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Subject: MSA (resembles Parkinsons), astigmatism, swallowing, neurological,& Limu

Elton Willis BACKGROUND: I have had a progressive neurological disease named Multiple Systems Atrophy for the last 30 years. It most resembles Parkinson's Disease without the tremours. Both the cause and cure for the disease are unknown There is no test for MSA. It was diagnosed by a series of tests designed to eliminate all conditions that share similar symptoms It has produced quite a number of problems that have generally reduced my gait and balance to about 10% of what would be considered normal. These conditions are what they are today after approximately 20 years of deterioration. They have been compensated at first with a cane and now with a wheeled walker. MEDICATIONS AND OTHER MEDICAL AIDS: I was on 6 to 7 prescription medications and 4 or 5 over the counter medications as well as a breathing machine (VPAP) with oxygen added for sleep apnea. One of the Parkinson's medications cost almost $600.00 per month. Fortunately, my insurance paid most of the costs of that and the other prescription medications. However, my out of pocket costs for the drugs totaled $315.00 per month at their peak. At that point (February of 2007) I made one of the best decisions of my life in that I ordered a case per month of Limu Original. I have drunk 4 onces per day since then and I would drink more if I could afford to. Earlier this year, I began weaning myself off all the prescription medicines and 3 of the 7 OTC drugs as I no longer felt that they were effective. Eliminating them proved to be correct as I suffered no ill effects. I am now down to a total of $55.00 per month for all drugs. I hope to reduce that expense to 0 or near 0 in the near future. My drug costs have been reduced by $260.00. My quality of life because of the nasty side effects of the drugs (all powerful drugs have a long list of potential side effects) has improved by 200%. I no longer need the breathing machine in order to get a restful night's sleep. IMPROVED VISION: I have had corrective lenses of one form or another for the past 40 years because of astigmatism. My uncorrected vision was measured at 20/50 in one eye and 20/60 in the other when I was age 23 (it was 20/60 and 20/70 the last time I had my eyes examined). After I had been drinking Limu for about a year, I noticed that I could read articles printed in 10 font (this message is in 14 font - not for me but for those who will read it - the footnote is in 10 font) and my vision keeps improving. When it gets to 20/20 (I doubt that it has ever been that) I intend to retake the vision part of my driving test in order to have the requirement for corrective lenses removed from my license. Removing the requirement to pay for Optomitrist visits, vision insurance as well as for corrective lenses and supplies to keep them in good working order will also result in a savings of about $300.00 or more per year. Not to speak of the intangible benefits of not having to wear glasses. SWALLOWING DIFFICULTIES: Probably the best benefit of drinking Limu is that I no longer suffer from deterioration of the throat muscles. Before Limu I was faced with the

very real probability that I would die from aspiration pneumonia (Imagine that you are drowning for a similar experience - those of you that have had regular pneumonia can imagine that it was 10 times worse) within the next 5 to 6 years. Food and liquids would often (2 or 3 times per week) go down my windpipe because the muscles in my throat (the throat is one big muscle - probably about 90 % of its mass) had deteriorated. The condition had gotten so bad that I had hired a Speech Therapist to evaluate my condition and to recommend ways to compensate for it. I certainly did not look forward to the day when I had to use thickening agents to enable me to swallow liquids safely. After the evaluation, I anticipated death by aspiration pneumonia even more. Limu has arrested the deterioration of my throat and that development alone would justify the monthly purchase of a case of Limu since it literally saved my life. NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION: I recently went in for my periodic visit to my Movement Specialist (extra training required) Neurologist. I had told him by letter and a followup phone call that I was in the process of eliminating nearly all the drugs he had prescribed. He found that I no longer had Multiple Systems Atrophy and was at a loss to pinpoint what condition ailed me. He basicly concluded that my ailment was a new neurological disease unique to me. However, he did tell me to continue on the regimen that I was on since it was obviously working. He had previously researched fucoidan (the active ingrediant in Limu Original) in the PUBMED section of the United States Library of Medicine (a source he relies on regularily) and knew that there were hundreds of sceintific studies that verified it's usefulness in enhansing the body's immune system. SUMMATION: I look forward to the day when I can again walk at a normal pace without a cane or walker. It took 30 years of deterioration for me to get to the condition in which I now find myself. I certainly don't expect that it will take me another 30 years (I am now 61 years of age and I probably do not have another 30 years of this Earth, but with Limu I just might have it). I am greatly encouraged by the arrest in the deterioration of my throat and fullly expect that Limu (a God given product) and prayer will reverse the disabling effects of my Neurological disease (whatever it is) in the next 5 or 6 years. Elton Wilis Texarkana, Tx

Limu Original (TM) is not a drug and it has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is simply a dietary supplement and is not intended to diagnose, cure or treat any illness or disease. While your body may experience amazing positive health responses when you feed it the right nutritional building blocks, and there is indeed reliable scientific evidence supporting the beneficial effects that limu's ingredients have on the immune system and numerous other biological functions, there is insufficient scientific evidence to support some of the specific therapeutic results reported by users of the product. We therefore promote the product for its benefit on the immune system but we do not, and you must not, promote the product on the basis that it will cure, prevent or treat any disease.

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