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Audience Profile

Above is a picture of a typical member of our audience. Our niche market is 16-24 year old (mostly males). We have chosen this audience with our artist in mind. Our artist Perplexas name stands for confusion. This confusion is reflected in the youth of today. Our artist raps about guiding modern young adults, for example in Big City Life.
Likes: Good lyrical music Relaxing to beats Freestyling Sharing music Musical Preferences: Hip-Hop, Rap, Grime

Media Consumer Habits: Buys Hip-Hop magazines (eg, Vibe, XXL) has Facebook and Twitter owns iPod

Dislikes: Gimmicky music Attention Pedantic people

Disposable Income: branded clothes shoes magazines accessories

Idolts/Role Models: Martin Luther King Eminem Kanye West Biggie Smalls Tupac Kenny Dalglish

Hobbies: going out with friends cinema parties meals football gigs/festivals

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