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November 23, 2010 Shirley & Banister Public Affairs



Former Event Sponsors Join Boycott Letter
Washington, DC— A coalition of conservative groups led by the American Principles Project
today sent a letter to David Keene, Chairman of the Conservative Political Action Conference
(CPAC) and his fellow board members announcing their withdrawal from participation in the 2011

The letter, signed by leaders of American Values, Capital Research Center, the Center for Military
Readiness, Liberty Counsel, and the National Organization for Marriage, cites the decision to allow
GOProud to participate in CPAC, explaining that the inclusion of this group that stands in
diametrical opposition to a core principle of conservatism made it necessary to take action.

“This is the line in the sand,” stated Frank Cannon, President of the American Principles
Project, an organization dedicated to upholding our most fundamental American Principles. “True
conservatives and conservative organizations are rejecting the efforts to destroy conservatism
from within by those attempting to marginalize social conservatism. And if that means rejecting
CPAC, these conservative leaders have the courage to stand by their principles.”

“Closely examining GOProud’s mission and its behavior since its inception,” the coalition letter
states, “we can only conclude that the organization’s purposes are fundamentally incompatible with
a movement that has long embraced the ideals of family and faith in a thriving civil society. They
have further defined themselves with their attacks on Senator Jim DeMint, one of the key leaders
of this year’s conservative victories.”

“If the CPAC Board and Chairman persist in abandoning faith, family and traditional core values,
we must abandon CPAC,” concluded Mr. Cannon. “True conservatism stands equally upon the
pillars of fiscal responsibility, limited government, and traditional values. To actively seek to
undermine or destroy one of these “legs” of the conservative foundation is to endanger the
movement as a whole. One can only speculate which conservative principle they will abandon
next. The American Principles Project, and all the signers of this letter will stand and fight for all
true conservative values.”

The American Principles Project is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to preserving and propagating the
fundamental principles on which our country was founded - universal principles, embracing the notion that
we are all, "created equal, endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, and among these are
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Through our efforts, we hope to return our nation to an
understanding that governance via these timeless principles will only strengthen us as a country.

For further information, please contact Dan Wilson with Shirley & Banister Public Affairs at (703)
739-5920 or (800) 536-5920. ###

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