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Part two
By Jessica Haughton

rue to temporal complications, I have decided to set my narrative in a completely different time
frame, in the 1940¶s era.
As part of my initial ideas, I was going to set the film in a modern decade, and use flashbacks to
the 1970¶s. However, the projected age of the killer would not fit the ideal narrative, as he would
have been too old when confronted.
 oman moves into house and experiences supernatural occurrences.
he searches attic and finds the record book and sees the photograph of the girl in her nightmares.
he finds a newspaper article from a few years back, saying that a woman was killed in this house
and that the killer is missing. The man who killed her was the gardener, and he used to take care
of the gardens for the orphanage owner. He used to abuse the children, the girl knew about it and
threatened to tell the owner
The gardener then murders the girl and buries her in the back garden, causing her to spirit to wonder
The orphanage then shut down due to the murder, a few years later, the protagonist moves into
the home. Becomes haunted by the girl, and she realises she must find the killer, through talking
to the crazy lady next door.
she sets out to find the killer, he comes after her and the final death struggle commences.
He is just about to kill her when she has a flashback and visualises the death of the ghost girl in
full volume, she regains strength and then defeats him.
The ending scene shows her moving out of the house, stops off to visit her neighbour to say
goodbye. Another neighbour across the street informs her that the lady she was looking for died
many years ago. o the twist remains: that the crazy old lady, was a ghost too.
The protagonist moves into the quiet country house to get away from
the dangers of the city (London is dangerous due to bombing, as my
narrative is set in war time). he is a depressed woman, who cannot
get over her past. Her uncle owns the country house and is an officer
in the war (establishing the main character as middle class), she
moves there to look after the house as well as escape the troubles of
life back home. he discovers the hidden truth of the country home
through the supernatural experiences, searching the attic, talking to
her neighbour and corresponding with the spirit. he was aware that
her uncle used to run an orphanage in this house, but was not aware
of the goingson. he stumbles across an old record book and a
newspaper article about the murder and the missing killer. This
informs her about the past of this house and explains the paranormal
ome believe that setting my narrative in the
1940¶s may pose difficulties, but I disagree.
I know that I can achieve the old fashion
look that I am aiming for, because I am
knowledgeable in this particular era, as I
have always been interested in its fashion
and etiquette, as well as having watched
numerous films set in this decade.
or example, last year I chose to base my art
project upon µwomen throughout time¶. I
then chose suitable models, styled them
according to the era, photographed them
and then drew from the images. Now
Remember that these were taken a year
ago and since then, my knowledge of this
era has expanded, and so the image I
intend to achieve for this course will be of
a much higher standard.
[xamples of the look I wish to achieve for my main

A look of glamour and elegance.

hilst incorporating a pale complexion, to express an
air of isolation and anguish within the character.
Giving her a sad, yet classically beautiful look.

 Perhaps editing footage in black and white
or sepia tone for the flashbacks of the past.

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