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100 Questions I would ask a girl who I met for the first time

1. What is your name?

2. Where do you live?
3. What do you do?
4. What do you do for fun?
5. Are you single?
6. Do you like colors?
7. Where do you workout?
8. What kind of sports you watch?
9. Do you like to go clubbing on weekends?
10. Is that your real name?
11. Who is your idol?
12. Have you dated outside your race?
13. Are you looking for a boyfriend?
14. Do you want my phone number?
15. What is your phone number?
16. What time is it?
17. Do you want to hook up later?
18. Why don’t you call me sometime?
19. Who is that guy with you?
20. Is he your boyfriend?
21. Don’t you hate it when you get interrupted?
22. Would you like a drink?
23. Does she want to hang out with us?
24. Why is the world crazy?
25. Why are people like that?
26. What kind of music you like?
27. When is the date Columbus reached America for the first time?
28. Do you like to travel?
29. Do you always ask a guy to get you a drink?
30. Does that mean you will sleep with me tonight?
31. Do you like hang out sometime?
32. Do you want to meet up at a mall?
33. Do you want to come home with me?
34. How long you lived in Columbus?
35. Do you speak other languages?
36. Who doesn’t love football in Ohio?
37. What is your favorite drink?
38. What is the most stupid pick line you have heard?
39. If I used that pick link on you would it work?
40. Have do you date Indian guys?
41. Do you like bar hopping?
42. What is the last movie you have seen?
43. Are you into politics?
44. What is your favorite TV show?
45. What is your favorite movie?
46. What is your favorite food?
47. Why are you quiet?
48. Do you like to dance?
49. Can I kiss you?
50. Have you heard of Michael Jackson?
51. Do you like Jon Stewart?
52. Do you believe in God?
53. Do you believe in Aliens?
54. If wanted to be a Greek goddess? Who would choose? Athena? Aprhdite?
55. Are you good with ancient history?
56. Do you know who’s the most seduction Egyptian lady to have ever lived?
57. I’m starting a meditation group would you be interested?
58. What’s the meaning of life?
59. Out of curious that you keep up with current affairs? Who is going to be the new governor of
60. Did you vote?
61. Do you think Obama will go for a second term?
62. If you wanted to get a new car, which one would it be?
63. What’s up with that extended Bush tax cuts?
64. Hybrid or no, what you do think?
65. Any good music these days?
66. Do you think it’s good to go see a movie on a first date?
67. What is the world’s largest democracy?
68. Would you go bar hopping in this cold?
69. Do you have a car?
70. Do you like Fokker’s movie series?
71. Do you like comics?
72. Who is your favorite marvel character?
73. Do you have Face book?
74. What did you dress up for Halloween this year?
75. Are you a Democrat, Republican or Independent?
76. Would you want to hang out next weekend?
77. How do you know your friend?
78. What is the name of that show with same name as mine?
79. Do you watch much TV?
80. What is the last movie you saw?
81. Who is Batman in the daytime?
82. Do you know what my faith is?
83. Have you read the Bible?
84. Do you like mystery movies or shows?
85. Have you heard of the show Poirot?
86. Do you like to travel?
87. Have you been to Europe?
88. Would you travel solo?
89. Do you like hiking?
90. Do you like camping?
91. Do you like kung fu?
92. Do you like martial arts?
93. Do you like comedy central?
94. What is your favorite Michael Jackson song?
95. Do you workout?
96. Which gym do you workout?
97. Do you like guys that speak many languages?
98. Do you speak French?
99. Do you like Poker?
100. Do you like playing cards?

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