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Over the last two decades successive Tory and Labour governments have brought in refoms to the NHS

which have introduced elements of the market and privatisation into parts of the NHS. Now Tory government minister, Andrew Lansley, has proposed a bill which will abolish primary care trusts and replace them with GP consortia responsible for allocating NHS budgets. This is de facto privatisation of the NHS, and should be opposed by all who want to preserve a health service free to all at the point of use. We the undersigned demand:

Save the NHS

More Info Anti-cuts

Stop the cuts. For a fully funded, publicly owned NHS An end to privatisation-through-the-back-door through GP consortiums and other methods Return privatised services to NHS control. Publicly fund and integrate them with the rest of the NHS United action to defend the NHS involving trade unions, anti-cuts groups and service users. Name Address
Socialist Party

Please return to the Socialist Party, PO Box 24697, London, E11 1YD

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