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Leaflet for the patient

“Balkan Syndrome” disease cure

An investigation on the sympoms, progress
of the illnes and the prerequisites for
the development of a cure aginst “Balkan
Syndrome” disease
This leaflet contains information only about “Balkan Syndrome” disease. Please,
do read it carefully prior to intending to take the medication, once is developed
fully. Consult the development team if you need more information or advise on the
medication or the illness itself.

What does this leaflet contain?

>Name Of The Illness?

>What Does It Represent?
>How Could It Be Cured?
>How Will The Medication Be Developed And When?
>Where Will It Be Developed?
>Who Is The Team That Will Develop It?
>Prior Of Taking The Medication?
>In Case Of Excess Dosage?
>How To Store The Medication?

Name of the illness?

“Balkan Syndrome” - The Bulgarian Transition

What does it represent?

The term “Balkan Syndrome” refers to a medical condition caused by high levels of depleted uranium used in NATO weapons that is responsible for
the death or illness among Balkan peacekeepers during the 1999 bombings in Kosovo. I use the term metaphorically to try to explain and describe
the Bulgarian transitional period the same way as someone that suffers chronic disease, the totalitarian syndrome that is still present 20 years
after the fall of the regime. Was there a real change in 1989 or the word democracy was just a camouflage of the same old regime and the distribu-
tion of goods were eventually in the same old hands…
The Bulgarian society does not believe in democracy and equality and when it comes to the simple example from the built environment of how all
the competitions are vitiated or set in a way that only “the one and only” firm can win it, shows that the public is unmotivated and has no role in the
life of the city and it’s transformations. They are just observers with no initiatives and no beliefs in their power. Our society is fragmented, pessimis-
tic, lacking the spontaneity to belong to a place…
Civil society – refers to the arena of uncoerced collective action around shared interests purposes and values
As a 5th year architectural student I want to address all those issues and give awareness of the built environment since 1989. In relation I also want
to examine the non-material values that Bulgarians are continuing to loose as culture and traditions and how can we integrate them back in a con-
temporary way. I think the public should be part of the life of the city, its projects and transformations and will devote myself this year in searching
and proposing a way in doing so.
A soldier suffering from Balkan Syndrome
How Could It Be Cured?

The disease that is spread all around Bulgaria has symptoms of high levels of pessimism, gloomy view on new transformations, despondently at-
titudes and generally negative inclination towards the word change.
I think the illness could be cured through provoking and proposing something that will transform people’s opinion that every single realized project
is beneficial for certain group of people and that someone thinks about them as people who belong and are part of the life and the transformations
of the city.
1.My idea is to make a gift project for the city of Sofia, for its citizens and for the architectural practice and is intended to raise awareness of the state
of the built environment for the last 20 years in Bulgaria and the role of the society in this period. The pavilion will serve as a platform for its future
development and transformation. The first function of the pavilion will be to serve as an informational kiosk about all the events and projects hap-
pening or undergoing where the public could be informed and contribute in one form or another in their realization. Participation from the public,
being encourage to ask and respond to a program or a project is crucial. It will also be used as an outdoor gallery or stage for exhibiting new ideas
and projects for the city, either student projects or anyone who has something to contribute to positive transformation of the city. I am imaging
the pavilion to be movable, so that it can change its location depending on the projects and the areas of interest or even travel in different cites or
outside of the country.
2. As an annex to the pavilion I’m intending to propose alternative gallery, which is in unison with the desire of friend of my family who wants to
transform his top floor overlooking the beautiful buidling of the Ministry of Agriculture into a gallery space
3.The third element of the treatment will include a relaxed and motivating experience at the Bulgarian seaside in Irakli and Emona and will consist
of “spiritual” uplifting and praising Bulgarian traditions, customs and crafts, going back to the basics, trying to find the Bulgarian identity and what
do we really value and would unit us.

How Will The Medication Be Developed And When?

All three ingredients (elements) of the medication (treatment) will be developed using the following methods:

>1. Pavilion< mixing and juggling and testing different design ideas prior to modeling the body structure of the pavilion, creating a prototype in
appropriate scale prior to executing the project full scale in Bulgaria with the help of the team; also organizing consultations with the municipality
of Sofia, the Union of Bulgarian Architects and other organizations. Considerations of main material: wood
>Deadline < the end of January 2011

>2. Gallery Space rooftop< design of a new roof and interior space for the purpose of a gallery and communal meetings. Main desire from the
client: no columns in the space
>Deadline < the end of March 2011

>3. Recreational place at the seaside - Irakli and Emona< to be investigated further in the field of creating a place for celebration of Bulgarian
crafts, arts, folklore dance and traditions
>Deadline < middle of June 2011
Where Will It Be Developed?

1. Mauzoleum >Pavilion<

The site of the Mausoleum (Prince Alexander of Battenberg Square) is of a particular interest of me and I consider it to be the first stop of my Mov-
able Pavilion. It symbolizes the power of the Communist regime prior 1989, between 1989 and 1999 was seen as a monument which stood for what it
was Bulgaria’s repressive past, and since it was demolish in 1999 it became subject of huge debates about whether it was right to demolish and what
could happened in the future to the site. On the following diagram I’m showing people that for me represent different groups in Bulgaria and their
wishes and ideas for the site. 1. Museum of Communism, 2. Boards and Blades Skatepark, 3. Open air cinema, 4. Piramide with Han Asparuh, 5. Monu-
ment “Prince Boris 1 - The Baptist”, 6. Chirch, 7. Space for art, 8. Open air theatre.
My aim is to bring back the debate on site and use the pavilion also as a platform for further debates around the future of Sofia, where the citizens
of Sofia should learn to discuss and be involved in it. As Petar Dikov, Sofia Chief Architect said: “The debate around the Mausoleum moved the citizens
to think about the future of Sofia”
“The Georgi Dimitrov Mausoleum in Sofia, Bulgaria was built in 1949 to hold the embalmed body of the Communist leader Georgi Dimitrov (1882-
1949). The construction of the Mausoleum was begun right after the news of Dimitrov’s death. It was built for a record time of just 6 days, the time it
took for Dimitrov’s body to return to Sofia from the USSR. The body of Bulgaria’s first Communist leader remained there until August 1990, when he
was cremated, and buried in the city’s Central Cemetery. The Mausoleum was destroyed by Ivan Kostov’s UDF-led government in 1999 as a conse-
quence of heated nation-wide debate.”
2. Vladayska Street >Gallary Space roof top<

Ivaylo’s top floor roof space overlooking the Ministry of Agriculture



Map of central Sofia and the locations for both the Mauzoleum site and the rooftop Gallery Space

3. Irakli and Emona >Recreational place at the seaside - Irakli and Emona<
Who Is The Team That Will Develop It?
1. Silviya Aytova

Me. A 5th year architectural student at London Metropolitan University.

I have always been interested in politics and how politics shapes our
future and the future of the cities that we live in, especially in my home
country Bulgaria, to which I am devoting this year of study and research.
I hope through my projects to move one step closer to the absolute cure
of the ‘Balkan Syndrome” and witness the transformation in the Bulgar-
ian psyche.

2. Antoniya Aytova

My sister. The closest person and friend in my life. The one that has
always been next to me and has been a driving force for inspiration, new
ideas and open discussions about politics, philosophy, literature and in
many other fields. Open minded, she has an extraordinary capacity to
judge, to focus and to guide. She will be as much as I am involved in this
project as it is something personal and of interest of her too.
3. Signy Svalastoga
Postgraduate Academic Leader at the ASD. Also a Diploma Unit 10 tutor,
which was my unit last year. Signy is an extraordinary person and
through the themes and methodology that we explored in Unit 10,
(Odessa theme) I think I built the foundations in tackling problems in
post soviet countries with tactility. Working in Odessa, Ukraine, having
similar sociological and economical background to the Bulgarian one
was a challenge and a great experience and I am intending to continue
using the methods of work and hands on approach. I think our conversa-
tions cities undergoing rapid change where the conventional thinking
struggles to respond to the uncertainty will continue to be inspiration
and driving force for me in the year.

4. dessy Messy

A photographer, an artist, a dj, a charismatic vivid person, a very good

friend of mine from early childhood. Dessy, the same as me was trained
abroad (UK and Italy) and left Bulgaria when she was 16 but decided
to go back and immerse deeply into the Bulgarian colorit in tackling
problematic, bureaucratic, psychological, pathological, totalitarian
and stagnated way of thinking in Bulgarian society and trying to give
alternatives through organizing different initiatives. She is finish-
ing her studio/gallery space where she will promote different events.
With Dessy I will exchange ideas, conceptually develop the project and
creatively express it.
5. boicho boichev
An architect, practicing in Sofia, together with a partner they found VB
studio. Also an academic tutor at the newly established European Poly-
technic University in Pernik and a founder of the so-called School Mod-
ule together with the Union of Bulgarian Architects where I was invited
to give a talk. Open minded, enthusiastic and with e free, unconventional
spirit he is open for debates, collaboration and help in promoting new
architectural initiatives and ideas for the city.

6. Jojo Nosov
A designer, an aesthete, a strong believer in the positive transformation
of the built environment and a highly devoted person to his work and
ideas, exhorting and promoting new methods of work and communica-
tion between different circles. He is the person that I can rely on the
material and technical side of my project in late stage and on exchange
of ideas, directions and thoughts in early stage. With his positive and
enthusiastic personality in everything that desiderates creativity and
critical thinking, he will be a great supporter and helper.
7. Alex Antonov
A good friend of mine who I met in Nottingham while he was doing
architecture, part 1. He was the one who broaden my horizons to the ar-
chitectural movements and was an inspiration for me to study architec-
ture. He has strong attitude towards Bulgaria and is great interlocutor
about diverse variety of themes. Alex is a software developer now. I think
he will play a great role in my project, assessing, directing and critically
examining my steps throughout the journey of my project.

8. Raly Stoynova
An architect, a believer and a dreamer. We worked together in my year
out back in Bulgaria, Sofia in Modus 313. We easily connect and became
friends through the way we see the future of Sofia and generally the
direction that the built environment should head on. We were together
in the last year of the building boom in Bulgaria, prior to the crises, ever
questioning the state of the architecture and the lack of public spaces
and projects concerning them. She works as a volunteer in green organi-
zations and is interested in new and eco friendly sustainable buildings
and in promoting the national heritage, culture and traditions in our
country. She will be deeply involved in my projects on the bases of our
believe and scope of promoting alternatives.
9. Chloe Kletsa
A close friend of mine, Greek, with strong connections to her home
country, another vulnerable country on the Balkans. She is in her final
year of her master’s degree in set (production) design at National Film
and Television School (NTFS). We met at the Bartlett School of Architec-
ture where we both gained our Bachelor degrees, being in the same units
in our 2nd and 3rd years and ever since been very good friends, discuss-
ing and developing all our projects. Together we worked in a group
project titled “Hastings Pier” where we found common way of thinking
and tackling social problems. I am intending to have her involved in dif-
ferent ways in my project throughout the year and being someone from
the Balkans, experiencing similar problems in her home country will be
a common ground for further investigations.

10. MiSHka Kasabova

A painter, a mural artist, Mi6ka is a close friend of my sister and me.
Born in Sofia and ever since lived there she has a strong connection to
the city and its future. She is eager to participate and help for the good of
the city and for the promotion of Bulgarian traditions and culture, going
back to our roots, trying to identify our identity. Her settled attitude or
disposition toward life will play a crucial part in developing my project.
Prior Of Taking The Medication?

Free your mind and your soul and be willing to immerse into perceiving new realities...


They are no limits. The more you take the better...

In Case Of Excess Dosage?

Even if you take more from what is prescribed for you it will be for your beneficial...

How To Store The Medication?

Store it deep inside you and always ask for future developments...


The future medication, although intended only for you, could be transmitted to other people. It will not harm them, especially if their symptoms
are the same as yours. This leaflet does not contain all the information for the causes and symptoms of the disease. If you are interested in further
understanding, please refer to the “Prerequisites for the Disease “Balkan Syndrome””

Numbers of signatures are needed in order to begin the development and the implementation of the future of “Balkan Syndrome” cure:

NAME:.......................................................................................................... SIGNATURE:..........................................................................................................

NAME:.......................................................................................................... SIGNATURE:..........................................................................................................

NAME:.......................................................................................................... SIGNATURE:..........................................................................................................

NAME:.......................................................................................................... SIGNATURE:..........................................................................................................

NAME:.......................................................................................................... SIGNATURE:..........................................................................................................

NAME:.......................................................................................................... SIGNATURE:..........................................................................................................

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