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Reading and Grammar 

"The Pen Pal Project" 

Name: ______________________________________________ Points: ______ / 28

1 2 3 4

Materials  Materials were not brought. The Materials were brought more Some materials were brought on All materials were brought on
teacher had to supply the than one day late.  time. Some materials time.
materials for the student to work were brought one day late. 
in class. 

Work process and behavior I was not focused nor followed The teacher had to constantly I was mostly focused but the I was focused throughout
instructions. My work wasn't remind me to work and stay teacher had to remind me to the whole process, following
completed in class and wasn't focused. I wasn't able to work and stay focused instructions  and staying on task.
completed at home either.  complete my work in class and sometimes. I was able to I was able to complete my work
had to be sent home to be complete my work on time, in in class. 
completed.  class. 

Final draft My final draft looked messy and My final draft was lacking My final draft looked mostly  My final draft looked neat and
presentation (neatness and my handwriting was not clear neatness and organization. My neat and organized. I didn't organized. I used my best
organization) enough to be read.   handwriting was not my best.  decorate my letter for my pen handwriting and decorated the
pal.  letter for my pen pal. 

Content  I missed three out of the I missed I missed one out of I included an introductory

five requested elements on my two  out of the five  requested  the five requested elements on greeting and described at
letter.  elements on my letter.  my letter.  least two of my favorite things. I
included a closing statement or
question and a greeting. 

Use of nouns  I did not include nouns on my I included 1-2 nouns on my I included 3-4 nouns on my I included at least 5 nouns on my
letter.  letter. I did not include proper letter. I included both common letter. I included both common
nouns or didn't make sure to and proper nouns and made and proper nouns and made
capitalize them.  sure to capitalize proper nouns.  sure to capitalize proper nouns. 

Sensory language  I didn't include sensory language I included at least 1 phrase or I included at least 2 phrases or I included at least 3 phrases or
or words  word with sensory language to words with sensory language to words with sensory language to
describe my ideas and help my describe my ideas and help my describe my ideas and help my
pen pal visualize them.  pen pal visualize them.  pen pal visualize them. 

Capitalization, subject-verb My final draft had more than 4 My final draft had 3- My final draft had 1-2 mistakes I made sure to capitalize and use
agreement and punctuation  mistakes in capitalization, 4 mistakes in capitalization, subj in capitalization, subject-verb end punctuation in every
subject-verb agreement or ect- agreement or punctuation.  sentence. I used proper subject-
punctuation.  verb agreement or punctuation. verb agreement on my

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