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Code No: 52208/MT

M.Tech. – II Semester Regular Examinations, September, 2008


(Common to Power Electronics & Electric Drives/
Electrical Power Systems/ Power & Industrial Drives/
Power Electronics/ Electrical Power Engineering)

Time: 3hours Max. Marks:60

Answer any FIVE questions

All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Explain with examples the design of optimum FIR filters and delay
equalized elliptic filters.
b) Determine the Least square FIR inverse of length 3 to the system
with impulse response.

2.a) Compare IIR and FIR filters.

b) Using bilinear transformation method, design a low pass derived
from a second-order Butterworth analog filter with a 3 dB cutoff
frequency of 100Hz. The sampling rate is 1000Hz.

3.a) Explain Bartlett window.

b) Design a low-pass FIR filter length 7 with a linear phase to
approximate ideal low-pass filter.
H ( e j w ) = { 10 ffoo rr ||ww ||≤> 33 rroa dd // sseecc
WT=9 rad/sec
Use Hamming window.

4.a) Determine the DFT of the sequence of (n) which is a product of two
sequences given as x(n)=u(n)-u(n-5), h(n)=u(n)-u(n-2).
b) Determine the N-point DFT of the following length-N sequence
defined for
0 ≤ n ≤ N − 1 xa [n]sin(2π n / N )
5.a) Explain the generalized Rome ZFIR filter design.
b) What is a tunable FIR filter? Explain various steps involved in the
design of a Tunable low pass FIR filter.

Code No: 52208/MT ::2::

6.a) Explain the quantization of fixed-point numbers.

b) Explain quantization noise model.

7.a) Determine the power spectra for the random process generated by
the following deference equation
x(n)=-0.81 x(n-2)+w(n)-w(n-1)
where w(n) is a white noise process with variance σw2.
b) Explain how periodogram will be useful in non-parametric spectral

8. Consider the linear system described by the difference equation:

Where x(n) is a wide-sense stationary random process with zero
mean and autocorrelation.
rxx (m) = (1/ 2)( m )
a) Determine the power density spectrum of the output y(n)
b) Determine the autocorrelation ryy(m) of the output
c) Determine the variance σ2y of the output.


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