasting
was awake, and in solemn prayer, as you will bear . level with the moreq r tS“r l t - « Ut« m it,- 7 an d ' ? 1 ^ Z ' Z a W o ’ ” Z b_____ " ^ T l. .r. i"n 'w\ h' oh is e t e r - 1lor'® gMpe Tu,lte7: ia all pjrta of the Ea*t ib.y Gospel.— per hundred $ 8 — single I s.
think I may say an elevation hig h e r than at the ! nal. C " ' he b“ ° f H,In who ; *re dyera woikera in silk, v»-„rera and blackamith»; in Po-
in mind, when the angel made his a p p e a ra n c e ; sbuth a short distance, sny h alf or t h r e e fourths P . P. P r a tt’s reply to Le R o y S underland—
from th a t 1glory which surrounded him, the room o f a mile. As you pass toward Canandaigua, it W ith sentim ents o f pure respect, I conclude bv ' l#0'i,h c?r are currier*, lice weavers, potter* and 8 G. single 10 cts.
was lit u p to a perfect brilliancy, so th at darkness lessens gradually until the surfnee assumes its subscribing m yself yo u r brother in the gospel. * •lIvrr5lnll!,s’ 00:1 “Mough the great body of the nation are ^ A n appeal to the inhabitants o f the State o f
wholly d isap p eared: he heard his words with his common level, or 13 broken by other smaller h ills tiil! e in trade and commerce, in every quarter of the
• 11 •. ,■ .(New - Y o rk ; L et
cars, and received a jo y and happiness indescri- or ridges, water courses nnd ravines. I think I fro m the Mereiintil* Journal. tvoill, ttaJtmt.Lhrd thr, .re,. F o u n tain o f K now ledge; Im m ortality of the
bable by hearin g th a t hia own sins were forgiven. T H E RE ST O RA T IO N OF T H E JE W S . > «■»'« l* *" a I B o d , onc| I n t e l l ig e n c e a n d A ffe c tio n , b y P P
am justified in sayin g that this is the highest hill
and hia former transgressions to be remembered for some distance round, nnd I am certain that its N ew Yokk , June ISth, 1544. rorlbe u l . , . n a n | r u e p»r.m o, tbe more M i s l e a d and P p rr aa ,t tt $9 88 p e r h i n d . 1 «. s i n r f e '
agVmst him no more, i f he then continued to walk appearance, as it rises so suddenly from a plain ectentific profeasiom with rapata'ioo, and are in.ilm*;--I m L . m . . * - ___ ^ «• .1 . e.
M». Kioto* - . ! u , e D M b ./JfT o u V p ip V r^ /.u i^ d ' ' T " " ' 7 ^ ^ * ’'° “’ “ d *re I T h e T esU m ent o f the twlivo Patriarchs, tho
before tho Lord, according to his holy command- on the north, m ust attract the notice of the trav- the! M l.w in e p a r a „ . p h : - “ * '.l" e d teform. ta the ceremoatal p , m of t le t r r .l t g to», withoat s o n , „ f J o c o b.
. ments. ' H e also saw h im depart, the light and eller as he passes by. J itv * .—h ii sjid t h x ihe total number of ihe Jews iuc.rd|..lpriaciple. C orrcspondencrbetw een Gen. J o , . Smith, C<«,
glory withdraw, leaving a'calm ness and peace of Wealth taaat ceaer.U, dtflaaed amoag the W entw orth, Gen. Jas. A rlington Bennet and Hon
- , WP - »• a I A t about one mile west rises another ridee of ihronRhou! the worKl i* estimatrd at 3,105,700, and it ia
soul past the language o f man to paint. Waa he less height, ru n n in g parallel with the former. « i d that thii numb«r h*«never miterially varied from the jew s, hj! lhe . ; g r e Ca.e of their posieaaiona constitute. J. C. C alhoun: ^ 8 per hund. Is sin e
.hem by far th , most wealthy people on erath, a .d the j A n interesting account of several remarkable
S w L L *; • f - - * . a beautiful vale between. T h e soil is of tune ol David dowu-iard
enormous proportion, are so located aa to secure a Very j visions. B y O. P ratt, $ 6 per hundred 10 ct*.
tw ic e m n r n ; n r , , n f l / 18l°r WI? ” J ® fi,r s t Su a lu y for llie country, and under a state j * 11 h<s * •ubjeer of i n t e r , st, although aot of decided it: f!j?ncr in the movements of every na.ion, n n k - 1single.
f ’ r . ' . S f ur h. t r “ ? -“ *" 01 c.u lli' ation. which gives a prospect at once im- « * " ■ ' i»1«»7. » « « . « . . a. ac.,1, a. po^ib:* ,he au.
Usneaof^godliness ant 1 those things posing, when ono reflects 'on the fact, th a t h e r e ,! n” »f **•« people ia everj p .n oftke int; them, ia a inrasjre, ih; arbitrator, of very imporun: j O. Cowderv's letters to W. W. Phelps, o a
moremrfit.-*. the origin o f tne Book o f Mormon.
„ i ,* « morning hei went to his labor as between these hills, tho ontiro power and nation- worlJ. Rndlookingforward to thespeedy fulfilment of all
usual b ut soon the vision of the heavenly m e s s e n -a l strength of both the Jared.tes and N ephites U * P»«. made ,o , hatpeculiar.od^favored race Alihou»li iheinJewish • people are entirely . passive in re!a- A H istory o f the C hurch o f Jesus C h rist o f
g er w is renewed instrucUng him to go immedi- were destroyed. P I their r^tora.ion to the laud of .heir ancestor. I have been * 'u0” r f ‘ t0r*,,0jn' 1icd waning .he great advent with L atter day Saints— by Joh n C orrill a member o f
^ V1.®r thos# things o f which he had been B v tu rn in g to the 529th and 530th pages of, «t cowiJeraW. pains to ob:.,n a census, accurate a. f . r « i !h e “ T a°hdb; m!1,,y which' hey h*ve c’ ioced the Legislature of Missouri. *
informed, with a promise th a t he ahould obtain the Book of Mormon, you will read Mormon’s e*rr, coua.ryiu Europe!, referred to. Lbut T ddepend,^“a UBo“ ? ^ ^ 1°
e ^ e n d h g upo” ' igh' ' ' a hundfed y c!in « ‘ rc,l"D
e haodfedw„h
unabated j unabated
Synopsis of parallel passages in the Scripture,
them if he followed the directions and went account of the last struggle o f his people, as they atimatea. .Itva, a below .be act.,1 cun.ber, of tboae reaid 1C“°5'1'------------ "" ------ ----------
fr0rn,*C -----------------------
* *” '1 Pte^dioa of that ditria. ! puce puce 5s.
.w ith an eye single to the glory of God. were encamped round this hill C um orah. (It L in g in Atia and Africa, from which it appear* lhat lhe power which haa ever been near them and with them, ne- Gospel Reflector. 81.25. *
Accordingly he repaired to the place which had printed Cam orah, which is ’ an error.)‘ ‘In this ' J Je'vieh nation number full aix million* of p c o p h , dividsd vertheless there haa been no period on their hiatory in Tim es &> Seasons, bound. 2 ,0 0
thus been rdescribed.
„ . B u t .it is13 necessary
MC?S3**y to to give
give valley, fell - - the - rem aining strength and pride of a anu located as followr: — which Christian* generally havo taken more iniereat in H isto ry o f the Priesthood, by Benj. W inches­
you more fully the e ip re ss instructtons o f th e an- once powerful people, the N’l p h i t e , — once so fn all part, of uacient Poland before the partition their temporal and religious welfare, than they evince ai ter. 25 eta.
, the; present time. T bi. i* the providential prelude to greaf* Millenium, a poem by P. P. P ratt, price 50
w h irl A j jeCt ° jth ,® worlc ln highly favored o f the Lord, b u t at th a t time [in o f 177-2................................. ...........................................
wbuch our brother had now e n g a g e d - H e was to darkness, doomed to suffer exterm ination by the fn I l u tr a , comprrh-oding W aldivia and Wal- 1,000,000 , c r Q t i ;— they know too little c f each *»ther; and a cloiei CtS. i
remember that it was the work o f the Lord, to hand of their barbarous and uncivilized brethren. J approximation, a mutual surrender of prejudice*, aad * Index to the Book o f Mormon, 2 nd edition: per
la c b ia ......................................................................
200,000 I greater rd iin c e ofCristiana upon what conatituted priroi- hun. 82. sing. 6 cts.
P ? t0 \ branC^ Pr° m the toP of this hilI> Mormon, with a few In the diflerent S ia tta ofC lrrm an y........................... ) live Christianiiy. will at once ehow how alender ia the
w h a n ite ^ and others, after the battle, gnxed w ith .h o rro r upon In Ilollind and Ilelgiam................................... Address to the People o fth e U. States: 25 cts.
50.000 liae that divides us. I cannot avoid believing that th per hun.
n r e « l l wWK ° Ug i l^ .d ono *x*the mangled remains o f tliose who, the d ay liefSn, Sweden and Denmark....................................... G.CTJO great triumphs reserved for C hm titnity will be ia thei .Gospel L ig h t— 8 2 j>cr hundred, single 3 cts.
V A 7 5 . “ 1 Bw d b e f° i 0>8,nS le ‘° l h e w c re fil,cd w h h a n x i e t y , hope, or d o u b t A few | France................................................
France ........... 75.000 agency aad co-operation in re.toring the Jew s to their an
J Iri t WelUrC ^ restoratlon fled to the South, who were hun ted down by E ngland..................................................... Gen. Jos. Sm ith’s views on the policy of G ov­
rac tho victorious p arty , and all who would not deny iu ! i,n Stater............................................................. ** -'OO.OOO cient hcritige for it cannot be politically accompliauefl ernm ent; Appeal to the Green M ountain B o y s;
without thfir aid, and if the oecond advent ao called, and Correspondence between Gen. Smith, Col. W e n t­
were p u t to death . — J All N jith and South America and We*t Indies 100,000 so ardently desired by pioua Christians, is ever to come t< worth and J. C. Calhoun, and a Memorial to
the record of his son | fn the Mahometan State, of Europe, Asia and
pass, it cannot, I hardly conceive, ta k t place until after the the Legislature of Missouri.— G dolls, per hun.
reitoration is arcomplished, and there is a throne to be oc I s.
nation |to be governed, and the propheciei W e have, in press, and will issue shortly, Prof.
Orson P ra tt’s P rophetic Almanac for 1845.—
Calculated for the E astern , Middle, and W estern
disappointm ent and reproof would m o s t^ u s a ^ ^ ^ e nca*eC° U\finaa 'w h lT rn0d
redly loUow. Such was the i n d u c t i o n »nd th“ , o f th , i M
8»lfh W°-U,tl I
H ' u ' " ” 5 " “ ' ” Pr b"
• n‘1 foHow.o* the rePgion of thnr Joref.iher*.—
‘ " " ' V ........ »»■— <•>«- reMdia,
RELIGIOUS NOTICES. States and Territories, the N orthern portions of
the slave States, and British provinces, it contains
G R O V E M E E T IN G , much m atter interesting to the Saints.
•assa*.... A Me«:ir.g of the Church of Jeau* Christ of Latter Day
J u l y , 4 t h .! Orders, with cash remitted, for any o fth e above
works, will be attended to with despatch.
hundred S iin t., will oe hold in ihe Grove oppoaite Jam es SmithV
ro at thi. day connected with the first at Jerusalem, South Long Island, on Thursday, July 4 , FA R M FO R SALE.
and Portugal. Io Asia and Turkish do- commencing at 10 o’clock, A. M. The officer and mem’ ON LONG ISLAND.
pecta’ of obtaining so desirable a tre a su n —one in I his small record to"hT« gaV° I mln‘on,, 1 htve miJe an «t»mate rather below iheir actu- bers of the neighboring branches are invited to attend. -T H E S u b m ib e r oflsrs bis farm at private sale.
a il h u m a n p r o b a b i l i t y su ffic ie n t to r a is e h i m a b o v e p e a rs fro m t h e s a m e tini*h«d it ’* fr« r w ? aP* I n“ mber* are P °werf“ l »a China, and on the bor- Oaso.t I I td *, of the quorum of the Twelve will bt ____/ “id farm is situated on th* road tbat Irad^
e„ level w itf the , common earth ly fortunes
r of h i, I
. i ,n 5 5
extinction of his people as a nation, I der< of Tdrt^ ' ,lkewi« ia ^ «he countries bor- present. •rom the parsoosge larding to Hempstead, withia h 4ii a
fellow men, and relieve his fam ily from want, I t was not the wicked who overcame the rieht- fering on the Iadian Ocean. In Abyaainia aad Ethiopia nile of said landing. Said farm contains
w htch b y m isfortune and aiekness they were eous: far from thia: i t was the wicked against there arc many communities of black Jew r, and they Elder Orson HvDr, will lecture at the Log Cabin on 53 ACRES OF LAND
&av« a separate congregation at Calcutta. Fulton atreet, Brooklyn, at the usual hours on to-morrow tccording to the deed* of which 15 ia woodland aEd 14 salt
p,.- . 1 ,. .. . , ll' 0 wicked, and by the wicked the wicked were The number cf the Jewish people in every part of the June 30. >lack grass, aod fre.h meadotr. *
I t .s v e ry natu ral to o p p o s e th a t the mind punished. T h o Nephttes, who were once enlight- On aaid farm is a good dwelling hou.e, with five rooms
would n to J V e u p o n those scenes which had ened, had fallen from a moro elevated . t a n j i n K wcrld will supprise no one who takes into consideration m the floor with a hall through ihe centre, a rood brick
The Church of Jesus Christ of Letter Day Saialit, holt’ jrllar that can be entered without going out Tf d o or*. .
passed, w h e t those.w ho h ad a little of as to favor and privilege before the Lord, in con- that for ike last four hundred years they bave been in a
measare exempt from these persecutions which they suffer­ meetipgs every Sabbath, at Marion Temperance Hall arge and convenient bara with other out bu.lding, a Bood
’d prior to the reformation; nor have they beea included 183 Canal st. N. Y. *7“ d°or» w d a large gardm t d l \to r .
n tke various war* which haro for oeveral hundred year* <d with ahrubbery, anch as gooseberry' current*, raspber
B rooklyn -—M eetings arc held every Sunday at tbe ies, grapes, See. For funher particulars enquire of ihe
lesolated Europe ar.d Asia. Naturally a pacific people, ♦ubaenber on the premues.
Log Cdbin, Fulton street at the usual hours.
tdhering at a very early age to th*ir international m ania- JAM ES AKERLY.
*es, exceedingly temperate in living, and constitutionally june 29 1644
active and energetic, their self augmenting population The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter D iy Saints of Bos
ton, Mass , bold their m ettingsevery Sibbath, at 16 Frank­ . J h ' ‘. P ,A N 0 FO RTES—J .
Uf“;, ,V V „ . I the accounVof^TiieirTrue'oriiHny'anV^ande'red Ifror" lh<le *>>'» 'hei. . . _ . _ ROCKETT begs to inform his firiendi and the
lin st. Elder John Hardy, presiding. Residence, 01 Com­ public that h ; has removed his Piauo Forte Store to N o
Alternately did these, w ith a aw iftreflection of [from river to river, from hill to hill, from moun- °Un,be" ’ tUd lh“ ,h#.‘ ther Me a‘ ,hi’ ,imc mercial st. n 544 Broadway, between Spring ahd Princc »t., where at
the words^of the holy messeneer,— “ Remember, tain to mountain, from sea to sea, till the land was M namfr‘,u• “ ,hc7 were m ,he d4Jr< of til times, will be found a good anortm em of new and sec-
that he who does this work, who is thu s favored again peopled in a measure, by a rude, wild, re- 3o^ rooa: Qfr The charch of Jestu Christ, of Latter Day Saints at osd band Piano fortes, at prices ranging from twentv-fiyj
of the Lord, m ust do it with his eye singlo to the vengeful, warlike and barbarous race. Such are '* “nother. m o r ,n *our p*r««r*ph which it may Philadelphia, bojd their meetings every Sunday as osnal foliar* upward*. Purchaser* will find it to their adraar
glory of the same, and th a welfare and restoration o u r Indians. be well also to nouce at this time. You su t* that the in Third street above Willow, over Marshall Institute. age before purchaaing elwwhere, to call aud examine for
hemselves. All piano forte, sold by J. R.-wilj bo warrant
o fth e scattered rem nants o f the house o f Is ra e l” T h is hill, by the Jaredites was called R am ah • ,,umbcr of Jcw* haF ncT,,r rn,,eri‘ 1Iy v*»«ed from three ELD. W m. W HARTON, Presiding. i «o be as represented. N B Piano fortes tuned r e ^ i :
rush upon his mind with the quicknoss o f elec- by it, or around it, the famous arm y of Corian- mii,ion,»frorn ll,e ,ir,,s of Divid downwards. Very n e a r - 1 — ■■ *d, exchanged, ------
and sold on commiMion. je—c
, <• was a struggle indeed; for when tum r pitched their te n t C oriantum r was tho last , f *h,lt numbrr h # ,b fc a M««rnuaaied by wars and vio- L I S T O F A G E N T S . T H E C HEAPEST COFFIN WARK-ROOM 1 N T H E
•r j j^ Qpon his errand, he k n ew th a t k in g of the Jaredites. T h e opposing arm v were !,DCC* ftom wh“ m*y ** COM‘de« d *1** commeacement of W O RL D .
Br. Hardy, Beston. Br. Woodbury, 24 Nor.h Wharve*, T. D- G IL L E S PIE furnishes all articles required at
kn 0 t ? T®i:h ®C^ U., d n 0 .t ° bl.a i n ; a n d w it h t0 an d in th is w m e v a lle y , a n d n e a r \b v . lhc'r 09150111,1‘r° 0b!' J' Philadelphia. E!der Wandell, general traveling agen
i! *° • ° “ *.a *n ^n & his mind would be F rom d ay to day, did th at m ighty race spill their f According to Josephus and cotemporary writer*, funeral., and has pnvelege to inter in all the grave
r n e a b a c k to its f o r m e r re fle c tio n o f p o v e r t y , blo o d i n w r a t h , c o n t e n d i n g a s i t w e re b r o t h e r there were slaughtered ia C ssaria, by the Sy- through tb t State of New York. Br. A. R. Wright, ol yards aad cem ctenes 10 the c.ty or country, his charges
anknrlaMv an/1 .*_*.! L - f / . I • . • .i i -i r • 1 ,
son. In this I ........................................................................ ‘->0,000
Bellefontaine, Ohio. Elder William McBride, Waynes- Pearl rillb e very moderate and attendance punctual
at. near Broadway.
No v w

o f th is sam e I jeruialem , eccssiooed by the insolence of a ville Ohio. All traveling elders are reque»?ed to act ai
a sto n ish m e n t u p o n th e I Roman solJur, under ihe reign of Claadm *..
agents for the “ Prophet.” BRUSH FACTORY.
WM previously shown him, it was g r o u n d w h ic h w a s tw ic e c o v e r e d w ith th e dead I M Scitopolis M. H. MILES, M ANUFACTURER OF VARVlflW
th a t h ® »hou!d obtain and and d y i n g o f o u r fellow-m w-men. en. H ere may be seen, At Alexandria, in craseqaence of the rivalry of
Bro. A. R. Wright, of Ohio, is authorised to pro
ibove articles
Graining,, and Artists Brushe*. All of the
will ,?e
be maa
cure aubsciibers aad receive monies for th* P ro p h e t— 4ib0Ve anicl. e* W1,: u,*ctured to order and
to order, and at at the
the I
iD ^ - " S t - e l f a n d where o n ce s u n k to n anuigg h t tt the p r i d o ana strength I the Greeks and Egyptians................................ 50.000 . . . , . . . •• , * “ »paeu nhorle.t notice, on the most reasoaab d term* *» 1i« v /
o f tw o m i g h t y n a t i o n s ; a n d h e r e m a y b e c o n te m -1 At Asca’onfrom the #»me cause. . !! * M«h°nsed to d.spow of a few Shares 01 1 ,au street, basement story. f,c -* S I
A hutory or the inhabitants who peopled this 2,0001the Capital Stock of the “ Society for the Diffusion ol
conuneat, prev.oua it, U i discovered to p la te d i n so litu d e , w h ile n o t h i n g b u t t h e f a it h f u l At P tolem ais.......................................... .................. 2'° ° ° Truth.”
r e c o rd o f M o r m o n a n d M o r o n i is n o w e x t a n t to At Silecia, by the Syrian* and Greeks............... 50.000 - - - - B r u s h f a c t o r y .— w m ..........
j d u d l e v ^a u ^77177?:
Europeans by Cotambus, must be interesting to T U K E R .fF .o c rlfa i,. CM . and H.t i
i n f o r m u s o f t h e fa c t, s c e n e s o f m i s e r y a n d d is t r e s s At the siege of Jern.*»!em by Porapey............... 12.000 OO- I*!der John Hardy ia our General Agent at Boston, ! H V* ^fM hes.' T h e ’above arilelVs he haa on hand
every n u n : and.aa it would develop, the im ior-
t a n t f t e t that the preaant race w erTdescendK t, — t h e a g e d , w h o s e s i l v e r lo c k s in o t h e r p lac e s, a n d B yaa earthquake in J^dea, 42 or 43years before I those wi.lii.ig lo tu ’ircribe for the •• Prophet,” in that/?"* ** p,|fl>». US N u m h at f r - ! : ■<«>
a t o t h e r tim e s, w o u ld c o m m a n d r e v e r e n c e ; t h e Christ ........................................ 30.000 City or vicinity will please forward iheir namea to I j J JU tf A*n 0 i‘u«<r a ejiir-cxecaicu ou me mo»:
of A brahtnij Uid: w en to be remembered in the favorablo terjw at the " Prophet ’ office. No 7 Spruce
mother, who in other circomstances would be la ooaseqdenee o f t revolt o c c u io a td by break. him. I *-. ted floerj)
... T O T H E .T&AVHLLJNO*JPUP^, c -
M o i i k : Q : m L£ j ( i o k s

O D D S A N D E N 'D 'S . r O R S A U E ^A fE K H Z * P R O P H E T O F F I C E ,
_ ^ ^ ^ J b t& T .a S l* S H E D ; . £
*' n o /7 ]b p r u < ^ s t : :

C a t o o f U t i c a .- ~ U .L i told o f t h ia g r e a t m a n , .. ... - , j i j l H^j, ^ B lB L E „Q P . N A T U R g 2 r - 1800 pages, price

t h a t i n a c e r t a i n d e b a t e i n t h e a s s e m b ly o f th e 100 Pine street, corner of Sbath slreet
S e n a te , t h a t h e w m m a k i n g a l o n g sp e e c h , m ere -^ ____________________
TICAL P H R E N O I^ 1 T h e Subscriber begs leave to c a l l the atteatioa _____^ ___________ T H E .E L B M E N T S O P AVTMALTSifApNETISM, by a
OOY A W ork wbicl* j friexJs and the pnblic in general, to the following a ir^ r-e . i‘ith. ICIh, 2 lst and 26th of each month Practical M«goeiiier,;prio« 1 3 i e o - ">
l y f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f p r o t r a c t i n g t h e S w in e * * , a n d Guide- to f * m m ^ * n d eoadoctio|-Ly<eum *, Debating
ha* now 'beeo eight! m e n u for* 1944, for the purpose of bringing out O-Un. KeBnr, I[-few * York, f Sheridan,
p r e v e n t i n g t h e a d o p tio n o f a m e a s u r e ! w h i c h h e ; . . . r . before
K«fnrf>> the nub- erffwidecofld C Cjbt&.~and
ib ia ,'a n d Steerage P*»™ Passenger*S«* by D the y i folUn*
m i n>u }•>« ., Y'troiniin.
Virginian, Li
Liverpool,, Cambridge, S ocieties,'w ith outlines' of'dlaWuasiao*, m t y , <Jcc. by
years the pub
d isa p p ro v ed . H is in te n tio n b e in g e ^ d e n t , J u liu s ♦ lie, so that its merit* E 3 U L A R P A C K E T . S H I P 3 „ T O ANB FROJI L?- ^f 1JDtCzom*,- ■ Siddoas, George Washington Charles Moriey, price 3s- for sale at the Office of tbe
C tu s a r ( t h e n C o n s u l, a n d f r i e n d l y to thie m e a s u r e are allowed to speak * * VERPOOL. • *. ' * * Hoitinguer, • Col ambus, ; ' < United States, “ Prophet.” ^
in q u e s tio n ,) d e t e r m i n e d to p u t a n e n d to h is ob-[ for thetaselves.* Caprtia*. Day* ofSainng fnmi Koiciua, Asbburlqfr, * England,
Ships’ • i* T R E A T I S E O ^ i T H E ^ G L N f i S S ’ OF TH E EVER
n o x i o u s h a r a n g u e ; a m l - w i t n t h a t v iew , a r b i t r a ­ T H E AMERICAN Name*. , New-Y«>ik Europe, Stephen Whitney* Rochester',.. **
PHRENOLOGICAL, G. Washington Borrows, June 7 t;.b .S la Ji’prndencer Yorkshire, Garrick, • s A L A S n X G G O S ^filvS flt**!.(orih i u i i a t principle*
r i l y o rd * re d a n officer to t a k e h i m i n to c u s to d y , I JOURNAL. . United Slates * Briltoo, Aug. 1 April 1 Hickf, Queen
..................j of ihe West^ -------
---------- Oxford. p;omi»f*^ ip d b!e**u»g»- (. l n w ^ c lr som cpX tbe moai pro-
a n d c o n d u c t h i m to "prison. B u t n o Jo o n e r was^ Devoted exclusively Gerrick Skiddy. 13 ‘ *• i ; t ' CertiScates of postage can b« obtained, and every^tafor minentTeature* tha/_l«ve CTer c ia r t c i e r b f d tbat system,
t h e o r d e r issu e d , t h a n th e * e n tire a s s e m b ly a t once to the'exposttion and Patrick'Hepry, Delano, *jf'» * * * > tmaiion will be'given ;o those a endingfor their friends, on w b e a ^ ai tn<fcarih, -------------- aretaM^e-iaanifeasri
. . - . t£_ » - and . Ih a iit will cod-
defence: of Phrenolo Shefiielfl linue Jbe earlb. By
ro s e fr o m t h e i r se a ts , t o a c c o m p a n y h im , a n d par* { Published io
gy and i u bearing, Rosciu*, E.’der
t a k e o f h i s i m p r i s o n m e n t ; so g r e a t w a s t h e r e s ­ N e w - \ V r ^ a a d f^r g ^ ^ i , { > i S fC^<y« i
sod of toe kindred science ol Phyiiology and Maguetijrn, Independence
p e c t w h ic h h i s c o u n t r y m e n b o re t o w i r d s b i m na lar a* they can bear oa it; embracing the clearest, and- Virginian >
T h e efFect t h i s v o l u n t a r y m o v e m e n t' h a d u p o n yet the moit condensed and also practical view’ot "Phrenol­ Sidaona, A B R IE F HJSTOa.YOB TH B IjA T aC E R .pA Y SAINTS
(Commonly cil!* d M e jp c ^ S » . iacludirfg an aeeoaaiT
C .T s a r i n d u c e d h i m by- a se n se of, si am e, to r e ­ ogy aad i u bearing* oa health, happiness, virtue, religiofc, A*hburton, . ----------- . . . .
human improvement, aod tbe reform* now in progress,an/ S'hph’n WhitneyThotnpaon,’ Nov. I.M ar. J July Via O m i g a to Toronto, Eort Hope, Coburg, Kingston, iheir Doctrine a n d .^ i y i p l w e j .w i ih i b t . w a o a s of ihe An
vo k e h is im p e rio u s m an d ate. hor for lf^vioe th e 'C ta T < ^ .‘ B y John < ^ n l ) , A Memkas
where to be found. Monthly, 21 or 32 page*; at | l p?r Sheridan, • Depey*ter> “ 13 ^ **■ , acd all parts ofC anada’West . .
From Troy .via Whitehall to Montreal and Quebec, Ca- ef the Mi**oan ie|;isIatiir«.i'‘P^Mi*hea by the Aotker aft
O i i i o i s o f t h e u s e o f c o f f e e . - p A p r i o r o f year, or three copies $ 2 ; five copien for S3 ; nine.cop- / k . ") The Provincial Bank, and fcranch^*
i niyda. E . i t via.Ohio Caiuil fAm Cleveland'to Porttmoulh, St L’rtois. Fbr'Safc a li b i s O S c t l v l l ** *____________
les for 85 ; or twenty copies for $10. In a ll csres in IRELAND. > The Ulster"Bank, do
a m o n a s t r y i n t h a t p a r t o f A r a b i a w h e ro th e b e r r y X TK« N’aiional B»nk • do: " C/ncmnati, and intermediate places * . 'm H E following worlu-artf fb r.a sfe ^ t1tfifP ro p h e t office^
a d v a n c e , r o r r t a id .
g r o w s ,h a v i n g r e m a r k e d t h a t t h e g* a U w h o a te o f it Al! Oran* payable at »ight, at either ofthe oliovc banks I.'. South Weal 'via .I’hiUdelphia toPitU burg, Ciactnaau; JL N o ,T S (ff 6 ceiStfeet, \
EDUCATION A NDSELF-IM PROVEN FNT, PHYSICAL a e x tr e m e l y b r i s k a n d a le rt, r c ip l v e d to t r y , Ih 5 r b r l S h M M sw n cie . ■ ' « LouiivtUr, and «i!l porta oa the Ohio R ite r to SI. Louis,
MORAL, AND INTELLETUA L ; iheir brnnehr* or *g .. ------ j «— l ^ ; m * . tBd to all parU of ^h io , Michjgaa, ladiaa*, Illinoi*,
t h c o x p c r im e n t o n h is m o n k s , o f .whose l e t h a r g ic i Meur*. Spooner,* Alwood Jc Co. banket*,
Founded on Phrenology and Physiology or, Gcon London. and.W iiconita Territory , _ . . r ___ , ______ , ^ . Priesthood.
p r o p e n s i ti e s h e w n s c o n t i n u a l l y c o m p la in in g .— Hcaro and Bodies, end how to make them good, both 1,1 ENGLAN D,' j _ • • -R E M IT T A N C E S . . Millennium P o ^ m s ^ -o -r-
P W. Byrnef, <V Co: Liverpool.*
T h e e x p e r i m e n t t u r n e d o u t s u c c e s s f u l ; a n d i t is children and one’aaelf, byabowing bow to enlarge the de- ■ j - - - ~'k ' . »■„_ r;«^r' i» Pliiln, t. ! For th e accrtntnodation o f p e r io a s w ith in g to *eod m o : '* In d e * ‘lb the Hook-of Afomfc»a2ptf JgjJhTon.
Haid i t w a s o w i n g to t h i s c ir c u m s t a n c e th e A r a b i ­ i 1ilrlnhia HSston. a n d Baltimore, by ^ the regular picnet ' • * * « « * S . ^ k . w‘u I t t K * n, E VN « AddreW to the People, of th e .U a iu d S m t i .
a n b e r r y c a m e to b e so u n i v e r s a l l y used^ a n d a d ­ This wotk expounding the principal laws of virtue, or c o q :* = sh iy oa apfvticdiion being made- per*ona\ly, or by teller.;'CO. w.H give Drafieoa itny . Go#ptl Light, No. 2.. . u * ~ ^ »____ '
’ (uoMpaid*addressed to ' Ireland, payable at sight, for « a s > o f £ I , > o , « 2 0 , lo Co^retiondrnte, i p ’ P a m p n ltl‘fbirm, between JO S E P H
m ire d , for its p l e a s a n t r e f r e s h i n g q a litje s. | dition* of hnppineaa, aud ahow* how to fulfil ihem. -r- -. - \ * ------------- JOSEPH McMURRAY. ’ '* 4'£100-or to aay amount to suit the purchaser. .
^'JClOO-or SM ITH . T H B •PRdPHET^*<aod JO H N W E N T -
INTELLECTU AL IM P R O V E M E N T ; . . . . li)0 Pine sireet, corner of Syuih j OFIjlCfeS’AND JVGEfTTS. W O R T H , E fila r.'4 f 4*r74a’Ckte4£0 and Mrm.
- T t t t t - f c A G T - ^ B . — T h a . U to D r . B ----- ----- , o f
Or, how to C u l t i v a t e t h e M c m o r t ; E s p a n d -A5 D I AGENTS — lirPottsville, Berj B«nnan,.Esq. I Charle* Craft.. 120 Si^tesU eet, JJosloa. I. bcr o f QpngtYtt frtilty itilto U .fr U e i^^M M E S ARLING­
B r i s t o l w h o d i e d v e r y r ic h , c o m i n g in to th e b e d ­ STatrtCTKN th e I.VTEu,Ecr, aod conduct tht ihiel j la Lovell, Rich Welih, E«q. B. W- Wheeler. Union-Building, Providence; R I TON .BEN N E T , O S' Ar^tngtf-a-i/op*r» l i n g h la n d , aod
r o o m o f h p a t i e n t a few m in u t e s a f t e r ho h a d e x ­ lectuil education of children ; in whicli ii pointed out a [ • ’ H Albany, T., Gough, Eaq • * f * J . W Mills, 3 WalL street, aC<L>10 Front atreet, N ew ,the Honorable J O t t K 9 / C A l H O ^ N , S p ty to r fn si Soul*
p i r e d , p e r c e iv e d s o n j e th i q g g l i t t e r i n c th t h ro
r oiu g h th e new and more excellent way to intellectual attainment* . ( n Toronto, U C. Rogers dc ThOmpton. York.' " ^ • . ' ' Carolina' Ia wk:4h r»fivi*o, aSk^tiKxjf-ibe Lile ol Joteph
N. G. Howard, -13 Souih Third sireet, Philadelphia. “Smilh. ihr iite aadcpr«gre».<oi tbe ChUrch of LATTKR
‘ c le n c h e d 'f i n g e r s iof<ine hand>, hft f g e n tl y o p e n e d than onr common schaols and *eal* ol Irarnirg now. fy-- i In Newark, John McColgan, E j <i -
Sandfcrd.d; Shoemaker, 7 Lighi street, Biltimore, Md.
nish—a work of great value and imporioncr lo parenu, < • IQ Uiica, Tbpmai McQu^de, E»(i . , f DAY'SAINTS,*aDd ^ w * , ^ r t 5 E p U T J 0 ^ B by the Slat*
, t h e m r .to o k ~ o n t th ? g u i n e a , a n d p u t i t i n to h i s teachers, and all who desire lu know how le improve their i ' I aljo beg leave lo assure my friends aod tne puMic in ; - - Pitttburgb,* Pa.(
p o c k e t , o b s e r v i n g , “ T h i s w a s c e r t a i n l y in te n d e d inlelUct*. • ‘ ' j general, (hat the great*»t punctoality obsfi««»in ’ Ii. S. Littlejohn,’ 1 1 Exehan'ge, Albany,!N. Y.
for u U V ' ' ‘ _ ___ HEREDITARY DESCENT ; ITS LAW S AND FACTS j the sailing of the above -ship* togeiher ^ iih aM oiU*'r» 1 S. Claik, 150 River *lr«el, T rey, N. Y.-
• • , » Uiica»N<.Y. * • » prospect* a f t k t OITYi.dFcK&lIVOfl.v ■ - ; ________
Or, the Transmluion of Qualities. PUjsical/ Inlll^cluaJ, »»jich-! may k a v , aod toil paMCRgrr. will rxper.enee no j
S m o k i n g . — B o x h o r n i u s , t h e l e a r n e d p ro fe sso r snd Moral, from parenu io their ofT-prings, through sue- ^ q n ‘their arrival at ihe d . f f ^ n t , ports « h rre . ihej J W. A. Cook, Syracuse, o \ ’ Y. ft!
n lN T E R E ^ ^ ^ < G '* 'A b c 6 u f I T - 6 t , s e v e r a l r e -
a t ' Iyeyden, i n j u r e d h is h e a l t h b y s m o k i n g too cessive generations ; including direction* for forming such.' mean *° embark.
’ m u c h . S o a d d ic t e d w o s 'h e - t o t h e p ra c tic e , t h a t h e matrimonial alliance* aa will secure whatever 5 ualitie« in f P. S —Free passage can pleo lir s>rnard *mm ihr v«
f ... . , W. H Cook, Bcitilo, H Y . . ’
Rochester, N- Y.* *•
t A
* *
: MARKABLE! VISIONS; 'A x A v i i i e Late Discovery
p rA n c it^ lA in u ic a> i fl<cor<i*, wbifih OnfbWs ihe history of
II Fi z lu - h Vk'Co , Ojwegd. N. Y. ' * #
w o re a h a t w i t h a holo i n i t to s u p p o r t h i s pipe, children may be desired ; with hints to mother* during j rioua'ports m Irclind and ScotUn l iroin which •team boui^ij m '"Jl J t f « . • • H A RNDEN f t C O .' this continent from ihe enriiest Ag»*'flftrr the Flood, to ihs ^
pregnancy—a work which every young nilrricd pair j run to Liverpool. begityyng c ^ihe C(lb*xsn«\fy i)f llyf^Chruliaa Era. With A
so t h a t h e c o u ld s m o k e w h i l s t h e w a s s t u d y i n g JOSEPH McMURKAY, •
should possess ; as indeed should all «!:o design to- form J S P R I N G A R R A N G E M E N T -^ -1 8 4 4 .* a a sketch* eteb o f the n i* ; failh, tn d -d o crriw of the Charch of 4
a n d w ri t in g . ihe matrimonial relations To improve mankind, we.' m ust! 1G0 C't;e »"Vert. Nj-ai VorK Jesus Christ 01 L atter Day Saiala.t,‘.By O 'P r a t t , Minister
begin with ih e o E a u Education bestowed upon a good Gives drafts in aums to Buii-npplicauts eft thc^Soapd- 'Eor;SaJa e | thviLG f ^ ^ b e s i d e s many oth-
* • P r o o f o f I n s a n i t y .-—: I n aTcaxise ot physical and moral basis, will be vastly more product.?* ojr t h c er valuable works.
th o D e r b y assizes^ r e s p e c t i n g t h e v a l i d i t y o f a than that expended upon a barren soil. Loaxenodgh havr PROVINCIAL HANK OF IRELAND IM P O R T A N T ‘TO S d U T H E E N TR'AVELLE|IS.
F 1 Y A D l/C * T h e w o r l d ?t u r w e ^) U P jjiC E d o w n , o r j i e a -
w ill.o v id e n c o w a s a d d u c e d to pfrovd t h e t e s ta t o r (a n parenUslept over this subject. W»lker’< oitemptr j eluei T h c R X il R o a d BaiDGE a t t h e RoAriost: c o i i r u m t p
dation of it, was a comparative failurr In this work it
a p o t h e c a r y ’s w ife,) a l u n a t i c ; a n d , a m o n g m a n y ia treated—aa none but a practical Phrenologist c a * treat
( ’ork,
Bainbridge, .
ON T H E G R E A T SO UTHERN- M A IL RO U TE , T VEN ON E A R T H . • » '* , «
T he /naierui Universe la 'fle riu l.—ImBiorUl Mao bas
Via W jntixcT O N C r r r , Riciimokd, P E T k a ia u a o a b b
■ oith t h e r th in g s , li t w as s u p p o s e d t h a t sh e h au d s w e p t it—cix.vnncALi.Y ; a vest many mos' important principles 1 ; Clonmel, Parsoniowo, WlLDOW, AND THE OULT DAILY LlltC TO f , * fiesh and bones.-^-Earihnv hia'EvVr’a xtinr Inheritance.—
iw ny a q u a n t i t y o f p o ts, ,j>hidls. l o t i o n s po tio n s, being stated, and all supported by a mac* of facts absolute­ ' 'Loodondeiry, Dawnpaiick/ T O this bear all i h e . w' “ v “ ^ ----- ?------
s witness,
ly overwhelming A most usefnl work,end n rare inie Ire Slig<>, Cavan, T h e physidal’Wofjds.wfre.neJJc dea fer anmbilsticB,
p ills b o lu se s, a n d c l i s t o r - p i p s , i n to th e s tr e e t, as Lurgan, , , . but(24 for Hours iu a’dvapce
the“pleasure.Qf of j,t^e
th j Bay
jGb4,ttiej Line.') ,] created.
m altreat—p.p UTO, and a grncolocicil table with t lank Wexford, ^a re,tn u i'ttere
ruub liis
b is h . i; I d o..u b t " i a i d th q l e a rn e d J u d g e , paper, for recording family likeness » Belfast, Omagh, I T R A V E L LE R S going Sonih are jpformed lhat ihe con- • . , •' < . : BY. P % r .J
- w h o t h e r .s w e e p i n g p h y s i d i n t o t h e s t r e e t be a n y Waterford, Dungannon, i nexion between the Pctsrsberg and Wilmingioa Railroads
PHRENOLOGY APPLIED TO M VTR1MONY. at Weldoh, incloding th* Petersburg Company’* Bridge at . Published at- ihe'M ill^im al g tar Offic«r 35 Chapel street;
p r o o l 'o f i n s a n i t y . ’’— “ ' h u e , m y lo rd ," re p lie d the Galway, Bandon, ( '
Of to theselectionJofcosoENiALCOMAr.vio.Ns roa u n Enniskillen, Kilrufh, the Roinok* ie completed, *o that travellers going’South Liirerpool. asd for Sa l e ^ l ' i t h i s 4 ' t.. ;
c o u n s e l ; b u t s w e e p i n g t h e 'p o t s a n d c liste r-p ip e s including directions to the marritd, fcr living togeiheraf i by.the Great Mail Route, via Wathioglop, Richmond and
Monaghan. • », N Appeal tO jth e Jo h i^ ta o u -o f the 6 ^ t e of New York,
a w a y , c e r t a i n l y w as,” fectionately and happily. The camions it adminietrrs to '
the young ; the hints it furnishr* ia regird to conducting
SPOONER, ATWOOD A; Co , Bankois, London
» , Petersburg, will be transferred at ‘\yeleoii immediately
from the car* ofthe Petersburg to those of tfce Wilmiigton'. mmortalify'iif ffcti Hod
A Letler |o Qaeeo ^ c lq iik j, prh'^^ounjahi ef Knowltdge;
a d 1 a r*Aige’n ce and Affectioai
R i c h a r d O ik u ii d e U i o n . — U o o n b e in g told couruhip, as well an it* scientilic expontinn of man's to- 1
b y F u l c o , a F r e n c h P r i e s t , ’t h a t h e k e p t t h r e e e v il cisl nature and relations, aa well as of the la *3 that govern
Payable in every town in Gre at Britain Railroad Company,’thereby riddfng the O ria t Mail'rpoie y f P. If RATTv * P n c e :2 5 « n i a ta c b -C r 12 dollars per i
of i u only exceptionable feature, Whilst it is jrqually,cheep, hundred. T o be i * d art tbft ^ r p ^ 5 e i ei$efci
them, render il most interesting and ino:t useful. !
d a u g h t e r s ' w i t h h i m , ‘v iz . ‘‘ P r i d e , C o v e to u s n e s s R E G U L A MAIL LINE FOR PROVIDENCE AND and for a xrE om oN , axcu a rn r and cxBTAurrv, it ha*
e s ta m e n t o f th e ^ t\V £ L Y e p a tr ia r c h s ,
n n d L e c h e r y , w h ic h w o u ld be s u r e to p r o c u r e h i m
th e w r n t h o f G o d , i f h e d id n o t ri d h i m s e l f o f th e m
Or, Tbe N a t u r a l T h i o j i t of Phrenology ; its aspect)
great advantages over the day line.
The following unrivalled schedule* are. now fun on this line.
T the Som of Jacab, is most resproUally dedicated to toy
well-5eIoved,'Brciiirprj iJrlln jAib'tJ*po;' Patriarch in tbe
on revelation, and its general hirmony «viih it ; includiug FAST MAIL LINE. j \ .
upe ed ily ^ re p lie d , u T h a t ho w o u ld so o n *;ive h is Answers to the objections, lhat Phren<>li>py favors Fatalism, Coorch of L*iter p a y S .i a i n . AjSt« ,toke a of respect and
t h r e e d a u g h t e r s i n m a rria g e .' / T h e I v n i g h t s T e m ­ Materialism, and lnfideliiy, and is opposed jo a change ol ( ________ __ ( Leave N. Y. at 9 A M A aive in Philadelphia a t 3 P M , .esteem for,his service* ^ l r n w e j r ie d ,* e a J t 10 the cause of
Lrave.Phlia at 4 P M.# arrive In Baltimore at 1 ^ M. God in thj* lh* Evetiingfof Trnte.' By'hi* Broihrr ia
p lars! ('said h e ) s h a ll h a v e ihV eld e st, P i i i l e ; t h e heart 1—A. Work in which ihe p rim a h v r n i i r r t T s of l Composed of the following superior Stesm rrs, running iu Leave'Balt. at 2 A'.M.'.’ ' arrive ia Waihtncton at 5 A.&l
Chrnt, • v * ' - SA M U E L D 0W N E 8
W h ite M o n k s o f t h e C is te iiu x o rd e r , s h a ll h a v e man’* moral nature are fully analyzed, «nd therewith the connection with the Stonington, and Boston and Leave W ash, at 0 A M- arrive in Fred’ksbmg, ot 1 1 A*M. u —^ 1
religious doctrinei taught, and the dutir* required bv man’* I Providence Railroads:
O o v e te o u s n e s s ', * .and a s fo r t b o t h i r d d a u g h t e r nature and constituiion ; sectariauia.-n jccounled for, and ' Lsave Fred’kg at 11 A M. arrive in Rich. Vat at 3 i P M-. A L E T I E R T O .T H E .'Q U E E l^ O F E ^ Q L A N D , Touch-
The MASSACHUSETTS, Captain Comstock, Leave Rich, at 4 P M - ariive in Petersburg , Va.’ <» P.A!.1. log the Sign* of the Titr\e*;^ahd ‘the Political Destiny
L e c h e r y , I d o n t t h i n k I c a n . d o b e tt e r t h a n b e ­ expoted ; and the general tenor of il>e UiKIa doririne* I RHODE ISLAND, •• T h tj e r , j
sto w h o r u p o n t h e . P r e l a t e s o f t h e C h u r c h , w h o au&lained. Religien ia as much a tcienc: aa mathematics { L tave Pel«r*’g a t Gi P.M arriv* in Wei. NIC at l i P.M. ol the W orld. By P .’F .tP r a it/ -Fi*bnw»edtat Manchester,
It ia as much goveratd by fixed priocipln and nnruutible Leave Weldon at 2 A.M. arrive'io Wil.,’4 c . ' at 2 P.M. E ngliod. ’For 8ale.*» ihAprephfelilfEBri*
i n s u c h p l e a s u r e s t a k e tlie m o s t fe lic ity . MOHF.GAN, “ | . .
law*. Nor *re thete Inws beyond the ken of man» They j daily, Sunday* excepted, frcm Balicry Place, pier No.l,- Leave' W il, at 2 P.M- arrive in Charleston, p .C . at 6f A M . — u . — c — 1. . 1 "t-• ____________
are written upon hi* nature. Fhrenoh-uy unfo!df*that na­ N. River. Passengers by this Lind will r*ach Peieriburg in eeverf. PROSPECTUS'
• • T » i e ' P a r s o n ’s t o a s t .— L ord- C l iv e r . one d a y
lure, and, therswilh, the whole codc of doctrine* depen -1 ARRANGEMENTS. leea hour*, and Chatlealoo, S C ,- in f^iy-cwo boor* after
a fte r d i n n e r , a sk e d a c h a p l a i n . t o o n e o f t h e regi- deal thereon, and duties required thereby. leaving Baltimore, including *11.stoppages] and haye^he
The MASSACHUSETTS, Copt. Comstock, o4 Mon adyaatsge o f avqiding ^ny detention at Vyeldon, ton ihe » .'''I * ,,. 1 .
• i n e n t s 'i n t h e E a s t I n d i a C o m p a n y ’s i e r v i c e , f o r a
PHRENOLOGY A PPL IED TO TEM PE RA N CE . days,I Thursday* and Saturdays, at f> o’clock, I*. M.
to a s t, w h o a f te r c o n s i d e r i n g som e tim e, n t l e n g th
A scientific exposition of the physiological efTecls of *h!-V Thurrda)s
Roaboke, one of the mbst unlieallby places
The RHODE ISLAND, Csplain Thayef, on Tuesdays' country vfhere paaseigef* by the Bay L<Qe, arriving aa rW E'EKjLYJj
the southern WfS P A P E R .
' exclaim ed* w ith - g r e a t - s i m p l i c i t y , ^‘ A l a s ! a n d and Saturday?, at T) o’clock, P. M.
coholic liquors upon the human conviituiieo, and especial -1 tkey a m ays do, fourteen hoar* after the fast mail line of
a la c -a -d a y ! w h a t c a n I - g i v e ? ” —-*4! N o t h i n g b e t' Passengers on,ihe arrival of the steamer’at Sloninglon,
ike samd day, are delayed, ten boor* until laaiofi'the next
•te r,y r e p li e d h i s - L o r d s h i p ; — “ C o m e , g e n tle m e n , <*«?• *
w e ’ll g iv o n b u m p a r to th e' p a r s o n V to a s t.— A temperance with tremendious effect.* It has been r «.rd m“d‘oai| C«'» of *he R « 'l« a d . to^Prov.deodf add Bosttm
L A S o /a n d a l a c a d a y . ’' * * ,
ed by many a* the strongest temperance d o inm .m p o t ' The above ateamers have been fhoroughly equipped, and
1 * * H ( prepared to promote celerity of travel, am. the comfort and
•* ’ ’BURG, VA.
i TS K i l S * 1T-
The l^ r ^ 'o f jC o n tr q l'o f pje Society f ^ r th e Diffoaioa of
Leavfc N.Y. at 5 P.M. arrive in Pbilsdefpl ia-at 11 IP.M
• H o w ' t o piscH A R O E a d o c t o r | s u i l l .— A TIGHT-LACING ; Or, Evils of compreaing the Organs u 0CiUtr^ dySu.ePs,le*<08er,, ^ ^ ,m p U * 'd * * -D7- ‘h<: L^ave Phila. ai <»i A M- arrite WLBaltim pre 1at Q P,M ‘ Truth, p f |he (jjily of Ne?w Y^fk, 1><iDg desirous of pro-
. i u g u l a r old g e n tl e m a n w a s w a i t e d u p o n w ith a ° f Aninmprew,fand soon to be Published, a W rrk on Leave Balt, at 4 P.M.-arrive ini Waahicg on at il P M
= For ? i r ,ci«ht* whKic:i ,i< ‘*ke.n
s u r g e o n ’s bill, fo r t h e p u r p o s e o f b e in g p a id . A f , . .. _____ rales, apply on board at north rid* cf pier No. 1, No. 22 Leave, Wfuh. at 0 A M panisg through redericksburg
PHYSIOLOGY, A N IM A L AND M E N IA L 1; Broadway, or office of Sami D v«.*y,.freight agent, op thr aad Riekmond, aod artiving in'Pderabufg, lo aup. p&a-
te r.-c o ,g i t,a t i n g- fo r som e tim , e u p,,o n , i t i, . c o, n.te n ts , he , Or, the c fleets of different organization* and conditions! wharf. _ , • »*ing from Philadelphia to Richmond.'ai d Pctertourg,
d e s ir eedd t h e y o u n g m a n w h o c a lle d With w ith it, to tell j of the body upon the character and mental manifestations; j Tickets for the route, and itrame rV lirr(h». can'b> *e- Va. by day light. ' ' ; advocacy and h tral^ ijf the Falth o fih e Church of Chriit of
h is m a s te r t h a t th e m a d ic in e h e w o u ld c e r t a i n l y iududing health—iu con^iiions, and the mean* o r pre- cured on board, or at the ollict of 11*™*'. r. »V Co. No. 3 Passenger* by thisrline have th* advanlegi o f passing tbe Latter Day Saints.'^ A pQrtiop o t 'w k j ’c b ,.} ! time*, will U
' p a y for, b u t a s fo r t h e v isits' h e 1h a d c h a r g e d , he s , r yiDIl ant^ restoring ii, without me d inne, and also diet, Wall street. evening and night in Wafhinglpn, and j e t reach Chailea- 4evoted to Agritjnliure, C o m m e r c e 'a n ^ a a a f a c i u r e * , as
s h o u l d 'r e t u r n t h e m a g a in . * I regimens, habits, and iheir eflrcts oc mind, Arc. T h e r e - i CJ* The steamboat IOLAS.i# now runni&| daily between toa as early a* those leaving Baltimore at ihe same time well ,a» lo the F ^ re ig n '^ d IJamestJb N ew e of ihe D sr. It
ciprocal influences of various physiol,>j-icnl organizaiions Provideace and Newport. the Bay Line, these laat being*obliged t o 'li ’e ’ovef at
. I wilV IiV>wU?, * *
A steamer is now preparing for the accom nodaiion jofthe "Weldpn uhisl their arrivallj, c V 1. 1.
M e m o h v .— T ho fo llow int l g anecdote ip related o f
and manifestations upon.the mind, is a department never
|fu|ly presrnted ;arvl y«?t its ipiportincn 1.- .v^nly underrated. Newport travel, which' will khortfy m ike he connection 0 3 - F cr further informauen and '* throuj h, tickeuV ajv •f- ihe
a m an w hose m em ory w as so bad and sb cir c u m sc ri­ T h e Aufhor hopes to p re ^ b i seme' principles of Physiolo-' regnlarly between that place and Stoningtoi .f * ply,at pur Southern T icket Officjc adjoining th* Baltimore sQulgencc
bed, that-1m scarce k n e w what h« r e a i. A friend, gy vitally .important, bal,usually overlooked.. aqd Ohio Rail Road Office, Pratt st , Baltin oirie.
1 ‘ 1 m ^ E R S r i-:U R N ls i ING W ARE ' S T O C ^ T O ' I Ac F A L U aad woniby o u r j I I | u ^ o ^ ; H ^ y ^ ) i i ^ e c M n . T he
k n o w i n g thisj lent him the sam e bpok lo read T IIE PHRENOLOGICAL ALMAN \C fpr 15*0, 1S41,
IS 12, lS13,‘and 1S11, (IM S will sonn be ptibli-hed,) con-
HOUSE, no STIIEET, rf. Y * Southern Travellers takiag “ Thrpu^b rrck*t*,u can Arts and;Scitncea shpTT ppl TSa'i^i^ectiid—Sketches, Nar-
ho ven t im e s o v e r ; and u p m ask in g jh in i how he WELLS i i WEBB ihform he Printer* ol stopraa-long as they may deaite at W&ahusg
laining many isleresiing and valuable Incts imply illu.trat- *
lik e d tho preformance, r eceiv ed for p n s w e r : * - “ l ed with cuts, including' iik'enesiie*, ond ihori biographies, 1 United State*, lhat in ldditipo le the and Petersburg, aod Resume their aealf
th in k it is an. adm irable p rodu ction but the a u ­ of distinguished men. The reading mailer of th e o ld A l-J manufacture of Wood Type, C u n , ,Siand\ m l j ] _______it. J R O G E RS, T ifcket
thor s o m e t i m e s repeats the sam e th in g s .’’ manacs is as good a* it-ever was, and worth many timea Farniture, Gilleys. Arc A: Ihey’ havr
T R A N S P 0 RTATlD.>’‘~F0 T r c i i r p A G 0 ,
iu coat— cent* otr set ' opened a large Warehouse- for the sale, of N E W AND
P o s t i ’o n i n o THE E C L irsK .-^ A C )xcomb, who • * m n w r R t n F l i q .n th , Ma p v p t l • SECOND HAND PRIN TIN G MATERIALS,- «od e ^ r j , .^ W . - ^ • I H ^ ; y R O ^ ^ g T <^ y , ^ l : b ^ * o e d Satordsy
w •* f u V S „ J e M ACNET can receive lhal t , rticle necessa.y for a P m n t . no O,
un d erto o k th e c o n d u c tin g o f two;ladies o f q u a l i t y w ork through ouromce. It is now well conducted by P. rning.tlie I S ih ^ w ia a t, c».aii jm p e p a Jj'S h e st, at No. 7
Ihey .h a v e now op hand, and constantly receiving from .T H E - N E W YORK., UTICA, AND OSWEGO LINE
to t h e O b s e rv a to ry ', to b e h o ld a n ' e l l i p s e o f t h e j P-. ' 133 Fubon-Streei More about tbia Work else'. Printer* end Stereotypes,’ all kinds and s i x * or type, used OF LAKE BOATS will receive good* di ily ai midvile . e Street; ^ f ^ ' Y O / l i i j ^ ijjUjapjicai^eguJdr therraf-
m o o n , a r r i v e d w ith t h e m to o late : 1o n s e n u e n tlv ’ . ..........................1 for Newspaper, Book end Jib* Printing, as Ulso all oibV» pirr : Cbenlies slip. New- York,- for. tray poru bn L a i e invariably io
. h . oclipso W j w r , find h i , „ u X , S requisites for a Printing Establishment. T hry also sapply Miohigaa,- Lpke -Erie, Iiake^Oataxiov -or lliver St. Law* ^ r a o e e , . , . • r .^ : ,- 3 A*W »- •[ -
order* ■for new type, fromev« ry respectable-footujry ia'thr rrnce. . . j * 1., » : . »'
d i s a p p o in t e d . U h ! s a id he,* p r a y la lies d o n t be I tieed—they sending a paper (marked) coutaining outainiog the the same, Union, at the lowest manuf icturer’s prices .1 __ [ Noj/rtnshipment between N^w,York anc Oiwego. J t -* fiCh-AU Letters uardXToi^nupicaiionsvrist be addreued
c h a g r i n c d , I a m uj>on e x c e lle n t te rm s w ith t h e a s - | o ^he Am. Phren, Journal O R ict. This line is composed oftK* first class' of L ike boa ti,'and -«W)OT:PAID) to T H E jP itO P U E T /N p i-7 Spruce Street,
Printers about establishing themselves a .businccs.ror
t ^itio m e r, a n d h e <is so p o lite a . “m a n , t h a t I ain j _ u ^ N 0~W T H Y S E L who wisL to renew their fonu of type, or ichange their i* co'flnected at OJwrgo.fclth th e *1 ‘ ‘ -1 New-York. G. T. L E A O ||r IVfs’t.
bure i t wiU^hp n p le a s u r e to h i m to b g m a g a in .'- presses, or other materials for other sixe* or linda^ will fJcrd ^C hicaco L ’>te o r 6 tkam PaopsLLiui^-
ADMITTANCE FR E E ■ w itb .a Line of Ftm EN .Sdnooiitas^ruflOttog,t* porl* on 7* " t l.:rr*zrx v io ^ V - w tie r of the Board.
it greatly to iheir advantage to call t n them efori purfchai- — — I ' J fr«vr~ f'-rlf-vn-: f --
A n i m a l s p i r i ts a re co n tin \iH liy ta «cn for w it ’ ” toI ing elsewhere, as they will always have on h tad, m o A of
the leadiog articles, secood bind, answering, .n e a jl r .01
r * - «- ---------------
an d f a n c y ; an d th o w a n t o f th em r 5ense and F O W L E R S P H R E N O L O G I C A L C A B I N E T j
ju d g m e n t. quite aa well a* new, and at a saving of frohi 25 to SO pex • : lapT iB rtdandf|nttisfed'«T »iV ftnaxiJt y > by John Tsv-
i IN CLINTON HA LL, No. 131 NASSAU- ST R E ET . cent. ’ ^ ’ ’ E f t t o r a a d PfW|i.V<7J Hancock cono.y,
G E NTLEM EN AND LADIES, who may desire, to be. They ke>p constantly on hand a supply of Printibg Ink, Wabash Canal
anai and.Obio
ana.uDio Ciual,
L.mai, forjning
torjamg an fnbroken
inbroken com­
com- Jlhnosa » T e x n » r : ^ . g 9 ?y i^ in ii)ly in atUebce.
H o n e s t y is o n e p a r t o f e lo q u e n c We pur come better acquainted wilh ihernVelve*.—their true of Prout aad Mather’* manufacture, from Ibe eheapetl to municationn f' i o n New.York to U fijrette, W i w a . aad from
I natural endowments, for natural, moral, apd intelectual | U tter* muV b^ a ^ d r e ^ ^ to^tbe I d i t a t (Joba Tsvlor)
s u a d o o t h e r s b y b e in g in e a r n e s t o u rje lv e s . fineit quality ; alto celored Ink* of every descriplion _ New York. Portamouth, Ohio. 1 p o^ paid, 10 receive-tfie a tiin tio iC - 1
— — ■- 1 enjoyments or improvement,- are-refpectfslly informed,! w <V \V «re the Vilr Aoent« far the N them, MiddU 'S h lp W baUu by- ihis lia«'*re'in*dred-'to 0 |w e g 6 ,‘aad __ on
-vr,—. . . r ft|i .
» n never undo. . ■ • • ( '
I:^^^oc:weos^a“i,y” ii'nt*f tir ^
C o n sid e r w e ll-b e fo r e jrau'Uf# ^batk n ot y o u j u,Al a 'Avor*DIC °PP°rinniiy is ai an tunes tr
I ' h^ttS°aeh'M
Although Mr r" Fowler h!m himself « lf will
will be . L u l , c m ,k c ! L » N D « P A T E N T CARD PRINTING E GlNE, which
To of KNEE- ihe-Wabaah Pansi-only, e x d p f by special cjfltrait. *
PflorsLLTTcas, aud rAaxarra.
prip te a an a pt}Nts^ed.atkiurUie‘
. .B R O N S O N A; C K 9C K E R , . ih, at Nauvobi HanSoWlJcfeirtfJil John Taylor,
W a n t o f care d oes more d a m a g e than thc w a n t 1Cl,y for a ehort lim f* CVffy attention will jbe cheerfully M ieve tobe eqea! if Bounpenor to any lachine Pres* „ DOOLITTLE, .MILLS, Ar C O .’ O s w tc o . Editor or and Proprietor. T Tcrm
tr m a»—
—gb $2 per nnum, pajabla
r. b ) rendered by agenl Mr. 8 R. WELLS, whose publick i >et l0T*.nled/ We feel confident that a tru o f th* above * Ha r w e l l -Ac h a r r i n g t o n ,
} U t4ca’. ^ io-a!h c a ^ s - i n ad v i# .* -/, rprocorinjl five new
01 Kiiowieugo. 1 . j donble letl examinationsfiave accorded so.psrfectly with 1Pre“ w,1‘ 8,ve ,hc rao,t en,lff - R O S S IT E R Ar :R H B P P E R D t Tatnr. eat mosey,
A w ise w om a n will ne ith e r sp eak Qordo what- »ho*e of Mr. Fowler, that overy confidence (nay barepos - te f f c r f *1D{?1J j * iaa’* Eaamell . - . iW. S. R Q SSIT ER,(23 CpeiiU«i ^liPt-N. Y . - - ;j^era must be ad-
e v e r a n t ^ r w o u ld n r o v o k e h e r to • ' ed ,n ^ l§ P™fcB3‘<1D,‘1 ab,l'ly »» a deline/iior of cha^actrr. “ Pe4r.1 - “ nace Cards, which t h e j wi sell ^* low ar _ ’. J t AqwiTs. will aot rcceive
o ver a n g e r w o u ia p r o v o k e n e r to. „
Subscriptions _ f«r the American __ Phrenoloeital Journal re ‘ ca“ be Purch,ied. m tn e ecu‘«y- y. • 1 P bas * Ac AfLtH. Cleveland, Oh?o,
V e r y nice s c ru p le s a r e so m e tim es! th e effect o f 1I cetvecl. 1 'j order*
^ ^ j __^
for t BOOKS
} ^ o &» andj BUSTS wiuTbe- *111 punVtaify j . They «ill continue to miaufacture. and| are generally CuA’a HowAnnA: Co. Toledo, U •D :Uoil‘, 'Mich.
g f e a.t t m
minidn, db u. tw oLf t enn M e r fot rf .a little
1, - n lonev
.J I attended to .__________________ r[m
l 8r supplied ,w,ihI sixes a|l s of th-ir W ood T v r * . o f to h ic k ih ty Tnaiioji pAaif^rJ Chiea^bVlli.: 1 1. .^1 i .
are the original mnnufneiure rs, aod whicti sti II ntauUainsju — HuTcaiaao.v.t AVjtEUuaa, -a»,Ar A: Co. Souiboort
Souiboort, W isc’e.
O T l ' E ’A P O A ’S H T A 1 L C > R I N G ■ repnution for superiority Over all eompeiiic r* aod attempt ^bet,” No 7 -SprUca^Ue^a^ -
T r u e m o d e s ty b lu s h e s fo r cve&yt I h i i i " t h a t is . m jl5:ol, H
, E S T A B L I S H M E N T . t ed imitatort. — 4 -
c r im in a l. F a ls e m o d e s ty id a S h in ie d o f e v e ry * 1W IL 8 O N S - r e a l S K * ATCH2Sii-THE*;L;AltGEST AND
J . B . MEYNELL, C03 B HOAD WAY. OO Publisher* of Newspvper* in the U and Cansda, EST A T E- :AND
t h i n g u n fa sh io n a b le . . ~:LOANLOFFiCE. of watches in
T f . • , . .giving the above, lArre insrr'.ion* by the fir it of'Jotya^Xt;-
B M. Jj^entor of the new iMttnmenl lor ascertaining 1and sending us one' copy of'therr paper co lUiolag'ft.will I;or.,the p n rA tp ^ n d . jsiblip sale, hm ae , leinnt?aaaexi ihe s«b«i-
S e n s a t i o n . — A love o f m e u ta l s e n s a tio n is th e , ^ * \*,c.orfecl c,or,r o fthe human figure^ .through ough which be |1be ed'titled Cdtitled to the payment of their bill*«n ptycbaaipg fotu. changing of houses store*,/arms, Arc.. For /collecting renu Jil.d«fX ipii 0B. of gold
f u n d a m e n ta l, p r i n c i p l e , 9 f h u m a n , n a.......... t u r e fr r___ o m .is enabled to produce a most splendid fit Offer* upon the, 1time* ihe amount, and'for taking- rihe„ general a -^ n c y 'and . - - r -,.vl*t6n o r ’rea. qnd s|lv w w a t 5 b e s ^ « W t , t« , l t | t /f*> from the raanufac
I fdlowing reasonable lerm* to ex-cule order< m the neateat eSTatc.-' Alto for'the-Btiperiateacfane«: iaien<ft o f e r e c ti n g i n d ’Ve- fB/«™ he is enabled
t h a t all o u_r ^ p a s s i o n s snrtng
s p r i n g .— .all .. „.M
m a nllt%k i nluu
d ure an(J m (M Mew.York, May 19, 1511.
and most p'athionable Siylt, lo patronize ia jo be suited.
equally in seareh of vivid sensations. “*The youne I “ SrTa Coats, Blue, Black or Olive, from 111 to #20 pairing.of buildings/ Peraoaa havipg ^uopefty- t» a e ll','* ^ toJ ) n e r ta 1a>ge a ^ trm g ax/i6rd^ a4 -cnichJ lrw pricc* at re
j "INARMS FOR SALE —V*iBable^Fawn? lor^ale in the xhaaee.or let,.will, fiad. jt to thejy. adyanveg* lq> spply a t thia tail; t h ^ a k y '^ ^ f c r W f l p f f t i j h e ^ if y . : .G o l d watches ss
seek tlrtsm in love; the old, m aVaricc; princes \ nd aP’ upward*. -• « j JD neighborhood of G jn e v i. Batavia, Baffif^Tta'mWfgliJ .ofiicf. All proprrty registered in thi* office, wilL if re­ ^ ^ ^ J P ^ f l i f d t j p w e l r y exebangf i
in war; the people,‘insedition; the Christian.-in • Pants, P*''" do. ^ do. 5 t Wale*, Arc., in ihirSiate Likewise on Lo|ig-ls£iothu * quired,-be advfrtlj»d,’¥nd if nol soId'aYpriVafe'fcle, it will or.bouxbt. j iAH„K«»chei W atH atta to kee j good time, or
Vest*, do * do. ' y They will be Sold for cish"^ or a ^jart" bond aadm ort- fhe ^ion«r r e t B W ^ ^ 35 « 3r-rr^ i r
original plans of benevolence. ! 'gage, andaom e in exchar*e for
• if desired,tecffereff at pttbliCa«ct^bn,.• rH e w^.ttl-uktte’od
•Frock and Dress Coat* made lo m» aiure, 8 "G . C r X f X 'E N V 'n i w n m Cf: ? te tf a e 4 c s d Jewelry,
•• •• “ Extra trimed, 1 9',5U , prrtv. Apply a tN o 30 P i n ^ » t , back office, over the B u j i td thq stfociiag.msuraaoe.-obiaiaiag aadloahlocof-teoBey ^ _ ^ W h r . | » ^ a I e ^ i f t t«*U 3yiW»Ua*^»» su iir— je—c
- - V a r i k t v . ^ - N o c h a r t c t e r i v i U please long, w h o ‘ , Coffee House. oa.bAJi«Ji apd.mqrjgagf..ri pr,.companie*, re-
Pants. do. do ’( 1 75^ WHO WAtfiO* a H O E S l-
is u n i f o r m T o he a lw a y ^ .j o c o s e , is Im iro n e ry * mar. 3t ]
p a th e tic , s illy i a lw a y s w iie, s e n t e n t i o u j ; a l w a y s , .MAN.UFAC iV g fftU ii knowa, Oaly
B R U S H F A C 'i'O R Y i T U R E R o f J a n c y Hair,(Cloth and Hat Bruihesj-|lM> - - - - - - .e t c h e d boats, of the
re*t tneiey, cau-mnei ba- aac^oiol »ted . .U ]?enota dress pegged
H MILES, M ANUFACTURER 1O F VARNISH *Aii°.*^ Hfir Bruihe*. The aboVe articles'he'Bai'oD hand*
Graining, Steniil, and Artists B r ib e s . A | | , 07 7 h‘; | l ^ « l e------ al the lowes^prtces. i ^ N * s s a n * t‘« f j e ^ t . ^ s r
------------------------------------------ Ladies* fancy co­
“ w M oskt J S«ig 't a m a n is article* wil! be manufaclured to order, and at thjr 11 3 0*0K Ai: JOB Printing, rieatlv execated bh^theTracSi ir; andn, from
a c a p i t a l i s t i f h e h a s p l e n t y on his h a i . b . childreadsou,
shorte*! notice, oa the most reasoneMe fefm*, at 1IS Nis-'f 1 JTavn'rabre lermfcat th e ” Prophet»^offic* NA S?!flpnrce»
•an street, ba^m ent story. Cje— l:cj j st. ^Ad Hoor ) th h tfT b ™ Hall Ibe
No. 1 Nassau street, N. corner of Canal. S t E w A R T ^ 8AUL. je—c
;e ,


by a
.M VOTE D TO TB E D I S S E 3 1 1IV A T 1 ,0 S O P T B liT D , H O B ' aT l
th e W.TI. S.TIITH, S o r e ly t h e l o r d O o d w ill d o n o lIilu R . b n l h e r e v e n lc lh h l .
accrej u n to lii» *orvaut* tb e P r o p h e u — Am o^
3; 7.
rER e d it o r .
-- - » %* n e w - \o r k , S a t u r d a y m o rn in g , j u l y g, is u .
le o ,
T H I S P A P E R IS PUBL I S HE D and m ix y o u r sense with a pure heart, th^c ye *'
Blf'TH K BOAttD OF CONTROL OF THE ‘‘ isOUlE- m ay find mercy w ith the G re a t K ng.
T Y FO R T H B DIFFUSION O F T R U T H ,’' EVERY 104 T a k e heed, m y childred, th a t y o u r dis
RELIGIOUS. u ^ w h i c h ^ 'h i s rccord^u-aa , 'X b j f i — .-. « « d h . fill.d w i t h
10 ^ SATURDAY MORNING. AT NO 7, SPRUCE S t . . • j » ¥ J J '

NEY^-YORK, A T ONE DOLLAR P E R ANNUM, aensions deprive y o u not o f y o u r lives. H ow it was first visited by our brother, in IS23 a ^ S p irit, nnd again did the Lord mani-
Oo* Aa the important pirticulara, and iacideou, connec-
rrs INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. . will ye in stru ct th e elect o f God, when ye y o u r­ o f the crowning stone was visiblo nbove tf ie L < condescension and mercy : the heavens
Aix.J L r r r c R j *md CoMUt?rrie.vnom x u r r a s Ad- selves ----- m - . - j * . . u d w ,lh ,b e coming f o r * o f the Book of Mormon, havt
■n tT r w ant- correction?
--------- 3
W h e r e f o r e a d m o n i s h ever been, and are now, w b j.c ts of enquiry, we .ball ta face, while the ed^cs were concealed by the s o L ’! AA 1Y ° f ^ ah° ne
t Au D arasro t o T H E P UO PH B T . P o i t P a i d .
one another, and bo a t peace am ong yourselves;
sW > 0(>*P«t Matter* ara a«Uborix?d by tha Pott Office de­ «ert, for the benefit of those who are not acquainted tvith und grass, from which circumstance you will ^ 1 S T a t T “ h ,? ‘
•raft partment, to forward, free of eipeo*e, all ordera lor, br to th a t I, standing before .your father, m ay give the coming forth of tbe above named woik, one of a scrie. that however deer, this box m ight have been plaS*:S a i * i °! j 1? ^ held
diseoatiaue' publication*, .aod also money to pay forthe an account for y ou unto4 the Lord. of letter*, each week until all are published. ed by Moroni a first, the tim e ^ a d been sufficient i n l r a w i ? ® c **• ^ r r o u n d e d by his mnu-
ta d e . 105 A nd when sho had mado an end o f talking to wear tho earth so th a t it was early discovered I fore h i ! °1f a ? oc,atels - AU th ,» Pa8.8«d b«-
Ecft Subscribers* name*, with this State and Poat Office, ehould O. COVVDERY’S L E T T E R S TO W. W . PHELPS.
with me, the six y o u ng m en that .built, came and whon once directed, and y et not enough tn r 81 1 h e a v e n ly messenger said, “All
be du'iocUy give® whea money ia forwarded, lo avoid mia-
U ketj ta there are ofun sc veral town* ofthe*anie aame, or carried her to the tower; and four others took up VII.
Several Poat Offices in the same lownahip. the seat on which she sat, and they also went away Dear Hr o tter: wonderful _________ _____ and the pow er o f dark-
tood. Portm isur* aad Traveling; Eldera are requested to act at again may know hereafter tho two pow-
again to to the
tho tower,
tower. I saw not the faces o f these, far from our finding out are his wa^’s, th a t one
act a* Agents * t for th eir backs wero towards me. In m y last, I said I should give partially, a de­ who trembles lo take his holy name into his lips ers and never be influenced or overcome b y 'th a t
Advertising, Book and Job W ork, done at scription o f the place where, and the m anner in ia left to wonder at his exact providences, and the wicked one. Behold, whatever entices and 'leads
106 A s soon aa s h t was going away, I asked
tha usual rates. W i U S M I T H , E d ito r. h er th at she would reveal what concerned jvhich, these records were deposited: the first lulnllm ent o f his purposes in the event o f times
to good, and to do of good, is of God, and what-
IEPH th e th ree forms, in which she had appeared unto promise I h a r e fulfilled, and m ust procced to the and seasons. A few y ears sooner m ight have ?uC r r f i 08 ? 0*. 13 of at wicke<l 6ne.‘ I t ia ho
EN T. latter. r th a t fills the hearts o f men with e r il/to iw a lk in
THE APO C R Y P H A L me. ' found even the top stone concealed, and discour­
107 B u t she answering said unto me, C oncern­ _ 1 he hill o f which I havo been speaking, at the aged our brother from attem pting to m ake a fu r­
darkness and blaspheme G od; and y o u m ay
I. and NEW T E S T A M E N T . time mentioned presented a varied ap pearan ce: learn from henceforth, th a t hia ways are to de­
ing these things thou m ust ask"some other, that th er trial to obtain the rich treasure, for fear o f I
£o«X& they m ay bo rerealed^unto thee. I he north end rose suddenly from the plain, d isc o v e ry ; and a few later m ig ht have left the struction, but the way of holiness is peace and rest.
D*eph T H E S H E P H E R D O F HERM AS. V ou now see w hy you could not obtain this re­
TKR 108 Now, brethren, in the first vision the last forming a promontory without timber, but cover­ small box uncovered, and exposed its valuable
Thi* book ia thus entitled, because it waa compoajd by ed with grass. As you pass to the south you cord ; th a t the commandment was strict, and th a t
Slate year, she appeared unto mo exceedingold, and sit­ contents to the rude calculations and^vain specu-
Hermaa, brother to Pm*, biahop of Rome: sod because
tin g in a chair. soon come to scattering timber, the surface having lations o f those who neither understand common if over these sacred things are obtained, they
tha angel, who beara the principle p u t ia it, is rrpre- m ust bo by p rayer aud faithfulness , in obeying
Xi ot
t rmd
109 In another vision, she had indeed a y o u th ­ been cleared by a rt or by w ind; aud a short dis­ language nor fra r God. B u t such would have the Lord. * T h ey aro not deposited here for the
aented iu the form and habit of a shepherd. Iroosis tance fu rther left, you are surrounded with the
ful face, but her flesh and hnir were old; and she been co n trary to the words of the ancients and sake o f accum ulating gain and wealth for the glo­
quotes it under th« very name of Scripture; 0:igen
H e. talked w ith mo standing, and was more cheerful common forest of the country. It is necessary' to tho promises m ake to th em ; and this is why 1 ry of* this world ; they were sealed by the prayer
thought it a moat aaeful writing, a n dthat it was divinely observe, th a t even the part cleared was only occu­ am left to admire the works and se e th e wisdom
overy than the first time.
inspired; Euaebiua say*, that though'it was not esteem­ of faith, and^because o fth e knowlege they contain
ory of 110 In the third vision, she was in all respects pied for pasturage, its steep ascent and narrow in the designs o f th e Lord in all things manifest­ they are of no worth am ong the children o f men,
lo tho ed canonical, it Waa read publicly in th* churches, Wfhich sum m it not adm itting the plough o fth e husbafid-
m uch younger, and comely to the eye; only she ed to. the eyes o f the w orld; they show th at all only for th eir knowledge. O n them is contained
W ith is carroborated by Jerome; aad Athanisiu* cite* it, cill*
bad the hair o f an aged person: yet she looked man with an y degree of ease or profit. It was at hum an inventions aro like vapors, whilo his word the fulness o fth e gospel o f Jesus Christ, as it was
rch of ,it a moat uaefut work, tnd ob*erve*, t h u though it wra» the second mentioned place where the record was endures for ever, and his promises to the last cren-
ioiater cheerful, and sat upon a sent.
M . « n « l , eiQODicil, ,h . K t o ., ,p o ,» u d bf | , , , J w u t h e r e f0 „ v e , d conM rni th found to be deposited, on the west side o f th e hill eration. given to hisj>eople on this land, and when it shall
y oth- b
be brought forth by the pow er o f God it shall be
r“ d,r' c,1<>a ^ ««»*"»•“»» '» r-llh *»d P - ; r - , thing., until I might u n d c L a n d th . vision visited* ‘0P,d0Wn Qnd ” hcn 1 . HaVl‘n & lh us digressed from my main object to carried to the Gentiles, o f whom m any shall re-
Jarotde, notwithstanding tbia and that he
HEA- ■pplauilcij „ 1 12 W herefore I sow the same old women in _.!! !?_ h® P ycn.r 1830’ tbero were . i sev-. fS| - ‘.ve
; n ai fow lteras w r the —
r --~~ special
v..v w.benefit of all, it,i | ceive it, and after will the seed o f Israel be brought
taht<6ATalogoe of writer*, ia hia comment* upoa it after­
a vision of the n i^ h t saying u nto me, All p rayer eral trees standing: enough to cause n shade , n«iU be necessary to return, and proceed as form- <into tho fold*of their RcdeeifieTby o b e y in g it afso.
ward*. term* it apocryphal and fooliah. Tertullian
10 baa needeth humiliation. F ast therefore, and tfiou summer, but not so much as to prevent ic surface , > • And i f any suppose I have indulged too j Thoso who kfipt tho commandments of the L ord
ice.— ptaiaed it when a Catholic, and abused it when a Mon-
Bhalt learn from the Lord that which thou dost being covcred with grass— which wasb also the , r ety in reflections, I will only say, th at it is my | on this land, desired this at hi^hnnd, and through
tanist. Although G e luius rank* it among the apocry­ ask. case when the record was first found.
atlo n ,
phal booka, it is found attached to aome of the ixoit an­ ., oM ir1'th" 'fo,re’««• d»y- vimte“er m«Cv°i!e iZV'T ‘’T *’ . i 000 ,0 havc“ »»» ir the glory of::the prayiVoffiitiT'VbiaimdTfc" if
cient MSS. of (he N«w Testament; and Archbiihop 113 1he same iwglit a yovingman appeared to |lcc,,o,roruJt ?cts wl rL‘l\K. ^ L *2 C°T '3,rael in ll,» last days. Itheir dcsccndouts should transgress and fill owny
me, and said, W h y dost thou often desire ’rev ela- ,- m . befln m d ! a n d 11,‘no.w ,h at these, though they may be thought’ j that a record m ight be k e p t j n d in the last daya
street, Wake, believing it the genuine work of an apostolic Fa-
J tions in th y prayers? T a k e heed th a t by asking 0^ j P ot3,?r car” >, I know small things, w^re the begining to effect the some, come to their children. T hese'things are sacred
ther, preaarrc* it to the Eagiuh reader by the following
m anv things, thou h u r t not th y body. Let these not, ° neither does it add or diminish, to, nor from, they would be a t a^ loss whore to close, should *and m ust bo k ep t so, for the prom ise o f th e Lord
” .........
traaslatioa, in which he haa rendered the books not only revelationa suffice thee. the reality of my subject. W hen Moses heard they give a moment’s vent to the im aginations of
^ more exact, but ia greater purity than thjy had before
concerning them must be fulfilled. N o man can
114 Canst thou see more notablo revelations the voice o fG o d , at tho foot of Horeb, out o f tho the heart. b obtain them i f his h eart is impure, because they
appeared. Th« archbiahop procured Dr. Grabe to en­ than those which thou hast already received? burning bush, he was commanded to take his shoes You will havo wondered, perhaps th at the contain that which is sacred ; and besides, should
tirely collata the old Latin Versioa with aa ancient MS. mind of our brother should be so occupied with they be entrusted in unholy hands, the knowledge
115 1 answered and said unto him, Sir, I only
in the Limbeth library; aad the learned prelate himself ask this one thing upon the account ol the three the thoughts of the goods of this world, ot the could not como to the world, becauso they can­
aiill further improved the whole from a multitude ol figures of the old woman th a t appeared to me, time of arriv in g at Cumorah, on the m orning of not be interpreted by the learning o f this genera­
Iragmenta of th« orijino! Greek, never bafore used f»r that the revelation may be complete. ’ A nd I confess that my mind was filled with many tho 2^nd of September, 1823. after having been tion ; consequently, they would be considered o f
that purpoM. i
11G H e answered me, Yoqfjhre not w ithout u n ­ reflections; and thouglf I did not then loose u n ­ wrapped in the visions of heaven d urin g the no worth, only as precious metal. Therefore, re­
THE FIR ST BOOK OF HERMAS, OR VISIONS. derstanding, b ut your, doubts make you so; foras­ shoe, y e t with gratitude to God did I ofTer up the night, and also seeing and hearing in open day ; member, th at thoy are to be translated by the gift
VtllOir III, Cow c l u d e d . much as yoU'have not y o u r heart w'ith the Lord. sacrifice o f my heart. but the mind; o f -man is easily turned, if it is not and power o f God. B y them will tho Lord work
87 T h e y are, replied she, the daughters o f one 117 I replied, and said, B u t we shall learn these How far below the surface theso records were held by tho j&wcr of God through the p ra y e r of a great and a marvellous w o rk ; the wisdom o f
Touchy another. T h e first of them is callea Simplicity; things more carefully from you. placed by Moroni, I am unable to s a y ; but from faith, and you will remember that I have said that
the wise shall become as nought, and the u n der­
>estiojr the fact that they had been eome fourteen h u n ­ tw o'invisible powers were operating upon his
icater, the next Innocence; tho third ^Modesty; then Dis­ 118 H ear, then, says he, concerning the fig­ standing of the prudent shall be hid, and because
cipline; and the last o f all is C harity. W hen, ures. ab ou t which ^ o u inquire. dred years buried, and that too on the sido o f a mind d urin g his walk from his residence to Cum
the powor of God shall be; displayed, those who
therefore, thou shalt have fulfilled the works of 1 i9 A nd first, xn the first vision ih e appeared hill so steep, one is ready to conclude th a t''th e y ° » V « w d th a t the one u rg in g the certainty .o f profess to know the tru th, and walk in deceit,
their mother, thou shalt be able to do ail things. to the in the shape o f an old jyo m an sittin g in a were some feet below, as the earth would n atu rally of health and ea3e in this life, had so powerfully shall tremble tvith ang er; b u t with signs and
wear more or less in th a t length o f time. B ut wrought upon him th a t the great object so care­
88 Lady, said I, I would know w hat particu ­ chair; heeause y o ur old sp irit was decayed, and with wonders, with gifts and with healings, with
lar virtue every on# o f these has. w ithout strength, by reason o f y o u r infirmities, they being dac ed toward the top o f th e hill, the fully and impressively named by the angel, had tho manifestations o f th e power o fG o d , and with
ground would remove as much as two thirds per­ entirely' gone from his recollection th a t only a the H oly G host, shall the hearts of the faithful
u . 89 Hear, tjxen, replied she: they have equal and the doubtfulness of y ou r heart.
virtues, and their virtues are k n it together, fmd 120 F o r as thev who are old have no hope o f haps. A nother circumstance would prevent a fixed determ ination to obtain now urged him for­ be comforted. Y ou have now beheld the power
follow one another as they were born. renewing themselves, nor expect any thing but wearing o f the earth ; in all probability, as soon ward. In this, which occasioned a failure to ob­ o f God manifested, and the power o f S a ta n : you
as timber had time to gTow, the hill was covered, tain, ot th a t time, the record, do not understand pee tbat there is n othing desirable in the works
90 F rom F aith proceeds Abitinence; from th eir departure; so you, being weakened through
Abstinence, Simplicity; from Simplicity, Inno- y o u r worldly affairs, gavo yourself u p to slotL, after the N ephites wero destroyed, and the roots me to attach blame to our b ro th e r: he was young of darkness; th a t they cannot bring happiness;
cence; from Innocence, Modesty; from Modesty, and cast not away yo u r solicitude from yoursolt* o f the same would hold the surface. However, and his mind easily turned from correct princi­ th a t those who are overcome therewith are miser­
aloa of on this point 1 shall leave every man to draw his ples, unless he could be favoured with a certain able, while, on the other hand, tho righteous are
Df pro-
Discipline and C h a r ity x Therefore the “Works of I uP °n ^ ° rd.: an § y our senso was confused, and
these are holy, and chaste, and r ig h t J y ou 5 rew in y ou r sadness. own conclusion, and form his own speculation, round of experience. A nd yet, while young, un- blessed with a place in the kingdom of God,
ita ful-
01 Whosoever, therefore, shall serve these, and 121 But, sir, I would know why she s a tu p o n a as I only promised to give a description o f the traditionated and u n taug ht in the systems o f th e where jo y unspeakable surrounds them. T here
i, bave place where the records wero found in 1823. It is world, he was in a situation to be led into the can they rest beyond the power of the enemy o f
hold fast to their works, he shall have his d^elK chairt r
,u u
mg m the tower with the saints ofG od. 122 H e answered, because every one th a t is sufficient for m y present purpose, to know that great work o f God, and be qualified to perform it truth, where no evil can disturb them. T h e glo­
briit o f such is the fact; th at in 1823, yes 1823, a man tn due time.
92 Then I asked her concerning tho times, weak, sitteth upon a chair by reason of his infir­ ry of God crowns them, aud they continually
will bs
whether the end were now at hand. m ity, th a t his weaknesa m ay be upheld: Behold with whom I have the most intimate and personal A fter arriv in g a t the repository, a little oxer- feast UDon his goodness and enjoy his smiles.—
area, aa acquaintance for almost seven years, actually dis­ tion in removing the soil from the edges of the Behold, notw ithstanding you havo seen this great
93 B ut she cried out with a loud voice, saying, therefore tho figure of the first vision.
fay. Il
O foolish man! Dost thou not aee the tower, yet 123 In the second vision you saw her standing, covered by the vision of God, tho plates from top o f the box, and a light pry brought to his display o f power, by which you may over bo able
a building? W hen, therefore, the tower shall be and hav ing a youthful face, and more cheerful which the book o f Mormon, as much as it is dis­ natural vision its contents. N o sooner did he be­ to detect the evil one, y e t I give unto y ou
»ry aud
finished, and built, it shall have an end, and in- th a n tho formcrj b u t her flesh and her h air wero believed, was tra n s la t'd ! Such is the case, hold this sacred treasure than his hopes were re­ another sign, and when it comes to pass, then
tiled Tor deed it shall soon be accomplished. ancient. Hear, said he, this parable also. though men rock their v ery brains to invent false­ newed, and he supposed his success certuin; and know th a t the Lord is God, and th a t ho will fu l­
i. T he 9-1 B u t do not ask me any more questions.__ , . 1 2 4 w.Vy i l ®n a n >’ OM $ r o w « o ld , h e d e s p a i r s o f hoods, and then waft them upon every breeze, to without first attem pting to tako it from its long fil his purposes, and th a t the knowledge which
fa, N t r ­ W h a t haa been‘said m ay suffice thee and all the h i m s e l f b y r e a s o n o f h i s i n f i r m i t y a n d p o v e r t y ; t h e c o n t r a r y , n o t w i t h s t a n d i n g . place o f deposit, ho thought, perhaps; there m icht this record contains will go to every nation, and
ill alio •ainta for the refreshment of your spirits. F o r these i n d e x p e c t s n o t h i n g b u t t h e l a * t d a y o f h i s life. I havo now given sufficient on the subject of be something more equally as valuable, and to kindred, nnd ton^uo, and people under the whole
KET things have not been revealed to thee only, but 125 B u t on a sudden an inheritance is left to the hill Cum orah— it has a singular and impos- take only tho plates m ight give others an oppor­ heaven. T h is is the sign : W h en these things
rty aod thou m ayest make them manifest unto all. him; and he hears o f it, and rises; and being be ing appearance for th at country, and must excite tunity of obtaining the remainder, which, could begin to be known, that is, when it is known th a t
95 F o r t h e r e f o r e ^ Hermas! after throe days come cheerful, he puts on new strength. And the curious inquiry of every lover o f th e Book of lie secure, would still add to his store of wealth. the Lord has shown you these things, the work-
nurday thou m ust understand these words which I have now he no longer sits down, but stands; and is de­ Mormon, though, I hope, never like Jerusalem These, in short, were his reflections, w ithout once ers of in iau ity will seek yo ur o v e rth ro w : they
No. 7 began to apeak unto thee, th at thou mayest speak livered from his former sorrow; and sits not, but and the sepulchre o f our Lord, the pilgrims. In thinking of the solemn instruction o f th e heaven­ will circulate faljjehoods to destroy y o ur reputa­
bereaf- them in the ears of the saints; th a t w hen they acta manfully. m v estimation, certain places are dearer to mo for ly messenger, th a t all m ust be done with an ex­ tion, and also will seek to take yo ur life ; but re­
hbljr i o •hall havo h eard and done them, they m ay be l1.2 !* you, having h.^ard the revelation what they now contain, than for what they have press view o f glorifying God. member this, if you are faithful, and shall h ere­
cleansed from th eir iniquities, and thou together which God revealed unto you, because God had contained. F o r the satisfaction of such as believe On attem pting to take possession o f the record, after continue to keep the commandments o f tho
dretted with thsm. compassion upon you, and renewed y o u r spirit, I have been thus particular, and to avoid the a shock was produced on his system by an invis­ Lord, you shall be preserved to bring these things
Street, 9G H ea r me, therefore, O my sons! I have both laid aside y ou r infirmities, and strength question being a thousand times asked, more than ible power, which deprived him, in a measure, of f o rth ; for in due time he will again give you a
bred you u p in much simplicity, and innocency, came to vou, and you grew strong in the faith; any other cause, shall proceed and be as particu­ his natural strength. H e desisted for an instant, commandment to como and take them. W hen
lar as heretofore. T h e manner in which the
oard. and modesty, for tho m ercy o f God, which has and God, seeing your strength, rejoiced.
plates were deposited. and then made another attempt, but was more they are interpreted, the Lord will give the holy
dropped down upon you,in righteousness, that ^ 7 ^°r cau?® k® showed you the building sensibly shocked than before. W h a t was the priesthood to some, and thoy shall bogin to pro­
you should be sanctified, and justified from all sin o fth e tower; and will show other things unto you, First, a holo o f sufficient depth, (how deep I occasion of this he knew not— there was the pure claim this gospel and baptize by water, and after
n Tay- and wickedness: but y e will not cease from you r if you shall have peace with all your fieart a m o n g War , At . tho 1)011001 of was unsullied record, as had been described— he had this, shall have power to give tho Holy G host by
county, evil doings. each other. | n stone of suitable 3ize, the upper surface be- heard of the power o f en c h an tm en t, and a thou­ the laying on of their hands. T h en will persecu­
97 Now, therefore, hearken unto mo, aud have sand like Tories which held the hidden treasures tion! rage moro and m o ro ; for the iniquities o f
peace one with another, and visit one another, aud o f th e earth, and supposed that physical exertion men shall be revealed, and those who are not
do not enjoy the creatures o f God alono. and personal strength was only necessary to on- built upon the R ock will seek to overthrow this
98 Give freely to them th a t are in need. F o r others, their bottom edges resting in the cement ablo him to y e t obtain the object o f his wish. C h u rch ; b u t it will increase the more it is oppo­
r every 129 F o r os if some good news comes to one at the outer edges o f the first stone. T he four sed, and spread furth er and further, increasing in
some by too freely feeding contract an infirmity
Taylor, th a t is sad, he straightw ay forgets his sadness, named, when placed erect, formed a box, the cor­ He therefore made the third attem pt with an in ­ knowledge till they shall be sanctified and receive
>a>abla in their flesh, an a do in ju ry to their bodies; whilst creased exertion, when his strength failed him
ve new and regards nothing else but the good news which ners, or where tho edges of the four came in con­ an inhentanco where the glory o f God will rest
th# flesh o f others, who have not food, withers
money, he hns heard; and for the rest he is comfortcd, tact, were also cemented so firmly, that the mois­ more than at cither ofth e former times, and w ith­ uporf th e m ; and when this takes place, and all
■way; because th ey want sufficient nourishm ent, out premeditating he exclaimed, “W h y can I not
be ad-
and their bodies aie consumed. and his spirit is renewed through the jo y which ture from w ithout was prevented from entering. things are prepared, thn ten tribes of Israel will
receive he has received even so you have been refreshed It is to be observed, also, th a t the inner surface obtain this book V' “ Because you havo not kept be revealed in the north country, w hither th e y ,
99 W herefore this intemperance is hu rtfu l to the commandments of the Lord, answered a voice
in y o u r spirit, by seeing these good things. of the four erect, side stones were smooth. T his have been for a long season; nnd when thia is
you, who have, and do not communicate to them
ind tba
i "T ro- 130 A nd for that you saw her sitting upon a box was sufficiently large to admit a breast-plate, within a seeming short distance. H e looked, and fulfilled, will bo brought to pass the 6aying o f th e
that w a n t Preparo for the jud gm en t th a t is to his astonishm ent there stood the angel who
bench, it denotes a strong positinn; because a -uch as was used by the ancients to defend tho chest
about to come upon you. had previously given him tho directions concern­ prophet—■s*And the Rcdeower shall come to Z ion
AND 100 Y e th a t are the more eminent, search out bonch has four feet, and stands strongly. A nd c., from the arrows o f their enemy. F rom the ing this m atter. In on instant, all the former in ­ and unto them that turn from transgression iu
hes in them th a t are h ungry, whilst the tower is y r t u n ­ even the world itself is upheld by the four ele­ bottom o f th e box, or from the breast-plate, arose structions. the great intelligence concerning Israel, Jacob, saith tho Lord.” B u t notw ithstanding tho
mbacri- finished. F o r when the tow er shall be finished, ments. three small pillars composed of the same descrip­ and the last days, were brought to his mind: ho workers of iniquity shall seek y o ur destruction
of gold y e shall be willing to do good, and shall not find 131 They, therefore that repent perfectly shall tion o f cement used on the cdgas ; and upon these thought o f the time when his heart waa fervently the arm of the Lord will bo extended nnd you will
>nabled an y place in i t be young; and they th a t tu rn from their eini with three pillars was placed the record o f th e children be borne off conqueror, if you keep all his com*
engaged in p ray er to the Lord, when his spirit
a at re 101 Beware, therefore, ye that glory in y ou r their whole heart, shall be established. o f Joseph, and of tho people who left the tower was contrite, and when his holy messenger from mandments. Y o u r name shall be known among
cbra aa riches, lest perhaps they groan who are in want; 132 A n d now you hove the revelation fully- ftr, far before the days o f Joseph, or a sketch of the skies unfolded the wonderful things connected the nations, for the work which the Lord wifi
ime, or and their sighing come u p unto God, and ye be aak no more to have an y thin g fu rther revealed each, which had it not been for this, and the nev­ with this record. H e had come, to be sure, nnd perform b y y o u r hands shall cause the righteous
•hu t o ut with your goods w ithout the gate o f the unto yon. er failing goodness o f God, we m ight have perish­ found the word o f the angel fulfilled, concerning to rejoice and the wicked to r a g e : with the one
ry. tower. 133 B u t i f any th in g is to be revealed, it shall ed m our sins, havin g been'left to bow down be­ tho reality of the record, but he failed to remem­ it shall be h ad in honor, and with the other in re­
■je—c 102 Behold 1 now warn you who are set over be made manifest unto you. fore the altars o f tho Gentiles, and to have paid ber the great end for which they had been kept, proach ; yet, with theso it shall be a terror because
the church, and love the highest seatr. be not ye homage before the priests o f B a a l! I must not for. ond in consequence could not have power to talce o f the p e a t and marvellous work which shall
p, Only uke unto tbo»e that work mischief. get to say th a t this box, containing the record was them into his possession nnd bear them from the follow th e coming forth of the fullness o f th e gos­
, of the Gentleness is a sort o f mild atmosphere, pel. Now go th y way, remembering w hat tho
. 103. A nd they indeed carry about their poison
pegged and it enters into a child'j soul, like the sunshine A07*” ? Wlt^ V10^ erst0 n e|the under surface being place. Lord has done for thee, and be diligent in keep­
ncy co­ boxes; but y e contain y ou r poison and infec­ into a roso bud, slowly but surely expanding it ilatan d th e uppercrowning. B u t those t^ e e p illa r s
A t that instant he looked to the Lord in ing his commandments, and ho will deliver thee
in, from tion m y o ur hearts; and will not purge them, and into beauty and vigor. were not so lengthy as to causo the plates and the
redsou, prayer, and as he prayed, darkness began to dis­ from temptation and all the arts and devices of
crowning atone to come in contact I have now
rlall the perse from his mind, and his soul w as lit up as the wicked one. F orgat not to pray, th a t th y
je -c


11111id may become strong that when he shall so far as- m y memory serves, though I sb>ll“nol | T I T T ^ T> T>' T> T I T? T Vi t That whenever any (eraTof religion becomes destructive aad thaliwa are absolved Tram all aliegiaace to tha Secta*
ifest unto thee, thou may eat have power to pledge my veracity for the correctness o f the ac- A -Ll J. XV VJ JT JI1 i l l .J .* , 1 * o f these m raas.'it it the right'*f God tb abolish* it'and in-
oscapo that which is evil and obtain these precious riajj clergy, aad' that pll reli g io n conneciloa between vs
things." •that# the troe religionUUyiag i u foaadaiiot» oa spoitles, a a d the saitfcTergy, is, a n d % f ri^ht ought -If, be totally
'S r f r f ?A_T.° kl)AY <JULY A prophet*, evangeli»U, teach>riyiind gifts'of. b e a l i js g ^ c . — dissolved; aad that as free and indi-peadant men, we hate
Though I am unable to p^int before the m ind lief o f m any th at there was a fine sum o f precious!! ~ ----- ------ ------------------------------- *—
Prudence indeed wiU’dictate, that a religion loeg^esttbli. a right to worship God accordiag to the dictates o f our
a perfect description of the scenery which passec metal lying ^coined in this subterraneous vault,
shed, ahocld aot be changed for light «od transcient causes, conscience and do all other things which independant ra ta
before our brother, I think 1 have said enough to among whom was the employer; and accordingly
and accordingly, all experience bath shown that God** may of right do. And for the support of this deelaration,
give you a iicld for reflection which may not be our brother waa required to spend a few months
people are more disposed to sutter, while evils are suffer** w itha ^ m r e t u a c e oa the protection of b i Vine Ih-otideabe,
unprofitable. Y ou see the g rea t wisdom in Goc; with somo others in excavating the. earth in p u r­
suit of this treasure. Me, than to right themselves by withdrawing from old al­ we mntuallj pledge to e tc h other, our lives, our fortunes,and
ill leading him th us far, th at hi* mind m ight be
locutions and traditions. Bat when a long train of abase* our sacred hoaor.
gin to be more matured, and thereby be able to W hile employed here he became acquainted •a
pursuing invariably the tame object, evinces a desire to
ju d g e correctly, the spirits. I do not say that he with tho family of Isaac Hale, of whom you read
uhject th< ra to the error* of priestcraft, and reduce them T o l i i e 'S i i t e r a i
would not have obtained the record had he went in several of the productions of those who havt*
according to the direction o f the angel— I say that sought to destroy the validity of the book of under absolute mental despotism, it ia their right, it ia iheir Ia the great work of^lbe latter da^s, yaone^seeH<sty
he woula; b u t God know ing all things from the Mormon. It may be necessary hereafter, to refer •Jury to withdraw from such sects, and to receive for them* ‘‘there is aotbingfor m e lo do.M There a r t la
beginning, began thu s io instruct his servant. you more particularly to the conduct of this rrrelation*of G o < b y obedience to the gospelof our larje^iHeS% tio ^ o l o t knosTWha1 1bejpecutiaMeoets
A nd in this it is plainly to be seen that the ad ­ family, as their inlluenco has been considerably Jctu* Christ. Saeh has been the patient suffering of GodV o fth e “ bispeiiaLtrda o fth e Adafcss of limes*” arej a a i r t s
versary o f tru th is-not sufficient t o overthrow the exerted to destroy the reputation of our brother, s-n V'.et cud euch ia now the ueeeetty which impels os to i t is the will or iGod that , the gospel should be preached tb
work o f God. Y o u 'w ill remember th at I said, probably because he married a daughter of th& ■• me cut of Babylon t—the history of priestcraft is a histo- a l l as a w itness/oar sisters can axxist In wffiag ToVtli tha
two invisible powers were operating upon the ?ame, contrary to some of their wishes, and in • r f f rrpeattd inj jjiea and nsurpationa, all havirg ia direct cause by orgaanting ib iheir several braachet ‘*8ocieties for
mind o f ou r brother while going to Cum ornh. In connection with this, to certain statem ents of some bject the aaaihiiation of the “ faHh once delivered to tbe (he distribution of T r i c u ’* settiag' forth Ja^cirararsa aad
this, then, I discover wisdom in the dealings oj others of tho inhabitants of th a t scction of country. daint*;" to prove ibis, let facts be submitted to a candid perspicuity the precepts wa contend for, ,Iq order to assist
the L ord: it was impossible for any man to trans­ But in say ing this I do not wish to be understood world. th rm in ^ s u c h a latslable undrrtaking, w e will publish
late the book o f Mormon by the gift o f God, en* as uttering au g h t against Mrs. Smith, (formerly They have refused tha cae o f their halls, ehnrches, and coxaprekenstve tracts of-from 4 fo S pages each givirg
duro.the afflictions, and temptations, and devices E m m a Hale.) She has most certainly cvinced a •bo tkeir rchool houses, to the aathorised^serraats of the priaciplea ofth e "fsith once delivered to the 8aiata,”
o f satan, w ithout being overthrown, unless ho had decidedly correct mind and uncommon ability of God. aod will forward them to their order at. the rate, 6cts. per
been previously benefited with a certain round talent and judgm ent, in a manifest willingness to They have treated ns as "the offscourings of the hundred pages. Orders addreaed (post paid) to -th b
FO R P R E S ID E N T , earth.”
o f experience; and had our brother obtained the fulfill, on her p art th at passage in sacred writ,— “ Prophet ofSce’* will meet with due attention. ^
- - — -------
record the first time, not know ing how to detect iv twain shall be one flesh ’’— by accom They have trrated as with haughty disdaia and abase,
the works o f darkness, he m i^ht have been de­ her husband against the w is h e s and ad­ not descending to associate wilh os, except to beg our F r o m N a n voo. * v
prived of the blessing o f sending forth the word vice of her relatives, to a land o f stra n g e rs: and O F N A U V O O , I L L IN O IS . monies, which they have expended for costly aitire and W e have received no intelligence from N fttte o efcctpt
of truth to this generation. Therefore, God however 1 may deprecate their actions, can say in F O R V IC E P R E S ID E N T , splendid equipage. through the Geniile Papers—we subjoin a numbtr'ofteXv
know ing th a t satan would thus lead bis mind as­ justice, her character stands as fair for morality, They have endeavored to deprive ua of the right of be­ 1r*.5‘?»j,r0J n % wbich our r t ad era. may. learn lhe?eiaxatjon of
tray, began at th at early hour, th at when the full piety and virtue, as an y in tho world. Though
time should arrive, he m ight have a servant pre­ you may say, this is a digression from tho subject
SIDNEY RIGDON, lieving the evidences of our own senses; and have recom­ aiTairt there. .. { ^
mended fines and imprisonment as the best argumeat to ? “ (From Sj. Loois Papers of Jone 1 0 , 1 0 , a b d sd .)
( ^ r -fj *3^

pared to fulfil hia purpose. So, however afllicting proposed, I tru st I shall be indulged, for the p ur­ convince those who oppose their impostures. Martial l a w ,was proclaimed in Xauvoobjr the City Coun­
to his feelings this repulse m ight have been, he pose of satisfying many, who have heard so many They have collected together large bodies «f women aad cil, on last Sunday, and all peraoM forbidden to leave the
had reason to rejoice before the Lord and be slanderous reports th a t th ey aro lead to believe (EFTo prevent mistakes, all letter*on bu/iness thouldbe
children, at places uacomfortable, anosoal, aad distant ci ty. T he Nauvoo Legion i i kepi ready fa t instant action.
thankful for the favours and mercies sh o w n : that them true because they are not contradicted: and id d rm e d to the •• Editor of the Prophet,” (poef-paid) No. from iheir homes, for tbe sole purpose of fatiguing t a d Joe Smith haa-issued a proclamation in Jostihcation or
7 Spruce st.
w hatever other instruction was necessary to the besides, this generation are determined to oppose frightening them at their dis-tractsd meetings into a belief hia course-, and declaring himself ready to aoswer for his
accomplishing this great work, he had learned, by every item in the form or undor tho pretence of of their "cunningly devised fables." conduct before aay of the Courts of Illinois.'
experience, how to discern between the spirit of svelation, unless it comes through a man who O ur S it u a tio n .
They have invited us to their templea o f pride and ava­ P ro c la m a tio n *
C hrist and the spirit of the deviL has always been more pure than Michael the great All eyes—Jews and Gentile*, SiinTs nnd sinners, bond rice, that they might foully slander and abuse as while
F rom this *ime to September, 1827, few occur­ irince ; and as this is the fact, and my opposers and free, Priest and people, are tiirnrd ro ihe W rit —The there. M a to k 's O nncB . N au v o o , June 1C, 1844.—A» thero
rences w orthy of note, transpired. A s a fact to la v e put me to the necessity. I ahall be m o re I oewifPaPfr* of City luve daily rumors under ihe csp- are a number of stateineate in circulatioa which have for
They have denounced with spiteful malignity, *ome of
be expected, nothing of importance could be re­ prolix, and have no doubt, before I give u p the tiooa “* ..«t
Mo;rao° troubles,’ .. Mormon L ltr|l, their object the injury o f the “ Latter Day Salat*," all ©f
ihe most honest men, because they would not acknowl­
corded concerning a.generation in darkness. In point, shall prove to your satisfaction,j and to that from *N'aUT0°.” "Jo«- Smith
_________ **h in a tuti* !” “ Great excitement edge their usurped authority u the servants of the which are false’and prompted by blackhearted viliaiast
the mean time o u r brother of whom I have been of every man, th* a t the '
tfie translator of the book of I ,«ainM.................................
, h c Whi l e thou».ind#, p rie*u Lord. 1 therefore deem it my duty to disabuse the public mind ia
speaking, passed the time as others, in labouring Mormon is w orthy the appellation of a seer and a ' nd bi80,B* are looking with anxiety for blood shed, rapine, regard to them, aad > give a plain statement of. facts
They have frequ:ntly brought-the wrath of mobs upoa
for his support. B u t in consequcnce of certain prophet o f the Lord. In this I do not pretend j ■>*undcr» and ar,0D* *he Print* are chuckling over what u j >, for opposing with manly firmness, their invasion of our which have taken place in ihe city within a few. days past,
false and slanderous reports which havo been c ir - lhat he is not a man subject to passion like o th e rl hey coo*'d f r »b* downfall of Mormonism: b u t ^ e think right*. aad which has biooght upoa us the diapleawre o f the un-
culated, ju stice would requiro me to say some­ jnen, beset with infirmities and encompassed with lhc* u e <‘° u,e old expression,) ‘'counting their chick- They have continaed, notwithstanding oppoaitioa, toex
principled and uninformed, and seems lo al& rB 'ajropper.
thing g upon tho private life of one whoso character
cht weaknesses; but if he is, all men were so before Wore ,heJr *r* - i t c h e d , " for in the words of the tort from our laboring poor, large suma o f money to sup- tuaity to oar eaemies, lo unite and a rouse themselves to
has been so shamefully tr traduced. B y some he is him and a pretence to the contrary would argue I Prophet Joseph, uA t sure at th trt it a God /« l-.ratl, mobj and already they have commenced iheir heiliah op«.
port their pious splendor; the people b«iag scared out of
said to have been a lazy, idle, vicious, profligate a more th an mortal which would at once destroy *kal1 ride triumphant over all oppration. " —The P.ophei ratioas by driving a few defenceless Monaopa from their
thst money which shosld hav* botght bread for their atarv
fellow. T hese I am prepared to,cohtradict, and the whole system of the religion of the Lord Jesus; ha,1> >*. we kuovr thnt E»f th and Hell combined, ing children. houses and homes ia the viciaity of W arsaw and Carthage.
that to by £he testim ony of many persons with for he anciently chose the weak to overcome the * ‘lb ‘heir force* of Priests and rnqb-ocratf, cannot A abort time siace a pressw as started ia this city which
They have endeavored to prevent the spread of truth, by
whom I nave been intim ately acquainted, and strong, the foolish to confound tho wise, (I mean c°roe the Church founded on the Ilnck of Revelati hadfor i u object the destructioa o f th e iastitutioas o fth e
refuting to let their hearers aitead the leetnres given by
know n to be individuals o f the strictest veracity, considered so by this world,) and by tho foolish- <* indeed labor in vain, for “ when God work*, who can city, both civil sod religious:^ ts proprietors a re * set o f ua-
ths servants of G od; knowing as they do, that they dare
and unquestionable integrity. All these strictly ness of preaching to save those who believe. I hinder.’
not meat us on fair and honorable grounds, so thsy principled scoundrels, who 'attempted ia every possible
and virtually agree in saying, th at he was an On the private character of our brother I need We hear much raid about the gathering against God’a creep op in the dark aod s u b their enrmy. way to defame the character of ihe. most virtnons o f our
honest, upright, virtuous, and faithfully indus­ add nothing further, at present, previous to his People :—many go like the arrny opposed to Gideon, think community, aad change our peaceful and prosperous d t y
trious y oung man. A nd those who sny to the obtaining the records of tho Nephites, only that ing by their numbers to intimidate the Saints; but it ia iu They have obstructed the administration of justice, by
iato a place as evil and polute<U* their own Wack hearts.
contrary can be influenced by no other motive while in th a t country, some very officious person vain, we know our cacee is jutt, and fear never enters into screeniog their clerical offenders from tha penalties of the To rid the city of a psper to filthy sad p e rU k a tu i a s c i i *
laws. '• *
than to destroy the reputation of one who never complained ot him as a disorderly person, and
injured any man in either property or person.
«he composition of the fervant* of God. W e have had no
brought him before the authorities o fth e c o u n t y i.,- n- wa r.nm „n„ . They have tried to ruin us ia our private avocations, by become ihe doty of every good citisea,- who loves good
traducing cur character*. order and morality. A complaint waa made before the
W hile voting, I have been told by those for a t y council, and after a foil aad impartial investigation it
h“ t .lh eit “ cau“ ? f “ ,ion> » “ l; onour: I !«• i . « r own f t" lh ..' They have hsaped together innumerable swarms of
whom he has laboured, th at he was n young man ably acquitted. F rom this time forward he con­
are able to defend themielvea from thc invasion of aay teachers, and sent them all over the world, teaching lies was voted, without one dissenting voice,apobiicnuisance
o f tru th and industrious habits. And* I will add tinued to receive instructions concerning the
ruthless mob; Missouri, bloody Missouri, is even now for hire and divining for money, and breaking the fim aad to be immediately destroyed; the peace and happiness’
fu rth er that it is m y conviction, if ho never had coming forth o f the fulness of tho gospel, from the
of the .place demanded it—the virtue o f . u r wives aad
been called to the exalted station in'w hich he now mouth o f the heavenly messenger, until ho was reaping the judgement of a just God for the outrages she commandment of Gad.
has committed on His S a i n t s t h e floods are carrying away They have attempted to render their influence subveN daughters demanded i t - a c d our consciences demanded it
occupies, he m ight have passed down the stream directed to visit again the place where the record
her property and her &iizenf,—and this is only ihe begin­ live of the liberties of the people. at our bands as tbe conservators of the public p^ace T bat
o f timo with ease and in respectability, without wps deposited.
the foul and hellish tongue of slander ever being F o r the present I close, with d thankful heart ning or *orrow with her, the blood of murdered innocence They have combined together to aubject us to their ju­ we acted right in this matter, we have tbe assurance of
employed against him. It is no more than to be that I am permitted to see thousands rejoicing in c ru s unto the God of Heaven from the ground, for him to risdiction, tbat by having ibeir mark we might buy, sell, o n eoO he ablest expounders of tho laws of England v ia
oxpected, I admit, th a t men o f corrupt hearts will the assurance o f the promises of the Lord con­ avesge their blood on the mob-ocrat* of Miraouri; and and get g U n ^ ’ Blackstone, the constitution of tha S u t e of Illinois* and
ihall their cry be in vain 1 no, “ The measure they mete, For quartering large numbers of proud aad world-wise our own chartered righu. If, then, our e h arterV giri. us
try to traduce his character and put a spot upon firmed unto them though the obedience o f the
his nam e: indeed, this is according to the word everlasting covenant. shall be measured to them sgaia," and so with alh Citi- ecclesiastics among us. * the power to decide what shall be a nuisance, aad cause
o f the angel; but this does not prohibit mo from \ s ever your brother in the Lord Jesus. zens of the United States, remember the fats of Jerusalem, For protecting them from punishment for the most hor- it to be removed, where is the offence! W hat law ia violat­
and do not be found fighting against the God offarael —' rid crime*. ed! If, then, no law has been violated, w hy this ridica-
Preserve your laws in all ciuea, for you know not whsre For extorting money from as against our inclinationa. Io us excitement aod bandying with lawless rufiUns to de®.
A LETTER FR O M JO S E P H S M IT H TO this mob spirit will snd if you once allow it the ucsndan- troy tbe happiness o r a people whose religious motto ia
For depriving us in many cases o f the means of enlight­
cy ening our minds. “peace aad good will toward all m en!”
will be received and believed while those who O. C O W D E R Y .
testify to^the contrary are crumbled to dust, and For opposing a liberal mifcsllaaeous educatioa among Our city is iafested with a aet of black k g s, couaterfeiu
their words swept away in the general mass of ' D e a r B r o t h e r ,— H aving learned from thc T o Ih e llr c t lir c u . our children, and establishing instead, innamerable Sunday era and debaucheea, and .hat the proprietor, of this press
lies when God shall purify the earth I first No. of the Messenger and Advocate, that you All that are favorsble to ihr ►prr&d of Truth can asuft
schools, the object of which, is to poison the tender minds were of that class,’ the m in u te of the Municipal Couri f«|.
Connected with this is the character of the were, not only about to “ give a history of the in it9di«cmination b *ob‘cnlmg to the capital stock of of our children with sectarian superstitions and traditions, ly testify, and in ridding ouryouag and flourishing city of
fa m ily : and on this I say as I said, concerning rise and progress of the church of the L atter-day the “ ‘Soc' “ y f«>r the Diffusion of Truth" formed lor the aad to hold the young mind in ignorant awe and meatal such characters, we are abused by not only villainous den*
the character of our brother— I feel m y s e l f bound Snints;1' but, that said “ history would necessarily PurPos<? of publishing the “ Prophet,” and rnch other works darkness ; thereby making them fil dupes, and accessary agogues, but by some who from their su tio n s and iaflaeaco
to defend the inno'fcent always wheh opportunity embrace my life and character,” I have been in- ” roa>',rnd to ,hc ■ ‘h’aacemrnt ofthe Cdu*e of Christ.- to all their seditious schemes, Jcc. in sacisty, ought rather to raise thaa to p r e a the aucd a rd
offers. H ad not tnose who are notorious for lies duced to gave you the time and place o f my birth ; I Term?: $,'» pet thtrc, which cntiilrs him to a dividead For persuading our children to their bigot factories, alias, of human excellence. W e have no distwbance o f excite,
and dishonesty, also assailed the chararter of the as I have learned th a t m any of tho opposers of ,lf ,hc I,rofila of ,he cenccrn in proportion to the amouat Sunday schools, by stratagem, aad then given them their ment among us, save what is made by the thousand and
family I should pass over them here iif silence • those principles which I have held forth to the silly nonsense called tracts one idle rumors afloat in the country. E r e r y p n e ia pro.
but now I shall not forbear. I t has been i n d u t world, profess n personal acquaintance with me, Direct to Wm. Smith Editor o fth e Prophet. For denying us the right of rising up and vindicating tected in his person and property, snd but few c itie a o f a
triously circulated that they were dishonest, de­ though when in my presence, represent me to be We would atate to our breathren thronghout the country ourselves when slandered and traduced in their templea of population of twenty thousand people, in tha V n iu d State*,
ceitful and vile. On this I havo the testimony of another p e m n in age, education, and stature, that in na stage of tbe work has it been more necessary folly- hath less of disposition e r vice of aay kind, than the c i v
from what I am. oi N a u v o e .
responsible oersons, who have said and will aay, ihsn at present, that we should sustain the pr-»s, and un- For striving to rob ns of our thinking privilege* : deelar. n r . t , _______.
that this is oasely false; and besides, a personal I was born, ( a c c d td W
ig to the record o f the | der the above plan it will be a matter of pecuniary benefit ing themselves vested with the power, ia *11 esses, of think
same, kfipt by my parents,]J in the town o f Sharon, <o ihoee who invert in Hock. It 1, " ° °.ur *onduct m *hi» •flair, we ap«
acquaintance for seven years, has demonstrated ing for us ! ’ 01 UHD* | P_r,1_t°1|CVfr3r hl*h coart « lbe « d lo i t. ordeal, we
th a t all the difficulty is, they were once poor, (yet W indsor Co. V l on the 2 3rd of December. 1805. are willing to appear at any lime that His Excellency Gov.
They have waged a war of extermination
industrious,) and have pow, by tho help of God “ Architectonic” is ceferred till next week, on account •*»iMt | eraor Ford shall please to call us before it. I therefore in
arisen to note, and their names are liko to, (in­ of the great prets of matter interresting to the saints gen- , j behalf of the Municipal Court of Nauvoo, warn the UwU—
deed they will,) b4 handed down to posterity, and erally.
had among the righteous. T h ey are industrious, twenty sra*l ma _L-.I1 _s . • *
honest, virtuous and liberal to all. T h is is their town of Manchester. all oppression.
character; and though m any takp advantage of I D uring this time, a3 is common to most, or all They are at this time transporting large armies of lazy
marauding missionaries, to complete the werk of insanity,- JO S E P H S M IT H , Mayor.
their liberelityf tjfod will reward th e m ; but this! youths. 1 fell into m any vices and (nlli.>« ■ fout ^
is the fact, and this testimony shall -hine upon the I a££u ?ers ar?> ant* h Qve beeriTorward to accuse desolation, tyranny, and adultery, already commenced with I ^ L ° B“ )
circumstances of cruelty and perfidy, scarcely paralelled in ols - . ,’ n 1 was of the number. He ia
records of the saints, and ba recorded on the ar-1 ■ 8 »e,.n5 g r°ss and outrageous viola-
the moai barbarous ages, and entuely unworihy the lead. I k. j j° Pat“ Dr*11*,n ^ vicinity of which' he haa
era of civilized societies. ’ J eo or^ered to reside.
They have constrained many to fall in with their idola- L , 71*6 U tf** new* we have *bout th® raovemenU o f the
try, and to become the unwilling persecutor* of their own MormoD, mer^ T confirms what has sppeared here before,
. t a ■ »* •«j n It U i C
friends and brethren. J Al Warsaw, the citizens of the county are ordered to as*.
there is weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth ! not, neither can it be sustained, in truth, been
— if they do not repent. guilty of wronging or-iujuring any man or society They have turned loose upon defenceless women, their U,eir. Tmri#n* P!w m of «a<*esvous, to-day [lBth)
Soon after this visit to Cumorah, a gentleman of men; and those imperfections to which I allude, unprincipled journeymen soul-asvers, whose known rule of * ^ro“ whom Sm,lh was rescued, aad there to
from the south part of the State, (Chenango and for which I havo often had occasion to lament, a Practice is, an undistinguished violation of all social harmo- a r r e . t i « w S n r l° C^ ° |pcr*;8 V * P °« > to aid ia
sy. arresting Smith. Citizens of the adjoining S u t e , T errito -
C ounty.) employed our brother as a common la­ were a light, and too oRen, vain mind, exhibiting T
oourer, and ana accordingly ho he visited that lhat section of a foolish and trilling conversation. f In every stsge of these oppressions we ha re eatfeated l i w e J ho feeI ,atcr««‘fd in bringing Sm ith t a
th e c o u n try ; and had he not been accused of d ig -' , 8 bein5 a,‘> antl. the u*0rst, th a t my accusers them
- o n iy lU o u ;” ^
g in g down all, or nearly so, the mountains of Sus- cn.n substantiate against m y moral character, I with repealed acts of oppression a p rie s tc ra ft whose
characters are thus marked by every act which may define The Mart* brought3up 5S1 passengers, 486 o f " whom
quehannah, or causing ig1 iothers to do^ it by some arto n -Ii AW. t. t0 ta(^, 4^ .at 11 il... *8
, not w„ ,t^
, out Q------ deep feeling
seditious tyrants, are unfit to be the teachers of a free are German and English emigrants. Ia the crowd there
V 1 a « • •* T v a f* ^ A ♦ 4 k n t I a _ _ _ 11 J ... * ^
of necromancy, I should leave this for the present regret that 1 am thus called upan in answer to DECLARATION of Ii\DEPE.\D.4i\CE, people. were about 30 Mormons, on their wsy to Nauvoo.
unnoticed. CY Y,ou will remember, in thn mo„n ! mX own conscience, to fulfill a d u ty I owe to my-
sIf, as wo 11 as to the cause of truth, in m aking OF The steamer Die Vernon left lait evening, [18th] taking
Nor have we teen » .decorous or illiberal in onr ceaduct
* ’' fession of my former uncircum - PEOPLE; towards our Sectarian friends. sW e have warned them ith her several pieoes o f ordnancs for W am w .
trifling conversation: and more A PARODV. from time to time, of attempt* by iheir Clergy to
V JCfgy W C21CDQextend It seems
the* 1MunicipaUty
of Nauvoo,
---- y e w w
city passed
, , f Bainbridge, on or near t h e ! P*Tticu,a^ y . I often acted in violation of those an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. W e have reminded “ rea eotir® d *7* 10 discussing the fate of the fated Press,
head waters of the Suaquehanna river. Some • PreccPts whlch I knew camo from God. B u t When in the course of the providence of God, an angel them of iho spirit of our Constitution ; we have appealed S .£**pofltor> ^ t length, at the close of tbe third day,
forty miles south, or down the river in the t o w J * S lhe <:Articles and Covenants,” o f this church appears to man to reveal a new dispensation, and it be- to their republican justice and magnanimity; and we have * * foU° w,a* reeolulion was passed by a unanimous -vote,
of H arm ony, Susquehanna County, p «. ,'s 8aid t 0 1 Plain uPon particular point,.......... I do..............
not d ee m j comM =e<*mry for the "Slints of God” to dissolve the reminded them of ihe persecution of our Pilgrim Fathers | I, * c* cfP Uoa- T i a t was of ooe' W artisgtoo,
wC a w cave
vb or subterraneous
suoierraneous recess, whether eentirlv n tir lv ! ‘" imPorlant
‘p r 10111 tQ proceed u r t h e r . iI........................
proceea flurtner. add,
« . * _ ’ thatIIva i n
only cofr .................
nec,'*n_which has

bound ihem to <ne
_♦ e . ■
the superstitions aad and and of their solemn landing in ths wilderness of Plymouth. * f*W d*J1 re*Pit^« * « ^ a * a fiie of
formed b y a rt or not I am uninformed n e i t h e r '1 ^ 0 110t> nor never have» Prctcnded to be any r lln trf ° 1,IOM ° r father?, end to assume their position We have called to their recollection the days of the Blae T p \. f!* ? *nd l *! ^ prc" wottU »»‘; ecase
does thia m atter; but such is said to be the case I ° ^ er ^ an a man “ subject to passion,” and liable * ln kingdom ooff God.
*,Bc<lom God, wwhich
h ; , s the celestial law and
------ j . uthe law
. .— Laws, when innocent men and women were hung for the | ° ! e 10 dcc^4re ** * nuisance* H e saidrthe
— where a com.pany o f Spaniards, , — , _ a........
lontr 6 tim o ' wl'*^out ass*sting ^grace of the Savionr, Savi to de of liberty entitle them, a decent respect to public opinion •upposed crime ofW itc h cra ft; and we have conjured them aU tule,m ad« P ^ » i« o n for a fiae of « » 0 . ^ .
■ i n i » A w U i . i L . ______ a _______________ * t * • » . o w ' I , , . * * * r _____ A . i ______ r . _• ! • ! 1
since, when the country waa uninhabited by white *v,ato ^*rom ^ at Pat^ v/hich all men a requires that they should declare the casse which, impels by the lira of our common kindred, to diasavow these usur-1 *a*>j° i n the resolution:-- }* i
settlers; excavated from t h e bowels of th o ,ea rth comrnanded t o w a lk ! them to the seperation. W e hold these truths lo be self-
paiions which would inevitably interrupt our friendship R e v iv e d b y the City Council of th eC ity of Nauvoo' lhat
ore, and coined a large q u an tity o f money; after* Hy giving tae above a place in y o u r valuable evident, that all meu are .By nature aliens to the common and correspondence. They, teo, have been deaf to printing office from whence issues ihe “ N anvoi Ex-
wealth of God, that the same cause will produce ihe same
the voice of justice and consanguinity. W e must, there- P«»i‘or,” *ia a pubfie nuisance, and'slso aU o f the said
i..r“ »8 , ' ^ t s h i n l z z p u ^ T ^ ^ ’. z a - i u ^
; fleets, that God is the>ame in all eges, that ’jesus Christ
r ' r tm n ,v 7 r mr
tu rn at some distant period. A long timo elapsed I individual, and, as I hum bly hope, sub* is the same, and the office, work, and power of tbe Holy fore, acquiesce in the necessity which causes oursepera- Expositors, which m sy be c r exist in said estab-
and this account came from one o fth e individuals | stTve causc rightoousness. Ghost is the same in all t g t , of the w o r ld .- T iia t to se- Uon, and hold them as we do all other tyrants, enemiesfo l a m e n t , and the Mayor isinstrncted to cause ssid print-
rehgion truth, virtue h sp p in e - and repubncsnira. ing e su b li^ ra e n t a n 'd ^ p e r s io U 'removed without delsy,
who was first engaged in this mining business. I * am> feelings o f esteem, v<our fellow laborer core tbe blessings aad gift* ,.f God to man, the gospel of
W e, Ujererore, the Sainu, in gospel principles united, «» « c a m anaer a s he sh a ll'd ire c t Passed Jane 10th,
r h e co n ntry was pointed out and the spot minute* j in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ was revealed, deriving i u power from the
hand* of God, and flowing ihrough a regular appointed sppealing to God for the authority we w e exercising, so- *844- ' - .
ly d « e „ b .i T h i» , b e lie v e , i j th e s u b s ta n c s , j ^ JO S E P H S M T H .
lernely publish and decUre, thst we, the said people of The folln»;n„ " • .. / • j u w
priesthood after the order of Melchesideck.
God, i r e , . n d of right ought to b e , free u d M .V .U * ^ bV ,k*
W Udeatja said CDh a re bcea higher uiaa it was ever k a o w n )
T* the Jla rsh a lo f said City greeting^— before.___ *
Yoa are hereby cdmmVaded to de$troythe printing p r e a iProm the St. Louis Republican, June 22d.] W e have recerred ,fae first two num ben o f . weekly ^ j ^ y o H h e s f ^ C“ 00a c0B1' c from 1 Are they the E lder. Alfred Cordon , ^ — 5
' from whence issue sih e “ Nauvoo E x p o r te r ,” and pi ihe p«per having the above name, and devoted to the ;------ : -fn*. ^. u . • * o~*f «***<:« 1 W e hope
F a a n r e * P A a n c o tA a a o r t i i c F loods iw Miatotxxi. gatiou V il f t A H m / T I ** ....................................• •** u »geau 10 Vermont for the Pmphet.
type of the said printing establishment in the street, ind o ( r tT\0[ii doctnnes and b e n e fa ^ u V . 7 s V “ ^ .. e 0 P0®1, human, nature, that there ia more
—The following particulars of the fbod* in ifee Missouri e a ire abot|r thla thiid Mormon war. All parties
boro all tha E xporter* t a d libellous handbills Ibaad in aaid and u worthy of the patronage of all honest
river, we obtained from the officera of the steamer Balloon, men it ts pabliihed by a committee at Pittsburg) Pa. at concern in tho other two, disgraced themselves and the t e r ! ^ ' 1 V
establishment, and if resistance b« offered to y o u r execu­ which came down yesterday morning t • Sute. We hope bereft,,, b)l>(Kj 1|t in ,hut.
one dollaar per anataa. ■: Br. Clair ia our authorised agent at Hudson, N\ y .
tion df thi* order b y tb o owner* or other*, demolish the L . r . W « . n , T n . . d a , the ISO., at S. A M. T h e rirer
hojWi and if any ono th r e a t e n yoti; or tho Mayor, or tbe ^ a rH T .r • W* c u "0' «»w ba, raoailrotu pect,.
bad fallen the night previous ten inches. At Parksrille Eldera Sidney Rigdoo and Etwneaer Robinaoa arrived at
officers of the city, arrest those who threaten you, and fail ^ «f Mormon., tb it ihey 8 W “<,db“^ ,■ “ ',u r U " " r>l AC'"t . . Phi.
twenty mile, below Weatoa, there ia three feet of water on Ptttabarg, where they intend to reaidt f o r a teaaon, on the
not to eiecute thia order without delay, and make doe re- the bottom; Lttle damage. Tbe warehouse at Wyandotte 27ih u!ta
,oU*- W-'" * drfll^aUlr oe:-
t i n heteon. ’ " ,lh , i c *" * " » -o «.«.p the rifle fnalinc
city gone, and the entire bottom covered frora tea t0 lively, u tbou,h no law bnt .he dob U» w u „ „ ht. rd
t y order of tho City Council ia £ £ £ £ £ 'i V e " '" " 1, * ’ 0 f « " * ■ » • " * » . <**>
feet an<J not a house left standing. At Chouteau*, landing, C 0 \ t t i t i N I c A .T i 6 X 8 :
JO SEPH 8 MITff, Mayor * e buiJatogs are .11 .w ept off. At W ayne City, no 0 a e T e ^ f b 'l m ^ t ' P*"*' *»l1 ' " I * "
Th* following is a certificate from Jam es S. R ue, who
Marshal's return—The within named prea* and type is
damage. At L,berty Landing the warehouses all in the waa brought before a conference at Wilmington, Dell, P"‘ *’ ■ ”'h0'il'd “ •• A S * to
destroyed aad pied according to order, oa thia 10th day of
Jane, 1844, at about 8 o'clock P. M. b e I° " ® f *roc^ « « n d produce estimated at charged with elandering the character of the Prophet
from fire to .even thousand dollar* At Owen*. L a d i n g Joseph Smith, tn d the Twelve. ? w o r d o f E x h o r t a t io n f o t iic w ife le ss.
J. P. GRE E N , C. M. u (T j T li° ' ' fi,de,‘ " * ■» *eTaa Ageota for
L / T r R; h fie I d — house g o n e , and other dam age I hereby certify that I bave never been knowing to any "W hat.ia there ia th* vale of life, ihe Prophet,” and receipt for all moni.*, ftna fOIWtrd
the came as soon as convenient. ‘
HEAP QUABTXaS. honL. 1 / ’ ° ° da,m8SP- 10 C* mden b c a d ’ •*« «he thing derogatory to the character of Joseph Smith or any Half so delightful as a wife,
t • , Nauvoo Lcgio*, Joae 10, 1844. *0nf* and P e n loss of atock, furniture, Sc3. ofthe Twelve apostlea of the Church of Jesus Christ of W hen friendshipi love, aod peace combine'
T o Jonathan Donham, acting Major General of the Nau- io P>'* »f ">« w m b M w V r t l m a u d L itte r Djy Saint*, aad am willing to settle any difficulties Elder Melvin Wilber, is authorised to act as TravclU
T o stamp the marriage bond d i v in e r — [Cowper. Agent for the Prophet.
voo L-gion, yoa are hereby commanded to hold tha Ntn« loaa of good. end prodoc. from four 10 lire t h e . a n d do|. there may exist between any member of the Church and
•too brgloa in readioess, forthwith to execute the city or* law. Tbe bottom opposite covered from eight to ten feet myself upoo principles of equality. A wif*! earth's ev’ry boon is dross
dinances, aad especially to remove the priming establish­ . .g rc tl lo*> of ,tock. produce, * c. The Waconda’ Elder Q. S. Sparks, of Hartford, Con. is authorised lo
J A M E S S. RU E . W ithout a wifej— all, all is loea!
act aa General Agent for the Prophet.
m ent o fthe Nanvoo Expositor, aad thia you are required Wilmisgtoa, June 22 , 1SI 4. Tbe farmer1, thrill, the nterahant’s gain.
todo a ts ilh t, osder the penalties of tbe laws; provided the Moff. .bom t( m,|M. mwilt covered, u d macb d.m .t ed, Ambition’s prize,—all, all are v a in !
Bnu»wick completely iaond.lej. u j ln m 10 ltn f Elder J. J Woodbury, h a . authority to act a veil­
M a n h a l ahall require it, and need your aervicea. At a special conference of Elders held at Franklin Hall, “ Ii is not good,” Heaven aaw and aaid, ing Agent for the Prophet.
JO S E P H SM ITH, <*“ Thoraboro,,!, b o .K . Boston J«ly 2 nd. 1844, Elder* Dan’l. Spencer id the chair “ That man should be alone,”—aad made '
Lieut General Nauvoo*Legion. T r ' ° ° le“ “ f«* m n J them. GUuow „„ and Ananias McAllester, clerk, present; Eldera B. Young, “ A help meet”—last aad loveliest 'KW er llenry Jenning*. of WayneaviUe, Ohio, is reauea
Da Sdnday evening, a meeting waa held in Nauvoo, at 4 .tn .p , Arro. Rock nfe. At BoooriUc, lb, rirer I. L. W hite, Wn>. Smith, O. Hyde, 0 . Pratt, H. C. Kimballj Of all his terrene works—and best ed to act aa Travelling Agent for the Prophet.
iHiich were appointed Delegates to go to the several pre- •till r i m , J ,0 * m . ge. p ^ e d th . w . p {||0 „ .v«,b»i||e and W. WoedrufT of ibe Quorum o fth e Twelve, together “ Angel enshrined in huiflaa manld
ciacu tn the county—three delegates to each of the niae • l d » t ih . auflerers; tbe.wbole towa in 0 „d.ted, <ad ri.e r with sixteen other Eldera—it was Resolved, T hat the fol­ “ Doubly refined, earth’s gems nor gold OOF- Donation, in book* n a t o ^ r artificial curiosities,
precincts—to lay before the people a true atatement of tbe lowing confeVencea be held, vix. In Northbridge (District Can reck thy worth; thou boon divine ! philosophical apparatuses, & c , will be received by the
M^r's n SU *2“ Ci'>- ">'“k ““ boird
faeta of the dettructioa of tha Press. 8- “ d Mr- K'm br.nah oo J A„ No. 5 .) on the 20th and 21«t July, and tbat Br. Charlea “ For thee, them all we would re»ga.” •‘ Society for the Diflufion of Truth,” at the office of th*
Oa tbe l ii h , a manifesto, signed by sixteen of the breth­ crop, o« l i . l bottom will b . dewroyed. Tbe l o » of pro. White preaide over that conference. In West Stockbridge But utter home—the very sound Prophet, and forwarded to the Museum, at Nauvoo. No*
ren w la put forth, declaiing, that Hiram Smith did aot pert, of . r e r j d ew iptioo. from W e.too to the mtrath. will (District No. 7.) on the 30'Ji and 31st of July. Br. D jn’l. A magic influence sheds around, tices of which will be published, if deiired.
Slake any threats, aor o^er any reward against the War* b . irame&M. Hnndred. of f.m ilie. h . . e been left „ ith Spencer to preside. In Holliston (District No. 8 .) on the And long forgotten scenea arise
aaw Signal or ita editor ia the City Council. Dolhiog M r, the clothing t h e , h>d on. 1„ f , CI lho m 3d . f August. Bra. Henry Harrimsa and Clarke Hsllet to W e would state to our correapoadents that to imure in
Moat vividly before our eyes.
T he St. Louie Reveille, of the 24th saysi •ertion in the “ Prophet,” their commnnicationa should be
1 ^ 7 7 •" w,r dow"' «= •“<* •> to -i. In Hanover (District..Vo. 9 ,) cn the 14th Aug Cheered by the sound, the wanderer,
By the clerk of the steamer Gem Brooke, which came received early in the week, as our immense edition render
t X n off r n'" 0"- At C,a,d' “ B' n<' ■» « were Br. W m. Henderson to preside. In West B;ew ,ter (Dis- F ar from the land he loves most dear,
t necessary for ua to go to press on Friday moruing.
3own yesterday evening we are informed that Gov. Ford . k e n o f f f r o m . „ e e top nearly eilittid ed , h „ i e g b.eo m et No. 10.) ou the 17th snd ISth ol August. Brs. Harri- Yields for the hour to fancy’s sway,
had artFved at Carthage, approved of preaent. operations, there 1 b o w ... The m e r i> filled with drift, .o d . lu g e man, Hallet, Lloyd to preside. Aod borne on speedy wing away,
to farther which be had ordered out 3,300 men. By this •am ber o f h o i w , were ,ecn do.iine dowo .be rirer to The Elders laboring in or near thoae diatrict* it ia hoped Directs hia visionary flight
time, it is supposed, that active preparations have been ‘ " b " w ,' h
hog*, f-ro ,„ d produce. Two will attend the above conferences.
w tre h o n m were , . e p t , |« rtrer, . few mile, below
Homeward,— with rapturous delight MORMON
DAN L, SP E N C E R , Chairmsn. Greets hia fond wife, receivea the kiss—f

W o add the following from the S'.. Louis Republican of JeOVrwo C „f , while the B.llooo | „ ,h t « . A „ amb<r
p e r io o ..r e m m i a g « t diflVreot p olo,.on the rirer, bnt i,
ANANIAS McALLKSTER, Clerk. A flection’s aeal—earth’* purest bliss. ■BOOK DEPOSITORY.
#ut utter home—the exile home NO. 7 S P R U C E S T R E E T ,
T he steamboat Waverly left N a u rjo on Thursday after reppowd lhat r.w lirea h . » e been loat. .None were Franklin, Oakland Co., Mich., June 13th, 18-11. Though stern of soul, bereft, aod lone,
} no.Qn,M dW .raawia lhe nubl- She h y . t Nauvoo aome i ^Qown 10 be loat by the olticera of ihe Balloon. Heavy M a. E d i t o r Thn first No. of the Prophet fell into our Feels tbe soft inflaence at bis heart,_ \ 2ND. FLOOR.
time, _ aod. ascertained
-------- . - j that Geo. O-I.I.
Smith -had--------2,300-----------
men un­ ,«l“ * »»<! f.llen in Iho o p p ,, and the middle parta of the hand, on our arnval h e r e - w e feel highlyfgratified at the It warms— it melts—the tear-drops start—
der arma, and ready for defensive operation*. At Warsaw State. stand you hare taken, and tbe apirit manifested in aupport- Roeied by a aound of that blest word
aod Carthage, il waa understood liu t about three tbouaand A .D m o v A t P a h t o i : , . , , , n r _ T he mg “ J, equal right, aud protection of person and W here m ay be found, a general assortment o f
T h ’ indignant roldier draws his swrrd,
citixena were under arma, but were awaiting an additional Wapello led O .a^ o w on Ihe IS h The river waa Ihen property. It s«ems necessary at the present day for all the B o o k s and P apers illustrative of tho doctnno and
The word—the aound, it has a charm faith o f the C hu rch of Jesus C h rist o f Latter-
force o f a thousand men, before they direcied ao attempt •boot f , „ hightr ,h „ lbc high lovera of law a*d order, to maintain inviolate thoae princi T h tt fires bis soul, and nerves his arm;
t s i t r v s t h e writs in the hand of the officer. Of course pies which are embodied in the rpirit of the Constitution
day Saints, among which are tho following:—-v
W oe to the base invading foe Prof. Orson P r a tt’s P rophetic Almanac, for
they would be ready to austain the constituted authority, if T l ° ‘ *° i" h P" l"’°r' T1" b0"0"' and inspired the patriot* of *70, ia laying the foundation T.iat meets his eye, and feels his blow ! 1815.—
necetsary, to the extremity of making war upon Smith and r. ^ f . T k“n l ! L ° 'h"
in the neighborhood, were mandated. Greal dialreaa ore- of umv.raal liberty, peace, and equal right*, which they W hence has this word the mystic power
hit men. desired to aecure te themselves and their posterity. A T reatise on the F ulness o f the E verlastin g
vailed on every i d e . Tbe . . r e b e l s , oo lhe p . in, To move all hearts at ev’ry hour! Gospel.— per hundred $ 8 — single 1 s.
[From St. Louis paperr, June 24] n e . , 1, „„der water, .n d before ihia lime It cannot be hid from the observing mind, that the day
Ah! why inquire! All know,—all own P. P. P r a tt’s reply t o U ^ E o y Sunderland—
Gov. Fard, of Iliiaoia, ia at Carthage to negotiate with are probably awept away. baj arrived when some men feel dispored, (if we jtld ’
Woolan hath wrought the spell alons. $6. single 10 cts.
Jo Smith, just aa he did prior to the last Coogreasional from their actions) to make a thres- at the heart of the A living death is his sad lot
The Wapello, in deaeendia*. relieved several families An appeal to tbe inhabitants o f the State fof
election—when ha or hra agent* visited St. Louis, contriv­
and atopped at Boonvjlle, where the only preient /andin. C rnm tm ioa ’and fcr tracecend their bounds of right; aod Whore Isolated heart knows not— New- Y o rk ; L etter to £ u e e n V ictoria; Tho
ed a plan to get a writ againat Jo, held it in trrrorem o ier that too, while clothed with judicial, Legia.'a'ive and I - Hath never known nor wills to prove
is some distance above, the regular plice. She then cro»»- r o u n ta iu o f K now ledge; Im m ortality of the
him uutU he had agreed to transfer the whole Mormon ecutive authority, they make uje of that authority, to mob T h ’extactic bliss of wedded love:
* r,ver* lod ‘he people and contents of aeveral Body, nnd Intelligence and AfTection, by P . P.
vote to Hoge, the Locofoco candidate, and then let him ban sh and murder many American citizens, whom they He wends his dark, cold way alone, P ratt. $ 8 per hund. 1 s. .single.
ho use a from Franklin, which place vras entirely inundated.
loose. It will be done. The Locofocos cannot dispeofe were bound by their oath to protect.— whereby they eatab- Pitied by*all—beloved by none,
At Rocbport.the low grounds were entirely underwater T he Testam ent o f the tw ek e'P otriarch u, tho
with the three or four thousand votea controlled by Jo lish and sustain the spirit of mobs in the place of ri*bt “ Then first of all to thee be given I sons of Jacob.
and deserted. The inmates of the Hotel hsd moved into
8 mitb. law. and order T h i. i* not a fiction but . f8Ct tbat hsi
the second atory, which waa approached by a canoe, which '•The fconstant care and love of Heaven I Correspondence between Gen. Jos. Smith, Cof,
Nauroo ia said to be destitute of an adequate aupply of landed passengers on the s t a ir a t e ia the hall. become a part o fth e hiaiory of oar ccun'ry, .Missouri be •‘To guide and bless thy life! ! ” entworth, Gen. Jas. A rlington Bennet and H on.
... .
provisions. Ao order tor a large quantity c f (lour was pello approached within a few feet of the market-hoaae. . . . . ---------- The Wa- inj? the principle actor. The spirit of m ob. .hould be* "And first of earth’s best bleesings all, |J . G. Calhoun: 8 8 per hund. nu n a. li a sine.
seat to this city on Friday, and the Steamer O/prey took nipped in the bud, as tbe fruit of it i . daugerouato every “ Be it thy happy lot to call A n interesting account o f several remarkable
up 250 barrels. Siturday waa the day appointed for an .ie eartb, a. ^ “ Some pure, fair spirit—W » c!” i visions. B y 0 . Pratt. $ 0 per hundred 10 cts.
advance upon the "Holy City/* Hancock county is under ery portioa of any community where it ia enpported and __________ I single.
all the merchandise and other movablea in the t r j r w '™ !
martial law, one portion being controlled by the Mormons rewived on board of her aod of the Linn, which last boat ,U1S.t*in<;d’ W,I1 In ,h e ir ,orvn feel its weight, and calamity! Tb(* following- prophecy . . ia taken from_________.
an old pO.a p e /Cowdery’s letters to W . W . Phelps, on
and the other by the anti-Mormoaa. No doubt many of arrived from St.l Louis on the morning of the 10th. Dur- rolling like a fl >od upon their heada. .‘TheThe Telescope.” Telescope,” published rmblished inin ihi.
this rii* . n J bearing date 11110 o r , K, a
city, and “ i® Book of Mormon. '
the rumora from that neighborhood are highly exaggerat­ iag the day, twq houses were swept away, and three others fV t hope and trust that you trill i* supported end tm la in td i Jo,7 ‘22d- lb2°- A H istory of the Churoh of Jesus C hrist of
ed; but what the reault of the excitement there may be, were about fdlling when tbe boat Je ft. Not a soul was tn your noWe undertaking, in maintaining a p rt u in ‘ ■yno .PROPHECY, A. D. 1003. L atter day S aints— by John Corrill a member ot
we cannot predict, although we are.'inclined^o believe that left in the town.. York Ciiy, based upon liberal and true principles We* are — T the Legislature o f Missouri.
there will be no serious conflict between the partiea. pleaaed ibal there i,,i proapect of baring ibe' claim, of T»A.VSI.ATKJ> ntOJl THE CKKMAJTBT C. CBOrr. Synopsis o f parallel passages in the Scripture,
A Mr. Collier, of Columbia, was drowned in attempting price 5s. r
W e leara by the Die Vernon, arrived yesterday from
to reach the landing from the interior.
S™ l,h kefore the people freely. |iber.ll,
Keokuk, that Gov. Ford bad reached Cartha«e aod iaaued and without reserve from your orgao.that the people mav Thia mighty empire ahall remain under its preaent gov­ Gospel Reflector. $1.25.
Oo the morning of the 20 :h, near Marion, the yawl of
orders for the Fourth Brigade ol the Fifth Diviaion of Mi* have in that quarter the clsims and reasons that the friends ernment a long lime, till the year A. D. 1790. Then will Times <fc Seasons, bound. 2,00
the Wapello, coataiaing a family cf nine persons, who had
litia, composed of Haocock, McDonough and Brown of Gen. Smith have iu preteuting his name as a candidate a hero, through manhood and virility, reach the two head­ H istory of the Priesthood, by Benj. Winches-
been rescued, came in contact with the Yucatan, which for the Presidency. ed eagle, and conduct th*! empire praiseworthily, and con­ ter. 25 cts.
counties, to concentrate at some point ia Hancock county,
boat waa asccnding the river, aud was swamped and broken
there to await further orders, should their aervicea be re­ W e bave held|Mass meeting, in the various citie* towa. quer surrounding nations with moat desperate away ; and Millenium, a poem by P. P. P ratt, prico 50
by the wheels of the steamboat. All were almost miracu­
quired in the preaent Mormon diflicultiea. and tillages, through which we have passed in Illinois aad continue to conquer till after the 10th century, then will eta.
lously saved, excepting William Richardson, a deck hand
Several of our exchange papers atate that Gen. *Smith Michigan and have laid before the people, the view, of j he fall and a general peace be eatablisheed till about A. D. Index to the Book of Mormon, 2nd ed ition : per
who was drowned. The circumstancea of this accident are'
had delivered himself up to the authorities at Carthage— Genl. Smith oa the powers and policy o fth e government I11827. Then will confusion and rebellion begin in all hun. $2. sing. G cts.
said to bs such aa ahould receive a legal investigation.
tfood . trial aad had been acquitted and returned to of the United State,, , Bd the claim, of his friends a n d '| quarters. Address to the People o f th e U. States: 25 cts.
Nauvoo. At Cotr.*ana Deaaein, the hnda in a lew placee projected | Thea will the red lioa rise against the two-headed eagle, per hun.
above tbe water. made an appeal to the people, and hare every reasooto be
lieve that Gen. Smith will receive a h r greater aupport in then will the white swan, with a powerful eagle from a Gospel L ig ht— $ 2 j>er hundred, single 3 cts.
G r e a t F lo o tf i n ItlUsonrf. At Waahiogton (Pinckney] on the 20th, found the Hunts-
this region, than was anticipated. Many influential men dark valley in the weat, unite, and rise fiercely against Gen. Jos. Sm ith’s views on tho policy o f Gov-
W e team fro m S i. Lxhiia R e p u b lic a n , lhat, at noon on ville, which boat had been for three day. buaily employed have exprewed the sentiment that Gen. Smith has marked him and rule the empire many ysars, lill the Almighty 1e r n m e n t i Appeal to the Green M ountain B oys:
Sunday, the water was three feet four inches nbove the carb in rescuing peraoaa and aaving property! o u t m hi* v iew * , th e w is e s t a n d m o st ja d /c io u . c o u rse for God with his [uochsnceabJe wiadom, will mako an end | Correspondence between Gen. Smith, CoL W ent-
atone on Front street east of the market house, b e iJ j thirty At these various point* the river had been and was still
ihe benefit of the nation that ha* been presented before the thereof. Then will the prophecy of Daaiel go no further * I ^ ° r *h and J. C. Calhoun, and a Memorial to
rising at the same rate—ao inch an hour. people, and that they will support hira.
feet nine inches above low*water mark. Ia maajr places and then you will see the end of Nebuchadnezzar’* dream the Legislature o f Missouri.— 6 dolls, per hun.
-"•The Ossge was still rising.
the river waa frora tea to fifteea milea wide. The friends of JefTeraoniani.m in Michigan have a state {hat the end of the world is at hand. I 8. r
The accounta of the aufieringa above and below St. Louie Met the Yucatan on the 20 :h at Marion, and Western
Convention on the Oh day of July at /acksonburg and the <S'gncd-) F. 3EAB0LD. W e have in press, and will issue shortly, Prof.
Belle a short distance below Jefleraon City. Mezzig, Nov. 2-ltb, A. D. 1003.
were appalling. At Wyaadotte city, the eatire botti'm order of the delegation has been so juflcially a r r a y e d and Orson I r a t t s Prophetic Almanac for 1845.—
w u covered frora tea to fifteen feet and not a house waa The wood was, with a few exception*, all .w ept away
planned by Gen. Rich lhat each portion of the State will Calculated for the E astern, Middle, and W estern
left standing. At Weatport, the warehou** was gone. At The proapect i* not flittering for a ceasation of the ri*e.
be reprsaented.send a few numbers ofthe Prophet for the
Choutean’a landing, all the buildings were swept ofT. At We have made a good many inquiries, and feel assured benefit of the convention, addressed to Gen. C C Rich RELIGIOUS NOTICES. States and T errito ry r. the N orth ern portions o f
the slave States, anc! J r itis h provinces, it contains
‘Richfield, the warehouse waa awept off. At Camden bend, that the present rise is not the annual June flood, better Many in thia place bav* expreased their intention o f . OD_' Elder Oasow H ydb , will lecture at the Log Cabin on much m atter interesting to the Saint*.
all the housea were gone, and there was great Io n of a tock,. known a* the mountain rise. T he most of the risa i . from
porting your paper, and you probably will hear from them Fulton atreet, Brooklyn, at the usual hours on to-morrow Orders, with cash remitted, for any o fth e above
&c. At Naahvilie, five hoiuea were' awept off. Very I , ri™ The P U ,,e’ M “ rePor‘' d trader*, soon. Vour* io haste, June 30. wojks, will b© attended to with despatch.
maay other town, were entirely under water, The R e J ; , ‘“ i i n ‘he moonltti" ’ ««>» been much af- WILFORD W OODRUFF
poblicaa sa y s: > fected.. Their belief is confirmed by the temperature of
GEO. A. SMITH The Church of Jesus Christ of LaUer Day Saints, hold FA R M FO R SALE.
The loss of propertj,,«f every deacriptioo, from Westoo the water. If these aurmisea are true, we may expect
E lder W o o d r u ff w ill attend the conferen ce in Boaton meetings every Sabbath, at Marion Temperance Hall
to the mouth, will "b« hmmease. Hundreds o f familiea an«:her riae, and a loag continuance of high water. and New York. 183 Canal st. N. Y. ON LONG ISLAND.
have been left with nothing aave the clothiog they had on. The City Engineer yeaterday, about 12 o’clock, ascer­ T H E Subscriber oflars his farm at private sale,-,
tfa u v o o .
Iu fact, the sceaes of misery aad distress, all the way down, tained tbat tbe water waa over the ‘ City D irectrix' (ihe B r o o k l y n —Meetings are held every Sunday at the ___,***“ ‘,rm situated oa th* road that leads I ,
are auch aa to almost defy descriptioa. At Camdea head, curbstone on Front street, east of the Market House) /Am The following is from a St. Louis psper of June o0rb Log Cabin, Fulton atreet at the usual hours. from the parsonage lauding to Hempstead, with n l & i
mile of said landing. Said farm cooiaina
two mea were taken off a tree top nearly exhausted, har- /«< four ineAe*. This give* thirty.four feet nine inche* and as it breathea a different spirit from that which in’
pjurab water Jabove low water mark. From half past 7 fluences the Pres* generally, we iasert it. The Church of Jrsua Chri«t of Latter Day Saint, of Bos­ 53 ACRES OF LAND
.ing been there twenty-four hours. The river is filled with
o clock on Thurtday morning, until half past 7 yeuerday T h * Mokmohs.—It would seem from the n ew sp ap er ton, Mats., hold their meetings every Sabbath, at 10 Frank­ black grass, snd fresh meadow. according to the deeda of which 15 is woodland aad 14 salt
drift, aod a large number of housea were seen floating down '
the river, together with cattle, hogs, fnrniture, and produce. evening, the rise was seventeen inches. This is an im- noise, that we are to have the scenes of Jackaon county in lin at. Elder JohaH ardy, presiding:.. Reaidence, 91 Com
mcrcial st. On ^ L di ‘ ri?i ! * \ g?/>dLdweIlin* h0,,w' wi,b rooms
Two warehouses weie swept into the river a few miles mense, we believe an unparafled riae, and caa only be pro­ 1S32, and Caldwell county in 1838, re-enacted again at n .l Wl^ 4 *** lbrou*h the centre, a good brick
perly eatimated when the whole width of the nver is con* Nauvoo. It seems that a schism haa been effected in the cellar that can be entered without going out of doers, a
W ow Jefferson City, while the. B alboa lay there. A
sidered. Ia maay places it must be from large and convenient barn with other oui buildioe*, a good
number of persoas are missing at difTereat points on the tea to fifteen city of Zioo, among the followers of the Prophet, aod they Op- The church of Jesus Christ, of L itter Day Saints at well of water near the door, and a large garden well *tor-
milps wide. or some ioterlopers, procured a press, and poured out their Philadelphia, hold their meetings every Sunday aa usual, ed with ahrubbery, snch aa gooseberry’ currents, raspber-
ttver, bat it is supposed that few livea have been loat.
T u* W a»asm F lo o d —I r . E r r r c n . —The paat week [From St. Louis paper, to June 24.] wrath upon the Prophet and his party. T h u wrath was ia Third street above Willow, over Marshall Institute. nes, grapes, Jcc. For further particnlar* enquire of tha
highly tinctured with slanderous charges against male and subscriber on the premises.
h u been ooe of disaster. The rain haa deacended in tor- The river is nearly three feet higher than it w u during E LD. ^Vm. W HARTON, Presiding.
rente much or tke time—aad the etreama have swollen to the great flood of 17S5. It is now about thirty-aevea feet female, together with such noxious epithets as are calcu­ june 29 1S41
»a almost unprecedented height! T he whole c o u n try -o r above low water mark, and is still rising. The water is in lated to atir up the blood. L I S T OF A G E NTS.
rather the rivera and creek bottom*, to«ether with the the stores oa tbe levee to the depth of *ix or sevea feet The blood of the Prophet and bis city dignitaries was PIANO FORTES, PIANO F O R T E S - J .
level prairies, have been submerged—and it ia impossible The lower part of the city is inundated, and hundreds of set in motioa, and by color of their law and in their muni- Br. Hardy, Beaton. Br. Woodbory, 34 Nor.h Wharrea . . _ . . - ROCKETT brga to inform bis friends aod the
te form aaythiag like a correct idea of the extent of the families have been driven from their dwelling*. The cipai corporste body, made a descent upon this public nui- Philadelphia. Elder Wandell, general ' public that he ba* removed hts Piano Forte Store to No
544 Broadway, betweea Spring ahd Prince st*, where* at
damage sssuiaed. Fences have been awept away—entire water is over the lower part of Fourth street, .nd eaat of since aa they declared it, and totally demolished the acan- th ro n g b lh . State of, N ew York. - Br. A. R . W ri.h t, of all time*, will be found a good a b o n m e n i of new * n d w -
fields o f grain hare been desiroyed-farailiea have been Fourth street bridge moat houses are surrounded to the dalou* machine, the printing press. Now ifitbe tfQe |h Bellefonmne. Ohio. Elder William McBride, Waynea. ond hand Piano fortes, at prices ranging from twenty.five
driven from their dwellings, and forced to take refuge in deptbiof six or eight feet, aad some to the roof*. That there is a schism in the Church of Latter-day Saints, why OI" 0 - * 1* traveling elder, nre reqoe»ted I . acl as dollar* upward* Purcha*ers will find it to their sdvw t-
boats or “ flee to h i l b ” for safety. age before purchasing elsewhere, to call aud examine for
part of the city is now p a m b le only in boat*. Several not let them alone to devour each other t What busineaa agenta for the “ Prophet.”
themselves. All piano fortes sold by J. R. will be warrant­
T he Stats, as well aa individuala, has suffered consider­ log cabins and frame housjji have floated paat thia city, have the Gentilea to interfere in this matter 1 Some of ed to be as represented.—N B Piano fortes tuoed, repair­
ably. Oa Friday morning the embankment at the Feeder we learn tbat at different point* above, whole villages have our squeamish editors bawled out lustily about the liberty (k>* Bro. A. R . Wright, of Ohio, is authorised to pro­ ed, exchanged, and sold on commission: je—c
Lock at Wildcat, commenced giving w a y ; and ia a ahort been aweot away, the inhabitaot* escaping to the blnfls. ot the preas. W hat have they to do with the liberty ofthe cure subscribers and receive monies for tbe Prophet.—
Una soma two tbouaand cubic feet of erabaakment were Accounts frora the Missouri, Illinois, and upper Mississippi, preas of Nanvoo 1 L et the Saints settle tht l between He is also, autboriaed to. dispose of a few 8 harea ot A T H E CH E A PEST COFFIN W ARE-ROOM IN T H E
•wept away, carrying with it the guard lock, aad thu* represent a continued rise, aad great destruction of pro­ themselves. How long would a acurilloua p re » exist in the Capital Stock of the “ Society for the Diffasion of M WORLD.
Hi T. D- GILLESPIE furnishes all articles required at
r n a g the creek full aweep. The terrent of water which perty. At this point the river had risen withia the 24 thia community t our neighbors are stumbling over beam* Truth.” EJ funerals, and has privelege to inter in all the gravo
removal of the guard lock let into the caaal, occa*on- hoars ending at 0 o’clock last evening. 18 inches, and is to get at their neighbors* motes. * . y«rd« «ad cemeterie* in the city or country, hi* chargea
two other breaka-f-one about half a mile below the first, still on the rise. The water in the stores froating the river Elder Joha Hardy ia our General Agent at Boston i w,,, ** rery m odente “nd ■ttendaace puoctual. No 552
l** 00 C.iTli ,aw 10 I,od 1 No^ i 8g teem , ta
Md the other a ahort distance above town. Some three or is about aix feet deep. ■austy the enemies of the Mormons but an immediate re those oae wishing wisbinf to subscribe for the •• Prophet,** in th,,’ Pf , l - near BrM<iw®7- je—c.
w w *a win probably be required to repair the breachea City or vicinity will please forward their lam e s to
A meeting was held in this city yeaterday, at which com- •on to arms, to blood.*hed, to m asac re, and extifaiiaatioa. feRUSH FACTORY.
®*ke all things right—a i d tho expense of repairing, miuees were appointed to collect fuods, and procore Cannon, areas, and military stores hava gone forward as him.
oodemand, will probably be aome five thousand dollars. lodgings for the sufferers by the present disastrous flood. w . are informed, from this city. We doubt it very mu'ch- T ^ V r Sr.fl f A5 I 0 R Y ~ ' W M - J ’ DUDLEY. MANUFAC
M c cannot think we have m ea amongst cs so fool-hardy; Elder. B. W. Elliot and R . J. C o.te ., „ e .o.horUed J_) T U R E R af Fancy Hair, Cloth and Hat Brushe*-e!ao
to act as agents for tho Prophet. . Al olas Hair Brushes. The above articles be has on hand
torsale at the lowest pricea. 118 N ao a u st. , [je—1:4w*
. .. ^aaaac^
ra n sale by " OLD ESTABLISHED
A D am R o a rin g O. S. F O W L E R , F O R S A L E A t T H E J P R Q E H E T ,O F F IC E ,
A n am using story; arisin g from the misappli* PASSAGE OFFICE,
131 Nassau St ., NT. :
HE SUBSCRIBERS b a « n g completed iheir arrsni,-*- __________ N O . 7, S P R U C E 8 T . 1- {
cation o f words, is told o f a couple oT yonn^bucka
who started off on a beautiful night to visit the FO W L E R 'S p r a c -
100 Pine street, corner o f Sonth-street T ments, are now prepared to bring c o t passengers fro n •*~BIBLE OF' N A T U R E ” 2 r . ' 1200 pages, price
TICAL PH R E N O L ­ The Subscriber begs I*are to call the atteation <f hi« Great Bruian and Ireland, by the fallowing first das* pack 91.23 . - * ^ ;rk ‘ ‘ i
d aughter of a staid and stern old Presbyterian, OGY, A Work which friends t a d the public in general, to the following t i r ...*?• et ships, one of which will leave Liverpool on the 1st, Clh, T H E E L E M E N T S O F AN IM AL M A GNETISM , by •
and who resided in the immediate vicinity o f a | haa bow brca eight m enu for 1844, for the purp<*8 of bringing m C.tiia llth . 10th,- 21st and 20th of each month. Prac'ical M ataeiiser, price 12i cts. ^ -
years before the pub- ;eond Cabin, and Steerage Passengers by the f..l|.»wiKe Patrick Henry, Hew York, Sheridan, . V«l“ e ,0 forming and conducting-Lyceums,.iDebaluig
D am. ,
lie, so that iu merits E G U L i R PA CKET S H IP S TO ANB FKOM LI­ . Virginian, Liverpool, Cambridge, Societies, with oatliaes o f disicussiansL c r n y . « c . by
H a v in g arrived at tho mansion, and alter h av ­ are allowed to speak VERPOOL. ' M>ntexurn*, SiddoR.«, George Washiagtoa Charles Morley, prico 3s. for s a i r . t ^ e O ^ c e o f tfai
ing knocked at one o f the doors for a considera­ for themselves. Ships* ‘ Captains. Days of Siilinr Iron. Hotiinguer, Columbus, United States, P ro p h e t/' t .{ , ;
ble length o f time w ithout summ oning any one t T H B AMERICAN Names. Ne*v Y • k l?o#cias, Ashburton, England,
PHRENOLOGICAL G. Washington Burrows, & ( Europe, St*pken Whitney, Rochester, T R E A T IS E ,O N T H E FULNESS O F ^T H E E V E R
to adm it them, they concluded to tr y another)
door. A fter sundry knocks nnduhum ps, the old JOURNAL. United Stales Britton,
June 7 Oct 7 F 1*
Aug. I D*'c. 1 A,ifil I Iu Jrpm dence, Yorkshire, Garrick, A LASTING O O S P E L , Setting forth ita first principles
D<*voied exclusively Gerrick Skiddy. ' II 13 .«« r ; - 13 I Ssttiurl Hicks, Queen of the West, Oxford. promises, and blestiag*. Ia which *otoe of ‘the most pro-
‘Blue* himself; arrayed in ail the dignity which | to the exposition and Patrick Henry, DtUno, l(
<( •• *1 t Cctiifictir- of p t a s g e can be obtsiusd, and every iafor- roiaearfeatxrres t lu t have ever characterised tbat system,
an eldership in the church could inspire him with, j -----------------------
defence' of Phrenolo Sheffield, _------- Allen,’ aS#pt. 1 J i n 1 Mrt)
( instii'n will be |iven to those sending for their friends, oa when oa th te a rtb .,a re n^ade manifest; and that it wjllcon-
stood before them, when he was thus accosted by j Bncj of , ie klO r. . r i p . . ' **gy “andd '*■ its beariog, , Roscius,
Roscius, Collins, *< in •* i n •• Ct 4j>p!ication #t n th c r of oar oiHccr. tihoe to do so, so long as it can be found oa the earth. By
o n e o f th e v o u n c ste rs • IT f a r ..Ired.8c,cnce .f 1 Ph{“ ° ‘ogy «“d, Independence, Nye; «« 2-'» •• •.>.'» •• >.*> f They wil! »!*o be prepared on the opening of navigation, Etder M osri Martin,' Minister of the G<»pel. Published ia
J y o u n g ste rs. “ >• M can bear OR II; embrtcing the clearest, and Virginian, . Alltn, -> «•» fortrard passengers aod their luggage to Albany and New-York, end for Sale a t thci Office.
Oct. 1 F«-h 1 Junr 1
l sp o s e Sir, y o u c o u ld n t h e a r US, fo r th is d a m y n tho moat condensed and also practical Tiew ot Phrcnol-1 Siddohs, E Cobb, It
13 •• 13 -
Tmy, and via Erie canal to Buffalo, and all intermediate
13 places
ro a rin g ? ’ ®*y **4 its bearing^, happiness, virtue, religion,
‘W h a t ! ’ exclaim ed th e P re s b y te ria n , s t a r t in g w,hTreUtl^bcOV^oI^ndn,, ” d - -
I Ashburton, Hurtleuon, tt
D°' Yi n Pro*rrr*-a0' ................................... y Thompson, Nov.
25 ••
I Mar.
5*» •* 25
I July 1 To all poru of the Upper Lakes. A
Via Oswigo to Toronto, Port Hope, Coburg, Kingston, their Doctrine aad Disciptine; with the reasons of the Aa
(Commonly called Mormons ;) including an aceoantT
Monthly, 21 or 32 pages, at $1 per Sheridan, Drpeyster, «« 13 •« 13 •• 13
back in astonishment, and flourishing his walking- year, or three c °u° copies $ 2 ; fire copies for S3 ; nine c op-: and all paru of Canada West. hor for leaving the Charch. By John Corill, A Member
stick over the head o f the bewildered youth in a tes for £5 ; or twenty copies for $10. In all cases in The Provincial Bank, and branebcr. I From Troy via Whitehall to Montreal and Quebec. Ca- of the Misaoari Legislatore. Publiahed b r the Author at
TR ELAND. The Ulster Bank, do. I '••da E a t via Ohio Cana! from Cleveland to Porumonth, St Louis. F»r.Sale at this Office. ./ . _______
warlike m anner.— ‘ How dare you use snch lan- a d v a n c e , post paid. ) The National Bank, J<>. Cmcinnati. and interm^diato places.
g u a g e in m y p r e s e n c e V All Drafta payable at sight, at either of the obove bank* HE following works are for,sale jm. the Prophet office,
‘ I m e a n t t o s a y , s i r / s t u t t e r e d t h e y o u t h , ‘t h a t ■ •
MORAL, AND i INTELLETUA L : (heir,branches or agencies.
I SouthW est via Philadelphia to I ’ittfburg, Cincinnati,
Louisville,, and ell ports on the Ohio River to St. Louis,
T No. 7 Spruce Street, vix:—
P P . Pratts Reply to Leroy Suaderliad; *
w ' y
y o u c o u ld n o t h e a r o u r k n o c k s for t h i s d a m r o a r - I 5 Founded on Phrenology and Physiology : or. G ood ' Mtaxrs. Spooner Atwood & Co. banker?. M o T a n d ’t o al] p ^ .r o V " o h io 7 M rc h ia n 7 in d ia n s riIlb o i;;
i n g .’ I a:vd aod how to m^ke thrm good, both in ENGLAND, S raopiis of the Bible, by B. W inchestefr '
n nr U , Z i and Witcoosin Territory
P W Byrnes, ,V C<» Liverpool. , REM ITTA NCES. Go»pel lt< Sector. History ofthe^Friesthbod.
• In s u l t u p o n insult,* s h o u t e d t h e n o w i n f u r i a t e d ‘ U i V '. V n d d i n w S t b e V . ^ ^ ‘^ r S , Pataeager, c“ can ***al*o be** eng.ged from Liverpool to Phila- For ,h< .ccommodatioii of persons wishing to .end mo- Millennium Poems. . ' , . £
e ld e r, a t th e s a m e t u n e m a k i n g a p a ss nt tho y o u n g ir*ininf? and government o f children, w ithout the rod dc.'Phla* .inK,. B n oston,
, . , ^ and - H Baltimore,
13 by the r>g«lar paeket nrJ. to ,beir friends in the Old Country, HARNDEN fit Index to the Book of Mormon, 2nd. Edition* '
b lo o d w ith h is s tic k , t h a t w o u ld h a v e d o n e h o n o r 7• f,,a . wo' -11- expounding’
*. s th e rprincipal
• lairs
n * tonf virtue,
v u m r | or con- “hlp** OI} *PPJ|“ tlon being bei made personally, or by M ttr , CO. will give Draft, oa any part of England, Scotland, or Addrvas to the.People of the United Stttesi
tn Gospel Light, PTo. 2 .
to a n y scientific professor o f tho a r t of fenc- ditioas ditions ooff happiness,
happiness, and and show
showsa hhow o w toto fulfil
fulfil Ihem.
ibetn. (post paid,
- - addressed lo m c r p i f u u i r n c i v Ireland, payable at sight, for sums of £ i , £ 5 , £ 0 0 , to
Correspondence, in Pamphlet forto, between JO S E P H
JClOO-or to i a y amount to suit the purchaser.
i n g- INTELLECTU AL IM P R O V E M E N T ; i . 1M “ X , o fs» « .h S. OFFICES AND AGENTS. SM ITH. T H E P R O P H E T , and Col. JO H N W E N T ­
A t th is crisis, the com panion o f th c first speak- Or, how to C u l t i v a t e t h * M * M o n r ; E x pa n d aud AGENTS —In PotUville. Benj. Bannan, E sq. W O R T H , E ditor o f •* The Chicago D tm o e r a tn n d Met*-
Charles Craft. 120 State street, Boston.
o r adv an ced, a n d afte r clearing h is th ro at, and SriirwGTCPf r # M C T I Tt u, ,*r livTs:u.Ecr, and
,OT................... .. conduct ihe ‘intel
lectual education of children ; in which i* pointed out a
In Lovell, Rich WeUh, Esq. B W- Wheeler. Uoioa-Bailding, Providence, R. I. for o f CoMgrtst from JUinou i Gen. JA M E S ARLING­
In Albany, T . Gough, Esq J. W Mills, 3 Wall itreet, and 10 Front street, New TON B E N N E T , O f A rlington ffo tu t, L ong b la n d , and
lo o k in g w istfully a t th e w ater as it dash ed o ver new and more excellent way to intellectual attainments In Torooto, U C. JRogers & Thompson. York. the Honorable JO H N a CALHOUN, Gm*t«r f n n & mtk
t h e w ork t h a t h a d been erected to im pede its p ro ­ than our common schools and se a u ol learning oo w fur. In Newark, John McColgsn, K-q. j Carolina. In which is given, a sketch o fth e Life of Joaeph
g re s s ; s a i d :— nub—a work of great value and importance to parents, N. G. Howard, 43 South Third street, Philadelphia.
In Utica, Thomas McQuade, E?q 1
teachers, and all who desire to kn«w how te improve their Sandford &: Shoemaker, 7 Light street, Baltimore, Md. Smith, the rise and progress of Ibe Church o f L A T T E R
I alro beg leave to assure my friends and ihe public in j
‘M y friend, I supp ose sir, in tend ed to say th a t intel.-cts. ' r general, that the greatest punctuality will be observed in Pittsburgh, Pa. DAY SATNT8 , and their PE R SEC U TIO N S by the State
y o u were p rev en ted from h e a rin g u s b y thia dam L. S Littlejohn, 11 Exchsnge, Albany, N. Y. of MISSOURI: with the pecaiiar views of Joseph Smith;
H ERED ITA RY DESCENT ;ITS LAW S AND FACTS ( thesailing of the above ships together w ith all other* t S. Clark, 159 River street, Troy, N. Y. in relation to Political and Religious matters getxrally t ot
k u a r i n u V— em phasisin g the last words in a te rri­ which is added a concise account o f the p rc ftn i tlo tt end
Or, the Transmission of Qualities Physical IntHectnal 1 whicl1 1 may tu v e * ,nd tnat passengers will experience no • Utica, N. Y.
ble m anner. and ........
Moral, . "from“r parenu to their oiDprin^, offiprins;i. throughthrouah »uc-,de,tjr
suc- ° n ,hLc,r “rr,val 11 the differeat poru where they protptd* e /t'rf.C rrY OF N A tn'O O . ' : J
-------- ------------ • '*-* - mran to rmbark. W. A. Cook, Syracuse, N. Y.
A t this
ui'i mlasts i explanation
c * |jiu iia iiu n tho
m u oldurn ggentleman
c m i c u m i Mfairly
a i r ^ cefsive generations ; including directions for forming such Rochester, N Y. N IN T E R ESTIN G ACCOUNT OF S E V E R A L .R E ­
raved, and it would have fared badly forou*- h e - 1matrimonial alliances as will secure whatever qualities in
roes, had
P. S —Free passage can also be secusrd Irnm tltr
rious ports in Ireland and Scotland from which Meam boat?
, W. If Cook, BufTilo, N Y.
II. Fi z iugh ic Co., Oswego, N Y.
A MARKABLE VISIONS, And of the Late Discovery
ad not the tho oobject
b j„ _ o f their
____ visit,
_________ • _
___ , ___ who ____
had 1 nri !,nrrro ?,7« Ln<!LSire»,-: uwilh hiru> 10 mo,ilrr8 during ran to Liverpool.
pregnancy—a work which every vounir
Pregnancy—a young marri«-H
married pair
ot Aueient AtoeriCan Records, which xinfrlds the history iof
overheard the whole conversation, came to their should possess ; as indeed should all who design to form " ‘IT tf HARNDEN Sc CO. this continent from the earliest Age* after the Flood, to the
JOSEPH McMURRAY, , beginning of the fifth csmury of the Christian E ia . W ith
assistance, and informed h e r ‘papa’ that it was im~ (he matrimonial relations To improve mankind, we must 1(30 Pjoc street, New York. S P U I N G A R R A N G E M E N T — 1844. a a sketch o f the rise, faith, and doctrine of the Church of
possible for the young gentleman to have been begin with the gchm Education bestowed upon a good Gives drafu in sums to cuit applicants Jesas Christ of Latter Day Saints. By O Pratt, Milliater
heard within, on account of the roaring of the physical and moral basis, will be vastly more productive 0* TH*
of thc Gospel. Eor Sale at this Office, besides many oth­
dam. ihan that expended'opon a barren soil. Long enough have PROVINCIAL BANK OF IRELAND. er valuable works.
v' > .• j 1 .1 •] |P«renUslept over this subject. W .lk er’s attempted eluci- p a y a b l e at . irti, a u u u i n t t H XiVAYC.L<L>C.iU».------------------------- —— --------------------------------
Explanations were passed on both sides— the | dation c f st, w u a comparative failure, fn thi« wor1* it Cork, Ujinbridgr, T h k R a i l R oap B bidcc a t t h * R o a n o k e c o m t ix t x d , IT ^H E W ORLD T URNED UPSIDE JDOWN. OR HEA-
y o u n g gentleman were invited into the house. t |4 treated—as none but a practical Phrenologiet c a * treat Limerick, Ballymena, ‘ ON T H E G R E A T SOUTHERN MAIL RO U TE , ± VEN ON E A R T H . , ’ ■ \
where they passed the evening v e f y pleasantly, I ^ • s ^ t i h c a l i . t ; a vast many mom important principles Clonmel, Parsontown, *Via W as io x o to w C rrv , Richm osu, r r r x i u a u a a a n d I „ T hc >».eternaI^Im m orU l M an*EOr
Londonderry, Downpatick, Wxldow, a .m TitK o . i l t Daii.y L ink t o , S.w* , 18 his Everlasting Iaheritance.—
and left ‘thanking their stars’ for the nppcarance |y owwhelmfnr “** ,npfM)Med *■/* msj,‘ of fac:s »bsolute- Sligo, Cavan,
.1 11• . 1 t 1 V j e .1 1 1 1 iy overw h elm in g A most useful w o r k .a n d a rare inte.Irr. C h a r l e s t o n , S C , p i r i c t t o N aw Oiu.eahs. ! iL r f a” Pf*phets and ApoMles wimess.
of tho 'llltle lady, and for the lucky escape they , iu.1 ir r „ — „ S70. .»d . P De<do,ic j uble wi.h t i l l Wexford, Lurgan,
made. j paper, for recording family likenessey Belfast, (24 Hours iu advance of the Bay Line ) ’ for aMlhUa‘^ »
Omsgli, T R iv n ip n e . • e.t_ ■ t j . • , pleasure of God they are and were created, t
Waterford, Dungannon, TRA\ E LL E RS going South sre informed that the con- r v P p nn i T T
A n im a l S y m p a th y .— W alking lately across 1 ^ rLIEt) T0 ^^TRIAIONY. Galway, Bandon, nrxion between the Petersburg and Wilmington Railroads . » a,. . . . f/., . . cr 8 ’' " ■
Enniskillen, Kilruth, at Weldon, including the Petersburg Company's Bridge at * ▼ .•^H£>l,!h ed at tho Millennial S a r Office, 32 Chspel street,
the ground usually called the l o o p ’s M -t I the ltoanok* is completed, so lhat travellers going ^ t h jL ITgrPonl. 8 i»d for Sale at this OfTicc.
W ells, on th e e v e n i n g o f a d a y w h ich had been fection«tei) and happily. The cautions it administers to i by the Great “ " ................ .................. - . -
v e r y wet, w h e n w ith in abou t t w e n t y y a r d s o f t h e 1the young ; the hint* it furnishe* in reE?rd to conducting I SPOONER, ATWOOD Sc Co , Banker?, London. ■ Petersburg, 1
d e e p tren ch w h ic h r uns t h r o u e h and d iv id e s it in- f cour,sil,P- *» well as its scientific expotiiion of m an’s so- | Payable in every town in G reat Britain Irom the cars ___
to two nearly equal parts, t saw. a full grown j " it LV.Tn,'',"tTng Railroad Company, ..uu.u* u r m w an rouie 1*>j r i'. I'n c e 25 cents each or lfi
m a r. .te n d in g on i u margin, and w hat then op. n a t i ; u a L KEI.IGIO.V = i R E G U L A MAIL LINE FOR PROVIDENCE AND “and [i ? c x c c Pt,on,lhlc feature, w h ilttu u equally cheap, J hundred. T o be had at the Prophci office. *
for x x r n i j i o s , .r c v n r r r a n d c e r t a L i t y , it has ! -------- — - ^-^1 — - X 11
p « a,« l to me (for could Bot ju s t discern part o f \ 0 r. Th, S a to * « . T h .o x , of Ph,.oolog r . i„ .„ p, c, great advantages over the dsy line. , fTIESTAMENT OF T H E T W E L V E PA TR IA R C H S
via rrojmvGTOjr a n d ptkwpoet .
its head aiul n e c k ,) to be her colt, fallen into the j on reveUtion, and its general harmony with it ; including , Thc followingunrivalled echedules are now run on this line. respectfally dedicate’d to m r
tronch, and un able to ex trica te i t s e lf on nccount j '»n»«’ers to the objections, thatPhrenoloyy f<vors Fatalism, E ^ 1 FAST
PAST MAIL LINE. C o th J l . , ? i 0 ,bI
o f tho so ft slim y bank w h ic h it ha d to clim b. I Mdlcr,all*n'. «nd Infidelity, and is oppo,f d to a change of J Leave N. Y. at 0 A M Arrive in Philadelphia at 3 P M. esteem for ? ' U " ' r U*y S.IOCK A . a lo k ra o f r t t p t c l u d
Composed of tke following superior Steamers, running in Leave Phila at 4 P M. his *ervices and unwearied zeal in the c atue'of
walked1 f o r w a r d - th e marc ,
, 1
not1 recede, 1but 1 I
j ^ ^ rnorai 1 ^nature ^ ar£ Julljr analyzra, ^nd (herewith thr of! C arrive in Baltimore at 1 A M. God ,n this the Eveamg of Time. By his Brother in
connection with the Stonington, and Boston and Leave Balt, at 2 A.M. arrive ia Washington at 5 A.M
seemed more earnest and agitated as 1 approached, religious doctrin„ uught, and t h e ^ , « required by manV Providence Railroads: Leave Wash, at 0 A M. arrive in Fred’ksburg, at 11 A M. Chr,,l» 8 AMUEL DOWNES
I stood still within five y ard s of her, and observed nature and constitution ; sectarianism «ccounted for, and The MASSACHUSETTS, Captain Comstock, Leave Fred’kg at 1 1 A M. arrive in Rich. Va. at 3 * P M. A
th at there was distress if not agony in her demon- rxpo*c d ;5 n d ,tJI? general tenor of ihr Bible 1 doe.nues RHODE ISLAND, “ T h iyer, TrH? S F E K N OF ENGLAND, Touch-
j Leave Rich, at 4 P M . ariive in Petersburg , Va. G P M. x V. log ihe Signs of the Tiraefl. aad thc Political rVnfinv
strations. 1 then noticed her grasping within k* ** tnathamatics N A R R A G A N S E rr, “ Woolsey. Ltave I’eters’g at Gi P.M arrive in Wei. N C. at l i P.M. of the World. By P. P. Pratt. Pablifhed at M w e h e Jte ?
ii _ /» 1 u 1 1 il- b r , 11 18 ■» niuch governed by fixed principles and immutable MOHEGAN,
teeth the mane o fth e helpless object of her laws. Nor are these laws beyond the ,ken of row They, daily, Sundays excepted, from Battery Place, pier N o.l, Leave Weldon at 2 A.M. arrive in Wil., N.C. at 2 P.M. Logland. For Sale at the Prophet Office.
solicitude, tw ist most dexterously a' largo tuft of? « e written upon hia nature. . . . I Leave W il , at 2 P.M. arrive in Charleston, S. C. at 8 A M.
w — ------- •rhrenolojiy uuiuiua
unfolds (uai lhat na.
na- N. Rjvcr. t t
its flowing hair round h er mouth, plant her feet cure, and,
*nH therewith, the whole
“ ' codr ol docirine* depen* I Passengersjbyjhis Line will rsach Petersburg in seven-
ARRANGEMENTS. | teea hours, ahd'Charleston, S C., in fifty-two hours after PROSPECTUS’
firmly in the ground, and with all hcr^stren^th dent thereoa, and duties required theieby. The MASSACHUSETTS, Capt. Comstock, oa M on-! leaving Baltimore, including ■ U a t f i n n Wal l _ _1..- ! ! _ _ _
all stoppages, aad°haveaathe *a
iva. jTday,>
h u r a l aThursdays
v t f mnti .^ sand tn r r USaturdaya,
v a ml * a «at aL« OF A
struggle to eflect the captive’s liberation. A lter PHRENOLOGY A P PL IED TO T EM PE R A N C E 5Lo’clock,
I ) V f I’! M I a rlVs n t . n a
advantage of avoiding any detention __________I ___________• _ r _T vvr . ..
at Weldon, on the
m uch splashing and slipping, and straining and Roanoke, one of tbe most unhealthy places ia tbe southern
groaning, she succeeded m dragging the captive country, where passecgers by the Bay Line, arriving as WEEKLY NEWSPAPER.
ikey always do, fourteen hoars after the fast mail line of TO BE E N T IT L E D
u p the bank ; and then what I lunposed to be h er fcPll,r*‘ ‘ °d^*''V*ot” «rSrd iV th '” 5[r!jid1°.D .d com the samd day, are delayed ten hours until tbat of the next
colt I perceived to bo an old blind horse ! T h ey . temperaace wilh tremendious effect ’ U
stood for an instant as if to recover from ex h a u £ edT y many a , the Tongest t^mpVra cc d ^ u m e m 'n m
modlon* C#r# of th« Railroads to Providence and Boston, day.
ThC *5,'* ' T ' bff° ° > ^ « « ^ 'y / q u,pped, and DAY LIGHT LINE, FOR RICHMOND & P E T E R S ­ THE PR PHET.
tion, and to cxchango an emotion of mutual joy. I forth. mp do,umfn‘ Pm Z Z l c? r ^ n ' / e r ^ ' l n ? n°r ,,r“V '' “ S C°mf°rt 8?d BURG, VA.
Leave N.Y. at 5 P.M. arrive in Philadelphia at 11 P.M. The Board of Control of the Society for the Difiosioa 0
I was much charmed with this display of brute ! 0f m T i * ° r* Evilj °f C0mPre“ 1D8 the Organs United States. ° " P4W 1101°
Lrave Phila. at Ok A M. arrive in Baltimore at 2 P.M. Troth, of the City of New York, being desirons of pr*.
sy m p a th y , and s p r a n g forw ard to caress the k in d ° "^Press', and soon to be Published a Work on I 1 ° ' ptT * c’ ? frJ' i8ht* ,vhLici* is ,!lkc.n at very « d“c«d Leave Bill, at 4 P.M. arrive in Washington at 0 P M. mulgatmg the Gospel of Onr Lord Jesus Christ m i u ful-
nnimal, b u t the m are bounded aw ay into th e open < P H Y S Io r o o v a v iv ia t . rates, apply on board at north »:d«-i>f pier No. J, No. 22 Leave Wa*l). at 6 A M passing through Fredericksburg
n rs., and ameliorating the condition of fallen man, faava
field, and the poor blind horae followed the .ound , 0r t h e ? AL: ' wh.”, ° r “rSam' " 00 ,hr and Rickmond, and arriving in Petersburg, to sup, pas­
_r i ’ r » » .-ii t • I u r * the ettecu of dift;rent organizations and condit ona • whar'. sing from Philadelphia to Richmond and Petersburg, ihought it wisdom to establish a paper in this city, a . an
o f her footsteps u n til 1 sa w th e m both q u ie tly , of the oody upon the character and mental manifestations - 1 TickeU for the route, and MeametV ber In. can be »e- Va. by day light. advocacy and herald of the Faith of the Church of Cbri«t of
g r a z i n g m th e distan ce. 1 felt in stru cted as I including health—iu conditicsr, and the means of pre- *curcd 00board» or at the ofiicc of HjrmJen Sc Co. No. 3 Passengers by this line have th* advanUge of passing the Latter Day Sam u. A portion of which, at times, will be
w a lk e d a w a jy medita^jng
------ ---- y o on -that -- -- scripture w h ich , w and . feetoringe ■it,* without
• medicine, and
• MtvwtvitiV| i u u aleo diet,
v* ira “jVsk
says-— 11Aa1» the 4li a beasts o.fth 1* . i^^l J aL
e field, they shall _ -L regimens, habits, and their eflecta on mind, See. The re-i **“' A ue«w «uiim invii(io, ia now running aaiiy octweea evening and night in Washington, and yet reach Charles­ devoted to Agriculture, Commerce and Manafaciures, as
l_ 11 teach
ton as early as those leaving Baltimore at the same time
ciprocal inflaeneea of various physiological organizations I>rov*dcace and Newport.
by the Bay Line, these last being obliged to lie over at well as to the F oreign and Domestic N ews of the Day It
and manifestations upon the mind, is n department never > A is now preparing for the accommodation ofthe Weldon untal their arrival. will likewise, be tbe faithfol advocate and defender
A R e l i g i o u s C o u r t s h i p .— A young^gentle- fully presented; and yet i u importance is vastly nrderrated | ‘VcwP0Tl travel, which willahortly make the connection (fcj- For further information and " through tickets'’ ap­ - f the Constitution of the United States, whose gUry and
The Author hnpes to present some priuciples of Physiolo- i r f 8 u,ar,y between that place and Stonington ply at our Southern Ticket Office adjoining tb« Baltimore •ffulgence is known in eve } c W which Was bsttled for
man happened to sit at church in a pew adjoining gy vitally important, but uiually overlooked. --------------------------- ------ --------------------------
one in which sat a young lady for whom ha con- RINTERS* FU RNISH ING W ARE and Ohio Rail Road Office, Pratt st., Baltimore.
, —" ------ -------- / ” o / • vwi i - i Tnr#
n L » iW L U u l
c e iv o d o s u d d e n a n d v io le n t p a s s io n , wns d e s i r o u s j IS-*?, lS ia, aad. 18441 <1845 (1
ALMANAC forlS40, 1811,
will soon...... .......
be published,) con-
W ELLS Sc WEBB inform the Printers of
STOCKTON As FALL. and won by our illustrious i nd p.trioUc M c e rto rs ^ T it .
Southern Travellers taking •• Through TickeU,” can Arts and Science* ahall not be n e g l e c t e ' d ^ S K i a ^ Nar. '
o f e n te r in g in to a co u r tsh ip on the s p o t : but the rnsny iaterrsting and valuable facur «mp!y illustrat- the United States, that io addition to thc stop as long as they may desire at Washington, Richmond ivea. Biographies, Moral Esaays, and Poems, will also
place not suiting a formal ic c la ra tio n fth e oxigen. , , ‘' ' ^ “ding Slikenesses, and ehort biographies!,
’" ............................. manufacture of Wood Type, Cases, Stands, aad Petersburg, and resume their seats. «* a place in the columxs o f “ T H E P R O P H E T •”
of diMinguuht-d men. The reading matter of the old A l-' » -
c y o f th e c ase s u g g e s te d th e fo llo w in g u lan : — | minaea ip asRoo-J as it ev« Furniture, Galleys, See Sec., they have, ~mlSJ H. J ROGER.®., Ticket ACent.
- a tl s t its conductors will endeavor to impart variety and
H e p o lite ly h a n d e d n is fa ir n e ig h b o r a bililo o p c n ,j coir — 25 cents per set. er was, and worth many times ' opened a larjre Warehouse for the m !c of NEW* AND TRANSPORTATION FOR CHICAGO, LAKE E R I E
fe to its columns. - 1-
w i t h n p i n s t u c k i n t h e fo llo w in g t e x t — ‘2 n d epis- ' * ‘UJFlSCRllll'im
sijn in v tirw rr (SECOND HAND PRINTING M A TERIALS, and every
k s CuR iiiE Sit.s m the MAGNI-.T can receive t h a t 1article neceasaiy for a PjunriNO O m o e . LAKE ONTARIO,
through ourofh c*. ti <« n ____ i___ ~ ' V i a O s w r c o . JYrms. •» T H E P R O P H E T ,- will be issued Saturday
tie o f J o h n , v. 5 t h : — “ A n d n o w I b e s e e c h th e e Work throuah ourofllce. It ia now w( 11 conducted by P*
T h e y have o o w on h in d , and constantly rec e iv in g from rcmg the 18th instant, on an Imperial Sheat,vat No 7
l a d y , n o t a s t h o u g h I w ro te a n e w c o m m a n d m e n t P. where.
G o o d , 138 Fulton Street. More about thia Work els*'
Printers and Stereotyped, all kinds and sizes of type, used T H E N E W YORK. UTICA AND OSWEGO LINE
. * « « . New.York, aad „ i | | , p p t i r ,,lc r[lf.
u n t o th e e , b u t t h a t w h ic h w e h a d fro m th e b e g in ­ for Newspaper, Book aid Job Printing, as also all other OF LAKE BOATS will receive goods daily nt middle
(CP Editors who copy all or either of these advertise requisites for a Printing Establishment. They also supply pier Coenties slip. New York, for any ports on Lake (b .t i „ , . . 0 « Dollar p . r m M , fa , . r i , b l , i 0
n i n g , t h a t wo lo v e o n e a n o th e r . ” S h e r e t u r n e d tments, shall receive a copy of the Work or Works advH- Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake OnUrio, or River St. Law­ advance. 7
it, p o i n ti n g , R u t l a n d c h a p . v e r. 1 0 :— “ T h e n used—ihey •ending a psper (marked) containing the same orders for new type, from every respectable Foundry in the rence.
Union, at the lowest manufacturer’s prices.
sh o fell o n h e r face, a n d bo w e d ’h e r s e lf to th e o the Am. Phren, Journal Office. ’ No
» o . transhipment
tranampmeni between New York and Oswejro.
Oswego. ®mraQ“ Ic4 «i<>ns most £ addressed
Printers at>out establishing themselves in business, or T h i * li n n i«
Thia line is composed of ths first clats . 1 ____ *
of L ik e *boats, _
and „ , V * E P R o p HCT\ No. 7 Sprnce Sireet.
g r o u n d a n d s a i d u n t o h im , w h y h a v o I fo u n d “ K N O W T H Y S E L F .” who wish to renew their fonu of type, or exchange their is connected at Oiwego with the • j New-York. G. T. L EA C H P re st.
g r a c e i n t h i n e e y e s , t h a t t h o u s h o u l d s t ta k e presses, or other materials for other sizes or kinds, will find C h i c a g o L i n e o f S t s a m P n o r i L L r a s , “ »_ ’ j f ^
ADMITTANCE FR E E it greatly to their advantage to call i-n them before purchas­
k n o w le d g e o f m e, s e e in g I a m a s t r a n g e r ? ” H e TO w ith a L tne o f Firrca.-r S c h o o v e k s , running to ports on 17 . IS |4 . 7 ord eroftb e
ing elsewhere, as they will always have on hind, tr.ost of L »ke E r i e ; and with the n e w and elegant steamboats L a d r ------- ------------ - ______
r e t u r n e d th o b o o k p o i n ti n g to th e 12th v e r s e o f
F O W L E R S P H R E N O L O G I C A L C A B I N E T the leading articles, second hind, answering nearly or ofthe Lake and Rochester, ruhning on Lake Ontario and N A U V O O N F lG flB O K
t h e e p i s t l e . o f J o h n : — ‘‘H a v i n g m a n y t h i n g s to quite as well as new, and at a saving of from 23 to 50 per
IN’ CLINTON I U L L , No. 131 NASSAU S T R E F T cent.
w r i t e u n t o y o u , 1 w o u ld n o t w rite w ith p n p e r a n d
ENTLEM EN AND LADIES, Who m ay desire to be- J i. Z ^ e c r d , i , h . | i „ . f b o .,, on , b . | T *7 '
i n k , b u t I t r u s t to co m e a n d s p e a k face to face.” G
come b;tter acquainted with them?clves,—their true
.F rom the above interview a marriage took place •mural endowments, for natural, moral, and intelectual ofP
They keep constantly oo hand a supply of Printing Ink,
rout and Mather's manufacture, from the cheapest to | " t t r - 1 ? * -* * *
finea quality ; also crlored leka of every description NftW York
New 1 tiTK toIft Portsmouth,
PnftafiiAiiik Ohio. 1_ _ _.ettera must be addressed 10 the Editor ( Jo h a TavIor>
the ensuing week. enjoyments or improvement, are reepectfally informed post p^id, 10 receive the attenuon. '
tlwt & favorable opportunity is at all times freely given at’ W. Sc W. are the .*Sole A p-m . foe the Northern, MiddU
and Western States and Canada, for the sale of KNEE- the . S^ P ? fn,1' by ‘hil tlina insured to Oiwego, and on
C o - o p e r a tio n o r t h e W i f e . — N o man over
the above cabinet. . « Wabash Oanal otly, except by special contract. T H E T IM E S A N D .SEA SO N S,
Although M r Fowler himself will be absent from the L.\N D 'S P A T E N T CARD PRIN TIN G ENGINE, which A*n Acejtis . Is printed and published abotu the 1st aad l l t b of e v e r,
prospered in the world without the co operation city for a short time, every attention will be cheerfully we believe to be equal if not eupenor to any Machine Press BRON 8 ON <fc CliOCKER, ) month, at N auvoo, Hancock county 111, by John
o f his wife. I f she unites in mutual endeavors, render.d by agent M r S. R. W EL L S, whose publick yet invented. We feel confident that a trial of the above DOOLITTLE, KlILLS, Sc CO < Editor and Proprietor. T e r n u - ^
or rewards his labor with an endearing smile, with double test examinations have accorded so perfectly with Prc&a will give the most entire satisfaction. F A R W E L L Je HARRINGTON, U t ic a in all sases in advance. Any person prccarin*
thooe of Mr. Fowler, that every confidence may b« repos­ They are alio Agents for the sale Koverman’s Enamel!- ^ iS IT E R RHEPPERD; T^or subscribers and forwarding us Ten D ollan c a r f i t 2 o ^ 7
what confidence will he resort to his merchandize ed in his professional ability as a delineator of character. ed and Pearl Surface Cardf, which they will sell as low as W . S. ROSSITER, 23 C 6entic. Slip, N Y shall receive one volume gratia. All Letiei* m L
or farm ; fly over lands ; sail upon the se as; meet Subscriptions f**r the American Phrenological Journal re. can be purchased id the city W es t e r n A g e n t s .
difficulty and encounter dan ger—if he knows he ceived, orders for BOOKS and BUSTS will be punctualy They still continue to manufacture, and are generally P e a s e Se A u u a , Cleveland, Ohio. S o n " JOh“ T ‘ y,0r’ P0K
is not spending his strength in vain, but th a t his sttended to. [mlS;C supplied with all sixes of their W ood T r r t . of which they Cha*» H o w a r d A: Co. Toledo, O ^ -D etro it, Mich.
are ihe original minufucturers, and which still maintains i u T heeoji P a r d e e , Chicago, III. . OO- Subscriptions for ihe •* t i m e s and S e a s o i » and tha
labor will be rewarded by the Sweets of home !— reputation for superiority over all competitors aud attsmpt. ••Nauvoo Neighbor,»» received at the O f f i c e b M h ! "-P r,?
C HE A P CASH TAILO RIN G Hirrcuiaao.T, W ii*Ei.En,A:Co.Sontbport, Wisc'n. pheC* No 7 S prue, street, N^w-Yor |cr * 2- *
Solitude and disappointm ent enter into the histo­ td imitators. m l5 : c ]
ry of every m a n s life; and he is but h alf provi­ ESTA BLISH M EN T. . '■ ( t h Publishers of Ncwrp>p rrs in the U S and Canada,
ded for his voyaee, who finds b ut an associate for J. B. MEYNELL, GOJ BROADWAY. giving the above three insertions by the first of July next, Most splendid asortment of watches in
h ap p y hours, while for his months o f darkness B. M. Inventor of the n*w iam um ent for ascertaining and sending us one copy of their p*pcr containing it will . , ----- the city, 1* r o b e foand at the sabscri-
ana distress, no sympathising partner is pre­ J
. a correct draft of the human figur*-. through which bebe
is enabled to produce a most splendid fit. Offers upon the
entitled to the payment of their bills on purchasing four
tioirs the amount,
For the priirate and public *ule, hiring, letting anuex
changing of bouses, stores, farms, &c. For colleeling rents, ber - as he is coottantly receiving all descripdoas o f ’to ld
pared. Mew-York, May 19, 19J1. [mlSsc. aod for taking thc t;eneral age n c y and supervision o f real f j J l ! rn rF W‘l l * r siyJea, from the aanufac-
following reasonable term* to execute orders in the neatest catatc. A 1*0 for the fu pi-rintcndinrc o t erectin g aod re* " o S r a ^ “^ S tDd Swil« r f ‘ fld^ Q U enabled
to oiler a large assortment, and at much less b'rieea at re
An honest man need not fear the assault o f his and moit Fashionable Style, to patronize is to be roiled. AKTais l*Ott S A L E — Valuable Fsrm i for sale in the
enemies. T alent will be appreciated, industry ndDress Coats, Blue, Black or Olive, from $13 to $20
P neighborhood of Gjneva, B»tavia, BufFd*, Hamburgh.
Wales, dsc., m thu State, btkewise on Long Island.
pairing gf buildings. Persons having properly to sell, ex­
change or It t, will find it to their advantage to apply at this
office. All property registered in this office, will, if re-
will be rewarded, and he who pursues, in any cal­ I'anU, do. do. 5 9 They will be sold for c « h or a part bood snd mort­ quired, be advertUrd.and if not sold at private a J e , it will
ling. an open, manly, honest course, must in the Vests, do. do. Q 5 gage, and some in exchange for unincumbered city pro­ if desired, be oflered at public auction. He will aI,o attend
end trium ph over his enemies, and build for him- Frock and Dress Coats made to roesfure, 8 0 perty. Apply a tN o 3 0 P i u o i t , back office, over the Baak 19 the enecung inaorance, obtaining and loaning of money Q. O ^A L LE N , Im poHen of Watches snd Jewelry,
“ “ " Extra trimed, 9 50 0 Coffee House. on bond and mortgage. Individuals or companies, re­ ----- wholesale retail, 3 0 W all si. no s t a •je—c
self a good name, which will enduro long nfter his
Pants, do. do 1 75 2 quiring an agent to take charge of their e su te , may depsnd J g b ^ W HO W ANTS BOOTS AND SHOES t—
traducers ore forgotten. mQ.'» 3t ] ™ S« l £ A? I 0 R y - - WM* J DUDLEY, MANUFAC on having it faiihfully and econemically m anaged.' Per*
T h ere is a lawyer down east so excessivly hon­ M- H MILES, MANUFACTURER OF VARNISH
B T U ItE R of Fancy Hair, Cloth and Hat Brtuhea—also sons wishing to hire, purchase or exchange property or in-
Altofas Hair Broshes. T h r above articles he has on hand rest money, can mo#t generally be accomodated. Persons
. , Tflf reduction in price ever knows, Only
•nink of gentlemen’s fine- dress C slf stftched boat*, of the
est that he puts nis llower pots out every night W
Graining, Sten*il, and Artists Hiushes. All of the lo ra le at the lowest prices. 1IS N sssiu st. [je—I: 4 w. residing at u diitscce, desirous to acll or purchase real e»- most fashionable shspe, $ 2 75 to 93 Also, dress pegged
boots, 31 50 to #2 and f l 00 per psiir. Ladie** fcaey co­
so determined is he th a t every thing shall have ita above articlca wil! be manufactured to order, and at the OOK & JOB Printing, neatly executed on the most late by eending a de<cription of th* property, will receive
DEW. •hottest notice, on the most reasonable terms, al 118 N as­
sau street, basement story. [je—l:c]
B it
immediate attenri-n. All letters must be post-Daid and
addressed to JOHN C. WILSON,
flJw *)teTm* * * thC '* Proph<l ” office*N o - 1 Spruce P f EDd
lored, city ma'fe gaiiera ^'^ 1 50 to .l 75 a pairj aada, from *
fashions for 1844, for gentlemen, ladies and childrcndeoo,,
thirty to forty per c ent cheaper; than ever, 179 Hall the.
je—c- No. 1 N u s a a street, N. Y. corner of CaaaL « STEWART«k SAUL. je-^c
WM. S n iT I I , S n rcly, t h e L o r d G o d w i l l d o n o t h in g , b u t h e r e v e a le t h lii* s c c r c t u n t o l i h s e r v a n ts t h e P ro p h e t* __A m o s :i* 7.
E D IT O R .

T H I S P AP E R I S 'W B U S f l ^ D T h o u hast escaped a great, trial through th y fnith reputation of the " “church,” you m ust perceive lows th a t the land also is o f th e same general fig­ Like an uncultured vine.
BY T H E BOARD OF C O N T R O L O t T H h - " SOCIE­ and because thou didst not doubt for such a te rri­ Mr. E d ito r ero this, that this is a great country, ure, for no portion of the earth’s surface is eleva­
TY FOR T H E DIFFUSION OF T R U T H . KJ ble b e a st and th a t our Christian M inisters scorn to be the ted over four or live miles above the level o f th e
SATURDAY MORNING. A T /x O . 7, S P R L C b ST.. Look'on her work!—no common mind
19 Go, therefore; and relate to tho elect of God, jackalls o f our Lions of B igo try and oppression, ocean. 3d. T h e earth is round from north to Arranged that glowing group—
INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE, the great things th at he hath done for thee. And — thoy do not make a pander o f their God, by south, for a num ber of new stars successively ap­ Wild wreathes the ttately rcsss bind,
A u . L n r * * s AMD CoM M CinCATIOW S M UST B E A d ­ thou shalt say unto them, th a t this beast is the catering to the worst passions o f our fallen nature, pear in the heavens in the q uarter to which we Sweet bells above them droop—
d r e s s e d TO T H E P R O P H E T , P o s t P a i d . / figuro of the trial that is about to come. theirs is the C h r i s t i a n meekness, charity, mildness, are advancing, and m any of those in tho opposite Ye almost see the sportive wind
O O P »lt Masters are authorized by the Post
partraent, to forward, free of eipenie, nil orders for, or to
20 If, therefore, ye shall have prepared y o u r­ “ good will to all m e n ” T h ey , and only they, q uarter gradually disappear, which would not Parting the graceful troop!
discontinue publications, and also money to pay for the selves, yo may escape it, if your heart be pure follow i n t h e footsteps of the Saviour o f M ankind happen if tho earth were a plane in that direction. t
8&rn6« ■* v f and w ithout spbt; and if. yo shall serve Ciod all — thoy do not oppress the oppressed, they pour 4th. T h a t the parth is round from east to west Look on her work!—but look the more
Subscribers’ names, with th$ State and Post Office, should the rest of y o u r days w ithout complaint. oil and balm on tho bleeding wounds of tho o p appears from actual experiment, for m any navi­ On her unwraried hesrf,
be diVinctlygiven when money is forwarded, to avoid mis­
takes, a* there are often several towns of the tam e aame, or
V-2 If C ost all yo ur cares upon the Lord; anti he pressed Mormons— t: who havo wrongs th at can gators by sailing in a westerly direction, have And put asidnthe chamber door
several Post Offices in the same township. .wilKdirect them; believe in God, ye doubtful, be* speak w ithout a tongue,” and if their lives ono gone quite round it from east to west, and were That doth the daughter part
Postmasters aud Traveling Eldera are requested to act aa causeh o can do all things; ho can both tu rn away feeling o f manhood in American hearts, th ey will it not for tho frozen seas within the polar regions, From that dear mother, who before
Ageots. *iia wroth from you, and send you he}p aud se­ denounce and stab that v in c ro f oppression which which interru pt navigation in thos<* directions, it Taught her this cunning art.
A dvertising, Book and Job W ork, done at curity. liko tho vulture of Prometheus, feeds on the vitals would long before now have been circumnaviga-
the usual rates. W M . S M IT H , Editor. 22 W o to the doubtful, to thoso who shall hoar o f our Constitution. T h en in the name o f our ted from north to south. f>. All these proofs are She flreps—that mother sick and pale—
these words, and shall despise them: it had been common country, let every man throw aside his confirmed and illustrated by eclipses o f th e moon She sleeps—and.little deems

THE APO CRYPHAL better for them that they nnd not been born. preco'heeivcd prejudice against the Mormons, and which present an occular demonstration of the
| 23 T h en 1 asked her concerning the four col- light under the banner of liberty, justice and earthls rotundity. A n eclipse of the moon is
That ihe, who doth her features veil
All day, in Hitting gleams
NEW T E ST A M E N T . ours which the beast had upon its head. B ut slip hum anity,— 1 call on all whose rights ascitizens caused bv the intervention of the body of the Of anxioua hope, tins hour doth hail;
(answered me, saying, A gain thou art curious in has been abused, and whose “ lion-hearted" fa- earth between tho sun and moon, in which case But now for happy dreams.
that thou askest concerning these things. A nd I thers bled for th a t freedom which they arc deny- *the shadow of the earth falls upon the moon ; this
This book is thus entitled, becsnse it was compoird by God bless her in her lone t a i( l ‘7*
said unto her, Lady, show me w hat thoy are. ed— one and all join in the shout of justice, liberty shadow is found in all cases and in overy position
Hernia*, brother to Piu?, buhop of Rome: and because And till those earnest eyrs
21 Hear, said she; T h e black which thou sa w -’ and the laws.— and thnt shout will ascend to the \ of the earth to bo of a circular figure, which in*
the angel, who bear* ihe principle pirt m it, is repre­ With viticrsof thv coming joy.
est, denotes tho world iu which you dwell. T h e throne of that God of L iberty and Mercy, whose controvertibly proves that tho whole mass of land
sented in the form and habit of a shepherd. Irnavja Waiting her.sacrificc,
fiery and bloody colour, signifies, that this age best gifts has been blighted and destroyed by t h e ! and water of which the earth is composed, is
quotes it under the very name of Scripture; Origen W hen they who gave her this employ.
m u st be destroyed by lire and blood pespotic hands of bigotry, and mobocracy. nearly of a globular form. Tho m ountains and
thought it n most ujeful writing, and that it was divinely Pay her its tinted price!
2~) T h e golden part are ye. who have escaped A R C H IT E C T O N IC . vales which diversify its surface, detract little or
inspired; Eusebim say?, thnt though it was not esteem­
out of it. F or as gold is tried by the fire, and is * GroGRAPIiY nothing from its globular shape, for they bear no
ed canonical, it w iire a d pib.'iclyin lhe churches, which Think how her trembling hands will clasp
made profitable, so are ye al<o'in like manner tri- V , more proportion to its whole bulk than a few
is corroborated by Jer->m*; und A tlu iu i-H citcj it, cills e d w h o dwell among th^ men of this world. obJecf ?* lh,s ««cnco is, to desenbe the prarns of sand to a common terrestial elobe or The treasure ii will hulti,
it a most useful wor!t, .nd ob<erve.‘, tint though u w.i» 20 T h ey, therelore, that sh.ill endure-to the ■ world wu inhabit in rciercncc to the continents.* I the * roughness . b .high-
j. W ith that which seems a greedy grasp—
on the skin of an o ran g e; the
not strictly canonic.**, thi Fathers appointed it u> be end; and bo proved by them, .shall be purged.— mountains oceans seas, rivers, empires est mountains on its surface being little more than Yet not for love of gold; ^
reid for direction and confirmation in fi;ih aud p:-ty.— And as gold, by this trial, is clensed. and loses its a,u ^ i n g < W with which it is diversihed, to- Thnt look—that sigh’s relieving gasp,
, ... -j the two thousandth part of its diameter. Some
Jerome, notwithstiuditi.; this and th it h-* appl.wlrd it dross, so shall ye aNo cast away all sorrow and Kc lher u ith the uu Iti deeper springs unfold.
. rUSt0V‘M ,,“ 1 ,“ 1 o f th e m ou n ta in s on ihc surface o f the mobn
a re
ia h » c « .l.p « ia his comment, uiiaa i. .,IW j troHbio; a n d 'b e m .de p u r e 'i i r building o f the »tl;(; di,r«r?™ tril,“ " !*ilh 1«"P>‘ !<* «•“ *»>• | higher than thoso on the earth. m,d yet thnt'bodv
wards, terrai it apocryphal and foolish. Tcrtullian tower: Thir.k how her hasty feet will roam
or,ior ll,rm !,m,riUC H>e re a- ppt ‘- ars to the
, |l0 naked
nnkcd eve and
a„ j through
;,,r >h telescopes
,e,c >
T he tnatket and the street,
ptaised it when a Citholie, and abased it when a Mon- 'J.1 B ut the white colour denotes the time o fthe live positions of objects on the surface of the o f a spherical figure.— Mr. E ditor if you do not To purchase for her humble home
tanist. Although Grl isius ranks it amom; the apocry­ world which is tocomV; in which the fleet ol Ciod earth, and to enter with intelligence on the study
think the subject too tedious, I shall continue it The food and clothing meet,
phal books, it is found attached to some of the raost ao- shall dwell; because the elect of God shall be pure o l'this subject, it is requisite first o f nil to have in tho next number of the Prophet.
an accurate idea of its figure and magnitude.— And with what gladnew she will come ^
cient M33. of the N*w Testament; uid A rchbishop n m l w i t h o u t s p o t u n t o life e te r n a l.
n r L . L -tf* L - _____
W ake, believing it . the genuine — _____ . - t : - T V . ____ I I remain sir with great respect, »Jcc. Buck to this poor retreat!
work of ~an apostolic F a­ 28 Wherefore do not thou cease to speak these F or a long series of pges, it was supposed by the
ther, pressrves it to the Engtljh reader by the following things in the ears of the saints. Mere ye have bulk of mankind that the surface of tne earth was A R C H IT E C T O N IC .
Poor tr.aideu! if the fair ones who
translation, in which he has rendered the books notonly ( the hgure o fth e great tribulation that is about to nearly a plane indefinitely extendod and bounded
Thy graceful ’broidery buy.
more exact, but in greater purity than tluy bad before come; which, if you p lease, sh a ll be n o t h i n g t o , 01? *t‘ 11 s.u ,? s h >’ {) ' Gt 5 k >'- . ^ c t a n t i u s a n d scv oral
appeared^ The arclibuhnp procured Dr. Grabe to en- you. K eep therefore> in m in d th e t h i n - s w h ic h lh c la t,hc,r3 o t , lh e c l‘r i s t i a , ‘ c h u r c h , s tr e n u o u s -
POE T il Y . Only one half that struggles knew,
[F o r t h e P n o rH rr. And filial p ie l/T " " ^ '
tirely collate the old L\tin Version with an ancient -MS , I h a v e s a id u n t o y o u . ~ . !X nr S u e d . e ^ t l i w a s e x te n d e d in f in ite ly
T h e B e a c o n a u d .H agu et. MethiukH some drop of pit) dew
inthe Limbeth library; and the learned prelate himself 09 W h e n s h e h a d s p o k e n t h u s m u c h , sh e de> . d o w n w a r d s a n d e s ta b lis h e d u n o n s e v e r a l fo u n d a -
T H E FALLEN SAVED. Would gem the proudest eye.
still farther improved the whole from amultitude of I p a r tetl* b u t I sa w n o t w h i t h e r sh e w « n t B u t t ,o n s - ^ ^ie n n c ie n t p h ilo s o p h e r H c r a d i t i u s , is
Ira*menu of th; originolG rsek, never before used f*r g u d d e n ly Ih e a r d a n o ise , a n d I t u r n e d b a c k , be- s n k U o h n v e b e lie v e d t h a t th e e a r t h w a s lh e s h a p e ** Aad fie who te rk e repentance for ihe p«st,
Il ia not here its full reward
Will woo ihe Angel Virtu- in thr future.”
that purpose. - i n g a fra id ; for I t h o u g h t t h a t th e b e ast w as com - sk iij o r can o e , v e r y m u c h h o llo w ed ; a n d the Thy gentle heart will prove;
T H E FIR S T BOOK OF HERMAS, OR VISIONS. I i n g to w a r d me. philosopher Lcucippus supposed it to be the form lluuvru. H*re ever must ih>‘ hard,
o f a cylinder or a drum. It is only within the 4 “ 'ifc tem jur amort i t . ”
T i l l ON IV. ” — ~ r . Hut there is One abovV
, period of the last three hundred years that the Who secs and will not disregard
C O M M U N I C A T I O N S . Shine on th«u biiqhl keacon
4 I saw a vision, b rethren tw enty days after jtrtie figure o f th e earth has been accurately ascer- Thy consecra’.sd love.
(Correspondence of the I’rophet.) ' taincd. '1’his figuro is now found to be th at of an Unclouded and fr<*e,
tho former vision; a representation of the'tribula-1
oblate spheriod, nearly approaching to the shape (From thy city of Zion)
tion that is at hand. I was w alking in the field B o s t o n , J u l y 1st, IS 14.
* Ore lifes troubled sea. T h e D ay* o f O ld.
away, M r. E d i t o r . — It is with feelings of the most of a globe or sphere. T o have asserted this
2*N ow from the public way to tho placo w h ith -_f; pugnant so rro w ” I have to inform you, that j opinion several ages ago, would have been con- From our great land of promise THOM T H E HERALD.
Whose kingdom’s began,
• r I went is about ten furlongs; it is a way very the poor “ deluded Mormons,” have been blown [ sideicd as a heresy in religion, and would have My heart ii with the days of old,
littlo frequented: “ s k y h i f r h ” by every foul winded sky highpiece»
mouth ” by subjected
every foulitswinded
to tha piece» subjected
anathem as ofitstheabettors Thou star of the Weet
la thy glory shine on. W hen meB were frank, sincere and bold;
3 Andf as I was walking alone, I entreated tho of our new fangled doctrines, our pious pilgrein-, church, aud even to the peril of their lives His- When malice never wore a smile,
Lord that he would confirm th 1 •’
the revelations which atie ‘ city
*' of ^Boston ’has ’been thrown 1 --*-•»---------
into the most <t— :— inform
torians ..........--------------------
us that the learned j Spigelius, bishop
Nor honesty gave place to guile.
Shine on thou bright star
he had showed unto mo by his bis H oly Church; alarming confusion by our trum pet tongued 1 of Upsal in Sweden, suffered m artyrdom at the Of the fallen oue’s dream, *Twas then a maa his friend could tell—
4 A nd would grant repentance^ itance^to all his ser* ^r highmindcd
0 .patriotic E dito rs— men >ir, th a t stand I stake in defence - o fth e doctrine o fth e Antipodes* ; Who dar’d decry, or wish’d him well,
Thou shalt guide him to virtue
vants, who had been offended, th a t his great and | erect in the imnge of their Maker, men, th a t would j and we know that for asserting the motion of the For in the face he still could find
Aud honor again,
honourable name might ba glorified; and because look with the most contemptious scorn on an y | earth, the celebrated philosopher Galileo was im­ Ia the whirlwinds of passim A faithful index ofthe mind.
ho thou gh t me worthy to whom he m ight show f thing in the shape of a man. that would wrong , mured in a dungeon and condemned by an asscm His bark has been tossed, I hate this age with all my heart,
his wonders; and that I m ight honour him, and <any of G od’s creaturcp, even in th o u g h t; men. bly o f C ardinals to all tho horrors ’*’ 111o f perpetual Yet, whilst thou art his beacon W hea nature’s nothing—all ia art;
give thanks unto him. ,,wh'ose
whose eloquence, philosiphilosophy, and reason, is the imprisonment. T he doctrine he maintained, and
He cannot be lost. Wherein the ruse, the scheme, the plot,
5 And behold somewhat like n voico answered adm 1 iration of tho 1 world. ’ ’ m.Mi whose 1 ‘ ----- coii
virtues on-1 which i^ r.ow universally received by every one
Is to appear what one is not;
me; Doubt not, Hermas. W herefore I began ju res u p the spirits of G ratten, Emmet, W ash sh- I acquainted with the subject, was declared by these Thoa “ etone from the mountain, So that it only seems to be
to think, and say within myself; W h y should I iington,* Demos*thenes, Cicero, and the im m o rtal, arrogant ecclesiastics to be 4ia proposition absurd Cat out wiihout hand?,” < A college of hypocrisy.
doubt, seeing I am thus settled by ^theLord, and host of the t: m ighty dead,” to g a/e with im- in its very nature, false in philosophy, heretical Whose fame has gone forth May God soon meed such means and ways,
have seen such glorious things? I mortal amazement on their unprecepent virtues. in religion, 1 and contrary to the Holy Scripture?.” Into far distant land?, And send us back the good old days;
G I had gone but little farther, brethren, when T h is city, 1 repeat sir. has been shocked— as with Such arc some o fth e horrible and pernacious con­ Thou beacon of Liberty, O, may Hive once more to see
I saw a d u s t rise u p to heaven. I began to say ,tho sound of mnny enrthnuakes, at the iniquitious sequences which flow from ignorance of the phe­ Ju?tiee, and peace, The glorious days of chivalry!
within myself, Is there a drove of cattle com ing,1atrocities of ‘;Jo Smith, (or as the poor “ de- nomena of nature, and of those laws by which the Thou bright star of Israel’s The good old dayr, the days of old,
tnavrulses irueU n dust? *^ m |hided being s” nre pleased to call him in the A lm ig h ty governs the universe he has formed, Wronged despised race.
7 I t waa about a furlong oil’from me. A nd lplentitude o f their tunnticinm, “ Genernl Joseph and w h ic h provo it to bo n c h rin tin n d u ty for e v e r y When men were frank, sincere and bold,
behold I saw the du st rise more and more, inso-' Smith,” ) such unheard of outrngcs, m udering tho rational being to study the order and economy of When principle gave away and strength—
Ctuide the fdllrn-oneV bark.
much th a t I began to suspect tUat there was ! “ N atives,M smashing that mighty engine of i{ the tho visible world. And nst as now, the purse’s length;
To its haven of rest,
somewhat extraordinary in it. ' children of m e n ” vulgarly callcd. “ tne Press,”— T h a t the earth is nearly of a globular figuro is When smile met smile—and full as soon
Where safely are anchored
8 A nd the sun shone a little; and b e h o ld l saw also of assailing with assassin im punity the char- proved by the following considerations;— 1st. Would frown meet frown—when no poltrooa
, The good and the just,
a great beast, as it wero a. whale; and fiery locusts tercd rights of the above mentioned talented in- When we stand on tho sca-shore while tho sea is Dare secret aim and wound—then flinch—
No more from the calm sea
c a m o o u to fh is mouth. T h e height of the beast dividuafs, yclept Editors, o f striving to immure in perfectly calm, wc perceive that the surfaco of Or say tbe words he would not clinch
Of virtue to roam,
was about a hundred feet; and ho had a head like lidurance v il e ” the safeguard of our glorious the water is not quite plain, but convex or round­ W ith sturdy blows. The purest law
Hut be numbered with “ Saints”
a largo earthern vessel. Constitution, the liberty o fth e Press, he is charged ed ; and if we are on one ride of an arm of the sea, Did then exist without a flaw;
W hea the Saviour shall come.
9 I began to weep; and to p ray unto the Lord, also with striving to annihilate the liberty of as the F irth o f Forth, and with our eyes near the Without those toils that rogues have made
th a t he'w ould deliver me from it. T hen I called “ Americnn Citizens,” by advocating the forma­ water, look towards the opposite coast, we shall His hearts faithful Magnet T o stretch plain juftice into trade:
to mind tho word.which 1 had heard: Doubt not, tion of an “ Antim obocratic Society.” thereby, plainly see the water elevated between our eyes Retain thy loved power, The code was simple—all men knew it—
Hermas. keeping tho “ N a tiv e s ” within bounds, and de- and the opposite shore so as to prevent our seeing And vary not now *40 flend, and by my sword you’ll rue it.”
10 W herefore brethren, p u ttin g on a d iv in e . stroyinc that spirit of liberty, ' ‘O nr brave Fathers the land near the edge of the water, Tho same In this dread trying hour, Oh, had my life’s lot fallen then;
ith, a n d rememberinjj who it was th a t had taught legacy1 “ Oh! sh a m e” General Joseph, where | experiment m ay be made 011 any portion o f still
faith Oh, that thotc days were back again!
See—the black clouds of e\il
mee great Uungs,
^ n g s , - I , delivered myself boldly unto is th y blush.” I answer, in the faces of our very j water o f a milo or two in extent, when its convex- That is my wish—that prayer is mine—
His beacon hnth crossed,
the beast. / ' Reverend Divines, who “ blush extem poreM for • ity will be perceived by the eye. A little boat boa And now ehouldet thou fail, So God be wiih yon, “ Au!d langsyne.
11 N ow the beast came on in such a manner, the sius of Joseph. for instance, may be perceived by a man who iis If he loosa thee, he’s lost.
as if it could a t once have devoured u city. Do in charity
•.harity tell us, Mr. Prophet
Prophet, when your any height above water, but if lie stoops toops down and
an< M a u u i a o k .— T acitus sa y s:— ‘ E a rly marriage
12 I came near u nto it; and the beast extended nniuesake will repent of his manifuld sins— when lays his cyo nenr tho surface, he will find th at the Oh ! thou hast not failed, makes us immortal. It is tho soul and chief prop
its whole bulk upon-thc ground; and put forth shall that wickecl ono cease from troubling the Uuid appears to rise and intercept the view o fth e Hat now points to the pole, of empire. T h a t man who resolves to livo with-*
nothing b u titsftongue, nor once moved itself, till the spirits of a lost and ruin’d world. Oh ! ye b o at 2nd. If wo take our station on the sea­ Where, the loadstone of Virtu* out a woman, und th at woman who resolves to
I had quite passed by it. generation of Mormon i ! w i i ’ K R s ” I warn ye to shore, and view the ships leaving tho coast in any Shall *ave his wreck’d soul, live w ithout a man, aro enemies to the communi­
13 Now the beast had upon his head four col­ lice from the Editorial wrath to come. T here is direction, us they retire from our view we may See, his beacon shines out, ty in which they dwell, injurious to themselves,
ours, first black, then a read and bloody colour, an English bill, (yes a bad English bill,) in our perceive the masts and rigging of the vessels when And the shallows are paus’d, destructive to the whole, apostates from nature,
ihen a golden, and then a white. Athenian Metropolis,” that h determined riot tho hulls aro out of sight, and, as it wero, sunk In mercy’s blessed harbor and rebels against heaven and earth.’
14 A fter th at I had passed by it, and was gone to leave one hair of a .Mormon’s head upon an­ in the water. On the other hand, when a ship is He’s anchored at last. \
forward about th irty foot; behold there^ met me a other, a Bill, that has plucked out E ld e r G. J. approaching the shore, the first part that i3 seen A cm rzcTom e. A M tsK it who heaps treasure which ho nev­
certain virgin well adorned, as if she had been Adhm’s “ circumnambient whiskers ” * root and of nor is the top-nia^t; ns she approaches nearer, er means to spend, is as idly employed aa ono
iu st come out of her bride-chamber; all in white, branch, as a dreadful example to Mormons in gen­ the sails become visible, and last of all the hull T h e F ip b roid erev * a t .HiduiKht. who lays his purse before a looking glass, andsitfl
h a v in g on whito shoe'9, and a veil down her face, eral who should again be so fool-hardy, as to comes gradually into view. T h e reason of such She plies the needle (ill the lamp all day contemplating the useless duplicate o f his
and covered with shining hair. “ lecture on Love,” in despite of English hate. nppenrances obviously is, th at the round’ or con­ Is waxing pale and dim; wealth.
15 Now I knew by my former visions tbat it Yes, Mr. E ditor tl)is English Bill ere he again vex surface of the water interposes between the She hears the watchman’s heavy tramp
wasis the Church; and thereupon grew the more | displays the dilapidated mansion of his “ great eye and tho body ofthe ship when sho has readied And she must watch like him—
cheerful. Sho saluted me. saying, Hail, 0 man! sou l” for his £: peculiar benefit,” on the boards a certain distance, while at the same time the sails T ru k P a t u i o t i s m . — W h en the Em peror
Her hands are dry, lit r foreheaJ damp, Vespasian percmptorially ordered a particular
I returned the salutation, saying, Lady, hail! j where once trod a Vandenhotf, a Macrcady, a and top-niast from their greater elevation may be Her dark eyea (aintly swim. ‘
16 Sho answering; said unto me, Did 110th ing Booth, nnd “ the last not least,” a Rowse arid an still in view. T o the same cause it isow ing, that senator to give hts voice against tho interest of
meet you, O man? I replied, L ady there met me Erskine, will transubstantiate the “ Lords p ray ­ the higher the eve is placed the more extensive is hia country, and threatened him with death in
Look on her work?—her blosssm fliwers.
Buch a beast, os seemed able to devour a whole er ” for the use and benefit of the Mormons, he the prospect; henco it is common for sailors to case he spoke otherwise,— tho intrepid patriot an ­
The lily and the rose, Q
people; but by the pow^r of God, and through will give ye your “ daily b rea d ” in columns of climb to the tops ol the masts in order to discover swered with a smile,— “ Did I ever tell you I was
Brigh t as the gems of summer hoar/, *
hia singular mercy, 1 eocapcd i t “ Daily M a il” (meal) which will require all the land or ships at a distance. T h e Contrary of all immortal? My virtue is my own— m y life yours;
Hut not to die like thoie;
17 T h o u didst escape it well,,said she; because learning of this “ generation of wipers,” to parse, this would tako place if the earth and waters were do what you will— I shall do w hat I ought; and
Hrre, fearless as in Eden’s bower#,
thou didst cast thy whole caro upon God; and conjugato, <kc. an extended p la in ; when a ship came within view, if I fall in the service of m y country, I shall havo
Fuiever they repose.
openedest thy heart unto him; oelieving, that N ow sir I will a tale unfold, and thereby hangs the hull would first mako its appearance, beine n u rc triumph in my death than you in yo u rlau *
thou couldfc be safe by no other, than by his great another tale. T h e Christian church in this city the largest object, next the tails, and last of all 0 .-»ce, maiden, thou wait fresh and fair, re ls”
a n d honourable name. has refused (in the fullnoss of their Christian the top mast. These considerations which hold | A« those sweet flowers of.thine;
18 F o r this cause the Lord sent bis angel, who charity) to let the hall under tho Boston Museum true in all parts of the world, prove to a certainty Now. ehut from sunny light and air. j Philosophers sport with the follies of mankind;
is over the beast; whose name is Hegrin, nnd to the Mormons, under any circumstances as it that the mass of the ocean is of a globular form ; J Ho v canst thfla choose but pinet tradesmen make an advantage of them; and play-
stopped his mouth that he should not devour thee. would bring disgraco on tho hall, and injure the and if the oceon bo p portion of % sphere, it fol- N eglecs flowsrs frora th y raven hair, l« rj both sport with them and profit by them.
THE PROPHET. We would w y to the Saint*—be calm—be prudent—“ ihe
Lord will r e m e m b e r bit people ia itll their affliction*,”—
Charter," «nd to ferment disturbance*, thereby hoping to
bring a mob upoo oa to level oar fair city intoa»he*,and
Mormons, who h av e been robbedjWhiped, tarred
and feathered, hunted and sh o t down like , mad
f0r P UfPoses « *aid city,, an d which
destroyed as a nuisance according to tho
SATURDAY Sr*MORNING, JU L Y 1 3 ,1 8 4 4 . there is still a God in lirael. We do not believe the re- drive os from oor home*. Tbe free citizen* of Nauvoo
‘d ogs, for d arin g t o w r t h i p G od-after the! dictate
port of the death of our Brethren, and shall leave the mat- were not willing to brook thi* attack upoa their civil aad
n v ^ rJ n m t 9 harter- 1 further call' upon
o f their conscience, in thia enlightened age, ini this r’ aythont>’ Bnd citixcn to be^igUftnt'
ter until we get intelligence from ihe Sainu in the Weat religious inatittmoo* aad chartered rights. The first q u i d -
f . . S hy wisdom, the promulgation o f
V ita ^ E n lk o r . , '>>/ “ E l P « i‘« ’' « “ « « * « « « »«<■ •>)» n.0.1
land o f IiBier%, and after all th is kindness, our false statements, lib e ls ^ s l a n d e r s ,* a n y S e r ; m a ^
of Boaton, *en»ible of the impor'ance of rain at thi* season boI*ca,» fal*e* *nd f«l*>m# article*, attacking in the moat respectable iu H to re are astonished a t th e ing rati­ licious designedjconcern that may ^ p u t in 6p^t- ^
for vegetation and the comfort of man, read the prayer for unwarranted manner the private character of many of oor tu d e o f M om onism , for let them h it them where tioo to «Kit» end foment th iK p W ^ of-m Joito.
‘ w f 00^ ’ ‘ CCOrd' n* l° ,Ke li,Ual ° f lhc KP“ C0Pal | moat worthy and respectable citizen*. It made war with they will thev/cannot please them. T h ere is not rebel against th . right, and nr^iUge, of tho city i-
° ~ .C U — .1 V f
The above ia from the Netv \ oik E xpress: t enDrars
our mancipal code, impugned the motive* of every citizen
r \ i e V •. . • . • : ,
ciUMtu or law. of th . loni, bo* ready'to « p -
. • __ I r . , . . , . FPr *r* acting for the. benefit of our city, and in short, it dealt out on G od’s footstool a set o f whelpa more contempt- press tha -gathering of mob.; to repel,vby-e«ntf. -
that the hpifcopal God requires a code of bye laws to di- i u , . . , . able tlian our Boston w h isk erle^ and ..whiskered
«* • I- .. , 7. : Ul 'such a string of billmgFgate falsehood and vituperanee, ** means nnd nobW exertion,every,fdak&i,*!. o f
rect him in hia duticrr and tn caae of any omiaaion on h s . l V . # » ... ,
. . in u , . . ” to clog the wheel* of enterprise, annoy the tranquility of well dressed rowdies, vain, em pty, brainless, shame* unprinc.d?dj h b , u >dispjM . , ^ d is h o n o r ^ .,
pari, to *»e put in remembrance of u by reading a lirrrto- . , ,
T. n . .1 . . .
typ rd p ra y n . The Exprew does not tell oa whelher t h e , . . . ’
society, and augment domestic infelictlie*. To boliter op
. . , . f less monkeys, it would do th is State some service city, or State, or any the.^ kgilly £5n.Utated-,
n~A ___ . i , their late-sprung consequence and m ik e a show of num-
to send the most o f them to South.. B oston. Semi­ authorities, and unally’tojceepthe peace* b y bcin e
God without body or pirt answered the prayer or not, as . . .. . , . .
• .u- i- l j . . . her*, they coopered up the character* of murderers, blaek- cool, considerate, .virtuous,' unoffending, \ m anly
“ he doea not speak in this enhchtened age,” we nhould I • . .. . . n ary, to finish th eir education. In conclusion I
«« b. il h . i. d . . ( aliu.—W ( woaid ! I’ 1’ *“d '' ho ' g o „ . „ c . n , officon. m .M . and patriotic aa the tru e sons o f liberty ever h ave
Ihtm .0 . « k Elijah*. God. ( .c io n ., f.l.f .nd I 'M . pn-jodici.l to ,he . : . t r would recommend o ur city authorities to take been and h o n o r a r y m aintain^tho precious boon
of our society and subversive of our deare*t right*. into consideration, the report o f the “ Mudfog A s­ our illustrious fath ersrwon. ■* i S
The Chri*tian ( 1) Messenger speaking of the prophet ( Under these circumatancea the city council went into an sociation for the aclvancemcct of everything,” as ' In witness w hereof I have heraunto set
Joseph, say?,— t invettigation of the matter, and upon proper and abundant fL S 1 ^ «nd affixed th e teal o f said C o r-.
“ The fate ol the Prophet it proclaimed Ly Thorn**'testimony being disclosed, lhe establishment of lhe “ Ex . 1 ** applicable to tho *'ig® (W"hig®) porau'on a t the C ity o f N auvoo, th is 11 th
j Hague, «h« Astrologer tS Philadelphia. in .hr following po,ite r” wa. very properly and legally df'clarcd a nuiume, I ° f 0Ur n8inS generation. It 13 as follows, Pro* d ay o f June, 1844. * L
a*ninthly magliiae°publiah3l b^hlra^J0 * ‘Horo,CPpr>’ and as such, the Mayor waa forthwiih ordered to have il fe* fessor P um kinskull wished to take the oppdrtu* J O S E P H S M I T H , M ayor.
su rra m a x c rrT H A ii x p i k i c a b o .
Aad then follow* tnch a long'atring'of ailly nonsense, rfmove,L At 8bout ^ D'*et of l*»c same 'dtjr,tf(Joae 10th.) nity o f calling the attention of the m eeting to a
FO R P R E S ID E N T , lhat would be mora becoming the “ladies of information/j,llc ordcr of,1?c counc'1w*,,conip^ ed in a TerJr order* most im portant and serious point. T h e author ' T o th e P u b lic .
than one profeuiag “ to abide in the law and testimony. ly and becoming m a n n e r t h e building wa* liurally gut­ o f the treatise ju s t read, had alluded to the pre­ In rem oving the N auvoo E x p o sito r a s ra n u i­
GEN. JOSEPH SMITH, We would refer Mr. Price to Isa. xlrii, 13 and 14, “ Thou ted of its contents which waa thrown into the atreet and valent taste for bears’-grease as a means loJ^jnrch sance, let it be d istinctly *understood th a t ev e n r
art wearied in the multitude of thy c ounaek L -1 now tbe burned.- Whilo the biaxe sent up ita lurid light" iato the step tak en1has been sanctioned b y legal p r o c e e d
O F N A U V O O , IL L IN O IS . moting the growth of hair, which undoubtedly ings, founded upon testim ony had before th e C ity
eutrologrrt, tha ttar gazers, the monthlyprognotticatort save darkening atmosphere, making visible the calm, reconciled
F O R V IC E P R E S I D E N T . thee from these things that ehall come upon thee-B ehold ' countenanc€, offour orfire honored people, many of whom was diffused to a v ery great arid (aa it appeared Council : and w hen it is considered th a t N au v o o
th e y s h a U b e a s stubble; the fire ahall burn them - they ' h‘ d b" n W t hou,elf,i bX Miswuri incendiariea; we in- to him) v e ry alarming e x te n t N o gentleman is a corporated body, ns well as an y o th e r city; in
SIDNEY RIGDON. shall not deliver themselres from the ie power
oower of the
th^ flame.
film , •• ■ voIuB,ari|y ^ c la im e d , “ Thu u but rttributivt justice /»
Thia clique, or wicked faction, immediately sent runners
attending th a t section could fail to be aware o f the the U m ted States j has ‘‘reserved rights” as w e lK :
OF PENNSYLVANIA. Now Mr. Messenger, “ To th<? law and to the testimony, fact th at the y o uth of the present age evinced, as the State o r States ;• and th a t the c h a rter o f th e f
(at it is written, “ tho#e that abide not therein i* is because m,° 8,1 Part9 of ,he coun,r3r for ,he P^POW of raising a r, , . , , \ , \ , ’ c ity o f Springfield, which is a p art o f o u r charter,
T : i there is no light in them." ™ b ; but it is no go • the citizens of Illinois undersund b >? t h e , r ^ a v i o r i n t h e 8 tre e ts a n d a t 811 P1^ has the wise provision for the C ity Council “ T o
W e have just received, and lor etle a few copiea cf the |
themselves too well, and are too good judges of right to j public resort, a considerable lack o f th a t gal< declare w h at shall be a nuisance, and ' t a prevent
iaundiatelv at thiT om r^'115 ^ J)Urcl“ *e be,,fr “PP1/ j The following extract from Gov. Porter’s orders an Com- be nostd by thefe desptradoes and black hearted miscrc- i l a n t r y a n d g e n tl e m a n l y fe eling, w h i c h in m o r e ig- and remove the same ond th a t it ia a common
mander-in-Chief of the forces in Philadelpia, lead us to be- ants. , nnm nf
i- .■ . .. . i norant times, had been th o u c h t U n m i 'n .
becoming. H a occurence for city corporations, to remove ce o n i-
W e have delayed our paper,with the rxpeclation of getting lieve that tho disturbances are not a*, an end there yet. — Their corrupt hearts and guilty consciencea’ made them •T J < i u •» ’Vi » Ious p rin ts; and th a t Blackstone holds th e rule;
aome correct information fromiheieatof trouble in the west. T h , X i l i t n declared rebel,. exceeding il............... . . d , like - J .p h e t i„ Z c h . f " 1f f , S W « w . « p o m b l . t h a t . ju st, “th a t a libellous p rin t o r paper, affecting a
The daily papera bring u* various conflicting ng accounts, That Major
Msjor General Pattcr»on treat all persons found r faiher,” farther,” running after every Homan nose, or string of gold eold jI c o n s ^^Rn^ outward application of bears *grease by private individual, m ay be destroyed. ’ Black-*
blood, fire, vapora of smoke, and if a tenih part „K .,m . m ,h.,r h.n^. :-----------young genUeman about town, had impercepti- stone, 5. note 6. A nd th at wicked men were con­
ian ie true, i, ^ ^ **7
ia bad enough. Nsver has the public mind b ern ao much ported themselves for service to the Commander-in Chief a^eu up »tream in search ot some more congenial Dly,rin infused into those unhappy persons something n iving a t the dearest rights o f o ur city a n d citi- V
excited, as at the present, all eyeB are turned wfstwarJ to [ »■ °Pfn enemies ofthe State, sprking to destroy the pro. pro! *P«t wherein to hide ...c their. .......c
shame ...u
and bewilderment, which or
ucwirarrmem, wmcn o fth
thee nature and quality of the bear? Ho shud­ ^ e n s, it m ust be adm itted on all hands th a t tho ”
the scenes of Mormon trouble*. The newspapers of the | PCT,y an(1
iprrs oi and *‘Vf9
*‘Vf9cf '^ ,hcc citizens, and to trample upon its * their wretched fancy made them believe existed anywhere any where dered emergency o f th e case called for specific proceed­
dered as he threw out th e r e m a rk ; b u t i f the
day h ave s w e lle d the various rumors to such au extent, t h a t , * T h e N atives have a Urn,. a ' in the w id e world, rather than in the City o f the S a i m a — ' r j ' " * ings in defence o f our s a c r e d h o n o r s . No
the people are almost led to believe, that tbe “ sain..- are r.« Red B « k “ aw.Uing a ^ L tr a n c e of ^ 1501 ,herc U ‘^at their expedition will be like , th.* V y ' ° ri; n<l U ,ry» 8 h ° U,d P r0V« t0 *» Wel1 fo™ d - doubt th a t manv th at laughed a t o u r misfortune*
indeed « law breaking peopls, for Uie purpose no doubt District. r that of Noah’s dove when it was tent from the Ark, ind »ed} !t w o u ld a t on c e e x p la i n a g r e a t d e a l o f u n - in Missouri, will roar at this legal procedure, as
of exciting tho “ predominate mob spirit” to u ltril/ exter- WM rf^lue*,ct, 10 demand the arms from the was unable to find a spot of earth whereon to rest; for wr p l e a s a n t e c c e n t r i c i t y o f b e h a v io r , w h ic h , w i t h o u t arbitary, and to th e m we reply, th a t ,
mmate the people ofGod. Prieftcrafl, with its frigned pi- ‘ * m ”' . _* are told that the good people of Fort Madison politely i n - ! so m e s u c h d i s c o v e r y , w a s w h o lly u n a c c o u n t a b l e . ” “ H e th a t wants all m en pleased each w ay ^
ety, lie* at tbe bottom of this. Religious m d political O ur next number willgive a full account of for«?fd lhem ,h,lt ,h*y cou!d r a” < ” • th“> ^ town not | « T h e p resident highly complimented the learn- A nd not him self offend ;
demagogue* have aooghtto destroy the life of a *tatt*mao, our troubles in the wp<!t n« «•« nro r?n;i.. l“»v»«8 any ir are room for such characters! Where they I , . ,. . , H e must be his work to day,
a friend of the oppressed—an American pstrict, and € for in,«ll II ? \ J .? ttr<“ df' ,iDfd iB inmate,ial, so lhat they donot, like ihe j C<1 &entleman on hls most valuable suggestion, . B u t Go
r intelligence th at we can rely upon; the Devil dove> return againio ihe Ark. I which produced the greatest effect upon the as. owa when he’ll end.” J
prophet of the Moat^High God, and all because iheir craft
N a ^ oo N e i o h d o b .
i* in danger. Iti* supprising to ere the filth which has a \ in g issued forth su ch n tirade o f falsehood On the night of the same day on which they took their j se m b ly I and rem arked th a t o n ly a w e e k p r e v io u s
emanated almost daily for lhe last foarteen years, and that for tbe last fourteen y e a rs, that we place no con- illustrious exit, the house in which the Expositer was print-' h e had seen som e at a theatre e y e i n g a bo x o f
T h e U . S. T r e a s c r y.— A i W ashington corres­
from papers, esteemed as the mouih of public opinion, 1fidence in h is te s tim o n y .
td " " f re b, ! * 7 ' ° U M r Z ° “ ”e " h0 ,,n i '*" » la d ie s w ith a f i c r c . i n t e n s i t y , w h ic h n o t h i n g b u t pondent o f tho P hiladelphia M ercury * a y 8 :-^ “ I
ftg«in»t Joseph Smith, our worthy prophet. Every se cta-1 n , , . . *:-------------- ------ I with ti?, donbtless for the pnrpofe of laying it on the Mor- i • a r • »» learned to-day th a t the receipts a t the 'f t e a f u r y ;
- ■ ■ bulldog
■ ■ ■ i, Jft Ido.r upon , him, until wc
w« ,re
arc forced to . 1Thrh('
' S S**1St ht °h °daV
d a -V0 0 0ww h ic
h ic h hlhlh
e e i n v e n t i o n o f mons. A fire was blazing in the middle of the floor when in f lu e n c o f Bome b r u U s h a p p e t i te c o u ld possi- D epartm ent exhibit a degree o f prosp erity . in .the
turn away with di*gust fromi the sickening picture and and j| lll° 1 r u e J e ffe rs o n ia n s will a sse m b le a t B a ltim o re , discovered by some of ihe police ; ihe window* were all e x Pl a m - ^ w a s d r e a d f u l t o r e fle c t t h a t o u r finances o fth e G overnm ent almost beyond parole
IBht from our
pray God to close ihe awful sight onr even
eyes. s e>v e ra l o f tho D e legates h a v e p a sse d th ro rf^ fT ^ u r * f*8tened
ri the door.lockcd, and th« key in the potties, y o u t h w e re so i ^ p i d l y v e r g i n g i n to a g e n e r a ti o n leL F o r the last four or^five yeara, the troek-
Is this American freedom!
While a prisoner for his re-1 c it y fro m d iffe re n t p n rts o f th o U n io n . W ill n o t *‘on of a Mr> N ‘ r,on' ,hc Pcr<0B who the de*ertera had o f be ars. A f t e r a sc e n e o f scientific, e n th u s ia s m , V receipts rarely exceeded $ 2 5 0 ,00 0 . whereas
^ ligious opinions, to be slain wiih hi» brother at hi^ »ide»-
tobe pierced with a hundred bullets b e causeur D in * c »ll ‘•Michael the Great Prince” soon ‘‘stand up for '^ e d h a t e d 11^ bJ‘!d‘Dg‘ X°WJUdgC whtt,hfr wa* I ** wns resolved that this im portant question should they now seldom fali below 900,000 dolU and at
himself a Prophet; and his brother to **.iflVr lhe same fate his people?1 ’ D0- .f [ en,e ‘ f J* . , , . , , be im m ed ia te ly su b m itted to the co nsideration o f Tariff6” - 6 mUllon!” ‘ ch for the Whig
^ 1 _ j The psrsons who had left, had no reason for alarm ; their . r - n )
for believing him to be a Prophet! Ob Liberty where haw
T h e following is an expression from the Herald, | pcnon$ had not b" ° meaiccd threatened, their proper-1 , y ^ l° Un®,J . , ,
thou fled/ aod where is the virtue of the American people!
of this city, in which he has drawn some very ‘y W” P' rfeC‘,y Kci,rc “ ,ad ,htf colf rraMn «h« can be ’ So far M r- E d ,to r» wlU ^ o v e report apply A ccident , at the ^-Tunnkl ' at . B rooklyk.— '
Isaiah has said “ Behold, they *>hail surely guther together
against me, but not by me:” correct conclusions in relation to our difficulties! tWifiDCd ^ thal “the V ‘ck' d « ’ h e n no j to our young W h i g a - w h ic h I hope will be a Xesterday we h eard th a t some five o r six ind i­
in the WVst , maa pursueth. < | WQrning to our C ity Council to take measures not viduals had lost their lives in .p ursu in g th e ir avo­
T h e « are called M ohmo.v oirrnAnE*.—who hove d efi.
T „h ne M Mo rmon t h e ir W h i p ( w i g s ) p u U ed b y th e M o r -
cations near this spotl: b u t w e' are h ap p y *to say
ed tholaw* and aworn lo drive peaccul citizens from their T or mon M a s s a c i u :.— Accounts c o n - ' »horitie» for the attempted incendiary, and their trial comes th at as regards th e loss o f life ijo such w c u r r e n ti
home* and exterminate them! has ibe Mormon*? No, { f ir m a to ry of t h e fa ct t h a t J o e Smith a n d h i s bro-^ on to marrow morning. I have exhausted my space and m ons. 1 rem ain sir, w ith respect, y o u r s, & c .
they have always been a law ubidin^ people—but listen to i ^ , c r w erc a c t u a ll y m a s s a c r e d — m u r d e r e d in cold I mu,t close. I shall probably apprise you when anythin? ^ A R C H IT E C T O N IC . ! ^ Pr i r ^ . S h ° rd y r ^ r o n e o V , o c k > a - p * < » o f
• ,• .be1tyreen H e n ry and A tlantic streets,
the people of Warsaw, and Carthaqe nt iheir public meet- J blood, c o n ti n u e to re a c h u s fro m th e W e s t, T h e r e J important occurs. • w hich buned;beneath a person o f the nam e o f E d -
ing*—“ drive them (the Mormons) all into Nauvoo, and i r n n he no d o u b t t h a t p o litic a l fe e lin g e n te r e d L Itlin n tC H o f a C o n f e r e n c e j ward Connelly, together with a horse, and c a r t —
then exterminate them if necewary” contrary to all law , la r g e ly *nto th e p o p u l a r e x c i t e m e n t in t h a t re g io n * --------------------------------
A t a general conference of the Church o f Jesus . ! ? !0rt t,mo l° ° y *’«*» e x tric a te d 'fro m the
•nd to the constitution of the United States. Nothing is a jp u n s t th e M o rm o n s. I t w a s fe are d b y t h e , “ W I il |p * o f B o s t o n , ” C hrist of L atter-day Saints held at F rank lin Hall. I cubbish around, ana the snffererr.was. convoyed
■aid by the press concerning the illegality of thrir proceed.' \ V h i £ s t h a t thfe N a u v o o p e o p le w o u ld g iv e m ate - \ “ GO T E L L T H E WORLD, AMERICA 13 F R E E .” Boston, June 29th and 30th. J h ?rae» where we found h im "ata la ta rh o u rla s te v e -
ing*; certainly all cannot be guiliy for the conduct ofa few, r , a j a id t0 I>olk- T h i s a ffo rd s a n o t h e r a n d m o s t ' M r . E d i t o r : A s y o u sh a ll re c e iv e a r e p o r t o f Present, Elders B righam Young. L ym an ! ,welV |h cre being little else th a n contu-
.o d e . e r , m .„ b n p p w d ,o be ,„„oee„, M11| he h . . bee. ™fl»»<;holy i l l u r t r a t i o n o f th e p e rnicioui., d e m o ra l- o f tb e p ro c e e d in g s n t 'the <• M o r m o n C o n v e n ti o n ” W hite, Orson H yde, Orson P ratt, W . W oodruff j s,ons experienced.
proven guilty. <TThe destruction o fthe Nauvoo Expositor b r u t a l i z i n g in tlu e n c c ot th e p a r t y pre sse s, . n „ .f T 1 . . i o n r V" 0 n ' e n t , o n ' ; land H. C*. Kimball of the Q uorum of the Twelve,
preas by order of city authorises, has excited the public i ' V 1 nro d a i l y in ll a r a i n g th e p a ssio n s o f th e peo- B o . ton. J u l y 1st, L - M . f r o m a n abler a ren* and twenty-one other Elders.
I nlft f A viL c» nnrl .*M ______ J* 1
i L a t e f r o m LisfJL— T h e . Baltimore P atriot
mind and enlisted ihe warmed feelings on the liberties of PIe .b >’ ‘.hc. V1,est a n d m o s t i n c e n d i a r y t i r a d e s , P°rter t!,a n y o u r h u ™b , e s e r v a n t , 1 sh a ll o n ly p a s s j E ld e r B rig h am Y o u n g to o k th e c h a i r and
contains a letter from Lima, under date of the
the prea* however much we may approve or deprecate " g j j n s u h e i r r e s p e c tiv e o p p o n e n ts . a few r e m a r k s o n tho d i g n i f i e d a n d g e n t l e - E l d e r A n a n i a s M a c A llis te r w as c h o s e n c le r k
11th of,May, which says:—>
the destruction of the Expositor; ihe e reat ouicry reypect- j b e s id e s , N a u v o o w a s v e r y f a v o r a b l y s itu a te d , t m a n l y c o n d u c t o f the B o s t o n e lite o r ‘£ W hif? T h e conference was opened with a prayer by
mg n made by all parties, and sects, editor,, prieMs and ", fr0In ll f » a t » r a l ^ a d v a n ta g e s c o m b in e d w ith y o u n jr tren tlem e n ” o f t h is nion., n n r l f l n . ^ - l I “ T h e country ia still unsettled— no news lately ’
people, seem* to be ra th e r^ novel warrant from the seat ot w ar— ev ery th in g quiet' Hero in
blage of mob* and lawless doiperadocs, this city, and v ery little business atirrin g U *S
of men, women aod children—to massacre ships in the port o f C a l l o a F r i g a t e S av an n ah ’
in cold blood, while prisoners, guaranteed flag ship, Com. Dallas, Capt. .H o llin s : aloop
the highest authority of the Stale. Men to whom peopl W arren, late from the U nited S tates: aloop
■lightest blame could not be attached—except ihe pre-i also, . another tradini v illnge o r to w n Cyune, lately arrived from the co ast,o f Mexico •
2 o’clock P. M.
text of “ the unconstitutioqaliiy of ihe ciiy ordinance” i n 0 r ; W? rC s tim u ,a le i b y the th e same feelings to o p -' ' ‘ V‘u n iu o n a g e storeship Relief, in port'some tirae;’ frigate U n ited
should be plead—and in relation to that we wanlrf i h . . ; P 05® 0 *^l°rmons. T feelings o f enmity | when tho wcl1 dressed rowdies o f Boston assem- Met p u rsu ant to adjournm ent. _ States, gone to Sandwich Talamla •
we would say thal
the Ckarter of the City, gives the authorities of the city arising from accursed env vy and avar ice, were con -1 ^lad cn maaso to “ rout the Mormon hum
h u m b u g s;” P ra y e r by E ld e r Ilyde. C a p t Page, gone .to Sandwich ' Islands; schr.
full power to make and execute m»h hwa as t h r msv ' stan!,.v’ ,n |lamcd hy a blackguard paper in War- and to their everlasting honor be it remembered A fter a representation of some o f the different Shark, left on the, 25th o f A pril for P anama to
“ expedieni,
“ . «• , . , , , - branches, and some able rem arks from Elders return quickly to this port. T h e squadron hero
deem to protect iheir persons and property and7 saw callcd the ‘‘Signal." they achieved a W
roch other regulations aa ihey n uy deem necei»ary to se­ 1 he co n du ct of the people ol Illinois nnd Mis- ithey ” achieved
. , a victory that would have done Y oung, W hite, Kimball, Woodruff, Spencer, and all in good health.
11ri tmvnrrla (Vin Mn-.nAno lino I . ________ 1 IlOnOT tO £Sap0l60n.
cure peice and order to ihe commuuiiy. The riijlu was souri towards tho Mormons has been brutal and nonor l° i>aPoieon- Surely, surely, the spirit of I others, it was moved by E lder Boynton, and se- “ W e have a report in town, w ithin the last few
vested in them by the Slate of Illinois to decUre what was detestable in the e:;liemp, and discovering the W ashington hovered in gladness around his juve- conded_by E ld e r Mac Allister, th at B rother Jas. days, th a t the F rench nnd English,^were.’ in diffi­
a nuisance, and also if u»cei*ary removi* euch. Did they same spirit thnt burned the witches at Salem and n 'lc ‘ natives,’ whilst they were doing ‘ n deed of* ^ j (-,^ ne8 he ordained an E ld e r of this C h urchf culties a t the Society Islands, and th a t w hen th e
I and was unanim ously carried. vessels that brought the report Heft' they, were
keep within the limits allotted by iheir Chcrter !—if ihey thc ( ’onvent nt Hoston-
____ dreadful note,1 which fhould place their names in ‘ ..........
Moved bv E lder Mac Allister, and seconded by
did, where rest* the blajp^—on ihe Mormons who expect- I^ook out for smoke and some muddv w a te r__ highest niche o f the temple of fame, cmbla E ld e r H ardy , th a t B roth er W in. Henderson iw about to commence hostilities. " T h e F re n ch had
imprisoned the E n g lish consult ' ?
T he fullowing is a slip from the Herald propo-‘ gold, and add another honor to the ordained an E ld e r o f this Church, which was also
unanim ously carried. T h ey were accordingly
w~ ° r ,t o ^ ^ - n - ordained under the hands of E lders Kimball and A youth aged fifteen years, son o f th e captain * '
ar« informed that for ihia pretended violation of thc La»*, •'^ormom Chief; we hope its reporter in this case *‘ve I1000” thick upon them. • Hyde. o f a fishing smack, was crushed to death on T u e»*
th# “ City Couocil of Nauvoo—individually were arraign- WI,i ,a ns,do his
^ yy aside 1,18 niagnifying
magnifying goggles which tig-' r1 kis.
msJ Mr. ^ “ “ Or, is the ppractical
i>lr- Editor, rat part o f thc Adjourned. day evening, between one of the Williamsburgh
► I A S A * f ^ Aa . kA a / T . _ ft a a . 1 * ft 1 m a . .
ed before a Court of Justice on a charge of Riot, in de- u rcd so conspicuosly at the point ofliis proboscis! tbcorie9 issu«d by our respectable
I il. . _ _ *^ ____ . _ _1 t . 11 f
respectabl sixpennys, or, ferry boata^and his father’s vessel
pr^ “nd d,!char«ed ” are not ac- on the evening he reported the mass meeting at in plain English, a tangible pro proof o f tho honest A n I n d i a n ’s I n g e n u i t y . —^A S paniard h a v ­
In the evening, E lder W m . Smith preached an
eling bullies: they (nble sermon from M ark 10 c. 16, 17. and 18th ing stolen a horse from an Indian, the latter Von-
.................... rses. victed him *o f th e offence . by, a v e ry ingenious
preta and therefor- are not able to judge correctly but "thit .Mm™14 con,tai1,ls nn a d m i r a b ly o p p re ss fo r l ib e r ty , b y th c l ib e r t y o f th e p r e s s verRes-
---- u .... j . L_....... L . • ........................... • executed faithful likeness of the Mormon chief, * they glory in thc first acts of men th a t had left I On ‘
S unday morning, (30th.) a densely crowded plan. ■ H e complained to a judge, who find the
much we do know, tb«t in ISrn, a Mo„ ia j 4ck*on coun- J 00
s m i t h , w h o w a s re c e n tly m a s s a c re d in cold t h e i r c o u n t r v n n d hm n.. to » - i r. m eseting was
e t in g w as eeloquently
lo q u e n t ly aaddressed
d d r e s s e d by Or- Spaniard, with the horee; b ro u gh t before him
b y E lder Or*
ty. Missouri, deitroyed a prsMbelor^n,-to ihe ^iSaints” blood jd bv^the^ m ob. a t (.’a r th a g e , Illinois. I t re-. T h e prisoner, swore th a t the1aniriial belongedVto
............. ...................................dictates of their conscience. W h at were thc afore-' e. 1G and 1 him, and th a t ho had. always ha'd' it,;,8o th a t the*
said acts? Christian charity, vulgarly called' In the afternoon the m eeting was addressed by ju d g e did n o t find him self in a.position T o >C6n*
wholc-ale extermination to liberty o f conscience "E lder Lyman W ig h t on the subject o f Charity, yiet. H e was oven about to retu rn thV horse to
him, when the In d ian said, “ I f you will? allow
aad hae aod erv ^ ? • T GckI or the Devil p n t cim m on sense in! 1 ^ ^ T e v e n in g by E lder W * W ood me, I will prove th a t the horse belongs to* m e ”
uin Z X L L * r; ir. ! ? r ? VOr ° : ,e IO tu" T his will be the most splendid speci \ ° lh ° cr? niu™ ° f theso brainlees ? A r e , ru/r. g 7 * W * " 0<>d* Immediately he pulled off his cloak.‘’dnd eoVcrinir
dred* of mobt’ ^ t o d ' " i ^ “ hun- men o f an ifiustrated weekly paper ever publish-i 80 luimerscd m tho tide of contemptible ig- W h en the meeting was adjourned sine die the h q tseV head , asked the S p aniw d o f which eye
a^ernor . 7 , . {Ur^ di ° f lui!»«y ^ ed ill this COUIltry. * norance, as not.................. to bo able to deduce common * 6 •
ef- it was blind J T h e robber was m u c h embarrassed
governor at their head, to bring ihe perpetrators of the ' ~ ---- ____________________ _____ - — B R I G H A M Y O U N G , Pre's.
- . foct from a common cause, or must the finger of at the question, but nevertheless; not to delayUhe
u ' s- TI|C s*1"'1 '™ IJ1 .C O M M U X I C A T I O N S. ,^ e < « A » n t.r t ih» v a i* T \ / \ a. f \ t I a l k & A. Me. A L L I S T E R , Clerk. court, he replied a t a hazard th a t it% a s the right
J . / i . J I __ .
be d m e o fiom J.ek .o n , C l ., .„d C .U .v d l couniie,. a a d , IF.ora oor eorreipond.ol.J ! c o r n f o re v e r Poinl 10 , h « » > » * <-Jod h a s s e t u p o n eye. T h e Indian, uncovering the head, exclaim­
n n r Z !™k 1 J!1*!' robbed* PIu“dercd, »0 d . Xauvon, III. June 13th- IS It M ust we forever hold up in basso relivo” P r o c la m a tio n .
murdered by order of the Execauve ed, a T h e horse is not blincjeither o f the right eye
.and notone to say, I Mn. E ditoji.—Oiw C.:y and at’jaceiit country or left.” T h e ju d g e immediately decided th a t
why “ do ye *o,” —the Pre»s was silent—
'lie authorities I *ome exciiabl* elements at present, but excitement the animal was his. ‘ *' :
President CoD«r<?f* was silent—the ' not trouble us much here m what Bannet
President of the United States wa, s,lent, «nd lhe ^ ( ^ h(># grQwn
L o r d N o r d u r y ’ s L a s t .— A friend Y f Lord
is silent, and the hypocrite is laughing ia his »] persecutions, Q uaker persecutions, Dissenters per- to assist me in m aintaining the public peace and
the cratltv the n 7 » •• « m* w,cve to «ee nature to most of the citizen?, who have pa«ed through I ! . N o rb u rv observed, th a t Mr. Lawless expected to
the dark under hi* clo V f C r ' 0* ° VtI • 0Utrit^^' , *" mob». pem cutions, and blooithed al intervals, ever since 1s c c u t, o n s J R om an Catholic persecutions, <Scc. icc.common quiet o f said city. As attem pts have do wonders on hisrouteJVom Colon to the N o rth ,
rake u p tha ashes o f tho Convent to already been made to excite the jealousy and pre­ until he was prevented b y the armed yeom anry,
destruction. B « n ,w . T ^ * 2 « £ ^ ^ r^ 1j ' ^ ^ c ' ^ ^ ^ ”
, . . . . Mormon was hid on the hiir Cumorah.Bat without the I shake on the heads of the “ N atives,” an a c t a judice of the people of the surrounding country, *‘A y,” replied his L ordshij),‘’but you will recol­
by libels, and slanderous articles upon the citizens lect, after a1Colon we come to a" F u ll Stop."
and C ity Council, for the purpose of destroying
the <{ C harter ” of said city, and for the purpose A n t i q u a r i a n c u r i o s i t y . — A L pdy some­
of raising suspicion, wrath, and indignation among time back, on a visit to tho B ritish Museum, as k ­
a certain class o f the less honorable portion of ed the person in attendance if they h ad e sk fliro f
no o n * t * a p e a k for -th e m , th ey mast epeak oni'for"'«h7*“ V T * rBUUed ,be “ Na0,r00 E x p e s iie r .” - mankind, to commit acts o f violence upon the in ­
jt lv e s aod tell th e tale o f their outrsgsd rights *' a v o w «d object, as appeared both from th eir p r o s p e c - j 8CCBdants worse than slaves, they also pour oil Oliver Cromwell/ B eing answered in the nega­
nocent and unsuspecting, in a certain newspaper tive,— “ D ear me,” said shej ‘’th at’s something vg-. r
j tu« and paper, waMhe “Unconditional repeal o f iht A’«wroo and balm on the bleeding wounds o f the poor
called the “ N auvoo E xpositor," recently estab* ry strange, they’ve one ai Oxford." J ^ -
i -
FOIVEIGjT N E W S . the command of ihe tquadroato act agaicst Morce?57hao
been the occasion of much surprise. T he English opposi­
and rumors of war!”
* Arrival of tbe Brittanfo, Boston 3d inst, tion journals, who have so severely commented on th*
Princes taate for war, are set down aa^ he^ ciuso o lf f s de­
R I0 T ^ P H IL A D E L P H IA ^
f% ? ? ^ S H E D A N D C A R N A G E l — T H E auSoritM * ^ C0j a}J y in5 t}ie « quest o f tho
T h e G r e a t W f s t e r n l y Y.* 6 f a s t . tention In Paris. ^ ’ *
£ N Q to D . The report of tbe committee oa the bill for the forjnauon
? » U T A R Y .a g a in s t T H E
P O P U * d a y ^ a fte rn o o n ”
' ^ i ly a t 3 o v L k j - « « c ,
[ of a railwjy from Paris to the frontisra of B c b iq j ^ a u i V o A v ery large num ber of troop,,' from tho coun- c ^*0.^7 S P R U C ? - S T R E E T ,
* T h ; Cotton, market waa slowly bat steadily recovering W e give below jh e "statcm en ts o f the late disas*
ihe seaports of the Channel, has been p re s e n te d © " ‘th*
from the depr« srion it has long experienced, arid the opir. Chamber of France Deputies. trous n o t m P h iladelph ia 7lIV m‘ IIn
n th e eventne- Clty I. afternoon.
somft v c s t' ^
____a T , ...
ion ofsotne ofthe best practicalm rn t*, ih*f the corneriias The Paris p«pcr« received *ince our last contain nothing
been turned, Hie staple has s e e n jtj b .vest point, and tbe T h i. mob spirit seems t o > v . the ascendancy ^ n“, |;
of much importance,'being principally occupied with re- in P h ila d e lp h ia ; the laws m ust be v ery im per­
future ia foil of hop; m d promise.
poruol the debates on railway affairs. T hs Journal de*
rolled. i f°tCehai1 been e Book^and^ar^* ^nnd» a &®neral M*ortmeat'*of
Mr. CJ'Coan>11* Jw4 coejfortabfc qurter* —airy-spsrt- Debates haa an article on Morocco, attributed to the pen ol i fect or the <'tty authorities Very remiss in their
jaenL'J and two garden* tovvalk Lo, and he it permitted to M. Gu:z»i, which professes to «how that the dispatea b e - ! duty. Of a u £ ^ Tob; W i - day baints. am ong which *k r i i f 4* ” '
eee hia friendj at seasoeable uatej and ia considerable E x c i t e -m e .n t SouthB-ork, headed bjr the c o n s ti-u te d 'S o ri-
(weanthat country and Franco will be settled without lout a i r f L ™ P » I^ADELP!flA.— W e have
no mbers. •r
further appe«I to arms* France, the writer cays,, will » i 1 ‘P, 7 mo n t ? d®, P h ia S u n - d n t e ^ Saturday
Ia X io c a s h irr anil Yorkshire the couen and woollen T h e different c om p an ies o f horse n a t m l i ^ .u
however, exact from the Emperor a__________ strict neutrality,
a,iiv ai i! ? cl0C, k s » M -> which r-,fltes th a t the ^crowds A T reatise on the. Fulness of the E v e r l i J ^ ^
trades experience ths advantages of lV m India and Chi­
the same'time she will remain quite edti.ficd with h e r ' v - th o ., i o n ’a n *C.n th o lic cI,urch St. Ph‘ilip de C t t y an d D is tric ts all the e v e n in g P atr° Ued the G o s p e U - p e r hundred 8 8 — single 1 a
na markets. t
present territory in Africa. The Prince de Jjinville lefi ! J * " ’ C O ntm ue,d
Mr. Kion, th? new M;niv..r Plenipotentiary of the Uni­ Paris on the 17th instant f o r t u . _____________
two o ’clo c k , when the Al-
, d ®rn™1? e n t e r e d t h e c h u rch and found Mr. D unn
al!“ lh0 bUudin? and >’ard of GirardBank- s - d^ a t
ted Si atea at the Cciart of ihe Tutlleries, has arrived ia 17th mawnt for Touloa. The Courier Frsn ' p . ; „ , „ V ' 7 T L /u n n r l Z f nUr? b rr ° f t r ° ° P S from th e c o u n try are ita-
cais stales, that the Parisian merclunt* interested in th e '. the 1Priest, f ie- *>«a num number ber of the the congregation,
conj and n an. re.a ^ a n y em ergency.
Pari*. j q u an tity o f fire arms. T h e Sun says m ,h lar>’. wef° quietfy reposing at their dif-
trade w ith^foroceo. havi0/p applied for information on the
Her Majraty'ii accouchment i» expected to take place
subject lo the Minister of Foreign Affair*, had been an ‘Alderman .McKinley spoke to the Priest, and ferent quarters m the city and county. b Sj U .‘I!j of ^now ledgo; Immortality o f tha
etrjy in July, al W.nd<"'r Castle.
remarked th at it was a very injudicious movc- e n in T ’J A " iMU,'d 0 S'" '" 11 ord" '“ t evening,
The Writ of error in O’ConneIIV c is e , i* being carried »wered, t h a t ‘‘there w m no probability o f a w ar b e tw e e n m f r ^ -------------------
c a llin g o n th e p e o p le to su p p o rt the laws. P rn t s , " “nd Affection, b y P. p .
France and Morocco, and that all would be arranged d • ' -0 n ? P ” t o f the Catholics, to bring fire : J ? 8 per hund. 1 s. single.
before the H»*J>e of T.vd*, and Tkur«Jiy July the 4ih, i* H e has given orders to aUthe Generals near tho
plomatically," j a r m s into the church. T h e P riest re p lie d ,‘T h a t
f ix e d for llie opening of th? ca»e. Uatil it* decision the
According to accounts ftotn AUiers of the 10;h instan! { k •u . 1 ^ 7 d °.n ® d * Z ' Wl11 1 do to-morrow, I waJnin warning. y marchlng here at a moment’s sons of Jacob!” 8” * t K t h ° P “triareh*.
i judge* are prevented from going the summer circuit*, and instam t built this church and will die in its ruins.’’
the Emperor bad disavowed the conduct of ihe chief who ................................. T h e u r?°.rr0SPPnt!cnc8 between Gen. Jos. Smith. Cot.
the legal business of the country interrupted. ^ Priest th en read a letter th at he had received from G en. P ittereo n is ordered to clear all crowd?
The Corporuion of Djublin, on the G:h in»taut, adopted FVe8ch lrpoP*» and ,h'* con- or collections of people. crowns J C a0! ’ Uci\ J m - A rlington Bennet and Hon.
‘tdere^ai tbiTplace as settled. The French government some one on F rid a y morning, in which it wns
an sddress to ihe Q icen oa ill* subject ol Mr. O'Connell** An S t : s s p°r hu" d* U
however, intend to demand something more than ao apol stated th a t^ o m e persons intended to make an a t­ . n h ° ! f n if bt ° “ r ' ity “? ”in P « « » t e d the appear-
imprisonment, and <ta a J J r c * of sympathy to Mr. O ’Con- tack upon the church and burn it down, aud th a t visiona. B y P 'l T L ^ ° * T ‘\
ne I biam lf.
oi»y, and will" require the Ernpsror lo give a guarantee IS H i i 1 W‘ r horse
all directions, T h“and
foot « « a b i i t in single. . P®r ^ un<Jr®d 10 cto.
that he will no louger afford’ n refu^o to Ab; l el-Kader- was the reason w hy.the arm s had been placed
The Emperor of K uuia, niter a week’s stay io England H »| f.p ,8t l 0 o 'c l° c k ._ T h e N a tiv e , have.seve- O. Cowdery’s letters to W W ti­
when diiven from Algeria. This, we b^lirve, was the
look leave of the royal circle oa Sunday the Oth., and ar- ral pieces o f cannon in the W harton .Market, and the origin of the Book of Mormon. ’ W >
main object of the expedition to ihe frontier, under iht T h e arms consisted of 72 muskets, Z fowling
rived at Rotterdam oa Tuesday, en route for hi* own do are mustered strong. T h e y openly soy, th ey are T i H “ lory .of th f C hurch of Jestu C hrist o f
commami of General Lamoririere. teces, 1 keg o f powder, with balls, slugs, 12 bay^
minion*. H - w * » g « ; d al. feted, and treated to all the ",nit,nf [or lh« military- T h ey are well or- U t t e r dav S a i n t s - b y John Corrill a member ot
The Toulonnai* of ihe 10 h publish^ publish*-* aa Inirr
In irr from
from i' °!.le,Ls ^ast*ned on broom .................... ......... 'I’wenty-four
hnndles.— .
* tight seeing which Ihe wealth n»' ihs ar Hocracy and the gamzed, and have appointed officers. the Legislature o f Missouri.
Bon*, dated -Ith of June, euting ihai the h»d 4 t - . o f t h e m u s k e t r y w ere a l r e a d y lo ad e d , T h e Sun
power ofthe Crown hed at iheir disposal. A review wa» KILLED AND WOUNDED.
tacked ihe Camp des Ch*fTeores, wuhin a leecue of T ‘ a d d s — p i i c o s T ‘S O fp a r,ll' lp ,‘“ ' Se3 i n , h “
got up for.Li* *pecial smu»finfnt in Windsor park. As Ki u . cd. - E oo* Water*, William Crom
regard* cumbers, it mu»t hive b<?en 4 sorry aight as com­ Gospel Reflector. 8 1 .25.
pared with those which the C zir euj }yj at home. Times &, Seasons, bound. 2,00
Her Majesty the qu^en and ths royal family are in ihe
enjoyment of excellent health. On the n t h uli, the
lor S 0 c?».0 ftl,° P r‘“ th00d,. by BcnJ' W in e W
T h..« P re *, « , state*, that the celebrated manufactory of* cou
c o u ,d, b0, retum ed again to the armory. il. r. u . . t 1'iTia nim cart, w ij.
Qaeen left Buckingham Palace Ior Oliremont. Prince ------------ / - T he Jam e^K T I I w ” W*/? , , r *John Hujlrd. Hlisha Jester, ^.MiUenium, a poem by P. P. p r„„. ptic, 5 0
Albert and the king ofSaxony left the piltce soon after for machinery belong,ng to M. Msffol, at Augsburg, ha* been *n,umber brought from the arm ory is said to be Dr Annlfu n I* f ' n " ^ M" L ^ ' Wil,iam
, 'oi’ llr d«ir.yed L, ii„. about 23. where tho re,t came from is vet all con- Dr. Appleton, John Quin, Lemur! faynter, T. D. Grover
Hampton Court, anti afterward* joined ihe Queen ai
The church party ia likely to sustain a defeat in the J e c t u r e - Fawinn f J 7 ' ? \ D, V ' ld k ‘ TbomM F««lkner, James h u n ^ r ° ‘“ ° f .Mormon, 2 nd edition: per
Claremont. Frw t, Grey McGa,re’ T b o m *> S trr.t, H. Jone*,
| Chamber of Depittie* on the Secondary instruction Bill.
A gigantic railway through llus*ia. (rum Odewa to the j “A lderm an M cK inley has tho names o fth e per­
•here* of iheH.'acJi S-d, a distance of one thousand miles , sons who were in the • p c ; \ t e M to th e P e o i),c o fth e u - States: 25 cu-
H IM I * .
il in contemplation. | ; *,• I ct!' hr ■'"« •«»* !»«&; Gospel L ig h t- - 8 2 per hundred, single 3 cts.
The Emperorof Rumis, while in Ejstlmd, always slept ' ,on: ; ; : ; Q,3P— 01 piper< rr0m Mtdritl aod Hirce- I °.f th e ( ' ^ y G u a r d s , e n p t . ’ 11 ill* u p '^OMthish ' fiV*,e C rAw *ord f \ he^CWa«h^ogfon AriiHely* Gen. Jos Smith s views on the policy o f G ov ­
on the ground, on d leather lick, stuffed wilh straw, a* be­ lona 13, h ln4t. exclusive; they contain, however, t i n g 1 8 »n h“ ^ ‘ d hl* amputated at the shoulder. Total wound ernm ent; Appeal to the Green M ountain B p y .;
itile or no rewti of interest. It was said ihr L^rialalur* i • *
ing more conducive to health than a feather bed. Correspondence between Gen. S m ith; CoL W ent- v
D u r i n g la s t n,^ n i g hh tt,v!‘
a num ber o o ff tans
tnns were
wpta made ''
Few measures introduced into Parliament have given 'vonld be dissolved on the IO«h of next month, audVnothei E the l / ' l t" U PC? S oun* •and a to
------- ’
convoked on the lOih of October next, on which day upon tho bell at th c C athedral, and In a few m o . v i l ARISINU FROM FLATTERY.---Holbien the le g isla tu re of Missouri.— 6 dolls, per hun.
rise lo greater heart-burnin<;s than the D e r n ie r* ' Chapel*
Queen W,U be conjiitiiiionally of age. The aovrrnmen! ' ,in el n tsu a v e r y la rg e n u m b e r o f ’person's c o n g r e g a - was despatched by Cromwell to draw the L ad y
Bill, it waa brought forward hy the Gnvernm*nt, in the
olEcen tlirooglioul rhe kinscji.m h .v e r e c e i.e j a moathV n b o " " ' " ■ '" ''d i n g . Anne of Cleves. H e brought over so favorable a
upper house, for the nvowed p-irponn of putting an end to
pay, and fome rel.ef hia be ta administered t„ the nunne- . ^ I o .VDa v. 1 o ’clock, P . M; lik e n .,, of tho lady that Henry consemTd m w e d ; O r « n P r l ’" Pp
the usseeraly litigatibn which Li* long existed between nr*. s Prophetic ^yjmanac for 1845 —
»m« Unitarian*
th* v u i m i v on u the
uir on- uauu.
hand, aaud
u j IQC
the lPre*b>terian
rckbk trnnn nnH
and The
* » committee of the S u te creditorn had aa tu confer- - | 1,. •.'Ve. h.% a v e *»eart-sickeiiiiig
.... n e w s f r o m P h i l a 'i e l- but when he’found her so inferior to the ininiture;• jo* Calculated for the Eastern VnddU
, . 6 E astern
IV ^
! the storm, which should really have been ddirect-1 i- e /. I S m ,,, aJ f n»» Middle,
*!ld*h >nnd
btates andI I erntories. the N o rthern portions o f
and H W’estem
Independant bodies o i the olher, respect np the t a a l ri»ln ► ,,U '* W " ..............
t,ir 1 ll!j. »° arrangements had ' P " .........
?-V . ^^ *,e ,e 1riots f‘n ' e recommenced with
ed to the painter, burst on tho minister
t . certain chapels where 3„ciu,*n d .^ r i n r„ r r J noJ. ^ '° f S ' ° hoJ •Z n o Blood has been spilled— the
Cromwell lost his head because Anno ^ ; a^Flan 1
Uught. but which, according io lUroH.-.rtion. of the ooBo . . . . . . * "* for ,,M* l11) ^ " ! «h» nex. L ^ lied by the soldiery— Heaven
site party, have been diverted Item Ibe p,ln, o „ s
knows where it i s kto* end. ers m a re a n d n o t a Venn,., a , Holbien had paint- O n t o . . - i ^ ^ S P S ^ 'S i h .. h ^
T ,‘o C u ' l; ' * n»00" w < 1l>*l l l O l uU o f n . i i „ D
sriginsl founders. A long discussion followed,
«.i». ro.i.w ^ in which V " " , “'J da,ia‘ :'h r l° ' 3 w orks» wlIl be a tten d ed to w ith d esp a tc h .
the argument* wrre all on one side, the declamation on
the other, and a majority of 190 ia favor Of .he bill,
'i h - c o u p d e , n e e .o
o p p . a e . ^ T h e , will h.rdly | h. . b) Z H 7 J . ' ' ' ‘r ! ! ™ . " " . ' " : " " ' 1 h " l" ,“ *nd'
.„ppoWJ be
I c n v ,.
A t this time thore^ could not have been The Church of Jesus Christ of L itter Day Saints, hold ON LONG ISLAND.
show fight again. The feelings to which thia bill has niv^ ! c t ! : ^ l>^Ca r*'*ei^ 10 l^c rdnlt ot Crandee of
less than ten thousand persons on tho ground. meeting* every Sabbath, at Marion Temperauce Hall, ^ T H E _ 8 nb*criber ofltrs his farm at private sale <
earise, show the ce.uUnt d-cleneioa from pbpulariiy * W,t’1 -fiV^ln ° r ^ d<> ^UDZ' r r , ■ Thc Pro ^
I h e large mass of peonlo in front o f th e edifice 163 Canal st. N. Y. j ^ n n d farm is situated on th* road that lead*]
which a government is u n d e r lin g , even amongst T o Z , T h f c t'V • ^ ^ PWm0' l° n' 1were31 anxious to gain admission^ and tho - Ameri- irom the P»r* landing to Hempstead, wilh a h a « i
Mi diiant friend*. Mini*tera h a v e'b e en hard p r e ^ d t o l r . - l,,,‘,D,,n » 'a“ “'-c « > " r. a r t aaid to be in a atate can KepubhcanH used thoir utmost endeav^ Brooklyn—Meeting* are held every Sunday at the , mile of said landing. Said farm contain*
r*mi« the tax imposed two year* ago an "the exportation o f ’ ,w- — :ir J — endeavors to Loz Cabin. Fulloaatxcet at the uaual hour*. 53-ACRES OF LAND
coal, but they made a bold *«*nd in dt fence, of it, paltry as j t0 et]ecL *"
" ‘ min,?tcri arc e“<ie*voring | powered, and the people outside forced Jow n a OiacK Jtraw, afla freati meaaow.
The Church of J ts u s Christ of Latter Day Saints of Bos­
it is ia amount, and harrast^ng to the exporters. The oth- b n c k )vn^i *Jnd broke in one o fth e doors, and en- ton, Mass., hold their met tingsevery Sabbath, at 10 Frank­ ’ a* dwelling house, with five rooms
er parliamentary proceedings ofthe most tdliog interes* ^ , , ‘1, P o rlu jfn l. , tered the building. on ihe floor a hall through the e*entr., a good brick
lin at. Elder John Hardy, presiding. /Residence, 91 Com­ cellar lhat can be entered without going out of doers, a
have been, the debate oa the second reading of the Bank! «•: from L sbon of the 10th inst have been received. ’ ^ m '* 't a r y took u p line in front o f the church. mercial st. C -' Isrge and convenient barn with other out buildings, a good
Charter Billj a debite on the Im h Church, in which Mr.} •Sh*Government ha* made an application for pecuniary ! *'"S l-^° *a t t e r Pa rt ol l " e N ative Committee were well of watei-near the door, and a large garden well stor-
Ward, who brought ii forward pointed nm forcibly thei )*witahce i0 the Junta of Pablic Credit, which wa* re- ' t u r n , n g the corner o f Second street an intoxicat- Q3- The church ol Jesus Christ, of Litter Day Saints at ed with shrubbery, stich as gooseberry’ currents, raspber-
sores which il kept opes on ihe other aide of the chnnnel-l A trial of Stale offender*. nmounliim fn Iinu'ap^. 'e d man interle-ed with the militarv: cautrhi hold Philadelphia, hold their meeting* every Sunday as usual, ne*, grape*, icc. For further particnlars enquire of the
subscriber on the premises. '
in Third street above Willow, over Marshall Institute.
_Q i e i t JA M ES AKERLY.
ELD. Wm. WHARTON, Presiding june 29 3844


. _ . . 110CKETT begs to inform his friends and the
Duties, brought forward by L^rd Montesgle, ond another^ j charged, killing six'persons and wounding several Br. Hardy, ltosion. Br. Woodbury. 24 North Wharves, paonc mat he has removed hia Piano Forte Store to No
oa the IJoion of the S-eo of St. A*aph and Hangnr. '■ *,;'J I t a ly . 1others. h Philadelphia. Elder Wandell, general traveling agent 544 Broadway, between Spring ahd Prince eta, where, at
*11 times, will be found a good assortment of new and sec­
T h t* O i c r l u u d M a i l . ~ , i.^fTha Cologne Gazette assures ua that the Papa! Govern- T ho military at the time o f tho discharge of through ihe State of New York. Br. A. R Wright, of ond hand Ptano fortes, at prices ranging from tweaty-five
The despatches in anticipition of ihe ovn land mairt'!); nl ; had addrc4a' d “ note to the Cabinets of London, their muskets were in line, with tho left ilank Bellefoataine, Ohio. Elder William MeBride, W ayne*.1dollara .i_n upward* j Purchaser* will find it to their advaat.
age before purchasing elsewhere, to call aud examine for
reached London on the -t-h mst. The dates are frc m’i*'' a,‘d Par‘N ° n lhr >ubi l' cl of *h« late disturbancet Pa rtly wheeled into Second street, facing about* ville Ohio. All traveling elders are requested t# act as themselves. All piano fortes sold by J R. will be warrant­
Bombay. tothe -------------
1st M jy,--------
an tirom Chin,
r ...w.l l u - to the'lmJlh
......... a r e s that1 there has been ' South E a s t ; T h ey fired somewhat diagonally agents for the “ Prophet.”
Marf-H.;1*A- ^ ^ ■ , ‘i,orir9, Thp »«>«•. G l-------------
m oiarrn ed lo be as represented.—N B Piano fortes tuned, repair-
Ij«du—The Supreme GiV^roraent had adopted furtheJ '1*.01” * 1 e*u'“! for Po|i‘i c , J discontent, and that the di*aff;c- a c r 0 « a «d down Second street, or the discharge ed, exchanged, and sold on commission. jr c
neaaurea for bringing the sepoys to a tense of d„ty, nfld «" he aieribed to the nnarchist* in France ,p ? u Id h ttV 0 d c a l t m o ro death and destruction, ft>* Bro. A. R. Wright, of Ohio, is authorised lo pro­
ie di«»«aU£%ctJon •which
—-t.— Irprevailrd «m nnj.i ihe **irnopl nnui i 1 here wora two volleys fired, one upon Second __ cure subscriber* and receive monies for ihe Prophet.— T H E CHEAPEST COFFIN WARE-ROOM IN T H E
t ^
- ■• -----
—— . 1V ! TU«T __ __ I _ ^ _ »I« i
dissppeared. A revolt h«l bcf n brought ubout irf th « 'Jo" rDal ° f ‘he Two S.cllier nnnouncemhat *fvrral 8tre e t, i h e o t h e r d o w n : t h e y w ere fired b y th o
tL. ___ 1
_ .i L
He i* also, auihoriaed to dispose cf a few Shares 01 § W ORLD
north of shikarpore, by chiel named Btjee Khan. The 1 ^ f 1 Naples on the 21ft uh., with troopn deatiocd • C i t y t.»u « r d s n n d C a d w o lla d o r tir e y * . the Cspital Stock of th* •• Society for ihe Diffasion of
news from the Pduj.ubrepre*tnts that country in a disturb- 10 rclic' e ,hc C«»»sons or Sicily. The rnilroad between « T h e ra o b . h a v i n g p r o c u r e d fteld-pieces a n d a r m ­ Truth.” T. D- GILLESPIE furnishes all articles required at
ed a state as ever. 1 Torr^-Annunciata snd Nocera, by Pompi, Scafaii, A ngri,' ed t h e m s e lv e s w ith m u s k e ts , a f te r the m e e t in g in funerals, and h«* privelege to inter io all the grave
Elder John Hardy is our General A g e n t at Boston, yard* and cemeteries in the city or country, his charges
Two of Runjee Singh'a reputed cons, named Caslimeera aud I>as jutt been opened to the public. The King ' ( J 0 p r o c e e d e d to F r o n t Street, a n d u p those wishing to aubicribe for the •• Prophet,” ia that
•vill be very moderate snd attendance punctusl. No 552
and Peeshora, had raided a party and endeavored to op- , 0 " 1 StreCt t0 4 u e e " ;, w h----- r e ‘jMivuv
h e y •.q uwiitcru
• r n prc,cct at ,hci . __ d „ i__ / .a s • !Il i.nV
tnon r n
can n n
n n
o n
n ni
at th
thea m J J I . eo
middle Arf
the ju n c
i e t l ^y 1p la
tio n o - cthe
e. d City or vicinity will please forward their aames to Pesrl st near Broadway. je—c
j>(*e tfjerule of Hfcra Sio^h and hit pupprt king. Tlit him. B R U S H F A C T O R Y .
arrayttf Lahore, who n n » hold the power and { “ uu,uu' 1 u‘ ' “u' v'ou*>‘ mipiicaiea in the uto distnrbrnce*' s,treet’ so as r a ngo nlong Q u e e n street, tow ard ru s h fa c to ry .-w m . j d u d le t, m an u fac
whojjre rnled by Shere Singh, because he has the dispo. had b,fen wcrfll>’ to Algirni, where ihey were be^ w hich latte r street a body o f m ilitary B T U R E K of F«ncy Hair, Cloth and Hat Brushes—also
Elders B. W . E liot and R. J. Coates, are authorised Alio’as Hair Broshe*. The above article* he haa on hand
sal t^the treasury, invited S jchet Singh to comee to Lahore' drau*h,ed in,t> »1"- °r oiherwise dispowd of it. ? ud a JJ,x P ^ in d e r were placed. T h e d ark n ess to act as agents for the Prophet. lorsale at the lowest prices. 118 Nassau st. [je— li 4 w-
aod promised to put them at their head. He came with virtue of an arrangement made with the French goverr.* a v J,rc “ . Ir operations, a n d they were undis-
ment. turb ed u n til th e y h ad tired the piece, w hich was Elders Alfred Cordon and Jamea Bjrgess, are authorised
about 500 follower*, and took up a position. Heera Singh, C H E A P CASH T A IL O R IN G
in great alarm, made all .sorts of promises to the army, ! heavi y loaded w ith f r a g m e n t s o f iron, t h a t h a d to act as ageat* ia Vermont for the'Prophet.
' ^ ec5 h a .
s t *,y collected. A t t h e sam e tim e t h e m o b i '—------— -------------— E S T A B L I S H M E N T.
and led them to attacirfiijf uncle, who, wiih his minister J. B. MEYNELL, CO.! BROADWAY.
W e leirn, via Pari«, lhat the President of the Greek I. W m u j k e t s in th o s a m e d ir e c tio n f ro m Nathaniel V. Jones is our authorised sgent for Roches­
and several of hi* adherents, were th in . The fall of Su- ter, N. Y. B. M Inventor of the n«w instrument lor sscertaiaisf
chet was a death blow to the hopes ot the preteadera at Ministry, M. MavrocorJato, had reiigned, and that all hi * 1Sj
Sealkote: they fled, and their pirtisans d»np»r#ed. colleaguea were about to follow hi* example. The h ie *!•
c o v e rc d p o s itio n s as t h e y c o uld fin ^, a n d
f Wn? . ,m m e d i a t e lv a n sw e re d b y a v o lle y Br. Clair is our authorited agent at Hud*on, N. Y.
J . a correct drsft or the human figure, through which he
i* enabled to produce a most splendid fit. Oners upoa the
I l « r . Sioch i. ' m a . t r r o l M h o r e . . l o n g . ' The lro ,jC « W " .t Mid lo b e compowd ..ed.r ibe Brrili.h inlleeee. I ''" ° r ? a n d <"e d is c h a r g e o f t h e field I following reasonable terms to execute orders ia the neatest
QO-Thomss S ’ Woodbnry. is our General Agent at Phi- a°d Fashionable Style, to patronize is to be suited.
who rrceife trom hi™ doable .he p ly ■h e , ,„ed .o r e « i „ - fn,m "* f1 m' ' “ ' ' h »PP».ilion j „ . ' r° " " f n ^ .h i n ’ k 'P ' Drees Coats, Blue, Black or Olive, from |1 3 to $20
f . . » old U-iojiict, . i l , .Uow l,1!n. The notorious Ak b . r ' ™ «* »•»'•* Tl- ■*<«*« **>•• " O r . C o ., ceased ° ^ W,“ “ “ nd upward*.
Kh.» w .. j e ii.U b .d i « ..e b ie « .o d io n ie o le , wi,h ihe Uu,> " h° " '•* »iH "» <lo.H I " " ” h h a d a t t h a t l,o .,r . OO* Mr. Valentine Merrill, Jr., of South Narwalk, (Ct.) 1 l'ants, do. do. ft 9
is our authorized Agent. V ers, do. do. 3 5
................... .. - ^ Frock and Dress Coat* made to measure, S 0
U h .;. r i ' n , T
Uhore. I.ard EII,„bor.u«l. »•«, .o B„ .o,
I,me 10
_ ,
T n rU n jr .
, pounder, whichtheyconldnot
J not mounted. Tho feeling amoile them seemed
use, b ceauseit was Oo* Mr. E. Ward Pell is authorized to act as Agent for

Pan!?. x
^ *'
“ Extra trimed,
9 50 0
1 75 3
the “ Prophet.” m25 3t.J
Mini.!,, i, j ” “T *' c’»aliMi Ihe I Advl„ , Con.l.nlinople, i„ the 22 1 Ma, „ „ „ „ lh„ ,h:i1 o f desperation, and threats of tho m o ststart-
lbf ? ' " ,e *•“"* 1.he T.,ki.h force. ,h. h.d I very generally used by them OO* Traveling Elders arc requested to act as Agenl* for T T fM II MILES, MANDFACTURER OF VARNISH
JysjesSmdeahi being unpopular; aud it
waa even said lhat lw icp defeated them between ihe 13th and 17th. Krischo ! aSa,\ lstth e military, a n d especially against Gene- ihe “ Prophet," and receipt for all moni**, snd forward V ? G nining, Siensil, and Artist* Brushes. All of the
plot* were laid to asiauinnie him.
1 wa had been taken by assault after a desperate resii!,----- * ^ d w a lln d e r. the same as soon as convenient. abovr articles will be manufactured to order, and at the
Shanphre i d t r n ' t ' v 7 '1-1 0,>' Unon k°ftrd* in „n the part of the rtbejs were, killed and about the* !* ° c^oc^ j Mnjor General Patterson de- shortest notice, on the most reasonable term*, at 118 Nas­
sau street, basement story. Uc'~l*Cj
*eou tl )» . | i ".f0 ° C °rii’r" '! rC ,htl ",a" *ub‘ | wme number wonnded ; but the losi of the Turks i* »iated 11 d ^ ,e German battallion, with two field pieces, Elder Melvin Wilber,ia authorised to act as Travclli
"eH olU re pa,meDl °f “ ,,a' °f firc hun- - considerable Kw ia, it ' ,Z d, ha' ! a" d th * C° mPaenieS ° f " ’K i n g t o n Cavalry, and Agent for the Prophet. ARMS FOR s a l e —Valuable Farms for sale ia tha
C ra iic c ,
offered to furnish troops for the suppression of the rebel- ■ ^ ou,lly Troop, under th e command ot* Gen- neighborhood cf Geneva, Batavia, Buffdo, Hamburgh,
Elder Q. S. Sparks, 9! Hartford, Con. is authorised lo Wales, Arc., in this Stale Likewise oa Long Ialaad.
| lioo, should the Turkish force proue pneq ja| (0 |j,e ' f r a ^ Roumfort. as a reinforcement, and the column
act as General Agent for the Prophet. They will be *old for cash or a patt boad and mort­
It ia announced in the French jjtirnaU that the Emperor1Permiision has been granted for the crectiou of ■ Protc*i ! *m,lj®diately moved to the scene of action. gage, and some in exchange for uniacumbered city pro-
of Morocco ha* proclaimed a holy war nSainjt Franc*, and ' ant chinch at Jerusalem. ° ” ‘| T h e r e p o r ts o f tho g u n s sh o o k the h o u s e s i n ' 'pertv. Apply at No 30 Pino s t , back office, over the Baak
ia conjunction wtih Abd-el-Kider, is m*king active prepj Accounts from the Turkish frontiers of ihe j 8t 0f j u *th e v ic in ity , s h a t t e r i n g w in d o w s a n d d a m a g i n g * Elder J. J. Woodbury, has authority to act a ‘ Coffee Houae.
rations for iavadiug the territory rlaim td by th* litter hriog intelligence that the Moatemgrins have again c o ° e ' *u rn .**u r c - B a lls p a sse d i n to m a n y o f t h e m a n a ing Agent for the Prophet.
co«“try ‘ 4 mitted great excesses sgainst their Turkish neighbor | l *6 *n m a te s w cro c o m p e lle d to r e tir e p r e c ip ita te ly W ATCHES—T H E LARGEST AND
Elder Henry Jennings, ol Wayneaville, Ohio, i* reqne* Most splendid asortment of watches ia
This engtgement will afford Francr an excellent ex- attacking a caravan of Turkt»h merchants from the Herzo-' ^ 10 ^ ac^ w a >‘S, l e a v i n g all t h e i r p r o p e r t y be-
cusc for retaliatory ineaiore?. The ultimite result of the j
retaraing from Rajura ; they mardered part of , h J ! ,?-d t ^ Cin‘ ^ o n e i n *tanee, a n a g e d f t d y w as
ed to act as Travelling Agent for the Prophet. the city, is to be found at the svbscri-
her’*, as he is constantly receiving sll descriptions of goki
contest may be easily divined. Gilic postea ion of the taerchanls and carried off all c>f iheir goods. T h e r a m i ' 0 ' 5 ed to be lifte d o v e r a fence, a n d w h ile t h is OCr Donations in books, nataral or artificial curiosities, and silver watches of the latest styles, from the manufac­
Most fertile part of the c im t, and, at iIim tame time, a foot- 1 ‘h® head* of the mardered persons as trophies to the Vi*. v w a s b^e ,n
*faS in6 g dd o o nn e , a b a l l c u t o l f t h e b r a n c h o f turers in Eogland, France, and Switzerland, he is enabled
a tre e j philosophical apparatuses, «.Vc., will be received by the to offer a large assortment, and at much lese prices at r e ­
u>g on one ride of ihe Straiu of Gibraltar. dika, who, bow;ever, immediately sent back the heads, and \ Society for the Diffusion of T ruth," at the office of tha tail, than any other honse in the city. Gold watches as
The Paris papers *pect.!J ie on t?ie rea-ona which coaid ! K»*« the good* to be m to re d at once te their «P 1 • Ufi 1 clock A. M. the F irs t C ity T roop Prophet, and forwarded to the Mu*eum, at Nsuvoo. low as $20 10 20 each. Watches and jewelry exchanged
S i» a k sA M .t* . u . v :_ l 1 . O* ' # Q V f t l r v * f .i No-
have brought the Emperor NichcUatu London, and ihey owner*. avalry, Capt. Butler, was ordered to proceod tices of which will be published, if desired. or bought. All watches warranted to keep good time, or
to the
ue vicm ity.of the church, and if possible, cap- the tnoaey returned.
m»ke, certainly, a number c-fingeniou* guesses, but little 1 — * __________________ _ turei and spike the guns used by the mob. T h is (J. C. ALLEN, Importers of Watehes sad Jeweliy,
T h B p n r^ ^ 0* . . , The “Bolton Invfitigater" it the title of a very seat, W e would state to our correspondents that to iceure in Wholesale end retail, 30 Wall st, up stair*.—je—c
the *a*o.B? J ,IiPe™: J *y j a *‘ been r<c«‘*«d— liberal paper pubUshed w eekly at B o * to a .- T e rm s , $ 2 per 1 o ' c i m P « f? ™ ed> « d a t h a l f p a s t |K r .i o a ia t b . “ Prophe.," iheir comm uoic.tioa. .hould be
OOK As j o a Printing, neatlr executed on the most
Iftt laspeaded departure of lb s P n n c s de Joiavill* 10 tak e aaau m . Q s u t e n h l t r. b . t‘° n «df « « " « ■ » « ‘ H « d rectT cd e . r l , la t h . „ « k , . . our i m m , « . ediUoa reader
H a a r t e r . t h a t t h . la r g o fifte e n p o u n d e r h a d b a e n l i. n . c m t r r for u. to to ? r « oa F r i d . , m o m ia ,.
B favorable terms at the « Prophet" ofiice, No. Spruce
st. ( M door.)
is k
C o n t e n t m e n t .— Seneca
observes, that lie O. S. F O W L E R , N O . 7, S P R U C E S T .
* ■“ PASSAGE OFFICE, ~ IHE SUBSCRIBERS having completed thetr arrange­
who would live h ap p y m ust neither trust to good
THE “ B1ULE OF N A T O R E ,” 2 v. 1200 pages, price
131 N a s s a u S t ., N Y .

100 Pine-street, corner of South-street r s , are now prepared to briog out passengers from
fortune, nor subm it to bid: he must stand upon FOWLER'S PRAC-1 $1.25
it i ^ A a d Ireland, by the following first clasa P*c“ "
hia guard against all aw aulti; must stick to him- riC \L PHRENOL­ T h e SubacribrYbegs leave to c all the attention a !li* ’ c tt. h j i l f o n e o l w h ic h w ill leave L iverp ool o a th e 1st, 6th , T H E E L E M E N T S OF ANIMAL/ M A G N E T IS ^ , by •
OGY, A Work which friends aod the public in, to th e follow ing Mr*«uj>--i ■ ond o f e&cll Practical Masnetiser, price 124 cts. y.
selff w ithout any dependanco on other people.— Guide to forming and conducting Lyceurris, Debating
has uow bren eight '
meets for • II, for (he -p..................•
lb u r s u e ol ; cut Cd.-n Henry, . . . . Yolk,
New . . Sheridan,
W h e re tha mind is tinctured with philosophy, ec-.tH C ibio, an i SireM C.- Pattengers by the IN1 - • vi ;nilD Cambridge, Societies, with outlines of disicuasisns, essay, Aic. by
yrars before the pub­ Liverpool,
.th ere is no place for grief, anxiety, or supersti­ lic, so that’ iu merit* KGUI.Ml P A C K E V S H I M TO A.NB FKOJI. Lt _ . Siddons, George Washington Charlei Morley, price 3s. for’ sale at the'Offico of the
tious vexations. are allowed to speak i United Stales, Prophet.” *
V L R I O O L . lio iiin g u e r, Colombus,
for themfdvi p. I Ships’ C a p u i n s . D»y? ofSiilinL' Jr. :n Rcsctutf, Ashbartoa, ^ England, T R E A T IS E ON T H E FtTLNESS^OF T H E E V E R ’
C j c e r o .— T h is
famous orator said of Caninius
Heyilius, who continued consul only for one day
PHRENOLOGICAL I <_;/ Wa/shin-ton Burrows, J u n e 7 O c t
7 F r b ^
E j : i>p -,
S u p t e n Whftney, Rocheiter,
Yorkthire, Garrick,
A LASTING G O SPEL, Setting forth its first principles
piomises, and blessings. In which some of the roost pro­
JOURNAL. United Hutea Britton, A u g . 1 D ie 1 A pill » 1 Sam::el Hicks, Q ueen of the West, Oxford.
— u W e have had a consul of such graat vigilance, minent features that have ever characterised that system,
Devoted exclusively , G ffricU% Skiddy. 13 |.t ” 13 ol passage can be obiAiwrd, and every iflfor- when oa the earth,"are made manifest; and that it will con­
that he has not slept one ainelo nig ut during tin- to the exposition and Patrick Henry, IV.ano, •4 * •• 'J j ** inatiou vv111 be ^v c o lo thotc ffntliog for their friend*, on
defence of Phrenolu Sheffield, tinue to do so. so long as it can be found on tbe eauh. By
whole term of his consulship. Allen, S e p t. 1 J i n 1 M i y 1 .i; plication at either of our offices. # Elder Moses Martin, Minister of the Gospel. Publiahed ia
gy and its beano?, Roscius, Collins, J3 •• j.; •• Thf y will also be prepared on the opening of navigation,
snd of tne kindred science <T Phynulogy and Magnetism, Independence, N>e, New-York, and for Sale at this Office.
c F o rg iv e u c ss . 2 a
• * 'J j t.> lor^ard pas»engers and' their luggage to Albany and
-is far as they can bear on i t ; embracing die clearest, aod Virginian, Allsn, O c t. 1 F e b . 1 J u n o Troy, and via Erie Buffalo,^acd all intermediate ' i BRIEF HISTOR YOF T H E L A T T E R DAY SAINTS
How beautifully falls! yet the most condensed and also practical view ol Phrenol­ Siddons, I1 »•
) It
From human lips lhat blessed—forgive! E Cobb, “ 13 nI •»
place*. i i . (Commonly called Mormons ;) including aa acconniT
ogy and its bearing* on health, happiness, virtue, religion, A f - h b ' j r t o n . H lo rile s io n , “ •_>■'>
.< i.) “ 2'» To all ports of the Upper Lakes. their Doctrine and Discipline; with the reason* of tbe An
Forgiveucea— it it lhe attribute of God— human improvement and the reforms now in progress, any Sthph’o Whitney Thompson, Nov. 1 Mar. 1 J u l y 1 Via Osw*go to Toronto, Port Hope, Coburg, Kingst&o, hur for*.leaving the* Church. By John_Conll, A Member
The sound which openeth heaven—renews again w hereto be found. Monthly, 24 or 32 pages, at ♦ I per Sheridan, Drpeyster, 13
«« 13 • * 13 arc! all puru of Canada Weit. of ihe Missouri Legislature. • P ubliihefrtv the Author at
On earth.lost Eden’a faded bloom and flings year, or three' copies $ 2 ; five copies for S3 ; niue cop­ ) The Provincial Bank, and branches. From Troy via Whitehall to Montreal aod Quebec, Ca­ St.Le-uis. For Sale at this Office._______
ies for S'>; or twenty copies for StU. 1° all cases in IRELAND. > The Ulster Batik, d o nada K**t via Ohio'! from Cleveland lo Portsmouth,
Hope’* halcyou halo’ o’er the watte of tif». ADVANCE, rOJT TAID. r n H E foMowiug works are for sale at the Prophet office,
^ T b e N a tit n a l B a n k , A d o . Cincinnati, and intermediate places ^ ,
Thric* happy b r whose heart has been so tchculcd Souih West via Philadelphia to Pituburg, Cincinnati, 1 No. 7 Spruce Street, ivix:—
EDUCATION AN DSELF4M PROVENFNT. PHYSICAL A l l Drafts p a y a b l e a t s i ^ h t , a t e i t h e r o f t h c o b o v e b a n k s
In the meek lessons of humility; * L'-uuvilIe, and all ports en lhe Ohio River to St. Loui:t P P. Pratts Reply to Leroy Suuderland.
MORAL, AND 1NTELLETUAL : th e ir b r a n c h e s o r a p rn c ie s . * •
Synopsis of the Bible, by B. W inchester
That he can give it utterance: it impart* ) M e ssrs. S p o o u e r , A tw o o d &. C o . b jr.k e re ,
Mo ; and to all parts of Ohio, Michigan, Indians, Illinoii,
Founded on Phrenology and Physiology : or. Goon aud Witconsin Territory , Gospel IU fleeter. llUtury of the’Pneathood.
Celestial grandeur to the human soul, H eaiw ».m ) Booici, nnd how to niske them good, both in E N G L A N D , f L o n d o n .
REM ITTANCES. ^Millennium Poems. .
- ) P . W . B y rn e * , & O o . L iv e rp o o l.
And mahcih man an angcU ______ children and one’s eelf, by showing how to enlarge the de- For the accommodation of persona wuKtng?lo seoTrno- Index to the Book of Mormoii, 2nd. Edition.
Iri iivf, auJ diminish tho excessive ; incloding the moral P a a i e s g e r s c a n *l»o b e e o i 's g e d f r o m L i v r t p o o l lo P h i U -
uey lo th*jafr,ienda io the Old Country, HAltNDP-N A: Address to the P eople o f the Uniled States.
A Judge th u s addressed a Counsellor, “ P rav, tr^ioiuc ami government of children, without the rod. i l e l p h i a , B o m o o , a n d B i l t i r n o r c , b y l h e r e g u l a r p a c k t i CO. will Gospel Light, No. 2.'
Drafts on any part of England, Scotland, or
Mr.----- •*, are you concerned for the prosecutor/" Tin- woik expounding ihc'principal lmvj of virtue, or con­ . h i p s , o u a p p l i c a t i o n b e i n g m a d e p e r s o n a l l y , o r b y I t i i . i , Ireland, ps^able at sight, for toms of jEl, £ 0 , £ 2 0 , to Correspondence, in Pamphlet form, between JO SE PH
ditions c>f happiness, and shows how to fulfil thrm. ( o o st p a id , a d d re s s e d to
SM ITH, T H E PR O P H E T , nnd Col. JO H N W E N T ­
“ No m y Lord,” said he, “ I am employed for the I VP K J O S E P H M c M U R R A Y . JClOO-or to anv amount to suit the purchaser.
INTELLECTUAL IM P R O V E M E N T ; 100 P i n e s i r e e t , c o r n e r o f S o u t h S t OFFICES AND AGENTS. W O R T H , E ditor o f “ The Chicago Democrat,” and JWtm-
prosecutor, b u t I am concerncd for the prisoner.” brr o f C onzrttt from Illinois; Gen. J A M E S ARLING­
Or, how to C u l t i v a t e t h e M c m o r y ; E x p a n d a » d A G E N T S — I n P o t t s v i l ' . e , B e n j . B a n n a n , E s q . Charles Craft. 120 State street, Boston.
S t r e n g t e n 111* I n t e l l e c t , and conduct tht intel TON B E N N E T , O f Arlington H ouxt, /-on* Island, and
B. W- Wheeler, Union-Building, Providence, R . I . ;
T h e p u r s u i t o f l i t e r a t u r e . — A printer In L o v e ll, R i c h W e ls h . E * q .
the HonoraUr'JO HN C. CALHOUN, Senator frx m South
If ciudl education of children ; in which i* pointed out a Io A l b i o y , T . G o u e b , E?<i
J. W Mills, 3 Wall street, and 10 Front atreet, New
o b s e r v in g tw o balifls p u r s u in g an in g e n io u s but new nnd more excellent way to intellectual attainments Carolina In which is given, a tkcleh of the Lile of Joseph
In T o r o n to , U C . R o g e r * & T h o m p s o n . York.
d istressed author, o b served it w as a new edition than our common hchwola and eeats of le irniugnow fu;- In N e w a r k , J o h n M c C o 1, j (i d , E - * j .
Smith, the rise and progress o f'th e Church of LATTKR
N. G. Howard, 43 South Third street, Philadelphia.
o f th e “ P u r s u it s o f literature,” u n b o u n d but hot nieh—a work of great value and imporinncr to parents, \ In U tic a , T h o m a s M c Q 'J iif e , E tq .
DAY SAINTS, aod their PE R SEC U TIO N S by U ^ S t a t c
Sandfcrd ic Shoemaker, 7 Light street, Baltimore, Md.
leacher.*, and all who desire to know how to improve their of MISSOURI: * iih lhe peculiar viewa of Joseph Smith,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
pressed, I also b e g le a v e to a s tu r e m y f r i r *;J - a n d the. p n b l i c io
in relation to Political and Religious matters generally: 01
intellects. g e n e r a l, th » t th e g re a te s t p u n c tu a lity w ill b e i i b o r t v c d li­ L. S* Littlejohn, II Exchange, Albany, N. Y.
HEREDITARY DESCENT ; ITS LAWS AND FACTS t h e t a i l i n g o f t h e a b o v e * h i p s t o j j . - i l n r w i i h d i l o i l i e - n - which i» added a coneist account o f the present state and
S Clark, l.'>9 River street, Troy, N. Y.
A m o t h e r ’s love .— H ow little do we appre­ pnosptet* * fl.'« ’V ITY O F NAUVOO.
Utica, N. Y. ___________
ciate a mother’s tenderness whilo living? I low Or, the Transmission of Qual'uie*, Phyrical, Iotllectual, w h i c h I m a y h a v e , a n d t n a t p a s ? e n ; , « e r » < w i l l » x p r r i e n c r ; n
W. A. C tok, Syracuse. N; Y.^ N INTERESTIN G’ ACCOUNT OF S E V E R A L RE-
heedless are we in childhood of all her anxieties
and kinduess. B ut when she is dead and gone;
• nd Moral, from parents to their off*pring^, through suc- d e l a y o n t h e i r a r r i v a l a t t h e d i f f e r * r . t p o r n « h « r e i h - j
t.eiaive gf______
__________ f ;____________
including direction#
............... ................... ..... for forming
................................ such m e a n t o e m b a r k .
, ..............
Rocherfter, N. Y.
W. II Cook, Buffalo, N Y. > •
■M A R K A B tE VISIONS, And of thc L ate Discovery
ol Ancient American R e c o r d s , which unfolds the history of
m a tr im a u ia l a llia n c e s a s w ill s e c u r e w h a t e v e r q u jli tie n in j p . ^ — F r e e p a ssa g e c a n p ’. s o I i * m cii r1 tr ^ m th e v a
w hen the cares and coldness of the world come c h ild r e n m a y b e d r s ir e d ; w ith h in ts to m o i h e i ! * d u r i n g j r ; o i J . p o r t s i n I r e l i o d a n d S c o t h n u s r u . M w h i c h f t e j i n boj>i«. i
II F: z 'iucfi k Co , Ojwego. N Y. this continent from the earliest Ages after the Flood, to Ilie
in 13 if HARNDEN & CO.
b e g i n n i n g of thc fifth cmtury of ihe Christian Era. With
w ithering on our hearts; when we learn how hard ju r ^ n a r .c y — a w o r k w h ic h e v e r y y o u n .; in a rru -d p a ir I r u n t0 L u e r p o o l .
»ht uld possess ; as indeed !«Iiould al! who design to form JOSEPH McMlT.UAY, S P K I N G A R R A N G E M E N T — 1844. a a sketch of the rise, faith, and doctrine of lhe Church of
it is to find true sym pathy, how few love us for 10') P<ne street, Ne.v York Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saiots. By O. Pratt, Minister
lhe matrimonial relation*' To improve mankind, we iiium
ourselves, how few will befriend us in our misfor­ begin with the g i r m Education bestowed upon a good , Gives drafts in s u m s to suit applicant* of thc Gospel. Eor Sale at this Office, besides many oth­
tunes; then it is that we th ink of thc mother we physical aud moral basis, will be va»tly more productive OS T H E er valuable works.
h ave lost. than that expended upon a barren foil. L >u*: enough have | PROVINCIAL BANK OF IRELAND. IM PORTANT TO SOUTHEEN TRA V ELLERS. HE"W ORLD I URNED UPSIDE DOWN, OIVIU-A-
parenUslept over this subject. W J f i r r ’s attempt'd eluci F t V A B L II A T T h e R a i l R o a d B r i p c e a t t h e R o An o k c c o m p l e t e d ,
datum of it, wai a comparative failure. In thi* work it j VEN ON EARTH.
A S h te r ’s L o v e . Cork, lta in b r id g r , ON T H E G R E A T SOUTHERN MAIL RO U TE, The material Uoiverte is tiernal.—Immortal Man has
is treated—as u«ne but a practical Phreh'dogin tre^t L im e r ic k , B a lly in t n a ,
Via W a s h i n g t o n C itv . R i c h m o n d , r K T t n s n u n o a n d fle.h and bone.-.— Earth is his Ever'asting Inheritance.—-
There is &clear andprecious gam, *it—ciENTii i c a l l y ; a vqstin»ny moii' imporiunt prniciplrs P a r a n D to w n ,
C lo n m e l, W iL U O .f ,. AMD T l t K U.1LY D.ML.Y LlNE TO TO this bear all tbe Prophets and Apostles witness. ^
Not brilliant like the star of day. | b*mkj stated, and all supported t ya maw of fac s absolute-, Londonderry, D :iw r p i t i c k ,
C h a r l e s t o n , S C , d i r e c t t o New O k l k a k s . T h e Physical Worlds were not founded for annihilation,
( ly overwhelming. A most usrful work,and a rare intellec­ SIi?.», O .v .-i,
Yet cluttered in that diadem. (21 IIour 9 in advance of the Bay Line ) but fur the pleasure of God they are and were created.
tual treat—p.p. 2 " 0 , and a jjenealogic tl ub!e with blank W exford, Lsrg.m,
Which owas not time’# relsntless sway; paper, for recording family likenetsfa. Krlfast, O m n ith , TR A V E L LE R S going South nre informed lhat the.con­ BY P. P. PR A T T .
a Its radiance sparkles frnm above, PHRENOLOGY APPLIED TO MATRIMONY J W a te r t o r d , Diini:..nnon, nexion between the Petorsburg and Wilmington Railroads Published at the Millennial Star Office, 33 Chapel street,
Galway, Ivindoo, at Weldon, including the- Petersburg Company’* Bridge at Liverpool, a^d for Sat«* at this Office.
Its earthly name—a sister’s love! Or to thes-lcctioci|of co.nceniai.ctmm*.vion* »ou li» e the Roauoktf is completed, so that travellers going South
E n n i sk il l e n , K ilru th ,
N Appeal to the Inhabitants of the State of New York,
Though orient pearls, by friendship strut*".
including dirtcliont to tht jiinrriit!, for li.u j: lo^eiheraf
( fec'.ionately nnd hippily The cnutions it udmMiister<« to i .M o n a g h a n .
by the Great Mail Route, via Washii jton, Richmond and
Peteraburg, will be transferred at Weldon immediately
Letter to Queen Victoria, T he Fountain ef Knowledge;
of the Body, aod Intelligence and Affection:
Around thy brow are pendent; the young ; the htnts it furnishes in rec-rd to conductinc SPOONER, ATWOOD Co , Bankerr, Loudon irom the cars of the Petersburg to thote of the Wilmington
And though by love’s own finger hung,
coutUhip, ts well a* iu frcientific expt sju o n o f man's to- P . - v b M - i n e v r r v l o w n l n G r r n l H riiiin Railroad Company, thereby ridding the Gre^t Mail route by P P. P R A T T . Price 2 .r>cents each or 12 dollars per
cial nature and relation.*, a* weil aa t l th- l.i»%» lhat govern of ita only exceptional Ic feature, whilst it is equally cheap, hundred. To be had at thc Prophet office. ___________
O ie diamond shines resplendent; them, render it most interectini: and mu?t urflul REGULAR MAIL LINE FOR PROVIDENCE AND anJ for k x i *e d i t i o n , s r c u a r r Y a n d c e r t a i n t y , it has e sta m e n t o f th e tw e lv e p a tria rc h s ,
Yet which that potent rpell caa prove,
That teat which tries a sister's love!
Or, The N a t u r a l , T m :o n v of Phrrno!o«y ; its as;>ect
Y l t S T O .V I K K T O N A N D N F . W P C H T .
great sdvautages over thc day line. T
the Sons of Jac*-b, is most respectfully dedicated to my
Thc following unrivalled rchedulcs are now ran on this line. well-beloved Brother, John Albitson, Patriarch in the
«m revelation, and its gen'-ral h*rmoi v n t'li it ; inc'uclini; FAST MAIL LINE. Courch of Letter Day Saints: As a token of respect and was that spot which owned its po.w r, I answrra to the ofijeciton*, thal Plirmnli i/y l->vor» F.iulitin,
>Materialism, nnd Infidelity, and in opposed to n charge o f _______ Leave N. Y. at 9 A M Arrive in Philadelphia at 3 P M. esteem for his services r ttn ih w e s rie d xeal in the cause of
T hat consecrated spot, where lie,
htart :—A Work in which the i'hi.maky k l k j i i a t i i of (>ompusrd ot the followuiK superior Steameis, running iu Leave Phila. at 4 P M. arrive in Baltimore at 1 A M. God in this the Evening of Tim e.-^By hia Brother in
W hom the angelic host admire, man’* moral nature nre fully analyzed, ;:nd therewith the . connection with the Stonir^ton, and Boston and Leave Bait, at 2 A.M. arrive i* Washington at 5 A.M Christ, * i■ SA M UEL DOWNES.
Indulged in sweet tociety, rrligMUS doe/ri/ifvtaught, and thedu^i»< r.-quiretl by n u n ’#1 Providence Railroads: Leave Wash, at 6 A M. Fred'keborg, nt 11 A M. L E T T E R T O T H E Q U E E N OF EN G LA N D , Touch­
And bade the stroke of death rem ovt, I nature and constitution ; sectarianism ucconnled lor. and
e x p o r c d ; nnd the general tenor of the Bihle di-ctrmes
The MA S3ACH USETrS , Captain Comstock,
Leave Fred’kg at 11 A M. anive in Rich. Va. at 3£ P M.
Leave Rich, nt 4 P M arrive in Petersburg , Va. 0 T M v of the World. By P. P. Prait. iPabliabed at Manchester,
ing the Signs of the Times, and the Political Destiny
To sanctify a Btsler’a love. l*SSvC l’ej*r**c nt tii P.M arrivo in Wei. N C at 1§ P.M. U . . ( L l » « J . r . » C.U «t tKr Tlvphct Offioa...
E,? vixWv bi.IT Mt/YlV.6 <A ^IJy‘’' T r ii Wnolf.ev. E e d ic WeiuoiT ai ^ t \ . n i . a m v c iu vt iu, i^.o. at ^ ir.iu. ' .,
iJtna on yourne&rt this jewel rare,
laws. Nor are these laws beyond the kcu of man. They jdaily, Sundays excepted, fromBattery Place, pier No 1, Leavo \\J(1., at 2 P.M. arrive in Charleston, S.C. at S A M.
Ohjre to whom this prize ia given! are written upon his nature. Phrenology unfolda lhat na-* N. River. Passengers by this Line will raach Peterrburg in seven­ P R O S P E C T U S ’ r*
Nor let rsde hands your treasure tear, ture, nnd. therewith, the whole code of doctrincs depen- ARRANGEMENTS, teen hours, and Charleston, S C.^ in fifty-two hours after 4 - <
But hold it aa ths gift of heaven! dent thereon, and duties required thereby. . The MASSACHUSETTS, Capf. Comstock, o„ Mon leaving Baltimore, including all stoppages, and have the OP A ii
Till death its shining worth improve, i PHRENOLOGY A PPLIED TO TEM PE RA N CE . | Thursdays and Saturdays, at 5 o'clock, P. M. advantage o f avoiding any detention a t ‘ Weldon, on the
And angals crown a sister’* love! . .r ■ f , . . | . , r t t RHODE ISLAND, Captain Thnyer, on Tuesdays,
A fc.ent.fic exposition of the physin!.-gical effects of al-1 T |inrfd. vw aud Saiurd-y-, at 5 cVlock, P. M.
Roanoke; one of the most unhealthy placet ia the southern WEEKLY NEWSPAPER.
country, where paaseagers by the Bay Line, arriving as
cohohc liquors upon thr human cooMnution, and especial-. v a:StaAfX9 on the arrival of the ftear.ier ot Stonington, TO BE E N T IT L E D A
E x tr a o r d in a r y I>o<'timcut. they always do, fourteen hours after the fast mail line of
ly upon the animal propensities. It expound, some P hys-' W|,| be immediately forwarded in the splendid and com the samd day, are delayed ten houia until that of the next
W e are indebted to an intelligent gentleman in ioloCtcal laws of Rreal iatrmaic value, and applu s then,
Inverness for the following remarkable document. temperance with .remendious effect. It has been regard-
modiou8 C m of ,h„ RaiIrot(J- ,n iv„vide«c. and Boston,
The above steamers have been fhnroogbly equipped, and
I t is taken from an American newspaper. Wo ed b y many as the e t r o n ^ t aocumcni p u t «p r f p u , d promoIr cele.ity cf irnv i, and ihe comfori and BURG. VA. The Board of Control of the Society for the Diffusion 0
eive it as it was handed to u«, w ithout vouching i- -i . security r f passengers, aud notsurpvsed by any in th e Leave N.Y. at 5 P.M. arrive in Philadelphia at 11 P.M. T&uth, of the City of New York, being desirous of pro­
TIGHT-LACING ; Or, L n ls ol comprfiemg the Organs l/i,itrd Slates.
for its authenticity. It at least possesses veri- Leavq Pbila. at tij A M. arrive in Baltimore at 2 P M.
sim ilitu de:—
of Anim il Life.
In Press, and soon to be Publuhed, a Work on
I Kor passage, or frticht, which is t >ken nt very reduced
' raU.s> *pr,ly un,bf>ard Eortll h,(J, f f f No M L^aveCB^lt. at 4 P.M. arrive in Washington at 6 P M mulgating the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ in its ful­
Leave Wa»h. at 6 A M pataing through Fredericksburg ness, and ameliorating the condition of fallen man, have
( T r a n s la te d fr o m t h t •• C o u r r i t r d t s E t m ts U n it ) PHYSIOLOGY, AN IM A L AND M E N IA L : i Broadway, or office of Sami Drvray, lr» ij-lit agent, on the and Rickmond, and arriving in Petersburg, tn sup, pas­ thought it wisdom to establish a paper in this city, ns an
DEATH WARRANT OF CHRIST. Or, the effects of different organizations and conditions wharf. sing from Philadelphia to Richmond and Petertburg, advocate and herald o f the Faith of the Church of Christ of
I of the body upon the character and mentnl manifestations; I Tickets for the route, nnd steamer’.-* I>rr h«. rkn be se- Va. by day light.
Chance has put into our hands tho most im ­ iucluding health—its condition?, and th- me*ns of pre- cured on board, or at the office of Harndni }c Co. No. 3 Passengers by this line have tha advantage of pastm ; the .Latter Day Saints. A portion of whicb, at times, will be
p ortant and judicial document to all C hristians servin? and rc 6torinK it, without medicin-, and oho diet , 1Wall street. evening and niuht in Wathington, and yet re'ach Charles­ devoted to Agriculture, Commerce and M anafadures, as
th a t ever has been recorded in human annals— regimens, habits, and their eflects on mind, Arc. The re - 1 The steamboat IOLA.S, is now running daily between ton os early as those leaving Baltimore at lhe same time well as to thc Foreign and Domestic News of the Day. Il
th a t is, thc identical d eath-w arrant of our Lord ciproca! influences of various physiologic*! organizations I ProvideHce and Newport. by the Bay Line, these last being obliged to lie over al
will likewise, be the faithful advocate aad defendtr
ai:d manifestations upon the inind, is a department never ^ steamer ia now preparing for /he accommodation of the Weldon untsl their arrival.
Jesus Christ. Wo transcribe the document as it futly presented ! and yet its importance is v istly underrated. Newport travel, which will shortly make the connection Qtf- For further information and “ through tickets” ap­ of the Constitution of the Upited States, whose glsry aud
has been handed to us. The Author h*>pe* to present some principles of Physiolo- J regularly betwe»n that pUce and Stonincton. ply at our Southern Ticket Office adjoining th* Baltimore offulgence is known in evey clime, which_w*aJbaltied for
Sentence rendered by Pontius Pilate, acting gy vitally important, but usually overlooked. R IN T E R S ' FU RNISHING W ARE and Ohio Rail Road Office, Pratt st., Baltimore. and wor^by our illustrious and patriotic ancestors. The
G overnor of Lower Galilee, stating thnt Jesus T H E PHRENOLOGICAL ALMANAC for M O . 1R | 1,
1S 12, I»I3, nnd 1814, (1SI5 will soon In* published.) con-
HOUSE, u o 32 a n m s t r k k t , n . r
WELLnS i t WEHI3 inform the Printers of
Southern Travellers taking “ Through TicketH,” can
Arts and Sciences ahaU not be neglected—Sketches, Nar-
of N azareth shall suffer death on tne cross. stop ob long aa they may desire nt Washington, Richmond ives, Biographies, Moral Essays, and Poems, will also
taininc m«ny interentirg nnd valuable Isrta amply illurtrat- the United States, tha! in additiou io the
“ In the year 17, of thc Em peror Tiberius ed with cut*, including likene»se'>. and thort biographies, t Bianufncture of Wood Type, Cxses, Stands, and Petersburg, and resume their seata. fiud a place in the columns of “ T H E P R O P H E T ;”
Ca:sar, and \he ‘-16th day of March, the city of of dUtius'ii»*hed men. The reading m etirr of the old Al-1 Furniture, Galleys, «tc itc ., they hav e _ m l b ] ____________H. J. ROGERS*. Ticket Aem t._ whilst ita conductors will endeavor to impart variety aod
the holy Jeru^ilem, A nnas and Cuiaphas being inanacs is n* ijood as it ever was, and worth miny times opened a large Warehouse for the *a!e r»f N E W AND TRANSPORTATION FOR CHICAGO, LAKE E R I E J.f« to i u columns.
priests scarificators of the people of God, Pontius its cost—2r» cent* ptr set. SECOND IIAND PRINTING M ATERIALS, and every LAKE ONTARIO, Terms.— “ T H E P R O P H E T ,” will be isssed Saturday
Pilate, G overnor of Lower Galilee, sitting on the *#* SUBSCRIBERS to the MAGNET can receive that article necessary for a P i u n t i n c j Of net:. V ia OswEfio.
Work through ouroffic** It is now w r|| eoaductrd by P. rning the lSth instant, on an Imperial Sheet, al No. 7
presidential chair of the Prrctory. condemns Jesus <P They have now on hand, and constantly receiving from T H E N E W YORK, UTICA AND OSWEGO LINE Spruce Street, New-York, and will appearregular thereaf­
G ood, 135 Fulton-Street. More about thia Work else- Printers nnd Stfreotypers, all kinds and sizes of type, us*d
. o f N azareth to die on the cross between two i wher»-. OF LAKE BOATS will receive goods daily at middle
for Newspaper, Book aod Job Printing, as also all other pier Coeoties slip. New York, for any ports on Lake ter. on that day, al Oae Dollar per annum, invariably in
thieves— the great and notorious evidence of the (E7* Editors who copy all or either of these advertise- requisites for a Printing Establishment. They also supply Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, or River St. L aw ­ advance.
peoplo saying— tmentr, shall receive a copy of the Work or Works advtr- orders for new type, from every respectable Foundry iu the rence.
tised—they aending a paper (marked) containing the same, Union, at the lowest manufacturer'** prices. |fc>* All Letters and Communications must be addressed
1— Jesus is a seducer. No transhipment between New York and Oswego.
2— He is seditious.
o the Am. Phren, Journal Office. ’ Printers about establuhing ihemselvca in business, or This line is composed of the first clu's of L ik e boats, and (POTT PAID) to T H E P R O P H E T , No. 7 Sprucc Street,
who wish to renew their fonts of type, or exchange their is connscted at Oiwego with tho New-York. G. (f . L EA CII, Pres’t.
3— Ho is an enemy of the law. i! K N O W T 11 Y S E L F. ” presses, or other materials for other sizes or kinds, will find C m c A f jo L i v e o r S t e a m P r o p e l l e r s , By order of the Board.
4— He calls himself falsely tho Son of God- ADMITTANCE FR E E it greatly to their advantage to call on them before purchas- with a Lino of F i r r i E.v Schooveks, running lo porls on May 7. 1S4-I.
5— He calls himself falsely the King o f Israel. To I ing elsewhere, os they will always have on hand, rrost ol L ike Erie ; and with the new and elegant steamboats Lady
6— —H e entered into thc Temple, followed by a F O W L E R S P H R E N O L O G I C A L C A B I N E T I th® ,radiD? articles, second h m J, answerina nearly or ofthe L a k e and Rochester, running on Lake Ontario and N A U VUC rN E IG H BO Rj
. . . . . . . | quite ns well as new, and at a saving of from 23 to 00 per thc river S t . Lawrence. Is printed and published every Saturday, by Johu Toy-
multitude bearing palm'branches in their hands. IN CLINTON HXLL, No. 131 NASSAU ST R E E T . cent. This line is aUo connected with a line of boats oa the or. Editor and P ro p rie to r; at Nauvoo, Hancock couniy,
Order of the hrst centurion. Ciuilius Corne­ G f.NTLE.MLN AND LADIES, who may derire to b e - ] They keep constantly on hond a snpply of Printing Ink, Wabash Canal and Ohio Ctual, forming on unbroken com­ Illinois Term s—02,00 invariably in advance.
lius, to lead him to the place of execution. come b-rtter acquainted with theinielvcs,—their tr u e jo f p r o u t and Mather's manufacture, from the cheapest to munication from New York to Lafayette, Indiana, and from Letters must be addressed to lhe Editor (John Tnvlcr)
Forbid tp any person whomsoever, either poor oaturHl rndowments, lor natural, moral, and intelectual finest quality ; al«o c lorrd Inks of every description New York to Portsmouth, Ohio. post paid, to receive the attention.
-ojoywrnts or improv, m.-nl. are respretfslly informed, i W. i t W are the ?oIc Agent, for the Northern. Middl. Shipment* by thin line are insured lo Oswego, and on
or rich,'to pppose the death of Jesus. ihat ;i favormble oppoitumty taut all Him* freely given a t , and \Vestern Slates and Canada, for the sale of KNEE- T H E T IM E S ’A N D SEA SO N S,
thc Wabash C am l only, except by special contract.
T h e witnesses who signed the condemnation of the above cabinet LAND’S PATENT CARD PRIN TIN G ENGINE, which P ropkietcks and Auemts. Is printed and published about the 1st and JJth of every
Jesus are. viz— 1, Daniel Robini. a Pharisee ; 2. Although Mr Fowler himself will b -absent from the ’ i. r l . r BRONSON i t CKOCKER, ) month, at Nauvoo, Hancock county III , by John Taylor,
city for a short time, every attention will bc cheerfully .'° Rny ^
Joannas Rororanle : 3, Raphdel R o b a n i; 1, C a­ rendered by agent Mr S. R ‘ W E IL 'S w h o s e ‘ VPt *nven,e<^ ' v e feel confident <- that a- trial of the above DOOLITTLE, MILLS, i t CO. j OiWKGO. Editor and Proprietor. Term s — $2 per annum, pa'jable
pet, a citizun. FAR W EL L i t HARRINGTON, Ut ic a * m all ca£es in advance. Any person procuring five new •
double teat* examinations have accorded l 0 perfectly whh ! ' Vi" * ‘7 ino,trf »»‘j*f«tion. subscribers and forwarding Ten D ollan ciirreal money, '
Sesus shall go out of tho city of Jerusalem by thore of Mr. Fowler, that every coufi lencs may b« repos. * i 8fn!^ ^°.r *he sale Koverman « Enamell­ RO SSITER Jc ItH E P P E R D ; T rot.
the cate of Struenus.” ' ed in hi* professional ability as a
dubscriptiona f«r the Americarn
..r d. „-ry cr,
r ... ,
■* f *«'
. ed ttnd 1 <‘arl Sariace Cards, which they will sell as low as
i can be P“fchaied in the city
..... . . W. S. ROSSlTEK, 23 Coentica Slip, N. Y.
W estern A g m t s .*''
shall receive one vcluine gratis All Letters must be ad-
dressed to Joha Taylor, post paid, or they will not receive
Tho obove sentence is engraved on a copper ceived, rrders for BOOKS andI BUSTS •••ill be nnpDai T They ttill P e a s e » t A l l e :*, Cleveland, Ohio,
I HWOTS ..,11 be P-in Mualy i eupK,jctl ^ continue q( to ^manufacture,
WooD T yand „ t ofare generally lh/ y C iia’h H o w a r d Ac Co. Toledo, O -Detroit, Mich.
plate; on one side are written these words— ‘ A ittended to. 03- Subscriptions for the “ Tim esand Seasons,” and the
similar plate is sent to each tribe.” It was found 1 5 0 1 nre the original nnnufuQturer#, and which still maintains its Thkko.i P a r d »:k , Chicago, HI. “ Nauvoo Neighbor,” received at the Office of the “ Pro­
- reputation for sup:i:ority over all conprtitora aud atlanpl Htm:Ht:»soN, W hi : ;r ,«V Co. Southport, Wisc’n, , phet,” No 7 Sprurw street, New-York. r
in an antiquo vase of white marble, while axca- C H E A P CASH TAILORING td imilaiort. ml^c]
vating in tho ancient city of Aquilla, in th e king­ ESTAB LISI1MENT. ( y - I*ubli»hers of Newspapi r3 in the U S and Canada, W ATCHES—T H E L A RG E ST A ND
dom ef Naples, in the year 1820, and was discov­ giving the abuve three inser’i jn* by thc Urtt of July next, W IL S O N S REA L ESTATE AND f p!eadid asortment of watches in
J . H. M EYN ELL, 003 BROADWAY. and sending os one copy of tiieir p*per containing it will J t LOAN OFFICE. .. . M M ---------------- jS E ^ t h e city, ia to be found a t lhe subscri­
ered by the commissaries of »rts attached to the For the prit'itft: pud public tale, hiring, letting and ex­
B. M Inventor of the mrw ins.trum- at lor ascertaining ber’s, as he is couiUntly receiving all descriptions of gold
F re n ch armies. A t tho expedition of Naples, it J , a correct draft o fthe human figure, through which he. be entitled 10 the payment of their bills on purcharicg foar
times the amount, changing of bouses, stores, farms, <tc. For collecting rents, aud silver watches of the latest styles, from thc manufac­
■was found enclosed in a box of ebony, in the sa­ ia enabled to produce a most splendid fi Offers upon the __________________
Mew.York, May 19, 1S-M. [ m I S :c .
and for taking the general agency and supervision of real turers in England, France/and Switzerland, be is enabled
cristy of the Chartrem. Tho va8e ia'in the C ha­ following reasonable terms to ex»cute osiers in tbe neatest estate. Also for the euperintendanee of erecting and re­ to offer a large assortment, and tat m uch lesie prices at re
NARMS FOR S A L E — ValuaOle K.irm» lor sale in the
pel of Caserta. T h e French translation was
made by the members of thc commission of arts. nd upwards.
and mast Fashionable StyU, to patronize
Dress Coau, Blue, Black or Olive, fro n * n to £20
is to br suited.
. neighborhood of lo a e v a , H^tavia, Buffilo, Hamburgh,
Wales, Arc., in this State. Likewise on Long Island.
pairing ol building*. Persons having properly to sell, ex­
change or let, will fiad it to their advantage to apply at this
tail, than any otherr house i t the city. Gold watches s j
low as §20 lo 2 ”» each. W atches and jewelry exchanged
office. All property registetcd in this office, will, if re­ or bought. All watches warranted to keep good time, cr
T ho original is in tho Hebrew language. The Pants, do. do. 5 They will be sold for caih or a part bond and mort- quired, be adveriuvd.and if not cold at private sale, it will the money returned. 7* e
C hartrem rcqvcstcd earnestly that the plate Vests, do do y gage, and some in exchange for unincumbered city pro­ if desired, be offered at public auction. He will alio attend 0 . C. A LLEN , Importers of Watches and J e w e lry ,
should not be taken eway from them. T heir ro* Frock and Drcsa Coats made to rneasir.-, S 0 perty. Apply at No 30 f i n e s t , back office, over the Bank to the effecting insurance, obtaining and loaning of money _____^Wholesale and rr tail. 30 Wall rt. no s tairs.—je—c
*• “ “ Extra trimed, 3 .V) 0 Coflee House. on bond and mortgage. Individuals or companies, re­
nuest was granted ns a reward for the sacrifice quiring an agent to t.iku charge of their estate, may depend ^^W H O W ANTS BOOTS AND SHOES 1
Pants, do. do 1 75 2 OOK i t JOB Printing, neulv executed on the moa:
they had made for tho n r m y . M. Devon, one of
tbe savans, caused a plate to be made of the same
m2.'. 31 ]
tt. a«d tlnor.)
favorable terms at the “ Prophet ” office, No. 7 Spruce on having it faithfully and economically managed. P e r­
sons wishing to hire, parchase or exchange property, or in­ ‘hink vi
The greatest reduction in price e v e r known, Only
gruurinm n fine
of gentlemen’s wne armdress can
Calf stitched boats,' of the,
model, on which he had engraved the above sen­ M. H. MILES, MANUFACTURER OF VARNISH vest money, can mo .t generally be accomodated. Persons most fashionable shape, $2 75 to S3. AUo. drew peggeii
tence. A t the sale of his collection^of antiqui­ W Graining, Sten»il, aod Artists Bi..s!ies. All of ihe
residing at a distanc-, desirous to sell or purchase real es­
tate by sending a description of lh» property, will receive
boots, S I r,0 to $2 and | 2 50 per p 'i'’- U “JC# f“ cy f 0'
lored, city m^de gaiters, 91 M to 1 * pair; andn, from
ties, <fcc., it was bought bv Lord Howard, for above articles will bo manufactured t< order, and at the T U R E R of Fancy Hair, Oloth and Hat Bruihes—also immediate attention. All letters m ust be pott-D aid and fashions for 1S44, for gentlemen, ladies and childreudson,
2 89 francs.— [Inverness Herald. shortest notice, oa the most reasonable termj, at 1IS Naa- Aliotas Hair Brushes. The t bove articles he has on hand
eau street, basement story. [jc—i :Cj addressed to JOHN C. WILSON, thirty to forty p e r c e n t cheaper than ever, 1«9 Hall the
lorsale at the loweat prices. I IS N a m u st. [jc—I: 4 w- jc —c- No. l Nassau itreel, N. Y. corn er of Caaal. STEWARTfc S A L L . i* -a
•*. ■>

/E, '* cS

>r *
lin g
D E V O T E D T ? T B E P 1 S S E MI X AT 1 0 N - 0 P T R U T D ; M O R A L , R B H G I 0 US , P O L I T I C A L , AXD S C r E X T I P I C .
pro* 8, BRANIVA2V CO. PUP* S n r e ly t h o I*>rd O o d n l l l d o n o t h i n g , b n t h e r e v c a lc t h hi* *ec r e t u u t o h l« se r v a n t* t h e P r o p h e t s — Amoa. Mr v
lero, w a . SM IT H , E D .
By VOL. I - N O . X. N E W -Y O R K , S A T U R D A Y M O R N IN G , J U L Y 2 0 . 1814.
fd in
II I i II I i I 'i'll I'll I S B
ITS TBE H B'O P B E T* stant, evil sp irit; th a t never continues in peaco, and th a t it is refreshed by tho clouds, tho dew,
mtT IB P U B L IS H E D E V E R * S A T U R D A V B Y
but is always in discord. W herefore refrain th y ­ and the rain.
i Ad self trom it; aod keep peace evormore w ith thy 13 T h e y consider and view every tree how
nber S. B R A N N A N & CO.
brother. withers, and ev ery leaf falls off, except fourteen
)r*t A t the l e t t e r Day Saint Book Depository, No < Sp: 5 P u t on n holy constancy, in which thero are
Street, New York, at one dollar per annum in ndvdnce trees, which cast not ofF their leaves, but wait they »*uu n-uinmeu cauea io neaven
(— jno sins, b u t all is lull of j o y ; and do good o f thy from thq old to tho now leaf for two or three concerning th a t evil, saying. Let a remembrance titions os to uch in g the blood o f ‘tho*’ Patriarchs,
lice, Eleven copies to onr nddrrw for 'I>n dollar*. Advert i«
ing 50 ct*. pcrfquare ofjwc lines for one insertion, and P labours. winters. l' r°phcts, Apostles an d Saints that" have been
of us he b ro u g h t before the .Most High.
eta. for every subsequent inacrtion. * G G ive w ithout distinction to all th a t are in 14 A g ain they observe the d ay s o f summer, shed upon this land, or y o u r own grievances taken
A l l L r r r r a * awd Comm UKtCA.noj«s m u « t b e A w ant; not doubtitig to whom thou givest. that the sun is direct upon it at th eir beginning, trom this N ation and entered into the ears o f the
ood. D a t u m t o TH E PR O PH E T , P o s t P a i d . C O M M U N I C A T I O N S . Lonn o r SAnuoATif. A nd before this generation
03 - P«at M uter* are aothorizrd by the P o tt Office,de­ 7 B u t give to all; for God will have us give when you seek ‘for a covered’find sh ady tree, bv
partment, to forward, free of expem e, oil order* for, or tc to all, o f all his own gifts. They, thorefofo that reason o f tho burning bun, w hen the earth fs B o s t o n , Ju ly 1 Ith, 1844.
passeth away they will h ave som ething else to do
JUcostiaae publications, and also money to pay for tht receivo shall give an account to God, both where­ corchcd with fervid heat, and you are neither besides shedding the blood o f tho Saints. F ro m
aame. fore they received, and for what end. able to walk upon the ground or upon the rocks, T o tho Saints scattered abroad into whoso hands your servant in tlie'kingdom o f God.
EPH .Subscribers', names, with theS trto and Poat Office, ahoold these few lines fall through tho channel o f the
be di*'inctly given when money lalorw arded, to avoid mis 8 A nd they th a t receive w ithout a real need, because o f th a t heat. \V I L F O R D W O O D R U F F .
tNT- P rop het greeting:
Mtm- laker, aa there are ofiru several towns of the same aame, oi shall give an account for i t ; b u t he that gives 15 T h e y observe how the trees when they put
ING. several Poat Offices in the sam* township. shall be in n o c e n t: forth their green leaves, cover themselves, and D e a r B r e t h r e n — I foci disposed to say a M in u te s o f t h e Cieiutcanc C o n f e r e n c e .
, and Postmasters aad Traveling Eiders are requested to act at 9 F o r he has fulfilled his d u ty as he received bear fruit, they understand all. and know th a t he tew words to you upon the subject th a t is now
Agenia B a t a v i a , J u l y 6 t h , IS 1*1.
South it from G o d ; not m ak in g any choice to whom he who liveth for ever, does all theso things for rumored throu g ho ut the land, v iz , the report of
should give, and (o whom n o t Anil this servico you. T h e Conference was organised by choosing
TEIl- tho death of the Prophet and P atria rc h o f the
Charles W. Wandell, President, and R. J..C oats,
THE APOCRYPHAL ho did with simplicity, and to tho glory of God.
10 K eep therefore ihis command nocording ns
1(3 T h a t tho works at tho beginning of every Church- of Jesus C hiist of L atter-D ay Saints,
cijual year, that all his works Jtre subservient tc Josoph and H iram Smith. W e havo received no
Clerk.’ S upg an h y m n — P ra y e r by W. D. P ratt!
r: ot • . N EW T E ST A M E N T . President W andell axoso ai.d staled tho object o f
I have delivered it unto th e e ; that thy repentance him, antLunchangeable y et as G od has appointed, authentic account aa yet from an y o f-o u r friends tho Conference ; also stating lhat, before pro­
w.THE S H E P H E R D O F H E R M A S . may be found to be sincrre, and th at good may so must nil things be dono. to confirm the report of hoic death, should it prove ceeding to business, it was necessary to ascertain
This book U ibna entitled, b*c.ins; it waa coinpoied b» como to th y house"; and have a pure heart. 17 T h e y also behold how tho seas and the riv ­ true, I have a few suggestions to present to the
RE* thc number o f official members present: which
>very Herrnifc, brother to Pius, bishop of Roiar: and brcauv C o i m u a m i B9 H. v ers together perform their labors. Saints. 1 h iv e not had an interview with a n y of was as follows, H i g h . P riests 2, Sevenlics 3,
)»y of (be angel, who bear* the principle part ia it, is re pre 18 B u t you wait not in patienco, nor perform the quorum ot the Tw elve since the report was Elders 1G. On motion, tho following resolutions
o the Moreover he said unto me, Love truth, and lot
Wilh tented in the form anrJ hibit of a shepherd Irui?: all thoUpeech bo true which proceeds out of thy tla» commands o f tho Lord, but you oppose and in circulation, y e t I feci disposed to express a few wero adopted. Resolved, th a t this Conference
quote* it uadtfr the very m n ii of S.-.riptwe; O.-i^n mouth ; dsfame his greatness, and tho words in y o u r de­ of tho feelings o f my heart, which are as follows:
ch of uphold and suslhin tho first Presidency o f tho
Ql*lCT thought it a m jJ t ustfulu-riliag, aad tlu t it was divine I) filed mouths are malignant against H is Majtfs If they aro dead, if they have sealed their testi­
*2 T h a t the sp irit which tho Lord hath given C hurchy tho .T w elve, the Hi{rh Council, the
f oth- impired; Erfiebiu* My/, tint ihou^h il wa* not ettcera to dwell in th y llesh may he fm r.d true tow nnb mony with th eir blood, wc snail all feel, deeply Presidency of* this State, and all tho authorities
ed cmoare«f, it was read publicly in the churches, whlcl all m e n ; and the Lonl be gloriticd. who hath l ‘J ^ e withered m heart, for yo u there shall feel their loss^ and have cause to mourn in our
in the C h urch o f Jesus C hrist o f L a tte r - P iy
•TEX- _ be no peace. heart. B u t I would say unto all the Saints, be Sajnts. R*?olvrd. that this C hurch h av in g suf­
is carrobonted by J c r w ; a a i Atluotsiuv cites it, c«l!r given su c lr a spirit unto thee; becauso G jd is
20 Therefore y cu shall curse y o u r days, arid calm, bo composed, be firm, be resolute, be es­
in has it a most useful work, aaJ observer, thnt tbuugb it wa truo iu all his words, and in him there is no lie. fered at dilierent times, the loss o f property, the
ihe years of y ou r lives shall pass away, incessaut tablished iu the faith once delivered to the Saints, lives o f many w orthy individuals, and hav in g en-
ce*- not strictly canonical, tbe Fathers appointed it to bt g T h e y therefore that lie. deny' the L o r d ; and cursing shall bo increased, aud you shall obtain m aintain y o u r integrity like men o f God, until
read for direction and confirmation in faith and piety.— become robbers o f the Lord: not rendoring to dured1 tho most unhe unh eard of barbarities, a n a all
ation, no mercy. death as the P rop het and P atriarch has done, and this aatt itho hands
Jsrom?, notwiihstauding this and tb it be applauded i God what they received from him. hand§ o f wicked and unprincipled
'd. 21. In those days you shall rosign y o u r peace as C h rirt and m any Saiuts have dor.c before fhem.
in his catalogue ofwriferf, in hi* comments upoa it after •1 F o r they received the spirit free from lying with tho eternal maledictions o f n lllh e righteous, Let not the E iders of Israel dishonor the priest­ men:: wo wp view wilh unquanned unqualified approt approbation tho
wards, terms it apocryphal and foolish. Teitolliat if therefore they make th at a liar, they defile what proceedings of tho C ity Council, o f Nauvoo, in
itreet, aud sinners shall continually execrate you. hood, or the Saints think lightly o f tho new ond the coufse they havo pursued, in p u ttin g out of
puised it when a Catholic, and abused it when a Mon was committed to them by the Lord, and become
22 T h e y shall execrate voit with all thc un- everlasting Cpvenont they have received. *Let the way a nuisance, which was intended to bring
Ywk, tanist. Although G rhsios ranka it among tbe apeer)- deceivers.
godly. not Councillors, G overnors or Presidents counci
Irdge; pbal b6 ok», it is found attached lo some of the nsoit an 5 W h e n I heard this, I wept bitterly. And | 23 Tho elect shall possess light, jo y , and peace, you out o f th a t gospel which is the power o f God a cruel nnd u n ju st persecution u po n the L atter-
ctioflt cientM Sd. of the N«w Testament; and Archbiih«| when he saw me weeping, he satd unto me. W h y Day Saints.
ra p e r and shall inherit the oarth. nnto salvation. I would prefer to be a dead P ro ­ Resolved, th a t we will m ake every honorable
W ake, believing it the genuine work of an apostolic F* weepest thou ? A nd I said, Because, sir, I doubt
24 B u t you, ye that are unholy, shall b<*accur­ phet rather th a n n living m urderer. T h in k not exertion, to diffuse a knowledge o f our principles
ther, preserve* it to the EogU»h reader by the followin, whether* I can bo saved. » sed.
5CH3. becauso Prophets, P atriarchs or Apostles seal into the public mind, to remove the popular pre­
traoslatioa, ia which he &&s rendered the books notonl) 0 He asked me, W herefore? I replied, B e ­
io my 25 T h en wisdom shall ba given to tho e l e c t . i l k e ir testim ony with their blood, th a t the work of judice concerning us, and to advance the K in g
more exact, but in greater purity than thay had bsferi cause, si/, I never spake a true word in my life; but
n tbe they shall live and shall not again commit o f f e n HGod will stop. I t did not in the d ay s o f Moses dom o f God upon tho earth ; and therefore,
et and appeared. T be archbishop procured Dr. Grabe to en always lived in dissimulation, and affirmed a lie
ces by wickedness or pride, b ut they'shall humbleBor of Jesus Christ, neither will it in tho last dis- Resolved, th a t it is with no ordinary feelings
use o f tirely collate the old L itin Ver*ioa with an ancient MS for tru th to all m e n : and no m an contradicted
ler in themselves in the possession o f prudence, andnP®08®1*011 an d fulnw s of time. I f the People, of satisfaction, th a t wo view the establishment o f
io the Lambeth library; and the learned prelate hinueli me, b u t all gave credit to my words. How then 9hall not repeat offences.
E8. HJudges, G overnors and P residents o f the A m eri- a pres* in the city o f N e ^ J f o i k , for tho promo­
•till farther ftnprove4 ihe whole from a rmliiiude ol can 1 live, seeing I have done in this m an n er?
2G T h e y shall not be condemned d u ring theflcwi N ation, in order to gratify the popular class, tion o f tho causo o f t r u w e m o n g the people, and
'ouch* fragments of the originol Greek, never before n n d fc 7 A nd ho said unto me, T h o u thinkest wel whole time o f their lives, nor die in torm ent BndH ^e‘r own feelings, or for an y cause, feel disposed
estiny that purpoae. And be; it furth er r
ie*ter, nnd truly. F o r thou oughtest, as the servnnt of wrath, but the num ber of*their d ays shall be ful­ to rob, mob, plunder and W r d e r tho Latter-D ay
Resplved, th at we will give it our most hea rty
God, to have walked in the truth, and not have filled, nnd they shall grow old in peace, and the Saints for th eir religion, or an y other people, then
The Sccond Book of Hermas, called his joined an evil conscience with the spirit o f tru th ; year3 o f th eir happiness shall be increased with let them do it, tho measure thoy meet will be
support, and will uso our infiuenco in extending
Commands. the circulation o f “ T ho P r o p h e tn among all
nor have grieved the hofy and true Spirit of God joy nnd with peace, for ever, so long as they shall measured to them again i f the words of C hrist are
classes o f Society.
I n tr o d u c tio n . 8 A nd I replied unto him, Sir, I never befbre live. true. A f t y th ey have dragged the loaders of the On motion, voted th a t tbe different Branches
W h e n I had prayed a t home, and was sat down hearkened so diligently to these things. H e an ­ Church'- through forty vexatious law spits, and o f this Conference bo represented.
upon tho bed, a certain man caine in to me with swered. N ow thou hearest them : T a k e care from
C h a p t e r I I .
R. could find no accusation against them, and could Alexander Branch 25 members, including nine
& reverend look, in the hab it o f a shepherd, cloth* henceforth, th a t even those things which thou 1 It happened after the children o f men hat not destroy them by law, and when they were
Elders, five moved to tho West, two addea since
ed with a white cloak, having his bag upon his hast formerly spoken fnlsely for tho sake of thy increased in those days, that daughters were born willing and ready s{:ll to give theinselvc* up to
tho last Confercuce— H yram Thompson, P resi­
back, and hisstalVin his hand, and saiutea me. business, may, by th y present tru th , reccivc unto them elegant and beautiful. answer to auy charge that any person however
2 I returned his salutation) and immediately credit. 2 A nd when the angels tho sons o f heaven saw base, raight bring against them, th a t th ey should dent. #
\ttic a B ranch 12 members, including 2 E ld e r s ;
he sat down by me, and said unto to mo, I am 9 F o r even those things m ay bo credited, i f for them, th ey were inflamed with love o f them, ant then m urder them in cold blood because they
lion o represented by H y ra m Thompson.
•ent by that venerable messenger, th a t I should the time to como thou shalt speak the tr u th ; and said to each other, Come, let us choosc for our- could find no accusation against them, and pass
if pr®* B atavia Branch’ 22 members including 6 Elders;
dwell with thee alt the remaining days o f th y life. by so doing thou m ayst attain unto life. selvea wives from the daughters o f men, and let us it over in silence smoothly, and th in k all is right,
i u ful- two moved to tho W’est since last Conference,
3 B u t I th ought th a t he wns como to try tue. 10 A nd whosoever shall hearken unto thi beget children.
i, have and while the blood o f Prophets and Saints arc
and said unto him, W h o are you? F o r I know command, nnd do it, and shall dep art from all 3 T h en Samaizn their leader Niid to them, 1 soaking ih^j American soil for the word o f God Stepbpn T aylor, P re sid en t
i U an Humo B ranch 21 members, including 3 Elders,
to whom I am committed. He said unto me, Do lying, lie shall live unto God. te ir th a t you m ay perhaps bo averse to tho per* and the Testimony Jesus Christ, the presses o f th e
krist of ono Priest. F o u r added since the last Con*
youou not know me ? I answered. N o. M am, shid formanco o f this undertaking.
ivill t i U nited States seem to rejoice th at it is so, and feronce; P eter Weaver, President.
he, tha* * ' 1 *
that shepherd, to whose care y o u aro do­ ’ T H E BOOK O F 4 A nd th a t I alone shall suffer for so g reat a
ire*, as and aro rendy to say to the Latter-D ay S aints if Seven scattering members and one E lder, iu
livered. crimo
»y. It liuoch the Prophet, you stand in y o u r own defence, if you take up
4 W hilst bo wns y e t speaking, his shape wap 5 B u t they answered, and said u nto him, W e arras, are hostile, and will not stand still and be Orangevjlle, represented by B rother W eaver.
ifendsr Six scattering members m Caledonia, represent­
changed; and when I knew th at it was he to all swear.
fry aad In tho name of God the merciful and gracious, murdered w ithout opposition, then yo ur doom is ed by B ro th er S. Dunn.
Led for
whom I was committed, I was .ashamed, and slow to angor, and o f great mercy and holiness. G A nd bind ourselves by m u tu al execrations, sealed. U nto all such I would say, w hether thoy
sudden f«nr cam® upon mo, nnd I was utterly t h i s b o o k is t h a b o o k o f E n o c h th o p r o p h e t ___ that we will not change o ur intention, b u t will per- Six scattering members, including two Elders,
. The
overcome with sadness, because I hnd spoken so M a y l-Its b le s s in g n n d h e l p bo w i t h h i m w h o lo v es •Wm our intended undertaking. be murderers, Governors, peoplo or E ditors, if you in Bennington, represented by Bro; R. J. Coats.
i, N ar­ fo olishlylinto him.’ ( think nil is rig ht with you, and you are gaining T w o members in W eathers lie Id, represented b y
h im , f o r e ^ e r a n a o v e f, A m e n . 7 T h en thny nil swore one another,-nnd bound
id also a great trium ph, then rejoico in y o u r victory B rother P. W eaver.
5 B u t ho said unto, Be not ashamed, but re themselves by m utual execrauons. T h e ir whole
IE T C h ap ter I, sleep on and take y o u r r e s t A nd unto the Saints T hree members in* Millport, represented by
ceive stren g th in th y mind, thro u gh tho com number was two hundred, who descended in the
ty aod 1. T h e word of the blessing of E noch, b y which days o f Jared, upon the summit o f M ount Ar- t would say at the samo time enter into your B rother J. Sharp.
mands whicn I am about to deliver unto thee closets, and as tho last resort make y o u r appeal
ho blessed thc elcct and tho righteous, who were mon. On motion the following E lders were appointed
F o r, said he, I am sent to show unto thee all those in tho cars of th a t G od who sits enthroned in the to labour in different parts o f tho Loras vine*
fturday to live in tho timo o f tribulation, to the rejectio’n 8 Therefore they called that m ountain Armon
things again, which thou hast seen before; but
No. 7'-* of all the wicked and ungodly. E n o ch a right becauso they had sworn upon it, and bound them heavens, and see i f he will say he can do nothing yard, v iz :
especially such of them as m ay be o f most use for you, and if he docs not answer y o u r petitions
heraaf* u nto thee. oous man, who was with God, answered andP^selves by m utual execrations. E lders Simion Dunn and Isaac Chase, in M ill­
ably in ’ before, ho will when the Oth, 10th aitd 11th verses
6 A n d first o f all write m y Commands and •poke, when h » eyes were open, and ho saw a 9 9 T hese are the names o f their chicfs, the first of tho Gtlj Chap. o f Revelations o f St. John are port and vicinity.
S im ilitu d e s; tho rest thou shalt so write as 1 1 ins the angel shew-KSuinaua, who was their leader; tho second, A rsti A rchibald Bates, in Catteraugus County.
iretred fulfilled. It is truo the L atter-D ay S aints have
shall show unto thee. B u t I therefore bid the& o r a n • i , Bkapha; the third, A rm en ; the fourth, Akibeel E lders Joseph Shamp and Stephen Taylor, in
Street, first o f all write m y Commands and Similtudes. iindei- LlthQ fifth, T a m ie i; tho sixth, Ram iel; the seventh
that by often reading o f them; thou m ayest the stood what I saw, th a t which will not bo dono inM Danyal; tho eighth, Z a k ic l; tho ninth, B arakel hompson, in Alexander, A ttica
lard. more easily keep them in memory. this generation, but in a generation which i s | t h e tenth, A zaziel; the eleventh, A rraersj the
recital of which would shock hum anity and bo a and vicinity’.
7 W hereupon I wrote his* Commands and to como at some future time, ou account o f th e itw clfth , B a ta r y a l; the thirteenth, A nanel ; the disgrace to the Barbarian, nnd yet no disposition E lder C alvin R. Clark, in Gennesse County*.
Similitudes, as he bade mo. c* ^fourteenth, T h autn el; tho fifteenth. Sam iel: the E ld e r D. Adams, iu tho immediate vicinity of
3. On their account I spoko and talked 4 11. A . I m M . ! t k.
with ____ * 1. T~* f . I ■ ______________ _ • was ever manifest by an y departm ent o f G overn­
a Tay- 8 W hich things if, when y o u have heard, ye lim. who will then go sixteenth, E rta c l; tho seventeenth, Tum&ei; the
shall ob#ervo to dp them, and shall walk accordiug forth from his mansion. jeighteenth, T a r c l; tho nineteenth, Y o m y ae l; the ment to hear our petitions, investigate our griev­ hia home, nnd where ho sees f it
the holy and m ighty One, tho God o f th i/w o rld . twentieth, Sariel. ances, or redress our wrongs, but upon tho other On motion, voted th a t B ro th er Solon F o ster
jivlcr )*1 to them, and exercise yourselves in them, with a hand, every officer has been ready and more than labor conjointly with B rother R. J. Coats, in
4. ^ ho will then walk upon M ount Sinai, ap- 10 These, with all the others, in the thousand
pure inm d, yo shall receivo from the Lord those
>ear with his hosts, and be revealed in tho strength one hijndred and seventieth year o f tho world. willing to attend, to every w arrant and a c c u s a tio n l" 7y ° m,nB county. On motion, voted that tho
things which he has promised unto you. of his power from heaven. against^the Saints, uu nn til
til they
they havo
havo been
been dra
draggcdHrcsld*u c ^ " ^’ Elders, composing this Conference,
every 9 B u t if,*having heard'them , ye shall not re |took to themselves wives, and they continued in against .through
tho Saints,
l scores of vexatious . . . law su it 3 when_^cn tiieyBlabor when and where tnoy please, within tho
Taylor, • k® afraid, and the watchers shall be their madness with them until ihe titno o f the Hn / i i i n f l o V\o f1 fthia
a} able
pont, b ut s^ a lH till go on to odd to y o u r sins, ye terrified.
flood. , were innocent of tho charges against them. M ^ i*
is-§bountta it ii < t h ba M o*
Conference, not4 m aking incroaeh-_
- - >1. r . . — T

shall be punished by him. souri could m uider their scores o f Saints in co!dB!lle,? ^ ground or oppointmeut of any other
re new- G. G re at fear and trembling shall seize them, 1 1 A n d there were born unto them three sorts,
noaey, 10 All these things th a t shepherd, tho angel
oven to tho ends of tho earth, thc lofty m ountains the first were great giants, and to tho giants were blood. P lun der-them o f hundreds o f th o u s a n d s i“ 1^ ‘v,^ ,ia^ motion, voted th at the residue o f
be ad -1 of repentance, commanded me to write.
tceive shall be shnken, and the high hills depressed, and! bom N ephilim, aud to tho Nephilim were born of dollars worth o f goods and chattels, then e x p e l n 1*10 Conference,
C om m an d I. melt like a honey comb in ihe fire, thc earth sh all8 Elioud. fifteen thousand o f them from the State in theHw^*c^ nT0 1101 present, labor within the v icin ity
F ir s t o f all, believe th at there is one God, who be overflowed, and all which is upon it shall perish, cold o f winter, drive them from lands for w hich| th e ir’homes, os much as their circumstances
nd tbe 12 A nd th e y increased in their power, and
••Pro- created and framed all things into a being. when ju d g m en t shall come upon all. even upon taught each other and their wives sorcery and in ­ they have paicUnto the public treasury n e a r b d f | ad'i‘it; and th a t thny report themselves to
2 Ho comprehends all things, and is only ill im- the ri~ hteous. a million of dollars, nnd government h a d given! llex^ Conference by lettor or personal appear-
m ensee, not to be comprehended cantations.
Jed by any. 7. B u t to them ho will give peace, he will save deeds, and promised to w arrant and defend, andf*ance* &n molion> votet* th a t George Thom pspn
3 W ho can neither be defined efined bvby anv
an y words, tho elect, and towards them be m erciful *13 Moreover, Azaziel taught men to make
tie* in et the C onstitution ond Laws o f tho U nited represented as a member, ond an E ld e r o f t h o '
uor conceived,by the mind. swords, knives, shields, breastplates, the fabrica­
j mi___ rv 1__i:___ • t • 8. So then all shall bo made happy nnd blessed tion o f mirrors, the workm anship o f bracelets, or­ tates, considered by th e Officers o f G overnm ent Alexander Branch. A djourned for ono hour.
f gold 4 Therefore boliove in him, and fear him ; and by God, and tha splendour of God shall them en Saturday afternoon, Conference opened by sing-
so specific and limited in their powers a 3 not
inufac- fearing him: abstain from all evil. naments, the use o f paint, beautifying o fth e eye­ d prayer. B ro th e r Tr . D. R ichards de-
nabled lighten. reach :n their case, and tho peoplo as the voice ofrt'PS de­
i at re 5 Keep these things, and cast all lust, and ini * 9. Behold he cometh with ten thousand of his brows, tho uso o f stones of every valuuble and man ready to say till is right, and uo voice to bet j 1 discourse, \vhich was listened to w ith
ihr* *» q u ity far from th e e : and p u t on righteousness', saints, to executo ju dgem ent upon them, ond to select kind, and o f all sorts of dy^s, so th a t the raised in the defence of the oppressed, lest thcyf profound interest, nnd apparent delight, sun g a
langfd and thou shalt live to God, if thou shalt keep this! destroy t h f wicked, ar.d punish tbe carnal, for world became altered. would be committintr
com m itting treason. B R u t as
n.4 Koon asj hym n and adjourned until S unday 10 o’clock A.
soon nsJ
me, or commandment. 14 Im piety increased, fornication multiplied, the Council o f one o f th e Cities o f tho Saints felti AL Stinday morning, Conference opened by'
every thing which the sinful nnd ungodly have
and they transgressed and corrupted all their
y. C om m and If. done, and committed against him . disposed to remove a press, which theyT counted p rayer { C. W . W anaell delivered a discourse on
jp~c ways.
H e s&id unto me, Be innocent, and withou 10 AH whb are in thc heavens know what thore a nuisance, rind was justified by th<j. Laws and the Neiv and E v erlasting Covenant;. A fternoon
•ESI— 15 Samiaza ta u gh t all the sorcerers and divi­ C h a rter of thi$ City', tho wholo country wasrcaiJ {brother W m . D. P ra tt delivered a discourse, fol-
disgu ise; so shalt thou be like an infant whojjji* d ° nc-.
ders of roots.
i, Only knows no malice, which destroys tho life o f j n a n g 11 T h a t the lights o f heaven chango not their to rush to arms with tho G overnor at their he Iqwed by B ro th er F . D. R ichards.. T h e Spcra-
of the 2 Especially see that thou speak evil o f none every one rises and sets according to IG A rm ers ta u g h t the solution o f sorcery. feeling determined th at the blood o f all the S aints„ m in. t was then administered, . . and apparent
r good
pegged 17 Barakel ta u g h t th e observers o fth e stars. should be shed and their C ity laid in ashes foru^ee^ feeling n5 nnd unam una!u im inity
ty prevailed am amon ong the Breth-
icy <;o- willingly hear any one speak evil of any* Hlts regulation, every one a t its time, w ithout ^rans-
18 Akibeel tau gh t signs. com mitting so great a crime. Oh 1 justice wherejfrcn- „9n0 came forward, and was adopted into
j, from 3 F o r i f thou observest not this, thou also w h o f gression of the divine commands, th ey see the
nd»on, 19 Tam iei tau gh t astronomy. hast thou fled, th y seat is not to be found in t h c | j ^ e K ingdom b y obeying thc principles o f tho
hearest, shalt be partak er o f the sin of him t h a t j earl^> n.n<| understand w hat there is done, fromfc
la lrih c
speaketh evil by believing the slander, and t h o u S ^ 0 begining o f it to the end. F 20 Zakiel tau g ht inspection of the air. h ea rt o f tho A m erican Nation. O h ' yc S a in ts ! jp 1tP2,1 Conference then mljo u r ned to meet
21 A rm en ta u g h t tho signs o f tho earth. of the last days inasmuch as you live under aj],n Alexander, the 2nd S atu rd ay «i»d Sunday, in
also sbalt havo s in ; because thou believedst h im a 12 T h a t every work o f God is unchan^eablct 22 D in y a l ta u g h t the signs o f th e sun.
th a t spake evil o f th y brother. •in the time of its appearance, they behold summer pvernm ent th a t feeh disposed to support this o r - S ^ 10^ nW -
23 A nd Sariel taught the motions o f the er o f things, iind heap those grievances uponL C jH A ttL E S W . W A N D E L L
4 Detraction is a pernicious thing; an incon* aad winter, that the whole earth is full of water,vznoon.
y o u r heads aad still laugh a t y o u r calamity, l p R A L P H J. C O A T S , Clerk.
oppressor's rod and liberate the captive Israelites.! preached a v ery impressive sermuu on mo uvc-h - - - - - -------
A S a m u e l ruled and judged, Israel in, righteous- trine of C hrist, his te x t was “ T h e bible.” E ld erll *>*7° * WT*a '
in g their wrongs to bo avenged bv the constituted ness forty years, oppressinn non e; and when Coats followed. It was then on motion Resolved 10 ° ’c,ock at
authorities o f tho State. T he following resolu­
Saul oppressed Israel, and ruled with a rod. Da- Ith at a m eeting bo held-in Lewiston, to com m ence! Wra.Ltw came to the gate with them* whnees °on g Srd
tions passed by the C ity Council of N auvoo, and m was anointed of God to break his yoke fromUSaturday, ‘J u ly I3th, and to continue until Sun-M»topped them. UWcsUedMoseph to the doer, aa<lV*at!
sanctioned by a meeting of 8000 .Mormons, speak off their neck, and redeem.them from the oppress I d a y evening. Ird interview. Joseph tald, Brother Law yon know
for themselves. • . or’s grasp. ’T w as Solomon, the wisest of rulers.fl On motion Resolved, th at the E lders roak e| ^ « c r ^ a to come here at tbw hour of the night, iad Law-
“ Resolved, F o r the purpose of ensuring peace who said, th a t « when the wicked rule the peopleBevery effort to advance the holy work in which
and promoting the welfare of the county o f Hau- ~hich witness heard r e td —which waa written apparently
" k“ " *l' ‘ ..........'*•-------------- *ve are engaged,— Moved, seconded, and carried, to screen himself from tbe censure of a eoaspirscy t a d the
cock, and surrounding country,' th a t we w illl
th a t this conference adjourn until the second letter, betrayed a conspiracy on tbe face of it. ^
rig id l^ su stain the l{iws, and the G overnor of the when there
S aturday in October next, w hen we will meetajrain
Slate, so long as thoy, and he, sustain us in our of Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Darius, and Gy [at Bro. N eal’s. 1 -.............. .............— -----w — r ------------- <acu relative
C onstitution^ rights. rus, the Prophet Daniel, second in the empire, to Wm., bat being as mcredolovs as ourselves rela­
SUPER HANC rXTBA M J K P i n C A S O . CFTAS.’W . W A N D E L L , Pros. tive to the dishonesty of W m . Caw, until he heard thote
^ Resolved, secondly, T b a t to carry the forego managed the affairs of state with such wisdom and
S A M U E L P. B A C O N , Clerk. disclosures,* has made the following aGlflavjt.
mg resolution
SATURDAY MORNING. Jlil-Y 20, 1844. as the G overnor has taken from 113 the public into complete effect, that inasmuch righteousness, that the one hundred and twenty State of Illinois, ) June lStb, 18-f I.
n r m 1 it a i n a s g m i 1. . ^ . ' a a a a a a a envious and aspiring princes, subject to him. City of Nanvoo. ) Personally appeared:
T h o Ansas*! n a t io n o f t lie B r e t h r e n .
W e wrre loih Jo believe ihe reports or ihe m urder.«
arms, that we solicit of him to do thc sntne with could find no accusation against him in all the
all-the rest of the public arms o f th e State. aifairs of the empire, and therefore accused him
POETRY. Trueman Gillet jon :before me, Willard Richards, Record­
er of the’city of Nauaoo- And after beictf duly sworn, de-
Resolved, thirdly; T o further secure the peace, before the k ing oq acconnt of the God he wor­ [F or n i t pR ontrr. poseth aud aaith, tfiat on or about the* firs* day o f ‘Jane
the Prophet ana Patriarch—but alts conviction is fore*-* T o m y B r o k e n G u ita r . 1S42, while parsing up the Ohio river oa the rteam boat
upos oar mind by th* testimony of eye witnesses. W friendship,.and happiness of the people, and allay shipped. Last, but not least o f the Benefactors Mascachhsetts, deponent overheard-two men, oae a resi­
the excitement th at now exists we will reprobate of our race which L will now take time to men­ “ But thon wouldst not think, how ill all’a here about dent of Missouri, and the other of Ohio, u reported, con­
must sav that we gave the State of Illinois credit for m or
than she deserved— witness her press two short years eg.
private revenge on the assassinators of General tion, is Jesus, the Son of God. who was anointed my heart, but it is no matter.”— H a m l e t . versing together concerning incidents 0 0 the Upper Missis­
Joseph Smith, and General H iram Smith, by anv K ing of Is ra e l; the grand consummation of " It is the s«al up< n the tomb-of Hope, sippi ; when one raid to the other, “ ii L aw could have
swelling with indignation, at the violation of our rights b succeeded in getting an introduction for ua .to Joe Sm ith,
j f the Latter-D ay Saints. T h a t instead of an By which, like t >me lost, sorrowing angel, «its
the people of Missouri—gone more vocifero&s than II" whose mission into the world, will ba the entire S id Memory ev r m o r e ------ B px,w e r . damn him, we would have gagged him, or nabbed him, and
ol to arms,” we appeal all htll could not have rescued him from our hands." T he
people of Illinois, in their condemnation of the course pur al to the majesty olndissolution of all tyrannical, oppressive, and wick-
aw, and will be content Why art thon broken 1 ius again, companion o f my youth, next morning deponent got into conversation with the man
sued by Missouri—no language was too buicr for them (• . .* , ,, , . whatever judg-Hed governments aud the establishment o f a uni-
Sad emblem of my loi«*ly heart, art thou my broken lute, before mentioned from Miaaouri, who sta u d .th a t he "had
use—and now are t ‘ is same juitiee loving people gu |ty.c> inent it shall award, and should the law fail, w elv ersal empire of peace and righteousuess, over Ob ! conldst thou feel as I have felt, thou could'st a tale been on the upper Mississippi on businen, that he stopped
the raoV horrid diabolic act, that ever disgraced bumanitj eave the m atter with Ood.” ,th ich he * ill rc ig u a s K ing of Kings and L o rd o f at Nauvoo on his way down, with some 12 or 14 other
unfold, .
T o murder two «if the b<et men tbat ever lited, in c« k 1 he above we copy from tho a T ru e S u n ” off lords. m m , who laid a plan to kidnap Joe Smith, that some of
Of blighted hopes, of bitter wrongs, of madneta yet untold. the company queried about getting access to him ; bat one
blood, while their Governor had* pledged ths faith of th. July loth., disapprobating the courso pursued by I ^Vell, indeed, it was for tho world, th at none of
of them fc*id h«‘ knew they could if he conld Gad Bill Law:
itfate to protect th*m—and lor whatT why because th* the Illinois Bandit. [ ^ ie8e were taught 111 tho schools of m odem divin- ’Tis fit thou shouldst ' e broken thus, it is not meet that] they called on-W m. Law in the evening, to get an inter­
were not guilty of what they charged them with, and la* I ity, or else they would certainly have th ought it thou, view to th tir great prophet; and Law weat with them to tho
could not reach them, “ so powder and ball must.” Thu
fell these N o b l e M a r t y r s for the "faith once delivern
C 0 J1 .11 (I , \ | t T I <► XS . 1 beneath their cfignity to have had an yth in g As in my days of early blisa, should pour thy glad strain] gate, wh<n they were atopped by the police, and it was
with the affairs of utate, even if it were to save a now,
well for him that we did not get an introduction. Depo­
C o n f e r e n c e J l i u u t e * nent eaidj did Wm. Law know your businsta 1 qnq be re­
to the Saints,”—they are now numbered with an Abel, • nation from slavery, o r a world from ruin. None When nought but dreams and memories, are left of vanish­ plied, y e s ! Deponent asked, what have you against J o ­
Jeremiah, a Jesus, a Paul, a Stephen, a Peter, and a hos r»,, r„ , Lyndon, V t„ June 30th. ISM. of the priestly dignity, long-faced hypocrisy, or ed bliss, seph Smith—did he ever injure y o u ! T he man replied
of others for whom the world was not good enough— I h e Elders and Members of “ T h e C h u r c h ok Monkisfi superstitions and austerities, narrowed For such a time, how truly meet, a parting like to‘ this. “ no, but he h u othersV Did you ever aee him t “ Yes,
their souls down to a point, or crammed them into I waa ot*? who helped to run the Mormons from Miisonri;’*
B relkrepii? eatm ‘ana prudent—let not affliction* botr J'Ci J e s u s C h r i s t of L a t t e r D ay S a i n t s .”
down, but go forth in your several callings with renewei
a nutshell, so that they could do nothing to bene­ The murmuring of thy loosen’d chords, all broken as thou and relate 3 many instances concerning the Missouri mob.
Met according to appointment, Sat., 2 o’clock, iDeponentlsa.'J to ‘he nian, he was acquainted with W m.
energy, appeal to God to avenge our wrongs acd leave re
fit mankind, h s t set in the chimney corner and a rtj . M Law, cousidei'td fca--waa
" » " | *.wu»iuc»--------- - - -an
- honorable man, »UU and was
H u i led
r g toio
pened by singing and prayer, whereupon Elder J . ..I, . L_ !_ 1. * . taiik i L a m a ______ !__ ___ *
tributioa in ilis hands. sing psalms. Hero «lder Snow referred to th e T hen . c « , r more kmdly ,bMe. .p e .k to the ?«S if ,™ .
b . Snow was.called to the chair, and E lder Wm. VJoSeph « - - - r -----. ------------- j — , . . •• iiuc
alarming condition o f our own government, and heart,
H yde appointed Secretary. T h e presid_ent stated [whether jrou believe “ or not”—and repeatedly affirmed'
T o C o rresp o n d en t* . the hu ngry swarms of office-seekers and corrup Th*y seem to bare it sympathy, with youths bright promise ,it. Deponent did not
that as he was unacquainted with the present con­ the statemcnU of the man
W e have been obliged to neglect you this week for ih< dition of the churches in this qunrter. He would tions of office-holders, the lighting in the balls of flown, ^ from Missouri as mention e(* *bove, until after heariug the
Congress, the prevalence of mobs. T h e slavery [To mingle tears with weeping eyes, that else would weep [recent developementa befor*.’ c*,Jr Council
want of room. > call first fo ra representation o f th e branches.that ^ '•lU E M A N G IL L E T , jun.
of millions, the sufferings and injustice of the alone.
we might be the better prepared to adopt such Sworn a id subscribed at the t»:me and place absve writ*
M o u r n in g . saints, their unheeded appeals for redress, and th e L
measures as will advance tho interest o f th e cause [ten before'me.
Many of our brethren are of Opinion that the wearing o in this section of country. More branches nnd rapid march of crime in every departm ent of gov-HM y gay Guitar, ray gay Goitar, if this our parting strain, \ W I L L A k 0 RW HARD S,
ernment, and concluded with an appeal tp allH To atrangera ears tby voice perchance, shall never wake R ecorder, C. N. [ L S ]
crape as a sign of grief, owes its origin to sectarian inno remains ol old ones were represented in Wood-
friends of humanity and lovers of freedom to rallylj again, W hat are ire to conclude from the above Add to these
vations—not so—it was a custom in the earliest ages of th stock, Northiicld, Lyndon, Danville, St. Johns- the following testimony, delivered before tti e City Coua-v
around thc standard o f equal r igh ts w h ic h we hadDFor they would pass thee careless by, to ttem thou could’st
Cnurch of God, to mourn for the death of those God ha. bury, Waterford, Irisburgh, Newark,' and C h a r­ c il :
raised; and endea vo r to preserve and bequeathjj not be,
exalted in the Chuich as Pxophets or Patriarchs, and t< leston, generally in good standing, though some­ "Theodore Tuney a mechanic, who being a » ^ n » i *aid,
td p o s t e r it y u n i m p a i r e d th e v a lu a b le l e g a c y w ellT nat remnant dear of olher days, the friend thou wert to that the Laws, (W m. and Wilson,) had brought bo^osdies
manifest lo the world their respect for the deceased by ap what scattered, and m any cdlls tor preaching in i n h e r ite d fro m o u r fa th e rs. S m e. for him to fix.”
propriate symbol*, among which was the mm cf bU()J the vlclhity of the branches. A t half-past five. P . M. the meeting dissolved.! Couple thi* with the following oath :—'
craper. ' J I A fter transacting some business of a local na­ “ Lorenzo Wasson sworn, 's^d-Joseph H Jackson told
ture, relating to the saints in the vicinity, Benoni and the audience purchased a large quan tity o tlp ll my fond-love and blighted hopes, are hovering o’er thy witness that bogus making waa going on in the city bat
Gen. Sm ith’s “ \ lews &c.” and other books.lj shell,' it was too dsmned small bus':nesr. W anted witness to
. B o o k o f JKnoch. Chase of Lyndon was called and ordained a priest
( m a n y o f w h o m d e c la re d t h e y w o u ld i: g o theB A nd breathing in a plaintive voice, a last a long farewell! help him to procure money, for\the Geneual (Smith) waa
Oa our first page will be found two chapters from thi Jand James Kitridge, of Danville, teacher. w hole f ig u re ” w ith u s) a n d d is p e r s e d i n h i g h g leetj A long farewell to silver links, thus severed one by one, afraid to go into ir, and with ISOCThe could get an engra­
1 he President tnen in his usual familiar and in ­
moat explicit of all th* writing of'the ancient prophets— ii a n d w i t h g o o d feelings, h a r i n g re m a in e d a lm o s tu A fearful blow has rent the last—and all my hopea are ving for bills on the bank of M irsoori/and o n e o a tho:8tato
our next we will give an account of its discovery, it wa teresting style, proceeded to give such counsel and m o tio n less a b d u t -erisn h o u r s ; a n d m u c h go o d w eP gone
of New York, and eonld make money,—said many limes
instructions as the condition of the saints seemed witnees did not know h im ; believed the General had been
published in Kngland by an Ep’ucopalion'. t r u s t will be th e r e s u lt o f.tiie m e e tin g . I telling witness something. God tftmn.inni if he has I will
to require touching the gathering, building the
Now like aome#.distant rpirits wail, thy mournful notes] kill him,—swore he would kill any man that should prove
T h e T r u t h i u C*erniauy. lem ple, preaching tho Gospel, and our P oliti­ C a m b r ia . If. Y C o n fe r e n c e . 1 a traitor to him. Jacltsoa said, if he could get a com panf
shall teem ,
W e have conversed with Elder Graneck of Philadel cal course and action, with regard to the affairs of P u rsu a n t to notice,” tho N iagara Conference of men to suit him, he wonld go into the frontiers and live
Or music heard imperfectly, in man’a fast fading dre am .» by robberry bad got aick of the world ”
phia who haa lately returned from a mission to his fathe G overnment *Scc. T ouching the gathering he met at tho house of Brd. G. A. Nenl. T he meet­ Th^y tell ms of a promised land, where Saints shall live Now let us aak, who was W illiam L a w ? who
land, (Germany) he baptised seven and ordained one eldei said, thdugli it should not be slackened, yet tnose ing was called to order by E lder Wm. Prrttt t at rest, were the people’ w ith whom he w as'asso ciated,
chere was a great desire forth* truth awakened by the few revelations must be observed which enjoin upon whereupon, E lder C. W. W andell was chosen
Adieu—1 my beacon light, the bright “ Star of the and w h a t.ia the nature of this b au d o rg anized
lecture* given by ElderG., aad from the proverbial thought the saints to prepare all things before them. The president, and .Samuel P. Bacon, clerk. There
West.” agninst the Mormons ? *
Ailneas q fth a t people, we prophesy a great and rapic poor must not be all- I------------- pushed together
“ 6 ............. at iN i uauvoo
u r u u | wore • ■ “ • v jpresent,
/ i t o c u i , 2 iHigh i i g H xPriests,
r ie s is , 3 o Seventies,
e 18 E l AjlCHTOCTO.NtC.
spread of the Truth there—God speed it. pcnnylessj and w ithout empldyment or means otlfders, one Priest, a n d ^ n o Teacher, Is it surprising w ith this testim ony before
subsistence, for the Lord will not feed us withH On inotioh Resolved, T h a t this conference up- A Q u e stio n ? them and a areat deal more of a sim ilar itin d
A N ew P u b lic a tio n . m a n n a1* in the midst of a flourishin 1/1 f t f l n c i t o f n u t ' I 1. <v
hold and sustain'the first Presidency at Nauvoo, the r> ___ * 1 _ _ __ __ a \ T _ ' • Who
fho are the leaders ol this mobocratic p a rty ! and who , which 1 ...I*? we cannot now transcribe th a t the th e ciXy
pie must be .finished speed.. T w ^ of this excitement is a question that we council should havo taken th h steps th e y di<L
W e are gathering all the particular of the Missouri the >1 welve, thc High Council, the .l^esidency of rjavaI often hftd propounded to n s, ; _________
hftd'Vrojiotfnded____ and now__as we . . . have «a with evidence before them th a t botn W m . L aw
persecution and the late horrible massacre of toe Prophn *nrl ty thing of the saints or wo shall be broken up the State of New York, and the other authoiities tit'.le LltHfii leiture, U weA ^*1
feel free I*to taL
fakeA trp Ithe Ls subject
»ml-. L a i .aad
_ J toan- n • | »V
~ - :.L _,i r dcad< #oith and Dr. b o ste r were both peijtired men, aird th a t
and Patriarch, and intend to publish them in book form, of the Church of Jesus C hrist of Latter-day jwer the question.
illustrated by a number of wood cuts, of scenes in the per that those princi [Saints. Moat ot the leaders engaged in this cottage, erre men the paper was a libel from beginning to end.
- j ------- alone we mi whose characters are so notorious, and whose eondnet has Is not tho above indubitable testim ony, con­
■ecuticn &c. We wil! also include the opinions of th- T he representation of Branches were then been so infamous, that h is unnecessary for ua to say a n y - v c i d "
cerning the ch aracter o f Wm. Law ? A re a v ir-
Press respecting the persecutions. All desirous of aidici cure an exaltation to ourselves and our dea^ :alled for:— H erkimer Branch consists of four-H htng„ about ____ ihem,___ ____„ .......
ampng thoie are l)r. foster, FraDCit|MU0Q3
ua in this enterprise are requested to remit monies, f« i be set in order, and administered only in the teen members, one Priest, one Teacher, E lder H.gbee, Chauncyj Hikbee, and Charles Foster A/it
---B---- V — Dr. A Foster
WSUI l | f»
people r
to be condemned
. .
th e y h ave
sanctuary' of . God--------- builtn for th a t purpose—
purpose— theBW the .. c . ■ . . i^the mloral o r a l ccourage
o u r a g e to p uu t a sstop t o p to b la c k le g s ,
to' blacklegs,
which they will receive the work, or if any ofth e breit ” ........ hitehead presiding. G rand Island Branch. and the H gbee’a as debauchees aad'gamblers, we believe
scattered saints are equally interested, for nonrljninn members, E lder Staly P re s’t. Buffalo have not u parrallel in this c ity ; they have long been a counterfeiters, and the very e st sycophants and
ren have any particulars not made public, of either pers* •unk in the oouuil# of this community; eud so far from
cution, they will oblige us if they send to us by mail. W ^ p r,v *Icges of the sanctuary who doHBranch eleven members, ono Elder.’not organ- heir being considered honorable, they have been looked anakes, th a t ever poisoned com m unity. G ood
..o tfu lh th t law o r t j t h 'n g i , „ d . A kron J W h , twenty two m em b er.fsix is common disiurbtrs of the peace; and a pest to society;
heavens I what are we com ing to ? H a s it come
cxpect, if sufficient encouragement is given before goitij
to press, to pubiiah a very large edition and send them fa A s early os as 1833 the Lord commanded the||E thellElders, !ders. Jno. Gallop, President. Lewiston I Branch •his the records of our city, bear ample testimony of, aod lo this, th a t renegadoes, blacklegs, and cou nter­
»f this the parties thtni*eIves feel sufficiently convinced. feiters, bave sufficient influence to excite
aad near, so that the people of these states may know ■>aints and all lovers of liberty to scarch out andH'iine members, three Elders, ono Priest, E ld e r J. Francis lligbee, w b ik being reasoned wilh by Sidney Rig
endeavor to uphold wise and righteous men who iStceJ, P res’t. Cambria Brahbh, ings of com m unity, so as to-come arm ed'ag& inst
w h it we have suflerod. twenty-six mein den Esq.. (one ot his olJ fnends) as to ihe impropriety of a virtuous, innocent, and law abiding p eop le; an d
, would .preserve,
. protect, andp eperpotuate the civil
r p o t u a t e ---------- . . . Ibers,
1 six Elders, . Elder G : A. N
........ Neal, President.— nis pretent mode of procedure, raid, ’* 1 hav<vno c h a n c ­
[and religious rights guaranteed 111 our Constitu­ jb ran t Branch, twenty-six members, three Elders, er to los*.’* is there no power to check the to rre n t? Aro
03* The Brethren are Requested to send us through mai
tion, and which should be maintained for the jn e Priest, one teacher, one deacon, W m. A. And it is by this recklers band, without character, with­ there no persons to be found who havo the moral
all the information respecting the persecutions of the Saint*
protection of all flesh.” W e have already beet, Beebe, P res’t. A t Xew-Fame, two members, one out influence, and defprred where they are known, that courage to meet the hydra-headed m onstcr,-and
and forward such papers as notice them, so that/w e maj
quito too long Boosting Demagogues into power Elder. N iagara Co., seven scattering members, our characters, our property, and our lives are assailed. stand up in defence of tnose in stitu tio n for w hich
lie enabled to collate matter for the “ HUtory o f \ h e P n But are not William nnc| Wilson Law, honorable m en l
which, when obtained through our means, has A lter a few pertinent rem arks from the Presiden- They have been looked <tpon aa such, and generally treat lour fathers bled: to m aintain “ free trade and
»<ru;ion of the People ol God io the 10ih Century.”—ail
almost invariably been used to abridge our p rivi­ on the degraded state o f our country*, and the im­ ed as such, until within the last few months. W e have stilors’ rights.”
drrss to the Editor cf the Prophet.
leges and tramplo upon our rights to gratify a portance of the Saints m aking every effort to ush oeen among the number of their friends, and when els- Answer ye patriots and R ep u b lican s!— shades
prejudiced community*. a■af> In. ll.A , .
1__ - 1* \— 1 r"~ ' ° ------ J,-■*'**
.1 * y*.• “ »“ -ijclosure after dirclosure r f a suspicious character was being [of the venerable fathers o f o u r co u n try speak ’
T o t h c Saint*. e r 111 Hie r e ig n ol r ig h te o u s n e s s , t h e conlerenccjlfn^de, we trampled them under our feet, as unworthy ol
It we would be respected we m ust respect our­ a d jo u r n e d f o r o n e hour. JJnotice and could not believe that they would do any thing Shull hum an rights and republican in stitution s b«
You are requested to use every exertion to procure sub selves. I f wt would enjoy our rights we must base, or dishonorable:; uryil ui\iii a
a full a c T c i o p c r a c n i vi
m u developement u u c u u r Itrampled under foot, by lawless m iscreants in tho
of circum
M et at '2 o’clock. A fter prayer. itances
rcribera for the “ lVophst,” it is the only organ we hav. i^ e r t and endiavor to maintain them a t the bal­ and a _ ___ ___ of________________ _ u n d e rB v ery temple o f freedom, which yet reeks w ith the
Elder W m., P ra tt arose and preaciied a very ^in- •>alb, forced us regular chain
reluctant!) to believe 10
evidence delivered
in the eastern country, and other press will allow it lot-box and by all lawful means. * A t the close of 1reluctant!* to the contrary. Wc VvVMblood o f our venerable sires ? (More anon )
teresting discourse upon the New C o v e n a n t - nad supposed that they tvefe onr friend*, the friends ol
columns for our defence, it is very necessary that the Pro his remark* (which were quite elaborate upon [N auvoo n eig hb or.
Elder Alfred Cordon followed, Joseph Smith* and thc friends of this people, for they had
phet should be sustained as an advocate of ihe Truth. 1 this subject) he presented a preamble and a serie.v two hours. oeen dandled on their 1ip and always made iond profes-
mutt be evident to you, that ihe paper cannot be sustained i f resolutions relative to the affairs o f our G ov­ tona of friendship ; bu vliat friend 1 what patriot 1 what M o v e m e n t o e t h e U. S. T R oops.— T h e - D ra ­
Met pursuant to adjournment for a testimony philamhrophitt 1 what Honorable, and what but a debased goons at F o rt Leavenw orth have received orders
al i u low price, unless we have 0 large subscription list- ernment and our future policy in upholding Gen.
:eting— had a good time— many strangers pres bloodthirsty wretch, would try to excite a community to to proceed on an expedition to th e Platt»->-wb
let the Brethren, an^fiistera also rake this matter in bant bmith for the presidency &,e., which were re­
t. Adjourned until to-morrow, (Sunday,) a t 9 ftnng mob, bloodshed and carnage upon a whole commu presume, says the A rkansas Intelligencer, for th e
— wa have the cotinteaance aad support qf thc •• Twelve,* sponded to by other speakers and the audience,
o’clock. uity for the crimes, or tllfged crimes, of one or two in
one of whom edits our paper, and have made ruch arrange and unanimously adopted by saints and sinners, purpose o f p u ttin g a stop to the warlike move-
M et agreeable to adjournment, and about 300 iividualsl Are the lives of fifteen or twenty thousand Im en ts o f the Sioux, Otoes, and o th e r tribes in th a t
ment with correspondents, as will enable ua to keep ih. for there wero a respectable number of both.__at men, women and children, to be sacrificed indiscriminate-
persons present. A call was made for the P resi­ ly, to glut the bloodthirsty appetite «f this modern Moloch; region.
Saints informed of every important movement—bereafiei <* o’clock, P. M. adjourned till to morrow morn-
dent whereupon ho arose, and in his usual happy this humble, meek man. who with the rankest hypocrisy
onr columna will be dsvoted more to religious matters
. .. ijant^ forcible style, fully proved from tho scriptures declared, not much longer than two months ago, under A sailor was1 killed while ascending th e stairs
Come oca and all lend us your aid. let pursuant to adjournm ent— a large and r e - |th a t these aro tho “last days o f tho Jowish capti vi­ [oath, publicly before th • Ciiy Couacil, “ that he had nevet
o f th e B u n k er H ill M o n u m e n t— H e looked o u t
le audience listened w.tK an(j Cicntila apostacy.”. E lder A. Cordon known any thing personally against Joseph Smith, that he
W e have received several extra’s from .the Nauvoc [always bad been his friend; that he was now his friend, at one o fth e loop holes to see she Bteani car, w hich
- — . . o -r . - - e „IblIowed, on the subject of the G ath e rin g of Israel, and that if Joseph Smith was not hart, nntil he hart him, being in the descent stru ck h im u p g n t h ^ h e u d .
Neighbor, one of which we publish in this number. principles of 6ur faith afterQAdjourned for one hour he would live until be was as old as Methuselah.” Thi* H e only lived a few hours.
t k » m -i r j ■ . , which O..W several U. uelders
UC » ubore u ,c testimony
ic M im o n y 01 of m thee [rn
t r ntnt h.Hj -Met M e t aatt o one
n e oo’clock.
'c loc k. EElder ld e r S S ttratton
r a t t o n bbeing
e i n i r ccall
a l l . H we heard with onr cwr, own ears, when we saw taw these tbing»B tbing* Q. M t ----------------------- T~
The mails from,Nauvoo during the late disturbance»[|nnd o th e rs o u t o f t h e c h u r c h slso s p o k o a n d testi-H ed u p o n , a r o s e ’before a lar«n» nn d nD H^Ur t y t * 10 ot>en’ we Mw ,h ‘ l our confidence hadj r - f ,r V * Montefiore has presented his'co-reli|ionsU at

[thi » . nr03e
rtS f ! r dthctm'Y ■, ■
1 ? ; as U 'raL
heard the t r n t h "
S ?n th e ,h ” t PrinciP,es of the Gospel. E ld e r p j w y n>«ch disappointed,
*3 ,
^hen we saw him unite with the people of that psrsuasioa • A number of works,'as weVfas
w. ’■ ' "I
T o k e n Of |the last opportunity he expected to have withUJones followed. After which, meetinc adiournedB I.6” ’ H,Ebef>.»nd Jackson; we wondered that he could j j ^ j nac for lhe yc4r' tave •Arkady been printed at^Jc-
The Philadelphia Branch of ihe Church of Jesui Chris) them, he wished to speak with that large audienceUfor 1.’) minutes Hcondescend to associate with snch a gang; believing the old
a a » , * v*ts» ssa#v*% lV |W ltlV ! , C
voted unanimouly that the Brethren wear a crape on thei, upon another, by no m ean sun im po rtant branch;B Assembled again in due order. T h e C o n f e r■buught . ™ . ^he was descending very low, but not until some Wf
left arm fcr thirty days, and the Sisters uM , uch mourninj of our holy religion, in order to illustrato thellence then proceeded to appoint tho Elders to the recent developem^nts, did the fall truth rest upon our FA RM FO R SALE.
as they deem suitable, as a token of their respect for thr cause ol our present political movements. T houghBfolloving places}— . mind, that this people had long been cherishing one of tbe ON LONG ISLAND.
departed Prophet and Patriach of the church. Isome miiw ght question the fproprietjr
iprietv 01o f re ie rn n g to
referring toH E W . E lliot chosen to go to Buffalo, and set veriest sycophants and hypocrites in tbeir bosom that evei
disgraced the footstopl of God. That man is an honorable I^vT H E Subscriber oflert bis farm a t private nle.<
1^ ennhi3’ yCtKe C* ? T iere^ 1 iiMthe ^ Banc\
place, also to organ- m aa who m eets yon in the highw ay, and robs you o f y o u i | £ U & ----- aaid---farm “is situated «on“ w
t hss,,rroad that
oaa m lead»
a t Jeai
T h e M u r d e r o r t h e S mitii^ S l a v i s c C I, q g times, especially on theB.ze theDize aaBBranch
ranch inin NNiagara
iagara Co.^
Co. EEli lders Coats and purse, in comparison to th* wretch, who embraces youB'fom the^^ parsontge landing to Hem pttead, w ith 'o
u n o e r T r u s t .”— T h e W is no longer room ‘to flsa v W ■ 8 T !° ^ n3Ist, ^ in |E1liot to W yom ing and E rie Co. Elders Jones •vith a ktsa and plunges a dagger to yonr heart. And how | ® d c °* landing." contains
doubt th at Joe Smith and his brother Hiramfiwils hnt and singing psalms. B B uu tt thatMand
that Arnold to Rochester. Monroe Co. E lder ever rcluctaritly we are obliged to believe, tbat William . 53 ACRES OF L A N D ’
we rn delih«rAtf>lv mi « /> il - ^but a very small part of tne duties of a m ani K eyson to Jefferson Co E ld e r Sly to -B ro ck l^ w has long been the secret enemy of Joseph Smith, and »ccording to the deeds of which 13 is woodlwd aid 14 sslf,
of this people; and tbat whiNt be has been one of JosepK
sT ,n. tr s o d f a. T D istrict, C anada West. Elders Bacon and Phil- Smith’s counrellors and profeasing the most sacred friend slack gms, and freah meadow.
affairs, will have tho stain blood u p o ^ r i f t h e b " ^ » d ^ V ? h h h baP‘er 0 r j 1' a i‘ h ' \* ' ? . “ d' al lppon to N iagara Co. Elders Steele and H enry •hip, that he has been secretly plotting with a gang 01 •n.the floor wuh a*8®?>dldwenin«bouse, with five rooms
ball throuffh the cenUe, a good brick .
m urderars be not brought to condign punish- ^ M & / J
^ ^
y ou- >v i°u ^i i u»u gi : to
tW Jacobs do. Elder Neal do. E lder Sheffeld do. scoundrels to take away his life. Well may the inspire^ •ellar that can be entered without goisg out of do*rs, a
the naked, to loose the bnnds o f wickedness, to
ment. I he Smiths had voluntarily surrendered E lder Bois, E rie Co. E lder Corkins.t E rie and oenman say, “ cursed is he that putteth his trust in man arge and convenient h»rn with ojhier out buildings, a good
undo the heavy burdens, to break every yoke and Gegesee Co s. E lder Beckw ith in Chautaque or makrth fleali his arm." *ell of water near the door, and a large garden well stor­
themselves for trial; the law, their custodian, T^u T ' i : ------- T •w m * * * . During the
...w time ,lhat
u > . O.
v,. tP. .. xRockwell
vocaw eu w w uu cconfined
o n f i n e d 11
let the oppressed go free;” in short, to do good to
should havo been their protection and shield Co. E ld lder
er Beebe inm E rie Co. E lder W. H u rd jai110 Mo* for lhe allf£ed marder of Et-Oovernor Boggs 'd with ahrubbery, such as gooseberry’ currents, raspber-
all men, but especially the household o f faith!
T h o y were prisoners, unarmed, incapablc of r e ’ N iag ara District Canada W est. E ld e r StrattonB ‘ nd- at',',V inle *«>■»» d««a*ad had been made by the exe ubscriber on «the e. For farther particulars enquire of the
A rm ing his servants and redeeming L ot and N iag ara Co. I ? UUI C j ^ Ute aP°n tl»e executive of this State.
I ° mor the body of Ocn. Jossph Smith, letters were scca by * JAMES AKERLY
jane 29 1541
Awful Assassination! The Pledged faith bey have come to my knowledge, ia an authentic shape,
a one of the attorneys employed. l a defend the aaid Smiths p m n h and * 'j ,*Utei,eo,Dg *one lo S *Q' ob • w r i t for,
others, and that nothing short of ao aoconditioa reasons I decided, in o council o f officers, to dis-1
of tfce: State o f : Illinois'stained with ;aia*t the charge* brought sgaicst ‘them, and other per-
M surrender to the laws coold allay the excite'ment. I wa» b a n d t h e a a m y , o x e c p t t h r e e c o m p a n ie s ," tw o o f] •o v c r u o r F o r d ’* A ddrem t o t h c P e o p l e
na at Carthage; in the Stale of*Illinois. 1 ' IftilXVpQ:?* TT-- TP- % -j
innocent Blood by a Hob! I hen informed by Gov. Ford he waa pledged to protect all
On Monday the 2 1th ins.!., at iha request of Gen. Joseph
M c h peraona as might be arreated, and tbat they ahouldj
g u il d for tho jaiL
On Moadoy *»h* 24th utti., after Gov. Ford bad eeat nitb I left Fort Madison in the Territory of Iowa and ar* inave an impartial examination, and ihat if the Smiths and W ith the other company I marched in to Nan- .'Vellnw r ; . ; ; »«. 27tb, a o’clock P . M-
red at Carthage where I expected to meet the General, |tbe reat against whom warrants bad been iuued. would voo,<to oddres. th, inhabitants there., nnd Mil »f mn h *”01 *‘n ^e lo n y to y«n a i l know
word, that those eighteen per*oa» demanded oa a warrant, ia brother Hiram and the other peraoba implicated wiih
arson* whom were Joaeph Smith aod Hyram Smith, thouIJi hem, they arrived at Carthage I r e at night and next I . to
x Carthage-by
- Monday
.......... the Qtlh invt , it...would vc
............................ be .U
a . at .tIiey expect in case th e y do*
pomphSnce on their part, and on Sunday rooming the 23d,|*, Sned*y ° r im prudently provoked a t n r I n#r
bt prrtteted, by the militia o f the S u te , they ia company morning voluntarily surrendered tbemielve* to the consta- in
le, Mr Bettenworth, who held the writ againat them on Gov. Ferd pledged his w°rd that if Gen. Smith would com* ifo rm e d this du ty, as I think nbiinltr « nY «m J ! !*
w ith .a o ro e .lia o r ' twelve othera, started for Carthage charge of Hot for dtatroying ihe presa, type and fixtures t C‘ rthage, he ahonld by him be protected, with roch oJlJicnllv a n d t h e n n n t ♦ p n u n i j r a n d e m p h a t ­ 'handed m S u H ‘° y° U' ,h*‘ {l w” an nolawful act, a high-
Four mile* from t h u plae*, they were met by Capt. Dana, f the Nauvoo Expositor, the properly of William aod i c f n e ^ s a . might accompany him .and t h t t l a a h i .c o a n I K S ’ ™ ^ t o - w t u r n t o C a r th a g e .
Tael shauld hare protection in defending Smith, tbat I re ■ ” * !. m a r c h e d a b o u t th r e e m ile s a mes*
with a company of cavalry, who bad an order from the Wilton L j w , and othir dissenters, charged to b a r e been
|tained to Nauroo oa Sunday evening the S3i , and that
Governor for the " S ta le Arm.i." Gen. Smith endorsed Jestroyed on the l(Jlh inst. jtound Gen. J. and Hyram Smith, making preparations iu
Great excitement prevailed in the county qf Hancock,
hia aeeeptanee of tbe aame, and both partiea retained to ind bad extended to many of the surrounding comities. A 5°, L°t . r !*e Mon,<J,Jr» •°*d Monday morning the
Naavee lo obtain said arms. After the arm* were obtain- [large number of the militia of several toUnllea were under ■J4tb I left the city of Nauvoo in company with Josrph and
riyrara Smith, and some fif:een othsr personr, parties and
«d both paxtieatock ap the line of march for Carthage, rras at Carthage thc Head ^ n a tte rs of the commanding wttnessca forCanhoge, lhat about 1 miles west ol Carthagt
where they arrived about fire a nates before twelve o'clock *en. D im ing; and many oth?r ttoopa were uod^r arms a* we were met by a company of about sixty men under Cjp- l nn , nreh en dcd d- a- n g e r to - - the
. . . . . settiememiT'* l° K°
Warsaw and other place* in the peighborhood. The Gov­ .
at aight. Capt. D jn n nobly aequiuing himself, laaded n« ernor waa at Head Quarters in person, for the purpose pi Dunn, and that at the request of Gen. Joseph Smith, I ad sudden fu ry and passion of the Mormo..
vanced and communicated with the commander ofthe com­
atfely at Hamilloo’* Hotel. teeing that, the lawa of the land, were executed end had pany and was informed that he w«a on his way to Nauvot sanctioned th eir movements in this respect*
(a the morning we aaw tho Governor and he pledged tht pledged his own faith aod the faith or the State of Illinois writh au order from Gov. Ford for the State Arms ai th i Gencrnl IDeraing volunteered to remain w i t h a _ . » «jnresistiog.|ife on yonr part can
faith o f tht SM t, thit we ahoald be protected. General hat the Smiths and th® other personsconccrned with them r.w troops, to observe t h i progress o f events.
jadicate thr prejudice* that exist against you The pi*.
Smith and hia brother Hjrram were arreated bjr a warrant 2 r7 e n d r CC‘ I T,.°[fnc<,» i , , ‘h e Jr w o u lo jjth .t the ord er for the a r m . ahould be endorsed by Gen B • e are afraid of you—they „call
. „ you a s - t o f warlike Saint*''
n.!!:e.nd? ! . t,.l' m # d v e' l ° be. dcal.t . according to law 3 m n h , and that he ahould place hira*elf under the protec aelen d property ngainut sm all num bers, and w i t h | |! r m.,l,Ury Saint* a* they call you, who ie«k a temporal
foonded upon the oath« of H. O. Norton and Augustine During the two succeeding dans his Excellency repcatedl)
non of C*pt. Duna, to return to Nantoo and see ihc Gov order, to retreat i f m enaced b v a. s u n e r io r - f o r c H lotn.",,on the earth. I would advi
Spencer, for Utaton. Knowing the threata frora.several expresaed to th t legal counsellors of the Smith* his deter ernor’a order promptly obeyed aod return with Capt. Dunn
persons, that the two Smiths shoald never leave Carthsge mtnation to pratect ‘the prisouen: aud to aee that the) to Carthage; Captain Dunn pledging hia word as a milita­
ihould have a fair an4 impartial examination so as depend­
Mlict we all began to be alarmed for their personal safety. ed cn the Executive ol the State. Oa Tuesday mornio* ry man, th^t Smith and his friends should be protected,
T he Got. and Geo. Demming conducted them before the won after the surrender of the prisoners on the charge oi that the order was endorwd by C.ea Smith, which wa»
communicated by C^pimn Dunn to Gov. Ford, with a let nw ■ ,car* 01 ,n c p eople w ill abate. ,Thi* U
McDanongh troop* and introduced them aa <?rn. Joteph treason against the State of Illinois. The affidavits upon er from G„*n. Smith informing the Gov. that he would ac Mormons will make uo further difficulties. In h!. T<i u > our G o v f rner— I am a* w illing to be
Smith and Otn. Jfyram Satilk. Thia mantruvre catne near which the writs issued were made by Hyram Norton and w m panj Csptain Dana to C«rihaj{e. I | eft the compan) this I m a j be mistaken. T h c other p arty may *tkte tf T r ‘^ I8 Pc ° P ,e u *ny o f the people of thia
Augustine Spencer. * tnd proceeded to Cttthsge, that about 12 o’clock at niahi Ilinnia ti j ” 10 , *ie G,jVe in o r o f the w h o le people o f
ra is ing a mutiny among the “ Qaxthage Greys,;* but the On Tueeday afternoon the two Smiths and other personi »n the -’Mi, Capt. Dunn returned with the State arms from not be satisfied. T h e y may recommence aggres­ hia S i . i » .? r,rpor,> arp believed o f y o u by the p e o p e o f
l i t Governor quelled it. on the charge of riot appeared before R. F. Smith, a Jus N-uroo accompanied by Joseph and Hyram, with some 13 sion. I am determined to preserve the peace vill . ’ u R,“n cm0D« u » M i '™ rep ort*-1
In the afternoon,.after great exertions on tho pari of oor tice of the Peace residing at Cirihage, and by advice ol •thers, who were charged with a riot in destroying ‘thr against all breakers of the same, at all hazards. 1
counsel, in order to prevent if possible, any increate of rx •U I h t SrnrVt1 ° f y ° U~ l k ° 0W
counsel, we dispensed with aa investigation, and volunti* IjrintiDg prres of the Niiivoo Hxpositer, that on the morn- think present circumstances w arrant the precau i 7 ’ an^ ‘hat eaya tbat a band called " D a n ite * ”
'iteititnr.’voluatarily entered into'reco'goiraocfc In the tun
rily gave baN fur our appearance to the Circuit Court, to ■>f five hundred dollar* each, with unexceptionable securi- og of lhe 2'uh, Joseph and Hyram Smith, wiih the other* tion o f having competent forco nt my disposal, in t J v S JruU* Wh* , r * ,Worn 10 tbe man, o r
-harged, surrendered thriuMlve* to lhe Constable, and a> rie sT L yt,Ur lctder *hil1 Poin* hia finger, (loud
answer ia the case of abating the Naavoo Bxpoiltor, as a <y, for their appearance at the next term of the Circuit the sume time, Joseph aod Hyram were arrested* on th* readiness tp march at a moment's warning. My
ton I f h|OI‘' u a,Dt ' ? } XVrl1 I wy It i. SO— I
nuisance • JCoqrt for said county. The whole number of per»on* re charge of treason against thc State of Illinois; that abuu position at Q uincy will enable me to get the ear
hi n L pe,0plc lh' Dk ‘°* 1 WiU nOW fC,d yott
cognized is fifteen, most if not all of them leading m ra in 3 oVIock 1\ M oa the ‘J.'ub, the Justice proceeded to thel i " d,,f|J “"l»«;ho Claim ray protection, (here
At evening the Juttice made c at a mittimus, without an the Mormon church. liest intelligence, and to communicate orders with
examination in relation to the riot, and after a good deal greater celerity. n , 'v L l^ U ™ 00" ^ '^ b ee . Cole, Chauncey
investigation, and cornmiuvd the two Geo. Smiths to pri- Making out the bofld* and J'Utifyibg bail n ecem rily con of resistance on the part of the piosecutiod, we were per Ht be#, Dr. foster and Cha*. Foater’* name* were read.)
aon until d iteh irg td l y due cou nt o f'klaw, aod they were turned coasidenble time, and tvhm this was done it war muted to enter into a recognizance, to anawer at the next I have decided to issuo the following general] nd I aay to this pegple, th<t if any of the*^ men are as
aafely guarded \o j»il. In the morning the Governor wrni ae«r night and the Justice adjourned his court ovrr wiih term of the Circuit Court, that we were engaged until dark Iorders. (mated, openly or secretly, or their property drstrOjed,
out calling on ihe Smiths to answer to thr charge <>( irrtt hu ptople will be exterminated. Thousand.! aad thouaai &-
io the jail and bad ao interview wiih these mrn, and t« ♦on ur etefl intimatitig to their counsel or the prunnrrr •n making ont and giving our recognizance*, ihat in conse­ t the people of this Siate, will rife op and burn your city.
quence ol the rum „ aa to the excitement at Waraiw au. Head Quarters,
c w j appearanoe all ihingi were explained oa both sides. hal they were* exprcted to enter into the exvntniiion •uher poima, and to allay the fear* of the ciliien* of W u iOd the arm oJ ihe law could not protect you aad jo u r
Tbe constable then went to take ihrse men from the fiat night lo l e u ‘than an hour after the>etit ol voo, l requested Gov Ford to detail a company to NauVoc ftu in c r. June 20, 18*14! •eautiful inheritance from the flamer. The people would
j til, before the juitice for examination* bat jibe J«ilor re­ ihe court, Coa»taLje Bettcrsworth wbo had arrested thr *-,PK0tfCJ ‘J C c,tyVwh‘ch rr,|ieat waa promptly complice It is ordered th at the commandants o f regi­ nve me and you from lhe Stale, if I ahould offer to prtv.
prisoners in the mornirg appeared at Hamilton's Hoiel, *i ments in the c o u n ti e s o f Adams, .Marquette, F ite . eet you. Your woman and children would not be spared;
fused to let them -go, as they were Under his direction he ludgiogs of the prisoners and their counsel and insisted with and that night, Capt. Singleton with a c o p ^ y o"
men from .McDonnosgh county, marched to Nauvoo an< Brown, ,Schuyler, Morgan, Scott, Cass, Fulton, ta I came elong I aaw them innocently looking out of tho
“ till duchmrgtd by dut courn 0/ lato; bat the Governor'* that the Snutha should go to jail, Mr Woods of Burling, vindow* and oooffl, to are me aad my men, aud ray b e an
troops, to tb« amount t>f one or two hundred, took them to ion, lows, aod myself, as counsel for the prisoners, in*isteJ L nS P. T k“ ‘° k 0 , ,KhC Ci,yLand rf miinci1 “" “ I ‘he e re n m '
aild mc.lJ^nduglkajid tne Regiments composing v** pained to think their live* must be *acrafic«d, by the*
that they wera entitled to be brought btfore the Ju<ticr thage UR U0C ofm ard i lor Cif. General Stapps Brigaue, ii ill crfll tbeJr respective ashnes* of your leader*. Sindy then to be peaceable and
the Coart, when the hearing was continavd till1 v fo re they could be *ent to jail. The constable io oui
Saturday % l h . and they were rcmaaded to |*il. Several surprise, theTeupoD exhibited a mittimus from said Jjtiic t leftAfter the matter ol the riot was HI—*• ’ * T . R egim ents-and Battalions together immediately iy loog •ofl'eriog and-patienee, wear out tho prejudicea
wiihou' -- . • - r —'r u or, the Justic# bat are against your people—t^ r e the Governor put the
of o n / vt“
citiiens ts -----
follows . —/ing anything in rejatton to the examination uporl the receipt o f-th is order, and proceed by /ote, “ Will you sustain the law* of the State,” (and a
v« v»u' a.fc*w had rperm
* it*‘from the Governor
--- — ---- — to lodg
%%• ivu^i'

with them, aad visit them ia Jail. It now began to b< ^ . H S t A T E OF ILLINOIS, > lor trea.en. a p d ^ a b o u t ^ n n hour the constable retnrneo voluntary enlistment to enrol as many men as can »ost cried out, tee teHl ) 1
«V''n a iVit.mLs, l c o p y oi wnicn accompamea the state­ Ge.armeu m tfieif fes^ectivc Regiments. T h ey
mored by several men, whose name* wiil t e forthcotmniiB HancocJ; Utility. J ment of tnr colleague, H. T. Reid, a copy of which wa.
in time, rtax then w js nothing m$£t*tt ihtte m m , the t m T he people of th t Cta’ie ot l.linois to the keeper of the demanded and refined; ihat I requested the cfficer io.wait w ill m a k e a r r a n g e m e n t s fo r a c an ip a ig ri a t e lv e H p t i t T ^ p T A T T Q T V r A T T P 'D C 1
Jajl o! Irie hiid county greeting : until I could see Gov. Ford, and he »aid he wouid waii d a y s , a n d will p r o v id e th e m s e lv e s w ith a r m s , a m - U l v Ju JU X VJ JLW* U O 1 1 Vy J. JL\ j Xj O*
ettdd not rtach them, *m< poinltr and ball u ov/d.' T hr
Whereas Joseph S-mth and Hyram Smiih of the coaoty five minutes, aod as I went to the door I met Cipt. Dunn, m u n i t i o n .'a n d p r o v is io n s a c c o r d in g ly , a n d h o l d l The Church of’ Jesu* Christ of Latter Day Saint*, hold
Governor wa* made acquainted wiih the*? factf, but on iforesaid have been arrested upon the oath of Am u.-m r with some t-e n iy men to guard the prisonera lo jail; tha*
th e m s e lv e s in r e a d in e s s im m e d ia te ly to m archHm eeting* every Sabbath, at M»rion Temperance Hall,
the moraiag of the 27m, he disbanded ihe McDonough Spencer aad Henry O. Norton, for the crime of tr.a.on, I accompanied Gov Ford to the Justice, R F. Smith,
upon the receipt of further orders.” -----Canal st. N. Y.
Troops, and sent them horr.fc: took Captain D jnn's conj- md has been brought belorr me as a Juitice of the P.-ace who gave aa a cause for issuing the warrant of oommittal •
in and for said county, for trial at the eeat ol /ujtice ihrrr. f^ihst tbe prisoner* weJc ddt p’ersdnall> safe at the ho T h e independent companies of Rillemen, Infan
paoy of Cavalry acd proceeded to Nauvoo, Iraving these
of, which trial has been ne-ee^anly ptJStpon'ed by ^ e l . try, Cava*lry. and Artillery, in tho above named B rooklyn —Meeting* are held every San^ay at tha
two mea aad thre^ or four friends, to be guarded by t i g h t of the absence cf matrtial witnesses, to wit: Francis M 1 thei>requested the Governor to hive a company dp counties and in the county of Sangamort tfill hold Log Cabin, Fulton street at th e^ u aa l hours.
mua «t the jail, and a company in town of GO men, 50 or Higbee and others; therefore I command you in the name tailed to guard thc jail, which was done, aod they arrived themselves”in readiness in like manner.
103 ’. ods from the jail, aa a corps in reaerve. ■ f t h e people to receive the said Joseph Smith and Hyram at the j til about the »am*.lime as the prisoners O j tht
The Church of Jcsua Christ of Latter Day Saints of Boa-
About six o'clock in the afternoon the guard waa Kir- Smith into your cusiody in the j ti l of the coanty aforesaid, morning of the 2t3i(j, the Governor viiiied the jail in com I (Governor and Commander-in-chief. •on, Mass., hold iheir meeting*every Sabbath, at 10 Frank­
here to remain until discharged by due fcotlne of law. pa&y with a friend, at * hich interview the Governor again*
prisad by an armed Mob of from 150 to 250, painted rtd Given under my hand and seal this 2 ith day of June, A. pledged himself for their personal safety; ihat after the in lin sr. Ekfer John Hardy, presiding. Residence, 91 Com-
and black and yellow, which surrounded the jail, forced 0. 1S4-I, lerview at the jail, the counsel for the prosecutiion wantec P r o c la m a tio n ,
ercial «t.
in—poured a shower «f bullet* into tha room where these (Sgned,) F. R. SM ITH, J. P. [L.S.J «he prisoners brought before th'e jostice for an examina Head Q uarters, Ju n e 28, 18-1*1.
nnfortanate men were held, “ in durancc vile," to answer His Excellency did not think it within the ephere of his «[°». 10 w^ich ihe counsel for the prisonera replied,— 4 1 o’clock, A. M.
that they were committed until discharged by due course 09* The church of Jesu* Christ, o f Latter Day Saints i t
to the law* of lliinoi*, under the solemn pledge of the duty to interfere, aod the prisoners were removed from of u w , and that we could do nothing until the prisonen T o T H E CITIZENS OF C a RTIIAOE AND H a .VCOCk I [Philadelphia, hold their meeting* every Sunday aa* usual,
their lodgmRs to jail. The recitals of the mittimu. so far
, faith of the State, by Governor Ford, that they thould U as they relate lo the prisoners having been brought before were legally before the Court, whfre We would appear and COUNTV a Third street above Willow, oVM Marshall Inititute.
protected! but the mob ruled!! They fell a* Martyr* amid th* Juttice for trial, and as it there appearing that the ne- defend ; that the Justice R. F. Smith g»<re' the constable ELD. J. M. C.RANT,.Presiding.
In pursuance o f an order from Gov. Ford.I
this tornado of lead, each receiving four bullet*! Jobti icessary wiloes* of the prosecution were absent, is wholly an order (a copy cf which accompanies the statement ol
u a u a ;, unlets the pritoners could have appeared before the i- i E?q.,) for the jailor to deliver up the prison, instructing me to the exercisc of such discretion­
Taylor waa wounded by four bullet* ia hi* limb* bnt not
LJusxice wiihout being present in person or by counsel; nor er#, which the j tilor refused lo do ; that the ct»iut«b!e iHm ary powers ae I may deem necessary for the pre­
>eriously. Thus perishe* the hope of la w ; thus vanuhei |i* there any law of Illinois within my knowledge which repaired lo the jail with a company cv'lod Cartb4ge Grry» 1.1 S T O F A G E N T S .
servation of the public safety, and the lives and
tbe plighted faith of the State ; thus the blood of innocence permits a Justice to commit persons charged with crimes ot whom the justice was the captain, but not then in com
to jail without examination as to the probability of their m and; and by intimidation and threats, forced the jailoi property .of onr citizen s; I herebv invoke all cit­ S ARMSTao^ro, of Philade Iphis t is authorised to receive
stains the constituted authorities of the Unittd States, aod
?uM. to give up the prisoners th the constable, who Uok then- izens to remain at their several homes in H an | Imbscriptiona for the Prophet.
ihua have two among the most noble martyrs since th»
Oa Wednesday forenoon the Goveanor in company wit.i before _____ the' justice
, r
the .Court Home, that on uhe motioi. cock vcounty
----------------- --------------- --------- - w u .il,. Iand
iu u m co-operate
- v r c m i o with
i t i i i i ime
u u min eestablish-
s ia O U P Q -
slaughter or Abel, seiled the truth of their divine miasion, one of his friends visited the prisoner* at the jail, and again A lbert^;
pened un.,l^.l,e 2 7 , h ' B ! . " ? tran<)" ^ y .”nd »»''«ty thronglioqt the: county, - Lnt» are authorised to act as general
by bring thot by a Mob fo r their rtligion! iasured them that they ehould be protected from violence, >gf nta for th* Prophet.
and told them that if the troops marched the next mormr.J witnesses on the defence. The two Smiths were then re H . . m «pw »ent m e a n s h a v e b e en j)u t m re q u i-
Messengers were dispatched to Nauvoo, bqt did not
to Nauvoo as his Excellency then expected they should be manded to jail, and orders were issued foj a consultatioi sition for concentrating tho military force of th
reach there till morning. The following was ono ef the taken along in order to insure their personal safety. of the officers, with tbe commander in chief, and it was de­ neighboring counties at Carthage, and in 12 Elder Benj. Winchester is requested to use his influence
letter*: # On the 6ame morning, some one or more of the counsel termined lhat the tntopa should take up a line of mnrch a hour* there will be a sufficient force for the .pro n hi* Southern Mission and acta* agent for ihe Prophet.
12 o’clock at night, 27th June, tor the prosecution, exprewrd their wish to me, that the 3 O’clock on the morning oftl.e 27th. for Nauvoo,; that oi tection of every citizen in the country.
C a k th a g k , Hamilton’s Tavern. I prisoner* ehould be brought out of jail for exam ination; the morning of the 27:h, the ordar for marching to Nauvo« Elder A. Badlam i* authorised to act a? geaeral agent
To Mas. E m m a . S m i t h , hey were answered that ihe prisoners had already been was countermanded, and all the troops dit.ban.ied b^t ih. I confidently believe there is no ju s t apprehen­
or the Prophet.
Awd M at. G e * . D ua iu ar, vVc. committed, jnd that the Justice and ConMable had no fur- company under Capt. Singleton at Nauvoo, Capt. Dunn’, sion of an attack upon any place by the Mormon
The Governor has just arrived ; says all things shall be dier control of the prisoner* and that if the prowcutor* company of horse, aacLthe Carthage 'Jreys, that the Gov citiiens o f our country. And I hereby strictl\
inquired into, and all right messures taken. wished the prisoners broueht out of jail, they shon’d briua ernor determined to viiit.»*du*oo, escorted by Capf. Dann’t command all citizens' of Hancock county to ab­ Br. Hardy, Boston. Br. Woodbury, 24 North Wharves
I kay to all.the citizens of Nauvoo', my brethren, be still (hem out on a writ of Habeas Corpus or some other dur company: aod the Carthage Greys wer e left a* a goard foi Philadelphia. Elder Wandell, general traveling agent
and know thst God rtignt. Don't ruth out o f thi e ity -l course of law. The'constable after this conversation went the prisonera at ihe j-*il, that after the troops were di»ban stain from violence towards the Mormon popula­
don’t rush to Carthage, stay at home, and be prepared for to the j ail with the following order to the jailor: Jed, I requested Gov. Ford to detail *ome men lo guarr tion, under penalty o f' the severest inflictions ol hrough tho State of New York. Br. A. R . Wright, of
aa attack Irom Missouri mobbers. The Governor will STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) the rout to Warsaw, as I apprehended much danger Iron m ilitary Jaw. and act in uo case, only on the de­ <ellefontaine, Ohio.’ Elder William McBride, Wayne*.
render every assistance poasible—has sent out orders foi H-tncock County. ) ** that place, but I do not know whether it w a s done or not ille.Ohio. All traveling elder* are requested te act a*
troops—Jo*eph and Hiram are dead, but not by the Car 4- I left Carthage about 11 o’clock. A M , and ta m e t< fensive. <ent* for the “ Prophet."
To Divid Betteraworth, constable of said county: T h e corpses o f the murdered men will be forth­
thage peoole—the guards were true as I beliere. Nauvoo; that Gov. Ford and hia aid, Col Buckmaater
You are com nund.d to bring ihr bodies of Joseph and
\\ e will prepare to mbve the bodies as sorfn as possible. t,p * m a ■s ^ iL & I .. I a #I # scorted by Cipt. Dona’s company, arrived in Nauvo- w ith removed to Nauvoo, under an escort from
The people of the county aro gre«ily excited, and feat ft*- Bro. A. It. Wright, of Ohio, ia authorise'd to pro-
H ead Quarters.
th« Adnrmons will come out aad take vengeance—1 havr
pledged my wotd the Mormon, will at»y
'z z r ,v x &.“«
h o m e u soou til trial could be had oo «ach examinaiion and the Stat. —*
immediately left the city ol Naaroo for Carth G iven under my haud this 29th. June. 18-11. 1
ure-subscriber* and receive monies for the ^rophst —
(c h also, authorised to dispoM of a few Share* t i
as they can be ialormed, and no violence w ill/oa theii qow being ready for tuch examination. age. o’clock, A. M.
part, and *ay to my brethren in Nauvoo, in ih e \ia m e oi JA M E S . W . WOODS. M. R . D E M IN G , B r i g . Gen., he Capital Stock o f the •• Society for the Diffusion of
Given under my hand and aeal this 2iJ day of June 1S41 Truth:1*
the Lord—be still—be patient—only let such friends a> (Signed,) R. p. SM ITH, J. P. [ L S ] Attorney at L i w , of Burlington, Iowa.
•1th Brigade and 5th Division
chooae come here to *ee the bodies—Mr. Taylor’* wound>
are dreaaed and not a y io a j— I am sound. And demanded the prisoneis, bat aa the jailer could find BV E X P R E S S ! It is hoped and expected tb a t the (Jovernoi OtJ- Elder Jonu Hardy is our General Agent at Boston,
no law authorizing a justi.-e of ihe peace to demand pris will be at Head Q uarters in a few hours.
W ILLARD RICHARDS, oners committed to hi* charge, he refused to give them up Sunday morning, 0 o’clock. ' lose wishing to subscribe for the “ Prophet,” ia that
JO H N TAYLOR. I he following proclamation has ju s t reached Head Q uarters, Carthage, 3ity or vicinity will please forward their name*
"oul diacharged from his custody by due course of law — to
SAMUEL H SMITH, Upon the refusal to give up the prisoners, the company of us from Head Q uarters. him.
Defend yourelves until protection ean be furnished ne W e assure the gov­ June :29th, 4 o’clock, A. M.
cessary, June 27th, ISM. v^arthage Orey* m»rched to ihe jail, by whose orders I ernor, if he can manage human butchers, hp has
know not, and compelled the jailer against »hi* will and F e l l o w c it iz e n s o f H a n cock C o u n t y
conviction of duty, to deliver the prieoaer* to the con.ta- nothing to fear from armless, timid, and law abid-
THOMAS FORD, Governor Eldera B. W. Elliot aad R. J. Coates, are a u t h o r e d
and Commander in chief. ing L atter day Saints. E v e ry prospect o f danger from the Morrnot. o act a* agent* for the Prophet.
Me, who forthwith took them before justice Smith the cap-
.Mr. O rson SrrN C ER, Min of the Carthage Greys. The counsel for prisoners population o f this county is removed, and thost
Dear S i r : —Pleaae deliberate on this m atter; prudence hen appeared, and asked for swbp<»aas for witnetaea on To T i m P k o p m : o k t u b S t a t e o k I l l i n o i s . w ha have retired from their homes iu its appre Elder* Alfred Cordon and James Burge*s, areauth*ri*ed
miy obviate material destruction. I was at my re s id e n t ■he part of the prisoners, and expressed thsir wish to go I desire to make a brief but true statement of [tension, are requested forthwith to aid in allay
when this horrible crime was committed. It will bo con into the examination, as the witnesses could be brougnt ti act as agent* ia Vermont for the Prophet.
demned by three-fourths of the citizens of the county—ht trom Nauvoo to Carthage ; the justice thereupon fixed the tho recent disgraceful atluir at Carthage, in regard ing public excitement by a speedy return. A
quiet or you will be^atracked from Missouri '-lamination for twelve o’clock on Thursday the 27ih inst to the Smiths, so far as circumstances havo come communication, this a. m. received from the au- Nathaniel V. Jones is our authorised agent for Roches,
M R. DKMING. whereupon, the prisoners were remanded to prison. Soon to my knowledge. T he Smiths Joseph- and H i­ thorities of N auvoo, brings the most satisfactory -r, N. Y.
The Governor, a* well a* tbe citizens of Carthage, wa tiler, a'council of th** Miilitary oiricrra was called by ihe ram, have been assassinated in jail, by whom is assurances that no. retaliation or aggression wil
thunder struck ! and fled. Governor, and waa determined lo march on the next morn not known, but will be ascertained.— I pledged be resorted to bv their citizens upon any part ol Br Clairus our authorised agent at H u Imjq, N Y.
hit, the 27 h in»». to Nauvoo, with all the troops e xc e pt
Tbe L*gioo io Nauvoo, was called out at 10 A. M and me company which waa to be *el:cted by lhe Governor myself for their safety, and upon tbe assurance of the couuty. T h e butchery o f the prisoners at
addressed by Judge Phelps, Col. Buckmister, of Alton, tht •rom the troops whose fidelity was more to be. relied on to that pledge, thoy surrendered as prisoners. T hc Carthage haB the execrations o fth e great mass of OO- Thoma* S- Woodbury, ia our General Agent at Phi-
Governor’s aid, and other*, and all excitement and fury <uard the prisoners whom it was determined should be left Mormons surrendered the public arms in their our citizens. T h e humane and patriotic of
allayed and prr pa ratios* were made to receive the bodie* <\ Carthage. On Thursday morning, another <y>nsultaiion possession, and the N auvoo Legion submitted to Adams co. are gathering at Carthage for thi
of officer* took place, and Uie former orders ol marching OCJ- Mr. Valentine Merrill, Jr., of South Norwalk, (Ct.)
of the noble martyr*. About three o’clock, they were mei io Nauvoo with the whole army, were countermanded — the command of Capt. Singleton, of Brown maintenance of our laws agajnst tlie violators of
G ountv, deputed for that purpose by me. All law o f any party. T h e command o f Col Flnrvi * our authorized Agent.
by a great aasemblago of people, east of tbe Temple oo One company were ordered to accompany the Governor Col. Flood
Mulholland atreet, ander the direction of the City Mar o Nauvoo: the Carthage Greys, who had but two days these things were required-to satisfy tlie old citi­ consisting o f well armed and efficient men
tefore been under arrest for insulting tbe commanding Ge. zens of Hancock, th a t the Mormons were peacea­ will be at Carthage this a. m. for the preserv ation . _ OCJ- Mr. E. W ard Pell is authorized to act a* Agent for
shall, followed by Samuel H. Smith, the brother of the de­ preservation H ! h e . .p f0phet,,
neral. and whoae conduct h,d been more hostile to the bly disposed ; and to allay jealousy and excite­
ceased, Dr. Richards aod Mr. Hamilton, of Carthage prisoners than that s>( any other company, were riv e te d of order. T h e Governor,s return from Adams if H
The wsggons were guarded oy 8 men. T h e procesiion to guard the prisoner., and the other troops, including those ment .in their minds. It appears, however, that hourly expected. I ^ i s believed t h a t no othei
OO Traveling Elder* are requested to act as Agents for
that followed in Nanvoo, was the City Council, the Lieut rendezvoused at Goldeas Point, from Warsaw, and who the compliance ot the Mormons with every requi­ forces will be necessary for the public safety. he “ Prophet,” and receipt for all moaic*, and forward
nad been promised that they ahould br marched to Nauvoo.
Gens. Staff, the Major Gen. and StafT, the Brigadier and were disbanded. A guard *f only eight men were station sition made upon them failed o f that purpose M. R. D E M IN G * he tam e a* soon as convenient.
Staff; commaoders and officer* of the Legion aod citizen* d at the jail, whilst th . rest of ihe Greys were in a camp T he pledge ol security to the Smiths was not Brig. Gen.
generally, which numbered several thousands, amid the it a quarter of a mile * d u tw e e , and whilst bis excellency Riven upon my individual responsibility. Before Elder Melvin Wilber, is authariatd to act u T rarolli
most solemn lamentations and wailings that even ascended was haranguing the peacable citizens of Nauvoo and ask­ I gave it I .obtained a pledge o f honor by an Head Q uarters, Igent for the Prophet.
ing them to give up all their own arms, the assassins were unanimous vote from the officers nnd men under Carthage, June 29th, 1844.
into th e .e a m o f the Lord of Hoats tp be avenged of cur murdering tbe prisonera in jail, whom the Governor hsd
e nem ies! hedged himself and the faith of the State to^protect from
my command, to sustain me in performfng it. If D r . W i l l a r d 'R i c h a r d s :— Elder Q. S. Spark*, of Hartford, Con. is authorised to
W hen the procession arrived the bodiea were both taken harm. the assassination o f the Smiths wa3 committed by
Y o u r note by the retu rn o f thc escort has been ,ct as Genersl Agent for tbe Prophet.
into the ‘ Nauvoo M a n s i o n t h e acene at the Mansion H. T. REID. any portion of these, they have added treachery
received with the request for Mr. T aylor and
cannot ba described ; the audience addresied by Dr. Rich to murder, and have done all they could do to Elder J. J. Woodbury, ha* authority to act a veil.
At the request of the friend* of Joseph and Hyrum Smith lady ; considerations o f prudence, should I think
ard*, Judge Phelps, Woods and Reed Esqt. of Itfwa and I have consented to give a *tatement of such matters aa 1 disgrace the State, ond sully the public honor. ing Agent for the Prophet.
delay Mr. T ay lo r’s return. I fear it would prove
Col. Markham. It was a vast assemblage of *ome S or had knowledge of in relation to their murder at Carthaee On the mornipg of the <Jay the deed was com­
fatal to his recovery. H e will receive every a t­
10,000 peraons, aod with on* nailed voice resolved to trust ind what occurred under my observation. I arrived in mitted, we had proposed to march the arm y under tention th a t my power or the sympathies o f many Elder Henry Jennings, of Waynesville, Ohio, is reques
Nauvoo from Burlington, Iowa, en Friday, June 21at, abom my command into Nauvoo. I however discover­ id to act as Travelling Agent for the Prophet.
to tbe law for a remedy of sach a htgh handed asaaasina- 9 o’clock P . M., found all things quiet, had an interview kind persons can furnish.- I send you this com­
tion, and when that failed, to call upon God to avenge us oa Saturday morning the 22d, with Joseph aod Hyrum ed on the evening befoVe. th a t nothing but utter munication with my last order by the hands of
d e s t r u c t i o n o f t h e c i t y w o u ld s a t is f y a p o r t io n o f! Mes-TT ^ ° r a e r , D'V inB ,n.a ? ? S 011 OCh Donation* in book*, natural or artificial curiosities.
of oar .wrong*! Oh widows and orphans! Oh Americans sm ith, who wa* in consultation with *om« of their friend*
in relation to a communication from Gov. Ford, during the ill be received by the
weep for the glory of freedom ha* departed!
•aterview, heard Gen Joseph Smith give orders to disband Society for ihe Diffasion of T ruth,” at lhe office of tha

S ia lo m e u t o f F a c ia .
•he Legion, and ___ withdraw the KU. guards and ■cnuHcis,
IU, aBU sentinels, woo
were co-operating with th* police to preserve the pesce of* r e o u i r ^ _ p t ■ •
■hecity, as he said br order of Gov. Ford; tbat 1 went
wbo 1"u » iiiiiies.
B « a t s S s A r r a a » s - j! r a ' a w a y - s *
i he m o rm o n s had done
, , , ■ ), th in g
o u g h t to h a r e b e e n r e q u ir e d o f city. A safe conduct of troops that can be relied ices of which will be published, if desired.
Prophet, ^jnd forwarded to the Museum, at Nanvoo. No^

At the request of many person* who wish that the trntb from Naavoo t6 Carthage on the evening of the 22 d, when Y , u “ e n s n 'e o p e r a t i o n s o n our part w ould upon— In great haste.
may go forth to the world in relation to the late murder of I had an latervtew.with Gov. Ford assuring him a» to ihe ” a v e be* n as u n j u s t and d is g r a c e f u l as t h e y w ould W s would state to onr correspondents that to insore in
Joseph and Hiram Smith, by a band of lawleas assassin*, ^met of Nauvoo, and that Smith and his friends were ready ; h « v c b e en im p o litic , in t h e p r e s e n t c ritic a l se ason Very respectfully yours, j-ertion in the “ Prophet,” their communications should be
1 hare consented to make a statement of the fact* ao far as M. R. D E M I N C v
, o o t’' 7 ‘he l* ' ‘- I w *,w W “ *« *{J | t h e y e e r , th e h a r v e s t a n d t-h e c~r I— p. [•eceived early in the week, as our immense edition render
*F „v*r ,i hu w
« cv n g r -g ,~jen
it neceuary for us to go io pries oa Fridsy morning.
& * > i 0 > & $> * # > a S ft
„ tM,O..N:B,aO,KiSi
N E W Y O R K & H A V R E PACKERS. 0 . S. F O W L E R
NION LING—T® aall frpm New York on tht* 8th lGib, 131 S k f A V S r ., NY PASSAGE OFFICE, . . j N O . 7, S P R U C E S T . ' : . .
U tod 2 Kb, and from Havfe oo tbe 1st 8ih and tho'24ib
®f every month, &a follows, vix. FO W L E R ’S PRAC- 100 Pine wreet, cqroer of SouUi ssreet

T{GreatHE SUBSCRIBERS having completed their arran^T-
mrnts, are now prepared’ to b rio^ont passengers fiom ^ f ^ ^ BIBLE OF NA TU RE,” 2 r . ' l 2 0 0 pages, pri^o
r i C \ L PH REN OL­ Britian and Ireland, by the following first class pack
From N . York. From JIactt 'T h e Subscriber begs Ie*ve lo call the attention cf hi-
OGY, A Work n h ic t w t h i p s / o n e of which will leave Liverpool oa the 1st, Cth, I T H E E L E M E N T S OF ANIMAL' M A GNETISM , by * ■
ARG O. April 24 friends and the public in general, to the following arrange­ P^aciical M ainetitcr, price I 2 i cts.
C. Anthony, Jr., A a* 24 nas now been eight ments fur 1$44, for the purpose ot btiusina nut Cab.u j I Mi. lo'lt, 21st and ,2Gh of each month. I Guide to forming and condocting Lycenms. Debating
year* before tbe pub Pitrick Henry, New Yoik, Shertdan,
Dec. 24 scond Cabin, and Steerage Pjf*eiigens bv the fallow ini Societies, with jjntlines o f disscussisns, etsay, &c. by
lie, so tbat in merit E GULAR PACKET SH IP S TO A S H FROM LU Virginian, Liverpool, C*mbridge( .
FRANCOIS lat. May 1 ^Montezuma, Sio’dons, George Washington Charles Morley, price'3s. for sale at the Office o f tb*
Ainsworth, Sept. 1 are allowed to apeak . VERPOOL.
for themselves. • Hottirgaer, * Columbus, United States, “ Prophet." i ‘ *
Jan. 1 Ships’ Captains. Diys ofSiiling from Roscius, ’ Ashbuttoo, England, ,
PURGUNDY, » ' ' May 8 T H E AMERICAN * Names. New-York. T R E A T IS E ON T H E FU LN ESS OF T H E EVER.
. D. L in t* ; Sept. 8
Jan.- •8
G. W ellington Barrow*,
United State* Hrittoo,
June 7 Oct 7 ’F*b.
S lud’e pvndence, Yorkshire,
Aog.^ 1 Dec. 1 April I 5\rnuel Hicks, Queen of the West, Oxford.
‘ Stephen W hitney, Rochester, *
Garrick, A LASTING G O SPEL, Setting forth i u first principle**
ixomises, and bit nines: i n which some of tb« most pro­
EM ERALD, M«y 24, pevoted exclusively Gerriek Skidd y. 1.1 “ 13 “ i;i
to the exposition ant • • 03 a Certificates of passage.ckn be obu in rd , and every infor- minent features lhat have < vtr charkcterlsed that sysiemr
Howe,* SepL 24 P4trick Henry, Delano, «!.) “ 23 motion will be piven to those eeadiog for their friends,* on when oa the earth, are made manifest; and that it will coo*
Jan. 24 defends ofPhrenplo She fiirld, Alf«-n, Sept. I J j n . 1 M ay 1 pplication at either of our. Bffices. . tinuc to do so, so long as it can be f« und on the earth. By
RHONE, Jane 1 . . ii f aod iu bearing Roacius, . Collins, “ 13 “ J3 13
>nu of tne kindred science r f Phy«i> lo^y nnd Magnetism. •« * 1 * They will also be prepared on tbe opening of navigation, E 'd rr Moses Martin, Mi'ni.Jer of the GospeL Published ia
J. A. W otion,| Oct. I Independence, Nye; 25 to forward passengers ^and their luggage :o Albauy act! New-York, tnd-for Sale at this Office. #
Feb. 1 • far as they can bear oa it; enUmcin.; the clearest, anr Virginian, AlNo, Oct. ." l Ftb. 1 Jane 1- Troy, and via Erie canal to Buffalo, ana all vStermediatr
VILLE DE LYON, June b / f t the most condensed ncd a'so pra1tieal view ol Phrenol- E. Cobb, “ Kl “ 13 IlRIEF HJSTOR YOF T H E L A T T E R DAY 8A IN TS
C. Stoddard, Oct.
>gy and ua bearings on health, hapiinea?, virtue, religion
juman improvement, and the refom a nowin progress, an)
Sidd ons ,
A*hburton, Hurileston, '* i>3 “ 65 ••
To all ports of the Upper Lakes. A (Commonly called Alormon^ ;) inclnding an accoar.iT
«here to be found. Monthly, 24. or £2 page*, at $1 p n
Sibph’o Whitney Thompson, .Nov. 1 Mar. I July Via Osw/go to Toronto, Port Hope, Coburg, Kirgs'.oa, their Dneiriiir aad Discipline | with tbe reaaona of .the Au
ALBANY', Ju o e | 24 Shertdan, D?peytter, 13 “ 13 “ tnd all parti of Canada West. hor for leaving the Church. By John Corill, A Member
Watson, * Oct. 24 /ear. or three copies $ 2 ; five copies lor S 3 ; nine cop-
«•* for S 5 ; or twenty copies fir §10. In all cases t> ) T h e Provinc:al Bank, and branches. From Troy via Whitehall to Montreal and Quebec, Ca t ‘be Missouri LrgUIatare. ^P ublished bv the A uthor at
Feb. 24 IRELAND. V The UUtcr Bank, do. Jnsda E /s t via Ohio C^aal from Cleveland to Portsmouth, j '. L ^ n a F< r Sale at this Office.
u j v a .n c c , t o s t t a i d .
SYLVE DE GRASSE. July 1 ) The Natioml Bank, do. Cincinnati, and intermediate placcs
L. Weidcrholdf, Nov. 1 m H E following ^ o rk s are for sale at the Prophet 9 E k e ,
EDUCATION AN DSELF 1MPROVENFNT, PHYSICAL All Drafts ,payabIo at tight, at either of the obovc benks South West via Philadelphia to Pittsburg, Cincinnati JL No. 7 Spruce Street, vix:—
Narch 1 MORAL, ANL> KITELLETUA L i thetr branches or ogfncie.». Louisville, and all ports on the Ohio River to St. Louts
LOUIS PHILL1PPE, July 8 P P. PjBtta Reply to I^eroy Strnderland.
Founded on Phrenology and Physiology: or. Good ) Messrs. Spooner, Atwood & Co. banker*, Mo ; and to all parts of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Synopii!« of tb'- Bible, by. B. Winchester.
* J. Csstofl, Nov. k Heads a.*id Bodies, and how to m ike them gond, both ir ENGLAND, S London. m d Wisconsin Territory
March 8 Gj*pel R« flfctor. History of the Prieathood,
hildren and one’s self, by showing how to enlarge the de­ ) P. W Byrnes, &. Co Liverpool. REM ITTA NCES. Millennium Poems.
DUCHESS D'ORLEANS, July 24 fective, end diminish the excessive ; includiog the moral Pasieagers can aho b/* engaged from Liverpool to Phila­ For the accommodation of persons wishing to send mo
A. Richardson, .Nov. S4 Index lo the*)icck of Mormon. 2nd. Edition.
raining and government of children, without the rod. delphia, Boston, and Baltimore, by the regular packet aey to thek friends is tho Old Country, HARNDEN fc * Address to ihe People of lhe United States.
March 24 This woik expounding the principal laws of virtue, or con­ ! »hips, on application bcicg made pertonally, or by letter, CO. will g u i Drafts on any part of England, Scotland, oi [ Gospe! Light, No. 2.
SULLY, August 1 . •
ditions cf happiness, and show* how to fulfil them. (post paid, addresied to Ireland, payable at sight, for sums of, £ 1 , £ 5 , £ 2 0 , u Correspondence, in Pamphlet f e r n , between JO S E P H
W . C. Tbompion, D<c. JOSEPH McMURRAY. jClOO-or to any amonnl'to suit the purchaser.
v 100 Pin^ street, corner of buulh-Si. OFFICES AND AGENTS. ■ W O R T H , Kditor o f “ lh e Chicago I)t tno<rat,’\ ar.d M ijn-
IOW A, Aug. 0*, how to C u l t i v a t e t h e M em ory”, E x p an d asp, AGENTS - i l n Pottsvilie. Berj Bafcnun. E-.q.
Charles Craft. 120 S u t e sireet, Boston- her o f Centre** from Illinois; Gen. JA M ES. A R L IN G ­
W . W .jT cll, Dec. S tre.ngtk.v t h e L v t c l i . r c t , and conduct the Intel fin Lovrll, Ric?i Welch, Eiq.
lectual education of childirn ; ia which pointed out < II. W- Wheeler, Union-Building, P/cvidrnce, .R . T. TON B liN N E T , O f A rltngtcn Jloxttt, J jm g Island, and
April In Albany, T Oouch, E*q. J . W Mills, 3 Wall sireet, and 10 Front street, New the HcnoraMe JO H N C. CALHOUN, Senator fr\.m i>o*th
tew and more excellent way to intellectual attainment.* In Torwito, U C Rorer* A: Thoinpson.
ban our common rchmtls ur.d t eats of learning now fur. |Y ork. Carolina In which is given, a ikeieh of ihe Life of JosepU
ECCALEO BIO N. In Newark, John McC<Ji;jfi, E q. . N. G. Howard, 43 Sou|h Third street, Philadelphia.
ii*h—a work t,f gr^at valje and importcace to parent* Smith. *f.r lire and progrew of the, Church of L A T T E R
EGGS HATCHED BY STEAM, IN P R E S EN C E-O F la Utica, Ttw isin McQuirfc, Esq. * Siadford Jc Shoemaker, 7 Light ^ re e t, Baltimore, Md. DAY SAINTS, and their PE R SEC U TIO N S by tb« Siate
VISITORS! . ’ eachers, and all who destr<* to kuow how to improve then I also beg leuve to aEaur«'rny fncnJ»«i;d the public it
ntrlUct*. Pitbhnrgh, Pa of MISSOURI i wilh the peculiar viewa o f Joseph Smith,
h is n o v e l e x h ib itio n ,- s o a m u s . i n g a s ^enej;l, that the grcaioct punctuality will be «bs*rviii ii . L. S Littlejohn, 11 Exchange, Albany, N. Y.
T well as instructing, ia now opennt 2S5 Broadway, from HERED ITA RY DESCENT ; ITS LAWS AND FACTS the sailing of the
0 o'clock, A. M. until 7 P. M. which I may have, anti tnit
*Ij. * to^t hrr with cil oihrn
p a ^ t n ; j f v \ j | | t-xj^rience an
S Clark, 159 River street, Troy, N. Y.
in relation to Political and Religious mattcTs generally: ot
wh»ch ia added a concise account o f the present state end
Or, tbe Transmi?sioa of Qmlitie?, Phy.*icsl, Intllectoal. Uiica, N. Y. pir.ipret* o f tie CITY OF NAUVOO.
■ , The object of thia Exhibition) eo novel in New-York, is. 4nd Moral, from parents to their otTiprings, through sue- delay on -their arrival at thc different ports wh»re they W . A. Cook, Syracuse, N. Y.
to gratify the scientific and. curious, by ailordmg them an cesaive generaiiona ^ including diiectton* for forming such mean to embark. N INTERESTIN G ACCOUNT OF SE V E R A L R E ­
opportunity of witnessiog.the wonderful procea* o t thn de nofrimnaial e^.liances ns «i!| frcure whatever qualities in
velopement of animal organization, and more especially to children may be desired; with hints to mothers durine rious ports in I r th n d c-.d S:ot!and from winch fleam boau-
P. S —Free passage ca» alto be secucril from the va
Rochester, N. Y.
W . H Cook, Buffalo, N Y. A MARKABLE VISIONS, And of the X>are Dircovery
of Ancier.t American Records, which enfolds the history of
II. Fitzhugh fc Co., Ojwego, N. Y.
prepare the way for aapplyitjg oar n m k e t with Poultry of pregnancy—a work whirli every young m m ie d pair run to Liverpool. m l3 tf HARNDEN fc CO. thia continent from the earliest Ages after tb* Flood, to thn
a superior quality, and a t less than half the present r*t;a. *hould posse« ; as indeed should all who design to lorir JOSEPH McMURRAY, beginning of the fifth c*muiy of ibe Christian E ra. W ith
So that the 'poor even, to wlionf it is now deaied, may be­ he jnntriinonia! relations To improve mankind, wc mu?i ICO P*ne street, New York. ■S P R IN G . ^ A R R A N G E M E N T — 18*11. a a sketch of ihe riis, faith, and doctrine of the Church of
come partakei* of the luxury. 3eg'n with thecr.KM Eo’ucition bestowed upon a good Give* drafts in sum? to ouit applicants v rn -n Jescs Chrift of Latter Day Saints. By O. Pratr,-Minister
Th* apparatus'here used for incubating, may be aaid to “'physical and moral bAsis, u ill be vanly mure productive ON T H E of the Gorpcl. Eur Sale at this Office, besides many oth­
be perfect, and is won* sure of Hutching Egga tl.ari any 'han th^t expended upon a barren soil. Long enough have PROVINCIAL BANK OF IIIELAND er valuable works.
bird. It is a material improvement upon thc Eccaleobion, parent*slept over thi* subj-ct. W«lker‘s attempted eluci IM PORTANT TO SO UTHEEN TRAVELLERS..
P A Y A B L E at
which haa afforded satisfaction and delight to millions of lation of il, was a comp.:rstivo failure. In this work it T h e R aii . R oat> B rux . k a t t h e R oanoke completed m H E W ORLD T U R N E D UPSIDE DOW N, O R H E A -
Cork, Ilainbridge, ON T H E G R E A T SO UTHERN M A IL RO U TE, 1 VEN ON EARTH.
visiters, at lhe E xhibition4lcnnn in Pall-Mall and Picca­ is treat«d—as none but a prictical Phrenologist c a x tre*r Limerick, Ballymena,
dilly, London, aad is emphatically a triumph ef Art over it—c ie n t ii i c a l l y ; a vasrmany most important principlrr V ia WAiinxGTOjv C ity , R ichmoud , PrrxninCRU a s d
The material Universe is eternal.—Immortal Man has
Cl o n m e l, Parsotitown, flesh and bone*.—Earth is his Ever'asting Inheritance.—
cati'Ve. deing staled, and all suppoited bya insstt of facts absolute­ Londonderry, Downpatick, W xUJO.t, A.*»D THK 0.1LY DAILY LlNE TO
Ladies are particularly informed, that while this exhibi­ ly overwhelming A tno*t useful work, and a rare inte.lec C harlesto n , S C , d irect to N ew O rleans . TO this bear all the Prophets and .Apostles witness. .
Sligo, Cavan, T h e Physical Worlds were not founded for.annihilation,
tion cannot fail to please. there is nothing in it, in the least lual treat—p.p 270, and a genealogical* table with black Wexford, L'lr^'an, (24 Hours in advance of the Bay Line )
degree, offensive to the most refined and delicate mind. paper, fur recording family likenesses. but for the- pleasure of God they are and were created.
Belfast, Omagh, TR A V E L LE R S goin^ South are informed lhat the con * " BY P . .P . P R A T T . v
Gentlemen of Science and' of the medical profession, on PHRENOLOGY APPLIED TO MATRIMONY. Waterford, DunL'anaon,
payment of {5, may havr a card of admission (or 21 days, nexion between tbe Petersburg and Wilmington Railroad*
Galway, Baadon,
adc it Weldon, including ths Petersburg Compaay’s Bridge at Publirhed at the Millennial Star Office, 35 Chapel sireet,
and the privilege n| breaking an ecu each day. Or to thesflection of co»*i,coM,\p.vioN» ron l i t *
including, dirtctioni to the married, lor living together hf Enniskillen, K ilm b , the Roanoks is complnr^d, so that travellers going Sonth Liverpool, for Salt- at this Office. . »
A dmittance T w en ty -F iv e Cents. Monaghan. Oy.ths Great Mail Roui<*, via Washington, Richmond and A N Appeal to the Inhabitants ofth e State of New York^
fectionately and hsppily. The cautions it administers ti
CHILDREN Half Price A liberal allowance made to the yoi^ng ; the hints jt furnishr* in reg«rd to co.iducjinf ENGLAND. ^ Petersburg, will be transferred at Weldon immediately /L L e tt e r to Queen Victoria, T he Fonnlain ef Knowledge;
Schools that ettend in a body. E$f»i Broken o n a p p lic i courtship, as w«-U as in scientific exposition of man’s so SPOONER, ATWOOD vV Co , Bankers, London trom the cars ofthe Petersburg lo thoee of the Wilmington Immortality of the Body, aad Intelligence and Affectiont
tion, at 12| cents each. Young Cnickens sold as curioai- Pay ible in every town in Great Britain Railroad Cpmpany, thrreby ridding the Great Mail route by P. P. P R A T T . Price each or 12 dollars per
cial nature and relations,as well as ofthe laws t h a t g o m n
ties, a t 124 cents. Pamphlets, Explanatory and Treating of its only exceptionable feature, whilst it is equally cheap, hundred. To be had at the P/ophet office.
them, render it most interr^ting and ino*t useful.
upoa the management of Poultry generally, G cents. REGULAR MAIL LINE FOR PROVIDENCE AND and for e x p e d i t i o n , sitct;*rrir a j t d c e r t a i n t y , it has
mv23:e]_______________________ ___________________ NA TU RAL R E LIG IO N : BOSTON, e s ta m e n t o f t h e t\w e lv e p a tr ia r c h s ,
a t i o n a l f i r e i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n y .—
Or, The N atuxal T H r o R r o f Phrenology; its aspect VIA ITOMSGTON AND NTWPOnT.
great advantages over (he day line.
The following unrivalled schedules are now ran onT this line. the Si t s of Jaccb, is most respeetfally dedicated to a y
N Office No 40 Wull st.—Directors; Mr wra
Joh" Brouwer, Samuel S Doughty, Wm. G W ard, Materialism, snd Infidelity, and is opposed to a change ol
on revelation, aod its general harmony with it ; includiog
answers to the objections, that Phrenology favors FataliamJ # FA ST MAIL LINE.
well-beloved Brother, John Albitson, Patriarch in the
Coarch of Latter Day Saints: As a token o f respect and
Leave N. Y. at 0 A M. Arrive in Philadelphia at 3 P M esteem for his services and unwearied1xeal in the canse o f
John F. Muckie, S'ephen Holt, John Newhouse, Philip heart i—A Work in which the primary ol Composed ol the following superior Steamers, running in Leave Phila aL4 P M. arrive in Baltimore at 1 A M God in this tbe Evening o f 'T im e . lBy his Bmiber in
W . Engi. Msrcui spring, W m S Slocum. Ja e rb Miller, man’s moral nature are fully analyzed, «nd therewitf/ilK
connection with the Stoningtcn, and B&eton and Leave Ball; at 3 A.M. arrive ia Washington at 5 A.M Christ, SA M UEL DOW NES
W m W Campbell, John F BuiKrwortli, JOHN BROU religious doctrines taught, and the duties required by man’» Leave Wash, at 0 A M. arrive in Fred'ksburg, at 11 A M.
W E K , President—Joseph W Savage, Sec’y. * P.oiidsnee Itailroad*:
nature and constitution ; H’ctarianism accounted for, and The MASSACHUSETTS, explain C-mstock, Leave Fred’kg at II A.M. arrive io Rich. Va. at 3J P M A L E T T E R T O T H E Q U E E N OF ENGLAND, Touch­
Iniurance taken nt the lowest tales. exposed ; and the general icnor of the Bible ‘doctrine* Ltave Rich, at 4 P M. arrive in Petersburg , Va. 0 P M ing the Signs of the Times*, and tbe Political Destiny
RHODE IS L \N D , " T h n er,
HEAP Cloth Store—Nois fc Morris have in store re 'sustained. Religien is as much a science as mathematics NARRAGANSETT, « Woolsey. Lvave Petera’g at 6J P.M. arrivo in W ei. N C at 1J P.M of the Wot Id. By P. P. Pratt. PaWiihed at Manchester,
C ccived from auction and ,other sources, a large amort It is as much governsd by fixed principles and immutable MOHEGAN,
ment of goodi suitable for gentlemen’s wear consisting in laws. Nor are theee law* beyond the ken of man. They daily, Sundays excepted, from Battery Place, pier N o .l, Leave Wil., at 2 P.M. arrive in Charleston, S .C .a tfi A M.
« Leave Weldon at 2 A.M. arrive in Wil., N.C. at 2 P.M England. For Sale at lhe Prophet Office.

part of,—West of Eftglaud. French and American wool are written upon his*natuic. Phrenology unfold* that na­ N. River. Passengers by this Line will r«ach Petersburg in aeven PROSPECTUS
black, blue, brown, invisible green, mixed cloths ture, and, therawith, the whole code of doctrines depcn ARRANGEMENTS. teen hours, and Charleston, S C., in fifiy-lwo hours afiei
Wool black, blue and fancy caeeitnercs in great variety dent thereoa, and duties tequired thereby.
The MASSACHUSETTS, Qapt. Comstc«k, oa Mon­ leaving Baltimore, including all stoppages, and have the or a
Satinets, ell.colors PHRENOLOGY A P PL IED TO TEM PE RA N CE . days, Thursdays and Saturdays, st 5 o’clock, P. M. advantage of avoiding any detention at Weldon, on the
Scarlet and cadet mixed cloth ; bnff cassimere
Black and blue beaver and pilot cloths A scientific exposition of the phy siological effects of al­ The RHODE ISLAND, Captain Thayer, on Tuesdays, Roanoke, one of the most unhealthy place* ia the couihertij WEEKLY NEWSPAPER.
Thursdays and Saturc'.iys, at 5 o’clock, P. M. country, where, passecgera by the Bay Line, arriving atj
Silk and tabby velvets ; giraffe cloths coholic liquors upon lhe i.uman constitution, and especial TO DE E N T I T L E D
ly upon the auitnal proDenrities. It expoundssome Ptiya- lussengera on the arrival of the steamer at Stonington, they alwaya.ufoi’ fourteen hours after lhe fast mail line if]
Velveteens; silk and Verona serges * w ill^ e immediately forwarded in the splendid and com he samd daycare delayed ten hours until that cf the nex<
Merinos and Cashmere vesting*
Brown hollands, bindings and corJj
>- iological lawa of great intrinsic value, nnd applies them to
temperance-with tremendioua effect. It has been rfrgard- modiocs Cars of thr nailrocds to Providenc* and Boston
The above steamer* have been Thoroughly equipped, and DAY LIGHT L IN E , FO R RICHMOND &. P E T E R S ­
Bombazine, lustrings, goat's hair camblels ejl by many as the alrotcest tempcrncce dosument put BURG, VA.
prepared to promote celerity of travel, acii the comfort and
Twilled fUnnel?, plaid Iinisg*, together with a corn, forth. . The Beard of Control of ihe Society for the Diffusion o
plcte assortment of trimmings for sul4 in quantities to TIGHT-LACING ; Or, EviU cf compressing the Organs security of passengcir, and not aurpiieed by any in the Leave N.Y. at .*» F.M. arrive in Philadelphia at 11 P.M Truth, of thc City of New York, being desirous of pro­
United States. m eave Phila. at Oi A.M* arrive in Baltimore at 2 P M
suit purchasers* nt the lowsjt market pricea, at their of Animal Life. For paange, or frnght, which is taken at very reducsd Leave B<lt. at 4 P.M. arrive in Washington et G P 21 mulgating the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ in its fut-
store No. 142 Chatham sireet, opposite the Chatham^ In Press, and scon to be P u lliih 'd , a Work on
rate?, apply on bpard at north side of pier No. I, No. 22 Leave Wat.!), at 6 A M- parsing through Fredericksburg nee?, and ameliorating the condition of fallen man, hava
Theatre. PHYSIOLOGY, A N IM A L AND M E N IA L : Broadway, or offife tfSam l. D;veay, freight agent, cn thr and Rickmond, and arriving in' Petersburg, to sup, pas-|i thought it witdom lo establish a paper in this cily, as an
Or, the efleets of different organizations and condition* wharf. sing from Philadelphia to Richmond and Petersburg,
IGHTN^NG RODS.—The public i* respectfully in of the body upon lhe character and mental manifestations;
I J formed,'that Quituby’s Lightning Conductof* for the including health—its conditions, aud the means of pre*
protection of buildings against lightning, can be obtainec serving and restoring it, without medicine, and alro diet,
Tickets for the route, and steamer’.* berths,, can be se­
cured on board, or at the cfficfi of Hamden fc Co. No. 3
Va. by day light.
Passenger* by ibis line have ths advantage of passin? the
advocate asd herald of the Faith of the Chorch o f Christ o f
Letter Diy Saints. A portion of which, at times, will be
Wall street. ;veniog and night in Washington-, and yet reach Charle* devoted to Agriculture, Commerce and Manefactnies, as
on application to him, at his office 151 Fulton street. *AI,g regimens, habits, and their eflrcts oq inind, fee. The re
orders fcom the city or country, will be promptly attended? ciprocal inllueuc'-a of various phvriolpgical organir.*tion> (LT The steamboat TOLAS, is now running daily between /on ss!early as those leaving Baltimore a e same time well aa to the Foreign and Domestic N ew s of thy It
Providence and Newport. !*>v tbe Bay Line, these last being obliged lo lie over a<
to. The price is reduced in conformity with the time?. ( and manifestations upon th* mind, ia u department never will likewis?, be ihe faithful advocate and defender
?Ti» ik<tt . . __ I •!_ *__ 1 u A steamer ii now pi «•paring for /he accommodation of the Weldon untel their arrival.
vastly underrated Newport travel, which will shortly make the connection (fC^* For farther information and “ through ticket*” ap­ of the 6on:ti!ution of the United States, whose glary and
principles of Phyaiolo- reguUrly between tin t place and Slonincton. ply at our Southern Ticket Office adjoining ths Baltimore offulgcnce is known in evey clime, which waa battled for
ind Ohio Rail Road Office, Pratt st., Baltimore. and won by our illustrious and patriotic ancestors. T he
m ' < k u i » i i h i h ^ IIP ^ l| i i v t l t . i l i | V 9 U |1 9 |
in hoaics, biirnu, churches, vVc., that had been dlm iged by] IS 12, IS 13, and ISM, (lb-13 will eor>n be publuhrd.) con-
1910, IS 11
P HOUSE. Xo 1*2 AS.** ITRCET, .V. Y Southern
WELLS fe WEBB iaform the Printers of stop as long ns they may desire at Washington, Richmond
Travellers taking “ Through Tickets,” cai Arts andlScicnces shall not be neglecjed—Sketches, Nar-
ives, Birgraphics, Moral Essays, and Poems, will also
ligH'ning, although furnished with lightning rod?\: tiiniui: mwiy ictrrekting cr.d valusbl« f<icu. amply illu»trat
To bui’di.igi not more than 25 ftel long, he always af^ ed with cuts, including lik*-ues?e». nnd short biographies the UY.ted State*, lhat in addition lo the 4nd Petersburg, and resume iheir seata. find a pUce in iho columaa of “ T H E P R O P H E T
fix*** two rod* ; to large building*, a grater number. Th of di*iingui»hed men. Thc reading matter c f the old Al- manufacture of Wood Type. Cases, Siandi>, m lb] H. J . ROGERS, T icket Agent. */nl*t its conductors will endeavor to impart variety aad
miniher of rods necetwary to insure protection, and th e ire 3 P 8nacs as good ai it ever was, and worth many time* Furniture, Galleys, *tScc. fee., they have
opened a large W areiom e for she sale of N E W AND TRANSPORTATION FO R CHICAGO, LAKE E R IE lift to its columns.
proper position, depend on the site and form of tht* building? lla co*:— ccnU Pf r te t * LAKE ONTARIO,
the location of the chitnr.eys, the position and height off V SUBSCRIBERS to the MAGNET c m receive thst SECOND HAND PRINTING M A TERIALS, and every V i a 0 * wkgo .
T im s .—" T H E P R O P H E T ,” will be* issued Saturday
neighboring object, fee. te. Buildings are differently Work through ourofilce. Il is now wHI conducted by P. articl*: necessary for a O r n c c . rnisg the ISth inetant, on an Imperial Sheet, at No. 7
situated and very differently expojed ; and the rods require P. G ood, 133 Fulton-Street. Moreubout this Work’ elsei J h e y have now on hand, end constantly receiving from T H E N E W YORK, UTICA AND OSWEGO LINE
OF LAKE B 0A T 3 will receive goods daily at middle^ Spruce Street, New-York, acd will appear regular ihereaf-
to vjrv io their application according to circumr>tnnceH where. Printers nnd Stereotyperf, »!l kinda and sizes c f lyjie, us?d
for Newspaper, Book ond J«»b Prmtirg, as also all other pier Coeniics alip, New York, for any ports on Lake|1ter ‘ n 1,1111 ° a,'» *l 0ftc ^ ° ^ * r Per annum, invariably ia
n T; JO NES fc CO, 12 P^ne nnd i 5 Nassau st, are uow , tCj”,Editors who copy all or either of these advertise- requisites for a Priutiog Establishment. Th-*y ohn supply Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, or River St. Law -atdvance.
O . offrring the following very desirable goods in lots to tmenti*, shall receive a copy of the Work or Works adver­ orders for ne.w lyp?, frc-mevrry rt**iiectablc foundry in the rence.
m il pnrchaten*, vi/. — tised—they sending a paper (marked) containing the same, f r y All Letters snd Commnnicationa mast be addressed
Union, at iho lowest macufiicturtr’s price*. No transhipment between New York and Oswego.
Cloth and casaimerep, of differeat styles and /hades o the Am. Phren, Journal Oflict. This line is composed c f the first cla*s of L ik e boats, aad [(POT1T PAID) to T H E P R O P H E T . No. 7 Sprues Street,
Beavers and pilots, low priccd to very superior Printers about es’sblishing themselves in business, or is connccted at Oswego wilh the INew-York. G. T. L EA CIf, PreVt.
Venipgs—Lqndon styles * “ K N O W T H Y S E L F .” who wish to renew their fonts of type, or exchange their C h ic a co L ix e o r S -txxst P r o p e l l e r s ,
presses, or other materials foro'.lu r uzes or kinds, will find with a Line of F i r r ^ t .v S c h o o k e r s , running to ports or. B / order of the Beard.
.Sit*ci«s—C atbja’a Fergusons’s aad several American May 7. 1344.
makes ^ i ADMITTANCE F R E E a greatly to *'uir advjat.vjett* c\II i n them before pufcha*- Lake E rie ; and with lhe new and elegant steamboats Lady
J{ nui*—Low Philad and super Madders TO’ jing cl«c\yl:efe, na they will al-vayj havo on lund, most ol ofthe Lske and Rochester, running on Lake Ontario anc N A U V’O 0~ N E 1U H B O R j”
M de L iines and Crape M de Laincs—new styles F O W L E R S P H R E N O L O G I C A L C A B I N E T jthe leading article*, *tcor.d Innd, answering nearly or tb*> river St. Lawrence. Is printed and published every Saturday, by John T sy-
Merinos and Alpatc.* ; Moicbkiue and Cords quite as well t s new, and at a s-iung of from 25 to 50 per This line is also connected with a line of boats on the or, E Jitor aud P roprietor; at Nauvoo, H a rcc c k county, /
Velvet and velvcteeu* ; red paddingc—3-4 and C-l
Kentucky jenne, of all the. different colors
Roll’d jaconetts e.nd col'd cambrics
G E NTLEM EN AND LADIES, Who may desire to be.
come belter acquainted with themicives,— their trut ofTrout and Msther’a manuf*ctui«t, Ircia the cheapest to I Wabash Canal and Ohio Canal, forming cn unbroken com Illiuois Term s—4*2,00 invariably in advauce.
They keep constantly on hend a sapply of Printing Ink. munication from New York to Lafayette, Indiana, and from
New-York to Portsmouth, Ohio.
Leitert n » st ba addressed to the Editor (Jchn Taylor)
po:t paiU, receive the attention. * *
aatural endowments, for natural, mcral, and intelectual fine*t quality ; sl«o c lored Inks ot'cvery description
Apron and furniture checks enjoymeats or improvement, are respeetfally informed, Shipments by this line are insured lo Oiwego, and oc
Woolen shawls—all sizes and qualities W. i t W. are the Sole Agent* for the Northern, MiddU the Wabash Oanal only, exccpt by special contract. T H E T IM E S A N D S E A S O N S ,
that a favorable opportunity is at all times freely given at nnd Western States wed Canzdu. for the shI^ of KNEE-
Silk and cotton pocket Hdkfs—linen and imitation i L he above cabinet. . P roprietors a s d A c c n s . la printed and published about the 1st and ISth of every
C lldkli—Blankets 1 Chelmsford, Whitney Mill*, Rose, LAND’S PA TE N T CARD PRIN TIN G ENGINE, which BRONSON As'CUOCKER, * month, at Nanvoo, Hancock county H I , by John Tnylor,
Although Mr Fowler Eimself will be absent from the Osweco . liditcr aad Proprietor. T erm s^-$2 per annum; pty.ble *
Radical, D-fflV, R uh anil cradle—Quilts and counterpanes; city for a short tim e, every attention will be cheer'fuTiiR^,; l >f' ‘C? ! ° bt tJ,qU/ , ,if colt *u Peri° r «ny M achine Press DOOLITTLE, MILLS, & CO.
ctmbrici ol difl-rent width*—JaconeUe, do d o ; cambrick rendered by agent Mr. S R . W E L L S , w h o ie p u b lic k P p , i rv“1 c°«hde nt that *x tn a l o* the above FA R W E L L fc HARRINGTON, U tica. in a l i a s e s in advance. Any person procuring five new
and furnitere dimitye—Fnncy check strip* and plain mur- loubie test 7 examination* * • • have accorded•*so perfectly - p withu c ^ r Pre83 will give the m oit entire ealufaciiun. R O SSIT ER ic R H E P P E R D ; T roy. :ubscnbtra cnd forwarding us Ten Dollars curreat money,
lias— Petticoat*, robss and skirts— English and American hoee iif Mr. Fowler, ihnt every confidence inay'b* repo?, They ere al«o Aizentj for the aale Koverman’s Enamell­ W : S. ROSSITER, 23 Coenties Slip, N. Y. nhell rcccive one vclume gratis. AH Letters must be ad-
long Cloths.
d in Iii3 professional ability ca a delineator of c h an c ier. ed and Pearl Surfacc Cardr, which they will sell as low a* W e s t * tor A g e n t s . dressed to John Taylor, pott paid, br ihey will aot receite
FIRST PIIFMUJM Subscriiiiioss for th« American Phrenological Journal re can be purchased in the city. P e a s e i t A llejt, Qleveland, Ohio, attention, j
reived, e rdera for BOOKS and BUSTS will be pnnciualy They still continue to manufefcture, and are generally C h a ’s H o w a r d A: Ct*. T o le d o , O fc •Ditroif, Mich. OO* Subscriptions’ for the “ Tim es and Seasons,’’and lhe
W h o l e s a l e a m o R k t a i l S t r a w H a t M A J iu rA C T O R Y , supplied with-allsize.T of their Wood T y p e, of which ihey
No ‘J*J llo w o v . uiendeJ to. i [mlS:c T ii e r o * P a r d e e , Chicago, III. " Nauvoo Neighbor,” received at ihe Office of the “ Pro-
ire ihe original in^ncfuct-jrer?, and which still m ainuins iu H ctchixsc.n, W h e e l e r , fc Co. Southport, W isc’n. phet,” No. ;7 Spruce sireet, New-Yotk.
^ • * 5 ) T I I E SUBSCRIBER beg. |f *ve to announce t«
^ V g | ‘hc ladies of New York th t he.lias ca hand at ARMS FOR SALE —V -hable Farms for naie in tha repntatmn for superiority over all competitor* aud attempt mlS:c]_
td imitators. " 1 yg y s a ^ . W tiO W A N T S BO O TS A N D S H O E S !—
? ueighboihood'C'f Geneva. Batavia, Bufftlo, Hamburgh
lar^e an a -oriment of Straw Good* as ever han been offer vValeW, Arc., in this S:ate Likewise on Long Island. . (Xy Publishers cJ N e ^ p , p r r a in the U. 3 and Canada, W IL S O N S R E A L E STA TE AND
ed in the city, comprising a choice election of N - i p : htan jUL e o a :; o f f i c e . ___________ m i The greatest reduction in price ever know s, Only
They will be sold for c-ish or n part bond acd mort giving the above three inacr'ir.ra by ihe tlrst of July next,
Tuscan, and sll kinds cf Sirnw Hativ
taf.e, and eome iu exchange for unincnmbered city pro and lending u* one copy of their piper containing it will For lhe private,and public s*d<*, hiring, letting ana ex hmk cf g e ^ .lrm m ’s fine drera Calf autched bo»u, ibe
Braida o f »11 kinds for sale by the piece.
uerty. Apply at No 50 Bine » t , back olffice, over the Bank &e entitle* to the payment of iheir bills on purchasing foui changing of bouses, stores, farms, fee. For collecting rents, most fasbieinable shape, $2 75 lo $ 3 . Also, dress p e « e d
H atscltaned and altered.
Coffee House. times ihe amount, * and for taking tbe general agency and supervision of real boots, §1 5p to €2 acd $2 50 per psjr. LadieV fancy co­
[m23:c] TIIOS. YOUNG. ’ Mew-York, May 19,1514, [ m is.*c. eatatc. Alro for the superinlendanec of erecting and ra> lored, c itr sp-fc gaiters, $1 50 to I 75 a pair; tndn, from
pairing cf buildings. Persons having property to sell, ex­ fashions for|lS44, for gentlemen, ladies and cbildreadron,
i r e m e n s i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n y , n o 47 w«ii S ^ P I A N O FORTE:?, PIANO FO R TE S—J change or k t , will fiad it (o their advantage to apply at this thirty to fojty per cent cheaper than ever, 179 Hall the
F « cotner of Hanover st, insure against Idss or damage
by fire at premiums reduced, commensurate to the increa public, that he has removed'his Piar.o Forle Store lo Nc
..R O C K E T T brga to inform hia friecd*i aud the office. All property r. gi-tered in this office, will, if re- corner of Canal.
W .V T C H E S -T H E L A R G E ST AND quircd, be advertised, and if not sold at private sale, it will
S T E W A R T & SAUL. je --

sed facilities for the extingtiishment of fires. ’>44 Broad.way, between Spring ahd Prince ats, where, a fplcudid asortment of watches in if desired, be offered arpcblurauction. He will alto attend
xll times, will be found a good assortment of new nnd sec- city, is to br found at the subacri. to the eilecting insurance, obtaining and loaning of money
Niel Gray, Sec’y
JACOB DRAKE, President.
j r —■ >ad hand Piano fortes, at prices ranging from twenty-five ber’s, as he is coutUntly receiving all descriptions of gold won bond and mortgage. Individuals or companies, re- TT/’ M II A1ILES, M A N U F A C T U R E R O F VARNISH
lollars upwards Purchasers will (ind it to their edtant* and silver watches ef the latest styles, from the manufac­ jquiridgnn sgentto tsker charge of their estate, may depend TT Gramtiig, Steniil, acd Artikts Brushes. All of tho
JT, T H E CHEAPEST COFFIN WARE-ROOM IN THE ige be lore purchasing el»e where, to call aud examine for
for i w e t s in Entiland,
turer* Enkland, France, t r d S-*iixerlend, be is enabled Ion havins i« faithfully a n d economically managed. Per- ibove articles wil! be manufactured lo order, snd at ihe
W ORLD. r.emadves. All piano forte* sold by J R.-will be warrant nj.Hto « Her a Urge oseottmenf, and ai mcch Ie*J prices at re asocs wishing to hire, prrefcase or exchange property, or in- lhorteit notice, o r the most reasonable terms, at 118 N ai-
^T D* G ILLESPIE furnishes all articles required a d to be as represented.—N B Piano fortes tuned, repair ir-8,*,'» !,,aii any other hoa*e in lhe city Gold w stdies as2 asi vest money,
monev. can moat generally
can most renerallv b« be accomodated. Persons __ « u street, basement story. — lscl
_ funerals, and has privelege to inter in fell the grave •d, exchanged, ond fold on eomrnijx-ion. je—c low as ?20 to 2^ ejch. W atches find jewelry exchanged residing at a distance, desirous to eell or purchase real es­
yard* and cemcteries io tho city or country, his charges i r \>OOK fc JOB Printing, neatlv execnted oa tho mostljihe mo*ney returned. or bought. All watches ttazrantcd to keep gacd tirxie, oi tate by sending a description of ths properly, will receive RUSfl If ACTOR Y.— WM. J DUDLET, MANUFAO
will be very moderate and attendance punctualJ, No. 552 J K
Beail st. near Broadway. ’ rAvo«
; lie—c. j lU j floor.) ? i!* lCrm" “ thc “ P r°Ph« M office, No. 7 Spruce0 G. C. ALLEN, Importers of Watches and Jewelry
immediate attentien. All letters must be post-paid and
addressed te JO HN C. WILSON,
B T U R E R e f Fancy Hair, Cloth and Hat Bru»bes— oho
Aliotas Hair Brushes. Tbe above articles he has on band
Wholesale and retail, 30 Wallst, up stairs.—jc—c je-T*: No. l N a»»n street, N. Y. iforsale at the lowest prices. 11S Nassau st. [je—l:4w;

D E V O T E D TO T O E D I S S' E M I N A T I O N OF T R U T H ;
M O R A L , R E L I G I O US, P O L I T I C A L , A X D S C I E N T I F I C ,
S. B B A N .1A S & CO. P U B . S n r e l f I h e L o r d G o d w i l l d o n o t h i n g , b n t h e r e v e a l e t h h is s e c r e t n n t o h is nasa
serv a n ts tiic P rop h et* —A m o s 3; 7.
» ‘- * 11 a W ^ g f w i w j \r a . s m ir a , ed .
VOL. L—NO. X NEW-YORK,' SATURDAY MOIININ&, JULY 27. 1844. S A ij. | , ■'•|'"||‘lfT lSfeWBBM

z z s r t s z ' / ill- •- ■» ; §1 PER AN. SINGLE COPIES 3 CTS.

‘T H E P R O PH K T’ a v e ry wise thing to repent? Because he that_ ed m ethods? T h e y answered, H e is
is a conjurer,She has ta u g h t every k iu d o f w l c k e d n ^ " ? ™ ^ u
does so, gets great understanding. and casts out deviiis by the pnnco o f the devils jle a rtb , and has discovered to the world
15 F o r he is sensiblo th a t he hath sinned and! and so all thinigs boconte subject to him. i . i* t i — world all the bc C O H JI U i Y T C A T l O N S :
S. B R A N N A N & CO. cret things which are done iu the heavens.
done wickedly in the sight of the L o rd ; and hen G T h e n saia x 'l i a t e , u a s u
T h e n said P ilate, C asting out devils seems n g
At tho L atter Day Saint Book Depository, No 7 Spruce G Sannaza also has ta ug ht sorcery, to whom i ( F p ii t h e P r o p h e t .)
Street, N ew York, at ono dollar per annum iu advance. remembers w ithin him self that he haa ofTendedjIjnot to be the w ork o f an unclean spirit, but~to you have mven power over those who are ass0ci-
Eleven' copies to one addrea* for T ru dollar*. Advertis­ and repents and does no more wickedly ; b L u t docs
1 proceed f/om tho power C ity o f N auvoo, F r id a y morning, 10 o’clock.
ing 50 cts. per square of nix lines for one insertion, and 25 that wnich is good, and humbles his soul, and af­ ■r fp u i . j o .... f God. * u a t e d w*lh him, and th e y have gone together tn June 29th, 18-14. ^
eta. for evsry subsequent insertion.
7 Jows replied to Pilate, Wo entreat yourjjtho daughters o f men, have laid with tfern and
flicts it, because he has offended. Y o u see there­ highness to summon him to appear before y o u rih a v e been defiled M r . E d i t o r .— I hasten to inform y o u r read ­
A l l L t t t x r * at »d C o m m u m i c a t i o n s m c s t b e A d
fore th a t rcpentance is great wisdom. t r ^ n a l and hear him yourselK B 7 A n d have disclosed crimes to them. ers of tho blackest crime th a t has ever darkened
d r e s s e d t o THE PROPHET, P osr P a i d .
(JO- P#st M u te n are authorized b j the Pott Office de 1G And 1 said unto him. F o r this cause, sir, 1
partment, to forward, free of expense, all order* for, or to inquire diligently into all things, because I am a him, B y w hat moans will C h rist bc broughtjjfgiants.
^ V? a messenger, and said ton 8 T ho women havo likewise brought forth the pages of tho history o f th e world. Gen. J o ­
seph and H yram Sm ith have been massacred by
discoatiaue publication*, aod alto money to p a ; for ihr sinner, th a t I may know w hat 1 m ust do th a t 1 ruthles^ damnable, hellish hands I I L<t me brief­
aame. h U h er? - 9 s ? ,th® w^ole earth has beon filled with blood
Subacrikers’ names, with the Slate and Post Office, ihonjd tnay li v e ; because my sins are many. 9 T h e n went tho messenger forth, and, know- and wickedness. ly detail the circumstances o f this shameful out­
l>« dis'ioctlygiven when money is forwarded, to avoid mia 17 A nd he said unto mo, T h o u shalt live ifg in g Christ, worshipped him ; and h av in ^ s p re a d rage.
takes, a* there are often several towns of the tam e name, or thou shalt keep these m y commandments. And the cloak which v ‘ ’ he 1 ’had...........................° 10 A nd now, behold, the souls of those who
in his hand upon the aro dead cry out. On Monday last, Gen. Josenh and H y ra m pro*
several Poat Offices io the same township. whosoever shall hear and do these commands, ground, he said, Lord, walk upon this, and go in,
Postmasters and Traveling Eldera are requeued to act a> shall live unto God. 11 A nd complain even to the gate o f heaven. ceeded to Carthage in compliance w ith the requ i­
Agsots. tor the governer calls theo.
16 A n d L said unto him, I have even now 12 T h e ir groanings ascend, but th e y cannot sition of the,Governor, and delivered themselves
10 W hen the Jows perceived w hat the messen- up prisonera o f th e law. I hava not time to re­
heard from certain teachers th a t thero is no other count at present |h e m any menaces, threats and
THE A P O C R Y P H A L repentance besides th a t of baptism : when wo go
down into tho water, and reeeivc the forgiveness 10 x uu »uuiv meso mings, and what has been indignities they encountered at tho hands o f a
NEW T E S T A M E N T . dono by them, y e t you speak not to us. lawless rabble, who could not bo controlled by
of our sins; and th a t'after that, we m ust sin no the G overnor or by restraint of law. Suffice it
more; but live in purity . . 14 W h a t in regard to these thintra ought we to
T H E S H E P H E R D O F H ERM AS. do to them. ° ° to say, on yestorday morning thc excitement at
This book ia thus entitled, becanse it waa composed bj 19 And he said unto me, T h o u hast been Carhago was* fast subsiding; the Governor’s
Hermas, brother to Pius, bishop of Rome: and becaust
rightly informed. Nevertheless, seeing now thou him, Lord, the governor calls theo. C h a p le r BV. troops were all disbanded, with the exception of
the angel, who bears the principle part in it, is repre
inquirest diligently into all things, I will manifest 11 T h e n Pilato callcd the messenger, and said, two or three companies, reserved as a guard for
this also unto thee, yet not so as to give any oc­ W h y hast thou done th u s? 1 I hen the Most High, the G reat and Holy
seated in the form and habit of a shepherd. Irntcu* One spoke, the town,—;also as a guard for th e prisoners
qaotes it under the very name of Scripture; Origen
casion o f sinning cither to those who shall here­ 12 T he ^Messenger replied, W hen thou senfcst and an escort to the Governor. T h o G overnor
after believe, or to those who have already be­ mo from Jerusalem to Alexander, I saw Jesus sit­ 2 A nd sent Uriel unto the son o f Lamech,
thought it a most useful writing, aad that it waa divinel) arrived in this city at 4 o’clock y esterday ; made
lieved in tho Lord. 3 Saying, Go to Noah, and say to him in my
inspired; Eusebius sayc, tbat though it was not esteem­ ting in a mean figuro upon a she ars, and the name, Conceal thyself. a short speech, and returned immediately to C ar­
20 F o r noither they who havo newly believed children of the H ebrew s cried out, Hosannah, thage. D urin g his stay here, (which did not ex^
ed canonical, it was read publicly in the churches, whicli 1 T h en declare unto him an account of the
or who shall hereafter believe, havo any repent­ holding boughs of trees in their hands. ceed one hour and a half.) a company o f demons,
is corroborated by Jerom ;; and Athanasius cites it, call* end which is to take placo, for the whole earth
ance of 6ins, b ut forgiveness o f them. 13 O thers spread their garments in tho way. shall bo destroyed, the waters of a flood shall dist *
it a most useful work, and observe?, that though it wa>
not strictly canonical, the Fathers appointed i: to be
21 B u t as to those who havo been called to the and said, Save us, thou who a rt in heaven ; bless­ como over tho whole earth, and all things which hac
faith, and since th a t arc fallen into an y gross sin, ed is he who cometh In the name o f the Lord. ram
> read for direction and confirmation in faith aud piety,— aro upon shall be destroyed.
Jerome, notwithstanding this and that he applauded i<
the Lord hath appointed repentance; because 14 T h en the Jews cried out against tho mes confined. E v en the guard k n e w n o th io g o f th eir
God knovveth the thoughts o f all men’s hearts, and sanger, and said, T h e children o f the Hebrews o A nd now inform him how he may escape,
in bis catalogue of writers, in his commcnu upon it after­ approach until they rushed to the door and de­
their infirmities ; and the manifold wickedness of made their acclamations in the Hebrew laneuatre- and how th at his seed m ay remain oa all the manded a su rre n d e r; all tho guard, with the ex­
wards, terms it apocryphal and foolish. Tertulliar 1_________ .1 , ... © p > earth.
ptaiaed it when a Catholic, and abased it when a Mon the devil; who is always contriving somethingflond how couldst thou, who art a Greek, under- ception of eight, wero encamped about a quarter
against the servants o f G o d ; and maliciously layJlstand the Hebrew ? G A nd again tho Lord said to Raphael, Bine of a milo from the jail. G eneral Sm ith being
taaist. Although Gelasias ranks it among the apocrj- Azaziel hand and foot, cast him into darkness
phal books, it is found attached to some of the most an­ 8nnrr fSrp?r m" -r II 15 1 messeng er answered them and said, I open the desert which is in Dudael, and thrust met with a js h o w e r of bullets, and a rush o f
22 I herefore our merciful Lord had compas-nasked one of the Jews, and said, W h a t is this him in there. bayonets, he abandoned tho door, rushed to the
cient MSS. of the N<w Testament; and Archbishop
sion towards his creature, and appointed th a t re flwhich tho children do cry out in the Hebrew back window^ raised it, and leaped from the second
W ake, believing it the genuine work of an apostolic Fa 7 1 hrow upon him rugged aud pointed stones, story window to the e a r th ; hero he was rushed
lentance, nnd gave unto me the power of it.Blanguagc ?
ther, preserves it to the English reader by the following and cover him with darkness.
And therefore 1 say unto thee, I f any one nfterj] 10 And he explained it to me. saying, T hey upon by near n hundred men, shot with two or
translatioa, ia which he has rendered the books notonly S 1 hero he shall remain forever, cover his face three balls, and, as I understand, cut with a bowio
that great and holy calling shall be tempted byncry’ out, Hosannah. which, being interpreted, i
more exact, but in greater purity than thay had before that he may not see thc light.
the devil aud sin, he has one repentance. B u t ifflO Lord, save mo or, (> Lord, save. knife, and expired immediately. W hile Joseph
appeared. The archbishop procured Dr. Grabe to en­ 9 A nd in the great day of judgem ent let him was defending the door, H y ru m being at the back
io shall often sin and repent, it shall not profit 17 P ilate then said to them, W h y do you your­ bo cast into tho lire.
tirely collate the old Latin Version with an ancient MS
such a one; for be shall hardly live unto God. selves testify to the words spoken by the children, part o fth e room in range o f tho door, was pierced
in the Lambeth library; and the learned prtlate himself
23 And I said. Sir, I am restored again to life namely, by your silence? In w hat has the mes­ 10 Reanimate the earth which thc angels have with two balls, exclaimed ‘‘I am a dead m a n !” and
still farther improved the whole from a multitude ol corrupted, and proclaim life to it, th a t 1 may e n ­ expired ; E ld e r John T ay lo r was wounded wiih
since I have th us diligently hearkened to these senger done amiss? A nd they were silent. liven it again.
fra g m e n ts^ the originol Greek, never before used far
commands. F o r 1 perceive, th at if I shall not 18 T h en the governor said* unto the messen- three or fourjballs, but great hopes are entertain* d
that purpose. 11 All the sons of men shall not perish in con­ of his recovery. E ld e r W illara Richards was m i­
hereafter add any more to my sins, I shall be c rj Cio forth, and endeavour by any means to
sequence ot every secret, by which tho watchers raculously p reserved; exposed ell the time to a
The Second Book of Hermas, called his saved. ring h im in. have caused destruction, and which th e y have shower of balls that whistled by him in every di**
24 A nd ho said, T h o u shalt be s a v e d ; and so 19 B u t tho messenger went forth, and did as taught their offspring.
Commands. shall all other, as m any as shall observe theso before; and said, Lord, come in. for the governor rcction. T h e people of Carthago were thunder*
* Ii. All the earth has been corrupted by the op­ struck and filled with consternation a t th is h igh ­
O om m and IT . Commandments. caJleth thee. ° eration of the doctrine of Azazicl, therefore as­ handed outrage, and fled from the town in every
2.*> A nd again I said unto him. Sir, seeing thou 20 And as Jesus was going in by the ensigns, cribe tho whole crime to him.
Furtherm ore, said ho, I command thee, that direction, and in a few moments b ut one citizen
Nearest me patiently, show mo j e t one thing who carried the standards, thc tops of them bowed 13 Also the Lord said to Gabriel, G o to the remained to render assistance--to E lder R ichards
thou keep thyself ch aste; and lh a t thou sufler
more. T ell me, saith he, what it t^. down and worshipped Jesus. giants, the reprobates, the children o f whoredom,
not any thought of any other marriage, or of for­
nication, to enter into th y h e a r t ; for such a
2G A nd I said, I f a husband or wife die, and 21 W hereupon the Jews exclaimed moro vc. tho offspring of the watchers from among m en; in attending to tho deceased— they feared tho
the p a r ty which survives m arry again, docs he hemently against the ensigns. Mormons would rise and take vengeance ! B ut
thought produces a great sin. lead them out, and movo them ono against anot Oh ! could tlio whole world havo witnessed N a u ­
sin in so doing? H e th at marries (says he) sins 22 B ut Pilate said to tho Jews. I know it is er, let them p<*rish by slaughter, for they shall not voo this m orning when the mournful in t e llig e n t
2 B ut be thou at all times mindful o f the Lord,
not: howbeit if lie shall remain single, he shall not pleasing to you that the top3 of the standards havo length ofdays.
and thou shalt never sin. F o r if such an evil was spread through tho city ; our love for the de­
lerebv gain to him self gain g reat honour before did of themselves bow-, and worship Je su s; but 14 T h e y “shall all entreat thee, b ut their fathers ceased could bo distinctly read in*each counten-
„ thought ahould arise in th y heart, thou shouldst
bo Lord. why do ye exclaim against the onsigns, as if they shall obtain nothing in regard to them, for they anco; and ‘'H ow sweet it would have, been to havo
be guilty of a great sin ; and they who do such
things, follow thc way of death. 27 K eep therefore th y chastity and m odesty: had bowed and worshipped? shall hope for eternal life and that each of them fell in their stead !'* came from hundreds o f lips.
m d thou shalt live unto God. Observe from 23 T h e y replied to Pilate, W e saw the ensigns may live five hundred years.
3 Look therefore to thyself, and keep thyself Alas! how can the vacuum ever bo filled 1 O
henceforth those things which I speak with thee, themselves bowing and worshipping Jesus. 15 Also the Lord said to Michael, Go and de \m erica, put! on thy garb of mourning, the blood
from such a thought: for where chastity remains
in d command thee to observe ; from the time thal 24 T h en the governor called the ensigns, nnd clare his crime to Samiaza, and to tho others who of these raatyred saints cries to Omnipotence for
in the heart o f n righteous man, there an evil
. thought ought never to arise. ‘ have been delivered unto thee, and dwell in thy said unto them, w h y did you do th u s? are with him who havo been united with women redress and a restoration of trampled rights. W o
aouse. 25 T h e ensigns saiti' to Pilate, W c ate nil pa­ that they m ight bo defiled with all their im purity
4 And I said unto him, Sir, sufier me to speak
a little to you. H e bade me say on. A nd f an ­ 23 So ahall thy former sins be forgiven, if thou gans, and worship the gods in temple*; and how and when all their son3 shall be slain, when the; are determined th a t this matter shall not rest here,
lalt keep these my commandments. A nd in like should we thin k any thing about worshipping shall see t h i ^destruction o f their beloved, bint we w illico k to the law, to tho arm of tho judicia­
swered, Sir, if a man th a t is faithful in tho Lord,
shall have a wife, and sHall catch her in adultery, manner shall all others bo forgiven, who shall him ?* W e only held the standards in our hands, them for so H n ty generations, in the caverns ol ry o f th e A m erican jurisprudence for redress.—
observe these m y commandments. and they bowed thcinsclvcs and worshipped him. the earth, even to tho day o f ju d g e m e n t and of
doth a man sin that continueth to live still with tu<
her? 3G T h en said Pilate to the rulers of tne sy n a­ termination, until tho term ination o f th e overlast
T h e G o sp el o f X ic o d e m u * , f o r m e r ly c a l l gogue, Do yo yourselves chooso somo strong ng judgem ent.
5 A nd he said unto me, As long as he is ig­ e d T h e Act* o f P o n t i u s P i l a t e . en, the last hope extinct, and our wrongs aie
norant o f her sin, he commits no fault in living men, and let them hold tho standards, and we IG 1 hen they shall be taken to the lowest deph still unr^jJrossc cf—remember “thero is a Ciod in
with h e r: b u t if a man shall know his wifo to (Although thi* Go*pfl i», b r some among thc 1- n r n c J , sup shall see w h e th e r th o y will th«n bond of thom-
pos'd to havo bren rrally written by Nicodemur. wh< selves. of tho firo in torments, and they, shall be shut up in heaven who will come from his hiding place
have offended, and she shall not repent o f her brcame a detcipte of J n u s Christ, and convrrird will prison for oror nnd ovor.
27 So tho elders of thc Jews sought out twelve vongonnco is mine saith tho Lord and I wilfrepay.* 11 r<
sin, b u t go on still in her fornication, and a man him, others conjecture that it was a forgeiy, towardi 17 Immediately nftcr this, he, together with
the close of lhe ihird century, by some zevlous believrr of tho most strong and able old men, and mnde them, shall burn and perish, they shall be bounc You will hear from mo anon.
shall continue nevertheless to livo w ith her, he
who, obierviog lhat there had been appeaU rmde by the them hold tho standards; and thoy stood- in thc I L. O. L I T T L E F I E L D .
shall become guilty o f her sin, and partakci with Christiana of the former age to ihe Acts of Pilate, buf presence of tho governors. until m any generations shall be fulfilled.
her in her adultery. that such acts could not be produced, imagined it would 18 Lxterm inate all the souls devoted to foolish
G A n d I said unto him, W h a t therefore ia to be of servicc to Christianity to fabricate and publish tbit 23 1 hen Pilate said to the messenger, T ak e ness, and the offspring o f tho watchers, for they Gov. F ord a n d t i i c W a r s a w C o j i u i t t w .— W e make
GospH ; as it would both confirm lhe Christians undn Jesus n n t and
q u r out, n n n by K v asomo
nmn m n n n o bring
means h n n r » him
k «m in %*%again 1 I____ __________ _ ! _ » ▼ * •
be done, if the woman continues on in her sin? havo oppressed mankind. i few extracts from lhe correspondence betweea tbe War-
pertecution, and convince ib* heathens of the truth of And Jesus and tho messenger went out of the «aw Committee nnd Gov. Ford. It appears in lhe Quincy
He answered, L et her husband p ut her away, and the Christian religion. The Rev. Jeremiah Jones says, hall. 19 Let all tho violent perish from tho surface
of the earth. Herald of the G.h inst.
let him continue by htmself. B u t if he shall put that such pious frauds were very common among Chris "W hen the Uw i fail to establish our righu unless enfor-
away his wifo and m arry another, ho also doth tians even in lhe first three centuries; and that a forger) 29 A nd Pilato called tho ensigns who before 20 E xterm inate every evil work. ■ed aa they receplly have been, at the mouth • ( the can-
commit adultery. of this nature, with the view above mentioned, s^rm* had borne tho standards, and swore to them, that 21 T h e plant o f righteousness and integrity aon, we have nd course left but to cast ouraelvea boldly
natural and probable. The same suthor, in uoticinf if they had not borne the standards in th a t man­
7 A nd I said, W h a t i f the woman th a l is so tbat Eusebius, in his EccUiiastical IIi;tnry, charges thr ner when Jesus before entered in, he would cut
shall appear, and its produce shall becomo a bles- md fearlessly upon ou: ro vrvsd rights, aod there stand ua-
sing. til we ar« satisfied lhat the highest authority of the Stato
put away, shall repent, and bo willing to return ^pagans with having forged and publiahed a book, called will officially sustain us in them.
off their heads.
to h e r/h u sb a n d ? shall she not bo received by " ' “ The Acts of PiUte,” takes occasion to observe, thai 22 R ighteous and integrity shall be planted "Should there! b« a certainty lhat thiscau never bc done,
him? H e said unto me, Y es; and if horhusbanr the internal evidence of this Gospel shows that it wai 30 T h en the governor commanded Jesus to with rejoicing for overmore. *e are willing to leave a land for which we have tacrificed
not the work of any heathen; but tbat if in the Im ti como in again. 23 A nd then all the saints shall give thanks, nueh, and would cheerfnlly tacrifiie more, and seek a
ahall not receive her, ho will siu: and commit t end of the third century we find it in use among Chris­
great ofTenc« against himself: b ut he ought to re 31 A nd the messenger did as he had done be­ and livo nntil thoy have begotten a thousand home where we may ones breathe as freeman. Sir, we
tian* (and it was certainly then read in some churches,) tasure you calmly, coolly, end deliberately, that there can
ceive the offender i f she r e p e n ts ; only not often. and about ths same time find a forgery of the heathem fore, and very much entreated Jesus thnt he children, while the whole time of their youth, and ■>e no compromise between the two parlies. It is out of
8 F o r to tho servants o f G od there is b u t one umW the tame title, it seems exceeding probable, that would go upon his cloak, and walk on it ; and he their sabbaths shall be finished in p ea ce; and in he question ; they are greatly our supertor in numbers, and
some Christians, at thst time, should publish 6uch s did walk upon it, and went in. those days the whole earth shall be cultivated in re casnot cosfi je in their faith. They must leave or we
repentonce. A n d for this.causo a m an th at put- piece as this, in ordrr partly to confront the epuriout
teth away his wife o u g ht not to take another, be one of iho pegans, snd partly to aupport those appeal* 32 A nd when Jesus went in, the standards righteousness, it shall bo planted w ith trees, and nust l*ave ; and there are now but two questions to solve ;
Which party shill leave, and in what m anner? W e U -
cause she may re p e n t which had been made by former Chnsiiaaa to the Act* >owed themselves as before, and worshipp 3d him. filled with blessing, for upon it every treo o f de­ ieve ihat mattf r can be settled through the influence and
9 T his act is alike both in the man and in the of P ila te ; and Mr. Junes says, he thinks so the mor« light shall be planted. idvice of your Excellency,” fee.
particularly, as we have innumerable instances of forgeriei
woman. N ow thoy commit^ adultery, not only by the faithful in the primitive agrt, grounded on lew The Booh of Enoch* 24 U pon it vineyards shall bo planted, and the Gov_ Ford in reply, is down upon them hot aad heavy;
who polluto th eirfiesh , but who also make on plau.»ible rtasons Whether it be canonical or not, it ii vine which shall bo planted on it shall bring forth ppeariog to thiak that their communication, both in tone
C h a p te r I I I . ind manner, is rather cool! notwithstanding their warmth
image, I f therefore a woman perseveres in any of very tjreat anttquity, and is appealed to by several ol fruit in abundance, every seed which is sown on of temper. Sptaking of the murder of the Smiths, he
thing of this kind, and repents not, dep art from lhe ancient Chrtatians The preseat translation is made it shall bring forth for ono measttro a thousand, sayt*. '
from the Gospel publt.hed by G rynias in the Orthodox- 1 A nd the four great archangels, Michael, Gn-
her, and live not with h er: otherwise thou also ographia, vol i. tom. it. p. 043.] briel, Raphael, and Uriel, heard, and from thc in d ono measure o f olives shall yield ten presses What aggravates the transaction, as a matter personal
shalt be p artaker of her sin.
C h a p te r I. saints o f heaven they looked upon the earth, and of oil. o myself, is, that you betrayed my honor, aa w e ll^ s your
iwn and lhat of the State ; you selected a time lo c«mmit
10 B u t it is therefore commanded th a t both saw the a u a n tity o f blood which was shed on earth, 25 P u rify tho earth from all oppression, from Ue deed when you believed I was in Nauvoo, ia the pow-
the man and the woman should remain unm ar- A nnas and Caiphas, and Suramaa, and Datam, and all the iniquity which was done upon it, and all unrighteousness, from all crime from all ungod- r of lhe Mormons, and would most probably be murdered
ried, becau-e such persons m ay repent. Gamaliel, Judas, Levi, Nepthalim, Alexander, they Said one to another, It is the voice of their linesss, and from all the corruption which upon i l l ’7 »heni by w a y of retaliatJon,,, fee.
11 N o r do 1 in this administer any occasion Cyrus, and other Jews, w ent to PiUte about Je ­ cries. has b e e n c o m m itted , and d e str o y th e m fr o m A U T a S
for the doing of these th in g s; but rather that sus, accusing him w ith m a n y bad crimes.
3 *The earth bereaved of her children cries oven ' n n - H 4 more persuasijre influence with the Mormons than I bad
whoso has offended, should not offend any more. 2 A nd said, W’e aro assured that Jesus is the to the gate of heaven.
12 B u t for their former sins, God, who has the son of Joseph the carpenter, and born of M ary, 2G T h en all thc children o f men shall bc rifrht>|| Pf 'P*'1™1®™of this horrid deed which I sought to
power of healing,'will give a remedy : for he has and th a t ho declares him self the Son of God, and 3 And now, O ye holy ones of heaven, to you eons, nnd all n ation s shall g i v e to m e d iv in e h o n - f ,ht I c»n»oi u k ihe Mor
nocs to confide io me.
tho souls of men, and say, Procure us ors, and bless me, ull shall adoro me.
the power of all things. a k i n g ; and not only so, b u t attem pts thc disao- justice from the H ig h e s t; then they said to their “ If you mean to reqaeat me to exercieo a forcible infla-
13 I asked him again, and said, Seeing the solution of tho sabbath, and the laws of our fa­ 27 T h e earth shall bo purified from all corrup ;nce to expel them from the S u te , I answer you now as I
Lord thc King, Y o u aro Lord of lords, God o f tion, from airoflcnces,Trom all pain, and fro m all) have uniformly done, that the law is my guide, aad thal
Lord hath thought me wojpthy th a t thou shouldst thers.
gods, K ing of kings, tho throne of your glory is suffering, and I will not again send a flood u p o n ||f know of no law which authorizes their expulsion,” &*.
dwell with me co n tin u ally ; speak a few words 3 Pilate replied. W h a t is it which lie declares? for ever and ever, and for ever and ever your
unto mo, because I understand nothing, and my and what is it w hich he attem pts dissolving? it from generation to generation for ever.
namo shall bo sanctified and glorified, you are 23 In thoso days 1 will open the treasures ofi "T o n had bet er not make too loud a call upon yoar fel­
heart is hardened through my former conversa­ 4 T h e Jows told him, W o havo a law which praised and glorified. low citizen*; y.m may want their aid for defence, and may
tion; and open m y understanding because I aro forbids doing cures on the sabbath d a y ; but he blessing which are in heaven, that I m ay cause yet be glad to rrce iv s aid for dsfeace rather-lhaa aggres>
4 Y o u have made all things, you havo power them to descend on the earth, and on oil the tion. I know the apprehensions which you entertain o f
very dull, and apprehend nothing at all. cures both tne lame and the deaf, those afflicted over all things, and all things are open nnd mani­
works and labors o f men. ' Mormon violence,” <.V:c. <.V-c.
14 And he answering said unto me; I am the with the palsy, tho blind, and Upers, and do- fest before you ; you sec all things, and nothiug 29 Peace and equity shall be associates with "Finally, he tells them that he is informed ofa design oa
minister of repentance, and give understanding moniacs, 'v .^i on th..a t dj ay
........ y , byJ wicked methods. can be uo cconcealed from you.
u n c e a ie a irom their part to attack Nauvoo, and intimate* that he don’t
the sons of men, all the days of tho world in all it* hink it would particularly coadace to iheir health to do ■
to all that jepent, Poes it not seem to theo to be 5 Pilate replied, Hongi&n he do this by wick-J p You have seen what Azaziel haa done, how generation?. to,— St. L w ii M itw ria n .

cea, particularly in chapter* ii and axxtx, (which are now .h .l! , in t h . end, work together for " PS ing an almost perfect pattern o f Christian forbear*
THE PROPHET. corrected hy the Greek of Syncellaa, and the Testament of Joe Smith wat. no doubt, ^deeply tteeped i* c rim e ; bat
S trange th a t their moro Christian neigh-
bora (as t h e j would claim themselves to be) can­
Lavi,) aad altered tbe time which itEooch remained oi B y order o f the Q uorum of the Twelve. when be wat n tder arr«*f, with pnblic tentiroent atroogly
earth in the bible to bring Enoch into diarepatr, and aflei B R IG H A M Y O U N G , Pres. setting* ajain»t him, there w a t the at cat ample opportunity not learn wisdom from them —especially learn tho
tbe destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, they conceal W IL F O R D * W O O D R U F F , Clerk to convict and paniah ’ him both legally tn d tetere- jSo[*nin tru th th a t violence can n ever convert
ed the book of E noch, and all other* which proved il to bi ir- man, individually or collectively, from the error
truth, which ha» been clearly fhewn by Epiphaniu*, Pezron of his w a y ! *
Boston, Ju ly ISth 1811. * (St. L o u is JD cm ocra t)
and Syncellos, and there w ill more particulars be tern it F,om ,11 lhe I , ® , , , before ™ S p M .he* homi-lj I th « /* > !* * » • « « “ .*
M r . E d i t o r . — I am requested to to the
the note* on cbsplera ii. and xix and xxxix at terse 3 7 . - cidea aa nothing let* than mnrder io'cold, b lo o d - m o r d e r : Mormon meeting, were the following, which m di*
Saints through the ‘‘Prophet," by the (counsel cf against the plighted fs ith of the chief magistrate of Illinois cate the tem per o f feeling they manifest und er
Now the book s which w ere hidden, and coacealed, fron
the Twelve, that Whereas certain strange doc­ —murder of a character so atrocioaa and to nnjustiSablc, the present try in g circum stances:
.hat received the n . m t of Apocrypha, lhat is. conceal*,
trines have been ta u g h t and practised in Boston ts to leave the blackeat atain on all iia p e rpetraton—their Resolved, for tho purpose of securing peace
or hidden book*. And they are not on that account to b aider?, abettors, and defendera.
and elsewhere by men claiming higher authority
considered inferior to the reat of the b o o k , of ihe Old Tr. Here was Jo« Smith in the custody of the laws to which and prom oting tha welfare of the' C ounty of Han«
than the Twelve. T h is is therefore to warn you rie had voluntarily surrendered himself, in the cooGdenc*- cock and su rrou nd in g country? we wili willingly
'ament, for in tome m pect* the book of Enoch appear* t.
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, th a t you ihat those laws would not be broken to hisinjury. He had sustain the laws and the G overnor of the Sta£e, so
be superior to ibem all, and the other booka are all ver.
give no heed to men making theso high preten­ •he promise of preservation tnd protection againat the very long as ho and th e y su stain ua in our conatita*
useful, but the book of Enoch appears to h i v e J * e n th sions, when they teach you things thnt are not iti •nob violence to which ha has fallen a victim. Ought not
f»ook to which the Jew* had the greatest dislike, bec«ur. .uch faith to have been k e p tl Need we ark, indeed, tionai rights.
accordance with principles which you know to be whether, even if there had been no special promiae, ihc Resolved further,. T o aecure the peace, friend-
they have rejected all other booka of the Holy Scriptur.
correct. .A nd we would seriously caution all men itw does not always hold ont implied safely to its prison- hip, and happjpess o f the paople. and«ljay the ex­
which io any degree prove the truih of the Book o
I Enoch, and of which I thall give the fvllowing brief ac­
to bewnre how they offer strange fire upon the
altars of pure and innocent hearts, lest that flame
ia from all puni$hm«-niasave what itself imposes. Indeed, citem ent th a t now exists, we will reprobate p ri­
hr right of »uch solemn pledges, to stnmefuliy broken, i>
count. ruly sickening. W hy, an Arab, if you accept' his hoepi vate revenge on the assassins o f Generals Joseph
consume them root nnd branch in an unexpected ility ard tat uf his salt—an American Indian, if you onct and H y ru m Sm ith by any o f the L a tte r D ay Jew* concealed ihe TeHaments of the twrlvr eoi- hour j for the authorities of God’s house are not
sorxa uakc rrraA M * p i »'*ca » o. / a»s hi< ihrrehold in peace, will Rive up hi* exis'ence be saints; th a t instead o f ‘ an appeal to arms,’ wo
ol Jacob, Ucause eevrn of them, viz.—Simeon, Levi, J- to be rode over by any man. nnd he escape* with' fore he will »ufler hi* pledges to be broken. If s-ich acts ippeal to tho m ajesty o f tho laws, and will be con­
SATURDAY MORMM, JULV 27,1844. fah, Zsbulon, Dan, Naphtali, an«l Benjamin, have tckn out the rod. A ship that carries moro sail than •rr to be takeu as a true expretrion of the ppirit which per-
inoti.ions f;om the Book of E 3och. and Lrvi ha* take, her ballast will adm it of. will surely capsize when vadea lhe public mind of our communities, it needa noteet tent with w hatever ju d g m e n t it shall aw ard; and
three quotations in ni ir, in which there is a prophecy «, «>tell ua tbat our course a* a people is dowuward. It ir should the la w 'fa il, we leave the m atter with
E R A T U M —On first page No xi for No x. tho storm strikes her.— T h is is a figure and let it i spirit which tec k t its gratification ocly in the indulgeno G o d ! _____________________ _
the hie, death, and resurrection of our bleeaed Saviour, b- be remembered. Y ours truly •f the most ignoradt prejudice* and the vilest passions —
“ People’* Organ” Pittsburg will »«nd their psper to Ja- Enoch, (see notea on chapter xxxix. 37 ) And the Jew- ORSON H Y D E . Nothin:; can stand egainoi it, except the bayonets of a de* R e l i g i o u s E x c i t e m e n t In G e r m a n y .
bez Lyons, New York and charge this office. concealed the booka of Eidraa, because the second book n j o t ; aad it is lhe very spirit which after a scries of anar T h e following is an extract from the correspon'*
chaptert ii, 47, and vii 29, contains prophecies of our S. M r. E d i t o r . — I am sorry to hear y o ur neigh­ :hie», naturally produce# despots and their bayonets.
dence o f the H erald, dated Berlin.
Elder*. Wilford Woodrull, Orson Hyde and.Orson T/aU viour end because .he angel Uriel who had shown man bor of the M idnight Cry, who is expecting to ap­ (St. ff-iOtiiH R e p u b l i c a n , J n l y 3 d )
bate gone oa to Buffalo, oa their way to Nauvoo. thing, to Esdrat, 2 Esdras iv. i, fcc.... . ,he Bjime , pear before the Son of man in a few days, speak­ A religious cxcitem ent has been lately created
All our information tends to fix upon the people con. in G erm any, particularly in parts where the p op ­
wbo explained the revolution ol ibe luminaries to Enoch ing evil falsely against the L atter Day Saints, cerned in the death of the Smiths, lhe odium of perfidious,
W hat ia t o b i c o m k o r M o r m o n i s m , is a question pro ia chapter xxvn, fee. And ihe Je w . concealed the bool and at the same time having the sound of Jesu? olack-hearted. cowardly murder—*o wantoa as tobe wiih ulation is mostly protestant, by a society th a t h as
pounded oa every aide by high aad low, rich cad poo r;— TobiI, because tbe angel Raphael, who had given ins.ruc in his earX “ Speak evil of no man” he snys, “fhe •ut any justification—so inhuman and treacherous, a* t* been instituted for the purpose of assisting poor
for an aaawer, we would refer them to the Prophet Daniel, 'ind no parallel in i>av«gc life, under any circumstances — protestant clergymen and protestant com munities
tons to Tobit, and hi. ton, chapter xii. ver*., J 5 t o 2 0 i. Mormons h are resisted the authorities of the Gov. Ford declares hi* intention to *eek out the morder
Chap. 2, 31 aad 35 ver.—"Thou sawesl till ihat a stone State,” but has he given any proof for this asser in catholio countries, who are too indigent to
one of the angels described by Enoch in chapter iii. l ’ -:r*, and he owes it to hi* own honor and that of the State,
waa cat »ut wiihout haada whicb smote the image upot tion I No, neither can he do it, and 1 shall con whose fVuh was moet grossly violated, never lo cease hir support a minister. T h is society originated
And the Jewa concealed the Book of Judith, because i,
hia feet that were of iroa and clay, and brake them t« her Song, chap. xvi 7, she mentioned the high giant* th. sider him a false witness until he does do it : om ^xertioua for thi* purpi »r. T he Mormons, it will be seen, some y ears back in Saxony w hen it took the nam e
piece*. • • • • And the atone became a great mountain, would suppose that the advocates o f Mr. Willian. were quiet, and not disposed t* commit any a c u ofsggres of “ G ustav. Adolphs Verein,” [G u stav u s A dolph­
same who are described by Enoch in chapter iv 13. An. -m u: their enemies, on the other hand, wero evidi'ni!)
and filled the whole earth ” And in the interpretation Miller’s views on the prophecies had been plan us Union] in honor of tho P ro te sta n t hero o f th e
ths Jew* concealed a part of the Book of Esther. becau* »i>po»ed to pu»h them to extremities, and lo force then,
thereof by Danirl, 2 chapter -11 and 45 verses; —shall th* dered and vilified enough themselves, to learn this o leave thr S'atr. This fueling may be chec k 'd by tlu T h irty years war, who fell at tho battle of L utzen
caapter xi 10, might be compared to ihe word* of our blr..
G«d n f heaven set up a Kingdom which ahall never br. de lesson in the Law, “ T hou shalt not bear false dacrity n iih which Gov. Ki'rd’s ordera were being ex*-cu- in 1Go2, T h e k in g o f P ru ssia 'h a s consented to
aed Saviour, John vii 37, 33, and it might b , con*id,red r,
* . i l Hi- kingdom r h a l l not b r l f f t to oihrr penpl* witness against thv neighbor:” nnd again he say* ed, but it will be some lime before peace and order cat accept tho’title of patron to this society, and thero
0e a prophrcy of our Saviour.
be restored—the disgr/.cc of paat acta cannot be wiptd is no doubt but that other protestant princes will
* • • • iAd it shall atand lor r w r , • • " thc great U a And the Jews conceal’d thc Wisdom of Solomon, became that Joseph Smith voluntarily delivered himselj out.
ha* made known to the king what rhall come to pwa here­ up to the authorities of the State, now I would follow his example. A contribution of 25 cents
•a chapter iv 10, Solomon hod taken this quotation, .*11. T u x MontoNa.—The St Louis Republican ofthe 1st in-
after ; and the Arttm ia certaiu, aod the interpretation there­ ask is this resisting the Law ? 1 say, n o ; and •lar.t ha* advices from Warsaw to the evening of June 23. is sufficient to constitute a member, and th e y
pleased God" from the Book of Enoch, chapter xivi v
of sure. G ov ern or Ford of 111 will say and has already jut they only confirm previous account*. The *laying of aro going ahead prodigiously, b u t at tho same
ind becausc he haa in chapter xiv, 6, mentioned ,he giant,' he Smiths appears to have been a wanton and unprovoked
And again, Daniel prophecying of the grrat things tha' tosrified thnt the Mormons are pcnccably disposed, time a violent opposition ha3 arisen in some o f
he ram i described by Enoch chapter iv 13. And the Jew, murder. Gov Ford had returned frora Nanvoo and gone
are to transpire in the diapensaticu of the fulness of times, for which purpose they gave up their arms, and the Rom qn catholic states, where religious intol­
concealed the W.sdom of the Son of Sirach, because I , o Augusta, taking Carthage in hi* way, and removing
or latter day*, aaya in hia 8th chapter, 17ih verse—“ But th* their leaders gnve themselves up, so as to sntisf\ •hence all the record* end public document?. Carthage erance reigns supreme in a guise w orthy o f the
haa m chapter xliv 10, taken this quotation, " £ „ och plea,,
taints of the Mott High ahall take the Kingdom nnd posen their enemies thnt they wished them no evil, and was entirely deserted, for fear of an attack from the Mqr- sixteenth century. T ho K in g o f B av aria iiaa
ed God, from the book of Enoch chapter xxvi i d . aad h, nontJ. of which, however, there seems to have been n'c
it for ever and ever ” And in th? 27th ver?** of the aim? their cowardly, wicked, nnd ungodly persecutor? placed him self nt thc head o f the latter party, p ro ­
. h o ,n chapter xvi 7, mentioned thc giant,, the sam. ieal danger. The people «>f Warsaw were underarms, anc hibiting any of his subjetcs,Roman C atholic o r P r ­
chapter—"and the kingdom aad and the yrcat
lescribed by Enoch, chapter iv, 13, and he has al™ ,,
took advantage of their defenceless situation, and had ecnt away the v;omcn and children.
nets cf the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be giv­ devil-liko violated their own laws, and shot down otestant (ot wich there arc about a million and a
.hapter xxiv. 30. defcribed wi«dom like to the worda o' half in his K ingdom )to receive’assistance from tho
en to the people of ihe saints ol the Most High, whose in cold blood, two or three innocent men. And C h r is tia n (m iiv e r s a litt) iriesscnger.
our b lem d Saviour, John vii 37, 33. And the 'Jews ccr- aforesaid Union, or contribute tow ards it in an y
Kingdom it an everlasting kingdom." But, say* the world, now I will close by asking one question, viz? they The Mormon troubles to which we alluded last week, it
cealed the Book of Baruch, because in chapter iii, QQt | e •eerns have retailed tragically icdeed. Joe Smith, the shape w hatever. Some funds h av in g been already,
who speak evil of the Mormons falsely, are they
” w \ " JenC„' r ,b“ DT , ‘ u' U » oi.Dl, .he „ me < w t i b n l b er not fellow-hclpers with their enemies, and partak­ Prophet, and Hyram his brother, have been killed—shot, forwarded Ito B av aria to assist tho oppressed pro-
W e htve the proof in w i n d lo c i,ly nod D .c w ,a .d i , 13. and , l w b « . u . e he in c h , , , : „ jjj 3(> it is feared, in cold blood, after they had given themselves
thouaanda of circumstancet a tte.daat upon the progrea«Jtrmh of lhot part of ,he book of ^ • prove* ike ers of their sins ? He that hath ears to hear, let up for trial, and had been consigned to prison ! We have testants in building or repairing th eir p b ce s o f
of lh.t great work. Some fourteen years «go .t was like which u u d tc h jfd |Ju | ^ ^ ^ xxv 30, it him hear, and let conscience answer. indeed fallen on evil timet, murder and riot all around us, worship, he ordered the money to bc returned to
"ultle atone cut out of the mountain wiihout hands,’’— hen ‘he namea of the atare ar N athaniel T. James. and the end thereof who can tell! the parties who sent it, g ivin g th em notice th a t
,hey rf,urn And the song of the three One account sayt thal the Mormont at Nauvoo, all ex- his subjets were not allowed tp accept o f such con­
watch it in ita cdurte, all the power* of hell and earth com prea* a determination to preserve the peace as far a t poati
children would be taken out ofthe Book r f Daniel and con. tributions, and if any mfSre^were sent h ereafter
ined to impede ita progreea— while it increase* like a snow
ball roiling down an inclined place, and we are forced to
cealed, because in their song, verses 40, Jcc. they show
that the sun, moon, and star*, the showers, winds and d«w
POETRY. blc—tbat they will use no violence save in actual self de­
fence. If they do this, it will redound much to their they w ould be handed oyer to a public ch arity ,
exclaim, "w h en God workt who can hinder V’ T h e J o b b e r s o f M issou ri. credit. or disposed of, a t the option o f G overnm ent.
i c . all praiae before the Almighty, being the .am e Shortly after this royal mandate, a long article
Every peraecution that the fertile imagiuatiou of imps of Tune—Ilt;.*iTEns o r K c .vrucitr. i • <1 tr At* *r~r•»e,tiy*t i
ia shewn by Enoch, chapter xxv, 31, 35, Arc. and like al T r ib u n e .
hell could invent, baa been ir.fl.cted oa the people of the Come gentlemen and ladies too,
the o th en this proves the truth of the book of E n o c b .- S t a t e o f F e e l i n g a t N a u v o o .— B y the
Saint* of the Most High ; it woaM take volumes to record Who love your country’s glory;
And the history of Susanna might be concealed, bccau.e following, fcpm thc Louisville Journal o f the 3d.
all they have done to hinder God'* work ; but it ia all in Hark, if you’ve nothing else to do,
thc false witnesses againit Susanna, ver*e (il, had acted it would seem that the Mormons have moro dis* grounds th a t this union would only give rise to
vain;—The Gentile world aee tin t th»ir attempts to des­ Wnilc I rcUte a story;
like the false witnesses sgainst our b lem d Saviour, Mark cretion than any body has given thom credit for: tha renewal of religious disputes between the c a th ­
troy Mormoniam are abortive, and they say "the secret of And mark tvhai’sdone like days of old,
xiv 5C. And the Jew* conccaled the book* called Macca- olics nnd !Protestants o f G erm any, as was ev i­
Ih tirp o tctr ia uubioion,” it need not be unknown if they By mortal* in their fury,— Y esterday morning we announced the m nrder
bees'because it is ahown 2 Mac. x. 29, 30, That when lhe dent by their conjuring u p the phantom o f G u s­
would exercise the reaton God hat given them, and not F o r ’tis not cften yon behold of Jo. Sm ith and his b ro th er in the Carthnge jnil.
Saule waxed hot, there sppeared unto the enemies fm tavus A dolphus to d istu rb tho peace so happily es
allow tbemtelvetlo follow thccunning devised fable of those Such mobbers aa Mir*«uri.
W e nave since received, by a traveller from S t
comely men upon horset with bridlet of gold, and two ol tablished between the two rival sects. It was
who ‘preaeh for hire and divine far money*—more oa thi» them led the Jew*, and look Maccabciu between them - Louis, a copy of the St. Louis Gazette, of last
C h o r u s —Oh! Miuuuri! ihe raobben of Missouri,
lubject anon. venln from which wo copy several ver-
F rid a y ovenfng, aJS0 ^*ntc^ U nion had shown a revolu-
Now thia clearly thews the fulfilment of the prophecy Themobbcia ol Missouri.
sions of the circumstances of the murder, all of tionary tendency, by calling upon the people for
Enoch in chapter xxxix, 21, 22. subscriptions wihout the consent of their rulers, be­
G r e a t B r it t a in . A hundred years behind the age, them, no doubt, containing more or less error.
W e have made arrangement* with several of our|br«ih- If you allow for feelings; W e havo seen a gentleman who was in N auvoo on ing actuated by tho secret design o f o vertu rn in g
N o te — Who thal can believe the visions to Joieph fee
ran who are oo a mission to great Brittain to keep us in­ on which th e t r n t h o f Christianity depend?, dare dispute They stand upon oar nation’* page, F riday, onjl who informs us, that all was then the la w fu l governm ents and introducing a system
formed of the principal eventa transpiring there, thia wili •he visions of* the second Joseph, b o w a_ martyr to hit A savage i n of beings, quiet there, tho prominent Mormons exhorting of dem ocracy, an arch y and irreligion. T h is a rti­
add much to the in u re s to f oar p»per.
faith We have listened to the Mormon?, aod if we gram their followers to offer no insult or molestation to cle was met by several others, from protestants
ihe tr u u of the scriptures, we must believe in Mormonism i Who always seek for blood and ttrife,
any one, and in no case to offer violonce except in and even catholic pens, pointing out now m any
for their evidences are of tbe same kit.d and better sup Despiaing jadga or jury,
T o t h e Snintn. ported; and hence their pro;re»a among believing sects strict self-defence. Tho deepest g rief and afflic­ unions of: a sim ilar natu re existed in catholic
And cowa'd iike, they arm for life,
■tnd their failure at Tammany Hall, which was lent then tion pervaded the city. T hero appeared to-be no countries, ridiculing the idea o fits democratic ten­
W e^rould urge upon the brethren the neceasity of lend Like mobbsrs of Miuouri.
for a period without cost. The recent trsgedy, in th* danger of the burning of W arsaw or Carthage. dencies, and arg u in g th a t the K in g o f P ru ssia
ing ua their aupport in oar endeavor* for the furtherance of destk of Joseph Smith, will add we think to the interest ol Oh! Miuouri, Arc.
would scarcely have taken the U nion u n d er his
the cause of truth. Give ns a helping hand, to that we Mormonism. r . v.
’T w i t many thousand pounds at hand, T r ib u n e , J u l y Otli. rotcction; if he had entertained an y fear o f its
may be enabled to tnstain our paper aa an advocate of thi The above tp p e a n in the last nnmber ef the Beacon, i
They mobbed from the printer. W hat is t o B l c o m e o f M o r m o n i s m ? — In ing used as a cloak for revolutionary designs.
prineiplea we have embraced; the neceaaity of sqch an or weekly liberal (Infidel) paper. ■ii
And drove the church from ofTtheir land, tho interval of excitement and in qu iry regarding T h e y urged the notorious fact, th a t catholic unions
gan cannot be doubted, aod if thoae who are able woulc Mr. Vale it right respecting the death of the Prophet, 8.
To parish in the winter; the R iots at Philadelphia, tho question is eagerly and societies indifferent parts of E urope, h ad long
aabacribe for a number of copies, they might advance the thousands are now inquiring what "Mormonism i t ” wbt
And Io! the Reverend I McCoy asked on all hands, W h a t will become of Mor- been in the h ab it o f assisting th eir necessitous
cause more thaa they could in any other form; let us hea probably would never have thought of hearing ut, and tht of
Was one amongst lhat legion, raonism now ? Joe Smith is dead— probably brethren in P ro te sta n t countries, besides enter­
from you—a ten dollar note will piy for eleven tubacri- natural result of their inveatigating the cause of the late cr
b e n oae year. ^ ^ Who took hia gun up to destroy— butchered in cold blood, while a oecuro prisoner, taining regular missions for the conversion o f tho
melancholy tragedy, will be ihe addition to our numben latter to tne tru e faith; and intim ated th a t tho
Because of Pure religion. * and w ithout power, even if ho had the will, to
of many honest hearts. It is true also tbat the majority oi P rotestan ts of G erm any had felt the w ant o f a
L atl ’Sunday we had the pleasure o f listening Oh! Missouri, &c. offer provocation for violence: b n t Mormonism
those now styled Mormons, were enrolled among thow sim ilar institution, to serve as a rallying point in en
to the eloquence of Elder Adam.*, who had ji&t arrived has not died wsth him. G ross and monstrous as
who style thsmselvea the L'otngelic Sec/a—bat " truth ii resisting encroachments o f their adversaries. ttr
from Nauvoo by expret*, to bear the intelligence and the A few at first, to try their faith, aro the delusions and porhaps abominations prac
mighty aod will prevail,” - a l l we ask of believer or infidel A t tho same time D r . Zim m erm an, a distinguish­
particular! in relation to the death of onr beloved bicthrerr They scourged with tar aod fealhtrs, tised in tho name of th at faith, yet it is a vital,
it a fair hearing and a candid investigation. ed P rotesiant clergym an a t D arm stadt, and chap­
in the West, and we w*re happy to find ia him the tame And altrr whip’t almost to death, living thing. Men and women, made o f tho same of
Not asking tvhytor whether*; sort o f flesh and blood, and actuated by similar lain to the O ra n a D uke of Hesse, addressed t» fel
exebitioa of firmneat, and peraaverance of character, which
haa heretofore been the remark of both the j u t and the un­ C 0 JIM U M C A T I 0 i\ S . They tore down homes, pillaged goods, sensations and passions, as Protestants, Catholics, letter to the K in g of B avaria, defending the union
And seemed all powers defying, Mahomedans, or whatsoever creed or worship against the aspersions o f its enemies, and appeal­
just; hia diacourse could not have fallen short of three hour*
Epistle Ofthe Twelve. While women fled into the woods,^ the sun shines upon, do actually believo in this ing to the justice o f the k in g to p u t a stop to tho de
io length,the fore part of which in hia usual eloquent atyli
With children round them crying. » Mormonism— aro content to livo and dio by it__ arb itrary measures undertaken in his name.
exhibited lhe primitive organization o fth e kingdom aad Boston, July 18th. 18-14.
Oh! Misasuri, <kc. to yield u p worldly wealth domestic ties, and the W h a t will be the end o f all this, w hether tho cb
alao if* diasolation; he d o te d by giving a minute relation ol
T o the Elders and Saints scattered abroad.I strong bonds of love o f N ativo land, for i t : and agitation will continue,or w hether it will die aw ay
the facta connected with the death ofth e Prophet and P a ­ b*
greeting. * But once to show our fathere’ blood, thus feeling and th us believing, to th e ir dimmed by degrees, w ithout leading to an y violent ebuli- T<
triarch of the Church of Christ, the love and tsteem of the
D e a r B r e t h r e n .— W e take this method to And prove their valor ample, and distorted spiritual vision Joe Sm itn is as Uon o f religious fervor, it is impossible to foresee. oC
congregation for thc martyra waa truly manifeated on tha
notify you th a t the advice and council o f the L'ke menia theirdefence they stood, much the M a rty r H ero as any whose shadow has H is m ajesty o f B avaria is said to have a will of
occasion, for we did not **ei one present t h i 1
Twelve, th a t all the B rethren who have families And gave t&e mob a sample: ever fallen upon the world. T n e blood o f Joe his own, and being o zealous and d evout R om an­ mi
r*fu*ed to drop 0f mourning We have nt.d.r.-iocr
in the West, should retu rn to them as soon as con Aod wl eneo near they heard them swear, Smith, spilled by m urderous hands, will be like ist, he probaly im agines he is acting“ ad mnjor-
•• c unnt „ d .minmd In. i.,rf>inj{ for a »ea»«n m ih. *>y,
venicnt; and that all tho Churches should remain They thought it time to still them, the fabled dragon's teeth sown broad cast, that em Dei g b ria m " in persecuting th a t portion o f
il so lie Mill renit-mber hit ol
humble and watch unto prayer and follow the And ’twoald have made a aoMicr itare, everv where sprang up armed men. his subjects who are obstinate enough to adhere • Co
■>. ..u, u.< doubt m New York, particularly the New Yorl
Pi outlet. tcj*ehings th a t have been given them by the ser T o see that people quell them. W e would prefer to be m istak e n ; b u t we look to their heretical opinions. A t all events, this eai
vants of God, and leave all things in the hands Oh! Missouri, «fcc. for farther and bloodier histories from Nauvoo. controversy will exercise a beneficial effect on ]
T h e B o o k o i E noch. of God, all will be rig h t; tho name o f the Lord T h e conduct of tho Mormon chiefs, since the Protestant G erm any, if it should arouse the nation Up
will be glorified and his work will prosper, and Go spread the news from pole to pole, murder of their Prophet, shows plainly enoug from that state of indifference and infidelity, which
The Book of Enoch ia certainly the most wonderful book that there aro cool, stern, controlling, powerful prevails at, present in all ran k s o f so c ie ty /a n d is
we would warii the Saints in all the world aga inst Let truth to all be given;
in the world, on account of thc j.M.j htciea which it con- receiving the teachings o f anv man or set of men In eighteen hundred thirty-three minds among th e m ; th at thoy have learned productive) o f so injurious an effect on theft moral
tain*, and other wonderful descriptions of things which ar* ma
who come professing to be E lders of tho C hurch The Church of Christ waa driven, either from history of their own instincts, the and intellectual character.
unknown at the present lime, of which some require an ex- V -------------------------------------------- 1
of Jesus C hrist of L atter day Saints, who preach Awty frornhonscs, homes and land*, great lesson, to bide their time ; and that the cut-
phnstioD. ! N e w S t e r e o t y p e P r o c e s s .— It is stnted rao
any doctrine contrary to tho plain and holy prin In this ibe realm of freedom, tnroai enthusiasm which thou g ht to exterminate
Tne tioA of Enoch ia one of tl.s Hebrew Scripture. in a late- B ritish pujjer,
paper, th a t a most im portant im-
cipjes o f th e gospel of Jesus C hrist which have Because a ruthlet* mob commands, a city and a creed, will bo wretchedly deceived --------- mm
wch the Jew* concealed at Tiberias after the destruction of;
been delivered unto them ; we wish to see all the • As priests and law yen lead them. It may bc— it is indeed v ery likely— th at in a provementihas been made in the a rt o f stereotype
of Jerusalem by the Homans. The Testament* of the I
authorities ofth e C hurch residing at Nauvoo who Oh! Mircouri! the mobbere of Missouri. formal declared wnr the Mormons will af last get printing, for which Messrs. K onheim & Skiyving,
twelve aona of Jacob, ihe W i«|0.n of Solomon, the Wir- fon
at this time may be absent, such as the presidents The mobbart of Missouri! * the worst of it, nnd be destroyed: but w hat a of London/ have obtained a patent, and which bids
dom of the Son of Siraeb, and other* in the large biblta, lbs.
of tho different quorums, H igh Priests, High series of horrors docs not this conclusion presup­ fair to work a complete revolution in the book-
and many never di.covered Iwere concealed at the tame pose ? m aking world. T h e procuring of a cast o f move- 90 I
Council, Seventies and Bishops, th a t we may Opinions of thc Press.
ltm e an d, and from this they rcccivfd ,he namc o| this
meet them in council as soon as convenient able ty p e ,,b y the methods h itherto adopted with
Apocrypha, that ia concealed or hidden booka fSee Foi xVew-York C h r istia n Ifle x sc n g c r -U n J . plaster of P aris, has been attended w ith great dif­
phanioa Hteret, 30. § 6 and 4.) as wo cxpect to return immediately to Nau- T h e H urrtcr o f t h c P r o p h e t a n d , v e r sa list. b it1
vo* P a t r ia r c h . ficulty and loss o f time,— objections ao entirely
It may be teen ia the Gospel by St. Mathew T i i f M o r m o n s .— Thero remains no doubt tbat V
cVapter* Dear B rethren, we are sensible that,the account The St. Loeit Era of the lstpinitant bat the [fclaw removed bv the substitution o f somo "other sub­
and xxvii that the death rf our blewe.l s eV|0ur waa Joe Smith nnd his brother, were most inhum anly stance by the i.ew plan, th a t a perfect mould, free just
of the death of tho Prophet and P atria rc h s o fth e in g :—
caused by the malice ofthe Jow*. nnd in chapter x x i\\ oa The murder of Jce Smith while in jail, after he bad butchered, by disguised desporadoes, in the ja il at from all defects, may be obtained in h alf an hour. and
C hurch will be painful to your hearts, it is to Carthage, ns intimated
when our Saviour kad foretold h u own resurrection, thv
ours, we feel and
peaceably tnrr*ndered himself np, and after the tolemn „ , , . in .our last.
. G overnor - U n d e r the old process th e work occupied a day. bee
they did not believe him, and in chapter xxviii, 11,12, 13, . mourn. their loss, but they, have promise of the Governor that he should be protected and Ford has issued a proclamation stating th a t SmtthHand then frequently had to be done over atrain T
when the watch had declared tha; our Saviour wat riten
sealed their testimony with their blood j they have have a fair trial, (*em> to m*et with very gentral condem-
nation. It it another flagrant instance of the Uiomph o fa and his brother gave themselves up under a mostHSpecimens, in which passages o f H ebrew Arabic' •P P
from the dead, the chief prieitsgave them money to deny
not counted their lives as dear unto themselves
as the lives of the Church, they have died in the mob spirit iu the country. To murder prisoners in cold solemn pledge ot protection from him against thcHand o th er oriental languages are given, have been Her
I t ; - a n d when tome of ,he z.alona Christian* had thewn blood when they are in custoJy, and when Jhere ia nothing fury of the mob H . i„ pursuing a c t . r . m e .- U n , ,n d thc i t . r . o t y p . i, . p , t f , ct of 1
Lord and their works will follow them. The to prevent their being punished to the fall extent of theii
lhat iho death and resurrection, tnd m .ny other panica-
eyes of the Lord are upon those who have shed sure, to ferret ou tho perpetrators ot t h . out- the original. T h e Baving in the . ™ n » . o f ,te- leat
crimes cccording" to jaw, is utterly inexcutable. Bat when
l a n concerning our blessed Saviour, had been clearly and tho blood of the Lord s annoir.ted, and he will • mob is once raised and excited, it knows no boondt, b o rage. F u rth e ro u tb re a lu from the .nhab.NmU in reotypm g effected by the new p ro w i' will b« « e v Poa
distinctly foretold by Enoch, the Jews and Christian hcret- moderation, but reaton and law are both disregarded.__! the vicinity are feared jenty or eig hty per c e n t, and the public will, no plea
judge them with a righteous judgm ent. Let the
i c t corrupted and altered the book of Enoch in many Pla IW e have• often expressed the. belief that mobs and Lynch
----------r— . — --- In the.meanTtui
Saints cultivate a meek and quiet spirit, and all
law are improper under *11 circumstance*, tad should notyMormons is of the most pacific character, exhibit-gcost o fsta a d o rd works. ▼ok<

government o f tbe; Legation* disturbed tho tranquility « tuat i caaoui help e x d au iim g ; U frail r a a a ^ whit
E O R E I G N N E W .S ;: Moatignore Maori Capellari; and nowV hi. reverence 1 you done that will exult y o u t G
. i,from ypor life, character or c W i «
fall dress ja d crook in h a o d ,^ b a » ^ u k e a fright
* ArriTal of th e ’Dibernia at Boston of heio^ h-'d np io the n-xe of thw nation,
m u n d a n e esu*e of alarm ihanMndu»lnoa» j^w» or d«-con-
omJ ttu d o m l Are you nor<i loiirr\ p ciuie,
v - . July; 17th. * , tented'subjects. W hat’* th*t t T h r ol<l c«u»e—ih* cau/e •'•grgaea! thrir Ineadvhip U CoMtt than polar ice ; and Bellefontaine^Obio. E l a . i W M cBride. W a y a e *
w in «r]irr*" iwo ,b.'anks to a prize 1 L-avio* many hrti• profetsion. meaner than thc damnalioa I h lh ^
.I1' '* M thiols pr.or to your Ghent trea'y, let the world look at
that struck terror into the heart of Pius V., ihaiia-.dr Lc Oo! m in ! when, auch a great dilemma bf tha globe/ VI 9 Ohio. All traveling elders arc requested t* ac i aa
, Cottoa h u ( o o t o p *u eighth- T h e ris e wa* between tMi. md »ce \vhere ia the wisdom, honor, acd pdiriosisoi as<»ts for the " Prophet.'*
XII “ shake in hts shoe*,” aod that provoked the bile <'l uchi a tremendous convulroa of kingdoms,'.hake* the
the 22d a l t ami 4th tost; r titch osght to have characteris'd thf plenipotentiary of .-irth from centre to eircutnference; when, csnf^s, priroh,
P o s VIII—the caujse against wl.icb General CottnciU haVe
only tree nittoa Bpou tbe eaut|1 A quarter of a era-
It will bs~ recallecud that Lord Ashburton with the louses, and c*l!?, raise a cry to Gnid *gtinsi the cruelty of (0-.Bro. Aj. II. W right, of Ohio, is authorised to pro-
legislated, and the whole. Romish priesthood i* couleder*
'tiry’s negnciation to Ontain our rijjrtrs on tile nohh eastern
Bari o f Brothel* v e r t t o n e t i n s a fo indicted for some^sl n t o ; When the moarning of ihe fatherlrsa aod theV idow a tra aubacrtK-rsand receive monies for the ® rophet-~
bnundary, and the motley maantrr in which Oregon tries to
t.d —limply «be B ible^N ottiing more. Thc most timid :*uie. anguish io Iteaven ; when the*p<ior among all na
leged fraud ia Mexican Loan*. Si act* then they havr beet a'ltnr Amr-Tlcan territory, coupled with your Pretidenrisl He, is also, authorised to dispose o f a few Share* 01
of b»s inf.»H»Mr prrdecctsur* w-te u<>t m orealurm td at ih* tons cry day aad night for b>»a<! e ,d a shelter f,0m «he
txied aad hoawrably acquitted. g m cc , ard come-by-chsucf secreury ship, in 1S2.'>, all go t«i lhe Capital Stock of the " Society for the Diflaiion of
.-<rcuia'i*>n of the Bible than Utlie •afalltbl’- Gregory‘XV| 'eata n d flflrm ; and when the d e lu d e d b?<ck fUve. hold*
The rejection of ih« Texas annexatiot treaty t>y ih C'MVince the fneudj of freed.>in, the goldcu/pstriots of ^tp his manacled hand* to the great btatcsruen of the tfoiicd rru th .’r . , ; '
n'.ugh some of ihem havr, it ia certain, been nn>re ration-
J'ff-rsonian democracy, free tradr and anilor’i rights, and Statrar and,
Senate of tbe American Cjogress has be* n the ■abject ot lhe protectors of'persaa and property, that an honorabk
.1 «od cauiiou. in giving expre*rions to iheir fright. Th
a n c h comment in the Eogluh Journals, ai<1 the accnuo war is better than a dishonorable peace. u 0 , liberty where are thy charm*, # r OtJ* E id e rjjo h ii H ardy U $ G f n e r a l A geot a t Boston,
> ■» Pope h o d>n<iunced tbe c-rculatiori of tbe 13 ble in terrua
hasheen received with general and unq >. hn.’d «pprob« But had ybu really wanted to ha*« exhibited the wisdom, T hat sage's have told me were sweet P b o w w ish in g to sobecribo for the *• P r o ,h e V * in th a t
iior<* »h*urri ta d wicked th«u ihuie of tfr. SJop’i cur>r,
tle m m c y , benetohace dud dlsnity ©r a grejU man in this
uoa. Though w e b • retail w « antic p-ied, so Uige • md when fifteen thousand ftee cit z«n* of ih* high blooded City^ o r . vicinity will please forward iheir name* to
io at l-.fci we k a rn from a 'C ircular Letter from hii-
boasted Republic, when fifteen thousand tree cititens wefe 'tepublic i f rtorlh America; are robbed and driven frotr, nit^.
majority was scarcely expected; . exiled trom their own homes, lands and property, in the ^ ^ *
-fulinrr* ili» P.ipe to nil P4irntrch», P«injaj|s, Archbuhop> .ne State lo another withdUi rtdjfas cr tederaption, it i»
T ir e O m t B u t -u m .— r»i> i « l »** • '• wonderful patriotic S'ate of Mi.*»oarr, and you tbrn upon •ot on'y time for a candidate far the Presidency to pledge
nd Bi?hopV* a docament equally diiuioguikhed for inanr Elders B a W . E Jiol and R J. Coates, are 'authorised
u il o . l h h of J«!r ’ A., >.,ll " •« •••» •• yoar rath and honor, occapyiog the exalted station of a tmtelf to exccute judgment aud j*i:tice in righteouaoers,
verbosity of »tjl<; and anti-Chri*tiani»m in o b je c t; which
Senntor of Coogrers from the noble hearted State of Ken
dock at Britfol, »nd tb . .n rn ip i ■« <"■'•'• aw or no law, but it is bis boucden duty, as a man, for the o act m agent, for the Prophet.
a a s lro g ih y a id illngicil as it is iniquitous; and is,only
ucky; why did you not show the world your loyalty cf onor « f a disgraced country and for the aalvation o f a
C .O .M t e i m a . d i . ' . i j m . * . " * ° ' b" h T N e * more di:cr«ditable to his infallibility's theology than it ia
Uw and oider, by u*iw|> all honorable means to restore the •nee virtuous people, to call for a union of all honest men, Elder. Alficd,Cordon and Jamea Burge*f,'areauth*rised
Yorkiia indefinitely podponed. innocent to theif' ri^lm-and p h ^ e r i y l Why, Sir, thr nd appease the w rath of God, by act# of wisdom, holmes*
to bis secular learning. o act as ageai. ia Vermont for the Prophet.
Since the 22J ult. the folio*,** * < '* * " ' P“ k' “ h” " •norv we search intii your character and conduct, the inbit ud-vm;t* ! The fcivent prayer o f a righteous man avail
The exertions of the American Christian L?ague against
■*e muit exclaim from holy writ, the tree it knotcn bu itt eth much.
arrived at L ire rp o o l:-O a tbe 2 2 i the C> ; ..ndge packe,
fru it
Uomanum in its etrongho’d, Italy, aim, we are told, at Perhaps you may think, I go to far, tViltl my stricture* Nathaniel V. Jo a e . is oar anthorued .g e m for Rochec.
•hip Captain Barsto* with New York J ^ e . of the I s Again, this is not a l l : rather than show yourself as md muendor. because Tn vour coccluding paragfdph 700 ter, N. Y.
Jane Oa the following day the Sea, C -p t.m Edward., propagating, " an insane indifierence to all religion." It honest man, by guarsnteeing to tha people what you will ay 1 It is not inconsistant with your drclaratioca to eay.
with paper, to the 3d O a 'th e 27th tha Tarolinta, «, indeed,-against those exertions tbat the psper pellets of do in case you should be elected President; " you can en­ hat you have viewed wiib a lively interest ibe pto^r.e* of
the Vatican are now chiefly directed, and after a fibhion
ter into no engagement, make t o promiies, and give nb Br. Clair is our anthorited agent at Hudson, N’. Y.
Capt, Smith, with date, to the 5tb, Inclusive. he Latter Day ijaintr, lhat you have sympathised in their
pledge. ” as to what )roa will do. -Well, il may be tbai
A d rice, from Barcelona of the 34th ultimo, contain ru- worthy of Ilomanist learning. Listen "ifferinas, under iftjustite *s it appeared 10 you, which ha*
03- Thomas S- Woodbury, is our General Agent al Phi*
some hoi headed partiian would take auch n* thingftrianism
" T h i s society strains every nerve to introduce amonst wen indicted upon ihem ; aod lhat foil think, in ceramon
mor. enough of variou. conspiracies being in cour** ef upon trust, but ien»ib!e men and even I adit* would think vitb all oiber religion, communities they ought, tb enjoy 'adelphia.
concoction,’but none of thara,' with the exception ol a tri- them, by m ean, of individuals collected from all parts, cor
themselves inrulted by such an evasion of coming events! the security and protection of the constitution and the plot at Seville, appear based on anyibiug like ptoba- rapt and vulgar Bib!.., and to scatter them Mcretly If a tempest is expected, why not prepere to m e.t it; and laws.” If worda were not wind, and imagination not i> OO- Mr. Valentine Merrill, Jr., of South N .rw a lk , (Ct.)
in lhe laagt^ge ol the poet, cxclaim :—
amongst the faithful. At the same time their intention is vapor, such * view.* with a lively interest, might coax oui
bilit/. our authorized Agent.
" Then let the trial c o m e ; and witnei. thou, 1 t e w Mormon rotea; .ach ‘ sympathy * for their au& rinf
Tho Carliat Chief, E l Groe, eo long the terror of the to dirseminate worse book, still, or tracts designed to with­ ondefr injdsti£e, might II a! *0*je of the sick, yet lingering
draw from the minds of their readers all rarpect for the If terror be Upon m e ; if i shrink
Maeatrazgo, had been captured and ahot on the 2Sth. amongst them ; raise some of the dead, aUd fedofer »ome OO- Mr E . Ward Pell is authorized to aet a . Agent for
Church sod the Holy See." Or falter in my strength to meet the storm,
Daring tha impria*nment of O’Connell, the “ rint of their property, from Mifsouri; and finally if thought war the " Prophet.”
“ Worse book*” than the Bible j 5 o } then the Bible, iu When hardest it beset me 1” not a phantom, we might, in common with other reiigioui
keep* op to the mark, and the excitement c f the people
True grcatnsu never wavers, but when the Missouri
ihe language of the country io which it is circulated, it, by communities, 'y o u think,’ erjoy the security and protec 0Ch Traveling Elder, are requested to act as Agents for
appears to be at fever heat. T he Catholic clergy hare eel coinpromi e was entered into by you, for jbe benefit ot lioo of the fconttiiHtioli and UWa! But dnrihg ten years, the " Prophet,” and receipt for all monies, and forward
« solemn decree of Gregory XIV , pronounced to be a bod
Sunday, the 29th inslant, apart as a day of general bnmili ila ttry, there was a mighty thrinksge ol li Vs/cm honor; while ihe i.itic r Day Saints have bled, been robbed, driver
ation and prayer for the incarceration ol tbe Chief.
book ! And because its circulation is held to be dettruc-
aod from that day. Sir, the sterling Yankee, the frttuggliog :rom their own lands, paid oceans of money into ^the the tam e as soon as convenient.
A .light actuation waa produced in the French capiul tivs of " all respect for tbe Church and the Holy See,” Aboliiiouist, and the ataunch Democrat, with a large sum Treasury to pay your reno* n»d self and others for legi»U>
brr of the liberal minded Whigs, have roatked you ‘as a
the decrees "delivered io for. u-r times by apostolic au- tog and dealing out equal rights and privileges to those in Elder Melvin Wilber, is authorised to act as Travclli
reeently, by reports of domiciliary visit* having been paid Hack Itg in politics, begging for a chance lo t lw f llt yourself :ommon w ith all oiber religious communities, they have Agent for the Prophet.
ihority sgainst'the publication distribution, readirjr, and
by the police to th* Duke D*E«car*, M. de Lepinaye, and iaiu thr Pre»id»ntial chiir, whrre you might deal out the waitrd and expected in vain! If you have ponesoed aay
other distinguished royalist*. Nothing important resulted po»«e«ion of books of the H> y Scripture trantlatrd into Jeaiinies ol o ir beloved country for a game of brag, that patriotism it has, it has been veiled by your popularity foi
Elder Q. S. Spark., of Hartford, Con. is aaihortacd to
the vulgur tocgue mark thet is no limitation aa to w hat
would end io, " J fa rk fro m rte fOmdt a tio ifju l foUrtd.’ * e arjh e S i i n u . Would fall in love w<th its charms. Blinc
front thesa visit*. Start not at this picture; for your “ whole life, character :han:y and dumb, justice never do much towards allevia* act'as General Agent for tbe Prophet.
T he Loudon paper, hare been diecusaing with more <r translation. Accordiogly the b'uhops are directed and en* and conduct” ht»vc been rpolted with deeds 'hat causes a tug the wants of the aeedy, bu:, tiraws show which wa)
lrr. acrimony, since the siiling of the last packet, the m u -lJ01^ joint d
oluib upon the face of a virtuous p i tr i n ; eo you must be he wind blows. It is currently rumored tbat your dernier ' Elder J.; J. Woodbury, has authority to act a veil.
titty among the supporters of the ministry, arising <ut of I
titty araoD£ To rr,™ 'fr from lhe of the taithful alike lhe coctented in your lot, while crime, cowa.Jice, cupidity or e«Hi for the L itter Day Saints, is, to em grate to Oregon, ing A gent 1for the Prophet.
the sugar question The Tim t, and thc Morning P ott rail *n,blrs ,n ,hp vn,3ar , 0" 8 ue wl,icl» m *T been printed low cunning have handed you down from thr high towtr •r California. Such cruel humcoity; such noble icjdftice ;
“ contrary to the decrees above mentioned of the Sovereign of a fctatrmian, tn thc black hole of a gambler. A man uch honorable cowardice; such foolish wiadom, and sueb
Elder Henry Jenniogs, of Waynesville, Ohio, i . reque*
ihet accept* a challenge or fi^hta a duel, is nothing more viciou* viriue. eonld only eminate from Clay. After lhe
Lord Heytesbury h u been ch«sen to cucceed Earl D e i* >on,‘,^• ac^ ev*ty hook pro«cribed end condemned, and nor lets tlmn a tiiarderer, for holy writ declares that Saint, ha re been plundered of thtee or four millions of ?d 10 act a . Travelling Agent for the Prophet.
Grey as Lord Lieutenant of Irelsnd. Tho party organs o p - T ° ,hat ,},ry lp,rn >..ur admonition and nutl.ori “ whojo ehfdii man's blood, by nmn shnll his blood be land snd property, by ihe people and powers of the s o v -
posed to th e present ministers admit that, looking to th e g 1^ wh®; Pas,ura*?# ar® •aiutaiyacd what pernicious and s h e d ; and when in the renown city of Wa hingion, the reign Slate of Mirsouri; after they have sought for redrr ■ 09* Donations ia books, natural or artificial curtositiet,
notorious Jim rg O y drofprd from the turrtmil <t h Sena­ iud redemption from the. County Court to Congress, ai d philosophical apparatuses. Ate., will be received by the
rasge of choice/this is as unexceptionable a nom inaiioa"rnorU,-M tor to the levtl «.f a »cnundrel, to chont ut that c h ^ k lint >een denied tb ro jjh religious p n j ’idice, and sacerdot* 1
as they coold hare made. ’ B.blc |*‘ pa«turago” being of course, "pernicious and of a Randolph, he not only d‘iM«raced his own fame, family dignity; after they have builded a city and two temple. 11 14 Society for the Diffusion of Truth,* at ihe oflice of th » v
(mortal.” T he frontier of Italy—“ especially those whence *nd Iricedd, bal he pollutrd the sanctum saniorum of an immense expense cf labor and treasure ; after they ha* • Prophet, and forwarded to the Museum, at Nanvoo. No­
Tbe intelligence from Algiers is more favorable to the
jiravrller* e n te r ; " have to be watched by the episcopal American glory ; and the kinylv blackguards tbroughout ic creased from hundreds to hundreds of thousands: . t d ices of which will be published, if desired.
French arms, but It is still far from bring decisive.
idouaniers to prevent sn illegal importation of Bibles. And the whole world, ste poiatini; thc finger of scorn at thr ifier they have srnt missionaries to the various nation. »f
The French King, it is now said, will not visit Queen boasted " a»j lum c f lhe oppreaird,’’ and hissing i t Ameri ihe earrh, to gather Israel according to the prediction, t f
[with a conrciousnees that rpiritua! intervention ia at belt ic* can ttatefnifti, as eem lrm ru vagabonds and murderers, W e would da te to our correspoadents that to insure tn
Victoria until September, and then only ia a very modest ill the holy prophets' since the world began, lhat great
JefTcctual to stay the downfall of Rom*, the interference of holdi-.j; the olive brdiich of peace in one hand, and a pialol plenipotentiary ; the renowned Secretary of Strte, the ig. «rtion in the "Prophet,” iheir communications should be
and unpretending'way
[the secular and persecutivg hand ot the Italian Princes is! tor death iu the o th e r .' Well might the Sivior r* buke the noble duelist, ihe gambling Senalor, and Whig candidate .‘eceired early in the week, afjttirlmmeDse edition render
Another conflagration bad occurred on Chat Moss, in herds r f this nation with, wo unto you scribes, Pharisee?, for 111* 1’reildeucy, Henry Clay : the wire Kentucky Law* it necesaary for us to go lo
[thus craftily solicited. 00 Friday morning.
5 outh.Ltacashire, which at one time threatened aeriou* hypocrite?, for the Uui'ed Jitutes governtner.t, and Can- yer, advites tbe Latter Day Saints to go 10 Oregon to ob
consequences to the Liverpool aod Manchester Railway. wish a few honorable exrrpiion?, have pone the way taiu Juitice and set up a government of tbeir own ! O ye
What a deep sigh for the Inquisition is there here! of Cam and muat p 'rifh in iheir gdinsayirga, like Korah crowned heads umoog amoo^ ell nations, is not Mr. Clay
Disturbances among the cotton manufacturers ia Silesia
and Bohemia on account of attempts to reduce the wages
Such are Romantit Christianity, tolerance and logic in aud hi» wicked host. An.t honest men of every clime, and
fthe 10:h century. Nevertheless there are men in England ihe innocei.t, poor, aud opprersed, as well us hcalheus,
a wise man, aod very patriotic ! why Great G o d ! io trans­
port 200,000 people through a vast prairie; over tbe Rocky
moT mon
of the workmen still continued at the Isst dates, although'
- . ,, . . . . . .l
efforts had been »*ade by the government to suppress them.
, o • ■ i
... . _ „ . .
v.r i li. ■ ,'Monsignore Mrfort Capellan as an infallibility!
pA^aus, aud Indian?, evriy where, who could bui hop*
.'—churchmen too, who are ready to fall down and worship tint the tree of libm y would yield some precious fruit for
‘he hungry human race, and »hrd some balmy leaves for
Mountain*, to Oregon, a diatancc of nearly 2100 miles,
would cost mo5e than four millions! or thould they go by
Cape Horn, in ship, to California, the coit would be more
ACCOU.U from SpttQ mennoQ K t « . l fr,8h M ro bl^nc ., - H,hc h„ , iBg , ( h. „ i p , u hop<a than twenty millions! and all this to «ive the United * NO. 7 S P R U C E S T R E E T ,
near the passes ofth e Pyrenees, where very little law ap-j^ 0 O f r e s p O n d e i l C C b f i tW C f l l G f D P r a l i o s m h ' of r,1‘u l 01 J'^tice nnd judgement, and ot truth and states from inheriting the of Minouri, for mup 2N D . FLO O R .
pears to exist, except tbe ancient law of the strongest. g Sniith and thft HOD Udirj’ Cl ’ fiT,Mur»wh' nfUcl* P°^u,rd. vmn, heaven daring, bogus pa lerintr and robbing the Saints with .im punity! Benton
triots, are forced or flung into the front rank of government and Van Buren, who make no secret to say, if they get into
The Galtiea mountain, ia Ireland were on fire at the last
N auvoo, III., Nov 4th, 18-13. to guide the destinies of millions. ’Crape the heaven. aower. they will carry out Bogg's exiirminating plan to rid
accounts for hundred, of acrea together. Gallimore W h e re m ay be found, a general assortment of
ti„ - t i n. „ n . a ____ j . j M*i>h w e . d * of w o ; «ird lhe earth wilh saekeloib, and Ur ihe country of the Latter Day Saints, are
on fire* to the very top, aod ineffectual effort, had been . i ^ ‘A* we understand you * r e l he|, mrMrX onr lnHod ia commamoraiion . f fallen ^plco. " Little cippcrkits of milk, ? Books and Papers illustrative of the doctrine and
made to .top th . progrraa of the flame, by digging trenches, a candidate tor the at the next election: a n d ^ , . , , ,nr .he plory of America h a . departed, and God will Compared to ‘ Clay’s ’ greal aqua fortiajarr." faith o f the C hurch o f Jesus C h rist o f Latter*
a , the Latter Day Sain,., (sometime, called M o r m o n v P a f l u n i ^ ^
ia which labor thousand, of people were employed. Why, be i« a real giant in humanity: .end the Mormons d my Saints, among which are the following:-
tlTi .°k’,°w coa,,ltnte. • numerous d a « ia the school pol't'elrnint-iiihin^ Ileroda as Van Buren, Bo**., Benton, CaU
The Drama ha. not for year* been at ao low an ebb ia*of r repul!,,c'> 5 #v^ b<e“ robb<,d of » » ' r a m e n , e | tloU0t „ d 0 |.y , ate thrust out of the realms of virtue as fit Co Or» gon and free Missouri from debt and disgrace! Ah!j Prof. Orson P ra tt's Prophetic Almanac, ffor
Great Britain as it i . now. gamount of property, and endured nameles. .uttering, by 'ibt-cto for thr kingdom of fallen grealneti; vox rrprtbi, sir, i,r» let
•* ihi. doctrine go to and fro throughout the w ^ole* 1 8 L4K 4 5 ,—
—_ 1

G , „ h „ ,„l,r tK .,.re d f,.n> hi. .n d U ^ .ic n . S S lS , vox'Diaboti! In your late add ret sea to lbs people of S»utbg5,r,k| , ihat<Wr^as Van Buren eaid, know your cause is justll . ...
reatise on the Fulness o f the E verlastin g
Carolina, where rebellion budded bul< could nol blossom, but a* ihe Uniied Siate* government c«n do nothing fqr 11
Ii is reported that the present « s « o n of Parliament will «0d a . in vain we have sought redrew by all constitutional,
>ou “ renounced ultraiwn,” “ high tariff,” and almost
bf brought to a close about the middle of July. 'Irg ^ l and honorable means, [in her courts, her executive hanii-hed }<,ur “ banking ►y j'r m ,” for tbe more certain
A Dublin pap*>r says—The weather through ih Ialann' is council** ®°d her legialative halls; and a . we,have peti [s andard of “ public opinion.” This is all very well, aud
■•in»fb » ,; wm have
U,TC plenty
Hicu <7 o'
u s«iu,
i n ,nouovuiu
i n s h i n and
aau h
u ec a* t, and ou
i, wiu * ' lT, f«l eCcft n*
. rc“ j,av
l ‘° e«a jkUe<j»ed
co g nit
iz awnisd
c e oom
f our witreriog.
to &ddresa this u.ara* ihe intention ol a politician, the calculations of a
youwith- State o
demagogue, and the allowance for leeings of a shrewd ThS
h - iiro'Tiit*-of harvest i . decidedly favorable mm unication, and anlicit a o im m ed ia te , .p e c it ic and
managrr, just as truly as the weather cock doe* the wind
ii. D iblin hakera presented a ponderous loaf, weighing c*udid reply to W hat tot// bt vottr m It o f action rel air* to when it turns upon the spire. Hustings for the South, bar- righteousness, when he, " whose right it is to reign, ah*H F ountain o f K now ledge; Im m ortality o f the
■<nds, a . an accompaniment with the address to Mr. u i at aptopU , should fortune favor your aK eorioa to tho t a rn e . for the West, confidential letter* for the North, and judge ibe poor, aod rrprofc with equity for thc meek of Bo-ly, and Intelligence and Affection, by P. P .
c h i e f m agistracy 1 the earih,” and I pray God, who bath given oar fathers1 a P r a t t $ 8 per hund. 1 s. single.
O G -u r II ,TT h r fi.hermen of Galway sent him a splendid '* American system ” for the E asti
Most respeetfally, sir, your friend. promise of a perfect gavernment in the last days, to panfy
t trbtn, wi h lobater aod salmon to match. * and the friend of peace, good order. "Lull a-by baby upon the tree top, the hearts of ihe people and hasten ihe welcome day. T h e T estam ent of the twelve P atriarchs, th*
It i« now ten led that lhe Coaat de TrepaAi, a brother of And constitutional righu, And when the wind blow, ihe cradl^ will rock. W ilh the highest coasideratioo, sons o f Jacob.
•hr Kiog • f Naples, is to be married to the Q aeea of JO S E P H SM ITH , Suppoae you thould elto, taking four " whole life, char­ for virtue and unsdulterateo iteedom, Correspondence between Gen. Jos. Smith, Co/,
8.-am. ^ , In behalf of the Church of Jesa» Christ of Latter Day acter and conduct," ini} consideration, and aamany hands I have tne honor to be, your nb’i a’v’t. W entworth, Gen. Jas. A rlington Bennet and Hon.
{(Sainta. * make light work, stir up the old " Olay parly,” lhe “ Na- JOSEPH SM ITH.
Official advice, from Sierra Leone announce the capture; Hon. H. Clay, Ashland, Ky. lioual Republican p irty," " High Protecliie Tariff parly,’ Ho*. H. CL.lY, Ashland,-Ky J. C. C alhoun: S3 per hund. Is. sing.
of<fi»e slavers, four ofs them Brazilians,^by the British and the late coou skin parly, with all iheir pa:aphenalia, A n interesting account o f several remarkable
A s h l a n d , N ov. 15, IS 13.
cr niters. Ia one of tbe<£ were embarked 54G negroe* 0 (4 D ta r h a te rfCeiyed your leller in behalf of tht ultraism, ne plus uliratsm,—sine.qua non, which have visions. B y O. Pratt. $ 0 per hundred 10 cts,
whom i » dUd 00 ih« [ Charch of Jem * Chriti of Latter Day Saints, ttatiog that grown with your growth, strengthened with your streagth,
T he Mable of a priest, ia the eoanty of Kilkenny, waa you undentand that I am a candidate for the Pfeaidency, enlighteued Republic, what they think of your powers aod
and abrunk with jronr ahrinkage. t a d ask the people of Ihis RELIGIOUS NOTICES. single.
O. Cowdery’s letters to W . W . Phelps, on
and enquiring what would be my rule of action relative lo policy aa a statesman; for verily il would seem, from all DRoeiXLYM.— Elder* S h re ta and Straiten will addreaaihe the origin o f th e Book o f Mormon.
entered a few nights ago, and his horse’s tail cut oO^ and a you, as a people, should I be elected.
past remains of parties, politics, prsject. and pictures, thai people of Brooklyn to-m orrow al the usual hours of .er- A H istory o f t|ie C hurch o f Jesus C hrist of
string of repeal button* attached 10 tbe stamp. I am profoundly grateful for the numeroui and atronf you are ihe CVoy, and ihe people the potter; and a . some
expression, of the people in my behalf, as a candidate for >ice at lhe Log Cabin, Fulton sireet. E lder. S. and S L atter day Saints—by John Corrill a member ot
Several riots have o*curred at Preaburg, on the occasion vessel* are marred in the hands of the potter, the natural ire about fulfilling a mission to publish tho falncaa of the
Pretident of the United States; ^u*. I do not so consider the Legislature o f Missouri.
of ihe election of a depnty. A gang of m en from Sxalonta myself. That much depend, upon future events, aad upot. conclusion is, that you are a vessel of dishonor.
fell upon the nobles who supported tlie candidate, and my sense of duty. Yon may complain that a dose examination of your {Oipel of the 3on of God in the British Isle.. Synopsis o f parallel passages in the Scripture,
" whole life, character and conduct," .place, you a . a Ken price 53.
wounded sever.1 of them severely. T he attack was after* Should aI be uc a candidate,
canoiuair, 1 I can enter into no engage- engage­ tuckian would pleasantly term it, " in a bad fix,” .but, Sir, Tbe Church of Je su . Chriit of Latter Day Saints, hold
’wards repeated, and the interference of tbe military ren­ ments, make k e no promises, give ‘ no pledges, lo any parti.-t^
when the nation has sunk deeper and deeper in ihe mud, ■neeticg. every Sabbath, at Marion Temperance Hall, Gospel Reflector. $1.25. [
far portionI of the 1' people of the l/aitcd States. If I ever Tim es 6c Seasons, bound. 2,00
dered necesMry to re.lore the quiet of ihe place. at every turn of the great wheels of the union, while you
enter into that ibat high ollice, 1 must go into it free and un- 183 Canal st. N. Y.
T w o Prusaians have been apprehended at Liverpool, fetiercd, with no guarantees but sdeh as are to be drawn have acted as one of ihe principle drivers, it becomes the H istory o f tho Priesthood, by Benj. W inches­
charged with being exunaively engaged in smuggling to­ from my whole life, character and conduct. boMnden duty of whole community, as one man, to whisper ter. 25 cts.
you on every point of government, to uncover every act ol B rookltw —Meetings are held every Sunday at the
bacco, and large quantities of the article had (wen seized. It ia not inconaisteni with this declaration to say, that I fan life, and enquire what mighty acts you have done to Millenium, a poem by P. P. P ralt. price 50
L*>g Cabin, Fulton street at the^tsoal hours.
Tobacco smuggling appears to he more cxtenitve than any have viewed with a lively intrre«t, the progreisof ihe. Lat­ >enefii the n a tion; how much yon have tithed the mint -----------------
ter Day Saints ; that I have sympathised ia their suffering* to gratify your lust; and why the fragments of jour rai­ Index to the Book o f Mormon, 2nd edition: per
other co n tra b an d u a d e . under injustice, as it sppeared, u. me, which has been in ment hang upon the thorna by the path, as signals toTbe be­Church of J k *u. C h rist^ f L itte r Day Saints of Bos­ hun. 82. sing. G cts.
H. M. B. R apid ,/o f tea gnns, Lieqtenant Earle, com­ meted upon them ; and that I ibink, in common with all ware ! , on, Mass., hold their m etlin f.ev e ry Sabbath, at 10 Frank
mander, has, il ia reported, been tunk, with -til on boaid other religious communities, th* v ought to enjoy the sc< Address to the People o f tho U. States: 25 cts.
But your shrinkage is truly wonderful! Not only you
curity and the protection o f the ...institution and the law* banking system, and high tariff project, have vanwheo in sr.. Elder John Hardy, prcciding. Residence,'JIQom p er hun.
by a Spanish slaver of greatly superior foroe. I am, with great Teepee, your tncrcul st.
Lately two smart shocks of an earthquake were felt a 1 from yonr mind " like the ba:elea* fabric of a viaioo,” but Gospel L ig ht— $ 2 per hundred, single 3 cts.
friend and obedien servant, tbe " annexation of T r x a s ” has touched your (atheiic
Comrie and Crieff—the motion e f the earth from west to
Gen. Jos. Sm ith’s views on the policy o f Gov-
. , H. CLAY. sensibilities of nationsl pride so acately, that the poor(ft* The church of Jesu. Christ, of Latter Day Sainta at irnm entj Appeal to the Green M ountain B o ys;
east. Joaeph Smith, Erq. Texians, your own brethren, may fall back into ihe I« aocitr Philadelphia, hold their meetings every Sunday as usual
of Mexico, or be »?ld at auction to British stock jobaeri, a Third street above Willow, over Marshall Institute. Correspondence between Gen. Smith, CoL W en t­
Runaway matches are more frequent than ever at Gretna, GEN. S M IT H ’S REIOINDER.
aod all ia well, for " I ” the old Senttor from Kentucky, worth and J. C. Calhoun, and a Memorial to
Upward, of 300 have taken place thi. aeaaon. . N auvoo , III., May 13tb, 1844. ELD. J . M. GRAN f , Presiding.
am fearfal it would militate againtt my Interest in the .he Legislature of Missouri.— 6 dolls, per hun.
When tbe Railroad from Calais to Paris i> completed, SlV:T Y7 - &? ,wer 10 my inquiry,*“ what, would be north, to enlarge the border, of the uiion in tho acuth.— Is.
the whole diitance from ihe metropolis of England to the C P0,® !‘}ward? l,*p Day Sainu, th o u ld |T ra ly " a poor" wise child i. better lhan an old foolbh olu
metropolis of France may be done in twelve houn. °,r A*"!, U<i,lc.d S ,a,cV ’ hr .
b f c n HkiDg, who will b e .n o longer ad.nooiahed. Who ever L I S T O F A G E N T S . W e have in press, and will issuo shortly, Prof.
jnder consideration since last November, in the food ex- heard of a nation that had too much territory 1 W a. ii Orson P r a tt’s Prophetic Almanac for 1845.—
Ia Belgium the receipts oa the railway, m the first four pectattou, that you would give, (for every honest citizen Elders F. E. Richard#, E. H . Pavi*, J. F. Sheets anr
ever bad policy to make friend. 1 Haa any people cvei
month, of tbe present year amounted to 2,931,000 franc? 1S3 a right lo demand it.) to the country, a manifesto cf become too good to do good 7 No, n r r e r : but the ambi­ J. A. Stratton on a mission lo Englund will a c t a , geaert Calculaled for tho E astern, Middle, and W estern
against 2,181,000 franc, in the four correaponding month* :are to the people, tht tei0/ , rfup/,t lbe m otl ft„ dom thf tion and vanity of some men have fl >wn away with their igents for the P r o p h e t they intend to start soon fo States and Territories, the N orthern portions o f
rour views of ihe. b e t method *ad means which would *♦•
of 1843. w m and judgment, and left a cretking skeleton tq oc­ England. ihe slave States, and British provinces, it contain*
no.t happiness, ihe most umoa. ihe most wealth, the mott cupy the place of a noble «oul. nuch m atter interesting to the Saints.
In the quarter ending 5th April, 1313, the quantity ol Tame, the most glory ai home. «md the most honor abroa J
*Why, Sir, the coadiiioa of the whole earth is lamenta­ Orders, with cash remitted, for an y o f tfie above
foreiga wool eatcred for home co.sumptioa was 4,048,887 »t the least expenw ; but I h ir e waited in vain. So fir ble. Texas dreads the teeth and toe nails of Mexico. Elder George J . Adam, is authorised 10 act as ogent fo
lb.., ia the same quarter ia the present year the quantity i« vou have made public declarations, they have been Oregon baa the rbedmaiiam, brought on by a horrid expo, ihe Prophet. works, will be attended to with despatch.
nade, like your answer to thc ibiii>e, aofi to Mmer, ratier
•o en te red .w a s 9,097,805 lb*.; and yet notwithstanding ban wlid to feed the people. You teem to aban’doa all r t r e to ihe heat and cold of Briiiah and American trappers;
thU large increase, amounting to about 120 per c e n t , the ormer policy which may have uctuated you in the. di. panada has caught a bad cold from extreme fatigue in lhe Br. Milton F. Bartlet ia authorised to act as travellinj FARM FO R SALE.
patriot w a r ; South America has the headache, caused by i . . . nf f , p , nn. . '
English farmer i* obtaining at least S3 per cent, mors for tharge of a .ta u rm a n ’s duty, when the rigor of intellect bamps against the beams of Catholicity and Spanish! ON LONG ISLAND.
his wool than he received last year. ind tbe force of virtue, shoulJ have sought out aa e*er-
’s ovcrcianty; Spain has the gripes from sge and ioquisi-
asliog habitation'for liberty ; when, as a wise man, a true E lder Annahias McAllister is anthorited to act as ager Subscriber cflers his farm at prhrate sale,-!
W e learn from Wareaw that tbe Emperor of Ru'ata haa aatriot, and a friend to mankind, you should have re>«!ved tion ; France trembles and wastes under the effects of con nftijt “B|d farm is silaatcd oo th* road tb it leads [ _
just granted lo several exiled Poles permission 10 return, o ameliorate the awful condition of our b'ttding couutry ugi*us diseases; England groans with the gout^and wig- jjfor th* Prophet.
gles wilh wine: Italvand the German States are pale with rom t i e paraonige landing 10 llemnstead, w iih'a ball _
aad to enter into p^atessioa o f their property, wh'ch ha* •f a mighty plaa ofj wisdom, ri«hteou«ew, y it\iCC, good, the_con»umption ; Prnuia, Poland, and the little conti­ nite of eaid lauding. Sr.d form eonuina
been coafifcated. •ess and mercy, that would have brought back the golden S A x u r n io a o , of Philadelphia, iaauthoiised to receiv.
lay* of t.ur na'ion’a yon:b, vigor and vivacity • wl.ta pro* guous dynasties, riutcbies and domains, have the mumps 53 ACRES OF LAND
T iik PorK's CtRCUi.AR i.v E k g lx h » . —T< is last bui* lerity crowned the eff »rt* of a youthful Republic, when so scverrly, that * the whole head i* *ick, and ibe whole mbrcripuons for ike Prophet. according to the deeda o f which 10 is woodlaod aad 14 aalt
appears in nearly all the EnglUh papers. T he Londou he gentle aspiration, of the eons of liberty were, " we are Heart is fa in t; Russia has ihe cramp by lineage ; Turkey blsck gravs, aod frerh meadow. ’
•ne ” has the numb paUy; Africa, from the c u m of God, has Albert As - - ■ Luiz are authorised 10 act as genera Oa said farm i» a good dwelling houae, with fire rooms
Herald of the 37th ult. has the following 1 •oat the use of her lim*»s; China is ruined by the Queen’s
Ia your answer to my qtettions, last fall, that peculiar agents for ths Prophet. on the floor with a ball through the centre, a good brick
T he burden of Mr. L iver’s popular song, " T h e Pope h* »Ct of modern politicians, drcUriov, ,4i f you tr tr enter in svil, and the rest of Asia frarfully exposed to the small :ellar that can be entered without going oat of do*rs, a
leada a happy life,” is certainly not true of th* p re s e t Vif timt ktgh oflie*. _ . 1*t go into it free and unfettered,
•>ox, the natural wsy from B.itiaa pedlars; the wlandsof targ <5 and convenient baru with other out bu Idingt, agood
be tea are almost dead with the scurvy { the Indians are Elder Beoj. Winchester is n quested to me liisiufluenc*
Pontiff. Gregory the Sixteenth’s lines are cast i » a a y ba oith no guarantee but art to bt dravo.\ from fou r well of water near the door, aod a large garden well *tor-
Hind and lame, and the Uuitrd States, whiah ou*hi to be
pleasant placct. His troubles rival those of tbe Grand a M e lift, character and conduct,'4 so raach re*emo:e* »; ► ie good physician with • balm from Gilead* and an • aty. ia his Southero Mission and aet as agent for the Prophet sd withSrhrubbery, *«ch as gooseberry’ currents, raspber­
ottery vender’* sign, with the s o d d e n of good lack sitiin* ries, grapes, «fcc. For further ptrticalars enquire of the
Turk. The Jew a of AaCoaa lately roused his ire and pro­ ia the car of fortune, a-straddle of the horn of plenty, aod •am for the oppressed,’ has boosted, and is boosting up in- rabicriber oa the premises.
voked their owa prev en tio n s; next, the wretched mis Iriving the merry steeds of beatitude, without reigns or :o ibe conacil chamber of the government, a clique o f po­ „ Elder A. Badlam is authorised to act aa general agen JA M ES AKERLY;
litical gamblers, lo play for Ihe old clothes aad old shoes 'or the Prophet. jaae 29 1844

NION LINE—To n i l from New York on tbe 8th lG'h, 131 N a s s a u S t . , NY. PASSAGE OFFICER < NO. 7, SPRUCE STyl. ^ / / "» ~
U *nd 21th, aod from Havre on lhe l»t Sih and the 24tl
i f every month,'a* follows, viz. F O W L E R ’S PRAC- 100 Pine-atreet, corner of Soath-street T HE SUBSCRIBERS having completed their arrange-
m enu, are now prepared to bring oat passengers from T H8E1 2 5 B ! B L E N A T U R E *” 2 V . 1 2 0 0 page*, p r ic o
riCAL PHRENOL­ The Subscriber begs Uave to call the attention o f hii Great Britiaa and Ireland, by the following first clais pack­
From jV. York. From H atm
OGY, A W ork which friends and the public in general, to tbe following arrange- et ships, one ol which will leave Liverpool on the 1st, 6ih, n T H .E E L E M E N T S OF ANIMAL MAGNETTSM, by a
ARGO. C March 8 April 24 Practical Magnetuer, price 12J ct*.
has now been etgh' m enu for 1844, for the purpose of bringing oat Cabin, 11th, 16th, 21st and 26th of each month.
C. Anthony, Jr., < July 8 Aug. 24 y e a n before the pub- ecoad Cabin, and 8teerage Passengers by the following Patrick Henry, Hew York, Sheridan, Gaide to forming arrf condnctiag L yceuna, Debating
I Nov. 8 Dec. 24 !ic, t o that' i u meriti E G U L A R PACKET SH IPS TO ANB FROM LI- Virginian, Liverpool, Cambridge, Satieties, t with outlines of disicumisns, e m r , &c. by
FRANCOIS l«t, t March 16 May 1 are allowed t 6 t p e a l || .Montezuma, Siddons, George Washington Charles Morley, price 3s. for n l e at the Office o f the
1C Sept. 1 VERPOOL. ' Prophet." ti • ■>
Ainsworth, for themselves. Hottingaer, Colombus, United States,
f Nor. 16 Jan. * 1 Ship** “ * Captain*. Days of Sailing from Roscius, Ashburton, England,
T H E AMERICAN Names. New-York.
D. Line#, < July
r Nor.
Sept. 8
Jan. 8
PHRENOLOGICAL G. Washington Borrows,
* JOURNAL. United Stales Britton,
June Oct. 7 Feb.
8 Independence, Yorkshire,
Stephen W hitney, Rochester.
Garrick, A LASTING G O SPE L , Setting forth it* first principle*
promise*, ta d blessing*. In which some of the moat pro*
Devoted exduaivel) Gerrick & A o* ael Hicks,. Queen of the W est, Oxford.
EMERALD, C April 8 May 24 Skiddy. Certificates of p a a a g r can be obuinsd, and every iafor m in e d festures that have ever characterised that
to tbs exposition anr Patrick Henry, Delano,
Howe, ^ < Aug. S Sept. S4 defence of Pbrenolo Sheffield, tion will be fiven to thoee tending for their friends, oc
r Dec. 8 Jan. 24 Allen, pplication at either of onr office*.
RHONE, Jane 1 , , . - , . gy and i u bearing Roscius, Collins,
c April 10 :od of toe kindred ecience c f Physiology tnd MtgnetiszD Independence, Nye, T hey will also be prepared on tbe opening of navigation,
J . A. Wotton.j < Aug. 10 Oct. 1 25 “ 25 to forward passengers and their Inggage to Albany and New-York, and for Sale at this Office.
Feb. 1 ■ far as they can bear oa i t ; embracing the clearest, anc Virginian, Allen, Oct. 1Feb. 1
f Dec. 10 .e t tho most condenaedand also practical view ot Pbrenol- Siddons, Troy, and via Erie canal to Baflialo, and all intermediate
June 8 E. Cobb, “ 13 “ 13 “ B R IE F HISTOR YOF T H E L A T T E R DAY SAINTS
C. Stoddard,
( April 24
< Aug. 24
■gy and i u bearings on health, happiness, virtue, religion, Ashburton,
luman improvement, and the reforms now in progress, an> Sibph’n WhitneyThompson, Nov.
Hnrtleston, " 25 *• 55 “
1 Mar. 1 JMy
T o all poru of the Upper Lakes. A (Commonly called Mormon* ;) including an accoaniT
their Doctrine and Discipline; wilh tho,reason* of the A a
(D e c . ■•here to be found. Monthly, 24 or 32 pages, at $1 pel Sheridan, Via Oswego lo Toronto, Port Hope, Coburg, Kingston,
ALBANY, ( May 19 J a n e | 24 Depeyster, “ 13 “ 13 “ aod all pans of Canada West. hor for leaving the Church. . By John Corill, A Member
8 Oct. 24 *ear, or three copies § 2 ; five copies for S3 ; nine cop­
Watsoa, < Sept. es for 85 ; or twenty copies for $ 1 0 . In all cases i n The Provincial Bank, and branches. From T r o y via Whitehall to Montreal and Quebec, Ca of the M inoari Legniature. Published by the Author at
r Jan. 8 Feb. ,24 IRELAND. S The Ulster Bank, do. nada E u t via Ohio Canal from Cleveland to PorUmouth, St.Loui*. For Sale at thi* Office.
SYLVE DE GItASSE. ( May 10 July 1 ) The National Bank, do. Cincinnati, and intermediate places. HE following work* are for sale at the Prophet office,
L. Weiderholdt, /S e p t.
f Jan.
Narch 1
All Drafu payable at sight, at either of the obove banks
their branches or agencies.
South West via Philadelphia to Pitubarg, Ciacinnsti,
Louisville, and all ports on the Ohio River to St. Loois,
T No. 7 Spruce Street, viz:—
P P. P r a tu Reply to Leroy Sunderland.
LOUIS PHILL1PPE, (M a y • 21 July 8 Founded on Phrenology and Physiology : or, G ood Messrs. Spooner, Atwood <5c Co. bankers, Mo.; and to all p aru of Ohio, Michigan, Ipdiana, Illinois,
1 Sep't. 24 Nov. 8 Synopiis of the Bible, by B. W inchester.
J. Cutofl, H earn a n d B o d ie s , and how to make them good, both ii ENGLAND, £ * London. and Wirconsin Territory J Gorpel Reflector. History of the Prieathood.
(Ja n . 24 March 8 ' .•hildren and one’s self, by showing how to enlarge the de ) P. W . Byrnes, ic Co. Liverpool. r e m it t a n c e s :
July 24 Millennium Poems.
DUCHESS D’O R LEANS, ( J u n e 8 feclive, and diminish tbe excessive ; including the moral Passeagers can abo be engaged from Liverpool lo Phila For the accommodation of persons wisning to send mtv Iodex lo the Book of Mormon, 2nd. Edition.
A. Richardson, < Oct. 8 Nov. 24 raining and government of children, without the rod delphia, Boston, and Baltimore, by the regnlar packet ney to the&friends in the Old Country, HARNDEN &
f Feb. S March 24 Address to the People of the United State*.
This woik expounding thp principal laws of virtue, or con­ *hips, on application being made personally, or by letter, CO. will glyi Drafu on any part of England, Scotland, or Gorpel Light, No. 2.
SULLY, t June 10 August 1 ditions of hsppinen, and shows how to fulfil them. (post paid, addressed to Ireland, payable at sight, for sums of £ l , £ 5 , £ 2 0 , u
\V. C. Thompson, < Oct. 16 Dec. 1 Correspondence, in Pamphlet form, between JO S E P H
IN TEL LEC TU A L IM PR O V E M E N T ; JO SEPH McMURRAY. £ l 0 0 - o r to any amount to suit the porchaser. SMITH. T H E P R O P H E T , and Col. JO H N W E N T ­
(F eb. 10 April 1 100 Pine-street, corner of South-St. OFFICES AND AGENTS.
(Ju n e 24 Aug. 1 O ', how to C u l t i v a t e t h e M e m o r y ; E x p a n d a h W O R T H , E dilor o f *' T ie Chicago Democrat,” and Mem­
IOWA, AGENTS —In Pottsville, Benj Bannan, Esq. Charles Craft. 120 State street, Boston. ber o f C onrrttt f,o m IllinoU ; Gen. JAM ES ARLING*
W . W . Pell, < Oct. 21 Dec. 8 S t r e n g t e n THE I.YTEi*Licr, and conduct the intel
f i n Lovell, Rich Welsh, Esq. B. W- Wheeler, Union-Building, Providence, R . I. TON B E N N E T , O f Arlington-Ho%tu, Long hlrnnd, and
(F e b . 24 April 8 lectudl education of children ; in which is p mted out s In Albany, T Gough, Esq.
iew aod more excellent way to intellectual attainments J. W Mills, 3 Wall street, a td 16 Front street, New thc HcnoraUe JOHN C. CALHOUN, Senator fro m South
In Toronto, U. C. R o se n ic Thompson. York. Carolina In which is given, a ivketeh of the Life of Joeeph
ECCALEO BIO N. * han our common schools and seats of learning now f u r . In Newark, Juhn McColgan, Ecq.
lish—a work of great value ar.d importance to parents* N. G. Howard, 43 South Third street, Philadelphia. Smith, the rise and p rogrea of the Church of L A T T E R
EGGS HATCHED BY STEAM, IN PRESEN C E OF teachers, and ail who destre to knew how to improve thei: In Utica, Thomas McQuade, Esq. Sandford ic Shoemaker, 7 Light street, Baltimore, Md. DAY SAINTS, and their PE RSECU TIO N S by the State
VISITORS! intellects. I also beg leave to assure ray friends aod the public in Pittsburgh, Pa of MISSOURI: with the peculiar view* o f Joaeph Smith,
h is n o v e l e x h ib itio n , s o a m u s i n g a s general, that 4he greatest punctuality will be observed ic L. S. Littlejohn, 11 Exchange, Albany, N. Y.
T well u instructing, ia now open at 235 Broadway, from H EREDITARY DESCENT ; ITS LAW S AND FACTS the u ilin g ofMhe sbovs ships together with all other*
y o'clock, A. M. until 7 P. M. Or, the Transmission r f\ Physical, Intllectoal. which I may have/ and tnat passengers will experience no
S. Clark, 159 River street, Troy, N. Y.
in relation io Political and Religion* mailers generally! ot
which ia added a eoneiu account of, the p retext tta it ta d
Ulica, N. Y. grotpecU tfth e CITY OF NAUVOO._____________
The object of this Exhibition, bo novel in New-York, is md Moral, from p a rfctstc their oA,»pring*, through anc- delay on their arrival at the different poru where they W . A. Cook, Syracuse, N. Y.
to gratify the scientific aO'J carious, by affording them an cessive generalions ; including directions for forming sac! mean to embark. N IN TERESTIN G ACCOUNT OF SE V E R A L R E -
opportunity ol witnessing the wonderful process of the de- matrimonial alliances as will secure whatever qualitie* ii P. S —Free passage can also be secasrd from the va­
Rochester, N. Y.
W . II Cook, Buffalo. N Y. A MARKABLE VISIONS, And of the Late Discovery
of Ancient American Records, which unfold* the history of
velopernent of animal organization, and more especially to children may be desired ; with hints to mothers ------- - during rious poru in m iIreland
rn and Scotland from which steam boau H . Fitzhcgh ic Co., Oiwego, N. Y.
prepare the way for supplying our market with Poultry ol pregnancy—a work which every young married ptji ran lo Liverpool, m l3 if HARNDEN & CO. thi* continent from the earliest Agea after th* Flood, to lhe
a superior quality, and at lets than half the present rales. hould possess ; as indeed should all who design to forn JOSEPH McMURRAY, beginning c f the fifth century of the Christian E ra. W ilh
So that the poor even, to whom it is now desied, rosy be­ he matrimonial relations. To improve mankind, wc mus 1GO Pme street. New York.
S P R 1 N G A R R A N G E M E N T — 18*14. a a sketch of the r i n , faith, and doctrine of the Church of
come partakers of the luxury. icgin with the gk*m Education bestowed upon agoo» Gives drafts in sums to suit applicants Jesas Christ of Latter Dsy Saints. By O. Pratl, Minister
The apparatus here used for incubating, may be said to physical and moral basis, will be vastly more productivi o s THE of thc Gospel. Eor Sale at thia Office, beside* many oth­
be perfect, acd is more ture of Hatching Eggs than any than that expended upon a barren soil. Long enough havi [ PROVINCIAL BANK OF IRELAND; er valuable work*.
bird. It is a material improvement upon the Eccaleobion, p iren u slept o\ or this subject. W tlk e r’s attempted eluci IM PORTANT TO SOUTHEEN T R A V E L LE R S.
F 1Y1 DLEAT h e w o r l d t u r n e d u p sid e d o w n ? o r h e a -'
which has afforded satisfaction and delight to millions ol lation of it, wns u comparative failure. In this work ii
visiter*, at the Exhibition Rcoms in Pall-Mall aad Picca­ ia treated—as none but a practical Phrenologist c a * ires'
T h e R a il R oad B ridge a t t h e Ro ano k e co m plet ed
T he material Universe i* eternal.— Immortal Man baa
dilly, London, and is emphatically a triumph of Art over it—c i e n t w c a l l y : a vast many most important principlei Clonmel, Parsontown, V ia ,. W a s h i n g t o n C i t y , R ic h m o n d , P e t e r s b u b u a n d
nature. fleah and bone*.—Earth ia hi* Ever asting Inheritance.—
being ststed, and all supported by a mass of facts absolute Londonderry, Dow*patick, W l U W * , A S D T H E OULY D A I L Y L l N E TO
Ladies are particularly informed, that while this exhibi­ ly overwhelming A most useful work,and a rare iate.lec C h a r l e s t o n , S C , d i r e c t to N e w O r l e a ji *. the Prophets and Apostles witness.
Sligo, Cavan, T o e Physical Worlds were not founded for annihilation,
tion cannot fail to please, there is uothiogin it, in the least :uaf treat—p.p. 270, and a genealogical table with blanl Wexford, Lurgan, (24 Hours in advance of the Bay Line )
degree, offensive to the most refined and delicate mind. paper, forjecording family likenesses. but for the pleasure of God they are and were created.
Belfast, Omagh, T R A V E L L E R S going South are informed that the con­
Gentlemen of Science and of the medical profession, on Waterford, BY P. P . P R A T T .
J PHRENOLOGY APPLIED TO MATRIMONY. Dungannon, nexion between the PelsrsLurg and Wilmington Railroad*
payment o f |5 , may have ■ card of adminion for 21 days, Galway, Bandon, Published at the Millennial Star Office, 35 Chanel atreet,
Or to theselection’of c o n g e n ia l c o m a pn io n s t o r u r » at Weldon, including thc Petersburg Company’* Bridge af
and the privilege ol epe each day. Enniskillen, Kilrutb, the Roanoke is completed, so lhat travellers going South Liverpool, and for Sale at this Office,
including d irtc tio m to the m a rtitd , (or living together al
Admittance T w en ty -F iv e Cents. fectienately and happily. The cautions it administers u Monaghan. by tbe Great Mail Route, via Waihington, Richmond and N Appeal to the Inbabitanu o fth e S u t e of New York.
CHILDREN Half Price. A liberal allowance mad# to the young ; the hinu it furnish** in regard to conductinj
Schools that aitend in a body. Eggs Broken on applica­ courtship, as well aa its scientificiexposition of man’s so
ENGLAND. Petersburg, will be transferred at Weldon immediately
SPOONER, ATWOOD Sc Co , Banker*, London ~ from lhe car* ofthe Petersburg to those of the Wilmington Immortality ol the Body, and Intelligence and Affection!
A Letter to Queen Victoria, T he Fountain of Knowledge:
tion, at 1 2 Je e n u each. Young Chickens sold aa curiosi­ cisl nsture and relations, as well as cf the law s that goven Payable in every town in Great Britain Railroad Company, thereby ridding the Great Mail routt by P. P. P R A T T . Price 25 c e n u each or 12 dollars per
ties, at 12J cents. P4mphleU, Explanatory and Treating hem, reader it most interesting and mott useful. of it* only exceptionable feature, whilst it is equally cheap, hundred. T o be-had a tth e Prophet office.
upoa the management of Poultry generally, G cents. REGULAR MAIL LINE FOR PROVIDENCE AND and for e x p e d i t i o n , se c u r i t y a n d c e r t a i n t y , it b u
my25:c] NATURAL RELIGION : BOSTON, great advantages over the day line. 1ESTAMENT OF T H E T W E L V E P A TR IA R C H S,
a t i o n a l f i r e i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n y .—
Or, The N a t u r a l T h e o r t of Phrenology; its aspec> via arowmcTOjf and Newport . The following unrivalled schedule* are now run on this line. 1 ■ ,!hLe ? ° DB of J a c tb * '• mo*t retpectfally dedicated to m y
N Office No. 49 Wall *t.—Directors: Messrs
jon revelation, and its general harmony with it ; includioj
Answers to the objections, lhat Phrenology favors Fatalism,
John Brouwer, Samuel S. Doughty, W m. G Ward, Materialism, and Infidelity, and is oppo»ed to a change o-
well-beloved Brother, John Aibiuon, Patriarch in the
Courch of U t t e r Dsy Saints: As a token of respect and
Leave N. Y. at 9 A M Arrive in Philadelphia at 3 P M eiteein for hia seivices and u n w e uied xeal in ihe cause of
John F. Mackie, Stephen Holt, John Newhousr, Philip heart s— A Work tn which the p r i m a r y e l e m e .v t s o Leave Phila. at 4 P M. arrive in Baltimore at 1 A M God in thi* ihe Evening of T im e. By hi* Brother in
W . Engs, .Marcus Spring, Wm S Slocum, Jacob Miller, man’s moral nature are fully analyzed, and therewith tht Composed ol the following superior SiesmerF, running in Leave Balt, at 2 A.M. arrive in Washington at 5 A.M C hm t,
Wra W Campbell, John F Butterwortb, JOHN BROU religious doclrinn taught, and the duties required by man'# coaaection with the Stonington, and Boston and __________ r f a A M U E L D O W S ES .
Providence Railroads: Leave Wash, at G A M. arrive in Fred’kaburg, at 11 A M.
W E R , President—Joseph W Savage, Sec’y. nature and constitution ; sectarianism accounted for, ant Leave Fred’kg at 11 A M. arrive in Rich. Va. at 3 | P M L E T T E R TO T H E Q U E E N OF ENGLAND, Touch-
Insurance taken at the lowest rates. exposed ; and the general tenor of the Bible doctrine,
sustained. Religien is a s much a science as mathamatict
Tbe MASSACHUSETTS, Captain Comstock,
RHODE ISLAND, “ Tb.’j e r , Leave Rich, at 4 P M. arrive in Petersburg , Va. 6 P M A ing the Sign* of the Time*, end the Political Destiny
Leave Peters’g at 01 P.M. arriv* ia Wei. N C. at l i P.M ol the W oild. By P. P. Pratt. Pabiished at Manchester,
HEAP Cloth Store—Nois & Morris have io store re NARRAOANSETT, “ Woolsev.
C ceived from auction aod tother sources, a large assort
It ia as much governed by fixed principles and immutabl. M OH EGAN,
ment of goodi suitable for gentlemen’s wear consisting in law*. Nor are these laws beyond the kea of man. The) laily, Sunday* excepted, from Battery Place, pier N o.l, Leave W i l , al 2 P.M. arrive in Charleston, S. C. at 8 A M.
Leave Weldon at 2 A.M. arrive in Wil., N.C. at 2 P.M England, For Sale at the Prophet Office.

part of,—Weat of England, French and American wool are written upon his nature. Phrenology unfolds that na N. River. ____________ g in *even PROSPECTUS
black, blue, brown, invisibte green, mixed cloths ture, and, therewith, the whole code ol doctrines depen ARRANGEMENTS. teen hour*, and Charleston, S C., in fifty-two hour* aftei
dent theieo*, and duties required thereby.
Wool black, blue add fancy cassiraeru in grest variety The MASSACHUSETTS, Capt. Comstock, or Mon- leaving Baltimore, iacluding all stoppages, and have th OF A
Satinets, ell colors PHRENOLOGY A P PL IED TO TEM PE RA N CE . lay*. Thursdays and Saturdays, at 5 o’clock, P. M. advantage of'avoiding any detention at Weldon, on tin
Scarlet and cadet mixed cloth ; buffcas*imere
lllack end blue beaver and pilot cloths A scientific exposition of lhe physiological effecu of al The RHODE ISLAND, Captain Thayer, on Taetdays, Roanoke, one of the most unhealthy places ia the southern
country, where passengers by the Bay Line, arriving at
coholic liquors upon the human constitution, and especial Thoirdays and Saturday?, at 5 o’clock, P. M.
Silk and tabby velvets ; giraffe cloths Passengers on the arrival of the steamer at Stonington, they always do, fourteen hoar* after ihe fast mail line ul TO B E E N T I T L E D
Velveteens; *ilk nnd Verona serges ly upon the animal propensities. It expounds some Phyt he samd day, are delayed ten hocta until that of the next
•eill be immediately forwarded in the splendid and com
Merinos and Cashmere vestings
Bro* n hollands, bindings and cords
tological laws of gieat inriinsic value, and applies them i«
temperance with tremendious effect. It hca been regard nodious Car* of the Railroads to Providencc and Boston. DAY LIGHT LINE, FOR RICHMOND & P E T E R S ­
ed by many aa the strongest temperance doeument pu The above steamer* have been fhoroughly equipped, and
Bombazine luMringe, goat’s hair camble'8 prepared to promote celerity of travel, and the comfort and BURG, VA.
Twilled flinnel), plaid linisgt, together with a com forth. The Board of Control of the Society for the Diffusion o
TIGHT-LACING ; Or, Evils of compressing the Organ ■ecuritjr of pas*enger», arid not surpareed by any in the Leave N.Y. at 5 P.M. arrive in Philadelphia at 11 P.M
pl*te assortment of trimmings for sale in quantities to United State*. L*ave Phila. at 0 j A.M. arrive in Baltimore at 2 P.M Truth, of the City of New York, being desirous of pro­
suit purchasers at the lowset market prices, at their of Animal Life. For p a m g e , or freight, which is Uken al very reducsd Leave Bali, at 4 P.M. arrive in Washington at C P M m u l g a t i n g ^ Gorpel o f Our Lord Jesus Christ in i u ful-
store No. 142 Chatham sireet, opposite the Chatham In Pre**, and *oon to be Published, a Work da
•atesj apply on board at north side of pier No. 1, No. 22 Leave Wa«h.;j aj-6 A M passing through Fredericksburg aew, and ameliorating the condition of fallen man, have
Theatre. PHYSIOLOGY, AN IM A L AND M E N IA L : Broadway, or office of Sami. Deveay, freight agent, on the and Rickmhnd, and arriving in Petersburg, to sup, pas­ thought it wisdom to establish a paper in this city, as an
Or, the effecu of different organizations and conditionr whaif. » sing from Philadelphia to Richmond and Petersburg,
IGHTNING RODS.—The public it respectfully in of the body upon the character and mental manifestations
Lprotection of buildings agaiftst lightning, can be obtained
TickeU for the route, and steamer’* berth?, can be *e-
formed, that Quimby’a Lightning Conductors for the including health—its conditions, and the mean* of pre rnred on board, or at the office of Harnden te Co. No. 3 Va. by day light.
Pasjenger* by this line have the advantage cf passing the
advocate and herald of the Faith o f th e Church of Christ of
Latter Day Saint*. A portion of which, at times, will be
serving and restoring it, without medicine, and alio diet Wall street. evening and night in Washington, and yet reach Charlea devoted to Agriculture, Commerce and Maaafacture*, as
on application to him, at his office 151 Fulton street. All regimens, habits, and their effecu oa mind, icc. The re
orders from the city or country, will be promptly attended ciprocal influences of various physiological organization Provideace ttJ* The steamboat IOLAS.i* now running daily betweenUtoii as early aa those leaving Baltimore at ,lhe n m e iime well aa to the Foreign and Dameitic News of the Day. It
a n.................“
.................... d ‘Newportby the Bay Line, these last being obliged to lie over at
to. The price is reduced in conformity with the times., . and manifestations npen the mind, is a department nevei will likewise, be the faithful ’advocate and defender
He believes lhat a single ordinary lightning rod is inad­ A steamer is now preparing for the accommodation ofthe Weldon untsl their arrival.
fatly preseated;and yet i u importance isva»tlyuadenated
equate, under certain circumstance*, to protect even small The Author hope* to pre*eot *ome principle* of Physiolo­ Newport travel, which will shortly make the connection QCJ- For further information and “ through tickets” ap­ of the Constitution of tbe United S ute*, whose glsry and
buildings. He was ted to this opinion on chrefully studying gy vitally importsnt, but usually overlooked. regularly between that plice and Stonington. ply at oar Southern Ticket Office adjoiniog th* Baltimore offulgence is known in evey clime, which was battled for
the laws and operations of the electric fluid, ia connection tnd Ohio Rail Road Office, Pratt «t., Baltimore.>
and won by our illustrious and patriotic ancestors."* T h e
with personally examining it*practical resulu, as e/hibited T H E PHRENOLOGICAL ALMANAC for 1840, 1S4I P STOCKTON ic FALL.
JL HOUSE, n o . 32 a u k s t r e e t , n . y Southern Traveller* taking “ Through Tickets, I r u and Sciences shall not be negleeted—Sketches, Nar-
in bouses, barns, churchej, A:c., that had been damaged by 1S42, 1913, and 1S44, (IS45 will soon be published,) con
taining m m y interesting and valuable facts amply illuitrat W ELLS Ic WEBB inform the . Printers of atop as long as they may desire at Washington, Richmond ives, Biographies, Moral Essays, and Poems, will alao
lightning, although furnighed with lightning rod?.
the United Slates, that in addition to the aad Petersburg, and resume their seats. find a place in the columa* of “ T H E P R O P H E T
To buildings not more than 25 feet long, he always af­ ed with cut?, including likenesses, and short biographies
fixes two rods ; to large buildings, a grater number. Th of dUtinguiahed men. T he reading matter of the old Al manufacture of Wood Type. Cases, Stand#, _mlS]_____________ H. J - R O G ERS. T icket Agent.
Furniture, Galleys, icc. icc., they have wmlst i u conductor* will endeavor to impart variety a n d
n im ber of rods necessary to insure protection, and theire manacj is as good a* it ever was, and worth many time» T RANSPORTATION FO R CHICAGO, LAKE E R IE life to i u columns.
proper position, depend Oa the siie and fwrra erf the building i u cost—25 cents per set. >pened a large Warehoose for the *ale of N E W AND
the localioa of the chiii^eys, SECOND HAND PRINTING M A TERIALS, and every LAKE ONTARIO, T e r « u . - » T H E P R O P H E T /' will be issoed Saturday
eys, the positi
position and height oil SUBSCRIBERS to the MAGNET can receive ths Via O .w ig o .
neighboring object^ A:c. A:. Buildings ” ‘‘ dilTerentlyE Work throuah our office. It is now will conducted by P irticle necessary tor a P w n t i n g O i t i c e . * rning the 18th instant, on an Imperial Sheet, at No. 7
situated and id very difTcreatly
" exposed ; and the rods requiregP. G oo d , 133 Fulton-Strcet. More about this Work eVe They have now on hatd, and censuntly receiving from T H E N E W YORK. UTICA AND OSWEGO LINE
OF LAKE BOATS will reoeive goods daily at middle Spruce Street, New-York, and will appear regnlar thereaf­
to vary in their application according to circumstances. "
where. Printers and Stereotyped, all kinds and sizes of type, used
oier Coenties slip, N*W York, for any porU on Lake ter. on that dsy, at One Dollar per annum, invariably in
T. JO N ES fc CO, 12 Pine and 15 Nassau at, are now E T Editor* who copy all or either of these advertise tor Newspaper, Book and Job Printing, as also all olbe; Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, or River St. Law advance.
S • offering the following very desirable goods in loU to
aait purchasers, viz —
tmentf, shall receive a copy of lhe Work or Works adver requisites for a Printing Establishment. T h e y aUo supply
tised—they sending a paper (marked) containing the n m e orders for new type, from every respecuble Foundry in the
No transhipment between New York and Oiwego. All Letters and Communications must be addressed
o the Am. Phreu, Journal Offic*. Union, at lhe lowest manufacturer's prices.
Cloth and cawimerep, of different styles and shades This line is composed of th* fiht c la n of L ik e boau, and (POST PAID) to T H E P R O P H E T , No. 7 Spruce Street,
Beavers and pilou, low priced to very superior Printers about establshing themselves in businen, or ia connected at Oswego with the New.York. G. T. LEA CH, Pres’t.
Vesting*—London styles who wish to renew their fonu of type, or exchange their C hic a go L ute o r S t e a m P r o p e l l e r *,
“ K N O W T H Y S E L F .” presses, or other materials for other sizes or kiods,will find By order of the Board.
S ilec iu —Caiban’a Fcrguscns’s aad several American with a Line of F o t e e n S ch o o k e r *, running to ports on May 7.1814.
m ak es ADMITTANCE F R E E it greatly to their advantage to call on them before purchas­ Lake E r ie ; and with the new and elegant ste am b o aU Lad)
1! riots—Low Philad and super Madders TO1 ing elsewhere, as they will always have on hind, nrost of ofthe Lake and Rochester, running on Lake Ontario and n a u v o o n e i g h b o r ;--------------- *
M de Laines aod Crape M ue Laines—new styleB F O W L E R S P H R E N O L O G I C A L C A B I N E T he lcadiog article*, second hand, answering nearly or the river S t. Lawrence. Is printed and published every Saturday, by John Tav
Merinos and Alpatca* ; Moicakine and Cords quite as well as new, aad at a saving of from 25 to 50 per Tliia also connected with a line of boau on the or. Editor and P roprie tor; at Nauvoo, Hancock c o m u l'
Velvet and velveteens ; red paddings—3*4 and 0-1 IN CLINTON HALL. No, 131 NASSAU ST R E E T . tent. Wabash Canal and Ohio Canal, forming an unbroken com Illinois. Term*—$2,00 f t Q o o iinvariably ;n advance.
a » r i > l i l > in cocnty,
E NTLEM EN AND LADIES, who may desire to be­
Kentucky jeane, of all ths different colors
Roll’d jaconetts and col’d cambrics come Gbetter acquainted with themselves,—their tru* of
natural, for natural, moral, and intelectua fiaeit quality ; alto colored Iok* of every description
on band
a rapply
munication from New York to Lafayette, Indiana, and from
New York to Portsmouth, Ohio.
Letter* muat be addreased lo the 'E ditor (John Tavlor*
post paid, to receive the attention. * '
Apron and furniture checks k ShipmenU by this line are insured to Oswego, and oc
Woolen shawls^oill sizes and qualities enjoyments or improvement, are respectfully informed W. ic W. are the Sole Agent* for the Northern, Middls 'he Wabash Canal only, except by special contract. T H E T IM E S A N D SEA SO N S,
Silk and cotton'pntfkrt Hdkfii—linen end imitation i L that a favorable opportunity is at all times freely given a and Western State* aed Canada, for the sale of KNEE-
the above cabinet. P ro priet ors a s d A g e n t s . I* printed and published about the 1st and I i th of
C Hdkfs— BlankeUi Chelnuford, Whitney Mill*, Rose, LAND’S PA TE N T CARD PRIN TIN G ENGINE, which BROSSON ic CROCKER, month, at Naavoo, Hancock county IU , by John T - J t « ;
Radical, Djffl’*, Bath and cradle—Qtiilti and counterpanes; Although Mr. Fowler himself will be absent from the Osw ego Edilor .n d Proprietor. T . r m w ^
we believe to be equal if not superior to any Machine Press DOOLITTLE. MILLS, ite CO.
city for a short time, every attention will be cheetfull)
cambrics of different widths—Jaconetts, do d o ; cambrick ret invented. We feel confident that a trial of the above F A R W E L L & HARRINGTON, U t ic a . m all case* in advance. Any perton procuring five new
and furnitare dimitye—Fancy check stripe snd plain mus­ rendered by agent Mr. S. R. W ELLS, whose publick Prees will give the most entire satisfaction. RO SSIT ER ic R H E P P E R D : T roy. sub^riber* and forwarding u* f e n D o U ^ ^ * ^ 7
double test examinations have accorded so perfectly wilh
lins—Petticoats, robes and skiru — English aad American They are al*o Agents for tho sale Koverman’s Enamell­ W. S. ROSSITER, 23 Coenlies Slip, N. Y. ‘hall receive one volume gratia All Letters must be^td!
long Cloth*. those of Mr. Fowler, that every confidence may b* repos­
ed in his proftssional ability as a delineator of character. ed and Pearl Surface Cards, which they will sell as low as W estern A gents.
attention? ’ P° K P*id’ or lhe* «ot receive
can be purchased in lhe city. P e a s e ic A l l e n , Cleveland, Ohio,
FIRST PRFM1UM. Subscription* far the American Phrenological Journal re
ceived, order* for BOOKS and BUSTS will be punctual) They still continue to manufacture, and are generdly C h a ’s H o w a r d Co. Toledo, 0 & Detroit, Mich. ( 0 - Subscriptions for the «• Times aad 8eaaons ” and the,
W h o le sa le and R e ta il St r a w H a t M a n u f a c t o r y , pplied with all aizes of their W o o d T y p e, of which the) T herow P a r d e e , Chicago, 111.
__ No Otf B o w e r t . attended to. - [ml8:c ’•Nauvoo Neighbor,” received at the Office o f the “ P r ^
»re the original manufacturers, and whichatill maintains its H u t c h i s s o n , W h e e l e r , 6c Co. Southport, W i s c ’n. phet," No 7 Spruce street, N*w-York.
T IIE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to announce to m lS:c]
T1ARMS FOR S A L E — Valuable Farma for ssle in th» reputation for superiority over all competitor* aud a itim p t
the laue* of New York that he has on band as
large an avortment or Straw Goods as ever has been offer­ } neighborhood of Ganeva, Batavia, Buffilo, Hamburgh,
Wales, icc., in ihii State. Likewise on Long Island.
td im ila io rt.
Publisher* of Newspaper* in lhe U. S and Canada, W IL S O N S R E A L E STA TE AND
ed in the city, computing a choice selection of N^ipolitan
Tuscan, and all kinds of Straw Hals. They will be aold for cash or a part bond and mort- giving the above tkret insertions by Ihe first of July next,
For the prirate and public sale, hiring, letting aud ex
M M II',? .'" !'.'.' iltV T . P.ric' >!»»»».
Braids of oil kinds for sale by the piece. gage, and some in exchange for unincumbered city pro tnd sending us one copy cf their ptper containing it will
be entitled to lhe payment of their bill* on purchasing font changing of bouses,storesfjarms, &c. For collecting rents,
Hats cleaned and altered. perty. Apply at No 30 P iue » t , back office, over the Bank and for taking the general ^ e n c y snd supervision of real
Coffee House. times ihe amount,
l»25:c] T H 0 3 . YOUNG. Mew-York, May 19, 1844, [rnlSic: estate. AUo for tbe superintendanee ot erecting and re lored, city made gaiters, #1 50 to*l 75 a pa’ir':’andn7from
pairiag of buildings. Persons having property lo sell, ex­ fashions for 1844, for gentlemen, ladies and chlldrendson.
T U RK M EN 'S INSUR ANCE COMPAN yT N o 47 \v7l| PIANO FO R TE S’ PIANO FORTES—J change or let, will fisd it to their advantage to apply at this thirty to forty per cent chesper than eVer. 179 Hall thn
J . st coiner of Hanover st, insure against loss or damage I ! £ l ^ f l l t O C K E T T begs to inform his friend* and the office. All property regi*tered ia ihis office, will, if re- corner of CanaL 8T EW A RT dc SAUL. --------
by fire at premiums reduced, commensurate to the increa­ public that he haa removed his Piano Forte Store to No W ATCHES—T H E LARGEST AND qa«red, be advertised, and if not sold at private Sale, it will
sed facilities lor lhe extinguishment of fires. •'M4 Broadway, between Spring ahd Prince su, where, a> ~ ^ L M o s t splendid asortmeat of watches in if dertred, be offered at public auction. He wi.l also attend

Niel Gray, Sec’y

JACOB DRAKE, President.
*U times, will be found a good assortment of new and *ec- S1¥i^ t h e city, is lo be found at lhe sabscri- to the effecting insurance, obtaining and loaning of money
iOad hand Piano forte*, at pricea ranging from twenty five berV, as he is constantly receiving sll descriptions of gold oa bond and mortgage. Individuals or companies, re­
|dollars upwards. Purchasers will find it lo their advant­ and silver watches of ike latest styles, from the manufac quiring an agent to take charge of their estate, may depend I V Graining, Stenul, and A rtiau Broshes. AU of lhe
A T H E CHEAPEST COFFIN WARE-ROOM IN THE age before purchasing elsewhere, to call aud examine for turersin Eogland, France, and Switzerland, he is enabled an having it faithfully and economically managed. Per *bove articles will be manufactured to order, aad st the
. WORLD. themselves. a II piano fortes sold by J R. will be warrant­ to offer a large assortment, and at mach less prices at re sons wishing to hire, parchase or exchange property, or in shortest notice, on the moat reasonable terms, at 118 Nas­
nB T . D* G ILLESPIE furnishes all articles required at ed to be a* represented.—N B Piano forte* tuned, repair­ tail, than any *ther house ia the city. Gold watches as vest _______
money, ^ can most w generally be accomodated. ______ Person* sau street, basement story. (je__j !Cj
5J funerals, and has privelege to inter in all the grave ed, exchanged, and told on commission. je—c low a* $20 to 25 each. Watch** and jewelry exebangedjjresiding at"a distsnce, desirous to sell or purchase real ee-
yards and cemeteries in the city or country, hi* charges or bought. All watchea warranted to keep good time, orHtate by sendisg a description of the property, will receive
will be very moderate and »tteadance punctual. No. 552
st. near Broadway.
OOK !c JOB Printing, neatly execnted on the mow thrm oney’ returned.
j> _ c, 1st.l i d floor) K
favorabl* urm a at the •• Prophet" office, No. 7 Sprece
Q. C. ALLEN, Importers of Watches and Jewelry,
||imraediate attentien. All letters most be post-paid and
[{addressed t* JO H N 0 . WILSON,
B TURER *f Fancy Hair, Cloth and Hst B n u h e a —also
Aiiotas Hair Broshes. The above articles b e has o a h i n d
Wholmle aod r«uil, 30 Wall at, up |t*irt.-je—c B .. je - c . No. 1 Na^tao sticei, N. Y. Ifittalo tv lhe low est prices, 118 Numq st. U 4~l><w*
- - I t U T U , j i w h .i i ,, u i i H t u y , P O L I T I C . I I , , .1 \ f l SC IB A T I
P I C .
8 . B I U N I I A lf de CO. P U B . S o re ly t h e t o r d G o d w i l l d o n o t h i n g , b n t h e r e v c a l e tl i h is s e c r e t u n t o h is
servants thc ProphcU—Amov 3; 7.
‘WOT. S M IT H , E D .
v o l . i .-^n o . xn. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3, 1814.
‘T H B P R O P n B T cannot contain them, but ru ns ov er: and because C h a p te r I U . . 4 F ro m this time forth you never «hull ascend
I S P U B L IS H E D E V E R r S A T U R D A Y BY the S p irit being tender cannot ta rry with the evi T h en Pilate, filled with anger, went out o f the into heaven, Ho has said th a t he will bind you over taown if you had; not believed lhat vou
one, it departs nnd dwells with him th a t is meek hall, and said to tho Jews, 1 call the whole world on the earth as long as tho world^remains. would reap? Would you havo ever planted if
* ■« _ S. B R A N N A N 6c CO.
16 W h e n therefore it is departed from tho man
A t th e L atter Day Saint Book Depository, No 7 Spruce to witness that I find no fault in th a t man. 5 B u t before these things'iyou shall see the you Would
* not believed that ^you v would
“ la lV | gather?
VOU hnVA'AVlt* flair All .. ..1^.. ___ i___I <
COVU V 4 g
S t i t t t / N e W York, at one dollar per {annum in advnncc in whom it d w e lt; that man becomes destitue of 2 T h e . Jew s'replied to Pilate, I f he had not dostrucfion o f y ou r beloved sons, you shall not ould you have ever asked unless you had be­
Eleven copicfl to one address for Ton dollar*. Adverti*- the H o ly Spirit, and is afterw ards filled with been a wicked person, we had not b rought him enjoy them, but they shall fall before you by the lieved that yourtvould receive ? Woula you have
ing 50 ct*. per *iuart> o f« x line* for one insertion, mid 25 wicked spirits, and is blinded with evil th o ught?, before thee. sword. ever sought unless you had believed that it
y i eta. for every aubsequent insertion. T h u s doth it happen to all an g ry men. MC5>
^ ( j A ' u . L m w i x»o . CoMMamcA-nows m u « t » r An- 3 Pilato^said to them, Do ye take him, and try G A nd yo shall not petition for them, nor for would havo been opened In a word,
there »nv #i.». ____ J___ u *
. D*K8sxfl"to THE PR O PH E T , P o s t P a jd . 17 W herefore dep art thou from anger, a n a r ra t him by j^pur law; yourselves.
Foil. Masters are auihoriz-.d by the Po«t Office dr on equanim ity, and resist w ra th ; so shalt thou 4 T h en the Jews said, It is not lawful for us lo
p tr ta e n t, to forward, free of expense, all ordera for, or to be found with modesty and chastity b v God. 7® wecP an<* supplicate in silence.
p u t any m an to death. T ho words o f tho book which 1 wrote,
dixoatiaue publication*, and alao money to pay for tbe T ak e good heed, therefore, t h a t ‘thou neglect not
aame. 5 P ilate said to the Jews, T h e command, there­ 8 A visidn ihat appeared to m o ;
Sabacrifeera* names, with the State t a d Post Office, thould this com m andm ent * fore, T htju shalt not kill, belongs to you, b u t not .9 Behold, in th at vision, clouds and a mist in ­ *iaV° ^ 0U’ or w^ al ao y ou
b r diVinctiy given when monev.ia forwarded, to avoid mis- 18 F o r if .thou shalt obey this command, then to me. <?' v ited mo on, agitated stars and rays o f light inci faith ? y v Te j”01 obtai,.lc^ by «o*on of your
rakcs, ta there arc often aererai towna of tbe tame aame, or shalt thou also be able to observe the other com G A nd he went again into the hall, and called ted ana pressed me forwards, while wiuds i * ou* jood, your raiment, y o u r lod-------
severafPoit OfHcea in the tam e township. arc they not all by
' Tosimastara aad Traveling Eldera are requested to act a*
mandmenta which I shall command thee. Jesus by himself, and said to him. A rt th o u the the vision, assisted m y flight hastening my goin i V 0,1 ,u) reason
rcason ofoi your fa ith ? Reflect
your faith? ”
19 W herefore strengthen th y se lf now in these king of the Jew s? on* and ask yourselves, if these things aro n ot w .
commands, th at thou mayest live unto God. And 7 A nd Jesus answering, said to Pilate, Dost i f f r!l»y ° Ur tho“ Kh u ,o n your own mind, and see
10 T h e y raised me to tho height, o f heaven,
whosoever shall observe these commandments
THE APO.CRYPIIAL shall live unto God. h *
tliou speak this o f thyself, or did thc Jews tell it went forward until I came to a wall built wit.
thee concerning me %
n “' ;,;.5 ,10t, , rc r vm S <*>■»> " f a l l .c tio n in
stones o f chrystal, a moving flame surrounded it ) ourself and if the moving cause in you. ia i t
N EW T E ST A M E N T . . not in all other intelligent beings i
T h e G o sp el o f ftic o d c m a iM fo ru ic rly c a l l ­ ' ^ 8 Pilate answering, said to Jesus, A m I a Jew? w hich began,to make me afraid, 12 A nd as faith is tho moving cause of all ac-
e d T h e Actn o f P o n tiu * P il u l e . I h e whole'nation nnd rulers of the Jews have de­ 1 1 1 entered into th i 3 moving flame.
T H E S H E P H E R D OF HERMAS. tion m temporal concerns, so is it in spiritual: for
[Although this Gospel is, by some amoog the learned, *up livered thee up to inc. W h a t hast thou done? -i\nd I came near to an extensive residence,
Thia book, ia thus entitled, becanse it waa compoied bj oafd to have been really written by Nicodemu*. whi 8 Jesus an sw e rin g said, My Kingdom is not of which also was built with stones of crystal, for its the Saviour has said, and th at truly, that he th a t
Hermas, brother to Pius, bishop of Rome: and because
the angel, who bear* ihc principle part io it, ib repre­
ccarae a dcsciple of Jetna Christ, and conversed with thi* world: if my kingdom were of this world, walls as well as its floor were stones of crystal, ant believeth and is baptked, shall be saved. M ark
him, othrrs conjecture that it waa a forgeiy, totrardi 10: Io.
sented,, ia the form and hibit of a ehepherd. In jure the close of the •h*rd century, by some zralous believer then would my servants fight, and I should not the ground also was crystal, its roof had the np 13 A s wo receive by faith, all temporal bless*
who, observing that there bad been appeala made by the have been delivered to tne Jew s; but now my pearance o f stars violently agitated, and flashe.s ings that we do receive, so \ve, in like manner, re­
quotes it under the very name of Scrrp.mre; Origeoi Christiana of thc i< r n c r age to the Act* of Pilate,' ba kingdom is not from hence. o f lightning, and among them were cherubim of
thought it a m o it useful writing.Sand that it waa diviod) that such acts could not Ut produced, imagined it woulc lU Pilato said, A rt thou u k in g th en ? Jesus firo, and th eir heaven was water. A flame burn ceive by faith, all spiritual blessings, th a t we do
inspired; Eusebius say/, that ihou*hjl.wM not e.teein- be ol feivicc to Chritliaiiity to fabricate and publirh *hi- tnswere I, T h o u saycst that 1 am a k in g : to this receive. B u t faith is not only tho principle o f
t l o / p r l ; as it would both confirm the Christiana undei
ed round its wall, and its portal flamed with fire
ed canonical, it was read publicly in the churches, which end was I born, and for this end came 1 into the action, b ut of power, also, in nil intelligent beings,
persecution, ond'convince ih» bealhena of the truth ol W hen I entered into this dwelling, it was hot as
ia carroborated by Jerome; and Athanasius cites it, call*
the Christian religion. T hc Rev. Jeremiah Jonta says, world ; and for this purpose I came, that I shou fire and cold as ice. N o trace of life or jo y wos whether in heaven, or on^earth. T h u s says the
it a moat useful work, aad observe.*, that though it that *uch ptoos frauds were very common among Chris­ aaar witness to the t r u t h ; aud every one who is thero ; fear overcame me and a trembling seized author o f th e epistle to tho" Hebrews, 11:3:
»> Dot strictly canonical, the Father* appointed it to bt tians even in the first three centuries; and tbat u forger) ol the truth , heareth my voice. •’* me. I l Through faith wo understand th a t tho
read for direction and confirmation in faith aud piety.— of this nnturey with the view above mentioned, *rcin» worlds were Iramed by the word o f G o d : so th a t
natural and probable Thc siim* author, in noticing 11 Pilate saith to him, Whwt is tru th ? 13 Violently agjtated and trembling, I fell on
Jerome, notwithstanding thia and lhat he applauded ii 12 Jesus said, T ru th isjfrom heaven. my facc. In the vision I saw, things which are seen were not mado o f thing*
that Eusebius, in hia Kccl»siaslical History, charges th' which do appear.
in his catalogue of writer#, in hia ci-mmcnl* upon it after* psgana with htving forced aad published a book, calleC Li Pilate said, Therefore truth is not on enrtb
> wards, terms it apocryphal and foolish. Tertullian “ The Acta of Pilate,” takes occasion to ob*rrve, tha> 14 A nd behold thero was another far more ox-
15 B y this we understand th a t the principle o f
14 Jesus saith to Pilate, Believe th at truth is tensivo habitation, to which every entrance bofore
ptaiaed it when a Catholic, and abased it when a Mon the internal evidence of this tloeprl shows that it wa» power, which existed in the bosom o f God," b y
n i t lhe work of any heathen ; but that if in the Ntter on earth among those who, wheu they, have the mo was open, and established in a moving flame?
taaist. Although Gclasios'ranks it among the a peer)- which the worlds were framed, was f a i t h ; an d
cod of the third century we find it io use among Chris­ power ot judjrnien, aro governed by tru th anc 15 So creat was tho appearancn in every res­
phal booka, it is found attached to some of tbe most an­ tians (and it waa certainly then read in some churchea,) form right judgm ent.
that it is by reason of this principle ofpow er ex­
pect, in glory, iii mogniticcnce, and in m agnitude,
cient M33. of the N rw Testament; and Archbishop and about th* same time lind a lorgery ol tnc ticniurur isting in tho Deity, th at all created things exist
th a t it is impossible to describe to you either its
W ake, believing it tbe genuine work of an apostolic F a ­ under lhe aime title, it Exceeding probable, that T h e —so that all things in heaven, on earth, or under
soma Christiana, at that lime, thould publirh auch t
magnificence or extent.
ther, preserves it to the English reader by the following the earth, exist by reason o f faith, as it existed in
piece as this, in order partly to confront ihe spuriou- 11 O O K O V E N O C I I - 1G Its floor was all on firo, above were lighten* h im . >
translation, in which he has rendered the booka notonlj one of the pagaoa, and partly lo support those appeal/ ings and agitated stars, whilo its roof displayed a
which had been made by former Christians to ihe Act*
C h a p t e r V. 1G H ad it not been for the principle o f faith
more exact, but io greater purity than thjy had before flaming fire.
appeared. The archbishop procured Dr. Grabe to en of P ilate ; and Mr. J.mea says, he thinks so the more I Before all these things Eno:hJtvas concealed the worlds would never have been framed, neither
particularly, as we have innumerable instanceaof forgeries
17 1 beheld it attentively, and saw th a t i t con­
tirely collate the old L itin Version with aa ancient Mi?, ) U t none ofthe sons of men knew where he was tained on e.’evated th r o n e ; would man have been formed of the d ust— it is tho
by the faithful in lhe primitive ages, grounded on lea» principla by which Jehovah works, and through
inthe L»mbeth \»braiy; aod tbe learned prelate hirasell plausible reasons W hether it be canonical or not, it t* concealed, where he had been and what'hud been 18 T h e appearanco of which was like th a t of
atill farther improved the whole from a multitude -ol of very great antiquity, and is appealed to by tevrral ol done. * which ho exercises power^ovcr all temporal, as
ajpphire, tvhile its circumference was like i h : r rb
fragments of the originol Greek, never before used fai tbe ancient Christiana. The prr*eat translation is mad» ^ 2 H e was entirely employed with tho holy ones of the rad ia n t sun, and thoro was tho voice of iho well as eternal things, l a k e this principle or a t­
from the Go»pfl publUhed by G ryn^ui iu ihe Orthodox- tribute, ffor it is an attribute) from the D eity and
that purpose. ographia, vt»l i. tom. ii. p. 013 ] and with the watchers in his dayf. cherubim.
3 I, E noch, praised thc great’ I>ord and K ing io would cease to exist.
The Second Book of llermas, called his C h a p te r I I . 19 F rom beneath this m ig h ty throne flowed
of peace. rivers of flaming fire. " 17 W ho cannot see, th a t i f God fram ed tho
1 Commands. 1 Now when P ilate saw this, he was afraid| and . 4 A nd behold tho watcher? called mo E noch 20 T o look u pon it was impossible, worlds by faith, th a t it is by faith th a t he exer­
was about to riso from his seat.' r f tho scribe. 21 One gr$ai in g lory sat thefe*6nf cises power over them, and th a t faith is tho-prin-
C o m m a n d V. 2 B u t whilo ho th o ug ht to rise, his own wife, ciple of power ? A nd th a t i f the principle o f
Bo^patient, say s lie, and long-suffering; so shah who stood at a distance, sent to him saying, H ave 5 T h en tho Lord said to me, Enoch, scribe o 22 W hose robe was brighter than tho sun, and
righteousness, go, nnd declare to thc w atchets of w hiter th a n snow: Dower, it m ust be so in man as well as ih tho Dei-
• thou„havc dominion over all wicked works, and thou nothing to do with that ju s t m a n ; for I have y ? T h is is the testimony of all the sacred wri-
shalt lultil all righteousness. heaven, who have forsaken tho exalted heaven 23 No angel was able to press forward to view
sufficed much concerning him in a vision this and their everlasting mansion, and havo defilet thc face o f Him, the Glorious, and tho Effulgent, ters, and the lesson which they have been endeav­
2 F o r if thou shalt be patient, the Holy Spirit night. oring to teach to man.
themselves w ith w o m en ; nor could any mortal behold H im ; a fire was
which dwelleth in thee shall be pure, and not be 3 W hen the Jews heard this, they said to P i­ 18 T ho Savior says, M att. 17, 19, 20— in ex­
0 A nd have done actions like thc sons o f men flaming around Him.
darkened by any evil spirit; But being full of jo y late, Did we not say unto thee, He is a conjurer? plaining the teason why tho disciples could not
'shall be enlarged, and least in the body in which Behold he hath caused th y wife to dream. by taking to themselves wives, and they have 21 Also a fire of great compass continued to
been grcntly polluted^on the earth; rise up before him, so th at none of those who cast out the devil, th a t it w as because^of their u n ­
it dwells, and serve the Lord with jo y, and in I Pilate then, calling Jesus, said H ast thou belief: ‘ F o r verily I say unto you,” said he, ‘ i f
great peace. 7 T h a t on the earth they never shall obtain stood around him came near him, among tho m y ­
heard what they testify ngainst thee, and makest peace and forgiveness o f sin, for they shall not re riads of myriads who wero beforo him. T o him 7e havo faith as a grain o f m ustard seed, ye shall
3 B u t if an y anger shall overtake thee, pre­ no answer?
joici^ in their offspring, they shall see tho slaugh« holy considtation was unnecessary, yet thc sanc­ ay unid this mountain, Remove hence to yonder
sently the Holy S pirit which is in thee, will be 5 Jesus replied, I f they had not a power of ter o f their beloved, they shall lament over the do tified, whoSvere near him, departed nut far from place! and it shall remove : and n othing shall l*»
straitened, and seek to depart from thee. ■ speaking, they could not have spoke ; b u t because struction of their sons, nnd shall solicit forever, him ; I also was so far gone forward with a veil impossible unto you.
4 For he isxh o ked by the evil sp irit; and has every one has tho cojnmand of his own tongue, 19 Moroni, wmle abridging and compiling tho
but they shall not obtain mercy nnd peace. jeforc m y fnce nnd trem bling; T hen the Lord
not the liberty o f serving the Lord as he w ould; to speak both good and bnd, lot them look to it. records of his fathers, has given us the following
for he is grieved by anger. W hen therefore both 8 T h en I E noch went on further, and said to with his mouth called me, and said, Come near
G B u t the elders o f the Jews answered, and Azaziel, T h o u shall not obtain peace, for a great Either, Enoch, ot m y holy word. account of faith as thc principle of p o w e r: Ho
these spirits dwell together, it is destructive to a said to Jesus, W h a t shall we look to ? soys, page 5G3, that it was the faith of Alma and
mnn. jp sentence is gone forth against thee, He will bine 25 A nd ho raised me up, and caused mo to come
7 In the first place, wo know this concerning thee.
5 As i f one should take a little wormwood, and thee, that thou wast born through fo rn icatio n;
» near oven to the entrance. My eye was directed A m ulek which caused the walls of the prison to
9 N eith er shall ease, mercy, and intercession to the ground. be rent, as recorded on the 2G lth p age; th a t it
p ut it into a vessel o f honey, the whole hon?y secondly, th a t upon the account ot thy birth, tho was the faith o f N ephi and L ehi which caused
would b e^ p b iled ; nnd a great q uantity o f honey infants wero slain in B ethlehem ; thirdly, that bo thine, by reason of the oppression which thou a change to be w rought upon tho hearts of the.
is corrupted by a v ery little wormwood, and losea th y father and mother M nry fled into E g y p t, be­ hast tau gh t.
the sweetness of honey, and is no longer accepts* cause they could not tru st their own people. 10 A nd by reason of ovcry net o f blasphemy,
tyranny, and sin, which thou hast disclosed to the
MORMONISM. Lainamtcs, when they were immersed with tho
Holy Spirit, and with fire, as seen on tho 4 2 lst
cle to its Lord', because the whole honey is made 8 Some of the Jews who stood by, spake more children of men. Lectures on Theology. pa go, th a t it was by faith thnt the m ountain Z erin
bitter, and loses its use. favorably; W e cannot say th at he was born FROM T1IK BOOK OF D O C T R I N E & , C O V E N A N T S . ) was removed, when the brother o f Jared spake iu
6 B u t if no worn^wood be p u t into the honey through fornication; but we know th a t his mo­ I I T hen I went away and spake to them all
gathered together. Faith. tho name o f the Lord. See also 5G5th page. .
it is sweet and profitable to its Lord. T h u s i: ther M a ry was betrothed to Joseph, and so he 28 In addition to this we are told in Hebrews,
forbearance sweetei tmro honey, and profitable to iwas not born through fornication; 12 A nd they were all affrighted, and trembled. S e c tio n I.
13 T heytbesought me to prepare for them a 1 F a ith being the first principle in revealed II: 32, 33, 34, 35, th a t Gideon, B arak, Samson,
the Lord who dwellathTin it. . 1 9 T h en said Pilate to the Jows who affirmed petition, that they m ight obtain forgiveness, and Jephthah, ^ David, Samuel, and the prophets,
7 B u t anger is ujjjtroStable. I f therefore an him to he born through fornication, T h is your religion, and the foundation of all righteousness,
th a t 1 would convey the petition of their prayer necessarily claims the first place in a course of through faith subdued kingdoms, w rought rig h t­
er shall be mixed wijjiVgrbenrance, tho soul in ac co u n t is not true, seeing there was a betroth-
f Stressed, and its p ray er is not profitable with mcnt, as they testify who are of your own n a ­
before the God of heaven, because they were not sctures which are designed to unfold to the u n ­ eousness, obtained promises, stopped the m ouths
able themselves from that time to turn to him, or derstanding the doctrine o f Jesus Christ. of lions, quenched tho violence offire, escaped tho
God. 1 tion. edge of tho sword, o u t of weakness were made
to lift up their eyes unto heaven, by reason o fth e 2 In presenting the subject o f faith, we shall
8 A nd I said unto him, Sir, I would know the 10 A nnas and Caiphns spake to Pilate, All ignominious crime for which they had been observe the following order: strong, waxed voliant in fight, turned to flight tho
sinfulness o f anger, th a t I may keep myself from this multitude ot people is to be regarded, who armies o f the a lie n s; and th a t women received
judged. 3 F irst, F aith itself— what it is:
it. A nd h* said u q to jin e , T h o u sh alt know it, cry out th a t he was born through fornication, and
and if thou sh alt n d fk e e p thy self from it. thou is a conjurer; but they who deny him to be born
14 T h en I wrote a petition of their prayer and 4 Secondly. T he #’jject on which it rests; and their dead raised to life again, &c. &c.
supplication for their souls, concerning all that 5 T h ird ly . T ho effects which flow from it. 21 Also, Joshua, in the sight o f Israel, bade
■h a lt lose th y hope w ith all th y house. W here through fornication, ard his proselytes and dis­ the sun and moon to stand still, ond it waa done.
they had done, and for tho object o f their entrea­ G Agreeably to this order we havo first to show
fore depart from it. ciples. Josh. 10: 12.
ty, th a t they might obtain forgiveness and rest. what faith i~.
9 F o r 1 the messenger of righteousness am II Pilate replied to A nnas and Caiphas, W ho 22 W e here understand, th a t the sacred writers
15 G oing further, I passed over tho waters of 7 i ho autho r of the epistle to the Hebrews, in
with thee: and all th a t d ep art from it, as many aro tho proselytes? T h e y answered, T hoy are Danbadan, which is on tho right sido of the west
the eleventh chapter of .th at epistle, and first say, th a t all these things wero done by faith-—
as shall repent with all th eir hearts, shall live u n ­ those who are the children o f pagans, and are not
of Armon, and read thc memorial of their petition verse, gives the following definition o f tho word It waa bv faith th a t the worlds wero framed—
to G o d ; and Ljwilf be with them, and will keep become Jews, but followers o f him. until I fell asleep. f a it h : G od spake, chaos heard, and worfdscame into or*
jth em all. 12 T h en replied Eleazer, and Asterius. and 10 A nd behold a dream came to me, and visions 8 N ow faith is the substance fassurancej of der, by reason ot the faith, there was in iiim . S o
10 F o r all such as havo ropented, have been Antouius. and James, Caras und Samuel, Ifcaae appeared above me, I fell down, and saw a vision
lings hoped for, tho evidence o f things not seen. with man also— he spake b)r faith in the name o f
justified, by the most holy messenger, who is a and Phineas, Crispus and Agrippa, A nnas and o f punishment, that I m ight describe it to tho sons
9 F rom this we learn, that faith is tho assur­ God, aud the sun stood still, tho moon obeyed,
a in is te r o f salvation. * Judas, n o are not proselytes, Dut children of o f heaven, and reprove them. *%When I awoke, I
ance which men have of the existence o f things m ountains removed, prisons fell, lions’ mouth*
11 A nd now, s a y jjh e , hear the wickedness of Jews, and speak the truth, and were present when wont to them, they ull stood weeping together in
which they havo not s e e n ; and tho principle of were closed, the hum an henrt lost its enmity, firo
a u g e r : how evil fend hu rtfu l it is, and how it M ary was betrothed. Oubelseyael, which is between Libanus aud Sen$- action in all intelligent beings. its violence, armies their power, tha sword its ter*
overthrows the servants o f G o d : for it cannot 13 T h en Pilate, addressing himself to thc zer, with their faces veiled.
10 I f men wero duly to consider themselves, ror, ond death its dom inions; and all this by tea-
h u rt those th a t are full of faith{ becauso the twelve men who spake, this, said to them, I con­ 17 I related in their presence all thc visions and tu rn their thoughts and reflections to the son of the faith which wos in them.
tpower of God is with th e m ; but it pverthrows ju r e you by the life of C asar, that ye faithfully which 1 had seen, aud my dream ; 23 H ad it not been for tho faith which was in
the doubtful, and those th a t are destitute of faith. declare whether ho was born through fornication operations o f their own minds, they would readily
18 And begun to declare theso words o f righ t­ discover th a t it is faith, and faith only, which is maiijvthey might have spoken to the sun, the
12 F o r as often as it sees such men, it casts i t ­ and those things be true which ye havo related!
eousness, and also to reprove the watchers of the moving causo o f all action, in th e m ; th a t moon, the mountains, prisons, lions, tho hum an
self into their hearts: and so a man or woman is 11 T h e y answered Pilate, W e have a law heaven.
in bitterness for n o th in g : for the things of life; w hereby we aro forbid to swear, it being a sin * w iihout it, both mind and body would be in a heart, fire, armies, the sword, or to death in
ra in !
or for sustenance; or for a vain w o t 3, if ahy let them swear by the life of C x sar that it is not as C h a p t e r V I. state of inactivity, and all th eir exertions would
24 Faith, then, is the first great governing
should chance to fall i n ; or by reason of any wo have said, and we will be contented to be put cease, both physical and mental.
1 T his is the book of tho words o f righteous­ 11 W ere this class to go back and reflect upon principle which has power, dominion, and anthori-
friend ; or for a debt, or for an y other superfluous to death. j ness, and o f th e reproof of tho watchers who be­ tho history of their lives, from tho period of their
things o f the like, nature. 15 T h e n said A nnas and Caiphas to Pilate long to the world, in consequence of th a t which ty Z vu I F : h y k th ey exist’ by il th« y ar*
upheld, by it they aro changcd, or by it they re*
13 F o r these thing aro foolish, and superfluous, Those twelve men will not believe that we know He, who is G reat and Holy, commanded in the first recollection, and ask themsolves, what prin­ mam, ogreeably to the will of God. W ith o u t it,
and vaio to tho servants o f God. B u t equani him to be basely born, and to bc a conjurer, al­ vision. 1 understood in my dream, th a t 1 now ciple excited them to action, or w hat gave them there is no power, and w ithout power there could
m ity is strong, and forcible, and o f great power, though he pretends that he is th e 'S o n of God spako with a tongue o f flesh, and with my breath, energy and activity, in all their lawful avocations, be no creation nor existence I
and sitteth in great enlargem ent; is cheerful, re­ and a k in g ; which wo aro so fur from believing! which thc A lm ighty has put in the mouth of men, callings and pursuits, what would be tho answer?
joicing in p eace; and glorifying God at all times th a t we tremble to hear. W ould it not be th a t it was the assurance which
that with it they speak, we had of tho existence o f things which wo had'
Truth may languish, but can never perish.
with meekness. 16 T h en Pilate commanded every ono to go 2 And understand with the h e a r t As Ho haa hot scon, as yet ? W as it not the hope which you Sneer not at that you cannot rival.
14 A nd this long-suffering dwells w ith thoso out except the twelvo men who said he was not created and given to men to understand th e ’words
that are full o f faith. B u t anger is foolish, and !)Orn through fornication, and Jesus to withdraw of wisdom, so H e has created and given to mo to had, in consequence o f your belief in tho existence _ N o thing sooner leads to de.pT ndlncy th an h o p .
light, and empty. N ow bitterness is bred through to a distance, aud said to them, W h y have tho renrovo the watchers, the offspring of heaven.— o fu n se e n things, which stimulated you to action improperly mdulged. T o b, lhr01In fr0,n |#W(£
folly ; by bitterness, ang«T; by anger, fury. And Jows a mind to kill Jesus ? and exertion, in order to obmin them 7 A m you ing e x p e d itio n ., nnd to find o J ’T , " l n ' V . ' ' ” '
I have written y ou r petition, and in my vision it
this fury arising from so many evil principles, 17 T h ey answered him, T h ey are an gry be­ has been shewn to me, th at what you desire will not dependnnt on your fmtb, or belief, for tho nc- where u e promised o u rjtlv c i nndanhi ? '
worketh a great and uncurablo sin. cause he w rought curcs on tho sabbath dav. P i ­ not be given you, as long ns the world ^remains. quisition o f oil knowledge, wisdom nnd int.lli- i , like I . . 4 c„ ,t H
15 For when all theso things aro in tho same late said, Will they kill him for a g o o a w o rk ! gene«? W ould y o u exert y o u n e lv e , to obtain ltie, . r ^ . n " ™ - ' - ?P •* P ^ c j p .r e : our
3 Judgement has been passed upon you. no.
maa io which tho Holy Spirit dwells; the vesso IThey say unto him, Yes, sir. thing will be er»*"* ’
L e c t n r c s o n T h e o lo g y * *. frora,£l«l*« brethren” base tlowcd upon you witb the ra­ feelings and blessings since he had b « a a mam* m ind thc blessings o f Jesus. W isdom i*
THE PROPHET. W e have often been asked why we were afraid of lot­
pidity and power of a torrent. And supported by th ;
power of truth, you have been cnsbled to bear tip an ’
ber o f tho church o f Jesus C h r is t ^
ting the world tee the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, combat with them all: you have borne ^ t i e a t l y y o u
Conference adjourned for one hour. ^W hen
and have invariably answered jhat ao far from itSaT being a u c tio n s , and j o u r conduct has been universally good pursuent to adjournm ent, it opened b y singing, phecy^aro sought
Bnt your persecutions are not to end here: there is atili and prayer by B rother W . P ra tt. f‘ ; persecution rages and the fiery ,trial o f faith «n»
the fact, if w« bad means we would publisii an edition for
another trial-m ore severe than'them all—yonr decres* O n motion Resolved, T h a t the E ld e rs bo ap­ *^es, J> y the wisdom o f m t n being u ttered b y n
«* gratuitous distribution," feeling convinced in our own friends and leaders must be offered up on the shrine of rWi- pointed to labour as f o l l o w * J o s h u a S. H olm an thousand tongues, cry in g down the tr u th b y th e
miad, that it would lend greatly to the advancement of g io m prejudice. Yes; men tbat h*ve beeo ever ready ls>
and Rowlin Cobb, be appointed to labour in Cha- nick nam eYo f delusion. T h is p rov ing ab o itire ,
the knowledge of the living God—but aa it is with us, as stand between you and death. Men whom you lave as
yonr wives and iiule ones. Men who have ever been wil tauque c o u n ty : - M. Haslcins to travel and preach the e n e m y stirs u p th e children of-disobedience,
it has always been with the authorized servants of God, not
jing to sacrifice life, character, and every thing sacred ani as circumstances m a y ^ p e e m it; C. H olbrook to and prison’s b‘ aire d w ith bolts o f iron menace t h s
being of the world, or else the world would love us, and dear to man, for your salvstion. These men must b» the South p art o f W y o m in g ; M. Benson to preach faith o f Saints^ I n this situation A ngels m ake
five us means, therefore we are obliged to do the best we murdered in cold blood, although they have freely givu
as the spirit m ay direct; James H . V an N atta their appearance^ and encourage them w ith th e
can—and as this medium of communication, the Prophet themselves up into the hands of their sworn ecemier
And though in my official capacity as Governor, I ha»« to jo in B roth er K eyser in Oswego; Sam uel S. embassies o f Heaven, and to th e am azem ent o f
is alike such to the Geaiile ard Saint. W c therefore de.
pledged them the protection of this state, yet they must b> Bills to Castile, W y om in g c o u n ty ; W ilso n B erry carnal man, th e prison is unable .to co ntain i U ,
«ign publishing a poition of the Lectures on Theology in murdered. I am aware Joseph Smith U«* been'upward* to labour in G rang er a n a v ic in ity ; A lva W e s t inmates. A gain filled With tho sp irit of T r a tb ,
each number of our paper, from the Bosk of Doctrine and of forty times arraigned, before the Bar of Justice of hi. th e rO e ad ^ h ea r theiaervimts ofr.Christ- a n d v thoy
country, and been tried by the lawa of the land, by judge and F rancis A. Brown: appointed to lab ou r in
Covenants, and would say they tm analc from the very hear the voice and live again. T h e fire h as n o t
and jurors who have been his religious enemies; aud th* Allegany county, while they r e m a in ; (John Spi­
highest authority ia the Church, and therefore can be re­ wer to consume tHem, th eir bodies surrounded
he bas aa often come out uuicathed. And as we havr cer, C hauncy W est, A aro n W est, and Charles
lied on as the •• Principles of Mormonism,” anything to fully proved ihst be it a law-abidins man ; and hat doa> _>y th a t sp irit which is as a consum ing fir®-—th e
Basset, Priests) to labour in tho region o f their
the contrary notwithstanding. nothing that the Imw chn reach *• powder and b d l can”— implements op m an’s warfare • fcease'to destroy—
and he must die. And even now, while I, Thomas Ford,
residences; D avid Card, Joseph F rance, Israel
your Goverdor, am addrewiog you, (Yes you, througb Clark and Orson Beach, E iders, to labour in their an a even the terro r o f t h a b ru te creation, ^the
A Church meeting was held at 1S3 Canal street, New
whose votes and interest, I waa placed in my present ex own neighborhoods. T h e E ld ers o f the P la tts ­ monarch o f the forest has n o t power to raisa h is
York—was addressed by Elders Gesrge T. Leach, J. A. *lted situation,) my troop*, my confedrate* are doin* tb»
lu r u HAKC TXTXXU JBOiriCJLBO. burgh branch are requisted to labour diligently paw in anger to smite*the se rv a n t o f God.
Stratton, and C. ,W. Wandelfc deed. Yau, sa a people, have already borne persecution for the tru th wherever d u ty calls. E ld e r W rig h t B u t all things are subject to th a t power, which
SATURDAY MOBNIIVG, AUGUST 3, 1844. T h t following resolution was passed unaaimoutly, where­ until endurance ceases to be a virtue i but notwithstanding
to labour in T om pkins c o \in ty : B ro th er W m . it is the d u ty and tho elevated in terest of. all
as certain manifestations proves that an evil spirit has all this, note if you wish lo a(en»ure yoar q u i d , you mus
• «\ behave better than others of my constituents wotild be call M. More lo travel ai d preach as he shall see f it— m ankind to know and understand and to o b tain ,
M o a M o m m t—what ia i\ Tv-Often is this question pro operated in the minds of some, to tho detriment of the^ in­ ed on to do. I aay Governor Ford might have added^ ihi» B rother Lewis W ig h t to labour where opportuni­ I will show *you reader, a straig h t ..and n a r ­
pounded to us by tho^w ho-huve never taken ihe pain* to fluence of the high authorities of the Chujch^and whereas? to bis sddress—but what did he add Hear, ye Ciliren» ties presented ; B roth er Amos W h ite be recom­ row road, laid out by the S aviou r for all who have
*' search all things, a n ip ro v e all things,” bat, say they, a proper respect is not paid, therefore Resolved, Tbat we of Columbia! List, ye Lovers of L*w. The Governor
m e n d e d to remove to Nauvoo, to reccivo instruc­ it, preach it, and desire others to obtain a w alk
Panl w u a good mao, and what he taid doe* aot apply to rsprobste such a course and that we sustain “ the Twelve ” read the namesjofsix individuals who.^he said, c ’aimed his
protection, and be £^ds( " I aay to this people, that if an) tions. therein. Seek ye, first says th e Saviour, the
thia generation; bnt be that as it will, we will answer their in all things pertaining to the Kingdom of God, at all of these men are arsjrsinated, openly or secretly, o r thei> On motion tho Conference adjou?n«d for ten kingdom o f G od snd his rig h tew ss. 'N o w th e n
query. hazards through good or evil report. ?>* - p ro p t'ty d a tro y e d ," (Well, Goveanor, what will you do 1 minutes. Conference a^ain called'to "order, and reader to obtain this T ru th , y o u m u st lo o k ’ fo r
M o R iio m iM is all t o u t h — Mor mon means mors good nang those lhat do the deed 1 That might do for ihe ati
tocrat of Russia: but w hat T) " t h i s f c o p l s : s h a l l , b k addressed by P resident WandalL the Saviour’s Kingdom, or other words {unchurch/'
—and wonld to God all were mormon in the trie mean­ Elder J. B. Msynsll has gone on a mission to hit On motion Conference adjourned to 9 o’clock,
k x t c r s u n a t k d — ihousards and thousands of the people
ing of the term. W h at do the Mormons believe in—whai •' Father L a n d ” England, to make known the fullness ol ol this slate will r;se up and burn your city ; and the arn A M.
is their creed 1—They believe that true happiness contisi* ibe Gospel of the Son of God there. of the Lv^r cannot protect you and your beautifnl inherit Sunday morning; Ju ly I4th. Conference as ProP“ ®1*-
in making others happy, in doing every thing that ia re­ We have been a long time acquainted with Elder M «nce from ihe dimes. T he people would drive me from
ihe state if I should offer to protect you. Y our tcontn
sembled,and opened by singing, followed by pray chers, helps, governments, gifts o f H ealing, m ir­
quired of them as husbands, si'wives, as fathers, as moth­ ind we are pleased that he is called on that mission, at er by James ti. V an N atta, and then flinging
and children tcoufd not be iparetf.” acles, &c., and when you find the ch u rc h th u s
ers, as citizens, and as men and women, with an eye siogl< we leel confident ihat ranch success will attend his effort*
This from the Executive of a free State ! A Governoi again organised, you will find th a t they declare P a u ls
to the glory ofGod, their creed is “ Mind your own btui in our Redeemer’s cause. Brother M- left in the Europe, *ith a military hott at hts b a c k ! Is comment necessary 1 On motion, Conference appointed a t Ossian, record o f T r u th ^is true, and th a t th e Gospe!_
acta.” with Brethren Sheets, Divii and Stratton,—* pleasan Were it any other people under Heaven it wosld not be. W est Hill branch on the 20th and 2 ls t o f July, obeyer will produce the same eflects, com pare
T be ultimate object of Mormonirm—"P eace on earth voyage to them. But, alas! they are “ Mormons;” a sect every where
ipoken against—therefore comment is necessary. Y< a t G ary , C hatauque co un ty ; 27th and 28th Juljf. those officer’s teachings w ith the apostles, a n d
and good will to man,” and to "Break every yoke, and l(t crowned headi of Europe ! Ye Eir.perors! Yc that live un and at this placo September 11th and 15th, A . D. when you find th e y preach the same faith, th e
the sppressed go free.” T he instruments are the author­ W c have just received a letter from our Eld. Brannan, Jer tyrannical monarchies, where religions are not tole­ 1814. B rother W . P r a tt addressed tho Confe­ samo G od and Saviour, and H o ly S pirit,—same
ised aervanta cf God, aad the means, the gospel of Jean* he h ts met with success in Lowell, having baptized sever rated, hide your head< in shame while you hear and s*> rence upon the setting u p of the kingdom o f God and u nchanging in th e ir word, believ e; then re]
Christ. al. He will probably be gone several weeks, and though the fruits of Seventy-Six, expounded by Governor Thoma
Ford. Doff yourcrowne, ye moaarchs—listen to tbe voic* in the L ast Days, followed b y E ld e r M. H oskins pent o f y o u r sins and be baptised for the rem is­
loth to part with him, we are contented, for we know that be of liberty and religious toleration—bow to the shrine ot upon miscellaneous subjects- Conference adjourn- sion o f th eir sinsji and th e n being d u ly au th o r­
m is s io n t o G r e a t B r it a in . is a chosen instrument in the hands of God, to make the liberty and freedom, while one of the sons of lhe Revolu ea for one and a h alf hours, dismissed and Bene> ised they will lay th e ir hands u pon you, and the
Oar indefatigable yonng friends, Elders J . A. Stratton, hearts of the honest rejoice in the truth as it is in Christ. tion speaks:—" Here are six m en; if any of them are 'diction. Ale_t at the appointed time,* and opened spirit o f T r u th will lead you into all T ru th , and
killed, or even if their property is deitroyed, ‘25 000 .neo
E . H. Davis, and E. F. Sheets, • ( the Church of Js tc t “God speed him.” women, and children, shall be exterminated.” " Your by singing and p ray e r oy B rother Benson: B ro­ if faithful, save you in the kingdom of o u r God
Christ of L t t t tr Day Snints, started on Thursday last in the women and chitdrcn shall not be spared,” and “ your cit> ther Holman addressed the meeting on the sub­ and his C hrist, w hich m ay I hope will be ’y ^ n H
Europe, to carry the fullness of the Gospel of the Son of “ T h c I V n u v o u .'Yeitfbour.” burned to ashes.” Come ye exiles from British oppression ject of the R estoration; singing, after which happy lot,— Amen.
God to the people of the British Isles—may succcsa attend We would like to se t the brethren patronise the papei —come, ye down trodden ol the Emerald I .l e —come, President W andall preached the Gospel to be Y o u rs respectfully, >
Texas—come Canada—here ia a State, with Governoi
them in their exertions fox the propoigtion of T ruth, We tester—terms $*2 per year. We will receive subicriber* Ford at its head, with arms extended to receive you—here the power o f God unto salvation. B ro th e r'S . J. B. M E Y N E L L .
ftel to rejoice in the .prospect of a grest increese in the for the “ Neighbour” or for the “ Times and Seasons” — .s I jjib —here is freedom—here i» juttice. Come to “ tht Foster followed with a few remarks. On motion E lder o f thc C h urch o f Jesus C h rist o f L. D. S.
Kingdom of God, from the labors of these Brethren—they simi-monthly, $2 per annum.” ££'* isnd of the free, and the home of the brave,” and find ar. William M. More, O m ar Olney were ordained
have m sch zeal in the glorious cau;e, and in their hand* If Brothe. Taylor will send us a prospectus, we will give »*ylum from oppre. *ion: and if, after coming, you fail ol to the office of E lders und er the hands o f Bro­ Boston, J u ly 25th, 1344.
receiving what you seek elsewhere, call on Thomas Ford,
Mormonism will extend its limits in England. him the privilege of our columns to make his valuable papei Governor of Illinois—he will meet out Atnericrn law—
thers S. F oster and J. H. V an Matta. M r. E d i t o r .— I send yo u the m inutes o f a
known in the Eeast, and should be pleased if he would re- ind >ou can join in the glad song— On motion. Conference adjourned to tho I4th society lately formed in this place, b y w hich y o u
T o th e P u b lic . ciprocate by publishing our terms. “ Hail Columbia, happy land.” and I5th of September, 1841. will perceive the ladies o f the B oston b ran c h ar*
We would affectionately warn the Congregations We regret to see the brethren ao very backward abom And if your lungs fail to do justice to the aong, in conse­ Resolved, T h a t the m inutes o f this Conference determined not to be behind h and in assisting the
those Ministers, who make a practice of charging the Mor­ encouraging our preas. T h r Sainti of all people shoulo quence of Europesn oppression, call upon the Cetholics ol be published in tho N . Y. Prophet, and N auvoo rolling on o f the cause o f C h r is t
mons with licentiousness, to watch their pastors snd be *e the most liberal in sustaining their press, as they are the Philadelphia to assist in swelling the choi us. And if that Times and Seasons. - A society of the sisters was formed o n th e IGth
*ill not do, the''Momions, as a last resort, might be aim Tho C ongregation aroso and were dismissed by
careful of their wifes, sitters and daughters, for we have only channels through which they can speak of their
moned, and then united, and in grand effort that woo'd in s t , called the “B o s to n X a tte r day S ain t’s Sew­
invariably found those who accuse the Mormons of such wrongs. rock the old cradle of liberty, nnd swell the strain of— Benediction. ing and p enny S o ciety ^ 't h e object o f w hich is
crimes—" a r e without natural affection, truce breakers, " H a il Columbia, happy land.” C. W. W A N D A L L , President to lend th e ir aid in th e p iirch a se o f glass, nails, dee,
T o C orresp on d en t*. O’. O l n e y , Clerk.
f a t i t accuxtrt, i neontuunt, fierce, d r * p i* m of thote that are W hat doea Governor Ford say when Joseph snd Hiram __. __ nj____ # for the T em ple o f G o d ^ n o w bein g erected in
good,” and that “ they creep into houses and lead captive Chas A. Rogers’ beautiful lines received too late for Smith claim protection at his hands, aad he lodges them in Nauvoo.
Carthage jail 1 Does he say to the people ol Canhag*. O n F a ith T h e m eeting was called to , order and opened
■illy women, laden with sin,” —betemre o flh tm . this week—will be pleased to hear frora him frequently.
" If one of thsee men are murdered, yoM ahall be extermi­ F aith , the first principle b y which G od is with
"Architectonic” will exenje the omission of his prose nated, and Carthage rhall be given to the fUmes 1 O, no; ith p ra y e_r_b¥y .Miss. E lv ir a Bassford, an d tfeq
'~f P i c IVio. uticlc. w hea he sees this number. pleased to communicate to you an understanding following officers chosen, viz—
that alters the case—they are Mormons. The Smiths may
S. W . R ’s lines are bad measure nnd rhyme, and we be murdered in cold blood, and nothing done, except for of l.itnself, the situation of man, and the objectof Mrs. M ary McAllester,
There will b« a pleasure party of Saints on Tuerday next
the Governor to dare the Mormons to revenge themselves his creation, and final destiny, appears to be as / “ Clarissa B. Sj
a t Hoboken, if. the weather ahould prove favorable. All canaot insert them. /
—but if there is a man murdered among the Mormons, or imperfectly understood by the world of mankind | Vice Prcs’t,
Miss. E lv ira Bafsforc
are hereby invited to meet at the Cinal St. Ferry, preciae • ven his property destroyed, the city with its contents, and at large, as an y principle nYe th at has elicited the Mrs. M argaret E . W allace,"secretary.
ly at 10 o’clock, A. M. tho lives of its inhabitinis, must pay the penalty—"yo u r
C 0 3131 U N I C A T I 0 X S . wives and children would not be spared ” serious enquiry ol mortal, when we reflect upon “ Isaac H ard y, treasurer.
The Governor may now, by letters and speeches, endea­ the object of the Gospel, v i z : the salvation of “ Isabella Jones, *
P r a t t ’* P r o p h e t ic A lm a n a c fo r M r . E d i t o r .— A s an elder in Israel and a ser­ vor to throw the dti-grace from himself on the mob, but poor fallen man, it seems to us a m atter o f am aze­
1915. “ Caroline W elch,
vant of the racpt high God, m y d u ty compels me what did he do to tmp their proceedings T W hat effect ment and great wonder, that so few, considering
W e have just issued the above, and are ready to supply to say a little respecting some strange doctrines would it have on a mob for the Governor to publicly ac­ “ M argaret Clementson,
knowledge, as he did, “ The law cannot protect you?” the vast mass who profess to be dcsciplcs o f the “ A lm ira H icks,
ordera for any quantity of them at $ 1 per hundred, 5G cts that have gone abroad in the world, concerning “ Thousands upon thousands wil lrise upon and extermi­ Lord Jesus C hrist are deficeint o f a knowledge Miss. M ary M urray,
per do*, and C 1*4 cts. single. the Elders of the C hurch of Jesus C hrist of L a t­ nate men, women, and children;" “ they will drive me of this prin ciple; but in viewing the sayings of “ M ary Brown, as Committee o f A rran ge­
This almanac contains much reading of interest to the ter D ay Saints h aving a plurality of w ives; now, ftom ihe State, if I offer to protect you.” The mob would God’s atxitent servants wc are satisfied it is only m e n t
Saints that has never been published in any other form. for me to say where this originated, would be say the Governor acknowledges he dare not interfere with
us, on pain of being exilrd. tho result of thoso circumstances transpiring T h e society m eet once a month1, and devote a
Samnel Dam, No. 52 Ann St. Boitoo, is the only agent foolish indeed, for it is well known to all persons which Paul, P eter and others could see in pro­ d ay to sewing for the benefit of th e s o c ie ty ; and
Hear it, Americans! A Governor acknowledges that
for the aale of the Prophetic Almanac in the Eastern States who have honestly canvassed the principles of he dare not protect his constituents by the shield of law, phetic vision. T h e y could descover th* work of also to pay in the sum o f one p enny p er week or
— also for Bale at the “ Prophst” office. eternal tru th ta u g h t and practised by the Church from mob violence, for fear of beinj driven from the Mate bj man through tho d ark ages,-and the generation? more, each. It is expected th a t th e brethren an d
of Christ of the last days, that this doctrine forms his own citizens! Whet an opinion Gov. Ford must have
of ihe law-abiding ci.i/ens of Illinois! Rather lhan rule to come, who would bo in u perishing condition, friends will supply them with work. E v e r y ex­
Elder C. W . Waiidell has returned from his mission to no part of our system — and I feel to say should over such a people, I would fly to the Rocky mountains, being deficient of thc light o f revelation: “ W here ertion of this k in d is commendable,1and it is to be
the branches through this State. 11* gives a cheering ac I stumble across any brainless blockhead belong­ and there become a subject ol ihe dark ssavage nations there is no vision .the people perish,” it being the hoped they will succeed in th eir praisew orthy ef­
count of the prsspects of Truth in New York.
ing to our Church teaching such pernicious p rin­ who inhabit that country. Gov. Ford’s conduct was a time when the glorious principle took its depar­ forts, even beyond th eir most sanguine expecta­
Elder ' V . goes next week to Saratoga, «and will no ciples, I will hold* them up to public scorn and virtual invitation to the mob to slay, burn, and destroy, if
they wished, with an intimation lhat he dare not interfere
ture w ith the spirit of m a rty rs; wc are then in ­ tions. Y ours, 6tc.
doubt vex the devil there, and cause the hearts of the hon­ contempt, until he repent of such wickedness, and troduced to the period when the creation o f man
to prevent them
est to rejoice in the truth. should no die with such unrighteousness in his *ould raise a rival structure, a form of Godliness ______
O h ! that I had th* ability and eloquence to speak of , * . . A- A-
heart, let infam y and scorn preside over his this unparalelled afliir rn it deserves! Oh! lhat God w ithout the power, which in his own wisdom was
fcp-The R«?. Mr. Johnson, formerly editor of the Evar memory in the grave. T h e powers o f darkness wonld raise up a few editors of Honor, able men to plead
Relist in this city, and pastor of a Prcsbjrterian church in
New Jersey, convict**! on his own confcesion by a council have tried m any ways to disturb the peace o f th e ia behalf of law and jistice, and down trodden humanity:
calculated to stand the test of time and h er re-
uircmcnts, notw ithstanding the fullness of the POETRY.
of his brethren of practices rather unbecoming a clergy, Saints of the Lord, and destroy one of the most
I am not adequate to the task ; but this I can do—1 can
weep and mourn for the situation of my country and her 3-
diispensations of times woula roll round in the or­
man, has written a penitential letter, in which he ascribes innocent and virtuous societies th a t ever had an approaching downfall, inasmuch as a just God ruletb in the d er of G od’s economy, to sweep aw ay every san­
his downfall in part to the debating influence of the light existence on the footstool of God, however I sup­ heavens. The following lines were composed by a member of the
literature of the age. If a beardlets boy jutt c\it loose from dy basis, liko the tornado in its power, desolating
his mother’s apron strings, had held up one of Paul de pose the words of H oly W rit m ust be fulfilled—
Boston, July ‘20. the earth o f every frail edifice, and leaving the Church of Jesus Christ •( Larterwpay Saints, and sang by
Kock’s novel*, or one of Sae’s or Bulwer’s, and sniveled ‘ if you live G odly iu C hrist Jesus, you must barren waste alone to behold the glories o f the the Twelve, o i leaving tbe w h u f a t England, for “ Mona
out tbat the book tempted him to thc commission of a sin suffer persecution nnd all manner of evil spoken Sun o f T ru th , when man’s h eart ceased -to be Zioa” in the W t s \
we might be induced to pity and parden; but for a minis­ against you falsely for C hrist’s sake.” A C o n feren ce. im pregnated with Celestial fire, and his vision
ter of ihe gospel, a man set apart and consecrated as a teach­ In darkners long w e w t j e n o ’erwhelmsd
er of his fellow men—a light in the woild, shining out Yours in the bonds o f the Covenant, Minutes of a Conference o fth e C hurch of Jesus lit up with etornal T ru th . H e lostF in forgetful-
" Upon proud Britain's land,
amidst deep moral darkness, lo say lhat his heels were trip T H O M A S B K A ID W O O D . C hrist of L atter Day Saints assembled in Poitage, ness But aow the Lord has call'd us forth
ped up by the novelist, is too provoking. W e dare aay, Allegheny County, N. Y. a
that this Mr. Johnson has written and preached against By hia Alnrg'njr hand.
G overnor Ford. T he meeting was called to order, and^ B rother ip C u oa us.
light literature. If we could rak« together bis old sermons,
M r . E d i t o r . —Probably you a ’e well aware of the late Charles W. W andall chosen President, and O. fulness of jo y . F a ith now obscured through the
we would find eloquent warnings against lhe seductions oi Across the tea we c b e e tf|lly ‘go.
the novelist, and yet the roan who preached did not prac 'rsgedy acted in the West, in which Joreph and Hiram Olney Clerk. Conference opened by singing, transgression o f mortals, and the disobedience of
Smith, the "P ro p h e t” and “ Patriarch” of the "M ormon” Our kindred isints to see,
tiee ; the pit that he pointed out as dsngerous and to br
avoided, be fell into himself. By hi* own admitiion, Mr church, wrre inhumanly murdered, after having volunta­ prayer by Brother Solon Foster, singing, after all wno now hear the same, was tho moving Blow gently, gale, fill evtry sail,
Johnson has boea a very great hypocrite; we may be un rily given themselves up to the law of tbe state of Illinois, which P re-ident W andall rose and stated in a cause th at set the great ball in motion. That And wafi l b o'er ike sea.
charitable, but wsj are inclined to believe be is now. a » under a solemn promise from the Governor that they few remarks the object of tlje Conference; Mem­ F aith w ithout which it is impossible to please
for the blast ajaicst light literature, it is all gammon.— <hould ba protected from violence. It was with astonish­ bers of the different quorum s present 8 H igh God, is now through the same means rendered God sent hia rervanta from afar,*
There are unwholesome issues from’ the press, but we d(. ment I heard that the greater number of the elder* of that
not believe that Bulwer, Sue, De Kock and a hoit of other church enteitained the opioion that Governor Ford was P riests,‘5 of thc quorum o f Seventies, 1 Elders the source of these jo y s once more. How, says This joyful news to tell.
writers we could name, ever made a man a libertine against ■iccestory to the diabolical deed, if he did not actULlly con­ 2 Priests, 1 Teacher, 1 Deacon. the reader 7 Becauso some new light is sprung T hat ws might all be sav’d from sin,
his own inclinations. The devil is in the man and not in coct it. At first I could not beliave tbat a Governor of On motion resolved, th a t wo as members of up? I answer no. B u t because G od whoso And in His presence dwell.
the book. one of these United State* could descend so far below the this Conference, will, by our prayers, sustain the word perisheth not, has again revealed him self to Across, dee.
moit brutal savage tbat hiatory haa ever revealeo to u».
The above is from the Sunday Times of 2Sth ult. We and lend hia aid in the comm<stion of a deed that demons first Presidency of^this Church, H igh Council, man, th a t he m ight in his own way bring to pass
They told us that the Lor£ designed
have been several times brought ia contact with the Rev. (T) would blush at. But circumstances that have recen’fy and the Presidency of this State. Resolution his act— hia strange act— his marvellous work,
Poor Zion to restore, <M&-
been brought to light, .have, in a great measure, led me to carried unanimously, the Elders then proceeded and a wonder,— th a t which brought faith to the
gentleman above named—he was oppoud to Mormooiaro And gathei all her s o b s frotoTfar,
believe tbat Governor-Ford was one of the main *' wire­
and charged the saints ol God with the crime of which he pullers” o f the damnable d eed; and his own writings since, to represent tho branches in the region round sons o f men in former days, is again committed to
T hat she might weep no more.
has been convicted. W e well remember the last time we and especially his infamous " address to the people of Nrv- ab o u t Scattering members in this vicinity 14; man, v iz : T ho P riesthood of the Son of God,
Acrcs?, fee. * *
aaw him, it was in the stage between Newark and Bloom voo” at the very time the deed was transacting, are some remainder of G ranger branch, represented by “ whon tho world by wisdom knew not God," it
of the most prominent proofs and " confirmation sure ' u Elder M. Benson, 4; Ossian, W est Hill branch pleased God through the foolishness o f preaching Soon as the message we obey'd,
field, New Jersey ; our conversation turned upon the licen- books of Holy W rit,” ol his villany in the matter.
tiousaess o fthe CUrg y, we dilated at some length on the
reprented by E ld er Israel Canfield, A lva W est to save them th a t believe “ Believo” w hat rea­ An4 realized its power.
In his address he says, “ It requires betU r behavior on
daily published reports of crimes of a sexual nature com­ the part of this people, to insure you r quiet, lhan for any residing E ld e r; county Ossian, E a s t branch, der ? W h y tho Gospel, a dispensation of which To cross the mighty flood we then
mitted by those who style themselves the servsnt* of God, other portion of our citizens ”—Great God ! is it possible 1 )avid Card presiding E lder, about 50; P i t t s ­ was delivered to apostles and prophets, who were Were longing every hour.
A Governor of one of the States of Republican America, burgh branch, Steuben county, 30; Greenwood bound to preach according to tho wisdom of
and ventured an opinion that in the courls of Justice, five in his official capacity, witb the Constitution before him, Acrots, 6cc.
branch 18, presiding E lders not present, branches Heaven, setting forth tho Council of God to re­
pretended ministers to one of any other profession bave declaring that a l l re lig io n * shall be equally tolerated aad
been canvicted o f rapes, seduction, adult.ry, Acc. and said protected, declaring, if you " Mormons ” wish to ir.sure
represented by E lder I. Canfield; G a ry branch, deem the world,— in which Council a perfect or­ At length the time did thea arrive
that we believed that there were many cases that were your quiet, you must behave b t t it r than thoae of other re; Cnatauque c o u n t y R o w l i n Cobb President, re­ der is manifest— a system declared, show ing the Tbat we must haste away,
■av e r made public, for religious’'sake ; tbe Hot* man ex ligious denominations. Virtually aaying, I am aware you
presented dy E lder J. S. Holman, num bering 23. economy o f H eaven to redeem all men by one To gather up for Zion too,
have been already exterminated frora a neighboring State; President W andall then rose and gavo a short principle, so simple th at the illiterate of mankind T o wait the perfect day.
pressed a great deal of r irtuotu indignation that any one [ know that the bones of your brethren, your wives and
ahould speak so of those God had sent (T )-said the very chitdren are now bleaching on ihe prairies of Missouri;
account of hts mission, saying the prospects in can easily comprehend, inasmuch as th e y give Across, Ace.
nature of their calling made them less liable to fall, that *od your lands, which you booght from the United States
the region where he had travelled were good.— ear and are obedient to the same, setting aside
W illiam Pratt, Solomon Foster, and N ath a n Has- hum an learning; science invented by man, and Sectarians breath’d out their scorn,
not having any thing of a secular natare to divert their Government, and honestly paid for, are now lying waste And said that we should rue.
•nd desolate, that run are exiles therefrom ; and there is cins spoke a few words, .stating the prospects in all vain philosophy, and holding up principles
minds frora the pure principlea of the gospel, they had not no redress for y o u ; not even an investigation will be en­
the region of their travels, and also bore testim o­ easy and plain to be understood b y the mind of But trusting in the word ofG o d ,
the same desires aa other men, who labored physically__ ured into—neither by the courts of Law of Missouri—her
ny to the tru th of the everlasting G6spel. T ru th . T h e honest am ong men, hear and ac­ We b a le them all adien.
look to tbe attested results—he ihen aiked for a miracle, k'gtslnture—nor by the Congress of the United States—
we gave him Christ’s words as an aaswer—"A wicked and although you have often importuned at the f#et of each: Brother J. S. llo ln n n rose and gave a b rief ac­ knowledge thc Glory, beauty and sim plicity of Across, Jcc.
I am aware yon have, borne all thia with patience; aad count of his life since a member o f this church, the same* nnd h aving faith in the principles,
aJnlterous generation seeketh for a sign, yet no sign shall even takes the spoiling of your goods joyfully, for the sake W e gave our fnendi the parting hand,
they have,”—and what was true applied to a generation, of your religion. I know you nre exiles frora your homes
and endeavored to strengthen thg faith of the acquiess with obedience to the ordinance o f H ea­ And relatives mo it dear,
by an act of the L*gitlature of a savage, unfeeling, and church by exhortation to p ut im plicit confidence ven, and then comes tho result o f this little seed They pour’d their blessings on our heads,
was true applied to htm—like causes produce like effect*,
waro c ftjg n seekers. ■ogodly state t that alandera and lies havo been heaped the promises of God. sown by the servant o f God; at fir-t born into And dropt the parting tear.
upoa you ;falso accusations, not only from tha world but Brother W. M. Moro gavo an pccount of hia the kingdom, you s«e the spirit o f T r u th bring- Acrotf, &o.
I refer to the whefe letter of <j*v." Ford, as contained in lowers by huudred#, aod perpetuate bis name to th« latest which first high principles may be lost sight of io the petty
Bat’MoaTw e ho pe to~neet again, th iU n ite d States GateUe of Saturday, the I 3 h in « .to mI- gMerattoa*. „ differences ot perty.^ A ll mea, from o a t end of tb* Union A n a p p e a i to th e in h a b ita n ts o f th e S ta te o f
W ith th o ie w e lov'd before, ( isfy the reader* that ia the ease..of the Smiths, there bar In tb e ’proce** of time thc cily was incorporated by a to the other, m tm co&dema, most emphatically, the om. a aw Y o r k ; L e tte r t o Q n e e n ^ V ic t o r ia ; T h ®
been ao act aot merely of illegal butchery, but a compli­ spccial act of the L^girUture of IlUaui*; ond at an elee- break at Carthage* ^rlt waa wrong; it waa anjuatifisd by
And dwell with thet& ca Zioo‘» L to d , cation ofthe ioaiest treachery, the rsost cowardly aoassi. tioa subsequently h d d ju pursuance of the act of incorpo­ o u n ta in ° f K n o w le d g e ; I m m o r t a lity o f th a
any law ; it waa a demonstration bound to be regretted
In p i tec forever more. aarion, the.most dnexempliSed atrocity. No event thst ration, Josrph rfmith was, wilbual opposition, elected deeply by all oar good citizeaa living under this free gov­ g o d y .a n d In te llig e n c e a n d A fic c tio a , b y F.‘ P .
* ;.rw haa taken plsce since our cooatry h ts had an independent M*yor;, which office he h*!d up to the time of hia M ua- ernment. Still let as take eare, aad do the people of Han­ P ratt. $ 8 p . r h u n d . 1 a. a in p le .
Aod now across the K t we g«, eaisteace* seems to ba so horrible ia all its phases as this Daa, girin* entire satisfaction to* of the popu­ cock cooaty, llliaois, fair justice.
T b e p sp e n of St Louis, W arsiw , and of this a'<y, with lation of Nauvoo. ^ ^ <* * .J PT e*t?-m.enk o f tho twelve P atriarchs, thk
Oaf kindred sa ia u to t e r , • , so n so fJac o b .
0 few eaceptioas, have resorted to every subterfuge fo Jus­ Sueb^waa’ ib«! man whom the public pre** throughout
* Blow |tn U y ,g a le , fill e te r j ’ n i l . * tify rhe butchery of these taaocent men, who hsd resigned ihe coantry lu* ince**auily induced and ritfird . It has Correspoudcneo between Gen. Jos. Smith. Col,
Aad w in «i o*tr the k * , 4 themselves unresistingly, a ed’ coafidingly to ihe proteclion
of the Uw, aader tbe pledge of the highest authority ia the
m addenedjhe brain and embittered the bew?m*of million*
of the-American people against an innocent man, an onof<
r e l ig io u s ' notices. t *^ eiL A rlington B cnnet and Hon.
•r’ - ____ _____ -___________— t h a Church ol Jesus Christ of L attin D sy Saints wil* C, Calhoun; $ 8 per h un d. Is. sing.
[rom T B t n o r H R . ) 7 State. Ia the. h tQ u ta a a of thia city of the 9th inttaat, (a fendinsTrelig ora sect, thtt sect too of oar own nation and
p ip e r that baa gTvea as, for some time pa«t, a daily dish of kiadxed. ' h o ld a e e u n g s a t Wiaocby, New Jersey, on Sunday, Angus* A n interesting a c c o u n t o f several remarltabla
*I t u n h o t a S in g le 3 Ia n ; abuse of the Mqrmoas,) I find tbs following i 11th at % usual hoc:.. IJO H N LEACH. vm ons.' B y O. Pratt. * 0 per hun d red 10 c t s . .
j Bur' fanaticism has done its worst with Joseph and Ily
“ B r r tbat I h r* the geatla Desdemoaa, # A ' MOne of the M onnoal attempted toeecspe from prisos, ram*Smith, and although no Mormon mysrlf (n c r tr hav­ single. - » ‘
1 weald cat tnyfrea oabegsed condition, " wh^a.a general conftrsioa ensued around the j iu l ; J o e aad ing been a dozea times in iheir'churcfm ) I wodlJ much The Church of J a m s Chriat of.Laiter Day S 4ioU 0f ^ O .^ C o trd e ry ’s letters to W. W . Phelps, o n
fa t into eeptrtciiptim, or coafiae; for the b u worth. flia Mormon fellow prisoners, it aeems, had provided them* ratheMake Jjseph Smith’* chaacc for bippiutsj in that
. f Shmkfptart. selves with pistols, aad commeaded firing npon the guard undiscovered country whiibft he baa been co untimely
ton, M ass, hold ibeir'wetting* every Sibbatb. at SuflbU the origin o f the Book o f Mormon:
* * , .. . * . #• ’ withia.” t T he same paper says, " he then Attempted to hastened, than that of his traducer#. Hall, opposite Boy 1ston Market. Kldcr John Hardy, presi- A H isto ry o f the C h urch of Jesus C h rist o f
•<)M >ifc a t» « o r » i m « « e ." * escape from the wiadow, when a huadred balls enterrd his Joseph and Hiram Smitk, while liviog, were the head* d i n g ^ Itesidente. 91 Commercial st. ’ L atter day Saints— by Jo h n Corrill a member ot*
Ibid. body, and he fell a lifeless corpse.” of a numerous and ioercasing sect. Br their deaths they . .. j, J ' *"rT tho Legislature o f Missouri.
;■ o • ' >• * ^ •■Now bad there b te a any of these preteaded circum­ become canonized ; and the influence of their opinions, The Church of Je*us Christ of Letter Day Soiats, holo
stances of eilenuatioo which lhe I a q u ta s a aod other pa­ whether for.good or for evil, has received a powerful, i»
Synopsis o f parallel passages in the Scripture,
'•G o!t,V 'm y pea/we married mea pers so greedily pick op and publish, they ciight chuckle mectiags every Sabbath, al Marion Temperance* H»I1 pticc r>3. \
not an irresistible impetus. Mornioniem has ju»i com
* Are fast oa ihe decline, over their murdered victims, and rejoice n n h e confurama- mencrd its career. It will date its greateit triumph*Irom IS3 Canal it. N. Yr Ciospel Reflector. -81.25. ‘
N o 'm i tier, then, bow, where, or whea, , tioa of their long meditated purposes But the truth b>u the M aisa»:re a t C a n t i i a u c P i i i m j w . Times <fc Seasons, bound. 2,00 ^
be:n totd, and ahall b t told, however disagreeable it may A ad the Ume is not far distant, when the murderers oi BRoojtt-y.f—Meetings are held every Sunday at the
A i “ vxdd&l m u " »■ miae.
be to some slaaderoui editors ta hear it. History of the Priesthood, by Benj. W inches­
Joseph Smith, and those who have incited to m ordtr, will L»g-Cabin, Folton atreet at the usual hours.
Once I w m free, bat how you see, Aad what are the facts of the e a s e l The Cincinnati be held as execrable, and their aacies only rcmeti.bered ter. 25 cts.
Whai >ort of thing I am, _ * Gazette states that " a mob disguised ia dress, aad painted with infamy, while a inonument reaching to the cloud* Millenium, a poem by P . P. P ratt, price 5Q
My <ale unfold, I am debed ” old,” ' black in their faces, rushed into the jail, shot Hirsm dead, will point the pilgrim and way farer to the tepulchr* ol Oo- T he church of Jetus Christ, of L ttter Day Saints i t cts. (
I a a aot a tingle n u . and killed Jo e .” This «tatementf ia fully corroborated b> me great K ouaoza of N avvco, aod it II to succeeding Philadelphia, hold their meetings every Sunday as usual, Index to the Book o f M orm on/2nd edition: per
the Wareaw Signal extra of June 29, as copied by the •<gea lhe deeds of one of whom it may be truly s»id, he ia Third itrcet above Willow, over Marshall Iastitute.
United Stat«a Gazette of Saturday. Not a particle of evi «*a* a faiher to the Utherlea*, and a fr.end to the widow in hun. ^2. sing. G pts.
The *' mobled gite of th it “ bless’d state," denes is there» that elthe> of the prisoners had arm* io her affliction. J. L. ELD. J. M. GRANT, Presiding. Address to thc People o fth e U. States: 25 cts.
" Extolled by many a poet, ^ * their possession* or that they made the lea»t re»i*innce. p e r hun.
Joe was, it appears, leaning or titiiog upon a window [St L ouin ft<nv E r a , Juuc^SO ]
W ith heart elate, ia spite of fate, when he was sh o t; he tell from it, excltim ing'my God •
M urk M ormon N kw*.— From pa5>rngrr* and officers
L I S T OF A G E N T S . Gospel L ight— 6 2 p>er hundred, singla S eta.
" I f i x t d m y t t i f " to " g o il.*’ ; rayGi>d! and died upon reaching the ground. He wan Gen. Jos. Smith's views on the policy o f G o v ­
f the Meamboat Dove, we leara that ou yesterday a mes- (&- J: ders Wm A. Moore and Elijah Malin, of Chester
Oh J blue, thy aame ia bat a dream, afterwards subbed in (be breast by apparently a young mao ernm ent; Appeal to the Green M ountain B o y s ;
♦» ngrr fioni Govrruor Ford'arrived at Rushville, calling County, P*. are requested to act as agenu, far ihe Pro­
Fia it what way you can, who, as be (tabbed, raid wilh demoniac fury, ’*take tbai.” na thc aiiliiu to march *peedilr to Carthage to re m t ai- phet. Correspondence between Gen. Smith, Col. W e n t­
The Inquirer* after co'nttiUuiinft its elLria to bring Abuu> worth and J. C. Calhoun, and a Memorial to
.My dreama of yore* •• a change came o’er," •Hack apprehended (from the Morinon-j lie statrd that
these appalling murders by publishing every lie that ha>
I am aot a uogle maa. been promulgated sgaiast the Mormons, criea out, " H e rn
tbout -} o'clock on ,ht- 37ih, a moW of l»»o hundred m*n. tho Legislature o f Missouri.— G dolls, per hun.
i r a e d , painted and disguised, came to Cartilage, demand- Elder Wm. J. Appleby, of Recklcaatown, New Jersey,
b le ! we can scarce credit the account,” but in the nrx 1 8.
<*d ths key 'ttf the jail, and look oul Jne Smith, llyrair is requested to act as agent for the Prophet.
Oace whea I strayed, or v’u i u made, paper published on the 9:h, the editor h a s -cvidenily go»
oraitii and Wui. Richards, and shot them forthwith. The)
Prof. Orson P ra tt’s Prophetic Almanac for 1845
rid of his horror, and with about a* much complacency and
Good aatare oa me amlled, self salsfaetioo as an anaconda exhibits by licking hi*
arere fearful that the Mormons would rrtiliate thi< murdei Elder J R.Meynell is authorised to receive subscription* Calculated for the E astern , Middle, and W estern
; To ladies fair I ihe a waa “ dear,” chaps after breakfasting oa o tiger, he m>«: " W e pre-
by burning Carthage and Warsaw. Several hundred of thr tor the Prt phet in Esgland. States and Territories, tho N o rth ern portions of
sume the Mormons will now find another prophet, who militia wrrc tbout to march Irom Schuyler county when the slave States, and B ritiih provinces, it contains
T hey ray dull hoara beguiled,
the Djvc left. The Governor’s if.esiage nrriwd at Rush:
,, They smile a* more, bat on the floor, “ illawrlme Joe Smith's function*.*1
vjlle about 12 o’clotk. Those who camc doivn on thr Elder* E. H. Davis, E. F. Sheets and J. A. Stratton ok much m atter interesting to the Saints.
It ia not fur the writer of these remarks to predict what i mission to ihe British Isles, will act a* general sgenU loi . Orders, with cash remitted, for any of the above
Strew bustle, paois.f and faa.^ the Mormons will do under their present circumstances boat consider thia ue*a us authentic If trne, it is both
Ooce euch a s i|h t would cause a frigh*. tlarm inj and disgraceful. It \vd» crurl and cowardly tr ibe P r o p h e t; they left in the Europe on the 1st in st, fo, works, will be attended to with despatch.
But a very little acquaintance with the history of past age*.
' I am aot a stagle maa. • ill be-ar him out in the awertioo, that s:nce the time of murder ihe unarmed priioners when they had surrendered England.
hemselvca and were hi me cu«tody ol ihe laws. Ttiej
the Artb:an Mahomet, thfre never were circumstances in
tbe hwtory of a religious *ect, so propitious to the establish­ were under the protection of th* law?; the word of th« PHRENOLOGICAL
T he aweet Miss Howe, who loved tar, bow Jovernor and the faitb,cf the Hiat<! were pledged lo pro- Elder George J. Adams is enthori*ed to act at egent for WORKS
ment and wide spread increase oT i u Votaries, es there a n the Prophet.
* Will taro «p her aw e, now exhibited in the hiet&ry or the M ormon sect. The cct them from mobs, cud to secure them a ftir trial. ro n s a le a r
W ith co<i«t air, will aay, Oh ! dear, msnner an'J circumstances of Mri dmith’s death, have in- [from th k i .u i i .]
O. S. F O W L E R ,
" There that old fellow go* V* vested his cau*e with a digaity, and have infuied an ele IJr. Milton F. Bartlet is authorised to act as travelling I3 t N a ss a u S t.,N Y .
By the Hannibal Journal au<i Wurmw signal we lean
Aad Margaret, in sneffish pet. ment of succes#, greater thaa i u most d e v o id friend* could hat Joe and Hyram Smith wt re tnnrdeied in jail, and thai agent for the Prophet.
have anticipated F O W L E R ’S PRA C­
Will give lhe door a bang, 'real disturbances were apprehended in consequence oi TICAL PH REN O L ­
Aad « y , “ That droae, should stay at hom e." Th*f® wanta nothing hat a deep conviction of the truth <hat aet. Ttie killing ol these men is attributed io aa et Elder Annanias McAllister is authorised lo act as) agei. OGY, A W ork which
of t i c Mormon doctrine to animate adoxen of Smith's ad- tempt at rescue. Under the circumstances this tale ia|not for the Prophet. has now been eight
I am aot a single maa. hcrentS'to set out on a million from the fCefto of their probable. The cansternaiion amon^ the Mormons, was so years before the pub­
prophet a martyrdohi, and enrcls o f the most astoundiag great that it is not probable that itiry would make such lic, so lhat i u merit*
character to the religion* world must necenarily follow. in attempt after they were disarm'd, nnd when they knew S. AaM»TRo*G, ol Philadelphia, isauthotiied to rcceivc are allowed to speak
" My dearest wife” will aot “ re* /tfe,”
Nauvoo and Carthage will become the Mecca and Medi­ lhat thc jail was surrounded by n military turce. It is stil: subscriptions for tke Prophet. for themselves.
Wont go to balls or rout. na o fthe Mormon Proph*t, and thousands of devotee* may more improbable that Joe and Hyram drew pistols and at. .T H E AM ERICA N
From all sock play, at home will stay, be drawn to make holy j-ilgrimsje* to the scenes of me ti mpted to fire oa the citizens when they were still in jail, Albert «.Vs---------Lutz arc authorised to act as genera PHREN OLOGICA L
Aad seldom will " drive out ” prophet's labors and ot his death. and it i* even very improbable that they were pcrmittrd u JOURNAL,
ideals for th* Prophet.
6h e is quite “ spry” at housewifery, But what shall be eaid of the Saturday Courier of this retain arms after they w*re imprisoned. The probabilit) Dtvoted exc’usively
city 1 a paper which has for iu rnotto, in itaring cspiial*, is that there was auch a deep and determined hostility ii to tbe exposition and v
* Aad all that sort of plao, “ neutral in Politic* and Religion.” Can any o f thenume- he minds of the surrounding inhabitant* against the Mor defence ofPhreaolc-
Elder Benj. Winchester is rt qicsted to u?e hi* iufiueaci
So I from home mnit gag alone, roat reader* of the C ouaiaa have failed to notice the un* mon*, that they were deiermined to loll Jo* all events, and . gy and its bearing,
■ ; t u g enmity of tha editor of that paper towards the Mor- that they were .ready to leize on any outbreak or impru in hi* Southern Mission and act as agent for the Prophet.
1 am aot a aiagle man. ind of tne kindred science of Physiology and Magnetism,
nna* or Latter Dsy SainU 1 T h s Courier’a strange kind deut act on the part «l the iMormcn? as a pretext for car­ is far as they can bear oa it; emCracing the clearest, and
-*• 'i of neutrality has beea exhibited towarda this sect •• which rying ibeir designs into execution. In the txcitrtaent thst Elder A. Badlam is authorised to act as general agcn yet the most condensed and also practical view ol Phrenol­
L tfi like'a drone, to sit alone um'very where *poken against,” h r the last seveu yesrs. prevailed, it is probable that any little dis'urbante would for ibe Prophet. ogy and i u bearings on* hralih^^haifpines#, rir ne, religion,
Ia g a y ” bang-up salooaa,” T he next a m b e r of that paper will most likely with much be called an attempt at rescue. luman improvement, and the reforms now in progress, a a /
Like Zimmermaa, oa lonely plan, i t mace in humble imitation of the Inquirer, head a para- * j t r e to be found. Monthly, 21 or 32 pages, at #1 per
eraph re pectiog Joseph Smith’* murder, wiih the words (0- Bro. A. It. Wright, of Ohio, is authorised to pro­ >e*r, or three copies five 'copies for $11; nine e«p-
Or Henrey at his tomb*, Horrible ! we can actrce credit the account,” but before S t L o n l* R c v ilie , J u l y 6tli. cure eubscrih*ra and receive monies fcr the Prophet- iej for S3 j or twenty copies fo r'§ 1 0 . In all caiea ir*
I may be d u h r d to death, or smashed this is done I would recommend the editor to reprruie the Hiving visited Nsavoo nnd its vicinity in person, for the a i iv a k c e , r o r r f a i b .
PLBA'ArcT article in the Courier’of the 9th of June, heeded He ia aUo, authorised to dispose of a few Shares j
By steam or caravan, purpose of gattipg at the true Hate of affairs among ihe
•‘ Peppeiijg a Mormon,” in which with such evident ma- Mormons and iheir nrighuorr, We are enabled to give thr the Capital Stock of the " Society for the DiQosionl, EDUCATION AND SELF IMPROVENKNT. PHYSICAL
W ith o u t! fear a mmgit itar. 1g osa t satisfaction and delight, hedrtcribea an attempt by Truth.” 4 MORAL, AND 1NTELLETUAL t
latest as welt as the mod correct intelligence. Nauvoo
I am not a single maa. a mob to murder by *trangulation, a Mormon Preacher in reposes in a state ct quietude and trnr.quility mott remaik Founded on Phreeology snd Physiology : or. G ood
Hagerstown, which attempt failed by lhe timely escaps of tb!e Djring some thirty hoars that we parsed in the Hicanj a.NP Boniif}, and how to make ihtni gocd. both tn
ihe preacher, and not by any effort on the part of the au­ 03- Elder iuhu Hardy is our General Agent at Boitou, •rhildren and one’s self, by showing how to enlarge the de­
M in Julia Howe wilh me woald go, “ Ho’y City,” we heard hut on* aolitary intemperate ex
thorities or of the cilix«ns present to p:event it; prer*ion, and the man who uttered it was instantly check' thoee wishing to subscribe lor the •• Pro /h e l,” in thst tective, and diminish the exccsaive ; including the moral
A trip to Uiadostan, The Courier should fortheaake of truth and consistency City or vicinity will plea*c forward their names to raining aud government of children, wilhoat lhe rod.
ed, and made silent by more prudent spirits aroand him.
W*nh me dont care to m o a it a stair, strike his flsg of Neutrality’.in Religion, while it wages a Elders Adams and Lyce, accompanied by others, left th» nim.J Thia work expounding tbe principal law* of virtue, «r con.
Or any ol my clan. war of extermination ogaimt thf Mormons: the only sect city on Tuesday last, their object being to call home the litions of happiness, and rhowa how to fulfil ihertf.
ia Christendom, who in thia nineteenth century can exhibit absent Apostles and members of ihe Council of Seventy INTELLECTU AL IM PR O V E M E N T ;
• Oh ! that sach “ gait” should cat their “ psls” the irresistable evidence of mariyrdom in support of its Elders B. W. Eiliot and R. J. Coates, are authorised
Ujton the return of these, there will take place a solemi O ', how to C ultivatx TH* M jcmory ; E xtand aud
Like some supreme 411 i « . " cause. deliberation of the Twelve Apostles, who will appoint a to act as sgenU for the Prophet.
■St r s .n gten i i i k I r t T s u a c r , and coaduct the intel­
Oh, “ Henry dear,” " L% Scriveneur,” The newspapers throughout our land, ttith very few ex- ,-uccessor to the lost Prophet, and iheir appointment will lectual education of children ; in which is pointed out a
r I ara not a single tnio.” ceptions, and th tie, to theif honor be it *aid, not profess­ then be actrd upon, »ither to be ratified or rejected by th* t i u t w A llie d Cordon and James flurgc**, are authorised acw and more excellent way to intellectual attainments
ing neutrality in Religion have given their tacit consent for Council of Seventy. The wall* c f the temple are a little to act os age^U)io Vermont for the I’n phet. .han ourcomm on schnol* and seats of learning now fur-
*he adopuou of Lynch Law ; if they have not openly advo- more than halt up to the designed hei^lii, ond all work i»h—a work of gieal value and importance to parents,
My eared lore fit, Mister Prophet, CAica it, $o fit m the Mormons trc concerned: now whrn ceased upon ihem duting the recent troubles; bjit, at the
Has caused me thus to write t h f f find ihe te rd i they have town are brginaiog to spring public meeting on Monday alterncfon, the people were no Nathaniel V. Jones is our authorised sgent for Rocher- .cachets, and all who desire to kn»w how to improve their
My woes to paint, roy wife’s a " Saint,” up iu a plentiful harvest of blood, affect lo be sitoniehed. lilied by Klder Phelp,*, now one ol the most active and in ter, N. Y.
and cry out, •* Hacxtble! we can »carc*« credit the account ” riaeniial mfn among thfiu lhat labor should commeac*
One of your “ Latter-light.M The writer of the<e remarks rrgrei* hi* inability to give n a in the ur*t day. He told the men not to neglect theii Or, the Transmission of Qualities, Physical, Intllectual~
Br. Clair is our authorised agent at Hudson, N. Y,
The “ gift of tongues,” like " Brother Young’s,” a biographical sketch of Joseph Smith, the Mayor of N«u- families ; to be energetic in seeing them provided for first and Moral, from parents to iheir cfTVprings, through sac,
Keep from her, if you can ; voo. But the world will not long wait for the biography ot itid ihtn hasten to work upon the. temple. The *y*ten cessi\e generations ; including directiona for forming such
Should yoa do this, yoaMI crown with bliss a man whose actions in life have ranked him among tiis upon which ihis temple has b e ta bmlding ia the exactior OcKThomasS- Woodbury, is our General Agent at Phil* matrimonial alliances as will recure whatever qualities in
Aa anti-iiagle man.
truly g re a t; and whose death of martyrdom for tbe reli­ o f labor every tenth day from every man w h o cannot pur- tdclphia.’__________ B ? B f*>% children may be desired; wiih bints to mothers during
gion he taught will consecrate hi* character and prolong cha»e hi* exemption from the ta»k wilh money. It will pregnaucy-r-a work which every youag married pair
yt ArehiUetonic lhe effect of bis labors to succeeding generations. be, if ever finished, a very imposing looking edifice. It tbould possess ; aa indeed should all who design to form
B o rr o w , July Q8ih, 1944. * Not lone after ihe trunacre of the Mormons in Miwouri, stands in a high and commanding pootioa, a prominen 0$- Mr. Valentine Merrill, Jr., of South Nsrwalk, (Ct.) the mauimonial relations. To improve mankind, we must
the writer of thia tkeich had the pJeature of aeeing and of o b j e c t r i v i t i n g the * t r a n i ( c r * a e y e at oace, and, u p o n neat ts our authorized Agent. begin with tbe g e r m Education bestowed upon a good
• •• A chasge came o’er ihe spirit of my dream— JZyron. becoming acq'iaiated with Jo*eyl. Smith, while he wa* on t n * p e c t i o 3 , the style of a r c h i i e c t k r e ia found io be mor> physical aud moral basi*, will be vastly more productive
a T»it to thia city. A though he then endured bodily afflic­ •han commonly attractive from its singularity. It is lik*
f j. e — PantH o-ler, (*«r*u*) Pantelets.— IVcdktt.
tion and great mental »uflerini;p owing to the great priva­ Mr. E . Ward Pell is authorized to act as Agent for than that expended dpon a barrei\*oil. Lengenough have
oothinc e|*-, and, unlern we may be allowed lo designate i* t>arcnu slept over this subject. W slkcr's attempted eluci­
| Zimmermaa on Solitade. tions he had undergone, and ihe »-Uughter of many of his ra the Mormonic orJer, it, certainly, has no name at all. the " Prophet." ‘ dation cf ii, was a comparative failure. In ihis woik it
frienrfa, yet he appeared calm aud dignified in hia deport­
n r r ^ - ^ 1 —" 1 ■ 1 ment and perfectly resigned to the caiamitoua events which
lhe none is of excellent quality, quarried in the neighbor* Traveling Elders are requested to act as Agenu for is treated—aa none but a practical Phrenologist c a * treat
hood, and very j»ood mechanic* have been at work upon it it—ciKwniicALLY ; a vast many most important principles
O h BajfJAMin W . V ajturaH oor, w h o w a * Drown ed had befallen him. In perron Mr. Smith waa tiller than The massive capa ol the columns are already carved ihe •• Prophet,” aad ”receipi for all moni**7and foTwJTd oemg stated, and all supported by a mas* of facts absolute­
XU tRSSXA. B t m s s i s t e r , M i h o i i e t t a VANDaxttoor. the ordinary size of men, wellfotmed, and with command­ from huge blocks; showing a cicant c round human face, t^iesame as soon as convenient.| ^ ly overwhelming. A most useful work, aod a rare intellec­
Thou glidest oa, oh ! glittering s«s, ^ ing aspect. Hia countenance was free, open, and prepos- like the broad full moon. The columns arc made tores* tual treat—p.p. 2"0, and a genealogical table with blank
Thou rolleth oo as ever; sesing, no one could discover any thing in his face but upon crescent moons, tculpturtd on the fj.'c of the stone, ^|p;ider Melvin Wilber, is authorised t j act as Travelling paper, for recording family hkeneucs.
love and kindness and chsrity towards alt his fellow crea­ rn tin g w iih the horns dowu and wilh a profie of eye*
But goae is one most dear to me, tures. Ke was easy of access to all that sought hts ac­ Agent for the Prophet. ^ NA TU RAL RELIGION :
note and rnouih, upon the inner cur:e.
Forever aad forever! quaintance, and in a remarkable degree unassuming. A The utmost harrnouy end peace, at least as far a> Or, The N a t u r a l T h i o r y of Phrenology; its aspect
•hort acquaintance wjth Mr. Smith was sufficient to con­ wns allowed to appear to ihw ey* of a Hrsnper, prevailee Elder Q. S. Sparks, of Hartford, Coo. is authorised] to on revelation, and i u general harmony with il ; including
No more I hear (he loved one’s voice, vince the most skeptical ol his inability to do any dishon­ throughout Nauvoo. At Warsaw, and all about the ad­ act as General Agent for the Prophet. / answers to the objections, that Phrenology favors Fatalism,
T bat spake wilh so much kindiess, orable or immoral act, much lers to commit those high joining district, a very different state of things is fully ap^ Materialism, and Infidelity, and is opposed to a change ot
asid horrible crimes with wh'ch he haa been frequently, parent. The people are boiling orcr wiih excited feeling. n e a r t A Work in w hich ihe p r i m a r y e l x m k m t s of
Those star-like eyes no more caa shine, charged, and as frequently proved to be innocent. Elder J. J. Woodbury, has authority to act as a travel- n a n ’s moral nature are fully analyzed, and tbeiewiih the
IV'c arrived al Warsaw on our return. We f*und* the in­
No more, a la s! ao more. . After his return from the dungeons of Missouri, Mr habitant* laboring under *uch a state of feeling as i* quite ing Agent for the Prophet.jJSSSS ^ ^ religious doctrint* taught, and thcdutits required by m an’s
Smith repaired to Washington, and in a respectful man­ evident can never be chanced In reply to the depulaiior* tature and constitution ; sectarianism accounied lor, and
Blow oa thoa sad wiater wind, ner laid his grievances and those of his seel before the Irom Gov. Ford, we w»rc told that a committee had alrea- Elder Henry Jennings, of Waynesville, Ohio, is reques •xposed ; and the general tenor of the Bible docU in es
H e lieth in the rollisg rea ; President and Congre««. Instead of obtaining redrew from dy left Warsaw lo wait npon the Governor, with the delib- id to act as Travelling Agent for the Prophet. •aetained. Religien is as much a science as matbamatics.
His sorrowing friends he h u left behind, the representatives of the people lor Ihe lands and property era’c «xpretsion, that either one or other of the antagonist- ft is as much goverasd by fixed principles and immutable
of his friend*, which'had been confiscated by the people of ical parties mn«t abandon the county. We stopped at laws. Nor are these lawa beyond the k tn of man. They
Till Christ doih the csptive free. Mmouri, he and his brethren received only insult and ad. 03* Donationa ia books, natural or artificial curiosities, tie written upon hia nature.. Phrtoology unfolds that na­
Quincy on Thursday evening, and saw the Governor. Wt
ditional injury. Irankly laid before him thr chnrges nc had heard mad* philosophical apparatuses, icc., will be received by the ture, aud, therewith, tha whole code ot .doctrines depen*
A l u ! my Go3 and caa it hr, He consequently bent his way, under apparently hap- against him, both by Mormons and Anti-Motmone, all of •Society for the DifTuion of T ruth,” at the office of thj dent thereos, and duties required thereby.
My brother I no more caa fee 1 pier auspices, to Illinois, in search of a place where he which he combatted with fair and intelligent statement*.
and those of his profession might live in peace, and be Prophet, and forwarded to the Museum, at Nauvoo. No- PHRENOLOGY A P PL IED TO TEM PE RA N CE .
Ah I yes, the one I leved is gone, The Macdonough soldier*, about whose dismissal the Mor-
permitted to worship his God in their own way, and where moas are most indignant, - e r e disbanded from the aimple ices of which will be pnblithed, if desired. A scientific exposition of lhe physiological effect* of al.
Aod left me io this wotld to mourn !
none might molest or make them afraid. He selected a fact lhat there waa no sustenance for them in the power o* »hoIic liquora upon the human constitution, and e/pecial-
beautiful site for a city, on the banks of the Mississippi, the Oavernor, or the prop’e of the place- Governor Fore ‘ y upon the animal propensities. It eipoundssome Phys-
He Is goae !—but why moara t and having purchased th* land, he invited bis followers to We would state to our correrpoadents that to insure in
depended upon lhe assurances of protection for the prison ological laws of crest intrinsic vslue, snd applies ihem lo
I shall see him a g a ia ; join him. Hundred*, aay thousands, bacame proselytes to er*, given by the Carthage Grey* and die guard around th* jertion in tbe “ Prophet,” their communications should be emperance wiih tremendious effrct. It hss been regard­
W hea Christ on earth shall reign,* the faith he professed, hard sufferings had already given door of the jail. The point m on interesting, may be the eceived early in the week, as our immense edition reader 'd by .many as the strongest tempersnce document put
Then we'll meet to part ao more. bis preachers an astonishing auccea*, aad multitudes flock­ manner of the murder, and without partialiiy, we can here ii necessary for us to go to s on Fridani a ;, forth. ,
ed to Nauvoo as to a plaee of refuge, and commenced give the straightforward truth. At the request of theii TIGHT-LACING ; Or, Evils of compressing the Orgaa* •
building the city. pres
Oh loaely n ight! oh waidering moon ! own counsel, the prisoner* were placed in an upper apart­ >f Animal Life.-
Have ye ao word (or me 7 And what has been the result 1 In a spot where eight ment of the jail insteae of the cells. Thi* ii another poiui ' In Pres*, ar.d soon to be Published, a W rrk ca
or nine years ago the feet of------man seldom trod, where upon which the Mormons leel sore, they believing, or pre
Oh love and eorrow » oh day aad morrow !
W hen shall grief cease with pie !
the psntber asd th* bear had roamed without meeting a
human face, there are now congregated upwards of ten
.endsng to believe, thnt the Smith* w#re so placed with dr.
sign to give the as'iuains^mope facility in accomplishing
Or, the effect* of different organizations and conditions
B O n a E B B n i thousand souls. An increase like this, probably unparal­
lelled in the United States, and certainly was never exhib­
their work. The li'st a*arm in Carthage waa t cry fron
the vicinity of the jail, " T h e Mormon*! the Mormons! iBOOK DEPOSITORY ihe body upon the character and mental manifestations;
deluding health—iu conditions, and ibe means of pri>-
K tting and restoring it, without medicine, and also aiet,
Opinions of the Press. ited i a any other country. they have come to rescue ihe prisoners!” h ia clear, fron NO. 7 S P R U C E S T R E E T , egimeas, h*biu, and their eflecU oa mind, tVc. T he re-
But a greater honor to thii cily and iu founder remains all our representation*, that such was the instantaneousitn-
to be mentioned. W ithin this city there ia more order, pression. The Carthage tireya were nnder >irme, and im­ 2N D. FLO O R . tiprocal influence* of various physiological organization*
F r o m th e P h ila d a . S a n . more personal security, more public virtue, more induatry, tud ruasifestations open the mind, is a department never
mediately commenced quick march "for the jail. Fir*'
Mr. Editor.—The intelligence of this heart aickening and fewer instances of crime prerailing, than in any town was hvard a solitary ahot, followed hy the quick and con utly presented ;and yet its importance is vastly uoderraled.
•rent, comiag to as as it did, from that polluted source, of its aize in ibe world. (inuous reports of n revolving pistol, (ihese latter are Thr Author hopes to present some principles of Pbfaiolo-
the St. Louis pspers, was looked upoa aa iacredible, aot Aod who has been the centre of attraction of inch a known and admittee to have been fired by ihe Prophet,)
W here m ay 'b e found, a general assortment of y vitally important, but usually overlooked.
heeaaee there were warning a tafftcieat number of iacarn population 1 W hat ouster spirit has brought these thou* <*nd then carnr a volley of fire arms, succeeded by Jcatpl Books and P apers illustrative o fth e doctrine anc T H E PHRENOLOGICAL ALMANAC fotjlg-IO, 1841,
ate fieads ia Missouri, ready and willing to commit such •ands together from far different countries— with habiu of •Smith falling head foremost from a window of the jtii, faith of the C hurch of Jesu* Christ o f L atter S12, IS 13, and ISM, (1^40 will soon be published,) con-
aa aet, bat because it was deemed impossible that the more life and modes of ihinkiag exceeding dissimilar, embracing The whole lim*; of lhe ar'ion, from the firjt cry of *Mht inry Saint#, among which are the following lining many inteiestir.g and valuable fieta amply illustraU
•ober-mladed people of lUiaois coald harbor amaog them heretofore, systems of faith entirely discordant 1 The Monnons ! ihe Mormon'!” until the Caiihnje-tlrejr*, ot I *ith cnts ir.rluding likrneese*. and fhort biographies,
d e a o a s e f ao black a die as they most be who murdered whole world will answer, it ws* Joseph Smith, a man vProf. Orson P rn tt’s Prophetic Almanac, foi
tppr^achicg the Mrene, diicovered n bind ot men disap i diftingniilied men. T be rtadinz matter of the old Al-
Joeeph aad Hyram Smith. every where spoken against, a man who was stigmatized pearin? a» fast a* ifuy fuald run. wa* scarcely ien min- tS4.y— price 4 dolls, p r hundred, f»G eta. per doz.< is ns good at. it ever was, snd worth many times
Sebaeqae&i intelligence received from other sources, with the epiiheta of liar, thie’, robber, iraitor, and even ntes. This has been all represented fully «t Quincy, thougt >ct#. single. „ c o. — cent s per tet.
coafirt&s th t trath of the diabolical act, aad puts the mat­ murderer, by those very mea who in all their conduct many still, whether fromhone*t impression orfixsd desigi A Treatise on the Fulness of the Everlasting
ter beycad dispate that these men have been merdered— towards him and his people, from first to last have con­ \ » SUBSCRIBERS to the MAGNET rso receive that
n is difficult, and perhaps usele<s, to speak, assume to im­ Gospel.—-per hundred $8— single I *. !/«rk ihrnnah our office It is now well conducted by P.
aye, cowardly murdered, after having rartendered them- vinced the world that Ihey were trying to attach to him pugn i!it integrity of the Greys. There la auch a whirl
eelvea tp voluntarily as pnsoaers to the protection ef the name# which more properly belonged to themselves. A P. P. P ra tt’s reply to 'L e R oy Sunderland— \ G..«d, 133 Fullon-Street. More about this Work else­
pool of conflicting intereaU involving this business, that an
laws. m as who, by bis death of martyrdom will multiply hia fol $6. single 10 eta.. where. 4
impartial mind it completely astonished at the manner in
WORKS O R M O N . B O O ’K - S
FO R S A L E B T F O R SA LE A T T H E P R 0 P H £ T O F F IC E ,
O. S. F O W L E R ,
NION L IN E —T o sail from New York oo the 8 th 10 h, - . NO. 7, S P R U C E 'S T . ’ # ■- /
U Aad 24ih, *nd from Havre oa the 1st 8 ih te d the 2-1jh
• I every month, as follow* viz.
131 N a s s a u Sr.,N Y .
100 Pine-atreet, corner of 8 outh-atreet J H E ^ B I B L E OF N A T U R E ,” 2 v ., 1200 . pages, price
f CICAL PH R EN O L ­ Tlie Subscriber begs Itave to call the attention of bis
From Havre
ARGO. March *8 April 24 OGY, A W ork which friends and the public in general, to the following arrange­ et ships, one of which will leave Liverpool on tbe l i t , Gib; , T H E E L E M E N T S OF ANIMAL M A GNETISM , by »
C. Anthony, Jr., has now been eight ments for 1S44, for the purposo ‘cf bringing cut Cabin, 11th, ICth, 21st and 20 *h o f e s c h month. " ' PracticalMsgnetiser, price l 2 i c u . , * ,* '- » ' -
.July 8 A«g. 24
years before thc pub­ ecoud C a b ia /a n d Steerage Passengers by the following P a trick Henry, New York, .Sheridan, G lide to forming and condacting Lyceums, Debating
'N o v . 8 Dec. 24
FRA NCOIS lit. ‘ March 1C lic, so that iu merits PACKET SH IPS TO ANB FROM L I­ Virginian,’ Liverpool, Cambridge, * Societies,'w ith outlines o f ;dtMcn**i*8a,» e « ay , &c. by
Mey Montezuma, Siddons, « G eorge,Washington Charles Morley*,price 3s. J o i^ s a J e «t, tha^O/Bea the
f Ainsworth, July 1C Sept. are allowed to rpeak VERPOOL.
for themaelve*. Hottinguer, Colombo*, United States, f*. Prophet.” ~*
Nov. 1G Jin . Ships’ Captaica. Days of Sailing from I ---------------------& — —
BURGUNDY, T H E AMERICAN Roscius, Ashburton, England, fc

‘March 21 M«y Names. New-York.
D. Lines, < July 21 Sept. PHRENOLOGICAL G. Washington Borrowi, Jane 7 Oct. 7 Feb.
S Independence,\ Yorkshire,
^S tephen Whitney, Rochester, A T R E A T IS E ON. T H E FULNESS - OF T H E EVBRfr t
;Noy. jo u r n a l ; Garrick, LASTING G O SPEL; Setting f o n h r i u first
24 Jan. United S utes Britton, Aug. 1 Deo. 1 April 1 Samuel Hicks, Queen of the West, Oxford. promises, and blessings. In which some o f the moet pro-*
E M E RA L D , ' April 8 May Devoted exclusively Gerrick Skiddy. “ 13 “ 13 “ 13
Howe, to the exposition and Patrick Henry, Delano, * Certificates of passage can be obtained, and every infor­ minent features that have ever characterised that sptteifijf* '.
Aug. S Sept. “ 25 « 25 “ 25 mation will be given to those sending for their friend*, on when on the earth,^are made manifest; aod th^tit wilieaa*
| Dec. 8 Jan. defence ofPhrenolo- Sheffield, Alien, Sept. 1 Jan. I May 1 application at either of our officer.
RHONE, Juno _ . gy and its bearing, Roscius, j tinue to do. so, so long as it can be found on tbe ea rth .,-B y
' April 10 Collins, •• 13 “ 13 “ 13 They will also be prepared on the openiog of navigation, Elder Moses Msrtin, Minister e f the O ctptL Published ia
J . A. Wotton.J Aug; lfi Oct. tnd of tne kiudrid science c f Physic logy and MagQeturn, “ 25 “ 25 •? 25 to forward passengers and their luggage to Albany and
Independence, Nye, New-York, and for 8 aie at this Office. T \
;Dec. 10 Feb. as far as they can bear oa i t ; embracing the clearest, and Virginian, All»n, Oct. 1 Feb. 1 June 1 Troy, and via Erie canal to Buffalo, and all intermediate
V ILLE D E LYON, 'April 21 June yet the mo»t condensed and also practical view ol Phrenol­ Siddons, E Cobb, 13 •• 13 13 places. B R IE F HISTOR Y O F T H E LA T T E R D A Y SA IN T S
C. Stoddard, , Aug.
ogy *nd its bearings on heslth, happiness, virtue, religion, Ashbarton,
human improvement, and the reforms notv in progress, any
Sihph'n Whitney Thompson, Nov. 1 Mar. 1 July 1
25 •* 55 25 To all ports of the Upper Lakes.' A (Commonly called M orm ons;) iocjndingan aceoaniT
ALBANY, w hereto be found. Monthly, 21 or 32 psges, at $1 per Sheridan, Via Oiwego to Toronto, Port Hope, Coburg, Kingston, their Doctrine and Discipline; with the reasons of tbe An
[May l« Junel 24 Depeyster, 13 “ 13 “ 13 and all parts of Canada West. ; hor for leaving the Church. By JohB Corill, A‘M em ber
W ttio n , Sept. 8 Oct. 24 year, or three copies § 2 ; five copie* for S3 ; nine cop­
ies for S ', ; or twenty copies for $10. In all cases iit ) The Provincial Bank, and branches. From Troy via Whitehall to Montreal and Quebec, Ca­ of the Missouri Legislators. Published br the Author at
'Ja n . 8 Feb. 24 IRELAND. > The Ulster Bank, do. nada E is t via Ohio Canal from Cleveland to Portsmouth St.Le.uis. For Sale at thi* Office. a
SYLVE DE GRASSE, May in July } Tbe National Bank, do. Cincinnati, and intermediate places. HE following'works aro for file; at th* Prophet^office,
51L. Weiderholdt,

May > 2 i
All Drafts payable at sight, at either of the obove banks
their branches or agencies.
South West via Philadelphia to Pittsburg, Cincinnati
Louisville, and all ports on the Ohio River lo St. Louis, T No. 7 Spruce Street, vix:—
P P. Pratts Reply to Leroy Sunderland.'
: f
Founded on Phrenology and Physiology : or. G o o d ^ Mesir*. Spooner, Atwood <k Co. bankers, Mo ; and to all parts of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Synopus of the B.ble, by B. Winchester.
J. Castoff, Sept. 21 Nov. H e a d s a n d B o d i e s , and how to make them good, both in ENGLAND, V London. and Wisconsin Territory
Jan. 21 March children snd one's self, by showing how to enlarge the de­ ) P. W. Byrnes, Ar Co. Liverpool. REM ITTA NCES.
DUCHESS D’ORLEANS, June 8 July fective, nnd diminish the excessive ; including the moral P a s se n g e r* can.alio be engaged from Liverpool to Phila­ For the accommodation of persons wisniog to send mo­
A. Richardson, Oct. S Nov. 24 Index to the Book,of Mormen. 2 nd. Edition.
training and government of children, without the rod. delphia, Boston, acd Baltimore, by the regular packet ney to thejrjfriends in the Old Country, HARNDEN A; A ddrep to the People 0f ,he United States. '
■Feb. 8 March 24 This work expounding thc principal laws of virtue, or con­ ships, on application being made personally, or by letter CO. will gnce Drafts on any part of England, Scotland, or
Gospel Light, No. 2 . *•
June August ditions cf happiness, and shows how to fulfil them. (post paid, addrested to 1 Ireland, payable at sight, for sums of £ 1, £ 5 , £ 20 , to
W . C. Thompson, Oct. 10 Dec. \ JOSEPH McMURRAY. Correspondence, in Psmphlet form.- between * Jf W P P H ^
INTELLECTU AL IM PRO V E M E N T ; £ l 00- o r to any amount to suit the purchaser.
Feb. 10 April 100 Pine-sireet, corner of South-St . OFFICES AND AGENTS.
IOW A, [June 24 A ug. Or, how to C u l t i v a t e t h e M e m o r y ; E x p a n d a * d AGENTS.—In Pottsville, Benj. Bannan, E*q. w o
iZ l r V. a ¥ k T « ^ ° ^ El ' , “ d
P * Chicago Democrat,’? and M en*
Charles Craft. 120 Slate street, Boston.
W . W . Pell, Oct. 21 Dec. S t h k n g t e n t h b I n t e l l e c t , and conduct the intel gin Lovell, Rich WeUh, Etq. TON B E N N F T o f i JA M E S A R L IN G -,
lecxual education of children ; in which is pointed out a B. W- Wheeler, Union-Building, Providence, R . I. TON B E N N L T , O / Arlington I/oust, L o n g h i and. and
Feb. 21 April In Albony, T Gough, Esq. J. W. Mills, 3 Wall street, and 16 Front street, New the Honorable JO H N C. CALHOUN, Senator fro m
new and more excellent way to intellectual attainments In Toronto, U. C Rogers !c Thompson.
than our common echftoU and seats of learning now fur­ York. Carolina In which u given, asketeh *f the L ifeof Joseph
ECCALEOUION. In Newaik, John McColgsn, E«q. N. G. Howard, 43 3outh Third street, Philadelphia. Smith, the rise acd progress of the Church of L A T T E R
EGGS HATCHED BY STEAM, IN PRE SEN C E OF nish—a work of great value and importance to parents, . . . l Ia Uticj, Thomas M iQuade, E*q. Sandford fc Shoemaker, 7 Light street, Baltimore, Md
V IS IT O R S! teachers, nnd alt who driire to know how to improve their I also beg leave to assure my friends and the pnblic in ^ I ^ N T f , and theTr P E R S E C U T I O N S b y ^ h t ^ S u t e
intellects. * Pittsburgh, Pa. of MISSOURI: with the peculiar views o f Joseph 8 m ith,
h is n o v e l e x h ib itio n , s o a m u s i n g a s general, that the greatest punctuality will be observed in L. S. Littlejohn, 11 Exchange, Albany, N ^ Y .
T well aa instructing, ia oow open at 285 Broadway, from H E RE D IT A RY DESCENT ; ITS LAW S AND FACTS tbe sailing of the above ships together with all others
9 o'clock, A. M. until 7 P. M. Or, the Transmission ol Qualities, Physical, Intllectual, which I may have, and tnat pasa^n^ers will experience no
S. Clark, 159 River atreet, Troy, N. Y.
Utica, N. Y.
P o h u c a l *nd R eligious m atters generally i ot
which is added, a concise account o f the presuU state and
prospects e fth e CITY OF NAUVOO. ^ / °®
The object of thia Exhibition, ro novel in New-York, is and Moral, from parents to their offrprings, through suc­ delay on their arrival at the differeat poru where they W . A. Cook, Syracuse, N. Y.
to gratify the scientific and carious, by affording them au cessive generations ; including directions for forming such mean to embark. Rocheater, N. Y. ^ J ^ ^ r i N G ACCOUNT OF SE V E R A L R E.
opportunity of witnessing tbe wonderful process of the de- matrimonial alliances as will secure whatever qualities in P. S.—Free passage can also be secusrd irom the va
velopemeot of animal organization, and more especially to children may be desired ; with hints to mothers during rious ports in Ireland asd Scotland from which steam boats
W . II. Cook, Buffalo, N Y.
H . Fitzhugh iu Co., Oswego, N. Y.
A MARKABLE VISIONS, And of,the L ate Discovery
ot Ancient American Records, which unfold* the history of
prepare the. way for supplying our market with Poultry of pregnaucy—a work which every young married pair run to Liverpool. m l3 if HA RNDEN As CO. tb u continent from the earlieat Ages after ths Flood, to the
a tiuperior quality, and ot less than half the pretent rates. should possess ; as indeed jhould all who design to form JOSEPH McMURRAY, beginning of the fifth csntury of tbe Christian E ra. W ith
So that tbe poor even, to whom it ia now deaied, may be­ (he matrimonial relations To improve mankind, we must ltjo P«ne street, New York S P R IN G A R R A N G E M E N T — 1841. a n sketch of the rias, faith, and doctrine of the Church of
come partakera of the luxury. begin with the g e r m Education bestowed upon a good Gives drafts in sums to suit applicants
The apparatua here used for incubating, may be eaid to physical and moral basis, will be vastly more productive o f t THK
b« perfect, and ia more eure of H*tchiug Egg* than any than that expended upon a barren soil. Long enough have ^P R O V IN C IA L BANK OF IRELAND.*
bird. It ia a material improvement upon the Eccaleobion, parents slept over this subj-ot. Walker's attempted eluci IM PORTANT TO SO UTHEEN T R A V E L LE R S.
t a y a b l u a t
which baa afforded aatialactibn aud delight to millions of dation of it, was a comparative failure. In this work it Cork, Bainbridge,
T h k R a i l R o a d B r id g e a t t h e R o a n o k e c o m p l e t e d ,
^visiter*, at the Exhibition Rooms in Pall-Mall aad Picca­ is ty * te d —as none but a practical Phrenologist c a * treat ON T H E G R E A T SO UTHERN M A IL RO U TE , VENVO N ^ A R m NED UP;i,1)E MBA.
Limerick, Ballymena,
dilly, London, and is emphatically a triumph »f Art over it—c i k n t i s i c a l l y ; a vast many most important principles Clonmel, Paraontown, V i a W a i h i n g t o n C i t y , R i c h m o n d , P in x E S B U R G a n d n J J ' L T T " 1 Mj*” " ? ' :Immwul Mag h u
nature. being staled, and all supported b / a mass of facts absolute­ W e l DOJT, A.TD T H E 0.1 L Y D A I L Y L i N * TO " e*bhones.— Earth is h u E ver’asting Inheritance _
Londonderry, |Downpatick,
Ladiea are particularly informed, that while this exhibi­ ly overwhelming A most useful work, and a rare intellec­ Sligo, Cavan, C h a r l e s t o n , S C , d i r e c t t o N e w O iiL E A n s . Ph**• “ i1\v 6 A’roPhet* tD(J Apostles witness.
tion cannot fail to please, there i* nothing in it, in the least tual treat—p.p 270, and a genealogical table with blink T he 1 hysical -Worlds were not founded for annihilation
Wexlord, Lurgan, (24 Hours in advance of the Bay Line ) but for thc pleasure of God ihey are and were created. *'
degree, offensive to the most reined and delicate mind. paper, for recording family likenesses. Belfast, Omagh, T R A V E L L E R S going South are informed that the con
Gentlemen of Science and of thc medical profession, on Waterford, Dungannon, BY, P. p . P R A T T : ♦
payment of |5 , may have a card of admission for 21 days, ( PHRENOLOGY APPLIED TO MATRIMONY. nexion between the Petersburg and Wilmington Railroads
Or to thestlection'of c i n g e n i a l c o ir a p n i o n s k o k L i n e Galway, IBandon,^ at Weldon, including the Petersburg Company's Bridge at L ucrpool, Published at the Millennial Star Office, 35 Chape] alreet
and the privilege ol breaking an egg each day. Enniskillen, Kilrusb, . aad for Sale at thin O fli^ . * • F w w e e j,
Admittance Tw enty-Five Cents. including directions to the. m arried , lor living togrthcr af the Roanoks ia completed, so that travellers going South
Monaghan. by the Great Mail Route, via Washington, Richmond and
CHILDREN Hal( Price. A liberal allowance mad* to fcctionately acd happily. The cautions it administers to N Appeal to the Inhabitants of tbe State of New York.
Schools that attend in a body. Eggs Broken on applica­ the young ; the hints it furnishrs iu regard to conducting SPOONER, ATWOOD
& C o , Bankers, London —
Petersburg, will be tran;ferred at Weldon immediately
from the cats of the Petersburg to those or the Wilmington
A Letter to Queen Victoria, Tb*F.puntaUi ef K oow ltdaef
tion, at 12} cents each. Young L’nicken* sold as curiosi­ courtship, as well as its scientific exposition of man's so­ Payable in every town in Great Britain Railroad Company, thereby ridding the Great Mail route b r P ° P P R A T T Bp r ’ *or *eDCe Affection!
ties, at 12£ cents. Pamphlets, Etplanatory and Trrating cial nature and relations, a* well as ofthe laws that govern k i j Price 25 cents each or 12 dollars D e r
them, render it moat interesting and most u:eful. of i u only exceptionable feature, whilst it is equally cheap hundred. T o be had at the Prophet office. *
upoa the management of Poultry generally, 6 cen's. REGULAR MAIL LINE FOR PROVIDENCE AND and for e x p e d i t i o n , s e c u r i t y a n d c e r t a i n t y , it has
my35:c] NATURAL RELIGION : BOSTON, great advantages over the day line. e sta m e n t o f th e tw e lv e p a tr ia r c h s


Office No. *19 Wall rt.—Directors: Messrs
Or, The N atural T heory of Phrenology; its aspect
on revelation, and its general harmony with it ; including
VIA S T O M N t r r O N AND NEWPORT. The following unrivalled schedules are now run on this line T i f t ! ? ° n,A Ja<? b* is m o “ re.pec«fBn y d e d T c a ^ » o m ?;
well-beloved Brother, John Albits«n,\ Patriarch in the
answers to’ the objections, that Phrenology favors r ataliam, FAST MAIL LINE. Courch of U t t e r Day Saint.: " A s a token c f r t s p i , and
John Brouwer, Samuel S Doughty, Wra. G W ard, Materialism, and Infidelity, and is opposed to a change ol
John F Mackie, S:ephen Holt, John Newhouse, Philip h e a r t :—A Work tn which the p rim a ry elem en ts of Leave N. Yv at $ A M Arrive in Philadelphia at 3 P M esteem for his services and unwearied zeal in the cause of
W . Engs, Marcus Spring, W m S Slocum, Jacob Miller, man’s moral nature are fully analyzed, and therewith the Composed ol the following superior Stesmers, running in Leave Phila. at 4 P M. arrive in Baltimore at 1 A M God m this the Evening of Time: By hi* Brother in
W ra W Campbell, John F Buturworth, JO HN BROU­ religious doctrines taught, nod the duties required by man's connection with the Stoningtun, and Boston and Leave Balt, at 2 A.M. arrive in Washington at 5 A.M Christ,
W E R , President—Joseph W Savage, Sec’y. Providence Railroads; Leave Wash, at 6 A M. arrive in Fred’ksburg, at 11 A M
nature and constitution ; sectarianism accounted for, and The MASSACHUSETTS, Captain Comstock, Leave Fred’kg at II A-M. arrive in Rich. Va. at 3J P M A Lfc:T™ J T 0 ™ E Q U E E N o r ENGLAND, Touch-
Insurance taken at the lowest rates. expoeed ; and the general tenor of the Bible doctrines RHODE ISLAND, " Th*yer, Leave Rich, at 4 P M. arrive in Petersburg , Va. 0 P.M IX . mg the Signs of the Times, snd the Political Dmi 5»w
HEAP Cloth Store—Nois As Morris have in store re­ sastained. Religien is as much a science ai niaihamatics NARRAGANSETT, " Woolsey. Leave Petera’g'at OJ P.M arrive in Wei. N C at l j P.M of the World. By P. P. Pratt Published at Manchester
C ceived Irom auction and .other sources, a large assort­ It is as much governsd by fixed principles and immutable MOHEGAN,
ment ef goodi suitable lor gentlemen's wear consisting io laws. Nor are these laws beyond the ken of man. They daily, Sundays excepted, from Battery Place, pier N o.l, Leave Wil., at 2 P.M. arrive inCbarleaton, S.C. a t 8 A M
Leave Weldon at 2 A.M. arrive in Wil., N.C. at 2 P.M England. *or Sale at thc Prophel Office.

part of,— West or England, French and American wool are written upon his nature. Phrenology nnfolds that na­ N. River.
Passengers by this Line will reach Petersburg in seven
black, blue, brown, invisible green, mixed cloths ture, and, therewith, the whole code of doctrines depen­ ARRANGEMENTS. PROSPECTU S
teen hours, and Charleston, S C., in fifty-two houra after
Wool black, blue and fancy car?imer«s in great variety dent thereon, and duties required thereby. The MASSACHUSETTS, Capt. Comrtock, on Mon­ leaving Baltimore, including all stoppages, and have the . OF A
Satinets, ell colors PHRENOLOGY A PPL IED TO T EM PE R A N C E . days, Thursdays aod Saturdays, at 5 o’clock, P. M. advantage of avoiding any detention at Weldon, on the
Scarlet and cadet mixed tloth ; buff cassimere The RHODE ISLAND, Captain Thayer, on Tuesdays, Roanoke, one of tbe most unhealthy places ia the southern WEEKLY NEWSPAPER.
Black and blue beaver and pilot cloths A scientific exposition of the physiological effects of al­ country, whfte" paascsgera by tbe Bay Line, arriving as
Silk and tabby velvets ; giraffe cloths coholic liquors upon tbe human constitution, and especial­ Thursdays snd Saturdays, at 5 o’clock, P. M. TO BE ENTITLED
ly upoa the animal propensities. It expounds some Phys­ Passengers on the atnval of th« stesmer al Stonington, they always do, fourteen hoars after the fast mail Jine uf
Velveteens; silk and Verona eergea will ^ e immediately forwarded in the splendid aad com the aamd day, are delayed ten hoars until that of the next
iological laws of great intrinsic value, and applies them to
Merinos and Cashmere vesting*
Brown hollands, bindings a n d C e r d a temperance with tremendioui effect. It has been regard­ modious Cars of the Railroads to Providencs snd Boston.
ed by 4many as the strongest temperance document put
The above steamers have been thoroughly equipped, and DAY LIGHT LINE, FO R RICHMOND &' P E T E R S ­
Bombazine lustrine*, post's hair camblets prepared to promote celerity of travel, and the comfort and BURG, VA.
Twilled flannels, plaid lining*, together with a com* forth. security of passengers, and not surpassed by any in the Leave N.Y. at 5 P.M. arrive in Philadelphia at 11 P.M. Th. * > :rd of Control of the Society for the Diffusion o
pltte assortment of trimmings f o r sale i n quantities to TIGHT-LACING ; Or, Evils of compressing the Organs
of Animal Life. United State*. Leave Phila. at 0 | A.M. arrive m Baltimore at 2 P.M Truth, ot the City of New York, being desirons *f pr^
suit purchasers a t the loweat m ark e t' prices, at their For passage, or Irsight, which is tsk^n at very redncsd Leave Balt, at 4 P.M. arrive in Washington at G P M. mulgating the Gospel oi Our Lord Jesus Christ u its fol-
store No. 142 Chatham street, opposite the Chatham In Press, and soon to be Publifhed, a Work on
rates, apply on board at north aide of pier No. 1, No. 22 Leave Wash, al 0 A.M: passing through Fredericksburg nes*, and ameliorating the condition *f fallen man hav«
Theatre. PHYSIOLOGY, AN IM A L AND M ENTAL : Broadway, or office of Sami. Deveay, freight agent, on the and Rickmond, and arriving in Petersburg, to sup, pas- thought it wisdom to establish a paper in this city, as s a
Or, the tffects of different organization* and conditions wharf. aing from Philadelphia to Rickmond and Petersburg,
IGHTNING RODS.—The public it respectfully in
L of the body upon the charscter nnd mental manifestations;
formed, that Quimby’a Lightning Conductors for the including health—its conditions, and the means of pre­
protection of buildings against lightning, can be obtained
Tickets for the route, and steamer’s
cured on board, or at the office of Harnden Sc Co. No. 3
berths, can be se­ Va. by day light. advocate aod herald of the Failh of the Church o f Christ o f
Passengers by this line have th* advantage of passing the Latter Day Saints. A portion of which, at times, will U
serving and restoring it, without medicine, and also diet, Wall street. evening and night in Washington, and yet reach Charles­ devoted to Agriculture, Commerce and Manufacture*, aa
on application to him, at his office 151 Fulton m ee t. All
regimens, habits, and their eflects on mind, Arc. The re­ (TJr* The steamboat IOL AS, ii now running daily between ton as early as those leaving Baltimore at the same time
orders from the city or country, will be promptly attended ciprocal influences of various physiological organizations well as to the Foreign and Dcmestic News of the Day It
to. The price is reduced in conformity with the times. Providence and Newport. by ihe Bay Line, ihese last being obliged to lie over at
and manifestations upon she mind, is a depsrtrnent never s A steamer is now preparing for the accommodation of the Weldon untsl their arrival. * will likewiae, be the faithful advocate and -<k«md«r
He believes that a sutgle ordinary lightnitg rod if inad­ futly presented ;and yet its importance is vastly underrated.
equate, under certain circumstances, to protect even smfll The Author hopes to present some principles of Physiolo­ Newport travel, which will shortly make the connection Ocy- For further information and “ through tickets” ap­ of the Constitution of tbe United States, whose glory and
building?. He was led to this opinion on chrefully studying gy vitally important, but usually overlooked. regularly between that place and Stoningtcn. ply at our Southern Ticket Office adjoining th* Baltimore offnlgence i* known in evey clime, which was battled for
the laws and operations of the electric fluid, ia connection and Ohio Rail Road Office, Pratt s t , Baltimore.
R IN T E R S’ FU RN ISH IN G W A RE and won by our illtzstriou* and patriotic ancestors. T he *
with personally examining iUpraciical results, as exhibited T H E PHRENOLOGICAL ALMANAC for|IS40, 1841,
in homes, barns, churches, tfce., that hadbeen damaged by 1S12, IS 13, and IS II, (1SI5 will soon be published,) con- P
HOUSE, NO. 32 AH!* STREET, N. Y Southern Travellers
W ELLS As WEBB inform the. Printer* ol stop as long as they may desire at Washington, Richmond
“ Through Tickets,” can Art* and Science* shall not be neglected—Sketches, Nar- \
ivcs, Biographies, Moral. E w a ^ aad^Poem*, will alsq
lightning, although furnished with lightning rods. naininc many interesting ond valuable facts amply illustrat­
To buildings not more than 25 feet long, he alwaya af­ ed with cuts, including likrnesses, and short biographies, the United States, that in addition to the and Petersburg, and resume their seats. find a place in the columns o f / (‘ T H E 'p R O P H E T ”
fixes two rods ; to large building*, a grater number. Th of dUtinguished men. The re a d in g matter of the old AW manufacture of Wood Type, Cases, Stands, m l 8] H. J. ROGERS. Ticket Agent.
Furniture, Galleys, Arc. Ate., they have wmlst i u conductors will endeavor to impart variety and
number of rods necessary to inbure protection, and theire manacs is as good as it ever was, aud worth many times T RANSPORTATION FOR CHICAGO, LAKE E R IE life to i u columns.
proper position, depend on the sizr cud foria of the bnildiog its coy.—25 cent* per set. opened a large Warehouse for the sale of N E W AND
the location of the chimneys, the position and height ol V SUBSCRIBERS to the MAGNET can receive thst SECOND HAND PRINTING M A TERIALS, and every V i a O sw e g o . P R O P H E T ,” w i U . b t j m r d .Stturday
neighboring object, Acc. Ar.. B lildings are differently Work through our office. It is now well conducted by P. article necessary for a P a i n t i n g 0 » t i c e . m m , Ihe 16it> iDttam, on u Im p tritl S W .1 No 7
Mtiiated and very differently expoied ; and the rods require P. Goon, 133 Fulton-Street. More about thia W orkfehe- They have now on h»nd, and constantly receiving from T H E N E W YORK, UTICA AND OSWEGO LINE
Spn.ce Street, N e „ .Y o ,k . . n d will
to vary in their application according to circumstances. where. } Printers and Stereotypes, all kinds and sizes of type, used OF LAKE BOATS will receive goods daily at middle ter. on tfakt d.jr, at 0 « Dollar p . , „ nom jnv„ ilb | ■
jier Coenties slip. New York, for any ports on Lake
T. JO N ES A: CO, 12 Pine and 15 Nassau st, are now 03* Editor* who copy all or either of these advertise­ for Newspaper, Book aad Job Printing, as also all olher Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, or River St. Law­ advance. .*. * 1
S tised—they sending a paper (marked) containing the eame,
requisites for a Priming Establishment. They alto supply
. offering the following very denirable goods in lots to m ents, shall receive a copy of the Work or Works adver­ orders for new type, from overy respectable Foundry in the rence.
No transhipment between New York and Oswego. All Letters and Communications acinit be addressed
suit purchasers, viz — Union, at the lowest manufacturer's prices.
Cloth and cassimeres, of different styles and shades o th^ Am. Phren, Journal Offic*. This line is composed of th* first cla*s o l'L ike boau, and (POHT PAID) to T H E P R O P H E T , No. 7 Sp'ruca S t r « t ,
Beavero and pilots, low priced to very superior Printers about establishing themselves in business, or is connected at Oswego with the N ew -\ork. G. T . LEA CH , Prea»t.
Vestings—London styles who wish to renew their fonts of type, or exchange their
“ I v N O W T 11 Y S E L F." presses, or other materials for other sizes or kinds, will find
C h ic a go L i k e o r S t e a m P r o p e l l e r s ,
By order of. the Board.
Silecias—Caibail’s Fergcsons’s and several American ith a Line of F i f t e e n S choomea s , runniug to ports on May 7. 1844.
makes ADMITTANCE F R E E it greatly to their advantage to call on them before purchas­ Lake E r ie ; aod with the new and elegant ateamboau Lady
Krints—Low Philad and suprr Madders TO ing elsewhere, as they will alwaya have on hm d, most ol oflh eL a k ea n d Rocheater, running on Lake Ontario and
:NAUVOO N E lG H fioS^T ^--------
M de Laines and Crape M de Laines—new styles F O W L E R S P H R E N O L O G IC A L C A B IN E T the leading articles, second hand, answering nearly or ihe river S t. Lawrence. Is printed and published every Saturday; by John Tav-
Merinos and Alpatcas ; Moicikine aud Cords quite as well aa new, and at a saving of from 25 to 50 per Thia line is also connected with a lice of boaU on the
IN CLINTON HALL, No. 131 NASSAU ST R E E T . cent. , Editor and P ro p rie to r; at Nauvoo, Hancock countJ.
Velvet acd velveteens ; red piddiugs—3-4 and 0-4 E NTLEM EN AND LADIES, who may deaire to be­ Wabash Canal and Ohio Canal, forming an unbroken com­ Illinois. Term s—^ 2,00 invariably in advance '
Kentucky jeane, of all the different colors
Roll’d jaconetts and col’d cambrics
G They keep constantly on hand a supply of Printing Ink,
come better acquainted with themselves,—their true of Prout and Mather's manufacture, from the cheapest to munication from New York to Lafayette, Iadiana, and from
natural endowments, for natural, moral, and intelectual finest quality ; alto cdored Inks of every description New York to Portsmouth, Ohio.
Letters must be addressed to the E ditor (John Tavlor*
post paid, to receive the attention. •
Apron and furniture checks enjoyments or improvement, are respectfully informed, ShipmenU by this line are insured lo Oawego, and on
Woolen shawls— all eizes and qualities ' that a favorable opportunity is at all tini?s freely given at W. A; W. are the Sole Agent* for the Northern, MiddU lhe Wabash Oanai only, except by special contract. T H E T IM E S A N D SEA SO N S,
*5Silk and cotton pocket Hdkfs—linen and imitation s L tbe above cabinet. and. Western States and Canada, for the sale of KNEE- P r opriet ors aj*d A g e .i t *. Is printed and published about the 1st w d U t b of everv
Hdkfs—Blankets: Chelmsford, Whitney Mills, Rose, LAND’S P A T E N T CARD PRIN TIN G ENGINE, which BRONSON-At CKOCKER, ) .
Although Mr. Fowler himself will be absent ffrom the
Radical, Duffl'u, Bath and cradle—Quilts and counterpanes; city for a short time, every attention will be cheerfully we believe to be equsl if not superior to any Machine Press DOOLITTLE, MILLS, fc CO. } Oswego .
cambric# of different widths—Jaconetts, do do ; cambrick render*d by agent *Mr. S. IL. W ELLS, whose publtck yet invented. We feel confident •,lhat a trial of the above FA R W E L L ic HARRINGTON, U tica. all c « . in
and furnitare. dimitye—Fancy check stripe acd plain raus- doubtc test examination} have accorded so perfectly with Prena will give the moat entire satisfaction. RO SSIT ER As R H E P P E R D ; T roy. subscribers and forwarding us Ten D b l l ^ c a A e n moneV
!o n * ~ C I o t h s ° &nd e k ' rta E nghsh and A m erican They are alio Ageata for tho sale Kovcrman’s Enamell­ W. S. ROSSITER, 23 Coenties Slip, N. Y. shall receive one vo ume gra tis All L e t t e r mu, t be ad!
“* * ed in hts professional ubility us a delineator of ch aracter. ed and Pearl Surface Cardr, which they will sell as low as W e t / I r n A g e n t *.
can be purchased in the city. P * a * e Ac A l l e n , Cleveland, Ohio, attention° *',0r’ P° * ° T ,he* V " ><“ receive
FIRST PREMIUM. Subscriptions far the American Phrenoloeical Journal re ­
ceived, orders for BOOKS and BUSTS will be punctualy They still continue to manufacture, and are generally C h a 's H o w a r d As Co. T o le d o , O A: Detroit, M ich.
W holesale and R c ta il Straw H at M a n u i a c p o r t , supplied wilh all sizes of their W o o d T ype, of which they ( » - Subscriptions for the “ Tim es and Seasons." unA
T h e x o .i P a r b e e . C h ic ago. III.
. No 9t* B o w l h v . attended to. } [inlb:c
are the original mauulucturers, and which still maintains iu H u t c h l i s o n , WiiEELEn, As Co. Southport, Wisc’n. 'VN ,*“ T
phet,” No 7 Spruce street. N^w-York »• 7
JTHE SUBSCRIBER beg* l e a v e to announce to reputation for superiority over all competitors aud atiempt m l 8:c] - -- - -- ■ ' * " . S'J 4.
t the ladies of New York thnt he has on hand as td imitators.
Ur^e an a«*orlment of Straw Goods ns ever haa been offer­
F neighborhood of.Gjneva, Batavia, BofTilo, Hamburgh, ' Co- Publishers of Newspspers in the U. S and Cansda, W ILSON'S R E A L ESTATE AND B t 3 S k WH0 w ANT5' B0OTS'.*AND'--, BHOEST--
Wales, Arc., in ihis State Likewise on Long Island. LOAN O F F I C E . __________
ed in the city, comprising a choice selection of N»ipolitan giving Ihe above three insertions by the first of July next,
Tuscan, and all kinda of Straw H»ts. They will be sold for cash or a part bond and mort- For the pri irate and public sale, hiring, letting and ex-
Braids of -til kinds for sale by the piece. ,'gaj;e, and some in exchange for unincumbered city pro- and sending us one copy of their paper containing it will changing of houses, stores, farms, A:c. Arc. For collecting renu,
perty. Apply at No 30 R me t l , back office, over tbe Bank be entitled to the payment of their bills on purchasing four
Hats cleaned and altered. times the amount. and for taking the general agency and supervision of real
Lm25:c] THOS. YOUNG. Coffee Houae. esUte. Alio for the superintendsnec of erecting and re­ lored, city made gaiters, 91 50 to 1 75 a pair: anda, f,om
Mew-York, May 10, 1S44, [mlS:c.
pairing of buildings. Persons having property to aelJ, ex fashions for 1S44, for gentlemen, ladies and cAildrendson
■jrWREMEN’S INSURANCE COMPANY, N o -17 Wall H71PIA N O FORTES, PIANO FO RTES—J. change or let, will Had it to their advantage to apply at this thirty to forty per cent cheaper than ever, 179 Hall the
JC a t coiner of Hanover st, insure against loss or damage _ ROCKETT begs to inform his friends and the office. All property registered io thia office, will, if re­ corner of CanaL STEWARTAc 8 AUL. je -°
by fire at preraiuma reduced, commensurate to the increa­ public that* he has removed his l’iano Forte Store to No WATCHES—T H E LARGEST AND quired, be advertisvd, and if not sold at private s«Ie, it will
sed facilities for the extinguishment of fires. •544 Broadway, between Spring ahd Prince sis, where, at Most splendid asortment of watches in if desired, be offered at public auction. He wiil also attend
_____ _ the city, i« to be found at the aubscri- to the effecting insurance, obtaining and loaning of money
Niel Gray, Sec’y
JACOB DRAKE, President.
je —
all times, wilt be found a good assortment of new and sec-
oad hand Piano fortes, at prices ranging from twenty-five ber’s, as be ia coutuntly receiving all descriptions of go'd on bond and ’mortgage. Individuals or companies, re­
M. H M I L E S , M A N U F A C T U R E R O F V A R N IS H


dollars upwards. Purchasers will find it to their advant­ and silver watches of the latest styles, from )he manufac­ quiring an agent to take charge of their estate, may depand
g e before purchasing elsewhere, to call and examine for turers in England, France, and Switzerland, he is enabler on having it faithfully and economically
“ihcmielves. a 11 piano fortes sold by J . R. will be warrant­ to offer a large assortment, and at much less prices at re sons wishing to hire, purchase or exchange property, or in­ ahortru notice, on the most reasonable term * at 118 N as.
managed. Per- W t .raining, Stensil, and Artijt* Broshes AU of t h t
aoovu articles will be manufactured -to order, asd a t the

| T . D- GILLESPIE furnishes all articles required at ed to be as represented— N B Piano fortes tuned, repair­ tail, than any other house in tbe city. Gold watches a» vest money, can most generally be. accomodated. Persons sau street^ basement story. {je
J funerals, and hs* privelege to inter in all the grave ed, exchanged, and »old on commission. je—c low as $20 to 25 each. Watches and jewelfy exchange* residing at a distance, desirous to sell or purchase real es­
or bought. All watches warranted to keep good time, or tate by sending a description of tb* property, will receive
ds and cemeteries in* the city or country, hia charges OOK A: JOB Printing, neatlv execnted cn the most the money returned.
1 be very moderate aad attendance punctual, No. 552
arl it, nearBroadw# 7 . je—c. it<4ad
favorable termi at thc •• Prophet ” office, No. 7 Spmce G. C. ALLEN, Importer* of Watches and Jewelry,
Wholcaale and retail, 30 W allst, up *tair*.—jV—c
^ immediate attentien. All letters must be post-paid and
addressed te JO H N C. WILSON, B ^VrSr.*l'£A? T 0 I lY - - - W M - J - DUDLEY,-MANUPAC
1 U RE R ef Fancy Hair, Cloth and Hat Brushes—also
Hair Brushes. T he above articlea he b u oa
J*—«• No. I Naaau »tre*t, N, Y. lersalc at the lowest prices. 118 Nassau at. ( j a ~ l i 4w«
tffivlTJiD T ff T H E D I S S B 311 .\.4 T I 0 IV
*• B B A i l i t - W At C O . P U B .
S u r e ly I S e U r t e ^ w ill d o n o th in g , bn*
" C h fa « ■* — a ,.t, P ro p ^
v q l ? i;—n o . x u i. ■A m o s , 3 ; 7.
W M . S M IT H , E D .
. ‘T U B PB-OFflKT’ shalt follow him, and subm it to his works, thou 81 PER AN. SINGLE COPIES 3 CXS
20 Pilato anltlf to them, W hy should h o d ia i
i s P U B L IS H E D E V E tttf SA TU R D A Y BY shall live unto Uou. i \ n d as m any as shall sub­
.* i.i ^ ► mit to his works, shall live also u n w God. . ir l ? “ o ‘° h " " ’
lelf to bo tho Son o f God; and a king.
he declares h ia . MORMONISM. T h o rn s also, and thistles'l u u l T b r i n « forth ' t *
HnKo l i n e r Day &jjtii'fioo£« 7 Spruce t 'o i r t u t i i i i d V I 1. y o u : and y o u shall eat tho herb of the & ld . R ?
Led tires oil TheoVry.- . the tw eat o f y o n r face shall y ou eat bread until
Fca* S o d. f A y a J e , a ( d kyeji his com mand­ THE
ments. t or if, thcu kcepest h'is commandmenU- [ from t h s nouft o r D o ctbixb & C ovenants J y 0 “ ish® ?T*lt,ro u nt0 ground—for you » h S i
cts. for e'viry kuWquetit insertion. thou shalt bo powerful in every work, and all th \ B O O K O F E N O C H . F a i t h , surely die— for o n t o f i t you were ta k e n ; for d u a t
A u . L r r r j c u 'ajtp C ouH antC ATiojis n o r r a c Ao- work shall be exceUent. F o r by fearing God, flrapter V lf. See ti oil I I . i®?1 ^ 0,.‘ r?t“ r.?- Thia
B x nsc» t o THE! P R O PHET. Pcax P a i d . thou shalt do-every thin g well was im m ediately follo'wed by the fulfillment of
1 T h en tu rn in g hinificff to me; he spake ant v 1 HaviDg *bown in our previons lecture “fait), Maatera a/e authorix-d by the Po.t Office de- 2 I h is is th a t fear with which thou must bc qaid, H ea r and fear not, O righteous finoch, thoi
pa/tineni, to forward, free of expenae, .11 order, for, or fo W® 8.h a^ P r a w d to show se­ o u t V ^ C nV1° U5,y 6aid M an W33' drivcn’ or
flhjcaauaaa, pabhcatioaa, aad a!*o money to pay for the affected thnt thou m ayest be saved. B u t feaj scribe o f righteousness, draw near hither, and hea cond ly the object on which it retts
not the d e v il: for if thou fearw t the Lord, thou ray voice, G o say to the watches of heaven, wht 18 T w o im portant items are shown from tli&
2 We here o tk k 'i^ that God is thc only su- •ormer quotations; F irst, A fter m an was created
L wilh tbe St**c Md Pott Office, ihould shalt have dominion over h im ; because there is have sent thee to pray for them, you ought tt preme governor, and liidepeiido'nt bmng. in whom
rtl° n7 18 r d t 9 l l d t i >«> »toid tm* no power in h in t
he was not left w ithout intelligence, o r 'u n d e r,!
U k " u d & Z '™ > pray for men, nnd not men for you. aU fulneas and pe,lection dwells ; who .J omnipo- standing, to wander in darkness, and spend #n ex­
i ! „S i1 r a t t om ce* la tbe u r e e ,own, 01 ,be “ « c ■ « « .
townthip. 3 ftow if tbeto fee nd p p ^ o r id him, then nei­ 2 W herefore have ye forsaken the exalted and tent, omnipresent, and om nicient; w ithout U&in-
ther is he to be feared. C u t ho in r h o m there is holy heaven which remains for ever, and havt um g ot days o r end o f life ; and th at in him every istence inignornnco and doubt— on the great and.
im portant point which effected hia h a p p i n e s s ,- tw
excellent power, he is to bo feared; for every one laid with.women, h a r e polluted yourselves witl wjod gjlt* and every good principle dwells; and
to tho r ^ l by whom he was created,, or un unto
that has power is to be feared. B u t he that has ihe daugntcrs o f men. pvM tflkefl fo yourselret •hat he_i. the f a t h e r o l'lig h u : l i him tho prin- whom he was amenable for
THE A P O C R Y P H A L no power is despised by every one. •vives, have done like tne son j o t th e 'e a r th anc vipls of faith dwells independently j and he is thc
amenable for his co n d u c t God<
conversad with him faee. to face: in h iV p re « n c o
NEW TESTAM ENT. 4 F ear the works of the devil, becauso they begotten a wicked ofii.jiring. object m whom tho faith o f all other rational and
dfe>etil; f o r b y fearing the Lord, thou wilt fear 3 Y e who were spiritual, holy, and live a lif. accountaWs beings centres, for life and salvation. mouth m n , T K PeFm,Ued -° ? and» 8nd fr0I“ K * own
T H E S H E P H E R D O F H ERM A S. he was permitted to receive instruction—
and not do the works of the devil, but keep th y ­ which is eternal, . have . defiled yourselves with wo
- . .......... ........... . J ‘Jn order to p ro « n t this part o f the subject he heard his voice walked before him, a„d gazed*
Thia book it tha. entitled, bectnaeit wa. cooipo<e<1 self from them.
by men have begotten in carnal blood, have lusted n a c,ear and conspicuous poiftt ol*light, it is ne- upon his glory— while intelligence burst upon h ir
H trm u brother to Piua, biahop of Rome: and bec.u.r T h ere is therefore a tw ofold fea r; if thou will tn the Wojd ot men, nnd have done like those of « « « ary to go back and show the evidences which understanding, and enabled him to give name* to
rTiaci?le Pi t t l a *• repre­ not do evil, fear the Lord, and thou shalt not do llesh nnd bl"od. mankind^havc had, and the foundation on which the vast assemblage of his M aker’s works.
s s e d in the form and Habit a f * aheph«rrf. Jrna:w it. B u t if thou wilt do good, the fear of thc Lord 4 These, however, die nnd perish. these evidences are, or were based, since the crea­ 19 Secondly, we have seen, that, though marr
<ltotea it dnder the ve/y m in e of dcri|firfrfc j Origen is strong, and great, nna glorious. 5 Therefore 1 have ^ivon unto them m em wives tion,, to the existence o f a God.
thooght it a mott u»efo| writia*;, th«t it waa divinely
did transgress, his transgression did not deprive
0 Wherefore ftrtr.G od and thou shalt live: that they might cohabit with them, that sons might 4 W e do not ritem those evidences which are him o f the previons knowledge with which h ew a s
intpired; Emebiuj aay#, that though it was not eateem- and whosoever shnll fcrtr him, and keep his com- be born of them, and thnt this m i-h t be'done on
manifested by the works of e f m io n . which we endowed, relative to the existence and glory o f hia
f CMOa'c * l,it w publicly ia the churche*. which maudracnt.-., their life is with the Lord. Hut they « arth .\
daily behold with our natural eyes: W<J rfr« sen­ C reato r; for no sooner did he hear his voice, than,
w Mrrcborated by Jerom ^aod Aihttewiai cite, it ciIIj who keep them not, neither it life in them.
G B u t you were' made spirits from the begin­ sible, th a t after a revelation of Jesus Christ, the he sought to hide him self from his presence,
It « mow awful work, and o b * r re ?. that tboujh it w .,
ning, and possess a life which is eternal, and are works o f c r c a t i o D , throughout their vast forms and 20 H a v in g shown, then; in the first instance;,
Dot tjncily caaoaicaf, the Father, appoirted it t obe T ,1°1L0??.1?I N lc o <1*'*nnH, f o r m e r ly c a l l ­ not subject to death for ever. n j l “ '5 “ Mbit his «‘« n a l power and th at God befgan to converse with man, immediate­
read for direction aod confirmation in U uu aad pietr - e d T h e A ct* o f P o n lin a P ila t e .
Jerome, no.wirhttaadiag thi. and that he applauded i, [Allhough this Go*pe| i*. by ,n m r amoo* the I-araed. .up Therefore 1 mado not wives for you, because I Godhead. Romans 1:20. • For thdinvisible
i> things
---------- ------ b “ ly after he “ breathed into his nostrils the breath o f
ye are , Pi , i , . . l , and y o ur dwellin* in hea- ^ “ h r f life,” and th a t ha did not cease to manifest h im ­
^ U l o g n e W r i t e r , in h i.c o m m e n t.ap o n it .Her- po.ed to have been really u , iu r n by Nicodemu*. wh.
became a de.c.ple of Je#u. Chri>t, and couteraed will, ven. self to him, even after his fall, we shall next pro­
/ ward* term, it apocryphal and fooliah. T ertalli.n
p u tte d it whea a Catholic, aad abated it when a Mon-
him. other, cw jectare that it was a forgeiy, toward, B ut ceed to shew, that, though he tvas cast out from
the cloae of ihe ihird ceutury. by *ome Zetloui believer first the garden of Eden, his knowledge o f the existence
tw ist Although G e lu iu j rank, it among the apocr,- who. obaemog that there h«d b , .n appeal, made by .he and flesh, sh .li be caUed „ i , ; p i r i „ on . a r . h , ^
men that o f God was not lost, neither did God ceaw to,
k* former age lo the Acta of Pjlate, but manifest his will unto him.
c ^ t X , , a r wBni aU' e h c d , ° • « « • ' * « n o < t an- that auch »cu could not k- produced, imagined it would come com. A , ' Til , I’,r a G el c lL d n U d .iL
w i , M - \ T eatam ent; and Archbi.hop
forth from their .h eir flesh,
I ,„ h , because
b .c a „ s. theythey were were . 56 W W ce ahall
shail ^now^ pro. ^ d ’ . e ^ r . h , situa- 21 W e f!«rxt proceed to present the occount of
be of aetvicc to CnruLanily to fabricate And publi.h thi» i e. tthh fir l>eirinnincr nnd
Wake, believing ,t the g e n n .n e w ork o f an apo.toiic Fa G ojpel; aj it would boih confirm ihe Cbriaiiao. undei foundntion created from above, n r beginning and ontrmnl
original |I tion imn nP m •>»> at
o f man n» his
i»:» first creation.
_ .• .. . . . thc direct revelation which man received, after he
her pret.nrea tt to th e E a giU h reader by the fo ll o w i n , p^ 5 ° . ,ln.B' and conir*ncc '!»- heathen, of the truth ol was from jthey I f ° m n . W p . n M ih . r X T n g acco ^m 'o ” him was cashout o f E den, and further copy from tho
traaalattoa, ia w h ic h he h a i rendered the b o o k , not only ihe Christian relijicn. The Rev. Jeremiah J o n r . , ay,. shall be evil spirits on en and Ih _r cy sh a ll b e j i n the^ Mtat first ^chapt.
n ^ ^o f the book o f Genesis, begin New T xanslatiou:
more but in g rea ter parity t h i n thay had before hat .uch pioua fraud, were very common amoog Chr.»- called tho spirits of the wirked ; the habitation of j nine with the ^(Ith i i '• i_v,i
tian.eveB in ibe fir#t threecenlurica; and th a ta fo r^ e n tho sp irit, of h e a v e , s hM, be i„ heaven b,,t J 22 A fter A dam had been d riven out o f th e g ar­
ppeared. The a rch bnh op procared Dr. Grabe to en of ihu nature, wiih ihe view above memioned, «em » restrial spirits who are born on earth
M l £ W . copy f!-om *ho’ N ew ^ den, he began to till [the earth, and to have do­
pr.o b^ ,cA T h? “ m* aurt,or» io noticinff shall h a \ e I G A nd the Lo rd God said unto thc O n l^ Be- minion over all th s beasts o f thc field, and to e a t
lathe La 1° ,KTs,d Ll,i" Veni0M Whh “ tncient Ms that E o « b iu . in bia Eoclf.ia.tical Hiitory. charges ih* iheir habitation on the earth. ttftn ogtten,
wlin tv-,iu
«iH farther * 7 “ d ,he ,e*rn<d Pr*'“ e o a .L . . r , . whoin'll.was LI with r_______
him the from 1, i • his bread
...u unK,
• by thc sweat o f his brow, as the L ord
f.,^ M .WUh fore td *“d publiahed a b:.ok, called J I he spirits of the pmnts shall be like clouds. Vs mnke mnn >» <>»r imaRe, after our likeness • had commanded h im : and he called upon tho
Ut l ^ Z r ° rtd ^ Wh° le from * maltiiado of The Act* of Pilate,” lakm occaaion to observe, that
the internal evidence of ih[. Gospel .h o w . that it w u which shall oppress, corrupt, fall, quarrel, and anc* 11 ,vas done. ’ name o f the Lord, and so did E v e his wife also.
not the work of any heathen; but t^at if in tbe latter wound on earth. # 7 And the Lord God said, Let them hava do- And they heard the voice o f the Lem} from tbw
The Setond Book of Hernias, called his end of ihe third century we fiud it in u*r among ChnV
nan. (and it w a. certainly then read in*ome churehe.,)
10 'I hey shall cause lamentation, they shnll eat m,n,Qn °.VOr tho fish o f th e sea, and over tho fowl way toward the garden o f Eden, speaJfing unto*
them ; and they saw him not, for they w e/e s h u t
Commands. aad about the aame time find a forgery of the h e a th e - no food, and they shall bo thirsty, they shall be ° f V10 0,r’ and over tho cattle, and over all the
onler ihe aame title, it aeem* prob.ble, that hidden, and shall not rise up against the sons of l ear*'1> nn^ o re r every creeping thing that creeps out from his presence: but he gave u nto tbemt
C o m m a n d V f. aome ChiiMiana, at th«t time, should pub li.h ‘auch t men and against women., for they shall come forth UP °n th ® eart,h * commandments th a t they should woiship the Lordf
piece a t this, io order partly to confrort the #puriou, d u rin g the days o f slaughter and destruction. I 8 So God created man in his own image, in their God, and should offer the firstlings o f their
I commanded thee, said ho, iq m y firat com­ o a r e r the pagaot, and parUy to aupport thoee appeal,
mandment, th a t thou shouldst k e e p f a h h and which had been made by former C brm ian. to the Acu •I 1 Astd concerning the d sath o f th e ciants the , ,rnB&® Begotten created he h i m : flocks for an offering unto the Lord. A nd A dam
!1* ___1 * 1 . .• i . ®_*Im alewas obedientAnni«rflalArl •L thdj^oimnandment.
unto 4_1n i
f « r .u d repentance. Y „ , , | fi ,* ltI { ond of Pilate; aud Mr. Jonea aaja, he thinkt ao the more
particularly, a . we have innumerable imtancei of forgerief 23 And after m any days an angel o f the L ord
tu e s r f t W . ; BJ*‘ 1 wil1 fl^ 01T !!>« v ir- by the f«nhful in the primitive age., grounded on lew appeared unto Adam, saying, why do you offer
“ r ” " o n j n d . , th a t (hou m . v . t know placa ble reatotlt W hether it be canonical or not it u sacrifices unto the L ord?' And A dam said unto
th ^ “ P ~ “ *W J L to t |, . of very great antiquity, and ia appealed to by aeveral oi .C. u u u .c me jiuignmiii, aim tnus ltir>y shall per- L, ' j , . I r , ' .--------. * ‘V mo sea.
the aocient Chriaiian*. The pre«eat translation it made tsh until the day of the grent term ination o f the u- i* ' a,r»nnd over every living him, I know n o t: b ut the Lord commanded me
from the Goapel published by Grytaiu. in thc Orthodox- great world, for'thero shall bc a destruction of the o V j 1. ? 0!** fh ®^ rth ‘ to offer sacrifices.
ographia, vol i. tom. ii. p. GI3 ] watchers and the ungodly. , Aut* the Lord God said unto man, Behold. ~4 A nd the angel said untoihitn, T h is thing is
k.CM th . U ^ n^' gh teo u,• F o r C h a p t e r IV .' a similitude o f th e sacrifice o f the Only Begotten
12I A nd now say to the watchers, who have h . „ | i. Ul» „ t h . ^ I ™ * nh er° w b tf ari"& s®ed»
the m 'c k S way. ^ * * * ' but u n r,ShlC0“ ®n«s of the h other, who is full of grace and truth.
T h en P ilate left Jesus in the hall, and went sent A nd you shall do all that you do in tho name of
4 Do thou therefore kce ‘r V i n l e a v ? ^ W fc° ‘h° lhe fruU^V" V r ^ ; i l ”„ T i:e tdT Z
out to the Jews, and said, I find not any ono fault were hea\en, you it shall be for m e a t the S o n : and you shall r e r i n t and call upon G od
I « " i r a 3 r 7. „ i i £ th Y i s h t, " ^ « * in Jesus.
13 In heaven you Jmvc been, secret things in-1 10 A gain, G eneiis 2:15,10,17,10,20: A nd the in his name forever. In that day the Holy S p irit
2 T h e Jews say unto him, B u t he said I can deed have not been rovealcd to you, but you have Lord God took th c man, and p u t him into the fell upon Adam, and bore record o f the F a th e r
destroy the temple o f Go4, and in three days known a reprobated se c re t; garden of E den, to dress it and to keep it.BfAnd and the Son.
5 But [ h .i J J ‘° al ' “ th as walk in 'it, build it u p ajjain. 14 And this you havo related to women in the L*°rd God commanded tho man, saying, Of 25 This last quotation, or summary, shows this
3 P ilate said unto them, W h a t sort of temple hardness of your hVart and by th at secret, women cJ.cfy lrco ° ^ t ^° garden you may freely e a t : but im portant fact, that though our first parents were
• v . n n . 4 a „ Y S h ° o f t r f 1" rf* t t W“ lk " ilh is th at o f which ho speaketh ?
~ » g h .n M .h o r o y b" “UM “ 15 not and men havo multiplied evils upon the earth. tj10 treo °* the knowledge of good and evil you driven out o f the garden o f Eden, and were even
4 T h e Jews say unto him, T h a t which Solo-
I Ia Sny to them, Therefore you nC^cr shall o b - r „ “J " /u eat of il» shall you touch it; separated from the presence of God, by a vail,
« « f h i ! ' t V e" 1V h ' reu ° r !i il is hMl «• « l k mon was forty-six years in building, he said he tain peace I neverth«*ss.
nevertheless, you von m ay nchoose L ^ r a for yourself, — -u* for r„_ it they still retained a knowledge o f his existence,
and all nti? U 8 ^ therefore go, says he, would destroy! and in three days build up. •• £*vcn u n ^° you : but remember th a t 1 forbid i t ; and th a t sufficiently to move them to call upon
IG A n d c o n c e r n in g thc m o u n t on w h ic h th e y
th tlr h o a it, S . " ^ T r o u g h l r * in ^ ^ f r o m 1 ifi 8UJ d t-to. them a 5a ' a > * am innocent for in the ,d«y th at you eat thereof you shall sure­ him. Ami further, thn t no sooner was the plan
from the blood o f that man ; do ye look to it. sw oro Qnd a na th em atized them solvea b y one nno-
ly die. o f redemption revealed to man, and he began to
w W k?l™n0T’ ho' f i r s t o f all thor, that to the e nd thero ahnlf not depart from it
belongs to faith. There are two angels with „n A T l* ^ l° hinl’ H ' S bl00d b° UP°» U8
cold, and snow, and frost, and dew, and th a t which 11 A nd out o f the ground the Lord God form­ call upon God, thnn the Holy S pirit was given,
1 >rcn‘ •«T h an Pi,ate> cal,in« to5ether ed overy beast o f the lield, and every fowl of the bearing record o f the F a th e r ond Son.
f t ’A °j8 . •lf htfl0a,neM> the other of iniquity, the elders and scribes, priest and Levites, saith descen d s up on ,t shall not descend u n less to a air, aua commanded th a t they should be brought 2G Moses also gives us an account, in the 4th
.k “ l(f Unto hira> Sir* howr shaN I know to them privately Do not net t h u s ; 1 have found v V n y, O r,th0 Sreat J«d?mont, a, unto Adam, to see w hat he would call them. o f Genesis, o f the transgression of Cain, ond the
that there are two such angels with man ? Hear, nothing in your charge (against him) concernin'; S hich rtime it shall bc burned, it shall bo made
w ya he, and understand. righteousness of Abel, and of the revelations of
hiB curing sick persons, aud breaking the Sab­ ow, and it shall bo burned and melted as vvaj * * * A nd w hatever Adam called every living
God to them. H e says: In process of time Cain
of righteousness is mild; and mo­ bath, worthy of death. from the hre, and all the works of it shall be des creature, th a t wns tho name thereof. A nd Adam
dest, and g«ntle, and ^ u iet W hen therefore he t r o v e i i by
troyed i v lire.
Ii p.* gavo names to all cattle, an(^ to the fowl o f the air, brought of the fru it o f the ground, on offering
7 T h e priests and Levites replied to Pilate, unto the Lord. A nd Abel also brought of the
gfta into thy heart, immediately he talks with B y the life of Ciesar, if any one be a blasphemer, and to every beast o f th e .
C h a p te r V I I I . 5 12 F rom thc foregoing we Iet»'rn man’s situ a­ firstlings of his flock, and o f the fat thereof. A nd
Uiee of righteousness, of modesty, of chastity, of he i« worthy of d eath ; but this man hafh bias’
bountifulnes#, of forgiveness, of charity and piety. phetned against tho Lord. 1 T he following are thc names o f tho aneels tion at his first creation: tho k n o w .^ K 0 with the Lord had respect unto Abel, and to his offer­
10 W h en all th«se things come m to thy heart, who w a tc h : b whidh he was endowed, and tho high and e C ,ted ing: but unto Cain and to his offering he had
8 T hen tho governor again commanded the
know then th a t the^angel o f righteousness is with Jews to depart out o f the hall; and calling Jesus, 2 Uriel, one o f th e holy angels, who is appoint­ *tatli?IILa " ’k ,ch b® was placed— lord, or governor not respect. Now satan knew this, and it pleased
thee. W herefore hearken to this angel and to said to him, W h a t shall I do with thee5 ed over alarm and terror. of all things on earth, and at the same time en- hitul yVnd ^ n*n 'Vas very on£ ry> nnt* coun
tin work*.
. 9 Jesus answered him, Do accordiugV s it is 3 Raphael one of the holy angels who is ap­ jo y in g communion and intercourse with his M aker tenance i ? 11' And the *n,d unt0 C a*n* W by
11 L earn also the works of the angel ofiniquitv. written. pointed over the souls of men. without a vail to separate between. Wo shall next nre you an g ry ^ W^ v ** y ° Ur count«nance fallen?
H e is first o f all bitter, and angry, and foolish] 10 Pilate said to him, How is it written ? proceed to examine the account given of his fall, If you do well, win ; ’ou not bLe a^ ep tc d ? And
| 4 Raguel. one o f the holy angels, who inflicts
and his work* are pernicious, and overthrow the Jesus saith to him iMoses and the prophets punishm ent on the world, and on the luminaries nnd o f his being driven out o f the garden o f Eden, if you do not well, sin lie* nt door, and satan
•ervants o f God. W hen therefore these things have and from the presence of the Lord! 1 * desires to have you ; and except ^” 0 l |®bnll hearken
^ alichacl, ono of the holy angels, who is
come into th y heart, thou shalt know by his r e s u r r e S n C° nceruinS a« ^ « D g and
pluced over hum an virtue, rules tho nation. 13 Moses proceeds: And they [Adam ond Eve] unto my commandments, I will d e liv J / y 0^ u p :
W°fo » ?V*11*®*8 angel o f iniquity. h&ird the voice ol the I^ord Ciod as they weie and it shall be unto you according to his u-*9,r°;
fv,Jcws’ Jl?arinP wero provoked, and G Sarakiel, one o f tho holy angels, who is placed walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and
7 j i 8ait^ unto bim, Sir, how shall I u n ­ 27 A nd Cain went into the field and talkea
the bln I 1* * ’ Wilt thou a «>y longer hear over the souls of th<i children o f men th a t offend Adam and his wifo hid themselves from the pre­ with his brother Abel. And while they were in
the blasphemy of that m an ?
d e n t* !^ w l things 7 H ea r* ho> and un' 7 Gabriel, one o f the holy angels, who is ap­ sence of the Lord God am ong the trees of the gar­ the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel,
aerstand. W hen angor overtakes theo, or bitter
v o i \ 1|,.‘!“l e s”ilh jl° thom’ l f tho w o r f * « « m to pointed over Ikisat, over Paradise and over the den. A nd the Lord God called unto Adam, and and slew him. And Cain gloried in what he had
ness, know th a t he is in the*. you blasphemy, do ye take him, b ring him to cherubim ; and Phanuel, one o f the holy angels
nni'* r^L desire o f m any things y o u r court aud try him according to / o u r law" who presides over rcpcntancc, and the hope of said unto him, W here aro you g o in g / A nd he done, saying, I am free/ surely the flocks of my
i ^®*t meat», and,of drunken.* J s . when said, I heard your the garden, and I was brother will now fall into my hands.
those who will inherit eternal life.
much*™. ? . belongs to others, pride, anc , J . V 10 PiI*“ . O ur law saith, afraid, because I beheld th a t I was naked, and I 28 B u t tho Lord sa d unto Cain, W here is
8 T h ey raised me upon high, on a place, where hid myself. Abel, yo ur brother? And he said, I know n o t:
“ m. *mb,Uo° : *«* th « a * 'h i- g - , there was. the appearance of a burning fire, and 11 And the Lord God said unto Adam, W h o am I mv brother’s keep*r? A nd thc Lord said,
when they pleased, they assumed thc appearance told you that you were n ak ed ? H ave you eaten W h at have you done? tho voice o f y o u r brother’n
J i t i ' ' ! 1? ' 1" arise in thy o f men. of the tree whereof I told you that you should not blood cries unto me from the ground. And now
.h " " ' rh ‘ ° ? K ' 1 o f , n i q » ' ‘y » w itS
the.. Swing therefor, thou knowest hisworks15 l>.late saith unto them, If ,h „ t >p. ech o f 9 T h ey carried me to a high place, to a moun­ eat ? I f so, you ahould surely die ? And A the y 011 s5hnil h n l l ’he ctlrsc(1’ from
~ th e 'e a rth which has
his was blasphemy, do ye try him according to tain, tho top o f whicn reached to heaven. man said, The woman whom you gave me, and j °Pene^ ^cr mouth to receive your brother's blood
. « credit to h ^ ; y o u r Jaw. °
10 And I saw the receptacles of lightning and commanded that she should remain with me, gave i ^rorn your hand. W hen you till the ground i I c
«rv .U“ . h„f God “ “nd b« 0m0 *. IG Tho Jews say to Pil .1., O ur law commands me „o fr .thet _ frur...:a
it o-------------
f the tree, and-------- I did e a t o ’ shall not henceforth yield unto your strength.' A
us not to put a n y o n e to death: w . desir. th a t of thunder at tho end o f tho place where it was
J5 And the Lord God said unto tho woman, fugitivo and a vagabond also, you shall be iu tho
th ii ‘bT r fT ltou1h“ l »h* » « ! “ of both
theaa ange«- Underatand now and believe the ohef the may be crucified, because he deserves the death deep-st, thore was n bow of fUe, and arrows in W h a t is this which you have done i A nd the earth.
cross. their cjuiver, a sword o f firo. and every sort of
angel o f righteousness, becauta his instruction 11 They raised me on high to a splashing woman said, T h e serpent beguiled mo, and I did (T o bo Continued.)
good. 17 P ilate saith to them, It is not fit h , should eat
b . crucified; let h.m b . only whipped and sent stream, and to a fire in tho west, which received 16 A nd again, the Lord said unto the woman,
♦u , *LF o ru iet r ? * n ho cver 80 h aPPy ; vet if all the setting of the sun, I came to a river of fire brciUAjf Suprnrrmoie.—The aoperttiiion of the Sici­
the thoughts o f th e other angel arise ^ his beart, which flowed like water, and emptied itself into I will greatly multiply y o ur s o r r o w , nnd y ou r lian*, and the confidence entertained by them 0f deriviog
th a t m an or woman mjist needs sin. 18 B u t when the governor looked upon the the great sea towards the w est conception: in sorrow you shall bring forth chil­ ♦upernatural power from ib* tupplicationt offered toSainia,
people th a t were present and the Jews, he saw ts moM extraordinary. Their conviction in »uch ataiatanco
dren ; and your desire shall be to y o u r husband, is itroogljr exemplified in the following aneednlr. At ooe
if t h . °f bd «ver 80 ^ c k e d , m any o f tho Jews in tears) and said to the chief 12 I saw every large river until I come to the and ho shall rule over you.
“ .wo.rks ° f t he a“ g«l o f righteousness great darkness, I went to where all flesh go, and I onrticuUr period the French fleet appeared ofTthe town ot'
» .o h i.h ^ ,S a tm a S V w ;^ ;7 n ^ d o ’ Q - “ A« F o p l . do not desir. »a*v the mountains of obscurity which produce 17 Anri fliA Tj\rA nnfn Syraetur, which threw the inhabitsota into the greatest
■omo good.
winter, and the place from whence the w ater comes
, 18 Thou west therefore ho* it i, r„f u - ' 9 of Jc,r" »nswered to Pilata, •orth in every gulph.
---------j 1 -------- / O 1 ------- *WV V U i V I i i . I ^ .. ....................... « IHU U IU| "I
^ #n«, l o f • V M o u u u . If th^fore thou | p u ^ sa , Jhat he^Tuld'dio! h“h" f“' r" r , 13 1 nlso saw the mouths o f all the rivers in cursed shall he the ground for,vour sake* in *or-c rrrncn. io coa*rquencc of ihi#f »*ved th* trhol*
| the world and tbe mouths o f the deep.
row you shall eat o f it >11 t h . "day. of v ou r life. | ”

- I

THE PROPHET. been am ong the worst of m « ; insomuch that I cannot b at

sarpect his m oral chaiacterNvho s h o w . himself ev er read*
en from city to city, and from state to state., „ — Uiail.TH* tMOJUXT.i - ^
To A l :6ung Widow xrho Uctpatcil: • *1 W° u,d '• “ “ folly tik e i s
into their own lan d ., were it not th a t they,
end anxiooa «o carry oo a warfare . c aia *t bttr holy faith Ik was then
incu voted that thi brethren
Tu-r- ---- unjiarcn ^i&fcchpc
wear crnpc jL ioes o n l i c r C a p . | 5 * .
Aod, unaccountable as ihe fact m a* w m fc> y o u , it i* , i U j M m fact, the whole peoplo aro restrained by
on tKeir Jaft arm. f°^ thirty days, bnd the listers
a fact, lhat G o d’. b«cdrct$o«jfloe, Bt>t rrat on the b r a d ! o f
our oppose*. are !!» * . * P » r l c a © r « h e ] ! a 8 d £ m - Uio] auch mdufnip^ ^ they deem nutable, as a
“ T h a t C a p of youra becom es yos_*ot.
Off w ith th e bauble, throw it jtacer foot. _ frA l'rrrr* funy 0r
o fth e community against them, anil
•« ■ » »
natioo, who b a t e been ao o n tn in g in thefr o f ia jJ iin n TL fcdk’en of oar respect for tho departed Prophet nnd j|' ' - ^ 1
U u ite r r tlin a — Borchard, f „ , t . & u ^ h tl“ t * 7 overt oct of their, ^ould
Patriarch of the Church. Also voted that the “ O h ! Sam eril my boy, m iod tbe Viddcra.,, |l- _
Knapp, Joheaco, T aylor, J n i d , etc 1 W f m ’k .« k
o f tbem , and what i t .h e ir c h ™ , ^ President of this Conference deliver a dUcoutse ^ T m ty iV tlltr .
^ S a l ^ c o i f h t w 1' p t o p ‘ r,5, t h e p o w " o f
lunger on ihear pomta, I w u h to call your attention ta T h i upon the murder of the Prephet and Patrinrch & ** J. t v*’| ’
second conclusion which I draw from our aubj-ct, on Sunday afternoon. Conference adjourned un­ A w idow 's cap oa one ao young, so beautiful u d g a r , r ,n ™ V e n i r d eC. I^ n,l,0 r - ' ' ^ U “ K ™ 1 «» I 'M b « n
2 T hat moral and restraining aa the doctrine of endless til half-pait OR.VP. M. ' ta like ihe Saow « o f \® nter,"in ihe flowery m onth o f M ay, o v i »h. mflnenee and control of th .
punu ment m ay be, it haa proVtd its-If qm te i h iu f c d e r U o leader, over the mas., „ unbonnded. W . u w
Met pursuant to adjournment, and after sing­ Or like the w rinkU d hand of tim e, upon the b ro w o f youth,
C Ma , , a r i , m t , t f r i t c d * »‘JLum*e.t B d S S r i ! no evidesco pf.ft disj)ositioa t„ o w b n i k . o n X
ing and prayer, Elder Pell preached a his­ Or hashing aa a S outhern w iad , unto a S u m m e r lute.*
h T l ? ^ r m i n ^ n r T l r mr l ! W hh ‘r C r*Vorile dlJClriDe of torical discourse upon the “ rise of tho man of contrary, 6 n t y inanitesution WM o fT ^ M c e fu ]
w h o Kh i « X l T r
f •^ T
C t,atB
,°f ,hemh*Te"i”b«n
‘r EC Pr° P ° « i ° o ol those
T hen “ d«(T thy cap ” for pity aake, and mourn oot for th t c h .ra c fe t; but, u n d e r ^ . t h e ^ f ^ j f f th jg t
^ j * „ lrn Hcre f f “ i brands in the pulpit bleat’, was evidently a d«pft<.lir.g of injury end an .cut*
b e ll A|r V h *? ‘ utir of t,,e ,frror’ of *° Whose earth ly pilgrim age is cbzogad lo a a eteroal rest. sens, o f th0.wj0»g..w hH!h they . i ,|, t v i they havo
t ~ ‘-'•iwuau.unurcn; vu., Apos­
a ti r m n t . i l0W u lhe 80,d b« °* n e d im ! I shall not
tles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pasltira, 6nd Teach- T hen rasrr a o t the decreea of H eaven , for holy writ bath suffered.,. Thw feeling may, and fo r'a time will
I ca. k *•j* mwTcl,0U1 problem for JrQU ; ^nd yet bo kept down by their feors ond th . influence and
ers. He alsp, spoke of the secession of Luther, aaid,
tant a
lani aa s*bjfct ™ 4 Tcw h,n^ ^ ^ K
for yoor ComidrratFon.
^Vnos, Fox, Wesleys, &-c,, from the Romish ju ris ­ T b at “ mourning for the b i t i t , is naught b ut m o ck ’ry of the counwl o f their leaders, but it will not b . forirot.
rib * ? * 7 ^ ’ / ' * ° ‘ >our J f r y r e r f r e n t re -a rd for l»;e hor- d e ad .-’
ten, and cannot be eradicated. T hey will en-
riDie doctrine of e n d l r n hell t c r m e n u v ia d of the creat diction and from each other, showing from incon­ deavor not to be the firat .RgMWOra, is hpt
trovertible testimony tlmt they had no more au­ to their interest to be, but thev. Vfil uot.nrobsblt-
u xsc tu txau jcntricABO. Bnr
nt o
on/ J hbSsK
^ o,?i o *M W«rH fd 11 t , .a tao,ivo
constrained ,0 Pie,y
to disseat « d * •from
entirely ««• T hen loose thy raven treaa*#, to Woo the balm y air,
thority to administer the ordinances o f God’s rcjget d ssifVocfcMii t i W n lS y iT e o S n ™ ^
Let not a trace of sadness, on th e brow o f anp ao lair,
fo° D r °C b M d le p ^ I l,h ,hC ^ mUfI B ° Urnc in hU ,eUrr house than the Catholic clergy, who derived their T hey havo built up a considerable town in a
S A T U R D A Y M O B im , A L ( , rL S T l o r i 8 « ; 5 **/ lhal “ F or mv P»r‘. I am per- For surely, anrelyr'thy fc'rigVt eyes, li^c m eteo r’s firom above,
ouaded that the vulgar notion of eternal torments h u been power from the “ Beast” and the “ Dragon” gave
productive, not of. virtue and happineaa, but o f wickednes* its power to the ‘ B east” After.jrtuch the Con- W aa never ihade Ter lo tro w , but the beacon lights of love. very brief period t h e y c la im 'a population in
W e have just published -A trae j»a d '/c r ip tiv e account the city of about fifteen tW s a n d , and we suppose
c f th* assassination o f Joaeph a c J H iram S m ith, the' Mor- " I .1?* Wj f. ’¥hcrc 11 h s * bcea « « seriously ference adjourned until Sunday 10, A. M. Oft w hen I viewed thy angel faca, combined w ith such a they have at least ten thousand.
and steadily b a h e v e d - T h e history of tba, terrible doc Tho buildings
m on P ro phe t and P atriarch at C au h ag e, J u n e 27th, |U rine and o f its inflaeneee dircot and indirect, is a history It being the time of the Conference ofthe Meth- form, are scattered over a wide space, extending alon*
1844, by an eytr-w itne..,rT . A. L y o r, (l«te 0 f the atage.) nf Tear, of crnelty and blood All the - y .W n , which odist Episcopal Church, there arose no small stir
Shining through thy “ aable w eeds,” like aunbeam'a midst the river bsnl* five or six miles, and hack into the
T o w hich ia annexed the Speeches of H L . R«-id and «t ts connected, be they H ealhen, M ahom m edan, Jew ish, among the priests, ‘ about that way,’ and a discus*
or Christian, have exhibited m any of the sam e c h a r a c t e r s a storm. c?u? trt " f d.rJ ? y f W ith the eicebtioH
J a m e a W . W oods, to which ia added a Brief S k etch of the tics and produced the aame deplorable results Ita tenden
™ elicited between Elder Sparks and a I thought upoa those dark eyed m a id * M a h om ed said is ol Uie growth ol tho city, there are but few other
F a ith aod Doctrine of the LaMar Day S * i n i a . - P , t c e i a i . 2 cy I* and ever has b eeb, to crush tbe spirit, and, as far Methodist minister, upon th» question. Does the give* evidences of. industry or enterprise among them.
c e n t . each. its influence is felt, to m ake the character b<se and selfish Gospel know of any high Priest or Priests aside
oer* and cruel. It inspire, . s h m h instead c f To all ihe faithful o f his creed, that fight their w ay to IJiey appear to have bnt few workshops or man­
from Christ ? Br. S p r k s .taking the idlHnative
^ • kf<?r H0f G o d- » ad. « calculated to m ake the hear. and sustaining it without the loss o fa single
H eaven. ufactories of any kind, and a stranger is puzzled
*hich fully r e c e .v f . it, cold, unsym pathetic, and aevrre tion. ^ ** to determine bow they obtain the^ means.of sub­
' K Ik ' 10 d *'ly receip. o f * h t e i l o t acc o o n u ol .owarda i u fellcw men It k n o w , no m ercy itself, « u0 Yes: th su shouldst be the H eaven of o n t , “ in tkia life’s sistence. ^ There is at this time,-,a great scarcity
A . M m . o f . b e ' ‘ Elder* ia h r . * , frora „ e% „ clio“ " -eaches none to ita votaries Hence the virtue, if so it c a , S unday IO A. M. M et according to a d jo ran - little span,” of provisions among, them, and. the.surrounding
>.y called, w hich this doctrine produces, is of t very pecu­
o f Bmb.1 *7 ^ 0,h U draW,Dg ,he ,10*e*‘ am ong men our liar character, and alwaya to be regarded with distrust I. *n.d ? raI"er> Elder Pell In the m eridian of thy youth, diffuse w hat jo y j o b can. country is but little, if any. better provided
p . 10 “• delivered p „ address npon the fullness ofth e Gos-
o f ,h e I'ro p h e l .a d .s as unltke the virtue which the gospel r e q u i r e a - a virtue Then let not tby bright beam ing eyes, recline la sorrow ’s
P a tria rc h haa caused a great reaction in favor of the Trutb. «hichi t p n o C> from love to God and fovc to m a n - a a e iMh and three came forward for bapti?m. Con­ lap, ^ •
ia unlike heaven. '* n “
r L ‘I*0P,e C*° n° W bC obuined*»• «b*> ference adjourned until 2 P. At. But like the Rising S am m er’a 'Sun, throw c f fih y “ W idow a many instance suspended, and i f the excitement
£ hcre ‘o evidence,* many thou- Met at 2 P. M- * After singing and prayer, the Cap.” f continues long there will be a great amount of in­
• w d a believe Mormonisaj, who peihapa would not havr dividual suffering. ^
c o h m u m c a t i o x s . [resident deliveixd a ver>' affecting and eloquent Arehiltcionic.
»nown ought about ita principlea, had not tbe inhuman
^ Uosto.-i, J o t v 30ih, 1314. . discourse from Rev. 6 chap. 9, 10, 11 verses. He There are a number of persons residing in the
oa.chery of those good men led the n to inquire whether
Eo»TOR-From tha fact tfiat It i* fmponible to gel I showed why the ancient saints suffered bonds,•
•••L ik e th s wind o f the South o’e r a Summer-Iute blowing, city who are not Mormons, or, connected with the
-re waa indeed •• any thing worthy of death” in being a -------------- r ' T w.---- — »u»,
It h uthed all its music and w ithered its fram e.” t«
our paper, in this city ro p*blhh the truth, on almost anv tortures,
t 0 r t u r ? > imprisonments,
» ® p rw p n m e n ts, and
a n d death.
d e a th . Descanted
D escanted church From several of these, we learned many
T l!e ,ru,h ** J‘ke *old : tbe m ore it ia nibbed
brighter tt appear*. All th at n ic k e d m en a n J deviU jubject e o n n rtttd With what is called Mormonism and UP° n j® G ° ^ 1
LalaR ookk.
taUS h t > th o L e s s i n g s , pow- f D a r k n e n is w i d by S hakespeare to be th e “ Cap of thihgs fn heliitioH to fdrhier eVeiits. and the jir^
sent condUon of the people. Several of the m -
c a * do, cannot atop tb« progress of the little atone, c a t out from the general spirit of liberality and candor that ha» ^ P n e s t > o o d t h e y p o ssessed, a n d t h a t t h e y Night,” or the W id o w ed Cap of departed day.
cedmg. Mormons have houses and other property St
I tbe mountain without bands. T h e m ore they oppose characterised your valuable psper thn* far I thouaht a frw Wer0 n o w ,r e 3t l J1& “ H tJ ^ e i r b r e t h r e n a n d fellow- th
m the city which thus far, have been guarded and
progreaa, the m ore will it grow , until it becom e a g reat plain facta in regard to the p r e L t pros" s L\ ^ ^ ^ s h ° uId Opinions of thc Press.
m o n a t l ia . and fill the whole earth. 6 Day Sainu in Boston, might not be altogether unintere.i ^ \ thfU ^ Cnd w ick ed n es. protected A strict police is kept up, and.during
mg to y o u r readers. Elder Adam. i. again among m i„ L T ° ; ! ' u ®’. w h e n th e c o m p l e m e n t o f t h e s h i n o f he night, guards patrol the c ity ; the avenues to
W c would adviae the Eldera to “ p reach the wor^ . k [N e w Y o r k H e r a l d . ]
/ i w ^ n t .n « w a , out of aeaa on; reprove, rebuke, exhort', lull tide ofaucceo. after all Elder Adams is the man for be fuN S h o u A P f 0pl?eJ a n d “ P ^ l e s s h o u ld the city during the night, are also guarded.
T n r M o a u o rr M a s s a c r e — Accounta confirmatory of tiq
Boston, the Church has been gradually cainina eround all I k u ° t h e j u d g m e n t s o f G o d t h a t the fact that J o e Sm ith and h i. brother were actaally m as­
On our return we stopped at Wahtaw, where Da
w ith all long-suffering and d o c t r u e ” - * . W .t c h in al
*hinga, endure sfiliclions, do the w ork of e v e n g e lis i and ihe aeaaon, the moat of the Twelve have visited Boston and f c ! *!! ^ Up? “ *h e d d «r s ° f th e sacred— murdered in cold blood, continue to reach as from the State comissioners were joined by Col. Wood,
**ake full proof of your m inistry.” <;0d will om aner'
done much good, end given much good council and in a P° ‘, ll e 3 a n d p r o p h e ts , a n d t h a t all w ere ihe W est. T h e re can be no doubt that political fseltng the Mayor of Quincy, and Mr. Conyers. T hew re*
entered largely into the popular excitem ent in that region genUemen had returned from Nauvoo through 1
“ ruction, aad have r e l i v e d for t l X . l G0MfB I ^ ° r , hC,d t h ™ J * ™ , ° r ogainst the M orm ont. It w a . feared by the W higa that
b e ,h e i— Opiniona” from many, and although no Mormon I am o f G ^ d ^ F I 6 C° m m ™ P °°P le a g a i n s t t h e p e o p le the Nauvoo people would give m aterial afd to P olk. Thia Carthage, and had been la b o rin g to 'e sta b lu h me
let the myaferiea a l o n e - f e e d ihem with m ilk am
m any a re being born daily into tbe kingdom of God and a/Torda another and mo«t melancholy illustration o f the per­ peace between the parties. The people of H an­
nicious, demoralizing, brutalizing influence o f the party cock county, however appear to be averse to any T
they muat be » ^ a te d aa babe* until <fary nre t b ,e to d’; brii
p r e m a , which are daliy inflaming the pasaiona e f the peo- compromise; short of the removal of the Mormons
KTOO* oe»>. If lhe Elder, w00|d „ ,,w wk ^ shlj

of thoce m e n ih.i j J'era“ ni

,nd »«area ,he talenu i f to a p p e a s e th e w r a t h o f t h e « D a g o n e o d s.” ’H e
pie by the vilest and most incendiary Uradea against their
respective opponent*. from the county. T hey assert th at it is now ab* b ill
M 0f‘ »» -1. Besides, Nauvoo was veiy favorably situated, and from solutely necessary to peace and quietness, that
Elder Adams w a s ^ ’ a y “ p!,c t h , , c h a r 8e ‘®Pr o ,Per- sh o w e d th e fa te o f o u r n a t i o n f o r n o t a v e n g i n g u s ita natural advantages combined with thoae created by the either the Mormons or C ititens quit the county, 3,CX
o t e h ^ t o Th^ , 7 °a TuC9d8y wi,h ^ o f o u r u n h e a r d o f c r u e ltie s, o p p r e s s io n s , a f d m i Prophet, under hia singular governm ent, w as very rapidly and that sooner or later one lnUst go, even i f force leal
wtf h 1 , 1 U0d7 tand ‘hey hc,d * couocil sacre3' A f ‘« c o n f o r m a tio n t h e C o h e r e n c e ad- increasing in population and trade, w hich excited tbe necessary to accomplish^it. Mr. Jo n is one o t
m on Wednesday, and left immediately for the M o u rn e d u n t i l e v e n in g . M e t i n t h e e v e n i n e a n d jealousy, *nd envy o f the people of W arsaw , a butinea.
place a liule below Nauvoo. T h e people of C arthage, the commissioners, addreSed the citiifehs o f W ar­ &
i ^ MEM M rthe°?or or [bAdamrf *° ^ * Bb0rt ‘im° th<5 C o n f e r e n c e c o n d e m n e d a n d e x c o m m u n ic a te d Also, ano th er trading village or town in the interior, w ere I saw\,and T " * called
'^ U1CU upon them
m e m tto
o say whether, they
th e y the,
was^nnonn ^ k kr*a B° 00 Thnrsday he a m e m b e r fo r t h e c r im e o f i n te m p e r a n c e . O n m o --------- m e mormona. would sunnort tb* . 3 dial
A p o lo g y . These feeling, o f enmity ariatng from accarred envy and and . 7du u
u nP^oiding
£ ? J ? „ “ the^ constitution, and Z v u*n• a n " 1
Tt an earlv h o i 1 1 * ^ eTenin^ i 0 n ^ A m b r o s e M o s cs o rS a in e d a n E l d e r , avarice, were constantly inflamed by a blackguard paper
»t an early hour the house, stairs, wmdowa and aurround- B rs . J a c o b B u r n h a m a n d J o h n E W arner taat
I ]? a ° n r ' h' » o publithed ing roofs Of ihe house, within the vicinity of ihe P r ie s ts , a n d B r. S a m u e l E n s i g n , D e a c o n . in W srs a w called the “ Signal.” mously rcfused to-give the pledg.. The same H is
A fter
“ " ' k * p " " of “ P°n • >o«n, U d j. we T h e conduct of the people of Illinois and Missouri to­ evening a Mr. Skinner, of_Cattbago, who profess- m oi
Hal , were completely jammed, and hundred, lefi that som e p e r t i n e n t r e m a r k s b y E l d e r J o h n M W o o l- ward* the M ojm ons baa been brutal and detestable in the
th f ” b" ° ' he r a e .o s o f w oundior ed to speak m the namo of the-citizens oi H an­ B
■be feel,n t l of w . u ,o » ,b t .he M me » u fic ,i,i„u ' vir A d a lf /L * m ,n °®:k 1 W' lh the n‘mMt difficu,'Jr !e^ C o h e r e n c e a d jo u r n e d u n t il M o n d a y E v e n - •xirem e, and discovering the s im e spirit that burned the cock, uttered the same sentiment. He deprecated ly b
-Mr. Adam s could get in the h o u s e ; after he succeeded he »"g- * wttchea at Salem and the Convent at Boston.
f . Ike p « r p o « o f r b rm e , , „ d w „ e , e „ , o r „ , „ h „ as impossible the idea of settlement if the Mor­ dros
w e r e ..f o rm e d o f ou r m i . u k e . U’e did no . I b i.k l b .. Lee Connty, Iowa Democrat
*«.oog our ro rr e ip o n d e o u .here w m o n - .0 ciVlancholy events*^ Z ' Z ' X
:r;,yI , . rau,Lt ,r;:eh: r , z;::: IX
U.0 0» h lle » . .
IO lr.Be m . b .b e f e e li a j, o f iboK . i o n ,hey .hoold ch'er-
^ L " r “ “ I ” 8 ^ * E1* mons were to remain. A committee of the citi-
T h e m urder o f J o e Sm ith aod hia brother, h as caused zens waited upon Governor Ford, informing him
feelings of deep regret in th e breasta o f every peaceable o fth e ir fixed conviction, that it was n e c e ssa ry
m on
and law abiding people; they look upon i t a a a high-hand­ at th
ith ; In (act, w e gave our correspondent credit for more tempted'to dU tarbb^ ,whfn ° nc or ,wo Bt- h,e.a r t 0 n m o tio n ^ s o l v e d t h a t t h e m i n u t S o f ed outrage, and aa a cruel, cold blooded, cow ardly and one ofthe parties should leave the conntyT andde- tame
g a l l a a t i / than he haa displayed in this net. in lew him, he silenced them andsham .d them J th is c o n fe r e n c e be p u b l is h e d i n “ t h e P r o p h o t . ” contemptible tnuider. T h a t J o e and hie brother were firing him to decde. T he Govenor rejlied that , at th
u m e t “ 7 T Ute’ - A ,,h e c l0 “ ^ - q u e s t , h e g a v e A l « m o v e d t h a t t L c o n fe r e n c e a d j o u r n sin e juilty of acta which required the interposition of the law it was not for himi to decide such a question, o* to Sli
P i c IVIc a t H o b o k e n . ‘. .. .. . 5 . ,hree ,“npg - on — -----•
Sui>d«y* ‘j w uSunday
b j cainc,came, ( d i e . M. F . B A R T L E T T , S e c r e t a r y . * r are well a w are, but after b e and hia brother had vol- Vien
T n is rtekcrth t little ple4sure m eeting cam e ofT on Tues aad it wnl be a day long to be rem em bered both by Saints untanly surrendered ihemselvea up to justice, under the 7 n r \ r y y ° c,Uzens whether Mormons or pool,
Q- S. S P A R K , P r e s i d e n t. r 1I^L0^^n0ns, out couxHy or;state*
full aasorance that th e y would receive the protection of Ti
day l a s t - a t 10 o'clock, aome thirty or forty aainta m et at and Sinners, he every th iag m o v e before him as with Gov. Ford h o p all v io le a c e ; ihey were entitled to all pro- in
ihe hand o f a m aster, h i . m an n er is em phatically h it own
T ^ e]iDS ®vinccd-by the most' active ia p<
Canal atreet F erry, prepared to enjoy them aelv.a and a . the tecuon against all danger and all enemiea. Yet still with in the Anu-Mormon ranks, we came to the con- 6re.
boat bore them across tha liver, the air resounded with the and perfectly natural, he m akea Creeds, C om entarie. and
Sectariaai.ra .h a k e and tremble a t every touch, Prisste
POETRY. all the aw uranee that were given te the Sm iths and hia
people, and whilst in prison awaiting their trial, th«y were 'JJ*1! ? 1 ?°r1 ^Ut “ drea<^ consequences Ac
glorious aongs of Z .on. A fter arriving at H obokea, they would prevent further outbreaks. The flame has nab
set and writhe under his argumenta w ithout daring to get O n t h e !>< atli o f l h e P r o p h e t . by a ruthleaa mob, shot dow n. A m ore d eeper stain could Polet
proceeded to the “ Ely si an F ieids,” m arching t o t h e time not have fallen upon the S tate of Illinois, or a more out- been smothered for a time, but the fire has not
o f some favorite hymn. W e never witnessed such a bevy up and oppose him , and the proof, o f a |] i., h i . labor, are the p
Joseph farew ell; thy apirit pure, regeotta butchery perpetrated. T h e S tate o f Illinois has been auenched, and slight causes may make it
of cheerful c o u n te n a n c e aa was displayed on this occa- blessed after preaching, on S unday three tim e , he gave oui her fair fame tarnished by the violence of an 'ungov- burst forth more fiercely than before. Ke
Ia now beneath thr Altar crying retar
won—every one giving their m ite for the happiness o f the baptism, at the close o f the evening w rvice, and never did ernable mob, and it ia lime that auch acta of violence
Unto lhat God of M ercies sure,
should be arrested, or w e m ay soon aay our lawa are a
Goveraor Ford has a most arduous duty to per­ stanei
whole. W e have been on m any pleasure parties, bm Bev- I witneaa a m ore lovely eight than to see them g ather around form O f his ability to discharge it, we will not
On whom ihou called when thou waa’t dying. dead letter and our freedom gone forever. E very good Ta
e r ta w ao Wuch unity. N o t a aingle circum atance occur- the w ater after the ancient order, under ihe presence of a whicl
citizen m ust feel interested in putting dow n such ontrage- now speak. A t our latest dates, he.was still at
red during tbe whole day to m ar the harm ony o f tfie scene clear sky and a beautiful full m eon, a perfect atillness T b y cry is heard, and vengeance certain* ous acta— and every good citizen should lead b i . aid in Quincy, and avowed the mtention-of maintaining openc
seamed to pervade the H caren a and ike E arth , and then to w i l l fall on tlioae w h o caused thy dealb, lerreting out the m urderers, and bring Uiera to ioatice. Jnly.i
T h e re w ere .ev eral that had not yet taken upon themselves tha ascendancy of the law «t. all hawntbc ^ H e haa
hear the eolemn and truly impressive worda " h a v in g re­ F o r God will raiaa the darkened curtain, Aa
the name of Jeaua, who resolved that they would inveati- [F ro m the N aav oo N eighbour.] •oldie
gate Mormonism, because a religion that would produce ceived authority ol Jeaua Christ, I Baptiaa you in the namr And blight thy murderers with hia breath. W e co m inee to ex tra c t auch opiniona aa the P re ss ad- to their homes. •Tslei
w c h harm ony and good feeling, roust be of JJod. of the F ath er and of the Son and ef the Holy Ghoat, Amen,** I vancea on the recent unprovoked, cold blooded, heartleaa ia dan
aw ak ennd sensations in my boaom not aooa to be forgotten W e feal thy low, yea, tears o f aadneaa J e w i s h T a A D m o fr a b o u t t h u s . R e a ro a A tio w a u d Afi
T h e proprietors of t y cottsge t h u sheltertd us dnring an<J unparallelled m urder of Joaeph aa d H y ram 8m itb. In
thirteen w era baptised, not old m em bers, but new onrs S Fill every eye in Zion*, land ; deatro
the h a lf hour u raiaed, deterve our thanks for iheir kind doing thia let it be distinctly understood, th a t th e specula- T n x p t * - T h e Je w a hav e a tradition w h ich is p reserved
attention and while m entionirg ihose who adrpinistcred of them men in tbe prime of re. m ore will embrace W e would have met thy fate wiih gladness. loagei
tio a . o f E ditors upon w h at tbe M o n n o a s will do, i . .b e e r in 10 the U tte r d a y ., w h e n th e covenant
to our comfort on that day, we would not forge^M r. Mrs the fwith soon, and I hope 1 will be am ong ihe num ber • Could we have staid thy m urderera hand. Ah
opinion, o f prediction, upon their ow n responsibility. T h e •ball be com pleted by ih e ir reatoration, lh e tem p le will be Prince
and Miis A , whose well stored basket cam e in good play .ho,e .h a . , h „ „ , h . ihe Chore], would n o , be o .er.h ro w o
- a o t would w e forget Brother B., whose hu m or added « .ll Hod I b e m w h e . much r a i .i .k r n , f „ , ,he
death o f Jc»eph and Hyram will add thousand, and ten. 0f
But fare ihee well, thy woea a re ended,
And perfected at lufTering. shrine,
L atter Day Sainta aa a body, have alwaya honored, upheld,
in d abided, by tbe lawa of tha l a n d ; aod in so doing, * . 1 1 p « . l , ex ceed lb o f , b i . e ^ l i , r f |a d
after. 1
<nuch to the pleasures of the day. , while executive influence o r p ow er haa been exerted, they dea d
T h y nam e with holy m artyr, blended “ ' i l " “ * w ■ ll, Of j u . which
Aa thia little aflkir h u gone ofl so well, we would p ro ­ thou-ind* to the Church. E lder Adams haa left ua for a have thrice fell th a t po w er most severely, perhaps through
few w e e k , and gone further North-East, but saya we ex­ Shall in E tern al Glory shine ! At i
pose one on a more extensive ecale. A great uD;0n c f ■ a prostitution o f honor or faith, or by aome o th er m eans,—
pect a great revival here thi» Fall “ So m ote it be.” C h a r l e s A. I to c x a r. ,W r r c ' 0“ * ' 1° " e* ; With o f P « « l .'- r .l l » of the 8tl
aainta, aay aome three weeka hence. Come Uisters will and now in their humility while endeavoring to calm the ^ ornamental decorations of fold and ivory aad He da
you not assist ua in g etting up one. ’ E lder W m . S m ith and E lder Brannen are announced passion, of inhum an calculations and k e e p the peace, for enlightened by ,be glory of God. A ttfe d ^ c . ! i r o V “ '. the pr
for next S unday. “ M ore ano n," yours truly, a well wisher
Q u c sla iits f o r W is e P o l i t i c i a n s t o
A n sw er. [distant Editors to insinuate the least idea of .m othered gorgeoua edifice a grand banquet will be prepared, consist- yettal
to the cauae. w . H. S T E V E N S O N . The
B o^ T oV m f7 » c c p ie . Of You aay tbat thia land is renowned for ita glory,
vengeance among the. L atter Day Sainta, ia morally wrong, 0f ‘ ">7 dchct°r ‘he world can prodnce; A leviathaa drawn
Book o f M orm oa. , b - b e . i . o b g o f ,he w e e k -., F a c t, and not supposition ought la rule tbe tone of a healthy purposely fattened for the occasioa-a female behemoth, of
early application is necessary to .ccu re them. W e s t fie ld iTIavt. C o n fe r e n c e . It. wisdom, ita virtue, its freedom and lawa, 8pecia
j newspaper. T h e L atter Day S a in t, have been driven and xquisite flavor—and the bird barichne, a species b o w ex­ damag
P u r s u a n t t o n o t i c e t h e W#»efRoH r j So
So sa y . the
“ T* l^ e Whig and to
w big and saya the
so saya the T
T ory,
m urdered with impunity ; and for what 7 N o t for crimea tinct, if aver it bad an exiateoce, whoae wing, ire- of roch 'T h e
New .York Conference. J m et thkc 2 7 t h J u l y ’. T h e m e e t in g w a s h e d T ' ” " C° dM:5 so decided by a ju ry of iheir vicinage constitutionally, but extent a. to obwruct tbe sun’s r*y»—«[rensmeS’ amonirs't totna o
A C onference'ofthe Eldera of the churce o f Jesus Christ | upon the euppoaition tbat they were about to commit* vio­ the provisions of thia august feaat WiBeifrairfWvault* rate of
S ° S p a r k s w a f c a U e d ^ o ^ h n " ’S ' * " “ I101.1 ^ ' d e r a W m the GIorJ you boa.t o f in Charlestow n’a red flame,
o f L a tte r Day Sainta will be held in the Ctty o f N ew York lence upon the inhabitanta and country. • • • of Adam and Enoch, preaerved miracok^yVreVthe time The
on Saturday and Sunday next, 17th and lS th inst.
F W tJ e T / oC Cha,r> antl E , ‘,c r W bin ,hc ™ buraiac, when womaa sffright ed (saj
o p e n e d w ith s i i S t a i r b v th , C o 'llcrcnt<! S* w lhei' h»">' h id io « b e . l aod freedom a o . a e j P eace ia now cheering Nauvoo, and that it m ay blets of those patriarch., ao that Iu flsvOTriiwktWi^tTehnea*.
B rethren from the country, by calling at ibe Prophet the country around, it is greatly to be hoped, that gentle. every age, will be prodnced in qosariderwhich Janoot be u reck
Office, can be inform ed o f ihe hour snd place, which is not t h . P r e s id e n t, f f i / h i c h
inA AniA^^ a F ^ Ua m .) i
^ b° “ ‘ “ ^ ^
I ■ j*» «
^ ^ ta ’b' ° i |h " I men o f influence, public speculators on public opinion exhausted; and^11 virtaoo. and woith> Trwa the The1
yet decided. time of ihe deliverance of their forefathers from Egyptian till ca
la Rhode Island the g ltsj w here your freedom reflected, m .g n a n im o u . Editora w ho hold the helm o f excitem ent,
Showa the fruit that will grow on L ibe rty’s treel and all honorable m en, will lend a h in d to “ bury the bondage, will be «mmoned from their crave, tb be prea- iron.
F rom N auvoo .—A ll is quiet—G overnor Ford ia at Au-
fen celess " “ “ T • ,.n c a r c e r a t e d de-1 Are lhe S lav e, at the South, your freemen protected! hatch et,” rather than chafe a lion to h e a r him growl. cnt at the dedication o f the tem p le; and to p W e o f the The
usta, III , inquiring inIO the cause of the late outrage, and feast, whichi .will be attended w ith tV w o r s h i p £ i n pare Z P
h a v e csuba H V ' ^ !.c h h ° r r i d * e d « » ^ d e l p b i i . «ype what this NaUon will b et Com m on courtcsy, kin dred affection, the benefit o f posteri­ The cli
• ts perpetrators. i>a,iey P . P ra lt ia io N t a f 0 0 n a v e c a u s e d t h e h i g h e r a u t h o r i t i e s t o r o t u r n to ty, and ihe interest o f all, call for onion, truth, beaevo- and spiritual than any thing that h ad e v e r b ee n jiractiied It apt
f e ,?e a t ° . S r e a ^ r e t r i b u t i o n , ” t h u s d e p r i v i n g u s I W rre l^e {hat you boast of, enforced by the mobbera, lence, and friendship. W e do hope therefore, and expect under . n y d ,a p e n « tio n from the creation o f l h e w o r l d . - organui
ot t h e i r r i c h p e r s o n a l i n s t r u c t i o n s , l ^ e r c w ere Who ba,chf" d of Ute in the Weat a true herot | tbat the generality o f the c o r p . E ditorial, except Davie of *<v. 0 . O/mr, D D., Prtenuu^, :quarter^ at first
d,.R \ v 3 v ' h“ *d,i' ' ,* 'd ,hr° ° « h lhe of
p r e s e n t o n e s e v e n ty , s e v e n E l d e r s , o n e P r i e s t If “ • yo° m»7 h*tl “ » Mother all robber., Alton and one or tw o others w h o lack tbe g re iieat quali. --- n-i *:* hundred
.er to ihe R .t. fcd»,a F. H«.fi«ld oo Uw occuioo, of .be laal exp
^lacovery o f the licenuouanessof R ev. Mr. Joh nso n — in re-
K r»n ^n e * l e f 5 her-. . T h e
W S u \ th\ v,c,n,ly ^ p r e s e n t a t io n o f the And ensravo00 yourbtaner* lhe “ «»•
c alled for. T h e L . « N ero .' ficalioa on earth , w ho use io m uch o f the Saviour*, golden
rule, aa to do unto others as they would th at othera would
b t '° ”
P W W 8 |»K *- W e' b i p ,
r' * d t r * ' « « i ° v . t f t i i e ; ^ s-u \ b i ,
.0 of the <
The |
U e s tn e ld b r a n c h , r e p r e s e n t e d b y E l d e r D e w e y come up to yoBr scale of perfection, have bei
be°fe^ I n h ' ^ T ” °f ° ''h°'101 •’"*ch!"e. or.ppe.1. .o do nnlo them ; and w hen u k e d for bread, will not send H ". B rother W . b u w ri.le a m o ck * r t n * U i e f j i w e l r .
be fear, of ,he .ud,t n e e - .e be.r Ic.imouy .o ,h= c o n ta_i n.s f o r t ^
y - n in e m e m b e rs, i n c l u d i n g o n e E l d e r Whc° *hc bu,chcred —v,.,w
•*« «40j iuiAuuiug
Mormons on©
or drove Holder
them away,I r*M,wamuiiuuo*
stones! or urovc incm away, to take)
Z t P » . « . of mt„. We one
o n e I nest,
n e s t , and
a n d oone ne TTeacher.
eacher. Russell
R u s s e ll Branch’
B r a n c h ’ Ff0m U,cir boR,ra
homra w w ,he
lbe wild wooda to *eek for protection M d u h u « , l e „ forcible ^ p l f ^ l/lh t- ^ ^
for a aei
.h ro « ,h fe ^ w 'k ” ' ? ° ! ' ^ iM n “" ^
represented by Elder Shirtliff, numbers fifteen Fr°ta lhc co!d wiat" ’3 Wa*1, with the fierce beaata o f preyl St. Louis Transcript B c ‘ “ ,„0' * " > » ! « » m w b I I ,b t b e a ith t.
1 T»L . k e h *Tc ra*de aa h o ri extract. rnembers, one^Elder. and one Teacher, all in good ■ ■ . P ' land,aU
N auvoo.— T he following'notice of operations been eet
b e .it was in n V i T a y ^ c t U o rT u d 10^ / 10lver" I,sm , S “.s; P] i18 Cwmmgton Branch was repre- Are the d u e b and murders, the lies and seduction
and state of affairs at "Nauvoo, we take from the Of o f ^ ' c o .* r ,h ° “ *a<1* , r e “ * « i o i c i o t in l i e b| e « i o p
the G ospel, w ho ow e th e ir ’ joy to the k n o w f ^ ^ cotamiu
T hat so largely exi«t, your true history’, psge 1
unmitigated rascality k *“ dlf,,ctly. ,h«* « u s c o f the report of the E ditor of the Republican. «
•be c u £ o f so many onh odox c |t in And are you not ripening fast h r destruction 1 Pined by Brother W in c h e d . Trscis. ‘
PeM7 p D0.i E ,d er’ . one P r ie s t feWers R o geS , Upon our arrival, we took pains to learn the Th*
iog Universaliits, or entenainine S T nk, t U °*m be’ 5 JT tt, and Sparks, gave interesting ac- Will not God aweep thia,Nation aw ay in h i. rage!-
state of the public feeling, by conversing with ror was
f .ith , t h i majority o f th em h a v f f4VPr f? r ®.ur , I “ Cr JCW> T W * Uzn bT a 'le tte r fro n rJe s a s a le m , th at
tinguished for their u n fn in n m „ ,..r ? • ‘roo** ** murli d ts -
tinguished'"tor7heV”uncornp;om *s^e hoM*!0** M .ro0fh d5»‘ R r o w i n f i ^ ei r r i8? i0n S ° f ^ S? d t h e Let Editora answer; their lofty position, persons, men and women, who are not regarded
as leaders in the Mormon church. I J *w ,' lDducfd by a * « s e ol gratiiode to tbe Q aeen
A . L ib e rty ', watchmen will help them to see, r i England for h er interferen ce o a th e ir behalf in the late
a s n . - * ’E a x s H - S ^ M h r t s r t s a r s t s : Let them speak and enlighten my d arkened condition, It was evident to us that the Mormons, are p etK cu tio n at Dam ascus, have introduced ia th eir p rayer- Thia e
I am one tbat ia eearc! deeply wountled by thc death of Joe and Hyram book, printed a t Je rn aalem , a form o f p b y e r for tb e Q u een J eOrey
c: ing for L ibe rty’* tree. * pesxonati
CiiAaLKs A. B e o s a a . j il y re§ ?f!t.t heir d®aths a * unmerited, and royal la m ilj, w ith explanatory reasons in the p refa ce.” be show
and the manner of killing them as border ng pon — K c ie t o f I t n u l . ckcritabli

r /
, FOREIGN NEWS; u,tm,t by*“ “‘,i'F‘c'l‘'“e," * » > !- «* Io#er down ihe te'rrace. They all retale1to one rranaac-
By tbe Caledonia, Arrived at Sosidif , n i l . i p K I e d l t o i L i r J H o l t ^ w i n u r i * . io D.b- * & & “ '!• « '> » \n Adius hiatorr; T he tribe of Ad, a6- H 'U .
cordla« td Mr. fitJe, were descended f r o a Ad, the soo of ^ , " I£ p£ |d U m " * "‘h o n e d
August 1st. 5 ” or S ’ ^ stra * Aram", the son of Shera, tbe son of
f Be O sledonla w a i telegraphed a t Boston on Thurada* ieymeat of the moat perfect state of repoee known io Ir,»b t.n? «7 . S t A ' f< Wf o l d e d ia the root aad entire destrnc- Bro. A. I t . ' t t n g k t , 0 f Ohio, is a a h o m e d t* wm ,
• Oiostajj o r t&e traC. across the . . o n e r s
morning t t half past 10. and arriv rd at t t * w h u f a t about w ith R u » i a has at iengtu L'f&t^bi the peeflfe to despera- 2r I J / c ’/ a Arab tribe, by the Awe or tribe
12 o’clock. Sho left Liverpool oa tbe afternoon a f iK- U‘**V Btawjr." Already
V . ------- ' the judge* ba te opened t o n e half dczea
aaa.•**«actnna • ■«i<4 + d* |L« e!UL4U.«.CI"*iJ
~ _aczea
__ tioa. T h ey a ttribated all their m b e rie a lo i h t miforfffctioo iS L i i™ - h Mr- book f t * * -
I0tb, and has m ade the passage i a l e a th an i ? ? . * .
it f u , u a n u raauc »uc passage ta lea than I J days.
c o tn o u s io n s ; and e i e f f MUttf; 4$ t«r as th ey have gone,
th c r are congratulating the grand ju ries oa t.*e Ifohtffess of i .ro?c h lI>ery, and accordingly agaiast that they tU tittd B S il. l" c n P,h>*'» ‘he* Adhie aad the Ha- *ie is alsu, au thorised to dispose of > r . w
l ^ o ^ e e tin g ia a mara of morp th aa a thousand,*
.alphabet ; and-a glo m ry com tiaiag every word the Capital Slock o f t h t “ Society* fot rW B i f l W o d
Cottoo M .deeltfled dBb^tgbth tbe calenders. Jodge Ball, at Eaai#, and Baron Richards,
tfcey rnar^tred ’j l j n a w hile ctrrtain toni from a w iad o w , ooa illn«r«i.'on^|Tf>!i *D ^ p k a a ti o a with jwtes of copi­
T he oew charter of the Bank of England wfll fre Ia foil j ** WeJtford, congratulated them oa the unexampled tran- aad hoisted on a pele M « haijfter.- add to the s in g ia f e f a ous Jllnstratioa Up>* e w .y point whieh iHey iatolve. Tbe
operation ia the course of a fear weeka frora the preaeat I morel state of their counties. In Carlow, aong which had long been sufig tti <*f»trret to'expresa first lascripuoa of tea hne'l fc translated
time. The part of the bill which moat engage* the attea- Chief Jastice Doherty oUieffed that* id the whole of hia their injuries, into the populous m aau facttm itf ’Jiflaiea Of W e dwelt, living lodg luxuriously, {a «>»« * na n a r of this Elder Johk Hardy is our General Agent a t Boston,,
tion in tbe monetary circles is; that more than seven mil-1experience, be had seldom seen a lighter cafendft. In fh* P eter.w ald au and Lanfienbi^Uu, w here they attacked ffie spacious mansion: our condition ciVm nt h Z Z Z ,/A, those wishing to sabscribo for the “ Proyhet,” ia t b a t
jionaof-Baak oftEagland aolea rare to be cancelled oa or ( County Loath the Chtef Baron used nearly similar t«naa o f « iJe f faCtofies, tbo*e of Missr?. Z w a^ziger. I lib e rt, end Ronrt City or vicinity will pieMe foryrud • their M a e t
befwe ao early n.iim e^a the 10th day of October approbation
A nariizay ana n e r i r , A ttem pts were m ade to turn aw ay The i t f , fwcHiog sgainst oor c u tl r « jii, him. t *
* Tfie packet a iipw et£he< l tnverpool ta follows i the L -t the repealers take crrdit for all (hia if they have the their fury by the dietributibft t f money, but je most cases in jo a c l.m . & A „ „ „ «
Southerner, l/bitsd States, and Eogtaad oa the Cih; the hardihood to demand it; bat that would be what the vsin. T h e fury of the rio lrrs m t i (efrific: Window#,- The lufiy palms: whose panted drv d . i , . «»,
Rochester, 11th; the Garrick, 12th. Americana call “ going the w h d e aoimal rather strong." roots, m achinery, fprniture, all m et with one comYnSto de»- Elders B. W . Elliot and R. J. Coates, are authorised
Probably tbe resolution to suppress v(o>nCe and succour XV .T#IIfcy d.l t f -*rouod‘ ; 'hey fie ar»d rice.
T he Acadia arrived out oa the 13th ia 12i days from industry, shown by the government, have bad eorneihinrf tructioa. The stores of yaru, iadigo, manufactured goo£,' W e hnnled the young moantaia goats and the vooa. bur*. to act as sgents for the Prophet.
Bostoa. sptudk-*, Asc. were all carried oat aod flung into the mill »nd beguiling we drew forth Vh^
to do io lessening the ordinary array of crime on the calen­ atreamr. Hiring fonr and twenty haur* that it required to
Tbe buaiaesa ia Parlia-nent during the past fortnight has dar*. r Elders Alfred Cordon and Jam es Borgese, are aulheriaed
gel an order from Breyjau for the rmplcymen of military, We walked with tic it/ proud gait, in needle-worked m an.
displayed no particular iaterest, and the foreign and do­ The anniversary of tbe battle of Aughrim, whirh bar this work of demolition and plunder t*ent on.' Tbe so), colored silk veatmenff, In whole silks, ia m s w r e e n to act as agents ia Vermoat for the Prophet.
mestic intelligence has been nnusal/y dell. The arguments been for so maay years kept by the middle cits* of Prot- chequered robe*.
tfft “ writ of error” are terminated, aad- ihe result eetanfs in Ireland as one of the n^ost rqemorable in their diers, on their arrival, fired on tbe mob,' and killed, thir-
must be shonly knowu. teen on the spot, besides wounding many otharr. Tbe Over us presided kiage, far removed fron1 baseaew, and Nathaniel V. Jones is our authorised agent for Ro^hcc,
anoals* parsed off yesterday without any of the usu'ql pro- rioters th»n fltd to ihe bill* and woods, whence lhe sol- ate/ni ehaatuera of reprobate aad wicked niffl. They ter, N. Y
T he opening of letter* at the Post Office, under tbe war­ cessionstor demonstrations. The Belfast mail received io diers hunted them out. Upwards of a hundred were con- noted down fot w , according to thr doctrine of He
rants of the Secretary of State, ia still the leading topic of town thia monning, contains accounts from nearly all parts oer:
^ pri,on
the day. The sabject h*> again been diacasaed io both of Uliter, all sgreeiog in ’the peuceable and orderly man- of Prussia hastened to BresIatJ to aiiertain thc real facts of Good judcmenta written ia good u<5oka fo be kept: and we • t 'Schweidoif. The Prince Adalbert Br. Clair is our authorised agent at H udson,-^. Y.
Houses of Parliament, oa th* motions o f Lord and Mr. T. aer that yeaterday, the 12th of July, waa observed tne case. There, also, the mob manifested a deposition to proclaimed our belief in miracJes. in tbe reaarrectioo,
Duocombe, for the appointment of select committees to The week’s reat wa* announced to be £l,6S 3. the same excesses; broke the street lamps, snd ibe ^in- in the return into the nontrils.of the breath of life. OO*Thorn as S- Woodbury, I. our General Agent at Phil,
inquire into the fact*. It was generally expected that the opinion of the judges, dows of the houses, snd of the Reformed Church. No Made an inroad robber*, and would do us violence j we
The journal* have supplied as with more speculations in the case of «hc Queen va O’Connell and others, would *o#ner did the news a aive in Prngoo than the coltoa epia- rofle forth/ we and onr generous youth, with stif! and
th4a ftct* rslatirig to the inereeae of ineendisry Pres, the have been read in the House of LorJ* this morning, (18th ners also assembled on tnr 17th and 16th of June, and de- aharp pointed speaf t j rushing onward.
iasuuments of which are at preaent mysteriously conceal­ instrfbt,} but sufch w i t not tbe case. No mention was made moliahed the machinery of ihe f»crori#f,to which they at- Proud champ.ons of our families aod wives; fighting vali­ (fc>* Mr. Valentiae Merrill, Jr., of Sooth Norwalk, (Ct.)
ed; but the subject ia now aasaaiag ihat decidedly im­ of it during the morning, and we understand it i*not likely uibuted the lowoesa of their w a ;ra and their consequent antly upon coursers with long necks, dun colored is our authorized Agent.
portant and pressing character which will prevent it re­ that tbe decision of the judges will be given until the con- miseries. All the.e ».tcc8»es, i jicept those at Peterswal- tron-gray, and bright-bay.
maining mach longer ia atata quo. cluaioa of th* circuit*. ceb, have been attended without loss of life. With our .words mill wounding and piercing our advefaa-
T r o o p s iff I r u - a s d —a letter, it is said, has beeo re­ Mr. E. Ward Pell is authorized to act as Agent fot
la the Commoas; the Railway Bill, iatroduced by Mr. T urkey.
Gladstone, aa the representative of Government, has con­ ceived by the Comtaander of tbe Forcea from ths Horse Our advice* from Coubtsminople arc to the 27th of June.
« * -« ■« * * - « ■& the “ Prophet.”
sumed raojt time, and excited most attention ; this bill is Guard*, inquiring if it would be safe to withdraw so m e of The Sultan had renewed to Sir Stratford Canning kis prom­ The ahort iascription ia three lines reads thus: (*>• Traveling Eiders are requested to act as Agents for
the troops from Ireland, the,military force there fating ‘J O,
intended, to a certain exieat, to place the auperintendence
of railways ia the hand* of Government. 700 men, exclusive of ten thousand police and twelve isesin r*(erence to the reuegade question. Letters from Wtth hostile hate, the men of crime tbe “ Prophet,” and receipt for alt monies, and forward
ihcLtaad pensioners, well armed and equipped. T h r reply Syria state that N^mik Pacha had left Aleppo with 4000 W e availed, onward rushed the tanae as soon as convenient.
Letters from Athea*, of the 29th, aay tkat a great deal was that it would t e unsafe to do so until O’Connrll’s re­ troop. °n his way lo Orfa. At Mount Lebanon Roman Our horses, scd trampled them underfoot.
gf afi^atiop prevails among tbe people vf Athens, aad that lease from prison. Oatbolic intrigues were carricd to such an extent tbat it
cries ere tieatd iii lhe itfcsts,' of “ down with the minia- T he two-lbe inacription. which is under the long iwcrip- Elder Melvin Wilber, is authorised to act aa Travelling
wa* ttated that the construction of the Protestsnt Church tion on the terrace, ia as fQllows: *
'ers.*' *I * 5
F r a n c o . at Jerusalem had been ducontinued ia consequence of the Agent for the Prophet.
P a r i s , July IGdj.— Otir aefcodnti thi* mornfng from the interference o t h e local anthorities. A large quantity of Difit d.L0t,° P- T ’ *?d from right to left, and
There has been a decrease ia the revenue of England in
the quarter ending Jaly 5. provinces are very disastrous, la rrfany parts the corn property and upwards of J000 lives have been lost in coo-
SJrrahh.W p0,DU’ *°De ° f u ‘D“ Ph. Sarash Elder Q. 8. Sparks, of Hartford, Con. is authorised to
crops have been laid beyond hope of recovei'y b j fhe hea­ sequence of an inundation at Adana. Albania was tran­
Money was abundant in Eagland. vy rains, and the fruit is rotliog oa the trees for want of quil when our letters thence were dirpatchcd. Traaspierced and bunted down, and covered their face act as General Agent for the Prophet.
Eieveo bodiea hare been recovered from the Manches­ sun to ripen it. As to Paris, nothing can bo worse than with black n e e , Aws the Beni Ac.
. ... ( the weather that we have, and disease is very prevalent.
M orocco. On the subject of theae inscriptions, Mr. Forster, in his Elder J. J. Woodbury, h u authority to act as a travel­
E.*»try ot M a **h .m B ugeaud into Moaocoo.—Des­
The object of th? e!are tfide f>»rf been brocght before J b.cre *re morc coats than in the depth cf win- patches have been received by the French government an­ th*us rV n m k s: b° ° k {0 ,be “^ ^ o P of C a n t a b u ^ ing Agent for tbe Prophet.
the-House of Common* by L ird 1'almerstoa. t.\
-ef* , ( . , .

, The House of Lords had not com* to any result oa the Lyons and its rdvlfodj wefc tid ie d on tiie night of the nouncing the'.kVYo.k' entry of Marshal '"V Bugeaud into ihe town of “ w h«t Job, (who living iQ the opposite oa«rter of Ar.
State Priaoner’a Trial Mr. O'Connell haa no hoprs that 21th by a sort of extraordinary violence ; the raia fell io Oacaaa, onfr *? the JUih I ult., 1 ’ "without
,,houl •a egun un ,bbeingclD? fired,. ‘he the Elder Henry Jeanings, of Waynesvitle, Ohitf, is rerpes
lorreotf, aod the hail was so large, that in several houses ■ \ , I!8 evacuated two day* before. A lasiiniTm.t 5 r*D- t-0f ,he «reat No'tbern detert, bad no
astmg material wnhin reach on which to perpetuate hi. ed to act as Travelling Agent for the Prophet.
the appeal will be successful. 4
nearly .U the window, were broken. In and near the , f h r M a r .h a l «nd ** thought.,) so earnestly desired stands here realed ” * Ob
Tbe Eoglish crops, oa the whole, looked well.
Palace Louii XVIII,-several trees wer* broken, and more , « L “ T n t A?1hf. h^ T ' V* wP.*^^aC that my words w»re now written! Oh tbat they were i ( 0 - Donrtions in books, nataral or artificial ctrrioaities,
W heat bs* already been cut in Devonshire. lb .n 303 bird,. »hi«h w « e kill'd b , ,b . w « . foujd *; ^ , t ’ . o " ci ' 1'*d
Mr. O’Connell is employing himself ia prison by dicta- ,h , 8 ,b u .d f t ,. m o m 'iD t. J' d i;
C n W ^ V h T b “ [ 'ike ,be kindred creed of lh philosophical spparatnses, ice., will be received by the
tiag a work, called “ My L fe aad Times,” Mr. O’Neill Croix Rousse ihe dsmsge_was very g r e . . , . nd ,omc .
Daunt acting .as his amtauenris. I *re M 10 been destroyed by the wind auu
j Uc\ of the departure of ihe Prince de Joinville with the
‘ ^rrt under his command
e r revelation than theirs. I F o r i k i m . ti... ^ n j *
44 Society for the Diffusion of Truth,” at the office of th*
l F c r m ioe '» » belter a n d b r i a hT Prophet, and forwarded to the Museum, at Nauvoo. No*

It is estimated that the 0 ‘CoaaeIl tribute this re a r will Many of the crops near Lyons nre ruined. er liY.lh, . a d ih .t h , , b , | | .i.o d . l . h . l r * ? r d' T ' ices of which will be published, if deaired.
Th- mrnt 19 evidently preparing for a very serious
reach 30,000/. 1 After the return of M. Berryer at Mnr^ailles as Deputy
•traggle in Africa, ana t ; ; ,inUfS pour trocps into Al­
The present military force in Ireland amounts to 2C.000 tor the Boiichea du Rhone, after his resignation of hia seat giers. Two regiments of c/irair, J . Ve « lf . . , d a i n . e r f . ,h .ll I X m I . . S .” f° r mr ‘ W e would state to our correspoadents that to insure in
men, iadepeadeat of carolled Chelsea out-pensioners and in consequence of ihe note of censure upon him and others
forgoing io Loadon to pay their court to the Duke «Je Bor­ embark forthwith „ Iruni- Toulon for Wl«u,
----- Oran, UIU and oi UIKv. sertion in the “ Prophet,” iheir communications should be
armed police.
. . . - there
„ was a considerable
------------------------ riot, in which
------------------ -- cries Otof been #eal .. by' telegraph io Toulon to
o - - i ............. i u (prepare
l i c p a i c forthwith
IUIUIMIU in Received early in the week, as our fonsenso edition render
T»i* laojt T rad *.—As an iastaace of tha iacreasini Vive Berryer!” •• Vivent les Flelria!” “ A bas Louis 1 Vu nmf ^. ' lraR,Port
......... r w». MU the troops IU to thrir
m n i udestiostion
n ilU IU U IL »ral truths v. d religion which they record, and ‘t necesaary for us to go to press on Fi?dsy evening.
bnakneaj of the above trade, we may mention that th- Phillippe I” were vociferated The police arrested sere i f,C,m *r,^at<r Orrnnqtie, the- ------------------- *lram corfciie^Cuvier aod which they have bsno««. _ 0Wn ' rnni ihe firat ages of the
ihipping agtat at Newport of a Urge esUblishmeat oa the ral o fi . the most prominent ------- ■ - ” - r **' •'*»» ' w ■«- • v -
of th* rioters, who, however4 the U randeurw ere taker, into the arsenal on lhe 1st to post diluvian world, that raise tbn..' *bove all price. View­
hills, ia on* day last week received by post, advicra of were afterwards rescued rnafce the necessary preparaiion*. The Orenaq-ie has land
charter parties, fot cafgoea to br shipped, amounting to coming up, the assemblage was dispersed; but afiterw*rds . !jrr.
Iettoa'& ’ c
jcued by the populace

Uon- 't'he w ,,i w e chiefly tor Char- four ofthe men who had diatinguished themselves by iheir
populsce An nrmed force , 7 . Vi

at. T o “Io,a
V PrePur-»"on,,‘ i ne Urenaq-ie has land- ed in this respect, they strike at ihe very
’* not certain whether Ihe troops Will cism, and leave not even his own hollow ground bet>0$th
Hort /endrVrf.
o f akepti-

the feet of lhe Unbeliever. For, if what the infidel vainly

*?*• " i - , n . - vociferations ana
T'-c.^rrsuons and ncrs ot
A correspoadeat of the Dabha Pilot aays : " T h e Govern-1 'he.21st brought b.fore tbe Court of Asaizes to answer for
of violence, were retaRen,
............................................. -
retaken, and on Ufapr* h#ve also been given for the embarkation of three would bring into question, as originating wiih Christianity,
regiments of infantry at Qran. They will be under the elands hererf registered as the primeval faith of mankind,
Went has spies ia evefry Catholic chapel id the country. I 'h pir conduct. The only witnesses against them were the command of a general officer who has already left Paris thefe Is an end at once, to the idle sophistry of unbelief.” N O. 7 S P R U C E S T R E E T ',
I no police bare been ordered to report everything said by police agents, aod all of them denied the facta imputed to for that purpose: The Duke o f A umale it abotlt to leave “ The incriptioa ofl the rock of Hisn Ghorab, a contempo­
toe priests aboat repeal. Several of the police have been I ,hem* **cept one, who admitted that h« criod “ A bas Alnca and return to France, on leave tif abr-rce for three rary witness of the faith of ihe most ancient of tbe old SND. FLO O R.
ouausaed for reru«n^ to become spies and informera." ! • Phillippe r without knowing the meaning of what month*. Arabians, changes the state of thiogs, placing beyond tbe
The famous M H urt-r, former President of the Protea- “ ' j ' 3??. Jurj! ac(lQ’,,ed and they were dis- cavils o f skepticism itself, at once, the fact and the purity
taot consistory of Schaflhautea, has embraced Catholicism. chirged.— Oalignani. [ F o r n t * P norH *r.J of iheir beliif in ihe scriptural doctrine of the resum e- W hcrc m ay be found, a general assortment o f
His abjuratioa of Protesum i.m look place with great cere- The Lyons pspers say lhat several persona have been ar- lion; and presenting to the t j e this great Gospel truth, (to Books and P apers illustrative of the do ctn ne and
mooy at the chapel of the Cardiaal Orsiai at Rome. re*'ed, charged with a Fjeschi plot sgainst the authoritiss H Y IU *. borrow the i^oble langnsge of Mr, Burke.) • covered with
B « ioa,iaL iac oln.hire, which recently suffered revere- of that place. Several grenades were found in their pos­ A ir —Life ou the Ocean Wave. the awful hour of iaaumerable ages.’ H— T ru t Sun. faith of the C hu rch of J e s u a 'C h r is t o f L atter-
ly by fire, has also suffered much the present season from session, with which it is said tbey intended, by a single day Saints, among which are the following:-—
drought- The diacharge. to destroy the General in command, the Mayor, To stand on Zion’e hill!? Prof. Orson P ra tt’s P rophetic Almanac, for
--- wells
, . dried ap,
r' end the h poor
u u i were
w e r e tfor
o r and the Prefect, when coming oat of the church of St.
eome ume unable to obtain water sufficient for the com­ To view my lieppy home ! *5Tokens of deference and respeet are f r e q u e n t ) / 'he mere 1815.— price 4 dolls, per hundred, 5£ cts. per do*,
mon purposes of life. John, after the solemn mast* of the 1st of May. expreeaion* of. vality. Tn*y flow frem n supposed* £**r-
W here flows the murmuring rill,
A new telescope comet was discovered at Paris, on the ness to the objects which ihey thus familiarly recognize 6 cts. single.
The famous Madame Castellan has engaged with Rubini Where saiata with gladness come, ^ T reatise on the F ulness of the E v erlastin g
7ih inst. by M. Victor Mauvais Its apparent positioa at and honor and remind us of lhe goo.e which, passing
'fa m o n ! M U P* ™ , p eteraburgh, together wiih the midnight, at Pari*, on the 9th inn. was A. R.—248 deg Like an exile now I piRe.j under an arcb, however high, lowers its head. Gospel.— tiCJf hundred $8— single I s.
famouji .lademooelle Niaaea, who woa eo much applaud
at the Paris Italian Opera. -17 mia. S sec. 6, and Dec —4f» deg. f»5 min. .19 sec. -1 ; For Zion f*r away P. P. P r a tt’s reply to Le R o y Sunderland—
with adaily motion ia A. R. of 1 *leg. 31 min. 3t sec., and O, haste lhe happy time.
Suudigl, the unrivalled b a .* , took hie departure for in Dec of 0 deg 25 min. 9 sec. It is situated in the con­ $6. single 10 el f ,
M . i S ' n°,,U“Ct b’ stellation Herculer.
O, hail th’ auspicious day.
To stand on Zion’sbill, &c.
RELIGIOUS NOTICES. An appeal to the inh abitan ts o f the State ot
S p a in . The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Djy Ssintts of
i . nurk87 ^ . l0w rr “ *'ch of Mr. Wilworih The M idrid journals are filled chiefly with rumors. It Brooklyn, Long I.lsnd, hold their meetings every Sabbath N ew Y o rk ; L etter to Q,ueeZ? V ictoria; T ho
fire Lane, Westminister, h u bcea aearly deairoyed by Oace more with'joy I view,
t«i reported ihat an extensive conspiracy has been discover­ al the Log Cabin, Fulton Street, at the usu J hours. F o u ntain o f K now ledge; Im m ortality o f the
ed. Thi* royil family of Naples is expected at Barcelona, That consecrated place, Body, nnd Intelligence and Affection, :»Y P . P*
Accounts from Warsaw state that the Emperor of Ru*. and thr Cartes arc io b t d iu o lrrd forthwith ^ WM. H MILES, Presiding Elder
Where soon the covenant new, P ratt. per hund. 1 s. single.
K is Per™‘?*,8n “»» «'•» l»'ger number of exiled The Peninsula continues comparatively q ' i i e t , « t there The saints of God will grace,
S e d q ^ .» r i OW° coaatTy> *od enter sgain into are varioss causes of discontentatill rife at Barceloiw. and Thc Church %\ Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will T h e T estam ent of the twelve P atriarchs, th*
« e possession of their property. -s Where wc wifli joy will find
various military precautions denoted that the a u thoring hold meetings at Winochy, New Jersey, on Sunday, August sons o f Jacob.
r e t S r , ^ lhe colIi ef* io. lhe d« « f f e c u d diatricts have apprehended come disturbance. Th* official prints labour That long «ince prom scd rest,
11th at the usual hours. JOHN LEACH. Correspondence between Gen. Jos. Smith, Cot
r tin r«1ii - f ,r having suc ce e d e d in but fe w i n ­ to appease the general uueajinee\ but their language be­ We prove ihat God is kind,
stances in raising the prica o f wagsa. tray iheir belief that some political event of great moment W entw orth, Gen. Jas. A rlington Bennet and Hon#
While we arc ever blest. The Church of J u u s Christ of Latter Day Saints of Bos J. C. Calhoun: $ 8 per hund. Is. sing.
- h w f V fT “ c.ccle*“ , *ic** edifice, the York Miaisier, will soon be heard of. The opposition papers duly record To etand on Zion’s hill, tfce.
o n r * ,A - !leCa C °*<d f° r * lone ,imc for repairs, waa re- i h r rrporta a flout. T h a Kxpectador, am ong others, cx* ton, Mass., hold their meetings every Sabbath, at Suffolk A n interesting account of several remarkable
/afy m°*1 lmP0,in« ceremonies on Sunday the 7ih preasea great alarm at a concentration of troop* in the dis­ ilall, opposite BoyUton Market. Elder John Hardy, presi visions. B y O. Pratt. $ 6 per hundred 10 c ts.
trict of Cadiz, oa pretence of executing grand mancruvres W c never now need part. ding. Residence, 91 Commercial tt. single.
A serious disturbance occurred at Bristol between some and it add* ihe report that iroopa nre also to be assembled W e never more shall roam.
soldiers lately returned from Iadia, and ihe police. Sev- • ‘ Madnd, Barcelona, and other c.pitals of provinces. From pure affections mart, -| O. Cowdery’s letters to W . W . Phelps, on
eral severe injuriee were inflicted ; one of ihe policemen The Madrid Gaz tie of the l .t contains lhe following re­ The Church of J e .u s Chri.t of Letter Day Saiat*, bold
volting summary of the execution* in only one district of From wife, from children, kome. the origin o f the Book o f Mormon. *
is dangerously, if not mortally wounded. meetings every Sabbath, at Marion Temperaace Hall,
C a ta len ia .--" Between the 1st of February and the 13th of No enemy shall slay A H istory o f the C hurch o f Jesus C h rist o f
A fire broke out io Algiers on the 20th ultimo, which , 183 Canal st. N. Y.
.^,e ‘ faction’ in the Maesirazzo have sustained the The prophet* of ihc Lord,
L atter day Saints— by John Corrill a member ol
destrored property, a coasiderable portioa of which be- following losses:—Killed on the field of bailie, 51 men;
loaged to tbe Goverament, to the amount of 52,000/. the Legislature o f Missouri.
•hot, after being m«de prisoners, 120 men ; pardoned, for Their wicked hands he’ll stay, ( 0 - The church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints at
A letter from Florence of th* 26ih of June.^states thal TL w UV!rl8CB' ’ *07' Among ihe prisoners shot, are the And thus fulfil his word.
Synopsis o f parallel passages in the Scripture,
Philadelphia, hold their meetings every Sunday as usual,
Prioce Jerome Bonapirte h » precipita'ely left that city, chiefs El Serrador, Viscaro, Jauva.and Tnso; Marshal aod price 53.
To stand on Zion’s land, &e. ia Third street above Willow, over Marshall Institute.
t Iter long occupying one or the fineat palaces of Floreace, his heutenant, Pilareen, Cotarro and his second, Martintr.- Gospel Reflector. $1.25.
where be formerly held a sort of court. The prince’s sad- fcl Serann, Taranq-ies, and Galo de Oleon ; and 25 gene- ELD. J. M. GRA NT, Presiding.
W e now no longer *cej3 T im es 6c Seasons, bound. 2,00
dea departure is atiriboted to fmaacial embarrass/heat, rale or officers, including one colonel, one commandant,
which it is impojsible for him to overcome at thi. mofeeat. three captame, and thirteen lieutenants. S :n:e the 29ih of T he great Jt hovah frown: H isto ry of the Priesthood, by Benj. Winches*
At the weekly meetings of the Repeal Association, on May 14 spies and 19 officer., coaiing from France, and a But bieet indeed are wc, L I S T OF A G E N T S . ter. 25 cts.
the 8ih insUnt, Mr. E. Roche, M. P. for Cork, presided. certain nnmber of dom anim who had joined the bands, W ith each a glorioua crows. All travelling Elders are requested to act as sgents, lo Millenium, a poem by P. P. P ratt, price 50
He declared himself an ardent Repealer, but disapproved of have been shot. General Don Juan de Villalonga, has, by procure subscribers for the Prophet. cts.
the proposition to coerce the Irish members who had not hie energeitc activity, not a little contributed to this result And now wiih joy will sing,
yet taken the Repeal pledge. I la ly . With angels choir among, Index to the Book o f Mormon, 2nd ed itio n: pei
The case of crira. con., “ Roberta xi. Herdmsn,*’ with­ T h e Gaz.itte d’Augsburgb of the 10th, contains a long The o’erarched heavens ring Elder S. J. Raymond ia authorised to act as genersl hun. 82. sing. 6 cts.
drawn at the last Tyrone Assizes, is entered for trial. cammuaicatioa. giving an account of the plans formed by With our eternal song, agent for Long Island. Address to the People of the U. States: 25 cti.
Special counsel bave been retained oa both sides, aad the Italian conspirators; one part of which, that relative
damages laid at 20,000/
To stand on Zion’s hi ILI, &c.' p er hun.
to Naples, has *o recently failed ia Calabria. Ths main Tyrus C. Moore is authorised to act as agent for the Pro­
c. w. w. Gospel L ig h t— 8 2 per hundred, single 3 cts.
The leading mercantile markefa exhibit decided symp­ point explained, i* thai a grand conspiracy exists, which phet.
toms of returaiog activity. Moaey is abundant, at a jew had its agents at Vienna, Paris, and London, principally Gen. Jos. Sm ith’s views on the policy o f G o v­
rate of intereti. ihe latter, for uniting all the different states of Italy into A Voice f r o m t h e P a t r i a r c h s —DxcrrPHCRirro o r
03- Eiders W m A. Moore and Elijah Malin, of Chester ernm ent; Appeal to the G reen M ountain B o y s ;
The crops of more thaa 100 farmer, have been deatroy- one «re*t government—whethei rcyal or republican waa aw iwscRimo.'f 3,500 t e a r s o l d - -The Commercial Ad­ Correspondence between Gen. Smith, CoL Went*
ca (says the Brussele Gazette,) ia the commune of Linde- left for future consideration. The Pope and the church vertiser, through the kindness of a dignitary of the Episco­ County, Pa. are reqaested to act ' u sgents, for jhe Pro-
were to bei dismantled, ihe King of Naplea sent adrift, the pal Church, h u been put io possession ef some informa­ phet. worth and J. C. Calhoun, and a Memorial to
{hem, Eistera Flanders,"6y a violent hail storm. The loss
u reckoned at upwards or 191,000 francs. • several dukedoms dispensed with, and ibe Kiog of Lom­ tion relative to an inrcription oa a rock ia Arabia Felix, of the Legislature o f Mi8SQuri.~-0 dolls, per ban*
bardy freed from Austrian authority ; in short, the great the highest interest to the antiquarian and the Christian.
The activity noticed ia the iroa trade a short time back government of Italy was to be established. Tne first at- Elder Wm. J. Appleby, of lleckleastown. New Jersey, 1 s.
It appear tbat in 1S34 some officers in tke service of the
•ill continues. T he demaad seems priscipally for railway tempts at revolution were to be nude . t Bologna and Cala- East India Company, dircovered on the coast of Hadra- is requested to act aa agent for the Prophet. Prof. Orson P ra tt’s Prophetic. Almanac for 1845
bria; bat both failed, because ihe persons who had under- maat, a province of Arabia Felix, some iwcription. in an
The claim to the Sussex peerage, by Sir Augustus d ’Eete* taken to advance money m England declined lo fulfil unknown Isogusge, cut partly io the ruin, of an old city,
Calculated for the E astern, Middle, and W estern
Elder J B. Meynell is authorised to reccive subscriptions
«* decided la ths House of Lords on the Vih instaat, engagements. and partly in the solid rock. Copies ot oae of these were for the Prophet in Eagland. States and Territories, the N orthern portions o f
-toe claim was disallowed. A correspondent write, on ihe 4th instant from Bologna, submitted to the Gvrmsn philologists, bat the character* the slave States, and B ritish provinces, it contains
It appears by a letter from Algiers tbat the attempt to — A third aentencs ha. been pronounced by ihe court- baffled iheir learning, and iheir meaning might bave re­ much m atter interesting to the Saint*.
organise a corps ia A lgern mouated oa camels, which was martial upon more of the persons comprnmiied in the d o - mained a mystery hud not accident furnished a key to the Eldera E. H. D*vis, E. F. Sheets and J. A . Stratton on
a mission to tbe British Isles, will act as general agents for Orders, with cash remitted, for an y o f the above
I ft,!ttre’ h t V - 1 k«e» auoceasful. Three htical eveats of thi. province in ihe political event. «f thi, puzzle. ■ The Reverend C. Forster of England, a well the P ro p h e t; they left in the Europe oo tho 1st to s t, for works, v,i!l be attended to w ith despatch.
hundred mea, mouated ia thU meaner, accompsaied the province in 1843. It has been tent under seal to Rome known oriental scholar, while searching for Ihe materials
laat expedinoa, aad manauvred to ihe perfect .atisfaction and its confirmation is daily expected. It comprises about of a treatise on Arabian geography, in a very rare tract on England. ___________________________
ot tne othcere. ‘ 40 persons, several of whom bdong to the higher classes Arabian History, found a title and monument which ia-
T he proprietor aad priater of tha Limerick Reporter of society. W e are informed ihat there are some con- atanily struck him, from the length of tbe two documents, Elder George J. Adams is authorised to act as agent lor FARM FO R SALE.
hare been held to bail at the instance of the Government demncd to death, but lhat they are all out of iuttiee and the identity of geographical pesition (near Aden on the Prophet.
to take their trial at the eaeaiag asaizes upon aa iadictmeat sentenced in default of appearance.” J * 8ua tho coaat of Hadramaui,) as an Arabic version of the unde _______ ON LONG ISLAND.
for a seditious article, which lately appeared io that paper. G erm any. cypherable inscription, of whicb he hsd seen a copy is ; Br. Milton F. Bartlet ia authorised to act as travelling ..j. T H E Subscriber offers his farm at private sale,
Accounts have been received from Aueklaad, New Zea­ R io ts i.*v n t * M x u v n c r v K ts c . D h t r i c t . __The riou WelUted’s Travels in Arabia. ii|| “ id farm is situated on the road that leada |
land, stating thai the Hanaab, a piratical brigaaline h u which took place in the early part* *f June in Silesia have Awakened to new hopes by iheir discovery, Mr. Forster agent for the Prophet. :
prosecuted his researches, and succeeded in decyphering Irom the parsonage landing to Hempstead, with n
been sened by the aathorities, aad lhat tbe crew had been been followed by others ia Prague ; aad commissions are mile of said landing. Said farm contains
committed for trial. sitting in both districts to explore the real causes of thrse ihe record which had stood the ravage, and mutation, ol E lder Annanias McAllister is authorised to act u agen
Ireland. ■xcesses. From tbe various accouata from those districu 3500‘year*, and which takea u . back io tha . g e ; of Jacob 53 ACRES OF LAND
these causes are pretty plainly excessive lowoess of the and Jijiseph, and within five hundred years of tbe flood. In for the Prophet. according to the deeds of which 15 is woodland aad 14 salt,
T h * S tatc T r i a u .—-The argument of the writ of er­ price of labor, aad to a great extent, u itft want of work this record are restored to the world ua oldest character*
ror was brought to a close oa the 10th of Jaly, having com- For a b a g period the distress among ihe hand-l«>om linen and language, while it also contains a fall and clear decla­ black grasa, and fresh meadow.
S A a u m o x o , of Philadelphia, is authorised to receirc Oa said farm is a good dwelling bouse, with fire rooms
neaced oa the 8th. T he Lord Chaacellor thea propound­ weaver* has been dreadful. This has now extended itself ration of the great central truth of the gospel, 44 he preach­
ed a series of questions to be aaswered by the Judge, wbo to the cottoa epinners, aad the description of the appear- ed to them J*cus, and the re^urr/eHon.” Although thi subscriptions for the Prophet. on tbe floor with a hall through the centre, a good brick
rfqiested time to consider them. cellar tbat can be entered wuhoat going oat of doers, a
aacc of these workpeople; the formerly simple, peaceful, Arabic translation was the clue to this discovery, Mr. F.
Tkismoraiag, (Dublia, Jaly 16) the Earl aad Counte* and industrious aad happy inhabitants of the Silesian val C0J»5C . ■e^eral errors and removed some obssuritiee.' Albert Sc — ■ ■ Lutz are authorised lo act as genera large and convenient barn with other out buildings, a good
*'« t»rey took their departure from this county amid every leys, is heart-readiag. Pale, consumptive, weak-eyed f h e inscription is in three purls. The losgest is of ten agents for the Prophet. well of water near the door, and a large garden well sior-.
Jttnonstratioa of pertoaal respect and esteem that coaid men, languidly gliding down from the mountains, staff in e fi?’ •°*raTed oo a smooth piece of rock forming one eidi ed with shrubbery, such as gooseberry* current*, ra sp b r*
* J**1' a P<>PaUr foveraor, aad a kind and haad, clad in their blue linen jackets aad bearing wearily of Ihe terrace of Hi$n Ghorab.—Thero are three ahort lines ries, grape*, <kc. For farther particulars enquire c f the
#w u a b l« lady. AU ths disposible forcc. ia thU gameon the bundle of linen to the master’s, whioh they have woven lound on a small detached rock, oa the summit of the hill. subscriber oa the premises.
Elder Benj. Winchester is requested to use bis influence
Tncra are also two lines found near thc long infcription, . „ , . JAMES AKERLY.
in his Southern Mission and act as agent for tha Prophet. jane 201 j * ’. -<•
r m Tirnr Bl iiTl
........ ' SWIJII
, TO T H E j T M V E t L l N G ^ U B U C .
^ WORKS & *> *W > _____ ____
?n e w rank & h a v r e p a c k e ts. roit sal * n r - • M I O 'I I M O 'N . B 'O ’O . K S
NION LINE—To Mil from Ne^r York oo the 8th IGih O. S. ................
F O R S A L E A T .T T lE ^ R O P H fiT O F F lC E
U tad 24th, and from Hsvre oa the, 1st 8 ;h And the 24th
• ftrr rjr ta o a U /, ufollow®, viz:
131 Nassau S t .,NY. PASSAGE t)PFfCE,J * * — r -■ t.-.-n-x-i' iS’0.i7^SPR UCE ST. r /
FO W L E IV SP R A C - 100 Piae-atreet, corner of Sonthstreet r n H E 9tTB3CIlIBKnS having eiq ttp Itla L itJttlra m u j^-
* From JV. York. JL mrnts, are boMr.nrrnared to brinff**cnjett Trom " 1 T e « B1BLE OF NATURE,” 2f. ‘i^0O taieslrh S
v C. Anthony, Jr.,
Firom H avrt
April 24
The Sahscnber begs leave to call the altefttioa of hi.
OGY, A W ork which friends and the‘pnblic in feneral, to the following arrange- f i m c k o pack Tei.25 - : • i;‘V Ar , . . w
Ang. 24 b i i Dow been eight onLtha Ist/Ctk . T H E ELTJM ENTS'OP ANIMAL MAGNETISM, by t
m enu for IS44, for lhe parpose of brioji&g out Cibin, »m i, »otn, a m ana xum oi - I" P r a c tiH lM a ta e U e r ; p rite I S l cw. -7 , ,
FRA NCOIS l it , years before the pnb-
« mvj r a w r r n e n uv ur^ loNo
Ainsworth, Jic, ao tbat its merits "E "G fU,L A °S,b'
R V " i £ r ?SH IP S TO a NBJ FROM i»« I’atrlck Henry, Jlew Vorkj
’ siatHdaiJi & Gaide to forming and coadnoting Lyceums, Dcbstiu
are allowed to i peak 1^1* Virginian, Liverpool,
MITCI |PVv Societies with outlioes o f djaseaansas, e r m , dcc. b
VERPOOL. Montcxuinii _ $iddon% v S b f e 1 WitJilhfitoo Chatira M o rlt/, price 3s. for .»ale a t tbe Office of tk« jr
BURGUNDY,. for themselves.
Ships' Captain* * b a y s of Sailing from Iloltinguer, Uolumbor^ UniKd plates, ^P rophet.*1 . y, ic ^
‘ D. Liars, T H E AMERICAN
Name#. Roacius, ► *Vj
PHRENOLOGICAL New-Xar^ Aahburtoo, .. E n g ia n ^ 7* y *’f ? ■ 1IPT ■ 1 f . ■**
' " \ &. Wash:o«toa Burrow., June 7 Oct. 7 Feb. Europe, S u n k e n W h ith e r , J5»>tbe*ttr,
MERALD, JOURNAL, , 1)ntl^ 6 i T H E A tiiE u ^ t h £ e? eves
H o w i, ,
Uhited States Britton, Aug. 1 Dec. 1 April 1 Independence, y o r i s h l k , G arrick, I X LASTING GOSPEIvSettiag forth-its fim priaciple*
S' . t&ft
” 1' exposition
* .and ‘ G m ie k Skiddy. “ I* " ’3 Sartiuel Hicks,
------ » f Qaecn of the West, Oxford.
Patrick Henry, :: 4? promises, aod blecsing*. Io whicb suae of-the most pro.
jfLHONE, . defence ofPhrenolo' ‘‘ - j 25 Certificniea of ptsaage can be obtained, and ev«rr it/or- minent featnres tbat have ever <baracteri*ed that a^sttoL
ShelfieH. •s ir Sept. 1 Jdn, 1 May 1 mation will be given to those sending for their friends, on when von
J . A. Wotton, “ ihe earth,
* '« * • » » are
M f Wmadei U O manifest;
M iillf C f l I «aod
9 f l Ilhat
W Iitwill co*
i w i l l C0|>
RoleiuB, Colling . 13 “ 13 “ 13 application at either of our offices.
Independc.nce, Nye,
tinue to do do so,
so,*o so long as it can can be fcuad
fooad on e n ttkb h i earth.
earth . Bv
25 “ 25 “ 25 They will alto be prepared on ihe opening of navigation Elder Moses• M arlin, M inister o f ihe'G oipeK Published U
y i L L E DE LYON, Virginian, AII«n, Oct.. 1 Feb. 1 June 1 Trov r 3 v PT p8Cr' ‘,nd *’ Albany and _________ N ew-York, and for S ale at this Offite:
,0 . Stoddard, Siddon?, E. Cobb, .L a
human im onn'.n.rhr ’ r *.^f!or“ ' T,r ue* ftl,* loa Asbbnrton, 13 “ 13 “ 13 placed C ‘° BufI*,9>Ma ■» intermediate
Hanleston, “ 25 •• 05 ** 25 b r i e f h i s t o r y o k t h e iA T T iik d a y s A irffl
£LBANY, Sthpb’n WhitnejpThompson, Nov. I Mar. i l July 1 1 o all pohs o^ ilie Upper Lakes. . A(Colbmoalf called Mot moos fVificJttdiag a a ac«o«otT

s m m m m Sheridan,"
ID p r , r
• cv; r ic . v«■:. “
Provincial Bank, and branches.
Via: Osw.go io Toronto, Port Hop*, Coborg, Kinnton iheir Doclriae aad Discipline; with thc reasons o t the At
“ iJ " i3 and all parts of Canada West. : 6 nor for leaving the Church. By Jo h a Corili, A Member
IRELAND. > T be Ulster Bank, do. From Troy via.Whitehall to Montreal and Quebec. Ca of the. Missouri Legislature—, PaMi*hcdbV the Author at
I* Weidcrholdt, nada E<*t via Ohio Canal from Cleveland to Porttmouth St.Louis F«>r Sale at ihU Offleff. 1
* J Tbe National Bank, do.
I/OUIS PH ILL IPPE, ‘ “ ' " ' " s s r . j i s s ’ i E f i 'S L " ! " ” ' - All Drafia payable at sight, at eiiher of the obove banka Cincinnati, and intermediate places. H E following w o rk s a r A ifc r.iile at (ths P ro p h e t office.
J. CuiflS, tneir branchea or agencies. i « ?;U « Phl,lde,Ph,i‘ 10 Piltainrg, Cincinnati T N o . 7iSproed S tre et, viaSS* m .
P v r-r 1 ) Mcwr»- Spooner, Atwood ic Co.bankers, Louisville, and all porta on the Ohio River to St. Lonis.
P . P . P ra tts R e p ly to L e ro y SuuderJsttd.*-
DUCHESS D’ORLEANS, ENGLAND, > London. S y n o p ih of ihe Bible, by B .-W iD cb titer.
3 P. W. Byrnes, 6c Co. Liverpool. 0 b i° ’
A. Richardson, ,h' d", ?l «fl<,o*or. Hlatory of the Priesthood
Paweagera can alto be engsged from Liverpool lo Thila. REM ITTA NCES. .
For the accommodation ofperiona wiiaing tdsehd Mill<jnniuta PbelitS. ii
BULLY, oelphia, Boaton, and Baltimore, by the regular pdckei tefsebd iijo-
ino- Index lo the Book of Lloimca, U M & .
W. C. Thompson, on application being mads personally, or by Inter, r n M ^ ib ,Se *^d Country. HARNDEN Jc Aadrrta to thr People of tbe United- 8 utes»
.f h.ppi.™ :oA i Z Z Z V Z l f a ' i l Z : or co“' (po.t paid, uddreaaed to h S ’- S 2 *ve Drafia on any part of England, Scotland, or Gospel Light, No. 2.
IO W A , INTELLECTU AL IM PROVEM ENT- . >OSE«H i ic M U R R A Y . rwwi pl' yab,c ftt ‘ 'S111* for *nmat of £ l , £ 5 , £ 20 , lo Correspondence, in Pamphlet fo r a , heiw w o JOSEPH
W . W . Pell, Pioe-rreet, corner of South-St. ■MIX)-or to any amount to suit the pnrcbiaer. PR O P H E T , and Col. JO H N >W ENT.
j : 1' •• « * ► • * • - *»■> A G ti .T S .—In Potr*»iIle. Benj. Bannan, Esq. „ OFFICES AND AGENTS.
r d u c i M of child, Charlei! Craft. 120 State street, Boston. WO i n mm*
-------- H, Editor *V o f ** <T* '*«.
ht VMI(
Ck\cago D<m<xrot'' end M m -
In LovrlJ, Rich SVebh, E*q. I btr Of C ConmrtxM f,n m Illin
m ,n~o it; . . Uen. JAM ES oAKLINU.
irw «od more eiccllfnr ^L. .7 pbih^d out « In Albany, T. Goueh, Esq. otigrtu from ,» ju ia u .
T w ‘ M ^ efiC^ ? ion- Bui,diD«* P w W e B c e, R . T.
e c c a l e o b i o n . h.o oor common r e h .o tith d l r t l . o, ,Ctul1 ®l u i 0me n ^ Io Toronto, U. C Roger* & Thompson. York A!|I|a»3 Wall sUeet, aad 10 fro n t «re et, New TON B E N N E T , ;iK? O f Arlthgu-n xuwm, Hotii«, L ong it/and,
tjomr, m o m , sad aid
EGOS HATCHED BY STEAM* IN PRESEN C E OF • i . h - . . . r k r f “ 01 n o w fU- A In Newtrk, John McCoIg.n, E^q. ihr Hnnoratle J O H N nC. >CALHOUN,' 1 r tir\tixt *S« t a k t o c^fn n Soutk I .
VISITORS! ■ r . c h t r ^ aad .U who d r . i r r L u o i . h ^ - ', ”" “ In Uiica, Thomas M cQ m dr, LVq. Carolina. In wkich is given, a sketch of the L ileof Jo»et,b
m H l S NOVEL EXHIBITION, S O A M U S I N G AS ■ atcll.clf. tl0*r *o Itopro.e i h tu 2,nff'nr!J AW^ d* 43 ? ° a,h y ird *lree,» Philadelphia,
I also beg leave to assure my friends and the public in landlord A Shoemaker, 7 Light atreet, Baltimore, Md. 5 T v V . , ™ and progress of the Church of L A T T IR
J . well as instructing, is now open at 295 Broadway, from Jf« rra l, tbat the sreatost punctuality will be observed io ?f M i l c n n J ? ' •»«« i h « r PE R SEC U TIO N S: b y tbe State
9 o’clock, A. M. until 7 P. M. H o! 1™ t ™ RY d e s c e ;') t ^ t s i ^ w s a n d f a c t s
»D B ° f, tbe elT # , 0Keibf r wiih all other* L. S. Littlejohn, 11 Exchange, Albany, PN'tlY!rgb’ P *‘ of MISwOURIi with the pecolisr views o f Joseph 8 raith
T bs object of this Exhibition, eo norel in New-York, is •»hich 1 may have, and tnat pas»enKrra will experience no S. Claik, 159 River wreeti Troy, Pf: Y: ,V * r l.,on !? Political and Religions m atlrrs generally j e!
co gratify the scientific and cnrious, by aflording them au Utica, N. Y. which is.added rd eonSUt abtbltfo b f t&t f r t i t n i tia it offi
,8y on ' ^ ' r arrival at the different ports tthefre Ihev grotptcu , f t ! « CITY OF NAUVQQ
opportunity of witnessing ihe wonderful process of the de- mean to embark. J W , A. Cook, Syracuse, N. Y. »
vtlopcncoc of animal org&flizftuoa, aod n o te especially to Rochester, N. Y. N IN T E R E S riN O ACCOUNT O F SE V E R A L RE.
prepare the way for supplying our market with Poultry ol
* •°P*nor quality, and at less than half the present rates. .honld p o u » u ' " ' r j o ™ ! m .rtitd p . , r ™ « L ,',V ,“p .!d
P. S —Frer passage can also
an<l SC° " ,,,d
be eecuard Irom the va-
b o ...
W .; H. Cook, Buffalo, N Y.
H . Fitzhugh Jc Co., Oswego, N. Y.
MARKABLE VISIONS, And of the L ate Discovery
of Ancient American Records, which unfctfaihe history of
So that the poor even, to whom it u now denied, may be­ m I3 ,f HARNDEN Jc CO. this coaiinent from the errliest Ages after the Flood, lo iha
come partakers o f tbe laxury. JOSEPH M cM U R R A Y ,
begin with the c m « ttj ■^mPror® mankind, we must beginning of ihe fifth century of the Christian Era. With
, Th* *PP*ratni here used for incubating, may be said to .. , , . 100 atreet. New York. SPRI NG ARRANGEM ENT— 1844.
p h ^ c : u X “ ^ . . itE:Sm ^ 'Jives drafts in sums to suit applicants a a sketch or the ns«, faith, and doctrine of ihe Church of
be perfect, and ia more sore of Hatching Eggs tban any than that exnended - K*. r raore Jem s Christ of Latter Day Saints. By O. Pratt, AJiniaier
^ Pro<1“ctive OH TH*
I* '* * m ttrrl*l improvement upon the Eccaleobion, of the Gospel. Eor Sale at this Office, betides maay oth-
which has afforded aatisfection aod delight to milliona ol PROVINCIAL BANK OF IRELAND;
► AY A & L X A t
er valuable works. , * *
T i*te r^ at tha Exhibition Rooms in Pall-Mall aad Picca- IM PORTANT TO SOUTHEBN TR A V E L LE R S.
Hilly, London, aad ia emphatically a triumph of Art over Cork, Bainbridg?j
utter*. Limerick,' C )\ T u V r o r **1 5 A* f H * RdAWOK* COMFLtTM, T v i " o^ bart T -^ upal.DE ” ° w n . o r 5 S -
Clonmel* Paraonlown,
Ladiea are particularly informed, that white this exhibi- Via WAsiirjvGToi* C r r r , RicrmoifD, P r r s a a a i r a a a « d •The material Universe ia m r e a U - I m c i e r ta ! - M a a bt*
tion cannot fail lo please, there is n othkg in it, in the least Londonderry, D ownpatick, {*‘ b »?d bones.— E arth is h i s E r e r !a ilin g I n h e r i t a a c e .-
SIig.», WXLD0», A.1D n n OHLT D a i l t L in e t o
degTee, offensive to the most refined and delicate mind, Cavan, CHATn.esrox, S C , d i r e c t t o Nxw O a i ^ m s . a .'» * ,P w Phef» “ d A postles w itness.
'gentlemen of Science and of the medical profession, on p*pe r , f t t r 1 u b " w i'i k i *»k Wexford, Lurgao,
Belfast, (24 Hours in advaace of the Bay Line ) • . f” e Physical Worlds were n o t/onaded for aaaibilaiieo
paymsnt or |5 , may have a card ol* admission for 21 days PHRENOLOGY A IT L lE D TO MATRIMONY, Omagh, but for the pleasure of God they are and were created ’
•a d the privilege ol breaking an epe each day. Waterford, Dungannon, TR A V E L LE R S fcolag South ir e informed that the con-
CJalway, BY P . P . P R A T T . .
Admittance Twenty-Five Cents. Btndon.l P c., m b u r * *°d Wilmington Railroad,
including 04°^" m Z Z ild f0*?*-**0* * * 0* L Irt Knniskillett» Publiihed at the Millennial Stat-Office, 35 Chspel atreet
CHILDREN Half Price. A liberal allowance mad* to fectionatelyandTapSly. ! ° ' llr,n ff1 ‘? 8.c h e ra f Kilnuh, 4 .i n i including ths Petersburg Company's Bridge st
Mttnighan. Liverpool, aad for Sale at this Office. V *««*««,
L i ih f r 0 ! completed, so ihat travellers going South
2 2 ° ! ? A ! 1 a,,end ‘V Brokrn
non, at 12 J centa each. Young Chickens aold aa curioai- 00 •pp|ic»* ENGLAND. P e tl« h n r C ^ " ,I. Roate* v,a Washington, Richmond and N Appeal to the Inbabitanta of the State of N ew York
ties, at 12J cent*. Pamphlets, Explanatory and Treating SPOONER, ATWOOD A: Co , Bankers, London. g’ W f transferred at Weldon immediately A Letter to Queen Victoria, T he Fountain ef Knowledg^
opoa the management of Poultry generally, 0 cents. Payable in every town in Great Britain CA n he “ > <h°»e ofth e Wilmington
m y»j;cj
•hem, render it mott interntin'g JSd m v t Railroad Company, thereby ridding ihe Great Mail route •mmortaliiy of |he Hody. snd IntsUigence and Affectifal
NA TU RAL RELIGION i r e g u l a r m a i l l i n k f o r p r o v i d e n c e a n d cl its only exceptionable feature, whilst it is equally chesp, l j ' P n ce cents each or 12 dollars n»r
hundred. T o be had at ihe Prophet office. P
A T O N A L F I R E I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y . - B o s t o n , r, rxrEDrn 0ITi s a c u a m r awd c ta T A in n r , it has
N Offic* N o . 49 W all >l.— D i r r c i n n : M esris great advantagea over the day line.
J o h n B rouw er, Samnel S . Doughty, W m . G. W ard, ~ 0i 0t S ; ^ Thefollowing unrivalled schedules are now roa on this line, i n h .i . T, , ’ ‘•r ®.®*1 r« P w tfa lly dedicated to o r
J o h n F . M s c k ie , S tephen Holt, J o h a New house, Philip FAST MAIL LINE. well-beloved Brother, John Albitsso, Patriarch' in ths
W™ u .V SrPrl Dg’^ m 8 S!ocum* Ja c o b Miller, man's m i l ; ' ,A ** Wh)ch ,he p *«« aht Coorch of U , u , U . , a»in[i, a . . t i k . . o P „ , p t c l ,‘i j
0| at ArT' Te io Philadelphia at 3 P M esteem for h u ^ rv ic e s aud onwearied seal ia the cause cf
u t? p o ^ pbeII,Tj 0 h n F B a ttarw orth, JO H N B R OU- Composed ol the following superior Steamers, running in
W E E , P re sid en t—Josep h W Savags, S e c ’y. reJigioua fan»Ki »e * ,hcrew"»> S I. f o W ) ,.m v c in W » n o w at 1 A M
Insurance taken atfcthe lowest rate*.
connecuon with the Stonir^rfn, and Bosion and Leave Balt, at 2 A.M. arrive ia Washington at 5 A.M GodI m this the Evening o f Tim e. By his Brother ia
. Providence Railroad* 1 I^ave Wash, at 0 A M. arrive in Fred’ksbnrg, at 11 A M. C h n ,t» SA M UEL DOWNES.
The MASSACHUSETTS, Captain Comstock, Leave Fred kg at 11 A M. arrive in Rich. Va. at 3J P M. A L E T ! E R TO T H E Q U K E N OF ENGLAND, Touch-
f i efiCeH ? 0lh S to re “ Noia £ M orris have io store re- RHODE ISLAND, •• T h Z r. Leave I^ch. at 4 P M . arrive in Petersburg , Va. 0 P M. I X tog the Signs of ihe T im es^aad the Political De«iin*
\ J ceiyed from auction and kother .o urces, a large assort-
? a r? o*f 8 °w *
bIack h i7 r. Kr °
w ear consisting in
FreDch i n d A m e n c a a wool
m o h e g a n ,
w oo««yj Leave j c K j s ’e at d i P.M. arrivs in WeL N C. at l i P.M. ol «he World. By P. P. Prau. Pablished ^ M u c h e ster
Leav^ Weldon at 2 A.M. arrive in WiL, N.C. at 2 P.M.
daily; Snodajs exccpted, from Battery Place, pier No.l, Leave Wil., at 2 P.M. arrive in Charleston, S.C. a t 8 A M. L nglm d. For 8 ale at the Prophet Office. ” *
ft *S 1 ' ,n »‘« ble r e e n , m ixed clotha
Passengers by this Line will rsach Petersburg in seven-
s . S " » , , “ri,‘ r*“c)' c“ i“‘r“ ia ARRANGEMENTS.
Charleston, S. C., in fifty-two hours after
S carlet and cadet m ixed d o t h '; Luff caw im ere | j | 'P h r e n o l o g y a p p l i e d t o t e m p e r a n c e . J ^ Af A C m ! \ R T r S > Comilock, oa Mon-
Black and blue beaver and p i b t clothsTh *cd Saturdays, st 5 o'clock. P. M rm° rC-,J mC,udmgJ d l rl°PP, « c ,» M d bave the OF A
advnntnge of avoiding any detention at Weldon, on tbe
. Silk and tabby velvets ; giraffe cloths . , . ^ cipr tific <xPOB*t*on of the pbyaiolonical effects of Th ,SI"AND» Captain Thayer, on Tuesdays
V elveteen s; ailk and Verona seicea Iv unon ,5 oor,ruP®a the littman Constimtion, m d especial
y upon the animal propensities. It expounds w m T p h v .
Thursdays and batuidayr, at 5 o’clock, P. M. * °K°e mo‘ t uohcallhy places ia the southern WEEKLY NEWSPAPER.
M erinos and Cashm ere vestings r * * Bge? by ,h; *** Line* arriTinC u TO BE E N T I T L E D
B rown hollands, bindings and corda
mlogical laws or great intrinsic value, and applie^he™ £ w illT /T " ^ V riTal ,lhe
will be immediately forwarded in lh« splendid and com
r Stonington, .hJ 5 ° ih ° nt\ 8 lht> f u t “ sil line ol
temperances w „h .remendiou. effect. ’ It ----- haa^eeS regard modiom C i ti of the Railroads lo Prqvidenc# and Boston day MC d8,*>ed tca hours until ihat of the next
Bom baxiae lostring*. go at’a hair cam bjetaj fd by many as the atronr-at •• i v ^ l l u*
T w illed flannels, plaid lining., together with!*. forth. temperance dosument .ptu( The above steamers have been fhoroilghly equipped, and DAY .LIGHT LINE, FOR RICHMOND &c P E T E R S - - T H E P R O P H E T .
p l f ie assortment of trim m ings for «ale ia n u an m iea to eeclrhv c f- rn . -------
l T ' v" v', "' " 7‘ / w*
° f ,r*VeI* aan<:
im w c c o m f o r t a n d
,he co^ ° r t a n d BURG, VA.
•u.t p u rch ase r, a t tbe lowsTt m -.rkct! i r i c e / i . h , ? Of A ° S S ' W e IIiG ’ ° ' - E ,il* lhe O f f . . U n h f d ^ a t c s ! ^ 11*118’ Leave N.Y. at 5 P.M. arrive ia Philadelphia at 11 P.M.
Bol-Burl « Bed bT • « / in th e
‘r Z , ” °' u t ch " h ta »pp«i>E X ’ c L h .'m In Press, and soon lo be Pnblished, a Work on For P, » , g e , or freight, which is taken al Very reduced Laave Phila. at Oi A.M. arrive'm Baltimore at 2 P M
PHYSIOLOGY, A N IM A L AND M E N IA L : ra u a .apply oa board at north side of pier No. 1, No. 22 L^ave Balt, at 4 P.M. arrive in Waahicgton at 6 P M mulgaimg the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Cbriit in its ful.
i g h t n i n g ROD S.--The public ia respectfully in
L formed, that
WotecUoiTnr'h’M;i?,l,m * - -Ltghinmg Conductors for the
of S i f c <ffeCt* °f difrercnt organixations and condition.
Broadway, or office of Sami. Deveay, Ireight agent, on the
sing from
“ I. 6 A, M P,.isin* through Fredericksburg ness, and ameliorating ihe condition o f falle. man, bave
and Kickmond, and arriving in Peteraburg, to Bup, pt»-
Philadelphia to Richmond and Petersburg.
thought ,t wisdom to establish a paper ia th i. city, as aa
Tickrm for the route, and steamer's berths, can oe ae- Va. by day light. *’ advocate and hereldof the Faith or the Church o f Christ o f
S . ,S “ T 5 ! w S | ,”?eet° " ,hC 0filCC ° f Htrndcn * Co. No. 3 Passengers by this line have ths advantage of passing the Latter Day Saints. A portion of which; at times, will be
to T h e0^ r i i ^ C1,f^Cr^ ? antrr, r iM be PromP " r attended evening and night in Waihington, and yet reach Charles- devoted to Agriculture, Commerce and Msnafactmea, as
h .r 1! ^edu*r,:, ,a conformity with lhe l i m v
p . ! i , oow ru”ni"8 d*i^ b' — n y t“ tho!e ,eaYin8 Baltimore at ibe same time
e q S ^ u n 7 e ? Ce i l a “ •Dg,° 0 ,d iM r y W " * ” * ro<l uT nad - by the Bsy Line, thefic Isst being obliged to lie over at well as to the Foreign and Domestic Ncwa of thVDay. It
” ? ° " p, f p*xin«:for ,h' «ccomm«)itioo ofihr Welaon unis! their arrival. will likewise, b e 't b e faithful advocate a a d defeadsr
Sb ii. l d i ^ He Ww iMr i.'fd
aJ ‘;C“ r t#B-Cr-9’ 10 prL o !fcl eTPn «n«ll
10 th is opin ion on chrefully etudyine T h /A n ih n , k 7 1 “ * ,mPort*nce isvasUy underrated
rn a lu b ' u" ' 1 T 1" •h »r'll' ”» k e lhe cooncc .i.» ( 0 - For further information and “ throogh tickets*’ an- or the Consti'ulion of the United S t a t e , w h o * g h r , aud
gularly between ihat place and Stonington.
+ \k Z £ £ u ! i ntl0X °f -he dcc,ric fluid*iB connection S ' PY our Southern T icket Office adjoining ths Baltimore offalgence is known in evey clime, whtd.*werTrwtl»d for
'J J 7 itspraciital results, as exhibited and Ohio Rail Road Office, Pratt st., Baltimore.
* * ■ « fc « h » d b .e id l£ 5 S b ? ^ R N i s H l N G W ARE. and won by onr illustrioos aot»> paOlotTc atfcViters Ths
r L hSw* 8gh furo,eh<* wilh lightning roda. X HOUSE, xo 32 ahj* i m i r r , •*, y B „ STOCKTON & FALL.
U i i i n j m 3' /co n ’ Southern Travellfrfa fakifig “ Through Tickets,” can Arts aod 8 cieaces shall not be? nrgrdcted-Skeiehes. Nar-
fisl W! T ,h ,n 25 ^ l o n f , he alwaya af- slop as long its they may desire at Waehlogton, Richmond ives, Biographies, Moral Poem s, will also
oum beTo/rod* i / j " 8* bu‘ldiD£,> * *rt,cr. number. Th the United States, that in addition to tbe and Petenburg, and resume their seata.
maaufacture.of Wood Type, Cases, Stands, find a place in ihs columaa o f “ T H E P R O P H E T •”
Furniture, Udlrye, Arc. ,tc ., ihey have m iy ] H. J . ROGERS. T icket Agent. » m l S. i . . c « n d » c , o , . w ill in p „ l m i „ c ‘j
E r s K s k. r a I,rC« Warehouse for lhe sale of N E W ANI) TRANSPORTATION FOR CHICAGO, L A K E 'E R I E lifs to its columns. ^
situsted and very d.ffereatly ^ p o s e d • in d th? r o d f r ^ J Y w « k
to vary m their application according* to circumstance!
o m L 10 “ n r c' n ' ,h«' arlicle necessary for a PaiwiKG O m c « , & . "t; ss^ tesfe, 1 1
7 > ^ . - . . T I I E r R O P H C T - J * m rb e l i i M ( ) S . , „ d , ,
w , » e Ihc ISrh u l . p , CD i a Ip ip trid B t f . i ' , Wo. ’
They have now on hand, aud considntly receiving from
S ^fTJ ^ NE? H S 0 , 12 Pine w,d are uow Printers and <ier' Cl;pere; ill *lnds aod aizes cf type, used o / L | f t f ' B 0 A T 3 B| i M iSS.‘? ^ E2 ) S 3 p n .e e B u e c i. N c w .V c k , . o d V jli . p p » « I t , . U r
for New.papc!-' Hoek l o d Job Printing, as also all other Pirr Coenties slip, New York, for any ports on Lake J ' • n ** 0 “ D o lj« p*r .MBBuvmYmiUMy i ,
requisiirs for a Pristing Esiabluhment. Th^y also si.ppli Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Ontafkr, or River St. Law- advance. ‘* * 1
•Tdera for new type, Irom every respectable Foundry in thr rence.
Beavers i nJ„°H
and pilots, low°fpriceddifrcr tont very
« * ''•superior
>nd ^ades ■■Ml.- Am. r h . ' n i S Z t l T * ' C0UU'" " ’« •*« Uoion, at ihe low ot manufacturer’s prices. L e,te ri ,n d Commufilcatioas must t>e addressed
No transhipment between New York and Oswego.
vexing*—London stylaj
Printers about establishing themselves in business, or This line I. composed of th . first clajs o f L ik e boa u .a n d (POTT PAID) to T H E P R O P H E T . N o ^ S p t ^ a t r . e ^
“ K N O W T H Y S E L F --- -------
ai^cias-C asban-fl F.rgusons's and several American
R n n u —Low Philad aad super Madders
who wi.h io- renew their fonts ui
presses, or n r other
n ! Vi•» Hi If A*tala fbrother
mllerlala fUh AiL _
of »type, exchange then
7 pe, or excnaose
... _
thei is connected at O i w e g o wiib the
a • a will find
sites or kinds, 1 ? H,C^G° L,,,= or S rtxii P hotti-L zU ,
New.\orfc. G. T. LEACH, P r ^ * . , t ^

TO « greatly 10 m tir eilVanlage to call un them before purcha*. l I L , i ■ M . r 7. . 314, thc S o t l i .

a F i r r “ w Sc?too“ 1CM- ^ “ “ ing to ports on
M erS n^10*! Cr' pe M dr L a . n e ^ n e w styles’
V e l i S A l p a t c . j M oio k in e and Cords'
FO WLE R3 PHREMOLOG tCA I. CA BI NET n* elsewhere, aa they will alwaya haw> on h.nd, rro.t o- ofthe I k V a ^ n ‘ J 0CW “qd eleg* D1 boats Lady
he leading articles, second hind, answerine nearly or : N A U V O O n e i g h b o r ,- —
Velvet and velveteens } red paddings—3 -1 aad fi-l quite as well as new, and at a saving of from 25 to 50 per °° ^
^ MM* ° 1,1 ,h* d,fl,,rem colors p M 5 m l E ? A H N D M w - ! . ^ \« T k ‘" J o * connected with a line of boats on the Is printed snd publi^ied every Saturday ,5by^'Joha T aw
Roll’d jafeorieu. and col'd cambrics t r cT c t*,,*, V iw T 10 l,r
Apron and furniture checka natural eadowmeni,, for B L Vi ,fu' They keep cootfaniiy on band a snpply of Primin* Ink Wabash Canal and Ohio Canal, forming aa unbroken com- or, Editor and Proprietor 5 at IVaavoo. Hkceewk
Woolen abawU all s k r s and qualities m u n i c i o a from New York to Lafayeitf, IsdianE „"d from Illinois. Terms—$ 2,00 invariably in advance : ‘ *
m*” " rr "» rk 10 PoM*n>outb, Ohio. Leilers must be addressed to lhe Editor (John'T avIoM
w a Vi ’ a Cf ^every description post paid, to receive thc atte n tio n * - * ^.^n, ■)., 1 *
. n d w t . l q ! ! 5 oLe £ gcatf fo/ ,he No«hern, Mirfdl. ihe WPabL0hanby ihi* IIiDe ,r c i°*ared ‘0 Oswego, and on
r « xrX.i? ^ ' afr* ,r>d Canada, for the sale 0( KNEE ibe Wabash Canal only, except by special contract. T H E T IM E S A N D S E A S O N S 3
LAND’S PA TE N T CARD PRIN TIN G ENGINE, which P ao p airro as a w d A c » » ts . Is printed and published about the 1st and l i t K ^ . - , ^
j'h.*!1; - ? ; " , ' 1: ^ r o “" ' " p*b" v BRONSON Sc CROCKER, )
rf' in y 'V * J° b vxT3^ *1i‘f D0M Upfn?r 10 *°y Machine Press month, at N«uvoo, Hancock county IU bv JohL 1
KiaSar*■robM Ssss Pria, w,n LC el cont?den‘ ‘hat a trial of the above
Press will gire ,i,e most enure satisfsction. {■A TW E LL & HA RRINGI'O N,
‘° f TBE ll Sc R H E PP E R D ;
U ttca.
T aor.
Editor and Proprietor. Term . - 0 2 ner / n n l T *T
io all cases in advance. An> p e ^ n
subscribers and forwarding us Ten Dollara * , * ®eir
>d « n / p ,C f o° fo,r ,hc M,e Kovermsn's Enamell- W. S. R 0SS1T ER , 23 Coenties SUp, N. Y. »hall receive one vcluma gralia. Al) L etters m c s tb e ’sd*
sllended to. will be punctual)
- t p ^ . i t r . ^ 5 ' w' h ^
They anil continue to manufacture, and are cenrrallv
- » ■ ■ ■ » *• W tsTxaw
P*AS* as A lxxjt, Cleveland, Ohio,
A o ijit s .
. t t . ? Joh* T ,,,0 ,; p“
[m l S.c C ua s H owab U Jt Co. Toledo, O. Jc -Detroit, Mich.
•h f U *i2f? ° f ,heir WooD of w S ch f i T iianoa P a s b x s , Chicago, 111.
reDutJi’n f 0a manufacturers, and which still maintains i i
Isrse an asiortment of Straw « 7 W h k u , , Sc Co . Southport,.Wisc'n phci, • No. 7 S p m c m t , t . N .».Y o*k, ‘ r*
5 ,Uper,or,,y o r f r competitors and attempt
ed in the city, eoropri.inir a r\, V beca offer-
Tuscan, and all kinds of Straw ^lat .*0 ,0n of iV^', PoJ' ,»n iiv ^ ?! n »n ‘hs U. S. and Canada ijijj WILSON'S R E A L EST A T E AND SCX* 5 *3 . W U O W A N T S , B O O TS,:A H D . S H O E 3 t -
Braids of *11 kinds for MIe by the piece L JiZsrn A --------- ’ ~° IUKI
mser'ionslUM by the first of July next
Jgl - ! . LOAN OFFICE.
Hals clsaned and altered. P sending
« “ ua one conv of ih#.;,
iijclg D.per conuinin 7 it"wii;7- t o r the
s° ,!T"?J"«_U*L °""v
DC C0Py w7 ui or.*heir private snd public fcsle, hiring, leiiing and ex­
l» 2 5 :c ] i>e entitled to the payment of their bills on purchasing four
______________ T HOg. YOUNG. times the amount. changing of houses,stores, farms, Sc<^. For collecting renU,
Mew-York, May 10, 18H, and lor taking ihe ceneral agency and supervision of real
[m ! 8 :c. estate. AUo for the superintehdanee of^ erecting and re­
B t m ™ ' - ,riAN' ° FORTES— J. pairing of buildhigs. Persons'having property to sell, ex­
change or let, will fiad it lo iheir advantage ro apply at this
w . i w p i ’
J L's?d’ ,ud U '
i t s e s s a a a s s s f ^ ^ S ' •M t Proadw.jr, S p .b , M w atches- t h e la rg est a n d office- All property registered .in this office, trill, if re­
JACOB DRAKE, Pft.ident. ^ M o i l splendid asoriment of watches in quired, be, snd if not sold at private s«le, it will I*—
Niel Gray, Sec’y r iU be, f,>,o o d * « • " . < » ’» o " m c o t 0 ( / • *
jc— ««d hand Plano fortes, at prices ranging from twentv fiV. SS»«he city, i/ to be fonnd st lhe aabscri. »f desired, be offered at public auction. He will also attend
he w constantly rece./ing sit descriptions of . n M 10 the eilectieg iosursnce, obtaining and loaning of tnoaey
t s T H E CHEAPEST C O W N W a R M o o m T n t S I ! Purchasera will fild ft to Tkl7r I d ^ i on bond and mortgage. Individuals or companies re
«h* rmS5veV.PU^ f “ ,llg ‘f M*,*0 aud ejum'De ^ urersm England, France, and Swiirerland, he is enabled qutnngan agent m take charge of tbeir estate, may dep«nd
rd ,0 be M r e p r e * ^ v T » - l,r J ‘f R - wi,,b<; tail Th' n assortment, and at much l e „ ^ i Ce . /e- on having it faithfully and econemically managed Per
soos wishing to hire, purchase or exchange property or in-
vest money, ran most generally be accomodated. Person, « u stree? h °n m o,‘ r f wonabIe ierms, at l l S N*s-
pearl t f lj p e g B ^ dwav* t,,cndtnce PMCtnal. No. 552 B “ t0To™LJ ?t^ rending at a distance, desirous to sell or purchase real es- «au street, basemrnt story. Cjf— J*cJ
“ 'i" 8 ; , npI'*,lJ n t m t i on the m u : 5 . 2 T , r ^ ' r Z ’J .Cb" ' * ,r’ C'Cd “ ,.°d “ late by sending a description of the property, will receive
«t 3od floor.) c ProPhet ’ cfice, No. 7 Sprace immediate atteausn. All lettera moat be w »U oaS R r V m I f A? 1 ° WLI . J D UDLEY. M A N U F A C
O. c . ALLEN; Importers of Watches and Jew e lrr
addressed to JO H N C. WILSON, P ^ ' P ^ d Jand A l L l.V u ? - 2 f -FW H a ir , C loth and H at B rushe* —also
Wholesalejand retail, 30 WaJUt, up « a l i i T e - c
J>~ C’ No* i Namo street, N . 7. B ro th es. T h e above articles h e h aa b a b an d
ior*a!t>al th e low est prices. 118 N assau st. [je— l»4w.
- — ~ > il 0 R 5 R E L I G I 0 I) S , P O L I T I C A L , A N D S C I E N T I F I C .

B R A f t f f A I Y 4c C O . P U B .
' *to<~‘ *-or<1 GoJ W‘" .<1° n0llUng’ *>nt he rcvcalfftb tito«.-« ret ....lo h i, M m u ,t, , hc P r o p h e t ~in,o s 3; r.
WHI. S iT IlT lI, E D .
/ ¥ 1 T P R 0 P II K * self, H o w s h a ll i be a b le to a s k a n y t h i n g o f t h a 1p o 3t ? *T H U
L o r d a n d re c e iv e it, s e e in g I h a v o ao g r e a t l y s i n ­ 10 W h e n t h e J e w s h e a r d th is , t h e y tre m b le d , a G o d : t lia t i t w a s b y a m a n T S a i a t i ^ o f . G o d to
ned a g a in st h im ? * a n d g n a s h e d t h e i r t e e t h a t N i c o d e m u s , a n d sa id
13 O O l f o F E N O C H . m a n , a n d t h a t Q o d c o n ti n u e d , a f te r m ^ ’B t r a n s ­
S. B R A N N A N & C O . C h a p te r I X
2 D o n o t t h i n k t h u s , b u t t u r n u n t o t h e L o r d to h im , M a y e s t t h o u re c e iv e h i s d o c tr i n e fo r t r u t h , g r e s s i o n t o m a n i f e s t h i m s e l f to h i m a n d h ia poa-
A t th s L a t te r D a y S aint Book Depository, N o 7 Spruce
S tre et, N e w York, a t one dollar per atuium iu advunco.
w i t h all t h y h e a r t , a n d n s k o f h i m w i t h o u t d o u b t ­ a n d h a v e t h y lo t w i t h C h r i s t ! 1 I t h e n b e h e ld t h e r e c e p ta c le s o f all th e wind?* t e n t y : a n d n o t w i t h s t a n d i n g t h e y w e r o .a e p a ra te d
E leven copies to one address for T e n dollars. A d v e rtis­ in g . a n d t h o u s h a l t k n o w t h e m e r c y o f th o L o r d : 11 N i c o d e m u s r e p lie d , A m e n : I w ill r e c e iv e h is a n d p e r c o iv e d t h a t i n t h e m w ero t h e e m b e llis h ­ fro m h is i m m e d ia t e p r e s e n c e , t h a t t h e y c o u ld n o t
ing 50 cts. p»*r Mjuarr of nix lines for oo« insertion, and 23 h o w t h a t h o w ill n o t f o r s a k e th c e ,* b u t w ill fu lfil d o c tr in e , a u d m y lo t w i t h h im , as y e h a v e sa id . m e n t s o f th o w h o le c r e a tio n , a u d t h e f o u n d a ti o n sec h is face, t h e y c o n t i n u e d to h e a r h i s voice.
ct*. for ovary subsequent insertion. th o r e q u e s t o f t h y soul. o f the e arth .
12 T h e n a n o t h e r c e r t a i n Jo w ro se u p , a n d d e ­ 31 A d a m t h u s b e i n g m a d o a c q u a i n t e d w i t h
A u . L e m i t s ajvd Co*mumcATioj*s must be An-
3 F o r G o d is n o t a s m en , m in d f u l o f th o i n j u ­ s i r e d l e a v e of th o g o v e r n o r to h e a r n im ’a few 2 I b e h e ld t h c s to n e c o r n e r s o f th e e a rth . G o d , c o m m u n i c a t e d th o k n o w l e d g e w h i c h h o h a d
ducm kd t o T H E P itO P H E r, P #sr P aid.
00> Post Masters are au th o riz 'd by the P o it Office de­ rie s h e h a s r e c e i v e d ; b u t ho f o r g e ts i n ju r i e s , a n d w ords. * 3 I also s a w th e f o u r w in d s w h ic h s u s t a i n th e u n to h is p o s t e r i t y / a n d i t w a s t h r o u g h t h i s m e a n s
p artm en t, to forward, free of expense, all order* for, or to h a s c o m p a s s io n u p o n h i s ’c r e a tu r e . 13 A n d th o g o v e r n o r sa id , S p e a k w h a t t h o u e a r t h , a u d t h c t ir j n a m e n t o f h e a v e n . t h a t th e t h o u g h t waa f ir s t s u g g e s t e d to t h e i r m i n d s
d isco atiaae publication*, ta d also money* to pay for the •1 W h e r e f o r e p u r i f y t h y h e a r t fr o m all t h e v ic e s h a s t a m in d . 4 A n d I s a w th o w in d s w o r k i n g i n th o h e i g h t t h a t th e re w as a G o d . W h i c h l a id t h o f o u n d a ­
•am i.
Subscribers’ name*, with the S tate and P ost Office, should
o f th is p re s e n t w o rld ; a n d o b serv e th c co m m an d s 14 A n d h e sa id , I l a y fo r t h i r t y - e i ^ h t y e a r s b y o f h e a v e n , ° tio n for tho e x e rc is e o f t h e i r f a ith , t h r o u g h w h i c h
be dis'incdy given when monev is forw arded, to avoid mis­ I h a v e b e fo re d e li v e r e d u n t o t h e e fr o m G o d ;* a n d th e shpep -p o o l a t J e r u s a l e m , l a b o u r i n g u n d e r a 5 W h i c h a r is e i n th o m id s t o f h e a v e n a n d th e y c o u ld o b t a i n a k n o w le d g e o f h i a c h a r a c t e r
takes, asiherc are often several tow ns of the sam e a a m e , or t h o u s h a l t re c e iv e w h a t s o e v e r p o o d t h i n g s t h o u g r e a t i n f ir m i ty , a n d w a i t i n g fo r a c u r e w h ic h e a r t h , a n d c o m p o s e th o p illa r s o f h e a v e n . a u d also of h i s g lo ry .
se re r a l Po*l Office* in th e sam e tow nship. s h a l t a sk , a n d n o t h i n g s h a ll be w a n t i n g u n t o th e e s h o u l d be w r o u g h t b y th e c o m in g o f a u a n g e l, 3 - N o t o n ly w a s th e r o a m a n i f e s t a t i o n m a d o
6 I s a w %th e w in d s w h ic h t u r n t h e s k y , w h i c h
P o s u n u U r a aad T raveling E lders ar* requested to act as o f all t h y p e titio n s , i f t h o u s h a l t a s k o f t h c L o r d
Agents. w h o a t a c e r t a i n tim e t r o u b le d th e w a t e r ; a n d c a u s e t h e o r b o f t h e s u n a n d all th o s t a r s to set, u n t o A d a m o f th e e x is te n c o o f a G o d , b u t M o s e s
w i t h o u t d o u b t in g . w h o s o e v e r f ir s t a f t e r th e t r o u b l i n g o f t h e w a te r , a n d a b o v e th o e a r t h , I sa w th e w in d s w h i c h b e a r m f o r m s u s, os be fore q u o te d , t h a t G o d c o n d e s ­
THE APO CR YPH AL 5 B u t t h e y t h a t a re n o t s u c h , s h a ll o b t a i n n o n e ste p p e d in , \^a s m a d e w h o le o f w h a t s o e v e r d ise a s e u p t h e c lo u d s .
o f th o se t h i n g s w h ic h t h e y a sk . F o r t h e y t h a t ho h a d .
c e n d e d to t a l k w i t h C a i n a f te r h is g r e a t t r a n s ­
g r e s s io n , in s l a y i n g h is b r o th e r , a n d t h a t C a i n
N E W T E S T A M E N T . 7 I s a w th e p a th o f th e ang els.
a ro fu ll o f fa ith , a s k all t h i n g s w ith c o n fid e n c e , a n d 15 A n d w h e n J e s u s sa w mo l a n g u i s h i n g th e re , 8 I p e r c e iv e d a t t h e e n d o f th e e a r t h , th o e x ­ k n e w t h a t i t w a s t h e L o r d t h a t w as t a l k i n g w i t h
T H E S H E P H E R D O F HERM AS. re c c iv e fro m th e L o r d , becnusc t h e y a s k w i t h o u t he s a id to m e, W i l t t h o u be m a d e w h o le ? A n d p a n s e o f h e a v e n a b o v e i t ; th e n I w e n t o n t o w a r d s h i m : so t h a t w h e n ho w a s d r i v e n o u t frg m t h e
d o u b tin g - B u t he t h a t d o u b t s s h a ll h a r d l y live, I a n s w e re d , S ir, I h a v e n o m a n , w h e n t h e w a t e r is t h e s o u t h , p r e s e n c e o f h i s b r e th r e n , h e c a r r i e d w ith h i m th o
This book ia thus entitled, becanse it was composed by
u n t o G o d e x c e p t ho re p e n t. tro u b le d , to p u t m e i n to th e pool. 9 W h e r e b u r n t b o t h b y d a y a n d n i g h t s ix k n o w le d g e o f th e e x is te n c e o f a G o d : o n d t h r o u g h
Hermas, brother to P ius, bishop o f R om e: and because
G W h e r e f o r e p u r i f y t h y h e a r t fr o m d o u b l in g , 10 A u d h e s a id u n t o m e, R is e , T a k e u p t h y m o u n t a i n s f o r m e d of g lo r io u s sto n e s, t h r e e t o ­ t h is m c a u s , d o u b tle s s h ia p o s t e r i t y b e c a m e a c ­
the angel, w h o bears the principle part in it, is repre­
a n d p u t on fa ith , a n d t r u s t in G o d ; a n d th o u s h a l t b ed, a n d w a lk . A n d I w as i m m e d ia t e l y m a d e w a r d s t h e e ast, o n d t h r e e to w a r d s th e so u th . q u a i n t e d w ith th o fa ct t h a t s u c h a b e in g e x is te d .
sented in the form aod habit o f a shepherd. Irnwus
re c e iv e all t h a t t h o u s h a f t a sk. B u t a n d i f t h o u whole, a n d to o k u p m y bed. n n d w alk ed . 1° . I h o s e w h ic h w ere to w a r d s tho e a s t w o re o f 33 F r o m th is we c a n see t h a t th e w h o le h u m a n
quotes it u n der the very nam e of S c rip tu re ; Origen
thought it a most useful writing, and tl u i it was divinely
s h o u l d e s t c h a n c e to a s k s o m e w h a t a n d n o t ( i m m e ­ 11 T h e J e w s t h e n said to P ila te , O u r lo rd g o v ­ a v a r ie g n t e d sto n e , ono o f w h ic h w as lik o p e arl, f a m ily , i n t h e e a r l y a g o o f t h e i r e x is te n c e , i n a ll
d i a t e ly ) r e c e iv e it, y e t d o n o t t h e re fo r e d o u b t , b e ­ e rn o r , p r a y a s k h im w h n t d a y it w as o n w h ic h h e a n d a n o t h e r o f a n ti m o n y , a n d thoso t o w a r d s th e t h e i r d i f f e r e n t b r a n c h e s , h a d th ia k n o w le d g e d i s ­
inspired; E usebius say*, that thoagh it was not esteem-
ed can onical, it w as read publicly in the churches, which
c a u s e th o n h a s t n o t p r e s e n tl y r e c e iv e d th e p e titio n w a s c u r e d o f h is i n f ir m i ty . s o u t h w e re o f a r e d sto n e , th e m iddle o n e r e a c h e d s e m in a t e d a m o n g t h e m ; so t h a t t h e e x is te n c e o f
o f t h v soul. 13 T h o in f ir m p e r s o n re p lie d , I t w a s o n th e to h e a v e n , lik e th e t h r o n e of G o d , o f a la b a s te r , G o d b e c a m e n n o b je c t o f fa ith , in t h e e a r l y a g e o f
is corroborated by Je ro m e; an4 A th sn tsius citcs it, cill*
it a m ost useful work, aod observe*, that though it wa*
7 F o r it m a y be t h o u s h a l t n o t p r e s e n t l y r e ­ S a b b a th . th e t o p o f w h ic h w a s o f s a p p h i r e ; I a lso s a w a t h e w o rld . A n d tho e v id e n c e s w h ic h th e s o m e n
not strictly canonical, the F athers appointed it to be
c e iv e it for t h y t ria l, o r else f o r so m e s i n w h ic h 19 T h e J e w s s a id to P ila te , D id w e n o t sa y s p a r k l i n g fire w h ic h w a s o v e r all th e m o u n ta in s . h a d o f th o e x is to n c e of a G o d , w a s t h e t e s t i m o n y
read for direction and confirmation in faith aud piety.—
th o u k n o w c s t not. B u t d o n o t th o u le a v e o f f to th n t h e w r o u g h t h is c u r e s on t h e s a b b a th , ancl 1 1 A n d t h e r e I s a w a place o n t h e o t h e r sid e o f t h e i r f a th e r s i n t h e f i r s t i n s ta n c e .
a s k , a n d t h e n t h o u s h a l t re c e iv e . E ls e i f t h o u c a s t o u t d e v ils b y th e p r i n c e o f d e v ils ? o f a n e x te n d e d c o u n t r y , w h e re w a te r s w ere g a t h ­ 3 4 T h o r e a s o n w h y wo h a v o b e e n t h u s p a r t i c ­
Je ro m e, notwithstanding this aad that he applauded it
in his catalogue of
writers, io hia com m ents upon it afte r­
s h a l t c e a se to a sk , t h o u m u s t c o m p la in o f th v sc lf, ‘20 T h e n a n o t h e r c e r t a i n J e w ’c a m e f o r th , a n d
a n d n o t o f G o d , t h a t h e h a s n o t g i v e n u n to th e e sa id . I w as b lin d , c o u ld h e a r s o u n d s , b u t c o u ld
e re d
I also s a w e a r t h l y f o u n ta in s d e e p i n t h e
u l a r o n t h is p a r t o f o u r s u b je c t, is, t h a t t h i s c l a «
m a y see b y i w h a t m e a n s i t w a s t h a t G o d b e c a m o
wards, terms it ap o cry phal"and foolish. T ertullian
w h a t t h o u d i d s t d e sire. n o t scq a n y o n e ; a n d as J e s u s w a s g o i n g a lo n g , 1 f ie ry c o lu m n s o f h e a v e n . on o b je c t o f f a it h a m o n g m e n a f t e r th o f a l l ; a n d
p:aised it when a Catholic, and abused it when a Mon-
8 C o n s i d e r t h e re fo r e t h is d o u b t i n g h o w c r u e l h e a r d th o m u lt i t u d e p a s s i n g b y , a n a I a s k e d w h a t 13 A n d i n t h e c o lu m n s o f h e a v e n I s a w fires w h a t it w ^ s 't h a t s t i r r e d u p th o f a it h o f m u l t i t u d e s .
tanist. Although Gel mi us ranks it am ong the a p c c r j-
a n d p e r n ic io u s it i s - a n d h o w it u t t e r l y r o o ts o u t w ns th ere . w h ic h d e s c e n d e d w i t h o u t n u m b e r , b u t n o t on to feel a f t e r h i m ; to s e a r c h a f te r a k n o w le d g e o f
phal books, it is found au ach e d to som e o f the most an-
cient M 3 3. o f the N ew T estam ent; and A rchbishop
m a n y Ir o m t h e fa ith , w h o w e re v e r y l a i t h f u l a n d 21 T h e y to ld m e t h a t J e s u s w n 3 p a s s i n g b y : h i g h , o r i n to th e d e e p , a n d o v e r th e s e f o u n t a i n s 1 h is c h a r a c t e r , p e rfe c tio n s a n d a t t r i b u t e s , u n t i l t h e y
firm. F o r t h i s d o u b t i n g is th o d a u g h t e r o f th e th e n I c r ie d o u t , s a y i n g , J e s u s , S o n o f D a v id , p e r c e iv e d a p la c e w h ic h h a d n e it h e r th o e x p a n s o b e c a m e e x te n s i v e ly a c q u a i n te d w i t h h i m ; a n d
W ak e, believing it the genom e w ork o f an apostolic Fa- n o t o n l y c o m m u n e w ith h i m a n d b e h o ld h i s g l o r y
d e v il j a n d d e a ls v e r y w ic k e d ly w ith th e s e r v a n t s h a v e m e r c y u p o n me. A n d h e s to o d still, a n d of h e a v e n a b o v e it, o r th o solid g r o u n d b e n e a th i t
ther, preserves it to the English read er by the following b u t be p a r t a k e r s o f h i s p o w e r, a n d f t a n d i n h i s
o f God. c o m m a n d e d t h a t 1 s h o u l d bo b r o u g h t to h im , a n d n e it h e r w as th e w a t e r a b o v e it, o r a u g h t o n th e
translation, ia which b e has rendered the book* not only p r e se n c e . k
9 D e sp ise it th e re fo re , a n d t h o u s h a l t r u l e o v e r s a id to m e. W h a t w ilt t h o u ? side, b u t t h c p lace w a s a desert.
more exact, but in g reater purity than th ay,had before 3.r> L e t . th is cla ss m a r k p a r t i c u l a r l y t h a t th o
i t o n e v e r y o c ca sio n . P u t o n a firm a n d p o w e r ­ 2 2 I sa id , L o r d , t h n t I m a y r e c e iv e m y s ig h t. 14 A n d t h e r e I sa w s e v e n s t a r s lik e g r e a t f l a m ­
appeared. T h e afchbishop procured Dr. G rab e to en- t e s ti m o n y w h ic h th e s e m e n J i j j d o f t h e e x is te n c e
fu l f a i t h : for fa ith p ro m is e s nil th in g s , a n d p e r ­ 2 3 H e s a id to m e, R e c e iv e t h y s i g h t ; a n c f p r e ­ i n g m o u n t a i n s , o n d like s p i r i ts p r a y i n g to m e.
" “ I1 ‘ " ’T ? 1 ,M3‘ fects fe c ls all t, hh ii "n 5r -s- l i u t d o u b* t i n g K ill " n o t■ ’b c *’ li i v e . s e n t ly I saw , a n d follow ed h im , r e jo i c in g a n d g i v ­ 15 T h e n th o a n g e l said, T h i s p lace will be t h e o f a G o d , w ns th o t e s t i m o n y 'o f m a n ; f o r p r e v i o u s
T t T ? ,u , T
m il farther improved the whole from a multitude of do.
k ' m ,' 1(l t h o t “ 5hi>11 ^lain
« n y t h i n g l?v a ll t h a t i t c a n i n g t h a n k s .
J b .
p r is o n of th e s t a r s , a n d o f th c h o s ts o f h e a v e n , u n ­ to th o tim e t h a t a n y o f A d a m 's p o s t e r i t y h a d o b ­
t a i n e d a m a n i f e s t a t i o n o f G o d to th e m s e lv e s ,
21 A n o t h e r J e w also c a m e fo rth , o n d sa id . 1 til th c t e r m i n a t i o n o f h e a v e n a n d e a r th .
fragments of the originol G re e k , n ever before used fsr A d a m t h e i r c o m m o n f a t h e r h a d te s tifie d u n t o
10 T h o u se e st th e re fo re ,, s a y s he, h o w fa ith w a s a lep e r, a n d h e c u r e d m e b y b i s 'w o r d o n ly , 1 G T h e s t a r s w h ic h m o v e o v e r fire, aro th o se
that purpose.
c o m e th fr o m • * », fro m G o d ; a n d h a s g r e a t s a y i n g , I will, be t h o u c l e a n ; a n d p r e s e n tl y I was w h o t r a n s g r e s s e d th e c o m m u n d m c n t o f th o L o r d th e m o f th o e x is te n c e o f G o d , o n d o f h i s e t e r n a l
The Second Book of Ucrmas, callctl his po w e r. B u t do.j v tin g is a n e a r t h l y s p i r i t, a n d c le a n se d f ro m m y le p ro s y . bofore t h c i n tim e w a s com o, f o r t h e y c a m e n o t in
pow er and G odhead.
p r o c c c d e th fro m t n e d e v il, a n d h a s n o s t r e n g t h . 3G F o r in s ta n c e , A b e l, before h o r e c e iv e d t h o
25 A n d a n o t h e r J e w c a m e f o r th , ond sa id , I th e r i g h t tim e , t h e r e f o r e ho w as a n g r y w ith th e m ,
C om m ands,
I I Do t h o u th e re fo re k e e p t h e v i r t u e o f fa ith , was c ro o k e d , a n d h e m a d e m o s t r a i g h t b y h ia a n d b o u n d th e m u n t i l th o tim e o f "the t e r m i n a ­ a s s u r a n c e f r o m h e a v e n t h a t b is o f f e rin g s w e re a c ­
* C om m and V I I I . a n d d o p a r t f ro m d o u b t i n g , in w h ic h is n o v i r tu e , w ord. t io n o f t h e i r c r im e s i n t h e s e c r e t y e a r . c e p ta b le u n t o G o d , h a d r e c e iv e d t h e i m p o r t a n t i n ­
a n d t h o u s h a l t liv e u n t o G o d . A n d a ll sh a ll liv 17 T h e n U r i e l s a id , H e r e t h e a n g e ls w h o c o ­ f o r m a tio n r o f * h is fu th e r, t h a t s u c h a b e i n g d id e x ­
1 h a v o told th ee , s a id ho, t h a t th e r e a re tw o 2G A n d a c e r t a i n w o m a n n a m e d V c r o n ic a .
u n t o G o d , a s m a n y a s sh a ll d o t h e s e t h in g s . ist. w h o h a d c re a te d , a n d w h o d id u p h o l d a ll
k in d s o f c r e a tu r e s o f th e L o r d , a n d t h a t t h e ro is a said, I w a s a fllictod w ith a n issu e o f blood tw elve h a b it e d w i t h w o m e n a p p o in t e d t h e i r leadors,
th in g s . N e i t h e r c a n t h e r e bo a d o u b t e x i s t i n g o n
tw ofold ab stin e n c e. F r o m so m e t h i n g s th e re fo re y e a r s , a n d I to u c h e d th e h e m o f h is g a r m e n t , a n d IS A n d b e in g n u m e r o u s i n a p p e a r a n c e c a u s e d
T h e G o sp e l o f .M c o d c n iib , f o r m c r ly e n ! ! t h e m in d o f a n y p e r s o n , t h a t A d a m w a s t h e f i r s t
t h o u m u s t a b sta in , a n d f r o m o t h e r s n o t. p r e s e n tl y th o issu e o f m y blood sto p p e d . m e n to be w ic k e d , a n d se d u c e d t h e m in to e r r o rs ,
c<l T h e A c ts o f P o n t iu s I 'lla t e . w h o d id c o m m u n i c a t e t h e k n o w le d g e o f t h e e x is t ­
2 I a n sw e red , D e c la re to m e, s ir, f r o m w h a t I 2 7 T h e J e w s t h e n sa id . W e h a v e a law, t h a t a so t h a t t h e y sa c rificc d to d e v ils as to gods, b u t in
en ce o f a G o d , to h is p o s te r ity : ond t h n t th e w h o lo
m u s t a b s ta in , a n d fjorn w h a t n o t. H e a r k e n , s a id [Although this Gospel is, byso.:ie am ong the learned, sup w o m a n s h a l l n o t be a llo w e d a s a n e v id e n c e . th e g r e a t d a y t h e i o sh a ll be a j u d g m e n t , w ith
posed to have been really written by N icodem us, wh« f a ith o f th e w o rld , f r o m t h a t tim e d o w n to t h o
he. K e e p t h y s e lf fro m evil, a n d d o i t n o t ; b u t 23 A n d , a f te r o t h e r things', a n o th e r J e w sa id . 1 w h ic h t h e y s h a l l bo j u d g e d , w h o led a s t r a y th e
b ecam e a deiciple of J e iu s Christ, and conversed with p r e s e n t, ij isi a c e r t a i n d e g r e e , d e p e n d e n t o n t h o
a n g e ls o f h e a v e n t h a t t h e y m i g h t s a lu te th e m .
a b s t a i n n o t fro m good, b u t d o it. F o r i f th o u him , others c«t.jeclure that it was a forgery, toward? s a w J o s u s i n v i t e d to a w e d d in g w ith h is d isc ip le s, k n o w le d g e f ir s t c o m m u n i c a t e d to t h e m b y t h e i r
s h a lt a b s t a i n f ro m w h a t is good, a n d n o t d o it, the close cf the third century, by some zrolous believer, a n d t h e r e w a s a w a n t o f w in e m C a n a of G a lile e; 19 A n d I ^ E n o c h , I alo n e s a w th o lik e n e s s o f
co m m o n p ro g e n ito r; a n d it h as been h a n d ed d o w n
th o u s h a l t sin. A b s t a i n th e re fo re fro m all evil, w ho, observing that there had been appeals m ade by the 2 9 A n d w h e n t h e 'w i n e w a s all d r a n k , he c o m ­ th c e n d o f all t h in g s , a n d n o h u m a n b e in g saw’ i t
Christians ot the former nge to the Acts of P ilate, but m a n d e d t h e s e r v a n t s t h a t t h e y sh o u ld fill s ix p o ts as I sa w it. to th o d a y a n d g e n e r a ti o n i n w h ic h we live, a s wo
a n d t h o u s h a lt k n o w all rig h te o u sn e ss . ’ sh a ll sh o w from th e face o f t h e sa c r e d re c o rd s.
that such acts could not Le produced, im agined it would
20 T h e n I m a d e a c i r c u i t to a p lac e i n w h i c h
3 1 sa id , W h a t ov il t h in g s a re th o y fro m w h ic h be of service to Chri.Miamly to fabricate and publish thir w h ic h w e re t h e r e w ith w a te r, n n d t h e y filled tn e m 37 F i r s t , j A d a m w a s 130 y e a r s old w h e n S e t h
I m u st a b s t a i n ? H e a r k e n , s a id h e ; f ro m a d u N G o s p e l; as it would both confirm the ChrUiians under u p to th e b r im , a n d h e b lessed th e m , a n d t u r n e d n o t h i n g w a s f u r n i s h e d . wns b o rn . b e n . 5:3. A n d th o d a y s o f A d a m ,
t e r v ; from d r u n k e n n e s s ; f r o m r i o t s ; fr o m e x ce ss persecution, and convince ih* heathens o f the truth of th e w a t e r i n to w i n e ; a u d all th e people d r a n k , b e ­ 21 A n d t h e r e I sa w n e i t h e r th e c o m m a n d in g
the Christian religion. T h c Ilev. Je re m ia h Jones says i n g s u r p r i s e d a t t h i s m ira c le . a f te r h e hedl b e g o tte n S e th , w ero 8 0 0 y e a r s , m a k ­
o f e a t i n g ; f r o m d a in t i n e s s a n d d i s h o n e s t y ; fr o m w o r k o f a lo fty h e a v e n , n o r o f a s t e d f a s t e a r t h , b u t
that such pious frauds were very com m on am ong Chris in g h i m 9 3 0 y e a r s old w h e n h e d ie d . G en.‘ 5:4,5.
p rid e ; f ro m f r a u d ; fro m l y i n g ; fr o m d e t r a c t i o n ; tia n s e v e a in ihe first three c e n tu r ie s ; and that a forger* 30 A n d a n o t h e r J e w s to o d fo rth , a n d s a id , I a w a ste n la c e p r e p a r e d a n d terrib le. S e th w a s I(J5 w h e n E n o s w a s b o rn . 5:G. E n o s
from h y p o c r i s y ; fro m r e m e m b r a n c e o f i n j u r i e s ; of this nature, wi;h the view above m entioned, sceiiu s a w J e s u s t e a c h in g in t h c s y n a g o g u e a t C a p e r n a ­ 2 2 T f ic r e a lso I sa w in it s e v e n s ta r s o f h e a ­
was 9 0 w h e n C a i n a n w a s b o r n . 5:9. C a i n a n w a s
a n d fro m all e v il s p e a k in g . * natural and probable. T ho sam* au th o r, in noticing u m ; n n d t h e r e w a s in th c s y n n g o g u e a c e r t a i n v e n b o u n d t o g e t h e r lik e g r e a t m o u n ta i n s , a n d
that Eusebius, in his Ecclesiastical History, charges thr m o n w h o h a d a d e v i l ; a n d he crie d out, s a y i n g . lik e a f la m in g fire : I e x c la im e d , F o r w h a t s o r t o f 7 0 w h e n M a h a la lc c l w as b o rn . 5 :1 2 M a h a la le e l
4 lb o r th ese a re t h e w o r k s o f i n i q u i t y , f ro m w as G5 w h e n J a r e d w as b o rn . 5:15. J a r e d w ns
pijjans with having furled aad publithed a book, called c r im e h a v o t h e y b e e n b o u n d , a u d w h y h a v e t h e y
w h ic h th e s e r v a n t o f G o d m u s t a b s t a i n . F o r he “ T h e Acts of P ila te ," lakes ©cession to observe, tha* L e t m e a lo n e ; w h a t h a v o we to d o w ith th ee , J e ­ IG2 w h e n E n o c h w a s b o r n . 5:18. E n o c h w a s G5
t h a t c a n n o t k e e p h i m s e l f f r o m th e s e t h in g s , c a n ­ the internal evidence o f this Goepel show s thnt it wa* s u s o f N a z a r e t h ? A r t th o u com e to d e s t r o y u s ? b e e n t a k e n to t h i s p la c e . T h e n U r ie l, o n e o f t h e w h e n M e th tis a le h w a s b o rn . 5:21. M e t h u s a le h
n o t hvA u u t o G o d . not the. w ork of any h e a th e n ; but tnat if in the Intel I k n o w t h a t t h o u a r t t h e H o l y O n e o f G o d . h o ly a n g d s w h o w a s w ith m e a n d w h o c o n d u c te d
end of ihe third cenlury we find il iu use among Chrie w as IS7 w h e n L n m e c h w a s b o rn . 5:25. L a m e c h
B u t h e a r , s a id h o > .w h a t follow s o f th e s e k i n d Ill A n d J e s u s r e b u k e d h im , s a y i n g , H o ld t h y m e, a n s w e re d , E n o c h , w h e r e f o r e a s k e s t th o u ,
Hans (snd it w m crrtainly then r ra d in some churches,
w h e refo ro rc a s o n c s t t h o u w ith th y s e lf , o n d a n x -l w as 132 w h e n N o a h w as bo rn . 5:28.
o f t h i n g s : f o r in d e e d -m any m o re th e re a r e fro m a s d about ih« **me lime find a forgery ol ihe h e a ih rn i pcnce, u n c le a n s p i r i t, a n d corno o u t o f t h e m a n ;
w h ic h t h e s e r v a n t o f G o d m u s t a b s t a i n . F ro m under lhe S4m*5 lille, it seem s exceeding probkble, th<u nnd p r e s e n tl y h e c a m e o u t o f h im , a n d d id n o t a t io u s ly sc s c an r c h ec s t o u t ? th eso ore th o so se o f t h e sta rs ! ^ n c c0 u n 1t “ CP®,8 ” Lam ech,
th e ft, a n d c h e a t i n g ; f r o m fa lse w i t n e s s ; frorii c o v ­ some Cbrutidiiv, at th«t lime, should publish such i all h u r t h im . who h a v e t r a n s g r e s s e d th c c o m m a n d m e n t o f th e ! -?-C J l h f r °,7 A, ’^ J at S f r N , ° ! h » WaS
piece as this, in order partly to confront ihe rpurtou .................... - y e a r s old' w h e n A d a m d ie d ; M e th u s a le h , 2 4 3 ;
e to u s n e s s ; fr o m b o a s t i n g ; a n d all o t h e r t h i n g s o f ^one of the p ag tns, and parity to support those appeal 32^ T h e f o llo w in g t h i n g s were also sa id b y a m o st h i g h G o d , a n d a r e h e r e b o u n d u n t i l t h e i n ­
finite n u m b e r of th e d a y s o f t h e i r c r im e be f in is h ­ L n o c h 3 0 8 ; | J a r e d 4 7 0 : M o h a lo le e l 5 3 5 ; C a i n a n
the lik e n a tu r e . which had been m ade by form er Christians to the Aci* P h a r i s e e ; I s a w t h n t a g r e a t c o m p a n y c am o to 6 0 5 ; E n o s C95 ; a n d S e t h 800.
G D o th e s o t h i n g s s e e m to t h e e to b e e v i l o r of P ila te ; and Mr. Jonen says, he thioks so the more J e s u s fr o m G a lile e a n d J u d tc a . and t h c sea-co a st ed. . •
particularly, as we have innum erable instancesof forgerii-K 3 9 S o t h a t I jo m e c h th o f a t h e r o f N o a h ; M e ­
not? I n d e e d t h e y a ro v e r y e v il to t h e s e r v a n t s a n y m a n y c o u n tr i e s a b o u t J o r d o n ; a n d m a n y in 2 3 A f t e r w o r d s I w e n t f u r t h e r to a n o t h e r terri-'
by the faithful in the primitive ages, grounded on les* firm p e r s o n s c am e to h im , a n d he h e a le d t h e m all ble place, J t h u s a le h , E n o c h , J a r e d , M a h a la le e l, C a in a n ,
of G o d . W h e r e f o r e th o s e r v a n t o f G o d m u s t a b ­ plausible reasons Wh- ther it be canonical or not, it i. E n o s , Seth,) a n d A d a m , w e re all l i v i n g a t t h o
stain f r o m all th e s e w o rk s. of very great antiquity, and is appealed to by several ol 33 A n d I h e a r d th e u n c l e a n c p irits c r y i n g o u t 24 W h e r e I sa w th e a c t i v i t y o f a g r e a t flam*
s a m e tim e , a n d b e y o n d all c o n tr o v e r s y , w e re a ll
7 K e e p t h y s e l f th e re fo re f r o m th e m , t h a t t h o u the ancient Christians. T h e preseat translation is made a n d s a y i n g , T h o u a r t th o S o n of G o d . A n d J e i n g a n d g l i t t e r i n g fire, i n th e m id d lo o f w h ic h
p r e a c h e r s ofj r ig h te o u s n e s s .
may c s t liv e u n t o G o d , a n d be w r i t te n a m o n g th o se from the Gospel published hv G r y n iu s io the Orthodox- s u s s t r i c t l y c h a r g e d th e m , t h a t t h e y s h o u l d 'n o t th e r e w a s a s e p a r a t i o n , a n d fie ry c o lu m n s s t r u g ­
ogr^phia, vol i tom ii p GI3J m a k e h im k n o w n . 40 M o s e s f u r t h e r i n f o r m s us, t h a t S e th liv e d ,
th a t a b s t a i n f r o m th e m . A n d th u s h a v e I show n gled t o g e t h e r to th e e n d o f th o g u lp h , o n d t h e i r
a f te r h e b e g e t E n o s , 8 0 7 y e a r s ; m a k i n g h i m 9 l 2
thee w h a t t h i n g s t h o u m u s t a v o i d : n o w le a rn C h a p te r V . 34 A f t e r th is , a n o t h e r p e rso n , w ho so n a m e w a s d e c l i v it y w a3 de ep , b u t I w as n o t a ble to d is c o v e r y e a r s
o ld o t h is d e a th . G e n . 5:7,$. A n d E n o s
e it h e r its m e a s u r e o r m a g n i t u d e , a n d I c o u ld n o t
from w h a t t h o u m u s t n o t a b s t a i n . 1 B u t N ic o d e m u s , a c e r t a i n Je w , s to o d before C c n tu r i o , said, I sa w J e s u s in C a p e r n a u m , a n d I liv e d , a f te r h o b e g a t C a in a n , 8 15 y e a r ? ; m a k i n g
8 A b s t a i n n o t f r o m a n y g o o d w o r k s , b u t do tho g o v e r n o r , n n d sa id , I e n t r e a t th e e , O r i g h t e ­ e n tr e a t e d h im , s a y i n g , L o r d , m y s e r v a n t l ie th at p e r c e iv e i ts o r ig in , t h e n I Qxclaim ed, H o w t e r r i ­ h im 9 005 5 y e a r s old w h e n ho died. 5:10,11. A n d
them . H e a r , s a i d h e , w h a t ' t h e v i r tu e o f th o se o u s j u d g e , t h a t th o u w o u ld e s t f a v o u r m e w ith th e h o m e s ic k o f th e palsy . ble is t h is p lace, a n d h o w d iffic u lt to s e a r c h out.
C a i n a n liv e d , oa ffto t e r h e b e g a t M a h a la le e l, 840
good w o rk s is w h i c n ,t h o u m u s t d o , t h a t t h o u m a y - l ib e r t y o f s p e a k i n g a few w ords. 35 A n d J e s u s s a id to m e, I will co m e a n d c u r e 25v U rie l, ono o f tho holjr a n g e ls w h o w as w ith y e ars : m a k i n g h im 9 1 0 y e a r s old n t h i s d e a t h .
est be sa v e d . T h e first o f all is f a i t f i ; t h e fe a r o f lira. me, a n s w e r e d a n d said, E n o c h , w h y a r t t h o u
~ I ’ila te said to h i m , ,S p e a k on. 5:13,14. A n d M a h a la le e l liv e d , a f t e r ho b e g o t J a ­
the L o r d ; c h a r i t y ; c o n c o r d ; e q u i t y ; t r u t h ; p a ­ 3G B u t I sa id , L o r d , I a m not w o r t h y t h a t f r i g h te n e d n n d a m a z e d a t t h i s t e r r ib le place, a t
N i c o d e m u s said, I s p a k e to th e e ld e rs o f tho red, 8 3 0 y e a r s : m a k i n g h im 6 9 5 y e a r s o l d w h e n
tie n c e ; c h a s ti t y . t h o u s h o u ld c s t c o m e u n d e r m y r o o f ; b u t o n ly tho s i g h t o f t h i s p la c e o f su f f e r in g , h e sa id , T h i s
Je w s, a n d t h e scribes, a n d p rie s ts , a n d L e v ite s , h e d ied. 5:IG,17. A n d J a r e d liv e d , a f t e r h o b e g a t
9 T h e r e is n o t h i n g b e t t e r t h a n th e s o t h i n g s i n sp e o k th e w ord, a n d m y s e r v a n t shall be healed. is tho p r i s o n o f th e a n g els, a u d h e ro t h e y a r c k e p t
?! '!, u !titu(,e Je w s , in t h e i r assem-* E n o c h , 800] y e a r s : m a k i n g h i m 9 G2 y e a r a o ld
the life o f m a n ; w h o sh a ll k e e p a n d d o th e s e 37 A n d J e s u s s a i d u n t o m e, G o t h y w a y ; a n d f o r e v e r .
• ’ ii • *S w ou^ m an ? a t h i s d e a th . 5:19,20. A n d E n o c h w a lk e d w ith
th in g s in t h e i r life. H e a r , n e x t w h a t follow 3 H e is a m a n w ho h a t h w r o u g h t m a n y u se fu l t h o u h a s t b e lie v e d , so bo it done u n t o thee.
G o d , a f t e r ho b e g a t M e th u s e le h 3 0 0 y e a r s : m a k ­
these. a n d g lo r io u s m ira c le s, s u c h a s n o m a n o n e a r t h A n d m y s e r v a n t w a s h e a le d f r o m th a t s a m e h o u r. i n g 3G5 y e a r s o ld w h e n he w a s t r a n s la te d . 5 :22 ,
IU T o m i n i s t e r to th e w i d o w s ; n o t to d o spise e v e r w r o u g h t before, n o r e v e r w ill w o rk . Let 3 8 T h e n a c e r t a i n n o b le m a n said, I h a d a so n
M O R M O N ISM . 23. A n d JM ^ th u se le h liv e d , a f te r ho b e g a t L a m -
th e fa th e rle ss a n d p o o r ; to re d e e m th e s e r v a n t s o f h i m go, a n d d o h im n o h a r m : i f he c o m e th fro m in C a p e r n a u m , w h o l a y a t th o p o in t o f d e a t h ; c ch , 7 6 2 y e a r * : m a k i n g h i m 9G9 y e a r* old w h e n
G od fro m n e c e s s it y : to be h o s p i t a b l e (fo r i n h o s ­ G o d , h is m ir a c le s (h is m ira c u lo u s c u re s ) w ill con- a n d w n e n I h e a r d t h a t J e s u s w a s com e i n to Gali* Lcdurcs on Thcolojrv. r* he diccl. 5 :20,27. L a m e c h liv e d , a f te r h e b e g a t
p ita lity t h e r e is s o m e tim e s g r e a t f r u i t ) ; n o t to bo t i n u e ; b u t i f fro m m en , t h e y will'com o to n o u g h t ec, I w e n t a n d b e s o u g h t h i m t h a t he w o u ld com e ( f k o m t h e d o o k o f D o c t r i n e S c C o v e n a n t s ) N o a h , 5 9 5 y e a r s : m a k i n g h i m 7 77 y e a r s o l d
c o n te n tio u s , b u t be q u i e t : 5 T h u s M oses, w h e n ho w a s s e n t b y G o d i n to d o w n to m y h o u se , o n d h e a l m y son, fo r h e w as F a i t h . w h e n ho d ie d . 5:30,31.
11 T o be h u m b le a b o v e all m e n ; to r e v e r e n c e E g y p t , w r o u g h t t h e m ira c le s w h ic h G o d com- a t t h e p o i n t o f d e a th . 41 A g r e e a b l y to t h is a c c o u n t, A d a m d i e d M
th e a g e d ; to la b o u r t o th e r i g h t e o u s ; to re s p e c t m a n d e d h im , before P h a r a o h k i n g o f E g y g f and 3 9 H e s a id to m e, G o t h y way*, t h y so n liv e th ., S e c t f o n I I .
th e 9 3 0 t h y e a r o f tho w orld, E n o c h w a s t r a n s l a t e d
th e b r o t h e r h o o d ; to b e a r a ffro n ts ; to be lo n g s u f ­ th o u g h th o m a g i c ia n s o f t h a t c o u n tr y , J a n n c s a n d 4 0 A n d m y so n w a s c u r e d f ro m t h a t h o u r. [Concluded.] '
i n t h e 987 th { Seth d ie d in th o 1 0 4 2 n d , E n o s in t h o
f e r i n g ; n o t to c a s t a w a y th o s e t h a t h a v e fa lle n J a m b r e s , w r o u g h t b y t h e i r n ia g ic t h o 's a m e m ir a ­ 4 I B e s id e s these, also m a n y o th e r s o f t h e Je w s , 2 9 A n d C a i n sa id u n t o th o L o r d , S a t a n t e m p t ­ I f 10th, C a in a n in th e 1 2 3 5 th , M a h a la l e e l in t h o
fr o m the f a i t h : b u t to c o n v e r t t h e m a n d m a k e cles w h ic h M o ses d id , y e t t h e y c ould n o t w o rk all ) 0th m e n a n d w o m e n , c r ie d o u t a n d sa id , H o is e d m o b e c a u se o f m y b r o t h e r ’s flocks. A n d I 1290th, J a r e d in tho 1 4 22nd, L a m e c h i n th e IG5Lst,
th e m b* o f g o o d c h e e r ; to a d m o n i s h s i n n e r ; n o t w h ic h h e did. t r u l y t h c S o n o f G o d , w h o c u r e s all d ise a s e s o n ly w a s a lso a n g r y : fo r h is o f f e rin g w a s a c c e p te d , o nd a n d M e th u s a le h i n t h e lG5Gth, i t b e in g th o sa m o
to o p p r e s s th o se t h a t a re o u r d e b tp r s ; a n d all o t h ­ G A n d th o m ira c le s, w h ic h th e m a g ic ia n s b y h i s w o rd , a n d to w h o m th e d e v ils a rc a l t o g e t h ­ m in e w a s n o t : M y p u n i s h m e n t is g r e a t e r t h a n I y e n r in w h i c h th e flood cam e.
e r t h i n g s o f a lik e k in d . w r o u g h t , w e re n o t o f G o d , a s y e k n o w , Q sc rib e s e r su b jc c t. c a n b e a r. B e h o ld , y o u h a v e d r i v e n mo o u t t h is 42 S o t h a t N o a h w a s 8 4 y e a r s old w h e n E n o s
12 D o th e s e t h i n g s s e e m to t h e e to be good, o r o n d p h a r i s e e s ; b u t t h e y ivho w r o u g h t t h e m p e r ­ 4 2 S o m e o f t h e m f u r t h e r said, T h i s p o w e r c a n d a y f ro m th e face o f m en , n nd f r o m y o u r face died, 170 w h e n C a i n a n d ie a , 2 3 4 w h e n M a b a la -
n o t? A n d I sa id , W h a t c a n be b e tte r t h a n theso ish e d , a n d all w h o b e lie v e d th e m . proceed f r o m n o n e b u t G o d . s h a ll I bo h id a lso ; a n d I sh a ll bo a f u g i ti v e a n d feel d ie d , 3G(J w h e n J a r e d d ie d , 5 9 5 w h e n L a m e c h
w o rd s ? L i v e t h e n , s a i d h e , i n th e s e c o m m a n d ­ 4 3 P ila to s a id to th o Je w s, W h y ore n o t th e a v a g a b o n d i n th c c a i t h ; a n d i t sh a ll com o to d ie d , a n d G0 |) w h e n M e th u s a le h died.
A n d n o w let t h i s m a n g o ; b e c a u se th e v
m e n ts, a n d d o n o t d e p a r t fro m th e m . F o r i f th o u
m ir a c le s f o r w h ic h y e a c c u se h im , a ro f ro m God^- d e v ils s u b j e c t to y o u r d o c to r s ? )as 3, e v e r y ono t h a t fin d s m e w ill s la y mo b e ca u se 4 3 W e rain see f r o m t h i s t h a t E n p s , C a i n a n ,
sh a lt k e e p a ll th e s e c o m m a n d m e n ts , t h o u s h a l t a n d h e is n o t w o r t h y o f d e a th . ’ 41 S o m e o f t h e m said, T h e p o w e r o f s u b j e c t i n g ly o a th : fo r th e s e t h i n g s a r e n o t h id fro m th o M a h a la le e l, J a r e d , M e th u s a le h , L a m e c h , a n d N o a h
live u n t o G o d . A n d all t h e y t h a t s h a ll k e e p th e s e d e v ils c a n n o t p ro c ee d b u t f ro m G od. L o r d . A n d th o L o r d s a i a u n t o h im , T h e r e f o r e , all liv e d o n , t h e e a r t h a t t h e s a m e tim e . A n d
c o m m a n d m e n ts , s h a ll liv e u n t o G o d . 8 T h o Jo w s t h e n sa id to N ic o d e m u ? , A r t t h o u
45 B u t o t h e r s s a id to P ila te , T h a t ho h a d w h o e v e r f l a y s C a in , v e n g e a n c e sh a ll be t a k e n on t h a t E n o s , C a in a n , M a h a la le e l, J a r e d , M e t h u s a ­
becom o h i s d isc ip le , n n d m a k i n g s p e e c h e s i n h is
C om m and IX . ra is e d L a z a r u s from t h e d e a d , a f te r h e h a d b e e n l i m s e v e n fold. A n d th e L o r d se t a m a r k u p o n leh , a n d L a m e c h , w ere a ll a c q u a i n t e d w ith b o th
fav o u r?
f o u r d a y s in h is g r a v e . * C a in , lest a n y f i n d in g h im sh o u ld k ill him . A d a m a n d IVoah.
I A g a i n h e s a id u n t o m e, R e m o v e fro m th e e all 9 N i c o d e m t n sa jd to th e m , Is tho g o v e r n o r b e ­
40 T h e g o v e r n o r h e a r i n g th is , tr e m b lin g , sa id 3 0 T h e o b je c t o f th o f o re g o in g q u o t a t i o n s is to 41 F r o m It lie f o r e g o in g i t is e a s ily to bo s e e n , ‘
d o u b tin g ; a n d q u e s t i o n n o t h i n g a t all, w h e n t h o u co m e lli* h is d isc in le also, a n d d o e s h e m a k e s p e e c h e s [ to th c m u ltitu d e o f th e Je w s , W h n t will it p ro fit
w k e s t a n y t h i n g o f t h e L o r d : s a y i n g w i t h i n thy* fo r h i m ? D id n o t C .c s a r p la c e h i m in t h a t h i g h y o u to sh e d i n n o c e n r b l o o d ? s h o w to t h i s ' c l a s s th c w ny b y w h ic h m a n k i n d n o t o n l y how th o k n o w l e d g e o f G o d c a m o i n to th o
w ere first m a d e a c q u a i n te d w ith t h c e x is te n c e o f w orld, b u t 'u p o n w h a t p r i n c i p l e i t w m p r e s e rv e d :
Ejticj. Aocre'w H i)V icttVyeiit|ctg a K fo r N auvoo, by w ay u , i t s h o u ld bo ’"c a rrie d i b t o e ffe c t ’i w o still w m tjttndep t h e , s t r o n g e s t c o n v ic t io n , w h e t ? h o l e f t
of.-Phtladrlphia. A lm an ac^ /o r • *«--*
l h a t h* e• w ill
•». r e le
. -n .t.u i t -•
1S45 w ith h ir o .a n d w i l l sapply i h e / b r e t h r e n 'i n PhiU dei- i| The* A d m i r a l o f t h e ^ F r c n c h F 'Ie e t h a s l e f t ! u s w as S ° ,n £ a s n “ la ta h to th e
s *ftUP ” [®r Y a n d t h e s a i n t s t h r o u g h o u t t h e ; w o r l d '
pjiia.aod other pia&cs th r W f h w h i c h ' he -passes with ihem ; f o r ^ M a r t i n i q u e , h i s d c p artar& Jis. m u c h ] re g retted ,- ss hh oo un ld - k n o y r
l d j k q o w t h a t th e s o b r e t h r e n h a v e d i e d f o r t h s
la t i o n to m a n , a f t e r A d a m ’s c r e a tio n , t o N d a b , to saints,'} to , s c e k ^ n f t e r a n j i o b t a i n a k n o w le d g e o f a s h e l h a d ^ e v e r p r o v e d ^ K i m s e lf i k i n d a h d * fre n lle - ss aa llvvaatti ioonn oo ff : t h e c h u r c h - o f L a t t e r JD ay S a in ts .-— *
g i v e t h e m t h e f irs t id e a o r n o tio n o f th e e x is te n c e t h e g l o r y o f G o d : a n d w e ^ h a v e s e e n t h a t i t w a s .Tew Yori£ Conference. m a n l y t o u s all. - F o r o u r m a r k e t s , I a m s o r r y to N e v e r i w i l l , I f o r g o t - B r o t h e r J o s e p h 's w o r d s t o ' ,
o f a G o d : a n d n o t o n l y o f a G o d , b u t o f th o t r u e h u m a n .te s tim o n y , a n d h u m a n t e s t i m o n y o n ly ,
T h e Conference will be held at the M eet;ng House, N-». s a y t h a t a ll a r ti c le s f r o m t h e . U n i te d S t a t e s a r e m e, t h q d a y b e fo re h e le f t f o r C a r t h a g o , w h e n h e ‘
a n d liv in g G o d . < th a t e x c ite d t h is e n q u i r y , in l h e fir.-t i n s t a n c e m
153 CaQtl street, sc ar, Hudson,1com m encing a t 1q o ‘cl»ck d o j i o f sa le; o w i n g t o t h e littlo d e m a n d — CoiTeo, m il d l y saftd, u G b d k n o w ! I a m w i l l i n g to d i e f o r
4 5 H a v i n g tr a c c d (h e c h r o n o lo g y o f th e w o rld t h e ir m i n d s —- i t w a s t h e c r e d e n c e t h e y g a v e to t h e
A. M ., thia (S atu rd ay ) m orning, aod will be continued f o r e x p o r t is s e llin g a t 8 1 3 8 7 1-2 to ’ 8 1 4 20, s a y m y b r e t h r e n . ” I n f a c t, ho m a y bo c o n s i d e r e d i a ■
f r o m A d a m to N o a h , w e w ill n o w tra c e i t fro m te s tim o n y o f t h e i r f a th e r s — th ia t e s ti m o n y h a v i n g
to mor<ow. o n b o a r d 6^3*1, t h o u g h w ith a d o w n w a r d t e n d e n ­ t h e s a v i o u r o f th is .p e o p l e , a s m u c h - a 3 , C h r i s t ; w a s
N o a l i to. A b r a h a i n / N o s h w a s 5 0 2 y e a r s old a ro u s e d t h e i r m in d s to e n q u i r e a f t e r t h e ltn o w |-
cy.^- C offee a n d * W o o d s a r e h o w e v e r sc a rc e .— t h e S a v i o u r o f th e w o r ld — b u t t o r e t u r n ' t o o n a c ­
w h e n j S h e m w a s b o r n : 9 8 y e a r s a f te r w a r d th e l e d g e o f G o d , t h e e n q u i r y frei r e q u e n t l y te r m i n a t e d , [ U . S . P h i l a d e l p h i a G a z e tte .]
F r o m I V n u v o o . c ount* o f m y j o u r n e y . . ^
flood cam e,' b e in g t h e ^GOOth y e a r o f ^ N o a h ’s ace. in d ee d , a lw a y s te rm in a te d ,. wh rh « n r i g h t l y p u r s u e d ,
, A n d M o s e s .i n f o r m s u s t h a t N o a h liv e d a f te r th e in th e m o s t cglolor rioiouuss ddi isc s c uovveerrie
i s,, a n d e t e r n a l cer* W e have rece ivrd a Itiie rfro m our m uch esteem ed bro- W o a r r i v e d i n S t . ' L a u r a ’t h e 3 d : o f J u iy ; 'l l d -
C a t h o l i c 'M is s io n a r ie s in O r e g o n T e r*
flo o d ,3 5 0 ’y e a w T * m a k i n g h i m '9 5 0 y e a r s old w hen t a i n t y . ilter I d Christ, E lder Lucian R . Foster, aod as i f no doubt n i T o n y .— T h o l a s t 'n u m b e r o f t h e A m i d e la R e ­ d rc ssc d ; i n * t h e a § v e n i n g , a=larg»"tM id-Tw pfcttebfaP**
h e d ie d . G e n . 9 :2 8 .2 9 . will .be a gratification to B rother Fuat*r’a numerou* lig io n , w h i c h w a s r e c e iv e d b y t h e B r i t a n n i a , c o n g r e g a ti o n , w h o t r e a t e d in o w i t h g r t a t j k i n d n e s s
4 6 S h e m w a s 1 00 y e a r s o ld w h e n A r p h a x e d friends ia th* E u t to h ear from h i m / tre h a t e m ade a few s ta te s , t h a t s e v e n fe m a le R o m a n C a th o l i c M is s io n ­ a n d e x p r e s s e d g r e a t J i iV d ig n a t io n 'a t ^ h o l a t o p r o -
w a s b o r n . G e n . I I . 10. A r p h a x e d w as 35 w h e n
TIIE P R O P I I 35T .
extract*. . ' a r i e s w e re a t o n c e to c m b a i k f o r t h i s c o u n t r y , c e e d i n g s a t C a r t h a g e . F r o m S t. L o u j Y I c a m e i o
S a l a h w a s b o r n 11:12. * S a l a h w as 3 0 w h e n E b e r w ith t h a i n t e n t i o n o f s e t t l i n g a t a s m a ll c o lo n y in C i n c i n n a t i , w h e r o I f o u n d our- lic lb re c f B r o t h e r *
" Ail is peace and q ^ ie tn rw at N auvoo, at present, and
w a s b o rn . 11:14. E b e r w a s 34 w hen P e l e g w a s a n d fe llow l a b o u r e r , A m a s a L y m a n ." a n d w a s m u c h
there are no indications of any f a rth r r n i o b ^ i o l e t c r . O r e g o n , in th o s e r v i c e o f t h e H u d s o n ’s B a y C o m ­
b o r n : in w h o s e d a y s t h e e a r t h was d iv id e d . II: c o m f o r te d i n m y sorrow .- , W o , h a d a l a r g o a u ­
Doctor Foster cam e here several d<ys since, and attrm pc. p a n y . T h i s c o lo n y b e a r s t h e n a m e o f W illia m -
16. P e l e g w a s 3 0 w h e n R e u w as b o rn . 11:18 d i e n c e i n C in n a t i , 'w b o ] is te n e d w i t h p r o f o u n d
ed lo stay and do bu«inets, but after staying tw o o r three f tte . a n d i s c o m p o s e d o f C a n a d i a n s a n d R o m a n
R e t i w a s 3 2 w h e n S e r u g was born. 11:20. S e r u g C a th o l i c I n d i a n s . T h o P o p e h a s a l r e a d y a p . a tt e n t i o n , a n d m a n i t e s te d th o s t r o n g e s t f e e l i n g ,
h r was \r a ittd upon by »ix or eight ladies, and told
w a s 3 0 w h e n N a h o r was b o rn . 11:22. ^ N a h o r a g a i n s t (o u r p e r s e c u t o r s . . F r o m t h e n c e ^ cam e-
■ hat he maa! leave the p lacr ; h« to o k th r ir advice acd p o in te d a b i s h o p o f th o w holo t e r r i t o r y , w ith t h e
w a s 2 9 w h e n T e r a h was b o rn . 11:24. T e r a h in g re a t] h a ste , t o P i t t s b u r g , b e i n g a n x io n s ^ t o g e t
d e c a m p td in a great hurry. W e h ear that W illiam and titlu o f t h e B i s h o p o f P h i l a d e l p h i a , e t i n p a r t i b u s
w a s 7 0 w h e n H a r a n a n d A b r a h a m w e r e b o rn to th e “ T w e l v e . ” I n P i t t s b u r g l f o u n d o u r ven*
W il.on L*>v, ceu find no retting p la c r, bat that they have in f id e liu m .— O n b o a r d t h e s a m e v e sse l a r e ' t o
11:26. e r a b le B r o t h e r i n C h r i s t S i d n e y R i g d o n , a n d o n r
nun*- U r up ih r river—t* me say ihey have gone to Canada. c o m e F a t h e r d e S m o t, w ith h is c o m p a n y o f p r ie s ts
4 7 T h e r e is som e d iffic u lty i n t h e a c c o u n t g i v e n b e lo v e d B r o t h e r J o h n E . P a g e ; o n a t i a d t h e p r i v -
Hwsinesa of every kin J id et a a’aod still for the pre&ent, a n d se ttle rs, a n d F a t h e r do V c r e u y s , o f t h e C o l ­
b y M oses, o f A b r a h a m ’s b i r th . S o m e h a v e s u p ­ n e g e ofj a d d r e s s i n g a c r o w d e d c<h o u s e - o h t h e 's u b -
r x c rjn building ihe T em ; le, which i* going up wiih great leg e o f P e a c e , b o t h o f w h o m c o m o o n a m is s io n to
p osed t h a t A b r a h a m w ns n o t b o r n u n til T e r u h
rapi-iiiy H a iv ra tirg ia carried un with full forcr, m.d lhe t h e F l a t h e a d I n d ia n s . B o t h t h e s e e cc h-siastics, j e c t o f t h e d e a t h o f o u r d e a r B r c tl i f e H '" (F r b m
w a s 130 y e a r s old. T h i s c o n c l u s i o n is d r a w n
w m ih r r is prnpnii ua I have received •* T h r P r o p h r i " w ith t h e i r t r a i n s , b r i n g w i t h t h e m a ll t h e i m p le ­ I : t t s b u r g we c a m e to P h i l a d c l p H i a , w he re.,ti> mr<
fr o m a v a r ie t y o f s c r i p t u r e s , w h ic h .are n o t t o 'o u r m e n t s a n d m a t e r i a l s f o r c o lo n iz in g , a n d f o r m a n u ­ u” i r JO>’’c, l - {;o u n d ^ Iflcra L y m a n ? W i g h t ^ a n d
«vi h t(.!er.ib!c rrpulcrity, and I must s i y lhat I am wrli
p u rp o s e a t p r e s e n t to q u o te . N e i t h e r is i t a m a t ­
i p ’tii.T J wj:b th*- m atter and (hr. appeatan ce of the paper. f a c t u r i n g . H o u s e s a n d m ills a r e to be e r e c te d , U illiam j S m i t h : n n d a l t h o u g h it- w a s a t im e o f
t e r o f a n y c o n s e q u e n c e to u*, w h e t h e r A b r a h a m m o u r n i n g nr.d so r r o w , y e t w e r n j o i c e d l t o g e t h c r i r i
If it comiitu s a* it haa com m enced, I th ink it will do a n d p e r m a n e n t s e t tl e m e n t s b e ^ u n w i t h r e lig io u s
w as b o r n w h e n T e r a h w a s 7 0 y e a r s old, o r 130. d e s ig n s , a r e a t o n c e t o be o c c u p ie d .— P h i l . C h r o n ­ h o p e o f t h e g M r y ^ o f G o d ' t h n t s h a l l b e ro v e a le d
j much goo d — I t r e uo reason why it should no: be conti-
B u t i n o r d e r t h a t th o r o m a y n o d o u b t e x is t u p o n icle. * ) h e r e a f t e r , th e s e b e lo v e d B r e t h r e n a c c b m p a n i e d
u u td . I consider it a^vrry valuabl* p a in every re-
a n y m in d , i n r e l a t i o n to t h o o b je c t l y i n g im m e d i me to N e w 1 o rk ; an d B r o th e r W ig h t f r o m th e r e
• *p*ct.
a t e l y b e fo re u s, in p r e s e n t i n g t h e p r e s e n t c h r o n o l A m a n u f a c t u r e r in C i n c i n n a t i h a s f o r w a r d e d to to B o s to n , w h e r e I fo u n d P r e s i d e n t , Y o W a n d
o g y , w e w ill d a t e t h e b i r th o f A b r a h a m a t th o I n r rv e d h ete on llir 2 7 .h April, IS 1 2 days from New St. L o u i s a p l o u g h t h a t is to bo d r i v e n b y s te a m , m y f a t h e r i n t h e G o s p e l, E l d e r H . C. K i m b a l l ,
SUPER 11ANC fLTHAM JKPUICAOO. York, my healih ha* been tujcraoly good. Mre. F i l le r f o r t u r n i n g u p t h e p r a i r i e s o f Illinois. « a n d d e li v e r e d m y d e s p a tc h e s , a n d r e c e iv e d c o u n c i l
l a t e s t p e r i o d : t h a t is, w h e n T e r a h w a s 130 y e a r s
haa been a;ik a good deal, at present h er health is good
old. I t a p p e a r s fro m t h i s a c c o u n t t h a t f r o m th e T h e d w e l li n g h o u s e o f J a m e s A k l e y , n e a r i r o m th ee se B r e t h r e n to s t a y a n d l a b o u r a s h o r t
flo o d to t h e b i r t h o f A b r a h a i n w a s 3 3 2 y s A T iiK M V M o it:v i.\« ;A ii(ri;s r ~ i7 r lIn : R o c k w a y . L . I., w a s i n j u r e d b y l i g h t n i n g d u r i n g t im e i n t h e E a s t : a n d h e r e I a m c o m m e n c i n g a
4 8 M o s e s i n f o r m s u s t h a t S h o rn liv e d , a f t e r ho Only ihree of the twelve are here al present, viz . Pratt, th e s t o r m o n S u n d a y . A h o r s e a n d c ow w ero g r a n d c a m p a i g n a g a i n s t t h e c o m b i n e d p o w e r s o f
b e g a t A r p h a x e d , 5 0 0 . G e n . 11:11. T h i s a d d e d
(X>- E J d i r B f a m u u h i i j i»i , „ e p ^ , r j j,,,, u,
T«y!or, andj Rirhardo. W e rjpt
ct all ihe others hom e io olso k ille d b y t h e l i g h t n i n g a t t h e s a m e tim e . d a r k n e s s t h e D e v i l ia r a g i n g — t h e p r i e s t s a re
t o 100 y e a r s , w h ic h wan h i s a g o w h e n A r p h a x e d p r e a a - h e w i l l g i v e a n a c c u u n t o l h i s b b o r a i n t h e E i * t i n a few d a j r . Hrother F«irbink», wfih his wife and chil g r o w l i n g — t h e h o n e s t a r e b e li e v in g — a n d all d e ­
w a s b o r n , m a k e s h i m 6 0 0 y e a r s old w h e n Ife died.
o a r n e x i.
dren aod two brothers, arrived here a few J u j* sine*, af­ M a n o r T n o o i r L r s . — W o le a r n f r o m t h e AI- c e n t c iv i l iz e d p e o p le c o n d e m n o n r e n e m ie s . Tho
A r p h a x e d liv e d , a f t e r h e b e g a t S a la h , 4 0 3 y e a rs . ter a tiie.-ome journey by Uud ; he h a t ooughl SO acre* b a n y K n i c k e r b o c k e r t h a t W m . P . V a n R e n se - p e o p le a ro c o m i n g t o t h e i r * “ s o b e r s e c o n d
Q u a P a pe * - W c w ..u |a t e n d e r th « t,k a to th o w i o f o u t l a e r h a s a b a n. d o n e d h is m a n s io n a t --------------, B a t h , ---------------------
R ensse* t h o u g h f s j a n d m a n y a r e b e i n g h a p t i z e d ; c r e e d s
11:13. T h i s a d d e d - t o 3 5 y e a r s , w h ic h w a s h i s n e a r N’ - a y v o o . . .
b reih rv D lh a t h a v e , m id a ll ih e ir tro u b l-* , h a d a o « )•
a g e w h e n S a la h w a s b o r n , m a k e s h i m 4 3 3 y e a r s Th*- gathering ta Nauvoo ia urged upon all the t a i n u , i e r .c 0 “ ntT . "> c o n f q u e n c e o f a n o n y m o u s le t t e r s a r e s h a k i n g — s e c t a r i a n c h u r c h e s a r e s p l i t t i n g a n d
fin g le lo th e g lo ry o f G o d , i n e n d r a v o r i u j t o i n c r e a s e thr-N
o ld w h e n h e d ied . S a l a h liv e d , a f t e r h e begat •ibrond more urongly than e*er. T he T em ple m u.t and | r c c c lv e d b Y h , m » t h r e a t e n i n g p e r s o n a l v iolence, f a ll i n g d o w n p ie c e m e a l a n d t h e C h u r c h o f C h r i s t
c irc u la tio n o f o u r p s p r r . S ..m e l u v r d o .,e n -.b ly r*r ih r
E b e r , 4 0 3 y e a r s . 11:15. T h i s a d d e d to 3 0 y e a rs , will be built im m ediately. I am pleased with Nauvoo, T h e c e n s u s o f B a r b a d o e s , r e c e n tly t a k e n , sh o w s is ris in g , o n t h e i r i u i n s — a ll N e w E n g l a n d w ill
w h ic h w a s h i s a g e w h e n E b e r w a s b o rn , m a k e s p a p e r , w h i l e o t h e r s a r e d i l a t o r y , a o d t e r m n o t t<> a p p r e c i and have ne deeire to return Ic New York to live ; h*rc 1 } a p o p u la tio n o f 1 2 2 ,1 9 8 , o f w h ic h o v e r 3 0 . 0 0 0 so o n be o n f i r e - “ to G o d be oil t h e g l o r y . " We
h i m 4 3 3 y e a r s old w h e n h e d ied . E b e r lived, “H e t h e a d v a n t a g e s o l h . i v i m ; aa a d v o c a t e . \ \ r y few o f wi»h to lire , and here I wi>h to d ir. Sis er E m m a and a r e e m p lo y e d in a g r i c u l t u r e , a n d , a n d 8 .9 5 6 h a v o b a p tiz e d a n d c o n f ir m e d s e v e n h e r e m L o w e ll o n
a f te r he- b e g a t P e le g ; 4 3 0 y e a rs . 11:17. T h i s o u r c o u n t r y b r e t h r e u h a v e a n y i - i r a «,f i h e o u t l a y h»r family are all well ; E 'd er T ay lo r is f* n recovering.’’ j n o t h i n g to d o !■ T h e p r e p o n d e r a n c e o f th e fe m a le S u n d a y ;| t h r e e c a m e f o r w a r d l a s t e v e n i n g f o r b a p ­
a d d e d to 3 4 y e a r s , w h ic h w as h is ago w h e n P e l e g al t i m J mn a n t u p o n th * p u b lic a iio a i f a w e e k ly p a p e r . Wr j
l , . : — — ------------------- ' o v e r t h e m a le se x , is 10,194. tis m , m a k i n g te n in a l l ; m a n y m o r e b e l i e v i n g
H ave m o c h to c o n te n d w u h , a n d a i o u r p < p - r p ro fe sie iC y i _ (
w a s b o rn , m a k e s h i m 4 6 4 y e a r s old. P e l e g lived- I b a p li z e d t h i r t e e n i n B o s t o n t h e w e e k . I w u
d v o c a t e a l h e r i g h t s *• ! “ a s e c t e v e r y w h r r . * t p o k e n ■ A f f C l l t l . | R a i l w a y P u o j f . c t . — A t .Aliddletow n, C o n -
a f t e r h o ,b e g a t R e u , 2 0 9 y e a rs . 11*19. T h i s a d d ­ t h e r e — I g o to P e t e r b o r o u g h n e x t S u n d a y .
ed t o , 3 0 y e a r s , w h ic h w a s h is a g e w h e n R e u wor t i s t h e b o u n d r n d u t y » - f t h a t s e c t t o t * k r h o l d o f j t a m J i ^ o a " r f • l f ; e ,- * y n o t i f i e d t h a t w « d o n o t t a k e o u t of a d a y s 's i n c e , a p u b l ic m e e t i n g w ns
In c o n c lu s io n . I w o u ld s a y , t h e field s a r e a ll
b o rn , m a k e s h i m 2 3 9 y e a r s old w h e n h e died. *u»!ciuit. W e Cdnaot «nd do not expect much m pj.ori p0$l ' <r,CP' * n r aD,e*'i {P0*1 Paid ) W e have re been
been II 1,c,u lto , a ^ ° ,,nnito
o .,HKe ° ccoonnssiiudeerraattiio o nn tth h oo pp r o jjeecct t ____ of a
r Vj10]. ™ d - m n n ? o ro b e in & g a t h e r e d i n t o t h e
R e u liv e d , a f t e r h e b e g a t S e r u g , 2 0 7 years*. G e n . from the Grniilta, nnd would advise the brethren and 0,uch ' n,P°»r d upon in the way c f paying poainge ; what newr r a ilr o a d b e tw e e n M id d le to n a n d P r o v i d e n c e , fold o f C h r i s t I n e v e r sa w so g o o d a p r o s p e c t,
11:21. T h i s a d d e d to 3 2 y e a r s , w h ic h uras h is ’iateiM io “ open iheir hearts,” and their parse* too, aud f a ,ri^e ‘nd‘v^ a®Hy. is bjrd«n*ome when taken P**~s , n g t h r o u g h N o r w ic h . T h i s line, v i a N e w
f o r a n a b u n d a n t h a r v e s t — t h o u s a n d s a r e i n v e s ti -
w h e n S e r u ge w as h p rn , m a k e s h i m 2 3 9 y e a rs remember th-u in ihr •• midw cf Hdb>l..i,- you have » In*’hc ?ro“ *H a v e n , N o r w i c h a u d P r o v i d e n c e , to B ostoi),'
g a t i n g o u r d o c tr i n e , w h o n e v e r t h o u g h t o f t h e s e
w h e n h e d ie d . S e r u g liv e d , a f i e r h e b e g a t iriead and defender in the •• Prophet** who needs y o u r 1 will all c a m frm tk leUtn containing i Wou^ a 8^ 0 r l o n e - t h i n g s before. T h o k i n g d o m is r o l l i n g o n i n
N a h o r , 2 0 0 yrears. G e n . I L ‘2 8. T h i s a d d e d to upport. W c «»k you not fur your money w„ h o u t valur *mjT*7 and *ubi<ribtr,, or notice of change or di* J A re lig io u s e m u t e w h ic h b r o k e o u t so m e tim e p o w e r, i n c r e a s i n g a t e v e r y t u r n . T o ‘‘ G o d a n d
10 y e a r s , w h i c h w as h i s a g e w h e n N n h o r w a s received No one c in ol j- c t le, ihe price o f our piper. 1 c o n ' iuU-,n c <‘ of P*P*»- sin c e at E x u m a , b e tw e e n th o E p i s c o p a l i a n s a n d th e L a m b be a ll t h e p r a is e a n d h o n o u r , e v e n so
a o r n , m a k e s Jbim 2 3 0 y e a r s old w h e n h e died. The book of Eaoch alooe which appeals in car cohmn*, 1 charg e d —A. R. W .f ZanravilK Ohio,«75 cts. B a p ti s t s , h a d b e e n b r o u g h t be fore t h e G e n e r a l A m e n . I r e m u in a s e v e r y o u r f r i e n d a n d b r o t h e r
N a h o r liv e d a f t e r h o ’b e g a t T e r a h , 119 y e a r s i s w o r t h l h e p r i c e c f a y e a r ’ s f u b - c e i p t i o - i . S > m e h a v e I U '•» c ts.; S . Ito g e r s , L y v u r , C o u r t , o'ri th e a r r e s t a n d t r ia l o f on e o f t h e p a r tie s , i n t h c n e w o n d e v e r l a s l i n p c o v e n a n t - '
G e n . 11:25. T h i s a d d e d to 2 9 y e a r s , w h ic h w a s f e a r e d i h e p a p e r w o u l d b e c m - a m o n - y m i k i n g c o n c e r n ' X * V ” 3 7 C ‘ -"' M . F o w le r , a B a p f i* t m in is te r , fo r c r e a t i n g a dis- G E O R G E Jv ADAM S.
h i s a g e w h e n T e r a h w a s b o rn , m a k e s ' h i m 148 — t h e r e i s n o g r o u n d « t p r r s ^ m f o r s u c h f e a r a ; a n d ^ h . u I d ---------------- ------- t ------------ ; t u r b a n c e a n d p r e v e n t i n g a n E p is c o p a l ia n c le r ^ y -
y e a r s o ld w h e n h e d ied . 1'e r a h w a s 130 y e a r s i t a n y f u t u r e l i m e m u r e i h a n p i y r x p - m t r , , i | ; e e u r p l u i A F i r s dhu Ac t —T he public well at Springfield, l ll.,i* n n n ! ^ e p r iv ilc e o f p r e a c h i n g in a b u i l d i n g whTch
o ld w h e n A b r a h a m w a s b o rn , a n d ip su p p o s e d to w i l l g o t o l h e b u i l d i n g u p i h e . k i u g d o m o | G o d . M r. E d ito r . A s o c i e t y o f S i s t e r s w a s fo rm -
wa* poi»oned o* Monday night fortnight, by ihe m troduc J p r e v io u s ly b e e n o c c u p ie d b y t h e B a p t i s t s ,
r d on t h e 1/ t h J u l y , c a lle d t h e « L o w e ll L a t t e r
h a v e l iv e d 7 5 ^ y e a ra a f t e r h i s b i r t h : m a k i n g ' h im .ion into ihe pum p o f a poisonous com pound. T h e f^ct * N e a r l y t h e w h o le o f t h o r e s id e n ts o f t h e settle -
2 0 5 y e a r s old w h e n h e d ied . P i c IS ic . D a y .S a in ts B e n e v o l e n t j e w i n g S o c i e t y . " f o r t h *
- a * discovered before any person was eeriou.-Iy a(T csed ( m c n t c o n ®‘.^c r th e m s e lv e s B a p ti s t s , a n d t h e E p i s -
p u r p o s e o f p u r c h a s i n g m a t e r ia l a n d m a k i n g s a m e
4 9 A g r e e a b l y to t h i s la s t a c c o u n t. P e l e g d ied AH the brethren w ho wi*h in participate in this *• R e ­ Wy ii, although fom e ISO persona w ere w o tkiog n ear the } C0 P®1 c lc r g y n i o n re c e iv e d tim e ly n o tic e o f t h e ad-
i n t h e 1 0 6 6 th y e a r o f th e w orld. N a h o r in th e union of S a in t-,” - ic^ take place on T uesday, S -ptem b. r well, aud u.-ine w ater from it. T h e M ayor has t fT-red a j VCrSC i n to c l o t h i n g f o r s u c h t r a v e l l i n g E l d e r s . S i . t n a v
t o w a td s h im , b u t p* e r s i s t i nJR g it a p - s t a n d in n e ed .
J 9 7 t h , a n d N o a h i n t h e 2 0 0 6 th . S o t h a t Peleg, 3.d, are requested lo leave iheir r a n i f t «t the T .o p h u rew ard o f S 100 for ihe perpatratora of ihe outrage. p e a rs , h e g o t s o m e w h a t r o u g h l y u se d . ‘T h e j u r y
i n w h o s e d a y s t h e e a i t h w a s d i v id e d , a n d N n h o r Office, ia order that the com m ittee n u y m ake arrange t n i h i . , » . w . H ns o t h e r w i y s , t h r y w ill u s e
a c q u i t te d M r. F o w le r .
t h e g r a n d * fa th e r o f A b r n h a m , b o th d ie d before iwentJ. U n i t e d S t a t e s L a n d S a l e s . — T h o P r e s i- t h o i f fe e b le e ffo rts f o r t h e p r o m u l r a t i o n o f t h e
d e n t h a s o r d e r e d sales o f th e p u b lic la n d s i n M i s ­ E m i g r a n t s from N o r w a y .— A p a rty o f
N o a h : t h e f o r m e r b e in g 2 0 9 y e a r s old, a n d t h e Brothera G. J . Adam?, W illiam S m iih, and J. M. G .ant G ° d ' ' 0nd- J , h 0 d i f f " s i o n o f
l a t t e r 148. A n d w h o c a n n o t b u t -see, t h o t t h e y h*vc been inviitd uud are rx p e c trd to be p r« stn t.
m u « t h a v e h a d a l o n g a n d i n t i m a t e a c q u a i n ta n c e general tavitation is h-r^by t^ndrreil to the Saiars.
s o u r i a s f o llo w s .— A t P l a t t s b u r g , o n th o 2 1 st o f h a r d y , s t O u t l o o k i n g N o r w e g i a n s , a b o u t . n i n e t y in
O c t o b e r ; a t C lin to n , o n th e 2 4 t h o f O c to b e r* n t
n u m b e r , s a y s t h e S p r in g f ie ld R e p u b li c a n , i n c l u ­ T h e m e e t in g w a s c a lle d to o rd e r h y M iss M a r y
w ith N o a h 7 F a y e t t e , o n th e 2 5 th o f O c t o b e r ; a t S t L o u is , d i n g w o m e n a n d c h ild r e n , a r r i v e d in S p r in g f ie ld I h o m t o n , a n d t h e f o llo w in g officers c h o s e n *
o n S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g la s t in t h e B o s to n c a rs , a n d ► M iss^A b b y E . S w itz e r, P re sid e n t.
5 0 R e u d ie d in th o 2 0 2 6 t h y e a r o f t h e w orld. W o r Ib y o f I m ita tio n . on th e 4 t h o f N o v e m b e r , a n d a t S p rin g f ie ld , o n ** Nnaak t? 117 _I I T f •' •
t h e 7 th d a y o f N o v e m b e r n e x t. » le f t o n M o n d a y m o r n i n g f o r th e w est. T h e y b a d S a r a h E . W a lla c o ,' Y ic o do.
S e r u g in t h e 2 0 4 9 t h , T e r a h in t h e 2 0 3 3 r d , A r T h e S u tera atiach rd m :!*.- L .w rll Branch o f the C h u r r l j u s t c a m e to t h i s c o u n t r y , a n d a ro o n t h e i r w a y R e l i e f B a r tl e tt ; S e c r e t a r y .
p h a x e d in th e 2 0 9 6 t h , S e la h in th o 2 1 2 6 th , S h e m A ll th e s e sales a r e o f la n d s w h ic h w e re s u r v e y -
nf Je iu s C h m t , have i-tnrtrd a very b tija b le cn terp ri; r.
i n th o 2 1 5 8 th , A b r a h a m in th e 2 l S 3 r d . a n d E b e r e d o r m a d e r e a d y fo r sa le d u r i n g t h e p a s t y e a r , to W i s c o n s i n to s e ttle . T h e y “ k e p t h o u s e ” in M a ry T h o rn to n . T reasu re r.
They have fnrm td a Clothing i ’ocie'y, for lhe av.>m-d pur-
i n t h e 2 1 3 7 t h : w h i c h w a s 4 y c e r s a f te r A b r a ­ a n d a lib rd a n e x c e lle n t o p p o r t u n i t y to t h o s e 'w h o th e c a r s o v e r S u n d a y , a n d t h e i r a p p e a r a n c e a n d H a n n a h E . B a ld w in .
poie of “ clothing the need)** m ini.ter^ of ih e G >.p;l o
h a m ’s d e a th . A n d E b e r w a s th e f o u r t h . f r o m m a y d e s ir e to e n t e r lan d s m - tlie m o re f e r tile a n d I m a n n e r a t t r a c t e d th o a t t e n t i o n o f a ll ivho sa w L o u i s a C h a n d le r . *
the Son of G od— may tuccvfs attend their rfljit* . W e them . C lara D ow .
N oah. s e ttle d p o r t io n s o f th is S ta te . T h e r e will, also, be
adm ire th ij tpouianeoiis feeling in ihe fitte r# of the E j > Z e l n o r a S. S n o w .
51 N a h o r , A b r a h a m ’s b r o t h e r , w a s 5 8 y<*ars s a la j a t D ix o n , Illinois, o n t h e 7 th , n n d a t C h i c a ­ C r o p s i n > W e s t e r n L o u i s i a n a — E x tra c t of
•tern b r a n t l u s l<i odmiu!»ter uii*o the tem poral wain^ t l
old w h e n N o a h d ie d , T e r n h I*J8 , S e r u g I S 7. R e u
tho*? who have raenfu-rd th rir ell, who have Leen willing
go o n th o 10th o f O c to b e r n e x t.— [S l L o u i s R e - a l e t t e r Med D e S o to P a r i s h , L a ., J u l y 26, B.
219, E b e r 2 9 3 , S a l a h 313, A r p h a x e d '3 1 4 , a n d pub-J 1844— N e v e r w e re c r o p s m o r e p r o m i s i n g i n t h ia
•o leave ihe dcarcM :iea o! n aitu e, for Hie luve they bear
S h e m 4 48. a n d t h e a d j o i n i n g p a ris h e s : E a s to n C o n fc rc n c c . .
t •• loai aud ruined iv o ilJ." O i ! t tu t ihi« feeling, o r a
5 2 I t a p p e a r s fro m t h i s a c c o u n t , t h a t N a h o r , R e s c u e . — O n S a t u r d a y last, a p a r t y , o f w h ic h C o r n is so v e r y a b u n d a n t t h a t , lik e last se a so n , E ajtojv , N orth am p to n coo niyt>£ju.
‘"love of thc b 'e th r e a ” *va* more diflT<i.>*d ia o u r «wu s e v e n w ere ladies, s t a r te d f r o m F e l l ’s P o i n t , B a l t i ­
b r o t h e r ol A b r a h a m , T r r a h , N a h o r , S e r u g . R e u , i t m a y a g a i n b e b o u g h t a t 12 1-2 t o 15 c e n t s p e r Minutes c f t k t p i t c u d i n f o f a f,freti*g held on A u g . Oil,
vicinity, h ow m uch more the truth would pro#per. m o re, o n a f is h in g e x c u r s io n to C u r t i s ’ C r e e k b u sh e l, a n d s h o u l d o c c a s io n a l s h o w e r s c o n ti n u e
P e le g , E b e r , S a la h , A r p h a x e d , S h e m , a n d N o n h , I S M , a tJ E a U m .'
all liv e d o n tho e a r t h a t t h e s a m e tim e . A n d } ~ so m e five o r s ix m i h s d o w n t h e r iv e r . 'A f t e r a n d n o c a s u a l t y h a p p e n to t h e c o tt o n c r o p , it will
th e y a r r iv e d th e r e , one o f t h e ladies, f r o m th e y ie ld a balo to t h e a c r e in o u r parish* Meeting being duly called and^opened by p rayer, E ld er
t h a t A b r a h a m w a s 18 y e a r s old w h e n R e u d ie d .! 5 * r o - . |x u : U i n O h i o .
E a s t w a r d , a c c i d e n t a l l j fell b a c k w a r d s o u t o f t h e Albert L utz w as called lo th e chair, and E ld#r W illiam A.
41 w h e n S p r u g a n d a n d h is b r o t h e r .N w h o r d ie d . { We have cheering account* of thr of the coiu' T h e 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 b a le s r e p r e s e n te d to bo lost, b y
M oor, w as chosen secretary. Br. W m . A G lover w as call-
w o " l *1 d ie d , 8 3 w h e n A r p h a x i d d ie d , j oau»c in Oiilo. Uro*. J nnm***. M -R nl-, 1'iiihful Elder- boat. S h e s u n k a n d rose, a n d s u n k a se c o n d Hoods, o n t h e b o t t o m l a n d will be a m p l y re p la ce d .
tim e , b e fore M r. J o h n G a r d n e r w a s e n a b le d to e d n p i . n l o r e p r e . e n t the num ber of m e m b e r s 'a n d th eir
118 w h e n S a l a h d ie d . 150 w h e n S h e m d ie d , a n d I *o I»ra»l, htve b -tn Utx-iin^ in Clinton and F a j m r cr.un I j u d g e , b y a u g m e n t e d c r o p s o n th o u p la n d s . ,. .o d ,» e . Which w . . . . f o l i o * . , o in t le e a
t h a t E b e r d ie d 4 y e a r s a f te r A b r n h a m ’o d e a t h .I nee, and thrir ^bor«iMvr b«tn mue’i b!r«rd. in riim oi c a tc h h e r, w h ic h h e d i d b y j u m p i n g o v e r b o a r d T h e b rig O rio n , C a p ta in W ilk in s , a rriv e d a t
A n d t h a t S h e in , A r p h a x e d . S n ln h . E b p r R e u , S e - | coun.y, q.ite a number ln«v •• c , « « out , f!.V * a n d d i v i n g fo r h e r. Sho w a s r e s c u e d , a n d b e in g o u r w h a r v e s y e s t e r d a y , a f te r n o o n f r o m P o r t o C a - eld ^ r., one p rip.t t a d one t e . c h . r , .11 io good
r u g , l e ra h , a n d N n h o r , th e b r o t h e r o f A b r a h a m , | f>«ro mad-: p\rt^krr<* «if the bl; ta k e n to t h e sh o r e , s£>me tim e w a s s p e n t before bello a n d L a g u i r a , h a v i n g o n b o a rd t h r e e m o n as on e t | d„ ■ w gg Q tl.nd , to
u t t m J j j t u p j n o b e preach the gofprl.
a n d A b r a h a m , l i v c t k a t th o s a m e timts. A n d t h a t . < i r i . e e l o l h e f u i l u r a a o f t h - f { o * p i I . she w a s e n t i r e l y recovered. p r i s o n e r s to t h i s c o u n t r y , b y t h e Hon* J o h n P .
N a h o r, b ro th e r o f A b ra h a m , 'l e r a h , S e ru g , Reu. A d a m s , U n i t e d S t a te s C o n s u l a t th o l a t t e r place E ld er L ^ iz then arcs* and gave such instructions a s wa .
In F -iy -tte cn tin n * , m a n y o f ih e h * ;:j o f ih u B ib iiio
E b e r , S a la h , A r p h a x e d , a n d S h e m , tvero a ll a c ­ C h u r c h h a v e r m b r . j c r W i h e t r u t h . M n y i l u t h a v e b - r n F i r e . — O n T u e s d a y e v e n i n g last, a t 9 o’clock, fo r a lle g e d m u t i n y b y r e f u s i n g to d o d u t y on necessary, a n tin g , that the branchy having never been or*
q u a i n t e d w ith b o th N o a h a n d A b r a h a m ^ a fire b r o k e o u t i n the m ills in F l u s h i n g , L o n « b o a rd th e s c h o o n e r F a w n , a n d e m b e z z l i n g iho ganized, then proceeded i . organrae ihe branch by «p-
b ,b i z e d a r r a m o n j: th/- in< s t tf lie u iiu l p r « p ie in ih e
Isla n d , t h e p r o p e r t y o f G e o r g o D o u g la s , E s q ., b u t c a r g o o f t h c s a m e . T h e i r n a m e s a ro C o lin pointing W illiam G l o ^ r , presiding elder ; lease D erf
5 3 W e h a v o n o w t r a c e d t h e c h r o n o lo g y o f th e , wiuhbnihood—nntil nd h ig h m in d e d T h « * pr< . ' p » c l ^
in t h 3 o c c u p a t io n o f W il l e t S e c o r, a n d in a few G a in n b ell, f o r m e r m a t e o f th e a b o v e schooner* prieH, and W illu m Glover, r .n . , teacher E ld e r R o b e rt
w o rld , a g r e e a b l y to th e a c c o u n t g i v e n in " o u r p r e ­ < o o d f o r a t r e a t i n c r e . i t - e A c y n f e r - n e r l,n d b e r . i bf-ld a '
m in u te s , th c g r i s t an d sa w m ills, t o g e t h e r w ith c o n ­ C h a r le s M o o d y , s’t e w o rd , a n d J o s h u a S h e r w o o d Sm .th aroae and said he would m ake every ex ertion to
s e n t biblo. fr o m A d a m to A b r a h n m , n n d h a v e C i i u n n — w a * n t l r n d e d b y E l J * n L r e s z j I f n o w , E . I t i e j ,
s id e ra b le g r a in a n d o th e r a rtic le s, w e re t o ta lly c o n ­
c le a rly d e te r m in e d , b e y o n d th e p o w e r o f c o n tr o - i a u d E . P h e l p s . - se a m a n , o n b o a rd th c sa m e . O n t h e i r a r r i v a l a t apread ibe ?o rp e | in ihe rurrouncfing conntry. T h e fo l­
su m e d . T h e o r i g in o f t h e fire is a m y s t e r y . ' L o ss th e w h a r f t h e y w e re d e liv e r e d iu c h o r g c o f D e p u t y lowing resolutions w ere offered and read by the secretary
v e r s y , t h a t th e ro w as no d i d i c u l t v in p r e s e r v i n g '
8 3 . 0 0 0 to 8 9 ,0 0 0 . T h e o n ly i n s u r a n c e w a s t h a t and unanim ously adopted.
t h e k n o w le d g e o f G o d in th e w orld, fro m th e c re -j Bros. W m . S n un a .<1 G J . A , ini«, »rr. preaching i h r M a r s h a ll O N e ill, a n d c o n v e y e d to p r i s o n to a n ­
o t io n o f A d a m , a n d th e m a n if e s ta tio n m a d e to h is word with much success in ih^- Ei»r. T h e y „ rc nmv in
o f M r. S e c o r, o n som e o f t h e m a c h i n e r y .
sw er : th e y h a d been a rreste d b y th e U n ited Ilnolred,
M. T h at ft.i* branch o f lhe C h a reh o f J f aot
i m m e d ia t e d e sc e n d a n ts , ps s e t fo r th in th o l o r m c r l^iwell nnd IV t e i l n ro IVo Wn«. Sriiil‘i w^» Wf|| re J --------- ---------------------- -- S t a te s C o n s u l a t L a g u i r a in J u n e , a n d h a v e r e ­ Christ o f L it t e r D*y Saints, uphold and sn^taiii the h ead
and all the anih rritiiea o f ihe church.
p a r t o f t h i s l e c tu r e , so t h a t th e s t u d e n ts , in th is ceived in L uv( II, and m uch admir* d f.»r h u openi:e». P o r t R e p u b l i c a n , S t . D o m i n o o , 3 1 s t J u l y . m a in e d in c u s t o d y e v e r s in c e — P h i l a d . L e d g e r .
c la ss n e e d n o t h a v e a n y d u b i e t y r e s t i n g o n t h e i r Irankne^a, libemliiy »o(J uidrpen fence. b / nil who heard, — In th e n u m b e r o f tho “ M a n if e s to ” o f t h e 2 8 t h a.»d. T h a t th i. branch e f ihe C h n rch , b y 'i h e i r p w n free
m in d s , o n t h i s R u b je c t; fo r t h e y c a n e a s ily see *hic!i w m not a lew. Adam* the *• Lon
is truly c nrw J u l y , y o u will find i c o p y o f t h e p r o c la m a t i o n o f
C 0 JIM U Si. j C A T I O N S .
will and consent, give the tenth day o f their labor l o be
applied to Ihe huildirg o f th« T em p le at N a u v o o .. '
t h a t i t is i t n p 33*iblo f o r it, to bo o th e rw is e ; b u t from th , thicker,*’ dealing ciiit right-o>i,iK»s and judgtn*m tho 1 re s id e n t oi the R e p u b lic , G u e r r i e r , to h is
t h a t t h e k n o w l e d g e o f th e e x is te n c e o f a G o d t.> Mint and tin n e r — he is a u h o le team, nnd iak ee «|| who lellow c itiz e u e . F r o m t h i s d o c u m e n t y o u will see 3d. R rsolyd, In order to aecure oBr a a l / a U o n ^ d the
L o w e ll, A u g u s t 1 3 th , 18-14.
m u s t h a v e c o n m ^ u e d fr o m f a th e r ,t o so n . as a m a t ­ hears him by 6iirp:i«<\ w i'h lhe force ti.d ptinrer of h u ar. t h a t a t la s t “ I t is i n t h e p o w e r o f th e G o v e r n ­ B e l o v e d B r o t h e r . o f t h u gre a t w ork, t h * w e hold o u rie lv e . ia
t e r o f tra d itio n , nt least. F o r we c a n n o t sup|)o*e <umfn», the applicability o f his rin u lei, and the c<rt»irafi>f m e n t to c o n g r a tu la te th o c it i z e n s o f H a y t i u p o n • , a . m uch a . p o « i t ! e , «, , | | tim e ,, u , obey the
t h a t a k n o w l e d g c o f t h is i m p o r t a n t fa c t c o u ld h a v e of hia ideas H r is n uly u fr/at
gan ; ct«rj Wn{, t UC(i t h e re s to r a tio n o f peaco to t h is p r e v io u s ly d i s ­
e x is te d t n the m in d s f a n y o f th e b e fore m e n t i o n ­ “ m en to mrn ilir worhJ up-ide d o w u ,” »rr<ir will ,,>oi- t r a c te d isla n d .”
A s m a n y h a v e t
T h e P r e s i d e n t, G u e r r i e r , h a s e v e n t s t h a t a r e n o w t r a n s p i r i n g a m o n g u s, c o n ­
a k e n in h a n d to s e t f o r t h tho
tnsJrucnena of ihe tw elve.
*' “ ' •

e d in d iv id u a ls , w ith o u t t h e i r h a v i n g m a d e it h*de its head,

k n o w n to t h e i r p o s te rity .
Mip-r>tiuon and bigotry fl-e to th -ir n(l. ,,s Lt0 g ° to th c n o r th p a r t o f t h e I s la n d ; t h o ’
n e c te d w ith t h e g r e a t w o r k o f G o d in t h i la s t
a y s , a n d a s I h a v e b e en a n e y e n n d e a r w itn e s s n i o l a ilions
, K T k '
i i . . . to
lo 6e be ppublished
u b l i d . d in i» Ibe i b e 'Tf iim
n ,*.
,, ^
p rU e rd io * . u i
o .: * ‘ ,
tite hell. Oh'! t h n p ich meo w ere num erous, that ihou. s o m e w h a t a d v a n c e d in y e a r s , G u e r r i e r still e x ­ N c w l o , k P , o p ! l t , . . f , e , w h ich , n byran w „ n o , od
ot m a n y t h i n g s c o n n e c te d w ith th o m a r t y r d o m o f
5 4 W e h a v e now sho w n h o w it w a s t h a t the sands w ho now set in darkness m-gtit be brought lo the h ib its t h e v i g o r o f m a n h o o d , a n d in h is a r d e n t o u r m u c h lo v e d b r e th r e n . J o s e p h a n d H y r a m , b e ­ •he m . f t i r g d u m iu c d * i .o . b cn n b , E ld e r W i l .
f ir s t t h o u g h t e v e r » x iste d in tho m in d o f a n y in- m w rM c u * Ifght t<f lh<* co*p»-f. zeal f o r th e r e s to r a tio n o f o r d e r , g iv e s a m p le ovi-
d e n e o t h a t h e d e e d a fr ie n d to h is c o u n tr y . lie v in g t h a t t h e s m a lle st ite m o f in te llig e n c e r e la ­ Iitm A. Moor. • - i ♦
d i v id u a l , t h a t t h e r e w a , s u c h n b . i n * „ * G o d , W ill noi B others Smiili -ind A b m s ' p i y us a »i*i», a»d t iv e to t h a t d e p lo r a b le e v e n t, w o u ld g r a t i f y th e A L B E R T L U T Z , C h a ir m a n /
w h o h a d c r e a te d a n d d id u p h o ld all t h i n Ks* t h a t let N ew York lu v e lh - b.-nifi: of iheir labors for u »hoit ^ o u h a v e o f c o u rse h e a r d o f th e c a p t u r e a n d
s a i n t s s c a tte r e d a b r o a d ; is th c o n l y a p o lo g y I can 'Xj*- A. M r o a , S ecretary.
i t w as b v r e a s p n o f thfe m a n i f e s t a t i o n w h ic h h e period 1 i m p r i s o n m e n t o f A c a o u , t h c fa m o u s, o r r a t h e r i n ­
o n e r for. f o r c in g m y n a m e bt-foro t h e r e a d e r s o f N . B. The T im e , and SeaSons will 9]e u e c0„
first m a d e to o u r f a t h e r A d a m , w h e n ho stood in fa m o u s chief, w h o m ad e a m e r i t o f n e c e s s ity " in y o u r v e r y v a lu a b l e p a p e r.
h i s p re se n c e , a n d c o n v e r s e d w ith h im face to face .P lajtk R oads — In heavily lim bered diitript* of country s u r r e n d e r i n g h im s e lf to th e a u th o r i t ie s . T h a t h e O n th e 2 nd d a y o f J u l y . I left N a u v o o , ’in c o m ­
a t t h e tim e o f h is c r e a tio n . *■ 5 will be sh o t, I t h i n k b e y o n d a d o u b t ; t h o u g h
We find that lhe pl-mk roads are superceding nrdioary tuer- p a n y w ith m y b e lo v e d B ro th e ? , T . A . L v n e , E s q .
5 o L e t u s he re o b se rv e t h a t a n y p o r t io n o f th c pikes, as being cheap and d o rab lr. A fter mak eg lhe som e p e o p le h e re s a y t h a t t h e r e a r e to o many< i n ­ I l e i t w ith feelin g s n e v e r to b e f o r g o t te n w h ile T o W i v e s . A w o m a n s h o u l d lo o k u p o n h e r
h u m a n f a m ily a re m ad e a c q u a i n te d w ith th e i m ­ levels, heavy p<rCe s o f tim be; sm oothed are tnok in the f lu e n tia l c itiz e n s c o n n e c te d w ith t h e l a te .r e v o lt, m e m o r y h o ld s i ts th r o n e . I t fell to m y l o t to h u s b a n d a ^ h e r o n l y f r i e n d , a n d , i n a ll c a s e s w here-
p o r t a n t f a c t t h * t t h e i e is a O o d w h o h a s c re a te d earth and clam ped lo je ih e r w i'li iron*, and ihua secured to m a k e it p o litic in t h e g o v e r n m e n t to p u s h h im b e a r d e s p a tc h e s to t h e “ T w e lv e ,” o f t h e d e a t h o f
a n d d o e s u p h o l d all t h i n Pa, t h e e x t e n t o f t h e i r f'»rm a saiomh «nd bard ro»<d for broad w h tcU , and where to c o n v ic tio n . Y o u m a y d e p e n d u p o n it, t h a t in h e diiTera w i t h a n y b r a n c h o f h e r fa m ily , s h e
th o se I lo v e d b e tt e r t h a n e v e n l i f e - m e n , i n w h o se
k n o w l e d g e , re s p e c tin g h i , c h a r a c t e r a n d g lo ry , the travellinK i« n„ t go o d c itiz e n s a re o p p o se d to f a r t h e r blood s h e d ­ s h o u l d a s s u m e i t a s a f a c t t h a t h e is r i g h t, a n d
the plank rnarfs'm ay kepi c o n fid e n c e a n d c o u n c il I h a d s h a r e d l a r g e l y a n d
w ill d e p e n d u p o n th e i r d i li g e n c e a n d fa ith in seek- in repair for a lenght o f um e. T hese roads a t the South, d i n g , a n d now a g a in a r e w i l li n g ( i f u n m o le s te d ) f r o m w h o se h a n d s I re c e iv e d m y l a s t b l i n ge a n d g o v e r n h i m s e l f a c c o r d in g l y . - W h e n e v e r a n y o n e
„ . .w ^ v iu s i m e s s in
m e a f t a r h im . u n t i l like E n o c h tho b r o t h e r o f J a ­ where the grounds . , . |cVe| knd eanrfyi w j|| be foond to t u r n t h e i r a tt e n ti o n to a g r i c u l t u r e a n d th o a r ts o r d in a tio n , to be s s p e c ia l w itn e s s o r a p o s tle to , w usper3 q t a l # t o h e r d e r o g a t o r y to h e r h u s b a n d ,
itn e s s o r apostli
r e d , a n d M o ses, t h e y sh a ll o b ta in fa ith in G o d very n»efal. i n d u s t r y ; s e e in g i n th e m t h e o n ly t r u e so u r c e s
th e “ n a ti o n s o f th o e a r t h t h a t a r e afaVofT,” a f a r off, hs ‘ sh e s h o u l d lo o k u p o n t h e t a l e - b e a r e r a s t h e e n e ­
a n d p o w e r w i t h h i m to b e h o ld h im face to fa ce * o f t h e i r p r o s p e r ity a n d g l o r y ' N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g
Elder Jacob C. Phelps i« the •• Sinking Fund ” cgent in well a s o u r o w n c o u n t r y : a n d n o t o n l y so; b u t m y o f th tfir h a p p i n e s s i n t h e first p l a c e ,U n d i n
5 6 W t h a v e n o w c le a rly s e t fo r th ho w i t is Boaton, l j r?8. e n t ha* d e cla re d , t b a t “ w h a t e v e r w a s i r o m w h o m I r e c e iv e d m y n r e s e n t i r .aesi t :•
th e d e c is io n o f t h e C o u r t M a r t i a l i n t h e case o f for I wish it fully understo re s e n t m is s io n E t h e s e c o n d p la c e a s a d e s p ic a b le a n d i m p e r t in e n t
i th a t B ro th er Joseph
p e r s o n , a s all ta le - b e a r e r s are.
"5P------TT--- f-

—i-aESS.*? - ~~ . ' r x x s ^ - ' ^ a i . -

[F ro m Ilie' T im e a dnd Seacona )

To ih e Saliats Abroad. . ^ €ene!til<J<>seph Smith, h a v e o a ly io W a a V G o d 'th a tjte irT iv e s w e re epared.cE(d«rf
D kao B r b t h h ew , —O j h earin g o f th e m a rty rd o m o f W^WMiaardertdJfti
.Cool'blood, C artilag e J a i l , on ia J it IV T - aod o fifth £&!(,
W n o ve borOe upprc&sion from
T o, p la n t o o w t h tho principlea o f I5 £ ~ a.
our belo w ! P rop het and P atria rch , you w ill doubtless need
Thursday ,„ibe datf o f J o a e , w 6a oo e o f (h e beat m en "Which h ad it not Iw ea fo r b i a ^ t c h in bia left vest po ck et, for th e P ro p h e tj'
V tthooaed to a c t

a word o f advice, aod com fort, an d took for It f r o m W ih e t^ y e * livedj oo, »hei|earih. T h e w o tk ho baa th a a f a r would hav e paxsed into destroyed t i n life
instantly. T h is m em orable and very valuable w atch saved
Shaden of our patriotic fathera* Gan it
Beneath your blood^auj^ flag of liberty♦
9 — ---- 1 - .. . .
han d * W f would say, therefore. first o f tUI. be *t.Il aad to w f * * w t s b l i a h i n ^ p u r e r e l i g i o n , e n d pre-
koow that tha L .rd is G , d ; and t h a h « w II fiTlfill ^ j P" ' Dg "? 8 ^ W o« o f len'l> **
hia life, aud will r e m a in w ith ita hands p erm anen tly poin t,
The firm eupportera of cur country^ c a w ‘
u . ^ ^ w t t o d receivo monieo fof the tom*
towi*m o ^ d - < r a n d o o t ^ J t ^ r itS
Ut nLeZ!r f ^ T J 7T*'*? T*' " h“ ^
m g to 5 o ’clo ck , 10 m inutea an d . 26 seconds,”
m om ent when ao sm all a m achine interposed b etw een tim e
th e
blam eless m en , defam ’d by heUid»4iea & c .^ n oriMd - ts s r
Tiia purposes and prom ises eball frit
>urpo#w and,'prom asM £«. } * ' * * mo^ ^ D,h‘8 m t e * ^ ^ v g a y e h im p o w er
and eterm tj* Dr. woonot
lltc h a r d a w ounded by a tic g le Ha?etht»beenoffer’daaaaacrifice * • « r ite R flriJ a ja
OCRt thlh at the priesthood, aod th e keyi
______ _ *. 7 y*°
k ey s of p ow er are held i n f "
pow er a * F
w ?
record. W ithou t learning.
J ” 4, C*C?ed ° DyUlioe o f 1116 ki'n d o n
learning, w ishoat raeana and
wiihoBi ond w i.hnm
ithoot W i , though one pasoed ao o e a r h u e a r oa to leave a T appeaao Ih e r s g b g a o f a brutiah clan
n„A JL .tl -r 1 .^ \
t K , 7 Z .I
eternity as well aa to l i m e ; and . ih tre fa r e toe servants o f t
* * P---------
. .
« '« c e , ...
he —
h a is mmet
et aa hE'aroed
a rn e d world
w o r ld ; a rich country ; ** mark.»‘ I f each eceuea do n o t aw ak e n th e best feelings T h a t haa defied th e Iawo o f G & and man!
Ood who pass, th e veil o f death are prepared to enter upon
a g reater au d m o re effectual w o r k , i n the speedy accom*
bard hearted , w icked , an d ad altrous g e n eratio n , w ith o r freem en fo r personal enlety, w h a t w i l l l w e p a u a e l J w a a n o j t fo r crim e o r g u ilt o fih eira, they fen _
plishmeat o f th e restoration o f -all thio#» spoken o f by hia
truth th a t ctfuld a o t be resisted j facta th a t could n o t be •olem nly pause f o r the opinion o f m ilh o h i, because n il are A g ainst th e law a they n e v er did rebel
C,i» or n cm ij tr,n plom forward tbtlr nuees, is
hoi pro p h ets. ” ^ p r o v e d j revelations, whose spirit had eo mtich G od io
them that thc servants o f the l o r d could n o t be gainsaid
in te re ste d ; life is the h s t boop— all ia blank w ithout it,
death biota the r e s t - o n d whtfre is m au 1
T ro o to Ih eir country, yet^her plighted faith
H a a p rovM on in ttru m e a ^ o f c reel death!
R e m e m b e r that all th e prophets aad M in 's w ho hove
or reetcted, bnt lik e the* raya o£ light irom th e bub, they T o c o n c e d e , it th e good people of our com m on country, Eldera B. V . E,U« aad tt. J. Coat*. m
existed since the worldi btfgan, are engaged in thia holy
have tinged every thing they lit upon, w ith a lustre and and o u r com m on w orld, d o not d r u e w ith a union ol feel- ^ e r e a r e th y fir-fa m ’d law a-C oItuD bia! w here to a c t ao agents.for tho P r o p h e t
w ork, und are yet ia the vineyard, as well aa the laborers
.liyery thdt haa an im ated, q aick ened, and adorned. •ng aod energy to h d p w . t h off ih e blood o f these tw o T h ? boasted freedom —th y protecting c a r e t •* v ■* - 1*
o f th e eleventh hour i and are all pledged to establish the
' T h e pages o f GeneraJ S m ith ’s history, though h :a e n e - innocent m en from H ancock c o u n t y - f r o m th* plighted Ia thia a land o f rig h tal S te r n .r Ac w ahall say
kingdom o f G od on tbe earthy aod to give ju d g em en t unto Elders Alfted Cordon and James Borgess, oreomhorhsd
faith o f IU inoh—from the baasied aod w id e spreading I f legal justice h e re m ai^taina ita aw ay to act aa agenta » Vermont for the Propl^t. ^
th e aaiqta ; therefore, anno o n hinder the rolling on o f tho ralea never cea^jed to persecute h im and b a n t fo t offences
r«ime o f tho U n ited S u t e s , ond f r o b th e dignity o f o u r The official p o .’ro . f Slat, ore d»er | « t eM0
eternal purpose* o f the Great Jeho v ah . And w e have now »gait*et him , nre oa unsullied as virgin s n o w ; on abont
globe J then I n nit bnt the righteoua b e w n t r e n w ith a W h en they r e exerted in th e Salnta’ defence.
e v ery reason to belirva that the fulfilment o f his g re a t pu r fifty prosecutions f«r supposed crim inal offences^ h e cam e f„Na‘ho^ el f - Joa™ “ oar dathorioed agent for Rochet
posea are much o rarer than we had Qtippoied, aod tbat n o f out o f the Ugaifwe,
heated like N eb u ch a d n tz zar'a furnace, curse b at m eihiuk* 1 see a •« union o f oU boneat m e n ’»
0> «t 0,™ ban fall-. , 0(| mighl, mt0 ^
« . Y| 1
ra in y years heoce, we ahall aee the kingdom o f God seven tim es h o tte r thnn it waa wont to be, toiikout the from rehgtou, stand forta to m agnify th e law , w ho ■ — ^ ________

com ing wiih power aod g raat glory to o o r deliverance. uadioffire,

o r a thread o f his garm ents scorched. H is will n ever re* t-till ju jiic e and ju k g m e u i h .v o m ade the
Nauoo, i „ e mourn’d iheir fc.’riw m d duir ptifc-
®“' rwo’ " " “»• •» *>nooo^ great and good,
Br. Clair Is our authorised ageot at l^cdaon, N. Y.
A r l o our cotlatry and p stio n, w e have inpre reason to foes o f t h e world ond enem ies of hia ow n hoctsebold, w ho offe n d e rs abettors and accessories, w h e th e r opoatatea,
Before oo 6n r ih r n t o n c c . have n ev er stood 9
w eep /o r them, than for those they have m u r d e re d ; for h iv e sought occasions against him , in ord er secretly to officer*, or m ere m en , atone lor ihe innocent blood ot addjw^1088 8 W°?dbor7’ i80ur OewroTAgeot at PhH-
Jo sep h ond l l j r u m S m ith. S ince th e creation - m e n w h o m God ordamM
they are destroying themselves and th eir institutions and deprive him o f his life, b£cau*e hia goodness, g fratneas
T. ,.o,h ftherc-frror bag had reianed;,
there iV no, r e m e d y ; and a# to feelings e f revenge, let and glory exceed theire, have a poor excuse to offer the
O f w hom tb e worlcJ, i u e l f unw orthy p r o » v ,
them hot have place for one rao m sn t in our bosoms, for world, for eheddiog his innocent ^ l o o d ; ond no apoloey T. [P r o m old p aper.]
ftodV Veng-ance will speedily c o n ja m e to th at degree to m ak e to tH«* Ju d g e of all the « m ib. ot th e d ay of ind* v i * *$trmot\ w “3 w ritten for a respectable ji a T 0? bDl “ en w i,h hatred m ov’d
that we would faiu be hid aw ay aud not endore th e sight m*or. T h e y have m urdered him because they .he J feared his I I at ^ ***
Short P aten t Sermon.
w i" WtVc ,or **" I A nd w ith infernal spirits hove com bin’d
A g ainst the best,*the nobleat o f m ankind!
L*i uj ihen hum ble ouraelvea under th e m ighty hand righ eoasnets.
of God, and endeavor to p ut a w i y alt o u r eina and im p e r J H e easy good natored tvay, allowing e v e r y o n e waa b vy. s c c t a h i u s , j c
P ,U “ am hori' ' ^ ' “ « • « a * r «

fection<i a i n people, nnd a s individuale, and to call upoo 1 hoaepl» dr**w a ^ouad hypocrites, wickr-d and m ean •• ThecloakichichJtytat Troa*bringwithHteS O h ; peraecOtion! shall iby purple h an d
S p read u tte r destruction through the lan d t
. traveling Etdere are requested to act aa
; « • • ^ • ." a o d r c c e ip , fo?
the L ir d with the spirit o f gr^ce ao d su p plicatio n; and | nri^n, w iib th e virtuous, nnd in the ho ur of trouble o r t r i a l , ! T hese arc tue w ords o f the great Apoatle of tbe G eo. S hall free d o m 's b ann er be no m ore unfurledf i
wait patiently on him , until h" ehall d irect our way. when the w h eat w as c l e a n e d by w ater, the light kernels j aoTz
not 'f® God o f G t d i ond “ » H aa peace indeed, been tak en from the world t
the aame aa soon as convenient.
L»t no vain aad foolish pU ns, o r im aginations scatter oa aad sm ut, rose upon the top of the w ater and had tn be " « « > n g ; t h e r e i n , „ ! y i ° r° J / E J T c h ? * • “ > « « * ■
abroad, find divide w*» asun der ub a people, to seek to save poured cff, lhat the r u e m ight be clean, « r to be still j l£a moraiog
•*»« a a c r d w, rd lor n,y , c i t thia and mev T h o u G od o f Ja c o b , in thia trying hour
E ld e r Melvin W ilb er, ia authorised to ao t a s T ravelling
A g en t for th e P ro p h e t.
our lives at the expense of truth nnd principle, hut rather p'ainer, w h«n they w ent through the m achine tor
cleans-1 i w « i ! aaU el,dtd UMh P™ ** 10 « w y hearc m the divine H elp ua to trust in thy almigb-y pow ’r;
let us live or die together aod in the enjoyment of society
aod union. T h e re fo re , w e say, let us haste to fu'fill the
Ih* e ra ' D* ,h e ch8ff» light grain and sm ut w ere b!owo
am ong the rubbish. J“? ! V eJt.t l,Qtu' uliy
Pir«t, w e tiiiaH consider lhe clo ak.
itsrlf into four heads—
S upport ttby S ain ts beneath thia awful stroke—
M a k e bare thine arm to b reak rppreaaioo’o yo ke.
E ld e r Q ., a Sparku, o f H artfo rd, C oaT ia"o u th o riacd
a c t a s G en eral A g en t fo r th e P ro p h e t. /
(jommaodmenta w h i c h .G j J has already given u?. Y ea, let F a lse . br» thren, or to call th em by ih eir
. ............ right nam e 3 ^ C o u d l y ihe iro a s i,om n hicb a w .d to be brounht W e m ou ro thy P ro p h e t, from whose lips have flow’d
u< In -te to fu'.fi.l tho comniandinenia which God h as already
given os. Yea, let u$ li,'n(c lo buildthttemptl ofour
apostates,’*have retarded the work more, and combined I ^ p
Gfoj, nion. i n ( l « n c . . . rob hi,,, o f.lifr, ,h M all c h r i , , „ d „ m, f„r | C l,' '“u‘
wbo brought ir.
" *•
’ T h e w ords o f life, thy spirit haa bestow'd—.
to g A g en t fo r th e P r o p h e t
E ld e r J. J. W o odb ury, h a s auth ority to a c t travel,
A depth of thought, no hu m an o n coold reach
ajuJ to o ^ T i t c a together ilu reum o, our stiver and o ar gold ,h«r ha«,ng Dimgled in h i, g r r M .r c , k « „ „ h m „nrt d fo, V .« « So r i S ™ ^ 1 F ro m tim e to’ tim e , roll'd in anblimeat speech,
with u», u a l a the nam e o f the L ord ; ond then *'e a n y ex ­ When to U k e advantage <f hia weakneas. T h e ir trium ph, o m ol m m .m „ _ u c |„ ah ,|,clr 0 ’F ro m the c tlestia l fountain, through hia mind*, E ld e r H enry Je o n w g a , of W oyneavilte. O hio, io reoucs
pect that he will teach Uj o f his ways a n J we will .walk in how ever, is one that disgrace th eir prate nnd natioo, ruins <10 » « n o , tl i „ « d » clonk lor o o r u o , t liiohZ, , T o purify aod e lev ate n.ankind: ed to a c t a s Travelling A g en t for th e P r o p h e t
his paths. •hem io time ond in eternity. T h ey ennnot out grow it—
new 01 our owo, una except we have luiputtd rifhteom. T h e rich intelligence by him brought forth,
W e would therefore further eay.^that in coniequeoce o f they ennnot out live it—and they cannot out die i t —from W . » « . . . . . M , T l 'C W ,,b o o , r . . » M d 'l la like the suo-beam , spreading o 'e r the earth. DoDatioCB io booka, 'n a tu ra l o r artificial curicaitiro,
tbe great rains th<»t have uelugtrd the Westein co u a try , him w in ked nt it, to him thnt shot the fatal ball n .o d e v i lt t i ^ a k e ot lire, . U i ^ ,n7 ?or us 7 ! phtloaophical apparatuaea, dcc., will be received by tho
and diso in c o n ^ q n e n c e of persecatioa and e x citem em , w hereever there is m o ral honesty, hum anity, love o f life. duij, ah a»vlul ah will b c our cawr ah. S ’ *"•! N ow Z ion m ourns—she m ourns an earthly head: MS ociety for th e J>iflu*ion o f T ruth,'* a t the office o f th »
there has been but hit e done h ere, either in fan n in g 01 liberty, and th«* pursuit o f hnppin-ss, there the breath of Secondly we m ust e o m id er the T roas. N o w thLi I T h e P ro p h e t a n d the P a tria rc h are dead! P ro p h e t, and forw arded to the M useum , ot N auvoo. No*
building this bea?oa ; therefore a^* t'e*»rer> m-i.t m eao heaven, because b e a ^ o If T h e blackeat deed th at m en or devils know te e s o f w h ich will be published, if deaired.
r — jher,* is •bnt little em ploy­
* inditfnution, th*- whisper of •‘•those m urders,’— the story ol m e p lie e lrulll w m ip u ttd r.k nieo U3new ls brought «b
ment, aud bnt little tneani o f lub'iisienctt a t th e com m and nobocracy ond die vengeance of G od, will haunt the And O ) « e i i m t r , ! « o u .u y e uoi llkf i>dU| j, € i j S ince Calv’r y ’a tcen e, haa laid the broihero Ioof
of the saints in thia region— therefore, lei the ealnta abroad, *h o le gan g and th eir off-pring and abettors w ith a fury to h a v e i m o m t d n g h i e u u i n e i a b r o u g h t i r o n , h e a v e n a h 1 i Ooe in th eir life, a o d one io death —they prov’d W c would sta te to ou r co rresp ond ents th a t to insure in
and others who feet for our calam ities a n d w u h to sustain like M;lton’a gates o f hell— < L n .n a u b , U ih i u k « n , y e p o o r « „ to a id en e d J J e S t o i H o w strong th e ir friendship— how they truly lov’dt eeru o n io lh e “ P ro p h e t,” th e ir com m onicationnohonld be
ih iiifi, I a a y , h o w m a u y l i e . y o u h a v e to l d a h ; h o w maiS v
u j , eonle on with their money nnd m ra iii w ithou t delay , T ru e to th e ir roiesioo, uotil d eath, they stood, received early in the w e e k , a s o u r im m ense edition rend er
“ ----------- - g r a t i o g b a r a h t h n n d e r . * ’ * ‘ “ c “ **1,» > u u h n v c b r o k e n t h e a a b b a t h a h , t h i u k a h b ^ ■
sod purchase lota aod farms, a n d build buildings, and e m ­ T h e n seal'd ih eir teatimooy with their blood. i t necessary for bs to g o to press on F rid a y even ing.
ploy hands, as well as to p»y th eir tythiags into the T e m ­ la ,h o 3 d w c a o im s upon t h r glory o f G ener.1 J o w p h
Smith and the cow ardly disgrace of his a»Ms«ins, let his ,,e,« ho" r dh* TThink
ICHTXto'SX!? h m k «o rf he
t H ^ i o h ' u v ° c ^ t d *“ * '
h - n.uoy *
--- ------aceoes ------ o f, debauchery
ch eate d your
AU hearta w ith sorrow b le e d ,a o d ev ’ry ey e
ple, and their donations to tbe poor. in j la bath’d iin tears—e a c h bosom heaves a aigb—
W e w b h Tt distinctly understood a b ro id , that w e g reat-
ly need the aasutance o f every l o w o f h<tnnpUy> w h e­
noble mioded brother H yrnm have no less honor shown .........
him — he lived so far beyond the ordinary w alk o f man ate st, I engaged in all ib e ie an d ten ihou^and o th er
° ‘,eu ‘' “ B«Ked ah, and ibink a b , that v o u
H eart-bro ken w idow s agonizing groans MORMON
ah, and that you never cau do any better oh, an d w i lf b e A re m ingled w ith tb e helpless o rphans’ m oans!
ther meoib^rs of the ch urch or otherw ise, both in influence
and in contributions for onr aid , succor nnd aupport. hia reputation
ih at ev en ihe tongue of the vilest slanderer could not touch ju^t &uch creaiurrrt «os long art you live oh. O ye w retches
H e lived godlv and he died godly, 80d bis »,V|!' ,ll you “not ‘' l te
Lecd e d ad ccIv^tT IroyVTfrJaa
k -fc Iroy, roaa aohh 1 a m antle 2 Ye Saints! belstill, ao d k n o w th a t G od is j u s t — BOOK DEPOSITORY.
m urderers will yet have to c o n f e r lhat it would have been ol im puted r i g h t e o u s ah, lo cover up a h th e .in k ^ W ith steadfast purpose io his prom ise jrosti NO. 7 SPROCE SfrHEET,
Therefore, i f they fetl for U3, now is the tu n s to show iniquity a h ! o m e tm uka it will be an awful lim e for
their liberality and patriotism tow ards a poor ond perse- belter for them lo hav<^ a mill stone tied to th e m ; and they
thoae » ho have no cloak Irom T roaa «h.
G irded w ith sackcloth, ow n hia m ighty h and , I 2ND. F L 0 0 k
cated, but hnnest and'iud uatriou s people. cast into th e depths of the s r a , and rem ain th ere while T hirdly, w e ehall consider, the minister w ho ia to hrino Aod w ait bis judgm ents on this guilty land!
the oloufe irom i ’reas all Wu0 18 10 br,D« T h e ooble m artyrs no w nave gooe to m ove
Lst the eldera who rem ain abroad, continue to pleach eternity goe? and eternity com es, than to have robbed that
T hte my heareie is no lets t h a w ^ e ^ o u e ministero w ho T h e cause of Z io n io the co arts above* W may bo found, a genera! “aBaortment of
the gospel io its purity and fullness, an 1 to b ear testim ony oobt* man of heaven o f hi* life. I f ihere b» such a thing are engaged in ihe holj w,„ k 0 f bringing im puted right*
N anvoo, Ju ly 1^ 1844.
iHuatrativr^tfeeioclrtne and
ol the truih o f these thing* w h ich have been revealed for
the salvation o f this generation.
< *6 the greatest aod least crim es, am ong tbe nrchives of the
ce U?ncca
better world, the wilful m urder q f Jo sep h and H j r o m l ^ ; yea these m e Hie Ji.i,o.hy-« i h , w ho "feel a h '
!'omht0Vrl: ^ .V 10 °Vvcr i-oor naked a in fe is
faith of the Church of Jesua Christ of Latter*
day Saints, among which are the following:—
• P. P PR A T T,
W I L M R J R IC H A R D S ,
8 niih w ill be first and worst, w ithont forgiveneas in thia | atr8,nc(1 uh’ to ,eU p0or
world or the world to come—“ for no murderer hath 1 n o .h '!,g ,o f ‘hem»r,vc“ *b, but to comi„ue to |,ve aodchea*!
t h , "that they ca
RELIGIOUS NOTICES. Pwf. OrsonPwtt's PropheUc Almanac,8 ^
eternal ^ a b i d i n g in h im .- . ] •* > T h e C hurch o f Jeaua C hrist of L a tte r D ay Saiotto e f
W. \V. P H E L P S . T h e S aviour eaid, wo unto th? world because o f offence* «*b . o r &*y
W|I‘ lioruUIy Unbed a h , and will be bo Brooklyn, L o n g Island, hold th eir m eetioga every S abbath
per n d r e d - 56 c i a t*6' d ° * '

Xouvoo,July 15, 1S14. —but offences mu*t n eeds co m e —but w o unto him by j 0tU,e r uff lhttu po‘,r lm Pl 0 ,le«t atu n ereah , a t the L o g C abin, Fultoo
W M .
S tre
H .
a t
E S ,
E lder.
A Treatise on the
G t^ eU -p er hundred 88—single 1 8.
Fulness of the Everlasting
whom they ! Propliets hove been eenf, according t o 1 oUn i I h f ' 2 hh’r We Bh“ 11 coo8«d" ‘h e net of

Governor Ford’s Address. . V « « « • < h i ,l o r , w hich all .n l i s h t to e d n H o u urn „ . } - h I * h . « you Z o ltti" „ X / L $ .ebgh lTcunply toLoR°y Bmtakui-

(F ro m the St. L^uis pspers )

W d e o f m orality h ere, or for a role to obtain heaven here-
Irt fnairiM*! nn<4 lAnJ ikn nartnL __. .»• I
u,. ‘*,e
wiih hid
o f ‘ w w iin g «b, and toiliog ali, and l.b oring a h ’
*fier, to innirnct ond leadI the people according to th*e nure "L‘,b hw • earl b n m ,ul1 of c,oakB ,ru‘n Troa« ah : lo cover hfim illll tif «*lnnlru | r».M . l 4
T h e C hurch of Jeaua Christ o f L a tte r Day S aiots will
hold m eetings ot W ino cby, N ew Je rsey , on Suoday, August
lothePeopleof TVareaw,inffincockeonnty: nurpos*a o f G od, aod yetl from C i o d o . „ « thr„ &y
l l t b a t the usual al^hniVs.
o u ra . JO H N L E A C H .
AnanpeaJ to tbe inhabitants of the 8tate ol
York; U tter to Queen Victoria: Tho
^ I am contioualiy inform ed o f y «ur prep aration^ anr* hundred Am erican?, Illinoiane, linoiane, M Missourians,
iesounans, Christiana, Chrisiiana. are called from their d e a r hom es, und from t h e i r ’quiet
tiireats to renew th e w ar, and exterm inate the Mormon?. •ven freem en, the lives of mos ly all these good m en, the T h e C hurch o f J rsu s C hrist o f L atter Day S aiots o f Bos Fountam of Knowledge; Immortality of tho
Ore side a h , a m from wtie and ciiildrcn a h , and from all too, M a r a , hold th eir m ettio g a every Sabbath, a t Suffolk
One would enppose that you ou^ht to rest satisfied wiih
- what you have alw ady done. T h e ’ Mormon leaders, il <ervanu o f G od, not om itting bis ow n Son, have been
•hiogs d ear to their heart, nnd bave to get ioto th eir car- p JS* “5
Pratt. 88i per hund. 1 s.auc? A®86*™. V P. P.
riage ah and rtde a mile or tw o ab, an d labor in tne pulpit H all, opposite Coylston M a r k e t E ld e r J o h o H a rd y , preai
tn ever resibted the U w , have •ubm ilted to its authority •nken from th em by those w ho professed to be the most
i n r y have surrendered the pub'io arm s and upneared t»» wise, enlightened, intelligent, and religious, (th a t is na-
tor naif an h our a h ; uud smiic timea a w eek a h , and ding. R e sidence, 91 Com m ercial st.
The Testament of the twelve Patriarchs, tha
oe ready to do aoy thing required, to m uke ato nem en t foi 'ionnlly) th at w ere on the earth w hen the hellish d eeds w ere
som etim es for the pityful eum of one o r tw o thousand sons of Jacob.
dol are a y e a r a h ; aod then, O the persecutions they have T h e C hurch o f Je su s C hrist of L a tte r Day S aiata, bold
whatever wrong may b iv e b*‘en done- .S in c e ' ihe assassi­
nation of their own principal feadere, u n d rr circnm staoces d$ne. B ut w hat h as the next g eneration said t A h ! tim e,
to endure ah, aud som e h ardened wretches even d are to m eetings every S abb ath, a t M arion T e m p e ra n c e H alf Correspondence between Gen. Jos. Smith, Cou
well calculated *to tnflimc their passions, and drive them thon a n o lder and abler to tell tho story, than they thot -»y they preach for mnney ah, and all thin they m u tt 183 Canal st. N . Y. Wentworth, G ea Jas. Arlington Bennet and Hon,
to excesses for thr^pnrpoM of revenge, they h av ^ b # e o en Hid the solemn act. N o wonder the heathen nationa will endore to bring cloaks Irom Troa*, to cover ah the minui.y
o f poor sinnent a b . »
J. C/. Calhoun: $8 per hund. la sing.
tirely peacelul and subtm«*ive ; ond hav<» uattroily awaited
the slow operations o f ibe law s to redrena th e° wronu- Gotl’a idHe the day o f his pbw er— they have not killed the
T roaa oh!ra ? <" nne' 8 !! ,Cl 8pe<lk foT cloak from
0 0 - T h e chorch of Je su a Cbriat, o f L i t t e r Day S ainta at An interesting account of several remarkable
of ivhich they com plained T h e re has been no retnli prophota Philadelphia, hold th e ir m eetings every 8 unday aa usual, TOiona B y O. Pratt 86 pm hundred 10 cU>.
atio n ; no re v e n g e ; and for an y thine I tn n ancertain W h eo G eneral Sm ith w ent to C arthage just as the T b e rc wna old Deacon L«mgfaCe oh, whose pious heart ia T h ird street above Willow,* over M arshall Institute. single.
there will be none. T hose of your people, w ho arqch<tre cavalry m et him for the purpose o f obtainieg the
ed with b*ing th e m ost hostile to them , have lived, il they Arms.” he said to a frien d-** I am g o iD(( like a lam b to
** waa desperately w .oaed a. d orceiilul above all thiogs ah,
State his nghioousneffl was like filthy rags aH ; he waa lull ol E L D . J . M . G R A N T , Presiding. O. Cowderv’s letters to W. W. Phelps, on
the origin ofthe Book of Mormon. *
....... . t„ ro,.,enu«8s.and deceit ah, uud *pent a long life in miserly
knew ii, in petf>ct se e u rity N jo m illegal violence. I am
anxiou* for a pncificdiioo o f y / u r difficulties. You cannm he slaughter: but I am culm as a eum m er’a m o r a in e • I hl C0“ ,,“ Ud" y r o b lrd Pnor
,h e »»d
L I S T OF A G E N T S .
A History of the Church
Latter dav Saints-—by John CorriU a member of
of Jeaua Chriot of
drive ont o r e x ’e r m in ite the M trmona. Such an rfT.»ri have a conscience void c f cff-nce toward God, a n d T w o r d ah. und he obea.ed the need'y o u t o f
would be madness, and w o u lf nut be perm itted
l'e of the S ta te
the peo. ill m e n : I shall die innocent •» N ow ye great m en w ho
You c an n o t be 8uviained in it e i t h e r by
tus w ages all, and the hungry nod needy w ere turned
em yiy Irom hi»/Joor ah, but h e waa a praying roan, he
All travelling E ld e ts are reqoeated to a c t ao agents, to » e Legislature of Missouri
procure subscribers for the P ro p h e t.
i orce or U w . You are blinding yourrelves to your wdak
pea*, and keeping up a a agi'ation w hich m ust fail of th
boast o r great w isdom , w hat think ye o r th e prophet’s Iasi
oredjction 1 H ow g lo r io u s t H ow m ild! H o w god like' priest ah, and nt laet he died, in h n p e o f a cloak from
^ ch,uron. a b ‘ .a,ld waa faithful to pay the ^Synopsis of parallel passages inthe Scripturo.

purpose iotended, an d recoil w ith terrible energy upon \ To wonder the aympntbies o f all honest m en ore kindled
rroaa a h , yea he died in full hope nh, that he h sd a hope E ld e r S . J . R aym on d {is authorised Jto a c t a s g eneral Gospel Reflector. 81-.26. f
jroarown heads. 1 exhort! you to reconsider your infatn- m his behalf—the goodness o f his deeds m erit them . T h e aud ab. Como 0 «m «trs, com e aod get a cloak from T roaa ah ageot for L o ng Island. Times & Seasons, bound 2,00
let ou r !«*• end be like hts ab . Amen.
•ted resoln’ions.— T ry you r iMormon neighbors ognin, and
want of'a perfect know ledge o f ihe servants of G od. in al)
if you cannot dw ell togethur in am ity, yt*u rilay nt leu«i T y ro s C. M oore is authorised to a c t aa agen t for th e P rc - t e r ^ c t e ° f th° Priesttood‘ by BenJ- Winchoo
refrain from injuriug each other. From the moderation «aeo, down to this last, horrid, heart-eiekening butchery of pbet.
of thv ^Mormons, under w hat they conceive to be the d eep those two unoffending Am erican freem en, m ust have been Millenium, a poem by P. P. Prait. price 50
en injVy, you might wellihope th a t if they ever entertain- •he g re a t fir*t cause o f taking life con trary to the law c f cts.
eJ dedigns inconsistent w ith your, liberty aud happiness God or m a o .
tint iho«e designs h ive been abandoned. T n ey ore a!»o
[Fr*>m ihe T im ea ana S e a s o n .]
OtJ* E lde rs W m . A. M oore ood
County, P a. are reqoeated to a c t a s agenta, for th e P ro .
E lijoh M alin, o f C hester
Index to the Book of Mormon, 2nd edition * nei
interented io preorrviog the peace. I t i s not niturol io L -av in g religion ont o f the ca?e, w h ere is the lover,of T I! 0 F G E N ' L S - JO S E P H S M IT H p b s t lun. 92. sing. 6 cts.
•aupoje that they any m ore thao yourselves, witih to live his.rountry, and his posterity, ih a t does not condem n such A N D HYRUM S M IT H . F I R S T P R E S ID E N T S O F
in continual alarm . T h e y hope Tor q i i f i t and will hr I ^ u S lt U R C H 0 F L A r T E a UAY JS A IN rS ; W H O E ld e r W m . J . A ppleby, o f R ecklesatow n, N ew Je rs e y , >er nun.
Address to the People ofthe U. 8tates: 25c|p.
pe*crrul and submissive in order ta eryoy it. Bui you a r t i n d-itrageous murder, end will not lend all his pow ers, W E R E A M S S a C R E U b y A MOB m C A R T H A G E ia requested to a c t as a g e a t for th e P rophet.
continually driving themitp|de«pern!ion’by an insane cours*- -nergiea and influence to bring tho offenders to justice and HANOGCK C O , I L L , O N T H E 27T H J U x \E , 1844
of ihreating and hosu ttfy/
nnd depriving yourselves of judgment 1 E very good mao will do w hen he rem em bers
pracc by the eame m eans used to disquiet* them* I f I that these two innocent m en w ere confined in jail for a
B v M ijb E l i z a II. Snow. E ld e r J . B. M eyoell is authorised t o re c e iy e subscriptions
Gospel Light—82 per hundred, single 3 cto.
Gen. Jos. Smith’s views on the policy of Gov*
have said any thing severe in this addw’KS, 1 pray you, at .i VAnd ,wbcn |*e opened ihe fifth sell, I aaw under for the P ro p h e t in E o glaad . eminent; Appeal to the Green Mountain Boys:
tribute it i* my deep cooviction that your course U im supposed crim e, deprived of any w eapons to defend them- the altar, tho eo la of them that wer«i vlnio; for th e Word o f Correspondence between Gen. Smith, Col Wont-
proper ood unw arrantable. Such is the opinion of lhe w iv e s : had thc pledged faiih o f the S tate o f Illinois, by o o d , ond lot the testim ony which they heldt E lde rs E . H . Davis, E . F . S h eets and J . A . S tratto n on
people at large in the state, and all over the c o u n trj. From Governor F ord, for iheii protection, and w ere then shot io T A nd they cried with a louo*,orce, t-ayiog, H o w long, a mission to the British Jslea, will act as general agenta lor worth and J. C. Calhoun, and a Memorial to
being right in tbe firot instance, you have put youreelvce leath, w hile with uplifted hands thev gave auch signs o f O Lord, holy ood trn«, do»t ihnu 4ot judge and avenge our m e P r o p h e t ; they left in tho E uro p e on the le t m a t , for the Legislature of Missouri.—6 dolls, per hun.
to the wrong, ond there a r e none w ho tustoin you. A* blood on Ihijm that dwell on the eilfibl E nglknd.
_________ p
» la r
men of sente, you nre bound lo see. if you will open your distress as would have com manded the interposition and And w hite robea w ere given unto every one o f ibern t
eyt>, that you eannot effect your purpo^os Neveiihelesu benevolence of S ivageo or P^gaoB
yoa are still training and drilling, and keeping together nnd Masons in good standing. Ye- brethren of «• the
T h e y w ere both and it waa aaid unto them , ihut they should rest y e t for a
liule season, until their fellow servants also, and th eir th e P r o p h e t . .
E ld e r George J . A dam s ta authorised to a c t ao ageo t lor
Prof. Oreon Pratt's Prophetic Almanac for 1845
Calculated for the Eastern, Middle, and Weston)
tare&lening a renew al oj the w.»r. I have sntd to .you of. , W , v h „ , h i o k £o 1 W h .re h o i r g o o d States and Territories, the Northern portions of
tea that you cannot succeed ; by this t u n - you ought ».o see the slaveyStates. and British provinces, lt eontoins
it yourselves. W liut C40 your small force do against iwo aud Hyrum T ~Is there o pagan, heathen, or savage nation ' * Br. Milton F . B artlet ia authorised to a c t a s travelling
thousand arm ed men, e n tre n c h 'd in a city, and dtfeudtnp on the g l o b e ,h at would not be moved on this g reat
themselves, their wives and th - .r children 1 U^idtP.U
moD.r9 the trees o f t h e f o r e s t a r e moved h v T l T
oecl Ye h ™*’na attend! Lh all the earth give eat! agent for the P ro p h e t.
r r . . . . ___________ _
much matter interesting to the Saints.
Orders, with cash remitted, for any of thoabovo
L e t Goda aud seraphs, m en and angels hear
you are the aggressors, j am determtnari ih-it all ihe power „ i n d l j 08eph.a ,a5texclam alion
of ihe state shall be u*ed to prevent your Euccewj. I c »n
w a a - ‘. Q LTd E ld e r Aonaoios M cAllister ^ a u t h o r i s e d to a c t a s agen t works, will be attended to with despatch.
my T h e worlds on high—’he noivtrse shall know
never agree that n se t of' infntun e d aud infur'Kted men G o d !” fpr tha P r o p h e t j
w a W h a t awful aceoes are acted here below!
ahall barbarously attack a peaceful p e o p le , who hbve sub- ir one ol these m urderers, th eir abettors o r accessories Had n a tu re ^ ae lf d heart, h e r heart would bleed; FA R M FO R SA LE.
muted to all the dem ands o f iho la<v ; and when t h e y had
full pow er to do refrained from inflicting’ vengeance on before or after the fact, are su fftred ’to cum ber the earth F or aevcr, since the Sun of G j waa slain i S AnMSTRoiro, of P h iladelp hia, is authorised to receive
nbscriptiono for th e P ro p h e t. ’ O N L O N G ISL A N D .
their enem ies. You m i y cou-it on m y moat determ ined wiihout being d ealt with accordiog to law , w hat ia life worib* H as blood so noble flow’d from humBn vein
opposition— upon the opposition o f jh e Uw , aa d upon that and what ia the benefit o f lawa 1 And m ore tban all w bat Aa t^iat which now on G od for vengeance calls, [ T H E Subscriber offers hia farm a t private sale.*
of every peaceful law abidin< ciiiz-n o f th e country. T h i s , is th e use o f institutions w hich aavacea w o b M
l* not spoken in anger. God knows, I would do you no « , h „ „ «.iv; ii,M|*h»;n m ...... • * “ or» btoT^ “ freedom ’s grquod'*— from Carthage prison walls! A lbert & - L u tz pro authorised to a c t as general ____ L“ ,d w w n t a situ ated on tho road tb at leads!
agents for th e P r o p h e t »rora th e paraoaoge landing to H em p stead, w ith n
toj'iry unless com p-lled to do »o to Fustoin ihe law?. But w here civilized beings m u rd er without cau re o r provoca m ile o f said landing. Said farm contains.
nob violence m ust be put down. It in threatening the t i o o l W ill: the A m ericans look over the vast conceros Oht JlHnoia! % soil has d ran k the blood
*hole country with nnarchy and ruin. It is m enacing our ihat must, sooner or Iatter,A ouch th eir welfare a t home S3 A C R E S O F L A N D
Or Prophe'ta m artyr’d lor the truth o fG od . E ld e r Beoj. W in ch ester ia reqoeated to use hia influence
fur form o r governm ent, aud destroying ihe. confidence of ond abroad, and exalt o r disgrace them am ong tbe k in g , oce lov’d America! w h at, can atone in bis S outhern Mission and a c t a s o g m t for th e Prophet.. according to the defeds o f w hich 15 io woodland a a d 14 salt
{be patriot io the institution* o f bis country I h o v e been
informed th at the Morm ons about Lima aod M>tcrdnnia, dome o r the great Tamily m an, aa d Ita ro w h e th e r ' of <>r the p ure blood o f innocence thou’st *>wnT
black grass, and freah m eadow . •

b»ve been warned to I.a v e their settlements. T h ey have ■inarchy, raobbery, and bu»chery are not swiftly hurrying) *re a!| thy stream s io teary torrents shed E ld e r G . B. W allace o f M e w Bedford isauthorised to
O n said farm is a good dw elling h o m e , w ith five vo aim
‘ right to rem ain nnd enjoy their property. A s long as the constituted authorities o f o u r country into irretrievable
they are good citizens they ahall dot be m o leated ; ond the ruin, while ihe inhabitants o f the land must aink ioto
o mourn th e fate ol thote illustrious dead;
ow vain the tribute, for the noblest worth
net os a g e a t for tb e P r o p h e t
on..tb e j*oor w 'tf* ° 1,8,1 ‘hroogh th e c en tre, o t . « briefc
cellar that can he eo tered w ithoot going o u t o f
large mtd co o v m ieo t barn w ith o th e F o u ? b a .l d i o g a ,? S o *
•noaer those m isguided persons withdraw their w a rn in g < well o f w nter n e a r th e d o o r, an d a large g a r d e n K l l
•od retrace their steps, the better it will be r«»r them , wretchedness, blood.hed, revenge and wo t T b a t grac’d thy anrface, O degraded Ea: th! E ld e r Darios L o ogee ia our ngaot ot L o w ell, M»fa ■ed . „ h A n . b h , ^ .
T. T H O M A S FORD- E ld er J o h n T ty lo r , aod Dr. W illard R ic h a rd s w ho w ere
JoIy25, » 4 4 , Oh w retched murd’rera? fierco for hnm ao blood! p 4 m c ”k " c tt,a ir o o f a , °
in the ja il at the tim e, ionoceoUy a s frieods o f these m en,
You've slam the prophets o f the liviog G od,
I Elder Burr, of Burlington, N. J.; ia requested
to ftct os agent for the Prophet. jrmoM . JAMES AKEEI.VJ
N g W " t O R K & 'H A t R E P A C K E T S . 0 S. F O W L E R ;
P A S S A G E O F F IC E ,§ N O . 7, S P R U C E S T .
N IO N L IN E —•rcuaailiJrom M e w Y ork o a th e Sth 10th,
U and 24tht an d fi m H av re o a .the 1st 8 ih a a d th e 34 th
o f ev ery fifoaib, bllowB, viz.* ' 1
131 N assau S t ^ N Y
T O W L i l l ’S P i t A C -
* 100 Pine-street, co rn er o f South-street f S ^ S S ! ? S S ^ lS lS ^ ! S iS ^ f OF NATUKE,” Sr. WOOj » ee^ pric.
° P rom 19. Yo rk8.' ' FromHavre 1 T IC Al» P H R E fc O L - T h e S ubscriber begs leave to c all th e attention o f his G
• . . * *• *°
O G Y , A, W o r k w hich friends and th e public in general, to th e following arrange- j
_ a -a # ♦
G reat B ritian and
reat Britian
i AteKina o n e of
nf w
I r e l a n d . ^ tth
h ic h tfiill
w l l l lnflfik
h ee following
followinff ffirst
e a v e T.IVJimAAl
L iverpoo l oAn
i n iclnsa
n (hft
t e * pnack- ack I X
Ifit. filA.
th e 1st, 6th ,
_______ ___ _ ____ _________ ____-__
T H E E L E M E J f T S O F A N IM A L M A G N E T IS M .
A K G 0 .6 " i ^ ' M arch A p ril 24
A ug 2 4
h as no^v been eight umicen owtsrfo
l o rr iIS t MMi ,, for
iv i th e purpose
iuo |iu ip u « , o v if ubringing
iiu ^ iu g uout
y ears before the pub­ econd C abin, an d S te e ra g e Passengers by th e following P ; ? ln.c “ H en ry , Wew i o r a ,
ui C v iabin,
v i d , | l *ih» .loth, ot
; j u ’ 2 l « and .gsih c* e a c h m onth.
S herid an ,
P ra c tic a l Mogofeiiser, p rice 1 2 i c t s
G u id e to fo rm ing an d conducting L y ceam o, D eb atin g

S ocieties, w ith o u tlines o f dis«cussiena, ersay, & c . t>y

F R A N C O IS 1st,
A insw orth,
D ec. 24
M ay 1
lic, so that its merit* E G U L A R P A C K E T S H I P S T O A N B
a re allow ed ter speak V E R P O O L .
JM ) F R O M L I-1_ Virginian,*.
___________ _, _
M ontezum a,
L iv e rp o o l,^
S iddons^
- S ' Cam bridge,
G eorg e AVashiogtoa C h a rlrs 'M orley, p rice 3s. for sale a t th e Office "of th e
S ept. Columbup, U n ited S tates, “ P r o p h e t." ~ J 1
for themselves.
B U B & U N P Y ,, f jV
M ay 8
Nam es.
P H R E N O L O G IC A L G. W ashington B arrow s,
g r ■■
A ih b arto n ,
S teph en W h itn e y , R o c h e ste r,
E n g la n d ,
TR E _A T 1^0N T H E „FU 1^E SS OF T H E ^V E E
^ <D. L j a « , , S ept. 8
Ja n . s j
JO U R N A L ,
D evo te^ exclusively G errick
U nited States Britton,
J u n e 7 Oct. 7 F e b .
.Aug. 1 D ec. 1 A p ril.
8 ' P ' W 6*
Independence, Y orkshire,
S am uel Hick%. Q ueen o f th e W e s t, O xford,
G arric k , ___LASTING- G O S P E L , S ettin g forth its first p rin cip les
prom ises, and blessings. I n w h ich som e cjf th e m o s t pt<i«
M ERALD, May 24 Skiddy. 13 •' 13 13
„fo th e exposition and P a tric k H en ry , Delano, rtificates of passage c a a b e obtained, an4 ev e ry infor m in en t featu re s t h a t n a v e e v e r c h a ra c te rise d th a t sy s te m , ^
24 “ 25 « 25 “ 25
H ow e, Sept. m otion will be given to those sending for th eir friend?, on w h e a on th e e a r th , a re m a d e m anifest j a n d th a t it w ittcon*
Sr-j-frt* u,* Ja n . 24
J a n e 1
defence o fP h re n o lo Sheffield,
gy and. its R oscius,
S ept. 1 J a n . 1 M a y 1 application a t eith er o f o a r ofiicita.
« 13 « 13 " 13
tinne to do s o , eo long a s it ca n b e found on th e e a rth . By
a n d o f tne k in d K d science o f Physiology and M agnetism , Indep endence, N y e, T h e y will also be p repared o n th e opening o_____ _____ E ld e r M o s e e M a rtin , M inister o f th e Gospel. P u b lish ed i n
f navigation,
J . A . W ojton,J Oct. 1 25 *« 25 *» 25 e to Albany and I New-Ydtkj and for Sale at this Office.
as far as they can be&r o a i t ; em b racing th e clearest, and V irginian, to forw ard passengers, a n d th eir
F eb. 1 A lltn , Oct. 1F eb . 1 J u n e 1 T ro y , nnd v ia E rie c a n a l to Buffalo, an all intermediate
Jane 8 yet the most condensed and also practical view ol P hreno l­ S iddons, E . Cobb, 13 ♦* 13 ■« 13 | places. > 1 B R IE F H IS T O R YOF T H E L A T T E R DAY S A IN T S
V IL L B m L Y O N ,
C. S toddard, Oct.
Feb. 8
8 ogy and its bearings on health , happiness, y it ue, religion, Ashburton,
hum an im provem ent, afid th e reform s n o w ih progress, any
S thph ’n W hitney T hom p so n, Nov. 1 M ar, 1 Ju ly 1
25 •« 55 25u T o all ports of (he U p p e r L ek es. ■fr-t x j L. (C om m only called M o n n oonnss ;;>) inclu d in g a n a ec c o auaniT
th eir D octrin e a n d D iscipline ; w ith th e reason s o f t h e A n

ALBAjty&r 1 s. ; , ' J a n e ] 24 where to be fonnd. M onthly, 24

year, o r th ree c o j i i e s ^ ; five copies for S 3 ; nine cop­
iOr 32 pages, at $1 per S herid an , . Depeyster, 13 “ 13 13•* fior fo r leaving th e C htirch . * L , ------- . .
WatBon, Oct. 24
F eb . 24 ies for dO
,o r tw enty copies for $10.
In a ll cases in T h e P rovin cial B aak , a a d branches.
IR E L A N D . V T h e Ulster B ank, do.
F ro m T ro y vfa Whitehall to M o a tre a l ao d Q a eb e c, Ca o f th e M issouri JE ie g u la tu re .. Publielied b v 'th e A u th o r o t
nada E x st via Ohio’Canal from 'C Ieveland to P o rtsm oath , S t.L o uis. F o r S ale o t th is O f fic e .______ _______ T.'.
SYLV E D E GRA SSE, J u ly 1 ) T h e N ational B a nk, do. Cincinnati, an d interm ediate places. H E following w o rk s a r e for sale a t Jthe P r o p h e t office,
L . W eiderholdt, N ov.
E D U C A T IO N A N D S E L F . IM P R O V E N F N T , P H Y S IC A L
All Drafts payable .nt eight, a t either o f th e obove ban ks
th eir branches or agencies.
S outh W e s t v ia P h ilad elp h ia to P ittsburg, C incinnati.
Louisville, and all ports on th e O hio R iv e r to St. Louis,
N o . 7 S p rnce S tre e t, vi?s—
P ra tts R e p ly to L e ro y S uud erlaad .
L O U IS P H I L L IP P E , July F ounded on Phrenology a a d P hysiology j or, G o o d } M esirs. S pooner, Atw ood & Co. bankers, M o.; an d to all parts o f Ohio, M ichigan, In d ian a, Illinois, Synopsis o f the Bible, by B . W in c h e s te r.
jr. CMtoO, N ov. H e a d s a n d B o d ie s , and h o w to m ake them good, both io E N G L A N D , > London. and W isconsin Territory; Gospel R e fle c to r H isto ry o f th e P r i e s th o o d #
M arch children and one’ajeelf, bysh o w in g how to enlarge the de* ) P . W . Byrnes, & Co. L iverpool. R E M IT T A N C E S . M illennium P o em s.
D U C H E S S D ’O R L E A N S , Ju ly fective, aad diminish t h t excessive ; includiog the moral P assengers can also be engaged from Liverpool to P hila- F o r the accom m odation of persons w jsoing to send rao- In d ex te th e Bot/k o f M o rm on, 2nd. E d itio n .
„ A , Richardson* N o v. 24 training and governm ent o f children, w ithout the rod. delphia, Boston, ond Baltim ore, by th e regular p ack et 0ey to th ci^ frien d s i a th e Old C ountry, H A R N D E N & A d dress to the P e o p le o f th e U n ited S tates. *7
March. 24 T h is w ork expounding the principal l a v s o f virtue, or con­ ships, on application being m ade personally, or by letter, CO. w ill gmnvui Drafts I on an y ^ p a rt o f E n g la n d , S co tland , or Gospel L ig h t, N o . 2. „ ^ •*> _
8ULLY, A ugust ditions o f happiness, and show s how to fulfil them . (post paid, addressed to Ireland, payable a t sig h t, for sum s o f £ l , £ 5 , £ 2 0 , to C orrespondence, in P a m p h le t form , b e tw e e n J O S E P H
W . C. T h om p son, D ec. J O S E P H M cM U R R A Y . £ 1 0 0 - o r to a n y am o u n t to suit th e pu rchaser. S M I T H , T H E P R O P H E T , a n d Col. J O H N W E N T ­

berof ConE
A pril IN T E L L E C T U A L IM P R O V E M E N T ;
100 Pine-street, corner o f South-St. j O F F IC E S A N D A G E N T S . W ORTH, “
IO W A , A ag. O r, how to C u l t i v a t e t h e M e m o r y ; E x p a n d a n d A G E N T S .— In PoUBville, Benj. Bannan, E sq. Charles Craft- 120 S ta te street, Boston. ; G en. JA M E S A R L IN G ­
W . W . P e ll, Dec.
S t r
e n g t e n
t h k
I n t e
l l e c
t ,
n d
u it
the intel
o ut a
In Lovell, R ich W elsh, E sq . |
In Albany, T . Gough, Esq.
- B. W - W h e e le r, Union-Building, P ro v id e n ce, R . T.
J . W . M ills, 3 W a ll street, an d 10 F ro n t stre e t. N e w tb e H o n orab le J O H N C. C A L H O U N ,
TON BEN N E T, IslandS,outh end

E C C A L E O B I O N *
new and m ore excellent w ay to intellectual attainm ents
than our com m on echoolaand se ats of learning now fur- ,
In T oronto, U . C. R o gers & T hom pson.
In N e w a rk , Jo h n M cColgan, E sq.
N . G. H o w ard , 43*S outh T h ird stre e t, P hilad elp h ia.
Carolina . In w h ich is given, a sk e tc h o f tb e L ife o f J o s e p h
S m ith , th e rise an d prog ress o f th e C h u rc h o f L A T T E R
E G G S H A T C H E D BY S T E A M , I N P R E S E N C E OF nish— a w ork of great vajue and im portance to parents, ^ In U tica, T h o m a s M cQ u ad e, Esq. Sandford & S ho em aker, 7 L ig h t street, B altim ore, M d. DAY S A IN T S , and th e ir P E R S E C U T I O N S by th e S ta te
V I S IT O R S 1 teachers, and all w h o desirc’to k now how to improve their I also brgt leave lo assure m y frie n d a a n d the public in P ittsb urgh, P a . o f M IS S O U R I: w iih th e p ecu liar v iew s o f Jo s e p h S m ith ,
intellects. general, that the greaiost punctuality will be observed in
h is n o v e l e x h ib itio n ,* s o a m u s i n g a s L . S. L ittlejohn, 11.E x ch an g e, A lbany, N . Y.
T w ell as instructing, is n ow open at 2S5 B roadw ay , from H E R E D IT A R Y D E S C E N T ; I T S L A W S AND F A C T S the sailing o f tb e above ships together w ith all others | S. C la ik , 159 R iv e r street, T ro y , N. Y.
.in re la tio n 4 o P o litical a n d R elig io u s m a tte rs g e n ero lly : o t
w h ich is a dded a conewe account of thepresent ttateand
0 o’clock, A . M. until 7 P . JM. 4 Or, the T ransm ission o f Qualities, P hysical, Intllectual- which I m ay have, and tnat passengers will experience no j
T he-objeet o f thia E x h ib itio n , bo novel in N ew -Y ork, is and Moral, from parents to ih eir offsprings, through sue, delay on their arrival a t the different ports w here they I W . A . C oo k, Syracuse, N. Y.
U tica, N . Y. frotped*ofthe C I T Y O F N A U V O O .__________
t o gratify the scientific and carious, by affording them nn ceesiye generations ; including directions for form ing such m ean to em bark.
opportunity of witnessing t h e wonderful process o f th e de- matrim onial alliances a s will secure w h atev er qualities in P . S .— F re e passage can also be prcuard Irom the v a­ W . H . Cbok, Buffalo, N Y.
R o c h ester, N . Y.
A M A R K A B L E V IS IO N S , A n d of th e L a te D iscovery
o f A n cien t A m erican R e co rd s, w h ich unfolds th e history o f
v e lo p e m e n io l anim al organization, a n d m ore especially to children m ay be desired ; with hints to m others during rious ports m Ireland and Scotland from which steam boats | H . F itzhugh & C o., O swego, N . Y.
p re p a re th e w ay for supplying our m ark et w ith P oultry of pregnancy— a w ork w hich every young m arried pair run to L iverpool. this c o n tin e n rfro m th e earliest A ges afte r th e F lo o d , to the
m !3 tf________________ _________ H A R N D E N fc C O.
a ,su p erio r quality, and a t less than h a lf th e present rates. should possess ; a s indeed should all w ho design to form beginning o f th e fifth cen tury o f ih e C hristian E r a . W i t h
J O S E P H M cM U R R A Y ,
S o th a t the poor even, to w ho m it is now dcoied, m ay be­ th e m atrim onial relations. T o im prove m an kind , w e must S P R I N G A R R A N G E M E N T — 1 8 44. a a s k e tc h o f th e rise, fa ith , end d o ctrin e of tb e C h a rc h o f
160 P in e street, N e w York.
co m e partak ers o f i h e luxury. Je sa s C hrist o f L a tte r D ay S aints. By 0 P r a t t , M inister
begin w ith the g k jim . E du cation bestowed upon a g o o d Gives drafts in sums to suit applicants
T h e apparatus h ere used for incubating, m ay be said to physical and m oral basis, will be vastly m ore productive of *tbc Gospel. E o r S ale a t this Office, b esides m an y oth*
‘ ON T H K ,
b e perfect, and is m ore sure o f H atching Egga than any than th at expended upon a barren soil. Long enough have e r valuable w orks.
bird. I t ia a m aterial im provem ent upon th e E ccaleobion, parents slept over this subject. W a l k e r ’s attem pted eluci- j IM PO R T A N T TO SO U T H EE N T R A V E L L E R S.
J-A Y A D L E A T H E W O R L D T U R N E D U P S ID E D O W N , O R H E A ­
w h ic h haa afforded satisfaction and delight to millions of datton o f it, w as a com parative failure. I n thia w ork it
visiters, a t the E x hibition R oo m s in Pall-M all and P ic c a ­ i9 treated—as none but a practical Phrenologist c .\x treat
C ork,
B allym eoa,)
T |i e R a il R o a d B r id g e a t t h k R o a n o k e c o m p l e t e d ,
T T E ,
V E N O N E A R T H .,
T h e m aterial U niverse is etern al.— Im m o rta l M a n h a s
dilly, t o n d o n , a n d iB em phatically a trium ph o f A rt over it— c ie n t ik ic a l l y ; a, vast m any most im portant principled Clonmel, Paraontow n, V i a W a s h i n g t o n C i t y , R i c h m o n d , P e t e r s b u r g a n d flesh and bones.— E a rth is h is E v er'astin g Inh eritan c e.—
n a ta r e . being stated, and all supported by a mass of facts absolute­ Londonderry, D ow npatick, W k ld o .v , a n d t h e o n l y D a i l y L i n k t o T O tb& b ear all th e P ro p h e ts an d A postles witness.
la dice are particularly informod, th a t w hile this exhibi­ ly overw helm ing. A most useful w o rk ,a n d a.rare intellec­ Slig.), Cavan, C h a r l e s t o n , S C , d i r e c t t o N e w O r l e a n s . T h e p h y sic a l W o rld s w ere n o t founded for annihilation!
tio n cannot fail to please, th ere is nothing in it, in the least tual treat— p . p . 270, and a genealogical table w iih blank W t x fo id , L urgan, (24 H ours in advance o f the B ay L ine ) but for th e pleasure o f G od they a re a n d w e r e created*
d eg ree, offensive to th e m ost refined and delicate m ind. paper, for recordiog family likenesses. Belfast, Omugb,
G en tlem en o f S cieace a o d s o f the m edical profession, on T R A V E L L E R S going S outh ore inform ed th at th e con­ BY P . P . P R A T T ,
P H R E N O L O G Y A P P L I E D T O M A T R IM O N Y . Waterford, Dungannon, nexion betw een the P etersburg an d W ilm ington R ailroads P ab li hed a t the M illennial S ta r Office, 35 C hapel s tr e e t,
p a y m e n t o f $5 , m ay have a card o f admission for 2 1 days, Galway, B a naon,|
_ O r to th eselectioa o f c o n g e n i a l c o m a tn i o n * f o r l i f e a t W eldon, including the P etersburg C om pany’s Bridge a t I L iverpo il, e e d for S ale a t this Office.
a n d th e privilege ol breaking an egg each day.
A d m itta n c e T w e n ty * F iv e C e n ts . including direetionstothemarried,(or living together af
Kilrufh, the R o a n o k e is com pleted, so that travellers going S outh ________ !
by the G reat Mail R o u te, via W ashington, R ichm ond and A N A ipeal to th e Inhabitant*} o f the S tat$ o f N e w Y o rk ,
C H I L D R E N H a l f P ric e. A liberal allow ance mad* to fectionately and happily. T b e ta u iio n s it adm inisters to ENGLAND. 9 Petersburg, will be transferred a t W eld o n im m ediately | juLLetti r to Q u een V icto ria, T h e F o u n ta in e f K n o w led g e;
Schools th at attead in a body. E g g s B roken on applica- j
tio o , a t 124 cents each. Y oung C hickens oold as curiosi-
ties, a t 12* cents. P amnpni p hlets, K xplonatory and T re a tin g
u « . & ! * f' w ? in " B" d t0 ,condu,c ,in«
eA “ *18 Bc,enl' ,c
relations, a s w e l l as o fth e lawp that govern
™ D*3 e°*
S P O O N E R , A T W O O D fc Co , B ankers, L ondon Irom the cars o f the P tftertburg to those o f th e W ilm ington I Im m ortality o f t b e B ody, ond In telligence and A fiectiom
P ay able in every tow n in G rrn t Britain R ailroad Com pnuy, thereby ridding ihe G reat M ail route by P P | P R A T T . P ric e 25 c en ts each o r 12 dollars p e r
th em , re a d e r it m ost interesting and m ost useful. o f its only exceptionable feature, w hilst it is equally ch eap, hundred.} T o be bad a t the P ro p h e t office.
u p o a th e m anagem ent o f P o ultry generally, 6 cents.
m y33:c] f , _ __________ ___ N A T U R A L R E L IG IO N
O r, T h e N a t u r a i , T h e o r y o f P hren o lo g y ; its aspect
R E G U L A R M A IL L IN E F O R P R O V ID E N C E A N D | and for e x p e d i t i o n , s e c u r i t y a m d c e r t a i n t y , i t h as j -
BO ST O N , great advantages over the day line.
A T IO N A L F I R E - I N S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y .— T h e folio wiog unrivalled schedules are n ow run o n th is lin e
N Office N o. 4p. W a ll Jit.— D irrc ta re : Me
r«h .
a r u » ni.>R w ™ r
on revelation, and its general harm ony w iih It ; including
answ ers to the objections, that P hrenology favors Fatalism ,
F A S T M A IL L IN E . C ourch o f L a t t e r D ay S aints: A g a to k en o f resp ec t an d
Jo h n B ro uw er, S am u el»S . D oughty, W m - W a r d , , M uierialism , and Infidelity, ond ia opposed to a changc ol Leav* N . ? . a t 0 A M . A rrive in P h ilad elp h ia a t 3 P M esteem fc|r his services and u fiw ean ed zeal fn th e cause o f
J o h n F - M s c k ie , S .ep b en Holt J o h n N ew house, P h ih p h eaft , _ A W o rk tn w hich the rn iaiA nY of L eave Phila'. a t 4 P M . arrive in Baltim ore a t 1 A M G od in ihis th e E v e n in g o f | T im e . B y hia B ro th e r i n
WV., E Engs,.
oot. MM arcusSnnntr.
arcus Spring, W Wm m SS Slocum
Slocum,. JJaaccoobb M
W m W Campbell, J o h n F BuU crw orih, J O H N B R O U religious
iller. m a a *8 m oral nature a r e fully analyzed, and therew ith the Composed ol the following superior S team ers, running in Leave Balt, at 2 A.M .
taught, and the duties required by m an ’s
connection w ith the Sioningt«n, and Boston a n d arrive ia W ashin gto n at 5 A .M Christ, i
L eave W ash, a t 0 A M. arrive in F re d ’ksburg, at 1 1 A M .
W E R , P re siden t— Jo sep h W S avago, Sec’y; P ro v id e n ce R ailro ad s: L E T T E R T O T H E Q U E E J T B F e N G L A N D , T ouch-
natu re and constitution ; sectarianism accounted for, and Leave F re d ’k g a t 1 1 A M . arrive ia R ic b . Va. nt 34 P M
Insurance tak en at^the lowest rates. T h e M A S S A C H U S E T T S , Captain Com stock, ing ihe S igns o f th e T im e s, a n d i tb e P o litic a l D estiny
exposed ; and the general tenor o f the Bible doctriues L eave R ic h , a t 4 P M. arrive ia P etersbu rg , V a 6 P M
H E A P Cloth S tore— N o is & M orris hav e in sto re re­ sustained. R eligien is as m uch a science as m atbam atics.
R H O D E ISL A N D , “ T h ? y e r,
L eave P elers’g nt 0 P .M arrive in W ei. N C a t l i P .M . ot th e W o rld By P . P . P r a i t. P ub lished a t M a n c h e ste r,
C ceived fro raau ctio n and kothqr sources, a large assort* It iB as m uch governed by fixed principles arid imm utable

m e a t e f goodi suitable for g e a tle m e a ’a w ear consisting in laws. N o r are these law s beyond the ken o f m an. T h ey daily, Sundays excepted, from B attery P la c e , p ier N o . l , L eave W ih , at 2 P M . arrive in C harleston, S C a t 8 A M .
W oolsey]
L eave W rld o n ^a t 2 A.M . arriv e in W i t , N .C a t 2 P M E n gland . F o r S ale a t th e P ro p h c rO ffic e .

p a r t of,— W e s t of E n gland, F re nch and A m erican wool are w ritten upon his natdre. ■> Phrenology uofolds'ihat n a ­ N . R iver. P a s s e n g e r by this L in e will reach P e te n b u r g in seven ,| P R O S P E C T OS
bla c k , blue, b row n , invisible green, m ixed eloths tu re, and, therow ith, the w hole code o f d octrines depen
ARRANGEMENTS. teen hours, and Charleston, S C ., in fifty-two h ours after
W ool black, blue aa d fancy caesimeres in g re a t variety^ d e n t thereon, and dqties required thereby.-n
T h e M A S S A C H U S E T T S , Capt. C om stock, on Mon- ,e.a v,ng B altim ore, including all stoppogee, and h a v e the I OF A
S atinets, a ll colors ' ^ P H i l '^ o t b ^ Y a P P L IE D TO TEM PER A N C E. day*, T hursdays and Saturdays, at 5 o ’clock, P . M . advantage o f avoiding any detention a t W eld o n , on the
S carlet and ca d e t m ixed d o t h ; buftcassim ere U \ T h e R H O D E ISLAND, Captain T h a y e r, on Tuesdays, R oa n o k e* °“ e 01 the m ost unhealthy places ia th e southern WEEKLY NEWSPAPER.
B lock an d blue b e a v e r an d pilot cloth^Q ^
8 i l k and tabby velvets ; girafle cloths
® A scientific exposition o f the physiological effects o f al­
coholic liquors upon the hum an constitution* and especial­ T hursdays and S a tu r d a y , a t 5 o ’clock, P . M.
P assengers on the arrival o f tile steam er a t Stonington,
y h e r e passengere by th e Bay L in e , a r m i n g as
a ,^ T do» fourteen ho ars after the fast m ail Itoe of
V elv etee n s; silk and V erona serges ly upon the aoim al propensities. I t expoiindasom e P h y s­
M erinos and C ashm ere vestings
B row n hollands, bindings and cords
iological law s o f g reat intrinsic value, and applies them to will be im m e d ia te ly jo rw a rd e d i n the sp le n d t^ and com | ^ * 8amd ^
tem perance w ith tremeodiouB effect. I t has been regard* m odious C a ts of the R ailroads to Providence and Boston.
arc dol°y«d teQ hoUf0 u P“ l
L I N E , F O R R IC H M O& N D
« f the next
ed by m any as th e strongest tem perance d o cum en t put T h e above steam ers have been fhoroughly equipped, and
B om bazine lustringe, g o at’s h a ir cam blets] B U R G , VA. T h r B j a r d o f C untrol o f th e S ociety for tbe Diffusion o
forth. prepared to prom ote celerity of travel, and the com fort and
TwiUed flannels, plaid linings, togeth er w ith jja co m ­
T I G H T -L A C I N G ; Or, E vils of com pressing the Organs security o f passengers, and n ot surpassed by any in the L eave N .Yrjjaa t '# > P.i P .M . arrive in P h ilad elp h ia a t 11 P .M Truth,-O f jthe City o f N e w Y o rk , b ein g desirous o f pro­
p le te assortm ent o f trim m ings for aale in quantities to
U nited Stales. L eav e P h i l ^ a t 64 A .M . arrive m B altim ore a t 2 P .M m ulgating the Gospel of O ur L o rd Je su s C hrist m i t s f n l -
auit purchasers a t the lo w est m a rk e t prices, a t their o f A n im al L ife.
I n P re ss, and soon to be Published, a W o rk ou F o r passage, o r freight, w hich is taken at very reduced Leave Balt, a t 4 P .M . arriv e in W ashing ton a t 6 P M i __ , ; ___ ________ .. .... , , „ .
store N o. 142 C hatham street, opposite th e C hatham
T h e a tre . rates, apply on board at north side o f pier N o. 1, N o. 22 Leave W aah. at 6 A.M . passing through F redericksburg nera* “ nd am elioratin g th e condition o f fallen m a n , h a v e
P H Y S IO L O G Y , A N I M A L A N D M E N I A L : B roadw ay, o r office o f Sami. Deveay, freight agent, on the aod R ick m o n d , and arriv ing in P etersburg, to sup, pas- thou ght i t w isdom to establish a p a p e r in this c ity , a s an
IG H T N IN G ROD S.— T h e public ia respectfully in Or, th e effects o f different organizations and conditions wharf. siag from P hiladelp hia to R ich m o n d a n d P etersbu rg, advocate and h erald o f th e F a ith o f th e C h u reh o f Christ o f
L form ed, th at Q uim by’s L ightning Conductors for the o f the body upon the c h aracter ond m ental m tuiifestations;
protection o f buildings against lightning, can be obtained including health—its conditions, and the m e a n s o f pre. cured on board, or a t the office o f H arn d en f c Co. N o . 3
T ic k ets for th e route, and steam er’s berths, can ne se­ Va. by day light. L a tte r D ay Saints. A portion o f w h ic h , a t tim es, w ill b e

o n application to him* a t his office 151 Fulton street. All scryjng ond restoring it, w ithout medicine^ ond also diet* W all street.
ord ers from lhe city o r country, w ill bt? prom ptly attended regim ens, habits, and their e j e c ts on m ind,
ciprocal influences o f various p h y siok gica 1 organizations Providence and New port.
T h e re D^* T h e steam boat IO LA S, is now running daily betw een toa os ea rly as those leaving B altim ore a t th e sa m e tim e I w ell ao to jth o F o re ig n an d D om estic N e w s o f th e D ay. I t
by the Bay L in e , th ese la s t being obliged to lie o ver a t I w ill lik ew ise , be th e faithful ad v o cate a n d d efen d er
to. T h e price is reduced in conformity w ith th e tim es.
H e believes th a t a single oidinary lightning rod is inad­ and m anifestationa upon the m ind, is a departm ent never A steam er is now preparing for /he accom m odation o f the " r‘ J f ol! ,llllf th e ir a rrir a l.
e q uate, tm aer certain circum stances, to protect ^ven small fully p re se n te d ; and yet its im portance is vastly underrated. N ew port travel, w h ich will shortly m ak e the,connection
T h e A uthor bopes to present som e principles o f P hysiolo­ regularly betw een th at place and Stonington.
( 0 " F o r fu rth er inform ation and ‘‘ through tickets' op-1
i o f the C<mstitution o f the U n ited S ta te s, w h o se e lo ry and
ply ot o u r S outhern T ic k e t Office odjoining the Baltim ore o ffu lgencdis known ia evey c lim e , w h ich w oa batHed for
T. . . V e
buildings. H e w as Jed to th is opinion on chfefully studying
th e law s en d operations o f th ?,electric fluid, ia cbnnection gy vitally im portant, but usually overlooked. and Ohio R a il R o o d Office, P r a tt st., B altim ore. and w o n by o n r illustnouo and p a tr io tic ancestors. T h o
R IN T E R S ’ F U R N IS H IN G W A R E S T O C K T O N fc F A L L . I Arts and Sciences shall n o t beHn eglected— S ketches, N a r-
w ith personally exam ining ita practical results, a s exhibited T H E P H R E N O L O G IC A L A L M A N A C for 1310, 1S41,
ip houses, barns, chnrches, &C., th at h a d b e e n dam aged by 18-12, 3843, and 1844, (1845 will aoen be pO bluhed,) con­
lightning* although furnished w ith lightning rods.
H O U SE, k o 32 a n * s t r e e t , n . y S outhern T ravellers tak in g “ T h ro u g h T ic k e ts,” c a n 1 ives, B iog raph ies, M oral Essaye/afcd P o e m s , w ill also
W E L L S fc W E B B inform t h e .P r in t e n of stop a s long ns they m ay desire a t W ashington, R ich m o n d
tain in g m any interesting and valuablo facta am ply illustrau find a place in th e colu m n s o f J,‘ T H E P R O P H E T
T o baildioga n o t m ^re th a n 25 feet long, h e alw ays af­ ed w ith cuts, including likenesses, and short biographies, the United States, th at in addition to the aad P e te Jurg, and resum e their seats.
fixes tw o r o d s ; to large building*, a g rater num ber. T h o f distinguished m en. T h e
nu m b er o f rods necessary to insure pro tectio n ,an d theire m anacs ia aBgood aa it ever waB, and w o rth m any itim ea
m atter o f the old Al­ manufacture o f W ood T y
F urn itu re, Galleys, fcc. fcc., they have
p e, Cases, Stands, m l 8 ) « H . J . R O G E R S , T ic k e t A gent. w hilst
list its co n d u cto rs w ill en d e a v o r to im p a r t variety aBd
Ilife to its colu Columns.
p ro p er position, depend On the sice and form o f the building its cost—25 cents p er set.
th e locauon o f the chim neys, th e position a n d h eight of
opened a l a r , . ^ w K E S f c P * . 4‘- l e “ f N E w '
SEC O N D H A N D P R IN T IN G M A T E R I A L S , and every g y g S k - * .
Ed F ° ' L 0 « 'P „A G ° '
L A K E O N T A R I O , ----------
^ * 5? TnrmM.i
kra*.4-*' - ••1T H E P R O P H E T , ” w ill b e issued S aturday
neighboring object, Arc. & . Buildings a re d iffe r e n tly *** S U B S C R IB E R S to the M A G N E T can receive that article necessary for a P u n t i n g O f f ic e . I !fisS fe £ sa a . VlA Uff'VEGO. rning m e lS ih instant, on nn Im p e ria l S h e o t, a t N o. 7
situated a a d very differeatly e x p o s e d ; a a d the rods r e q u ire W o r k through our office. I t is now well conducted by P T H E N E W Y O R K , U T IC A A N D O S W E G O LI IS p ru c e S tre e t, N ew -Y ork, a n d w il!-appear reg u lar thereaf­
to vary in th eir .application according to circum stances. w h e r e ” * 133 FulU)n' S lroet• M ore aboul W o rk [ckc- T h e y havc^now on h a «d^ “ njj_constajitly receiving from 10 F L A K E B 0 A T S w ill receive goods d a ily a t m iddle
P rin ters and S tereo ty p ed , all kinda an d sizes o f type, used p ier C oenties slip, 'N e w Y ork, for any ports on L a k e t e r , o n th a t d ay , a t O ae .Dollar p e r a n n u m , invariably in
T . J O N E S & CO, 12 P in e and 15 Nassau st, are now OS* E d ito rs w ho copy all o r eith er o f these [advertise­ for N ew spaper, B ook and Jo b P rinting, as also all other M ichigan, L a k e E r ie , L a k e O atario, o r R iv e r S t. L a w ­
S • offering the following very desirable goods in lots to m ents, shall receive a copy o f the W o r k o r W o rk s adver- requisites for a P rinting Establishm ent. T h e y also supply rence.
s a i t purchasers, viz — °
(&» A ll L e tte rs a s d C om m un icatio ns m ust be add ressed
l,w d — they sending a p ap er (m ark ed ) containing the sam e, f?,r f '°™ »v" ? „ r" r ' „ f e FoU" dry i0 lh ' I N o transhipm ent betw een N e w Y ork nod Osw ego. | ( P O S T P A ID ) to T H E P R O P H E T , No. 7 S pruce S t r e e t ,
Cloth and cassim eres, o f different styles aad shades to the A m . P h re n , J o u rn a l Office. U oioo. a t Ihe lowest m to u lo c lu r e rt p n e a . T h i . Uae is oomponetl o f th e first d M . o f t s k e b o l o , and New-YorM. G. T . L E A C H , P re s’t.
B eavers and pilots, low priced to very superior P rin te rs about establishing them selves in business, or is connected a t Oswego w ith th e
Vestings—L ondon styles “ K N O W T H Y S E L F ? ’ who tf ish to renew their fonts o f type, o r ex change their C hic ago L iwk o f S t k Am P r o p e l l e r s . By o rd er o f th e B oard .
S ilecias—C aiban’s Fergusons’s and several A m erican presses, o r oth er m aterials for other sizes o r kinds, will find w ith a L in e o f F i f t e e n S c h oo n e rs , running to ports on May 7j 18 M.
m akes it greatly to their advantage to call on them before purcbas- j L a k e E r i e ; a n d w ith the n ew and elegaa t steam boats L a d y
R rints—L o w P h ilad and super M adders TO N A U V O O N E IG H B O R ,
ing elsew here, as they will alw ays have ou h and, m ost o f o fth e L a k e and R o c h ester, running on L a k e O ntario and
M d e L ain es and Crape M de L a m e s—n ew styles F O W L E R S P H R E N O L O G I C A L C A B I N E T the leading articled, eecond hand , answ ering n early or the riv er S t. L a w re n ce. j Is printi d and published every S a tu rd a y , b y J o h n T o y -
M erinos and A lp a tc a * ; M o ic ak in e and Cords quite as well as new , nnd a t a saving o f from 25 to 50 p e r T h is line is also connected w ith a line o f boats on t h e o r, E d ito r an d P ro p r ie to r ; a t N au v o o , H a n c o c k co u n ty
IN C L IN T O N H A L L , No* 131 N A S S A U S T R E E T .
V elvet and v elveteen s; red naddingfe—3*1 and 6-4 I W abash C anal and O hio C anal, form ing nn unbroken com -1 Illinois. ‘ [erniB—$ 2 ,00 invariably in advan ce,
E N T L E M E N A N D L A D IE S , w ho m ay desire to be­ ce” ‘- . .
K entucky jeanp* o f all thc different colors
R o ll'd jacoEgftcfend col’d cam brics
com e belter acquainted w ith themselves,'—th eir true T h ey keep c o n s ta n t^ on hand a supply of T o u tin g Ink, m unication from N ew York to L afayette, Indiano, an d from I L etters ast be addressed to th e E d it o r ( J o h n Taylor)
natural endow m ents, for natural, m oral, and intelcctual o f P r o u t aud M a ther’s m anufacture, from the cheapest to I N ew York to P ortsm outh, Ohio. post paid, io receive th e attention.
A p ro n 'a n d furniture ch ecks *
enjoym ents or im provem ent, a r e respectfully inform ed, tinest q u a lity ; also cr lored Inks o f every description S hipm ents by this line a re insured to Osw ego, and on
T H E T IM E S * A N D S E A S O N S ,
W o o le n shaw ls—all sizes ao d qualities 1 th at a favorable op portuaity i s at all lim es freely given a t W. fc W . arc the Sole Agent* for th e N o rth e rn , Middla | th e W ab ash Oanal only, except by special contract.
S ilk a a d e o t|o a po cket Hdkfe—linen and im itation s _ th e above cabinet. and W estern S lates asd Cannda, for th e sale of- K N E E - P r o p r i e t o r s a .t d A g e r t s . Is printed and published abo ut th e 1st an d ISth o f e v e r y
C H dkfs— B la n k e ts: Chelm sford, W h itney Mill*, R ose, Although Mr. F o w ler him self will be absent Jfrom the L A N D ’S P A T E N T CA.RD P R I N T I N G E N G IN E , w hich B R O N S O N fc C R O C K E R , m onth, a t N auvoo, H an co c k county IU,, by J o h n T a y lo r,
R a d ic al, Duffi’a, Bath and crad le—Q uilts and cou nterpanes; city for a short tim e, every attention will be cheerfully w e believe to b e equal if not superior to any M achine P re ss D O O L IT T L E , M IL L S , fc CO. Oswego . Editor ood P roprieto r. T e rm s— $ 2 p e r a n n u m , pay ab le
cam brics Cf different w i d t h s - J a c o n e t t s , do d o ; cam brick rendered by agent M r. S. It? W E L L S , w hose pubhek y et invented. W e feel confident th at a trial o f th e above F A R W E L L fc H A R R IN G T O N , in all cased in advance. A ny person p ro curing five n e w
U tica .
. a n d furaitare dim itye— F a a c y ch e c k strip e aa d plaia m us­ doubte test exam inations hav e accorded so perfectly with P r e s s will give the m ost entire satisfaction. R O S S I T E R fc R H E P P E R D : subscribers and forw arding us T e n D ollars c u rre n t m o n e y ,
roy .
lins— P etticoats, rones and skirto—E nglish aa d A m erican those of Mr. F o w ler, tha* every confidence m ay be repos­ T h e y are aUo Agents for thc sale K overm an’s E nam ell­ W . S. R O S S I T E R , 23 C oenties S lip, N . Y. shall receive one volum e gratis. All L e tte rs m n st b e ad -
lo n g Cloth*. dressed to J o h n T a y lo r, post p aid , o r th ey w ill dot receive
ed in his professional abijjty as a delineato r o f character. ed and P e a r l Surface Card?, w h ich they will sell a s low as W e s t e r n A g e n ts .
Subscriptions for the A m erican Pferen'blogical J o u r n a l r e ­ can be purchased in thc city. P e a s e fc A l l e n , C leveland, Ohio, attention . ,? 9
F IR S T PRFM 1U M . ceived, orders for B O O K S'and B U S T S will be punctualy They still continue to manufacture, and are generally - C u a ’s Ho w a r d f c C o T oledo , O. f c ’D etroit, M ich. Subscriptions for th e “ T im e s a n d S easons,” a n d th e
W h o l e s a l e a n d R e t a il St r a w H a t M a n u f a c t o r y ,
attended to. [m lS :c supplied with all sizes of their W o o d T y k e , of which ihey T h e r o k P a r d e e , Chicago, 111. voo N eig h b o r,” receiv ed a t th e Office o f th e “ P r o ­
/ No 90 B o w e h y . are the original manufacturers, and which still maintains its j H u t c h i n s o n , W j i e k l k b , fc Co. Southport, W is c ’n. phet,” N o . 7 S pruce street, N *w -Y ork.
ft|T H E S U B S C R IB E R begs leave to announce to
A R M S F O R S A L E — Valuable F urm s for sale in th a reputation for superiority over all competitors aud
edimitators. attempt­ m lS :c]
____ ne ladies of N ew York that he h as on h an d as
large an asiortraent o f S tra w Goods as ever has been offer­ F
neighborhood of Geneva, Batavia, Buffalo, H am burgh,
Ocf- P ublishers o f Newspapers in the U. S. and Canada, W IL S O N ’S R E & L E S T A T E A N D

ed in the city , com prising a choice iwlectioa of N<*in0litan

W ales, fcc., in thif Suite. L ik e w ise on L o n g Island.
T h ey will be^ sold for, cash or a part bond and m ort­ giviug the above three
inser’ions by the first o f July n e xt , . — . . L O A N
. O F. F IC E .
. . * . , -----------------■?
l*«r the private ond public sale, hiring, letting and ef- think o f g entlem an ’s fine d rera C a lf stitch e d boots, o f t h e
T h4 g reatest red uction in p ric e e v e r k n o w n , Only
T u scan , and all kin ds of S traw Hats.
Braids o f all kin d s for sale by the piece. gage, and som e in exchange for unincum bered city pro ­
perty. Apply a t N o 30 R io c t u , back office, over the Bank
and seeding us one copy of their p aper containing it Will I
be entitled to the paym ent o f th eir bills on purchasing four | ‘,oa*e8»B tores, formB, fcc. Bor collecting rents,
m ost fashionable shape, $ 2 75 to $3. “
H ats d r a p e d a n d altered. tim es the am ount, **" “ * “ ' “
Coffee H ouse.
Lm 25:c]' * T H O S . YOUNG. M ew -Y ork, M ay 19, ISM , [m lS :c
I R E M E N ’8 IN S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y , N o 47 W all PIANO F O R T E S , P IA N O F O R T E S — J .
E st co ta e r o f Hanover st, insure'against loss or dam age
y fire a t p rem iu m s reduced, com m ensurate to th e increa-
R O C K E T T begs to inform his friends an d tbe
public tnat* he h as rem oved his P iano F o rte S tore to N o W A T C H E S —T H E L A R G E S T A N D quired, be advertised, and if n ot sold a t private sa le, it will
ed facilities for the extinguishm ent o f fires. 544 Broadw ay, betw een S pring ah d P rin c e sts, w here, a t Miiai^ splendid asortm eot of w atches io j if desired, be offered ut public auction. H e wiU also attend
N iel G ray, Sec’y
, JA C 0 B D R A K E , P re sid e n t.
j c__
«|1 tim es, will be found a good assortm ent of n ew and sec­
ond hand P ian o fortes, a t prices ranging from twenty-five
the cily,
.. be fonndieto
. . a .t the subscri- 1 to- the monftv
— effecting insurance, obtaining and loaning o f m
ber’e, as he is conEtintly r e c e .rin g all descriptions o f gold on bond and m o n gag a. Individuals o r com panies, re-
M . H -JM 1 L E 8 , M A N U F A C T U R E R OF V A R N IS H
dollars upwards. P u rc h a se rs w ill find it to th eir advant­
- T H E C H E A P E S T C O F F IN W A ltE -R O O M IN T H E age before purchasing elsew here, to call au d exam ine for
and silver w atches o f the latest styles, from the .manufac-1 quiridg an agent to tiike charge of fheir estate, m ay depend G raining, S tensil, nod A rtists B rashes. All o f th e
turers in England, F ra n ce, and Sw itzerland, h e is enabled on havin g it faithfully and econom ically m a n ag ed . P er- above arttcl :a w ill be m an ufactured to o rder, and a t tb e
W ORLD. themselves. a I I piano fortes sold by J . R . will be w arrant- to offer a large assortm ent, and at m uch less prices a t re-1 sons wishing to h ire, purchase or exch ange property, . . o____
r in shortest noi c e , on th e m o st reaso nable term s, a t U S Nas«
I T . D G I L L E S P I E faraishes all articles required at ed to be as represented.— N B P iano fortes tuned, repair­ tail, thon any other house in lhe city Gold w atches as I vest m oney, can m ost generally be accom odated. P e‘~rso n s 880 rtre <i* qasem ent etory. D’e— ltc ]
funerals, a a d h as p riv ile g e to inter in alt th e g rave e d . exchanged, and sold on com m ission. ie— c low as $ 2 0 to 25 each. W a tc h e s and jew elry exchanged residing at a distance, desirous to 1sell or purchase real ea­
yrsd s en d cem eteries in th e city o r country, his charges
will be v i r y m o derate and attendance punctual. N o 5 5 2 i T < i
v t
t>,; .• , na . . .
P n n , *ne . neatlv executed ^on the m ost
o r bought. * " ------* --------------- j — ----------- j
1 . .•

p earl Bt. n e a r B r o s d r n v . I- P ^ “ T r o p h e t” cS ice, N o. 1 S pr»ce

st. 3 a d floor.)
” t.s ■%■ W

M0HA1, B E I l f i l Q P S , P O L I T I C A L , ANB S C I
S . B B A flH T A S T & CO, P U B .
S u r e ly t h e l o r d C o d w l l l . d o n o t h i n g , b n t l i e r c v c a lc lU h i* s c e r c t n n l o h i s
s e r v a n ts th o P r o p h t t s — A in o * , Sj 7.
vol. i . - n o ;, x v .
„ |
............................................ M1---- n _ | .
AUGUST 24. 1844.
‘IB B P E 0 PI I E * 14 F o r where the Spirit of the Lord dwells, PER A SINGLE COPIES 3 CTS’*
there is also, much understanding added. W here their suffering is great until the time of the great I I I Pilate answered t i l l v — r-.
fore join? thyself to the Lord, and thou shalt un ludgment, the punishment and tho torment of livered you from the hard h o ^ ° <• i.Wt 0 d® t us hero observe th at three things a re
S. B R A N N A N 6c CO. necessary, in order th at any rational a u d m telli-
derstand all things. 2 0 i h„°dfr n r r e *.whos/ so u ,s a r e p u n * ^
A t th e L a t t e r D a y S aip t Book Depository, N o 7 Spruce, 20 A nd said, his flaming fire which thou though it had been d rv land a n d t* g e n t^ e in g m a y exercise faith in |God unto life
S tre e t, N e w Xork. a t one dollar p e r a n n u m in advance. 15 L ear* now, O unwise m a n ! how sadnes 1

E le v e n copics| to ono address for T e n dollara. A dvertis­ troubleth lh e Holy Spirit, and how it saves.
and salvation.
in g 50 ct& por sqoaro o f six lines for o ne insertion, a n d 25 W hen a man that is doubtful is/engaged in any 3 F irst, T he idea that he actually exists.
Cta. for e very subsequent insertion.
affair, ^nd does not accomplish it by reason o f h i 4. Secondly, A correct idea o f his character
A u L r m c a * a ;»d C o m m untc atiojj s m u s t n c Ax>- perfecttonsand,attributes. \ *
DafcssBD to THE PROPHET, P ost P a i d . doubting,
u , v _ this
. . sadness
- enters into him, and grieves
Q9 »Post Muters are nothonied by tbe Po*t Office de- tte Mov opirit, and makes him sad. 5 T f i/ < .JT» A n Qctuo* knowledge that the
partment, to forward, free ofejrpenie. all orders for, or to 16 Again, anger, when it overtakes anv man course (of life which h e is pursuing, is according
discontinue pabhcauoav and ‘ also money to pay for the for any Business, he is greatly moved ; and then ohis w ill. F o r w ithout an’ acquaintance with
aame. these three important facts the faith of every ra­
Subscriber*’ nam es, w ith the S tate an d P o st Office, should again sadness entereth into the heart of him who " A 11*- " * ™ h « iM f e ll “f " "
be dtVinctly given w hen m oney is forw ard ed, to avoid mis. was moved with anger, and he is troubled foi tional being must be imperfect and unproductive;
takes, a s ih e re a re often severs! towoa o f the sa m e a a m e , or what he hath done, and repenteth because he i ^ 7 r e s r £ . “. “ t ‘ i t : , , feet y ndieretandio? k can become per-
se vera l P ost Offices ia the sam e tow pship, hath done amiss. * feet ay fnutful, abounding m righteousness un-
P o jtm astsrs a nd T rav elin g ,E ld ers ar* requested to a c t a s
Agents. 17 This sadness therefore seemeth to brine
salvation, because he repenteth of his evil deed v a l l e y s , which d i d not c o m e n e a r o n e a n o t h e r , a n d 14 A f te rw a rd s va -1
^ T s• u * T c h gr ' i 7 0fG O d,h0 FOtier> “ d
tbe seventh mountain was in the midst of them would y ®nra&!d °gQinst>anc]
TTTT^ A D ^ f I D V T ) TT A T k°*k ***? other things, namely, doubting anc
1 JLL JL A l . U 0 J tl JL-X J l A JL Badness» 8Uch 0 9 before W f l 8 mentioned, vex thi*
xt E
N r» Wn r mT Er ,S« T™A---------------
M E N T . I Spirit: doubting, because his work did not suc­
ceed ; and sadn&s, because ho angered the Holv
S pirit ing smell, and there wa* none of all the sweet* h v S 1 ! S r hi ^ J s - l i
" iI'l— ar,8,0g from u a juugmenc-Feni; ne tions end attributes, in order that this c l a s ^ a y
T H E SH EPH E R D OF HERMAS. scented trees which were in Eden like this in would have gone o u t; but the Jews all cried out, see, n^t only the ju s t grounds which thoy have
T h is book iff thus en titled , because i t w as composed bj18 Remove therefore sadness from thyself
*me]I, (or its leaf, its blossom, and its bark never iraCw ni°' ge, ? ‘aiSflr t 0 ** king» and'not Jesus for the exercise of faith m him, for Jife and salva-
H en n as, b ro th e r to P itts, bishop o f Rom e: aod because and afflict not. tho H oly Spirit which dwelleth in 1 0 V\ hereas this person, as soon as he
Uon, but the reasons th at allthe world, also, as far
th e angel, w h o b ears th e principle part in it, is repre­ thee, Jest he entreat God, and depart from thee f r u ^ w a ^ l i k e ^ h e c l u s t e r s ^ o f t h e p a lm . I h f f ?
se nted in th e foi^nj a n d habit o f a shepherd. Irorour the £*ord, which is given to
I exclaimed Behold, this tre . ia excellent!? ap- iUgi ; trou bledaod would ° as thej idea of his existence extends, m ay have to
qu otes it u nder th e very nam e o f S c r ip tu r e ; Origen dwell m the flesh, endureth no such sadness. pearance. pleasant in its leaf, and the siKht of its ? 7 \ X n h it f . Z l bav0,*tjllc? . , ex®rcf® fa*th in him the F ather of all living.
•uuugui it
thought i* attiiiu
most n useful
uociui w n u n g , and
writing, an a that
m at iitt w as divinely | .pi - ^ ^ b e r e f o r e c l o t h e t h ) s e l f w i t h c h e e r f u l n e s s f r u i t is d e lig h tf u l, to t h e e v e T L n . „ „ ma 5 k - X f? f a t h e r .knew th is , h e fled w ith , bave been indebted to a revelation
inspired; E u s e b i u ^ y * . that .hough it w as not « « e e m • I ^ n n d t h ° 11 which) God made o f himself to his creatures in
f d cano nical, it w as read publicly fn the churches, which Wttn . i ' j . j • r i c |*e e r ^u ^ m a n d o e s the nret instance, for the idea o f his existence, so
is corroborated by Je ro m e ; and A t h a n ^ i a s cites it, ca U ^ ^ ^ ^ ™S°°*> and m like manner we are indebted to the revela-
it a m ost useful work, aud observe,, th a t though it w a . ^ . / tions which he has given to us, for a correct un­
n o t strictly canonical, the F a th e rs app oin ted it t o b f p ; „ » i ,A j n t L . Qes a ^ a y s w i c k e d l y , derstanding o f his character, perfections apd at-
26 W hy art thou desirous to know it? ' ^ 8 W W R h S ‘Z T . ' l ! - 0 l,,“ d undr
read for direction aad confirmmion in faith aud p i e t y . - u J v 7 b e c a u s e h e g r ie v c th th e Jibutejj; because without the revelations which
Jeroime, notwithstanding this and ib at he applauded ii r W ^ f n l i f a gl*V? n r ° ,m f ln b e i n S o f 8 he hasgiv§n to us> no man by searching could
inbis catalogue . f writer,. i . biscommea,. o l S h e„ rn» l S ' l rf„ d T ? . . * " , iBi W ,1 S e find out God. Job 1 1 : 7, 8 : 9. F irst Cor. 2 :9 ,
w a r d i term s h « p o c r ,p b ,l . n d f .o i ;.h . ' ‘ B u t cus it is written, eye has not seen,
pu> i> whea . Cdlholie, aad abased il whea a C , ? ° L th a n k fu l acknow ledgm ent unto him ol no r ear|heard, neither have entered into the heart
Allhoagti f c U a i.; apoc£ % £ ? a" d ° b‘al“ S “ * ° f « o d w hat he of man, the things which God has prepared for
phal books, it is found attached to aome o f the most on-1 P n r t l m n » n < » Ar j t. them tlmt love h im ; but God has revealed them
' MSS.
- o f lhe N e w T estam eat} ao d A ^ unto
unto ua uj by his Spirit: fos the Spirit searches all
things, yea, the deep things of God. F o r what
2 0 \n d thnt 4 n J ^ews ^sw ered and said, H is blood be man kr ow8 the things o f a man, save the spirit
I.»r«.fn3 X u U smell, not one of upon us and Our children of man which is in h im ? E v e n so, the things
, ----- — — w v v n o U U | UUIj

m ore exact, but in g re a te r purity th an thay had before I h e a r t : of God no man knows but by the Spirit of God ”
8 “ f v m 6 8a,d 8 0 much, we proceed to examine
God I aClGr revelations h a re given of
S o l ' t h ^ U e e rth8eh!re°oUo m i * * • 2 \T ! > r o w n nation hath charged thee as mak-
9 Moses gives us the following account in Exo.
us, 34j 6 : “ And the Lord passed by before
a s r Holy Spirit, suffers not a man s pray­ 30 Th<>n fhnv e>inli »Mn<i —• • j * • i I " QD§e“*upon a cross m that place where thou art God njeraful and graSSSS, long suffering, and
him, and proclaimed, The Lord God, the Lord
The Second Book of Hennas, tailed Ms er to be the some th a t it would be otherwise. in t h a w I n ii ly rejoice and triumph J now a prisoner: and also two criminals with thee
abundan t in g°odnes8 ahd truth." Psalm 103 :
2 3 Wherefore cleanso thvselA from sadness, l ; ^ y O "0;,11"1 ^ t o d o u r s h a l l enter into | whose nomes ale Dim a,
Commands, , which is evil, and thou sh a h jiv e tin to G o d . A n d their bones, and they shall live a long life on the • j * Lord “ex^cutca righteousnesb and
judgm ent for aU th at anibnpressed. H e mode
C om m an d X . all others shall live unto G w L a s many as shall enrth as thy ancestors have liv ed; neither in th e ir, ,rL T « . . .
lay a£ide sadness, and p u t on c h b o tfu ln e s s . days shall sorrow, distress, trouble, and punish* , . hen V S U 8 went out of the hall, and the two knownj hia waya unto Morei, his acta' unto th«
PutaH sadness far from thee; for it is the sis­ inont afflict them. thieves with h im ; chUdrenof IsraeL The Lord ia merciful and
te r of doubting and o f anger. How, sir, said L is T H E 31 A nd I praised the Lord of glory, the ever- ?^ <vhen they came to the place which is gracious, slow to angeranchplerftuous in mercy
it jfthe sister of these? F o r sadness and angsr, lasting K ing, because he has made this tree, pre-| !ed. ? ol^a> they stript him o f his raiment, I salm 103: 17,18. “ B u t the mercy ofthe Lord
and doubting, seem to mo to bo very different BOOK OF ENOCH- pared it for the saiuls} and declared th at he would about with a linen cloth; and put a is tromjeverlasting to everlasting upon them that
from one another. C h a p te r X
give it to them. crown o f thorns upon his head, and put a reed in t a-fj i0’ 3 0 i8 r,gbteousftfiss im to children’s
2 And he answered, A it thou w ithout sense, I I passed on from there to anothor place, — » - - . . ... ^ bis hand. children, to such as K e e p his covenant, and to
th at thou dost not understand it‘? F o r sadness is whero F saw on the west a great and high moun­ T h e G o s p e l o f W icotlomtiH, f o r m e r l y c a l l - Li. 3 A n d J " lik» did they to the two those that remember his commandments to do
tain, ;a strong rock, and four pleasant places.
e d T i l e A c ts o f P o n t i u s P i l a t e . f e v e s wh0 were crucified with him,Dimas on them . I Psalm 90: 2 —“ Before tho mountains
t o S ° r a " a o t o o f 0a o d - i t V ^ ' S e i S h S T f I <'-P- r ik;« r — i • u *‘e ^ ^ t hand, and Gestas on his left. were brought forth, or ever y ou had formed tho
:z for411“ut, Jesus“id! « r a « ;
becam e a desciple o f Jeeua Chriet, and conversed with for they know not what they do.
earth and the world, even from everlasting to
everlasting, you are G o d » Heb. 1 :1 0 , I l f 1 2 :
him , others conjecture thnt it was a forgery, toward# . 5 ythey divided his garments, and upon r ^ 0U} »,n tbe beginning have laid the
»the close of ihe third ceuiury, hjr som e zealous believer, I bis vestdre)they cast lots. foundation of the earth ; and the heavens are the
•who, obserYing chat there hod been appeals made by the ------- works <|f your hands: they shall perish, but you
Ohristfans o f tbe fo rm er oge lo the Acts of P ilate, but
shall rem ain; and they shall wax old as a gar*

s s S S S !g f e J s l -a s '- '- m ea
gathered all the souls of
shall occtmy these places in whicn
th at 6uch acts could not be produced’, im agined it would
oe ol service to Christianity to rub’ricate nnd publish thif I "!“ ■> »«vea om ers lec m m now save m ent; and as a vesture shall you fold them up,
w p p el; as it would both confirm the Christians under him self i f he can: i f he be the Son o f God, let and thev shall be Changed: n u t you -are the
hi“ ” 7 » ■ • * » ; ftom •he cross. - same arid your years shall not fail* James 1:
that such pious frauds w ere veiy com m on am ong CbrtB • he aJ ,s 0 “ O c k e d h i m , a n d t a k i n g
[7: ‘liv ery good gift, and every perfect gift, is
4 o f j “ d 8 n ,e n t' a n d n a n s even in the first three c e n tu rie s; and ihat a forger> v , P e g a *' a ° d e a l l , o f f e r e d i t t o h i m t o d r i n k , a n d tom above, and comes down from the F ath er o f
^ L r , nr ; e ‘ T hM,h f I ' l W »bove. m entioned, seem s s e i d t o h i m , I f t h o u a r t k i n g o f t h e J e w s , d e l i v e r lg b ts; with whom is no variableness, neithejr
S I ? v L JS J,..P? T h? a a lh o r» in n o ‘!cing t h y s e lf ! **’ shadow pf turning.” M alochi3:G . « F o r I am
tnat tu s c b iu s , in his licol**>noucal H istory^ charges the I a T 'k a n r
pagans w u h h«v,og forged ond published o bookffcolled | . . ^ n ^ n u e , a c e r ta in so ld ie r, t a k i n g the Lord, I change n o t ; therefore ye sons o f
him, what shall befall them. ‘ ' •“ ” I ‘T T h e n 1 T v ---------- , . Jacob are not consumed.”
. S A nd this lying paophet, having no power in wiU. me and^afd w S S w“ r forThr,b?oeo d eand wat8: r 0’ “ d ^ “ ““ 10 Book of Commandments, chapt -
h im o fth e D i v f n e l p ^ w e ™ j L V° ‘“ Z i h h l t r d 0' i n V j a i r c ’,:' " „ I * * * ? • “ >? “ PO» the cross in m e n a n g m the third line o f the first paragraph ?
nana («nd it was certaioly then read in some chSrches.) ^ ebre^> L atin, ond Greek letters, viz. this is the F o r God does not walk in crooked paths, Nei­
ises according1as t W d e s i r l . ° H orfbeu'thaf p ^ A V I ^ V o ^ s l l r b / c o i A t b r o t h ' f aod about th. m n . time find a forgery of the h e a S ^ ° l tbe Je^ - ther does-he turn to the right hand or the left,
1 1 & c p .n i 8 « iceed m g probable, tbbt 1 0 B a t one of the two thieves who were cruci or vary from that which he has said, therefore
*z 2*££ W r -tS W ja S ; ?ed
M e <if 'he pag»0 «, and parity to aoppon Uioee^ppeab I u8’ u o rt
™oesZ7JSto his paths are strait, and his course is one eternal
C h r is t, d e liv e r t h y s e lf \ n c round: Book of Commandments, chap. 87* I
ju S ltiL * - »— * t nMmadTC by formerL C b n n ia n a to the A cts
" " M r: Joo .e8 sayfl' he thinks so the more I
H B u t the thjef who was crucified on his rieh t Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
Listen to the voice of the Lord your God, even
s^eaketh some things truly. F o r the devil fills 9 Therefore at t «««. • j
| h a n d j w h o se n a m e waa DimftS| o n 8” ^ r i n ^ h f m 1f e whose course is one eternal round, the same yesr
Jf?KWit-h k,.“ ap‘rit’ “ “y 0Tet,ll'r0w aomo I bim, and concerning the Kener?l iiJdem enL onf I *'*'lh? I "1. '1“’m
_ Jnamewaa • t *r*N uim as, answering him,. re- .«AO . _terday
’ _
to-day and forever.”
r w l? U8 ’ »l, f • J • *1 . r . . 3 , 1 i Wherefore is one divided from another? he reaioos Wbtiher ii be caoonieal or 0 0 1 , i t » I J u. jln’>al\ ®°st ,n ? 1 , *10u *ear God, who
7 W hosoever therefore are strong in the foith answered, Three d iv isio n sX v V b e e n m ad. £ “i j 18 ^ ««>al ol art “ondemLn' <i ‘tia punishment? W e indeed a V i , N u “ bers 2 3 : I 9 «G od is not a maq,
o f th e Lord, and have put on the truth, they are. tween the souls «f i l . j „ j !T j A . . I * l i - R pbmmtra. The pretrni inailaiion h made receive rightly and ju stly the demerit o f our ac that he should lie : neither th e son of m a n th a t
not joined , 0 such apirSa but depart from i U L 5 h” % £ * 'P ' " * 8 --| ---- - ff MUb VTM UQkU UO UvUCI io- 3ho ^should rep en t" F irst John, 4 :8 . H e th at
p 6 J3 ]
i?«t they that are doubtful, and often repentinsr. ♦ IO Nflmfeltr ui * j t «. » 11 02 A fter this, groaning; he said, to
---------------- . Jesus, -Lord,. loves not, knows n o t G od; for God is love”
like the heathens^ consult them, and heap up to above it • » by water, and. by light C h a p te r YE. | remember me when thou comest into th y king- Acts, 10: 34. “ T hen Peter opened his m o u t h
themselves great sin, serving idols. and said, of a truth I perceive that God is no jo ,
8 As many therefore as [ answering, said to him, Verily I say specter of persons, but in every nation he .that
them upon every occasion,a., that this day thou shalt be with me in with him ” wor^8 "gbteousness is accepted
foolish, and voidx)f the truth
0 For e v e iy i/pirit that 12, J * 01? the, fo rg o in g testimonies, we learn
needs not to be asked; but God fi8 resPectin& character o f
M OR MON IS M. 13. F irst th a t he was God before the world
^custon^ I lectures on Theology. was created, and the same God that he was, after
10 B u t he that being asked speaks according plaints, and of those who watch for com- ttiat l should release t< you one prisoner at the | (FR0M t h e b o o k o f D o c t r i n e 6c C o v e n a n t s . it was created.
to men s desires, andconcerning many other affairs tion, to murder, them in the d a l ofainnerf 0 ' *! T°1**SB0™ : . 14 Secondly, T hat he is merciful, and gracious,
of thia present world, understands not the things 14 A receptacle o £ th i, sort h « C L i f„ ,« n A n V° uv"° PriEoner» ? murderer, who is
Faith. slow to anger, abundant in goodness, and. that he
which relate unto God. F * o„ r these spirits are I tho souls of ungodly men and of !i„ n B" I ' W ,.' and «'l>o is called Christ, Section HO. was so from everlasting, and will he to ever W
darkened through such affairs in g
broken. i n , and corrupted, and I who havo committed crimes, and f.36! In,- 'V
1 II1, ,nothing that deserves
second death: it was shown, how it
t5 Thirdly, I ’hat he changes not, neither is
f II As good * 711 09,11 tnByaro wa8 #that tho knowledge of the existence of God,
there variableness with him ; Im t th a t he is the
ressed with weeds and thorns came into the world, and by w hat means the first
E y them : so aro the men who
thoughts wero suggested to the minds of men,
th at such a being did actually exisf: and that if
same from everlasting to everlasUng, beinff the
same yesterday U nlay and forever ; Sid th a t his
15 And a id , Praised be m y Lord, the Lord o fI„ -f i,.? 'late 8" th .t0 tb™ . ^ h a t then shaU U d o l was w a Tby b Treason
'' * ° “ of
n5 the
? ,0-0clu?By
of hisand
e x i slhat
t e n c ei,l
course is one eternal round, without variatioa
, T h ey fall
-. . „ into matiy
- actions and businesses, glory and of righteousness \vho minno „ mtJl Jcsusi who is called Christ? ' th* a t there
■ 16 F o urthly, T h at he is a God of truth and
and are void of sense,^arid when- theF think of fot ever and e y f r T S over a11 7 They^all answer, L et him be was a foundation laid for the e*er* cannot lie.
8 Again they cry outr a n d s a v ° t v I?1-8. of a s *be only being in whom 17 T h a t he is no respecter of persons; b u t in
•esar if vrni ^1? T i COU1,Jd centor *<>*. salvation. F o r every nation he th at fears God and works right­
hear anything concermng the Lord, their thoughts I 17 Whero I saw a J •>5“ ! for he’ nhath ,LDi. . ” Jeai e this!faith could not center in a being of whose exis- eousness is accepted of him. 6
nri d ec1ared th ®t h e ^is the Son of I tence we hod nd id ea; because t£e idea of his ex
18 Sixthly, T hat he is love.
y nclined that he fistence in the first instance, is essential to the ex-
and search out the 1 tru th concerning God, having] the same; 7 6 ^ continued always 9 Then ’hfln PsTofaPiPate, fiiiA/i filledwii ___ , jercise o f faiih in’ him. Rom. 10:14—-“ H o ^
J d i v t r r c ? , ^ . , S r n a ‘! i r ■>
Y our nation hath a liv a v a h e e n to them, then shall they call on him in whom they have order that the faith of any rational beingcan
nation hath always been seditious, and you |n o t believed? % d how shall thqy^beliWe S
p p ta ris L --» » « *« . ble.........................................
to you* aSamSt th °S0 Wll° haVe bedn servicea-1 him of whom they have not heard? And how S ? ' M d N a tio n . Tjni„‘7 Vl**‘nstance,
F o rS f h“
atand it, becalise they have the fear o fth e L ord in . 19 T hen answered Raphael, one O fth e holy a t l thl? i» ^ believe him tobe
! angels who was with me, 3 God, that is, the ereator and Upholder o f il
r- . ^ comes by heor- things, he could no t center hw faith in him b e
fNew Translation, j
life and salvation, for fear there should be a great-
e r t h a n ho, w h o - w o u ld t h w a r t a ll h i s p l a n s , and w?0*6 coo atry wiili auurchy and ruin. I t ia m en acin g our T h b G a th er ing .— A s many false impressions
thft confidence o f v M i s s i o n * © . t S S a l f f a x ? ■: y , * i ^ R e s o t y c d , T h a t w e a p p o i n t T r u s t e e t o r e c e iv e
?%**!£ i£e ®°<*8 w°uI d ^ e u iiab le |tbe paU,0°tljnYbBicstitau'on3 of his'colmtry. ~Vhaveb«ea|havo been formed by the ^fly in g reports” ofdiffi E l d a r s G e r m a n 'a n d hG w a tk in S , h a v e , g o n e t o j e u c h t ^ t h i n g s o r d o n a t i o n s f o r t h e T e m p l e i n t h i s
to fulfil his promises j but seeing he is God over (informed that th^MormoDs’about Uniaand Macedonia, / a ,
a ll, f r o m e v e r l a s t i n g t o e v e r l a s t in g , t h e c r e a t o r ] hav e been warned to I- ave their settlement*. They havo Oulties i n N a u v o o , a n d a m o n g others, s o m e axe o f H a l i f a x to p r e a c h “ g l a d t i d i n g s t d t h e p e o p l d *
a n d u p h o l d e r o f all th i n g s , n o f e a r c a n e x i s t i n t h e f ^•• «• g h t to
»V ■r em ain and. enjoy h e i r' property.
# x V*T* Wm~ r " - J '9 As long &a
(Mi o p i n i o n t h a t t h e g a t h e r i n g i s s t o p p e d f o r t h e p re s-- txt-.x _r._ — t --------
h a t v ic im ty — G o d sp e e d th em .
. tr - ,, j Wh^retijjon. Dr. Doremus was appointed.
G n m o tio n a d jo u rn e d .
m i n d s o f t h o s e w h o p u t t h e i r t r u s t i n h i m , so t h a t ihey ore goodJ citizens — •they« « .shall
.« — Bat. bt s m o «le s te d. ; a a d th e
e n t — we w o u l d c o r r e c t s iic h a u i m p r e s s io n ( a s w e
eooucr thoro mjrguided, persons withdr^wf their w arn ing w „ J . M . G R A N t , P re sid e n t.
i n t h i s r e s p e c t t h e i r f a i t h c a n bo w i t h o u t w a v e r ­ an d retrace their steps, the better i t will be for them . h a v e i t f r o m g o o d a u t h o r i t y ) that t h e S a i n t s w h o W o u n d e r s ta n d o u r b e lo v e d l u c o t h e r Slide,
ing. W; H. M il e s , C lerk .
THOM AS FORD h a v e means to e m p l o y t h e p o o r , a r e n o w w a n t e d F re e m a n N ic k e rs o n h a s a rriv e d in B o sto n fro m
20 B u t s e c o n d l y : U n l e s s h e w a s m e rc if u l, a n d July 23, 13-14.
h i s m is s io n to' C a n a d a , a n d w ill s t o p t h e r e a s h o r t G w L s . - . T h e E d i t o r d f tk eT ffld d fe*
g r a c i o u s , slo w t o a n g e r , l o n g s u f f e r i n g , a n d f u l l o f m o r e t h a n a t a n y t im e s i n c e t h e c i t y c o m m e n c e d .
N e v e r w as th ere a g re a te r w a n t o f cap ital, o r n tiitie — s u c c e s s a t t e n d h i m , i n h i s v a l u a b l e la b o r s ! s e x S t a n d a r d , a t L o w e ll , ( J / G . W h it t le ) : ,) s a y s :
g o o d n e s s , s u c h is t h e w e a k n e s s o f h u m a n n a tu r e ,
a n d s o g r e a t t h e f r a iltie s a n d im p e r f e c t i o n s o f THE PROPHET. b e t t e r c h a n c e f o r th e sa fe a n d l u c r a t i v e i n v e s t ­ t o r t h e s p r e a d o f t r u t h . j “ W e h a d t h e p l e a s u r e o f a t t e n d i n g , A o ^ f o ip ro v e ^
m e n , t h a t u n le s s t h e y b e li e v e d t h a t th e s e excel*' m e n t o f i t t h a n a t p r e s e n t i n N a u v o o — l a b o r is m eijt C ircle * fo rm ed a m o n g t h e g irls i n th e
l e n c i e s e x is te d i n t h e d i v i n e c h a r a c t e r , t h e fa ith I
c h e a p , a n d c a n b e h a d o f a n y k i n d , o r to a n y Correspondents* a f e w e v e n i n g s s in c e , a n d l is te n e d toijSi
n e c c s s a r y t o s a l v a t i o n c o u ld n o t e x i s t ; f o r d o u b t !1
a m o u n t — a n d i n n o p la c e i n t h e w h o le W e s t e r n W h y do we n o t h e ar fro m ‘A r e h t t e c t o n i c V J t o t h e r e n d i n g o f se V e rel
w o u ld t a k e t h e p la c e o f f a it h , a n d th o se w h o
k n o w t h e i r w e a k n e s s a n d l i a b i l i t y to sin, w ould c o u n t r y , a r e t h e r e b e t t e r f a c ilitie s f o r a m a r k e t a b le p e n ; \y e % o p 6 h i h a s n o t tfikfen a c c e p t i o n s t o T k n o f r k a t F a f j o S e h & n g r e s s m e n , w h o i f t h e y
b e i n c o n s t a n t d o u b t o f s a lv a tio n , i f i t w e r e n o t th a n in th e c ity o f th e S a in ts— m en o f cap ital a n y th in g th a t h a s p a s t weird p r o m is e d 4 s a teW iird t h e : J f o w Y ( > i k C u s -
f o r t h e i d e a w h i c h t h e y h a v e o f th e e x c e lle n c y o f W i l l C . A .- R o d g e r s f o r w a r d t h e Q u e ries h e I t o m H o u s e , o r t h e o f f i c e o f M w i s t e r 'to^the C o u r t
a n d e n te r p r i s e c o u ld r e a l i z e a g r e a t e r p e r c e n t a g e
t h o c h a r a c t e r o f G o d , t h a t h e is slow to a n g e r ,
o n its i n v e s t m e n t h e r e t h a n i n a n y o t h e r p la c e in s p o k e of? „ . _ o f S t J a m e s , c o u ld n o t w r i t e w i t h s o j n u c ^ p o i n f .
a n d l o n g su ff e r in g , a n d o f £ f o r g i v in g d i s p o s itio n ,
a n d d o e s n o t f o r g i v e i n i q u i t y , t r a n s g r e s s io n a n d th e c o u n try . , W e s h o u l d b e p lo a s e d i f B r o t h e r X H a r d y w ill b e a u t y a n d g o o d t e s t e a s t h e s e / F a c t o r y G i r l s . ’ ”
s in . A n i d e a o f th ese, fa c ts does a w a y d o u b t , a n d f o r w a r d u s a c o p y o f t h e H y m n a i r ‘L o n er t im e I ------- ..... ~ .
m o k e s f a i t h e x c e e d in g ly stro n g - . W e h a v e i n s e r te d t h e a d d r e s s o f G o v e r n o r A g o ,’ t h e copy- b e s e n t h a s b e e n m is la id . D , „ „ L j r e r y o o l . A o g u s t Sd, J 8 4 4 .
2 1 B u t i t i s e q u a l l y as,' n e c e s s a r y tK a t m e n 1 B e lo v e d B r o t h o t H y d o , ,
F o r d a g a i n , a s m a n y r e p o r t s a r o c ir c u l a t e d i n th e J . A . E . i s v e r y a c c e p t a b le , w e s h o u l d bo
slgpuld h a v e t h e i d e a t h a t h e i s a G o d w h o c h a n g e s W e d i d in d e e d , r e c e iv e a t r e m e h d o u s s h o c k by
E a s t h a v i n g a t e n d e n c y t o m a k e t h e B r e t h r e n p le a s e d t o h e a r f r o m h i m o fte n . ,
n o t , i n o r d e r t o h a v e f a ith i n h i m , a s i t is to h a v e t h e s a d in te flig o n c e ' o f t h e h r a r d & T o f o u r b ^ o v t d
t h e i d e a t b a t h e is g r a c i o u s a n d l o n g su ffe rin g , u n e a s y o n a c c o u n t o f t l |e i r f r i e n d s i n N a u v o o
E l d e r J . 1VL G r a n t , P r e s i d i n g e ld e r o f t h e I h r e th c e n . T h e effect U ^ o n tliB S a in ls , w a s soin e -
f o r w i t h o u t th e id e a o f u n c h n n g tb le n e s s ,in - t h e W e h a v e r e a s o n to b e lie v e t h a t n o a t t e m p t will
P h i l a d e l p h i a b r a n c h a d d r e s s e d t h e s a i n t s o f N e w I ^ i n g l ik e th o r e c e d i n g e f a m i g h t y w a v o , t h a t re -
c h a r a c t c r o f t h e D e i ty , d o u b t w o u ld t a k e t h e ba m a d e b y the*“ M o b b e r s ” to p u t t h e i r t h r e a t s in
p la c e o f faith. B u t w i t h t h e i d e a t h a t h e chan- Y o r k o n S u n b a y a f t e r n o o n , s u h j e c t ‘ ‘S o n s o f p u r n s w i t h i n c r e a s e d e n e r g y a n d p o w e r j s o t h e
to e x e c u t io n , e s p e c ia lly a s t h e y h a v o b e e n w a r n e d
g e s n o t, f a ith l a y s h o ld u p o n t h e e x c e lle n c ie s in G o d , ’ h e r e t u r n s t o d a y t o P h i l a d e l p h i y b e a r i n g j f n i th o f t h e s a i n t s s e e m s t o b e m i g h t i l y in c r e a s e d ,
b y t h e G o v e r n o r , t h a t t h e i r m o v e m e n ts a ro n o t
h i s c h a r a c t e r w i t h u n s h a k e n c o n fid e n c e , b e lie v in a u T E n i i a .v c K t T n . u a j e m >’i c a b o . w ith h i m t h e lo v e a n d e s t e e m o f t h e N e w Y o r k an(* o n w a r d iy t h e f e e l i n g o f a l l L ife ;se e m s to
h e i s t h e s a m e y e s t e r d a y , t o - d a y a n d fo r e v e r, a n c o u n te n a n c e d b y h im . W e b e lio v e t h a t t h e G o ­
sa in ts . b e e s t im a te d b y t h e S a i n t s o n ly a s i t w i l l s e r v e n s
t h a t h i s c o u r s e i s o n e e te r n e l r o u n d . v e r n o r is u s i n g Q v c ry m e a n s to f e r r e t o u t th e
22 A n d a g a i n , t h e i d e a t h a t h e i s a G o d o f
SATIllSDAV MORIVIXC, AUGUST 2 t o d o t h e w ill o f G o d .
p e r p e t r a t o r s o f th e o u tr a g e s . W e sin cerely hope W i l l n o t E l d e r L . R . F o s t e r a c t a s w e e k l y cor-
t r u t h a n d c a n n o t lie , i s e q u a l l y a s n e c e s s a r y to I a m p u b lis h in g a d o u b le S ta r, th e la tte r h a l f i n
t h a t a ll h o n e s t d e m o c r a ts w ill a s s is t G o v e r n o r r e s p o n k e n t f o r t h e P r o p h e t i n N a u v o o ? I f h i s
t h e e x e r c is e o f f a i t h i n h i m , a s t h e i d e a o f h is The Political Press. . m o u r n i n g , g i v i n g t h e p a r t i c u l a r s fVom t h e N e i g h ­
F o r d i n b r i n g i n g to c o n d ig n p u n i s h m e n t th o se e n g a g e m e n t s a r e s u c h a s t o p r e v e n t h i s a c t i n g , w e
u n c h an g e ab le n ess. F o r w ith o u t th e id ea t h a t he W e h a v e o b s e r v e d w i t h c a re t h e to n e o f t h e po- b o r e x tr a o f J u n e 30. I h a d tb e o r d in a r y e ta i
w a s a G o d o f t r u t h a n d c o u ld n o t lie, t h e c o n fi -1 Htical p re s s i n r e la t io n t o o u r w r o n g s a s a p e o p le w ho h a v e i m b u e d t h e i r h a n d s i n t h e i n n o c e n t
s h o u ld .f e e l o b lig e d i f h e w o u ld s e le c t s o m e o n e I a lm o s t o u t — a n d it- is i n o s t s b ™ i a r J W ^ H t t e h
b lood o f t h e P r o p h e t a n d P a t r i a r c h .
M,place|d i p l,“ u 0 r d 0 r? ! r T h o W h i g p a p e r s o f t h i s c i t y h a v e t e a m e d w ith >vho w o u ld g i v e a s a w e e k l y a c c o u n t o f t h i n g s i n tw o o a t h r e e o r i g i n a l p ie c e s , a h i o n e p a r t i c u l a r l y
t o t h e e x e r c is e o f f a i t h m h im . c o u ld n o t e x t s t . - . J ^ .
B u t h a v i n g t h e i d e a t h a t h o is n o t m a n t h a t h e a b u se — w ith lie s t h a t e v e n t h e D e v i l w o u ld b lu sh ^ T h e C a u se i u E n g la n d . N auvoo. E v e r y ite m c o n n o t e d w ith th e h isto ry t h e p o s i t io n o f t h e C h u r c h , a l m o s t p r o p h e t i c o f
c a n lie, i t g i v e s p o w e r t a t h e m in d s o f m e n to to o w n , a b o u t o u r m o ti v e s , d e s ig n s , a n d m o v e ­ W o h a v o r e c e iv e d a l e t t e r f r o m o u r b e lo v e d 18 d o v o u r 8 d 8 r6 e d l,y b 7 ‘ t e S a i n t s i n I U t e e v e n t s , t h o u g h I k n e w i t n o t . I a m g lad to
e x e r c is e f a i t h i n hin& m e n ts, a s a b o d y ; a n d h a v e n e v e r m is s e d n n o p ­
B r o t h e r , T h o m a s W a r d , th o e d i t o r o f t h e “ M ille- h a v e y o u r l e t t e r t o p u b l is h .
2 3 B u t i t i s a lso n e c e s s a r y t h a t m e n sh o u ld p o rtu n ity to m is le a d t h e p u b l ic m in d , and have
h a v e a n id ea h a t he is n o re sp e cter o f p erso n s ; n ia l S t a r , ” d a t e d L iv e r p o o l , A u g . 3d. . W e fe e l v e r y a n x i o u s t o h e a r f u r t h e r f r o m
w ielded a m i g h t y i n f lu e n c e to c lose t h e e a r s of H e h a d r e c e iv e d t h e s a id in te llig e n c e o f th e
f o r w i t h t h e i d e a o f a ll t h e o t h o r e x c e lle n c ie s in
t h e p e o p le t o o u r p l a i n ta le o f w r o n g s b y g i v in g d e a t h o f t h e B r e t h r e n , b y t h e B r i t a n n i a — h a d - a g ita tin g * ^ y e t! “ 'o T n ? ^ K 3 IK C tin e t h e S te ,e # f ^
h i s c h a r a c t e r , a n d t h i s o n e w a n t in g , m e n c o u ld
m o st l ik e l y o c c u r i n o r ^ e a V I ^ a u v o o ^ s h o r tly ,W I t I re s P o n d e n “ i s v e r y g r e a U y e x t e n d e d i u c o n se -
n o t exerci&s f a it h i u h i m , b e c a u s e i f h e w e re a r e ­ g a r b le d s t a te m e n t s o f fa c ts, a n d r e t a i l i n g a n d giv- t h e {*S t a r " in p r e s , p u b l is h e d a d o u b le n u m b e r ,
is m o n s t r o u s t h a t th e s e f a n a t i c s , t h e M o r m o n s , <l u e n c e - B r o t h e r H a d l O c k i s i n L o n d o n , w h e re
s p e c t e r o f p e r s o n s , t h e y c o u ld n o t te ll w h a t t h e i r i n g p u b l ic l y to e v e r y d a m n a b l e lie t h e fe r tile im a-
th e l a t t e r p a r t i n m o u r n i n g — also p u b l i s h e d B r o ­ c a n n o t be k e p t i n o r d e r . W e a lm o s t t h i n k t h a t b e h a s b e e n f o r s o m e t im e , a s w e h a v e f o u n d i t
DOr f a r t h 6/ , 7 er0 g in a l i o n o f d e v ils o r p r i e s t s c o u ld i n v e n t , m i so- t h e r H y d e ’s e p is tle to t h e B r e t h r e n o f E n g l a n d . h e ir e x t e r m i n a t i o n w o u ld b e a w o r k o f p h i l a n - a b s o l u t e l y n e c e s s a r y t o p a y t h e t i t m o s i a t t e n t i o n
t o e x e rc is e f a it h i n h im , o r w h e t h e r t h e y w e r e ! ' 1 ’
a u t h o r i s e d t o 'd o i t a t all, b u t a ll m u s t be c o n f u ­ | m u c h t h a t w e c a n s c a r c e l y p i c k u p a p a p e r a d v o - T h e n e w s o f t h e d e a th o f t h e B r e t h r e n w ill n o t ; I to it. I t ; r e q u i r e s m u c h np r u d ae n c ae o n o nu r pami*
a rt.
s i o n ; n o s o o n e r a r e t h e m in d s o f m e n m a d e ac­ | e a t i n g th o c la im s o f H e n r y O la y , b u t w e find lies r e ta r d t h e w o r k t h e r e , b u t t h i n k s i t w ill in c re a s e 1 h e a b o v e is. f r o m t h e N e w Y o r k A m e r i c a n
Y o u r s i n u n s h a k e n c o n f id e n c e i n t h e Q o d
q u a i n t e d w ith t h e t r u t h o n t h i s p o in t, t h a t h e is a b o u t t h e M o r m o n s . R e p u b li c a n ( n a ti v e ) a p a p e r p r o f e s s i n g a s t r o n g I
w ith u n e x a m p l e d r a p id i t y . 1 h e e ld e r s h a v e laid o f th e m a rty re d B re th re n ,
n o r e s p e c t e r o f p e rs o n s , t h a n t h e y see t h a t t h e y I t is a f a c t w o r t h y o f n o te , t h a t n o s u c h a b u s e h o l d o f th e w o r k w i t h in c c e a s e d e n e r g y . love f o r t h a t H o l y B o o k , w h o s e p r e c i o u s doc-
h a v e a u t h o r i t y b y f a i t h t o l a y h o ld o n e te r n a l The THOM AS W ARD.
| h a s a p p e a r e d i n t h e p a p e r s o f t h e D e m o c r a ti c p ro s p e c ts o f t h e w o r k o f t h e L o r d a re m o s t e u c o u tr in e t h e y w o u ld - f e ig n v io la te . W e w o u ld re fe r I
l if e t h e r i c h e s t b o o n o f h e a v e n , b e c a u s e G o d is n o
r e s p e c t e r o f p e r s o n s , a n d t h a t e v e r y m a n i n e v e r y P a r t y ; a n d a s w e a r e o f o p i n i o n tha*. a ll effects r a g i n g m E n g l a n r " „ n d ‘ 7 he7 7 ce7 J Z « d ‘t h a , ' | tW s filth y sh e e t to th e ^ a s - T h e T e m p le ,
n a tio n h a s a n ” m u s t h a v e a c a u s e , w e i n t e n d , i n a s h o r t tim e , to th is s a d e v e n t will be i n s t r u m e n t a l i n f u r t h e r i n o I for w h ich h e h a s p ro fe sse d so T h e s u b s c r i b e r h a s b e e n a u t h o r i s e d b y a m e e t-
2 4 A n d la s tly , b u t n o t l e s s i m p o r t a n t t o t h e I c a n v a s d t h e p r i n c i p l e s o f t h e tw o p a r ti e s , a n d en- th e g r e a t w o rk . fc 1 m u c h r e v e r e n c e . “ B le s s e d a r e y e w h e n a ll m e n i n g o f c o n f e r e n c e , t o r e c e iv e t i t h i n g a d o n a tio n s ox
sh a ll r e v il e y o u f o r m y n a m e s s a k e ” — a n d w h e n in m o n e y fr o m th e b re th re n ; f o r f u r t h e r in g th e
t h e ^ o t h t ‘excellencies^n^hie £ m " tl16 ° PP<>Sili<m ‘° he j u d g e s a p e o p le b y t h e lie s o f i n te r e s t e d
characier, without this one to influence them, truth ^ tho_ W blS P3rl>'- _ _ Joseph Addressing the Lamanites* b u ild in g o f th e T e m p le a t N a n v o o ." T h e m oney
p rie s ts a n d b ig o ts , l e t h i m h a v e t h e f e a r o f G o d w ill b e -re c e lv e d a t m y re sid e n c e , o r a t th e P r o p h e t
W e h a v o j u s t p u b l ia h e d a h a n d s o m e p la te r e p r e ­
& i d, 7 i i T lth r t "
t n e m i n d s or m e n ; b u t w h e n t h e i d e a i s p l a n t e d I ..
T l .
T o L ov.e * s
- ,, v ,
of T n u T .i.-V V e

kou M call the before h i s e y e s a n d j u d g e a c c o r d i n g “ to t h e law Office.
se n tin g “ T h e P r o p h e t Jo sep h a d d ressin g th e L a m H . J, D O R E M U S ,
o n t h e m i n d t h a t h e is lo v e, w h o c a n n o t see t h e a **®ntion o f a ll w h o s e e k fo r t r u t h to t h e a b le ar-
a n ite s.” J o s e pr h............
is r e ..........................
p r e s e n t e d f u ll a n lde nt egstti
h mi no nciti-
y ” W h y are th e M o rm o n s opposed, 3 89 H u d s o n S tre et.
j u s t g r o u n d t h a t m e n o f e v o r y n a tio n , k i n d r e d ^1® 0 u r b e lo v e d b r o t h e r E a t o n , o n t h e t h ir d
A M J Aa k _ _______* J* Til * 1 I A . « I • .. . z e n ’s c o s tu m e — t h e B o o k o f M o r m o n i n h i s l i f t I ^ Sl“ p l y b e c a u s o t h o y a d v o c a t e t h e s a m e d o c
a n d to n g u e , h a v e to e x e rc is e f a i t h i n G o d so a s to p a g e o f t o - d a y ’s p a p e r . W e s h o u l d be p le a s e d i f • • . » I hI*I nA o f T A ntin O l * J * J _ J __% • 1 • V * 1
o b t a i n e t e r n a l lif e ? h a n d , s u r r o u n d e d b y a g r o u p o f t h o u g h t f u l L a m - tr in e t h a t J e s u s C h r i s t d id , a n d w h i c h i n h i s d a y
ho w o u ld f a v o u r u s f r e q u e n t l y w i t h h i s p e n — h is
2 5 F r o m t h e a b o v e d e s c r ip t i o n o f t h e c h a r a c ­ a n ite s , w h ile t h e g r e a t s p i r i t s e e m s t o b e a r w it­ a s well a s t h e p r e s e n t, c a u s e d h i s d is c ip le s t o b e j
s t y l e i s c o m p r e h e n s i v e , fo rc ib le , a n d a t t h e sa m e
t e r o f t h e D e i t y w h i c h is g i v e n h i m i n t h e re v e ­ n e ss t o t h e t r u t h o f J o s e p h ’s t e s ti m o n y , a n d a n i called t h e K s e e t e v e r y w h e r e s p o k e n a g a i n s t ”
la tio n s , t o m e n , t h e r e i s a s u r e f o u n d a ti o n f o r t h e j tim e , p le a s in g — t h r e e g r e a t r e q u i s i t e s o f a p o p u l a r fn r e g a r d to o u r c o u r s e d u r i n g a ll o u r t r o u b l e s , M ysterious nothing! ttgw s h a ll I define
m a te s t h e i r i n te l li g e n t c o u n te n a n c e s . T h e lik e ­
e x e rc is o o f f a i t h i n h i m a m o n g e v e r y p e o p le , n a ­ w rite r. T h y formless, paemanless^placeleGs emptiness?
ness o f J o s e p h i s s a id to b e g o o d , i n f a c t i t i s a w h ile i n j u r i e s o f t h e m o s t b lo o d - s t ir r i n g k i n d h a v e
tio n a n d k in d re d , fro m a g e t o age, a n d fro m g e n e ­ F o rm n o r colour, sotmd u o r ^ize a re th in e,
r a t i o n t o g e n e r a tio n . A c o n f e re n c o o f t h e c h u r c h w ill b e h e ld m ,c m e m e n to ” t h a t n o s a i n t s h o u l d b e w i t h o u t.If been i n f lic te d o n u s — w h i l e th o s e w e lov;ed d e a r e r J
N o r words, n o r figurca^ari tb y void express]
2 6 L e t u s h e r e o b s e r v e t h n t t h e f o r e g o i n g i s C lin to n , M i d d l e s e x c o u n t y , C o n n ., c o m m e n c i n g m a y b e h a d a t t h e P r o p h e t Office. P r i c e , 8 2 p e r i t h a n life® h $ v e lo s t t.h e i r 1,ves
liv e s bb yy tt hh .ee m
m oo ss tt dd aa ss ttaa rr dd -- B u t th ough w e c a n n o t o u g h t- to m p a re ,
t h e c h a r a c t e r w h i c h i s g iv e n o f G o d i n h i s r e v e - o n S a t u r d a y , A u g u s t 31'st, a t 10 o’c lo c k , A M ° do z . 2 5 c e n t s s in g le c o p y , t h e y c a n a lso b e h a d at ] ^ t r e a c ^ y > a m * i n *®c t w h e n i t h a s a lm o s t T o th e e a th ousan d thin gs m a y liketicd be;
l a t i o n s to t h e F o r m e r D a y S a in ts , a n d it i s a l s o 1 b ’
? a v i r t a e t0 r e m a i n c a l m » 80 S ™ 1 h a s
A n d tho* thou a r t nobody nmature,
t h e c h a r a c t e r w h i c h is g i v e n o f h i m i n h i s r e v e -1 A l e /m. • .
t h is office w i t h e le g a n t m a h o g e n y f r a m e s 5 0 c ts . I Cea
♦ »
sin g le c o p y .
1 Koon
b een Ani*
o u r ft r ia ls , hI*a«»a
a v o w e n o t >a
i n vk a___1.1
r i a b l__
y it r u s t .e 1d ato
_ l Ye t h a lf m a n k in d devoto them selves to thee.
l a t i o u s t o t h e L a t t e r t ) a y S a i n ts , so t h a t t h e A C o n feren ce o f t h e C h u r c h o f C h r i s t o f L at-
H o w m a n y head s th y silley p la n srpurmie,
s a i n t s o f f o r m e r d a y s , a n d th o se - o f l a t t e r d a y s , t e r ^ S s m t s w ill b e h e ld m M a n s fie ld , Conn.^ th e la w s a n d l e f t r e d r e s s i n t h e i r h a n d s 1 a n d f o r j
Book of Mormon. this, t h is p o o r s i c k l y h y p o c r i t e t h i n k s i t w o u l d be.j
W h a t laboring h a n d s t h y portions gain?
a r e bMUkuo th a uliakt)e i un ti ha i s r e s p e c t : m
t h e *“* L
b aa t t e r It/ay
0 a y | o n S a t u r d a y a n d S u n d a y , ( S e p t . 7 a n d S,) com -
A fe w c o p ie s m a y be h a d a t t h e P r o p h e t Office W h a t busy m e n t h y only doings do?,,
S a i n t s , h a v i n g a s g o o d g r o u n d s t o e x e r c is e f a it h m e n c i n g a t 10 o’c lo c k , A . M . a p e ic e o f p h i l a n t h r o p y to e x te rm in a te u s .’ T h o u a r t un kn o w n t o tho world;
in G o d , as th e fo rm er d a y ^ s a in ts h a d ; because i f a p p li e d f o r im m e d ia te ly . P ric e O n e d o lla r
P o o r u n h a p p y m o r r ta l , w o u l d s t t h o u e x t e r m i ­ T o th e e th e g re a t, th e proud, tho giddy bend,
t h e s a m e c h a r a c t e r is g i v o n o f h i m t o b o th . E l d e r E . W a r d P e l l w rite s fro m B r id g e p o r t ,C o n n . t w e n ty - f iv e cents. A lso
n a t e a ll w h o e p p o s e y o u r n e f a r i o u s s c h e m e s o f I A n d o f th y m a n y noblo friends w o are, told,
a c h e e rin g a c c o u n t o f h is lab o u rs in C o n n e c tic u t “ E v id e n c e s in P roof of th e Book of p o litic a l a g g r a n d i z e m e n t ? W e w o u ld lik e to k n o w I • • B u t lik e m y so n n e t all iu nothing.eqd*.,
Governor Ford’s Address. H e h a d t h e p l e a s u r e o f le a d i n g i n t o th e w a t e r s o f M o r m o n . — W e h a v e r e c e iv e d a fe w c o p ie s o f w h a t t h e T P h i l a n t h r o p i c e d i t o r r e c e i v e s f r o m th e] T H O M A S G W A T 9 K IN S . r
(F rom the St. Lotiis papers.) b a p ti s m o n S u n d a y a M e t h o d i s t p r e a c h e r a n d h i* t h is v a lu a b l e w o rk . P r i c e 37 1-2 c e n ts . M e th o d is t s o c i e t y f o r t h i s c h o ic e m o r c e u e x p r e s s io n
7othePeopleof Warsaw,inHancockcannttf: w ife— m a n y a r e b e l i e v i n g M a y G o d speed h im
Pratt’s Almanac. o f t h e i r fe elin g s.
L e t h i m r e a d G o v e r n o r F o r d ’s A i r — B efore all lands.”
I am continually inform ed o f yo u r preparations and a n d p r o s p e r t h e c a u s e ol T r u t h t h r o u g h h i s i n ­ a d d r e s s to t h e p e o p le o f W a r s a w , a n d if n o . r e t r a c -
th reats to renew the w ar, and ex term inate the i^lorinone. s t r u m e n t a l i t y . M a y b e , h a d n o w a t t h e P r o p h e t Office, N o I m ln * Before all people e a s t or w est,
O ne would suppose that you ought to rest satisfied with 7 S p ru ce s tr e e t N e w T o r k , a n d S t Sam uel D a m * | I love th e S a in ts o f God. th e begt,
w h at you have already done. T h e M orm on leadere, if
they ever reflistod th e law , have subm itted to its authority. T h e T e m p l e .— W e w o u ld u r g e t h e n e c e s s it y N o . 5 2 A n n s tr e e t, B o s t o n .— P r i c e 6 c e n ts.
A m e ric a n s a u th o rise s u c h a co u rse in
th eir o rg an , F r o m ih e ab o v e p a ra g ra p h m a y he
I love th e ir z ealous spirit- $
T h e y have surrendered the public arm s and appeared to o f c o n t r i b u t i n g t o w a r d s t h o f i n is h in g o f t h e T e m ­ M a n k in d ’s release from false traditions
be read y to'fco any thiog required, to makfe atonem ent for “ S y n o p s i s o f t h e H o l y S c r i p t u r e s ” — in se e n f r o m w h e n c e t h e a s s a s s in s t h a t t o o k t h e life T h e y declare a r e fair couditions ;
w hatever w rong m ay have been done. S ince the assassi­ p le i n N a u v o o , I f m ea n s are fo rw ard ed im m e d i­
w h ic h t h e s y n o n y m o u s p a s s a g e s a r e d e r a n g e d to
nation o f th eir ow n principal leaderp, u nd er eiroumstatices a t e l y , w c u n d e r s t a n d t h a t i t c a n b e f in is h e d t h is j f o u r b e lo v e d b r e t h r e n i m b i b e d t h e s p i r i t t h a t S uccess th eir efforts m e r i t '—S uccess th eir
w ell calculated to inflame th eft passions, and, drive (hem g e th e r , to w h i c h is a d d e d , a n e p ito m e o f E c d e s i i c t u a t e d t h e m i n th e d a m n a b l e a c t. O h y e s h a d e s
to excessea for the purpose o f revenge, they have been en fall. L e t aU w h o f e d f o r t h e p r o s p e i i t y o f Z i o n Before all law s, or e a s t or w est,
tirely peaceful and submissive.; and have patiently aw aited a s tic a l H i s t o r y — a n d i n v a l u a b l e w o r k f o r t h e s tu j f W a s h in g to n , o f F r a n k lin , o f A d a m s, is th is th e I ep u n t th e law s o f C h rist tho b e s t;
c o e t r i b u te o f t h e i r m e a n s to w a r d s t h i s i m p o r t a n t
th e slow operations o f the law s to redrera the wrongs d e n t, 01 p r e a c h e r , r e a d e r o f t h e S c r i p t u r e s . Pric< l ib e r t y t h a t w a s f o u g h t a n d b le d f o r b y t h e p a ­ I f we b ut obey th em , all, r
o f w hich they corapfayied. T h ere haa 6 een no retali­ w o rk . W e w o u l d a d v is e th e B r e t h r e n to c ollect 6 2 1-2 c e n t s — m a y b e ?had a t t h i s office.
ation ; no r e v e n g e ; am i for any thing I p an ascertain, t r io t s o f ’7 6 ? re t h e s e t h e f r u i t s o f t h a t l i b e r t y W e ’ro sav ed from error’s dead ly t h r a l l /
th e re will be none. T hose of your people, w ho are charg­ all t h e y c a n f o r t h i s p u r p o s e , a u d f o r w a r d i m m e ­ v o u left to y o u r d e sc e n d a n ts ? T h e Spirit^guides u s o a o u r wayy-
e d w ith being the m ost hostile to them , have liwcd, if they d i a t e ly to t h e b u i l d i n g c o m m i tt e e a t N a u v o o . IPae S im ile s
G iving blessings d a y (b y d a y .—G iv ing blessings & c.
k n e w it, in perfect security Trom illegal violence. J am O f t h e p la te s r e c e n tly f o u n d i n P i k e C o u n t y .
anxious for a pacification o f your difficulties. You cdnnot
d riv e o at o r exterm inate the M orm ons. S u ch an efTort
T h e JPic JVic,
Illin o is, m a y b e h a d i t t h i s office— P r i c e 6 c e n t s
C o n f e r e n c e In N e w Y o r k . ) T h o S ain ts o f G od, in e a s t o r w e s t,
w o n ld b e madness, and would not be perm itted by the'peo- O n S e p t e m b e r 3 d , w e h a v e r e a s o n t o belie v e, A u g . IG th , 1844. T o reig n in m ansions o f th e blest,
ple o f the S tate. You 'cannot be sustained in it eith er by w ill b e a p l e a s a n t affair. P re s e n t— 2 H ig h P rie sts, I I E ld e rs , 5 P rie sts, M u s t en d u re until th e end.
force or law. You are blinding y o u r s e l f to your Weak­
A s t e a m b o a t will b e Death of Samuel H. Smith. 5 T e a c h e r s a n d I JDeacon. T h o u g h styl’d M orm ons in derision,
ness, and keeping up au agitation w hich m ust fail of the p r o c u r e d — m a n y p r o m i n e n t e ld e rs a r e i n v i t e d anc I t h a s b e c o m e o u r p a i n f u l d u t y to r e c o r d t h e
purpose intended, and recoil w ith terrible energy fipon w ill b e p r e s e n t E l d e r J . M . G r a n t w a s c alled to t h e c h a i r anc S n eers affcct n ot our p o sitio n :
T h e S a i n t s g e n e r a ll y a r e i n v i t e t d e a t h o f t h i s beloved b r o t h e r . H e w a a called W m . H . M ile s e le c te d c le r k , o p e n e d b y s i n g i n W e ou God, Jiot m a n depend.— W e o n & c . .
you r ow n heads. I exhort you to reconsider your infatu­
ated resolutions.-—T ry your M orm on neighbors again* and p a r ti c ip a t e . fr o m t h i s “ v a l e o f te a rs” o n t h e 1st d a y h f A u a n d p r a y e r , b y t h e P r e s i d e n t.
if von cannot dw ell together in am ity, you m ay a t jcnat -"— ■i i — ---------------- -- | n M a y soon th e tim e d e c la re tfo f old c
g u st. T h e a c c o u n ts o f h i s d e a t h c am o t h r o u g h T h e P r e s i d e n t a ro se , a n d a f t e r r e a d i n g t h e 4 t h
refrain from injuriug each other. F rom tbe moderation B r o th e r W o o lle y a rriv e d in o u r c ity o n T u e s ­ W h e n by priests no more cajoled,
o f the M orm ons, under w h at they conceive to be the deep ­ c h a p . I C o r., s t a te d t h e o b je c t f o r w h i c h t h i s
p r i v a t e l e t t e r : h e y a s t b e e ld e s t o f t h e fa m ily E y e to eye, shall all m en see.
est injury, you m ight well hope that if they ever entertain­ d a y last, o n h i s w a y t o N a u v o o , r e p o r t s t h e p r o s ­ C o n f e r e n c e w a s c a lle d , a n d i n h i s u s u a l f o r c ib le
ed designs inconsistent w ith yo ur liberty aud h a p p in eb , p e r i t y o f t h e w o r k i n W e s tf ie ld , M a ss ., a n d H a r t s in c e t h e d e a t h o f h is b r o t h e r s J o s e p h a n d H y <tyle d e p ic t e d t h e c o u r s e p u r s u e d b y O u r btolovec W h e n C hrist, th e L ord, shall com e a g a in , *
th a t those designs have been abandoned. T h e y are also ra m — m u c h lo v ed a n d e s te e m e d b y a ll w h o k n e w A n d o’e r his sa in ts in g lo iy r e i g n : *
P r o p h e t , o n d r e m o v e d m a n y fa ls e i m p r e s s io n s i n
interested in p r e s s i n g the pehce. I t ia not natural to ford, C o n . H e lefttf b r o t h e r S p a r k s i n t h e field a t
r e g a r d to h im . Lord an d K in g , so m a y it be. f
suppose that th e j^ S n ^ m ore than yourselves, w ish to live H a r t f o r d , l a b o r i n g w i t h n o sm a ll s u c c e s s i n c all­ h i m , h e l iv e d a life o f p h i l a n t h r o p y , f a i t h f u l in
io continual alarm . T h e y hope for quiett and will be all h i s o b lig a tio n s . E l d e r W i l l i a m S m i t h is t h e E l d e r L e a c h w a s c a lle d u p o n to l a y b e fo re t h e r
peaceful and submissive in o rd er ta eqjoy it. Bui you are i n g m e n f r o m d a r k n e s s t o t h e g lo r io u s l i g h t o f t h e C onference th e b u sin ess to b e tra n s a c te d , a n d s ta ­
continually driving them to desperation by an insane course n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y . o n l y m a le m e m b e r left o f th e f a m i l y .
M a y t h o a n g e l o f th e C o v e ­ ted t h a t t h e r e g u l a r c o n f e r e n c e f o r t h i s c i t y t a k e s Philadelphia Conference*
of th re m in g a a d hostility, and depriving yourselves of
p e ace by the name m eans used to diequiet them* I f I n a n t g o b e fo re t h e m ! W . W a t e r m a n P h e l p s o f N a u v o o , is s o lic ite d place t h e f i r s t W e d n e s d a y i n S e p te m b e r , d n d t h a t T o t h e SaThto »bf E i S r z a u r Pa., D ku.; aio> Nrw.
have said feny ihiog severe in this address, I pray you, at­
tribute it to my deep conviction, th at your course is im ­ “ H is to ry o f th e P rie s th o o d fro m th e b e g in n in g
to a c c e p t o f a s i t u a t i o n i n t h e P r o p h e t O ffice
m a n y w h o a tte n d th e C o n feren ce in N e w Y o r k
a re n o t p r e s e n t — t h a t t h i s C o n f e r e n c o w a c c alled
J * R s tY # O n*B T i«o. r -i'S.* - *
proper and unwarrantable. Such i t th e opinion o f the N o w Y o r k . W e h o p e h e w ill c o m e o n i m m e d i ­ b y t h e tw e lv e , w i t h a v i e w o f t h e i r b e i n g D e a r B re th re n . '[ IJ
people a t large in the state, and all over the country. F ro m o f t h e w o rld t d t h o - 'p r s e n t. ti m e , ” I2 m o . 1(58 p. a te ly .
be ing righ t in the first instance, you have put „ yourselves fine p r i n t , is t h e t id e o f a n a h l y W ritte n w o rk , i n b u t c ir c u m s t a n c e s h a v i n g o c c u r r e d w h i c h p re - Conference was appointed, by t$Q qoornip
> iu th e w rong, and there are none w ho sustain you. A s v e n te d t h e i r a tt e n d a n c e , t h e b u s i n e s s c o u ld n o t o f t h e
T w e lv e , t o b e h e l d i n P h i l a d e l p h i a
m en o f sen se, you are bound to pep. if you will open your d e fe n c e o f t h e d o c tr i n e a n d p o s itio n o f th e C h u r c h E l ^ i o T T n 'T l H n o i s .' be fo rjv ard e d .
eyes, th at yo u cann ot effect your purposes N evertheless o f J e s u s C h r is t% o f L a t t e r D a y S a i n ts . A U who
August 3 | $ and S6pte2i1^ r L ^ f<* ^
W e h a v e a c c o u n ts f r o m I llin o is a n d h a v e r e a ­ E ld e r B r a n n a n th e n arose a n d m a d e som e
you are still training and drilling, and keeping together and
threatening a ren ew al of the w ar. 1 have said to you of- eel a n i n te r e s t , (o n d w h o d o e s n o t ? ) in t h e k n o w - s o n t o b e lio v e s h e s t a n d s f i r m i n h e r a lle g ia n c e re m a rk s re s p e c tin g th o M P ro p h e t,” a n d u rg e d th e >ose o f making ^ efo r^ to slVje onr nation
tcn that you Oannot succeed ; by this time you ought to see n e cessity o f s u s ta in in g j t , a fte r r in g in g a d jo u rn e d rrefrievableruin tVwhicti ith h sU en on d is fast
e d g e o f t h e d e lo g a te d p o w e r of G o d s h o u l d l e a d to t h e c a u s e o f D e m o c r a c y .
it yourselves. W h a t can your small force do against ttvo t i l l th re e o’ clock.* ►
' thousand arm ed m en, entrenched ia a city, and defending t h i s b o o k . I t m a y bo h a d o t o u r office— p r i c e 2 5 T h e v o t e i n N a u v o o s to o d th u s : H o g e ( D e in .)
hastening. But plasl rc ^ tp y en te ifcthe.Weat
3 o’clo c k , P . M , o p e n e d b y s i n g i n g ; p r a y e r ,
themselves, their wives a a d th eir children 1 Beside*. i( c en ts. , speak to us indettowsbf blood* to gift* tha strug-
you are the aggressors. I am d eterm ined th at all the power 1,275, S w ee t, ( W h i g ) 20 . T h e n o w C o n g r t s s i o u >y E l d e r J o h n L e a c h . , * *
o f the state shall be "used to provent you r success. I can a l d e le g a ti o n sta n d s: E l d e r G r a n t a ro se , a n d , a f t e r s o m e r e m a r k s , [Jeover: ’ Yoa-^eCIH ^ftfi^ i^ a ^ te d to send
n ev er agree that a set ot infatuated a n d infuriated men
shall barbarously attack a peaceful people, w h o have Sub.
Conference. 1 s t D i s . R o b . S m i t h , ( D e m .) >roposed t h a t t h e c h u r c h a d ^ p t s o m e m e th o d , o f o ffice w t o W th ^ ^ ^ t ^ n o e , th a t
m ittcd to all the dem ands of the l a w ; and w hen they h ad T h e r e g u l a r A u t u m n C o n f e r e n c e ,o f t h e C h u r c h 2 c a r r y i n g o u t th o v io w s o f G e n . J o s e p h S m i t h i n w e m a y m a k e a n ecgertion t o sayo^ o u j s e l v e s f r o m
J o h n A . M ’C le n a n d . ( D e m ) r e la t io n t o t h o T e m p l e , v ' 1 %
full pow er to do so, refrained frpm inflicting vengeance on th e c r a f tin e s s o f th iU .u n to w a rd g e n e ra tio a P le a s e '
o f J e s u s C h r i s t o f L a t t e r D a y S a i n t s , h e ld i n N e w 3 O. B . F i c k l i n , ( D e m )
th eir enetnies. Yon m ay count on my m ost determ ined W h e r e u p o n , E l d e r W r i g h t o ffe re d t h e "follow­
opposition—npSn the opposition o f the Uw, and upon that Y jo rk , w ill t a k e p l a c e o n t h e f i r s t W e d n e s d a y i n 4 in f o r m , u s .w h a t j m c a n - a n d ^ i l l d t f f o r th e b n i l d *
Jo h n W en tw o rth (D e m ) ^ i n g r e s o lu tio n s , w h i c h w e r e a d o p t e d a f t e r som%
o f every peaceful law abiding citizen o f th e country. T his i n g o f t h e T e m p l e q f t h e L o r d i n N a u v o o .—-All
S e p te m b e r. T h e E l d e r s i n v i c i n i t y a r e r e q u e s t ­ 5 d isc u ssio n .
is not spo ken in anger. God know s, I would do yoa; no S te p h en A . D o u g la ss (D e m )
in jary unless com pelled to do so to sustain the laws. But e d to r e p r e s e n t t h e i r b r a n c h e s o n d l a b o u r s b y a t ' 6 R e s o lv e d , T h a t w e d e v o te a t e n t h p a r t o f o u r t h e i t c o n v en ie n t
Jo sep h H ogo (D e m )
m o b violence be p u t d ow n. I t is threatening ithe te n d a n c e o r le tte r. a b o r o r i t s p ro c e e d s, to w a r d s , fin is h in g , t h e T e m ­ a ^ e s o lic ite d t o a t t e n d l A n d ^ b lig e y o u r B ro th er
7 E d w a rd D. B a k e r (W h ig ) ple. * “
in th e j . -M. G R A N T . °
M L 'JUgflMJPg

C O M M U N I C A T I O N S . for this church he prayt$$u4i previous to his be­ grows warm as I write* upon this subject, and I
trayal, when he knew that he m ust'soon le&ve tfonder th at the red hotbolts o f Heaven’s condign
“ Ifagiia est retU aa e t prenU6bl(«n them, “^Neither pray I for these aloite; but for venggancc have hot been visited upon them. I
tligiii also Which Shaft believe on hie through their
F O R E I G N N E W S .
“ fhdugfc all ttoe winds df doctrine were let
loose upon the earth s o (ruth be in the field, wo word. T hat they all may bo one } as thou iTathei have aided'in this nefarious Work, by the sup­
shudder for^ the people of this generation, who By the Acadia. T h e C hurch o f Jesmt Day
C hrist o f L a u e r of
art in me, and I in thee, that they also may bo T h is news was bronchi from Boston by E . T. Brooklyn, L o n g W a n d , hold th elf a t e t i n g a e v a i y S ^ b a l b
do injuriously by licensing and prohibiting to pression of truth or otherwise, when I call to mind
taiis-doubt her Strength. Let her and falsehood
one in us; that the world- niay believe that thou that there is a day of terrible retribution at hand, Bndge, E s . Special Post Office Agent, b y e x - At the L o g Cabin, Fulton S tre e t, nt th* o b *I* hours. *
; grapple.” —M i lt o n . Ihost sent me. How different all this is from the when all men shall stand ot the judgement seat of w * N<? ? ich ^ d .L o n g S a n d j b i U W M . H . M IL E S , P re ridrag Efrfer:-
ttligiott Ofthe presoiltday'j even the very found­ C h rist to be judged the deeds done rfrhnSTi
’T i 10, d i s t i n g u i s h i n g c h a r a c t e r i s t i c o f t h e d g a .i n ation is takep a'fray, and most of t h r i f t s , and so
«*p*ws left Boston a t 6 - T h e C hurch o f J e s u s Chriet o f L a tte r D ay Sainto
in the body. Then will the hollow-hearted pro­ aclock last evening, and reached this city a t 6 1-2 too, M aw ., hold their m e ltin g s e v e ry S ab b aib , a t S nflolb
p o litic a l a n d r e li g i o n s B la tte rs , is a te n d e n c y td fac.froify praying tor a, union which the Gospel
U l t r a tern. „ I n t h e l a n g u a g e .o F d a e m i n e n t w riter, tedittemjildtedi rincl fdr wh’icH Jesus prayed tis an
of religion know that there is a God of W o ^ r ^ ’k M " as detained one hour at H all, opposite Boylsion M a r k e t E ld e r
then will thc minister of religion, and the ™ by bcwS ‘W n oft* the track, and two H ard y , p r e a * John
J* m e n to seo flow QB ttia jf lifivdr s a w before, evidence to tlie world o fth e divinity of his mis­ hours at G reenport The actual running time of R esiden ce, 91 Com m ercial t l.
mercenary eclittfr, (both grand ,engines in these
i n o x t e n t a s w e ll a s i n c le a rn s s s o f visions, W e sion, the religionists of the present day, when
deeds) forget thoir ill-gotten gjfln, thdy wiR for­ l n X?u!SS T e,gilt ^ours—distance 230 miles! T h e C hurch of J e s u s Chiisi of L a tte r D ay S a i n t s hold
a r e a lm o s t r e a d y t o p e r s u a d e o u rse lv e s th e e x p e ­ talking with tho Mormons, delight to call to’ mind All the mails and passengers were brought on
get utterly their meagre short lived triumphs
r ie n c e o f t h e p a s t i s o f little v a lu e to u s ; t h a t t h e and expatiate on the advantages of division i n by this conveyance, an d we cannot thank M r m eetings every S ab b aib . a t M arion T e m p e ra n c e HflU,
over truth and its faithful advocates; and they, 182 C&aal st.' N . Y.
c h a n g e o £ c ir c u m s t a n c e s is so g re a t, t h a t w h a t waa the C h r i s t i a n chupch j die fact of division they
the asperity of whotfe invective against the Saints B ndge and NathameF Greene, Esq., Post Master
w isdoift o n c e i s n o l o n g e r s u c h ;” t h a t t h e p o l it i ­ ore too often reminded of by the jeers of t h e
c a l o r re li g i o u s s y s te m s w h ic h we n o w r e a r o n th e skeptic* aud tho failure of iheir mnch loved pro­
o fth e Last Days, nothing could abate, will be °Mj*oston>400 m uch for their kindness and atten- { » • T h e church o f J e m s Christ, o f L a tte r Day S aints a t
crowned with shame, the numerous, monrnful Philadelphia, hold th e ir m eetings every Sunday a s ssoal
r u i n s o f t h e old ones, m u s t e v e r e n d u r e 83 t h e
jects, and to cancel their confusion,* Jhey have train, will be obliged, sadly indeed, to drink to, T he Acadia arrived a t Boston yesterday at
m o n u m e n t s o f o u r s u p e r io r wisdoih. G i b b o n i n ­ half-past 2 o’clock, P. M. J Yi at in T h ird street a b o v e W illo w , over M arshall Institute. *
taxed their inventive powers, to construct some the yerv dregs} the bitter portion of the chalice ELD. J . M . G R A N ^ P re a id in g ,
fo r m s u s t h a t i t w as w h ile v i e w in g t h e r u i n s o f N o material change in cotton. The demand
kind of a robo to hide *i t a nideous deformity, which'they have prepared for themselves. The
a p c i e n t H o m e , t h a t h e f irs t fo rm e d t h e i d e a o f t h a t on the 2d instant was steadier.
flow preposterous to tell Us d f ita advdntdgfes! fair dsdutcheon o f our country bfls polluted, ±ii
g i g a n t i c w o rk , iq w h ic h h e d e v o te d q o l d r j ^ e a
Allowing tha* some Benefit might drlfie fWm dis­ the Constitution hits beddme virtually liietiMe, D|a** The accottchment of the^Oueen had not taken L IS T OF A G E N T S ,
p o r t i o n d f hia life ( d w o rk r e p le t e w i t h i n s t r u c ­ piace.
cussion, can they at all compare wldi the Wore and many of the'b rav e sorts df Coltlfftbidjhavej* Th E lder T h o m a s B raidw o od ia authorised t o a c t a s a g e a t
t i o n fro m th e d e a d i n o u r d a n g e r s a n d o n r d u tie s ;
lie t h o u g h t t h a t h i s t o r ^ w a s p h i lo s o p h y t e a c h i n g
serious side of the tapestry—garments dipped in been degraded’to tHe condition off serfs. O h ! [ T he Overland Mail brought no now's of impor- for the Prophet.
b y e x a m p l e : a n d in d e e d i t is so.
blood— the groans of the wounded and the dying God of our fathers, sjided, dfi £pe’ed the day, tance,
- —the broad and, constantly swelling ranks of infi­ when the hand of injustice shall be removed ffoiri t h e Acadia is now under the command o f EId*r Darius L ougee is authorised t o re c e iv e m o a tro 'dqo
W e m ay g a z e w ith sp e e c h le s s a m i r a t i o n u p b n
t h e m o n u m e n ts w h ic h fa lle n n a t i o n s h a v e le f t o f
delity, embracing the brightest ana most promis­ thy people, and the glorious era of universal and
C ap t Wm. Harrison, formerly first officer o f the ' ,he
8im e.
Punfl A ssociation a t L ow*]], a a d r e g u t th e

t h e i r g lo ry , o n t h e Io n ic e le g a n c e o f t h e te m p le s
in g portion of the world, and last, not least, that everlasting righteousness shall be ushered in. The
staarher Efritdtfpief; in which station he proved so
o f A p o llo a t M ile tu s , a n d D i a n a a t E p h e s u s , t h e
spirit of bigotry and persecution which is as sav­ blood ofthe itiartyrfl of Jesus, yea Prophets, P a ­ efficient th at the Comptfnfy have selected him for ^E ld e r F h r Ips o f B o sto n is au tbo riled to coRecI t h e m<*i
D o ric g r a n d e u r a n d s u b l i m i t y o f t h e te m p l e o f
age as the tiger, and as cruel and relentless os the triarchs and Saints, has crimsoned this fair land, the present im portant tru st uies due by the S in k in g F o n d Aeso^iatioq in t h a t p la c e
grave. I ask where is the grin ? and echo an­ may it ever be a memorial before thee o f their ufl* N othing new about O’Connell. and forw ard the sam e to as;
T h eq e tis a t A t h e n s , w h a t a r e t h e s e c o n fe s se d
s t a n d a r d s o f e x c e lle n c e i n t h e fin e wrts, c o m p a r e d
swers where? How any one can for a moment dying faithfulness in thy cause. I t is very com­ T ho G reat W estern arrived out on the 5th in s t
suppose after having studied the New Testament. mon for religionists to SnppOSO that the L atter A n atjsm pt had been made to assassinate the E ld e r R e a m e r o f T o m s R iv er, N ew Je rsey , is a u t h o r u .
w ith t h e p r i c e a t w h i c h t h e y w e r e p u r c h a s e d —7 ed to a c t es a j e n t fc r tha P ro p h e t.
Icinj* of Greece.
t h e j p r $ c e k d f l ib e r t y . W h ere are A th e n s and
l h e Parliam entary proceeding# fa t the last E ld e r B urr of Burlington, N . J . ia authorised to a c t On
R o a i d ? t h e s e ortce g l o r io u s r e p u b li c s h a v e b e ­
co m e b le n d e d w ith t n e c h a p s o f t h e p a s t ; t h e y
fortnight have been entirely unimportafli. agen t for ibe P ro p h e t.
liv e o n ly i n o u r m e m o r i e s ; t h e i r d o w n h ill m a v h®
An iron, steamer^ built at Paris, intended to nd'
E ld e r E . W erd P e ll will a c t as g e n e ia l a g e a t fo r th o
traced to theirdepacture f ; ; ,n ,-„0M vfrtues „ bile." The pigm y form, dissonant 'spirit, repul-1 world, the world would love its ow n; but because vigate the Weser, passed through N am ur a few
sive aspect, and incongruous teacliiugs, of the days' dgfi. Off acCffunt of its excessive length, it P ro p h e t.
Were the loundution stonos o f their strength. ye are not ofthe world, but I have chosen you out
W h o will look for one moment at modern Itomd,
present churches, prove to any person with a cast of tho world, therefore the world hateth you. was necessary tti pels# it through the sluices on E lders G erm an ao d G w a tk io a a re au th orised t o o et ao
where he may see tho r u i i »9 even of the ancient
df hiind drdinarlly i-eflectlvfl, that thpy are the Remember the word that 1 said unto you— the the Sambre in two pieces tthic'n ttere joined to~ agents in H alifax a n d vicinity (N o v a S c o tia ) for th e Pro*
- ____ _ i 1_______ J t _ (I ' I
gether at Namur.
> city, i t is servant is no greater than his lord.” A nd again— phet.
T ru e of f Z ^ c o t ? m T & T There has been a yd ty large importation <tt
the peopl 'Pie of G o d , iiff tthoy e p a r t fram
h o v ddepart U coun-
frim his c o n n - ‘^S P7?!!^ ’ j "” ! he w " o"r'a h a t . »h
rld llna[, l,,at,t decre; “ T hey that live godly iii Christ Jesus shall snf« new potatoes this season from Holland, one sales­
______ ______
Sels, their destruction E!der G. Wallace io our authorised agent at New
ia sure,, _______
end God____ leave,_ ^ fer persecution." The religion of Jesus never
man alone in Spitaliields Market having received Bedford, Mas?.
them to rear their ownsystems upon a heteroge did and never will become so fashionable as to'
as many as 2103 baskets during the past month.
neons mass of error on I truth, which they vainly tion, and a spirit of falsehood and murderous per* shield its adherents from persecution: it is only A ll travelling E ld e rs a re requ ested to a c t c s a g t o t f , t o
seoution,W8 the pure, pcaoefulj transferring, reli- La Prasso, in its correspondence from Toulon,
suppose are decided improvements of his plan of when it is mitted up with the fooleries of men, procure subscribers for ihe P ro p h e t.
says th at Abd-el-Kader nad received from the
salvation, and must eventually supersede i t B ut gion of Him who spake ag man never dpnkc. and diluted down to their taste, that it receives son of the Emperor of Morocco, a supply e f 0000
who, I ask, that is not thoroughly imbued with I t i s most c e r t a i n l y o b v i o u s t h a t there h a s b e e n the adulatldn o f tho multitude. If the people of E ld e r 8 J . Raym ond is a u th o r is e d , to a e t a s g e & « n l
the common spirit o f ultraism and innovation, aw ide d e p a r tu r e f ro m th e sim p lic ity of p r i m i t i v e God wero to bo loved by the world in any age, English muskets, with instructions for Artillery agent foi L o n g Iiland.
will regard for a moment, the religious systems of C h r i s t i a n i t y . This ap o stasy h as boen foretold In 1 Sjieak rCverentlv, my heart trembles while I
service, printed in Arabic and English. From
man, when he may behold in all its native sim­ tHe d a y s . o f t h e a p o s t l e s . 1 Tim. i v . , 2 Tim. i i., write,) does not the farigufigb df our Lord attribute
this, of course, the Paris journals argue th at the T yrua C. M oore i s a u ih o m e d to a c t oa agen t for th e Pro*
plicity and dignity, the «plan of salvation as de- in. <Scc. &e. to him a very strange way of speaking, and some­ enemies of France.
British government is giving assistance to tlife phet. \
' vised by Almighty God t A t the close of the sixteenth century, such men thing of a deceptive piannoVJ” The dreadful
T he Lyons papers say that several persons 0c>* E ld e rs W m . A M o o rr aod E lija h M atin, o f C hester
Like the early Christians, the Latter-Day Saints as Luther, Calvin, Knox, Melanctnon, awoke fires which followed the early disciples «?em to
have been arrested, charged with a Fiescni 'plot C ou aty, P *. are reqeeste d to a c t o s agents, for ih c P ro -
are charged by the priests o fth e day, with beihft from their profound slumbers, heartily sick of liaye UBHa rflkindld,
have been reKinaieu and ana tlie
uie iillrifcwrs
] of the against
innovators, a charge whicti they indignantly diS Quthorities of that place. Several gre- ph«t.
dain, and which is truly "farcical, considering th& ' selves
L?t,or the
Saints have and do now dsk tliemf naddS Worn found u»
n a question
y Soin,s oni mentering
• “ « dotheir fiidds, of la­ possession, with which, E ld e r W m . J." A ppleby, o f R eckleeatow o, New Je rs e y , „
source from whence it emanates ; from thos6 mis­ ters of oppression dnd superstition, as the auspi„ bor, have I groce and strength to suffer for the it is sdid, they intended by a oin5^° discharge to is requested to act as agent for the P rophet.
erably flimsy pretenders to Christianity, who cious omens of a brighter and happier day. They gospel as they suffered. I om acquainted with destroy the general in com m and,lhe iu£Jro*’> and
wield an influence decidedly inimical to her ex1 discarded,, to be sure, many of the follies of the Elders of this church, who, even in this age of il­ the prefect, when' fc'ctoiing out of tho church of S t E lder J B. MeyneJJ 1° authorised to receiv e subscriptions
tension, and indeed hostile to h er very existence, system of religion frdm rthich they hdd ju st John, after the solemn nuisoof tKef 1st of May. for tbe P ro p h e t in E ngland.
lumination and toleration, have assisted to per­
for while the atfowed infiddl attempts openly, but emerged, but after all, theirs was a partial refor­ form the last task of sepulture to* forty of their T he Paris Journal des Debats eotitdihs' tt .-png E lders E . H . Davis, E . F . S h fe t& o u d J . A . S tratton on
fruitlessly, to sap the foundation upon which rests mation—they were still in Babylon—their high­ brethren at one time, who died noble m artyrs for article, explaining the differences existing betweee a mission to th e B ritish Isles, will a c t es g e n e ra l agenta for
Christ a Church. These with the more specious est aims seem to be but to mend the old system ; the “ faith once delivered to the saints.” Thou­ Spain &n<t Morocco, and between France and thu the P ro p h e t ; they left io the E u ro p e on tb e 1st ioft., for
appearance of friendship and zeal for her doc­ and prove that time to the present day, at differ­ sands ot mon, helpless women and young chil­ same power, and giwfig 8 brief history o f events, E ngland.
trines, wage war not merely with her enemies, but ent periods, such men as Wesley, M urray, E d ­ dren, have been forcibly ejected from their peace­ tn order to induce the people to assent to the ju s ­
covertly with Christianity herself. These pseudo ward, and Campbell, have arisen from some cause ful homes, in on inclemont season of the year, tice of the measure about being adopted by the E ld e r George J . Adam s is authorised to act a o p g e o l fo r
friends in the porsons o f ministers and church or Another, and have become tho projectors of and no virtuous indignation, no Christian sym­ government. , t h t P ro p h e t.
members, have taken her under their insidious new| editions of ahristianity, so that the religious pathy was aroused in their favor; y et with all The di§tusjbances among the operatives in the
F Br. M ilton F . B u n let h> authorised to a c t a s travelling
protection, only to dishonour her a t their leisure, worjd has becomo a B abel-of conflicting faiths- their sorrows, the Lattor Day Saiuts wotfld not factories at Prague fia'tftf ceased, and quiet is re­
and^use what advantages they have acquired by and the skeptic points triumblmntly to the oppos­ exchange their faiih for any other, for the value stored. , ogent for ib« P ro p h e t. *
faithless and hollow professions, to give an air of ing $ects, as au unanswerable argument in favour ot the universe; they know in whom they have Accounts from Bologna state that a “ third sen
E ld e r A aa^aio a M cA llister is authorised to a c t oa a g en t
probability to the plausible mischiofs which they of his assertion that the Bible affords am p ie ' believed, and that deliverance sh^ll eventually be tence has been pronounced by the court-martia for the P rophet. »
have prepared against her, and to plunder her by ground on which to rear superstructures of faith their upon more of the persons as promised by the po
Btealth ot some of'her fairest distinctions, m> that wide|| as the poles asunder, and therefore cannot litical events of this province m 1843.” S. A nM afR ono, of P h ila d e lp h ia , is authorised to receive
In the New Y ork Sun of ihe I6th u lt, I noti­
we^ are wholly unable to recognize her in the havei emanated from God. A letter from Lubec states that despatches are subscriptions for the P ro p h e t.
painted, patched, and disfigured gaib in which Christianity as it foil from the lips of Jesus ced among some fljjppant remarks on Joseph hereafter to be exchanged between tlie courts of
they have arrayed her. Chri4t and his apostles, is now treated affif it had Smith thc beloved Prophet, an assertion th at he London and St. Petersburgh once a week, insteat A lbert & --------- L u tz are authorised to a e t a s g en eral

I t was once said by Talleyrand, of a celebrated a’t length been discovered to bo fictitious; not was a heartless, unfeeling aspirant, a man without of once a fortpiglit, as heretofore. agents for iho P ro phet. *
a redeeming qu ality ; it appears to me that such Some o^Ltjib ____
Liverpool people _______________
are Tn ecstasies
physician, that he knew a little of ev e ry th in g only by infidel and the unthinking, but by the E lder Beoj. W in ch ester is re q u ested to use his influence
e v e n OF MEniciNE. B ut it may not ha said of various denominations of modern Christiana a libellous assertion, must have proceeded from I with AmerKsan ice, a cargo of*”
which recently ar-
in his Southern Mission a a d ect as agent for the P ro p h e t.
these persons, with all their professions, that they themselves. From the days in which Christ said very narrow or wilfully distorted views. A mere rived there frora Boston. We are glad to find
have embraced even the first principles o f the the kingdom o f Heaven suflereth violence and cursory glanee at that noble man’s life, ought to that our English friends begin to acknowledge E ld e r G. B. W allace o f M e w Bedfordia authorised to
doctnne o f C hrist I write with warmth but with the violent take it by force, men have been aware cov6r with shame the man’s face who can be guil* J that one goua thing at least can come out of A m cr act as agent for the P roph et.
ty of such bare-faced falsehood. I f such had | ica.
no roots of bitterness in m y heart; I write with of the miserable inefficiency of their faith, yet no
besn his character, would he have E lder Darius L o o g ee is o a r agent a t L o w ell, Mara.
toe solemn conviction of my responsibility as one one seems to have looked with a longing, linger­
who has embraced the truth in tne love of it, and ing desire towards God for a restoration of the E ld e r A. Bedlam is authorised to oet a s g eneral a g e a t
in view of the august tribunal before which all faith once delivered to the saints, the great mass for the P ro p h e u
men must orhe day appear. Oh th at God would have boen willing to hear and teach for doctrines
inspire ine with wisdom from on high, lo present tho commandments of men. No never had the must have been during the late troubles at Nau- destroyed is valued at ten millions of piastres, CO~ Bro. A . R . W right, o f Ohio, is authorised to pro­
truth in such plainness that aojne w a y w a r d wan­ voice of man been hoard for centuries proclaim- voo. To a man of acute sensibility, of warm and The dragoons who were committed for trial uy curesubscribers an d receive m onies for the P ro p h e t,- ,
derer in the wilds of error may fall_______
. 1. I •! 1
in love....
with ing the apostolic . faith, until God saw fit,. to send ___ generous feelings aa w o r e bis, it must have been I the E xeter magistrates, on a charge of turbulence He is aUo, authorised to dispose o f a fewSsharre
her who is coming up out of the wilderness, lean-1 forth into ]his
•>.L. _ __ •__ ___ a •

ing on the arm of h « beloved. Any Derson but ° f b ^ o o d upon his cheek, uninitiated in the
" 3 vineyard, a youth, with the bloom j j j -
J 7 0° ‘?e Qn.d .h ,s
j P60? ’ .® P?rt‘ I a.nt* r*ot>anc* °* assaulting the police officers iu the Capitol S tock o f the “ S ociety
Assassination the execution of their duty, have all been acquit- T ru th .”
th e Diffusion

tolerably conversantibith the a n n a r t hietory, ra. ^ r s »f controversies, totally u n a c q u a in te d ? “ ' h<> ^ ‘ed; , . -
,u— 7---------:— •_ I with tho erudition o fth e schools, one who loved \ 5? ^ Jl °J»h»nia n d was he unappalled ? A coal mine at the Beaufort Iron W orks at E ld e r Joh& H ard y is our G eneral A gen t a t Boston,
those w ishing lo subscribe for th e “ P ro p h e t,” in th a t
City o r vicinity will please forw ard th eir n am es t o
him .

E ld e rs B. W . E lliot and R . J . Coate?, a re authorised

principle (this fact none dare dispute) whic£ has I ne weni iorjLh ..................... . t 3 i T f ri, " j i l w 10, J 1®J a,d
down his life like a good shepherd for the sheep,
that the disturbances which commenced atSchaff- to a c t aa agents for the P roph et,
hausen on the I5-h u lt, in consequence of the as-
always distinguished the people of, God in the I ? '1?®3 m . 1°“ on*y> which all the machinations
days of their obedience and prosperity. W hen 1 «en®mies were notable to gainsay or resist the damp shroud and the lonely coffin are his, sorted arrival of M. H urter, who beca E ld e rs Alfred Cordon and J a m e s Burges*, are authorised
men have rejected revelation, and hewn out for i* eloquence of the most gifted pulpit ora- but his spirit calmly smiles ii\ the presence of —* ^ *■ ■ " to a c t as agents in V erm ont for lhe P ro phet.
themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, which can I ?r®were no} , t0 gainsay or resist All the Jesus. The “ blood of the martyrs shall bfe the
N athaniel V. J o n e s is our authorised agen t for R o c h es­
hold no water; then it is th at God has left them f?/0^uence ™
____ r _ ii . 1.
I? ost gifted pulpit orators; all
.. I t h e arp-lim fln tq nP
l V t r L the Ch.ur d u ,“ S 0d’S,n0b!emen tho chivaI'I General Sale, the hero o f JeUabad, and his ho-
ry ofth e nge, the herald s of salvaUon, shall be roic lady, with their widowed daughter, ‘ ' * ter, N . Y\
raised up by thousands and fly on; the wings of art, and child, arrived at Lyme Rtegis, i
the wind, to the utmost bounds of the everlasting I u lt ' Br. Clair is o u r authorised a g en t a t H udson, N . Y.
hills, all nations shall hear, until ho shall come I The trials of incendiarism in Suffolk, com
whose right it is to reign ; then in tho morning of menced at Ipswich, on the 24th u lt A nn Man- G9*Thomna 6 * W o o d b u ry , is o u r G eneral A gent a t P h il­
! w n ep r^ C, n’ 7 t n SVi?r¥ C a,m i 1,ai no,W binds ninS was found guilty of sotting fire to a cbttage adelphia.
down God s'people shall be knocked off, when the in which she lived j
8ha,1/ t the Tpe usual weekly meeting of this association ()Qh Mr. V alentine M errill, J r . , o f S outh N o rw alk , <Ct.)
the present day, w ithout any bond o f union, all of ,a ve . ?0n ®x®®mmunicated from her bosom; the Q 1 *u Hnj j tbf ir 8^ 0aves with took PJace on Monday, July 22. Captain Edwarc *> o u r authorized A gent,
them utterly destitute o f a knowledge o f G o d ; a*0}08t Jncrcdible labors and unparalelled self-de- them upon the oarth redeemed, then having pass- Broderick, late o f t h e 34th regim ent presided
S.V O b rie n , M. P., hanfed i n ^ O . f r o , (Ir- E . W a rd P ell ia a uthorized to a c t os A gent for
their natural inclinations and blindness led them J*1".®11* ^ ucui°nt persecutioh to which her minis-
to place false constructions upon the prophecies, v f ,as subjected, all, a l l , have not been hardness like good soldiors of Jesus Christ, filled I Halifax, Nova^Scotia!^ * ’’ “ anae“ “ *uu * from be “ P ro ph et-”
and of course th e y did not know when they were prevent thb most rapid and astonishing B“ S u n d a y th e 2 7 th (J9 » T raveling E ld era are requested to act a s A genta for
fulfilled. T hey declared if they h a d liv e d in the F 0^ 658. ^ PTr,mitlJ ° f n s tia n ity , th a t has been he “ P ro p h e t,’’ and receipt for a ll monies, an d forw<){4'
sor H a l l e l u j a h , H a l l e l u j a h , tTHE
h e L o rd arae as soon us convrnirnt.
he rarae
days of their fathers, they would n ot have killed T110"!11 sinrc0,{es, j 8 . elt among men. Already
the prophets, but/evinced the u tter futility 0f|h a ssh o a foothold in various parts of the United G oo O m n ip o te n t r b i q k k t h I T hen shall the
their professions, by Slaying those whom God had ptafos* the Canadas, Wova Scotia, England, Scot- r i g h t e o u s s h i n e f o r t h E ld e r M rlvio W ilber, is authorised to a c t a s T ravelling
‘land, Ireland, Wales, and the islands of the sea \g«rnt for tho P rop het
and this church who was looked upon as
___ t | contemptible, is now formidable in numbersfaml a E lder Q . S. S parks, of Hartford, Con. is authorised Ut
always remain in the church. Lo I tho fulness of ^ aai0^ predicted the little stone shall fell the* whole B >ct as General A gent for tbe Prophet.
b: r ^ " (Ur , biS pe0p! r 1 ° ■ 6lS f cl! on, h i i l 1,1 N “ t ~ . • » 2 8 * in st, b y -E ld e r A.
time had come, and God spake as he did in the eart^ This gospel o f the kingdom must first be arm to sustain them in all their afflictions, and I Johnson, J. C .B r a le r to Miss Rachel M I
morning of creation, “ Let there be light,” and Preached among all nations, then shall the end preserve them blameless unto the coming of I T aylor y’ t “ Cllel M' E lder J . J . W o od bury, h as a uthority to act as a travel*
there was lig h t ’The Messiah had come, but Oh 1 come‘ C hrist is the prayer of your brother in the Lord ng A gent for th e P r o p h e t
~ 1 ....... ■■■■■■ ,
how humbly, how directly the reverse from the W ho, I ask most solemnly, who, but tho most JO H N A. E A T O N . I [From th? Nauvoo Neighbour.) E ld e r H en ry Je n nin gs, of Wsjroesville, Ohio, io req o es '
common expectation; the Jews had rejected the I sceptical, cannot recognise the hand of God in all Eioston, Ang. 10,1844. D E A T IIS FOR T H E W E E K ENDING MONDAY, ed to a c t a s Travelling A g ent for th e P ro p h e t. ,
prophets, and they knew iiim n o t thisj? J u l y 22, 1844. i^*i«i.»>i^ . i-iM«hw
m»ihii, •
Who will say th a t prophets are not necessary? In the prosecution of their holy work the A lbert N. Rockwood, 1 y. 5 m .; consumption. ( 9 * Donations i a books, natural o r artifiefal cariosities,
Who will sa y th a t revelation is unnecessary ? I saints ofG od are obliged to c o n te n d with not only A M o th e r ’s L o v e .— There is so divine*a ho­ Charlotte Holmes, 60 y . ; diarrhoea. philosophical apparatuses, <Scc., will b e received by tb e
, Jesu8 w ent forth (preceded by John, who worked I the almost invincible force of educational preju- liness in the love of a mother, that, no matter how E liza Spencer, 3 y. 2 m. 17 d ; congestive fe* Society for the Diffusion o f T ru th ,” o t th e office o f tho
no miracle) aftd established his church on the dices, preconceived and long established opinions, |ne tie that binds her to the child was found, it I ver P rophet, and forw arded to th e M useum , a t N auvoo. No*
foundation^ of apostles and prophets, he himself be- but also with the greatest and foulest flood'ol’ t h e ^ i f p 1' W! r0’ conT , trote[1 ?:,d 8? « 0li i “n,i D aiphy, 49 v. 10 m. I d ; consumption. ic e s o f w hich will be published, i f desired.
“ I f f ? “ for6 ® ««. and «I>?
circulation by Sa- verdicts, «” d jts harsh I George W . Hovey, I m. 4 d. P
swept nway, and that love alofte is visi E m ily Potter, 23 y. 3 m. 2 d ; cjiolic.
tiacissimus and all Die , a n i the God who watches over <the little W e would state to o u r correspondents lh at t o insure in
‘o continue m tne onurcn so tong as sne remained his h o st I t is almost, if not quite, beyond the ones, sheda hi* T " ‘ T T uve\ nne I,lt e Elizabeth C. Baiiey, 15 y. 3 m. 7 d ; typhus eertion in the “ Prophet,** th e ir com m unications should be
a a a organisod form. E p h , i r , 1 Cor. xu. And I range o flan g u ag e to exaggerate here, l y h e a * | X V S e t i t r t o a l h e J ' h S 8Z & * * ’ “ lever. received early in the w eek , os our im m ense edition rend er
* Nathaniel Thomas, 41 y ; quick oonsumption. n e c e s sa ry for u s to g o to press on F rid a y evening.

p h r e n o l o g ic a l


roR «a lc n r
’T T N IO N L IN E — T e sail from N ew Y ork on th e 8 th lGtb O S. F O W L E R , EO R s a l e A T T H E P R O P H E T JO F F IC E ,
- • .U a o d 34th, and from H av re o a t h e l s t f i i h and the 2 4 t h ' 131 N assau S r.,N Y . P A S S A G E O F F I C E ,|
ef «r try m onth , as follows, viz. 100 P iae-atreet, corner ofS o o th -street
T H E S U B S C R IB E R S h avin g com pleted th e ir arra n g e­
N O . 7, S P R U C E S T . *

FromJN.York. FronHavr* F O W L E R ’S PRAC -
T IC A L P H R E N O L ­ T h e Subscriber bega leave to call the attention o f hi*
m ents, are now prepared to bring ont paaK ngera from
G reat Britian and Ireland, by the following first c l a n pack
T * E J* B IB L E O F N A T U R E ,” 2 v. 1200 .pages, p r i ^
April 24 OGY, A W o rk which friends and the public in general, to the following arranj;e- et ships, one of w h ich will leave L iverpool oo the 1st, Gth
C. A nthony, J r ., T H E E L E M E N T S O F A N IM A L M A G N E T IS M , by a
has now been eight m enta for 1S44, for the purpose o f bringing out Cabin, 11th, 1Gth, 2 l u and 20th o f each m onth. P ra ctical M agnetiser, price 13) cts.
years before the pub­ econd Cabin, and S teerage Passengers by the following P atric k H en ry , N ew York, Sheridan, G s id e to form ing and cond uetin x L y ceu m s, Debating
F R A N C O IS U t.
A insw orth,
lic, r* that i u merit*
Arc allowed lo (peak
E G U L A R P A C K E T S H I P S T O A N B l F R O M LI- Virginian,
VERPOOL. M oniczatna,
Cam bridge, S ocieties, w ith outlines o f disscossisos, essay,
G eorge W ashington Charles M orley, price 3s. for sale a t th e Office o f the
See. by
for themselves.
Ships’ Captains Days o f Sailing from H otlinguer, Coiumbu*, U aited S tates, “ P ro p h e t.”
D. L ines, Nam es. New -Y ork. Roscius, A shburton, E n g la n d ,
G. W ashington Burrow*, 6 E urope, S tephen W h itn ey , R oc h ester, T R E A T IS E ON T H E F U L N E SS O F T H E E V E R
- » JO U R N A L ,
Devoted exclufively
United States Britton,
Ju n e 7 Oct. 7 Feb.
Aug. I Dec. 1 April 1 Independence, Yorkshire, G arric k , A L A S T IN G G O S P E L , S etting forth i u first principle#
H ow e, to the expoa.:ion and
G errick Skiddy. 13 “ 13 “ 13 Sam uel H icks, Q ueen o f the W e n , Oxford. promises, aod bjttsio g s. I a w hich som e o f ibe m o st pro-
P atrick H enry, Delano, Certificates of passage can be obtained, and every iafor m inent features th at ha\re e v t r ch aracterised th a t system ,
defence of Phrenolo
Sheffield, * Allen,
“ 25 “ 25
Sept. 1 J a n . 1 M ay I
“ 25
m ation will be given to thote ten ding for their friends, on when on lhe earth , are m ade m a n ife st; a n d th at it w ill con.
J . ' A . W otton,J and o f t n e kindred science o f P h y .io fo g y ^ n d MasnfViim] Roscitw, Collin?, “ 13 ** 13 “ in application at either of o ur offices. tinne to do so, ao long as it can b e found on th e earth:* By
as lar aa they can bear on i t ; em bracing the clearest, and Independence, Nye, “ 25 “ 25 “ 25 T h e y will alto be prepared on the opening of navigation, E lder M oses M srtin , M inister of the Gospel. P u b lish ed in
V IL L E D E LYON, yet me m n d en sed an d also practical view ol P h re n o l­ Virginian, All*n, Oct. 1F eb . 1 J u n e 1 to forw ard passengers and their luggage to Albany and N ew-York, aod for Sale at this Office. ^
C. Stoddard, ogy and ua bearings on h ealth, happiness, vir ue, religion, Siddons, E . Cobb, 13 " 13 •• 13 T roy, and via E rie can al to Buffalo, and all in term ediate
places. B R IE F H I S T O R YOF T H E L A T T E R DAY SA IN T S
hum an improvem ent, and the reforma now in progress, any A ibburton,
where to be found. M onthly, 21 ,or 32 p ie e s , at $1 per S tb p h ’n W hitney
T hom pson,

25 “
1 M a r.
1 Ju
1 T o ell ports of the U p per L akes. A (Com m only called M o r m o n s ;) including an sc c o v n tT
year, or three copica $ 2 ; five copies for S 3 ; nine cep- S hctid an , D fp ey tter, 13 " 13 •• 13 Via Oswego to T o ro n to , P o rt H ope, Coburg, Kingston their D octrine and D isc iplin e; w ith th e reasons of the Au
W auon, hor for leaving the C hurch. By J o h n Corill, A M em b er
and all parta of C an ada W est.
iea forS.> or tw enty copies for $ i o . I „ all case* i n
a d v a n c e , p o s t>. ' , T h e Provincial B ank, and branches.
IR E L A N D . > T he Ulster R ank, do.
F rom T ro y via W h iteh all to M ontreal and Q uebec, Ca of the M issouri L eg ti la ture. P^ibliibed b r the A u th o r a t
via Ohio Canal from Cleveland to Portsm outh 3 t.I> n i» F o r S ale a t this Office._______________________
L. W eidsrholdt, ) The National Bank, do.
ED U C A T IO N AND65ELF IM P R O V E N F N T , PH Y SIC A L Cincinnati, and interm ediate places. H E following w o rk s are for sale a t (th s P ro p h e t office,
L O U IS P H I L L IP P E , M O R A L , AND 1 N T E L L E T U A L :
Founded on P hrenology and Physiology : or, Goor>
All Drafts payable at wght, at eith er of the obove banks
their branches or sgrncie*. South W est via P hiladelphia to P ilttb u rg , Cincinnati
Louisville, and all p o r u on\ the Ohio R iv e r to Sr. Loui*,
T N o. 7 8 pruce S ire et, vixi—
P P . P r a i u R ep ly to L e ro y S aud erland.
J . Castofl, ) Mesirs. Spooner, A tw ocd *c Co. banker*.
Mo ; and to all parts of Ohib, M ichigan, Irrfians, Illinois!
*n d ,Boi>i* j ' a ? d h o " 10 thf m good, both to E N G L A N D , > L ondon.
and W ucon sin T erritory }
Synopiis o f the Bible, by B. W in ch ester.
D U C H E S S D’OR L EA N S , children and one a self, by show ing how to enlarge the de- ) P. W . Byrnes, A: Co. Liverpool. Gospel Reflector. H istory o f the P rie sth o o d . •
A. R ic h ird so o , lective, and dim m ish tbe excess} ve ; including ihe moral R E M I T T A N C E S . M illennium Poem s.
P«s*eagers can ah o be engaged from Liverpool lo Phila-
Fr-r lhe accom m odation of perrons wirninjf to send m o­
iraining and governm ent of children, w itb .n i the rod. delphia, B oiton, snd Baltim ore, by ibe r tg u la r packet
T his w ork expounding the principal lawa of virtue, or co n­ ships, on application being made personally, or by letter, ney to their friends in lhe Old Country. H A R N D E N Sc Index lo the Book of M oiojod, 2 nd. E ditio n .
Address to the P eo p le o f the U nited S tates.
\V. C. T ho m pson , ditions of happmese, and show s how to fulfil them. (post paid, addres*ed to
CO. will give Drafts on any part of
Ireland, payable at eight, for sum s o f j £ l , i^5, £ 2 0 , to
E ngland, Scotland, or Gospel L ightf No. 2.
C orrespondence, in P am p h let form , b etw een J O S E P H
IN T E L L E C T U A L I M P R O V E M E N T ; £ l 00- o r u any am ount to suit the purchaser.
IO W A , 100 Pine-streef, corner of South-St.
W . W . P d l,
Or, how to C i 7 i . t i v a t i ? T H E M e m o r y ; E x i ’a x d a n d
bTRENGTEN t h e I rr ro .L » .c r , aod conduct the intel A G E N T S .— In Pottsvil!e, Benj. Bannan, E*q.
In Lovell, R ich Welsh, Esq. |
O F F IC E S A N D A G E N T S .
Charles Craft. 120 S la te street, Boiton.
W ORTH, ofmM
T H E P R O P H E T , an d Col. J O H N W E N T ­

is; “ jftfrrn-

E C C A L E O B IO N .
Q u e s tio n of children ; in w hich U pointed out a
new and more excellent way to intellectual attainm ents In Albhny, T . Gough, Esq.
In Toronto, U. C. R o je r s Sc
Thom pson.
B. W - W h eele r, Union-Building, P rovide nce, R . I.
J . W . M ills, 3 W all ttxeet, and 10 F ro n t street, N ew
T O N B L N .N E T ,
the HcnoraVIe J O H N C. C A L H O U N ,
ItlandS,outh G en . J A M E S A R L I N G ­
than onr com m on s c h .o N a n d aeats of learning now fur-
E G G S H A T C H E D BY S T E A M , IN P R E S E N C E OF u u h a w ork of great value and im portance to parent*, In N ew ark, J o h n M cColgan, K*q.
N. G. H ow ard, -13 Souili T hird street, Phila'delphia.
Carolina. In w hich is given, a sk e tch o f the Life of Joseph
h is n o v e l e x h ib itio n , s o a m u s i n g a s
!nt Maris* ° desire to know how to im prove theii,
In Utica. T h om as M c Q uade, E«q.
I also beg leave lo BNure ray friend* and lhe public in Sandford S fc
hoem aker, 7 L ig h t street, B altim ore, Md.
h m itb . lhe r u e and progress of the C hurch o f L A T T E R
a B d lh r ,r P E R S E C U T I O N S by tbe S tate
T w ell aa initructing, it now open at 2S3 Broadw ay, from H E R E D IT A R Y D E S C E N T ; IT S L A W S AND FA C T S ren e ra l, that tbe c ^ a t s s t punctuality will be observed in
ihe sailing o f the above thip s together with all other* L. S. Littlejohn, 11 E x ch an g e, Albany, N . Y.
P ittsburgh, P s . of M IS S O U R I i w iih the peculiar viewa o f Jo sep h S m ilb ,
in relation to P olitical and Religioua m attera g enerally s ot

yrorpfctttfU,e concut accountof thepretext tlateend

9 o 'clock, A. M. nntil 7 P . M. S. C lark, 159 R iv er street, T ro y , N. Y.
Or the Transm ission of Qualities. Physical, IntJIectual-
T b e object of thia E xhibition, ao novel in New-Y ork, is and Moral, from parents to their offerin g s, through sue. which I'rnay have, and tnat passengers will experience no w hich is added a
delay o n ’ their arrival at the differeut ports w here they U tica, N. Y. C IT Y O F NAUVOO.
to gratify the scientific and carioua, by aflordin i them an W . A v C ook, S yracuse, N. Y.

ceesiye generations ; including directions for forming such m ean to em bark.
opportunity of witnessing the wonderful process Of the de- R och ester, N. Y. N I N T E R E S T IN G ACCOUNT O F S E V E R A L R E -
ma rimonial alliances as will secure w hatever qualities in P. S — F re e passage can sloo be secuard from the v a ­
velopem enl of anim al organization, and more eepecially to W . H. Cook, Buffalo, N Y. M A R K A B L E V IS IO N S , A nd of the L a te Discovery
children m ay be d e s ir e d ; with hints to m others during rious ports in Ireland and Scotland from w hich steam boats
prepare lhe way for. aopplying our m arket with P o iltry of pregnancy— a w ork which every youu^ m arried pair I I. Fitzhugh ifc C o., Oavvego, N. Y. of A ncient A m erican R e co rd s, w hich unfolds tbe history of
a su p e rio r1quality, and a t less than half the present rates. run lo Liverpool. this continent from the earliest Ages after th e Flood, to the
thould possess ; as indeed should all who design io fcrm »f__________________________
S o that the poor even, to w hom it ia now d eaied, may be- JO S E P H M cM U R R A Y , beginning o f lhe fifth c tn tu r y of ih e C hristian E ra . W ith
cprae partakeia o f the luxury. the m atrim onial relations. T o improve m ankind, w e must 1(50 P m e street, N ew York. S P R I N G A R R A N G E M E N T — fs-H .
begin w ith the g c r m Education bestowed upon a good a a sk etch o f the rise, faith, and d octrin e ol the Church o f
Gives drafts iu Mims to suit applicants
T h c apparatua here used for incubating, may be aaid to
be perfect, and ia m ore to re of H atching Eggs tban any
bird. It ia a m aterial im provem ent upon the Eccaleobion,
Physical and moral! basis, will be va»tly more productive
than that expended upon a barren Boil. LoDgenough huve
Je tu s Christ of L a tte r Day Saints. By O P ra tt, Minister
of thc Go*peI. t o r S ale a t this Office, besides m any oth*
er valuable works.
parents tlep t over th i, subject. W *!ker’s attem pted eluci­ IM P O R T A N T T O S O U T H E E N T R A V E L L E R S .
.w hich haa afforded satisfaction and delight to millions of r A y a n i. c AT
dation cl ii , w as a com parative failure. Io this w ork it Cork, T hk R a h . R oad B r id g e a t t h c R oa n ok e c o m p l e t e d , m H E W O R L D T U R N E D U P S ID E D O W N , O R H E l .
visiters, at the Exhibition R oom s in Pall-M all aad P ic c a ­ Bainbridce,
dilly, L ondon, and is emphatically a trium ph of A rt over
is treated —a s none but a practical Phreno!ogi»t c a m treat L im erick .’ B a lly m en a ,' ON T H E G R E A T S O U T H E R N M A IL R O U T E , J. V E N O N E A R T H .
natu re. it c ie n t is ic a l l y ; a vent many mos: im portant principles Clonmel, T h e m aterial U niverse is etern al.— Im m o rtal M a n has
Parsontow n,
uxdltM are particularly inform ed, that while thia exh ibi­
tion cannot fail to please, there is noihiag in it, in the least
being stated, and all »>upported by a mass of facts absolute­
ly overwhelm ing. A most useful w o rk ,an d a rare inte.lec-
S lig.s
D ow npatick,
V ia W a jh ix c t o .v C i t y , R ichm ond , P m n j B U R o a k d
C h a r l e s t o n , S C , d ir e c t to N e w OnLEAns.
fleih snd bones.— E a rth is his E v er'astin g In h eritan c e___
sll the P r o p h e u and A po stles witness.
degTee, offensive to the m osi refined and delicate mind. paper, t treat— P-P- 270, end a genealogical table with blank W ex lord, L urgan, T h e P hysical W orlds w ere not founded for an m hilatien,
for recording family likenesses. (24 H ours in advance c f thc Bay L ine ) but for the pleasure o f G od they are and w ere created.
G entlem en of Science and of the m edical profession, on Belfast, Om agh,
p ay m en t o f | 5 , m ay have a card o f admission for 21 days, P H R E N O L O G Y A P P L I E D T O M A T R IM O N Y . W u tn f o rd , Dungannon, T R A V E L L E R S going South are informed lhat the con­ B Y ^P . P . P R A T T .
and the privilege o( breaking an ega each day. G alw ay, B and onJ nexion betw een the P etn rtb urg and W ilm ington R ailroads
A d m itta n c e T w e n t y - r i v e C ents.
• ? rj-°
j including
fectionately and
dirtctiomtotht married,lor
fcclion’of C O N G E N I A L COM AP.NION* FOR I .I T *

happily. T h e cautions
living together af­
it adm inisters to
M onaghan.
Kilruth, at W eldon, including thc Peterrbu rg C om pany’s Bridge a t
the R oano ka is com pleted, so that travellers going South
Published at tbe M illennial S ta r Office, 35 C hapel street,
Liverpool, aed for S ale a t ibis Office.
C H IL D R E N H a lf P ric e . A liberal allow ance mad* to by the G reat Mail R o ute, via W a ih ir g to n , R ichm ond and
E N G LA N D . N A ppeal lo lhe Inhabitants of the S tate ol N e w York
Schools that attend in a body. E g j s Broken on app lica­ the young ; the hints it furnishes in regard to conducting
tion, at 12J centa each . Youne C hickens sold ns curiosi­ courtship, as well as i:s scientific exposition o f m an ’s so- S P O O N E R , A T W O O D . t Co , Bankers,
P ayable in every town in G reat Britain
London. Petersburg, will bc transferred at W eldon im m ediately
Irom the cars of the Petersburg lo those o f the W ilm iggton
A L etter to Q u een V ictoria, T h e F obnlain e f K n o w J td g e ’
Im m ortality ol tb e Body, aad In u llig e c c e and Affection:
ties, a t 12^ cents. Pam phlets, E xplanatory and T reating c:al nature and relations,aa well as ol ihe U w s that govern R ailroad Com pany, thereby ridding the G reat Mail route
upo a tho m anag em ent o f Poultry generally, 6 cents. ihem , read er it most interesting and nio«t useful. by P P . P R A T T . P ric e 25 cen ts e s c h o r 12 dollars per
of i u only exceptionable feature, whilst il is equally cheap,
my25:c] N A T U R A L R E L IG IO N : R E G U L A R M A IL L IN E F O R P R O V ID E N C E AND a n i for, E x p E rm o .v , b ecurity an d c e r t a i n t y , it has hundred. T o be had a t the P ro p h e t office.
Or, T h e N a t u r a l T h e o r y o f P h re n o lo g y ; ita aspect BOSTON, great advanteges over the day line.
a t i o n a l f i r e i n s u r a n c e c o m p a n y .— m i i T A M E N T _ O F T H E T W E L V E P A T R IA R C H S ,
N Office No. -19 W all st.— Director* i Messrs o n revelation, aud its general harm ony with it ; including
answers to the objections, tbat Phrenology favors Fatalitm ,
The following unrivalled schedules are now ran on this line. J . ibe S ons of J s c e b , is m ost respectfully ded icated lo my
Jo h n B rouw er, Sam uel S. D oughty, W m : G. W ard ,
J o h n F. M ackie, S ephen Ilolt, Jo h n N ew bouse, P hilip M aterialism , and Infidelity, and is opponed lo a change of n
L eav - N. Y. at 9 A M
well-beloved B rother, J o h n A lb iu o n , Patriarch" i a the
C ourch o f L a tte r Day S ain tt: As a token o f respect and
Arrive in P hilad elph ia a l 3 P M. eiteem for Ins services and u n w earied xeal in the cause of
W . Engs, M arcus Spring, W m S Slocum , Ja c o b Miller, heart : A W o rk ia w hich the p r i m a s y e l e m e n t s of
Composed of ihe followiug superior S team ers, running ia Leave P h ila al 4 I* M. arrive in Baltimore a t 1 A M
W ra W Campbell, Jo h n F Bulterw orth, J O H N BROU- m an a m oral nature are fully analyzed, and therew ith the God in thia ihe E ven in g o f T im e . By b is B rother in
W E E , P resident—Joaeph W Savage, S ec’y* religious doctnntt
taught, and the dutit*
required by m an ’s connection w ith the Stonir-gten, and Boston and
P rovidence R a ilroad s:
Leave Balt, at 2 A.M. arrive ia Wn*hington at 5 A.M
Leave W ash, at G A M. arrive in F red 'k tb n rg , at II A M.
Chn“ ' SA M U E L DOW NES.
Isiu ran ce tak en at^the lowest rates. nature and constitution ; sectarianism accounted for and
exposed ; and the general tenor o f the Bible doctrines T h e M A S S A C H U S E T T S , Captain Com stock, Leave F r r d ’kg at II A M . arrive in R ic h . Va. at 3 | P M. 4 L E T T E R T O T H E Q U fc E N OK E N G L A N D , Touch-

C H E A P Cloth S to re— N ois Sc

M orris have in sto re re* sustained. R eligien is na m uch a science as mathamatic*.
ceived from auction and .other sources, a large assort- It is as m uch governed by fixed principles and immutable
R H O D E IS L A N D ,

Th.’j e r ,
W coltey^
Leave R ich , at 1 P M. arrive in Petersburg , Va. G P .M . X L m g the S igns of th e T im e s, s a d the P o litical Destiny
L'tave P eters’g at GJ P.M arrive in W ei. N.C. at 1J P .M . ol «he W orld. By P . P . P ra tt.. ^P ub lish ed a t M a n ch ester,
n ient ef goodi suitable for g entlem en’s w ear consisting in laws. N or are these lawa beyond the ken of man. T hey . MOHEGAN, Leave W eldon at 2 A.M . arrive in W il., N.C. at 2 P.M . E n g la n d . F o r S ale at the P ro p h e t Office.
u f r tt_0 » r " W ,cat 01 KoRland, FYench and A m erican wool are w ritten upon his nature. Phrenology rnfolda that ca- daily, S undays excepted^from Battery P lace, pier N o .I , Leave W il., al 2 P .M . arrive, in Charleston, S. C. at 8 A M.
black, blue, brow n, invisible green, m ixed cloths ture, and, th tre w ith , the whole code of doctrines d e p - n- N. River. Passengers by this L ine will reach Petersburg in seven­
dent thereoa, and dutiea required thereby. ARRANGEM ENTS. PROSPECTUS
Wool black, blue and fancy c&eeimercs in g re a t variety teen hours, and Charleston, S C ., in fifty-two hours after
S a tia e u , all colors T h e M A S S A C H U S E T T S , Capt. Com stock, on M on­ leaving B altim ore, including all stoppages, and have the • OF A
{.PH R EN O L O G Y A P P L I E D T O T E M P E R A N C E .
S carlet and cadet m ixed d o t h ; boff cassimere li day*. T hurrdays and Saturdays, al 5 o ’clock, P. M. advantage of avoiding any detention at W eldon, on the
Black and blue beaver and pilot c l o t h s ^ .
Silk and tabby velvets ; giraffe cloths
A scientific exposition o f the phyiiological effects of al­
coholic liquors upon the hum an constitution, and especial­ Thursdays and Saturdays, at 5 o ’clock, P. M.
T h e R H O D E ISLAND, Captain T h ay er, on Tuesdays. R oan o k e,'o n e o f the most u nhealthy places ia the routhern WEEKLY NEWSPAPER,
country, w here passengers by the Bay L in e, arriving as
V elveteens; silk and Verona serges ly upon the anim al p rop ensities' It expounds some Phys- Passengers on the arrival of the steam er a t Stonington, they alw ays do, fourteen hours after the fast m ail line of TO DE E N T I T L E D
M erinos and C ashm ere vestings tological law s of g reat intrinsic value, and applies ihem to will be im m ediately forwarded in the splendid and com the samd day, are delayed ten houra until th at of ihe next
Brown hollands, bindings and cords
Bom bszine lustrings, p o s t’s hair cam blets]
tem perance with trem endioua effect. It lies been regard- modious Cars of thc Railroads to Providence and Boston. day. T H E PROPHET.
forth maD7 a* 8,r00fie#t tcm Perancc rfosument put T h e above steem ers hnve been fhoroughly equipped, and DAY L IG H T L IN E , F O R R IC H M O N D & P E T E R S ­
T w illed flannels, plaid linisgs, together w iih g a c o m ­ prepared to prom ote celerity of travel, anb the comfort and B U R G , VA.
p u t e assortment of trim m ings for sale ia quantities to T h e B o a rd of Control o f the S o ciety for th e Diffusion 0
suit purchasers at the l o w « t m ark et pricee, at their o f ^ ^ ING ’ ° r ’ E v *k ° f co n,PrcM‘DS the Organs security of passengtrs, and nut surprised by any in the Leave N.Y. a t 5 P .M . arrive in P hiladelp hia at 11 P.M.
United States. • T ru th , o f the City o f N e w Y ork, being desirous o f pro­
Leave P hila at OJ A.M . arrive in Baltim ore at 2 P .M .
T h e a tre * C haU u m tU cct» ° P P ° « ‘c ^
C hatham
In Pres?, and soon to be Published, a W r r k on For p a r a g e , or freight, w hich is taken at very reduced Leave Balt, at 4 P .M . arrive in W ashington at G P .M . m ulgating the Gospel of Onr L o rd Je su s C hrist in i u ful-
ratvs, apply on board at north side of pier No. 1, No. 22 Leave Wa*h. at 0 A.M . passing through F redericksburg n e s s .i n d am elio rating th e condition of fallen m a n , have
_______________________ ________________ P H Y S IO L O G Y , A N I M A L A N D M E N I A L :
T IG H TiM N G RODS.— T h e public u respectfully in f 9 r’ ^ ‘^ f r ent organizations and conditions Kh °* fWay’ ° r ° <llCC o f S a m ,‘ 1>cveay» h e ig h t agent, on the and R iw tpiond, and arriving in Petersburg, to m p , pas- thought it wL-dom to establi.h a p a p e r in ibis city, as an
form ed, that Q uim by'a L ightning Conductors for the - *»ody upon the ch aracter and m enial m anifejtations • ping frohi Philadelphia lo R ichm ond and P etersburg,
T ic k c tj for the route, and steam er’s berths, can De se- advocate and herald o f ihe F aith o f t h e C hurch o f Chri*t o f
protection of buildings against lighm inp, can be obtained i lacl? dlDS h ealth— its conditions, nnd the m eans o f p re’ cured on board, or at the office of H arnden
on application to him , at his office 151 Fulton street. A l l 1, , r Tin* *nd w « o n n g it, without m edicine, and aUo diet* W’all n r e e t. r Sc
Co. No. 3
Va. by day light.
Passengers by this line have th s advantage o f passing the L a tte r Day Saints. A portion of w h ich , at*tim es, will b s
? TJL [ lo ra .the cily or country, will be prom ptly attended 1r$6 im c®8» habits, acd iheir eflects on m ind,
i» ,‘l*:Pr,cc 19 reduced in conform ity with the lirnfB. ! clProca* jnlluences o f various physiological o rg anii ‘
T h e re evening an d,night iu W ashington, and yet reach C harles­ devoted to A griculture, C o m m erce and Manufactures, as
EJ* T h e steam boat IO L A S , is now running daily betw een ton as early a i ihoic leaving Baltim ore a t the sam e time
well as to the F oreign and Dom estic N e w s o f the Day. It
Providence aod Newport, by the Bay L ine, these last being obliged to lie- over at
H e believes th at a single oidinary lightning rod is inad-1 5nf ,1,a“ ''« U t i o n s upon the m ind, is a departm ent never will lik ew ise, be the faithful ad v ocate an d defen der
equate, under certain circum stances, to protect even small y Prc‘ entet? ---------------r
: a nd yet itsim importance
buildings. He was led to this opinion on chrefully studying m e A uthor hopes to present some principles of P hysiolo­ reg ulirly betw een that place and Stonington.
A steam er is now preparing for the accom m odation o fthe W eldon untsl th eir arrival.
-Newport travel, which will shortly m ake thc connection
OO* F o r fu rth er inform ation and “ through tickets” ap­ of lhe Const

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