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Job Evaluation

Job evaluation is a process through which jobs are Described Analysed Weighted The outcome,a total score in points expresses the weight of a particular job in relation to other jobs.

Job Evaluation


Job evaluation consists of the following elements : A clearly defined method Benchmark jobs Procedures describing the process Plain easy to understand communication on the method.

Process of Job Evaluation


Organisation Jobs Objectives Procedures Communication Business Characteristics Job Description Job Analysis Job Evaluation Ranking of Jobs Classification

Job Evaluation Organisation and Jobs


As Jobs are part of an Organisation, Job Evaluation must take all elements of the Organisation into consideration. Responsibility and authority of one department/job must not be attributed to another Interrelationships should be established Then jobs can be compared and weighed

Job Evaluation Objectives


Objectives must be clearly formulated. Recruitment & Selection Renumeration Training & Development Personal Assessment Career Counselling and HR Planning Organisational Analysis

Job Evaluation Procedures


Procedures concern Implementation of the JE system Appealing against the outcome of JE. Job Description Perceived role Expected Role Accepted Role

Job Evaluation International Position Evaluation System


The IPE System is a point system based on 7 factors. They are: Size of responsibility 1.Impact on Organisation 2.Supervision Scope of responsibility 3.Area of responsibility 4.Interaction Job Complexity 5.Qualification 6.Problem Solving 7.Environment Conditions

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