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Northern Regional College

BTEC National Diploma for IT Practitioners (Software Development) R9299

Unit number and title: Unit 5: Advanced Database Skills

Assessor: John McFadden

Campus: Magherafelt

Class: C00415 MCF1A

Submission Date: June 2009

Student name:

Grading Criteria
To achieve a Pass grade evidence for P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 must be demonstrated.
To achieve a Merit grade evidence for all the Pass criteria and M1, M2, M3 must be demonstrated.
To achieve a Distinction grade the evidence for all the Pass & Merit criteria and D1, D2 must be

Tracking Grid for Assignments

Assignments P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 M1 M2 M3 M4 D1 D2 D3

Final Assessor Signature


Northern Regional College
BTEC National Diploma for IT Practitioners (Software Development) R9299

Unit number and title: Unit 5: Advanced Database Skills

Assignment number and title: No. 1: Phoenix Circus School

Assessor: John McFadden

Date Out: Date In:

Student name:

Date submitted:

Certification: I certify that the whole of this work is the result of my individual effort and that
all quotations from books, Internet, etc. have been acknowledged.
Student signature:

Grading Criteria
To achieve a Pass grade evidence for P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 must be demonstrated.
To achieve a Merit grade evidence for all the Pass criteria and M1, M2, M3 must be demonstrated.
To achieve a Distinction grade the evidence for all the Pass & Merit criteria and D1, D2 must be

Assignment 1 gives the opportunity to demonstrate the following criteria:

Learning Outcome Met Comment Corrective
Y/N Action met
P2 – Design and implement a working
relational database with five tables and set up
relationships according to the user need
P3 – Design and implement features in data
entry forms to ensure validity and integrity of
P4 – Import data from an external source and
export query or report results to another
P6 – Devise and test queries using multiple
tables and multiple criteria
M2 – Implement consistent and appropriate
styling in the design and construction of a
M3 - Implement an automated function
D2 – Evaluated a database against the required
user need
D3 – Customise the user interface to meet the
needs of a defined user type
Northern Regional College

“The School Logo”

The Phoenix Circus School offers a National Diploma in Circus Arts. The course covers juggling,
trapeze skills, clowning and various other subjects including fire eating. Each trainee follows an
individual programme made up of the various modules available.

From your investigations and talking to the circus school staff, you have found out the following
information about the organisation and structure of the course.

• All trainees follow an individual selection of modules.

• The length of the module is related to its level

• Level 1 modules are 30 hours long
• Level 2 modules are 60 hours long
• Level 3 modules are 100 hours long.

• One tutor teacher’s only one module at all levels.

• On completion of each module the trainees achieve one of the following grades:
• Distinction
• Merit
• Pass
• Unclassified.

• The date that the trainee completed the module is printed on their certificate.
• It usually takes one month for the awarding body (Circus Schools UK) to supply the
Northern Regional College


At the end of this assignment you should have produced evidence to show that you are able to
design and produce a system based on a relational database to hold details of the trainees and
their module results. The system should be totally integrated and configured for the circus school’s
particular requirements and organisation.

Task 1 (P2)

• Filter this information and normalise into at least five related tables.
• Decide the relationships, table structures, fields and properties.
• Check the database with, and get it signed off by, your tutor or client before proceeding to
the next task.
• Modify as necessary and implement your design. (P2)

Task 2 (P3)

Using the tables from Task 1, design and implement suitable data entry forms which incorporate
features to ensure the validity and integrity of data. You must include the following:

• validation routine
• verification routine
• input masking
• check for completeness
• visual prompts
• data consistency
• data redundancy
• drop down/combination boxes. (P3)

Task 3 (P4)

a) Populate the tables ensuring that at least one of the tables is populated by importing data
from an external source (your tutor may provide this data).
b) Export Student details to create address labels in Word. (P4)

Task 4 (P6)

Devise and test queries using multiple tables and criteria. Create and save the following queries
that will allow the user to:

• list, in module number order, the names of students that have failed any module
• list the details of students that fail a particular module (parameter query)
• list the students over 19 years of age at the start of this academic year (1/9/07)
• produce a pass list giving all Distinction, Merit and Pass grades in order starting with
all the Passes, then the Merits, then the Distinctions
• allow
the user to search for a given trainee number and display their grades (parameter query)
Northern Regional College

Task 5 (M2, M3, D3)

Create a report for each of the queries created in task 4 (5 in total). Use a suitable standard house
style, logo, titles and formatting. The logo is available to download from the shared area. (M2)

Using the system you designed and generated, create a graphical front end menu system that will
enable the school to use the new system without the need to understand how to operate the
database software. (D3)

Create a macro to maximise the menu on start up. (M3)

Task 6 (D2)

Evaluate the database identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as providing an overall
conclusion as to whether the database has met the user requirements. (D2)

Ensure that you have documentation that shows the complete system design and
implementation process and that you have evidence to match the marking criteria.
Northern Regional College

This table provides a sample of the students’ record of the results issued

First Last Trainee Date

Name Name Number of Birth
Benjamin Boateng 800123


Module Name n Result

100 Learning to juggle 1 30 10/10/07 Pass

200 Acrobatic balancing 2 60 23/06/07 Pass
Static trapeze
250 2 60 05/03/07 Pass
Date Cert Applied for Date Cert Received Date Cert given to
25/06/07 24/07/07 30/07/07
10/03/07 11/04/07 15/04/07

First Last Trainee Date

Name Name Number of Birth
Tatiana Jones 800140 02/03/1989


Module Name n Result


330 Advanced juggling 3 100 10/10/07 Merit

345 Static trapeze (Advanced) 3 100 05/03/07 Distinction
210 Flying trapeze 2 60 13/01/06 Pass
Date Cert Applied for Date Cert Received Date Cert given to
25/03/07 24/04/07 30/04/07
13/02/06 11/04/06 15/04/06

First Last Trainee Date

Name Name Number of Birth
James Allen 800110
Northern Regional College



Module Name n Result

200 Acrobatic balancing 2 60 23/05/07 Unclassified

Date Cert Applied for Date Cert Received Date Cert given to

First Last Trainee Date

Name Name Number of Birth
Selima Khan 800145


Module Name n Result


100 Learning to juggle 1 30 19/10/07 Pass

102 Fire eating for beginners 1 30 02/07/07 Merit
Static trapeze
250 2 60 12/03/07 Merit
Date Cert Applied for Date Cert Received Date Cert given to
25/07/07 24/08/07 30/08/07
19/03/07 11/04/07 15/04/07
Northern Regional College

Student Checklist

Have you provided evidence of the following?

Task / Section / What you must do Done? Page No

Show normalisation from UNF to 3NF producing five tables.

P2 Produce an ERD that shows the required table design and

relationships. Implement it in access.

Entity/Table design documentation
Testing of each feature (screen dumps)
Import table of module length data
Export report to a word document or spreadsheet
Produce queries
Test queries

M2 Entity/Table design documentation
Produce a customised menu interface (use the switchboard
wizard) that starts from an autoexec file.

D2 Evaluate the database against the required user need
Produce a customised menu interface (use the switchboard
wizard) that starts from an autoexec file.
Northern Regional College

Grading Criteria Feedback

PASS : To achieve a Pass grade you must achieve all of the Pass criteria
Description of Evidence Required Assessor’s Comment 

Describe the purpose and features of a

relational database

Design and implement a working relational

P2 database with five tables and set up
relationships according to the user need
Design and implement features in data
P3 entry forms to ensure validity and integrity
of data
Import data from an external source and
P4 export query or report results to another
Carry out modifications to an implemented
P5 database with the addition of another
table according to user need
Devise and test queries using multiple
tables and multiple criteria.

MERIT : To achieve a Merit grade you must achieve all Pass and Merit criteria
Description of Evidence Required Assessor’s Comment 
Explain referential integrity and the
M1 purpose of primary keys in building the
relationships between tables

Implement consistent and appropriate

M2 styling in the design and construction of
a database

Implement an automated function

Explain how records and related records
M4 are deleted to ensure the integrity and
consistency of the database is

DISTINCTION : To achieve a Distinction grade you must achieve all Pass, Merit and Distinction
Description of Evidence Required Assessor’s Comment 
Analyse potential errors in the design and
construction of a database and how
D1 these can be avoided

Evaluate a database against the required

user need
Northern Regional College
Customise the user interface to meet the
needs of a defined user type.
Northern Regional College

Division of Business and Administration & I.T.

Internal Verification of an Assignment

Unit Name : Advanced Database Skills Unit Number : 5 Level :


Assignment Title : Pheonix Circus School

Course Name : BTEC National Diploma for IT Practitioners Date of issue :

1. Tasks/activities appropriate to the level of qualification. Y / N


2. Tasks/activities are clear, achievable and meet the requirements of the unit. Y / N

3. Tasks provide opportunities for key skills. Y / N


4. Tasks provide opportunities for all grades to be achieved. Y / N


5. Assessment methods and evidence requirements are clearly indicated

and appropriate to the tasks/activities. Y / N

6. The assignment is supported by appropriate recording documents. Y / N


Recommended changes/amendments:

- None -

Signed…Stuart Brenton…… Date…31/10/07………….

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