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Romero, Leuven

Room: Joren Dela Ruelle

Pascale Willems Pietro Cesari

+ city center (near Ladeuzeplein) + close to faculty

- no private outside space

Level 0
+ student restaurant Alma around the corner + automatic doors to enter the building - pavements are crooked and narrow - elevator only fits one wheelchair

Level 2
+/- room is big enough. !! This is not the case with all the rooms is the building + common space - fire ecape is not accessible with a wheelchair

+/- hallway is wide enough but sometimes gets crowed when there are to many wheelchairs

+ automatic door - door handle on level of a wheelchair, not adaptable

+ phone right next to the bed + calling system like hospital for people who need it

+ own bathroom + lift system from toilet to shower to bed

+ common room = living room + kitchen = multifunctional + living together with non-disabled people

+ kitchen easy accessible for people in a wheelchair - to small if there are many people there at the same time

In general: well adapted builing the city of Leuven should be better adapted to disabled people there are all different kind of disablilities. Not every disabled person is in a wheelchair! Joren: its like living in a normal student house


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