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Sex Education

Group 7 :
• Abrilla Rizky Ramadhani Siregar
• Annisa Jahro Nst
• Ega Shepia
• Ismaul Fauziah
• Putri Anastasia Sihotang
• Rahma Aisyah Fadillah
• Resda Ceriana Telaumbanua
• Yohana Giofani Br. Panggabean
The dangers of free sex for teenagers
In the view of teenagers, sex is the pinnacle of expressing love.
Lack of education and information related to sex can be fatal.
Teenagers need an environment that is easy to adapt to, so they
feel comfortable to ask questions and build the character of
responsibility in each of them.

The emergence of sexual problems in adolescents can be in the

form of hormonal changes, which can increase adolescent sexual
What is free sex??

Apart from the purpose of sex, namely as a means to obtain

satisfaction and relaxation in human life, free sex or free sex is
carried out outside the bond of marriage.

Free sex is also a form of sexual harassment to channel one's

sexual desires to whoever he wants and who wants it, which is
usually done in places of prostitution, carried out as a form of
infidelity or unmarried teenagers.Free sex can occur because of
the absence of self-control to maintain behavior from risks that
can be fatal that can damage the child's future.
The female reproductive system is said to be perfect when it
enters the age of twenty years. Under the age of twenty,
humans still need nutritional intake, also the condition of the
uterus in women is not strong enough to contain a fetus.
Getting pregnant at a young age can trigger cervical cancer
because the reproductive organs are still too early to get
sexual stimulation.
Children now live in a sexual environment, where they are exposed
to sexual language, images, and behaviors. Coupled with the
technological era where it is easy to find information via the

The information they already have before they are developmentally

ready to handle it. The term "free sex" is familiar in today's modern
Those who live in it feel the freedom to do anything, including
sex.The role of parents in providing sexual education to children is
Tips for giving children an understanding of the importance of
taking care of themselves during the puberty phase
1. Treat your child like a friend
2. Provide children with moral education, character, and
3. Provide correct and reasonable child information,
4. Avoid prohibiting or scolding children for no apparent
5. Do not wait for the child to ask first,
6.Treat children according to their age
7. Parents don't need to panic, stay calm, and be wise
8. The price of children's opinions and get to know the
The impact of free sex on physical health
The physical impact of sex on children is often associated with
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). STIs can be passed from
person to person through sexual activity. Here are some types of

1.Clamydia. Chlamydia is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia

trachimatis, in men affected by chlamydia symptoms usually
appear in the form of inflammation of the urinary tract, fever,
discharge from the penis, pain, or heaviness in the testicles.As for
women, it is characterized by infections of the urinary tract and
cervix, infection in the uterus, irritation and discharge of foreign
fluids from the vagina, burning sensation when urinating, lower
2. Syphilis or the lion kingSyphilis is also known as lion
king disease. This disease is caused by the bacterium
Treponema pallidum which has a transmission period of
between 10-90 days.Syphilis is characterized by the
appearance of small, round sores that almost always
appear on or around the genitals, anus, or in the mouth.
If left untreated, patients can experience blindness,
deafness, skin ulcers, heart disease, liver damage,
paralysis, and even death.
3. Gonorrhea Disorder. Gonorrhea or gonorrhea is caused
by infection with the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Symptoms of gonorrhea include pain when urinating,
frequent urination, discharge of pus at the tip of the penis
or vagina, and pain in the genitals.

4. Fungal infections (Candida). For women who have a

yeast infection, the symptoms can include itching around
the vaginal area. As for men, a red color appears on the
tip of the penis. If it's severe, the area will look like a

Fungal infections (Candida)

5. Genital warts Symptoms of this infection are characterized by
ignorance of the genitals, anus, and buttocks. In some cases it
is stated that warts are found on the inside of the vagina
which causes itching and pain.Genital warts are caused by the
HPV infection virus, and are one of the fastest-spreading
sexually transmitted infections.

6. Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B is characterized by symptoms of

abdominal pain such as fatigue, nausea, vomiting, fever and
diarrhea. This disease can be transmitted through semen,
blood, and vaginal fluids.
Genital warts

Hepatitis B
7. Genital lice. Genital lice are transmitted through contact
between pubic hair. It takes about a week for nits to hatch on
the genital hair, which causes itching around the genital area
of ​the sufferer.

8. HIV/AIDS. This disease occurs as a result of infection with

the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which damages
the immune system.HIV can be transmitted through direct
contact between the layers of the skin or the bloodstream with
fluids containing the HIV virus.These fluids include blood,
semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk. If not treated
immediately, HIV can develop into a deadly disease called
Genital lice

The impact of free sex on psychological or mental health
In addition to the physical impact of sex, the negative impact is also
felt psychologically or mentally. The following are the
psychological dangers of free sex to children, which include:
1. Sexual appearance of pregnancy and disease
2. Feeling sorry and guilty
3.Influence the character development of young children
The impact of free sex on children's psychological or mental health
4.It's hard to have a serious relationshipIn adulthood
5. Depression
6.Pregnancy at a young age
All the bad effects of sex on the physical and mental can be
freed by providing sexual education to children from an early
age.Make sure parents educate children with moral, character
and religious education that is believed by the family well.
Always do positive communication with children, such as
discussions or casual chats.

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