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J. Inst. Agric. Anim. Sci.

30:143-149 (2009) 143

Research Article

D. R. Dangol
Institute for Social and Environmental Research
Fulbari, Chitwan, Neppal

In recent years, social and natural scientists have gained interest in understanding reciprocal relations
between human populations and the environment. Research methods have been developed for
investigating the secrets of interations of human and environment. This paper describes the flora data
collection methods used in a longitudinal research project “Reciprocal Relation Between Population
and the Environment” and highlights how the research sites were selected, how the research plots were
designed in each site and how the qualitative and quantitative data of flora found in each research plot
were recorded. This paper also discusses how the flora data can be linked with sociodemographic data
and how the data can be used to unfold the effect of human activities on flora diversity and/or the effect
of flora on the life of the human population in the study area.
Key words: Human population, research methods, data analysis, longitudinal research, research design.

We can see tremendous interest of both natural as well as social scientists in the investigation of
relationships between human populations and the environment (Subedi, 2000; Mathema, 2000). Each
school of scientists works separately and develops the methodology for their purposes. As a result,
ecologists give more attention to plants or animals or environment and less to human population (see
Duwadi et al., 2002; Shrestha et al., 2002). Social scientists give more attention to human dimensions and
work out and develop their methodologies (for example, Dahal, 2000; K.C., 1998). It is felt important to
work together in collaborative research so that the secrets of the interrelationship between population and
environment can be unfolded. To fill up the gap, we develop a longitudinal research project to study
reciprocal relations between population and the environment. For this study we work together and develop
methodology. In this paper, I attempt to highlight on (1) location of our research sites and plots, (2) design
of research plots, and (3) data sets we collected. I also try to give appropriate examples of our methods.

Location of Research Sites and Plots

We define a research plot as a 10 × 10 m2 stratified fashion in the forests, grasslands of Chitwan
National Park and common lands decided on the basis of 1992 aerial map. The research plots were
confined in the different sites (Blocks), in the Western Chitwan Valley of lowland Nepal.

Forest Block A
To the east of the study site lies the Tikauli/Barandavar Jungle which extends about 13 km south of
the East-West Highway. The entire research plots of this Block A in the Tikauli Jungle are located within
this strip of forest. Each set of plots is approximately 1,250 m (4,100 ft) wide, running inward from the
edge of the forest to the center. The area within which the 62 plots are located is the Sampling Frame of
Forest Block A. The research plots are based on Plot Sampling Method. The plots are designated as
A0101, A0102, A0103, A0104, A0105.
The Sampling Frame of Forest Block A consists of twelve rows, the first 11 rows with 5 research plots
in each row and 12th one with only 3 research plots. The remaining four plots (A0P08, A0P88 A0P09
A0P99) were selected, 2 from left side and 2 from right side of the Khageri Irrigation Canal.
144 Dangol

a. In each row the research plots were spaced at an interval of 250 m (820 ft). This is a standard
b. The bearing between every two research plots was set at 140 degrees (note that this bearing is
calculated using the East-West Highway as reference point).
c. The distance between each row of plots was 1 km.
d. The 12 rows of plots began 250 m due south from the East-West Highway crossing of the
Narayani Irrigation Canal which runs along the edge of the forest.

Forest Block B
To the south of the Study Site lies the Chitwan National Park (south of the Rapti river). Altogether 44
research plots were identified from the Forest Block B. The Sampling Frame of the Forest Block B in the
National Park starts from the Jarneli Post in the east and goes up to the confluence of the Reu Khola and
Rapti river to the west.
Within this area are found grassland, swamps and forest. A total of 10 research plots were identified
from the four blocks of grasslands that fall within the sampling frame. The remaining 34 research plots are
selected from the forest of the Chitwan National Park.
The sampling frame of Forest Block B had the following design:
a. There were seventeen rows with only two research plots (e.g. B0101, B0102; B1701, B1702) in
each row.
b. Within each row the first research plot was located 250 m inwards and due south from the forest
edge along the Rapti River. The second research plot was located 1 km due south from the first
research plot.
c. Research plots (BG0101) in the grasslands have been identified on the basis of size only.

2.3. Forest Block C

To the north of the Study Site, along the left bank of the Narayani River there are different patches of
forest. Due to the comparatively small size and irregular shapes of these forests, research plots have not
been identified according to the Plot Sampling Method. Still the research plots have been proportionally
distributed in these different patches. For the Forest Block C, the inverted "W" pattern has been adopted
for the identification of the plots. Collectively, these different patches of forest form the Forest Block C
from where 21 research plots (C101, C102, C103, C104 for Nagarban) were identified as shown below:
The distribution of the research plots within Forest Block C was as follows:
1. Nagar ban 4 research plots Near Narayanghat City
2. Jhanjhane ko ban 5 research plots Near Mangalpur
3. Gobreni or Majhuwa ko ban 7 research plots Near Gunjanagar
4. Kalaban 5 research plots Near Gunjanagar

Common lands
A research plot in common lands is defined as 10 x 10 m2 randomly selected point in the common
lands referred by sampled Neighborhood and identified by POPENV team. We have designed 138
research plots (CL101, CL102, CL103.and so on) in the common lands located in 48 Neighborhoods of the
POPENV study. These plots represent different habitats such as Plantation areas, Flood affected area,
Common grazing lands, Barandavar grazing and grass cutting area, School ground and airport area,
Wetlands (Pokhari (pond) and Ghole areas), Roadways, and Canal ways. In these lands also, the sampling
unit of 10 x 10 m2 was marked starting from the reference point, i.e. south-west corner moving 10 m each
in clockwise direction due north, then east, south and west. Later three sampling units of 1 m2 were
positioned diagonally from the southwest corner in each 10 x 10 quadrat to record the number and cover
value of the plants growing in the common lands. In the roadways and canal ways, 1 x 25 m plots were
made and in each plot, 3 quadrats of 1 x 1 m were positioned, two at the two ends (between 2 and 3 m and
23 and 24 m) and one at the center.
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Materials required
We used simple equipments for the present study as listed below:
a. Measuring tapes (for plotting the quadrats).
b. Compass and pedometer (for locating directions and measuring distances).
c. Four straight sticks, each of one meter long (for making the quadrats of the 1x1 m2 quadrat).
d. Sickle, iron pegs, ID Plate and long cords.
e. Forest and Common land Plot Forms

Locating research plots

1. First locate the plot on an aerial and/or traced map. Verify this location with the written direction
provided. This forms the basis for locating the research plot in the forest.
2. While locating the plot make use of a compass and pedometer to verify the direction and to count the
pace for measuring distance, respectively.
Note that bearing in the forest of more than 30 m will prove difficult. So, be sure to take bearing
within shorter distances only.
3. Once you are in the research plot, mark a tree and establish it as a South West (SW) corner of the
research plot. This is the base tree. Mark the tree with corresponding plots ID.

Plotting different sampling units

Starting from SW corner (base tree) of the 10x10 m2 quadrat, move 2 m east and then 2 m due north.
Mark this point. With this point at center, measure one meter of the southern border of the quadrat. The
three other sides of this unit can be then easily plotted. This will be the first 1×1 m2 sample unit. For the
second sample unit, use the northwest corner as the reference point, and measure 2m due east and then 2 m
due south, and mark the plot in the same manner as the first. This is the second sample unit. Using the
northeast corner as the reference point and working 2 m due west and then 2m due south can plot the third
sample unit. The fourth sample unit, similarly, can be plotted by using the south east corner as reference
point and then working 2 m due west and then 2 m due north. Make the fifth plot in the center of the 3×3
m2 quadrat. Figure 1 illustrates the outlines of the research plots in our study sites.
146 Dangol

00 10m 900


10 m

SWC 1800

(a) Research plot in the forests

00 10m 900

10 m


SWC 1800

(b) Research plot in the grasslands of Chitwan National Park

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00 10m 900

SWC 1800

(c) Research plot in the common lands (eg. School ground)

1 2 3
(d) Research plot in the common lands (eg. Canalways, roadways)

Figure 1. Outlines of research plots in forests (a), grasslands (b) and common lands (c and d)

Data Set
Environmental data
We recorded following data on environmental issues:
1. Plot type: level, gentle slope or steep slope
2. Plot direction: south facing, north facing, etc.
3. Soil color of the plot
4. Soil texture of the plot
5. Some of the important characteristics of the condition of the plot. For example, what was the surface
description of the plot? (e.g., dry, swamp, etc.). Is the plot near a walking path, road or ghole?
6. Is there any evidence of the following having occurred at the forest plot location?
a) Animal damage (Yes/No)
b) Extreme damage by insects (Yes/No)
c) Fire damage (Yes/No)
d) Storm damage (Yes/No)
e) Flooding (Yes/No)
f) Tree falls (Yes/No)
g) Dead trees at the plot (Yes/No)
7. Information on soil erosion at the forest plot location
Yes-minor (surface vegetation +/or soil humus absent)
Yes-major (gullies, barren soils, etc.)
8. Tree crown cover in the plot
148 Dangol

Flora count data

Once the various sample units have been marked and clearly plotted, we listed the plant species and
counted their number for trees, woody climbers, herbaceous climbers, shrubs and herbs. The count data can
be used to describe and analyze vegetation and flora to understand reciprocal relationships between plants,
human population and the environment. The common tools used to express the ecological relationship
include: density, frequency, abundance, cover, their relative values, summed dominance values and
importance value index. These tools are not only useful for understanding the importance of plants in a
particular ecosystem but also are important for illustrating and comparing flora change in time and space in
the ecosystems. For more specific analysis of flora, we can use count data to compute species diversity,
species similarity, community association, correlation coefficients, etc. For details on tools for vegetation
description and analysis, please refer to Dangol (2001).
Tree and Woody Climber Information: For each flora plot we gathered data on the number (count)
and cover of each species from a 10 x 10 meter plot.
Shrub, Sapling (of woody plants), and Herbaceous Climber Information: For each flora plot we
gathered data on shrubs, saplings (of woody plants), and herbaceous climbers from a 3 x 3 meter plot
found at the center of the larger 10 x 10 meter plot. In each plot we gathered information on the number
(count) and cover of each species.
Ground Cover and Seedling Information: For each flora plot on forests and grasslands of National
Park we gathered data on grasses and herbs from FIVE 1 x 1 m plots within the larger 10 x 10 meter plot.
In each plot we gathered information on the number (count) of each species and their ground coverage.
For each flora plot on common land we gathered information on the number (count) of each species
and their ground coverage of grasses and herbs from THREE 1 x 1 m plots within the larger 10 x 10 meter

Plant cover-abundance data

For the ground flora (herbs encountering in 1 x 1 m2 in each plot size), we also estimated cover-
abundance value (scales) developed by Braun-Blanquat. The scales are given below:
"r"= individual species; cover very small.
"+"= sparsely or very sparsely present; cover very small.
"1"= plentiful but of small cover value.
"2"= very numerous, or covering at least 1/20 (5%) of the study area.
"3"= any number of individuals covering ¼ (25% to ½ (50%) of the area
"4"= any number of individuals covering ½ (50%) to ¾ (75%) of the area
"5"= covering more than ¾ (>75%) of the area.
The cover-abundance data of the each species of herbaceous plants can be used to classify vegetation
of the study areas.

Girth measurement
We measured the circumferences of the trees at the height of 4.5 ft from the base with the help of
measuring tapes for recording the girth of the largest and smallest trees of the particular species in 1996.
We dropped the girth measurement in 2000.

Height of the trees

We estimated the height (m) of the trees of the research plots. If there were more than one, we
recorded the height of one tallest tree and other shortest tree of the particular species. If there was only one
tree, we estimated the height of the one. We dropped the estimation of height in 2000.

Plant identification
The research team collects the specimens of unknown plants encountered in the plot and submits to
flora consultant for identification. All the collected specimens were mounted on standard sheets for future
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and housed in the Herbarium of the Department of Environmental Science, Institute of Agriculture and
Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal.

Innovations in Methodology
This study is unique in nature and designed to collect flora data from the environments of western
Chitwan representing national forests, community forests, grasslands, common lands, etc. This study
collects data in different time periods and aids in comparison of the plant species and their population
change in time. This helps us to understand the floral situations on which human and livestock depend. In
addition, data sets collected in different time periods and geographical locations can be linked with the
demographic research taken in western Chitwan. In this way, this study is innovative and helpful to
researchers, policy makers, and educators who can use the data to analyze the degree of relationship and as
a base for further research, planning and formal and non-formal education. The plant data can be used as an
indicator to understand human and environment relations. For example, relations between plant
biodiversity and family formation can be understood.

This research was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development (Grant # ROl-HD 33551), USA. I extend my sincere thanks to Prof. William G. Axinn
(Principal Investigator) for his encouragement to write this paper using flora data, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire,
Jennifer Barber, Kerry Richter, G. P. Shivakoti, S. A. Matthews, Prem Bhandari, Kishor Gajurel and Netra
Chhetri for their advice during the sample design stages. I would also like to thank Alex Zvolleff for
providing research map and editing earlier version of the manuscript.

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