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FOR OFFICIAL USE om y .,11 .""I /( 'I " ' ,'
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MA~O 2006

F RO M: Pe ter W. Rodman , A ssistant Secre tary ~efense (JS 1l~\il

~- HAY 03 2006 t '7/ (JJ?,J
. I 1 .
SU BJECT: Gener al McCaffrey' s Report on His Recen t T rip to Iraq fvl.ftf11;, ~
• General Barry Mc C affrey (USA, ret .) made an observa tion trip to Iraq (13-20 APril).~r~11
Attached is his rep ort. yl';
• T he re port bears readin g in its entirety. I've noted some o f the most interesting pOin~ct6
• Positive observations : (,~(f"

o The Iraqi Army is real, growing and willing to f ight. r: -r:

?"t 'fY
o The National Police Commando Battalion s are very capable. Their ~r
HUMINT collection capability is better than ours.
o The foreig n jihadis t fighters have been defeated as a strategic and operational 'fbD
threat to the creation of an Iraqi government. ~
e: ;r;?-

• N egative observations :

o The Iraq i Army needs at least two to five mo re years of U.S . partnership.

o The Iraq i police will requ ire ten yea rs to overcome their current problems.

o Interagency su pport for our strategy in Iraq is grossly inadequate.

• Policy recommendations:

o The Army and Murine Corps need significant manpow er augmentatio n. /'

o Our RoE may ha ve beco me 100 restrictive: they will need consrant
monitoring to mai ntain an appropriate balance.

o We should co ntinue economic and reconstrucnon su pport on the order of $5.

10 billion per year.

• I would especially call to yo ur atten tion the first two paragraphs of the narrative (on
pag e 3). They are a m agn ificem tribute 10 our soldiers an d Marines in Iraq and deserve
as wide a d istribution as we can give them.

Prepa red by: Abc Shulsky. !SNNESA. 57 J -2509

OSD 07247-06 PDASD(IS~~
-- '- - '- -
514/200fj 9:31.12 Al'JI


. ,JUL 122005

TO: Stephen 1. Hadley

FROM : Donald Rumsfeld ~

SUBJECT: Summary of Military Analysts Trip to OTMO
Attached is a summary of the effects of the military analysts we took down to
G1MO earlier this month.

Thanks .

A rUlCh: OSD PA Research and Analysis on GTMO Trip



OSD 133 6 9-05


NY TI MES 2952
Aug ust 18,2003

TO : Larry Di Rita

FROM: Donald Rumsfeld m,

SUBJECT: Col. Turner
There was fellow named Colonel Mike Turner on CNN this morning at 7:23 a.m.
. A
saying that the United Stales is.against having multinational forces in Iraq.
Someone ought 10 get a hold of him and straighten him out. What a knucklehead.



.................. .... ......... ...••..•........•......... ........... .... ,

U2166 1 103

Page I ofl

From: Bucci, Dr, Steven CIV'SD

Sent : Thursday, September 14, 2006 5:19AM
SUbJect: Re: Next week

This message has been archived. View the gtlsl!.nl1..11e.m

.: . I am tied up from 0615 to 0830 . Betwee n 0830 and 0930 would be best.

----- Original Message _~_ u

From: Frank Gaffney <gaffney
To : Bucci , Dr . Steven CIV SO
,Sent : Wed Sep 13 22:31:19 2006
Subject : RE : Next week

It mIght be better If I call when YOU get In? At what ungod ly hou r might tha t be? F

Fro m: BuCCi, Dr. Steven CIV SO [ mailto:Stev en.Buccl

Sent : Wed 9/13/20069:40 PM
To': Fra nk Gaff ney
Subject : Re: N


Subje ct :

I a m t i ed up fro m 0615 t o 063 0 . Between 0630 and 0930 would be best .

-- -- - Or ig inal Message
From : Frank Gaffney <gaffney __
To : Bucci , Dr . St e ven CIV SD t :
Sent : Wed Sep 13 22:31:1 9 20 06
Subject : RE: Next we e k
It mi g ht be bette r if I c a l l when YOU get i n ? At what ungodly hour mi gh t that be ? F

From : Buc ci , Dr. S tev ~~ CIV SO Ima i l t o: Ste ve n . Buc c i

Sene: Wed 9/ 1 3/2 006 9 :4 0 PM
To : Fra nk Gaffney
SUbj ect : Re; Next wee k

Pleas e g ive me a cal l tomorrow when you get i n .

----- Or i ginal Me s s a ge - -- --
From: Fr ank Gaf fney <gaffney
To: Buc c i , Dr . Steven CIV SD
Sent : wed Sep 13 21 ;39 ;45 2 006
SUbject : RE: Ne xt week
St eve : I wil l b e happy t o t a lk to you about th i s tomor row. I have been trave ling most of
t h e day today , larg el y off - l i ne a nd i nc ommUni c a do . Best , F

From: Buc c i , Dr . Steven CI V SD (mail t o : St e ve n . Buc c i

Se nt : Wed 9/13 /2 00 6 3: 17 PM
To: Fra nk Gaf fney
cc. Rangel , Robe.r t CIV SD; Renuaz t , Gene Lt cen SD
SUbject : Next week

Fr ank,

I have been t rying to get h o l d of you . I just f ound o ut t oda y t hat the ,a n t i c i pa t ed ti ~e
o f the Boss's remarks be f ore d inne r i s 8 : 00pn at' the e ar l ie s t . That was noe my i mp r e s s i o n
at al l . We never spoke about spec if i c t i mes (y our draft program had no ne on i t ) , but ~y
impr e s s i on o f "p re -di nne r " was not 20 00 . Your s eaff has to ld lIlY adva nce fol ks t ha t there
i s no ! l e x in th i s , and i n fac t the e arl i e s t we could r e a s onably expect t he Boss to be
done is 8 : 45pm. Tha t i s not acceptab le Frank . I don 't think that wou l d f l y with hi m
un der the bes t of condi t ions, and r i ght now t hat i s not what we have here. He ha d sur ge ry
l a s e week, and i s sti l l l e s e t h a n 1 00\ .

Re ga r dle s s , I will have t o go back t o h im with t his' i nfo , but I am not hop e ful . He very
wel l could re-eval ua te his partic i pat i on, as that way past h i s u s ual wee k day cut off

NY T IMES 520 1
time. I 'd a pprec iate a cal l bac k . sPll

Steven P. Bu c c i

S t even P. Bucc i , Ph .D.

S taff Di ·rector

I mqed1a t e O!! 1 c e o ! SeeDet

Subject: Re: Next week

This message has been arc:hlved. VI '!M.!h Qr.!glf1a ! ltof.l.!

Please give me a call tomorrow when you get in.

---.. Original Message u

From: Frank Gaffney <gaffney

To: Buccl, Dr. Steven CIV SO
Sent: Wed Sep 13 21:39 :45 2006
Subject : RE: Next week

Steve: I will be happy to talk to you about this tomorrow . I have been traveling most of the day
today, largely off·llne end incom municado. Best, F

,.. ,


From :

P ease give me a ca I tomorrow when you get i n.

" ..,
- . _.- Original Message ---- .
From: Frank G&ffn ey cgaffne
To : Bucci , Dr : Steven crv SD
Se nt : Wed Sep 1 3 2 1 :39:45 2006
Subject: RB : Next we ek
Steve : I wi l l be happy to talk to yo u about thi s t omor r ow. I have been t r av e l i ng most o f
t he day today , argely off - line and incommunicado . Best, F

Fr om: Bucci, Dr. Steven CIV S O [ ail to:Steven .Bucc i

Sent : Wed 9 / 13 /2 006 3:17 PM
To : Frank Gaffney
ce . Rangel , Robert CIV 50 ; Renuart . Gene Lt cen SD
Sub j e c t : Next week

Frank .

I have be en trying t o get ho ld o f you . r j ugt f o~~d o ut t oda y tha t the anticipated t iNe
of the B09S 'S remarks befo re d i nn er i s 8: 00pm at t he e a r l i e s t . That waS not my impression
at a l l. We nevex spoke about specific t i mes (your draft p r o g r a m ha d none on it l, but y
impre s s ion ?f "pr e - di nner" was no t 20 00 . Your sta f f h a s t o l d my advance fo lks that t here
i s no f l ex 1n this , and i n fact the ear f e s t we could reasona bly expect the Boss to be
done is 8 :45pm. That is not acceptabl e Frank. don ' t tni n k that would fly wit h him
un de r t he best of conditions , and rig ht now tha t i s not what we have here . He had s urge r y
last week , a nd i s still l ess than l OOt .

Regardless , J wil l have to go back to hi m with t his i nf o. b ut I a m not hopefu l . He very

well cou ld re -evaluat e hi s part icipa tion , a s t ha t · way pas t his u sual week day cut off
time. I 'd apprec i at e a ca l l baCK. SPB

Steven P . Bucc i
Steven P . Bucc i , Ph.D .
Staff Director
Immediat e Office of SecDe f

Sent :
To :
Subject :

P1 e aae r e vie w

- - , · - or i gi na l Message - --- -
From : Rangel . Rober t CI V SO
To : Renua rt . Gene Lt Gen SO; Stav r idis. J ames VADM SO; Whitma.n . Bryan SES OSD PA; Smith.
Dorrance HON OSD PA ; Wilk ie . Robe r t . CIV . OSO-LA
Sent: Wed Sep 13 14 :52:46 2006
Sub ject : RE: Proposed Abizaid Press ~ents
Ju s t r es po nde d on t he LA plan on anothe r chann e l. Suggest LA generate the usual
consol idated matrix s o that we c a n s tar t track ing all e lements i n on e p lace .

Fr om: Renuart . Gene Lt Oen SO

Sent ; Wednesday , Septembe r 1 3. 2 0 0 6 1: 5 ~ PH
To : Stavridis. Jam e s VADM SO; Whit ma n. Bryan. SES. OASO-PA ; Smith , Dorrance , HON , OSO·PA ;
Rangel , Rob ert CIV SO; Wi lk i e , Robe r t , CIV . OSO-LA
Subj ect : RE: pr op osed Abi%a id Pres s Event s

J i m - - Got it_

Robert R - Are you going to combine t hese wi th Rob e rt Wi l kie ' s plan i nt o a s i ngle e nt ity?
Or c an 11

Dorrance - Wha t about the o ther COCOMs ? Ar e we working a p lan fo r t hem?

Tha nk s -- Gene

Fr om : Stavri d i s , J ames VADM SD

Sent : Wednesday. Se ptember 13 , 20 0 6 1 : 46 PM
To: Renuar t . Gene Lt Oe n SO
Subj e c t : FW: Proposed Abiza id Press Event s
Over to you. b i g guy.

From: Whitman, Bryan SSS OSD PA mailto:Bryan .Whitman

<ma il t o: (mai lto :Bryan .Whitman [.~rW.'i1
Sent : Wednesday. September 1 3 , 2006 1 : 41 PH
To : Stavr idis, James VADM SO
Cc : Smith, Dorrance . HON , OSO-PA
Subj e c t : Proposed Abi%aid Press Events
CENTCOM ( pr o pos e d by 0 5 D)

• Pentagon Press Co rps with SecOef on Wednesday , 2 0 Sept .

13 3 0 - 14 1 5 hr
Mi l itary Ana l y s t Sess ion on Wednesday , 20 Sept . 1430 - 1500 hre
• Reg ional /syndicat ed Rad io on wednesday, 2 0 Sept . 1 515 -1545 hr

The se a~e de-conf l icted with any proposed LA events

per Rober~ Wilkie . CENTCOM PA i s s t ill working with the Commander to schedule some PA

activities, but they are looking at some one-an-one interviews , a speech at NDU and a
print reporters roundtable (Defense writers Group ! . At this time none of those are

t '


Page 1 of 1

From: Frank Gaffney [gaffney

Sent: Wednesday, August 30. 2006 8:38 AM
To; Bucci, Dr. Steven CIV SO
Subject: RE: Heads up II

This message has been archived. View the Qri Inal it~rn

Thanks, F

uu-Orlginal Message u
-- -

From ; Bucci, Dr. Steven crv SD mailto;Steven.Buccl

Sent : Wednesday, August 30,20068:33 AM
To : Frank Gaffney
Subject; RE: Heads up II

Su re.

Steve : Would YQU please share my latest note w ith SecDef? Alternatively, I would be happy to

4/4/2 008

Page l of 3

Thanks. F

-:--Orlgln,,1Message-- · . ~7:>
Fro m: Bucci, Dr. Steven CIV so {mailto:Steven.Buccl ::~ ".~'1:
sent: Wednesd"y, August 3D, 2006 8:33 AM
To: Frank Gaffney
Subject: RE: Heads up II


---- - --- - - ------- -- - _ .

From: Frank Gaffney [ma illo:9affney.",",:::.::"-~",,---,~,-=,,~
sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8:17 AM
To: Bued, Dr . Steven CIV SO'
SUbJect: RE: Heads up n Wou ld you please share my latest notewlth SeeDef? Alternatively, I wo uld be happy to send a
variation to him direc y.

I think e could be in considerably greate f pofiteal jeopardy if people conclude that a stone has been left
untumed on this lED business - and it is my convictio that Is the case, until recently, through no fault of
his. I fear. however. that further inaclio (Which is. to all outside appearances, what is happening at ihe
moment) now that he has at least been given a heads-up about it, would be hard to defend.

Speaking of which, I have to go defend him on I e tube.

Tx for your help.

- ---Original Message---
Fro m: Sued, Dr. Steven CIV SO [mailto:Steven.8ucci .
sent: Wednesday, August 30,20068:02 AM
To: Frank Gaffney .
Sub~: RE : Heads up

Not yet.

From: Frank Gaffney [mallto:gaffne

sent : Wednesday, August 30, 2006 ''';7~
To: Bued, Dr. Stevenav SO
Subj ect RE: Heads up

Thanks, Steve. for the qUick turnaround on the logistics Question.


Page 2 of3

Any word on the other matter?

---Original Message-u
From: BUed, Dr. Steven CIVSO [mailto:Steven.Bua::i = . r":':";':J,;.;;.:"=
Sent : Wednesday, August 30, 2006 7:23 AM
To: Frank Gaffney
SUbJect: RE: Heads up


I forwarded the proposal to the Boss. No response as yet. I should have his ·vole· Nl T
tomorrow when he conies inlo the office. I am sure he wi1lgo with your suggestion.

From: Frank Gaffney mallto: gaffney~=~~!.l::!l:i:~~~~==

Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 7:22 AM
To: Bucci, Dr. Steven CIV SO
Subject: Heads up

I just received this heart-rending note from the guys Who have been seeking for
years to get their apparent breakthrough on IEDs into the fre ld: '

.._•.AII delays are painful and costly (to the US and to the troops in the
fktld) . This was demonstrated yesterday by the death of a number of US
troops - thrM of which were personally known to me and OFT (they were
part of the source for the fOotage you reeetved from U8 [which .ho~ .
terrorists In Iraq using two, tI"1e-delayed lED. to ambush Gil]). They really
wanted to help all the guy. In the field, and were very keen on tryIng any
new technology that cou ld shift the inertia to our side In t tfls war.

" If thl. could find It's way to a successful conefuslon, It I, our sincerest
wish to be very busy In lab counting down the days to field de\lvery of the
prototype f~r validation and mu. replication..•."

\ know that you and Oon have a lot of thlngl going on . I am under the
Impression, however , that a pretty high order priority attendS countering the lED
problem (to say nothing now of addressing the unconventional ellploslves on
planu, ete.) Inaction in bringing to bear a technology that holds apparently high
(the only?) promise fo r addressing these needs would seem to be contrary to that
prl orltY,1f not an Indefensible dereliction of duty.

. I don't want my friends to be subfected to ilny more crltJelsm than they are
already getting. As you know, I am spending a lot of time d.fendlng Don against
lome of It - for example at 9:00 a.m. this 'morning on MSNBC against Barry
M~C.ffrey . Under no circumstances should actual grounds be given for such

I entreat you to find out who has the action on the non-snowflake that was
precipitated by my last mesaage to SecDef and let me know. There are people on
the Hili and in the pre.. who are likely to steal a march on you guys - and beat the
hell out of you In the procesa - If there Isn't aome evict-nee that the Department Is
doing everything possible to evalWit. the advanced Raman option.

Mfny thanks. of

PS Any word on whether ttl, Idea of opening remarb at the Flame suits Don?



----Original Message- " .'_

From: Bued, Dr. Steven cv SO [mallto:Steven.Bucci ~:Jt~~'Z%,t;:~
Sent Wednesday, August 23,200611:19 AM
To: Frahk Gaffney
SUbject: 20 5ep


I believe we have a "Go· on the Boss's participation in the Hunter event Please
tell me again your ·vlsion· of his participation. I will take that and try to fit it in the
gUidelines given us by GC. Steve


Page 1 of2

From: Frank Gaffney [gaffney

Sent: Wednesday, August 30,2006 8:17 AM
To: Bucci, Dr. Steven CIV SD
SUbJect: RE: Heads up \I

Steve: Would you please share my latest note with SecDef? Alternatively. I would be happy to send a variation
to him directly. .

I think he could be in considerably grealer political j eopardy if people conclude that a stone has been left unturned
on this JED business - and it is my conviction Ihat is the case, until recently, through no fault of his. I fear,
however, that further'inaction (Which Is, 10 all outside appearances, what is happening at the moment)now that he
has at least been given a heads-up about it. would be hard to defend.

Speaking of Which, I have to go defend him on the tube.

Tx for your help.

-OrigInal Message--- -
From: Bued, Dr. Steven av SO (mailto:Steven.Bucd
sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 8:02 AM [...::;.~=.J
To: Frank Gaffney
Subject: RE : Heads up


From: Frank Gaffney (m2lIlto:gaffney

sent: Wednesday, August 30,20067 :
To: Bucci, Or. Steven eIV SO
Sub~:RE: Heads up

Thanks, Steve, for the quick tumaround on the logistics question.

Any word on the othermatte r?

..:.- -0ri9In81Message---
From: Bucci, Dr. Steven CIV SO [matlto:Steven,Buccl
sent: Wednesday, August 3D, 2006 7:23 AM
To: Frank Gaffney
Subject: RE: Headsup


I forwarded the proposal to the Boss. No response as yel I should have his 'vote" NLT
tomorrow when he comes into the office. I am sure he will go with your suggestion. Steve


Page 20f2

To: Bucci, Dr. Steven ClV SO

Subject: ~s up '


1just received this he art-rending note from the guys who have been seeking tor years to
get their apparent breakthrough on IEDs into the fie ld:

" ...AII delays are painful and costly (to the US and to the troops In the field). This
was demonatrated yeaterday by the death of a number of US troops - ,three of
which were personally known to me and OFT (th ey were part of the source for the
footage you received from us [which shOwed terrorists In Iraq ullng two , tim&-
delayed IEDs to ambUSh Gis]). They really ~nt.d to help all the guys In the fIeld,
t :. and were very keen on trying any new technology that could shift the Inerti a to our
side In this war. .

" lf thla could find It's way to I successful conclusion, It IS ou r sincerest wish to be
very busy In lab counting down the days to field delivery of the prototype for
vaUdatlon and m... r• .,lIcation...."

I know that you and Don have a lot of things going on. I am under the Impression,
however, that a pretty high order prforlty attenda countering the lED problem (to aay
nothing nOw of addreSSing the unconv.ntlonalexploalves on planes, etc .) Inactlon In
bringing to bear a technology that holda apparently high (the only?) promise for
add re..fng theae ne.dl wou ld Ie em to be contrary to that pr iority, If not an Indefenalble
dere liction of duty. . .

I don 't wan t my fri ends to be SUbjected to any more crit Icism th an they are already
getting. As you know, lam spending a lot oftfme defending Don against aome of It - for
example at 9:00 a.m. this morning on MSNBC against Barry McCaffrey. Under no
circum stances ahould actu al ground. be given for auch attack• .

I entreat yo u to f ind out who has the acti on on the non ..nowflake ttl at was
precip itated by my Iaat mes sage to seeDef and let me know. There are people on the Hili
and In the press who are likely to ateal a march on you guya - and beat the hell out of you
In th e proce.. - If th e,. lan't some evidence that the Department Is doing everything
poaslble to evalu ate th e advanced Raman option.

Many th anks. F

PS Any word on whether the Ide. of opening remarks at the Flame autta Don?

---- Qriglnll l Message--- -

From: Bucci, Dr. Steven av SO (mallto:Steven.Bued ~~~~~
sent: Wednesday, August 23,200611 :19 AM
To: f rank Gllffney .
SUbJect: 20 Sep


I believe we have a "Go' on the Boss's participation In the Hunter event. Please teU me
again your "visIon" Of his participation. I Will take that and try to til It in the guidelines
given us by GC.. SIeve


NY TIMES 52 12
Page 1 of 1

This message has been archived• . le~ the origlni~

Thanks, Steve , for the Quick turna rou nd on t he logisti cs questio n.


Any word on the other matter?

-- -- -Original Message-- ---

From : BucCi, Dr . Steve n CIV SD [mallto :St even.Bucci
Sent: Wednesday, August 30 , 20067 :23 AM
To : Frank Gaffney
Subject : RE: Heads up


I forwa rded the proposa l to the Boss. No response as yet . 1. shoul d have his " vote " NLT
tomorrow when he comes Int o the office. I am sure he will go w ith your suggestion. Steve


Page 1 of 2

From : Frank Gaffney tgaffney ,"

Sent: · wednesday, August 30, 2006 7:30 AM
To: Bucci, Dr. Steven civ so
SubJect: RE: Heads up

Thanks. Steve, for the quick turnaround 0 the logistiCs question.

Any wordon the other matter?

--- -orIginal Message-··

From: Bucci, Dr. Steven av SO (mailto:Stever1.Bu
sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 7:23 AM
To: Frank Gaffney
SUbject: RE: Heads up


I forwarded the proposal to the Boss. No response as yet. I should have his-'vote ' N[T tomorrow whe n
he comes into the office. I am sure he 'll go with your sugges tion. Steve .

From: Frank Gaffney [mailto:gaffn

sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 7:
re: Bucci, Dr. Steven av SO
SUbject: Heads up

. ' .
I just received this heart-rending note from the guys who have been seeking for years 10 gel their
apparent breakthrough on IEDs into the fi d: .

..... AII delays &1'8 painful and costly (to the US and to the troopa i n the fie ld). This was
demonstrated yesterday by the death of a number of US troops - three of which were
pel'1lonally known to me and OFT (they were part of the aource for tho footago you
received from us (wh ich showed terrorists i n Iraq using two, time-delayed lED. to ambUah
GlsJ). They really w~nted to help all the g~ In the field, ~nd were very keen on trying any
new technology that .eould sh ift the inertia to our aide In th is war.

"If this could find Ifs way to a suc«ssful conclusion, it Is our s incerest wish to be very
bUSy In lab counting down the day. to f ield delivery of the prototype for Validation and
mas. replication. ..."

I know thM you and Don have a lot of things going on. I am under the Impression,
however, thBt a pretty high order priority attend. countering the lED problem {to say nothing now
of addressing the unconventional explosives on pg,..s, etc .) Inaction In brin91ng to bqr a
technology that holds apparently high (the only? } promls. for addreasln9 thos e needs would
. • eem to be contrary to that priority, If not an Indltfensl ble derellcUon of duty. .

I don't want my friends to be subjected to any more criticism than they sre already gettJng.
As you know , I am spending _ lot of time cMfendlng Don ag31Mt 80m. of It - for eumple lit 9:00
a.m, th is morning on MSNBC aga lnat Barry McCaffrey . Under no clrc",matancea should actual .
grounds be given for such attacks.


Page 2 on

I entreat you to find out who has the action on the non..nowt/ake that was prec ipitated by
my last menage to SeeDef and let me knCM. There are people on the Hili and In the press who
are likely to steaJ a march on you guy. - and beat the hell out of you In the process -if there isn't
some ev idence that the Department Is do ing everything possible to evaluat~ the advanced Raman

Many thank.s. F

PS Any word on Whether the idea of openi ng remarks at the Flame sult8 Don?

-- - Original Message---
Fro m : Sued , Dr. Steven eN SO [malltD:Steven.B
sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11:19 AM
To : Frank Gaffney
Subject: 20 Sep


I believe we have a "Go" on the Boss's participatklnin the Hunter event Please tell me again
your ·vision· of his participation. I will lake that and try to fit it In the gUidelines given us by GC.


Page 1 of I

Frank Gaffney (gaffney

Sent : Wednesday, August 30,2006 7:22 AM
To: BlJqci, Dr. Steven crv SD
SubJect: Heads up


I just received this heart -rending note from the guys who have been seeking for years to get their apparent
break through on IEDs Into the field:

" ...AII delays are painfu l and costly (to the US'and to the troops in the field). Thi. was
demonstrated yesterday by the death of .. number of US troops - th re. of which were personally
known to me and OFT (t hey were part of the source for the footage you received from us (which
showed terrorfsts In Iraq us ing two, time-d~ayed IEDs to ambush Gis)) . They really wal'lted to help
all the guys In the flekS, and were very keen on trying any new technology that could sh ift the
Inert ia to our side in th is war -,

" If this could find it's way to • successfu l conclusion, It is our sincerest wish to be very busy In
t.b counting down the day s to fJeld de livery of the prototy~ for validation and mass
replication ...."

. I know that you and Don have a lot of things going on. I am under the Impression. however, that.
pretty high order prlorfty attends countering the lEO prob lem (to .ay nothing now of addressing the
unconvent\onal exploalva. on .planes, etc .) Inac tlon In brl nglng to bear a technology that holda
apparently high (the only?) promise for addresalng these needs would aeem to be contrary to that
pr iority, If not an Indefensible dereliction of d uty.

I don't want my friends to be subjected to any more critlclsm than they are already getting. As you
know , I am spending a lot. of t ime defending Don against some of It - for example at 9:00 a.m. th is
morning on MSNBC aga inst Barry McCaffrey. Und er no circumstances should actual grounds be given
for such attacks.

I entreat you to find out who has the action on the non-snowflake that was precipitated by my lut
message to SeeDef and let me know. There are peop le on the Hili and In the preu who are likely to steal
a march on you guys - and beat the hell out of you in t he process - If there Isn" some evidence that the
Department is doIng everything poaalble to evaluate t he advanced Rama n option.

Many !tlanka. F

PS Any word on whether the Idea of ope ning remarks at the Flame suits Don7

- ··..()riginal Messag e-~..

From: Bucd, Dr. Steven CIV SO [mallto:St even.Bua;i
sent: Wednesday, August 23,2006 11:19 AM
To: Frank Gaffney
Subject: 20'Sep


I believe we have e · Go· on the 80ss's partlciplltlon in the Hunter event Pleese tell me ageln your
flt il in the guidelines given us by GC. Steve
"visio n" of his pa rticipa tion . I will take that and try to


Page J of I

From: Frank Gaffney [gaffney ".

Sent: Wed nesday. Aug ust 23, 2006 4:42 PM
To: Bucci, Dr. Steven CIV SO
Sub ject: Program
Attachments: TENTATIVE PROGRAM 823.doC

Steve: Thanks for your cons idera ble help with this mission! We look forward to having Don w ith us and having ·
." him play whatever role suits him. Sce ne.-setling on the nature and importance of the war of ideas and the
'. necessity to wage it far more effectively wo uld be terr ific.

If he can stay for dinne r, I wou ld be grate ful if he would join Gen. Pace in presenting the awa rds (which Don, of
course, did for Jim Schles inger a few years b ack as wei as receiving it himself in 1999): Pete has said he wo uld
prefer to avoid the possible cr iticism of bei ng polltical in an election year $0 he wo uld like to l ust make the
presen tation to the troops. It wo uld be a help if Don is willing to help cover us with the other hono ree" HASC
Chairman Hunter , al that point in the program. .

Finally, I would be grateful if you might try to ascerta in from Don who go t th e la Sker on the Adva nced Raman
lED/unconventional exp losive de tect ion initiative that I raised with him recently . We would like to make sure this
does n't fall through the cracks yet aga in. . '

All the best, F

-- -Original Message----
From: Frank Gaffney
sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12 :19 PM
To: 'BuccI, Or. Steven CN SO'
~bjeet; RE: 20 5ep

Wonde rful! I will call you shortly . Bes t F

- --Original Message--
From: Bucci, Dr. Steven CIV SO [ mallto:Stev en,Bued
sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11;19 AM
. To: Fnlnk Gaffney
~bjeet: 20 Sep


I believe we have a ·Go· on the Boss's partici pation In the Hunter event. Please tell me again
your "vlsion" of his participation. I will take that and try to fit it in the guide lines given us by GC.

4/4/2 00&



20 September 2006
East Hall, Union Station
Washington, D,C.

Call to Order - Frank J. Gaffney, President, Center for Security Policy

Parading the Colors - Armed Forces Color Guard

National Anthem - Sung by Alex Donner

Welcome by the Dinner Chairman- Ron Sugar, Chairman, Northrop Grumman Corp.

Remarks - Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld


Introduction of a short film tribute to former Secretaryof Defense Caspar Weinberger,

author of Home ofthe Brave, and Those Who Serve - Caspar Weinberger, Jr.

Remarks - Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee Duncan Hunter

Presentation of the Keeper of the Flame Awards - Secretary Rumsfeld and Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Peter Pace USMC

Farewell - Westwood One nationally syndicated talk show host Lars Larsen

Page I of 1

From: Frank Gaffney (gaffney 'Q)5;2j~

Sent: Wednesday, August 23. 2006 12:19 PM
To: Bucci, Dr. Steven crv SO
Subject: RE: 20 ·Sep

"r hls message has been archived .!"'Ltn\tQ!/.gll)aJJ~m

Wonderful! I will coil you shortly. Best, F

· ----Original Message" ~ - - -
From : BUcci, Dr . Steven av SO [ mallto;Steven.Bucd
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11 :19 AM .
To: Frank Gaffney
Subjec t ; 20 Sep

Frank, .

I believe we have a "Go" on the Boss's participation In t he Hunter event. Please te ll me again
your " vision" of his participation , I will t ake t hat lind try to fit It in the gu idelines given us by
GC. Stev e


NY T IMES 5219
.' Page 1 of 1

Frank Gaffney /gaffney

Sent: Wednesday, August 23.2006 12:19 PM
To : Bucci. Dr. Sleven CIV SO
Subject: RE: 20 Sep

Wonderful! I will call you shortly. Best, F

-:----Orlglnal Message··_·
From: Bucci, Dr. Steven CIV SO [mailto:Steven.Buc:ci
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 200611:19 AM
To: FrankGaffney
... . SUbject: 20 Sep


I believe we have a "Go" on the Boss's participalion in the Hunter event Please tell me again your
' vlsion" of his participation. I will take that and try to fil lt In the guidelines given us by GC. Steve


NY T IMES 5220
Page I of I

Sent: Friday, August 11, 20064:51 PM

To: Bucci, Steven, Dr.. OSD
Subject: . FW: Urgent Heads-up
Attachments : @

This message has been archived. Y.L~.w. the orlglnl.!Jl~r,"I



Mr Gaffney called and wanted to make sure thi s got to the SeeDer... , I believe 1 sent t hIs to you
ea rlier.
/ / SI GNED/ /

From : Frank Gaffney [ mallto :gaff ney '


SUbject :

Atta chm ents: l VARS point paper.doc

l VARS point
. ..... paper.doc (59 1(8)
Si r,
Mr Gaf f ne y ca l led a nd wa nt e d to make sure t his got t o the · SecDe f . . . . I be li eve I s en t t his
to you ear l ier .

of Defense Sta ff Writer t o Senior Mil itary

Cou l d yo u p l ea s e get his i nto Don ~ s we e kend r e ad ing fi l e? Many t ha n ks . F

P. S . Any f ur ther word on a f l y- by or more for Dunc an Hunte r and Those Who Se r ve at the
Kee per of the Pl ame d inner on 20 Sep t ember ?

Don : I know you have be en p rofound l y vexed by t he lED p r ob l em a nd , li ke the rest of us .

a re doubt les s se ized with t he new na t ional i mpera t ive o f doing a bette r job of de tect ing
unconv e ntional explos ives in things l i ke Gatoraid bott les , etc. The attached one-pager
wil l , I hope . gi ve you a bas is to find out whethe r we c ould have a far mo r e e ffec tive
means of worki ng such problems ~an e ither the lED Ta s k Force or o the r agencies ha ve co me
up with to date . There i s a l o t more b aCKgr o und availab le i f you or your subordinateD are
wi l l ing to r eview it . Suff ice it t o say . t hi s Big Crow /LVARS i nitia t ive seems worthy of
more at t ention a nd s uppor t than it· has got ten to d ate and may prov ide the technology we
need far 'f a s t e r t h a n even DARPA can do .

On a nother ma t t e r, I hop e we will have t he pleasure of your company, at least br ief ly, 00
20 September whe n we honor you r friend Dunc an Hunt e r and de corat ed combat veterans of t he
War for the Free World whose profi les in courage ha ve been recently written up by our l at e
friend . Cap Weinberger .

Duncan Hun ter Keepe r o f t he Flame


From: Frank

You, too ! ~ny hank s, F

From : CIV . OSD (mai~to !

Sent: Pri day, J une 30, 2 0 06 3 : 52 PM
To : Fr ank Gaffney
SUbject: RE: Duncan Hun t e r - - Keeper o f the Flame

I wi ll pas s t his t o the s e c r e t a ry , have a goo d 4th,

Gaffney (mai l t o: gaf f ney

&i-;;}f~~~#J.~~ 0, 2006 3 :55 PM .........=.;.:=:..;:
Keepe r of the Flaoe
Can you work yo ur magi c on this ?

Don: As you may recall . we are going to do t he Keeper of the Pl ame di nner this ye ar on
t he e ve ni ng of the 20th of Sep t e mbe r , the night of the c onc l ud i ng day of your Comba t ant
Commanders ' conf erence .

We wil l be honor ing Duncan Hunt er and t ho s e who serve. Our hop e i s to have enlisted
representat ives from each of the services who have pul led combat tours i n this "Wa r f or
the Fre e/World " r ece ive rep licas of the Fl a e .

Pete Pace - ~ho , as you know . received t he award himself two ye a r s ago -- has graciousl y
agreed t o present t he awards to the t r oop s .

/::I • •

I was hop ing I might ask yo ur help on two fro nts:

1) Would you be wi l i ng, i n light of Dunc an ' s t remendous help to the co untry and t he
cause a nd a s a past r ec ipient of the Flame award yourself . be wi l i ng to int roduce him and
join Pete i n c onferri ng this recognit ion? And ,

2) If you can do i t , any encouragement you mi g h t give to the Combatant Commanders

and other Chie f s to attend would be grea t ly appre ciated . They have a 1 b een i nv i t ed and
they should , I wou d think , wa n t to be t her e, espec ially f or t heir own troops . But , a
word from you would be terr if ic .

M&.ny thanke and bes t f or th o\l th I l'


From: O'Connell, Thomas, HON, OSD-POLICY

Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 3:26 PM _> _ m ~
re: O'Connell, Thomas, HON, OSD-POL '-~~~;!i:?-:\ CIV, OSD-POLl '1;b====:=~
ce. Rodman, Peter, HON, OSD·POLICY ,J~.;;-~~j
CIV, OSD·POLlCY; Feith, Douglas, ,
Subject: RE: Subject Matler Expert Nominees ~


Further to the list below:

Ann Scott Tyson. Christian Science Monitor

Linda Robinson, US News and World Report

Thomas W. O'Connell
Assi stant Secretary of Defense
Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict

- .()rjglnal Message--·
From: O'Connell. Thomas, HOO. OSO-POUCY
Sent: 25. 2004 12:3" PM
To: ~;*..UUoLIV, OSO.POL£CY .
Cc: RodlT\lln, Pete-. HaN, oso·pauCY;""
HON. aSo-POlICY .............--"-'=
Sub~ct : SlbJeet Motter Expert Nominees (fflttO)-

FOR OF1'IClfltL US~ ONL ','

Per today's Polley Staff Meellng, Mr. Feith asked for nominees In military. press, academia, etc. to receive Posture
Brief' Need not be frfends of Administration, but must be assessed to give a fair review of our effort. '

Frank Gaffney
Michael Ledeen
Ken Robinson. CNN
GEN Hugh Shelton
Gen AnthonyZinni (An endorsement from him might carrysignificant weIght)
Eliot Cohen
William Cohen
LtGen Michael Ounn-(Good basis fat further presentation to allied reps and stuceote)
VAOM Jacoby, Olr, DIA (As dean of attaches. he could go worldwide with a precise message to OATIS.)
GEN William Kernan (former JFCOM)
GEN Gordon SU llivan (Pres, AUSA) .
Newt Gingrich . .
Jim Mik, NBC
Charles Krauthammer

Thomas W. O'Connell
Assistant Secretary of Defense -
Special OperationslLow Intensity Conflict

NY TIMES 522 5
Page ) of I

Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 12:19 PM

To: Bucci, Steven. Or., OSO
Subject: FW URGENT!
Attachments: @

Th is messag e has been archlved~ Y-Ul.\oY..tb..~

Please pass ASAP to SeeDef:


Don : It was great to see looki ng so we ll at the White House th is morni ng . Th anks for agree ing
In pr inciple to a visit soon .

I n the mean time, I wanted to ma ke sure you were aware of sev eral things before your meeti ng
nex t week w it h Ehud Olmer t .

1) There has


Page 1 0(2

From : CIV. aSD

Sent: Friday. May 19, 200612:19 PM
To: Bucci, Steven, or., oso
Subject: FW: URGENTl
Attachments: tps glick 513.doc

. ",
_._ --- ----- - - ---:= = = =

Please pass ASAP to Sec Def:

Don: It was great to see look ing so well at the White House this morn ing. Thanks for agreein g in
principle to a visit soon

In the meantime, 1 wanted to make sure you were aware of several things before your meet ing next
week with Ehud Olmert .

I) There has been no debate in Israel about the wisdom of turnin g st ill more territory over to al
Qaeda, Hezbollah, Iranian Revo lutionary Guard, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas as has been ..
done in Gaza . Olmert will use any indicati on of a US buy-in on his "convergence plan" to ensure
that there is no debate. let alone any course correction, in the future, either.
2) Israel is not the only one who se equities will be jeopardized by such a withdrawal . Jordan will be
destabi lized by the new safe-haven for terror that will emerge. Our suppl y lines from Israeli ports
into Iraq will be at risk. as well. A Taliba n-style terror state will be used to plot attacks on our
homeland, too. Israel is not the only one who needs a debate - and a say - on this "convergence
plan" ; so do we .

3) Israeli surrender of the West Bank will be seen by our enemies and o ur fait -weather friends as a
victory for Islarnofasci sm and terror. That will embolden the forme r and encourage the latter to
hedge their bets, at best, to align with our foes, at worst.

4) The US government seem s not to have taken a hard look at these realities . 1entreat you to review
quick ly at least the talking points attached and the ad we hope to start running this weekend. 1
hope they will prompt you to signal serious reservations about this initiative - not just that it is
being undertaken unilaterally by Israel, but that it is being undertaken at all given the serious
problems - for Israel and the Free World - associated with the previous Israeli evacuations from
south Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.

I hope you will ask the Chiefs and your Policy folks to eva luate the longer. excellent paper ..
summarized by the talking.points and prepared by my extraordinary colleague, Caroline Glick -
ideally before your meeting with Olmert on Monday. You have a need-to-know. .


Page 2 of2

All the best, F

Ad: http ; //www.( 30TV \

. ~. Caroline's press release and paper: http://www.centerf'Qr e uri

ction=:p~code:06·P ] 1
,... ...... .



lsraeJi Prim'e Minister E hud Olmert 's P lanned Withdrawal from the We..t Bank: '
A Th reat to U.S. InterestJ and Security

Bsekground: Israel's new Prime Minister Ehud Olmert isscheduled to v isit Washin~on, DC
later this month in order to secure administration and congressiona l s upport for his plan to
'<.:' withdraw Israe li civilians and the Israeli military from between 90-95 percent of the West Bank
and large sect ions of the city of Jerusalem. On the budgetary slde;Olmert asserts that the
implementation of his plan will cos t $10 billion and he intends to see k U.S. financing to
underwrite this cost.
: .. Olmerr's plan involves expelling between 50,000-100.000 Israeli c ivilians from their homes and
the destruction of between 50- 100 Israel i communities in the West Ba nk and the redeployment of
Israeli military forces to garrisoned positions. He c laims that this plan will.enhance regional
stability. improve Israe li security, increase the prospects of peace betw een Israel and the
Palestinians, and boost Israeli and American standing in the international community. These
claims are identic al to those advanced by former prime minister Sharon when he advocated
Israel' s withdrawal from the Om Strip which too k place last September.

• Israel's withdrawal from th e Gaza Strip last year failed to do any of these things. Indeed
the actua l conseque nces of the withdrawal have been the exact oppos ite of what Sharon
predicted. A reenactment of that operation on the West Bank - wh ich is both 20 times larger
than the Oaza Strip and vastly more significant on a strategic leve l - will exacerbate the
failure of the Gaza withd rawal strategy to the detriment not on ly of Israel's national security.
but the stability of the Jordani an regime and American national security interests.

• brael's withdrawal from th e Gaza St ri p fomented the transformation of Gaza Into a

Taliba n-like state. The Palestin ians perce ived Israel's decisio n to retreat to the 1949 armistice
lines as a victory for Ha mas and the j ihadist ideology that negates Israel's right to exist. This
perception contributed greatly to Hamas' stunning electoral victory in the Palestinian
legislative elections in Jan uary . Under Hames' s leadership, Palestinian society is being swiftly
transformed into an Islam ic extrem ist society like Tallban-led Afghan istan.

• After Is ra el withdrew, G u.a was nooded .wlth terrorists and terror armaments that
pa ssed througb Gaza's inter na tional bord er with the Egypti a n Sinai. Katyusha rockets,
anti-aircraft missiles and advanced anti-tank missiles have 'all been brought into the area.

• AI Qaeda, Heibollah and th e Ira'nian Revolutionary G ua rds all set up forward operating
b~ses in Gaza . Ham as itse lf has become a client of Iran.

• The destroyed braell settlements in Gau are now used • .'1 ng camps a nd as
missile-launching sites. Israeli artillery and air strikes against terrorist elements in Gaza since
the withdrawal have been ineffective in preventing the escalation of missile, rocket and mortar
attacks against alI Israeli cities and villages bordering Gaza .

• An Israeli wUbdr.awal from th e West Bnk wl1lcause a similar situation to arise In the
areas abandoud by Israel. B ut unlike the Gaza Strip. the West Bank provides the
Palestinian and g lobal terrorist clements that will operate freely in the area with the ability to
launch missile and rocket attacks against all of lsrael's major cities. highways and civilian air
traffic taking off and I~ ding at Ben Gurion airport. While Olmert claims that Israel will be
protected because the completion of rhe security barrier between the West Bank an~ Israel will

be completed by the time Israel carries out the retreat. that barrier will be unable to protect
Israel from missile and rocket fire on its densely populated cities.

• Even If the IDF retains III presence in the areas after the expulsion of the civilian
population is accomplished. its counter-terror capabilities will be compromiHd by
domestic political considerations. international pressure and the increased mUltal')'
capabilities and basing prerogatives for Io<:al and 210bal terrorist elements.

• The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan wUl be destablllzed by bratt's withdrawal from the
West Bank. Jordan' s citizenry is 80 percent Palestinian. AI Qaida, the Muslim Brotherhood
and Hamas all have a strong presence in the country. A redeployment oflsraeli military forces
will degrade Israel's ability to prevent the convergence of these terror forces on the east bank
of the Jordan River with those on its west bank for the purpose of toppling the Hashemite
regime. AI Qaeda commander in Iraq Abu Musab Zarqawi, a Jordanian citizen, has already
attacked the regime and called for its overthrow. Hamas has similarly committed itself to the
overthrow of the regime.

The following are the likely impacts of an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank on U.S.
national security:

I. Estahtish a new terror refuge in the West Bank that will serve as a training ground for
. terrorists who will fight not only against Israel and Jordan, but also against U.S. forces in

2. Weaken U.S, logistical capabilities in lraq. The destabilization of Israel and Jordan
through the establishment of a Taliben-like regime in the West Bank will endanger the
overland supply route used by U.S. forces from Israeli ports through Jordan and into Iraq.
This will increase U.S. dependence on Persian Gulf ports and thus motivate Iran to create
crises in the Straits of Honnuz.

3. Enhance the prestige 0/declared enemiesof the u.s. including Iran, Syria, 01Qaeda,
Hezbollah, Homos, Wahhabist extremists in Saudi Arabiaand Salaflst extremists in
Egypt at the expense a/ the U.S. The widespread Arab and Islamic perception of Israel as
a U.S. client state wilJ cause an Israeli retreat and the consequent destabilization of Israel
and Jordan to be perceived as a strategic defeat for the United States. This will motivate
thousands throughout the world to Join the forces of global jihad against America.

4, Decrease motivation to cooperate withthe U.S. In the war againstlslamofasclsm

throughout the Arab and Muslim world. The perceived victory for'the global jihad will
harm U.S, efforts to gain the support of regimes and individuals in the Arab and Islamic
world such as leaders like Gen. PervezMusharraf in Pakistan. He, like democracy
activists in Iraq, anti advocates of Islamic moderation in Europe. will be undermined by
the perceived strategic victory of thejihadist forces in the aftermath of Israel's
withdrawal from the West Bank.

10 light of the above the U.S. should not lend its support to the Israeli premier's planned
withdrawal from the West Bank. Instead, it should encourage him to punue strategies that
will deny vlctori~ for forces at war witb bod! 'the United States and Israel,

I" FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT: lVWW.CenterforSet:!,Idivpollcy.ou

or Contact; Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. at 101-835-9077

Page 1 of 1

From: BuC(;i, Steven, Dr., OSD

Sent : Monday. April 17. 20063:04 PM
To: Barber, Allison, elv. OASD-PA
Subject: RE: frank gaffney

This message has been arch Ived. VIew the QrlgJMljt!:m

Th an ks!!

Dr . Ste ve n P. Bucci
Sta f f Director
Immed iate Offiee of SeeDef

- --- -Origina I Mess~ge ·- ---

From: Barber, Allison Ms 0 50 PA [mallto :Alllso ' .se rber
Sent: Monday, April 17 , 2006 2:46 PM
To : Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSD
Subject : RE: frank gaffney


Called frank but had to le av e vo ice ma ll .- I left m y contact"Info In case he nee ds more info.


From : Bucci , Stev en, or., OSD

Sent: Monday, April 11, 2006 11:58 AM
To: Barb er, All


NY TIMES 523 ~
Message Page 1 of 2

From: Bucci. Steven. Dr.• OSD

Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 3:04 PM
To: Barber. Allison. CIV. OASD·P A .
SUb)ett: RE: fran k gaffney


. ~ .. Dr. Steve" P. Bucci

Sto.ff Director
IlMIed late Office of SeeDef

··---Orlglnal Message-- - .
From: .Barber, Allison Ms OSD PA [mallto:Allison.Barber
sent: Monday, April 17; 2006 2:46 PM
To: BuCCi, Steven, or., OSD
SUb~: RE:~ an kg affne y

Called frank but had to leave voicemail .. I left my contact Info in case he needs more into.


-----_._ --------- -
From: Bucci, Ste~en, Dr., e SD
I sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 11:58 AM
To: Barber, Allison, crv, OASD-PA
SUbJ~ct: RE: frank gaffney

Dr. Steven P. Bocci
I Staff Oil"cctor
Immediate Office 'of See Def
- -Original Message---
I From: Bllrber, Allison MsOSD PA [mallto:A1I\son.Barber
sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 11:56 AM .
To; Bucef, Steven, Dr., 0 50
I ce: Ruff, eric, SES, OSD
Subject: f~ nk gaffney


I 4/4/2008

Message Page 2 of 2



'Page I ofl

RUff, Eric, SES, OSD (Eric.Ru I
Monday, Aprll 17, 20061 :21 PM
Barner, Allison, CIV, OASD-PA; Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSD
SUbJect: RE : frank gaffney
This message has been archived. VIew the ~.!..ltIm:J
agree to all of t his. thanks
Fro m : Barbe r, Alliso n Ms OSD PA
Sent : Monday, Apri l 17, 2006 It":56 AM
To: Bucci, Steven , or. , OSD
Cc: Ruff , Eric, SES, OSD
Subject: fran k gaffney

Hi steve


I 4/412008

Page 1 of )

From : Ruff. Eric, SES,·OSD rEric. R UIT\!~~~~

S&nt: Monday, April 17, 2006 1:21 PM
To: Barber, Allison, elV, OASD-PA; Bucci, Steven. Dr., OSD
Subject: RE : frank gaffney

agree to aUof this. thanks

_._- - _.._ - - - -
From: Barber, Allison Ms OSD PA
"., Sent: Monday, Aprll l 7, 2006 11:56 AM
"To: Bucd, Steven, Dr., OSD
CC: Ruff, Eric, 5ES, 050
Subject: frank: gaffney


Page 1 of'

From: Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSD

Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 12:14 PM
To: Barber, Allison, civ. OASD-PA
Subject: RE: frank gatmey

This message has been archIved. Yl.ew..tb~odgln.a.l~

Thanks Allison. It Is much app reciated.

Dr. Steve n P. BuccI

Staff Director
Immed iate Office of SeeDef

---- -Orlg lna l Message-- ---

From: Barbe r, Allis on Ms OSD PA [ m allto :Alli son.6 arb er
Sent: Monday, Apri l 17, 2006 11 :59 AM
To : Bucci, s te ve n, or., OSD
SUbject : RE: fra nk gaffney

1 wlll do it personally.

From: BUCCi,'Steven, Dr., OSD

Sent : MondaYr Ap ril 17, 200611 :58 AM
To : Barbe r, AlIIson r CI V, OASD- PA .
Subject: RE: fran k gaffne y

4/41200 8 .

Page 1 of 1

From: Barber. Allison Ms OSO PA [Alllson.Barber

Sent: Monday. April 17,2006 11:59 AM
To: Bucci, Steven. Dr., OSO
. SUbJect: RE: frank gaffney

Thi s message has been archived. Y.~tb.eJ)d9.i.O.A.U.tem

I will do It persona lly .


From : Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSD

Sent; Mond~y , Apr il 17, 2006 11 : 58 AM
TO : Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PA
SUbject: RE: fra nk 911tfney

Dr. Steven P. Bucci

Stllff Directo r

Immediate Office of SeeDef

· · -- -Origlnal MesSllge- -- -
From: Barbe r, Allison Ms OSD PA (m allto: All ison. Barbe
Sent :

4/4/20 08

NY TIMES . 5 237
Message Page 1 of L

Barbe r, Alliso n Ms OS D PA [Allison.Barbe

Sent: Monday. April 17. 2006 11:59 AM
To: Bucc i, Steven, Dr.• OSD
Subject: RE: frank gaffney

I will do It personally.

From: Bucci, Steven, Dr., 050

sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 11:56 AM
To: Barber, Alllson, eIV, OASD-PA
Subject: RE: frank ~ffney

Dr. Steven P. Bucci

Staff Director
Immediate Office of 5ecDcf
- -Original Message- -
From: Barber, Allison Ms OSD PA [m ailto:Allison.Barber
sent: MOnday, ApriI!7, 2006 11:56 AM
To: Bucci, Steven, Dr., OSO
Cc: Ruff, Eric, SES, OSD
Subject: frank gaffney



Page I of 1

SU~Jact: Re:

This message. has been archived. Vie~..Q.ri m

He was bumped. We told him we wou ld be in touch to re-schedu le.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

-----0 . Sj;"";
From; ~ crv, OSD .~~': ,.
To: Bucci, Steven , Dr. , OSD <Steven .Bucd "",,""--'::.~-,::,;=~~
Sent : Sun Dec 11 02:1 2:23 2005
Subject :

What happened to Frank Gaffney on Monday since. You put congress ional prep In his spot?

Sent from m y BlackBerry Wire less Handheld

Page I of 1


Thls message has been archived. View th e orjgjnaJ Item

Lt Col, OSO;

.He was invited to trave l on the China trip and d id decline.

Fro m:
sent :

SUbject :

" .
COL. 050; Bued. Steven, Or" OSD

He was invited to travel on the China trip and did decline,


Is this the other talking head you guys invited who couldn't make it? Please let Carrie Sue know as she has a letter
from him,

--·Orlginal Messa~~"'""t'...""""

No data

I have no info, Anyone else?

Dr. Steven P. Bucci

Stoff Director
Immediate Office of SecDef

- - ·OrIginal Message·····

Sent ;
To :

-- ··Onglnal M~-
From; ~~~~;';;~=;&,"~
"'1'' CTR, OSD
Sen t: Wednesday, OCtober 26, 2~ SoJ? ~
To: .~ry, Delormie, CIV, OSDjiii@ :,;::-~,,~ av, OSO: =3l::::===~
Subject: . I/Wltatlon to BG David Grange

All -- I have a letter here from retired BG Grange Esying SECOEF had invited him to
saying he cou ld not make it. Can we confirm that he was invited? Tha nks - b

Page 1 of 1

From: CTR, OSD

Sent: Wednesday, October 26.20056:07 PM
To: Bucci. Steven, Dr., OSD
Subject: RE: Invitation to BG David Grange

This message has been archived. View the or lgJ~ cm

Ok Sir - Thanks -. esc

No clue. Let me see th e letter tomorr ow es. We'll come up wIth a course of act ion. SPB

Dr. Steven P. Bucci

Staff Directo r
Immediate Office of SecDef

----. Orl ~1 ~a~ ~ - ---

From : =:;~:;':;#j~~ CTR, OSD
Sent : Wednesday. Octob er 26, 20056 :01 PM
To: Bucci, Ste ve n, Dr. , OSD

From :

---<lrltjn al Message--
From: Bucd. Steven, Dr., OSO
Sent: ober 26, 2005 6:02 PM
To; S ,- ;',." " . CTR. 050
Subject: RE: Invitation \0 BG David Grange

Noclue. Let me see the letter tomorrowCS. We'll come upwitha courseof action, SPB

Dr . Ste ven P. Bucci

Stoff Director
IIMlcdfate Office of, SceDef

--··-Qr1gtnal M~~~=:""""I
To: , OSD

Could it have come from a Policy person?

I have no info, Anyone else?

Dr. St~YC" P. Bucci

Staff Di,.ector
Immediate Off ice of Secbef

·- ,.{)Iglna! Me~~;';;-~=m
I'nHn; .


All -- I have a tetter here from retired BG Grange saying SECDEF had invited him to on the China trip and
saying he could not make It. Can we confirm' that he was invited? Thanks ~D'JlC:I,';~


See be low

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handh eld

Fro .

cal led for Mr. Feith (1 900 )

His te l is


pre sident i a l
Secretary of

Priva c y Act of 9 74 as Amended a.pp lies- thi s e rnai may c o n t a i n

protectea !AW DoD 540 0.1 1R and i s For Off i c i a l Us e Only (FQUO)

From:- OJRita, Larry, CIV, OSD-OASD-PA
Se nt Tuesday, February 08. 2005 2:02 PM
To: ·Rhynedance. George, COL, OASD-PA
Su bject: FW: I sense we are disconnected....

, . ~, - -Original Message-
Fro",: ' Rhynedance, George, COL, OA$D-PA
Sent: Wedn~y, Feb<"Ualy 02, 2005 '1:53 PM
To: DI RJta, Larry, av, OSC>-OASD-PA
Subject: RE: r sense we are disconnected•..•


----Original Message--
from: Oi Rita, lAny, crv, OSD-OASO-PA
Sent: Tuesday, February01, 2005 11:45 AN
To: Rhynedanc.e, George, COl, OASD-PA
Subject: Rf : I sense we aredisconnected....

-,, ·-orlg lnal Message----

from: Rhynedance, George, COL, OASD-PA
Sent: Tuesday, February 01,2005 11:38AM
To: 0 1Rita, Larry, ClV, OSD-OASD-PA
StIbject: RE: I sense we are disconnected....


-- - Original Message--
Froml DI RIta, Larry, ov, OSD-OASD-PA


sent: Monday, January 31. 2005 2:34 PM
To: RIIYnedanoe, Georoe. COl, OASD·l'A
Subject: RE: I serse we are dlSCOrroeded.... I
,• •..u
Tha nks . I,
-----Original Message---··
From: Rhynedance, George, COL, OASD-PA
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 2:11 PM I
To: 0 1Rita, larry , crv, OSD-OASO,PA
Subject: I sense we are dlscennected....




from: ' Di Rita, l arry, CIV, OSD-OASD-PA

Sent: Tuesday, February 01. 2005 11:45 AM
To: Rhynedance, George, COL. OASD·PA
Subject: RE: I sense we are disconnected,...

Separate out members of congress from pundits.

You're missing 8 lot of members of congress. Get the list of people that helped out just before xmas from matt latimer.
Domenici, sessions, comyn. ky l, etc.

I don't know who babbib is. Probably jed babbin.

Take off scooter libbey, colin powell, and george tenet.

----OrIginal Message-- -
Fro m: Rhynedance, George, COL., OASD-PA
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 11:38 AM
TO: 01 Rita, Lany, CIV, OSD-OASD-PA
Su bject: RE: I sense we are disconnected....

The list I cobbled together based on recent snoWflake traffic includes:

Edward Rozek
Victor Davis Hanson
Chris WiRiams
Membersof the:
Colin Powell
' Tenet
Scooter Libby

I haveonly sent articles that the SeeDefwanted out, as communicated In snowflakes. You've seen all of them,
news articles. very supportive. Copies here at my desk. Have been sendir'!g regUlarly to Laird as directed, but he
gets a little more...talking points and such. '


---QrIolnaI M!SSaQe-· -
Fronr. Oi Rita, Lany, crv, OSO-QASD-PA
5en~ Monday, JiOIlilfY 31, 2005 2:34 PM

NY TIMES 52 49
To: Rhyneoarn, George, COl, OASD-PA
Subject: R£: I sense weare disalnllllrted....

I dont know how 10 slice and dice it, but there has been a group o~ stalwarts that should be getting more than
a fax aCfOSS their transom e\leryday.

Even If we put together a package now and then and accompanied It by a letler trom me or Dan Stanley10
give it a little higher prolll8.

Let me see thai list again, and Iry to give me a senseof what We have sent them recently.


- --OrIginal Message--
From : Rhynedance, George, COL, OASD-PA
sent: Monday, January 31, 20052:11 PM
To: 01 Rita, L.ZlrrY, crv, OSC>--OASD·PA
SUbject: J sensewe are disconnected....

...on the SOs"list of supportive folks." We havetaken a bunch - maybe a dozen. llnowflak!3S recently
tnstruc1lng U6 to add this person or that personand 10 send things to "the group," I have sent you a list
that describeswho I think those folks are - about 19. Your sense of it was that the li6t was aboutright.
In respoose to other, more recent snowflakes, I have added a few others since . Now as more
snowflakes come down. I hear that LA is uSing a list to send these speclflc items to a muohmore
extensive list of members of Congress thinking they are being responsive to the desires of the SD.
Recall. the Ust I described above included MOCs. reporters, members of OSB,OBB, DPB, formers.
etc. I want to make sure we clearly communcate what list thin9S should go to and make sure thai you
understand what "list" thing are going 10. I don't think every posltive article we come across 0( teel the
need to promulgate a little, needs to go to a tthe Repubtlt:an members of Congress, or aUthe SASC
members, etc, I think we need a dIscreet and exclusive Hst in which to send discreet and elCclusive
correspondence. What say you?


NY TIMES 52 50
... __._- - - - - -
Page 1 of2

From: OJRita, Larry, ov, OSO-OASO·PA

Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 9:09 AM
To: VVhttman. Bryan. SES , OASD ·PA
Subject: RE: bremer statement

Thanks. our posture has to continue to be that the Secretary relied upon the jUdgment and recommendations of
military commanders duringthe pre-deployment. hostilities, and post-hostllltles phases of Operation Iraqi

- ·--original Message----
From: Whitman, Bryan, SES, OASD·pA
sent; Tuesday, October OS, 2004 8:55 AM
To; Di Rita, Larry, crv, OSO-QASO·PA
Subj ect: fIN: bremer statement

· -- -Original Message..- -
From: Lawrence 01Rita [mallto:ldlrlta
sent: Monday, OCtober 04,2004 10:31 PM
To: Bryan SES OASD-PA Whitman; ertc ruff
Subject: Fwd: bremer statement

DanSenor <danseno wrote:

Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2004 18:32:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Dan Senor
Subject : bremer statement
To: j ames_wilk inson ,, ~.
scott mcclellan
Idirita "'""'=-...<=:
CC: dansenor ~f ~

Statement by Ambassador 1. Paul Bremer 1Il

> > October 4,2004
> > Contact: Dan Senor, 202-21 3-4966

"I have recent ly delivered addresses in which J

explained that, following Septem ber 11,2001 , the


NY TIMES 52 51
Page 2 of2

United States and the West face a new kind of terror

threat. I said that winning the war in Iraq is an
integral part of fighti ng this war on terror. I made
clear that afte r spending )4 months in Iraq I was even
convi nced that removing the regime of Saddam Hussein
was the right thing to do and was central to winning
the war on terrorism.

"I also stated that I agree w ith the President's

strategy for training Iraqi security forces and his
overall str ategy in Iraq . Th is is one of the many
'., re asons. as I explained in my addresses as we I, that
I str ongly support his re-elect ion .

"I beli eve that we c urrently have sufficient troop

levels in Iraq. The reference to troop leve ls that ]
made referred explicitly to the situation as] found
it on the ground , when ( arrived in Baghdad in May
2003, and when ) believ ed we needed either more
Coali tion troops or Ir aq i security forces to address
the looting, We developed a p lan to
address this problem, which has been continued by
Iraq's'interim Government."

Do you Yahoo ]?
Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard.

Do you Yahoo !?
YQte.yahpJl&Q.n:! - Register online to vote today !


' NY T IMES 5252

From: " Df RIta. Larry , CIV, OSD·OASD-PA
Sent: TU9,sday, October 05, 2004 7:01 AM
To : Rulf, Eric, SES. OASo-PA
Subject: RE:oer

Who is the "s en or dod off icial " doing al l the background brief ing in the laat point?
This is to g ive secdef a Dense of things .

Do we need to squeeze on this? I t is t he 5th and the zal p iece feels soft .

- - -- - Or i gina l Message- - - - -
,'':;: From: Ruff, Er ic, SES , OASD- PA
Sent : Tue s day, October 05, 2004 6:52 AM
TO : Di Rita . ~arry, CIV, OSO-OASO-PA
Subj ect , FW : oel
I mpor t anc e : High

- -.- -Or i gina l MessAge - - - - ·

Fr om: Ruf f , Er ic. SSS , OASD-PA
Sent: Monda y. Oc t ob e r 04 , 2 004 1: 03 PM
To : Oi Rita , Lar ry , CI V, OSD-OASD - PA
Subj e ct: RE: oef

we met on fr iday a nd had a co nf e r e nce ca l l t h ia a .m. with the pao f or l tg barno .

f ol lowing are what we have under considerat ion .

Page 1 of2 I
From: fi~)~~) '~t~;.;.;;~~{~~"\: CIV, OSD I
Sent: Monday, September 22,20037:46 AM
To: gk~~J~~T~~~J~~t~t~~r~', ~~D~EA:l:!'b~}'~ I
OASO-PA; Feith, Douglas, HON, OSD·POLlCY ; b 6 ~
Cc: Bucci, Steven, COL, OSb; ~ . I
Chafin Claude, elV , OSD·L
&bX~},11~~l c,v, OSO·POLlCY· I
(USAF), OSD·POLlCY; ) .'::¥
Subject: Schedule Changes
0555 Depart residence en route Pentagon I
0625 Arrive Pentagon

0635 Interviewwith ABC Good Morning America (Senor)

Duration: 10 minutes
Location: Pentagon Studio

0645 Interview with CBS The Ear ly Show

I Duration: 10 minutes
Location: Pentagon Studio
I 0700 Principal's Committee SVTS
I 0830 Meeting with Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz (Patterson)
I Location: Deputy's office
1030 Congressional Testimony preparation - "Murder Board" (Korologos)
I Participants: Dep Sec Wolfowitz, Reuben Jeffery, Tom Korologos, Kevin Kellems, Dan
I Senor, Robin Cleveland, Doug Feith/Bill Luti, Larry Lanzillotta, Dave Oliver
Location: Conference Room
I 1345 DepartPentagon en route Hart Senate OfficeBuilding
1430 BeginHearing beforeSenate Appropriations Committee (Korologos)
Location: SH-116
I Duration: 3 hours 30 minutes (estimated)
I NOTE: There will be a pressstakeout afterwards.

I 4fSf2008

Page 2 of 2

TBD Depart Hart Senate Offi ce building en route TBD


P~p,. 1 <>or 0

. From : sarah Stern [sstem J

s.nt: Sunday , July 06, 20033:24 PM
To: Ray and Cal Thomas; Frank
Clifford D. Ma~j ~8 u r. telklr 'l:i
sae77<@)!ej:«ii-i;lcpa ; ~" j im_doran \I-J,$~ "
SUbJect: Fw; Re. Pro-Palestinian STRATEGY Conference:Their Minutes

Actually. I now figured out who this woman is...SheIs the founder of ", 8 group Itlat originated
out of Los Angeles, and seemsto be a very reliable SOUrce. .
Best wishes for a happy founh
Sarah N. Stem
N ational Policy Coordinator
. . .zation of America

I don', know Who the personis that emailed me this Information, but It is vital to gel out in terms of the intentions of
Abu Mllzen and the P.A.
We have to get together soon...Tell me what your schedule Is like (of the week-endsin the summer? I'd like to
arrange for 8 Sunday evening bar-b-Que with friends, to strateg ize...Jean Kirkpatrick, Frank Gaffney, David
Wurm ser, etc.
Love to Ray,
Sarah . Stem
National PolicyCoordinator
'Zionist Or ization of America
(offi ce)

Via SlandWlthus and Yarelena

Its have thIs kind of information.
Please'read and pass to leadership.
Roz Rothstein

AI-Awda Convention Workshop Minutes and Recommendations·

My personal reporton the convention. - by Stanley -Heller, one of Unity's


Page 20f8

Our .fi rst international Convention drew 350 participants . That's a major
ach ieveme nt This conve ntion re all y was internati onal with people coming
~m h .
cam ps, from Jordan , Syria , Kuwait South Af rica. a nd even the isla nd of .
Mau ritus (ea st of Madagascar). Th e political achievements were miXed ,
how ever. .
Nationalist rheto ric kept getting milled into our anti-apertheid move ment

Driving into To ront o was Int eresting . No Ame rica n nagsl :) There we re some
Canadian 1\a gs on a few pUblic buildings , but no national glo rtfication.
Th ere
were somesigns about SARS in a poorer area with a Chinese and Vietnamese
shops . but no on e was wearing a mask and the matt er was qulcldy forgotte n.
at the Univers ity of T oronto Ed ucatio n Gente r, wh ictl ·is built right ove r a
SUbway. Yt?u could hear the trains roa r all over the building.'The faci lities
first-class. however .

It was great p utting faces next to the names I've been viewing in
cyberspace. .
. >Fro m this list I met Uri St rauss , Bahij9 Reghae ~ A braham Welz feld. Henry
Lowi. Steve Questor from Jews Against th e Oc cupa tio n (NYC). . and Mughlr al
Htndl..l've w ritten to this list about the libel su it be ing pursu ed by Susan
How ard·Azzeh f rom St . ca erines. She w as there with her d aughter a nd It was
exce l ent meetin g them.

Hands dow n . the highlight of the ronventio n was th e speech by Salma n

abu-S itta. He dresses form ally , but w Ith style. At the dinner he wore a
handso me blue
suit with Q bright red nandkerehief. Bom in th e 1930 's In Beersheb a. he
beca me a refugee and now liv es In Kuwait and London. He illustrated his
speec h with
a Power Point presentation In which he explaIned in great deta il how
5.000,000 Palestinians could retu rn to their homes wahout a ny major
. ;\ . disruption to the
Jewish pop ulation. He had it a ll nailed down. Th e fi~t retumees will rome
to sites of the 500 demolished vill ages and bu ' d the houses for the next
wave .:
of refugees . He sees th e who le process as taking 6 to 8 years: He talked
waler, jobs. the Whole gamut Brillia nt. As Edward Sa id said in 2000.
Abu-Sitta is 8 nat ional treas ure.

Abu-$itteh receiv ed the Faris Odeh award, na med afte r the Palestinia n youth
photographed against the h ge Israeli tank . I presented the Rac hel Co rrie
awa rd
to represe nta tives of the International So lidarity Mo ve ment from Tcronto,
Va nco uver a nd Mo ntreal. They shared wjth us seve ral wrenctling acco unts of
wha t
they 5~ in the territories.

It is becoming cl earer to me t hat the refugee iss ue is at the heart o f the

con ftiet even more Importa nt than bo rders . Merely enOing the o ccu pation,
the IOF out of the West Ba nI< and Gaza, w ill not do the ttic k. The
Palestinians are an exiled peop le w ith a n e normo us desire to retum to the ir
hom es. Thi s
means Israe l proper. Th e US and fhe Israelis are going to have to deal w ith
Ihis. If they don 't aU the paper ag ree me nts they get from the Ab u-Mazen's


Page 3 ofg

Arafats aren't worth a hill of beans.

Though our mission is to h~p the refu ge es, Ii lot of whatwent on at the
ccnventon addressed larger political issues and this wasn't always to the
Members of the lAC were on two panels and gave e first address. 0 other
polilicalgr9up had suc h vis ibility whic h give$ a false impression thai
al-Awda is
an lAC project The lAC's Rchard Bedce r's analysis of he Palasfn ian
question and US anti-war work was very well done, but Elias Rishmawi's
speech had
problems. He thundered on about betrayals by PLO leadership, slriking a very
militant position. but ended before giving a positive program. He ignored
criticisms from the audience about the costs of violence no 'only to
Innocent ,
Israelis, but to Palestinians. I also disagt:eed with IbrahIm Makawl of the
pan-Araoist Abllaa' AI·Sa/aad group who kepi talking about Palestine being
part of the
Arab nation and u.sing the term "1948 occupied Palestine" i stead of Israel.
the facts. There are four million Israeli Jews. There isn't a chance or a
Settlement if the Israelis think the Palestinians goal is to dominate Jews
t~at them as miserably as the Zionists have been treating the Palestinians.
The dissolutionof apartheid is the model to follow, with the states or
ttla\ arise from its abolltion becoming the property of the t1zenry, not of
national, ethnic Of religious group.

One of thG bQst speakQr~ was a mQn who knew South African 2p3rtheid very
well, Na'eem Jeenah, a Muslim scholar and head of the Palestine Solidarity
Committee of South Africa. He expla in~ the similarities and dIfferences
South Attican and Israeli apartheid with the Zionist variety being the more
viclous l He pointed out that the South Africans govemment never tried mass
expulsion of blacks and that it never inclUded in the govemment parties
dedicated to
that kind of "solution". As tor repression he pointed out the lacl< of
conecllve punlshement In South Africa. He explained that his own brother
was killed
by the authorities, but his family never feared that they would lose their
or be expelled. He said that what activists are caning the "apartheid wall"
had no precedent in South Africa. Nor did South Africans ever invade
townsh ips
with tanks and jet planes. Wlile explaining that the ANC did at times k:U1
ciVilians (what at the lime were called "soft targets") he said that he
completely opposed it and that the main factors that ended apartheid were
internal .
popular resistance and inlemalional solidarity actio s,

Another impressive speaker was Dr. Gadt1a Talhami who spoke on Ihe panel
"Palestinian Women in the Struggle for liberation and Relum", She
d1allenged .
people to look ahead several years and look at the big picture, She warned
about .
"altemative" plans for refugees like Shlomo Gazit's idea that the Palest ine
Authority should have a "law of retUrn" modeled after the IsraelI law. Tnerr


Page 4 of8

the refugees in Jordan, Syria, etc. would get PalestInian citizenship and
would stay there forelle . She also warned about the · 'raq tile· , Israeli
claims agalnsllraq for property of Iraqi Jews who left for Israel. The
t ,
health care system Is In tatters and polluted water Is killing people all
over, but
Israel will demand that Iraq first deal wi h claims of Israeli from Iraq who
are living very adequately in Israel. Talharrri also warned the -Iraq file"
wou ld be used as a weapon against Palestinian claims for compensation
against the
Israeli government. She advised us to remember that Palestinians had nothing
to do with forcing Jews out of Iraq and told us about a Palestinian leader
who .
in the early '50's pointedly told the Iraqi Prime Minister that his actions
encouragi'19 emigration were doing no good.
In the hallways a number of "Unity" folks talked.and I gol a sense that we
could really make something of our Jist. We've got to accepttwo ways of
~~ .
Jews should join in solidarity groups as individuals and making the fight
that way. They should also be comfortable In forming JeWish groups against
occupation and apartheid. This helps Palestinians combat false chalges of
anti-Semitism and organit es those who prefer to embrace their Jewish
identity in their
political work.

There was one glaring problem with the convention, a total absence of
Jewish speakers and participants. At our demonstrations in Washington and
York they were Included, but not in Toronto. That's a real mistake. An
Israeli-Jewish presen ce demolishes the pro paganda wh~ h Insists that the
Right to
Return Is "national suicide" for Israelis.

At the close.of the Convention there was a strategy session with time for
recommendalloos about future work. Because of delays in morning sessions the
section started severa l hours late and several key al-Awda leaders had to
leave to
ma ke t reve l conne ctions. r missed the session for the sane reason. The
strategy session was problematic. In many organizations the Convention is
the ruling
body of the organization. Not 110 for al-Awda. The al-Awda by-laws don't even
mention the word convention. I think It's clear that the measures adopted at
the sesston could only be advice 10the Co-ordlnating Commttee (AI·Awda's
nighest body). but some on the CC argue that what was adopted in the
Stragegy .
Session are now official A~Awda positions.

Upon reading the minutes I wasn't Impressed with the four "resoluUons"
adopted. [See full text at end of postl One ' completely oppose. It reads:
"A1·Awda .
convention, demands the immediate stop of using IsraellPalestine in all of
Its document, as it implies the existence of a Palestinian State." I can't
understand it at all. My first impression IS that tnero must be a typo and
that the
resolution was complainl"9 about an "Israeli state" . This ISthe thInking of
those who talk about the "Zionist entity" and can't stomach the word Israel.
I .
can understand the fury of suffering people caused by Israelis, but this

4/5 /2008

NY T IMES 5259
Page Sof8

of rhetoric plays right into the hands of those wno say the real goal of the
Palestinians is to drive the Israelis "into the sea": ationalism is a bad
idea for Jews. Ir s a bad Idea for anybody.

I think the formulation "lsraeIJPalestine" is an excellent term. It

recognizes Palestinians and Israeli Jews as basic ethnic groups of the land.
references aUthe land between the Mediterranean and the Jordan without
borders. Its use certairny shouldn't be \>anned within ah'.wda .

Two other resolutions emphasized rejection of compromise of Palestin'an

rights and support for struggle "spearhead by the intifada". Activists
the tecntc mean uprising, popular struggle, but the way the rMQlution
makes It easier for opponents to advance the slander that we support

I wish some concrete suggestions had been made, like support for the Rachel
Corrie Resolution, and for committees opposing deportation of Arner Jubran
scores of Canadian Palesunans, The re was no resolution about refugee rights
Lebanon, Jordan, etc. and that's a real mistake,

There's also the Question of who Is a member of al-Awda and who is not The
by-laws are incredibly broad anowing membership to anyone who believes In
, mission and "who donate time and resources for the right to reterrr. At the
Co nventio n the CC voted to study the idea of fonnat membership where people
would foonally sign up.

There were plenty of logistic problems at the convention, mostiy stem.ming

from over ambitiousness, every spare minute being set aside for panel or a
talk ,
sessions ignoring time Iimils, 15 minute lunches , CC sessions going on until
the early morning hours, lack of a large A/·Awda banner, elc. , It was a
tremendous effort with mixed results,

. Flnany, AJ-Awda and other groups are organizing a project called "Wheels of
Justice", A bus will be driven all over the US and Canada With AI-Awda
slogans, literature, eXhIbits, loudspeakers . ete. Cool!

Minutes of Ihe Strategy Session

Resolution #1

On the definition of the Right of Retum

"The Palestinian right of return is 8 historical, national a d collective

right rooted in the individual and collective inviolable right an
and a


Page 6 0f8

people to their original homes, property. and homeland, and to Il!sbtution

regardless ot agreements, eeveioprre nts in intematio allaw. and po/ifesl

framework. It is a right that transce ds generations. political entl es ,


i$ not.subJect to any tonn of negation or compromise. It is an il\extricable

right to the fu!1damentar right of unconditional self-determination for the

totality of the Palestinian people regardless of their place of residence."


On the RoadMap

•AI-Awda convention opposes the US approved Road Mapwhich aims at

suppressing the Palestinian people human and national rights. AI·Awda

Convention expresses support for the Palestinia people struggle.
spearheaded by the
. Intifada, to achieve national resistance goals including, but not limite<! .
ending the Zionist colonization, implementi 9 the right of return and

seI1-<ieterminetion. AI-Awdaconvention does not recogrize the

right of the Palestinian leadership, elected or self appolrted, In

any Palesfuian national right. especially the right of reurn."


On the use of IsraelJPalesline in Al-Awda Documents

"AI·Awda convention, demands the Immediate stop of using IsraeflP alestine in

aUof its occurrent, as it implies the existence of a Pale5tinian State."


On Political Prisoners in Israeli & Palestinian Au thority jai S"AI·AWda

Convention dema nds the Immediate retease of aU political prisoners from all
Israeli and Palestinian Authority jails."

Recommendation: #1

National Days Of Action

"~I-Awda Convention resolved to the following days as t4al ional &


Page: 70f8


Days of Actio n on the Right ~f Return. where local chapte rs would do

jointly or

collec tively as planning allows:

September 26-28, 2003 : Second Intifada 4th anniversary

April 9, 2004: Deir Yasin Massacre

May 15. 2004: 1948 Nakbah ," ,


Next Convention

That Next N-Awda Convention would take place in one to two years .
in the Bay

Area (North Ca lifornia, USA).

A(·Awda Convention Workshop Recommendations-

Fundraising and Refugee Support

- Continue Suppo'rtlng the work of Palestinia~ Children W elfare Fund


- Re·AcUvation of the Refugee Support Committee

• The U~ of tile List Serve to meet these goals

Divestment & Boycott Campaigns

• Boycott'untll Retum

• ~FJ (More in fonn atlon will be provided tater deta iling this



• Use of all media formats

• Focus o.n Alternatlve med ia

- Research Med ia



.. "I
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- F9rming Women for AI-Awda I
- Focus on building women leadershIp I
• Condemn oppression resultIng from all factors
• Join Campaign against Caterpillars
. • Train on Lobbying I
• Push for Palestinian Rights In the next elections, especially with I

:1' :
I -
I 4/5/2008

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