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I. Introduction

Cartea tehnica a constructiei se compune The technical book of the building consist din ansamblul de documente referitoare la an overall documents refering to the design, proiectarea, executia, receptia, exploatarea, execution, reception, exploitation, maintenance, intretinerea, repararea si urmarirea in timp a repair and tracking of the building in time. constructiei. Ea cuprinde documentatia de baza structurata pe patru capitole si doua anexe care, prin completarea lor, formeaza, in final , Cartea Tehnica a Constructiei in conformitate cu HG nr.273/1994 , si anume: Fisa de date sintetice Capitolul A : Documentatia privind proiectarea Capitolul B : Documentatia privind executia Capitolul C : Documentatia privind receptia Capitolul D : Documentatia privind exploatarea, intretinerea, repararea si urmarirea comportarii in timp Jurnalul evenimentelor It includes the base documentation that is structured in four chapters and two annexes which, from their completion form the Technical Book as per GD no.273/1994, in the end, as it follows: Index card of the synthetic dates Chapter A : The design documentation Chapter B : The execution documentation Chapter C : The reception documentation Chapter D : Documentation for exploitation, maintenance, repair and tracking of the behavior in time. Events journal

Cap. A : Documentatia privind proiectarea Documentatia privind proiectarea va cuprinde, conform HG nr.592 / 1993 (Regulament privind procedurile de organizare a licitatiilor) : 1. Tema de proiectare, elaborata de investitor (beneficiar) 2. Amplasarea obiectului judet, localitate, strada, numar 3. Avize si acorduri: Avizele si acordurile emise de organele in drept, potrivit legislatiei in vigoare, privind: avizul ordonatorului principal de credite privind necesitatea si oportunitatea realizarii investitiei; certificatul de urbanism; avizele privind asigurarea utilitatilor: o energiei termice si electrice; o gaz metan; o apa, canal; o telecomunicatii o acordul Inspectiei de Stat in Constructii (ISC) privind

Chip. A : Design documentation The design documentation should include as per GD no.592/1993 (Rule of the the auction organization procedures) : 1. Design theme, developed by the investor (owner) 2. Location of the object county, locality, street, number 3. Notifications and agreements: The notifications and agreements issued by the law enforcement, as per foree legislation, on : the principal credits sequencer notification on the necessity and opportunity of the investment accomplishment; urbanism cerficate notifications for utilities insurance: o thermic and electrical energy o marsh gas o water, sewer system o telecommunication o the agreement of the State Inspectorate in Constructions (SIC)

interventiile la constructiile existente etc. avizele pentru consumul de combustibil; avizele pentru protectia mediului si apelor; alte avize de specialitate potrivit dispozitiilor legale; acordul proprietarilor vecini pentru cazurile in care noua constructie intervine cu lucrari la imobilele acestora; aviz Aparare Civila.

on the improvement at the existing constructions etc. notifications for fuel consuming; notifications for environment and water protection; another notifications as per legal dispositions; the agreement of the neighbours owner when the new construction intervene with works on their immobile; notification from Civil Defence.

4. Documentatia tehnica 4.1. Parti scrise 4.1.1. Prezentarea generala a lucrarilor a. Elemente generale Proiectul tehnic trebuie sa fie verificat, avizat si aprobat potrivit prevederilor legale. El este format din documentatia scrisa si desenata. Proiectul tehnic se elaboreaza pe baza studiului de fezabilitate aprobat, etapa in care au fost stabilite elementele si solutiile principale ale lucrarii si au fost obtinute toate avizele, acordurile si aprobarile executiei lucrarii, in conformitate cu prevederile legale. Proiectul tehnic se verifica de catre specialisti atestati de MLPAT conform regulamentului aprobat prin HG nr. 731 / 1991 (Regulament de atestare tehnico-profesionala a specialistilor cu activitate in constructii) si se avizeaza si se aproba de investitor. La lucrarile ce se executa din fonduri publice este necesar si studiul de prefezabilitate. b. Descrierea lucrarilor In aceasta sectiune se vor face referiri asupra urmatoarelor elemente: Amplasamentul; Topografia; Clima zonei; Geologia, seismicitatea; Prezentarea proiectului pe volume, brosuri, capitole; Organizarea de santier, descriere sumara,

4. Technical documentation 4.1. Written parties 4.1.1. General view of the works a. General elements The technical project needs to be checked, noticed and approved as per legal previsions. It is composed by the written documentation and the drawn parts. The technical project is developed on the approved feasibility study, stage inside were established the elements and principal solutions of the construction and were obtained all the notifications, the agreements and approvals of the building execution, as per legal previsions. The technical project is checked by the certificate experts certified by MLPAT as per the rule approved by HG no. 731 / 1991 (Regulation that certified the experts technical-proffesional activity in constructions) and is notificated and approved by the investor. At the works that are executed with public funds it is necessary the fesability study also. b. Description of the works This section is referring at the followings: Emplacement; Topography; Zonal climate; Geology, seismicity; The presentation of the project on volumes, brochures, chapters; Site organization, summary description,

demolari, devieri de retele etc.; Sursele de apa, energie electrica, gaze, telefon; Caile de acces, caile de comunicatie; Trasarea lucrarilor; Protejarea lucrarilor executate si a materialelor din santier; Masurarea lucrarilor; Curatenia in santier; Serviciile sanitare; Relatiile intre proiectant, consultant si investitor; Memoriile tehnice pe specialitati.

demolitions, networks deviation; Water sources, electrical energy, gas, phone; Access roads, communication ways; Setting out of the works; Protection of the executed works and materials on site; Works measuring; Cleaning the site; Sanitary services; Relationships between the designer, consultant and investor; Technical prescription on activities.

4.1.2. Caietele de sarcini Caietele de sarcini dezvolta in scris elementele tehnice mentionate in planse si prezinta informatii, precizari si prescriptii complementare planselor. Ele se elaboreaza de catre proiectant pe baza planselor deja terminate si se organizeaza in brosuri distincte pe specialitati. a. Tipuri si forme de caiete de sarcini In functie de destinatie pot fi: caiete de sarcini pentru executia lucrarilor; caiete de sarcini pentru receptii, teste, probe, verificari si puneri in functiune, urmarirea comportarii in timp a constructiilor; caiete de sarcini pentru furnizorii de materiale, utilaje, echipamente si confectii diverse etc. b. Continutul caietelor de sarcini Caietele de sarcini trebuie sa cuprinda: breviarele de calcul pentru dimensionarea elementelor de constructii si instalatii; nominalizarea planselor care guverneaza lucrarea; proprietatile fizice, chimice, de aspect, de calitate, tolerante, probe pentru materialele componente ale lucrarii dimensiunea, forma, aspectul si descrierea executiei lucrarii; ordinea de executie, probe, teste, verificari ale lucrarii; standardele, normativele si alte prescriptii care trebuie respectate la materiale, utilaje,

4.1.2. Technical Specifications The Technical Specifications develop in write the technical elements mentioned in the drawings and have information and drawing complementary specifications. These ones are issued by the designer on the drawings finished already and are organized in separate brochures on specialities. a. Types and forms of the technical specifications: Depending on the destination these can be: technical specifications for the works execution; technical specifications for reception, tests, events, verifications and start of regular productions, tracking the constructions in time; technical specifications for the material, equipment, machinery and for various manufacture suppliers etc. b. Technical specifications contents The technical specifications should include: Breviary calculation for admeasurements of the construction and plants elements; Nomination of the drawings that governs the work; Physical, chemical, estetique, quality, tolerence properties of the work components material; Dimension, form, aspect and description of the work execution; The order of execution, samples, tests, controls of the work; Standards, normative and other prescriptions that must be respected in the

confectii, executie, montaj etc.; conditii de receptie, aspect, culori, tolerante etc.

case of materials, equipments, manufactures, execution, montage etc.; Conditions for reception, aspect, colors, tolerance etc.

4.1.3. Breviare de calcul pe specialitati (actiuni, ipoteze de calcul, rezultatele calculelor de dimensionare si verificare etc.) 4.2. Parti desenate Partile desenate se compun din: 4.2.1 Planurile generale planurile de amplasare a reperelor de nivelment planimetrice; planuri topografice principale; planurile de amplasare a forajelor si profilelor geotehnice; planurile principale privind sistematizarea verticala a terenului; planurile principale privind constructiile subterane; planurile de amplasare a reperilor ficsi si mobil de tasare. 4.2.2. Plansele obiectului Plansele se organizeaza in volume pe specialitati a. Arhitectura Aceasta sectiune va cuprinde planse privind arhitectura fiecarui obiect, conform borderoului intocmit de proiectant: planul de amplasare; planurile de arhitectura ale nivelurilor subterane si supraterane, ale teraselor, acoperisurilor etc.; sectiuni, fatade, detalii etc.; tablouri de prefabricate, confectii; tablouri de tamplarii si tablouri de finisaje interioare si exterioare; etc. b. Structura Aceasta sectiune va cuprinde plansele privind alcatuirea si executia structurii de rezistenta pentru fiecare obiect, conform borderoului intocmit de proiectant: planurile infrastructurii si sectiunile caracteristice; planurile suprastructurii si sectiunile caracteristice; descrierea solutiilor constructive recomandate si a tehnologiilor de executie

4.1.3. Breviaries calculation on specialties (actions, calculation hypotheses, results of the admeasurements and checking calculation ) 4.2. Drawn parts The drawn parts consist: 4.2.1. Master plans layout of marks lacation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! principal topographic layout; layout for drilling locations and for the geotechnic profiles; principal layout concerning the vertical systematization of the area; principal layout for the underground constructions; layout for placement of the fixed and mobile compaction marks. 4.2.2 Objects drawing The drawings are organized in volumes on specialities a. Architecture This section will include architecture drawings for every object, in conformity with the borderau issued by the designer: placement layout; architecture layout for the underground and areal levels, terrace, roofs etc.; sections, faade, details etc.; precast panels, manufactures; joinery panels and panels for interior and exterior finishing; etc. b. Structure This section will include drawings with the composition and execution of the resistance structure for each object, in conformity with the bordereau issued by the designer: layout of the infrastructure and his characteristic sections; layout of the superstructure and his characteristic sections; description of the recommended solution for the construction and execution

recomandate. c. Instalatiile Aceasta sectiune va cuprinde planse privind montajul instalatiilor fiecarui obiect, conform borderoului intocmit de proiectant: planurile de amplasare a utilajelor si echipamentelor; schemele de amplasare a utilajelor si echipamentelor; scheme ale instalatiilor; sectiuni, vederi, detalii.

technologies. c. Plants This section will include drawings concerning the installations montage for each object, in conformity with the borderau issued by the designer: layout for machinery and equipments placement; sketch for machinery and equipments placement; plants sketch; sections, views, details. d. Endowment and technological plants This section will include the principal technological and montage layouts: overall designs; technological sketches for the technological flow; kinematic sketches; installation sketches; diagrams, monograms, engineering, technological and montage calculations; montage layouts, geometry, placement dimensions, technological montage sketchs; list with machinery and equipments from the technological layouts. e. Furniture endowment, inventory household, guard against fire, labor protection placement and montage layouts; endowment lists. 4.2.3 Indicating the distinct differences against the initial execution details, with the clarification of the causes that leaded to those differences.

d. Dotari si instalatii tehnologice Aceasta sectiune va cuprinde planurile principale de tehnologie si montaj si anume: desene de ansamblu; scheme tehnologice ale fluxului tehnologic; scheme cinematice; schemele instalatiilor; diagrame, monograme, calculele ingineresti, tehnologice si de montaj; planuri de montaj, geometrii, dimensiuni de amplasare, scheme tehnologice de montaj; liste cu utilaje si echipamentele din componenta planurilor tehnologice. e. Dotari de mobilier, inventar gospodaresc, paza contra incendiilor, protectia muncii Aceasta sectiune va cuprinde: planurile de amplasare si montaj; listele cu dotari. 4.2.3. Indicarea distinct a diferentelor fata de detaliile de executie initiale, cu precizarea cauzelor care au dus la aceste diferente. Cap. B Documentatia privind executia Documentatia tehnica privind executia cuprinde: 1. Autorizatia de construire a obiectivului de investitie Documentatia pentru eliberarea autorizatiei de construire contine urmatoarele piese: (in conformitate cu prevederile art.5 si 6 din Legea nr. 50/1991) .

Cph. B Execution documentation Technical documentation concerning execution consist: 1. Building permit of the investment objective The documentation for the building permit issue consist the followings pieces (as per law no. 50/1991 art. 5 and 6) .

1.1. Certificatul de urbanism pentru constructia in cauza. Certificatul este emis de autoritatile publice locale. Cererea tip se obtine de la sediul prefecturii sau primariei. 1.2. Dovada titlului solicitantului asupra terenului si constructiilor (titlu de proprietate sau act de concesionare in copie legalizata). 1.3. Proiectul pentru autorizatie de construire, in doua exemplare. Continutul proiectului pentru autorizatia de construire este prezentat in Anexa 14. Inceperea lucrarilor de construire se va face dupa obtinerea autorizatiei.

1.1. Urbanism certificate for the respective construction. The certificate is issued by the local public authorities. The tip demand is obtained from the towmhall or prefecture office. 1.2. The proof of the applicant title on the land and constructions (title of property or concession act in legalized copy). 1.3. The project for the building permit, in two copies. The content of the project for the building permit is presented in 14th Annex The works will start after obtaining the building permit.

2. Proces-verbal de predare primire a 2. Hand over for the placement and amplasamentului si a bornelor de repere curbstone mark (1st Annex) (Anexa 1) 3. Inregistrari de calitate cu caracter 3. Quality records with permanent character permanent efectuate pe parcursul carried out on the works execution, as well executarii lucrarilor, precum si as documentations that certificate the documentatii care atesta calitatea works quality: lucrarilor: Actele sunt de trei feluri: There are three forms of these acts: a. Acte referitoare la calitatea materialelor a. Acts referring to the quality of materials folosite la realizarea constructiei. used at the building accomplishment: Acestea sunt: These are: certificate de calitate a materialelor; quality certificate of the materials; rezultatele incercarilor efectuate pe the results of the attempts carried out on materialele, instalatiile si echipamentelor materials, installations and equipments that care au fost puse in lucrare. were uded in the work. b. Acte care se completeaza de catre constructor, beneficiar si proiectant la fiecare etapa de lucru: Formularele sunt urmatoarele: Proces-verbal de predare-primire a amplasamentului si a bornelor de reper Proces-verbal de trasare lucrari Proces-verbal de lucrari ascunse Registrul proceselor-verbale de lucrari ascunse Proces-verbal faze determinante Proces-verbal aspect beton dupa decofrare Condica de betoane Proces-verbal de receptie a terenului de fundare, a fundatiilor si structurii de rezistenta b. Acts that are completed by the constructor, owner and designer for the each and every stage of work: The forms are the following: Hand over for the placement and curbstone marks Setting out hand over Hand over for the works which become hidden hand over register for hidden works Determinat phase hand over Hand over for the concrete aspect after the formwork removal Concrete ledger Hand over for the reception of the area, foundations and resistance structure

Proces-verbal de montarea instalatiilor de masurare din proiectul de urmarire a comportarii in exploatare Jurnalul principalelor evenimente (inundatii, cutremure, temperature excesive)

Hand over for mounting the measurement installations included in the tracking project of the behavior in time The journal of the principal events (floods, earthquakes, high temperature)

c. Acte care nu folosesc formulare tip dar care trebuie sa existe in Cartea Tehnica: Registrul unic de comunicari si dispozitii de santier Nota de constatare a organelor de control Expertize tehnice ca urmare a unor greseli de executie sau ca urmare a unor accidente tehnice Caiete de atasament.

c. Acts that don`t use standard forms but witch must exist in the Technical Book: The unique communications and site dispositions register Establishment note for the control experts Technical examination that follows some execution error or some technical accidents Attachment specifications

Cap. C Documentatia privind receptia lucrarilor Receptia lucrarilor de constructii de orice categorie si instalatii aferente se efectueaza atat la lucrari noi cat si la interventiile in timp (reparatii capitale, consolidari, modificari, modernizari, extinderi etc.) asupra lucrarilor existente si se realizeaza in doua etape (conform Hotararii Guvernului HG nr. 273/1994 Regulamentul de receptie a lucrarilor de constructii si instalatii aferente acestora); receptia la terminarea lucrarilor; receptia finala le expirarea perioadei de garantie. Completarea datelor de la acest capitol se face numai dupa ce s-au completat datele de la capitolul B Executarea lucrarilor si Fisa de date tehnice punctele de la 1 la 7. 1. Receptia la terminarea lucrarilor Participantii sunt: comisia de receptie; proiectantul lucrarii; executantul lucrarii. 2. Receptia finala Participantii sunt: comisia de receptie;

Chp. C Execution documentation

The reception of the construction works of any category and installations are carried out to the new construction but also at the changes made in time (capital repairs, consolidations, changes, improvements, extensions etc.) on the existing constructions and it`s realized in two stages (as per GD no. 273/1994 Reception rule of the construction works and installations afferent) ; reception at the finishing of the works final reception at the end of the guarantee period.

The dates completion from this chapter is made after the dates from the chapter B Works execution and Technical dates sheet were completed !!!!!!!!!!!!! 1. Reception at the end of the works The participants are: the reception commission; the designer; the executant. 2. Final reception The participants are: the reception commission;

proiectantul lucrarii; executantul lucrarii.

the designer; the executant.

Comisia de receptie se numeste de catre investitor este formata din cel putin 5 membri dintre care: o unul este reprezentatul investitorului; o unul este reprezentant al ordinii publice locale; o ceilalti vor fi specialisti in domeniu. pentru constructiile de importanta exceptionala comisiile vor fi formate din minim 7 membri si numarul de specialisti va fi de minim 5. Pentru locuintele cu max. P+1 comisiile vor fi alcatuite din 2 membri: o investitorul; o delegatul administratiei locale. pentru constructiile cu inaltimea mai mare de 28 m sau cu sali de capacitate mai mare de 150 persoane, in comisie va exista si o persoana desemnata de Comandamentul Trupelor de Pompieri.

The reception commission it is named by the owner it has at least 5 members : o one of the is the owner representative; o one is the public and local administration representative; o the other ones will be experts in the respective activity. For the constructions with a exceptional importance the commissions will have 7 members and the experts number will be at least 5 For the buildings with max ground floor and floor the commissions will have 2 members: o the owner; o the public and local administrative representative. For the constructions higher than 28 m or with meeting rooms for over 150 persons, the commission will have a person from the Fire brigade Commandament.

Formularele care trebuie completate cu ocazia receptiei sunt urmatoarele: a. Proces-verbal de receptie la terminarea lucrarilor b. Proces-verbal de receptie finala b.1. Pentru constructiile cu max. P+1 b.2. Pentru celelalte tipuri de constructii c. Alte acte suplimentare incheiate ca urmare a cererii comisiilor de receptie prin care se prevad verificari sau cercetari suplimentare cu indicarea rezultatelor obtinute si a modului de rezolvare. Cap. D Documentatie privind urmarirea comportarii in exploatare si interventii in timp Cuprinde urmatoarele documente (conform HG nr.273/1994) 1. Prevederi ale proiectantului 1.1. Privind urmarirea comportarii constructiei 1.2. Instructiunile de exploatare si intretinere

The forms that needs to be completed for the reception are the followings: a. Hand over for the reception at the end of the works b. Hand over for final reception b.1. For constructions with ground floor and floor b.2. For the other types of construction c. Another additional acts concluded as a consequence of the reception commissions demand witch prevese checkings or additional controls with the indication of the results obtained and solution manner. Chp. D The documentation for tracking the behavior in the exploitation and interventions in time Consist the following documents (as per GD no.273/1994) 1. Designer previsions 1.1. On the tracking of the construction behavior

1.3. Lista prescriptiilor de baza care trebuie respectate in timpul executiei si exploatarii 2. Proiectele in baza carora s-au efectuat, dupa receptia finala a lucrarilor, modificari ale constructiei fata de proiectul initial realizat. Documentatia care este necesara la acest punct este aceeasi ca la cap A Documentatie privind proiectarea. 3. Proiectul de urmarire speciala a constructiei - daca este cazul 4. Acte de constatare a unor deficiente aparute dupa receptia executarii lucrarilor si masurile de interventie luate. Aceste acte sunt: Nota de constatare Proces-verbal de remediere a defectelor 5. Proces-verbal de predarea primire a instalatiilor de masurare prevazute prin proiectul de urmarire speciala a constructiei incheiat intre executant si beneficiar. 6. Referatul cu concluziile anuale si finale asupra rezultatelor urmaririi speciale 7. Procese-verbale de predarea primire a constructiei cand se schimba proprietarului. 8. Jurnalul evenimentelor intocmit conform modelului de formular. Jurnalul evenimentelor Denumirea obiectului . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Instructiuni de completare 1. Evenimentele care se inscriu in jurnal se codifica cu urmatoarele litere in coloana categoria evenimentului UC rezultatele verificarilor periodice din cadrul urmaririi curente; US Rezultatele verificarilor si masuratorilor din cadrul urmaririi speciale, in cazul in care implica luarea unor masuri; M Masuri de interventie in cazul constatarii unor deficiente (reparatii, consolidari, demolari, etc.); E Evenimente exceptionale (cutremur, inundatii,

1.2. Exploitation and maintenance instructions 1.3. The list with the base prescriptions that needs to be respected in the execution and exploitation 2. The projects on witch were carried out, after the final reception, changes of the construction over the initial project. The necessary documentation at this point is the same as the one from the chapter A The design documentation 3. The project for special tracking of the construction if it is necessary 4. Establishment acts for some deficiency that occurs after execution reception and the intervention measures that were taken. These acts are: Finding sheet Hand over for the defect remedial 5. Hand over for installation measurement from the special tracking project of the construction concluded between the executant and owner. 6. Report with final and annual conclusions on the special tracking results. 7. Hand over for construction when the owner is changing. 8. Events journal issued as per the standard model of the form. Events journal The name of the object Completion instructions 1. The events that are written in the journal are encoded with the following characters in the event category colum: CT the results of the periodical checking included in the current tracking; ST the results of the checking and measurement form the special tracking when it is necessary to take action; M intervention measurement when some deficiences are detected (repairs, consolidations, demolations, etc.); E exceptional events (earthquakes, floods, fire,

incendii, ploi torentiale, caderi masive de zapada, poluari sau alunecari de teren etc.); D Procese verbale intocmite de organele de verificare pe faze de executie lucrarilor; C Rezultatele controlului privind modul de intocmire si pastrare a Cartii Tehnice a Constructiei 2. Evenimentele consemnate in jurnal si care au corespondent in actele cuprinse in documentatia de baza, se prevad cu trimiteri la dosarul respective, mentionanad natura actelor. 3. Schimbarea proprietarului se va consemna si in jurnalul evenimentelor. Prezentarea capului de tabel: 1. Numar curent: _______________ 2. Data evenimentului ___________ 3. Categoria evenimentului _________________________________ 4. Prezentarea evenimentului si a efectelor sale asupra constructiei cu trimiteri in actele din documentatia de baza ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 5. Numele, prenumele si unitatea persoanei care inscrie evenimentul si semnatura sa Numele ___________________________ Prenumele _________________________ Unitatea ___________________________ Semnatura _________________________ 6. Semnatura responsabilului cu Cartea Tehnica a Constructiei Numele ___________________________ Prenumele _________________________ Semnatura _________________________

torrent rain, heavy fall of snow, pollutions or landslides etc.); D hand over issued by the checking experts on execution stages of the work; C The results of the control made on the completion and storage manner of the Technical book of the construction. 2. Events that are completed in the journal and witch have connection with the acts included in the base documentation, these one have references to the respective file, with the acts origin mentioned. 3. When the owner will be changed it will be written in the events journal too. The head of the table: 1. Current number: ______________ 2. Event date: __________________ 3. Event`s category _________________________________ 4. Event`s presentation and his effects on the construction with references on the acts from the base documentation __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 5. Name, surname and the unit of the person that is writing the event and his signature Name _____________________________ Surname __________________________ Unit ______________________________ Signature __________________________ 6. The signature of the Construction technical book responsible Name ____________________________ Surname _________________________ Signature __________________________

Modul de intocmire a Cartii tehnice a Constructiei

Technical book of the Construction preparation method The Technical book of the construction is issued by the investor for all the final construction objects, on the building permit rule (as per GD no.273/1994)

Cartea tehnica a constructiei se intocmeste de catre investitor pentru toate obiectele de constructii definitive, supuse regimului de autorizare a constructiilor (conform HG nr. 273/1994).

Cartea tehnica se definitiveaza inainte de receptia finala. Cartea tehnica, dupa constituire, se completeaza si se pastreaza de catre investitor sau de catre proprietar. Actele ce formeaza documentatia de baza a cartii tehnice a constructiei vor fi indosarite pe capitolele respective in ordinea de mai jos cu file numerotate si parafate pe masura incheierii lor: Fisa de date sintetice Capitolul A Proiectare Capitolul B Executie Capitolul C Receptie Capitolul D Exploatare Jurnalul evenimentelor Fiecare dosar va cuprinde borderoul dosarului si va purta un indicativ format din litera corespunzatoare capitolului (A, B, C, D) si numarul de ordine al dosarului, in cifre arabe. Centralizatorul cartii tehnice va cuprinde borderoul general al dosarelor documentatiei de baza si copiile borderourile cu cuprinsul fiecarui dosar. Cartea tehnica a constructiei se intocmeste intr-un exemplar. Cartea tehnica se intocmeste pentru constructii noi de catre investitor impreuna cu proiectantul astfel: Proiectantul obiectului de constructie intocmeste si preda investitorului pe masura elaborarii si cel mai tarziu pana la data receptiei finale a lucrarilor documentatiei prevazuta la capitolul A- documentatie privind proiectarea si in capitolul D documente privind exploatarea Comisiile de receptie la terminarea lucrarilor de constructii si de receptie finala a constructiei predau investitorului documentatia prezentata la capitolul B - documentatia privind executia, imediat dupa intocmirea ei Investitorul obiectului de constructie primeste toate actele ce cad in sarcina proprietarului si a comisiilor de receptie , le completeaza cu actele ce cad in sarcina sa (cele prevazute la capitolul B), le indosariaza pe capitole; dupa receptia finala, investitorul retine un exemplar complet. Proprietarul sau utilizatorul completeaza Cartea Tehnica a Constructiei cu documentatia prevazuta in Jurnalul Evenimentelor. Proprietarul sau administratorul va asigura

The Technical book must be completed before the final reception. The Technical book, after the constitution, is kept and completed by the investor or by the owner. The acts that form the technical book base documentation will be filed on the respective chapters in the below order, and the pages will be numbered and stamped as they will be finished: Index card of the synthetic date Chapter A Design Chapter B Execution Chapter C Reception Chapter D Exploitation Events journal Each file will include the dossier bordereau and will have a code base on the character of the chapter (A, B, C, D) and the number of the dossier in arabic numeral. The master table of the technical book includes the general bordereau of the dossiers of the base documentation and the copies of the bordereaus from each dossier. The technical book of the construction is issued in a single copy. The technical book - is issued for new constructions by the investor together with the designer as it follows: The designer of the construction object issues and deliver to the investor as per elaboration and latest up to final reception date of the works, the documentation from chapter A (The design documentation) and D (The exploitation documentation); Reception commission, at the end of the work and final reception of the construction hand over to the investor the documentation form chapter B the execution documentation, immediately after they were issued The construction object investor receive all the owner and reception commission acts, completes them, (the one from chapter B), filed them on chapters, after the final reception, and the investor keeps a full copy. The owner or user completes the Technical book of the Construction with the Events journal documents.

activitatea de urmarire a comportarii constructiei in exploatare si investitii in timp asupra acesteia. Modul de intocmire si completare a cartii tehnice a constructiei se controleaza in mod obligatoriu astfel: - de catre comisiile de receptie finala a obiectelor de constructie, cu ocazia receptiei; - de catre organele de control imputernicite in acest domeniu Rezultatele controlalelor se vor consemna in mod obligatoriu in Jurnalul Evenimentelor. Cartea Tehnica a Constructiei se pastreaza pe toata durata de executie a obiectului pana la demolarea sa; dupa demolare; investitorul preda exemplarul complet la arhiva unitatilor administrativ-teritoriale pentru pastrare. Inainte de predare, ea va fi completata cu modul de desfasurare a actiunii de postutilizare pe baza instructiunilor elaborate de proiectant.

The owner or administrator will ensure the tracking activity of the construction behavior in exploitation and investements on this in time. The way of issue and completion of the technical book of the construction is checked obligatory as it follows: - by the final reception of the construction commissions, at the reception; - by the control organs empowered from the area The control results will be obligatory written in the Events journal.

The Technical book of the Construction is kept on all the execution period until his demolition , after the demolition, the investor hands the full copy to the territorial administrative units that keep these documents. Before the hand over, it is completed with the post service activities on the designer instructions. Obligatii si raspunderi ale partilor implicate in Liabilities and responsabilities for the implicated realizarea Cartii Tehnice a Constructiei parts in the Technical book of Construction Obligatiile si raspunderile sunt prezentate conform completion Legii nr. 10/1995 The liabilities and responsabilities are presented as per Law no. 10/1995 1. Obligatii si raspunderi ale investitorilor Investitorii sunt persoane fizice sau juridice care finanteaza si realizeaza investitii sau interventii la constructiile existente in sensul legii si au urmatoarele obligatii principale referitoare la calitatea lucrarilor: Stabilirea nivelului calitativ ce trebuie realizat prin proiectare si executie pe baza reglementarilor tehnice, precum si a studiilor si cercetarilor efectuate; Obtinerea acordurilor si a avizelor prevazute de lege, precum si a autorizatiei de construire; Asigurarea verificarii proiectelor prin specialisti verificatori de proiecte atestati; Asigurarea verificarii executiei corecte a lucrarilor de constructii prin diriginti de specialitate sau agenti economici de consultanta specializati, pe tot parcursul proiectelor; Actionarea in vederea solutionarii 1. Liabilities and responsabilities of the investors Investors are individuals or juridical person that funds and make investments or is intervening at the existing constructions in the name of law and have the following liabilities: Establishment of the quality level that has to be realized through design and execution on the technical regulations, as well as studies and examinations carried out; Obtaining the agreements and notifications, as well as building permit; Ensuring the checking of the projects through the attested project experts; Ensuring the checking of the correct execution of the works through site managers or consultancy economic agents on the entire projects; Solving the unconformities, defects that appeared in the execution and also the projects

neconformitatilor, a defectelor aparute pe parcursul executiei lucrarilor, precum si a deficientelor proiectelor; Asigurarea receptiei lucrarilor de constructii la terminarea lucrarilor si la expirarea perioadei de garantie; Intocmirea cartii tehnice a constructiei si predarea acesteia catre proprietar; Expertizarea constructiilor de catre expertii tehnici atestati si obtinerea acordului ISC, in situatiile in care la aceste constructii se executa lucrari de reconstruire, consolidare, transformare, extindere etc. 2. Obligatii si raspunderi ale proiectantilor Proiectantii de constructii raspund de indeplinirea urmatoarelor obligatii principale referitoare la calitatea constructiilor: Precizarea prin proiect a categoriei de importanta a constructiei; Asigurarea prin proiecte si detalii de executie nivelului de calitate corespunzator cerintelor, cu respectarea reglementarilor tehnice si a clauzelor contractuale; Prezentarea proiectelor elaborate in fata specialistilor verificatori de proiecte atestati, stabiliti de catre investitor precum si solutionarea neconformitatilor si neconcordantelor semnalate; Elaborarea caietelor de sarcini, a instructiunilor tehnice privind executia lucrarilor, exploatarea, intretinerea si reparatiile, precum si, dupa caz, a proiectelor de urmarire privind comportarea in timp a constructiilor. Documentatia privind post utilizarea constructiilor se efectueaza numai la solicitarea proprietarului; Stabilirea, prin proiect, a fazelor de executie determinate pentru lucrarile aferente cerintelor si participarea pe santier la verificarile de calitate legate de acestea; Stabilirea modului de tratare a defectelor aparute in executie, din vina executantului, la constructiile la care trebuie sa asigure nivelul de calitate corespunzatoare cerintelor, precum si urmarirea aplicarii pe santier a solutiilor adoptate, dupa insusirea acestora de catre specialistii verificatori de proiecte atestati, la cererea investitorului; Participarea la intocmirea cartii tehnice a constructiei si la receptia lucrarilor executate.

deficiencies; Ensuring the construction works reception at the end of the works and at the expiration of the guarantee period; Elaboration of the Technical book of the Constructionand his handing over to the owner; Constructions examination made by the attested experts and obtaining the SIC agreement, in the situation when are executed reconstruction, transformation, consolidation and extension works etc. 2. Liabilities and responsabilities of the designer The designers of the constructions have the following principal responsabilities related to the construction quality: Project specification on the importance of the construction; Ensuring throught project and execution details the quality level as per requirements, also respecting the technical rules and contractual clauses ; The presentation of the issued projects in the front of the experts that are checking the projects and also the solving of the unconformities and incongruity that appeard; The elaboration of the technical specification regarding the works execution , the exploitation, the maintenance and repairs also when it is necessary of the tracking projects regarding the behavior in time. Documents regarding post service of the construction is issued only at the owner demand. Estabilisment, through project, of the execution stages for the afferent works, demands and participation at the quality checkings on the site related on this. Establishing the way to treat the defects appeard in the execution, because of the executant, at the construction that needs a quality level as per requirements, and also the tracking of the solutions appliance, after those were learned by the attested expert in project, at the owner demand; The participation at the Technical book of the construction elaboration and at the reception

of the completed works. 3. Obligatii si raspunderi ale executantilor Executantul lucrarilor de constructii are urmatoarele obligatii principale: Sesizarea investitorilor asupra neconformitatilor si neconcordantelor constatate in proiecte, in vederea solutionarii; Inceperea executiei lucrarilor numai la constructii autorizate in conditiile legii si numai pe baza si in conformitate cu proiecte verificate de specialisti atestati; Asigurarea nivelului de calitate corespunzator cerintelor printr-un sistem propriu de calitate conceput si realizat prin personal propriu, cu responsabili tehnici cu executia atestati; Convocarea factorilor care trebuie sa participe la verificarea lucrarilor ajunse in faze determinante ale executiei si asigurarea conditiilor necesare efectuarii acestora, in scopul obtinerii acordului de continuare a lucrarilor; Solutionarea neconformitatilor, a defectelor si a neconcordantelor aparute in faze de executie, numai pe baza solutiilor stabilite de proiectant cu acordul investitorului; Utilizarea in executia lucrarilor numai a produselor si a procedeelor prevazute in proiect, certificate sau pentru care exista agremente tehnice, care conduc la realizarea cerintelor, precum si gestionarea probelor-martor; inlocuirea produselor si a procedeelor prevazute in proiect cu altele care indeplinesc conditiile precizate si numai pe baza solutiilor stabilite de proiectanti cu acordul investitorului; Respectarea proiectelor, a detaliilor de executie si a dispozitilor de santier pentru realizarea nivelului de calitate corespunzator cerintelor; Sesizarea, in termen de 24 h, a inspectiei de stat in constructii, in cazul producerii unor accidente tehnice in timpul executiei lucrarilor; Supunerea la receptie numai a constructiilor care corespund cerintelor de calitate si pentru care a predate investitorului documentele necesare intocmirii cartii tehnice a constructiei; Ducerea la indeplinire, la termenele 3. Liabilities and responsabilities of the executant The executant of the works has the following principal liabilities: Owner notification on about the unconformities and unconcordant that were estabilished in the project, for solving them; Start of the execution only on the authorized constructions in the law conditions and only on base and conformity with the projects that were checked by the attested experts; Ensuring the quality level appropriate to the demands thought a personal quality concept realized throught personal staff, with technical responsible in execution that were attested; Convocation of the factors that needs to participate at the checking for the works found in determinat phase and ensuring the necessary conditions to perform, for obtaining the work continuation; Solving the unconformities, defects and unconcordances that appeard in the execution phases, only on the solutions established by the project with the owner`s agreement; Utilisation only the products and process from the projects in the execution, certified or for how exist technical agreements that leads at the requirements completion, also the management of the witness samples, replacing the products and process from the project with outher that meet with the project, based on the designer establismed solution with the owner agreement; Respecting the projects, execution details and site dispositions for obtaining the quality level as per requirements; Notice, in 24 h, the state inspectorate in construction, in case of some technical accidents that occured in the execution; Reception only at the construction that are in accord with the quality requirements and for who the necessary documents were handed to the owner for the technical book of the construction completion;

stabilite, a masurilor dispuse prin actele de control sau prin documentele de receptie a lucrarilor de constructii; Remedierea, pe propria cheltuiala, a defectelor calitative aparute din vina sa, atat in perioada de executie cat si in perioada de garantie stabilita potrivit legii; Reducerea terenurilor ocupate temporar la starea lor initiala, la terminarea executiei lucrarilor; Stabilirea raspunderilor tuturor participantilor la procesul de productie factori de raspundere, colaboratori, subcontractanti in conformitate cu sistemul propriu de asigurare a calitatii adoptat si cu prevederile legale in vigoare. 4. Obligatii si raspunderi ale proprietarilor constructiilor Proprietarii constructiilor au urmatoarele obligatii principale: Efectuarea la timp a lucrarilor de intretinere si de reparatii care revin, prevazute conform normelor legate in cartea tehnica a constructiei si rezultate din activitatea de urmarire a comportarii in timp a constructiilor; Pastrarea si completarea la zi a cartii tehnice a constructiei si predarea acestei, la instrainarea constructiei, noului poprietar; Asigurarea urmaririi comportarii in timp a constructiilor, conform prevederilor din cartea tehnica si reglementarilor tehnice; Efectuarea, dupa caz, de lucrari de reconstituire, consolidare, transformare, extindere, desfiintare partiala, precum si de alte lucrari de reparatii ale constructiei numai pe baza de proiecte intocmite de catre persoane fizice sau persoane juridice autorizate si verificate potrivit legii; Asigurarea realizarii lucrarilor de investitii asupra constructiilor,impuse prin reglementarile legale; Asigurarea efectuarii lucrarilor din etapa de postutilizare a constructiilor, cu respectarea prevederilor legale in vigoare.

Completion, at the established terms, of the measures in the control acts or through the reception documents of the construction works; Remedy, on his own expense, of the quality defects that occured by his fault, in the execution period as well as the guarantee period as per law; Compression of the land temporary used at their initial status, at the end of the works; Establishing the responsabilities for all the participants at the product process responsibility factors, contributors, subcontractors in conformity with the personal ensurement quality system adapted with the legal previsions in force.

4. Liabilities and responsabilities of the construction owners The owners of the construction have the following liabilities: Carry out of the maintenance and repair works in time, as per legal norms included in the technical book of the construction and the results from behavior tracking in time of the construction; Storage and completion up to date of the technical book of the construction and handing her, at the alientation to the new owner; Ensure the tracking of construction behavior in time, as per technical book and the technical regulations; Carry out, if is necessary, of reconstruction, consolidations, transformations, extension, partial suppression and also other repair works of the construction issued by individual or juridical persons authorized and checked as per law; Ensure the achievement of the investition works for constructions, imposed by the legal regulations; Ensure the completion of the works from the post service stage of the construction, in conformity with the legal regulations.

5. Obligatii si raspunderi ale administratorilor si ale utilizatorilor constructiilor

5. Liabilities and responsabilities of the administrators and users of the construction

Aministratorii si utilizatorii constructiilor au urmatoarele obligatii principale: Folosirea constructiilor conform instructiunilor de exploatare prevazute in cartea tehnica a constructiei; Efectuarea la timp a lucrarilor de intretinere si de reparatii care la revin conform contractului; Efectuarea de lucrari de investitie la constructia existenta de reconstruire, consolidare, transformare, extindere etc., numai cu acordul proprietarului si cu respectarea prevederilor legale; Efectuarea urmaririi comportarii in timp a costructiilor conform cartii tehnice a constructiei si contractului incheiat cu proprietarul; Sesizarea in termen de 24 de ore, a inspectiei de stat in constructii, in cazul unor accidente tehnice la constructiile in exploatare.

The administrators and users of the construction have the following principal liabilities: Use of the construction as per exploitation instructions on the technical book of the construction; Accomplishment in time the maintaining and repair works as per contract; Investment works accomplishment at the existing construction reconstruction, consolidation, transformation, extension etc., only with the owner`s agreement and as per legal previsions; Accomplishment of the tracking of behavior for construction as per technical book of the construction and the contract concluded with the owner; Notice in 24 hours, the state inspectorate in construction in case of some technical accidents at the constructions that are in exploitation

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