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Intended Coverage

 Introduction
– System design approach with HDLs
– History of VHDL
– Why VHDL ?
 Simulation Fundamentals
– Simulation Cycle
– Digital Simulator
 Modeling of Hardware
 Language Basics
– Building Blocks in VHDL
– Design Units and Libraries
Intended Coverage(contd.)

 Objects and Data Types

 Structural Description
– Basic Features
– Configuration Specification
– Configuration Declaration
 Behavioral Description
– Process Statement
– Behavioral Modeling - Sequential View
– Behavioral Modeling - Concurrent View

Dataflow Description
 Complete Example

 System Design Approach with HDLs

– HDL is mostly related to the front end part of the design

flow where a system is described with programming
language constructs.
– A complex system can be easily decomposed into smaller
pieces : improves modularity
– Allows a design to be simulated and synthesized before
being manufactured.
» Eliminates hardware prototyping expenses
» Reduces design time
» Increases design reliability at lower costs/time req.
 Typical Design flow

Level of
HDL Description (Behavioral) abstraction
Register Transfer Level

simulation and


Structural Description
Technology mapping (with ready-made primitives)
+ Floor Planning
Physical Layout

 Why VHDL ?
– Public Availability
 Developed initiated under Government Contract
 Now is an IEEE standard
– Design Methodology and Design Technology Support
– Technology and Process Independent
– Wide Range of Descriptive capabilities
 Digital System (e.g. box) level to gate level
 Capability of mixing descriptions
– Design Exchange
– Large Scale Design and Design re-use
Simulation Fundamentals
 Purpose of simulation is to verify the behavior of
a system by applying stimulation at the inputs
and monitoring the response of the system over
a period of time.
 There are three types of simulators :
– Purely analog simulator.
– A simulator with both digital and analog simulation capabilities.
– Purely digital simulator.

 In digital simulation only logic level of the

measured quantity is determined; no precise
value is required.
 In analog simulation the precise values of the
measured quantities are determined
 The system is described with a Hardware Description
Language (HDL). The design contains a number of
concurrently operating blocks connected with each
other by signals.
 Maintains node values at logic level.
 Maintains a time wheel to model propagation of time.
 Evaluates circuit behavior at intervals of time. The
interval is chosen as the smallest unit of time after
which a node can change its state.
Modeling Hardware
 The VHDL Language
– A language for describing digital and analog
– Makes no assumptions about the technology.
– Multiple levels of abstraction for modeling
 Behavioral
 Structural
 Dataflow
– Behavioral model, timing model and structural
model are integrated.
– A VHDL process models a block and a VHDL signal
models the connection between different blocks.
Structural Model
 Digital circuits consist of components and
interconnection between them
 A component can in turn be composed of sub-
components and their interconnections
 A component interacts with other components
through pins
 Component is modeled as entity
 Component pins are modeled as ports
 Interconnections between components are
modeled as signals
Behavioral Model
 The behavior of a component is modeled inside
an architecture body of the entity
 It may be described using a collection of
concurrently executing statements
 A concurrent statement is sensitive to a set of
input signals and is executed whenever any of its
sensitive signal changes its value
 A concurrent statement called process statement
can contain one or more sequential statements
 A set of sequential statements can be clubbed
together in a subprogram
Dataflow Model
 The flow of data through the entity is modelled
primarily using concurrent signal assignment
 The structure of the entity is not explicitly
specified but it can be implicitly deduced.
 Architecture MYARCH of MYENT is
SUM <= A xor B after 8ns
A simple Example
entity Xor_gate is
port (in1, in2 : in bit; Out1 : out bit);
end Xor_gate ;
architecture behavioral of Xor_gate is
Out1 <= In1 xor In2;
wait on In1, in2;
end process;
end behavioral;
VHDL Libraries Design Units
 A VHDL library is a host dependent storage facility for
intermediate-form representations of analyzed design units
 A design unit is a VHDL construction that can be
independently analyzed and stored in a design library. A
design unit may be a primary or a secondary one.
 Primary design unit
– entity decl, package decl and configuration decl
 Secondary design unit
– architecture body and package body
 In a library, there can be only one primary unit of same
name but there can be multiple secondary units by same
 A secondary unit can have name same as primary unit
Building Blocks in VHDL
 Entity Declaration
– generic, port, declarations, statements
 Architecture Body
– declarations, statements
 Subprogram Declaration
– parameter - list
 Subprogram Specification
– declarations statements
 Package Declarations
– declarations
 Package Bodies
– declarations, subprogram body
 provides a name to the component
 contains the port definitions in the interface list
 can contain some generic definitions which can
be used to override default values
 entity identifier is
generic interface_list;
port interface_list;
end [entity] [identifier];
entity Adder is

port ( A : in Bit; A Sum

B Adder Cout
B : in Bit;
Sum : out Bit;
Cout : out Bit );

end Adder;
 encapsulates the behavior and timing information
 contains a number of concurrent statements
 there can be multiple architecture bodies for a given entity

architecture identifier of entity_name is

end [architecture] [identifier];
architecture Behavioral_Desc of Adder is
process (A, B)
Sum <= A or B after 5 ns;
Cout <= A and B after 6 ns;
end process;
end Behavioral_Desc
architecture Struct_Desc of Adder is
-- declarations
component Or_Comp
port ( X : in Bit; Y : in Bit; Out : out Bit);
end component;
component And_Comp
port ( X : in Bit; Y : in Bit; Out : out Bit);
end component;
-- component instantiations
A1 : Or_Comp port_map ( X => A, y =>B, Out => SUM);
B1 : And_Comp port_map ( X => A, y =>B, Out => Cout);
end Struct_Desc;
 Subprograms are of two types :
functions and procedures
 A subprogram consists of a sequence of
declarations and statements which can be repeated
from different locations in VHDL descriptions
 subprograms can be overloaded
 functions can be used for operator overloading
 procedures can assign values to its parameter
objects while functions can not
 A subprogram can be separated into its
subprogram declaration and subprogram body
Subprograms (contd.)
 Full form of subprogram declaration is
 Two forms of subprogram - specification
» procedure identifier interface_list
» [pure | impure] function identifier interface_list return
 Full form of subprogram body is
subprogram-specification is
end identifier;
 Intended to be used strictly for computing values and not for
changing value of any objects associated with the function’s
formal parameters
 All parameters must be of mode in and class signal or
constant or File.
 If no mode is specified, the parameter is interpreted as having
mode in. If no class is specified parameters are interpreted as
being of class constant. Parameter of type FILE has no mode.
 Examples of function declaration
– Object class of parameter is implicit
function Mod_256 (X : Integer) return Byte;
– Object class of parameter is explicit
function Mod_256(constant X : in Integer) return Byte;
Function declaration
function Min (X, Y : Integer) return Integer;
-- Function Specification
function Min (X, Y : Integer) return Integer is
if (X < Y) then
return X;
return Y;
end if;
end Min;
 Procedures are allowed to change the values of the objects
associated with its formal parameters
 Parameters of procedures may of mode in, out or inout
 If no mode is specified the parameter is interpreted as having
mode in. If no class is specified parameters of mode in are
interpreted as being of class constant and parameters of mode
out or inout are interpreted as being of class variable.
Parameter of type FILE has no mode.
 Examples of procedure declaration
– Object class of parameter is implicit
procedure Mod_256 (X : inout Integer);
– Object class of parameter is explicit
procedure Mod_256(variable X : inout Integer);
Procedure declaration
--- X is of class variable
Procedure ModTwo (X : inout Integer);

-- Procedure Specification
Procedure ModTwo (X : inout Integer) is
case X is
When 0 | 1 => null;
When others X := X mod 2;
end case;
end ModTwo;
 Allows data types, subprograms, object declarations (signal,
constants, shared variables and files), component declarations
etc. to be shared by multiple design units.
package identifier is
end [package] [identifier];
 Example :
package logic is
type Three_level_logic is (‘0’, ‘1’, ‘z’);
function invert (Input : Three_level_logic) return
end logic;
Package Body
 Package declarations and bodies are separately
 Package declarations contain public and visible
 Items declared inside package body is not visible
outside the package body
 Package body has the same name as the
corresponding package declaration
package body identifier is
end [package body] [identifier];
Package Body (contd.)
 Example of a package body for package logic
package body logic is
-- subprogram body of function invert
function invert (Input: Three_level_logic) return
Three_level_logic is
case Input is
when ‘0’ => return ‘1’;
when ‘1’ => return ‘0’;
when ‘Z’ => return ‘Z’;
end invert;
end logic;
 Use clause preceding an unit makes all the elements of a
package or a particular element of a package visible to
the unit
 An architecture body inherits the use clauses of its entity.
So if those use clauses are sufficient for the descriptions
inside the architecture, then no explicit use clause is
necessary for the architecture

 Simple examples :
Makes all items of package std_logic_1164 in library ieee visible
» use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

Makes Three_level_logic in package Logic in library work visible

» use work.Logic.Three_level_logic;
Use Clause (contd.)
library my_lib;
use my_lib.Logic.Three_level_logic;
use my_lib.Logic.Invert;

entity Inverter is
port (X : in Three_level_logic;
Y : out Three_level_logic);
end inverter;
Analysis Rules for Units
 Units can be separately analyzed provided following rules are
– a secondary unit can be analyzed only after its primary unit
is analyzed
– a library unit that references another primrary unit can be
analyzed only after the referred unit has been analyzed
– an entity, architecture, configuration referenced in a
configuration declaration must be analyzed before the
configuration declaration is analyzed
 A library clause makes library visible and an use clause makes the units
inside the library visible to other units
library Basic_Library;
Use Basic_Library.Logic;
Use Logic.all;
Objects and Data Types
 Something that can hold a value is an object (e.g signal)
 In VHDL, every object has a type, the type determining the
kind of value the object can hold
 VHDL is strongly typed language
 The type of every object and expression can be determined
statically. i.e the types are determined prior to simulation.
 Three basic VHDL data types are
– integer types
– floating point types
– enumerated types
 Data types can be user defined
Data Types
Data type

Scalar Type Composite Type Access Type File Type

Integer Record
Float Array
Integer and enumeration types are called discrete types

Integer, Real and Physical types are called numeric types

Data Types(contd.)
 Scalar Type
» Most atomic
» Can be ordered along a single scale
• Integer types
 type Byte is range -128 to 127;
 type Bit_pos is range 7 downto 0;
• Floating types
 type fraction_type is range 100.1 to 200.1;
• Enumerated Types
 consists of enumeration literal
– a literal is either an identifier or a character literal
 type Three_Level_Logic is (‘0’, ‘1’, ‘z’);
 type Color_set is (RED, GREEN, BLUE);
Data Types : Scalar Type
• Physical Type

 Values of physical type represent measurement of

some physical quantity such as time, distance etc.
 Any value of a physical type is an integral multiple of
the primary unit of measurement for the type
 Example
type Time is range -(2**31 -1) to (2**31 -1)
fs ; --- primary unit
ps = 1000 fs; --- secondary unit
ns = 1000 ps; --- secondary unit
end units;
 These are symbols whose value is immediately evident from
the symbol
 Six Literal Types
– integer, floating, characters, strings,
– bit_string and physical literal;
 Examples
– 2 19878 16#D2# 8#720#
– 1.9 65971.3333 8#43.6#e+4 43.6E-4
– “ABC()%”
– B”1100” X”Ff” O”70”
– 15 ft 10 ohm 2.3 sec
Composite Types
 Composite type are used to define collection of
 Can be decomposed into smaller atomic types
 Composite Types are of two types
• Records
• Arrays
 Records - heterogeneous composite
 Record Type definition specifies one or more elements, each element
having a different name and possibly a different type.
 Example
type OpCode is (add, sub, compl);
type address is range 16#0000# to 16#FFFF#;
type instruction is
Opc_field : OpCode;
Op1 : Address;
Op2 : Address;
end record;
 Arrays - homogenous composite type
– type Word is array (15 downto 1) of Bit;
 Can have multiple dimensions
– type Arr2Dim is array
(integer range1 to 3, integer range 5 to 7) of integer;
 Each dimension must be of discrete type
– integer or enumerated
 Can be constrained or unconstrained
– constrained array has bounds specified
– unconstrained array has no bounds specified
Constrained Arrays
 The type and range are both specified by discrete range
 Two Forms
– simple range specification
type Word is array (15 downto 1) of Bit;
type Severity_level_stats is array(Note to Failure) of Integer;
– range is a subtype indication
type Column is range 1 to 80;
type Row is range 1 to 24;
type Matrix is array (Row, Column) of Boolean;
type Matrix is array (Row range 1 to 10, Column range 1 to 40 )
of Boolean;
Unconstrained Arrays
 The type of each dimension is given but range bounds and
direction is not specified
– type Screen is array (Integer range <>, Integer range
<>) of Pixel;
 Two predefined unconstrained array
– type Bit_vector is array (Natural range <>) of Bit;
– type String is array (Positive range <>) of Character;
 Useful in defining interface list having variable number of
bits in ports
 Values of composites can be given in aggregate
 An aggregate is a parenthesized list of element
associations; each element specifies values of an
element of the array or the record
 Value association may be named or positional
 Examples
– (155, 203) (‘1’, ‘0’, ‘0’) -- positional
– (Numerator => 155, Denominator=>200) -- named
– ( Low | Falling => ‘0’) -- named
Access Type
 Values belonging to an access type are pointers to a
dynamically allocated object of some other type. They are
similar to pointers in Pascal or C language.
 The objets of an access type can only belong to variable class.
When an objet of access type is declared, the default value of
that objet is null.
 Example :
type module is record
size : integer;
delay : time;
end record;
type PTR is access module; --- access type declaration
variable MOD_PTR : PTR; --- access variable, default null
File Type
 Objects of FILE types represent files in the host environment
 Provides a mechanism by which a VHDL design may
communicate with host environment
 A file can be opened, closed, read, written to, or tested for an
end-of-file condition by using special procedures and
functions that are implicitly declared for every FILE type
 Example :
> type intFileType is file of integer;
> file F1 : intFileType;
> file F2 : intFileType is “myFile.txt”;
Pre-Defined Types
 Each implementation can define range of pre-defined types
Scalar Types :
– type Integer is -(2**31 - 1) to (2**31 - 1)
– type Real is -16#0.7FFF_FF8#E+32 to 6#0.7FFF_FF8#E+32
– type Boolean is (False, True);
– type Bit is (‘0’, ‘1’);
– type Severity_Level is (Note, Warning, Error, Failure);
– type Character is (NUL, SOH, ...., ‘a’, ‘b’, ....., DEL);

Composite Types :
– type Bit_vector is array (Natural range <>) of Bit;
– type String is array (Positive range <>) of Character;
Referencing Elements of
 Can be referenced in entirety or by element
 An indexed name is used to refer to an element
 The type of an indexed name is the type array element
 A slice name is a reference to a contiguous subset of elements in an one-
dimensional array
 Examples
– type Byte is array (7 downto 0) of Bit;
– type S_memory is array (0 to 2**16 -1) of Byte;
– signal S_byte : Byte;
– signal S_mem : S_memory;
º S_byte (3 downto 1) --- slice of three elements
º S_mem (2**15 -1 to 2**16 -1) --- slice of 2**15 elements
º S_mem (0) (0 downto 0) --- slice of one element
 A subtype is a type with a constraint
 A value belongs to a subtype of a given type if it belongs to the
type and satisfies the constraint
 The given type is called the base type of the subtype
 Subtypes of a type are fully compatible with each other
 Two ways to constraint a type by a subtype
– a range constraint that defines a subset of values of a scalar type
subtype LowerCase is Character range ‘a’ to ‘z’;
– to specify an index constraint of a array dimension of
unconstrained type
subtype Register is Bit_Vector (7 downto 0);
 Attribute is a named characteristic
 It may belong to the following classes of items in VHDL
– type, subtypes
– procedure, functions
– signals, variable and constants
– entities, architectures, configurations and packages
– components
– statement labels
– literal, unit, group, file
 A particular attribute for a particular item may have a value, and if it
does have a value, the same may referenced as
– name ’attribute_identifier
 Attributes may be pre-defined or user-defined
Attributes (contd.)
 Pre-defined attributes for scalar subtypes
– ‘left, ‘right, ‘high, ‘low
– Example
type Bit_position is range 15 downto 0;
Bit_position’left = 15
Bit_position’low = 0
Bit_position’right = 0
Bit_position’high = 15
Attributes (contd.)
 Pre-defined attributes for any physical subtype or any
discrete subtype
– ‘pos, ‘val, ‘succ, ‘pred, ‘leftof, ‘rightof
– Example
Bit_position’pos(15) = 15
Bit_position’val(15) = 15
– For any physical or discrete type T
T’succ(x) = T’val(T’pos(x) + 1)
T’pred(x) = T’val(T’pos(x) - 1)
– For a physical or discrete type T, with ascending range
T’rightof(x) = T’succ(x)
T’leftof(x) = T’pred(x)
 Pre-defined attributes for constrained array subtypes and
array objects
– ‘left, ‘right, ‘high, ‘low, ‘length, ‘range, ‘reverse_range
Attributes (contd.)
 User Defined Attribute :
– Attribute declaration
 syntax: attribute identifier : type_mark;
 type int_type is range 1 to 100;
 attribute INDEX : int_type;
– Attribute Specification :
 associates a user-defined attribute with one or more
named entities and defines a value of that attribute of
that attribute for that named entity
 signal Cin, Cout : int_type;
 attribute INDEX of Cout : signal is 5;
 attribute CAPACITANCE of all : signal is 10 pF;
Attributes (contd.)
Example :
entity att_example is
architecture att_example of att_example is
subtype int_subtype is integer range 1 to 100;
signal s1, s2, s3 : int_subtype;
--- attribute declaration
attribute SIG_NUM : int_subtype;
--- attribute specification
attribute SIG_NUM of s1 : signal is 1; --- for s1 only
attribute SIG_NUM of others : signal is 3; --- for s2, s3
--- accessing the attribute value
s1 <= s3’SIG_NUM; --- assigns value 3 to signal s1
 Four types of objects
– signals, variables, constants and files
 Signals and variables can be assigned values in succession.
Constants are assigned only once.
 Signals are like wires.
 Variables have no hardware equivalent.
 A file declaration declares a file of specified type.
 Every object must be of a type and has to be defined in its
– constant ROM_size : integer := 16#FFFF#;
– variable fetch : Boolean := TRUE;
– variable address : integer range 0 to ROM_size := 10;
– signal enable : Bit := ‘0’;
– type integer_file is file of integer;
– file F1 : integer_file is “test.txt”;
Objects (contd.)
 Following are Implicitly defined Objects
º Generics - constants
º Ports (entity, components, blocks) - signals
º Subprograms
º Function Parameters -
- Mode should be “in”.
- Object class must be constant, signal or file.
º Procedure Parameters -
- Mode should be “in”, “out” or “inout”.
- Object class may be constant, signal, variable or file.
º Indexes of Loop and Generate statements
- Within the sequence of statements these are
considered as constants and hence can’t be
Interface Lists
 Specifies interfaces or potential points of communication
between units.
 Four VHDL constructs that specify this
– entity declaration, local component declaration, block
statement and subprogram specification
 Each interface element declares one or more interface
 The object in a single interface element have three
properties in common
– Object Class : signal, constant, variable or file
– Mode : in, out, inout, buffer(for ports only) or
linkage(for ports only)
– Data type
Association Lists
 Actual communication path between separate
 Four VHDL constructs that specify this
– Component instantiation statement
– binding indication
– block statement
– subprogram call
 Association may be named or positional.
Structural Description
 Basic Features
– Component Instantiation Statement
• It is concurrent statement. It can be done by -
 Instantiation of a declared Component
A component is instantiated. The component needs to be bound
to some actual entity(architecture) with a configuration.
 Direct instantiation statement (VHDL 93 feature)
No component needs to declared. No separate binding is
required. An entity(architecture) can be directly instantiated.
 Block Statement
 Generate Statement
 Configuration Specification
 Configuration Declaration
Basic Features
 Structural description of a piece of hardware is a description
of what its sub-components are and how the sub-components
are connected
 Structural description is more concrete than behavioral
description. i.e. correspondence between a given portion of
description and a portion of hardware is easier to see in
structural descriptions
 Component Instantiation statement is basic unit of structural
Component instantiation can be done by -
» Instantiating a declared component and providing binding
information to bind it with actual entity(architecture)
» Directly instantiating an entity(architecture). No separate
component declaration and binding information is needed. (:
VHDL 93 feature)
Component Instantiation
 Component Instantiation statement specifies an instance of a component
(child component) occurring inside another component (parent component)
 At the point of instantiation, only the external view of the child component
(the names, types and directions of ports) is visible
 The statement identifies the child component and specifies the
connectivity of the local signals or ports of parent component with the ports
of child component
 General Form of the statement
label: instantiated_unit generic map association-list
port map association-list;
instantiated_unit ::= [component] component_name
| entity entity_name [(architecture_identifier)]
| configuration configuration_name
Component Instantiation
 Generic/Port map associations are omitted if the
corresponding component declaration lacks generics/ports
 The component_name must reference a component declared
by a component declaration. The component declaration need
not occur in the architecture body containing the instantiation
but it must be visible at the point of instantiation. (e.g through
a visible package)
 A port of Component Declaration is called a local
 In a component instantiation statement, the port association
list associates an actual with a local
 The associated actual must be
» an object of class signal
» open
» static expression if port mode is “in”
architecture Parent_body of Parent is
component And2 -- Component Declaration
port ( I1, I2 : Bit; O1 : out Bit);
end component;
signal S1, S2, S3 : Bit;
Child : And2 port map ( I1=>S1, I2=>S2, O1=>S3); --
end Parent_body;
Entity Vs Component
 Entity is a library unit which can be compiled separately
and it never occurs inside another library unit
 Entity declaration declares something that really “exists” in
the design library


•Component Decl only occurs inside a library unit. It may occur

inside a Package Decl or an architecture body
•Component declaration merely declares a template that
does not exist in the design library
Port Association
 VHDL imposes three kinds of restrictions based on type
mode and resolvability, on the association of an actual with
– VHDL requires that the type of actual be the same as the
type of the local
– VHDL requires that if the local is readable, then the actual
must also be readable, and if the local is writable, then the
actual must also be writable
– Association with a local of mode out or inout creates a
source for the actual. It follows that an actual, which is not
a resolved signal, may not be associated with more than
one locals of mode out or inout
entity Invert_8 is
port ( Inputs : in Bit_vector (1 to 8);
Outputs : out Bit_vector (1 to 8));
end Invert_8;
architecture Invert_8 of Invert_8 is
component Inverter
port ( I1 : Bit; O1 : out Bit);
end component;
G: for I in 1 to 8 generate
inv : Inverter port map (Inputs(I), Outputs(I));
end generate;
end Invert_8;
 Generics provide a channel for static information to be
communicated to a design-block from its environment.
 Typical use of generics are to parameterize timing, the range
of subtypes, the number of instantiated sub-components, and
the size of array objects (in particular the size of ports)
 Generics are declared as interface elements.
– The only object type permitted is constant.
– The only mode permitted is in.
 Allowed inside
– Entity Declarations
– Component Declarations
– Blocks
entity and_gate is
generic (eg : integer); Example
port (eI1, eI2 : in bit_vector(1 to eg); eO : out bit_vector(1 to eg));
architecture and_gate_arch of and_gate is
begin --- implementation not shown

entity top is end;

architecture top of top is
signal s1, s2, s3 : bit_vector(1 to 3);
component gate
generic (cg : integer);
port (cI1, cI2 : in bit_vector(1 to cg); cO : out bit_vector(1 to cg));
end component;
for all : gate use entity work.and_gate(and_gate_arch)
generic map (eg => cg) port map (eI1 => cI1, eI2 => cI2, eO => cO);
AND1 : gate generic map (cg => 3) port map (cI1 => s1, cI2 => s2, cO => s3);

Block Statement
A block statement defines an internal block representing a portion of a
design. Blocks may be hierarchically nested to support design
 A block may have three parts -
» block header, block declarative part, block statement part
 Block Header
Block header explicitly identifies certain values, signals which
are to be imported from the enclosing environment into the
block and associated with formal generics and ports
 Block Declarative Part
Type, subtype, subprogram, constant, signal …etc can be declared in
the block declarative part. These items are local to block scope.
 Block Statement Part
Block statement part consists a set of concurrent statements.
entity ent is
architecture arc of ent is
signal sig_a : integer;
constant con_a : time := 1 ns;
B : block
--- block header part
generic (bg : time); generic map (bg => con_a);
port (bp1 : in integer); port map (bp1 => sig_a);
--- block declarative part
signal sig_b : integer;
--- block statement part
sig_b <= sig_a after bg;
end block;
Generate Statements
 A generate statement provides a mechanism for iterative or conditional
elaboration of a portion of description
 Consists of a generation-scheme and a set of enclosed concurrent
 Following VHDL concurrent statements may be enclosed by the generate
– Process statement
– Block Statement
– Concurrent assertion statement
– concurrent signal assignment
– concurrent procedure call
– concurrent instantiation statement
– another generate statement
Generate Statements (contd.)
 General Form is
label-identifier : generation-scheme generate
end generate identifier;

 There are two kinds of generation scheme

– if-scheme
– for-scheme
entity Invert_8 is
port ( Inputs : in Bit_vector (1 to 8);
Outputs : out Bit_vector (1 to 8));
end Invert_8;
architecture Invert_8 of Invert_8 is
component Inverter
port ( I1 : Bit; O1 : out Bit);
end component;
G: for I in 1 to 8 generate
inv : Inverter port map (Inputs(I), Outputs(I));
end generate;
end Invert_8;
Configuration Specification

 This construct allows the designer to specify the selection of

entity declaration and architecture body for each component
 General Form is
for component_specification use binding_indication ;
– component_specification
 Identifies which instances are configured
 Consists of an instantiation label (or a label list) followed by colon
and the component name
– binding_indication
 Specifies mapping between the component and the entity
 It may also contain a generic/port association list
Configuration Specification
 Example
– for U1, U2 : Inverter use entity work.Inv1(Inv1_body);
– for all : And_gate use entity work.And_gate1(And_gate1);
– for others : Inverter use entity work.Inv2(Inv2_body);
 Instantiation label allows two key words all and others
 Use of all means that the configuration specification applies to
all the instantiations of the given component.
 Use of others means that the configuration specification applies
to all the instantiations of the given component except for those
instances which are already configured by the preceding
configuration specifications
Configuration Declaration
 Configures sub-component hierarchy.
 The binding of a component instance to design entities can be
performed by configuration specification which appears in the
declarative part of the design-block in which the the corresponding
component instance resides. Otherwise, the user can defer the
binding of the component instance until later, leaving the
component in the design-block unbound. Configuration declaration
provides the mechanism for specifying such deferred binding.
 This has following two benefits
– Provides support for top-down design methodology
– Allows a designer to take advantage of a library of reusable
 Consider the configuration declaration for an entity
COMM_BOARD that fits into a full PC slot

configuration FULL_SLOT of COMM_BOARD is

use entity std_parts.SPARC(intel) generic map (Clock => 40 ns);
for intel
--- component configuration for instantiations in intel
end for; --- for intel
end for; --- for PROCESSOR
… --- configuration of other different units
end for; --- for architecture ARCH_COMM_BOARD
Behavioral Description
 Sequential vs Concurrent
 Process Statement
– Wait Statement
 Behavioral Modeling - Sequential View
– Signal Assignment
– Delay in Signal Assignments
– Variable Assignment
– Sequential Statements
 Conditional Control
 Iterative Control
 Assertion Statement
Behavioral Description
 Behavioral Modeling - Concurrent View
– Concurrent Signal Assignment
– Conditional Signal Assignment
– Selected Signal Assignment
 Resolved Signals
Sequential vs Concurrent
 In VHDL there are two levels at which designer must define the
behavior of a discrete system; sequential and concurrent level.

– The sequential level involves programming the behavior of each

process that will be used in the model. Sequential statements are
executed in the order in which they appear. Used for algorithmic
– A concurrent statement executes asynchronously, with no defined
relative order. Concurrent statements are used for data-flow and
structural descriptions
– The process statement is a concurrent statement which delineates set
of sequential statements. Process statements are executed
concurrently but the statements inside a process statement are
executed sequentially.
Process Statement
 The process statement is a concurrent statement that defines a
specific behavior to be executed when the process becomes active.
The behavior of the process is described with a set of sequential

 General Form is :
end process;
Process Statement (Contd.)
 A process is either active or suspended
 A process becomes active when any of the signal
read by the process changes its value
 All active processes are executed concurrently
 A process may be suspended upon execution of a
wait statement in the process. The process remains
suspended until its reactivation condition is met
Wait Statement
 Three kind of reactivation condition can be specified in a wait
– timeout wait for time-expression;
– condition wait until condition;
– signal sensitivity wait on signal-list;
 Conditions can be mixed. e.g
wait on A, B until Enable = 1;
 If a process is always sensitive to one set of signals, it is possible
to designate sensitivity signals using a sensitivity list.
 It is illegal to use wait statement in a process with a sensitivity list
 Every process is executed once upon initialization
 The following process implements a simple OR gate--
--- this process is sensitive to signals In1 and In2
Or_process : process (In1, In2)
Output <= In1 or In2;
end process;

--- this is equivalent to

Or_process : process
Output <= In1 or In2;
wait on In1, In2;
end process;
Sequential Assignment
 This assignment occurs in a process or
 It is sequentially executed
 There are two fundamental types of assignment
– Signal Assignment
– Variable assignment
Signal Assignment
 A signal is comprised of a current value and a projected
 The current value always holds the value of the signals as
read by other process
 The projected waveform contains scheduled values on this
signal at future times;
 Simplest form
signal_name <= value;
 This assigns value to the current value of the signal at the
beginning of the next cycle
Signal Assignment (contd.)
 Delay in signal assignment
– It is possible to assign values with a delay
– Delay is relative to current time
– If no explicit delay is specified a delta delay is
– General Form :
signal_value <= value after time-expression
 Consider this Example
signal A : Bit := 0;
signal B : Bit := 1;
P1 : process
B <= A;
assert ( B = A) report “ B is not equal to A” severity error;
wait on B;
end process;

 Will the message be printed ?

Signal Drivers
 A driver is a collection of value time pairs referred to as
 Every concurrent statement which assigns to a signal
creates a driver for that signal
 Only one driver is allowed for a signal unless it is a
resolved signal
 Initial value of the driver is taken from the default value of
the declaration which is visible to the source process. If
source process is in another component it is taken from the
port .
Delay in Signal Assignment
 There are two types of delay that can be applied
when assigning a time/value pair into the driver of
a signal
– Inertial Delay
– Transport Delay
Inertial Delay
 Inertial delay models the delays often found in switching circuits.
An input value must remain stable for a specified time (pulse
rejection limit) before the value is allowed to propagate to the
 The value appears at the output after the specified inertial-delay.
 If the input is not stable for specified rejection limit (pulse
rejection limit), no output change occurs.
 Inertial signal assignment has the form :
signal_object <= [ [ reject pulse-rejection-limit ] inertial ]
expression after inertial-delay-value;
 Example :
Z <= reject 4 ns inertial A after 10ns
Transport Delay
 This delay models pure propagation delay; ie, any
change in the input (no matter how small) is
transported to the output after the specified delay
time period
 To use a transport delay model, the keyword
transport must be used in a signal assignment
 Ideal delay modeling can be obtained by using this
delay model, where spikes would be propagated
through instead of being ignored
Variable Assignment
 A variable is declared in a process or a subprogram
 When a variable is declared with a process it retains its
value throughout the simulation. i.e it is never re-initialized
 Variables declared in subprograms are reinitialized
whenever the subprogram is called
 General Form of variable assignment is
– variable_name := expression;
 The variable assignment updates the value immediately
after the assignment without any delay
Conditional Control
 These sequential statements provide conditional
control i.e statements are executed when a given
condition is true
 VHDL provides two types of conditional control
– if then elsif
– case end case
If Statement
 General form is
if condition then
elsif condition then
end if;

And_process : process
if In1 = ‘0’ or In2 = ‘0’ then
Out <= ‘0’ after Delay;
elsif In1 = ‘X’ or In2 = ‘X’ then
Out <= ‘X’ after Delay;
Out <= ‘1’ after Delay;
end if;
wait on In1, In2;
end process;
Case Statement
 General Form is
case expression is
when value =>
when value | value =>
when discrete_range =>
when others =>
end case
Select_process : process
case X is
when 1 => Out <= ‘0’;
when 2 | 3 => Out <= ‘1’;
when others =>
out <= ‘X’;
end case;
end process
Iterative Control
 In this control the execution iterates over the
statements until some condition is met
 VHDL provides iterative control inform three
kinds of loop statements
– Simple loop
– for loop
– while loop
Simple Loop
•Simple loop encloses a
set of statements in a
structure which is set to
loop forever
•General Form is
loop_label : loop
end loop loop_label;
P1 : process
variable A : Integer :=0;
variable B : Integer;
Loop1 :loop
A := A + 1;
B := 20;
Loop2 :loop
B := B - A;
end loop Loop2;
end loop Loop1;
end process;
For Loop, While Loop
 General Form of for loop:
for loop_variable in range loop
end loop loop_label;
 General Form of while loop:
while condition loop
end loop loop_label;
P1 : process Example
variable B : Integer := 1;
for A in 1 to 10 loop
B := 20;
while B >= (A * A) loop
B := B - A;
end loop Loop2;
end loop Loop1;
end process;

Exit Statement
Exit statement is a sequential statement closely associated with loops
and causes the loop to be exited
 Exit statement has two general forms :
– exit loop_label;
– exit loop_label when condition;
P1 : process
variable A, B : Integer :=0;
Loop1 :loop
A := A + 1;
B := 20;
exit Loop1 when A = 20;
end loop Loop1;
end process;
Next Statement
 Next statement is used to advance control to the next iteration of the loop
 General Form is : next loop_label when condition;
 Example :
for j in 1 to 10 loop
if var1 = var2 then
next; When next statement is executed,
elsif var1 < var2
var1 := var1 + 1; execution jumps to the end of the loop,
else i.e last statement k := k + 1, is not
end if; executed. Loop identifier j increments
k := k + 1; and then loop execution resumes with
end loop;
new value of j.
Assertion Statement
 The assertion statement has the syntax
assert condition report message severity level;
– When the condition is FALSE the message is sent to system
output with an indication of the severity of the message
– The severity levels are Note, Warning, Error and Failure
– If no message is given the default message is “Assertion
Violation”. The default level is Error
 Example
assert (A = B)
report “A is not equal to B”
severity Error;
Concurrent Signal Assignment
 A concurrent signal assignment statement represents an
equivalent process that assigns values to signals
 Simple example of concurrent signal assignment is
target_sig <= source_sig after delay_period;
 It is one of the primary mechanisms for modeling the
data-flow behavior of an entity
 There are two forms of concurrent signal assignment :
1) conditional signal assignment
2) selected signal assignment

architecture arch_sub of sub is

process (in1, in2)
Out1 <= In1 - In2 after Delay;
end process;
end arch_sub;
Conditional Signal
 This is a special form of concurrent signal assignment. Signal
Assignment is done when condition is true.
 General Form is:
target <= options
waveform1 when condition1 else
waveformN-1 when conditionN-1 else
 The behavior is similar to that of an if statement in a process
architecture Conditional of architecture ConditionalEq
AND_gate is of
begin AND_gate is
Y <= transport begin
‘1’ after Delay when A=‘1’ process(A,B)
and B=‘1’ else begin
‘0’ after Delay; if A=‘1’ and B=‘1’ then
end Conditional; Y <= transport ‘1’
after Delay;
Y <= transport ‘0’
after Delay;
end process;
Selected Signal Assignment
 Selected Signal Assignment behaves very much like the
case statement in a process statement
 General Form is:
with expression select
target <= options
waveform1 when choices1,
waveformN when choicesN;
Complete Example
 Example 1 -- A Package with a procedure modeling the functionality
of an OR gate
package gate is
procedure Or_gate(signal In1, In2 : bit; signal Out1 : out bit);
end gate;

package body gate is

procedure Or_gate(signal In1, In2 : bit; signal Out1 : out bit) is
Out1 <= In1 or In2;
end Or_gate;
end gate;
Half Adder
 Example 2 -- Behavioral Description of a Half Adder
entity Half_adder is
generic (
AB_to_sum : TIME := 0 ns;
AB_to_carry : TIME := 0 ns
port (
A : in bit;
B : in bit;
Sum : out bit;
Carry : out bit
end Half_adder;
Half Adder (contd.)
architecture Behavioral of Half_adder is
Sum <= A xor B after AB_to_sum;
Carry <= A and B after AB_to_carry;
wait on A,B;
end process;
end Behavioral;
Full Adder
 Example 2 -- Structural Description of a Full Adder that instantiates Half
Adder and Uses procedure Or_gate from the package gate.

use WORK.gate.all; -- use the Package gate

entity Full_adder is
port (
A : in bit;
B : in bit;
Carry_in : in bit;
Sum : out bit;
Carry_out : out bit
end Full_adder;
Full Adder (contd.)
architecture structural of Full_adder is
component Half_adder
generic (
AB_to_sum : TIME := 0 ns;
AB_to_carry : TIME := 0 ns
port (
A : in bit;
B : in bit;
Sum : out bit;
Carry : out bit
end component;
for all : Half_adder use entity work.Half_adder(behavioral);
Full Adder (contd.)
signal Temp_sum : bit;
signal Temp_carry1 : bit;
signal Temp_carry2 : bit;

U0 : Half_adder generic map (5 ns, 5 ns)
port map (A, B, Temp_sum, Temp_carry1);

U1 : Half_adder generic map (5 ns, 5 ns)

port map (A => Temp_sum, B => Carry_in,
Sum => Sum, Carry => Temp_carry2);

U3 : Or_gate ( Temp_carry1, Temp_carry2, Carry_out);

end structural;
Test Bench
library STD;
use STD.standard.all;
use STD.textio.all;
library testpackage;
use testpackage.testpackage.all;

entity fa_test is -- Entity for the test bench

end fa_test;
architecture bench of fa_test is
component Full_adder -- Component declaration for Full Adder
port (
A : in bit; B : in bit; Carry_in : in bit;
Sum : out bit; Carry_out : out bit
end component;
for all : Half_adder use entity work.Full_adder(Structural
Test Bench (contd.)
signal A, B, Carry_in : bit;
signal Sum, Carry_out : bit;
signal temp : bit_vector(0 to 31);
a1: Full_adder port map ( A, B, Carry_in, Sum, Carry_out);
A <= temp(31);
B <= temp(30);
Carry_in <= temp(29);

a2: process
variable sttr : line;
variable rando : integer;
file dataout : text is out "data.out";
rando := 1;
Test Bench (contd.)
for i in 0 to 40 loop
temp <= int2vec(rando);
rando := (rando * 3)/2 +1;
wait for 1 ms;
write(sttr, string('(" A = ")); write(sttr, A);
write(sttr, string('(" B = ")); write(sttr, B);
write(sttr, string('(" Carry_in = ")); write(sttr, Carry_in);
write(sttr, string('(" Sum = ")); write(sttr, Sum);
write(sttr, string('(" Carry_out = ")); write(sttr, Carry_out);
writeline (dataout, sttr);
wait for 0 ns;
end loop;
end process;
end bench;

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