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Betty Baxter's GossIp

This Letter is of Utmost

Personal Interest to Yon
Dear Fl'icnd and Fellow Citlzen-
Because we know that nothing is of such vital intercst to yOll as the he<1lth and happiness of your family
and friends, we ask you to give us a few minutes of ycur time, right novv, and read carefully the following
statement of facts about }'OW' relationship to the Narberth Civic Association.
As a rcsident of Narherth you are a member of the Civic Association; you are not, however, a voting
member unless you have paid a mcmbership fee. But you are perfec~ly within your rights to ask: "vVh z
should I be a voting member? Why should I pay an annual membershIp fee? And the burden of the proal
is on the Civic Association.
FOUND-A pair of spcctaclcs. AI"
ply 205 Forrcst avcnuc, Narbcrth.
.. ~_="'_~ J O .
............' - - ' - - " - - - ,


)IrR. Edgar S. Taylor entertaincd at
In less than five years the peoples of the AlIied nations and our own Un' ted States have smashed and Innchcon on Thursday in honor of )Ir~. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS GIVEN
wrecked beyond repair or reconstruction the most powerful and perfectly organized military machine and the C. F. Ta:vlor, of Philadelphia. ON TAG DAY.
most autocratic government in the history of the world-in less than five years the Allies and America have
completely destroyed that awful thing which the German autocracy spent 50 years in building and perfecting. The hOIllP of He\'. and ~[r~. John H. Tag Girls and Donors Joined Hands to
MmlY things have, of course, contributed to the defeat and collapse of Germany, but three especial things Make Day a Success.
Poorman, I ::\Iontgolllcl'Y a \'eIllH', was
stand head and shoulders above all other factors-IDEALS-CO-OPERATION-UNITY OF EFFORT! glaildpneil "'jth the arrival of a little "Thank ~'ou, g'ooel citizens of Xar,
Herein lies the greatest civic lesson that Narberth and its people can learn. Already our Civic daughtpr on ~o"emhl'r S. herth." is the mClisage that the Tag
Association has accomplished much, but there is much more that can be done-there is much that still needs Day COlllmittce of the Y. M. C. A. La-
to be done. 'ATe have our ideals, summed up in our town slogan-"The Year 'Round Home Town"; we have a dies' Auxiliary \\'ould Iiko to convcy
Dr. Harry A. ::\fark aliI] family, of
measure of co-operation. But what we need-what the Association needs as an organization and what you, to all "'ho so gcncrously rcspon,lcd to
'2l!J Duclh'Y :1\'eII ue, are leavillg Xar'
Fellow Citizen, need as an individual, is the Co-operation of all, and the activity of all, which in turn will thc Tag Day appeal for thc coal fund.
hert h for ])etroi t, ~[:i(' h., \\'here Dr.
give Unity of Effort. Now with these facts in mind, let's get right down to brass tacks about the Civic One hundred and fivc dollars and sp\'cn-
~ral'k haR engaged in IlUsilles~.
Association and why you should be a member. teen ccnts is reportcd hy thc COlllmittee
as the total contributed. Out of this
First, we ask you to pay a membership fee and take an active interest in the Association and what it j"
~[rR. W. Arthur Cole, of We~t Brattlc· "'ill come not over fivc dollars expcnscs.
doing. But, you ask, \Vhat is the object of the Civic Association? Here's the answer: horo, Yt., visited fri('nd~ in ::\arhertll Full ercllit should he givcn to these
"To improve and beautify the Borough and vicinity; to assist and co-operate with the this \H'el,. ~Ir. and ~Irs. Cole hav(' o~'al gir],; who so willingly gave of
authorities in enforcing laws and ordinances relating thereto; to promote any project having taken apartllH'lIts ill Phihlllelphia for hpjr time and cnerg~' to bring the ap'
for its purpose the betterment of the community as a whole; to provide means of acquiring and the \\'illter. • peal to the peoplc:
disseminating information on any subject of general interest ; and to foster and maintain a Anna Barclay,
friendly spirit among the people of our community." l~dgar Ta)"lor, of Chcstnut aVelllIt', Dorothy Chalfant,
"But has the Civic Association made good, has it lived up to its ideals and aspirations?" you ask, and has hcen ell tertaillill;! this \\'eek his DoriH \'on Culin,
a good question, for you have pointed straight at the heart of the proposition-you have said, in so many brothel', ~[r. Frallklin Ta)'lor, alld sis- ~Iinnie Hrurd,

words, "the proof of the pudding is in the eating-show me, and I'll join the Association and work with it." tpr, ~[isR Ncllip 'faylor. of Indianapolis. Dlirothy Irwin,
Thc fonller is on his \\'ay o,'er spas to El iza het h .J oneH,
HAS THE CIVIC ASSOCIATION MADE GOOD? takc up Y. ~L C. A. work. :Mis" 'faylor Aletha Lamh,
iR at pre~ellt eugaged ill war work ju Faith ~rcAuliffc,
Here area few of the big and more important achievements of the Civic' ..\ssoci<lt:"'l !l1 the four
"Vashiugton. ~fn bel Kilpatrick,
short years it has been in existence:
Verna ~raltby,
(1) The Narberth Historical Pageant-the finest celebration of its kind ever given by any suburb of :Martha ~f[ll,tin,
'rhl' ~rpn '" Clnh of the Bapti~t
Philadelphia. An ita ~IilJcr,
Chnl'f'h "'as cntprtainl'a at the hOlllp of
The pageant did two big things: unified the tOWll spirit and "put Narberth on the map" .r. H. .1('ff('rie~ ~[onday night. 'fhp Elizaheth l\filler,
as one of the most wide awake and capable communities in the East. slwakpl' of tIle ('\'l'ning- \\'a" H"ynO]lb Lillian Powpl,
D. Bl'own, of Phil:ll]plphia. who ~I'Pllt Loi~ Snli1h.
(2) Established and maintained the local ne\\'spaper "Our Town." Our paper is a thoroughly worth
while feature of the tOWll life not only as a "home town" newspaper printing all the news of local people and spyeral mont]ls :Is f. ~r. C. A. :Spl'I'l'-
local happenings, but it has proved to be a medium of publicity \\'hich has helped and benefited every local 1ary in the Frelll'h AI'III,\'. an,1 tllld thp WHAT ABOUT THOSE THREE
organization of whatever character. .\loreover, "Our To\\'n" is a shining il1ustration of what may be cluh ycr)' intcrestingly of hi" ,'xl"'ri- HUNDRED MEMBERS.
accomplished through co-operation and voluntary sen'ice,.; for the good of the town, for the editors receive cnrcs thl'l'p.
no pay. .. This Goal Set for January 1st Will Be
:'\ol'llla 1'alllltu]gl' jn hpr lat,'st ofl"'r, Passcd This Month.
(3) Conceived and executed the plan for the acquisition and development of Narbrook Park, which i·- illl!' "Her Only 'Va)-," ,,'j]] he ~ho\\'n at
to say, made from what was a veritable eyesore and a blot on the borough\ landscape, one of the 1110st beau- SOlllt' wpp]o\ :tg'O a statclllcnt was
thl' 1'ala('(' Theatl'l'. An]mol'p, on W,'d· m:ull' in thi~ papPI' that the Yo :'If. C. A.
tiful suburban developments in this part of the country. nl'sda)-. Thc story is a ,]e('ided nO\'clty mellilwl'ship \\'ou](] ho thrce hunurcd by
(4) Inaugurated the first Clean Up Day in our Borough and carried on the work for several years, until and wondrrfully entertaining', :Ull] wit~l Januar." 1st. 1!11!l. The Gcncral Sccrc-
the work was taken over by the Dorough Government. the support of Eugenp 0 'Brien, Miss tary. :'II J'. BO"'pn, has beell greatly en-
(5) Started the campaign for the rebuilding of \\"ynnewood Road with a concrete roadway, and "kept Talmadge ':-; si]}('Pl'(\ acting ha~ ll(~\·('r
('ouragcd by thc gradnal anu coustan't
everlastingly at it" until, \\'ith the assistance of President Hal1, of Council, who was then in the State Highway been ~(lC'n to greater ac1'·antage. .Among- gro\\'th in mcmbership each month that
Department, the aid of that Departmcnt and the Narberth Council were enlisted and the concrete road \vas the otllPr good playR to he sho\\'n dur- hp has bccn with tIll' ::\arbcrth Asso-
built and \Vynnewood Road that had been "the shame of our Borough" \v'as wiped out and there was built in ing ncxt (1'han]{sg'iying) wcpk: ~ron­ ('iation. Hc no\\' is ('onlident that tho
its place the present roadway which is to-day the hest stretch of roadway along the IVlain Line. Since then day, :Marl!ucritc Clarlw in "Out of a 300 mark will be paR~ed by the end of
Haverford avenue has been rebuilt \"ith concrete. Clrar S],y," and Mary Pickford in this Illonth. Tho total rl'portcd on Dc-
(6) Rendered a genuine service to the Y. M. C. A., in helping to make the Association the community ".1aha nnlt Enlists" 011 Friday. tohcr 31st was 296. 'I'here werc elcven
center of our town, taking charge of a series of COIll1llUnity Nights and welcoming ne\\' residents and expirations this month, tcn of which
promoting a general neighborly spirit among all the people. On ::\[onda)-, Noyemher 25, at :\ P. ~r.. havp bel'1l covprcd by I'(·ncwals or ncw
(7) Conducted a campaign for better railroad service, which resulted in the railroad company putting ~rr~. Charlcs ~L Lca, hcad of thc Wo, memberships, lea \'ing only live needed

on the popUlar 5.40 p. m. train from Broad Street Station. man's Diyisioll of thc Food Adlllinistra- 10 reach tIle 300 mark.
tion for Pcnnsylvania. will speak at tIll' If your membership has expired,
(8) Co-operated in agitation for the foot bridge over the Narberth avenue, which was later built by
Ardmorc Woman's Cluh. 1frs. Lea i~
the railroad company, and which has made travel over the bridge safe not only for children but for adults (Continued 011 Page £)
this wcek in "Vllshington at a ('oufer-
as well.
enco callpd hy ]\fl'. Hooycr, and she will
(9) Gave financial and othu assistance to various :'Iain Line civic associations in the campaign which be preparcd to tell us definitcl)' just CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
led to the abolition of tolls on Lancaster and Montgomery pikes. wha t is to l1C tllC part of the American Two cents per word each Insertion, clLab
(10) Co-operated with Council and other organizations in the campaign which resulted in the Pennsyl- ousewife in our gigantic taRk of feed- In advance. No advertisement accepted un-
vania Railroad agreeing to build a new Narberth station and tunnel Essex 'avenue under the tracks. The plans ng thc world. 'I'he subject iR of vital less cash accomp_a_nl_e_s_c_o..:.p~y._. _
for these improvements are completed and work will be started as soon as "after the war" conditions, with intcrpst to evcry onc and it is hopeu FOR SALE-Chiekens anel ducl{s. In-
respect to materials and labor, improve. that a large numbcr of Narbcrth women quire 326 Woodbine a\'cllUc, Narbcrth.
(11) Through "Our Town," acted as the medium for la"unching and fostering the plan for planting will attcnd thc mceting.
flowering cherry trees throughout the Borough, which resulted in hundreds of these trees being planted. FOR SALE-l\fuhogauy Living Room
(12) Co-operated with individual citizens and organizations in the successful agitation for the new To the Editor of our 'fown: Suite, .Taeobcan Dining Room Suite,
Post Office. TIl(' Narberth Home Gnard thank~ all Rugs, Refrigcrator :llld few garden tools.
those wh.o so gladly gave of thcir timc 227 Hampdpn avcnuc, Narberth. (7p)
(13) Developed the free public library at the Y. M. C. A.
and serviccs to make 'thc Peace dcmon-
(14) Rendered financial assistance to the Fire Con.pany. FOR SALE-Young roasting chickens,
stration of l\fonday, Novemhcr 11, Ruch
(15) , Planned and conducted the recent Patriotic Fete, with the assistance of various local orga11lza- a grand success. forty-fi\'() cents a ponnd, drcsscd and
tions; 75 per cent of the proceeds were awarded to war relief work-net proceeds, $1,400.00. The idea of the committcc in passing dclivcrcd. Phone Helcn Stretch, Nar-
(16) Conducted the slogan contest which resulted in making Narberth known as "The Year 'Round the hat was that it was everybody's bcrth 324 R.
Home Town." celcbration !lnd evcryonc would feel
(17) Awarded prizes to the school children for the best essays onlocal civic topics. I will frame your pictures and save
better if thcy llUd n fingcr in the pie. you 1511> to 25 % on prices you pay in
(18) Bought and placed on the approaches to the railroad station, the waste paper cans, 'and through The cxpense for tho band was $93.50, the City.
the medium of "Our Town" has maintained a continuous campaign for a cleaner town that has not been all of which WllS collcctcd in thc llats. Telephone Narbertb 1261-W for prices
without some results. The Italian population paid for thelr and to see samples of attractive line
of mouldings.
own band. C. T. Weaver, 334 Dadley Ave., Narbertb.
(Continued on IHI~. 4)


-_._- ---
_- 'Po th" Editor of Our TO\l'n.
Below I quote ent.irp a lett"I' rel'eivctl
An EXl,crimcnt In Co.operatlve
JourulllhulI-N'o PaId Workers. frolll Mr, Fletcher \V. Stitt's whieh I TIIl'Sliny, :-;oypIl1IH'r 12th. mal'l,,'ll the
Is Doing a Man's Job "Over There." He Will Appreciate
- - - - ----------- wOlIl,[ thank you to print in the columns opening' of, the InI8-I!JI!J progralll of and Welcome These Comforts:
Owned and Publishcd evcry Saturday of our pn!,e!'. Anythillg which 'We can the 'Volllen's COllllllllnity 'Club in th"
by thc N arherth Civic Association, <10 to honor 0111' bo~'~ sholll,l llIerit. ser- forlll of Il luncheon, Ilnd was one of the
ionH ellnsideration on the purt of evcry 1lI0Ht :1I1ll entertnining of
Subscription price one dollar per
year in advance,
,'iliz,'n in ?\arlll'l'th, all,l will he con- an,\' IIICl'till;! so far in the history of FOUNTAIN PENS COMFORT KITS
,id,'red hy t hl' Ci vic Associatioll at the this o,rganization.
NARlnm!fn CIVIC ASSOCIA'rlON \"('glllar husineHs mecting which will be Thp exece,]illgl~' ,'ordial hORpitalily of FOOT POWDERS STATIONERY
held Friday e"l'ning, ?\o\'ell1hel' 22m], Mrs. Hohert. Dothanl, at whose home the
President-Joseph H. Nash. at S,:10 1'. 'l\f., in the Y. :'If. C. A. At llllleh"on \I'as hp],I, eOllplell with thl' or course. we

Vice-presidents-A. C. Shand, James Telephones,
this sallie llIel'ting, ill a(l,]itioll to other splendid Illncheon, sene(l under the tIi- ,deliver - any
Artman, A J. Loos. ill1portant hllsinl'Hs, the ,1iHpoHition of redion of Mrs. Charlcs Verna, Chair' 1267 p I a ce - any
Secretary-Treasurer-Geo, M. Coles- 1268 tlme,
money IIllU]e at the Patriotie Fete will lIJan of Hospitality, and her aid"H, lent
worthy. he <1pei<1e<1 on, much to the sUI'ress of the oceasioll.
Directors-W. Arthur Cole, Mrs. C
,JOSI';PH H. ;\lASH. Th" lIleeting was opened by the Hing
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
P. Fowler, Henry C. Gara, W. R. D.
Hall, George :\1. Henry, H. R. Hillegas, , President Narh"rth Civil' Association. ing of the "Star Spallglcd Banner," A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
Charles E, Humphreys, Daniel Leitc~, alH] prohahly 1,ICYl'1' hefore di.d thp sing-
E, A. l\Iuschaml1, 1\1rs. A Perry RedI- Nal'hprth, ?\ov. J(ith, lUIS. I
,jng' of our natlOnal anthem J'Ing' so true
fer, 1\1rs, A. B. Ross, Fletcher W .\11', ./ospph H, );ash, Ias at thiH time, when the atmosphere SPECIAL
Stites, Walton 11. Wentz, A. E. Woh-
lert, l\Irs. Charles 'V. Young.
I'rpsitll'n1. Ci\'ie ,\ssoeiatioll, was SO p,'rllJ,~at.c(1 with ,joy anti re,joie,
ing on'l' the Higlliu'g' of Ihe armistiee 11!.. ·····,····I~~1 Qme 3.5 NOTICE
:'Iry dl'ar ':\(1', );ash: jnst th" ,lay hefor,', A fc\\' ol'pninl-( rP-
11:. ..~ ,Pleases .A.z:>..rments Have Removed io my
Wilh the war "IIl],',l, it SL'('nl' to IlIC IlIal'ks then followed hy l\frs, C. P, Fo\l'-
that our ppop]e ill XarlH'rth will hp in- IeI', I'r('sident of the duh, and a hri,'f :. Declouse U .made from New Address
Mrs. Roy E, Clark A. J. Loos
W. T. Melchior Henry Rose
Associato Ellitors
t"l'e>'l"'] in th,' matter of l'I'l'ding some sumnI:lI'~' of the clnb's activit ips ,luI"
forJU of 1"'l'lIIalll'nt Iupnlorial to anI' hoys ing- InIi-IOIS, an aeeoullt of whil'h IIJ:I~'
who have gOlll' forth fl'On1 their hOllles not he amiss at this tillie, aH the,\' \\','ri'
i I •.. ~;:renl BrUner 234 Woofibine Ave
Narberth, Pa.
----- --- - - ~ I Woolens Phone Narberth 305
--- tto St'IT" th,'il' ,'ountr." in thl' ('01l1l1l0n dirt",tl~· prineipall~' along the \\'ar linps.
. I :'
'I··.' ..'", :/,
l\IAIZIE J. SIMPSON, "[(I'''' Ill' h'"llallit~', ~onll' han' di,"[ all,l if onl~' in a 'lIIall wa~', tilt' ellih • i~' Will J:ive my customers
every attention in every re..
ILLum,in,aled Broadw,ay
g-Itoriollsl." UpOIl fhl' fie],l of hal-tlc, alltl fl'pls it h:1I1 SOIlIl' part in the winnin;.! speet. ' Work good; prices
Send all letters and news items to t!""", \1110 IliOn' fOl'llIllall'ly will rl'tllrll of this i!rl'at \1':11'. Thpir ('fTorts Pili'
" II·,... Novelty Suitinas French Dry Cleaning,
P. 0, Box %6, '0 'liS hal'"~ 110111' tl", I,'s> 11I1sl'ltishly 01'- bnl"l'd Ihe followillg:
Send all advertising copy to P. O. J'l"rpcl thtllJ1;-;(·h·tl~ ill fl't Plloll1 ':-; ~a\1:-'(l.
1 in JIOHHI E('onoJlli(~~ W('f(l lu"llc1
,:L I, .••..... •• . 'I t( made foyour measure by D, eing and Pressing

Box 39, Alld whill' \I'P I'h,'rish in our hearts th,' at thp sehool in an pUort to aid thr NarberthTai10ring Co I

1l'Ialw all remittances to P. O. Box nll'1I10r~' of Iheil' sl'lf-Haerifiep. it Sl'l'lIlS ml'lIl1",rs to :uljust them;;plyps to thp

118. til II'" that \\'1' ought to plan to set up thell p;o;;isling' food "on,litions.
Our Town is on sale at the depot a IH'I'I1I:1l1l'nt IIll'mol'ial as an e,'il]cllce of All afternoon alld e\'pning- ,It'lIIonst 1':1'
Essex Ave. abo Haverford
newsstand, an<l at the store of H. E.
our i!Tatitlldl'. tioll Oil flonl' suhstilutCH nnl1<'r the dirt·",
Avenue Na~~~;th
Entered as second-class matter
\Vlluld not a nll'llIOl'ial shaft in thl' tioll of a n'prl'splltati,'e fl'olll State
C('IIIl'!" of 1'\arhrook Park, with the Coll"ge,
Overland Sales and Service Agency
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office at REPAIHS, STORAGE, GASOLINE AND OILS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT
:-<arherth, Pennsylvania, under the act lll11111'S all'] ,1<'e,1s of onr bOyH inserihe,1 In ,'arly Dl','elllhpr, 1!lli, llonatioll'
of l\larch, 1879, UpOIl it, h" a tinl' thing? 01' il lIJay hl~ of jallls and jellies to t]1(' :1I110ntlt of L. C. SHAHAN
that SOIll" onl' will ha,'e a bl'lter Hn,g, two halT"ls alld Iwo I,oxe' \\'1'1'" selll to
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1918 ~('stioll 10 ofl'"I', AI auy ratl', Ill" '1110 l','unsylnlllia hOyH at Canlp :'I[p:u1t', illg was held ill thl' Y. :'If. C, A. g,\'Il1-
jel'l i, on,' tllat appl'als so SII'OIIl,,1;.- to) During Ih,' Sll1111nl'rS l!l]i and r!)I,~
11ll' thaI I ,"'utilI'" 10 slIg:-:psl: 10 yOIl that lhl' ,'Iuh dill He,l ('ro,s work as an 01'-
JI:tl-'ill1l1 :IS pal't of thl' pl'og'l'alll fill' t1l1' Frank Crist
y, :'IL (', A, W('eli of Prayt'!', En'l',\'
. Fire, 350
il II,' put h,'fo\"(' th,' p('opll' of :\arh,'rth gallizatiotl,
I ' H\'ailahle (·hail' wa:-\ llsl'd.
ill :l 1'\1h it' \ray. 111 llrdt1r 111:11 :til (IX_, \\":11" ~:ll'dl\ll~ "'(')'(' l'll('ourag"l'd all< I
Police, 1250 ' ' .:\fiHs ~ehllllt'l hrollghl a 1I"0Ild"1'1'1I1 High Grade Butter
~~~~~~:=:=~=::::~:=:=~~:=:::: chu1Jgp of idt.'a:-: hI' :-'('('111'(111. TIll' ('i\'ie SOllIe' plo/'un',1 h~· ~rr~ ...:\. B. H()~:-:. Chai 1'-
]l1(~Ssag'(' jn ;-iouA' to tlu' IIIP('t illg WlJPII Telephone-Narberth 644 A,
-,--- Assoeiatiou is n'pn'St'1I Iat i yt' of Otll' enol :lIan Foo,l ('ouSt'n'" t ion alld I'l'o']l1l'lion,
EDITORIAL tire pt'oplP, alld J ft't'l ,'otllidpul that Iprizt'l' hl'iug' a\\'ardl'd ,'al'h to a 1oo~' all,l
you I'an tI,'pt'lId u/,ou th,' hl'art~· eo, girl for tIll' IH'~t k,'pt gartll'll.
f'h(' :--a ng: a :--010 ill hpl" ll~l1a lIy tin(' wa.'·.
A dOllhl .. '1l1arl,'tt,', a",'olnl'allil'd h,\' H. C. FRITSCH
)frH. Ban'la~- at th,' piallo, 111:"1,, th,' For Rent and Pl'lperties
opl'ratiou of our Borotlgh ('ouneils in To furthl'r a"i,t ill th,' food /'1',.1 1 - ~al.
11i1lSi(·:d l'al't~ of t hi' Jll'og'r:tlll Fire Insurance
Au Illlp.>rtan t Meeting of a:.;:--i~til1g- till' id(·a. :\ l't'pr(':"H'lIta1i\'e lelll a I·Ollllll11llit~· 1ll:lr1(I't "'a~ lIIH'JIl'(l whilP. Bell Phone Boll W.
COllllllittl'l' l'all IlU doubt ht' (':lsil.," hall I\'"(\I",\" ~atlll'da~- 1I10"lIilJg' during- tht'
the Civic Association will be to tal«\ 11p tllt) IlIn1tt'l' of sl'I'urillg" fl1l1d~ Sl1ll1l1J('1' JII()J1th~, th(,l'(lh~· (·I·t'atilq.~· all :'Ill', I.allol,', slrtH'" 1111' I"',"tllll" of Ilis "nIl BuJIdJng. Narberth. I'a
ad,lr!'ss \yhl'u Ill' said that thp f01l\l(la-
held next Friday Evening aud arranging" oth('I' t's~'H\t1tial dptails. outl .. t" for :lll~" Slll'phlS p:anlt.'ll ))I'Od111'1'
fioll ~tOIl(' of rl'ligi(lll:-' l'dU(';l t inll i:-, ill Phone, Ardmore 967 W Day and Night
\\", shall. of ,'otlI'S!'. gil'" hl'al'l,\' wpl, that \\'as iu tlang'el' ot' goitlg to \\'astl'
(November 29) at Y. M. C. A. eOlllt' to our Ilt,~,s Whl'l1 tllt,," rt'lurtl, fol' 1:11'1< of ,'onsuull't.ioll or a H'ad~- n,ar, thl' ~ullda,\' ~I'hllol. alld thai """I',\' IIHlII.
to discuss disposition of pro- But hUTlJ:lll lIH'1I101'.'· at Il(l~t i~ nl·pting. kl,t. \\"OIl1all aud ,'llild OWl'S :-:lIuola," ~"l1oo1 JOHN MARMORA
ntlt'udau,'" 1I0t oul~' to nod hUI 10 th .. ir
ceeds of the Patriotic Fete, :Illll if "'P ('Ollllllit tn :--tOIl(' ur gTHllitt, Thl' ('lull :l1so tonk a n.-'I'.'· HI·ti,·!' p:ll'l
the :-:ratilutl" \It' 1ltl\l f"t'l for OUI' so" in 11ll' Tllil'd atld Foul'th LilH'l't," LO:III.
f:lll1ili ..s al"l 10 th"lIIs,,1I',", Hauling and Moving
and to further plans for Spec- dil'l' <1!':1I] atltl for thost' who ha,',' stlr- W:II' :-:1:11111' aud Wal' CIH'st call1paig,,s,
II" told of th,' ('ouIH,il of j{"lig-i 0 1ls A,\Y",HERE

}:dllt'atjoJl l:1tt\I.,· Ol'gHllizl'd ill th!' Bol'" Rates Reasonable ARDMORE, P A.

ial Meetings to be held begin- viyptl, fnttlrt' y,'ars \I'ill han' ,'isihl,' all of tht'S<' tlll'"ting with wontl"l'l'nl
oug'h Ill' Lalll"dowllt'. whi"h illl'ltllll'~ !'i'I'-
ning January of the coming evitlence of onr f!,pling' for till' Illlys Stl",'"ss thl'ough tht' sp!"lIdid ,'o'opt'I':!'

who hplpetI hurl hade thl' I-(r!'atest llll'n' tion of rt'prt'st'lltati,'l's frolll olllt'l'
ace that e\'!'1' threatt'ned hUl1lan lihl'rt~·,
n'~(lllt:lti,'(\:-;' of all l'),l'('d~ :llld all organ-
izatiolls that should w()l'l{ togl'tht'(" fill'
(ContinI/I'd oIl page ,i)
Sineerely yours,
tht' "1Iltiyatioll of a "('onluI1luit,\' ('011- Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Hl'io1lSIl"SS of Uoc\." [t is tho1lght by
'fo tlw Editor of Our Tawil,
PLETCHEH W. STITE~. Hlllllt' of thos\' who hl'ard this address
and Heating
The nnder~igJled ha:-- stlgg(l~te(l t~ the
ministcrs ill charge of the yariouH
Y, M. C, A, NOTES that ,u,'11 a ('ollll,'il 1I"0ul,1 h,' of gl'l'at NARBERTH. PA
Hon. P, "'. Stilt's, );arhel'th. I'a. "altH' ill 0111' horough. aud plal1:-- a I'll
ehurches in); arhl'rt h tlud a t noon all (ContillUfd fr011l Page 1)
Thanksgiying- lIay then' he hC'ltl a
('olJlIllunity ~"I'\"i('P in th,' 01H'U air,
Th" Main Line Commi!t"" takps this
oceasioll to ('ollgl'atulat" ~'ou for the
(lOIl't fail to 1','1"'''' il illllllt'dial"I,",
h('ill~ drawlI lip fIJI' 1'llIl:-;idl'l'ati"ll.
Why Go To City?
]f yOIl an' 1101 :1 IIIl'mh,'r hilt illt"II"
This would Iak,' I'lt"',, a fit' l' the
wOII,]erfnl re,'ord m:1l1e hr the l\fain
to joill, ,10 it lillI\", GEORGE W, BRADEN AND FLETCH- tOr Buy Your
,"al'iol1s sPl'yiees ill the ('hl1J'('hp~ and
Linp in thl' l~ourth Lihprty Loan
YOUI' IIlPlldll'r:...;J!ip lIlight lip tll(' 011('
til rough tl1l' helpf1l1ness of your indi- IIPe,lp(l to Illakl' thnt ::nll total tlli,
might IH' held in thp Sl'll"e opposite the
Ill'\\' post olli"e, where the ::'i,'nice Flag
Yi,]ual I'ITorts. 'fhp Conlluittee itself
1I101lth. ]).on't Pllt. it off. OF Y. M. C, A. _ -I ••
, ~ and
and its Chairman have taken only a
of NarlH'l'th \I'ould be in full ,'iew.
\"l'ry hUlllh1P part, and wo want you to Men Will Have to Admit That the
Every Resident of Narberth Invited to
It would Ill' iu onh'l' for ,'a('h l'llllrch At
f,'p1. an,] to kno\\' that the Committee Ladies Know How, Attend This Conmmnity Gathering.
to appoiut a ,'oullllittl'(' 10 n'l'l"l'spnt
them and to at! with lilt, "OUllllitlll('S
f,'els, th" ,'nlil''' snccess of tIle :\fain :'\0 \lord should I", ll'ft ullsaid Ihat :'Ilollt1ay. [ll'l"'lIIh"I' :!Iltl, I'ronlis<'s to AZPELL'S
frolll other "llIl1'eh('s so as to ,,'eun' tllt~
Lin" Distl'id has I)('on ,]ue to the sp1Pn, II'0nld d,'"'rih,, th,' \lIltiring illt"l'l'st of
did "nthllsiasnl :lnd sclf,sHPJ'ificing "f- , I'
hl' a hig' Ila~' Oil this ypar's, "all'Il,lar of MUSIC STORE
'O(II',v la'st and appropriate sl'n"jl'p po:,,- th" Ladies' Auxiliary \l'lth I 1l~lr yal" l'\"ClltS. 'fhl' :lllllll:!l tllt,t,ting of tIl{'
"iJ ,Ie.
l'oris of Ih,' indivi,]ual ,Loall \l'or]"'l's, ious eOllllllitt",!s, Last year th"ir "l', Narlwrth YOUIlg' .:\fl'll·s Christian A,:on 32 E. LANCASTER AVE.
Ad":lII"" illforlllalioll illlli,'alt's tha! I'oris IIPt!et! thl' Ass'll'iation :lI'1'ro;o;;i, ciation iH ,,,hl'<1l1!l'd fol' that l'H'llill:!,
Th(' thought ill miud was to ha n' " onl' distl'i"t has l1111d,' th" IH'st n,,'ol'd lIIat"l\, lIn'l\'e 11I1f1l]rell dollars. Inor" ARDMORE, P A.
-g('l1(lral than ]{sgi \"ing for t lit' Sllt'('(lSS- of :Ill th,' fift,\'-t\l'O distl'il'ls in the It is 0111," 11 l'ppssar,'- to aIlIlOnll"l' Ihl' I.::::==::============~
than 'fift~· [1PI' epnt. of the ,'olltn'\ 'u t'lon, spl'nkl'l's, Georgl' W, BratTen :1I1l1
ful l'IHling of till' war, and pra~'prs for Third Fe'],'I'al Hpsl'I'I"l', As soon as th,!
those \\'ho haye lllade th,' sUl'n'ull' s:l<·ri· ollieia] I'l'sI11ts an' kno\l'lI a "OP," \\'ill
IIPc'pssal'Y to co\'eI' its anllual budget.
IT T ) ay C' Oln,
Fletcher "r.
Stitl's, to illSllrl' all 0",,1" A COMPLETF LINE OF
Thl' Chairlady of tle ,ag flo\\' att"llllnll"!' of );al'herth flllk, :'1[1',
ti,'e, for those wounded in action and
he for\l'an]ed to ~'our :\(],l)'('ss, IlIitt"p, :'III'S. Clan'nee I~. Smith, wishes Bnlllpn, \\'ho sill,'" ,his rdnrn from Y. SCHOOL SUPPLIES
1'01' the safe returu of Iho,,' who ha,'" Th,' ('ollllnittpe is, AT
. of. ,'our,,', prontl t-n tl H1I1 1\ pn) 1,1'Ie Iy )1( ltll tll ,,11.
n ""Ig Girls
1. 1\[, C. A, 'Hel'\'i,'e in 1 tal~' has !wen aSH"
»1'1'11 sparerl
of th" way til,' ~l:lIn Lilli' has haek,'d an,l those memhers of her comluitt"l',
, The co,opl'ration of th(' :\arherth ~p thp AlIlI',ri":lII AJ'lu~', all<l Am"l'ieall: ineluding Mrs. Stephensoll, who \l'ork,'t1
eiated wit.h the Philadelphia Metropol-
itan Assoeiatioll, has h",'n t hl'ongh l'X'
Home (luard, the I<'ire Conl]ltlny, Boy
Scouts, Heel Cross. :lI1<1 other organiza-
)(lpals, an,l It IH [1l'oud IlIdppt! to 11:I\'p I, so t' a 1'tl I f' \J II t 0 In1,t tl- H~ I!lt
-. (,O '\"\"
-. t"'
I • peripnces thaI \\'ill 1\(','er ceaHO to make CIGARS ICE CREAM CANDY
hall the Il]"asul'p of wOl'killg with sudl :"0 ; tl
vct" 1(' op_ "I' ., his talks fnll of intel'est to all. :\oth-
tion" would surely lIIali,! this a Thanks' a splelldid org-allizntioll of men a1)(ll _ ing need IH' saitl here about !\fl'. StilpH,
gidllg Dll~' loll';! to hl' l'l'luelllhered ill
,V" th:lll]< you ,'a('h all,l "\'('1','- Ollp, I
\\'ho is admired an<1 respedptl by :111
Narberth and \\-hose talks are al\\'ay'
A1tractive New Houses
So far the sl1:.q.!e~tiun hn:-: heen rc· But our real 1"'\I'ard ,'onles with the NARBERTH. inRpiring al1l] to the point. Are Becoming Scarce
cein'd with hearty lll'pro\'al, and it is l<nowle,]gp that the hoys at thl' front Election of Directors to Follow Co!n I have remaining for sale a very
offered for puhlication in your eolUIllUS han' h,'ea ahlp to tight h"ttl'r-hecallse mmlity Meeting. attractive
Mr. W. G. Landes Tells How They Are
\\'ith tilt' hope that cOlllmitte,'s frolll WP on t.he Main Line gladly nssllJlletl Directly foHowing' the spcaking pa rt
Solving the Problem in the
all cllUrches an,l organizations \\'ill n" 0111' ~llIa\l Rhare of the hll1'l]pn in the
Borough of Lansdowne. of the program, thp Assoeiatioll al'li,"_'
Hponll. gn'at. h~ur of nutional need. :\fl'. ,Y.
G, Landcs, Gcneral Seel'l\tary members will remnin for the IlllnUll] on STONE COTTAGE AVON ROAD
Your President of the Civic Associa- YOllrs very trlll~', of t.he T'ennsy!\·aniu. State Sabbath election of Dirpctors lIIlll other strictly ANTHWYN FARMS
tion will be \,eQ' glad to help in any THl': MAIN LlNE LTBEH'fY LOAN Sehool Association, mude an inspiring' Association business, Don't hesitate if you want a good home.
way. COMMITTEE. addreHs at our Unioll Prayer Meeting', Further announcelllent will 1>1' iliadI'
•JOSEPH H. NASH. llAVln S, LlTD'LAM, Chairlllan. Wedne~,la~', No\'ember 13th. This meet· in next week '8 issue. WM. D; SMEDLEY


You will find it convenient to FOR WEEK ENDING NOV. 16.

High. Lo\\'.
have an account with Barollll'ter, sea Il'"l'l., .... . ;IOAI
Thermometer " .... ,...... 62
:!S Hauling Trunks, Baggage and Freight \
Hnmi,lity. pCI' ('cnt. '.',.'. !l') 6i


Total for week .... , , , . , .. , .. , .0:: illdl
Total this month to date, , .... .04 indl

Narberth Office, Arcade Building

C. D.
GARAnteed Roofs
R. H. Durhill entertained his son I>ndll'y An'1I11l'.

Pasteurized Milk
Brynelo"ls Certltled
(PedrlaUc Soelel;v)
Hohert IL few days tht' lirst of the wee];. Stuart A\,ellu,'.
Hoht'rt, who is well knowlI ill Narherth, I~hn Terra('e, Special .. Guernsey·' MERION

Checking Accounts Saving Accounts l'ntl'I'('tl thc ArlllY in the ~rotor Con' ~ahillP A\'('1I11P,
strul'tion Corps, hilt of hi.te has heell
(Roberts' 80: Sharpless'
Dairies) NARB"-RTH
sl'l'\'illg" as Aeting Ser/.:,'allt at the head· Tuesday.
Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
quartl'rs of the S. A. 'r. C.. Ulli"ersit~' Essex Avenne, ('ast sille, lIa,"erford to
with us Sunday evening and hcar Dr. Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD
of Pitt.,llIIrgh. He W:lS ''''lit to J'hillule]' ~lol1tgol1lery.
Killian tell of his experience of nearly Cream.
phia to take haek a dl'sl'l'tl'r. ~[I'. Illlr' 'Va~'II" A ""II Ill',
S'l'. lL\UGARE'f'S CllUJWII ten years with the Church on \Vheels.
hin has t\\'O otl,,'r SOilS ill the '\I'II1~"­ Pri('(' ..\\,PTlU('.
ll.eT. U. I'. CowIe)', Hector THE PRESBYTER~ CHURCH. 'Villialll, who is dri,'ing- an alllhulall<'" ]<"'nrl'l':-it :\ \'t"lllllP,
ill Frane,', and Bl'II, who w('nt froll! (il'aylillg' }\\,(IIIUI'. SCOTT-POWELL DAIRIES
Early Mass on Sunday from April R:lv. John Van Ness, Minister Cle"elalld. Ohio. to '"l<' of th,' SOllth"I';1 :'\:lrl"'l'th A\"'llIH'. 45th and Parrish 8t8.
1 to October 31 at 7 A. M. From training' l'amps, 1------------ ,---
NoveIDIber 1 to March 31 at 7 A. M. .\[",'tillg-s for 1I,'xl Snllda.": --- Wednesday.
Late Mass, 9.30 A. M. throughont the !1.:1II A. ~r.-~It'li 's Bihll' Class. II. A. Th,' :'\:ll'll1'rth WollI"lI ,\'ho all throug-h Ilalnpd"n 1\""IIUC. HOWARD F. COTlER
year. Masses on holydays, 6.30 and B:ln],s. Litt. D .. It'a"hel'. ,the h,'at of the sllllln,,'1' sill"" hra\'l'I~' [olla 1\""1111<'.
8.30 A. 1\1:. Weekdays at 8. Evening In,Oo A ~I.-Sllnda~· S,.llOO!. All dl'. ,tn tll<'ir pl'olllis,' to h,'lp at th(' "\rdllllJI'" \\'nodbilll' A\'('IIIH', 'MEATS of
devotions and other services at regu· partlllents. ICallllillg- (\'Iltn'. ",ill Ill' I-(!'atified 10 ~lontg-OIIl"I'," ,\'-"IIIH'. \al'hl'l'th to 11:1," ,IT.l QUALITY
lar times. 11.00 A, ~r.-l'nhli,' wOl'ship, with ;J"al'll that thl' tnt:ll olltput for tIl<' s"a' el'for,l.
s"rnlOIl hy the I'astol' 011 "C'hristiall I soll alll'"ll1t.'<l In lIppl'llxilllat('ly 1i,1I11I1 ~["dill!! Ilousl' Lall". Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
AIlI"ri"allizntioll." : (,olltaillers ((II' o"el' !I,1I1111 pillts" of food Williallls 1\\'''IIIH',
"The Little Church on the Hill."
At this Illl,,,tillg" I':. H, Si"kl,'s :1I1l1 \\,.!rolls,']'\'",I.. Sin"l' j()(,; 01' "II<·h day'" Ila"l'rfol',l An'nue.
A. ~reCnlle~' will hl' I'".instllll,," lIsi 0llt l'1I1 tIllS yellr was dOllah'd to onrl ---
Rev. F. M. Gray, Pastor
Ilea,'ons, isoldi,'l's :llId sailors, 0""1' !lIlO pillts 01'1
i.OO 1'. ~r.-Chl'istiall 1':lIdea,'ol' 11If'l'!:,ljallls :111<1 j,'llies hn\',' l"'l'1I S"lIt to t11<' :'\arl"'l'th An'nlll'. sOllth si,l".
Thursday. Real Estate
Sunday i\ oyember 24th:
illg-, l'opi(', "CoUllt Your ~[l'n.i"s." 'eoll":I!"S"l'llt hospital al C:lp" ~rll~' 1'1'01111 EIlllwoo,1 A,'enul'. Jlap!t' Insurance
9.45 A. ~L-S\lnday School. Classes
The Sellior Sl'dioll will be I,'d hy ~Iiss !111<' A I'd III 0 1'(' C,'ntn' a!olH'. Th,' thn'l' \\'tlo<lsid,' A\'enue. South ~ide
for all ages. Men's Class t.aught by At the Station
Ruth Clay an,[ the .IlIniol' Se,·tion I". "l'lltl'''S of 111l' ~rain Lille ('nlillillg Clllh Oro\'(' Pla,'e. ------------------ - -
Ron. F. \V. Stites and IV omen's Class
Fran('is Lamhert. ' ! ha ,-" fill,'<1 altogeth,,1' aholll ::,000 ('on· DON·T FORGET
taught by ~Irs. :HeCracken. Friday.
'jAt) P. :\L-E\'('lIing \\'ol'~hil" ~tlh- jlailll'I'~, YHrying' in SiZl\ frolll V~ pint' to
11.00 A. ~L-~Iorning service. SCI" to mail us your Razor Blades as well as
jed of SP 1'1Il 011 , "Thl' ~rol'lIing Com-! ~ qllal't" Xow that AII1l'ri"a is to fl'",l ('Ill'stnlll.
your Razors w hen they need
mon by the Pastor on "Christian Train·
cth," :11l'!' fo,'s as ",,,II as h,'1' fri,,"ds, "''' shall ~1"l'ioll, s arpening up
ing." Church Notes. :1", gl,"l of l"'''I'~' ja I' of iOI"l sa ,'e,l from BOl'I<1all,1 A \'('n IIC.
3.00 P. 1\L-Chihlren 's Church with
short talk hy a retlll'ned missionary from ,\1 th., I'ray"l' ~1"<'1illg' n,'xt \Vl'dll"S' t'll' Slln'llIl'I"S al>lInd'tnt han'est. Anl1 If possihl" th,' I'olltes for thl' ,1a~" Safety Razor Sharpening Co.
cla,'- (1\'('J1jnp' e:u·h P(,I'l-'OIl is n\qtll':-itt.'ll' 1hl1 WOIllP]1 who workt'c1 :-;0 faithfully at sp",'iti",1 ",ill he 1'0110",,,,1 Ollt. 'Vlll' 11 14 S, SEVENTEENTH STREET
i.On P. ~f.-Epworth l,ea~ue. le<1 h~' to ('Olllt' pl'l'pal'(ld to gi\'(' :l nUlllhl'J' of: thi:-- \'{'1'~' llJll'olll:llltil' war-.ioh lllUy 1\"1\"11
it 1H'('OIl\(':-o IltlC'l')~:-,nr~· 10 I'hallg'l' routing", PHILADELPHIA, PA.
"lII1S,'S for 'I'hi"h "',' "Illlldd I", thallI<. ;Uwt th"," dlllSl' a Illo,,1 nl1l1al>l" s"l'\'i .. ", dlh' 11otl('(' will lw gh-l'll. III ('a:-:(' of SIngle f:dge Bllldes 2c eacb
~I rs, A. W. Wanl.
I a ~I'\'('J'(' :-:tll1'ln 01' holid:l,\- ill tt'rrl1 pt ill ~ Gillette JUl1dcs ' 3c each
iA;, I', ~1.-1·;\"('lIillg s,,)'\'i,,1' with ad, fu!.
TllP illlllU:J1 ThaTlk:-:g'i\'ing S(ll','iep \\'ill i ASH COLLECTIONS, t h" "olIPd iOIl ",ill 1)(' 'Ill" <1ay lat P. nazors lloned .' 2i)c each
dn'ss h." ~Iiss Bil'hl, of India. A rare
C. E. Humphreys, We guaran tee complete satisfaction.
tl'('at to hl'ar this nlissionar." from th,' I", h"l<1 ill thl' Bal'tist, Chllr('h IlI'Xt I
:4tJ'(,pt. ('OIlI111i:-;~iolll'l'. ;V[ail orcler.s given prompt attention.
Far Ea:-;t. Thp :\fl11l\: ('holl' will :-:ing. Thllrscla~' lit 10 A. ~r. RI"', .John tall Monda.y.
Try us.
011 '\'l',lIll's,la~·. ?\o\'l'IIIIl('r 2(1th. w,' Xl'SS \\'ill ,l<'li",'1' th" S,'1'InOIl, COIl\\'lIY A'-"Illll'.
l'(':ul lf1ttl'r:-: at Olll' pra~~{'r !IU'l'tillg 1'1'0111 'Vin,lsol' An'nill', ";s"ex to 'V~·nll""'oo,l. UNCLAIMED LETTERS AT NAR·
"',dtpr 11 II III ph rips, Lt. 1,;,lwlll'd ~Iillp;'
~r 0111 gOIll(\)','" .A '"PHlil', \\','"1111(\\\'00,1 tIl ~Jrs, Il,'rlllan.
:i1ld .Iallips II. ('<l1l1l'tOIl, If th" ollil'ial 'I'h,' :Jllllllal lllr,,'tiJlg' of thl' \":Jl'bl'rth
1l'll'gralll allllollll('illg' thp de:l1h of .IH]Il(l~ Thl' Hell Cross Hoolll will 1", op":! , \"lIl'h,,!,th, ~[I'. Jo'.lIag"l'tr. BrulI(·h of thl' ;>:1'l',1Il'\\'01'1< Gllil,1 \\':1"
~II', ,C. H. Kl'lly.
11. COIll}'ton is ,'onfil'lllpd, "''' ~h"ll holtl ,'ai'll dll~' as uSllal for H,'.] Cross work. E:-;:-;rx A \"l'lItll', \\'ll~t si,l", lIa \'('1'1'01'<1 to, llClcl at the l'resh."tl'riall (,hlll'.. h herll
:I 1l!('ltIol'ial ~Pl'vi{'p Oil ~(Il1ll' Sllll(la~' \Vhil(' work on th .., ~llrg'i('al dJ'(~!'sillg:-; i . .
:lftl~rllOOll as hi~ !'('l'\'il·(l :-:1:11' i:.- tlll'lwd S()Oll to lw di:-;('olltitllH1Il. tlH'J'l' b a \'('r~'
~[ olltgolllel'r·
I EDW. S. HAWS, Post mastel'. '\VedJll'sday, :-:o\'ellllwr (jth. LIIII"heoll
,,'as ~l'r\'(l(l thp Dil'l,(~t()rs a 1 1I00Jl aUfl a
to g-oltl. urg-pllt eall for ,·Iothing for tl1(' refugl'''s, puhli,' !1I"dillg \\'as held ill thl' P. ~r.,
On 'V",lIH'sd"y. :'\on'lId",1' 2ith, a UTIlI thl':-'l' garlJlPllts "'ill IH~ Iliad .., l':u·h
['nioll 1'1':1.""1' ~rl'pting of th" :'Irl'lhodist da~' in th., n,',l ('ross HOOIlI, 'I'hl' rl"
YOUR TIME IS NOW ,,-hi"h \\'as addn',sl'd by :'1[1', lIall, of till'
(;alikl' ~[is"ioll. \\'ho told or th,' \\'ork
Chlll'l'h,'s Oil the :'Ilain LillI' will he 1ll'1,1 elHlllil t ion 11('11:11't 1II1'IIt, ",ht'),l' soldipl';-;' III 0111' til'st 1l,lY"l'lis"II1l'lIt of thl' BOSTON-KENTUCKY OIL COMPANY, 11I"t d(JIlP tJilll't l , The ga1'1I11 1 11t:-' t'olltl'ihllled
"",,,\<, app"aring in this 1J(',\'spal'l'r, ,\(' lIn'\\' YOUI' attl'ntioll to a "on,ll'l'flil
in the Wayne :;-retho,list El'iseopal apP:iI'(,! is 11l1)lld",1 Hnd 1't';o;tol'l'd to 11:-:0- \\'I'!'" 011 ,'xhibilioll lit Ihl' afterllooll
oppol'tullity I'l'esent,'<1 10 ~'Oll ill thl' otl'.. r of BOSTON.KENTUCKY 'I'J'('aslll'~'
('hlll'eh, hy request of 0111' Distrirt Suo fllhll':':~, it' :dSCl in IIl'l"ld of \\'lll'k(lt'S eitlH'r IIU'I'tillg' alld ('\lJl:->i:--1pd of I,otH 11(",\'
shal'''s at ten "en'h 1"'1' shal'<',
I'"rintendent anll Bishop. in the H,'.] ('ross Hoolll or to takl' the g-anlll'lIls 1I11d a sJh',·ial dOllation of \::1,
The lJnioll ~rhallki-i~i\'illg' Ml']"\'iel' of ";(ll'k hOIlIP. HI'(':lUSl' lhl' \raJ' is 0"('1' do WE CALLED YOUR ATTENTION partly \\'01'11 arti,,!t,s, \\'hi,'h had 1""'11
til<' Baptist, Pl'esh~·tl'rj.a1l all(l 1\r"tho- Ilot t hi n k tha t ~'(1l1 a 1'(' Ilot nppdpd at to thl' 1111'1"" a"]'('ag" of thl' BOSTON-KENTUCKY OIL COMPANY "OllljJl'ISlllg- reqlll',t,'d h.\' thl' :\atiollal (;lIild for 11)('
the H,'d Cross, 1'01111' lIll,l hl'lp lila 1«' 1:;;,11 11('('('S ill HO\\'lln COllnt.". adjoining" tIll' Hag-land 1'001. alld !I(ill a,·r..s ill
.list Chllrehl's of :'\ar1H'l'th will Ill' h"ld H('d ('ross t"O l1S(' 1'01' infltlt'IlZa sl1fl'p1'pr:"
rlothing- for the Belgians and l"n'neh. CIlIY County, ](l'lltll"J,y. all ,·ar.. full~" sekdl'd tl'1'I'itol'."-alld ",hat is or pl'illl"
011 Thanl,sgiying- Day ill the XlIl'h,'rth illl!,ortan"l' to ~")(I-ALL BOUGHT AND PAID FOR an,1 "lIl'l'ying Th"sl' garll1l'lIts wl'n' ,lislriblltl'<1 to tIl\'
Baptist ('hllreh lit 10.:10 A, ~r. as w('II as 0111' OWJl :-ioldicl'~, follo\\'illg' ,·Il:lriti,'s:
'I'hl' BOSTON-KENTUCKY OIL COMPANY will pa." no tribute to :1Il~' Onl' for
EVANGEL. WOMEN'S COMMUNITY CLUB tlll' !,I'idl..g-,' of sl,,'ndin!! its shar..1roJders' Illonl'~' for tl1l' ,Il'n'lopllll'nt of oil
lands 1101 IH'long-ing to it. Th,' BOSTON·KENTUCKY OIL COMPANY ,,'il!
Am,'ri"all Olll'ologi,' lIospital.
( Continued from page 2) Baptist Illstitllt<, for ('hl'istiall \Vorl<·
11Sl' its sharl'hold .. rs' fuu,ls to de\'l'l0l' lallds III whi,'h "'ll'1r shal'l'hol,l,'1' ha, iIn
Avery S. Denuny, Pastor WOIII"II'S organizatiolls of ?\arherth. intl'n'st in proportion to his sto.. 1<,holdillg-s an,l
~till fm'ther to tlJ(' ,·luh·s l'I'l'dit is Iloor of !lop".
Ser\'i('ps S111Hlay, NO\"PlldH'J' 24th~ aH th" pnl'l:haRe of a Libcrty Bond, a dOlla,
100 PERCENT OF ALL OIL 1I,'lpillg lIalld H,'s"II" ~[issioll,
IJI'o,llll'..d will Ill' utiliz..,l fOI" di,'idpnds alld for th" l'xpallsion of th,' drilling'
follows: tion of $10 to the Amel'ieall Lihl':ll'Y a nd t1(l\'<.~I(lPlll('l1t pl'CJgnllll. 110111" for 1llt'lll'ah1l's.
!lAG A, ~I.-Bihll' Sl'1lOol. Classes for Asso!:iation, lIearly $2G to Oll' loeal Y.
all. 1';"(,I~'OIll' w('kome. ~I. C. A. hazaar of the Fa II of I!ll i. $2.;
11,00 A. ~I.-:;-lorning worship. SuI>, l>nl'ing Septl'lllhl'r, l!IIS, a total of 2;:2 IIt'W wl'lIs was ,'olllpl .. tl'd of "hidl 211:! 1I0liday !lousl'. Nnrlll'l'th,
to "Our 'rown" aR an appl'l,,'iatiOlI 1'01
,\'"lIs HI'l' l'olllll1prl~ially pl'otlU(·th'll, indicating a f'lhO('l':-isful (~()lIIpl(lti(l1l of S7 f /(. 1'. I,;. l'it.y ~Iissiou,
jPd. "A Call ,to S(,l'yi"l'." Also aa thl' \'l'I'Y "ol'di,,1 USl' of its "OIlIIlIIlS, all<! This is a n'lllarkllhlP """olllJ,lislllll"lIf allli "'lItlpal'l's fa\'orahly with Ih .. 111 ,,,-t
illustratl'd ehihlren's S"1'II1011 ('lItith'd. a sum of $12;1 net was turned over to I'rolitie distri"ts in th .. ,,'orld, On Odohl'1" 2;, last. ;,1 S Ill'W wl'lb w,'J'<' in pro· "'l'stl'1'1l !l01IIl' for 1'001' Childrell.
"Outsi,l<, and Inside." the Ci\'i,' Assoeiatioll from th"ir hooth "ess of drilling'. For thc ",(,,'k l'llllillg 01'101",1' I" thl' ('1l1ll1",rI:IIltl Pipe Lill .. W~'llupfil'ld Rahies' lIospital.
i.OO P. l\f.-B, Y. P. U. ~rcetillg. Suh· at the ['atdolie l"l'1l'. ,ll'1ivere,1 to \'(,tilll'l'ipS SS,2::G hhrrels of l'I'u<l.. Pl't rO!l'Unl, or an a \'l'rag-',J ,Iai I,"
mil of 1:!,G02 hanels. pa,'h hanl'1 of whieh \\-as worth $2.lil1. Ill<lil'atiolls poillt W"st ,leI'S''.'' Ol'phallage.
jed, '''1'he Cross of Chl'ist." 'rill' Ullion At the elose of the ahove resume to th .. l'J'()dul'tioll of Kl'lltu"I<~' for the yl'ar l!IIS l'xeel',ling FIVE MILLION
will be <1h'itll'd illtll two sides, allll the :\lnl'illl'rs' Bl'th,'I,
Mrs, II. S. Prentiss Nichols. Presidel:t BARRELS, a lIlal'kpd ill"I'l'aSl' O\'l'r thp ~'par 1!lli, aud th .. \'alue of th,' l!IIS
Pastor will ask qUl'st ions on the eros, of thc Nl'\\' C,,"tUI'~' Club an,1 Vice·Pn"· 11I'0,lul'tiOII will exceed (1alilel' :'I[issioll.
in the same IlHlIInl'r as au old·fashioned ident of the East('rn Distrid of 1'l'1l1l !I 0111(' for Ag",l Coupl,'s.
s]l"lIiug SdlllOl. sylvania of the State Pcderation of W" gauJ Iloti",' in our last \\'l'l'k's Illh"rtisl'nll'llt that tIlt' pri,'l' of BOSTON· 1"aith ~(issioll,
iA;, 1', ~L-nlustrated Sl'l'nllln with 'Vomen's Clubs, address('d thl' gathl'l" KENTUCKY Tn'asul'\" sharl's would :lllnlllel' to tif!",'u ,','uts, THE PRICE Main IJill1' \'isitillg" :\ursl's' Associa-
lant<,rn slidl's IJy Hl'\'. ,1. C. ,Killitln. Suh, ing an,1 as usual won new :1l1mircrs hy HAS ADVANCED eX;Il'tly in ael'or<lall"l' ",ith our allllounrelllellt antl we now tiou.
jed, '''1'he Chapel Cal'," her charming manncl' alld plellsing pel" offl'r the secoIlll allotment of BOSTON-KENTUCKY Tn'asury Shares at
S.OO P. M. '.v.. dlll's<1a.,·-Song III III FIFTEEN CENTS PER SHARE. To th"" .. who ,lid Ilot grasp th;' 0p!,ortunit~, ~,){'ial Sen'i,·" D"partmellt of the
sonalit~·. ~lrs. Niehols ereates a dc,
offered last ",cek at T,'n Cl'nts w,' sa~' I'n'sh~'l<'ri:l1l Hospital.
Prayer Service. lightful atmosphere all her own, and
10.;{0 A. M. Thursda~'-Unioll Thallks· the cluh feels highly complimented on DO NOT WAIT FOR THE NEXT ADVANCE ~raster 's ~rission.

givillg' Sen'iee. Speaker furnislH'd h~' th(' recognition it receiveR from her whieh in all prohahility will appl'al' in our nl'xt wl'l'k's :1l1n'rtisl'ment. Sl'1lt1 Thl' followiug' ollil'crs were eleeterl
t h" Prl'sbyterian 'Chureh. your onlers in at Olll'e. You ma~' wirl' your I'esel'\'ations at our expl'nse. hilI' (II' thl' ('omiug' yenr:
when onl' realizes tIll' III a II.'" <1cnlall11s
aet qlliekly. R,'mcllIlH'1' that our aerpage is 1lI1usually larg,' alltl that UUI' ('ap· ~rrs. H. H. \Vallaee, President.
Church Notes. mark upon her. italizatioll is unusually slllull.
A parody Oil "The N-ight Before Ml's. ./. B. Cahlwell, First Virl'- Presi-
'rhe church has always led in l','ery Address all communications to
Xmas," with npologics to old St. Nick, dent,
grell t forwnrd mO"emen t. To Il'ad she
llIust keep ill ad,'ullce of th(' crowd. was then given by our good neighbor, E. P. GAGE COMPANY Mrs. .fohn Gilroy, 8"eon,1 Viep·Presi,

'To do so wo hnye put the church Oil Mrs. R. .1, Hamilton, ,r 1'., Presidellt of Investment Bankers.
the Women's Club of Ardmore, also 161 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass, J\[rs. W,U. H. Pugh, Sel'l'ehll'J',
whecls. The chapcl rnr sen'ire is a
President of the l\fontgomer~' County References: Dun or Bradstreet, Hanover Trust Comp3:ny, Mrs. A. P. Hedifer, ARsistnnt See 1'1'-
uniqnt' lIlethod in 1Il0dern chnrch work.
Federation of Women's ClllhR, and it Tremont Trust Company, International Trust Co. tary.
If ;vou are not regulurly att,cnding'
Registrar and Transfer Agent: Hanover Trust Compan)". MrR. A. H. Mueller, Treusurcr.
.ehnrl'll elsewhere, we invite you to lJIeet (Oontinued on page 4)
(Co,itinued from Plllllll 1)
_Plenty of exercise, fresh air, WOMEN'S COMMUNITY CLUB WHAT NEXT?
regular hours-is all the pr~­ (Continued from page 9)
Much more might have bee!l done, of course, but the Civic Association feels that by its record of
scription yOU'need to aVOId would he yery much remiss not to reo
Influenza-unless through peat it here: achievements it has justified itself.
'Twas a month before Xmas, late But what of the future? That, Neighbor and Fellow Citizen, depends largely on you. With every resi
neglect or otherwise, a cold this Fall, not a creature was stirring, dent in the borough holding a dues paying membership in the Association, and with the support of all our
gets you. Then take-at the cook least of all. The dishes were citizens and the active co-operation of all those who can spare a little time and service, from time to time, the
once piled on the dresser with care, in the future of Narberth has the brightest of prospects.
hope that some fairy soon would be For unquestionably we owe it to ourselves, our home-Ii fe,' our investments here, our sense of civic pride
there; anrl bake, wash and brew for my and endeavor, to see to it that Narberth keeps step with the community progress which is going to char
family of fi\"e; lJUt would you helieve it, acterize the further development of the immense American spirit to which all the world now pays homage.
she failed to arrive.
Come, then, to the meetings, and see what can be done, say, towards a better main street, a station that
So I settled mrself for a long daY'8
will do us credit, a Town Beautiful, a railroad bridge that is not a eye-sore, a comprehenSIve plan of com
flirt; with 11101', hrush and broom, I'd
Standard cold remedy for 20 years-in tablet
munity activity, another express train or two, a more cordial and neighborly feeling than at present obtains
settle the di rt. When all n:t once there
form-safc. sure, no opia.te~-break9 up a cold Say what you will in the w,ay that suits you best when you do come, but if you prefer to only look and
in 24 hours-relie"es gnp m 3 days. Money arose such a clatter, I sprang to the
back ifit fnih The genuine box hns a Red tcp
with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Stores. phone to sce what was the matter. listen, why by all means do just that. The point is you must evidence your interest in the work that is under
"Is that ;vou, ;\[rs. H.'I" said a yoice way, and ali that is going to be an excellent thing for you personally, individually, certainly you are not going
at thl' pnd. "Right you' are," said I, to hold aloof:
OVERSEAS CHRISTMAS PACKAGE "who eaIls-a friend ~" "Mrs. Fow- Happily the great war is over and no longer will you and yours be called upon to make heroic sacrifices on
TO BE SENT UNDER THE ler, of Narberth, inyites you to lunch, the field of battle. But the war for civic improvements and betterments-the war to realize the fruits of
A~[ERICAN nED CROSS with her and her club-the whole jolly genuine democracy, must go on every day.
hunch. Kow don't say me nay-we'll The Narherth Civic Association is the most effective medium through which you can render this kind of
The Christmas presents for the sol- ('xpect you on time; tr~ke the train leav· service. \Vill you help in its great and worth while work?
diers abroad wlIJ be ,sent under the ing- Ardmore at 12.49." I neal' drop-
No one is making any profit out of the Civic Association-nothing in which you are not sharing equally
direction of the Red Cross. The pack- lwd in a faint-lilY joy was so great-
ages must be 'sent before November hut managed to say, "1'11 be there in
with every other resident. Your home is but a unit of the community and the home, in the long run, can be
20. Three main lLne divisions wiN state." Then visions of another day
no bettcr than the community in which it is located. Hence you share in all profits.
be open to receive the packages on danced through my hearl, pumpkin pic Make no mistake about it, you cannot keep the influences arising out of your local environment from
the arrival of the labels from the men and doughn'll'ts and soft gingerbread; seeping into your home and influencing your own life and the lives of your family. It is a very practicable
In France. agreeablo folks and music so rare, and fact that you cannot "save" yourself or your OWI1 folks unless you also "save" others.
The Bryn Mawr Branch, 809 Lan- then you question-sa;}" would 1 be Call it "brotherhood" or "good citizenship" or "enlightened selfishness," the fact remains that the more
caster avenue, Bryn Mawr, will ibe there! I'd help celebrate the third you do for your town and your neighborhood the more you do for yourself and your own folks. And you
open daily from 3 to 7 P. M.
nutal day of tlle Community Club with can do this best by joining the Civic Association.
The Ardmore Branch wlH be open a grand "Hooray' '-since war and
from 3 to 7 daily.
Now that weare looking forward to our 143 boys coming back we must look around us and prepare to
pestill'nee are laid on the shdf, like the
The Narberth Branch wiJl be open jolly old "Nick" we'll he our old welcome them to that most wonderful place-HOME.
dailI.y from 2 until 5 and Monday and Let us have a better town than when they left, let us give them a welcome that will make their home
Wednesday evenings.
To t hl' guests here assl'mbled, please town more to them than ever.
Full particular,s about the packages let me say, this child has grown in a Each one of us owes some service, however slight, and some financial support, however small, to the
may be had at the Post Office or the
remarkahle way; she no longcr creeps, furtherance of our local community welfare. The regular dues for voting members are but $1.00 a year
Red Cross rooms. Notice will be gd\Ten
hut takes her stand with the very best and worth every cent of it.
when the labels arrive.
dubs in all the land. She's young but FOR PROPERTY OvVNERS IN PARTICULAR
- - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - mighty we 'II all agree, for see how sll\}
RCADIA helpetl sd the whole world free; Lib- Some there are in our Borough who can afford to contribute more than $1.00 a year to the Civic
Association. lVlany are doing it and many more will, we are confident, once they realize all that the Association
A CHESTNUT, Bel. 16th St
Finest J'hotoplay The-
atre 01 Its Size In the
Entire World.
crty I.Joan, 'Val' Stamps, War Chest
campaigns, all "-l'nt oyer the 'top tlll'ough has done and all that it can and will do in the hlture.
her efforts and pains. So I wish to re- If you are a property owner, bear in mind this important fact: every improvement that the Association
Pb.topllU/s-Continuous 10 A. M. to 11.39 pl'at-\\hen a task's to be donl', ,,-hat has accomplished or assisted other local organizations 111 accomplishing, has helped materially to raise
P.M. to SOllIe would 1)(' effort. to this club property values. ;\1indful of this fact, the Association recently created what is known as a "property
PhUa.,Pe. flln. And to whom goes the erecIit? 'ro owner membership." This class of membership is, of course, purely voluntary and carries with it no priv-
PROGRAM yOIl and to yOIl-to eaeh faith fill ml'l11- ileges not enjoyed by any regular dues paying member. It has been suggested in this connection that every
1)('1' who puts the work throllgh; to YOllr Property Owner wishing to hold this kind of a membership, make a yearly contribution to the Association of
THANKSGIVING WEEK President. so just, who stands at the $5.00 for each 50 feet front owned and $5,.()0 for each additional 50 feet or fraction. All membership
commenclhg Monduy, November 251h helm and gives of her best in this ehanll- receipts go direct to the Association treasury and are expended only for general Association work.
ing realm. Discouragements, yes, who Vvith the financial support 'and the co-operation of service which every resident can render, our Civic
:ow hasn't tlwir sllure? Bllt that only Association can make continuous progress in the genuinely worth while work of improving our town. Without
BILLIE BURKE makes the snecl'SS more rare; so con-
g-ra tlllations to all-may your future
money and without co-operation only a little can be clone, and even then the burden falls unjustly on the
shoulders of a few. Come, friends, neighbors and fellow citizens, joint us. Help us with your money, and
In First Showing of keep hright. ~[el'I'Y Xmas to all-to all
a "Good-night."
assure us that your heart, your head and your hand are with us.
"THE N l'('(lh'ss to suy, the foregoing reo
(,,"i\'l'd Illllch applause.
50 1ittle can be accomplished without money and so little money can accomplish so much when properly
;:pent by this Association for the good of "Our Year 'Round Bome Town."
MAKE-BELIEVE Gn'dings from the Cy II \\".\'(1 Clllh h~' The best time to join is now while the subject is fresh 111 your mind, and as our Narberth school's
WIFE" thl'ir Presi,lent, :-[rs. Halph Kindpl'. ps- motto reads "lifting better up to best" sign the application hlank and mail TO-DAY.
tahlishl'(l a Y('ry neighhorly feelillg he- '{ours 'for a progressive Narberth,
t\\"l'l'n the 1'111hs. Here was intcrspl'rse'l
~1,\lX l'nonUCTIOH STARTS AS NEAR thp singing- of "Ke('p n1(' Home Firl's
Membership Committee:
AS POSSIIH,E TO 10.15 A. III.. 12.00. 2.00, Burning-" hy all present, as it seeme(i CHA5. L. CLEGG, Chairman.
3.41';. 1';.45. 7.4l>, 0.30 1'. III.
\"cry nlUch in aceord with some of thl' J. J. CABREY,
sppakl'J's' renlal'ks and spirit. of the da~". ROBT. J. EDGAR,
~r iss ~la rion Oopn t n('r "oueludell the :\IRS. C. P. FO\VLER,
GOOD MORNING! sl"'aking with h('r <'\"l'1' rl':l<I~- wit anil H. C. GARA,
good hllmor amI nwtle a ph'a for u 1'('- MRS. L. W. NICKERSON,
GEO. B. SUPLEE tllrn once morl' of the e1l1h's attl'ntion
to the literary programs.
Yocal selections wero most ably rl'll-
Plumbing Establishment ,lPred hy Mrs. H. S. Bradley and ~rrs.
H. Hoffman. At tho closing the "Mar·
Corresponding Members.

IS NOW LOCATED AT sellaise" was sung in French by Mrs. I herewith make application for-
Bradley, then in English, eyeryone join- Voting membership, $1.00
104 Forrest Ave. ing in the chorus. Sustaining membership, $5.00 or over
At Your Service }fay the future hold Illore of such Property owner membership, $5.00 for
delightful ga:t.herings. Enc losed IS $1.00 for 1 year's subscription each 50 ft. or fraction
Prompt attention given all orders.
Estimates Cheerfully Given. On Tuesday, November 26th, the to "Our Town" (in advance). in the Civic Association of Narberth, Pa.
___________________ !·Women 's Community Club will hold a
Nallle . (Cross off the kind of membership you are not
reception to the faculty of the public
Don't forget to take your drink of remitting for)
and high schools of Narberth. As there
Address .. " " . Enclosed please find covernig dues
SpringValley Mineral Water urI' several new teachers tltis year, th,'
elllh has taken this opportunity of To Miss ~1. J. Simpson, Cashier , for one year.
morning and evening, for your
health's sake bringing the teachers und many moth· 232 Essex Avenue, Narberth, Pa. Nanle , ., , ., .
Spring Vulley 1Il1neral Water should ers together.
be In every lIome at tills time. Sure This will be an open meeting, and it Address .
and certain preventative of Constlpa. is hoped every member will bring :l To Geo. M. Colesworthy, Sec.-Treas.,
tlon, Neuritis, Rheumatism, Kidney friend interested in the above program. 224 lana Ave., Narberth, Pa.
and Liver Trouble, GII8tr1c Catarrh, Mrs. R0;1" Clark wiII be hostl's" on this
BroncWal Catarrh, Heartburn, NeJ.'I- occasion. Partial Sustaining Membership List
vousness and all Digestive Troubles. Mr. Joseph H. Nash Mr. A. J. Laos
Keep on the llighway of good health. Mr. H. R. Hillegas
Order a bottle today.
Mrs. Chas. \V. Young
Mr. Harry A. Jacobs Mr. C. L. Clegg
Y. M. C. A. Paper Collection by Lad-
NARBERTH, PA. COAL FUND I-Removal of poles. and placing of new standard electric street lights and street signs throughout the·
Newspapers should be tied securely 2-Pushing to final completion of new railroad station, and tunnel under Essex Avenue.
in flat bundles (FOLDED IN HALF) 3-Plaeing of appropriate signs throughout Boropgh for direction of pedestrians and autoists, etc.
PICTURES FRAMED and placed on porch before 9 A M.
At reasonable prices to FACILITATE ·COLLECTION. 4--Cleaning up of all vacant lots, rubbish heaps, ek.
5-Building of a large community auditorium.
Telephone: Narberth 1261-W for prices Ma.azine••hoaid be ti.d ."pa,ately. Bun-
and to see samples.•. dl•• • hould not wie.h o".r 50 pound. each 6--Holding of regular forum meeting with good music and good speakers at each.
7-Establishing two yearly flower shows instead of the one heretofore held in the spring-the second
DON'T FORGET-SATURDAY-NOV. 80th show in the fall for dahlia, chrysanthemum and cosmos lovers.
334 Dudley Avenue, N.uberth

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