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Digital clock in VHDL 

Entity block is the usual thing. Architecture defines the usual convenient signals. 


Clock :in std_logic; 
ResetL :in std_logic; -- Low true reset to 1:00 AM 
Hr1 :out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- 1's place 
Hr10 :out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- 10's place 
Min1 :out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- 1's place 
Min10 :out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- 10's place 
AMPM :out std_logic -- Toggles at 11:59 -> 12:00 
END CtrDemo; 

ARCHITECTURE CtrDemo_arch OF CtrDemo IS 

signal CurrHr1, NextHr1, CurrHr10, NextHr10 :std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); 
signal CurrMin1, NextMin1, CurrMin10, NextMin10 :std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); 
signal ClockUpdate :std_logic; -- Internal clock signal 
signal CurrAMPM, NextAMPM :std_logic; 
signal Min59, Hr11, Hr12 :std_logic; -- Convenient abbreviations 

Digital clock in VHDL 

Each digit is a separate process. 
-- Internal clock process 
-- ClockUpdate is a signal that “ticks” once per minute. This is not the 
-- same as the master system clock, but is divided down from it. 
-- Combinational next state logic for the ones counter 
MinutesOnes: process(ClockUpdate, CurrMin1, ResetL) 
-- Combinational next state logic for the tens counter 
MinutesTens: process(ClockUpdate, CurrMin1, CurrMin10, ResetL) 
Min59 <= '1' when CurrMin10="0101" and CurrMin1="1001" else '0'; 
Hr12 <= '1' when CurrHr10="0001" and CurrHr1="0010" else '0'; 
-- Combinational next state logic for the ones counter 
HoursOnes: process(ClockUpdate, Min59, CurrHr1, Hr12, ResetL) 
-- Combinational next state logic for the tens counter 
HoursTens: process(ClockUpdate, Min59, Hr12, CurrHr10, CurrHr1, ResetL) 
-- Combinational next state logic for the AMPM indicator 
AMPMtog: process(ClockUpdate, CurrAMPM, Hr11, Min59, ResetL) 

Example: Tens digit of hours counter 

-- Combinational next state logic for the tens counter 
HoursTens: process(ClockUpdate, Min59, Hr12, CurrHr10, CurrHr1, ResetL) 
if(ResetL='0') then 
NextHr10 <= "0000"; 
if(ClockUpdate='1' and Min59='1') then 
if(Hr12='1') then 
NextHr10 <= "0000"; 
elsif(CurrHr1="1001") then 
NextHr10 <= "0001"; 
end if; 
NextHr10 <= CurrHr10; 
end if; 
end if; 
end process HoursTens; 
All the digits are updated in the same clocked process 
-- Update the counter bits on the clock edge 
HrMinRegister: process(ResetL, Clock, NextMin1, NextMin10, NextHr1, NextHr10, NextAMPM) 
if rising_edge(Clock) then 
CurrMin1 <= NextMin1; 
CurrMin10 <= NextMin10; 
CurrHr1 <= NextHr1; 
CurrHr10 <= NextHr10; 
CurrAMPM <= NextAMPM; 
end if; 
end process HrMinRegister; 
--Copy internal signals to pins (combinational outputs) 
Min1 <= CurrMin1; 
Min10 <= CurrMin10; 
Hr1 <= CurrHr1; 
Hr10 <= CurrHr10; 
AMPM <= CurrAMPM; 

Alternative design, using 7218C for multiplexed seven-segment display 

Clock :in std_logic; 
ResetL :in std_logic; -- Low true reset to 1:00 AM 
-- Parallel time output 
Hr1 :out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- 1's place 
Hr10 :out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- 10's place 
Min1 :out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- 1's place 
Min10 :out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- 10's place 
AMPM :out std_logic; -- Toggles at 12:59 
-- Connections to the 7218 
ID03 :out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- Multiplexed output 
ID7 :out std_logic; -- Decimal point (for separators) 
DA :out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- Digit address 
Wbar :out std_logic; -- Low-true write enable 
-- Diagnostic pins 
CU :out std_logic 
END CtrDemo; 

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