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From the Fleet Library aboard
the Dattlestar Galactica

Windmill Books and E. P. Dutton I New York I

• o trademark of ond liC~rued by Un1ve~ City S1ud~ Inc
1> 1979 Un1vel'Sdl City Srudios. loc All nghts rt-wrwd
Copyright 0 1979 Universal City Studios, Inc. All rights reserved. BATILESTAR GAU\CTICA"' •a trademark of and licensed
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a review written for inclusion In a magazine, newspaper, or broadcast I Llbniry of Congress Cataloging Number 79-88416
I ISBN. 79-88410 I Published in the United States by Windmill Books and E.P. Dutton, 2 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016 I
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I Printed in the U.S.A. I First Edition I 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
The Encyclopedia Galactica was compiled under the Human Archaeology from the Tauron Cent~r for
editonal supervision of Bruce Kraus. P.A.. He.. VI J Science and the Arts.
Dr Kraus holds degrees in Galactic H1Story and

Honor above all the Truthseekers among ye,

for they shall be the saviors of humankind.

T he Truth lies not in the scribblings of scholars:

therefore seek its reflection
in the tranquil pools of the soul.
In their fifth year of training,
Academy cadets master the
precision formation tactics
necessary for victory in
deep-space combat.
For over two thousand yahren, the Academy on
Caprica produced the finest Wamors in the known
universe. Its course of study included not only train-
ing in the use of advanced weaponry, but also a full
academic program Each entenng cadet made a
seven yahren commitment to a program that pushed
his or her mental, physical and moral capacities to
their limits. But despite the difficulty of the training.
the Academy attracted thousands of applicants from
every comer of humandom For each cadet accep-
ted. one hundred were turned away.
The Academy was founded in Yahren 4479 to
train the sons of Caprican buriticians for military
service. It graduated its first class of nine Warriors in
Yahren 4483 Their training emphasized the strat-
egy of intercontinental warfare, and hand-to-hand
martial arts that were obsolete even then. Academic
training was limited to study of the dead languages of
the Elders of Kobol and the memorization of the
ancient texts
With time, the institution grew both in size and
scope Courses in history and the natural sciences
soon developed into impressive departments whose
facuities advanced the frontiers of knowledge in their
fields Courses in political theory eventually
spawned a separate Institute of Diplomacy dedicat-
ed to the peaceful resolution of the conflicts of the
peoples and beings of the Galaxy.

Since Warriors are •odetal leaden as well a.

•oldlers, cadet. receive a broad general
education. Here Lt. Boomer aid• aurvivors of
the Flnal Destruction.
In Yahren 4868. the Academy was opened to ces to transform the Academy into a battle-ready
students not of ruling buritician class and to women. factory for the production of Warriors. A greatly
In 4920. students from other Colonies were admit- expanded Department of Engineering and Applied
ted. The changes greatly improved the average qua Science produced such advances as the turbo-laser
lity of the student body. so that by Yahren 5000. the and the liquified solium propulsion systems.
Academy graduated 10,000 In each class and had The core of the Academy was an expanded
become the leading university of the Colonies. Dur- cadet training program The best qualified young
ing the Long Peace that followed. its original military men and women were transformed into Colonial
mission was gradually forgotten, and by the t1me Warriors through seven yahren of strict discipline.
of the commencement of the Great Cylon War in physical training and instruction in battle skills. From
5547. there was little to distinguish the Academy the beginning of the Great War. cadets conducted
from such institutions as the Center for Science and their own defense. It is some measure of their excell-
the Arts at Tauron or the University of Picon. ence that in countless attacks only once during the
With the outbreak of hostilities against the Cy- 1000-yahren war did Cylon forces inflict substantial
lon Empire and the Alliance. all humankind quickly damage to the Academy itself.
recognized the need for a first rate institution for the Later in the War. as the humans began to con-
development of military science. Although the tain the Cylon offensive. the academic departments
Twelve Great Colonies were separate nations with- reasserted themselves. At the time of the Final Des
out an effective central government. it was clear that !ruction in 6570. Colonial Warriors were well-versed
cooperation was needed to develop a military force in Ethics, Galactic Literature. Music. Exobiology. the
capable of repelling the Cylon attack. The Caprican human and nonhuman social sciences and astro-
Praesidium ceded the vast reserve on which Aca- physics as well as purely battle-related skills.
demy stood to the Quorum of the Twelve. Each The fate of the Academy during the Great Des-
Colonial Government supplied experts and resour truction is unknown.

For over two thousand years the Academy produced the finest WiUriors in humandom .
Adamo (6440-

Both in his role as Commander of the Battlestar

Galactica and as President of the Quorum of the A. Commander of the Battlestar G alactica,
Twelve after the death of Adar. Adama emerges as Adama leads the human survivors of Cylon
the greatest human leader of the post Destruction terror on a quest for a world of peace and safety.
penod. His initiative in assembling the Oeet of sur-
vivors of the Final Destruction not only saved thou-
sands of lives from the Cylon planetary extermina-
tion squads, but also may lead to the discovery of a
new home for humankind.
Adama was born to one of the oldest, most
distinguished buritician families in the Colony of
Caprica: his line is said to extend to one of the
Houses of the Lords of Kobol themselves, although
some scholars dismiss this as mere legend. It is clear,
however, that one of Adama's ancestors was a
founder of the Academy, and thus from early child-
hood Adama was under intense pressure to prepare
for the competitive examinations in admission to the
Academy. His success seemed assured, but on the
eve of the test, the young Adama Oed to a remote
retreat on Gemon. There, under the tutelage of a
mystic seer, he devoted several yahren to intense H ere, A dama seals i n marriage his son
scrutiny of the Books of the Lords of Kobol. hoping Apollo and Serina. Serina's son, Boxey,
to unlock some new, hidden meaning from the Adama' s daughter, Athena. and C olonel Tigh
cryptic texts The reasons for his return to Caprica look on.
and the Academy are unclear. Could it have been
the command of the Books, at last deciphered. or mankind into thirteen Colonies was the intent of the
was it the discovery that there was no meaning to be Lords of Kobol.
found? Under the leadership of Adama, Caprica long
After his return to the Academy, Adama com- pursued a military policy Independent of the guide
bined his studies of the occult with advances on the lines set by th!:! Quorum of the Twelve. Later. as a
frontiers of science. He led a top secret attempt to Councilor himself. Adama opposed the Cylon-pro-
harness the mental powers of tel.ekinesis (influencing posed armistice. but. fearing the total isolation of his
the motion of matter using the direct power of the Colony from the rest of humankind. he was ul-
mind) and telepathy (mind-reading) for military pur- timately forced to support the Quorum in its de-
poses Although the study produced nothing of im- c1s1on.
mediate usefulness. it did demonstrate a huge Adama's abiding susp1c1on of Cylon intentions
untapped potential in the human brain that to this during the armistice was a key to the survival of his
day remains to be fully exploited. Battlestar. the Galactica. during the Final Destruc-
Adama served with distinction in a dozen maior tion. As Quorum President. he seems at times more
engagements during some of the most desperate the mystic than the military man. Abandoning hope
hours of the Great War. He returned to Carillon a of any strategic recapture of occupied territory, he
hero. and soon assumed leadership of the ruling leads the fleet in search of the legendary thirteenth
Colonist regiment of the Caprican Praesidium. His Colony. Earth It may be that Adama himself actual
common sense instinct that survival is best assured ly believes in this mystic planet, but in any case. the
through diversity and independence may have been idea of a destination has been crucial in maintaining
re-enforced by a belief that the separation of hu- the morale of the survivors.
ated settlement of the Cylon War. After many years
of tireless work, this small party became the Pan-
Colonial Unification Movement, which ultimately
swept Adar into power first in his own Colony, and
then to the Presidency of a greatly strengthened
Quorum of the Twelve.
From a military standpoint, the Unification
Movement was a clear success. Inter-Colonial co-
ordination of production, supply and command
functions led to major Cylon retreats on broad
fronts. Colonial advances just prior to 6570 made
the false Cylon peace initiative believable to a major·
ity of the Council.
Adar perished on the Battlestar Atlantia in the
first wave of the Cylon attack.
A selfless, ascetic, driven man, Adar lived only
for his work. He never married, never touched Am-
brosa, and was indifferent to all recreational plea-
sures. His lofty idealism and intense personal
magnetism held great hope for humankind, but. in a
cruel turn of fate, both played central roles in the
As a Councillor on the Quorum of the Twelve, destruction of Colonial civilization.
Adama opposed acceptance of the false Cylon
peace offe r.

Adama's personal life has been marked by tra-

gedy. His wife. Ila, bore him three children* before
her death in the Cylon attack on Caprica in 6570.
Agro Ships
Agro ships are self-contained deep-space farms that
convert artificial sunlight into raw foodstuffs at an

Adar (6368-6570)
average efficiency of eighty-four percent. Further

Adar was a great political leader whose dreams

of peace ironically led to the destruction of
Colonial civilization.
A great political leader, diplomat and statesman,
Adar is of course best remembered for his disastrous
role in the armistice that opened the door to the Final
Destruction of the Colonies in 6570. A brilliant child
born to a peasant family in the Colony of Virgon.
Adar took First Honors from the lnstitute of Diplo-
macy. Hoping to realign the human forces into a
more effective political union, he became a staff
assistant to the Quorum of the Twelve in 5997, but
soon became frustrated by the internal bickering that
characterized the Council at that time. Disillusioned,
he returned to his native world and entered politics,
rising to the leadership of a small party favoring a
central government for all humankind and a negoti·

"'See also the separate biographies of Adama's children, Apollo.

Athena and Zaccariah.
Agro ships produce food for the survivors &om recycled waste products.

processing is required to add variety and taste ap-

peal. which reduces overall efficiency of, for exam-
ple. hydronic mushies. to sixty-two percent All plant
nutrients and water are continuously reprocessed
and recycled under the supervision of ecological
engineers. The reburning of solium wastes from the
main drive engines of the fleet, produces the artificial
sunlight. Thus, as long as the fleet continues to fly. Ambrosa is a rare and delicate drink. Its happy ef-
the nutritional needs of the people can be met fects on the human spirit have been celebrated by
indefinitely. poets since the Era of Darkness: Ambrosa warms the
The technology of space agriculture was de- heart. opens the mind and brings love into flower.
veloped on the crowded world of Aeries. When the Ambrosa improves with age. At less than one
population of their small crowded world surpassed yahren it is almost undrinkable, but after one hun-
the capacity of its conventional farming lands, the dred it is sublime. It is best distilled and purified
Aerians developed huge, orbiting space stations that under low-gravity conditions, making the output of
produced foodstuffs from the intense light of the small heavenly bodies, such as the Proteus Asteroid,
Aerian sun. With time. special food crops were de- especially valued.
veloped. adapted to growth in weightless space.
The Aerians developed the first Agro ships to
nourish interstellar space crews on the long journey
between the stars before the invention of faster-
than-light drive. The solium afterburner provided
light in the dark reaches between the stars; genetic
.Apollo (6525-
engineering produced new plants that could use the
solium light spectrum efficiently. Because of the high
cost of ultra-light travel, sub-light freight carrier con- Apollo is the eldest child of Adama, Councilor of
voys continued to require Agro ship support up to Caprica, and Commander of the Battlestar Galac-
the time of the Final Destruction. tica. After graduation from the Academy in 6560, he
ApoUo' s bride, Serina, was killed by the Cylons
on the planet Kobol.

stayed on as a Viper pilot instructor until his transfer

to the Battlestar Galactica. He served with distinction
during the Great War, rising to the rank of Captain,
commanding the Blue Squadron. He was awarded
the Golden Cluster for extraordinary heroism during
the First Destruction.
Captain Apollo was briefly married to Serina, a
telecaster widowed during the Destruction. She was
killed by the Cylons on the planet Kobol shortly
thereafter. and is survived by Boxey, her son from
her first marriage. Boxey was legally adopted by
Apollo, and is therefore entitled to all the rights and
privileges to which a member of his illustrious family
is entitled.

Apollo is the commander of the Galactica' s

famed Blue Squadron.

Astralon armored battle craft can pass through Astralon

clouds unharmed, unshielded civilian vehicles can
be severely damaged by them. The smallest Astra-
Astralons are high-velocity particles found in deep Ions are in many ways the most dangerous since
space. They range in size from microscopic diame- they cannot be detected by low-power scanners, but
ters up to several metrons in width. Although may cause hull leakage and lead to loss of on-board
atmospheric pressure.

Apollo is the adoptive father of Bosey, the

son of Serina.

Athena (6532-

As the youngest child of Commander Adama,

Athena seemed destined for a Warrior's career. Her
interest in telecommunications, however. led her to
pursue advanced degrees in ether p hysics at the
Academy, where she developed a number of im-
provements computerized in long-range scanning
equipment. (See Scanners). During her studies, she
also published several widely acclaimed essays on
the philosophy of science.
Though a battle-qualified Viper pilot. Lieute-
nant Athena serves principally in the controVcom-
mand section of the Battlestar Galactica where her
particular expertise is put to its highest use.

Athena is Commander Adama's only daughter.

Athe na, the daughter of Adama, is a trained

Viper pilot, and is skilled in
telecommunications and deep-space scanning
rather the elimination of every human being from
the Galaxy. It was too late then for Baltar to return to

Daltar (6453-
the humans. The Cylons gave Baltar a choice be-
tween helping them complete their mission against
the humans or slow death under torture. Baltar cast
his lot with the Cylons. and appears now to enjoy his
new rank of Commander of a Cylon Baseship Al-
Baltar is without a doubt the most hated human in though Baltar is not an inspired strategist by human
Colonial history. His greed and lust for power led standards, his imagination and knowlege of human
him to deceive his fellow Councilors into relaxing nature make him indispensible to the Cylon Empire.
their defenses, opening the door to the massive Baltar was born on the asteroid Cygnus, a pro·
Cylon offensive in which at least seventy billion hu- vincial outpost of the Picon Colony, where his family
mans perished. The Cylon Imperious Leader prom- operated a small Tylium mine. Cygnus was taken by
ised BaJtar safety for his own Colony, Picon, and the Cylons in 6470. and the young Baltar lived as a
personal rulership over the rest of humankind. Bal- prisoner for five yahren. He later blamed his brutal
tar. in return. persuaded the Quorum of the Twelve captivity on the Aerians and Capricans who. he
that the Cylons were sincerely interested in peace. claimed, were bound by treaty to come to the aid of
and that they had already shut down most of their Cygnus in the event of enemy invasion. After htS
attack forces in a gesture of friendship. The humans liberation. Baltar studied political economy at the
then disabled most of their weapons. For an account University of Picon. and returned to Cygnus to man-
of the attack that followed, see Final Destruction, age the family business. In ten yahren he trans-
below Ballar, himself. was betrayed by the Cylons, formed the small mine into the largest intercolonial
who attacked all Twelve Colonies equally. Further- Tylium trading firm in the Galaxy. Baltar's generous
more. their goal was not the enslavement of the contributions helped bring the Pan-Colonial Unifica-
human race under the dictatorship of Baltar. but tion Party into power in Picon. Bored with his ac-

Lust for personal power led Baltar to betray hi• fello w humans to the CyIons.
Baseships transport Cylon Raiders at ultralight speeds across the Galaxy.

complishments in business, Baltar entered politics. high-speed Raiders with a formidable capacity for
He was a persuasive speaker. and told the people battle in its own right. Although Baseships are cap-
what they most wanted to hear. that the Cylons able of super-light speed. they are not highly man-
could be reasonable. and that peace was at hand. euverable, relying for defense upon high-energy
He was selected to the Quorum of the Twelve in deflector shields. These shields, however. cannot
6560. and soon began working for his infamous withstand repeated direct hits from Colonial Laser
armistice proposal. Torpedoes. and therefore a Baseship can fall prey to
Baltar remains a mysterious figure. Some scho- a single Viper squadron that penetrates the first de-
lars believe that the Cylons made him their pawn as fense of Cylon Raiders.
a young boy. and that they were behind all of his The core of each Baseship is a specially sealed
financial and political successes. Others feel that his and shielded command chamber, usually housing
unreasonable ambition led him to feel that he could
use and manipulate the Cylons to his own advan
!age. It is clear. however, that Baltar's early experi-
Nutron-cased laser torpedos launched from a
ences left him with a Cylon-like indifference to the baseship to destroy a human battles tar.
destruction of life.
In 6573 Baltar was lured aboard the Battlestar
Galactica by the mysterious Count lbley. Baltar ar
rived under an interstellar sign of truce, apparently
expecting to negotiate as an equal wtth the humans
he had betrayed. This sort of warped arrogance is
typical of the distorted reality to which he has fallen
prey Baltar was tried and convicted of High Treason
against the State before the Quorum of the Twelve.
His sentence was life imprisonment aboard a prison

Cylon military attack strategy is built around the
Baseship. Modeled after the human Battlestars. the
Baseships combine the transport of short-range.
one or more Cylons of the advanced 1-L series (See
Cylons). Monitor and communication relays link the
chamber to all parts o f the ship, but in the event of
severe damage to the outer hull, the chamber can be
blasted free, and can travel up to ten light-yahren
under its own power.
Repair and maintenance facilities for Cylon
Centurions occupy over one third of each Base-
ship' s operational space. Routine adjustments to dif-
ferent environmental conditions, replacement of
worn parts and repair of battle damaged units ac-
count for most of the work of this section. Badly
damaged Centurions are cannabalized by Cylon
maintenance workers for spare parts, who melt
down the most shattered components to forge all
new parts. Baseships manufacture whole Centuri-
ons only in emergencies since mass production fa -
cilities on their own planets are much more efficient
Baseships' armaments include turbo-lasers and
laser torpedoes for deep space warfare, wide-angle
space-to-ground laser generators for the wholesale
destruction of civilian populations and a full comple-
ment of armored landing craft used for planetary
subjugation. One of the most feared Cylon weapons
is the nutron cased L aser Torpedo. which not only
inflicts immediate damage from its explosion, but
also emits rays that break down the cellular structure
of food and human tissue.

(From top to bottom)

Battlestar The Galactica 's ready-room is bathed in red light so

that pilot' s eyes will be ready for the darkness of space.

Laser canon defend key areas on shuttlecraft.

Prior to the Final Destruction, twelve battlestars

The Battlestars formed the backbone of the human
defended the Colonies from Cylon attack.
defense against the Cylons during the last 500
yahren of the Great War. They are deep space craft. Battlestars launch shuttlecraft to transport personnel
assembled in planetary orbit. Unable to land, they and equipment to and from planetary surfaces.
depend on shuttles for contact with planetary sur-
faces. Their maximum range before refueling is 500
light-yahren, although evasive maneuvers, espe-
cially high speeds and use of weapons can shorten
this range considerably.
A Battlestar's major armament consists of four
to eight squadrons of Vipers, one pilot fighters of
fantastic speed and attack power (See Vipers). The
Battlestar itself is armed with banks of turret-mount-
ed laser cannon, strategically mounted to defend the
Belloby 16435-

Siress Belloby is a Caprican buritician who was one

of the Galaxy's leading dealers in recycled parts and
equipment. Born to a distinguished, but impover-
ished family, Belloby once seemed to be the likely
bride of the young Adama. After Adama's marriage
to Ila, she pursued her business interests whole-
heartedly. and her financial support was of great
help to Adama later in his political career.

TyUu.m thrusters accelerate the battlestars to

Bio-Pulse Line
ten times the speed of light.

Viper pilots are subjected to great stress while nying

both due to acceleration g-forces and enemy attack.
For this reason. the Warriors body functions are
continuously monitored by Bio-Pulse Lines. This
data is fed to an on-board computer that compares it
most vital areas of the ship from head-on attack. It with stored records of the Warriors natural respons-
also boasts several launch platforms for long range es. The computer can then make instantaneous cor-
space-to-space torpedoes, capable of destroying rections by adjusting the pressure in the Warriors
large-scale enemy vehicles. A powerful radiation g-suit, changing the mix of the breathing solution, or
field can deflect most laser attacks, and attacking by injecting needed hormones and enzymes directly
impact explosive weapons are dampened by heavy into the bloodstream.
armor plating. Each segment of a Battlestar can be
separately sealed airtight, so that a hit in one area will
not jeopardize all.
Battlestars are powered to sub-light speeds by
twin solium energizers that convert matter directly
into propulsive force. Tylium thrusters boost the ship
past the light barrier: on full power, speeds of light
Books of the
times ten have been attained.
These massive ships have full facilities for their
crews of 500, including a 100 bed life-station, a fully
Lords of Kobol
equipped rejuvenation center and a variable-gravity
gymnasium. The Books of the Lords of Kobel are a semi-mystic
Only two of the twelve Battlestars are known to chronicle of the exodus of the humans of Kobel from
have survived the Final Destruction. The Galactica their dying world. They were composed during the
gathered under its protection 220 ships of survivors Age of the Philosophers during the Second Millen-
and began a desperate quest for a haven from the nium. Their style is uneven and various. Beautiful
Cylons; the Pegasus under Commander Cain con- poems telling of the loss and separation of the final
tinued to war against the Cylons and has not been days are interdispersed with stark lists of individuals
heard of since it challenged three Baseships during and their possessions. In contrast to the simple, dir-
the Battle of Gomoray in 6577. ect moral teachings of the Book of the Word. the
meaning of the proverbs and parables of the later unknown reaches of space. when their own planet
Books is often difficult to determine. Indeed, the began to die.
same passage can often be pointed out to favor both The War between Good and Evil is the central
sides of the same agreement This ambiguity cannot theme of the Book of the Word. Simple stories dra-
be held to be a flaw. It simply reflects the greater matize the central ethical conflicts of life in terms
uncertainty about the universe and the fate of hu- even the youngest child can understand. But these
mankind felt during the last days of Koba!. tales all have hidden complexities that have in-
After the establishment of the Colonies, hu- trigued, delighted and guided even the most pro-
mans turned against science and technology, and found ethicists of humankind. In these legends. the
looked toward mystical and spiritual experiences. humans of Kobol were visited in the remotest past by
The Books of the Lords of Kobol played an essential a race of Angels, always pictured garbed in white.
role in many of the sects that flourished during this who not only gave the humans the beginnings of
period. Their very difficulty gave them great appeal. their science, but also handed down to them the
Sects devised elaborate mathematical interpreta- Word of God, immutable laws for living a righteous
tions of particular words, even particular sequences life. A falien Angel, known variously as Diaboles or
of symbols. It was commonly thought that the entire Mephistopheles. repeatedly attempts to lead the hu-
fate of the Universe was encoded in the Books and mans astray. but is bested always by the intervention
that the mission of humankind was simply to de- of the benevolent spirits from the stars. The Angels
cipher them. give various human prophets brief glimpses of the
The importance of these sects declined after the Light of Good and Truth that inspire them and their
scientific renaissance, but many persist up to the disciples from that time forth. In later folk tales. quite
present day. (See Adama). apart from the sacred texts of the Book of the Word.
Oiaboles degenerates into a comic prankster. half
man and half beast.
Throughout history, many have bied to flnd
some literal truth in these ancient morality tales.

Dookof the Some have suggested that the sudden appearance

o f the pyramids on Kobol is itself evidence of contact

Word Boomer is a valued Viper pilot in the Galactica •s

Blue Squadron.

The Book of the Word is the oldest and most sacred

of the Books of the Lords of Kobol. Its sources are
three thousand yahren of ancient Kobol oral tradi-
tion. but our present version was set down in writing
long before the exodus from Kobol to the Colonies.
Despite its diverse origins, the Book possesses a
stylistic unity of surpassing beauty, and its lofty moral
precepts continue to speak with authority down to
the present day.
The Book begins with a mythic tale of the cre-
ation of the Universe. demonstrating the remarkable
insight of the ancient humans in an age before inter-
stellar travel. The book taught that they were but one
of many intelligent life-forms among the stars. The
physical harmony of the motions of the planets and
the stars was to be reflected in harmony among men,
and when that was achieved, in harmony with the
beings from the stars. This basic faith in the benign
nature of the universe was one factor that led the
Lords of Kobol to seek refuge for their people in the
with a superior civilization. The weight of evidence,
however, supports the contrary view. The humans
of Kobol were fully capable of achieving their high
civilization on their own. During the Great Cylon
War, the figure of Mephistopheles became popular-
ly associated with the Cylon enemy. an understand-
able feeling in light of the ruthless cruelty of the foe.

Boomer (6527-

Boomer is a Warrior serving as a Viper pilot in the

Battlestar Galactica•s famed Blue Squadron. He was
awarded the Golden Cluster for extraordinary hero-
ism during the Final Destruction. He grew up in
Caprica City. and graduated from the Academy with
honors in electromagnetic science in 6562.

The Cylons transformed the human spaceport

into a well-defended base for their
Supreme Star Force.

The Borallians are a fierce. nomadic people whose
cruel tribal customs have survived into the Interstel-
lar Age. Since their principle contacts with Humans
have been violent ones, our knowlege of them is
correspondingly limited to their military customs.
The Borallians do not distinguish clearly between
wars, feuds and criminal punishments. Because
tribes based on kinship are their unit of social organi-
zation (rather than nation-states or planetary federa-
tions) every war is in some sense a family feud.
Crimes against Borallians comitted by outsiders are
not tried and punished in any lawfully principled
way. Rather. a group of Borallian Warriors is called
to undertake a blood-hunt. Each warrior swears to
pursue the criminal to the ends of the Galaxy if need
..r be. Death is the only sanction meted out by blood-
hunting parties. Borallian Wars are direct extensions
of the blood-hunt: the "criminal" is then the entire
enemy people In both types of hunt the Borallian
Warriors readily lay down their lives in the fulfillment
of their oaths.
The ethic of the ancient Borallian Warrior ... cen-
tered around the long knife that was their principle
weapon. For an outsider even to see such a knife
meant certain death, for the Warrior would prefer
death by suicide to allowing his long knife to return
to its sheath unbloodied. The Boralhan's present-
day weapon. the Laser-Bolt. has similar properties.
Once drawn, It must be promptly hurled at the en-
emy, for otherise it will explode in the hand of the
user The ritual of the long knife-carried forward
into the design of the Laser-Bolt-stems from a
respect for naked violence and a belief that it is not to
be employed or threatened lightly.

Borallus is a rich agricultural world. first settled by
humans soon after the rediscovery of space travel.
(See Colonies) . As population pressures grew in the
Colonies. farms on Borallus began to export food A
vast space-port grew up to service the grain trade. a
port that became a military prize during the Great
War After the fall of the Colonies. Borallus became
the home of the Cylon Supreme Star Force.

The Borays blindly followed their leader,

Nogow, shown here astride his homed stallio n .

ray. Prior to the arrival of human settlers. the Borays
were peaceful farmers living by simple agriculture.
The Borays are intelligent pre technological beings. With the arrival of human farmers, the Borays began
inhabiting the planet Equellus. They live in herds. to ride their homed stallions in raids on the human
under the absolute leadership of one dominant Bo- settlements. By the light of the full moon, they took
what grain they wanted, killing and kidnapping hu-
mans in the process.
A landing party from the Battlestar Galactica
negotiated a truce between the two groups, under
which the humans voluntarily supplied grain in re-
turn for guarantees of peace. It is not known whether
this solution has proven a permanent one.

Buriticians dominated the Quorum of the

Twelve for millennia.

appointed by the last Lord of Kobol to rule over each

Colony. Over the millennia. however, many of the
original families died out, and new buritician families

Doxey were founded by great military and political leaders

in each Colony. During the great economic growth
that followed the scientific renaissance, anyone
whose business success reached intercolonial im-
portance could be called sire or siress, the traditional
Boxey is the son of Serina and the adopted son of title of the buritician class.
Captain Apollo. (See Apollo and Serina)
The buriticians never held complete political
power after the exodus itself. During the antiscien-
tific period, the mystics of the Books of Kobol had
considerable control over the day-to-day lives of the

Duriticians people. Military leaders, too, shared power at this

time and, much later, during the Great Cylon War.
Although such leaders were given buritician titles,
they usually kept their military rank and never identi-
fied fully with the older nobility. After the scientific
Buriticians are the hereditary nobility of the Twelve renaissance, the buriticians faced repeated populist
Colonies. The original buriticians were the families challenges from the common people who sought to
govern themselves. By the time of our Great War. extennination squads, Cain retreated watchfully,
the more flexible buritician families shared power waiting for the moment to strike. Over the yahren
with the commoners and with the rising industrial that followed. the crew of the Pegasus. believing
classes. Those who could not adapt to the new themselves to be the last surviving human Warriors,
reality were either violently overthrown. or else re- harrassed Cylon forces throughout the Galaxy.
tired to their luxurious vast estates to dream about In 6572. the Pegasus and Galactica discovered
the glories of the past. one another, and JOined in a vital and successful raid
The strength of the greatest buriticians has been on the solium reserves of the Cylon outpost. Go-
their strong sense of family unity, and their code of moray. As the Battlestar Galactica and its fleet col
honor and self-sacrifice strengthened by an aware- lected fuel. Cain executed a danng head on
ness of a tradition stretching across the millennia. confrontation with three Baseships In what may
have been Cain's last battle. at least two of the

- --
_-_ - - - -=- --=-- • .........
- -- -.---- - - A magnificent pleasure palace on Carillon
lured visitors &om all corners of the Galaxy.

Buzzer is the name given to a wide variety of crude
intoxicating drinks consumed in the outer Colonial
provinces. Buzzer is made from whatever local plant
life is available, and is usually aged less than one
yahren. Excessive consumption of Buzzer is a seri-
ous medical and social problem in these lonely out-
posts. though no cure for it has ever been found.

Cain (6470-6572?)

Commander Cain of the Battlestar Pegasus was the

greatest military genius of the modem age. He do-
minated the lntercolonial Strategic Council in the
final years of the Great War. and much of the credit
for the striking human advances during the period
belongs to him. His tactical brilliance as a Battlestar
Commander is legendary. Always outnumbered. al-
ways outgunned, Cain always managed to win the
victory of the day. Several advanced courses at the
Academy were solely devoted to study of his battle
At the time of the Final Destruction, the Pe-
gasus. like most of the Colonial forces, was on idle
status. The wary Cain, however, had his Battlestar
on ready alert. and so survived the surprise attack,
inflicting heavy damage on the Cylon forces. Too far
from the Colonies to defend them from the Cylon
a soil that can support plant life, settlers on Carillon
depend on supplies brought from other worlds. A
mining colony was established there in 6450, and its
human population reached 50.000 at its peak in
6465. As the Great War intensified, lines of supply
were impossible to maintain over the vast reaches of
space between Carillon and the Colonies, and the
mining operation was abandoned. Whether any
humans remained on Carillon is unknown.
Carillon was recolonized by the Cylon allies. the
Ovions, at some time prior to the Final Destruction.
The gruesome ecology established under the Cylon
regime is discussed under Ovions.

Cassiopea (6519

On her homeworld of Scorpio. Cassiopea was a

Socialator, one of a caste whose function was to
entertain and give pleasure to others. Socialators
were skilled in music and the dance, and could speak
with intelligence on nearly any subject.
Since her arrival on board the BattJestar Ga-
lactica, Cassiopea has been trained as a medical
corpsman and now pursues that profession ex-
The insectoid Ovions mined Tylium for the clusively.
Cylo ns, and fed visitors to Carillon to
their young. Cassiopea is a former sociolator who is now a
medical corpsman.

Baseships were destroyed. The fate of the Pegasus

remains unknown.
Cain graduated number one in the Academy
class of 6495. He first gained intercolonial fame as
leader of the legendary Eagle Squadron, flying from
the Battlestar Prometheus. Twice court-martialed
for insubordination, Cain returned each time,
cleared, to his cheering, fanatically loyal troops. (See
also Sheba).

Carillon is a small planet, very rich in Tylium de-
posits, first discovered by humans in 6392. Lacking
During the Long Peace. Colonial humans made peaceful contact with many intelligent species
throughout the Cyranus Galaxy.

Aerians quickly separated into a number of hostile

groups, and their Colony was tom by petty wars

Colony among them for hundreds of yahren The Scorpios.

blessed with a fertile planet and a gentle climate.
devoted their lives to the pursuit of art, music and
pleasure. On cold Geinon, pleasure was con-
demned as temptation to evil: the Otori sect carried
The Twelve Colonies were the next home of hu· this ethic to extremes. permitting contact between
manity after the death of the first homeworld. Kobol. the sexes only during the religious holidays of the
The settlement ships went forth. seeking out un- Worship of the Sunstorm. The Sagitanans became a
inhabited worlds to claim for their own Twelve such contemplative people. and through the modem era
worlds were found, worlds that would in time produced humankind's greatest philosophers. while
become the Great Colonies of the Humans. the practical Capricans retained much more of the
Once they had cleared the land and provided ancient scientific learning than the other Colonies.
for themselves the basic necessities of life. the early Consequently, it was the Capricans who led human-
settlers turned againsr the high technology that had kind into the scientific renaissance during the fifth
destroyed their former home. During the Era of millennium.
Darkness that followed. interstellar travel and com- h this age in intergalactic travel. it is difficult to
munication ceased; nuclear technology was slowly recreate the intense emotions of awe. shock and
forgotten; humans returned to a simpler. agricultural wonderment that the first intercolonial explorers
way of life. must have inspired. The tiny sub-light ships from
Separated for two millennia. the different Co- Caprica made the yahren-long journeys with the
lonies developed sharply contrasting cultures. The most primitive propulsion and navigation equip-
guidance system. All spaceworthy craft of course
have automatic piloting systems, but CORA is
uniquely able to derive and execute ultralight eva-
sive maneuvers through instantaneous analysis of
up to five hundred attackers. CORA interacts with
the Viper pilot by two-way voice communication, a
feature that has led many pilots to coment that the
system has a "personality" of its own.

Cryogenic suspension-the technique of slowing
life functions to a minimum through exposure to
AU twelve colo nies were laid to waste in the intense cold-has been common medical technique
m assive Cylon attack known as the Final since the Scientific Renaissance. Its most common
Destrucdon. use is in cases where the necessary antidote is tem-
porarily unavailable, or where elaborate diagnostic
tests must be completed prior to the commencement
ment imaginable; it was miraculous that any of them
of treatment.
survived the long journey. In each Colony they
Cryogenic suspension was also used on healthy
touched, the reaction was one of overwhelming joy
subjects in the early days of sub-light space travel to
at the rediscovery of their brothers and sisters be-
keep a ship's passengers alive on their yahren-long
yond the sky. On every Colony, all resources were
voyages with minimal consumption of food and
thrown into the development of practical interstellar
transports, and the practical application of the new
technology brought 500 yahren of unparalleled
prosperity. During this period, most Colonies estab-
lished new settlements on other planets and aster-
oids, and made peaceful contact with intelligent spe-
cies on other worlds. This happy time is remem-
bered as the Long Peace.
By the time of first contact with the Cylon Al-
liance, the Colonial humans technology had ad-
vanced beyond that of their ancestors of Kobol. The original Cylons were a technologically ad-
They held their attackers at bay for 1000 yahren, but vanced reptilian race from a far comer of the Galaxy.
in the end, the Colonial civilizations were totally As they died out many millennia ago, little is known
destroyed. of their society. They must have been warlike and
imperialistic since at the time of their extinction they
had already conquered hundreds of other worlds.
The key to the success of the early Cylon's con-
quests was their development, first of sophisticated

Cora robots, and then of fully intelligent androids. These

machines were built to withstand enormous stress,
to have great strength and powerful computational
capacity. Armies of them swept through sector after
Some of the Battlestar Galactica's high-speed recon sector of the Galaxy. But ultimately, the machines
Vipers are equipped with the CORA computerized became the superiors of their creators, and the Cy-
Ions themselves were destroyed by their own mach-
The Cylon androids, reptilian in form like their
masters. continued the mission of destruction to
which they had been assigned. Machines that they
were, they swept through the Galaxy even more
ruthlessly than their masters. The directives of their
programming crystallized into a single Edict of Ex-
termination, that called for the destruction of all
intelligent life forms in the Galaxy.
The Cylons have occasionally combined forces
with beings like the Ovions, but few creatures are
more useful to the Cylons alive than dead. There-
fore, the number of members of the Cylon Alliance is
likely to remain small. Cylons have no concept of
friendship or loyalty, and are programmed to ex-
terminate their living allies at the earliest convenient
Modem Cylons are basically humanforrn. The
most common type is the Centurion, a heavily ar-
mored soldier capable of operating a Raider and
piloting a Baseship or Dreadnought, and also adapt-
able to planetary invasion and extermination. They
are not of high intelligence, but can be cheaply
mass-produced. A common Cylon strategy. there-
fore, is to overwhelm the enemy with large numbers The most common Cylon soldiers are known as
of Centurions, many of whom will be destroyed, centurions.
leaving a sufficient number of survivors to carry the
day. The most advanced Cylons are from the 1-L
Series. Both Lucifer, aide to Commander Baltar,
and the Imperious Leader itself are of this type. 1-L
series Cylons have acute reasoning abilities, and can
directly monitor electronic telemetry from up to fifty
sources simultaneously. Much more than simple au-
tomatons, the I-L 's at times exhibit humanlike drives
for power. Human cylonologists speculate that this
ambition response was deliberately programmed in-
to the I-L's to insure prompt replacement of in-
competent leadership.
The first human-Cylon contact occurred in
5547, when combined human forces came to the
defense of their amphibious allies, the Hasaris (See
Hasarisl. The humans were unprepared for the mas-
sive Cylon offensive, and their fleet was soon forced
back to the outer defense perimeters o f their own
Colonies. T his was the beginning of the thousand-
yahren Great Cylon War.
The humans proved to be the most formidable
foes the Cylons had ever faced. Lacking the imagi-
nation to respond to human advances creatively, the
Cylons adapted in the only way they could: by imita-
tion. Their Centurions were designed to resemble
humans more and more, and their weapons were
redesigned accordingly. Human weapons advances
were quickly met by Cylon copies, so that the war
remained in stalemate for hundreds of yahren. The
Colonial Unification Movement and the military ge-
nius of Commander Cain had pushed the Cylons to
the breaking point, when the treachery of Baltar led Cylons of the gladiator class perform
intermediate command functions.
to the destruction of humanity. (See also
Imperious Leader).

Sophistic.a ted androids of the 1-L series rule the CyIons, and are programed to strive for power with
one another.
Cylon Centurions exist only to obey and destroy. Each series is manufactured so precisely that even
their delicate computer brain units are interchangeable from one Centurion to another.

An 1-L Series Cylon.

D aggits are a mong the humans' oldest friends; they survive i n the Galactica's fleet only in robot form.

with the advance of civilization, they became be-

Cyranus loved pets to humans. Each of the Colonies de-

veloped its own varieties of Daggits, so that by the
time of the Final Destruction, over two thousand
different breeds were officially recognized by the
lntercolonial Kennel Association. (See Robots).
The galaxy of the twelve Human Colonies destroyed
by the Cylons in the Final Destruction. (See Colony
and Final Destruction)

Since the mythical days of humanity on the planet
Kobol. the Daggit has been man's friend and com-
panion_ A warm-blooded quadruped, related to
such wild species as the Equellan lupus, the Daggit
has been domesticated for thousands of yahren.
Daggits were probably first used for hunting_ but
PUotless drones can be
operated by on-board
Cylon dreadnoughts
computers or by remote
specia.l ize in planetary
control. Drones perform
surveillance functions
in areas too dangerous
for human pilots.

sance missions deep inside Cylon territory. They

may be controlled from a remote base and can also

Dreadnought be entirely controlled by flexible-logic. on-board

computers. Drones packed with powerful short-
range scanners give a much more detailed picture of
enemy operations than can be gained from long-
Dreadnoughts are vast Cylon warships packed with range scanners operating at a distance.
weapons systems and landing troops, whose sole Drones packed with explosives can also be ef-
function is planetary destruction. They have no fective weapons, since they can be programmed to
counterparts in the Colonial fleet. Dreadnoughts are lie dead in space for yahren, and then to track and
neither highly maneuverable nor well-armed defen- destroy approaching enemy spacecraft.
sively. They are usually brought up from the rear
after a sector's space defenses have been entirely
subdued by previous attack. The defense of a
Dreadnought in hostile space requires two Cylon

Earth is the name given to the legendary thirteenth

planet colonized by the humans fleeing their dying
homeworld of Kobel. The Books of the Elders at one
point refer to it as the Third Planet of Nine, circling a
yellow star at the edge of the Frodian Galaxy. It
seems most unlikely that a group of the Kobollian
Drones are compact, pilotless spacecraft. first de- survivors would undertake so long a journey so far
veloped by the human for dangerous reconnais- from the other Colonies. The reference may be no
more than a literary echo of the famous passage peared, as though from nowhere. and blasted the
from the Book of the Word: defenseless Colonial civih;,n populations out of ex-
The many shall go forth in time
Major population centers were vaporized in-
And many long shall search.
And one shall find a gdrden stantly. Nutron-cased missiles spread deadly radia-
in the rolling hills of Earth. tion that guaranteed a slow. painful death for billions
more. Cylon extermination squads. shielded from
The passage, long taken to be a simple reference to the deadly rays, hunted down the survivors like
spiritual renewal through contact with nature. has animals. Ninety-eight percent of the seventy billion
also been thought to indicate that humans were humans inhabiting the Great Colonies were killed in
destined for a planet called Earth from the most a matter of months. The survival rate in the outer
ancient of days. provinces may have been much higher, but only
Numerous tales and legends of Earth abound, because the Cylons have not yet given these remote
many of which are retold to entertain children. In areas their direct attention
some stories. Earth is said to be a placid paradise, From each Colony. a handful of ships escaped
inhabited by benevolent, playful spirits. In others, to join the Battlestar Galactica on its quest for the
Earth is a dangerous planet of savage beasts and mythical planet. Earth. In their hasty flight. the re-
huge pits of molten rock. Since the Final Destruc- fugees left behind not only dozens of loved ones. but
tion. the "rolling hills of Earth,·· whether legend or also the great cultural richness that marked the Co-
reality, have become the shining hope that sustains lonial civilizations.
the human survivors in their flight from the Cylon The focus of human concerns has narrowed to
terror. the primal need for survival. But even if a sanctuary
is found, it will be a very different life from the one
left behind.

Equellus The Borays are herd creatures who preyed on

the produce of the human farmers of EqueUus.

Equellus is a minor farming and ranching planet with

few human settlements. Its original inhabitants. the
Borays, a primitive but intelligent species, have had
a hostile relationship with the human settlers. Grain
is Equellus' s principal export, but its economy is
mainly geared to subsistence. There are no large
cities. The small, widely scattered towns must be
largely self-sufficient to survive. (See also Borays)

The Final Destruction is the name given to the mas-
sive Cylon attack on the twelve human Colonies that
ended the Great Cylon War. With the human Oeets
idled, and all of mankind expecting its first peace in
one thousand yahren, massed Cylon forces ap-
Space freighters hauled goods and food supplies at sub·Ught speeds.

Freighters are sub-light vehicles, powered by a

single solium energizer. Low thrust applied for quat-

Force Nitron rons in the vacuum of space eventually accelerate

them to a cruising speed of . 998 of the speed of light.

Field-Farming As a freighter nears its destination, it must apply its

thruster in reverse for several quatrons more in order
to slow it down.

Growing plants take nitrogen from the soil and com-

bine it into plant structures in order to grow. On
many planetary surfaces, there is no natural way to
replace the lost nitrogen in less than twenty yahren
even though nitrogen may be present as a gas in the
atmosphere. When growing populations made it im-
possible to shift cultivation to different fields each The tremendous acceleration produced by Vipers
year, the Colonists developed various fertilizers. The upon takeoff and during maneuvers is so strong that
type still in use today is the forced nitron pipeline that it could cause the pilot to black out. Pilots therefore
delivers nitrogen in a usable compound directly to wear G-Suits (acceleration is measured in G's or
the roots of each growing plant along with water and gravities). which surround the entire body and in-
other essential nutrients. flate at the arms and legs to force blood to the brain
during maximum acceleration. G-Suits are compu-
ter controlled and connected to the Bio-Pulse Line
Computer to insure maximum pilot alertness at all

Freighters times.

Prior to the Final Destruction , space freighters ac- Gambling

counted for over two-thirds of all intercolonial travel.
They hauled heavy loads of minerals, manufactured
goods and even food in times of need, among the
Twelve Colonies and to their distant provinces. The
surviving freighters, now under the protection of the
Battlestar Galactica. have been largely converted Gambling Chanceries have grown up wherever hu-
into living space for the refugees. mans are found. The urge to risk all in the hope of
gaining something for nothing is apparently a uni- ticated industrial plant intact its human population o f
versal human trait. Even on the stem Colony of over fifty million was exterminated entirely by Cylon
Gemon, where all forms of gambling were officially death squads. As a Cylon outpost. Gomoray's sol-
banned. back-room gaming houses flourished ium refineries became a target of the harassment
throughout the ages. Chanceries range from the tactics of the Pegasus. In 6572. the Battlestars Galac
luxurious casinos aboard luxwy liners like the Rising tica and Pegasus combined to destroy the Cylon
Star, or on the Ovion planet, Carillon to rough-and- presence there and sack its vast solium refinery of its
ready Chancery bars on frontier planets like Equel- reserves. The fuel obtained in that raid was sufficient
lus. The card game Pyramid is played universally. Its to power the fleet of survivors for yahren.
origins are lost in antiquity. but it seems certain that it
was played in the days of the Lords of Kobol them-

The Hasaris were an amphibious race first contacted
by humans in Yahren 5225. shortly after the rein-
Gomoray was a prosperous industrial world whose vention of faster-than-light drive. The Hasaris were
population and economy swelled with Colonial mili- civilized and peaceful, though not as technically ad-
tary demands during the Great War. The Final Des- vanced as the humans. Many yahren of friendship
truction took a particularly brutal fonn on Gomoray and cooperation followed. Human science aided the
Since the Cylons wished to take the planet's sophis- Hasaris in raising their standard of hving; delicate

Cylon death squads exterminated Gomorray' s human population, bat preserved its indu•tries Intact.
Cylon lasers are large and powerful. Among humans, only Colonial Warriors carry
laser pistols.
lntercolony buses brought the humans of the scattered Colonies together.

mistrust that Adama and his family had for him, they duced the cost of deep space travel and knit the
reason, lbley decided to withdraw rather than pro· human community together again after millennia of
voke grave dissention, leaving the humans the guide isolation.
to Earth he had promised them. Another theory.
advanced by supporters of Adama. hold that the
coordinates were transmitted by the glowing ships.
This view has very little factual support in its favor.
The third theory is that the same shock that caused
amnesia in the three Warriors also produced a joint
wish-fulfilling hallucination in them. Only time can
provide answers to the vast mysteries surrounding
Count fbley.
An 1-L series Cylon known as the Imperious Leader
commands the vast Cylon Empire. Although the

Inter-Colony Cylons are totally obedient to commands of

their leaders.

The rediscoveries and advances of the scientific
renaissance made intercolonial travel possible. True
re-unification of the Colonies, however, had to await
the development of regular passenger service. Early
sub-light space lines made the trips in a matter of
quatrons and transported only the very rich in great
luxury. The ultra-light intercolony bus greatly re-

and dazzling Hasari works of art were valued by following among the people of the Fleet as well. His
humans for generations. The Hasaris never devel- offer to lead the Fleet to the legendary planet Earth
oped an advanced military organization and easily excited one and all. lbley was in fact on the verge of
felJ prey to Cylon invasion in 5547. Despite valiant election to leadership of humanity at the head of the
defense by the combined human forces. the Hasaris Quorum when he mysteriously disappeared Count
were all exterminated or enslaved within two lbley was last seen on the asteroid on which he was
yahren. first discovered in a violent confrontation with Apol-
lo, which is only sketchily recalled by those present.
Another mystery is the connection (if there is one)
between lbley and the appearance of the bright.
ultrafast spacecraft that dogged the Fleet during this

lbley period. These craft intercepted and held a number of

Warriors, although all were eventually returned safe-
ly. They, too. seemed to have had their memories of
the recent past wiped clean. Some credit these craft
with the contemporaneous improvement in agro-
Count lbley is one of the most enigmatic figures ever yields.
encountered by the human survivors. He was dis- Perhaps most puzzling of all is the fact that the
covered amid the wreckage of a large spacecraft on a three witnesses to the disappearance of Count lbley.
lonely asteroid, and brought aboard the Battlestar Apollo, Starbuck and Sheba, all returned with a
Galactica. He claimed to be of a higher degree of memory of explicit time/ space coordinates that they
being than the humans, and demonstrated this claimed were those of the mythical planet Earth.
through his powers of telekinesis. telepathy, and a None of the three could explain the source of these
direct power over the will of others. This last power coordinates: in fact, they felt as though they were
brought Ballar to the Quorum of the Twelve to stand blurting them out without conscious control. as
trial for High Treason. He is also sometimes credited though another was speaking through them. There
with greatly increasing the output of the Fleet's Agro are three schools of thought concerning this. Many
Ships. of Count lbley' s followers (and he still has many
These feats greatly impressed the Quorum of admirers in the Fleet) argue that this knowledge is
the Twelve and gained Count lbley a large popular the Count's final gift to humankind. Realizing the

The Hasaris are a peaceful species enslaved by Humans defended the Hasaris from Cylon
theCylons. invasion. beginning the Great Cylon War.
Of all the Cylons only the Imperious Leader
ret•ins the reptilian form of their aeators.

The rediscevay of Kobol by the Galactic• unlocked

many secrets of humanity's past.

other 1-L series Cylons treat the Leader with great common today. But before the great exodus, the
respect, all secretly aspire to its role No orderly humans of Kobol had developed a civilization that
means of succession has been developed: if a Lea- pressed the planet's resources beyond the breaking
der shows weakness. it is replaced by whatever Cy- point: the inhabitants who could not Oee to the outer
lon unit has the power to eliminate it stars perished amid their own refuse.
The first Imperious Leader engineered the Near the ancient capital city of Eden lie the
overthrow of the first reptilian Cylons. Today, of all pyramid shaped tombs of the Lords of Kobol where
the Cylons, only the Imperious Leader retains rep- the ancient rulers of humankind were buried amid
tilian form. (See also Cylons) rich treasures.

Kobol Landram
The planet from which humankind came to the The Landram is an all-terrain surface transport vehi-
Twelve Colonies was remembered as Kobol, long cle designed for medium-range transport on plane-
after its location was lost and its very existence was tary surfaces. A shuttle from a Battlestar or other
forgotten. Hidden behind a vast magnetic sea. it was interstellar spacecraft can be equipped with up to
rediscovered only when the Battlestar Galactica was two Landrams. These vehicles come equipped with
in desperate flight from the Cylons. emergency supplies lo support a crew of five for two
Little is known of the original culture of this weeks, a variety of currencies and valuable metals
long-dead world. The ruins that survive speak of an and medical supplies for all known natural poisons
early, prescientific time. Legend has ii that on Kobol and diseases. Landrams travel slowly but with spe-
humans lived lives of five, six and seven hundred cial traction gear and gyroscopic stabilizers. they can
yahren. instead of the two hundred yahren lifespans travel across the steepest and most uneven terrain.
Landrams are 119ed for transport on planetary surfaces and can function in a wide variety
of environments.

Lucifer U. an 1-L Series

Cylon Roder the
command of Baltar.

Lucifer is an exceptional Cylon 1-L computer of the
1-L series that rules the Cylon Empire. His particular
villainous duty is to aid the treacherous Baltar. (See
Baltar and Cylon)

The Lupus is a fur-bearing four-legged predator and
scavenger found on the plains of Sectar. Its natural
prey are small rodents and the carcasses of larger
game. and it will attack domesticated poultry as well.
The Lupus is dangerous to humans only if it or its
young are attacked.

Magnetic Sea
Magnetic seas are an unusual interstellar phenom-
enon, highly dangerous to navigation. They are
often ten parsecs in all dimensions and consist of real daggit that he had to leave behind on Caprica.
widely spaced, highly charged particles. The attrac- A hero in his own right, Muffey was instrumen-
tion and repulsion of the particles themselves keeps tal in saving the lives of Boomer. Boxey and other
the sea's structure stable. These same forces make members of the Blue Squadron from a terrible fire
scanner probing of the sea and beyond impossible. within the Battlestar Galactica that was wrought by a
Light rays, too, are unable to penetrate it. devastating Cylon raid. (See Oaggit and Robots)
The best-known magnetic sea protected the
planet Kobol from rediscovery by humans for over
four millennia.

Muffey is a robot daggit designed and created by Dr. The Nova of Madagon is a space corridor near the
Wilder of the Battlestar Galactica especially for heart of the Cyranus Galaxy densely packed with
Boxey (Apollo's adopted son) to replace a beloved small, bright stars. The stars' brilliance and their
complex gravitational interactions make navigation
through the Nova extremely dangerous. The Nova
was thought to be wholly impassible after being
mined by the Cylons, but a path was cleared by
three members of the Galactica's Blue Squadron:
Apollo, Starbuck and Boomer.

The Numa is a primitive hand weapon that uses
compressed air to propell a small projectile. It can
injure or kill small game or unshielded humans at
short ranges. Numa guns were common during the
Late Era of Darkness, but they are found in common
use only on backward planets like Equellus.

Ovines are four-legged grazing animals raised by the
humans of Sectar for food. Their meat is the planet's
The Ovions are intelligent, burrowing insects
major export. Thousands of Ovine carcasses are
brought to Carillon to mine Tylium for the Cyloos.
loaded into the hold of a small freighter several times
each year. They are flash-frozen by exposure to the
chill of space to preserve them on the long journey to
the Colonies.

The Ovions are a race of intelligent, burrowing
insects, exploited by the Cylons because of their
mining abilities. In the course of constructing their
elaborate burrows, the Ovions transport to the sur-
face tons of nearly pure mineral ore.
Worker Ovions stand 2.2 metrons tall and have
six legs, one pair to each body segment. All the
individuals in an Ovion nest are closely related, and
therefore act cooperatively. Most of the females are
Lotay, Chosen Leader of the Ovions, ruled Carillon for the Cylons.
skilled workers who gather food and construct the tainment, gambling and luxury were available in vast
hive under the direction of their Chosen Leader. quantities. H umans flocked in from around the gal-
This leader, larger than the others, is the only fertile axy. Life was so intense that no one noticed the
female in the nest. The dying Leader lays a number percentage of the "guests" harvested each day.
of special eggs, which develop into larvae. The These poor souls were killed and brought to sub-
nursemaid workers then "choose" their new Lea- terranean nurseries where their bodies fed the grow-
der- the largest and most healthy-by destroying ing larvae of the Ovion young.
all the others. The nest also contains a few males The CariJlon pleasure palace was destroyed by
whose only function is to mate with the Leader and the Battlestar Galactica in 6570.
produce the next generation.
On their homeworld, the Ovion workers scav-
enge the forests for small animals to nourish their
growing young. When the Cylons brought them to
the lifeless world of Carillon to mine Tylium, a means
of nourishment had to be found. The Cylons es-
tablished a glittering pleasure palace for humans and
other beings on Carillon, where food, drink, enter-
A poisonous substance generated from fall-out of
While life is con•tant, •leepless toil for Ovion Nutron Elements which contaminates food.
workers, the Chosen Leader has time for
cultural pursuits out.side of the mating season.

The Praesidium was the central governing body of
the Colony of Caprica. During the Era of Darkness, it
was an annual meeting of the Caprican buriticians
where disputes were settled and taxes were set amid
great festivities and revelry. As the scientific renais-
sance progressed, government by the elite was no
longer tolerated. The Praesidium was progressively
expanded until its members represented all seg-
ments of society. The privileges of the buriticians
were gradually reduced until, by the time of the
Great War, they had an automatic right to only three
out of 300 seats.
In time of war, however, the power of the buri-
ticians was effectively enhanced. For the duration of
such crisis. three-leader ruling councils wielded the
power of the entire Praesidium. These were com-
posed of a commoner. a military leader and a buri-
tician. Since the buritician class also provided many
military leaders, it effectively controlled the Colony
in wartime. Because of the length of the Great Cylon
War, this system was abandoned, and after 5 770 the
300-member Praesidium was reinstated.
This term refers to any mass of heavy-element mat-
ter in deep space. A Preciptum Layer can be the
result of such natural processes as the gravitational
The le aders of the Colonies formed the Quorum
decay or an asteroid, or may be the waste product of
of the Twe lve.
certain kinds of primitive space drive engines. They
do not present a major hazard to navigation since
(although light cannot pass through them) scanners the Battlestar Galactica. the Enforcers were quickly
can analyze them fully. overthrown.

Proteus Prison Quorum of the

This prison on the asteroid Proteus was established
by the Aerians in 5220. In its heyday in the 5300s, it
housed over one hundred thousand. Its brutality
made it infamous throughout the Colonies. The The Quorum of the Twelve is the governing body of
harshness of which the Aerians were once so proud humankind and is composed of one representative
eventually became an embarrassment during the of each of the Great Colonies. The Quorum first met
enlightened days of the Long Peace. And so. early in in 4998. shortly after the rediscovery or interstellar
the Cylon War, the majority of the prisoners were travel. Throughout most of its history. the Quorum
released. The Proteus Prison was then gradually remained an august, dignified body with little prac-
forgotten. tical power. Each of the Colonies had its own
Also forgotten were a few hundred prisoners deeply-rooted traditions and concerns and was un-
and their guards, the Enforcers. Whether they chose willing to submit any important questions for reso-
to remain behind or whether they were simply over- lution by the group.
looked by the evacuation teams is unknown. These For centuries, Councilorship on the Quorum of
men and women remained to form a strange society the Twelve was limited to buriticians. It is ironic that
that lasted for generations. The children of Enforcers the Quorum attained real power only under the
took their parent's place: the children of the prison- leadership of its first peasant member. Anton. Near
ers took as names the crimes or their parents, the the end of the Great Cylon War, the Quorum not
crimes of their ancestors. only controlled all human military operations
The prisoners on Proteus manufactured Am- through the lntercolonial Strategic Council, but also
brosa. the finest in the Galaxy. After the asteroid was directed all economic production and transport as
cut off from humanity by the Cylons, however, no well Improved communications led to exchanges of
further shipments could be made. and centuries of literature and entertainment that were beginning to
production piled up on the loading docks. The En- reunite humankind into one people once again.
forcers, anxious to keep their power, kept up the T he Quorum continues to govern the survivors
pretense that the Ambrosa was going to the Col- of the Final Destruction in the Battlestar Galactica·s
onies. When their lie was exposed by the arrival of fleet under the leadership of Councilor Adama.
Quotara was a favored destination of luxury liners.

They require a crew of three. Because the Cylons

consider their Centurion pilots wholly expendable,
very little of the Raiders' equipment is for their own
defense. Their armor is thin and they carry no radia-
tion shields. Raiders are packed with turbo-lasers
and nutron-cased laser torpedoes, but their targeting
The Quotara cluster is one of the most beautiful systems are slow and can be confused by high-
areas of the Cyranus Galaxy. It consists of seven red energy transmission of false scanner data.
stars orbiting near a single blue star. The cruise to
Quotara was a favorite trip from nearby Colonies The Raiders are modeled after the obsolete
aboard such luxury liners as the Rising Star. human space fighters. They are nearly as fast as the
latest Colonial Vipers, but not as maneuverable.

Cylon Raider tactics are crude. Since their re-

Raider sources are vast and their pilot skills are inferior. they
favor a mass attack on an outnumbered enemy. To
penetrate shields that would deflect radiation. Cy-
Ions have been known to ram their Raiders directly
Cylon Raiders are small, ovoid short-range attack into their targets, destroying the pilot, but inflicting
craft, launched into deep space from Baseships. heavy damage as well.

Raiders are deadly. but less maneuverable than Cylon·Raiders require crews of three.
Colonial Vipers .
to any comer of the Cyranus Galaxy. The BattJestar
Galactica fortunately destroyed the Pulsar. and in
that raid many of Ravishol's breakthroughs in en-
ergy conversion and transmission were lost. perhaps
for all time.

Rising Star
Baseships require
Raider protection
A luxury liner that was designed and created for the
entertainment and pleasure of the Colonists. Since
for their
own defense. the Final Destruction it is used for the fleet members
and the Warriors on leave. It is particularly famous
for its expensive gambling-chancery and its beautiful
dance area (See Gambling-Chancery)

Ravishol Laser Robots

The dividing lines between simple tools, ordinary
Ravishol. the brooding genius of the Physics Depart- machines and intelligent robots or androids are not
ment of the Tauron Cemer for Science and the Arts, always clear ones. Even the simplest measurement
was an idealist and a pacifist whose research nearly or repair device contains micro-circuits that continu-
gave the Cylons the key to intergalactic domination. ously monitor its function and feed back the infor-
Ravishol' s work in intergalactic communication was mation to its user. At the beginning of the Scientific
fueled by an intense faith in the legendary Thirteenth Renaissance. human scientists developed multi-pur-
Colony, Earth. which he believed had been estab- pose machines that clearly were robots. Many
lished outside our own Cyranus Galaxy. On the looked forward to a Golden Age when all of society's
lonely asteroid Arcta, he designed and constructed a boring, repetitive jobs could be done by intelligent
supremely powerful communication device pow- machines. That dream was shattered in 5160. how-
ered by the direct fusion of tritium and deuterium ever, during the Cybernetic Revolt that paralysed
that he dubbed the Pulsar. The Pulsar was to trans- the Colonial economy for over a yahren. The Colo-
mit intense, electromagnetic waves in a simple but nial Code was swiftly modified to prohibit the in-
unmistakable ordered pattern to catch the attention tegration of sophisticated artificial intelligence with
o( distant alien beings who were monitoring or ob- mobile mechanical devices. Thus the humans were
serving deep space. Ravishol' s plan was to gradually spared the grim fate that befell the first Cylons:
increase the complexity of his message to form a destruction by their own creations.
code that his unseen beings would in time decipher. The android daggit. Muffey. was one of the first
eventually leading to full-fledged two-way commu- exceptions to this rule, built out of sympathy for the
nication. loss of Muffey's namesake. a real daggit lost in the
Dr. Ravishol's dream was never realized, how- destruction of Caprica. Since no biological daggits
ever. The Cylon Empire seized the Arcta laborator- were permitted to board the fleet, Muffey provides
ies shortly after the Final Destruction and converted many of the survivors with the warmth and friend-
the Pulsar's vast energy-conversion systems into an ship they miss from their ancient companions. (See
Ultimate Weapon that could deliver utter destruction Cylon; Daggit).
Sectar is a remote ranching
planet in the Hatari

Scanners gather and analyze information from surrounding space and guide the fleet through space.
tion began. After losing her husband during the raid
on Caprica, she and her son Boxey were taken

Scanner aboard the Battlestar Galactica as refugees.

Captain Apollo and Serina had known each
other previously but it was their mutual affection for
Boxey that turned their acquaintance into love.
The broad-spectrum cybernetic Scanner is at the Eventually, they were sealed and solemnized during
heart of the Colonial attack system. A sensitive a joyous ceremony and for a time were very happy.
antenna receives heat, light and all other frequencies In the midst of a Cylon ambush on the planet
of radiation from a 360° sphere, and feeds it into a Kobol. Serina was mortally wounded She died in
computer for analysis. Long-range Scanners can Apollo's arms aboard the Battlestar Galactica (See
match most bodies within a range to objects recor- Apollo)
ded in the computer's memory in a millicenton. The
identified object may then be visually displayed,
along with data on rate of travel, armaments, and
crew. If the object remains unknown, the Scanner
emits a broad spectrum of radiation, and analyzes
the echoes that return.
The Scanners and their associated computers
Sheba (6525-

on board each Viper can take over attack and eva-

Sheba is the only daughter of the great war hero,
sive functions if the pilot loses consciousness. The
computer's automatic battle decisions, however, Commander Cain. She graduated from the Acad-
cannot match the skill of a trained Colonial Warrior. emy in 6560 with highest honors in Strategic Sci-
ences and went on to become one of the most
decorated Viper pilots in the fleet. She led a squad-
ron on the Battlestar Pegasus until its disappearance

Sectar in Yahren 6577, (see Cain ) when she was cut off
escorting personnel to the Battlestar Galactica. Now
a member of the Battlestar Galactica's famed Blue
Squadron, she has established close ties with the
family of Commander Adama.
Sectar is a remote planet in the Hatari sector dotted
with fewer than twenty small human settlements.
Large Ovine ranches once exported large quantities
of meat to the Colonies; orbiting freighters loaded up
from small shuttles and froze their cargos by expo-
sure to the chill of space for the long journey home.
Today the Oviners raise small herds for subsist-
ence that provide them with milk products and cloth-
ing as well as meat. Cut off from Colonial civilization,
technology on Sectar has reverted to a primitive
level. Its population is largely defenseless; their most
powerful weapons are simple Numo guns. Sectar
would be an easy prey for any hostile, advanced
race. It remains undisturbed only because it is so
poor that no conqueror would waste time or energy
on it.

As a newscaster, Serina was broadcasting the prog-
ress of the Cylon peace talks when the Final Destruc-
ner display. All conditions of battle and formation
flying can be created. The pilot is free to learn from
his or her beginner mistakes without endangering
life in the process.

Snow Ram
A Landram that has been converted for use on
sub-zero planets and asteroids. (See Landram )

Since battlestars are too large to land. shuttles

provide their only link with planetary surfaces.
A socialator is a woman who is dedicated to the
entertainment and pleasure of others. They are
skilled in music and the dance and can speak easily

Shuttle and with intelligence on nearly any subject. On the

planet Scorpio, members of this caste are looked
upon with especial respect and admiration.

Battlestars and other large spacecraft are too large

ever to land or even to dock easily with other ships of
similar size. Each. therefore, carries a number of
small shuttles to transport personnel and equipment
from ship to ship or ship to planet. Shuttles are
relatively defenseless and must be escorted by Vip-
ers through hostile territory. They can carry up to
two Landrams and a crew of forty-five.
Selenite is a high explosive refined from Solium fuel.
It has many peaceful uses in the construction indus-
try and also forms the warheads of impact torpedoes

used by both human and Cylon forces.

Before student Viper pilots can be trusted with one

of these expensive and dangerous craft, they must
develop special skills and instantaneous responses
to the stimuli of ultra-light speed combat. They
therefore spend many hours in Simulators. These
devices consist of a Viper cockpit with full instrumen- Solium is the liquid fuel that powers deep-space
tation connected to a computerized visual and scan- vehicles.
Starbuck (6523-)

Lieutenant Starbuck is a Viper pilot of Warrior grade

in the Battlestar Galactica's Blue Viper Squadron.
He was orphaned at a very early age during a
Cylon raid on his home. But despite early adversity
he went on to graduate with honors from the
Academy in 6562 although he was nearly expelled
in his fourth yahren for gambling in the cadet's
ln 6570, he was awarded the Golden Cluster
for his heroism in the Final Destruction.
Aboard the Battlestar Galactica he is known for
his proficiency in Triad as well as his courage and
dedication. He is un-married.
Fairly recently, Starbuck became involved with
an elderly con-man, who. while trying to escape
Lt. Starbuck ls a member of the Galactica •s
from Borallian Bloodhunters. claimed to be his
famed Blue Squadron.
father. As a result. Cassiopea had them undergo a
test of genetic inheritance that was publically an-
Starbuck enjoys life, but is one of the nounced as negative.
most valued Warriors of the Oeet.
Triad is a game that pits two members of any two of
the fleet's Viper Squadrons against each other in a
grueling, physical contest that requires the teams to
throw, bounce or otherwise place a medium-sized
silver ball into their opponents goal. The goals are
located above the normal reach of most players in
two of the court's three walls.
Triad is perhaps the single most important so·
cial event that takes place aboard the Battlestar Ga-
lactica. During the hopeless times following the Final

Tigh (6498·
Destruction this game gave the survivors something
to root for, something to look foward to, saving
many from the despair and an intense depression
known as the Cylon Madness.
Colonel Tigh is the Executive Officer of the Battlestar
Galactica. Beginning his military career as a simple
soldier, he was commissioned a Warrior on the field
of battle for outstanding heroism during the Tauron
campaign in 6525. He rose steadily through the
ranks, serving with distinction on board the Beller-
ephon and the Atlantia before his transfer to the
Galactica in 6560.
A fundamental Human liberty recognized in the
Books of the Lords of Kobol themselves is the right
Colonel Tigh is the Executive Officer of the criminally accused to a fair trial before an
of the Galactica. impartial tribunal. The exact nature of tribunals has
varied from Colony to Colony over time, but certain
basic elements are essential to a valid conviction.
The judge must be a highly-trained state official with
no prior knowledge of the defendant and no other
interest in the case than that the law be faithfully
executed. A trial must follow procedures set out
carefully in advance, and if the accused is once
acquitted, he or she may never again be tried for the
same crime. In some Colonies, the ultimate ques-
tions of fact- for example, is the accused the one
who committed the crime-are determined by a jury
of citizens untrained in law and unfamiliar with the
facts of the case. This peculiar system seems guaran-
teed to . produce less accurate results than, for
example, the Scorpian system in which a panel of
professional investigators aided by physiological
truth detectors and probability-calculating comput-
ers determine the facts of each case.
The State's case against the accused is presen-
ted by an Opposer, usually a law-trained State offi.
cial. The accused has a right to speak in his own
defense, and in most systems has the right to a
Protector to conduct his defense. Early irt Human
history, the Protector was simply the head of the
accused' s clan, an Elder who represented his people
in all matters. In some Colonies this role developed
into a profession, with specially-trained lawyers hir-
ing themselves out regardless of clan lines. The in-
justice of this system for those who could not afford
to pay soon led to the requirement that the State
provide legal counsel to those who cannot afford
their own.
In highly political trials like the tribunal of Baltar,
many of the normal procedures expected in criminal
cases will not be followed. Obviously, no judge
could ever be found who had never heard of the
notorious traitor Baltar, but justice would hardly be
served if, for this reason alone, Baltar had been set

Tucan is a planet inhabited by intelligent humanoids
who have long been friendly to the Colonial hu-

The Toucana's broad visual range protected

their forest-dwelling ancestors from the large
Many T oucana a.r e gifted performers. hostile predators of prehistoric Toucan.
mans. The Tucana are a sophisticated people who
export high technology throughout the Galaxy.
Several T ucana musicians have also gained great
popularity in the Colonies.
The Tucana are hermaphrodites, that is, each (
individual has the attributes of two sexes. In fact,
they have two sets of eyes and two mouths, each
controlled by a distinct part of the brain. In a very real
sense. each Tucana is not one person. but two.

The Colonial Viper is the fastest spacecraft in the
known Universe. Its maneuverability, too. is un-
matched, enabling a skilled pilot to loop around
enemy fire and attack from the blind side. High-
energy turbo-lasers are the main Viper weapon. One
hit can destroy a Cylon Raider, and a full payload
correctly targeted can inflict severe damage on a
Bases hip.
The Viper's ultra-light drive puts severe stress
Colonial Vipers are the fastest ships in the on the pilots, and in the event of pilot blackout. the
Galaxy and the turbolaser is the Viper's main Viper can be fully controlled by its on-board Scanner
weapon. Computer System.

Vipers fty in strict formation for mutual defense.

The details of Viper squadron tactics are classi-
fied Their goal, however, is mutual defense. The
precision coordination of the best human squadrons
!. is so great that Vipers have commonly taken on
Cylon Raiders at four-to-one-odds and emerged vic-

From the dimly remembered days of the Era of
Darkness. the finest and most able soldiers among Colonial Warriors are famed throughout the
the humans have been given the title of Warrior. Galaxy.
Whether fighting with iron swords or turbo-lasers,
Colonial Warriors have maintained a tradition of
courage, chivalry and loyalty unexcelled in history.
to the study of the Book of the Word and the Books
Training begins during childhood with demanding
of the Lords of Kobel. whose sternest injunctions
physical exercise and long hours of study. A lucky
they obeyed strictly and literally. Dressed always in
few go on to the Academy, where seven yahren of
black, the Gemonese led a joyless existence. Per-
strict discipline await them.
haps responding to a need to hold down their popu -
Warriors are given the respect and admiration
lation in the face of limited resources. or perhaps out
of humans and their allies in every comer of the
of a peculiar interpretation of one passage of the
Galaxy. The Cylons and the other enemies of hu-
Book of the Word, the Gemonese came to outlaw all
mankind have learned to fear them.
contact between the sexes. The only exception
came during the celebrations that had always ac-
companied the spectacular annual sunstorms. As
Gemonese life during the rest of the yahren became

Worship of more and more repressive, the festivities surround-

ing the Worship of the Sunstorm became more and
more extravagent.

the Sunstorm The celebration on the planet Gamoni. during

which. for the first time in a yahren, the genders are
permitted to relate. Needless to say. it is a very
joyous occassion.
The Human settlers who first arrived on Gemon
found before them a rocky, barren and inhospitable
planet Gemon's winters are brutally cold. so much
so that half of the original group of Humans did not
survive the first one. There is no season of spring on
Gemon. Winter ends abrubtly each yahren with the
coming of the magnificent three-day sunstorm. a
Zaccariah (6535-6570)
display of colorful atmospheric electrical discharges
that lights up the heavens day and night. The sun-
storrn signals the start of Gemon's short growing Zaccariah was the youngest child of Commander
season. Adama. After graduating from the Academy, he was
These harsh conditions shaped the Gemons' stationed on board the Galactica as a pilot-in-
cultural evolution. Of necessity they became a spare training during the Armistice. He was killed by the
and frugal people, given to economy of action as Cylons on his first Viper reconnaissance mission, the
well as words. Their long winter nights were devoted first death of the Final Destruction.
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Prehistory of Kobol

circa 1000? Oral traditions of the Thirteen Tribes

wntten down to form the Book of the Word

1000-2100 Age of the Philosophers

Books of the Lords of Kobol composed.

circa 2200 Industrial Age begins on Kobol

2705 Exodus from Kobol

2710 Colonies founded.

Era of Darkness begins.

4479 Academy at Capnca founded

Space travel reinvented.
Scientific renalSSance begms

4808 Contact between the Twelve Colonies re-established.

4980 Ultra-light drive invented.

The Long Peace begins

4998 Quorum of the TweIve established

5160 Cybernetic revolt

Colonial Code passed limiting
artificial intelligences.

5225 First contact with the Hasans.

5547 Great Cylon War begins.

6250 First Battlestar comm1SS1oned

6392 Discovery of Carillon

6440 Birth of Adama

6570 Final Destruction of the Colonies by

Cylon forces

6572 Successful raid on Cylon Gomoray base.

Destruction of battlestar Pegasus?

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