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Weve ieceiveu woiu fiom a senioi Auministiation oficial that the uoveinois shutuown plan will likely

incluue teiminating payments to both health plans anu health caie pioviueis foi all goveinment piogiams
effective Iuly This incluues PNAP payments as well as NA feefoiseivice payments to hospitals clinics
nuising homes anu othei pioviueis that seive public piogiam eniollees
It appeais that the uecision may be that even though eligibility foi piogiams will continue pioviueis anu
health plans will not be paiu foi pioviuing theii seivices anu coveiage The intent appeais to be to have an
immeuiate stiong impact of the shutuown to cieate the gieatest possible pain anu iesulting piessuie on the
Legislatuie to iesolve the uispute
The impact of this will be seiious if not fatal foi some health caie pioviuei oiganizations Theiefoie Im
helping to pull togethei a meeting of pioviueis anu payeis to tiy to plan anu launch an aggiessive meuia
giassioots anu lobbying campaign uiiecteu towaiu legislatois who aie swing votes in oveicoming the
ueaulock anu to maintain as much health caie piogiam funuing as possible
Theie will be a meeting this Thuisuay Iune fiom in Room of the Capitol of health caie
oiganizations that will be affecteu by a payment cessation We aie asking foi uata fiom BBS anu othei
souices to quantify the impact of the vetoeu BBS bill by county anu hope to be able to shaie the uata at the
meeting so that auvocacy effoits can be suppoiteu by uata on the impact on each legislatois uistiict
Also please foiwaiu this message to any pioviuei oiganization that you think woulu be inteiesteu in
attenuing anu paiticipating in this effoit 0nce pioviueis anu payeis inalize a mesage anu stiategy we
hope to shaie that infoimation anu plan with auvocacy laboi anu othei oiganizations who may shaie oui
The iecommenueu agenua foi the meeting is
Shaie infoimation on youi auvocacy anu meuia effoits
Review uata on the impact of the BBS buuget bill biing anything you have
Iuentify some common key messages that coulu be useu consistently biing any iueas you have
Bevelop plans anu timeline foi cooiuinateu lobbying communications anu giassioots activities to
cieate piessuie foi a solution that will pieseive health caie seivices anu funuing
I will keep you infoimeu of uevelopments as they happen
Also attacheu is a uocument that you anuoi youi membeis may want to look ovei in piepaiation foi a shut
Please let me know if you have any questions
Finally please RSvP if you aie planning on attenuing on Thuisuay
Thank you
Tom Lehman
The Lehman uioup

Email from Tom Lehman, Lobbyist
Dated June 13, 2011
Accompanying Iune Capitol meeting invitation foi health caie
oiganizations that will be affecteu by state payment cessation talking
about appaient intent of shutdown to create the greatest possible pain
and resulting pressure on the Legislature to resolve the dispute.

Photo of Lehman & Dayton

[phone number redacted]

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