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The power of Beliefs

1) What are your limitations?

a) Tim Treadwell - Crazy Bear guy

b) Lance Armstrong - Cancer

c) Sean Stephenson - Osteogenisis Imperfecta

d) Mark Wellman - Paraplegic


ii) In 1989, made history with ascent of the 3,000-foot face of El Capitan in

Yosemite National Park.

e) Your beliefs effect others - especially women

i) The power of aced lies in the power of beliefs

ii) Self limiting beliefs

(1) I'm ugly

(2) I'm poor

(3) I'm Short

(4) I'm shy

(5) "What if?"

iii) Empowering beliefs

(1) "Truth" is unimportant - utility is what counts

(2) "I can"

(3) "I will"

(4) "It's possible"

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(5) "I believe"


i) What it is

ii) How it developed

iii) How it's applied to social situations

(1) Examples

g) Acceptance

i) Definition

ii) Levels:

(1) Social

(2) Personal

(3) Intimate

(4) Sexual

iii) All people need and deserve social acceptance (until proven otherwise -

through screening)

iv) How to show it and when.

(1) It costs nothing, yet gives a great deal - social alchemy - the philosopher's


v) How it differs from "supplication" (requires detachment, without ego


h) Compassion

i) Definition

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(1) Desire to relive suffering in others

ii) Unconditional - for the state of humanity

iii) Requires action based on empathetic experience

i) Empathy

i) Definition

(1) The ability to sense and feel what others feel

(2) Passive - does not require action to experience.

(3) Needed for compassionate action.

j) Detachment

i) Definition

(1) Required in relation to acceptance - the mirror image of it.

ii) Ego detachment

iii) Lack of strong desire and grasping

iv) Detachment from expectations in others

v) Detachment from external validation

vi) Detachment from needieness.

k) How ACED works in synergy internal and external

i) Reciprocal altruism

ii) Mirror neurons

iii) Without all four elements present and in balance, it will not work.

iv) Guided by feelings and intuition, not logic. Right hemisphere - no rules.

(1) Pay attention to what SHE feels, not what you DESIRE

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(2) Lead her emotions positively - "Emotional Leadership" is what women


v) Must be genuinely felt - impossible to fake (unless you are a sociopath)

vi) Meta-frame: "Happiness buys Happiness"

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The real "Matrix" and why men and women have such difficulty
connecting in modern Western cultures.

1) The problem – negative cultural programming

a) Females

i) Body Image

(1) Thin

(2) Youthful

ii) Social status acquired through status of mate

b) Males

i) Dominance

ii) Aggression

iii) Status through wealth and leadership

iv) Female desirability programmed

c) These are natural, but grossly distorted

2) Impact on female to male social interactions

a) Values

b) Expectations

c) Cultural and peer pressure

d) Everyone is unhappy

i) The ant and the blade of grass

(1) Who benefits?

3) Unplugging from the Matrix

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a) Biology – Drives and evolutionary imperatives.

i) Selfish Genes. Our behaviors and instinctual drives are the result of this


ii) We are here for one purpose – to reproduce and insure the survival of

offspring. (meta purpose)

iii) Sex fills many roles besides strict procreation (sub purposes – what we

perceive directly).

(a) It is pleasurable

(b) It creates and reinforces social bonds

(c) It produces a baby

iv) Sperm wars

(1) Less than 1% of male sperm is useful for fertilization. The rest is “killer


(a) Implications for monogamy?

v) Cuckolding

(1) 10% to 20% of children in marriages are NOT the biological offspring of

the husband

(a) Biological reasons for this

(i) Lover / Alpha male

1. Sexually exciting – strong genetics

2. Unreliable

(ii) Provider / Beta male

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1. Sexually dull – weak genetics

2. Reliable – provides safety and security for her and the children

(b) If she can have both, her offspring are more likely to succeed and

propagate her genes

vi) The importance of male value

(1) Male Archetypes

(a) Provider (Matrix encouraged)

(i) Begs and supplicates

(ii) Woman eventually “settles” for this type

(b) Lover (discouraged)

(i) Sensual, romantic, dominant, persistent, un predictable

(ii) Polyamourous

(iii) Poor long term partner

(c) Adventurer (encouraged)

(i) Exciting, dominant, unpredictable

(ii) Polyamourous

(iii) Poor long term partner – engages in risky behavior – unsuitable


(2) Female acceptance of male behavior

(a) Women instinctively understand these types

(b) Don’t lie

vii) The child is the prize

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(1) Different sexual end games

(a) Male

(i) Sex – her body

(b) Female

(i) Sex – The good feelings (comfort, excitement, safety) and the baby

he can provide

b) Field work and observation

i) Importance

(1) To see is to believe

ii) Techniques

(1) Night game

(2) Day game

4) Towards an ethical system of seduction

a) Basic rules:

i) The man must lead

ii) Do no harm

iii) Do not lie

iv) Acceptance

v) Compassion

vi) Empathy

vii) Detachment

viii)It’s the man’s role to initiate interactions.

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(1) Keep them POSITIVE.

ix) The man must LEAD the interaction

x) The woman will offer resistance and test the man.

(1) The man must pass these tests or they will become more severe and


xi) The man must not display jealous or needy behavior in response to tests

(1) He must not take them seriously

(2) He should view them as signs of attraction

(3) He should never display anger towards the woman or the men she may

use as pawns

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Field work, tactics, and strategies

1) Field work – You must get out of the house!

a) Calibration is key

i) Be willing to fail often, just like Babe Ruth.

ii) Learn from your mistakes

iii) Don’t take rejection personally

b) Venues

i) Day

ii) Night

c) Opening – It’s just a game!

i) Develop a social persona

(1) Girls do it, so you should too.

(a) Provides cover

(b) Presents a challenge

(c) When to drop the persona and become REAL. (quickly – once the set


ii) Screening and archetypes

(1) Good girl

(2) Adventuress

(3) Materialista

(4) Ranking and how to engage.

(a) Rank is purely situational

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(b) Beauty is both situational and cultural

(c) Don’t play a “7” like a “10”

iii) Peacocking

(1) They open you!

(2) Sub-communicates confidence.

(a) But there is a CATCH!

iv) The cold approach

(1) Never:

(a) From behind

(b) Interrupt

(2) Always

(a) Open EVERYONE, especially people you find UNATTRACTIVE. Guys


(i) This builds social proof – the life blood of night game cold PU.

(b) BACK UP to the set and open over your shoulder like you might leave

at any moment.

(c) Open the LEAST attractive girl FIRST.

(d) Pay more attention to her FRIENDS than to her.

(3) Passive Strategies:

(a) Make them bump into you….

(i) Horny priest opener. =)

(4) If you are “busted” =)

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(a) “Me hitting on you? Hahahahah! You should be so lucky!” (then do a

takeaway and quickly open an adjacent set)

(5) When and how to eject

(a) The set from hell – Huntley story (very rare, but the absolute WORST

that can happen)

(b) If they start to gang up on you, you’re screwed – eject!-eject!-eject!

(i) “You guys are REALLY, really cute……(pause)….. It’s too bad you

are so SOCIALLY AWKWARD…. – (Then backturn them

(takeaway) and immediately open another adjacent set)

v) Eye contact

(1) Don’t look away or smile until she does

(a) Down and away with a smile = you are IN. Go say “Hi”

(b) Sideways – she’s not sure – approach on her second glance

(c) Up and away = forget it and move on…quickly

vi) Positioning

(1) Find the MOST VISIBLE spot in the bar – this is your “stage”

(a) Face OUTWARD

(b) Take up a lot of SPACE

(c) REALAX .

(d) Talk to EVERYONE.

(e) Toasts!

vii) Body language

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(1) Posture

(a) Relaxed and spread out.

(b) Drink LOW, Preferably between legs – almost lewd!

(c) SMILE COSMO! (hard, frowning expressions = DEATH)

(d) Low sleepy eyes – Eastwood squint

(e) Soft facial expressions

(f) Look of contempt….

(2) Movement

(a) SLOW DOWN – think peanut butter!

(b) Don’t startle the deer!

d) Mid game

i) Set dynamics

(1) Cockblocks – They will ALWAYS appear, so learn to deal effectively with


(a) Her friends are either allies or enemies depending on your behavior

(b) Win over her friends – pay attention to the guys and girls in her social

circle, and IGNORE her AT FIRST.

(c) Wing should occupy your “target” then switch later to the social

obstacle so you can build rapport with her.

(2) Amogs

(a) Other guys will get jealous and try to undermine you, or even

physically threaten you (rare, but it happens)

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(i) Preempt the threat – make friends with ALL the guys

1. Introduce them to women you just met – spread the love…

(ii) LEAVE

1. 99% of the time, the Amog will have no social skills – the

woman will quickly blow him out FOR YOU.

2. This is why RATIO is irrelevant

a. AFCs = Hot sun in the desert, and you are a cool drink of


3. Go back later – now you and the girl have something fun to


(iii) “Gaymogging” (Fun!)

1. Subtlety come on to the GUY, and glance knowingly at the

WOMAN. Sub-communicate and treat him like a WOMAN.

a. He will likely run for his life, leaving you and the girls alone

2. She will get exactly what you are doing, and will laugh her ass


(3) Winging

(a) Very, very few guys are good at this


(c) Build up your wing and occupy any potential obstacles

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(d) Requires fluid rapport and subtle non-verbal communication,

absolutely no jealousy or competitiveness, sharp social skills and keen

awareness of group dynamics.

ii) Frame control

(1) Frame = underlying meaning of the communication

(a) Meta frames

(i) Sub-frames = layers of meaning and subcommunication

(b) Man MUST control the frame

(i) Example: “Flirting with me” opener

1. Establishes the following frames:


b. Sub-frames:

i. I’m confident

ii. I’m not afraid of you

iii. I’m fun and outgoing

(c) Woman will try to get control of the frame

(i) If she does her ego goes up but attraction goes down

(ii) Congruence testing

1. “What’s with that HAT”

2. Are you GAY?

iii) Conversational topics. I like to start predictably, then suddenly switch it up


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(1) Nothing boring or typical.

(a) Avoid Work, School, Family, politics, religion, etc

(b) Engage her with pleasant, sensual, or exciting topics

(i) Travel

(ii) Pleasure

(iii) Food

(iv) Fantasy

(v) Sex (yes….SEX!)

(2) Sub-communication

(a) Women look for the “hidden” meaning of what you are saying

(i) Swinger story

iv) Kino testing


(i) Non sexual – only on high notes – then escalate

1. Hand

2. Arm

3. Shoulder

4. Back

5. neck


(i) Kiss test

v) Linguistics – the true KEY to seduction – SS is the BEST.

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(1) Words and language actually CREATE reality (lynn Bolte)

(2) Goal is to shut down logical hemisphere and get her imagining pleasure

with YOU

(3) Prosody

(a) Rhythm and pacing of speech

(i) Pacing – slow and rhythmic – but calibrate to target and match

(ii) Tonality – anchor pleasant or exciting thoughts with slightly lower


1. Mary had a little lamb

(4) Metaphor

(a) Use metaphors – be indirect and subtle – “The Chameleon”

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Attraction, Grooming, and Lifestyle

1) Attraction Theory

a) “Attraction is not a choice”

i) Male to female

(1) Visual

(2) Fertility

(a) Breasts

(b) Hips

(3) Attraction = sex for men. Men think it’s the same for women – it is NOT.

ii) Female to Male

(a) More complex

(i) Survival and replication value – Her objective is the child

(ii) “Venus”

1. Leadership and dominance

a. Strength

b. Resources

c. Resoluteness

2. Social Status

3. Grooming / clothing

a. Sub-communicates status

4. Generosity

a. Willingness to share his resources (benefits offspring)

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(b) "Attraction" is emotional for women

(i) Physical much less important

(ii) Too much can be bad (he’s “vain”)

(c) Attraction can be built over time

(d) Attraction does not equal sex for women

b) Initially, RAPPORT is more important than attraction

i) Build through mirroring and listening

ii) Don’t be creepy

(1) Avoid staring at her sex organs…

c) Attraction is built through CHALLENGE

i) Challenging a woman sub-communicates status, non neediness, and


(1) “What is the most exciting thing you have ever done”

(2) Disqualification:

(a) “Too bad your not adventurous”

(b) “We would never get along”

ii) Qualification

(1) Woman must feel she deserves attention for reasons other than sex.

(a) Once attracted, she will exhibit qualifying behavior by talking about her

interests or education or skills in some way.

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(i) LET HER SPEAK and listen carefully. Don’t interrupt – she likes

you, she is not trying to compete with you, she is trying to impress


(ii) You do not need to qualify yourself to her. This is supplicating

behavior, and is unattractive to women (seen as insecurity –

bragging, ego)

d) Lifestyle

e) Congruence

i) You must present a congruent image –

(1) La Figura – “the whole person”

(a) Details are important – they sub-communicate care

(b) Your living space is a huge reflection on you –

(i) More important than an expensive car by far – it’s where the

connection actually happens!

(ii) Expect to spend as much as you would on a nice car on your


(c) Clothing

(i) Fashionable, do not need to be expensive, just CURRENT

(ii) Clean, well fitting. Look at GAY men if in doubt!

(iii) Don’t leave the house dressed poorly – EVER. You never know

when Mrs right will walk into your life…

(d) Personal care and grooming – A really big problem for many men

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(i) Teeth

1. Brush and floss often

(ii) Hair

1. Pay for a good cut at least monthly – every two weeks is better

a. Sub-communicates both status and self esteem

(iii) Nails

1. Manicure and pedicure – women REALY notice this

a. How would you like a finger with a hang-nail up your ass?

(iv) Body

1. Wash your balls and ass before sex. Hands too you pig!

a. Sub-communicates CARE to the woman.

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Bouncing, Pulling, and Closing

1) Prepare the ground and handle logistics

a) She needs “social cover”

i) ASD

(1) Avoid making out in front of her peers

(2) Move her around the venue (leadership and compliance)

ii) Serial killers

(1) Woman takes a big risk when leaving with you

(a) Don’t be creepy

iii) Invite her over for food and an “after party” at closing

iv) Ask for a ride home

v) I usually walk or ride a skateboard – I’ve never been refused

vi) The ease of the double pull

(1) They are both safe

(2) Taps into universal bisexuality of women…. hooray!

(3) Diffuses cockblocking and plays on female competitive instincts.

(4) Logistics easier with a wing, but prevents 3 way, 4 way still possible

though =)

b) Night game phone numbers are generally worthless – pull or don’t bother

c) Your home

i) Clean

ii) Organized
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iii) Comfortable

iv) The Seductive environment

(1) Music

(2) Lighting

(3) Art

(4) Furnishing

v) Well stocked with food and beverages

(1) Keep the part vibe rolling!

vi) Layers of seductive space

(1) Kitchen

(a) Least seductive, safest

(b) Clean

(2) Living room

(a) More comfortable, seductive.

(b) Couch important

(i) Consider condoms and lube hidden nearby – you never know.

(c) Home entertainment

(i) Music

(ii) Film

(iii) books

(3) Bathroom -

(a) Clean and well stocked

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(b) Have a couple of spare toothbrushes =)

(c) Towels soaps toilet paper etc important.

(4) Bedroom – The most sensual space

(a) Dimmers and candles

(b) Linens

(c) Music

(d) Television

(e) Massage oil

(f) Condoms and lube EASILY available

d) So, you have her home, she’s comfortable…NOW WHAT?

i) Vibing – just vibe with her, and don’t think about sex. Instead, think about

CONNECTING with her. Sex should not matter to you (you are not needy -

DETACHMENT). You have been establishing this vibe of connection with her

all evening. Think about the following:

(1) You have unconditional COMPASSION for her and her human condition

as a woman.

(2) You EMPATHISE with her feelings and emotions without becoming

attached to them or to her. You don’t NEED anything from her – you are

simply happy to be sharing this moment, right now with her. No past, no

future, just NOW

(3) You completely ACCEPT her – mind, body and spirit. There is no

judgement in your mind about her or the circumstances of the evening.

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She is a beautiful, unique and complete human being. You must feel this

UNCONDITIONALLY towards her. You must also accept yourself and

your desires for her.

ii) Escalation

(1) You are the man, it is your role in courtship is to smoothly escalate

physically with her until she stops you, or has sex with you.

(a) Make-out

(i) Easiest surest path

(ii) Touch her hair, cup her face, go in for the kiss

(b) Massage

(i) Safe and non sexual intermediate step if she resists making out

(not all girls like to kiss before sex – strange but true!)

(ii) Good excuse to remove her clothing.

1. Remember – women need to be able to say “it just happened”

2. Once her clothing is off, the massage will both arouse and relax

her. Dont massage for too long before escalation - oxytocin kills


3. Do this SLOWLY unless she signals otherwise that she is ready

for sex through the following:

a. Deep passionate kissing

b. Hips grinding on your leg

c. Moaning, sighing

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d. Grabing your ass or cock (obviously!)

4. When you sense she aroused, start to escalate more

aggressively, but still sensually, and with respect for her arousal


(c) If she stops you (LMR) do the following:

(i) Don’t get mad – women feel the same as you feel before a cold

approach right before sex for the first time.

1. This is called “threshold anxiety” and it can be terrifying for her.

2. The consequences of sex are much more profound for the

woman than for the man – remember – acceptance.

compassion, empathy, detachment.

3. It does not mean she does not want to have sex with you – just

that she needs more time.


(ii) Back off, go get a drink, use the restroom, check your e-mail – do a

mini "takeaway" so she feels a little bit of loss of your affection, and

that you will not pressure her for sex.

(iii) Wash, rinse, repeat.

(2) At some point you may wish to move her from the living room to the


(a) Best to get up take her by the hand, and simply say “come with me –

there is something I’d like to show you” with a wink and a smile =)

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(b) Once in the bedroom, try to get her to remove her clothes if she hasn’t

already (take them off for her – don’t ask)

(c) If she resists, don’t pressure or force her – simply jump in bed with her

and vibe some more with her. Remember – you don’t expect anything

from her. Sex is totally her choice now, and you MUST respect this

(d) You can try playful “cavemanning” – wrestling with her, biting her neck,

etc. Some women really like this, and become very aroused. Others

don’t like it. Calibrate carefully, and back off and do a mini takeaway if

you sense true resistance.

(e) Condoms (and lube) are a must.

(i) Avoid interrupting the mood at the moment of truth with clumsy

condom fumbling.

(ii) Some guys recommend applying the condom during the

MAKEOUT so as not to interrupt the mood and flow at the moment

of truth.

(iii) Another (more risky) strategy is to apply the condom after initial

penetration and a few strokes of intercourse. At this point she will

be past her threshold anxiety, and will allow you to apply the

condom and continue intercourse.

(iv) Be an expert at unwrapping condoms in the dark, and applying

them quickly and smoothly. It’s your role as a man to have this


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(3) The next day –

(a) If she sleeps over, either make breakfast for her or take her out

(b) If she wants to leave that night, walk her to her car.

(c) Call her the next day - even if you don't want to see her again - this

shows respect and class.

(d) Be upfront about your lifestyle and intentions from the start - DON'T

LIE JUST TO GET SEX. This is both ethical and practical advice.

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