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Mercyhurst Archaeologists Attend Seattle Conference

By Allison Byrnes the registration booth, to my ings began, they toured the city, Irvine Flats site, Warren County, **I had myfieldschool at I rvine
Contributing Writer amazement, nearly every work checking out such sites fas the PA. Flats, and I did a lot of the geology-
station was staffed by a Mercy- Space Needle, the Pike 3Place Historical Archaeologist, Judy work for Uhe Minister | Creek
Last week, 23 archaeology stu- hurst student. It was really neat to Market, Mount Rainier, and nu- Thomas,jpresented evidence for rocksheiter, so it was really neat to
dents and their professors flew out see so many of our students work- merous stores and clubs. the aboriginal exploitation of pe- see some of that; work get pre-
to Seattle, W A for the 63 rd annual ing there. Even just' wandering On Wednesday, March 25, the troleum in Pennsylvania,- while sented at such a big conference."
meeting of the Society for Ameri- around, I could hear people mak- conference began, and the MAI Hyland presented a paper which j The MAI students and facul ty alike
can Archaeology. The conference ing really positive com me n ts about students were soon joined by their provided a chronology for the en- also attended numerous other sym-
spanned five days, from March the MAI students. Everyone professors Dr. James Adovasio, try of Mesoamerican perishable posia conducted by archaeologists
25-29, but most of the students seemed quite impressed, espe- Allen Quinn, Judy Thomas, Dr. items and domesticates into the from the Americas and beyond.
spent the entire week in Seattle, cially because undergraduates Dave Hyland, Dave and Cathy Jordana Basin of New Mexico. M
Maybe I'm being biased, but I v
taking advantage of the new expe- rarely attend these conferences."! Pedler, and Texas-based Mercy- The Pedlers explained the flaked was more impressed by the pre-
riences that the west had to offer. The group was top large for ev- hurst archaeologist Joe Yedlow- stone technology (and the cultural sentations that Dr. Adovasio and
The contingent of Mercyhurst eryone to stay in the same place, so ski. The students presented papers • implications thereof) employed at Cathy Pedler and everyone else
students was the largest group to they divided up in different places. covering a number of interesting the Elk Creek site, Erie County. from MAI made than I was by
represent the institution at the con- Some resided with fri ends and fam-: topics: Adovasio discussed the Yedlowski discussed potential anyone else's. They all really knew
ference, making the Mercyhurst ily of MAI students, some in a Meadowcroft Rock shelter's evi- functions of the rockshelter sites what they were doing,** said fresh-
Archaeological Institute impos- hostel, and some in a hotel. dence for the appearance of culti- in the Minister Creek drainage of man Adam Davis, Jennifer Y ork, a
sible to ignore or overlook. "It was really fun to have so gens in the Eastern Woodlands re- the Allegheny National Forest, PA. junior, said, "We got to meet a lot
Dr. David Hyland said he was many people from Mercyhurst gion as well as a study of the role of Mitzy Schramke, ajunior archae- of famous people-it was great to
pleasantly surprised to see such a come to Seattle and see what*a perishable artifacts at the Pale- ology major/geology minor, was meet the pioneers of our field and
large number ol his students at- great|place it is," says Nicole olithic site of Doh Vestonice in the one of the many students who had to see our own professors present
tending and volunteering at the Brannan, a sophomore archaeol- Czech "Republic. Quinn reviewed the opportunity to see papers pre- at a national conference."
meetings. "I arrived on Wednes- ogy major and native of Seattle. the results and importance of the se n ted about projects that they had
day night, and when I approached During the days before the meet- automated survey conducted at the been involved in.
MSG to Offer Proposal
Ambassadors Welcome New Members , * * * • * - • * • * r * * • * * * # »1

on Baldwin Townhouses
Announce Officers, Bid Seniors Farwell DATES FOR; HOUSING SIGNOTSj By Chris Wloch
Lktitor-iti- due
Monday, April 13 Return signed, completed and incomplete 'housti
By Nell Norberg consists of lectures about the his-
tory, architecture, and tradition of iconlractjs; arid tall Vjsiheet^ packets to the Officeof Residence l i fe Old
Staff Writer "Last week, a joint administrative
Mercyhurst team announced that only females
On Sunday, March 29, the F Candidates for ambassadorship would be housed in the Baldwin
Mercyhurst" Ambassadors Club "hear from President Garvey, my- Townhouses for the 1998-99 aca-
held its annual tea . The event self, Andrew Roth and Sister pritJafti-Poiitt: totatejffij^WlJy Sheets;w» be p^tediOutsiqe;demic year.
* * 'A • , _ l i * l ^ t . • "• - * a ^ * f c #*•*•• * * a a - * # • • < ! * a a • " -"*"• » r * - * • • - * • • • - a. f * » • • • • * • * * *- H '~*J . * ' _ • * " ".*—*.**' l
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focused on the induction of new Eustace Taylor, who speaks about ft Tyrone Moore, director of resl
members, the recognition of gra- theSistersofMercy,"saidWhelan. dence life, said that the decision
duating seniors and the announce- At the end of training, "they have was made after examining the
the most complete understanding & Baldwin arid Warde Townhouse signup from 7-^; present condition of several male-
ment of next year's officers. The
Ambassador's Tea also featured of the history, tradition, mission piimi-ih Mercy HeritageRoonfciftSufo^ occupied townhouses.
addresses by Matt? Whelan, the and purpose of Mercyhurst. ** More present for selectonsi,.$ indents not receiving aTownhouse assignment "Entirely too much of our time
club's advisor, Andrew Rot)), Dean than 100 training hours are com- and money is spent repairing mali-
of Admissions, and Mercyhurst pleted in order to wear the green cious damage as opposed to up-
jacket. grading our facilities. Students
President Dr. William Garvey.
This year, 11 seniors were hon- need to assume responsibility to
This year the Ambassador's Club
ored for their years of dedication. maintain the properties they are
welcomed 23 new members to its
Senior Kathleen Hudack said, "I afforded*. Our goal is to provide
ranks. The new Ambassadors in-
am really proud of the new ambas- excellent accomodations for all
clude Brooke Billingsley, Ruth T April If -Mercy ApartmentsvDuval, and Bast Briggs sign-up students, regardless of where they
" . ^ • . M . V .•*

Burgetl, Laura Chrulski, liana sadors. It was a wonderful event,

— — —^ — ^"**1van Hall. Grouo leaders live," Moore said.
Delaney, Catherine Doman, An- and a fitting end to my time as an •:•:•:

drea Ellison, Lesley Foster, Chris- ambassador." Each senior was According to MSG President
topher Fultz, Susan Gonnam, Anna given a gift of wineglasses and a A V i ? . »M :
Kevin Scgedi, the executive board '
• a PI i a * * * * a 1 «

bottle of wine. I ^i«t: totals trom ta«y S)V«<i*»H fe jx»sted has met with Mr. Moore and
Hefferan, Jennifer Kcllcy, Jenni- •rasa £Q» is« — :•'•>, >v:v^rr.v.v::. v x-!^:-::rvvTT^:.;.;,:.v.;.:.;:^.:.:.
This was also the occasion when •outside Old Main 213 by.$: p.mj.::f^ Mercyhurst President Dr. William
fer Laurenza, Sarah Lelle, Aimcc
next year's officers were an- P. Garvey to address this'issue.
Le Pelley, Melanie McClaskey, 1

MSG plans to present a proposal to

X v ' - y : : • : • : • • • • : • : • • • • • • • • - - x - : - •• . . .•••.•.•.v.'.-.'.y.'. j ' • ' " ' " • •
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Amy Marie Murty, Aubrey nounced, The 1998-99 Ambas- ^.^.*<!»!'r fcl^ :<•:
sador's Club officers arc:' Jen Thursday, April 30 North and South Briggs sign-up fromi7-9 p.m. m the administration on Thursday
O'Hara, Jocelyn Pittser, Alexandra 'j^y ffinu^iiEi^ Group leaders must De-prtsentj that would allow males to reside in
Turkas, Marcello V aval a,Kathleen Ryan, president, Travis Lindahl,
vice president, and Beth JEriday, l^ayl. Summer Housing Contracts available in:.Min;gl3. the Baldwin Townhouses next
War go, Julie Weems and Amy year. The details of the proposal
Wipkowskt. Szulczew ski .secretary .Szulczew - a a i

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are still being finalized and the

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In order to become an Ambassa- ski also won the Outstanding Am- . .•M*M*M<»:»:•:'•,• i • » a • »t» • >• »

bassador award. pHd^y, May ^ Ftnal results of Housing slgnj&up process posted outcome should be available at
dor each student had to go through •!."K
e Old Main 213. 1 Monday night's MSG meeting.
two terms of intensive training that • • • •
f •

PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD April 2,1998

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MSG Prepares for Executive Board Elections

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and Wednesday, April 8. Bender minded the student body that the
• - • . t f U - . ^ V J I ? * * * - * • » - v •

By Emilio Colaiacovo stated that he and the weight room A rcheology club has returned from
• - • * ^ A Vv.vy
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I . * • > -"
• * * * - * -3i MSG Secretary committee, assembled the squat Seattle, and they should be report-
* * * • a i - t * i * * * * » * * * t * t

WORLD NEWS racks and additional 5 and 10 ing their trip to MSG soon. Senior
_T- • - 4 - . «% • • •* r ^ f / » S t > - C ' ^ N * •
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At this week's meeting, MSG

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Representative Jennye Vetter re-

* • * » 4 * • * * % • • » • • 4 * » i « • »^>L«v*

pound weights will be available

• • ••
• v C w
treasurer Ryan Kennis announced for student use very soon. minded seniors to hand in pictures
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he has requested a $10,000 allot- $ President Kevin Segedi said for the senior dinner dance.
' » • * • •••^'JK* t 4 4 i * A 4 • • • •*•• • i J - 4 • • • f * * •

ment check in order to organize there would be a phon-a-thon ? MSG meets every Monday at
•'T * ^t^^^M^emm*
further student programming. Tuesday and Wednesday nights 8:30 p.m. in the Student Govern-
. - . -
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Vice President Tom Bender an- to help spread the word about the ment Chambers. All are welcome
nounced that the Executive Board Senior Project to attend and discuss their con-
election will be Tuesday, April 7 Representative Bruce Snead re- cerns with MSG.

®w o
o Easter Egg Hunt Next Week
On Wedne^y'April i;# KJestijriian pplfce wff^hStli^ botnb^j:: On Tuesday April 7 the Perform- Then at Coffee House, Scott
ffDm:iheIsi^iCimfttot#^ By Jamz Porzio 4^r M i ft i 41 * • - t » ft. • • • • • * • •
4»f * I * ft ^ * r
ing Arts Center wijl be playing Ait; Fertig will be drawing caricatures
- X « ' V - ft,* # . , .% fti'» * • # * ^ f t » - - . * * . • - ^ • 41|.A - r * J t A' - • £ * . * 4 % * * i > » 4 - 4 . 4 ^ f t .• 4 4 * 4 ft ft ft • 4^t **J7P •**-l_* €t » *_i-*i

had been dumped beside-a car-Qjat bleW:Vp initne west Bank' Sunday. Staff Writer
• 4• - 4 1<fta ft* Tt I ft * 4t * 4 • •*
# 4 »^W * ft i i f t » * * f t p t ^ f t • * *f t f• t _ « f t * - I • 1 » 1.1 • i t i ^ t l l f t t l * • • < f %*»' r
* P f t * » * » f t * ' •"
Force One with Harrison Ford at-9 of people at 9 p.m. > J>4J . i.'
! • % : • »

Prime>«iihisier Benjamin !Netoy^u!-d6ifii^;:toat-i killed p.m. Tuesday, April 14 is the weekly

Muhyiqeen al-ShanfJ wfto had ia^appeare^wij^titnfeey^i^ago aiut- On^Friday JApril 3 SAC will * At 8 p.m on Tuesday, the SAC SAC meeting at 8 p.m in the Gov-
hold the Blizzard of Bucks meeting will be held in the Gov- emment Chambers. No coffee
Gameshow. This will be held in ernment Chambers . Wednesday house or movie this week.
ieadcrA2izaf*Ranti$si sald.i'M donHdoubt foramioutethauhehandsof the Laker Inn at 8 p.m. f i ft i 4V * • * * • * i f I) * < • • • * * » « * « « f t » l
at 8:30 p.m in the Laker Inn there On Friday, April 17 there will be
the Zion!sts::we:re::bduna the 3(»«wlBWftS^ On Sat. April 4 Glow Bowling i B • • • • -4 - • • - * * * • • 4 • i I *tft . 4 4 - » 4 • • • • • < I * • f * t ft • • • 4 ft * * • * 4 ft * ft,- I • • I * P 4 ft • 4 | * ft A t f t < • • •
will be egg decorating and egg a Trip to Tinsel Town movie the-
hunt. . * atre. Vans will leave at 6:30 p.m.
- . . «. <> <i ^ i * * Sy'lCj • * 4 4 *> 4 • ft • - 4 * • % t . . • «j t * »*• • - * - 4 -/ * i 4 * * A * « - • • » • * • > * i

Rahtissi also said that Hanias ne\eTlea^b& its members 'unavenged and will be held at 11 p.m in the Union. • * • » * » • ft •

that the strucfilei^iJl sfurelyejcal^vJsFaeli police TOa1ready<ih5ecurity *vfap'&' - ft a • * H

WalkAmerica is April 26
« * i i » i i ft ft * *r i * ** ft - • i * # f ^ • ft* ' • • * ^

Senior Social
. - * - . f t - f t f t * * * « # . . - * > « • ' f t f - ft * > - » • > ' » * ft • • *; .» * • ft ft # ft ft • * ' • • • • • V • • • • i ft • ft f
alert during the current Passover! schdM:'ii<Wid2C^-:It4>ia -'iite^iir-:>!
Hamfc saidtt held the Palestinian Authorcityireifponsibl^for ti&Tnartyi&j
Work Carnival
L # ft - * f * t * ft * * • « ft • • • •» * •• ft 4 * • ' * • -* * * * • • . • • i4 > - • • - » » • * •" **t»* ft* » • • H . f t f t f t » f t l » f t • • » • • • • i« * • ft • I

dom of the hero Sharif since his assassination took placein areas under r « f t - * > r f t * - * f t « 4 r « f t f t * f t T * « > • 4 • * > ft 'i f* ft * ft ft ft* * i ft*/ fttkft * * • ft «i • 4 ft * 4 f t . « M • • 4 • ft • * t f t J * * • • ? • • • ft * • * • •
By Karen English 1 p.m. Walkers who pre-register
• * ft ft ft • 4 < * * * • - * « « • * • * « < * } - L'• • • • 4 i * * . ft ft • • i * ft ft * * *, • ft • • r a ft ft • • ft .• • ft ft- t> * ^ • ft *_# * • • ft • ft ft ft * ft ft P • |

j ts-: contnMi*:Ham a ^ ^ l u ^ • J * ! *L * *•* * • •- - ftjl

42**—* I f ~
ft • ft ft ft p ft
Contributing Writer and- have collected donations of By James Gorman
r-vr .^. -Jf&itiPalestinian: Presiideiit Yasser: Atafat's itifci $10 or more will receive a Team
romistrat^c^i inrv'eswgateirWie; kjlUng- andreyei •I JL • » ft ft News Editor
: The March of Dimes is^inviting * • p ™ * > • i r ^ f t ^ f t ft^i i ^ f t 4 B * I ' V ' i t * - • g ^ f t * ^ r ^ * T

* *

m i

Mercyhurst t-shirt.'
jx- In the West bahk&iy Sf Bethlehem, ah^iPaJestiriian youth^ took to
• * 4 * * ift • • *i • ^*f> I - ft - « » , . • -* every member of the Mercyhurst
* • ft fit, • * • • ' 4 - * » » • • ft ft ft t> ft^ ft Tft>ft * 4 i ^ ft-T ft ftt J 1 "V * • * 4 ft » # • * •
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4 1 » | T * . ^ p t p f jff i
ftPftlPftftft • • 4
-The March of Dimes offers prizes I On Saturday March 28, the Se-
thestreetsi^h^ wiey ic&Bea:.^ community to help fund break- for walkers who raise $60 or more nior Social Work club conducted a
risraeli soldiers: Tne'<^nff on pcMiifteitBt-ftif•
throughs for babies and walk for
I - * r « ft * ft ft " f t • - • - * • • • J P • V 4 * ft ' fc
• _ " _ • * * 4 * • . 1 - • T f t • • • _ 4 V * • ft. • • _ • _ * " _ - f c * * , * . / ' • . *

J _ V * T f * J # - ( ^ *

to fund breakthroughs for babies. earn i val for i ts senior project. Mem-
someone they love. For every registered walker the bers hosted a carnival for disabled
•#:?: An off icial autopsy sai<l that Shant died ol gunshot wounds; and that According to the March of Dimes
. ft * • > ftp * ft i
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March of Dimes receives $2 from children from the Barber Center,

his body wa$mQV^:tot^$rt^W:the::Wa^^
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it could be your baby; a baby yet to
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their major sponsors. the Achievement Center imd the

i determined that Sharif died approximatelythree hours before ihelWast, be bom; a premature infant who
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Last year Team Mercyhurst Shriners' Hospital.
; andra»brother Ibrahim blamed Israeli lntelhgence and vowed revenge. survives because of the research
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^ * a * Mf t ft * ft ft ft ft 41 raised more than $500 for the According to Rebecca Batcharie,
done with March of Dimes fund- March of Dimes. Funds sponsor the carnival was attended by 47
Gay-Straight Alliance Sponsors Discussion ing; a friend's child. Members of research, and provide education kids and it was similar to Christmas
By Veronica Ledoux* suit of their goal. the Laker family are asked to bring for healthier babies. • on Campus where prizes and gifts
Contributing Writer While no Pennsylvania state co-workers, family and friends to Circle K will sell Sneaker Feet to were distributed.** Also, the Senior
laws wholly oppose adoptions by join the Mercyh urst Col 1 c ge Team benefit the March of Dimes Social Work club hired clowns to
On Wednesday, April 1, a local same-sex couples, the two men at WalkAmerica, Sunday, April WalkAmerica until April 22! entertain the children^Finally, the
couple, Joey Grego and Jeff filed the requisite paperwork 26, 1998. Sneakers can be purchased for $ 1 Erie Police Department conducted
Schwenk, discussed their family | solely under Grego*s name, as Registration and Festivities be- in Sister Carol Ann Voltz* office, a presentation involving the K-9
with members of Mercyhurst's single adoptive father, to expe- gin at 11 a.m. at Rainbow Gardens. from any member of Circle K. unit.
dite matters. Schwenk is cur- The walk begins at 1 p.m., around W
Sneaker Feet will be sold in the The carnival was made possible
Gay-Straight Alliance/The couple
rently completing the necessary Presque Isle State Park. Student Union on Tuesday, April by a$ 1,000 grant from Mercyhurst
has adopted two children, seven-'
steps to co-adopt the children. Registration forms and informa- 14 from 11 a.m. till 2 p.m. College.
year-old Clay, and five-year-old^
Grego and Schwenk said their tion are available from Michelc Every Monday die feet sold with
Zoe. The children arc biological
children arc learning uncondi- Garvey in Campus Ministry, the buyer's name on it will be put
siblings, sharing the same mother
tional respect and equal treat- Carolyn Brumbaugh in the Walker up on the wall in Egan Dining
"Things That Matter"
but different biological fathers. Join us in Campus Ministry at
ment of others as established in School of Business, or from Karen Room to show your support and
Each was adopted separately soon 4:30-5:30 p.m. on the Tuesdays
after birth. their positive home life experi- English in Egan 49. circle?]the cafeteria. The goal is
ences. There will be pre-registration in $ 1,000 to help fund breakthroughs during April and May to share
In order to facilitate the adop- | a cup of coffee and discussions
tions, Grego and Schwenk had to The discussion was a presenta- Campus Ministry on Wednesdays, for babies.
complete painstaking research and tion of how two people are find- April 8,15, and 22 from 11 a.m. to
ApriLZ, Tom Forsthoefel I
paperwork, originally investiga- ing happiness in this world
April 14T Dr^ David Livingston
ting more than 750 adoption agen-' through family while also chal- APPLY FOR SUMMER EMPLOYMENT April 11, Sr. Dorothy Stoner
cics to locate one that would coop- lenging society's perspective of
erate with them.They attribute their what is periodically a misunder- AT^ MERCYHURST COLLEGE. April 28, (Tentative)
Dr. Mary Hembrow Snyder 1
successes to their strong prayer and stood lifestyle. It took place amid
faith, refusal to accept defeat, and photos of the kids, sharing of an- PICK UP APPLICATIONS IN MAIN 101. May_l* Dr. Kevin Sullivan
indefatigable energies spent in pur- ecdotes, and much laughter. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS APRIL 30,1998 MajLl2f Sr. Dorothy Stoner
April 2,1998 THEMEKCIAD PAGE 3
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TTie Propellerheads S p i n M o r e T h a n J u s t T e c h n o
By Brian Eichsladt singles that included tracks like on many electronics compilations listener to benefit from artists who heavy drum beats and electronic
Music Critic "Dive** (used in a recent Adidas and disc jockey turntables. As the expand their musical boundaries. interludes, the song became a hit
commercial) and "Spybreak," the duo's most popular number, it is However, the track "Oh Y eah?" (a last year when it reached #5 at
Characterized by techno, hip- duo attracted major label attention characterized by numerous col I aborauon between De La Soul Radio One in Europe.
hop, funk, and a rock-and-roll atti- in 1997 because of their European samples with a jazz oriented and The Propellerlieads) is not very Drawing from a \ ariety of dif-
tude, the British electronic duo, hit "On Her Majesty's Secret Ser- bassline and an accelerated hip- appealing. With its slow and lazy ferent influences and bv collabo-
known as The Propellerheads, re- vice," and their remixes of mate- hop rhythm. Other tracks, such as hip-hop rhythm and insipid lyrics, rating with different artists, The
cently released theirfirst full-length rial by Luscious Jackson, Soul thei rpastsing 1 e" Spy break,"" B an g the selection is boring and mo- Propellerheads created a diverse
album titled "DECKSAND Coughing, and 808 State. As a On,** and "Velvet Pants," also con- notonous because it lacks direc- and entertaining album. Unlike
D R U M S A N D R O C K A N D result of their efforts, they gained a tinue to provide the record with big tion and focus. other electronic albums mat lose
ROLL.** Containing everything lucrative contract from beats and breaks that are perfect "History Repeating** incorpo- their appeal after only a few lis-
from humorous samples to the Dreamwof ks Records after a bid- for a dance party or rave. rates the vocal .talents of Shirley tens,"DECKSANDDRUMSAND
strings of a London orchestra, the ding war was conducted by Ameri- Other notable selections include Bassey (known for her vocals on ROCKANDROLL** has enough
new release has plenty of diversity can label representatives for their the two tracks created in conjunc- the theme JOT James Bond's differentiation to keep it interest-
and also the raw energy that has services. tion with hip-hop artists. Combin- Goldfi nger) with swing style horns ing for long periods of time. This
made the tandem popular among As a first full-length release, ing creative talent with the Jungle and a throbbi ng electronic pulse. album is best suited for fans of
disc jockeys. this album showcases the beats Brothers, The Propellerheads cre- "On Her Majesty'sSecretService** electronic music (especially for
Getting their starts as disc jock- and funk that has made "The ated "You Want It Back.** Driven continues The Propellerheads* in- fans of Orbital ox Meat Beat Mani-
eys in Bath, England, Alex Gifford Propellerheads a staple on inter- by a frenzied rhythm and lyrics fatuation with James Bond as they festo) and for anyone else who
and Will White began collaborat- national dance floors. The album describing the conflicting desires remix the original orchestration for likes good hard dance music.
ing as The Propellerheads in 1994. begins with T a k e California," a involved in personal relationships, the 21st Century. Combining the
After releasing numerous'12-inch stellar track that has found a home the song is great and allows the classical orchestral score with

Free Beer" at Bruno's DiCaprio Lives On in Iron Mask
By Carrie Tappe Beer, which is comprised of By Angela Harris also wrote Braveheart. a sweet, early 20th century pauper.
A &F Editor Behrend students, Gabe Josset, StaffWriter j ^ I | Leonardo DiCaprio has been in But, as an evil, cold-hearted king,
Rob Shaffer, CK Ceiderlingjand Opening two weeks ago in the- the spotlight, lately', if sc&ftsf any- DiCaprio doesn t measiire lip-
Bruno's, at Penn State Behrend, Joe Fnsina, has only been toge- atres around the country was The thing with his name on it is thought As for the movie as a whole, The
will host its first ever coffee house ther for a short time, but they Ve Man in the Iron Mask. Based on a to attract crowds from miles Man in the Iron Mask was sus-
on Tuesday, April 7, from 8-10:30 played at other Beherend events novel by Alexander Dumas, it is around. Unfortunately, the choice penseful, "romantic," and beauti-
p.m. The night will be highlighted and fraternities. Free Beer also the fictitious story of ran iron- to cast DiCaprio in this movie was ful. The sets and costumes were
with discounted coffee* and hopes to have a CD out soon. masked prisoner and the mighty regrettable on the director's part lavishly authentic and added a
cappuccino prices. Bruno's will Mercyhursfs Gloss, which is "Three Musketeersl fcvho try to Through DiCaprio,-the directors wonderful realism to the story. The
also sell slushies and give all those made up of Zack McHugh, Tim restore honor and truth in France seemed to care more about selling 'Three Musketeers" were both
in attendance free popcorn. Local Sul, and Burt Mamula, has been of King Louis XI V.i I tickets than the qua! i ty of the mo- funny and noble and created much
restaurants and businesses have together about one year. They have The movie Leonardo DiCaprio vie. The role was entirely out of his of t hed rama ti caction for the movie.
donated prizes to be given away performed at the Pittsburgh as King Louis and as his impris- league, because of its intricacy Even though it received two-
throughout the night Coffeeshot, Mercyhurst's coffee oned counterpart, and Gerard and dual-nature. In the past, thum bs down from Siske 1 & Ebert,
house, and Mercyburst's Fall Fes- Depardieu, John Malkovich, Jer- DiCaprio has swept audiences The Man in the Iron Mask was
Behrend's new found ,Fr*e
tival. Gloss also hopes to play in emy Irons, and Gabriel Bryne as away with his portrayal of a men- captivating and exciting. It was a
Beer, and Mercyhursfs original.
local bars after their CD is released the former musketeers. The direc- tally-challenged boy, a forlorn good movie as a whole and 1 would
Gloss*vn\\ provide the musical — 1
tor of this film , Randall Wallace, teenager, a love struck romeo and J recommend that you see it.
entertainment for the night. Free sometime next summer.
On Sunday! April 5, the
MaryiiD Angelo Perform-
ing ArtsiCenter is spon- ITS A SHORE THING!
S c o t t Koskoski soring the third ajiinaal
" I nternational Pops on the
SG T ASURER Hill" concert at 2:30 p.m.
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Frank Collura will direct
the orchestra which in-
Lfot mu mind on ins Hfione
i wild s D' Angelo School of
Musici faculty! andjj
^Arnd the moneu on mu frfind
dents* Numbers will in-
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
clude: Irish tunes jand se-
Please Vote April 7-8
lections from " Pha n torn of
the||Opera and other
K O K O K I Broadway musical hits*
JTlie concert is free I to
[President's Card holders MSfi TREASURER
andi students jlritb ID.
PAGE 4 THE MERCIAD April 2,1998

Student mm

Candidates for the 1 9 9 8 - 9 9 M S G Executive Board


y Ryan Kennis I Jodie Polk Mike Gratzmiller Colleen Nardi

I feel that I am the best candidate for My name is Jodie Polk and I am running
for MSG President. Along with two years I've been a member of Student Govern- I am very qualified for the position of
MSG President for many reasons. As your
of experience in MSG, I am currently a ment for two years. I feel that I will repre- MSG Vice President for many reasons. I
Treasurer for the past year, I acquired the
junior biology/secondary education major. sent the student body extremely well. am a student representative this year and I
ski 1 Is and experience necessary for a presi-
I am very active here at Mercyhurst. With my close ties to many Mercyhurst was also a rep last year. I want to make
dent to possess in order to function with
Being the student chairperson of Habitat students I feel the campus will benefit if I resources better available and more conve-
maximum efficiency? I handled your nient for, the. students. My mission jg to
fcir-Humanity, with, two years ofinvolver am in office. j
~ moriev.'"hucPa Successful aiidit', and served-'
id 1 rrient is one of my active attributes in re- Remember, if elected I will "Fight for serve your needs and make you happy. I 'm
as the c'h'aifrhah'of the bud'ge't and finance a hard worker and very dedicated. I wish to
gards to student life. your Right to.. v "
committee. In addition I was able to meet Enjoy the Hurst! Thank You. do what is best for the student body and to
with President Garvey, along with the rest Don't sell yourself short! Put me i n of-
fice. I'm willing. I'm deserving. I'm the protect the academic, social, and financial
of the executive board and get results. interests of my constituents. So please
Along with this year's experience, I carry right person for the job. 1
Vote Polk for President. Besides, "Polks remember to count on me for MSG VP.
the experience of being a freshman and
sophomore representative. I have taken Make Great Presidents!"
pride in performing the work that you have
elected me to do in the past, and I hope to
continue doing so as your President.

Courtney Shores Scott fKoskoski

Here I am, a Biology major and Psychol- 1 believe I'm the better candidate for
ogy minor. I have been an MSG represen-
Jenny Novak Lou D'Ambrosio tative for two years, as well as served on
MSG Treasurer, and I ask for your vote.
I have several leadership}positions on
the Senate. campus including two years as a MSG
Just call me Jenny. I want to be your To my fellow students, I'm presently During the summers I am the manager of representative. If you support me in this
Secretary forStudentGo\ emment. WHITE running for the position of Secretary^for the cashier department of an amusement election I promise to do the best I can
OUT = I ma) not be the perfect spelling Mercyhurst Student Government. A few park in New York. There I supervise all and also help all of MSG represent us
Secretary but I sure can try. I havewhite things you should know about me: I'm a the transactions made in the park. It elec- better. You pay the money to be here,
out and I'm not afraid to use it. Support Taurus. I love dogs, old people, and chil- ted, I plan to execute the most effective why^shouldn't you have an active stu-
WHITE OUT, Support Jenny Novak. dren. I can make things happen. Choose way to distribute the MSG finances, such dent government working for you?
wlselv on election day. that it will benefit you, the student.
Special Bonus: April FooVs Day Insert

Moore Starts N e w Clothing Line, Discovers Hair Growth Formula
By Francois Mitterand when I see it, and this stuff is fly!" Ray Ray said. Local
Staff Writer f| merchants an xiously awai t the first shipment of leasure wear.
When asked about Mr. Moore's new clothing line, a Mercy-
In a press conference held last Tuesday, Mercyhurst's hurst alum, who manages a fashion storeat the M i llcreek Mall
Director of Housing, Tyrone Moore, announced the advent said, "I have the utmost faith in Tyrone's Threads. He was Hi

of his new line of retro clothing known as Tyrone's Threads, wearing the same stuff twenty years ago. Now that's qual -
Inc and his discovery of a new formula for miraculous hair f v
ity!!" ?£ I \ f^* f | I 'r i
growth. :*t Later on Tuesday afternoon, Moore announced his discov-
According to fashion critics in Paris, London and New York, ery of a chemical compound which produces up to six inches
Moore has obviously done his market research as t he polyester of new hair in less than 37 seconds. Moore even demonstrated
suits and satin shirts, which he has depen ded on for so long, are the tonic's effects on himself by applying a couple of drops to
in high demand the world over. Surveys taken near a Tyrone's his own head/
Threads table located outside of a high end New York disco- Sporting his freshly-grown hair for the press, Moore pro-
theque indicate that the movie Boogie Nights has influenced ceeded to sign over his rights to the formula to the South
the recent shift of public fashion. Korean government for an undisclosed amount of cash.
Local lounge lizard, Big Brother Ray Ray, was more than (Moore had no comment as to what his newly acquired
impressed with the quality of Tyrone's Threads. "He be wealth, youthful appearance and successful business ven-
diggin' on the right groove wit' his stuff. I know quality Mr* Tyrone Moore tures would mean for the future.

Health Center Continues to Save Lives Merciad Hosts Spring Contest By Randy Hilliard .thrae eht morf hsirep ton llahs
By Carrie Tappe conducted by the Cohen Student the two drugs can produce great
Health Commentator Health Services, the combined results. Campus Life Editor elpoepehtrof,elpoepehtyb,elpoep
power of "Sucrets" and the center's An anonymous nurse at the eht:$ fo tnemnrevog taht dna,
famous, "Phenylpropane," if taken Cohen Health Services, com- The Merciad editorial staff has modeerf fo htrib wen a evah llahs
Junior Underwater Basketweav-
every 10-12 hours, have been proven announced that they are sponsor- doG rednu noitan siht taht, niav ni
ing major, Kissa Q. Miass, came mented, "We've been experiment-
ing a spring contest. The first per- deid evah ton Hash daedeseht taht
neartobitingthe bulletlast Wednes- to cure the long term effects of sleep i ng a lot lately with different drugs.
son'to answer the following ques- evloserjiylhgih ereh ew taht .—
day after a drive- by in Garvey Park. deprivation. These effects include Duetto the wide range*of symp-
tion correctly will win $200. An- noi loved fo erusaem fluf tsal eht
After being rushed to the Cohen drowsiness during lectures, head- toms presented in our offices, we evag yeh t h c i h w rof asuac taht ot
Student Health Services located in bobbing in class, desk drool, pre- thought it could be beneficial to swers should be sent to "Spring
Contest c/o The Merciad* through noitovod desaercni ekat ew daed
Preston Hall, Miass was saved by test moodiness and midterm anxi- start mixing random drugs. We deronohesehtmorftaht— su erofeb
emergency surgery using tweezers ety. also found that the benefits of inter-campus mail This contest is :
open to any member of the gniniamer sksat taerg* eht? ot
and a strong dose of Halls Cough "Sucrets," taken alone, is also 'Sucrets" with 'Phenyl-propane' detacided ereh eb ot su rof rehtar si
Syrup. A works tudy who wishes to being tested in the fight against are not inhibited by the use of Mercyhust community, including
faculty, administration and stu- iT. decnavda ylbon os raf suht
remain nameless, pronounced Spring Fever, an epidemic evident alcohol." • evah ereh thguof ohw yeht hcihw
Miass dead at the scene, but after all over* Mercyhurst's campus. At press time, college President dents. The winner will be an-
nounced in next weeks issue. krow dehsinifnu eht ot ereh
careful examination and protest "Phenylpropane" (the little blue Dr. William Garvey, had no com- detacided eb ot rehtar gnivil ehtsu
from Miass, her condition was up- pills), have been known to fight ment on the effects that these life- Question: From what
historic speech is the following rof si tl I
graded to stable. every symptom ever presented to saving substances could have for Good Luck!
In other news, a recent study the Health Services staff. Together, the college community. ' text taken?

Security Apprehends Burglary Suspect on Library's Fourth Floor

By Melish Winetrob reporting suspicious activity, Se-
Investigative Reporter curity alerted the cops and pro-
ceeded to the scene. The male sus-
2Working in conjunction with the pect, who had just fled, was even-
local police department, Mercy- tually identified by both forces af-
hurst Security managed, over the tcr being spotted in a stolen dress
weekend, to apprehend a suspect and high heels cavorting through
believed to be connected with a Garvey Park. The suspect was
series of robberies occurring chased through the Grotto, where
within the past few weeks. the officers were unexpectedly led
Following a large number of off the trail by a box of donuts.
complaints from female students The suspect was later appre-
living in the Warde Townhouses hended on the fourth floor of the
regarding the theft ot doorknobs, Hammermi 11 Library al ter several
Chiclets and used cat litter from students in the Catherine Walker
their rooms. Security responded Reading Room complained about
with increased patrols and obser- the sounds of rattling chains and
vations of student housing on groaning coming from the walls.
He was later released to the Hamot
Briggs Ave.
Late last week after receiving a Behavioral Health Center for men-
call from a student on upper Briggs tal evaluation.<
The Hammermlll Library's fourth floor, where security recently apprehended a burglary suspect
T ~ T

PAGE 2 he DIACREM April 2,1998

1998 Fresher Survey Results Spam sues Muppets Students, Faculty Agree
By Richard Costelloe chapter of a subversive political By Amanda Huginkis
Staff Wriier \ party, while most reported "not at
alP* to drinking beer, experiment-
Staff Writer ^, ,| ~ Foucault Must Go!!
Late last month even fresher ing with drugs, contemplating By Dmitry Aurelios for the faculty. The professors in-
Hormcl Foods, producer of the Idiot Savant volved have reported frequent tan-
student received a copy of the their navel or having attempted to famous processed meat, Spam,
1998 Fresher Survey, containing develop a meaningful philosophy gential and irrelevant discussions
have attempted to sue Oz Produc- Following a disturbing rise of based upon the ethics of power and
60 questions concerning all as- of life * | tions, creators of the Muppet mov-
pects oflthcjilrst few months of Also of note, more than 60% reported mentions and references knowledge in the classroom with
ies and series. Seemingly Hormel towards concepts associated with the student body. Although the ma-
their college experience. The of this 'year's class responded caught wind of a character named
Fresher Survev allows the college "strongly agree" to the concept of the work of Michel Foucault in jority of complaints came from
"Spa*am" who was to appear in various Mercyhurst classes, a professors in several of the sci-
to find out what this vear's incom- a | hypothetical concrete .planet, the next Muppet movie.
ing class has been up to for the 51% favored the abolishment of group of students and faculty in ences, there have been complaints
e "Spa*am" is an evil pig who several of the science and human- filed from almost every depart-
past oight months. the w ealthy, ?39% opposed the idolizes Miss Piggy to a some-
Included in the survey were ques-
continued use of bar codes and ity departments have joined to- ment During a recent basic dance
what disturbi lgdegree. In a press gether to take action. A group of class an essay written for a profes-
tions concerning the students per- 63% reported that they "strongly release, themovie 's producers said
sonal, social and academic<atti- disagree" with nothing in particu- 11 faculty arid students have col- sor questioning the methodologi-
that the villainous character was lectively requested the adminis- cal individualism behind one cer-
tudes and achievements through- lar. Only 12% favored the estab- not in any way intended to debase r?
out the Mercy hurst experience. lishment of the death penalty on tration for permission to lift all tain dance interpretation repor-
Hormel's processed meat prod- books written by, for or about
As always,fthc Fresher Survey campus. uct. However, executives at tedly caused a small, graceful riot
has provided some interesting re- There was a disappointing return Foucault from the campus library, One junior English major wished
Hormel claim that creating the as- reporting academically subver-
sults. For exam pie, the majority of for the Fresher Survey this year by sociation between their product to remain anonymous for fear of
those who completed and returned the seniors, only 12 completed sive and nonsc ienti fic discussions ostracism or other forms of retri-
and an obsessive, evil pig will within their classroom environ-
the survey answered "unsure" as forms were received. Although seriously hurt sales. The case will bution for challenging the Foucalt
to how Mercy hurst has helped this is a 47% rise from last year's ments influenced by the famous orthodoxy. "I don't care if he did
be presented in a New York court French thinker.
them to "think more logically and returns, 3 of the forms had to be later this month. . have the second largest collection
discarded for illegibility and an- The presence of Foucault's theo- of S&M pornography in the world,
critically." No one from the campus organi-
other two for lewd or inappropri- ries within the classroom has al- Foucalt still sucks as a critical
A large majority of freshers also zation SPAM*(Student. Philoso-
ate responses. legedly caused severe problems theorist,"the student said.
reported having frequently" phers at Mercyhurst) was avail-
worked in a local, state or national

able for comment on the issue.

Chris Wloch
for? KING OF
Democracy fosters mediocrity. What this
to$ quality Iflshing lures campus really needs is a new, friendlier fascism
which only oppresses willfully stupid people."
Now Available in the Campus Bookstore Campaign Speech, March 13,1998



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April 2,1998 he DIACREM PAGE 3
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Caffeinated Parasols Madame Stolichnaya s Horoscopes }

* —

By Marcia Farrell
ARIES Combativeness is in your blood- SAGITTARIUS Poor, unfortunate Sag. I see no
and Jody Washington use it Join that militia group you've had your eye on
Merciad Writers hope for you when the police do that urine test. You
because they know what's going on. The world is about Jose the sports scholarshi pand end up II ippi ng burgers
to end and the government wants to silence you. at a stripclub, married toa woman named Butch. The
As we approach the final 50 days of our undergraduate studies, we are
bright side could be death, but alas, a strange nuclear »

faced with a plethora of new thoughts and emotions. We listen to the CAPRICORN The mate of your dreams is much accident will turn you into a horribly twisted, but
heart-Wrenching cries of our classmates and think, 'This can't be!" Our closer than you think. Since you come from Union City, mortal freak.
eyes tear at the thought of parting forever and we are meagerl y supported you know what I mean.
by the fading memories in our yellowing photo albums. Soon
LEO Strong and secure are the normal leadership
"Mercyhursf will exist only in our old notebooks, exaggerated stories AQUARIUS You think the boat trip is a good qualities of a Leo. Unfortunately you don't happen to
and familiar songs: (sniffle, sniffle, weep, sob, weep, weep). But, who idea. You think life preservers are dumb because you fit that mold. By the way, sheep aren't quite your fit
the hell cares? A are a good swimmer. Yet the monster of the lake is an ei t her. -
Who needs the headaches of teachers piling on heaps of outside even better swimmer and has really sharp teeth. So
reading to make up for wasted class time on tangential discussions? Who when your buddies jokingly throw you overboard, SCORPIO Nobody likes you anymore. Everybody
needs to complete their senior project? Who needs the mandatory dorm don't say I didn't warn you. hates you. It has nothing to do with your looks or
and department meetings at 9:00 on Thursday nights when you'd rather attitude, Get over it—at least you'll make' a good
be watching "Seinfeld"? Who wants to do that-take-home midterm GEMINI* HA, HA! You are the big cosmic Republican.
anyway? Who wants to be hassled by Student Accounts or Housing? joke. Everything ever created was done so for the sole
Who wants to keep up with a hectic work, study and social calendar? purpose of making fun of you. Don't feel too badly—at VIRGO You're just never going to score.
Who wants to finish those senior cores when the sun is shining so least the rest of us will always be guaranteed a good You might as well take the vows and then just blame
brightly? Who wants to eat the cafeteria food? Not us! laugh at your expense. ;
your luck on voluntary chastity.
We'd rather be skiing or boating or hiking or fishing. We'd rather be
getting dangerous tans without sunscreen down at Presque Isle. We'd PISCES You feel pretty proud of yourself, LIBRA There are many intelligent and interesting
rather be walking in 38th Street rush hour traffic. We'd rather be readi ng don't you? So your little plot worked out and now people in your future. You are not one of them. My
War and Peace for fun. We'd rather be sticking our tongues on flagpoles you hold a tidy sum of taxpayer's money. I had to pay

in the middle of winter. We'd rather be thinking up creative ways to pay advice is a career as an accountant or telephone
this time, and I admit I am jealous of your new found sanitizer. Then you can meet people just as dull as
for graduate school. And, actually we have... wealth. Expect a visit from the IRS sometime soon, yourself and talk about weather patterns and lawn
There's waitressing, selling cars, bussing tables, telemarketing, lem- and try not to drop the soap. mowers all you want.
onade stands, baby-sitting, tailoring, basket-weaving, stealing change
from; small children,-stealing change from roommates, okay, stealing CANCER That itchy, irritated wdlt on your TAURUS No, those new growths oh your chest
change in general, donating plasma over and over and over again, you-know-what isn't going anywhere because of the aren't from pollution. They are the result of steroid
mowing the lawn, del i \ en ng flowers, pumping gas, putting on your own critters that live there now. Take a bath you dirty little use. There is a bright side. Now you can breast-
production of 'The Lion King" since it's sold out on Broadway, re- monkey! feeding, something you've always wanted to do.
enacting 'Titanic" in the Union on the mock bow of the top floor, selling
::•:•:;:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•; :-:->:v:-::'vv:v;-:v:';^
shares of the Brooklyn bridge, selling swamp land in Arizona, selling
If Your Kirtlid a vis This Month: Those brilliant 'iviffigs of aspiration melt and?
* • I
ft *

tests as study guides, selling copies of The Merciad (did we say

"selling"?, charging admission to,see movies in the Great Room, and i&iod you ihiirling>to your doom when ybitfjapartment burns;;down (boiling your
get I
. . 1 * * * * 1 • * * • • * • * • • - ' • • f * * ft - - • I t • • • • • . . . » I , fc » j t ft # « k - • •

starting an independent taxi company.

So, instead of crying into your bed over thoughts of yore, get off your course i i * • • •

bottom and do some manual labor! Suck it up, be productive,'but ,

w * < ^ft» ^^" »»** —

whatever you do, don't take us seriously because we're April Fools! should;mMi|AK|47 s areSin stock, and this town ispril of college campuses.

: *

inside H,e Dejo bo.Uing,

balled f u T
PAGE 8 THE MERCIAD April 2,1998

- :;: : : :

••- •
IhlilllillllHI fill Ifll I if Hi 1 aBHitMi

Americana: The Great Fabricator Remote Viewing: Providing Intelligence

By Emilio Colaiacovo tion. While some of the informa-
Senior Writer tion that Clinton said may not be
extremely controversial, I would Collection with a New Perspective
The constitutional crisis our rather have a grand jury that has By Brian Eichstadt sions provide useful threads, ideas, prize student, Major Ed Dames.
country is enduring is quite fasci- survived voir dire be the judge of Staff Writer^ ;- and detailed information but their Abandoning normal intelligence
nating and disheartening. While I the .criminality, or lack thereof, of results should not be considered an collection methods, Dames began
have constantly remi nded that all a this material. Allowing this "mor- The Cold War was responsible absolute truth. He thinks remote exclusively to use the technique
politician has is his credibility* we ally and sexually challenged" ad- for more than expanding nuclear viewing should be used as a re- until it was reliable enough to be
have seen the steady decline in ministration to act as judge, jury arsenals, advancing conventional search tool in conjunction with used in support of life or death
President Clinton* s credibility in a and executioner would not at al 1 be weapon technologies, and creat- other intelligence to create the best missions or special operations that
legal sense. However, again it is wise. ing the bloated defense budgets of overall picture for a decision- involved the use of military force.
amazing that the American people What complicates this matter the United States and the Soviet maker. He continued this work from 1986
disregard the severity of this issue. further is that the White House is Union. As each superpower ma- American efforts to remote view to 1991 under project "Stargate,"
Some insinuate that "it's nobody's contemplating extending Execu- neuvered to gain an advantage on began in jj 1976 as a response^ to but his team became increasingly
business." If the president broke tive Privilege to the First Lady due the global theater, both nations confirmed reports of successful buried as it was passed among dif-
laws, you better believe that it's to the fact she acts as a senior placed heavy emphasis on the need Soviet developments in mental es- ferent bureaucratic agencies.
everyone's business. advisor. This is complete balder- for reliable and current informa- pionage and mind control. Operat- After leaving the U.S. Army in
Regardless of the politicization dash. This^is^yetyanother feeble tion. Besides developing intelli- ing with classified status under 1991, the practice of remote view-
that has accompanied this entire attempt to stymie a federal investi- gence agencies and spy networks names like SCANATE and SUN ing became declassified and Major
circus, there are several legal fac- gation. Hillary Clinton has been to collect data, they also pursued STREAK, the early remote view- Dames created his own company,
tors that continue to complicate involved in efforts to prevent po- other unorthodox ways to gain ing teams included natural psy- called Psi Tech, in Beverly Hills,
this anathema. Last week, conve- litical and legal damage from al- technical advantages. One tech- chics and tarot card readers which California. As a "for-profit" busi-
niently when he was on a "good- legations that surround allegations nique, known as remote viewing, were part of various agencies - ness venture, Psi Tech conducts
will tour" in Africa, President charging Clinton may have en- achieved legitimacy through the such as the CIA, DIA, and the professional remote viewing ses-
Clinton invoked the rarely used gaged in a sexual encounter with bipolar information struggle as a Headquarters of U.S. Army Intel- sions for a number of different
Executive Privilege to prevent the another woman. If she has perti- way to conduct psychic espionage. ligence and Security Command clients who range from private in-
grand jury investigating the Mon- nent information, it must be re- Described by Major Ed Dames (FNSCOM) in ^Arlington, VA. vestigators to governmental agen-
ica Lewinsky matter from hearing viewed by the Special Prosecutor. (an expert on remote viewing) as a Duringtheeariyyears,these'groups cies.* It also serves a dual role as a
testimonyj from two of'his top In no uncertain terms Should Ex- "disciplined program that teaches were used in support of the enti re remote viewer academy where stu-
aides,, Sidney B lumen thai and ecutive Privilege be extended to the trainee to accurately download national intelligence community, dents can pay to attend classes or
Bruce Lindsey. Before analyzing wash away the Presidents' sexual: information from the collective especially in cases where'.other buy audio cassettes on how to be-
this questioned act, it is necessary peccadillos. As evidenced by US unconscious," remote viewing is types ofdata -collection had failed. come a viabl.e trained psychic.
and proper to define the legal v. Nixon, Executive Privilege can not a bunch of television psychics In 1983 a major breakthrough Some recent projects undertaken
boundaries of this discussion. not be extended to cover criminal making random predictions. Actu- occurred in remote viewing when by Major Dames and his company
According to the Supreme CouYt, actions. Therefore, President ally, the technique is rather de- Ingo Swann (considered the "Fa- have included finding the location
Executive Privilege is the "exemp- Clinton is treading on thin legal manding because it follows a strin- therof Remote Viewing") formally of biological weapon plants in Iraq,
tion from the disclosure require- ice and may be charged with tam- gent set of procedures to help a developed an accurate model of discovering the identity of the
ments for ordinary citizens be- pering with witnesses and ob- person manage attention to be- how the collective unconscious Unabomber, and also finding the
cause of the executive's need for come spiritually free of both time communicates information to the causeof the TWA Flight 800crash.
structing justice. These charges,
confidentiality in discharging and space. A typical session usu- conscious awareness. This discov- According to Major Dames, other
if true, constitute an egregious
highly important ^governmental ally lasts 45 minutes and includes ery resulted in the creation of op- nations have used and are currently
abuse of power and all citizens,
functions." While most presidents a viewer (usually more than one) eration CENTER LANE to test the rumored 3to be utilizing various
'conservative and fliberal alike, andaselectedtarget(person,place,
have reserved this right to areas should be repulsed by their presi- controversial hypothesis. As a forms of remote viewing within
pertaining to national security thing, or event). The viewer usu- classified project (which included their intelligence apparatus. These
dent. ally draws or writes about^thcir
and foreign policy where the Court Swann and five others), it achieved include the United Kingdom, Ger-
has afforded the presidency great The argument presented by some perceptions during their spiritual
saying that each president, in some substantial success after only six many, Russia, France, and Israel.
latitude, the Court, at- the same experience and compares their re- In a world shifting toward a multi-
regard or another, has lied in the months when the new technique
time, has frowned on the use of sults wi th other participants to for- polar system where minority fac-
past does not expunge the was able to produce more consis-
Executive Privilege in domestic mulate a general conclusion about tions can commit devastating acts
president's culpability. While tently and accuratly than themost
matters which teeter on the brink the target. Major General Albert of terrorism, remote viewing will
many are eager and quick to state, talented natural psychics. At the
of illegality. In the land mark case N. St. Libblebine HI, an advocate be a valuable tool in predicting the
and for that matter deliberately, end of the si x- month period, Swann
United States v. Nixon, the Court of the technique, believes the ses- j unpredictable.
ignorantly, and foolishly misinter- left the project in the hands of his
not cover illegal acts committed pret I ran-Contra and Watergate, For the fourth year, the Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures will sponsor its Travel Abroad Essay
by the president or aides in his that these affairs should not con- Contest Students will have an opportunity to compete for a $300 cash prize to be used toward defraying the
intent. Furthermore, in Harlow v. cern us, I utterly reject such a sup- cost of a summer travel abroad experience, with the following qualifications:
Fitzgerald, the Court held that se- position. The president is no dif-
nior presidential advisers forfeit ferent and should be treated as Students must have a recognized plan of travel/study to a country outside the United States during the summer
immunity if they knowingly act such. What angers me the most is of 1998. Foreign students may not use the money to travel home, but are, of course, eligi ble to compete to
in a matter in which an indivi- the President's cavalier attitude use the money toward a travel experience outside their home country and the United States.
dual' s constitutional rights are towards the entire scandal. Quot-
violated. ing another political analyst, Toenter, students should respond with an essay to the following: "This is my letter to the world/ that never wrote
"America is left with one clear to me." Emily Dickinson. If you were writing a letter to the world, what would your message be?
In relating this legal information impression - that the president has
to this instance, Clinton should not something to hide and he is willing Students should submit two copies of their essays, one with name, campus box and phone number, major, plan
to put the country through a cons ti - of travel/study; one should be anonymous. Entries must be no more than 300 words, typed and double spaced.
assert his Executive Privilege to tutional crisis to keep it hidden."
hide embarrassing, and for that So much for ethical statesman-
matter potential criminal informa- SUBMIT ENTRIES TO ALICE EDWARDS, PRESTON 206, BY APRIL 17,1998
April 2 , 1 9 9 8 THE MERCIAD PAGE 9

S:? -:
L -
Stasis: What is the mythology of today? WOMB CONTROL
stories progressed with their re-today.
spective cultures, then where are By Paul Wynne many avenues of happiness, then
Our social progression (societal Merciad Columnist
we and what have we today? Sup- why shouldn't they pursue their
growth) happens effortlessly. It
posedly a people's myths reflect course of action, as long as its in
always will. A subconscious prob- In last* week's column, ^J the realm of reason? Yes, hope-
the common an popular be-
lem we all have is our own mortal- Caffeinated Parasols" Marcia

liefs in higher powers and society I*fully other factors such as intelli-
ity and fallibility as we desire to Farrell makes several points con-
that they have. This is the insight gence and personality are consid-
see ourselves as the most knowl- cerning sel I -image and self-happi-
we take from them. It is pa^t of ered in the equation; quite often,
edgeable and perfect people to date. ness in regards to one's weight. I
what we look back on as historv. people, with the aid of some type
But the same ideologies we look to do agree with Ms. Farrell in the
We don' t necessari ly accept a ny of of physical attribute, i ncrease their
today have been supported for m i 1 - sense that people shouldfindhap-
the beliefs as truths from this my- chances of*finding another who
lennia under whatever media suits piness in themselves for what they
thology of old, but we study them both possesses and seeks these i n-
the day. There are different media are, as well as others viewing one
in respect to the cultures that did. ner qualities.
as it progresses, accommodating for what they are on the inside.
By Joe Gallagher If indeed the cultures of vester- Another troublesome statement
the society. Wc laugh at the whole However, I take issue with several
Merciad Columnist year held true the stories which reads that Ms. Farrell likes herself
of the myth. assertions that are made.
today we look upon as simple fic- better because of who she is..."it
Maybe Star Wars will be the Ms. Farrell seems to imply that saddens me to see so many people
As children, we learn of Greek tion to study and be entertained by,
Bible in two thousand years, its anyone who decides to go exercise who have not reached that point".
and Roman myths in our schools. then what will future generationscharacters and lines and plot, and or engage in a diet is obsessed with Now, just who is happier? One
If we are of the fortunate few who laugh at that we have today? If past
Stephen Spiel burg& George Lucas looking good and does not enjoy who claims to like themselves bet-
had informative teachers in those mythology reflects that culture'swill be viewed as God's messen- life as much as someone who sits ter for who they are and j ust throws
scholastic business centers we may widespread belief, then the wide-gers on Earth. How sensibly ri- home and eats "butter pecan*ice in the towel in a major area of their
have found out more than a breeze spread beliefs of today inevitably
diculous our pedestals of belief cream.'Thatisabsurd. Yes,people life? Or those who are happy with
about some earlier pagan mythol- are in the: process of forming, or
can be. History means nothing if should be happy with who they who they are A ND ALSO identify,
ogy as well. The traditional stories have already formed, the stories we learn nothing from it. History are, but they may also strive to what they desire, make the AT-
designed to encompass the plot a that will be gazed upon in the fu-
repeats itself What we laugh upon make themscl ves happier. I sn' 11 hat•^TEMPT, commitment, and sacri-
culture has taken have existed at ture. today is what we will become to- what life is about? Just as people fice to improve themselves, strive
least as far back as the written texts See the popularity of our reli-
morrow. seek to improve themselves intel- for it, and then reap the rewards
of these tales that have been found gions like Christianity and the sto-
ries that formulate them. See theNote: Last ^week's Stasis lectually, socially, and spiritually, and benefits of working toward
and can still be translated today. thev can also imbrqvc themselves
social success and acceptance of column was supposed to " and achieving uSeif seals-thus pip-
The* folklore we have retainedis physically. Physical improvement vidmg happiness in many ways?
most often that which has been the occasional film or novel thathave been titled "Blue
is a good ideal, as long as it is not Personally. I '11 take the latter. B ut.
recorded in written form some-! gi ves a portrai t of our world seen to
Colored,"' with pun m- taken to extremes which would - v

where along the lines of when it be large, adequate, and accurate by personal happiness is up to each
tended, instead of "Blue cause severe obsession or health individual. Even if Ms. Farrell is
had been culminated. us."Just look at all of the series, it problems.
scenes of,philosophy, and ideas Collared. happier, with her perception, she
Since the mythology we hear of
popularly presented and received It is proven fact that people who has no place to belittle those who
today is of yesterday, and if the do work out or engage in some do strive for more, such as she does
type of physical activity generally when she knocks those who go for
The Merciad do feel better than those who do a jog or go workout.
not I n addition to releasing endor- I wonder, if this were the Ba-
VOL. 71 NO. 17 April 2,1998 phins, which block neurotransmit- roque period in which "heavy set"
ters that cause people to feel bad, women were the "in" ideal, if Ms.
people vs ho exercise also feel bel- Farrell would have wri tten her col-
Merciad Editors ter because they are enhanci ng their umn. Yeah Marcia, there are the
physical self, gaining confidence, "little immature boys" that YOU
Chris Wloch Editor-in-Chief Jim Hain Copy Editor increasing self-esteem as well as speak of who prefer tfyin women,
Jim Gorman News Editor Jessica Russell Photography garnishing many other heal th ben- but there are also guys but there
Scott Vance> Sports Editor Ian Davis 1 Advertising efits; and mere is nothing wrong, you might like in everyway who
1 narcissistic* or necessarily "com- also prefer thin women. You have
Carrie Tappe A&E Editor Emilio Colaiacovo Senior Writer
BUI Melville Features Editor Shawntae Howard Cartoons pulsive" with that. Attainingamore loaskyoursclftwoquestions. First,
attractive physique does not nec- what do I have to do mat would
Randy Hilliard Campus Life Editor Jerry Trambley Advisor essarily equal "the perfect surface make people I'm interested in, be
image" as suggested. interested in me? Secondly, is it
Merciad Staff Many people work out and par- worth it?
Joe Gallagher Marcia Far re II Paul Wynne take in diets with the other part of Yes, I do want my obituary to
Angela Harris Rich Costelloe the dual purpose in mind, which is read that I enjoyed I ife; but, I know
Todd Zielinski
that they wish to look better both to I enjoyed life much more from
Jamz Porzio Brian Eichstadt Neil Norberg
themselves and those that they may exercising, improving myself
Heather Cvikovich Perry Wood Bruce*Leon Snead wish to look good for. And what is physically, reaping all the associ-
wrong with that? Let's face it, ated benefits and feeling good.
The Merciad is the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst College. people do take into account physi - Maybe we can't ever reach our
Box 16 L 501 East 38th St. 16546. Phone: 824-2376.* cal attributes of others when at- "perfect image," but shouldn't we
traction is concerned, and ifpeople do u hat we can if wc so choose?
e Merciad are willing to do what it takes to Even i f there is along the way, a
signed make themselves more appealing little, what you might call obses-
Ttiesday to others, which could provide sion, it is certainly worth it.

P A G E 10

. . .

Petronio Retires from Language Department Chair

By BUI Melville in Erie almost all her life.> She partments were ? combined, she also received Me rcyhurst's Teach-
Features Editor attended Mercyhurst and received served a their joint director. ing Excellence Award,..
a bachelor's degree in French with "What impresses me most about For Petronio, teaching and inter-
Dr. Vivetta Petronio. director of a minor in English. Petronio then Dr. Petronio is that she always acting with students has always
ihe Foreign Languages and. Cul- received a master's from Mid- prepares her classes from scratch, been a priority. $

so that they don't become a rou-


tures department and professor of dlebury College in Vermont, and In foreign language classes, I
French, will retire in May, but will a doctorate from Yale University. tine exercise. Moreover, so many always hope that students attain
return next year as a part-time > Petronio was the first Mercyhurst students over the years have felt some fluency and a love for the
professor of I tal ian, because of the graduate to receive- ajFulbright free to go to her for advice not language and the culture. In litera-
Italian language requirement for fellowship, which she used to stu- related to academics. Many alumni ture courses, I would hope that
voice major at the D'Angelo mu- dy in France for a year. After she taught have kept in touch with students would gain some insight
sic school.. v teaching at Strong Vincent High her over the years," Sr. Elisabeth into experiencing life through lit-
Petronio said she plans "to pur- School for a year, Petronio took a Lintsen, director of Campus Min- erature."
position in the foreign language Dr. Vivetta Petronio istry, said. P Having spent the majority of her
sue other interests, including a trip
to Holland and Switzerland this department at Mercyhurst. Petronio saic she has been fortu- career at Mercyhurst, Petroniosaid
me to grow. nate to see many changes in Mer-
summer, where I plan to visit a Dr. Alice Edwards, professor of she was reluctant to place some
"I was persuaded to take the po- cyhurst during her time here.
friend I haven't seen in 18 years.** Spanish, said, "Over the past few accomplishments as more impor-
sition by Sr. Gabriel, who was then "Mercyhurst has taken on the at-
"Dr. Petronio was my Italian years. she has overseen tremen- tant than others.
the head of foreign language de- mosphere of a large college,
teacher when I first arrived here. I dous development in the depart- "It's hard to sum up my whole
partment. I thought I would enjoy whereas before it really had a
still like to stop in and talk to her in ment She has facilitated the rein- career since it has been so long and
college teaching more than high familial college atmosphere."
her office- in French and/or Ital- statement of several majors and diverse, but what has remained
school teaching, and that has
ian. Mercy hurst is losing a talented minors, and the creations of new Aside from her Fulbright Fel- consistent is working with a strong
proved to be true," Petronio said.
lady in Dr. Petronio," Bill Meyer, ones, such as the East/West Stud- lowship, Petronio has received sev- faculty. 1 also love working with
Petronio eventually became head
a senior anthropology major, said. ies minor. As a colleague, she's eral other awards in recent years. students, many of whom have be-
of the department, served for sev-
Originally from Collecorvino, been real .supportive and impor- Several years ago she was honored come great friends. Enjoying work
eral years as the director of the as Italian-American Woman of the
Italy, Petronio came to America tant for me because she's given with {students is an inseparable
me a lot of guidance and allowed humanities division, and when the part of this career," Petronio said.
when she was two, and has lived English and foreign language de- Year
^ «* *™ club
- Petro-mo

Milinovich: R e a d y to Return Pocus'to Music

By Bill Melville play a lead role in this May's Song and has been a peer minister for focus on her music, because
Features Editor of Norway. During her free time, Campus Ministry. school has limited the amount of
For Karen Milinovich, senior Millinovich takes*voice lessons "When I joined campus ministry time she has had for music.
early childhood education major, with Louisa Jonason, assistant in 1995, Karen helped tremen- "I know I'll end up teaching at
choosing a college was based on professor of music. dously to make me feel warm and some point, but for now I need a
both the school's closeness to her "Louisa's a very busy person, so welcome. She's blessed the entire taste of music again. Music has
home in Waynesburg, Pa., and the I'm lucky she's taken me in. She's campus with her beautiful voice as been such a big part of my life, so
quality of the education depart- really inspired my love for music. well as her beautiful personality. I need thetimejust to focus sole-
ment Even though I'm not a major, I As I watch her sing in church dur- ly on it," Milinovich said.
"I didn't want to go to school really feel like a part of the music ing these last few weeks of school, Milinovich said that her Mercy-
more than three hours from home, school," Milinovich said. I know my time with her is coming hurst experience has been nothing
but I wanted a school with a strong Milinovich also sings the national to an end. 1*11 miss her voice and but fulfilling.
focus on early childhood educa-. anthem at Mercyhurst football, smile, but most of all, I'll miss my "My mom once told me that ev-
lion. It was really just a matter of basketball,and hockey games. On friend," Michelle Garvey, campus erything here was mine to use, and
looking at campuses, and Mercy- Dec. 7,1997, she received the ho- minister, said. I've taken that to heart. I've be-
hurst had a definite homey feel. nor of singing the national anthem After graduation, Milinovich said come a better person for following
For me it was important that the before a Pittsburgh Steelers game she plans to take a year off and her advice," Milinovich said.
school had a music school and a Karen Milinovich at Three Rivers Stadium.
campus ministry, so I could re- "A friend of mine told me the

main active in those areas," help with children's activities. Steelers were asking for audition
Millinovich said. About her major, she said, "I al- tapes. I sent it in late June, and
Senior Tom Bender, a long time ways had a good connection to completely forgot about it until
friend of M i 1 i nov ich' s, said, "Fromthem. It's what I' ve always wanted they called me the day before
the first moment I met Karen, 1 to do."
knew there was something special
Thanksgiving to see if I could sing.
Despite majoring in early child- Needless to say, I was available,"
about her which demanded re- hood education, Milinovich has Milinovich said.
spect. I t*s hard today to find some- spent a lot of time working with the In addition to her singing,
one who's so genuine and consis- music department. Milinovich Milinovich currently serves as the
tent in who they are and what they was a member of the chorus in the president of Phi Eta Sigma, the
are." I £ D' A ngclo School \s productions of Mercyhurst honors society for
Cavalaria Rusticana and Ma-

Milinovich said she chose to be- freshmen, and has served as a
come an education major due to dame Butterfly. As a junior, member of Ambassador's Club.
her love for children. At her home Milinovich played a lead in The For all four years, Milinovich has
church, Milinovich volunteered to Marriage of Figaro % and will also worked in McAuley Admissions, !
April 2.1997 THEMERCIAD PAGE 11

Baseball T e a m Struggles to Find Winning

By Stephen Nolan game for us. When you put 15 runs
Sports Writer on the board it's a good perfor-
mance. The outfielders had a tough
The Men's Baseball team played day because it was so windy but
their first home games this week- they, did a ^ good job oft keeping
end at North East against confer- things under control," he said.
ence rivals Saginaw Valley. The Junior John McGowan pitched a
Lakers Splayed on Saturday and four-hitter on Sunday's opener. A
won the game with a 15-10 score. solo home run from Junior Mark
The second was rained out On George help the Lakers to victory.
Sunday the Lakers faced Saginaw An early start by Saginaw saw
in a double header, Mercyhurst them taking a 4-0 lead in the sec-
won the opener 4-3 and lost the ond inning. The Cardinals held out
second 8-5. The Lakers have a 9-8 for the rest of the game to take the
record, 2-1 in GLIAC conference. victory. , .•
The Lakers hit four home runs I ndi vidually the stars for the Lak-
against the Cardinals including a ers have been many, Freshman
grand slam by Senior Brian Mark Mattson is batting .424 and
DePalma in a seven run* second has four home runs and 11 RBI'S.
inning. DePaima is hitting a .327 Justin Santonocito has a .431 aver-
average for the season. Junior age, with six home • runs and 24
Adam Tills pitched 6 1/3 innings RBI'S. Mike Snusz has also been
and claimed the victory.t impressive fof*the Lakers batting
Tills said aboutthe game, "I felt .411, with 13 RBI'S.
The Lakers have some impres- Senior catcher Mike Dombkowski shows full concentration as he gets ready for the pitch
really good out there. I started to
get tired around the fifth inning but sive pitchers this season. Senior innings pitched, also McGowan Allendale,MI this weekend, where toughest teams w e will face in our
by that time I felt we had the game Jason Smith has two wins this sea- has over 28 pitched innings and they will play two double-headers conference," said Tills. Next week
in control. Our hitters were great son and an ERA of 1.59, Welker has an ERA of 6.67. ' .. against Grand Valley State. "This the Lakers return home for games
and they, with out a doubt, won the has an ERA of 2,16 in over 16 The Lakers will travel to is a big game. They are one of the against Point Park and North wood.

1rvf. 4'



% *

TOYOTA e y e KM el at)

Men Lacrosse Defeats Boston College t

By Todd Zielinski The Lakers scored the first goal a game high six points with three
Sports Writer and from there on, "We basical 1 y goals.
controlled the tempo," said Lang. Defensively, the Lakers did not
Last weekend the men's Lacrosse The Lakers offense was balanced, allow any two players to have more
team traveled to Cornell Univer- getting seven goals from seven dif- than two goals. Sophomore
mm ism
sity to play Boston College in a A ferent players. Sophomore Doug defense man Brent Crosato and Ed
tight Division I match up. Winning Bellamy took a lot off the pressure Gotovich were crucial as they shut
the match 12-9 the Hurst remains of the Lakers leading scorer, Se- down the highly explosive Boston
optimistic about the up coming nior co-captain Bruce Alexander College mid-fielders. Juniors Rory
k\$L match at Siena April 8th at 1 p.m. scoring three goals. J uni or Jon Sav- O'ConnorandBrianHapemanalso
According to assistant coach d » »
age also contributed scoring two played steady dependable defense.
Vinny Lang, the team had a dis- goals and an assist. Mid-fielder Derek Kravitz was steady in goal
tinctive game plan coming into the J.D. Jones took even more pres- for the Lakers stopping 26 shots,
Boston College match. The hot sure off the offense as he found the 17 of them in the fourth quarter.
weather and long bus trip meant Midas touch wi*h two points (goal Next on tap, the team gets ready
the Lakers had to rotate five men and an assist). x to take on Siena. Both offensive
on defense to keep everyone fresh A nother key point to the offense and defensive strategies will re-
so they could apply their high pres- was the majority of face-offs won main the same. According to coach
sure style defense. Offensively the by mid-fielder Gavin Prout who Lang rotating five guys on defense
mid-fielders had to take on more of allowed the Laker offense to basi- is a "great dilemma, because we
a scoring role because they knew cally "control the whole game." lose nothing." While not much is
Boston College would >look to The performance of; the game known about the S i ena team, coach
shadow their bestoffensi ve threats. would have to sophomore Lang said, "If we get off the bus
A Laker player tries to close down his opponent at the Erie stadium The results were outstanding. mid-fielderPaul Fullerton who had not ready to play they can hurt us."

Mixed Fortunes for C r e w Boats at Crawford Bay Classic

By Carrie Tappe stayed with host families from the
A &E Editor Portsmouth Area. Crew from
George Mason and jUSNA also
The Men's and Women's Var- resided with the host families, giv-
sity and JV crew teams traveled to ing the participating athletes a
the Crawford Bay Crew Classic in friendly environment to meet other 49

Portsmouth, Virginia -; last week- rowers. This is the first year Mer-
end. Competing against teams cyhurst competed in the Crawford
from University of VA, University Bay Crew Classic.
of North Carolina, George Mason, Mercyhurst will host its first
Hobart William and Smith; and the home race on Sunday, A pn 15, at 9
U.S. Naval Academy, the men's a. m. at Findley Lake in New York.
varsity and JV and Women's Var- The men's and women's Varsity,
sity boats all qualified for the fi- JV and Fresher teams will all be
nals. The Women's J V boat missed competing in the dual meet. This
qualifying by eight seconds. 1 would be a nice meet for the Lak-
While in Virginia, (he crews ers to win. The Mercyhurst men's eight enjoy thefineweather during their latest meet

Men's V-Ball Lose 3-1 To Ohio State

v.v.v v.v.v •.',•.•.•.•.::•• . v v % ^ V - V A v . v . ' . v . • . • . * . % • . v . v . v

This past Saturday evening the Mercyhurst Lakers men's volleyball

- t > : • # : • . * - • - * > . » • * *********** * • *^*-* * • • * * • ** * • • ! • ; • , * ! •

By Stephen :| team faced the Ohio State Buckeyes in a conference match. The Buck-
Sport* Writef. eyes brought with them a 21 -1 record to the match, a 7-0 record in the
conference, and a number fiverankingin the country. The Lakers came
into the match with a 15-7 overall record, and a 1-7 record in the
conference. The Buckeyes remained undefeated in the conference while
L^eSuperiorStateUniversrtyand ;:;wotttwoou^ the Lakers, dropped a hard-fought eighth game. The Lakers play domi-
an Teclt These wins fur- and with wins coming fp>$ nated the Buckeyes the first game of the match. The Lakers kept their
ifier nwproved the/Lakers overall" Vinci and Scott Robsoii and composure to win in extended play, 16-14. However, in games two three
• m m m m • m OUACV -mmmm
1 4 K
t H
and four of the match the Buckeyes took them 15-7,15-9, and 15-6.
Statistically the differences in the game were most evident on attacks-
< * t • * I . + • « # • * -

- 4 - * * • *
_ i _ • • m
• • » 4 # A

eames were irftport^it late* oT these wins waTTmpoftanf usand 1 nope we can 00 me same the Buckeyes spiked for .457, while the Lakers only spiked for .256. The
1 * I 1 •-'.*

GLIAC matches for the-team...... as it was won by the Lakerstna tie- next week against DilrfllonH pew- Lakers' Adam Tokash managed to hit .400, with 21 kills. On defense the
* #

: :
T h e ^ e r $ : ^ f c a ^ ^ U J « ^ ^ i ! i i i s ^ p i i ; | | : :crh«»e : | S ^ ^ ^ ^^jiw^k^ Lakers were led by Matt Tamborino who helped the team block the
f on Saturday and they had no trouble Therefore the Lakers onlyiieeded LSim^:
s^^^^taiGiMiS£0iate "V^lfl^ Buckeyes 13 times-

the Buckeyes blocked the Lakers only nine times.
t $ * •
' * 1
- J
. • •••

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