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A I)-D
Name: Aidan Barker-Dean Centre number: 25274 Candidate Number: 3032 Paper Reference: G322

Section B:

The contiuing develop~ digital media technology is massively signifcant on institutions and
audiences. In ter~the way institutions like Working Title can market their films it makes a
mass~ifference. For example, during the marketing campaign for t eir film "The Boat That
~ed" they ta~into the them of music in the film by usin e internet music sites Spotify and
I-tunes, cr~ play lists of the 60's music featured wi .e film, as if they were compiled by the
charactersthemse~his effects the audience as it means the marketing campains can reacher a
broader, a~ ~e audience than before. In the case of "The Boat That Rocked II it meant

that Workin~o_~~~ _stretc e appeal of the film to the kind of yo~ audience th~
well use sites like Spotify -tunes. The commonness of MP3~I-pods ~so exploited
in the marketing of s particular f~lm:_~mbined with a more low-tech ~d of reaching an
audience. Working Title synergis~h Tabloid papers and released~P3 players, full of songs
from the film. modern technol~bined with old reaches an older audience as well
as the average age of ~ho subscribe to tabloid newspapers is middle-aged.
.is a technique that Working Title has used for reaching a modern day
~ .It h et up it's very own website, which it advertises to captive audiences in a
-1 u, by Ring the adress in the \ , films. The website allows people to read
informa on ~b~u; UP~ releases.:..,- archive and access bonus promotional
material, like~st's vlog for the film "Hot Fuzz'

HOW~iS use of is small in comparison to Hollywood Institution's methods of

~ing an audience. promotiong of "the Dark Knight" Warnder Bros. Produced one of the
:, They produced a website,
www. " which was a website devoted to the fictional character Harvey
,." The site gradually became defaced with "Joker" writing, and the release
~ ; .~. the. was broadcast th~7way. This technique was an effective way of reaching the key
audie for the film, i.e. Fans. Warner Bros. Knew that this target audience would already
ssociate the name with the franchise, and this would cause them to look at the site for
further, it, .

Hollywood movie, Cloverfield" This particular film h~ even

v.. .._: viral .~ ,J' ~~~~~, which even infiltated social networking ~acebook and
Myspace. JJ , ;, the producer, had used totally unknown actors, meaning that people would
that the company could".create accounts for the various characters
" revieling connections to the film when a certain ammount of
friends or

Modern techJlology Jto the distribution of films to their target audience. Film4 for
it' on freeview, meaning it can regularly play the ~has produced
other;}. This is a key use of digital televison, as it is t~eeview channel
exclusively for ilms, and the audience watching a probably the kind of audience that Film4 is
targeting for it's ci atic release. film fans .:Jndie releases and smaller films that are
not necissarily mainstream. , " similar j,o"that of Working Title, but on the Film4
site, there is both information and the TV schedule for the Film4
A 13-D
Name: Aidan Barker-Dean Centre number: 25274 Candidate Number: 3032 Paper Reference: G322

channel specific themed film nights on the channel. It also contains links to various institutions
.(e.g. Warp Films) and contains blogs or articles written by the more
have produced films on Film4, like Chris Morris or Shane Meadows. Unlike
Workin~e, who produce films for a mass multiplex audience, Film4 generally produce more
ind~dant, .and as such, their website not only shows the films they've made, but
also lists. , they are playing (Film4 productions are not generally blanket releases
and often. other companies to help with distribution).

All modern , film and the media in general, and

with morp insight into what a film is like, about and wether it is aimed at them.
It .of the interente, and teenagers today, as they are the primary
Facebook, Myspace and MSN, all of which have synergised with the likes of
~ Title and Fjj1"<!o promote films via s~red ads on their various homepages. Also,
review site~tten Tomatoes and E~ onl~ne regularly synergise with companies, providing
trailers, exclusive vlogs, interviews, and video content, and often (in the case of Empire online
~ giveaw s such as T -shirts etc. : podcasting is often
espe~) priz
L11tiiI;:ed t~' simi r ect, as it can be upload to I-tunes store and the
like. Podcasts or. , ~, picture, interviews with the cast
or director and behind-the-scenes information. .

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