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HCG- The Protocol:

Phase 1- (Days 1-2) BINGE! Eat what you want and begin taking HCG Fusion (7-10 drop, 3x per
day, 15 min before eating.) Eat anything and everything you can…especially foods high in fat. These
“loading” days are crucial to the rapid fat-burning in phase 2.
Phase 2- (Days 3-43) Begin STRICT 500 Calorie Diet and continue taking HCG Fusion. Drink at
least 64 oz. of water daily (can also drink tea or coffee) – for lunch and dinner stick to 4 approved
food choices. (fruits, proteins, vegetables, crackers).
The 500 Calorie Diet Menu:
Tea or Coffee in any quantity without sugar. Stevia may be used as a sweetener (No other artificial
sweeteners allowed). No Milk
A 4 oz piece of LEAN protein: Beef, Chicken breast, Mahi Mahi, Lobster, Crab, or Shrimp
One cup of vegetables: Spinach, asparagus, cabbage, green salad, tomato, cucumber, celery,
fennel, onion, chicory, beet-greens, red radishes, broccoli, cauliflower. ONLY 1 type of
vegetable per meal is allowed.
One Breadstick or one slice of melba toast
One fruit 2x per day to have whenever you want: apple, half grapefruit, or handful of
strawberries (6-9). You may choose to ear one portion of fruit as your breakfast, and the
other as a snack.
Protien: 3.5 oz weighed pre cooked- all visable fat must be carefully removed and the meat must be
weighed raw. It must be cooked without any additional fat or oil. Veal 100 calories, Steak 135 cal, Ground
Beef (Extra Lean only) 210 cal, Chicken breast 110 cal, fresh white fish 115 cal, lobster 095 cal, crab 055 cal,
shrimp 090 cal, tuna (in water) 105 cal.
Vegetables: 1 cup spinach or chart 007 cal, 1 cup lettuce of any kind 008 cal, 1 cup celery 017, cal, 1 cup
onions 061 cal, 1 med cucumber 024 cal, 1 cup asparagus 031 cal, 1 cup cabbage 016 cal, 1 cup broccoli 044 cal,
1 med green or red pepper 030 cal, 1 cup fresh green bean 038 cal, 1 cup cauliflower 034 cal, 1 med zucchini
035 cal, 1 cup eggplant 035 cal.
Fruit: 1 apple 080 cal, 1 orange 060 cal, 6-9 small strawberries 035 cal, 1 grapefruit 080 cal, 1 fresh peach 038
cal, 2 plums 060 cal, ½ cup cherries 088 cal.
Crackers: 4 stone ground wheat thins 020 cal, 1 melba toast 020 cal, 4 soda crackers 020 cal, 1 grissini
breadstick 020 cal.
Extras: Any amount of tea, coffee, or water can be taken any time of day throughout the diet. The just of
one lemon is allowed for any purpose, seasonings include: salt (sea salt recommended), pepper, vinegar,
mustard powder, garlic, basil, parsley, thyme, marjoram, ect. Or any other natural seasoning.
NO OIL, Butter, or dressing. NO soda pop, NO bear, NO wine, NO Crystal light or artificially
flavored drinks, NO EXCEPTIONS!

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