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A Bandana Not A Banana

Leader (L): Tomorrow we will be going to watch a football match. Everyone here will meet at
2pm carrying only a water bottle and a bandana-.
Narrator: Cutting the Leader off walks in the Non paying attention member (NPAM)
(NPAS): Sorry I’m late I was watching wrestling and then I realized I had a meeting.
L: Fine take a seat next to ___________ (Model Member; MM) he’ll fill you on on what we
went over so far.
MM (with an accent) : Ok so far _Mr.__________ (L) has told us to that tomorrow at 2pm we
are to meet here before leaving to watch the football match and we can ONLY bring a
bandana (sounding like a banana).
NPAM: Got it. A water bottle and a banana (as he slides over next to his friend.)
MM: Wait, you need a bandana, not a banana… Never mind if he can’t hear me, who cares.
L: Ok meeting is over. You all can go home, just remember to meet here tomorrow at 2pm.
Narrator holds up 1 Day Later Sign and the troop walks in.
L:Ok before we go does everyone have their water bottles and bandanas?
Troop: Yes
L: Ok, since we want to be hands free on this trip, everyone give your water bottle to me and
I’ll put it in my back pack.
Narrator: Everyone hands their water bottles to the L.
L: Now, for your bandana, fold it and put in your pockets.
Troop member: But…but…my bandana doesn’t fit into my pocket.
L: Haiyo! I am sure it will fit in perfectly if you know the right way of folding a bandana. It’s
ok, I will demonstrate how to fold your bandana. First fold it in half and make sure it has a
nice crease.
NPAM: Are you sure? I don’t think your suppose to do that.
L: Oh yeah I’ve done this lots of times.
Narrator: Then the Leader and everyone else fold it in half and gives it a really good
L: Now fold it in half one more time just to make it small enough to fit in your pocket giving it
another good crease and then put it in your pocket.
Narrator: Everyone folds it and then sticks it in the back pocket.
L: Now pat it down to make sure it's there.
Narrator: Everyone pats it down real hard except NPAM who asks again.
NPAM: Are you sure?
L: Yes I’m sure. Why would I do it if I wasn’t sure?
Narrator: NPAM shrugs and sticks it in his back pocket patting it down with the
most disgusted face. Finaly he gets over how disgusting it is and pats it even
NPAM: It actually feels good.
L: Yes it does knowing its there just incase you need it. OK. Now we are ready to watch the
Narrator: All the boys sat in the seats of the stadium and watched the football match with a
great sense of anticipation though they were sweating profusely due to the hot scorching sun.
(one and the half hours later sign gets held up)
L: We are done. You all will get the requirement of going for a football match signed off next
meeting, but before we all part ways, take out your bandana and rub all the sweat of your
face and drink your water.
Narrator: Everyone takes their bandanas out of their pockets and begin to rub the
sweat off while NPAM uses his banana.
L to NPAM: What is that stuff on your face? No matter use your bandana to wipe it off.
Narrator: NPAM takes out his bandana again to rub it off.
L: Your bandana, not your banana.
NPAM: Oops!
L: Everyone go home and take a shower, especially you, _____ (NPAM).
Narrator: MM quickly walks over sticks his finger on NPAM’s face getting some
banana off.
MM: Yummy!
Narrator: MM quickly puts his arm around NPAM as they walk away.
MM: So where do you get your bananas from?


4 bandanas
1 open ripe banana
4 water bottles
1 daypack
1 Cardboard sign: one side – “A day later…”: the other side – “One and the half hours later.”

 5 rangers needed for this skit-a leader, NPAM, MM, narrator, troop member
Everyone is to wear Rangers shirt and shorts EXCEPT for NPAM.
NPAM will be wearing some other shirt with shorts and a cap.

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