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Learning Plan Trimester #2 2010-2011 Students Name___________________________________________

Milestone 1-Due Wednesday, January 12, 2011

o Resources (books, websites, questions for interviews, etc.) for all projects o There needs to be 3 websites and 3 kid-friendly books for a MINIMUM of 6 resources

Milestone 2-Due Thursday, January 27, 2011

o Notes from all resources. o It should be in outline format. o Each outline must include at least 3 main topics and at least two sub-topics per main topics. An example has been provided below.

Outline Example
1. First Topic (1-2 sentences) A. Sub-topic (2-3 sentences) B. Sub-topic (2-3 sentences) 2. Second Topic (1-2 sentences A. Sub-topic (2-3 sentences) B. Sub-topic (2-3 sentences) 3. Third Topic (1-2 sentences) A. Sub-topic (2-3 sentences) B. Sub-topic (2-3 sentences)

Milestone 3-Due Friday, February 11, 2011 Milestone 4-Due Thursday, March 3, 2011

o This is visual aids for all of the driving question (interest project).

o This is visual aids for all academic areas on the checklist (math, writing, reading, social studies, and science).

____________________________________________________________________ Please sign below indicating that you have received and understand the criteria for all four Milestones along with the due dates. Childs name ____________________________________________________ Parents signature ________________________________________________ Date _______________

Learning Plan Trimester #2 2010-2011 Students Name___________________________________________ Driving Question: _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Milestone 1: Resources-Due Thursday, January 12, 2011
Books: Please list all of the books/magazine articles that you HAVE AT HOME right now that relate to your driving question and/or science project. If you cant fit everything on this side, please put the rest on the back.

Reminder: At least 3 books are required


Websites: Please list all of the websites that you have visited that relate to your driving question and/or science project. You also need to bring printed copies of the information you are using from the website. Be specific! Just writing is not enough! If you cant fit everything on this side, please put the rest on the back.

Reminder: At least 3 websites are required

WEB ADDRESSES For example:

Interviews/Letters: If you have to write letters or interview someone for your project, you need to bring copies of the interview questions and copies of the letters that you have sent out already.

PLEASE DO NOT TEAR APART! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I verify that my child has all of these resources at home right now. ____________________________________________ ________________________ Parent Signature Date

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