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Oshawa EnvironmentalAdvisory Committee

May 8,2008

Thomas B. Hodgins, Commissioner

Development Services Department
City of Oshawa
50 Centre Street South
Oshawa, ON
L1H 327

RE: Bill 64, An Act to amend the Pesticide Act to prohibit the use and sa/e of pesticides
that may be used for cosmetic purposes

At its regular meeting on May lSt, 2008, the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee (OEAC), made
the following comments and recommendations in regard to Bill 64, An Act to amend the Pesticide Act to
prohibit the use and sale of pesticides that may be used for cosmetk purposes, which was introduced in
the Ontario Legislature on April 22, 2008:

Further enhancement is required in regard to permitted non-agricultural use, specifically, but not
limited to, golf courses
Bill 64 should be subject to a periodic and scheduled review for the purposes of:

o Adding new chemicals not currently listed on the Table of Banned Active Ingredients or
the Banned Products List as they are made available for sale
o Providing an up-to-date list of chemicals that are being used for Excepted uses ((2)l - 5)
and an explanation of why use was approved
o Adding new non-chemical pesticides as they are approved for use

OEAC members were also asked for their recommendations in regard to how City staff can educate
residents about Bi'64and how it applies to homeowners.

I n response, the OEAC members recommended:

A sustained approach
An insert with tax bills or possibly OPUC billings explaining:

o Bill 64 and the need to comply

o Information regarding safe disposal of chemicals
o Health impacts of pesticide use

Updating City website

Possible pick-up day for un-used chemicals
A Dandelion Festival, highlighting the flowers many positive uses

- -
Oshawa EnvironmentalAdvisory Committee 50 Centre Street South, Oshawa, Ontario L l H 327 Tel: 905 436-3853Fax: 905 436-5699
An Info line at City Hall:

o Explaining Bill 64
o Whistle blower hotline (depending on whether municipalities become responsible for
enforcement of the legislation)
o Information regarding products/local retailers (i.e. Environmental Factor) where safe
products can be found

Informat!on distributed to local retailers about the City programs

Information for apartment/condo owners about the benefits to the community

8/1164 was posted on the Environmental Registry on April 22" for a 30-day comment period. Given the
tight timelines, a copy of this letter is being sent to Noel Hutchinson, Director of Parks Services, Bill
Slute, Manager of Parks Maintenance Services, and Tanya Steffler, Parks Operations Technician, so that
they can reference the OEAC's comments and recommendations into their submission to the
Environmental Registry.

I n addition, the OEAC will be sending letters in support of Bill 64 directly to Premier McGuinty and the
Hon. John Gerretsen, Minister of the Environment, congratulating them on this initiative.

Please contact me if you require any further information or clarification.


Suzanne Elston
Senior Environmental Coordinator


c: Noel Hutchinson, Director of Parks Services

Bill Slute, Manager of Parks Maintenance Services
Tanya Steffler, Parks Operations Technician
, ,r r
c-, 17 A
rv"" 57 ELIZABETH 11.2008

Bill 64 Projet de loi 64

An Act to amend the Loi modifiant la Loi sur les pesticides

Pesticides Act to prohibit the use en vue d'interdire l'usage et la vente
and sale of pesticides that may be used de pesticides pouvant Gtre utilisCs
for cosmetic purposes & des fins esthCtiques

The Hon. J. Gerretsen L'honorable J. Gerretsen

Minister of the Environment Ministre de 1'Environnement

Government Bill Projet de loi du gouvernement

1st Reading April 22,2008 1'" lecture 22 avril 2008

2nd Reading 2e lecture

3rd Reading 3" lecture

Royal Assent Sanction royale

Printed by the LegisIative Assembly Imprime par I'AssemblCe legislative

of Ontario de l'ontario

The Bill amends the Pesticides Act to prohibit the use and sale Le projet de loi modifie la Loi sur les pesticides en vue d'inter-
of certain pesticides that may be used for cosmetic purposes. dire I'usage et la vente de certains pesticides pouvant 6tre utili-
d s B des fins
Bill 64 2008 Projet de loi 64 2008

An Act to amend the Loi modifiant la Loi sur les pesticides

Pesticides Act to prohibit the use en vue d'interdire l'usage et la vente
and sale of pesticides that may be used de pesticides pouvant etre utilisks
for cosmetic purposes B des fins esthktiques

Note: This Act amends the Pesticides Act. For the legis- Remarque : La prksente loi modifie la Loi sur les pestici-
lative history of the Act, see the Table of Consolidated des, dont l'historique 1Cgislatif figure a la page pertinente
Public Statutes - Detailed Legislative History on w . e - de 1'Historique lkgislatif detail16 des lois d'interet public codifiees sur le site

Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Sa MajestC, sur l'avis et avec le consentement de
Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts 1'AssemblCe legislative de la province de I'Ontario,
as follows: Cdicte :
1. (1) Subsection 1 (1) of the Pesticides Act is 1. (1) Le paragraphe 1 (1) de la Loi sur les pestici-
amended b y adding the following definition: des est modifit! par adjonction de la dhfinition sui-
vante :
"cosmetic" means non-essential; ("esthetique") ccesthetique))Non essentiel. (ctcosmetic)))
(2) Section 1 of the Act is amended by adding the (2) L'article 1 de la Loi est modifit! par adjonction
following subsection: du paragraphe suivant :
Use of pesticide Usage de pesticides
(4) For the purposes of this Act, (4) Pour l'application de la presente loi :
(a) the placement or application of a pesticide is a use a) la mise en place ou I'application d'un pesticide
of the pesticide; and constitue un usage de celui-ci;
(b) the mixing, dilution or loading of a pesticide for b) le mClange, la dilution ou le chargement d'un pes-
the purpose of placing or applying it is a use of the ticide aux fins de sa mise en place ou de son appli-
pesticide. cation en constitue un usage.
2. The Act is amended by adding the following sec- 2. La Loi est modifiCe par adjonction de I'article
tion: suivant :
Prohibitions - pesticides used for cosmetic purposes Usages interdits : pesticides utilises a des fins esthetiques
7.1 (1) No person shall use or cause or permit the use 7.1 (1) Nu1 ne doit utiliser dans ou sur un terrain, ou
in, on or over land of a pesticide that has been prescribed au-dessus de celui-ci, un pesticide qui est prescrit pour
for the purpose of this subsection. l'application du present paragraphe, ni permettre ou faire
en sorte que cela se fasse.
Excepted uses Usages : exceptions
(2) Subject to the regulations, subsection (1) does not (2) Sous rCserve des rkglements, le paragraphe (1) ne
apply to the following uses of a pesticide: s'applique pas aux usages suivants d'un pesticide :
1 . Uses related to golf courses, if any prescribed con- 1. Les usages relatifs aux terrains de golf, si les
ditions have been met. conditions prescrites, le cas Cchtant, ont 6tC rem-
2. Uses related to agriculture. 2. Les usages relatifs a l'agriculture.
3. Uses related to forestry. 3. Les usages relatifs aux activites forestikres.
4. Uses related to the promotion of public health or 4. Les usages reiatifs a la promotion de la sante ou de
safety. la sCcurit6 publiques.
5. Other prescribed uses. 5. Les autres usages prescrits.

Requirements related to excepted uses Exigences : exceptions

(3) A person who, pursuant to subsection (2), uses a (3) Quiconque utilise, conformtment au paragraphe
pesticide prescribed for the purpose of subsection (1) (2), un pesticide prescrit pour I'application du paragraphe
shall comply with such requirements as may be pre- (1) est tenu de satiqfaire avx exigence~prlrgscrites.
Prohibition on sale, etc. Vente interdite
(4) Despite section 6, no person shall sell, offer to sell (4) Malgrt l'article 6, nu1 ne doit vendre, mettre en
or transfer a pesticide that has been prescribed for the vente ou transfkrer un pesticide qui est prescrit pour
purpose of this subsection. l'application du present paragraphe.
By-laws inoperative Rhglements municipanx sans effet
(5) A municipal by-law is inoperative if it addresses (5) Est sans effet le rbglement municipal qui traite de
the use, sale, offer for sale or transfer of a pesticide that l'usage, de la vente, de la mise en vente ou du transfert
may be used for a cosmetic purpose. d'un pesticide pouvant Ctre utilise a une fin esthetique.
3. The definition of "offence" in subsection 23 (1) of 3. La dCfinition de <<infraction>> au paragraphe 23
the Act is amended by striking out "4, 6 or 7" and (1) de la Loi est modifiCe par substitution de ((4, 6, 7
substituting "4,6,7 or 7.1". ou 7 . 1 ~A e4,6 ou 7 ~ .
4. Section 34 of the Act is amended by adding the 4. L'article 34 de la Loi est modifit! par adjonction
following subsection: du paragraphe suivant :
Exception Exception
(2) Subsection (1) does not authorize the Director to (2) Le paragraphe (1) n'autorise pas le directeur a
exempt a person from a provision of a regulation made exempter une personne d'une disposition d'un reglement
with respect to section 7.1. pris a l'kgard de l'article 7.1.
5. (1) Section 35 of the Act is amended by adding 5. (1) L'article 35 de la Loi est modifit! par adjonc-
the following paragraphs: tion des dispositions suivantes :
38. prescribing pesticides for the purpose of subsection 38. prescrire des pesticides pour I'application du para-
7.1 (1) or (4); graphe 7.1 (1) ou (4);
39. defining golf courses for the purpose of paragraph 39. definir ((terrains de golf) pour l'application de la
1 of subsection 7.1 (2); disposition 1 du paragraphe 7.1 (2);
40. defining agriculture for the purpose of paragraph 2 40. dkfinir ((agriculture))pour l'application de la dispo-
of subsection 7.1 (2); sition 2 du paragraphe 7.1 (2);
4 1. defining forestry for the purpose of paragraph 3 of 41. dtfinir ctactivites forestieres)) pour I'application de
subsection 7.1 (2); la disposition 3 du paragraphe 7.1 (2);
42. defining promotion of public health or safety for 42. definir ((promotion de la sante ou de la s6curitC
the purpose of paragraph 4 of subsection 7.1 (2); publiques)) pour I'application de la disposition 4 du
paragraphe 7.1 (2);
43. prescribing uses for the purpose of paragraph 5 of 43. prescrire des usages pour l'application de la dispo-
subsection 7.1 (2); sition 5 du paragraphe 7.1 (2);
44. prescribing conditions that must be met for para- 44. prescrire les conditions qui doivent Ctre remplies
graph 1 of subsection 7.1 (2) to apply; pour que la disposition 1 du paragraphe 7.1 (2)
45. prescribing requirements that must be complied 45. prescrire les exigences auxquelles il doit Ctre satis-
with for the purpose of subsection 7.1 (3); fait pour l'application du paragraphe 7.1 (3);
46. prescribing sales, offers to sell or transfers to 46. prescrire les ventes, mises en vente ou transferts
which subsection 7.1 (4) does not apply; auxquels le paragraphe 7.1 (4) ne s'applique pas;
47. providing for such transitional matters as the Lieu- 47. prtvoir les questions transitoires que le lieutenant-
tenant Governor in Council considers necessary or gouverneur en conseil estime necessaires ou sou-
advisable in relation to section 7.1; haitables relativement a I'article 7.1;
48. prescribing municipal by-laws to which subsection 48. prescrire les rkglements municipaux auxquels le
7.1 (5) does not apply. paragraphe 7.1 (5) ne s'applique pas.
(2) Section 35 of the Act is amended by adding the (2) L'article 35 de la Loi est modifiC par adjonction
following subsections: des paragraphes suivants :

Pesticides prescribed for s. 7.1 Pesticides prescrits pour I'application de 19art.7.1

(2) A regulation made under paragraph 38 of subsec- (2) Le rkglement pris en application de la disposition
tion (1) shall not prescribe a pesticide unless the pesticide 38 du paragraphe (1) ne peut prescrire un pesticide que si
rr,ay j . . ~rise:! fm:ccsmcti~nnrnoqe
r - . - t- - ce dernier peut &treutilise une fin esthktique.
Municipal by-laws to which s. 7.1 (5) does not apply Rkglements municipaux : non-application du par. 7.1 (5)
(3) A regulation made under paragraph 48 of subsec- (3) Le reglement pris en application de la disposition
tion (1) shall not prescribe a municipal by-law unless the 48 du paragraphe (1) ne peut prescrire un reglement mu-
passing of the by-law is required under an Act. nicipal que si I'adoption de celui-ci est exigCe aux termes
d'une loi.
Commencement Entree en vigueur
6. This Act comes into force on a day to be named 6. La prCsente loi entre en vigueur le jour que le
by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor. lieutenant-gouverneur fixe par proclamation.
Short title
7. The short title of this Act is the Cosmetic Pesti- 7. Le titre abrCgC de la prksente loi est Loi de 2008
cides Ban Act, 2008. sur l'interdiction des pesticides utilisks d des fins esthb-

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