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Sarah Redmon

Professor Brodsky

ICT 320

September 10, 2023

Assignment 1: IA Awareness

Identification: I am going to describe my sister’s house.

Structure: My sister’s house has a garage door in the front. If you were to look at the

house from an aerial view, you would see that it is in the shape of a slightly lopsided ‘H’. The

house has one floor. When you first enter through the front door, you are in a small lobby area

that has a wooden floor and a closet to the right. When you pass this area, you enter the living

room. If you go left, you will enter an area that has four rooms from left to right: a closet, a

bedroom, a bathroom, and another bedroom. The bedrooms each have a closet. When you exit

that area and keep going straight, you will get to the master bedroom. Inside the master bedroom,

to the left, there is a closet in the middle and another bathroom next to the closet. Exiting the

bedroom turning left and going straight, there is the kitchen. To the left is the backdoor that leads

to the deck, and going straight and turning right will lead you to the door that leads to the garage.

Standing in front of this door, to the left is the pantry, and to the right is the laundry room. The

house is in a subdivision, so it was most likely built from a template.

Function: The house is my sister’s residential space, so it has several functions, such as

being used to study, relax, cook, exercise, and other leisure tasks. My sister uses the space, but

my parents and I also use the space sometimes. The house can sometimes be used to host parties

and garage/yard sales.

Navigation: There is a single driveway right in front of the garage that can fit 2 medium-

sized cars. The driveway is easy to access, as long as there is only 1 other car to pull in another

car. There is plenty of space in the front and around the house to walk; it’s not crowded. The left

side of the house is a dead end as it’s just a fence and there’s no opening on that side. The

entrance is in the front that leads to the driveway, and the exit or backdoor leads to the backyard

(including the deck) which has a fence around it and a gate to the right side of the house that

leads back to the front. Inside the house, to get from one half of the house to the other, you must

walk through the living room. For the most part, there is only one way to get from one place to

another (it’s a lot of walking back and forth), except for the backyard in which you can get there

through either the backdoor or the gate on the right side of the house, and entering the house can

involve either going through the front door, backdoor, or garage door. Both the backdoor and

garage door lead to the kitchen and the front door leads to the small lobby into the living room.

Additionally, you can enter the rooms in the small area either from any of the other rooms in that

area or from the living room.

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