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Self-Assessment Worksheet: Year 12 Film Opening Sequence Production

Question 1: Which film genre is your opening sequence appropriate for? Is this the same
film genre that you intended to produce an opening sequence for? Explain.

The genre that our opening sequence could be appropriate for are gangster, crime and
thriller, because some people could interpret it in different ways. It does have the genre
that we intended to produce which was thriller, this is because it stuck to the 10
conventions that we research of thrillers.

Question 2: Which conventions of the genre do you think you have applied effectively,

I think that we managed to most 10 conventions for a thriller which are a battle of justice vs
injustice, a price to be paid for the conclusion of the story, a growing sense of threat or
danger, there are normally two main characters, at least one main character appears
smartly dressed, an essential in building up of suspense, in an Urban setting, Dim lighting,
normally point of view and close up shots are used and Fast pace editing.

Question 3: Which conventions have you challenged? How have you done this?

We challenged the convention of having at least one main character smartly dressed and
all the characters were casually dressed. This made our opening sequence more modern
and relates to our target audience 15+.

Question 4: Who are the target audience? Do you think your opening sequence would
appeal to your target audience? Why?

Our target audience is 15+ and I think that our opening sequence does appeal to our
target audience because they can relate to the way they dress and from our
questionnaire’s we found out that our target audience like watching thrillers from the thrill
or being scared.

Question 5: What do you need to improve about your opening sequence? Explain your

In our opening sequence we need to improve our title and made them a bit longer so that
the audience are able to read them. We also need to edit on of the titles we done from
where one of our group members left the media course, therefore we need to remove his
name from our opening sequence titles.

Question 6: How long is your opening sequence precisely?

Our opening sequence is precisely 1.58 having two seconds to spare on being 2 minutes,
which is how long our opening sequence should be and it can’t be anything over 2
minutes. We did have over 2 minutes but we had to shorten some clips to make it a bit

Question 7: What has been your role in the production; from the initial idea to this point?
How have you fulfilled your role?
My role in the production process was to give my views and help edit the opening
sequence in imovie. I also kept my group on track and made sure we got the filming done
and arranged days for us to film.

Question 8: How have you developed your skills in the use of technology? Give

I have developed my skill in the use of technology because I figure out how to use live type
and I also found out how to have writing over a clip. I done this by making the clip I wanted
into its own projected and made it into a movie, then I imported it into live type as a
background and then put my writing on top of it, rendered it and then imported it into
imovie and replace the clip I recreated.

Please list three words to describe your opening sequence to someone who has not seen
it yet:

-Spin chilling

Any other comments/observations/reflections at this stage:

Your name: Armani Moffatt

Date: 14/02/2011

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