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Opinion vs.

Fact: An Argument Many Are Confused By

I know that a few people are offended by my opinions on other peoples opinions. Just wanted to let you know that
it’s okay, I don’t mind. I really am bored though, seeing as it’s the weekend and I’m putting off going to run my
mile. So, I hope you like my logic and review! Kisses! ~~HPH.

This came from Yahoo Answers. All things that are NOT written by me are in bold. I am the un-bolded
writing. Here is the original question: I need reasons for why the "Twilight" books are awesome for
my site?

I think the books were interesting in the sense that it broke boundaries. I mean the whole vampire
loves human loves werewolf thing had been done before but Stepenie Meyer made us feel like we
were right there experiencing the love between these characters. It made people think that if a 100
year old vampire can find love then why not the rest of us?

This, oddly enough, was voted “Best Answer”. I frankly couldn’t even understand what they were
getting at. There is a contradiction within the first 2 sentences. “It is new but has been done before.”
Apparently, it was different because SM talked about the love. Which is to say, in the other books, though
the love was a main topic, it was not discussed. WHAT? The last part is laughable, because at one point
in their relationship, it was technically illegal: Edward was creeping on a minor. So, a beam of hope to all
you pedophiles: if America can think a 109 year old and an 18 year old can have a healthy relationship, so
can you!

I loved the twilight series!

I have read every book (except New Moon) 3 times!
I love romance stories, & I love evil stories, & this is a bit of both !

Because this, in every way, shape and form, describes why it is good. You can see how this
reinforces my title. Guess what? I’ve read every HP book at least 6 times. Guess that makes it the best,
because I READ IT MORE THAN YOU. Hahaha! No. Okay, just no. The only realistic thing is the evil
story statement. I agree. This book teaches horrible morals.

It is a great story about eternal love. There are few boring parts, it seems there was always
something happening. The author puts quite a few twists in the story. It was an original idea.

****Eternal LUST. Another point, the eternal love thing happened in about 2 weeks. What
plentiful time to really get to know and appreciate a person. Then, while there was action going on,
simultaneously, it was boring. Stop contradicting yourself. I didn’t see any twists until the end of
Breaking Canon Dawn, which was when she dropped the fight scene. That was pathetic. Original?
Vampire ♥ Human? Yes, Stephie. Who’s a clever little girl? You are! You are! I haven’t read many books
like Interview With a Vampire, but from the viewpoint of many, many people, SM ripped it off pretty bad.

Only a vampire can love you forever! Real men sparkle!

My parents seem to be doing okay, and I can assure you neither of them is a vampire. At least,
not according to SM. They eat people.
***Peace out girl scouts. Thanks for reading!

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