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Main Topic: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Sub-Topic: Sign and symptoms of Pelvic Inflammatory disease

Date & Time:

Duration: 10 Minutes

Audience: Nursing Students

Aim: To educate students on how to identify sign and symptom of PID

Methodology: Lecture Discussion

Resources: Pictures of infected organs

Objectives: At the end of this lecture, students will be able to:

 Identify three (3 )symptoms of PID

 Identify ( 3 ) causes of PID.

Evaluation: Summative

 .Explain in your own words how would you protect your self from some of these

infections .

 Name an organism that can cause PID


Symptoms of PID vary from mild to severe. When PID is caused by chlamydial infection, a

woman may be more likely to experience only mild symptoms even when serious damage is

being done to her reproductive organs. Chlamydia can also cause fallopian tube infection without

any symptoms. Because of vague symptoms, PID often goes unrecognized by women and their

health care providers. Women who have symptoms of PID most commonly have lower

abdominal pain. Other signs and symptoms include fever, unusual vaginal discharge that may

have a foul odor, painful intercourse, painful urination, irregular menstrual bleeding, and pain in

the right upper abdomen (rare).


Objectives Time Content Teacher Learner Evaluation

Activity Activity
Identify three (3 ) Symptoms of PID
4 Explain and Student will Quiz will be given
symptoms of PID vary from mild to discuss the name three to test their under
caused of PID organism that standing
severe. When PID causes PID

is caused by


infection, a woman

may be more

likely to

experience only

mild symptoms

even when serious

damage is being

done to her


organs. Chlamydia

can also cause

fallopian tube

infection without

any symptoms.

Because of vague

symptoms, PID

often goes

unrecognized by

women and their

health care

providers. Women

who have

symptoms of PID

most commonly

have lower

abdominal pain.

Other signs and

symptoms include

fever, unusual

vaginal discharge

that may have a

foul odor, painful


painful urination,

irregular menstrual

bleeding, and pain

in the right upper

abdomen (rare).


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