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Social Responsibility Activities:-

Every federal government states every business that they should perform a certain level of social
responsibility activities. In order to monitor the business, federal government has established the
agencies. To clarify this point. Following example is stated an agency is established to monitor
that whether the particular business is performing CSR like equal employment opportunities in
the organizations. But on the other hand there are some businesses which perform CSR activities
voluntarily because a CSR activity leads to the welfare of society. Thus organization set up a
minimum standard of performing CSR activities that business manager must achieve. These
activities could be related to the organization directly or indirect way. If we see direct, it means
managers taking the actions to protect the employees health and the indirect sense is like the
providing the food to the flood victims thus this helps in making the good will of the
organization Thus after performing CSR activities. the next important aspect is to communicate
the social responsibility involvement .Communicating means awaring the public about their
CSR activities. Thus Websites are the most important tools through which CSR activities are
communicated. NIKE example is quoted. Nike has been accused of using child labor in the
production of its soccer balls but when the NIKE communicates the issue was resolved regarding
the child labor.
Social Responsiveness :-
Social responsiveness is defined as follow:-
“The degree of effectiveness and efficiency an organization shows in
performing social responsibilities”.

Thus the relationship between them is direct and positive. There are three points or we can say
issues which are related to the social responsiveness.

Determining if social obligation Exists:-

The first issue that is related to the social responsiveness is to determine that whether the social
responsibility exists in the organizations. It is obvious that each and every organization has some
social responsibility. Thus it is the duty of managers to determine the social responsibility exists
or not . Example may be like the social obligation towards the shareholders is to increase the
value of the organization, the social obligation towards the suppliers may be to deal them fairly
and the obligation towards the consumers may be to provide the safe products . Thus the first
issue is to determine the social obligation. If it exists then the following issues will be

Social responsiveness and Decision Making

Thus organizations should make such decisions that should support their social responsibilities.
In other words it may be explained as that while making the decisions organizations should give
importance to their social obligations. While making the decisions it is considered that whether
the action to fulfill social responsibility could be easily bearable by the organization. Does it
benefits overweighs its cost? Thus such issues are taken into the account while making the
decisions and the best actions should be considered which is favorable by the organization.


Lipson, a desirable and socially responsive approach to meeting social obligations does the
following: Firstly incorporates social goals into the annual planning process. Secondly seeks
comparative industry norms for social programs. Thirdly presents reports to organization
members, the board of directors, and stockholders on social responsibility progress. Fourthly,
experiments with different approaches for measuring social performance. And finally attempts to
measure the cost of social programs as well as the return on social program investments.
S. Prakash Sethi presents 3 management approaches to meeting
social obligations:

Social Obligation Approach:

It considers business as having primarily economic purposes
and confines social responsibility activity mainly to existing legislation.                            

Social Responsibility Approach

It sees business as having both economic and societal goals.                                              
Social Responsive Approach:
It considers business as having both societal and economic goals as well as the obligation to
anitcipate potential social problems and work actively toward preventing their occurence.

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