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This shall serve as yet another tribute to members of my postal /government congressional, federal,

state and local family and their family members; those who lost love ones or will soon lose love ones
and those who may survive the American Holocaust. I write this in persecution with YHVH; your
remembrance and your strength.


EYES RIGHT! I AM YHVH DEITY. Deliverance from dog (deception of government) or god
( government of deceivers). YHVH solution for blind justice is the Peoples Righteous Kill Defense
[PRKD]. It has been said that Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords opened her eyes after being shot in
the head. The question remains has a government who is suppose to be by the people opened theirs?
Congressional, Federal, State and local law enforcers continue to turn a blind eye, exacerbating the
American Holocaust; all in an effort to reduce the government (we the people as inpopulation) and the
deficit. As your death fix, it the money short falls. Justice remains blind. The wicked stewards in
collusion with the National Academy of Television, Arts and Science (NATAS) where media is derived
continue the best display of rhetoric with god (government of deceivers). More tail wagging the dog, a
continuation of pulling the wool over the lost sheep until the only thing left visible is the hole in its
ASS (American Stockholm Syndrome). Anything instead of justice is just comestic surgery.
Undisclosed United States Supreme Court case 99-565 & supplement provides extensive evidence and
proof of the intent of the wicked stewards. Actions or lack of actions responsible for the American
Holocaust. Allowing miscarriage of justice cases, using abuse of power to obstruct justice; placing
economics above justice creating terrorism. Of men and mice; Jared Lee Loughner eyes remain wide
open. YHVH sends the spirit of the dead, the Holy Ghost. "VENI VIDI VICI". The spirit of those
destroyed by the wicked stewards to possess Good Samaritians to protect YHVH children. This is
necessary because they the wicked stewards refuse to police themselves. And so that the youth of the
future; those children who benefit unfairly from the wicked stewards actions or lack of actions will not
have to be held responisble for crimes that the wicked steward commit against others for sport daily.
YHVH brings CAIN (Conflict Archive on the Internet) and ABLE (Association for Better Living and
Education) together (Generation Y) (Unit Y) . They unite to destroy those snakes (wicked stewards).
Recognize the beginning of the end of a culture of COLLUSION in all government.

American Stockholm Syndrome (ASS) -



CN, [YHVH] messenger written CooN by YA [YHVH]
Allen Carlton - (class of 81 - )
National Whistleblower -
Revelation receiver of the Peoples Righteous Kill Defense [PRKD]

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