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Honorable Joan Hartley Honorable Stephen Dargan Public Safety & Security Committee Legislative Office Building Room

3600 Hartford, CT 06106 August 24, 2011 Dear Senator Hartley and Representative Dargan, In response to the recent announcement by the Malloy administration of the imminent layoff of 56 state troopers, I respectfully request that you convene a public hearing of the Public Safety & Security Committee to discuss the implications of this decision. The Governor has insisted that these layoffs will not impact first line public safety services. However, Commissioner Bradford stated that these layoffs will impact some services to which he explicitly named the Major Crime Squad as an example. I have grave reservations that the Commissioner mentioned this specific specialized unit. As you know, there are only three major crime units for the state of Connecticut. Often times these units are dispatched to communities to assist in the most horrific crime scene investigations; home invasion, child abduction and murder to name a few. The slightest delay in response time by these units may have a devastating and detrimental effect on the outcome of a serious felony case. Moreover, 81 of the 169 towns in Connecticut rely on 24-7 coverage by state troopers as their sole protector of public safety. I want to be assured and have the ability to ask questions regarding a seamless transition of staff redeployment. Thank you for your consideration of my request. Respectfully,

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