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Other Health Risks

Lesson 3 of Irresponsible
Sexual Behaviors
Learning Targets
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to
1. identify sexually transmitted diseases;
2. define sexually transmitted disease; and
3. demonstrate understanding of the risks of careless sexual behavior.

Getting Ready

Read the slogan below. Explain how this slogan applies to sexually
transmitted diseases. How can adolescents like you prevent STDs?

 


is better than cure

 

Learn and Share

When teenagers are exposed to early sexual activity and when they are
not aware of the dangers it may bring, they are placing themselves into
the risk of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Sexually transmitted diseases are infections that are passed from one
person to another through sexual contact. Teenagers who are exposed to
these kinds of sexual activities should be educated about STDs. According

to the World Health Organization (November 2013), more than one

million people acquire a sexually transmitted infection (STI) every day

Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Infections

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A. Chlamydia
It is caused by the bacterium chlamydia trachomatis which usually
infects the genitals of both men and women, but can also infect the
throat, rectum, and eyes. It can be transferred through sexual inter-
course and contact with sexual bodily fluids from an infected person.
• Burning feeling during urination
• Discharge from the penis or vagina
• Pain in the lower abdomen
• Painful sexual intercourse in women
• Pain in the penis in men
• Appropriate antibiotics prescribed by the doctor
B. Genital herpes
This disease is caused by the virus called herpes simplex. It can be
transferred through sexual intercourse and contact with sexual bodily
fluids from an infected person.
• Burning or tingling around genitals before blisters appear
• Blisters and ulceration on the cervix
• Cold sores around the mouth
• Red blisters

• Supportive medication advised by the doctor

C. Gonorrhea
This disease is also known by the slang names “clap” and “drip.” It is
an infection caused by the Neisseria gonorrhea bacterium. It infects
warm, moist areas of the body, including the urethra, eyes, throat,
vagina, anus, and reproductive tract. It can be transmitted from one
person to another through sexual intercourse.
• Burning or painful sensation during urination
• Discharge from vagina or penis
• Swelling or redness at the opening of the penis
• Sore throat
• Pain during sexual intercourse
• Sharp pain in the lower abdomen
• Fever
• Appropriate antibiotics prescribed by the doctor
D. Syphilis
It is caused by the bacterium treponema pallidum. It can infect the
vagina, anus, urethra, penis, lips, and mouth. It can be acquired during
sexual intercourse, by direct skin contact, and by blood transfusion.
• Starts with soreness at the site of infection
• Secondary syphilis may include symptoms like headaches,
swollen lymph glands, fatigue, fever, weight loss, hair loss, and
aching joints
• Syphilis is effectively treated with penicillin or oral antibiotics,
in case of allergy to penicillin
• Sex should be avoided after treatment until rashes or sores
have gone.
E. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Human immunodeficiency virus attacks the immune system, the
body’s natural defense system. This virus can cause Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

Mode of transmission
• Direct transfer of genital, rectal, or oral fluids through sexual

• Sexual contact
• Sharing needles or syringes with another person
• Blood transfusion
• Infected people do not usually manifest symptoms for years.
• Flu-like symptoms for a few days to a few weeks but usually
go away after several days.
• If untreated, symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, weight
loss, on and off fevers, infections in the mouth, diarrhea, and
unexplained fatigue.
• No cure has been found yet but new medicines can help
infected people to live longer
• Combinations of medicines that are designed to strengthen
the immune system
Other Symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Here are the common symptoms that teenagers must know in order to tell
if a person has sexually transmitted diseases.
1. Pain during intercourse 4. Swollen genitals
2. Genital discharges 5. Pain during urination
3. Bleeding after intercourse 6. Pain in the lower abdomen

To prevent having STDs, remember the word “abstain.”

Abstinence from premarital sex
Be faithful to your partner
Safe sex practices
Think twice
Avoid sharing needles
No to Drugs

Reflection Paper
Make a three-paragraph reflection paper about abstinence as the safest
way to prevent sexually transmitted infections.

Keep in Mind

 Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are caused by infections that

are transferred from one person to another through sexual contact.
 Teenagers who engage in irresponsible sexual behavior have a high
risk of being infected by STD.
 Abstinence is the most advisable method to avoid getting STD. It
promotes loyalty, trust, and faithfulness.


A. Solve the crossword puzzle below.




2 It has a slang name “clap” or “drip.”
3 This disease is caused by a bacterium that usually infects the genitals
of male and female.
5 This disease is caused by the bacterium treponema pallidum.

1 This disease is caused by a virus called herpes simplex.

4 This disease is caused by a virus that attacks the immune system.

B. Answer the following questions.
1. What is sexually transmitted disease?

2. What are the six common STDs?

3. What is the common cause of being infected with STD? Why?

4. What is the deadliest STD? Why?

5. Why is abstinence the safest method to avoid being infected with


Values Integration

Do you need to engage in a sexual activity in order to prove something to

your peers and to yourself? Engaging in any sexual activity is putting your
life at risk. Are you willing to take that risk?


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