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The raven king nora sakavic

The King's Men The Foxhole Court Elysium Average customer reviews Total 4.5 out of 5 stars 4.7 out of 5.0 5 Stars 257 4 Stars 43 3 Stars 10 2 Stars 1 1 Stars 4 Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 4.6 from 5.0 5 Stars 210 4 Stars 54 3 Stars 20 2 Stars 2 1 Stars 3 Story 5 out of 5 stars 4.8 out of 5.0 5 Stars
243 4 Stars 33 3 Stars 7 2 Stars 1 1 Stars 3 All stars 5 stars only 4 stars only 3 stars only 2 stars only 1 star only I really enjoyed this story, but I don't see any of the reviews giving trigger warnings, so I will do the honor. Beware of graphic images of rape, abuse and torture. I really like the story, but it can
drag sometimes!!!!!!!! still very excited to read the next book! I love this series and I was so excited when I found it in Audible. the story is excellent and I can't wait for the next (and last) book. I think this one was even better than book one. Finally, you've really learned more about the characters rather than
just the surface. It was heartbreaking and sometimes so intense that it was hard to get through, but for me that's what makes a great book. I finally understand why everyone is sending Andrew and Neil, as I am right now. I want so much for all of them, but now especially for those two. I found some
scenes very difficult. Although there wasn't one page of rape, it was talked about, and that's devastating, but it was real and it made sense to the characters. I was glad I finally got real answers. Another thing I love is how Neil's fuse is so short when it comes to Riko and while the ending really puts things
in perspective, it was really great to see that Neil is still his true self. I also like the self-discovery that was going on with Neil. He's a great character. And Andrew is such an interesting character, too. Aaron finally got into character development, too, and Nicky is just a delight. Alexander Cendese did a
great job with this narration. I immediately started book 3 and can't wait to see how crazy it gets. I found the trilogy's second book much more interesting, intense and engaging than the first, and while I still hate the story - this time it was usually good and bearable when it wasn't. Must come up with an
honest warning: this book contains intense and graphic violence everywhere, including sexual violence. I couldn't stop thinking about this book. I loved the first one. This one's even better. I suspect this will be the show's Empire Strikes Back. You don't appreciate it without the other books, but this is
insanely action-packed and tension-filled. We're starting to get a better understanding of the motivations of certain characters, especially Andrew. It goes from bad to really bad, but no one retreats. I listen to next book! Sebastian Rombach 06-23-20 of my understanding this trilogy is self published, and it
really shows. there is a lot of confusing narration and things that a good editor could certainly do helped smoothly about I love this series and I'm so excited to get the next book. I think how the narrator reads it is pretty good, but not the best it could be. However, I may be biased because I would rather
read the book myself than audiobook. I recommend this book to everyone !!! aaaaaaaah I hope it's as good as ever IT'S JUST REALLY VERY GOOD SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE FIRST AND WOW WHAT A CLIFFHANGER OMG All stars 5 stars only 4 stars only 3 stars only 2 stars only 2 stars only
Love it love love love it would die for these characters ngl Nora Sakavic doesn't get enough hype this is my absolute favorite series thank you There must be a trigger warning. I wasn't ready for the rape scene, nor all the abuse. There was still no romance. and the story still felt uneven, even though so
much happened. And for some reason, it was so repetitive. Especially in the first chapters. I haven't felt this stupid since I read picture books. They constantly introduced all the characters and it felt like this was a standal alone book rather than the second part of a trilogy. Like the first book didn't matter at
all. In my opinion, this book should not exist. This whole trilogy can only be one book. It feels so episodic and so much like a sick fan fiction. I was done in a day. Up until the rape scene, the book was fine. After that because it's too overwhelming. I wish I'd never read it. I'm so sure the next one will fix
everything that happened in the last one. as the writer does not trust their readers to remember. I feel nauseous. Don't read this unless you're over 18. Too much drama for no reason. So sick. However, performance and writing improved somewhat. But it was unforgivably repetitive. the best book series.
some voices may be borderline offensive, but otherwise... I love you. cried so much. Nora's the best. All stars 5 stars only 4 stars only 3 stars only 2 stars only 1 star only I first read the All For The Game series before clicking on all audible versions to listen to as well. I really enjoyed listening to this
narrator in some of his other work, which is mainly why I clicked this series with one click to listen to as well. He does great with the story, I really enjoyed listening to him in books 1 & 2. However - some voices for all the different characters really started to look alike, confusing me a few times which
character I was listening to at that particular moment. Other than that, I loved it. As a big fan of this series I was so excited to see the first two audible! The story always hits me right in the stomach - it's raw and powerful, dark and driving. It tells that people often prefer not to hear. In terms of voice actor,
he has a beautifully sharp voice, but many characters sound the same. I found it very difficult to distinguish between them, even though I know the words of reading them on the He also pronounced them surfer dudes, which doesn't feel right, but maybe that's an agreed style? So that criticism is more of a
personal preference. Overall, I listened to these books in long sessions and kept coming back regardless of the narrator. I'm looking forward to the final. This book is terrible. Not even like the first one, which was terrible in a fun way. This one's so bad it's offensive. To be perfectly honest, it wouldn't bother
me if it didn't have FOUR POINT FORTY SIX STARS OUT OF FIVE rating on this website. That's insane. I feel like I have some of this thing and I've read a very different book. My version of The Raven King reads like dark! Harry Drarry AU from a livejournal community in 2005, not 4.46/5
This book is terrible. Not even like the first one, which was terrible in a fun way. This one's so bad it's offensive. To be perfectly honest, it wouldn't bother me if it didn't have FOUR POINT FORTY SIX STARS OUT OF FIVE rating on this website. That's insane. I feel like I have some of this
thing and I've read a very different book. My version of The Raven King reads like dark! Harry Drarry AU from a livejournal community in 2005, not a 4.46/5 book. I'm honestly shocked by it. Am I stupid? Did I miss something? Has everyone gone mad? Let's dissect this thing, I guess. First of all, the writing
itself. Damn, I swear I don't need to know where every character is every time Neil comes into a room. This way you do not paint an image, by describing seating arrangements. I don't need to know how they were on the bus, if Allison was in the front row with Renee and Matt and Dan where behind them
and Abby was wherever she was. It doesn't even matter! Neil was between Kevin and Andrew, wasn't he? Just say that, don't waste 500 words of soulless description. Also, a full paragraph of five sentences is the quickest way to get me to do it and drop my kindle on my face. That was fun. Then there
are the characters. Neil remains insufferable. He's the most unsympathetic main character I've come across. Do I care what happens to him? (watch spoiler) [He has the ability to make everything about him. When that guy rapes Andrew (and that's a whole 'nother mess, we'll get back to you later)
everyone's worried about him. Andrew was raped, Aaron killed a man, Nicky got screwed again by his parents, and we have to feel for Neil? Get out of here, man. And he's somehow a saviour figure, The Uniter Of Teams, The Protector Of Kevins, The Thawer Of Frozen Andrew Hearts or something. It's a
mystery to me how someone looks at him. (hide spoiler)] Andrew and his mental illness. Oh, boy. (watch spoiler) [Mood stabilizers still don't work that way. If you're taking pills to help with your psychosis, or whatever Also, I don't know exactly what they're doing, but I'm damn. Damn it. They don't make
you so manic that you have a joke while you're being raped. What the real fuck. If?? ¡? What. I read somewhere that this lady spent 13 years writing and reviewing this series before it was published. Didn't she have a few hours left for Google about mental illness? She just made up a random condition
that makes no sense to make it dark and dangerous. We all love a bad boy, don't we? A clinically deranged man who keeps stabbing almost everyone with his hidden ninja knives. I have to get me a man like that. (hide spoiler)] Kevin remains the most interesting. His struggles and his motivations deserve
a lot more to read about that nonsense of Neil or Andrew. Andrew and Aaron's relationship could also be interesting if it wasn't explained to us in such a confused way. We often learn about characters through third-party explanations. It's so lazy and so confusing, especially when Neil starts making
connections in his head that he doesn't talk the reader through. Often I wondered what was going on even, if I had already met these characters what they were talking about, because I honestly couldn't bother learning a thousand names and a thousand back stories. Half of them didn't have any purpose
either. Now, my favorite part of the whole thing, the Almighty Ravens! The cartooniest villains. (watch spoiler) They live in a basement. The stadium is black, the rooms are black, the sheets and towels are black because they are so dark and bad and villainous. They all dress the same way, too. Because it
wasn't enough. Jesus, I need you. And their super intense interactions with Neil and the Foxes, so Dark! So intense! That dialogue, the murderous back and forth! Hilarious. So clichéd. I also love how the coach is bad, just to be bad. His brother is Yakuza, so he just invented a weird sport and he's
mercilessly bullying teenagers now. That makes perfect sense. He's definitely an elaborate character. Riko, too. This book is packed to the bries with rich characters with complex motivations. That was sarcasm. They're all one-dimensional and everything is absurd. (hide spoiler)] Now, the plot. Wowie, I
think the author has a problem where she thinks, You know what would be cool? X and Y and Z. And she finds a way to get the characters to X and Y and Z without worrying that it makes sense in the context of the story. (watch spoiler) Like neil going to Ravens college for two weeks. She wanted Neil to
go there and be tortured for some reason, so she did it. She sold it as a way for him to protect Andrew from that corrupt psychiatrist we didn't know two seconds ago. Because it makes so much sense that a university exy coach orchestrated the rape of a guy by his former foster brother, and he somehow
knew he was be admitted to a psychiatric institution, so he bought off a doctor who was willing to kill a patient so he could train Neil with them Two weeks and then just let him go home. That's the most absurd thing I've ever read, I'm honestly speechless. And Neil says, yes, that makes sense, let me
spend the Christmas holidays with you, I'll take the first plane tomorrow. That makes absolutely no sense, not only for any sensible reader, but also in the context of Neil's character development (or lack thereof). Andrew's rape is even worse in that respect. They come to this house for an uncomfortable
family meal and the mother says, yes, Andrew, I have a surprise bottle of booze in an upstairs room, why don't you go get it. Because that's something that seems to be happening. So he goes, and his former foster brother and sexual abuser is there, so he gets raped. That's just the way it is. In a nice
suburban house with some family having a roast dinner downstairs. Blood everywhere, not even a discreet rape, he's really going for it. As shock value goes, that's a really cheap move. (hide spoiler)] Anyway, in short, everything is terrible and this book is the worst. See you in my review of the third, I
have so much fun getting angry at his series and this website. You are crazy. ... More... More

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