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Innovations in ecological, environmental, biospheric sciences: new sites with some relevant publications (updated 2010, December 1):

[key words: ecology, ecotoxicology, assimilative capacity, sustainability, water, quality, filtering, filter-feeders, self-purification,

filtration, pollution, detergents, control, bioassay, environmental, hazards, aquatic, ecosystems]:;

some publications are available online free:;;

Examples of some citations of those papers: ;

The first book on ecotoxicology of detergents, with new methods for bioassay of chemicals:;;

FAQ (Frequently asked questions) : how to use the book and relevant papers on detergents and surfactants:;

Publications available online free, with a brief comment on what is new:

Sites where the full texts in English or abstracts or additional information on the papers are available online free, see:

(for scientific or educational purposes, no commercial use):

Review and opinion paper: water filtering activity of filter-feeders. - Hydrobiologia, vol. 542: 275-286.It is the first time that the multifaceted analysis of the role of filter-
feeders is combined with new experimental data on how pollutants decrease their filtering activity:;

Aquatic Macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum Immobilizes Gold (Au) Nanoparticles: it is the first time it was discovered that aquatic plants can bind nanoparticles of gold:;; The article

is indexed by PubMed. It is on SpringerLink.;; DOI:

New Concepts of Biochemical Ecology and Hydrobiology: Ecological Chemomediators. A cardinally new terminology is suggested, which leads to forming a new discipline
of biochemical ecology:;;

Molecular-Ecological Mechanism of Water Quality, Water Self-Purification. - Contemporary Problems of Ecology: A new fundamental conception, new paradigm of how
organisms control water quality:;;   The

article is on SpringerLink.;

Biomachinery for maintaining water quality and natural water self-purification in marine and estuarine systems…. - International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography.;

Effect of Synthetic Surfactants on Mechanisms of Water Self-Purification. -Water Resources: discovery of new effects produced by detergents on ecosystems:;;   on the
site SpringerLink,; DOI: 10.1023/B:WARE.0000041919.77628.8d;

New Insight into Water Quality and Self-Purification. - Water Resources:;
id=0B589QnrA6gkoZmJkNjkwNDEtYTdmNi00M2Y0LWEyZDYtYjgzMDYyYmFhOWNm&hl=en; SpringerLink (online):;
DOI: 10.1007/s11268-005-0039-7 ;

Formulating New, Better Criteria.  Identification and assessing ecological hazards of man-made impact: a new system of principles and criteria: (to get access, the system will perhaps ask you to
create a free account, with a 8-digit password); the journal is on PubMed;

 Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: New Paradigm:

id=0B589QnrA6gkoZTc4MmU2ZjAtYThiYy00NDA0LWJmMmMtYzNlNzY5YTFkM2E3&hl=en; (to get access, the system will perhaps ask you to create a free account, with a 8-
digit password); the journal is on PubMed;

Aquatic ecosystem. A new concept formulated: a large-scale diversified bioreactor with the function of water purification:
id=0B589QnrA6gkoYWRjYTZkN2UtN2E2ZC00M2FhLWEyZTYtMjJkYWQ2MDZmNGIy&hl=en;  (to get access, the system will perhaps ask you to create a free account, with a 8-
digit password); the journal is on PubMed;

Interactions in food webs. An innovative paradigm suggested: inhibitory analysis :

id=0B589QnrA6gkoNWRjYmNlZWQtN2MzYy00MmU2LWE2ZWItZDZlOGMxNmFhODIx&hl=en; (to get access, the system will perhaps ask you to create a free account, with a 8-
digit password); the journal is on PubMed;

New modernized definitions:  concepts and terms 'ecosystem' and 'biogeocoenosis':
id=0B589QnrA6gkoYTAxMDRhYmUtMzMzNi00MzhjLWFhNzktYTg5M2IzMzlmNzI4&hl=en;  (to get access, the system will perhaps ask you to create a free account, with a 8-
digit password); the journal is on PubMed;

Formulating new fundamental principles of conservation biology, protecting biodiversity: conservation of the key function and the biodiversity of filter-feeders:;  (to get access, the system will perhaps ask
you to create a free account, with a 8-digit password); the journal is on PubMed;

New Effects of chemicals on filter-feeding marine organisms which are important to aquaculture:
id=0B589QnrA6gkoMTQyOWY4ZGMtN2ZiOC00MjMzLTgzZWQtNjg3NmFhYzBmY2My&hl=en; (to get access, the system will perhaps ask you to create a free account, with a 8-
digit password); the journal is on PubMed;
A new type of environmental risks discovered: Disfunction in control of plankton populations exposed to anthropogenic impact from pollution with detergents and
surfactants. -; (to get access, the system will perhaps
ask you to create a free account, with a 8-digit password); the journal is on PubMed;

Discovery of new aspects of the Role of Aquatic Organisms in the Biogeochemical Flows of Chemical Elements:
id=0B589QnrA6gkoYzJhYjA5YTMtOWFmZC00MjYwLWI4ZDgtNjM4MGEwMDg5OTZi&hl=en;  (to get access, the system will perhaps ask you to create a free account, with a 8-
digit password); the journal is on PubMed;

It is the first time a new type of environmental risk and hazard was discovered and identified as a synecological summation of anthropogenic impacts
(Responses of Unio tumidus under the effect of a product that is a mix of chemicals):
id=0B589QnrA6gkoZjkyZDM3NGQtZjY3Mi00MTZhLWEzNDQtNjBkMTQ1MTQzYjFi&hl=en;  (to get access, the system will perhaps ask you to create a free account, with a 8-digit
password); the journal is on PubMed;

Discovery of a fundamentally new aspect of negative man-made impact: HAZARD OF A TWO-LEVEL SYNERGISM OF SYNECOLOGICAL SUMMATION OF
ANTHROPOGENIC EFFECTS:; (to get access, the system
will perhaps ask you to create a free account, with a 8-digit password); the journal is on PubMed;

It is the first time it was shown that a chemical pollutant decreased the rate of geochemical flow of elements: Biocatalysis of Matter Transfer in a model
ecosystem. Discovery of  inhibition  by a pollutant (surfactant, gastropod mollusk):;

Eutrophication: New Synecological Approach to Solving the Problem:;


Biodiversity Protection and Quality of Water: discovering importance  of feedbacks in ecosystems. –;;

Discovery of a New Type of Ecological Hazard of Chemicals: Inhibition of Ecological Remediation (oysters were studied, which important to aquaculture):;
id=0B589QnrA6gkoM2QwYjhiN2MtYmY3OS00MzRiLWE5YzEtODg5YTllNDA0NzQ2&hl=en ;;;

Discovery of a new role  of Aquatic Biota:  Labile and Vulnerable Component of the Water Self-Purification System:;;;; [];

New keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification. - Hydrobiologia:
id=0B589QnrA6gkoZDI4NTcyNWEtMjM2ZS00MmM4LTg1YTYtYTliMTZkZGMxZjgw&sort=name&layout=list&num=50; (to get access, the system will perhaps ask you to create a
free account, with a 8-digit password);

Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in water purification: new conceptualizations toward shifting paradigm. - Hydrobiologia:
id=0B589QnrA6gkoM2QzZDE0MzMtMWYyZi00MjFlLWExNzQtNjdiZDFlZTIzMmM2&sort=name&layout=list&num=50; (to get access, the system will perhaps ask you to create a
free account, with a 8-digit password);

Better criteria to evaluate ecological risks and hazards. - Rivista di Biologia/ Biology Forum :
id=0B589QnrA6gkoY2E0MjE3YjMtMDc5Mi00Yzc4LTk5YTctMGM5Y2ZiMDVkNTA3&sort=name&layout=list&num=50; (to get access, the system will perhaps ask you to create a
free account, with a 8-digit password); the journal is on PubMed;

Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: water purification and other functions. - Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum :
id=0B589QnrA6gkoNGZlM2Y5MDYtODliYS00NzEzLWEzYzUtMDZiNmJlZDA4MWM2&sort=name&layout=list&num=50; (to get access, the system will perhaps ask you to create a
free account, with a 8-digit password); the journal is on PubMed;

21st century priorities in ecological studies. Shortlist for writing winning proposals. - Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum :
id=0B589QnrA6gkoMmY2MDZkNDMtMWYxMi00YzUyLWFlNDYtOGY4YTY1MjczYTZm&hl=en; (to get access, the system will perhaps ask you to create a free account, with a 8-
digit password); the journal is on PubMed;

Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems:

id=0B589QnrA6gkoNDhmYWJiMWEtYzVhYS00MzRmLTk1ZmEtZDM5MTQzZDg3MTJj&hl=en; (to get access, the system will perhaps ask you to create a free account, with a 8-
digit password);    

Annotation of the innovative book: Biological Effects of Surfactants (the first book on exotoxicology and bioassay of detergents, with some innovations on
methods of biotesting chemicals):;; To view the pages with the text of the book online

New data on ecotoxicity. Bivalves (mussels): Inhibition of suspension feeding by organic chemicals, surfactants of three classes. - Hydrobiologia :; (to get access, the system
will perhaps ask you to create a free account, with a 8-digit password);

New paradigm for   aquatic ecosystems. The first paper which formulates some new aspects of how the ecosystems maintain their health and high quality
of water via several water-filtering mechanisms.  Biological filtering and ecological machinery for self-purification and bioremediation. - Rivista di Biologia:; PMID: 9857844 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE];

Among relevant papers by various authors:

Effects of Pollution on Marine Organisms . - Water Environment Research, 2009 Literature Review:;


Scholars of those institutions have cited publications authored by S.A.Ostroumov (examples):

 ----------Oklahoma Biological Survey, Department of Zoology, and Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolutionary ----------Biology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
73019 USA; ----------US Geological Survey, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 USA; ----------Northern Arizona University; USA; ----------Emergency Response Division, National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115; email: alan. mearns@noaa. gov ; USA; ----------Department of Biological Sciences,
California State University, Long Beach, CA;USA; ----------U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, University of California at Berkeley and California State University Long Beach;
USA; ----------Florida Keys Nationa Marine Sanctuary, NOAA, Key West, FL; USA; ----------Exponent, Inc, Sedona, AZ; 6Retired, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle,
WA, USA; ----------Center for Climate Systems Research, Columbia University, and Stone & Webster Environmental ----------Technology & Service; USA; ----------Department of
Land, Air, and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA; ----------NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and Center for Climate Systems Research,
Columbia University; USA; ----------School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University, Menai Bridge, Anglesey, LL59 5AB, UK; ----------Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural
Sciences, Trophic Interaction Facility, Cledwyn Building, Aberystwyth University, Ceredigion, SY23 3DD, UK; ----------Centre for Applied Marine Science, Marine Science
Laboratories, Ynys Faelog, Menai Bridge, LL59 5AB, UK; ----------Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Orton Building, Deiniol Road, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2UP, UK;
----------School of Life Sciences, Södertörn University College, S-141 89 Huddinge, Sweden; ----------Cemagref, UR HHLY, 3 bis quai Chauveau, F-69336 Lyon, France;
----------Cemagref, UR MALY, 3 bis quai Chauveau, F-69336 Lyon, France; ----------Evolution and Ecology Research Centre, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental
Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia; ----------New South Wales  (NSW) Department of Primary Industries, Port Stephens Fisheries Centre,
Locked Bag 1, Nelson Bay, NSW 2315, Australia; ----------School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, 2308, Australia;
----------Department of Biomedical Sciences, University “G. d'Annunzio”, Chieti, Italy; ----------Agency for the Protection of Environment, Pescara, Italy; ----------FAO, Viale delle
Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italie;  ----------Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche e Ambientali, Università di Lecce, Via Prov.le Lecce-Monteroni – 73100 Lecce,
Italy; ----------Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero-Sezione di Taranto-CNR, via Roma, 3-74100 Taranto, Italy; ----------Dipartimento di Zoologia, Università di Bari, Via
Orabona, 4 – 70125 Bari, Italy; ----------Department of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR-54124, Thessaloniki, Greece; ----------Institute of Inland Waters, Hellenic
Center for Marine Research, P.O. Box 712, GR-19013, Anavyssos, Attica, Greece; ----------UPK, Technical University of Cracow, IIGW, Warszawska 24, PL-31-155 Krakow,
Poland; ----------Department of Biochemistry, University of Silesia in Katowice (Katedra Biochemii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach); Poland; ----------Department of Plant
Protection, Agricultural University, Al. 29 Listopada 54, 31-425 Krakow, Poland; ----------Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Podlasie, B. Prusa
1208-110 Siedlce, Poland (Katedra Biochemii i Biologii Molekularnej, Akademia Podlaska, ul. Prusa 1208-110 Siedlce, Poland); ----------Forest Research Institute, Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences; ----------Institute of Ecology; Lithuania; ----------Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology & Environmental Sciences, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China; ----------Key Laboratory of Marine Bio-resources Sustainable Utilization in Liaoning Province’s University, Dalian Fisheries University, Dalian
116023, China; ----------Department of Natural Resources, College of Environmental Science and Natural Resources, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China;
----------China Ministry of Education Key Lab of Environment Remediation and Ecological Health, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China; ----------Zhejiang Provincial Key
Laboratory of Subtropical Soil and Plant Nutrition, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China; ----------Department of Natural Resources, College of Environmental Science
and Natural Resources, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, CHINE ----------Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Çevre Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı, 35100, Bornova, İzmir,
Türkiye , Turkey;  ----------Ege Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Temel Bilimler Bölümü, 35100, Bornova, İzmir, Türkiye, Turkey; ----------Institute of Microbial Technology,
Sector 39-A, Chandigarh 160036, India; ----------Instituto de Ecología, A. C. , Km. 2.5 Antigua Carretera a Coatepec s/n, Apdo. Postal 63, 91000 Xalapa, Veracruz, México;
----------Facultad de Ciencias, Instituto de Geografía, UNAM, Cd. Universitaria, Coyoacán, 04510, México; ----------Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, S. C.
(CIMAV), Miguel de Cervantes No. 120. Complejo Industrial Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Chihuahua Mexico; ----------Campo Experimental La Campana-INIFAP, Ave. Homero No.
3744 Fracc. El Vergel Chihuahua, Chihuahua Mexico; ----------Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas, Campus Universitario. Apdo. Postal 1542-C,
Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico; ----------Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos - Rodovia Washington Luis, km 235, SP - 310 Sao Carlos/SP, CEP 13565 - 905,  Brazil;
----------Instituto Internacional de Ecologia - Rua Bento Carlos, n0 750, Sao Carlos/SP, CEP 13560 – 660 , Brazil; ----------Lotus Quimica Ambiental - R. Dr. Rafael Correia, n0
185, Sao Paulo, Brazil; ----------Museo de Historia Natural “Carlos de la Torre y Huerta”, Maceo 139, Holguín 80100, Cuba; ----------Instituto Superior Pedagógico “José de la Luz
y Cabellero,” Holguín, Cuba; ----------Institute of Water Education, UNESCO; ----------Fachbereich Biologie-Mikrobiologie, Philipps-University Marburg, 3550 Marburg; Germany;
----------Biochemisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, 78 Freiburg im Breisgau, Federal Republic of Germany; ----------Max-Planck-Institut fur Biophysik, D-6000
Frankfurt am Main and 'Max-Planck-Institut fiir Biochemie;   ----------Fachbereich Biologic, University of Konstanz, D-7750 Konstanz, Federal Republic of Germany;
----------Biozentrum der Universit/it Basel, Abteilung Biophysikalische Chemic, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland ; ----------Institut ftir Neurobiologie, Kernforschungsanlage Jfilich, D-
5170 Jiilich; ----------Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, USA; ----------BCP Jansen Institute, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
----------Laboratorium für Biochemie, ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland; ----------Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology Hills Road, Cambridge CB2
2QH, England; ----------Department of Biophysical Chemistry Biozentrum, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland; ----------Extraterrestrial Research Division, Ames Research Center,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Moffett Field, California 94035, USA; ----------Department of Physiology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI
48201, USA; ----------Membrane Bioenergetics Group, Energy and Environment Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA;
----------Department of Physiology-Anatomy, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA; ----------Department of Physiology, University of California School of Medicine,
San Francisco 94143, USA; ----------Physics Department, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oreg. 97403, U.S.A.; ----------Universität Osnabrück, Schwerpunkt Biophysik,
Albrechtstr. 28, D-4500, Osnabrück, F.R.G.; ----------Department of Membrane Research, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot , Israel; ----------Biochemistry
Department, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot,  Israel;   ----------Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo, PO Box 1116 Blindern, 0317 Oslo,
Norway; ----------Ontario Centre for Ecology, 625 Evans Avenue, Suite 907, Toronto, Ontario M8W 2W5, Canada; ----------Department of Civil Engineering, The University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada V6T 1W5; ----------Department of Microbiology, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada V6T 1W5; ----------Department of
Biochemistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1W5 Canada;   ----------Departamento de Bioquimica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Departamento de Bioquimica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; ----------Departamento de Bioquímica, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, Universidade Federal do
Rio de Janeiro, Cidade Universitária, Ilha do Fundão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21910, Brasil;     ----------Department of Biochemistry, Arrhenius Laboratories for Natural Science,
Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden;   ----------Department of Biochemistry, Medical School, University of Bristol, BS8 1TD U.K.;   ----------Dept. of Civil
Engineering, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, Durgapur, West Bengal, India; ----------School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West
Bengal, India; ----------Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Neuglobsow, Germany; ----------Limnologisches Institut, University of Konstanz, Konstanz,

** Some English Keywords: environment, ecology, ecotoxicology, water quality, bioassay, surfactants, detergents, aquatic ecosystems, self-purification, filter-feeders, bivalves,
mussels, plant seedlings, assimilative capacity, pollution prevention, pollution control, Bio-toxicological assay; Acute toxicity test; Algal growth inhibitory test;
Pollution; Seawater; Ecology; Material balance; China; Phosphorus; Nitrogen; Input output; Modeling; Export; Nonpoint pollution; Diffuse; Watershed; Agriculture; Input
output analysis; Nutrient; Mots-clés français / French Keywords, Asie; Ecologie; Bilan matière; Chine; Phosphore; Azote; Entrée sortie; Modélisation; Exportation; Pollution
diffuse; Diffus; Bassin versant; Agriculture; Analyse entrée sortie; Nutriment; Mots-clés espagnols / Spanish Keywords, Ecología; Balance materia; China; Fósforo; Nitrógeno;
Entrada salida; Modelización; Exportación; Polución difusa; Difuso; Cuenca; Agricultura; Análisis entrada salida; Nutriente; Mots-clés d'auteur / Author Keywords, Critical
nutrient amount; Diffuse (non-point) source pollution; Export coefficient model; Input-output mass balance; Nitrogen; Phosphorus;

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