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Language expression be found Dolittle Movie


Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attainment of

Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education


Farhan Novianto Putra








I, the undersigned below:

Name : Farhan Novianto Putra

Student Number : 2017002009
Department : English Education Department
Faculty : Teacher Training and Education

Declare that this research entitled “Language expression be found Dolittle

Movie” is my real masterpiece. The things out of my work in this thesis were
signed and mentioned in quotations and bibliographies.

Yogyakarta, December 2021


Farhan Novianto Putra



Language expression Be Found Dolittle Movie

A Bachelor’s Thesis

Submitted as a Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Attainment of

Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

Farhan Novianto Putra





Language expression Be Found Dolittle Movie


Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Attainment of

Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in the English Education Department Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Farhan Novianto Putra


Approved and accepted by the consultants on ………, 2021

First Consultant Second Consultant

Drs. Hazairin Eko Prasetyo, M.S Afria Dian Prastanti, M.Hum

NIDN. 195907091984031013 NIDN. 8514373


Language expression Be Found Dolittle Movie

Farhan Novianto Putra

Accepted by the board of Thesis Examiners of the Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa in
December, 2021 and Declared to Have Fulfilled the Requirements of the
Attainment of Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

Board of Examiners:

Chairperson : ( )
Secretary : ( )
Examiner 1 : Drs. Hazairin Eko Prasetyo, M.S ( )
Examiner 2 : Afria Dian Prastanti, M.Hum. ( )

Yogyakarta, …….2021
Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Dr. Siti Mariah, M.Pd.

NIDN. 0005126508


" No matter how bad the previous page is, the next page is always white and

clean, no matter how bad it was yesterday, God always provides a better


Farhan Novianto Putra



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

This thesis is sincerely dedicated to:

1. Allah SWT, my Lord, who gives me a blessed life.

2. My super dad and my beloved mom.
3. My dear brothers.
4. My closest partner and friends.
5. My cute cat.

Farhan Novianto Putra, 2017002009. language expression be found of Dolittle
Movie Bachelor's Thesis. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Department
of Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, 2021

This study aims to determine, describe, and analyze language expressions

in dolittle movies in the form of dialogues between characters in dolittle movies.
The purpose of this research is to find out language expressions and language
styles in language expressions and language expressions found in Dolittle Movie .
The data in this study were taken from the Dolittle movie transcript and determine
the typoes of language expression and language style that already exist in this
study regarding stylistics to determine the language style in language expression
in the Dolittle movie dialogue. while the qualitative descriptive method is applied
to analyze the data. From the data obtained, there are fifteen dialogue found in the
Dolittle movie that contains language styles that can lead to language expressions.
Based on data analysis, it was found that there are 5 Types of language style,
namely casual style, intimate style, consultative style, frozen style, and formal
style, in this research method, even by watching the film, understanding the
subtitles or looking for film scripts in analyzing language expressions, while in
this study it is also implemented in learning so that every time you watch a film
you don't just watching but can understand the language expression in every
character in the film Dolittle

Keywords: Language expression , Movie


STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY.............................................................................. 2
SUBMISSION ................................................................................................................ 3
APPROVAL SHEET ...................................................................................................... 4
RATIFICATION SHEET ................................................................................................ 5
MOTTO.......................................................................................................................... 6
DEDICATION ................................................................................................................ 7
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... 8
Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 13
Background of Study ................................................................................................. 13
Identification of Problem........................................................................................... 15
Problem of limitation ................................................................................................ 16
Formulation of the problem ...................................................................................... 16
Research objectives ................................................................................................... 17
Research Significance ................................................................................................ 17
Chapter II Literature review........................................................................................... 18
A. Movie.................................................................................................................... 18
Stylistics .................................................................................................................... 20
Language Style .......................................................................................................... 22
Types of language style ............................................................................................. 24
Definition Of Language Expression ............................................................................ 26
The function of Language Expression ......................................................................... 27
Types of language expression .................................................................................... 28
Related studies.......................................................................................................... 31
Conceptual framework .............................................................................................. 32
Chapter III Research Methodology ................................................................................ 34

Research Approach ................................................................................................... 34

The Technique of Data Collection .............................................................................. 36
The Technique of Data Analysis ................................................................................. 37
CHAPTER IV FINDINGS & DISCUSSION........................................................................ 39
Findings..................................................................................................................... 39
Type of language expression ..................................................................................... 39
Functional of language expression............................................................................. 40
Discussion ................................................................................................................. 41
Types of language expression. ................................................................................... 41
Casual Style ............................................................................................................... 41
Instimate style........................................................................................................... 43
Consultative style ...................................................................................................... 45
Frozen style ............................................................................................................... 48
Directive function ...................................................................................................... 53
Chapter V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................................................... 54
Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 54
Types of language expression ........................................................................................ 54
Suggestion. ................................................................................................................... 55
Implementations for educational practice ..................................................................... 55
References .................................................................................................................... 56
Appendix....................................................................................................................... 60


All Praise to Allah SWT, who has given Mercy and Blessing so that the
researcher can accomplish his thesis. Peace and salutation be upon the Prophet
Muhammad SAW and his family, companions, and his faithful forever. Finally
the researcher completed the thesis entitled "An Analysis of language Expression
be found of Dolittle Movie". This paper is presented to the English Language
Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas
Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta, as a partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Strata 1 (S1).

However, the researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without
the help, support, and suggestion from several sides. Thus, the researcher would
like to express profusely to all those who have helped, supported, and provided
advice during the process of writing this thesis. This goes to:

1. Prof. Drs. H. Pardimin, M.Pd., Ph.D., Chancellor of the University of

Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta

2. Dr. Siti Mariah, M.Pd., Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty
of Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta.

3. Adria Vitalya Gemilang S.S., M.Hum., Head of English Language

Education Department of Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta.

4. Drs. Hazairin Eko Prasetyo, M.S., the first consultant for his guidance,
encouragement, ideas, advice, and motivation for researchers in writing this thesis
from beginning to end.

5. Afria Dian Prastanti, M.Hum., second consultant for valuable time,

attention, comments, suggestions, and very valuable motivation so that this thesis
can be completed.

6. My beloved parents, Gatot suryo saputro(father) and Suratmi(mother) as

the reason for completing this study. Thank you for your prayers, constant love,
and support in so many ways.

7. My beloved brothers Sister, Aunty, uncle (Ardika Surya saputra, Enike

febriani,ismiyati S.Pd) and the whole family for their prayers and support.

8. My beloved friend (Sri mulyani, Saddam, Ardian , Tyo, ) for their support,
love, and prayers in any condition

9. All parties who have given a lot of support and enthusiasm to the researcher.

Finally, the researcher realized that this paper is still far from being perfect, so
criticism and suggestion would be acceptable to make this research better. The
researcher hopes that this research can be useful for other researchers and readers
in general.

Yogyakarta, Desember 2021


Farhan Novianto Putra


Chapter 1 Introduction

Background of Study
Language can be a communication tool in the form of sound
picture frames produced by individual word sets. As the writer knows,
dialect consists of words or a group of words. Then each has a meaning,
namely the relationship between the word as a unique motion picture
with the question or concept uttered by the word collection or lexicon, in
an extension to the framework of one's psychological development in an
inter-subjective context or form of thought that can be captured, related
to reality. ( Stockwell 52) And then includes logical forms and structures
and is most clearly recognized including as the language of any social
group. Overall feels different from other groups of language functions
used in the film. Actually from a film, we can learn other subjects when
we observe it such as; instructive values, ethical values, on-screen or on-
screen character acting, and around the scientific component of the film.
There are many types of films today including horror films, activity
films, dramatizations, and animated films. An energetic film can show
lively characters and a literal witty story. These expressions, both
expressions, and sentences have certain meanings that cannot be
explained in the linguistic use research (FINEGAN 35). These often
include uncommon ones from the English language called expressions
According to Abdul Chaer dan Leonie Agustina (26) to be able to
understand it the Dolittle movie itself must understand the language
spoken by each character Meanwhile the language functions as follows:

1. For a worthy purpose, to make contact in everyday life.


2. For imaginative purposes, humans prepare and use dialect as

beautifully as possible for the satisfaction of the human sense of taste.

3. As a key to thinking about other pieces of knowledge, bypassing

etymological knowledge

4. Studying ancient texts to explore the basis of human history,

5. Culture and traditions, as well as the development of language itself

(philological goals)

Meanwhile, there is also stylistics, which is a combination of

`expression and style of language used and also have many variations in
expressing language which of course have many differences in
expressing a character Dolittle movie (15)

which is of course explained in the book introduction of English

stylistics created by u.lethsalu from Tartu state university this book was
published in 1973 meanwhile They are verbs which has a dynamic part
in understanding meaning. (Charles W.Kreidler 22) the claim that
semantics is the orderly ponder of meaning, and linguistic. Semantics is
the consideration of how dialects organize and express implications as
explained in his book but Kreidler ought to constrain himself the
expression of implications in a single language (English) Besides that,
language style and language expression are aimed at knowing the style of
language and expression in the Dolittle movie and will be very valuable

Dolittle movie is the latest movie, there is no other research that

examines the language expression of Dolittle movie, while of course this
research also aims to be read by all parties Dolittle is the most unique
movie in language expression, not only humans, animals are also
involved in making Dolittle movies and then humans and animals help or
understand each other.

Meanwhile, this research uses two of theory in particular from theory

in general from Geoffrey Leech language in literature style and
foregrounding And to find out t in language expression and style.

Identification of Problem
In this research to identify the language expression in Dolittle
Movie and then in expressing it in the language of each character, of
course, different characters in Dolittle Movie. There are a few issues
related to the investigation point that can be identified. The primary issue
is the examination of Language utilization itself. There are many
variations within the way individuals utilize dialects. Some of the time,
those varieties create ambiguity which is required to be examined. They
can be found in daily life through communication. They can be in talked
shapes or composing shapes, especially in scholarly works, in which
there are boundless varieties of Language utilized ( Finegan 35). and then
identify the expression language through the conversation script Dolittle
film and can explain every conversation in each scene through
conversations between characters and identify The second issue relates
with the culture of the language that is used. One of the non-linguistic
components that can impact the utility of language is culture. Numerous
advancements and developments are made by individuals in their
societies. Dialect as the item of culture cannot dodge those
developments. In reality, there are still a few other issues related to how
dialect is utilized in scholarly works
Tragically, constrained time and accessibility make it
incomprehensible for the researcher to analyze them completely.
Considering the wide run of issues and the availability of the analyst in
analyzing them, he indicates the investigation on the, to begin with, the
issue. The analyst centers on the utilize of fair misdirection of words or
expressions within the motion picture script. He distinguishes and

clarifies the honest duplicity that exists within the motion picture script
utilized by the creator based on its sorts and analyzes the meaning of
utterances containing honest deception used in Dolittle movie

Problem of limitation
Doing research that includes things that have been researched and
observing every conversation in the character Dolittle and Concerning
the limitations that the researcher has language expression script in the
movie Dolittle to reveal the literal meaning of utterances containing
honest deception in this film, it is better to explain the meaning of words,
which form the figurative language first. As a product of semantic
deviation, figurative language cannot be taken literally. This happens
because words or phrases that form figurative language have a particular
meaning instead of literal meaning. It is very interesting to investigate
the intended purpose and meanings through what the characters say in
this film. Chaika (35 ) says that the actual meaning of an utterance
depends partially on the social context in which it occurs. The researcher
also investigates the non-linguistic elements that correlate with the way
language is used. Because in this research the language style in the film
is analyzed, the researcher employs stylistic analysis.

Formulation of the problem

Based on the background and research focus, the problems can be
formulated as in the following:
1. What language functions are found in the characters' utterances in
The Dolittle movie?
2. What are the types of language expressions used by characters in “the
Dolittle” movie?

Research objectives
Referring to the statement of the research problem above, the researcher
presents the objectives of the research below:
1. To find out the type of Language expressions used by characters in
“Dolittle” movie
2. To find out the Function of the language Expression found in the
characters' utterances in Dolittle Movie

Research Significance
The researcher is concerned with the analysis of semantic deviation
in which this research has two significances, both theoretically and
practically One of the benefits of my research for reading is to be able to
see each language expression in each character in a dolittle movie which
has different characters. It is expected that the result can be advantageous
in the following ways: Theoretically. This research can enhance the
investigation in the phonetics field, particularly stylistics, which gets to
be a bibliographical asset to the following important sort of research.
This inquire can grant superior understanding within the investigation of
fair deception in scholarly works, particularly in films. Practically
A. The investigation finding will be valuable as an informative input
for language learners to move forward linguistic information,
particularly on stylistics, by giving a deeper understanding for
perusers in analyzing language style based on its linguistic
B. After perusing this investigation, individuals are anticipated to be
more open-minded toward literary works particularly within the
way language is used.

C. Ideally, this research motivates other researchers to create or

conduct other research within the same scope with diverse

Chapter II Literature review

A. Movie
A movie is called a film or a motion picture that is conveyed in a
moving way picture. It is produced by recording photographic images with
a camera Images using animation techniques or visual effects. New visual
elements Give the film a universal power of communication. Some movies
have Through the use of dubbing or subtitles to translate the dialogue into
the language of the audience, it has become a popular attraction in the
world. Understand as written text This is what the actor or player in the
movie said using a script (Bordwell 2). According to Paul (18), The movie
focuses on story, dialogue, format, characters, plot, theme, momentum,
and the document itself. Meanwhile, movies are so much a portion of our
lives that it's difficult to assume a world without them. Meanwhile, movies
are also shown in theaters, at home, at work, in cars and buses, and on
planes. movies with us on our tablet, tv, and Cinema. Press the button, and
the machine will call up the motion picture for your enjoyment in
watching movies/films. Movie communicates data and concepts, and they
appear us places and ways of life we might not something else knows.
Imperative as these benefits are, even though, something more is at stake.
Movies offer us ways of seeing and feeling that we discover profoundly
gratifying. They take us through encounters. The encounters are regularly
driven by stories centering on characters we come to care almost, but a
film might too create a thought or investigate visual qualities or sound

surfaces (3) Meanwhile, Types of Movie explain Documentary movies, as

their title infers, record a few perspectives of the genuine world. They are
recognized from fiction movies since we accept they're making truthful
claims. In impact, they're saying, "This happened, and what I'm telling you
is true." Another specific kind of filmmaking is named experimental. Such
movies play with film shape and traditions in ways that challenge a group
of onlookers' desires and give unusual enthusiastic and mental encounters.
At last, energized movies are characterized by the way they are made.
Drawings, models, or other subjects are presented frame by frame to make
illusory movements that never existed before the camera. Even though we
regularly think of vivified movies as being for children, we'll see that
essentially any sort of film can be made utilizing liveliness. (325) while
the types of films consist of various genres which will be explained one by

1. Understanding the film genre, namely regarding the

classification of the genres in the film, such as the
comedy horror/thriller action-adventure, abstruse genre
and the tone of several anecdotal narrated films and also
types of films that require accuracy of film logic. even
though we have strong instincts in movies and we can
watch it with our mood changing when watching the
movie (327).
2. The definition of genre consists of several genres in the
film, namely the action-adventure fiction comedy
horror-thriller genre, while for children they like the
fictional adventure genre film, while Dolittle for all ages
Dolittle genre is adventure fiction genre while certain
genres determine, namely subgenre, the use of genre
categories. The first explanation of the subgenre is the

genre that focuses on what is in the film, what genre

3. Analyzing genres Both producers and moviegoers, at the
time, shared some general ideas around the types of
films vying for our attention. We mostly agree with the
conventions of the genre, the kind of repetitive
component we love in sentimental comedy genre films.
For filmmakers, tradition is the material they work with.
To the observer, convention shapes our desires in much
the same way we might see and hear. Story and Style
Conventions Genre conventions often center on plot
patterns. the story in the film focuses on analyzing the
storyline, (329-330)

Stylistics the term 'English' refers to a complicated system of many
different linguistic varieties that are spoken in a variety of settings in many
different places of the world. All of these variants have more in common than
they do differences, indicating that they are all distinct varieties of the same
English. Each variety, on the other hand, is distinct from the others. The
distinction between spoken English and written English, for example, is one
of the most visible examples of this. Another example is the spectrum of
regional dialects: people talk differently depending on where they are from.
Some vocabulary features, particularly pronunciation, are notably different
between York residents in England and those from New York in the United
States. (lethsalu 10) However, stylistics has traditionally and primarily
concentrated on writings that are deemed to be of artistic merit and so worthy
of study in and of itself. To begin, we can separate general stylistics, which is
the study of style in all types of documents, from literary stylistics, which is
the study of style in literary texts and is the focus of this chapter. Meanwhile,

According to Jakobson (354) stylistic function, 'stylistics' and 'functionalism'

are two terms that are used interchangeably. For simplicity, I will define it as
follows: The study of style (especially in literary texts, and more specifically,
to explain the relationship between the form of a text and its possible
interpretation) is known as stylistics. 2 In the study of language,
functionalism is an approach that attempts to explain language both
internally, in terms of its formal qualities, and externally, in terms of what
language contributes to the larger system that is its components or
subsystems. This doesn't concern me whether we name these broader systems
"cultures," "social systems," "belief systems," or something else. What's
more, functionalist explanations look for connections between language and
things that aren't language, whereas formalist explanations hunt for
connections between the pieces of the linguistic text itself. It is commonly
expected, as I have fair accepted, that functionalism is defined by
differentiating with its inverse, formalism. It is interesting, at that point, that
Jakobson, who gives us one of the best-known classifications of language
capacities, ought to moreover, in his examinations of scholarly writings, be
the most compelling professional of formalism.

The premise of this paradox lies in Jakobson’s well-known definition of

the wonderful work as ‘the set (Einstellung) towards the message itself,
center on the message for its own sake’ (Sebeok 356) It'll be recollected that
Jakobson’s typology of capacities credited a diverse work to each of the six
components in a prototype etymological circumstance Meanwhile, apart from
being functional, it has a classification towards linguistics and language

1. Goal-oriented functionalism aims to focus on one angle regarding

the communicative state of mental or social suggestions about
general thinking about style in real life whereas functionalism is
concerned with objective recognition as in Jacobson's work which is
a text that is seen as implying for other than In addition, it also

includes values in the extrinsic goal of achieving appraisal works for

themselves. Geoffrey (105)
2. Typology of language functions and types of meaning My second
point is that there is an imperative interconnection between function
and meaning. This holds for a person's expression if we adopt
Grice's (66) explanation of non-natural meaning: the meaning which
is captured as the speaker's intentionality that the expression must
have some impact on a group of audiences by implying an
acknowledgment of this intentionality. What from the speaker's
perspective is the work or communicative goal from the listener's
point of view, centrality, or interpretation in the style of language or
expression (107)

Language Style
Definition of the language has been proposed by etymologists. Language
could be a form, not a substance (Lyons 60). According to (14) notices the
characteristics that constitute the quintessence of language as an image of
the sound framework are subjective, profitable, dynamic diverse, and
humane, According to Aitchison &Wardaugh. (38) erse, and humane.
Language as a framework, which implies that shaped by several components
that are settled and can be designed. As a framework, expansion to the
precise language is too systemic. Efficient meaning, language organized
agreeing to a specific design, not organized arbitrarily or subjectively.
Whereas efficient implies that language may be a single system, but or
maybe comprises of a few subsystems that contrast from other languages.
The language subsystem comprises phonology, morphology, sentence
structure, and vocabulary.

Therefore the language moreover commonly considered attractive but

widespread at the same time. One of a kind implies having the
characteristics or properties not had by other languages. In contrast,
widespread implies having the same characteristics in all languages
Adjacent to that language is a set of things called 'linguistic items,' such
entities as sounds, words, linguistic structures, and so on. Language is
additionally called an etymological thing since, in language, it has sounds,
words, a grammatical structure that creates discourse to communication.
Meanwhile, tyle is an element that describes a sentence when writing: The
author uses words (Finegan 105). According to Renkema (97) the word
"style" is Derived from the Latin stylus, which means "pen". The shape of
the letters is affected by how the pen is cut, but it is possible to write in the
same way. Different pen letters; only the character style, language style is
different It means different reasons for communicating with others. In other
words, the language style is Another way to communicate with others
Through the sounds, words, and syntactic structure, the communication of
the individuals can be run efficiently without any misconception, and then
Language is used to communicate between one individual and other
individuals. Language is like a thought, feelings, and wants that can be
created from a few symbols. According to Verderber, R. F.,& Verderber, K.
S (54) language is the body of words and the framework for their utilization
in communicating that are common to the individuals of the same
community or country, the same topographical region, or the same social
tradition. There are the employments of language as taken after (68)

1. We use to assign, name, characterize and restrain. As we utilize language

we not only assign and characterize, we too constrain meaning that will
be understood
2. We use language to assess. Since there's an access component to much of
our dialect choice, we have to select our words carefully so that we don't
inadvertently outrage others.

3. We use language to talk about things outside our prompt encounter.

Language empowers us to talk theoretically, to talk about past and future
events, and to communicate around individuals bout people and things
that are not present
4. We can use language to conversation almost dialect. Ready to utilize
dialect to examine how we expressed an address and whether way better
expressing would have resulted from a more exact address and hence a
more instructive reply.
Furthermore (Richards et all 193) state language the framework of
human communication which comprises is of the structured course of
action of sounds (or their written representation ) into bigger units. At
that point, language is any specific system of human communication.

Types of language style

language style, (Joos 153) stated that there are five language styles; frozen
style, formal style, consultative style, casual style, and intimate style. Frozen
style is a style used in a very formal setting such as in a palace, church, speech
of state ceremony, and some other occasions according to Llamas
(95)"language style is a measurement of language where individual speakers
have a choice". Individuals don't continuously talk in reliably the same way. In
reality, individuals move the way we talk continually as we move from one
circumstance to another. Style is the phonetic peculiarity of a person. Fashion is
individual. Fashion in social parts includes anticipated behavior related to a
specific status. It is more adaptable than status and changes moreover agreeing
to the discourse circumstance. Inconsistency of prerequisites forced by roles
upon people may result in a part strain and part conflict. According to Simpson
(22) "in language, the style could be a choice that individuals ordinary are
formed and characterized by activities and events, thoughts and perceptions,
and it is an imperative function of the framework of language that it can account
for this different goings-on within the world". This means encoding into the
language structure of the clause an instrument for capturing what we say, think,
and do As Joos does, within the center of the network in a consultative style, it

gives the standards for the other styles. Insinuate and casual tend to disentangle
its auxiliary highlights, its substance, or the exertion put into its arranging or
execution. In consultative pronunciation is unequivocal, word choice is
cautious, sentence structure is total. But consultative is in any case a
conversational style, the speaker continually observes the listeners verbal and
non-verbal Meanwhile the language style consists of
1. Frozen style. Frozen style is defined as a style that is used in very
formal settings such as ceremonies, palaces, and churches, and
several other occasions. This style is defined as the most elegant
variation reserved for very important or symbolic moments.
2. The formal language style is defined as the style of language used for
things that are important or serious situations. It is also used in
dealing with an audience that is usually too large or allows effective
exchange between speaker and listener. Through the usual and
unpolished forms, as in the oratorical style as in a typical classroom,
lectures are often carried out in a formal style.
3. Consultative style is a style used in semi-formal communication
situations. It is one of the languages used by everyday speakers. The
style of counseling is usually interactive, but so formal that the words
are carefully chosen as follows: B. Business, translation, care, doctor
and patient
4. Intimate style is a completely personal language that is developed in
family, lovers, and close friends. Intimate labels are dear, dear, dear,
and even Mom, Dad, and other nicknames might be used in this
5. Casual style is the style used for casual conversation or normal
situations that suit conversations with our friends or sometimes
family members, such as outside the classroom, when students are
chatting. (155-157)

Definition Of Language Expression

Definition of language is and what fundamental nature of its part.
Individuals frequently think of dialect in terms of grammar tests instead of
the significant way individuals exchange imagination, sentiments, and
thought to and from one to another. Essentially, language can be
partitioned into three shapes first, spoken language, a dialect that's
communicated specifically by speakers to audience members. Second,
written dialect, a dialect which employments composing as a medium of
communicating desire from an essayist to peruser. Third, motion language
or quiet language, a dialect that uses body development or thing such as
hands, eyes, etc. There are a few definitions of dialect taken from a few
specialists (Finegan 346). According to Sapir (8), that language is human
and not an intuitive strategy of communicating thoughts, feeling, and want
by implies of a framework voluntarily produced symbols. (Harttman and
Srock 126) say that language is the foremost essential implies of
communication. Dialect is the essential question of the etymological and
linguistics approach to the idea of language‟ from a diverse point of view.
Another imperative measurement of language has particular purposes in
utilizing Language all the time. In common, the work of dialect is to
communicate. It is utilized and required by human beings. According to
(Halliday 194) language can be divided into seven levels based on the
model of the speaker, listener, theme, code, and message. So that, we may
depict that we utilize dialect in arrange to communicate one with another
to specific our response to circumstance, to stimulate a reaction in
somebody else, and as implies of passing on something that the user of
language wants to communicate. Dialect includes a potential for making
communication effective and building up social harmony on the off chance
it is utilized well.

On the other hand, it'll be a disable for communication and

interaction on the off chance that it is used unwell. (Holmes, J. 286)
classifies language capacities into six sorts. They are expressive, mandate,
wonderful, phatic, referential, and metalinguistic work. Those six sorts of
dialect will be clarified as follows: Expressive Function language
Expressive work implies expressing the speaker's sentiments. This centers
on the addresser; it implies that a speaker addresses a message. The point
of expressive work is to communicate the speaker's feelings or expression.
The point of a coordinated expression of the speaker's demeanor toward
what he is talking almost. It tends to create an impression of a particular
feeling, whether genuine or pretended. It implies that the addresser's claim
towards the substance of the message is emphasized. and then language
expressions consist of idiomatic expressions which are an established
group of words whose meaning is not clear or understandable from the
individual words. slang which is certainly different from idiomatic
expressions which are exceptionally casual words or expressions that are
more common in spoken English. These words or expressions are
regularly confined to a specific setting or group of people. phrasal verbs
could be a verb that features a metaphorical meaning a bit like expressions
and a strict meaning. A phrasal verb is continuously built with a verb and
regularly either an intensifier or preposition. while this research only
examines the Types of language style

The function of Language Expression

Language Expression is the person's actions that precede the social
act of communication. We ought to not, as it were, concede the thought
of the person measurement of language into etymological hypothesis, but
moreover recognize the reality that expression could be a crucial reality
of person dialect utilize. Whereas the relationship between people in

society is the measurement of communication, the relationship between

language and thought within the individual's phonetic is the dimension of
expression. Let us consider this person's measurement from the point of
see of expression. The label "speaker/listener" is arranged toward the
social measurement and conceals the relationship between language and
thought, which takes place within the act of the individual's expression.
Within the act of discourse, the encoding of the thought is regularly
spontaneous: no sooner does the thought come to the intellect than the
speaker utters it, giving it a verbal frame. But indeed, within the language
style, this apparent spontaneity can be misleading. As the trouble of
communication increments, on the off chance that there's an expectation
of misunderstanding or error, speakers are known to "select their words
carefully and then Based on the context of language, in talking around
dialect individuals must know almost the function of language itself (
Chris 532). (Arwood 58) states that language function is to create a
human's social, cognitive being and more noteworthy than the sum of the
structures. Since the innovation has advanced, people can learn dialect
work in many ways, such as perusing a book, watching film or motion
pictures, tuning in music, and others. The movie is one medium in which
ready to find many language functions. According to Bordwell (400), the
film may be a frame of art with a tasteful and a language all its own.
Everybody likes observing motion pictures, from children to grown-ups.
They can remain on the TV to observe their favorite motion pictures or
movies. besides that, the language expression function is also to find out
the language expression in the Dolittle movie character

Types of language expression

Types of language, linguistic expressions related to their nature and
function, good language realize it or not it has important meaning among the

speakers. A language is a tool for communication between humans, among

others, in the form of sound symbols produced by the speech apparatus.
Meanwhile, language is also a means of self-expression, communicating, and
functioning as a means of communication a tool to show their identity too.
Through language, we can show our perspective, our understanding of
problems, the origin of our nation and state, our level of education, and even
our character. Language is a reflection of us, both as a nation and as ourselves.
so that communication goes well with both, sender and receiver must master
their language ( Keraf 3) Meanwhile, language expressions are divided into 7,
namely Idioms (or idiomatic expressions) Slang. Phrasal Verbs, Proverbs,
Cliches, Jargon, and Nation/Culture Specific Expression.
1. Idiomatic expressions are everyday expressions utilized by English
speakers. In the definition given by Larson idiom is "a string of words
whose meaning is distinctive from the meaning passed on by the
person words" (Larson 20) As (Cooper 233) says, "An idiom is an
expression whose meaning can not continuously be promptly inferred
from the normal meaning of its constituent elements." Idiomatic
expressions are expressions that have a different meaning with the
words‟ person meaning
2. Slang is the new vocabulary that individuals within the social bunch
create that's not considered common within the lingo or dialect of the
speaker. Slang may be an exceptionally informal sort of language
utilized personally by people who know each other ( Yule 726). in the
meantime Slang word implies nonstandard words made by the cutting
edge community and usually utilized by youthful individuals in certain
conditions ( Burke 15)). In their everyday lives, people from
distinctive societies utilize slang, and they may create new vocabulary
or reestablish the words. All languages, countries, and periods of
history have slang since they all have different degrees of social
acknowledgment and ubiquity in terms of the lexicon. A few slang is

utilized by all regions of society, counting the most educated, urban

speakers and creators (Wardhaugh, 25)
3. Jargon is a vocabulary that is usually a noun (e.g., plaintiff, suffix),
associated with a work area or interest. In social terms, jargon helps
create and maintain relationships among those who see themselves as
"insiders" in some way and to exclude "outsiders." In many ways, it is
learning the proper jargon of a profession that qualifies a person as a
valid person professional in the field of expertise itself (Yule 725)
4. Phrasal verbs are an important part of learning English online spoken
and composed as well as the fashion of dialect in communication. For
the most part, phrasal verbs are characterized as a combination of
verbs and particles ( Evelyn and Robert M 38). The phrasal verb
contains two words. In phrasal verbs, the primary word is the verb and
the moment word is called partial After a phrasal verb, the phrasal verb
is separable and indistinguishable. Separable phrases verbs can be
isolated by the question ( Hart 1)
5. Proverbs are paremiology, a broad field that varies from discussion of
the structure of proverbs on the role of proverbs in the socio-cultural
realm of a particular society. There is a stream of research that is on
proverbs and is also largely indebted to Mieder (Mieder, Wolfgang &
Alan Dundes 109) which have been compiled in several key works into
several edited volumes and edit Proverbs published annually since
1985. Related to paremiology, the field of paremiography is a
collection of proverbs and there are many summaries of proverbs in
hundreds of languages.
6. Nation/Culture Specific Expression the meaning Language is a tool for
expressing meaning. thoughts, feelings, which we want to express our
thoughts, our feelings, our perceptions. Usually, we want expression a
moment because we want to share it with others, but this is not It is
always like that. We also need language to record our thoughts and
organize them. while language is a tool for expressing meaning, which

then meaning makes, at least for some people to what extent, must be
language independent and transferable from one language to another
However, this essential separation and the separation of meaning from
language are sometimes denied being able to expression the language
7. A cliche is the definition of expression in language according to the
Oxford English Dictionary says that cliché it's a 'stereotypical
expression, a common phrase in expressing language (Partridge 1)

Related studies
Along with this research, the researcher located several research or
almost similar projects, however exclusive in the center of attention and
true one-of-a-kind in data research. And solely focuses on language
expression in Dolittle movie. This research is also related to knowing the
sociolinguistics of the language expression of each minor film character
examines each unique language tradition in the film and the social
behavior in each character which is a lot of fictional characters but has a
unique language, and one of them is sociolinguistic in language
expression, namely expression in a language in a dolittle movie character
that has its

Characteristics according to Noam Chomsky (89) Language is a

process of free creation its laws and principles are fixed, but how the
principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the
interpretation and use of words involve a process of free creation." and
then what is meant by Noam Chomsky is the freedom of language in
expression and has many finite variants which make that there are many
things in the language to be learned and a lot of new knowledge about the
language and how it can be expressed in everyday life and then in this

study also analyze every expression of all characters in the movie Dolittle
and then the focus of this research is to classify the speech act in each
dialogue performed by each Dolittle character. the chapter is also related to
sociolinguistics and not only about language, but it also analyzes society
which consists of events in the film and then there is also a language
expression function in examining a function language expression in
Dolittle movie which has its uniqueness which has been types of language

Conceptual framework
The type of language expression within the Dolittle film is the Expressive
type. Expressive features a function reveal or make known the speaker's
psychological state of mind to the circumstance; for example, thank, praise,
pardon, blame, praise, condolences, etc. (Goefrey 106) In this type of
Language style, the speaker makes his words agreeing to a circumstance
where his sentiments are too included inside it.

The function of language utilized within the movie. Actually, from a

movie, able to learn another subject when we observe it like; instructive
value, ethical value, the acting of the on-screen character or on-screen
character, and around the scholarly components within the movie. There are
many types of motion pictures presently days including frightful motion
pictures, activity movies, dramatizations, and animated motion pictures. The

energized movie may be a motion picture that shows vivified characters and
clever stories.

Movie Linguistics


Language style


Chapter III Research Methodology

Research Approach
This study uses a qualitative approach that is most suitable to be
used to analyze this research and also appreciates researchers for
researching a film or analyzing language expressions, according to
Creswell (4) Qualitative research is best suited to address a research
problem where you do not know the variables and need to explore. The
literature might yield little information about the phenomenon of study,
and you need to learn more from participants through exploration, this
research focused on analyzing language expression in movies. According
to (59) Qualitative research is an approach for investigating and
understanding the meaning individuals or groups attribute to a social or
human problem. The investigation method includes raising questions and
procedures, collecting information within the participants’ setting,
analyzing the information inductively, building from particulars to a
common topic, and making interpretations of the meaning of the
information. The ultimate written report has a flexible composing
structure. Those who engage in this shape of request back a way of
looking at investigating that respects an inductive fashion, a center on
particular meaning, and the significance of rendering the complexity of the

situation". The researcher used an expressive subjective inquiry since the

analyst needs to investigate a literary work that requires a profound library
to inquire about in arrange to induce a piece of genuine information. In
analyzing this inquire about Dolittle movie script is as the protest of the
study. This inquires about utilized archive investigation as investigating
instrument. The information was collected from the script of the Dolittle
movie. There are two focuses the result of this inquires about. To begin
with, this is the kind of language expression used in this movie. It was
casual dialect fashion and insinuate language fashion. Second is the
prevailing language expression. It was informal language fashion. In
understanding the findings, the analyst would recommend that advanced
analysts analyze other elements, such as the control of language expression
or its functions. The analyst utilized subjective strategy in this
investigation to examine the subject because the analyst utilized subjective
inquire about the study is approximately exploring, analyzing, and finding
the Language expression in this content of the motion picture. Emotional
research is from a social request that centers on the way individuals
decipher and make sense of their encounters and the world in which they
live. The ponder connected the descriptive subjective inquire about since
the information is in shape words within the text rather than the number
the author result of the ask about contain citation from the information
outline substantiate introduction (Bogdan, at, all 28)

A. Data and source of data

Based on according to Meriam (166 ) in subjective inquire about
the quality of essential and secondary sources may be a primary measure
for consideration into the information base. Therefore the analyst will
utilize the exchange script of the movie as the primary source. In
expansion, the film with its English subtitle will be used as the secondary
source. The way I collect data is by analyzing the dialogue characters in
the Dolittle movie in explaining the expression language or by looking at

the script in the film, which has different expressions and then in addition
to using the film script, we can also see the storyline in the movie what is
happening and can also be examined in terms of the language expression
of each scene in the Dolittle movie. and also later there will be an
appendix which writes all the dialogues in the movie dolitlle and will be
one of the types of language style which one is one of them

The Technique of Data Collection

In this study, the author explains how to collect and analyze data in his
research, namely regarding language expression in a movie and then using
qualitative research by the researcher to give voice and meaning around an
assessment topic (Bowen 865)The data this research from Dolittle movie
language expression and then menganlyzez dialogue all character

1. the writer must understand the story of the dolittle film to know the
purpose of the researcher in doing the research
2. the writer also searched to find the Dolittle movie script. Besides
searching on the internet also had to see the dolittle film using subtitles
to analyze the language style/expression in each character in the film
3. The researcher made a table to classify the dialogues between
characters to frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style,
and intimate style between discussions that occurred in the movie's

This is often one part of how the researcher affirms and confirms the
trustworthiness of the inquire. According to Daymon, C., & Holloway, I (232)" to
indicate the quality in subjective investigate, analysts have alluded to notions of
legitimacy and reliability

The Technique of Data Analysis

The procedure of the information investigation in this inquire
graphical analysis, in arrange to induce an elucidation of the content and
substance investigation managing with the education viewpoint of the
movie The information was analyzed by utilizing (O'Dell and McCarthy's
22) hypothesis approximately six sorts of colloquial expression. The
theory is used to explain the language expression product used by
characters in the Dolittle movie Additionally within the handle of
inquiring about including the synchronous coding and categorizing of
record substance. The analyst employments coding since According to
Keraf Gorys & Krippendorff (2) said the coding of substance investigation
requires transforming unedited content into analyzable representations.8
And analyst a motion picture script. At that point, she will categorize it
using each motion picture season what a figure of speech is and type in it
on the notepad According (4)"categorical qualifications characterize units
by their membership in n course or category by their having something in
common."9 In analyzing the information, the analyst connected strategies
as follows:

1) Observing “Dolittle” movies In this step, the author gives total

consideration to each dialogue among the movie players in arrange
to urge the colloquial expressions within the Dolittle movie
2) Perusing the script The author perusing all exchanges within the
script with an iterative to find
3) Identifying the types of language style and then language
expressions in Dolittle movie
4) In the next step, the writer identifies the language expression found
in the
5) the film by watching and matching it to the screenplay.
6) Grouping the types language style/expression
7) After all, the script taken from the movie were identified, then this
language expression

8) were classified.
9) Displaying and interpreting data

The next, after grouping the idioms/language expression were displaying

and interpreting data. The researcher uses some theories.

B. Drawing the conclusion

After the data is displayed and interpreted, the writer concludes.

The conclusion is made clear so that it is easier for readers to know the
results of the research and explain language expression/language style to
find out Dolittle Movie Meanwhile the language style is divided into 5
parts, namely frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style,
and intimate style to find out language expression through the dialogue
between the characters through scripts Movie This part also explains how
to do a research approach to source data in collecting the data and how to
collect data, namely by looking at the film script and also the technique of
analyzing the research data.



Type of language expression

Language as a framework, which suggests that shaped by some
components that are settled and can be designed. As a framework,
expansion to the precise language is moreover systemic. Orderly
meaning, dialect orchestrated agreeing to a certain pattern, not
organized haphazardly or self-assertively. While systematic means that
dialect could be a single system, but or maybe comprises of a few
subsystems that contrast from other languages. The language
subsystem comprises phonology, morphology, sentence structure, and
lexicon. Therefore the language is too commonly considered
interesting but all-inclusive at the same time. Special implies having
the characteristics or properties not had by other languages, whereas all
inclusive implies having the same characteristics that exist in all
languages. (FINEGAN 36) meanwhile which is proposed by (Joos, M.
153) frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style, and
intimate style, and the final issue concerns the way to specific
conversational implicature. In this part, we will explain from dialogue
to determine the language expression/style of all scenes in the movie
the data

1. Frozen style. Frozen style is defined as a style that is used

in very formal settings such as ceremonies, palaces, and churches, and
several other occasions. This style is defined as the most elegant
variation reserved for very important or symbolic moments.

2. The formal language style is defined as the style of

language used for things that are important or serious situations. It is
also used in dealing with an audience that is usually too large or allows

effective exchange between speaker and listener. Through the usual

and unpolished forms, as in the oratorical style as in a typical
classroom, lectures are often carried out in a formal style.

3. Consultative style is a style used in semi-formal

communication situations. It is one of the languages used by everyday
speakers. The style of counseling is usually interactive, but so formal
that the words are carefully chosen as follows: B. Business, translation,
care, doctor and patient

4. Intimate style is a completely personal language that is

developed in family, lovers, and close friends. Intimate labels are dear,
dear, dear, and even Mom, Dad, and other nicknames might be used in
this situation

5. Casual style is the style used for casual conversation or

normal situations that suit conversations with our friends or sometimes
family members, such as outside the classroom, when students are

Functional of language expression

Traditionally it is expressed that language could be an
instrument to associated or tools to communicate, in a sense, implies to
communicate thoughts, ideas, concepts, or even a feeling. The concept
that dialect could be an instrument to communicate thought has had a
long history. However, within the sociolinguistic thought considered to
be as well contract since the language movement is fundamentally a
"who talk what dialect to Whom, when, and to what end." Hence, from
the see of sociolinguistics, dialect capacities can be viewed from
distinctive points, such as speakers, audience members, subjects,

codes, and conversation purpose (Chaer et all 10) From the point of
speaker, dialect serves as an individual or private character and
Jakobson called it as emotive work. It implies, speakers communicated
their standpoint on what they talk out. The speakers not as it were
express feelings through dialect, but also showed feeling when
conveying their discourse. Subsequently, the audience can understand
whether the speakers in an irate, pitiful, or happy


Types of language expression.

Casual Style
1. The dialogue is one part of the casual style where
the father and uncle are hunting who use casual
language who are hunting in the forest for example
Stubbins: Junior flushes him, you shoot, yeah?
Right. Good plan, dad. Get ready. Shoulder your
gun. Do I have to, uncle?
Father Stubbins: Come on, boy. Take that one.
Shoot! Shoot! Uncle: Shoot! Shoot!
Stubbins: I don't know, I can't
.Father Stubbins: Shoot! Shoot! You can't keep
missing on purpose
Decoding: The dialogue is part of the casual style
because it shows family relations who are currently
hunting and the dialogue expresses that they are
enjoying but are serious about hunting in the forest
and Stubbins' father is teaching Stubbins to hunt.
2. The dialogue is one of the casual styles because he
is hunting, but Stubbins misses the target in hunting

and gets scolded by his father. He hit something this

Stubbins: Oh, no. We have to help him.
Father: You don't leave an animal suffering. Take
it. Father: He's a very odd boy.
Decoding: casual style because he was hunting, but
Stubbins missed the target in hunting and was
scolded by his father his father's expression was
disappointed and angry because his son was hunting
the wrong target and wanted to take care of the
squirrel his father refused and which made Stubbins
sad because of being scolded by his father
3. The conversation is in the casual style section which
is a relaxed style of language and is also a
conversation between doctor Dolittle and parrot
poly who has been considered his brother since his
wife was still alive. for example dialogue
Parrot Poly: You need to go and help the Queen
.Doctor Dolittle: There are things I no longer do
work with humans or leave the house
Parrot Poly: Wake up, John! If the Queen dies, the
Treasury takes the deed. And we'll lose this house.
Doctor Dolittle: You're talking out of your tail
feathers, Poly. The dead was for life. The last time I
checked I was very much alive
Parrot Loly: The Queen's Life, John. Not yours.
Decoding: parrot poly ordered doctor Dolittle to
save the queen who was sick while Dolittle didn't
want to because the trauma since his wife died made
him traumatized to get out while parro poly
convinced him to save the queen and finally Dolittle

wants to go to Buckingham to save the queen and

take the animals

Instimate style
1. The dialogue is a form of figurative language in the
intimate style section because the animals consider
the Dolittle doctor as their foster parent because
they have been cared for by the dolittle since
childhood and also since his wife was alive, so the
dolittle can understand the language of the animal
and the feelings of the pet. , for example, dialogue
Dr. Dolittle: Good dog. Big, white Dr. Dolittle: It's
no good. As far as I'm concerned, I'm the only
human here. Just ignore them.
Dog: There's no getting past the Kalahari snare, it's
an ingenious design. I think you just caught yourself
a boy.
Duck: Let me see. Wait, I don't wanna see. Just
make it go away! Deep breaths, Doc. Dab-Dab's got
your back. Don't be afraid, John. It's just a boy.
Decoding: while for the dialogue is the closeness
between animals and humans as well as the familial
relationship between Dolittle and their pets and their
language expressions are close to each other like
2. Dialogue is an intimate style that describes the style
used in semi-formal communication situations. one
of the types of language needed in daily
conversation is the relationship between a
veterinarian with his pet and his patient where the
dolittle animal is considered family but the animal is
also a patient of the Dolittle example dialogue

Dogs: If you let people get too close, you'll be hurt

more than if you don't let them in at all. Isn't that
right, Doc?
Doctor Dolittle: Enough. Back to our routine! We
had a very full day.
Parrot poly: John, calm down! You can't ignore
people just because they're human. What if they
need help?
Doctor Dolittle: Possum, play dead. Parrot: This is
ridiculous. Chee-Chee, will you open the door?
You're the only one with hands is kind of figurative
Decoding: The dialogue also explains dolittle's
relationship with her animals, which are very close
family relationships and pets that can help Dolittle
3. The type of language style in this dialogue is an
intimate style about the relationship between father-
in-law and son-in-law and has an emotional
expression. For example, the dialogue is
king Rassouli: It is the journal. The only one my
men found in the ruins. It belongs here! All you
have to do is never show your face again. And even
then you fail. Now you will pay to take Lily from
me! You know what will happen if you come back.
Yes.Barry, Barry!
Doctor Dolittle: You have to go. My past is chasing
me, not yours. Yes? You are my friend. Go. Do not
look back.
king Rassouli: You are better off without him, son
.Doctor Dolittle: I obey what is meant

Decoding: in the dialogue, namely doctor Dolittle

aims to take his wife's journal which is in the hands
of his father-in-law while his father-in-law
misunderstands that it is his son-in-law who killed
his son while king rassoulli does not want to hear an
explanation from doliitle who aims to get the
journal to save the sick queen with Eden tree fruit
and imprison Dolittle and summon barry the tiger
who is also a former patient of doctor Dolittle

Consultative style
1. The type of language style, namely in the
consultative style section where it is explained
that the consultative style is the style used in
semi-formal communication situations. He is
one of the types of language needed from
everyday speakers where the dialogue is a
conversation between lady rose doctor Dolittle
doctor mudfly royal army and also doctor
Dolittle enters the kingdom by surprising the
kingdom with the example of doctor Dolittle's
pet dialogue
Duck: This is not the first time Dr. Dolittle over
here. Did you get a dying Queen?
Not long. Doctor Dolittle is at
Stubbins: Wait. Wait for me. Private
Gareth: A stowaway, madam. Who confesses
Stubbins: Doctor Dolittle's student.
Lady Rose: It's all right, Gareth
Doctor Dolittle: But if he's my student, he'll
have to take my bag and close the bottle.

Doctor Mudfly: Animal in Queen's room? I

demand they remove Lady Rose immediately, I
apologize. Please forgive me. I didn't realize you
were part o John Dolittle. Is that Blein? Blair.
Decoding: there is a conversation between
doctor Mudfly apologizing to lady rose for not
agreeing that doctor Dolittle and his animals
enter the kingdom
2. The style of language in dialogue is a
consultative style, namely the language style
used in semi-formal communication situations.
He is one of the types of language required of
everyday speakers, for example, the dialogue
Doctor Dolittle: Let's get to work. All right,
Jeep, kiss him nicely.
Doctor Dolittle: Are you all right, man?
Dog: Something's not right. And it's coming
from a guy who loves the smell of ass.
Doctor Dolittle: You do like ass.Dog: I detected
the smell of something else. Floral with Earthy
I'm confused, Doc. I've never smelled anything
like it before.
Doctor Dolittle: Jipsy and I have developed
doubts. Can we consult?
Doctor Mudfly: Of course, I'd be happy to help
illuminate... John and I were students in
Edinburgh a few years ago. Some thought he
had a talent for observing.
Decoding: Dialog consultative style because the
dialogue explains about the doctor who ordered
his animals to check the queen who was sick

through the dog about what illness the queen

was suffering from, while the doctor Mudfly
asked doctor Dolittle who studied at a university
in Germany as if asking for Dolittle's abilities
3. The types of language styles in the dialogue are
consultative styles used in semi-formal
communication situations. He is one of the types
of language that is needed from everyday
speakers, while in the dialogue it is a doctor's
relationship with his patients, which is a doctor
Dolittle doctor for animals and also a human
doctor who is the patient. An example of the
dialogue is
Doctor Dolittle: First things first. The squirrel's
name is Kevin. Expect a full recovery. And after
some violent grooming, it's been decided. We
will come to you, to Buckingham Palace after
all. You are going back to whatever burrow you
emerged from. Try not to shoot anything on
your way home.
Gorilla: Maybe, I should stay here. I don't do
well in crowds
Parrot poly: We'll look after you, Cheech. But
we all going together, just like in the old days.
Duck: Don't forget the doc's forceps
Parrot Poly: That's a leek, Dab-Dab.Duck: Sure
it is.Doctor Dolittle: Sticks. Where are you? So,
would you care to come along? I know. I had
other plans as well.
Mouse: Hurry up. Hurry up. Doctor Dolittle:
Prepare my ride

Ostrich: Today is gonna be a good day. I'm

gonna do nothing, just prance around, pick my
Decoding: He's walking this way, not a great
sign He's got no beard, he looks motivated.
doctor Dolittle invites his animals to come to
Buckingham palace and invites his animals to
get ready to go to Buckingham Palace to be able
to heal queen victoria who is sick and the
animals also help check on the queen who is
very sick

Frozen style
1. The type of language in the dialogue is one part
of the frozen style. The frozen style is defined as
the style used in very formal settings where the
dialogue between Lord Badgley, a Bungkinham
royal official, and a doctor Mudfly, a royal
confidant, is an example of the dialogue
Lord Badgley: Doctor Müdfly.
Doctor Mudfly: Mr. Badgley
.Lord Badgley: I come from the House of
Lords. There is a great concern for His Majesty's
Doctor mudfly: I will continue to leech, to
circulate the vapors in the bloodstream.
Decoding: He would be lucky to last a week.
the conversation is sir the dialogue is a dialogue
between lord Badgley who is an official in the
kingdom and doctor mudfly who is a doctor of

royal trust which is a formal dialogue between

the lord and the royal doctor
2. The types of language styles in dialogue are part
of the frozen language style that is attended by
many people as well as formal royal events,
such as dialogue
Pastor: We know God Lift him and restore him,
for a longer continuation between us. O Father
of mercy and Lord of all comfort—
Dog: Sorry we couldn't save you, Your
Lord Badgley: With great sadness
Decoding: that the type of dialogue style in the
dialogue is part of the frozen style attended by
many people and official dignitaries praying for
the sick queen victoria, for example, the Pastor's
dialogue: We know God Lift him and restore
him, for a longer continuation between us. O
Father of mercy and Lord of all comfort--Dog:
Sorry we could not save you, Your Majesty.
Lord Badgley: A very sad dialogue with a dying
sick queen in dialogue with a dying sick queen
but few come in time with the fruit of the tree of

A. Formal style
1. . The types of language in the dialogue are part of
the formal style of the dialogue example Lady Rose:
Yes! Oh yes. And polar bears, and gorillas, and
parrots and ducks, and ostriches.

Lord Badgley: Humble thanks to God! And good,

Doctor Dolittle.
Doctor Dolittle: Not done yet, huh? Interesting,
carry on, Sticks. I'm listening. What's that? Sticks
here agrees to stay put, keeping an eye on things.
He's just after me. Like all leaf insects, he spoke in
repeatable phrases, and he declared, Lord Badgley
poisoned the Queen. What? he did?
Lord Badgley: Really, Dolittle? This is too much.
Doctor Dolittle: Are you sure? Well, it must be
time. No, sorry, Sticks was pretty adamant. In his
right pocket is the bottle. It will be seven. In his
right pocket was a bottle of deadly nightshade. Let's
see, shall we?
Lord Badgley: You couldn't believe he was talking
to an insect. general of the royal army: Well, I've
talked to the ladybugs, making a wish before they
fly. Doctor Dolittle: Let's see.
Squirrel: Nobody messes with my family! Take one
more step and I'll tear you apart Queen: To the
Tower with him.
2. Dog: Someone has become a bad boy. Come on.
Queen: I don't know why you are all standing there.
No one died. Leave me in peace. You also. Not you,
Doctor Dolittle. Just a moment, if you will. Lady
Rose, who is this person and why is she looking at
lady Rose: She's Stubborn.
Stubbins: I want to be a veterinarian.
Lady Rose: She saved your life.

Queen: Thank you. Glad you're back, doctor

Decoding: in the dialogue which was attended by

many people as well as people working in the
kingdom to pray for queen victoria but queen
victoria realized and was confused about what
happened why many people and animals gathered in
her room the queen threw people out in her room
but lady rose explained that the queen rescued the
doctor Dolittle and lord Badgley are suspicious
because it was he who hurt queen victoria by giving
her a poison that made her sick on the queen's
orders lord Badgley was arrested and put in prison

3. The types of language style in the dialogue are

part of the formal style in which the dialogue is
symbolic even though it is only seen by the
animal figures watching the fight between the
gorilla and tiger barry, for example, the dialogue
Doctor Dolittle: Ladies and Gentlemen, we have
a winner
.Gorilla: Thanks for sticking with me, Doc. Of
Decoding: this formal way makes the gorilla's
confidence even more confident in his ability,
which is often nervous in the face of crucial

1. The functions of the language expressions

A. Expressive function
language means expressing the speaker's feelings and
expressions. It focuses on unintended intent means that

a speaker conveys the intended message. Purpose of

expressive functions to convey the emotion or
expression of the speaker. whereas the purpose of the
direct expression of the speaker's attitude towards what
he is talking about. It tends to make an impression on
certain emotions, whether what is conveyed is true or
fake. while This means that the sender himself is
against message content is emphasized to the speaker.
e.g.For example dialog
Doctor Dolittle: The Tree of Eden cannot be found on
any maps. At its core, an island is as suggestive as the
rest of the world. And it is anything but. That's why we
have to go to Monte Verde first. The birthplace of the
only person who has ever charted the path to the Tree.
Her name is Lily. He wrote the route in his journal, but
on his way, the ship sank. The world has lost the
greatest explorer I have ever known. The expedition
journal was the only survivor. Elliot, Elsie, do you
mind? So, anyway, you get the picture. For any chance
of finding the Tree, we must go to Monte Verde and
steal the flipper's journal.
Stubbins: Stealing journals? Did I say that? Doctor
Dolittle: Well, what's the worst that could happen?
Don't worry, I know the sign when I see it. And that's
not a sign. Stealing journals is no big deal. Monte Verde
itself is no big deal.
Decoding: Doctor Dolittle tells Stubbins the journal
and where the journal is now so he can find out where
the Eden tree is through dolittle's wife lily journal in the
dialogue Dolittle tells the journal belonging to his late
wife with a sad expression after telling Stubbins and

also told about the location of the Eden tree in the

journal belonging to his wife Dolittle named lily

Directive function
The directive function means an attempt to get someone
to do something. And also It means that language is
used to cause (or prevent) actual action. Another
function is most often found in commands and requests.
The directive function focuses on the receiver means
that the speaker needs a reaction from the listener or to
make, someone performs a certain action. The function
of the directive aims to convey speaker command
For example dialogue
Parrot Poly: You have to go and help the Queen
.Doctor Dolittle: There are things I no longer do with
humans or leave the house
Parrot Poly: Wake up, John! If the Queen dies, the
Treasury takes the deed. And we will lose this house.
Doctor Dolittle: You don't speak clearly, Poly. The dead
are to live. Last time I checked I was so alive
Parrot Loly: The Life of the Queen, John.
Doctor Dolittle: Not yours.
Decoding: parrot poly orders dolittle to heal the sick
princess Dolittle refuses and parrot poly convinces
Dolittle to heal queen victoria who is badly sick



Types of language expression

types of language expression are also included in the
language style of language, while in chapter 2 we have explained
the theory regarding types of language expression and types of
language style which have a very close relationship, While in the
Dolittle Movie dialogue, I still know a lot because it has a unique
language where the dialogue is the animal dialogue which is
certainly different from humans, while in this movie, only Dolittle
and Stubbins learn animal language from Doctor Dolittle, while for
my argument the movie is very enjoyed by all people and can also
be educated to be able to understand animals while it can learn
when watching movies not just watching but can analyze the
language expression in the movie being watched
1. The function of language expression
the function of the language expression aims to find out the
expression of the language, as discussed in the discussion that there
are 2 functions of language expression, namely the expressive
function and the directive language expression itself, while it is
also important for the language expression function to be able to
understand dolittle movie dialogue, especially to understand the
animal dialogue. which has been translated into human language
but there are still difficulties in understanding the language of
animals while according to my argument that the function of
language expression is also very important to know what the
purpose of the language expression is for this research so that

readers are not confused about the function of language


This study points to students it is anticipated that they
learn more about the language style to make it simpler to get
the meaning of scripts in Dolittle but too in other movies. On
the off chance that people understand approximately language
expressions, it will help them communicate with others. For
advance inquire about, research Hopefully this investigation
can be a reference for future analysts to analyze language
expressions or other stylistics by using different objects, such as
comics, magazines, novels, etc. At long last, researchers hope
that this inquiry will give benefits for English Instruction
understudies who want to do comparative research

Implementations for educational practice

1. students can watch full in class or at home Dolittle movies
besides watching students can watch carefully because in
Dolittle movies many languages are difficult to understand,
especially in the animal dialogue section
2. After watching students can analyze the language expressions
that have been explained what are the language expressions,
which are divided into 5 which includes the language style
section, namely to find out casual style, formal style, frozen
style, intimate style, consultative style, you can search for
scripts on the internet or watch Dolittle movies

3. after being done, students can collect the assignments given by

the teacher or teacher after that the teacher can discuss together
the results of the students' work, whether it is included in the 5
types of language expression/style and the results are assessed
to students, while if no one understands, you can ask the
teacher the your student

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Sinopsis Dolittle movie

Dolittle Movie The film directed by Stephen Gaghan tells Dr. John Dolittle, who
is famous for his eccentric and lonely life with his wildlife somewhere. Dolittle,
who chose to isolate himself at his residence, Dolittle Manor, was very
comfortable with his wildlife. After his wife, Dolittle's abandonment became more
in seclusion from the royal side. Troubles came when the young queen, Wild
Rose, was seriously ill and needed Dolittle's cold hands to heal. However, he must
take the drug on a mythical island. An adventure also happened to Dolittle with
his wildlife, from gorillas to polar bears. On their way, Dolittle will be tested for
his knowledge as a doctor who is accompanied by a child who insists on coming
with him. Robert Downey jr, the figure of Dr. Dolittle, was brought to life in a
film with the main character, Eddie Murphy. However, Eddie refused to continue
the role in Dr. Dolittle 2 (2001). Meanwhile, director Stephen Gaghan's film,
starring Downey Jr., is Rex Harrison's 1967 classic Doctor Dolittle. Also read:
When Robert Downey Jr. Can Talk to Animals in the Dolittle Trailer So, this
Dolittle film is not a reboot of Eddie Murphy's film, but an adaptation of Hugh
Lofting's novel entitled The Voyage of Dr. Dolittle. Apart from Robert Downey
Jr., the film will also star Hary Collett, Antonio Banderas, and several animal
voice actors, such as John Cena, Rami Malek, Kumail Nanjiani, Selena Gomez,
and Tom Holland. This film will also air on January 17, 2020. The Adventure of a
Doctor Who Can Talk to Animals ", For information, in the 1990s, the figure of
Dr. Dolittle was brought to life in a film with the main character, Eddie Murphy.
However, Eddie refused to continue the role in Dr. Dolittle 2 (2001).Meanwhile,
director Stephen Gaghan's film, starring Downey Jr., is Rex Harrison's 1967
classic Doctor Dolittle. So, the Dolittle film this time is not a reboot of Eddie
Murphy's film, but an adaptation of Hugh Lofting's novel entitled The Voyage of
Dr. Dolittle. Apart from Robert Downey Jr., the film will also star Hary Collett,
Antonio Banderas, and several animal voice actors, such as John Cena, Rami
Malek, Kumail Nanjiani, Selena Gomez, and Tom Holland. This film will also air
on January 17, 2020 Meanwhile in the dolittle movie also has a moral value,

namely so that humans and animals understand each other and help each other
even though they are different in language, but in the dolittle movie a doctor can
work together with animals, especially wild animals which are very difficult to
understand each other without hurting each other and the animals will be tame if
in the right hands especially a doctor dolittle while in the film, it tells the story of
a doctor and his pet looking for an antidote to a queen who is seriously ill and
going on an adventure to find the antidote which is very far away while a doctor
Mudfly and his men follow from behind to find a cure. that is by sabotaging
doctor dolittle's journey by destroying doctor dolittle's ship but doctor dolittle is
assisted by king rassoulli who has changed his mind to help doctor dolittle by
giving a new ship to continue on to the voyage to find the drug to cure queen after
arriving at the tunnel doctor mudfly arrogant that he will find the medicine and
doctor dolittle, stubbins and their animals are being held hostage while doctor
mudfly doesn't know that in the tunnel there is a dragon doctor mudfly and his
men died from being attacked by a dragon while n doctor dolittle saved the dragon
who was in pain after curing the dragon doctor dolittle took the antidote fruit
while in the kingdom there was a ceremony for the farewell of the dying queen on
time doctor dolittle came on time but the arrival of doctor dolittle and his friends
were blocked by the messengers lord badgley but the obstacle failed because the
animals helped him and stubbins who gave the juice for the queen to drink after
that queen realized and was surprised why there were so many people in her room
and the animals doctor dolittle knew that the mastermind behind queen's illness
was the result of an act lord badgley who poisoned queen lord badgley was caught
and put in jail while doctor dolittle his house was given permission by the
buckinham kingdom

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