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Ayurvedic Diet

- Eating Right for your Body Type -


Blooming Lotus Yoga

Vata is balanced by a diet of freshly cooked, whole foods that are soft or mushy in texture, rich in protein and fat,
seasoned with a variety of warming spices, and served warm or hot. These foods calm vata by lubricating and
nourishing the tissues, preserving moisture, and maintaining warmth, all while supporting proper digestion and

Vata is cool, dry, rough and light, so eating foods that have the opposite of these qualities are best. Foods that are
warm, moist, oily, smooth, and nourishing can help to balance excess vata.

Choose Warm Instead of Cool

The warm quality can be emphasized by eating foods that are warm in temperature, foods that have a warming
energetic, and by using warming spices generously. On the other hand, it is best to avoid foods with a cooling
energetic, cold and frozen foods or drinks, carbonated drinks, large quantities of raw fruits and vegetables, and even
leftovers that have been kept in the refrigerator or freezer. The cold quality is inherently increased in these foods,
even if they are served hot.

Choose Moist & Oily Instead of Dry

Vata’s dryness is offset by eating cooked rather than raw foods, by cooking and garnishing foods with generous
amounts of high-quality oils or ghee, and by staying hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids, ideally warm or hot – but no
cooler than room-temperature. In addition, moist foods like berries, melons, summer squash, zucchini, and yogurt
help offset vata’s dry quality, as can hydrating preparations such as soups or stews. Oily foods like avocado, coconut,
olives, buttermilk, cheese, eggs, whole milk (preferably non-homogenized), wheat, nuts and seeds are generally
supportive as well. Avoid exceptionally drying foods like popcorn, crackers, white potatoes, beans, and dried fruits.

Choose Grounding & Nourishing Instead of Light

While the heavy quality is the true opposite to vata’s lightness, very heavy foods like deep-fried choices can easily
overtax vata’s delicate digestion. Eating too much in one sitting can also be overly heavy, so it’s important not to
overeat. It’s better to think in terms of grounding vata’s lightness with sustenance – eating foods that offer solid,
stabilizing sources of energy and deep nourishment to the physical body. Generally, these foods will naturally taste
sweet. Cooked grains, spiced milk, root vegetables, stewed fruits, nuts, and seeds are good examples. Highly
processed foods such as canned foods, ready-made meals, and pastries are often quite heavy, lack prana (vital life
force) and are generally quite detrimental to vata. Similarly, stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine, and hard alcohol
should be avoided, as they are generally not supportive of vata’s need to stay grounded and stable.

Choose Smooth Instead of Rough

Raw fruits and vegetables have a very rough quality due to their fibrous structure. This is why vata does well to resist
large quantities of raw vegetables and fruits. Even cooked, some foods like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, dark leafy
greens, and many beans are exceptionally rough and should be avoided. Conversely, eating foods and preparations
that are smooth in texture – things like bananas, rice pudding, hot cereal, hot spiced milk, puréed soups, and the like
– can really help to soothe vata’s roughness.
Favor the Sweet, Sour and Salty Tastes

Favor naturally sweet foods like fruits, most grains, root vegetables, milk, ghee, fresh yogurt, eggs, nuts, seeds and
most oils. The sweet taste is the foundation of a vata pacifying diet. It is the predominant taste in most of vata’s
staple foods. Sweet foods tend to be grounding, nourishing, strength building, and satisfying. Emphasizing the sweet
taste does NOT require us to eat large amounts of refined sugar or sugary sweet foods. In fact, doing so tends to
exacerbate vata’s tendency to over-exert and then crash.


Favor sour additions like a squeeze of lemon or lime juice, a splash of vinegar, a side of kimchi or sauerkraut, a bowl
of miso, a slice of cheese, or a dollop of sour cream. Sour fruits like green grapes, oranges, pineapple, and grapefruit
are also appropriate when eaten alone, and in moderation. The sour taste is generally not the centerpiece of a meal;
instead, it tends to compliment and enliven other flavors. The sour taste awakens the mind and senses, improves
digestion, promotes energy, moistens other foods, and eliminates excess wind.


The salty taste is almost singularly derived from salt itself. But favoring the salty taste does not mean that your food
should taste as if it’s being cured. In fact, salt is already over-emphasized in the typical western diet. Simply being
mindful of including savory flavors and ensuring that your food has some salt in it will likely be sufficient. Salt
stimulates the appetite and digestion, helps retain moisture, supports proper elimination, and improves the flavor of
many foods.

Limit the Pungent, Bitter & Astringent Tastes


Pungent is a spicy, hot flavor like that found in chilies, radishes, turnips, raw onions, and many spices. That said, in
moderation, most spices are actually vata pacifying – see our list of foods to favor and avoid. The pungent taste is
hot, dry and light; too much of it is extremely drying to the system, exacerbates the rough quality, and therefore
disturbs vata.


The bitter taste predominates bitter greens (like kale, dandelion greens, collard greens, etc.), and is also found in
foods like bitter melon, Jerusalem artichokes, burdock root, eggplant, and chocolate. The bitter taste is cooling,
rough, drying, light, and generally reducing – all qualities that tend to aggravate vata.


The astringent taste is basically a flavor of dryness – a chalky taste that dries the mouth and may cause it to contract
(picture biting into a very green banana). Legumes are classically astringent in taste – adzuki beans, black-eyed
peas, pinto beans, soybeans, etc. The astringent taste is also found in some fruits, vegetables, grains, and baked
goods – things like apples, cranberries, pomegranate, artichokes, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, rye, rice cakes and
crackers. The astringent taste is dry, cold, heavy and rough in nature and so understandably aggravates vata.
If you are Pure Vata eating the foods listed below is recommended


Amaranth, Durham flour, Oats (cooked), Quinoa, Ajwain, Allspice, Almond Extract, Anise, Asafoetida
Pasta, Polenta, Rice (all kinds), Dry Rice Cakes, (hing), Basil, Bay Leaf, Black Pepper, Caraway,
Seitan, Sprouted Wheat Bread, Wheat Cardamom, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Cloves, Coriander,
Cumin, Dill, Fennel, Fenugreek, Garlic, Ginger,
VEGETABLES Marjoram, Mint, Mustard Seeds, Nutmeg, Orange
Peel, Oregano, Paprika, Parsley, Peppermint, Pippali,
Asparagus, Beets, Cabbage (cooked), Carrots, Poppy Seeds, Rosemary, Saffron, Salt, Savory,
Cauliflower, Cilantro, Cucumber, Daikon Radish, Spearmint, Star Anise, Tarragon, Thyme, Turmeric,
Fennel, Anise, Fresh Corn, Garlic, Green Beans, Vanilla, Wintergreen
Green Chilies, Jerusalem Artichoke, Leafy Greens,
Leeks, Lettuce, Mustard Greens, Okra, Olives, Onions
(cooked), Parsley, Parsnip, Peas (cooked), Potatoes,
Pumpkin, Radishes (cooked), Rutabaga, Spaghetti HERBS
Squash, Spinach, Raw Sprouts, Summer Squash,
Alfalfa, Ajwain, Barley, Bancha, Borage, Catnip,
Taro Root, Tapioca, Tomatoes (cooked), Turnip
Chamomile, Cinnamon, Chicory, Chrysanthemum,
Greens, Watercress, Zucchini
Clove, Comfrey, Elder Flower, Eucalyptus, Fennel,
Fenugreek, Ginger (fresh), Hawthorne, Hops,
LEGUMES Jasmine, Juniper Berry, Kukicha, Lavender,
Lemongrass, Lemon balm, Licorice, Marshmallow,
Red Lentils, Green Mung Beans, Yellow Split Mung Nettle, Oat Straw, Orange Peel, Passionflower,
Dal, Soy Cheese, Soy Milk, Tofu, Tur Dal, Urad dal Pennyroyal, Peppermint, Raspberry, Red Clover, Red
Ginger, Rosehips, Saffron, Sage, Sarsaparilla,
DAIRY Sassafras, Spearmint, Strawberry, Violet, Yerba
Mate, Wintergreen
Butter, Butter Milk, Most Cheeses, Cottage Cheese,
Cow’s Milk, Ghee, Goat’s Cheese, Goat’s Milk, Ice
Cream, Sour Cream, Yoghurt
Barley Malt, Fructose, Fruit Juice Concentrates,
Apples (cooked), Bananas, Berries, Cherries, Honey, Jaggery, Maple Syrup, Molasses, Rice Syrup,
Coconut, Dates, Fresh Figs, Fresh Grapefruit, Sugar Cane Juice
Grapes, Kiwi, Lemons, Limes, Mangos, Melons,
Sweet Oranges, Peaches, Pineapple, Plums, Prunes
(soaked), Raisins, Rhubarb, Strawberries, Tamarind

Almond Milk, Aloe Vera Juice, Apple Cider, Apricot
Sesame, Ghee, Olive, Juice, All Berry Juices (except for cranberry), Carob,
Carrot Juice, Chai, Cherry Juice, Grape Juice,
NUTS/SEEDS Grapefruit Juice, Lemonade, Mango Juice, Miso
Broth, Orange Juice, Papaya Juice, Peach Nectar,
Almonds, Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Charole, Pineapple Juice, Rice Milk, Most Sour Juices, Soy
Coconut, Filberts, Hazelnuts, Macadamia, Peanuts, Milk, Vegetable Bouillon
Pecans, Pine Nuts, Pistachios, Chia, Flax, Pumpkin,
Seasame, Sunflower, Tahini

Pitta is balanced by a diet of fresh, whole foods (both cooked and raw) that are cooling, hearty, energizing,
comparatively dry, and high in carbohydrates. These foods calm pitta by decreasing internal heat, preventing
inflammation, balancing the digestive fire, grounding the body, and by absorbing excess liquid and oil.

Pitta is oily, sharp, hot, light, spreading, and liquid, so eating foods that have the opposite of these qualities are best.
Foods that are dry, mild, cooling, grounding, stabilizing, and dense balance excess pitta.

Choose Cool Instead of Warm or Hot

The cool quality can be emphasized by eating foods that are cool in temperature or that have a cooling energetic –
and by using cooling spices generously. Most spices are heating in nature, so pay careful attention to which ones
balance pitta. Raw foods tend to be naturally cooling, and pitta tends to be able to handle them better than the other
doshas; so mixing in an assortment of raw fruits and vegetables is generally supportive – especially in the warmer
months. On the other hand, it is best to avoid fiery hot dishes, foods with a sharply warming energetic, alcohol, and
caffeine; all of these influences can increase heat.

Choose Grounding and Dense Instead of Light

While the heavy quality is the opposite of pitta’s lightness, Ayurveda teaches us that very heavy foods (such as deep-
fried foods) are not generally supportive of optimal health. It’s better to think in terms of grounding pitta’s lightness
(and heat) with sustenance – eating foods that offer solid, stabilizing sources of energy and adequate nourishment to
the physical body. Generally, these foods will naturally taste sweet. Most grains, milk, root vegetables, seeds, and
cooling oils are good examples. But, pitta tends to have a sharp and sometimes insatiable appetite, so it’s equally
important not to overindulge.

Choose Dry Instead Oily

Pitta’s liquid nature and tendency toward excess oil make drying or astringent foods like beans, potatoes, corn, millet,
oats, pasta, popcorn, and most vegetables very appropriate. When cooking, use a moderate amount of a high quality
oil or ghee. Reduce or eliminate especially heating oily foods like eggs, hard cheeses, olives, nuts, sour cream, and
the like. If given a choice between a soupy, liquidy meal and one that is denser and drier, opt for the latter

Choose Mild Instead of Sharp

Sharp flavors like pineapple, pickles, vinegar, and sharp aged cheeses are better replaced with milder, gentler tastes,
like those found in apples, cucumbers, lime juice, and soft cheeses. Similarly, stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine,
and hard alcohol are too sharp and penetrating for pitta. Substitute more stable and sustaining sources of energy.
Favor the Sweet, Bitter & Astringent Tastes

Favor naturally sweet foods like sweet fruits, most grains, squashes, root vegetables, milk, ghee, and fresh yogurt.
The sweet taste is cooling and heavy but also anti-inflammatory. It pacifies heat, satisfies thirst, benefits the skin and
hair, and tends to be grounding, nourishing, strength building, and satisfying.


The bitter taste is exceptionally cooling, but also drying. Bitters cleanse the pallet and improve the sense of taste.
They tone the skin and muscles, benefit the blood, relieve burning and itching sensations, satisfy thirst, balance the
appetite, support digestion, and help to absorb moisture, sweat and excess pitta.


The astringent taste is basically a flavor of dryness – a chalky taste that dries the mouth and may cause it to contract.
Some fruits, vegetables, grains, baked goods, and spices are particularily astringent in taste – things like apples,
cranberries, pomegranate, artichokes, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, popcorn, rice cakes, crackers, basil, coriander,
dill, fennel, parsley, and turmeric. The astringent taste is heavy, cold, and dry. Astringent foods can curb pitta’s
tendency to spread, tone bodily tissues, thwart diarrhea, absorb excess sweat and utilize other fluids in the body.

Limit the Pungent, Sour & Salty Tastes


Pungent is a spicy, hot flavor like that found in chilies, radishes, turnips, raw onions, and many especially heating
spices. The pungent taste is particularly hot and light, both qualities that disturb pitta. Too much pungent taste can
cause excess thirst, burning sensations, bleeding, dizziness, and inflammation (especially in the intestinal tract).


Minimize sour foods like vinegar and other fermented foods, hard cheeses, sour cream, green grapes, pineapple,
grapefruit, and alcohol. Pitta is aggravated by the hot, light, and oily qualities of the sour taste. Too much sour taste
can increase thirst, disturb the blood, create heat in the muscles, cause suppuration in wounds, and give rise to
burning sensations in the throat, chest, or heart.


The salty taste is almost singularly derived from salt itself. Much like the sour taste, it is salt’s light, hot and oily
nature that aggravates pitta. The salty taste can disturb the blood’s balance, impede the sense organs, increase heat,
aggravate the skin, intensify inflammation, lead to the rupture of tissues, or cause water retention, high blood
pressure, intestinal inflammation, ascites, grey hair, wrinkles, and excess thirst. It can also intensify our desire for
stronger flavors, which can provoke pitta even further.
If you are Pure Pitta eating the foods listed below is recommended

Amaranth, Barley, Most Cereal, Couscous, Crackers, Basil (fresh), Black Pepper, Caraway, Cardamom,
Durham Flour, Granola, Oat Bran, Cinnamon, Coriander, Cumin,
Oats (cooked), Pasta, Polenta, Quinoa, Rice Dill, Fennel, Ginger (fresh), Mint, Neem Leaves,
(Basmati, Brown, White, Wild), Rice Cakes, Orange Peel, Parsley, Peppermint, Saffron,
Seitan, Spelt, Sprouted Wheat Breads, Tapioca, Spearmint, Tarragon, Turmeric, Vanilla, Wintergreen
Wheat, Wheat Bran
VEGETABLES Sunflower, Ghee, Canola, Olive, Soy, Flax Seed,
Artichoke, Asparagus, Beets (cooked), Bitter Melon, Primrose, Walnut
Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage,
Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Cilantro, Cucumber,
Dandelion Greens, Egg Plant, Fennel, Anise, Fresh
Corn, Green Beans, Alfalfa, Basil, Bancha, Barley, Blackberry,
Jerusalem Artichoke, Leafy Greens, Leeks (cooked), Borage, Burdock, Catnip, Chamomile, Chicory,
Lettuce, Mushrooms, Okra, Olives, Onions (cooked), Comfrey, Dandelion, Fennel, Ginger (fresh),
Parsley, Parsnips, Peas, Hibiscus, Hops, Jasmine, Kukicha, Lavender,
Peppers, Sweet Potatoes, White Prickly Pear Leaves, Lemon Balm, Lemongrass, Licorice, Marshmallow,
Pumpkin, Radish (cooked), Rutabaga, Nettle, Oat Straw, Passion Flower, Peppermint,
Spaghetti Squash, Spinach (cooked), Sprouts (not Raspberry, Red Clover, Rosehip, Sarsaparilla,
spicy), Squash, Taro Root, Tapioca, Watercress, Spearmint, Strawberry, Violet, Wintergreen, Yarrow
Wheat Grass Sprouts, Zucchini

Aduki Beans, Black Beans, Black-Eyed Peas, SWEETNERS
Chick Peas (Garbanzo Beans), Kidney Beans, Red Barley Malt, Fructose, Fruit Juice Concentrates,
Lentils, Brown Lentils, Lima Beans, Mung Beans, Honey, Maple Syrup, Rice Syrup, Sugar Cane Juice
Mung Dal, Navy Beans, Peas (dried), Pinto Beans,
Soy Beans, Soy Flour, Soy Milk,
Soy Cheese, Soy Powder, Tempeh, Tofu, White
DAIRY Almond Milk, Aloe Vera Juice, Apple Juice, Apricot
Butter (unsalted), Cheese (soft - not aged), Juice, Berry Juices (sweet), Black Tea,
Cottage Cheese, Cow’s Milk, Ghee, Goat’s Milk, Carob, Chai, Cherry Juice (sweet), Cool Dairy Drinks,
Goat’s Cheese (soft), Ice Cream, Yogurt (diluted) Grape Juice, Mango Juice, Miso Broth,
Mixed Veg. Juices, Orange Juice, Peach Nectar,
Pear Juice, Pomegranate Juice, Prune Juice, Rice
FRUIT Milk, Soy Milk, Vegetable Bouillon
Apples (sweet), Apple Sauce, Apricots (sweet),
Avocado, Berries (sweet), Cherries (sweet), Coconut, NUTS/SEEDS
Dates, Figs, Grapes (red/purple), Limes, Mangoes
(ripe), Melons, Oranges (sweet), Papaya, Pears,
Almonds (soaked & peeled, Charole, Coconut, Flax,
Pineapple (sweet), Plums (sweet), Pomegranates,
Prunes, Raisins, Popcorn (Buttered), Psyllium, Pumpkin, Sunflower
Strawberries, Watermelon

Kapha is balanced by a diet of freshly cooked, whole foods that are light, dry, warming, well spiced, and relatively
easy to digest – ideally served warm or hot. These foods calm kapha by balancing mucous production, regulating
moisture levels, maintaining adequate heat, and by supporting proper digestion and elimination. Kapha thrives on a
fairly minimalistic diet with smaller meals, little to no snacking, fewer sweets, an abundance of fresh fruits and
vegetables and a variety of legumes.

Kapha is heavy, cool, oily, and smooth, so eating foods that have the opposite of these qualities are best. Foods that
are light, warm, dry, and rough can help to balance excess kapha.

Choose Light & Airy Instead of Dense & Heavy

Foods that embody the light quality are the opposite of kapha’s heaviness. Lightness can be determined both by the
sheer weight of a food and also by its density. Fruits and vegetables are typically light, so a diet that is built around a
tremendous abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably cooked, is a great start. A modest amount of raw
fruit may be suitable, and, in moderation, kapha is also balanced by salads and other raw vegetables when seasonally
appropriate. In general, foods that are too heavy for kapha include hard cheeses, puddings, nuts, cakes, pies, wheat,
most flours, breads, pastas, red meat, and deep fried foods, which are also excessively oily. Eating too much also
leads to excess heaviness, so it’s important not to overeat.

Choose Warm Instead of Cool or Cold

Cooked foods tend to offer a warmer energetic and are typically easier to digest; so cooked food is preferable –
especially in the colder months. It is best to avoid foods with a cooling energetic, cold and frozen foods or drinks,
carbonated drinks, and even leftovers that have been kept in the refrigerator or freezer. The cold quality is inherently
increased in these foods, even if they are served hot. Consuming large quantities of raw fruits and vegetables can also
be quite cooling, so it is best to enjoy these foods in small quantities and only when seasonally appropriate.

Choose Dry Instead of Moist & Oily

Kapha’s oiliness is offset by exceptionally drying foods like beans, white potatoes, dried fruits, rice cakes &
popcorn. When cooking, it is important to use an absolute minimum of oil and, when necessary, to substitute water
for oil to prevent sticking. Oily foods like avocado, coconut, olives, buttermilk, cheese, eggs, cow’s milk, wheat, nuts
and seeds should also be reduced or eliminated. Also, because kapha can and does retain water easily, it is best not
to overhydrate.

Choose Rough Instead of Smooth

Kapha responds well to eating large quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables. That said, these foods are often much
easier to digest when cooked, so be careful not to overdo raw foods and use the seasons as a guide for if and when
raw is appropriate at all. Some foods, like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, dark leafy greens, and many beans are
exceptionally rough and are therefore wonderful for countering kapha’s smooth, oily nature.
Favor the Pungent, Bitter & Astringent Tastes

Pungent is a spicy, hot flavor like that found in chilies, radishes, turnips, raw onions, and most spices. The pungent
taste is light, hot, rough, and dry – all beneficial for kapha. Spicy or fiery hot food is great for Kapha. The pungent
taste cleanses the mouth and clarifies the senses. It stimulates digestion, liquefies secretions, clears the channels of
the body, encourages sweating, and thins the blood.


The bitter taste is rough, drying, light, and generally reducing – all qualities that benefit kapha, but it is also cooling,
so it’s important to add some warming spices to bitter foods. The bitter taste cleanses the pallet and improves the
sense of taste. It tones the skin and muscles, improves appetite, supports digestion, and helps to absorb moisture,
lymph, muscle fat, adipose tissue, and sweat.


The astringent taste is basically a flavor of dryness. Some fruits, vegetables, grains, and baked goods are astringent
in taste – things like apples, cranberries, pomegranate, artichokes, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, rye, rice cakes and
crackers. The astringent taste is dry, rough, somewhat light, and it reduces kapha. But like the bitter taste, it is also
cold, so it’s best to add warming herbs and spices to astringent foods. Kapha benefits from the compressing,
absorbing, nature of the astringent taste, which also helps to tone bodily tissues and utilize fluids.

Limit the Pungent, Sour & Salty Tastes


The sweet taste is cold, heavy, moist, oily and very aggravating to kapha. Eliminate the intake of refined sugar and
sugary sweet foods as much as possible. In addition, reduce your reliance on naturally sweet foods like fruits, grains,
root vegetables, milk, ghee, yogurt, eggs, nuts, seeds & oils. Sweet foods tend to aggravate kapha’s tendency toward
heaviness, obesity, lethargy, and excess sleep. They can also cause excessive mucus, aggravate colds and coughs,
and depress the appetite in an unhealthy way.


Minimize sour foods like vinegar, cheese, sour cream, green grapes, oranges, pineapple, and grapefruit. An occasional
squeeze of lemon or lime juice is the best way for kapha to ingest the sour taste. The moistening and oily qualities of
the sour taste aggravate kapha. The sour taste can increase thirst, create heaviness in the eyes, cause laxity in the
body, and aggravate water retention or swelling.


The salty taste can cause water retention, high blood pressure, intestinal inflammation, ascites, grey hair, wrinkles,
excess thirst, and it can impede the sense organs.
If you are Pure Kapha eating the foods listed below is recommended

Amaranth, Barley, Buckwheat, Cereal (cold, dry or Ajwain, Allspice, Almond extract, Anise, Asafoetida
puffed), Corn, Couscous, Crackers, Durham Flour, (hing), Basil, Bay Leaf, Black Pepper, Caraway,
Granola, Millet, Muesli, Oat Bran, Oats (dry), Cardamom, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Cloves, Coriander,
Polenta, Quinoa, Rice (Basmati), Rye, Seitan, Spelt, Cumin, Dill, Fennel, Fenugreek, Garlic, Ginger,
Sprouted Wheat Breads, Tapioca, Wheat, Wheat Marjoram, Mint, Mustard Seeds, Neem Leaves,
Bran Nutmeg, Orange Peel, Oregano, Paprika, Parsley,
Peppermint, Pippali, Poppy Seeds, Rosemary,
Saffron, Savory, Spearmint, Star Anise, Tarragon,
VEGETABLES Thyme, Turmeric, Vanilla, Wintergreen
Artichoke, Asparagus, Banana Flower, Beets,
Bitter Melon, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Burdock
Root, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Cilantro, OILS
Corn, Daikon Radish, Dandelion Greens, Eggplant, Sunflower, Ghee, Canola, Olive, Soy, Flax Seed,
Fennel, Anise, Garlic, Green Beans, Green Chilies, Primrose, Walnut, Corn, Almond
Horseradish, Jerusalem Artichoke, Kale, Kohlrabi,
Leafy Greens, Leeks, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Mustard
Greens, Okra, Onions, Parsley, Peas, Sweet Peppers,
Hot Peppers, Potatoes, Prickly Pears Fruit, Prickly Alfalfa, Bancha, Barley, Blackberry, Burdock,
Pears Leaves, Radishes, Rutabaga, Spaghetti Chamomile, Chicory, Cinnamon, Clove, Comfrey,
Squash, Spinach, Sprouts, Winter Squash, Tomatoes Dandelion, Fennel, Fenugreek, Ginger, Ginseng,
(cooked), Turnip Greens, Turnips, Watercress, Wheat Hibiscus, Jasmine, Juniper Berry, Kukicha, Lavender,
Grass Licorice, Lemon Balm, Lemongrass, Mormon Tea,
Nettle, Passion Flower, Peppermint, Raspberry, Red
Clover, Rosehip, Sarsaparilla, Sassafras, Spearmint,
LEGUMES Strawberry, Wintergreen, Yarrow, Yerba Mate
Aduki Beans, Black Beans, Black-Eyed Beans, Chick
Peas (garbanzo beans), Lentils (red/brown), Mung
Beans, Yellow Split Mung dal, Navy Beans, Peas
(dried), Pinto Beans, Soy Milk, Split Peas, Tempeh,
Tofu (cooked), Tur Dal, White Beans SWEETNERS
Fruit Juice Concentrates, Honey (raw)
Cottage Cheese, Ghee, Goat’s Cheese (unsalted &
not aged), Goat’s Milk (skim only), Yoghurt (diluted)
FRUIT Aloe Vera Juice, Apple Cider, Apple Juice, Apricot
Apples, Apple Sauce, Apricots, Berries, Cherries, Juice, Berry Juices, Black Tea (spiced), Carob, Carrot
Cranberries, Figs (dry), Grapes, Lemons, Limes, Juice, Chai (hot w/ spiced milk), Cherry Juice
Mangoes, Peaches, Pears, Persimmons, (sweet), Cranberry Juice, Grape Juice, Mango Juice,
Pomegranates, Prunes, Raisins, Strawberries Peach Nectar, Pear Juice, Pineapple Juice,
Pomegranate Juice, Prune Juice, Soy Milk (hot &


Charole Nuts, Chia, Flax, Popcorn, Pumpkin,

If you are Vata/Pitta eating the foods listed below is recommended

Durham Flour, Flatbreads(ie flour tortilla), Basil(Fresh), Cinnamon, Coriander, Cumin, Dill,
Oats(cooked), Rice (basmati, white, wild), Seitan, Fennel, Ginger(Fresh), Mint, Peppermint, Saffron,
Sprouted Wheat Bread, Wheat, Amaranth, Barley, Spearmint, Tumeric, Wintergreen, Ajwan, Allspice,
Couscous, Crackers, Granola, Oat Bran, Pasta, Almond Extract, Anise, Asafoetida(Hing), Basil(Dry),
Quinoa, Rice(brown), Rice Cakes, Sago, Spelt, Bay Leaf, Black Pepper, Caraway, Cardamon,
Tapioca, Wheat Bran Cayenne, Cloves, Fenugreek, Garlic, Ginger(Dry),
Mace, Marjoram, Mustard Seeds, Neem Leaves,
Nutmeg, Orange Peel, Oregano, Paprika, Parsley,
VEGETABLES Pippali, Poppy Seeds, Rosemary, Sage, Salt, Savory,
Asparagus, Beets, Carrots, Cilantro, Cucumber, Star Anise, Tarragon, Thyme, Vanilla
Fennel, Green Beans, Leeks(cooked), Okra, Olives,
Parsnips, Peas(cooked), Potatoes, Pumpkin,
Rutabaga, Squash, Taro Root, Zucchini, Artichoke, OILS
Bitter Melon, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Ghee, Olive
Cabbage(cooked), Cauliflower(cooked), Celery,
Daikon Radish, Dandelion Greens, Garlic, Green
Chilies, Jerusalem Artichoke, Kale, Leafy Greens,
Leeks, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Mustard Greens, Onions,
Parsley, Peas, Peppers, White Radishes(cooked), Almonds(soaked and peeled), Carole, Coconut, Brazil
Spaghetti Squash, Spinach(cooked or raw), Sprouts Nuts, Cashews, Filberts, Hazelnuts, Macadamia Nuts,
(not spicy), Turnip Greens, Watercress, Wheat Grass Peanuts, Pecans, Pine Nuts, Pistachios, Walnuts,
Sprouts Flax, Sunflower, Chia, Popcorn, Psyllium, Pumpkin,
Sesame, Tahini
Mung Beans, Yellow Split Mung Dal, Aduki Beans, SWEETNERS
Black Beans, Black-Eyed Peas, Chick Peas (Garbanzo Barley Malt, Fructose, Fruit Juice Concentrates, Rice
Beans), Kidney Beans, Lentils (Brown And Red), Syrup, Sucanat, Turbinado,
Lima Beans, Navy Beans, Peas (Dried), Pinto Beans, Honey(Raw,Unprocessed), Jaggary, Maple Syrup,
Soy Beans, Soy Cheese, Soy Flour, Soy Milk, Soy Molasses
Powder, Soy Sauce, Split Peas, Tempeh, Tofu, Tur
Dal, Urad Dal, White Beans
Ajwan, Alfalfa, Barley, Blackberry, Borage, Burdock,
Butter(Unsalted), Cheese(Soft, Not Aged, Unsalted),
Catnip, Chicory, Chrysanthemum, Cinnamon, Clove,
Cottage Cheese, Cow’s Milk, Ghee ,Goat’s Cheese
Cornsilk, Dandelion, Elder Flower, Eucalyptus,
(Soft, Unsalted), Goat’s Milk, Butter (Salted),
Fenugreek, Ginger(Dry), Hawthorne, Hops, Jasmine,
Buttermilk, Cheese (Hard), Ice Cream, Sour Cream,
Juniper Berry, Kukicha, Lemon Balm, Nettle, Orange
Yogurt (Freshly Made & Diluted)
Peel, Passion Flower, Pennyroyal, Raspberry, Red
Clover, Rosehips, Saffron, Sage, Sassafrass,
FRUIT Strawberry, Violet, Yarrow, Wintergreen
Apples (Cooked And/Or Sweet), Applesauce, Apricots
(Sweet), Avocado, Berries (Sweet), Cherries DRINKS
(Sweet), Coconut, Dates (Fresh), Figs (Fresh),
Grapes(Red & Purple), Mangoes (Ripe), Melons Almond Milk, Aloe Vera Juice Or Gel, Apple Juice,
Oranges(Sweet), Pineapple(Sweet), Plums(Sweet), Apricot Juice, Berry Juice(Sweet), Cherry
Prunes(Soaked), Raisins(Soaked), Bananas, Juice(Sweet), Grape Juice, Mango Juice, Miso Broth,
Grapes(Green), Grapefruit, Kiwi, Lemons, Limes, Peach Nectar, Rice Milk, Apple Cider, Black Tea,
Papaya, Peaches, Pears, Plums(Sour), Carob, Carrot Juice, Chai(Hot Spiced Milk), Cool
Pomegranates, Rhubarb, Strawberries, Tamarind, Dairy Drinks, Grapefruit Juice, Lemonade, Mixed
Watermelon Vegetable Juice, Orange Juice, Papaya Juice, Pear
Juice, Pineapple Juice, Pomegranate Juice, Prune
Juice, Sour Juices, Soy Milk, Vegetable Bouillon
If you are Pitta/Kapha eating the foods listed below is recommended

Barley, Couscous, Crackers, Granola, Oat Bran, Apples, Applesauce, Apricots, Sweet Berries, Sweet
Sago, Seitan, Sprouted Wheat Bread, Tapioca, Cherries, Pears, Pomegranates, Prunes, Raisins,
Wheat Bran, Amaranth, Buckwheat, Corn, Durham Avocado, Coconut, Cranberries, Dates, Figs, Dry
Flour, Millet, Museli, Oats(Dry/Cooked), Pasta, Grapes(Red & Purple), Lemons, Limes,
Polenta, Quinoa, Rice (Basmati, Wild, White) Rice Mangoes(Ripe), Melons, Oranges(Sweet), Papaya,
Cakes, Rye, Spelt, Wheat Peaches, Persimmons, Pineapple(Sweet),
Plums(Sweet), Strawberries, Watermelon
Artichoke, Asparagus, Beets (Cooked), Bitter Melon, SPICES
Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots Basil(Fresh), Cinnamon, Coriander, Cumin, Dill,
(Cooked), Cauliflower, Celery, Cilantro, Dandelion Ginger(Fresh), Mint, Peppermint, Saffron, Spearmint,
Greens, Fennel, Green Beans, Jerusalem Artichoke, Tumeric, Wintergreen, Ajwan, Allspice, Almond
Kale, Leafy Greens, Leeks(Cooked), Lettuce, Extract, Anise, Asafoetida(Hing), Basil(Dry), Bay
Mushrooms, Okra, Onions(Cooked), Parsley, Parsnip, Leaf, Black Pepper, Caraway, Cardamom, Cayenne,
Peas, Peppers, Sweet Potatoes, White Prickly Cloves, Fennel, Fenugreek, Garlic, Ginger(Dry),
Pear(Leaves), Radishes(Cooked), Rutabaga, Mace, Marjoram, Mustard Seeds, Neem Leaves,
Sprouts(Not Spicy), Squash, Wheat Grass Sprouts, Nutmeg, Orange Peel, Oregano, Paprika, Parsley,
Beet Greens, Burdock Root, Corn, Cucumber, Daikon Pippali, Poppy Seeds, Rosemary, Sage, Savory, Star
Radish, Eggplant, Garlic, Green Chilies, Horseradish, Anise, Tarragon, Thyme, Vanilla
Kohlrabi, Mustard Greens, Olives(Black),
Peppers(Hot), Potatoes, Sweet Prickly Pear (Fruit),
Pumpkin, Spaghetti Squash, Spinach, Taro Root,
Tomatoes (Cooked), Turnip Greens, Turnips, Sunflower, Ghee, Canola, Corn, Almond, Olive, Soy,
Watercress, Zucchini Flaxseed, Primrose, Walnut

Aduki Beans, Black Beans, Black-Eyed Peas, Chick
Peas(Garbanzo Beans), Lentils (Red & Brown), Lima Ajwan, Basil, Borage, Catnip, Cinnamon, Clove,
Beans, Navy Beans, Peas(Dried), Pinto Beans, Soy Comfrey, Eucalyptus, Fenugreek, Ginger(Dry),
Milk, Split Peas, Tempeh, White Beans, Mung Beans, Ginseng, Hawthorne, Hops, Hyssop, Juniper Berry,
Mung Dal, Kidney Beans, Soy Beans, Soy Cheese, Licorice, Marshmallow, Mormon Tea, Pennyroyal,
Soy Flour, Soy Powder, Tofu, Tur Dal Sage, Sarsaparilla, Sassafras, Violet, Yerba Mate

Cottage Cheese(From Skimmed Goat’s Milk), Butter Fruit Juice Concentrates, Barley Malt, Fructose,
(Unsalted), Buttermilk, Cheese (Soft, Not Aged, & Honey(Raw, Not Processed), Maple Syrup, Rice
Unsalted), Cottage Cheese, Cow’s Milk, Ghee, Goat’s Syrup, Sucanat, Turbinado
Cheese (Soft, Unsalted, & Not Aged), Goat’s Milk,
Skim Ice Cream, Yogurt (Freshly Made & Diluted)
Aloe Vera Juice Or Gel, Apricot Juice, Berry
Juice(Sweet), Black Tea(Spiced), Carob, Cherry
NUTS/SEEDS Juice(Sweet), Grape Juice, Mango Juice, Mixed
Vegetable Juice, Peach Nectar, Pear Juice,
Charole, Almonds(Soaked And Pealed), Coconut, Pomegranate Juice, Prune Juice, Soy Milk(Hot And
Popcorn, Chia, Flax, Psyllium, Pumpkin, Sunflower, Well Spiced), Almond Milk, Apple Cider, Apple Juice,
Berry Juice(Sour), Carrot Juice, Chai(Hot, Spiced
Milk), Cherry Juice(Sour), Cool Dairy Drinks,
Cranberry Juice, Miso Broth, Orange Juice(Sweet),
Pineapple, Rice Milk, Vegetable Bouillon
If you are Vatta/Kapha eating the foods listed below is recommended

Durham Flour, Quinoa, Rice(Basmati, Wild), Seitan, Apples, Applesauce, Apricots, Berries, Cherries,
Sprouted Wheat Bread, Amaranth, Barley, Grapes, Lemons, Limes, Peaches, Pomegranates,
Buckwheat, Corn, Couscous, Crackers, Durham Prunes, Raisins(Soaked), Strawberries, Avocado,
Flour, Granola, Millet, Museli, Oats(Dry/Cooked), Oat Bananas, Coconut, Cranberries, Dates(Fresh), Figs,
Bran, Polenta, Quinoa, Rice(Brown, White), Rye, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Lemons, Limes, Mangoes, Melons,
Spelt, Tapioca, Wheat, Wheat Bran Oranges, Papaya, Pears, Persimmons, Pineapple,
Plums, Pomegranates, Rhubarb, Tamarind
Asparagus, Beets, Carrots, Cilantro, Daikon Radish, SPICES
Fennel, Garlic, Green Beans, Green Chilies, Leafy Ajwan, Allspice, Almond Extract, Anise,
Greens, Leeks, Okra, Onions(Cooked), Rutabaga, Asafetida(Hing), Basil, Bay Leaf, Black Pepper,
Squash, Turnip, Watercress, Artichoke, Beet Greens, Caraway, Cardamom, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Cloves,
Bitter Melon, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Burdock Coriander, Cumin, Dill, Garlic, Ginger, Mace,
Root, Cabbage(Cooked), Cauliflower(Cooked), Marjoram, Mint, Mustard Seed, Neem Leaves,
Celery, Corn(Fresh), Cucumber, Dandelion Greens, Nutmeg, Orange Peel, Oregano, Paprika, Parsley,
Eggplant, Horseradish, Jerusalem Artichoke, Kale, Peppermint, Rosemary, Saffron, Sage, Savory,
Kohlrabi, Leafy Greens, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Spearmint, Fennel, Fenugreek, Salt, Vanilla
Mustard Greens, Olives(Black), Parsnip, Parsley,
Peas(Cooked), Peppers(Hot And Sweet), White
Potatoes, Sweet Prickly Pear(Fruit & Leaves),
Pumpkin, Radishes(Raw), Spaghetti Squash, Ghee, Olive,
Spinach, Sprouts, Taro Root, Tomatoes(Cooked),
Turnip Greens, Wheat Grass Sprouts, Zucchini

LEGUMES Charole, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Coconut,

Lentils(Red), Soy Milk, Tur Dal, Aduki Beans, Black Filberts, Hazelnuts, Macadamia, Peanuts, Pecans,
Beans, Black-Eyed Peas, Chick Peas(Garbanzo Pine Nuts, Pistachios, Walnuts, Chia, Flax, Popcorn,
Beans), Lentils(Brown), Lima Beans, Navy Beans, Psyllium, Pumpkin, Sesame, Sunflower, Tahini
Peas(Dried), Pinto Beans, Kidney Beans, Soy Cheese,
Split Peas, Tempeh, Tofu, Tur Dal, Urad Dal, White
Alfalfa, Barley, Blackberry, Burdock, Catnip, Chicory,
DAIRY Cinnamon, Corn silk, Chrysanthemum, Dandelion,
Ginger(Dry), Ginseng, Hibiscus, Hops, Hyssop,
Cottage Cheese(From Skimmed Goat’s Milk), Ghee, Jasmine, Juniper Berry, Kuchika, Lemon Balm,
Goats Cheese(Unsalted And Not Aged), Goat’s Milk, Licorice, Marshmallow, Mormon Tea, Nettle, Passion
Skim Yogurt(Diluted And Spiced), Butter, Unsalted Flower, Raspberry, Red Clover, Rose Hips,
Buttermilk, Cheese(Soft, Hard, Not Aged, & Sarsaparilla, Strawberry, Violet, Yarrow, Yerba Mate
Unsalted), Cottage Cheese (From Cow’s Milk),
Cheese (Soft), Cow’s Milk, Goat’s Milk, Goat’s
Cheese, Ice Cream, Sour Cream DRINKS
Aloe Vera, Apple Cider, Apricot Juice, Berry Juice,
Carrot Juice, Cherry Juice, Grape Juice, Mango Juice,
SWEETNERS Peach Nectar, Almond Milk, Apple Juice, Black
Fruit Juice(Concentrate), Honey(Raw And Not Tea(Spiced), Carob, Chai, Lemonade, Miso Broth,
Processed), Barley Malt, Fructose, Molasses, Rice Orange Juice, Papaya Juice, Pear Juice, Pineapple
Syrup, Sucanat, Turbinado Juice, Pomegranate Juice, Prune Juice, Rice Milk,
Sour Juice, Soy Milk(Hot And Well Spiced)

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